#cw: vaguely mentioned minor character death
runninriot · 6 months
...✍️ making myself cry a little on an overcrowded train
   “I know you’re not her real father, Munson. But you’re all she got left. Chrissy’s parents want nothing to do with her. I tried them first. It’s either you or the system.” Hoppers words are still ringing in his ears, even after so many years have passed.
That hadn’t been an option. No way in hell. Not after the horrible experiences he himself had made as a kid, before Wayne was finally allowed to take him in.
Eddie didn't know how Hopper knew Chrissy had lied on Sally’s birth certificate but that was the least of his concern in that moment. He was glad that he'd encouraged her to put his name down as the father. He never would've thought it would become important not only a year later but maybe it was fate. Because if she hadn’t, taking the girl in would’ve been a struggle, if at all possible.
He was only 23 when life decided to flip on its axis. He had no idea how to take care of a child, let alone how to provide for them both with his shitty job as a mechanic. But he had made a promise to his best friend the day she told him she was pregnant, left to handle it all on her own because she fell for that scumbag Carver that turned heel and ran the moment he realised he’d fucked up. Her own family rejecting her as punishment for the 'moral crime' she'd committed in their eyes.
Eddie had promised her to always be there for them. He wasn’t going to break it then, no matter how scared he was to suddenly be responsible for a 1 year old.
He still remembers the look on Wayne’s face when he came back home from work (they were still living together back then) and found Eddie completely exhausted and frazzled sitting on the sofa, the little girl finally asleep in his arms.
   “Chrissy-“ It was all Eddie managed to get out before he broke down. But Wayne magically understood by putting two and two together (he’d heard of the horrible accident on the news) and was there immediately to pick up the pieces. He took Sally from him and carried her to bed, his bed, let Eddie cry and scream, let out all his anger and fear and frustration and then- sat him down, reassured him things would be fine. They’d manage because they always had. And Wayne would be there for him, for them. No matter what.
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whumpalicious08 · 6 months
More Public Humiliation Whump (READ WARNINGS ⚠️)
Aka my magnum opus, in my humble opinion.
⚠️Cw⚠️ / Smoking, Drinking, Gun violence, graphic gore, minor character death, non consensual touching (over clothes), manipulation/manipulative language, religious (catholic) imagery & references, internalised shame, public humiliation, possessive behaviour
2nd person Whumpee has they/them pronouns. Brief, vague mention of area between legs, no explicit reference to any biological organs.
Living Weapon Whumpee / Mafia Whumper.
You find it difficult to breathe inside the pub. Smoke congeals with the air and stains the insides of your lungs.
The stench of blood is so strong it makes your mouth taste metallic.
Whumper is speaking and everything else feels quiet.
"...Kid comes waltzin' into your house, starts touchin' on your property. Can't hardly blame nobody for gettin' a little unkind."
There's a man on the floor in front of him. He's a couple years younger than you- twenty. He's studying geology, a topic that lit up his eyes endearingly. He's on his gap year.
You'd tried to warn him off you, gentle but insistent. Whumper likes you seen and not heard.
But the charming bastard had leaned in, eyes painfully kind, and he'd told you how pretty he thought your smile was. It'd been so long since anybody'd told you that.
The kid had brushed his knuckles over your wrist, coyly hiding his concern at your reaction. His compassion had distracted you.
You hadn't seen Whumper approach.
He'd dragged the kid away from the bar, away from you, and into a more open area. God, you'd forgotten to even ask his name.
You hadn't seen Whumper approach.
You don't see him now, either. You turn your face away and stare down at your drink. But the tourist's throat keeps flapping wet gurgling noises and you can't turn away your ears.
Another shot cracks through the air. Another terrible banshee cry. You count up from one silently to distract yourself.
It doesn't work, but you pretend that it does, and that's enough sometimes.
It was enough before, when Whumper had jovially condescended to the tourist and amicably levelled his shotgun at his knee.
(You'd missed the money shot. You always strive to when you can, innate coward that you are.)
Whumper loves that gun. He's always telling you that it's;
"a gorgeous weapon second only to one".
He'd won it from the Sheriff, during a poker game he'd hosted last month. The policemen in attendance tonight eye it with just as much desire as they do Whumper; the perfect power fantasy.
The kid's warped voice rings too loudly in your head. You falter at 37 and can't start over.
Whumper does something to him that makes him hack up air like a cat, unable to scream any longer.
"Shut up and listen real fuckin' close. Whumpee is mine. Mine to touch, mine to use."
You feel the tips of your ears burn in violent shame. Your teeth feel wobbly with how hard you're clenching them.
Whumper's silent for a beat. You don't need to be facing him to know he's looking at you. "Sometimes, they're so damn good at bein' owned I get to thinkin' they like it." His tone turns jeeringly wistful, and indignation curls your hands into fists.
People's eyes and unspoken words become embedded in your skin like shrapnel. Pieces of you, of them, sting when you think you've found reprieve.
"All I'm doin' to you is some kindly teachin'. Got to set an example, you understand."
"Did- I didn't-"
You think he may be trying to say he didn't know, but it'd be futile anyway. Whumper wants an execution. The tourist begins to catch up and abandons his words for sobs.
Whumper hums in sympathy, the sound vulgar in its sincerity. "Whumpee. C'mere."
There's white hot needle points dancing over your body as you stand. The shrapnel sinks deeper as more attention shifts to you.
You find it harder and harder to avoid looking at Whumper's barbarity. The tourist's humanity entices your own; you grow unable to pretend either don't exist.
You reach Whumper's side and look down.
The bullet had shattered the kid's kneecap fully. There's a gorge where it should be; exposing jelly-like tissue the colour of pus and flesh and viscera. Dark shades of dried blood makes it look like somebody'd rubbed dirt into the gore - you can imagine Whumper doing that, tearing at the edges of the exit wound with gritty black fingernails.
His elbow is gone too, chips of shattered bone and viscous chunks of torn muscle the only remnants of it left.
You notice that the tourist's lips are moving once more, and gratefully take the opportunity to look away from the depravity. You can't hear what he's saying. Just the feverish, incoherent ramblings of a man from whom Death will have to beg for mercy.
Whumper's voice pounds against the inside of your skull like tinnitus, trying desperately to drown out the injustice he's caused.
"Kill him. Bastard's all used up." Whumper's cigarette wobbles as he snaps the order. His perverted sense of mercy makes you squeamish.
You've met people who mark their kills. Some do it to boast. Some do it to self-flagellate.
You've never had to carve anything into your bedpost. Every one of your victims live on, feeding, parasitic within you.
But this ... this boy, convulsing and begging in a pool of his own fluid; his death will be a tumour, destruction for destruction's sake.
You're suddenly not sure that you can handle another ghost.
Whumper's eyes cut into you. You used to believe he had the Devil in them. Now you don't believe there are any Gods or Demons here at all.
"Say that again?"
He's offering you an out he knows you won't take.
You lower your head, but peer up at him through your lashes, a veiled mockery of the submission he expects. He's pushed you just far enough tonight. The several shots of sickening, unidentifiable liquids coalescing in your stomach makes you too brave.
"No, Sir."
Whumper likes you brave. He'll fill your glass and enjoy the consequences.
His hand closes around your arm, fingernails ripping skin, and he roughly handles you into position. You try to jerk away, but the weight of his shotgun reminds you of his conviction.
The tourist is crying again. You can't remember if he'd ever stopped.
Whumper's chest is firm against your back. His leg parts yours sightly and he angles your body with intent, displaying you to the rest of the pub. He rests the long barrel of his gun on your hip, slowly guiding it lower. "I ain't askin', angel."
The pub's only sparsely populated today, and some people are only watching out the corners of their eyes.
But it may as well be packed to you.
Whumper lingers behind your knee purposefully; making you think he might actually do it, before he moves on again.
You feel your heartbeat everywhere; in your throat, under your fingertips, at your temples.
You feel terror everywhere, too. You think it's circulating the room, a plague of quiet fear. Endemic to the bar and your body.
The gun stops at your inner thigh.
Whumper brushes his lips against your ear. Radiant heat from his cigarette warms your clammy neck. "You'll do as you're fucking told."
He gyrates the barrel ever so slightly, a brutish imitation of a caress. Your breath hitches. I own you.
The muzzle's pointing down, safety on. He doesn't need a lethal weapon to remind you how to behave. I own you.
If you hesitate any further, it's only for a second.
Your defiance is brittle and impulsive. Your deference is always enduring.
The bitter pill Whumper feeds you settles on your tongue and makes you think maybe you do like being owned.
"I'm sorry."
The gun's driven sharply upwards, stabbing too hard even through clothing. Your ignoble cry seems to carry. He holds you in place and it hurts.
"I'm sorry-"
He slips his fingers down your back pocket and pulls out your revolver. He presses it into your hand and steps behind, painful pressure lifting off your back and from between your legs.
"Show me, then."
Eyes are boring into you. Whumper's, the patrons'. You hear somebody sniffling across the pub. You have the feeling there are more.
Under different circumstances you'd sneer at the pity, but the room's just seen Whumper what, assault you? Debauch you?
You're pretty damn pitiable right about now.
The tourist's lips are still fluttering. You lower yourself down on one knee to hear him better.
"...forgive thy... holy father ... mercy on me."
You glance at his neck in case you've missed anything. No cross.
You place your hand over his darting eyes, and your gun over his forehead. His mouth stops moving, and then he does too.
For one bleak moment you hope, much for the tourist's benefit and quite contrarily to your own, that there is a next life. You hope that Whumper will burn in infernal fire; searing with a fury rivalled only by the flames awaiting you.
There's more friction generated by the bullet than you'd like. Smoke from the barrel rises up, up.
Whumper's derisive words feel distant, but his fingertips gently carding through your hair seem to scald. "Wasn't so hard, was it?"
You breathe in and choke.
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radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
A deep dive into Severus Snape.
CW: child abuse and neglect, death eater activities, things of the like, vague mention of adults being creepy to minors
(This will follow the books and maybe some parts of the movies, I’m going to put away my own personal biases for this one lol. This isn’t Snape slander or me being pro Snape, rather a deep dive into his character and whether or not I think he can be “redeemed”. This took a long time to write and i tried to be as unbiased as possible so, hopefully this is good, though some of this might read as slander, it’s not my intention)
Morally grey characters are loved throughout all types of fandom and media, which makes sense, they’re interesting, fun to look into, sometimes they’re even better than the main character, however with Harry Potter and the Marauders fandom specifically, these morally grey characters have been changed into “good” characters, so I’ll be looking into whether these characters can be called “good” or “morally grey”, or if they’re just irredeemable.
Severus Snape is probably one of the most controversial characters in both Harry Potter and Marauders fandom, Snape has been called everything under the sun, evil, a hero, a creep, for some reason some people think that if Harry would’ve looked like Lily and been a girl that he would’ve been a creep, however, was he any of these?
Severus Snape’s childhood; Severus was an only child to pureblood Eileen Snape(née Prince) and muggle Tobias Snape, he lived near the Evans’ but in a poorer area, his appearance was scruffy and his clothes were hand me downs, in the books it’s mentioned that he wore long sleeves, heavy clothing even in hot weather which could elude to him trying to cover up bruising, in Pottermore it is mentioned that he had a “desperately lonely and unhappy childhood, with a harsh father who didn’t hold back when it came to the whip”, so if you consider Pottermore canon, then this would further push the physical abuse theory, however even without that, we know that Snape was neglected.
