#energy clearing
tears-of-amber · 1 year
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Rain water or moon water
One drop of rosemary essential oil
Two drops of lemon essential oil
One drop of peppermint essential oil
One drop of lavender essential oil
An empty cleansed mistime spray bottle
NOTE: make sure you get a decent sized spray bottle, not a super tiny one because you need enough space for a good amount of water for the oils to evenly disperse in! You don’t want too little water and too much essential oil! If you need to, cut down on the oil drops you’re putting into it if it’s a slightly smaller bottle than the one shown in my picture.
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inabigworld · 7 months
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cosmicdream222 · 3 months
Uhm how do I protect myself from black magic?like i mean just how because it's scary
I used to be really superstitious and worried about that kinda stuff. That changed a few years ago when I got into spiritual things. There was a lot of discussion about spirit guides, that everyone had a “team” helping them out in the spiritual realms. After learning Reiki and being told I now had a connection to the ascended Reiki guides, I wholeheartedly believed from that moment forward that I’d always be protected from black magic, curses, evil eye and other negative BS.
I know now it’s basic loa in action. I changed my assumptions, beliefs, and state to one who fully believed I was protected from all that, and I always have been.
You can simply believe those things don’t ever affect you, that they don’t exist at all. Or maybe you believe in guardian angels, spirit guides, or your own personal Gojo Satoru living in the spirit realm protecting you. Whatever it is, just know that you are always safe.
If you do get exposed to toxic people, bad vibes, sketchy subliminals, or other negative energy, there are some practical & witchy things you can do like:
Lighting candles, burning incense or sage with the intention to clear your energy
Take a bath or shower and imagine the water washing away any negativity
Doing tapping, breathwork, qigong, or SRT
Listening to energy clearing subliminals or frequencies.
Some playlists I compiled from YouTube that I use regularly:
Shield & flush - subliminals & morphic fields to flush your subconscious from negative programming, deactivate any bad intentions/curses, and protect you from future negativity
Home protection & energy clearing - morphic fields, frequencies & Reiki meant to be played from a TV, computer or speaker to clear & protect your home
To protect your energy before you have to be exposed to some negative situations or people, you can try stuff like:
Imagine yourself surrounded by a shiny bubble that can only let good energy in
Imagine wrapping yourself up in a cloak like a vampire, or zipping up a protective layer that will keep you safe
Carry crystals in your pocket like obsidian, onyx, hematite, selenite
Call upon your guides/team for protection
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theearthforce · 7 months
How to Cleanse (Pre-Owned) Items Energetically?
Pre-owned items often carry the energies of their previous owners, and in some cases they may not even be energetically clean. Additionally, items we own can be exposed to negative energies that attach to them. Below are ways for you to cleanse them:
1. Wash them with running water, but only applicable if they are fine with water.
2. Smoke them with sage.
3. Imagine white light washing over them.
4. Call your spirit guide, your High Self, or an angel to cleanse their energies.
5. Cut the energetic cords between the objects and their previous owners. You can do it by imagining cutting a cord with a pair of scissors, a knife, or a sword. Alternatively, you can summon Archangel Michael to help you.
6. In some cases, an item can have openings that allow negative interferences from other realms to enter our world. The symptom is that the energy remains negative even after repeated cleansing. If this situation arises, ask your High Self to seal any openings.
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the-clumsywitch · 2 years
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Let’s talk about: Essence Charging
I’ve talked about this a little bit, but I think this needs a more in-depth style post to really explain what this is, how to do it, and why. Let’s dive in!
What is essence charging?
Each soul has their own unique essence that is created through the amalgamation of different energetic frequencies, and no two souls have the same essence. This is your energetic signature. Essence charging means imbuing items with your essence.
Why would I charge an item?
Charging an item can have many purposes. For example, you may choose to charge an item to use for protection, healing, or even as a way to draw energy to you. You may also charge an item to give to someone so that they can feel close to you when you are far away.
Choosing an item to charge:
Having an emotional attachment to the item helps it hold your energy more. So family jewelry is a really great item to choose because it has the essence of your family, which can make it more powerful. Any item that is tied to others in your bloodline will be more potent. You can also choose an item to imbue with only your essence. It should be something you love that is new to you.
How to charge an item:
First, if this is a new item, you may choose to do energetic cleaning of it to clear the essence of others off it. You may choose to sage it by letting smoke from sage drift over it. You can use incense too.
Personally, I have a pretty powerful essence so I’ve never cleaned my items, I just use my energy to overpower the other energies. I do this by establishing a strong intention with the item when I purchase it, and I immediately put it in contact with my skin. For charging items, you want it to be on your skin, that’s why many talisman items are jewelry. The more you wear the item with an intention, the more powerful it becomes.
If you want to give someone else this item, it’s important that you wear it with the intention you intend for the other person. If the item is for protection, wear it with the intention of protecting yourself. Touching the item in moments that align with the intention helps strengthen it too. Like if you feel fear, touching your item for protection can help empower the item.
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gullahconjure · 1 year
Frankincense Resin
Burn for protective work, consecration, and meditation. Represents the ability of the divine to move into manifestation. Add to charm bags and sachets to bring success. Mix with Cumin and burn as incense for powerful protection.Also Called: Frankincense Tears andOlibanum.
