#ehlers-danlos syndrome
weaponizedhorse · 6 months
I see a lot of post from people with chronic illness saying like "we have a right to be angry and pissed off cripples etc" that focus a lot, a LOT on being angry, at the world at God etc and it makes me worried because while yes you do have a right to be angry if you are angry all the time it literally is only gonna harm you in the end.
If you spend so much time being mad and angry and acting/being pissed off it only hurts you and the people around you. I spent years being angry at the world, God, everyone around me, at my body, and I took it out on everyone around me and it just made me and everyone around me miserable. It was the worst time of my life. I had to actively and consciously change my behavior and thought patterns, to break out of the cycle of anger and it was the best thing that I could have done.
It just makes me really concerned the amount of posts I see about people wanting/being pissed and angry. Idk if any of this makes sense but yeah.
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becauseanders · 1 year
i hate you ehlers-danlos syndrome i hate you pots i hate you chronic migraines i hate you brainstem auras i hate you central nervous system complications i hate you degenerative disc disease i hate you hypotension i hate you osteoarthritis i hate you fibromyalgia i hate you tmj disorder i hate you carpal tunnel i hate you mcas
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When the doctor’s qualifications don’t necessarily mean anything to me...
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alanaisalive · 26 days
If you have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, please do not let your doctors talk you into trying Ozempic. It makes you lose weight by causing gastroparesis. If you have EDS, you are already very prone to developing gastroparesis, and it could completely destroy your digestive system. Do not risk it.
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dimancheetoile · 1 day
hey guys, it's Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month
I've been living with this disease my entire life, it took me ten years after my initial questions to finally get diagnosed, only to find out I had a rare genetic disease with no cure, no treatment, a degenerative tendency that makes it harder to deal with every single day as your body gives out on you.
Please share this around and consider donating to fund research. The Ehlers-Danlos Society is a trusted entity that does almost monthly conferences and talks to explain in excruciating detail how EDS affects every aspect of your life from your heart function to your ability to work or even your risks during pregnancy and labour and how you're almost guaranteed to pass on this fucking curse to any child you suffer through birthing.
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The EDS Society is super transparent about all the research they do and how your donations help, because it sure as fuck isn't gov funded research that cares about finding a solution for us. After all, it's a rare disease so if they find a cure, it won't make them a lot of money to give it to the couple thousands to dozens of thousands of us that live in every country.
For the entire month, I'll be doing simple portrait commissions to donate money to the research done by the EDS Society. If you want something in exchange for your donation, then either DM me or send me an email at [email protected] and provide references for your OC or fanart you'd like a portrait of. Check out my art tag to see my style or my pinned post for my commission info where there are examples as well.
If you also suffer from EDS, you can use May to tell your story, raise awareness, fundraise (you can even get a t-shirt from EDS Society if you raise $60 or more) and in general, help people know more about this, help families better care for their EDS loved ones, and be a positive impact on this community. Use the #MyEDSChallenge or #MyHSDChallenge (depending on your diagnosis) on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or Tiktok and the Society will reblog your stuff. There are also 31 prompts for you to post about, which you can find on the website. If you want to hear a little about my own story, I have an ehlers-danlos syndrome, disability, disability awareness and EDS hashtags on my blog for you to go through.
Again, reblogs are very much encouraged and appreciated. Please help raise awareness for this burden we have to live with, knowing our own community has to do its scientific research because no one cares about us.
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brokenfoxproductions · 6 months
Being disabled and chronically ill is weird because I put up with so much shit that other people would flip out over.
Dislocated shoulder? Just pop it back in.
Gastric bleeding? Eh, if it's really bad for a few days, I might go to the ER. But it's not a big deal unless I get dizzy.
Horrible stabbing chest pain? Meh, I'm conscious. It's okay.
Sharp, stabbing pain in my right lower abdomen for days? This happens all the time, it's not a big deal.
I used to judge my grandfather because he had a heart attack and just slept for 3 days straight instead of going to the hospital, but now I think I'm going to do the same thing someday.
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l00ney-m00ny · 1 year
hate the chronic pain. Every step I take makes my hips crack and pop like a fucking glow stick add that to my back hurting for absolutly no reason and making my eyes go all blurry and water and the fact that I still need to do school today and no position that i sit in or anything is comfortable and i need the heatpack on like, 3 places at once... ugh, I’m just a mess. a hot one despite everything but still a mess.
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icemutt · 11 months
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Sometimes my old retired lady decides that being retired is awfully boring and insists on going out for a few hours of work. She doesn’t have the same endurance she used to so we keep it short and mostly to familiar places. 
[Image: Red Doberman service dog in a red service dog pack under a table]
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greenyvertekins · 5 months
I finally got the results back for the genetic testing I opted into regarding new EDS tests. Had my blood taken last January for it. The results are.....very confusing :S Going to have to call the clinic tomorrow for some clarity.
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thethingything · 8 months
did you know if your connective tissue is fucked up enough you can dislocate a rib while changing your bedding? I am suffering
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ehlers-danloscircus · 7 months
When you were happily on a roll getting stuff done and doing happy projects and then all of a sudden the weather decides:
Let's increase the temperature, humidity, and...AND rapidly drop the barometric pressure
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weaponizedhorse · 1 year
So my other post has kinda died in terms of traction so here is a new one! Hi my name is Sierra I'm 27, bisexual, mixed race, very physical disabled, mentally ill and I need help to get my teeth removed and to get new teeth! Here is everything super condensed! I have a connective tissue disorder and am unable to work, along with this came chronic nausea, vomitting, and cyclical vomitting which had completely destroyed my teeth. It's incredibly hard to eat and is so embarrassing I do not leave the house without a mask if I leave at all. I'm going to regret this but under the cut you will see any actual photos of what my teeth look like today Any help you can give would be so so appreciated! Including reblogs! They help more than you know!
Here are other places you can donate! c@$happ: $sierrarose111
Thank you so much for reading! If you wanna help your local disabled headed of the big titty committee I would really appreciate it 😊 If you are unable to donate reblogs are appreciated just as much!! I am definitely going to regret this but photo of my teeth is under the cut. Viewer Discretion Advised and all that
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autistic-shaiapouf · 1 year
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On February 22 of this year (2023), the zebra pack gained a new member!
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When I realize I’ll have to be dependent on others for the rest of my life...
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But then I realize that EVERYONE is dependent on other’s their whole life to some extent...
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
What's EDS?
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It's a group of primarily connective tissue disorders. There's a lot of different types but they're mostly known for hypermobility, stretchy skin, and frequent dislocation among other things, though it varies depending on what type you have.
It also happens to have comorbidity with ADHD and autism (meaning they appear alongside each other to a notable degree), fun fact.
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qbdatabase · 7 months
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Rural Voices: 15 Authors Challenge Assumptions About Small-Town America ed. by Nora Shalaway Carpenter Think you know what rural America is like? Discover a plurality of perspectives in this enlightening anthology of stories that turns preconceptions on their head. Gracie sees a chance of fitting in at her South Carolina private school, until a "white trash"-themed Halloween party has her steering clear of the rich kids. Samuel's Tejano family has both stood up to oppression and been a source of it, but now he's ready to own his true sexual identity. A Puerto Rican teen in Utah discovers that being a rodeo queen means embracing her heritage, not shedding it. . . .
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