#drawing ponies is hard man
luckygumkat · 3 months
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the alicorn that stole the magic from the ocean (part of an AU idea set between g4 and g5)
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the-barn-void · 5 months
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I should probably put this here now because i am pretty pleased with it. My submission for the art contest on the Daniel Mullins server!
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spacecatdet · 1 year
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I bring you Scarian ponies Grian is a pegasus and Scar is a unicorn, a very accident prone one at that
Grian is enjoying listening to what Scar is talking about while they are taking a walk
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hocus-pocus-circus · 7 months
I'm so sorry if your character doesn't look right @sayumissart for some reason I could NOT get the hair to look right ;3;
But I really like this! Hocus and Pocus are most likely trying to get them to come and see the circus that they are part of lol.
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steakout-05 · 6 months
rough pony hop animation made in flipnote :)
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beenbaanbuun · 2 months
country boy w/ mingi
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thinking thoughts about country boy mingi who talks to you in a southern drawl as he leans his upper body on the bonnet of his truck. he’s so shameless with the way he looks you up and down, and you really don’t mind at all. in fact, you almost wish you could swap places with that stupid toothpick he keeps dangling from his pretty lips.
“don’t you think you ought to be getting home, doll?” he croons at you as you push yourself up to sit on the hood. the way your thighs spread against the red metal makes him salivate, but he’s a strong man. he can control himself, “i don’t think your daddy is my biggest fan; he wouldn’t appreciate you hanging around someone like me after sunset.”
as much as you hate to admit it, mingi is right; something about the farm boy from the neighbouring ranch just didn’t sit right with your daddy. maybe it’s his cocky way of speaking, or the rumours that get passed around town by all the pretty buckle bunnies who had their turn with him. the cowboy had built quite a reputation for himself, over the years. he likes to fuck and chuck; he’d rarely beds the same girl twice, and never more than three times. those brief encounters seem to be enough for most of the women you come across in the local bars—they do nothing but rave about how nonchalant and uncaring the cowboy is in bed. apparently, the way he fucks them hard and rough makes him all the more attractive.
yet he was never anything but soft with you. soft smiles, soft words, soft touches. just soft. if only your daddy could see the way he grins at you as he pulls the hat from his head and settles it atop yours, or the way his lithe fingers tighten the string around your chin to secure the hat in place. the deep chuckle that leaves him as the brim falls over your eyes goes straight to your chest, your heart beating unhealthily quick.
“my daddy doesn’t control me,” you push the brim up so you can see his pretty face. his skin is gorgeously tan from all those hours he spends in the field with his boss’s horses. you often watch him from your window, sketchbook in hand as you messily draw him over and over. he doesn’t look quite as good in graphite as he does through the glass of your bedroom window. seeing him like this, so close that you could touch him, is even better, “and i’m not ready to go home yet. besides, didn’t you promise me a ride on mr campbell’s prize pony?
he smiles and it shines brighter than the sun that’s taking its time in sinking below the horizon. his laugh puts the sound of morning birds to shame. his skin is smoother than your daddy’s whiskey, and his eyes sharper than his switchblade. nothing compares to him, you figure as you gaze into his deep hazelnut eyes; you could watch him and never hunger for anything else. you’d be sustained for life.
“sure i did, doll,” he takes the toothpick out and flicks it to the ground. you watch as it lands in the dirt by his dusty leather boots before letting your eyes drag themselves back up his body to reach his eyes. every part of him is just as pretty as the next and you find that the more you stare, the more you want to have him, “but it’s getting to be dark soon, and like i said, your daddy doesn’t approve of me. i’m not quite good enough for his little princess, am i?”
“i think you’re good enough for me,” you blurt out, heat immediately rising to your face as you take in what you’ve just said. humiliating yourself in front of the man you’ve been dreaming about for years is never good, especially not when you see the man almost every day. you look to the floor, cursing yourself as you hear mingi hum in amusement. it’s not for long, though. he catches your chin on one long finger, drawing your eyes back up to his.
“i’m sure you do, doll,” his voice is teasing, as is his lopsided grin. it sends a shiver down your spine as he taunts you, “precious little thing, thinking i don’t see the way you stare at me from your window. i see the hearts in your eyes, y’know. the way they turn green whenever you see me with one of those towny girls. it's cute; you’re cute.”
a huge hand comes to rest on your exposed thigh. you freeze in place, eyes on his, heart in your mouth. then his other hand meets with your other thigh and without any resistance from you, he parts them just enough to shuffle his body between them. you swallow down the knot in your throat as he invades your personal space.
