#does this count as hurt/comfort??
python333 · 9 months
duckling — python333
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synopsis you have trouble sleeping most nights, luckily gaz is there to help you sleep and does so with cuddles and the least amount of banter ive ever written before with him!! :3
relationships platonic!gaz & gn!reader.
characters gaz.
word count 1.05k
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], no usage of c/n [you are exclusively referred to with pet names].
note i have no motivation to write anything but short drabbles like these rn :( thank you to everyone who's sent me any reqs, i'll get to them as soon as i get the motivation to!! which will probably be by tomorrow or the day after that, but i still kind of feel bad :< i hope you guys enjoy it anyway tho, it's all fluff and sibling dynamics with gaz!!
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You really had no choice but to go to his room. 
You’d been tossing and turning in bed, the sheets ruined by all the rustling, and with a final groan of frustration you’d thrown them off of your body and gotten out of bed.
You paused for a moment before grabbing the blankets and wrapping them around yourself, then grabbing your pillow, holding it tightly whilst you walked towards and out of the doors of your sleeping quarters.
Right now, you’re trudging along the hall that leads to his sleeping quarters, yawning into the palm of your hand as you do. Your blinking is slow as is your breathing, and you feel—and probably look—like a zombie.
You’re well aware of the dark bags hanging under your eyes, and of your messy hair, but you can’t bring yourself to care at the moment, more focused on getting to his room so you can finally sleep.
Gaz, months ago, after hearing about your tendency to just get up and walk laps around the base until you were too exhausted to go on just to sleep, had told you that if you ever felt the need to do that again you should just go to his room and he’d help you sleep.
Of course, not even two days after that conversation had taken place, you found yourself still awake at three in the morning, so you decided to listen to Gaz for once and headed to his room. 
By helping you sleep, he apparently meant moving over on his bed and letting you sleep beside him. Which made you skeptical at first, because you weren’t five, you didn’t need to be cuddled to go to sleep, but you still gave him a chance and crawled into bed next to him.
And you were proven wrong the moment Gaz put an arm over your midriff and gently rubbed his thumb up and down your side, the small action lulling you to sleep almost immediately. He woke you up just three hours later, at six in the morning, so that you had time to get back to your own sleeping quarters so that nobody suspected anything. 
You can almost feel yourself getting more tired just from the memory of it—not tired enough to sleep, of course, because nothing could be that easy, but still tired. 
So then, after that initial night, you came to him more and more often. He became more and more concerned each time you knocked on the door of his sleeping quarters, but never directly told you that, instead simply opening the door and letting you get into bed with him.
Slowly, you became more comfortable doing it, and it soon became your instinct to go to Gaz’s sleeping quarters whenever you couldn’t sleep. 
So now, as you walk up to the door of his sleeping quarters and knock twice, it’s no surprise how quickly he answers. He opens the door almost immediately and steps to the side so that you can walk in.
You do just that, walking into his sleeping quarters and heading straight for his bed, pushing his pillow to the side so that you can put yours right beside his, on the side closest to the wall, and you crawl into bed. 
You hear him close the door and pad over to the bed, waiting for you to climb under the covers and put your head on your pillow before crawling in behind you. Once he’s fully under the covers, he wraps a gentle arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him so that he can properly spoon you. 
“You don’t have to bring your own blanket, you know,” He mumbles as he puts his head on your chin, “There’s always gonna be one here.” 
“I know,” You simply hum, grabbing Gaz’s hand from where it lays casually on your stomach and holding it with your own, “But it’s colder in here at night. I like having both blankets.” 
Gaz stays silent, instead responding by simply squeezing your hand and rubbing his thumb over the back of it. 
“I’m sorry, is having a whole ‘nother person here not warm enough for you?” Gaz finally responds, voice full of snark. 
“Not at all,” You murmur, squeezing Gaz’s hand back, “Body heat and a single blanket isn’t enough. I need another blanket or else I’ll get hypothermia.” 
“Whatever you say, duckling,” Gaz sighs.
“I still don’t get why you call me that.” 
“Don’t act like you don’t follow me everywhere around base like a little duckling.” 