He met Lily Evans at nine, the two became bestfriends after that, while Petunia did not like Severus, Lily did. Their friendship continued into Hogwarts where Severus was sorted into Slytherin and Lily was sorted into Gryffindor, their friendship however grew strained due to Snape’s association to dark magic and Death Eaters/blood supremacists, during this time, a rivalry was formed with James Potter, some argue it was bullying, which it was, however, in my personal opinion it was a rivalry with JAMES, but became bullying when the Marauders got involved, to be clear it was bullying, there is simply not an argument to say it wasn’t, it was 4 vs 1, which is simply bullying. Snape and Lily’s friendship fin fifth year was already rocky due to Snape’s association with aspiring Death Eaters Mulciber and Avery, the former of which had tried to use dark magic on Mary MacDoanld in either their fifth or sixth year, but the ending of their friendship was in fifth year, where Lily had tried to defend him from James after a rather nasty “prank”, where in Severus’ humiliation he lashed out and called her “filthy Mudblood”. He later begged for Lily’s forgiveness, where Lily asked him if he was still planning on joining the Death Eaters, he did not deny this, which marked the ending of their friendship.
Snape during Hogwarts was still redeemable, however, when it gets to adulthood, he’s harder to defend. Severus treated Harry like shit, you can argue that Harry was the byproduct of everything that Snape couldn’t stand, James Potter and Lily’s lack of romantic interest in him, however, people have argued over Snape’s treatment of Harry and there are much more articulate arguments for and against his action when it came to Harry, so I’m going to look into Severus’ other actions.
Snape and Neville; Snape’s treatment of Neville was abhorrent in all sense of the word, he treated him so terribly that he was Neville’s boggart, not Bellatrix who was directly responsible for taking his parents away, but his potions professor. Furthermore, Snape’s lack of care for Trevor was a shit thing for him to do, even more so when he got upset at Hermione for trying to make sure Neville didn’t POISON his pet.
Snape and Hermione; Snape was incredibly cruel to Hermione, we see this when he calls her an “insufferable know-it-all with a really bad set of teeth”, he also called her an “insufferable know-it-all’ again after she answered a question that HE asked, we also see this when Draco accidentally hexes Hermione instead of Harry which made her teeth grow over a foot long, when asking Snape for help, Snape remarked that he “saw no difference”.
Along with his favoritism for Slytherin, Severus was simply a bully. However, he did various acts of good, he saved Harry during quidditch, he saved the trio from Death Eater, he, though begrudgingly helped Harry try to block Voldemort from his mind, he saved Draco from bleeding out, and in his final moments he told Harry all the truths that Dumbledore kept from him.
So, is Snape a hero, is he a villain, is he somewhere in between, is he even redeemable? Well, no and yes. Severus Snape is textbook definition of morally grey character, with a whole list of flaws, and a whole lists of positives, Severus Snape was not a good person, but he was not not a good person either.
Severus Snape is a morally grey character, and is he of the more fascinating characters of the series, I’d say this, in my personal opinion is what makes him irredeemable AND redeemable. Snape could’ve been redeemed, the issue is his “redemption arc” was not a redemption arc, controversial take, sure, but there was not enough time for him to have a FULL redemption arc, if you wanna argue that he had a redemption arc when it came to him being a spy for Dumbledore and technically saving Harry, I’d have to agree and disagree, Snape at most had a “semi redemption arc’’, his actions and shit behavior towards Neville, Harry, Hermione etc etc, was not redeemed, not only because it could not be redeemed, but also because he did not have enough TIME to redeem it. If Snape would’ve lived longer, I think an attempt at a better redemption could have been made, but he did not.
That’s just my view of his character however, whether you love him or hate him, both are understandable. My conclusion however is he wasn’t good or bad. Hopefully it was unbiased, as I tried to make it as such.
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disventurecamptakes · 4 months
Welcome to Disventure Camp Takes!
•No bullying/insulting/harassing/etc. other users or Disventure Camp staff; if your takes are about a real person, pleasemake sure they’re respectful; if you have proof of a major name in the fandom (ex: a writer, VA, popular fan artist, etc.) doing something egregious (ex: abusing someone), that may be shared for safety and public awareness, but I don’t want this turning into a call-out blog
•No NSFW takes about underaged characters (Drew, Fiore, Lake, Maggy, Sofia, & Nina)
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•Please respect the canon identities of the characters. Should go without saying, but takes about, say, Gabby being shipped with a man or Dan secretly not being asexual will not be posted
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•Anons who identify themselves will be tagged as “[emoji] anon” and “x anon”. For example “♥️ anon” and “heart anon” are the same person, “🥥 anon” and “coconut anon”, etc. This way you can click the tags and see takes from certain anons on the blog
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-Mod Jake
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shirogane-oushirou · 3 months
[cw mentions of ableism. talking / venting about the sharing vs non-sharing shit (i do not lean towards supporting one "side" over the other); starts out relatively neutral-toned but i start to sound frustrated part way through. i also have a more personal ramble at the very end that has a separate cw list. it's also long... don't feel obligated to read. i just needed to say things and be Done with it.]
man. i'm ready for all of the sharing vs non-sharing back and forths to stop.
to be clear: this isn't some "i'm above this argument" thing. on the contrary; i completely see where both "sides" are coming from! i simply mean it shouldn't be so difficult for a select few shit-stirrers to Get that selfshipping is a personal thing, and we should be able to ship in whatever way makes us most comfortable.
if someone is non-sharing, they should be allowed to create those boundaries without being harassed or called "immature" or "delusional" by sharing people. beyond how supremely ableist that is, nobody has the right to say they can't view their f/os in a certain way, no matter if other people don't understand those feelings.
if someone is sharing, they should be allowed to share their feelings for a character openly with other sharing people without being sent hate from non-sharing people who think they're "loose" or who want to be their f/o's "one and only". shaming people for being open to sharing is fucked from multiple "sexual / romantic purity" and "anti poly-[sexual / romantic / platonic] relationships" angles, and nobody has the right to claim sole and total ownership over a character they did not make.
and yet, every couple of weeks, we get posts from a vocal minority making a huge fuss over "the other side", when it's just a vocal minority FROM that other side ALSO making a fuss. and then those vague posts leave their intended orbit and cause more mis-worded posts and misunderstandings and off-the-cuff bigoted statements, and the cycle starts again.
we should theoretically be able to respect each other while focusing that energy on, oh i dunno, chasing harassers out of the community? getting selfshippers who aren't part of a specific marginalized group to help selfshippers from that group when they're harassed, maybe?? especially when the sharing vs non-sharing Thing very often coincides with bigotry; people who are harassing others tend to not just stop at being petty or mean, they make it personal.
and -- not as important but a nice little bonus -- i would think that working towards a community that's more safe for everyone in it would also "coincidentally" (/s) get rid of the shit-stirrers, whether because they were kicked out or because they realized what they were doing and grew as people.
[cw ableism, vague death ideation, non-physical self harm mention]
i was originally gonna put this bit in the tags, but i think i should put it under the cut bc it's a little personal + it got too long.
also, i try to stay in my lane and not discuss details about delusions or how to approach them -- i've only experienced them a couple of times, so i'm not going to claim to know much about them -- so if i've overstepped, PLEASE let me know and i'll edit or remove anything i've misspoken about.
but coming from someone who went too deep into selfshipping in the past and worries about the mental health of people who do: It's None Of Your Business!!
delusions aren't morally "bad" or "wrong". holding deep feelings abt a character isn't inherently delusion-based and also isn't morally "bad" or "wrong". and neither of those is the same as -- speaking from experience (above content warnings come into play here) -- being obsessed with a character to the point that you self-isolate and emotionally self harm because you wish so badly that the character was real and you believe there isn't a point to life if you'll never meet that character... and this is also not inherently delusion-based and ALSO not morally "bad" or "wrong".
these separate things -- delusions, deep feelings, and unhealthy obsession -- CAN intersect but just as often don't. none are immoral, and all are deserving of being approached with compassion and respect, in whatever way is most appropriate.
negative, harmful ACTIONS that some people take in these states are worth bringing up to them when it's safe to do so, depending on the details of their situation, but the states themselves don't have any moral weight. ie, if someone's harassing others for sharing their f/o because they're in a dark, obsessive place, that is a morally negative ACTION, not a morally negative mental state. they need to take responsibility for harm they've CAUSED, not for what they're experiencing internally.
but if you're calling people "immature" or "delusional" as an insult, something tells me you're not really considering that! whether through malice or just a lack of compassion, you don't see worth in how another person approaches this community.
you aren't better for thinking of a character a certain way, and neither is the person you're being ableist towards. if no harm is being done to you or others, you're just being a dick for the sake of being a dick. listen to other people, learn, and do better.
if you think someone is genuinely in a bad mental place because of selfshipping (wrt isolating and self harm), approach them as another human being. meet them where they're at. don't patronize them, don't call them "delusional", treat them like someone who has their own thoughts and values.
they may want help, or they may not, and you have to respect them for their choice no matter what YOU think is right. there is no truly right way to approach someone who's in a dark place, but you can at least avoid saying things that FOR SURE will make them feel talked down to, belittled, or shamed. if they aren't ready now, maybe they will be ready for help in the future, and shutting them down will make them less likely to seek that help.
(i was also going to put THIS in the tags but i should probably put it here: when i say 'learn and change' i mean it as a positive. people have the capacity to learn and grow and become better; if you've said something in all of this that can be read as harmful... consider why it's harmful and why you said it.
you aren't the same person you were a year ago. 5yrs ago. 10yrs ago. you have grown and you will continue to grow. but if you can be more aware of it and grow more purposefully and consciously? all the better.)
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porcelain-giyuu · 2 years
im not sure if this blog is abandoned d or not but I figured I might as well try lol
anyway, can i get your hcs for the nesting season au and the round up to five au??? pls and thankyou w a🍒 on top
ANON IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! this blog isn't abandoned, and it wont be bc giyuu is my special interest (literally just. giyuu. its kind of embarrassing lol) an I love writing. I'm just a fairly busy person and recently lost the entire outline for Of Many Colors, so I've been writing way less.
ANYWAY! of course you can have some headcanons, lovely!!
CW; mentions of canonical character death, some violence/injury, and minor warning for passive dismissal of ones own life
Nesting Season AU-
Giyuu is a very mellow omega, whose instincts have been mostly suppressed (something called Nulling, which can happen to anyone of any dynamic if their body shuts down for survival) so he hasn't really nested or pack bonded with anyone
he was raised by tsutako -who was also an omega- and secretly thought of her more as a mother. he was often very hurt by her joking about him being a "practice pup". as an adult he feels guilt over 'forcing' her to pretend to be his parent.
giyuu's instincts aren't fully awakened during the kamado's trial, but it's a close shot. he ends up furnishing two rooms in the water estate for the siblings but doesn't tell anyone due to a mix of confusion, shame, and defensiveness.
tsutako died when he was twelve and he stayed with his great aunt for five months before being sent away. the hunter that found him after he ran away was a friend of urokodaki's previous student, and thought that giyuu would be a good fit there.
giyuu's nesting instincts are fully kickstarted on a mission with muichirou.
 basically, they're both heavily injured during a joint mission taking place in a blizzard. mui was impaled and cant move without taking a ton of damage, and giyuu can't run due to having a dislocated hip and multiple bones in his ankles/foot broken. giyuu finds a hollowed tree to hide in- to keep the blizzard out he must build a wall of snow in the entrance. they and mui's crow are stuck there for roughly five-ish days: in that time giyuu and mui fully imprint on each other.
after that, giyuu is much more prone to aggressively taking in children- even if he's super fucking awkward about it. it doesnt help that tanjiro keeps dragging people in to visit giyuu and his newly claimed son.
the kids aren't all fully presented, only genya, aoi, and zenitsu have started the process. the alpha children are nezuko, zenitsu, kiyo & naho of the butterfly girls, mui, and senjuro. the beta children are tanjiro, inosuke, and sumi. the omega children are aoi and genya
giyuu and sabito were courting each other for a long time, as in this au they went into final selection when they were sixteen instead of thirteen. sabito’s death is what nulled giyuu; and also vaguely impeded his development as an omega. if he had lived, they would’ve become the water pillars together and bonded. 
