Nurse 5
The feud between the Capulet and Montague families no longer exists. Due to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet they have decided to end it and vowed to create a new peaceful Verona. They also vowed to create gold statues of both children which I visit ever so often. When I see the statutes of the two children deep sadness over comes me and I can not bear to be there any longer! Verona has become a much more peaceful place than it was before. The Capulet’s have been kind to and let me stay in their house. I still miss my dear child, Juliet for I took care of her for so many years! She deserved better than this fate but alas, there is nothing more we can do but move forward! I shall never forget the story of Romeo and Juliet!
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Nurse 4
Oh! It is horrible! The last days have been a nightmare! It all started when Romeo and Juliet married. Tybalt had challenged Romeo to a dual causing Tybalt to be killed. When I told Juliet she was saddened but claimed she still loved Romeo. The next morning, Juliet was very upset to find out that is to be married to Paris in three days but I told her that she should not think of Romeo and marry Paris. Today I have discovered that poor, dear Juliet has died! Along with her Romeo and Paris. Oh, how terrible! If only the feud between the families had never happened perhaps things would be better!
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Nurse 3
I spoke with Romeo and returned home to Juliet. She was eager to hear the news and kept asking me to tell her what Romeo had said to me. I was exhausted and sat down for a moment in order to catch my breath. I told her that Romeo is not the most courteous man but is handsome and gentle. I told her to hurry down to Friar Lawrence's cell to be married to Romeo. I only hope the best for Juliet and can see she is happy with Romeo. I have to now go find a ladder for Romeo to climb up.
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Nurse 2
The Capulet and Montague families have been feuding for years. They can’t seem live in peace with one another. This is why I was sent me out to see the son of Montague, Romeo by Juliet. The Capulet family had a feast last night and Romeo attended under a disguise. Romeo saw Juliet and approached her wanting to dance. They both began dancing and talking which led to them falling in love. The night ended and Juliet was upset to find out that he was the son of Montague, knowing he is her enemy. I do not wish to see Juliet unhappy so I talked with Romeo.
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Nurse 1
I am Juliet Capulet’s Nurse. I have been taking care of her ever since her birth. My own daughter, Susan died at a young age so I only take care of my dear Juliet. She is like a daughter to me and I only wish for her happiness. Paris, a kinsman, seeks Juliet’s hand in marriage. Lady Capulet, Juliet and I were discussing it today and her mother asked Juliet for her opinion of marriage. Juliet said marriage is an honor she does not think of. Lady Capulet further asked Juliet if she could ever think of loving Paris. Juliet agreed that if she saw him she could fall in love with Paris. He is a fine looking man and I hope that when Juliet is to marry she is truly happy.
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