#holistic healing
holistichealingg · 6 months
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eatclean-bewhole · 4 months
I don’t want you to just lose weight. I want you to build habits that keep you heathy physically and mentally for the rest of your life.
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awholevibex · 2 years
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I hope you heal from the events you never got an apology for
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manjirinadkarni · 11 months
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Happiness Chemicals
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
kinds of gardens I'd like to grow (or sections of my dream acreage):
🌱a native wildflower/wild weed garden
🌱a herbal tea garden
🌱a moonflower garden (for the sweet scents on summer nights)
🌱a rare flower garden (with delicate, sensitive, showy and fragrant flowers)
🌱an heirloom vegetable garden (with produce even like large seeded bananas)
🌱a garden for the wildlife (complete with flowers to attract pollinators; bird baths; and plants that bunnies, deer, and other creatures love munching on)
🌱a patio garden of microgreens
🌱a culinary herb garden
🌱an ancestral garden (growing plants which were important to my ancestors)
🌱a plant savers garden (in which i grow plants which are over harvested or endangered)
🌱a dye garden (for creating fabric dyes, paints, etc)
🌱a food forest
🌱a medicinal plant garden with plants suitable for my surrounding community members
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astro-royale · 9 months
「🪷What you probably
didn’t know about KARMA
By Amaryllis
How Karma actually works…
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Now.. here’s what we don’t really see on the internet, unless we really look past mainstream media.
Even for those of us who do look into spirituality, it’s sometimes hard to look beyond the surface.. because a lot of the time we don’t know what is beyond the surface, and we don’t actually know what kind of information to research.
As I do A LOT of research, and have done over the course of many years in relation to topics like the occult, spirituality and metaphysics; I have been lucky enough to stumble across teachers that have shared this secret knowledge with me,personally or through material I have read, as well as my own personal insights and downloads, and I’m happy to share that with you.
NOW… What we are really here for.
Karmic Law
There are two things to take into consideration when thinking about karmic law. One of those things is consent.
Which I would like to explore in this particular post, I will speak on the other aspect of karma in the future.
Let us digest this first.
Now many of us wonder why some people who do really bad things, just seem to get away with it.
The truth is... there is something called the law of consent, which is rarely spoken about, but once you learn about it, it's pretty life changing.
1. Energetic consent is simply given by tuning into something. The simple act of attention, and then choosing to keep your attention on something, it creates an energetic pathway between you and that which you are focusing on.
It is no secret and many of us are aware of the fact that where your energy goes, it flows, and that’s especially true with MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT.
Now here’s something to dwell upon, have you ever thought about who produces certain means of entertainment, like movies and shows, music,,
and why they’re so often laced with suffering, and dark concepts, which many of us have accustomed our subconscious minds to find as relatable.
Well, nevertheless, I am here to tell you that there is a high possibility for you to manifest that which you focus on because you place so much attention on it and that’s true with media as well.
When you watch things such as scary movies, movies which perpetuate the concept of abuse, movies with very dark themes and concepts .
Have you ever thought that it’s someone’s morbid way of telling you what they have done to others?
Satanists are very aware of the law of consent; and thus have used it to their advantage for many, many years .
Often times in our media and entertainment, the dark themes that we see and come across , are not just works of fiction, but it is someone telling their truth.
And here’s how this ties to karma, when something is shown to you, and you choose to accept it (by tuning into it, not rejecting it) , then it is no longer against your will, therefore it is no longer karmic .
It is instead something you choose to accept , because you, with your own will, decided for whatever reason, consciously or unconsciously; to accept and tune in to what is being shown to you.
And of course it has been extremely advantageous to satanists that people have been kept in the dark about this knowledge, because now they show you the horrific acts and crimes they commit in “works of art” and people believe it is simply an expression and nothing more, and continue to let it happen.
But I am noticing more and more people are starting to wake up; as our media becomes more and more laced with grotesque concepts and themes of sexual abuse.
Pay attention. The truth has been in front of you all this time.
Some may say,” even if it is, I can’t do anything about it”
Yes you can, your attention is where your energy flows. Instead of spending your precious time on negative media outlets, spend that time working on yourself, your own creative energy, focus on things which build you up as an individual.
I want to be realistic, a lot is built on the backbone of horrific acts, but what we can do is at least minimise how much we interact with those things which take away energy from us and which make us feel depleted and dead inside.