Round Up To Five AU-
this au is overall lighthearted and tends to reflect that in the writing. the dynamic between uzui+his wives and giyuu is essentially “varying levels (all intense in their own way) of outward love and enthusiasm vs. very black and white autistic thinker who often forgets other people have Big Emotions too” 
giyuu likes uzui, even if he’s jealous of his freedom and self-surety. the girls are kind to him when he’s blunt or doesn’t respond. he enjoys being around them all- very simply put he basks in their presences. they’re all too good for him, but they never push him away. he finds he doesn't feel too guilty about staying around them either.
meanwhile the Married Crew are actively including him in a bunch of their activities. they invite him to dinner, to celebrations and missions, and even just to spend time with each of them individually. 
uzui gave giyuu his “ranking” of importance towards others lives, with his wives being the highest, giyuu being lumped in with citizens at second, then uzui last. giyuu misunderstands as he is the bottom, bc uzui didn’t specify. he of course delegates to who he believes is an actual hashira and gives his fuck-all to ensuring that the instructions uzui gave him are followed.
giyuu is a little dumb, but hell if uzui doesn’t admire a man who defends the lives of his beloveds with everything he has. unfortunately he’s also very frustrated with giyuu’s lack of care to his own life. him and his wives (who are suitably impressed with/curious about him) resolve to figure him out. 
they end up falling in love with the crazy little fuck, of course, and shortly begin trying to invite him into their marriage. 
giyuu is... kind of sure that they keep making passes at him, but none of them have actually asked him and he’ll be damned if he brings it up. if no one explicitly states that they want to marry/Romance him, he’ll just... not say anything. (if they actually asked he’d say yes at this point in the au. it’s been a few months and lots of development happens in their relationships)
the other hashira are either bewildered, amused, distinctly Unamused, or apathetic towards the shenanigans. 
PS- sorry if these aren’t what you were looking for! i didn’t know what kind of headcanons you wanted so i just... went for it el oh el
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kaiisers · 1 year
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contains mature content, aimed for +18 audiences. reader discretion is advised. most of these works are f! or afab! reader. ALSO! minors + blank + ageless blogs will be blocked.
⿻ last updated: jan. 13, '23
personal favorites : ♡
reader discretion advised, read content warnings : ✧ 
personal adds/assumption : italicized words
action between characters: &
𖨂 ⸱ ꕤ ⸱ SHIGARAKI TOMURA ⸱ 死柄木弔
bedside manners. ──── 3.2k
cw. Mommy kink, aphrodisiacs, bottom Shigaraki, dom/sub dynamic, implied virgin shigaraki
desperate. ──── 1k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ Tomura was needy, insatiable, and more often than not you simply gave him what he wanted before he even knew he wanted it. But there were times that you liked him to work for it.
cw. minors dni, afab reader, desperate!shigaraki, brief mention of a pocket pussy, unprotected sex, sex without prep, vaginal oral sex (reader receiving), creampie, cum eating, brief overstimulation, porn without plot
inaccurate misconceptions. ──── 5k
cw. Witcher!Tomura Shigaraki x Lechuza!reader. Reader has long hair, blood, injuries and scarring (canon typical), intimate bathing, slight pussy job, nipple play, sex with minimal prep, creampie, slight praise, slight monsterfucking if ya squint
mommy’s arms. ──── 2.4k
cw. Mommy kink, Dom/sub dynamics, Hurt/Comfort, vaguely established relationship, reader is cis female
no eavesdropping. ──── 7.1k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ overhearing you and dabi presumably talking about his dick size, tomura is more than angry when he hears your referring to it as something small.
cw. 18+ content, dom!shigaraki tomura x sub!fem!reader. established relationship, some fluff as a treat ig, minors do not interact, degradation, throat-fucking, facial, unprotected sex, creampie, choking, cursing (a lot), angry tomu, spitting, one (1) spank, dacryphilia, dubcon (?) reader is confused for a bit but doesn’t want/ask him to stop, this is filthy i’m warning you.
power. ──── 2.1k
cw. smut, cursing, pegging, subby brat shigaraki
shibaraki. ──── 3.5k
cw. AFAB GN reader, established relationship, kink dynamics, sub shigaraki tomura ('baby' + 'good boy'), soft dom reader (no titles used), shibari (rope play; chest harness), spit, praise, pegging (reader wears strap; referred to as 'your cock' a few times), riding position, subspace, aftercare
𖨂 ⸱ ꕤ ⸱ TODOROKI TŌYA ⸱ 轟燈矢
an ode to winter. ──── 14.1k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ touya todoroki had broken a lot of things, your heart, promises, your window a few times, but you swore he’d never leave your child feeling that way. but when he wants back into your life, will he take no for an answer? And do you even want to say it?
cw. angst, fluff, smut. MANGA SPOILERS IN THE EXTENDED ENDING. manga war arc!au, single-parent!au, unplanned pregnancy!au. heavy smut, ( literally 5k of it ),  mentions of pregnancy, mentions of semi-toxic!relationships, struggling with parenting, blackmail ??,  unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it, losers ), handjobs, oral sex ( female receiving ), fingering ( female receiving ),  choking, branding, squirting, spit!kink, needy touya
autumn chill. ──── complete
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ You find yourself needing a place to stay after setting an apartment on fire.
cw. angst, smut. villain au, blood, panic attack, death (not main characters), 18+
can you feel my heart beating like a hammer? ──── 5k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ You watch from your spot, shoulders tense as you anticipate the arrival of yet another creepy clown or zombie when you see him.
He’s not like the other actors. He’s not quick with his movements and doesn’t yell or jump at anyone. His terror lies in the fact that he does none of those things, that he stands across from you and stares.
And then he grins.
Your stomach turns but not in fear.
cw. f!reader, explicit content, scare actor!dabi, Dabi is touya (quite literally he is not called Dabi in this at all ajhssjsjjss), sex in public, fearplay (kind of), multiple orgasms, overstimulation (very brief), oral f!receiving, fingering, multiple instances where Dabi rests his hand on ur neck but never chokes u, biting (shoulder, neck), ‘baby’ and ‘angel’ as pet names, use of ‘good girl’, frightening (debatable im not that good) depictions of scare actors and haunts, one description of gory makeup, fake weapons
✧ count for me. ──── 3.8k
cw. punishments, shibari, blowjob, face fucking, rough sex, squirting, degrading, some praise, dabi is mean to reader, spanking, minor burning/branding, it's all consensual.
biting down. ──── 5.3k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ He’s fast as he weaves through the trees, breath hot against your neck as he runs as if he has any need for breathing at all. You feel your shoulders drop in relief, tucking your head into the crook of his neck, the texture of his skin a comfort to you as you think about what could have happened if he hadn’t found you. Dabi is a vampire, a real, live (debatable), blood-sucking, sunlight-repulsed, creature of the night. You think you might be in love with him.
cw: f!reader, explicit content, some angst, violence, vampires, Dabi picks reader up, detailed descriptions of blood and gore (lots and lots of blood), blood kink, self inflicted harm (reader cuts her palm open), Dabi is a little mean sometimes, biting (he bites ur neck, thighs, chest he drinks ur blood he’s a vampire), pain play (biting to puncture skin, biting and drinking from already open wounds), drinking each other’s blood, fingering, (bloody) oral f!receiving, bloody sex, unprotected sex, marking, bruising, corny vamp dialogue
hardly human. ──── 3.2k
cw. Touya x Cisfem Selkie!Reader. degradation (slut etc), praise, fingering, unprotected sex, maybe slight coercion but not really, maybe a little angst but mostly smut, bit of plot.
♡ heaven for nonbelievers. ──── 11k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ Fire is many things – forgiving is not one of them. Dabi finds absolution elsewhere. Allusions to domestic abuse(not to y/n), mentions of sexual abuse (not to y/n), mentions periods, mentions of food, explicit content, y/n can’t catch a break; sharing space, strange domesticity, gray morality to less gray morality, sometimes grief has teeth
cw. angst, smut, hurt/comfort. villain au + strangers to lovers
kingdom of ashes. ──── 12k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟When you are suddenly uprooted from your life to enter an arranged marriage with Prince Touya you are unprepared for how greatly he defies your expectations, nor for how quickly you fall for him.
cw. AFAB FEM reader (referred to as ‘wife’ ‘daughter’ and 'my lady’), royalty au, prince todoroki touya, arranged marriage, no quirks, historical setting, perceived unrequited love, fictional contraceptives, horseback riding, fluff, angst, protected vaginal sex, vaginal oral sex (reader receiving), dubcon, strangers to lovers, loss of virginity, hurt/comfort, canonical child abuse, bathing together, outdoor sex, talk of not having children/preventing pregnancy
leather cushions. ──── 6.7k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ touya hates the couch in the living room, but for you, he’d sit on it every second of the day.
cw. smut. quirkless au, college au, roommates au, best friends to lovers. shitty frat/rich boy!keigo, reader tells keigo no & he ignores it, soft, sweet, consensual sex w touya.
♡ legacy of hurt. ──── 4.5k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ touya has enclosed his heart behind a thick wall with refusal to let anyone see it. but you are an unrelenting storm, and damned by your persistence, even the strongest cliff can break if weathered enough.
cw. NSFT, GN reader, friends to lovers, Dabi POV, pre-LOV, implied PTSD, mention of child abuse, angst, hurt/comfort, blood (he cries during sex), spit, unprotected sex, emotional sex, no power dynamic
secrets. ──── complete
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ Life isn’t a fairy-tale and you find your soulmate through unconventional means.
cw. angst, smut. soulmate au. death mention, violence, spoilers (?) – set in PLF arc, abuse mention (not directed at reader)
she washes all of my wounds for me. ──── 15.2k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ “I called you by your name. Is that okay?”
“I don’t know.”
And it isn’t because he doesn’t want you to know his name. He’s already announced it to the world. Of course, you’re going to know it. It certainly isn’t because he hates the way your lips so easily form the two syllables. It isn’t because he no longer wants to associate himself with the name.
