#dis is in jail at the beginning of the story but no cell can hold her
A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 082 - The Ritual
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 4 Episode 8 - Awakening
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We open at Soval's trial after his mind-melding, and his position at Vulcan command has been terminated. Apparently, the council has also found that the member of command that planted the bomb was also a Syrrannite. Strange that the Syrrannites would plan false DNA of Syrrannites, so something fishy is going on with Vulcan Command.
After the intro, we return to T'Pol and Archer, who have been Captured by the Syrrannites. Of course, they have no idea that T'Pau's DNA was planted. Apparently Arev from last episode was their leader, and his real name is Syrran.
While in his jail cell, Archer has a vision, of civil war on Vulcan. A vision of the time of Surak. Apparently, it's now his responsibility to restore Surak's teachings to Vulcan. Apparently, when Syrran died he transferred the "katra of Surak", basically Surak's soul, to him. T'Pau mind melds with Archer, and confirms that it is the case.
Meanwhile, the Vulcan Command are plotting to bomb the Syrrannite sanctuary. Can I just say, I love the set design on the Vulcan council's room? The colours and the artwork on the walls are just so vivid, I love it.
The Syrranites prepare a ritual to take Surak's soul out of Archer, but it doesn't work. In fact, while it's happening, Archer received another vision of Surrak, this time warning that Vulcans are repeating history. Archer, T'Pol and T'pau then go into a cave to find an ancient artifact that was important to Surak, while the rest of the Syrranites prepare to evacuate from the bombardment.
Enterprise tries to send a shuttle down to Vulcan to find Archer, but the shuttle is spotted, leaving a beautifully tense situation between Trip and the Vulcan command. The command give Trip an Ultimatum to leave orbit immediately, but trip stands his ground, and a firefight breaks out between the Vulcans and Enterprise.
Archer and Co do manage to get the artefact, the bombing begins as they make their escape. The Syrranites didn't manage to evacuate in time, and a lot of them are dead. We get a genuinely sad scene as T'Pol holds her dying mother.
Towards the end of the episode, we find out the key difference between the main Vulcan religion and the Syrranites: and that entirely is that the Syrranites are Pacifists, but and are opposed to the command's plans for war against the Andorians. We leave off on the Cliffhanger of setting course to Andoria to warn them
The worldbuilding around the Vulcan religion in this episode is fun, and I like that's really playing with various concepts the show's brought up in relation to the Vulcans, Surak, their history of how they embraced emotional repression and Logic, and the mind-melding stuff. I still would have preferred a focus on the political intrigue with the council, but I have a feeling that's going to happen next time.
Comparing my Enjoyment of this Episode with a Doctor Who Universe Story of the Same Title
Doctor Who - Season 21 Serial 2 - The Awakening
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It's been a while since one of these comparison segments has just let me use the main show! This time it's The Awakening from 1984. The Awakening isn't a story that people in Doctor Who fandom really focus one, it's a Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough story set in the, at the time, present day.
Basically, during an overly-zealous English Civil War re-enactment game, people from the actual English Civil War end up being displaced through time to the Re-enactment, all as part of a ritual to free an ancient, alien psychic weapon called the Malus lurking underneath the village, exerting it's influence to free itself. There's a bit more to it, but in the interests of keeping this section brief, I'm skipping over a more detailed plot summary.
The Awakening is a nice short serial, and it serves as criticism of the themeparkification of history, the cutting out of the bad bits to make things more palatable for modern audiences, which is a bit deeper of theme than the Fifth Doctor Era usually went for.
Outside of it's themes however, there it's fairly average. It's setting isn't really anything new for Doctor Who, the 3rd Doctor Era did sleepy modern day English Villages a lot, The Malus as a villain has a striking design, but there isn't really anything to separate it from any of the other ancient evil entities in the Whoniverse. It's not a bad serial, it's just very played out as far as Who goes. As a serial it kinda has the feel that it's trying to be a 3rd Doctor story. I enjoyed it a lot, but the general rut of Early-80's who is very much present. Really good themes, kinda average execution, still a lot better than most of the 5th Doctor era.
Choosing between Enterprise's Awakening and Doctor Who's The Awakening is fairly difficult, but I think I'm gonna hand it to Star Trek's because I really enjoyed the worldbuilding. The Vulcans have been kicking about in Enterprise for a while, and we haven't had much worldbuilding focussed on them since season 2.
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khazad · 3 years
What is hobbit leverage...
it’s really only related to the actual leverage tv show in that the premise is “a bunch of people find themselves working together for the sake of doing crime” and the overarching tone is “warm-hearted comedy” but listen sometimes when one special interest loves another special interest very much,
anyway you got wilbur baggins (formerly known as alba bingley, billy rounder, beau dussack etc etc) having spent a couple decades grifting his way across western europe but come back to his childhood home a handful of years ago to reclaim the estate of the late munroe baggins. now technically wilbur WAS munroe’s next of kin, but if he wanted to do things legally he would have had to identify himself as his father’s former daughter, so he decided to do things the fun hard way and invent a son wholecloth. and he’s been retired for a while now while he lives off dad’s money and his own ill-gotten earnings, and he thinks its going pretty well.
enter gandalf.
gandalf (or tarquin, as others might call him) (i havent found any decent paronyms for olorin or mithrandir) (nor for gandalf but gandalf is gandalf, yk,) has been keeping an eye on wilbur over the years and thinks that he’d be a serious asset to soren and his team.
(soren was the name his parents gave him, but he uses Søren for all documents and correspondences, because (in his words) he finds it makes him less approachable.)
soren wants to take a run at smaug. i dont have a paronym for smaug either, or even a concrete idea of how he screwed soren over (maybe hes a figure similar to damien moreau from leverage) but hes a formidable power. not all the company know about this, but not all of them need to, either. you don’t challenge smaug head on, you need to be as roundabout as possible about it.
but while theyre being roundabout about it, they end up finding themselves in positions where they could expend only a moderate amount of effort to cut down some other people in power who do a lot of harm and… then maybe one or two of them starts meeting people with problems that the company is uniquely equipped to solve….. and before they realize it, theyve become low key vigilantes
tbh the overarching plot is less important to me than the disparate little scenes in my head of
wilbur scamming and sneaking around utterly unnoticed
finny and kelly being a couple of gen z menaces
wilbur being alarmed at the inclusion of orville riesmann (age 15) in their operations until orry informs him brightly that he’s been 15 for three or four years now, for tax purposes
orry is a very, very, very good forger
beaufort is the resident hacker and software expert (yk.. mining….. datamining…….)
finding paronyms for bifur and bombur is hell but i wont budge
bombur is the least off-putting and most sensitive member of the company by far, and is a big part of their segue into community aid (as it were) and is usually their liaison to any individual who might need help.
bifur is the hardware guy. he builds gadgets
acquisition of gadget components is the domain of norbert riesmann, who blends in anywhere and has an immediately forgettable face
gandalf is still an immortal wizard except instead of a staff hes got a flamethrower
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damn-stark · 3 years
La vie en rose pt.2
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Pietro Maximoff x reader
Requested by anon “I think this is a good idea. So Pietro didn’t die in Age Of Ultron but dies in endgame so afterwards reader has same powers as wanda btw makes her own reality sorta like wandavision and they live in the town together and it’s basically just wandavision plot and jimmy woo and darcy are trying to get in meanwhile. I really hope this isn’t to long for you! Maybe you could do 2 parts if you’d like that? I just had this idea for a while thanks! 🤍”
Warning- Angst, sadness and fluff
“We can get married.”
Pietro turns his head to meet your bewildered expression and he smirks and leans closer to talk in a softer voice so others around wouldn’t hear. “Think about it, we’ve known each other ever since we got our powers and we’ve been together since we joined the Avengers, it’s been long a time and we’ve gone through a lot. We should just get married.”
You narrow your gaze on him and try to hold back from getting lost in those deep blue eyes of his as you try to comprehend what he was proposing, as you tried to figure out if this was some joke, because the way he just said it out of the blue seemed like it.
“And,” Pietro continues nonchalantly as he looks at the horizon ahead, “we can get married in Las Vegas, just like this couple did in one of Wandas sitcoms. It seems like a lot of fun.”
“Hmm,” you nod slowly and tear your gaze away from him, feeling your mind spin with many different thoughts; one of the main ones being that this man couldn’t be serious. “And you want to do this while we’re on the run?”
“Yes,” Pietro nods as he pops a grape into his mouth, “I mean do you have a better idea? I don’t see ourselves being free people anytime soon.”
Yeah, right. You look down at your hands and delicately begin to twist the silver bracelet around your wrist, feeling a wave of sadness wash over you.
Was this really going to be your life? Running away and hiding? Not being able to have a stable home, or a taste of a normal life anymore? All because you didn’t want people controlling what you can’t, or can do with your own abilities?
It was stupid and unfair.
“Do you really think we’ll always be on the run?”
Pietro looks at you again and puts the fruit cup that he had in his hand down, turning more serious than he was expressing himself before. “Not always, there will come a time when we’ll be free again, where we won’t have to hide. The world—or should I say universe is a messed up place, the people will need our help again and we’ll be there to save them, that’s when we’ll be free.” Pietro wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. “So don’t worry your pretty head about that.”
You lift your gaze to meet his and you can’t contain the soft smile that spreads on your lips, he kisses the side of your head and his smile turns into a mischievous smirk again. “So about my plan, what do you say?”
Once again you narrow your gaze on him and drop your smile, pushing him aside and twisting your body to land on the pier and begin to walk back to the others, hearing Pietro follow quickly behind you and continue insisting on his “plan”. Which you just turned down, “no.”
“No, what? You won’t get married to me? Why? Do you not love me?”
You shove your hands in your (his) hoodie pocket and watch the perplexity in his eyes as he tried to solve what you had said.
It was an amusing sight, seeing him so lost, it made you want to let him figure it out on his own, but you couldn’t stand it. Instead you did a little jog to get in front of him and continue to walk backwards as you explain yourself in a relatively joking manner, perfectly copying his accent and his expression. “We can get married. Just like those people on tv. I won’t give my girlfriend that I love with all my heart a good proposal, I’ll just throw it at her all nonchalantly and not have a hint of romance behind it.”
“What are you talking about? It was romantic.” He plays along, mocking your own accent. “You're wearing my sweater and we’re on this pier that overlooks the ocean. It’s plenty romantic.”
You grin and go back to using your normal voice before shrugging and commenting, “no ring?”
Pietro narrows his gaze on you and his smirk widens as he digs his hand in his pants pocket to pull out a small simple, yet beautiful ring. “Oh this? I didn’t think you’d want it, so I didn’t offer it to you.”
“Aha, I see what you’re doing.”
Pietro shoots you a flashy smile and expresses a cocky expression, “you thought I forgot didn’t you, my little witch? Like I could ever. Plus Wanda and Natasha would’ve killed me if I did.”
You turn around and fall back to his side, grinning like a love struck idiot and hooking your arm around his while he continued. “So what do you say? Yes?”
“What do you two want?” You ask in a threatening voice as you block their path and stay glued at the entrance of your home.
“We just want to talk,” Agent Woo explained, “to you about what you’re doing here—”
“I’m not doing anything,” you defend yourself. “I’m not causing anyone any trouble, I’m here living my life in peace.”
“That’s what you want to believe, but what you’re doing here is wrong, y/n. You’re holding people hostage—”
“No,” you cut him off sharply as you tighten your grip around the doorknob and feel faint sparks of your magic emerging from your hands. “These people here are fine, they’re in peace, they’re living the lives they want. I am not causing them any type of pain. So if you both may please leave my property that will be great.” You narrow your gaze on them and feel the doorknob under your hand bend as your grip around it tightens when you try to push the door forward to close it. Finding that before you could shut it, Doctor Darcy stopped it and shoved it back to continue with this talk and look at you with a more serious look.
“You know after knowing what you went through, after finding out your history with Pietro, I understand why you’re doing this, keeping up with this facade. But it’s not right, all the people you’re keeping here are in pain—”
“I’m warning you,” you spat out, “stop before I actually try to hurt someone.”
“What’s going on here?”
You look over your shoulder at the sound of a new voice and see Wanda with an upset look already painted on her face. Pietro not understanding what was happening comes up behind you and begins to investigate for his sister. “What do you two want?”
“We just need to talk to your wife and sister,” Agent Woo answers, lifting the badge on his chest and showing it to Pietro. “I’m FBI. We just have a couple things we need to go over.”
Pietros hand on your shoulder tightens and the curiosity that he contained was gone, he doesn’t ask for an explanation from you, nor his sister and just instantly gets on your defense. “Well she has no right to talk to you if she doesn’t want to, neither of them have done anything wrong.”
“You may not see it, but they are. This, you it’s all—”
“That’s enough,” Wanda cuts him off while she joins Pietro and you by the front door, “I’ll tell you two this just once. Leave before I force you to leave.”
Agent Woo scoffs, “I came here to do my job, and I won’t leave until I see it through.”
“Fine,” you deadpan while you let the doorknob go and open the door wider. “I’ve had enough. I’m giving you five minutes to talk.”
Doctor Darcy blinks and raises her eyebrows in surprise. “Wow, okay, unexpected.”
They try to come in, but you step up and block their path. “No. Not here. Outside.”
From the corner of your eye you see Wanda take a step after you, but before she could take another one, you look back and offer her an assuring look. “It’s okay, I’ve got this, wait for me here.”
“Are you sure?” She probes with concern.
You nod and smile, “I’m sure.” You look to Pietro and share a short lingering gaze that contains unspoken words. You knew he was itching to follow, but he trusted you more than anything and stayed behind with his sister while you walked with the two unexpected and unwelcome visitors.
“How did you get here? Inside?” You ask them once you’re at a good distance from your home.
“It’s a long story so we won’t bother.” Doctor Darcy replies, “all we will explain is that we know you’re not a bad person, y/n, we know you don’t want to hurt these people, moving on and accepting what happened is normal—”
“I’m not hurting them,” you repeat in a grumble, “they’re at peace, Wanda assured that.”
“You may think that but they feel your pain, your grief,” Agent Woo explains making you grow stiff and stop dead in your tracks to look at them with a narrowed and puzzled gaze. Something sparks in your brain, but you can’t and won’t comprehend what he really meant, you look down at your ring around your finger and sigh, clenching your fist and turning cold.
“Have either of you ever had a dream?” You interject as you look up at them with that same cold glare.
“I mean yes,” Doctor Darcy chuckles, “everyone does. But I don’t understand why you’re saying this because it doesn’t have anything to do with what we’re talking about.”
You tilt your head slightly and feel your lips tug into a mischievous smile, “I can help achieve those dreams, you could live here and live the life you’ve always wanted, you’ll be happy, at peace. Just like these people, Wanda and I.”
“No. It’s not right.” Agent Woo protested as he took one cautious step towards you. “Understand before someone else forces you to understand.”
You sigh and clench your fists tighter. “Is that a threat?”
“No. But if you don’t stop this it might as well will be. You don’t understand what we’re going through so they don’t see you as the villain, so they don’t come attack you, or throw you in jail. And you wouldn’t want to share a cell with your father now would you?”
You scoff, “I’m not the villain of this story, I was never the villain of this story! But people don’t understand that! For as long as I had my powers I’ve fought against people like Hayward, people who try to keep me under lock and key, who try to cast me out and kill me!” You exclaim, feeling your power re-emerge from your hand and engulf your whole hand, causing a yellow hue to bask your face and your eyes. “You don’t understand, none of you have ever understood! All I’m trying to do is save the people I love and keep them safe, just like my father was before people like you took him away because he was a “threat”.”
“Your father killed—”
“No!” You growl sharply, “my father didn’t kill anyone, his actions were a by-product of what Stark weapons did, our family died because of his inventions. My father was never the villain, just like I’m not.” You raise both of your hands and elegantly wave your hand to change back to your suit, lifting yourself off the ground and looking down at them this time seeing the fear in their eyes and ignoring it. “I gave you a chance, now I’m giving you a warning, leave and don’t come again because if any of you do, I’ll become the villain you want me to be.”
Using your powers, you lift them both off the ground with ease and swiftly throw them out of town with no remorse, watching them fly out until you couldn’t see the hue of your powers anymore to gently land back on the ground, changing back to the same dress Pietro gave you with a flick of your wrist and quietly returning home. Stopping however at the entrance of your front door to look down at your silver bracelet and stroking the design engraved on it gently with the pad of your thumb. You let out a shaky sigh and feel your eyesight blur with the tears that were quick to emerge.
You swallow back the thick lump that formed in your throat though and kept yourself from giving in to such actions. Instead you draw in a deep breath and slowly exhale it out to open the door and greet Pietro with an assuring smile. When he saw you, he rushed to you and instantly as you predicted began to ask about the mysterious visitors. “What wrong, what did they want?”
“Just questions about my father,” you reassure him, discreetly using your powers to freeze him and join Wanda in the dining room with a gloomier expression set on your face.
“Let me guess, they want to get to you to make me stop this? To threaten you?” Wanda suggests in a bitter tone, whilst she takes a seat on the couch and rests her head in her hands. “This is not the first time they’ve tried to stop us, tried to kill us; first that woman and then they shot that missile.”
Slowly you join her on the couch and express a deep sigh. “We don’t want anything from them, we’re not threatening them, I don’t understand why they can’t leave us alone.”
“Because they’re afraid,” Wanda points out what you already knew but didn’t want to admit. “But this is our home, y/n, we can’t let them scare us, or let them take advantage of us. We have to protect our home.”
You meet her gaze and smile, “you’re right, they can’t take this from us. Not this.”
Wanda stands up and you don’t falter behind, standing up a couple seconds later and feeling more confident than before, feeling inspired and strong. Even more so with her words. “We’re going to fight for our home and our families.”
A smirk tugs on your lips and you offer her a nod, “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay. Goodnight, y/n,” Wanda smiles at you before she heads to the door, looking back at you and smiling wider, “you look beautiful by the way.”
“Thank you.”
With one last smile, Wanda finally heads back to her own home and you’re left in the center of your living room, alone, watching Pietro's frozen figure, for some reason not instantly letting him go. Instead just taking in the silence and recalling what those two from before had told you.
Were they really in pain? All these people? Wanda said they weren’t and you trusted her more than you trusted them.
Yet why were you so bothered and confused.
What were you even doing?
You glance back at your wrist and then turn back to Pietro, releasing another sigh before going to him and releasing him from the frozen state he was in, also erasing the memory of what had just happened, only letting him remember what was happening before you got interrupted.
“Right,” Pietro speaks up happily, “so where were we?”
“Our date,” you remind him with a beaming grin, extending your hand out to him so he would gladly take it and pull you back to the table.
“So I was thinking,” Pietro begins mischievously, “we should have a kid of our own.”
“Just think about it, we could give Billy and Tommy a cousin and a play date.”
You lick your lips and set down your utensils that you had just picked up. “You want a child? I thought you wanted to live life in the fast lane? Live life like if we were always in a vacation?”
Pietro shrugs, “we can do that with a kid. A little girl? We’re not on the run anymore, y/n, we have a nice home, it’s what you wanted no? I think we’re ready.”
A grin spreads on your lips and you feel an excitement wash over you and erase the stress you had gone under. You pick up your utensils again and take a bite out of your food that until this moment had been left untouched, leaving him in a small, tense waiting period until you swallowed and gave him your answer. “I’ll think about it.”
“Good. Good,” Pietro nodded, taking a bite out of his food and then continuing quite impatiently, “but don’t think about it too long.”
You chuckle and roll your eyes. “Fine. I’ll give you my answer by tomorrow.”
“Morning?” He finished for you.
“Mhmm, maybe.”
Pietro groans, “fine, fine.” He takes another bite of his food and just as you saw he was going to add something else, another knock sounds on your door. “Who could that be at this time?”
You shrug and this time feel yourself turn more nervous that you had gotten before. You hesitate to answer, but when you see Pietro move to open the door you get up faster. “I’ll open it.”
Before he could argue against it, you head to the door and swing it open, freezing completely at who was standing out the door this time.
He was familiar yet unfamiliar. He had the same white hair but that’s about it, his face was different and his body was built different. You should’ve been confused at his sudden appearance, but it just automatically made sense.
Said man out the door smiles and waves, “hello, little witch, you’re not going to let me in?”
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dansantcaparet · 3 years
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In all my years of being a fan of Final Fantasy VII, I never realized the polarizing nature surrounding the debate about who Cloud loves more: Aerith or Tifa?
What’s clear to me is that Squaresoft wanted Aerith to be the heroine of FFVII from the very beginning. The opening scene of the game revolves around Aerith, with the “LOVELESS” sign appearing above her. The juxtaposition of Aerith walking the streets of Midgar, with Cloud simultaneously jumping from the train, sets these two up as the primary characters & love interests of FFVII.
Star-crossed lovers. Their destiny & fates intertwined. Soulmates.
The creators of FFVII have stated that Aerith, Barret, and Cloud were the original three characters created for the game. This confirms that Squaresoft always intended Aerith to be the central female character & love interest for Cloud. Just look at the original & official artwork Squaresoft produced – it’s all of Cloud and Aerith together.
Let us also remember: Aerith is both the FIRST & LAST character we see in the entire game. In addition – Aerith was one of the ORIGINAL three characters created for FFVII. This confirms that Cloud and Aerith were meant to be together from the very beginning. The ORIGINAL hero & heroine.
Since 1997, I always felt Cloud and Aerith were meant to be together. After finding Aerith looking beautiful under the “LOVELESS” sign, Cloud agrees to be Aerith’s bodyguard for the promise of one date. When Tifa asks Cloud to join AVALANCE, he only did so when Barret promised him more money. See the difference?
While Cloud was growing up, him and Tifa were childhood acquaintances  – not friends or lovers. Tifa ignored Cloud when they were kids, allowed her friends to bully him, and excluded him (just like she did in the morning at Seventh Heaven during the Remake). As kids, Cloud and Tifa only had one conversation – a conversation Cloud doesn’t even remember. During this conversation, Cloud makes a friendly promise to Tifa – a promise Tifa begged Cloud to make (ie: “STRONG-ARMED”)  – hardly a childhood romance. Meanwhile, Cloud and Aerith were both two lonely kids destined to meet and complete each other.
The facts are: Cloud only laughs and cries for one character in the entire game: Aerith. This suggests his emotional connection to Aerith is deeper than his emotional connection to Tifa. Even Tifa picks up on this, which leads her to having a jealous meltdown in the Shinra jail cells where she witnesses Cloud and Aerith developing their own “WORLD” together.
When Aerith dies, Cloud exclaims: “My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!” It is officially stated that Cloud’s “HEART” breaks when Aerith dies.
Even after Aerith dies, Cloud seeks the Promise Land so he can reunite with her. At the end of FFVII, Cloud exclaims: “…I think I’m beginning to understand. An answer from the planet…the Promised Land… I think I can meet her… there…” – anyone who doesn’t think Cloud is referring to Aerith is either an idiot or being purposely disingenuous. Furthermore, this quest for the Promise Land and search for Aerith (by Cloud only) is also included in numerous material Squaresoft has released since FFVII (ie: Final Fantasy Tactics, etc., etc.)
Furthermore, Cloud thought it was Aerith reaching down for him during the end of FFVII. It was ultimately Tifa who was reaching for Cloud, but his heart wanted it to be Aerith. See? Aerith is #1. Tifa is #2. That is how it has been from Day 1.
Even in Advent Children, Cloud is shown to be distant & cold towards Tifa while living in Aerith’s Church. If how Cloud acts toward Tifa, and where he’s living doesn’t tell you where his true feelings lie, I don’t know WHAT will.
