#during that episode with nanny fine's sister?
addiemilfgomery · 4 months
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that is the joy of being with a man who lives to serve (wink, wink).
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hotchfiles · 1 month
I feel like you would appreciate a wacky criminal minds fanfic AU idea that I had in my youth. Involves knowledge of the episode Pleasure is My Buissness. (One of the best Hotch episodes!)
During the investigation into Megan Kane, she never devolved. She never tied the man to the chair or shot the man in the car. This led to the BAU never finding her apartment, and she successfully poisoned her father. One mighty fine coincidence happened a day after she killed her father when another escort was caught poisoning her client as well.
The other woman was hoping to use the killings to get away with her own murder but instead got all of them pinned on her. She fit the profile at the time and had a criminal record of physical assault. With that, Megan went dormant and never felt the urge again. She changed her last name and got a degree in education, and decided to become a high-end nanny.
Hotch was dealing with a lot at work, and with Jess getting married and leaving, Jack was home alone. He didn't know what to do but Rossi offered to pay for a nanny, one suggested to him by his friends. After a thorough background check done by Garcia, and other than a last name change said to be done to distance herself from her dad, who abandoned her, she checked out.
So 8 year old Jack got a new nanny named Megan. Eventually, when Jack is 10, Megan lets it slip, and she doesn't think that Jack would know, but the kid is incredibly observant. He knows and hears everything, so he figures it out, and instead of being weird about it, he is intrigued. Being raised in a loose moral house will do that to ya.
Eventually, this leads to teen Jack being a nice good kid in front of his dad but a gaslight gatekeep girlboss with a former escort, then nanny turned honorary older sister.
but also let me just say that YOUR BRAIN
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inevitablemoment · 11 months
I'm mostly a Janegon fan, but your OC ideas are sweet, I specially like the fact that Cathleen is a storyteller.
Have you watched the series The Nanny?
There is an episode where Mr Maxwell Chefield (Charles Shaugnessy) is about to marry the titular Nanny, Mrs Fran Fine (Fran Drescher), and there is a sweet scene where he talks to the spirit of his deceased wife and she blesses his new marriage, saying that, from the afterlife, she sent Fran to his life to bring joy for him and the kids.
In the series, is also shown that while married to Maxwell and having adopted his children, Fran never asks them to forget his first wife their birth mom. When the children miss the original Mrs Sheffield, Fran watches a video tape recording of her with them, and also dedicates jewish prayers to her memory.
In an AU where Egon keeps custody of Callie and happily marries Janine after proccessing the grief for the death of Cathleen, could you envision a similar dinamic between them?
(Sorry that this took me so long to answer)
Thank you so much! I like Janegon, too, but I'll admit that I've kinda grown attached to Cathleen, so I've gotten focused on my AU where Cathleen lives. But I did make a Janegon playlist that you can listen to here.
I got the idea of Egon falling in love with a storyteller from the musical, Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier. That musical in general made me just love with the idea of a STEM geek and a literature geek finding love together.
Oh, I love The Nanny! I have a lot of memories of watching reruns of it on TV Land on Saturday mornings back in second and third grade, and then watching my recording of the episode about Maggie's wedding when I was home sick one day. I was recently able to get the complete series boxset from a Half-Price Books store during a vacation earlier this month.
This ask actually helped me create this AU, as I always have considered what my take on "Egon keeps custody of Callie and ends up with Janine" would be.
(Not-so-brief summary under the cut)
As Cathleen died when Callie was only a year old, Callie can't remember her mother. She knows her from photos, home movies, and stories that her father and her uncles tell her, though. Callie is a few months away from her fourth birthday when the Ghostbusters team is first formed and Janine is hired to work as their receptionist. One of the things that attracts Janine to Egon is seeing how, underneath his reserved and stoic exterior, he's a devoted father to Callie. Janine connects with Callie, who immediately imprints on Janine like a baby duck.
Egon slowly opens up to her about how he struggled adjusting to life as a single parent after Cathleen's death, and the tense custody battle between him and Cathleen's parents. Their friendship builds into a romantic relationship, and they end up marrying in 1986.
The only time that Callie ever felt insecure regarding Janine's love for her was after the birth of her half-sister, Lily Esther Spengler, in 1987. She began to feel now that Janine had a child that was biologically hers, then she wouldn't be as loved as she was before. Janine took her aside and reassured her that she loved Callie. Three years later, Janine and Egon welcomed a third daughter, Vanessa Ruth.
After the move to Summerville, as in my Cathleen Lives 'verse, Callie's main grudge with her father is that he uprooted her life over something that may or may not happen, and burned every bridge he had when no one but Janine believed him. Callie ran off to her maternal grandparents' new home in Chicago and refused to return home. She cuts off contact with her father and half-sisters, but only occasionally speaks with Janine over the phone.
Following the defeat of Gozer (I haven't decided whether it's Callie, Lily, or Vanessa who gets possessed by Zuul in this 'verse), the surviving members of the Spengler family reconcile.
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akiizayoi4869 · 1 year
I think I’ve gotten into the habit of sending you headcanons on Tuesday and Friday *shrugs shoulders*
1. Ty Lee obviously hugs Azula a lot now that she’s only eight but Azula is shocked when the Gaang members do it for the first time
2. In Ba Sing Se, Katara gets mistaken for Azula’s nanny. Neither are happy.
3. During the Headband, Azula accidentally gets taken to the school as well and Aang gets in trouble she has to pretend to be his little sister.
Fine by me😂. Like I said before, these asks really make my day. I am loving this au. And your headcanons! Ty Lee absolutely would constantly hug and pick up Azula, much to her annoyance, lol. Mai would definitely tease her about it. You know, I haven't really thought much about book 3 for this fic, but the idea for The Headband episode isn't bad at all. That would actually be pretty funny, seeing Aang walking around the school with this tiny girl holding his hand. Said girl is their princess, but they don't need to know that, right? And oh man, the blow out I can see happening between Katara and Azula when someone says that to them🤣. Thanks for the ask as always, anon!
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clover-hq · 4 years
May-Bella Adderin Novachrono
Character profile
Warnings: mega spoilers for manga and story in general.
Also shout out to the lovely @one-leaf-grimoire for letting me add her Lovely Lady Lisa into the lore
Love y'all-💙
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"Little Jewel"-her father
"Princess Poppy"-Ring Master
Age- 19(at current time of Canon) 20 in story
Height- 5'10/177 cms
Weight- 195 lbs
Hair- Dirty blonde
Eyes- Light Purple
Birthday- October 29th
Zodiac : Scorpio
Magic Knight Squad : Ex Grey Deer
Magic Type : Party Magic
Spells :
Party balloons
-basic balloons that pop confetti
Funhouse mirrors
-a dangerous defensive spell that sends back the attackers magic as the opposite magic type twice as strong
Cutie clowns
-Clowns that can be used as attackers, Defensive shields or Restrains
Jack n' a box
-A spell that can be used as transporting space or communication device.
A Very Spunky Girl, who lives to entertain. But outside of the clown suit she's sassy with a sharp tongue. Despite being the Wizard kings daughter she's very much independent and Strong willed; While she may not always not know the direction to take in life she's not afraid to admit or speak when a path she's taken has made her unhappy. A Clueless Romantic who struggles picking up social cues, yet she's very open and loud about her feeling's if she's figured them out. She's not a very Formal person and is very approachable and friendly, but she knows how lie and manipulate someone to do as she pleases if they're open enough for her to target certain cues
Relationships :
Julius Novachrono (Father)
Lillian Reyna Kira (Mother)
Augustus Kira Clover(Uncle)
Lisa Ambrose Petalon Novachrono(Step-Mother)
Damnatio Kira (Cousin)
Patri (Husband)
Flower (Son)
Mimi (Nanny)
Yami Sukehiro(Elder Brother figure)
William Vangeance(Elder Brother figure)
Back Story-
Minor family background for any hickups or confusion it might cause-
Lillian is Agustus' older sister. I'll post details on her at a later date
At 3 months old she was separated from her mother forcefully by Augustus, Leaving Julius to raise her as single father (With the help of Servants of course) to the best of his ability, while also taking his duty as a magic knight seriously.
Luckily for him she was an easy-going baby with minor hickups every once and a while.
When she was around 2 years old her interest in the world of entertainment sprang to life. when she passed by a street preformers with her Nanny after visiting her father at the Grey Deer Base. She was captivated by the preformer's ability to make to many people clap and smile by singing and dancing. Which she began copying at home; to the best of her 2 year old ability she sang and wobbled around trying to copy the preformers, the first time Julius witnessed the behavior he thought something was wrong but was pleasantly relieved when he figured out what she was doing.
At age 4 she was enrolled into her first Theater Arts class, where she thrived in learning skills of performance. Due to her now having something to do during the day made Julius' worries go away for a while. Till at age 5 when she sprained her ankle after slipping during a dance routine. During her two weeks of recovery she began taking her magic training seriously, and found it odd she could make balloons that when popped scattered confetti.
She grew insecure of her odd magic and began hiding afraid her father would be upset she didn't have magic like him, but Julius saw her cast the spell one day when he came home way earlier than normal to check up on her as she was forced to stay off her feet till she was fully recovered. He was immediately thrilled by her kind of magic, and he was the one to give her magic type a name.
At age 5 she had her first crush on the infamous "Zara Ideale" mainly from stories her father told her but she was able to see him in person once on her way home from school and did receive his autograph that keeps hidden and well kept.
At age 7 she met Yami Sukehiro, they had an immediate attachment with a sibling like bond and often did their studies together. The two where inseparable for the most part, he took his new job as part time big brother seriously and became a new support system for both her and her overworked father. While Mimi still did alot of work with Adderin having someone young like Yami around took a load off her shoulders as she wasn't young like when she raised julius and running around with her was becoming difficult.
Yami, Adderin and Julius lived together fine, but Adderin had minor attachment issues when Yami became a Magic knight. But by that time she already had a full schedule between regular school and her Theater classes as her first big show was coming up. Julius, Yami and Mimi all attended for the show but to their surpjse despite Adderins talent she was only a bush that threw confetti. Despite that she was happy after the show, her first big time on the stage and she was love struck by stardom. The stage was her new home, and now with the goal of being the Star of the next show she had Julius enroll her in more dance classes, singing and other things that would help her raise skills to do so.
At age 9 she met William Vangeance, and his mask absolutely terrified her. Causing her to cry on site. Not being much of a cryer hearing her cry broke Julius' heart as he's the one who made it. She eventually got used to it but did stray away from William as much as possible in the process of getting used to him.
(Biggest Physical difference- at this age she's 5'6).
One time, he unfortunately spooked her on accident as was met with the knife Yami got her for her 10th birthday to the arm. Which she quickly apologized for, and got a scolding from both her father and Yami. After that Adderin and William began to understand each other more, soon growing close like she did with Yami.
Age 11 her hard work payed off and she received the lead role in her schools musical rendition of Princess and the Pea. Although her cast mates found it annoying she was able to everything near perfect while they where still beginning learner's. To compromise this little issue she was switched from lead role to an Uglystep sister(Anastasia) with the older kids and their rendition of Cinderella. This did send her into a minor depression slump and it did Alarm Julius Severely to see her taking her magic training more seriously than rehearsing for the show. He knew the switch took a grand hit to her mental state and did his best to comfort her.
At 12 the theater school completely dropped her. Saying she was to advanced for them despite her young age. And for that reason she couldn't go into the other school till she was 15 and had her grimore. This completely destroyed her, sending her into a 3 month long depression episode as the school was the only place people talked to her despite being excluded from her peers due to not having any hobbies and interestss outside of theater and entertainment. With her father nearly working all the time, Yami and William as well she spent this time of her life completely secluded from the world other than Mimi.
Age 13… has to be the roughest year for her socially. Her father had officially became the Wizard king and William and Yami became captains soon after everyone who used to know her from the school recognized the name Novachrono and they reconized her father. Soon all the children who dreamed or had siblings who dreamed of becoming magic knights started trying to hang around her, but Adderin was an advanced actor and knew they where putting up an act to see if they could chest the system. And she fed into their lies and they fed into hers. But the toll of being recognized as nothing more than his daughter eventually took it's toll on her mental state that led her into alot of trouble. Eventually she decided to let go of her dreams of being a preformer and become a magic knight. It was what all her "friends" were doing and she desperately wanted to fit in. She began taking her magic training seriously but no one took her magic seriously, it was seen as nothing more than a party gag.
(14)Due to his increase of work Julius didn't notice his daughters toxic friend group or her declining mental state till Mimi visited the Magic Knights HC and addressed her concerns. One night he came home earlier to make sure he could be able to sit down for dinner in time only to find her crying in her room. All he could do as assure her the next year she'd be able to return to the world of entertainment doing what would make her happy. Around this age she also stopped growing reaching 5'10 leaving her an awkward giant among her "friends"
Age 15, when she finally received her grimore she took her training more seriously than before, it saddened Julius to see her abandoning her dreams to follow the line but supported her the entire way through. She managed to get into her father's old squad "The Grey Deer", she stayed until a few weeks before her 16th Birthday when she was formally kicked out of the magic knights by her father. He hated seeing her so depressed and uniformed, he wanted her to thrive in an environment where she was happy. So she did, leaving the magic knights and winding up at the nearest circus due to them accepting aspiring preformers.
At 16 she was selected to be the main act for the first show of the season, which she did infact write her father to let him know the big news. Her performance was a big hit among all viewers, new and old. Her magic combined with her natural skill captivated the eyes of so many people she was quickly met with loyal fans and fanclub's for her. The name "Princess Poppy" quickly spread across the world of entertainment.
By age 17 she had merchandising of her,(which her father collected loyaly)Everything from stickers to full-blown figurines, she was a circus idol.
Although she never wondered about her mother when Damnatio asked if she wanted to meet her, she was confused. Her entire life she was told her mother was dead so she never bothered. But when the entire situation was explained, she took his offer and decided to meet her mother in secret.
Which was a decision she'd come to regret after Lillian tried to freeze her throat shut. She was quickly rushed to Owen, luckily Fuegoleon was in the building with a few CLKs who needed treatment after a mission and was able to warm her throat back up but despite his and Owens efforts her thyroid could not be repaired.
Julius was furious at the ordeal and nearly killed Damnatio for setting up the entire thing. But his heart was broken when she asked him "Why did you lie about mom being dead" he realized he also had a shoulder of responsibility for never explaining to her the situation which led her to curiosity to meet the woman she believed dead.
Age 18-
Still recovering from her accident with her mother and getting back into her normal life and routine she found herself chasing after a small rodent who stole her favorite scrunchie, unknowingly running into EOTMS territory and accidentally trampling over "Licht", tripping over him dragging them both into a ditch. Which got a good chuckle out of Rhya seeing the tall clown completely wind their leader.
They where ready to kill her but where surprised to see she was able to send their magic back as the opposite magic type twice as strong with some sort of mirror. She eventually just started visiting them every so often bringing snacks and preforming small gags not caring what they where doing or even questioning what they where doing there, eventually growing an attachment to Patri and Patris attachment to the goofy clown idol was mutual, finding himself longing for her when she left for long periods of times for traveling shows. .
After one particularly special night the two found themselves kissing by the lake after a deep conversation with each other. But Adderin was the first one to admit her love to him and the two began dating in secret till Rhya called Patri out on his lie when questioning him about what the human meant to him.
At age 19 her world was flipped upside down, as her father's relationship with one of his Advisor's was brought to light. It was the first time in her life she'd ever call someone out of their name and the first time she'd ever expressed pure anger towards Julius. Lisa's was the only one ever Adderin made call her by her first name and title, with her "Lady May-Bella" was all she'd respond to.
It didn't take long for Patri or anyone she hung around to notice hellish mood, someone who normally appeared to happy and untouchable carrying such wrath and hatred scared him alot. But when she said the only thing she wanted was time with him he nearly melted inside. And so she got what she wanted for nearly two weeks she stayed with Patri off the grid which sent panic through Julius when the Ring Master contacted him when she didn't return after the first night thinking she was at home with him as she didn't tell anyone where or who she took off with
Although, about a month from that incident she found herself returning to the capital with news for her father. She somehow had to manage the courage to tell him she was with child. But all but great panic set upon her when seeing a mass light magic spell she knew belonged to Patri, followed by a spell just as large belonging to her father's time magic. Soon followed by the grand attack of elves but she was only able to reach and tell Patri, right before he gave the body back to William. All he could do was kiss her forehead and tell her he was sorry he had to leave. Although minor releif was brought to both parties when Rades brought Patri back.
Before she could leave with Patri, leaving clover for good she went with Yami and William to say her partings to what she thought would be her father's corpse but to find his new state was rather conflicting, but happy he was alive nonetheless. Telling her father the news.. and who the father of the child would be was bitter sweat before she kissed her goodbyes, leaving off with telling Lisa "Take care of Daddy for me while I'm gone, okay mom?'
At the current time of Canon Adderin would be 6//7 months pregnant. She lives with Patri in the new Village of the elves now stunted with fear of the dark triad
Age 20, she welcomed a healthy baby boy with Patri. Settling on the name Flower, not telling him the name was from a Skunk from a fairy tale she loved as a child.
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immawritethat · 5 years
Missed Connections
(Somewhat connected to this piece I half-wrote last year and have been thinking about since) Anyhow, this the workshop draft of a short story I wrote for class, and I just think it’s v neat and wanted to share!
Dolores Lopez spent much of her free time inside museums, but today she was here with a purpose. The building was much younger than many of its contents—an oblong Art Deco styled building, trimmed with golds and chevron and all those other lovely elegant things. The atrium stretched to the full height of the building, dwarfing all patrons as if to say “You are inferior in the grand scheme of history; there may be no one to tell your tale lest ye gain the wealth and notoriety seen here!”
Or perhaps Dolores was simply projecting.
The first time she’d visited this particular museum was in the second grade, back when she wore her dark brown hair in two simple plaits—well, until two of the boys in class decided a few months later it was a stroke of comic genius to cut one off with a pair of scissors during class—back when her complexion still held a rich, golden undertone to it instead of a sickly yellow tinge, and back before she had to squint through thick, round glasses that later had her teased for looking far too much like an owl. It was so long ago she couldn’t remember exactly what they had been there to study—maybe something about the Native Americans or Columbus or vaqueros, but that wasn’t what made an impact.
She remembered, once they had been given time to look about the museum freely, taking one glance at an old World War II nurse’s uniform from the travelling exhibit and bursting into tears. A grief she had never been introduced to flooded forth, having seen no death in her lifetime, and pulled her underneath its tide. Something had been sitting inside her, buried deep underneath everything she knew of herself. The chaperone overseeing her had ended up taking her outside to calm down, asking what had happened. She had never quite been able to explain it, and lied that her stomach hurt when pressed for an answer.
As she aged, Dolores noticed more and more of her life out of the ordinary.
There were the vivid dreams, showing flashes of lives both mundane and horrific. They varied in topic, but often continued on at some point or another, as though a new episode had finally aired. Sometimes there were flickering shadows of a cobblestone hearth, and other times the sparking battlefields on the edge of the Euphrates. The most common ones brought Dolores into a living room decorated with floral wallpaper, a gramophone playing a song she later discovered was Vera Lynn’s “We’ll Meet Again.” In some dreams, she sat with another girl, a few years older, playing with rag dolls whose threads unraveled and only just remained stitched together so they wouldn’t have to hear the wailing of an upset child. In others, they were older, seated beside the radio, listening to whatever the statesman had to say on the state of drought and war and the economy.
Sometimes she sat alone, patching up old skirts and trousers, with little more than the hum of the wind to bring her company.
Only now was she beginning to understand what those dreams meant.
“Dolly Lopez?” The silvery voice came from behind Dolores, along with a gentle tap on the shoulder, pulling her focus back to the present. She turned, and an aged tension lifted from her body. Remington Siegel stood half a foot taller than her, dressed in a rather interesting combination of neon prints which stood out even more against his dark skin, looking nothing like the person that she had missed, but feeling every bit the same.
Dolores swiped the tears from her face, clearing her throat to compose herself. “You kept me waiting,” she said.
“I never meant to.” Remy put his arms across her shoulders, pulling her into an awkward side-hug. “Should we sit somewhere? Or is there an exhibit you’re fond of?” He paused for a moment, face screwed up with thought. “You weren’t the one with a stamp collection, were you?”
Dolores scrunched her nose. “I don’t remember much, but I definitely don’t remember that.”
Remy only shrugged. “Another lifetime, then. It’s tough to keep them all separated, you know.”
Dolores’s gaze fell down to the messenger bag hanging from his shoulder, stuffed with loose, crumpled papers on the verge of falling out. The weight of the binder in her arms seemed to double.
“Maybe the café?” He suggested, in hopes of breaking the silence. “It was a long flight from Newcastle, and I haven’t eaten much since—too busy trying to get a hold of myself.”
“Of course! Sorry, I got lost in my own head.” Dolores stepped to the side, gesturing forward. “Honestly, I’m just still a bit shocked you’re really here—five months of Twitter DMs and now? Bam! You’re just…here.”
“Well, that’s one of the many plusses of being the only grandchild of wealthy grandparents—they’re willing to spoil me at the drop of a hat. Well, that and I have spent far more time doing this.” He gestured his bag forward. “Maybe I’m not half as organized, but I’ve got it mostly-kinda-sorta figured out. Seeing me in action should help you out a lot.”
Dolores nodded, offering a soft mm-hm, but her eyes were clouded and far off. He hadn’t brought it up. She knew they had talked about it plenty through their messages, but it felt strange to not mention it. Wrong, even. But this was the third time he’d done this—he’d even approached her about it all. Maybe there was some taboo about it she was unaware of.
Maybe it didn’t mean as much to him.
She listened to Remy ramble on about his research methods preferred databases through the halls, around the line of the café, and even for the first few minutes seated at the table. She asked questions from time to time, but ones which were only half engaged—Oh really? How long did that take? How did you come up with that? She spent far more time shouting in her own head to get over her worries and ask something with more meaning.
“You’re dying to ask something.” It was a statement, rather than a question, delivered between a mouthful of muffin and a sip of tea. “The hesitant look in your eyes—go on, don’t be shy. I didn’t come all the way out here to buy five dollar muffins and be half-listened to.”
Dolores averted her gaze, focusing on the instead on a photo of an aged Victorian doctor, apparently one of Remy’s most notable memories, who looked up at her with a stern warning to mind her words carefully. She wiggled the straw in her tea aimlessly. “No, no, I’m alright!” She forced out a laugh, the way she had practiced on plenty of bad dates throughout plenty of lifetimes. “I’m just a little—”
“Look, Dolly—If you tell me you’re star-struck again, I’ll just have to ask you what’s wrong and that’s never a fun conversation.”
Dolores took in a short breath and sighed, deflating in her chair. “I was just…hoping maybe we could talk a little more about…” She pressed her lips together, failing to hold back her true thoughts. “Us? What we were, what we went through. I mean, God, it’s hard enough to find someone who remembers at all, let alone someone you shared that history with! Let’s talk about the fact that you were Betty and I was Judith and that we’re only seeing each other again now nearly eighty-goddamned-years later in two totally different bodies and from two totally different places!”
Ceramic clinked against the table. Dolores pulled her fist back towards her chest, face flushed from her outburst. She hadn’t meant to get that worked up, hadn’t meant to hit the table.
Remy leaned back in his chair, stretching out his long legs, and drew out a sigh. He stared up at the ceiling for a moment, frowned, and then fixed his gaze back on Dolores. “You know that fun little saying War is hell? It’s not too far off.”
Dolores scooted her chair closer to the table, so that her belly pressed against the cool laminate. She hunched forward, so that he wouldn’t have to speak any louder than was required between the two of them.
“I try not to remember being Betty. I know you remember a lot of the good things, but you were the little sister. It was my job to make things seem fun and happy for you, even when Dad lost his job during the Depression and when the neighbors started getting shipped off left and right when the war started.” Remy paused. He suddenly found the particular soda stains on the floor particularly interesting, and focused his gaze there. “I know I signed up to be an Army Nurse because I was exhausted playing nanny for you. You were thirteen, I figured you’d be fine if I was gone for a bit. I could see the world, and meet some boys.”
He let out a whistle, low and long, like the groan of a dropped bomb. “Boy, oh boy did I meet plenty. You see things you couldn’t imagine happen to a human body treating a warzone. They kept me with diseases, mostly, not trauma.”