And maybe someday, when you have built an empire for yourself you can then focus on the world and help those in need.
Your attention is so powerful; and if we each collectively chose to tune out of these negative frequencies, the less we manifest it, because there are less people giving away their consents to this.
_If you have to study something with a darker concept to be aware of it, set your intention to keep your emotions detached and set your intention that you are only interacting with this portal for research purposes only. Dwelling is what keeps the consent going. But always set intentions, clear your space_
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I believe even your regular Narcissists practise this law of consent very well even though they may not be aware of it. Narcissists will often tell their victims who they are , and what they do.
Unfortunately, victims are usually stripped of their right to consent from early on, and therefore struggle with boundaries.
So they have no clue they are giving themselves away unknowingly, because there is no concept of a self, and of the fact that boundaries are something they can apply, it is all normal and comfortable behaviour to them sadly.
AMBIGUITY: By disguising truths in art, it is very easy to mix in the truth with some sort of lie and that’s where people get caught up and they can no longer discern the truth. The half truth and half lie.
You can choose to further your research on satanists and how they apply this, there are a handful of people who have spoken about this and other details in the process.
I am here to make you aware of its existence and how it is tied into consent, so you can at least take your power back.
Your consents, can be taken back. It is not set in stone. Heavier forms of consent would be contracts and that’s where things can get a little difficult.
But there are consents which are easy to take back, I have shared some examples in my post of “How to remove evil eye” & will share more in the future.
Karma means ACTION, and energetic chords, pathways, consents , create further energetic ACTION to be perpetuated.
Wether physically, mentally, emotionally. It is still action and therefore KARMA.
So we can at least work on one level, because working on any level wether it is
- Mentally
It will create a ripple effect in your reality , since everything is spiritual energy in different states of matter.
Taking your energy back is something I hear a lot in spiritual circles, what that actually means is, taking your energy back SO THAT karma is no longer happening, being perpetuated, from wherever you have taken your energy back. You have ended a cycle by doing that.
So yeah energy instigates realities to be created.
Be careful who, and what you give your time and energy into.
Your Will-power, Imagination, Intuition, these all matter so much more than you think, because they create MATTER.
- CONSENT & WILLPOWER are intertwined.
Good example: Marriage contract. “I Will”
- handshakes
contract formed when you introduce yourself.
mentally tell yourself that you revoke and denounce any contracts given away by you consciously or unconsciously and send away into aether now and immediately.
- attention
the more energy you put into something the more it accumulates, attention is how thoughts, ideas, concepts and beliefs enter your mind
Therefore you have consented to someone else’s will when you accept foreign ideas, so be careful who you listen to.
focusing on yourself builds up your own energy.
Unconscious sex can lead to taking on someone else’s emotions, especially as a woman, your womb stores emotional trauma passed down from generations and when you have sex with someone, they often unconsciously trauma dump in your womb.
Many times this leads to women feeling physical discomfort and pain, their body will communicate that they have taken on someone else’s pain.
- Social media
Following and unfollowing is a way to create and break contracts, it creates a pathway between you and another person.
The internet is energy too.
- ——
Not creating intentions for yourself allows someone else to do it for you.
Use your conscious mind to create intentions for your subconscious, not the other way around.
Hey guys! Please keep in mind a lot of time and energy goes into this research :) I love being able to share it with everyone and I want to keep sharing my knowledge unconditionally which is why I haven’t created a Tumblr+.
If you resonated with this & found this helpful, consider to support me from the kindness of your heart so I can keep doing what I love and also provide you with life changing knowledge, you can leave a Tip , by clicking the Tip button in my bio or you can cashapp me £astroroyale
Thank you and much love to you all.
Don’t let yourself take on someone else’s pain (karma)
Protect yourself.
Liz briefly speaks on consents in this video she has and it literally took me by surprise, but as she mentioned she paid a lot of money to get this information. I have elaborated on that concept in this post.
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morethansalad · 1 year
✨🌱 How to Begin Your Holistic Leveling Up Journey 🌱✨
by Sidewalk Chemistry (@sidewalkchemistry)
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Some of us are into leveling up, but with peace as the main aspect (so some things like consumerism and social status matter less). We look to nature to cultivate abundance & engage in a give and take (right relationship).
The holistic leveling-up journey asks one to embrace their higher self and expand their hearts towards nurturing true self-love and pursuing holistic self-care practices. In other words, the journey is about being attentive to the states of your mind, body, and spirit. 