“part of me wants to agree with your daddy; you’re too good for me, doll. you deserve someone better,” his face is too close to yours. you’re holding your breath as if you might blow him away if you were to exhale. his own fans across your face, the scent of mint and menthol filling your senses. suddenly, it’s your favourite smell in the world, “but then again, i tend to be possessive over things i consider to be mine… and i don’t think i could bear it if i were to see my doll hanging off another man’s arm, hm?”
he whispers that last bit, the slow drawl of his accent echoing through your brain, turning your thoughts to mush. you’re sure he can see the effect he’s having on you; the shallow rise and fall of your chest, your swollen lip from where your teeth continuously tug against it, your glazed-over, thoughtless eyes. you’re also sure that it’s only serving to encourage him.
still, even if mingi currently has your legs in a gelatinous state and your heart ticking like a time bomb, your daddy didn’t raise a pushover. a princess, yes, but never a pushover. one of your (extremely shaky) hands finds its way to his chest, pushing at the linen-clad muscles ever-so-gently until he stumbles just a few inches back. despite your eyes not being able to find his face, you know you can do this.
“well, what about you?” your voice is feeble. you clear your throat in the hopes of making it stronger, “you think i like watching you flirt with other women? to hear all those nasty stories about what goes down in the bed of your truck?” the more you talk, the more your courage builds. you look him in the eye, only to see he’s still smirking. that beautiful, infuriating smirk, “you’re not the only possessive one, mingi. if i’m yours, you’re mine—”
the next few seconds happen in a flash, but you can pick out three key events. first, he bullies his way between your thighs again, pushing them wide and pulling you close until his pelvis is flush against yours. then, with a determined hand, he rips the hat away from your head, slamming it down onto the hood of his truck and making you jump. there’s almost no time between that and the final event, though, as before you can say a single thing more, a pair of determined lips find your own.
they’re hot as they trap you in a kiss, moving quickly and sloppily against your own. he’s quick to take charge, fingers pressing deep into the flesh of your thighs as he moves his lips against yours. it’s like he’s been waiting for this for years, and now that he’s finally got it, he’s not willing to let it go. desperate, and hard and fast, it makes your head spin in the most delicious way. so much so, in fact, that you can’t help but wrap your arms around his neck to act as some sort of stability as you melt into his touch.
he pulls away for mere seconds, just enough for you to catch your breath, before diving in for more. this time, he leads with his tongue, bullying his way into your mouth as soon as his lips are on yours again. there’s no fight for dominance, the both of you already knowing that he’s the one in charge of this whole ordeal. you just let yourself sink into it, enjoying every second of him devouring your mouth.
all you can hear is moans mixed with the sound of lips smacking against lips. you can’t tell where your moans finish and his start, but perhaps it just goes to show how in sync the two of you really are.
he finally pulls away again, for good this time, and a heavy sigh falls from his lips, “i’ve always been yours, doll,” his wet lips meet your neck, and you tip your head back as a moan tumbles from your parted lips, “from the moment i met you, i was yours.”
“what about—”
“gossip spreads in a small town like this,” he cuts you off, “not everything you hear is true. you have a one-night stand to get over a girl once and suddenly you’ve slept your way through the whole town. honestly, i’m kind of glad the story focuses on how good i am in bed and not on the way i cried about you after i came…”
you can’t stifle the giggle that bubbles from your throat as he nuzzles against your neck.
“you cried about me?” you laugh.
“multiple times, doll,” he confirms, “what can i say, i’m a softie at heart.”
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
✮ cw ; fem!reader, reader is a soldier + shorter than jing yuan, referred to as wife (they are engaged), sfw
✮ wc ; 683
✮ a/n ; wrote this on my phone bc if i went on my laptop it would be a fic
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“General is summoning you to his chambers,”
One of your roomates gives you a half-look of amusement as she ties her hair back with a black hair band.
“He’s calling on you a lot these days,” She says, pony tail swishing as she moves to sit on the edge of her bunk “How bad did you screw up last week for him to be this persistent?”
You stand to your feet, tossing a shirt at her with a look of disdain. Though her words irritate you, it’s probably better they believe in them.
“Shut up. I’m pretty sure he’s just looking for a chess partner since Master Diviner isn’t around,” You reply with a hint of annoyance “Knowing him it’s nothing important.”
“Perks of being unit captain,” Your other roommate adds sarcastically. You curse at them under your breath before leaving your room.
It’s late now, as you’re being led once again to the General’s chambers. The walls of the dormitory seem to close in like this, faintly illuminated by dimmed candlelight and the moon filtering in through the window.
The soldier instructed to guide you disappears once he’s knocked. You stand alone in the dark, waiting only moments before the door slides open to reveal General Jing Yuan.
He smiles at you bemusedly. You’re sure your feelings show on your face - an impossible furrow in your brows. You curl your hand to a fist, right hand over your heart with your eyes to the ground.
“General Jing Yuan, Sir.”
He leans against the door frame, a low laugh in his mouth.
