#coral island luke
dizzyrobinsims · 6 months
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*sobs about this NERD my nobinary self-insert just married*
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penelopetheconartist · 6 months
Ooh if you're looking for inspiration, how about headcanons for Mark, pablo, Rafael, and Luke on how they would react if their farmer was caught in a collapse in the caverns or maybe had a little bit too close of a call with a monster? No worries if this doesn't appeal to you!
Sorry lol I drink hurt/comfort up like it's water. I love the game, but the romances lack just a little bit of drama or true relationship building.
My homie. I too live for the hurt/ comfort. You speak my language!!! 🩷 (Also, thanks for sending me an ask!!) I wrote 2 things. I hope these are okay :D Aight. Some boyos reaction to getting hurt in the mines! All but Luke would be in the mines with farmer. Mark: he would absolutely have a brief moment where he makes fun of his "Garden Rake" for getting hurt but will soon realize they are really hurt and will go into full blown protector mode. His face will stay stone cold. "Ah shit. You're actually hurt, aren't you?" He kneels and checks the damage, "Hmm. Decent injury. You sure are tough." His face softens as he almost grins at the farmer. "Let's get you patched up.” His big rough hands are so gentle tending to the wound. The gentleness speaks to his experience with caring for others. Pablo: he's not good with blood even though he watches horror movies with his bro. TV blood is just better than real life. But he is good at being heroic. He'd definitely rip his shirt for bandages. Which he might regret later because he would've picked the shirt out specifically to show off how good he looks. Although blood would make him feel woozy, he can tough it out. Pablo would keep the mood light. Rafael: he'd be calm. He'd have a first aid kit. Injuries don't bother him because of the horror movies. He takes his first aid training seriously. All those times you've envied the blades he would gently caress and handle with care, now you know. He is completely in the take care of you zone, he's not even flustered for getting to touch you so much. Luke: there'd be a lot of internal panic. But running an electronic and appliance store (and having Walter as his father) prepared him for tough situations. Also, he probably reads medical journals for fun. The internal panic would work in his favour however and he’d tend to wounds and call the doctors to his mansion. He'd be reticent though with laser focus.
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ultimafangirl · 4 months
Today I am going through the winter outfits of the dateable guys and Raj. And answering the question...
Would I steal their coat/jacket/sweater?
answers under the cut cause 13 images is a lot
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...Maybe. It looks nice and long but I don't know how comfy it would be.
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Yes! It looks cozy and floppy and I will steal it and make it mine
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Absolutely not. Hate the sleeves. Otherwise it would be fine. but the sleeves... They are not floppy, they are tight around my wrists. I do not like tight around my wrist sleeves
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A bit to tailored looking for my taste, unfortunately
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Oh my god I could wrap myself in that and use it as a blanket yes please
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Nope, not going to happen. A steal-able jacket must be floppy and loose and cozy
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Another for the maybe pile. I have no strong feelings toward this jacket. I'd have to test it for myself first
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Lab coats seem like they'd be uncomfy. Not stealing it
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Too warm looking. I wanna be cozy but I don't wanna overheat.
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Again, seems like it'd be too warm
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Errs on the side of too tailored but I'm willing to give it a chance if the sleeves are floppy
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I said it once before, I do not like sleeves that are tight around my wrists. Not happening
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If the lining is soft and fluffy like the lapel I'll take it. Though the sleeves look too short to be floppy
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pastelskyesblog · 8 months
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future husbands and wife noticing the new town rank, my comfort townie noticing it as well
hehe life is good <3
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spar-row-row · 3 months
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Wanted to do some colored pencil drawings. It took me sooo long to color this, 0.o. I'm really liking Coral Island, especially this guy, Luke, but I am a little concerned that he starts drinking at 6am on on the weekends, lol. Like maybe give him a coffee cup or something
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venii-vidii-vicii · 2 years
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Just wanna see Luke and Ben casually walking their dog and duck around the town like the pet dads that they are. You're telling me they're friends, game. I wanna see em do stuff together.
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newvegasceo · 7 months
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elaborate???? 😳
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jupajuby · 6 months
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best boys
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coral-nerd · 15 hours
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gretchen-nightbloom · 7 months
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Farmer: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed. Luke: Luke: I'm gonna tell them. Nina: Don't you dare.
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penelopetheconartist · 6 months
Part 2 to the anon who asked for some hurt/ comfort stuff.
For a collapse.
Mark: full Hulk mode. He wouldn't even say anything. He'd just start chucking rocks until he made progress and then would call for farmer. Although he showed exemplary care for getting farmer out, he still acts aloof and makes a quip about “garden rake” causing a collapse by being careless. But once there's less of a crowd he becomes kind and asks farmer if they're okay and not calling them garden rake. Affection to humans who aren't his niece doesn't come easily. He'd hold their shoulders and look them in the eye, “are you alright?” He'd also smooth some hair off farmer's forehead to check for scrapes.
Pablo: he'd be a little dramatic. Like calling farmers name and showing more emotion. He'd still try to get into the mine and help get the rocks out. He'd be the most affectionate with a lot of hugging and face holding/ squishing making sure farmer doesn’t have scratches or cuts. "Oh thank goddess you're okay! I can't believe that happened! I was so worried! This will make for a great story later.”
Rafael: he'd be upset but it wouldn't stop him from one hit destroying each and every rock between him and farmer. Once farmer emerges, Rafael would pick them up and take them outside the cavern away from danger. He won't let go of farmer until either farmer actually wants to stop being held or Rafael is confident they're okay. While holding farmer, Rafael would ask repeatedly "are you hurt? Are you okay? Are you sure you're okay? You promise you're okay?"
Luke: would be distressed enough that others could notice. He doesn't strike me as an affectionate guy. He'd help to a degree but mostly stay out of people's way because he'd be worried about too many people causing another collapse or something. He'd pace a lot. Once farmer emerges, he'd hold them mostly to steady himself. His hug would be brief and he'd be a little awkward about it but would say "I'm glad you're safe. I was quite worried."
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coralislandthinks · 2 months
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luke you speak like a victorian child
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pastelskyesblog · 1 year
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yes, Luke does look comfy
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spar-row-row · 3 months
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venii-vidii-vicii · 2 years
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I came across a lot of interesting dialogues in this game but Luke humming sad songs will always be funny to me  What are u so emo about, rich boy?
I have feelings for him, like hate and disgust (endearingly)  
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