#dragon king headcanons
imagobin · 8 months
🌊Dragon King Childhood Friends HCs🌊
I thought it'd be a neat concept to have the Reader be Dragon King/Ao Guang's sea-dwelling childhood friend, since in his song he talks about being bullied a lot as a kid- so here, hope you enjoy!
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The first meeting:
As a kid, Ao Guang always had trouble playing on land with other kids, not because he didn't like the games they played, but because they would NOT let him play with them. His sensitive skin would dry up so fast in the sun and the kids found it creepy, to the point were they were scared of being touched by him, which was an extremely big offense, especially since he was also a royal!
So, after several failed attempts, he'd just given up and would look at the kids playing from the water. That was until you came around. Instead of legs, you only had a tail, so playing on land was a no-go. You noticed Ao Guang leaning onto a rock, looking defeated, and you chose to approach him.
He was skittish at first, fearing that you might mock him too, but the moment he understood you were there to make friends his eyes immediately lit up with excitement, and, given how neither of you could go out of the water you spent a wonderful afternoon exploring undersea caves, although he'd always send you in first to make sure they were safe.
Unbreakable Friendship:
Ever since then, you two were inseparable; Ao Guang didn't care whether you were a noble or not, you were his only friend, and you meant the world to him.
He'd come to you for anything: company, advice, gossiping, he really felt like he could trust you with his every thought, and of course, he'd do the same for you as well, doing his best to give some advice, although... it wasn't always the best, but at least he tried! And you valued that a lot.
Arguments and disagreements weren't frequent, but not completely absent either, but that was mostly due to his brash and sometimes self-centered nature. You two always made it a point to try and work things out though, surprisingly, Ao Guang made an especially big effort to not do something again if it ever upset you, because frankly... he didn't want to be alone again.
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Big changes:
After several years, Ao Guang came to rule over the eastern sea, something he'd been getting ready for his whole life. You feared that now that he was King, your friendship would dwindle down, but that wasn't the case at all.
He'd planned everything out, and since he was a King now and could do whatever he wanted, he proclaimed you his royal advisor, whether you were actually qualified or not he didn't care, he just wanted an excuse to keep you around without having to explain too much to other people, and besides, the eastern sea was fairly peaceful, so there wasn't much actual advising to do.
You still had full freedom to go and visit your family and other friends, but the Dragon King would be lying if he said he didn't feel at least a little jealous.
Present Day:
Thanks to you simply being by Ao Guang's side, he's managed not to go off the deeper end; his feelings of inferiority disappeared the moment he understood just how good life underwater can really be, especially thanks to you.
It still takes a bit to get through to him, but when you actually do some royal advising, everything ends up going right.
You even manage to convince him to let the rain fall from time to time, which also accidentally caused the immortals to respect him a little more, because he's actually doing his job!
When both of you aren't working, you love having silly 'sleepover' nights, like you used to when you were younger, and you always end up telling each other stories and gossip about what happened during the day until you both fall asleep cuddled up to each other.
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justaz · 21 days
king merlin after meeting lady guinevere and sir lancelot’s baby and falling in love: arthur. i want a baby.
king arthur, not looking up from his paperwork: …what?
merlin: give me a baby.
arthur, sighing: merlin, you studied to be a physician. i don’t think i have to be the one to tell you how impractical that is.
merlin, rolling his eyes: this is why i’m the brighter side of the coin
arthur, finally looking up: wha-
queen merlin using magic to transform her body: i. want. a. baby.
arthur: *stands up from his desk so fast his chair topples over, multiple parchments flutter to the ground, his tunic is already off*
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Baby Blues || D. Targaryen x oc (Dear Motherhood Series)
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GIF by @fireandbloodsource DIVIDERS by @straywords
summary: In which a 15 year old Leyla Hightower experiences postpartum depression and all of the Red Keep and Daemon himself, feel the wrath of it. (head-canon to second choice)
Dear Motherhood Series Masterlist
warning: oc is 15 when she gives birth
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The babe’s cries was all the could be heard inside the birthing chamber. The handmaidens all gushed at the baby as they cleaned her up. Leyla laid there motionless. She had never experienced so much pain in all of her years.
Her head slowly turned to the door to which Daemon entered with a smile plastered on his face. He immediately moved to the bed where his Lady wife laid and kissed her forehead, “You did such a good job, ñuha ābrazȳrys” He whispered as Leyla only gave a tight lipped smile (my wife)
She watched as he moved away from her and to their daughter who they already found a name, Alyssa. All the noises around the room had become muffled to the young Hightower and she didn’t even realise that Daemon was talking to her.
“Leyla? I asked if you want to hold her” He cradled the little girl in his arms. She didn’t want to in all honesty. She felt so incredibly exhausted and her body still ached from delivering her child mere minutes ago.
“Okay” She whispered before Daemon laid the babe on her chest to which she groaned. “Why isn’t she properly cleaned” The young girl quipped , her head turned to the handmaidens who quickly apologised and scooped her up to clean her properly.
Watching the whole ordeal, Daemon held Leyla’s hand. “How are you feeling? I imagine the labour was not easy?” He attempted to comfort her but Leyla stared off into the distance, not replying to him.
The prince moved form the bed to a handmaiden, “Did anything happen during the labour?” He questioned as he stared at his Lady Wife. “No your Grace, everything went normal” She replied before curtsying and walking away.