“At ease, soldier. Come in,”
You avoid looking up at him as you cross the threshold of his door as you have so many times before. It slides closed behind you as the General sits on the edge of his desk.
“Why have you called me here, Sir?”
“I’ve called you here as my lover, not my Captain. No need for the theatrics.”
You sigh.
“I had a feeling. People are going to start being suspicious. And this is a gross misuse of your position.”
“Misuse, you say? How accusatory,” He tilts his head in amusement “Is it so wrong to want to see my beloved after hours?”
A flush fills you at that.
“It’s inappropriate as your subordinate, Sir.”
“You’re my lover before that. And my soon to be wife. This much is nothing.”
“You’re impossible to reason with.”
“Yes, yes. Now kiss me,”
You give him another look of disproportionate irritation but relent as you usually do. Jing Yuan is a strange man. His generally lackadaisical behavior is easy to adjust to. His penchants for being doted on less so. You walk over to him anyway, standing between his legs to give him a brief.
Perhaps you’re too foolish. He’s quick to draw his arm around your waist - a small smile on his features as he holds you to his body. He grins, leaning down to kiss you more tenderly. Longer and deeper and more foolhardy. He doesn’t kiss how you’d expect him too. It’s impassioned in a way that makes it hard for you to stand straight. Leaves you weakened, hands curled at his chest as he holds you.
He pulls away to place kisses on other parts of your face. Your cheek and the corners of your mouth and where your eyelashes meet your lids. He only pulls away entirely when you’ve laughed against your will.
“There it is,” He says, accomplished. You don’t bother suppressing it “Quite refreshing.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Most lovesick men are, are they not?”
You yield at his persistence.
“I wouldn’t know. I’ve only been engaged to one.”
He grins at that. “A shame you’ll never get to find out.”
“Any more than this will be difficult and annoying.”
“But this much is just fine?”
You sigh in faux exasperation.
“Yes. Just this much,”
Jing Yuan hums, dropping his chin on the top of your head with a contented hum.
“Really? I was wondering if I could make love to you before it became suspicious of you to return. Pity,”
“Jing Yuan!”
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hyenaa-euphoria · 3 months
I hhave three questions, if I may!
Does DogDay in the red giant au like, attack anything that is alive/that moves, or not? Like, if someone where to give him food would he attack them or?? Sorry if this question is dumb lol
This sorta plays into the third question, but do you have any tips on how to draw the smiling critters?
Do you have any tips making a smiling critter oc? I'm really struggling with coming up for a design for my one, she always ends up lookin plain/boring :(
1 sort of…..???
He would rather snatch the food from your hand and forget about you than actually try to go after you!! It’s easy food after all!
And even if he did try attacking you, he can’t really so much, he has no strength left!
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thats literally it. tear bodies. that how you can construct their bodies.. Play with that! Make different poses!
3 Of course! Here are some tips!!
Soo, i usually base my ocs on animal idioms, animal expressions, adjectives, etc. Here are some examples with meanings!!
Loan Shark
Moneylender who asks for a lot of money, usually illegally.
Someone who makes a lot of money from a company
Someone who keeps themselves busy
Diagonally opposite from someone or something
Sitting Duck(s)
Someone thats easy to manipulate, cheat or take advantage of
Someone who works very hard and enthusiastically
Do something to its fullest extent
Person used as a subject for an experiment
Wild Goose (Chase)
Foolish chase for something unattainable
Person who embarrasses a group for being different
Person with one great talent but doesn’t have much more to offer
Road Hog
Dangerous driver, someone who drives recklessly
The most important person in a group
You can also take normal expressions that have certain words that sound like animal species! Take my oc as an example (Sir Bat-An-Eye.)
IF you are basing your little critter on a real animal, you could think, “Man, how do i make this little guy look more Smiling Critter-ish?”
Take Bubba for example,
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He is an elephant! Elephants aren’t a bright blinding blue! Yet in a lot of cartoons they are represented this way because it is way more colorful! Sure to attract kids.
If it is an actual animal, search for some cartoon references of them! Maybe that can help!
Saturate the colors A LOT. Do you think kiddies would like an old, rusty, sad-beige-mom animal in their show??!?! Well- maybe…..🤔
But thats not the point! Make them bright! Make them pop!
Also, don’t always base them off of the animals ACTUAL colors! Give them different colors! If you want to make your alligator oc red because he lives in the depths of an erupting volcano then go ahead! If you want your parrot oc to be THE COLOR OF THE FUCKING RAINBOW then go ahead!! Who says they have to be the normal colors? Not me!
Sooo… if you wanna be very picky like me.. then choose animals by how they would act in a society!
A hyena wouldn’t be nice! They would make fun of people, they would be rude!
A gazelle would be shy! They wouldn’t get their kicks from fighting!
