#elle rants
working on final film isn't fun anymore. i spent an hour trying to convert all my MPEG video files to mp4 just to have the editing software say it can't support MPEG files. I've only successfully converted one file with the help of my teacher. it's due in 2 weeks. Help.
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queendearings · 1 year
alice krige is mommy right. like im not alone in this. pls someone else tell me they feel this way about alice krige i—
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imhereforbrownies · 2 years
I’ve been in a weird place mentally lately and I’m really sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while (even though I promised you part two to Ultraviolet) but I’ve been trying to get back my motivation and inspiration and I’m really trying to finish it. And today I wake up to a message that someone copied my work and posted it as their own without me knowing. They straightaway copied it word by word and just changed the characters and added a sentence or two and I just feel so freaking violated? Like how can someone do something so rude and disrespectful? I’ve spent days working on that oneshot and this person just comes by and copies it all. Like what?
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pearl-blue-musings · 2 years
Me: let’s write the last chapter of tiab AND the next chapter of unforgettable AND a second part of the I hate you fox with kazutora!!!
Also me: I am a sack of shit and potatoes and I wanna cry but can’t and feel like absolute ass !!
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cult-of-the-eye · 22 days
guys you don't understand the way elle greenaway is genuinely such a compelling character oh my god. she worked in sex crimes before she transferred to the BAU, it's literally established from the get go that not only is she extremely caring but she's also got the determination and nerves of steel that set her apart. she's funny, she's badass, she's a bit mean, a bit insensitive sometimes, she's got issues with sometimes taking things a bit too far. she's a woman in a typically male field in the early 2000s. and then she gets shot in her own home and the person who shoots her then dips his finger into her wound and writes on the walls with her own blood. and she could have so many people to blame. she could blame gideon for breaking the rules in the first place just to taunt the guy out. she could blame hotch for making her go home, anderson for not staying with her. but she doesn't. she must hold an insane amount of frustration, fury, anger, resentment, fear and she must be exhausted. she survives. she comes back to work cause she can't spend another minute watching soap operas in her house. how must it have been living in that house, elle? watching tv as though her life didn't pretty much end. they should've realised something was wrong. people who get shot at their work don't tend to want to come back. they shouldn't be allowed to come back early, at least not without checking if they have a secure safety net, someone to talk to about these things. it's no wonder she cracked. their entire job is to read people and they couldn't see what was right in front of them. you mean you didn't think it was risky to make elle the decoy rape victim after she was so violated herself? after she had just told reid that she could sometimes feel his fingers still inside her? you think her coming for the guy wasn't extremely understandable? her rage. being a woman does things to you. being elle greenaway does worse. so she kills him. she let him go. it was her fault that she was too hasty, that she was panicking on the job, that she was too wrapped up in her own feelings to properly catch the guy and now? now he walks. or maybe it was gideon's fault for breaking the rules or hotch's for sending her home or godforsaken anderson for leaving her there. either way it's happened. and she has no other choice but to kill him, right then and there. she saved countless women from their fate. she saved countless women from her fate. and no man gets to tell her she did something wrong.
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
Hopper, after Billy moves in: Has El told you about the three inch rule?
Billy: The what?
Hopper: The door has to stay open three inches whenever your partner is over.
Billy: Well, I’m not into exhibitionism but okay.
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sadsstoptalkingfr · 5 months
Spencer Reid/ criminal minds rant
Tell me I'm not the only one who high key doesn't care for the rest of the team based of the way they treated Spencer... (Minus Garcia) it's like yeah they are fun to watch fuck around sometimes but I UGH
Like hahah lets all point and laugh at the autistic kid?? Like what was wrong with them? Pull yourself together tf??😭 Is this a safe space??? They should've kept Elle in she actually cared about him as a person and didn't only talk to him when it benefited her. (plus they were cute together) like she had limits (unlike the rest of the team...)
And then jj's dumbass wanted to be like "I always loved you" ??? Act like it??? Also don't you have a husband 🧍🏽 we don't play that shit round here...