He’s simply afraid of his greedy soul becoming attached to the way you somehow manage to make something that used to cause his skin to crawl to now bring his heart a peace he’s never known before he saw your face.
cw. fem!reader. Smut (18+ only, minors DNI), fem reader (AFAB anatomy, femme pet names/pronouns), major spoilers for manga chapter 290, heavy religious imagery of angels/gods/heaven, one (1) instance of sir kink, so so much hurt/comfort, several mentions of past family abuse and trauma, mild blood and gore (Dabi tending to new burns/scars), verbal argument that has Dabi breaking furniture (reader does not get hurt) and being an overall asshole, alcohol use (Dabi is drunk and emotional), soft desperate-to-be-loved-but-too-scared-to-ask Dabi, oral and fingering (f!receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, very soft and emotional smut
soft interlude. ──── 1.4k
cw. AFAB GN reader (called ‘angel’ once), NSFT, established relationship, fluff and smut, bath sex, vaginal fingering (mostly clit stimulation; reader receiving), heavy petting, quirk use
unprofessional. ──── 5.1k
cw. smut. modern / business au. fem! reader, blow jobs, cum swallowing, humping, natsuo walking in on yall lmao, unprofessional work relationships, ceo’s son! dabi aka touya
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sunshineandcheer · 11 months
𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜, 𝙣𝙤𝙬 ! 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚'𝙨 𝙍𝙀𝙎𝙀𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙃 𝙖𝙛𝙤𝙤𝙩 !
// This is a roleplay account! Any message or piece of text not marked with the two slashes shown above is in-character, and is completely fictitious.
This pinned post will inform you a bit about the character, some unique circumstances regarding him, things you should be aware of when interacting, and the person who writes him! I sincerely hope you enjoy it. :)
Liam Sunshine was an OC created on a Multifandom RP server about a year ago. He started as a character that I would rarely think about, and grew to be my #1 original muse. Friends of mine interlocked their character's lore with his, so you'll probably hear vague references to it in RP. He's set in the SCP 'verse, inspired by the title of a Will Wood song, with slight influence from the game We Happy Few. However, he is his own character, and he stretches far beyond just that!
With the "backstory" set aside, I invite you to look at his 4.3k word DOCUMENT, that entails everything about the character - from personality, to backstory, to strengths and weaknesses. That can be found at the bottom of the post! PLEASE mind the TWs/CWs at the top of the doc, they are serious and important, and I just want everyone who reads it to be safe!
There's one important character missing from the backstory, but they'll be mentioned in RP and, one day, added to the doc! Keep an eye out. 👁
One final thing, before we move on;
I (the writer) am an indie dev. I hold this character very, very close to my heart, and he, the mystery character, and his story are going to be turned into a full fledged RPG/VN in the coming years. It's going to take a lot of work! ^^;
With that said, if you end up liking his character, please keep posting about it strictly on Tumblr! This account is like a little experiment; to see how people like the character and what could be improved. (It's also quite a bit of fun, because I ADORE writing him!!)
I'd also like to keep most things about the game under wraps for the moment, so do note that when asked, I can only answer questions vaguely.
The writer of this account is a MINOR. (Which is to say; do not attempt to initiate NSFW with the author or his character.)
I'm a huge nerd, and a lover of writing, podcasts, and video games. I really love the opportunity of getting to share this MASSIVE piece of my writing with you guys!
I also am on the Autism spectrum, so please be patient if I (or Liam) doesn't understand something the first time. When speaking OOC, tone tags are greatly appreciated! /g
This account comes with loads of Content Warnings that you really MUST be aware of before interacting. The following list is exhaustive, some of these are not likely to come up frequently or at all, but it's important that you know that they are a possibility. Don't trigger yourself, and stay safe!
The list of TWs/CWs is as follows;
Death, overdose, violence and gore (commonly associated with SCP), self-harm, suicide, forced suicide, mind-altering medication, mutilation/body horror, heavy discussion of manipulation and toxic relationships, religious trauma, hallucinations, and spiking.
That'll do it! I hope you enjoy learning about this little guy and interacting with him. Thank you for reading all this; and stay cheerful!
(There's the aforementioned doc, by the way!)
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threadedwheels · 1 year
ember and his health; an informative post
( aka - the fates hit Ember with a baseball bat called “illness” until he stopped moving )
cw for discussions of; physical and mental illnesses, minor ableism, chronic pain
While I’ve made a lot of mentions to Ember’s health, I promised myself I’d make an actual informative guide to direct people to for questions. As a quick piece of information about me: a lot of Ember’s relationship to his disabilities is based off of how I cope with it. I’m noting this because I don’t want to seem like I’m coming from a place of just “I wanted to cause this guy problems” and instead “I have never seen a disabled character who wasn’t babied and who wasn’t excused for actions because of their disabilities”.
I don’t have all of these things, namely I’ve never been diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) or Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), so if there are any inaccuracies I apologize! I have a lot of overlapping symptoms which are the ones I tend to focus on. Also, I do not have a complete comprehension of the healthcare system in TWST, so I am making assumptions and kind of using the fact that Ember comes from a traditional and slightly isolated home as reasoning for any differences in canon vs what I am writing.
With that, lets get into it
- BODY -
Ember has something called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, specifically the classical subtype. This affects the connective tissues in his body, making his joints hyper-mobile and unstable. It also causes his skin to be stretchy, something that isn’t mentioned as much, and causes him to scar a lot easier and worse than others. It’s genetic, he inherited it from his dad, and is something that will worsen throughout his life.
Ways in which this effects him includes:
- The use of mobility devices, namely his cane, crutches, and wheelchair.
- He almost always has all of his body covered, with the exception of occasionally wearing a turtleneck he cut the sleeves off of.
- He easily dislocates, sublexes, and sprains his joints- especially his legs and shoulders due to use.
A common comorbidity with EDS is POTS. This is what causes him to faint when he stands too fast. Essentially, his heart doesn’t get enough blood returned when he moves too fast and it will beat faster, usually requiring him to lay back down for a bit.
- MIND -
Ember’s mental health struggles, however, are not diagnosed. He isn’t fully aware of them himself. He has depression and is autistic.
For his depression, this is what causes him to not fully care for himself, come off as snippy, tending to isolate himself during lows. Until recently, he would successfully isolate himself, only interacting with others while working. I’ve made mentions in the past to this vaguely- namely in how his room is in a state of disrepair, he hasn’t been taking care of himself, and is quick to fight others. To him. this is simply an unfortunate part to being the next Oracle.
For his autism, he mainly is autistic because I myself am and I find it incredibly difficult to not write autistic characters. He’s more literal, causing his prophecies to be incredibly upfront and without much room for interpretation, doesn’t understand social cues, and has a special interest in death and magic.
If Ember was able bodied and neurotypical, he wouldn’t be himself. He is like this less because there’s evidence in the lore that he is twisted from and more because, as I mentioned, I wanted a character like him to exist. It matters because Ember, at his core, is someone who is struggling who will never admit it. Especially since being the Oracle already hurts his body.
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theovergrowth · 2 years
(( just wanted to talk about Titus when I use him in other projects (dnd campaigns, maladaptive daydreams, etc) cw for child death, murder ))
(( So I think of all the different ways I’ve used or thought about Titus and Macrides’ story, there’s only been one instance that they both survived and got to be with each other. And that was only because my dnd party worked really hard for it. ))
(( when I first made Titus he was EXTREMELY DIFFERENT. He was always 14 in my head, he was always in a modern magic setting, he had a different name, his backstory was that he stabbed and murdered his older brother and had to run away from home and the police, then was taken in by a father who was also on the run from his own stuff. Later, that father would be squashed and stretched into macrides. I was edgy and young and as I got older and less sad and angry all the time, Titus and Macrides were born. ))
(( when I first created them for a dnd campaign where I was a player, the story went like this: Titus was a child when, mysteriously, his father disappeared in the forest. The overgrowth did not exist in this story, and I put more focus on the idea that Titus was searching for his father and too terrified to stay in the forest, thinking something took his father and it may have still been there. ))
(( in the third iteration is when the overgrowth came in. I had really gotten attached to Macrides’ character while playing as Titus (in my notes, I always had Titus’ journal entries detailing the journey, but they were all written as letters to his father he would show when he found him). So when I made my first dnd campaign, Macrides was The Overgrowth, one of two main BBEGS. The story was this: A technologically advanced empire released a man made virus on the world, hoping to make profit from selling the antivirus and weaken their opposition. Macrides was a demigod of nature who lived in the forests with his adopted human son. The virus was released and while Macrides was safe, Titus became ill and died. Macrides then goes on a bloody rampage against humanity, consumed in grief, and the party must stop him, upon which he would decide to join them in their revolution against the empire. It was a messy story, with lots of too-complex parts, but that’s where the overgrowth started. ))
(( and then! There were lots of other vague differences that aren’t super important to mention just because it was just very minor things added or subtracted ))
(( and then I made this blog, still seeing them in a dnd setting, before going back to my roots with a modern fantasy setting, while taking inspiration from stuff like “Midsommar” and other media about cults, along with my own experience of living in a small village in the middle of the forest and people I’ve met! ))
(( and recently, I put Macrides and Kid Titus into another campaign I made! There was an artifact in the form of a mask that destroyed or altered memories and Macrides, being a powerful Archfey, opted to guard half of it. When the party came to the forest, they were attacked by some fey creatures and a 12 year old Titus who was controlling the forest to go against the party. When they explained that they needed to find Macrides and wanted to help keep the mask from hurting ppl, he stood down and took them to his father. Macrides was in his overgrowth form, the mask embedded in the bark that made up one side of his face. He barely recognized his own name, barely even recognized his son, and in general seemed confused about who or where he was ))
(( the party entered the mask and fought a creature called The Lost, an eldritch horror that disoriented its opponents while sapping away their hope and memories. They killed it, freeing Macrides from the thrall of the mask. Immediately, he held his son close and thanked the party profusely, offering each of them a boon. It was the happiest ending they ever had. ))
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
devil town (little scared of something new)
by A1batross Damian, green and charcoal-stained, narrows his eyes with the determination of a blazing inferno; “You can’t hide,” he says, and the green, dewy grass is itchy under Tim’s hand - but it is grounding. “You can’t hide.” When you scream through water, it’s distorted. When you scream through grave dirt, no one hears you. “You can’t hide,” Damian snarls, all feral and wild, fiery and ambushing like a flood. Tim is grave dirt. Tim is Bay water. Tim is - -- -- -- ALT: finding out that sins of the mother tastes like the dust on her secrets and the tears of her love, ft tim and jason - a mer au with too much plot :D better to read previous works but can always ask for a summary hehe Words: 7705, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Series: Part 4 of I Can't See You In The Deep Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Red Robin (Comics) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Janet Drake, Jack Drake, Catherine Todd, Sheila Haywood, Joker (DCU), Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Lonnie Machin, Roman Sionis Relationships: Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Janet Drake & Tim Drake, Jack Drake/Janet Drake, Sheila Haywood & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Roman Sionis & Jason Todd Additional Tags: don't wanna clog up their tags but there r other characters mentioned here, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fantasy, plot argh i hate, Dreams and Nightmares, Tim Drake is Not Robin, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake is Not Red Robin, Tim Drake is Alvin Draper, Tim Drake Needs a Break, it's not that bad for tim that's the worst thing, Implied/Referenced Torture, Electricity, Career Ending Injuries, not explained in detail, but still there, Aftermath of Torture, it's mildly referred to, nocturna n jay to a slight degree, Mer Jason Todd, Explosions, vague suicidal thoughts, Briefly but there, re: tim's not doing too good, Jason Todd is Not Adopted, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, allusion to touch-starvation ft being fishboy, can't find nocturna's tag but she's here y'all, Jason Todd is Not Okay, allusions to literature and to... pretty bad world events, Tim Drake is Joker Jr., was he was it's the aftermath that i refer, Minor Character Death, ei janet n jack n the likes, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, he comes up later, Religious Conflict, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, it's pretty prominent - both tim n jason refer to religion, Alternate Universe - Vampire, not otherwise mentioned, Sirens, Roman Sionis Being an Asshole, implied trafficking not otherwise specified, this gets a bit bloody; individual warnings will be issued before chapters with serious cws, casefic yippee via https://ift.tt/jxdfB08
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Time Will Tell
~5100 words of Loki x reader fluff
Based on a prompt from a lovely anon who asked for a story where the reader has been in a long-term relationship with Loki and it finally hits her that she’s ageing while he’s not. Fluff, comfort and love ensues.