“It’s not acting,” You grumble, making Gaz huff out a laugh, “I just don’t.” 
“Oh, but you do,” Gaz coos, before pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head, “You don’t have to be embarrassed. It’s not like it’s a secret.” 
“I’m not embarrassed,” You deny, lying straight through your teeth, “I just don’t follow you around. At all.” 
“You’re only convincing yourself, duckling,” Gaz mumbles, putting his chin on top of your head again, right over the spot he’d kissed, “Now go to sleep. You need it.” 
You don’t respond verbally, instead simply relaxing your shoulders that you hadn’t even realized were tense, and letting out a tired sigh. Gaz was wrong, you weren’t even convincing yourself.
You knew that you followed him around everywhere, like a pestering younger sibling that was desperate to copy their older sibling, but he didn’t need to know that you knew that. 
And he definitely didn’t need to know you had no real problem with it. 
Soon, like you had never had sleeping problems to begin with, you were fast asleep. Gaz, however, continued his ministrations of rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand, as well as loosely holding your hand in his. 
Eventually, his thumb slows and he drifts asleep as well, and when he falls into a deeper slumber his thumb eventually stops its movements. But throughout the night, his hand continues to be held in yours, and his arm remains where it is, keeping you close to him the entire night. 
The next morning, when he wakes up and sees you still peacefully asleep, he can’t find it in himself to disrupt your sleep, so he simply closes his eyes and acts as thought he had never woken up.
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pixiefeatherkw3 · 6 months
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Marunouchi No Sonic 【丸の内 のソニック】 x Oshi no Ko 【推しの子】
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killerpancakeburger · 6 months
Attending a wizards soiree with Rolan headcanons - Angst Version
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Rolan is about to ask you to come with him when he stumbles upon you and one of your warlock/wizard/sorcerer (pick wattya want) friend asking you to come with him to said soiree.
Didn’t mean to listen to the conversation. Does it anyway when he realises what it's about/that he's been beaten to it.
Your nonchalant, sardonic reply breaks his heart a bit. "Why would I go to that stuck-ups gathering? It's going to be full of pompous jerks who like to listen to themselves talk all night. Hard pass." With a derisive laugh.
He goes back the way he came from, face unscrutable, resolutely determined to not mention it at all to you.
You notice his change of attitude - he's colder, less patient, snaps more easily - in the next days but despite racking your brain about it, you don't get where this is from. 
The evening of the event, he disappears and you go to his siblings for information. Awkward conversation ensues. 
"Have you seen Rolan?" "Well he's at his beloved wizards gathering obviously" "... what gathering?" "...you mean he didn’t tell you?" "Tell me what??" Cal and Lia exchange anxious, embarassed looks. Your worry and apprehension boil over. "What is it!?”
Once you wring the truth out of them, you pause for a moment, before remembering your conversation with your friend, and everything brutally makes sense. Welp, time to fix this mess.
You find a fancy outfit in a hurry and rush to the soiree in a panic, while still trying to look dignified.
You get pushed back at the entrance. Invitations only. You try your best to not cause a scene but it ends with the guard and you raising your voices high enough to be heard from the guests. You're considering knocking them out until Rolan shows up.
Of course he recognized your voice from afar. It's not like he had been spending the whole evening trying to keep you out of his mind. To no avail.
"They're with me." Crisis averted. Well, for now. You're in like you wanted but now it's time to face the music. Despite coming to your rescue, Rolan does not look happy.
"Why are you even here?" are the first words crossing his lips. His features are twisted in a scowl. Being familiar with his temper, you can tell that he's restraining himself from yelling.
You have to rein in your first instinct which is to snap back "Why do you think!?". Aggravating the situation is not why you came. You afford yourself the luxury of taking a deep breath to compose yourself.
"I came for you, of course." You stare directly into Rolan's gleaming eyes as you say those words, trying to convey your sincerity and your feelings through your gaze.
Rolan crosses his arms, still frowning. "Far be it from me to suggest you should waste your evening by spending it listening to pompous jerks who love the sound of their own voices."
