#come on girl get weirder together
lesbianlotties · 1 year
taivan need to start spilling blood more often. no way the noncanon ships continue to outgay them every time
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betting on all three for us two
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pairing: frat!luke castellan x reader summary: you think you like being a little more friendly and a little less competition with luke castellan this year. a sequel to this fic word count: 3.1k warnings: none
author's note: frat luke my dearly beloved loser son who studies pre-med this is for you you know who you are i love you
The fall semester comes at you faster than you’d like, this rapid change from a golden summer to the crisp air of being back on campus. You’re rooming with someone from an old anthropology elective you took, Silena finally moving into her sorority house. It should feel weirder, how everything has changed since spring break. 
You take the opportunity to build new habits. Early runs, no caffeine after 2pm. Little things that make the day go a tiny bit faster, building blocks to fit around your class schedule. Silena schedules weekly lunches for the three of you and there’s this gravity to it all that you want to study. 
It had been nice to be home for a few months. Your mom had missed having you there, being able to show you the new flowers she planted, how the lemon tree in the yard is twisting weirdly. Board games and family dinners and friends who never left your town. Being back home was resetting. Being back on campus was restarting.
Lee catches you as you leave the gym, offering to walk you to class if you’re heading in that direction. You smile, telling him that you have a late start and pretend he doesn’t frown when your phone buzzes. He mentions that he’s thinking of starting a study group for one of your classes and you tell him you’ll think about joining. 
While he heads towards the main building, you make your way to the campus coffee shop - caught behind the early risers desperate for something to get them through their first lecture of the day. 
“Can I get a flat white and an iced americano with caramel to go please?” You smile at the girl working the counter, stepping aside to glance at your watch.
You run through your schedule for today, ignoring the text that comes through. You know exactly what it says, the same thing every morning, and you don’t even bother to roll your eyes at this point. 
“I can’t believe you ignored my text,” Luke says when you reach the courtyard between the library and the medical building. “Not even a flame emoji.”
You stop in front of him, drinking in the jeans and sweater combination he’s settled on today. It’s a really nice sweater, dark blue and a little baggy. You wonder how quickly he’d notice it going missing. Probably not as quickly as he’d notice the stupid hat he’s wearing go missing. His backpack leans against the bench, pristine.
“No one uses those except you,” you shake your head, handing him the iced drink. “What time does your lecture start?” 
Luke tells you as if he really needs to. It’s this thing you’ve started doing since the semester began, acting like you don’t know his schedule as well as your own. As if the both of you haven’t fallen into this routine in just a few weeks. Like it’s not a highlight of your day. 
Clarisse thinks it’s adorable. Chris thinks it’s hilarious. You think it’s nice to have someone to share your free time with, beyond whatever else you and Luke have. It had been a fear of yours, when Silena mentioned not sharing a dorm with you, that you would fall to the sidelines. That life would come with these new priorities for everyone and you would only be fourth or fifth on their lists, too cemented in the day-to-day that you’d be forgotten.
Morning coffee with Luke stops that fear. 
“Did Silena tell you about the party on Friday?” 
“I have a study group in the afternoon,” Luke says, swirling his plastic cup around so the ice clinks together. “If I do go, I’m showing up late.” 
“Maybe I’ll keep my eye out for you there, Castellan.” 
He laughs and it’s like summer again. There’s something insane about hearing Luke laugh like this, unbroken and loud, nothing like it had been over the phone while you were back home. 
“You’ve got dinner with Silena and Clarisse tonight, right?” He asks, swinging his bag over one shoulder. You throw your empty cup into the trash can as you both start walking. “Is there any point in asking if you want to come round after?”
You knock his arm with your shoulder, laughing, and, instead of feigning hurt like usual, Luke just takes your hand in his, the skin a little colder than you expect. Gazing down at your linked hands, you bite your lip before sighing. 
“If I’m home before eleven, I’ll consider it.” 
Last year, when you first met him, you thought Luke only got that determined glint in his eyes when he was competing. That it was a sign of an unanticipated thrill. Since then, you’ve learnt that it’s not that at all. It’s this thing that ignites within him, determined and passionate and a little boyish. 
You think it might be one of your favorite things about him.
“I will take that deal.”
You wish you could say you were a little drunk. At least that way you would have something to blame. As it stands, you’re stone cold sober, maybe a little tired from class but nothing that can really be blamed for the lack of weight your actions seem to have right now. 
The only thing you can blame, and you will, is the boy next to you, completely engrossed in the movie playing. They’d been watching it when you arrived, all settled on the couches and you assume this is something they do regularly, and at any other time you might’ve called it cute. 
Not tonight. Not when you walked in to the discovery that Luke wears glasses and you didn’t know about it. It was something you played off, making a joke and settling into the cushions beside him. In the time since, Chris has left for his date with Clarisse and Charlie has pulled out some work to go through in the corner of the room. 
“What’s up?” Luke asks when he realizes you’ve hardly moved in ten minutes, barely even breathing. And it’s the worst possible thing he could do, glance down through the frames with that small smile you’ve gotten used to and curls loose. 
“Nothing’s up,” you let your eyes trail back to the screen. “This is a very cute tradition you guys have going on.” 
Charlie lets out a little laugh from across the room. You feel the way Luke exhales against the side of your face. You think you’re able to go back to pretending everything is normal, make a joke and enjoy the rest of the movie. The second you feel Luke’s fingertips on the skin of your knee, gentle and warm, you know you can’t. 
“You’re swerving,” he whispers, throwing a quick glance at Charlie to see if he can hear but the other boy is engrossed in his work. “Talk to me.” 
“It’s nothing,” you bite the inside of your cheek when he nods encouragingly, incredibly aware of the patterns he’s tracing on your skin. “I just think it’s interesting that you’d choose to wear a hat all the time when the glasses are right there.” 
His hand stills and you wait. You wait and you stare at the shape of his jaw and you chuckle when it finally clicks, his adam’s apple shifting as he swallows the conclusion down. “Are you saying you like my glasses?” 
You don’t like how uneven this all feels. Whenever you’ve been with Luke so far, there’s been this mutual balance that you’ve grown used to. Even before now, back when you were locked in silly competitions, you did it on even footing, the expectation that everything meant nothing and you wouldn’t be affected. 
This, the way Luke grins around the realization, hand moving to rest on your thigh, is different. It’s heavier. It’s a loss after a winning streak and you’re kind of obsessed with the way it could drag you down. 
“I just think that hat is stupid.” 
“Yeah, okay,” Luke nods and you know, even if he doesn’t do it outright, he’s laughing. He’s categorizing the information you’ve just given him, placing it where it belongs in his mind, and it’s going to bite you in the ass. “Tell me more.” 
“Luke,” you mutter, gritting your teeth. His fingertips brush against the hem of your shorts and, when you glare at him for it, he just shrugs. You throw a glance over in Charlie’s direction. Still nothing. “Are you insane?” 
He tilts his head like he’s considering the question carefully. If Charlie were to look over, you know he’d assume you were locked in a debate about something silly - a staple of you and Luke - and it wouldn’t matter. He wouldn’t know for a second that you were holding onto Luke’s wrist, his hand itching to move just a little to the left. 
You sigh and the boy beside you raises an eyebrow. You both know that you’ve lost this round. 
When you press your lips to his bicep as the film credits roll, warm even through the fabric of his shirt, you mumble, “I really like your glasses.” 
You aren’t used to watching things from a crowd. You’re used to focusing on yourself, on your team - not watching from a distance, surrounded by people who are there purely for enjoyment. There’s no winning from the stands. 
Luke doesn’t know you’re here. You’d sent him a text that morning wishing him luck, arranging to meet him when his debate was over. You hadn’t bothered to message him when your afternoon class got canceled, choosing instead to race across campus and find a seat in the dim auditorium they’re using. 
There isn’t the crackle of energy you get from swimming, or from watching Luke during track sessions. It’s less intense, for sure, a balance between the fire you know exists within him when he’s competing and the confidence he has in his own intelligence. You’ve argued with Luke, stupid things that neither of you care to take too seriously, and this is just the next stage of that. 
He’s got his glasses on, you note, when the debate gets underway. He’s wearing his lucky green polo, even if he’d never personally call it that, and he’s switched his smartwatch out for an analogue one. The cheap biro you’re used to seeing him use has been replaced by a fancy silver pen that he still taps against his thigh while thinking. He’s sitting straighter than usual, shoulders back. 
It’s almost like meeting him for the first time, focused and confident and sharp at the edges. 
You’re kind of obsessed with it. 
An hour and a winning handshake later, you make your way through the small crowd leaving to find Luke in conversation with one of his teammates. She smiles as you wrap an arm around his waist from behind, the slight tension still lingering in his bones melting away when he realizes it’s you. 
“What are you doing here?” He says, turning enough that he’s actually facing you now. The girl waves you both goodbye. “I thought you had class.” 
“Professor Chase had to cancel. His daughter got sent home from school with a fever.” 
Luke nods, pressing his lips to the top of your head quickly. “You didn’t have to come to my debate.” 
In the few months you’ve known Luke, you’ve learnt more about him than you expected to. You know from summer that Connecticut means looking after his sick mother, that he’s hoping to introduce some new charity events to ksig, that he used to go to a summer camp growing up. You know that his dad never showed up for anything and that he sits in the stands of all of your swim meets regardless of whether it cuts into his study time or not.
More than all of that, you know that the way he’s gazing at you now, a cross between awe and something deeper, is going to drive you crazy one day. You hope he can read the same expression on your face. 
“Thank you for coming,” he says when everyone is finally dismissed, an arm thrown across your shoulders as you make your way out of the building. You loop a finger around one of his, just because you want to. “It means a lot.”
“I told you I would,” and you had, months ago, staring at Luke’s bedroom ceiling, back when you were still caught in the casualness of it all. When Luke was just someone you pretended you weren’t trying to bump into at parties. You’d told him that you would show up for him if you ever got the chance. He’d rolled his eyes, throwing a blanket over you both and told you to go to sleep. He’d drifted off with his nose pressed against your neck. “I keep my word, Castellan.” 
“I know.”
In the evening light of campus, you think it might mean something more. Buried under the timing and the bitter wind until it’s a promise only you and Luke could translate. Asking him about where he wants to go for dinner, you like that no one else could understand the depth of it. 
Silena catches your attention as you enter the kitchen, grinning wildly and explaining her concept for tonight. Drew gave her permission to throw this week’s party, something themed and fun and it’s something she’s so proud of that you can’t help but grin back at her energy. 
“Even Charlie came,” she tells you excitedly, handing you a drink. “I feel like tonight is going to be it.” 
In all the years you’ve known her, she’s been counting down to it. You don’t exactly understand the fundamentals of what it is, if it’s a real thing or something she can just sense intrinsically. There have been moments where she’s thought of it before, mentioned it offhandedly before shaking her head - as if knowing she was wrong. 
“What even is it?” You ask and, for the first time, she breathes deeply instead of shrugging it off. 
“The beginning of the end,” she says and that doesn’t exactly explain anything. “Everything is about to change.” 
You still don’t really get it, but she’s as confident in this as she is about her clothes, so you nod like you understand. She sends you away not long after that, turning her attention to the new group that’s just walked through the doorway, mentioning that you need to be in the basement in about an hour and you just accept your fate, moving into the next room and falling into conversation with Rachel. 
Luke slips into the basement just as Silena starts yelling for everyone to do so, catching your eye across the room and waving. When you’re all instructed to sit down in a circle, you wonder exactly what Silena has planned for tonight. When she places a near empty bottle down in the center of you all, you laugh. 
“Are we actually playing spin the bottle?” Chris asks, prompting a murmured chorus of agreement from everyone else in the room. Silena frowns at him. 
“Wanna bet he ends up getting the most into it?” Luke whispers in your ear and you raise an eyebrow at him. “Loser has to buy the coffee tomorrow morning.” 
“You’re on,” you bump your fist to his to seal the deal. “I think he’s gonna get bored by round 3.” 
“Only boring people get bored of this game. It’s about drive.” 
“It’s about power?” Luke lets out a laugh and Silena turns her glare to you. “Sorry.”
She starts to explain the rules of the game, as if you’re all twelve again, and you bite your lip harder with every comment Luke makes under his breath. It’s a little mean, a little stupid, and you wish you were fifteen again, playing a proper game of spin the bottle for the first time.
Nothing much happens for the first few rounds, Chris starting to grumble the longer the game goes on. Luke clicks his tongue when you point it out, cursing his best friend like this was the worst thing that could’ve happened to him. 
Lee spins and it’s like cosmic interference when the bottle stops between you and Luke, the two of you glancing at each other and then back towards Lee. 
“Should I spin it again?” Lee asks when no one says anything. Silena shakes her head and says, “You can choose or we can vote if that makes you more comfortable.” 
“Please let us vote,” Chris shouts, animated and you narrow your eyes at him, ignoring the smug smile Luke gives you. “I’ll never ask you for anything ever again.” 
Lee glances between you both again, at where your knee rests against Luke’s thigh and the beer you’ve been sharing for the past twenty minutes sits between you. “It might be better to vote.” 
“Sure,” Silena smiles before silencing you all. “Everyone that wants Lee to kiss Luke, raise your hands.” 
You raise your hand and Luke mumbles beside you, flicking your leg and you poke him in return. Anything to avoid kissing Lee Fletcher after two years of avoiding it. 
“That is an overwhelming majority,” Silena says and you know, just by the way her eyes slide over to you, that she didn’t even bother to actually count. “Lee, you may now kiss Luke.” 
There’s this moment where you think Lee is going to just leave but instead he stares at the boy next to you, the relaxed set to his jaw, the annoying baseball cap on his head, how he’s so unbothered by it all. You watch as something clicks in his mind, you really want to know what it is. 
Whatever it was, it makes him grab the bottle again, ignoring Silena’s protests. It lands on the girl from Luke’s debate team and she straightens her back ever so slightly. 
“Silena,” Lee says as he leans towards the girl. “I’m not going to kiss Luke or his girlfriend.”
“Damn straight,” Luke mumbles, grabbing your hand from your lap and holding it in his instead. It’s stupid and it really doesn’t matter to either of you, you know that, but there’s this way he says it - almost like it’s the worst thing he could’ve imagined - and it settles in your gut with the beer you’ve been drinking. “Me or my girlfriend.”
“I’d really like to meet her,” you say, laughing when he huffs and pulls his hat down on your head. When you push the visor up to see him properly, all rosy cheeks and compacted curls, you think you might have found it. Whatever it is.
Based on the way Luke’s nose scrunches and his eyes crinkle, you think he understands that too. 
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bloodsoeur · 3 months
the gate girl!dadstarion, 1.5k
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He knows vaguely where the building is - he’s sure he’s passed it on one of his late night jaunts - but you’re coming along too. He knows he’s prepared for this moment, down to the most minute detail.  - astarion is a school-gate dilf on his first pick-up adventure with you. wc: 1.5k a/n: dadstarion fridays! wooooo! hope you enjoy - love, dal x
“Come on. We’ll be late.”
Your hand meets his with a toothy grin.
Astarion teeters a little.
He knows vaguely where the building is - he’s sure he’s passed it on one of his late night jaunts - but you’re coming along too. 
He knows he’s prepared for this moment, down to the most minute detail. 
Weeks spent designing the overcoat now covering his clothes - almost feltish in texture, a deep blue with gentle golden threading. Brass buttons. The smallest red ribbon detailing in the seams. The fit is immaculate, despite the fact he had to take his own measurements. The gloves match beautifully, just as he’d intended.
Shoes polished within an inch of their lives. Shirt and trousers pressed to perfection. Hair neatly coiffed with assistance from your gentle hands.
He grimaces.
“She’s going to think I’m weird.”
“Is this for her, or you?’
He takes a moment. Examines both sides of his glove with a flex. Sniffs pointedly. 
‘She’s not going to think you’re any weirder than she already does. She’s your little freak.” You grab at his sides playfully and he shimmies around your clutches, breaking into a timid laugh. 
The dark skies of Deepwinter are primed to allow Astarion his first ever school pick-up. 
He hasn’t slept, you know that. Bag in hand holding the gift he’d spent the short day hidden away working on. Your matching scarves around your necks. The biting chill beyond the threshold of your hearth.  
Eyes round in a contemplative lax as his hand rests atop the door handle. 
“I’m being stupid, aren’t I?”
Your eyes roll fondly into your skull.
“Yes. Now, get moving.” 
It takes you enclosing your hand in his for the door to open, immediately facing a brutal fracas of ice-cold winds lapping at your face. 
“How in any realm is a child expected to walk home in this? Ridiculous!” He shuffles from foot to foot as he chunters while you lock the door and pocket the key, looking up to the stars.
“With a coat. And gloves. And…’
You point to the bag in his hand as you interlink your arms.
‘A scarf.’
Astarion gives a small smile, pressing a chaste kiss to your head.
‘Come on, now. We might get there in time to see her out the door.”
The walk there isn’t the leisurely gander Astarion had dreamt of when he’d thought of this moment. 
In his head it was always late summer. Sunblushed.
And yet as you turn your head to him in your giddy half-canter; cheeks flush and breath clouding the space around your perfect head, he can’t believe he ever imagined it any other way.
The stars overhead are familiar as they always have been. The slightest slippy tread of frost on the cobble. Windows around you lit with candles and the loud taverns you pass en-route seem well hunkered-down.
He finds himself pulling you closer with each corner turned, stumbling to keep with your gait.
And then, there it is.
A huddle of parents waiting out in the cold, hands rubbing together; a low hum of chatter. School gates still closed. When you greet some of them with familiarity - one or two even getting a hug as you make your way to your preferred circle - and introduce him as your husband, his heart swells. 
He didn’t realise you were friends with these people. That these fellow parents could be people to have anything in common with in the first place. Astarion is hardly the enigma he used to be within the city walls and they know of him. They know you’re with him.
But none have ever seen him in the flesh.
There’s a minute where he ponders what they think of him. How you’d described him, how they may have looked at your daughter under the orange gloaming light of Leaffall and wondered which features of hers came first from him as opposed to you. How they’d pieced him together in their minds.
He feels a little out of place as you chatter - hyper aware of each stolen glance in his direction. The whites of new eyes flickering in the darkness. 
It isn’t often he meets new people anymore. Even his client roster is exclusive. 
“Why would I tell you how good-looking he is when he isn’t even here to hear it?”
He tunes back in. They all look, you included.
A faux accusatory glance on your face as you look over to the human who - Astarion presumes - is Marta. 
‘Asked why I hadn’t told the group just how attractive you are.”
The way the most blinding smile breaks over your ruddied cheeks. He melts behind a scoff.
“Actually darling, Marta has a point. I’m hurt, frankly.”
Gods. They’re all laughing. Your gaggle of school-gate friends and he has them laughing.
“No, it’s just dark. See him by light. Then you’ll change your minds.”
You huddle closer despite the brazen lie and the group laughs away. He throws in a small chuckle for good measure and presses a kiss to your head once more.
They’re all relatively harmless, he decides.
What do school gate friends do? Why have you never invited them over for wine or something? 
“I mean - Astarion, what do you think?”
“They’re showing a rather keen interest to come over one evening for dinner. Inconspicuous, I’m sure.” 
He looks around warily. Can they read his mind? Is someone here a weird school gate mind reader freak? What the fuck?
Your eyes narrow at Marta in jest.
If you’re even showing the slightest hint at wanting the doting husband, the doting husband he will give you. Freely and willingly. Far too easily. Naturally.