I make things gender-neutral where the fic allows, but I made the reader female for this one - for reasons that will become apparent
Pairing: Loki x female reader (established relationship)
CWs: some mildly steamy kissing, this takes place years in the future so there are mentions of a major character death
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“I swear I had more of this,” you cringed and mumbled to yourself as you sifted through the contents of your drawer in the bathroom. Miniature glass bottles of serums clinked together as you rushed to pull them onto the counter next to the sink, followed by moisturisers, a jade roller, was that an eye mask? Can’t hurt. Your fingers shook as you tried to calm yourself down from your minor freak-out. It was silly really, to fret over it. Or it would seem that way if you only looked at it on the surface. But it meant so much more. The implications were huge.
Less than five minutes ago, you’d been getting ready for bed and all was well in the word. You brushed your teeth, flossed, washed your face, all while trying to do so quietly as to not disturb Loki where he slept in the adjoining bedroom. It was just a normal evening. Then, you’d seen them. They were so big, you were floored that you’d never taken more notice before. Maybe leaving the Avenger life behind was bad for your senses - you used to be much more perceptive. How long had those wrinkles by your eyes been there?
You cursed yourself the second you saw them, gripping onto your hair as you took your lower lip between your teeth. Panic washed over you until you splashed more cold water on your face to bring your mind back down to Earth. Sure, you were vaguely aware of the way in which your skin moved and creased, but the lines had never before looked so… worn.
You’d cursed yourself because it wasn’t like you’d been taking amazing care of your skin. Most days you were great: you drank enough water, made sure to not fall asleep with makeup on if you’d worn some that day, kept your hands clean and away from the delicate skin on your face. Though, you’d lapsed in your skincare routine. You frequently rubbed your tired eyes, sometimes wore sunscreen but sometimes didn’t. You knew the wrinkles were there because you earned them. Deserved them.
As much as you tried to shift your focus to be thankful that you were ageing, that you’d been gifted with all the years you had (especially in your line of work), it, for lack of a better term, crawled under your skin and made your stomach feel sickly and sour. So as you dropped serums into your palm and carefully applied them to your cheeks, under your eyes, your chin, your forehead… you allowed yourself to be upset about it. It wasn’t about how you looked - not really - it was about what it meant.
Less than ten feet away lay the most incredible love you’d ever had. Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief, love of your life.
Life with Loki was exhilarating and colourful and revealed a depth you’d never known possible in your capacity to love. It’d been years at this point. Seven years, eight months, sixteen days. After all that time, still, often, the light would catch his striking blue-green eyes in a way that made you feel like you were first falling in love. Never before had someone made you feel so understood, so known and valued. The way he held you made you feel important. Real. This thousand-year-old god placed his heart in your hands. How could that not make you soar out of your seat?
There in lay the problem. Loki was over a thousand years old, and he looked the same as the day you’d met eight years ago.
You were a wide-eyed young Agent trying to look anything but new and shiny next to these hardened Avengers. The first day you’d laid eyes on Loki outside of a report file, he’d sauntered into the gym during some kind of group training. You later learned that he wasn’t usually involved in those, but Steve had asked him to come as somewhat of a test to see how you’d react to the former villain; did you think people could change? What would you say to him? About him?
Whatever made Loki agree to be a lab-rat that day, you’d never understand. He claimed he hadn’t seen your file, he didn’t know anything about you, so he couldn’t have come due to a blossoming attraction from seeing the photo on your profile (as much as you liked to tease and insinuate that‘s exactly what he did). Loki chalked it up to a sort of intense boredom, and perhaps a bit of snark - he wanted to meet this awe-inspiring new recruit everyone was raving about.
He said what made him stay, however, was the way your eyes sparkled when you saw him. The way you grinned and asked if you were supposed to spar with him on your first day. He‘d scoffed and folded his arms, and you looked genuinely surprised, but you’d taken it as Loki trying to intimidate you instead of his incredulity that you’d dare assume you were any sort of match for him.
So he stepped up to the mat and goaded that he’d allow you three rounds to attempt besting a god. You won the first one, considering Loki was caught so off-guard by your speed and dexterity. Everyone was impressed, but only half of them looked surprised. You’d even offered him a hand up after you floored him.
He won the second round, now being much more prepared and much more experienced. The third was a bit more a match, but he still won it. Except at the end, he offered you a hand up. You didn’t know it back then, but that wasn’t exactly common for him to do. He’d usually throw a taunt or a smirk at his defeated opponent and walk out with an air of self-satisfaction, but something about you had intrigued him. If not the way you were so unafraid of facing Loki of Asgard, then maybe your pure energetic spirit, or the deadly precision of your hits which shouldn’t belong to someone with a smile so bright. An anomaly, he’d decided you were. A mortal he could possibly like, and not just stand.
You two grew closer as you tended to seek him out for help with your combat moves, citing specific ways he would turn, glide and bear down in the field; the razor-sharpness of your memory was nothing less than astounding. You could recall battles and moves in great detail, something Rogers found useful when reviewing mission files. Loki often found you peeking over The Captian’s shoulder as he sat at the kitchen island, pointing out certain discrepancies with your own memory as a steaming cup of coffee slowly turned cold in your hand.
That memory served you well, and you considered it one of your greatest assets. Though on nights like this, the years started blending into one and you found it hard to pick apart the individual days. Where had they all gone?
The years with Loki had been nothing short of passionate and exhilarating and fun, and so very full of love. This mirror, though - this honest mirror, the image of the lines etched into your temples now etched into your mind - it was all one being reminder that your youngest years were now behind you and you’d never get them back. How much longer would it be until even your picture-perfect memory started fading, starting waning like the youthful glow that once graced your skin. Tears brimmed in your eyes but you’d just slathered on way too many expensive serums and creams to dilute them with your sadness, so you dabbed at the tears with some tissue before turning the light off and quietly slipping into bed next to Loki.
He‘d always been a light sleeper. It was good attribute, tactically-speaking, but it made it hard for you to hide if something was bothering you when you’d come to bed upset. Usually, you liked when he’d pull you close by an arm wrapped around your waist and mutter comforting words against the side of your head. However, tonight, the thought of him holding you close seemed off. It seemed liked something penultimate. So you stayed close to the edge of your side and lay with your back to him. When he stirred and reached out, you didn’t react. When his hand met your waist and he gave a gentle squeeze before he slid his hand down over your belly and tried to guide you back into his chest, you tensed and didn’t move. He paused, then retracted his hand. He’d loved you long enough to know when you were upset at him, and when you were just upset. Tonight was the latter, and on nights like these you preferred when he brought it up in the morning.
To your surprise, you found it rather easy to fall asleep. You didn’t dream, and you didn’t wake until the sunrise was streaming through your curtains and a strong bitter scent was billowing into your senses. You screwed your face up a little and twitched your nose, only to hear Loki chuckle when you opened your eyes to see him smirking down, his steaming cup of black coffee held just next to your face.
“Gross,” you croaked in that morning voice of yours you knew he loved. “I don’t get how you enjoy that.”
“And I’ll never understand how you enjoy this,” he scoffed and bumped his eyebrows, setting down an earthy-toned glazed ceramic mug on your bedside table. You smiled at him and sat up, now smelling the chocolate coming from your own mug.
“Sugar is the only thing that makes coffee bearable.”
“Ooh, sacrilege.”
“You knew who I was when you fell in love with me,” you raised your eyebrows and shrugged, settling the pillows behind you before picking up the steaming mocha Loki had made for you. “Thank you for making me coffee in the mornings, even after all these years,” you smiled, then felt it falter while your brow twitched and you quickly recovered, having remembered your moment from the previous evening. As if from instinct, you reached up to touch your cheek, finding it to be soft and hydrated. You sipped the coffee as Loki sat by your knees with that look on his face which told you he was about to ask what happened last night.
With the benefit of a good night’s sleep, it didn’t feel so catastrophic. At least, now when you thought about it for the few brief seconds before Loki opened his mouth to ask, “What troubled you last night?”
You took another long drag of the chocolately drink, giving yourself time to think of an answer that wouldn’t make you seem insecure or silly - even though that’s exactly how you felt. “I’m fine. I just had a moment.”
“About what?”
“Uh… you snore too loud,” you obviously lied, trying to divert from the topic at hand with another raise of your eyebrows and a sip of your drink. Loki scoffed and lowered his brow in dissatisfaction with your answer.
“Do I, now?”
“Yup,” you popped your lips to the word before giving a tight-lipped smile, then going to take another sip.
He scoffed again and narrowed his eyes in challenge. “Do you think being a little imp will deter me from caring about your happiness?”
“Well… it’s not fair to say it like that.”
“How would you say it, then?”
“I’d say…” You let out a big breath of air and then gave him another teasing smile. “You’re being nosy.”
You knew you were being a bit of a brat, but you also knew that sometimes getting like this could bring out some of the best of his playfulness. He’d utter some of his best jokes at your expense, none that hurt your feelings, of course, but it allowed him to exert a bit of mischief when you fronted up to him like this. A warm smirking smile formed on his lips, which he quickly suppressed to replace with a look of mock despondence, “Darling,” he sighed and set his coffee down on your table. “Whatever must I do to break into that stunning mind of yours?”
“Oh, I dunno,” you gave your own dramatic sigh and looked at your nearly-finished coffee. You tilted the mug towards him, “Another one of these?”
He plucked it from your hand and placed it next to his own as he shifted closer, lifting his bare and toned arms to plant his hands either side of your head. His palms pressed firm against the mahogany headboard, boxing you in as he ducked to kiss the place where your shoulder met your neck. Even through your rascally ruse, you tilted your head ever so slightly to allow him access, giving a content breath when he hummed a tender trail of kisses along the skin. “How about now?” He whispered in something like a growl that sent shivers up through your neck.
“Maybe in a minute,” you murmured, and he gave a brief chuckle before nipping at the skin to make you shiver more noticeably.
“Do I not give you enough attention?” He mused with a rumbling rasp, bringing his right hand to the other side of your jaw to keep your skin close to his.
“N-no, you do,” you assured, lifting your left hand to grip at his right forearm, but not in any kind of way that would push him away.
“Then,” his hot breath hit your ear and you twitched a smile as your eyes closed. “Will you tell me what’s wrong, my love?”
“Hmm, I dunno…” You half-grinned. “You seem to like me when I’m being secretive.”
Loki pulled away at once and put his face right in front of yours so you could see how his mouth was slightly agape. “Cheeky minx, you know I hate secrets.”
“Mmm-but I love how they feel when you’re trying to get them out of me,” you winked and leaned forward to kiss him, but he moved back at the last second and smirked at you. “Rude.”
“I’ve made secret-keeping too pleasant for you, have I?”
“Perhaps,” you shrugged and reached for your coffee, but his hand snatched your wrist before it could get far. You gave him a questioning look, but your heart started pounding at that mischievous gleam in his eye. “What?”