You put your hands on your waist and raise a dubious eyebrow. "Come on Rolan, I was deliberately exaggerating to make my friend laugh. Surely you figured that out. Plus I distinctly remember all the times you complained about the wizards you interacted with, and how they drove you crazy with their contempt and their egoism."
The frown on his forehead progressively disappears, but his gaze becomes shifty, avoiding yours. "I... I suppose I fail to comprehend why you would have accepted my proposal when you declined his."
You open your eyes wide in suprise, then your shock makes way for understanding. "Oh, Rolan." you sigh with both endearment and annoyance, a fond smile stretching your lips.
"What", he retorts, crossing his arms again, but in a different way than earlier, akin to sulking. A light blush adorns his cheeks. He knows that smile of yours, and that tone. You're about to say something sappy.
You close the gap between the two of you, tenderly cupping his face with your hands - he makes no move to stop you. "Rolan, rolan, rolan. Is it so hard to believe that I would endure hours of nagging, self-important wizards just to make you happy? Just to spend time with you? I defied shadows in a cursed land to save your tail, I braved the army of an immortal man to free your family, and I slaughtered the so-called greatest wizard of the Sword Coast for daring to lay a hand on you, and you think I'm scared of a soiree?"
He closes his hands around your wrists, not to repel you, no, but to gain more contact with your skin. He's able to look you into the eye again. "I suppose... it does sound foolish when you put it this way."
At last, you both join the function, but not before you first reclaimed a kiss or two from Rolan, to make up for his coldness the last few days.
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jude-shotto · 1 year
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[Day 13 - Angsty RK1k - Anon💖]
Connor was having nightmares and needed confirmation that Markus was safe. And also the I run hot & I run cold couple!
You can check out the days early posts and wips up on Patreon!
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lebenspurpur · 2 years
I thought a lot about rz Michael and his hands today.
(this is just another drabble about living with Michael, listen, I love writing wholesome stuff like that.)
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"Fuck!", you balance the hot pan away from the stove and, more or less gently, drop it on the wooden counter. Cursing under your breath, you tug the now hot, oven mitt off your hands and anxiously inspect your skin. A red blemish graces the spot where the pan has touched you. Sighing, you ignore the throbbing heat radiating into the tips of your fingers. You could just hope that it wouldn't turn into a blister. Why were you always so clumsy?
A creak in the floor behind you makes you turn around. Michael looks confused. According to the paper sticking to his fingers and clothes, and the lack of a mask, he was right in his "creative phase" when you had your little accident. Ever since he started spending more time at home, half of the day was spent crafting away. Most of the time he made new masks, but sporadically, he painted something, too.
"Just an accident, Michael, don't worry about it.", you cradle the injured hand to your stomach and walk over to the sink to rinse it off, "The hot pan touched me is all."
Michael comes closer, silently as always, and watches as you let the chilly water cool the heated skin. You sigh in relief as the heat and pain lessen beneath the cold stream.
The fridge door opens and closes again. Michael's shadows looms over you, and you turn the water off. As soon as the sensation of the water leaves your skin, the blemish starts warming and throbbing again, and you suppress a groan.
Michael's head is tilted to the side when you turn around, and you notice he grabbed a cooling pad from the freezer. Hesitantly, he moves closer, as if he doesn't really know how to help you in this situation. His confusion is rather adorable, you have to admit.
His hands find yours, and you marvel at the gentleness with which he treats the burn. Tenderly, his big hands use a dish towel to wrap the freezing pad around your hand. He's nearly as careful as when he creates his masks.
"Thank you.", you try, but you can't completely hide the surprised undertone in your voice. Michael rarely shows compassion when such things happen to you if he's even in the house while they occur.
His fingers linger on your skin, and he nods once, twice before he lifts your hand and, you can't believe your eyes, presses a gentle kiss on the damp dish towel.
After a few seconds, you notice your mouth opened in astonishment and, ashamed, you close it. Your eyes sheepishly leave his mouth, and suddenly the kitchen tiles are so much more interesting than him. Fuck, sometimes you're really embarrassing.
