#but y'know if you are so vocal about your love for an artist and then a part of your song sounds like one of theirs
controversial but I don't think the whole deja vu/cruel summer credit debacle is entirely without merit. idk if taylor should have gotten songwriting credit because it really is just a fraction of a second that's similar but anyone who says there isn't ANY similarities needs to listen to the "he looks up grinning like a devil, it's you" and "I know you get deja vu!" back to back because to me they sound similar enough to at least require some interpolation credit, especially when olivia rodrigo made the mistake of being so vocal about her love of cruel summer and taylor's music in general
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monkberrymoonsdelight · 7 months
A Monkberry Moon Delight lyrical analysis because it is the greatest song of the 20th century
Monkberry Moon Delight is a song from Paul McCartney's 1971 album Ram. The song is generally considered to be surrealist 'nonsense' lyrics a la Lennon's late Beatles work like 'I am the Walrus' and 'Glass Onion'. But if we know anything about Paul (and Lennon-McCartney in general), he tends to put deeper emotions into his songs, often with out meaning to and without his direct knowledge:
"I don't write anything consciously, Sometime when I'm pissed off with John over Apple business a line might creep in." - Interview with Disc And Music Echo (Nov. 20, 1971)
"Songwriting is like psychiatry; you sit down and dredge up something that's inside, bring it out front." - Interview with Robert Palmer for the New York Times (April 25, 1982)
" But in a song, that's where you can [share your innermost thoughts]. That's the place to put them. You can start to reveal truths and feelings." - Interview with John Wilson fork BBC 4's (May 24, 2016)
And my favorite because it's y'know...in a song: "And when I'm gone, I leave my message in my song" - Beware My Love (Wings at the Speed of Sound, 1976)
All that being said, in my opinion, Monkberry Moon Delight is a projection of Paul's feelings of anxiety about his post-Beatles public/critical reception and his reaction to John Lennon's antagonism post-divorce. Specifically, he details his writing of Too Many People as a response to John's antagonism and the making of Ram as an attempt to recapture public attention/praise.
For context: Monkberry Moon Delight was first written/demoed at some point from May-August 1970 on his farm in Scotland. Paul's late 1969-1970 Scotland era is complicated. He often describes it as being one of the most difficult periods of his life because of the break-up of the Bealtes, the Apple financial troubles, his frayed relationship with John, and starting a whole new life which all compounded into a deep depression and alcohol abuse.
Let's start with the title and chorus. In Paul's own words, Monkberry Moon Delight comes from his kids mispronunciation of the word 'milk' and establishes MMD as a fantastical drink like 'Love Potion No. 9'. I think Paul obviously hides behind the surrealism of the lyric but its association with family and domesticity makes an interesting contrast. Though he is happy to be in his escapist domestic fantasy in Scotland, he juxtaposes this with the underlying pressure to be acclaimed (especially after being considered the greatest artist in the world for ten years). Though the song has a peppy, jaunty beat there is an air of anxiety developed through the songs key of C minor and the staccato of the piano and bass parts. His vocals also have a similar strained desperation like 'Oh! Darling'.
The lyrics:
So I sat in the attic, a piano up my nose
And the wind played a dreadful cantata
Paul starts with himself, writing. 'The attic' may be a reference to John Lennon's recording studio that he had built in his attic in Weybridge where he and Paul would often go to write.
"We nearly always went up to his little music room that he'd built at the top of the house, Daddy's Room, where we would get away from it all. I like to get away from people to songwrite, I don't like to do it in front of people. It's like sex for me" - Many Years from Now. Whether or not this is a direct reference to 'Daddy's Room', Paul is known to prefer small, confined spaces for songwriting.
'Piano up my nose' to me shows a rapt attention, leaning so close to his piano its almost up his nose. He is intently and passionately composing his 'dreadful cantata', this cantata I believe refers to "To Many People". Based on this record of the order of demos on the Ram cassette, it seems that Too Many People may have been written (or at least recorded) before Monkberry, which furthers my belief that Paul is making a meta narration of the writing of his song which he recognizes was very pointed or dreadful.
Sore was I from a crack of an enemy's hose
And the horrible sound of tomato
Here he describes what spurred him to writing this song, and this album as a whole. The 'crack from an enemy's hose' could refer to Allen Klein's treatment of Paul during the final months of the Beatles and his attempted mishandling of the release of McCartney (1970). (Note: The crack could also be from Phil Spector, the press, Ringo, George, Yoko or John; Paul is kind of getting shit from all sides right now). The 'sound of tomato' implies the idea of throwing tomatoes at an artist to express dislike or dissatisfaction, referencing the poor critical reception of McCartney (1970).
Ketchup, soup and puree
Don't get left behind
Ketchup, soup, and puree; liquidy tomatoes because splat, splat, splat go the critics. And ketchup because catch up pun.
Don't get left behind is the central theme of this song. He is worried that the public is going to forget about him while he's depressed, away in Scotland, and making critical flops. This is him desperately clinging onto the hearts of the public. Because we all know how much Paul needs to be liked.
When a rattle of rats had awoken
The sinews, the nerves, and the veins
The 'rattle of rats' could be any of the number of people who were getting on his nerves, sinews, and veins (pissing him tf off) in 1970. This could again be referencing the great "Let's all gang up on Paul McCartney" game of 1970 but because of the subsequent lyrics, I think this may be more specifically about John (and Yoko). Either way, it was these rats who annoyed him into getting to work.
My piano was boldly outspoken
And attempts to repeat his refrain
'Boldly outspoken' again connects this song to TMP. The line is similar to the TMP lyric 'This is crazy and baby, it's not like me' in the sense that both show how audacious he sees this songs as. In 'attempting to repeat his refrain' I think Paul is using the 'well he started it' justification for TMP because he's sees it as a repeat, of him rising to John's level of insults.
So I stood with a knot in my stomach and I gazed at that terrible sight
Of two youngsters concealed in a barrel, sucking Monkberry Moon Delight
Ah yes my favorite moment in all of music ever. This is the verse that really convinced me that this song may be referencing JohnandYoko. The 'youngsters in a barrel' alludes to John and Yoko's bag piece, where they would get into a black bag for...peace? As seen in Get Back, this particularly irked/disturbed Paul. "Go get in your bag. The Merseybeat award for couple of the year, goes to John and Yoko" (Get Back Episode 2). He also refers to them as 'the young lovers' in Get Back during the infamous January 13th 'and then there were two' conversation. Even though it makes him nervous and sick, part of Paul releasing TMP and Ram is to face up to the JohnandYoko powerhouse which was a non-insignificant portion of his early 1970 criticism.
Well I know my banana is older than the rest
and my hair is a tangled baretta
Here I think he is reasoning to the listener, the public, over why he thinks they've abandoned him. Paul recognizes that he has been in this music game a long time (so people may have grown bored of him) and has been depressed (and thus out of the game), his tangled 'baretta' of hair like the wily depression beard he grew out while in Scotland.
Also banana = dick, just so everyone is clear (can anyone find that banana poem from his poetry book? Also this just perpetuates my tinhat theory that all the banana milkshakes Paul got in Paris were just **** **** but I digress). Also something about Paul likening songwriting with sex so him not being 'musically desirable' is because...his music dick is old? Ok Paul.
I leave my pajamas to Billy Budapest
And I don't get the gist of your letter
This is the one lyric I am pretty unsure about. Not that every line has to fit perfectly into my interpretation but I genuinely could not make heads or tails of it. My initial interpretation was that this was referring to Billy Shears, and how during this period the Paul is dead theory regained popularity. This reference adds to the feeling of dissolution he builds in this verse.
But mike on the Beatles Bible seems to remember Billy Budapest as being a children's pajama designer though I have found not evidence of this. However going with this shot in the dark, leaving his pajamas to Billy Budapest could draw back to the theme of his current domesticity and occupation with his children.
The letter in question I believe refers to the infamous letter John and George wrote to Paul changing his McCartney release date that they had Ringo deliver which really set Paul off and kind of began the messiness of the divorce.
Catch Up, cats and kittens
Don't get left behind
Finally we get the pay off to the ketchup-catch up pun and see the resurgence of the theme; Paul feeling like he's falling behind his contemporaries and desperation to catch up.
In typical McCartney fashion, Monkberry Moon Delight is a seemingly shallow and superfluous song but actually reveals a lot about his inner turmoil at the time. Him dealing with the rejection by the critics and John by turning to his piano and creating the absolute banger that is Monkberry. This is why MMD is one of Paul's best, because of how quintessentially Paul it is. Veiling tough emotions behind ambiguous and surreal lyrics masked by a fun and light melody. Oh, the juxtaposition! Oh, the Lennon-McCartney of it all.
Anyways this is a barely organized rambling of thoughts but Monkberry Moon Delight deserves a mega analysis because it is genuinely one of the best songs Paul McCartney has ever made.
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the-goya-jerker · 17 days
do you have any thoughts on nine inch nails/their song “closer” and the music video for it?
to preface: i am autistic and nine inch nails is a special interest for me. “closer” has a deeper meaning than “the sex song” and is part of a big concept album, and i genuinely think trent reznor is a great artist & director, but people brush off his music/videos because it’s “just” sexual or controversially erotic. well, like klimt or whoever said, all art is erotic!! everything has value no matter what part of your brain it is appealing to. the-goya-jerker dot tumblr dot com i think you are the only guy who actually understands this. you dont have to agree with me i just respect how you view art from the perspective of a nine inch nails fan
Thank you for bringing your special interest to me, dear stranger. I am a king, presented a beautiful gift on a velvet cushion. A princess being given the dearest of unicorn foals to nurture here.
