#cat dead details later or something idk
mikaissomeone · 10 months
Tw: animal death
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Cat dead, details later.
I decided to try and make a drawing with a green palette and a lineartless version
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aravas-writing · 5 months
I need to write something ffs
A funnyman's recap of Blue Archive
Volume 1 Chapter 1
The archiving system of this game's story can be confusing, but you end up rolling with it at some point.
Anyhow, we begin this first actual storyline of the game by Sensei accepting a plea for help from a smaller school.
Turns out Abydos Academy used to be the largest school before desertification ate most of the land belonging to it, resulting in attempts at disaster relief eating through funds. This got the school in deep shit with loan sharks...
And this is basically why that school only has 5 students remaining.
What the fuck.
But Sensei is undaunted and goes there on his own!
Except the district is still large as hell, so they end up lost and dehydrated after three hours. Considering it's a desert district...
But yeah, Sensei then gets found by a student who winds up taking them piggyback to Abydos Academy, where we meet the Foreclosure Task Force, aka the five last students of Abydos.
Now, I will have the cliffnotes less detailed here BC certain details will be mentioned as I go along this story.
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Sunaookami Shiroko
Very sporty
The one to take Sensei all the way to Abydos on her back
Wears a Sig SSG 556 "White Fang 465"
Rarely emotes
Has a fucking combat drone
Very attached to the FTF
Anubis, judge of the dead
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Kuromi Serika
Tsundere catgirl
AR70/223 "Sincerity" (lmao)
Extremely stubborn
Very hardworking
Bastet, goddess of cats
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Izayoi Nonomi
The curves on this girl wtf
Head of provisions (snack provider)
Wields her "Mini No.5", a GE M134
Rich as fuck, does not act like it at all
Will offer lap pillows to people she likes
Nephthys, a goddess of death alongside her sister Isis
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Okusora Ayane
Idk why, but that one was the full body pic I got for her in search
Treasurer of FTF
The one holding the Braincell
Flips the table when she reaches her limit
Compared to her, everyone acts like a nutcase (slight exaggeration)
SIG p229 "Common Sense"
Heals by drone strike
Either Isis, goddess of birth, rebirth and magic or Thoth, god of scribes and scholars
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Takanashi Hoshino
Perma eepy
Talks like an old man
Has a foldable riot shield
Seeming bing chilling, actually worrywart
Loves marine life, like whales
Head of the FTF and acting student council prez
Beretta 1301 Tactical "Eye of Horus" (guess what god she is)
These are the last members of their school, and they are up shits creek without a paddle. Under siege by delinquents and over 900 Million Yen (about 9 Million Dollars) in debt and with almost no way to earn money, plus the interest rate, things are dire.
At least the siege can be solved by Sensei ordering some ammo for all and coordinating a counteroffensive. The debt, not so much.
Turns out Abydos went ignored by the GSC for some reason (politics, probs) and Sensei is their first ray of hope in a while.
Sorta. We later learn that Nonomi is so motherfucking rich that she has a credit card with no known upper limit and could wipe the debt out in a swipe. However, principle of the thing, so no do that.
Bit dumb, considering, but they get by... barely.
So their next course of action to get some money is to find out about jobs in their area. Serika winds up falling for a pyramid scheme, so we all band together to fuck these fraudsters up.
Next suggestion: rob a bank!
Shiroko seems to be a big fan of Payday, enough so that her hobby is planning bank heists. Of course they need masks and a plan and new identities of this.
The name "Masked Swimsuit Gang" ends up sticking. (They don't even wear swimsuits here)
However, before then, a new threat arises! The loan sharks are a subsidy of Kaiser Corporation, the biggest corp in Kivotos and all-around assholes. The head twat hires a certain agency to ensure Abydos' demise and securing what remains of the land the last Prez sold off for loans.
They are Problem Solver 68 and they are....
A bunch of misfits
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Onikata Kayoko
Listens to death metal
Loves cats
The one with the brain
H&K P30L with Silencer "Demon's Roar"
Very level headed
Actual sweetheart
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Asagi Mutsuki
Nicknamed "The Imp"
Kind of kusogaki
Mischievous, likes pranking people
Will kill for the people she likes
Pranks the people she likes a lot
Her and her new year's alt has some of the most questionable Live2Ds
MG5 "Trick or Trick"
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Igusa Haruka
The kind of girl you just want to swaddle in a blanket and protect her from all harm
Went through horrible bullying in middle school
Nonexistent self esteem
Described to have a dangerous mind
Grows weeds because she associates with them
FABARM SDASS Tactical "Blow Away"
Who did this to her I just wanna talk-
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Rikuhachima Aru
That one Blue Archive song, "Unwelcome School", is heavily associated with her
You see her and think "badass"
Haruka thinks so; Aru put a stop to the bullying
She does not recognise the Abydos students when they're wearing just a mask
Loves to act cool, panicking inside
She founded her part timer agency because she wanted to be a outlaw
Her schemes fly by the seat of her pants
She is a complete lovable idiot
PSG-1 "Wine Red Admire"
Naturally, problem solver 68 ends up befriending their apparent targets (they didn't know at the time) while out eating at a ramen shop Serika works at. All of that before they go and attack the school and fail to defeat the FTF because Sensei magic.
Aru panics and regroups and then meets the girls again! While they're in masks and on their way to rob a black market bank because if has the money they paid as interest to fuck shit loans.
Everyone but Aru recognises them, who thinks they're so god damn cool for robbing a bank.
It's unfortunate that PS69- sorry, 68 gets outta dodge because asshole McGee is assmad they failed to put the screws on Abydos.
Sensei offers help, but has to be kindly refused. Don't worry, this lovable moron and her unstoppable crew of one punk chick, one imp and one High-powered depression-run bomb builder of a school girl terrorist will be back
And, yes, that one is Haruka, who winds up blowing up the Ramen store because she thought it would help Aru.
Help this girl.
Back to story: FTF can't take the money home because it wouldn't be okay, so they leave the bag with blown-up ramen shop owner (he's okay, just a little singed).
Suddenly, invasion! Not by Kaiser Corp, but by Gehenna Academy, one of the big three! They wanna learn what the fuck is up for reasons. This time, I'll write what happens with each of the featured characters in the bullet notes because that is their only appearance in the story.
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Shiromi Iori
Sporty, think Track and Field
Member of the Prefect Team
Very much for law and order
Hunts down troublemakers
Hot headed, spearheads the assault to Abydos and gets her cheeks clapped for it
One of the very few students canon Sensei acts lewd towards
We talking licking her feet (????), we talking bothering her with tasks, we talking looking up her skirt
Yeah, I don't know either, but she tends to send mixed signals
During summer event: "I'm not wearing a swimsuit so you can perv on me!" Proceeds to wear the skimpiest swimsuit the age rating can allow
Karabiner 98k (the deleter rifle from back when call of duty was still young). Hers is called "Crack shot"
Aaaa it turns out only 10 pics per post! Will reblog this with continuation
Oh btw, during that fight Serika tanks a grenade from a fucking Flak. We get told she just had to "sleep it off for a day"
What. The. Fuck. Are these students
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dogmomwrites · 8 months
It's Worldbuilding Wednesday, my friend!
There have been multiple questions about fairy tales and legends, but tell me about the stories that serve as low-brow entertainment for an older audience. Are there novels in your world? What are the most popular ones about? Or maybe there are some other mainstream media like plays or puppet shows?
Basically, what's the in-setting equivalent of 'Twilight'?
Hey hey, hi! Thanks for the ask! I'm super late in replying but at least it's on a Wednesday, right? That's the important thing lol
I'm gonna use my Castle series for this since my other main WIP is set in our world and so it actually has Twilight, which would be cheating lmao
The cats of Gatherin have an extensive library, which is a setting for one of the later chapters. I'll let Old Tom say a little here—
“(...) my daughter Shyla has written several books. The Mirror Lake series. It’s quite popular.” He looked like he might burst with pride, and let out a purr of amusement when he added, “Her brother wrote a parody series of her books, and it’s just as popular. The Opaque River, he calls it. They make these funny little references to each other in the books…”
Shyla's Mirror Lake series is very similar to some of our fantasy series; the only difference would be that the characters in her books are all cats. It has magic and heroes and villains. It would be classified as a fantasy action/adventure.
Her brother's Opaque River series would have to be classified as satire first, though it would also fall into the category of fantasy action/adventure.
Idk all the details about it, but Shyla's books follow "the lost princess" as she discovers who she really is and sets out to claim her throne and her kingdom from the tyrant who rules them in her stead. Her brother's books follow a simpleton peasant farmgirl who gets put on the throne when the king dies and no one wants his incompetent son to take his place.
Both series are simple enough that young adults could read them, but with enough complexity and depth (Mirror Lake somewhat more than Opaque River tho) that older adults could still enjoy them
words written for this ask: 1,675 total words written for asks: 12,802
bonus snippet:
I knew the prejudices of my fathers would be my burden to bear, (King Kaliam) thought dismally as he swirled his water and watched it spin in circles. Something easy to control. I just didn’t expect it to be the burden of my people—I didn’t expect the fate of my kingdom to rest in the hands of dead kings. 
Commander Eolf waited for his king to speak, then asked the question for him. “How many spellcasters do you estimate the Avrans have?” 
“Enough,” the scout said. She was small and slight, able to dart unnoticed across the fields, through the woods, and check on the Avran encampment, where their injured were being healed from most every wound. Wounds that should’ve killed them were sealed in moments. Provided they received the medical attention from their magical healers in time. 
“How many?” Eolf asked again. 
“How many are capable of healing the big hurts? A couple dozen, maybe three score. How many are capable of healing the small hurts? More. Much more.” 
He glanced down at Kaliam, willing him to speak—and he did, though it wasn’t what Eolf had wanted him to say. 
“And here we have none,” was what he said, finally lifting his gaze from his spinning water. “This battle will be even more one-sided than I thought.”
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titsoutfortntduo · 1 year
this ones been in my drafts for like 2 months whoops
anyways spoilers for re-animator if thats something you care about! also any accompanying cws that come with re-animator (aside from one. watchers of the movie can guess). I’ll try to explain but non movie watchers might be a little lost sorry
anyway yeah Wilbur would be Herbert West and Quackity would be Dan Cain. I feel like Dan/Quackity just kind of have this “I want to get through life and maybe help people while im at it” vibe, if that makes sense? I think cQ was a bit closer to entertaining rather than helping (but isnt that some form of helping in and of itself?), which does lead me to the kind of idea that cQ does it for attention as well. but I digress! thats a discussion I’ll elaborate on later
Meanwhile Wilbur “cat dead; details later” Soot is rolling up to the Miscotonic university, hubris in one hand and reagent in the other, and starts trying to assert himself. He the kinda fella to do evil science I tend to default Schlatt to villain sometimes, I do think he would be a pretty good Dr. Hill in this case, but Id like to talk to other movie watchers if there are any about this lol . Anyway yes I can see him and Wilbur having beef about this, the clashing of wills and both thinking theyre smarter and more accomplished than the other. Either way the Hill role gets shoveled, so yeah
Idk about having a love interest, I may cut Megan/Megan’s role entirely, but if she did exist id probably split her into two characters (Sapnap and Karl, karlnapity real) but... up to debate. I honestly think you could probably change the movie to remove her with minimal editing of the story, but whatever moving on.
Generally I’d say the plot stays the same. It’s pretty quick, if you get into it. I don’t know who Dean Halsey would be... if I remove Megan role it would probably be someone close to Quackity (and even if i dont I think that would be more appropriate). Still pondering this one!
either way Ive just been doing screenshot redraws. Id love to do a fic or oneshot of this, but we’ll see bc my writing motivation has been kinda in the toilet lately.
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sadlittleratboy · 3 days
so music wise i think they’d be very nu-metal. think system of a down, limp bizkit, korn, ect. i also feel like there would be a lot of riffs in their music as well as drum fills (if you can’t tell i was in band so im using fancy words bc god damnit i didn’t do that shit for 5 years for nothing)
ok now lets talk voice types
i think himiko is a mezzo-soprano for no other reason than bc my friend is one (and over the course of our friendship i have heard her sing WAY too much) and it just kinda sounds like her idk
dabi is 100% a bass. like yeah his voice is hella raspy which kinda makes it sound higher pitched (but tbh thats prolly from his vocal cords being burned to shit so i think without that he would have a deeper voice) and idk it’s just like. it makes sense to me ok. (also i always imagined dabi as being that kid who’s voice dropped super early so he just had a baby face with the voice of a grown man)
my husband/mr. compress is a baritone just cus i KNOW this man has a deep buttery smooth voice that makes ppls knees weak (can you tell i love him? ik it’s not that obvious) also at this point im going off of vibes tbh
shiggy feels like a tenor to me. he’s just got a relatively normal voice and probably has good pitch control
spinner is also a tenor for the same reasons
now twice is interesting. i feel like he just has amazing range. like bro can hit rly high notes and rly low notes. like it takes some effort but he can hit em
NOW! for how they got together
i feel like it’s similar to how the league in cannon formed. a bunch of outcasts rejected by society who came together to form a family (they make me want to piss and throw up god i love the lov so much)
now lets talk details for each member
himiko’s story is similar, her running away and stuff. but here it’s because of her mental illnesses and her family having ostracized her. so she was just living on the streets until compress just picked her up like a stray cat and took her home bc his dad instincts were activated
spinner and shiggy are both orphans who grew up in the same orphanage (like pls do you see the childhood friends to lovers vision please hear me out on this) and once they aged out and were dumped on the streets they only had each other to rely on and then they kiss kiss fall in love im going insane please send help
dabi is the black sheep of his family, and he basically disappeared when he turned 18. he pretty much cut contact with his entire family and they think he’s dead. this is bc i have this amazing idea of them having thought he was dead for years and then all the sudden they find out he’s just this fucking rockstar lol
compress is basically the only one who’s relatively normal and well adjusted lol like he had a normal childhood and now he’s just an adult lmao
i feel like twice is an ex-con. like he did a few years for a string of robberies or smth idk i just feel like he’s done time. and as we all know ex-con’s are always screwed over by society.