This is why I read so much Spencer x reader like most viewers understand that he's autistic and that he's been through a lot and should be treated kindly.. like I'm not babying him but he's a sweet boy and the team kinda just pretending nothing happened to him after all he's been through is fucked up🧍🏽
Poor guy just needs someone to unmask around 😞
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sunflowerim · 11 days
R.I.P. Remus Lupin, you would have loved Heartstopper.
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catboygretzky · 28 days
being a single dad is all fun and games until it's mother's day and people are saying happy mother's day to a fucking mother that hasn't done jack shit to raise her child
like no, i am NOT his mom but fuck everything if she's been a damn mom to him. i'm out here being his mom AND dad and she thinks she has any right to call herself his MOTHER? to pat herself on the back for being a MOM?
FUCK YOU, you call him once a week (if that)(usually twice a month) for maybe 30 minutes at most. you give me less than £200 a month for child support and have no fucking idea what goes on with him outside of that. you don't go to his chemo or his therapy or calm him down after meltdowns or learn barely visible cues to stop him from getting upset or wake up at 3 am because he's being sick all over his room. you don't know any of his friends names or his favourite class or attend parent/teacher meetings or volunteer for field trips.
i taught this kid how to fucking read and how to write his name and what has she done? NOTHING. fucking NOTHING.
she carried him for 9 months and then gave birth to him, but she is not his fucking mom
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elles-home · 1 month
love luffy day because im treating it like its the bday of one of my kpop boys and retweeting every single luffy art post on twitter and then i come to tumblr and see the same artists post the same art here and i reblog it as well! yes luffy day! happy birthday king you will get everything you ever want! if something bad happens to you i will go to war for you! you dont need me but i have needed you and your existence brings me so much genuine joy in my heart! your smile makes me laugh, your tears make my heart wrench! you are so good in ways i do not have the capacity to put into words and your journey is something i have kept in my heart with for over fifteen years now. sorry i became distant for a small (four year) window but i never gave up on you. i always knew i would come back to you and i did! and i could not fight it, even when i wanted to, but when life was overwhelming and the world was awful i could look at you and your adventures! you are a symbol of hope and you inspire people to be good and fight for what's right. i love you luffy, happy birthday my little king <3
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imwetforyourmom · 1 month
sorry thats its not cropped and shit, but I found it on pinterest and just had to show yall.
I had a FULL BODY reaction to this, like madison beer is actuallh the most beautiful thinrg to ever grace this planet. argue with the fucking wall if you dont agree w me. like I dont give two shits.
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i just saw fireworks for the first time in a while. life's worth living.
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queendearings · 2 years
saw an advanced screening of “where the crawdads sing” earlier tonight and folks i will be honest, as a lifelong enjoyer of cheesy north-carolina-set romantic dramas, this film blew my tits clean off. cannot recommend enough if you are the type to enjoy overly sincere southern melodramas, it was everything i hoped for and MORE
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kuro-min · 4 days
god is really testing me bc why am i remaking an entire batch of cookies at 10:50 when the plan was to be done by 11.
my arms are tired and even the smell of the batter is making me gag i wanna jus pass away rn tbh
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pearl-blue-musings · 2 years
My day described by a q&a!!!
Did you have your visa appointment today? Yes I sure did!!
Did it help with getting it approved and given to you? No!!! They just needed my ugly ass photo and fingerprints
Did you have a headache turned migraine all day? Yes!! I’ve been tired and stressed and crying and haven’t had a will to eat!!!!
Did you try driving to the British embassy to see if they can help? Yea I did and they don’t take visa anything!!!!
Did your gas light come on, your ac not work, all the while driving all around town and dc??? It sure did! Then I went to grab some comfort food then came home to my mom getting mad at me and making me feel like a dumbass once again cause I have no money and have to pay for shipping for my ACTUAL APPLICATION TO SEND AWAY TO GET APPROVED and now I have to wait and see if I have to change my flight and—
Did your apartment complex email you about things you have no control over? That’s how my day started!!! Issues that I have no way of fixing cause I was unaware of them!!
