#desmond in young justice
teecupangel · 10 months
You know I have my own wonderful idea and this takes place specifically in the young justice universe around season 1 since that has the best time frame to include this now we all know The Light was vandal savage attempt to rule the world again but have you noticed that the league of assassins philosophy of killing corruption and ra's being immortal too with lazurus pit, And vandal desire for control fits perfectly with the constant battle between Templars and assassins, so what if the league was originally the brotherhood and the templars was originally founded by vandal savage and I'm not talking about the weird backstory we got in AC origins with Julius Cesar though those events still happened but vandal is the one who formalized the templars into what they are, however here's where the assassins come in and especially ra's see while vandal was more than willing to fake his death every now and than to let the templars grow on their own if necessary, and to make the assassins think they won for a bit before coming back with a new name and because of that he's been able to rule the world the same way he's always did in the normal comics just this time he has a secret army at his beck and call during that entire time.
Then the assassins finally got a true victory with ra's becoming an assassin and eventually grandmaster who found, wait for it, an isu artifact that allows anyone who had died to come back to life but of course as we all know isu bullshit tends to have side effects and the Lazarus pit was no different but thanks to ra's leadership and the Lazarus pit the assassins for the first time in decades have finally won a final victory against the vandal and his templars at least until vandal waited for the day he can recreate his templars under a new name one where everyone will see the light of his leadership and the world will be his to control again.
So my point to all of this is, what if all the events of the assassins creed games up until the modern day before 2012 and before the start of season 1 of young justice all happened and that the moment vandal and his light start making moves, the league of assassins hear about it and catch the justice league and definitely batman off gaurd with a partnership and when the team is given a liason and new support in the form of Desmond, Shaun, and Rebecca.
So, in this one, we’re setting up Ra’s Al Ghul as the mentor of the League of Assassins and not a member of The Light?
Or are we going for the ‘things are different in this AU’ then go psyche! Ra’s Al Ghul is our Al Mualim and he’s a member of the Light!
Honestly, I wanna go for the second idea because, this way, we can set up Ra’s Al Ghul as a parental figure of Desmond who raised him because he was an orphan and he would act as both his master and his mentor, mirroring Altaïr’s relationship with Al Mualim.
So when Ra’s Al Ghul is finally shown as a member of The Light, it would hammer in how Ra’s and Desmond’s relationship mirroring Altaïr and Al Mualim’s relationship was a hint of Ra’s true ‘allegiance’.
Also, this would give Desmond an easier time to befriend Dick as they both got… uuhh… ‘complicated’ relationship with their father-figure (although Desmond having Ra’s as his father figure makes Dick think “atleast Bruce wasn’t as bad…”).
Although, by Leagues of Assassin standards, Ra’s does act like a good father to Desmond and he cares for Desmond like he does for Talia so when the truth of his allegiance to The Light comes to… well… light… there’s gonna be some sweet, sweet angst, not just between Desmond and Ra’s but with the team (especially Dick) and Desmond on how loyal Desmond is to Ra’s.
Unorganized Notes (I’m messing up the timeline XD):
Yeah, I’m doubling down on it because the Desmond is Talia’s twin ask has some really good ideas on Desmond’s relationship with the League members.
Talia treats Desmond as a little brother and even tells Batman to look after him because, in her own words, he’s still naive. This makes Batman believe that Desmond is a good person.
He is but he was raised to be an Assassin so he has no qualms killing bad guys. Shaun and Rebecca actually act more as his moral compass and remind him that the team won’t like it if you kill this person or something.
Desmond is known as Ra’s son although some of the League members say it in a more derogatory way as he isn’t related to Ra’s by blood.
Soooo… in the end, Desmond is the one who ‘kills’ Ra’s although he does mention that Ra’s won’t say dead to the team. He leaves Young Justice afterward to take care of the League. This though, does end up splitting the League between Desmond and Deathstroke but Desmond and his League will pop in and out to help the Young Justice every now and then.
Vandal Savage calls Desmond ‘mentor’ after Desmond takes over half of the League. He talks about Desmond as if he was a completely different person, saying how he always knew that Desmond would assassinate Ra’s. No matter what trickery Ra’s do to him, his blood will always guide him to be the thorn in the Templars’ side.
Desmond doesn’t remember it but he has been drowned in the Lazarus Pit… by Ra’s himself. Talia would imply it happened multiple times because Desmond’s mind is ‘fragile’.
Depending on how old Desmond is supposed to be in this AU, he either acts as Cassandra’s older brother or her father figure. He’s the reason why Cassandra was able to get away from Lady Shiva (honestly, I don’t like how Young Justice merged Lady Shiva and David Cain and made Lady Shiva more evil in this one but I'll use it for the plot). Whether Cassandra stays with Desmond or she becomes Orphan is up to you.
Red-Hooded Ninja is also close to Desmond who pretty much taught him after he lost his memories. Desmond has no idea who Jason Todd was and that’s why he didn’t know Red-Hooded Ninja’s real identity.
Later on, Desmond would start remembering memories that don’t feel like his own at all. Talia sees this and tells him to use the Lazarus Pit, implying that the reason why Ra’s always ‘drown’ Desmond in the pit was because of these memories.
So Desmond doesn’t. Instead, he tries to make sense of the memories he’s getting.
This is the part where you can go: (1) Those memories are Desmond’s ‘erased’ memories from when he was actually Ra’s younger brother whose Creed made him butt heads with his older brother ending with Ra’s using the Lazarus Pit to make Desmond forget about the Creed he had and become more easily controlled to do Ra’s wishes, (2) Desmond was actually Ra’s father who he usurped and took the League from (which was called the Brotherhood before) after they found the Lazarus Pit, or (3) Desmond was found floating in the Pit without his memories and Ra’s made use of that with Desmond’s actually memories being either (3.1) Desmond is part of the Isu race who survived because he was dunked in the Lazarus Pit which he had created or (3.2) he’s the real Desmond Miles from the AC world that got transported to the Young Justice world together with the Lazarus Pit.
Regardless of whichever plot you choose, the idea is Desmond’s memories that were coming back were from his previous ‘lives’ before the Lazarus Pit erased his memories over and over again. This is the part where you can play with Desmond’s ancestors’ memories by making them memories of Desmond’s past lives before he is once again drown in the Lazarus Pit to forget everything.
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dear-buttercup · 6 months
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Okay, okay, hear me out:
Spy x Family AU, except Marinette is Loid & Adrien is Yor.
Marinette & Loid both have this alternate self that is very calculative & has the urge to plan out every possible outcome of a situation so they're not caught off guard. Not to mention that both of them have this very strong sense of justice and, each in their own way, are trying to make the world around them a better & safer place. However, both of them also have this other side that is gentle and kind and, essentially, a softy (though this shows more in Marinette bc, well, she hasn't been through the things Loid has been).
Then we have Adrien, who, like Yor, is outwardly sweet & cheerful and doesn't have a clue what to do with Life (TM). But he also has a dark & deadly side, which makes him absolutely consider dirtying his hands if he thought he was protecting the ppl he loves (*cough* derrision *cough*). I can totally see him become an assassin if it was the only thing he could do to protect his loved ones & bring food to the table, esp if he was taught to do that from a young age.
Also, some of my other headcanons for this AU (and pls beware of possible spoilers for sxf if u aren't caught up or want to watch):
- Emma would be Anya, obv, and like Anya, she has telepathic powers and can read her parents' minds. (Side note: I was considering making Emma a creation of the peacock miraculous & for that to be the reason she has her telepathy powers, but then I realized the miraculous existing in this AU might not make much sense, so I'm putting it on the backburner. If anybody wants to explore that, though, be my guest!)
- The plushy u see in Emma's hands in my drawing is Tikki, which is the equivalent of Mr. Chimera in the anime (however, alternatively, The Handler could be Tikki & in turn, The Shopkeeper could be Plagg. But going with my initial idea...)
- The cat in the picture, then, would be Plagg, who is the equivalent of Bond. However, unlike Bond, Plagg is a little shit & he knows it & therefore gives Marinette a lot of grief. But he's very cute when he wants to be, and Emma is very set on keeping him, so Marinette resorts to silent psychological warfare with him. Surprisingly, Plagg is pretty chill when it comes to Adrien to everyone's surprise.
