#clinical hypnotist
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healthyhypnosisau · 2 years
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Jesse E. Gordon (editor) - Handbook of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis - Collier/Macmillan - 1967
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So, I made this intentionally shitty meme a while ago (when a friend and I were discussing the possible reasons for Alan to actually leave Norwich):
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Having read Big Beacon, I was basically correct!
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freedomhypnosisnyc · 1 year
Exploring the Different Types of Hypnosis Available in New York City: From Ericksonian to Past Life Regression
Hypnosis is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, from treating psychological disorders to enhancing performance and creativity. If you're interested in exploring hypnosis as a means of personal growth or healing, you'll find that there are many different types of hypnosis available in New York City.
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Ericksonian Hypnosis
One of the most popular forms of hypnosis in New York City is Ericksonian hypnosis. This approach is named after the renowned therapist Milton Erickson, who developed a unique form of hypnosis that emphasizes indirect suggestion and language patterns. Unlike traditional hypnosis, which often relies on direct commands and suggestions, Ericksonian hypnosis is more conversational and collaborative, with the hypnotist and client working together to create a trance state. This approach can be particularly effective for individuals who may be resistant to traditional hypnosis techniques or who are looking for a more flexible and personalized approach.
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Another type of hypnosis that is widely available in NYC is NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) hypnosis. NLP is a branch of psychology that focuses on the relationship between language, behavior, and thought patterns. NLP hypnosis is designed to help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors by working with the subconscious mind. This approach can be particularly effective for individuals who are struggling with anxiety, depression, phobias, or other psychological issues.
Past Life Regression
For individuals interested in exploring past lives and accessing their unconscious mind, past life regression hypnosis is a powerful and intriguing option. This type of hypnosis is based on the idea that individuals have lived multiple lives and that accessing memories from past lives can help them heal and grow in the present. During a past life regression session, a hypnotherapist will guide you into a deep trance state and help you access memories from past lives. This approach can be particularly beneficial for individuals who are struggling with unexplained fears or anxieties, relationship issues, or other issues that may have their roots in past lives.
Another type of hypnosis that is growing in popularity in NYC is self-hypnosis. As the name suggests, self-hypnosis involves using hypnosis techniques on yourself, without the aid of a hypnotherapist. Self-hypnosis can be a powerful tool for individuals who are looking to make positive changes in their lives, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, or reducing stress. By learning self-hypnosis techniques, individuals can access their own subconscious mind and create positive changes from within.
Finding Experienced Hypnotherapist
If you're interested in exploring hypnosis in NYC, it's important to do your research and find a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist. Look for a hypnotherapist who has training and experience in the specific type of hypnosis you're interested in, as well as a track record of success working with clients. You may also want to consider the therapist's approach and philosophy, as well as their level of experience and credentials.
In addition to finding the right hypnotherapist, it's important to approach hypnosis with an open mind and a willingness to explore new possibilities. Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing, but it's not a magic solution or a quick fix. It takes time, effort, and commitment to achieve lasting change through hypnosis.
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If you're searching for a highly experienced and reputable hypnotherapist in NYC, look no further than Freedom Hypnosis NYC. With years of experience and a proven track record of success, their team of expert hypnotherapists can help you overcome a wide range of challenges, from anxiety and stress to addiction and phobias. Whether you're seeking personal growth and self-improvement or you need help managing a specific issue, Freedom Hypnosis NYC can provide you with the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals. They offer a range of customized hypnotherapy programs tailored to your unique needs and preferences, using advanced techniques and the latest research to help you achieve lasting results. So if you're ready to take the first step towards a happier, healthier life, contact Freedom Hypnosis today to schedule your first session.
Hypnosis is a fascinating and powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. Whether you're interested in exploring past lives, changing negative thought patterns, or accessing your own subconscious mind, there are many different types of hypnosis available in NYC. By finding a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist and approaching hypnosis with an open mind and a willingness to explore new possibilities, you can tap into the power of hypnosis and achieve greater personal growth and healing.
Freedom Hypnosis 34–18 Northern Blvd Long Island City, NY 11101 (917) 300–1809 https://freedomhypnosisnyc.com/
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Become A Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
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Professional Hypnotherapy Training Centre and Services in Perth, Western Australia, Australia is offered by Rebecca Privilege.