SO!! how they started out was shiggy and spinner would run a two man show. yk dive bars, random underground concerts, shit like that.
they met dabi bc he was at one of the bars where they played and he just went up to them was like “hey i play guitar wanna hang out some time?” and boom dabi joined the band
similar story with compress. once they started getting a little bigger he approached them and offered to help manage the band bc these are all just a bunch of 20 somethings with no adult supervision
and after compress surprise adopted toga she basically forced herself into the band no matter how much shiggy protested
now i don’t have much thoughts on how twice joined in, so if you can think of any that would be totally tubuler
jesus this is so fucking long and i haven’t even gotten to the hc’s
i think im just gonna leave this as in and maybe i’ll send in my hc’s at a later date idk
anyway yapping over
I love this so much. Personally I feel like Mr. is the one with the insane range, because that man is an entertainer okay he is CLASSICALLY TRAINED IN VOCALS and the only reason the other's take any care of their voices. Shuichi has the heavy metal growls change my mind.
Anyway I feel like Shigaraki stopped caring who joined their band after Compress, because he really does just vibe and let the extroverts do the talking. The one who really protested was Dabi because he didn't want another younger sibling (too bad). Toga definitely brought in Twice. Not sure how they met but you're DEAD RIGHT about him being an ex con.
And listen Spinner and Shigs are in love love no matter how they met (which personally I think was over voice chat in a multiplayer game). They do have childhood friends vibes though, even in canon. It's like they're so perfect it feels like they've known each other their whole lives I'm RABID over them.
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blackfairy312 · 5 days
What traits are each of them most attracted to? What/who is their biggest inspiration.
🔥oh boy an attraction, invlvong MY fucking ocs this is great.
Komi obviously has bad taste in men, like oh my god woman please theres somethig wrong with you but thats alright i guess. like idk how to decribe it but like, so likem you know. idk. like. ? blonde men seem to be a type, like Albert Wesker, andlike William Birkin, but also like bitches with mental disorders i guess idk DSM5 bitches like Amanda Young and probably the Trickster from Dead by Daylight fame. and like , Scaramouche is on there, which says something for sure. about here type, so foes like Maxwell from Dont Starve fame. Reigen Arataka is on this list and so is Osomatsu Matsuno from fucking Osomatsu-San is on this list and he is like, idk man hes on that go look at his wiki, aslo like everyone Komi has ever dated EXCEPT FOR TWO are on theVillians wiki which is insane because one of them is fucking MIGUEL OHARA. wild. i hope she gets therapy.
as for the others, uhm, Vincent is bisexual so like he knows what he likes. im not going into any more detail than this. dont ask me about what this pervert likes. hes a freak.
Antonio and Richard are GAY so like . tbh theyre probably like attracted to SANE people or something? idk Antonio seems like the guy to like, idk maybe someone who's nice to him? like SOMEONE WHO LIKE GENUINELY SEES THEBEST IN HIM AND WILL SUPPORT HIM becuase hes never had that ever growing up so its bizzare to him that someone out there genuiely CARES about him and CARES ENOUGH TO BE LIKE HIS FRIEND. GEUINE FRIEND. and if theyres a guy... yeah . Yaoi. (im a gay man I MAKE THESE JHOKES ALL THE TIME)
Richard i didnt answer bc idk man have you ever sen the Stranger Things fandom? so like. He's Steve Harrington and he needs to find his Jonathan Byers OR Eddie Munson before its too late ... it is too late btw he died lol
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their biggest inrpiratons? Komi's is her half-kind of? sister? Ayano from KagePro and im not going into all that just read her carrd or assume that i will address this later in more detail ebcause again this is an OC we've had for over 6 years so her lore is all over the place and shes not a dedicated fandom OC SHE GOES EVERYWHERE.
Vincent? idk. some big name hollywood actor . or somethibg. probably a few. im not going to indulge him by looking one up for an example bc the only movies i watch are shitty horror/slashers or marvel movies and smetimes ill watch like, idk a disney movie if im feeling freaky. idk whyy i said freaky
Richard idk soem fucking sports guy probablt i kinda want to make ajoke with Richard that he APPEARS to be a CIS STRAIGHT WHITE HETEROSEXUAL MAN but hes such a fucking himbo that he probably doesnt even fucking realize that hes GAY and im not saying like hes, idk talking to women I MEAN HE DOESNT REALIZE THAT WOMEN LIKE HIM. MAUBE. LIKE HE OBVIOUSLY, TO HIM, LIKING MEN IS NORMAL HES UST OBVLIOUS WHEN SOMEONE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX/GENDER IDK FLIRTS OR HITS ON HIM andhes like thibning theyre friendly and so hes friendlyback? LIKE THAT JOCK DUDE FROM PARANOMAN, thats Richard. he probbaly has a boyfriend or a crush on someone idk. too bad he died.
Antonio probably looks up to like, idk, a super hero or some fictional character like if he lived long enough to see Star Wars, he would attach himself to Han Solo. i dont really know many people/characters PRE-1970s and the Rat/Cat/Puppeteer ALL DIED IN LIKE in the span of 1961 and 1963 probably, i think Vincent died in prison a year or two after the events of FNAC 3. so. but yeah.
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cloudsoffire · 11 months
just some classic oversharing in the form of a bullet point list
fun facts about me
when i was like 11 or something my art got featured in a cringe compilation
i was in mormon boy scouts
both of my siblings are also trans
i was so bad at school that they sent me to another one that had crisis lines on the back of our ids
my first fanfiction was either wings of fire or warrior cats
i have on three separate occasions attempted to write a fic alongside another person which intersected.
none of these fics included a single canon character
none of them were completed, but the one i was most serious about had my partner abandon their side first. i wrote 23,510 words across the original and a rewrite, as well as detailed character bios with math as to each character and their abilities. because they were all ocs. every single one.
i have tried to get into game design but always gave up to quickly. i would draw map and ui plans on schoolwork though
i have livestreamed twice. once was undertale on youtube when i was like 14, and once was little witch nobeta on twitch. the latter contained in-depth criticism of capitalism to an audience of zero. probably for the best as my laptop is trash and the recording was choppy af
in seventh grade i wrote an undertale x hunger games fanfiction as a school assignment. look idk either. i think it was my first time writing for canon characters
i also wrote warrior cats fanfic (original characters, original clans, etc.) as a school assignment but i don't think it had to be fanfiction that time.
i have an unfinished 17k word original work set in a post-climate change society where serial killers are basically celebrities.
my biggest work is a 53,729 word original story
i actually have a lot of original stuff. a fair amount of it is horror or has horror elements.
a line i wrote for a fanfic a long time ago was so visceral and graphic that to this day my older sibling refuses to read my writing. it was just a character shooting another upwards through the chin but i'll admit the way i described it was a bit much. i haven't written anything on that level since.
oh right the "all ocs" thing wasn't true for one of the warriors fics. i briefly wrote scourge because i gave him fankids. and a mate.
okay let's just go over some of my original stories
chaos dimension
magical girls but gay and also they fight god and eventually blow up the world tree and its actually a lot more convoluted than i can put succinctly.
the grim reaper retires and chooses a dead kid to take his place. more of an episodic thing.
a girl who can't feel pain
a story you can tell was written out of frustration after reading the (garbage) be more chill book. it has a high school guy that immediately gets rejected at the beginning.
angel and demon try to kill each other (mt only romance thing)
submarine goes into an underwater labyrinth and a lot of people die
literally almost all the characters in these are queer. idk anyway back to me.
my first "relationship" ended in a couple days because i thought they deserved better. she was later found out to be faking being in a band and selling other people's music and it was a whole thing. for those two reasons combined i don't really count it.
i have 4 albums of music from sonic on my phone, with album art and everything, adding up to 265 tracks. they are all ripped from youtube.
i've been sent to grippy sock jail three times, but only made to stay once. during this time i read most of the ultimate hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.
when i was a kid i had a deviantart where i posted some of my earliest art. i had a riolu oc and constantly drew riolu and lucario. this is because i got riolu as my character in pokémon mystery dungeon 2.
i used to be known as "best sass cheld." now i am simply an uninteresting 19 y/o adult.
i own a demon horn headband
i used to use "rose" as a stand-in last name on the internet. i stopped using it as the name had too much baggage attached.
the great gatsby sucked. that's not really a fun fact but it's been a year or so and i'm still thinking about how terrible that book is.
when i was 14-ish i had a health teacher that blasted heavy metal music before class
i took a full year-long break from social media when i was 17 and a couple months into 18
i would list some stuff from deviantart but it's not really stuff i wanna share
i would also list stuff from twitter but i can't remember the vast majority of it.
i can't think of anything else but that's already a lot more than i thought i'd be able to remember
well i can think of some stuff but they're either personal or identifiable so that's that
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natewriteslol · 3 years
Hey! Could i request the dorm leaders with an esper MC? Kinda like Mob psycho or Saiki k :) and maybe they don't really use this ability of theirs that much since in their world they're literally a teen who's trying to live a normal life(like Mob basically), so nobody knew about their psychic powers except Grim since the mirror said that he couldnt sense any magic in them(i'm pretty sure that psychic powers don't really count as magic but idk lol).
Feel free to ignore if you don't wanna write it! :)
 A/N: Ooh this was a fun one! I haven't watched Mob Psycho (I know about that fine ass blonde man-) but I have watched Saiki k and I loved it, still need to finish it tho jlafljhdas 
Characters: Kalim Al-Asim, Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Vil Schoenheit, Azul Ashengrotto, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
P.S: I’m so sorry this is so long omg but I guess this is a strong comeback-
Warnings: none except for language
-You wanted to stay as far away as possible from him
-Riddle was part of the trio of people you wanted to stay away from: Riddle, Vil, and Azul
-Riddle paid so much attention to fine details that if something was up, he'd definitely notice it
-But unfortunately you were best friends with the two goobers of Heartslabyul: Ace and Deuce
-And Riddle had started to pay attention to you and your habits, and something was off with you
-It's almost as though you tried too hard to be normal, like Jamil
-And he could never let something like that happen again, so yes he was watching you
-One day you accidently slipped up and was irresponsible with your powers
-Grim was bothering you since he got into a deal with Azul for tuna and they were standing outside with the twins, since Grim lost
-You told him to fend for himself and teleported, however you didn’t plan where you would go
-And you teleported into the Heartslabyul dorm
-What sucks is that your teleportation power was literally flashy with a bright ass green light every time you popped in somewhere
-Just when you thought you were lucky since the whole dorm was uninhabited...except for Riddle who watched the whole thing
-He was completely shocked, he didn’t know what to say other than “What did you just do?!” 
-You explained to him, and that just pieced everything together
-How you solved overblots with such ease, and that one day you had a “strength potion to test for Azul” was such bs!
-Riddle ends up keeping your secret, since he values your privacy but if you do something major and mess up then he will tell!
-”I understand but please be more careful with your powers. I need to institute discipline and you are no exception, Y/N.”
-He really does care about you and doesn’t want you to be found out 
-Goes the extra mile to cover for you often, and in exchange you help him out with things :)
-He didn't really care about you at first but as you started to hang Jack and Ruggie, Leona started to get more suspicious
-Your scent had proven that you had some trace of magic, but Leona just couldn't put his finger on it
-So he sent Ruggie after you for a couple of days
-If you were a threat to Savanaclaw, Leona would crush you
-But Ruggie had only reported back that everything with you was perfectly normal
-"Just give it up Leona, they're just an ordinary human. The scent is probably weird because they're from a completely different world."
-But Leona still had that feeling, so he was keeping an eye on you
-You had made a deal with Crowley to keep your powers secret to solve problems on campus (it did cut repair costs and handymen costs in half so-)
-Your new quest was to rid the forest of the Angolo fungus that was manifesting into living fungus blobs 
-The one thing that gave you away was Grim, as you both had to stop by the Greenhouse to read some info about the fungus
-The cat beast was being far too loud, not understanding why he had to go and mess around with the icky fungus
-You simply replied “It’ll be quick, I’ll just use Hydrokinesis and dry out the fungus since they’re mainly filled with water. They become fertilizer once dried so we can just leave them there.”
-And there Leona was, ears perked up once he heard your voice
-Hydrokinesis? What are you talking about?