I never knew that The Downward Spiral was a concept album. (My music knowledge tends to be broad and shallow over narrow and deep, y'know?). I knew a few songs (The Only Time is a personal fave) but I didn't know much about the band.
So, just as an overview of the album it's about the narrator's titular downward spiral. Wikipedia lists the themes as: "religion, dehumanization, violence, disease, society, drugs, sex, and finally, suicide."
Just looking at Closer, it's not hard to see why people think of it as a "sex song", honestly. But much like a lot of popular art, I encourage the audience to really listen to the lyrics here, to examine it in a different way.
The backing track (hiiii Iggy Pop! Iggy Pop cameo here!!) has a strong rhythm. The breathy vocals add to the sexual feeling of the song. The lyrics are, on a surface level, talking about sex. But there's some pretty loaded language included. The narrator doesn't just use your typical words like making love or fucking. He "desecrates" he "violates" he "uses". The use of the phrase "I wanna fuck you like an animal" isn't about the intensity, it's about self-degradation.
I think a pretty fair general interpretation (and do come correct me if you think otherwise anon!) is that the narrator wants to escape himself, his flaws, his self loathing, by having sex with people. He wants to be someone else.
This isn't a song about just having sex, this is a song about hating yourself so much that sex feels like it must be degrading for the other person just because it's with you.
There's also some things going on with religion and sexuality here. Sex is a desecration of the partner, it is making them worse, it is using them. But also there's this desperate devotion to this person. The way he says "You make me perfect / Help me become somebody else", the constant pleas for help dispersed throughout, even the section where he offers up himself entirely... it feels like borderline religious devotion. But this contrasts against the desecration in a way that's very fascinating to me.
As a review? I give this a 9/10. It's erotic, but not in the way most people assume. The devotion and degradation as constant themes really sell it. The religious themes add to it wonderfully. And I love to hear a man beg.
The only reason it's not 10/10 is because I know Closer to God (the reworking of this track) gets that honor. I think it just elevates the track even more when the two are presented side by side, and for me Closer to God wins out. The more staticky track is really right up my alley (I enjoy the more industrial and distorted sound of it).
In the end though, both feel transcendentally erotic in their own way.
The songs in question for anyone who wants them:
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writings-ofthe-heart · 9 months
OVERWATCH character playlist please maybe and characters of your choosing😊😊😊 or just artists you’d think they’d listen too
I adore this thank you suspicious anon i would never know:33
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"What would they listen to?"
Characters included ; Lucio, Widowmaker, Mercy, Illari
Warnings ; None!
Side note ; Not much is known about Illari's personality so I will make her how I personally see her (I love her character) (I can't believe there's no yellow text)
Starting with, Lucio
♫ - I fully believe this man, although he's a dj, he'd be into jazz. Late nights at work, to soothe his heart he'd probably play a specific jazz playlist for that night. Expect some Billy Holiday (who doesn't love Billy Holiday) Chet Baker, Julie London type of people, just the classics of course!
♫ - Along with the jazz, he'd definitely incorporate it into some of his songs, like adding a smooth sax undertone, something only a few people can point out. Like an easter egg hunt LOL
♫ - Lucio is known for being a DJ right? But what type of music would he sing in the shower? Laufey. To them, Laufey is a classic as well since, y'know they're in the future and all. It goes along with his niche jazz taste but it's also a bit more vocal. Another artist I think he'd love to sing in the shower would probably be Bad Bunny, now c'mon this guy is literally from South America. How could he NOT know Bad Bunny? His favorite song would probably be one that features Cardi B. It never fails to make him feel like a baddie 💋
♫ - As a DJ, he must know electronix music right. As an electronic music lover myself, y'know I gotta Headcanon some artists for him. He'd love love LOVE Daft Punk, no doubt. Aphex Twin is someone he looks up to in terms of mixing but he likes some of their tracks nonetheless.
♫ - Before her husband died and Moira crushed her soul, I like to believe she was a very guarded woman even before everything. In private though ? She was a romantic.
♫ - In front of her friends and peers, I really like to believe she listened to soft rock. Artists like Pink Floyd, Daryl Hall and the Oats. She always felt the appeal of English music. As for French though? I feel like she'd listen to aupinard, La Femme, etc.
♫ - With her husband, she liked to, no, she felt free with him and she could embrace being in touch with her emotions. This led to weekly dance nights, where in the silence of the moon, they just held each other close, swaying side to side. In the background, older french songs would play faintly. Such as, "La Femme," By Fred de Fred and Marion Benoist.
♫ - After Moira captured her and molded her into a monster? You wouldn't catch her reaching for headphones, the night her husband died she threw away the countless vinyls they collected together, she threw away the record player, her phone, everything.
♫ - She vowed never to listen to that song again. But.. as time passed and slowly, slowly she began to feel. A spark of something heavy in her chest, it was benign to her. She kept it secret but the hate in her chest, the love she forgot to grieve was adamant in making itself known. Widow hated it, hated it so much she demanded Moira to study her again. Which led to her spirit dying again. But a fragment remained, a stubborn piece of memory that wouldn't dislodge itself. Moira took note but she didn't care much for it, figuring it would be something unimportant.
♫ - Widow remembered her husband's voice, calmly singing to her while she had her head buried on his shoulder. They were dancing, it was dark and just barely.. she could hear the faint scratch of the record and the notes it played.
♫ - We all know Angela is a very happy person, or that's what it seems. In her playlist, a lot of pop songs would be displayed. Like Katy Perry, Carly Rae Jepson, above all, Megan Trainor. I fully think that Mercy would love Megan Trainor!! Her favorite song would be "Dear Future Husband," (WINKS AT GENJI)
♫ - On the down low though... I think she'd listen to Nicki Minaj. Deadass, she'd listen to her, try and rap the lyrics then stumble all over it. Her favorite Alter Ego would probably be Roman Zovanski. She just thinks she's really funny.
♫ - In terms of German music, she'd definitely be singing loud and proud with Reinhardt.
♫ - As a teen, she would ONLY listen to Tokio Hotel. Sorry not sorry.
♫ - Junge by Haller. That's it, that's the music she'd listen to.
♫ - From being influenced by Genji, Angela would definitely start to get into city pop, artists like No Buses, Miharu Koshi and Meaningful Stone.
Last but not least, Illari
♫ - Ok. Do NOT even try me on this. She's a total Kali Uchis fan. IDC. Don't even try to argue with me. Her favorite song would definitely be Hasta Cuando
♫ - I feel like she wouldn't really like Bad Bunny because of how vulgar he is, (She's biased towards women) But would be ok with female artists being vulgar because they're "taking back the power" (she's a #girlkisser)
♫ - I think she prides herself in having an expansive music taste, meaning she'd listen to old metal, then Lamp (Japanese indie band) then Kali Uchis. In terms of Metal, I think she'd like Metallica the most. That or Guns n Roses.
♫ - I don't know if this is canon but in my heart, Kiri and her are literally best friends. With that being said, they exchange songs daily. Oftentimes, Illari is only sharing Kali Uchis songs and Kiri is like
"Bro, is Kali uchis the only thing you listen to??"
"No. I listen to metal, city pop, rap, rnb, jazz.." The list goes on for like 5 pages.
Kiri doesn't ask her again.
♫ - Illari is the type of person to have a 100 hour long playlist. That's all. Every playlist of hers is a MINIMUM of 100 hours.
That took longer then I thought, anyways, thanks for reading and anon thanks for asking :3 Reqs are still open! Taglist still open!
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Strobe Light (Siinamota)
I'm looking for meaning in life/I walk because I was born/If we could put into words every second someone lives on/We feel ourselves live on like scattering words about
"When I initially found this song, it already moved me on a purely sonic level. I feel kind of bad when artists pass away and that death sort of becomes their legacy, but I can't help but also lament such an amazing musician leaving so soon. That aside, the song itself is also just speaks to an emotional complexity that I have over the years felt pretty deeply and understood better as I've grown up. I've always kind of read it as a very anxious person trying to be an optimist. It's an uphill battle - Sisyphean, even - but the best you can do is to just keep on moving, y'know? All one can hope is to find that which calls to them and motivates them to love life, someday. "
I Who Bend the Tall Grasses (Lingua Ignota)
Take hold of my gentle axe and split him open, gather up my quiet hammer and nail him down, use any of your heavenly means/Your golden scythe, your holy sword, your fiery arrows studded with stars...I don't give a fuck/Just kill him/You have to/I'm not asking
"Between the singer's raspy, pained vocals and the lyrics themselves, this song just resonates to my very soul. i know the song itself comes from a personal place; it brings to mind a hurt woman staggering, kneeling to pray for the demise of someone she thought she loved, who she thought loved her, and idk it just makes something (everything, really) in me ache"
Strobe Light submitted by @crab-funk
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crumchycow · 1 day
a get to know you better meme
thanks for the tag @thestrangeillusion
do you make your bed?
Nope never, if something doesn't need to be tidied it will not be tidied, have left a bucket in the middle of my room for 9 months because of this.
what's your favourite number?
Don't have one
what is your job?
Currently just a student I kinda need to get a job but studying and working is a lot for me and acquiring a job is annoying and hard so uethggghhhh
If you could go back to school would you?