A hoarse sound makes you look at him again, and when you do, you can't believe your eyes. Deep, rumbling chuckles leave his lips as he looks down at you, clearly finding your embarrassment very amusing. His eyes crinkle when he laughs and for a second you want to stare again, but this time you catch yourself.
"You bastard.", the weak hit you deliver to his torso feels like you're hitting a rock. It doesn't seem to make him stop laughing either, so you huff in frustration and cross your arms, hiding your own smile as good as you can.
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ventique-genshin · 1 year
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To save a family
art is platonic/familial
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 6 months
READ TAGS OF DIRK BRO HUG.... can we see bro melting into hug w dirk. falls to knees please im so soft for melty bro so true
==> BRO: Melt into your splinters arms.
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[ It's not so much melting as it is you falling apart when he pulls you in. He's solid and warm and so small. He shouldn't have to see you like this. ]
[ He never complains, or really says anything period. Just holds you for what feels like forever until you finally feel normal again. It's embarrassing how quickly his shoulder grows damp. You don't deserve this. ]
[ . . . For just a little while, you think you don't care. ]
( @badlydrawn-dirkstrider )
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littlemissfix-itfic · 3 months
Loving Human!Cas
Thinking about falling in love with Castiel after he loses his divinity. After he’s been kicked out of the bunker, he loses his best friends, his family, his home, and the man he loves, all in one fell swoop. He’s lost his power, his defense, and he’s lost in a world that wasn’t his home, and he has no one to rely on. Not only that, but he’s learning how to do things that he’s never needed to do before. Eating, drinking, sleeping, even holding a job, just as a means of survival. He’s learning what it’s like to actively live in a human body; to take care of it and survive in it, instead of just inhabiting a body like we would clothing or an apartment.
Falling in love with his quirks and social oddities. Getting to watch iconic movies with him, and enjoy his reactions as he sees them for the first time. Loving him as he struggles with this new, human identity and holding him through the times it all becomes too much. Getting to watch as his self-worth gradually begins to sprout, as he realizes he is priceless because of who he is, not because of what he can offer others. Listening to him talk about things that confuse or enamor him about being a human being. Listening to him talk about the things that make him feel, and getting to see his eyes shine as he takes on a task that he enjoys. Getting to be the person who loves him when he doesn’t feel like he deserves it, and loving him even when he struggles with loving himself. Becoming that comforting safety, that only someone you love can offer, for him.
Loving Cas as he navigates being human would have heartbreak and hardship, but sticking with him and loving him through it would offer loyalty and love that is hard to fathom. The heartbreak of hearing his story, and the way that he was treated by the people he loves would be one that haunts you, even when he has long since healed and moved forward from it. The sting of that heartbreak would be the very pain that pushes you into Dean’s path as he tries to reach out to Cas again, and it’s the same thing that makes you rail against each hurtful word and cutting expression that he throws Castiel’s way over the course of the years. That haunting pain that Cas bears in his heart is what makes you fight to stay by his side when he inevitably agrees to return to help the Winchesters, and it makes you protective of him, and his heart, angelic or otherwise.
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kit-williams · 5 months
Barn Anon. I tried something nicer? I think? Btw I really love how you're writing and how you added Castle in the last one ^^
It's been peaceful for months now, you're starting to enjoy this. No longer is the house filled with angry hateful shouting of your parent, in fact your parents are hardly ever home these days. You hum to yourself as you continue packing your textbooks into your backpack. It's better than having them home and fighting with each other. You also have your Salamander with you. he's a new friend but ever since that day he found you lost in the alleyway, everything has improved.
He scares your parents, you can tell that, but you don't understand why. He's been good to you, why are they scared? Familiar heavy footsteps carefully make their way through your house. You look up to see the comical sight of your Salamander hunched over to peer through your room doorway. Happily you make your way over to him and take your fluffy jacket from him.
He's been the one to walk you to school lately, walking you back home and making sure your homework is done. He even goes with you when you hangout with your friends! He has tried cooking for you but that didn't end well. Still you appreciated his effort, it's more than what your parents do anyways.
As you make your way to school with your Salamander, people give the two of you a wide berth. Not that you notice, why would you when you're with your best friend?
Barn anon i dunno if this counts as nicer?