Many Tifa supporters point to the VARIABLE Highwind scene as proof of Cloud and Tifa’s love. However, this scene doesn’t prove anything and is pure speculation (not to mention VARIABLE). Even if sex did occur, does sex automatically mean love? And would this have even taken place if Aerith had lived?
The fact remains: Aerith is the only character Cloud comes close to revealing his true feelings for. In Cosmo Canyon, Cloud says to Aerith: “But, I’m –I mean– we’re here for you, right?”
...the reason Cloud comes close to revealing his true feelings for Aerith is because of the wonderful chemistry & love the two have for one another.
Those that say Aerith was meant for Zack are also mistaken. Aerith states that she recognizes Cloud is different than Zack, saying to Cloud, “But you’re different. Things are different…” – Aerith loved Cloud for who he was and recognized that the past was the past.
Aerith also states in the OG that she wasn’t in a serious relationship with Zack, and that he was a real ladies man who probably moved on to someone else.
During Cloud’s and Aerith’s Golden Saucer date, Aerith confirms that although she initially liked Cloud because of Zack, she has grown to like Cloud for Cloud.
Finally – the official commercial approved & released by Squaresoft states: “A story of a love that could never be…” – obviously referring to Cloud and Aerith’s tragic star-crossed romance. This is also the official FFVII tagline.
Cloti supporters can dispute this all they want, but the official commercial (approved by Squaresoft) includes the word “Love” during the scene when Cloud holds Aerith in his arms. I need no more proof than this:
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But if all this still doesn’t convince you, just go back and look at the official Amano artwork. 5 pieces exclusively of Cloud & Aerith together – the canon couple:
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I’ll end with this...
Cait Sith: “Looks good. You are perfect for each other!” “Aerith’s star and Cloud’s star! They show a great future!”
You can claim Cait Sith isn’t always accurate with his predictions, but this was an obvious attempt by Squaresoft to further illustrate that Cloud and Aerith are meant to be.
“Poor Tifa!” ~Cait Sith
Want more reasons why Cloud and Aerith are the intended pairing of FFVII?
Go here: www(.)cloudandaerith(.)com – this website discredits every Cloti argument and lists all the wonderful & accurate reasons why Clerith is the **ORIGINAL** FFVII ship from 1997.
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bard-llama · 3 years
The Taint of the Common Man (Meve/Reynard/Gascon)
Okay, so I finally tried to play Thronebreaker again and it turned out that my comptuer/steam/whatever had actually kept my save!!! So I didn’t have to start over, which was good, because the beginning was kinda boring, which is why it took me so long to continue. But it’s also kinda bad, because now I do not remember anything about Gascon’s introduction beyond “they fought, Meve won and threatened to hang him next time”. Which like... I could probably make it work, but knowing the details seems important for writing Meve’s feelings and reactions to Gascon. 
Anyway, this is a continuation of the thoughts that this lovely post inspired, and because I’m me, those thoughts grew a plot. Both the link and the rest of the story involve a VERY dubcon/noncon premise, so please engage only if you can. Also, spoilers for Chapter 1 of Thronebreaker (aka major plot things that happen once you reach Lyria’s capital).
Okay, once again: HUGE WARNING for Dubcon/Noncon stuff. Like, it’s how the story starts and it’s gonna be something dealt with through the whole story. My idea is basically a story that starts with Meve losing EVERYTHING, and then, through her quest to reclaim her throne, she learns how to be a better queen to ALL of her people, not just the noblemen. End game is intended to be Meve/Reynard/Gascon, but tbh, idk how they get there. Like, at first, Meve and Reynard hate Gascon A LOT, so they have to learn to love him and that takes time.
I’m kinda still learning about these characters as I think this through, so apologies if you find them ooc or if I contradict canon (without meaning to. Sometimes i do it gladly lol)
So we start with Meve returning to the Lyrian castle, only to find that her son and the Council of Peers (read: ruling council that advises the monarch and consists entirely of peerage aka nobility) have betrayed her and surrendered to Nilfgaard. She’s thrown in a dungeon and though her son orders that she is not to be harmed, she knows enough about reality to know they’d never let her live. 
She’s on guard, waiting for the guards to come and kill her - only when footsteps approach, it’s not the guards at all, but the fucking Duke of Dogs, the leader of the Strays of Spalla, a gang of bandits that plague merchant caravans and noblemen alike. Gascon, the proclaimed Duke of Dogs, opens the cell door and steps in and tells Meve that he’s freeing her, because the Council of Peers used him and his men and he can’t abide betrayal. But there’s one condition - Meve has to ask him, all nice and polite-like.
Meve, of course, refuses, because she’s nothing if not prideful. So Gascon closes the cell door and leans back against it and says something like, “guess we won’t be leaving, then. Unless, of course, you’d prefer to do something else on your knees,” or some sort of implication like that that makes it clear he’s suggesting that she blow him in exchange for release. And Meve is furious and her pride cuts at her, but dammit, she has no hope of freeing Lyria from Nilfgaard’s grasp while stuck in here. So she goes to her knees. And Gascon is surprised - from his view, she could’ve just begged him??? - but like... the QUEEN is on her KNEES for HIM, a (decidedly un)common bandit who she’d threatened to hang not a week prior. 
Also, I think there’s also a part of Gascon that blames Meve for the massacre of his family. According to the wiki, the year before King Reginald (Meve’s husband) died, Gascon’s family revolted against the king and were soundly squashed, with Gascon at a mere 8 years old the only one to survive. From there, he fell in with the Strays of Spalla and eventually became their leader. Remember this bit, ‘cause I’m definitely gonna come back to it. But anyway, Gascon doesn’t like Meve. He’s doing this because it’s the right thing to do and a little because having the queen indebted to him feels awfully good. Also, Meve is good with her mouth.
So good, in fact, that she drives him crazy, taking him to the edge and teasing him and teasing him and teasing him until his legs are shaking and the cell door is all that’s holding him up. I don’t think he actually begs, because his men are around the cell watching this, but he has to bite his lip hard to keep from doing so.
For Meve, there are many complicated feelings happening. On the one hand, this is humiliating and degrading and it’s shameful that she’s fallen so far as to be forced to service a fucking bandit and even worse that his men are SEEING this happen.
On the other hand... look, Meve was widowed 8 years ago. Somewhere in there (or before?), she comes to love and trust Reynard - who her husband, upon his deathbed, told her that he alone could be trusted. But she hasn’t made a move, because it wouldn’t be appropriate and she doesn’t want to ruin things between them. 
Point is, it’s been 8 years since she’s had sex and she has had cause to desire some sex. Queens can probably get amazing sex toys, but like, an actual cock? it’s been AGES since she’s been able to play with one and she kind of missed it. 
Additionally, in an effort to combat her shame and humiliation, she decides to flip the script on them. Gascon wants her to blow him? Fine, she’ll blow him so well that he utterly falls apart. And maybe she’s a little of practice, but Gascon is young anyway, he probably doesn’t even know better lmao. (But later, she’s oddly grateful that she had this chance for ‘practice’ before it actually mattered)
Eventually, she lets Gascon come - or maybe he uses his grip on her hair to pull her onto him? (She may decide to make it a good blowjob, but that doesn’t mean he’s earned deepthroating) - and the Strays, who have gone from hooting and hollering over the queen’s humiliation to flushed and aroused at the skillful way she destroyed their boss, let them out of the cell. 
Next, they go to the city jail to release Reynard, who was arrested as soon as the coup happened because everyone knows that Reynard’s loyalty to the crown is absolute. Reynard is sitting against the wall and he smiles brightly at the sight of her, so Meve strides into the cell to unshackle him. So of course Gascon, who now stands in front of the door once more, suggests something like, “such faithful loyalty deserves ample reward, does it not?”
And Meve is conflicted. Because AGAIN, the Strays of Spalla are watching them and Gascon is trying elicit sexual favours from her. But also, it’s Reynard. She’s wondered for so long what Reynard’s cock would be like and how he would treat her. And, she justifies to herself, she was already forced to give a piece of filth like Gascon a blowjob. Reynard most certainly deserved better.
So she orders him to stand and goes to her knees and is almost eager to get him in her mouth. And Reynard is caught entirely off guard here, because he was ready to skewer Gascon for the mere suggestion, and then she’s ACTUALLY DOING IT!!! And it’s not like she’s alone in having thought about it, but he always assumed that he would be the one on his knees. So for her to do so... he’s awed and a little horrified that he is party to degrading his queen in this way. And also aroused. REALLY fucking aroused, because Meve is on her knees for him! And unlike Gascon, he has earned deepthroating. Fortunately, he’s already leaning against the wall, so he doesn’t collapse. 
If Gascon hadn’t had the most intense orgasm of his life like 10 minutes previously, he’d definitely try to see if he could join in, even though they really don’t have the time for that sort of thing. But suffice it to say, Gascon remembers each and every moment Meve spent on her knees vividly.
Reynard comes (and Gascon is reluctantly pleased to have a companion in the wait-you-want-me-to-fight-after-how-hard-I-came!? club) and they all leave the dungeons - and get found by a patrol of guards. They have to fight their way out and Meve thinks Gascon managed to slip away - right up until he comes to their aid with his whole crew. With Gascon’s help, their motley crew flees the capital of Lyria (largely by traveling thru the sewers).
That night, they set up camp somewhere and instead of the royal supplies she’s used to, all they have is whatever the Strays of Spalla had, which means stolen and/or threadbare, ‘cause they’re not exactly living the high life. And Meve knows she should get some rest, but she can’t stop thinking about what happened in the prison(s) and she decides that, as long as Reynard was willing, why shouldn’t she pursue the man she loved? 
So she goes to the mess tent and it’s predictably full of drunken soldiers - well, drunken warriors. This rabble didn’t deserve to be called soldiers - and clusters of people playing dice and cards. She spots Reynard at one of the card tables - but sitting across from him is none other than the motherfucking Duke of Dogs. Half-formed plans to kiss Reynard drown under the flood of fury she feels and she summons Reynard to her, ignoring Gascon, who definitely tries to flirt with her. At this moment, she has VERY conflicted feelings about Gascon and most of them are negative. But also, they need him. She is very much aware that his men are the only reason she has any chance at all of taking back her home.
Anyway, Meve confronts Reynard, who explains that he doesn’t trust Gascon as far as he can throw him and whatever mischief Gascon is up to, whatever he thinks he can gain from helping them, Reynard is ready for the doublecross. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer is very much his philosophy, compounded by the way he has learned not to reveal - well, much at all. People probably find him very... is softspoken the word? Not like he speaks soft, but like, he doesn’t say a lot. He learned to keep his mouth shut after he managed to survive insulting the king, so he plays things pretty close to his chest and people find it hard to guess what he’s thinking. 
Gascon, for his part, is helping Meve because it’s the right thing to do (and a little because again, queen indebted to you? Very handy). He’s probably aware that Reynard doesn’t like him, even if Reynard acts friendly enough? Like, literally Reynard is so loyal to Meve that he was imprisoned and she was sure of his fealty. And Gascon has found ways to rationalize what he did i.e. raping Meve - she could’ve just begged! She had a choice! - but even though Reynard got a blowjob out of it, I’m sure Gascon would assume that Reynard would want him dead for the blowjob that he got.
I don’t precisely know what Reynard and Gascon’s relationship is like during this, tbh. I think it’ll be Meve’s POV, so she may have a limited view, but I think it’s definitely complicated. Made worse, of course, by both Meve and Reynard beginning to see the redeeming qualities in Gascon. But that comes later.
For now, Meve accepts Reynard’s explanation and knowing that he would do anything to protect her soothes some of the ruffled feathers from a very trying day. So she decides to subtly ask him something like, “come to my tent?” that like, isn’t blatant ‘cause they’re surrounded by drunk men, but also is pretty clear. And Reynard’s eyes widen and it hurts so much to do, but he tells her no. She’s had an intense fucking day - betrayed by her son and court, imprisoned, forced to give multiple blowjobs and work with lowly bandits and shit. Like, she’s been through a lot and he knows that she’s not able to be in her right mind. So he says no, part of him hoping that if she actually means it, she’ll try again in the morning.
But what Meve hears is no, not interested. Which makes this the third time today that she gets to be humiliated in front of the fucking Strays of Spalla, because not only is the man she loves rejecting her, but like... is he rejecting her because she’s tainted now? How is she supposed to interpret him enjoying a blowjob from her one hour and rejecting her advances the next? 
And the taint... I think that’ll be a theme in this fic (thus the title). Like, at the height of her power before the fall, Meve was “pure” - which in this case means firmly assured that she was right in everything, as she was always destined to be. There’s no questioning of the world order or if she’s qualified to lead. She simply knows that she is.
But now she’s been betrayed, her nobility and her title ripped from her grasp. And not only that, but she’s demeaned herself with a common thug! She even says it in the game - “look how far we’ve fallen, to be surrounded by peasants and deserters and bandits”. For her, this entire situation is almost like “being common” is reaching for her, trying to pull her in, and she wants to resist, because she’s always been taught that the nobles are BETTER than the common people. But as she works with her army of thugs and commoners, she starts to learn that poor people are people too (gee, who’da thunk it?)
That journey takes time, though, and we’re barely at the start of it! 
So, Meve gets rejected. She’s hurt and humiliated and at the moment doesn’t have a kind word for ANYBODY. She maybe cries herself to sleep and hates herself for being weak.
Then morning comes and she has her regular strategy meeting with Reynard, as she did every morning. And it’s awkward and Reynard is as silent as usual, always so deliberate about every word that leaves his mouth. And she wants to ask, but yesterday’s humiliation was enough. She can’t repeat it.
So even though they SHOULD’VE gotten together, they fail to, because Meve is stubborn and prideful and Reynard is closelipped and proper. And Meve kind of hates even the sight of Gascon, but since he IS the leader of the army that is currently only at her disposal because of him, she invites him to join the strategy meetings every morning. If Gascon helps provide a buffer between her and Reynard, so much the better.
Okay, I don’t actually know how everyone ACTUALLY gets together, BUT as they travel through the countryside of Lyria towards the Aedirnian border, a couple of important things happen.
1) Meve sees the real conditions of the people living in her realm. Even in areas that the lords had reported prosperous, people were starving and dying. She starts to learn that these are her people too.
2) Meve and Reynard get to know Gascon. Not just over their strategy meetings, but as they observe him and the Strays of Spalla they (Meve especially) begin to realize that their judgements were all wrong. Because yes, the Strays of Spalla are bandits. They steal from wealthy merchants and even wealthier nobles. That had always been enough to know before.
But now they come to know that that stolen food and blankets and supplies and coin went to the starving peasants in these lands. Hell, most of the Strays are from these areas. These are their people, even if Meve hasn’t figured out that they’re hers too.
Anyway, idk how they get together or how the story ends - is it with them getting together? Getting to Vengerberg to ask for help to reclaim their home? Ousting Villem and taking Lyria back? idk, I haven’t even gotten that far in the game yet lol.
So yeah, here’s a very long synopsis of a story that manages to have almost no porn and lots of angst, despite being inspired by a purely porny post lmao.
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - Rapunzel’s Return Part 2
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Continuing on from part 1 - 
Summary: When Rapunzel tries to defeat the Saporians by herself she gets captured; but once Varian realizes that the Separatists plan on using one of his potions' destructive properties to destroy Corona, he and Rapunzel work together to stop it.
Let’s Talk About What a Let Down the Sapiorans Are
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Throughout seasons one and two the Sapiorans were built up to be this intriguing race of people with a complex past and real problems that are sadly relatable to this day. They had a history, goal, motives, and special abilities like magic.  
Yet all we got was a really bad hipster parody. 
Heck, the crew can’t even keep it’s stereotypes right because they mostly slide into hippy territory instead. Hipsters, Yuppies, and Hippies are three distinctive counter culture movements for three different generations with completely different social concerns and fads. 
Basically Chris tried to “stick it to the kids” again and just wound up insulting his parents' generation instead because he’s that oblivious of other human beings.
And that’s not even taking into account that previously the Sapiorans were living on the run as nomads in caravans not dissimilar to common Romani stereotypes, so the show is once again making negative racial connotations due to thoughtlessness.
Why Do You Have a Secret Underground Room Hidden Behind Your Workshop Xavier?
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Like that not a thing normal people happen to have lying around there workspace. We still are given zero explanation for why Xavier has all this plot convenient knowledge and rare unordinary plot useful stuff. 
Given his previous connection to Saporia and Zhan Tiri wouldn’t it not have made more sense to reveal that he is an actual plot important character in season three rather than keep him as just the exposition fairy? 
So Was This Before or After the Saporian Take Over? Cause Either Answer Makes This a Dumb Plan.
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Why would the guards, especially Cap, just give up? Did they even bother fighting and then lost to Varian’s weapons or were they told to stand down by a brainwashed Frederic? If they knew something was wrong then why not stay and help? What makes them think they even could find Rapunzel given how no one knew where she was heading and her letters were infrequent? What difference would they think finding Rapunzel would do? 
Basically, just like with the “former cellmate” line, we needed to actually set up and establish this conflict rather than relying solely on exposition dumps. Because what we get here doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. It goes against established character and leaves a lot of unanswered plot holes. 
More Promotion of Authoritarianism From the Show
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Remember that these are the same people who formed a lynch mob to hunt down a fourteen year old all because the king told them to. The same king who had been lying to them for years and placed their lives and homes in danger for months. The same king who persecuted the poor and orphans for years. Him suddenly sending townsfolk to the mines isn’t anything new, so what are these people’s breaking points? Anyone else would have revolted by now.  
But noooo, they need Rapunzel to do it for them. Cause Rapunzel is royalty and they can’t do anything without royal permission because they’re sheep. Sheep that’s been subjugated for years and conditioned to be afraid of their “beloved ruler”. 
I understand from a meta point of view why you would want your main character to take charge but...
Like this isn’t inspiring.
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It’s disturbing. 
Why are we promoting blind loyalty to a person who’s not earned it just because they were born special? In a freakin’ kids show no less! 
Oh and still no one bothers to call out King Frederic’s abuses here, FYI. 
Take Note That Quirineon is Activated By Heat
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This will be important later on in the review. 
He’s Already Built Grenades For You. Wouldn’t Those Be Better Because They’re Easier to Control?
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He’s already built explosive chemicals for you. You just used them in part one of the episode. And it came in an easy to use form rather than an unstable, and untested, mess that could literally blow up in your faces since no one, not even Varian himself, knows how to control it yet. 
You Don’t Hammer Out a Cast Iron Pan
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It’s literally in the word. To make a cast iron pan you pour the metal into a casted mold. You don't hammer it out like you would with a sword or something. And you can’t even go with the “rule of cool” here cause Rapunzel surrounded by molten metal and fire would have been far more impressive looking.  
Yes I’m being picky cause I’m stalling. I don’t care. This is just yet another instance of the crew not paying attention to details like they should. 
Behold The Final Time Eugene Will Ever Call Out Rapunzel’s BS
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This is the last time Eugene will hold an honest discussion with Rapunzel like an equal to her. By the end of this episode he will have transitioned into full on doormat mode. 
Also burying negative feelings and not addressing issues is who Rapunzel is. She’s been pulling this shit since day one. It’s what causes 90% of the conflicts in the show. Have you not noticed Eugene?  
So This Episode Has Contradictory “Lessons” 
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The episode presents this idea that Rapunzel needs to open up to others and trust again after Cassandra’s betrayal. The problem is that the episode doesn’t follow through on that. It makes a knee-jerk decision to go with a “responsibility” lesson that wasn’t built up to instead at the last minute. 
More on this later.    
Varian Doesn’t Actually Interact With the Saporians at Any Point.
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The only person Varian interacts with is Andrew. We have no concept of how he fits in with the rest of the group and what his dynamics are with them. What do they think of Varian? What does Varian think of them? The consequence to this is to further divorce Varian from narrative, even though this is supposed to be his redemption episode. 
As I said in the last part, you can easily write Varian out of this episode and nothing really changes plot wise. That’s bad writing. 
Also I was robbed of Khary Payton and Jeremy Jordan exchanging lines. I was this close to having audio material for my BH6 crossover, dang it! 
Behold The One Time the Black Lady Gets a Line!
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I think her name is Juniper? 
You can tell it’s her because of the shadow on the wall.
Anyways they casted this part and only bothered to give the character a single line? What a waste! 
But this just goes back to the series' poor representation. The only WOC in the show are presented as “shifty” and untrustworthy, even when they are ultimately “good guys”. The majority of them are straight up villains tho, and even as antagonists they’re not afforded any real screen time. 
And the only other outright black women on the show is the inventor lady who was given zero respect and the ghost of a barbarian. 
Once again, I don’t think the crew are intentionally racist. I think they’re just sloppy. They wanted to be more inclusive but they failed to actually give voice to minorities behind the scenes and so failed in representing them well. This is a problem with the industry as a whole, not just this one show, and must be talked about as such if we wish to change things for the better. 
None of this “Stuff” Holds Any Real Meaning
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We get several callbacks to season one through Cassandra’s personal things that she left behind, but none of this stuff holds any real personal meaning. It’s just there. They wind up triggering these big emotional reactions from both Rapunzel and Cassandra but the audience is just left confused because what they’re crying over are things that have little significance to these characters. Even this line from season one is just dripping with sarcasm and not some pleasant past memory that either Cass or Raps holds dear to their hearts. 
Way To Go, Dumbass
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It’s not that she went alone, or that she broke down when it finally hit her that Cass left, that I’m making fun off. The episode already addresses those two points. 
No, what ticks me off is that Rapunzel has taken down killer robots, ghosts, and monsters before now with her magical hair but a handful of regular dudes can just bring her down? I don’t care how much alchemy they got. Depowering your main character for no stated reason just for narrative convenience is poor writing. 
Because If He Didn’t He Would Have DIED, Rapunzel!!!
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He literally would have freakin died had he not done something! He was left inside a jail cell to rot away! Before that he was threatened with hangman’s noose! Before that violence from an angry crowd! Before that he was left alone to starve and/or die from exposure! There was no way out for him except to fight! 
And here you are inside the very prison that you kept him in and you still don't have the fucking self awareness to put two and two together! 
This Right Here the Assassination of Rapunzel’s Character and the Killing Blow to the Series
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Yeah, and what about after the storm? Hun, bitch!?
We’ve spent two damn seasons watching Rapunzel stepping on people and making excuses for herself and the one time when she should realize her actions are wrong and finally own up to her behavior and she still does not fucking change.
This is supposed to be a coming of age story! That means the main character is supposed to grow and learn shit! But when it matters most, Rapunzel only digs in her heels and refuses to change! 
Why should I care about this character anymore if she’s just going to keep on being selfish no matter what? Why should I bother watching the show if it fails to deliver on its premise? How is this in any way shape or form an appropriate message for children!? 
If you’re watching the series for the first time, then it’ll take awhile to register just how awful this scene is and how it really is the beginning of the end, because they did have time to turn things around after this. But they didn’t, and here we are. 
This Isn’t a Real Apology
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It’s not a real apology if all you do is make excuses for yourself. Rapunzel doesn’t address what she actually did wrong here and it has nothing to do with her stupid promise. 
She neglected and enabled the abuse of a child for a year and three months, and she’s not even sorry for it! 
You Were Never a “Friend” Rapunzel
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Friends, actually do shit together. They enjoy each other’s company. They care when the other is hurt or in trouble. 
Rapunzel only came to see Varian when she needed him for something. Even now, after this confrontation, that’s all she’ll ever do. She does not actually care about Varian, because the creators will not let her care. 
And Here Comes the Death of Varian’s Characterization
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In order to make this stupid, forced, “redemption” work the writers had to do a complete 180 with Varian’s character and his motivations. Instead of freeing his father, seeking revenge, or just, you know, surviving, he now suddenly cares about “being friends” and “being accepted by people”, only he has no reason to want any of that! 