The aim is to learn to be more intentional with your being and the Earth, release the pains from your past, realize your multidimensionality, and grow in your intelligences (emotional, interpersonal, naturalistic, artistic, intuitive, and beyond). 
In effect, all of life is noticed to be in your grasp. The understandings that we are not victims to our reality & the state of our lives is in our hands becomes impossible to ignore. In this place is exactly where we feel activated to create beautiful circumstances for ourselves as we follow the authentic desires of our hearts.  
(continue reading)
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returning-to-her · 5 months
My fourth matriarchal sermon - matriarchal healing versus patriarchal “healing.”
I discuss the history of healing through a matriarchal and patriarchal lens and explain why only matriarchal healing leads to proper restoration of health. I read from one of my favorite books. Through my personal healing and studying history and medicine, I have come up with three pillars of treatment that must be honored to heal.
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etherealdiva · 2 years
Happy MOON day! When we have emotional storage that we can’t let go of it affects our physical bodies. Please take good care of yourselves. The stress isn’t worth it. Stress actually leads to cancer and other illnesses. I’ve seen this experience with my mother and I wish I could’ve done more for her. I definitely have learned how important health truly is. Physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health 🙏🏽 look at your moon sign, house and the degree. I have Leo moon in the 1st house at 6 degrees. I definitely feel the effects on my stomach 😫 but I also use holistic methods on myself 💛
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harmonyhealinghub · 3 months
The Emotion Code: Unlocking Emotional Healing for a Happier Life
Shaina Tranquilino
January 22, 2024
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In our fast-paced world, it's no surprise that emotional baggage can accumulate and weigh us down. Unresolved emotions from past experiences can hinder personal growth, relationships, and overall well-being. However, there is hope on the horizon – Dr. Bradley Nelson's groundbreaking book, "The Emotion Code," offers a powerful solution to release emotional energy blocks and restore balance in our lives.
Understanding The Emotion Code: Dr. Bradley Nelson, a renowned holistic physician and chiropractor, developed The Emotion Code as a method to identify and release trapped emotions stored within the body. According to his theory, unresolved emotions create energetic imbalances or "trapped" emotions that disrupt the flow of vital life force energy.
Using muscle testing techniques (kinesiology), Dr. Nelson helps individuals discern the specific trapped emotions they carry within them. These could range from sadness, anger, fear, and guilt to even inherited emotions passed down through generations. By identifying these emotions with precision, individuals can then proceed to release them using simple yet effective techniques outlined in his book.
The Power of Energy Healing: "The Emotion Code" embraces the belief that we are all energetic beings connected by an invisible web of energy fields. This understanding aligns with ancient healing practices such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda.
By accessing this subtle energy system believed to underlie physical health and wellness, The Emotion Code empowers individuals to address both mental and physical ailments simultaneously. It aims to establish harmony between mind and body while promoting natural healing processes.
Benefits of Releasing Trapped Emotions: 1. Improved Mental Health: Releasing trapped emotions frees up space for positive thoughts and feelings by removing emotional burdens carried from past traumas or negative experiences. 2. Enhanced Relationships: Emotional baggage often affects how we interact with others. By clearing trapped emotions associated with relationship issues, we can foster healthier connections and experience deeper intimacy. 3. Physical Healing: The mind-body connection is undeniable. Releasing trapped emotions may alleviate physical ailments such as chronic pain, migraines, digestive disorders, or even autoimmune conditions. 4. Increased Emotional Intelligence: As we become more aware of our own emotions, we develop a heightened sense of empathy and understanding towards others – an essential aspect for personal growth and harmonious relationships.
Practical Application and Accessibility: Dr. Nelson's book provides step-by-step instructions on how to identify and release trapped emotions using muscle testing and the power of intention. While seeking professional assistance is beneficial, "The Emotion Code" allows individuals to practice self-healing in the comfort of their homes.
Additionally, Dr. Nelson offers certification programs for those interested in becoming Emotion Code practitioners. This ensures that individuals receive guidance from trained professionals who can help navigate the intricacies of emotional healing.
"The Emotion Code" by Dr. Bradley Nelson is a revolutionary approach to emotional healing that empowers individuals to take control of their well-being. By recognizing the impact of unresolved emotions on our mental, emotional, and physical health, we can break free from the shackles that hinder personal growth and happiness.