“Oh! Whatever you want, my love. Anything.”
Astarion takes your head in his hands and brings you close for a warm kiss, eyes softening as he holds you in place. A gentle smile against the harsh wind.  
“What’s in the bag?” Another asks in a jarring fettle. Your head whips round. He answers softly. 
“I- I made the little one a scarf.” 
A coo arises from those huddled around the two of you. 
“He’s a tailor. A good one, too. Really good.” 
You nod with a smile, looking at him. You’re mid-cycle and the idea of your daughter spotting him with those big eyes makes you a bit weak.
A saccharine voice from somewhere in the mix - “He’s immaculate, honey. I’m a little jealous?” 
If he can blush, Astarion feels one coming on. This feels staged. 
“He can’t take his shoes off without kicking them up the wall. Or catch spiders.”
As you resume your quiet chatter amongst the group, Astarion catches the door open in the near distance and a soft amber glow pouring from it from the corner of his eye.
It’s a trance. He looks over the heads obscuring his view, the tips of his toes touching the ends of his pristine shoes. 
And there she is.
Absolutely perfect. Small, searching the crowd for the parent she knows will be here.
Then she sees him.
It’s not difficult from afar, even in the dark - she recognises the shock of white hair anywhere - and the look of sheer confusion painted on her face shifts to unfettered joy in seconds.
Gods. She’s running. Tiny legs, bag flailing in her hand. Shouting-
As she hurtles towards him, he realises he’s never seen her run like this. She can’t run like this in the house. It’d be enough to make him sad if he weren’t so wholly elated.
He crouches just in time for her to barrel into his open arms.
The way he cups the back of her head is as if he hasn’t seen her in years, spinning her as he stands and holds her at his hip. She’s babbling something wicked and all of it sounds like utter nonsense and he’s so besotted it doesn’t even matter.
His little girl, out in the world. Being a person. 
And it’s him that she chooses to run to. 
“Charming! Hello love!” You shuffle closer and plant a large kiss on the back of her head, taking the bags from her hand and hoisting them up over your back in a routine twirl.
You take Astarion’s hint of a glance toward his bag and roll your eyes fondly, feeling for the scarf and slipping it back into his hand.
“My little darling! Hello! I have something for you - close your eyes.”
He haphazardly wraps the scarf around her neck with one hand as she bristles against his hip, wiggling her shoulders in some impromptu happy dance.
“Look now! You match us!” He exclaims. 
She opens her eyes and squeals with glee you haven’t seen at the school gate before, ever.
And true to his word, the scarf wholly matches both of yours. Embroidered with small golden stars on navy fabric. Her name in some immaculate loopy hand. Far too big for her at present, but warm on this coldest of evenings.
“I love it daddy. I want another one.” She nods acutely and smatters his face in small kisses. 
As you look to Astarion, he raises both brows in amusement at her request. She tucks her head in under his chin.
“Come along now. Let’s get you warm by the fire.”
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leonw4nter · 5 months
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Hold Me, Hold Me, I'm Your Bunny
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RE2R!Leon x F!Reader AU
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“It’s cold, rookie. Go put on a jacket,” Marvin tells Leon.
His superior isn’t wrong; the night had turned out to be a bit more chilly than Leon had anticipated, which prompted him not to bring a jacket or coat– not that this bothered him; he didn’t get cold easily and acted as a walking heater to anyone who wanted to feel a little warm and fuzzy.
“I’m fine, sir. Thank you,” he responds with a tired smile.
Ever the gentleman that he is, a gloved hand flies up to cover his mouth as he yawns, a small puff of steam billowing out of his mouth. As much as he loves his job, there’s no place he’d rather be than at home with his girl, cuddling and joining the rest of the world in dreamland but alas here he is– duty calls. Calloused fingers threaded through strands the color of wheat, slightly causing his usually neat hair to appear slightly fluffy. He turns his head, summer sky blues trained in the vast darkness to look out for any threat that he could quell. He does this for about an hour or two– or four… or five. He lost count, distracted by the biting cold that slowly started to settle in his bones. Pink settled in Leon’s cheeks and the tips of his ears, adding color like watercolor to a blank canvas; goosebumps rose on his arms and on the back of his neck, jaw clenching to keep his teeth from chattering. He did his best to look as if the cold wasn’t causing him some discomfort, only rubbing his hands together for warmth every now and then. 2:45 AM, his black sports watch reads. “She’s probably asleep by now,” he fondly thinks as the corners of his lips curl skyward. “At least she’s warm and cozy,” he wistfully adds, the feeling of his body craving sleep growing even stronger with each passing moment.
7:35 AM, he finally gets to head home after a long and cold night; he feels odd, a lot more susceptible to getting cold. The patrol car’s air conditioning felt several degrees colder, even if neither he nor Marvin changed the temperature and he felt a lot tired. After shifts like that, he always felt tired but this kind of exhaustion is different; it’s like his body weighed a lot more and he felt a headache slowly crawl up on him. He blamed these odd sensations on not drinking enough water, gaze falling on the thermos his girlfriend bought him as a reminder to hydrate often. He takes the bottle and drinks from it, dampening his dry throat only for his throat to feel a lot weirder and the water making him feel slightly nauseous. Marvin picks up on Leon’s sudden paleness, a frown placed on his chapped lips.
“Rookie, you alright? You don’t look like your usual self right now,” Marvin observes. Stopping at a red light he takes the opportunity to look at Leon, the rookie leaning against the corner near the door and shivering, rubbing his hands together to  try and stay warm.
“Yeah. Just… a little cold… and tired,” Leon responds, flashing him a tiny smile, an attempt to downplay what he thinks is a fever going on. Regret on not bringing a coat or jacket sets in, knowing his error will cause his girl to worry for him on top of all the workload she already has.
“You sure, kid? You don’t look too good right now,” Marvin adds.
“Promise, L.T. It’s just been a long night,” Leon reassures.
They finally arrive at the station, Leon’s head spinning slightly since he got carsick from the overwhelming sensations in the car ride back to the precinct to gather his things before clocking out only to groan when he realizes he has to use a car to get back home as well. Grabbing his backpack, he waves the officers bye and heads out. Even with the sun’s rays not fully beaming down on the slowly waking world, he squints his eyes and closes them for a bit, finding it too bright. With a tired sigh and a silent prayer that he doesn’t collapse from exhaustion on the way home, he walks over to the side of the road and waits for a cab to come and pick him up whilst also fighting the urge to hunch over at the sidewalk and hurl.
He finally reaches home, resisting the urge to doze off on the floor within minutes of unlocking the front door. With a groan, he hobbles over to the medicine cabinet and takes some Advil before heading up the stairs. He forces himself to take a quick shower to cool himself off before grabbing some plaid pajama bottoms and a worn out gray sweater from the police academy. He draws the curtains, slides into bed and huddles under the sheets before turning his body to face your side of the bed, inching his face nearer to your pillow and inhaling the scent of your coconut shampoo. Just before he decides to take a nap, he takes his phone and sends you a message saying that he’s home. Even with the curtains already drawn he still finds the day too bright for his delicate eyes so he pulls the duvet over his head, closing his eyes and eventually falling asleep.
You get home to a dark and silent apartment, the lack of Leon anywhere throwing you off. Closing the door, you drop your bag off at the couch before heading upstairs to the bedroom. “Honey?,” You call out. At first you don’t get a response but you do hear a low groan coming from the bedroom. You finally reach the door and push it open to be met with the faint warm glow of your bedside lamp and your boyfriend huddled nicely in the sheets. He shoots you a small grin but you know something is up with him with the way he doesn’t get up and practically lunge at you for a hug.
“Sick,” he quietly says, readjusting his position again and pats your spot beside him. You walk over to the side of the bed and place the back of your hand against his forehead to feel for his temperature. You leave his side for a few minutes, only to come back with a thermometer. After double checking his temperature, you finally confirm that he has a fever. “How’d you get sick?,” you ask him as you pat his fluffy hair. “Stood out in the cold from 10 PM to 7 AM, no jacket,” he sheepishly says. His response earns a small frown from you, going off into a lecture about how he should’ve brought something to keep him warm because the temperatures are a lot more extreme these days to which he nodded and mumbled an “mhm”. You place a small kiss on his forehead, telling him that you’ll make dinner for the both of you before getting in bed to cuddle with him. He nods and smiles, probably the brightest smile he could muster for today before turning over and dozing off again.
“Dinner’s ready,” you softly say in a sing-song voice as you bring in rice porridge on a tray, along with a bowl of cut-up fruit, and a glass of water. You set the tray down before helping Leon sit up, propping the pillows up on his back so he’d be cozy. You drag a chair beside him, waiting for him to take the bowl and start eating but he doesn’t.
“Why aren’t you eating yet?,” you ask.
“Can you feed me? Please?,” he asks as he shoots you the most kicked puppy dog eyes ever. He takes his hands together in prayer position, mumbling please and saying something along the lines of letting the patient have complete rest.
“God, you’re so cringe,” you scoff but you still decide to grab the bowl and give him spoons full of the porridge. Your boyfriend can be a bit silly sometimes but it’s why you love him. He takes a large bite, a pleased hum coming from him as he swallows down the food. “Taste good?,” you ask which he responds to with a smile and a thumbs-up. While Leon’s still got some porridge in his mouth, you take the time to contact his superior about Leon’s sick leave for two to three days.
“Umm, hi. I’m Y/N, Leon’s girlfriend and I called because he’s going to be on sick leave for two to three days, he came down with a fever so I hope you’d understand,” you say to the phone.
Leon simply looks at you with a slight look of surprise in his eyes; he already mentally noted that he’d call up Marvin later on after his dinner but turns out his thoughtful girlfriend had beat him to it. Looking up from his bowl, he keeps his gaze on you as you converse with Marvin, his heart thumping in his chest whenever you smile. The call went on for a few minutes before it finally ended, walking back to Leon’s side only to see his bowl finished.
“Your boss sounded a little surprised to hear that you’ve got a girlfriend,” you shyly say with a giddy grin. Leon laughs softly, running his fingers through his hair.
“Yeah, I don’t talk about you a lot at work– not- not because I don’t love you or a-anything, no– it’s, well, you know–,” he stammers which causes you to smile sweetly with your eyes squinting slightly and he swears he just fell in love all over again.
“I don’t have um– l-lots of y’know– friends at the station– there’s only Marvin,” he finally finishes. He realizes he sounds a lot like his pre-girlfriend self from when he first decided to ask you out on a date, back when eye contact with you and a simple graze of your fingers got his system undergoing a factory reset (not that things have changed: he’s still having factory resets from when you touch him).
“Well, I should stop by at work when you get back and I dunno– maybe get you lunch and kiss you in front of everyone,” you joke as you take his hand and place a kiss.
“God I need to get well soon,” he responds. He looks a lot less miserable now but still very much feverish.
“Hey I meant that as a joke–,” you say.
“Nuh-uh,” he says as he waves his pointer finger in front of you. “You need to keep your word or else I’ll be sad.”
“Fine, fine but only because I love you,”
“I love you more.”
Soon, it’s time for bed and you get into the sheets with him, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling your face into the nook of his neck.
“Baby you’re going to get sick too if you’re too close to me,” he softly says as he pats your hair.
“That’s not so bad if you get to take care of me,” you softly respond with a smile before placing a tender kiss on his neck. He shifts his position so now he’s the smaller spoon and you get to hold him like a stuffed animal. A pleased sigh could be heard under his breath as one hand strokes his back and gives him a soft pat while the other strokes his hair. “It’s not so bad being sick,” he happily thinks to himself– not that you don’t take care of him, of course you do, but the experience of being taken care of when he’s unable to care for himself brings a comfortable feeling of assurance that you’ll be right by him when things get rough; you’ll be there for him as a ray of sunlight on a cloudy day, an umbrella underneath the pouring rain, and a warm drink on a chilly night.
With your care and constant reminder to take pills and drink water, he managed to get better after two days and is clear to get back to work (bringing along a coat with him, of course; you’d flip if he got sick due to being out in the cold again). The brightness of his eyes have returned and he’s back to being the golden retriever, greeting everyone a ‘good morning’ before settling his things down at his desk and working on papers that piled up while he was gone. Stretching his fingers and grabbing a pen from a cup in his desk he takes a sheet and starts signing and going through reports whilst sipping his coffee, very much in a good mood. Marvin decided to let him work on reports first and not start patrolling around since he just got back from a fever and deemed it best that he shouldn’t move around just yet. After working for several hours straight he finally finishes his workload, just needing to file these reports away– the only task left before Marvin hands him a new set. Stretching his lower back and rolling his shoulders, he grabs his coat and wallet to head out and grab lunch.
“Officer Kennedy please report to the front desk,” the intercom blares. With a slightly frustrated sigh, he mentally prepares himself that he might have to skip out on lunch as he heads to where he’s needed.
“Good noon, ma’am– Baby!” he happily exclaims. His entire face brightens up and he beams brightly, running over to you and pulling you in for a tight hug as he rocks you from side to side. After a bone-crushing hug, he pulls away but he keeps his hands on your waist.
“It’s so good to see you. What are you doing here?,” he asks. His blue eyes were like waters, his gaze pulling you under and deeper into the spell he cast on you.
“Lunch. Kept my promise from days ago just like you wanted.”
“So… I’ll finally get that kiss in front of others?”
“Maybe. If you want–”
“I do want it so… come here.” Leon says with a cocky smirk as he pulls you in for a tender kiss.
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NOTE - If this is a little bad then I'm really sorry because this fic has been marinating in my docs for 2 weeks now and I kinda lost the idea mid-write so... yeah (I also finished this fic during math class because the question I got for an activity is so damn DIFFICULT-- KILLING MYSELF I HATE MATH I HATE THIS SHIT SO BAD FUCK MATH). Anyways, I'll try to write for RE4R!Leon soon-- I just love RE2R!Leon a lil tew much hihi ;) The title is taken from a lyric in a song called "Puppy Princess". I'll be busy in the next coming weeks so I won't be posting a lot. I'm going to try and make my fics look a lot more cute soon so ermm yeah that's it!! I hope you really liked it :) (also I ordered Leon photocards saur... the horrors are endless but I stay silly)
The dividers (lace and ribbon respectively) are from @plutism and @baefleurs , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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highdefhoetry · 8 months
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tags: NSFW!!! female reader, hand kink, vaginal fingering, finger sucking, penetration (fingers in vagina), g spot stimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, tasting your own cum
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Geto noticed everything.
Your silent admiration of his hands. The path of your eyes as they followed the lines on his palms. How you always needed your fingers intertwined with his. You had never been with someone who had such beautiful, captivating hands. Hands that were gentle, yet firm. Big, but delicate. When you first pressed the palms of your hands against his, the sensation stole the breath from your lungs. His rough, calloused skin against yours. His long fingers folding over your fingertips. His strong grip, powerful enough to hold you in place if he so willed it. Your mind ran wild with impure thoughts, the only thing he couldn’t see with eyes alone.
You imagined his thick fingers pumping inside you, his index curling up as it sought out the elusive G-spot deep within. You wanted to taste yourself once he was finished playing inside, put his fingers in your mouth and lick them clean, exchange your cum for saliva. You wanted his big thumb to rub the hood of your clit, slowly and meticulously, until the gentle teasing drove you to the brink of insanity.
However, you were much too shy to tell him about your little “fascination”, fearing you’d weird him out after only a few short weeks of dating. You were still getting to know each other, and there were still some things you thought were best kept secret for now.
But he was an observant man. Nothing got past him, especially when it came to pleasing his girl. 
“Something on your mind, babe?” he asks you one day while you’re sitting at home on the couch together. You hadn’t realized you’d zoned out; you’d been too busy playing with his fingers again to focus on much else. You peel your eyes away and meet his gaze; he welcomes you back to reality with a warm smile.
“...Huh? Oh. Sorry, babe. Just zoned out for a second.”
“What were you thinking about?” he asks again. 
“Nothing, really,” you lie. 
“Is that so?”
He puts his hands on either side of your waist, lifts you up, sets you down on his lap. It happens so quickly you don’t have a chance to protest. He slides his palms down your sides and rests them on your thighs. You put your hands on top of his, feeling the rough, cracked skin on his knuckles. They look so small compared to his, almost like a doll’s. 
Everything about him was so damn big. It really turned you on.
“You sure it was nothing?” He gives your thighs a quick squeeze, causing you to jump slightly from the sensation. 
“Mhm,” you nod, heart pounding as your hands rest on his forearms. You see the muscles in his arms contract and feel your pussy clench in anticipation.
Geto slides his hands back up your body, sneaking them under the hem of your shirt and pausing only to caress your chest. You let out a small gasp, press your chest further into his grasp.
“You know,” he says as he tweaks your nipples. “You can tell me anything. I won’t judge.”
“Mmm,” you close your eyes and nod again. “I know…”
“And you don’t need to be so shy about everythin’.”
He leans forward to give you a kiss, and you feel him smile against your lips.
“Although it is really cute, seein’ you get all worked up over my hands.”
Your heart jolts, and for a second it feels like the air’s been kicked out of your lungs.
Geto throws back his head and laughs.
“Come on, baby. You really didn’t think I noticed? You’re always starin’ at them. What, you got a thing for hands or somethin’?”
You feel your cheeks heat up as he speaks. 
“...Was it really that obvious?”
He nods, grinning cheekily. “Yep.”
“And you’re not weirded out?”
“There are weirder things in life, babe.”
He places his hands on the tops of your thighs again, rubs your soft skin, chuckles when he hears you whimpering softly. 
“What do you like about ‘em?” he asks, taking your chin in hand and rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip. Your breath escapes you again, your mind starts to go fuzzy.
“They’re big,” you say in almost a whisper, kissing the pad of his thumb. “Much bigger than mine. And they’re strong.”
“Is that it?” he caresses your bottom lip again, tenderly stroking the petal-soft skin. It’s so close, just a little more before it went inside…
“I like the shape of them… I like the roughness of your skin. And I like how I can see your veins pop out.”
“Yeah?” he cocks his head to the side, smirks at you with mischief in his eyes.
You can’t take it any longer. You grab his wrist, press your lips against his thumb, kiss his palm upwards until you reach his index finger. Then you take it in your mouth, sucking on his finger just as passionately you suck his dick. He looks a bit surprised at first, but that cocky smile returns almost as quickly as it disappeared. 
“My, my,” he narrows his eyes. “How long have you been wanting to do this?”
You moan in response, too focused on his taste to say much else.
But he doesn’t accept your silence as an answer. You feel his other hand caress your inner thighs, causing your skin to quiver slightly from the tickly feeling. It slips under your skirt, strokes your bare pussy lips in a slow and teasing fashion. You’re glad you decided not to wear underwear that day. You start grinding your hips, beckoning him to come inside.
He places his thumb on the hood of your clit, just like you imagined, and starts massaging it with fervor. You moan louder, writhing in his lap as he plays with you. his grin only growing wider. He moves downward, feels your wetness and takes it as a welcome sign. Then, he slides a finger into you, thrusting slowly while you cry out in pleasure. It’s enough to distract you from sucking his fingers; they fall out of your lips as the sensation takes over.
Your eyes roll back when he inserts another finger, now pumping two of them in and out of your hole. Your body bounces up and down, enjoying the way they curl up from time to time. He’s searching for it, the spongy spot hidden inside your walls, and it doesn’t take long to find it. With the tips of his fingers, he strokes the textured skin until you come, and you come hard. You feel yourself squirt all over his hand uncontrollably, too overcome with ecstatic pleasure to be embarrassed. He chuckles quietly as he listens to you moan and cry.