Dolores nodded. She knew how the story ended—Betty had contracted TB, died before the war even ended, and left her sister—had left her—without so much as a final goodbye.
Remy shrugged his shoulders, and returned to his previous position. “I’d love to say I remembered the good things, Dolly, but I’ve got all the ugly. Well, mostly.” He pulled an envelope from his bag, yellowed with time and creased with deep wrinkles. “I barely remember writing it, but I guess it was never posted. It was found in a box with some other nurse’s stuff, some old friend of mine—er, Betty’s—who’d passed, apparently.”
Dolores’s hands shook. It was so worn it had become soft, and the half-finished address was hardly legible at this point. “And it was definitely from…?”
Remy nodded. “It’s yours. Sorry it took so long to get here. But, hey, look at it this way: we got to say hello again instead of goodbye.”
Dolores’s lips quirked up into a smile. She left the envelope closed, and placed it inside her binder for later. She’d waited for it this long, anyway. “Hello is much nicer than goodbye, isn’t it?”
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smokinholsters · 5 years
Moving on
This one shot takes place during Episode 12:9, The Long Road back.
“Amy, you upstairs ?”
“Excuse me Ed,” she said into the phone and then covering it “I’m on the phone.”
“Ok, that’s great, not right now Ed” Amy said laughing “I’ll talk it over with Ty and let you know. Yes, Ed I understand. Come on Ed, we’ve known each other for a long time, not quite as long as that positions been open. Well it sure feels that way. Of course.”
Ty had come up, checked on Lyndy in the playpen and grabbed a glass of water while Amy got off the phone. He looked down at the sheet she was now doodling on. $100K, 3%, apt, 2br, win, trk, nny.
“What’s up ?” Ty asked. “Client ?”
“Job offer.”
“Job ?”
“That was Ed Halprin at Hillhurst. The head trainers job, I called him for the details.”
“What about us ?”
“I’m thinking like you, this won’t work.”
“When did I say that, is this over before ?”
“Before is part of it but a few days ago you drove off and said you don’t think this is going to work out, I agree and I’m out of time, we’re out of time. The Hillhurst job is what Lyndy needs right now and us not working together is what we need.”
“We’ve have issues over client horses before we were partners Amy, this is just growing pains, look I’m sorry, I told you, the stress, I haven’t been sleeping well.”
Amy closed her eyes for a second and took a breath her voice was even but low. “We’ve never had issues over our client horses before, we’ve have issues over my client horses. I’ve had issues with Scott and Cass too and after all the information we had was between us, I decided. I’m quite willing to decide on the treatment of our clients with you, I don’t think you are.”
“You don’t think we can work through this, we’ve always worked though our difficulties before ?”
“Actually, we never have. From the day we told each other we loved each other we have always split up when things got bad. We’re no good like this especially if you feel you can’t leave, that’s your pressure spout, time to think, months sometimes, we can’t do this Ty.”
“So Hillhurst ? That life, those people, that’s who you’re going to work for ? You can stay here and still have your business.”
Amy turned to look at him, “That woman, that horse,” Amy said pointing down the stairs “are Ahmed and Zeus, don’t you get it ?”
“What ?”
“You heard Laura right ? You know it’s true too, this happens all the time, any trick to win. They’re rich, spoiled, entitled, just like the Westfields and the Stantons, the Polo guys, you’ve met them , heard them, they have no scruples, no moral balance, are any of these people better than Ahmed ? That’s what this is right, my decision to not train high end horses, but that’s what I do Ty. A jumper won’t jump or jump high enough they come to me, a runner won’t run or they need it to run faster, they come to me and when Georgie wants to jump I train her, for Val, who’s also Ahmed. It’s just a job.”
“And me, us ?”
“You think I’m breaking up with you ?”
“Ty it’s a new two bedroom apartment with parking and a kitchen and a door and walls that separate spaces. So that Lyndy can learn to be with herself and sleep by herself and have privacy, so that we can have privacy.”
“And while you’re working, what happens to Lyndy ?”
“We hire a nanny, just like we were going to do here, except there Ed has offered me a studio apartment for our nanny. One that we can afford because the salary is $100,000 plus a profit share a year. Go back to the clinic Ty, be a partner and one day, very soon hopefully, we can buy a spread.”
“And Heartland ?”
“Heartland is not ours, it’s Grandpa’s, there is no space for us here Ty, not now.”
“The land ?”
“Is a fantasy. How long do we live like this until we settle for the house we can afford or do we wait even longer ? What’s the plan, a realistic schedule, two years, three ?”
“A nanny.”
“It’s not like that Ty, it’s a nanny basically at home where I work with horses on the same property, just like here. I’ll see her all the time, it’s head trainer, everyone works for me. Feel free to schedule hours at home during the day, I’m sure the nanny would love the break and I’d love to see you. You can even sneak by for afternoon trysts like normal young couples. Doors Ty, imagine the possibilities.”
“Leave Heartland, how’s Jack going to react ?”
“Grandpa will be fine, Lou will be fine, everyone will be fine, we’re just down the road.”
“So you’ve decided ?”
“No, I’m discussing it, I wouldn’t take a job without telling you, I don’t make decisions concerning us and our well being without you. If you have an alternative I’d love to hear it or any real objection to my taking the job, Ed will wait, he might even up the ante.”
“What happens now ?”
“Now we deal with the fallout from the fiasco we’re in and get Star healthy. Provided we’re not all arrested, tomorrow I’d like us to visit Hillhurst, get shown around, see the apartments and then you can take Lyndy home and Ed and I will talk through duties and expectations and then you and I will decide or maybe discuss it with the family and move forward.”
“Seems you’ve already decided.”
“No Ty, already decided is I talked to Scott and cut back on my hours so we could be partners in a business you thought I’d somehow forgotten about.”
“This is an adult conversation between two people. They come before rash decisions in some parts of the world. In fact many couples might end a conversation like this with a kiss of reassurance, personally I think making love right now would reassure us both, care to step over to the bed and pull the curtain ? I’m tired of living like this Ty.”
“I get it Amy, I do.”
“Then act like it rather than being resigned to it and do not internalize it.”
“I won’t”
Oh bull, you already are, we’re in this together Ty we’re both responsible for this.”
“Somehow I think you’re the only one who’ll see it that way.”
“Is that what this is ? Testosterone?”
“Then what Ty, you went away too many times ? Put yourself in front of your family’s needs ? You think I bear no responsibility for that ? It was easier to let you go then do this, but that time is done. I don’t want to raise Lyndy on my own or be without you so we need to learn to live together, actually live together, and we need to communicate.”
“Look at me Ty, Lyndy and I aren’t going anywhere and we both love you so much, spend some real time thinking not blaming, it works.”
“Never has before.”
“Then maybe it’s time you talked to someone other than yourself.”
“Seriously ?”
“It’s just talking Ty, it doesn’t come with a stigma.”
“I’m no good at that stuff.”
“You’ll get better.”
“Can we talk about this ?”
“How about you think about it all sweetheart;  think, talk, decide.”
“You’re Ok not doing this if that’s the decision ?”
“That will only be the decision with a viable alternative to it or this Ty, doing nothing is not an option. Lyndy is going to be 3.”
“Let’s go check on Star. Lyndy want to come see the horses ?” Ty asked
“Ya, hossies Dada”
Any smiled and walked over to her “come on then sweetheart, maybe there’s hope for a little brother or sister yet huh ?”
“Is that where we’re at ?”
“Look around you Ty, see room for a bunk bed ? I’m not looking to stall our life sweetheart, I want more kids and a place for them to be at home, a place for us, the real dream.”
“So we won’t work together anymore.” Ty said.
Amy laughed, “pick up my phone and go to V and hit vet. That’s your number Ty, I’m not calling another vet.” “So you’re Ok working together as long as I work for you ?” He asked poking at her side.
“See, that wasn’t so hard.” Amy said leaning in for a light more than sensual kiss.
“Maybe later we could ?” Ty asked following.
“Major reassurances later handsome, provided of course.”
“I get it, I get it.”
The End.
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sembell · 6 years
Moving Forward - Chapter 54
It’s been some time, but the longer the wait the longer the chapter, I guess?! Thank you guys so much for your patience, your encouraging words and your constructive feedback! I still love writing this story as a way to escape into an alternate reality that, as of now, makes me feel so much better than the actual reality (whatever that is :P) The title of this chapter is based on my very first encounter with Gillian at the Toulouse Game Show in 2015, when I was standing in front of her, ready to get my poster signed. Her phone buzzed, she looked at it and went “Oh shit! Just a second, sorry!” and then typed something. Who knows what happened there, but this is what I made out of it for the MF-universe :)
NC-17 warning!
“Oh shit! Just a second, sorry!” Gillian Anderson
September, and with it the end of filming, came around much faster than expected.
Parting ways had always been difficult, but incredibly hard after spending three and a half months together - as a family.
A few days after wrapping, David and Gillian found themselves, once again, on completely different continents, thousands of miles apart from each other. When he’d started to film the second season of Aquarius in Los Angeles, Gillian had flown out to Nepal with Piper and her sister to shed Aaron’s ashes. Right after their short and highly emotional trip, she traveled to India to shoot her new movie Viceroy’s House.
The weeks went by excruciatingly slow, even though their days were always busy and packed with an enormous workload.
By the middle of October, she was still shooting the movie in Jodhpur while David found himself at the New York Comic Con with Mitch and Chris, starting the promotion of their six-episode-event-series.
Although she couldn’t be with them, she had sent a video of her sitting by the pool, sounding somewhat like Lady Mountbatten and making a teasing comment about one of the pool boys. David grinned to himself as the audience cheered, remembering all those hours they’d watched documentaries and recorded her voice during breaks, and how much they’d laughed over her weird accent.
They’d started the panel with screening the first episode, and the rest of it went smooth and enjoyable, mostly due to Kumail, whose love and excitement for the show was basically endless.
At some point, right in the middle of an audience’s question, David’s phone buzzed on his upper thigh. With a quick glance down, he saw that Gillian had tweeted something.
Lying in bed in Jodhpur watching live NYCC panel. Miss you guys. Especially one of you.
He pursed his lips and read it again.
Especially one of you.
And then again.
Suddenly, Chris had started to talk again, and David raised his head abruptly, his eyes wandering over the audience. He had no idea what the question was, but it was answered quickly, and Mitch was talking again. And that was basically the rest of the panel for David. He just wasn’t able to concentrate anymore, especially since his phone kept on buzzing with new messages coming from his little tease over in India.
“She just texted me about my flow,” David said bashfully as he followed Mitch off the stage. The panel had just ended, and they were already on their way back to the media area where they were supposed to give a couple of interviews.
Mitch chuckled, turned around and gave David a pat on the back. “Did she watch us live?”
“Yeah, she did.”
“What does she think about your flow?”
“She says it’s flowing just fine, she’s still turned on by the way I handle my chunky monologues,” David answered, and they both fell into hearty laughter.
There was another message that he’d received during the panel, which he didn’t show Mitch, that said:
> Is that handsome dude on my screen really my boyfriend? I miss him terribly <
She knew exactly how to sweeten him up.
> I thought he’s right there with you, providing cold drinks and fresh fruit? <
A couple of seconds later, she started to type, and it didn’t take long for another text to pop up:
> :P - I wish! Y’all looked fantastic though. I’m so sad I couldn’t be there and watch the episode! Is it any good? <
> It’s good, the audience liked it. <, he replied and began to chew on the inside of his cheek as a new wave of longing came over him.
Right then, he couldn’t have cared less about the episode. All he could think of was kissing her in that pool by her hotel, running his nose over her cute little freckles and smelling her delicious, sunkissed skin.
Yes, he was desperate. And who could really blame him after all those weeks without her? Though admittedly, it had started to become fun to play with all the possibilities they had nowadays to stay in contact and feel somewhat close. David especially had become a big fan of those little sexting games she would constantly come up with. He certainly couldn’t imagine his life without being able to play “Queen of the day” with her anymore.
Unfortunately, nothing was even remotely close to what it felt like to have her in his arms, kiss her beautiful lips and tell her he loved her while looking into her deep blue eyes.
A couple of weeks later, David landed at London Heathrow Airport on a gloomy Friday afternoon, tired to the bones and aching from a long week on set.
He had been looking forward to their first weekend together in what felt like forever, at least up until last Tuesday, when he received a call from a very angry, but also abashed Gillian, telling him that the convention she would attend this weekend wasn’t actually taking place in Paris, as she assumed it would, but in a little French town called Toulouse, which was basically in the middle of nowhere.
All their plans for a nice, long weekend together with the kids, visiting the Eiffel Tower, climbing the stairs of the Basilica du Sacre-Coeur de Montmartre up to the top, or eating years worth of crêpes and baguettes had died in a matter of seconds.
Instead, David decided to spend the weekend at home with the kids, not really keen to drag them out to a cold, snowy Toulouse, no matter how nice and interesting it might’ve been. With so many geeks in one small city, chances were they wouldn’t be able to have a very good time after all.
It was already dark when he arrived at Gillian’s house, and Erin, the kids’ nanny, was all set to leave for a romantic weekend with her boyfriend in a nice little cabin somewhere on the coast. David couldn’t possibly envy her more, even though he was starting to look forward to having some fun with the kids alone.
Over the last couple of months, it had become somewhat of a tradition that whenever he had Gillian’s kids for himself, he’d take them to places that served American food. The good, greasy and overly sweet stuff that the boys didn’t get too often, but of course loved tremendously. He’d lie if he said that he didn’t enjoy spoiling them - they were awesome boys, and they had a good relationship even without buffalo wings, chicken with waffles or s’mores, but he loved having a good time with them and seeing them happy and relaxed around him. And whenever he’d been away for a longer period of time, it was an easy way to skip the awkward first couple of hours to warm up to each other again.
They took the tube to a nice little place near St. Paul’s Cathedral and had a wonderful dinner before driving back home and taking Nelson for a long walk around the neighborhood.
The dog had become everything David had hoped he would when he gave him to Gillian - a wonderful, beloved buddy for her active young boys. Both Oscar and Felix were very dedicated to Nelson, and it was a delight to watch how much fun they were having together, but also seeing how much responsibility the boys had taken for the little guy.
When David had settled Eaden for the night, the boys showed him their new sports game on the Nintendo Wii, and they ended up playing tennis and golf way past midnight, having so much fun that David even forgot to call Gillian before she fell asleep in her hotel in Toulouse.
On Saturday, the four of them went to an indoor playground right after breakfast, and David spent the better part of his day counting heads, carrying Eaden back to the toddler area, which she was constantly sneaking away from to jump around with the big kids, and handing out snacks and drinks.
Around midday, he started to receive some hilarious text messages from an incredulous Gillian, asking him how anyone in their right mind could possibly confuse Toulouse with Paris and complain that she was freezing her ass off in the hall she was sitting in before she eventually sent him a picture of a squat toilet, labeling it “Welcome in Europe 2015”.
While David had a good laugh over it, he also felt for her. She deserved a weekend to relax, yet she was out there making other people’s dreams come true. He couldn’t admire her more right now.
Gillian was back at her signing table after the first round of photo op’s around 2 pm, frozen to the bone and overwhelmed by the number of people still waiting in line to see her.
It was fun though, really. She’d grown to like these conventions despite her fear of crowds and her aversion to public speaking.
Her fans were crazy, but most of them were very nice, lovely people, and knowing she could make them very happy by just being there and taking a moment to talk to them was bringing her an immense amount of joy as well.
Her phone buzzed beside her, and she only meant to take a quick glance at it, but the first three words immediately caught her full attention and set her on alert. It was a message from David, one that didn’t start very good.
“Oh shit,” Gillian exclaimed, taking her phone and looking at the young woman standing in front of her. “Just a second, sorry!” Gillian said with an apologetic smile and unlocked the screen before reading the entire text:
> Rufus is missing. I can’t find him anywhere. Erin said Eadie didn’t have him for her nap either. Do you remember seeing him around somewhere? <
And that was when the nightmare started.
Gillian hopped into the waiting limousine to leave the convention center by 7:30 pm, much later than she’d anticipated since she spent another hour at her table, meeting even the last person who hadn't gotten the chance to see her earlier today.
The rest of the day had been so busy that she didn’t get the chance to write David anymore, and his messages had piled up by now.
His immediate reply to her suggestions where the bunny might’ve been was:
> No, he’s not in the car and not under our bed, or any bed for that matter. Please come up with something a little bit more helpful. I’m running out of options here. <
There were four more rather desperate ones before she reached the last one:
> I can’t find it. I looked absolutely EVERYWHERE! <
Gillian inhaled sharply and turned her head to look out of the window as they were passing the crowds on their way home, or to the next bar.
It was raining again, or snowing, she couldn’t really tell. The cold and cloudy weather in the past couple of weeks was starting to get to her mood and overall well-being. As if only the sun could recharge her batteries. Maybe a nice long bubble bath back at the hotel and a decent sized burger with fries and a milkshake on the side would do the trick, too, Gillian thought, smiling to herself. Boy, she really wasn’t looking forward to making a call home and face the reality that her one-year-old’s heart was probably broken into a million pieces.
With an exasperated sigh, Gillian dialed David’s number and raised her phone to her ear. Better get it over with right away, she thought.
He picked up on the fourth ring.
“Hey, stranger. You're done with your day?”
Gillian smiled. “Hello, yourself. Yep, I'm completely done. Done, done, done in every possible way. My brain is just… mush.”
“I bet it is,” David said with a chuckle. “Lots of people, huh?”
“You have no idea. But now tell me what’s going on! How is she?”
“A-s-l-e-e-p,” he spelled, especially emphasizing the ‘p’ at the end, sounding both relieved and tired.
“Oh, wow,” Gillian said in surprise. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Yeah, me neither. But she basically cried herself to sleep on the couch while I was trying to make dinner. I guess it was an exhausting day for all of us, and now she’s lying half on top of Nelson - who’s also on the couch, I’m very sorry - clutching one of your hoodies to her face.”
“Oh no, poor girl,” Gillian said ruefully. The bunny had been on top of her mind since David’s first message, and she couldn’t really remember when she’d seen him the last time. On Friday morning when she’d gotten the baby ready for the day? Did Eaden have him in the car during their school run? Or… did they bring him to get a couple of groceries and actually lost him while strolling through Brick Lane Market? Which was, undoubtedly, the worst case scenario.
“Yeah, it’s sad,” David said, pulling her out of her thoughts. “She just doesn’t understand it.”
“Fuck, David. I feel so guilty. It’s all my fault.”
“No, Gillian. Things like that just happen.”
“Have you ever lost the favorite stuffed animal?”
“Well, no. But we’ve lost a bunch over the years…”
“Yeah, the ones that are forgotten the next day. But you usually don’t lose the favorite one because you never bring it with you when you leave the house. That’s the number one rule every parent knows… and usually follows.”
“Maybe we’ll find him again. I will keep looking, okay? Don’t lose any sleep over it, babe.”
“Maybe I should go out for a drink with David and Nicholas after all,” Gillian mused, referring to the American actors that had also attended the convention with her.
“Yeah, at least one of us should have fun,” he said with a light chuckle.
“I’m so sorry, David. I know this wasn’t what you were expecting from this weekend. Are the boys good for you at least?”
“They’re awesome. One of them was always with Eaden or looking for the bunny. They took off to play upstairs an hour ago when the crying got really bad, which I can’t blame them for, to be honest. I think they’re hungry and waiting for dinner now, so…”
“Oh, okay. What are you making?”
“Baked mashed potatoes.”
“Um, okay. Sounds… interesting.”
“Easy and… basically ready to serve. I gotta go, babe. I love you, you know?”
Gillian smiled as heat rose to her cheeks. “I love you, too. Very much.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yes, finally. Good night, Gillian.’
“Good night, David. Please give the kids a kiss from me, okay?”
Rufus hadn't miraculously resurfaced by the next day, which pretty much sealed the deal for David that Eaden’s favorite stuffed bunny had in fact gotten lost in the streets.
After lunch, which the baby had refused to eat even though it had been pizza, David found her in the library rummaging through one of the bookshelves.
She didn’t even look up when he kneeled down beside her. “What are you doing, slugger? Are you redecorating Mommy’s books?” he asked, running his hand over her back.
It was only when she turned her head that he saw the tears running down her cheeks again.
“Ufus!” Eaden sobbed, her bottom lip stuck out so far that a bird could have perched on it.
“Oh honey,” David sighed. How often could his heart actually break for this little girl? She was looking at him as though he was the only one who’d be able to make everything okay again. There were so much hope and expectation in those piercing blue eyes. How he wished he could take away her pain. Or at least be able to explain what was going on.
Thankfully, she fell asleep in his arms after he’d picked her up and laid down on the couch with her.
But it was barely an hour later that Eaden couldn’t be soothed anymore.
David was leaning against the kitchen island with a screaming, wiggling Eaden in his arms when he heard the front door being closed and someone in heels walking through the hallway.
He had a tight hold on Eaden’s little feet as Oscar was standing right in front of him, looking up at his sister with worried eyes while he was gently stroking her arm.
Felix was sitting on the couch, holding his ears while staring at David’s iPad.
Oh boy, Gillian thought as she caught the first sight of them. It was worse than she’d expected.
Putting her bags down, she gave David a weary look as she approached them, but could see a hint of relief crossing his own features.
“Hey, you guys. What’s the matter here?”
“Mum!” Oscar exclaimed and ran into her arms, embracing her waist. “We weren’t able to find the bunny.”
“Mummy, she won’t stop screaming and we looked everywhere!” Felix complained from his position on the couch, not even attempting to get up and give her a hug.
“Yeah, we did! We thought Nelson might have taken it, but it’s nowhere in the house! She must’ve lost it somewhere outside.”
“Oh dear,” Gillian sighed and ran her fingers through Oscars hair before leaning over to give him a kiss. “That doesn’t sound good.”
“Nope,” Felix stated, cringing as Eaden let out another loud wail and plugging his fingers back into his ears.
“Hey, baby girl,” Gillian cooed and walked towards David and Eaden with Oscar following her closely. With four fingers of her right hand stuck in her mouth, she was clutching David’s neck with the other, and her head was resting against his shoulder as though she’d literally no energy left in her to hold it up herself.
“Look! Mommy’s home, baby. Everything’s alright now,” David whispered, gently bouncing her up and down.
Gillian snorted and started to rub Eaden’s back to get her attention. She seemed to be completely out of things, and her whole body heaved with convulsive sobs, each one wracking her harder than the last. It sounded pretty much like she was choking.
Her normally bright, sparkling blue eyes looked glassy, and the white in them had turned into a bright pink. Only her cheeks were redder than her eyes.
Gillian felt her daughter’s forehead with the back of her hand, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“She’s hot.”
“Yeah, she’s been crying and screaming on and off for hours now. She didn’t eat anything at all and only managed to take a couple of sips of tea here and there,” David said, worry and remorse evident in his voice.
“M-hm, it’s hard to make her drink anything when she’s so upset,” Gillian squeezed his arm reassuringly.
He managed a weak smile before asking, “You want to hold her for a bit?”
“Yes. Just let me change into something clean and comfy, okay?”
“Yeah,” he nodded and put his hand on her upper arm as she was attempting to walk away, pulling gently. “Hey,” he whispered, his smile soft but tired.
She raised her arm and stroked his stubbled cheek before putting her fingers around his neck and pulling him down for a chaste kiss. “Hey,” she whispered as she pulled back. She’d pictured their first kiss after weeks a little bit differently. “Hang in there, I’ll be right back.”
The crying got worse again once she’d left the room to head upstairs, and it resonated even up to her bedroom. Gillian could count on ten fingers the times she’d heard one of her kids crying like this, and it had mostly been Eaden with her newborn colics. The memories of spending hours walking around and bouncing her to ease the physical pain were still very vivid. But how on earth was she supposed to help her one-year-old with her emotional struggles?
Gillian sighed as she quickly undressed and walked into the bathroom to wash her face. No matter how many kids one had, parenthood would always be a challenge, and it would never be simple.
She came back to David pouring what she guessed was fennel tea, Eaden’s favorite, into a sippy cup while their daughter was now sobbing directly into his shoulder. They always made a whole can in the mornings and let it cool down. Gillian hated it, couldn’t even stand the smell anymore, but Eaden was chugging it down like crazy. On a normal day, at least. She really hoped Eaden would take it.