- Just like Bond, Plagg also has psychic powers. However, I can just see him hissing in annoyance everytime a vision pops up. :D
- Adrien is secretly an assassin who exterminates traitors with his special dagger(s) that he calls 'Cataclysm'.
- Marinette is a spy who is tasked with getting close to her target, Chloe Bourgeois. She has a customized gun that she prefers to use that she calls her 'lucky charm'.
- Also, the same as the anime, Marinette's agent name is 'Ladybug' & Adrien's is 'Chat Noir'.
- Chloe is Marinette's target (I know Desmond & Gabriel are crazy similar, but I think it'd be pretty weird to have Gabe & Adrien in the same universe & for them to not be related).
- Chloe has 2 children: a twin son & daughter who r attending the same prestigious school. The daughter (which I haven't chosen a name for) is the equivalent of Becky & the son (which I also don't know the name of) is the equivalent of Damian.
- Chloe's daughter lives with her father (who I imagine is Luka bc it's a guilty ship of mine, but eh), but she also pays for her child support and education, so her daughter was raised like a princess and therefore has the same princess tendencies as Becky.
- Chloe's son is still pretty much the same as Damian, so not much to add there. (Yes, exactly like Damian. If you know, you know :) )
- Lastly, I will leave you with this out of pocket notion: Felix as Yuri and Kagami as Fiona (and yes, I very much ship them, even in this AU :) )
Here are the individual characters separately as a treat for making it till here!
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Spy x Family masterpost
Reminder that I do not read the manga past what the anime has adapted. None of the posts here include manga spoilers, and I would ask of you to not tell me any such spoilers if you reblog them!
Posts are listed newest to oldest. You're welcome to reblog this post, but I will update it with new posts as I make them.
Tag for fanart (by other people)
Tag for meta (by me and other people)
The blog where I count each character's separate screentime per episode
Reactions/analyses of season 2 episodes
Crack recaps by me
Small Things I Spot, Headcanons & Theories (on different posts because tumblr won't allow more links)
Meta / Analysis
An analysis of leitmotifs in the anime soundtrack
Thoughts on Anya intimidating the guy in the bullet-in-butt date episode
The Forgers' kitchen
The nature of Operation Strix causes Twilight to open up
Difference in expressions between manga and anime
Twilight being an unsung hero but recognized by Anya
Analysis of the scene in episode 9 where Twilight is testing Yor
Nightfall's hopes of awakening Twilight's heart
The Briar siblings' lies
The balance of dark topics and humor
Detail on the printed version of the manga
Loid complaining about Yuri being loud
The kindness surviving
The different voices of Twilight, Loid, and [redacted]
Yor remembering Loid's supportive words
Yor using melee weapons and being cautious with getting physically close with a friend
Loid focusing on Anya's mental well-being in episode 32
The narrative takes the side of peace, not of any country
The narrative forgiving characters being soft for their family
(way more under the cut)
Yuri's reaction to Loid
Yor connecting with Olka's need for a peaceful life
Twilight taking Anya back home in episode 1
Twilight making Anya happy
Season 2 opening credits analysis (Part One - Part Two/Tea Time)
Yuri's jealousy
How the humor makes the story more human
What Twilight's "I want to live" narrative can build on
Anya playing
The different levels of secrets kept, lying to themselves, and accepting their love for their family
Manga/anime comparison for the last scene of chapter/episode 1
Anya's reaction to saving Loid from the bomb
Twilight encouraging Anya to prioritize peace
Yor threatening the "secret police officer"
Thoughts on Nightfall
Damian Desmond, the bully and the victim
Loid's reactions to Swan's insults
Justice, Protection, and Kindness
The distance between what Twilight sees of himself and what Nightfall sees of him
Yor's guilt in using Loid
Bits from Episode 10/Chapter 16
Twilight appreciating Yor's strength
Twilight and relationships
Twilight and his denial
Henderson being biased towards Loid
Anya's fear of her powers being revealed
An analysis of how Yor sees Loid - and how that can collapse post-identity reveals
Trigger discipline and gun safety as shown in the manga and anime
Different opera depictions between manga and anime
Depiction of young [redacted] between manga and anime
Eden College's philosophy around family values
Loid's reaction to Yor's tasty dish
Yuri's extremism
Twilight's unprecedented honesty with Yor
And what the way he opened up to her says about him
Earlier thoughts on that (posted before the Very Disastrous Date episode aired)
Twilight's view on the spy job
Twilight donning the persona of the kind of person he despises
Twilight trying to woo Yor and why the kick in the chin was important to the narrative
Masks Off - every time we see Twilight rip off a mask he wears, and how it's shown in the narrative
A bit more on the masks (the post that inspired the meta above)
Sylvia talking to the students
Twilight's views on not being recognized
Yor acknowledging Loid's flaws
Thoughts on Loid fixing the penguin
Yuri idolizing Yor's cooking vs Loid accepting it without criticizing her
Nightfall and Twilight being in different wavelengths
Twilight's genuine smile
The honesty between Loid and Yor despite the lies
Twilight's perfectionism, but gratitude for others' successes
Earlier thoughts on that
Anya's powers within the narrative
Twilight feeling jealous of close connections
Misc thoughts
Ketchup messages
Thoughts on the family relationships
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une-sanz-pluis · 5 months
So I was checking Desmond Seward's biography of Henry V which is not recommended, nope, and he says this:
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Henry V did not fucking say that.
What Seward seems to be referring to one account of the execution of Bertrand de Chaumont. Chaumont was suspected of helping Armagnac prisoners escape and both the Dukes of Burgundy and Clarence interceded for him to no avail. In one account, which no one cites correctly*, Clarence intercedes and Henry responds:
Par saint georges, beau frère, si vous mesmes l'aviez fait et nous vous tinnsions, nous en fenrions le cas semblable; ear, à nostre pouvoir, nous ne voulons ny n'aurons, si Deiu plaist, nuls traistres emprès nous. [By St George, fair brother, had it been you yourself we should have done the same. We neither want nor will have, if God pleases, any traitors around us.**]
One: this incident is found in only one account so whether it really happened can be doubted. Second: there's a big difference in emotion to Henry saying that to a living Clarence about a hypothetical scenario and Henry saying that about a dead Clarence for the reason he was dead. Third: if he did say that after Clarence's death (a claim for which Seward provides no evidence for and omits from his own discussion of Clarence's death) perhaps it might have been the grief speaking? Clarence's death at the Battle of Baugé was and is frequently described as the result of his rashness, his foolishness, etc, etc. Henry could be forgiven for having the very human reaction of "if he wasn't dead, I'd kill him for being such an idiot". Four: we have no way of knowing if Henry would have actually had Clarence executed in either scenario (betrayal or surviving the Battle of Baugé). It is entirely possible that Henry's claim that he would execute Clarence if he turned traitor was pure rhetoric, presenting himself as a king beholden to the ideals of justice and law, willing to even execute his brother should his brother violate those codes.
I would probably be more inclined to take these revisionist, "Henry V was a monster!" historians more seriously if they didn't continually misrepresent the historical record like this. Perhaps this isn't quite as bad as Ian Mortimer inventing a French translation of The Iliad to get mad about, though.
* Seward who does refer to this incident in its correct context earlier in the book, ends with citing Jean Juvénal, who does not seem to discuss Clarence's intercession. John Matusiak cites Monstrelet, who does not include Henry's reply. Both presumably borrowed the quote from James Wylie, who cites several chronicles for his account of the event. The source that does record it is in Chastellain's Oeuvres. Chastellain claims he was too young to remember the events of 1430 so one might wonder how reliable his account is of an event occurring in 1420 was.
** The first half of the translation is Wylie's (used also by Matusiak), the second half is my own rough translation.
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lunaryugamine · 1 year
So these are my thoughts on a Spy x Family/Batman fanfic AU based on @reineydraws very cute and fun art that I'll write someday in the vague future. My Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun AU takes precedent over this, but I wanted to get this out because it's been eating my brain.
I will admit that I have read almost no Batman comics or watched TV shows but I started reading fanfic for it and now the Batfam runs through my brain 24/7. I am currently reading the Young Justice comics, though, and will be reading more when I'm done with that.