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That kinda what i mean🤔
If you want an elegant Critter, look for animals that often represent elegance, like peacocks!!
What would they do if they were caretakers in PlayCare? A therapist? A janitor? What do they teach? Think about that and maybe that will help you with their necklaces!!
If you need more help, ask away :p!!
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
curly would def draw in that shitty “school poster” art style and in class would draw pony in it and be like “this u rn”
just imagine ur ponyboy in class trying to learn, ur mans passes u a note, u open it, and its of u drawn like this and ur trying to not lose it while curlys giggling so hard like ts funny
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bunni-v1 · 9 months
My request is for riddle x reader where the reader is a very skilled equestrian
Riddle and His Equestrian Partner 
TW: My little pony reference; swearing
Info: Riddle x Reader; Horses; Idk shit about horses
🍓This low-key turned into a whole short story in several parts before I remembered these were head cannons and forcefully split it up lol. It’s not too long, because little concepts like this aren’t exactly the easiest to write a multi-page story about, but I try my best. I kinda of just went off on my own though, so I hope this is what you wanted lol. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it, and sorry about the whole waiting thing only for a mini piece like this.
-Ah! Riddle Rosehearts, we meet again.
-Riddle is a proud man. He’s multi-talented, incredibly hardworking, intelligent, and not so much kind, but it's not his fault his mother shoved a stick up his pompous ass.
-He takes great enjoyment in being the best at the things he does, but he fully accepts that… maybe… possibly he won’t always be at the top of the top.
-He does try, though. Very hard, because if he doesn’t his mother will be very cross with him.
-Something he takes greatest pride in is his talent in horseback riding. He’s a very talented equestrian, and he adores his horses. It’s one of the very few hobbies he was pushed into that he genuinely loves.
-He loves it so much that, when he gets accepted to attend NRC, he willingly and excitedly signs up for the equestrian club. In fact — other than his mother forcing the school down his throat — NRC’s equestrian club was one of the main draws of the school to him.
-This is where he meets you, his freshman year of college. 
-He walks into the stables, the smell of hay, feed, and mud (and horse shit) filling him with nothing but delight. 
-Students are allowed to bring their own horses from home if they’d like, but the school provides a handful of wonderful purebreds for those new to the sport or not willing to transport their own to campus.
-Riddle decided against bringing his old girl the first semester, even though she would be more reliable. He wanted a change, something new and exciting. He was good with horses, so he was sure whichever one he was given would be easy enough to work with and train how he liked. 
-While he was looking at the different horses, one in particular caught his eye. A beautiful Appaloosa with a shiny clean coat and pretty braided hair.
-It was love at first sight for him. This was his horse, gaping at it with an open mouth, he looked rather stupid. 
-At least, that’s what you thought at least. Stupid and endearing staring at your big baby of a horse like she was the most perfect creature on earth.
-To be fair, she was really pretty, just not… not pretty enough for this reaction, you think.
-“Hey, you okay?” You ask.
“Ah- Uhm, yes. Just… appreciating the horse.”
-Riddle is bright red trying to explain why he felt so… inspired by your horse. 
-Surprisingly, however, it goes well, as you very enthusiastically tell him all about Rainbow Dash, “Dashie”, the third. 
-You’re his first friend on campus! (Other than Trey).
-However, your name sounds very familiar, and he can’t quite get it out of his head after your first meeting.
-So… he looks you up, and he sees your insanely impressive track record. First-place medals, championship trophies, the whole shebang. You’re far more talented than him, and it almost makes him jealous he wasn’t so incredibly impressed.
-Truly Night Raven College has the most impressive students attending within its walls.
-He would initiate some sort of rivalry, but you’re just so… cool. So relaxed, and confident about your skills. He can’t help but admire you more than he wishes he were you.
-The two of you have very different schedules, so you hardly get to see each other outside of club meetings, your interactions are strictly horse-related.
-However, you hear about his violent temper and you find it kind of funny. 
-“You’re like an untrained horse, you need a good rider to reel you in.” You always tease with a wink whenever he gets particularly angry at a match or during practice.
-To everyone’s surprise, he doesn’t blow up at you, just flustered and grumbles like a toddler being scolded by his parent.
-In fact, you’re the only person he really doesn’t blow up at. Your mutual love for horses and hard work in classes make you a nearly unstoppable duo.
-When he gets frustrated training his new horse from the school, you’re there to help cool him down and find a productive way to retrain the horse. When he doesn’t perform well in a match or compares himself to you and your records, you remind him of how different your training was compared to his.
-You two become incredibly close through all of this.
-So it’s no surprise when you both decide to start meeting up outside of class to study together. Then you start meeting up to just hang out in his dorm room. Then you start treating him to sweet treats off campus. Then you start showing up to Heartslabyul’s tea parties.