She went over to Felix first, who had been joined on the couch by Oscar, to make a point and give him a kiss hello. He smiled at her bashfully when she ruffled his hair before finally pulling her down for a bear hug. No matter if she was gone for a weekend or a couple of weeks, they always seemed happy and grateful when they had her back, and in need of a lot of cuddles. She hoped she’d get the chance to spend some quality time with both of them before she had to fly out to Belfast on Tuesday.
“Hey sweetheart, look what Daddy made you! Your favorite tea!” Gillian tried to sound as excited as possible when she stepped beside David, who let out a frustrated sigh while trying to screw the lid with one hand.
She gently put her hand over his, gave it a reassuring squeeze and took the cup to close it.
“Eaden, Mommy is here now. Have you seen her?” David murmured, gently trying to loosen her tight grip on him so she would at least take a look. He still couldn’t believe how hard it actually was to peel a tiny, clinging toddler off of you. “Eaden, please,” he begged, and Gillian could tell that he was giving everything not to sound annoyed or harsh. It must’ve been a horrible weekend for him, especially after not seeing them for such a long time.
“Okay,” Gillian nodded, put the cup on the counter and started to take the baby away from him.
She was holding on for dear life, pulling at his shirt and stretching it as far as possible before he finally got to open her fingers around the fabric, and she let go.
Gillian had just turned her around and settled her on her hip to take a look at her when Eaden broke into full-blown bawl, arched her back and suddenly threw herself backward so forcefully that if David hadn’t been there to catch her, Gillian would’ve dropped her.
“Jesus Christ,” Gillian breathed in utter shock, her heart now beating rapidly in her chest. Eaden’s cries once again intensifying.
David nodded, running his large hand over Eaden’s small back while Gillian was holding her tightly, even though she was squirming in her mother’s arms.
“It’s alright baby,” Gillian tearfully choked out. She felt horrible. Eaden had never resented her like that before, and it stung.
If she only had been there for her over the last two days.
She looked up to meet David’s eyes. “Do you think it might help if I retreat into the library and lay down with her?” Gillian asked, cradling her daughter’s head in her palm and bouncing her gently.
“Yeah, you do that,” David said softly and leaned forward to kiss her forehead before handing her the sippy cup. “I’ll be out here if you need me, okay?”
“Yeah. Thank you,” she whispered, hoping he knew how grateful she was for everything he was doing for her. Flying over for the weekend to watch her two boys, their daughter and the dog all by himself was more than she was expecting from him, especially since she didn’t even have to ask.
He found them peacefully lying in the raffia glider a while later. The library was one of his favorite rooms in her house. It was peaceful and comfortable, and he loved to come in here, browse her bookshelves and lay down with a book that caught his interest. David even had a shelf for his own books in here, and sometimes, he’d find a book in it that she’d bought him, one she thought he would like, or one she just really wanted him to read.
Eaden was slumped against Gillian with her head resting on her mother's chest, her little body still shaking with an occasional sob. With one hand, she was fingering a few tendrils of her mother’s hair that had escaped out of her ponytail. The other one was holding onto Gillian’s shirt.
“Hey, it’s so quiet in here,” he said with a soft smile and let himself slump down onto the blue sofa beside them.
“Yeah, finally,” Gillian said, her voice just above a whisper, and looked at her little girl.
Eaden had stopped drinking, but Gillian was pleased that she’d managed to drink at least half of the cup. Her eyes were still open, but she was staring at nothing in particular, her little fingers absently playing with the collar of her black shirt before disappearing underneath it again.
Gillian sighed. It was so tempting to give in, to go 10 steps back, ruin everything they’d worked for over the last eight weeks and just let her nurse, even if it was just for comfort’s sake.
“Babe, don’t,” David said quietly as if he’d read her mind, his eyes warm and full of affection. “I know what you’re thinking, but it won’t help her, or you, in any way.”
Gillian nodded and buried her nose in her daughter’s soft blonde hair. He was right, of course; the whole process was a nightmare she didn’t want to start over again. She couldn’t do that to Eaden, or to herself.
For Gillian, it was an emotional rollercoaster of unknown dimensions. Some days, she thought she was experiencing something similar to postpartum depression. She had to excuse herself from meetings or during filming to cry in private multiple times in the last couple of weeks. Had found herself on the verge of a panic attack every Monday morning when she was about to leave for Belfast, or felt completely unable to get up in the mornings and go to set.
On other days, she was incredibly relieved that she didn’t have to offer her body to a little person every waking hour of the day, or night, anymore. While she loved being close to the kids and loved providing the physical comfort each child needed, there was definitely a certain point when she started to feel very anxious, claustrophobic and protective of her own body.
One night back in the beginning of September, she’d broken down into tears after another day of tugging, fumbling, holding, carrying and rocking a cranky toddler, just to be used as a human pacifier at bedtime, and hours beyond.
Just the thought of having to hug or kiss David, or give herself out to anyone else on top of that made her heart race and her stomach clench. She was feeling incredibly overwhelmed and irritable pretty much all the time. Touched out, as some were calling it. And she found that this description was pretty fitting to what she had been feeling over weeks.
When Gillian had finally come to the conclusion that she couldn’t carry on like this, David met her with an immense amount of sympathy and appreciation. He’d been the one encouraging her to make whatever changes she had to in order for her to be able to take and do whatever she needed to remain happy and healthy. In the end, Gillian was quite surprised to find out just how invaluable her intimacy with David and the sheer feeling of being a desirable human being was to her sanity after all. And that by regaining some of her emotional and personal space, she quickly became much more relaxed and approachable again.
For Eaden, it seemed to have similar effects. She appeared to be much more independent and mature all of a sudden, boldly exploring her surroundings without looking back in search for Gillian quite that often anymore. But she was struggling to accept all the other ways to be close to her mother as the new and sole sources for comfort and security, and that nursing wasn’t one of them anymore.
She simply didn’t understand what was going on, and her coping strategies varied from crying for Gillian at night, throwing tantrums and downright begging to very creative attempts to change her mother’s mind, like pulling coy and funny faces, or even offering Rufus Gillian’s ‘na-na’s’. “Omise na-na Ufus, Mommy,” she would say, probably thinking that her mother was too polite to say no to Rufus when he’d already been promised something.
The look of rejection on her child’s face was unbearable though, as was having to say “No” over and over again, no matter how sweetly Eaden was looking at her. Or how heartbroken she was over the loss of her favorite stuffed animal.
“She probably thinks we keep punishing her, David. And of course, she has no idea why we’d do that.”
Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t argue with that. It did indeed feel like they were pulling the safe ground they’d tried to build over the last two years right from underneath their child's’ little feet.
Nothing had ever been really easy with Eaden. Maybe it was because of their own, rather advanced age for being the parents of a baby, or the fact that she was definitely their last child, but both him and Gillian were incredibly attached to this kid.
David only knew that guilt was playing a big part for himself. Not only that they weren’t living together and working all over the world, therefore dragging the little one from one place to another, but because their daughter had two parents who would probably not be able to be by her side for the bigger part of her life. He could be extremely grateful if he’d make it to her thirties. And that… didn’t feel really good.
Being aware of that, they were working hard on providing her with a secure, nurturing environment and making sure she always felt safe and loved.
Right now though, it seemed like they were failing miserably. Or maybe, he thought as he was looking at them, it was just him who was failing his daughter, and Gillian, by constantly being away from them.
“You’re a terrific mother, Gillian. I know I don’t say it enough, but I’m constantly amazed how you handle all of this; four kids with completely different needs and expectations. Mostly by yourself.”
Gillian gave him a warm, lopsided smile and shook her head slowly. “I’m not by myself.”
“I-, I know you don’t see it that way… with Erin being around and the boys spending half the time with Mark. But when it comes down to it, it’s your opinion and your decision that counts. You are the mother and you know all of them better than anyone else.”
“David,” she said and held out her hand. He reached up immediately and took it in his. “I couldn’t be the mother I am, or trying to be, without you. I’m thankful every day that the three of you are the best father’s I could’ve possibly chosen. But this,” she made a circle like motion with her head, “is only possible because of you and me together. We haven’t seen each other in what, six weeks? And you come here, all the way from LA, knowing I won’t be here most of the time, just to watch the kids. Not just our kid, but mine as well.”
“That’s the least I could do after you’ve watched them for six weeks,” he stated.
“It’s only about being able to rely on each other. I have your back and you have mine, right?”
Right, he thought. Just sometimes, he felt like it wasn’t enough.
Eaden let out a soft whimper and turned her head, searching for David. “Daddy,” she murmured, extending her left arm towards him.
“Yeah, baby,” he said and let her wrap her tiny hand around his thumb before he closed his fingers completely around it. “Daddy’s here.”
The tiniest hint of a smile played on her lips as she borrowed her face deep between Gillian’s breasts and let out a content sigh.
“Come here,” David said softly, holding Gillian’s hand while she was climbing into the tub to join him, hissing when her heel met the water. “Careful.”
“It’s hot,” she said, squeezing his hand tighter.
He raised his right eyebrow and gave her an amused smile. “Hot? I’m sitting in here, it can’t be that hot for you.”
“I told you, I’m frozen to the bones. It probably feels hotter than it actually is.”
“Alright, take your time,” David nodded, putting his hands on her hips as she slowly climbed in.
When she was finally standing between his legs, he let his hands fall down to her upper thighs and leaned forward, placing soft a kiss against the mole on her right butt cheek before gently biting into her flesh, just where her ass met her thigh.
Gillian giggled and braced her arms on the edges of the tub to ease her body into the warm water. Once the bubbles had covered her breasts and his arms had come around her middle, she let out a satisfied moan and leaned back against his chest.
It was almost 8 pm now and all three kids were asleep. After getting Eaden to eat a couple of bites of the leftover mashed potatoes for dinner, Gillian gave her daughter a quick bath and rocked her to sleep before tucking her into her crib, not leaving until she was sure the little one wouldn’t wake the second she left the room.
The boys had been patiently waiting for her on Oscar’s bunk bed to tell her everything about their weekend with David. There was a brand new Star Wars Lego-set they’d started to build in the middle of the room, and they proudly showed her the letters they’d received from their teachers to inform their parents about their impeccable behavior in class in the last couple of weeks. The Lego-set, so they explained, was David’s reward for them. Gillian could barely contain the amused grin the entire time they were talking. David really was… something else. The relationship he had built with Oscar and Felix was a fascinating one. There was a great deal of respect, curiosity, friendship and lately, probably since Vancouver, she really thought she could see love between them, too. Something very similar to the love between a parent and a child, still developing its roots, but very beautiful to witness. Something Gillian had never dared to hope for it to happen.
She laid with the boys for a while, listening and cuddling before giving them both kisses and hugs good night, turning off the lights and leaving their room to search for David.
She found him in the master bathroom, already sitting in a bubble bath between a sea of lit candles. She felt like crying of gratitude for this sweet man.
“Feels good?” David asked softly.
“Hmm, feels like heaven. I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Yes, me too.”
“By the way, I stumbled upon that… huuuge Lego walker-thingy in the boys’ room.”
“Oh?” David chuckled almost nervously. “Am I in trouble?”
Gillian laughed. “No, of course not. It looks extremely expensive, though.”
David shrugged, cupped a handful of water in his palm and let it run down her upper arm. She smiled and leaned further back, resting her head beside his.
“Boy, I need a vacation. A very long one.”
“Hmm,” he nuzzled her cheek with his nose. “What are you thinking of?”
“I think of multiple things.”
“Of course you do,” David chuckled and brought his index finger up to her nose, placing a tiny bubble of soap on its tip.
“Hey!" she giggled girlishly and wiped her nose before giving him a chaste kiss.
"What are you thinking of?" he eventually asked, absently caressing her forearms with his thumbs.
"Hmm, a private rooftop or balcony pool from where you can see a beautiful, white beach.”
“Oh,” he nodded approvingly. “That sounds promising indeed.”
“A big bed.”
“One with enough space for all our children?”
“No!” she nudged him playfully in the side. “No kids.”
“No kids?”
“No. At least not the entire time. The big bed would be ours alone. Enough space to eat a big breakfast and read the papers in the mornings. Or for all the food I’d order from room service in the middle of the night while we’re all sprawled out, watching Trash TV. Or-”
“I don’t know… what else can you do in such a big bed with no kids around?”
David shrugged his shoulders. “I have no idea. It’s not like I’m used to having a big bed just for the two of us anymore.” God, he wasn’t even used to the way she felt in his arms anymore. Had she ever been this tiny?
“Yeah, true. Hmm, maybe we’ll think of something once we’re there.”
“So this is the beach vacation somewhere nice and warm?”
“It is, yes.”
“Maldives, maybe? One week with the kids and then another… for us? Just you and me, a private little house on the ocean with a balcony pool. You completely naked the majority of the time…” he said dreamily, and she started to giggle.
“Sounds so heavenly, can’t we go now?”
“That would be something, wouldn’t it?” he nodded.
“Seriously, David,” Gillian said and turned her head so that she could look into his eyes. “I can’t go that long without seeing you anymore. It’s… getting harder and harder every time. And it’s just that… sometimes, I feel like…” she paused, pondering her next words while stroking his forearm with her thumb absently, “...not that we’re neglecting our relationship per se, but that it… gets lost in the shuffle, sometimes. Often. You know, with work, and the kids, which is completely normal, but… I wish we’d have more time for ourselves. To do adult things…”
“Oh,” he said appreciatively and waggled his eyebrows, making her snort before she went serious again.
“Yes, those things, and just… explore places without pushing a stroller or without having to stop at every other ice cream stand. Go to museums, meditate together, spend a night in town, just,” she sighed, “we don’t necessarily have to do all those things, but it would be nice to at least have the time that we could if we wanted.”
“I know what you mean,” he nodded.
“But it’s mostly just the... mundane things that I miss the most. Like sharing a meal in the evenings, or going to bed together. Not having to sleep alone…”
“Yeah. I miss that, too,” he said with a sigh and rested his chin on her shoulder.
At least they were happy, that was what he was thinking when he was lying in bed alone on one of those many lonely nights these days. He felt whole knowing he was hers, and she was his, no matter where they were.
“So,” David said, “about the vacation…”
“Mh-hm,” Gillian hummed.
“Is it a good thing that I… booked us a weekend in Budapest in March? Just for the two of us?”
Gillian opened her eyes and blinked before looking back at him, surprise written all over her face. “What? Are you serious?”
David chuckled. “I am, yes. Being the only one who has full access to your schedule certainly has its perks when it comes to making a surprise perfect.”
“Oh my god, I love Budapest! I will show you all the beautiful sights! And I will give my friend Zoltan a call, who has a nice little restaurant there, and ask him if he cooks us the best Hungarian food you’ll find on this planet before we’ll head to the coolest bars you’ve ever been to! And because we also need some time to relax, we will go to one of their famous baths!”
“I love when you’re so excited. It’s adorable.”
“That’s really nice of you, David. I always wanted to do a city trip with you. And I would love to go on a nice shopping tour again. Budapest is great for shopping,” she nodded with enthusiasm, but then seemed to reconsider.”Although I can’t do that with you.”
“Why not? Didn’t you say that I’m a very patient shopping companion the last time we went together?”
“I did. But I can’t blink twice and the cashier already has your credit card in their hand,” she smirked at him.
“And? Correct me if I’m wrong, but you would’ve made it clear if you didn’t like a little bit of spoiling every now and then,” David winked and leaned in for a kiss.
“Hmm,” Gillian hummed approvingly.
“Am I right?” he prompted, his breath brushing against her neck.
“Mhh, yeah, you are. The apples don’t fall far from the tree, you know?” Gillian tilted her head to the side to give him better access to her skin.
“So I’ve heard,” he murmured, teasing her with delicate kisses so faint she didn’t dare to breathe, too afraid to miss a single one of them.His hands had started to roam over the flatness of her belly, fingertips tickling the sensitive skin between her breasts up her neck, and eventually drawing little circles right under her ear.
The simplest touches of his hands had the power to make her squirm like a cat in heat, unable to ignore her bodies basic needs. To be touched. To be loved.
They were lying there silently beside the occasional giggles while washing each other until the water started to turn too cold for her liking.
David knew that she could lie there for hours, refilling the tub with hot water every now and then, but he had something different in mind. It didn’t take a lot of convincing to make her get up and let him rinse both of them off before wrapping her in a big, fluffy towel.
He’d barely gotten a chance to dry himself off and she was impatiently pulling him back into the bedroom by his hand, her own towel left behind on the bathroom floor.
She fell back onto the mattress and pulled him on top of her, both giggling like two young people who’d just fallen in love with each other. Yet they were doing this for almost 25 years.
Languid kisses quickly turned into something more serious. Hands were roaming and hips grinding against each other for a little bit of relief. Their bodies were still warm and soft from their bath, and the sensation of skin to skin was unbelievably arousing.
Their breaths were coming in shorts pants when David broke away from Gillian and gently moved her into the middle of the bed, making sure that her head was comfortably propped up on a bunch of pillows before kissing his way down, caressing very scar and stretch mark on her perfect little body. There really wasn’t anything not beautiful about her.
He had just placed a couple of kisses on her pubis and outer lips when Gillian moaned out loud, and he quickly looked up from between her legs, surprised by her strong reaction. He hadn’t even come close her clit yet her back was arched and he already needed to shush her.
“Shh, not so loud,” he whispered, caressing her tummy with his flat palm, his smile giddy and reaching up to his eyes.
“David,” she said in a half warning, half desperate voice, glaring down at him. “It’s been six weeks with only my own fingers down there. I will scream this place down if you don’t continue, and nobody wants that to happen, right?”
“What about screaming it down because I’m continuing?” he teased, but earned nothing but a blank stare, telling him that she wasn’t in the mood for his jokes anymore.
He continued easy on her, his thumbs caressing her inner thighs, nuzzling her slit with his nose while kissing and licking the soft space between her pussy and her ass. She was dripping wet already, her hips softly rotating.
Her face was still relaxed, though. Eyes closed, cheeks flushed, bottom lip lightly tucked between her teeth. It was rare that she was so content and comfortable, only concentrating on the sensation of his touch, and he loved seeing her like that.
When she put her left foot flat on the mattress beside his shoulder, basically opening up for him, he knew the teasing was over, and she needed more.
The second loud moan didn’t come as unexpected as the first, but David had to retain himself from looking back and check if she’d closed the door earlier. She probably had. At least he hoped so.
As if she could read his mind, or maybe it was his slackened tongue that had given him away, she reached down and tangled her fingers in his hair.
“Relax. The door is locked,” she murmured, licking her lips in anticipation of what was coming next.
David rested his cheek against her inner thigh and glanced at her beautiful, open pussy right before him. It was sensory overload - the pink, glistening flesh with the perfect little nub poking out of the middle and that divine, feminine smell of hers.
She had never been shy about this particular part of her body, while there were others, much less private ones, that she didn’t feel entirely comfortable with, and wouldn’t let him look at for too long. It was a miracle that she’d let him get away with kissing her ass.
Her hand suddenly came in his vision, the index finger stroking his cheek a few times before she ran it through her folds.
“Whenever I did this, when I touched myself, and made myself come, I was thinking about you, and those long, skilled fingers of yours,” Gillian said, her voice low and sultry.
David swallowed, pressing his hips into the mattress. His cock was hard as a rock. Almost painfully so.
“About your lips on my clit. Or just about you… fucking me.”
“How?” David coaxed out, watching two of her fingers disappearing into her wetness. “How did I fuck you?”
“Hard. You fucked me hard, David. Like you did in that tent on the last day of shooting. You remember that, right?” she asked, pressing herself against her palm.
How could he possibly forget that? It had been a tent with no solid walls in the middle of the set. Everyone could’ve walked in at any given time.
“I remember,” David nodded thoughtfully. What a great memory it was. “You weren’t able to keep your voice down back then either.”
“Hmm. What can I say,” Gillian said, pulling her fingers out and resting them on his bottom lip. With a growl, he opened his mouth and welcomed them in. “You do this to me.”
“Hmm,” he hummed around her fingers, swirling his tongue around them.
“Were you planning on fucking me tonight?”
David huffed, pushed her hand aside and leaned down and sucked her clit between his lips.
“You bet I was,” he murmured against her hot flesh. “Fuck babe, when I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk for the rest of the week,” David added and dove in for good, sucking as much of her tender flesh into his mouth as possible, rubbing her clit with the flat of his tongue.
She’d braced herself on her elbows, watching him with a smug expression on her flushed face, and it was the hottest thing on earth. She was a demanding lover with very high expectations; a woman who knew exactly what she needed, and how to get it. When you got her looking at you like that…
“Oh fuu-huck,” Gillian moaned and threw her head back, nails digging into the mattress, bunching the sheet between her fingers.
… or moaning for you like that, you could consider yourself the luckiest guy on earth. Because this was… mind altering. Unbelievably fucking sexy.
His erection felt hot and gigantic between his pelvis and the mattress, pulsating with each heartbeat. He couldn’t help himself but grind it against the soft sheet, again and again, probably leaving one hell of a wet spot there.
Her hips bucked up against him, and he felt a new rush of her hot wetness on his lips that he greedily lapped up.
“Hmm,” David hummed, watching her in wonder.
A single strand of hair was now sticking on one side of her face, and he could see a soft layer of sweat glistening on her forehead. She was licking her lips, biting them, pouting, opening her mouth only to press her lips together a couple of seconds later, then opening it again for a low moan. There was so much happening on her face at once, he just couldn’t look away. With every lick and every suck, her expression changed.
Eventually, she opened her eyes again and met his gaze.
“So close,” he whispered. It wasn’t a question. “So beautiful.”
At the same time as she reached down, David reached up and took her hand in his, giving it a light squeeze and put both of their hands down beside her hip.
His other hand snuck under her thigh and lifted her leg over his shoulder and onto his back, surrounding himself with her almost completely before putting his mouth back on her pussy, gently nibbling and licking, building the tension once again.
Her chest heaved as she struggled to control her breathing. She squeezed her thighs around his head and lifted her hips, hoping he would get the cue.
He didn’t disappoint. Of course not.
His free hand snuck between her legs, and she could feel his thumb entering her as the rest of his hand came to a rest between her butt cheeks.
“Oh god,” Gillian whimpered as he started to draw his middle finger around her anus with gentle pressure, spreading her wetness all over it. “David… fuck.”
“Yeah, you like that, huh?” he said softly, his eyes not leaving her face anymore. This was going to be so, so good.
“Ye-hes,” she whimpered and bucked into his face, inner muscles clenching around his digit.
His tongue sliced back and forth, up and down and in circles over her pulsing clit, lips sucking rough and relentless.
“Ahh,” Gillian cried out, and he knew her release was lingering so, so close now.
He pressed his finger a little firmly against her anus, and suddenly, she was grabbing a handful of his hair, twisting it between her fingers while she squeezed his other hand, her whole body jerking.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, Dave- fuuuck,” she screamed, and he couldn’t do anything about it but enjoy and watch in awe as she came... so fucking hard.
It lasted longer than ever before, and when she finally slumped back onto the mattress with an exhausted groan, he slowly removed his hand and kissed her inner thighs, staying with her while she was calming down.
“Oh my god, oh god,” she breathed after a while and put both of her hands over her face, letting her leg slide off his shoulder.
Gillian completely zoned out for a couple of moments, and when she finally opened her eyes again, he was lying beside her again, a lopsided grin on his beautiful, slick lips.
“David,” Gillian whispered and turned towards him. His arm came around her waist and pulled her close to his chest.
“That was incredible,” he said and stroked the small of her back, feeling goosebumps rising underneath his fingertips. She was still incredibly warm, and so soft.
“That was loud,” she corrected and looked at him sheepishly, her forehead bumping against his'.
“Yeah,” he nodded, gently thrusting his erection against the soft skin of her belly. “We better save that for our vacation next time, huh?” David whispered and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.
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Could you write one with klaroline+crying ?
So this is a trainwreck but hey I tried.
The phone call came at 11:45pm after particularly miserable Thursday afternoon. While Caroline had been in foul mood because an event she’d been organizing for months was ruined by an unexpected change in weather (the clients still had to pay her but that wasn't the point) Klaus had returned home in an uncharacteristically cheerful mood, he and his partners having just landed a particularly large client at their law firm.