Rapunzel is a shit friend. Heck all the mains are crap friends to him. They ruined his life and the townspeople tried to kill him. Why would he want anything to do with any of these a-holes!? 
Varian doesn’t get assassinated in the same sense as Rapunzel and Cassandra do. He doesn’t suddenly become a hateable dumb douchebag or anything, but he nevertheless has his character retroactively sabotaged by the writing.  
Uh, Were You Not There When Your Dad Rounded Up a Lynch Mob Against Him, Raps?
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I believe you were. Also Varian literally told you to your face that he had to go into hiding cause the townspeople were willing to attack him just because those rumors that you failed to stop and pretended not to know anything about. 
Just because the characters shout something repeatedly does not make it true. The audience isn’t dumb. They can remember what happened only two seasons ago. 
Where Was the Inciting Incident For This Change of Heart?
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Why should he even want their forgiveness? Why has he given up on freeing his father? Why is he having second doubts about overthrowing the kingdom that persecuted him? 
If you’re going to drastically change a character’s motivations, goals, and moral alignment then you need to present an in story reason for that change. We don’t get that. There’s no inciting incident on screen for us to see the shift in his character development. 
The audience is left to only infer, and that’s poor writing. The audience shouldn’t have to do the work of the writers for them.  Characters’ motivations and goals  should not be guess work. 
The only thing we can glean from this is that he had a change of heart while in prison and that’s a horrifying thing for the show to suggest. That’s basically justifying Frederic’s abuse. It also recontextualizes Varian’s arc into one of submission to his abusers and not one of learning to do the right thing simply because it’s right. 
Once Again, Were You Not There For Season One Rapunzel?
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They had a year and three damn months of chances. These people actively tried to do him harm just for simply seeking help. He has no reason to trust them nor you. 
Why Are We Shoulding All of the Blame Onto the Abused Child?
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Yes, he did do all of those things, technically, but they’re being presented here without context.
The Queen enabled his abuser who was threatening his life and destroyed his home. He kidnapped her as a last restore when all other methods to get out of his desperate situation failed. 
The princess he threatened neglected him for three months and repeatedly refused to help him, even throwing him out into a deadly snow storm. Despite him being her responsibility, thereby making her neglect a flat out abuse of power.  
He would have died a slow and painful death in prison had he not helped to overthrow the kingdom that persecuted him. 
I’m not going to pretend that what Varian did was right or that he shouldn’t feel sorry for what he did, but this is a highly skewed version of events that are being recounted here just to create bias in the viewers. It’s manipulative writing intended to gaslight the audience. 
Also, why does he even want a second chance!?   
Doesn’t This Undermine The Saporian’s Goals?
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The Saporians wanted to reclaim their ancestral homeland so that they would no longer be a displaced people. How does blowing up that homeland help them? 
Season three just throws all logic out the window. There’s barely a single villain who doesn’t undermine their own goals at some point with their stupid actions. 
So Why Varian and Andrew Not Some Other Team Up?
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Out of all of the various recurring baddies in the show Varian and Andrew have the least in common. I’m not saying that they couldn’t work together, but doing so required more set up than this. Because as is, this is a very contrived teamup. 
They have diametrically opposed goals and moral alignments. Varian doesn’t bring anything to the table that the Saporaions couldn’t have supplied themselves. Meanwhile the Saporians have failed to offer Varian anything that he could want. 
At best it’s a marriage of convenience for them to both break out of prison together, but even that is contrived because we don't know why neither of them were sent away on the prison barge with the rest of the season one villians.  
Better combinations would have been 
Varian & Lady Caine
Andrew & Lady Caine 
Varian & Cass
Andrew & Cass 
Varian & Zhan Tiri
Andrew & Zhan Tiri
Varian & Hector
The Baron & Varian
Andrew & Staylan 
King Trevor & Varian 
Like there were tons of options here that the writers just ignored, even though any of them would have made more sense than the one they went with.  
The Andrew and Varian Dynamic Can Be Seen as an Allegory for Grooming; Unfortunately the Writers Didn’t Consider That Implication.
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Yeah... That’s pretty much what Andrew has done here. He’s groomed this desperate and lonely teen to become a child soldier for him. And one only can only pray that’s all he tried to groom him to do since they were trapped inside a confined and enclosed space together for several months. 
Listen, I don’t mind children’s shows touching upon darker subjects. Often fantasy is a good way for people to process complex themes and uncomfortable real world situations through the safety of fiction. It can even be helpful for those who have had the misfortune to experience certain traumas. 
I’m not complaining that TTS is too dark. 
I’m complaining about it being shit. 
All of the crap Varian goes through is just thrown in there for shock value. It’s not here to commentate on the real world nor provide a complex story. The situations are brought only to then be outright ignored. This isn’t thoughtful nor deep. It’s not meaningful nor heartfelt. It’s just hollow drama done in bad taste. 
You’re Not In a Position to Judge Rapunzel 
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You got captured first because you decided to throw yourself a pity party. 
Would He Though?
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I’m pretty sure Quirin is very well aware of how shitty Frederic is. If anything I would think he’d be pissed that his son, that he tried so hard to protect, was mistreated in such a hordenous way. 
This isn’t some satisfying ending to Varian’s arc. It’s a heartbreaking revelation that he’s been beaten down by his abusers.  
Varian’s Arc Isn’t Actually About Validation, and Rapunzel Giving It Here Doesn’t Really Change Anything 
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I spoke about this before on its own, but Tangled the Series places far too much stock in validation. Yes, it’s an aspect of his character arc, but it’s not the end all and be all of his motivation. It’s not the force that drives him to do what he does. 
His primary goal is survival, both for himself and for his father. His secondary goal is gaining his father’s approval, but that’s not because he’s seeking generic praise, it’s because his father is emotionally distant. The “validation” is a mask for the real issues which are to fix his relationship with his dad and avoid the guilt of having possibly killed him in an accident. 
Rapunzel has fuck all to do with that. 
He doesn’t need to hear approval from her. He needs her to get her shit together and help him! 
Rapunzel’s and Varian’s Situations Are Nothing Alike and Rapunzel Doesn’t Know Jackshit
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Rapunzel you were dumped by your bestie because you’re a shitty friend. 
Varian was neglected and abused by those who were supposed to take care of him. 
Unless you’re drawing parallels to how Frederic and Gothel treated you, and even then neither of them denied you basic fucking needs! 
This should be an “Oh Shit! I’ve become just like Mother Gothel” moment for Rapunzel, not an “Oh yay! Someone to share in my personal misery” moment. 
Man, Rapunzel suuuuuucks! 
Also This Still Isn’t An Actual Apology
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Once again, Rapunzel is not admitting what she did wrong here. She’s not actually acknowledging Varian’s pain, nor what she needs to do to make admins with him. 
What she’s doing is making things all about herself again. She’s talking about her feelings. About what she is facing. Rapunzel is an incredibly selfish and egotistical person and the show is trying to present this as a positive thing by rewarding her for such behavior. 
Varian’s Redemption Should Have Nothing to Do with “Friendship”
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Varian has no reason to want to become friends again with the woman who ruined his life and abused him. 
But more than that, redemption shouldn’t be dependent upon Rapunzel’s friendship, nor even her ‘forgiveness”. Varian should be able to do the right thing just because it’s the right thing, Rapunzel be damned. 
This cheepens not only his character development but also Rapunzel’s development as well. Rapunzel is not allowed to grow as a person and accept that not everyone wants to be her friend, and that people may have valid reasons to hate her even, and that doesn’t make them evil. 
It also rushes through Varian’s arc undermining what the audience had to get through to get to this point.  
OK, Let’s Talk About The Goatee
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I wouldn’t have minded the beard had it just not looked like a fucking barcode. There’s production art where it looks fine. But just wiping it away ties back to what I was talking about in part one. It’s denying Varian the chance to grow up. This is supposed to be his coming of age story as well but the crew won't let him do that because “rule of funny” apparently overrides what the characters actually need in order to develop.  
Once again, the show isn’t a sitcom. You can have comedic moments but the comedy doesn’t need to outright undermine the drama. 
Once Again, Shouldn’t Eugene Be the First Person to Jump to Varian’s Defence?
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You mean the orphan on the streets who stole stuff and fought to survive when the adults failed to take care of him? Is that what you’re talking about Eugene? Cause if I remember correctly that was you not just three years ago. 
You Mean Rapunzel Needs Him To Make Her Feel Better About Herself
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Spoiler alert, but Varian doesn’t actually do anything after this point in the episode. His entire “redemption” is just about making Rapunzel feel better about herself after Cass has rejected her. He’s literally become the rebound. 
How Come Varian Suddenly Became Shorter Just for This Shot?
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I know the meta reason is to reflect that scene back in Queen for a Day when Rapunzel promised him that she'd help him before everything went tits up. Where he was also drawn shorter in that episode to make him seem more verunable, but here he’s just suddenly shorter for only two shots and then suddenly back to his usual height. 
Crap like this is why I insist that Varian didn’t actually get any taller in season three. The show just has always been inconsistent with his height and most of the “evidence” for his growth are cherry picked instances where the show drew him smaller than usual for reasons, like here.   
So Where Did They Get That Much of the Explosives and How Did They Get Them So Fast?
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Only Varian knows how to manufacture that stuff. Why would he make that much of it if he was still in the experimental phase with it? He’s even surprised that they have so much, so where did they get it? If they made it then, how did they make it so fast? 
So This Plan Goes Nowhere
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Spoiler alert: Varian doesn’t actually get to do any of that. In fact he’s kind of pointless for the rest of the episode. 
Why Would the King and Queen Care About a City That They Can’t Remember?
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Like this revenge doesn’t make sense. It’s just a contrived way to get Eugene and Lance out of the way.
If the Quirineon Explodes From Being Exposed to Heat Then What Good Does Just Dropping It Do?
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Yeah, remember? The stuff explodes when heated. Simply dropping it shouldn’t do anything other than make a mess on the ground maybe. 
All That Build Up and Varian Still Doesn’t Get to Do Anything Useful
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Up till this point, Varian was shown to be the most competent threat in the show. Yet here they have him be a screw up twice in a row just for comedy antics and to glorify Rapunzel again. 
If you got to nerf other characters just to make your main look good then you’ve failed to establish your main character as being capable in their own right. 
Remember That This Boy Was Trapped in a Jail Cell With This Guy for a Year!
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No, I’ll never be over this.
Andrew is the most directly violent and scummy out of all of the villians in the show. 
If he’s willing to do this now, if he was willing to do this to his ex-girlfriend, then what the heck was he willing to do when he and Varian were trapped alone together? 
So Andrew Just Willingly Sacrifices His Own People Here....Even Though His Goal Was to Give His People a New Home....
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People need to use this gif more often when concerning this show and the villains’ ass-backwards plans.
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And yes they survive because of Varian alchemy. But that was on accident. Andrew had no way of knowing that would happen. He’s willing to destroy his own people just to blow up his ancestral homeland and for what!? What does he gain from this action?  
The Mind Wipe Kills Frederic’s and Arianna’s Characters; Littraly
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Frederic and Arianna are effectively dead at this point. Anything that made them, well them, has been wiped away. Their personalities, hopes, dreams, their on going stories and development, just gone. And we never get them back, even when their memories supposedly return. 
Varian’s Not Even Allowed to Get the Idea On How to Save Corona...In His Own Redemption Episode No Less
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This is his episode! We’ve spent two years building up to this point and you can’t even let him help? He’s denied the chance to make up for his own mistakes! Just so Rapunzel can play hero and be a very shallow representation of what a bunch of men think a “strong” woman should be! 
It’s fucking insulting. That’s what it is. 
Making a female character the center of the universe to the point where other people are just props for her is not empowering! 
No It’s Not!!
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Uh you wouldn’t even be here had you just fucking helped Varian to being with you dumb bitch! This is very much you and your father’s mess! 
Even now, while pretending to be responsible, Rapunzel can’t actually be responsible and own up to what she did! 
She’s fucking 20 and the 16 year old shows more maturity than her! 
Also Your Hair Can Protect Two People at Once Rapunzel; Remember?
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There’s no excuse for leaving Varian out of the action. We’ve been shown multiple times now that Rapunzel’s magic hair can protect her and other people at the same time. 
Having Rapunzel Save the Day By Herself Undermines Everything the Episode Was Trying to Establish
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What happened to needing to “trust again” and letting other people help you? Having Rapunzel save the day alone just tosses out the lesson that the show was trying to build up to. 
The show tries to frame this as Rapunzel learning “responsibility” but that also does not work. For one it was never established that she needed to learn that within the episode itself and secondly, she doesn’t actually do anything different from what she usually does. 
Being an action hero isn’t the same thing as being responsible. Being responsible is being considerate of others, doing the borning shit or mundane crap that you hate, and being mature enough to recognize your own failings and admitting when you were wrong. 
So in the end Rapunzel is neither responsible nor more open to others. 
And There’s the Death of Eugene’s Character
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Lance, who has maybe exchanged all of three sentences with Raps, is more distrught than the guy that supposedly wants to marry her. This isn’t heartwarming, nor it is growth. It’s just lobotomizing a character right in front of our eyes. 
In this very episode he was worried about Raps going to face the Saporians by herself and was, guess what, fucking right to do so. But he doesn’t give two shits if she gets blown up!? 
This is the completion of turning Eugene into a doormat. From now own he shan’t be allowed to have any thoughts or feelings of his own that disagrees with Rapunzel. 
The Eugene we knew is now dead. 
But Of Course the Show Rewards Everyone for Behaving In the Dumbest Way Possible Anyways
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Don’t expect any of these grossly out of character moments and oxygen deprived logic to be addressed nor fixed within the show. The series will keep on shoving unearned endings into our facing while insisting that this is positive development. 
How Did Y’all Get Here Before Varian?
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Yes, he was left on a roof, but he can climb and y’all were outside of the city. 
Yeah... A Year and Half Fucking Later!
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Ok, a year and three months, but that’s still not any better. Worse, all this implies is that Rapunzel would not have ever concerned herself with trying to free Quirin had Varian not broken out of prison. She would have literally left them both for dead and we’re supposed to find her suddenly doing the bare fucking minimum heartwarming and inspiring?
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Where Was the Inciting Incident to Use the Decay Incantation for This? 
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How did Rapunzel come up with this plan? When did she come up with it? 
When the hurt incantation was first found no one mentioned how it could be used to save Quirin. No one even gave Quirin a thought. Since then the incarnation hasn’t been brought back up, ever. This is a pretty big leap in logic for Rapunzel to suddenly think of this. 
All it highlights how Varian was originally meant to be there to translate the scrolls and incantations in order to establish all this but of course it got cut so now it just comes the fuck out of nowhere. 
Not Letting Varian Have Anything to Do With Saving His Father Is Even Worse Than Not Letting Him Save the Day
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This has been his motivation since the beginning. It’s been the driving plot for a season, and now that the time has finally come what does get to do? 
Hold a dang bucket. 
Part of coming up with satisfying endings is following through on what you’ve established. The audience needs closure. Simply freeing Quirin isn’t enough, we need the carthartis of Varian specifically fulfilling his goal. 
I don’t know how to break this to you Chris, but this isn’t Rapunzel’s story. Not this segment of it anyways. It’s Varian’s and it just so happens to connect to Rapunzel’s. She shouldn’t have been center stage for this. 
The Series Blows It’s Load Too Early with the Incantations
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This is the last time we’ll hear any of the incantations sung on screen, cause someone in budgeting didn’t know what was important to throw the money at and what was not. 
It’s not bad here, but if we could only hear one incantation only once this season it needed to be in the finale with the final heal incantation. 
Varian Was Right All Along
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Also, all this does is justify Varian’s actions in season one. Rapunzel was indeed the only one who could free his dad according to this. For a series that desperately wants to shove all of the blame onto an abused child’s shoulders they sure go out their way to prove him right. 
So How Is the Hurt Incantation Suppose to Work?
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There were so many fan theories after this scene because Varian and Quirin don’t respond to the hurt incantation the same way previous characters had. 
No one is gasping for breath, Varian can touch Raps without burning his hands, and Rapunzel can control the direction of her power. ect. 
Turns out there was nothing there, the writers just didn’t know what the fuck they were doing and made the hurt incantation very inconsistent just like all of the magic in this show. 
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You literally turn into a villain because she gave up on you!!!!
She also didn’t give two shits about you throughout the entirety of season two. 
Why are we just pretending like season one didn’t exist!? 
The Note!!!
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No It Fucking Didn’t!
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Does That Look Like “I’m Proud of You Son” To You?
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Chris went on to confirm that, yes, the note did hold more information that then got cut. Pretty much confirming all that we suspected. That Varian was cut from season two and his story hastily shoved back into season three at the last minute. 
Below is the link to the tumblr post he made.
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What’s worse is that his defense is such bullshit. The below exchange pretty much sums it all up.
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This Doesn’t Actually Resolve Anything and Is Therefore Unsatisfying to Watch
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Part of the reason why this conclusion doesn’t work is because it doesn’t actually address any of the problems that they have in their relationship. Quirin never owns up to what he did wrong. There’s no discussion of what Varian was up to while he was entrapped, no conversation about what secrets Quirin hid from his son, and zero admission of wrongdoing on either side.   
Also Varian has done nothing significant to earn those particular words. Saying I love makes sense, but in context saying “I’m proud of you” does not. It doesn’t even work on a meta level cause the episode prevented Varioan from accomplishing anything. 
It’s empty. 
There Could Have Been More Screen Time to Fix This If Not for Season Two Mucking About
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Above is the link to the original storyboards. It doesn’t fix everything but there’s a lot more satisfying emotional beats including adding Ruddiger back in who is suspiciously absent for the entire episode for no stated reason. 
This version was cut due to time. Which, like with the Crossing the Line song, didn’t need to be had they been more effective with their usage of time in season two. 
They also could have had a better conclusion to Varian’s arc in general had he not been cut from season two altogether. 
So What Does Freeing Quirin Add to the Series?
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I’m serious. What does freeing Quirin at this point and time do for the story?
It doesn’t add any character development, Quirin just wanders around aimlessly in the background until the finale and even then his part in that is a pointless dead end. Varian doesn’t gain his emotional closure, just empty, hollow “praise”. Nor is he allowed to accomplish any of his established goals. No new lore or history is exposed. No mystery uncovered. 
There’s no reason why this couldn’t have been done later in the season. Provide more tension and keep up the consequences of the characters actions. Give the mains something to do and work on until Cass and Zhan Tiri show up again.  
The only reason why this is here is to wrap Varian’s story up as soon as possible so he won’t “steal Cassandra’s spotlight”. That’s it. He’s rewarded for conforming to Rapunzel’s will and all the fans should shut up and be grateful, at least according to Chris.
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I Like This Song But It Wasn’t Needed
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It doesn’t add anything to the story. It’s just a generic celebration song. Which would be fine if it wasn’t for the fact that we have a limited number of songs, even less than in previous seasons, and the story isn’t over yet. This is the wrong place to put a victory song at. 
Especially when we could have had a song that furthered Varian’s redemption instead.  Yeah, that was cut too. 
So Is Varian the New “Lance” This Season?
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He’s right there! This is his dang focus episode! 
Why hire Broadway singers and not let them sing!? Why waste talent and money like that? 
Also These Lyrics!
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Did Glenn Slater just not read the scripts before writing the songs? That’s all season three ever does! Give the mains what they want without earning it. Even in this very episode!
So Is This Rapunzel’s 20th Birthday or Not?
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Ok I have gotten into many a heated debate about how long season three is supposed to be. And that’s because what the crew says doesn’t match what the series shows us. 
By all accounts this should be Rapunzel’s birthday. According to season two she’s been gone for one year, and there’s the lanterns that they fly specifically on her birthday. 
But no one verbally says it’s her birthday and I’ve heard conflicting accounts from different members of the crew. Some stating that it is her 20th birthday and some disagreeing that it is. 
Well I’ll take what evidence that the show actually presents to its audience on screen over what the cast and crew says after the fact any day of the week, so I’ll be gathering up this evidence and proving by the end that season three is two years not one. 
But the fact that I must comb through series to prove this, the fact that we can even have this debate, and the fact that the crew have to state basic info after the series is over is just proof of the bad writing. 
Fun Fact: Cupcakes Weren’t Invented Until the 20th Century
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Yeah, that’s the fault of the OG film, and yeah it doesn’t really mean much, but still it’s one more thing to add to the pile of stuff that doesn’t fit. 
Plus I’m just a hardcore nerd for historical cooking and I like to share my knowledge.  
Yeah But How Can He Trust All of You Again?
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You’re the ones who let him down first; repeatedly. And you only started to make things up to him once he became useful to you. What assurance does he have that you won’t mistreat him again next time he’s in trouble or is no longer of any use to y’all? 
Yes, Let NOT Show What the Main Character Is Actually Going Through
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Yup, this is “Rapunzel’s show” but we’re not going to let Rapunzel have any focus on her feelings or give any insight into her thought process about what is the main conflict of the series now.
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Ducktales was robbed! 
I can’t believe this shit won an Emmy for “best writing.” It utterly fails on every possible level. It fails to be a continuation of the ongoing story and it fails to be a stand alone episode. Even the very structure of the story is fundamentally flawed. The only reason why it’s not the worst episode of the entire series because the finale and the penultimate episodes exist. 
Anyways...I finally made it through. It literally took my entire weekend but I’m finally caught up. Next week I’ll be going back to the usual one episode a week schedule. 
128 notes · View notes
crystalas · 3 years
It’s only a matter of time
Okay I’m on here mainly for the fanfics so here goes...hope you like angst and stuff X3 bring a cup of tea its a long one! 
The story: MK and Red Son wake up trapped by Macaque who has plans for them and he isn’t going to take no for an answer. 
Chapter one: the nightmare begins
Monkie Kid woke up with a grown, he felt stiff and cold, his back and neck aches horribly which wasn’t surprising as he found himself waking up on a stone floor.
Wait. Why was he sleeping on a stone floor?
That thought got his brain firing on all cylinders as he sat up quickly, which made the chains on his wrists clank and jangle. He looked down at them adding them to the list of ‘what the heck was going on?’ MK surveyed his surroundings and saw he was in a stone-grey cell with no windows, one jail door, a bucket to which he could guess the reason that was there for…
And an unconscious Red Son who was also chained to the wall.
Oh, he had soooooo many questions.
Red Son shifted with a groan and sat up rubbing his head, as he groggily took in the sparse jail cell he looked down at his chains and then he caught sight of MK.
“NOODLE BOY!!!??” he screamed. “What is the meaning of this?!”
“I was going to ask you the same thing!” MK shouted back. “Is this one of your schemes?”
“Oh yes Noodle Boy my brilliant diabolical plan was to chain myself up in a cell with you, you saw through it so perfectly!” Red Son declared slowly clapping his hands, “All my hard work has come undone by your brilliant wit and clever thinking!”
“Ok sorry you can rein back the sarcasm now!” MK growled, he got to his feet and yanked on the chains testing their strength. They didn’t seem magical or anything special, as far as he could see they were just normal chains.
“Well, whoever did capture us are morons, I can tell you that much” Red Son exclaimed as he got to his feet, MK turned to look at him.
“What makes you say that?” he asked and Red Son just stared him in the eye as his hands erupted into flames, the metal bands on his wrists glowed cherry red then white hot before melting off and hitting the floor with a sizzling thud.
“Because only a fool would try and chain me up without heat proofing my restraints first” he answered and began to walk towards the door to inspect it. MK checked his ear more out of habit and found to his surprise that his staff was right where he left it last, he pulled it out and regarded his chains for a second. He remembered how Monkey King had been able to break Spider Queen’s webs by simply tapping them with the staff so he tried that. He tapped the chains with a little force and with a ringing clang the both chains fell apart the individual links clanking to his feet. He walked over to the cell door where Red Son was kneeling looking at the lock with a keen eye.