-It was honestly only a matter of time before the two of you decided to make things official, and when you do, it’s incredibly easy!
-You both plan horse riding dates with each other and spend the majority of your time together talking about training techniques or studying for your upcoming tests.
-Him bringing you home to meet his horse was honestly a bigger deal than meeting his mother.
-He was afraid you wouldn’t find him as beautiful since you own Dashie, but you were absolutely in love with his old girl. She seemed to like you too, given she didn’t try to buck you off the second you claimed onto her back.
-He’s incredibly supportive of you at your own matches and your matches alongside him. 
-Now he’s proud of not only his skills, but you and yours as well, and he wouldn’t want it any other way.
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cadmusfly · 6 months
Tag Yourself: Unabridged Shitty Drawing Marshal of the Empire Edition
Yes All 26 Of Them + Bonus 2
drawn and compiled by yours truly, initial and probably inaccurate research assisted by Chet Jean-Paul Tee, additional research from Napoleon and his Marshals by A G MacDonnell, Swords Around A Throne by John R Elting and a bunch of other books and Wikipedia pages
captions under images
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mike (Michel Ney)
- full of every emotion
- always has ur back
joe (Joachim Murat)
- it's called fashion sweetheart
- will not stop flirting
lens (Jean Lannes)
- bestie who will call u out on ur shit
- does not like their photo taken
bessie (Jean-Baptiste Bessieres)
- actually nice under the ice
- was born in the wrong generation
dave (Louis-Nicolas Davout)
- overachiever
- 20 year old boomer
salt (Jean-de-Dieu Soult)
- people think ur up to no good
- doesn’t cope with sudden changes 2 plans
andrew (Andre Massena)
- actually up to no good
- sleepy until special interest is activated
bertie (Louis-Alexandre Berthier)
- carries the group project
- voted most likely to make a stalker shrine
auggie (Pierre Augereau)
- shady past full of batshit stories
- will not stop swearing in the christian minecraft server
lefrank (François Joseph Lefebvre)
- dad friend
- in my day we walked to school uphill both ways
big mac (Étienne Macdonald)
- brutally honest
- won't let you borrow their charger even if they have 100%
gill (Guillaume Brune)
- love-hate relationship with group chats
- pretends not to care, checks social media every 2 minutes
ouchie (Nicholas Oudinot)
- needs to buy bandages in bulk
- a little aggro
pony (Józef Antoni Poniatowski)
- can't swim
- tries 2 hard to fit in, everyone secretly loves them anyway
grumpy (Emmanuel de Grouchy)
- can't find them when u need them
- complains about the music, never suggests alternatives
bernie (Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte)
- always talks about their other friendship group
- most successful, nobody knows how
monty (Auguste de Marmont)
- does not save u a seat
- causes drama and then lurks in the background
monch (Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey)
- last to leave the party
- dependable
morty (Édouard Mortier)
- everyone looks up 2 them literally and figuratively
- golden retriever friend
jordan (Jean-Baptiste Jourdan)
- volunteers other people for things
- has 20+ alarms but still oversleeps
kelly (François Christophe de Kellermann)
- old as balls but still got it
- waiting in the wings
gov (Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr)
- infuriatingly modest about their art skills
- thinks too much before they speak
perry (Catherine-Dominique de Pérignon)
- low-key rich, only buys things on sale
- “let’s order pizza” solution to everything
sachet (Louis-Gabriel Suchet)
- dependable friend who always brings snacks
- lowkey keeps the group together
cereal (Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier)
- unnervingly methodical and precise about fun
- will delete your social media after u die
vic (Claude Victor-Perrin)
- loves spicy food but can’t handle it
- says they're fine, not actually fine
june (Jean Andoche Junot)
- chaotic disaster bisexual
- will kill a man 4 their bestie
the rock (Géraud Duroc)
- keeps a tidy house
- mom friend with snacks
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How To Use AI To Fake A Scandal For Fun, Profit, and Clout
Or, I Just Saw People I Know To Be Reasonable Fall For A Fake "Ripoff" And Now I'm Going To Gently Demonstrate What Really Happened
So, we all know what people say about AI. It's just an automatic collage machine, it's stealing your data (as if the rest of the mainstream internet isn't - seriously, we should be using that knee-jerk disgust response to demand better internet privacy laws rather than try to beef up copyright so that compliance has to come at the beginning rather than the end of the process and you can be sued on suspicion of referencing, but I digress...), it can't create anything novel, some people go so far as to claim it's not even synthesizing anything, but just acting as a search engine and returning something run through a filter and "proving" it by "searching" for their own art and "finding" it.
And those are blatant lies.