Um will I continue studying? Maybe....
can you parallel park?
a job you had that would surprise people?
None? Probably the most interesting way I have earned money is the only commission I've ever had, which was my mum commissioning me for her work (kindergarten) because they needed 30 little icon drawings that each kid has at like their bag hook and on their stuff to identify them, she didn't like the person who used to do it because they were weird about it for some reason and the designs were kinda cluttered and ugly so my mum was like my child can draw? Yes! and this way I can be really fussy and specific with it.
(dw she paid me quite well)
do you think aliens are real?
In the sense of any life existing outside of earth? yes 100% would be weird if there isn't. In the sense of complex or intelligent life? probably. In the sense of there are human equivalent creatures that have achieved space travel and are equally or more technologically advanced than us, unlikely but possible. Just thinking about how much time life has existed without humans and how long humans have existed before any ideas of space exploration and the very specific technologies and discoveries that were necessary for space exploration I wouldn't be surprised if we are the only ones. Also just like how incredibly difficult space travel beyond our solar system is I think it's unlikely we will truly know or make contact.
can you drive a manual car?
No :) do not care to learn. fuck cars and driving is boring i only learn to drive because its kinda necessary where i live :( get me good public transport government please
what's your guilty pleasure?
im guilty about alot things like drinking milk, eating too much sugar, spending too much money, doing literally anything i will find a way to feel guilty about it but thats just my general state of being since i was a child and i mostly ignore it or work around it.
I guess in the more traditional sense of things i like that are embarrassing and i wouldnt want people to know, it would be reading fucked up smut. Particularly my fondness for incest ships? Don't know why I suspect it is the codependency. but yeah umm...
Not yet but I wanna get a spider (not decided which) on my back soon.
favourite colour?
favourite type of music?
Um I mostly listen to kpop because uh autism? idk, but I genuinely like a lot of music. Some of my favourite music is like objectively awful and difficult to listen to, I think I often like music that is complex and has lots of things.
Some of my favourite artists trying to include multiple genres I like:
Stray Kids
F.T. island
Jeff Satur
Chopin (I'm learning one of his preludes atm it's v pretty)
GHOST (vocaloid producer)
also gregorian chants slap (not christian, vocal harmonies just make me feral)
do you like puzzles?
Yes! I just recently was like y'know what I haven't done in years but suddenly really need to do:
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But also just generally like I LOVE maths and figuring out things and patterns and stuff so fun.
any phobias?
favourite childhood sport?
Um not that into sport, I guess I wanted to play netball when I was like 8 (but that might've just been because that's the thing you do) but I missed the trial periods 2 years in a row but kinda glad I didn't I know multiple people with permanent injuries from playing netball as a kid/teen and my joints are not the most functional in the first place. Do still enjoy playing casually every now and then.
do you talk to yourself?
Yes my favourite hobby, I have the best conversations with myself, will stay up for hours just talking to myself. Also great for preparing for real conversations. I love it when a topic I fully thought about and talked to myself comes up in conversation and it's like fuck yeah gonna ace this one.
what movie(s) do you adore?
Hmmm not the biggest fan of movie as a story format but uh have seen how to train your dragon at least 20 times and I need to watch it again sometime soon, been craving that animal/human enemies to deep emotional connection best buds.
coffee or tea?
Love coffee, but over half of my daily water consumption is through tea (usually multiple kinds)
Would be less alive without tea also its just like so diverse, green tea!black tea! rooibos! masala chai! rosehip! liquorice! peppermint..... camomile! and so much more with sugar! with milk! with honey! or lemon! hot! cold! literally my favourite, shoutout to whoever invented plant in water. Also soup different kind of plant in water but still absolutely banging humans peaked at plant in water best things invented.
and caffeine doesn't affect me like at all? so i only drink these things for taste.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
Idk the first but I know at some stage I wanted to be an author or a marine biologist (why is this so common who put it in our heads? Actually maybe David Attenborough....) probably the first was an animal or something
egh its rambly and may not make sense but whatever, also revealing any information about myself on the internet scares me even though literally nobody could do anything with this information like guys pls dont dox me through knowing my mum is a kindergarten teacher
tagging @gaylittlepieceofsh1t @mousydentist @mr-bazongos @wildelydawn @thestarscanalwayslookatus @fiddlepickdouglas @ae-azile and any one who wants to, no pressure tho <333
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loserdiaz · 10 months
Do you recommend any songs?
ANONNNN i'm so so so happy you ask me this (also im sorry it's taking me so long to answer yours asks, i just really wanna take my time listening to every song you send me <333)
now MY song recs!!! (tbh i've been waiting for someone to ask me for song recs, so thank you for this and also i'm so so soooo sorry bc i'm about to become the most annoying person to ever exist <333)
under the cut so im not annoying for the ppl who don't care <33
my favorite songs from them are
if you're gonna break my heart : this song is so good???? idk why i love it so much but something about the lyric 'if you're gonna break my heart, smash it to pieces bc I'm not gonna need it as much as i do right now' JUST BREAKS ME IN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OF WAYS, y'know??
my honest face
ice cream sundae
and !!! if you end up liking them, i have a playlist with all their songs right here
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i'm also getting REALLY into maisie peters music???
my favorite songs from her are
history of man : I'M SORRY BUT THE LYRIC WOMEN'S HEARTS ARE LETHALS WEAPONS DID YOU HOLD MINE AND FEEL THREATENED HAUNTS ME. LIKE??? GUTTED. and also also!!! this song is so beautiful lyrically speaking and i cannot shut up about it. like, it changed me as a person. it changed my brain chemestry.
coming of age: the lyric "baby i'm the iliad of course you couldn't read me" MAKES ME CRACKLE EVERY TIME. KSJSKSJ ICONIC.
neck of the woods
the party (such a buddie song)
i also love boygenius and i really recommend
not strong enough
new york by the kills : it gives me such good vibes??? also idk, i listened to it and got inspired for my buddie rockband au. it's so beautifully daunting and amazing and awesome and cool and i feel like i'm in this grunge kind of bar in new york with my best friends and also strangers listening to a live band when i hear it??? idk if that makes sense.
the lyrics are also so !!!!
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ANYTHINGGGGGGG by renee rapp. she's iconic, she's a legend, she is the moment <333
just !!!!! PLEASE THE LYRICS ARE SO !!!! i relate to this on a deep personal level. this reaches the darkest corners of my soul.
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in the kitchen
too well
snow angel
did i mention bruises??
literally anything ANYTHING by louis tomlison. that man is soooo underrated. songs like chicago??? angels fly??? saturdays??? DON'T GET ME STARTED ON SATURDAYS.
what i love about louis is that you can find so much light and positivity in his lyrics and it's literally so comforting??? when i listen to angels fly i feel like i'm being hugged tenderly and softly kissed in my forehead.
so, yeah!! listen to him, please!!! give him a chance!!! i promise you he isn't only one direction. HE'S SO FAR FROM BEING WHAT THEY SHOWED US AS 1D IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. (also he's the reason i discovered inhaler and im soooo grateful)
it deserved so much more than it got???
songs like baby blue?? diamonds??? siagon??? motion??? THEY FUCKING SLAP. THAT SHIT SLAPS SO HARD.
just, please listen to him. you won't regret it.
AND !!!!
if you're into indie, folk-y musocy. just watch this video. just. pleaseeeee watch this video. ALL OF IT. the artist is not the most talented or the best vocally but he has SO much passion for his craft and for music and he's soooo wholesome and just!!!!
THIS WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITE YOUTUBE VIDEOS EVER AND THERE'S A SONG AT THE END THAT MIGHT NOT BE THE GREATEST HIT BUT IT HAS HEART AND IT'S WARM AND IT'S JUST !!!!! IT'S MUSIC!!! THIS IS WHAT MUSIC IS ABOUT!!! THIS IS WHY MUSIC CAME TO BE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! to share it with the world, to share with each other!! to just dance and feel and aaahhh!! i could write an essay about this video and about this artist in particular, i'm not even kidding.
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and anyway, i have way more song recs but u feel you might be regretting asking me for them rn so i'm gonna stop and shut up <333
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mickgaydolenz · 1 year
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i was tagged by @birdie-hop (thank you birdie <3!!!) to do a fun new tag game where you list your favourite musicians and (if you want) explain why you like them so much!
so i feel kind of like a bit of an outsider when it comes to music because i tend to be super particular and i don't actually like a lot of musical artists beyond a song or two. there are a lot of little things that tend to put me off of songs or artists, so when i find one i like i tend to latch on to them with everything i've got. this is going to get really long winded because i have a lot to say about one of these artists in particular (Bowie duh), so fucking feel free to just ignore this!
The Beatles -> let me start with my biggest cringefail flop moment of my whole life. i had sworn to never like this group, i used to make fun of my friends who enjoyed them, and then like the biggest hypocritical asshole of all time i watched the stupid fucking get back documentary and have not recovered since. other than being bewitched by their faggotry and crazy internal dynamics, i genuinely really love their music (that was so painful to type...). i think what i appreciate most is something about their music feels both timeless and yet beyond its time??? and the sheer level of musicianship in their works is mind boggling (like holy fuck not to jerk off paul or anything, but watching him pull that song out of his head in -3 seconds in get back rocked my world). they also just genuinely seem to be having fun (until they weren't) and it comes across in their music. as people they fucking suck ngl, but also that's part of the charm (not john lennon though he has issues i can't see beyond so sorry dude dni on sight buddy) because it just shows that they aren't these giga brain geniuses that are beyond mortal comprehension.