So here's how I'm mashing the two canons together: this is a no superheroes AU where no one has any powers (except Anya and other potential government experiments that haven't come up) and the Spy x Family universe is farther in the future so there's computers and cell phones (the reason why is shown later). Also, Eden Academy is slightly more accepting of strange familial situations (at least for Bruce Wayne) and less obsessed with image because I can't imagine canon Eden Academy accepting a disabled Babs. That's the main setting, but the characters are far more important to me.
Bruce Wayne was orphaned in the war but since this setting actually has therapists he's a lot more well-adjusted and does not go out dressed as a bat to beat up criminals, which is good because Ostania is a police state and they would not tolerate that. The country does, however, have an organization like WISE who also doesn't want another war, and Bruce is involved with that, using his Brucie persona to get information on warmongers in the government. That organization (which doesn't have a name yet) works tentatively with WISE but they don't exactly trust one another. Unfortunately, Donovan Desmond fucking hates Brucie Wayne and so doesn't interact with him at the Imperial Scholars gatherings, leading to Operation Strix still needing to be done. He's beloved by the city of Berlint, just like the Wayne's are in Gotham, which is a big reason why Dick and Jason are able to be accepted into Eden Academy late and Damian without a mom. Twilight is aware that there's a person in the upper echelons of Ostania but doesn't know who it is and is trying to figure it out. Bruce uses his money to make social programs to uplift his fellow citizens in poverty because if you're rich that's what you should do or I'll fucking hate you.
Dick Grayson is still an orphaned circus acrobat (although here his parents deaths are a legitimate tragic accident) that Bruce adopts who is able to get into Eden late due to his intelligence, athleticism, and lots and lots of bribes. Instead of the Court of Owls, he's connected to the Garden here and the Shopkeeper is his relative instead of William Cobb. Bruce is very adamant that Dick is not involved with that, so while Dick knows about the Garden and it's members, he's more involved with the organization Bruce is in. He is legitimately friends with Demetrius Desmond, but his relationship to his father is like Damian's (who is an unreliable narrator when it comes to his family) so he has no information for Dick to get for the organization. He's also close friends with Babs.
Barbara is the daughter of the police commissioner who isn't involved in the SS and is still disabled because she was kind of a gamechanger in comics with her disability so I want to keep that. I haven't decided whether she was born with it or if it was an injury but she still has a wheelchair. Babs is also still Oracle (which is why I need the technology to be updated) and is a hacker similar to maia arson crimew IRL (god bless it) who leaks documents of crimes the Ostanian government has done, and has to be very careful to never reveal her identity because she would immediately be detained, tortured, and killed. Thankfully, very few people would suspect that Oracle is a disabled teenage girl at Eden Academy. No one except Tim, that is.
Jason meets Bruce after trying to jack his car wheels and Bruce takes one look at this child and thinks "Mine" and so Jason is adopted. He is also accepted at Eden Academy late because of his stellar academics and because Bruce had already set a precedent. He's a good athlete, but he's not a prodigious gymnast like Dick so that's not part of why he gets in. Unlike Bruce and Dick, he's not involved in the organization. Instead he's involved in the groups of civilians who are against the police state. In the manga, the only resistance groups are people who are willing to put innocent people in danger, which sucks a lot. The organization Jason's involved in would absolutely kill some government officials but wouldn't get civilians harmed. Duke is also involved in this, but he's a minor character and I'm already juggling so many characters but imagine Duke and Jason working together in a gang setting. DC, why have you not done this already?
Cass (OP didn't include Cass in the original post but I love Cass so she's being included) was still trained to be an assassin from birth with David Cain being part of the Garden, but the Shopkeeper actually has some morals and is horrified when he sees what's been done to Cass, maybe when she's around 9 years old and Cain shows her off to the Shopkeeper, expect him to be impressed. Manipulating children into being assassins is one thing, but training a child to be a weapon and literally nothing else is another, so Cain is disposed of (maybe by Yor) and the Shopkeeper sends Cass to be taken care of by Bruce because he knows that he's a good dad because he takes care of Dick. Unfortunately because she's spent her entire life up to this point not being able to speak or read, she's not able to catch up in school enough to be accepted into Eden Academy, but she is able to go to a school that focuses on dance and she lives her dreams of being a ballerina and meets Steph there, maybe doing another type of dance because I can't imagine Steph as a ballerina. She's not involved in politics the way her brothers and father are, but that's okay because she deserves to just be happy.
Tim is the neighbor of Bruce Wayne who, when Bruce realizes is horribly neglected, unofficially adopts him and eventually sues the Drakes for child abuse and officially adopts him. He was already in Eden Academy so that's not a problem. Tim doesn't have a Batman to obsess over in this universe, but he does have an Oracle to obsess over. He somehow finds out Oracle's identity (I'll figure out how later) and begs to be her apprentice, and she eventually takes him on because Tim is stubborn AF and also a talented hacker in his own right. He's best friends with Conner, the son of reporters Clark and Lois Kent (who report critcal things that the government is doing with pseudonyms), because I'm weak for their relationship. I want to add the rest of the Core Four but I don't know how so we'll see how that goes. He suspects that Bruce and Dick are part of the secret organization and that Jason is part of the civilian resistance to the police state but doesn't want to be involved with that because he's already involved with resistance work and the less he knows the better in case he's found out by the government.
Damian is the actual son of Bruce and Talia, who met on a business trip Bruce or Talia took and they had a fling which resulted in Damian. Ra's doesn't have access to a Lazarus Pit here because those don't exist so he's just a normal cult leader who's been dead before Talia and Bruce meet. Talia has turned the cult's assets into a business venture so Damian has an actually fairly normal, if spoiled and also full of martial arts training because that's still important to Talia, upbringing. Bruce and Talia share custody and Damian stays with his father for the school year and with his mother during breaks. Bruce and Talia may still be in love. I don't know, I'll figure it out. Anyway, Damian has a huge rivalry with the other Damian because they're both sons of influential people with a chip on their shoulder, but they're also foils because Damian W actually has a loving family and Damian D doesn't. Damian W befriends Anya and Becky specifically because he wants to annoy Damian D but eventually becomes legitimately fond of them (and Damian D and his friends) but he will never admit it. He's just as much of a tsundere as the other Damian, just in a platonic way. Damian also faces racism due to his brown skin (BECAUSE HE'S DARK OKAY DC LET HIM BE A POC).
The actual story will have some focus on the little shenanigans of the kids at Eden like in SxF (including the older kids), but instead of focusing on Twilight and Yor, the other part will focus on the Wayne's and their allies political maneuverings, but also some slice-of-life with Cass because she deserves it. We may have some small flashes to the Forger family, but they're not the focus. There will also be Batfam fluff because I'm a sucker for that.
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10 characters/10 fandoms
We're gonna go chronologically through my life because I think that's REALLY FUN (I legit couldn't choose a west wing character just know that if there's a secret 11th character is the ensemble cast of the west wing)
Artemis Fowl, Artemis Fowl
My first antihero, and we started YOUNG on that, I was reading these books premiddle school. I was obsessed with these books as a kid, and I'm still obsessed with them today. There's rumors of a third, more adult series when Artemis and Holly may get together and I will EAT THAT SHIT UP I LOVE THEM
2. Vexen, Kingdom Hearts
I Legit think this man primed me to enjoy Hux as a character. Like, I'm not kidding, I was obsessed with him as a kid. I'm 90% certain I wrote deviant art fan fic, but I have since abandoned that account so it's hard to know for sure if it ever got published. I was definitely roll playing at age, like, 13? way too young but god I loved him he was BATSHIT
3. Ianto Jones, Torchwood
Man, I can't really explain how much Ianto Jones as a character, he and Jack's kiss on screen, their relationship, and the events of the 456 changed me? It was DEEP though, I woke up the next day a different person, with much less trust in television writer's and their good intentions.
4. Desmond Miles, Assassin's Creed
We have to jump a few years to mid high school, because no joke I was on that Kingdom Hearts train for a WHILE. I love him, he was probably my first blorbo, before the term was invented. I tried to play the games after (MAJOR SPOILER) but I just couldn't do it. They didn't have the draw without him.
5. Stiles Stilinski, Teen Wolf
Now we've hit late high school, arguably my second blorbo. As a kid with ADHD, he was no joke valuable representation to me, even if it was sometimes played for laughs. I was also the least athletic kid on multiple sports teams who still tried really hard, so I got him, yknow?