The thing is, the reason AI is such a breakthrough - and the reason we memed with it so hard when DALL-E Mini and DALL-E 2 first dropped - is because it CAN create novel output. Because it CAN visualize the absurd ideas that no one has ever posted to the internet before. In fact, it would be a bigger breakthrough in computer science if we DID come up with an automatic collage machine - something that knows where to cut out a part of one image and paste it onto another, then smooth out the lighting and colors to make them fairly consistent, to make it look like what we would recognize as an image we're asking for? That would make the denoising algorithm on steroids that a diffusion model is look like child's play.
But, unlike the posts that claim that they're just acting as a collage maker at best and a search engine at worst, I'm not going to ask you to take my word for it (and stick a pin in this point, we'll come back to it later). I'm going to ask you to go to Simple Stable (or Craiyon, or the Karlo demo, if Google Colab feels too complicated for you - or if you like, do all of the above) and throw in a shitpost prompt or two. Ask for a velociraptor carousel pony ridden by a bunny. Ask for Godzilla fighting a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man. Ask for an oil painting of a capybara wearing an ornate princess gown. Shitpost with it like we did before these myths took hold.
Now take your favorite result(s) and reverse image search them. Did you get anything remotely similar to your generated image? Probably not!
So then, how did someone end up getting a near perfect recreation of their work? Was that just some kind of wacky, one-in-a-million coincidence?
Well - oh no, look at that, I asked it for a simplistic character drawing and it happened to me too, it just returned a drawing of mine that I never even uploaded, and it's the worst drawing I've done since the fifth grade even just to embarrass me! Oh no, what happened, did they change things right under my nose, has digital surveillance gotten even WORSE?? Look, see, here's the original on the left, compare it to the output on the right - scary!! They're training on the contents of your computer in real time now, aaaagh!!
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Except, of course, for the fact that the entire paragraph above was a lie and I did this on purpose in a way no one could possibly recreate from a text prompt, even with a perfect description.
See, some models have this nifty little function called img2img. It can be used for anything from guiding the composition of your final image with a roughly drawn layout, to turning a building into a dragon...to post-processing of a hand-drawn image, to blatantly fucking lying about how AI works.
I took 5 minutes out of my day to crudely draw a character. I uploaded the image to this post. I saved the post as a draft. I stuck the image URL in the init_image field in Simple Stable, cranked the init strength up to 0.8, cleared all text prompts, and ran it. It did exactly what I told it to and tried to lightly refine the image I gave it.
If you see someone claiming that an AI stole their image with this kind of "proof", and the image they're comparing is not ITSELF a parody of an extremely well-known piece such as the Mona Lisa, or just so extremely generic that the level of similarity could be a coincidence (you/your favorite artist do/es not own the rule of thirds or basic fantasy creatures, just to name one family of example I've seen), this is what happened.
So from here you must realize that it is deeply insidious that posts that make these claims usually imply or even outright state that you should NOT try to recreate this but instead just take their word for it, stressing ~DON'T FEED THE MACHINE~. It's always some claim about "ohhh, the more you use them, the more they learn, I made a SACRIFICE so you don't have to" - but txt2img functions can't use your interaction to learn jack shit. There's no new information in a text prompt for them TO learn. Most img2img models can't learn from your input either, for that matter! I still recommend being careful about corporate img2img toys - we know that Facebook, for instance, is happy to try and beef up facial recognition for the WORST possible reasons - but if you're worried about your privacy and data harvesting, any given txt2img model is one of the least worrying things on the internet today.
So do be careful with your privacy online, and PLEASE use your very understandable knee-jerk horror response to how much extremely personal content can be found in training databases as a call to DEMAND better privacy laws ("do not track" should not be just for show ffs) and compliance with security protocols in fields that deal with very private information (COMMON CRAWL DOESN'T GO FAR OUT OF ITS WAY, IT SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GET ANY MEDICAL IMAGES THE PATIENTS DIDN'T SHARE THEMSELVES HOLY SHIT, SOME HOSPITAL WORKERS AND/OR MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPERS BETTER BE GETTING FIRED AND/OR SUED) - but don't just believe a convenient and easy-to-disprove lie because it aligns with that feeling.
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I'm rereading THE OUTSIDERS so I can catch the stuff I missed and annotate stuff :) I will be updating my thoughts as I go, spoilers under the cut
BTW, please don't fight me!!! These are just my thoughts and opinions!! There is some minor hating on Dally, like about how rude he can be! And mentions of Sodapop's worse traits! I still love both of them as characters!!!
I feel a lot of people downplay just how rude and disrespectful Dally is. He's my favorite character but I've now realized just how horrible he is. The movie def made him a better person. Like jumping children??? What joy is found there??? He has good traits though, that's just not really shown to strangers. He's still my favorite character though, he's tragic. Just pointing out his negatives.