Ryuichi Sakamoto -> not going to lie i got into him by way of watching Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, so that will always add a level of endearment to him as an artist for me. vocally, he isn't the strongest performer, but there is something charming about the sincerity in which he delivers his lines that i appreciate. i love how sakamoto sculps sound, he's so insanely good at cultivating atmosphere especially in his instrumental pieces. the mcml soundtrack is a great example of what he's capable of, and considering he'd never scored a movie prior to that is just insane. his dedication to experimentation and genre hoping is also super admirable, i love that he has experimental sound work but also classical pieces but also 80's poppy numbers. i really appreciate how he incorporates cultural instruments and melodies into his work, modifying them in a way that both retains their significance while allowing room for change. actually here is one of my favourite pieces by him if you want to check it out -> compute, compute, compute
Micky Dolenz -> and like i suppose this also includes the monkees in general, but specifically she is EVERYTHING TO ME!!!! vocally i'm slain every time he opens his mouth, like what a fucking voice and it just keeps going strong. i know every one says this, but micky is truly one of the most underrated vocalists, he deserves so much more recognition for his talent than he has received. also, as a songwriter??? FUCKING WOW!!!! i WISH to GOD he had written more songs, because man oh man the ones he wrote for the monkees are just banger after banger. i think micky's intelligence as a song writer is super insane, his ability to spin a narrative while also handling intense topics all wrapped up in a soft voice that belays the seriousness of the song???? uhm yeah give me more bitch, love that shit. also micky just seems so chill and so kind. not to mention modest; the guy is too modest for his own good, babygirl please you deserve so much more okay??? all in all he seems like the friend that would take you out and get you fucked up beyond belief, but then he'd make you some coffee in the morning, y'know?
David Bowie -> okay, okay, okay, fuck, um he literally means too much to me to even begin to put into coherent words. i've never connected more with a body of work than i have with his music. every facet of his songs -the style, the lyrics, the themes, the sound- speak to me on a visceral level. i still get literal goosebumps listening to certain songs, it's insane how much emotion they inspire in me. he is also the only musical artist where i've listen to his complete discography AND enjoyed most all of it (you don't even understand how HUGE this is for me). As an artist, Bowie is simply unmatched to me; he pushed himself constantly, reinvented himself constantly, tried constantly for his art. that mindset, the desire to push and try new things and not stagnate in the preciousness of your own ego, is something i've tried so hard to incorporate into my own practices. beyond just the music and his art, as a person i've never related more to someone (the good and the bad). so much of my personality has been ripped from and formed by him (that should be embarrassing, and it kind of is, but his mask of confidence and poise has served me soooooo fucking well). Bowie always saw himself as an observer, removed from people, living on the outside looking in on the world and its workings. whether it was a perceived alienation, or a real alienation, or a combination of both, he always felt other. and man oh man if that isn't just the most persistent feeling in my life. anyways to make a long gay story short this dude rules my world and just writing this has me tearing the fuck up <3
okay now that that is done i tag @reignoerme, @sunny-lie-melody, @squeesbysophie, @vintagecocacolainthesun, and @jathis (but only if you want to man!)
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darlink-xoxo · 1 year
part two for this please? where they see each other's playlists and get jealous bc they think it's for other people 😭❤️
OUR FAVORITE SONG PT. 2!·˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ♡
in which, a simple request for the aux cord leads to some unexpected jealousy
and maybe a long awaited (sloppy) confession too..
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GIF isnt mine
oh my
forgive me if i didn't do the request right 😓
i haven't done this before (pt 1 is right here)
Warnings: Fluff, Aged up!Enough to have a drivers license, Tiny Misunderstanding, Kinda a rushed ending, Possible ooc bakugou, Light Swearing, Puppy love 🫶.. and spelling mistakes
❥ · ゚₊ in you're opinion, you'd say you had good music taste. a little bit of everything, not really sticking to one genre. but you've been on a kick recently, it's been difficult to listen to your songs if they weren't on a certain playlist. yeah, that's right, it slightly bothered you to listen to any song outside of your 'thinking about him <3' playlist. why? you had absolutely zero clue.
maybe it's because you've listened to that playlist on repeat for so long, that it's just abnormal at this point to listen to anything else..
yeah.. maybe that's it. but it isn't your fault. ever since that staredown with bakugou, he was probably the only reoccurring thought in your mind, one which you happily welcomed. not without the secondhand embarrassment of course. i mean, it was probably pretty awkward for him to catch you staring at him in silence.. luckily he never brought it up, after all, how were you going to explain how giddy you were feeling to someone who was probably hearing crickets??
well anyways, for some god forsaken reason, you and the bakusquad had planned an outing earlier today after school. bakugou demanded that he'd be the one to drive, declaring that he'd rather have his vocal cords ripped out than let any of you guys drive. which was reasonable enough.
that just doesn't explain how he managed to pick you up first, didn't you live the farthest away from him??
"will you get in the car already? i'll leave your ass behind if you're still there in the next five fucking seconds."
you knew he wasn't joking about leaving you behind, and you didn't feel like driving yourself. hopping into the passenger seat, you slipped on your seatbelt and shifted to get comfortable. you heard him grunt a small 'finally' before revving up his engine and speeding off to the next house.
once everyone was picked up, the six of you were headed to the arcade. the car was filled with endless chatter from ashido and kaminari, with kirishima joining in and sero simply listening to the conversation. somehow the topic had switched to who's playlist should be played as background noise.
"i'm telling you guys, i should have the aux cord. i've got the best taste here!" kaminari held up his phone, the screen showing off one of his multiple playlists.
sero peeked at the phone screen before snorting and settling back in his chair, "kaminari, just because your songs are all famous tiktok audios, that doesn't make them good."
"thank you sero, clearly we should play my songs. mine aren't limited to tiktok!" ashido childishly stuck her tongue out at a pouting kaminari.
kirishima gave a once over at mina's phone screen, before deadpanning, "y'know ashido, you literally only have like, four main artists on there. i dont think any of us wanna listen to the same songs on repeat"
gasping in a mock offense, she retorted, "maybe you don't, but i'll listen to rihanna and twice till the day i die!"
already crossing out sero, who didn't have many song options, and kirishima, who pretty much only had songs for a workout, ashido whined in frustration. she turned to you and practically demanded your phone. you barely had the chance to unlock it before she grabbed it from you.
ashido immediately dived into your lists of songs, "okay, okay, taste.." she muttered with a satisfied nod before she came to an abrupt pause. you saw her eyes zoom in on something in particular, and a devilish grin appearing on her face.
"hehe, y/n? babe? bestie? what is this playlist?"
"what playlist?"
she shoved your phone in your face, "this one!! what is this 'thinking about him' playlist?!? WITH A HEART TOO AWWWW" your eyes widened as you instantly tried to take your phone back, "ashido give it back!!" you narrowly skimmed the device when she scooted farther away from you.
the coral colored female giggled loudly as she scrolled through the playlist, squealing like a middle schooler with a crush when she saw all the love songs. you could only groan and slump into your seat, hoping the cushion could swallow you whole.
while sero and kirishima were cackling loudly at your demise, kaminari was actually making an attempt to help get back your phone, "ashido, it isn't nice to gatekeep someone else's phone- WAIT IS THAT 'DARARI'?!? DUDE, YOU'RE WHIPPED!!"
now both ashido and kaminari were hogging your phone. you couldn't bring yourself to glance at the spiky haired blonde to your side, the sheer humiliation would be too much..
he was quiet. unusual drop dead silence came from the driver's seat. 𝘺𝘰𝘶.. 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘺𝘱𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘰..? 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘵 '𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮'.. 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘢𝘴 '𝘩𝘪𝘮'??!
you had 'something about you' by eyedress, 'cloud 9' by beach bunny, 'darari' by treasure, and even 'i'm yours' by isabel larosa.. you definitely liked this guy.. tch..
"turn that shit off, you all have shit taste," he lowly demanded with a slight growl to his tone.
without much care, he tossed his own phone behind him towards the pink haired female. his eyes focused on the road, yet his thoughts kept him occupied. his own mind racing at who this guy you thought about was, did you like someone else..? was it really only him who felt sparks during your staredown a while back? did you feel nothing at all?
his grip on the steering wheel tightened as his thoughts got the best of him, he barely registered the annoyingly loud gasp ashido let out.
"NO WAYYYYYY!! he has 'juliet' by cavetown, HE HAS 'JULIET' BY CAVETOWN GUYS!!!" kaminari practically fought ashido for the phone, eagerly scrolling through the songs in the playlist.
kirishima was able to get a peek at the playlist when kaminari tried holding the phone out of ashido's reach, "you named it 'only them' bro? i gotta say, that's pretty manly. you too y/n!"
sero sat frozen in his seat, eyes blown wide with a hand covering his mouth. he had just connected the dots, and didn't wanna say anything in case it made you two uncomfortable. but lord was he trying not to.
ashido managed to yank back bakugou's phone from kaminari, her eyes scanning each and every song, "'babooshka' by kate bush is a little unexpected, 'despair' by leo is a great choice... still in denial i see, any song by chase atlantic was obvious.." she let out a huge dramatic gasp, to the point she started coughing.
kaminari gently rubbed her back and kirishima handed her water. sero subtly backed away, as to not get infected, quietly asking if she swallowed a bug.
after what like, three minutes? ashido muttered a small 'excuse me' before shoving bakugou's phone in an oddly silent y/n's face, "look y/n! this guy has 'overdose' by natori!! HOW ADORABLE IS THAT?!?!"
he side eyed the interaction, eyes slightly narrowing when y/n only gave it a once over before turning away, choosing to let out a short hum of affirmation.
no matter how hard he tried to focus on the road, his eyes kept drifting towards you. you seemed strangely downcast. were you alright? he couldn't bring himself to ask, he didn't trust his voice to be quiet enough to speak softly with you. not when his anger was spiking up because of a certain raccoon eyes and dunce face.
