#empty earth
amaranthhiding · 7 months
Empty Earth - Chapter 22
by Hiding Amaranth
Empty Earth Chapter 22 is online on AO3! Jack POV for this one. :)
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Cover by the author (original post with both covers)
Empty Earth Words: 97,192 so far, Chapters: 22/? Relationships: Dean/Cas, Sam/Rowena, Jack & Dean, Jack & Crowley POV: Alternating (Dean, Sam, Jack, Castiel, Rowena, Crowley, Naomi, HunterCorp Dean, Michael, Kevin, Balthazar)
Tags: Post-15x18, Fix-It, Epic, Plotty, Action/Adventure, Apocalypse, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with Happy Ending, Splashes of Humor, Empty Rescue, Protective Dean, Angel True Forms, Consensual Possession, Enochian, Magic, Witch Sam, Queen Rowena, Rebellion in Hell, Samwena First Kiss, Destiel Being Chaotic
Summary: After Castiel's confession, Dean carries a spark of hope telling him this can't be the end. This spark is the strongest weapon for Dean, Sam and Jack in this final war. The enemy is God. The battlefield is an Earth devoid of humans, a Hell in rebellion against its queen, and a Heaven betrayed by its creator. And the stakes are everything and everyone they have ever cared about. Read Empty Earth on AO3!
Excerpt from Chapter 22 under the cut
The caped stranger ran through the dark tunnel much too fast for them to keep up. It was only thanks to Jack's angelic senses that he saw the man come to a stop somewhere ahead. He managed to prevent Mary from crashing into the wall with a warning hand against her shoulder. A quiet curse near them meant John hadn't been spared from that fate.
A light appeared, and Jack saw that the stranger held a small flashlight between his teeth while drawing another one of those chalk sigils. The outline of a door appeared in the wall of the tunnel, and a short press of the man's hand sufficed for it to open outwards.
One after the other, they stumbled out into the blinding brightness of someone's heaven on a sunny beach. The ocean was impressive and slightly intimidating with its size and the crashing waves. Jack had only ever seen such a large body of water in the split second it had taken him to fly across it in his frenzied escape from his own guilt. Standing right in front of these massive plains of blue reaching all the way to the horizon was on a different level entirely.
"Close the damned door if you got any sense!" the stranger called out to them and Jack turned hastily to press the door closed behind John, watching it merge seamlessly into a changing cubicle.
The man didn't wait to see if they complied, already running further ahead through rows of white sun chairs and colorful parasols.
"Doctor Badass, wait!" Jack yelled, attracting the attention of a woman who must have been the owner of this heaven.
"Who the fuck are you people?" she asked them, sitting up on her sun chair. "You're ruining my vibe here."
Jack noticed only then how much they stood out on this beach, fully dressed among people in swimwear, running when everyone else was just lounging and relaxing.
"I'm sorry. We'll stop ruining… your vibe. We were just leaving," he hurried to explain, throwing a look at Mary and John behind him. Mary seemed confused, John annoyed, but the caped stranger didn't slow down, so Jack had no choice but continue their frenzied run.
They caught up with him in front of a wooden booth selling ice cream, where the man was creating another one of his strange chalk doors on the side wall. He waved them inside and they were once more surrounded by darkness.
"All right, enough of this nonsense! Who or what are we running from?" John asked, his voice echoing in the silence of the tunnel.
"Jack, you said Dean is hurt? Where is he?" Mary talked over him, and the worry in her voice was audible.
Jack never had a chance to reply to either of these questions, though, because Doctor Badass cut him off.
"Listen, there's a time for answers, but this ain't it. Gotta shake off the God Squad before they can track us to Homebase."
Read Empty Earth on AO3!
