#but this one is a sweet and fun one and want to play with it
lqfiles · 2 days
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PAY THE PRICE — 22. drunken regrets
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(wc: 2.572… yeah..)
entering haechan’s apartment felt like stepping foot into foreign territory. you weren’t sure what you were expecting when the door opened, but haechan who stared at you with a lazy lopsided grin and gleaming eyes wasn’t exactly your first guess. “how much did you drink?” was the first question that you voiced upon seeing him.
haechan barely registered your words, seemingly in his own world. “just.. a few glasses?” he guessed after a while, squinting his eyes in thoughts. he opened his door wider for you, stepping aside to allow you to gaze further into the place. “come inside.” he welcomed you, surprising you at the sweet tone of his words.
you’re not sure how haechan had managed to convince you to come over to his place to clean up after him, but here you were, stood in the middle of his living room as you took in the interior of his place. his walls and decor were all painted in neutral colours, and you mentally noted how it suited his aura a lot.
“come sit with me.” haechan’s words snapped you out of your thoughts, and you followed the sound of his voice to see that he had seated himself on the ground you assumed he was previously sat on. his body was leaning against the couch behind him, head thrown back as he looked up at you. he still carried the small grin, and his eyes still held that same gloss.
you clicked your tongue, taking small steps further into his living room. “why are you back on the ground? you’re making this harder for the both us haechan.” you groaned and reached down to grip onto his guitar that was placed next to him. haechan barely listened to your words as he was busy watching your every movement. “do you want a glass?” he had offered once you turned back to him.
you gaped at haechan in disbelief, remaining silent for a few moments. you were about to ask him if he had lost his mind again, but the smile on his face halted your action, and you let out a sigh instead. one that haechan found amusing. “get off the floor.” you instructed him sternly, and haechan’s amused grin only grew.
his hand was slowly grazing through his brown locks that had turned black in the shadows of the room. “come on (—), you’re awake anyways.” haechan patted the spot next to him on the carpet. “sit down.” he called you over. he reached forward to grip onto the glass that was placed on the coffee table in front of him, bringing it up to his lips. “haechan.” you warned him, walking over to him to take the glass out of his hands.
“you’re no fun.” haechan huffed. “i’m not exactly trying to be fun, i’m trying to clean up after you so we can both go to sleep.” you explained, looking around in hopes of figuring out the direction of his kitchen in the dark. “why did you turn of all the lights?” you wondered. “it was hurting my eyes.” haechan explained back, still seated on the ground.
the kitchen wasn’t far away, and you placed the cup into the sink, as well as the other dirty dishes placed on the counter. you had to physically hold yourself back from washing each of them, remembering that you weren’t here to play as his maid. or maybe you kinda were, but not to that extent.
“why are you here for so long?” you jumped away from the sink and almost shrieked at the sudden infiltration of haechan in the kitchen. your heart was beating erratically, and you turned to look back at him with wide eyes. “what the fuck? don’t creep up on me like that!” you nudged him away. haechan softly laughed, grabbing onto your wrist to stop you from pushing him any more. “you took too long, i was starting to miss your presence.” he chuckled.
it took you a moment to register his words, and once they did, you stiffened in his hold. “what?” you questioned him, but haechan didn’t seem like he was going to expand on his words any time soon, instead he continued to stare at you with droopy eyes and a small grin. “how drunk are you?” you eyed haechan in suspicion and he shrugged.
whether he was aware of it or not, his thumb had started to rub the skin on your wrist softly as he tried to put a label on his drunk status. you on the other felt every bit of it, slightly shuddering at the ticklish feeling. “i don’t know, just a little?” haechan concluded after a while. his thumb continued to rub your wrist, and you were starting to believe it was intentional by now.