I feel kinda bad for Sandy because Soda was constantly flirting with other girls or saying dirty things abt them. Like I understand "They're greasers, it's what they do!" and "it didn't mean anything to him!" But like, people hate so much on Sandy, I'm not justifying her cheating that was not good, but I understand if she was insecure
Cherry should have punched Dally hard enough to knock him out. Though she would prob be jumped later, if that wouldn't happen she should've decked him
"He would kill the next person who jumped him. Nobody was ever going to beat him like that again. Not over his dead body..." p.34 abt Johnny
I like Cherry's character a bit more, she's a little more interesting. I didn't pay attention much the first read to all the details and the movie kind of made her boring. Like it's missing several of her good lines.
Steve was really beefing with Pony, and it was real one-sided. Pony was really like "I thought he was pretty ok since he's sodas bestie, but he sure don't like me." Probably a case of unreliable narrator
I like Sodapop a lot more because the book really showcases both his good and bad traits. A lot of posts on here have turned him into a sort of, he's a perfect little innocent man. I understand some people are joking but it can be a little ooc.
I like that Darry goes skiing, glad he has some sort of activity he can enjoy :)
Random thing, but first time I read the book I imagined Darry with glasses. I might draw him later with them
Please don't attack me because you disagree with my opinions!!! These are just my thoughts and stuff, not trying to call anyone out!
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hellonearthtoday · 2 months
3, 5, 7, 14
Thank you 😌I needed a break from this damn drawing
3. Who is your favorite character outside the main 7?
This is kind of harddd man 😭 born to say Cherry forced to say Curly. Cherry's a character that we actually saw more of, but I have this idea of Curly in my head that's so perfect to me...he's like half my oc...I'm superrr attached to Cherry but I do have to be real w myself cuz whenever I see Curly's name mentioned in any fic or any post it's like a wild lion sighting i get sooo hype
5. What are your favorite ships?
this is NOT hard. My favorite ship is purly I'm an evil purly shipper. I don't typically do shipping because I'm that aroace who is romance repulsed not just for myself but in the media I consume too, but idk something about their dynamic I've half made up in my head abt them...I guess I just really like the dynamic of 2 bros who are friends who might also fall in love We dont know
MARBIT. I really like couples who just giggle together. Couples who justtt rock w eachotherrr something about them....Also they got that forbidden love thing going on and idk the power of laughter could save them. But other than that I'm a platonic power ranger
7. What are your fave non-romantic relationships? (This can be close friends, familial, enemies or even just acquaintances)
This thang is about to get so long. I love non romantic relationships sooo bad I'm romance's biggest hater.
TBH can i say purly here too....they got a friends to lovers thing going on I'll shut up abt them for once this time though.
Johnny and Pony are really the best friends ever, and my idea of them might be fandom crutched more than what's shown in canon, but It don't matter anyway that book came out a bajillion years ago.
Johnny and Dally. I know the jally nation is huge and unstoppable and I can kindaaa see where you're coming from even w how I am...but in my head they aren't brotherly or romantic they're a secret third thing. No labels no nothing. They have something that none of us can touch and it's not romantic to me but they're tgt in every universe
Dally and Ponyboy idk they're funny to me. Like 2 cats put into a fighting ring and one is evil and one just want to sleep and go home idk
CHERRY AND PONYBOY I START CHEWING ON THE WALLS WHEN I SEE THEM PIT AGAINST EACHOTHER IN FICS OR WHEN CHERRY IS BARELY THERE goddd i msis them so much there's something so special to me about an opposite sex friendship that prevails even though it's not seen as a normal thing people do at the time.
14. Tell us five of your headcanons you basically see as canon
POC shepards. It's just kind of real man. I like seeing all the different versions the fandom comes up with but they're a black latino family to me <3
Johnny and Curly hating each other so bad. I think it's the funniest thing ever. Especially if they just don't like eadchother solely off of vibes ...or Curly doesn;t like Johnny bcz Johnny doesn't like him and he's like wtf 😕
It's never said outright but Johnny has anxiety disorder to me.
Ponyboy has low empathy and he just does things out of the kindness of his heart and not bcz "treat people how u want to be treated" bcz whatever LOL! he's autistic to me whatt who said that
PB talks really casually but also somehow rlly awkwardly, and u think he's just chill like that but he's just autistic. He could hate your ass but he talks like some unsocialized forest nymph so you dont know bcz he sounds so docile
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mochiwrites · 3 months
may we have some fun headcanons/facts about your new hero au
fun head canons 👀👀 hehe ofc!!!
