#my twitter friends genuinely think im insane
elles-home · 1 month
love luffy day because im treating it like its the bday of one of my kpop boys and retweeting every single luffy art post on twitter and then i come to tumblr and see the same artists post the same art here and i reblog it as well! yes luffy day! happy birthday king you will get everything you ever want! if something bad happens to you i will go to war for you! you dont need me but i have needed you and your existence brings me so much genuine joy in my heart! your smile makes me laugh, your tears make my heart wrench! you are so good in ways i do not have the capacity to put into words and your journey is something i have kept in my heart with for over fifteen years now. sorry i became distant for a small (four year) window but i never gave up on you. i always knew i would come back to you and i did! and i could not fight it, even when i wanted to, but when life was overwhelming and the world was awful i could look at you and your adventures! you are a symbol of hope and you inspire people to be good and fight for what's right. i love you luffy, happy birthday my little king <3
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toorumlk · 1 month
Hi I'm so freaking obsessed with your twitter.
Also what's your favorite Romione moment in the books and why?
ohohoho thank you, friend, i’m quite proud of some of the stuff i’ve posted on there B)
and as for my favourite romione moment in the books, when i read the question i first blanked out for a couple minutes, thinking of a bunch of smaller, sillier scenes. but then i remembered that i do have a favourite and it’s from chapter 11 of DH, when remus visited the trio at grimmauld place and filled them in on he goings on of the war -including the implementation of the muggle-born registry. ron’s response upon hearing this (after his immediate outrage) was
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and it’s not just the hand holding and the “‘you won’t have a choice’ said Ron fiercely” that played out so vividly in my head like this:
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but this scene demonstrates so perfectly the political weight of this pairing (muggleborn/blood traitor) which i think is the immovable narrative foundation of romione. all of their silly moments and idiosyncrasies aside, there is genuine narrative purpose behind this love. ron has always had an astute understanding of the blood supremacist politics of the wizarding world (need i remind that he was ready to curse shitco at the ripe age of 12 for calling hermione the in-universe slur) and just how wrong it is. ron is a pure-blood wizard and by design has so much privilege in this society bc of it, but by virtue of having parents like arthur and molly, he’s grown up knowing the importance of fighting against blood supremacist ideology. always.
so, after hearing about the completely horrifying muggleborn registry ("People won't let this happen," said Ron. "It is happening, Ron," said Lupin.), he immediately turns to his muggleborn best friend and love of his life and says “i’m making you a family member, i’m going to use the protection my family-name has and use it to protect you from the awful injustice of our situation, no you won’t have a choice but to let me help you”
i remember having such a… visceral reaction while reading this scene like holy shit .. these kids, THESE KIDS!!!!! this is the bone-marrow-deep love that makes me feel insane. this dynamic of the blood traitor/muggleborn always there, from CoS all the way to the epilogue. We get to see that romione is the story’s pure blood/muggleborn that finally made it (rip jily and tedromeda :(). we see it in hermione keeping her muggle last name after they get married (oh my god these two actually got married) and we also see it in the hyphenated Granger-Weasley (granger being first!) in their kids’ last names (oh my gof these two had TWO kids). they are a true symbol of change and progress in their world.
also this is one of those moments where i’m so glad that our only window to romiones relationship development is through harry’s narration because it so brilliantly shows the readers this blossoming love story instead of just telling us about it because harry obviously doesn’t have access to the inner thoughts of his two best friends, he can only witness them fall deeper in love. showing the audience acts of love is always more powerful and my god is this an act of showing your love to your beloved.
(and not to go on an unrelated tangent, but this is exactly why i could never ship my girl hermione w any DE or DE-adjacent character. no fucking way. not when the concept of a muggle-born registry exists in this universe, not when the antagonists in this story wish to eradicate people like her from their society. idk about the rest of y’all but im going to keep taking the narrative seriously bc the worldbuilding obviously has real world ties/implications and i like engaging with the canon. tangently to the tangent, i saw someone (a ron basher) on twitter say that ron, OUR RON FROM THE ABOVE EXCERPT, was “one bad day away from becoming a death eater” ohhhh ohhh i ought to beat you with sticks bc HUH? this is the same kid who said he would’ve boarded the train back to kings cross if he got sorted to slytherin, the house notorious for birthing DEs, at the tender age of 11)
anyways, all this to say is that romione is incredibly, realistically, materially romantic and i love them and i love their love <3
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asexualzoro · 6 months
it's december 9th, meaning today is my 23rd birthday (which is my favorite number!), which means it's time for...
Lew Writes Wrapped 2023!!!
im including anything that happened after my last bday, so we have some works from december as well. this one's a bit of a weird one for the total word count, you'll see why
it's all treebark from my sideblog / alt ao3. i cannot change. i will not change. for these im just gonna specify the relationship that's the main focus bc thats easier than fandom bc all but like one are third life
dandelion wishing
(Dec, 2.4k, treebark, oneshot) (link)
op movie 6 au for dogwarts in which Martyn is the baron and Ren doesn't know he's dead
id actually plotted out a whole third life au for this movie like months prior and really wanted to write it, so i took it for treebark week and focused it just on these two. it's my fave movie of all time and i obvs had to give it to my fave completely dead team <3
i will admit tho. it did make me back search martyns twitter to see if hes ever posted abt watching this movie. bc i know he likes One Piece and i realized this would bring me into the danger zone (he hasnt ever posted abt it if hes seen it)
A Romance Route for the Doomed Villain?!?
(Dec, 5k, treebark, oneshot) (link)
treebark dating sim isekai parody that spiraled out of my control made in a day-long possession
im still baffled by this one. why was the response to this one so insane?? there was smth in the water the day i posted this bro. a 1:2 kudos to hits ratio for the entire first day is literally fucking unbelievable. 70 comments?? what hold did this fic have on you people. i got fic written about this one?? my friends goncharov'd me in front of my face
really fucking fun to write and the insane response was smth im always gonna remember. i appreciate you guys so much
treesekai also turns a year old in a few days!
Until the Angels Realize You're Not One of Them
(Feb, 7.2k, emerald duo, oneshot) (link)
a traitor phil au which was mostly just me talking about all the reasons i love technoblade
this one... wasnt actually written this year for the most part? i didnt want to not acknowledge it, since it's on my ao3 in this year, but i wont be able to count it toward the total
still. traitor phil au my beloved. hearing him say on his stream he and techno wanted to do a betrayal arc made me feel insane bc i already had this written at the time
missing or obstructed
(2022-present, 12.9k, Grian & Ren, ongoing) (link)
post 3L fic about Ren and Grian seeking out closure with a lot of funny little sleep metaphors
same deal as the last fic, i, uh dont think i actually wrote anything new for missing or obstructed this year either? just uploaded chapters i wrote last year,,, i didnt wanna now acknowledge it, but i wont count this in my total later
i miss her. one day ill actually sit down and write more missing or obstructed. in my doc im JUST at introducing Martyn and i havent written it yet
to reach my mangled debut
(Sept, 4.2k, treebark week, ongoing) (link)
it wouldnt be me if i didnt have an execution somewhere in here. another op au!
THIS. I LOVE HER. when rev and i were plotting out the whole storyline for smop renchanting i was begging please give me this scene i need it and i had so much fun writing it. i rlly need to finish soon but i haven’t had time but please. please check out smop. she’s top of my priority list to update
Three-Dog Night
(Sept, 6.7k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
BIG DOG. beauty and the beast au!
god im so fond of this au. there’s some rlly good scenes written for this and unposted bc i just need to link them together. honestly i think if i took a month and focused it on this fic alone i could fucking finish it but i don’t have the time ;-;
that said i’m so enamored w this au genuinely. o dunno what else to say i just think. puppy
Cover Me In Roses
(Sept, 3.3k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
lamplight roleswap! put Martyn in a flower pot
i don’t feel as motivated to work on this one when i have lamplight unfinished so it’s lower on my priorities but know i have like an entire arc of this written and unposted. we just have a few paths for this one and i have to decide which one to use
it’s so wild to me lamplight has like. aus. like this isn’t even the only one? a roleswap. that’s insane? it’s wild that you all like lamplight enough i can even get away with this
First Sign of a House Fire
(Sept, 2k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
i love superhero stories for two reasons: plots about secrets and adapting the characters to give them powers. this had smth fun for both of them
yellow rose isn’t super high on my list of priorities to update (i think the oneshot is interesting on its own) but one day,,,, it’s part of the many aus cherri and i have but it’s the longest for sure. the doc for just this au is like 100k words long on its own. at the time i draft this cherri and i are actively writing smth else for it in another tab. theres like 4 offshoots and im obsessed w all of them. we had to make ocs about this one. i’m excited to eventually add more to this series
actually that’s one of the scenes i’m most excited for and most dreading adding. we made a backstory oc and im SO attached to him and im excited to post a thing out there w him but. ough. whatever cringe is dead i’ll get there eventually and brute force my way into attaching you to our funky little robot guy
also love that this fic forced me to be decided on a docv characterization that i have to stick to. he may be a canon guy to martyn’s vtuber lore but he’s my oc now too
(Sept, 2k, treebark week, ongoing) (link)
pirate au and royal au based on a big secret and also stuffing a guy in a box and it's all stupid dramatic literally what else do you want or need in life
this is my wife. my favorite. my most beloved. blindsided gives me new illnesses and diseases. i have just one scene to write before i can update it and then i can continue unleashing her. god i love this fic the drama of it is SO fun.
the funny thing abt blindsided is i know all the plot chronologically but now how to Present it which is part of why i haven’t continued too much. eventually i will but until then know that one of the scenes im sitting on which has been fully written is one i think about constantly. hopefully when i post it cherri’ll let free the comic she did for it
i actually have the ending of this fic written i just need to get there lmfao. second on my priority list after smop i think
Cradle of the Leviathan
(Sept, 1.5k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
i just love mer aus man. whats the point of it all if you cant have mer aus. just get a big ol fish
i have the ending of this au written as well and literally so little of the lead up. but this is pretty low on my priorities. i think this one stands just fine on its own. mer aus are nice like that
we actually have a few mer aus but for now i’ll be focusing on this one. i do have a few sweet post story things written for this one. maybe one day i’ll write enough to post em lmao
Lamplight AU
(2022-present, 47k, treebark, ongoing) (link)
renchanting dnd/fantasy au, martyn's a paladin and ren's a lamp
so i started this au last year. my wrapped last year said my total was 20k, so that means this year's total is.... 27k!
and… it was just lamplight’s birthday and i did all my appreciation for the fic and its readers then, but god. i love this fic so much and i love you all who have read it and been so kind about it. the amount of popularity it has makes it a bit nerve wracking to work on, but i still really want to see it finished. i hope to see the bulk of it done by this time next year!