“Damn,” he resumes the slow, steady pumps inside you once more. “I’ve never seen you come that hard before, babe.”
“Haaa… haaaa…” you try to speak, but only air comes out. 
You figure it’s over and done, but he doesn’t stop his rhythmic thrusts. Instead, he goes a bit faster this time, still curling his fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion as he fingerfucks you harder and harder. It’s almost sensory overload; only a couple more minutes pass before you orgasm again, squirting on his fingers once more. You didn’t think there was any more left in you, that he had milked you dry, but as he keeps on thrusting you find yourself coming over and over and over again, screaming louder with each round.
You lose track of how many orgasms you have. By the time he decides to stop, your skin is damp with sweat and your voice is slightly hoarse. He takes out his fingers, but before he can wipe them off you grab his hand and force his fingers into your mouth. You close your eyes while you taste the sweet fluids on his skin. It’s saccharine, yet pleasant. You were glad there was nothing off about it.
He lets you suck on them for a bit longer before pulling them out of your mouth. He leans forward, kisses you deeply, presses his tongue against yours. His large hands grip your ass, giving both cheeks a quick spank. 
“Now it’s my turn,” he croons, pulling down his boxers as he prepares to take you.
@getoswife14 hope you enjoyed 🥰
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penkura · 1 month
knowing [2/8]
Summary: Sanji knew you were the one the moment he met you.
Pairing: Sanji x Reader
Warnings: None really. Normal One Piece stuff I guess.
Note: uhhhh chapter two hype I guess lol.
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[Ch. 1]
Nami noticed something weird after you all left Skypiea. You and Sanji being weirder than normal. She was constantly trying to push you two together, she wanted to see a romance on the Going Merry, and the two of you were her best bet, if anything ever happened.
Which she thought never would because you acted so shyly and Sanji acted like he didn't know what he was doing anymore around you. It was painful to watch, and she tried to get Robin in on it, but the older woman just smiled and said she should let potential love take its time. Nami hated that she was right, but every time you all approached a new island, she would do her best to pair you and Sanji up as buddies. Whenever it worked, you'd come back for a girl's night and be swooning over what a gentleman Sanji was, how he wouldn't let you carry a single bag or buy anything yourself, he did everything. You swore up and down he must've done that or would do that for any girl, but it didn't make you feel any less special.
In fact, once you arrived on Skypiea, Sanji had found flowers to give you three girls. Nami and Robin both received red ones, you were the lucky one to get a blue flower, which you later gushed to Nami that it matched his eyes. You were so gross with how head over heels you were for Sanji, but she really wanted to see you two together.
That's why Nami found it odd that you and Sanji seemed to spend more time apart after your return to solid ground, er…to the water anyway. You still would help him with cooking when Sanji let you, and he'd hang around you some evenings on the deck while everyone relaxed, but Nami didn't think anything much was happening outside of that.
Zoro, however, knew differently. He'd noticed real differences in how you and Sanji were around each other after leaving Alabasta. You had seemed slightly nervous when Robin ended up joining your crew, especially when Sanji was all too eager to welcome her, commenting briefly on how beautiful she was. Zoro watched you hover around while Usopp interrogated her, like you were just as suspicious of Robin, but for different reasons, and he thought you were being a bit ridiculous about it.
It's not like you and Sanji were together, right? He could do as he pleases and flirt all he wanted, you'd just have to suck it up and deal with it despite your feelings.
Well he thought so, until that evening when he heard you on the lower deck with Sanji after everyone else had gone to bed.
"Gosh, I felt stupid, I wanted to just hug you and tell Robin you're mine."
He heard Sanji laugh, Zoro thinking you were just messing around or possibly drunk. It really wasn't like you to say something like that when you were sober and in the right mind.
"You could have. I don't think anyone would have believed you."
"Nah, Zoro would have. You forget he's the one who's known me the longest."
"Hmm, that's true. You are the one who said to keep the flirting up though."
Hearing you sigh loudly and say that was true, Zoro could only assume you fell backwards on the deck or were leaning back to look at the stars. He heard Sanji offer to take you back to the girls bunks, but you mentioned you were next on night watch so you'd just stay, it wasn't long until you and Zoro had to swap anyway.
Not hearing anything more from either of you, Zoro leaned over the crow's nest just enough to see why you'd both become silent, catching you leaning into Sanji's shoulder with his arm around your waist.
So that's why she acted so jealous.
Zoro never said a word, having figured out you and Sanji were keeping your new relationship a secret for now, likely in case you decided it'd be better to stay friends.
Skypiea almost seemed like a test for the two of you. After landing and finding the beach where Sanji gifted you girls flowers, you ended up separated due to the laws of the place, Sanji with Luffy and Usopp while you were with everyone else. You weren't too worried, even as you stayed behind on the Merry with Chopper while Zoro, Robin, and Nami went exploring. The two of you were attacked of course, and until Chopper sounded the whistle for Ganfal to come help, you'd be able to keep your enemy back despite the damage Merry suffered. You ended up with a stab wound through the shoulder from Shura's Ordeal of String and burned your hand while trying to put out the fire on Merry, Chopper nearly in tears helping you with your injuries after he helped Ganfal too.
Sanji was just glad to see you were all right when he, Usopp, and Luffy finally reunited with the rest of you. He took note of the bandages on your shoulder and hand, pulling you aside while everyone was preoccupied with other things, asking you what happened if you were really all right. You told him what happened and reassured him you were perfectly fine, giving him a smile while he lightly hugged you and said he was glad, stealing a quick kiss and leaving you a blushing mess while he went to work on dinner again.
The next day you ended up following Zoro through the forest, Sanji demanding he watch you closely and Zoro just rolled his eyes before telling you to hurry up. He kept you safe while he fought the enemies he did, and once he and Robin had been injured by Eneru's attacks, you did your best to protect them while Nami went with the false god in her attempts to stop him.
You didn't know what happened with Sanji until Usopp jumped down from the giant gold ship with him, and you were shocked by how injured he was, he looked like he'd been electrocuted more than once and it terrified you.
Once you all were safe with the Skypieans and Shandians, once Sanji was awake and had Chopper replace his bandages, you did the same as he had before and pulled him away from everyone to make sure he was really okay. You asked him multiple times, your voice getting a bit more strained each time even when he said he was fine, you were trying so hard not to break down crying to him.
"I'm sure I'm fine, trust me. I'm standing aren't I?"
There was a soft smile on his face while Sanji watched you fight back tears. He'd not seen you cry before, and hated it would be his fault for having gotten injured, but he knew you were just worried about him.
"I…I know, I just…you're absolutely–"
"I'm sure, [Y/N]-chan, I promise."
Sanji pulled you into a hug, which you returned as you couldn't hold back anymore and started sobbing into his bandages (you'd have to apologize to Chopper later). While you cried, Sanji quietly hushed you, saying everything was all right and he was definitely okay. He stroked your hair and apologized for worrying you, explaining he was protecting Nami and Usopp though you didn't need an explanation, you just somehow knew already that he'd been trying to protect your crewmates.
Zoro didn't mean to overhear your crying and Sanji quieting you, but he'd been sent by Nami to the exact spot she saw you drag the blond off to in order to bring you both back to prepare to leave soon. When he'd walked over, you'd just started sobbing and Zoro thought for a second Sanji did something to hurt you, he was ready to skewer the blond, until he heard him shushing you and explaining what had happened.
"It's okay, shh. I'm sorry I made you worry."
"I'm just…just g-glad you're all r-right!"
"Shh, I know. You need to calm down now, okay? Don't want anyone thinking I did something to make you cry."
Zoro heard you agree, and you started to breathe a little easier and your sobs went away soon after. He didn't have time to get far enough away before he heard Sanji say you two should rejoin everyone, so he stayed in place. Once you both stepped back out from behind your hiding place, the three of you stared at each other, you and Sanji holding hands while Zoro almost set a glare on him.
"A-ah um, Zoro what are…when did…why…"
"Nami sent me to get you two," he looked at your hands again before going back to glaring at Sanji, "We're leaving soon."
You nodded and now both boys were glaring at each other, it stayed like that a few minutes more before Sanji spoke up.
"Listen, moss head. If you tell anyone about us, I'll–"
"I'm not gonna say anything unless you hurt her. She's like my sister, so you better be good to her."
Turning to leave, Zoro didn't miss how shocked you and Sanji were, you'd half expected him to tell you that you needed to tell the rest of your crew sooner rather than later, but he didn't even do that. Just told Sanji not to hurt you or he'd basically be dead before he knew it. Sanji expected more of a fight, so he was even more shocked when Zoro just walked away, telling the two of you to hurry up or you'd become the newest residents of Skypiea.
Even after you left he kept his word, he didn't tell a single person, even as Zoro watched Nami try to pair you and Sanji up again and again.
He wondered how she was missing the obvious signs you two were together.
Robin was the next to find out about you and Sanji being an item. She didn't mean to, but it was after you all had saved her from the World Government, after you toppled Enies Lobby and brought your dear friend and archeologist back home to your little family. When you all had separated at Water 7, when Robin had been taken in by the government, Sanji took the lead on trying to get her back, eventually you all were together again at Enies Lobby, entering several battles to bring her home.
While Sanji and the others took on CP9 members, you again took to taking down lower members, this time Navy Men with the help of Galley-La and Franky's comrades. Those same groups helped you get back to your crewmates, to the Merry who had come to save you all, before you tearfully bid farewell to the ship that had been your home the last couple of months.
Once you made it back to Water 7, while you had to wait for a new ship to be built, you all took time recovering from your battle wounds and exploring the city a little more. Most of your time was spent with Zoro and Nami during the day, trying to help the former find a new sword and Nami taking you and Robin sometimes shopping for various items. You tried a few times to check in on Usopp, wanting him to return to you all, but every time you did so, he either had disappeared from the spot you saw him or you'd back down from talking to him. At least knowing he was alive was enough for you for the time being.
You absolutely would have spent more of your time with Sanji, but the two of you agreed to wait until a few days later, to keep suspicions off you from the rest of your crew. Eventually the two of you ventured out to the city on your own, you both left the rest of your crew for the day at separate times, meeting up elsewhere to throw them off.
Unfortunately for you, although it worked to start, Robin caught sight of you and Sanji when she was entering a shop with Nami. She didn't think too much of it until she noticed the two of you holding hands and the lovesick smiles you gave each other as you walked through the market.
Oh, I see then.
Robin decided she would keep what she saw to herself, at least that was her plan, until she heard Nami say "I knew it" when she saw you two herself.
Luckily you didn't hear her, and Nami suggested she and Robin quietly follow you to see what was going on. Robin wasn't going to agree to it, but Nami grabbed her by the arm too quickly.
She hoped you'd forgive them.
"Here, this is for you, mon cheri."
"You shouldn't spend your money on me, Sanji."
Giving you a smile, Sanji shook his head, telling you that he wanted to get this little gift for you, it wasn't a lot, but he thought you'd like it. While you were going through the marketplace, he ended up pulling you down an empty alley and giving you a small box. You really didn't want him to spend any of the money Nami gave him on you, you had your own, but it was still sweet of him to think of you!
You opened the box after a bit of back and forth with yourself about Sanji spending money on you already, but you let those thoughts go once you saw it was a simple little heart shaped charm on a silver chain. You smiled softly while Sanji blushed about it scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
"I just…I thought you'd like it so I bought it…you don't have to wear it or anything, it's no–"
You cut Sanji off by throwing your arms around his shoulders in a hug, which he returned with his around your waist, though he was a bit confused until you looked up at him with a smile still.
"You're the sweetest thing in the world, I don't deserve you."
That comment and your sweet smile got to Sanji in an instant; eyes turning to hearts, face bright red with a grin, while he snuggled his face up against yours.
"Don't say that!! I'm the one who doesn't deserve you!!"
Giggling, you pulled Sanji even closer to you and kissed him, only stopping when you heard a voice yell "We caught you!"
For a moment you thought it was Marines and they were going to chase you and Sanji through Water 7, until you realized you knew that voice all too well, and you both looked to see Nami and Robin at the other end of the alleyway.
"When did this start?!"
"And why didn't you," Nami pointed a finger at you, while you hid your face in Sanji's shoulder, "tell me?!"
"Nami," Robin placed a hand on the younger girl's shoulder with a smile, "Let's give them a moment and maybe they can explain things to us."
The two stepped away with Nami saying you had better not run because she wanted every detail possible about when and how this happened. You didn't move a muscle, still hiding your face in Sanji's shoulder while he kept you close and stroked your hair to keep you calm. Eventually, he laughed a bit and it made you look up at him.
"What?" "Guess our secret's out," Sanji gave you a smile while you pouted a bit, tucking a bit of hair behind your ear before kissing you, "Let's go talk to Nami and Robin then, all right?"
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dira333 · 14 days
Hurting together - Aizawa x Reader
mentions of Chronic pain, requested by @alienaiver I hope this is in any way what you've imagined.
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“Nervous?” Shouta asks after a full 120 seconds of your leg bouncing without stopping.
“Huh?! Oh, oh, I’m sorry!” You scramble to a halt, arm resting on your leg to keep it in place. “I didn’t even notice I was doing it.”
“Doesn’t mean you have to stop now. But if you wanna talk about it, I heard that helps.”
“Oh, uh, I don’t wanna … I don’t wanna annoy anyone,” you mutter, eyes flickering from left to right.
“Do you wanna hear my story then?” He asks, not because it’s something he likes sharing, but you’re cute and what’s the alternative? Staring at the wall until he gets called in.
“Oh, if you… if you don’t mind?”
He huffs out a breath. “Well, apparently it’s not healthy to break a bone every single week.”
“Oh!” Your eyes grow huge. “Every single week? Wait, is it the same bone.”
“No,” he snorts softly, “At least then I’d have a better story. I’m a pro Hero, I just happen to get into fights.”
“And what’s your Hero Name? Fragile Bone?”
It takes him a second to recognize the joke, snorting loudly when he does. You’re snappy, now that the anxiety fades.
“No, it’s uh… Eraser Head.” He waits a second for you to recognize him, the star-struckness to hit. But it doesn’t. Instead, you cock your head to the side and eye him thoroughly. 
“Interesting,” you say, “I remember an Interview you were forced to give a few years back. Uh, I think there was a streaker at the Sports Festival?”
He laughs. “Good Memory. Yeah, that was one of our students. He didn’t have his Quirk under Control back then.”
“And you’ve got a broken bone now? Or is this just a check-up?”
“Yikes,” you pull a face, “me too. It’s the worst.”
“It is,” he agrees, dares to ask before he can lose his courage again. “Want me to hold your hand through the process?”
And it’s smooth, smoother than he’s ever been able to - maybe the absence of his friends does benefit his ability to flirt - and he might even get his hopes up for a second there - until your face falls.
“That’s really tempting, you know, but I… uh… my hands are hurting. That’s why I’m here, you know, to figure out why they’re hurting like this. So hand-holding is kinda a no-go.”
“Oh, I understand,” the dejection must be audible in his voice because you reach out for him, though you don’t take hold.
“But if you want,” you offer, voice a little breathless, “you could… uh… put your hand on my shoulder? It might look weird, but-”
“I’ve seen weirder things,” he offers and your smile lights up the room.
“Oh, I didn’t know you were coming in together,” Doc Oc greets him and for a moment he is paralyzed, frozen between two different emotions. Surprise, because Doc OC’s obviously familiar with you and he’s got the worst memory when it comes to names. Embarrassment, because it’s usually not the best thing if a Doctor remembers you by name, let alone this one.
“Ah,” you smile, “We met in the waiting room. Bloodwork, you now. It’s easier if it’s done together.”
“That I can agree with. Now, who wants to go first?”
“Now, I believe you owe me something,” Recovery Girl announces one afternoon, a big smile cutting into her wrinkly face. “What’s her name?”
“Huh?” Shouta had been busy reading through this week's assignment, deciphering the texts. Denki’s Handwriting almost requires a PHD in decoding.
“Doc Oc and I have been friends for quite some time. One would call us even… very close… if you know what I mean. He said you brought in lovely company.”
“Oh, uh, yeah, I guess…” He can’t help but blush at her tone. Too much information.
“Well, are you going to ask her out? You cannot count this as your first date, surely? A fancy Dinner is a must.”
“A fancy Dinner is a must for whom?” Hizashi’s leaning around the door and Shouta groans. Of all people to overhear this.
“Shouta’s girlfriend.”
“Shouta has a girlfriend? Shouta, my man, why didn’t you tell me? Don’t you love me anymore? Your best friend?”
He crawls further into his sleeping bag, closing his eyes. Those assignments can wait, if he can fall in to a coma first, he-
“So?” Rumi leans against your Desk. “Did he call you?”
“Not yet,” you’re chewing on your lower lip, “But he’s probably busy.”
“Busy my ass,” she snorts angrily. “You’re a catch. If he doesn’t get a groove on you’re gone. He should know that.”
You level your friend - and boss - with a glare. “I’ve been single for a year.”
“Which he doesn’t know,” she sings. “But on another note, have you’ve gotten the results from your bloodwork? You know we only need that so we can get started on your hands-free Desktop.”
“Why do you sound more excited about this than I am?”
“Because you’re afraid of change and I am not. Just think, your hands will finally get to rest!”
“Yay,” you wave them around half-heartedly when your phone pings.
Rumi’s already grabbing it from your desk, always faster than you. “Oh, it’s your guy.” She hands it back. “Not looking.”
“Thank you for respecting my privacy,” you joke and open the short text only to gasp.
“He’s asking me out.”
“Great, so he’s not an idiot. Confirm.”
“No, no, he’s asking me out for a date tonight. You know how bad my legs have been today, I can’t show up with a cane.
“Why not?”
“Because,” you drag out, “the last time I did that there was no second date.”
“And you think he’s that shallow?”
“I just don’t want to jinx it.”
“Fine,” she huffs, crossing her arms. “Tell him you can’t tonight because you’re working late. Ask him if he’s able to reschedule for tomorrow or Friday.”
You hesitate, but do as you’re told.
“And now,” she grabs your bag as soon as you put your phone down, “you get your cute ass home and rest. I want you as fit as you can be tomorrow so you can enjoy that date.”
“But work-”
“Work is like my ex - it will always wait for you.”
“Fuck,” Shouta groans, head on his arms. The pain is strong today.
“You… uh… you good?” He hears a familiar voice from the door. Shit, he forgot about training with Hitoshi.
“Fantastic,” he grinds through his teeth though he does not dare to lift his head. Lunch was decent, but he doesn’t want to taste it again.
“Do you need Recovery Girl?”
“No, I’m going to be fine. Can you get me my painkillers from my bag? I would, but moving-”
“Sure, sure.” He can hear rustling and then a pill is dropped into his outstretched palm.
Slowly, carefully, he drags his arm back to pop it into his mouth, swallows it dry. He’s got loads of practice.
“Give me twenty minutes and I’ll be right as rain.”
“Uh, if you say so.”
He’s got a black eye.
He’s got a black eye and a date in about thirty minutes and the painkillers are making him particularly loopy today.
Hitoshi wouldn’t have been able to hit him in the face if his reaction time hadn’t been so slow. He’s lucky no bone is broken.
Something tells him that it we better to reschedule, but wouldn’t that make him look disinterested when he’s not?
Shouta turns to the sound, surprised to see a black cat looking up at him. There’s a hedge there, and he bends down to pet the animal. 
