#easier on evolution lmao
starstruck-critter · 1 year
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look at my silly little alien guys, they need a name. and more development.
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So we all know Evolution airs in less than 24 hours on Gloob in Portuguese, but it’s also worth mentioning that we recently got confirmation that the episode got finished being dubbed in English, so expect that soon! 👀
In the short interview below, Bryce Papenbrook, the voice of Adrien Agreste himself, confirms that they have already English dubbed Evolution (and reveals other interesting info 👀).
Anyway, see y’all tomorrow! I’m gonna post a lil countdown post like I did last season in a few minutes, so wait around for that !!
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
wait lurien has cut dialogue??? i am. very curius
anon: Lurien has a cut monologue? I tried to find the dreamer's cut dialogue a while back and barely got a couple of extra lines for Lurien in comparison to monomon who had a paragraph. Also PK offered to sire hornet??? Please tell me where I can find this I'm desperate for more info on the dreamers
Well, Lurien doesn't have too much cut dialogue, but here it is: I found it in the cut content section of the Hollow Knight fandom wiki, which requires a lot of dropdown clicks in order to actually get to it
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And a transcript, bc this image is fuzzy:
"For this city and for King beloved, I become bond upon the Vessel."
"That black choice made, but not by me. Our King claimed that burden. My lot is easier, only to sleep and to serve."
"My city. Do you sustain without me? Do you thrive? I would see your streets again..."
"Our King appears as bug, and I shall take him as so. But his are traits that transcend our kind. His is a mind beyond ours. Deity given form. In sleep, I shall not look upon his like again."
"Remember our promise, sister! We three vowed to protect the seal with all of our devotion."
"Remember our bond... our sacrifice. For the kingdom’s sake... for the one we must protect."
He's not very verbose, but it's more so than Herrah's dialogue, which is as follows:
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"For my daughter and my kind, I become bond upon the Vessel."
"Wyrm, your attempt may prove futile, but your offer I could not refuse."
"My child...For you, I would give it all."
"For her, I would give it all."
And here's Monomon's. I'm not even gonna bother with a screenshot lol, she rambles too much to get it all in one piece
"For diversity. For variance. For evolution. I become bond upon the Vessel."
"We sealed that plague, and thought we’d found an answer, but we were wrong. Our sacrifices... what did they win us? A world sealed in stasis."
"Only one path I see. The Seals must break. Will it bring destruction? Of course. It will bring change, too. Let it. To live forever in an unchanging world... Death, I would fear less."
"Will it bring destruction? Of course. It will bring change, too. Let it. To live forever in an unchanging world... that is the only death I fear."
"To sleep eternal, what difference from death?"
"Open your minds, brother and sister. Our vow was to protect...but do we? The Vessel weakens."
"My mind is seal upon that tragic being. But who shall teach them now? Who shall open their minds, where I cannot?"
"So... we found each other after all. Can you see me, here in this forgotten dream? I can see only light."
"Our sacred Hallownest... It was so old. An eternal, undying kingdom... unchanging. They called me 'Teacher', but what did I have left to teach? What did I have left to learn?"
"When the light came, we feared it. Of course we did! So we fought to keep things as they were. Our sacrifices... what did they win us? Simply another kind of stasis."
"We fought against you, too. Struggling against our fate. The light we caged away... it is alive, and we are not. Is that what draws you to it?"
I'm sure that the cut dialogue for Lurien is exactly the same as what you found when you encountered Monomon's, anon, but it does offer us a lot more insight into his character, showing us that he was extremely protective of the City of Tears, that he considered the Vessel plan to be a dark necessity that weighed on PK, and that he was one of the few bugs who actually met PK in the flesh and knew the truth of his nature. That paints a picture of someone who was at the very core of Hallownest's workings, alongside Monomon, who we know had a hand (tentacle?) in knowing the details about the vessel plan- something that fits with the formal 'sister/brother' titles used by them both, even though Monomon also extends that courtesy to Herrah (who seems indifferent to the other two, lmao).
There's also a developer note relating to Lurien that describes his potential character as 'more detatched than the other Dreamers' and 'taciturn':
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More detached than the other dreamers? Maybe ponders how the Hollow Knight (vessel) feels after all this time. Would he make the same choice again? First few dialogues are very taciturn.
Which is something that I think comes across far better in his cut dialogue than just...cutting it out altogether. I get that they wanted him to be detached and mysterious, but what we have in-game is bread crumbs and a floating umbrella rather than a cohesive character, as evidenced by all the shitty fucking takes out there painting him as a 'simp', a 'bootlicker', and a 'creep', none of which really fit the concept of a mysterious, protective bug with ethical concerns about what his god-king was getting up to
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leftingbadly · 3 months
Want to start off by saying that it is SO cool if u don’t do this one (as with anything!!), but I started my period and am dying 😭 Been into vampires my entire life and always wondered…what do u do on ur period? Like…I can’t imagine I’d even have the energy to fight back LMAO ANYWAYSSS how do u think Godric would be like if his human gf was on her period? Bet he wasn’t being educated on them even when he WAS human 😭😭 — Anon of Gaul (is that an ok anon tag??)
What He's Like On Your Period
Japan is attacking, return from the war soon nonny. (Anon of Gaul is beautiful, yes.)
Pairing: Godric x reader
He wouldn’t even need to ask what was wrong when he came into the room one day and found you splayed on the couch, hands on your stomach, panting as the pain took over your body
He’d stand there for a moment as he took you in, the sight of you, the sounds of you, the smell of you 
Honestly, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself at first, but then he finds himself again. I love her, he reminds himself I love her, she’s in pain, help her
“My beautiful love, do you ache?”