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msmasims · 9 months
are you ready to unlock the hidden potential of your Wealth Simple Clearing Code and pave the way to a more prosperous future?
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holyspirittrinity · 10 months
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When you let go of what you are not, you will find your Self.
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ener-chi · 1 year
Hi! Its aarya, I hope you’ve been well! I recently got a tarot reading and they said I had some energy disturbances. So I was wondering if there was any energy clearing mediation or something you could recommend? Thank you
Hi Aarya!!
Long time no see!! Sorry that you've got some energy disturbances.
Here's a technique I made a long time ago that still holds up:
I would add onto this by imaging a light/energy coming from... whatever source you find sacred - washing down over you and causing any external energy to wash down off of and away from you. I do this bit all the time!
It might take a couple sessions for you to start feeling/seeing results. Also, highly recommend sage bombing yourself and your space.
Thanks for the ask! I hope that this helps!
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katfreee · 2 years
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reikifromlourdes · 1 year
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I love using door hangers with bells as an energetic tool. They are placed on the front door of my home, because bells help clear negative energy (also like the idea of "every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings" : ) What make it work is the intention set as they are placed on the door. Also like using the Removing and Clearing Negative Energy playlist as well before I go to sleep. For the December Reiki Special go to reikifromlourdes.com #restrelaxationreiki #reikifromlourdes #clearnegativeenergy #cleannegativeenergy #removenegativeenergy #releasenegativeenergy
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sacredpathtoself · 3 months
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irisenergetics · 5 months
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Let’s Talk About: Preparing for the New Year
With December here, I’ve been feeling very contemplative about what sort of goals and intentions I have for 2023 and I thought I’d share some of the ways you can prepare.
Prepare? Why? I’m not big on resolutions.
Shifts are happening all the time but I feel there are profound shifts at the start of a new year (collective) and at your birthday (personal). The energy of being able to seize change is heightened at this time because it’s a fresh start! Plus collectively many people make changes at the New Year and so there is collective energy helping manifest change as well. That’s why it feels more meh in February when many people stop putting energy into their goals.
Fine. So how do you prepare?
First, I look back on the reflection I wrote at the start of the year and compare where I wanted/thought I’d be to where I am now. If you didn’t write anything down, try to think back to the beginning of this year and where you were mentally, physically, and spiritually. I think about why certain things didn’t happen the way I thought and evaluate if that makes me feel good or bad. At the beginning of this year I thought I would be moving closer to my family, lol. And I moved further away, but this isn’t bad for me. Just shows how much my perspective has shifted this year and I did spend more time with them this year than usual. I usually also review my reflection from my birthday.
Now what?
Once you’ve reflected about the journey you’ve made this past year, begin thinking of changes you want to make. It’s December so it’s the last month to finish up any goals you set for this year as well as a chance to start working to release anything you don’t want to bring with you in 2023. It’s the perfect time to finish your to do list and to take action on the things you’ve been putting off. Identify what is no longer serving you and how you can move on from this. Give yourself the rest of the month to think about what you really want, really examine it and put thought and energy behind this because it’s a manifestation tool and it will help guide you throughout the next year.
On December 31, it’s time to write down your reflection. You look back at the larger themes of the past year and write down your joys and disappointments. Themes like joy, or career. What was the main thing you spent your energy on this year? What was the main lesson you learned? What are you bringing with you into the New Year? Start to envision the version of you you are trying to become and write down who that person is, what do they do (goals), what you want to accomplish to propel yourself forward. Sometimes I like to do a clearing meditation or sage my space and then go to bed.
Manifestation Ideas:
- If one of your goals is more financial security write about what the security would provide you, is it freedom? Just asking for money isn’t specific, why do you want money, how will you use it. What does life with that security look like?
- When I’ve done manifestations for things like money, joy or love, I would burn palo santo and use the charred end to draw a symbol on something and I would set the money (I used a $100 bill) on it, along with my crystals, light a candle or incense, and just honestly talk to spirit about money and my finances and what I want and why, what around money I wanted to heal. Then I would close my eyes and focus and repeat please bring me abundance, until I felt it was time to stop.
- To really bring in fresh energy consider cleaning your space deeply leading up to the new year (a few days before for example) and even opening up the window to let fresh air circulate. Clean your car or other places you inhabit, maybe your area at work.
- Be sure to take a magic bath to cleanse your energy on the 31st! By magic I mean adding salts and other things that make you feel good. For my magic baths I’d light a few candles, use epson salt bubble bath and just soak for as long as I wanted. I’d turn out all the lights and listen to Frank Sinatra or something spiritual and just allow myself to do nothing. This allows you to sit in your own energy and can really bring you back to center.
- Also if you are really stagnant and desiring change, getting rid of stuff like clothes, things you don’t need anymore, etc., can really be freeing and create space for the newness you want to bring towards you. You need to make physical, mental and spiritual space for it to come.
2022 was a year of change for many, including myself. I knew 2022 was bringing hella magic and change to my life and felt it for months leading up to the year. 2023 has kinda taken me by surprise as it’s energy isn’t as strong as 2022 was for me, 2023 feels like it will be a continuation of forward momentum. What does 2023 feel like for you?
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holistichealingg · 6 months
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