“You’re loud, huh?” He comments on the purring, taking a seat on the ground when his knees turn a little wobbly. He really is getting older. 
The cat disappears into the hedge and he holds out a hand, making little sounds to lure her back out.
Just as he can spot the green eyes blinking back at him, a banknote is dropped into his hand.
“Here,” a voice says, “It’s cold out.”
Shouta freezes, only to look up into your face.
“Uh,” he makes, suddenly envious of Kaminari when he cooks his brain. 
“I didn’t mean-” you say just as he exclaims loudly: “There’s a cat.”
“Where?” You ask, peering into the hedge. “I love cats.”
“This was nice,” you tell him after Dinner, the episode with the Cat now something you can laugh about. “Would you like to do it again sometimes?”
“Yes,” he nods slowly, “I’m sorry if I was a little loopy today. I took… uh, I forgot to take a nap.”
“Ah,” you smile, “You’re getting old too? If I don’t get my usual lunch nap I’m not so nice to be around.”
Shouta laughs. “Somehow I find that hard to believe. You’re very nice to be around.”
“You think so?” You ask, heart skipping a beat when he nods.
“How are your hands?” He looks down at them, “Can I hold them? Or do they still hurt?”
“If you don’t squeeze them I should be fine,” you say, praying that it’s the truth.
It is a little uncomfortable, if you were to tell the truth, but he’s gentle and your heart blooms at the implications.
If only you could put this moment in a jar, keep it for all the days where it’s hard to get up.
“So?” Rumi leans over your desk, grinning wide. “Gimme the scoop.”
“We went out, it was amazing, I don’t know when I’m going to see him again.”
“That’s not the scoop, that’s a short summary. I want every detail. Also, what does it mean you don’t know when you-”
The ringtone of your phone cuts her off. You take a peak only to gasp.
“It’s him. He’s calling.”
“Well, pick up. I’ll come back as soon as you’re finished. And I want all the details.”
It’s hard to find time for another date.
Shouta works two fulltime jobs and you’re overwhelmed with just one.
But he calls or texts every day, sending you pics of cats whenever he’s out on patrol.
It’s nice, but it could be nicer.
When he asks what you’re doing and you’re in bed, pain holding you down, you cannot tell him the truth. Because he doesn’t know the truth. And telling him over the phone seems insensitive.
Sometimes he sounds pretty loopy when he calls and you wonder if he’s getting enough sleep. But when you ask him about it he evades the question so masterfully, that you only remember it hours after the call.
“I think I have to come clean,” you tell Rumi one day during lunch, your hands in thick compression gloves to combat the pain. “This season is hitting me hard and I cannot postpone our next date again just because I cannot go anywhere without a cane.”
“I’m sure it’s going to go well. From what you’ve told me about him he seems very nice.”
“Yeah,” you sigh,”so nice I don’t want to lose him.”
Of all the moments for a migraine to hit, this has to be the worst. 
Okay, maybe the second worst, because he’s not currently fighting someone.
But he’s been pressing his temple against the fridge doors of this Konbini for half an hour now, clearly unsettling the other shoppers, and his painkillers are far, far away in his car’s glove compartment.
Every time he thinks he’s got it now, turning away from the coldness has his lunch rise up in his throat.
“Shouta?” A familiar voice asks and the ice seeps into his veins. It’s you.
“No, I’m not Shouta. You must mistake me for someone else.”
“You’re wearing a nametag. Backward, but you’re wearing it.”
He sighs. “Can you just pretend you’re not seeing me?”
“I could, but why?”
“This is embarrassing.”
“I mistook you for a homeless man, I think we’ve already reached top embarrassment.”
“I’m having a Migraine.”
“See,” he can hear the encouragement in your voice, knows exactly how your mouth curls at the words even if he cannot see it. “That’s very low on the embarrassment list. Do you need a painkiller?”
“Yeah, but they’re in my car.”
“What are you using.”
“I doubt you have that. You can only get it via prescription.”
Shouta names it, hears you chuckle.
“Oh, you bet I got that. One pill is enough, right?”
“Right.” He can hear rustling before a pill is pressed into his hands. He swallows it dry. 
“It will take me a minute to come to my senses.”
“No worry at all. I can stay here with you.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Oh, but I want to. By the way… the Bloodwork… was that about your Migraine?”
“Yeah,” he swallows around the lump in his throat. “And other stuff.”
“Mhm.” Some more rustling.
“How did you get those pills by the way? You don’t work in a pharmacy, right?”
“Oh, no, I don’t deal drugs if that’s what you’re asking.” You laugh, but it tapes off awkwardly. “I… I suffer from chronic pain.”
“I’m sorry.”
You laugh again, but you don’t sound amused. “Yeah, me too.”
Silence settles between them. Slowly, the pain in his head eases into something manageable and he peels himself away from the cool glass to look at you.
You’re staring at the ground, a cane in your hands. 
“I’m going to be pretty loopy for the rest of the day,” he tells you, lump in his throat, “But do you wanna grab a coffee after this?”
The surprise in your eyes tells you what he’d already assumed. You’re not used to people accepting your condition as something that just is. 
“Might ask you some questions as soon as my head works properly again,” he adds like a threat, “but for now I’d just like to look at you. You’re really pretty.”
“You’re really loopy,” you giggle.
“Mhm, it’s going to get even worse, sugardrop.” His hand finds your elbow, careful to avoid your hands and you knock your head lightly against his shoulder.
You’re probably a weird-looking couple to the outside world, but he’s never cared much about that anyway.
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alleycatchitchat · 7 months
I have SO much to say and think about this movie (positive) buuut I need a few days, or maybe weeks, to process... but I made some notes while watching just to chronicle the emotional journey I was experiencing, and wanted to share! There are SPOILERS here, please PLEASE do not read if you don't want to see spoilers!!
Ready? Ok:
"Let's play some rummy! But I won't let you win, because I play for the money" i think im in love
"I can't remember all my suitors, Grissie" yes you go girl. you're powerful and amazing and people love you, don't ever forget it
apparently poppy casually refers to branch as her boyfriend and that's normal now. i'm (choke) gonna need (sob) gonna need a minute here guys
love that floyd signs his letters "the sensitive one" like yeah babe pretty sure your brother knows who you are no need to specify
sweet dreams IS featured in this movie!! omg im so happy you have no idea. i saw somewhere that velvet and veneer performed that song and it's my favorite ever and i was SO freaking excited to see it featured in one of my favorite franchises but i couldn't find it when the soundtrack came out so i thought it was fake but its not im so happy
peppy how many more dark secrets are you hiding?? he was so straightforward in the first movie but now it looks like he's just gonna keep pulling bigger and weirder hidden drama out of his sleeve as the franchise progresses. not necessarily a complaint just something i noticed
floyd is branch's favorite brother CONFIRMED
floyd! the sass!! ok he's DEFINITELY related to branch and also i think i love him
“Branch? One word. KEEPER”
Wait but how can floyd be my favorite brozone member when bruce is also so wonderful
I can also totally see the family resemblance between branch and bruce when they simp over their girls
I KNEW peppy was gonna be talking to mr dinkles i knew it i knew it
Also just so happy to see them acknowledge the events of the original movie. Don’t think bridget and gristle were even in TWT?? And the trolls’ history with the bergens in HUGE, and something that they shouldn’t have just written out of the story like that
They’re going to FLUSH floyd?????
Yes clay grandma got eaten try to keep up
Floyd and branch hugging THROUGH the glass is everything i ever wanted and also killing me slowly and painfully
I mean i guess its diamond not glass but you get the idea
“Its fine. we’re not gonna press charges”
Anna is unfrozen with the power of sisterly love but short, male, and blue
Do i like veneer now? What’s happening?
Wow. branch has come a long way since the first troll movie, and i didn’t know how to feel abut that because i was so nostalgic, but seeing him happy and confident like this makes me feel so at peace. yess i know he’s a fictional children’s character what of it
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weebsinstash · 10 months
My yandere Invincible posts have been getting notes recently now that season 2 is starting and there's a specific idea I have in my head for platonic yandere dad Nolan x daughter Reader because of a scene from the first episode, the scene from Mark's past where (small spoiler I guess) Nolan visibly heavily contemplates killing Mark and Debbie (because Mark might not get his powers and, he doesnt want to fail his mission) but quickly stops himself and is clearly ashamed for what he almost did
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I keep thinking of a specific scenario. Reader is his second-born daughter who is a couple years younger than Mark and you're his little princess and you're just, outside playing while your parents occasionally peek out at you through the glass door/window to the backyard and, you're like 5 or 6 when things just, suddenly change, it hits you like lightning. Things look differently, they smell different, the sun on your skin feels different, the toys in your hands feel lighter and weirder than before, and when you start to slowly squeeze them, they start to break, but, you're smart and fast enough to stop.
But it's not JUST your body. It's your MIND. Suddenly you're remembering all those cartoons you've ever watched, practically every memory you have, every experience, every fact.
Temporarily, ever so briefly, you start to float, and you easily figure out how to put yourself down.
You're so excited you can't even make a sound-- you've got your powers like Dad!-- and you go to tell your parents, and you see then talking inside. You don't want to interrupt and wait outside patiently, deciding you'll go in when they're done talking even ss you're bouncing in excitement. And, you see everything from Ducktape Man to Mom and Dad talking to that menacing movement your father made, where some animalistic instinct inside of you knew it was HOSTILE and, in just a few moments, you're putting it all together, like either some gullible kid who believes everything in cartoons, or, perhaps, someone who just became a lot, lot smarter: you start hypothesizing that Nolan must be evil and has some hidden ulterior motive. Why would Nolan be so mad at Mark not having powers to the point of violence, murder? Oh, because if Mark didn't have powers, he wouldn't be like dad, he'd be a human? Does dad not like humans? Does dad want to hurt humans? Is there any other reason Dad seems to almost NEED his offspring to be Viltrumites too?
Oh, is Dad a bad alien who wants his children to leave Earth and human culture behind for their roots? And if he doesn't succeed, he'll snap? Is it like in those cartoons where the evil father tries to bring his kid to the darkside and the hero has to fight and defeat them even if it hurts?
The whole theory and coming into your powers is surreal, it's inhuman, but it's the new you, the new Viltrumite you. You burst into tears as you become overwhelmed and stressed at the idea you might have to fight your evil dad, lying to your father, no, Nolan, that you were crying because you broke your toy on accident and he has to shush you as he promises you a new one but your chubby little kid arms aren't squeezing him as tight as they used to
You start keeping secrets. You start watching him all the time, the things he does, the things he says, and the more and more, you become convinced. He never stops treating you as his little angel, and you even notice, he's, for some reason, gentler with you than Mark and, as you grow older, you realize it's because you're a girl and for whatever reason he's falling into the very stereotypical role of, treating both you and Mark very well overall, but, also being more lenient with you, telling Mark he has to be a good brother and protect his baby sister, Nolan always trying to buy you little sweets, but, after you saw what you did, your behavior towards him immediately shifts. You try to act the same to avoid arousing suspicion but you aren't nearly as affectionate and, as you get older, you take advantage of using puberty and needing independence as an excuse to put emotional walls up and distance yourself from him, even as he constantly tries to engage and spend time with you
Your family is worried what's wrong with you when you start calling him Nolan instead of dad, you suddenly don't want to spend time with him, your mom, and even your brother. You start working the second you're legally old enough, but, despite how bright and inquisitive you were as a kid, your grades are. Average. As in, deliberately average. You can never let Nolan know what you are. As you age and hear more and more of his comments where you can tell he's insulting not just anyone in particular, but the entire human race, you steel yourself, because you know, you know this man cannot be your father anymore, and you may even have to kill him. But you're so overly cautious about him and anyone else not finding out that you're limited at training options. You can't just fly anywhere, you can't just practice martial arts against normal humans, but, you find ways to make it work. You work manual labor jobs your father scoffs at, you wait until night and/or you know he's off planet to practice flying in one single field where you can see for miles all around you and see any witnesses or planes coming
You are a daughter with every intention of either abandoning her family and leaving the planet, or killing her father. Once you realized that you were an alien, unlike Mark and unbeknownst to Nolan, you're more like your father than you realize. You become more apathetic to humanity, more nonchalant about where you are in life. Suddenly you don't have to worry about your grades or college or things like that because, well, what good will earth stuff do you in outer space? Maybe you'll pick up some more practical knowledge but, really, the only reason you don't leave the planet once you start getting older is literally just that, one you're still attached to Mark and Debbie, and two, you don't have a flight suit and know your clothes will burn up and. You wanna get out of here but you don't want to be naked in space!!
Like picture this. Mark has just gotten his powers and you're heartbroken because, over the last decade your father started spending significantly more focus on Mark instead of you, inviting him to things he doesn't even mention to you, finally shifting almost his exclusive attention to his son, and, now Mark is "just like dad", already starting to get full of himself because hes stronger and "better", which worries you because, you eventually deduce Nolan is some kind of invader who is having kids to be soldiers. Like imagine sitting at the dinner table and Mark is all "don't worry sis, I bet you're a late bloomer too :) youll get your powers soon" and Nolan pipes in like "yeah and then we can all go out flying together" and you just look him dead in the eyes and don't reply. You're constantly having to temper your anger and keep up your ruse because if you're too openly hostile, he'll figure it out, and you have literally not a single doubt in your mind that he'll kill you for his mission, which is funny because you've actually adapted a lot of the "don't care I'm an alien" mindset that he wanted Mark to have
Nolan has no idea why you clearly hate him, why you fake smiles, why you stopped spending time with him. He still remembers when you were a toddler and you were running around, skinning your knees all the time and picking yourself up with little sniffles like nothing happened because you just wanted to keep running and exploring and playing SO bad. You used to be so bright. He had such high hopes for you. Honestly he always thought you would potentially outmatch Mark and be his strongest child, but. Here you are, a straight C student, working manual labor jobs, completely average, and refusing to bond with him in any way. He can tell you're keeping some sort of secret from him, but whenever he goes to confront you about it, you're... surprisingly scared, but, not as scared as you should be, in the nuanced ways one would shrink away as a child being scolded by their parent. It's almost like... you're holding some sort of grudge against him
I couldn't decide which version I prefer in terms of Reader finally being exposed. Maybe you don't realize Mark is trailing you and he finds out and tells Nolan behind your back under the mistaken impression you recently got your powers and was training in secret to make it a surprise. Or there's some sort of attack or disaster or accident where you're shot by a robber or they attempt to stab you and it just, dents against your skin. Or even, you start disrespecting Debbie because you're frustrated about being an alien that can't die and she let this man into her bed without truly knowing who or what he was and you're resenting her for it and you make a really awful comment and get in an argument with her and in anger she moves to slap you and fractures her hand against your invulnerable face, or you have to catch her wrist so she doesn't hurt herself and Nolan can tell by your reflexes that you're not fully human
I also just like the idea of. You're 18 and you make it very extremely clear you're moving out and your family is like, REFUSING but they technically can't stop you (although the idea of Omniman going full yandere dad and physically locking you up so his baby girl doesn't leave the nest certainly IS a nice thought) and they notice, instead of packing your things, you're donating them, getting rid of them. The day of your move happens and you're standing there with only a backpack and you haven't told them Any details about where you're going or, just, ANYTHING, and Nolan is looking at you like a big sad hound dog "can't I at least drive you 🥺" and you're like " :) no that's OK, I've got my own ride" AND JUST FLYING AWAY. I just think it'd be extremely relatable and hilarious if you keep up the ruse for so many years and you finally blow your cover because you lose your temper or because you've been hurt emotionally. Nolan tries to ground you, "March upstairs right now young lady!" and you're just like "march?" As you start levitating away just to spite him and he's picking his jaw off the floor. Mark sees you acting out one day "You're just jealous because dad likes spending time with me over you and you don't have any powers" and youre so hurt at seeing your big brother who you've been wanting to protect all this time become a pawn of your father that you just start hovering in the air right then and there, "you can have dad. You can have everything. I'm not even staying on this planet anymore"
I dunno, I kinda like the idea of Reader being this kind of, you know, still kind and all that, but a really almost, inhuman figure in the sense that your specific alien genetics or mutation causes you to kind of snap onto Genius Mode and you become sort of this calculating detached figure who pretends to be human and is openly hateful to your entire family because, as you see it, you're on your own and don't need or want them, you're different than them, your mental abilities are different even from Nolan's, and, meanwhile, said superhero is desperate to find out why his little girl hates her Daddy so much. He's still, you know, got that Viltrum in him, but Debbie and Earth has drawn out more of his humanity and he does love you, he does want you in his life, and it HURTS for you to reject him
But then he finds out about your powers and. Suddenly you're just supposed to magically forget how he started pushing you away too as he wants to bond with you again, teach you, train you. He has no idea he's proving your years of theories right as, he is overjoyed at discovering you have powers, like, you very clearly detect the "oh thank GOD you're not ACTUALLY a lowly human" energy oozing off of him and you realize you were right all along, you really were never more than just an extension of this narcissistic man from his freak species of savages, that he came to Earth with ulterior motives and it's dangerous for you to continue to be around him
You can try to pull away from him all you want, but even if he never found out about your powers, Nolan won't ever let you slip through his fingers. He knows how heartless and cruel this galaxy can be, and, if you're really truly such a fragile little eggshell of a human, then, clearly you need your doting dad looking after you until you're a little old lady passing away of old age while he looks exactly the same as the day you were born. But. That's not what's going to happen because even if that scenario came to pass he would quickly see that you aren't aging. There's no way you can fake that.
I just imagine a Reader who hardens herself into a true soldier and starts planning for the day you kill your father. You lure him out one day into a certain area and you jump him with like Homura vs Walpurgisnacht levels of preparation, hurling all sorts of materials and chemicals and objects at him, testing what works yet nothing does, coming at him with all sorts of different attacks and techniques you've had to teach yourself and pick up on your own, but, he's older than you, FAR older, and much more experienced, and he finally has to do something he hates and punches you in the gut so hard it makes you collapse and start throwing up but, he's just. POSITIVELY EUPHORIC. you just tried to kill your own father at like 17, 18, 20 years old and he's standing here "I KNEW IT, I knew you were special! Did you plan all this? Wow! you even tried to pierce my heart! where did you even get explosives from, did you make these?" Like he's THRILLED at the absolute sheer brutality, like, you just tried to KILL HIM kill him and he's like "Awwww I'm so proud 🥰🥰🥰 my little baby girl is a true viltrumite" and now YOU'RE FUCKED because now he loves you more than ever and, he was lowkey becoming massively depressed at the idea of outliving you, losing you, having to see you die, and now he doesn't have to, so. Now he can have both of his kids for rhe next hundreds and thousands of years 🥰 he has so many things he wants to show and teach you, so, now that he's seen how truly capable you are, it's time to start your training, but also, making up for all that lost bonding time you spent pushing dear old dad away ❤️
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AITA for being too close to my childhood best friend?
(This is so long I'm so sorry, there's just a fair bit of info.)
Me (22F) and Jake (23F) grew up together. Our mothers were friends for years and got pregnant around the same time, and we've basically been side by side our whole lives. We consider each other platonic soulmates and siblings.
Jake has had a girlfriend (Lucy, 23F) for the last seven months. I really like Lucy, she's so funny, so interesting, and she clearly makes Jake happy. There's been one or two awkward moments between us, but its never been anything that lingered or caused problems.