With years of experience, Rebecca offering Professional hypnotherapy services in Secret Harbour , Perth, Australia. Our Diploma is recognized by all major organizations, including the AHA and the GHSC (UK).
Contact us to schedule a free consultation at 0411 176 055.
Visit: https://hypnotherapytrainingcentre.com.au/
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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mezz-merizing · 26 days
i think a lot about the "brain hacking" aspect of mind control
i don't just mean tech control and brain chips and stuff, although those are super fun!! but it's more like... the idea that you can exploit the human brain is just. on my mind frequently imagine if one day we discovered a visual pattern or something that could totally hijack your mind. like it just tickled all the right neurons that it triggered some sort of cascade and broke you wide open, leaving you suggestible and pliant
i think a major reason this is on my mind so often is because it's the sort of thing that would be LITERALLY impossible to resist. like what are you gonna do?? for a psychological process you can struggle, hold out, fight, but for a neurological process you just. snap. gone. there's also this clinical aspect to it, where you're sort of treated like a machine; a bundle of neurotransmitters that can be sparked in a way that's just proper, and then reprogrammed
so basically i just get sooo weak when inductions use this kind of language. even if it's complete nonsense it just!! it calls forth this imagery when a spiral is described not just as a focus but as a stimulator or something like that, and when its mechanism is described. hell, it doesn't even have to go for the neurological stuff- isn't it really really hot and squirm inducing when you're being TOLD how you're being hypnotized? like the opposite of covert stuff, when the hypnotist is just calmly explaining to you all the complex things they're doing to your mind and you're just too zoned out to even clock that you're being put under control
(also hi!! i'm posting again :D thanks to everyone who's still hanging around ily!! send me asks abt things and i'll have fun answering them!!)
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thelastmesmerist · 4 months
The Hypnotist is Entranced and Hypnotized
She's a real clinical hypnotist who I've hypnotized to become entranced by her camera lens. I easily hypnotize her again while she's entranced.
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cnchypnosis · 4 months
Regarding Bambi Sleep in Hypnosis Kink
Bambi Sleep, for anyone who doesn't know, is a hypnosis file series that gained notoriety from a combination of kayfabe and astroturfing from the most chronically online corners of the hypnosis kink scene. This culminated last year in an article for the now defunct Buzzfeed News about an abusive hypnotist who used Bambi as part of his abuse. I'll openly state that one of his victims used to be a member of CNC Hypnosis, just for the record.
A quick explainer I wrote forever ago as to some of the tricks the Bambi Sleep files use to feel all-encompassing and powerful:
Relaxation isn’t necessarily required for trance, but it can be a great hook for a session to convince somebody that the hypnosis is working. The Bambi files do an excellent job at relaxing you thoroughly with the incredibly long induction and deepener, and they do a good job at tying this idea of pleasure to acceptance to relaxation to pleasure etc., etc. which is a powerful headspace. The rest of the files, from that point forward, move in a very very direct path. Like, if you’re familiar with suggestion styles, the Bambi files utilize direct and authoritarian suggestions almost exclusively. These aren’t always recommended clinically, as people usually don’t like to feel like they’ve had their choice taken away and will simply refuse…but this is hypnokink, and a lot of people come in wanting to submit. So. Then we condition some legitimately good trigger concepts, and it feels real and overpowering and like you’re in too deep because you’re in a strongly affected headspace and the triggers work. The rest of the file is mostly fantasy stuff which, you know, is fine if you’re into it.
Our issue with Bambi Sleep, as a community, is that the so-called dangers of Bambi primarily come from a total misunderstanding of how to have self-agency as a subject. There are real and legitimate dangers to this kink, like any kink. However, being able to walk away is something everybody is able to do. When an abusive hypnotist comes along and makes that process feel harder, it’s genuinely fucking terrible, but it’s important that we as a community remind those people that they hold the power to leave (and, of course, offer resources to help them get the fuck out). This isn’t ever meant as victim blaming, but rather as empowerment.
All of that said: you are never beholden to a fucking MP3 file, and if you feel helpless to stop listening and obey…girl, take a step back from this scene. Please. Because I can promise you, there is more happening than a powerful hypnosis file, and we are simply not equipped to help you out through that the same way a therapist would be.