By embracing this holistic method, one can embark on a transformative journey towards releasing trapped emotions, restoring balance within oneself, and ultimately living a more fulfilling life. So why not explore this powerful technique today? Your emotional liberation awaits!
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wisterianwoman · 1 month
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How to Regulate Your Nervous System for a Balanced Life
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holistichealingg · 6 months
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eatclean-bewhole · 7 days
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I have been invited to speak at the Healing Strong cancer support group next Thursday, April 25th at 7pm MST. This is an open invitation to anyone wanting to learn how to harness the power of nutrition and holistic therapies in the fight against cancer, regardless of whether or not you choose to use conventional treatment. Nutrition is our first, most powerful medicine and it’s administered three times a day. We improve symptoms and our chances of healing when we provide our body with the support it needs. Some of the things you will learn in this webinar....
1. Leveraging fasting (autophagy) and detoxing to encourage cell repair.
2. The power of juicing to provide cells with essential nutrients and to oxygenate the body.
3. Nutrition to alkalize the body and support its powerful healing mechanisms.
4. Holistic therapies that can help reduce inflammation and encourage quicker recovery and healing.
I am also thrilled to announce that I will have a special guest and courageous cancer survivor join me who has healed by implementing the nutrition, therapies, and methods that will be discussed. I cannot wait for you to hear her powerful story of inspiration and hope. To everyone else, she goes by Patti. To me, she is Mom. Since this is a topic close to my heart, there is no cost. Simply go here to register: https://events.theholisticchef.com/cancerwebinar
All the love, health & healing. 💚
#cancersupport #HolisticHealth #nutrition #cancer #foodismedicine #integrativenutrition #integrativemedicine #cancerfighting #anticancer #reversecancer #holistic #holistichealing #heal #healing #diet #alkaline #disease #diseasefighting #diseaseprevention #juicing #inflammation #antiinflammatory #guthealth #detox #autophagy #immunity #breastcancer #health #healthyliving #healthylifestyle
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theholisticdoctors · 11 months
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Anti-Cancer Properties of Dandelion Root
Extracts from Dandelion Root have shown to have potent cancer-fighting potential in many types of cancer, including Liver, Colon, Stomach and Breast Cancer. Reduction in Inflammation and affects in tumor progression have also been observed with Dandelion Root.
Supplementing with ample amounts of the right Omega fatty acid and the right liver related Mineral can optimize Dandelion Root's therapeutic effect in helping to reverse disease patterns.
Contact your Holistic Physician today to see if Dandelion Root will help expedite Your Healing!
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manjirinadkarni · 1 year
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9 Ayurvedic foods for Healthy Hair
✅ Ghee- Ghee is excellent for your hair. It is rich in vitamins A, D, and E, which are vital for healthy hair, bones and skin. It balances both Pitta and Vata while nourishing Kapha keeping your hair strong, shiny and prevents early greying. ✅ Sesame seeds - Sesame seeds and oil are both best for Vata balance, Sesame seeds are rich in calcium and can help with hair growth as well as strengthening of the hair. ✅ Fenugreek seeds - Fenugreek seeds which are popular for balancing blood sugar, also promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. The protein, phytochemicals present in fenugreek seeds help to nourish the hair follicles, improve scalp circulation, and promote healthy hair growth. These also help counter hormonal hair loss. ✅ Moringa- Moringa is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can protect your hair follicles from damage, balance the hormones and slow the effects of aging, including hair-greying. ✅ Almonds -. Almonds give you a boost of good protein and calcium that work as blocks for building hair, vit E, omega -3 fatty acids and biotin. Eat 4-6 almonds soaked in water overnight after removing the peels as a hair tonic. ✅ Amla berries - Amla is a Rasayana that supports your entire body head to toe, and has an amazing effect on your hair. It improves the texture of hair, helps get rid of split ends, nourishes hair follicles and also prevents premature greying. ✅ Coconut oil - Coconut oil is a natural saturated fat and helps calm scale irritation, flaking and itching. The fats help seal in hair moisture and the phytonutrients support hair growth and prevent dryness and brittleness of hair. ✅ Curry leaves- Curry leaves contain vitamin C, vitamin B, proteins, and antioxidants, all of which contribute to cellular regeneration and promote healthy circulation to the blood vessels in the scalp. ✅ Spinach - Spinach is a healthy green vegetable that's loaded with beneficial nutrients like folate, iron, and vitamins A and C, all of which are important for hair growth
Which of these is your favourite?
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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