Six Sentence Sunday
six sentence sunday is a challenge where i try to post six sentences i wrote that week every sunday, to keep me writing every week of the year! i do it over on my writing blog, @driflew
i did not keep up on my six sentences,,, i had a lot of sunday fencing tournaments. i did for ~33 weeks this year! thats a pretty good amount! i’ll have to be more on top of it next year tho
unpublished work
the last few years i havent included unpublished work, but with the extreme bulk of it, i wanted to note it down. cherri @/cherrifire and i have been writing a lot back and forth at each other in discord dms this year, and i wanted to include those in my count! bc holy fucking shit is there a lot of them
i didn’t include collab pieces, just pieces i wrote alone. i also only included the renchanting aus i share w cherri and scarian aus i share w flowey, nothing else—no unfinished lamplight or other independent pieces or oneshots, no original fiction for class, nothing. i also missed a few u haven’t moved to docs yet. so i’m lowballing by a few. thousands. of words
the total for those is...... 135k words! there is,,, something wrong with me
total and end notes
our total this year is...
187512 words!
that might be my highest word count yet! because i caught treebark disease. wild.
something really fun about this year to me is i really loved everything i wrote.
if you want to get me a gift or support me on my birthday… maybe try reading my work and reblogging it or leaving a comment! you can find my writing at driflew or skelew on ao3, follow my writing blog at @driflew, or even consider tipping my kofi!
thank you for sticking with me and supporting me this year! i really appreciate it! hopefully i can break 100k next year too!
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cherry-dr0p · 4 months
Im not gonna lie, the start kinda had me like "This is what I waited ages for?" But then when the animatronic testing came around, thats when my interest truly started to pick up.
First of all, WHY WOULD YOU TGINK THAT FACIAL RECOGNITION FOR ANIMATRONICS IS A GOOD IDEA??? GENUINELY DID NO ONE HAVE THE COMMON SEMSE TO GO "HM, THIS MAY END NOT GOOD". Like I kind of understand the appeal for it because they may want the kids to feel,, more connected to the animatronics?? I dunno. But like?? I can understand for that time period the desire to have the animatronics interact with the audience (Not saying its a good idea but at least I can understand with this one why they may think it is in my head), but cmon..
Then from what I remember, the sprites came. And Good god did they creep me out slightly when I first saw them, especially Edd and Molly. I dunno, there was something extra creepy in my eyes seeing kids' faces messed up like that. Crazy. I also screamed when I finally saw "Bon" because Ive been keeping up with the Twitter TWF community somewhat, which means I already technically knew about "Bon". It was pretty cool to have him finally introduced in the actual story himself. Also Charles and Susan talking about Felix's addiction and if they should tell Rosemary and Jack(?) is crazy.
Aaaahhh but then the scene with Jack came around. Was rooting for him ngl. I honestly thought he died at the well scene but I dont see any correlation to that quite yet,, mayhaps. Felix almost jumping did make me feel a tiny bit bad for him bit like,, still. Fuck you Felix. I still hate him and 100% think hes getting what hes deserving. He feels guilty? Good. He should.
I cant remember if the Susan scene comes after this or not but I erm uh,,, That was VERY well done!! It gave me chills how you could still hear her breathe. Genuinely. The blood as well and Rocket closing their eyes?? Crazy. The jittery animation drove me insane, it was such an amazing detail that made things far more uncomfortable.
I cant remember where abouts the other Felix scene came but,, HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH ROCKET. I DUNNO,, DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN TAKE IT WITH YOU?? PUT IT IN YOUR HOME OR RESTAURANT?? WHY DID YOU THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA. I SWEAR, MY GUY HAS NEGATIVE BRAINCELLS... But I also think we all know why he's so attached,, him getting haunted by the kids is wild.
The last scene very much makes me think "Bon" is Jack. I unno, very much could be wrong but just the way he talks and is dressed makes me think he is. The fact that he knows so well of what hes talking about and the voice,, maybe the general face shape too. Me thinks its either Brian(Ive saw that theory floating around) or Jack, but Im more leaning towards Jack. It also freaked me out slightly the way Susan came on all deformed too, that was freaky. The voices of all the characters in this new afterlife were very VERY cool too. And the whole mask being given and "Bon" talking about making her "beautiful" too? That was cool. The scene with Edd and Molly debating whether to save Susan too filled my heart with a weird sort of awe. They have a great relationship as siblings together imo, I do very much love their dynamic.
It'd be cool to see the other two episodes for the finale which I think are coming out very soon!! Which is very exciting!! I 100% reccomend TWF4, it's phenomenal and the wait was 200% worth it in my eyes. You can definitely see the developers heart and soul being put into this project, which is very nice to see. In my eyes, you dont see it often. I dunno if I missed out a scene or two from my rant but overall? I adored watching this (Ive already told some of my friends to watch it >:3).
Rant over anyways, buh bye for now :3
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69misato69 · 1 year
🍭I have arrived. Listen to me very carefully Venus. We got one shot at this. I need you to focus on me. Ajax and Zhongli are dating and they fuck live on stream every Friday. Write this shit down. You are not writing it down. I can see.
Good boy. Now then, fucking on stream was it? Yes. Cam boy show and a wholesome audience. I need them both transgender.
Zhongli isn't there, business meeting or something. I'm not sure, make it up. I trust you.
Ajax announces that he will be alone for the stream and chat is doing their best to keep him entertained. He misses Zhongli after all.
Halfway through the stream, Zhongli joins chat with a cheeky "Without me?"
He is supposed to be busy, so it doesn't cross Ajax's mind that he would be watching. Nevertheless, he is. After he joins it's a whole another form of - putting on a show -
Do not ask me any follow-up questions. Delete this is you refuse. I have a feeling that you won't.
Yours forever and always, my friend. Godspeed.
hi anon you are... insane i love you so very much. ur the only person i have ever seen that is more off the rails than i am. i hope you enjoy this <3
masterlist ✦ archive of our own ✦ twitter
camboys childe and zhongli, zl is unable to participate in their weekly show bc he is out of town so he comes up with another solution. (2k)
c: implied top zl x bottom childe, transmasc childe with top surgery and no bottom surgery, sex toys, overstimulation, voyeurism and exhibitionism
minors DNI please. enjoy !
Childe looks around the room to make sure everything is neat and tidy. It’s silent except for the computer’s fan humming softly. Awfully quiet without Zhongli. 
He hooks the cable to a larger screen and adjusts the camera. The lobby is already almost full, as it always is at least ten minutes before their weekly show. 
Childe clears his throat and takes a deep breath before starting the stream.
“Hi, everyone!” 
ajaxfucker69: hi jaxxx
mrincognitomode: HELLOOO
Chat floods with greetings. The forced smile on Childe’s face soon transforms into a genuine one upon reading the kind wishes, “Ah, good to see you all.”
rickastleyofficial: where lili :( 
The comment causes his eyes to lose their sparkle again. 
“So, right... About that, I have to tell you guys something.” he averts his gaze. 
hydroslime: NO OH MY GOD NO
thisismeta: DONT SAY IT OMG
ajaxfucker69: there is no fuckng way 
Dozens of comments speculate about their break up, already jumping to conclusions and expressing how devastated they are that Childe realizes how he should have probably led on differently.  
“No, no of course not.” he shakes his hands in the air, “It’s just that he had to leave for a trip right after last week’s stream. He was supposed to be coming back today but… Well, some family stuff. It’s a bit complicated. In short, I’m alone today.”
rickastleyofficial: GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK DAMN
zhonglikisser: thank god but everything is ok right? 
“Yes, everything is fine. But it was so last minute that we had no way of announcing it. We can wrap this up and do a longer one next week, maybe. What do you think?” Childe ruffles the back of his hair. He is visibly anxious about gathering all their audience and having to explain the sudden change of plans, but no one seems to mind.  
mrincognitomode: no no hehe go ahead
simphour: fuck yourself (affectionately. i will watch <3)
Childe laughs at the remark, “Alright. No objections? I can’t really do anything that we planned on my own, though. We’ll save those for next week.”
rickastleyofficial: pls just strip and finger urself im so hungry
“How can I say no to such a kind offer?” Childe tosses his shirt aside and slides the underwear off his legs. He pads his back with a pillow and leans on it, facing the camera sideways so that his full body is on display. The light bounces off his strong arms and legs, circles around his soft belly as a soothing breeze hits him between his thighs. 
Childe turns to read the bottom part of the screen, complying with every request. He parts one leg to the side as the other stays bent, hands teasing his own nipples until they’re hardened and sensitive to the touch. 
Soft moans that drive everyone insane and leave them begging for more. He chuckles and slips one hand between his thighs. A rare occurrence where everyone stops typing, only to resume as soon as Childe begins to slide two fingers up and down between his folds. 
He sighs blissfully, secretly sore from viciously fucking himself the whole week. He tries his best to go slow, to work out his aching cunt as it gets wetter with each passing second. 
zhonglikisser: do u miss him ajax ;(
“Oh boy, do I?” Childe hisses as he brushes against his clit, “A week’s just too long.” 
He circles around the sensitive bundle, pressuring every nerve ending to the point that he can’t catch his breath. 
“Fuck—” Childe sighs. He grows weak, legs twitching, voice shaking and hole quivering for more. 
ajaxfucker69: ur so handsome ill cry 
tartalitruther: BIG BOYY 
thisisalsometa: we r here dont worry ajax </3
Childe has a hard time figuring out why, but it’s much better when people are watching. It overwhelms him with pleasure knowing how so many people are drooling behind their screens, eyeing him up and down and swooning over him. 
Silent worship. 
Even better when Zhongli watches him when he’s not allowed to touch. He takes his time slowly working himself out and laughing as Zhongli crumbles. 
He grips his thighs and grunts with every flick of Childe’s wrist until he’s allowed to press his husband against the mattress and slam into him. 
Until they’re both covered in sweat and Childe’s hips are bruised from his grasp and Zhongli’s back is marked with his nails.
Childe occasionally glances at the screen but it gets harder and harder the more he melts into the sheets. The room closes twenty minutes in, so the sound of a new guest is usually never heard after that. Naturally, his eyes widen upon hearing it. 
A small crown symbol that signifies a creator’s account.
Zhongli: Good evening, everyone.