6. Will Graham, Hannibal
It's legit tough for me to chose if I like the Will Graham of the books or the TV show better. (Don't ask me about the movies, I haven't seen them, and I probably won't. Movies and I have trouble. See: ADHD.) I'm not sure if he's a blorbo or just like, a regular character I like? My hannibal phase was my last 8 year ship, so the line is pretty blurred.
Now we've reached the part where I dived into a lot of fandoms at once, because I dropped out of college and kind of did a weird spiral? Idk, we've lost chronology is what I'm saying
7. Artemis Crock, Young Justice
god I cannot say enough good things about her and I also cannot express how much (MAJOR SPOILER) made me mad FOR HER. Like it was cruel specifically to her and we should talk more about that, honestly. She was definitely a blorbo, but we're still PRE blorbo as a word in my vocabulary.
8. Darcy Lewis, MCU
My first real fandom bicycle, I ship her with everyone from Loki to Agent Coulson to Natasha. As someone who often feels like the comic relief character in their own life, I appreciate her.
9. Kent Parson, OMG Check Please
My sweet, sweet disaster son. My emotionally constipated hockey boy. The reason captain america is my SECOND favorite character with a birthday on the Fourth of July. I love him, he was amazing, and also my first experience with like, really toxic fandom was being so mad when people tried to equate his canon mental health issues with a noncanon, imagined abuse?? It was wild, I ended up so distressed about it i did have to leave the fandom.
10. Armitage Hux, Star Wars
I mean you've been on my blog for like ten seconds i think it's obvious?? The others needed explanations but like YOURE HERE YOU KNOW
WAIT I FORGOT TO TAG PEOPLE SHIT @sariastrategos @gingersnappish @fallingdeeperintothispit
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stay-xen · 1 year
Project: Eden's Garden
since i've seen several people post their opinions regarding the new danganronpa fangame's cast, why not join in since i finished the prologue?
spoilers for the prologue and predictions up ahead!
Damon Maitsu First of all, making the protagonist the ultimate debater is a really clever idea to make him lead the trials. also he's such a dick. i love him. he reminds me of early chapters byakuya and i want him to realise that he needs to trust the others to stay alive. very interesting approach for a protagonist imo
Eva Tsunaka My girl, i already love her. i feel like she'll make a grat 'rival' character, especially with her talent and animal motif. although wolfie might be the rival? not sure about it yet. i do believe that she will be alive for a while, maybe even sacrificing herself for the group in the end
Desmond Hall I trust him with my life. He has a SHARK motif, of course i'm going to trust him. he seems like such a good boy so i assume that he will become a victim sooner or later. if he ends up being a blackened i WILL cry
Eloise Taulner I am going to protect her with everything i have. very shy and anxious, i assume she will find strength eventually and become more confident, possible after losing somebody close to her? swan motif is very sweet for her :c
Toshiko Kayura My daughter is definitely compensating for being young, trying to be more mature than she is. i adore her getting flustered when called out, i hope that she will survive. she's a baby so pleaaase
Wenona step on me. i don't trust her, at all. she seems like a mirror for Damon, so my current guess is that she might become a blackened (or victim, either way i think it might involve cassidy)
Ulysses Wilhelm My useless son, i love him. he's so smart yet so dumb. please stay safe. current guess is first victim, sadly. idk he hasn't really done much yet :C
Mark Berskii I ADORE HIM i love his design and his attitude. "call the fire brigade, Grace" hasn't left my mind yet. such a simple line, yet i love him. strong connection to Jet already, i assume Mark will be a survivor that gets drive after Jet dies?
Diana Venicia Oh i wish i could trust you, love. something about her talent having to do with make up (covering up/identies, etc) and the chameleon motiv really makes me worry about her. i don't think she's the mastermind, but i believe she might be a blackened. maybe first chapter even?
Wolfang Akire i do not trust you but i will forgive you everything you do. this man has me in a chokehold and i'm not complaining. there's something about him being a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' i KNOW it and i can't wait to see it. his extreme sense of justice in the mock class trial was very interesting to see and i assume it will only be more extreme in actual trials. potential rival, i fear he will not survive. maybe a blackened, having to go against his principals for a certain motive? he's so polite though, especially to Eloise :c
Kai Monteago My fail son, my wet paper back, my beautiful butterfly. i saw him and fell in love, i can't wait to see more of this idiot. although i hope for character development, my current feeling is that he is going to die :c yet at the same time i can see him be a survivor (like hiro, souda being the clueless one, although i know they're not following the usual scheme)
Jett Dawson I've had this wolf for like 4 hours but if anything happens to him i will kill everyone in this academy and then myself. SO precious, SO dumb, i can't wait to see him get closer to Mark and ultimately get my heart broken. Current guess: victim
Ingrid Grimwall awooga. strong woman yes. on a serious note, i like that she's rather feminine and still strong, but i haven't seen enough of her yet to form a proper opinion :c could see it go either way with her tbh
Grace Madison soybean. i adore her, she doesn't have a single braincell and is currently trying to steal Wolfgang's. a real one for trying to fight back AND being able to actually get the jump on Tozu. No high hopes for survival though ngl :c
Jean Delamer If he ends up being a blackened, i'll be sad. he seems like such a nice guy, very safe, very brrr. also a whole ass dragon motif??? how cool is that??? he really feels like a safe space for the group, both mentally and physically so i hope we get to see a lot of him!
Cassidy Amber The only valid rich person. LOVE the spiderweb clothes. wouldn't be surprised if she kills Wenona or dies trying lmao. not the smartest tool in the shed but i love gaming references so i'm more than happy. it IS a stepladder.
Tozu Why is he hot. he's not supposed to be hot i hate it here (/s). didn't expect him to look like this but i am more than happy with the design. please show me more of him
Mara WHO ARE YOU i wanna see you more and talk to her and aaaaa she's mysterious OwO
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kyndaris · 4 months
Isu Origins
The Assassin's Creed games began with a simple story about erstwhile bartender Desmond Miles reliving the memories of his ancestor: Altair while being held by a sinister organisation known as Abstergo. Over the years, however, the franchise has grown, spawning spin-offs and trying new things by adding different features to spruce up the gameplay. Unfortunately, as the series has continued Assassin's Creed has become far too convoluted for its own good. Heck, even Desmond was killed off before being replaced by Layla Hassasn. She too, however, was set aside at the end of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (a game, I should note, which took me about 150 hours to complete).
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Enter Basim: an assassin from the ninth century, who also served a pivotal role in the aforementioned Assassin's Creed title and introduced protagonist Eivor to the Hidden Ones. Basim, of course, is also the Isu Loki. The Isu, for those unfamiliar with the games, are an ancient and highly advanced species of humanoid beings that have taken on mythological connotations. They were the ones who created the Pieces of Eden, and were responsible for the creation of the humans. A cataclysmic event before written history wiped out many of them although some have survived. Including, of course, Loki after his consciousness was reborn.
Assassin's Creed: Mirage is a game that harks back to the Assassin's Creed games of old. Instead of the open world role-playing games from the last three titles in the series, they have returned to a much more contained world. Mirage, it should be noted, is set before Valhalla. When we first meet the Isu Loki, he is naught but a street thief with no knowledge of his Isu heritage.
The Basim we meet is a man with a good heart and a strong sense of justice. Life on the streets of Baghdad is not easy. Doing odd jobs for the Hidden Ones has helped him feel like he's contributing to his community but it's not enough. Basim, we soon learn, wishes to join them. Something his lifelong friend, Nehal, disagrees with.
Still, Basim is a stumble young man. Sensing an opportunity to impress the Hidden Ones, he decides to break into the Winter Palace and steal whatever treasures the Hidden Ones have their eye on. Things go from bad to worse when after witnessing a meeting between members of The Order of the Ancients and the Caliph, he stumbles upon an ancient artefact. Upon activating it, he is discovered by the Caliph and kills the man in self-defence.
After a fraught escape, Basim is left with nowhere to turn to. Roshan takes him back to Alamut and serves as his assassin mentor.
So ends the action-packed prologue of Mirage.
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It isn't long before Basim is sent back to Baghad following a fellow assassin's discovery and failure to track down the members of the Order of the Ancients that hold the city in their vice-like grip. And just like the earlier games, Basim must slowly track down clues around the city to deduce who each Order member is before assassinating them.