- this is something we’ll get to see in fic but !! when grian is cuteguy and mumbo gets a chance to interview him and hotguy, he’ll purposefully give mumbo a hard time (in grian’s words, it’s to help mumbo grow as a reporter but we all know he just enjoys being a menace)
- while on the topic of mumbo, this man is constantly getting caught up in the mess of the villain of the week. cuteguy and hotguy are frequently rescuing him
- scar has a sketchbook with lots of drawings he’s done when bored
- grian’s penchant for letting his curiosity lead him has gotten him into plenty of trouble before. impulse and skizz are exasperated with him
- grian and bigb (he also works at imp & skiziz) got trapped in a closet together once (thank you pearl)
- hotguy merch exists in universe (as does cuteguy merch)
- there was definitely a movie made about hotguy (hotguy the siege) they had hotguy actually cameo in it during a volleyball scene (scar was ENTHUSIASTIC about being shirtless)
- insert it’s not important to the story at all but it’s important to me that you know grian is trans ty
- scar has!!! little pony tail!!!!
- fun fact! in a previous draft of this au (I have so many this au gave me so much difficulty when planning jfc) I wanted grian to be a vigilante named mother spore <3
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pomplalamoose · 8 months
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Sith!Luke Skywalker x fem!reader
summary: your Lord, Luke Skywalker, decides to adjust your appearance to his liking
warnings: slight nsfw and degradation, power imbalance, possessive behavior, unhealthy relationship, manhandling
A/N: look at me writing a mini fic about Sith!Luke again, I really can't leave that man alone
Facing you is a shimmering, clean surface, one you like to frequently use as a mirror.
As you carefully rake a brush through your hair to detangle them, you painstakingly try to ignore the dark, looming presence comfortably seated not far behind you.
It isn't easy; the unwavering gaze trained on you makes your skin prickle and your muscles tense.
Your hand catches in a little knot of your hair and your head jerks sideways.
You wince but remain silent, not wanting to draw even more attention to your person.
Not when he's already watching, not letting a single movement of yours go undetected.
You are strung like a bow, sure there is something he wants.
Staring straight ahead, you avoid meeting his eyes in the reflection.
It's childish, you know, but it gifts you a sense of safety; if you don't acknowledge him, you are nearly capable to imagine being far, far away from here.
If this is not real, if he is not real, he won't be able to hurt you.
A memory resurfaces.
You are three years old and playing hide and seek with your grandfather, not understanding how he's able to spot you so quickly every time.
He's laughing.
"Just because you can't see me, doesn't mean I can't see you, you know?"
You weren't as disappointed then as you are now; facing reality, letting go of the illusions of childhood is easily done when a beloved person leads the way.
It's hard, unbearable even, when you are on your own.
Your grip around the brush's handle falters and it clatters to the floor, the moment seemingly drawn out into eternity, as you whip around your head in fear of Lord Skywalker's reaction like a well trained but poorly treated dog.
"Oh you stupid girl.", he chastises gently but not unkind.
He sits up, his golden eyes tightening slightly as he leans forward to inspect you more closely.
Ah. This was what he was waiting for.
An opening. But to do what?
"Lift up your hair for me, will you? Yes, like that. I want to see your neck."
Although confused you do as you are told, turning this direction and that to grant him the view he wishes for.
"Mmh.", he considers you for a moment before derisively clicking his tongue.
"They are fading... No, that won't do."
Your arms are starting to ache from holding them up in this uncomfortable position but you do not dare to move even a single muscle.
"My Lord?"
Shuffling around on your knees to properly face him, you raise your eyes to look at him questioningly.
He doesn't respond, instead motioning for you to come forward and, haltingly, you comply.
As soon as you are close enough for him to reach for you, you are snatched up faster than you are able to process.
He laughs at your startled squeak and settles you in his lap, your back close to his warm chest, one arm tightly slung across your waist to keep you in place.
"The marks I left, little one.", he explains graciously, as he starts to gather most of your hair into a rough pony tail to get it out of the way.
"I enjoyed looking at them and now they are barely visible anymore."
You finally understand then, what he's talking about.
About a little more than a week ago he had spent the good duration of an hour sucking and biting your skin, leaving lots of angry red and purple bruises in his wake.
He hadn't mentioned it after and so you assumed he had lost interest, thought he didn't plan on doing it again.
Apparently you were wrong.
"Oh.", you say softly; and what else is there to say?
The arm around your middle disappears and you shudder slightly when you feel him pulling at the collar of your soft top until your entire neck and shoulders are laid bare before him.
Just as quickly his grip is back and he takes a moment to adjust you again, pulling you impossibly closer.
"Yes, oh.", he breathes sensually and leaves a chaste kiss behind your ear.
"Now I will make sure to reapply them. Be a good girl and hold still for me."
"Yes, my Lord.", you say, swallowing heavily.
A satisfied sigh leaves him before his hot mouth is on you.
You will yourself to be calm, to focus on your breathing.
The first time he did this wasn't so bad, you tell yourself. It will be just fine.
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