Do you have another money talk and a potential attitude talk when your dad gets home you grown ass woman? I SURE FUCKING DO so if you hear of me disappearing or my death it’s cause I’m officially losing it and I fucking quit!!!
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cult-of-the-eye · 26 days
Ok I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna make the new hyperfixation post:
I started watching it cause I was on the internet during the Dr Reid thirst trap era and let's just say a scrawny motherfucker with autism is the surefire way to get me to watch something
Especially when everyone is going through the horrors
I am in love with the format of the show, with the whole quotes and then different characters saying the quotes and the isolated cases with the slight hints of more background for each of the characters it's really keeping me going
I'm not great with gore and shit but like it's got shitty 2000s CGI so like it's easy to tell myself it's just actors with fake blood
Also listen I had to tap into my 9 yr old undiagnosed autistic obsessed with psychopaths phase at some point
It just tickles the right parts of my brain
Anyway the characters are why I stuck around
Gideon <3333 I love that strange walrus looking man I love how he's simultaneously such an emotional rock for everyone in the BAU but also dealing with his own things, he goes into each of the crimes with such calmness and compassion and I just love that weird old man especially when he introduced himself as Jason to the little girl he was saving in that one episode, i was like HE'S MAKING HIMSELF SEEM LIKE LESS OF A THREAT BY INTRODUCING HIMSELF WITH HIS FIRST NAMEEEE, HE'S TRYING TO PUT HER AT EASE
Hotch oh man it was one scene specifically that literally started my brainrot for this guy, I wasn't that into him in the first couple of episodes and then it was revealed that he was horrifically abused by his dad and actively chose to go into a pathway that would catch people like that and people who get abused and then go on to abuse others and I just. AH. i am such a sucker for any character who has endured things that no one ever should endure at the hands of another human being and then instead of becoming completely bitter and taking the eye for an eye mindset, they vow to make sure the cycle stops with them and they may not be all sunshine and daisies and instead rough a lot of the times but they do it and they do it realistically
He's got a wife and a kid!!! He did it!! He made a better life for himself and it makes me feel like I could too, he's so strong and I feel like my strength can one day be used for more than just survival
Elle!!!! God I love her I feel like she's so realistic for a woman in her field, she's smart and strong and capable and she acknowledges all the things she has going against her, she's compassionate to the female rape victims, she gets furious at the people targeting women in particular what i would do to be this woman's friend
Reid. Oh lord. Listen I'm not on the thirst trap train but I do understand the love for this guy. My love for him however stems from the autism. The whole wanting to be useful and only knowing how to through interests and hyperfixations and feeling like he's missing out on some things cause he's different
It was the hostage situation on the train that got to me he was just so REAL and it's so awesome to see autistic people succeed in stuff like this
It's also nice to see him accepted by the team for who he is
I do also like him cause he's cool but it's easier to explain the autism stuff
Garcia - wonderful amazing spectacular I love me a confident woman in stem
Morgan - i like how he's sort of the "cool guy" archetype but his whole thing is getting into the mind of the UnSub I feel like it gives him more depth
JJ - god she's so cool and calm under pressure I love her
So yeah. The BAU is my new comfort character crew I'm taking Elle with me everywhere
But also do I have major issues with the idea of behavioural analysis in crime? Absolutely. It is so insanely subjective the way they're going off of probability, the way their precedent probably lacks temporal validity and also population validity with both the androcentrism and ethnocentrism it does feel wrong to be coming to such a conclusion about the UnSub so quickly and decisively, even though I understand their whole thing is getting there quickly. I just know that categorising human behaviour is never as simple as it seems.
Do I think they tackle some of these issues in the show? Sort of. Am I also aware this is a fictional drama TV show and it may not be that deep? Yes.
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