“Clearly my more… benevolent methods are not coercive enough,” he smiled in fake sincerity before quickly pinning your wrist above you, securing it to the headboard at the same time he managed to snatch the other one.
“H-hey!” You giggled in surprise and wrestled with him as best you could, kicking your feet to find them tangled in the top sheet below your comforter. In less than a few seconds, Loki had your lazily bent arms stuck above your head with a firm one-handed grip around your wrists. To add insult to injury, he reached over and picked up his own mug, taking a sip as he remained looking completely unbothered and unmoved by your struggling. You nodded at his mug with a snicker, “You gonna force me to drink that battery acid?” He raised his eyebrows as he sipped, but then shook his head as he swallowed and placed it back on the beside table.
“No, love. I’m going to tickle you.”
Your stomach dropped into a bubbling anticipation, you immediately started stammering, scoffing, shaking your head and licking your nervous lips. “Loki, come ohon,” you sniffed and casted a look up to see how he was holding your wrists. You gave another good old college try yank, and found his grip to be unrelenting, so you winced and looked at his casual demeanour, “You’re kidding.”
His smirk told you he wasn’t kidding, and the gentle scratching of his fingers at the thin fabric covering your underarm told you he definitely wasn’t kidding. You sniffed and giggled, trying with all your might to hold them in. You always did this - tried not to laugh - as if Loki hadn’t plotted a devious mental map to every ticklish place on your body in the first several months of your love. Even still, you liked to hold out, if for no other reason that to egg him on a little more.
When he added more speed and pressure to his finger tips, the sniffles became breathy laughs and a few squeaks as you attempted jerking away from his fingers. “Thihis isn’t fahahair!” You gave a tiny scream when he pinched once at your upper ribs before he went back to fluttering his fingers into your armpit.
“Keep your secrets if you wish,” Loki leered, eyes flitting over your body as he drank in the thoughts of how he was going to pull the laughs from your lips. “But I simply cannot have you looking so downtrodden, darling. You seem to need a good bout of laughter,” he gritted his teeth with a growl on the last word, switching his method to lightly dig into the sides of your upper ribs. Something inside you opened up as your eyes shut and you pressed your head against the headboard, back arching in reaction as the bright laughter poured out of you. Once the initial bout had escaped and you’d regained your breath, you shook your head and started protesting through hiccupy laughter.
“NahaHAHAHA!” You squeaked and snivelled, “Plehehehease!” To your dismay, a small snort slipped out, which made both you and Loki laugh in amusement. Though, it was hard to discern your amusement from the giggling squeaks he was pulling from you with his hand pulsing down your side, thumb digging into your belly with every inch travelled down towards your hip.
He paused with his thumb perched over that ghastly soft spot which lay prone beside your hipbone. You started laughing harder from pure nerves, still shaking your head as you gasped at the feeling of his fingers ready to strike. Loki broke into a genuine grin at how flustered and carefree you looked, heart swelling to see your fervid enjoyment of his little distraction. And a distraction it was - he’d never torture you for information, playfully or not. That’s not who he was anymore.
He’d been in love with you for years at this point, he knew how to take your mind off things, and he knew what it meant when you got far too brazen with him. He knew what you needed, and what you needed was a distraction. Something to pull that picture-perfect memory of yours away from its whirring and overthinking and straight into the present. To focus on there here and now. And Loki was far too delighted to find this particular method of making you focus on the here and now. He also delighted in finding new ways to make you jump, so he faked you out and instead slipped his fingers beneath the hem of your shirt and speedily scratched his fingers all over the side of your stomach.
You exploded in laughter at the touch, your torso jerking and arching as you thrashed your feet against the sheets and let the belly-laughter resound from your wide-grinning lips. “HEHEHEY!” You yelped and slid your seat down, your hands in his hold remaining firmly fixed to the headboard. Loki clicked his tongue and scolded you for being so shortsighted, before sliding his hand high up your side and scratching at the bare taut skin under your arm. Another tiny scream, another arch of your back, another spout of squirming laughter ripped through you as he tickled all the way back down the bare skin of your ribs, grinning at thee way you squealed and twisted in his grasp.
“Dear me, I’ve neglected a whole side of this bewitching body of yours,” Loki feigned shock and switched the hand holding your wrists as you protested through your gulps for air.
“N-no, you don’t hahave to! You don’t HAHAHAVE TOOHOOHOO!” It was no use. You fell into a desperate cackle as his left hand met your right hip and pinched it mercilessly with just two fingers. His thumb drilled in beside the prominence of your hipbone while his other fingers joined the fray, kneading at your side as he sent you into hysterics. You shrieked and kicked and giggled and felt laughter bursting through your chest, tears pooling beneath your tightly-shut eyelids as he broke down your resolve with every deadly pulse of his thumb.
Just when it was crossing into unbearable, you felt Loki’s hand slow. Over your pants for air and residual giggles, you heard him laugh. Between the tingling feeling of the wake of his torment, you felt him lean in and press his forehead to yours. Your wrists were freed and they flopped dramatically by your sides, making Loki chuckle through his nose as he took your jaw in his palm and swiped at a happy tear with his thumb.
“By the gods, your beauty is unmatched in the universes,” he breathed against your still-bubbling lips before capturing them with a sweet kiss. You sank into his touch, a weak hand meeting the back of his neck to pull him even closer as you deepened the kiss. Though, then, you truly thought about what he’d just said to you, and it made you shrink.
Loki pulled away, confused at your sudden coolness, and he renewed the strength in his hand that held your jaw. “I can’t stand this,” he shook his head, and the pained look in his eye brought tears to your own. His eyes went a little wider, seeing as it was so uncommon for you to cry, save from laughter, in front of him. “Darling, what’s happened?” His other hand was at the other side of cheek, dispersing the hot salty tears as they fell.
“You think I’m beautiful.”
“Of course I do,” he winced.
“For now.”
“For now, you do,” you sniffed, trying to look down but finding his steady hands did not allow it. “I’m not gonna look like this forever,” you whispered, taking your lip between your teeth in some futile attempt to stop the trembling. “Last night... I don’t know, I guess it was the first time I realised that I look older. I have wrinkles beside my eyes - look,” you sniffed again and turned your face for him to inspect. He ran a gentle finger along the faint crows feet, then leaned in to press a warm and peaceful kiss against the place where they lay.
“My sweet, brilliant love,” Loki wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. You let out a few more tears before tensing with the intent to move, to tell him you could talk again. He took his hands in yours and gave a sad, empathetic smile. “What does it matter? Age does not negate beauty.”
“It’s different for you.”
“I will age, darling, just far slower-”
“Not because you’re Asgardian. Because you’re a man.”
Loki looked a bit taken aback, somewhat confused, so you sighed and wiped the last of the tears before explaining, “It’s different for us than it is for you. Even as an Avenger, my beauty was an asset. A… currency. Nat was gorgeous until the very end and I-” You choked up at your own mention of your beloved fallen friend, but cleared your throat and digressed, “I’m scared of what this means.”
“You’ve left that life.”
“Not for that. For us.”
He paused and pondered, looking at your coffee cups and then at your hands in his. As he turned your fingers over, you remembered the first time he held your hand. You remembered it like it was yesterday. You’d been teaching Loki how to throw an American football, urging him to not pop it with his grip, begging him to not throw it through a wall. When he playfully threatened to smash through one of the satellite dishes atop the Compound, you’d gasped and made a grab for it, but he made it disappear at the last second and all you were left to hold was his hand. You laughed and shoved at his shoulder with your free palm, blushing before you told him he didn’t have to trick you into holding his hand - he could just do it. Like it was yesterday, you remembered how his eyebrows raised in surprise and his grip turned from a tricksy tug into a tender togetherness. It felt like a lifetime ago.
Here and now, he hadn’t yet spoken, so you continued with your thoughts. “I’m not getting younger. I’m not staying the same and-…” The words caught in your throat so you grimaced nervously. “It just makes me think about the future and-…” Your voice, your thoughts, you, faded out again as you felt as if you were shrivelling inwards. Shrinking with your sheer helplessness against the most powerful, unstoppable and apathetic opponent you’d ever faced; time did not care for your feelings.
After his silence, Loki swallowed nervously, obviously, and opened his mouth to speak before closing it again. Several more moments of silence passed. He was still looking at your hands. He held his breath, “You’ve changed your mind.”
“… What?”
“You’ve changed your mind,” he repeated, looking up with a melancholic hollowness to him. “About children. Haven’t you?”
You spluttered and scoffed, shaking your head as you squeezed his hands in yours. “N-no, noho,” you assured him with a wry smile. “I have not changed my mind about not wanting kids. This isn’t- no,” you shook your head, nervously, again.
Loki visibly relaxed, his confusion taking on frustration as you two tread the water of this conversation. “Then what’s the issue with your natural process of ageing?”
“Because you’re not,” you blurted out and took your hands back, covering your face for just a few seconds before balling them in fists by your sides. “God, Loki, you’re as young and beautiful as the first day we fought at the Compound and I’m getting older. I’m not gonna stop getting older. I’m gonna wrinkle and my joints are gonna hurt and creak, and in a few short decades my hearing will probably start to go, and my sight and my hair’s gonna turn grey and-”
“And what’s the problem with-”
“Because why on earth would you want to be with an old woman?!”
You sniffed, the tears brimmed in your eyes and he saw them spill over yet again before you could pull your hands up to your cheeks. You snivelled and collected yourself, silent tears still flowed as you shut your eyes and wondered if this was it. Surely now would be a great time for him to make a clean cut. Give you the chance at another life-long love with someone who’d age alongside you, even though that’s the last thing you wanted.
Instead, he spoke in kindness.
“My sweet girl. You are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing, but that’s not why I love you. Why should you think my love for you would wane as you grow?” His grip met your wrists in a serene request for you to be fully present with your senses, and so you let him take your hands once again as you sniffed through a sadness-stuffed nose. “Do you truly believe I haven’t considered this?” He raised an eyebrow, and you shifted and shrugged. Of course he had. “Over the last seven years, eight months and seventeen days?”
You let out a breath of a laugh. “I’m impressed you know that.”
“I keep careful track because I know you do,” he admitted with a soft smile. You smiled back. There was still sadness in yours, but less than before. He squeezed your hands, so you locked your gaze with his. “The greying hair, the ‘creaky joints’, all those things you fear are a lifetime away. We’ll face them together when we’re there, but in the meantime… I’d rather like to spend that lifetime loving you.”
You nodded and smiled through more tears that fell as Loki moved to sit beside you and take you in his arms, letting you calm and relax against him. In practically no time, you’d found peace with your head leaning on his steady heartbeat and your fingers tracing the veins on his forearm. His hand rested on the back of your leg, keeping you close enough for the occasional kiss he’d press to the side of your head.
Of course he’d thought about it. Of course he was amazing about it. Of course he’d know exactly the right thing to say. It made you blush, pondering all the overthinking and crying and freaking-out that you’d done in less than twelve hours. So, in your meekness, you whispered, “Sorry.”
He hummed in disapproval. “No apologies.”
“They’re just wrinkles,” you muttered. “I don’t even feel any different than the day when we met. Not physically, at least.”
Loki chuckled and squeezed you affectionately. “You certainly do fight with the same tenacity as you did back then.”
“Yeah, and don’t you forget it.”
He laughed and placed a kiss to the side of your head before mumbling teasingly against your ear, “Mm, my scrappy little hellcat. Not that it does you much good against me.”