They are hardly ever home anymore... you don't know when they are coming back. You look up to your best friend as the fridge is empty and you don't know where they are. He coos to you in a language you only half understand. It's the middle of the night and you've made sure to pack up. You're just going on a trip he said until things get better.
A lot of your stuff fit in the large duffle bag that is over his shoulder as you are in your fluffy jacket looking at the bare room before you put your backpack on as he lifts you up. He gives you a warm smile before he puts on that scary helmet of his, you watch the lenses start to glow red as he carries you out of the dark house. His finger occasionally rubbing your growling stomach.
You're happy Salamanders are warm... you can't help but drift off. He tucks you close to his chest plate maneuvering a blanket over you and around you to keep you warm while he walks. He didn't mean to frighten your parents away but... he didn't feel to guilty about it either. You were his charge and he was going to take care of you.
He looked on his map as he headed to the location where others of his brothers were and a promise of a meal for you and a warm place to sleep was good enough for him right now. His boots compacted the snow under them as the wind picked up and he continued on.
You wake up and rub your eyes as you find yourself on a bed in a giants room! You start to panic calling out for your Salamander whom walks in with a bowl of food for you! You scoop the food in quickly trying to remember to chew as the noodles and meat seem to fill you with a hearty broth that warms you right back up.
"Are we with other Salamanders?" You quietly ask when you get enough in your belly as you were given a Salamander sized portion.
He nods and says something you don't understand.
"Are we having a sleep over until my parents come home?" You sip the edge of the bowl trying to not make a mess. You fail to see the hurt look in his red eyes but he tells you that you'd be staying here for a little while.
But as long as you had your best friend you knew you were going to be okay.
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mothsakura · 1 year
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don't think i ever posted these. local knight becomes hollow, fights god, loses, gets sealed away, and becomes sad looking :(
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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Does it count as love and comfort if the comfort is misplaced and self serving ?
(short explanation of what I mean under the cut)
To an extent, in these situations, reader is trying to communicate one thing (I am emotionally exhausted and stuck in a cycle of pain and hate, I am afraid of losing anything else that I love because the world keeps ripping everything I care about from my hands) and the boys hear something else, something more like something they’d WANT to hear ig?? (“I am tired and only feel safe enough to rest when I am with you because I love you”, “I am scared of losing you or moon because you are all I have and I love you”)
Aka, in the Afton au, the boys are equally as fucked up as reader, it just manifests in different ways! :)
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kainereee · 4 months
This isn't an attack on fluff or anyone who enjoys a cute moment in ships because I love a cute moment! I do go crazy and kick my legs yes yes
But sometimes I sit and think that tbh? A lot of idv characters would not have nearly as flowery and non-problematic relationships as I see them portrayed. A lot of these people who've arrived at the manor are fucked up. Like they have deep-seated, deep-rooted issues that if they were to get into relationships would affect these said relationships — and I imagine not in the healthy way too.
And this isn't me saying your mental health or your flaws define how you'll act to a person. Nor that they aren't overcomeable. No, most certainly not, but they'll definitely play a BIG factor.
And honestly I think that should be considered more sometimes because its something super interesting to explore narratively. Give me something forever unrequited, doomed! Give me something codependent, hell, maybe even toxic!
Perhaps it's because for me the observance of any kind of dynamic ( platonic, romantic, maybe a secret third thing ) always tumbles into a straight up character study of both parties involved - but that feels hard not to do so when you have a media that can get really dark like IDV and when you have characters that don't fit within a black and white space of morality. When you have characters that, ultimately, have very unhealthy ways of treating people and when you pair them with others this can escalate, for better or worse. Because it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom, growth is beautiful too — but I don't think we should shy away from the struggle that comes from that. I think that makes it more beautiful
Idk this is just my propaganda post for the only way I like my michimary is unrequited and full of strain and that I believe Joseph Desaulnier is too far deep into his research and goal to ever fully commit to someone like that /lhj
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penelopetheconartist · 6 months
Part 2 to the anon who asked for some hurt/ comfort stuff.
For a collapse.