-So he set off, following you to the forest
-You started to fly, turning the once green and lively fungus to brown dust while Grim napped against a tree
-Leona for the first time in the while, was left speechless
-Once you noticed him, you realized you had to talk to him
-Confronting him later on, luckily Leona didn’t spill to anyone 
-He promised to never tell anyone about what he saw, and had no clapbacks for what you had to say 
- Leona doesn’t even benefit from this secret...besides mayyybee one day asking for your help if his pride lets him
-By the Great Seven why does everything have to not be in his favor-
-Another one who you have got to be careful around, since he’s incredibly observant
-More observant than Riddle
-Azul noticed that you’re an incredibly average person, and were incredibly relaxed even during the most stressful situations
-And almost every single time whenever you were in a tight spot, it works in your favor
-Just how is that possible? Solving overblots left and right? Every single time you disappeared the infestation of magical beasts are gone? 
-One day, you were getting picked on by a three guys, their stature far above yours and incredibly strong. How could you possibly win?
-Just as he was about to scoop in a save you, you slammed one of the men into the concrete, taking on the other two by electrocuting them, the blue lightning buzzing in your palms
-They were completely knocked out, dusting off your palms and picking up your things only to face Azul’s eyes
-After giving an explanation of what that was, he was still speechless
-Azul at first was incredibly shocked and then since Azul is Azul... later on realized this had benefits
-He could just blackmail you to be his new bodyguard!
-Oh how he always manages to bend life to his will-!
-So you could just wipe his memory... or turn him into stone...nvm
-You’re now Azul’s arch nemesis since you end up saving people from his scamming and you’re basically untouchable and there’s nothing he can do about it
-But he does find your great strength admirable (and a lil hot, I mean what can u say seeing someone floating in the air with electricity flowing through them is a nice look okay Nate shut up)
-Oh Kalim my beloved
-He just thinks that you’re incredibly talented and a little mysterious
-You have your little quirks and he has his! Who is he to judge?
-Until one day you wanted to make the load lighter on Jamil, since the berries that Kalim had requested for were only in season in one country
-You decided to just teleport and then come back with the berries so Kalim wouldn’t be pouty 
-You were outside the door ready to teleport when last minute you felt a hand on your shoulder
- “Oh Y/N you forgot-!”
-And there both you and Kalim were, in a berry field thousands of miles away from the Scarabia dorm
-Kalim screams, falling to the lush green of the field
-What happened?! Where are we?! How did you do that?!
-You quickly gathered all the berries at light speed, making sure that you got back before Jamil realized that you were gone
-Kalim wasn’t scared of you, rather impressed that you were able to keep a secret for that long, he could never!
-You’re already super cool, and on top of this you have otherwordly powers!
- “It must’ve been stressful living your life like this! But don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret!”
-Yes he sometimes asks you to perform some of your powers for him, sorry Y/N-
-While you were his friend, he was incredibly suspicious of you
-Even though you wiped everyone’s memory, he still had the faint memory of when he was in overblot mode of you blasting him with a beam of light
-Vil was incredibly upset as one of his assistants had mixed up his items, and left one of his vital skincare items on the set of where they were filming a new commercial
-It was being shipped and would take 3 days to reach NRC
-His mood was horrible and you had to do something about it to give grace to the Pomefiore dorm
-So you went to the second story of the Pomefiore dorm, ready to use Apport (the power to pull anything before you) 
-However, Vil felt incredibly guilty
-He was acting like a child and he shouldn’t have taken it out on the people who he loves and values
- “Y/N, how I was acting was incredibly inappropriate and- is that my moisturizer? How did you get it?”
-Starts freaking out as this was impossible as it was on it’s way from being shipped from another country
-This was the last straw for him ther was no justification for this that wasn't done by some form of magic
-He takes you to his room to make you sit down and give him an explanation for this
-Once you finished, Vil understood but was still freaked out
-He cares alot about keeping your powers a secret and will cover for you
-"So my aport powers need to exchange something of equal value so... I exchanged it with that Scucci purse over there-
-He loves you, but you're dead to him, Y/N dear
-Before he knew you, he didn't really notice anything off with you
-A little quiet sure but he minded his own business, he had bigger things to focus on
-Until you hung around Ignihyde more often for a project, fixing a huge generator by yourself for one of your partners for a project
-They took a break only after you told them that they could and apprehensive went to go get food and water
-Anyone with eyes could see that there's an overbearing amount of energy flowing through the fairly large sized cube
-Wait, you were wearing no gloves, you could get electrocuted! Why would have your bare hands on something like that?!
-Just as he was able to yell, it was too late, your whole body was flowing with the bright blue energy... and then you let go
-You were walking completely fine, you went and held a random wire on the ground, placing the electricity inside
-The static from your hair was gone, and you looked completely normal. . .
-Just what the hell are you?
-He did hours of research trying to figure you out, even sending Ortho to monitor you
-Yet there was nothing, you were just a “regular teen” 
-Was ready to get S.T.Y.X.S on your ass- (is that too soon to joke abt my bad overblot boys-)
-Until one day he caught you again bending electricity to your will
-Is incredibly impressed with your power (lowkey wanting to experiment on you)
-After he realizes that you can read minds Idia is so damn frightened
- “O-Okay I promise not to say anything, just don’t tell anyone what I’m thinking a-alright?!”
-You were one of the only people who he trusted
-Malleus had always detected some form of magical aura that was otherworldly from you and it never seemed to fade
-And it wasn’t often, but it was almost like you knew what he was thinking
-Whenever he was deeply upset he felt a twinge of energy from you, and then you would insist and help him out with his problems
-And he flat out says “Are you reading my mind, Y/N?”
-You had never been directly outed like this before, you felt horrible 
-You never read people’s minds unless it was very necessary
-whenever Malleus felt deeply gloomy you felt like it was important to just read his mind and help him with the problem
-You explained it to him and apologized, but he wasn’t upset
-In fact, he was smiling?
- “It seems like we have alot of things that we’re hiding from each other. But... you always had the best intentions whenever you used your abilities”
-He let out a sigh and reluctantly admitted, “And, I know that I’m quite stubborn with revealing my feelings.” 
- “I will keep your secret as long as you keep mine, Child of Man,” the dragon fae said, you both shaking on it
- “I always had a feeling that you were special, but I never thought it would be something of this caliber...” 
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thatgoblin · 3 years
Ask meme: Carlos!!!! ^^
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Headcannons of me and my Himbo Husband F/O
He's hot. No, literally. The man is a furnace and while it's wonderful in the winter, in the summer it's awful because I'm always hot and he wants cuddles bit I feel like I have a human sun attached to me. Upside is my feet always get cold so making him sit on them is always a win. Unless we're in bed and he doesn't expect then he whines.
No less then 5 times a day do we say 'What the fuck are you doing?' To each other. 5 times each that is. Either I'm being a weird goblin and talking to myself or trying to fight something OR he's trying to do a haka like dance for the cats who are entranced yet also terrified.
I thought I had a lot of hair. The man almost had me beat. We have to clean the drain once a month or it gets backed up. But oh my gods his hair is so soft. Even if he hasn't washed it in a few days.
Don't tell him to not do something. The jerk will do it. But then again I'm the same way. 'Do not add habanero to the chili! It has chilies in it already! I don't have an iron tongue like you!' 'But flavor, babe!' 'I am not dealing with an upset stomach later for the sake of your "flavor", Carlos.'
He loves to give affection in weird ways. Like whispering in my ear that he just took a big shit in the bathroom so give it a few minutes or he'll have worked on the yard all day and will come in to rub his stinky body on me. 'I gotta do it or the werewolves will sense you!' 'What werewolves!? What are you talking about, Carlos!?' 'The ones from Seattle. If they small an alpha on you then they'll leave you alone!' 'I'm gonna hose you, stahp!'
I do it right back to him though. Mostly with gentle nibbles. Kinda gentle. Gentle like. Okay sometimes I just straight up bite him where I can. There's also the times I do a 'mating ritual' which usually begins with me flapping a jacket I have on or a robe and making bird noises before proceeding to chase him and scream 'LET ME LOVE YOU!'
We both refer to the cats as our children. He's a proud papa of 3 cats who love him, well 2 who love him and one who tolerates him becausr Carlos feeds her. TBF Patty barely tolerates me.
Carlos sleeps like the dead. I'm pretty sure that I've tried to wake him a time or two when there was a definite need for him to be awake but he was just out. Short of throwing water on him, he was not getting. Yes, I poured water on him from one of the many water bottles we have.
He has become the neighbors nemesis. I tried to stop him, but when I found out why, I helped him. It was over some stupid bushes they didn't like in our yard so we planted more. They complained more, we hadded more. Now we have so many hydrangeas and I don't know how to care for them. Send help.
Carlos is absolutely amazing with his hands. The man can crack my body like a glow stick and I'll ask for more every time. He gives the best massages. I swear he should have been a masseuse. He doesn't like it when I try to give him one, something about 'I am not dough!' IDK.
Usually people don't care for feet, but Carlos doesn't mind it. I give him pedicures a lot because otherwise his feet would be EXTRA rough and I will not do that to my sheets.
For as much attention ad he may crave, he's pretty good about letting us have our own things. It's nice having that alone time but parallel play is good too.
The man can cook. He likes to as well and will hijack my dinners if I'm not careful. *points to habaneros in the chili*
While he will start out the big spoon, I always end up being his backpack because I wrap around him like an octopus when we sleep.
Also, he would sleep in nothing if I let him. Fear of having to quickly leave while grabbing the cats is real so he has to wear at least underwear. He whines but does it.
We'll leave the spicy details for later. ;)
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bokunosimpfiction · 3 years
Yandere!Heisenberg x Reader Pt 3
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A/N: Since y’all demanded a plot that’s what you’ll get. Will it be good? No. I’ve never written anything with a plot in my entire life. Ever. Not even when I did Nanowrimo or whatever. I just bullshitted the whole thing. Like I’ll do with this fic. Y’all are going to have to remind me to update because I have the attention span of a goat. I’ll try to update this on Saturdays??? IDK at this point. ALSO, WHY THE FUCK IS THIS SO POPULAR?????????? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY NOTES THIS HAS ON AO3???? 69????SIXITY FUCKING NINE??? I HATE EVERYTHING MY LEGACY WILL BE READER CALLING HEISENBERG DOOFSCHMIRTZ I HATE EVRYTHING DSHFUGSADFJ
Synopsis: You have totally, %100, given up on escaping. Totally. You haven't been gathering supplies for one, final last hurray. Nope. Totally not. All you have to do is persuade Heisenberg of that so you can change your mind at the last minute. Y’all know the trigger warning for this series but if you don’t tw:kidnapping (implied)
Taglist: it’s exclusivly @localdepressedvampire​  so if you want to be on it for just this story or for all my pieces fill out the google doc in my pinned post or dm me and I’ll put you on it. :)
             You’ve made a breakthrough in your long-term plan of escapism. Even with the mini escape attempts that were really about exploring the factory and less about actually trying to get out, you hadn’t made a lot of progress: until now.
             Well, two, really… Okay, maybe 1 ½. Firstly, you found a sawed-off two-barrel shotgun. With ammo. In fact, there was a various amount of ammo around the factory, but no actual gun. Until now. The second discovery, which is nowhere near as useful, was a window. Which was probably 50 or more feet up from the ground. You didn’t get a chance to inspect it that much, considering as soon as you saw it and got a glimpse at the far-off ground, you had to run again from Lycans.
             Which gives you a basic idea of a way to escape. You knew where the ammo was, you knew where the gun was and had a route to the edge of the building, and hopefully could find stairs at the end of the hallway. Now all you had to do was find a time where you could be gone long enough to get a decent head start before, he notices you’re even gone. Even when he was in the workshop, he kept a close eye on you, keeping you in arms-length to the point where it taxed on both of your mental health.
             And even then, in that chair in the small room, you watch him work in the finer details on something the size of your head and torso. You try not to look at the phone in your lap, he doesn’t even know you have it, much less how great the reception is in the building. How did he not know about his old phone that was still working fine? Oh well, he doesn’t need to know you’re looking at memes and reading feel-good wolf-star fanfic on ao3.
             The best idea you had was to leave him while he was asleep, but there were two some issues with that: he clung to you like his life depended on it, your back to his chest and arms around you almost tight enough to keep you awake; it was dark as hell in the hallways of the factory as is, but it would be impossible to navigate safely with the lights; and the Lycans were most active outside at night, which was where you were trying to go. They’ve tried to eat you before as they show no discrimination on food.
             The only way to get a good enough head start would be to leave while he didn’t notice you were gone, and wouldn’t notice for a long, long time. And that when it hit you. The only time he ever left you by yourself was when he had to deal with the other three lords. And while he left you in that basement that you originally woke up in, you had memorized your way out and found that going up five flights of stairs took you to that faithful widow.
             Would you have enough time to explore and look for an actual exit/entrance, or should you play it safe and find a way to go out that window. You wanted to laugh to yourself, you’d never think that going down a 50ft plus drop would be considered safe, but here you were, kidnapped and held hostage by one of the people your late grandmother warned you not to associate with, or even go near. The letter you received directly quoted “the four lords and their mother, Mother Miranda, are not to be approached or associated with at any costs. You’ll know them when you see them, they smell like death and money. See them and run.”