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healthyhypnosisau · 9 months
Experience powerful change through Hypnotherapy in Wollongong » . Overcome challenges, alleviate stress, and unlock your potential. Our skilled therapists guide your subconscious journey for lasting results. Start your transformation today and harness the strength of your mind. Book now for a brighter future. 🌟🧠 #HypnotherapyWollongong #MindOverMatter #PositiveChange
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A question:
So, like, there's hypnokink with spirals and pocketwatches, dracula summoning the virginal ingenue, mind control rays and just, layers of layers of scifi and fantasy cheese stirred in with stageshow ridiculousness.
And then there's hypnokink based on the tropes of clinical hypnosis and, like, the really weird sort of research and academic writing surrounding hypnosis sort of from the 40s to the 80s, with shit like Aldous Huxley writing about doing questionable stuff with Erickson and weird cults of personality.
And then there's, like, hypnosis as it actually is, which I sometimes write about and will simply summarise as a big bundle of stuff we don't understand scientifically but is fun to play with.
So, the question: what do you gravitate to more? Do you get off on the tropes of hypnokink and the imagery of yourself as the evil hypnotist or helpless thrall? Are you one of those who just delights in exploring a hypnotic state? Or are you here for the fun of literally and directly playing with that lovely mind of yours?
To be clear, I'm here for both and don't want to denigrate either.
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misscammiedawn · 7 months
hello! im writing a paper on recreational hypnosis, and i was wondering if you had any good sources i could use for it? you seem super knowledgeable about everything hypnosis! thank you :D
Thank you. I try to be as read up as I can be and teach in whatever capacity available when I'm feeling up to it.
I should note that though I have two* professional certifications I lean heavily towards hypnokink and much of my perspective is painted from my participation in that community.
I find the best way to learn recreational hypnosis is to learn clinical hypnosis and work backwards.
Within the realm of therapy and clinical hypnosis you will get a lot of understanding on how suggestion and modalities work and that will be able to inform a lot of how consent and ethical practice will be impacted. For instance in clinical setting it will teach you how to phrase a question in a way that does not lead or suggest.
For instance, in memory work if you ask "what is your father doing?" it implies strongly that your father is doing something and the mind will try and fill in that blank where a suggestion of "What is drawing your attention right now? Can you describe it for me?" allows the hypnotee to drive the content of a guided imagery scene.
Understanding those mechanics is core to being able to dip your toe in this pool.
I'll throw some reading links in, but hypnosis is all about communication, trust and rapport. These are things that are best learned in experience. My biggest recommendation for learning hypnosis is to learn how to be a hypnotee and then dive into being a hypnotist. Learning what works is a matter of learning how it feels, what modalities you are personally drawn to and what you are best impacted by.
Though, once you have the feel for it down and you know where you want to go with recreational hypnosis. The Reading is a vital step. It just shouldn't be the first one.
For clinical resources I usually go to the classics.
Hypnotic Realities by Milton Erickson was one of my first books when I was a teenager and I'm sure PDFs can be found in a number of places.
A lot of people I know really swear by Dave Elman's work too so I'll throw out a link to his book Hypnotherapy which again, I'm sure can be found in PDF format.
Lastly, she's expert level but Melissa Tiers is who I consider to be the absolute best clinical hypnotist on the planet right now. Her mastery of language is so incredible that I feel like reading her work reprograms your brain like the movie Arrival so you think and communicate in hypnotic patter. Her book Integrative Hypnosis is what I'd recommend.
Within the hypnokink community, however I can offer far more direct resources.
First I'd highlight Wiseguy (tumblr: @hypnoobiwan) . Author of Mind Play a How-To guide that has been boosted as the gold standard for starting off in hypnokink. He also runs a bi-annual certification class. I have taken the class and it is incredible.
Next off Secret Subject (tumblr: @secret-subject). A YouTube personality (and fellow Wiseguy alumni) who offers a lot of educational resources and has done powerpoints and videos on the topic. Seems the 101 and Consent in Online Hypnosis videos are currently not public, though.
There's also sleepingirl (carrd info) who has a very conviniently titled website named Learn Hypnokink and has written some incredible books on the topic. I personally recommend Kinky NLP which tries to decouple the actual psychological methods from the negative branding that PUA has put on the topic in recent years. Though that may be a little more than a beginner resource.
Anyway. Thank you for asking and good luck.
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binaural-histolog · 5 months
Effectiveness of Inductions
So from what I can tell, experimental hypnosis is not sure that inductions actually do anything. (I originally was looking for evidence that deepeners were effective, but I think they fall under the "induction" uncertainty umbrella.)