"CAN YOU JUST PICK A FUCKING SONG AND PLAY IT ALREADY??!" he shouted at the two, as a playlist still hasn't been chosen.
ashido giggled, staring at the rearview mirror with a smug grin, pressing play on his love playlist. bakugou could only grunt with a deepened scowl, choosing to be silent so he could engage himself in steering. he didn't feel like getting his ear talked off by the old hag if he were to get a speeding ticket.
sero felt sweat drip down his forehead as 'moment' by vierre cloud flowed loud and clear through his ears. sure it was meant to be background noise, but with the connection already assembled in his mind, his hearing seemed to focus on the radio. he cleared his throat and faced kirishima, no longer wanting to be the only one who knew, and as kirishima wasn't occupied by a phone that wasn't his, he was the best choice.
kirishima looked over when he noticed sero giving him a wide eyed stare, subtly asking if he was alright. the red head could only blink in confusion as sero pointed at bakugou, then y/n, then at bakugou's phone in ashido's hand. he grinned sheepishly when sero stared at him with a 'how tf do you not get it?!?' sorta glare.
sighing and slumping in his seat, sero pulled out his phone and instead texted his thoughts to kirishima instead. making sure to give a pointed look when the red head rushed to check his message. sero watched the shark toothed male's expressions contort from confusion to interest and finally to an 'OH MY GOSH YOU ARE SO RIGHT' kinda look.
sero skimmed his phone when he saw kirishima furiously typing away. sero uread the text that went, 'how did they not figure it out yet??' sero gave kirishima a sharp look. the simple message of 'says the one who needed a dang message to figure it out,' had the red head putting his phone down and instead choosing to take a nap.
when the six of you finally managed to get to the arcade in one piece, you all agreed to go on your own for about an hour before meeting back up to play games that needed more than one person.
you wandered around aimlessly, everything seemed to have a line and you were also deliberately avoiding a certain someone. you settled down at a simple claw machine, just as you thought you were in the clear, a voice rang from behind you.
"oi, if you're just gonna stare at the prizes ya mind moving? i wanna see how many i can win." a sharp demand came from behind, leading you to turn around as you got out of the way.
low and behold, it was the damn person you were trying to avoid..
he stepped forward, slipping two tokens into the slot before beginning to play. silence was all that came out of you two. and it was hella awkward. more awkward than being left alone in an elevator with a stranger.
you were about to speak out, when bakugou's boastful voice cut you off, "HA! think that bastard of yours can do better?" he turned to you with a smug grin, it almost made your heart beat if it weren't for the six prizes he managed to get in the five minutes he'd been playing laid out behind him.
how the hell did he get those prizes so fast?? in a claw machine no less??? and wait, did he say bastard? whomst tf-
"what bastard are you talking about?" you squinted at him with utter shock in your eyes.
"that guy you think of? think he can do any better than this?" he just won two more prizes..
this the guy you had a crush on, did you have a thing for jealous and oblivious men? did he just gloss over the probability that this 'guy you think of' was him in the first place??
"what does it matter? don't you have your own person you think of?" yeah you haven't forgotten, i mean he had 'sofia' by clairo on his playlist. this guy for sure was serious about his feelings. and it stung, already having repeated it to yourself about a thousand times.
the male before you kept silent, seemingly thinking before he abruptly stood up, thrusting the prizes he won into your hands, "they aren't just someone i think about," he glared at the floor beside you with his voice suddenly going quiet, "they're someone i'd do anything for, even if it means winning every damn game in this fucking arcade to prove it." he fiercely stared into your eyes as if he just made some sort of declaration to you.
it took you a second to process what he said, and when you finally got it he was already trudging away. speeding after him, you grabbed him by his arm, "what if, what if you never had competition to begin with..?" goodness your brain was for sure fried..
he scowled at you, "dont even dare think about fucking lying to me just because i told you the truth," gosh you hated and loved his stubbornness.
"dont you get it bakugou? you're the one i made the playlist for, did arctic monkeys not give you any clues??"
bakugou tensed, yet he didn't seem to look at you, opting to look down instead, "you dropped them," his quiet doting tone made you squint in confusion, he better not be ignoring your confession.. deciding to listen, you glanced underneath you, true to his word, they all lay fallen on the floor. you let out a silent sigh as you knelt down to pick up all the stuff he won. the least he could say was a 'no', now he got you doing labor.
just as you were about to get up and kinda run away and maybe bury yourself in the nearest hole, he knelt beside you, and kissed you. although more of a peck, he made sure it was clear how he felt about you. it was soft and gentle, it caught you off guard. you stared at him with wide eyes, and he stared back. suddenly remembering the staredown you both had, yet this was different. first of all, he was up in front of you, right next to your face, and HE HAD JUST KISSED YOU??!?
making sure not to overstep any of your possible boundaries, he lightly traced his fingertips up your arm to get your focus back on him. with his other hand, he cupped your cheek, softly chuckling when he felt your face heat up over his palm. then, he leaned in once more,
"you give shitty clues"
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nedlittle · 1 year
top 5 most underrated MCR songs 👉🏻👉🏻
burn bright - gay transmac swag. that one genius comment was right calling it their third most homosexual song right behind mama and prison. my second fave track of conventional weapons; feels like spitting out a mouthful of blood and getting gravel in your knees. the spanish guitar! you made me who i am. be afraid of what i am. you know you'll never get to heaven with a love like yours. gay people are real.
not that kind of girl - gay transfem swag. burn bright's preppy younger sister. you know this is underrated because whatever beachy waved cw sapphic couple tumblr is currently going goo goo ga ga over at any given moment ought to have at the very fucking least have gifsets with the lyrics to not that kind of girl. there should be not that kind of girl amvs for like. jennifer's body. incredibly unhinged example but are you picking up what i am putting down? where are the amvs. where's my dykey little teen movie. let me paint you a word picture: it is 2005. we open on two kids playing in a sandbox/larping as knights on the playground/exchanging friendship bracelets, protagonist voice over about how she wishes they could go back to being kids because everything was so less complicated. whatever. we zoom out to look at our protagonist--baby butch. bikini kill posters on her walls. truly heinous haircut. wants to Get Out of This Town. we follow her eyes as she looks out the window at the car that just pulled into her neighbours driveway. a person jumps down the stairs and into the car--gasp! it's the other girl from when they were kids. she gets into the car with her bland-ass boyfriend, locks eyes with our girl before driving away. BAM dirty little secret by all american rejects plays over the opening credits. the plot progresses. protagonist is worried that she's never going to amount to anything and will live and die in this shitty town just like her parents and her grandparents, tries to just keep her head down and get through high school unscathed, parents don't want their kids hanging out with her etc. meanwhile her childhood bestie is tightlaced into this life of high achievement: she's got a full ride to a good school, she's in model un and plays three different sports, on track to be valedictorian. a good kid. but she seems unhappy with being saddled with these expectations, her heart isn't in her relationship anymore. hmm i wonder why. the second half of the film follows her as she wonders what's wrong with her life that she doesn't want to live it. tries to avoid kissing her boyfriend, flunks an important test, gets concussed playing soccer because she's thinking about her childhood bestie. accidentally-on-purpose ends up at the only gay bar for miles just to. y'know. see what gay people are like BAM ring of keys moment with the intensity of ten thousand suns. BIG realization that she has to start living her life for herself. also gets a bad haircut. breaks up with her boyfriend. tells her parents she wants to take a year off before going to college. the girls kiss. last shot is them recreating the scene from the opening. fade out. BAM not that kind of girl plays over the closing credits. do you understand my artistic vision? i understand why it wasn't included on any albums proper because sonically and lyrically it doesn't quite fit anywhere but god it's SO fun and bouncy. nancy sinatra shoutout! the boots are big stompy combat boots. loud ass ray backing vocals. if you get it you get it if you don't you don't!!!
the end/dead - i cannot separate these two. they are conjoined twin sisters and even listening to them separately is an act of violence to me. possibly the funniest song transition overall. iconic transgender acceptance and resilience in the face of rapidly oncoming death into YEEEEEEEAHHHHHH. the huge, soaring guitars into an auditory experience i can only describe as these bitches frolicking around in my head while i speedrun the stages of grief. pitch perfect opening to such an ambitious album that i'm still shocked they managed to pull off. can we play either of these live again. can we please. either of them.
disenchanted - as i am disconnected from the fandom as whole and am just having fun with my friends i have no idea how disenchanted ranks amongst the fans as a whole but what i do know is that on the post i made about being thankful mikey gaslit the others to get disenchanted on the album while they were actively being haunted (mikeyway i love you there is so much wrong with you) someone said it was shit and i was overcome with holy rage. you don't get it. it was the roar of the crowd that gave me heartache to sing. you're just a sad song with nothing to say. an all time weeper. makes me experience regret and nostalgia and grief for a live i have never lived. trying to think of the most evil combos for a disenchanted encore. disenchanted/cancer. disenchanted/kids. demo lovers/disenchanted. i know you're there mikey. force your bandmates to put this one back on the setlists again. haunt them if you need to.