While there isn't much variety in the type of missions, I still enjoyed my time exploring Baghdad and learning a variety of facts about the culture. After reading about the Silk Roads and how pivotal the Middle East was back in those days as a hub for trade. So much of the history during the early Middle Ages I used to know has been so centralised in Western Europe, it is refreshing to see how interconnected the world was outside of it. Yes, Western Europe might have seen economic, intellectual and cultural decline but this was not so for so many other countries and budding empires.
Honestly, the best part of the Assassin's Creed games has been the opportunity to learn about history through a medium that is fun and engaging. I might not retain everything I've learned but for those similarly minded, it can spark curiosity about the world around them.
And given how little the Western world knows about Muslims and their history (as well as the trouble between Israel and Palestine), learning about these people is a great tool to understanding their perspective and to garner sympathy.
The Middle East has such a rich history that the Western world has ignored or taken advantage of. Were it not for how Western Europeans have exploited their land, and gone to war with them during the Crusades, the possibilities of what might have been achieved are endless.
Anyways, after identifying the Head of the Order, Basim confronts his mentor, Roshan, regarding who he is and of the secrets lying underneath Alamut. It later turns out, the Hidden Ones were guarding a ruin from the time of Those Who Came Before. It later turns out, the ruin was the prison where Loki was held. This is further emphasised by the nightmares our protagonist experienced throughout the game of a terrifying djinni.
Mirage ends with Basim embracing his identity as Loki despite Roshan's attempts to get him to leave the past behind, thus providing some much needed backstory to the antagonist Eivor faced in Valhalla. Where Ubisoft goes next with this storyline is anyone's guess given Loki's immediate mission to find those who had wronged him in his past. But there is little doubt he would be an asset for the current iterations of the Assassins as they struggle against the modern-day version of The Order.
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From a gameplay perspective, I liked how Mirage moved away from using R1 and R2 as the attack buttons and moving it back to square on my PlayStation controller. There is also a renewed focus back to stealth with Basim having many tools at his disposal to dispatch unsuspecting guards. Yes, they might be a little dimwitted as they lose their fellow guards to the wind but there's something fun about taking them down. What I didn't like, however, was the addition of a stamina bar and unblockable attacks which were denoted by enemies flashing red (this was particularly hard if one had just used eagle sense beforehand).
When did these games suddenly become like Dark Souls? Why is there a need for a stamina bar? I know, Ubisoft, that you don't want players to wail on guards like they did in the open-world games but there are so many other options at your disposal than incorporating a stamina bar!
That aside, I did notice Basim's freerunning parkour wasn't as tight as I would like. There were several occasions where my erstwhile assassin would veer off to clamber up another object rather than the one I'd directed him to. Then, of course, there was his stubborn insistence to DIVE into the water rather than leap onto land even though the jump would barely be an inconvenience.
I was also irritated, for a few missions, with how quickly enemy guards could detect Basim. Perhaps this was my own inability to track down nearby enemies but let me just blame the game, okay?
These gripes aside, Mirage still remained an enjoyable game. Especially because it was a much smaller open world than the giants visited upon by Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla. There was no swapping out of weapons or equipment based upon stats. Basim was equipped with sword, dagger and hidden blade only. The simplified skill tree and the focus on just one city was a breathe of fresh air considering the open-world exhaustion I'd faced although Assassin's Creed Codename Hexe does promise a return to it. Still, the concept behind it - that of the witch trails in the Holy Roman Empire - does tickle my fancy.
And while Mirage doesn't break any new ground, I very much enjoyed the setting and the return to a simpler time when it came to gameplay. If there is a return to a bigger open-world, though, we'll have to see if the story will be enough to pull me through as I've faced significant fatigue of overly long games that take me a month or two just to get through and add little to the world because they thought including frivolous points of interest was the best way to make the world interesting.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A greater share of young adults say they believe in a higher power or God.
About one-third of 18-to-25-year-olds say they believe—more than doubt—the existence of a higher power, up from about one-quarter in 2021, according to a recent survey of young adults. The findings, based on December polling, are part of an annual report on the state of religion and youth from the Springtide Research Institute, a nonpartisan nonprofit.
Young adults, theologians and church leaders attribute the increase in part to the need for people to believe in something beyond themselves after three years of loss. 
For many young people, the pandemic was the first crisis they faced. It affected everyone to some degree, from the loss of family and friends to uncertainty about jobs and daily life. In many ways, it aged young Americans and they are now turning to the same comfort previous generations have turned to during tragedies for healing and comfort. 
Believing in God “gives you a reason for living and some hope,” says Becca Bell, an 18-year-old college student from Peosta, Iowa.
Ms. Bell, like many in her age group, doesn’t attend Mass regularly as she did as a child because of studies and work. But she explores her faith by following certain people on social media, including one young woman who talks openly about her own life and belief, which Ms. Bell, who was raised Catholic, says she finds more meaningful and relevant. 
The Springtide survey uses the term “higher power,” which can include God but isn’t limited to a Christian concept or specific religion, to capture the spectrum of believers. Many young adults say they don’t necessarily believe in a God depicted in images they remember from childhood or described in biblical passages, but do believe there is a higher benevolent deity. 
Other polls, including Gallup, ask specifically about believing in God and show a decline in young adults who believe in God.
The Rev. Darryl Roberts, pastor of the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., says the pandemic, racial unrest, fears of job loss and other economic worries, stripped away the protective layers that many young people felt surrounded them. No longer feeling invincible, he says, some are turning to God for protection.
“We are seeing an openness to transcendence among young people that we haven’t seen for some time,” says Abigail Visco Rusert, associate dean at Princeton Theological Seminary and an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church.
At the same time many young adults say they feel disconnected from organized religion over issues like racial justice, gender equity and immigration rights. And belief in God or a higher power doesn’t necessarily translate into church attendance or religious affiliation. 
A Wall Street Journal-NORC poll published last month found that 31% of younger Americans, ages 18 to 29, said religion was very important to them, which was the lowest percentage of all adult age groups. A Pew Research Center study also released last month found that 20% of 18-to-29-year-olds attend religious services monthly or more, down from 24% in 2019.
Desmond Adel, 27, describes himself as an “agnostic theist,” which is someone who believes in one or more deities but doesn’t know for sure if they exist. He attended church every Sunday as a child, but doesn’t recall “which subset of Christianity” it represented, and quit going as a teen. He says he’s not 100% convinced there is a higher power, but “leans towards” the existence of one that isn’t tied to one denomination.
“I don’t think it’s like any Gods described by major religions,” says Mr. Adel, of Carmel, Ind.
Nicole Guzik, a rabbi at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, says she’s observed more young adults coming to Friday night services at the synagogue as well as monthly events that might include hikes and yoga in the park.
 “I think this demographic has a need to connect socially and spiritually,” she says. 
Christian Camacho, 24, was raised in a conservative Catholic household and says he has had doubts about God when his parents were going through a divorce and when he was dealing with depression. “How could God allow something like this to happen?” he would ask.  
Over the years, his image and perception of God has changed, from a judgmental punitive God of his childhood to a more accepting one. He thinks this belief is common among his generation, who don’t associate God with a specific organized religion.  
“A lot of people are turned off by the institutions,” says Mr. Camacho, who lives in Minneapolis and is studying to join a religious order. 
Courtney Farthing, 26, who works as a customer-service representative for a call center, attended Baptist and Pentecostal churches growing up and identifies as Christian. Ms. Farthing, who lives in Richmond, Ky., believes in God but says she questioned that belief as a teen.
Now, she says, she chooses to believe. 
“If I ever started to doubt, or believe there wasn’t a God, it would send me into a spiral of ‘What ifs,’ things that I would rather not get into.” 
Alora Nevers, a 29-year-old stay at home mom of four in Sidney, Mont., has always believed in God. She no longer goes to her Catholic church, where, she says, they talked too much about making donations. 
“I would rather praise God the way I do with my family. We pray every night.” 
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chamiryokuroi · 2 years
Hi Chami! You love Desmond Miles (and Elijah!), so I had a question: if you had do a crossover with Batman, how do you think it would go?
I have thought so much about this idea, as some of you might know I am a crossover lover so obviously once I got into DC I immediately started thinking about crossovers.
I honestly have a few but my favorite is mostly centered around Elijah.