“you should go to bed.” you suggested to him, taking a step back, but he followed suit and stepped forward himself. “are you leaving already?” he seemed surprised and you hesitantly nodded your head. “i mean, i put your stuff away right?” you explained. his gaze felt heavy on you as he scanned your whole face. he had somehow managed to take ahold of your wrist again. “can you stay until i fall asleep, at least?” he requested.
your eyes widened in shock, frantically shaking your head. “what? that’s weird, haechan. why would i do that?” you asked, baffled. haechan shook his head as well, mildly swinging your wrist around as he spoke. “please, (—). i just wanna talk some more, after that you can leave. please?” haechan pleaded.
it took you by surprise, because what the actual fuck. never in a million years would’ve you imagined haechan desperately begging you for a favour, let alone the favour being your company of all things. was this even haechan?
while you were taking in the unexpected moment, haechan had already started to drag you with him to his bed room. it didn’t fully click yet what he was doing until the both of you were stood in the middle of his room, and he turned to look at you. “you can sit at the end of my bed, or lay next to me, i don’t bite.” haechan suggested with a smug look. there was a tone to his words, as well as his demeanour that caught you off guard.
“haechan..” you started, and you weren’t sure what you were exactly going to say. it was like all your thoughts disappeared when he softly smiled at you and took ahold of your shoulder, guiding to sit down on his bed before he sat down next to you. “you complain a lot, you know?” haechan chuckled. you could feel the way his eyes bore into your side, and were hesitant to look back.
“it’s because you annoy me a lot.” you defended yourself, thought your words seemed to lack uncertainty, almost as if you didn’t mean it. haechan hummed, leaning back on his arms. “can’t help it, i like how aggressive you get.” he chuckled and you finally took the courage to look his way, thought it was solely to send him a disapproving frown. he laughed upon seeing your expression, slightly leaning forward towards you. “what’s with the look?”
“why am i still here.” you deadpanned. being in his apartment was one thing, but making it onto his bed and sitting closely beside him was something totally different. there was something quite intimate about the moment. you could practically feel the warmth emitted from haechan hit your bare arm, and it sent a tingle through your body. “hm? do you not like being here with me?” haechan asked. you didn’t, but you also did.
you shrugged. “well, i like that you’re here.” haechan confessed, moving back to sit right next to you. “you’re drunk, you really should go to bed, you know?” you suggested and tried to move away. his body heat was practically enclosing you, and your own body was starting to warm up from the proximity. it didn’t help that haechan had accidentally placed his hand on top of yours too, slightly intertwining them from the top. or maybe it was intentional.
“you don’t even look at me whole you say that, why would i take your words serious?” he laughed, amused at how you persistently avoided his eyes. yes, you were avoiding them on purpose, especially when this particular night, his eyes seemed to be filled with nothing but fondness and slight intimacy. you’re not sure what was wrong with haechan tonight, he was not himself.
your throat that had dried up over time, and you swallowed before deciding to go against your attempts and look haechan directly in the eyes. “haechan, go to sleep please?” you asked him, attempting to sound persuasive yet demanding as possible.
again, haechan’s gaze held a certain fondness in them as he just stared at you with doe eyes. he seemed almost hypnotised with the way he hadn’t uttered a word, and you were starting to wonder if he had even heard you. your mouth opened to speak again, but he beat you to it.
“you’re so cute when you care about me like this, you know?”
whatever air you had inhaled to speak again remained stuck in your throat as your eyes widened. you were perplexed, at a loss for words even. your heart rate had involuntarily spiked up and your breath hitched. as if he took enjoyment out of your reaction, a small smile formed on his lips before he spoke again.
“you’re much cuter like this.. when you’re not nagging me. you should do that less.” you felt your heart pulse in your throat, eyes still widened while you listened to haechan’s surprising affectionate words. his hand was still placed on top of yours, slightly tapping the tips of your fingers every now and then.