             You can’t help but find that ironic, considering that you did try to run, heeded her warning, and still faced the consequences that were far worse than she had warned you about. You regretted coming here, to this small village, when you first arrived: no friends, and even those you tried to approach held you to her standard and expected them to be just like her. You were far from her kind and optimistic nature (at least that’s what you heard of her; you hadn’t even known of her whereabouts until she was dead).
             Even the duke, who had helped smuggle you into the village, didn’t seem fond of you. It was a shame, you tried so hard to impress him. But he saw you to a point where you could easily reach her old cottage without having too many issues, turned his cart around, and left without a good-bye. It bothered you to no end that your only companion for about a year or so was an elderly outside cat and the creaking noises the walls made at night.
             And then the cat died and not even a week later you got kidnapped. You never considered yourself lucky, but damn if that wasn’t the worst streak of luck you’ve had in a long time.
             You pretend to turn a page in your book and scroll through your Instagram feed, seeing friends having fun at the beach, or studying at the library, or your old best friend taking selfies in provocative clothing to your ex-boyfriend. Did she forget he cheated on you? She wasn’t always the smartest, but she brought that heartbreak upon herself. You see a photo of your mom, she had posted a picture of a black and white photo of her with her mom, you’re guessing, you have no idea who that old woman is.
             This is the last photo I had with my mom before she died. We lost contact after I moved out. I wish we parted on better terms, Nana.
             She’s in a prairie dress, holding an ancient-looking key in one hand, and the other wrapped around her mom, a middle-aged woman with long hair in two braids and a face that had too many stress wrinkles. You guess your mom was as bad as you were in college. The background looks dreary. You would have guessed it to be the quality of the photo if you hadn’t recognized the house behind them as the house you lived in used to live in.
             The loops on the handle of the key look familiar. You spread your fingers apart to zoom in and see the blurry engravings on the side. It was the payment you gave to sneak into the village. You thought it was a worthless family heirloom at most and found it strange that he had even found interest in the key, or even valued it deeper than money in general. Maybe this photo or other photos of you and your family would help out.
             Why is that key suddenly piquing your interest? Were you that bored, as to sit there and think about a key that was at least twice your age? A key that you didn’t even have. You needed a hobby besides escapism and rejecting your captor’s sexual advances. You look up at him again, only to find him leaning against the desk, hat off and sunglass placed on his forehead, his gaze on you. It wasn’t his normal piercing one, that studied you and calculated your every move, but soft and lazy. His current gaze was dreamy; he was daydreaming about you. You found that equally undaring s it was unnerving.
             “Yes, Sweetiepea?” Honestly, what the fuck.
             “Firstly, why are you staring at me like that? Secondly, that is the most disgusting way to use that pet name. I need to take a shower after you called me that.”
             He chuckles light-heartedly. Even his softer more genuine, happy chuckles are booming and loud. “Okay… Sugarplum!” And he busts out laughing.
             Clearly dodging the first question and focusing on the second. You can’t believe you gave him ammo for his annoying-you-gun. And you thought you’d grown immune to most of his… less-savory traits. Were you growing used to him? Next thing you know you’re going to like him and develop Stockholm syndrome!
             “You’re a shit head, hobo magneto…” You turn your head away and let your hair cover half your face so he can’t see you smile. You’ll miss him when you escape and get the duke to smuggle you back to your home in Bucharest. But only a little. Just because calling Heisenberg these names are funny.
             “Why don’t you call me by my name, I know you know it.”
             “You sure about that?” You quip back.
             “You’ve lived with me for at least two months now!”
             “Hm…. I think I know your name! It’s uh…” You are totally faking not knowing his name. “It’s… Heidi Carlson? Yeah, that sounds about right!”
             “It’s Karl Heisenberg!”
             “Quit being so silly, Heidi! Maybe it’s nap-time!” This was a little too fun.
             He looks back at his project for a moment and genuinely considers it. “I know you’re being antagonistic but you’re probably right.” And with that, he walks towards you and goes to scoop you up. You have to shut your book quickly in order for him not to notice the phone in between its pages before you let him pick you up.
             He immediately notices that. “Are… Are you sick?”
             “No! Of course not!” Because you genuinely aren’t sick, and he’s already up in your business as-is, you don’t need him dotting on you because he thinks you’re sick or something. You’ll go fucking crazy.
             “You’ve put in zero effort into anything remotely physical since your last little failed escape attempt.” He gave it a little bit of thought. “You’ve given up, haven’t you, and you’re just depressed about it aren’t you?”
             You want to say no, you really do, but if Heisenberg thinks you’ve given up on escaping, perhaps it’ll give you enough space to plan the big one. The reverse heist so to speak. “No- I… okay maybe I have but I still don’t like you.
             He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Good girl. Now let’s get us that well-deserved nap.”
             You plug your nose and turn away as a joke. “You’ve gotta take a bath first, you smell like oil and sweat.” You don’t fight it, because you have to play the part, but you still have to act a little bit like yourself.
             “Okay, fine doll, but don’t think you’ve escaped my barrage of affection, because as soon as I get out of the shower-“
             You bonk him. And he looks at you so confused before he smiles and leans down to nuzzle his nose against yours. You try to hold the bile back in your mouth and lean forward and peck his lips before leaning back. You failed at trying to not visibly gag.
             “Ew… I can’t believe I just kissed you.”
             “Well, I guess someone caught feelings… Didn’t they?”
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
That one AU where Ryan’s undercover, right?
Still with Narco or maybe he’s been shuffled around a bit, moved over to Robbery right around the time Homicide and Beckett get the case with Finch and Esposito’s old partner. (Or maybe a case crossed over and he’s being loaned out, idk, details and so on???)
And at the beginning of the case in comes Detective Demming in Robbery, formerly out of the 54th.
Castle is like >:(((((( because the man is just too pretty, and also probably rescues cats out of trees on his days off, and honestly, is he the only one to see this Detective Tom Demming as what he truly is?
(In his experience, someone who seems too good to be true isn’t, but clearly this Demming has bamboozled not only Beckett but Esposito and Captain Montgomery as well and it is up to the intrepid author of the group to prove it! ...as soon as he finds evidence.)
The case proceeds as usual and Lanie finds Ike’s prints on Finch’s body, which, you know Drama.
In comes Holliwell and the accusations and whatnot.
Esposito going to see Carol and Tim and asking if she knew and all that fun stuff?
But then!
Someone finds out that Finch was in contact with this guy, someone who could help them with a Thing (technical issue, get them something else they needed, who can say, right?) and of course it happens to by this guy who happens to know Demming.
Seems delighted to see him, all friendly like as they haul him in to ask a few questions and he’s got this smirk and is “hey, Demming. See you’ve moved up in the world,” and generally being a cocky little shit because he knows they can’t pin anything on him and also he has an alibi, but yeah, sure. Why not humor the cops for a bit? Should be fun.
Demming is just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ because yes, okay, he knows this little weasel. Busted him a few times for minor offenses and the whatnot but he always gets out and no one can make anything stick. But. He’s got a reputation for being able to get people what they need and rumors tying him to a string of robberies in a case a few years ago they were never able to solve.
But everyone knows he had something to do with it, you know?
So they ask him a few questions and get a lead. Doesn’t pan out, but what did they expect, really? (The next time they haul him in he does have a lead that pans out, so that’s nice.)
Shenanigans and whatnot, they see the footage showing Finch’s wife and Ike casing the bank and bring her in for questioning. Esposito races to Ike’s with Beckett and he has that conversation about it that’s all about Drama.
Back to the precinct and Beckett sparring with Demming and the “stealthy” sneaking around to get Demming’s SIM card and ~reveal that oh, yeah, no.
Not a dirty cop and you should all feel ashamed about even considering the possibility because the man is an angel, okay? An absolute angel.
(He definitely rescues cats out of trees on his way to coach underprivileged kids, you know he does.)
And then!
Esposito running off to help Ike steal the ledger and Demming is like ah, yes, Esposito is totally taking “a walk” and excuses himself to make a phone call, as you do.
Beckett and the others realize Holliwell is the dirty cop and since Esposito isn’t back yet – but before they can theorize as to why that is, Demming comes back in and says a “reliable source” told him Ike’s going after the ledger as they speak and with Esposito nowhere to be found it makes sense he’d be with him, right?
There’s this Moment where Beckett and Castle do the brain-twin thing and go hmmmm because it’s a little too convenient how Demming came by that info, but no time to worry about that now, they have to get to Ike and Esposito before Holliwell does.
Holliwell showing up to catch Esposito and Ike in the act and the pew-pew shooting before Beckett and the others catch Holliwell trying to make a break for it.
Shenanigans in which other cases are dealt with and every so often Demming shows up and oh, hey.
Also Demming’s little weasel buddy?
Enough that he starts in on giving Esposito and the others grief too when they bring him in for questioning?
(Kind of weird how he keeps popping up, but whatever. Demming says the guy’s just like that and you just get used to it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Eventually though, there’s a case, right?
Some murder that’s tied to drugs and robberies and homicide(s) and he’s a suspect – and then a key witness – and all the good will and trust he’s built up with his little criminal circle doesn’t mean a damn thing when someone put a price on his head and anyway.
“Wait, what?”
Because they have to protect him from the baddies – a stipulation if they want the information he’s got in that head of his – and it’s like.
Like, sure. They could do that, or they could maybe put more pressure on the guy? Beckett and Esposito could break him, just give them time, and Demming is like.
“I mean, you could, but it wouldn’t get you much. Trust me.”
And so the safehouse and Demming’s little weasel courting painful, drawn-out murderization from Beckett and the others with all the shit he gives them? Seems delighted by it like he has no idea how close they are to snapping, and does he realize they definitely how to hide a body where no one will find it, but whatever.
The thing is, Beckett and the others would rather die than admit that yes, okay. They, too, have a soft spot for the little bastard the way Demming seems to?
Such a little shit, but weirdly endearing and also he has helped them out a time or two before, you know?
He really gets under Esposito's skin, though. Because flirty little bastard and Castle is like a kid in a candy store because a criminal willing to share stories and whatnot who hasn’t (yet) threatened to kill him!
(Also, a fan!)
Beckett kind of loves the way he pushes Esposito’s buttons and he’s just. It’s hard not to like him. (She pointedly ignores the looks she gets from Demming because they’re all of the “I told you so” variety and anyway.)
And then!
After a couple of days of this the weasel disappears on them – and it’s all !!! and also >:((((((((((( because not only how, but why????
Demming goes to get answers from his people while Beckett and the others try to find out where the little bastard’s gone.
Realize, after going over what they know about the case and the little bastard that of course he’s gone to talk to someone – make a deal with his boss (the one who put the price on his head) or something and anyway -
Demming runs into them to tell them there’s some kind of meet going on...somewhere and his weasel’s involved, and then madcap race to get there before the little bastard gets himself killed.
Shenanigans in which the bad guy gets the drop on Beckett and the others, looks like the whole gang is about to be murderized, right?
Drama and Bad Guy Confessions Via Monologue, the weasel about to get murdered for real, but what’s this?
A bunch of cops in from Narco and Robbery, also Captain Montgomery and associates and all cavalry to the rescue to save the day?
Bad guys in cuffs being led off and Esposito hauling the weasel along, pissed off like you wouldn’t believe because of course the little bastard snuck out on his watch – scared the shit out of him – and just.
Very much Annoyed.
Demming takes charge of the little weasel when they get back to the station, had this odd little smile on his face as Esposito hauled him away, right? One Beckett and Castle just could not figure out and then!
Beckett and the others up in Homicide finishing off reports and whatnot and not quite ready to head home?
She gets a call from Demming, says he has someone he wants them to meet and if everyone’s still there? To which she is like yes?????
And then!
Few minutes later the elevator goes ding!
Ding goes the elevator and out comes Demming and his little weasel?
No cuffs this time, and it looks like he’s had time to clean up and get a change of clothes, which is probably for the best because of all the blood and whatnot after being knocked around by the bad guys before Beckett and the others showed up.
Which also huh, you know, huh. Like, sure. Guy’s not their murder suspect, but also other crimes and why, okay, why is Demming smiling like that? Why is the weasel smiling like that?
(He does clean up well, though. Not that Esposito is staring or anything, goodness no.)
“Thought you’d like to meet Detective Kevin Ryan.”
Shit-eating grins on both their faces and Beckett and the others like what and then attempted murder of Ryan by Esposito because that little shit, and then shenanigans?
Also going out for drinks and the telling of a story that involves undercover work and many instances of running into Beckett and the others and being like – “Do you guys ever get a normal homicide case?” because Kevin’s new here and doesn’t realize and anyway.
For some reason Kevin Ryan ends up transferring to Homicide and Esposito grumbles to anyone who will listen for forever afterwards about getting stuck with him, but it’s pretty obvious someone needs to look out for the idiot.
And then shenanigans and Castle still prying stories and whatnot out of Ryan every chance he gets – Esposito gets this look on his face when he’s around for one because they’ve all gotten to know the little idiot by now and how the hell is he not dead yet???
And perhaps, also, there is still ~flirting because Ryan is still a little shit and Esposito cannot with this moron, but also there’s a betting pool, because of course there is.
Castle has a !!! “My goodness, I never would have expected you, of all people, to take part in this,” to Demming when he ponies up some money for the betting pool on how long until those idiots figure out their shit.