“I’m forty one wins for your hundred and nine,” you huffed. “That’s not bad for a human versus a demigod, considering you don’t let me win.”
You felt him grin against you, and you felt his head turn to look at your near-empty coffee cups. “What are the chances you‘ll grow out of demanding that poison in your coffee?”
“Absolute zero,” you grinned to and snuggled more into him. He gave you another squeeze and then lifted you to be placed beside him so he could exit the bed and gather the cups.
“I suppose I’d better perfect the method.”
You smiled as you fixed the covers over yourself, then called after him. He stopped in the doorway and looked at you with eyes full of affection, an eyebrow raised in question at your call. With a small giggle and a flattening of the covers, you assured him, “You perfected it five years, two months and eight days ago.”
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2small-frog · 2 years
healing is a process (hurt/comfort)
(summary: hi i really wanted damien's aftershock audio to be about the freelancer taking care of him after he was injured but,,, erik hates joy and didn't give us that (/lh) so i decided as the resident damien lover that,, who else if not me?? anyways. here. also im working on reqs i swear im just stressed with a capital s rn)
character(s): damien x reader (freelancer) /pl (gavin, kody and vega vaguely mentioned)
reader's pronouns: they/them
cw: inversion, mentions of wounds/blood, trauma and minor character death
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"this is bullshit."
the freelancer sighed, wringing out the warm washcloth and bringing it to damien's chest, dabbing gingerly at his wounds. "i know," they started, "but you can't do this on your own". damien's protesting groan was cut off by a hiss as he recoiled from the freelancers touch. "shit, sorry," they muttered, focused in on trying to be as gentle as possible.
"i could if i needed to," he sighed, voice strained and quiet. his eyes travelled up to theirs, which were focused and dark. they trailed over his injuries as they bit down on their lip, a habit of theirs that he'd picked up on since the two met. it hadn't been long since it happened, only three days. fifteen hundred lives lost, and countless injured- damien among them. however, his wounds weren't fatal. they were still severe, sure, but not life threatening. not really. because of this, he was healed just enough to get him stabilized and instructed to let his body do the rest. it made sense, the healers had to save their magic for those who's lives were in danger. he understood, but he hated it. they both did; damien hated being so helpless. he was trying to get more used to depending on people, and he was getting better, he really was. but not like this. he's never had to lean on someone so completely, to the point where he needed help walking. and the freelancer hated seeing their best friend like this: hurt, frustrated, grief-stricken. they wanted to take it away.
"alright," they whispered, mostly to no one in particular. they placed the bloody rag back into the bowl of now-lukewarm water and reached for the rubbing alcohol and gauze, courtesy of the healers. their eyes met his as they poured the strong scented liquid into the cotton. they were bloodshot and sunken in, his dark circles much more prominent than before. the freelancer wasn't particularly surprised by that, though. they didn't look much better themselves, especially not after the disaster. the inversion.
damien made a noise that was as close to a whine as he'd probably ever get, "do you really have to use that? you just cleaned it with the rag". the freelancer breathed out a laugh at his borderline pouting.
"yes, you know i have to," they set the bottle down. "do you want it to get infected?"
damien averted his eyes, "... no."
"didn't think so."
they brought the gauze down onto the gash in his upper chest and he let out another hiss, louder than the last and the freelancer pulled away slightly, not wanting to hurt him any more. once his muscles had relaxed, they hurriedly finished cleaning the wound and disposed of the gauze. damien let out the breath he'd been holding as the freelancer finished applying his bandages, letting himself relax back into his bed. a few moments passed before they tapped his shoulder and held a cold water bottle to his lips, the condensation dripping down their wrist and landing on his chest. cold. refreshing.
"drink," they prompted. he may get on their ass for being irresponsible when it comes to taking care of themselves, but he had to admit that they were damn good at taking care of others. he sighed to himself. of course they were, always putting their own needs on the back burner in favor of helping others. but he knew they were working on it... and he also knew that taking care of others was a coping mechanism for them. he lifted his head and propped himself up on his elbows, sipping slowly from the bottle. the cold water chilled his throat as he greedily drank and the freelancer didn't pull the bottle away until it was almost half empty. standing up slowly, they swiftly checked on his other needs. "are you hungry? you haven't eaten since this morning."
damien hesitated for a moment. "not really, but i could eat something light. i probably should". they nodded and strode out of the room, off to the kitchen. damien wasn't a messy person by any means, everything in his apartment was neat and tidy... besides his bedroom. it always looked lived in, though. little bits of damien scattered here and there that brought the place to life. it made the freelancer feel cozy, comfortable, something that took them so long to achieve at their own apartment. even at a time like this, after what happened, being here with their best friend felt oddly safe.
around twenty minutes passed before the freelancer returned, a bowl of miso soup in hand. it's one of the first meals that damien taught them how to make, he mentioned it was a comfort food of his; that his mom used to make it for him when he was sick. the look on his face as he recreated her recipe made them feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and it was one of the first times they saw him completely stress-free. that is, until they sliced their finger while chopping up the green onion. "hey," they called, shutting the door softly behind them and making their way into the room. damien slowly and carefully sat himself up, smiling softly when he caught the familiar scent of the broth. after warning him about the heat, they watched him like a hawk as he tried it. "i know it's probably not exactly how you like it but i figured it's light and something you like, i just hope it's okay-"
"it's good," he interjected, mostly into the bowl. "really good". the freelancer perked at that, the fire elemental could just imagine a tail wagging furiously behind them.
"oh- good! good, i'm... i'm really glad". they sat quietly as he ate, checking their phone and responding to gavin's worried texts. he already worried about them after the vega and kody situations, and now the inversion? was nervous with them even going over to damien's on their own. after finally reassuring him that they were, indeed, safe- they tuned back into damien who was just finishing off his bowl. "here," the freelancer held out their hand, "i'll take that back to the kitchen."
damien sighed, still not used to being waited on hand-and-foot. he let his spoon clank against the detailed porcelain as he handed over the bowl, "yeah. thanks." they nodded and scurried off to the kitchen. when he heard them turn on the sink, he flopped his body back into the plush pillows and let his eyes drift closed. no surprise to him, he saw them again. the faces of those people, screaming for help. the people the he couldn't save. he tried, he tried so hard the help them- to do something. but he failed. for the first time, his flames wouldn't manifest. at the time he needed them most, he couldn't ground himself enough. he failed, he-
"hey," his eyes snapped open at their voice, forcing him out of his thoughts. concern flooded their features when they saw his eyes, glistening with unshed tears. "hey..." they rushed to his side, lowering themselves into the chair situated next to damien's bed. they knew better than to ask if he was alright; he wasn't. none of them were. none of them had the answers right now, and probably wouldn't for a while. all the freelancer could do was be there and offer a listening ear. maybe even a shoulder to cry on.
damien closed his eyes again. no matter how hard he tried to keep them open, he was far too tired, too drained. he needed the rest, as much as he hated to admit it. after a moment, he felt the freelancer slip their hand into his and rest their head on his thigh.
"what are we gonna do?" he asked, voice barely above a whisper.
they squeezed his hand. "we'll take it one day at a time. your meeting with the grief counselor is coming up, right? it'll take some time but... we'll get through this together. we all will."
damien squeezed their hand back, allowing himself to relish in the comfort their presence brought him. he was miserable, nearly every thought overrun with 'what ifs' and regrets. but a piece of him believed them. believed that they would find a way to heal from this.
"thank you, freelancer."
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@the-phantoms-library @theodorebasmanov @cryptixmoth @sunberrybush @myanettes @sunsable @bug-likes-monsters @dangergays
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mathematicats · 2 years
mathematicats bkdk fic recs 2: AU edition
Canonverse edition here
Zombie Apocalypse AU
(I’ve been mildly obsessed with these ever since I read Eleke’s Mirror Image)
we carry the weight of all the lost things by Azureflowers
3k, h/c. Basically canon universe. Established bkdk on a mission to scout for some supplies. Short and sweet(?) and in-character.
i keep a long and lonely vigil with you by Azureflowers
3k, h/c heavy on the hurt. No quirks. Katsuki gets bitten by a zombie. “Katsuki prepares for the end. Izuku talks about the future.”
Worth an Arm and a Leg by katyastark, xanthifer (lapoubella)
7k, h/c, no quirks. Badass bkdk kick some bad people ass after Katsuki gets caught by them. CW: cannibalism mention, minor character death.
When the night is over by katyastark
29k, h/c heavy on hurt. No quirks, adults. Vaguely established bkdk with their group of friends/survivors take in some new refugees. A bit OOC (as is the case with most older fics since we had less info about characters in canon); Katsuki is very stoic and Izuku is very silent (can you imagine him NOT talking at 10000 wpm while camping with Kacchan?). The story is interesting and worth reading though!
Fantasy/Medieval AU
(not childhood friends unless otherwise specified)
Royal Affairs by GuardianMira
19k, h/c mostly fluff, knight Katsuki + prince Izuku, The Bachelor (TV) style. Childhood friends. Really good kissing descriptions and a fun premise. CW: Strong one-sided TDDK vibes.
Bramblefaced Thistlelicker by pandajelley
77k, h/c mostly fluff, generic rpg fantasy (fairy Izuku + mage Katsuki). Katsuki is on a quest and catches a fairy for luck. This world has strong Avatar: The Last Airbender vibes--the towns, festivals, food stalls, swamp people, northern ice city, etc. Izuku and Katsuki’s relationship development is organic and lovely. CW: there’s some unholy human-sized Katsuki + Tinkerbell-sized Izuku smutty action
A Certain Kind of Magic by eatdirt
5k, fluff, generic fantasy (witch Katsuki + regular human Izuku). 2 strangers spending time together in a witchy cottage and falling in love. Katsuki is basically Circe minus the immortality and eternal punishment.
Heart of Fire by Azureflowers
2k, fluff, dragonkin Katsuki + human Izuku. Established relationship + childhood friends bkdk. “Izuku and Katsuki are lovers, but due to the hibernating tendencies of Katsuki's kind, they need to spend winters apart. Only on one special occasion every year, Izuku makes the trip to the mountains to see his future husband…” I love the setting and the boys are SO soft.
Hogwarts AU
Lions in Our Hearts by yabakuboi
33k, h/c mostly fluff. (My favourite Hogwarts AU fic!) Katsuki is sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor, to his utter dismay. This is their story from childhood friends to enemies to friends to lovers at Hogwarts. Really great relationship development and so many good fluffy scenes. I love that the narrative doesn’t make Katsuki into some perfect being who’s given everything he wants--he goes through the same humbling stumbles like canon-Katsuki and becomes the softie we all know and love.
Amor Ex Oculis by s_the_queen
19k, h/c mostly fluff. “Izuku accidentally takes a love potion, and everyone [except Katsuki] starts acting weird.” SUPER SOFT Katsuki and nerdy Izuku! CW: if you love Ochako, she gets done real dirty in this fic.
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shywhumpauthor · 3 years
The Prince of a Bloodstained Game Part 1
So this is my first official story post! There isn’t really any whump in this one, it’s more of a set up for the main story. 
CW: planned assassination (never attempted), kinda creepy whumper, ballroom setting, royal whumper, upcoming death mention (of a minor character), secret agent whumpee, discovered, vague threats, fantasy timeline, kinda fantasy world (more world building to come, obviously)
Through a sea of formal wear and cheerful voices, an agent slid through the crowd, a glass of champagne held delicately in their gloved hand. They wore a navy suit, perfectly tailored to fit their body, while keeping the knife tucked up their sleeve concealed, its blade freshly sharpened.  