What if after he escapes the Templars and Assassins during his fight with Juno for the Koh-i-noor he decides “Fuck it, fuck the Isu and their grand plans, I’m going to mess with the timeline” so he goes and hunts down the Isu artifacts needed for him to go back in time, problem is, when he finally activates the mess of wires and technology he has created, instead of being sent back in time he is sent to a completely different universe (wakes up in Gotham specifically).
He is understandably angry because what in the fuck? He was supposed to go a few years back, just enough to change things (save his mother) so why is he now in some world where the Isu influence seems to be non-existent and there are honest to god super powered people parading around as superheroes, like right out of a comic book?
Well dang it, he will find a way back to his own world, whatever it takes, and regardless of how many vigilantes get on his way.
Because obviously Batman and company notice the spike in energy resulting from a tear between universes when Elijah arrives, they arrive in scene but by then Eli is long gone, and then a sudden peak on theft starts in the city, thing is, there are no clues as to who is behind it, but whoever it is they’re up to no good, because everything they’re taking is highly advance technology the likes of which could be used to create something to destroy cities (or jump through universes).
That would be more or less the beginning, with the batfam desperately trying to catch Elijah, while the later is using every little assassin related knowledge he knows to get by (he might be going through the bleeding effect as well, you know, just because).
I like this crossover better than if it was Desmond on the Dc universe because Desmond is very much a reluctant hero, he would set one foot in Gotham and immediately go “fuck it, I an fixing this place” he is just like that, is in his genes, but Elijah is different, for me Eli is neither good nor bad, not even a middle point, if he was “good” he would have gone to the assassins after the whole Juno thing, but we know he didnt, he just took a powerful and dangerous artifacts and fucked off into the desert, for me he is selfish but not evil, he has gone through a lot and came out deciding to look after himself first, and that would give way to such interesting interactions with the batfam.
He is not blue, nor red, nor grey, he is a completely different category on his own, one second he would join Luthor to get access to his tech, the next he would be shaking hands with Ra’s to look into the Lazarus pits, and then he would be sending info to the League about something happening somewhere else in the world, but then he would be jumping into Arkham because there seem to be some caves underneath that might be old enough to contain an Isu temple, then he is helping the bats with a smuggling ring, just for him to steal right under their noses an artifact that might or might not be isu related. He would be invited to join the Young Justice just for him to go “why in the fuck would I join your child soldiers team?” Just for him to show up during life or death situations to help because dang it, he might be more isu than most humans, but he also has a ridiculous amount of dna from people who regularly put their lives on the line to help other and once in a while that part of his genetics seems to win over his need to find a way to get back home.
Idk how I would like this au to end, but I have been toying with the idea of Desmond showing up one day, but the thing is that this is not Eli’s dad, this is just a Desmond that fucked around with the Isu artifacts and got send to this universe. Which would be awkward all around because that’s not his dad, but it is some Eli’s dad and dang it he never knew the man but some deep part of him had always wanted to meet him.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Former Memphis police officer on the SCORPION unit and the fired cops charged in Tyre Nichols' death - CBS News
Memphis police "permanently deactivate" SCORPION unit Memphis police "deactivate" SCORPION unit whose officers are charged in death of Tyre Nichols 03:51
A former veteran Memphis city police officer who knew those involved in Tyre Nichols' violent arrest spoke to CBS News about one of the five ex-officers charged in the case, and the so-called SCORPION unit those five were members of. 
He described the "proactive" approach of the ex-officer as someone who thought, if you didn't go after the bad guys aggressively you were not doing your job as a police officer.
"I never thought this would happen," the former officer told CBS News. The former officer, who recently left the department after 10 years, spoke only on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the situation.
He said he knew each of the charged ex-officers and worked closely at times with one of them, Demetrius Haley. The five were fired from their jobs and are facing charges of second-degree murder for the brutal beating of Nichols after a Jan. 7 traffic stop. 
Morale is very low at the Memphis Police Department right now, according to the former officer.
"This is not an indication of who the department is," he said. "We deal with very bad people. There are fights and foot chases but we all have an understanding when it's time to stop."
Tyre Nichols was arrested after Haley and and the four other officers — Tadarrius Bean, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr. and Justin Smith — stopped him for reckless driving. Video from the scene, released by the city on Friday, shows Nichols was severely beaten. He died three days later in the hospital.
The Director of Tennessee Bureau of Investigation David Rausch said he was "sickened" and "shocked,'' by the video footage he viewed of the beating. "Let me be clear: what happened here does not at all reflect proper policing. This was wrong. This was criminal.''
Shelby County District Attorney Steve Mulroy joined Rausch at the news conference Thursday to announce the charges against the five fired officers.
"We want justice for Tyre Nichols," Mulroy said. "…The world is watching us and we need to show the world what lessons we can learn from this tragedy."
In the interview with CBS News, the former Memphis police officer described 30-year-old Haley as "a young, athletic, confident guy." 
But he said Haley did butt heads with others in the department for, in Haley's view, their not being aggressive enough in pursuing criminals.
CBS News is attempting to reach a representative of Haley's for comment.
Haley, a former Shelby County Corrections Officer, was a member of the hand-picked SCORPION team, a specialized unit formed in 2021 to fight violent street crime. 
The name SCORPION stands for Street Crimes Operation to Restore Peace in Our Neighborhoods. There are more than two dozen officers assigned to SCORPION teams. They  wear black hoodies and tactical black vests with "POLICE" emblazoned across the front and back, and drive dark colored Dodge Chargers marked with a SCORPION seal. 
The crime-suppression teams patrol in groups and at times use justified low-level traffic stops as a way to find violent criminals, drugs or weapons.
"You have to be a go-getter, for the most part," to join the SCORPION unit, the former officer told CBS News. "You have to be someone who wants to make a difference, who wants to catch the bad guy."
In a news bulletin published on Jan. 27, Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland said, "Since this event happened, the SCORPION Unit has been and remains inactive," though he didn't clarify when the unit was deactivated. Strickland also said that the city is "initiating an outside, independent review of the training, policies and operations of our specialized units." 
Memphis Police Director Cerelyn "CJ" Davis told CNN that investigators "have not been able to substantiate" the initial report of reckless driving that prompted Nichols' arrest. And Nichols family attorney Antonio Romanucci questioned the justification for the stop, saying on CNN, "we know that the saturation and suppression units do use pretext to stop in order to carry out this … wolf pack mentality of policing."
The former Memphis officer who spoke with CBS News said with a large number of officers retiring from the department, younger, less experienced members of the department were being tapped for the specialized SCORPION teams. They were not well-trained and not properly managed, he said, describing the training as consisting of three days of PowerPoint presentations, one day of criminal apprehension instruction and one day at the firing range.
The Memphis Police Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 
The officers charged in Nichols' death were hired from 2017 to 2020. They were 24 to 32 years old.
"You have to have crime suppression units,'' the former officer said. "You can't get crime down by only showing up at schools and talking to the kids and putting up posters."
He stressed that the department is made up of truly dedicated officers committed to their mission, committed to helping people.
"They still have to go out each day and get to work. They still have to fight crime."
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teecupangel · 7 months
Why not just Desmond being an angel.
And it freaks everybody out and everybody thinks he's holy or something and he's just like "all right okay why not"
It had happened by accident.
It had to be an accident, right?
Altaïr had been thrown out of the room and the Templars had unsheathed their weapons. Malik had been focused on protecting his brother, shouting at him to run as he tried to keep all of the Templars busy.
Robert de Sablé didn’t even look back when he walked away after ordering their death.
Malik didn’t know what happened.
He saw Kadar freeze when he neared the scaffolding that would lead to the treasure and Malik swore his eyes glowed gold for the briefest of moments.
Before one of the Templars charged at him.
Kadar snapped out of it and tried to block, his stance unstable enough that he slipped backwards.
Into the scaffolding…
Taking the Templar with him.
The Templar’s sword struck one of the wooden pillars keeping the scaffolding stable and…
Malik didn’t have any explanation for it.
It shouldn’t have happened.
The scaffolding started to crumble, making Kadar and the Templar run away from it as fast as they could.
And then…
The wall next to the scaffolding began to break apart, golden light coming from the cracks before the entire thing fell down.
Together with the treasure and the ark where it had been resting.
The ark broke in half, splitting in the middle to reveal an egg shaped thing made of stone that was around the height of perhaps Malik when he was sitting on the floor.