Now I know how people generally act/think about "the girl best friend" so when Jake said he was thinking of asking Lucy out, I made sure to back off a bit. Instead of having a brate (bro date, just hanging out doing something like bowling, Maccas, movie theatre, ect) once a week I said we should have one once a month, I don't call him just to hang on the phone together anymore, I make sure to not message at all on the days I know they have dates planned, ect.
I've really, really done my best to not get in the way, to make sure Lucy knows he really is just my brother, and I've tried to give them both space as someone who is not involved in their relationship.
I thought I was doing really well because its never really come up until this week. It was Jake and I's brate day and we decided to go to the mall so I could shop for clothes and he could get the slushies he likes there. Lucy knew where we'd be, and "happened" to show up, which was fine. Like I said, I like hanging out with her, and I actually thought it was cool I could get another girl's opinion on my outfit.
Jake decided to try on some clothes too while he was there and it turned into something of a mini fashion show of both of us showing off our possible choices. Lucy seemed to alternate between really having fun and going quiet. She refused to try on any herself but grinning and laughing while Jake and I were, and while we were taking turns playfully hyping each other up.
Jake tried on a pair of jeans and I was teasing him and said "damn dude, look at all that ass" trying to make him embarrassed. This was when Lucy muttered something I didn't quite hear, and politely suggested I should leave. Both Jake and I were really confused and taken aback and Lucy kind of shrugged and said things like this were things couples should do, and it was really inappropriate of me to make a sexual comment about her boyfriend while she was right there.
I didn't want to make a scene so I said I'd go, but Jake argued back and said it was clearly just joking around and he's sick of her getting upset at literally anything I do, or he does with me, which was surprising because it was the first I heard that she's had actual complaints.
We all wound up sitting down in the food court to talk and Lucy basically said that she's growing more and more uncomfortable with how close Jake and I are as her and Jake get closer, even though Jake and I's interactions have drastically dropped since they started dating. She thinks its weird we have friendship bracelets (our families went on a double vacation when we were 14 and me and Jake bought those cheap seaside shell bracelets in matching colors, that's literally it) and we hang out alone once a month (even though she's been invited multiple times and always refuses) and she thinks its even weirder than our families are so close and call us siblings.
I won't lie, it killed me inside, but I offered to back off entirely and only be around Jake in group settings, if at all, but Jake cut in and said that wasn't a compromise he was willing to make, and asked Lucy to talk more in private. They left together and trying to be respectful, I haven't reached out at all to either of them while they talk it through.
Jake's mom came over today to hang out with mine, and wound up telling me the last few days Jake has been stressed out, miserable, and isn't sure about staying with Lucy. She said it was a shame because Lucy seemed so nice, but she also said she was proud of him because I was family and Lucy's insecurity wasn't reasonable.
It made me feel sad and like I was hurting Jake by interfering with his relationship again, so I asked some of my online friends from a game I play and the opinion was kind of split. They all agreed I've never spoken about Jake in a way that hinted I liked him, but also that as girls, they'd feel weird anyway about knowing their boyfriend had this close bond with another girl, and they'd be wondering what the future would look like and if our friendship would get in the way of choices like moving, starting a family.
Now I feel completely lost and honestly a little scared of both losing Jake and apparently ruining his life by being so close to him. None of the rest of our IRL friend group has ever brought anything up about it, and I don't know if this is Lucy being jealous or if this is my fault.
What are these acronyms?
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stinmybubs · 22 days
“Do It For Us.” Pt.2
Summery: A quirkless girl tired, sick and tired of being helpless, tired of being weak. Bullied all her life along side her best friend and longer term crush, Izuku Midoriya. Happy she isn’t alone…but he gets in to UA? Leaving her behind…what’s left for her? Seems a blonde takes pity on her.
M. Izuku x AFAB! Reader x B. Katsuki
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The morning with katsuki Bakugou was, weird to say the least. He wakes you up bright and early, his face a bit pink, you were confused into why. You two waited for each other to change, you two brushed your teeth together. It felt weirdly domestic.
Breakfast was wonderful, Mrs. Bakugou made some special Omurice for you and Bakugou and it was delicious! And surprisingly Bakugou barley spoke this morning just the few remarks here and there. Guess he’s not a morning person.
Walking to school with Bakugou was even weirder, it was awkwardly silent. You never tried to start any conversation, except you just wanted to thank him. And ask why the sudden change of heart? Why help you after putting you through so much? Did something happen?
“Hey, I just wanted to say-“ of course the timing couldn’t be worse, his lackies and more boys bombarded him, pushing you out the way. You simply shrug, glancing at the blonde boy before making your way into the school to wait for Izuku. Realizing that Izuku is probably wondering where you were.
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“Where were you Y/n!? I was worried sick!” Izuku ran to your desk, worry in his face. You were currently staring into the distance for what seemed like ever.
“I was…not home..so I walked to school in a different path.” You smile, grabbing Izuku’s hand to try and soothe his worry. “Oh…why? Why weren’t you home!” He proceeded to grab your hands with both his.
“Uh…just some personal stuff, nothing too serious !” You laugh, giving him a soft look. You loved whenever he worried for you, it made your heart soar and your serotonin levels went off the charts.
“Oh…well if you have more trouble. Please, come to me…I would hate for you to get hurt. Again.” He looked at your hand dejectedly, “oh! I have something great to tell…” as soon as his smile was up it faded as soon as it came. It’s like he realized something.
“I’m going to get into UA…I will. I have a chance now!” He gave you the most determined look, a look you haven’t seen since you were young. One where you knew you couldn’t argue against.
“Good luck Izu…work hard! Do it for…do it for us! We quirkless people need a rep too!” You let go of his hands as the rest of the class came flooding in. You couldn’t help but think. What if he really got in? Am I a bad friend for not believing in him? Is it bad to hope?
What if he leaves me behind?
Questions and thoughts raced through your mind, not even noticing you were staring at the back of Izuku’s head.
Don’t go…
Don’t leave me alone…
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Being so stuck in your head, you never even noticed the day ending. Until you finally heard Izuku calling out your name.
“Y/n! Are you okay? I’ve been calling out your name for ages!” You turn to Izuku, noticing the almost empty classroom. “Oh! Sorry just lost in thought!” You laugh sheepishly, scratching the nape of your neck. Izuku shook his head chuckling.
“Oi! Y/n…hurry yer’ ass up.” The familiar hot head was standing at the classroom door way, you quickly get up to gather your things. Izuku was clearly confused by this. What did Bakugou mean? Are you two hanging out? How and why?
“Wh-what? Why would she-“ he stops, seeing the smile on your face when you look at Bakugou, the same smile you always give him. That friendly and loving smile.
“See ya Izu! I gotta go but we’ll talk later!” You giggle waving him goodbye as you make it to Katsuki’s side. The two of you making your way out of the classroom leaving the green-haired boy with so many questions.
When did you two become friends…?
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It had been a few months since you’ve been staying in the Bakugou family households. You’ve never been happier, you felt as if they were your own family! They helped you with everything, you almost forgot about your old family. Almost.
That is until you were walking to the school with Katsuki one day, talking about breakfast and how katsuki wakes you up way too early.
“No! Katsu-…you really wake me up way too early I always have an hour left of free time!” You protest to the boy, playfully shoving his shoulder.
“Yeah yeah whatever, you wouldn’t wake up at all without me!” He argued, he grabbed your bag throwing it over his shoulder. Katsuki had made it a habit to carry your bag. How sweat. You thought. Everything finally felt right, the bullying almost stopped, you had a nice family! You’re ere finally happy!
“Y/n?” The voice made you freeze, like a dear in headlights you stopped in your tracks to see your father standing at the school gates.
“Y/n! Oh my gosh we’ve been worried sick!” Your father reached out for you only for Bakugou to slap his hand away, putting himself in between you and your dad. Giving you a chance to compose your self, something strange happened, katsuki grabbed your hand. And tightly at that.
“What do you want old man!?” Katsuki shouted anger my glaring at your father. “Y/n!? You’ve been running off with some boy while your mother suffers!?” This caught your attention. What? What happened to your mother?
“What…? What’s wrong with mom…?” You peek from behind Katsuki, righting your grip on his hand. “She’s sick! In the hospital all because you’ve gone missing! I can’t believe it!” You could tell he was getting angry, really angry. Your heart started racing, continuing to cower behind katsuki never letting go of his hand.
“Don believe him…it’s a trick. They all always use the same excuse. Cmon Y/n.” Katsuki pulls you along with him making sure to keep distance between you and your father.
“You’ll regret this Y/n! What if your mother dies huh!?” This made you stop katsuki from walking, turning to your father. You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t know what to say.
Shall you return to save your mother?
Or stay where it’s safe.
You look back up at Katsuki, the boy who’s given you so much.
“If your mom cared about you wouldn’t she go searching? They don’t love you Y/n. I know you love your mom…but she doesn’t love you anymore. And if she did she’d want you to stay where it’s safe…” he fully turned around to steady you. Cupping your face in his hand, you could tell he was worried. You trusted him.
Your father couldn’t be trusted, katsuki who had changed so much for you. You’ll believe him. “S…sorry dad…but you are no longer my father! I’ve been happy! Tell mom…I love her and hope she finds happiness herself!” You scream, quickly pulling Katsuki along with you as you run away. Run like your life depended on it.
Katsuki let out a sigh of relief.
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At school you and katsuki always parted ways. But he left you alone for the most part! Especially not wanting to be around Izuku.
“It’s the last day…and the exams are in 3 more months…” Izuku mumbled to himself. “Really? I’d didn’t even notice that…” you’ve been having such a good time lately you didn’t notice it was your last day of jounior high.
“Hey…Izu…what if you do get in? Where…where would I go?” You finally said it looking into Izuku’s eyes, looking for a sign, anything for him to stay with you.
“I…I don’t know…but I’m doing this for us!” He gave you his signature big smile, the smile that you loved. But you knew that loving him will give you nothing, it’ll only hurt you.
You knew you could never keep up with him.
You were his past. Not his future.
You knew you had to push these feelings down, you had to look to your own future. You just didn’t know what. It’s always been with Izuku. It’s always been him. You felt your words get stuck in your throat as you try not to cry.
“Yeah…do it…I’ll cheer you on from the sidelines. Just don’t forget about me when you become number 1 Izu.” You give him a big smile, tears streaming down your face, Izuku embraced you, you breath in his scent for one last time.
Goodbye, Izuku Midoriya, my first love.
My everything.
As you hugged him you noticed something different, he was a lot musclier than normal.
“H-have you been working out?” You sniffle, leaning away from him. He lets out a long laugh at your sudden statement.
“Uh…yeah! Yknow heros, they can’t just be smart.” You two share on last laugh together.
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AN: Part 2 is a little shorter! I might drag this out for 3-4 more parts! Because I love this little story <3 I hope you all enjoy! Get ready for part 3! What will the reader be? How does she live without Izuku by her side anymore!?
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skzhua · 1 year
Episode six.
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pairing: XO, Kitty's Min Ho x Female Reader
genre: Fluff, angst, enemies-to-lovers, slow burn, coming-of-age.
word count: 3.1k
warnings: A lot is happening in such a short time, mentions of deceased parents, drinking, teenage behaviour, suggestive.
summary: Transferring to KISS was the last thing you had asked for and, yet, a certain tall boy made it seem both worse and better than you expected.
note: Bold - Korean, Italic - Over the phone
(let me know by filling the form in my bio if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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Min Ho walked out of his room to see you sitting at the counter, enjoying your morning coffee alone. He went to go grab his mist that stood next to your mug, passing in front of you in the process which exposed you to his shirtless figure. You groaned out of disgust.
"Can't you put a shirt on?"
"Not my fault you can't handle this?" he pointed to his muscular torso with a smirk on his face.
Misting his face with his eyes closed, he didn't notice you got off your stool to step closer to him. You eyed him up and down, checking out how hot he was.
"You're right." Your hot breath made him open his eyes. "I can't handle it."
"I'm right?"
Up on your tiptoes, you leaned closer to his ear. Min Ho felt his heart get faster and faster.
"You're too bloody hot." you whispered sensually
Taking the mist from his hand, you put it aside and slid your arms around his neck. He gulped and his eyes flickered down to your lips. He carefully placed his hands on your waist.
"I hope you're not joking." he breathed out in a low voice.
"Why would I be joking?"
"Because you hate-"
You shushed him and leaned closer to his face. Min Ho felt the pace of his heart quickened more and held you tighter. As your lips were about to touch, Min Ho shook himself awake. Sitting up on his bed, he felt the sweat drip on his forehead. Never in his life had he had such an explicit dream of someone he despised so much.
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The week consisted of two things: school and Kitty's venting. As much you liked the girl, she had nothing else to talk about but her supposed-discovery that your professor was her potential brother and that Dae hadn't thanked her for giving him back her necklace. So, reading a book in the comfort of your couch was enough for her to understand you had other things to do and she continued to rant to Q. You hadn't read far because your phone rang to notify you that someone texted you.
Yuri: Sleepover tonight?
Y/N: What's the occasion?
Yuri: Nothing, I just need to get my mind off things.
Y/N: Sure.
Yuri: Are you going to Min Ho's party? We could go together.
Min Ho. Again. And again. The two of you had not talked since the accident. Not that you minded. In fact, you were quite happy to not have him around as much. Though he did start to act weirdly around you the day after. You didn't question it as he was probably getting sick of seeing you just as much as you were.
You weren't going to go to the party. He did add you to the list of guests but it wasn't your thing. Adding the fact that it was against the rules and that your aunt was the vice-principal, you didn't want to get in trouble.
Y/N: I'll see. I'll be at your place in an hour.
You packed pyjamas and clothes for the next day in your bag and went to grab your toothbrush and other necessities in the bathroom. Opening the door, Min Ho was already there putting on his night cream. As soon as he saw you, he stopped moving. You gestured for him to move aside so you can grab your things but he didn't budge.
"Min Ho." you said in a warning voice.
He cleared his throat and finally left you space. You looked at him weirdly while shoving your hairbrush in your bag. You accidentally touched one of his products as it was in the way and he gasped in panic.
"Don't touch that!"
"You're getting weirder and weirder every day." you sighed.
"What are you even doing?"
"Be glad, I'm sleeping at Yuri's tonight. A small break away from you is going to do me some good."
He forced a smile. "That's so thoughtful of you."
You arrived at Yuri's soon enough and she invited you in kindly, offering you something to drink. Walking to her living room, you saw your aunt discussing in laughter with Principal Lim. She got up as soon as she saw you and came to engulf you in a tight hug.
"I haven't heard about you in days, I was wondering how you were doing."
"I'm great. I'm sorry I couldn't spend Chuseok with you."
She shook her head vigorously. "I'm just glad you spent time with your friends."
"Y/N is among our best rising students. Her grades are impressive." Jina added. "And I'm more than happy she and Yuri get to bond."
"Mom." Yuri rolled her eyes.
"What?" she said innocently.
"We'll be in my room."
She took your hand and dragged you behind her before shutting her door. With a heavy sigh, she let herself fall on her bed.
"I'm sorry if my invitation was so sudden. I felt lonely and I'm sick of only having Dae around."
You sat next to her. "I understand. I needed a break from my dorm anyway."
She frowned. "It's not going well?"
"I was misplaced in the boys dorm." you admitted.
"Right, oh." you chuckled. "Don't rat me out."
She zipped her mouth to confirm you that you could trust her. "Who are you rooming with?"
She gasped. "No way."
"And Q, and Min Ho." you failed to mention Kitty since you didn't want to cause a fuss over it.
"Y/N, the hell?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "We manage. The guys are not that bad, I swear."
"You could have asked to change."
"I tried already but the girls' is full. It's all good, don't worry."
She didn't seem fully convinced but she didn't push it. "Alright, if you say so."
"How about you? Have you heard from Juliana?"
Her head dropped down. "I've seen her on the first day but she left to whatever school, away from me. She promised we would find each other again but I'm starting to lose hope."
You rubbed her shoulder in a comforting way. "I'm sorry you have to go through this."
She exhaled loudly. "It's okay, it's only a rough pass, right?"
You acquiesced with her. To take her mind off everything, you prompted you do some face masks while watching the movie of her choice. You definitely didn't think you'd be doing anything of that sort when coming to KISS, even less with Yuri. For once, you felt like the two of you were more than forced friends and that you genuinely were bonding.
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You left with Yuri to go to school and went separate ways so she could join Dae. As for you, Q texted you to join him and Kitty before class.
The three of you went to get ice americanos and sat at a table while Kitty went on with her necklace story. You almost wished you had stayed with Yuri.
"While I would love to talk about this whole thing again, I'd rather shove scissors in my ears, no offense." you said after she moved to talking about Dae again.
Q sighed in relief. "Yes, thank you. Seriously, this whole week, all we've been hearing is Dae, necklace, Yuri, Alex, necklace, Alex, Yuri, Dae, necklace... You're like a robot that's malfunctioning, stuck on a loop."
You nodded. "Yeah, and didn't you come here to have new experiences and love your life?"
"You know what Min Ho's Madness Party is?" Q asked which earned him a look from Kitty and you. "A new experience."
"Ugh, God. I can't believe I was about to stay in on a Friday night, pouting about a boy." she grunted. "Oh, no. I'm turning into LJ..."
"I'm out for this one. I'm not going." you announced before sipping on your coffee.
Q's eyes went wide. "What? No, both of you have to come. You're going to go out into the great big world and be a new kind of yourselves."
"A new kind of ourselves who..?" you trailed off in confusion.
"Who'll find someone to kiss?"
You exploded in laughter but Kitty seemed to be in agreement with his suggestion. "I always thought Dae would be my first kiss, and now he's the only boy in the world who can't be."
"Yeah, I know, I know. But think of all the possibilities. Seriously, use that matchmaker skill on yourself. Switch it up!" Q beamed at her.
"Okay... I could kiss somebody tonight. Yeah, I will kiss somebody tonight."
"Yes, girl." he shouted, satisfied.
"You guys have fun boy-chasing." you chuckled but Q shook his head
"Don't think you can get away from this, my friend."
You groaned. "Do I have to come?"
"Yes, please. You could help me with finding a boy." Kitty begged.
"I don't have your talent with that sort of things."
It was Q's turn to beg. "Y/N, I never see you go out much. It'll be fun. Consider it as a night out with us only."
You bit your lip in hesitation. "I guess I can stay for a bit. I might leave earlier, though."
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Kitty helped you with choosing what you were going to wear. Since it was supposedly the event of the year, she insisted that you looked your very best. While she picked a tight black top with an equally tight black skirt, she spotted your red sheer top with a V neckline.
"Why is it that I have never seen you wear this?"
You took it from her. "It's something Yuri forced me to buy when we went shopping together once, nothing extravagant."
She scoffed. "Are you kidding? This will look amazing with your black skirt. Oh, and your chain necklace!"
You bickered over it until you gave up and changed. You helped her with the makeup and hair before doing yours. Satisfied with your looks, you went to the event together. The place was gigantic, a good way for Min Ho to show off his wealth as he was the one renting it.
"Do you see Q? He told me he was going to be with Florian." Kitty asked and you shook your head, clueless on where your friend was.
After assuring her that you'd be fine alone, you went separate ways to find the guys. The crowd was already dancing like there was no tomorrow, leaving you close to no space to pass through. You ended up getting out of the pack of people and opted to go look towards the bar. A wave of relief travelled your body when your eyes narrowed down to your friends as they were exchanging hugs and laughs. You wanted to join them but a voice calling you out interrupted you.