The Paradox of Induction says:
In general, experimental evidence for the impact of induction on enhancing responsiveness to suggestions is weak. It appears that induction is neither necessary nor sufficient to enhance responsiveness to suggestions.
The Hypnotic Induction in the Broad Scheme of Hypnosis: A Sociocognitive Perspective says it's complicated:
In this article, we have taken note of the tremendous variability in hypnotic inductions and procedures that render it difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions and interpretations regarding the nature, role, intended purpose, and impact of inductions on hypnotic responding. We now suggest that the problem of disambiguating the induction from other elements of the broader scheme of hypnosis begins even prior to the hypnotic session. More specifically, it is difficult to disentangle the effects of an induction from information provided prior to even starting the hypnosis session in the informed consent procedures in a research context, or in the earliest informal or nonstandardized comments by the hypnotist in a clinical setting. Indeed, how the session is cast (e.g., what is the nature of hypnosis; why is it being used; what is the probability that it will help in a particular circumstance), as well as information about myths and potential risks, may vary widely among hypnosis sessions and studies and exert important and as yet often under-appreciated effects on hypnotic responding.
What Can a Hypnotic Induction Do? says maybe the scales suck:
Optimizing the usefulness of hypnotic inductions may require more systematic analysis of the various kinds of effects they could possibly have. In particular, we have argued that the induction may provide important cues about the expected modes of enacting suggestions and the expected nature of the interpersonal interchange in hypnosis. In addition, the induction may provide meta-suggestions that could enhance subsequent response to hypnotic suggestions, and it may also provide a clear transition to help allow new modes of behavior and new experiences to emerge in hypnosis. Hopefully, these ideas will serve as a framework for further empirical study to evaluate the extent to which the variations in inductions we have discussed actually produce the hypothesized effects. In past research, the specifics of hypnotic inductions may have seemed relatively unimportant because standardized hypnosis scales, as well as much of the research conducted with them, has focused on pass-versus-fail behavioral performance with little attention to variations in underlying mechanisms and phenomenology. Detecting potentially important effects of differences in inductions may require expanded, more detailed measures of the responses to hypnotic suggestions, including the strategies that people adopt in hypnosis and their subjective experiences about what they are doing.
Induction Technique: Beyond Simple Response to Suggestion says maybe the hypnotists suck:
We (Barabasz & Barabasz, 2016) recently noted that throughout our 40+ years in the field, we have observed not only academic researchers but sometimes acclaimed expert clinicians speed through inductions and then offer up suggestions without even a veiled attempt to assure that the participants were experiencing veridical hypnosis. Given such an inadequate induction technique, why would anyone expect to observe little more than what might be wrought by mere suggestion, compliance, and/or social influence without hypnosis?
“It is no surprise that inductions carried out by graduate students who may have had little or no training in clinical hypnosis from an academician psychologist who prizes suggestibility over hypnotic responsiveness per se and puts “hypnosis” in quotation marks in their writings obtains nothing more than mere response to suggestion or conscious compliance. No therapist, no matter how clever, can resonate with a patient while attempting to hide disbelief in the reality of the modality they are attempting to use (Newton, 2000).”
Relaxation Versus Fractionation as Hypnotic Deepening: Do They Differ in Physiological Changes? says deepeners do something to the body:
In conclusion, both fractionation and short-term relaxation may be appropriate techniques for deepening hypnosis. The final effect is full hypnosis in both cases. Both techniques seem to be stressing, increasing sympathetic tone. Fractionation is faster but significantly increases peripheral resistance.
Effects of “Deepening” Techniques on Hypnotic Depth and Responding says that it doesn't change hypnotizability though:
The initial analyses (along with the final t test analyses) would indicate that although the surreptitious manipulation of stimuli did result in a significant increase in number of items passed, it did not on the whole produce significant changes in subjective depth reports or realness ratings. This suggests an independence of hypnotic depth and hypnotizability, since the surreptitious stimuli affected pass percents but apparently not subjective depth or realness.
Bowers seems to think that depth correlated with suggestibility, with .79 correlation using initial state reports and suggestions, especially when state reports “were given instantaneously” (p102) which is not what I would have expected.
As per normal, everything is complicated and no-one is really sure.
Realistically, there's no cost to doing inductions and deepeners as usual, but you'd think this would be settled by now.
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