Mark: full Hulk mode. He wouldn't even say anything. He'd just start chucking rocks until he made progress and then would call for farmer. Although he showed exemplary care for getting farmer out, he still acts aloof and makes a quip about “garden rake” causing a collapse by being careless. But once there's less of a crowd he becomes kind and asks farmer if they're okay and not calling them garden rake. Affection to humans who aren't his niece doesn't come easily. He'd hold their shoulders and look them in the eye, “are you alright?” He'd also smooth some hair off farmer's forehead to check for scrapes.
Pablo: he'd be a little dramatic. Like calling farmers name and showing more emotion. He'd still try to get into the mine and help get the rocks out. He'd be the most affectionate with a lot of hugging and face holding/ squishing making sure farmer doesn’t have scratches or cuts. "Oh thank goddess you're okay! I can't believe that happened! I was so worried! This will make for a great story later.”
Rafael: he'd be upset but it wouldn't stop him from one hit destroying each and every rock between him and farmer. Once farmer emerges, Rafael would pick them up and take them outside the cavern away from danger. He won't let go of farmer until either farmer actually wants to stop being held or Rafael is confident they're okay. While holding farmer, Rafael would ask repeatedly "are you hurt? Are you okay? Are you sure you're okay? You promise you're okay?"
Luke: would be distressed enough that others could notice. He doesn't strike me as an affectionate guy. He'd help to a degree but mostly stay out of people's way because he'd be worried about too many people causing another collapse or something. He'd pace a lot. Once farmer emerges, he'd hold them mostly to steady himself. His hug would be brief and he'd be a little awkward about it but would say "I'm glad you're safe. I was quite worried."
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laarbybarbtbox · 6 months
Does anyone ever think about how Aizawa was literally right outside of the Todoroki house in episode 2 of season 5?
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I present a random fanfic idea I had floating around.
Natsuo is seen standing outside afterwards, so what if he had an interaction with Aizawa?
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Plus, the anime added in the scene of Enji going outside too. Possibly to say some stuff to Natsuo. I wouldn’t have minded seeing that conversation because I can’t imagine it went well.
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But here’s an idea, Aizawa, being a hero and semi-friend of Shoto’s, sees this and helps Natsu!
Come on! Give me my ‘Aizawa comforts Natsuo ‘ fic!!!!!
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thistuesdaynight · 1 year
Stress on the Beach
Jegulily fluff
Autistic James is feeling overwhelmed at the beach.
tw: overstimulation, negative self-talk/internalized ableism
James loved a beach day.
The sun glared ferociously upon the shore, broiling the sand, and all of the ocean revelers along with it. He liked tilting his face back to feel the warmth on his skin.
He liked swimming in the ocean, splashing with his friends until his curls hung into his eyes. It was a gorgeous day on the coast: sea gulls swooped and shrieked on the air currents, and the salty breeze dripped with laughter.
The sun's rays sent glittering shards of light sparking across the water as people danced through the surf. He couldn't help but stare at Lily in her bikini, all lush curves and dimpled thighs. And he liked seeing Regulus without a shirt, so he could trace constellations in his freckles.
It was good being with all of his friends. They'd been here for an hour already, so after wading in the water together, everyone split off for a bit: Sirius and Remus were sorely losing a game of beach volleyball against Barty and Evan, while Lily and Dorcas refereed, and Regulus was on the shore with Peter and Pandora making sand castles.
James was having fun.
So much fun. Really.
He just needed a moment to himself, was all. He didn’t like being sun-drunk and delirious. The temperature was turning from wonderfully warm to obnoxiously overbearing rather quickly.
He flopped down amidst the pile of his friends' stuff, taking deep breaths. The heat was a physical hand pressing down on him, crushing his ribcage, constricting his lungs. He felt slow and confused, like he was moving through honey in some strange trippy dream.
Where were his sunglasses? Someone had turned the world brighter, and the sun shining on the water was no longer beautiful, but blinding. He rummaged through his bag, but he could barely see because he was squinting so hard, and why did he feel like he was burning? It was so hot and couldn’t the bloody sun turn off for one bloody second so he could find his bloody glasses?