The treasure fell on top of it, shattering like it was made of glass.
Where the shards fell on the stone, the stone changed and spread.
What had been stone had changed to seemingly three pairs of wings with white feathers that seemed to shine gold all curled together.
The wings twitched…
Before slowly opening, stretching to its full size.
Revealing a young man seemingly sleeping, the three pairs of wings attached to his back. His head was resting on his propped up knees.
No one could speak.
No one could move.
“Altaïr?” Kadar whispered hesitantly and Malik could see why he would call out that fool’s name.
The man looked too much like Altaïr for it to be a coincidence.
Almost as if hearing the name, the man…
The divine being in front of them opened his eyes.
Instead of Altaïr’s golden eyes, his eyes were light brown with specks of gold in them.
And Malik wondered how he could see them from where he was standing, a few meters away from the winged being.
The divine being looked around and blinked.
His eyes met Malik and his lips parted.
“It’s an angel!”
Before he could speak, the Templars all knelt and began to pray.
The Templar who had attacked Kadar took off his helmet and…
It was a woman.
A woman who was praying fervently at the divine being who…
… looked at Malik with wide confused eyes.
Unorganized Notes… I mean… sorta notes?:
Desmond is surprised for a few seconds then he goes “Be not afraid” and tried to sound super impressive “Ye are in the presence of…………… the will of God.” and he’s just bullshiting his way to uuhhh. He has no plans.
He glanced at Malik and Kadar and oh yeah, alright.
“Ye shall not harm these… men of justice for they are… under my protection…?”
At that point, Desmond knows he is ffuuuccckkeedd. Malik is obviously onto him. Kadar is super confused and just keeps staring at his face. Then…
Maria, of all people, agree and even goes as pledge her sword to him which is super weird and Desmond’s just “???”
In the end, Desmond accidentally takes the Templars about to kill Malik and Kadar with him as he leaves the temple with Malik and Kadar. It’s a very awkward journey and Desmond has no idea what else to do other than…
Oh wait… there were other Templars stationed nearby and they all saw him leave with his ‘entourage’.
Before he could try to say anything, Maria speaks for him, calling the messenger of God and that he had been sleeping in the Ark of the Covenant which sounded like a super big deal (and he can’t even whisper to Malik to ask what the hell she was talking about because the Farm was never religious and the only time Desmond even heard of the Ark of the Covenant was from Indiana Jones) and…
… why does it feel like Maria was converting people into becoming his personal army???
Oh god… Was this…
Was he going to take his own army to Masyaf???
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 10 months
Dick Grayson is Desmond miles
by Elvis_de_Eston As the title says it yes Dick Grayson is Desmond miles Words: 313, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Characters: Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Green Lantern, Black Canary (DCU), John Constantine, Zatanna Zatara, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde, Harley, Selina Kyle, Lex Luthor, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Haytham Kenway, Ratonhnhaké:ton | Connor, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, Arno Dorian, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Clay Kaczmarek | Subject 16, Desmond Miles, Shao Jun, Edward Kenway, Shay Cormac, Juno (Assassin's Creed), Minerva (Assassin's Creed) Relationships: Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Time Travel, Crossover, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Protective Dick Grayson, Dark Dick Grayson, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Reaction, Identity Reveal, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Hurt Dick Grayson, Bad Person Ra's al Ghul, Isu Technology (Assassin's Creed), Isu Bullshit (Assassin's Creed), Eagle Vision (Assassin's Creed), Out of Character via https://ift.tt/KXTVsHe
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minie-mastermind · 10 months
Earth 3 Blockbuster Mark Desmond would be perfect for Stephanie Browns Batwoman's Young Justice team. Could be called Megahit or Smash Hit and be a good guy after his brother who use to defend him dies he can realise some one need's to defend Blühaven from Owlman stooge.
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positivitypeeps · 2 years
Casting the Dub of Fruits Basket: Another Because I Want It To Get Animated So Badly, Guys
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SAWA MITOMA - Kylie McNeill
OTHER ROLES: Suzu Naito (Belle)
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HAJIME SOHMA (Kyo & Tohru's Son) - Matt Shipman
OTHER ROLES: Reki Kyan (SK8 the Infinity), Floch Forster (Attack on Titan), Sen Kaibara & Inasa Yoarashi (My Hero Academia), Chrome (Dr. Stone)
Sorry to whoever played him in the last episode of Fruits Basket, cause I'm completely disregarding that.
MUTSUKI SOHMA (Yuki & Machi's Son) - Austin Tindle
OTHER ROLES: Neito Monoma (My Hero Academia), Marco Bodt (Attack on Titan), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)
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KINU SOHMA (Hatori & Mayu's Daughter) - Carrie Keranen
OTHER ROLES: Mami Tomoe (Madoka Magica), Satsuki Kiryuin (Kill la Kill), Ichiyou Higuchi (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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RIKU SOHMA (Haru & Rin's Son) - Zeno Robinson
OTHER ROLES: Hawks/Keigo Takami (My Hero Academia), Onyankopon (Attack on Titan), Taiga Kagami (Kuroko's Basketball), Cyborg/Victor Stone (Young Justice)
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SORA SOHMA (Haru & Rin's Daughter) - Erica Lindbeck
OTHER ROLES: Kaori Miyazono (Your Lie in April), Naruko Anjo (Anohana), Akiko Yosano (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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HIBIKA SOHMA (Ayame & Mine's Daughter) - Cherami Leigh
OTHER ROLES: Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail), Asuna Yuki (Sword Art Online), Patti Thompson (Soul Eater), Suzuha Amane (Steins;Gate)
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CHIZURU SOHMA (Ayame & Mine's Son) - Laura Stahl
OTHER ROLES: Ray (The Promised Neverland), Tao Ren (Shaman King 2021)
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SHIKI SOHMA (Akito & Sigure's Son) - Jeannie Tirado
OTHER ROLES: Norman (The Promised Neverland), Carole Stanley (Carole & Tuesday), Endorsi Jahad (Tower of God)
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MINA SOHMA (Momiji's Daughter) - Emily Neves
OTHER ROLES: Eri (My Hero Academia), Kanade "Angel" Tachibana (Angel Beats)
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MICHI MANABE (Kakeru's Daughter) - Erica Mendez
OTHER ROLES: Gon Freeces (Hunter x Hunter), Emma (The Promised Neverland), Retsuko (Aggretsuko), Tsubaki Sawabe (Your Lie in April), Raphtalia (The Rising of the Shield Hero)
RIO MOSCA (Hanajima's Son) - Caitlin Glass
I could only upload 10 images max, damn
OTHER ROLES: Machi Kuragi (Fruits Basket), Damian Desmond (Spy x Family), Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist), Mina Ashido (My Hero Academia), Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)
Thought it would be funny since Caitlin would probably also direct this series (she directed the 2019 dub), plus she does a good young boy voice that is unrecognizable.
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oldtvlover · 2 years
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This is the continuation of my Captains and the Kings post.
Chapter V Additional cast: Perry King as Rory Armagh Terry Kiser as Courtney Wickersham Jane Seymour as Marjorie Chisholm Douglas Heyes Jr. as Kevin Armagh Cynthia Sykes as Claudia Desmond 
Story: Tom Hennessey dies and Joseph goes to Elizabeth Hennessey and declares his love for her, undiminished by the many years they have been apart. She reveals that Tom was the father of her son. They agree that for the sake of his presidential aspirations for his son, he will not divorce Bernadette. Joseph attempts to bribe Senator Bassett to withdraw his support of the Alien Contract Labor Act. When this fails, he resorts to blackmail. To preserve his honor and keep his family secret, Senator Bassett withdraws his support the only way he can see - by committing suicide. His letter to Joseph tells him that with his dying breath, he has cursed Joseph and all his family. Bernadette hires a private detective who gives her proof that Joseph is having an affair with Elizabeth. She then gives him an assignment to find proof of her suspicion that Elizabeth's son, Courtney Wickersham is actually Tom Hennessey's son. Bernadette confronts Elizabeth with the proof in an attempt to blackmail her into ending the affair with Joseph. This plan backfires when Elizabeth freely admits the truth and now that Tom is dead, she no longer cares if the secret is revealed. Joseph tries match-making with his son Rory and Claudia Desmond, the daughter of a business associate. Rory is smitten with Marjorie Chisholm and asks Courtney Wickersham to introduce them. She has a boyfriend and offers Rory no encouragement. When he continues to pursue her and because he is an Irish Catholic, Rory is severly beaten by her boyfriend and his Harvard classmates. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Bernadette and Elizabeth fight over Joseph, because the younger woman has discovered her feelings for him, yet the blackmail she had on her stepmother is naughty because all parties already know the truth. Though he has four kids, for Joseph mainly Rory counts and this Bernadette tells him one night drunk. Some years later, Rory was nearly dispelled from his school but his father got him back - and to Harvard where he is with his uncle Courtney and brother Kevin. Still, his father tries to get him together with Claudia Desmond but Rory has other plans with another young woman, Marjorie, at Harvard and takes a several beating from her boyfriend and his friends, just by being Irish. 