“Huh?” his hand stops moving. 
ajaxfucker69: HUSBAND CAMEO
ilyzhongli: yall get in formation
rickastleyofficial: hi zhongliii (twirls hair) 
“Zhongli? You—came?” Childe can’t believe his eyes. 
Zhongli: Not yet. You first.
godsgayestsoldier: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
rickastleyofficial: goofy ahh
Childe can’t help but laugh. Zhongli is supposed to be busy all week in a house full of his relatives, having excruciatingly long dinners every night that exhaust him into oblivion. It’s only when he’s with family that Childe gets to witness typos in his good night messages. 
Zhongli: Why don’t you spread your legs and show us? I feel like I’m not getting my money’s worth. 
ajaxfucker69: ur so right 
rickastleyofficial: pussy reveal RIGHT NOWWW 
Childe’s heart races, he shakily gets up and sits in front of the camera, spreading his legs. He’s embarrassingly wet now that Zhongli is here. He shifts forward as the chat goes berserk and slides his hand down again. 
Zhongli: Beautiful. 
God, he’s doing it on purpose. 
Childe can’t see his face or hear his voice but it’s so easy to trick himself into thinking that it’s Zhongli touching him. He digs deep with two of his fingers, curling them up against his sweet spot and whimpering at his own touch. 
Tears pool around his eyes as he bites down on his bottom lip. So sensitive and needy, he fights the urge to beg Zhongli to come back and lay him down. To kiss him all over and bury his head between Childe’s legs. 
It drives him insane to think about how Zhongli would be watching him. Is he alone, stroking his cock as he watches Childe — or is he at the family function with headphones on? 
It would be so wrong, with all those people around and his husband moaning in his ear.
Childe hopes it’s that one. He hopes Zhongli is hard under the table, fighting for his life and about to lose his mind. 
Before he realizes he’s already clenching around his own fingers, releasing with a low moan. 
ilyzhongli: TOY TOY TOY
zhonglikisser: the pink oneeee <3333 pls ajax
Childe collapses forward with a grin, “Tsk. So merciless today.” 
He reaches for the drawer with shaky legs, taking out a small vibrator with a remote controller. He settles back down as the chat bubbles over with excitement. 
Childe looks down, holding the device against his clit and turning it on. A squeak escapes his lips at the sensation. 
“Why don’t I take some questions from the audience, and if you like my answers I’ll change the frequency?” he proposes and slides it inside. His walls tighten with the low vibrations caressing his insides. 
rickastleyofficial: be honest did u fap to zhongli pics this week
“No.” a slightly twisted smile takes over Childe’s lips, “I did it to some voice messages, though.” 
Zhongli: Oh?
“While wearing his clothes, maybe. Who knows?” 
rexlapis: id be dying right about now
evenmoremetanow: this is true love everyone shut up
rickastleyofficial: put one on. right fking now 
Childe scrapes himself off the bed, “Well, of course.”
He makes his way to their wardrobe with trembling legs, picking out a soft, light-brown, collared shirt. 
He lays on his side and rests his cheek on his palm, “Might get it a bit dirty though, is that alright Zhongli?”
Zhongli: Paint it white. 
ajaxfucker69: u heard the man 
Childe giggles at the thought, “Ah, I’ve entertained enough requests, don’t I deserve a bit more?”
Zhongli: Agreed. Turn it all the way up.
He’s delighted to see Zhongli grow more invested by each passing minute. Sure, it’s impossible to hear it but his gentle yet demanding orders ring in Childe’s ears. He obliges happily, lower body twitching with the impact. 
“Tell me, chat. If you had a boyfriend this pretty—hah—would you leave him all alone like this?”
ilyzhongli: nooo
mrincognitomode: nuh uh
Childe squirms and aimlessly grips at the sheets. 
“That’s what I—ah—I thought.” 
With every incoming wave he grinds down on the mattress, so full yet hollow at the same time. It has to be Zhongli bending him over, ramming into his wall and filling him up until Childe is sobbing on his cock. 
“Zhongli…” he whimpers desperately without even noticing. 
Begs and pleas spill from his lips for him to return, to have him whatever way he wants to as he unravels and humps the mattress with the vibrator stuffed deep inside.  
Childe on their bed, using their toys in Zhongli’s clothes, moaning for him. 
There is no way he isn’t going insane. 
Childe can’t hold a position anymore, writhing in front of the camera with glossy eyes that make it impossible to read the screen. 
He cums again while gasping for air, drooling all over the collar and staining the skirt of his shirt. The fabric is pressed in between his thighs, soaking up the wetness of his dripping cunt. 
Childe rubs his eyes occasionally to skim the chat, but no one seems to have any intention to stop him. He lets out an unhinged laugh and rests on his back. 
The shirt folds to the other side, exposing his body.
It would be so cruel to rob everyone of the sight, to deprive Zhongli of the waist he loves holding and kissing up at. 
Childe’s back arches, hips pulsating with every orgasm as he tugs at his own hair and teases his nipples. 
He presses his thighs together, turning the vibrations even more violent. His senses are going numb. The computer’s fan, he can’t hear anymore through his clogged ears. Whenever he tries to direct his gaze to the screen, his pupils roll back with pleasure so intense it feels like Childe is going to rip in half. 
Face covered in his own spit and chest glistening with sweat, he palms over his cunt to find it drenched. He leaks all over Zhongli’s shirt, pathetic and so beautiful that no one can even spare half a second to blink. 
Tears stream down Childe’s face as he has no choice but to reach for the remote while shaking through another orgasm. 
Warmth overtakes him. He relaxes onto the bed with a long exhale and closes his eyes—
“My god.”
nomoremeta: u did so well <3
ajaxfucker69: ajax mwahhh  
Childe gains composure and finally opens his eyes to a clearer scene, replying to all comments breathily and bidding everyone farewell. The count on the upper right hand of the screen gradually goes down, until there’s one person left. 
One person that just won’t leave. 
Zhongli: The prettiest. 
“Show’s over, sir. I’m gonna have to ask you to leave the premises.” Childe says playfully. 
Zhongli: Just a few more minutes. 
Childe rolls up into a ball towards the camera and hugs his legs. 
“My love.” he types, already weakened with Childe’s soft, tired voice. 
“I miss you…” he whines. 
There is nothing Zhongli wants more than to hold him in a loving embrace, to revel in his scent with fingers carding through his soft, ginger locks until the morning. 
“I miss you too. So much. Two days, and I’m there. Okay?” he types out with one hand, the other soiled with his own cum, dribbling onto the bed. His hand still hovers, leaving light strokes along his spent cock. Zhongli gazes at the screen affectionately. 
“Did you like it?”
Zhongli: I did. Exquisite as always.
Zhongli: Why don’t I return the favor with a private show?
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aermageddon · 10 months
anon back from a week ago re: bbh being a messy bitch who likes drama and his ability to shape his fans opinions. still would love your take on this topic if you don't mind
i am sooo sorry omg i have the attention span of an alcoholic toddler!!!! yes ok so I don't have that many examples on hand because i'm not a library of exo content, all my bookmarks on twt are a mess ugh
but re: manipulation and what i would actually call being an expert at exploiting an atmosphere but everyone else calls being an attention whore
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exhibit A: him "drunk texting" fans on bubble during exo fanmeet in april. mind you this was right in the middle of the legal battle with SM which we had no idea about at the time. fans were so emotional - first exo performance as a full group in over 3 years, baekhyun fresh off his military life, yadda yadda yadda - he was pretty drunk from the post concert dinner the group had. yet later we found out idols need to review messages THREE TIMES before sending anything on bubble lmao 😭 i'm not saying he was faking it - i'm saying even drunk he knew exactly what these texts were gonna do to the fans. he is that good at riling people up like that + preemptively digging his parasocial nails into the fandom cause he knew shit was about to hit the fan.... I love his mind
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exhibit B: the most recent example and something that had me crawling up the walls. i'm not saying he faked it or that he planned to fall asleep on purpose during a livestream, i completely believe baekhyun is careless and overworked enough to do that. what makes me scream into a pillow is the way he was UNFAZED by that shit when he woke up. had his manager blowing up his phone asking him to wake up and +40k people hearing him moan in his sleep and he woke up and stayed in the livestream. FOR 30 MORE MINUTES. he laughed it off and started joking teasing people etc etc like he genuinely dgaf.
might I add this pattern of starting twitter lives early in the morning only started after the comeback which i think is very interesting. i dont think its a coincidence at all but i need to gather my thoughts on that
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exhibit C: not manipulative per se but this fucking clip is so insane to me i love how the worst things happened to exo completely unprompted it's like seeing an episode of the office. anyway baekhyun taking one for the team and distracting fans with his silly little dance.. THAT'S RIGHT HE'S THE GUY THAT STEPPED UP. and i think it showcases his quick thinking and social skills perfectly cause the rest of these men were frozen in place with half their asses out but baek just took it like a champ lol. he just wants to be seen <3 and told he's done a good job <3 give him all the praises please
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exhibit D: this horrible fucking live. just baekhyun as a whole in superm.... like he's not dumb he knew nctzens were eating him up and shipping him w taeyong and what did he do? he went ahead and gave them exactly what they wanted.. while wrapping taeyong around his little finger might I add. now i think irl baekhyun and taeyong aren't that close, they're like those friends from work that you genuinely like but it's not someone you would seek out outside of pretty specific social settings. but baekhyun isn't fucking stupid he knew nctzens were a segment of kpop fans he could tap into and either turn into his own fans or he could get slapped in the face by exols turning on him.
anyways this is so fucking long im sorry to ppl following me i'm on mobile and can't make a read more. no one cares about the weird things i only notice about baekhyun but yes there's more to it i just dont have links for most things... but there's not a lot of specific examples idk once you notice it you just watch content with baekhyun and it becomes pretty clear.
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austronauts · 2 years
the mitch marner (emotional support twink) primer
this originally existed as an unhinged googledoc I made for my friend and myself but more people started asking for it so I’m transferring it to my tumblr instead.  I apologize in advance for uh, everything about this really.  also thank you to all the tumblrs i link here!!!!!!!!!!!  i’ll update/edit this as the need arises.
