#especially the servants
idaelen · 7 months
There's a huge gossip mill in the castle of Camelot. Servants talking about rumours they've heard while doing chores, passing info along as they pass each other in the hall, nobles as they gather for feasts and drinks.
So, there are definitely rumours about how close the king and his manservant are. Many servants secretly pity the queen, that the king would take another lover. However, just as many pity the king for the same reason, thinking that Gwen is the one having an affair with Merlin.
Obviously the castle is very divided. Many people, servants and nobles alike, have tried to catch them in the act. So far none have been successful. Not that they have much opportunity to try, the three are almost inseparable.
Meanwhile Arthur, Gwen, and Merlin, who are all oblivious to the gossip and attempts at catching them in a scandal, are just happily married and doing nothing to hide it.
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ecoterrorist-katara · 3 months
“It’s gross if Katara marries Zuko since he’s her colonizer” she overthrew the last Fire Lord to put Zuko on the throne. If anything the Fire Nation would be worried that he’s Katara’s puppet
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bimbosupreme · 10 months
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Your undying loyal servant
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nashvillethotchicken · 3 months
Matter fact. If I was a vampire and I paid an old friend to interview me before he died and he talked to me and my current husband and talked about my DEAD child and ex husband the way Daniel do? Im doing more than making fun of him, I'm knocking him in his bulbous forehead like he's a beluga fuckin whale
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
It just occurred to me that there might be a way to make a headcanon to tie in the lore of Orin's dagger (that Bhaal was killing in back alleys in the place where Baldur's Gate would someday stand, despite him predating the existence of alleys in the area) with the lore from Lord of the End of Everything (he's from High Netheril), and also explain what the Undercity is and where it came from.
So High Netheril was composed of enclave cities, which were enchanted to fly. When Karsus and Jergal wrecked the Weave those went smashing straight into the ground, leaving behind only refugees who managed to get out one way or another (Bhaal and Bane apparently amongst them). The empire of Netheril was focused over what is now the Anauroch Desert, but some enclaves floated elsewhere, such as Ythryn, which was situated far North in the Icewind Dale. At least some cities, such as Ythryn and Undrentide, are now subterranean, buried beneath the earth/sand/ice.
Bhaal's mortal life was apparently spent in the flying city that was part of the nation of Rdiuz - if that city was flying over the spot where Baldur's Gate would one day be built, crashed and was buried, was forgotten except for by, say, its former spymaster/government hitman turned god... he would technically have been murdering in the back alleys of a city before the Gate.
There is the question of why Bhaal has a temple in the ruins of a city that died before his ascension, but that wouldn't necessarily stop him sending followers down there to build one/hijack an old temple of Jergal when civilisation kicked off in the area and that smuggling hub that will one day be a major city developed.
So Orin, Durge, and before them, (kind of) Sarevok, are/were living in the long-dead forgotten city of their father and ancestors in this headcanon. Hey, some of those undead haunting the place might be their grandparents! Or great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins... fully mortal half-siblings? Step-parents?
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gareleia · 25 days
previously: part 1 part 2 part 3
m'kay, so, we've talked about Athena & Telemachus' issues. now let's touch on Hermes, because a Diva™ like him deserves his own post. and also because this had been sitting in my notes for so long i've genuinely forgot about it (i'd say that it's what translating a musical does to you, but honestly my attention span is just shit)
now, as much as I love Soft Boi!Hermes, I even more so love prankster Hermes who doesn't really recognize personal boundaries or the meaning of 'too far'. he's the guy who'll commit to the bit so far, he'll commit mass murder with a Tee-Hee and genuinely wonder what has got everyone so upset.
kid!Telemachus, holding a cup of poison: grandpa, are you sure it's a good idea? I'm scared… Hermes, laughing his ass of in the corner: of course in sure, champ! it'll be hilarious! good ol' game of Ithacean Roulette! now dump it into the wine, let's see who we'll get this time!
at the same time, he's not selfish. he's very keen on doing things for people he likes, and he cares enough to know when someone is distressed. he, as a god, is just so removed from traditional human morality that casual acts of cruelty are perfectly acceptable to him, while, for example, breaking an oath is a horrible sin.
think blue and orange morality stuff.
telemachus, outraged: …murdered his own family, can you imagine? hermes, equally outraged: I know, right? he gave a blood oath and broke it! disgusting! telemachus: why is that your only concern?!
but don't worry, helping to raise Telemachus and hanging around the same people consistently makes a real boy outta him gives him enough time and insight into humanity to start understand mortals better, and, as consequence, adopt some of their values.