Leyla walked alongside her Husband, a 2 month old Alyssa in her arms. The two walked into Godswood where there was a celebration held for her sister’s pregnancy.
Whispers could be heard around as they stared at the young Hightower. Daemon too felt the tense atmosphere as he rested his hand on the curve of Leyla’s back. Her face was cold and expressionless.
The past 2 months Leyla had been acting incredibly off. Everyone could notice it people around the Keep would constantly gossip and whisper about it. Maybe it was the fact that she was only 15, and yet she already has child to the Rogue Prince himself.
“If you wish to talk about me, at least talk to my face about it” Leyla’s cold words stunned the group of highborn ladies as they look down to the ground; Daemon too glares at the group who were gossiping about his Lady Wife.
She continued walking to her father, King Viserys, and her sister who saw the ordeal. “Sister, how are you” Alicent gives a warm smile to the younger as she hugs her, cautious of the baby in her arms. “The same as always, sister” Leyla deadpanned before turning to greet the King and her father.
Alicent looks to Daemon with a sad expression as he sighs. Leyla beckons for the wet nurse who quickly took the child out of her arms. She couldn’t even find it in herself to look at her daughter as she was taken away.
Both Daemon and Leyla were taken around to different conversations and the whole time, she would stare down at her cup and not utter a word. “Should we go retire to your solar?” The silver haired men says lowly against her head as she nods, Daemon knew she wanted rest, she didn’t even want to be here but she didn’t want to hurt her sister’s feelings by not showing up.
Leyla let out a loud sigh once she sat down. Daemon sat at the chair opposite and busied himself with a book. The wet nurse placed Alyssa back in her mothers arms. Soon after she immediately started crying as Leyla rocked her to try to stop her loud wails but to no avail, the Targaryen babe continued.
Daemon rubbed his temples as he watched his Lady Wife attempting to calm down their daughter. “Hasn’t she already been fed and changed?” Leyla looked to the wet nurse who looked nervous but nonetheless nodded.
“Then why does she keep crying?!” She muttered annoyed at her baby. “Take her, she’s driving me insane” The young Hightower stood up, ready to give Alyssa back to the wet nurse. “Alyssa is not going to be comforted by the wet nurse but by you Leyla” Daemon sternly spoke, his eyes not leaving the book.
Both the wet nurse and Leyla look at Daemon, Alyssa’s cries intensifying by the minute. “I am already exhausted as it is Daemon-“ “Your her mother, you should be able to soothe your own child, am I wrong?” Daemon finally looks up.
Leyla was baffled, she opened her mouth and closed it soon after. She felt like bawling her eyes out too. “Please, please, please Alyssa stop crying.” Her voice cracked as she patted the babe’s back and walked around her solar desperately trying to calm down her daughter.
The wet nurse and Daemon watch her as tears fall down Leyla’s eyes, Alyssa had still not stopped crying. Daemon stood up and walked over to Leyla and took their daughter from her arms.
He calmed her down in an instant as Leyla sat down, her hand massaging her forehead. The wet nurse took the baby from Daemon so that he could comfort his Lady Wife.
He said nothing as he moved her head against her chest as she sobbed. “I am so exhausted Daemon, Alyssa- she’s-she’s so much work and its draining me” She quietly spoke as Daemon did nothing but listen to her troubles and stroke her back soothingly.
“I am no cut out to be a mother-“ The door to her solar opened loudly and startled the girl. Quickly sitting up and wiping the remainder of her tears, Daemon rolled his eyes and leaned back on the chair, oh how he hated seeing his face around. If he wasn’t his wife’s father, Daemon would have slit his throat ages ago.
Otto first looked at the wet nurse who was rocking his granddaughter in her arms before looking at Leyla. With a stern voice he orders the wet nurse to leave, and then Daemon. “If you think I’m leaving my wife in the presence of her cunt of a father, your wrong” He chuckles as Otto’s lips part in disbelief.
“You think I’d harm my own flesh and blood, my Prince?” He raises an eyebrow at the silver haired man. With a shrug of his shoulders, Daemon looks at Leyla who’s gaze is on her hands as she picks at her nails. He holds her hand to stop her from harming herself before looming up at Otto.
“You’ve harmed her enough by arranging this marriage. Now, you either speak to her whilst I’m here or you don’t speak to her at all” Otto scoffs shaking his head before taking a seat opposite the two. “Daemon. It’s okay” Leyla finally looks up to him.
He lets out a breathe, “I’m not leaving this room,” He says before standing up and making his way to the bookshelf. The two Hightower’s watch the Prince before their attention go back to each other.
“There has been talk around the Red Keep that you have been acting differently,” He starts off, “And do you believe them? They’re just talk father, they know nothing” Leyla scoffs in disbelief. The fact that he assumes the talk is true without even consulting with his own daughter about it was sad.
“I don’t have to believe them Leyla, I have seen it myself,” Otto stares into his daughter’s soul as she gulps. His comment made Daemon look to the two. “It’s not difficult to notice how ignorant you are to your own child. Gods, you walk around the place like a ghost Leyla!” He half shouts.
Daemon makes his presence known as he takes a seat near the two of them. Leyla glances at him before looking at her father again, “Father I’ve just been tired and she’s alot of work!-“ “Don’t act as if you take care of the child. Your wet nurse and maids do.”