(Meanwhile, Ryan gets in on the betting pool about Beckett and Castle because how do they not see it and anyway, yes.)
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Have I Ever Told You I Love You? | Urushihara Hanzo x Streamer!Reader (Part 1)
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Warnings: Swearing, fluff, and idk if you can call this angst
Word: 1270
    During his short stint in the small apartment with two other guys, Lucifer managed to find his own little world in his laptop. While it wasn't capable of running the games he wanted he was able to enjoy them vicariously through various streamers.
        His favorite streamer was a pink-haired girl from California. He came across her stream late day when he was scrolling through Stitch (Twitch). He knew a little English from the research he'd done for Maou and Ashiya, it was rough, but through some Foogle Translate, he managed.
        The first time he made her laugh through a badly translated off-handed comment, he knew he was done for. He would do literally do anything to hear her laugh like that again. 
        She wasn't a super popular streamer but had a loyal following that made a tight-knit community. It wasn't hard for him to start a conversation with her, and so a friendship began.
        A handful of months later, the short interactions turned into late night text sessions, and he went to as many streams of her's as he could.
        "What in the world are you watching?" Ashiya asked him one day.
        "None of your business!" He growled.
        "I think it's that girl he likes," Maou said through a mouthful of noodles.
        "What are you talking about?!" He yelled, "Why would I like some human? She's just good at gaming!"
        Oh, but he liked her. He liked her a lot. 
        One night he got a notification that she was live, which was odd cause it was almost 3 am where she lived.
        The title of the stream was "I'm drunk and wanna play games!" He chuckled to himself and opened her stream.
        She was sat at her normal streaming setup, but her face was flushed and hair messy.
        She had 'Golf With Your Friends' up, one of the few games his crappy laptop could play. He then got a text from her that said 'Join us' with the room password and a little purple heart.
        He quickly pulled the stream up on his phone and loaded the game, wasting no time getting into the room.
        With his phone propped up next to him, he saw her face break into a big grin.
        "Angel boy!" She smiled, his username was FallenAngelxxx, but she thought it was cute when he got flustered when she called him 'Angel Boy'. "I'll send you the link to the Biscord server voice call." 
        He never even thought to make a Biscord account, so he quickly set it up, claiming the name Angel_Boyxxx.
        "Angel boy, you there?" She asked when he joined the call. They hadn't voice called before and she was almost anxious to finally hear his voice. 
        "Yeah, I'm here." He said thankful Maou and Ashiya were out for the night. After he started watching her, he used what little magic power he had left to help him learn the monstrosity that is English.
        "Hey," She breathed before someone else in the call made a vomiting noise. "Shut it, Pat!"
        "You guys ready to start?" Wade laughed.
        As the night went on, she kept a constant state of drunk causing giggles and stupid comments. 
        "Hey, Angel," She said an hour or so into their play session, as the others were AFK for a few minutes, "Have I ever told you I love you?"
        He froze mid-practice shot, causing him to miss what he was aiming at completely.
        "I love you so much," She giggled.
        "What's with him?" A voice said behind him as a door shut. "Urushihara? Why's your face so red?"
        She gasped excitedly, "Who's that, Angel?"
        "He's not sick is he?" Another voice said, "Jeeze we can't afford a hospital visit right now."
        "I-I-" He covered his mouth with his hand, his face bright red. "Why now?"
        He moved awkwardly and his headphones came unplugged.
        "Angel? You okay?" Her voice sounded almost concerned through the haze of alcohol. "Angel?"
        "Who's that?" Maou asked, looking at the screen quizzically.
        "Are you playing those damned video games aga-" Ashiya started.
        "It's no one!" Lucifer rushed, slamming the laptop shut, cutting off another 'Angel'.
        He grabbed his handheld game and sat in the corner, trying to hide his blush behind his hair.
        The other two men shrugged and started talking about the next day's plans.
        About five minutes later, Lucifer's phone began to ring. He managed to snatch it before Ashiya grabbed it.
        "Were you about to answer my phone?!" He nearly screeched, "Can a guy get any privacy around here?!"
        "As your superior, I need to know you're not talking to any undesirables," Ashiya argued.
        "You mean like you old farts?" He hissed, before stepping into the hallway, slamming the door behind him. 
        The phone had stopped ringing when he went to finally answered and he slouched against the wall, head hung low.
        He was so embarrassed that it took him two weeks to go back to another stream or even answer any of her texts. He barely even went near his precious computer and Maou and Ashiya were even slightly concerned. 
        She was busy in-game and missed his meek little 'hi' in chat, he sighed and cradled his head on his arms on the desk, eyes staring at the screen.
        When she paused to read chat, someone told her he was there, even going as far as to ping him.
        Her eyes lit up as she asked, "You still here Angel Boy?"
        He put a purple heart emoji in the chat and she smiled.
        "Where you been? I- we've missed you," She said as she went back to the game.
        FallenAngelxxx: Who missed me?
        He couldn't help but tease her about her little slip-up.
        She scoffed and rolled her eyes at his chat, "Shut up."
        For the next three weeks, they texted every day, he was so distracted he even stopped ordering stuff. Until one day she never texted him her usual 'Good Morning Angel.' In fact, she never texted him at all that day and he was beyond worried. Sure she'd missed a couple of texts before, but nothing like this. He scrolled through their last conversation, wondering if he'd said something to make her mad.
        Ashiya watched him get more and more worried, "That girl you like not talking to you?"
        "No, she's not," Lucifer muttered from his place in the corner, just loud enough for Ashiya to hear. He was anxiously playing his handheld to take his mind off it.
        "Well, you probably did something in your own brand of stupid to upset her-" His roommate was cut off by a discord call on his computer.
        Lucifer scrambled to his computer, leaving his game unpaused on the floor.
        He glanced at the time as he answered the call, it was past 2 am for her.
        "His Majesty will be back soon, must you take a call instead of-"
        "I'll get to it later!"
        She chuckled as he tried to get his roommate off his back.
        "Hey Angel," She smiled, and his heart stuttered in his chest.
        "H-hey, where've you been all day? I... I was almost worried." He lied.
        "I-heh... Just a super busy day, I guess." 
        "You sound tired," He commented, "Shouldn't you be asleep?"
        "Don't wanna," She whined sleepily, "Help me stay up?"
        "Okay, you wanna play a game or something?" He scrolled through his Solar library for something to play.
        "Uh-uh, too tired," She yawned and he nearly 'aww'd, "Let's just talk for a while."
        "Y-yeah, okay." The other line went real quiet, "You still with me?"
        "Huh? Oh. Yeah, I'm here," Her small sleepy voice was doing things to his heart.
        "So," She yawned, "How was your day?"
        "Boring," He scoffed.
        "Tell me all about it," She said, "I wanna know every detail."
        "Every detail?"
        "Yep. What did you do? What did you eat? What stupid thing did your roommate yell at you for? Did you play anything fun? I want to know all of it."
        "Heh, I uh..." He had no idea what to say, he definitely wasn't telling her he spent the whole day freaking out, "You know, I just played some stupid game on my handheld and slept. Ashiya was out most of the day, so he really only got on my case a few minutes ago."
        "That's it?" She almost sounded disappointed.
        "Yeah, just another boring day." He shrugged. There was a knock on her side and he could hear her adjust.
        "Ah, that'd be room service," She groaned as she got up, "Be back in a mo."
        "What? Roomservice?! Where in the Hell are you?"
        "What's up with you?" Maou asked right next to him, causing him to jump and let to a small yell.
        "What the Hell, man?! I didn't even hear you come in!" He shouted, "You can't just scare people like that!"
        "Who can't scare what now?" SHe asked through a mouthful of food.
        "No not you- It's just- It's nothing Maou just scared me is all." He stammered.
        "Oh. HI ANGEL'S ROOMMATE!" she yelled loud enough that Maou could hear it through the headphones, making Urushihara yank them off his head.
        "Uh... Hi, Urushihara's girlfriend?" Maou answered unsurely.
        "Wha- She! Sh-sh-She isn't my girlfriend!" Lucifer argued, putting his headphones back on to hear her bubbly laughter.
        "I'm not?" She giggled, "Well maybe I should be since everyone already thinks it."
        His face flushed bright red as he stared at the screen. "W-w... Really?"
        "Yeah, the guys make fun of me for it all the time. They even said that I told you I loved you on stream once, ridiculous, right?"
        "A-actually..." He trailed off. "You kind of... did. I was there."
        It was quiet again.
        "N-no one clipped it?" She said in disbelief. Someone had actually clipped it, and he had it on his phone. Every once and a while, he would play it and his heart would do somersaults.
        "Well, no taking it back now," She chuckled. "Guess the cat's outa the bag."
        His jaw dropped.
        "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies," Ashiya teased and Lucifer threw a magazine at him. "That was uncalled for!"
        Lucifer grabbed his laptop and stormed out to the hallway. 
        With the door closed, he set his computer on the washer.
        "You love me?" He asked, trying not to sound completely desperate, unaware of Maou and Ashiya's ears pressed against the door.
        "Of course I do Angel."
        "Wow..." He felt like crying he was so happy. "Me too- I mean! No, I- shit... You don't even know what I look like."
        "Well... What are you doing in two days?"
        "What? Uh, my roommates are dragging me to some stupid work thing, why?" 
        "Can you get out of it?" She asked hopefully.
        "Unlikely," He frowned, "Ashiya is dead set on getting me out of the house and won't let me out of his sight."
        "Oh... Ok." Great, now she was sleepy and sad.
        "What was your idea? Maybe we can reschedule?" He suggested.
        "I'm only in Japan for the next three days, so I don't think it'll work."
        "YOU'RE IN JAPAN?!" He yelled, "Like, right now?!"
        "Good Hanzo, do you mind keeping it down?" Suzino asked from her doorway, "Some of us are trying to enjoy a quiet evening."
        He waved her off and went back to questioning the girl. 
        "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
        "Didn't know till a couple days ago myself. I thought I'd surprise you." She told him shyly. "The guys had an extra spot on their panel at some convention and invited me."
        "Scrw what Ashiya wants, where's the con?"
        "It's at the-" There was a loud bang outside the building, the lights went out and he lost internet connection.
        "No... No! NO!" he gripped the side of his computer and begged her to tell him.
Taglist: @unicornwithachainsaw83​ @steviestyle​
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mallowstep · 3 years
If you're having trouble with finding a name for Tadpole, I find Frog- is a good substitute while still staying with the theme, since Tadpole's grow into Frogs. Frogleap, Frogcrawl, Frogspeck, etc.
yeah, it's the highest on the list for alternative prefixes
my default warrior name for him is tadpoleheart (i've written a few scenes out), but, and i know this is going to sound strange coming from the person who named a kit chickadeekit, tadpole- is just feeling so unwieldy rn.
maybe it's the hyperfixation idk.
i like tadpole as a prefix. i don't know. anyway he's probably going to keep the suffix heart bc i was talking about it with a friend and so like
we decided that -heart should be for like. cats who accomplish something meaningful, ig? like it's not just handed out. you have to earn it.
so stormheart gets the suffix because he basically saves stonefur's life. stonefur is left for dead, and stormpaw is the reason greystripe and firestar go back for the body.
(he also gets it for surviving tigerclan, but like, if one of them was going to get it for that, it would be feathertail. so.)
so anyway, tadpole gets his suffix because he waits for feathertail to return from the prophecy to be named as a warrior. i haven't figured out the details, but then there's no time for a ceremony, and then he carries her through the mountains. so yeah, he earns it.
frogheart is a pretty good name. so idk.
for now, i've been writing his name as tadpole, or occasionally tadpolekit, but i really am still making up my mind. thank u for the suggestion!
and bc like i said there's basically a 100% chance of getting an excerpt from this au,
cw: nothing specific, but referenced child abuse and implied starvation.
"Mistyfoot is the new deputy of RiverClan," Leopardstar says, and the Clan calls her name in celebration, like they were not calling her name in jeers only days before.
Mistyfoot doesn't accept it, doesn't acknowledge it, doesn't look at Leopardstar. Featherpaw's whiskers twitch. Sympathy.
"We're next," Stormpaw says. He glances at her, with joy.
Featherpaw's legs shake. Mistyfoot woke her for the ceremony; she almost wishes she didn't.
There's a ceremony for dying apprentices. Leopardstar could have done that. But Featherpaw has been dragged from her den to stand in front of the Clan for their amusement once again.
It doesn't matter that their amusement is now derived from celebrating her.
"And now, there are two apprentices more deserving of being warriors than any I have known," Leopardstar says. "Stonefur, Mistyfoot, I don't need to ask you if you apprentices are ready to be warriors."
"They are," Stonefur says. Mistyfoot looks back towards Featherpaw, flicking an ear. Approval.
Stormpaw is bouncing, his tail flicking energetically. Featherpaw's legs feel heavy as she walks after him towards the center of camp.
She doesn't hear most of the ceremony. She hears Stormpaw become Stormheart, and she hears the space when she is supposed to say, "I do."
"From this moment on, you will be named as Feathertail," Leopardstar says, and Feathertail wants to laugh.
(Later, Mistyfoot tells her that Leopardstar praises her bravery and resilience, and Feathertail does laugh.)
Leopardstar is supposed to place her muzzle on Feathertail's head, but she is tired and the world is swimming and maybe she uses that as an excuse, because if Leopardstar touches her she thinks she will shout, something feral and unhinged, so Feathertail searches for Mistyfoot.