“Hey I can try and open it if you want?” MK offered but Red Son just gave it a push and it opened without so much as a creak.
“Wait it wasn’t even locked?” he asked dumfounded.
“I stand by my statement; our kidnappers are morons…” Red Son muttered.
“Yeah, I mean they didn’t even try and take the staff” MK said as they left the cell to find themselves in a dark hallway. Red Son lit a flame in his palm and began walking, MK not wanted to be left in the spooky dark dungeon without a light source followed.
“To be fair even if they had thought to, they would have struggled to do so. What with the whole ‘only those deemed worthy thing’ unless they had MY gauntlet of course!” Red Son declared proudly.
They walk the corridors silently for a while, it unnerved the two how quiet and dark this place was even as they walk by windows there wasn’t even the glimmer of stars or moonlight. There were no city sounds or wildlife noises or anything that could help them figure out if they in an urban or rural area.
“So… um do you remember anything before waking up here?” MK asked desperate to get rid of the unsettling silence.
“I remember being in my work shop, I was tinkering with the truck when I heard my mother call me…then…” Red Son stopped walking as if to try and collect his thoughts. “Something grabbed me from behind. You?”
“I remember being on a delivery run, the address was this little run-down apartment. Then yeah something grabbed me as well when the door opened.” MK answered, the silence returned as they continued to wander. They came to a door that opened up to reveal a large dojo training floor, they looked around as they walked through keeping an eye out for any movement.
“Why do you think they kidnapped us?” MK wondered as he looked at the wooden weapons that were on a stand nearby.
“Besides the obvious? I mean you are the Monkie Kid” Red Son muttered “My guess is that someone thought they could force a marriage out of me” this got a tsk of amusement out of Red Son and a look of bemusement from MK.
“Yes, it is demon custom to capture your intended betrothed as a way of showing your strength and cunning. A stupid tradition that should have died out over a century ago in my opinion but there are still plenty demons out there that like to cling to the old ways.” Red Son explained they left the dojo floor and carried on inspecting the other rooms as they did. There looked to a shrine room, bedrooms, maybe a kitchen but it was as sparce as their cell was. There was nothing that gave them any indication on who took them or why.
“Sounds like you’ve had your experience with that sort of thing…” MK ventured; Red Son scoffed.
“When my father the Demon Bull King was first imprisoned by you-know-who, I was next in line to be head of the family however I was too young so my mother ruled in my stead… the amount of times demons thought they could take me so they could claim the title was beyond annoying. Ever wonder why I know teleporting magic?” Red Son explained looking back at MK.
“So why don’t you use it now?”
“To put it in a way your simple mortal mind could comprehend I need to know the location of my destination and the pathway to it, I can’t just ‘whoosh’ my way out of sealed room I need a window or an air vent or something…” Red Son said as he opened another window and gave an irritated growl as it only opened to empty darkness. “And I’m not leaping into that until I know what’s out there!”
MK gripped his staff tighter and he could feel his instincts tingle, Red Son also seemed to feel something because he could see his fists clench and he began to walk faster to the door. He opened it wide and found…
“What the hell??!” MK cried out.
The entire dojo was in a cave, Red Son lifted the fire ball above his head and made it grow larger the light illuminated the cave as far as they could see which wasn’t very far to begin with. The cave was barely large enough to house the dojo they had been in, MK used his staff to pole vault up to the roof tops making sure to stay in the light, using his golden sight he looked around getting more desperate as claustrophobia began to set in.
“I don’t see any tunnels!” he called from on top of the roof tiles “I don’t see anything that looks like a way out, not even inside the dojo!”
“Then how do we get out of here?” Red Son shouted back.
“Easy, you don’t!” a voice declared and they spun around to see a dark furred monkey being standing there as if he had been there from the start.
“Macaque?!” MK spluttered.
“Uncle Mango?” Red Son squeaked at the same time, they both turned to look at each other.
“You know him?” they both asked in unison.
“It’s cute you remember that name Red” Macaque chuckled “Kinda makes me feel bad about what’s ahead…”
“What do you want this time Macaque?!” MK snarled feeling a little safer from his high vantage point, Macaque looked up at him with a smirk.
“Why to carry on with our training of course. My little student” he grinned.
“I was never your student!” MK growled getting ready for a fight but Red Son seemed to beat him to the punch as he strode up to Macaque his hair angrily aflame.
“I demand you release us from this…place!” he shouted “Where are we?”
“This is my dojo, and only I can travel to and from it unless you know shadow magic of course” he sniggered, Red Son growled and his fists began to burn with fire.
“Release us now or I will make you!” he roared.
MK felt a chill down his spine as this conversation went on, something was wrong, something was very, very wrong here. Macaque was too at ease with Red Son and MK both armed and angry at him, then it hit him like an ice block to the gut.
Only a fool would try and bind Red Son without fire proofing it first.
Only a fool would leave MK with his staff.
Only a fool would leave the cell door unlocked and let their prisoners just wander around on their own.
Macaque was a lot of things but he wasn’t a fool.
“Red Son hold on something isn’t right here!” MK said but Red Son wasn’t listening as he was already pouncing to attack, fire blasting as he leapt forward to land a hit…
MK watched in horror as gold bands on his arms, legs and around his neck began to glow and magic began to pulse over his body; Red Son dropped to the floor screaming in pain clutching his neck as he tried to claw the band off of him. Macaque step over the convulsing demon and looked up at MK who took a step back.
“Aw don’t worry bud; I didn’t leave you out” he smiled and muttered something. MK’s head was suddenly gripped in what felt like a hydraulic press, he clutched at his head in pain and his fingers found something under his bandana something made of metal and it was pressing into his skull with all the weight of an elephant. He staggered around trying to get whatever was on his head off but the pain only seems to getting worse with every passing moment. In his stumbling he lost his footing and fell to the floor with a painful thud but that was nothing compared to whatever was trying to crack his skull open. He screamed and gasped as the agony was knocking the air of out him and he just couldn’t breathe!
The pain was suddenly gone, but all MK could do was lie there shaking from the shock and taking huge gulps of air as he suddenly remembered how his lungs worked. He opened his eyes blearily and saw Macaque standing there waiting politely for the boys to regain some composure. MK grabbed his staff and used to it prop himself up.
“Here’s how things are going to go” he declared as Red Son got to his knees snarling at him with rage. “I am the master you are my students. You will obey my instructions to the letter, I say jump you say how high that kind of thing. If you try to escape, or defy me, or attack me, or basically do anything I don’t like…” Macaque trailed off as he muttered again. The agonising pain returned in a crashing wave that sent both boys to the floor.
“Well…you get the idea”
“How did you get these accused bands?” Red Son demanded.
“Did I say you can ask questions?” Macaque inquire and Red Son gave a staggered groan as the band glowed once more. “No, I didn’t. Now up you get my little students” both boys glared at him defiantly.
“Stubborn, aren’t you?” Macaque laughed “Well this just make it that more fun for me”
MK and Red Son cried out as pain rippled through them again.
“Please. Get up”
MK staggered to his feet and the pain stopped, he glanced at Red Son who was also getting to his feet.
“Good boys” Macaque said calmly and began to walk back into the dojo. “Please. Follow.”
“How dare he bark orders at me!” Red Son muttered under his breath “When my father finds out about this, he’s going to smash that sub human into a pulp!” only for him to drop to the floor again with a strained groan, MK ran to his side to help him back to his feet.
“Until we get these things off of us, we better play along, ok? We’re only hurting ourselves” MK whispered to him.
“I didn’t say you could talk” Macaque demanded looking back on the two, they flinched as they now knew what was coming and was made right as the bands once again activated, causing both of them to fall to their knees.
“Please. Follow” was all Macaque said after that. Every attempt to get away or attack or even just to talk to one another resulted in them lurching to the floor as they received punishment. Macaque would just stop and wait for them to get to their feet before barking the same order at them. They soon stopped trying anything and just followed quietly behind Macaque as they lead the back to the cell, they had started in. Inside the cell was two of Macaque’s shadow clones each holding a folded bundle of clothes.
“Please. Get dressed” Macaque exclaimed, both boys looked at him wanting to say something about what the hell was going on or how they were not getting undressed in front of each other but Macaque just smiled and tilted his head as if to say ‘wanna try it?’
MK sighed and grabbed the first bundle and Red Son with a frustrated growl did the same with the second. MK just let his clothes drop as he took them off Red Son however took great care to fold his up and put them in the corner. They found with a sickening feeling in their stomach that the clothes they had to wear looked similar to what Macaque was wearing but simplified. Red leggings with tawny yellow robes and a brown belt sash.
The shadow clones took their old clothes and held them for a second, as Macaque looked at his students in their new attire.
“Now boys I don’t think those fit your new outfits, hand them over” he demanded, MK felt his hand go to his bandana as Red Son gripped what looked like a beaded necklace with a horned pendant.
“This is my family insignia I am not taking it off!” Red Son growled but saw the look in Macaque’s eyes and flinched before looking sadly at the pendant before taking it off and handing it over. MK took his bandana off as well and threw it at the shadow clone in disgust. As they did their clothes ignited into purple and black flames and vanished into ash, Red Son gave a horrified gasp.
“That pendant was handed down through the generations of the Demon Bull Family!” he screamed “How dare you just destroy it for your little power tr…” he couldn’t even finish his rant as he fell to the floor once more gasping and writhing as magic ripple over his body.
“Red, the sooner you learn to do as I say the less time, you’re gonna spend like this” Macaque sighed as he knelt down to pet Red Son on the head. “I was commissioned specifically to train you two up, and that’s what I’m going to do.”
“Why?” MK blurted out but winced back as Macaque stood up to look at him sternly. He looked at MK for a moment before giving that horrible smirk again.
“Why indeed?” he said simply “Now I want you boys to get settled in, I’ll be bringing supper shortly.��� And with that he and his clones left as Red Son laid there trembling as he recovered. They remained frozen in place until they heard the sound of the hallway door closing, once they heard that click MK rushed over to Red Son who was struggling to move.
“What did he mean he was ‘commissioned’ to do this?” MK asked as he helped Red Son to sit up.
“It means Noodle boy that there is someone else in on this!” he whispered, “Someone powerful or high up because they somehow got a hold on Guanyin’s binds!” he pulled down his collar to show nestled around his neck was a gold band, he also showed MK the same kind of bands on his wrists.
“They also managed to get Monkey King’s Skillet!” Red Son said sadly pointing at his head and for the first time MK actually tried to feel for the cause of his pain, as he felt the metal band dread ran through him as he remembered Monkey King telling him how torturous it was to have on and how he hated every second he wore it.
“How do we get them off?” MK whispered back trying his best not to panic.
“We don’t” Red Son said coldly “Only the one who placed it or something with stronger magic can remove them, so our first priority is to get out of here and find my parents or … ugh Monkey King they would have a good idea how to do it.”
MK started to pace the cell trying to suppress the rising urge to freak out and panic.
“So, what now? We’re trapped?” he asked.
“We need to remain calm” Red Son said quietly.
“How? We’re trapped in a dojo that in this shadow realm cave thing, Macaque has magical shock collars on us, we both have our powers but we are still helpless!” MK babbled “Oh god Pigsy is probably freaking out; he must be worried sick…they all must be worried sick…”
“Which means they will start looking, my mother is a wind master which means she can scry the winds.” Red Son said quietly, MK spun around to demand how the hell the most anger management challenged person he has ever met can be so calm in this situation when he saw that Red Son was clenching his hands so tightly his knuckles were white.
Red Son is freaking out just as badly as I am, MK thought he’s just better at hiding it.
“What…what’s scry mean?” he asked.
“It means anything the wind touches mother can see. I seriously doubt Macaque even with his shadow magic could have taken us without a breeze catching something, not to mention he took me in my own home which has security cameras in my work shop. Someone will notice and will find something that will lead them here!” Red Son stated slowly “It’s only a matter of time, we just need to stick it out. ‘Play along’ as you said.”
MK sat down next to Red Son taking deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down.
“You’re right.”
“I know…”
“What do you think he has planned for us?”
“I don’t know…Uncle Mango was never this…twisted when I was a child.” Red Son muttered, “Or maybe he was just better at hiding it. Or I never noticed…”
“Uncle Mango?”
“Oh, nothing blood related, same way Monkey King is considered my uncle it’s more of a god father thing you humans do”
The cell fell to silence as MK ran out of energy to talk and Red Son didn’t feel like answering more questions. They both just stewed in their own thoughts on their new predicament.
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chayacat · 3 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (26)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
When you're a journalist, you have to know a lot of things. The most important thing in this business is neutrality of course. Even if the temptation to give his opinion is strong, a journalist must remain neutral in all circumstances. He must then have good source and good contact. A good source is even essential to get a good scoop. And having good contact in the field makes it easier. But if there is one thing a journalist must have... It's cold-blooded.
And luckily for Wilhelm, Danny has A LOT of composure. Oh, how many times did he dream of sticking anything in his skull? how many times did he dream of burning, drowning, skinning, dismembering him and what else do I know? Far too much to remember. and every time he dreamed of it; Danny took an indescribable pleasure in it. he would have liked to spend his day with you, not to move from the bed, your little body so fragile in his arms ... Unfortunately, you both work, and if the prospect of going to the police station does not enchant him basically, seeing Wilhelm's face early in the morning, did not help either. And as if that wasn't enough, Wilhelm was in a bad mood. Has he been in a good mood at least once in his life? There's a good chance he won't.
Luckily, Mattew and Melina were there. They're the only ones, with you of course, that Danny will never kill. It's rare to be off the Ghostface hunting board. You can thank God for your luck. But that doesn't mean he won't get revenge in bed. And that you will not escape, you can be sure. Wilhelm was chatting "calmly" with his officers while our trio of journalists sat down working a little further away.
“That's bullshit! There must be a connection between this story and McKellan's murder! They are accused of fraud on a national scale and coincidentally one of the suspects dies! And as luck would have it, Horace Hoggins threatens him three f***ing days before the murder!” said Wilhelm shouting and striking the table.  
“Yes, but the modus operandi is too similar to Ghostface's. What if it was really him that he killed him? Or he hired him. But I can't see the "Ghost of Roseville" playing mercenaries.” Said one of the officers.  
“Hoggins has money. He could hire any mentally ill person to do the job. After all, we don't know who we actually see in this city. Sometimes the most honest citizen can be the greatest criminal.” replied another one.  
“And then reproduce the modus operandi of Ghostface is not very complicated if you have all the necessary equipment to leave no trace. And that, Hoggins can provide.” said the third one.  
Danny bit his lips inwardly about it. Copying his modus operandi? not complicated? No criminal even thinks about going that far! Even the bloodiest, or the craziest, would have made a mistake! Danny is the mixture of the two, and yet you never suspect him because he never left any trace, you idiots! But he has to hold back... it was his plan to get Hoggins charged. He must stick to it, and remain calm.,
“Well, he needs to relax a little, inspector... He's going to end up having a heart attack. But hey I can understand, he wants to bring justice to Roseville.” said Melina.  
“Yes, but in the meantime, the boss, he's very nice but he's not the one who has to face Wilhelm's nerve attacks... Why did it have to fall on us?” said Mattew, lying on the table.
“Simply because we published this article. Now we can't go back.” responds Danny by putting his glasses back on properly, while looking at his laptop. It was the one the boss gave him so he could store his work. He had a personal one but I do not draw you on what it contains ... You're smart enough to know that.
He looked at all the pictures he had taken in his job as a journalist and a big smile was on his face when he found something to incriminate Hoggins. It is true that he had spied on him at his home that day. And it's like a day or two before Hoggins threatened McKellan. It's perfect.
“Wilhelm. You should come and see this. Maybe I have something for you.” Said Danny.  
“If it's to waste my time Olsen I swear I'll put you in jail in the second that comes. Then it's better for you that your find advances the investigation.” respond Wilhelm annoyed before advancing towards Danny.
“Oh, I'm sure you'll like what I have in front of me. When the "scandal" broke out, my boss asked me to take pictures of Hoggins. Spy on him if you prefer. And I remember that a few days before he threatened McKellan... Mr. Hoggins was with someone at his house.”  
“... I should arrest you for violation of a private property Olsen... But these photos are important evidence. I would be curious to know what this man who was chatting with Hoggins that day will tell us... and given his face, this man is not a saint. it pisses me off to tell you that but... good job Olsen. Print me these photos so that we can add them to the evidence board.” Replied Wilhelm looking at the photo seriously before leaving the room to get some coffee.  
Danny smiled inwardly in front of Wilhelm's face. it's so good to see this bastard feel compelled to thank Danny for helping him. Even if, in truth, Danny was directing him on a false trail. But in the end, everyone will win, Danny even more. Once again, he will escape all suspicion. And his pleasure will be even greater, when he announces to Wilhelm that Hoggins had nothing to do with the story in the end. It's going to ruin his career and that's all he deserves. And then... he will begin his descent into hell. Which will end sooner or later on Ghostface’s knife. Danny does not yet know what he will do to Wilhelm, but he is sure of one thing; He'll love to slaughter him. It doesn't matter how.
Wilhelm returned a few minutes later with his coffee and the photos Danny had printed in the meantime. He put down his coffee to hang the pictures on the board. Then took his cup back to sip coffee.
“Ok. Thanks to Olsen, I'm pissed off to say it, we know Hoggins was talking to this man a day or two before the threats. Which means that long before he threatened him, he was carrying out his plan. We have to find this man and question him! search our entire police registry. His head tells me something.” said Wilhelm.  
“Yes Sir!” responds the three officers before leaving. Wilhelm, Danny, Mattew et Melina were now alone in the room.
“You still here? You don't have to do anything else?” replied Wilhelm, looking at the trio.  
“Always so kind, we just gave you a boost in your investigation, I point out, you could be nicer at least.” said Mattew.
“You may have helped me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to sympathize with snoops. Olsen is already lucky that I don't arrest him to be entering on private property because he took the right pictures. So now you can go and do your snoops somewhere else! I'll call you when I have news. Get out of the way!”
“Ok, ok, we leave. See ya later, inspector.” said Melina before leaving the police station with Danny and Mattew. Once outside, she couldn't help but grumble. " What a dirty jerk. We help him move forward in the investigation and he treats us like that? Frankly next time, he's going to get fucked.”
“Forget it. We did our part, now it's up to them to do theirs. Anyway, he has to work with us until the end, so we're going to have to be patient. He will be happy to have solved this murder, and we will be free to avoid him... until Ghostface's next murder.” respond Danny calmly, even if in his mind, he wanted to slice Wilhelm's jugular.
“Yes, you're right. So, what do we do? Are we investigating on our side? Or are we going back to the paper?”
“Wilhelm doesn't have us at the right side, if we start snooping around a little too much in his investigation, you can be sure he's going to put us in the most disgusting cells in the prison.” Said Mattew worried.  
“Mattew's right, we'd better not pissed off the inspector. Even if I feel like he doesn't need much at the base to piss him off. He said he'll let us know when he gets information, let's trust him, for once. I'm going home for my part. I need to work quietly right now.” Said Danny.  
“Say instead, you want to see your sleeping beauty. How's she doing? It’s said that she recruits employees.” ask Melina.  
“Yeah. I don't know what it turned out for; I don't think she's made up her mind yet. And then with Ghostface hanging around... she feels a little insecure. We plan to live together in the same apartment. Well, I'm on my way. Say hello to the boss for me! See you later!”
Danny got into his van and greeted his colleagues one last time. Once far enough away, a crooked smile appeared on his face. What a beautiful bunch of fools they all make. It's so easy to fool them... It becomes comical by force. They don't need much to believe anything. But as long as it served his interests... it doesn't mind him more than that.  
He went home to work calmly as he had said. He still has articles to write. It's hard to be a journalist and a murderer at the same time, it's a very busy schedule, on both sides. He put down his glasses and rubbed his eyes to wake up a little. He then went to his office to admire his hunting board. A big smile was on his face, watching all those people who fell under his blade... And it wasn't over. He did not forget those he had killed in all the other cities... he wondered if he was still wanted there. And he was already thinking about his future victims. The ones he'll kill when he lives in another city. With you.
What to do tonight? go see you for the umpteenth time? certainly. He is tempted to go to see Wilhelm, to finally confront for the first time, Ghostface and the inspector who is stalking him. That would be great! That would be a huge provocation from him! but... you have to be clear-headed. Throwing yourself into the wolf's mouth after all this work... would be a pity to be captured or killed, so foolishly in addition.
“Don't worry Wilhelm... soon we will meet you and me... Ghostface and you should I say. I can't wait to see that day come, just to see your reaction. I'm sure it will be memorable. For now... I'm going to focus on my plan, to make you go crazy. And also... focus on my beautiful angel.” Danny said looking at your picture.  
He knew how to play on both charts. Scare you and reassure you about himself at once... He didn't want a coward, but he still had to keep control of you, and if he has to scare you from time to time to remind you who's in charge... then he will. That won't change the fact that Jed will have to disappear. After all... it's just a name. A ridiculous character he invented to disguise himself in people's eyes. Danny Johnson is real compared to Jed. And you will have to accept it, one way or another.
He moved to his computer to work on his articles, which he was to return soon. He couldn't help but think about your idea of recruiting employees for your coffee. He didn't really like the idea, especially if there's a man among your future employees. He might be tempted to seduce you without worrying about the consequences. Let him try once... and he'll lose his hand. Or the leg. Or the head. It depends on Ghostface's level of anger.
He's going to have to watch your employees very closely. At least when you choose them. At the moment that’s not the case. Danny got up for coffee and went back to the office, taking a sip to keep writing. Occasionally he paused, to stretch a little and move, eat and take a shower to have a clear mind. When he writes, nothing can stop him. If he doesn't take a break himself to feed himself or whatever, he'd spend the whole day at his computer, typing his articles. He could have been an author, but he did not have the faith to write books that, over time, would lose meaning and logic, because of the stress and pressure that would set in and grow.
The last glimmers of the sun disappeared on the horizon, leaving the dark but starry sky of the night. Danny typed the last words of his article, before backing it up and getting up to stretch. Once again, he had done a good job. If Carla were still here... he was sure that she would have scolded him for having worked so much without resting. She used to do it when they were together in high school...  she would have done so even today. And you would have done the same if you'd been there.
Danny reread the message you sent him during the day, so adorable that it made him smile, a sweet and sincere smile. He grabbed his Ghostface outfit before putting it on, looked in the mirror and smiled, before putting on the mask and leaving out by the window, like he does every night. You were brushing your teeth when Danny came into your house. He walked discreetly to the bathroom and looked at you from the door. You're so adorable in these pyjamas.
“You're brushing your teeth with a child toothpaste? How cute. Just like this outfit for that matter. Do you want me to make you a pretty braid like little girls?” He said, laughing when he saw you spit out the water you had in your mouth by surprise.
“Hahaha... I didn't know you had such a great sense of humor. Given what happened last time it's hard to guess...” You said ironically, pushing him away to get out of the bathroom.  
“Oh, but I'm a very funny person when I want to. Hawn, are you still mad at me for that? But in what sense? Because I almost did it without your consent... Or because you wanted to and I held back?” he replied, smiling when he saw your angry face. “You don't have to give me that face, sweetheart. I'm not here to do it again, I told you: I'm going to make you languish. If I'm here, it's because I heard you were recruiting employees... I'm disappointed, I'd think you'd call on me.”
“Like I'm going to ask a lunatic like you. I want to keep my coffee shop open, not shut it up for murder. I guess you're proud of yourself right now, everyone's talking about your achievement on McKellan. You must have enjoyed slaughtering him like that.”