Daemon chuckles, “She takes better care of her own child than you ever did when Leyla’s mother died” He butts in. Ignoring the Prince’s comment Otto continues, “People are saying you are incapable of being a mother-“ “Because I am!” Leyla yells, leaning forward in her seat as tears start rolling down her face again.
Daemon shifts in his seat as he leans over and rubs her arm. Otto looks taken aback, he was not expecting that answer from her daughter. “Oh please father,” She chokes back a chuckle, “Don’t act as if you’re surprised. I’m 15 for gods sake! Of course I’m incapable of looking after another human being, what did you expect?” Leyla spat in anger.
All her pent up emotions building up from the past 2 months were finally spilling out. “You act as if it is my fault for your ill-manner behaviour towards your own flesh and flood!” Otto points to her. “If it wasn’t for your pressure of producing heirs for Daemon and this marriage, I wouldn’t be in this situation” Leyla spoke through gritted teeth.
Silence filled the room. “I think it’s best you leave, Otto” Daemon stands up and looks down at him. The man scoffs and gives one final look to his daughter before leaving the room.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 7 months
Yandere Viserys and his Royce niece
Daemon knowing Viserys drugs his daughter every night so Viserys can have his way with her as she sleeps
Royce!Reader being oblivious to her uncle fucking her every night despite the ache between her legs in the mornings
Daemon also secretly slipping fertility potions into his daughters drinks knowing Viserys will fill her cunt with his seed as she sleeps
Royce!Reader in shock at getting pregnant despite being an untouched virgin (as far as she knows)
Royce!Reader even more shocked when her uncle Viserys pins her down in his bed the night he announced he was will marry her to her horror
Viserys telling her he hopes their child is a boy as he fuck her cervix
Viserys was pleased to find out that you are very fertile. You got pregnant even before your wedding. He fucks you day and night and even continue to drug you sometimes because he just loves you vulnerable and helpless. You wake up sore and cun in your holes.
Viserys has ordered the guards to not let out of your room, especially after you got pregnant. You can only wear what he wants you to wear and most of the time he keeps you naked in his room.
Imagine he roughly fucking you while you are pregnant and telling you pregnancy suits you and he will always keep you pregnant.
He was extremely delighted when you gave birth to a boy. And he is certain within the next ten months he will have another son.
You have begged Daemon to sneak some moontea to you but instead he secretly gives you fertility potions, in fact Viserys knows about it
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arschgesicht6969 · 3 months
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I'll work on ship requests later,,, mental health is deteriorating drastically. I'll rant about my headcanons in a seperate post.
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mrkida-art · 1 year
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A sketch of King Náin II of Durin's Folk, and her baby Dáin I
I hc Náin to be a dwarrowdam King hehe
ALSO!! Not Dáin Ironfoot, this is his great grandpa
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drakoneve · 2 years
The Wolf Amongst Dragons
request: Can you pretty please do a daemon X reader where it's his niece who teases him about being super smitten with the reader BC she is a headstrong stark and makes a fool out of the court because she can. Perhaps she gets quite hurt in a battle that the king sends her and others out to fix. Basically it just ends up being fluffy where the reader knows his feelings and just soaks up the complete love he has. Like this boy has been knocked off his feet and he hates to admit it hehe 
pairing: daemon targaryen x y/n stark 
word count: 1k
warnings: canon typical violence, injured reader, blood
a/n: i tweaked this a little, hope you don’t mind!
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You made a promise to yourself the day your older brother, Cregan, loaded you and your belongings into a carriage headed for the capital. Until this point you’d never stepped foot out of Winterfell, let alone were you prepared to move to the other side of the continent. Yet you had no choice. When the King of the Seven Kingdoms requests a Northern representative for the royal court, the Lord of Winterfell had no choice but to send his little sister.
When you finally arrived at the Red Keep you were meet with by King Viserys, his wife Queen Aemma, their daughter Princess Rhaenyra, and the king’s brother Prince Daemon. The Kingsguard stood tall in gleaming armor in full force surrounding the royal family, who was also accompanied by their personal staff.
“Lady Stark!” King Viserys cheers as he opens his arms in greeting. “We are honored to welcome you to the Red Keep! I hope your travels went smoothly?”
“Thank you, your Grace,” you answered as you bowed respectively. “The Kingsroad is fine, your Grace. It’s more the climate that’s concerning me. i’m not yet used to such... conditions, to say the least.”
Queen Aemma steps forward, “I’m sure you’ll adjust before you know it. Please, allow me to show you to your chambers.”
The queen was gracious enough to accompany you not only to your chambers, but she then took you on a tour of the palace. She began with the throne room, then took you out to the royal gardens where she took you to the Godswood. Having a weirwood tree right here in the Red Keep made you breath easier. At least this place had some trace of the North. Being so far from home unnerved you deeply, but in this place you could feel a connection to home.
Over the next few days you attended Small Council meetings where you watched from the sidelines. King Viserys assured you would have a seat on the council soon enough, but others suggested you have an ‘adjustment period’ of sorts. You scoffed at the idea but still took your seat outside the council table.