She's not sure if it's the Clan or Mistyfoot or Stormheart or Leopardstar or if she's mishearing someone again or if someone just called for Feather.
"'M tired," she says. "Are we done?"
"We're done," Mistyfoot says, resting her muzzle on Feathertail's head, purring. Feathertail's sides burn. She wonders how many new wounds she'll have when she wakes.
"Did I do well?"
"You did well."
Feathertail's eyes close. She doesn't open them.
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
anyway, speaking about johnny boy i was thinking about him + nibbles and our like collective desicion that he is essiently a cat and it is really weirdly fitting that it just makes me like ???? so like cats themselves are a reoccuring motif within the game from the start, when u go to viks, when ur chatting up takemura and at the end with the rooftop that also doubles as like the millionith matrix reference. they follow v and they take up the role of the bakeneko, which i think in the game is defined by them appearing near death ? or just disaster. the obvious thing is that it is to do with v's inpending death and their whole sitation but like the general point is like the cat symbolises the death that follows v as the cat follows them. this puts johnny in an interesting sitation from his catlike nature to how he seems to like and get along with nibbles, he is linked with cats. he is also the parasite that is killing v. he is V's bakeneko. their signal of death. the events start because of his relic, jackie dies for him, and soon does most of the cast from act 1, and a large part of the death from then on is a direct result of them trying to solve the relic and johnny's whole presence is a signal for hey v ur fucking dying. he is death for them. the bakeneko.
makes me wonder if his catlike attributes were intentionally done cause that boy aint right or we just accidently walked on a really thematic fitting landmind
Spoilers within, again, also leave my sleeping schedule alone, I do not function. Additionally, I have a lot to say about Nibbles, omens, cats, and pets then how they all relate back to Johnny so congrats on opening a flood gate my friend!
 think the thematic thing with Johnny and cats and the bakeneko has to 1000000 percent be intentional, because he even sees a cat when Alt is kidnapped. And that goes back to Cyberpunk Red. Like that was used and utilized and then became such a large part of the story. 
Johnny is clearly meant to be a bakeneko; he’s actively next to the cat in that conversation, leaves when it does, see the same cat before Alt’s death, and is again the visual representation of what is happening to V. He is the symbol of their death, whether he wants to be or not. 
I think it’s also interesting to note, the Bakeneko, which is described as an omen of death and misfortune isn’t the only way we see cats used thematically within the game. Albeit, this way is more subtle and perhaps intentionally so. We also see the maneki-neko; the lucky cat statues are everywhere in game. In V’s apartment, Misty’s shop, Vik’s clinic. Everyyyyyywhereeeeee. 
So, we see two mythological cats from Japanese culture. One brings misfortune and one brings good luck. And Johnny exemplifies both. 
Johnny is a visual representation of all that is destroying V. His mere existence and presence a constant reminder that their death is around the corner. An ever present omen that V’s clock is ticking. He also often pops up to have a comment just before massive relic malfunctions and disasters. The end of every main game quest is punctuated with a relic malfunction and a lecture from Johnny. 
But without the chip and by extension Johnny, V would already be dead. If the chip hadn’t been the exact right place to be damaged and activated by the gunshot; it would have killed V right then and there. And while this wasn’t an active choice on Johnny’s part, he is the visual representation of the chip. Even then, he later does make an active choice to save V’s life. When V is hit with the worst malfunction yet; Johnny grabs them, “you aren’t dying yet, I got you” and he takes them to safety. He refuses to watch V seize and die in a puddle of their own sick in the middle of nowhere (for me it’s always at the sunset hotel, idk if this changes based on the order you do the events tho) So, he takes control, he eases their pain and takes them somewhere safe, somewhere that means something to him, and swears to die for them. 
Luck both good and bad. Fortune and misfortune. A sign of better days and an omen of death. A maneki-neko and a bakeneko. The time bomb in V’s head and the guy who saved their life. He is both. 
Now, stepping away from the mythological aspects. Lets talk about Nibbles the cat, Johnny, and pets within Cyberpunk 2077. Animals and by extension pets are considered a luxury in Night City. They’re taxed to fuck and back, generally only the wealthy can have them. Its also often brought up that real friends and family who stick by you are very difficult to come by. V becomes through Nibbles one of the rare people to have a pet. One of the other people who had a pet is, Barry their neighbor. 
Barry and his mission is one of the first you can unlock and see in the game. He’s V’s downstairs neighbor and his story is played out so fucking similarly to V’s. Barry lost his best friend, he’s quit his job because he can’t handle the weight of the NCPD’s corruption, and he’s thinking of taking his own life.  V has lost Jackie, its stated in game they get less work than usual because of Konpeki (cant be put on a crew), and very early on can say to Misty “be better off putting in my head”. 
But for Barry that friend ends up being a pet tortoise. And its clear what that tortoise represents; a constant companion, a safe place, and a comfort. Something Barry couldn’t find among his peers until later on when they learn just how much he’s been hurting. And this is treated as such a tragedy, that he only has a pet to turn to. 
And so V gets a cat, because they too are fucking hurting and having a little meowing bundle of skin running around their apartment helps. Something to come home to, something to make that apartment a little less empty, a little more alive. 
So, how does this particular aspect of Nibbles/cats/pets relate to Johnny, I hear you wondering (as well as wondering when Im going to shut up). Well, we know Johnny is linked symbolically with cats and thats the choice of pet for V. And we knows pets have been likened to support without judgement; a companion who you can tell everything too and they won’t abandon you. 
And while Johnny has heaps of judgment and is a dick. He is V’s only constant companion. I know a good junk of people don’t like him or his commentary; but imagine V’s life without Johnny in it through the game events. Imagine how lonely they’d be. 
Johnny is the only one who knows everything and is there with V from the start to the final moments in Mikoshi. 
Vik and Misty know, but they’re no edgerunners, they have no idea everything V is doing out there. Part of why as much as I do love Vik, his frustration with V hurts so much in the end because he talks like V hasn’t done anything to save themselves. Because, Vik doesn’t know what V’s been doing this whole time. 
Each part of the main quests in Act 2 are linked to an NPC; Judy, Panam, and Takemura. And not one of them know or are there throughout the entirety of V’s journey. Judy doesn’t get told the full details of what’s happening until later in and stops helping V one Evelyn is saved. Panam doesn’t learn the full details or anything really about the chip until much later. And her quests become her own personal journey once V finds Hellman. And then depending on V’s choices, Panam can come in to help at the end. Takemura knows V is dying and is there to help with the parade and then he’s gone; either dead or in hiding. He refers to anything that doesn’t involve him as V’s shady dealings and leaves it at that. He’s there to interrogate Hellman but he doesn’t know all V did to find him. None of them know everything, none of them have been there the whole time. And that’s not a condemnation of them, I do not expect them to drop everything to be glued to V’s side 24/7 but, I can’t fucking imagine how alone V feels. 
River has no involvement in any main quests and only finds out anything if V chooses to romance him. Kerry knows what Johnny told him and depending on the ending may even leave V. Again, wanna be clear, that isn’t a condemnation on his character. I understand why he does this and i understand his hurt and how it led him to that. 
But this is about how truly fucking alone V is in all of this. Not a single person there start to finish, not a single person knowing all that they have suffered, all that they have been through and are going through. 
Except Johnny. He tells V in the oil fields, closest to him by far, there 24/7, yet they don’t seem to hate him. And he’s that for V too; there the entire way, their demon never leaving.  Johnny knows everything happening; because he’s part of what’s happening. He’s been there through every struggle, every step, every slap in the face as V’s tried to save themselves. Has felt their pain as they lose themselves, has known the people who’ve had to die for them to get this far, as felt their heart break when all they found was betrayal by the Voodoo Boys, Ai Alt asking how V’s life is her problem, getting recommended a hospice by Hellman. 
And as dickish as he is, his comments help. V always has someone there, as much as he sucks. He always has something stupid or naggy to say to help keep some of that weight off their shoulders. Imagine if they didn’t even have that. If Johnny never talked to them, never showed his face. 
A constant companion, like a supportive pet cat except he can talk and did a lot of meth. 
And this is a sidenote that has nothing to do with cats specifically, but that through Samurai music this isn’t the first time Johnny could be compared to an omen. Its no secret that the music was largely created around the game and as such, many of his songs have direct parallels and messages related to the game. Never Fade Away while in universe written in regards to Alt’s death also has so much in common with his journey with V. This brings me to the song Black Dog.
“Black Dog inside my head, guiding me until the end.”
Black Dogs are figures in Irish Mythology  who much like bakeneko’s are talked about in game; are omens of death and misfortune. I just find it interesting I suppose, like Johnny is either a dirty alley cat or a big mangy dog, but either way he’s here cause someones about to die.
Okay this is well over a thousand words, Imma shut up now. This is probably a mess, but anyone here for coherency is in the wrong place. 
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Twigkit And Violetkit Clan-Swap AU
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I'm so glad I recently reread AVoS for one of my recent rambling discussion posts cause having the memories fresh in my mind works great
Especially since I'm already forgetting the second half of AVoS already dfska
Also, I don't go into detail about the big plot points, but they still do happen. This is more just about the changes the sisters go through.
And I kind of ignored the 'our mom is dead' plot now that I've finished it dfskjahfd
idk why I forgot about that point
So when the choice is made between Violetkit and Twigkit, Rowanstar decides that Twigkit is the best option, as her smaller size would make her more sneaky
Twigkit is taken away and Violetkit screams and cries and has to be held back by Alderpaw to stop her from chasing after Twigkit
Over in ThunderClan, Violetkit isolates herself, despite the best attempts to comfort and console her to the point she's attached to Alderpaw every moment he's in the camp. She doesn't want to play, she just wants her sister.
Alderpaw does his best to be there for Violetkit, but he feels as if his attempts aren't working, as trying to get her to open up is hard.
Luck turns on his side as Honeykit seems determined to be Violetkit's friend and she seems patient as Violetkit struggles to open up.
Over in ShadowClan, Twigkit is trying her best to make friends, despite Pinenose being disinterested in raising her and Needlepaw wanting nothing to do with a clingy kit.
Twigkit is constantly hurt at being left out and Puddlekit seems to be the only one okay with spending time with her. The two are shaky friends still, though, as his littermates pick on Twigkit and he's not a very bold kit to stand up against them.
When Grassheart's kits are born, Twigkit is very wide-eyed and curious about this new life and she asks Grassheart a lot of questions, all of the answers making Twigkit curious about the kits, but still feeling strangely detached from the idea that kits happen
Twigkit appoints herself as a big sister figure to the kits, despite still being a kit herself, and she's more than willing to teach them everything she knows - which may not be much, but she's excited to have company that looks up to her.
She also is saddened when Puddlekit is made an apprentice early, as it makes it harder for the two to hang out
Alderpaw and Needlepaw have the kits meet up and Twigkit and Violetkit are happy to see each other. Twigkit asks Needlepaw if this means she's going home to her sister and Needlepaw has a visible negative reaction, but Alderpaw is the one to answer.
Alderpaw convinces Needlepaw to bond with Twigkit and Needlepaw agrees, though she isn't too thrilled, especially after Twigkit's question
Over in ThunderClan, Violetkit is finally getting along with the other kits, though she's still rather withdrawn and isn't as high-energy as the other kits. Still, she sticks close to Honeykit now and it gives Alderpaw some room to stretch his legs and know that Violetkit isn't alone.
Alderpaw is still worried, but Jayfeather is dismissive about it, stating some kits are just strange like that, but Alderpaw is worried that Violetkit isn't taking well to being apart from her sister
Violetkit, meanwhile, still thinks of her sister a lot, but is getting along great with the other kits and is slowly branching out to others.
When she gets too overwhelmed, though, she finds herself going over to Daisy a lot more, who comforts Violetkit and lets her lay and rest in silence for a bit.
She also talks to Daisy the most, about not being Clanborn and about missing cats and Daisy becomes one of Violetkit's biggest rocks that keep her grounded. Lilyheart still does her best when she can, but Violetkit is more bonded to Daisy.
Twigkit is dragged out of camp by Needlepaw, who also brings Sleekpaw. Twigkit has many questions and concerns but is silenced.
When Twigkit is introduced to Darktail's group, she's on edge and frightened of these cats, wanting nothing to do with them. When Sleekpaw and Needlepaw try to introduce her as a non-Clanborn kit, Twigkit tries to lie and is called out for it.
When approached by Darktail, the kit tries to run but Needlepaw stops her and scolds her. She explains to Twigkit that these cats are important, but Twigkit doesn't believe her. Still, she stays silent and obedient, sticking close to the apprentices.
When the time comes, Needlepaw borderline threatens Twigkit into silence and Twigkit agrees.
Violetkit isn't sure that she and her sister are special, as she hears whispers about it echo through the Clan. She wants to believe and Alderpaw and Daisy assure her that she is.
This brings little comfort as she worries if ShadowClan thinks her sister is special and how they're treating her.
Violetkit asks Alderpaw what makes her and Twigkit special and Alderpaw talks to her, that it's not just the prophecy, but the fact the two of them are survivors and that they'll grow to be great cats.