As his hand comes to your face, gentle fingers lifting to your cheek, to your temple, into your hair as he scratches your head and lays kisses where his lips find your skin. He's so soft for you istg
“Can I make it better for you?”
“Let me make it right, my love. Let me do my job.”
He’d try to make you feel better, obviously 
“I’m sorry, my love,” a soft voice murmured against stomach skin, his cold lips a gentle reprieve to the heat and pain your body was giving off now. You could feel the tender kisses he left there in the wake, but even the most simple, light-hearted kisses he left there caused your entire body to react to him and contract on its own, worsening the pain in your gut. Godric noticed this immediately, of course, you looked down just in time to see his wide blue eyes stare up at you. 
You were too tired to tell him to stop, and too sad at the thought of having him part from you that you didn’t know what to do. A huff of agitation left you, and he chuckled lightly at your performance. 
“May I?” He asked as he aligned his body with yours, strong hands and legs holding him up so that he didn’t crush you. For a moment you were confused, and in the next his lips were on yours. But there was something different about this kiss, soft, yes, but tangy. Something metallic and wet slipped passed, and it wasn’t until your pain began to lessen did you realise he had bitten his tongue before sliding it along yours. 
Despite him not having been human, the dude was alive for 2000 years and saw the evolution of female sanitary products himself, so he knows a thing or two about how to take care of his woman. BUT that didn’t mean he couldn’t have some fun too
Your body was still too weak to move back, but it felt like the very nerves of your body were reaching out to him. Godric shifted, his legs straightening as he leaned back to sit on his thighs, strong hands pulling you up into and against him as he lifted your body, then your arms, and wrapped them around his neck himself. He pushes his tongue along yours, slithering over it, coating it and your lips in his blood to relieve you of your pain—and then his own hands gripped tight onto your hips and pushes down, and grinds, and his hand slips between the waistband of your shorts, to lick, to taste, to savour and adore, so that you may relieve him of his. 
"It would be easier, my love, if I gave you blood where it hurts."
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yumedoca · 10 months
The Visual Genius Behind UY2022 [Animation]- An Analysis 🧐 (Long Post)
Hai there, hope you’re having a great day! Today on ‘Yuca Analyzes Silly Things (For No Reason)’, we’ll be talking the next half about how the remake uses different methods and techniques to achieve the fun aesthetic it’s known for as well as analyzing colors!
Note: There’s a lot to talk about when it comes to this topic, so I might not be able to cover ‘everything’, So I’m only analyzing sub- topics which comes to mind. And all of my sayings are merely observations based on what is shown and is not canonical fact in how the series was made (there’s the chance that a different approach was used as well after all). They are not confirmed unless specifically mentioned.
You can read Part 1 here!
And with all of that aside, let’s begin!
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First, We’ll divide the analysis into sections to make it easier to understand and explain, for this part we’ll be talking about:
But, first…
Colors, colors and colors!
Smooth and Fun Animation
But, first… …I want to talk about something I missed previously, which I was reminded by the notes in one of the reblogs, which is.. The shape of Lum’s eyes (I’ve thought of this before but I forgot to write about it). Lum’s eyes in the remake are a bit different to how it is in the later parts of the manga. There, it shares the same shape as Shinobu’s eyes for example, but here it looks more like her earlier eye design:
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Why this? I’ve though about it and I was reminded of a RT interview I had read where she said:
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Of course, Lum’s eyes changed as time went because of her artistic evolution, but I think this might be one of the reasons her ‘slanted’ eyes were kept, as in to pay homage to the early art style. It could also be because they wanted to give her more unique eye shape compared to the other girls…
Colors, colors and colors! Now onto one of my favorite things in general….
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…Color Palettes (and monochrome colors as well, but we’ll include that in this for now because I don’t want to create a separate section for that one)!! I absolutely love the remake’s use of colors!! In general they make scenes even more eye catching than they normally would, but there are cases where the use of color palettes are complete genius, which I will prove with a few examples…
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Our first example is from episode 1, when Ataru meets Lum’s dad. When the scenes swaps from Lum’s dad’s greeting to Ataru screaming “ONIII!!” The background with Mr. Invader (Not his actual name, but I’m calling him that because it’s easier) gets color paletted (I’m pretty sure that’s not a word but whatever…). If you look closely and if you’re familiar with Japanese mythology, you can see that Lum’s dad is colored red with light yellow horns…. Just like the actual Oni from the myths…
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I also love how well colors are used to elevate extreme emotions, most often shock or surprise…
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(Lmao, I just realized both siblings had the exact same SHOCK sequence… I do have to note that the duplicating method adds to the sequence as well…)
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That’s all the images I’ll show since these are pretty easy to find… The aspect that makes this better is the fact that since in the 80’s cell animation couldn’t have stuff like blending modes and special effects and stuff that digital animation has nowadays, they had to rely on color usage like this as well…
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So at the same time it’s like a nice little shout out to cell animation in general…
And also a moment of appreciation of how this scene was handled…
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Since the manga is in black and white, you can’t tell the difference between ink and blood since they’re both colored black. It’s a bait which is difficult to convey into anime because it’s in color and blood and ink are suddenly no longer alike because of the colors, the remake manages to convey it with the power of color palettes and monochrome colors it had in the first place as shown above for a well done bait joke… And finally, it’s just outright pretty…
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Smooth and Fun Animation Now to talk about the animation itself! First up we have a small detail I like. Do you know about the method used to make the animation extra fluid and kinda cartoony by drawing in something that doesn’t seem right in the frame but helps in the animation overall (I don’t know what it’s called)? Well, this particular method results in a frame or two in a scene to look like:
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It’s a method the original anime used A LOT for it’s characters, even for that particular era. Since most modern anime aren’t doesn’t have a cartoony style like UY, they don’t use it (they use other methods instead). So what about the remake???