Being separated from the council, however, was not enough to restrain you from calling Otto Hightower a ‘spoiled southern cunt’ for suggesting Daemon send members of the City Watch into Flea Bottom to reprimand those who are already fighting to survive. During these meetings you happened to catch the violet eyes of the rogue prince, who had yet to make your acquaintance. 
Not long after your arrival in Winterfell, King Viserys announced that Queen Aemma is with child once more, and the palace went into a mode of celebrations. A feast had been prepared and the throne room transformed into a dining hall with room for dancing. 
Most everyone had finished their meals and began mingling and dancing their way around the room, but your attention focused mainly on the many molten swords of the Iron Throne. You had to admit the sight of the royal seat of Westeros was quite an intimidating sight.
Something inside told you to take a step towards the throne, and so you did. You stopped when you approached the first line of molten swords and reached out to trail your fingers lightly across the hilt. 
“I’d be careful if I were you,” Daemon advised teasingly as he came up on your right side. “My brother does not take kindly to those who yearn for his precious throne.”
“I merely grazed the hilt of one measly sword,” you refuted. “I did not sit my arse upon it and call myself the queen. Nor do I want to.”
“Truthfully?” he inquires, a look of curiosity upon his face. You take the moment to take in the sight of him, and you cannot deny he’s an incredibly handsome  man. Like the rest of his Targaryen ancestors, Daemon is beautifully crafted by the Gods of Old Valyria— blessed with silver blond hair and lilac eyes. 
You nod and look back up to the throne. “I could think of nothing worse,” you admit. “To live my life upon this ghastly thing and have to sit through endless bore-me-to-death Small Council meetings? Sounds miserable to me.”
With that you excuse yourself respectively to retire for the evening. You make quick rounds to the other members of the royal family to excuse yourself for the night totally unaware of how Daemon’s eyes are following you the whole time. He watches as you begin with his brother and sister in law, before finding Rhaenyra (who’s in the middle of the dancefloor with Alicent) and saying goodnight to her, too.
He laughs to himself when Rhaenyra and Alicent each take one of your hands and pulls you around in circles with them, as if trying to convince you to stay with them just a bit longer. He doesn’t want to admit it to himself, but his heart beats harder at the sight of your dark gray satin skirts flow around you while you twirl, at the smile on your face as you laugh with his niece and her friend.
Eventually you pull away from the girls before officially making your way out of the throne room and away from the chaos. 
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 
Several months had passed since the death of Queen Aemma and Prince Baelon, and war had begun in the Stepstones just as Corlys Velaryon warned King Viserys and the eternity of the Small Council. Still Viserys refused to step in as king and help the Lord of Driftmark defeat the Triarchy once and for all. After the king rejected Corlys’ offer of Laena’s hand in marriage and instead married Alicent Hightower, the seasnake took off to fight in the Stepstones. It wasn’t long after that that Daemon joined Corlys in his war efforts.
You stayed in the Keep for awhile, trying to convince Viserys to aid Corlys and Daemon in their efforts of holding the Stepstones to no avail. Viserys had allowed you to take a seat on the council while Corlys and Daemon were gone, and each time you tried to plead with the king to see reason Otto Hightower would weasel his way in the king’s ear against you. 
So you decided to go to the Stepstones yourself, naturally. You recruited Ser Harwin Strong to accompany you once he swore on his honor he would not say a word of your plan to anyone until his safe return to King’s Landing. 
You and Harwin arrived on the shores of the Stepstones in time to rush to Daemon’s side as he was overrun by members of the Triarchy. You wore the armor your father had gifted you after many years of insisting on joining your brother Cregan on the battlefield with the Stark bannermen. 
Vaemond Velaryon scoffed at your arrival and insisted Corlys send you away. Daemon stepped forward, piercing Vaemond with his furious lilac gaze. 
“Put your cocks away, boys,” you tease, unimpressed. “We’ve a war to win, do we not?”
You joined the war torn men around the large table set up with the maps of the battlefields. Conversation continued back and forth as the lot of you tried to come up with a plan to take down the Crab Feeder and Triarchy. Laenor’s plan of sending Daemon to the Crab Feeder as a scapegoat of false hope only for both Caraxes and Seasmoke to burn the Triarchy men alive. 
For the most part everything went as planned, until you jained Daemon’s side as he was ambushed, unarmed, by a circle of the enemy. You’d jumped into the fight, effectively taking out several Triarchy soldiers before tossing a sword Daemon’s way. He showed his thanks by slaying the rest of the men with you, but not before one of them slashed you in the side, leaving a bloody gash on the side of your thigh.
“Fuck!” you yell as you clutch your leg, losing your balance and hitting the ground. Blood streamed down your leg in a slow, but steady, flow. Daemon joined your side in a flash, ripping the white flag he’d had to feign surrenderance to tie the cloth as tight as he could above the gash in your thigh.
The battle continued around you though for the most part Caraxes’ and Seasmoke’s flame had discouraged most of what was left of the Triarchy. With Daemon’s aid you were able to safely make it back to the shore where you’d first arrived to be treated by the healers available.
Daemon stayed by your side through the stitching and even went as far as to hold your hand and offer sweet words as comfort. You were grateful for him, this way you had something else to focus on other than the pain. And if you needed an alternative to keep your mind busy, there was no better pick than Daemon.