"Can I offer you something to drink? It's on me."
You stopped on your tracks as you held your breath, slowly turning around. Coming face to face with Min Ho, you smiled awkwardly as he gasped in horror.
"That's how you pick up on girls?" you let out a laugh as he cursed at himself for hitting on you.
"Ah, my eyes! It's like looking directly to the sun." Min Ho grumbled to himself.
You didn't bother staying with him as Q saw you from afar and invited you to join the lot.
"Hey, guys." you waved at them and Q could only laugh as he watched Min Ho behind you.
"You're so hot, you even got him to stare."
You brushed it off and hugged Kitty instead. However, she immediately broke away from it and pointed behind you.
"Dae is here." she said and Dae smiled at her from afar. "Nope. I am here to meet a new boy to kiss."
She stole Q's mocktail and expected for it to have alcohol in it. After discussing liquor, you picked up another drink that Q ordered for you and asked Florian to put his strong alcohol in it.
"Need to get tipsy?" Florian asked.
Kitty laughed and raised her glass. "To new experiences. Let's do this."
Dae walked up to her and began to say something but the three others walked away. Clueless, you stood still and gave him a sad look.
"Good luck with that." you tapped his shoulder before catching up to the others.
You all soon went on the dance floor and started to enjoy the party fully. You bumped into someone by accident and apologized quickly. The girl squealed when she saw you.
"Y/N! I haven't seen you around much." Eunice exclaimed.
"I wasn't out much either."
"Good thing you are here. I talked about you to this boy the other day and he's so handsome. He's here, you should meet him."
You shook your hands in refusal. "Please, no."
"Come on, I'm sure you'll like him."
You stopped your protests as she pulled you out of the crowd. She walked around for a bit, looking for the man in particular, and then rushed you to him. He was sitting at the bar and exchanging with some other guy.
"Dongmin, this is Y/N."
One of the two guys excused himself and left you while the other smiled at you warmly. He was much taller than you and was definitely the type of guy who knew he was handsome. Well, like Min Ho.
"It's nice to meet you. Eunice has told me all about you."
"I'll leave you to it." the girl in question whispered before disappearing.
You were uncomfortable but at that point, you didn't care that much. Florian might have put too much liquor in your drink since you could already feel the effects. Dongmin ordered one for you and pulled out a flask out of his vest. Although it was a bad idea, you let him pour some in your glass.
"So, your parents were the heads of a restaurant company?"
"That's right."
"It must have been hard when they died. Going from a rich environment to living with the middle-class."
You almost spit out your sip. "Excuse me?"
"Well, it must be different now, no? I've heard you needed a scholarship to come here instead of being able to pay for your studies."
"I did get a scholarship, but-"
He cut you off. "I'm supposing your parents left nothing for you? Wow, that sucks."
"What? How-"
"Dongmin." someone said as they stopped behind you.
"Ah. The host of the event. How are you, Min Ho?"
"I'd be doing better if you weren't harassing my friend."
You stopped breathing for a bit. Min Ho was coming to your rescue and you couldn't be any more thankful for it. But you didn't understand why he was doing this.
"Harrassing? We were just talking."
Min Ho gave him a sour look. "About her parents, yeah? I don't think she appreciates it."
"We're good, man." Dongmin defended. "Right, Y/N?"
You simply shrugged your shoulders, earning a huff from Min Ho. "Are you feeling comfortable? Really?" he asked to be sure.
You looked back and forth between the two men and slowly shook your head. That told plenty for Min Ho to take you by the wrist and lead you away from the guy. There was a spot away from the dance floor that was quiet enough to feel more cozy. He invited you to sit and took a bottle of water from behind the bar to give it to you.
"I thought you were better than this to defend yourself."
"Thank you for your concern but I was doing just fine." you argued as you took a sip of water.
"Fine? Y/N, you were almost shaking there."
"Well, now I'm good." you shot at him. "I'll find Kitty and Q."
You left him behind and rushed back to the dancing floor. Little did you know that Min Ho followed you from a distance. Only to keep an eye on you in case you had to bump into Dongmin again.
The night went on, more drinks were consumed on your part, third-wheeling Q and Florian was a good way to summarize the whole thing. You had lost Kitty along the way as she went away after she threw a fit at Dae, evidently too drunk to be in her right mind.
The boys were making out furiously next to you and you were growing more and more disgusted. Not that you didn't root for them but they were far beyond keeping it innocent. Eventually, you left and found Eunice again in the crowd as Yuri started her set.
"I'm sorry about Dongmin. Min Ho told me what happened." she said as she gave you a hug.
She focused back on Yuri but your mind went off somewhere else. Maybe, just maybe, you liked the idea of Min Ho caring about you. After all, he hadn't been so bad in the past recent days.
"I'll be gone for a minute." you said to Eunice before starting to look for Min Ho.
You didn't know what you wanted to tell him but there was this thing between you that needed to be cleared up. With people jamming to the music, it made it hard for you to search for him properly.
As you were about to give up, you saw him from afar by recognizing his green suit that fitted him way too well for your own sake. You walked towards him but stopped when you were close enough to see what he was doing. Holding her closely by the waist, his lips were on Madison's. Your heart fell and it felt like everything around you disconnected. He pulled away from the girl and finally noticed you were standing only a few feet away from him.
"Y/N." he said and let go of Madison.
"I didn't want to interrupt." you managed to say. "I just wanted to-"
You couldn't finish your sentence. The music stopped abruptly and you saw Professor Lee with Principal Lim on the stage with stares of disapproval. Everyone began to run out of the place in a hurry which made you stumble only to crash on someone. You were lucky to find out that it was Yuri and she helped you get out with her and Dae. As soon as you stepped outside, camera flashes were blinding you. Yuri pushed you away violently and took off with Dae. You'd usually say it was a bitch move but considering the fact cameras were capturing her, she was probably only trying to protect you.
Min Ho ran to you after seeing her push you. He held your shoulders and scanned your body for any injury.
"Are you sure you are okay?" he asked again.
"Can you leave me be?" you exploded at him. "Go back to Madison or something."
taglist: @nanaspalette | @schniti-is-in-the-house | @bakugou-katsukis-wife |@soobin-chois | @honeydewpie | @snoozeagustd | @justemalove | @n1ninunwo0 | @loislucky | @kuromomomi | @lysira340 | @lenilla15 | @upsidedownjill | @woozarts | @hy-eins | @olivetheoryx | @b1tch1macow | @dreaming-hope25 | @jiaant11 | @melsunshine | @aar0nette | @wonyofanclub | @jaehyunicecream | @zucchinimalfoy | @beeomgui | @jinxwhore28
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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theholypeanut · 6 months
♪ To All The Girls You Loved Before ♪
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Cw: gn!reader, Otoya slander, Otoya being a lovesick simp, Blood, mentioning of hooking up (not with reader), aged up characters (university), fluff?? kinda?? Mostly comedy I’d say, using words like whore or slut, but I promise it’s not serious I love Otoya, mentioning of STDs (guys why this cw gets weirder and weirder), Otoya is suggested to be bi here
1,3k words (I’m shocked too)
Birthday Fic for Otoya Eita!!
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Otoya Eita was a whore. 
Everyone knew it - at least everyone at the university, in the football club, gym, probably within a 50 kilometers radius from the dorms as well, including supermarkets, flower shops, game arcades, and even the cinema workers (oh they probably knew the best, seeing him every week taking another girl on the same romantic comedy).
Well, it was not a secret, and it was neither something that made you hate or despise him. You had no opinion about him until you met him. 
And you met for the first time in the book shop, when you were looking into a new book by Yoko Ogawa.
Someone next to you dropped their book.
„Ouch, sorry” you heard a deep male voice. „I just accidentally dropped my modern feministic literature. My bad.” He picked up Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay from the floor. This scene was so ridiculous and obnoxious, you couldn’t hold the laughter. 
„Did you literally pick the closest book with the word feminist in it?” You asked amused. He cleared his throat. „No, I’m a big fan of…” he took a quick peak at the cover. „…Roxane Gay”
You smirked and raised your eyebrow. „Ooh really? How did you like Five Guys; My Story of the Polygamist Hexagon?” Eita didn’t even blink. „Actually this one is my favorite” he said with absolutely no shame in his voice. You rolled your eyes with a smile. „It’s not a real book, dumbass. I made it up.” 
Otoya was so used to interactions like this, that he didn’t feel offended at all. „Well sounds like a great read, maybe you should write something like this” he said, putting the book back on the shelf. „However if we start dating I don’t know if I want to have a… polygamist hexagon. Well, at least not with five guys”. He sent you a wink.
You looked at him with a mix of disbelief and amusement. „You are really something else, Otoya” you said, with a smile. „But I’m not gonna lie, that was probably the funniest and the dumbest conversation I had recently. Thanks” And you left him in between the shelves. 
In the beginning, Otoya was planning to just woo you into going on a date with him because you seemed cute. But that was the moment when he fell hard - this bright smile, laughter… He knew his pickup line was awful but you were not really mean to him. You didn’t look at him with disgust. Even more: He never saw the most gorgeous human being with such a beautiful laugh and right now he was dedicated to getting to know you. 
He started to come to the bookshop every single day - he was not obsessed enough to skip trainings (because he was not ready for Yukimiya to kick his ass) but even the elderly lady at the counter started to cheer up for him. 
„You know, young gentleman” she said one evening, seeing him looking in between the shelves. „They are a student at the university close by, I assume they are in their second year since they were buying some textbooks recently” she gave him a hint. The next day Otoya gave her a bouquet of the prettiest flowers he could afford. He was dedicated to finding you. If you knew who he was, then you probably study together. Or did he date your friend? Multiple friends? He hoped not your sibling or mom because that for sure would make things complicated when he will finally propose. 
Yes, this Otoya Eita, a town slut, was already preparing his wedding vows after one interaction. 
„I have no idea what’s their name” he whined to Karasu during the break. „They were the most beautiful person I ever saw…” 
„You say that about every second hook up, Eita” Karasu answered a little annoyed. It's been a week since he started making his failed love life everyone’s problem. Not like he wasn’t whining before, but usually it was after he cheated on a girl and she got angry, not before he even asked anyone out. „Also Jesus, why are you so fixated on the Feminist Book Stranger? You usually take rejection so lightly, I’m surprised to see you so…” 
„Pathetic?” Chigiri suggested, as he was drinking water nearby.
„Pitiful?” Yukimiya added. 
„…Lovesick” Karasu ended. Otoya signed dramatically. „You will be so jealous on my wedding, you will see”
„Well, I don’t think so” Chigiri said after taking another sip of water. „If they know your name, I assume they probably also know your dating history”
He knew. Otoya was well aware of his reputation, but till now he never really cared. Because he never expected to actually fall in love with someone, and even more he never was anxious that his soulmate might find him disgusting and pathetic. 
„At least check yourself for STDs before trying to get into your future spouse’s pants” Reo added after listening to the whole conversation. „I don’t think chlamydia is the best way gift you can give them on the first date.”
Otoya took a mental note that even if he felt a little offended, this was not the worst advice. 
And fate brought you together again, no later than the next day. 
You had an important essay due today and spent every possible moment studying and writing it. You kind of regret you had no time to read for fun anymore, only to drown under the amount of literature you had to read for your university lectures and tests, but there was no other way. There was one particular book you needed to borrow to finally end this monstrosity you’ve been creating, and then you are free… at least until the next essay. You took the turn to the university library. 
„You know, I think I achieved a new low” you heard a feminine voice. „I was looking for a fast hook up and even Otoya ghosted me. This one hurts. I think it's time for therapy or some shit, because if even him…” 
You smirked. Who knows if there are therapists in this city, who get another crying college girl or guy in their chair and can thank Otoya Eita for bringing in more than 20% of their revenue? 
You didn’t want to get caught eavesdropping, so you fast went to the door out of the building, the library was just minutes away. You pushed the door outside with a lot of force… and heard a bang. 
„FUUUUCK” you heard someone swearing right in front of you. It was almost as loud as the laughter that was accompanying it. „Right into your nose dude!” You heard the amused voice. You panicked. „Oh my god, I’m so so sorry” You slide through the door to the poor victim who was not other than… Otoya Eita. He froze for a second, considering if he just died and gone to heaven, that he heard your voice again. He looked up at your face, but his vision was still blurry. 
You took out the tissue from your bag. His nose was bleeding, so you gently pressed the tissue to his face. „Shit, do you have a concussion?” You asked panicked. Karasu stood next to you. „Just ask him something” he suggested, still amused by the situation. You thought for a second. „What's the capital of Malta?” The dark-haired guy looked at you both surprised and amused. „Okay but maybe ask him something he knows”
„I'm fine guys” they heard the weak voice. He looked at Karasu angrily. „Don't you dare flirt with the love of my life!” 
You looked at him confused, then looked at Karasu. „Yeah I think he has a concussion, maybe we should take him to the hospital.” 
Otoya’s nose stopped bleeding and his head was no longer spinning. Somehow you looked even more beautiful than the first time he saw you.
„How about you take me out for dinner, as an apology?” He sent Karasu „the” look. Tabito rolled his eyes in answer. „I’ll leave you two lovebirds here to flirt” he said and started walking away. You were too stunned to speak. You turned back to white haired guy still too confused with what is happening to digest his offer.
„Wait, are you serious right now?”
He smirked.
„So, how about tonight?”
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There is gonna be part 2, this is a promise and a threat at the same time, because I had so much fun writing this crack fic
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atlasscrumpit · 10 months
Yandere Steve/Bucky
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(au where they won the war, Steve didn't die and Bucky didn't fall off a train, set in the 40s)
Bucky looked down at you and smiled, running his hand through your hair.
"Steve's going to love you so much, darling girl. Our perfect girl." He whispered to himself while he played with your soft hair.
"Our perfect wife." He whispered, smiling before he heard the door open.
He left your room and saw Steve coming home.
"Hey, Buck." He muttered as Bucky smiled.
"I have a very special gift for you, punk." Bucky said as Steve looked at him in confusion and slight worry.
"What's going on?" Steve asked as Bucky grabbed his hand and pulled him to where you were unconscious.
"Y/N?" He muttered, quickly rushing up to your bedside.
"Is she okay?" He asked as Bucky smiled.
"She's perfect, Steve. You always talked about how perfect she would be as a wife. Now she can be." Bucky said as Steve looked at him with confusion.
"What? What are you on about?" Steve asked as he looked back at you and felt your forehead for a temperature.
"She doesn't know what's good for her, Steve. All those dates she goes on? Those disgusting men always around her, living in a crappy apartment by herself. The war is over, Steve. Don't we deserve a good life? Don't we deserve to have her as our perfect wife?" Bucky said as Steve looked at him in shock.
"Bucky, what the hell has gotten into you?" Steve asked as Bucky grit his teeth together.
"She is staying here! I burnt down her apartment anyway!" Bucky shouted as Steve looked at him in utter disbelief.
"Bucky... What the hell?" Steve growled before they heard a noise from you.
Steve looked back to see you starting to wake up.
"Buck, out. I won't mention what you did but I'm not letting you talk to her right now." Steve scolded as Bucky took a deep breath and left without another word.
Steve looked down at you as your eyes started to flutter open.
"Easy, Y/N." Steve whispered as you began to wake up.
"Steve? What's going on?" You asked as he helped you sit up, you were still pretty groggy.
"It's okay, you're at Bucky and I's apartment. What's the last thing you remember, love?" He asked as you tried to think back.
"I went out to lunch with Bucky and then I remember not feeling well so we went back to the car and then I fell asleep." You muttered as Steve nodded.
He needed to come up with a pretty good lie.
"Well, there was a fire at your apartment, nothing survived. I think Bucky was trying to find a way to tell you but he didn't want to wake you up." He said as you looked at him in confusion.
"My home burnt down?" You muttered with sadness in your eyes.
"Yes, love. But, it's okay, this can be your home now. You can stay with Bucky and I." He said as you nodded a little.
"Bucky was acting weird when we went to lunch, is he okay?" You asked, Steve sighed but nodded his head.
"Yeah, I think he's just a bit all over the place at the moment. After he came back from fighting he was different...but I guess that's to be expected. Especially because Hydra captured him." Steve replied as you nodded.
"Yeah... You're right."
Everything seemed suspicious about this situation, you trusted Steve and Bucky but they had been acting weirder than usual...especially Bucky.
You were making breakfast for them one morning and you felt arms wrap around your waist, you knew it was Bucky but your never been very affectionate with either of them.
"Buck?" You muttered as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
"I could get used to this." He muttered as you chuckled awkwardly.
"I just thought I would do something nice for you since you've let me stay here." You replied as he backed away a little.
"I was thinking... Why don't you live here permanently? I know you've been looking for other places but I don't think it's a good idea." He said as you looked at him in confusion.
"What do you mean?" You asked as sighed.
"Y/N, you can't live alone in an apartment you're whole life. Who's going to take care of you?" He asked, you looked at him and backed away.
"I can take care of myself, Bucky." You replied with anger evident in your voice.
"No, you can't Y/N. You need Steve and I, we will take care of you, spoil you and you can be our perfect little housewife." He said, stepping forward as you looked at him in fear.
"What the hell has gotten into you!" You shouted as he pushed you against the counter and kept a grip on your hip with one hand.
"You need me, you need us, we have to take care of you." He whispered as he leant in and forcefully kissed you.
You tried to push him away before someone grabbed him.
"Bucky, enough!" Steve yelled as Bucky backed away.
"Y/N, love. Thank you for breakfast, just go into your room while I sort this out, okay?" Steve said as you nodded and ran off obediently.
"Why does she obey you so easily!" Bucky says about to rush towards you before Steve grabbed him.
"Buck! Enough, you need to calm down. This is all too much for her, I agree that we have to take care of her but she needs time to settle in, okay?" Steve said in a stern way as Bucky sighed and nodded.
"You're right, we need to take it slow." He replied as Steve nodded and let him go.
"She'll realise she needs us soon enough."
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magicamicitia · 2 months
WARNING: Mentions of suicidal/intrusive thoughts.
Volume One, Chapter Two
“You’re not alone anymore.”
Sunset Shimmer once again woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, and carried on with her morning routine as normal. However, the memories of the previous afternoon refused to leave her thoughts.
She was aware of the existence of magic in other worlds, but… This one wasn’t supposed to be one of them. So what’s up with all of this? Magical girls? Witches? A talking cat-with-bunny-ears freak? It was weirder than anything she’d ever seen in any other world. Apparently, humans like her weren’t supposed to be able to see witches like she did. Sunset figured her background as a magic interdimensional traveller could explain that abnormality.
Whatever this all meant, she hoped Twilight knew what she was doing.
“I have no idea what I’m doing!” Twilight Sparkle skipped nervously around her room.
“Don’t worry!” the small white creature, who referred to itself as ‘Kyubey’, carefully groomed its fur in a corner. “If you ever need any help, you can always ask me.”
Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
“Yeah, that’s real reassuring. The last time I asked for your help, You-“
Her train of thought was crudely interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Sweetie?” Her mother’s voice called. “Are you okay in there? You’re gonna be late if you don’t come out soon!”
“Shoot! I’d better get going!”
She left her home in a hurry as to avoid being late, despite her family’s attempts to tell her she still had twenty minutes until her usual time of departure. With a half-eaten sandwich in her hands and a trusty Kyubey over her shoulders, she was surely ready for another day as a high school student AND magical girl!
Twilight Sparkle suddenly felt a strange weight on her chest. looking down at the soul gem ring on her finger, she noticed it emitted a strange glow.