This helps a little, but not much
When Sparkpaw becomes Sparkpelt, Violetkit is confused on why Alderpaw looks disheartened but still goes over to comfort him, leaning against the medicine cat apprentice and letting out tiny purrs.
He accepts this as comfort and thanks her
When Twigkit is brought back to camp by Sleekpaw and Needlepaw, they're busted by Tawnypelt. When confronted, Twigkit runs to Tawnypelt and tells her what happened
Needlepaw is outraged, as is Sleekpaw
While the arguing in ShadowClan is going on, Twigkit stands by her conviction to tell, as she believes the reason she's special is because she's supposed to help ShadowClan and she's trying to trust what her gut says
But her gut starts to twist with worry as the fighting goes on and she's worried she's on the wrong side of this battle, though she does not believe Needlepaw and Sleekpaw are in the right
Birchpaw and Lionpaw, for the first time, seem willing to be on her side, as both of them agree that the other apprentices aren't in the right. This brings some comfort, but she's still worried, as she's trying to hard to figure out why she's special.
Needlepaw blames Twigkit for her getting in trouble and quietly claims to her that the kit owes her a huge favor for being a snitch.
Twigkit does not agree with this, but her guilt makes her feel differently and she isn't sure what to do
When Needlepaw demands Twigkit go tell Rain she won't be able to see him, Twigkit objects, stating she's just a kit and shouldn't go out alone
Needlepaw counters by saying that if it wasn't for Twigkit she wouldn't be barred from leaving camp
Twigkit winces in response and caves in, sneaking out of camp. Twigkit, however, hides for a portion of the night until she's found by Pinenose and Grassheart. The two scold her for causing so much worry and she once more tells them the truth on what happened.
Alderpaw tries to take Violetkit out to meet with her sister, but they are found by a ShadowClan patrol. Alderpaw lies and learns that Needlepaw and Twigkit are in trouble, cause Needlepaw snuck Twigkit out of camp.
Violetkit feels terribly guilty and Alderpaw assures her that it isn't her fault
Violetkit isn't sure about that
When they return back to camp, Violetkit slumps down in the nursey, feeling like it's her fault. Alderpaw tries again to comfort her, but to no luck.
Daisy takes over and assures the tom she has it from here and just quietly lays down with Violetkit, waiting for the kit to be ready to talk
Meanwhile, when confronted, Needlepaw tries to lie, but Twigkit is insistent. What doesn't help was Needlepaw already being in trouble for sneaking out of camp
Needlepaw is even more furious and threatens to leave
Rowanstar openly invites her to leave
More apprentices side with Needlepaw and he lets them go. Twigkit is in shock. Needlepaw makes a scolding remark on how ShadowClan can keep their 'non-special kit', referring to Twigkit, and Twigkit is hurt.
She wants to believe she's special..
Twigkit becomes Twigpaw and is apprenticed to Tigerheart. Violetkit becomes Violetpaw and she's apprenticed to Stormcloud.
Stormcloud is a kind and understanding mentor and he makes it clear from the start that there are things he's still learning about aspects of Clan life and mentoring is a big one.
He is open about his former life outside the Clan and this makes Violetpaw look up to him, seeing his life as a possible future for her own - a proud warrior who came from non-Clan origins, special or not.
Violetpaw also has been sneaking off to spend time with her biological sister, Twigpaw, and the two talk often about what's going on.
During one of these short meetings, the duo is attacked and they're almost snagged away by who is revealed to be Needletail and Sleekwhisker. The two she-cats are thankfully chased off by a ThunderClan patrol [consisting of Stormcloud, Squirrelflight, Dovewing, and Lionblaze], who scolds the two for being alone.
They are notably not scolded for seeing each other, but are warned they got lucky that is wasn't a different patrol or a ShadowClan patrol.
Stormcloud takes Violetpaw to the side and offers to look out for her if she ever goes off to see her sister, but she has to be honest with him.
She promises
Twigpaw hurries home, grabbing a hidden away lizard as she does so.
Tigerheart isn't impressed with it, but he doesn't scold her. He does express he isn't happy with her hunt and she's aware he suspects something, but he makes no comments about it
They return to camp as Leafpool prepares to leave, as Puddleshine is a full medicine cat now, despite his young age. Twigpaw is sad to see her go and grabs some gifts from her nest for Leafpool to bring to Violetpaw - a cluster of soft, fluffy feathers and a shiny rock she had found while out exploring
Leafpool agrees to take them to Violetpaw and Twigpaw is happy at the news. Tigerheart looks like he wants to pass a message, but doesn't.
Only a couple days later a strange illness starts popping up and Twigpaw is quick to ask if Leafpool is going to come back. This isn't met positively.
A patrol is sent to WindClan and returns with only bad news, as Onestar refuses to share herbs
The gathering passes with only more bad news
Violetpaw is growing worried for Twigpaw, especially as the illness spreads and she convinces Stormcloud to watch out for her as she goes to check on Twigpaw.
He agrees but becomes hesitant when they reach the border and she wants to cross it.
He warns her not to, but the thought of her sister being sick stresses her out
She sneaks in anyway just to bump into Twigpaw who had been sneaking out to make sure Violetpaw was okay and that the disease didn't spread into ThunderClan.
The two talk for only a moment before a small ShadowClan patrol, consisting only of Crowfrost, Dawnpelt, and Scorchfur.
Twigpaw is scolded and Violetpaw is taken as a hostage. Violetpaw doesn't like this and Twigpaw doesn't stop apologizing to her sister.
Dawnpelt assures no harm will come to Violetpaw, that they just want ThunderClan's help in getting the lungwort for their Clan.
Twigpaw feels terrible about this. Violetpaw is angry, but not towards her sister. She decides she hates ShadowClan and she wants to get Twigpaw away.
While together, Twigpaw is out helping around ShadowClan the best she can, which only makes Violetpaw more nervous, as she helps Puddleshine get water for the cats and bring him herbs when he's getting overwhelmed.
He's very thankful for Twigpaw and Twigpaw shines with the praise.
Violetpaw decides she doesn't think Puddleshine is being sincere, as she believes he wouldn't put her sister this close to sick cats if he was.
Twigpaw mentions how she doesn't like how certain things are normalized - like violet outbursts between apprentices - but she believes the reason she's special is that she's meant to help ShadowClan
Violetpaw doesn't buy this and it only makes her more upset
insert the "we're not special" audio
Things are awkward between the two sisters, even as Bramblestar and the patrol come in.
They demand Violetpaw back and scold the Clan for taking a young apprentice into a sick Clan when she could've fallen ill.
Violetpaw, for a brief moment almost doesn't say anything before trying to demand Twigpaw is taken back to ThunderClan with them
Bramblestar explains they can't do that and Violetpaw doesn't believe they can't just that they won't
She has to be basically dragged out
Some cats are upset and Crowfrost falls sick
With some help from the medicine cats coming together, the Clan gets lungwort, but not in time to save Kinkfur, Wasptail, and Crowfrost.
Tigerheart is the new deputy and Twigpaw is proud of her mentor
Cats are refusing to go to the gathering, despite Twigpaw's best attempts to try to talk to them. Tigerheart informs her that not everyone is reasonable.
She doesn't like this.
Darktail takes over ShadowClan.
She likes this even less.
She tries to leave with Rowanstar, Tawnypelt, and Tigerheart, but Darktail holds her back and doesn't allow her to leave. He says his cats have more use for a 'special' cat than them.
Twigpaw is scared
Violetpaw is still mad about what happened, but she's not mad at her sister anymore. She just wants to see her and apologize. Even if she doesn't believe they're special, she feels terrible about yelling at her, especially since she has few friends [granted due to her own withdrawn nature]
She becomes worried when only three ShadowClan cats arrive at the gathering and none of them are Twigpaw
Bramblestar takes in the wayward ShadowClan cats and Violetpaw is quick to ask them about Twigpaw. Tigerheart reluctantly informs her and she is even more angry at ShadowClan for not saving her.
After the gathering, Stormcloud personally helps her trespass to try to save Twigpaw and the two are caught. Violetpaw says she just wants to see her sister.
Rain and Needletail assure she will before chasing off Stormcloud, giving him some nasty injuries before dragging Violetpaw back to camp.
Violetpaw finds that she and Twigpaw are both prisoners now
The four Clans come together to try to fight The Kin, but it doesn't end well and Twigpaw and Violetpaw are still being held.
Darktail seems to know more about these sisters than he's letting on and keeps a close eye on them when he can. When he's not around, there's always another one of his cats close by.
Twigpaw apologizes for ever thinking they were special and Violetpaw stops her, apologizing for what she said.
Twigpaw admits she's scared and Violetpaw quietly admits she is, too
After a couple days, the two are allowed to roam camp, but are still being watched at all times. Violetpaw and Twigpaw try to help the elders and are quickly stopped and reprimanded for doing so.
They try again and are separated for the day as punishment.
He allows her to take a mouse to Puddleshine and while they're there, Rain approaches, wanting to talk to Darktail alone.
Twigpaw pretends to go, but stays behind, wanting to at least try to see what's going on and hoping for information on why Darktail wants to keep her and her sister
She gets no news and only witnesses Rain attempt to kill Darktail. Darktail then kills Rain.
Twigpaw is horrified and Darktail is very calm about the whole situation. He pats her head before sending her off, calling her special once again.
Twigpaw no longer wants to be considered or hear the word special.
She tells Violetpaw and Needletail what happen and Needletail is horrified. Before Twigpaw can say anything, she leads the two out of camp and asks her to repeat it one last time.
She does.
Violetpaw suggests hunting and they go hunting. Needletail seems to be questioning her loyalty, but not out loud.
Darktail brings in some kittypets; Zelda, Loki, and Max. They are made to hunt prey, eat it, and stay.
Darktail expresses to Twigpaw that he plans on turning these kittypets into useful fighters. Twigpaw doesn't feel too sure about this. Darktail makes an offhanded comment on how she's not much like 'him', but doesn't answer any questions, instead walking away and leaving her confused.
Violetpaw finds herself being led into a dream by what looks to be Alderpaw/heart. She follows him and he stands by her as they share a vision of a barn.
Violetpaw, not sure if this is real, asks him what that was about.
Alderheart believes it's about SkyClan.
She asks about SkyClan and he tells her what he can. He also reveals he suspects that whatever kin she may have besides her sister may be with them.
For the first time in her life, Violetpaw feels a strange determination.
She wakes up and Needletail notices something's up. She asks her about it and Violetpaw explains.
Needletail seems unsure but Violetpaw wants to try to find this barn and these cats.
Needletail 'accidentally' lets Violetpaw escape. Violetpaw runs for her life.
Violetpaw is in the middle of escaping when a pack of dogs spot her and chase her down. She manages to escape, but passes out after doing so.
The last thing she sees are twolegs.
Twigpaw is worried for Violetpaw, but Needletail has informed her of what's going on and what's happening.
Twigpaw, meanwhile, has been trying to at least make the kittypets comfortable, since they're forced to stay here. Loki and Zelda are the most thankful.
Twigpaw goes to rest, noticing Darktail is heading out another hunt for Violetpaw. This makes Twigpaw more worried, as she isn't sure if it's better for her to be found or not.
She is later woken up by Dawnpelt, who invites her to escape to ThunderClan.
Juniperclaw and Strikestone is there, too.
Twigpaw is nervous, as she isn't sure what will happen to them and she's not sure what will happen to the cats here, whom she has a lot of sympathy for. She tries to talk Dawnpelt out of it, but Dawnpelt seems set.
She goes back to sleep, but holds onto her worries for Dawnpelt and Dawnpelt's sons
When she wakes up, Darktail is ready to take over RiverClan. Twigpaw tries to protest, but Darktail won't hear any of it.
The takeover of RiverClan happens. The dead are left to rot and the wounded aren't allowed to get help. Max, Foxnose, Heronwing, Petalfur, Pinenose and Shadepelt died.
Twigpaw comforts Loki and Zelda.
While out with Raven and Needletail, they help sneak some ThunderClan cats in. Raven doesn't like this.
RiverClan prisoners aren't being fed and Twigpaw is being watched closely by The Kin to keep her from feeding them.
Darktail confronts Twigpaw about the herbs and Twigpaw tries to lie, but is called out for it. She is forced into telling the truth and when she does, she fears for Needletail's safety.
Needletail is placed with the prisoners and Darktail thanks Twigpaw for her cooperation.
Twigpaw starts working to gain Darktail's favor, using it as a shield so that she can help as many cats as possible. He seems none the wiser as she sneaks herbs and prey to Needletail and the RiverClan cats.
While out hunting, Twigpaw sneaks away from the patrol and manages to make her way to ThunderClan.
ThunderClan is relieved to see her and she asks about which cats made it. Sadly, not a lot have, as Dawnpelt was killed trying to escape.
She asks about Violetpaw.
There has been no sign of Violetpaw at all.
This makes Twigpaw super worried and she fears the worse.
She works with ThunderClan to make a plan to rescue all the prisoners and make an opening for cats to escape.
When she returns to camp, making sure to bring prey back with her, she waits until night and Zelda allows her to see the prisoners. She tells them all the plan and they're willing to worth with her.
Needletail is the least sure, but Twigpaw assures her that everything will be fine
Needletail still isn't sure
Twigpaw starts sneaking cats out, beginning with the wounded and the elders.