If you'd like to be added/removed from my taglist for Destiel and/or Samwena content, let me know in a reblog, reply, or personal message. :) @samsrowena @cactus-79 @typicalrowena @panthera-dei @butch--dean @thefandomsinhalor @fanficlounge @cocklesdestielfiction @destielficbasket
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nando161mando · 1 month
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There are now over 15 million empty homes in the US, and 650,000 homeless per the very bias official numbers, or 23 houses per person
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A brotherly visit.
[ID: a digital drawing of Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. Mycroft is sitting in an armchair with a large cat asleep in his lap. Sherlock is pacing in circles around him, talking. /end ID]
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medi-bee · 2 months
i'm cooking
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funnywormz · 1 year
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the red dwarf enjoyer experience
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silmaspens · 2 years
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Inktober days 13-15
Kind | Empty | Armadillo
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evelili · 5 months
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goodbye 2023
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I was told by someone that I couldn’t call myself a transsexual because I had to go off T for health reasons and I haven’t had any gender affirming surgeries yet since I’m poor and disabled. Is this true? What are like, the requirements to be a transsexual? /gen
The requirements to be transsexual: to identify as transsexual
This might seem too... straightforward, but genuinely, medical transition is so complex and individual that it's worthless to make it so ridged. There are so many reasons you have to stop some aspect(s) of transition, even if you didn't want to! That doesn't mean you never transitioned or that it's "lesser" now that you stopped.
Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, I, for one, couldn't care less if you call yourself a transsexual. To my mind, it is as political as it is an identity. Being a transsexual isn't just about your identity but also your place in this world. "Transsexual menace" isn't just a cutesy little slogan but a political battle cry. It can be an attitude about changing sex, about the lucid and plastic nature of people, and so much more.
The word transsexual was made and popularized, honestly, with the idea that we are separate from others. I think we can take this back and make it ours. We can start by actually making it our own, not the cis world's own.
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itsmyfriendisaac · 4 months
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♍ August 23rd: Thespian, River Phoenix.
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tricorderreading · 6 months
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
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amaranthhiding · 7 months
Empty Earth - Chapter 21
by Hiding Amaranth
Empty Earth Chapter 21 is online on AO3! This is the story's first full-chapter Rowena POV, and I'm excited to share it with you all! <3
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Cover by the author (full size)
Empty Earth Words: 93,625 so far, Chapters: 21/? Relationships: Dean/Cas, Sam/Rowena, Jack & Dean, Crowley & Jack POV: Alternating (Dean, Sam, Jack, Castiel, Rowena, Crowley, Naomi, HunterCorp Dean, Michael, Kevin, Balthazar) Tags: Post-15x18, Fix-It, Epic, Plotty, Action/Adventure, Apocalypse, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with Happy Ending, Empty Rescue, Protective Dean, Angel True Forms, Consensual Possession, Enochian, Magic, Witch Sam, Queen Rowena, Rebellion in Hell, Samwena First Kiss, Destiel Being Chaotic
Summary: After Castiel's confession, Dean carries a spark of hope telling him this can't be the end. This spark is the strongest weapon for Dean, Sam and Jack in this final war. The enemy is God. The battlefield is an Earth devoid of humans, a Hell in rebellion against its queen, and a Heaven betrayed by its creator. And the stakes are everything and everyone they have ever cared about. Read Empty Earth on AO3!
Excerpt from Chapter 21 under the cut
The knowledge that she didn't even have her magic to fall back on if something went awry this time was a grasp of coldness in her neck. These corridors matched the ones from her memory far too closely for comfort, whispering of how helpless she'd been during the frenzied run for her life back then. How she was even more helpless now, without her powers. Nobody had made any attempt to disarm her, and she was glad for it, lifting the angel blade a little higher in a semblance of safety.
She sensed a lingering gaze on her and looked up from her morose thoughts to be met with Sam's eyes, softening at whatever he'd seen on her face. It should probably worry her how proficient he'd gotten at reading her—that she'd even allowed anyone close enough to be able to. But when dimples appeared on his cheeks in the shadow of a smile, she couldn't find it in herself to listen to that worry.