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Yup, the remake has it’s moments as well.. The animation in general is like most modern anime with some cartoonish movements from more cartoony characters like Ataru (pictured above and) and Rei (Cow-Pig form). I also love how beautiful the animation is in the second half of episode 5 and 10, most of the details are pretty obvious there so I won’t talk about it, but here’s one of the smaller details I like…
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GIF by Kedyanime
I love how the clouds move slowly, like how it naturally would, like they didn’t have to do that yet they did it anyway and that’s quite the effort and it adds to the scene overall…
Miscellaneous This section is more about the miscellaneous aspects, or to be specific ,three other things I noted which also contributes to the animation aspect. First up, SFX. SFX is what you call the Japanese Onomatopoeia (or sound effects) which is written on screen. It’s mostly used in manga than anime because manga isn’t an audible type of media, unlike anime, which is. Because of that, not many anime uses it and only a certain do, which includes the UY remake. Not only does it add a bit more to the scene, but it also makes it more enjoyable because of the voice acting since the voice actors read every SFX out, where it sounds silly enough (in Japanese at least, the English dub is on a whole different level). Next up, Backgrounds. Okay, so when I started the remake’s first episode I was in awe as to how the backgrounds for the scenes look, like it’s very pastel compared to the saturated colors of everything else, not to mention, very detailed…
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Also, let’s appreciate how beautiful the backgrounds for outer space looks…
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Another thing I like is the stock backgrounds, stock backgrounds are pretty common in anime, but I love how the remake uses it to play up and convey the character’s emotion by making the stock lines move according to how their expressions elevate…
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Moving on, Can we appreciate how retro and traditional it looks when they color like this (this is actually based on a method of coloring from the 80’s after all)??
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And finally appreciation for the beautiful lighting…
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Conclusion And that is All! The remake is absolutely stunning with very beautiful details which I can’t help but love and you can really see a lot of love was put into it. This ended up being more of an appreciation post than an analysis, lol 😅. Anyways, I apologize if I’ve overlooked anything or made any mistakes. If you have any doubts or questions about this analysis feel free to send an ask and if you want me to do an analysis about other characters, feel free to send an ask for that as well. You can check out my other analysis on my analysis tag.  And finally, likes are appreciated and reblogs are even more appreciated (seriously, please reblog this so more people can see this post, since I spent a lot of time on this!!). Hope you have a great day ahead!! :)
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kafus · 5 months
OKAY HERE'S MY CYNTHIA BATTLE FROM LAST NIGHT!!! i actually recorded it with my cap card and then put some subtitle commentary on it. i managed to do the entire battle in just under 10 minutes so it would fit on tumblr though i did have to make the file crunchy as fuck/low quality LOL. instead of typing out everything here you can just watch the battle happen. here's my team for context (i took these photos after beating her):
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i did not record the E4 nor am i gonna talk about it much because it was honestly 10x easier than cynthia and not that interesting. i solo'd flint with my lumineon and i solo'd lucian with my scizor, and bertha/aaron weren't much better.
a few notes about the team though:
i wasn't thinking ahead to specific strategies to beat the E4/cynthia, i just picked movesets i thought were generally good and was like "i'll figure it out when i get there"
as a reminder scizor has technician which boosts the power of moves 60 base power or less, which is why i'm using shit like bug bite lmao
lumineon has ominous wind over attract literally just bc i wanted to use my stockpile of shards on a move tutor move SOMEWHERE on the team and the idea of her getting an omniboost in a fight was objectively funny (though it didn't happen during this run rip)
i picked thunder on clefable over blizzard because of the potential synergy with rain dance (zoom lens doesn't make either 100% accurate but rain makes thunder always hit) however i brought a blizzard TM along in case i needed to change my mind midway. i did not end up having to
return is on luxray just because luxray's movepool sucks and i think it's cute for my pseudo starter to have Return on it
sucker punch's priority ended up being ESSENTIAL to the cynthia fight and i'm very glad i delayed murkrow's evolution until level 45 for it. i actually didn't change pepper's moveset at all before the e4, she's the only one who received no changes
the shiny golem named dandelion is from my qpp gold :] he traded it to me at level 7. i spent nearly 2 hours grinding her to level 50 and used her on the team and did not tell him. i sent him the battle video and the first he was aware of this was when he saw her use explosion LMAO (i plan to use my hippowdon on future runs of the E4!)
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75 hours... very little of that was idling i just really spent that damn long on this game huh.... sdfkdfsksd
i'm pretty much wrapped up here, i intend to use this save as my main platinum save moving forward but i think the liveposts can come to a close now. i may post about me catching the lake trio but that's about it. I HOPE IF YOU'VE BEEN FOLLOWING THE SAGA THAT U ENJOYED IT. THANKS FOR READING MY INCESSANT AUTISTIC RAMBLING THUMBS UP
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nifuunbakufuun · 5 months
who is the pet shovel
AH! Right! I forgot I set that as my title LMAO.