It was a challenge remaining in such bad spirits especially when Klaus returned home a bottle of expensive champagne in tow, insisting on taking Caroline somewhere upmarket and outlandishly expensive to celebrate and lift her spirits. After a glass of said champagne - two more at the restaurant - and a plate of overpriced seabass, Caroline felt far more agreeable, the unfortunate events of the day at the back of her mind and in a much better state of mind to indulge Klaus as he took pleasure in describing, step by step the method he and Stefan employed to lure in and ‘hook, line and sinker’, as it were, the client. He would never be so candid with anyone else about the tactics he employed in business but after nearly five years of marriage, there was no one he trusted more.
Once they returned home Klaus’ good mood didn’t diminish. Having had considerably more to drink than she had, he was all hands and illicit touches (which was usually the denouement of one of Klaus’ ‘good moods’). Which Caroline didn’t mind at all considering how busy both of their schedules had been recently and the lack of time they’d had for intimacy.
After particularly, athletic round culminated in them both passing out from exhaustion, they came to eventually and ended up nestled beside each other. tangled in the sheets enjoying what Caroline believed to be a pleasant end to an otherwise hellish day. When the phone rang Caroline’s lax muscles and Klaus’s wandering hands and lips (despite him being utterly spent) told her to ignore it. But out of human instinct, she got up and crossed the room, stark naked, ignoring Klaus’s salacious look as she did; answering the phone on the off chance that it was an emergency and God forbid someone had died.
She hadn’t expected Elijah’s grave voice on the other end of the line, his usually polished tone of voice and impeccable grammar forgone; the unmistakable sound of whom Caroline believed to be Rebekah crying gently in the background. Passing the phone over to Klaus, she wrapped herself in the sheets sensing something grave and foreboding. Klaus’s expression changed and answers became more and more monosyllabic, save for the brief “I’ll be there immediately,” he promised Elijah down the phone. Slowly he rose from the bed and began to dress without so much as a glance at Caroline.
When the call ended, Caroline struggled, to get a straight answer from Klaus and only held back from snapping at him in frustration because she sensed he was upset by whatever it was Elijah had said. Piece by piece, sentence by sentence she extracted the story out of him 
“Something’s happened”
 “Elijah and Rebekah are at the hospital”
“Kol is on his way” 
“They need me there” 
“Yes all of them are fine” 
“No, it’s not my mother” 
The question matching Klaus’ last answer was: “Mikael?”
A name that had become somewhat of a curse word in their house. Since the early stages of their relationship, Caroline had steadily gained an understanding of Klaus complex relationship with his father and with his family in general. To say it was a lot to take in was an understatement. 
It wasn’t as if Caroline had no experience of dysfunction within families. Caroline herself was a child of divorce. Her father had left the family after realizing he was gay well into his late thirties which would have been fine had he and his partner not moved several miles away and Caroline actually heard from him regularly on occasions that weren't her birthday or Christmas. Liz Forbes had tried her best at raising her alone, this Caroline knew but being the sheriff in the small town Caroline had grown up in meant that, for want of a better word, she was absentee in the majority of Caroline’s life especially post-childhood.
Her two best friends were no stranger to dysfunction either. Bonnie’s mother had left her at birth and left her to be raised by her grandmother (who was sectioned eventually due her firm claims that she was a witch who could make contact with the dead) and her father who shared Liz’s unfortunate dedication to his job as the town Mayor. Not only did Bonnie’s mother leave she also adopted a brand new family which included a son who Bonnie nearly ended up, dating but that was another story.
Poor Elena and her brother were orphaned by a car crash that killed their parents. Following this was a large string of guardians who were all varying degrees of unsuitable: from their uncle John, a raging alcoholic who turned out to be a fascist too; to their well-meaning aunt Jenna a struggling student who also died after an altercation with a vengeful ex-boyfriend; to their history teacher, Alaric a family friend who’s ex-wife turned out to be Elena’s birth mother (yeah) and John’s drunken teenage one night stand who had given up Elena to the Gilberts, married Ric later in life and subsequently divorced him to join some sort of cult and shack up with a dude who actually turned out to be one of Elena’s future boyfriends but again - another story for another day...
Klaus’ family history was equally as complex and disturbing if not more so. His father Mikael had been abusive, a drinker and an all-around tyrant; terrorizing his wife and children but harboring a specific hatred for Klaus who was always the main target when Mikael had one of his ‘episodes’. It was later revealed that Klaus was illegitimate, the product of an affair between his mother, Esther and one of her former lovers. Although Mikael’s behavior prior to this realization was never explained, the violence only worsened from then on. Although his siblings were rarely ever on the direct receiving end of Mikael’s rage, they had a front row seat watching Mikael batter and abuse both their mother and sibling day in and day out.
The family’s issues, however, ran far deeper than that. Esther (perhaps as a result of the abuse, perhaps not) was cold, manipulative and deceptive. Often playing the children against each other, especially Klaus’s eldest brother Finn, the most susceptive to her ploys. 
While she neglected some of her children, mainly Rebekah and Kol and doted on others (Finn for his loyalty and Klaus perhaps out of guilt for how he was conceived and Mikael’s treatment of him) her eldest daughter Freya was handed over to Esther’s equally as emotionally unbalanced sister Dahlia during her separation from Mikael at the beginning of their marriage. His violence had manifested for the first time during their relationship and although she was unwilling to leave him, she worried about bringing a child into their unstable situation (despite going on to give Mikael six more) and thus depriving Freya of growing up with her siblings and leaving her with an Aunt who would be both emotionally and physically abusive to her.
Needless to say, the Mikaelson’s were an intense bunch, all with deviating forms of codependency on one another, paranoia, alcoholism and emotional damage. They didn’t give Caroline an easy time by any means, however, one by one, they reluctantly began to warm to her once it became apparent she wasn’t going anywhere. 
Klaus being the most paranoid and emotionally damaged of all should have set off alarm bells in Caroline’s head and sent her running for the hills. To this day she couldn’t decide if it was her falling in love with him or her strong, stubborn urge not to let Klaus and his defensiveness, mood swings, and tantrums scare her away. But somewhere along the line, her neuroticism and his childhood trauma met half way and they ended up building a life together, relatively void of drama - well that was a lie. But they were happy at the very least.
Klaus had effectively cut his stepfather, his mother, Finn and anyone particularly disagreeable swiftly out of his life like a tumor as soon as he was old enough to no longer be dependent on his family. That evening as they clambered into Klaus overstated, secret service style SUV to ride to the hospital, Caroline knew that the only reason Klaus was even going was for his siblings, mainly Rebekah. The other Mikaelson’s may not have had the best relationship with Mikael but grief was a strange thing and his death was sudden and understandably quite upsetting.
Rebekah had always been quite sensitive and - as if forcing six children into a miserable existence wasn’t enough - there was a 7th Mikaelson: Henrik, an eleven-year-old who was still in Esther’s custody even though the others were all of age (and had tried - unsuccessfully - to take Henrik out of Esther's grasp despite the fact that he was largely raised by nannies and Esther and Mikael had long since divorced). Klaus really had no other choice but to be there, they stuck together Caroline understood that. Still, in the dim light of the car, Klaus was hard to read. Tentatively she reached out and placed her smaller hand over his as he used the other one to drive. Klaus didn’t look up but squeezed it.
The funeral was quite possibly the worst Caroline had ever been too - and she’d been to a lot. The majority of which were for members of Elena’s family. 
When they arrived, the church was, strikingly empty, bar the family and a few stuffy looking, middle-aged men, who sat at the back (business associates of Mikael Caroline assumed). The minister got caught in traffic and was nearly an hour late. Kol, in addition, arrived at the service inebriated. 
Esther sat at the front of the church in sunglass and a fur coat and refused to speak to anyone but Finn. Henrik was thankfully spared from the entire horrible affair (he was sent to a friend’s home for a sleepover) and frankly Caroline envied him. 
Despite them being on relatively good terms after years of petty adversary, Rebekah was a raging bitch towards her during any attempt Caroline made to comfort her. Between venom laced insults mostly directed at her (and at one point even the insistence that she leave) Rebekah was a loud sobbing wreck the entire day and if Caroline didn’t know better she’d say that Rebekah was using the tragedy to garner copious amounts sympathy and draw attention to herself.
Going back to Kol, he spent the entirety of the surface putting Jack Sparrow to shame with the amount of whiskey he was able to imbibe from the silver flask tucked in his breast pocket. Freya and Elijah between them, acted as a silent force of calm amongst the disarray both looking the appropriate amount of remorseful. Considering though, they were two of Mikael’s oldest children, having suffered the longest, out of all their siblings Caroline couldn’t quite tell how deep their sadness ran respectively and whether they were just putting on a brave face for their younger siblings (Freya additionally for Finn as they’d always been close).
Klaus remained unreadable. With Rebekah glued to his arm, Caroline was forced to trail behind after him, avoiding the others (Kol was unpredictable intoxicated, Elijah was polite in the best of situations, eerily cold int the worst - and she’d never liked Finn). Although, every now and then Freya would offer her polite conversation 
“Thank you for being here”
“Niklaus is lucky to have you” 
“There’s space in my car, come with me”
which Caroline was immensely grateful for.
The burial was equally as disastrous as the funeral. Kol point blank refused to do his job as one of the pallbearers (besides he wasn’t sober enough to walk in the first place) and everyone knew better than to ask Klaus so they were short two men and had to awkwardly solicit the help of one of Mikael’s business buddies who had obviously come purely out of politeness and for the sake of keeping up appearances and were reluctant, to say the least.
Esther made a show of spitting in Mikael’s grave once he was lowered into the ground (cue more loud sobbing from Rebekah). Kol had to be ushered inside and had to be babysat by Elijah, likely out of a fear he’d fall in the gaping hole in the earth and to put the shiny cherry on top of the cake the burial came grinding to a resounding halt as the groundskeeper approached the party, apologising profusely because actually, the plot of land they’d chosen was unstable and prone to sinking (whatever that was) so Mikael’s body being put into the earth had to be postponed. 
It could have been her imagination but Caroline could have sworn she heard Esther scoff and whisper to Finn “Do you see? Not even hell wanted him”.
It was hours later before she was alone with Klaus. They sat in the car, after making their goodbyes. Klaus had kept his promise and done the one thing she’d requested of him, by not drinking at the funeral or after since he insisted on driving (and she knew all too well what sort of Klaus he became when he drank). When he didn’t start the engine Caroline didn’t comment, thinking he needed a moment. Out of politeness - and because she couldn’t think of anything to say to comfort someone who probably didn’t even want to be comforted (because he wasn’t grieving over Mikael right?) - Caroline rifled around in her purse for a little while until the silence became too much to ignore.
She was about to propose that she do the driving on the way home because honestly, she could use the distraction when Klaus made a noise that as if something was stuck in his throat. Caroline recoiled in surprise as he drew back his fist and slammed it down violently on the steering wheel.
“Klaus!?” she exclaimed, mostly out of shock and partly anger. He was upset, she knew his feelings would manifest one way or another - he wasn’t as good as keeping them bottle up as he thought - but there was only so much Caroline could take. Klaus gasped and slumped forward of over the steering wheel, tears streaming down his face which was now red as he struggled unsuccessfully to catch his breath. 
“Klaus-” Caroline attempted to soothe him, hesitantly reaching out to stroke the side of his face, feeling that he was trembling as he did.
“I hate him,” Klaus hissed “I hate him. He’s dead. I should be free.”
Caroline shifted further towards him on her seat and pulled him by his shoulder until his head rested in her lap.
Outside the car, it was nearly pitch black. Elijah’s home, where the Mikaelsn’s had returned after the service, was on an isolated street and Caroline doubted anyone would be coming out of the house anytime soon.
“He was your father,” Caroline whispered softly, stroking the sand colored curls on his head gently. “He was a monster, he was a terrible man who did unforgivable things but he was your father. The only one you’ve ever had and you can’t erase that by hating him.”
“Him dying was never going to give you instant closure. He’s always going to be a part of you but you have to learn to accept what happened and move on. In the meantime Klaus, you’re allowed to feel. Anger, sadness-”
Klaus shook his head vehemently.
“-Regret,” Caroline insisted. “All of those things, you’re human Klaus. Please don’t do what he did and repress your feelings until they build and you end hurting someone you care about.”
At her words, Klaus lifted his head abruptly and his greyish eyes locked with her’s.
“You know I would never hurt you,” he said softly, but with ardent determination.
Caroline gave a soft nod and pushed the car door open.
“Get out,” she said, “I’m taking us home.”
39 notes · View notes
askauradonprep · 7 years
A Pirate’s Life For Me
So, the Hooks kinda blew through the competition in the family dynamics vote. I’m not super surprised tbh. The Hook family is very popular, as evidenced by the plethora of head canon requests I’ve got, the 26 requests in my ask box for Harry (plus a couple for CJ) and the asks I got for Hook during our “Parent questions” theme day. The Hooks, and Harry in particular, seems to have become quite the fandom magnet. So here is the head canon post as promised. 
Under a read more for some seriously unhealthy and abusive dynamics. Some of this gets DARK. Also because this is going to be very long. Content warnings for abuse, graphic and blunt mentions of death and violence, one mention of suicidal thoughts, and mentions of Frollo being creepy (but not graphic and he doesn’t actually physically harm anyone).
Captain James Hook
- Hook drinks more than he used to because of the conditions on the Isle - not just because it’s miserable, but because wine is often cleaner than water. That’s done wonders for his temper, as I’m sure you can imagine - he’s volatile, vengeful and violent as ever. 
- When Hook was in a good mood, he’d send a drink to their table and drink with the crew. They’d sing sea shanties and pirate songs. Harriet was maybe six her first time and the other two were both like 8 when he first did it. 
- He has his kids call him ‘Captain’ to his face. He doesn’t like being called dad. 
- He’s very controlling? Like, his kids are not going anywhere permanently. He needs them around to help with the shop and they can leave when he says. 
- Don’t give him the idea his kids are disloyal. There will be hell to pay. He’s big on ‘crew’ - it’s not like having allies, who team up while the getting is good. Crew’s have agreed to band together and watch each other’s backs. You’re on his ship, you’re crew, KIDS. And if you are disloyal......eek.
- How good of a parent Hook is drastically depends on whether he’s in a good mood, a neutral mood, or a bad mood. When he’s in a good mood, he’ll move heaven and earth for his kids, as much as a villain can anyways. 
- And when he’s in a bad mood (which is most days) he is actively dangerous for his kids to be around because he’s violent, has volatile moods and he’s a drinker. When he’s feeling neutral, he just…..meh. He probably won’t hurt his kids but he won’t go out of his way to interact with them either.
- Although, one constant is that he’s a protective dad - either because you’re messing with his kids (good mood) or because by messing with his kids, you’re messing with him (neutral and bad mood). This seems to have carried on to his kids - no matter how mad they were or how much they wanted to avoid each other, if you harm or threaten one of their siblings, they will make you regret it. Assuming they get to you before you stare down the barrel of a gun held by Hook. 
- He’s set himself up as a role model, getting the kids to emulate him to an extent, while also frightening them with his mood swings, explosive anger, threats, locking them in either their room or the brig, and violent lashing out. He also has a nasty habit of playing them against each other and violently controlling them, especially if they try to leave.
- He’s not worried about coercing his kids into his feuds or fights. It’s fine, he’ll be there to shoot anything hurting them if something goes wrong, but they’re going to fight for him dammit. He’s hardly above emotional blackmail or loopholes in deals. 
Hook’s wife
- Died in childbirth. According to Harriet, ‘CJ’s fat head ripped her open and she bled to death’
- She was cold, cruel, stoic, and quiet. She never really got up in arms about much, unlike her husband. There was a kind of balance there. 
- She usually kept Harriet away from Hook when he was in a bad mood, as well as Harry, who was only an infant at the time. 
- She looked quite a bit like Harriet, but with CJ’s hair. 
- She wasn’t one to be crossed unless one wanted a knife in the ribs. 
- When she was mad at her kids, she tended to withdraw and pretend they were gone. 
- She was probably a pirate or something similar who worked with or served pirates. 
- I’m thinking Harriet is the only one of her kids who remember her - Harry was only a year old and she died giving birth to CJ. 
- Nobody’s quite sure if she was actually the mother of Harriet and Harry as well. Hook’s not sharing and she’s the only mother Harriet remembers - she was around when Harry was born, though Harriet doesn’t remember well enough whether or not she actually gave birth to him. For simplicity’s sake, Harriet’s just decided ‘fuck it, she was our mother’ and the other two don’t know any different. 
Regardless of whether she was the mother of all his kids or just CJ, Hook must have been very fond of her - he keeps a picture on a nightstand around. Meanwhile, if there were other mothers, there’s no evidence of it. 
- She used to tell Harriet stories and teach her how pirate songs went. She also used to hum to Harry when she wanted him to go down to sleep. 
Harriet Hook
- Harriet is about 19 when the franchise starts and about 20 now - so, about 3 years older than Harry and 4 years older than CJ. She's the oldest VK. 
- When her mother died, she took it upon herself to do most of the day to day raising of her siblings. As time went on, other adults noticed and started paying her dad to have her babysit. I don’t think there’s any VKs she hasn’t watched at least twice (outside things where villains are meeting to plot a way off the isle or partying or something, where she’s stuck in charge of the VKs in general). As she got older, she got her crew to help a little, but even with kids her age, she was usually in charge. Some of Hook’s crew used to nickname her ‘The Pirate’s Wendy’. She hates that nickname. She can’t deny that she’s stuck in the crux between her sibling’s sister and being their mother figure though (even if she’ll flatten them if they ever dare CALL her ‘mother’). 
- Harriet deeply resents that she had to raise her siblings. She was four - she never should have been responsible for two children only a few years younger than herself. She was TOO YOUNG. And it’s Hook’s fault, sure, but people aren’t always rational and sometimes she can’t help but resent her siblings for it. That isn’t helped by the fact Hook’s hired her out as a babysitter for anyone with cash, goods, or offering favours. She is NOT their NANNY. She used to have an iron fist style of babysitting - she figured if they were more afraid of making her mad than making their parents, they would listen to her and not make her look weak and incompetent to the parents (
- Harriet tends to cope with her environment by drinking, reading, or joining in the crew’s singing (as long as her dad isn’t working - he’s still a crack shot). 
- She’s not much into taking over as any kind of HBIC the way Mal or Uma is. She’s okay just chilling with her pirate crew and claiming seniority on the other kids. Mal tried to frighten her once and she laughed. “Really? I used to be your goddamned babysitter, don’t try to intimidate me. Sit down, little girl.” 
- She’s alcoholic as heck? Like, if she’s sober by noon, it’s a very sober day for her. Rum, whiskey, beer, and vodka are her favourites and she always has at least one flask of each on her - one on each hip and one up each sleeve. Don’t give her that look, she’s too SOBER to deal with the VK’s shit. 
- Even for an Islander, she puts things in as blunt and mean spirited as she can. She once told Gil when he was 8 and told her that his parents were going to have another baby, she told him ‘Fat chance, kid. With your mother’s hips and how much trouble babies give her, your father will kill her before he gets another baby out of her.’ 
- Because of all her time babysitting for them, Harriet talks to and listens in on the adults more than most. She occupies this weird place where she fits with the VKs and with the adults. Sometimes she uses this for both, telling them what the others had been saying. 
- A lot of the kids she used to babysit come to her for advice when they want someone older to help, but don’t want to talk to their parents. She’ll make them and grumble and complain about how she’s not their nanny and she was supposed to be free from these darn kids years ago and why do they come to HER for everything, god dammit. But after she’s done grumbling, she’ll help out. Usually after making them give her something.  
- When she’s really done with one of the other VKs, she takes a deep breath or clears her throat and then says very calmly “You’re a hateful child” or “You’re hateful children”. That is her way of saying ‘last warning’. If she’s screaming, yelling and swearing? It’s cool, keep pushing her buttons. If she does THAT? Sit down, shut up, and don’t do...whatever you did to annoy her. It’s NOT worth it. There will be consequences and you won’t like them. She once taped her brother to the ceiling for three days when he didn’t heed it. Their dad didn’t notice and she had to get him down. He’s listened to ‘You’re a hateful child’ since then. 
Harry Hook
- Harry has severe and undiagnosed dyscalculia, and so hasn’t learned to count. He might if he could get it diagnosed and get assistance for it, but how’s he gonna do that on the Isle? 
- Harry knows he’s got something wrong but he has no idea what. All he knows is something is wrong - those anger episodes are not normal. He is a little afraid of losing himself in that anger but he’s not sure what he could do about it. Any therapists on the isle are not therapists who should probably be trusted (if there are any). 
- Harry’s room is a mess but he always knows exactly where everything is. He keeps things where he can see them. It’s organized chaos. 
- Harry locks first years in their lockers regularly. 
- He is a real tool - don’t let him know you’re afraid of anything because he will use it against you. Not even in the more despicable ways, he’ll just troll with it, like yipping and barking at Carlos. 
- He is very much flirting with everyone a lot - the question is is this good flirting (he’s serious) or bad flirting (trying to make you uncomfortable or trying to lure you into a false sense of security). 
- He doesn’t sleep with an eye open (metaphorically) like some of the others on the Isle, but he hears EVERYTHING. Walking down the hall outside? He heard you. The whoosh of opening his port hole? Heard you. Tip toeing foot falls? Busted and he has his hook at your throat. 
- He works out - his arms will attest to that. 
- He’d rather get in big fights than little ones. Rumbles with rival gangs, three guys ambushing him, when people he’s shaking down for Uma fight back, it’s all good. 
- He’d probably be super fun at parties until fights break out at which point all bets are off. His calm and lucid moments tend to be best with Uma and his crew, not parties or bigger social spaces. He’s too trollish. 
CJ Hook
- CJ has a very eclectic mix of friends. She seems to have a penchant for people with magic though, such as Freddie and Zevon for example. 
- She’s always swinging from rigging, rafters, etc. She’ll find a place to swing from, wherever she is. 
- She’d rather have fun and adventures than feud with people specifically. If the Boreadonians are gonna party, she wants to watch the show. 
- She’s 15 during the time of the first movie, so about a year younger than Mal and co.
- CJ has sticky fingers with her sibling’s stuff - she regularly steals Harry’s stuff to piss him off. She always makes sure she gets Harriet’s stuff back before she realizes it’s missing because she likes not being throttled. Her favourite is to take his hook and make him do something or beg for it back. She steals from Hook too, but never for long and not very often. 
- Everybody sees how flashy and theatrical she is, but underestimate her. After all, surely she’d be too obvious to fool people and she has no patience. That’s usually when she sets her trap. People are so busy watching her do big, flashy things they miss the web she caught them in. 
- Never ever ever give her or loan her anything. You will not get it back. Ever. “This is mine now”. 
- She just takes eyeliner from her brother and other makeup from her sister. 
- If she doesn’t want to be found, you won’t find her. 
- She is very good at multitasking - she always has at lest 2 or 3 things going on. Mostly things that will be unpleasant and annoying if not actually super harmful for people. 
Captain Hook and Harriet
- Hook bragged about being the first to have a kid when she was born. 
- She was Hook’s pride and joy for the first 4 or 5 years of her life and if you asked him, he’d still claim she’s his favourite (though she’s not about to believe it - she knows full well it’s CJ). 
- When he feels like being ‘a father who teaches you things’ he’ll probably be with Harriet, showing her how to sail or be a captain. To date, she’s the only one of his kids he’s let steer the ship. 
- Unfortunately, Harriet also took the majority of his wrath, because she felt responsible for her kid siblings. She still has scars from knives, whips, his hook, and cigar burns to prove it. 
- He used to pick up books or anything else she could read while he was away for a few days. She’d read receipts if she had nothing else, so anything is good. He’s been known to brag about his ‘bloody smart’ daughter. 
- Hook is absolutely ignoring Harriet’s alcoholism. Go figure - he induced it in her, both by giving his six year old  hard liquor and by driving her to drink. 
- Harriet tried to move off the ship into her hideout a few years ago. When he found out, he acted very calm about it and told her he wouldn’t dream of taking out any frustration on her. Harriet thought she’d caught him on a good day. When she came back though, CJ had a black eye and Harry was clearly shaken. Hook told her he’d said he wouldn’t take any frustration on HER, but he couldn’t guarantee his temper around her siblings. She’d never been so angry as the moment she realized he would absolutely use her siblings who were like children to her to control her. 