His silvery white hair fell around his face perfectly despite being slightly matted with sweat and blood. He’d always been handsome, that you couldn’t deny, but seeing this softer side to him made him even more so in your eyes. It’s no secret Daemon is a troublemaker, and you should probably keep your distance, but after this how could you?
Long after the battle was over Daemon was crowned King of the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea. He’d cut his infamous long hair short, and it suited him. Sometimes little wisps of silver hair would fall down into his face and you had to remind yourself to breathe at the sight.
Your relationship with Daemon changed after the war in the Stepstones. Whereas before the war you would avoid Daemon in court, you now sought him out. Not that you had too, because he often would join your side in Small Council meetings or invite you out to the training yards.
Tonight however, you opted to stay in your chambers.
You’d already stripped down to your nightclothes when a knock came from the other side of your chamber doors.
“Come in.” you called.
The doors open and Daemon entered, dismissing your guards. They looked to you before leaving once they had your reassurance.
Daemon didn’t hesitate to step right up to you. “Forgive me for the hour, my lady, but I’ve found myself in a situation I am quite unfamiliar with and it seems you are the only one who can help me.”
“Oh?” You tilted your head, trying to ignore the fluttering of your heart. “How am I supposed to be of aid?”
“Be mine,” he responds quickly with confidence. “I must confess from the day you arrived here in the Keep I’ve been quite taken with you. And the day you rode onto the shores of the Stepstones, I knew I could not live without you by my side—”
You reached your hands out to cup either side of his face. “Daemon, do not jest. I’m afraid my heart could not take it.”
A genuine smile breaks out across his lips. “I would never,” Daemon insists. “I’ve felt this way for a long time, my little wolf.”
Daemon’s hands fall to your waist as he pulls you into his body, leaning down to kiss you firmly. You pulled away and kissed his forehead before resting your own against his. 
“Come to bed, Daemon,” you purr and pull away towards the bed.
He laughs and smiles down at you. “As you wish, little wolf.”
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veggiecorner · 8 months
I woke up within a cold sweat with this botw/totk zelink headcanon but i like to think Link actually proposed to Zelda but in an unplanned unofficial way. Like...a week after totk happens and they're having their first breakfast at Hateno (or maybe Akkala) and Zelda's rambling about how she's sad she never recorded ancient food recipes she's tried at her time in the past and Link just stops her and goes "hey...do you want to get married?"
Zelda's visibly like ??? huh??? and he repeats it. She's a lil spooked cause where is this coming from. Also she's dense so she says "well...I've...assumed I'll be married sometime in the future..." not connecting that he's literally proposing to her and he smiles so sweetly at her and says "I mean with me. Will you want to marry me?" And he steps over to her side of the table and finally gets on one knee.
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 5 months
Heyo, how's it going? I saw that you're doing The Monkey King (2023) x reader and was wondering if you could do this request.
Picture this
Monkey King and Reader (who is also immortal) obviously have an attraction towards each other, but unknown to either of them, the Dragon King also is pining for the Reader and desires for her to be his queen. So, when Lin "betrays" Monkey and sees that the Dragon King is forcing Reader to be his queen, we both know how upset he'll get and he'll do whatever it takes to get her back. When he does, he vows that when his imprisonment is finished, if she'll allow it, he'll ask her marry him.
I hope it's not too much to ask, but this seems like it'll be interesting. Have a good day/night!
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request: @anna99blog
I love this idea!
Thank you so much for being so patient btw, I just needed to procrastinate for a while to get my mojo back
You’re only a handful of centuries old, but you’ve made a good impression on the population of China as a powerful and just being
And you met the stone monkey during his time battling demons when he was nearly overwhelmed but you provided backup
The two of you gradually became good friends (despite his arrogant attitude)
It seemed that Monkey was missing the little voice that was supposed to tell him to quit while he was ahead, so you acted as that voice
Most of the time, he listened
And you found his rambunctious attitude weirdly charming
Sure he could be a bit of a shmuck at times, but he was nice enough to you (you got special treatment since he saw you as an equal (he’s also lowkey a simp for you))
After a while, his fondness for you gradually became not-so-platonic
And you can each tell you’re into each other (neither of you are great at hiding it) but neither of you have really made the first move
Monkey’s reasoning being that he wasn’t sure if he’s good enough for you (although he wouldn’t say that out loud)
However, unbeknownst to either of you, the Dragon King had his eyes on you and had every intention of making you his queen as he conquers the world
So when Lin gave away Monkey’s staff and gave DK the necessary power to get his greedy claws on you, he was furious
Knowing that someone else had affections for you was one thing, but no one disrespects you like that and gets away with it
after being trapped beneath Five Phases Mountain, he felt sorry and disappointed
he was glad that the Dragon King couldn’t have you, but now, neither could he :( and that broke his heart
then you visited the mountain with Lin to see him one last time, and it was very bittersweet
despite his imprisonment, he was glad you were safe now, and told you that once he gets out, if you’ll have him, he would like to be the one to to marry you
before Buddha could close the mountain, he took your hand in his, kissing it and telling you he loved you
Five hundred years was a long time, but luckily, you were patient (and immortal)
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imagobin · 7 months
Have you thought of doing headcannons of Dragon King/ Ao Guang and Y/N finding an abandoned child and raising them together?