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My Nuckrar! I don't have a good name for him, yet- I've been calling him Orange. They can be found extremely rarely here in Sinnoh!
I wanted to catch him for my research. His ability is Arena Trap, which prevents wild Pokemon from fleeing when he's in battle; so if we find a rare Pokemon we need to document, Orange can keep it in place until we are able to let it free. Much easier and cheaper than PokeBalls!
Unfortunately, unless we discover a way to sustain abilities through evolution lines, he must remain a Nuckrar.
Mimibiri, Time's Flow! You make me sound so formal!
>> you translate it then
Then what did I pay for you for??
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moccabunie · 4 months
things I've learned after a year writing fanfiction
This is a post from a non-writer who, apparently, now writes (❓) And this is a little crazy to me, considering that a year ago writing less than 1k decent words took a lot of effort. But this year I have completed a +100k project. (It's still difficult, though.)
I found out that the more I wrote, the easier it was to get into the story. So I think that being captivated by my own story has made a lot. I am an eager fanfiction reader, but I had yet to really try to write something on my own.
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That was until I got hyper-fixated on three characters and wrote a small story about them sharing a room, and it was one of the funniest and most rewarding things I've done. So I was like "oh, maybe I can try to imagine stories I would like to read?"
(1) story one - a bird told me to wait
The first thing I considered was to make it completely self-indulging. The second was to make it as evocative as possible, not only telling what was happening. I like sensations and emotions, so I really wanted to write things I would like to feel as a reader. I wrote this story, and after that, I added a second longer part because I was enjoying it a lot. I used to doodle about the characters and make small annotations about their dynamics, but there wasn't really a lot of planning here.
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(2) story two - beneath the moonlight
My second attempt was a three-chapter story (not so distant from the previous one that can be read as three parts too). But for this one, I wanted to challenge myself because I wanted to explore new themes and tropes, so I made a brief list of the things that should appear here. (but honestly, I just wanted to write a soft mating bite scene lmao, because I was super into a/b/o at that time.) I used keep notes app this time.
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I barely showed explicit themes here but I got to enjoy the story anyway. This one wasn't difficult to write because I felt familiar with the characters. It's a light story but these 20k words gave me the courage to take a step further. I said to myself
"stop being a coward. you have enjoyed this. keep writing."
(3) story three - lucid dreams
This one was planned for four or five chapters, quite in the same line as beneath the moonlight. But, and the keyword is planned, it became a full 13 chapters as I developed the story and the characters. If I wanted it to be coherent then I needed to explain the things, build the context, and introduce the world. But it was also an experimental work. I took my notebook and listed the new things I wanted to try, such as - write in past tense - write first and edit later
my process was something like this • imagine random scenarios with pretty imagery as I listened to music • doodling the characters doing things so I didn't forget • open the notes app to write random sentences and dialogues in the middle of the night, I'll find a place for them later • dream about the story and daydream about the story
as for the physical notebook, I have scribbled A LOT there during the writing process.
(a little bit chaotic but functional enough)
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One thing I wanted to keep in mind was the evolution of the characters, or in other words, how they were gonna be at the start and the end of the story. And this made things a lot simpler because it gave me an insight that was helpful whenever I had to decide what kind of decisions the characters would make along the story.
Parallelly, I was aware of my narrative flaws, as well as there was a lot of vocabulary and grammar that would escape me in a different language. So I used the notebook to do writing research. Some of my pages were like "how to write action scenes," or "tips for flat scenes." Whenever I felt blocked I read again these pages.
I'm going to copy down here some tips that were useful during the writing block days.
• read another book or fic you like, since sometimes, getting yourself caught by another writer's style can help you to flow through your own. • scroll on pinterest and try to find pictures that capture the vibe of your story, maybe try to describe them or setting a scene in a similar environment that you can see? • changing the setting (for example, day to night, or sun to rain) can add more variants and ambiental tools to play with. • or, changing the character's pov. maybe a scene feels flat because it's narrated by the wrong character. • use objects, not just the characters.
(4) finishing a story
To have an insight into the plot, I wrote the main scenes in really short sentences. That was useful for the first chapters, but suddenly I had 70K words of the story and a lot of details to track. Frequently I had to split chapters into two parts because the "short sentence" became a very long scene. See this comparison: the scenes' guide in the last chapters usually are fragmented into shorter scenes. That's how I avoided losing my mind as I wrote (?)
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These are a few tips that were useful to me during this last part.
• write the important plot points as they are mentioned so you can come back to them later and don't forget about them. • keep a scrip to annotate significant things about the characters to make the story consistent. • notion pages is a great place to make inspo boards (usually I added 4 pictures for each scene). During the last chapter, I used the to-do list tool to keep track of the closed story points and the things that were yet to happen • list some of your favourite past scenes, those that have been nice to write, so you can pursue the same vibe again.
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The last two months writing the fic I joined the nanowrimo to keep myself motivated but also to have an impulse. My only goal was getting the habit of writing everyday, not minding how many words (usually it was around 400-600 daily). I ended that month with 16k added on my wordcount (to me, that was a lot!). Since I enjoyed that little challenge, I did the same on the next month, resulting in finishing the fic :)
The most important thing during this time was remembering myself from time to time why I am doing this. Let me say I am an utter perfectionist, so I would easily get trapped in making-the-story-perfect, which would end in a writing block. So each time this happened I repeated to myself that I didn't want to write a good story. I just wanted to enjoy and have fun while writing a story, so I should write only things I enjoy. And this simple thing was incredibly helpful whenever I wasn't able to continue a scene.