This—this thing between them was new territory for her. Loath as she was to admit ignorance, she didn't have the slightest idea how to handle it. After the centuries she'd lived, there weren't all that many things left that still had the ability to throw her for a loop like this.
Read Empty Earth on AO3!
If you'd like to be added/removed from my taglist for Destiel and/or Samwena content, let me know in a reblog, reply, or personal message. :) @typicalrowena @panthera-dei @samsrowena @cactus-79 @butch--dean @fanficlounge @cocklesdestielfiction @destielficbasket
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puddeneen · 3 months
free advice for anyone thinking about adapting the last airbender in any medium at any point in the future: if your vision does not feature the sky as a whole character in and of itself, you have failed right out of the gate - not only as an adaptation, but in Getting The Point, and the scope and the scale of the tragedy (and the hope) that drives this story, and its main character
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herebutnothere · 10 days
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Some Thoughts
I'm glad I used some coins on this one
Ryan Gosling is a star
Emily Blunt is a gem
They're cute together in this
Rom-Com/Action hybrids that have a perfect balance between the two are my fave
Holy shit, that's how they film these types of scenes??? 🤯 Stunt people deserve an award category. Do they have specific awards for them??? (Looked it up. SAG Awards do have a category. Oscars don't, but it's been a topic of conversation for quite some time.)
Winston Duke!!! (Although not nearly enough thigh, sadly.)
The opening pre-title scene was great.
Her using the script and filming the rock scene to have him publicly account for his shitty behavior was delightful. Women in STEAM!!! (Because it was scientific, calculating, well-crafted, AND artistic.)
The filming of this movie was everything. From the club visuals to the tongue-in-cheek split screen moment, chef's kiss.
Of course she was behind it 🙄🙄🙄
They did the thing where they say the title!!! Classic move because it hits every. single. time.
Pretty sure I heard an M'Baku moment from WD with the "you shall not pass" line
The Jason Momoa callback was so good!!!
Final Thoughts: Definitely worth it. Touch and go as to whether or not I'd actively seek it out to watch again, but I definitely wouldn't change the channel or leave the room if it came on.
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notyoujamie · 1 year
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I met the Emperor. And I took the Time Vortex and I pulled it into his head and turned him into dust. The God of all Daleks, and I destroyed him.
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maggiecheungs · 1 year
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winepresswrath · 10 months
Cannot believe at this late stage of my life I'm becoming a Gabriel fucker. Local mean jock doesn't want to be evil now, he wants to be loved. I'm slightly annoyed they didn't make Beelzebub more unhinged because the "plot" should have been at least half about them fucking up shit on an absolute rampage trying to find Gabriel, a thing everyone assumes they are doing to fry him with hellfire so they can kick off the war in a way that's advantageous to hell, BUT ACTUALLY!!! true love.
#I do love evil love!#but more than that it's like... the terrible emptiness of heaven and hell?#absolutely no one has been having a good time!#they're just middle management admin suckers doing a soulless job no one else understands#they don't even care about earth! six thousand years of#mommy promised that if you all sit down and shut up we can have another war when the humans are dead#as a form of enrichment for their underlings#and they're just going along with it because that's the grind#incidentally I enjoyed how childish the angels were this season my pet theory is that they and the demons also have free will but no one#noticed so they've all just been making themselves miserable enforcing corporate culture and plotting each other's downfall because it#didn't occur to them to do anything else#gabriel and beelzebub realizing there's more to life and they can simply say fuck it and make something good between them#implies other angels and demons can do the same! as does Muriel obviously#like they are torturing each other. in much the same ways that humans are torturing each other#sad for Aziraphale and Crowley they care about earth & humans#which is a real problem they have that Gabzebub do not#and also that Crowley is in denial about how much he wants to be good and Aziraphale is in denial about just so many things and also#committed to being an ass about it.#these are problems that Gabriel and Beelzebub do NOT have because they are goal oriented and keep their eyes on the prize#good omens spoilers
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