“um.. i.. i think i should go.” you stammered, attempting to stand up. your knees felt weak and you wondered whether those few minutes on his bed were the reason, or haechan himself was the reason. you wobbled a bit, and haechan’s hand instinctively found place on your lower back while he quickly stood up himself. “be careful.”
his hand had reached the side of your hip, holding you secure as if you would fall down any moment. “i’m fine.” you muttered out, trying to step away from him. he let you slip out of his grasp, and you wondered if it was appropriate to just run out of his apartment at that moment. “should i bring you to the front door?” haechan proposed, already standing right in front of you. you took a careful step back. “oh- um, i think i’ll be fine..” you responded back.
it was like all your sense of thinking had left your body the moment the two of you were sat on his bed. you couldn’t even articulate a normal sentence, let alone look him in the eye. this had to be the devil himself, because there was no way haechan had this affect on you.
but as his hand grasped for yours and he started to gently tug you with him to his front door, you reconsidered the possibility of it all.
he opened the door for you, hand still in his, and had walked you to your own door without any words. it was silly, your door was right next to his, yet he still fully exited his apartment so the two of you were in front of your door.
“you good?” you wondered why he had to duck his head just so he could look you in the eye, why he felt the need to lift your jaw upwards just so your eyes could meet, and why he had to feign worry when you know he didn’t really care. “i’m fine” you whispered out, too scared of how wobbly your voice would sound if any louder. haechan’s eyes slowly inspected your whole face before he nodded, though not letting go of your jaw.
“thank you for cleaning up for me, by the way. i owe you.” you hadn’t thought of the possibility of a payback, mostly doing this for your own sake. “it’s okay.. you don’t have to.” you quietly answered back. haechan pondered over your answer for a while, slowly letting his hand go from your jaw, his other hand strangely still slotted in your own. you weren’t sure whether to break away from it or leave it as it is.
he was drunk after all, he was most likely doing actions out of his comfort zone.
“would a kiss be enough of payback?” he quirked and you almost jump at the suggestion. if your sense of thinking had left your body previously, you’re sure that every single one of the 5 senses had just left your body as the words left his mouth. your heart was beating erratically, and it was haechan’s fault again. though this time, you were scared for other reasons.
“w-what?” you stuttered in pure disbelief. haechan’s look was nothing but playful as he leaned forwards with a slight grin. “wouldn’t it be great compensation, hm? let me try, you tell me.” he teasingly leaned in. you attempted to push your head back into your door, avoiding his incoming attempts at anything.
from the short distance between you two, you were able to smell the scent of his shampoo, a sweet vanilla fragrance to was unfortunately pleasant. you were able to see desire in his eyes as you made eye contact for a split second. the soft glow of the hall light casted a warm and ethereal beam over him, and for once, all you could think of when looking at haechan was how nice he looked.
his nose barely touched yours and the warmth of his breath had started to hit your lips. you had shut your eyes tightly, surprisingly not opposed to whatever was going to happen next. because despite haechan being extremely insufferable, he was equally attractive, and you were not one to refuse on the opportunity to get kissed by an attractive person.
a part of you didn’t believe he would actually go through with his proposal, but as you felt a pair of soft lips plant onto yours, all your senses had seemed to return to you and you realised that he was not bluffing. haechan was actually kissing you, and you hated to admit that you didn’t mind it.
his hand that was previously on your jaw found its way back, slightly caressing your jaw as he pulled you closer. it felt good, and it didn’t seem like haechan was intending on stopping anytime soon. it felt good, but it was wrong, and an alarm went off in your head as you realised what was happening.
panic surged through you and you nudged haechan off you. the boy slowly opened his eyes in confusion, and the way they held that same glimmer they had the whole night made you groan. haechan was drunk, and you were kissing him while he was drunk.
you lowly cursed, not sparing haechan another glance before you opened your apartment door and closed it right behind you. with a deep sigh, you leaned against the door in exasperation. “fucking hell.” you cursed. you regretted ever going over to his apartment. you regretted going into his bedroom, you regretted kissing him.
it ended up being a waste of your time as you remained sleepless the rest of the night anyways.