I think that this is what most writers say, but now I have come to understand that it's true: just have fun. Write what you wanna read.
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(5) the next story - requiem of the sleepless
This would be the third part of my first fic. I miss these unhinged boys and I have a little draft of (unholy) things I want to happen to them! Now I want to unlearn everything I know. I want this story to be zero planned, I just want to ~feel~ the characters and make a lot of random things happen. This is about not forgetting why I started, so here I am again.
Being a non-writer writing.
thank you for reading ♡ 
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seven-re · 4 months
What do you think of Leon's new personality in the remakes? I think it's very realistic his personality change so radically between RE2R and RE4R due to the trauma. He was so sweet and gentle in RE2R and then turned into a killing machine in RE4R 💔. At least Ashley is the only person who brings back the old gentle Leon.
I think just like Ada pointed out, Leon didn't really change who he is (she did though), he simply matured. He still wants to save people, he still wants to do something, but this time he realizes not everyone is a victim and that he has to be wary of his surroundings.
However his kind heart allows him to actually warm up to Luis, and kind of let Ada show her intentions. It does shine when he comforts Ashley, which is really cute, but he is being overall really gentle.
He gives both Ada and Luis many chances to show their intentions before doing what could be easier (shoot them in case they're a danger to the world, or Ashley). He even tries to talk Krauser back into his senses, before realizing it's no use.
See how he doesn't even let Ramón talk and shoots him lmao, because Ramón showed him he's not a good person, at all.
His humour and his skills honestly are just an evolution to his RE2R self, I don't know about the remake's canon on this but Leon was addressed as extremely talented in the original, so he had potential from the beginning. In RE2R he does make some jokes from time to time so I think it was always his way to cope with fear.
I like that they made the "change" more seamless, more logical to what a real person would go through. Leon already went through this so fear is lower, but tension is much much higher (which shows in his face, he's tense a lot of the time) because he knows what to expect, he just doesn't want to fail.
But in his heart Leon is, both in the remakes and in the original timeline, a man with a heart of gold, he doesn't let himself judge someone without giving them a chance to show who they are. Leon is sweet and gentle, he's just learned he needs the strength to protect good people and that he can't be gentle with just everyone, or he'll get manipulated/used.
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aix12279 · 1 month
Biological Approach in Psych!
So, you may or may not know that when studying psych, there are multiple different approaches to how you look at behaviour. By approach, we mean how you explain the why of that behaviour.
There are three main approaches (at least in IB psych lol), which are: sociocultural, cognitive, and biological approach. If a person is being very, very aggressive in a classroom, and you're looking at their behaviour through a sociocultural approach, you'd be like "oh, the thing is, this person grew up in a very violent community and so their sociocultural context has made them violent"; if you were looking at their behaviour through a cognitive approach, you'd be like "oh, no, the thing is, this person has biases in their decision making which causes them to make violent decisions"; and finally, if you were looking at it through a biological approach, well... that's what'll be explained in this post :D
The biological approach says that our behaviour is all thanks to, you guessed it, ✨EVOLUTION✨, but more specifically it's also because of the genes that you inherited from your parents, how your brain is built and the lil chemical thingies that happen inside of your brain (this is where dopamine comes in LMAO)
There are three main principles that the biological approach is based on:
Behavior is a product of physiology. By physiology here we mean like the physical structure of your brain, like, quite literally, if your frontal lobe got chopped off by a wild ass animatronic, your behaviour will change, who could've thought?. There are two ways in which physiology may be a problem: structurally and functionally Structural problems mean, for example, your frontal lobe is literally too small which is why your IQ is 10 lmao. Basically, the physical structure of certain parts of the brain is damaged and therefore the functions that that specific part of the brain that is now damaged did are not being done. You can't bake a cake if you don't have an oven, and you can't solve 2+2 if the math smarts part of your brain ain't exactly there. Functional problems mean that the structure is there, the oven is there, it's just... not doing the thing. There could be low levels of activity in your frontal lobe, so, your frontal lobe is like there, it didn't get bitten off by a wild ass animatronic, but it's not doing the thingie it's supposed to do, or maybe your hormones are all in a whack which means that even thought your endocrine gland (the organ in charge of the hormone thingies) is there, it ain't really doing anything, or rather it's doing it wrong
Behavior can be genetically inherited. This is kind of self explanatory tbh, but it basically talks about how patterns of behaviour can be inherited from one generation to the other because the structure and the function of the nervous and endocrine systems (go back to principle 1), which determine your behavior, are technically determined by your genes, which are technically inherited from your parents
Animal research may inform our understanding of human behaviour. Humans are still sort of animals, so, we share a lot of genes with other animas, and that means if we can understand the behavior of other animals, understanding our behavior might be easier
There are many topics which go under biological approach, but in the IB (sorry guys I'm an IB student and this is literally the only way of studying that'll go through my brain😭) all the topics fall under four big categories: The brain and behavior, hormones and behavior, genetics and behavior, and lastly the HL topic: The role of animal research in understanding human behavior.
Here I'll make a list of all the topics and I'll link them one by one as I make the posts about them :D
Localization (Brain and Behavior)
Neuroplasticity (Brain and Behavior)
Neurotransmitters and their effect on behavior (Brain and Behavior)
Techniques used to study the brain in relation to behavior (Brain and Behavior)
Hormones and behavior (Hormones and Behavior)
Pheromones and behavior (Hormones and Behavior)
Genes and behavior, genetic similarities (Genetics and Behavior)
Evolutionary explanations for behavior (Genetics and Behavior)
The role of animal research in understanding human behavior (HL topic)
Tbh I'm doing all of this to help myself understand the concepts better; Feynman technique and all that LMAO, I'll probably be doing flashcards on the topics and the studies related which I'll then share with each topic. Hopefully this is helpful for any other IB or just psych students in the world.