Sections are organized as follows:
general soft boy shit (aka “hes just a little dude...but my god is he loud”)
Mitch & his many dads/older brothers: aka Mitch and his Daddy Issues aka Why does every older man on your team become your dad? Why does every older man on your team come to take you under his muscular wing & come to view you as a yappy little pursedog that must be protected? WHY??????  (This section spiraled out of my control. I’m sorry)
Mitch Marner/Dylan Strome: ALSO an analysis of how auston needs to do better bc Dylan is a fellow SIMP and let me tell you: THEIR MUTUAL LOVESICK PUPPY behavior IS SOME GOOD SHIT
Mitch Marner/Auston Matthews: The vegan macaron/hunky meatwall (with mustache) ship that keeps me nourished and hydrated
SECTION 1: Primer & Soft Boy Shit
I’m not really going to talk about Mitch’s career and skills and all that because that’s what wikipedia pages are for. And if you ever watch Mitch play his skills are so so so obvious and mind-boggling. I’m just going to go straight into the sicko shit of what makes me want to like... gnaw on him like a chewtoy and squeeze him like a gogurt packet until he explodes.
https://pyrexic.tumblr.com/post/133980108208/if-anyone-wanted-to-know-what-happens-when-you  I actually put this up top because this…I think is the most important primer you could read before delving into this monstrous documentation of my insanity. Why, you ask? Because it reveals a huge part of Mitch’s essence: someone who constantly wants and needs affection, is always giving affection, and seems almost embarrassingly transparent about it. Like, I grew up with jocks my whole life and have SEEN how toxic their social media is + how performative masculinity prevents them from showing vulnerability and affection. So, obviously this is a cherry-picked selection of tweets, but I do find it sweet that he doesn’t seem to shy away from public declarations of love or acting like a puppy with a twitter account. 
This other mitch marner primer that’s far better than mine and gives you more insight into mitch’s life and how unbearably soft and squishy he is
https://theathletic.com/2469915/2021/03/25/mitch-marner-ohl-season/ An article that talks about what Mitch was like before he debuted in the NHL. THIS IS SUCH A GOOD ARTICLE but does have a paywall…if you don’t have a subscription, copy+pasting the athletic link into here should allow you to bypass
This episode of Connor Carrick (one of his former teammates)’s podcast that Mitch is featured on gives so much insight into Mitch’s personality and the guiding principles he tries to live by in sports and life. He’s just so genuinely caring and soft. CARING AND SOFT.
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/157908305701/theres-no-need-to-size-up-mitch-marner An entire article about how small Mitch is basically? I include it here bc of the part where Matt Martin (Mitch’s first Leaf Dad) makes fun of Mitch for being tiny lmao
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/155875792161 Just some soft boop images of Mitch Marner barnacle-ing himself onto various different meaty men “Dylan, what should people know about Mitch?” “He loves cuddling” AhahahaHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA oh my goddddddd
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/157080767571/im-so-bitter-about-the-fact-that-they-made-him Auston saying Mitch’s cheeriness in the morning is a bit too much sometimes lmao. He looks GENUINELY tired and fed up. It’s great
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/156622951361/bonus-when-talking-about-mitch-and-auston EARNEST BABY KNOW-IT-ALL MITCHY Also Matthew Tkachuk talking about how loud Mitch is.  Mitch being really loud is a KNOWN THING (Morgan Rielly: “he just never shuts up”)
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/178636861456/auston-he-mitch-is-notorious-for-watching “Mitch is notorious for watching these kids cartoons movies,” said known cinephile auston matthews
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/157524671086/mitch-marner-rockin-those-knee-high-socks-since Just a knobby-kneed cutie :’’’)
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/166824930006/a-guy-that-is-so-small-poor-mitchy-lol “A guy that is so small.” “A GUY THAT IS SO SMALL”
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/172351445501 “Just a fun goofy kid” :’’’) wow they love their pup
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/159612343906/yes-keep-on-praising-my-son-please Just some players praising rookie Mitch for his skill…and ofc talking about how small he is lmao
SECTION 2: ZADDY! Mitch the baby leaf & His Team of (ex-) Leaf Dads. (aka Mitch anytime he meets a man even 1 day older than him: Hello are u my dad? HI DAD)
So i think it’s important to preface this section with the note that Mitch has a definite habit of attaching himself to any older player he can consider a father figure/older brother. He says things like “he takes care of me,” or “I feel taken care of,” or “I feel protected,” when talking about these teammates, which makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that Mitch really really really wants to feel protected and safe (wats mitch’s love language? just being a little dude!). I’m not going to psychoanalyze here… but I do think it’s interesting that Mitch’s dad is notorious for being a “Hockey Dad” who pushed Mitch relentlessly on and off the ice, and has antagonized himself somewhat in the media and from the Maple Leafs team for toxic behavior. (For reference, I’ll just share This documentary about Mitch when he was really young ) I know Mitch loves his dad and that Mitch wouldn’t be where he is without that passion and sacrifice from his parents, and I cannot IMAGINE everything Mitch’s dad did to help Mitch get where he is in his career. But at the same time, Mitch’s hunger for older supportive father figures who will “protect” and “take care of” him seems much more pronounced than any other athlete i’ve followed. Because Mitch has so many dads, this part is broken into subsections, ordered by increasing significance lmao. The 2 MOST important dads are at the end (Matt Martin, Patrick Marleau)
Dad Subsection: Random Assortment of dads/older brothers
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/159281136646/so-i-just-asked-who-mitchs-roomie-on-the-road-is Zach Hyman - not that much older than Mitch. Still dad
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/686879090146492416/travisdermott-x Zach Hyman - seeing/hearing Mitch singing loudly during his media interview
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/685016310642622464/oilers-leafs-january-5-2022 Zach Hyman - complimenting Mitch and calling him “Mitchy” even after he got traded to a rival team. 
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/684698381637025792 Zach Hyman - just really loves Mitch a lot!
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/684698793746300928/a-little-nerdy-kid Nathan Mackinnon - putting this here because this isn’t really DAD content per se but it is one of the cutest fucking things I’ve ever read. Nathan Mackinnon really EMPHASIZES how small Mitch is at least THREE times. This entire interview is literally Nate just going “Minch is just a little dude and I’m going to kidnap him” over and over again? The hilarious thing is - according to their official NHL profiles they are the same height lmao (although Nathan has ~13 kgs on Mitch) WHAT IS THE TRUTH?
https://9116.tumblr.com/post/680170009989906432 Again, Mo isn’t really a DAD per se, but this video of Mitch feeding Mo a timbit is adorable. Also, Mo is just great. 
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/159731626681/someone-had-the-guts-to-touch-mitch-so-papa-bozie Tyler Bozak - dad. And DAD PROTECC
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/685458623405703168/willynylanders-why-are-you-so-happy-me Mitch hugging James van Riemsdyk like a little koala bear because why not?
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/158514417666/mitch-kicking-the-puck-jvr-standing-up-for-his James van Riemsdyk - who “RARELY FIGHTS” - standing up immediately for Mitch and fighting the opposing team player who hit Mitch. They love their little son. Honestly seeing how much Mitch is loved by the older players is one of the most endearing things I’ve ever seen with my tired cynical eyeballs.  Mitch also vacationed with JVR (and Justin Holl who will get his own subsection) in Italy this summer. 
https://brandoncarlo.tumblr.com/post/161798964692/sorry-brian Brian Boyle - chirping Mitch for his poor baseball skills. Mitch, earnestly responding - “Sorry, Brian”
https://brandoncarlo.tumblr.com/post/158757352277/theyre-all-bullies Brian Boyle - casual bullying is a hockey dad’s greatest love language
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/156925254931/please-let-the-chin-grab-forever-be-a-thing-it This is how you do a goal celly with a baby, apparently. a little chin grabbing
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/156292739506/glovesdropped-one-thing-these-kids-bring-to-the This is how you do a goal celly with a baby Part II
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/156416870286/a-pup-with-his-dad-and-two-uncles-3 Mitch and his adoring circle of dads
Dad Subsection: Zach Bogosian
During Covid, Zach’s wife and kids were stuck in the States, so Mitch and his fiancee invited Zach to live with them. Zach is 8 yrs older than Mitch and looks at least 15 yrs older (I mean this in a complimentary way to both lmao). 
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/684638392862048257/its-just-intensely-precious-that-bogo-wasnt-with Their special handshake!
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/683014218066411520 Special handshake again! (
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/684638108496642048 They went on vacation together (also please note the size difference of bogo’s and mitch’s HANDS????????? Bogo’s GIANT POTLID HANDS vs. Mitch’s dainty little hands)
https://twitter.com/kristen_shilton/status/1441424046772482053 Interviewer: what is it like to live with Zach? Mitch: well first of all Zach is a DADDY
https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/video/bogosian-marner-living-together/?show_id=13373 Zach talking about what it was like to live with Mitch. Zach is a pretty good and enthusiastic interviewer (compared to other hockey players who have the off-ice charisma and eloquence of a rock covered in dead grass bits), but the way his face - especially his eyes - visibly soften when he starts talking about living with Mitch?? Yes I’m reading into shit way too much but you can tell how genuine his affection for Mitch and Steph is.
Dad subsection: Justin Holl
Justin also lived with Mitch during Covid and apparently have the closest friendship on the Leafs (devastating day for all auston/mitch shippers. I jest but seriously. Noone knew that they were that close until recently and we were all shook).
Ok I already have a Mitch/Justin primer here so am just going to link that https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/686949261073645568/wait-justin-holl-lore-as-a-verified-lore
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/682592207827517441 Vacationing together in Miami *They vacationed together again this summer in Italy and Paris
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/686698201859915776/dermott-via-12jholls-instagram-story-december Spending Christmas together
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/682365966615805952/mitch-just-getting-bullied-x Casual bullying
Dad Subsection: Nazem Kadri
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/171446123931 Nazem Kadri - DAD
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/159349132011/ive-had-thorough-conversations-with-all-of-them NAZEM KADRI - DAD AGAIN (also “mitch is my special project” is so cute wtf)
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/686422919286587392/anzekopistar-thank-you-naz-for-this-blessing Mitch looking like a tumescent little THUMB in Naz’s instagram story (of the 2 of them hanging out at a baseball game together)
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/684926483647627264/tysbarrie-post-game-nazem-kadri-january-25 It’s the way Naz’s entire face softens into a fond smile when he notices Mitch for me. WHYyYYyy
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/684926399776194560/travisdermott-from-a-teammates-point-of-view An excellent comprehensive set of Mitch + Naz moments
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/682260490254254080/actual-puppy-mitch-marner I love that Naz’s instinct with Mitch is to actually treat him like a puppy lmao. No but forreal I find this gif so endearing it makes me want to gnash my teeth and run into the woods.
