#followers of mobius
mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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Lokius in Loki 2x02 - "Breaking Brad"
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rowenas-megacoven · 5 months
Owen Wilson will never know just how much I love his little ordinary time-man character. In a cinematic universe of super geniuses and sorcerers and aliens and enhanced soldiers and thunder gods, all with crazy abilities, I love his littlest normal human analyst who started out solving time mysteries so, SO much, in my very heart, soul, bones. He’s just some guy but like… he’s NOT just some guy at the same time. Some of my MCU favourites I’ve had over a decade of getting to know them, yet here Mobius is, sitting comfy in one of my atriums like he’s always been there. He’s so soft and soothing and reasonable and safe. If I had to choose between travelling to all sorts of weird and wacky and wonderful places with the Gaurdians, maybe Thor, or sitting in a Burger King gossiping over a Whopper and a Slushie with Mobius, I’d absolutely choose Mobius. He just has this vibe. I totally get why Loki would sit eternally alone to let Mobius live freely. Just a lovely, stand-up lil fella. He is coded like a well-needed hug. Thinking of him right now.
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martianbugsbunny · 7 months
IK in Marvel you're nuts for shipping a gay couple unless it's confirmed without a shadow of a doubt onscreen (which is a horrible precedent I think was set when they said Stucky were just friends because let's be real if all that can add up to welp just friends then how can any ship with less than that possibly be legit, right) bUT all that being said the Lokius energy? great. I'm not going to pat Marvel on the back and say this is enough, but I am going to say that for them setting the same-sex heavily-implied love interest next to the opposite-sex are-we-going-to-pretend-this-never-happened love interest and making it unclear if Loki was speaking to one (or both) of them was a pretty big stride forward. They might be coming out of the era of the big neon no-homo, because the Marvel that's been so homophobic in recent years would never have left that door open for considering, would have made sure Mobius was far offscreen when that happened, would have made Sylvie the only important relationship Loki had in the season, would not have put in all the little moments (I direct you to the Don episode: the hair-fixing by Loki, the way Mobius kinda flirts with him the whole time, the way Loki is drawn to Mobius' timeline more than anyone else's, the way the camera focuses on Mobius so close to when Loki is having his "WHO" epiphany, etc.; not to mention the ways they reach out to each other throughout the season, just a little intimate touch here and there, a hand on an arm, an arm around a waist; the fact that when Loki timeslipped back he looked to where Mobius was first, the way he went to Mobius for advice when he was completely out of options, the way he and Mobius trust each other to use torture boxes and help decide the fate of the multiverse, the way they, together, were a focal point of the season, that they were a unit of two, that they were so loath to be separated). In media as a whole, is this big? Not really. For Marvel specifically, in its own little pocket context? Big step. Immense. I really want to believe maybe they're opening the door for us and we just jam our foot in the gap hard enough they'll get the message that we're a fanbase to be reckoned with and that maybe they do want to spend the effort on us after all. I love Marvel. It was an important part of my childhood and I keep watching it now even though it's kind of a mixed bag. I want to be a part of it. I want the Lokius fanbase and the Sambucky fanbase to win where the Stucky fanbase was shut down. Those little moments were intentional and beautiful and I'm incredibly happy they exist. I want them to lead to something more.
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ari-the-arotistic · 8 months
Oh my god?? During the interrogation of X-5/Brad, you would expect if anyone was going to blow up on the guy it'd be Loki, but he actually manages to mostly keep his cool and uses his anger as an interrogation tactic to try and get information out of the dude, while Mobius is the person you expect to keep his cool the whole time and have to reel in his bf, but he's the one who actually straight up jumps the guy??? And then Loki has to pull him back, and then follows after him like a concerned puppy??? This episode has me in literal shambles
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maddymoreau · 1 month
Fallout New Vegas DLC Sleeping Arrangement Headcanons:
After making my post about my thoughts on how the sleeping arrangement inside the Lucky 38 would work with all the companions.
I couldn't stop thinking about the DLC characters so here’s my headcanons!!
Honest Hearts:
The Dead Horses and The Sorrows are always courteous offering my Courier Six a bed to rest in:
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When traveling with Follows-Chalk if it's too late to return to the Dead Horses Camp, they'll find somewhere safe to sleep. The plan is to have one guard while the other rests. However, they stay up wayyy too late talking. Follows-Chalk teaches her how to read stars while she tells him stories from her travels.
Waking Cloud wears and uses her Yao Guai Gauntlet as a pillow (it also allows her to quickly spring into action). She misses her children and as they're falling asleep, tells Courier Six stories about them.
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Joshua Graham is usually the last to go to bed, so he'll sleep on whatever bed isn't taken (or the floor). I imagine he always sleeps on his back. Since it distributes the pain evenly instead of putting a large amount of pressure onto one spot.
If my Courier Six is also awake she'll say a prayer with him before bed.