“Obviously! You should have seen that; he was screaming like a chicken and no one could hear him because this fool puts the music to an almost inhuman volume... It was perfect. I confess that to make deer antlers with his legs and arms, it took me a lot of patience and concentration but... The result is only magnificent. the inspector had to vomit his guts...”
“You're making me sick. Unfortunately for you, I don't plan on being alone for very long.” you replied with a smirk.
“Oh! Are you going to live with your little nerd? How cute. I feel sorry for you, he's just working, working and still working. While I... Well, I'd be more available.” Said Danny with a smirk.
“I fully respect his life choice. And I understand that. I would do anything to make sure he could work while taking care of himself. After what he's been through... he deserves to be looked after.”  
“Everyone's been through something tragic, sweetheart. I'm one of them. And I'm going to make everyone pay for it. Until my last breath. And if someone hurts you... So there... I can't guarantee I'll leave him in one piece. I know that one day... You'll call on me for that. Everyone has a dark side to the bottom of their heart; it only takes one click to bring it out. Even the most beautiful angel can't escape it. I'm going to let you sleep... You've had a rough day. As for me, I still have work to do. Goodbye, sweetheart. Have a beautiful dream.
Danny sent you a kiss before disappearing out by the window like every night. He knows that one day you will ask him to kill someone who will hurt you. Or at least you'll make him understand. And on that day, he will be like a knight obeying his queen. Patience and composure are necessary.  
It’s only a matter of time.
(This little stay at my friend's home made me feel good! I was able to clear my mind a little and now I'm on the attack for the next chapters to come! Don't hesitate to ask me questions or other, I'll be there to answer you! In the meantime, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all! See ya!)
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Let it slip in the @rdrsafehaven discord about my street kid Arthur headcanon, got approval from one (1) person and then this was born (as if I hadn’t already kinda alluded to that in Monsters I’ve Met) so @danger-r-98-5 this is your fault.
Wrote this on my phone in the tumblr app so pls forgive any mistakes.
The Absence of Kindness
Arthur’s life had always been hard. This fact was no less true the day Lyle Morgan had been convicted of his crimes. He was on his own beginning with the days he sat outside the sheriff’s office awaiting his father’s demise, having no mother to turn to as he had lost her years ago. Though, it didn’t feel real until he saw him up on the wooden stand, being tried for the crime of larceny. Until that very morning his father had at least been in a cell just a brick wall away, even if the sheriff wouldn’t let him in to see him.
And he’d been scared before but never as much as he had been that morning as the offenses were read off to the crowd; robbing the bank and making off with five-hundred dollars until caught in the next town over with just over half the money remaining. They were the only crimes this town knew off and Arthur wondered if they would have hung him sooner if they knew of the men he’d killed and how the money had been spent on drink instead of food for his son. And despite the fact of all the horrible things the his father had ever done to him, no matter how many nights he had spent hiding from him when he was drunk or the mornings when he was drug from town to town, or the endless weeks spent with strangers who didn’t care for him, Arthur still feels like crying when he sees him hung. He knows his father is dead and he’s left an orphan, truly and completely alone. He understands that from that moment on he has to be a man if he’s to take care of himself, even if eleven years old is a far cry from the age of manhood.
With his father’s hat too big on his head and a couple of photos tucked into the pocket of the thin coat falling apart at the seems, he’s left to the streets of the town his father had been hung in.
Every single moment was horrible. The days were long and cruel in ways he never could have imagined. Most adults had seen him at the trial and knew he was Lyle Morgan’s child. No matter how pathetic he looked no one trusted him, they expected he’d be a thief just like his father. He didn’t want to be but their lack of pity forced him into it as he wanted nothing more than to live long enough to see the next sunrise.
The nights were almost worse. Darker and colder than he had remembered them being when his father was alive. He’d hide wherever he could from the nightlife who’d prey on easy targets like him. On the nights he was separated from the other stray children who called the town home, he’d cry and pray to the god his mother had believed in, and maybe he did once too, wishing the next day would be better, holding onto the memory of the kindness he’d been shown the day his father got too drunk and a bartender had lead him out the back to play with his dog’s puppies so he wouldn’t see when the law had shown up and thrown his father out.
Arthur didn’t know real kindness again until he was fifteen. Sure, there had been people who tossed a dollar his way or vendors who turned a blind eye when he swiped from their stalls, but it wasn’t the same as this.
He’s taller than he had been when he was eleven though still just as thin and just as frail. Except unlike then he was now more wild. He had to be. As he grew older he was more competition for the others he shared the streets with. The other kids weren’t really friends with him, they weren’t better than the skinny mutts that slept with them at night the way they fought over food and money, the older ones robbing each other blind if they had to. It was like when he turned thirteen the unspoken rule about not going after kids that young was off. So Arthur had learned how to fight, how to kick hard, how to throw a punch that counted, and how to wiggle free of the tight holds of lawmen who tried to intervene.
He’d begun to give up kindness when a sheriff promises to trial him the same as an adult when he’s cut loose from jail after one too many times. He stops trusting anyone afterward and it causes him to build up enough of a tough skin that he constantly watches his back, dark circles appearing under his eyes from light sleep from being afraid he’d be caught when he slept. He doesn’t believe in anything by then. But there’s a man and his parter in fancy clothes who won’t leave him alone until he decides to take the offer and travel with them. Even if it takes months until their kindness sets in and he realizes he can finally sleep without fear. It’s for the first time he’s not so concerned with being a man until he really is of the standard age. All because of Dutch van der Linde and Hosea Matthews make him feel safe for the first time since his mother died.
Arthur hadn’t been shown much kindness as a child and he’s reminded of that whenever he walks the streets of Saint Denis. Even if the city is much bigger than the town he’d fought to survive in, it’s a painful reminder all the same. And no matter how annoying the city’s brats are, they too serve as a reminder of where he came from. He sees them and he knows the fear that hides under the tough exterior they put up, knows that despite their height and scowling faces that they’re still scared children underneath, fighting for their lives at too young and barely making it. They may leer at him from the safety of their ally ways but as he returns the teasing with a harmless one of his own, he drops a few dollars and moves on down the street as if nothing happened. He won’t even look back to make sure they’ve gotten it, knowing that the kind of pride they hold at that age doesn’t respond well to pity. But he doesn’t have to. He knows they pick it up after he leaves when there’s more of them huddled together, young ones peaking at him expectantly with big puppy dog eyes from where they hide behind the taller ones. It’s the only time it’s not hard for him to let go of some money, even if he knows if Dutch ever found out he’d lecture him on how they need it to get out of the country and yet there he was pissing it away on street rats. Except he wasn’t, and Dutch would never know. They’d lived their lives, had grand adventures for decades, these children still had futures. Arthur would never tell anyone but he knew the fear of an orphan left to the streets and he wanted for as many of them as possible to live to be able to see as many sunrises as possible.
- - - 
wrote this last night, left it in the drafts, it is now the next afternoon and idk if i really like it that much but im just gonna post it anyway. also- kinda went rogue from my original concept in the story i linked above but really if i didn’t i would have ended up with the same idea just longer and more in depth and i would have had to go back and add it in somehow. or i would have ended up rewriting it because in that story arthur does move around as opposed to this where he doesn’t.
oh well- here it is anyway.
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scotianostra · 3 years
 Johnny Ramensky, the Scottish safe cracker was born on April 6th 1905 in Glenboig, Lanarkshire.
This is the type of story that would make a great film, so settle down to enjoy the life of the man born Jonas Ramanauckas, who became known as  John Ramsay, Gentleman Johnny, and Gentle Johnny
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His father was a miner who died when Johnny was young and the young Ramensky also became a miner. It was while he was down the pit that he learned his skills with dynamite which were to prove so useful to him in later years.
Johnny drifted in and out of trouble from the age of eleven and moved to the Gorbals area of Glasgow during the Depression with his mother and two sisters. He developed an amazing physical strength and acrobatic ability but in order to obtain some money, he became a burglar, specializing in robberies involving climbing up external rone-pipes to gain entry to premises. He also developed skills in picking locks and safe-cracking with explosives.
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While his activities were criminal, he had his own code of conduct and raided business premises rather than people's homes. And when he was caught, he never resisted arrest. His philosophy seemed to be "if you are caught, you are caught - it's all part of the job".
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His life of detention began at age 18 when he was given a term in Borstal but later he served various terms in both Barlinnie and Peterhead Prisons. He eventually spent more time behind bars than outside. It's often easy to sentimentalise and sugar-coat the past, there was something about him which meant that even the police who snared him and the courts which he frequented as regularly as others visit their local supermarket, regarded him as somebody who was more interested in eluding an alarm and breaking a code than becoming rich from his forays.
Johnny was married during one of his spells out of prison and the couple had a baby daughter. But in 1934, while he was serving a sentence in Peterhead, he was told that his young wife was dead. He was refused permission to attend the funeral and Johnny's sense of justice was outraged. So he made the first of many escapes from the prison.
  In 1942, he was serving yet another jail sentence in Peterhead Prison. The army offered to give him special commando training and Johnny accepted. After all, it meant he was out of prison, earning a wage - and fighting for his country. Part of a crack commando unit, he was dropped behind enemy lines and used his skills with both explosives and burglary to good effect, stealing important German documents.
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During the war in Italy, he entered Rome with the first troops to reach the city and blew open the safes in 14 foreign embassies - all in one day!
For his commando service and dangerous exploits, he was awarded the Military Medal and given a free pardon at the end of the war. But not longer after his return to Glasgow he was back to his life of burglary and was caught and jailed again.
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In November 1955 he was sentenced to 10 years’ "preventive detention" at Peterhead Prison, which should have given him a few privileges. But he found there were none. He served over two years with exemplary conduct and still there was no move to the better conditions of "preventive detention". So Johnny responded in the only way he knew how - he escaped. Of course, he was later recaptured but he was at least given an opportunity to put his case to the prison authorities - which achieved nothing. Johnny escaped (and was recaptured) from Peterhead (Scotland's strongest jail) no less than five times including three times in 1958. Sometimes the prison warders didn't know whether he was inside or outside the prison. His fifth escape evoked wide-spread sympathy amongst the public which was illustrated by a song "The Ballad of Johnny Ramensky" by Norman Buchan (a Member of Parliament), which was printed in the Scotsman newspaper, and another musical tribute, Let Ramensky Go, was penned by none other than Roddy McMillan, the star of Para Handy.
Not long after starting a prison sentence in Barlinnie in Glasgow, Johnny was in the exercise yard and suddenly threw off his boots and shot up the wall, using cracks in the mortar as toe-holds. He reached a roof - but could get no further. Equally, the warders couldn't get him down - and Johnny was demanding to see the Chief of the Prisons Department! Attempts to reach the roof were met by a barrage of roof slates - watched by a growing audience outside the prison walls. He stayed out on the roof for five hours, eventually coming down when it started to get cold.
In 1962 Detective Superintendent Robert Colquhoun (retired), said "Like most policemen who have come in contact with Ramensky, I find him an engaging character, the kind of man who, applying his brain to another, more acceptable, type of occupation, could probably have made good." Before he had retired, DS Colquhoun received a message from Johnny (who was once more in prison). He had heard that the policeman was seriously ill. The message contained his good wishes for his speedy recovery, plus the advice that he’d been taking too much out of himself chasing Johnny around! As he grew older and the escapes continued one question was being asked: Why does he keep on doing it, at his age and in his state of health? A police officer who knew him well said "Johnny never expects to get far when he breaks out now ... he's just got to do it to prove that he still can."
Johnny remarried and started a second family during his all too short periods out of prison but persisted in his life of crime into his old age - by which time his abilities as a cat burglar were beginning to fail him. In 1972 he collapsed in Perth Prison and died shortly after in hospital. In addition to his family, the many people who attended his funeral came from both the law enforcement and the law breaking sides of society. Whatever his faults, Johnny Ramensky was respected by them all. His obituary appeared in every Scottish national newspaper.
That's not the end of Johnny Gently though, he lives on at Peterhead Prison, now a museum where Ramensky served so many years behind bars, has created a exhibition space which highlights different aspects of his career.
I couldnae find the Roddy McMillan  version of Lat Ramensky Go, but former BBC Young Traditional Musician of the Year, Claire Harings makes a great job of singing it, the lyrics below are the original version, Claire sings a slightly different version. 
Let Ramensky Go
There was a lad in Glesga town, Ramensky was his name Johnny didnae know it then but he was set for fame
Now Johnny was a gentle lad, there was only one thing wrong He had an itch to strike it rich and trouble came along He did a wee bit job or two, he blew them open wide But they caught him and they tried him and they bunged him right inside
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
And when they let him out he said he'd do his best but then He yielded tae temptation and they bunged him in again Now Johnny made the headlines, entertained the boys below When he climbed up tae the prison roof and gave a one-man show
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
But when the war was raging the brass-hats had a plan Tae purloin some information, but they couldnae find a man So they nobbled John in prison, asked if he would take a chance Then they dropped him in a parachute beyond the coast of France
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
Then Johnny was a hero, they shook him by the hand For stealing secret documents frae the German High Command So Johnny was rewarded for the job he did sae well They granted him a pardon frae the prison and the cell
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
But Johnny was in error when he tried his hand once more For they caught him at a blastin', and it wasnae worth the score
The jury pled for mercy, but the judge's voice was heard Ten years without remission, and that's my final word Ten years, my lord, that's far too long, wee Johnny cried in vain For if you send me up for ten I'll never come out again
Oh give me another chance, my lord, I'm tellin' you no lie But if you send me up for ten I'll sicken and I'll die
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
Now Peterhead's a fortress, its walls are thick and stout But it couldnae hold wee Johnny when he felt like walking out Five times he took a powder, he left them in a fix And every day they sweat and pray in case he makes it six
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh       Open up your prison gates       And let Ramensky go..........
Here are some reports on him.......[1958:] Twelve hours after Johnny Ramensky had done his fifth and most baffling "vanishing act" in Peterhead jail yesterday it was not known whether he was INSIDE or OUTSIDE the prison. This was admitted late last night by a Scottish Home Department spokesman. Here is the sequence of events leading up to the cracksman's third escape in ten months.
Because of rain, 45 prisoners, including Ramensky, were being exercised in one of Peterhead's large prison halls. At 1.40, the exercise ended and the squad began a 50 to 70-yard march, in organised lines to the tailor's shop. At 1.43, they arrived at the shop WITHOUT RAMENSKY.
The alarm was raised. Every corner of the prison was searched. But there was no trace of the "King of Peterhead". No rope or ladder with which he could have scaled the jail's 18-foot wall was found. One theory was that Ramensky had a key to the back door of the tailor's shop, which is only ten feet from the wall. For it is believed that he had a key for the tailor's shop door on his October break-out. Out went the word to police all over the country:
 "Ramensky's free again."
Two hunts went on - in swirling snow and at temperatures below freezing point - for the 53-year-old convict who, despite ill-health, had made another freedom bid. Throughout the whole of the North of Scotland road blocks and police checks sprang up. Tracker dogs went out. A strong cordon was thrown round the immediate prison area. For on his last bid in October, Ramensky was found, after 40 hours of freedom only 200 yards from the prison. It was ill-health that beat him then. He collapsed after a child spotted him in a barn.[...]. 
Last night people living in the Peterhead area spoke of him without fear. For he is known as "Gentle John" and those beside the prison take bets on how long he will stay free. His escape in February this year lasted 24 hours, before he was caught in Peterhead's main street wearing a warder's cap and a long black coat.
One question was being asked: Why does he keep on doing it, at his age and in his state of health? A police officer who knows him well said last night: "Johnny never expects to get far when he breaks out now ... he's just got to do it to prove that he still can.
"Here is a description of the clothes worn by the wartime Commando who cracked safes behind enemy lines: Brown moleskin trousers, brown battledress tunic, brown jersey, blue and white striped shirt, black leather shoes ... and possibly wearing a cap. (Daily Record, Dec 18)
The six-day hunt for gentle Johnny Ramensky was called-off last night. And baffled police admitted: "There are still no clues." [...] The authorities believe that 53-year-old Ramensky, if still alive, is bound to make a mistake sometime, or to leave a clue somewhere. It is understood that police opinion is split over the reason for the absence of a "trail." Some feel he is dead in the sea, but others are convinced he is in the Peterhead area, possibly quite near the prison, and is being fed and sheltered. (Daily Record, Dec 23)
[1959:] Johnny Ramensky (53), the safe-breaker who made a sensational jail-break from Peterhead prison, remaining at liberty for nine days, is back in prison. He was caught at Persley, on the north bank of the River Don about three miles from Aberdeen. A police spokesman said after the capture that Ramensky was looking wonderfully well, apart from being footsore, and considering the long period he had been on the run. He was dressed in blue dungarees and a green jersey and his shoes were cracked and torn. It is understood that no police charges are impending against Ramensky on account of his escape. There have been no reports of break-ins or thefts. His fifth escape has evoked wide-spread sympathy amongst the public. During the war Ramensky was an instructor to Allied agents in blowing safes. (Weekly Scotsman, Jan 2)
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reaperintheroses · 3 years
My Pilot
Poe Dameron x Reader
A/N: this is the first time I’ve ever done head cannons and written starwars. This is relatively long and I’m not super proud of the ending. Same as last time I tried to keep it gender neutral so if there are any pronouns for the reader other than they/them please let me know so I can fix it. Also requests are open.
Warnings: death, angst, reader is pretty malnourished in the beginning, there isn’t a ton of dialogue, hinted use of a sedative, hospitals, passing out, talk of execution, angst, fluff.
Now you had lived on Hosnian Prime for about as long as you could remember 
You didn’t live directly in the city but more in the countryside
So when the first order invaded your planet your small town was one of the first to be taken over
Now it was important to note that your mother and father had fought for the resistance against the empire all those years ago and you had kept your father’s resistance jacket. 
So it wasn’t helpful that if you were discovered to have any links to the resistance, old or new, that you would be executed
You weren’t going to get rid of the jacket, it was the last piece you had of your parents
Though 5 days later when the first order came knocking on your door you realized that you probably should have done something smarter with it than just hide the jacket under a loose floorboard in your bedroom
They asked if it was fine to do a random search to make sure you weren’t hiding any illegal contraband
They were in your house for maybe ten minutes before they found the jacket
You had a fast and unfair trial where you were quickly sentenced to death 
Your parents would be so disappointed if they knew you just stopped fighting
You stopped caring about what happened to yourself. 
They stored you in what used to be the small city jail and kind of forgot about you
You had no clue how many days had passed or what season you were in now
The only time you really felt something was when one of the guards came in and told you that you had three days left
You just nodded and went back to sleeping, tears staining your cheeks
Death was scary, man how could you not be scared
So much to your surprise a little while later a loud bang woke you up
Shooting up you looked around for somewhere to hide and when you realized there was nowhere you backed yourself into the corner of the old cell
‘Was this the end’ you wondered in the longest three minutes of all time as you waited to see what had caused the large noise
So when a man wearing the ugliest shade of orange you ever had the misfortune of laying your eyes across slid into your view 
Let’s just say your interest was quite peaked
He started yelling that there wasn’t time to waste and you just raised your eyebrows
He managed to get your cell open and grabbed your hand pulling you through the building, turning around every few seconds to make sure that you hadn't died 
When you stepped outside the first thing you felt was shock
At the time of your arrest and trial, it had been in the dead of winter and from the looks of it it was almost summer
The second thing you felt was self-conscious about how you looked and smelled, you weren't going to deny the man in front of you was quite hot regardless of the blood and sweat all over his suit
The third thing you felt was pain
The sunlight felt far too bright and it blinded you for about a minute and then started to give you a pounding headache
Keeping your eyes shut you just trusted your rescuer to help guide you so that you wouldn't have to open your eyes and face the bright suns beating down on you
You had no clue how long you were running for all you knew was that it was a long time and a while back you cut your leg on a bush or something
You opened your eyes a little later and saw that you were face to face with an x-wing
He climbed up and started hitting different switches trying to prepare the ship for take-off
He shouted down to you to hop up and that one you were safely in hyperspace he would help you clean your leg
Grabbing the later you swung your body into the ship and strapped yourself in
You heard shouts coming from a distance and your eyes widened 
You didn’t want to rush him but you were starting to get scared 
Right as the stormtroopers started to approach where you were the ship shot up off the ground 
When the shit started to leave the planet’s atmosphere you started to get a little dizzy
Lights started swimming in your vision and you reached for the sides of the ship to help steady yourself
Right as the pilot turns around and starts to ask a question you slump forward in your seat a pounding headache causing you to pass out
You woke up strapped to a bed in a very strange place that smelt strangely of lemons
Citrus smell set aside a strange place is still a strange place 11/10 would not recommend 
After quickly shaking your head to clear the fuzzy feeling you started to struggle in an attempt to escape the straps that kept you tied to the cot
Before you could even manage to undo the first one though the pilot came running in along with a nurse and one or two more people 
The pilot put his hand on your forehead telling you that your okay and that the nurse was just going to give you something to help you calm down
You stop struggling but only because a large sleepy feeling is taking over you 
Your holding onto the cliff of consciousness with only your fingertips you can feel the pilot smoothing his hand over your forehead telling you that it's okay to let go and that he’ll be here when you wake up
The cliff breaks and as the last pebbles fall into the dark abyss of sleep you fall with them.
Waking up round two is a little better
You look over and see the pilot asleep in a chair next to you, snoring softly
It’s endearing honestly
Without all of life’s stresses and the fate of the galaxy resting on his shoulders he looked way younger
Earlier when the two of you were racing against stormtroopers and fighting to escape your planet he was hot
But now he was just plain cute
You coughed slightly and he jolted out of his sleep
He hit a button above his head before sitting up and stretching 
He looked down at you and you looked up at him with a questioning look
“Your safe, they aren’t gonna hurt you anymore,” he replied back down to you in a soft tone
Oh thank the gods
The two of you just stared at each other for a few more minutes before a nurse came in and kicked him out so she could do an examination without him distracting her
She started asking you questions about when you last ate, how much fluid you had consumed in the past day, etc.
It was hard to answer 
She talked about how you would need to be fed through a tube to help get your strength back up but once you got back to a sustainable weight you would be able to start eating solid food again
You nodded at the appropriate time trying to show your focus but your mind was elsewhere 
You couldn’t stop thinking about the pilot 
You think somewhere in her information dump she realized that you were thinking about completely off-topic things
She made to leave and right as she was about to swing out the door you opened your mouth
For the first time in months, you started to speak
You croaked out a gentle “where am I?”
Your nurse smiled at you and replied “Oh honey, you’re on the resistance base.” she left the room without another word and you shut your eyes as you smiled feeling small tears of joy seep out of your eyes
The pilot would come and visit you almost every day and tell you about everything and nothing from small things like what some of the members of his squadron did at lunch to things like his family back home on Yavin 4, to occasionally stories about his mother who was in the resistance along with your parents. 
Even when he couldn’t be there due to missions he would always write you a letter before you left, telling you to keep your head up and that he would be back soon to tell you about all the stars 
Every time you missed him you would read his letters, sometimes your shoulders would shake with silent tears, and others with full out laughing fits at the small jokes he would put in there. 
He once told you that you were the first person he would come see after he returned regardless of what he had to do once he returned
In the very beginning, he would come to you straight after he landed but the smell of gasoline gave you a headache and that gods-awful flight suit made you want to kick him so you told the nurse to make sure that he showered after returning from a mission before coming to see you 
You hadn’t worked up the nerve to talk to the pilot yet. You were worried that he would see you as all healed up and abandon you for the next person he saw who he fancied, you heard the nurses gossip sometimes about him
NOT to imply that the pilot fancied you, nor you him. 