Have a good life<3
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light-koe-pinsky · 2 years
Man we need more high budget looney tunes bc I miss bugs and daffy particular comedic body language.
So much of their charm is based on their movement. Daffy is more wacky and energetic and bugs usually has more subtle ademants, therefore in a less careful animation i get that is way easier to save the looneyness for daffy and the calm and collected pose for bugs, but they add so much to his characterization that when you take those details away he feels kinda watered down.
I feel like ive been over this way too much lol but I still don't feel like I get the point across that Bugs IS actually supposed to be funny AND have fun.
He's a clown.
Daffys charm comes from him being a mess up, he's clumsy, accident prone, slapstick is his forte, guy's a living elastic band.
While bugs also posses this quality is not quite as often that this happens so in the meantime his charm comes from his grace, his movements are graceful but silly, because of his TIMING, thats what makes him a good clown.
While I love how these two characters complement eachother, bugs doesn't exist solely for the purpose of making daffy the joke of every sketch (argh looney tunes show I love you but you have your flaws) they're both individual characters that can shine on their own and not one is zanier than the other if you think about it. Like bugs status didn't became a thing just to shit on daffy.
Actually Im not that sure of the historical accuracy of this but the status of bugs is more of a response of the actual public?
Bugs wasnt created to be loved by everyone in the looney tunes universe, lmao if you watch the classic cartoons you realize that bugs is often hated by everyone, he's annoying, loud, an inconvinience where he goes, tex Avery and the other directors before the Chuck Jones era versions were like that.
Bugs just doesn't give a fuck, in fact he craves for more, like that one cartoon where hes trying increase the recompense on rabbits.
Thats where his charm comes from, he doesn't let people tell him who he is, he's this kind of anti hero, who sometimes does good deeds but is a) out of Pitty or b) to inconvinience the bad guy.
What Chuck Jones did was subvert bugs's priotities, suddenly bugs was mostly this hero godlike figure, he took this heroic version of him and just sometimes shows the antihero part in subtle passive agressive outbursts, and it WORKED.
BUT seems like he got encaged into that characterization. And I feel like is because CJ scalated on how untouchable he could be and then didn't know/care how to de-scalate.
But truth is hes not so funny when you don't have the whole picture and THIS is where I think people who write him off as someone boring/always the voice of reason get him wrong, so let me tell you what I mean
Is not just the clothes, this character is so funny:
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Because You know deep down he's this character:
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I'm often saying how he needs a transformation from hero to villain bc it gives both characters (him and daffy) what they need but he has already gone through an evolution before which just goes to show that the idea can work
Anyways i'm losing the track here, hope i somehow make sense
What i'm trying to say is either through dialogue, body language or the enviroment, bugs is a cunt, i mean clown.
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youremyheaven · 9 days
as a mercurial person, when I do have my bad moments, I can always rely on someone like my sister to call me tf out. she’s an Ashlesha girlie, and I think she’s amazing, despite her own flaws. we both believe being direct shows we care. calling out bullshit is our love language. we bicker a lot, which includes a lot of cussing. at first, it was hard accepting the truth because I get really defensive (that explains the stream of swear words lol). she gets more defensive, though—she reminds me of a cat hissing at others for intruding upon her space. I tease her about it cus I find it cute. despite our intense arguments, we still love each other immensely. we are each other’s biggest supporters! I am the oldest child, she’s the middle child. all her life, I’ve been very protective of her because she somehow is surrounded by negative energy. we grew up in a tense environment away from our community, so we also felt we didn’t fit in with our new surroundings growing up as we both experienced feelings of isolation. she has her Ashlesha placements in the 12th house, and I have my Jyeshta placements in the 12th house. I think our shared experience strengthened our bond as the years went on. she went through so much, same as I. when I read your post that mentioned Ashlesha Naks and their life struggles, it mirrored my sister’s origin and upbringing. I couldn’t fathom why the people she meets in every phase of her life would take advantage of her and/or project their misery onto her. that wasn’t until I learned about Ashlesha Naks, I fear. ig her relationship with our mom helps explain why, too… anyways, I may be protective of my sister but I also encourage her to go after her goals and fight for what she wants. and she knows this, too, and would encourage the same for me. she doesn’t hold back, and I don’t either. I know it’s good to have that kind of person in my life to rein me in AND to let loose with. however, I know I can’t rely only on her to save me from my flaws, of course. to my fellow mercury folks- let’s not deny that we are far from perfect. hell, I know I’m not perfect myself. I acknowledge that I have intense energy that’s similar to a repellent. life experience and being raised by a distrustful immigrant father assisted in helping me build this wall that surrounds my soul as a safety measure. I’ve been ostracized and bullied when I was a little girl. I was a sweet kid, but those experiences molded me into a person that feared the world, and as I grew up, I resented it for its restrictions. I was jealous of my peers and remained a recluse. it took me a long time to realize I was in control of the outcome of my own nature. I am in control of learning to outgrow my negative mindset and to be open to understanding. what started my growth was my spiritual inclinations that lead me to learning about astrology and such, and they unraveled the truth I’ve been blinded to for so long (besides my sister’s call-outs lmao). Vedic astrology helped me understand what it meant to be a Jyeshta Nak person. I’m not proud of my flaws, but they are there; I just have to learn how to remedy them and grow for the better. I will forever be on that journey. I just pray I don’t reverse the self evolution with self sabotage. I rather not be a wannabe Trump… no thank you 🙏 people are complex, so why paint ourselves as saints when we are not? what makes y’all think we’re the divine exception to the laws of nature? we are here to live this life and to learn from it. and if you make mistakes? own up to them. it’s easier said than done, but it’s much more rewarding to find ways to transform yourself into a more evolved human being. see your own shadow for what it is. you can’t suppress it because it will only shroud you with its darkness. once you start harming others, you are only digging a deeper hole for yourself. living in delusion and in denial is not healthy. and if you refuse to acknowledge that, then I wish you good luck in trying to crawl yourself out from your self made abyss of a grave 🫡
thanks for sharing your experiences 💛💛
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itsnightslashtime · 9 months
Akari as a Ninetails instead of Zoroark AU?