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/681995581230612480/andersens-source Naz is the “cool dad”  part 1 - Mitch and Naz playing pranks on unsuspecting teammates and finding it the most hilarious thing on this planet
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/685561480832303104/weewillynylanders-nazem-kadri-vs-mitch-marner Naz is the “cool dad” part 2 - gamer bros
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/160854392336 Nazem Kadri posts instagram pic. Son Mitch complains that he’s not tagged in it. He is not tagged in it because HE IS NOT IN THE PHOTO. Dad Nazem tags Mitch anyway. LOVE THIS
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/157791804906/but-guys-mitch-used-this-for-his-new-instagram Where Mitch - with the use of a single emoji - emphatically declared “I’m baby.”
THE VERY IMPORTANT SUBSECTION: MATT MARTIN - so it turns out that Matt was the ultimate OG team dad/older brother/emotional support jock for Mitch when he was a wee rookie. Their relationship is actually the cutest fucking thing and i may scream right now in this club. The most important part of Their Lore is that when Mitch was a rookie, the Leafs’ then coach Mike Babcock did this terrible thing of asking Mitch to rank all his teammates (literally ALL older and more experienced than him) by work ethic. Babcock presumably did this to teach Mitch that Mitch needed to work harder, but my GOD, what an incredibly shitty thing to do to a rookie. Anyway, Mitch made this list and put himself down last, which is probably what Babcock intended. THe real shitty thing Babcock did though was to TELL the Leafs that Mitch ranked in the bottom 3 that MITCH RANKED THEM IN THE BOTTOM 3. Again, I cannot emphasize enough - what the fuck and WHY would you do this to a rookie who’s trying to adjust to the NHL and fit into the team??? Anyway, to give massive amounts of credit to the Leafs here (because we know of a lot of toxic lockerrooms that would not have done the same), they all defended Mitch (who literally cried when this happened because of course you would!). Matt Martin, however, got HEATED in particular and apparently got into a fight with Babcock that escalated so much that other teammates needed to intervene. Apparently this massive break in the relationship between Babcock and Matt Martin was one of the factors that led to Matt Martin getting traded to the Islanders soon after. But anyway, they still seem to be close (Mitch went to Matt Martin’s wedding; Matt Martin LITERALLY wears a Mitch jersey - NOT FROM HIS MAPLE LEAFS DAYS BUT FROM MITCH’S PRE-NHL LONDON KNIGHTS DAYS; Matt Martin wore a chain/necklace with Mitch’s jersey number - 16 - on it at his own wedding. WHAT IS GOING ON???? Matt Martin’s now wife Sydney also treats Mitch like a son & was an older sister figure for Mitch’s fiancee Steph etc. no honestly if you don’t let me stop i will go on forever so just please muzzle me and drag me away from my laptop this instant)
Also there’s genuinely so much Mitch/Matt moments so I’m sorry to do this but I must direct you to my Matt Martin tag because there’s more here. I do tend to reblog the same things over and over again mostly due to my shit memory, but THIS IS REALLY the most comprehensive Matt/Mitch shit out there I GUARANTEE YOU. if u dont believe me we can make a bet about it on draftkings or whatever shit wayne gretzky is shilling out there these days.
With this incredibly long preface out of the way, I now present:
Leaf to Leaf video between Matt & Mitch part 1 This is literally…the flirting and sexual tension - this is why toronto maple leafs deleted this video from their channel i just know it. No but seriously - their playful chirping (and Mitch trying to insult Matt twice and immediately backing down because Mitch Marner is BAD AT VERBAL JABS), their agreement to go to Italy TOGETHER just THE TWO OF THEM, THE BLINDFOLDED SENSUOUS MAPLE SYRUP TASTING. SIR, WHAT IS GOING ON. FELLAS IS IT GAY?
Leaf to Leaf video between Matt & Mitch Part 2  The actual Part 2 has disappeared into the void of the internet but this video has most of it - the argument about who’s better at Monopoly. HELP. They’re both so fucking dumb and I’m going to eat them.
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/166941715371  i am being attacked
lichtrally the sweetest photo of all time I WILL NOT STOP YELLING
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/166775411676 Mitch basically - “ok so Matt Martin is my dad”
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/156678922086/dare-013117 Dad introduces son to the dark art of smelling salts
Matt on defending Mitch from opponent players: “Noone touches my Mitchy.”
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/155931985081/credit-httpswwwredditcomrleafscomments5o2 MORE DAD SON SUPERSTITIONS AND BONDING
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/158789962401/huggsies-after-the-win-against-the-devils Dad son hug
https://mrsfleury91.tumblr.com/post/156196438546 Dad-son connection. DAD SON VACATION!
So Patty joined the Leafs in 2017, and became Auston and Mitch’s official team dad. Like, Patty literally called Auston and Mitch his 5th and 6th sons several times. Again, I must direct you to my Patrick Marleau tag if you, like me, are a feral internet raccoon that enjoys dumpster diving for CoNtEnT.
But some key moments: 
The Patrick Marleau & Mitch Marner Leaf to Leaf: Part 1 Part 2 Many cute and questionable moments (for example, why does Mitch call a stick figure a pencil man…I genuinely do not understand. Is this a Canadian thing or a Mitch Marner thing (something I have asked myself one too many times), but the most devastating moment is when Mitch asks “what advice would you give me?” and Patty says this. WITH THE SOFT MELLIFLUOUS PIANO IN THE BACKGROUND THAT THE LEAFS VIDEO EDITORS TOTALLY ADDED TO EMOTIONALLY MANIPULATE ME INTO EXPERIENCING ONE (1) FEELING….ITS JUST A LOT
 Patty’s Player’s Tribune message after he retired - the part where he talks about Auston and Mitch especially. Cool cool cool im fine im fine
Mitch, Auston, and Patty getting interviewed by Elliotte Friedman - this is where they talk about how they became close. I think I noted this above somewhere but they bonded by watching Cars 3 together while eating dessert. Mitch and Patty were on one bed. I don’t know how to explain it but this is the most Mitch Marner thing ever, including the dubious choice of movie. I mean, Cars 3? Thee worst Pixar film?
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/685443729556979712/cmarleau-our-summer-nights-are-side-note Lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. WHAT is happening.
Mitch & Auston talking about Patty being an old boring dad
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/682173512704819200/tysegs-marnsmallow-id-just-like-to-point-out When your biological son wears SOCKS with your adopted son on them, I believe that’s when you can say you’ve reached the absolute pinnacle of fatherhood.
Patty, his wife, and kids being interviewed The best part is when they ask the kids who the best mini-sticks player in their family is, and the exchange between 2 kids go like this: [Who’s the best mini-sticks player] Kid 1 (they dont show who’s speaking here so I don’t know!): MITCH! Kid 2: no they mean in OUR family Kid 1: he IS in our family! 
Section 3: MITCH MARNER/DYLAN STROME: SWEET PUPPY LOVE & BLATANTLY SACCHARINE PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION The real enemies-to-lovers narrative was coming from inside the house (house: the 2015 nhl draft kids)
https://pyrexic.tumblr.com/post/133979944708/the-ballad-of-mitch-and-dylan The Mitch / Dylan primer
https://live-in-fury.tumblr.com/post/146582256497/talk-more-about-stromemarner-i-like-reading The Mitch / Dylan primer part 2
https://mcdavid97.tumblr.com/post/128125813011/the-selfie-result taking derpy selfies together: LMAO
https://crosbs.tumblr.com/post/137934824037/stromarner-firing-it-up-again Dylan Strome to Mitch: “hi bae”
https://hawkwardly.tumblr.com/post/133383650832/smiley-rielly-dylan-stromes-player-cam Dylan & Mitch: being idiot hotel roomies together
https://dwstrome.tumblr.com/post/144624590772/last-hug-first-hug Just 2 boops cuddling
https://live-in-fury.tumblr.com/post/152401123377/do-you-ever-think-about-softstromarner-because-i Literally Dylan Strome: “I love you”
https://wonthetrade.tumblr.com/post/156469676980/in-that-third-gif-of-the-marner-dropping-the-puck Soft boys!!! Also comparing the Mitch/Dylan ship to Mitch/Auston is so interesting bc of how different Dylan and Auston are? It seems Dylan at least MATCHES Mitch’s enthusiasm for simping and cuddling and physical affection and like…wow…Auston…do better!!
https://jasonspezzas.tumblr.com/post/646313515096899584/look-all-im-saying-is-trade-alex-kerfoot-for THEY BOTH LOVE CUDDLING. HOW DO THEY KNOW THIS?
https://virtanucks.tumblr.com/post/155427979527/fruit-salad-by-dylan-strome-feat-mitch-marner Just 2 puppies attacking fruit
Addendum: Mitch’s relationship with Dylan AND Connor Mcdavid aka the 3 top canadian boys from the 2015 NHL draft is really sweet. Most of the Mitch/Connor stuff is captured in my connor mcdavid tag But some additional mitch/dylan/connor stuff - The 2015 NHL draft everglades tour, The 2015 NHL draft baseball game, and this photo I find adorable
SECTION 4: Auston/Mitch Auston/Mitch are the most popular ship out there so I’m going to keep this section relatively concise because, but some cute highlights from MY perspective.
ok honestly - i have some stuff down below but nothing will be as important, comprehensive, or heartbreaking as this incredible 1634 primer written by @typicaltk
https://zoehickel.tumblr.com/post/154354808778/okay-but-auston-and-mitch-canonically-drive This primer is 5 yrs old but i guess in some ways it is the library of alexandria of 1634. So let’s start here.