You didn’t like him, nope not one bit
You told yourself this all the time but the moment he flashed that damn smile at you it was like the wall you had built around your heart constructed exactly with those words would fall a small bit and once he left you would have to spend hours reconstructing it by telling yourself that he was just watching over you to make sure that you pulled through and then he would leave you in the dust
Love was scary
But when your pilot came to visit you he would talk and talk and talk, and when he wasn’t there? You would fantasize a life with him once this war was over
When you started calling him your pilot?
Honestly couldn’t tell you the line was kinda blurred
You would tell yourself every time he would come that this would be the time you talked to him
It never happened
You were talking plenty now
You would talk to the nurses when they would bring you food or come check on you
It was just nerve racking to talk to your pilot
But when he came in next time, with an encouraging nod from your nurse, you replied to something he said
He just asked a question about what you ate 
Normally he would just throw in that question before telling you about what the cafeteria had for breakfast 
Before he could answer his own question you just replied quietly “toast and eggs”
He started to answer his question before doing a double take and looking back down at you 
“You talk?” you just smiled at him playfully, reveling in his shock for a moment
It wasn’t nearly as bad as you anticipated 
After that conversation came far easier
Now at this point your probably able to walk around the infirmary and the base during night when there isn’t as many people
But the fateful day came where it was suggested that you eat in the cafeteria 
Yeah you thought taking was hard? This felt nearly impossible
Luckily you were able to come to a compromise and you would wake up early and go eat before most people got up
So there you were standing in front of a display of food with almost no one else around
You felt like a fish out of water and at peace at the same time
You just grabbed the first peace of fruit you saw and a small slice of bread before going to sit down
You started to calm down and eat in peace 
You were in your own little world so when you felt a hand on your shoulder you practically fell out of your seat you jumped so high
There, your pilot was standing looking surprised
He gestured next to you and you just nodded your head
The two of you quickly recovered and soon enough he was talking your head off, telling you about a crazy dream he had
Your pilot made you feel very comfortable 
So you started to eat breakfast with him every day
This quickly became lunch
And dinner
This was how you met his squadron
You became quick friends with most of them 
These meals quickly became apart of your daily routine 
You looked forward to seeing your pilot and his friends 
So when your pilot did not show up for 4 days straight you started to worry
You were able to catch snap in the hallway one day before dinner and ask where he was
He told you that he was on a solo mission but he should be back in a couple of days
So when he didn’t show up nearly two weeks later you started to get worried
Snap told you that he had been lost in action and if they didn’t hear from him in a week he would be declared dead
You felt empty
You wanted to feel something
But you just felt empty
You quietly thanked snap and just went about your day
You didn't speak for a while after he told you
They held a small ceremony for Poe
But after that everyone just kind of forgot 
it felt like there wasn’t nearly as much joy in the base as before
The squad gave up on trying to get you to talk 
You stopped coming to meals daily 
You would maybe show up for dinner once a week
You just shut down
You started to run
You hated running but it was a good distraction
You would run around the base four times once a day
And one time during your run you heard a speaker in the communication center crackle to life
You slowed down but didn’t stop
So when you heard your pilots voice over the speaker you ran straight into a wall
Everyone stopped what they were doing
He was requesting access to land
His squadron was in the room
They all looked at each other trying to figure out what to do before snap gave the go ahead
He made eye contact with you before the entire squadron started running towards the hanger
You made it there first and watched his x-wing, looking a little worse for wear, land 
He crawled out of the hatch as people started rushing around trying to help him or look at the damaged ship
His squadron started hugging him and asking him questions
You started to turn around, you obviously offered no help here you could see him later
Little did you know your pilot was just trying to shake everyone off so he could get to you
You pressed the button to open the door but before you could get through a hand grabbed your shoulder
You turned around and there he was
Blood coating his forehead, his clothes a mess but somehow still smiling
You started to tell him off, saying that he needed to get checked out and make sure that he was okay and then check in with his squadron, after that he needed to clean himself off, change, and he looked like he could use some sleep and you told him as much. You should definitely be at the bottom of his list of important things to accomplish
He cut off your rambling by grabbing your chin and putting his mouth to yours
You squeaked in surprise and froze for a second before melting into his warm embrace
He smelt like gasoline and saltwater
You pulled away and looked at him
He smiled at you and you knew in that moment that you would have hung all the stars and suns in the galaxy if it meant he would smile at you like that again
He started to talk about how there was this great place to eat a few planets away and how the entire time he was away you were all he could think about, and he knew in his mind that when he got back if he didn't even try to talk to you about the feelings he had bottled up that he might just combust.
You just smiled again and nodded
He hugged you again and you just squeezed him right back
You felt the stars align and as you gripped the jacket he was wearing that was so similar to your fathers you felt a feeling you hadn’t felt in so long
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the-drakeboys · 4 years
Come Back to Me - Pt. 1
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Summary: For the first time in years, Sam and Nate Drake will be going on a perilous, high-risk adventure without you by their side - a three-day stint in a Panamanian prison. They’re not just the guys you’ve partnered with and been a medic for on dozens of insane jobs over the last few years - Nate has become one of your closest friends, and Sam… well, Samuel Drake is the love of your life. 
Sam just wants to reassure you - everything is going to be perfectly fine. 
It’s a simple job, after all. 
Pairing: Sam Drake x Reader
Word Count: 3,475
Warnings: Just… all of the fluff. So much fluff.
A/N: My first fic in a long time! I sincerely hope you enjoy. This’ll be a 3- or 4-part series… Just can’t get enough of Sam. He’s such a complex character, and I absolutely love him. Thanks so much for reading!
"I just don't see why we can't come up with something." Pacing the floor with your hands on your hips, you had both Drake brothers watching you with uncertain eyes. The crimson shag carpeting beneath your feet squished between your toes, and your eyes caught the cryptic motel art hanging on the far wall. "There must be... I don't know. Something." 
"We've been over this three hundred times, y/n. It's not gonna work," Nate sighed, rubbing his hands down over his face. You slowed to a stop behind Sam's chair and set your hand on the back of it. You idly thought about how badly you needed to do a load of laundry - his t-shirt felt utterly grimy against the side of your thumb. "But the boat is an important piece of the puzzle. Immensely important. In fact, I would say it's the most important-" 
"Okay, alright, she gets it," Sam waved off his brother's muttering, glancing up at you over his shoulder. "Darlin', we'll be fine. I promise you. It's a simple plan, in and out. That's it." You stared down at him, taken by the earnest look in his eyes. He meant it; he was confident everything would be completely fine. 
And that's what scared you. 
"Sam..." you started, your mouth opening and closing uselessly. He never left your gaze, managing a small, reassuring smile in the corner of his lips. You sighed, setting your hand softly onto his cheek. He turned his head and kissed your palm, hoping that your jittery nerves would be soothed by it. You felt yourself sink, knowing they were right. "Just... just go over the plan for me one more time. Okay?" 
"Jesus, y/n..." Nate's patience was wearing thin. You sat yourself down in the chair between them, trying to settle yourself. 
"Please. Just humor me,” you pressed. The younger Drake softened at the sound of your voice and gave, clearing his throat and starting up on the plan for the millionth time. 
"Uh... Yeah. Yeah, alright." You sunk back into the chair, feeling the weight of all your worry and stress press down into your shoulders. "So, obviously, we know that Avery and Burnes had a run-in at some point in the late 1690's, and Burnes eventually wound up on his crew, and was definitely present for the Gunsway heist. Then in 1696, he was captured and imprisoned for his crimes as a pirate..." Your eyes carefully followed as he gestured across maps, notes, and letters, recounting all the details for you from start to finish, feeling your heart crumple up as he returned to the part of the plan that had remained a sticking point for you for four solid months.
The jail. 
"...so once we get whatever Burnes left behind, and assuming there aren't any hiccups or anything, we just follow Rafe's lead and head to the boat." 
"And that's where you come in," Sam murmured. "Rafe's guy will drive the boat, and you'll be there to patch us up. Y'know, if... we need it." 
Dazed and quiet, you just nodded, staring at the blueprints of the jail in front of you. Eyeing the lines - all the cells, the maze-like array of boxes and hallways and tunnels. It'd be hell to get out of there on short notice. Sam raised a brow at you, taking in your slumped form and feeling the defeat that came off of you in waves. He reached over and rested a firm hand on your knee, forcing you to lock onto his eyes. "Baby," he started. "It's nothing. We do a job like this in our sleep. You know that. I promise this time next week, it'll be like it never happened. Just me and you, on the beach somewhere, drinkin' mojitos and dancin' in the sunset." 
You cleared your throat and sat up, sighing out a slow breath of air. "That's sweet," you spoke, leaning over and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "But that's not what's bothering me." 
"...oh?" he mumbled as you leaned back from the kiss, sitting back in his chair and getting ready to listen. 
Nate took a swig of the luke warm beer that'd been sitting in front of him for over an hour; you hid a smile, pretending you didn't notice the grimace that crossed his face as he sat it back down. "Well... I mean, truthfully, besides the impossible exit strategy - or lack thereof, or the fact that I can’t be there - and yes, I get it, all male prison, yadda, yadda; or even the fact that the person your entire plan is dependent on is Rafe, with whom I wouldn't trust a pet rock, much less my life..." you trailed off, not noticing the look Nathan shot to his brother across the table and the narrowed eyes the elder sent right back, "it's mostly... Burnes. I mean, I hear you, Nate, I really do, a lead is a lead. But just… why Burnes?”
Nate cocked his head at you. “Whatta you mean?” 
You cleared your throat and carefully lifted the 300 year old letter from the table. “I mean… why Burnes? Theoretically, the Gunsway heist took place in ‘95, right? Avery dies four years later - and based on this one letter, we’re supposed to believe that Avery left his monumental treasure of gold and jewels, the culmination of his entire fantastic career as a pirate… to some inconsequential member of his crew who’d barely come aboard just before the heist?” 
A wave of depressed concern flooded both young men. "Well..." Sam started, sitting forward. "Look, it's..." 
You cut him off, “-and not to mention, why would he have wanted his son to ‘find his way in’ to a Panamanian jail? Is there no chance that it was forged by someone trying to lure the son in, maybe one of the captains in charge of capturing and hanging as many of the pirates from Avery’s crew as possible?” 
Nate grumbled under his breath and stood, going over to the mini fridge in the corner. He pulled a few cold beers from the tiny shelf and cracked them open.
You glanced over at Sam, immediately feeling guilt flood your veins at the disheartened expression on his face. “I’m… I’m sorry. I just… I don’t want you two risking so much on such a thin lead.” The brothers shared a look. 
Nate carefully sat down, sliding the two beers to both you and Sam across the cheap wooden table. He gently took the letter back from you and ran his eyes over it. 
“The thing is… you’re not wrong. Okay? It’s thin. It’s definitely thin. But… listen to this. ‘Though my regrets are many, know that I am at peace with my fate.’ He’s… He’s a father, giving peace of mind to his wife and son. Letting them know he’s ready for death. If it was one of the Viceroys, they wouldn’t want to imagine him having any sort of peace, and they certainly wouldn’t want the son to feel peaceful about it, either. They’d want him to feel urgency. To hurry to the jail. They’d give him some sort of date or timeline.” Nate’s passion was evident as he let the words roll off his tongue, and you couldn’t help how it made you smile, how much he reminded you of his brother. 
They both got that look in their eye when they talked about history; when they told the stories of people who’d lived and died so long ago. 
“And,” Sam chimed in, a glint in his eye as he spoke, “he doesn’t just say ‘treasure’. He describes it as ‘the riches of paradise’... That’s a pretty specific line, and given how religious Avery seems to have been... I mean, there are references to paradise all over Avery’s history, and the Spaniards wouldn’t have known that.” 
Okay. you thought. There’s no talking them out of this.
“C’mon… You know it’ll be fine… over before you know it. What’s the worst that could happen?” Sam nudged at your foot with his own, trying his hardest to make you smile.
Your eyes found their way to your overstuffed med pack, sitting fully stocked at the edge of your bed. You’d been there for them through more close calls and near-death experiences than you’d care to admit over the last three years, playing medic to their wild, reckless adventurers since the beginning. And now, without you being able to get into the prison with them, the mere thought of them having to make it in and out of that place without you by their side turned your stomach inside out. 
But they were right. This was the only lead you’d had for months… It was this, or back to square one. And with everything they’d been through, with how long they’d been after this treasure… That just wasn’t an option. 
Biting the inside of your cheek, you mumbled, “Can I at least stock you guys up with some gear, just in case?” 
A wide grin broke out over Sam’s face. “That’s my girl,” he laughed, reaching over and cupping your cheeks in his hands. “We’re gonna be fine,” he pressed a kiss to your lips, “More than fine, actually. We’ll be great.” He turned to his brother then, holding his beer out for a cheers. “We’re gettin’ close to this treasure, I can feel it.” 
You let out a soft giggle, rolling your eyes and lifting your own beer to theirs. Just before your bottle touched Sam’s, you pulled it back. “...Although…”
“...oh my god. What?” Nate huffed with a frustrated laugh.
“...What do I get out of bein’ so cool about this?” you grinned, lifting your feet up to rest on Sam’s lap. 
“What you get? You mean other than your share of a 400 million dollar treasure?” Nathan was beside himself at this point, finally relaxed but still in disbelief at your stubbornness. 
Sam was lost to the conversation, in an awe-filled haze as he watched you start haggling with his younger brother. He softly rested his free hand on your ankle, rubbing the skin there and listening to you throw out ideas - everything from them doing your laundry for a month to a three-day excursion to the Bahamas - and all he could think was just how goddamn lucky he’d gotten; he still couldn’t believe you were his.
“...okay, okay, no, I’ve got it,” you spoke, sure of yourself as a sly grin crossed your face. Nate raised a brow at you, playfully terrified of whatever was to come next.
“Oh god, what is it?” 
You sat forward, smirking at them both. “When you get back, you two finally tell me your last name.” 
“...y/n, the hell’re you talkin’ about?” the younger Drake seemed confused, but you saw right through both of them. 
“Yeah, c’mon. You know, your real last name.” They both immediately began stuttering their way through objections, but you weren’t having any of it. “C’mon, boys, how long did you think I was gonna buy that you just happened to be descendants of Sir Francis Drake? Really? You’re treasure hunters, for Christ’s sakes.” 
Your laughter carried through the thin motel walls, but Sam stayed on target, pressing his fingers lovingly into your ankle as he did, “No, no, Drake is a very proud, very meaningful family name. You’ll see, we’ll uhh… shit, I’ll show you my birth certificate if that makes you feel better.” 
Nate shot him a look that screamed ‘are you fuckin’ kidding?’, but it went unnoticed. There was a darkness in Sam’s eyes and a pang in your gut that told you to let this one go; there was much more to this story than he was ready to tell.
“...mhmm,” you grinned, playing it off and raising your beer once more. “So, uhh… my laundry for a month, then?” 
Nate let out a relieved laugh, glad the discussion was finally over. “Guess I can live with that. I figure it’s worth it for 400 million.”
 Over the clinking of bottles and excited murmurs of cheers, an atmosphere of adventure loomed. 
Sam was right. Everything would be… great. 
“Y’know, I was thinking about the guard that Rafe is paying to get us in, I mean, maybe we can buy him a fruit basket or somethin’ once it’s all done…” Nate began, “Could be a nice way to keep him from asking about what we’re doin’, I mean it could be pretty funny, here’s thirty grand and, y’know, some bananas and pomegranates…” You and Sam listened in amusement, nodding your heads as if any of what he was saying made sense. 
As the youngest Drake rambled on and on about fruit baskets and prison guards and how much of an asshole he knows Rafe to be, Sam found your eyes with his and held them there. A weight lived there between you both, a magnet pulling you to him. He took a swig of his beer, occasionally ‘mhm’ing for his little brother’s benefit; but you were all he was thinking about. A soft smile tugged at your lips, the coy look in your eye driving him crazy, making him struggle not to reach out and touch you. 
“Ahem,” Nate coughed, a brow raised at both of you. You mumbled a ‘hmm?’ at him, turning to face him. Sam didn’t move, gaze still set on you as if he was etching every curve of your face into his memory. 
“I’m uh… I’m gonna go see what’s goin’ on down at Tankhouse. I think it’s ladies night, or… somethin’.” You felt a warm blush come over your cheeks as he stood from the table.
“...you have fun with that, little brother.” Sam’s soft voice and sly, cheeky smile caused a flutter in your stomach, your foot gently kicking his side as you willed him to behave long enough for Nate to get out the door. 
“Sounds good, Nate,” you muttered through your smile, “We’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Night, guys,” he said with a playful roll of his eyes, shutting the door behind him. 
Sam set his beer down and reached over, turning the knobs on the old motel radio that sat against the wall. Old 60’s tunes began to play through the speakers, and he set it to a low volume before turning back to you. “C’mere,” he mumbled, his tone both husky and sweet as you obliged him. You moved to sit yourself across his lap, sighing happily as he brought you into his arms and tugged you close. He captured your lips with his in a slow, heated kiss, one that set you on fire and made your fingers curl around the fabric of his t-shirt. You sunk into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and smiling against his lips. “...what?” he chuckled, his eyes slowly peeling open. 
“Nothin’. Just… you taste… you taste like beer and..tacos.”
“M’not hearin’ a complaint…” 
“Shuddup,” you giggled, still tasting him on your tongue as you leaned back in his hold. There was a long quiet as he stared up at you, eyes lidded and hazy. You dragged your lips in a whisper against his, humming your words into them. “Mmmm, you are gonna miss meeeee…” 
He let out a pained laugh and buried his face in the crook of your neck, peppering soft kisses there. “Ooh, babygirl, you have no idea.” 
“Can you imagine me in prison, though?” you wondered aloud, lovingly threading your fingers through his long, auburn hair and smiling at the happy, peaceful hum it brought out of him.
“...ooooh, I sure can,” he teased, his fingers coming up to give your side a playful squeeze. 
“Oh, stop it,” you laughed, smacking his arm. 
“What? I’m serious. You all dressed up in the orange jumpsuit? Runnin’ the joint, callin’ the shots.” 
He leaned his head back, glancing up at you as you thought aloud, trying to hide your grin, “Y’know, you’re not wrong, I’d probably be some big shot… Get a bunch of tattoos, maybe start collecting teardrops…”
“Now that, that I would love to see,” he laughed, his hand sweetly resting on your thigh and his thumb swiping back and forth. “What about your right-hand man? Do I get a few teardrops, too?”
You cocked your head to the side in thought, twirling some of his hair around your fingers, “Hmm… No, I don’t think you’d be the teardrops type… Too obvious. You’d uhh… I could see you with some birds. Maybe down the side here…” You traced a finger down the side of his neck, feeling goosebumps rise in the wake of your touch. He closed his eyes then, drinking in the moment, loving every second of how it felt to have you in his arms. 
“Mmm… Mhm, I’ll have to do that… Maybe I’ll just get them on this trip. I’ll come back to you all tatted up, lookin’ large and in charge,” he chuckled, still distracted by your fingers running through his hair. 
A heavy quiet fell over both of you, the only sound in the room coming from the radio as oldies classics continued to play. You slowly pulled your fingers from his hair, cupping his face in your palms and meeting his eyes as he peeled them open. “You do that, Samuel Drake,” you whispered. “You come back to me.” 
The fear and stress that played over your face rocked something in him, and every bone in his body ached, knowing just how worried you’d be until he came back to you. 
And in that moment, something in him clicked; staring up at you, his heart racing, his entire body overflowing, he mumbled a single word. 
Your brows furrowed with questions, your mouth opening to ask them, but stopping as realization overtook your face. He repeated it quietly, a shy, scared smile tugging at his lips. “Our name… it’s Morgan.” 
You couldn’t help the joy that poured onto your face, love stretching through you to your fingertips as you closed the small distance between you and met his lips with a full, passionate kiss. He wrapped himself around you, moving his lips with yours, falling harder with each passing moment and knowing in his gut that of all the people in the world to tell about who he really was, the only one that mattered was you. 
As you pulled back from the kiss, you could feel his heart thumping heavily away in his chest. He cleared his throat. This was hard for him; but for you, he would do anything. “When we were kids, I uhm…. There was this one night...” He looked shaken, and your chest ached at the sight. You could see him reliving whatever hell he and Nathan had gone through - you saw it right there in his eyes. “See, Nathan was just a little guy, and I... I almost-”
“-I love you,” you whispered, resting your forehead against his. An emotional smile came over him, grateful for the rescue. 
“Maybe I’ll uhh… maybe I’ll save that one for another time,” he mumbled, relief washing over him. 
“Sounds like a plan, handsome,” you promised. “Your secret’s safe with me.” 
There wasn’t an ounce of uncertainty in his eyes, his hand coming up to gently tuck some of your hair behind your ear. “Never doubted it, sweetheart,” he spoke. “In fact-” He cut himself off then, brows raising happily as the radio began to play his favorite - Sinatra. “Ooh… Oh, this is a good one.” He reached over, fingers nimbly turning the radio up as I’ve Got You Under My Skin floated out through the room. “...I have got you,” he started to sing, your heart instantly fluttering at the sound, “Under my skin… I’ve got you, deep in the heart of me…” 
Sam’s smile was infectious as he sang, shifting you in his lap so he carried you bridal style against his chest. “...I would sacrifice anything, come what might, for the sake, of holdin’ you near…” He stood then, eyes glued to yours, loving how you listened to him with that adoring gaze, your arms around his neck, swaying from side to side as he held you.
His face was so close to you, his lips hovering above yours, warm breath unfolding over your skin with every word of the song. “But each time I do, just the thought of you, makes me stop, before I begin…. ‘Cuz I’ve got you…” Before he could finish, you took those beautiful few words from his lips with a kiss; one that made you both forget the impending trip to Panama, the jail he’d be stuck in for three days without you, and his partnership with the ever questionable Rafe Adler. It was a kiss full of all the weight of knowing deep down in your gut that you were utterly, hopelessly.. helplessly in love. 
Next Chapter
Tags: [tagging the lovely folks who responded to my post re: who’d be interested in a Sam fic. :)]
@lucacangettathisass @ammaliatrici @cassieseraphim @slooshen @wings-0806 @talktothemoon2 @nachochitz @supernaturally-avenging-hannibal @aritipoupi @landoverthemountains @qwertybubbler @raeswrittenrecords @coolnerdreader @s4mdrake @go-youngtrash-things
GIF credit to @bizexualvampire, couldn’t get tumblr to link the gif from the post. thank you!
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Saiyan Mates {Son Goku} - 2. Stretching
Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)
I do not own "Dragon Ball", it belongs to its original creator Akira Toriyama. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release. Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited.
Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website.
If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (If you ask nicely, I for sure, will agree). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me.
I will be writing out scenes even if my Oc isn't in them. As long as she's mentioned, or influencing the characters in some way. Or maybe because it influences the story. This may seem a bit annoying. But that's just how I write. I like to embed my characters into the story line. Because of this, most of the dialogue/scenes will come from the original work.
Warnings: Spoilers for Dragon Ball Z episode 11, Mentions of killing and death, Mates, Cursing, Violence
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Today's Special (Curse word involved)
"You want a whore, buy one.
You want a queen, earn her."
~ Cersei Lannister
{Atena P.O.V.}
I woke up with a yawn, my eyes fluttering open. I was already expecting this. Sleeping gases never worked on me for too long, so I always needed two doses, versus Vegita and Nappa's one dose.
I turned to stare out the pod's only window and grin as I saw a planet in the distance. I rubbed my stiff neck, hmm, maybe stretching my body would help a bit.
I turned on my communication device, "Nappa, Vegeta! Get up!" I screamed as loud as I could.
I heard a groan from Vegeta, "God dammit Atena." He cursed as he woke up.
I smirked, "You up or-"
"I'm up!" He growled out. "But that idiot clearly isn't. Nappa, wake up!" He commanded.
The older man grumbled, "I'm awake. What's going on?" He asked, confused.