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notes ; happy haechan day and also happy lqfiles day, a little birthday present from me to you! ^^
TAGLIST ; @90s-belladonna @pnkified @2jisungs @swee7dream @sinisxtea @en-dream @h-aecat @lostinneocity @sunflowerbebe07 @pookime @aerivrs @alethea-moon @yeritos @prettyrenjunn @manooffline @bath1lda @hyejooistic @emvrd @dojaejunging @odxrilove @hyuckluvr-com @jaeims @ihyucksol @tddyhyck @dalsosapple @https-yeonjun @luvlyrenwoo @yoursyuno @lilacsxjoon @heymsperfectlyfine @mystverse @ne0c0r3 @casperbutnot-theghost @hyuckies18 @w3bqrl @ckline35 @nosungluv @luvvsnae @chcnlcs @cryingforgyu @thatgirlkay @222brainrot @junviadinho @n0hyuck @sinsgaybutthatsokay @choerubies @goldustupmysea @cyber-innie @hyunjungjae @blamemef0rit @lowkeychenle @lecheugo
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monstersflashlight · 13 hours
Okay , so, I have this request, it's sounds weird, but pls hear me out, werehusband who loves breast milk?, he purposely gets her pregnant, stealing her birth control pills and throwing them away, replacing them with aphrodisiac pills instead, then that night, when they passionate love, he keeps saying stuff like "I'm gonna your belly swell and round with my pups" and similar stuff like that, and it's no surprise when a month later she's pregnant, and in the middle of her pregnancy, her breasts grows large obvi, and they start producing milk, and werehusband just go feral, sucking on her breasts and slurping every last drop of her breast milk? Hope this request doesn't cross your boundaries! Tyy! ❣️
Hi anon! I like your idea, but I'm not the one for pregnancy and I don't really like the part about messing with ppl ability to choose over their own body. So I'm gonna pass on that part. For now I offer you short txt with non-pregnancy induced milking and some hucow fantasy. Hope you like it!
When you thought your werewolf husband was pretty vanilla on the sex department you were a bit disappointed. You thought werewolves would be more fun to play with, he got you off incredibly well... But it was bland. Just normal sex with a big husband. Which was fine, but you needed more, wanted more. But you couldn't ask, your husband was just vanilla. Or that's what you thought.
He loved your boobs, he loved them so much he was constantly groping them and pinching your nipples and sucking on them... If you were alone at home, chances were he was pulling up your shirt and sucking on your nipples. He did it all the time, and you didn't complain because he seemed to like it and it got you going. But after a few weeks your boobs started to feel heavy and weird. You thought it was because your period was approaching, but when you touched them under the spray of the shower, little drops of white liquid came out. You got scared and went to the doctor without alerting your husband. When the doctor informed you that you were milking everything clicked into place. He did it on purpose. He wanted you to produce milk. He wanted to suck your tits until they were big and heavy and you were leaking milk from your sore nipples. And you found that so fucking hot. The idea of feeding him your milk, of him being all over you because he wanted to drink your sweet nectar... Your pussy tingled thinking about it.
When you got home, he wasn't there, your boobs felt heavy and uncomfortable and so tender you wanted to cry. But when he got home? It was like a switch inside his brain turned on. He smelled the air and looked at you, baring his fangs and launching at you. He pushed you to the ground and ripped your shirt, sucking on your left breast like he was desperate, grunting and groaning, telling you how good it was as he changed between your boobs. You were seeing stars, you didn't know it could feel so good, so intense. Each pull of his mouth against your sensitive nipples was replicated on your pussy, your clit tingling. He made you cum just sucking your milk out, and when you were panting, he ripped a hole in your pants and pushed into you in one hard thrust. He fucked you ferally, grinding against your clit and making you scream. He knotted you for the first time, talking about how much he wanted to make you big with his pups. And when he emptied himself inside of you and got to pull out, he told you how hot you looked leaking milk from your breast and cum from your pussy, his perfect little human cow. His hucow.
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les4elliewilliams · 16 hours
can you pls write ellie talking reader through her first time having sex and just being really gentle? thank u!!
first time with loser!ellie ౨ৎ
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✩ wc/cw: around 4k words ! tribbing bc😌, fingering + oral (r!receiving), corny pick up lines bc ellie's a nerd, happy trail and bushes<3 (i love body hair srry)...also shy reader??
!!mdni please!!
idk why but all i can think of is loser Ellie, so this is what you're gonna get. it sucks ass but it was fun to write so idc.
daily click・palestine masterpost・neil druckmann is a zionist・more daily clicks.