Oh that's an adorable idea! Let me see if I can whip up something cuuute! Both Y/N and the child can breathe underwater in this, just to make things a tad simpler. Hope you enjoy these! And sorry it took so long, been busy with school :'3
🌊Dragon King & Reader Parents HCs🌊
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Lost child:
Dragon King and you had been married for a couple years by then; living in a beautiful undersea castle with your husband was amazing, but the idea of actually starting a family had never crossed either of your minds.
But one rainy day, while you two were taking your usual stroll around a peaceful shore, you spotted something in the distance: a strange, wailing basket, stuck in the sand.
You both rushed to investigate, and there it was, a little merebaby!
As the king began to wonder how a merebaby had made their way to the surface, you were feeling more and more upset... who'd be so heartless to just LEAVE their child like that?! It was clear that the baby had been abandoned, left to the waves until the little basket had gotten beached right there on that shore.
You turned to Ao Guang and right there you both knew, you couldn't just leave them there, you had to do something... and so, you took them back to the castle.
How to parent:
It took a while for the both of you to get used to having someone new to keep an eye on during your day; it always just used to be the two of you, with the servants rarely ever interrupting your times together. But now the child was there too.
Dragon King took the longest between you two to get used to that change, having a notoriously short temper and enjoying getting attention himself, he'd get a bit jealous when the baby would interrupt his time with you.
But one thing Ao Guang still had despite his flaws, was a heart. He already cared about your adoptive child, but it took him some time to fully realize it.
That realization came one morning, when neither of you could find the child. He was a nervous wreck, wondering where they could've gone. Were they alright? Did someone kidnap them?? Oh god he was freaking out!
Only to see you come back with the child in your arms, "It's okay! They were just hiding in the wardrobe!"
He thought anger would've been his first response, I mean how the hell did they even end up there?? But no... an almost immediate sense of relief washed over him as he tightly hugged you and the baby, almost crying tears of joy; he was SO happy to see the baby was okay after all, he didn't even care you two had spent a whole hour looking for them, he was just glad to see them unharmed.
Time goes by:
From that day onward, Ao Guang understood just how much he cared for your child as well, and instead of being annoyed about them interrupting his time with you, he'd come to check on them with you whenever needed.
He also began to think more about what sort of activities all three of you could do together: picnics, walks on the shore, looking for shells on the seabed... it was like every day he had a brand new idea to make the day special and let your child have fun.
As time went by, you both were so excited to see them grow up healthy and happy, seeing them take their first steps, or utter their first word. It was something so simple, and yet it filled you two with so much happiness.
Dragon King would've never expected to be such a loving dad, and honestly, what with his self-centered tendencies... neither were you- but as it turns out, he just needed to get used to having a child, and then it was like a switch went off in him, and now he only wants the very best for his precious heir.
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justaz · 1 month
arthur (prince of camelot) still has to study under a tutor bc yknow uther wants him to be very intelligent before becoming king or something bc its super important idk idc anyways merlin is doing chores in his chambers while arthur is squinting at a book and merlin eventually caves and asks him what he’s reading and arthur gruffly explains that its a collection of stories from greece that make absolutely no sense so merlin asks him to read them outloud to him. arthur of course teases him and calls him an idiot and asks how he could possibly help but does as he’s asked and reads the stories to merlin as he does his chores. merlin (being crushed under the weight of destiny and tormented by the prophecies that kilgharrah spews) understands the stories almost immediately and gets all excited and starts rambling about them with arthur. arthur is glad to have someone who understands so he can give something that reflects a hint of understanding to his tutor who accepts it and moves onto the next unit of education.
the thing is, arthur finds more stories in camelot’s library and brings them up to his room to read them aloud to merlin under the guise of completing his studies but really he just wants to watch as merlin’s eyes gleam when he understands whats happening and listen to him ramble on and on about them bc he’s gay. the stories stick with merlin though and he realizes that they’re cautionary tales, that the heroes who were told too much of their future doomed themself to fulfill them - that them fighting the prophecies led to their completion. merlin takes it to heart and gives a big “fuck you” to kilgharrah before forging his own fate and helping morgana with her magic and handing out an olive branch to mordred and now everyone can live happily and peacefully in an albion teeming with magic.
#merlin and arthur are of course at each others side in the end#merlin is curled up with arthur in their bed and says a silent thank you to his king for saving him#arthur returns the sentiment wholeheartedly#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#fic idea#fanfic#fanfiction#headcanon#hc#head canon#merthur prompt#i have my own hc of fate vs destiny in bbc merlin and i like to incorporate that into everything i write#but then i realize that not everyone thinks that way lmao#i like to think that destiny is unavoidable. merlin and arthur are destined to form albion and lead it together#i think fate is like a fragile version of destiny#i think most people are tied to fate and will follow what they are fated to do unless those who arent tied down by fate change course#like i hc that seers are able to see the potential future of what is to happen should they not interfere#and the goddess leaves it up to them to choose. so like seers arent tied down by fate and can change the course of history#since merlin is literally magic incarnate i also think he isnt tied down by fate and can act to change things#kilgharrah told merlin the prophecy that would result in the dragon getting free and ending the pendragon line#and since merlin never got close w like any druids or magic users. no one told him the inner workings of fate vs destiny#so he listened to the dragons warnings dooming him to fulfill the prophecy that brought about one of the worst possible futures#bc the dragon was salty about his whole species being eradicated by uther and vowed to destroy the pendragon line#omg im ranting okay post over thank you and good night
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 7 months
Daemon starts sneaking aphrodisiacs into Royce!Readers food and drinks and laughs later in the evening as she screams while getting railed by her uncle (much to her shame)
Poor girl can't even tell her uncle to not fuck her because she is so horny. She feels the shame but can't stop herself from cumming or even moving her hip. She will cry but beg Viserys to fuck her because the drug his not wearing off. Viserys will call her degrading names and use her as much as he wants.