((ooc: Ooh, that one would be interesting 👀 I'm going with the OG Kantoan Ninetails for this one
Well, for one, her illusions would hardly be all they are now. She'd be a Vulpix that somehow ended up with Dawn when Dawn was a few weeks old, so I can imagine that, to keep the facade of her twin, Akari took from the mental energy of everyone else in the house(Johanna and her Glameow, Umbreon, and Kangaskhan(Jumpy)) to plant a mild glamour in a sort of Area Of Effect spell to live as a person. This gets stronger as she gains more tails.
Speaking of her tails, they tend to stick out when she plants physical glamour on herself, as well as her ears, resulting in a sort of mix-matched hybrid look. She covers her ears with a hat like Dawn's(and more glamour, once it gets stronger), but her tails never really go away.
People(at least in Twinleaf Town) are aware this is a Pokemon that decided it wanted to live as a human, and they're not gonna say anything because the few times someone tried, Miss Johanna very effectively played into the role of Fierce Asian Mother, which was definitely helped by Jumpy. She may be a Ribbon Cup winner, but she can battle just as well, especially if it's for her daughters.
During Dawn and Akari's journey(ft. Barry like half the time), they figured out a way to hide Akari's tails via Oversized Hoodie! Which was Not Hard considering the girls are 4'6 lmao(that's canon i heard it from my friends in the Rotomblr Discord). Akari turned out to like the oversized hoodie very much and it became a permanent part of her style! until hisui
Speaking of Hisui, Arceus decided to bless her with a little glamour to make her mission easier, thus making everyone around see and believe that she was human. ...This resulted in her thinking the same thing, until she evolved post-Red Sky and the glamour broke due to the sudden surge in both size and power. Arceus was not made aware of this. So she had to set up her own glamour again, which was thankfully much stronger after evolution thanks to the power in her nine tails.
One more thing from the Pokedex to tie in with the glamour!))
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nkn0va · 2 months
Could you do something with Linne from unib? You can make it platonic I just really like her "too old for this shit" personality.
I am so sorry for making you wait so long compared to all the previous asks for this. I wanted to complete Linne's chronicle mode first before doing this but unlocking it takes much longer than expected when you have ADHD and mild dyslexia. Hope this is worth the wait.
I wasn't sure if you preferred romantic or platonic so I wrote these in a way that could be interpreted as either just to be on the safe side.
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-To put it simply, Linne's an...intriguing person. Some ways good, some ways not so much.
-Being born to one of the few remaining families of the Night Blade, you heard all the stories of the cursed princess who never experienced death, reincarnating into brand new bodies every time. Finally meeting her for yourself one day is an experience not like any other.
-Being in the body of a small child, it's rather strange at first to hear her speak with such maturity and experience, even if you already know it's coming. Regardless you learn a lot from spending time with her.
-Linne can be distant at times, but she's not cold. She's more than willing to tell you tales of her younger days as she's lived through countless generations and living to see such drastic advances in technology, art, society, and the world in general. It's actually quite intriguing.
-She was there to see airplanes come to fruition, to see the first ever moving picture and the rise of animation and cinema, see the evolution of modern architecture over the course of several hundred years, a number of sports becoming invented and pop off in popularity, and a lot more she can tell you all about. If you're a history nerd especially it's basically like finding Atlantis lmao.
-Whatever capacity you're involved with her, she really does appreciate having you around. She does find some enjoyment of telling the youth of today about her experiences. It's a refreshing change from Waldstein in a bunch of other ways too.
-Waldstein's a bit too strict on her at times. Particularly with her diet. He's way too focused on feeding her food based on nutrition which doesn't exactly mesh well with Linne's childlike tendencies due to her current host. Slip her a piece of chocolate or two when Wald's not looking and she won't ever forget that.
-You're also much better to just take a stroll through the town with. Wald sticking out like a sore thumb as much as he does makes it nigh impossible to go anywhere without getting stares and questions. You can simply say you're an older family member of some kind and no one will care. It's much easier for Linne to relax with you around and not have to worry about the Night, Amnesia, Paradox, and all that other bullshit.
-Of course being part of the Night Blade you're getting trained by her too once you awaken to your EXS abilities. Having lived for literal centuries she's pretty much the best teacher you could ask for. You still got a long way to go to beat her but thanks to her you can more than handle yourself in a fight against most other In-Births.
-She's tough but fair on you, much better than the old man who'd piledrive you into the dirt, both figuratively and literally if Linne didn't stop him.