 I dont have links for this because it’s like eminently obvious in every single photo of them but their size difference is basically...[longest yeah boy in the world.mp4]
One of my favorite things about Mitch and Auston is Mitch’s devotion to gassing Auston up in every media appearance he does: The NHL players discuss fashion trends video - Mitch’s response for everything is “Well I can’t pull that off but u know who can? AUSTON. I JUST THINK HE’S NEAT. HEARD OF HIM?”  NHL players guess their NHL video game rankings video - please note Mitch’s OUTRAGE (and squeaky voice) at how low auston’s score is while auston himself is just “ok cool” 
https://mitchski.tumblr.com/post/181380540673/x The most important auston/mitch moment in my humble opinion. HE COULDN’T LET GO OF ME. 
https://mitchski.tumblr.com/post/181380206933/x i was looking respectfully* (*= this is a flagrant lie)
https://leafsgm.tumblr.com/post/680835740192718848/mitch-and-austons-heritage-classic-gloves-i they both draw smiley faces and shit on their gloves to remind themselves that hockey is supposed to be fun
https://9116.tumblr.com/post/184088746020/mitch-marner-shot-by-auston-matthews-apple have u ever wondered what mitch looks like from auston’s perspective. now u know
auston chirping mitch on social media:  mitch’s poor baseball skills (ft. mitch’s scrawny butt wiggling lmao)  auston not responding well to mitch nagging auston for instagram tags  auston chirping mitch on instagram then backtracking 
https://mitchski.tumblr.com/post/154732764998/x auston: mitch copies (derogatory) my style  mitch: i just copy (affectionate) auston :D *OK I think this deserves more scrutiny because clearly SOMETHING about this moment taught mitch the wrong lesson that adding a hat to any outfit officially elevates the outfit to FASHION, COUTURE, GLAMOUR. and i... give a man a fish u feed him for a day. teach a man about hats and u’ll be tormented with weird hat photos for the rest of ur life. that’s how the saying goes right
Mitch responding to Auston’s GQ photoshoot & trying to be supportive but failing (the moment comes towards the end of the video but including the entire link because he’s cute lol)
https://mitchski.tumblr.com/post/664607719503937536/x Auston complimenting Mitch’s karaoke skills
https://nhldraftbust.tumblr.com/post/680756976047865856/phillymyers-known-goon-mitch-marner-defends KNOWN TWINK GOON MITCH MARNER IMMEDIATELY JUMPING INTO FIGHT A MUCH LARGER MAN FOR HIS MUCH LARGER FRIEND AUSTON MATTHEWS.  Mitch Marner’s fighting skills include: aggressive hugging, weaponized cuddling, ????????????????? 
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alegator · 2 months
hiii everyone :D i miss tumblr so bad and the ability to make long form blog posts ugh twitter is not the same plus the site and app are literally so shit. even though the tumblr app is not much better sometimes!! ive decided i want to post more on here to continue my little virtual diary…. I love the tagging system and most of all, love being able to look back and read my own updates!!! it’s crazy how it can help me recall the exact feeling of that moment… it feels special :) Twitter is great for quick fleeting thoughts so i wanna make lengthy life posts on here as a little time capsule, so i can have fun looking back and reading all my posts 10 years from now (if this site still exists. but i joined in 2011 and its still here so who knows). plus ive been posting my entire life on here for YEARS so who cares i will be vulnerable and over share and shit!!!!!! as is tumblr tradition… fuck it if youre my cousin on my homestuck side you can have my SSN.
moving on, here are fun life updates:
- celebrated my 11th anniversary on Feb 14th with the love of my life, Tenma!!!! i have been affectionately calling it the 7/11 anniversary since it’s been 11 years together, but also 7 years married 🤯 it actually fucks me up so bad that 2017 was 7 years ago like. genuinely lol FUCKKK HOOWWW 2017 should’ve been like 3 years ago. we choose to get married on the same day Tenma asked me out, which is also Valentine’s Day, and it was the best decision of all time for SO many reasons. maybe i will make a fun big post detailing those thoughts that another time!! we spent our anniversary day trying out a new coffee spot (so cute and SO pink omg), taking photo booth pictures at a new spot, exploring cute shops, and having an insanely delicious set menu i think maybe 6 courses? at a very fancy restaurant. i think 3 years ago we tried a new restaurant on our anniversary w their set Valentine’s Day menu course and it was so good, fun, and the best way to try out new foods so we’ve kept it going and i LOVE IT!!!!! i am already excited to see what tenma picks out for next year lol. finished the night by watching In The Mood For Love at our favorite local movie theater and i LOVED the movie, the whole end until bedtime we were just talking about it and dissecting it together. i love our life!!!!!!!!!
-tenma and i went to disneyland at the end of February for our anniversary trip!! ive gone before but they haven’t. IT WAS SO FUCKING FUN i am not a Disney fan at all but i love disneyland idk it’s just fun as fuck… um my feet were fucked afterwards lol but so worth it. one day at disneyland and the next at California aventure i wanna go back already but most importantly, tenma was already talking about wanting to go back and that makes me so happy bc it means they really enjoyed it!!! yay!!!! they even went on rides they thought were really scary just so we could try them together just once and that filled my heart with joy. then we also got to meet my online friend and had hotpot together. DELICIOUS i want to go back and explore LA next time and see more friends!!!! we are maybe planning a trip to San Fran in a few months though as the consulate is there to get my passport so that will take priority over any other trips☝🏼
-I GOT MY GREENCARD YEAGHHRHRHFJF!!!!!!!! ok actually i got it last year lol i wasn’t sure if i should put that on here but actually im so happy so fuck it!!! and then we celebrated by having a fancy dinner and I shared the news w the waiter who said he also did the same process w his wife! and yes i cried when i got my greencard idc i am HAPPY! crazy bc i got DACA for the first time in 2013 and then in 2023 i got my greencard… it’s been a fucking rollercoaster. and tenmas been there literally every step of the way…. Tenma is my rock I love them so much im crying typing this bc of how much i love them and how much they always support me and augnfngnfmg
-concerts this year have been Sonic symphony, kikuo/bo en/gus, Hannah Diamond, and hatsune miku (mikuexpo 2024)!!!!!!!! i loved all of the concerts genuinely so fun and next month i am taking my youngest sibling to a concert of a guy I don’t know but they love him so we will go and have a blast 🫡 idk if I’ll buy more tickets to more concerts but even if I don’t, it’s been a really really good year concert wise and i got to experience so many fun shows i never thought i would see live before!!
-spent time with lovely friends and celebrated old friendships and new ones yaaaay i love my friends and im blessed to have a good support system and I can’t wait to see what new friends I make in the future….
-I have a cold rn and took nighttime meds and unfortunately they are starting to hit so it’s time to say goodnight to tumblr…
If you read this far ummm ok weirdo… lol just kidding but i will try and post my lil life updates and pics more often so that not all my posts are like. months worth of writing… or maybe I won’t and the next time I make a post will be in a year idk!!!! this site is full of so many memories both good and bad and it’s dear to my lil heart, even if the feel isn’t the same since everyone mass migrated to Twitter, I want to come back here more often and make new memories whenever I can. goodnight 💤
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paraemu · 22 days
ok like i said on twitter here's a bullet point list on my dragon ball yaoi opinions
Goku/Vegeta: i know this is most popular for obvious reasons but this is a classic case of fujos deluding themselves. im not gonna say vegeta hasn't experienced some level of attraction towards goku but like he fully does love bulma and i genuinely dont think goku is capable of romantic or sexual attraction. that said i think their relationship as it is in canon is pretty interesting even without putting on the yaoi goggles
Gohan/Piccolo: this one i kind of get. people want gohan to have yaoi and he does have a pretty special bond with piccolo but this bond is explicitly a father/son thing. piccolo literally says in the show that gohan is like his own son. "piccolo is technically around the same age as gohan" he was obviously mentally an adult when gohan was a toddler so dont even try honestly
Gohan/Dende: if you REALLY need to ship gohan with a man this is your only real choice. its cute and had a lot potential pre-saiyaman saga but after videl i can only see it being one-sided. poor dende
Gohan/Trunks: ok this one needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis so lets break it down
Future Trunks/Future Gohan: after everyone else died gohan probably had to help bulma change trunks's diapers and keep him entertained and stuff so trunks was like a little brother to him. for trunks though gohan was this really cool masculine ideal that he was chasing after and i think its not a stretch to say those feelings took on a distinctly non-plantonic tint during puberty even tho he knew gohan would never see him that way. its safe to say gohan was future trunks's first (and only?) love
Future Trunks/Present Gohan: the roles have been inverted, now trunks is the cool powerful adult and gohan is the kid trying to match his strength. i think if they had been able to spend enough time one-on-one gohan might've developed a similar crush but with how little they saw each other and how high tension the situation was he was just left with the feeling that long hair really suited him...
Present Trunks/Present Gohan: we know canonically gohan was on babysitting duty for goten and trunks both. they have a brotherly relationship and trunks thinks gohan is kind of lame for being a nerd but he still looks up to him at times. no yaoi to be found this time around
Goten/Trunks: NOW we're talking! this is the crowning jewel of dragon ball yaoi. they grew up together, they're best friends who spend all their time together, they're the poster boys of fusion, they're literally attached at the hip. its got everything you could ask for in a good ship. case in point: gt and super both tried to make them het and they still haven't managed to put a single dent on their popularity. i hope they get married and have full saiyan babies
Whis/Bills: i love this one. they're such old gay queens who have been married since the down of time. im surprised its not more popular tbh, i think their involvement is blatant. couldnt have picked a better duo to relaunch the franchise
Whis/Goku, Whis/Vegeta: ok the way whis keeps checking out goku and vegeta is INSANE. he's not even trying to be subtle. that said i dont think he actually wants to fuck them hes just a muscle fan and they both remain oblivious
Android 17/Piccolo: ???? this is popular on twitter and idk why. ik they fought each other but nothing remotely bait-y happened in that fight. im chalking this one up to 17 is the only twink in db and ppl are desperate to have someone to ship him with
Yamcha/Tenshinhan: another pair the spares type of situation. its valid ig i just don't give a fuck about either of them. also i think tenshinhan is married to chaoz
Mr. Satan/Majin Buu: I SEE NO DIFFERENCE LOVE IS LOVE!!! ok jokes aside this one is literally canon. look at this figure and tell me it isnt
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twopoppies · 2 years
I have this coworker who went to see an early screening of DWD and spent 15 minutes trying to convince me to watch it because, and I quote “ it’s really hot seeing Harry Styles like that, I think you would like it” wtf??? Absolutely not, nothing about that movie is hot????? I don’t care who tf it is. Non con is never ok or hot even in movies. I am absolutely disgusted, and she’s not even a fan of Harry and she’s saying this bullshit. I can’t even imagine what solo harries on Twitter are saying. I genuinely feel sick, O should have never said this movie is for the female gaze, Im pretty sure it helped contribute to this bullshit. People are fucking insane thinking this shit is ok. I will never support her or this fucking movie.
Sorry for the cursing I’m just really upset.
Hi sugar. I’m just… WTF? I don’t know what about this screams female pleasure. Has everyone lost their minds?
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It’s not “really hot Harry Styles” having sex with a really hot woman. It’s Harry playing creepy incel Jack Chambers who has forced Alice into this situation because… she works too much? She’s strapped to a bed with bruises all over her arms and her eyes wedged open a la A Clockwork Orange. How do you come out of this movie thinking it’s sexy?