“What’s all this now?”
“Your soul gem is reacting to magic,” kyubey answered. “There must be a witch nearby! We have to go after it!”
“NOW?! I can’t go after a witch NOW! I couldn’t even finish off the last one, and if I take too long fighting it… I’ll be…”
She gulped, terrified.
“Twilight! You’re a magical girl now, the future of humanity relies on you battling witches!”
“I know, I know… But… Like, can’t you do it or something?”
“Unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do about witches in their physicial form. But once you defeat the witch, I can collect its grief seed and make sure it never comes back!”
“Ughhhh!!! Fine, I’ll do it, I’ll do it…”
Her soul gem’s magic led her to a beautiful hedge maze just outside an ancient history museum.
“Wow… this place looks so peaceful. Odd spot for a witch to make its lair.”
“You’re right, Twilight. Usually, witches will try to hatch in locations where they can collect the despair of nearby victims. But this maze is a total ghost town…”
“Well, then that must mean this one doesn’t feel like it needs any extra power, huh?”
“Yes. We’d better get ready; we’re about to enter the labyrinth, quite literally.”
As Twilight moved towards the center of the maze, she could feel reality around her become more and more distorted. But she noticed a strange consistency among the chaos.
“These patterns… these creatures… This is the same witch from yesterday!”
Kyubey backed up against Twilight’s legs, looking for refuge. “Looks like we got real lucky then. If we had decided to fight it then, with a human tagging along, things would have gotten real dangerous.”
Twilight spared no time - casting her magical power, she transformed into her magical girl self and barged through the horde of familiars with her shield. The familiars, however, laughed at her futile attempts. Their torn bodies sewed themselves back together to take on another form.
“P…Principal Celestia…?” Twilight felt an enourmous weight fall onto her shoulders.
“Twilight Sparkle,” said the mirage. “What are you doing here, when you should be at school? You used to be such a good student…”
“U-Used to be? No, no, I still am! In fact, I was on my way back-“
“It’s too late for that now. You’ve already been expelled from Crystal Prep, do you want me to expel you from Canterlot High as well? That won’t look good on your records.”
“No! I wasn’t expelled! Candace just thought it would be better for me if…”
Her legs were shaking.
“I… I’m… You’re not supposed to be here!”
Mustering up her strength, Twilight attacked the illusion of Celestia with everything she had. The familiars, however, simply dissolved themselves while laughing, leaving Twilight to fall to the ground, crying and defeated.
“What’s happening… Why am I… So weak…?”
The laughter around her turned to chants.
“End it!”
“What good is a magical girl who can’t fight a witch?”
“End it!”
“Give up your soul gem and feed us!”
“End it!”
“End it!”
“End it!”
Her vision was starting to get blurry. Why did she accept this awful offer in the first place?! She didn’t have what it took to be a magical girl at all!
That’s right…
The reason was…
“Hold on tight, sugarcube!”
From the skies, a mysterious sillhouette came down to Twilight’s aid. Once it landed, she was surprised to see another magical girl, just like her!
Well, maybe her clothes were a little different. Very country. And instead of a shield, this girl took out five mint-condition flintlock muskets from her stylish cowboy hat. With the aim and confidence of a professional, she took down the monsters without missing a single shot. Then, she whipped her hair around, adjusted her hat, and turned to a baffled Twilight on the ground.
She smiled and reached out her hand.
“You alright over there?”
Before she could even say anything, four other girls made their way to Twilight and the mysterious magical girl.
“AJ, no fair! You said this one was mine!” A feisty girl with rainbow-colored hair rushed in first, clearly very upset.
“Oh, darling, please, that was clearly not the witch. You’re making a scene for no reason.” Added a purple-haired girl dressed in gorgeous modern-victorian couture.
“Wait,” said the multicolor girl. “Who’s that one over there?”
“I-I’m… Twilight… Twilight Sparkle…” She clumsily adjusted her glasses and got up.
“Pleasure to meet ya, Twilight.” The girl with the muskets smiled. “Name’s applejack.”
“I’m Rainbow Dash!” the spunky girl added.
“My name is Rarity, but you may call me Miss Rarity if you’re a fan.”
“Oh, I’ve heard your name before! You’re like, a prodigy star of the design world, right?”
“You’re quite right, darling! And those two over there are Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.”
“W…Woah… So, you’re all magical girls…?”
“ALMOST all of us. Flutter can’t seem to come up with a wish, so we just drag her along as moral support.” Rainbow Dash cut in with a sarcastic tone.
“Rainbow, don’t say that!” Applejack reprimanded. “Don’t you worry, sugarcube. I know how scary it is to fight them mean witches all by yourself, but you’re not alone in this no more. We got your back!”
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kallie-den · 1 month
An unethical hypnotist finds out that her new girlfriend has a twin brother, and takes it as an opportunity to create a matching pair
A really fun little force-fem/incest/twinning story my patrons voted for a few months back!
If you like my writing, please consider supporting me on Patreon!  For less than the price of a cup of coffee each month, you can get immediate, early access to everything I write - 4 pieces of hypno-smut a  month, including the latest chapters of all the multi-chapter stories I write. Your support helps me keep writing and is greatly appreciated <3
“So, Natasha.” Ethan tried to sound casual as he asked the question he’d come all this way to put to his sister’s creepy new girlfriend. It wasn’t hard; the wine had been flowing freely all evening. “How did you two meet?”
“See, that’s an unfair question.” Natasha giggled. “Not like I can ask you the same thing.”
Natasha was sitting at the opposite end of the couch. She was smiling, probably; that weird, knowing smile that always raised Ethan’s hackles. But he couldn’t be sure. He couldn’t stop staring at her arm, wrapped possessively around Emma, his twin sister.
“C’mon,” he wheedled, spreading his arms. “Don’t I get to know?”
“Be nice to him, Nat,” Emma said sleepily. “He’s just looking out for his kid sister.”
The two of them were slumped together; Natasha, leaning over on the armrest, Emma, half in her lap. Ethan didn’t like that. He didn’t like how at-ease Natasha looked. From how she lounged around, you’d think this was her apartment, not Emma’s. Except now it was both of theirs, apparently. She’d moved in after just two months. It wasn’t right. Something was up.
“Kid sister?” Natasha raised an eyebrow and took another sip of wine. “I thought the two of you were twins.”
“Twelve minutes.” Emma giggled. “But he never lets anyone forget it.”
Ethan shrugged good-naturedly. He was used to this teasing. “Twelve minutes is twelve minutes! Just let me have this, Em.”
The two of them laughed together, and for a moment it was just like old times. The two of them growing up together, or at college, thick as thieves. The twins. No secrets. No weird girlfriends.
“Twins,” Natasha repeated. The moment died. “You must get tired of hearing this, but it’s really something. The two of you truly are just about identical.”
Emma wagged a finger up at her. “Not identical! I’ve told you, dizygotic. If we were identical, we’d be same-sex.”
“That’s right. I remember.” There was a strange mischief in Natasha’s eyes. As if Ethan needed another reason to dislike her, besides the way she’d come into Emma’s life like a battering ram. “But still. That resemblance. Wow. It’s like… it’s like you’re a matching pair.”
“Similar genes, I suppose.” Ethan couldn’t quite conceal his irritation. He sure did get tired of hearing it.
Not that she was wrong, admittedly. As kids, Ethan and Emma had been mistaken for each other all the time. That was in the past now, but it had persisted long into their teenage years thanks to Ethan’s slight build and preference for keeping his hair long.
“Hey, I’m curious,” Natasha said, a wicked grin slapped across her face. “You two ever fuck with the same girl? Maybe even… at the same time?”
“What the fuck…” Ethan breathed, as Emma completely dissolved into helpless laughter.
“Ew!” she protested, after catching her breath. “A three-way? With him? Are you kidding me? How would that even work?”
Natasha shrugged. “I dunno. But he likes girls, you like girls…”
“Yeah, since, like, two months ago.” Emma stuck her tongue out.
Ethan was aghast. Natasha’s comment was extremely weird, of course, but somehow Emma’s reaction was even weirder. A few months ago, she never would have laughed off a question like that. She would have been angry. Repulsed. That was the twin sister Ethan knew. She was proud, and she had always been so dignified.
And she wasn’t a lesbian.
Was that fucked up of him to think? Maybe. Ethan certainly wasn’t in the business of calling people’s sexualities into question… mostly. But this was Em. He knew her better than he knew herself. They’d never kept anything from each other. If she’d displayed even the slightest inkling of being interested in girls, he’d have known about it. But no; by contrast, she’d always been a little boy crazy. She’d even had a fiancé - right up until she’d ditched him for this sleazeball.
Ethan didn’t like her. It wasn’t that she was trans, and it wasn’t that she was gay. It was something more. It was the way she seemed to have Emma wrapped around her little finger. Something was up, and that shit-eating grin Natasha always wore was all but daring Ethan to figure it out. It was why he’d visited, not that he’d ever have told Emma that. If she was manipulating Emma - or worse - he needed to get to the bottom of it. He wouldn’t have put it past her, especially after comments like the one she’d just made.
And what kind of job was being a hypnotist, anyway?
“That’s really gross…” Ethan said quietly. He was hoping for some backup from Emma. He didn’t get much.
“I told you, play nice.” Emma gave Natasha a little tap on the arm. “You were about to tell him how we met?”
“Right.” Ethan couldn’t shake the feeling Natasha was smirking at him as she spoke. “Well, that’s not much of a story. Emma came to one of my shows, we got talking, and the rest is history.”
Emma pressed a little closer to Natasha and favored her with a winning smile. She seemed sickeningly infatuated.
“I see.” Ethan nodded. He needed to keep his cool. See if he could trick any answers out of Natasha. “That sounds nice. And is this before or after you figured out that you, uh…”
He threw Emma a significant look.
“Are a lesbian?” She snickered. “Yeah, pretty much around that time.”
“A little before,” Natasha corrected. Her smirk was widening. “You might say I talked her through it, actually. Maybe made her realize a few things.”
“Yeah.” Emma’s eyes became a touch unfocused. Clearly, she’d had a glass too many. “You were a big help.”
“Oh yeah?” Ethan tried his best to feign simple curiosity. “How’s that?”
Natasha just shrugged. “I’ve had shit to come to terms with too. Gender, sexuality… it’s not so different.” She looked down at Emma and licked her lips. “And then we hooked up. I guess I’m just a smooth talker.”
The way she said it was just so twisted. And that look in her eyes. Once, in college, as he’d been walking back to his dorm room, all the other guys had been looking and talking to Ethan just like that. And when he’d opened the door, a bucket of cold water had fallen on his head.
But again, it was how Emma reacted that really caught Ethan’s eye. She was squirming slightly in Natasha’s lap, subtly rubbing her thighs together and pressing closer to her girlfriend. It was lurid. Ethan felt embarrassed to be watching. He cleared his throat conspicuously.
“That’s amazing,” he said, hoping he could keep the bitter insincerity out of his voice. “But, Em, I’m curious, what got you going to a hypnosis show? That doesn’t seem like your scene.”
She stopped writhing, mercifully, and shrugged at him. “I guess I was just curious.”
“Lots of people are.” Natasha snapped at the heels of that comment. “How about you, Ethan? You seem a little scornful.”
That was putting it mildly. “Call it skeptical,” Ethan replied mildly. He didn’t want to put her on edge, but if he could get her talking… “Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure you’re a great performer! But it’s not. You know. Real.”
“It’s real,” Emma retorted quickly. “It works on me.”
“It certainly does,” Natasha laughed.
Emma squirmed again. Ethan had to fight not to blow his top.
“Maybe it works great on some people,” Ethan amended. “A few people. But not… I mean, c’mon! How does that even work? You swing a little pocket watch in front of someone, and they start dancing around like a chicken? Please!”
“Oh, she doesn’t need a pocket watch,” Emma giggled.
Natasha, meanwhile, was just looking at Ethan. She didn’t look offended, not in the slightest. But there was still something fiery about her gaze. It was like she was being challenged. No, like she was challenging him.
And from her grin, she was very, very pleased about it.
“So,” she said slowly, “I’m guessing you don’t think you’re one of those ‘few people’ it works on?”
Ethan shrugged. “Nah. No way.”
“But your sister is?”
Another shrug. “I guess.”
“Now that’s interesting.” Natasha sat forward a little; Emma shifted to accommodate. “You know, you’re right that not everyone is equally susceptible. But your sister? I can assure you, she’s very, very susceptible. She really goes down easy.”
Ethan felt a vein throb in his forehead at the innuendo. But that aside, she was obviously hinting at something. Some kind of influence she had on Emma. Was she really so cocky she was just going to tell him?
“But you two are twins,” Natasha continued. “If you’re really so different, doesn’t that make you wonder? Maybe it’s that old debate again. Nature versus nurture.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” Emma interjected, sleepily and happily. “I told you. We’re not genetically identical.”
“Right. I forgot.” It was as plain as day that she hadn’t. “Still though. Makes me wonder… hey, babe? Sit up for a moment.”
Emma grumbled a little, but quickly propped herself into an upright position and turned to face Ethan, with Natasha sitting behind her. Natasha’s eyes moved slowly back and forth between the twins.
“Wow,” Natasha remarked. “I know, I know, you’re not identical, but… wow. You two. It must be like looking in a mirror.”
“Not really,” Ethan said wearily. Why was she so preoccupied with this? He was trying to get her talking about hypnosis. “Look, same birthday aside, we’re really just brother and sister. It’s not that special.”
“Oh, I disagree,” Natasha replied. “To me, it’s remarkable. Twins or no, the similarity is striking. Maybe you’re just too used to it? That happens, sometimes. You see something every day, for months or years, and it becomes mundane. You know what I’m talking about?”
“Sure, I guess,” Ethan answered impatiently. Natasha had started speaking in this odd, slow way, drawing out the parts of each word into a song-like rhythm. It was kind of annoying. He really wanted her to get to the point.
“You need to get some perspective,” Natasha told him. “Look at this with fresh eyes. At yourself, and your sister. Look. Really look. She looks just like you.”
Ethan found himself obliging, staring straight at Emma. He wasn’t really sure why. It was hard not to, he supposed, after listening to Natasha. Plus, he was a little drunk himself, and it wasn’t like there was anything else in particular for him to rest his eyes on. But also, admittedly, Ethan was wondering: did she have a point? Were they really so identical?
He wasn’t sure, but he didn’t think so. There were similarities, sure - eye color, long hair - but plenty more differences. Emma had long, feminine lashes and rounded cheeks, and was wearing makeup. Her hair was loose in a pretty, wavy bob, not tied back in a low, no-effort ponytail. There was a family resemblance, sure, but nobody was going to get the two of them mixed up.
“I… don’t think so.”
Ethan paused and frowned. He was speaking slowly too, and almost slurring his words. Maybe he was more drunk than he’d thought. That was no good. He needed to stay alert if he was going to save Emma from Natasha. Ethan took a deep breath and did his best to focus on Emma.
“Look deeper,” Natasha urged, in that strange, soothing way of hers. “Past the superficial. You have the same eyes, you know. The same bone structure too. Same cheekbones. And your mouths - yes, those are definitely the same.”
“I dunno,” Ethan demurred. His bone structure? He couldn’t really picture it, although as he looked at Emma, it was easy to imagine that it was similar to hers. That seemed about right. “But… does it matter? I was asking Em about why she-“
“We’re getting to that,” Natasha interrupted smoothly. “Promise. Just listen, OK? I’ll explain everything.”
Ethan was mollified by that. An explanation was exactly what he wanted. He didn’t trust Natasha to tell him the truth, of course. Not really. He’d just have to pay close attention until he could figure out what kind of game she was playing.
“Like looking in a mirror,” Natasha mused. “Your expressions, too. So similar. I bet that’ll make it even clearer. Emma, smile for me.” She did so, the corners of her mouth pulling up into a blissed-out smile that matched the dazed, drunken, contented look in her eyes. “You too, Ethan. Let’s compare.”
After a brief moment of hesitance, Ethan smiled. It would have been harder not to, really. When he looked at his sister smiling, it made him want to smile too. Smiles were infectious, some people said. That must have been it. And besides, he reasoned afterward, he wanted to keep Natasha talking. It was best that he go along with this nonsense for now.
“See?” Natasha sounded vindicated. “Exactly the same. The same smile. Don’t you think so, Ethan?”
Ethan looked closely at Emma’s mouth, at her lips, at their shape. Was it the same? Did his smile feel like that? Look like that? “I’m… not…”
“Look closer. Really look.”
He did. “M… maybe?”
“Yes,” Natasha told him. It was hard to disagree when she sounded so sure. “It’s the same.”
Ethan still wasn’t sure. “I… I’d need to check. In a mirror, or something.”
Natasha laughed at that. “No mirror in here. But I bet you can just imagine a mirror. When was the last time you looked in a mirror? This morning, when you shaved? Think back, Ethan. Did you smile, for a moment? I bet you did. Look at Emma, and remember that moment. Imagine that moment.”
Ethan’s brow furrowed. He wasn’t really interested in indulging this absurd train of thought, but it was proving hard not to. It was a bit like trying not to think about a pink elephant. If you tried not to, that meant you already were. As he stared straight ahead at Emma, it was remarkably easy to imagine that he was looking into a mirror. That her face was a mirror image of his own. And when he thought about it like that, her smile did indeed seem like a perfect fit for his face.
“I guess…” Ethan admitted slowly. “Yeah. Sure.”
“Yes!” Natasha laughed. “I’m so glad you see. Emma, you can stop smiling now.”
Emma’s smile faded as her face relaxed back into a look of blank, dull, vaguely happy sleepiness. How many glasses of wine had she had? She looked seriously out of it. Ethan was a little worried for her. As he looked, his own face relaxed too. His smile faded, and his eyelids suddenly turned remarkably heavy. He supposed he hadn’t had any less to drink than Emma had.
“I think I’ve just about made my point,” Natasha said. Her smile was still so very wide. “You too look almost exactly the same. Identical twins.”
“Yeah,” Ethan agreed reflexively, before he caught the mistake. “Wait, no, that-“
“Oh, that’s right! Thank you for reminding me.” Natasha interrupted. Ethan was glad she understood. “We weren’t just talking about that, were we? We were talking about hypnosis.”
Ethan was about to open his mouth, to correct her about them being identical twins, but he didn’t. It just seemed easier to let her talk.
“But, you see,” Natasha continued, “I bet if you’re identical physically, you’re identical in other ways too. It stands to reason. After all, how you respond to hypnosis is as much a part of your body as it is your mind. Let me show you. Emma?”
Emma looked just a touch more alert as Natasha called her name, but that didn’t last long. Natasha reached up with one hand and caressed the side of her face, the tips of her nails just barely kissing Emma’s skin. It was so close, Ethan couldn’t quite tell if she was touching her or not.
But she must have been, because Emma’s reaction was remarkable. Her eyelids suddenly flickered up and down, and her eyes seemed to roll up into her head. Her shoulders slumped, and she looked like she might have fallen forward without Natasha’s supporting arm around her shoulder. It was like her soul had departed her body, leaving nothing behind but a blank, empty void.
This was hypnosis. That was obvious, even to Ethan.
“What the…” Ethan breathed.
Was this how Natasha was controlling Emma? He wouldn’t have believed it until this very moment.
But the moment didn’t last. Once Natasha drew back her hand, light slowly returned to Emma’s eyes - although not all of it. She looked completely dazed at first, but eventually she grinned, and blushed, and squirmed a little more. Ethan blushed too.