"Nothing much. But Atena wants to make a stop and stretch a bit, get some exercise." At this point, Vegeta didn't need his sister to tell him what was on her mind. He saw the planet and knew what she had wanted instantly. "Planet Arlia is right over there. Maybe we could sell it for a nice price."
I nodded, "I'm pretty sure that the party from Araclion is looking to expand. They'd be more than happy to pay a pretty penny for Arlia."
"That sounds good." Nappa agreed, turning on the lights on his space pod. "I hope these Arlians know how to fight. We haven't had any real competition since I can remember."
We then set a course for Arlia. Once we had entered the planet's gravity, we let it pull us down. And landed with a bang.
I climbed out of my pod, only to stare at a complete waste land with broken ruins scattered around.
"Aww man, what a mess. Not much is there." said Nappa from behind me.
"Obviously not." My brother rolled his eyes. "Let's have a look around shall we."
I sighed, "Sure, nothing better to do."
I watched Nappa pat a pillar lightly, only for it to crumble upon impact. "Are you sure you can get a high price for this planet?" He asked me.
"Doubt it." Vegeta answers.
But I shook my head, "On the contrary. As boring as this run down planet is, it's actually a selling point. We could actually charge more on the basis that the people buying it wouldn't need to tear anything down."
"Let's check around a little longer." Says Vegeta.
Our scouter then begins beeping as the ground near us bursts open and two large, blue caterpillar-like creatures attack us. My eyes zone in on their heads, Where two smaller aliens appear to be riding them.
"You are trespassing on Arlian territory." One of them says to us.
"Make one move and we'll blast ya." The other adds. "It was a good day to go hunting after all."
"Let's give them a proper welcome." His friend snickered.
I stare at the two creatures, unimpressed. I turned to my brother, "A proper welcome would be at least 1000 men, for each of us."
My brother rolls his eyes, "Oh please, just look at them. They'd need 10,000 just to land an attack."
"Let's just blast them." Nappa suggests.
"Eassy." Vegeta commands him.
"Surrender peacefully or face the consequences." One of them threatens.
"No." The Saiyan prince answers.
The bug looks surprised, I think at least. It then quickly says, "You left us no choice. Prepare to be destroyed then!" It fires a red beam from his mouth?... I think.
I can see it hit me, but don't feel a thing. The only trace it leaves is the dust that kicks up from the ground.
"That's the end of them." I can hear one of them say.
I let out a yawn, as the other two gasp to see us continuing to stand in front of them as if nothing had happened.
"Surrender at once!" They shout.
"Yeah! Make me!" Nappa screams back.
'Nappa. Surrender to them.' My brother commands us, through the familia bond.
I stare at him, not amused. 'Come one, let's have some fun, we're here.' He tells me.
I sigh, relenting. 'Fine. I'll play along with your little game. But if this ends up another stupid, wimpy male trying to mate with me, your going to owe me. BIG TIME!'
We extend our wrists forward as the two bug-like aliens begin rejoicing, "Yeah, they're giving up."
"I guess we're too much for them." His partner adds.
"They sure are ugly."
"But they'll be good entertainment for the king. Especially the women." One of them says, cuffing my wrists.
I feel my eyebrow twitch at the comment, 'Screw you Vegeta!' I curse through the link.
I yawed in bordem as we were carried in a cage, pulled by the large insects most likely towards where their king is. 'Well if he's a king, he should at least have some guards.' I told the other two.
'That's exactly what I'm hoping for.' My brother responds.
As were herded into a jail cell, the man cackles, "You should be glad to know your cell doesn't have any rate. The prisoners ate them all."
"Oh, joy." I comment drily.
"Why you!" The bug-like creature shouts.
"Wait!" His friend pulls him back. "You know the king prefers his women to be mark free."
"Remind me to get that guy." Nappa growls.
"Sure." I shrug. "But the king's mine." After the sexist comments I can just feel coming my way, I'm deserve to be the one to end that pathetic life, so I'm calling dibs.
"Look at those aliens!" I hear from my left.
"They sure are ugly."
"Maybe they think we're the ugly ones." Another adds.
"Speak for yourself." His friend grunts back.
"Be quiet all of you. It doesn't matter what they look like. They're stuck in here just like the rest of us." One with a golden bangle on his arm chastises the rest of the group. "They're just more victims of that tyrant king. Locked away and left to rot." he says, rubbing his arm.
Yeah buddy, there's no way I'm pulling the pin on that grenade.
But, apparently, I didn't need to. "I'm afraid you visitors have come at a bad time. The new king of Arlia is very ruthless. He uses the prisoners for his own amusement. He even went as far as to steal my wife Lemlia on the day we were to be married. So you can imagine the pain I feel."
I scoffed, "So he's married and handsy. Isn't he the complete package."
I heard footsteps and turned my attention to two females of the race walking towards the cell holding something... pink?
Yeah, hell no!
I turn to my brother, "I'm done." And with that, I blast the cell bars open with an energy blast.
The guards instantly begin filling in, only to be met with the same fate as the cell blasts.
"Couldn't leave any for us?" My brother raises an eyebrow.
"Oh come on. Perhaps the ones upstairs may be stronger, though I doubt it." I suggest.
We walk upstairs and to the loudest room in time to hear the king calling for us.
"Don't put yourself out." says Vegeta, "We're already here."
"What's the meaning of this? Why don't these prisoners have an armed escort? And why is that female dressed in such a manner?"
"Dressed? You mean that pink monstrosity? Yeah, you wouldn't catch my dead body in that!" I scoffed.
"I don't know my sire." The alien next to him answered. "No orders were sent to the dungeon."
"Your guards met with an unfortunate accident." Vegeta answered.
"How dare you?"the king shouted, "Soon it will be your turn to be met with an unfortunate accident!" He screams at my brother, and then turns to me. "And you! You should be honoured that I even considered you."
I raised an eyebrow, "Oh please. You aren't even strong enough to be considered my pet, let alone my mate."
Please, as if I ever consider a man like him. He looked like he wouldn't even be able to pin me down. As a Saiyan it was in my natural instincts to desire a strong mate. My true mate may have died on our planet. But that doesn't mean I'd ever even think of having a child with such a weakling.
The man on the throne growls before turning to the cotton candy like women to his right. "You may not want to watch this my dear."
I sighed in exasperation and put a hand on my hip, "Yeah, sure. Tell her to turn away after you were just talking about doing things with another women, you disgusting pig."
"Why you! My guards shall make short work off this repulsive creatures."
"Really?" My brother asks in mock surprise.
"Ah, let's see." The man nodes, tapping his finger. "Yes, we'll test the big one with the shiny head against our champion in combat. The little one may go next, and we'll save the women for last. Now teach them a lesson."
A large alien from behind us then jumped at Nappa, only for Vegeta to shoot a line of energy blast out of his index finger and middle finger. Blasting his head clean off, and killing him instantly.
"Huh? I guess that makes you the new champion Vegeta." Nappa comments.
My brother chuckles only for the king, still calmly counter with. "Not bad. But 10 of our finest warriors have already mastered techniques using energy just like yours."
"They have?" Vegeta asks, turning around, "Interesting. We'd like to fight them."
I nod, "Who knows. Maybe I'll finally get to stretch a bit."
"Ready?" The saiyan prince asks.
The king let out a cry of outrage, "I'll see you suffer for your insolence!"
"Yeah, whatever." Nappa responded, "Can we get on with this already."
"Ah, how dare you!"
I chuckled, "Easy, you just need to spit out the words."
His 'elite' guards became to surround us, and fire off a red energy blast from their mouths in unison.
I touched the small sparks that were left behind. "How weak." I sighed.
"Was that it? It felt real good. It was refreshing." Vegeta antagonised them.
"Oh. I'll make you pay." The king growled. "If you think you can just walk out of here. You're sadly mistaken."
"You know what's funny, Vegeta?" I turned to my brother. "He keeps saying 'I' as if he's going to be the one fighting. It's hilarious."
"Guards! Attack! Destroy them!"
I sighed, "All right. Play times over." I created a circle of energy around me, and then expanded it outward. Then, when it was at the feet of the men, I shot the bright ring of energy upward, slicing off various parts of the aliens. Killing them.
"Aww come on Antenna. Couldn't you have left any for us." Nappa complained.
"What's the point?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "They're all weak."
"Open the gates!" The king commanded in fear.
I then began to hear gears turning and a section of the ground in front of us open. And from it, a large brown insect rose.
"So it's the giant bug from the ground trick?" My brother scoffed.
I shrugged, "I personally liked the giant rat a little better. It's screams were surprisingly nice."
"You need to destroy these creatures. They're bad. Very, very bad!" The king ordered the giant beast pointing at us."
"That's it!" I growl. "I'm done." I walked over to the king, startling him. "Please die." I smile at him kindly, before flicking his forehead with my index finger, and sending his head flying off his body.
"We're bad?" Nappa asks.
"Well a little." Vegeta answers.
"Correction." I challenge, "We're bad people, but great Saiyan's." I pretend to wipe a tear from my eye, "Oh how proud daddy must be."
Vegeta scoffs, "Daddy's girl."
I smirk, "Oh please, your just jealous that I was the favourite."
The large insect takes a swipe at us, only for us to jump up, like some kind of game of skip rope.
Nappa lands on some steps, and the giant bug gives chase.
"Lucky." I pout. "The only thing maybe worth fighting."
It then tries to lunge for Vegeta, only to miss and lose his balance, crashing onto the ground.
It begins shooting lasers at us, at which point we begin flying around.
"Hey ugly!" Nappa calls it. It thrusts a fist at the bald man, only for Nappa to grab the claw.
The bug begins the whimper as Nappa pulls his claw right out.
The creature makes a desperate attempt to capture him in his hands, only for Nappa to jump away at the last second.
"Hey! I got one more little surprise for you." Nappa then throws an energy ball straight at it, blowing him up.
The remaining aliens began crawling out, and at that point I checked out. "See yeah. I'm going back to sleep." With that I enter my pod, and once again set the coordinates for Earth. Only for once again my inner beast begins crawling around in my mind.
'We'll get some action soon." I tell her, figuring she was just feeling caged. I only hear her mutter something about mate.... before the sleeping gas kicks in, and I fall asleep.
There's an Easter egg up there, did anyone spot it?
Heads up, there will definitely be Chi-Chi bashing. For all of you who like her, sorry. But it had to be done for the sake of the story. Remember, this is a fanfiction, so will by amplifying all her flaws by like 50, which can make anyone seem bad. So don't hate on me, the story, or the real Chi-Chi (and she tries her best in her situation). Because this is just a fanfiction.
Also someone pointed out to me that I accidentally wrote Vegeta's name with an 'i', as Vegita, a couple times. So sorry for that guys. And thanks for pointing that out, I'll try my best not to make that mistake again
Another thing I will be changing is - as the story progresses, Goku's saiyan instincts will help sharpen his mind, and his other senses. So smarter, and slightly darker and possessive Goku.
You can read the other chapters of this story (in order) on Wattpad, Quotev, Fanfiction.Net, Ao3, or Webnovel - Under the username Animeloverforever1127 (Under the same title of course). Or you could shuffle around my tumbler, (I’ll try to keep my tags constant) but I’d go with the first - just seems like a lot less work.
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bluejaytaco · 3 years
Shit, it’s more DND w/ Jay!
(So, things were once again a little retconned. Our DM had been drinking the session before and forgot to mention one detail to us. That being that Ticket Master was there the whole time. He also, apparently, told us he wouldn’t be able to send us back because, so long as Task Master was in existence, he only has half of his power.
He can teleport himself no problem, he just can’t bring anyone else. So, now our mission is to take out Task Master in order to return home. We also have to take down Nerve (The corrupted AI) because it’s been corrupted by Ticket Master’s power.
But, for the moment, we had to focus on Eltbalm and the old man he was holding up, screaming at.)
Art: Uh, hey, how about we don’t kill the old man?
Eltbalm: (sees them and drops Art’s father, who’s okay just a little shaken up. He storms up to Art.) You! You’re responsible! Tell me what the fuck is going on here? Where is Red?!
Reita: (waking up to the tension and seeing Eltbalm in her brother’s face. She bites down on his arm.)
Eltbalm: (shakes her off and turns to punch her. He misses as she ducks out of the way.)
Art: (gets punched in the face by the dragonborn paladin. Takes 7 damage.)
Ticket Master: (watching this all go down) Wow.... you all did very little to stop that from happening!
Art: (snapping around to his teammates and cradling his face) Yeah! Thanks for the help, guys!
(Wreybar just kinda shrugged it off. She’s a little insane right now. But it does get Koejin to jump in and help.)
Koejin: (Notches an arrow and points it at Eltbalm) How about you calm the fuck down? 
Eltbalm: (Sees this and glares at Koejin) You’re gonna shoot me? Do it!
Koejin: (Does just that)
(The arrow finds a home in Eltbalm’s breastplate. He pulls it off and snaps the arrow in half. Koejin finds this to be extremely hot as he pushes passed everyone and storms out.)
Ticket Master: Well, now that that’s handled, I can tell you about the other universe. Everyone sends their regards! Hennessy says (can’t remember for the life of me, I was drinking...), Alabaster says “I’m fine.” With a period. He wanted you to know it ended in a period. And Theodora says “Koejin, I will find you.” Would you like to say anything to them?
(We all think about what we’re going to say. Wreybar went first as Ticket Master pulled out a typewriter and put on glasses, kind of in the same fashion as The Mask.)
Wreybar: I say “Get money. Make bitches. Leave the fuckin haters.”
(Ticket Master reads it back to her so that he knows what he’s saying. We all laugh about it. Koejin wanted to go last so it was Art’s turn.)
Art: I don’t know, Wreybar kinda covered everything. (Koejin: Yeah, like, is there anything more to say here? lol)... I guess just... Sorry for running ahead without making sure you were following. We’ll find our way back.
Ticket Master: Alright. So! “sorry for running ahead without checking with you. I’m stupid. We’ll find our way back.”
Art:.... Did I do something to upset you?
Ticket Master: (now ignoring Art) Koejin?
Koejin: I wanna say to Theodora “Not if I find you first! Bleeeehhh!” (sticks out her tongue as airhorns sound. Watches Ticket Master write for a moment) I’m gonna need you to read that back to me.
Ticket Master: Okay. “Not if I find your first. Bleh, blah, brer bo.”
Koejin: I don’t know where that last part came from.
Ticket Master: (puts away the typewriter and glasses) So, I will send out these messages and return soon. By the way, your friends are in a jail cell with Mrs. Red at this moment. Farewell! (backs into the darkness and now he’s gone, leaving us stunned at this new bit of information.)
Koejin:.....I’m sure they’re fine....
Art: (checks on the two tieflings who just witnessed all of this.)
(Reita’s seen some shit so this is just another Tuesday for her. Art’s father, however, is clearly shaken and confused.)
Art:... so...uh.... remember the “Tentacle Monster” portion of the story? That was him.
Art’s Father: (throws up in his mouth a bit)
((Koejin’s player: Oh yeah, I forgot Art told him everything. DM being all “so you tell him everything? Okay, that includes the freaky tentacle sex!”
Me: Yeah, I just kind of imagine the conversation going like “then the two of us teleported away so I could get railed.”))
(We spend a while trying to figure out what to do next. Because the Ticket/Task information is new, we focused on that maybe a little too hard.)
Art: So, if we kill Task Master, Ticket Master gets all his power back and we can go home.
Haida: (someone else who’s been there pretty much the whole time) Okay, so how are you going to get him?
Koejin:... Will he still show up if I lie?
Art: Try lying.
Koejin: Okay. Art, You’re very talented and I really appreciate your company.
Task Master: (pops into existence with his signature groan)
Art: (looks at Task Master then back to Koejin) That’s hurtful....
(Koejin takes the lead here. She starts talking about how it would be really nice if Task Master could just die. He offers to drink some poison at which point Vincent pulls out battery acid and hands it to the god. Of course, drinking it does nothing.
In the end, Task Master simply disappears and we have to rethink things.)
Art: Guys, we were at full power and couldn’t take out a dragon. We’re not gonna be able to take out a god like this.
Koejin: Then we just need to get stronger! I’m gonna get swol! 
(Cue Rocky Montage! It goes on for long enough for Art and Wreybar to have a long rest. By the end of it, Koejin goes again to summon Task Master by complimenting Wreybar’s mental stability.
Nothing happens.)
Koejin: Okay... maybe deep down, I believed it? Uhm... (Turns to Art’s father) You have a really nice place here!
(Again, nothing happens)
Art’s father: Thank you!
Koejin:.... Art, you’re very talented.
(Nothing happens.)
Art: Guess he’s not coming back. 
Koejin: Wait! One more! .... I hate alcohol (pause. Still nothing.)
Wreybar: Yeah, he ain’t coming back.
(We think about it for a moment when I suggest using Spaghetti Kid, a tool we haven’t used in a while. (He’s a jinn that Art befriended and is meant to act as a guide whenever we’re stuck. He’s summoned whenever Art eats a bit of “spaghetti” from a jar he carries around.) Koejin’s player laughs and says “oh, yeah. Remember when that was the weirdest thing about this campaign?”
The DM also asked “are you sure?” For anyone who plays DND, you know that’s never really a good ask.)
Art: (eats some spaghetti)
(After eating it, Spaghetti Kid begins to materialize and looks at us. After a moment, he says “H-” and then starts to scream in agony as he melts away and dies.)
Art:... (Watches this in horror) I’m sorry!!(Rolls high on Arcana and learns that it’s because he doesn’t belong in this reality. Also, because it was such a high roll, Art realizes everyone that actually belongs here is also back. Despite not going through the portal.)
(Haida’s the one who makes the focus obvious. We need to find Nerve to redistribute the Ticket Master power it’s carrying. Nerve’s place of opperations is the spire that, in our timeline, belonged to General Green. (It also happens to be where Ticket Master seduced Art.) So, we go with her to the front gate only to see thousands of blob monsters swarming in. She screams “shit!” and runs back to the house.
We all follow. Koejin’s throwing her hands in the air and sighing at the whole ordeal.)
Art’s Father: (in the house, opening a hatch that leads into a basement) We’ll be safe in here!
Art:... Basement hatch...
Art’s Father: Yes, clearly this isn’t the first time this has happened!
(Meanwhile, Wreybar rolls high enough on perception to notice Reita staring out the window and salivating over the sea of black ooze right outside the house. She looks at Wreybar and they both have a similar thought.)
Wreybar:...black pudding.
Reita: (smiles and holds out her hand for Wreybar to come with her.)
Koejin and Art: (Preparing to go into the bunker only to see two of their companions missing)
Wreybar and Reita: (already out in the sea of black ooze. Reita is shovelling it in her mouth.)
Art: (Dives for Reita through the window) Reita, get back here! And don’t eat that! (drags her back through the window.)
Koejin: (walks out the front door which lets the ooze into the house, but walks through it to get to Wreybar.)
(once the two more sane members of the party drag down the insane ones, the hatch is closed and they’re all safe.)
Reita: (pouting because she was stopped from eating the black pudding.) Hungry...
Koejin and Wreybar: (start feeding Reita their rations)
Reita: (After devouring them, she hugs Wreybar. She and Wreybar are now besties because they dove into the “black pudding” together. She’s also more comfortable with Koejin considering Koejin fed her.)
(The area below is dark, which leaves Koejin blind to it. But there is furniture and things pushed up against a corridor. Vincent explains that the corridor leads all over Acentria as an underground system, but only Eltbalm knows how to go through it.)
Koejin: I could probably navigate it.
Art: You can’t see.
Koejin: But you guys can!
Art: And you’re gonna take everything we say at face value and absolute truth?
Wreybar: Yeah! 
Koejin: Okay, well, the way I see it we have three options; wait here and die, go out there and look for Eltbalm, or figure out the path on our own.
Art: Or we can have Eltbalm come to us.
Koejin: How?
Art: I can send a message.
Koejin:....why didn’t you do that earlier?!
Art: Because.... as we’ve already established.... I’m a fucking idiot!
((Koejin’s player: We’re not just the chaos group; we’re the dumbass group! Chaotic Dumbass!))
(Art asks what he’s sending to Eltbalm. Koejin then says something along the lines off “Hey, you wanna see Koejin’s nudes? Come and find them!”)
Art:.... (Gives Koejin a thumbs up but sends something completely different) If you want to see “her” again and possibly save this world, come back to the house.
Eltbalm: ...You better not be lying.
(We have some time to spare so we get to know our companions a bit. Art asks Haida about what the other Generals did and gets an earful about how they “protected the people of the city” but were really just arresting anyone who stepped out of line. Including Haida. She eventually fled the city and ended up dying. That’s when Ticket Master found her and offered to either keep her alive or let her die and reincarnate.)
Art:... and you chose life.
Haida: Well, yeah. It’s the better way.
Art:.... is it? You could have just reincarnated and been okay.
Haida: yeah, and be useless for a thousand years!
Art: A thousand ye- how old are you?!
Haida: Ugh, don’t you know anything about the gods?
Art: Considering the “gods” I’m closest with are a narcissistic dragon and a very horny tentacle monster, no. I don’t.
(Haida then explains that reincarnation isn’t instant. It would take time to be of any help because gods don’t exist in a place where time is necessary.)
Haida: Is there anything else you’d like to know, Oh Great One?
Art:... there is never going to be a version of you that likes me, is there?
Haida: (seems thrown off by this) I don’t know...
Koejin: To be fair... no one likes you.
Art:... Thanks, Koejin. That’s helpful.
Art’s Father: I like you.
Art:... Thanks, Dad.
Reita: (waves her hands around frantically as a way of going “I like you!”)
Art: Love you too, Reita.
Vincent: I... don’t really know you so I guess I’m kinda indifferent.
Art: It’s a better relationship than the other timeline.
(No one else really has anything to say so we wait until there’s banging at the hatch. Koejin calls up to see who it is, but the banging just continues. Eventually, she cracks it and sees someone slashing at the ooze. When she opens it, she’s pushed in and falls as something runs through the bunker.
Art can see it’s this universe’s Reita. She is torn apart and looks like she’s seen better days. He goes to follow her down the corridor but is ultimately stopped by his Reita, who grips him by the arm and frantically shakes her head.)
Art: I just want to go check on her. I’m not going far.
Reita: (still not letting go and shaking her head)
Art: Reita, it’s okay! Just let me... (still struggling to get out of her grip. When she doesn’t let up he frowns at her) What’s wrong? Why won’t you let me go?
Reita: (Trying to speak) ....you....f-ear....
Art: (trying to piece it together) I mean, maybe a little... but that can’t stop me from going.
Reita: (clearly frustrated by her lack of being able to communicate)
Art: (Seeing this and knowing getting free is useless right now) okay.... It’s okay.
Koejin: (Tries to go only to be stopped as well)
(We fight with Reita over this for a moment before there’s some more knocking at this hatch, this time with Eltbalm’s voice demanding to be let in.)
Art: (looks at Koejin) Your boyfriend’s here.
Koejin: (looks at Reita) can I go open the hatch for him)
(Reita agrees to let go so that Eltbalm can be let in. He jumps in and brushes off some of the remaining ooze in a fashion that makes Koejin swoon. But it’s also clear he’s horribly depressed. Eltbalm is then filled in on the situation and makes it clear he doesn’t really care about the state of the world. But he does want his wife back. Using Ticket Master’s powers.)
Art:... I don’t know if that’s the best idea. She could come back different. She might not even be your wife anymore...
Koejin: Yeah, I mean, Look at Art’s hand!
Eltbalm: I don’t care. I just want her back; In any form. You told me you could do it and I will go to the ends of the worlds to get her back.
Art: ....I can appreciate that. (Thinks for a second then nods) okay. You help us, we’ll do what we can to bring her back.