especially the concept of spousal loyalty. Hermes is a patron god of thieves, and at the time taking someone's wife was viewed as an act of theft (because women were property, yeeesh). which is why to him Penelope's situation was less of a tragedy and more of "well, my dumbass great-grandson Odysseus should've seen it coming. snooze you lose! ¯_(ツ)_/¯"
that is, until he gets to know her better. and suddenly she's not a prize to be won or a challenge to conquer. she's a smart, capable person that commands respect from anyone who's got a shred of self-awareness. she's got gentle hands, and a radiant smile, and a spine of steel. Penelope looked Hermes dead in the eyes and told him serenely to keep being a good influence on her son, she does not deserve to be reduced to a token and given away to the highest bidder.
hermes, initially: well, penelope's a rich, gorgeous, basically single queen. I'd steal her too if she was my type. hermes, 10 years later: she's the smartest, ballsiest human woman i've ever met and if she only wants her Ugly Ass Groom then she'll fucking stay single until he comes back.
unfortunately for everyone else, Hermes cannot step in to protect her, because Zeus and Poseidon are both pissed at Odysseus already, and if either of them notices Hermes (and Athena) interfering with mortals on Ithaca, they might take it as an invitation to follow suit, and then it'll be Troy Story 2: Electric Boogaloo.
so he stays his hand, and hangs around Telemachus discreetly, mostly posing as a human. for a god of liars, he's surprisingly bad at blending in for long periods of time. Hermes thinks he's an awesome conspirator. meanwhile little Telemachus didn't even realise it was a secret.
the only people who don't know that [insert alias] is a god in disguise are the suitors, who are notoriously either too stupid, too overconfident or too drunk to connect the dots. the exception is Antinous who pretends to be oblivious and makes sure the gods don't see him as a threat to their beloved little pup (otherwise he'd have killed the prince long ago).
the suitors, however, unanimously agree that they hate this weird annoying stranger, and try to get rid of him in increasingly elaborate ways, from poison to stabbing to wild animals to dropping pots on his head.
spoiler alert: it doesn't work.
hermes, next day: *comes back every morning like nothing had happened, whistling cheerily* suitors: WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!
eventually Antinous convinces them to give up so they don't piss off Hermes.
years pass, Telemachus grows. Athena teaches him strategy and arts of war. Aeolus gradually comes out of the hiding and becomes the resident lovable comic relief side character. and Hermes? he teaches the kid all the good stuff.
and it's not just lying, okay? (though it's a signific significant part if it) music, diplomacy, geography, street smarts, some history. he's a worldly god, had observed and been a part of countless cultures. above all else, he knows people. he may not really understand them, but he knows how to get what he wants from them, how to find common ground and how to spin things to get along with practically anyone.
and girls. Hermes helps Telemachus with girls.
because he's the cool uncle figure that Telemachus admires, the kid trusts him enough to ask the god for advice when he starts growing older and gets his first crush in his early teens.
and, on one hand, Hermes is ecstatic. on the other one…
telemachus, blushing and stuttering: there's a girl I met, she's so pretty, and cool, and, and, and how do I talk to her, do I just come up and say hi, but what if sh- hermes: … hermes: *blue screen of death* hermes: MY BABY-
it's the first time he truly starts to grasp how short the kid's life will be. because in the blink of an eye he turned from a newborn to an adolescent, and soon enough he'll have his own family, and Odysseus had become a king himself at this age, and he's not ready it can't be this he can't just grow old and die
so anyway, he pushes the thought aside and pretends it never came up at all (because that always works, and bottling shit up never blows up in anyone's face, right, Athena?)
he gives lots of advice, from useless macho stuff to golden nuggets like "be yourself" and "show her respect". and, of course, he cheers from the sidelines, hiding 'inconspicuously'.