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IIRC, the original script put the emphasis on the fact that Alice doesn’t want kids yet and that Jack beat her into a coma and faked her death in order to get her into the simulator. My friend who saw the film at the first screening said they don’t remember those details, but the reasons for Jack putting her into the VR world were never clearly explained other than that he wanted to be with her more. Perhaps more details were added after that initial screening because it left a lot of people confused.
Regardless of Jack’s motivation, Alice is not there willingly and asolutely nothing about this scenario is sexy or about female pleasure.
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hrd2swllwpill · 2 months
i didnt leave twitter, ive always had tumblr LOL, folks really going out of their way to harrass me and call me a zoo for drawing dragons [harkness included] is so wild. Like now its past proving a point, its a witch hunt and thats weird. Just say your piece and be quiet, yall dont even know what a zoo is, bc i can promise its not someone who draws dragons. Yall talked to me all of one time, grow up, if you dont like me why don't you just block and move on. I rarely draw nsfw and when i do its to get money to take care of my bills.
Like i think its time to calm down and get offline, im genuinely trying to exist and yall are trying to chase me off the internet for what.. drawing fantasy creatures? Cry harder ig, i didnt get kicked outta tcm, just your friend groups which thank god yall are two faced as fuck.
If you wanna keep this going unblock me on discord and stop hiding, but otherwise yall should learn how to block and leave things alone, esp when you dont know what zoo means bc ill tell ya, drawing fantasy characters that can consent or respond is not zoo. Zoo is the attraction to animal genitalia which i havent drawn, its been dragons and exotic shapes from dildo makers. Oh and aliens. The person you got info from shows their genitals to kids, draws hyper dog cock [smth not even they can say ive done] and FERAL dinosaurs having sex, voring and more [the vore one ws someone 14 and tbeir 26 year old someodd partner.] Js, ill keep playing tcm and keep existing with the people who talk to me about this and think your insane, ive made lots of new friends bc of this. Just genuinely sip a bud and settle down.
Non furries when they accuse a dragon furry of being a zoo even though theyre asexual, dragons arent real and harkness plus non animal genitalia: 👺👺👺👺
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jiraikwei · 5 months
pet peeve
sorry this post just turns into insane ranting garble i start sounding like im 12 , theres nothing of substance to read
this is something insanely stupid and even hypocritical of me to get annoyed at , but i absolutely cannot stand it when people online pretend like they're more mentally ill than they are . i hate when people put some sort of mental illness wordsalad in their bios like ' jirai ' , ' landmine girl ' , ' menhera ' i hate when people obviously try to act like ame / kangel after playing NSO or some other fictional character when they were absolutely nothing like them before . they practically brag about being mentally ill and then only showcase the same 5 symptoms that are insanely fetishized and none of the 100 others that aren't as ' cute ' . it makes me lose my mind . it feels like such a disgusting mockery it makes me want to rip my skin open . i cant stand even imagining anyone could see these shitty obvious yandere larp posts and put op on the same level as someone whos actually struggling . just this unbridled rage festers inside of me you dont know what its like stop fucking quoting anime characters so you can achieve some aesthetic go fuck yourself
i hate it because i hate myself and i hate the things i do , witnessing someone grift on the KAWAII DESU symptoms while im on a private twitter account typing the most disgusting unforgivable things i can possibly conjure up about the people i love because of how angry i feel over something so idiotically , stupidly minuscule like an actual fucking child . i cant make a single friend in my life because im genuinely so terrified of people and their intentions with me that when i somehow make a friend i genuinely think that they're only playing some long con because they want to ruin my life . im so lonely but i legitimately cannot handle having friends because they can say ANYTHING and my mind will twist it to some insane act of pure hatred against me and then my hands are shaking and i cant focus on anything for the next few hours and i cant stop crying and cutting myself and im planning extensively how to tell them i cant be friends with them because i just cant take it anymore and oh nevermind suddenly im fine again . but at the same time if someones too nice all the time my fucking brain will start losing interest in them because apparently i NEED them to pull away from me and be a fucking asshole to me because im some sort of insane emotional masochist !!! i cant speak my mind with anyone even if they're obviously in the wrong and being mean to me when ive done nothing because i just know they're going to leave if i reciprocate with any sort of pushback so i just ghost them instead which makes the situation even more complicated or i have some sort of tantrum where i accuse them of the most schizotypal shit instead of actually discussing it like a normal person . its actually indescribable how embarassing it is to retain that " my parents didnt buy me candy so they hate me " mindset from when i was 8 years old all the way until 15 . and everything with me has to be some sort of extreme . i cant even like something normally i have to be obsessed with it to an emotionally deteriorating degree . i cant feel somewhat bad about something it had to feel like my world is ending and that ill never be happy again . why am i fucking feeling like this because of the sub count of a VTUBER . and then all of life is just a cycle of yearning for shit and feeling bad for myself " why cant i do this why cant i be better at this you can either be bad or a prodigy and im not a prodigy and i dont care if im 15 i need to be better than 28 year olds at this or else im a total fucking failure " and i fucking bet you if i would ever reach that prodigy status i would feel absolutely nothing about it and my brain would latch unto the next thing to feel bad about " ok well im not good at * that * i need to be good at * that * it doesnt matter if im good at * this * anyone can be good at * this * i need to be good as * that * as well " . it is legitimately either all or nothing with me and i cant stand either of those options . i hate feeling empty and i hate being obsessed with someone to the point of emotional spiraling 5 times a day but there can never be an inbetween option . im intensely angry about everything
and the most insanely retarded part about all of this , is that given the choice i wouldnt want to get better . this is all that i am . i am nothing without this disorder . if i dont have this disorder nobody will care about me or be gentle with me anymore . i will forever mentally be a child that only wants someone to take care of them and if i dont have this disorder there will be nothing to take care of . nobody will care . but heres the kicker ; nobody cares already . strangers are gentle with me because i have a sad look in my eyes but thats all there is . i just cant bring myself to actually talk about what i go through . all anyone sees is that im energetic and then suddenly sad within an single second interval or that i just stare ahead at shit like a zoo animal or that i cut myself sometimes . i cant even fully bring up and elaborate on extremely heavy topics that i go through on twitter or on this blog because it feels so wrong to imagine someone connecting something as dark as that with * me * . i want attention but i dont talk about shit . i dont want to talk about shit . i already utterly despise seeing the look people get in their faces when they somehow catch a glimpse at my sh scars or for gods sake fucking mentions it to me " dont do that to yourself " please dont worry about me and make me feel like a horrible burden when im trying my hardest to seem okay so i can be an enjoyable person to be around . having a person worried about someone as disgustingly rotted , parasitic and inhuman as me is the worst thing to inflect on someone , its like feeling bad for a dying cockroach . i mean just read the first part of this ramble to see how shitty of a person i am where i exaggerate my symptoms to make myself look like i suffer more than other people and put down anyone who dares to express their symptoms differently
its over for me
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bunnieshoneys · 5 months
Hello! It's the commenter who said they were going to come to your inbox to spam you with questions about coanda effect — and here I am! 🤓
Honestly, there's so much I want to ask about! For now, I'll start by asking how the fic came about in the first place? Like, seeing that this is your first JJK fic, why now? Why this setting with this particular fandom? I would just love to pick your brains on how the fic formed! Did you spend quite a bit of time plotting it out? Or did it reveal itself to you fully formed in a dream? With how quickly you're getting it onto the page, I can't imagine it was the former!
Literally grateful for *any* crumbs about this fic. Looking forward to the next chapter! ♥
omg hi i appreciated ur comment so so so much i giggled looking at it for days!!
uh. so im a relatively new f1 fan - casual throughout 2022, when they played the races in the bar i worked, and then a much bigger fan in 2023 - i watched drive to survive fully and yeah... it spiralled. charles leclerc and ferrari got their little grubby hands on my neck and chokeslammed me. i am forever changed.
i got into jjk around the same time - tiktok just kept putting vids of them being angsty and gay on my fyp and i caved and watched the anime earlier this year. i must confess i gave up around shibuya - i am verrrryyyy behind on the anime, lol, but i know all the spoilers because.. twitter. lol.
i got the itch to write an f1 au of .. SOMETHING. i very almost wrote one of banana fish (and i still might, as a oneshot type thing) but the jjk dynamics make for a much better longform fic, and childhood friends to enemies to lovers is literally my favourite trope of all time, which is very satosugu. but apart from that, honestly its kind of a way for me to explore the sport and my fascination with it, because as a setting it works insanely well. especially translating across from jjk, where both settings are high-pressure environments with life-or-death elements, and a level of corruption present as the characters move through it.
i was thinking about like, what teams the characters would drive for, how they'd behave, how they'd do media, etc. honestly if u know f1 you will likely manage to draw comparisons to irl drivers and dynamics relatively easily - a lot of readers have already pointed out that in the comments. it started as brainrot, and then suddenly i had this whole world with history and a timeline and strong characterisations.
i very almost had getou come back as a driver rather than as a team principal, but decided against it, since i wanted to stick to jjk's key themes of protecting youth and raising the next generation, and getou being TP to yuuji and yuuta fit that much better than him coming back as a driver / direct rival lol.
i also almost had shoko as a driver and gojo's teammate, but i felt her role in jjk was more supporting and i love women in stem. so shes an engineer.
i basically just thought about it obsessively for weeks, while putting off writing it because i was already writing a 100k words + fic at the time (and still am, lol, although a lot slower) and then finally was like, ok just write it. and here we are.
honestly my planning process isnt extensive, i think of scenes / conversations that would further character dynamics, and then put them in at the right time. especially in the present timeline right now, i dont have any particular plan for the next few races, because i want all the tension to pay off simultaneously, which means waiting a bit before putting in a lot of scenes i have planned! its all about pacing aha
i was a klancer in 2016/17 and the dual narrative is largely inspired by hearts don't break around here's. the pacing and the building of tension and the payoff is insanely good, and to this day, that fic is one of my biggest inspirations. even if you don't know klance, this fic is genuinely one of the best fics i have ever read. it changed my life @ 14.
anyway! some insight on the fic! i am working hard to get another chapter up before i have to hibernate and do like three assignments at once in january!