The next day she wakes up naked, the drug has worn off but Viserys is not done. Just when she thought she could sneak out her uncle caught her and bent her over. Everyone could hear her cries and begging but they all know at the end she will cum like a whore
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strawbs-screaming · 2 months
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sorry for the bad quality but i must do my annual fandom post
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madame-fear · 1 year
Aegon II, throwing his head into Y/N's lap: Tell me I'm pretty! Y/N, lovingly stroking his hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
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witchthewriter · 5 months
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𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬!
inspired by the lovely @lullaebies, as well as the anon who sent them to me! I love this idea so much oh my god. For my first post I chose to do Silverwing & Vermithor, I love their dynamic so much!
(Their ship name I came up with?! I freakin' love it omg??? It's so cute but badass??)
・It's always been a probability that if two dragonriders are in love, so are their mounts (or at least ... exceptionally friendly)
・We've seen this particularly true with King Jaehaerys & Queen Alysanne - the riders of Silverwing and Vermithor (bringing this up because I want to show it's canon - I just love dragons in love okay?!)
・Vermithor had always been a more introverted dragon; preferring the company of Jahaerys, Silverwing and by extension - Alysanne.
・Well, introverted can also be interpreted as grumpy.
・The only way to lighten his mood is for Silverwing to be in his presence.
・They were hatchlings together; being placed in the cribs of baby Alysanne and Jaehaerys by their eldest sister, Rhaena
・Vermithor was the only other dragon that Silverwing felt safe with. She would never openly show it, but Vermithor has always known. It's why he's always been aggressive when another dragon notices Silverwing
・Until Alysanne & Jaehaerys were in their preteens, they were constantly in danger.
・So Vermithor and Silverwing constantly stuck together
・Even when their riders didn't see each other as romantic interests, the dragons never left each other for more than an hour
・Both great at hunting, Vermithor has more of a ruthless side; well, an extreme ruthlessness that has gotten many injured and ... killed.
・The personification of Silverwing would be a woman who has always done the right thing. Foreseeing what is needed, an A+ student, eldest sister energy, perfectionist, blonde/white hair, grey eyes, understands the way of things - traditions and such.
・As a man, Vermithor would be the grumpy, only likes one person, anti-hero. The partner who would kill for you. Probably has and you don't know it. But does his best to shield you from the harshness of the world.
"I'd do anything for you." (Vermithor) x "As you should." (Silverwing)
Cheerful Optimist (Silverwing) x Grumpy Asshole (Vermithor)
Thinks They're In Charge (Vermithor) x Is Actually In Charge (Silverwing) 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Romantic Flight by John Powell
I feel as though this is truly their song. Literally song made for dragons in love, and these two are ... entwined from the very beginning.
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theaskywalker · 2 months
I Wanna Be Yours
Aemond x Fem!Velaryon!Reader x Jacaerys
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Disclaimer: Angst, Betrayal, Death
❥ You were the only daughter of Princess Rhaenyra and Ser Laenor Velaryon.
❥ Like the rest of your siblings, you lacked the traditional silver-gold hair and violet eyes that were a norm for members of House Targaryen.
❥ In order to consolidate her children's Targaryen heritage, Rhaenyra placed a dragon egg on its of their cradles.
❥ Unlike your brothers though, your egg never hatched.
❥ Watching your brothers bond with their dragons made you bitter and envious at times.
❥ Your mother tried to comfort you as best as she could.
❥ And although words couldn't ease the sadness in your heart you were thankful nonetheless.
❥ Your uncle Aegon made fun of you for being dragonless.
❥ Aemond came to your defense and the two of you quickly became best friends.
❥ He was more serious then Aegon and you liked that about him.
❥ Not to mention his more academic pursuits.
❥ You spent a lot of time together in the library reading and practicing your High Valyrian.
❥ Being without a dragon made you all too keen to possess one.
❥ So, during a visit to Dragonstone with your family you ventured alone into the caves underneath the mountain.
❥ As you walked through the narrow corridors you reached a small opening and came face to face with Vermithor himself.
❥ The dragon watched you with curious eyes at first and then snarled when you took steps toward him.
❥ You took a sharp breath and started singing a High Valyrian song that your mother taught you.
❥ He stared at you intently as you approached him and petted him gently on the head.
❥ With the dragon making no hostile movements, you carefully climbed on his back and ordered him to fly.
❥ He obliged and soon you found yourself soaring above Dragonstone and enjoying how the morning breeze felt on your skin.
❥ After what seemed like hours the two of you landed on the castle's courtyard, where Rhaenyra and Ser Laenor were about to send a search party looking for you.
❥ Seeing you atop the Bronze Fury made everyone gasp and you couldn't stop a proud smirk from reaching your lips.
❥ Aemond was beyond happy for you.
❥ You didn't want him to feel bad about not having a dragon yet so you took him for long rides on Vermithor.