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and it goes surprisingly well. the girl appears to find Telemachus' awkward attempts at flirting sweet and charming, and the boy is on the cloud nine.
but Hermes isn't. because, unlike the prince, his judgment isn't clouded by a puppy crush and he can see that the girl is actually a lying bitch, who's playing Telemachus like a fiddle, hoping to become the next queen of Ithaca. and he won't stand for it.
except Telemachus, for some reason, doesn't seen thrilled when Hermes tells him to dump the girl. he flat out refuses to believe that, because love is blind and so are sheltered insecure teenage boys.
so Hermes, in his infinite wisdom, decides to prove to his naive little charge once and for all that the girl is just using him and doesn't actually love him. now, what's the first example of true selfless love from a woman that comes to mind to the god who had spent the last few years hanging out with the royal family of Ithaca? right, Penelope. and the one thing that characterises Penelope is her unconditional loyalty, even into the face of countless threats and temptations.
hermes, to himself: so, if I show the kid that the bitch will leave him as soon as she finds better prospects, he will definitely admit I was right all along! and dump her! it's a perfect, easy, foolproof plan! I am so smart! what could possibly go wrong!
another spoiler alert: everything goes wrong.
the girl does happily jump into his arms as soon as he hints that he's a god/demi-god/just a cooler prince or something. she does it right in front of Telemachus, in fact, so there's no way he'd be able to deny the obvious.
on the bright side, Hermes immediately outs her as a lying bitch and publicly shames her, embarrassing her family and ruining her prospects of marriage and causing her to suffer for the rest of her life ('disproportionate revenge'? what's that?).
on the down side, for some unfathomable reason, Telemachus doesn't seem very grateful??? what???????
hermes: and so, AS ALWAYS, I was right. telemachus: hermes: but please, hold your applause! telemachus: hermes: I did it all for you, out of the goodness of my heart! telemachus: hermes: and please, don't apologize! you were wrong, I get it! no need to- telemachus: *bitch slaps his smug face and runs away, hurt and betrayed* hermes: *shocked pikachu face*
thing is, Hermes doesn't understand what he did wrong. in his mind he did a rather good deed: showed the liar's true colors, and spared the kid a lot of heartache down the line. he doesn't understand the feelings of betrayal from having someone he trusts explicitly outing him as a naive fool in front of everyone he ever dreamed of earning respect from. doesn't get the pain of having been cast aside by someone he liked in favor of a god, with whom he could never compete. can't imagine living in the shadow of someone he had never even known and being constantly reminded of all the ways he's lacking.
telemachus: I'm not a stupid child, hermes. I could've handled it. hermes: but you didn't listen to me, maybe you'd have never seen it on your own- telemachus: and maybe I would've. maybe I would've had the opportunity to find out myself, and maybe I would've learned from it, but you never gave me that choice, did you?! did you think i'm that dumb?! hermes: oh, come on, kid, you're not dumb- telemachus: THEN WHY DO YOU TREAT ME LIKE I AM?! WHY DON'T YOU EVER TRUST ME?!
aaaaand there's the core issue. Telemachus had spent his whole life being babied at best and looked down upon at worst. constantly compared to Odysseus and his more vicious peers, always shielded from making tough decisions and proving himself. he feels like he will never amount to anything, because no one ever lets him really try. as soon as it looks like he's going to make a mistake, someone (usually Athena, Aeolus or Hermes) swoops in and 'fixes' everything for him, just like they used to do when he was an accident-prone toddler. which he isn't anymore.
and Hermes doesn't understand that. to him, ten years is basically nothing. the kid can't have changed that much in ten years. because if he did, then he'll change a lot in the next ten years, and the next, and very soon he won't change anymore, because ten years are nothing and so are human livespans.
ten years are nothing, because to admit otherwise would force Hermes to face the fact that Telemachus, no matter how precious, is just as mortal as any other human. which amounts to basically losing him already. and Hermes can't.
he held that boy as an infant. he fed him, helped to teach him walk and talk and make silly faces. he can't lose this child to time, the one thing even gods can't really protect humans from.
Penelope finds Hermes sitting on her balcony with the most human expression on his face she'd ever seem him wear. he's lost, and confused, and full of regrets, and kind of terrified. in that aspect, he reminds her painfully of her husband.
hermes, mumble: he's growing older penelope, sighing: I know hermes: he's not a baby anymore penelope: believe me, I know hermes: but... what do I do now??? penelope: you let it happen. not much else you can do.
she talks him through it.
hermes, rambling: but I will lose him. I'll lose him if he grows old and dies. this is why I don't get attached to mortals, you die too soon. he can't die now. penelope: he's not going to die now. he'll become the king first, he will find a good wife and have children and grandchildren. he will become great, greater that I and his father could ever dream of. and he'll be happy. don't you want to see that? hermes: I do, but- I don't want him to grow up! penelope: then you finally know the biggest joy and the deepest pain of parenthood.
it doesn't fix his fear. doesn't fix his pain, either. but it does help fix his attitude.
because she's right. Telemachus is growing old, and he can't shelter and protect the boy forever. soon he'll become a man, then an elder. and there's nothing Hermes can do about it, short of dragging the prince to Olympus and begging Zeus to grant him immortality, which will never work.