bulletproof heart - when i was in high school the only album i really listened to was danger days because i was too intimidated to get into the others. it was the most accessible to me, having listened to almost nothing but fall out boy from the time i was 13-18. i had no friends on my bus route home and it wasn't a long ride, thankfully, but it meant that i only got to listen to a little bit of danger days. depending on how fast i walked from the bus stop i'd make it home it home sometime during sing (also i like sing :( i do think it's good. ppl need to stop being mean to it bc it got airplay and was on glee even tho yeah the glee version was bad). i would do this every day my final semester of high school, the same three tracks, the same walk home. when i go through the one crosswalk by my house i instinctively think of the chorus to bulletproof heart because it always played at the exact same point. i measured my way home in my chemical romance and god i did want to run away from here. iconic gender with the jenny/johnny switch in the second verse. not even my favourite song off danger days but it's so special to me because i needed it to be <3
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robincantfunction · 3 years
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requested: yes/no(requests are open)
word count: 1201
warnings: slight mentions of racism nothing detailed in anyway at all though(mentions the black family as racists)swearing, one sex reference
lemme know if i missed any.
summary: fred and y/n are in a popular band together, and they're dating. the ships get too much and they have to tell their fans. but during an interview someone questions y/n about her racist family. but luckily fred is there for her, her hero. her lover boy.
song prompt 2: lvr boy - awfultune (i have to be honest i didn't really stick too much to it, but i had this idea so we are gonna go with it.
a/n: this is a modern au- the band is kinda supposed to give maneskin vibes but idk, although lvr boy isn't the best example of that-
toujours pur. one of the most popular bands globally, they were so frequently spoken about by all age groups, and just all people to be honest. they really were great. there music varied so much in genre, there was always something for everybody. the bandmates where what really made people love the band- on top of their killer vocals and riffs and just talent in general, their interviews, their youtube videos, their instagram lives, all of it made the public see what amazing people they truly were. fred weasley (lead guitarist) george weasley (rythm guitarist) y/n black (lead vocalist and ukulele player) harry potter (bass player) hermione granger (pianist) ron weasley (drummer) ginny weasley (acoustic guitarist). that summed up to a lot of gingers and a lot of talent. after endless obliviousness and shipping, ron and hermione finally got together- much to the fandoms satisfaction. harry and ginny were frequently shipped, but once ginny came out they started shipping her with luna, a known friend of the band. it was fun to both y/n and fred at first, all their friends were being almost nagged to get with the people they so obviously liked. it wasn't a safely guarded secret that fred and y/n were an item, they just never directly stated it. i mean what was the point? they loved each other, why vocalize it to the world? but then it happened. the tweets, the instagram posts, the tiktoks, every social media platform had to know if the hand holding, the cheek kisses, the 'i love you's', and the loving looks were all just out of friendship- or something much more. it was still fun initially, watching people try and figure out their relationship, but then it was brought into the interviews and the livestreams.
"why don't you guys just tell them? its so obvious anyway, and it's not like your hiding it." george asked after the band attempted a livestream, but ended it when the only comments were about fred and y/n. "why is it their business?" she responded softly. she wasn't wrong, but everyone except fred was still confused. "we know it's not. but come on, we're not gonna force you to do anything you're not comfortable with but it would stop all of that" ginny said, pointing to the livestream set up they have at the end of her sentence. fred and y/n knew they were right, but they were so comfortable how they were, they didn't want their relationship to be completely demolished. it was the last thing they wanted. and the last thing that either of them saw coming, but they were still cautious. "we have a couple interviews tomorrow, tell them or don't tell them. but it would be a good chance." both of them instantly knew what the other was thinking. the time has come. they're gonna tell them.
the next day were all sitting in front of an interviewer, and then another one, and then another one. and finally this one. "so, i know your name has never really been spoken about" the interviewer said, the band nodded "so what's with the band name?" everyone looked at y/n. she chuckled slightly and started explaining "so most of my family, not good people. they were pretty commonly associated with a racist organisation. like i said, not good people. well they have this family tree, personally i've only seen it once. me and my dad don't go to the family home often. it gives us the heebie geebies and they hate us. well anyway, the family tree says toujours pur, always pure. so i thought i'd mock them and suggested it as a band name. trust me, i've received many a message about it. they aren't happy." everyone chuckled, if y/n was one thing it was spiteful. "so just out of interest, has the band received any backlash about your family?" the entire band shifted in their seats, if there was one thing y/n rarely talked about it was her family. and fred was preparing to go into protective boyfriend mode. she shook her head "um, no not really." the guy looked somewhat hurt "oh. so racist family isn't something your fans have a problem with?" ok this guy was obviously being bitter, but before fred could say anything y/n jumped in "family by blood. not by nature. the only thing that correlates me with them is dna, and clearly they drew the short straw because they're missing some necessary brain cells. i'm not my 'family'. so no. i don't get backlash for something people who i've only ever had one conversation with did." the rest of the interview was very awkward. like, very.
"ok one last one and then we're done for the day" lily (their self appointed manager- not that anyone minded, she was a life saver) said, sending a sympathetic smile to y/n "i'm not doing it." everyone frowned, but understood somewhat. "y/n/n, love, one more. we'll tell them we're shagging like they want and then bounce" that made her chuckle, he always managed to that "lovely description of our relationship dear" everyone started laughing at the two. "ok. but if one more thing gets said about the fucking black family i swear to shit i will start throwing things."
the last interview was a lot more smooth. especially when fred held y/n's hand the entire time. that didn't go unnoticed by the interviewer, who commented on it a few minutes after she sat down. "so, fred and y/n. i know you to are" she paused and cleared her throat, whilst looking at their hands "close. and i know you're probably sick of hearing this but, what are you?" they chuckled a little "um... we're sorta dating" the interviewer smiled, and so did fred and y/n. it felt good to say it out loud. "i have to ask you, really quickly. is fred weasley your lover boy?" she asked, referencing their latest single "lvr boy". it was well known that y/n wrote the majority of their songs- specifically the slower bedroom artist vibe songs. y/n nodded sheepishly, never actually admitting that directly to the group no matter how obvious. "my room mate now owes me a tenner, thank you" everyone laughed, this was ok. she was ok.
"i'm sorry about earlier, love." she sighed "it's ok." he shrugged "no it's not. that was fucked up" both of their features softened "i was ok. i am ok. because you were there. and because you're here." they kissed "y'know 'm sorry bout your name. i know people give you shit for it" she pecked his lips again "don't worry about it." he shook his head "why didn't your dad take remus's name?" they both looked at each other "cause a name shouldn't be a burden. and with the person yuo love, it eases it all y'know. they don't care when they have each other." he smiled "can't wait till you have my name" he didn't mean to say it, panic evident in his eyes she smiled a genuinely happy smile "me neither" and she put her head in his chest.
he was her lover boy.
he owned her heart.
he owned her heart like no one else did.
she was always his.
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angeloncewas · 3 years
Welcome to my unnecessary sort-of-review of Lovejoy's second EP, Pebble Brain ! All opinions are subjective and though I do have actual, technical music training, it's not super relevant because I just like things :)
Oh Yeah, You Gonna Cry?
The vibe really matches the cover art, if that makes any sense; it feels bright and fresh and even kind of beachy. The instrumentals are absolutely killer, Ash, Joe, and Mark (and Wilbur !) did fantastic (and continue to do so through the whole EP). The lyrics are nice because I actually understand what they're about for once (I think); and the vocals are super high-energy and sharp to match. It feels like they've already improved as a unit. (Though this song specifically is, I would argue, a little repetitive.)
Model Buses
I took notes while listening and just wrote "killer instrumental" again, but I wasn't wrong ! It feels both cohesive with the last track (as a body of work really should be) and distinct as a song of its own (which is great - a lot of artists fall into the trap of turning their albums into a sort of run-on mush). The tune feels reminiscent of both Sex Sells and Cause for Concern in places, but the lyrical themes set up the rest of the EP and remind me of some other writing Wilbur's done (about fear of the future in particular).
OBSESSED with the lyrics on this one ("I hope the saltwater ruins your clothes" caught my eye immediately). I like the somewhat abstract structure (for lack of a better term) with the stripped-down chorus and much more punchy verses. Not super standout to me, since I can't actually recall what it sounded like after one listen, but it's a very solid song and I think it's gonna grow on me.
I've got a special place in my heart for this once since we got to hear it early (and I looped it... a lot) but it genuinely is so catchy. A bit different than I expected - the backing is both clangy-er and less gritty than it sounded in the snippet - but I think the changes take it further away from the style of AYA and make it a better fit for PB, as well as making it the most polished track on the EP up to this point.
Shoutout to the verse, "You say your ex-boyfriend's a policeman/Well, I say you need better standards."
You'll Understand When You're Older
This song has a good mix; I feel like Wilbur lets his voice get lost in the instruments sometimes, but here his vocals remain gentle without getting overpowered. The lyrics are also super interesting, but not so complicated that I get confused (which, y'know, might just be a me-thing, but I feel like Lovejoy really loves to scramble their pronouns). RIP Soft Boy with the use of the trumpets and "and if you think that it gets better" - that little guitar riff near the end is SO GOOD and is gonna be stuck in my head for days.