Chapter VI Additional cast: John Houseman as Judge Newell Chisholm Ann Dusenberry as Ann-Marie Story: Undeterred by the beating, Rory is relentless in his pursuit of Marjorie and she eventually falls in love with him. Both of their fathers are strongly opposed to the romance. Judge Chisholm doesn't want Marjorie to marry into an Irish Catholic family, and Joseph insists that Rory must marry an Irish Catholic girl for political reasons. Rory and Marjorie elope and are married by a Justice of the Peace. Courtney Wickersham and Anne-Marie Armagh are in love and they want to marry. Joseph has to tell Courtney that he is related by blood to Anne-Marie - Tom Hennessey was his biological father and Anne-Marie's grandfather. When they search for Anne-Marie to tell her, they are told that she rode off in a frenzy soon after returning home. Her horse returns without her and when they find her, she has suffered multiple injuries and is in a coma. Bernadette denies having told Anne-Marie that Courtney is a blood relative. Joseph and Elizabeth both feel intense guilt over the secret they kept and the consequences - they never see each other again. Rory and Marjorie are secretly and happily living together in New York when Joseph summons Rory to join him in London. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Rory still does his best to win Marjorie and well, it happens: they fall in love with each other, still knowing that their fathers wouldn't approve it. Kevin, however, avenges his brother and beats his brother's attacker to the hospital. For their sister Ann-Marie, it doesn't end good. She falls in love with her uncle Courtney who is in reality related to her. Unfortunately, she falls off her horse and remains in a coma. Joseph accuses Bernadette to have told their child the truth but Bernadette denies it. Meanwhile, Rory listens to Harry's love story and decides to just do what his heart says and marries Marjorie. They settle down while Rory's parents are on a trip through Europe. Desmond becomes the ambassador of the USA in London, and Joseph insists that Rory marries a Catholic girl, not knowing that his son has already wed Marjorie. Oh boy!
Chapter VII Additional cast: Lee Jones deBroux as Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt John McLiam as Robert Story: Joseph takes Rory to meet his rich and powerful friends who intend to "build their own president". Joseph insists that Rory must marry Claudia Desmond with an incentive of 20 million dollars or be disowned with no inheritance. Despite his intention to do so, Rory doesn't have the courage to tell his father about his marriage to Marjorie. Joseph returns home from London after learning of Rory's marriage by a letter from the Justice of the Peace and in a rage confronts Harry Zieff about hiding this information from him. America declares war with Spain and young Kevin Armagh joins Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders and goes to Cuba to join in the fight. Joseph meets with Judge Chisholm to discuss a plan to end Rory and Marjorie's marriage. Joseph offers him 10 thousand dollars a month to take Marjorie to Europe for 2 years. He has paid bribes to the Justice of the Peace and the court clerk to remove all evidence of the marriage from the official records. He has also prepared two forged letters to be delivered to Rory and Marjorie, each ending it with the other for personal reasons. When it is discovered that Kevin has gone to Cuba, Rory travels to Cuba as a "war correspondent" to find him and bring him home. When Rory finally finds Kevin, he has been injured in a sniper attack and he dies in Rory's arms. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Rory is not happy with how his father manages to dictate his life and realizes bitterly that for him only the money counts. He tells him so in London but can't admit to have married his college love, Marjorie. Still, Joseph finds out and takes his anger out on Harry but both only have the main goal in view: making Rory the first Irish president of the USA. However, soon the war between America and Spain begins and Rory thinks that the powerful friends of his father are behind it. Behind anyone's back, Kevin follows Teddy's army down to Cuba. When the family finally finds out, Rory manages to convince his father to let him go down there as well as a correspondent but as soon as he's there, he's within the war and included. After some asking around, he finally finds his younger brother and helds him until he dies in his arms. Rory is devastated. Meanwhile, Joseph tries to annule the marriage, even with Marjorie's Dad. As said, complicated. 
Chapter VIII Additional cast: Cliff DeYoung as Brian Armagh John deLancie as Timothy Armagh (son of Sean) Story: When Joseph offers Bernadette a drink before telling her of Kevin's death, she becomes paranoid and thinking that he is trying to poison her, she is apologetic and confesses she told Anne-Marie that she was related to Courtney by blood, but she couldn't have known that it would cause Anne-Marie's accident. After she is told about Kevin, she becomes hysterical and tries to throw herself out of a window. Subdued by Joseph, she says they are all cursed. Bernadette, an alcoholic with severe emotional problems and Anne-Marie, still in a coma, are both sent into care at Woodville. It's 1912 and Rory Armagh is now a senator, married to Claudia Desmond with four children and plans are under way for his presidential bid. Joseph's youngest son, Brian has his own financial empire as owner of Xavier Aircraft and Xavier Films. After Joseph suffers a heart attack, he asks Brian to step in as Rory's campaign manager. Rory and Brian go on a coast to coast campaign tour and begin winning multiple primary elections. Winning the Democratic nomination is almost certain for him. Rory receives a telephone call from Marjorie and he races to her for a passionate reunion. On his deathbed, her father confessed the plan to separate them and she explains it all to Rory. They are just happy that they have found each other again. Elizabeth dies soon after a visit from Harry, where he discovers that she still loves Joseph. Harry tells Joseph that he wants to retire and travel now that he is 70 and his Emmy is gone. The powerful financial organization that is backing Rory's bid for the Presidency summons Joseph to a meeting and asks him to have Rory endorse Woodrow Wilson for the Democratic nomination and settle for the Vice Presidential slot on the ticket. Joseph refuses, fearing that he won't live to see Rory elected president. Joseph telephones Rory to tell him that he no longer has the support of his powerful financial backers. Rory is happy with this news and expresses his intention as President to crush this elite group that uses it's power and money to influence and control world events for financial gain. Joseph cautions him to keep this plan to himself, because it would be suicide for him - and not just politically. Unfortunately, his father-in-law, Charles Desmond has listened in on this call. Joseph reconciles with his brother Sean and asks for the support of the Labor Unions. Sean agrees to guarantee the Labor vote and it is announced that American Labor endorses Rory Armagh for President. Rory takes the lead in the race for the Democratic nomination. Joseph receives a call from Harry, saying he is returning to America on the Titanic and will be back in time to vote for Rory. Joseph receives a final message from Harry delivered by a survivor whose life Harry had saved as the ship was sinking. With only two weeks left before the Democratic convention in Baltimore, Joseph's hopes and dreams for his son are over when Rory is shot and killed leaving his campaign headquarters in Philadelphia. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Well, here we are. Rory returns from Cuba, only to find Marjorie gone. Bernadette doesn't take it well when being informed about her son's death, and so she and her daughter go to a sanatory. After a heart attack, Joseph asks his youngest son Brian to help Rory with his campaign. Brian seems to be more his father's son, own companies and money, yet he helps and gets the shock of his life to find out that Rory is actually married to two women but for Rory only Marjorie counts and they reconcile. Still, he's married to Claudia and this marriage doesn't work. When Joseph's people decide to vote for Wilson, Joseph gets angry and steps out, only to speak with his brother Sean again - and to let the labour vote for Rory. After a meeting with Marjorie and the next stop in Philadelphia, Rory talks to Brian, yet at the moment a man in the crowd shots him from a close range and he dies in his wife's arms. Marjorie then goes to Joseph and he accepts their marriage finally. Meanwhile, Harry loses his life on the Titanic. In the end, Joseph is a broken man.
That’s a very long miniseries and I really liked it. Very recommended if you have once a lot of time. It’s around nine hours to watch.
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