- She sometimes steals his gun, for various reasons. She’s occasionally considered turning it on him...or on herself. But she’s got nobody to look out for her siblings so she’s not done that. 
- Captain Hook once feuded with Claude Frollo for half a year after he made Harriet uncomfortable while she was babysitting his daughter, Claudine. He didn’t hurt her, but the way he put his hands on Harriet’s shoulders too tightly and his tone creeped her out (while he was talking about how pirate’s lives were short when he was a law man) and she mentioned that to Hook. Nobody messes with Hook’s kids, so he asked her how she wanted him to answer this. She told him to scare them out of their minds. So he did. His crew would throw bottles, rocks, dirt, and all kinds of things at Frollo’s house, yell and jeer, break things,  insult and threaten his daughter, rattle swords, and sing very threatening pirate war songs. Finally, on the last night, Captain Hook came up to the front of the crowd and fired into the air and yelled “Frollo, I know what you did! Come out and die!” and fired again. Since that day, Claudine’s been afraid of pirates and especially Captain Hook and his children, Harriet’s not babysat for Frollo, and Harriet’s not sure what to make of this. On one hand, he took Harriet seriously and went to torment Frollo. On the other, was it because he cared about Harriet or because Frollo messed with Hook by messing with Harriet? And did he know what kind of man Frollo was when he told her to babysit for him in the first place? Hook would probably say it doesn’t matter - nobody threatens his kids. 
- Hook is proud of her for having her own crew, even if he doesn’t say it.
Captain Hook and Harry
- Hook likes to give his son a hard time for only being a first mate. “Why can’t you be more like your sisters?!” Which hurts Harry a lot. Turns out you can’t set yourself up as admirable and then tell your kids they don’t measure up. Who’da thought? He HATES disappointing his dad. 
- If Hook’s being honest, he forgets about Harry a lot. Most of the time he remembers he has a son, but not much more. He doesn’t even always remember his NAME. It’s not uncommon to hear Hook talk about ‘Harriet, CJ, and ....the other one’ or ‘the middle one’ or ‘the boy’. Harriet then reminds him of Harry’s name and Hook carries on like he’d used the name. 
- They don’t talk much unless Harry’s really messed up and Harriet wasn’t there to redirect Hook or when he specifically wants father-son time. 
- Harry very much wants his dad’s attention and for his dad to be proud of him. He does a lot to emulate him. He nicked one of his dad’s hooks and it’s his now. His dad was impressed he managed to get it and he was in a good mood, so sure, let the boy keep it. He doesn’t know Harry tried to get his hand bitten off because he hates that he still has both hands. Maybe that would be the kick in the ass he needed to be an actual decent dad. Or maybe he’d sink into denial and ignore Harry more - he denied that Harriet was an alcoholic because of him and that CJ avoids home for days on end because of him. 
- Those rage episodes Harry has are inherited from Hook, though Harry’s might be exacerbated by other mental illnesses or issues (I am not certain about what, as I would like more time to research various conditions). Hook recognizes them and sometimes he’ll have Harriet stick him in the brig until they’re done and then there will be consequences when they’re done (and his son will probably not like them). Or he’ll just leave the kid there until he remembers to come get him. He doesn’t know Uma can calm Harry down and probably wouldn’t care if he did. 
- Most of the time though, Harry isn’t being beaten or locked up - he’s simply ignored. That’s fine for Harry, he doesn’t need to take his dad’s temper like Harriet or avoid home because she doesn’t recognize it like CJ does. If it’s bad for him in particular, he can always hide out at Uma’s or Gil’s or the Lost Revenge. 
- There may be a rift in their future if there’s tension between Hook and Uma’s crews. Harry would never turn on Uma, but he doesn’t relish the idea of fighting his dad - he idolizes his dad! But even so, his dad should avoid threatening Harry’s crew, especially his captain. If Hook paid attention, he’d have noticed his son following Uma around, worshipping her, and nipped it in the bud when they were children. He hasn’t though, and Hook might live to regret that. 
- If you asked Hook, he’d profess to love his son. And, admittedly, because his mother and later Harriet protected him, Harry probably has quite a few decent memories with his dad (even if his dad doesn’t remember them). 
- Harry used to follow his dad around and listen to his stories about Neverland and Peter Pan
- Harry’s also the one Hook brings on the fishing trips for the shop the most. 
Captain Hook and CJ
- CJ is blatantly Hook’s favourite. He says she’s the most like him, and he spoils her as much as he can on the Isle. Harry and Harriet try not to let Hook see how much it annoys them - that’s not a reprisal they need. 
- She can get away with murder and all kinds of things the other kids or the crew would be scourged for. 
- She’s taken the least of his wrath, but she is not exempt. She sort of doubts her ability to tell when he’s in a bad mood that she can’t fix, so she tries to keep her distance. She likes to wander and annoy her friends. 
- When Hook feels like being an affectionate father, it’s a good guess he’ll be with CJ. 
- She used to hide when he was coming home from a fishing expedition and then jump out onto him to surprise him. She nearly gave Harriet a heart attack doing so, worried for his reaction, but Hook laughed and threw her in the air, saying ‘Hello, my hearty!’.
- When Hook is in a neutral mood or only a little bit of a bad mood, sometimes CJ can cheer him up. Sometimes if he’s in a bad mood, but not too bad, she’ll go up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek like she used to. 
- Most of his harm to CJ comes from threats and watching what he does to her siblings (and also being compared to them and himself, usually unfavourably).
- He’s also fairly stifling for CJ, frustrating her. He doesn’t let her steer a ship or keep a hideout because he is again, a controlling man who doesn’t like his kids having too many places to escape too. Besides, he ‘needs them’ for fishing. which is one thing for Harriet, who takes his anger and gets mad (and then drinks and sings with the crew) or Harry (who slips through the cracks) but CJ’s whole thing is relying on keeping her distance, so this is very annoying for her.
- CJ’s learned to read maps from him. She’s probably the best navigator out of her siblings. Hook says she has a nose for treasure.
- She’s a lot like him - scheming, manipulative, maniacal, and eager for adventure. Maybe that’s why she’s his favourite. Regardless, he sees himself in her and he’s fine serving as his baby girl’s mentor. 
Harriet and Harry
- When Harry was very little, he couldn’t pronounce “Harriet” properly (even though he had NO issues with “Harry”, Harriet was so mad). He called her “Hettie” instead. This went on until he was 8 or so (he’d long been able to say her name by then, but by that point she was ‘Hettie’ in his head). It went on until he annoyed her one day and because of that she slapped him and after that he called her Harriet. He only calls her Hettie now to annoy her. 
- Harriet used to use Mal’s feelings for Harry to get her to quit annoying her. She once told Mal if she didn’t quit being a pain, Harriet was showing Harry a picture of Mal with spinach in her teeth. She’s also threatened Harry with telling Mal embarrassing things. 
- Harry’s never been able to beat her in a sword fight. She always puts him flat on his ass. 
- Harriet thinks it’s hilarious watching Uma sabotage Harry flirting (not because Uma’s possessive or jealous, but because it’s funny as heck watching him get flustered and annoyed). Good job, Uma. 
- Harriet’s tried so hard to teach Harry to count but nothing ever worked. She despaired of his school years until he learned to cheat off Uma. 
- When Harry was very small, he used to crawl into her bed. He’d ask her not to tell Hook. She’d grumble about it and tell him he was too old for things like that (He was 4-6 but this is the Isle and this is the Hook’s family), but she’d let him and she wouldn’t tell their dad. The last thing she wanted was the consequences for it turning to her because she wasn’t going to let him dish them out to her little brother. 
- Harry really really doesn’t remember his mother. Even though he’s seen her picture, it doesn’t have any emotional connections for him. Mostly he can only imagine Harriet in that role. 
- She routinely drags him around by his ear and she can go on screaming rants for a long time about how frustrating he is or how stupid he’s been. When he was little, he was a cheeky little brat - he figured since CJ could sometimes calm down their dad this way, he could calm down Harriet by kissing her cheek and saying ‘Love you Hettie’. She almost throttled him - THAT’S NOT GOING TO WORK YOU LITTLE HELLION. And then she’d probably smack him upside the head and tell him not to do that anymore. 
- They both have really bad tempers and so when they fight, they go below the belt. She once told Harry she wished she was an only child and he told her he wanted to gut her half the time because Hook made a better parent. She told him he could deal with their dad himself then. They don’t apologize for things but after a few weeks they’d sit closer together in the mess hall and that’s good enough. 
- Harry isn’t really cognizant of just how much Harriet’s taken care of him (and CJ, but she might have an idea about that). He didn’t think about how she surely had homework she wasn’t doing when she spent a long time trying to teach him to count. He didn’t think about the fact he’s not seen her eat as much as he does because she’s always making sure he and CJ aren’t skipping meals (and he certainly doesn’t know she once stole their dad’s gun and threatened to send someone to hell to get Harry and CJ that food because business was slow and there was a food shortage). He doesn’t know she was redirecting their dad’s anger to her or that sometimes she was screaming at him to knock something off or dragging him around or smacked him to get him to do something because otherwise their dad would be FUCKING PISSED at him. He certainly wasn’t thinking about how, when their dad threatened Uma over some business dealing with Ursula, Harriet was holding him back and making him look at her instead of Uma not because he was being ‘weak’ or ‘annoying’ by yelling, but because she didn’t want their dad to get mad and also didn’t want him to watch if Hook really DID kill Uma (and ohhhhh, he hated her for holding him back). I’m not sure if he’d ever find out but maybe if he ever got some distance and got to think about it a lot, he might notice. 
Harriet and CJ
- CJ’s not quite sure about how she feels about Harriet in her head - one part of her brain says ‘sister’ and the other part says ‘mother’ and she’s not sure which is right. 
- When Harriet wanted CJ to shut up one day, when CJ was very little, she told CJ she’d braid a bead in her hair as a celebration for her first successful theft. It’s never hit CJ that Harriet just wanted her to sit down and shut up and quit annoying her - all she knows is when she does something impressive, like get a big score, Harriet braids a bead in her hair and the beads are pretty. 
- CJ’s favourite thing to do as a toddler was give Harriet heart attacks. She had to find the biggest thing in the area and climb it and swing from it. Harriet says she’s had grey in her hair ever since CJ was born. She hasn’t but it’s never stopped CJ from trying. 
- Sometimes CJ will stay in Harriet’s room with her, when Harriet’s drunker than usual and she’s scared Harriet will get alcohol poisoning. 
- These two fight all the time. Sometimes over silly things like makeup and sometimes over big things like piracy. 
- CJ routinely gets Harriet’s crew in her traps - both to test them for Harriet and sometimes to annoy her and sometimes to ‘punish’ her for crossing her in some way (real or imagined). 
- Sometimes when Harriet’s decided CJ’s been gone too long, she’ll drag her back by her hair and she doesn’t really care how much CJ doesn’t want to be at home unless their dad or brother is on a rampage. 
- Harriet actually gave CJ her first taste of alcohol. CJ was seven and had a fever, so Harriet gave her some bourbon. It worked (or they thought it worked) and she felt better and so when daddy gave her some rum a few months later, it went down easier. 
- Harriet’s temper puts CJ on the defensive all the time. CJ’s blaise attitude pisses off Harriet. These two haven’t worked an equilibrium out yet and they’ve occasionally fought physically. 
- CJ’s childhood screwed with Harriet’s education massively. She entered school late and was held back because she was busy dealing with toddler CJ. It’s not come up much, but Harriet sometimes wants to strangle CJ for it. 
Harry and CJ
- Harry calls her ‘Callista Jane’ just to piss her off. Pissing her off is his favourite thing to do with his little sister. 
- CJ’s favourite thing to steal is his hook. She’s also quite fond of rearranging his things, and breaking into his room just because he locked it or told her not to come in. He likes to tease her about crocodiles. 
- The only reason Harry hasn’t punted her through a wall for going through his stuff is because she’s his baby sister. Something about her being the baby stuck. It’s never stopped him from threatening her, hurting her friends, or bullying the heck out of her though. 
- The two of them used to play together most of the time when they were really really little. Harriet was a bit old for their games but they were always right smack in the proper age range. It made for some good fun before CJ started hanging out with Freddie and Zevon and before Harry had Uma and Gil. 
- These two are always making fun of each other for their romantic interests or trying to ‘warn them off’ because their sibling is the worst. There’s no sibling protectiveness here. They’re just making fun. 
- Harry gives CJ a surprising amount of brotherly advice. Now granted, most of that advice is phrased as ‘Do this/Don’t do this or I’ll *insert threat here*” but still. Call him a softy (no, don’t, he WILL hook you). 
- Harry and his friends used to go around annoying and bullying the heck out of CJ and her friends. 
- When they were still relatively young (think like 8-12) CJ would come up to Harry and his friends to try to get them to play with her. CJ’s games are manipulative and often not fun for anyone but her, so he’d try to refuse. CJ is always wiling to boss him around though and she does not care - Dad/Harriet (take your pick) said you would so GET OVER HERE HARRY. Sometimes they’d have fun together but most of the time Harry wants to strangle her. 
- Neither of them have any impulse control - don’t let them get in trouble together, they will egg each other on and escalate to all hell. 
- Harry worries about her in Auradon a non-zero amount. Most of the time he plays it off like he’s glad he has some peace and quiet. Sometimes he really is glad she’s not there to annoy him. Sometimes he’s fine because he knows she can handle herself. Sometimes he doesn’t care. Sometimes he wants to kick her around a little and annoy her. And sometimes he just plain misses her and worries about her and would do anything to have her home with him again WHO SAID THAT?
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ficbynic · 7 years
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T A K E   C A R E  -  Chapter 3 - Hampstead
She closed the door behind her and noticed her heart was beating loudly, adrenaline pumping through her body as she realised she didn't know what the hell she was doing. Of course, she had some experience babysitting and taking care of her older cousins' children, but the last few days had already let her know that her past experience was nothing compared to what was needed for this.
Story page (Catch up!) | Author | Talk to me | Read on Tumblr only.
It was almost ten am when Emilie locked the back door of her room and made her way through the garden to the main house. Walking across the backyard lawn and entering the Ainsley household via the glass sliding back door felt a bit strange. Emilie felt the urge to knock, letting the family know she was about to enter their house as if she would be an intruder if she didn't, even though David and Catherine assured her she could always use the back door, at any time of the day, simply because it was easier than having to go around the house and ring the front door bell. "Good morning," Emilie announced her presence, entering the kitchen. "Morning," Catherine's high pitched voice sounded from the lounge, "How are you? How did you sleep?" Emilie assured her she slept wonderfully and everything was fine. She also let her know that the shower was working properly, after it was admitted last night that it hadn't been used in a long while. Lying in bed the night before had been a bit weird but Emilie hadn't felt uncomfortable. From the get go, she'd felt at ease in her room and she'd loved the fact that her attached apartment had felt as private as David and Catherine had made it sound like on Skype. She did wake up a few times during the night, but that was probably normal, considering the circumstances. Last night, after a quick tour of the house, including the first floor, Denise excitedly showing off her bedroom, they had dinner. After that, it was time for Denise to get in bed and Emilie spent another few hours talking with David and Catherine over some wine. Around ten o'clock in the evening, Emilie excused herself and retreated to her room. Luckily, David and Catherine understood that she was tired and also assured her that she could stay in bed as long as she would like on Sunday morning, even though they'd agreed on spending some time together on Emilie's first day in Hampstead. Eventually, Emilie had fallen asleep around midnight and the nine o'clock alarm she set woke her up. Now, closing the backdoor to the kitchen behind her, she was immediately faced with an excited four-year-old. "Hi, Denise, good morning!" "Morning!" "Charlie?" Catherine then called, "Look who's here! It's Emilie!" A little toddler came running around the corner, reacting to her Mum's voice. When she first gazed upon the unfamiliar person standing next to her, however, her facial features changed, suddenly expressing her confusion. It made Emilie laugh. Charlotte looked adorable. Her hair was significantly lighter than her big sister's, very blonde, almost light blonde, similar to Emilie's natural hair colour. Charlotte's eyes, however, were possibly even darker than Denise's. She was tiny and chubby and incredibly cute, wearing a white graphic tee, little light washed jeans and pink and white Adidas sneakers. Catherine picked Charlie up and walked up to Emilie with her. "Are you gonna say hello? Who's here? It's Emilie," she cooed. "Hi Charlotte," Emilie smiled, reaching out to touch Charlotte's little hand lingering on her mother's shoulder, but Charlotte turned away almost immediately. Unlike Denise, Charlotte appeared to be very shy around Emilie. Of course the little one had no idea what was going on, suddenly having this random girl in the house. After Catherine put her back down, she therefore immediately ran off to the telly at the other side of the room displaying an episode of Paw Patrol. Emilie couldn't blame her and focused on what she was going to make to eat. She was pleasantly surprised to find that the family had croissants for breakfast and saved two for her to have. "Guess what? We're going to the park today!" Denise soon happily announced, joining Emilie at the dining table even though it had been awhile since her own breakfast. "Are we?" Emilie asked in reply. "Do you go there often?" Catherine went on to explain that the girls loved the park and that there was a great playground situated at the end of it. It was quite a walk all the way from the house, but the girls didn't mind. The walk along the Heath was apparently very lovely, the park offering many nice views, always something to gaze upon or people to observe. After Emilie had her breakfast and David appeared from upstairs, all five of them left the house. The family would give Emilie a quick tour of Hampstead Village before they'd walk to the park where they would have a late lunch, as well. Hampstead appeared to be lovely on a Sunday morning. There were other families walking around town, enjoying the comfortable late Summer temperature. David and Catherine showed Emilie a few local shops that she would probably visit, before the family made their way outside of the centre of the Village to move up to the Heath. The walk was indeed quite long. Charlotte didn't mind to be in the buggy. Denise was energetic and used her pink scooter to move along the road. Arriving at the park, the walk was definitely worth it. The views were amazing and the park was very well looked after, you could tell. As they continued walking, Catherine suddenly remembered something. "A colleague of mine lives up in Golders Green," she said out of nowhere, "It's the next stop on our tube line. They have a new au pair who's been with them since about a month, I believe. She's from Sweden, actually." Emilie raised her eyebrows, her interest immediately caught. It would be great to meet someone who was in the same boat. The girl being from Sweden could be great, as well, as they would share some of the same culture. "I will text my colleague, maybe we can set something up so the two of you can meet!" ~~ Catherine had taken Monday and Tuesday off work to stay at home and basically show Emilie the ropes and get her accustomed to the working hours and the actual work. It was something that was already mentioned beforehand on Skype and now that the time was finally there, Emilie couldn't be happier to have a couple of relatively easy days before everything would really kick off. Emilie was surprised, however, when she found that Catherine often had to peek from the little note the old nanny Val, a woman in her thirties who got a better job offer and therefore had to quit the Ainsley family, had left. Because in all fairness, she didn't seem to be familiar with what was described on it. The morning routine was a bit chaotic but went accordingly, since Catherine often walked at least part of the route to school with Val before she would hop on the tube to go to work. But since this time she wasn't going to work, she was soon visibly struggling. Catherine didn't seem to be aware of the basics when it came down to the schedule of taking care of her daughters, which kind of startled Emilie. She could just sense that Catherine wasn't used to spending more than a weekend's time with her children. She'd already told Emilie that the family didn't really have a schedule during the weekends. They were out quite a bit, which meant that little Charlotte would sometimes take a nap, and sometimes not. That resulted into varying bed times at night, as well. To make a long story short, the girls weren't used to having any structure or timetable during the weekends. Emilie didn't know much about the pros and cons of a similar style of upbringing, but she reckoned that some order and structure could be beneficial for the kids. To see that the family also didn't really have a schedule for week days, she became quite certain of it. "How often did Val always wash your hair, Denny?" Catherine asked while bathing the girls in the evening, after the girls' dinner. Emilie was in the bathroom as well, watching and learning what the girls were used to. "Every other day?" Denise shrugged and didn't really know what to answer. She tried to convince her Mum that sometimes, Val didn't wash her hair at all, if Denise would tell her she didn't want her to. It was a classic little white lie like the ones Emilie had already heard Denise use before. "Val lets me watch television", "Val used to give me a candy before dinner." Evidently, Denise was quite smart. Luckily, Catherine also realised her daughter was trying to fool her, and she told her off. Still, the reality of the situation and Catherine's obvious unfamiliarity with her own daughters' upbringing during the week was quite shocking. Emilie quickly realised that her role as au pair in the girls' lives would be massive. Not only because she was the only one that would be around during the day, that she knew, but also because it didn't seem like Catherine (or David for that matter) had any input in or knowledge of what was happening in their daughters' lives. For instance, they only bathed their children in the weekends and in the past apparently hadn't really paid any attention to the girls' hair and if it was washed every day or only a couple of times a week. "Usually I get Denny out and then focus on Charlotte," Catherine explained as she helped Denise out of the tub and wrapped her in a towel. Denise quickly got rid of it and was now running around the upstairs floor naked. "Do you want to try?" Catherine handed Emilie a towel and got out of the way to give Emilie space to bend down and grab Charlotte, who was standing in the bath tub, ready to get out, as well. But much to Emilie's frustration, Charlotte acted like she didn't want anything to do with her and objected when Emilie tried to pick her up. It was only natural. They hadn't spent any time together yet with just the two of them. Of course the little girl didn't want to be picked up by a stranger when her Mum was right there. Still, Emilie felt bad for not being able to take care of Charlotte, especially for Catherine to see. Luckily, she seemed to understand. "Don't worry, she'll warm up to you. It was like this when Val first came here, I remember," she assured her and Emilie hoped she was right. Emilie's first day, although only being shown everything and having Catherine around, was quite hectic. By the end of the day she felt a headache coming up and wondered how on Earth she was going to be able to pull everything off on her own. Suddenly, she started feeling quite insecure and overwhelmed. Why did she want to do this again? What was she even doing here? And more importantly, how in the world was she going to be able to do all of this, five times a week, for the next three months? The fact that after a lousy Summer in London, the last week of September turned to be one the best ones yet weather-wise, temperatures suddenly rising to a whopping twenty-three degrees Celsius and the skies for once not showing big grey clouds was quite the reminder, as well. The lovely weather only made the end of December seem even further away than it was in reality. The late Summer sun was still burning and Emilie wasn't going home until the day before Christmas. It seemed like an eternity away. Especially since it felt like she had already been weeks away from home. On day two with Catherine, day four in London, it already felt like things were becoming familiar. New places and people and experiences felt like déjà vu's. It was psychologically very interesting and Emilie was aware of it. She was experiencing so many new things that her brain was probably working hard to get used to everything to a greater degree than it normally would. The headache that was still lingering on Tuesday night was probably another sign of her brain's activity. ~~ On Wednesday morning, Catherine was notably happy to get back to work. It was another reminder to Emilie that she wasn't made to stay at home all day, taking care of her children. She was a career woman, putting her job first, and her family, sadly, second. Coming to think of it, it was obvious that her career always had always been her prime concern. Catherine was in her late thirties, David in his early forties. They'd started a family at a relatively older age. Not that there was anything wrong with that, it just supported the notion that the focus of the Ainsley's lives was on their profession.   At a quarter to eight in the morning, the time that Emilie from now on would start her job, David was already out to work. Emilie hadn't seen him on Tuesday night either, since he wasn't back at the house before she left and went to her room. Apparently, it wasn't unusual for him to go the day without seeing the girls. They were already asleep when David came back at night and weren't up yet when he left in the morning. It was nothing Emilie could relate to. When she was little, both her parents were always around in the morning and in the evening. Emilie's Mum was a stay at home Mum, only starting work again when Jonas was old enough to get to school by himself. To be able to have a look behind the closed door of a family and see the London way of family life was quite strange. Though Catherine was keen on getting back to work, she decided to walk all the way to school with Emilie and the girls before she would get on the tube. After that, it was finally just Emilie and Charlotte. To get Charlotte used to the new situation, Emilie figured it would probably best to stay at home in the morning. Charlotte was still quite shy and acted a bit unusual. Emilie could tell that she was looking around the house for someone other than herself. But from now on, it was just going to be the two of them during the day. She nearly felt sorry for the little toddler being put up with this. She couldn't blame her for not being on her best behaviour. Of course it was going to be weird to suddenly have this new person taking care of you the entire day. Things were going well, though. They had fun playing with the Frozen dolls Charlotte loved and they had been listening to the music coming from the kitchen radio all morning. Everything had been going alright. Until lunch time. After Charlotte's lunch, a runny egg on toast, Emilie mentally cursed when she didn't remember what bottles Catherine had used for Charlotte's milk before bed. There were quite a few taking up the kitchen cupboard and they were all different, as if they were meant to be used for different kinds of liquids. She didn't make anything of the little bits and pieces that would have to be put together in order to properly use the bottle that looked most like a milk bottle. She therefore grabbed another one that seemed usable and made a mental note to ask Catherine again in the evening. "Are you ready for bed, Charlie?" Emilie asked, her voice higher pitched than usual, "You gonna have a nice nap?" Immediately, she knew Charlotte wasn't interested in any of that. The toddler frowned her eyebrows and walked out of the kitchen towards the front playing room. Not wanting to cause a scene right away, pick her up and carry her upstairs, Emilie gave Charlotte a few minutes and tried to get her aware of the fact she was going to go to bed soon. Getting Charlotte upstairs after a few minutes was fine. But after Emilie changed her nappy, she understood she was soon going to be left alone in her crib and she didn't want anything to do with that plan. She started sobbing and crying, and screamed unlike Emilie had heard her scream before. Big tears were rolling down her little chubby cheeks in panic. Emilie carried her and had a little walk around the room, before putting Charlotte in her crib. Within seconds, she stood up in bed, holding onto the banisters for dear life, still crying. Emilie put her down to rest her head on the pillow again and walked towards the bedroom door, despite the screaming that continued, figuring it would be best to just leave her. She stood there in the hallway for a minute, just listening to Charlotte's screams, hoping they would soon come to an end. A second later, Charlotte's crying suddenly stopped. Instead, Emilie heard a loud thud on the hard wooden bedroom floor. For a brief moment the thought crossed Emilie's mind that Charlotte could've climbed and fallen out of her crib, but she knew that this was near impossible. Opening the door and entering Charlotte's bedroom, she immediately saw what had caused the loud noise. Charlotte was still standing in her crib, her bottle of milk lying a few yards in front of her on the hard wood floor, a few drips of white liquid splashed next to it.   Emilie didn't pay much attention to Charlotte, who started crying again, grabbed the bottle from the floor and put it next to her in her crib. She calmly told Charlotte to go to sleep again, disregarded her tantrum and determinedly left the room again, just like she had seen on programmes like Nanny Jo Frost's. She closed the door behind her and noticed her heart was beating loudly, adrenaline pumping through her body as she realised she didn't know what the hell she was doing. Of course, she had some experience babysitting and taking care of her older cousins' children, but the last few days had already let her know that her past experience was nothing compared to what was needed for this. She must've somehow given David and Catherine the impression that she was better educated or experienced regarding child care during the Skype calls they had. Maybe something on her au pair profile had led them to believe she knew what she was doing. But she didn't. Emilie actually didn't understand why the Ainsley's had gone with her of all people on the website, and why they trusted her to take care of their daughters. Standing in the upstairs hallway in front of Charlotte's bedroom door, Emilie started tearing up. It was the first time she started crying since arriving in London, which said a lot about the circumstances. She had been acting tough for the past four days, taking everything in and hoping for the best. This was one of the first times she was alone and finally accepted the fact she felt overwhelmed by everything, insecure about her abilities, and uncertain about what was to come. It was the first time she started crying because it was actually the first occasion she had the opportunity to properly cry. She simply hadn't had the space or time before; feeling too tired to even think about it all when she was alone in her room at night. She could blink away the tears before they escaped her eyes, though. She decided to just go downstairs and let Charlotte weep for a little while, just like Catherine did the other day when Charlotte wasn't feeling like taking a nap, either. After a few minutes of listening to her screaming, she'd stopped and fell asleep and Emilie hoped and prayed that things were going to be the same today. With a sigh, Emilie arrived downstairs, leaving the door to the hallway open. She sat down at the dining table and luckily, after a minute or five, Charlotte was quiet, hopefully fallen asleep. It was the biggest relief, and to have an hour and a half of peace and quiet was like heaven after an already busy morning. Time went by quickly during her break, though. Emilie was glad that Charlotte didn't wake up early. Getting Charlotte out of bed went alright. Emilie gave her enough time to fully wake up before it was time to go out to pick Denise up from school. For the first time, Emilie walked to school without Catherine. It was only her and Charlotte in the buggy. Again, it was weird how little things like the way to school and the different streets she was meant to cross were already so familiar to her. As if she hadn't walked the route for the first time only two days ago. ~~ On Thursday, Emilie ran into one of Denise's classmate's nanny's, a middle-aged woman she met before when Catherine had been there. The woman took care of a girl in Denise's class, as well as her little brother who was only a little older than Charlotte, and told Emilie she would be attending a playgroup down in the Village in a few hours. Emilie happily accepted the offer of walking together and joining her. The playgroup was quite the experience. Over twenty toddlers running around and playing together in one room was nothing Emilie had experienced before. Charlotte loved it though, plus an hour spent at the playgroup meant that the morning went by pretty quickly. Everything was going alright and the girls were behaving quite nicely. Emilie didn't hear anything from Catherine or David, so she'd nearly forgotten she was asked to babysit that evening. It only occurred to her when thinking about what to prepare the girls for dinner and deciding when she would have her own. Putting Charlotte to bed at around seven was not a problem at all. It was just like putting her in bed for her midday nap and since Charlotte was quite tired, she wasn't objecting. Getting Denise to go to sleep about an hour later was an entire different story. Once Emilie read her a story, she wanted a new one and when Emilie was getting up to leave, Denise had another excuse to make her stay. Eventually, it took nearly half an hour for Emilie to be able to go downstairs and another twenty minutes of hearing Denise play with her toys in her bed until she was quiet and finally fell asleep. Emilie didn't have a clue when either Catherine or David would return but was assured beforehand that it was okay to leave the house and go to her room if she wanted by the end of the evening, considering the girls would practically never wake up once they were asleep. Still, leaving the house felt a bit weird to Emilie. Sure, the girls were asleep and when Catherine or David would be downstairs, watching television, they probably wouldn't immediately hear them when they needed help, either. And of course, entire nights were spent during which the entire family would be fast asleep, which prompted the same 'problem'. But could Emilie really leave and go to her own room? Admittedly, both Denise's and Charlotte's rooms were situated above or nearly above Emilie's apartment and she'd already heard Charlie's crying in the morning a few times, so she knew she'd hear them if anything was wrong. When by a quarter past ten, still no one had returned home, Emilie decided to grab her bag and coat and move to the other part of the house where she'd be in the comfort and privacy of her own space, despite the unsure feeling in the pit of her stomach. ~~ By Friday evening, Emilie couldn't believe only a week had passed. The days were long and tiring but so much happened that it seemed like she had been at work for way longer than just five days, of which two were accompanied by Catherine. In the morning, both Catherine and David were there but much to Emilie's surprise, they barely asked about the night before and how her first night of babysitting had gone. It almost made Emilie feel a bit insecure. Was she supposed to fully fill them in and give them all the details of the girls' days? In a way, she did. She'd mentioned the play group and told Catherine what they were planning on doing on Wednesday morning, keeping the family somewhat informed.