She meets up with ThunderClan and they safely bring the cats over.
They get Snowbird and her kits out next before deciding not to risk any more cats. They agree to meet up again three days later.
Before they leave, Alderheart gives Twigpaw some poppy seeds to put Darktail and his cats out cold after a suggestion from Tigerheart. Twigpaw tells Alderheart to let Tigerheart know she's doing her best for her Clan
Alderheart confirms that Tigerheart already knows. He also mentions how he, personally, is proud of her and Twigpaw beams with happiness.
All this time, Violetpaw has been with twolegs. She has been working on her escape plan and she's now making her way out. She hasn't forgotten her sister or Alderheart or the barn.
She is worried, however, for her kin
She does find the barn, but it has been abandoned. Unable to find any sort of scent, Violetpaw feels herself wanting to give up, as she doesn't believe she's able to do this.
Violetpaw ends up falling asleep and having a dream that tells her to follow the blood trail in the sky.
Violetpaw wakes up, confused, and hesitantly follows the instructions
She is surprised when she finds a Clan of cats, having been on the verge of being convinced that SkyClan didn't even exist
Violetpaw approaches them nervously, more scared than she had ever properly felt but SkyClan is very welcoming and they're excited to learn that she's from ThunderClan.
She talks to Hawkwing and Leafstar and they're not too fond of Darktail. She also learns that Hawkwing is, in fact, her father. He is reminded so much of her mother when he looks at her.
Violetpaw informs him he has another daughter, too. She's worried about Twigpaw. Hawkwing is now determined to do what is best for his daughters.
They start heading towards the lake territories together. As they walk, Violetpaw finds she feels very at home with these cats and it soothes her heart.
Twigpaw is preparing for what she's about to do and part of her feels guilty that she's doing this. But at the same time, she wants to save these cats.
She is caught and Darktail decides to drag out Needletail, Zelda, and Loki. He wants these cats to die to punish Twigpaw.
Darktail is going to drown them. He gives them the chance to live by killing Twigpaw. Needletail pretends to take it, but uses it as a chance to get Twigpaw to escape. Loki and Zelda manage to fight off the cats and start trying to escape with her while Needletail fights Darktail.
Zelda pushes Twigpaw along as Twig tries to turn around to save Needletail. Loki informs Twigpaw they can't save everyone and that they need to keep moving.
ThunderClan encounters them and they send Twigpaw to ThunderClan camp while they go rescue the prisoners, who at this point are fighting back.
Right before she reaches ThunderClan camp, Twigpaw and Violetpaw are reunited and Twigpaw almost breaks down as she pulls her sister close and starts crying, the reality of everything just kind of crashing down on her in that moment.
Violetpaw is very comforting and assures Twigpaw that it's going to be okay.
Hawkwing, curious by the name, asks if this is her sister. Violetpaw confirms. Hawkwing, ecstatic, introduces himself as Twigpaw's father.
Twigpaw welcomes the comfort of her father and explains to them what all is happening. They make it back to ThunderClan's camp and wait for the cats.
As StarClan confirms that SkyClan being there is okay, Hawkwing is trying to talk his daughters into moving to SkyClan with him.
Neither she-cat is sure about the idea right away
They make plans to take down Darktail and, of course, Onestar is being difficult.
As Twigpaw and Violetpaw join the patrol to talk to Onestar, they talk about the idea of moving. Twigpaw firmly believes there's a lot she still needs to do and she doesn't feel right leaving ShadowClan.
Violetpaw still doesn't like ShadowClan, but she understands, saying she's not sure about leaving her adopted ThunderClan siblings and Alderheart.
Darktail is attacking WindClan when they get there, he chooses to leave with a cryptic message to Onestar, and Onestar has all the leaders gather to talk about it.
Onestar then explains his relationship to Darktail when the leaders get there.
The five Clans come together and the final fight with Darktail happens, leading to the deaths of Onestar and Darktail in the lake.
Loki and Zelda are informed they're free to go home, but the two stick with Twigpaw for the time being, the cats wanting to make sure she's okay first. Loki and Zelda are very close to Twigpaw.
ShadowClan is going home and Twigpaw asks if she can stay with her sister for a moment and consider some things. Rowanstar isn't sure, but Tigerheart allows it.
Hawkwing tries ones again to convince his daughters to join SkyClan. They're still not sure about it.
There is a large debate in ThunderClan on what to do with SkyClan. Twigpaw defends her sister's choice and Violetpaw is starting to feel like she did moons ago when she didn't feel like she fully belonged.
In her eyes, SkyClan is seeming like a better option.
However, at the same time, she wants Twigpaw to come with her, as she doesn't want Twigpaw to go back to ShadowClan.
Tensions are high in ThunderClan camp with so many cats there. There's especially tension in ShadowClan and Twigpaw really wants to be helpful.
Adjusting in hard and Bramblestar is about to make Violetpaw a warrior when Violetpaw announces she's going to be moving in with SkyClan, who is in the process of making their new camp
Violetpaw has Twigpaw - and by extension, Zelda and Loki - help her help SkyClan. She's working hard on trying to talk Twigpaw into moving to SkyClan.
Twigpaw still isn't sure, but Zelda and Loki seem interested in SkyClan and she's close to the two of them.
And after this my memory of events are muddy
but what I have to follow up with is;
Violetpaw becomes Violetshine and of course gets with Tree when he comes into the picture [again, my memory isn't the best]
Twigpaw decides to stay in ShadowClan and upon her return she earns the warrior name Twigsong. She ends up in a polycule with Zelda and Loki, who are given permission to keep their old names.
Twigsong helps a lot with ShadowClan after Tigerheart leaves to find Dovewing and when Tigerheart returns as Tigerstar, he is very thankful and gives her Cinnamonpaw as her apprentice.
It's also implied he's considering her as another option for deputy if anything happens with Cloverfoot
When SkyClan is chased off, Twigsong, Tree, Zelda, and Loki come together to bring them back and it cements that Zelda and Loki want to stay and that they're very fond of Twigsong.
Violetshine still checks on ThunderClan often and is still close with her adopted sister, Honeyfur.
15 notes · View notes
3wisellamas · 3 years
Just Rewatched Books 1 and 2, here’s a bunch of observations and wild, probably completely false theories!
Because dangit, this is how I get my kicks.
-In The Unfinished Car, it was One who Tulip was ultimately speaking to towards the end.  It was One who expressed guilt over allowing the car to happen.  It was One who she finally convinced to let it go as it was, stop trying to fix everything, and even break the car again to restore the turtle peoples’ way of life.  And, it was ONE, not One-One, who jumped into her arms in the end, and made these particular faces, meaning he probably wasn’t entirely emotionless and robotic as conductor:
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(apologies for TV pics on these.  ^^; )
-Also, while One-One normally talks in his two different voices, and even converses/riffs on himself, in that scene before his voices combined back into One’s they were literally finishing each other’s sentences -- syncing up again!  Does this mean that One-One is actually just...out of sync, rather than completely broken? 
-I don’t think Amelia was going to the roof of her old university after Alrick’s death to jump.  In The Past Car, she’s clearly on the ground while the roof...flattens?  She literally watches it disappear right in front of her!  And the train tracks are already in place when she gets up there.  So, it might have been less that the train found her at her lowest point, but that she found the train -- and went right up to investigate it!
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-And here’s another juicy Amelia theory:  Throughout Book 1, One-One has a tendency to use the words “gone forever”.  He uses it while telling Tulip what will happen when her number reaches zero (making her think she’ll die, when really he just means leave the train forever), then he uses it a second time while in Amelia’s tape, describing “Amelia” (actually Alrick, remember we were led to believe she was Alrick at first), who IS dead.  And the final usage is after Tulip has her exit restored, and One-One says again that she’ll be “gone forever”, but, in this case, he clarifies that that’s a GOOD thing.  So, what if, when One learned about Alrick from Young!Amelia, he used that same phrase, telling her he was “gone forever” -- One meant this as a comfort, maybe even a misguided attempt to convince her she should be happy he’s gone (like, it was One’s way of saying “He’s no longer in pain”), but to Amelia, it’s just reminding her of why she’s on the train in the first place.  Thus prompting...you know.
-Okay, last observation about that damn Amelia tape:  While in there, The Cat mentions that the memories are recorded as the passenger stores them, meaning there may be biases / misremembering / other things that not only change the memories to trap passengers in them, but also change what VIEWERS would see as well -- like how Amelia kept the memory of her wandering the streets after her husband’s death “at a distance”, which prevented Tulip from getting close.  So...what if more elements of Amelia’s tape weren’t 100% accurate, due to misremembering things, convincing herself certain things were true when they weren’t, maybe even her age or the tape itself degrading over time, etc?  Maybe even Alrick wasn’t remembered 100% accurately, with her grief clouding her memories and making him seem like a different, more ideal person?  (I’m bringing this up because MAN did I have a realization later on...)
-After Atticus was turned into a Ghom, the first thing he did was attack Tulip, but he hesitated, allowing her to escape -- as if he remembered being her friend.  And, then, when he was freed from the tube, right next to both Tulip, a passenger whose nice tasty life he could suck out, and the Steward, a robot, the first thing he did was attack the Steward.  Just as he was trying to do before getting Ghom-ed!  So, I think it’s safe to say, that, if the Ghoms really are transformed denizens, they still possess some memory of who they used to be and what they were doing before they were transformed.  So...what does it say, then, that every non-Atticus Ghom we’ve seen has been trying to kill passengers (and NOT hesitate and let them go)?
-Tape Car time.  So, if that’s the only car with its universe projected on the OUTSIDE, then that not only means the train, the wasteland, etc are all fake and part of the car’s projection, but...also the Engine, the control console, and One(-One)?  Does this mean he was a fake conductor, too?
-And then, to make this even more of a mind screw...the Mirror World is apparently NOT a creation of the train, since MT / Lake has been with Tulip since the beginning even in the real world, and she was eventually able to leave the train -- when it’s shown that train-created items (like, say, the device Jesse was wearing when he got his first exit in the Mall Car) CANNOT go through exit portals.  (But, then, for some reason, the handcuffs Mace had slapped onto MT also didn’t go through the portal with her?  Meaning they were from the train?  IDK.)  Point is, though, the Chrome Car is a projection of the train, which itself is not real, as a projection of the Tape Car...but it’s connected to the Mirror World, which is connected to both the real world and the train?  Does this mean the real world is part of the Tape Car’s projection as well?  Is this a damn Matrix situation?
-There’s more Mirror World emergency services than just the Flecks -- remember the two paramedics that showed up in the Chrome Car to take care of Mirror Atticus and Mirror One-One?  I honestly wonder now if they used to be reflections as well, who chose to keep their memories but not be cops?
-Alright, this is my most out-there theory, but I gotta say it.  Mace and Alrick look slightly similar, at least as similar as a human and a featureless reflection cop can look -- the square jaws especially.  And his voice also sounds a LOT like Alrick doing his robot voice with that modulator.  So...maybe a connection there?  Mirror Alrick decided to keep his memories after his death?  I know I’ve seen this theory floating out there before, so it’s not new, but I just had to add it.  But, then, another implication if this is true:  Did he do this to keep remembering Amelia?  And...Mirror One-One wasted no time at all in getting a hold of the Flecks, maybe because they’ve been keeping in contact with him through that car, and Amelia by association?
-Now, for the inside of the Tape Car.  Specifically...what the hell is this thing?
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That...looks a little like One.  And during that scene in which MT / Lake is wading down the canal towards the tape -watching room to get her number, the camera actually focuses on this thing for a few seconds -- not enough to really call attention to it, but enough that now that we’ve seen One himself if stands out on a rewatch.  So, what is it?  It looks kinda like it’s watching over the whole Tape Car, with its one eye light thing?
I’ve got two theories that kinda work together on this one, neither of which are very likely considering I’m probably just taking a small background detail way too seriously, but come on, I’m having fun:
-If the inside of the Tape Car is the only real part of the train, and even One(-One) himself is fake...then that’s the REAL One, overseeing the train’s core operations but not interacting directly -- that’s what all the other robots, including One-One, are for.
-I’ve always kinda had a feeling that there’s a Zero to go along with One -- come on, it’s an obvious joke, what with robots running on binary and passengers needing to get their numbers to 0 and whatnot.  So, for now, I’mma call that thing Zero.
-One last Amelia Takeover Theory.  We know, from the Tape Car, that One-One is pretty hands-off about a lot of the train’s operations, his lack of hands aside -- he doesn’t seem to actually visit the Tape Car until something goes wrong there, and grabs his attention -- like Lake smashing up a few Porters.  So...why were One and Amelia there in the past?  Sure, two passengers boarding at the same time and sharing a number is unusual, but One even says it himself, it’s no big deal, on the train anything can happen.  So, why WERE they there?  Maybe it’s because something happened with Amelia in that car...like her waking up before the number-engraving process was completely finished?  (And she smashed a Porter for good measure?)
-Things required to wake a passenger, according to One-One:  Robots, coding, and juice boxes.  (Things required to wake a passenger, according to Lake:  Flicking them on the forehead with metal fingers)  What if one of the actual purposes of the Stewards is to manipulate the pods and wake the passengers inside, and then slip out unnoticed so they can start their journey?
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