love u <3
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jellyaibo · 1 year
i want to hear ur thoughts abt object terror, you philosophor
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so disclaimer i havent seen OT in fucking months so this insane ramble isnt gna be. the best but
object terror is one of the best worst fucking object shows ive ever seen, literally the PRIME example of some edgy kid trying to make an object show that isnt ur grandmas object show. no. this is the REAL shit and they say SLURS and theres BLOOD and GORE (yes im serious theres blood and gore and death but itsnot that bad, definitely a bit shocking if u didnt expect it to happen tho)
theres also shitty voice acting and terrible mic quality galore, EX: theres a fucking cup that had this dogshit mic for the longest fucking time and it deadass sounded like bro was talking into a washing machine ohmy god, i remember there was a clip of him going around on twitter a while ago cuz of this (i think that was my first time seeing anything from OT too so theres that)
OH and theres cactus, i barely remember anything abt him but he had this fucking emotionless voice that made me HYSTERICAL. there was a scene where someone got him pissed and he said "you take that back" with. absolutely no emotion at all and since then me and my friends keep fucking quoting that line cuz its the funniest fucking shit ever
btw that slur line i said earlier wasnt a joke, one of the characters straight up drops the R SLUR in the FIRST EPISODE (funnily enough, that character became the creators objectsona i think? ik they kinda used him as a mascot for a bit which is so fucking funny) tho i dont think they drop anymore slurs after that but dont take my word on it
anyways i gotta talk abt my favorite fucking part abt this fucking show before i get to. mint
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before i watched object terror i got fucking warned abt these two because there was a . homophobic scene w them or some shit and i had NO idea what it was for the longest time so i was really excited to see what object homophobia was gna be graced upon my faggotly eyes
and then theyjust. started making out randomly. LIKE OUTTA NOWHERE and there were other characters there that were gna try to attack/kill them? but then they saw them kissing and were like omg ewww boys (i think. the stuff that happens after this scene is kinda blurry tbh and im NOT gonna go back and watch the clip to see what happens ok. i REFUSE) and im sorry but thats the best fucking object show scene ever
AND LIKE? IDK? MAYBE ITS JUST ME BUT I DONT GET WHY I SAW PPL SAY THIS WAS HOMOPHOBIC???? i dunno maybe its just me but like these two just kissed while watching tv and eating chicken AND NOTHING BAD HAPPENED TO THEM!!! THEY LITERALLY WON IMMUNITY BY THE END OF THE EPISODE TOO. THEY WON. THE GAYS WON. and its so fucking funny to me bro object terror LOVES the gays
ok now i need to talk about mint im sorry i hate this fucking thing so much I NEED TO KILL HIM WITH A ROCK!!!! FFFUCK!!
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hes literally just taco ii but 100x worse, i dont even like tacos evil arc or whatever cuz i always found her annoying BUT MINT IS SO MUCH WORSE
never in my. almost 2 years of watching object shows have i ever hated a character so fucking much LIKE GENUINELY THIS THING MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED. hes just that. lol XD random character FOR THE WHOLE SERIES. just annoying and loud and does literally fucking nothing AND THE JOKES W HIM ARE SO FORCED I SWEAR THEY STOPPED . EVERYTHING THAT WAS GOING ON IN AN EPISODE JUST TO FOCUS ON THIS MOTHERFUCKER CUZ HE WAS GONNA DO SOMETHING FUNNY. im not mad that im missing out on some "juicy" object terror "lore" im just pissed that i have to see this fucking disgrace on my screen
oh and in the latest episode (as of now, the series isnt actually finished yet and i hope to god it never gets continued) SUDDENLY mint has a fucking arc THAT WAS NEVER FORESHADOWED AT ALL IN THE SERIES!! SO SUDDENLY HES A SMART GENIUS THAT COULD DO ANYTHING CUZ HE HAS MACHINES N SHIT AND A WHOLE ASS LABORATORY ??????? THEN HE FUCKING DIES
do you know how many fucking. mid and uninteresting characters we had to lose for him
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he lived for too fuckig long in this show dammit it pisses me off that he's even a character that exists . i blame him for being the reason why i hate joke characters (except david ily david bfdi)
i dont wanna talk abt him anymore im gonna
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OK OK BUT. 1 more thing. smore
smore is this guy that they introduced later on in the series and hes a FUCKING. DEMON FROM HELL and i need him so bad actually
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i think at some point he tries to . kill mint too so im literaly making out with him rn oh my god HES SO
im so mad hes in object terror IM GETTING YOU OUTTA THERE BABY ‼ ‼ 🗣🗣
honestly tho he was so cool im a little mad that they introduced him so late into the show CUZ WE ONLY SEE HIM FOR LIKE 2 EPISODES GRAHHHH RAAGHHHH babygirl
anyways thats it i feel like theres more but im not gonna wring out any more object terror knowledge from my brain i think that'll kill me
hope u enjoyed my insanity anon heres a loser . hope this heals you
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trinkerichi · 2 years
ok ok i THINK ive found all the secrets on deltarune.com so far so please look for them yourself before reading my ramble because i HAVE to talk about it and it wont make sense otherwise.
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ok ok ok susie content first oh my freaking gosh. that girl has some issues i mean we knew that but goooodddd we’re gonna see her backstory come up in the game and she’ll either have been abandoned or severely abused and im not going to be okay. im gonna be so upset susie nooo
also WHAT DID KRIS SAY TO HER??? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ok then. spamton taking over the fangamer twitter is hilarious i love how he can go from being so insanely funny to so pathetic and genuinely sad. that guy had so many friends before he went insane.. it’s really kinda heartbreaking.
i love the shadow guy with the socks screaming it never stops being funny. and LANCER WAS IN THERE JUST ONCE
those grainy photos of spamton on the toilet were WAY TOO SCARY. I THOUGHT A SCREAMER WAS GONNA HAPPEN
ugh all the references to dess redirecting to an error page is . aaagh whatever happened to her is gonna be sad as hell too i know it
ALL THE CRYPTIC STUFF ABOUT NOELLE PLAYING PETZ?? spamton sent her hacked pipis??? whats with the eggs?? that’s definitely foreshadowing something with gaster’s egg items but what the hell is it?
and spamton is bi that’s great
that one page with the chair had a gaster reference in the url. darker yet darker okaaayyy sir we get it. but then i kept clicking on it and it flashed spamton’s eyes for a second and redirected to the main page???
WHAT IS THIS POKEMON ROM HACK CREEPYPASTA EVENT. this is the funnest thing ever i LOVE it it’s so cheesy and fun to find all of the secrets im having a blast.
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godblessgamora · 1 year
2022 year in review
thanks for tagging me @quillsmora ❤️
number of stories posted on AO3: 9
word count for this year: 129, 594. it’s actually insane how much i wrote in under six months
fandoms i wrote for: guardians of the galaxy + antman
pairings: starmora + scotthope
stories with the most:
kudos: songs that make sense (which makes me super happy because i love this fic so much)
bookmarks: songs that make sense (that’s my most popular work in every sense, so i’m not surprised at all)
comment threads: make my wish come true (i attribute that to the fact i asked zoe and claire to leave comments on ao3 rather than on twt lol)
word count: make my wish come true (the story was supposed to be like 20k lol)
works I’m most proud of:
— make my wish come true: i think the story is a lot of fun. i loved wiring all human au but also i just think the characters are are really funny, sweet and well written. i like the jokes i put in the fic and i love their development
— songs that make sense: okay sooo. this one is kind of special because it’s my head canon that gamora carries a lot of guilt. then again, it’s not really a head canon, is it? the movies talk about her guilt, but i don’t think it was mentioned in depth. and because of my headcanon i genuinely believe she feels really guilty for pushing peter to go to ego (and she DID push him, she’s the reason he went), and the fic focuses on her guilt. it’s a fresh take (i haven’t read anything similar on ao3), and it’s a very important perspective (#tome). plus the fic was inspired by a line from castle, and we all know how much i love the show. this fic is a tiny connection between my two favorite fictional worlds <3
— this one means forever: it’s unpublished yet (i’m still writing it) but… i’m so proud. it’s a very special, very emotional (well, hopefully) one shot. if i manage to make the ending as emotional as it is in my head, i will be beyond happy. also the fic is my connection to lucifer, and it’s another tv show that holds a special place in my heart. i can’t wait for everyone to read this story, though im scared to post the link on twitter so i might not even tell anyone, i don’t know.
works i’m least proud of:
— rewrite the stars: just something about it gives me the ick, i can’t even explain it
— road trip fic i’m working on now: just something is so wrong. i’m still wiring and haven’t started editing, but the first draft is terrible. i think i would have to ask friends to read the first few chapters before i post to make sure it’s even readable
share or describe a favorite review you received: i always screenshot reviews that are anything but generic “i loved the chapter, thank you”. shan’s review to the first chapter of make my wish come true is very special + review by sharkinterviewee to wicked games.
it’s not really a review but zoe’s tweet “kate could write a starmora grocery store fic and ill be invested”. it’s one of my lock screens and i always look at it when im feeling down
a time when writing was really, really hard: i post only when the story is fully written, so if it’s hard then i will just stop writing until i feel better. but posting make my wish come true was so freaking hard, and it was one of the reasons why i left twitter. christmas + anything gotg related messed up with my head a lot, and having a christmas starmora fic was even worse. i took a break from anything gotg and genuinely contemplated deleting make my wish come true. december wasn’t fun </3
a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: starmora smut. i haven’t posted the fic yet but i was really surprised when i finished the fic
a favorite except of your writing: ohhh that’s a fun question. i have a few, but i’m too lazy to post it now, so ill post screenshots on twitter instead 😁
how did you grow as a writer this year: well i’m pretty sure i make way less grammatical and punctuation mistakes than i did when i started lol. ty to people who don’t mind those and are understanding of my english as a second language situation <3
how do you hope to grow next year: it’s silly but i want to write a 100k words story. i hope to accomplish this goal
who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer: two things, honestly: support on twt and actual books. i got back into reading and definitely stole some tropes, some situations, and some lines. but also gotg hive. i’m beyond grateful to claire for her support with make my wish come true, as i truly believe she’s the biggest supporter of the fic and she always made me smile with her comments and excitement. also zoe because i still have screenshots from that one evening we talked about the fic, and her support meant so much (again, posting the fic was really hard). and shan, bff ur “seated” tweets made me smile so much.
anything from your real life show up in your writing: i wrote an entire fic about my favorite croissant place so…
any projects you’re looking forward to starting in the new year: i REALLY want to write the spy au (set in space). i hope i can do it! but for now my main focus is finishing the road trip story, this one means forever, and writing couple outtakes for make my wish come true and i want crazy
tag writers: i don’t check tumblr at all so i don’t know if you’ve done it already but if you haven’t and want to go ahead @enigma731
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