Their target was in sight.
Prince Leonidas Steinhan, the son of King Phineas, and heir to the Krasian throne. He looked just like he had in the picture they had been shown prior to the mission. From the neat black hair, slicked back with a golden gem-encrusted crown perched atop itm to the flirtatious glint in his eyes and the playful smirk on his lips as he talked to some girl with long red curls, and one of the least modest dresses they had ever seen. 
Their plan was simple. Get him alone. Kill him. Get out. They had completed tougher missions before. They didn’t have much time either, it had to happen tonight. King Phineas was on his deathbed, he would be gone in a week. If Leonidas was sworn in, there would be nothing they could do. He would be inaccessible.
Too late, they realized they had been staring. His eyes flicked up, and met theirs. The tips of their ears went red, and they looked away. Shit, he’d definitely seen them. They took a breath, steeling their nerves, before stealing another glance. The prince had left his conversation, and was coming their way. 
They quickly prepared themselves, both physically and mentally, the blade feeling like ice against the skin of their forearm. 
“Excuse me,” A voice pulled their attention, as they whipped around. How had the prince managed to get behind them? He had been walking straight towards them-
“I couldn’t help but notice you from across the ballroom. I was wondering if you would like to share the next dance?” He extended a hand. This was perfect. They knew the prince wasn’t very picky when it came to his… partners, whether it was on the dance floor or in his chambers. They could act as if they were just another party-goer, only interested in a one-night stand.
The agent quickly bowed, dipping their head in respect to the man. “It would be an honor,” They straightened, forcing a smile as they lightly placed their hand in the prince’s, handing off their glass of champagne to a passing servant. They felt their stomach twist in disgust. Tales they had heard of war crimes and torture rang through their ears as he led them to the dance floor. The two took their positions as the orchestra began to play. 
They couldn’t hear anything over the blood pounding in their ears, heart threatening to beat out of their chest as they twirled in step with the prince, perfectly in time with the other couples. 
“I know everyone here,” The prince murmured offhandedly, expression faraway, his grip on their hand tightening ever so slightly. “But I don’t know you.”
“I’m from a kingdom up north,” They lied. “I’m on my way to visit my grandparents. They live by the coast.” 
“How sweet of you,” He offered a small smile, and they felt bile begin to rise in their throat. They were dancing with a torturer, a murderer who had slaughtered entire kingdoms without so much as a second thought. A man who had tortured his own soldiers at just the mere suspicion that they were working for an enemy. “What’s your name?”
“Harlow,” This time, it wasn’t a lie. 
“Harlow,” He repeated, as if testing it out. “That’s a unique name. It fits you.” 
“Thank you,” They replied, though unsure if it was a compliment or not.  
“Pretty name for a pretty little spy,” He continued in the same wistful tone, eyes flicking to meet theirs. It felt as if they were looking into two small oceans, a tide that could drag them below the surface, further and further until the last bits of air left their lungs, and they could no longer see the surface...
“Excuse me?” Harlow whispered as the song came to an end, but the prince did not release their hands. They felt something cold spread through their chest, creeping down their spine, and making their hair stand on end.
“I know everyone who sets foot over the border line. No one gets into this kingdom unless I want them in.” Something glinted in his eyes. “You think no one, not even my guards, would notice that little knife up your sleeve?”
Now Harlow was desperate, trying to pull away from the man, but his grip had moved from their hands to their wrists, keeping them locked in place. People had begun to look, the light chatter that had filled the ballroom slowly dying as eyes turned to look at them. 
The two guards that flanked the door had left their posts, making their way through the crowd, armor clanking noisily.
“Such a pretty face,” Leonidas whispered. “It's a shame no one outside these walls will ever see it again.”
I’m going to be honest, I was really nervous about posting this. I know it’s a bit early in the story, but if anyone has name suggestions, I’d love to know!
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starberry-cupcake · 3 years
Free Short Stories: Aromantic Recommendations
Aro week is over but I spent it reading aro stories that are entirely accessible online (with their authors' consent) and thought I'd share some with you, as well as some extra resources. I’m going to include under “read more” content warnings and specific details, like the kind of rep included or important notes, so if you want to be sure and safe before reading them, you can click “read more” for all that information, or if you prefer just the blurb, avoid it easily enough. There you will also find the extra links of interest and other masterposts.
Edit: This post used to be split in two parts, I’ve integrated them into one whole post for everyone’s convenience. 
1. Nkásht ii by Darcie Little Badger
Josie and Annie set to investigate a strange death that may involve more than they expected. Sometimes the love that heals isn’t romantic and bonds that are strong are those chosen.
2. Hope of the Future by Elizabeth Barrette
In a fantasy setting, a human cleric finds an elf bard and a strong female dwarf, all cast aside for their identities, and create their own home and family. The same characters also appear in another poem that continued their story: The Underground Gardens.
3. Tanith’s Sky by Penny Stirling
Ash is left with the loss of Tanith, after she sacrifices herself to save the world. Tanith's memories resurface in people's minds and Ash has to navigate their identity, their memories and how to label for others’ sake their lost relationship.
4. And If The Body Were Not The Soul by A. C. Wise
Ro is a human who forms an unlikely bond with an alien refugee, discovering a different layer of proximity that doesn't chain to the type of physicality humanity sets. In that process of discovery, Ro learns about the other side of the social oppression in their own city.
5. The Crows Her Dragon’s Gate by Benjanun Sriduangkaew
An exploration of the background and re-telling of the story of the goddess Xihe. Marrying out of the obligation of customs and pressure, this story explores the feelings of Xihe, her relationship with Di Jun and the freedom she ultimately seeks.
6. The Girl Turns West by Darcie Little Badger
Another tale set in Native American culture (the author is a Lipan Apache writer), this story is about family, sacrifice and forms of non romantic love and devotion that transcend the limits of life and death.
7. Kin, Painted by Penny Stirling
The narrator can’t find a place in a family that seems so determined, so certain, painted each in a specific way. A poetic prose filled with magic and the colors that we paint ourselves with, which can sometimes change with time.
8. Cucumber by Penny Stirling
A queerplatonic couple in a fantasy setting deals with social pressure in a story written in poetic verse.
9. The Famine King by Darcie Little Badger
A woman is chased by fear, memories and a being that affects her relationship with her own identity and mental health, while finding refuge in a found family. These characters are also included in a previous story called To Sleep.
10. How My Best Friend Rania Crashed A Party And Saved The World by Ada Hoffman
Emma, a Relator, finds out that her best friend Rania, a World Saver, is being used by her boyfriend and can lose her credibility as a Hero for it, so she enlists a tech-savvy Number Fiend, Deborah, to crash a high school party in a forbidden sector to confront the guy.
11. Unlike Most Tides by Darcie Little Badger
Mathilda is in peace with her solitude until she communicates with energy beyond her understanding and finds the voice of a murdered woman who asks her for help to deal with her killer: her ex boyfriend.
Content Warnings and Extra Details
1. Nkásht íí by Darcie Little Badger
Details: urban fantasy, folklore, suspense, aromantic lead character, main platonic relationship between female characters. CW: minor characters deaths, accidents, the death of a child is mentioned, domestic abuse in flashbacks.
2. Hope for the Future by Elizabeth Barrette
Details: aroace male lead in a poly relationship with a female and male character, fantasy, story in poetry, happy ending. CW: arophobia and acephobia, family abandonment.
3. Tanith’s Sky by Penny Stirling
Details: fantasy, sci fi, drama, hurt/comfort. Main qp relationship between an aroace cis female lead and a non binary allo lead. The aroace lead is dead by the start of the story, which I had my hesitation about, but the story does a wonderful job capturing Tanith’s life in an aftermath of what would be another untold story, as well as Ash’s identity and their relationship, as well as the process of grief and moving forward. CW: major character death, grief, depression, transphobia, arophobia and acephobia.
4. And If The Body Were Not The Soul by A. C. Wise
Details: explicitly touch-averse asexual non binary lead, very likely aromantic (expressed but not named in the text), sci fi, social strife, hurt/comfort, found family and friendship (nb and cis female, nb and alien friendships). Many commenters have expressed that Ro is potentially an autistic character, some autistic authors and reviewers have agreed or disagreed but I couldn’t find whether the author stated that at any point. CW: mild depictions of violence, xenophobia, social issues and unrest, happy ending.
5. The Crows Her Dragon’s Gate by Benjanun Sriduangkaew
Details: the goddess Xihe is depicted as aroace yet marries the god Di Jun for a time in which she lives troubled. Fantasy, mythology, re-interpretations, angst with a happy ending. CW: internalized acephobia and arophobia, dubious consent, violence, animal death, toxic marriage, there is a side wlw couple of mortals who die.
6. The Girl Turns West by Darcie Little Badger
Details: there isn’t romance in the story, the lead character doesn’t seemingly have romance in the future and there is a side female character who explicitly rejects suitors and prefers to live independently yet with her family. Considering that the author has written several aroace characters, I decided to include this one and another story in Part 2 as strong potentials (there is another story by the same author that other sites recommend as aro-representative, but I think these two are a lot less vague). Fantasy, mythology, folklore, bittersweet ending. CW: death mentions, wounds and accidents, blood mentions.
7. Kin, Painted by Penny Stirling
Details: poetic prose, fantasy, aromantic lead character, trans male character, non binary characters.
8. Cucumber by Penny Stirling
Details: fiction in poetry form, queerplatonic relationship in a fantasy setting. CW: arophobia and acephobia, social pressure.
9. The Famine King by Darcie Little Badger
Details: mystery, suspense, horror, folklore, hurt/comfort, angst w/optimistic ending, explicit non romantic & non sexual main relationship between to female characters. CW: blood, wounds, cannibalism mentions, mental illness with hallucination episodes, racism.
10. How My Best Friend Rania Crashed A Party And Saved The World by Ada Hoffman.
Details: high school setting, uplifting, sci fi, aroace lead character in a friendship with a heterosexual girl and a bisexual girl. CW: arophobia by the best friend, which is not confronted or discussed, mentions of racism. Notes: I read this story for the Pride list last year and I didn't include it because I had a bone to pick with Rania's character. The story is fun, a lot more lighthearted than many of the ones here and has a distinct tone that makes it good to include, plus Emma (the lead) is a very friendly, social and well-liked person, rather than the traditional robot/alien foil aro, ace and aroace characters tend to receive. So, even if I'm still uneasy about Rania and how her bad attitude is not acknowledged in the story, I’m still including it for all its perks.
11. Unlike Most Tides by Darcie Little Badger
Details: there is a protagonist who prefers to live in solitude and speaks about it and about her favorable feelings towards it. It isn’t explicitly stated that she is aromantic but, much like The Girl Turns West in Part 1, I’d say it’s a good addition to the list, though it's probably the least explicit of the bunch. Mystery, supernatural, sci fi, suspense, positive ending. CW: murder, corpses, side character death, blood, femicide.
Other masterposts:
@coolcurrybooks's first and second masterpost I consulted
Penny Stirling's recommendation list
LGBTQReads recommendations list
Claudie Arsenault recommendation list
Aro and Ace character database
Aroaessidhe recommendations list
YA Pride masterlist
My own LGBTQ+ free short stories rec list from last year, some of these stories are in it but the majority is not
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