Emilie found it a bit weird to get no feedback whatsoever, especially since she was the one taking full care of the children. She'd expected the Ainsley's to be more involved and to give her some more guidance. Emilie couldn't imagine having small kids of her own one day and not knowing what they were up to.
After Catherine brought Denise to bed at around seven-thirty that evening, Emilie was glad to be able to talk to her one-on-one, since David hadn't come home yet. Especially since Catherine was finally opening up a bit.
"We're so glad to see that things are going great," she commented while the two of them were cleaning up the kitchen after having dinner, "It's also so nice to have you here. Especially on nights like these, when David's not home."
"That's good to hear," Emilie truthfully responded. Catherine saying this probably meant that she didn't hate her or thought she was doing a poor job. She would consider this as some sort of feedback, then.
They talked some more about everything and how everything was going over some tea, which made Emilie feel a bit better, as well.
"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Catherine then suddenly asked.
Of course Emilie had plans. She had been in London for nearly a week already and except for seeing the red double-decker busses drive around the village, she hadn't really felt like it. She was more occupied with doing her job and trying to do it well than realising she was currently living in one of the biggest cities of the world. More importantly, her favourite foreign city in the world, even though she'd only visited once back in high school. Hampstead Village didn't really give off the London vibe as it did a small village. Emilie was therefore planning on going on a proper sightsee trip this weekend, visiting the landmarks and acting like a tourist. That would be the first step towards getting to know the actual city better.
"I'm meeting up with my colleague tomorrow morning to have some coffee, after I drop Denise off at her gymnastics class," Catherine then casually mentioned. It was the first time Emilie had heard about Denise's gymnastics class she apparently attended on Saturdays. "It's quite early, it starts at ten, but I asked her if perhaps she could bring Tilda, her Swedish au pair. It would be lovely if you could meet her."
Emilie knew it meant getting out of bed before nine am and wasn't looking forward to that after an extremely busy week. She knew it was important to her to meet people, as well, though. Especially since it had become clear during the week that there weren't necessarily as much foreign au pairs around Hampstead as Emilie had hoped. All the kids seemed to be taken care of by professional London-native nannies.
"That would be fun," she therefore answered, "It would be great to meet someone like me."
"Yeah, absolutely. From what I hear about Tilda, you two could really hit it off. It's nice to make new friends."
Though Catherine's company wasn't bad, Emilie longed for her room and to lie down in bed after an exhausting week. She knew she was free to go whenever she'd like after either David or Catherine returned home, but things like that were still kind of awkward and strange. That's why, finishing her cup of tea, Emilie still felt like she was awaiting the right moment to leave the house to go to her own room, to finally have a quiet night to herself. | < Previous chapter | Next chapter > | | Story page | Author | Talk to me |
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nalu-week · 7 years
(NaLu Week Flaws Prompt- 7/3/17)
To the outside world, the pretty blonde was almost perfect.  Smart and beautiful, she made friends quickly, got along with almost anyone whether a nerd or from the popular clique.  For years she successfully hid her inner demons but by 16 it was becoming more and more difficult.  No one save her best friend at Magnolia High had any clue what secrets lay beneath the smile…
It had really started by the age of 4 when her mother Layla passed away from cancer.  Her father, who was never very affectionate to begin with grew ever more distant and the older she got, the more she was convinced that he blamed her for her mother’s death; no worse, sometimes she’d blame herself too.  With no friend’s around to interact with and only the servants to talk to, a cancer of its own took hold in the little girl; depression. 
She would steel herself away in her room for hours, reading or surfing the internet and on one of these occasions she googled ‘suicide’, ‘depression’, and ‘chat room’.  Of course, most of the sites that appeared were about getting help and prevention but one chat, the one she zeroed in on was for people who openly talked about what they did to deal with their depression; and not in a good way.  That’s when the cutting began. 
When her 9th birthday rolled around and her father forgot all about it, a chain reaction of emotions flooded the young girl, voices in her fragile mind screaming for her to end the suffering.  Stealing a bottle of pain killers from her father’s room she swallowed a handful. 
It was her nanny that found her unconscious next to the open bottle.
Finally forced to act, her father sends her to the best child psychologist in Magnolia and slowly she began to heal emotionally.  As part of the therapy process, she was enrolled in public school so she could interact with other kids her age; friendship, the doctor told her dad, can be one of the best tools in fighting depression.
Luckily for Lucy, the first girl she encountered turned out to be just what the doctor ordered.  Levy, was a sweet, smart, friendly girl who quickly gravitated to the new student and soon the two were the best of friends; maybe more like sisters.  After a few months, it was during a sleepover at Levy’s home that she finally felt comfortable enough to reveal her painful past.  Much to her relief, her friend was not only understanding but supportive in a way that Lucy’s never felt before.  Even the scars that marred parts of her body didn’t frighten her friend.  And with this positive encouragement Lucy began to blossom into the girl she was always meant to be.
This went on for the next 6 years and Lucy was doing well but now the girls had entered high school and all the typical issues teenagers face.  School work was harder, that didn’t bother her; social standing, she didn’t have problems there; but body consciousness, that was an issue; peer pressure to start dating, that was a major concern.  Sure, she’d had crushes, been asked out by boys, but either she’d turn them down, or never really pursed such relationships because she didn’t want them to see the scars.  She had worked so hard to build a decent reputation for herself but there was always that anxiety that the wrong person would find out about her past and stigmatize her for it or worse… 
When Levy started dating a boy named Gajeel, she encouraged Lucy to do the same, “We could double date.”
“I don’t know Levy, most of the guys seem to only be interested in…. and I don’t want anyone to see… you know what.” 
“You just need to find the right guy Lu, I know he’s somewhere out there.”
“I hope so too.”
“What about the one from your chemistry class that often smiles at you, he seems nice.”
“You mean Natsu?  Yeah, I think he’s hot but I don’t know much about him.”
“According to Cana and Lis, he was adopted when he was a baby but he doesn’t let that bother him.  They said he’s a really sweet guy, but never had a girlfriend ‘cause he said he’s looking for someone special.  Makes me think he’s not like the typical guys we know.”
“Still, I don’t know…”
“Aaaand…” she drags out the word, “…they said, he asked about you…”
“He asked them about me?!”
Levy grins, “Yup, asked them what were you really like, you know nice, mean, blah blah, blah.  And when they told him you were sweet, he asked if you were single.”
Lucy’s face lights up with a tinge of pink.  “So, what they tell him?!”
“Of course they said you are.”
“And what, they said he just smiled and left it at that.” 
“Great so what does it all mean?”
“I have no idea Lu; my crystal ball is broken.”
“Ha, ha.  Very funny Levy.”
“I’m sure you’ll find out eventually.  So, wanna go to the mall after school?”
“Sure, I’ve been wanting to check out the summer collection at Forever 21, but I’m supposed to see my therapist at 3.”
“Why don’t you meet me there afterwards, the sessions only like 30 minutes right?”
“Yeah, I can get to the mall by 4, I’ll text you when I arrive.”
“Great.  I’ll see you then.”
Lucy’s feeling great after her therapy session.  Routinely it’s just a check-up by the doctor to make sure everything is going fine in the girl’s life, and aside from a few minor things, all is running smoothly.  Arriving at the mall, she gets onto the escalator and starts texting Levy.
‘Just got here, heading up to the food court now.’
‘I’m by the Cold Stone Creamery.’
‘See you in a mi..’  So focused on the screen Lucy doesn’t realize she’s at the end of the escalator; she trips and starts to fall backwards.  A startled scream involuntarily erupts from her only to cut off seconds later.  “Oomp!” as she lands on something, or rather on someone…
“Hey are you okay?”  Asks a sexy voice as he helps her off the moving stairs.
“I, yeah, thanks to…”  her voice trailing off when she looks up and sees pink hair.  Her cheeks instantly turn red, “Thanks to you I’m okay.”   
“It was my pleasure,” the boy gives her a cheeky grin.  “You’re Lucy right?  From chemistry class?”
She nods, “And y-your Natsu.” 
“What brings you to the mall today?”
“Oh, I um am meeting my friend Levy at the food court.”
“Mind if I walk with you, I was heading that way too.”
He sticks out his left arm, “Shall we?”  Blushing again, she weaves her arm through the crook of his.  ‘He’s such a gentleman!’  After a couple minutes of walking he breaks the silence.  “You know Luce, it’s funny I ran into you today ‘cause there was something I wanted to ask you.” 
She tenses a little, remembering her conversation earlier with Levy.  “Oh?”  she mutters, “What did you want to ask me?”
“Are you free Saturday night?”
“I-I um…”
“Yes, she is.”  Levy appears in front of them.  Lucy blinks her eyes and looks around them, she hadn’t realized they were already at the Food court. 
“I-I am?”  is all Lucy can manage to stammer out.
“Yes, you are.”  Levy turns to Natsu, “Be good to my friend or I’ll sick your cousin on you.” 
Natsu salutes Levy, “Yes ma’am!” 
“Tch, Smart ass.”  She turns and winks at Lucy who’s still a bit flabbergasted, “Lu, I’ll see you in school tomorrow.”  And skips away smirking.
“Sh-she planned this, didn’t she??”
“Huh,” Natsu turns to the girl who’s still holding onto his arm and runs his right hand nervously through his hair, “Oh yeah sorry, I was nervous about approaching you so she and my cousin set up this meeting.”
“Gajeel.  She didn’t tell you he’s my cousin?”  Lucy shakes her head.  “Well um… are you still hungry, where would you like to eat at?”  When she doesn’t respond he teases her.  “Luce I’m not gonna bite ya.”
“Err,” she bites her lower lip and looks at the options around her, “how about Arby’s.”
“Arby’s it is!” 
For the next 3 hour’s the pair sits in a booth at the food court.  Long after having finished their meals, the two had found a lot to talk about and the longer this went on for the more at ease Lucy felt around the young man.  It wasn’t until the mall was ready to close that they finally made their way out. 
Parting at the front entrance, “So Luce, I’ll see you in school tomorrow?”
“Yup,” she smiles.  “If you want to, we always meet at the picnic tables in the front around 7 to chill before school starts.”
“Count me in,” he takes her hand and kisses it.  “Good night Lucy.”
She blushes, “Good night Natsu.”
It’s been 6 months since their first date and the young couple have become inseparable.  Even Levy is surprised on how quickly her friend let Natsu into her inner space, that’s not something she’s ever done before with a guy.  At first, she was a bit protective, always checking on them, always reminding Natsu that he ‘better not hurt her friend or else…’  But eventually she realized that there really was something special developing and could only hope that Lucy wouldn’t have another episode.  But true to his word, those fears were becoming a distant memory.
To mark their 1 year anniversary, Natsu takes Lucy out to dinner and a movie, then to his house to relax.  While his parents are downstairs in the living room, the couple head up to his bedroom and throw on some music.  But this always makes Lucy a little nervous, things had been going well with Natsu, and even though he’s never pushed her into anything uncomfortable, in the back of her mind she always worried.  They’ve made out a few times but he’s always respected her boundaries, never tried to grope at her, so she was torn.  She was falling hard for the young man and wanted to go further, but her fears always got in the way.  Levy and her therapist had started encouraging her to open up to Natsu, that he deserved the truth and if he truly cared about her he’d understand.  So, with Levy on call tonight, she planned to do just that.
Sitting on his bed, the couple are making out.  “Natsu…”  she whispers through the kisses.
“Yes Luce?”  he whispers back
“I need to tell you something.” 
He stops kissing her and cups her cheeks.  “You can tell me anything Luce.”  And pecks her lips again.
Her eyes glaze over.  “It’s um…” she sighs, “difficult for me to talk about my past and um… problems… and I’m really grateful that you’ve been so patient, never pushing me but I, I think it’s time I be honest with you.”
“Babe, if it’s too painful, you don’t need to do tell me…”
“No, I need to do this.”  She takes a deep breath… “I think it’ll be easier if I start from the beginning.” …and stands up.  Pacing next his bed as he listens intently to her ramble.  “My mother died from cancer when I was little and my dad was distant… no I believe he blamed me for her death like somehow I made her sick.  By the time I was 7, I was very depressed and I started to do things like cut myself to dull the pain…”  Tears start to trickle down her face.  “I was homeschooled, had no friends, no one to talk to…  I was so lonely.”  He reaches out and squeezes her hand to try and reassure her; this kind act makes her smile a little.  “Finally, on my 9th birthday when he forgot all about it I had a full nervous breakdown and tried to kill myself by overdosing on pain killers.”  She sees Natsu’s face cringe, but he squeezes her hand again.  “It was my nanny that found me and rushed me to the hospital; they said if I hadn’t been found I would have died within 30 minutes.”  She exhales again.  “After this my dad was forced to realize I had a problem and that’s when I started therapy, even our relationship got a little better.”  Natsu smiles.  “I was enrolled in public school as part of the therapy and Levy was the first friend I made.  It’s really thanks to her that I’m a lot better than I was before… She’s the only other person that knows the truth about me…”
“Lucy,” he pats the bed and she sits, “many of us have issues that we try to hide from the world or rather not think about.  Everyone thinks that I’m okay with having been adopted because I act like it doesn’t bother me but the truth is it took me a few years to accept it.  I wondered why my birth mom didn’t want me anymore.”  Exhale, “The adoption agency wouldn’t tell us anything so I just hoped that she had had a good reason, maybe she was a teenage mother who realized she couldn’t take care of me properly and rather me find a good home.  But luckily for me, I had supportive adoptive parents that made sure I felt loved and wanted, and eventually I realized it didn’t matter how my life started out, only what became of it.”
Lucy smiles and rubs his hand, “I don’t know what’s worse to deal with sometimes, the emotional or physical scars.  With cutting myself, the physical pain helped to dull out the emotional ones for short periods of time… But that created a new problem for me, it left me with a few physical scars that I’m… ashamed of.”
“Come here,” he pulls her onto his lap and wraps his arms around her.  “Do you know what attracted me to you?”  She shakes her head.  “I could tell there was something unique about you.  Not only are you beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well.  And now knowing that you had been hiding all this pain yet was still able to somehow shine through tells me I was right; Lucy you truly are special.”
“You really think so?” her eyes twinkle
He nods and kisses her cheek.  “Will you show me your scars?”
She takes a deep breath and moves off his lap to turn and face him.  “I-I’d need to take off some of my clothes.”  He nods, gets off the bed, locks the door to his room, and returns to her side.  Slightly trembling, and with a blush to her cheeks for this is the first time she’s ever revealed her whole body to anyone, let alone a boy; she pulls her top off and capri’s leaving her in just a bra and panties.  Slowly she points them out, a few on her upper arms, these had been hidden by sleeves, a few on her abdomen between her navel and just under her boobs, and a few on her upper thighs.  “Now you know why I wear the kind of clothes I wear…”
He looks closer at the scars, trailing his fingers along some of them.  “Luce, I’m so sorry you had to go through this…” he has moisture in his eyes.  “But these…” he runs his fingers along the ones on her arm, “don’t make me love you any less.”
“Y-you l-love me?” she stammers
“Yes.” He grins.  “And not just like you.  I mean I’ve fallen head over heels in love with you, the sweet side, the crazy side, every part of you.” 
“Natsu…” she tears up more.
His smile brightens, “I think these could be like your badges of honor, to remind you that while life can be difficult at times you can survive and you can move on.  It may have taken you a few years to get to this point but this also gives you the ability to understand human nature in a way that most people will never fully comprehend.”
She cocks her head to the side, “I don’t understand.”
“You were lucky to have found a good therapist, and a good friend to help you through it but many therapists aren’t as good, or many patients just don’t trust them because in the patients mind they think, ‘how do you really know what I’m feeling?’  But when someone who has genuinely been through what they are going through tells them there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that is more powerful than anything a therapist can quote from a text book.”
“Wow…  I never thought of it that way.” Her face lights up, “How do you know so much about therapists?”
“I’ve been through a few too.  When I was younger I didn’t cut myself but I got into a lot of fights, I guess to let the anger out, and that’s where some of my scars come from.”
“Natsu, thank you for being so understanding…”
He caresses her cheek, “I just wanna see you happy Luce.” He kisses her softly, “I’d spend the rest of my life trying to keep a smile on your face…”
10 years later…  Dr. Lucy Dragneel PsyD opens a new practice in Magnolia specializing in child psychology.  Hung prominently above her desk is a sign; ‘Scars tell a story.  They are reminders of when life tried to knock you down… But failed.’
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dfnews · 7 years
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Episode Recap of "Joy Gets Engaged"
Season 4, Episode 6 - July 10, 2017
Only five weeks of new episodes this season plus two weeks of Duggar after show crap. This has got to be the shortest season ever. The season started with Joy's wedding and ended with her engagement. The Duggars are backwards type of people so that makes sense. They didn't even get to the wedding prep yet! Hopefully they'll just skip that and move on to Joe and Kendra's wedding.
This week:"Jinger makes a care package for the family back in Arkansas. Meanwhile, the Dillards prepare to return to Central America; Austin has an important question for Joy; and Joe asks for permission to enter a courtship with Kendra."