The Fall
To me, this feels like the Cause for Concern of the album. Not because they're similar necessarily, but just because it strays the furthest from the central energy and pattern of the rest of the songs (with some deviations even within them, of course). The chorus surprised me (in a good way) and even though he's just kind of talking, he gets a lot of emotion through. It's almost an entire performance in and of itself, even just as audio. I feel I actually get what this one's saying too, which is nice; I really like its more direct storytelling style and the things it says in-between the actual lines.
It's All Futile! It's All Pointless!
A very different sound - both from the original and from what I thought it might end up being, but not at all in a bad way. Wilbur's higher register is amazing and it really fits the band's style over what was MIWB. The pre-chorus falls a little flat imo, but I really love everything they did with the chorus itself, from the balance to the funky little drag on "drain." The new approach really adds a sort of distance that's more than welcome; the original sounds like the downtrodden college student speaking while this feels more like a retrospective. And as such, I believe it that much more when he uses words like infestation. As though he really doesn't want to be involved in this still - truly doesn't miss her - but is so attached to everything that was there.
I don't have a good wrap-up for this; it's a really fun EP with a lot of strides forward from their already-great last one. I'm super happy with it as a listener and I can't wait to scream these lyrics in a crowd one day :D Stream Pebble Brain and support the artists !
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animatedrapture · 4 years
just ur fav headcanons that you have of him T_T like in general
hsjshjssj ok ok so i hc the following things abt suna:
he loves like, alternative artists and is very proud of his taste his music? but you can't say anything about it though cause his taste really is immaculate
suna cares about his fits 💀 like, he's an eboy lookin ass but it's okay cause he pulls it off and he's hot
A HUGE THING I FIRMLY BELIEVE ABOUT SUNA is: this man is oozing in confidence !! like, he's not the vocal type about what he's good at or something, not in a way that he shows off and all but he knows his worth!! he knows when he's good at something—exceptional, even! he's knows he's smart, he knows he's attractive but he's just that guy who knows he's all that and he just lives with it. not in a cocky way but just in a very self aware way, y'know?
i have suna's MBTI personality type to back this up but suna's the type of guy who values people or things heavily but he simply doesn't show it. of course, though, how we feel about things or people will always somehow seep out so suna as an s/o, even when he's very lowkey about his feelings? he still manages to make it come across that he loves and values you!
suna seems like he's someone who always have something in his mind so i think that you can ask him his opinion about something, trivial or heavy, he'll probably have something to say about it!
okay last cause i dont wanna ramble too much jsksjksjd, but i hc suna as a very touchy person to his s/o? wbk he's mostly reserved, but his love language has to be physical affection. keeping your pinkies together in public, random headpats, keeping his arms around your shoulders when you're walking side by side on the sidewalk? OMG LISTEN, suna will always move you so that he's the one on the side of the road!!!
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not-sewell · 2 years
hii! 13, 42 & 99 for your spotify wrapped? <3
hello Nora! 💕 thank you for asking! i'm absolutely setting off on a ramble.
heads up: there's gonna be a lot more songs in South Asian languages than you'd expect but hey, they're all quite *chef's kiss*
give me a number from 1 to 100 and i'll ramble about the corresponding song on my top 100 playlist
13. Baagay - Hari & Sukhmani, The Coconut Kids
ooooooh i like the general mood that the music sets, y'know?
essentially, Baagay (a derivation of 'Baag', meaning garden) is a rendition of a few Punjabi Tappe (a Tappa is a form of semi-classical vocal music that is part of the Punjabi folk tradition) brought together. it is kinda conversational, a dialogue between two people (two lovers?).
the way artists have worked with the song sort of provides a non-Punjabi speaker the general context of the song, with the help of a rough translation and places it right at the beginning so you know where they're taking you with the song. the light, simple (what i'm assuming is) ukelele-heavy music lends to the light-hearted banter and just makes me feel all kinds of good.
42. Babuji Dheere Chalna - Geeta Dutt
ah, that's my queen right there.
apart from Geeta Dutt's beautiful, beautiful voice, what i love about the song is how it shifts the mood while keeping the depth in the lyrics.
the music accompanying the lyrics starts with the chorus, with a tone of caution in it as is reflected in the lyrics that comes along with it – "babuji dheere chalna, pyaar mein zara sambhalna" (roughly translating to "sir, beware, be cautious – for now you're on the path of love"), and it maintains that association. the rest of the song is this back-and-forth between this mood and a shift in this mood that almost makes light of the statement made in the chorus – it's got this "oh well, but you're fucked anyway, so"-attitude about it. which is kind of reflected in the lyrics too. the lyrics in this shifted tone seems to always have a bite to it – which you would find that the music sort of replicates.
it's this kind of conversation that the singer's having with themself and the reflection of that conversation in the music accompanying it is just something that i find increasingly interesting.
99. Baatein Karo - Vayu
pretty sure what piqued my interest was just the way this song sounds.
it sounds smooth, low-key upbeat given the tempo but the singer's singing – the tone he adopts – and the movement of the notes showed a kind of desperation, yearning for something. and if you were to look into the lyrics, that's pretty much what it talks about. it's about wanting company, needing connection, however fleeting it may be.
if you do end up listening to any of these songs, i hope you enjoy! ✨
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Ive never really understood the hype surrounding Taylor Swift - I mean, I like some of her songs, but im not big on modern pop music so generally she just doesn’t really click for me. But I find it interesting that theres quite a few of Beatles/Swift blogs - like, they should have very little in common given that they’re from completely different eras and all, but somehow people seem to find a lot of semblance between the two. << and thats not me shitting on any of these blogs btw! Hope I don’t come off as rude or condescending there <3
Anyway, I was just wondering what got you into Taylor Swift? (I think ive read your post on how you got into the Beatles)
Hi, anon! Don't worry, I don't think you're rude or condescending! I agree they don't have too much in common and I don't really like their music for the same reasons.* I do have a playlist of Paul songs that have similar vibes to Taylor songs but it's mostly lyric-based. (Also the Beatles For Sale songs actually have quite the Taylor-tinge because Paul and John were not immune to Country Music)
I saw @stewy say once that a possible reason there are a good handful of us Swiftie-Beatle People on here is the appeal of a vast discography, which I agree with. If you have an artist/group with 200ish songs, it's just really fun to really dive into their work and explore all the facets. I also think: we're talking about the most popular band of all time and one of the highest-selling artists of the 21st century. They have a lot of fans so there's bound to be overlap, regardless of musical differences.
Moving on to your question: Getting into Taylor was an extremely personal experience for me and so my explanation is probably going to be kind of long so I'll put it under a read more.
It was spring-summer 2014, I was 15. I had heard the more popular songs of hers starting with Love Story and enjoyed pretty much all of them (I always found her hopelessly romantic point of view fascinating) but before I got a Spotify account in 2013 it was difficult in general for me to really get into an artists' entire discography so most of her songs had flown under my radar.
At the time, I was in this very weird sort of codependent online friendship with this girl who was basically my first real best friend and my first more or less crush. She was very depressed and I was very much in an I Could Fix Her™ mood, except that I obviously couldn't fix her and it made me feel like I wasn't enough and she had begun pulling more and more away from me and not replying to my messages and it was simply driving me insane. I consider it the saddest period in my life.
at some point during this period, I started trying to connect with other people (all online, I didn't know how to talk seriously to anyone IRL) and explaining the issues I'd been having, and one of the people who brought me joy and whom I actually felt not drained talking to was a huge swiftie. And IDK the fact that she loved Taylor and the fact that talking to her made my life better (and also the fact that I liked all the Taylor songs I knew at that point) just made me decide to give her a listen. And I think that whole "large discography discovery" phenomenon really helped me at the time (funny, because her discography has doubled since then). It gave me something new to focus on; there were just so many songs to discover, all telling such rich stories. I also have always loved bridges, they are almost always my favourite part of a song. And Taylor, god-bless her, loves them too and always puts her ALL in them. Like pretty much every bridge of hers brings the song to the next level, and even a lot of her songs I don't adore tend to have great bridges (Stay Stay Stay and Paper Rings come to mind). I think one of her most underrated qualities is how good she is at song structure and really building up an entire musical journey with a song. She also almost always adds cool ad-libs in her second and third choruses to keep the songs interesting and dynamic (or at least since she's gone pop). Anyways, back to the story: Then Taylor announced 1989 as her next album and released Shake It Off, and it was just like this great happy thing for me to look forward to, when I had very little keeping me going. The era was promoting a lot of happiness which in hindsight was slightly fabricated and it was just a really great thing for me to latch onto.
At the same time I was coming to realize that I was gonna have to pull away completely from my friend and all those break-up songs just… Hit, y'know? Like, some people seem to think Taylor's a one-trick pony because she likes to write break-up songs but to me, break-ups are just like this moment where you as a human can potentially feel every single emotion, and Taylor's songs have covered every facet of the concept. Here are some songs I remember from that period, that all meant a lot to me at the time because they explained my own pain to me so well:
Haunted, for the absolute terror you feel in the first moments you realize someone is probably gonna leave you. Come on, come on / Don't leave me like this / I thought I had you figured out / Something's gone terribly wrong / You're all I wanted.