((DM: Is he being genuine?
Me: Yeah. Completely))
(After saying this, Eltbalm agrees to help. He goes to lead us through.
Then Reita grabs him and stops him from going. He tries to muscle through but Reita has a very tight grip on him and is holding him by the back.)
Eltbalm: ...this isn’t going to work if she keeps doing this.
Art: (now trying to persuade her) Reita, we have to keep moving forward if we want to get home. I know you’re scared. But we can’t just stay here. 
Reita: (listens to Art and relucantly lets go of Eltbalm and moves back over to Art.)
(He gives her a hug and she returns to practically clinging to him without stopping him from moving.)
( We start to head down the corridor with Reita at our side as well. Art’s father, Vincent, and Haida all stay behind. As he’s reminded that Koejin doesn’t have dark vision like the rest of us, Eltbalm lights a torch which also makes Koejin swoon a bit. But, she can see that his scales don’t have the same luster and, despite being a white dragonborn, he somehow looks paler.)
Koejin: Hey, Art? You have some sort of spell that can help out Eltbalm and make him feel better? Maybe Calm Emotions?
Art: Yeah, I can do that.
(The caverns fill with a calming melody for a while as we begin out journey. We walk for a very long time through the trail, following Eltbalm. As we continue to walk and find we can’t even really tell where we are anymore. We see a light flickering up ahead.)
Koejin: (carefully notches an arrow as she walks up to investigate this.)
(She finds a fairy who looks at her in confusion.)
Fairy: oh! Hello. Are you friendly?
Koejin: I mean, personality-wise, no. But I don’t mean you any harm. What’re you doing down here?
Fairy: Living... (she looks around as the rest of the party walks up) there sure are a lot of you... What are you doing down here?
Koejin: Well, we’re looking to get to the desert.
Fairy: The desert? Oh, I know a shortcut!
(Koejin rolled to find out if she was really a fairy. It was a low roll but the DM said “yeah, she seems pretty real.” But she does remember that fairies went extinct thousands of years ago during the Great War.
Art and Koejin switch places as Koejin goes to talk to Eltbalm.)
Art: Soooo.... where you from?
Fairy: Here.
Art: And you’ve just been hiding down here? 
Fairy: Yes, from the different mechanical creatures that come and try and eat us.
Art: Is one of them.... a giant hawk?
Fairy: Oh no. Nerve is far too big to make it down here!
Art:... how do you know about Nerve then?
Fairy: Oh, I read about it.
(We talk about how cute it is the idea of a fairy attempting to read a normal sized book.
But while Art is talking to the fairy, Koejin and Eltbalm have a conversation.)
Eltbalm: I don’t really trust her but... if you want to take her up on her offer...
Koejin: Wouldn’t we just be safer going your way?
Eltbalm: .... I have no fucking clue where we are. The paths changed.
Koejin: (glares at Eltbalm but then looks at the caverns to see there are some clear indication of fallen debris. She turns back to the fairy) Are there often collapses in the caverns?
Fairy: Over time, yes. You have the ocassional cave in and such...
Art: When was the last one?
Fairy: It could have happened at anytime and anywhere. The caverns go all over the world, you know!
Koejin: But then, how do we know your shortcut is even still there?
Fairy: Oh, I know it is!
Koejin: (Rolls another insight check and finds she isn’t lying. She knows her way around.) Okay! I think we should follow her.
(We all begin to do this and head on our way.)
Wreybar: (notices Reita staring at the fairy. Once again, she’s salivating)... is it the wings?
Reita: All... so tasty...
Wreybar: Mmm, like chicken... you should get it.
Reita: (nods and goes after the fairy)
Art: (catches Reita mid attack as she was still hanging onto him. Pulls her back) you’re not eating our guide.
Reita: So hungry...
Art: (Gives her another ration which she then devours)
Koejin: So... it’s funny that I’m only seeing one fairy here. Where...?
Fairy: Oh, you mean my brothers and sisters?
Koejin: I mean, I didn’t want to assume you were all related. Seems racist.
Fairy: Well... either way, they’re here. They’re just...shy. If you want to meet them, just turn around!
(All of us freeze at that and slowly turn around to see dead, lifeless fairy bodies hanging on string and following us.)
Art: (not looking away from the horror show)... you have a lovely family...
Wreybar: (sees the wire is also on our guide. She follows it up to see mechanical spiders using them as puppets.)
Fairy: (smiles) You’ve fallen for our trap.
(Next time, we roll for initiative.)
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Three days after Christmas, on one of those clear winter days during which the dark clouds are pierced by a sunlight that turns the water to silver, a group of friends gathered at Bull Island in the heart of Dublin city to say goodbye to Sue Richardson. Sue died in October1 in 2011, aged seventy, sitting at her kitchen table, waiting for the kettle to boil. At her funeral a former housemate said, ‘Sue had an uncanny knack of turning the conversation away from herself’. She had an extraordinary life, yet spoke very little about it. The story here cannot be anything but incomplete.
She was born Sarah Fenwick Owen in 1941. At 23 she became Sarah Poulikous on marrying Dimitris Poulikakos. Dimitris later became a radical actor and Greek rock-star. Though they didn’t stay together, almost fifty years later she met him again to discover that both had in the intervening years followed similar political paths. In 1972, it was Sarah Poulikous who Scotland Yard said they were anxious to interview about the activities of the British anarchist group the Angry Brigade. In the previous year, one member of the brigade had received a 15 years prison sentence and four others were sentenced to ten years for involvement in a series of bombings. So it was that Sarah Poulikous came to Ireland and Susan Richardson was born, a new name, a new birthday, a new date of birth, a new passport.
She moved to Dublin’s inner city, was involved in the burgeoning Irish feminist movement and joined the Dublin Anarchist Group. Her life changed once more, when on February the 22nd 1978, a man entered the Bank of Ireland on Drumcondra road and passed a note to the teller saying “I am armed, push out all the money to me. Hurry. No delay. Return note”. He left with a bag of money and disappeared. Sue was found nearby, holding the bag, and was arrested. At her trial, at the Special Criminal Court she refused to identify the robber and so was sentenced to three years in jail on a charge of receiving money knowing it was stolen.
Conditions at Mountjoy Women’s prison were harsh. It had changed little since Victorian times. There were only two toilets for the 16 women prisoners, both open to those around, including to male prisoners. For washing there were two small basins with only cold water. Once in their cells, the women had to use pails and slop out every morning – often in the same basins. Sue, ever the fighter, took a case to the Irish High Court arguing that the state had failed in its duty to protect the health of the prisoners. She said to the judge “I don’t know what your stomach feels like in the morning, but it can be very unpleasant to go to wash your face and teeth to find the basin filled with human waste”. Justice Barrington, upheld her complaints and directed the authorities to improve facilities at the prison.
She was released in 1980 after serving 16 months, but was told by the prison authorities that she was not to communicate with newspapers, radio or television or to engage in public controversy. If she did, she would be considered in breech of prison discipline and returned to jail. Sue went to the High Court and contested the gagging order. Once more she was successful. The judge Mr Justice Barrington prohibited the Minister for Justice and the prison governor from attempting to restrict her freedom to express freely her convictions and opinions, through newspapers, radio and television. On release she remained active in Prisoners Rights Organisation and supported other prisoners, when she could, organising friends to visit prisoners when she could not.
The Dublin she returned to was beginning to see the corrosive effects of heroin addiction spreading through inner city communities. The threatened destruction of the inner city families lead to the rise of a grassroots anti-drug campaign known as Concerned Parents Against Drugs. Mass meetings were held to expose dealers, mass pickets were placed on their houses. With Noreen O’Donohue, Sue wrote ‘Pure Murder: a book about drug use’, which detailed the effect of addiction on the area she lived in. It was groundbreaking as it contained interviews with addicts themselves, giving voice to a group who were often demonised. It was published by the Women’s Community Press, which she helped to set up, in 1983.
I first met Sue, in the early 1990s at anarchist meetings in Dublin. She was a tall, frail woman.
I was told the damp and strain of prison had destroyed her lungs. Over the months, as her emphysema worsened she could no longer make it up the stairs to meeting rooms, could no longer leave the house, until eventually she was bed-bound and dependent on an oxygen machine. We didn’t think she had long to live. Then we heard she had been flown on an Irish army plane for a heart lung operation in the UK. The operation gave her back her life, though the anti-rejection drugs she had to take, lead to dialysis and a kidney transplant ten years later, and what she described as “only a bit of cancer” last year. Despite her new lungs, she continued to chain smoke, and gave short shrift to anyone who dared suggest she stop.
When I asked people at her wake where they first met Sue they said; I met her at a Residents Against Racism meeting, through the Women’s Community Press, I worked with her in CAFE, the community arts organisation, she helped me on my mothers fruit farm in Meath, I met her when I came out of prison, I lived in her house. Solidarity and direct political action were Sue’s core beliefs. At her funeral her close friend Trish MacCarthy told how, as Sue’s lungs began to fail, a group of friends held a fundraiser and raised 200 pounds, enough to buy Sue a car. A few years later, when Trish was herself short of cash, she found 200 pounds in her bag after a visit to one of Sue’s many parties. Trish said “that was the way she felt about money, it was only something to be handed on and passed around when needed”.
The house she lived in was a reflection of her personality. Trish described it as ‘as a communal space and numerous individuals who needed support and a place to stay were made welcome there over the years”. A former house-mate remembered the dinner parties and political arguments around the kitchen table. When I visited her house I always left with ideas, the name of a new book I needed to read, a film I should watch, a radical economist worth listening to. She loved her garden and her cat. She had a wicked sense of humour and was quick to laugh. Sue was one of those rare individuals that are always worth listening too but who share their wisdom in a gentle unassuming way. She could be strong without being forceful – though young male activists would often find themselves at the butt of her questions. She had contempt for those in authority, ‘assume nothing’ she said. In the last few years she cared for her terminally ill sister Jane, went wooffering in the Lebanon and travelled throughout the Basque country with her friend Rose Dugdale. It’s hard to believe that she is dead, because she lived so well.
Sue is survived by her two nieces, and missed by friends, comrades and house-mates.
Taken from https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/xd26n2
What a human being.
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milwrites · 4 years
Weird that it happened twice, right?
chapter four - masterlist
a/n: i’m really proud of this one, it’s a real favourite of mine, and is the end of where the story follows canon. obviously no one has died that does in-game, and i intend it to stay that way :) italics are john/narrator as usual :)))
word count: 3k
T/W: sexual assault, death, blood, lots of swearing.
Fingertips brushed against each other once more as guards pulled us in opposing ways, the 17 men being separated from the 2 women. I resisted violently, the men restraining me simply slipping a gag into my screaming mouth. A yell from John and I was thrown into the second cell in the past month. The women around me were terrifying to begin with, all of them much older than me and they spoke with not an ounce of tenderness, but I appeared to bring out the maternal nature in all of them. Perhaps the sight of a battered teenager in a prison that most died in before they were even hung softened even the hardest of hearts. They all seemed to protect me in some way; a few offered me some of their food from between the bars, others sliding me illicit bars of floral soap. I didn’t know what to make of it, didn’t think I deserved it until many of them opened up. They were mainly killers, but most had exacted revenge on a man who wronged them, and then kept killing. I told them stories in return. I had been educated as a member of the upper class, even if I had been treated poorly, and could recall many tales that had offered me escape from my life. I told told them stories of the mighty Thor and devious Loki from the norse myths, and managed to condense entire plays of Shakespeare into about ten minutes. It let us leave the penitentiary for a while, go to Asgard or Venice or the faerie kingdom of a Midsummer night's Dream.
John didn’t get the same level of closeness with his inmates. The men were killers or worse, and while John could play the act better than all of them, he stayed silent as much as possible. His thoughts were so loud as to overpower his voice, he could feel death coming once more and this time he knew Vesta wouldn’t appear to save him. He wished he could have said good bye to Jack. He wished he could have told the kid how much he loved him, how proud he was, how he was going to be a great man one day. He knew Arthur would look after him, and hoped that upon seeing the man assume responsibility for a child, Mary Linton would return to him, and they would raise Jack as best they could. If not, he consoled himself that Sean and Karen adored the child, would spoil him rotten of course, but he would be happy. He wondered if he’d been good enough. He decided he hadn’t. Decided that a good father would have quit this life long ago, a good father most definitely wouldn’t be hung for his crimes before his child could celebrate his 5th birthday. Tears were falling freely, as he thought about the boy being told neither parent would return home, that he would never ride down to the river to see deer with Vesta again, never play cowboys wearing his father’s hat again. He bit his fingernails to stumps and his lips a bleeding mess just considering every one of his past mistakes.
A prison guard rattled my cell to wake me. My sleep was fitful, dreams bloody. I’d braided my hair days ago, flyaways sticking to my sweaty face, which to the guard must have seemed like an invitation to enter my cell and pin me to the wall. I scratched and bit and kicked at him, my every effort doing nothing against the large man. I was crying great gulping tears, terrified at what was about to happen and even in the moment feeling guilty as I thought of John. The man let out a choked gurgle, the wet sound of blood filling his throat.
The woman in the cell beside her had been hiding a shiv for weeks, not planning on using it but keeping hold nevertheless. She had lodged it in the man’s meaty neck, and I pushed him off me, shaking with residual fear and snot still dribbling down my chin. “We- we’ve got to-“ I sniffed. “Got to get him out- and hide the shiv.” I never got the chance to move him. Other guards had heard the racket and were gathering outside the cell. A younger man pulled him out before locking my cell again, and I cried out in horror as they shot my saviour there and then. Gone. She didn’t cry out as she fell, her eyes only widened and her lips parted in a silent gasp. A fresh set of tears gilded my cheeks, the woman having given her life only to protect me from the assault almost every woman in the jail had been through. I wondered if it had been the kindness I had tried to offer, or how young I seemed, or even that it was that enough women had been through hell at the hands of the guards, but it would stick with me forever, the selflessness of a self-proclaimed murderer.
I felt hollow and empty, like the fear of death had been wiped from my mind. Death was so casual here. There were hangings every day, multiple at once. The guards told me regularly that I was to be hung with Marston, and it gave me comfort to know the last face she saw would be the one she loved most dearly. It even set me counting down the days, eagerly waiting to die at the promise of seeing him once more. How far away England seemed, that simplicity of life only punctuated by threats and callous words.
I didn’t see the balloon pass over, and was unaware of the commotion it had caused. I also didn’t hear the shots fired as a set of guards were killed out in the fields and an ultimatum was shouted over the prison walls. And what an ultimatum it was.
My cell door was opened by a scared looking boy, barely older than myself, the grip he held on my shoulders tight enough to bruise. I knew in that moment my time had come, and wryly wondered if this would get me to Valhalla. I welcomed death at that point, as it meant seeing John, maybe for all eternity. I held my head high.
Until I was greeted by an ever-so familiar voice.
“She don’t look too bad all things considered. Head’s still up high ain’t it, Mrs Adler?” The deep tenor of Arthur Morgan was joined by Mrs Sadie Adler’s western drawl. “Let’s get Marston and then we can assess our wounds maybe.”
I gaped at the sound of them, speaking lowly to the boy still gripping me tightly. “Well I’ll be damned.” It had been long decided in my mind that no one was coming for us; the first few weeks had me nursing a candle of hope that spluttered out soon after.
Cobblestones gave way to weed ridden grass under my bare feet even as the cast iron gate of Sisika Penitentiary groaned and shuddered its way open. I stumbled across the threshold, over it, and out onto the island, wasting no time in careering into arthur. He slipped me a revolver and a clip of ammunition. Another protesting screech of ill-fitted hinges and the gates rolled open for a second time.
He’d grown a beard, I noted with a face of disgust.
The miserable expression he’d worn for over a month faded away to a tentative smile at the moment he saw her wrinkled nose and creased brows. A niggling voice in his head hissed poisonous accusations against the girl: she hated him now, she had been hoping he rotted there so she could leave and live a better life. She suffocated it with a beaming grin, leaving Arthur’s side to cannon into him at full pelt, only knocking most of the air out his lungs. She mumbled into his chest, a slurred comment about how much she’d missed him, peppered with expletives and the odd nonsensical noise. A low rumble of mirth and a sharp exhalation of air was his only reply, him not trusting words enough to express himself.
“Ah hate to break up this heartfelt reunion but they are startin’ to shoot at us.” Reminded Arthur, the world having faded quite away for us both. Indeed, bullets were raining down from the battlements, being blocked only by the brick wall the convicts and their rescuers had gone and hidden behind. Chunks of plaster flew from the wall, chinks of light shining through. Sadie started issuing orders.
“John, (Y/N), make a run for it now ‘n’ we’ll cover you. There’s a boat in the marshland.”
We bolted. John seized my hand and held tight, his long strides easily outstripping my much smaller ones, and practically dragging me across the fields. Engaging the guards was suicide, between us we had 12 shots while each guard would have around 16 - and would be on horseback too. Instead we hid, darting from cover to cover, Arthur and Sadie leaving piles of bodies in their ever destructive wake. I saw the boat with a gasp, the sudden realisation that I was still alive, still with John and oh-
We would see Jack again.
John clambered into the boat first, giving me a hand climbing in. Two neat piles of clothes sat in the bottom of it, one with a hat on top and the other with- “Are those my guns?” pure delight shine through my question, my eyes lighting up as I spied the distinctive blued metal of my pistols. I rummaged a little more in the pile to find that they were my clothes too, and I scrambled to get changed while we waited for Sadie and Arthur. John did the same, happier to see his hat than guns, but expressing enjoyment at the reassuring weight of them at his hip. I let out another delighted laugh; I had found that Sadie had fully stocked my bandolier with ammunition, it spanning my chest with shiny cartridges peeping out from their leather keepers.
The gunfire came closer, Sadie taking a running jump into the boat and Arthur following closely, giving the boat a powerful push before entering it himself. For a while the only noise was the splash of the oars hitting the smooth water and the breathless recovery of the fighters, until John spoke up. “I don’t know how to thank you. I thought Dutch was gonna orphan Jack if I'm bein’ honest.” Arthur and Sadie exchanged apprehensive glances. Arthur inhaled deeply, looking pained as he explained himself. “Dutch, well he didn’t exactly sanction us comin’ for yer. He actually told us not to. Said he had a plan and such but it was bullshit so we came anyway. So don’t expect a great welcome I guess.”
The silence returned again, none of us knowing exactly how to respond.
beaver hollow - 1899
John didn’t know how many more times he could cradle her close to him like this, broken and beaten. He held back his rage for Jack’s sake, who was soundly sleeping leant against his father’s other side, too tired to fully register their return. He hated that his every dream ended with her dying in his arms, and that he had to wake up and see her dreaming the same dreams. She shifted in her sleep, muttering something that sounded distinctly like a threat, and moved closer to him. Beaver Hollow set him on edge. They didn’t have a proper tent, more a canvas shelter with two bedrolls under it, and he found himself shielding her with his body from prying eyes when she woke up in distress most nights.
I hadn’t told him what happened in Sisika. It seemed needless to me; he already knew it had been hell, because he’d been though it too. I didn’t need any more pity from him either.
The early hours of the morning cast a rosy glow over our prone bodies and the quiet stillness of the camp. Neither us them were asleep, both pretending for the others sake that we were.
“John? I need you over here a moment.” Dutch hollered from the other side of the hollow. Not receiving more response, he strode over to them, calling John again. “Can it wait?” I had no trace of patience in the way I spoke to him. I hadn’t challenged Dutch's seeming lack of action to spring them from prison, but the deep injustice was constantly boiling beneath my skin. “You aren’t busy, Miss (L/N). Neither is John.” Her tone had riled Dutch and he talked coldly to her, still taking the moral high ground as ever. I had sat up to speak to him, a shawl draped across my shoulders to for warmth. John started to stir, placing a restraining hand at my arm that I ignored. Dutch turned from me entirely, addressing John about a job he wanted to send him on. I fucking snapped. Stood up and started talking. “Shut the fuck up. Shut up. How can you ask him to go out on a job for you right now? We have been back less than 24 hours, Dutch, his son hasn’t even been able to speak to him yet. Remember his son? The one you were more than happy to orphan as long as it didn’t mess up your goddamn plan? You claim to care about every one of us, and yet when it really comes to it it’s only Micah fucking bell that you rescue every single time. You sprung him from the gallows within a week, and let me and john rot there for more than a month, let jack be parentless for a month.” I laughed a spite filled laugh. “But fuck it, eh? We’re back now aren’t we? Never mind the fact that we were beaten to shit in the meantime, never mind the fact that he might not be ready to head out again. At least you still have the money.” A crowd was gathering, Micah moving to Dutch and urging him to shut me up. Dutch shrugged him off, letting me continue. “You know. A woman died for me. She had no ties to me, had no idea who the flying fuck I was, and yet she gave her life to protect me. A guard tried to rape me. In my cell. And she stuck a shiv through his throat. That woman was a killer, a murderer, a convict, and yet she was willing to die for me having known me three weeks. She did more for me than you. I have stole and lied and why? Because you asked me to.” My voice had broken, tears streaming down my cheeks and yet never breaking eye contact with Dutch. John’s hand reached for his gun, Arthur stopping him, at my words. I didn’t look at him, but reached my hand out to meet his, gripping his fingers tightly. I swallowed. Turned around and scooped a now awake Jack into my arms, wordlessly carrying him to the horses as he begged to see Bonnie.
Everything changed for Dutch in those moments. He watched the girl carry the boy toward the horse that had been so aggressive without her, her small body relaxing as she patted her mare. Piglet followed over, then John, who settled next to her with his arm around her waist. A family. He saw then that it was a family that without Arthur and Sadie would have been broken beyond repair, the child an orphan and the two animals never to see their mistress again. The sight of Jack wriggling from (Y/N)’s arms to play with the terrier forced him to recall watching the boy crying inconsolably into her wiry fur. It had been 2 weeks since John and (Y/N) had gone, and Jack had thrown as many tantrums as he could muster to bring them home. Exhausted, hurt and with nothing having changed, the boy had sat on the floor and cried floods of silent tears, which Piglet had come over to lick away. The dog had sat herself as close as she could before him and allowed him to just clutch at her. Dutch had ignored it as best he could, ignored Hosea too, refusing to take responsibility and instead letting Micah assure him that it was for the greater good. He should have known the man was only too happy to let them die. He felt a fool. “Quit wallowin’.” Arthur's voice cut through his self-pity. Dutch glared at him for a moment before nodding and moving to leave his tent. Arthur caught his arm. “I tell you this now, Dutch, I will kill Micah myself if you don’t. he’s a rat. he’s why Pinkertons been findin’ us so damn fast.” His voice was low with anger. “You do it. I'm done killing.”
We were still playing with the horses, I had myself wrapped up and grooming Bonnie's sleek coat properly, luxuriating in the way I was able to talk to John about nothing in particular. Jack and Piglet had tired already, sat side by side with Old boy grazing beside them. Dutch cleared his throat. I didn’t look up from the knot I was pulling from my mare’s tail. John raised his head, face set and arms folded, expecting confrontation.
“Sorry isn’t going to cut it. I know that.” Dutch began with his hands as if in surrender. “But I can only offer you my heartfelt apologies - I failed you, my son, you and your family. And vesta I-“
I turned around to look at him, my face already softening. “I can never understand how it must have been. But I'm getting you out of this. All of you. No more plans. I was thinking-“ I cut him off, filled with a rush off forgiveness for him, an urge to hug him taking over me. I never had that much self-restraint. I looked up at him from the hug. “Let’s start again.”
We watched the sun setting across Roanoke ridge, basking in the residual warmth before the wintery chill of November air really set in. He pulled me in even closer, his warmth spreading into me, he and kissed the top of my head.
“Let’s start again.”
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