❥ And when he claimed Vhagar instead of feeling angry at him for stealing your aunt's dragon you were proud.
❥ Ironic wasn't it, that the two dragonless kids got to cliam the largest dragons alive.
❥ Aemond losing his eye to your brother Luke made your relationship strained.
❥ You loved your brother dearly and he did act on self defense.
❥ Yet Aemond payed a heavy price.
❥ Your mother relocated the family to Dragonstone and you saw little of Aemond.
❥ You sent him countless letters and none of them was answered.
❥ You were desperate for news from him and decided to go to Kings Landing to see him.
❥ Under the pretense of visiting your grandfather you reached Kings Landing on Vermithor and eventually found Aemond in the library.
❥ He was polite yet cold towards you and it was unbearable.
❥ You asked him to put what happened behind and start a new.
❥ He declined at first, saying that his mother wouldn't allow him to be friends with any of Rhaenyra's children after the incident.
❥ But as you insisted on rekindling your friendship he gave in and promised to write to you and never allow anyone to mess with the relationship the two of you had.
❥ Aemond, true to his word, sent you numerous letters detailing his daily life as well as news from court.
❥ Whenever a new letter arrived it brightened your day.
❥ The same applied to your letters which made Aemond's life in Kings Landing more bearable.
❥ Not content with only receiving letters, Aemond proposed flying together on a weekly basis.
❥ It worked perfectly as Dragonstone and Kings Landing were close.
❥ Vhagar and Vermithor took a liking to each other that reflected your relationship with Aemond.
❥ When Aemond realised he loved you, well after both of you had reached your teenage years, he knew he had to act on it.
❥ Maybe that was the way of mending the rift between the Blacks and the Greens.
❥ You were also in love with him and when he confessed his feelings you couldn't stop kissing him.
❥ Savoring the little moments of holding him in your arms.
❥ You agreed that for the time being the relationship would be in secret.
❥ Aemond planned on asking King Viserys for your hand, as he knew that Viserys would agree to the match.
❥ Everything changed, however, when Vaemond Velaryon claimed the seat of Driftmark as rightful heir and accused you and your brothers of bastardy in front of the court.
❥ Your grandmother, Princess Rhaenys stepped forward to defend you and announced that your brother Lucerys had been engaged to your cousin Rhaena and your brother Jacaerys to yourself.
❥ You couldn't breathe...How could this happen?
❥ Why didn't your mother tell you about it?
❥ Aemond kept looking at you in shock that switched to anger when it landed on Jacaerys.
❥ Since King Viserys gave his blessing it was impossible to change the verdict.
❥ Jacaerys, despite his initial surprise, opted to act like a true knight to you.
❥ Taking long walks with you.
❥ Filling your wine cup at dinner.
❥ Leaving daintily kisses on your knuckles and lips.
❥ Complimenting you on your beauty and High Valyrian skill.
❥ He even got close with Vermithor as he knew how much you cared for your dragon.
❥ You loved your brother but not in the way a wife was required to love her husband.
❥ Aemond and you continued seeing each other secretly, as neither of you wanted to end the relationship.
❥ During the dinner hosted by King Viserys for his family members, toasts were made in good health and friendship.
❥ Aegon's comment on your upcoming marital disappointment and suggestion of sharing his bed made both Jacaerys and Aemond furious.
❥ Helaena saved the agitated situation by making a toast to you and Rhaena, describing how marriage was like.
❥ Once Jacaerys heard how neglected his aunt was, he immediately asked her to dance.
❥ Aemond seeing the opportunity made you the same offer.
❥ You agreed of course.
❥ Aemond spinned you around and it wasn't long before your laughter filled the room.
❥ He couldn't stop looking at you adoringly.
❥ Holding you close and making you smile was all he wished for.
❥ King Viserys watched in delight as his children and grandchildren bonded.
❥ The family dinner ended in a positive light and it was made easier for you to visit Kings Landing regularly.
❥ Aemond wanted to elope with you but you couldn't betray Jacaerys and Rhaenyra like this.
❥ And thus you had to be content with the little stolen moments Aemond and you shared.
❥ When King Viserys died and Aegon was crowned in his place against the already established succession, chaos erupted.
❥ Rhaenyra decided to send Jacaerys, Lucerys and yourself as envoys to the North, Storms End and Eyrie.
❥ Aemond was also sent to Stoms End to secure the Baratheon support through marriage to one of Lord Borros' daughters.
❥ Once Lucerys arrived and saw Aemond he tried to remain calm and collected.
❥ But Aemond wouldn't have it.
❥ Upset about his lost eye and you being betrothed to someone else, he lost all control.
❥ Chasing Luke atop Vhagar he thrilled in frightening the little boy.
❥ He didn't mean to harm him though...
❥ Daemon told the gruesome news to Rhaenyra and she proceeded to send ravens to Winterfell and the Eyrie, telling you and Jacaerys about it.
❥ You were devastated.
❥ You couldn't forgive Aemond for killing your brother despite the love you felt for him.
❥ And Aemond knew.
❥ He knew that the nickname he just earned came with the heaviest of prices.
❥ The love of his life...
❥ And so with Prince Lucerys' death, the war of ravens and envoys and marriage pacts came to an end and the war of fire and blood began in earnest.
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