I Almost Do, for the inner turmoil you feel when you know you have to stay away from someone for your own good but you really, really have to resist just running back to that person. We've made quite a mess, Babe / It's probably better off this way / And I confess, Babe / In my dreams you're touching my face / And asking me if I wanna try again / With you / And I almost do.
Last Kiss, for that absolute sadness that comes simply with remembering everything that was good and not comprehending how it could've possibly ended. I still remember / The look on your face / Lit through the darkness / At 1:58 / Words that you whispered / For just us to know / You told me you loved me / So why did you go / Away?
Forever and Always, for that feeling of desperately wanting to hold on to what you still have but at the same time realizing it probably isn't going to last and having no idea how to fix it, plus feeling like the other person doesn't even care. So here's to everything / Coming down to nothing / Here's to silence / That cuts me to the core / Where is this going? / Thought I knew for a minute / But I don't anymore.
Dear John, my all-time favourite song, for that moment you find clarity and realize that you deserved better and that you were headed in an extremely dark direction because of this other person. [DISCLAIMER: my friend did NOT abuse me nor did we have some inappropriate age difference. But the way she would ignore me and her general moodiness really affected my own mental health and self-worth problems] You paint me a blue sky / And go back and turn it to rain / And I lived in your chess games / But you changed the rules every day / Wondering which version of you I might get on the phone / Tonight / Well I stopped picking up / And this song is to let you know why.
(She's covered more aspects of break-ups in other songs [cheating, divorce, feeling awkward around your ex amongst others], these are just the ones I remember being really important to me when I was first getting into her)
She really helped me feel a lot less alone during one of my loneliest periods and I really can't thank her enough for that. Soon after this, I started crushing on a girl in my class and Taylor's love songs started to take on a new meaning for me as well.
What's crazy to me is, when she went on hiatus for a few years, a part of me thought maybe I'd grown out of her and no longer had much in common with her, but when reputation came out I was pulled right back into my love for her as a person and musician and then when Lover came out I found that she was still explaining feelings to me better than I ever could (specifically with the songs The Archer and Cornelia Street). And now with folklore and evermore she's simply absolutely perfected her story-telling and I find myself deeply moved even by the songs I don't directly relate to. I feel like she has this amazing ability to find the absolute truth in the specific. I've never had a summer romance with someone who already had a girlfriend and mostly wanted to go back to her, and yet the bridge of august feels so real to me, y'know?
Back when we were still changin' for the better Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope of it all Cancel plans just in case you'd call And say, "Meet me behind the mall" So much for summer love and saying "us" 'Cause you weren't mine to lose
It's hard to explain but looking at this, like it's so much more than the story it's telling. It's talking about how when you're young you really need so little to feel satisfied; how sometimes the idea of someone maybe spending time with you is better than actually doing things with other people; and how if someone using you without much thought can make you feel like you're not even entitled to grieve what you lost. Sorry. I'll stop. Don't want to go insane.
So, all of this is very personal and unique to me, but I think really the main thing that draws me to her is how vulnerable and honest she is about emotions, how eloquently she can explain the pain of being alive to me. Some people think she isn't the strongest singer, but I think, much like John actually, one of her greatest assets is how good she is at projecting emotion. The song happiness is a song I think has some lyrically weak moments but her vocal performance on it is so raw and devastating that every single line works even when, looking at it on paper, it feels like it shouldn't.
Hope this rambling made sense to you, lmao?? I love talking about Taylor though so thanks for the ask! Also very open to giving song recs if you do want to check her out more but I won't unless solicited to lmao *Sort of off-topic but I do think there's a relation between my fascination with the Beatles' history and my love for a great break-up song. I like pain I guess :)
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chickabee · 3 years
A better music post
I'll tag this one with music or sumn so it doesn't get lost in the plethora of tags I have.
The last time I tried to make a music post for my oc's everything was rushed and disorganized, but since today I'm in a writing mood, I'm going to try to make this post a lot more coherent.
I'm going to go down my playlist and pick a few songs to share (trying not to spoil my story in the process.) So, the earbuds are in and my hand's are ready.
Let's go!
Billy Joel, Vienna- Just re-added this song back to my playlist today, but when I heard it again I was like, 'oh my jeez. This song is to Dylan." Poor guy is always overworking himself as the leader of his team. Kid doesn't take the time to be a kid v_v
Stevie Wonder and Ariana Grande, Faith- Yeah... animated motion picture soundtrack music. This song is for teenage Lillian. It's her being a heart throb with Stevie wonder impressing the ladies. Lmao don't ask how she was able to be in a song with Stevie wonder. She's a well known hero so it's possible. Also, unimportant detail but I imagine her in one of those like groovy jumpsuits from Austin powers lmao. "Groovy Baby"
EARFQUAKE but only my voice, SQUALAY- I already explained that I imagine Justin singing this. The pitchiness of the main vocal is so much Justin to me lmao. In my head he's goofing off with his cousins, and they all just decided to come together to sing this one night. they were supposed to be chilling, but oh well I guess lol. It's one of those "the boys at midnight' things. Y'know... like that meme.
I feel like I should mention that Justins cousins are African American (His adopted parents Nicole and Derek are African American) so when things like this happen, it doesn't matter, everybody is just being goofy together.
Anything but Ordinary, Avril Lavigne- IS IT ENOUGH TO LOVE, IS IT ENOUGH TO BREATH Yeah, I know I had this as a song I imagined with the blues during a blues daydream, but I also imagine either young Savannah or young Lillian singing this at a karaoke (more Lillian because she's more 'randumz quirky') And they are leading a crowd in the song. Yay <3 (The ending with the back vocals is just tooooo perfect.)
Back Door, STRAY KIDS- Hey! It's Kpop. Hello, kpop. I listen to so much kpop because it's the perfect montage/dance music. This is a montage of the girls being really cool. They are badass. This is more for Jenna though. She is verr badass. Perfect song for her fighting ego.
ANY SONG, ZICO- Justin because it's his vibe when he is a teenager. More laid back. Hey, I should really listen to the lyrics of this song because I have no idea what this song is about, but in my head, I imagine Justin is working in a restaurant and he's singing about trying to impress this girl he sees there but his boss is like 'Nah back to work kiddo.' So there is a lot of silliness of him trying to impress mystery girl despite his current situation.
Only problem is it doesn't sound vocally like Tennage justin :(
Can I Have This Dance, High School Musical 3- HELLO CHILDHOOD MOVIE. oh my gosh I was so in love with high school musical and Hannah Montana as a kid lmao. Anyway, I imagine this being a song soft, teenage Lillian is singing to Lyle because Lyle wants to dance with her after finding out she is the lead in the school musical and has to kiss another guy. Lyle isn't singing the male part though because to him well, 'singing is gay.' I dunno. It's too feminine to him. It's like dude, you're out here doing an entire waltz in the summer rain with a chick. How straight do things need to get.
How's it Going to Be, Third Eye Blind- This is not canon to my story at all. In the past weeks, I have been daydreaming a lot about Loomer AKA the ship that can never happen. I'll explain this in another post but that part where 'I wanna get myself back in again' is when Lillian and Boomer kiss.
i Just-
🏃‍♀️💨 sORRY
Permission to Dance, BTS- I don't care how mainstream this song is, this is perfect music for the people of Turmoil to put together video clips of their heroes being wholesome and saying thank you collectively. It will play on every Billboard and Television. The world will know how much Turmoil appreciates its heroes.
Everybody Dies, Billie Eilish- Is this spoiling? Teenage Bella and Jenna get your sad asses outta here.
Industry Baby, Lil Nas X and Jack Harlow- Bella. Bella. Bella. Bella. BELLA-
Everybody Loves Me, One Republic- This song is dedicated to Justin, Manny, and Collin. I imagine it as an animation meme so it's very colorful and artistic (?). But yes Turmoil loves their skater boy, Sweetie pie and Goofball nerd.
DO or NOT, PENTAGON- Yay! More kpop! But I made a bit of an animatic on my youtube that uses this song >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vki0koOR8Y4 IT'S AN AU. And yes that is Lillian and Dylan. I will talk about the AU I was working on one day, but it was extremely bubbly and magical. Magical school girl shenanigans yee haw.
AFTER SCHOOL, WEEKLY- Okay. I love this song. It's so happy and bouncy so naturally, I would imagine a montage of the girls getting into adventurous mischief together that's cut way too perfectly in beat to the music. It sort of play's like a sitcom intro that's running too long in my head lol.
Shake it Off Mariah Carey- "I GOTTA CHICKEN ROOOOLL". My mom likes to remind my siblings and I that when we were younger we used to sing 'I gotta chicken roll' so one day I was listening to the song and I was like 'man it would be hilarious if the team sung this for fun as a group.' So yeah. It's Lillian leading the group as they sing Shake it off and man Lillian know's how to hit those high notes, she should invest in that.
But I imagine this scene with them being 12, the only people who aren't really all that invested are obviously Jenna and Dylan, but then a part of my brain was like 'EFF THAT. THIS IS A FAMILY THING, AND YOU'RE GONNA PARTICIPATE DAMMIT.' So Dylan is also goofy on a good day and Jenna...
she a tough cookie just give her time guys.
So there, 15 songs from my playlist. That was a lot easier than the other post I made :D
Hey, y'know you're really blessed when you can take a day off of work to do stuff like this. In actuality, my mom just came home from the hospital and I was not able to sleep at all before going off to work. Obviously I don't mind. But money is money o-o
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