Hermes and Telemachus make up, of course. the latter knows, deep down, that the former is just trying to take care of him. they make up and forget the fight - at least, the boy does.
Hermes will always remember.
and he will count every day, every wrinkle, every grey hair.
the joy and pain of parenthood indeed.
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coquelicoq · 8 months
actually natori has some kind of tracking talisman on matoba at all times. that's how he knew where to abduct matoba from for Operation: Kitty Cat City. matoba fully knows about it; it's why he wasn't at all surprised to find a paper doll in natsume's hair after the mask youkai debacle (matoba internally as he watched it fly away: classic mother hen shuuichi-san momence 🥰). because this is matoba "boundaries? what are those? can you eat them?" seiji we're talking about, he's not bothered by this "violation" of his "privacy"; rather, he finds it fittingly clingy (it is, after all, only right that natori should be keeping tabs on him obsessively). sometimes the talisman gets confused and sticks to yesterday's outfit, so he always checks to make sure he has it on the way out the door (his pocket patdown is "keys, lighter, wallet, exorcism supplies, shuuichi-san's cute lil tracker he thinks i don't know about <3"). i wouldn't be surprised if he's figured out how to uno reverse it and now uses it to track natori's location as well. this may not technically be canon but it is probably all 100% true in an important way that transcends canon, we just never hear about it because it isn't relevant to natsume's journey 😌
#matoba: a natori talisman. sure wish i had one of those 😇#<-knows that he has one on him at that very moment and also that natori doesn't know that he knows#convince me that he didn't say this on purpose to make natori sweat. you can't!#in response to him saying that natori side-eyes him and has a dot dot dot speech bubble (my favorite vol. 26 ellipsis btw)#which is exactly how he would react if he had secretly planted a talisman on matoba#and was trying to figure out if matoba knew and was alluding to it!!#check and mate. game set match. QED. i rest my case.#i've connected the dots i've connected them but also i feel like it wasn't that hard. the truth is out there you just have to believe#natsume's book of friends#natsume yuujinchou#horrible exorcists#matoba seiji#f#homura cats arc#my posts#btw i do not think the head of the matoba clan actually does anything so base as to carry keys on his person#he has people for that. he has a driver. he has servants who open the door when they see him coming. what possible need could he have#for such an object#he also may not need to carry a wallet (or equivalent) for similar reasons#but it was the best shorthand i could think of to make what i meant by 'pocket patdown' readily apparent#especially since 'cell phone' isn't an option either since this is set in the 80s#i figure he must have some kind of lighter or firestarter bc he uses smoke to find the source of the locked-room curse#he also seems to carry a brush & ink and various & sundry tools of the trade that i decided to call 'exorcism supplies'#matoba-san drop the 'what's in my purse' youtube video 👀
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rosie-tyler · 1 year
Nathaniel when he realised that Bartimaeus had been summoned by someone else:
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pinkrabit · 2 months
Any ship w jiang cheng that ends happily I will immediately enjoy bc I identify so.closely with him
My special guy
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gellavonhamster · 6 months
Both texts, but in particular the Tristan, draw attention to Gaheris’s sustained looking at Lamerok’s exposed body. What does this gaze signify? It is tempting for modern readers to assume a homoerotic interest on Gaheris’s part, but, as Richard Zeikowitz emphasizes, not all gazing by men at men is necessarily erotic. Gaheris and Lamerok mirror one another: each regards the other knight as handsome, valiant and brave, and so, as Zeikowitz suggests, frequently the gazing knight identifies with the object of his gaze – he wants to be, not to have sex with, the man he is looking at. In his handsomeness and courage, Lamerok is a potential role model for Gaheris, but if Gaheris wants to identify with Lamerok, then he must align himself with the man who is having a sexual relationship with his mother. Gaheris quickly refuses the disturbingly incestuous implications of this, neutralizing the sexual ambiguity of the situation by killing his mother. Both knights are now morally obliged to attack the other because of the queen’s sexual behaviour, but the pair, at least in the Folie, are reconciled with one another once the disruptive woman is removed. There could be no clearer example of how speedily the profound, socially dominant bonds between men in chivalry can reassert themselves over a dead female body.