Had he even remembered to bring them from home? Stupid, stupid, stupid. Of course he would be such a daft little git that he hadn’t brought his sunglasses and he was going to go blind, and he would perish right there on the sand from melting.
He growled, shaking out the entire contents of the bag onto his towel. His phone landed in the sand, and it took all of his strength not to scream because it was so hard to get sand out of your phone, and his sunglasses were nowhere to be found, and fuck wasn't it just so hot, and who allowed the sun to be this bright anyway?
It should be illegal. The sun should be illegal. 
James let out a frustrated groan, yanked his towel out from under his things, draped it over his head, and put his forehead to his knees, trying desperately not to cry.
"Jamie?" Lily said, placing a steady hand on his back. "Are you alright?"
James squinted up at her, his vision hazy, his movements still slow.  Lily was in front of him, her red hair fanned out around her face, eclipsing the sun, an angel of light.
He wanted to tell her no, he wasn't okay. He was the lazy sod who’d forgotten to bring sunglasses to the bloody beach. But he couldn't make his mouth translate his thoughts into words, so he just huffed a pitiful groan.
"Oh, sweetheart, were you looking for these?"
She plucked his sunglasses from the mess he'd made of his things. James pressed the heel of his hands into his eyes. Of course they were right in front of him the whole time.
"Thanks," he mumbled, unable to speak louder.
Lily tutted, smiling at him as she slid the glasses behind his ears. "Do you need to go home, baby?"
James desperately wanted to be someplace else, somewhere cool and dim, so he could actually think and speak properly. But he didn't want to ruin everyone's fun. 
And besides the fact that his mind was slowing down, the sun was roasting him alive, the world was so bright he could barely see, and he wanted take a nap right there in the sand and never speak again, he was enjoying himself.
Wasn’t he? Yes, he was.
James shook his head.
"Don't lie, mon soleil," Regulus said sternly, appearing out of nowhere and sitting down next to him. He was fresh out of the ocean, salt water dripping off of him, hair slicked back. The water made his skin cool to the touch, so James leaned into him. "If you're feeling overwhelmed, we can leave."
James shook his head again.
Regulus gave him a dubious look, and James cowered under his disapproval. 
"Fine. How about I stay here with you, and when you're ready to go, you tell me?"
James nodded.
"Okay, I'll leave you guys to it. I have to get back to refereeing the volleyball game." Lily rolled her eyes with a fond sigh. "Sirius is a bit of a sore loser."
She kissed James and then Regulus, before returning to the game.
"Here," Regulus tugged James’ towel up and over the both of them, so they were tented together, a shady spot just for the two of them.
James felt the world come slightly more into focus.
James nodded.
They sat huddled under the towel, Regulus dripping beads of water onto James' skin to cool him down and pressing kisses into his neck. Regulus talked since James couldn't, and told him all about the insanely intricate castles that he and Pete and Pandora had created that afternoon. 
James could think better now that he had his sunglasses and the towel over his head. He'd cooled down a bit, too, but he was still so tired, he could fall asleep sitting up.
"Do you need to go home, love?" Regulus asked, tracing a line of water over James' collarbone. "I promise we won't be upset if you do."
His eyes stung. James always felt so guilty being the one who got overwhelmed, the one who needed to cut the day short. He really wanted to be with his friends and enjoy their company. But perhaps somewhere dimmer and cooler.
"Yeah," he whispered, biting his lip.
"Alright.” Regulus brushed the hair back from James’ face, and a gentle smile pulled at his lips. “That's okay. I'll tell Lily, and we'll go. I'm proud of you for telling me what you needed, mon coeur."
James’ face heated under his praise, and he tipped forward for a kiss. Regulus kissed him back, one hand firmly on his throat, sending his heart fluttering.
"Alright. Let's go home."
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janetbrown711 · 10 months
In the blink of an eye Pigsy and Tang receive news that rock them to their very core and make them question everything about themselves-- but they aren't alone like they were with MK so everything will be fine..
(freenoodles mpreg bc I love when the gay men are fluffy and domestic but also riddled with anxiety <3)
Words: 33,335
Status: Complete, 8/8
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