1. Austin is planning to propose and DerJill are planning to go back to El Salvador. Somebody remind me why they came back home in the first place. I think it was it for Jinger's wedding and to get pregnant away from the Zika virus. Anyway, they took a vacation from their vacation throughout the fall and returned in March for just a few months only to return again. Derick really needs to give up the phony missionary gig.
2. Izzy is helping Jill cook and is quickly expanding his vocabulary. His deep voice is too cute. Izzy's babbling counteracts Jill's inane limited vocabulary. They are preparing for a last supper with Derick's family. Derick's brother and wife arrive and sidehug Jill. Derick's mom arrives and Derick sidehugs her and almost forgets to greet his stepfather. Derick doesn't refer to Ronny as his stepfather, just his mom's husband. Ronny seems like a sweet guy. I don't know why Derick seems cold to him. Derick and Jill say they have to take all the hot showers and eat all the food they have left before they go but Derick adds, not in a gluttonous kind of way. They live down the block from the compound in the Duggars' guest house. I'm sure one of the Duggar kids will pop over to finish up the Dillards' food. And the first world problem of not having hot water or good food as a missionary living among the poor does not need to be mentioned. Nobody has any empathy for your minor self-entitled problems. You choose to live among the poor, you should live as they do. Stop whining!  Just a dinner with 6 adults and they still use paper plates and plastic forks. Lazy! Jill gives Derick's mom her engagement ring so some gang member doesn't cut off her finger for the stone. Meh! Just like living in any big American city. You don't wear the bling on the streets. This is not solely a Central American crime issue. My sister sold me one of her rings because she was afraid to wear it in Manhattan where she lived.  Anyway, Jill rarely leaves the house on SOS Ministries property. She'll be fine unless she pisses the gangs off by liking dumb comments on twitter about wanting them to be executed. Uh oh! She already did that.  At dinner they talk about Jill's pregnancy and how they'll deal with any problems in Central America but assure the TV audience that they will not be having the baby on the mission field like the Shraders. They didn't bring up the Shraders but I will. Esther Shrader is Anna's sister and she has had several babies in Zambia as a missionary. The Dillards will be coming home to the good old inconsistent US healthcare system. I'm glad they did because it seems there were major problems with this birth. The family has been very hush hush about Samuelito's and Jill's health since Sam was born.
3. Jinger goes shopping to send a care package to her family back home. Buy used and save the difference is thrown out the window. She is not thrifting today. Why is she sending a care package in March when this seems to have been filmed? Because TLC needed something to film and would pay for it. Jinger says she gets to escape the apartment when Jeremy isn't home to shop and explore but I wonder if that is true. Jinger needs to get a job or volunteer somewhere so she isn't wasting her god-given life by just staying home rinsing out Jeremy's taco stains. Jinger arrives home to the apartment with the loot where Jeremy is waiting. They quickly pack everything up and ship them out. Those two are so not exciting. I thought JinJer in Texas would bring some life into this show. I was wrong. I believe the Duggars have created a new form of entertainment called Coma TV. A new channel for those needing help getting into that deep sleep state to escape all their problems and pain. Instead of anesthesia, operating rooms now have Counting On turned on during surgery. It works like a charm. I fell asleep watching this episode myself.
4. Derick decides to cut his hair before going back to El Salvador after growing it out for 16 months. He says he just found out that long hair is seen differently in the country and he doesn't want to offend or distract from his purpose of being there. Ummm, he just found this out? Derick thinks a lot of himself doesn't he. I doubt his information is true but I did find this article that he may want to read. It's about government soldiers who have become more dangerous than gangs in El Salvador. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/06/el-salvador-gangs-police-violence-distrito-italia  DerJill's and SOS Ministries presence in El Salvador has done nothing and never will. The country is a human rights mess.  
5. Benessa just happen to drop by the compound when JinJer's packages are delivered. They explore Laredo candy by making rude comments and Josiah puts on a mask with fake hair that causes Jason to say at least it has hair. Snap! Poor balding Josiah. Just wait a few years Jason. You are in the same genetic boat as Josiah. Again Jed is missing from this big group family scene. Jed has apparently taken leave from the show and the family after Joe stole his girl. I'm worried about the kid. I'm hoping he hasn't been sent away to some abusive christian camp. The family then goes to the airport to say goodbye to DerJill+Iz and Jeer is there but I don't see his twin. Then the self-entitled so-called missionaries fly back to El Salvador in their first class seats to their air conditioned home with their own armed guards on duty. Poor babies.
6. Austin sets up for a proposal with a Deliverance twist. Joy is kept busy at Jessa's house. Jessa makes her change her sexed-up sheets and clean the baby snot and puke off of the couch. The same couch she birthed Hank on. This alone should have caused Joy to reject Austin's proposal and catch the first flight out to Canada to live the life of a free woman. But no, she stays and accepts the future snot in her life. Austin and his dad worry about remembering the ring and the bandana. The ring is to symbolize the love between the two and their promise to marry and the bandana/blindfold is to symbolize future kinky sex. Maybe that's why she stayed.
7. Austin sets up a rough outdoors engagement scene. They will be barbecuing venison which they murdered together. One of the guys drops the grill rack in the dirt as they set up and I hope Joy brought dental floss to get the pebbles and dust out of her teeth. Joy arrives with Jenni and Hannie in her Mercedes. You get nice things when you sacrifice your life to keep the family show going. The girls get on their horses, though Jenni has to ride with Austin, and take off into the creepy winter woods. The camera crew pretends to hide in the woods and take long shots but I'm sure Joy knew they were there. There weren't really good places to hide with the leaves being down and it was daytime plus Joy was mic'd up. Then things get really creepy. Austin demands the little girl chaperones run up the trail leaving him and Joy alone. That's not what chaperones are supposed to do but girls in this cult are taught to never question a man. Then Austin asks Joy if he can blindfold her. She asks, "What are you gonna do?" I'm sure she's having flashbacks of Josh at this point. Now if Joy was really alone and this happened and of course she has been taught to be submissive to men, then Joy could have been in deep shit. This could have been Doug Phillips' nanny all over again. Austin leads blindfolded Joy down a dirt road to the edge of a cliff. Kind of symbolic for a fundie girl's path in life. He gets down on one knee and tells her to take the blindfold off. I've been telling the Duggar girls to do that for years. Then he proposes and she says yes and I mentally jump off that cliff.
8. As they prepare to eat into the sunset I notice Joy's jacket has magically appeared. She wasn't wearing it on the horsie ride. I'm sure Jim Bob and Michelle are sitting atop some deer stand watching this unfold to make sure nobody backs out. Jim Bob has a new plane he wants to buy. The talking head kids are asked another lame question. How long do you think the engagement will be? Three months is the most popular and the correct answer. Just long enough for the new season to begin.
9. Joe is getting ready to ask ignorant Pastor Caldwell for his teenage daughter's hand in courtship. Joe says, "He wasn't looking for a relationship but the Lord just kind of brought her to mine or mind." Joe tends to mumble. Actually, it seems Jim Bob and the Pastor brought Kendra to Joe after ripping her away from Jed. You know, God speaks directly to Jim Bob and told him Joe was the right one not Jed which is exactly the same thing that happened to Cain and Able. Buttinsky parents thinking they are God tend to mess everything up for everyone. Joe talks about him being only the second guy in the family to enter into a courtship. Actually, Josiah was also but his girl split. The Duggars didn't take a chance this time because the Caldwells are very close friends and they won't let that happen again. The other married Duggar guy, Josh, has also been a huge failure so a lot is riding on shy, nervous Joe. Joe mumbles his way through this scene and the pastor says they've already talked about this for 60 hours, so it's a yes. Joe romantically (LOL) plans to take Kendra to a car auction and then to the place where he grew up, the house that was demolished and turned into a parking lot, to ask her to court. What a doofus!
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planttastic · 7 years
About Erin
On June 11, 1987, my cousin Erin Louise Frieders was born.  And on April 28, 2013, she passed away.  
She would have been 30 today.
I've been thinking a lot about how today should have gone.  Would have there been a big party at her parent's house, with beer brats and a ton of family like she had growing up?  Would we have gone to Vegas to celebrate her 30th like Ashlee and I did?  Going out with a bunch of her friends in Rockford, or Chicago, or some other place? Her birthday has been a tough day the last few years, but this milestone is harder than usual.  So I figured the best way to deal is to talk about her.
Erin was adopted.  We never really talked about it, it was just something that was.  I don't know a lot of details about it, because I never thought to ask.  She was just my cousin, the youngest of the three of us on the Koster side.  Because the Frieders lived in Rockford, we really only saw them on holidays, and summer trips.  That was plenty of opportunity for our parents to dress us in matching clothes.
Childhood memories are a bit fuzzy (as they tend to be), but there's playing in the back room at my grandpa's house, making up stories about the 'scary' closet and reading all the old food boxes on the shelves.  There's the summer she, Ashlee and I all got (almost) matching Cabbage Patch dolls.  The night I woke up during one of your stay overs in Rockford to her dancing and singing to Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen song in her sleep. A very distinct memory of some Thanksgiving, Erin was very upset, and didn't want to leave.  I assured her we'd see her in a month for Christmas, to which she replied that was too far away.  When I reminded her that it was only 4 weeks, and that wasn't too long, she was sort-of okay with that.  Vague memories of birthday parties and how she would only eat Chef Boyardee pasta.  I wish I could remember more.  
As we got older, we saw each other less, our families got busy.  It was only some Easters, some Thanksgivings, almost every Christmas. We both went away for school (me quite a bit farther than her), but we'd still see each other on breaks.  Holidays were really hard after our grandpa died, so we saw the Frieders even less.  On some visit, I remember declaring that our moms needed to have a grilled cheese competition, because we both claimed that our mom made the best grilled cheese.  I visited her at school when I got back, once for just a half hour, to chat between her classes while I was in Dekalb shopping for work.  Once for a weekend where we just watched a bunch of Zac Efron movies, drank Boones Farm and champagne and ate chicken nuggets.  To this day honey mustard dipping sauce reminds me of that night.  
 She wrote me letters.  They were always colorful.  Some had doodles.  They were all her.  I was not as good at keeping up with writing, which she often reminded me.  Then my letters were 'too boring' because I wrote them on plain paper with regular pens.  I got better pens.  I wrote better letters.  Our correspondence was usually just mundane life details, people we saw, work stuff.  I loved getting them in the mail.  I still have all the letters she sent to me.  And I still write to her, only they never get sent.
 Mid April of 2013, my mom and I went to go visit Rockford.  Erin had been sick, but we hadn't been to visit in so long.  I'm so glad we did.  Erin wasn't looking too great, but she was upset that she wasn't allowed to keep her nanny job.  We started a Words with Friends game.  We listened to our moms talk about their new home phones, and I pointed out that that was going to be us some day.  Erin rolled her eyes and said, “Oh, I hope not. Promise me we'll have better things to talk about.”  I promised. She napped while my uncle and I watched an old episode of Castle.  We left with a promise that I'd write more over the summer, as I was about to leave for New Mexico, and she promised to send me new stationery to write on.  
April 28, 2013 was a Sunday.  My mom's birthday was the next day, I was making bacon chocolate chip cookies for her to take to work with her, because the ladies she worked with wanted to know how they tasted.  My aunt had called earlier saying that Erin was back in the hospital.  This had been happening, so I assumed she'd be fine.  We were watching Hotel Transylvania in the kitchen, because I wanted to show my mom how the built in DVD player worked.  My aunt called back.  I can still taste the cookie dough I was eating when I heard my mom say, “Oh, Tone, no...” and my heart plummeted and I just knew.  I knew she was gone.  
The following week was a blur, I was supposed to leave on Thursday to drive to New Mexico.  I cried a lot. I drove to Peoria to pick up Ashlee so that she could go to the funeral.  A lot of people assured me that she loved me like a sister, as though that was going to make it better.  I painted my toenails hot pink and wore flip flops to her funeral, because I know that she would have appreciated that.  
Looking back, as many people do, I just wish I had more time.  I wish I had more memories, more pictures. Sometimes I'll hear a song, and wish I could share it with her.  See a movie and wish that we watch it together.  I would have made her watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend with me, and seen every Zac Efron movie. Maybe go see Pentatonix, definitely see Pitch Perfect.  How I think she would have loved Snapchat and all of the ridiculous filters.  I know that my memory of her is rosier than it should be.  I loved her like a sister just like she did.  She also annoyed me like a sister. She could be frustrating and stubborn, as anyone can be.  And that there was so much about her that I didn't, and probably will never know about.  
I learned a bit about grief when my grandpa died in 2007, but it was nothing to the gut wrench that was losing Erin.  To see what it did to her parents, my mom, my sisters. You're never ready for that.  I still fluctuate between the stages of grief, though I'm farther from denial and more in acceptance now. There are some days where it hits me out of nowhere, the vast sorrow that I will never see her again.  
But I know there's always a little bit of her with me.  Every time I paint my toes pink, or wear an obnoxiously colored shirt.  Every time I hear Owl City's, “Fireflies” I can see her dancing and swirling to it.  When I use the suitcase she won in some raffle (it's teal, very fitting).  When I eat chicken nuggets and honey mustard sauce.  Every time I share a story about her, because I finally can without immediately crying.  She's there.
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girlysword · 4 years
Animated miniseries called “The Thirteenth Sister” starring a Mara Jade-expy with a timespan ranging from the first season of Rebels to TLJ.
The first section establishes Mara as a character and explores the Empire from the Empire’s perspective. The there is a turning point when Luke destroys the first Death Star. We see that event from the perspective of Mara-expy’s friend, a likable character who has completely bought into the Empire’s propaganda (for example in the same scene this character could sympathize with Leia while rationalizing the destruction of Alderaan). Mara-expy senses her friend’s death and develops a personal vendetta against Luke. The next section covers post-ANH to post-ROTJ. Mara-expy has that personal vendetta, but she also discovers the horrors that led to children, including herself, serving the emperor (the backstory she would have been fed was that the empire saved her from the evil Separatists/Rebels/whatever who killed her parents). Mara-expy discovers a plot to kill the New Republic in the crib by assassinating the leaders, and the audience is kept unsure as to what Mara-expy will do until the last minute. She ends up teaming with Luke to save the day. The next section would be Mara-expy investigating the arcane Force stuff the First Order somehow got its hands on and reporting back to Luke (this would explain how ST Luke somehow had the time to look up arcane Force stuff while restarting the Jedi Order). In the last episode Mara-expy discovers Palpatine is alive and confronts him on Exegol. She fights him and his artificial creations (she would be the reason Snoke has facial scars). She dies (and Luke senses it, right before checking on a sleeping Ben), but she gets the last word in and becomes a Force-ghost. Her Force-ghost then has a chat with Luke post-Yoda/pre-skyping himself to Crait.
Then after the miniseries comes an anthology series with out-of-order episodes exploring her adventures spanning from pre-miniseries to post-ST (think the post-ST Jedi Order should be Rey teaming up with Ezra and his students and the Force-Ghosts essentially serve as the Council).
Significant Supporting Characters:
1) Likable character who dies on the Death Star
2) Stormtrooper who fights alongside Mara-expy during and after the Empire, reminiscent of the Rex/Ahsoka friendship (they get separated before Mara-expy goes to Exegol, so Rex-expy can survive to the post-ST era)
3) Heiress of the family who first invented droids who joins the Rebellion and plays up the spoiled heiress stereotype to trick the Empire (in reality, she’s a spoiled heiress with principles), in her first appearance she would trick Mara-expy and when she joins Mara-expy’s team after the fall of the Empire they have a frenemy-type relationship. Her genius with mechanics outshines even Anakin and her constant companion is a droid that can do pretty much anything (it can serve as a protocol droid, an astromech, a bodyguard, or a getaway vehicle depending on what she needs. Also helps play up her cover image since it was originally her nanny droid).
P.S. The lack of a Mara-expy in canon is probably because they wanted Luke single a la the prequel Jedi code. That’s fine, Luke and Mara-expy can be just very soft and flirty with many subtle hints that something probably happened at some point a la Obi Wan and Satine.
P.P.S. I want for Mara-expy’s lightsaber post-empire to have purple blades in the Inquisitor design. That was the design she would have been taught to use in the version, so it would make sense for her to keep using it even after she switches sides.
#star wars#I think this would make for a good clone-wars-help-fill-in-holes show for the sequel trilogy#particularly for rehabilitating Luke's arc in the eyes of the general public#in one episode she could discover ancient Jedi history showing that the order didn't smoothly come into being the first time#it had to be restarted several times over the millennia#so Luke's school failing is not a mark against his character#it is that forming an organization of very powerful beings is very hard#especially when there are forces explicitly working against your downfall#it would also be awesome if this show spent a significant amount of time on something that few stories of any genre cover#mental health#i would like these characters to work through their ptsd for once#i could even argue that many of the story elements of the sequel trilogy were caused by the characters not dealing with their issues#ben was susceptible to the dark side because leia wanted to avoid the topic of vader#i don't think luke ever fully processed grief#he fueled the deaths of his aunt uncle and ben into saving the galaxy#he fueled what happened at bespin into saving han and his father#and he succeeded#and he got ghost pals#the loss he experienced ultimately led to good things and thus was justified#so the loss of his jedi school and his nephew kind of broke him#because no good happening down the line could justify that loss#oops accidentally made a separate post in the tags#anyway#mara jade#deserves a canon expy and I think this would be a good way to honor the zahn character and current canon
0 notes
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Gloria Laura Vanderbilt (born February 20, 1924) is an American artist, author, actress, fashion designer, heiress, and socialite. During the 1930s, she was the subject of a high-profile child custody trial in which her mother, Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, and her paternal aunt, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, both sought custody of the child Gloria and control over her $5 million trust fund. Called the "trial of the century" by the press, the court proceedings were the subject of wide, sensational press coverage due to the wealth and notoriety of the involved parties and the scandalous evidence presented to support Whitney's claim that Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt was an unfit parent.
As an adult in the 1970s, Gloria Laura Vanderbilt became known in connection with a line of fashions, perfumes and household goods bearing her name. She was particularly noted as an early developer of designer blue jeans.
She is a member of the Vanderbilt family of New York and the mother of CNN television anchor Anderson Cooper.
Vanderbilt was born on February 20, 1924, in Manhattan, New York City, the only child of railroad heir Reginald Claypoole Vanderbilt (1880–1925)[1][2] and his second wife, Gloria Morgan (1904–1965).[3][4] When Gloria was born, her father was heard to exclaim in delight, "It is fantastic how Vanderbilt she looks! See the corners of her eyes, how they turn up?"[5] She was baptized in the Episcopal church by Bishop Herbert Shipman as Gloria Laura Vanderbilt. After her father's death, she was confirmed and raised in the Catholic Church, to which her mother belonged.[6] From her father's first marriage, to Cathleen Neilson, she had a half-sister, Cathleen Vanderbilt (1904–1944).[7]
She and her half-sister became heiresses to a half share each in a $5 million ($68.3 million today) trust fund upon her father's death from cirrhosis when she was 18 months old.[8] The rights to control this trust fund while Vanderbilt was a minor belonged to her mother, who traveled to and from Paris for years, taking her daughter with her. They were accompanied by a beloved nanny – Emma Sullivan Kieslich,[9] whom young Gloria had named "Dodo" – who would play a tumultuous part in the child's life,[10] and her mother's identical twin sister, Thelma, who was the mistress of the Prince of Wales during this time.[11] As a result of frequent spending, her mother's use of finances was scrutinized by the child Vanderbilt's paternal aunt, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney. A sculptor and philanthropist, Whitney wanted custody of her niece, which resulted in a famous custody trial.[12][13] The trial was so scandalous that at times the judge would make everyone leave the room so as to listen to what young Vanderbilt had to say without anyone influencing her. Some people heard weeping and wailing inside the court room. Testimony was heard depicting the mother as an unfit parent; Vanderbilt's mother lost the battle and Vanderbilt became the ward of her aunt Gertrude.[11]
Gloria Vanderbilt at age eight with her mother
Litigation continued, however. Vanderbilt's mother was forced to live on a drastically reduced portion of her daughter's trust, which was worth more than $4 million at the end of 1937 (over $67 million today).[14] Visitation was also closely watched to ensure that Vanderbilt's mother did not exert any undue influence upon her daughter with her supposedly "raucous" lifestyle. Vanderbilt was raised amidst luxury at her aunt Gertrude's mansion in Old Westbury, Long Island, surrounded by cousins her age who lived in houses circling the vast estate, and in New York City.
The story of the trial was told in the 1980 Barbara Goldsmith book, and the NBC 1982 miniseries, Little Gloria... Happy at Last, which was nominated for six Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe Award. Actress Jennifer Dundas played Gloria.
Vanderbilt attended the Greenvale School on Long Island; Miss Porter's School in Farmington, Connecticut; and then the Wheeler School[15][16] in Providence, Rhode Island, as well as the Art Students League in New York City, developing the artistic talent for which she would become increasingly known in her career. When Vanderbilt came of age and took control of her trust fund, she cut her mother off entirely,[17] though she supported her in later years.[18] Her mother lived for many years with her sister, Thelma, Lady Furness, in Beverly Hills and died there in 1965.
Vanderbilt studied acting at the Neighborhood Playhouse with teacher Sanford Meisner and studied art at the Art Students League of New York. She became known for her artwork, giving one-woman shows of oil paintings, watercolors, and pastels. This artwork was adapted and licensed, starting about 1968, by Hallmark Cards (a manufacturer of paper products) and by Bloomcraft (a textile manufacturer), and Vanderbilt began designing specifically for linens, pottery, and glassware.
From 1954 to 1963, Vanderbilt applied herself to acting. (Her first stage vehicle, The Swan, inspired the logo she later used as a fashion designer.) During this time in her life, she appeared in a number of live and filmed television dramas including Playhouse 90, Studio One in Hollywood, and The Dick Powell Show. She also made an appearance in a two part episode of The Love Boat in 1981. Other TV programs on which she appeared include Person to Person with Edward R. Murrow, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Live! with Kelly and Michael, and CBS News Sunday Morning.
Vanderbilt was also a top international fashion model. Beginning with the custody trial during her childhood, appearing at age 17 in Harper's Bazaar, being the public face of her clothing and fragrances lines, and noted for having inspired Richard Avedon, she has been a popular subject for photographers her entire life.
During the 1970s, Vanderbilt ventured into the fashion business, first with Glentex, licensing her name for a line of scarves. In 1976, Indian designer Mohan Murjani's Murjani Corporation, proposed launching a line of designer jeans carrying Vanderbilt's signature embroidered on the back pocket, as well as her swan logo. Her jeans were more tightly fitted than other jeans of that time. The logo eventually appeared on dresses and perfumes, while Vanderbilt also launched a line of blouses, sheets, shoes, leather goods, liqueurs, and accessories. Vanderbilt was one of the first designers to make public appearances, which was a difficult thing for her because of her shyness.
In 1978, Vanderbilt sold the rights to her name to the Murjani Group.[19] She then launched her own company, "GV Ltd.," on 7th Avenue in New York. In the period from 1982 to 2002, L'Oreal launched eight fragrances under the brand name Gloria Vanderbilt.[20]Jones Apparel Group acquired the rights to Gloria Vanderbilt jeans in 2002.
In the 1980s, Vanderbilt accused her former partners in GV Ltd. and her lawyer of fraud. After a lengthy trial (during which time the lawyer died), Vanderbilt won and was awarded nearly $1.7 million, but the money was never recovered, though she was also awarded $300,000 by the New York Bar Association from its Victims of Fraud fund. Vanderbilt also owed millions in back taxes, since the lawyer had never paid the IRS, and she was forced to sell her Southampton and New York City homes.
In 2001, Vanderbilt opened her first art exhibition, "Dream Boxes," at the Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester; it was a critical success. She launched another exhibition of 35 paintings at the Arts Center in 2007. Two years later, she returned to the Arts Center as a panelist at its Annual Fall Show Exhibition, signing copies of her latest novel, Obsession: An Erotic Tale.
Vanderbilt had written four volumes of memoirs and three novels (including Obsession: An Erotic Tale, mentioned above) as of late May 2016, and she also regularly contributed to The New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Elle.[21] In November 2010, Vanderbilt was the subject of a new book chronicling her life, titled The World of Gloria Vanderbilt,[22] written by Wendy Goodman, New York's design editor. The book, published by Abrams, featured many previously unreleased photographs. Vanderbilt also brought a net-site that featured her artwork, the Gloria Vanderbilt Fine Art net-site, on-line.