“It’s a particular weakness of hers,” Natasha explained. “Touch. A gentle touch, right there on her face. You have no idea how easy it is to put her in a trance that way. Don’t you think it would work just as well on you?”
“N-no.” Ethan tried to shake his head a little, but found that he couldn’t. “There’s… no way I’d-“
“You know, it’s real tempting to find out.” Natasha tilted her head.
Ethan’s breath caught. “You can’t do th-“
“Don’t worry.” Natasha kept interrupting him like that. It was annoying, but Ethan couldn’t muster the energy to protest. “I’m not going to hypnotize you. We’re just talking, OK?”
“OK.” Ethan relaxed, reassured.
“But just look closely,” Natasha urged, raising her hand to Emma again. “Look, and imagine. Imagine what it might feel like if someone were to touch you like this.”
She began caressing Emma again in just the same way, stroking her fingertips across her cheek. Emma, once again, was rapturous. Seeing her react like that made Ethan shiver.
“It’s the lightness of the touch that matters, you know,” Natasha went on. “That’s the trick. When you just barely touch someone like this, it’s confusing. The nerves under their skin aren’t quite sure if they’re feeling something or not. It captures all of your attention. Makes you shiver. You’ve been touched like that before, right?”
Ethan just barely managed to nod. He felt like he knew what she was talking about.
“Good.” Natasha moved her hand back up, ready to repeat the motion. “Then you know what I mean. You can remember it. Imagine it. Can’t you?”
This time, when her fingertips kissed Emma’s skin, Ethan gasped. He could feel it. He could actually feel it. It was faint, more like a phantom sensation than a real touch… but that was just what Natasha had been talking about, wasn’t it? Focusing on it didn’t banish the illusion; just the opposite, in fact. Ethan found his whole world consumed by that gentle, phantom touch. It left him shivering, free of thought, struggling to figure out what was real and what wasn’t.
“There we go,” Natasha noted approvingly. “You’re imagining it. I can tell. So now, I’m sure, you can imagine just how relaxing this must be for Emma. The way it makes her mind so very still and quiet. You know the feeling.”
It was true. Ethan did. He could picture it vividly. As he was thinking, he noted that even though Natasha was touching the left side of his sister’s face, he could feel it on his right. A mirror image.
“See?” Natasha said. “It’s potent, isn’t it? Maybe if someone did this to you, you’d be hypnotized too.”
Ethan’s brow furrowed - but then unfurrowed. It didn’t feel right. Emma’s brow wasn’t furrowed.
“Like looking in a mirror, Ethan,” Natasha reminded him. “Identical. Remember that. You’re the same. Look at how deep she is. Look at her eyes. Look at how she feels. You’d be the same way, if you could feel this.”
Once more, she stroked the side of Emma’s face. Ethan shivered at her touch.
“See the light fading from her eyes, Ethan.” Natasha’s voice was like a song. It was as gentle as her caress. But there was a power to it; an undertow, irresistible. “Can you see that? Can you see that in your eyes, reflected in Emma’s? That reflection, fading, just like she is? Weakening? Sinking?”
Ethan could. He really could. It was just like looking in a mirror. They’d always had the same eyes. Everyone said so.
“Then that settles it,” Natasha concluded. “You’re just as weak to hypnosis as she is.”
It was hard to disagree. It was hard, because Ethan just couldn’t seem to think. He struggled, briefly, to muster some resistance, to find the words for a rejoinder, but it all melted away when Natasha touched the side of Emma’s face - of his face - again.
“Identical twins,” Natasha sang. “Look at the twin in the mirror, Ethan. Look how deep she is. Look how deep you are.”
Ethan couldn’t seem to find the fault in her words. They just washed over him. He couldn’t avert his eyes from Emma. He was just staring at her, searching her face for differences. There were none. Not really. Not that were anything but superficial. The deeper resemblances - those were all that stood out to him now.
They truly were identical. At least, in all the ways that mattered.
“And, you know, if you’re a mirror of each other, you can’t possibly be different,” Natasha pointed out. “That wouldn’t make any sense. So, if I…”
She leaned in and whispered something in Emma’s ear. Ethan couldn’t make out the words.
“Three,” Natasha started counting. Something within Ethan tensed in anticipation. “Two. One. Now.”
On her mark, Emma started raising her right arm into the air, up to the level of her shoulder, moving in a slow, smooth, almost robotic way. It was obvious she wasn’t moving by her own volition, but by Natasha’s; more than anything else, it was like watching someone pose a mannequin.
Ethan was captivated, and as he watched, something strange happened. A growing sense of lightness, of buoyancy, started swelling in his left arm and, after a moment, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye and realized that he was lifting it into the air. He hadn’t meant to. He hadn’t even known he was doing it. But somehow, it just felt right. It was automatic, and trying to force his arm back down again seemed like it would take more effort than he could possibly muster. Before he knew it, Ethan’s arm was up to his shoulder, and he was mirroring Emma’s pose.
He was stunned. It was like magic, and it just confirmed what Natasha had been telling him. Looking at Emma was like looking in the mirror. They were identical. They were reflections. It was undeniable now. Ethan certainly couldn’t see a way to deny it. He felt just as blank and dumb as Emma looked - and that was perfect. That was how it should be.
They were twins. They were the same.
“You understand now, don’t you?” Natasha said softly. “You’re identical. You’re a mirror of each other.”
Ethan did. He wanted to nod, but he couldn’t. Emma wasn’t nodding.
“Say it,” Natasha instructed. “You’re identical.”
Ethan looked into Emma’s eyes. Blank as they were, there was a kind of mutual recognition there. A tacit understanding of their place and their rhythm, and perhaps thanks to that, at the very same moment, they opened their mouths.
“We’re identical.”
They spoke in one voice, soft and dreamy, two layers of speech in perfect harmony. Natasha looked like she was having the time of her life as she fed Emma the next line:
“You’re the same.”
“We’re the same.” Two voices. One voice.
It was even easier, the second time. It felt perfectly natural. They were identical twins, after all.
“You’re mirror images.”
“We’re mirror images.”
“Good,” Natasha said approvingly. “But, you know, there’s something important about mirror images. They look the same, but they’re not really the same. They can’t be. One is the real thing. One is just a reflection.”
She was right, Ethan realized. But what did that mean for him and Emma?
“Ethan,” Natasha said, once more raising her hand to Emma’s face. “You can feel this. We both know it.”
She caressed Emma again - this time, on the opposite side of her face. Ethan shivered, and all the little hairs on his skin stood to attention. Each time, the phantom sensation got stronger and stronger. By now, it was no different than if she’d simply been touching Emma. And each time, Natasha’s touch made Ethan feel a little dreamier, a little more docile, a little more mindless.
“You can feel it,” Natasha repeated, as she repeated the motion. “But I’m only touching Emma. Don’t you think that’s funny?”
Ethan didn’t know what to say - not that he could say anything at all, not when Emma wasn’t talking. It wouldn’t be right.
“I can touch her. But you feel it. If you touch someone who’s looking at a mirror, you can see your hand in their reflection. But if you touch the mirror, they don’t feel anything at all. Isn’t that right?”
Ethan could clearly see that it was. He was waiting with bated breath for Natasha to help him understand.
“I guess that must mean that you’re the reflection,” Natasha concluded. “And Emma here is the real deal.”
Hearing that made Ethan’s heart quicker. He was… just a reflection? What did that mean? He wasn’t a reflection, was he? He was a person. He was his own person - well, kind of. He and Emma had always been two of a kind, not just one. They were identical twins. But still. Surely he was more than just a reflection?
Ethan was about to insist on that - but then Natasha touched Emma again, this time in the center of her forehead. Inch by inch, she moved her hand down, over the bridge of her nose, then the tip, and then across her lips to her chin, all so gently she was just barely stroking the tiny hairs on her skin.
And Ethan felt it all.
With that touch, his protest broke apart like shattering glass. The pieces, slippery and ephemeral, slipped between the cracks of his hypnotized mind. He lost track of everything that he’d been thinking. Of everything he’d been worrying about. Ethan was left with nothing but the simple, rapturous pleasure of Natasha’s touch. It was so gentle and perfect, it transformed him into nothing more than a lightning rod for that blissful, simple joy.
Once it passed, he was nothing. He was empty.
“You’re the reflection,” Natasha told him. “And Emma is the real thing.”
Those words poured into the emptiness of Ethan’s mind. He was grateful for them. They made him full. They made everything make sense again.
He was a reflection. Nothing more. He didn’t know what that meant yet. But he was safe and secure in the knowledge that Natasha was going to tell him.
“And what does a reflection do?” Natasha mused aloud. “It reflects. That’s all.”
Ethan reflected Emma. He was Emma’s reflection. It was perfectly simple.
“That’s what you’re doing now, isn’t it?” Natasha pointed out. “And that’s good. You’re a very good reflection.”
Natasha was right. Ethan was reflecting Emma. Mirroring her. Her pose. Her movement. Her speech. Her feelings. Her trance. Knowing that, hearing Natasha’s praise, filled him with a faint, warm glow.
“But,” Natasha added, “you’re not perfect. And a mirror image has to be perfect.”
The glow faded. Ethan was crestfallen. A mirror had to be perfect. Mirrors couldn’t be wrong. If he wasn’t perfect, it was like he wasn’t a reflection at all - and that just wasn’t right.
“After all,” Natasha went on, “your hair isn’t the same, is it? And you’re not wearing makeup. Your skin is that little bit rougher. No skincare, I guess. It’s a shame.”
It really was. Ethan had pointed out many of those same differences before, but now they filled him with unbearable sorrow. What was he, if not a reflection of Emma? Nothing. Nothing at all. What was he going to do?
“Would you like me to fix that for you?” Natasha asked, before leaning close to Ethan’s sister. “Say ‘yes’, Emma.”
“Yes,” Emma said - and Ethan did too, of course, at the very same moment.
He meant it. His sorrow was turning to yearning. He needed to bridge the gap between himself and Emma. And… Natasha could do it? He was so grateful.
“I’d be glad to,” Natasha replied graciously. “Wait here a moment, Emma.”
She managed to extract herself from the couch without disturbing Emma, who remained sitting perfectly still. Ethan did too. Natasha didn’t need to tell him to do that. It stood to reason. He was Emma’s reflection.
When Natasha reappeared in the corner of Ethan’s view, she was holding in her hands a couple of combs and brushes. She sat down again, this time behind Ethan. That struck Ethan, but he couldn’t figure out why. He couldn’t think. Emma looked totally mindless and hypnotized. She wasn’t thinking.
“Here.” Ethan felt Natasha pulling out the hair tie he used to keep his simple ponytail in place. “Let me.”
She started brushing his hair, and Ethan did his best to stay frozen still, like a reflection should. Her touch was as gentle as it had been when she was caressing Emma. It felt wonderful, and made it that much easier for Ethan to remain calm and relaxed. He’d never had his hair brushed before, but he liked it. It felt good.
He noticed that Emma looked like she was feeling good too.
After a few minutes of careful brushing with one implement after another, Natasha was done. She sat back and stood up.
“There,” she announced. “Much better. Almost perfect, in fact. After a trip to a stylist, it’ll be spot-on.”
Ethan could see his own hair falling around the sides of his face now. It looked wavy and sleek - Natasha’s brushing must have neatened it up and helped it regain its natural shapeliness. He didn’t need to look in a mirror, of course. He could just look at Emma. He knew they were the same.
"Next,” Natasha said, as she reached down to Emma’s handbag, “makeup. I know just how Emma does it.”
With painstaking care, she started doing Ethan’s. First, foundation, then concealer and contouring, and then the finer touches: eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, blush. It was clear she was well-practiced.
“I’m not doing it exactly like hers, of course,” she commented as she worked. “You need a few extra touches. A little heavier on the foundation, a little more contouring. Feminizing makeup. Don’t worry. You’ll learn how.”
Ethan absorbed that without question. He was in heaven. Each touch of Natasha’s fingertips, each stroke of her makeup brush, felt wonderful - and the best part was knowing that, with each passing moment, he was getting closer and closer to becoming Emma’s true reflection. To being exactly what he was supposed to be.
“Perfect!” Natasha announced, and sat back. “If I do say so myself.”
Ethan didn’t need a mirror to know how he looked. He was the mirror, and the real thing was right in front of him. He knew exactly how he looked: wonderfully, unmistakably feminine. He could have passed for a girl. He hoped he did. He needed to pass for Emma.
“Clothes, mannerisms…” Natasha sighed dreamily. “I guess there’ll be time for that later. For now… hm. You know, ‘Ethan’ doesn’t really suit you anymore.”
That didn’t bother Ethan. He no longer felt any real attachment to the name. Reflections didn’t have names. Not really.
“It’s really tempting to just call you ‘Emma’ too.” Natasha giggled. “But I think that would get confusing. How about… Ella.” She giggled again. “Emma and Ella. Perfect.” Natasha reached back and stroked the side of Emma’s face as she addressed him directly. “Your name is Ella.”
Ella shivered as that suggestion worked its way through her mind. She didn’t doubt or question it. Reflections didn’t have names, but Natasha had given her one, so she did. Simple.
Ella. It was practically a reflection of Emma.
And it was her name.
“OK, Ella,” Natasha said. “You just stay there for one moment. No need to wake up. No need to think. Just sit there, nice and calm, nice and still. Like… like a reflection, when no one’s looking in the mirror. Just be nothing.”
It was easy. Being nothing was easy. What was a reflection anyway? Light on the surface of a mirror. Nothing.
“Emma.” Natasha turned to Ella’s twin. “Three. Two. One. Wake up.”
Over several seconds, as Natasha counted, Emma stirred. When Natasha told her to wake, her eyelids flickered rapidly again, just as they had when she’d first hypnotized her. Then they opened, and for the first time in minutes, they contained a spark of life and awareness. It took a few long moments for the fog to clear, but once it did and she saw what had been done to Ella, Emma gasped.
“Nat, you… you actually…” Her entire face suddenly became flushed. “Oh my god.”
Natasha laughed, and threw herself down on the couch behind her girlfriend. Both of them were staring at Ella. She hadn’t stirred.
“Yeah, I hypnotized him,” Natasha replied. “The asshole was practically begging for it.”
“D-don’t say that!” Emma was trying to sound cross, but she couldn’t manage it; her voice was shuddery, and full of a strange excitement. “He was just looking out for his kid sister.”
“You should have told him it was too late,” Natasha purred, slipping a possessive arm around her waist. “That I’ve already got you. But you didn’t - and now I have him, too.”
Emma gasped breathlessly. “T-that’s so… fucked up.”
“Don’t look at me,” Natasha mocked. “You’re the one getting off on it.”
At that, Emma let out a high-pitched whine of protest that dissolved entirely into a moan as Natasha’s hand pressed insistently against the front of her dress. “N-n-not fair! Y-you made… me f-find fucked-up stuff like that h-hot.”
“That’s right.” There was a wicked glint in Natasha’s eyes. “Even the fucked-up stuff I did to you. Too hot to resist. Too hot to even want to.”
Emma was too far gone to even protest now. She just moaned and slumped against Natasha, unable to fight the predatory hypnotist.
“Hey, watch this,” Natasha said, and addressed Ella again. “Ella, see how turned on Emma is right now?”
Ella did. Now that Natasha had drawn her attention to it, it was obvious. Emma was flushed and squirming, she was breathing hard, and whenever Natasha touched her, she moaned.
“Time to be her reflection again, Ella.”
As soon as Natasha said that, it hit Ella. The heat. The arousal. It was physical and immediate, just like when Natasha had stroked Emma’s face. Ella started panting and felt her face grow hot. Within moments, she was just as horny as Emma looked. The only major difference was that, in Ella’s case, the arousal was also visible as a distinct, swelling bulge between her legs.
Natasha laughed when Emma moaned at the twisted display.
“W-what are you gonna do to him?” Emma breathed. “T-the same thing… y-you did to me?”
“What?” Natasha teased. “Make him a lesbian? Make him love me?”
Each possibility got a fresh moan from Emma’s lips. She looked unbelievably turned on - and so did Ella.
“Maybe,” Natasha mused. “You know me, babe. I’m impulsive. But I do like the idea of keeping you both. A nice little matching pair. Your “brother” is staying down here for… what? A week? That’s plenty of time for some fun.”
Her hand was up under Emma’s skirt, touching her directly. She was putty in Natasha’s arms. Natasha had made her so hopelessly weak and submissive.
“But for now, let’s give your new sister a finishing touch,” Natasha decided. She reached into one of the pockets of her jacket and pulled out a pill bottle, opened the lid, and poured one out into her palm. “I can spare a few HRT doses. Hey, Ella, open your- wait, no. I have a better idea. Emma, here.”
Emma looked at her curiously and, before she could say anything, Natasha fed her the pill. Emma almost choked, but immediately accepted Natasha’s fingers into her mouth.
“Don’t swallow,” Natasha instructed, before grinning. “Now. Kiss the mirror, babe.”
Emma’s eyes flew wide, and her cheeks turned a deeper red than ever before at the sheer, taboo thrill of what Natasha was intending. She shook her head a couple of times - but after the time Natasha had spent in her head, she was no longer capable of saying ‘no’.
Ella had no reaction at all as, slowly and trepidatiously, Emma stretched out toward her. For some reason, she expected Emma’s lips to feel cold - but they didn’t, the kiss was white-hot. Driven by her own arousal, Emma kissed her twin passionately, lips pressed eagerly against hers in a desperate bid to sate her hunger. The taboo only made it hotter. Ella, of course, mirrored every little bit of her passion - and accepted the pill Emma passed into her mouth through the kiss.
Natasha just laughed as she watched the two sisters making out for her own sick amusement.
“Good girl,” she praised when Emma finally drew back. Emma blushed again. “God. You have no idea how hot it is, watching you kiss. My very own matching pair.”
“Y-yeah.” Emma couldn’t even bring herself to disagree anymore. She had been molded into a willing accomplice.
“OK, Ella,” Natasha said, “I think it’s time to wake up for tonight.”
She snapped her fingers.
Ella almost slipped off the touch. He - she - could barely remember where she was. She just stared at Natasha and Emma, baffled by the lurid looks on their faces.
“W-what?” she said embarrassed. “What… happened?”
“I just hypnotized you,” Natasha told her. “Guess it works just as well on you as it does on Emma.”
“Oh.” It was starting to come back to her now. They’d been arguing about it. For some reason, Ella had been agitated about… something. About Natasha? That seemed right, but then it seemed very wrong.
After all, Emma loved Natasha. Why would Ella feel any different?
“I hate to say I told you so,” Natasha teased. “But…”
“Fine! You got me,” Ella confessed. She shifted around on the couch a little, trying to hide the huge bulge in her pants. Why was she hard?
“So… what’s my prize?” Natasha pressed.
“Your prize?” Ella blinked, confused. “Um… what do you want?”
Natasha made a big show of contemplating the question, before answering: “I think my prize is, I get to take you clothes shopping tomorrow.”
Emma giggled. “Watch out, Eth- I mean, uh, Ella. You just know she’s going to make us match. She’s kind of obsessed with it.”
Ella blushed. Hearing that made her feel strange, somehow. Tranquil. Needy. She nodded submissively.
“I guess I should have known better,” she murmured. “We’ve always been identical twin sisters.”
I would like to express my gratitude for the generosity of all those who support me on Patreon, and to give a special thanks to the following patrons in particular for their exceptional support:
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