— King Arthur’s Enchantresses: Morgan and Her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition by Carolyne Larrington
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starheirxero · 7 months
I’ve been listening to the tboi: antibirth ost lately and the “machine in the walls” song specifically is just very Lord Eclipse to me in terms of how it sounds and I can’t really explain it. It’s just been making me think abt him a lot
Like. I feel like Lord Eclipse’s universe could have been a very interesting and almost horrifying world if the show wasn’t bound to a vrchat format. like. could you imagine? Moon walking through the library and finding a large, open area that’s illuminated by the sunlight pouring in through a stained glass depiction of Eclipse?
Could you imagine if the reveal wasn’t by the man himself beckoning over Sun and talking down to him, but instead Moon follows Sun as he enters what used to be a throne room to tell Lord Eclipse that he’s done his errands and tasks for the day? Could you imagine Moon and Lunar’s horror upon realizing that Lord Eclipse no longer looks like the stained glass windows as his long, centipede-like form uncurls and he tells Sun that he’s not done yet, because someone is inside the castle?
Could you imagine if, instead of a stand-off between Moon and Lunar and Lord Eclipse, their final interaction is Moon sprinting through the shining castle halls for dear life because Lord Eclipse has taken it upon himself to find and hunt the other animatronic, and despite his uncoordinated hands sending him crashing into walls and pillars, he has surprising speed?
Wouldn’t that be horrifying? Wouldn’t that be awesome?
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thronealigned · 3 months
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iomedae girl i think you're inheriting the wrong things. girl i think there's a cycle
#also something about how iomedae was originally a paladin of arazni and galfrey was originally a paladin of aroden#and the hand of the inheritor was originally a servant of ragathiel#i've gotta get my hands on the original wotr adventure path books at some point#because the wiki does Not elaborate much on the circumstances of ttrpg-galfrey becoming iomedae's new herald#it just says she does it#nor does it elaborate on what happened to inheribro either#inheribro is a nickname i picked up from reddit. sorry#i'm assuming though it's the same as in the crpg- he's a miniboss and then either dies or is healed but doesnt return to his station#(unless youre on the angel path in which you Do convince him to keep being iomedae's herald)#well i mean it's in past tense i guess that's clear enough#anyway idk where i'm going with this. just a thought i had.. endless stream of servants replacing each other#my bet's on iomedae dying in the godsrain stuff btw this is mostly why. if i were writing it i couldnt resist#especially with arazni being the new addition to the core 20!!!! not that she'll be directly replacing the dead god like iomedae did aroden#but still. you understand you see the vision. i'll be sad though not getting to see what arazni & iomedae's dynamic as both full gods would#be.... not especially attached to any guess though i'm not suuuuper invested in pf2e#or pf1e/the actual ttrpg in general. on account of not being a ttrpg player (as much as i would like to be)#i just read the wiki & archives of nethys & the paizoblog stories#anyway goodnight for real#sorry the image formatting sucks btw
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This is just a theory but like, since we know now Leelathae's reaction to Gwen's birth. What if the reason why she requested Jack to keep the girls hidden away in the castle is to protect their relationship especially Gwen.
She knows how others will react to seeing Gwen. She went through it. So as much as possible, she wanted to shelter Gwen in a loving family where they truly believe in their hearts about their beauty and love and believe in themselves. She suffered so much discrimination so she didn't want Gwen to grow up hating herself. And when time comes that Gwen will doubt herself, Leelathae could be there and comfort her. Because as much as Gwen's birth made her realize the meaning of her beauty, she wanted to do the same to Gwen.
I mean, Gwen has come to realize that she really does look different from others. Sure, she met CPC, but most of them were normal people until they were cursed. (Thermidora is a lobster so.) So who else can truly convince Gwen? Herself, who is her true love, and her mother, a splitting image of her. The very person who went through the same discrimination as her. Someone who was loved by Jack and continues to be loved by him.
She wanted Gwen to be in a loving environment, until she has to be exposed to society, and at that point, Leelathae, as her mother, will be the one to support her.
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emelinstriker · 5 months
"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable."
Cesar A. Cruz
My favorite quote atm cuz it's so true and an absolute mood
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sunsetzer · 7 months
Hot take: I actually love Edgar's constant flirting with every lady he meets because it's hilarious, and he isn't just objectifying them physically, and he isn't a dick about being rejected, and half the time when he flirts with Celes or Terra it feels like he's teasing after it's clear they're not interested, and-
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hostilemuppet · 2 months
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when it says "she used his troll hair to clean" and "being used as a scrub brush" does it mean that she literally grabs him and picks him up and uses him as a brush by herself or that she orders him to clean and hes like yes maam right away maam
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