On April 5, 2016, HarperCollins Publishers released a new book, written jointly by Vanderbilt and her son Anderson Cooper, titled The Rainbow Comes and Goes: A Mother and Son On Life, Love, and Loss. The book was described thus: "A charming and intimate collection of correspondence between #1 New York Times bestselling author Anderson Cooper and his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, that offers timeless wisdom and a revealing glimpse into their lives."[23]
On April 9, 2016, HBO premiered Nothing Left Unsaid: Gloria Vanderbilt & Anderson Cooper, a two-hour documentary, produced and directed by Liz Garbus, that featured a series of conversations between the mother and son, covering the mother's storied life and family history in the public eye.[24]
Vanderbilt was married four times, divorced three times, and gave birth to four sons in all. She also had several other significant relationships.
In 1941, aged 17, Vanderbilt went to Hollywood, where she married Pat DiCicco, an agent for actors and an alleged mobster; she was his second wife.[25] They divorced in 1945 and had no children together.[26] She later alleged that DiCicco was an abusive husband who called her 'Fatsy Roo' and beat her. "He would take my head and bang it against the wall," Vanderbilt said, "I had black eyes."[27]
In April 1945, within weeks after divorcing DiCicco, Vanderbilt married the conductor Leopold Stokowski. She was his third and last wife, and he had three daughters by his previous marriages to Olga Samaroff, an American Concert Pianist, and Evangeline Love Brewster Johnson, Johnson & Johnson heiress [28]. This marriage, which ended in divorce in October 1955, produced two sons:
Vanderbilt's third husband was the director Sidney Lumet. She was the second of his four wives. They were married on 28 August 1956 and divorced in August 1963. They had no children together.
Vanderbilt married her fourth and last husband, the author Wyatt Emory Cooper, on 24 December 1963. She was his only wife. The marriage, which lasted 15 years, ended with his death in 1978 while undergoing open-heart surgery. They had two sons:
Vanderbilt maintained a romantic relationship with photographer and filmmaker Gordon Parks for many years until his death in 2006.[32] Other notable lovers have included Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra, Howard Hughes, and Roald Dahl.
Vanderbilt is very close friends with fashion designer Diane von Fürstenberg and comedian Kathy Griffin. While appearing as a guest on her son Anderson Cooper's television talk show, Anderson on September 19, 2011, Vanderbilt referred to Griffin as her "fantasy daughter".[33]
Truman Capote was said to have modeled the character of Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's on Vanderbilt, but others say it was based on her friend Carol Grace.[citation needed]
When Vanderbilt celebrated her 90th birthday on February 20, 2014, her collections of many drawings, paintings and collectibles were placed on display in the 1stdibs Gallery at New York Design Center in New York City.[34]
Vanderbilt was baptized into the Episcopal Church as an infant, but was raised Roman Catholic and as a child was particularly fascinated with St. Theresa. Although religious in her youth, she no longer practices Catholicism and identifies more with a Zen Buddhism ideology.[35]
Art and home decor:
Jurassic Park is an American science fiction media franchise centered on a disastrous attempt to create a theme park of cloned dinosaurs who escape confinement and rampage the human characters. It began in 1990 when Universal Studios bought the rights to the novel by Michael Crichton before it was even published.
The book was successful, as was the 1993 film adaptation, which led to three sequels, although the third and fourth films were not based on novels as the first two were. The software developers Ocean Software, BlueSky Software, Sega of America, and Telltale Games have had the rights to develop video games ever since the 1993 film, and numerous games have been produced.
The Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy was released on DVD and Blu-ray on October 25, 2011, in North America. The first film was re-released in 3D on April 5, 2013.[1] Since 1996, several water rides based on the series have been opened at various Universal theme parks. On June 1, 2016, the first three films in the franchise were added to the Netflix streaming service,[2][3] but were removed on September 1, 2016.[4]
The fourth film, Jurassic World, was initially scheduled to be released in the summer of 2005, but was delayed numerous times and was ultimately released in June 2015. It has grossed more than $1.66 billion, making it the fourth highest-grossing film of all time. When adjusted for monetary inflation, however, this film is the second highest grossing in the franchise after Jurassic Park. A fifth film, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, is scheduled for a June 22, 2018, release date. As of 2000, the franchise had generated $5 billion in revenue, making it one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time.[5]
Main articles: Jurassic Park (novel) and The Lost World (Crichton novel)
Michael Crichton originally conceived a screenplay about a pterosaur being cloned from fossil DNA.[6] After wrestling with this idea for a while, he came up with the idea of Jurassic Park.[7] Crichton worked on the idea for several years; he decided his first draft would have a theme park for the setting and a young boy as the main character.[6] Response was extremely negative, so Crichton rewrote the story to make it from an adult's point of view, which resulted in more positive feedback.[6]
Steven Spielberg learned of the novel in October 1989 while he and Crichton were discussing a screenplay that would become the TV series ER. Before the book was published, Crichton put up a non-negotiable fee for $1.5 million as well as a substantial percentage of the gross. Universal further paid Crichton $500,000 to adapt his own novel.[8]Warner Bros. and Tim Burton, Columbia Pictures and Richard Donner, and 20th Century Fox and Joe Dante also bid for the rights,[9] but in May 1990, Universal eventually decided on Spielberg making the adaptation.[9] Universal desperately needed money to keep their company alive, and partially succeeded with Jurassic Park, as it became a critical[10] and commercial[11] success.
After Jurassic Park was released to home video, Crichton was pressured from many sources for a sequel novel.[12] Crichton declined all offers until Spielberg himself told him that he would be keen to direct a movie adaptation of the sequel, if one were written. Crichton began work almost immediately and in 1995 published The Lost World. Crichton confirmed that his novel had elements taken from the novel of the same name by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.[13] The book was also an outstanding success, both with professional and amateur critics.[12] The film adaptation, The Lost World: Jurassic Park began production in September 1996.[14]
In the novels, the fictional company InGen (International Genetic Technologies, Inc.) is based in Palo Alto, California and has one location in Europe.[nb 1] Nevertheless, most of InGen's research took place on the fictional islands of Isla Sorna and Isla Nublar.[nb 1][nb 2] While the first novel indicated InGen was just one of any number of small 1980s genetic engineering start-ups, the events of the novel and film revealed to a select group that InGen had discovered a method of cloning dinosaurs and other animals (including a quagga) using blood extracted from mosquitoes trapped in amber during various periods in time, ranging from the Mesozoic era to the 1800s.[nb 1]Beacham's Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction describe InGen as comparable to another "sleazy organization".[15] Other sources reference the company's receiving the baby T. rex as an allusion to other exploitative entrepreneurs depicted in King Kong.[16] Ken Gelder describes InGen as "resolutely secretive, just like the firm in Grisham's novel."[17]
Main article: Jurassic Park (film) Theatrical poster for the 3D re-release of Jurassic Park.
Before Crichton's book was even published, studios such as Warner Bros., Columbia, TriStar, 20th Century Fox, and Universal had already begun bidding to acquire the picture rights. Spielberg, with the backing of Universal Studios, acquired the rights to the novel before its publication in 1990, and Crichton was hired by Universal Studios for an additional US $500,000 to adapt the novel into a proper screenplay. Malia Scotch Marmo, who was a writer on Spielberg's Hook, wrote the next draft of Jurassic Park but is not credited. David Koepp wrote the final draft, which left out much of the novel's exposition and violence, and made numerous changes to the characters.
When an incident results in the death of an employee, Jurassic Park owner John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) brings in three specialists to sign off on the park to calm investors. The specialists, paleontologist Alan Grant (Sam Neill), paleobotanist Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern), and chaos theorist Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) are surprised to see the island park's main attraction are living, breathing dinosaurs, created with a mixture of fossilized DNA and genetic cross-breeding/cloning. However, when lead programmer Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) shuts down the park's power to sneak out with samples of the dinosaur embryos to sell to a corporate rival, the dinosaurs break free, and the survivors are forced to find a way to turn the power back on and make it out alive. The film also stars Bob Peck, Martin Ferrero, B.D. Wong, Ariana Richards, Joseph Mazzello, and Samuel L. Jackson.
Jurassic Park is regarded as a landmark in the use of computer-generated imagery and received positive reviews from critics, who praised the effects, though reactions to other elements of the picture, such as character development, were mixed. During its release, the film grossed more than $914 million worldwide, becoming the most successful film released up to that time (surpassing E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and surpassed 4 years later by Titanic), and it is currently the 17th highest grossing feature film (taking inflation into account, it is the 20th-highest-grossing film in North America). It is the most financially successful film for NBCUniversal and Steven Spielberg.
Jurassic Park had two re-releases: The first on September 23, 2011, in the United Kingdom and the second in which it was converted into 3D on April 5, 2013, for its 20th Anniversary, which resulted in the film passing the $1 billion mark at the worldwide box office.[18][19][20]
Main article: The Lost World: Jurassic Park
As soon as the novel was published, a film was in pre-production, with a target release date of mid-1997. The film was a commercial success, breaking many box-office records when released. The film had mixed reviews, similar to its predecessor in terms of characterization. Much like the first film, The Lost World made a number of changes to the plot and characters from the book, replacing the corporate rivals with an internal power struggle and changing the roles/characterizations of several protagonists.
When a vacationing family stumbles upon the dinosaurs of Isla Sorna, a secondary island where the animals were bred en masse and allowed to grow before being transported to the park, Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) is called in by John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) to lead a team to document the island to turn it into a preserve, where the animals can roam free without interference from the outside world. Malcolm agrees to go when he discovers his girlfriend, paleontologist Sarah Harding (Julianne Moore) is already on the island, while at the same time Hammond's nephew, Peter Ludlow (Arliss Howard), has taken over his uncle's company and leads a team of hunters to capture the creatures and bring them back to a theme park in San Diego. The two groups clash and are ultimately forced to work together to evade the predatory creatures and survive the second island. The film also stars Pete Postlethwaite, Richard Schiff, Vince Vaughn, Vanessa Lee Chester, Peter Stormare, and a young Camilla Belle.
Main article: Jurassic Park III
Joe Johnston had been interested in directing the sequel to Jurassic Park and approached his friend Steven Spielberg about the project. While Spielberg wanted to direct the first sequel, he agreed that if there was ever a third film, Johnston could direct.[21] Spielberg, nevertheless, stayed involved in this film by becoming its executive producer. Production began on August 30, 2000,[22] with filming in California, and the Hawaiian islands of Kauai, Oahu, and Molokai.[23] It is the first Jurassic Park film not to be based on a novel. The film was a financial success but received mixed to negative reviews from critics. Most were split on whether the third installment was better or worse than its predecessor. The film once again suffered reviews mentioning little to no characterization.
When their son goes missing while parasailing at Isla Sorna, the Kirbys (William H. Macy and Téa Leoni) hire Alan Grant (Sam Neill) under false pretenses to help them navigate the island. Believing it to be nothing more than sight-seeing, and that he will act as a dinosaur guide from the safety of their plane, he's startled to find them landing on the ground, where they are stalked by a super-predator, the Spinosaurus, which destroys their plane. As they search for the Kirbys' son, the situation grows dire as Velociraptors (more intelligent than ever) hunt their group and they must find a way off the island. The film also stars Alessandro Nivola, Michael Jeter, Trevor Morgan, Mark Harelik, and Laura Dern.
Main article: Jurassic World
Steven Spielberg devised a story idea for a fourth film in 2001, during production of Jurassic Park III.[24] In 2002, William Monahan was hired to write the script,[25] with the film's release scheduled for 2005.[26] Monahan finished the first draft of the script in 2003,[27] with the film's plot revolving around dinosaurs escaping to the mainland.[28][29][30] Sam Neill and Richard Attenborough were set to reprise their characters,[30][31] while Keira Knightley was in talks for two separate roles.[32] In 2004, John Sayles wrote two drafts of the script.[33][34] Sayles' first draft involved a team of Deinonychus being trained for use in rescue missions.[35][36][37] His second draft involved genetically modified dinosaur-human mercenaries.[38][39] Both drafts were scrapped. In 2006, a new script was being worked on.[40][41][42] Laura Dern was contacted to reprise her role, with the film expected for release in 2008.[43][44] The film was further delayed by the 2007–08 Writers Guild of America strike.[45]Mark Protosevich wrote two film treatments in 2011, which were rejected.[46]Rise of the Planet of the Apes screenwriters Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver were hired in 2012 to write an early draft of the script.[47] In 2013, Colin Trevorrow was announced as a director and co-writer,[48][49] with the film scheduled for release on June 12, 2015.[50] The film was shot in 3D, and received positive reviews from critics and audience alike.[51]
The film features a new park, Jurassic World, built on the remains of the original park on Isla Nublar.[52] The film sees the park run by Simon Masrani (Irrfan Khan) and Masrani Corp, and features the return of Dr. Henry Wu (B. D. Wong) from the first film, who harbors a grudge against his former employer.[53]Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Jake Johnson star, while Vincent D'Onofrio portrayed the main antagonist, Vic Hoskins. The cast also includes Lauren Lapkus,[54]Ty Simpkins, Nick Robinson, Omar Sy, and Judy Greer. The primary dinosaur antagonist is Indominus rex, a genetically-modified hybrid of Tyrannosaurus rex and several other species, including Velociraptor, cuttlefish, and tree frog.[55]
Main article: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
A sequel to Jurassic World is scheduled for release in June 2018.[56][57] The film is being directed by J. A. Bayona, with a script written by Trevorrow and Connelly.[57][58] Frank Marshall, Pat Crowley, and Belén Atienza are producing the film,[59] with Trevorrow and Spielberg as executive producers.[57]Óscar Faura is the film's cinematographer.[60] The film stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard,[57] B. D. Wong,[61]Toby Jones, Rafe Spall, Justice Smith,[62]Daniella Pineda,[63]Ted Levine,[64] and James Cromwell,[65] with Jeff Goldblum reprising his role as Dr. Ian Malcolm.[66]
During early conversations on Jurassic World, Spielberg told Trevorrow that he was interested in having several more films made.[67] In April 2014, Trevorrow announced that sequels to Jurassic World had been discussed: "We wanted to create something that would be a little bit less arbitrary and episodic, and something that could potentially arc into a series that would feel like a complete story."[68] Trevorrow, who said he would direct the film if asked,[68] later told Spielberg that he would only focus on directing one film in the series.[67] In May 2015, Trevorrow announced that he would not direct another film in the series: "I would be involved in some way, but not as director." Trevorrow felt that different directors could bring different qualities to future films.[69]
In June 2015, Trevorrow stated that Jurassic World left story possibilities open for the sequel's director that could potentially allow the film to take place in a different location, rather than on an island. Trevorrow hinted that the next film could involve dinosaurs being used by other companies for non-entertainment purposes, possibly in agriculture, medicine, and war: "I really like the idea that this group of geneticists aren't the only people who can make a dinosaur [...] when you think of the differences between Apple and PC – the minute something goes open-source, there are all kinds of entities and interests that may be able to utilise that technology."[70] Trevorrow later confirmed that the film would not involve "a bunch of dinosaurs chasing people on an island. That'll get old real fast."[71] Trevorrow also spoke of the film's possible open-source storyline: "It's almost like InGen is Mac, but what if PC gets their hands on it? What if there are 15 different entities around the world who can make a dinosaur?"[71]
Bayona was announced as director in April 2016.[59] Spielberg, Marshall, and Kathleen Kennedy had been impressed by Bayona's 2012 film, The Impossible, and initially considered having him direct Jurassic World, but he declined as he felt there was not enough time for production.[72] During pre-production, Bayona said he was reading all of Michael Crichton's novels, including Jurassic Park and The Lost World, "to try to immerse myself in Crichton's mind."[73] Filming began in February 2017.[74][75] A majority of filming will take place in Hawaii,[58] and at Pinewood Studios in England.[76] Scenes will also be shot at Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales.[77]
In September 2015, Trevorrow said that Bryce Dallas Howard's character would evolve the most over the course of the Jurassic World trilogy that, in turn, is expected to conclude the storyline that began with the previous five films.[78] In October 2015, Frank Marshall confirmed plans for a sixth film in the series.[79] In November 2015, Universal Pictures chairman Donna Langley said that Trevorrow and Spielberg have a story idea for the sixth film.[80] In September 2016, Bayona further confirmed that Trevorrow has plans for a Jurassic World trilogy.[81] That month, Trevorrow was asked how much planning he had put into a new trilogy while he was filming Jurassic World in 2014: "I knew the end. I knew where I wanted it to go."[58] In March 2017, Laura Dern commented, "As I said to the people who are making the new series, 'If you guys make a last one, you gotta let Ellie Sattler come back.'"[82]
Main article: List of Jurassic Park characters See also: List of cloned animals in Jurassic Park
From June 1993 to August 1997 the now-defunct Topps Comics published comic adaptions of Jurassic Park and The Lost World: Jurassic Park, as well as several tie-in series.
Beginning in June 2010, IDW Publishing began publishing Jurassic Park comics. They also acquired the rights to reprint the issues published by Topps in the 1990s, which they began to do in trade paperback format starting in November 2010. After a four-year hiatus, IDW announced the release of a series based on Jurassic World, to be released in 2017.[99]
This series has been collected in the following trade paperbacks:
In June 1993, after the theatrical release of Jurassic Park, spokesmen for Amblin and MCA confirmed that an animated series based on the film was in development and awaiting Spielberg's final approval.[100] The series, titled Escape from Jurassic Park,[101] would have consisted of 23 episodes for its first season. The series would have centered on John Hammond's attempts to finish Jurassic Park and open it to the public, while InGen's corporate rival Biosyn is simultaneously planning to open their own dinosaur theme park in Brazil, which ultimately ends with their dinosaurs escaping into the jungles.[102][103][104]
If produced, it was believed that the project would be the most expensive animated series up to that time. Jeff Segal, president of Universal Cartoon Studios, said, "We are developing a TV series that we anticipate would be computer animated and very sophisticated. However, Spielberg has not had a chance yet to look at either the material or the format for the series."[100] Segal said Universal was considering the possibility of developing the series for prime time. Segal said about the series' storyline, "It would essentially pick up from the closing moments of the movie and it would continue the story in a very dramatic way. The intention would be to continue with the primary characters and also introduce new characters." Segal also said the series would be aimed specifically at the same target audience as the film, while hoping that it would also appeal to young children.[100]
Animation veteran and comic artist Will Meugniot (then working at Universal Cartoon Studios for various projects, including Exosquad) contacted artist William Stout to ask if he would be interested in designing the animated series. According to Stout, "This was not going to be a kiddy show (although kids of all ages, including myself, could enjoy it). They wanted the show to be a mature prime time series with top writers and state-of-the-art television animation augmented with quite a bit of CG animation." Universal Animation Studios wanted the show to have the look of a graphic novel.[105]
Stout was hired to work on the series and subsequently made a trailer to demonstrate how the series would look, and how it would combine traditional animation with computer animation. The series required Spielberg's final approval before it could go into production. However, Spielberg had grown tired of the massive promotion and merchandise revolving around the film, and never watched the trailer.[105] On July 13, 1993, Margaret Loesch, president of the Fox Children's Network, confirmed that discussions had been held with Spielberg about an animated version of the film. Loesch also said, "At least for now and in the foreseeable future, there will not be an animated Jurassic Park. That's Steven Spielberg's decision, and we respect that decision."[106]
Part three of the four-part comic adaptation of The Lost World: Jurassic Park, published by Topps Comics in July 1997, confirmed to readers that a cartoon series based on the film was in development.[107][108] In November 1997, it was reported that the cartoon would be accompanied by Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect, a series of dinosaur toys produced by Kenner and based on a premise that scientists had created dinosaur hybrids consisting of DNA from different creatures.[109][110] The new toys were based on the upcoming cartoon.[109] That month, it was also reported that the cartoon could be ready by March 1998, as a mid-season replacement.[109] The Chaos Effect toyline was released in June 1998,[110] but the animated series was never produced, for unknown reasons.[111]
Main article: List of Jurassic Park video games
When the first film was released in 1993, two different video game publishers were given the rights to publish games based on it, Sega and Ocean Software. Both produced several different games based on the film for several different game systems, including the NES and Sega Genesis. In 1994, Ocean Software produced a sequel to the first game in the series for the Game Boy and SNES systems. Universal Interactive also produced an interactive game for the ill-fated 3DO system.
For the second film in the franchise, DreamWorks Interactive released five games for the most popular systems at the time. The third film had the biggest marketing push, spawning seven video games for PC and Game Boy Advance. A number of lightgun arcade games were also released for all three films.
Main article: Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis is a tycoon-style video game. The objective of the game is to fulfill Hammond's dream of building a five-star theme park with dinosaurs. It was released 2003 for the Xbox, PlayStation 2 and PC.
Main article: Jurassic Park: The Game
Jurassic Park: The Game is an episodic video game based on the Jurassic Park franchise, bridging the story of the first two films developed by Telltale Games in a deal with Universal.[112] It was released on November 15, 2011 to a mixed reception, with reviewers praising the story but criticizing the characters and gameplay. The game was acknowledged canon with Jurassic Park continuity by writers of the original Jurassic Park. The game takes place during and after the events of the original film, and follows a new group of survivors trying to escape Isla Nublar. The game features several dinosaurs from the film, including new additions like Troodon and a Tylosaurus, among other creatures. The game is available on PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and iPad.
Main article: Lego Jurassic World
Lego Jurassic World is a 2015 Lego action-adventure video game developed by Traveller's Tales and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows. It followed the plots of the series' four films, including Jurassic Park, and was released on June 12, 2015.
On June 21, 1996, Universal Studios Hollywood opened Jurassic Park: The Ride. Universal Studios Japan later opened this attraction, and Universal's Islands of Adventure opened Jurassic Park River Adventure. The rides are heavily themed on the first three films. Another ride based on the series has also been opened at Universal Studios Singapore (Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure).
^ a b c As described in the novels.
^ As described in the films, Jurassic Park and The Lost World: Jurassic Park.
According to journalist Cathy Young, the quarrel between online fans of the show about whether there should be a relationship between Xena and Gabrielle had a sociopolitical angle, in which some on the anti-relationship side were "undoubtedly driven by bona fide bigotry", while some on the pro-relationship side were lesbians who "approached the argument as a real-life gay rights struggle" in which "denying a sexual relationship between Xena and Gabrielle was tantamount to denying the reality of their own lives".[23] She added:
In 2000, during the airing of the fifth season, the intensity and sometimes nastiness of the "shipping wars" in the Xena fandom was chronicled (from a non-subtexter's point of view) by Australian artist Nancy Lorenz in an article titled "The Discrimination in the Xenaverse" in the online Xena fan magazine Whoosh!,[24] and also in numerous letters in response.[25]
The wars did not abate after the series came to an end in 2001. With no new material from the show itself, the debates were further fueled by various statements from the cast and crew. In January 2003, Lucy Lawless, the show's star, told Lesbian News magazine that after watching the series finale (in which Gabrielle revived Xena with a mouth-to-mouth water transfer filmed to look like a full kiss) she had come to believe that Xena and Gabrielle's relationship was "definitely gay."[26] However, in the interviews and commentaries on the DVD sets released in 2003–2005, the actors, writers and producers continued to stress the ambiguity of the relationship, and in several interviews both Lawless and Renee O'Connor, who played Gabrielle, spoke of Ares as a principal love interest for Xena. In the interview for the Season 6 episode "Coming Home", O'Connor commented, "If there was ever going to be one man in Xena's life, it would be Ares."
In March 2005, one-time Xena screenwriter Katherine Fugate, an outspoken supporter of the Xena/Gabrielle pairing, posted a statement on her website appealing for tolerance in the fandom:
China Shipping Development (SEHK: 1138, SSE: 600026) is a Chinese shipping company with its headquarters in Shanghai. The company is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
The company produces, pursues and sells as a shipping company ships worldwide. China Shipping Group Company, founded on the 1 July 1997, is the holding company of China Shipping Development. Among the rest, the companies China Shipping Container Lines und China Shipping Haisheng also belong to the Parent company. The main business focus of the company involves coastal, ocean and Yangtze River cargo transportation, ship leasing, cargo forwarding and cargo transport agency, purchase and sale of ships, repair and development of containers, ship spare parts purchase and sale agency, consultancy and transfer of shipping technology.[1]
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