If Joshua is up late working on inventory and my Courier Six is inside Angel Cave, she'll be lulled to sleep by the fire and noises he makes.
Dead Money:
You know how Dean Domino has secret stashes hidden everywhere? He also has hidden sleeping spots. Multiple pillows and blankets which he does NOT like sharing but will begrudgingly with my Courier Six.
Dean Domino has lived in the Sierra Madre the longest, which has caused him to become a light sleeper. He will always bitch about back pain, regardless if he's sleeping on an old mattress or couch.
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Once, when traveling with my Courier Six, she got VERY sick and dizzy from the red cloud, forcing her to rest. Dean thought about ditching her (but couldn't with the whole "wedding rings around their necks" plus he wants to use her for protection). So he dragged her to one of his spots. When Courier Six woke up she thanked him and offered to keep watch, so he could rest as well, which he reluctantly accepted.
Courier Six is the only one he'll sleep around.
Christine has an extremely hard time falling asleep because she’s afraid she'll wake up in the auto doc.
My Courier Six offers to sit next to Christine, hold her hand and keep watch while she tries to sleep. My Courier Six's perception isn't high enough to understand Christine, but she can sympathize with how difficult it is to fall asleep in the Sierra Madre.
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Dog and God sleep sitting perched up against a wall. Dog snores while God doesn’t. He's far too large to sleep comfortably on most of the furniture scattered around. Courier Six worries about him but can't convince him to sleep differently.
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Old World Blues:
My Courier Six sleeps in the bed inside The Dome. However as she slowly begins repairing everyone inside The Sink (Muggy, Toaster, Jukebox, ETC.) it becomes harder to sleep in there. She also feels WAYYY too guilty about the idea of turning them off.
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So near the end of the DLC after getting closer to everyone she starts occasionally sleeping inside The Think Tank. Specifically using the weapon trunk and table next to Dr. 8 as a makeshift desk.
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My Courier Six has 100% woken up to some of them hovering over and observing her sleep 👁️👄👁️ (especially Dr. Dala).
After she peacefully resolved things with Dr. Mobius, before returning, she slept on his floor. Making sure not to sleep on or touch any of his notes. Despite this, she woke up with math equations written on her face.
She has no idea how he did that.
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His humming and silly singing soothes her to sleep:
Lonesome Road:
My Courier Six is FIGHTING for her life in The Divide and sleeps whenever she can (which isn’t often). Ulysses is watching her from a distance and will also (sometimes) sleep when she does. Due to his past as a member of the Legion and a Courier. Ulysses is able to sleep easily in odd places.
ED-E watches over my Courier Six while she sleeps. Alerting her to any danger. However, until she falls asleep, ED-E lets her hold him like this:
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It makes her think of home (The Lucky 38). Since that's how she usually sleeps with her ED-E in the Presidential Suite.
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merpiko · 6 months
really wish ob didn't interrupt here bc mobius was about to knock loki out with the wrench and for research (comedic) purposes i need to see it happen
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ancientouroboros · 7 months
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giggling kicking my feet twirling my hair spaghetti
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k1ranishf4 · 8 months
[by myheartneedswork on instagram]
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atomicradiogirl · 6 months
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what if i die
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hope-is-hard · 8 months
Fandom: pls let Loki protect and defend his Mobius
Marvel: ok
Fandom: wait, no
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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#dynamic of all time
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lighthours · 8 months
Loki series fic idea where post ep 4 they go back to their OG timelines
- Loki wakes up right where the TVA picked him off
- He’s freaked out, confused and just really wants to find Mobius
- Plot stuff happens because there are alot of logistic problems in finding Mobius
- Ex. the avengers, the whole asgardian government, WHERE he is and where to even start
- Loki does end up finding him after maybe 7 big sideplots
- Mobius may OR may not have missing memory
- This can go either way
- On one hand if Loki is the only one who remembers then thats a whole other plot to get moby to remember
- But if they all remember then continue where you were
- Now at this point were in complete opens water so do what ever you want
- I can see them either A. Going back to the TVA to fix all the exploding time line problems
- If your doing this maybe sprincle in some time problems through out the fic
- or B. They live their life on the time line
- Maybe live a peacefull life or defeat thanos
- The defeat thanos thing would be funny cause then some people who knew pre TVA Loki Ex. Thor, the avengers etc etc will see him follow mobius around like a dog
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samsayswhatever · 6 months
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6 and a half minutes into the show Loki was already naked and in a collar
I should have known this was going to be my new favorite show 🤭
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felidaepanthera · 7 months
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Lost couple bickering is my new favourite thing
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starforgedthor · 8 months
If you let yourself get queerbaited by Loki and Owen Wilson With A Moustache on Marvel dot Disney dot com backslash Season 2, I literally don't know what to tell you. it's not even clown behaviour at this point, every single clown I know has more sense than that .
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