-Despite being literal centuries younger, you quickly find yourself acting as the middle(wo)man to Linne and Waldstein. The voice of reason when either of them get too irrational as you're the one most familiar with the current times (Boomer Wald lmfao). Also fitting considering you're in between them when it comes to physical stature as well.
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your--isgayrights · 10 months
re: that ask about barthes/hsy. I feel like it's not an outright framework against the traditional constructed system of classifying media but rather a critique about how it's not always best to solely rely on the author's intentions but rather a mix of both(like not all interpretations are gonna be correct as well too, like you said thats delusion)? and honestly it's interesting because orv also sends the message to not be overly reliant on escapism. This ain't even an ask lmao idk where i'm going with this but yeah
Yeah you're probably right I'm not really a theory expert so my experience of death of the author definitely isn't in directly trying to interpret Barthes' assertions but like seeing how other people have interpreted/applied his framework in their own works. Like I think because I'm a fandom guy and not an academia guy I see a lot of people misinterpreting death of the author or applying it to their experience of like commercial lit/storytelling. I will say tho I am like a mega liberal in terms of what I consider 'literature' because I think folk/pop literature is really special and important to me. Took a lit class once where I argued that a gas station receipt is literature.
That being said I def get that Barthes' in context is critiquing a status quo of his time like you say, and I don't disagree at all that like ultimately lit analysis needs insight from reading the text as well as attempts at understanding the author behind it. In terms of tragedy/the delusion, the aspect I was focusing on is more like the literary/thematic element of death of the author as a tragedy if that makes sense? Bc like while it's cool that source texts are so much easier to find/document in modern storytelling traditions, there's still this mythos/feeling of a story that gets so big it leaves the hands of the author entirely to become its own thing. Like I love humans bc that's the kind of thing that started religions and pantheons in the past, stellar, love how powerful stories can become and the ephemeral nature of true origin in that case, but again the power the story has is then no longer in the hands of the author once the story is viewed by a reader, which is why in ORV KDJ is the one running the universe on his subconscious lol.
Like bc of that evolution of author death in modernity though, like based in the reality of webnovels like ORV as commercial texts that get reinterpreted and transformed by translators and fans over and over again with anonymous authors we might not know much of anything about, the delusion I'm speaking of is that some of those millions of readers may not think of author intent at all and just view the finished work as a Product, something consumable. This is what I meant by apathetic delusion when I got into the part you agree with here of readers who only see text as an outlet for their own escapism.
The feeling you have of 'mix of both' is exactly what I'm trying to convey by the "impossible communication." Because text is ultimately speech, storytelling is conversation, it is an attempt to communicate from one author to however many readers. The writing on the wall idea from ORV is very related to this in that you are trying to convey this thing that you are not sure anyone will ever see just in hopes of one day being understood or seen by others, even if you'll never see those others or know how your words affected them. This is why I felt that orv's emphasis on text as Relationship between author and reader.
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mejomonster · 1 year
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Oh my god the changes they made
I'm gonna scream
In opening of Justice in the Dark
Okay so 1. No worries idk if this is good or bad yet. I'm assuming this is like many cdrama adaptations in the sense I should just treat it as an Alternate Universe of the story, so i imagine it won't be a perfect adaptation (akin to When The Fates Collide compared to normal xena, or Xmen Evolution cartoon compared to Xmen First Class as way different ways to adapt xmen).
2. I'm losing it cause the Special Investigation Division (SID) is in the credits lmao. You know. The group that investigates mutants ("dixingren") in Guardian? That Zhao Yunlan leads!
3. Which just made my crossover headcanon I'd been hoping to write about Guardian/Silent Reading even fucking easier oh my fucking God. I had already assumed in a compatible little crossover Fei Du would be a mutant (and hide it) and Luo Wenzhou would be a detective still aware or it but helping to hide it cause he saved the kid when Fei Du was young like in SR book and just wants a normal life for him. But Fei Dus powers help him solve crimes (also suit his desire to help solve crimes and be a nosy bitch) so he still ends up trying to join Wenzhous crime investigation group. Well if their group is ALSO SID lmao? Then Luo is aware of mutants full on, and just SID chief in another city, and maybe him and Zhao call each other on business calls lol (I'm ignoring the 2530 time period or whatever). (Also Fei Dus power in my head is usually if he touches blood on a crime scene or on a person or anywhere - which he has a phobia about seeing - then he can see what the victim saw/thought before they died, or what the bleeding person if still alive saw/thought when they were bleeding that spit left behind). It seems like it'd suit his personality and give him just more ammo to insist he help at crime scenes.) Anyway I had always assumed I'd need a murder to happen in a plot, then Zhao Yunlan is investigating mutants and realizes Fei Du is on Haxing when it's illegal for them to be (unless they're in SID like Lao Chu or Shen Wei the Hei Pao Shi exception), and Zhao Yunlan wants to pretend he doesn't notice cause he often lets that crime slide since it's unfair, but because of all the murders and Fei Dus shady connections he thinks Fei Du is genuinely a credible suspect so he's gotta arrest him and take him to Dixing. Which Luo Wenzhou adamantly resists up to blatant lying Fei Du is human, not a mutant, and under his jurisdictions protection, and Luo says he'll help Zhaos investigation to prove Fei Du isn't involved. But of course, with Fei Dus nosy ass self he still ends up Looking Involved because he keeps investigating on his own and it looks bad on him.
If in the show lol Luo is ALSO a SID chief then this crossover just gets easier to write. ToT
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