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She's such a huge women's lover, worshipping your body like it's the only and the best thing she has ever seen in her entire life, and she's so gentle with you that it makes you go insane. She'll take her time with you, and she'll say the most random shit ever during it because she's a nerd and she's awkward like that (but mostly to make you feel comfortable, especially if she can sense how nervous you are). No one can convince me otherwise.
You've been together for a few months, but she'd get nervous and pull back whenever things got too heated between you two. She would touch you, palming your titties as she explored your body, but when it came time to take things further, she'd blush furiously and freeze up at the slightest sound that escaped your swollen lips.
It made her pussy pathetically throb, and she felt almost ashamed for how her body reacted at your every touch; she didn't want to pressure you into doing anything, telling herself that if you ever were in the mood, you'd make the first move or would let her know in a way. However, considering how shy you tended to be around her, she knew you wouldn't likely make the first move. Your nerves always got the best of you in her presence; you were too nervous to actually initiate anything.
She knew she had to be the first to make a move, so she decided to test the waters one day. Her touch grew significantly bolder, her hand slipping underneath the hem of your shirt and directly touching the sensitive skin of your abdomen. She traced delicate patterns over your flesh, her fingers trailing across your body with practiced ease before reaching your boobs. Your limbs tangled together, your bodies pressing against each other as you passionately explored each other's mouths. The heat between you intensified, and you could feel her subtly grinding against you, almost to get a reaction out of you and see how far you'd let her go.
Her room was always charmingly chaotic and managed but still retained an element of disorder. Light blue walls were adorned with cute science-themed decorations while a TV softly played in the background. A lava lamp sat on her bedside table, an obsession of hers that added a soothing ambiance to the room.
Her hand gently groped your breast, her mouth leaving yours to trail a series of sweet kisses down your jawline and neck, leaving you breathless and panting, your core heating up with a growing desire. The sensations sent a fluttering wave of pleasure coursing through you, stirring up a whole menagerie inside your stomach, with pterodactyls flying freely and your heartbeat pounding in your ears. It was both exhilarating and overwhelming, all at once.
"Ellie..." You spoke her name in a hushed tone; your voice was soft and silky like butter, gently drawing her attention and pulling her out of her intense focus. Her worry and guilt immediately surfaced; the last thing she wanted was to make you uncomfortable. Yet, to her surprise, instead of discomfort or unease, she saw a whole new side to you. Your cheeks were flushed, and your eyes held a passionate intensity that she had never seen before.
"Yeah?" She couldn't help but whisper, the close proximity creating an intimate atmosphere. Her green eyes roamed over your features, drinking in every detail as if it were the first time seeing you. A single auburn lock of hair fell to the side of her face, adding to her natural, effortless beauty. She was mesmerizing, yet she remained blissfully unaware of the profound effect she had on you.
You averted your gaze for a moment, your eyes drawn to her discarded, worn-out converses lying on the floor just a few feet away from the bed. They seemed the most captivating thing at that moment, distracting you from her curious but piercing gaze. She studied you intently, her intense green eyes seemingly trying to read your thoughts, and you couldn't help but feel even more vulnerable under her scrutiny.
Her voice carried a tone of concern as she questioned, "Did I go too far?" causing your heart to fill with a swelling sense of warmth. It was almost too good to be true that such a stunning and caring person like her could genuinely love you for who you were, embracing you with all your quirks and insecurities. It was a difficult concept to fully comprehend, and at times, you found yourself doubting her sincerity, unable to fathom why someone as amazing as her would choose to be with you.
"No, no, it's not that," you hesitated for a moment, your voice quiet and uncertain as you gathered your thoughts. There was a brief pause as you swallowed, trying to suppress the nerves that fluttered in your stomach. "I lied," you blurted out, your gaze hesitantly meeting hers.
Her eyebrows knit together, her confusion evident as she gave you a puzzled look. She pulled back a little, creating space between you as she sat down directly before you, her curiosity piqued. "'bout what?"
You let out a shaky breath, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over you as you thought about the little white lie you had told her before the two of you started dating. Your fingers nervously fiddled with the laces of your shorts. "I actually never done it before," You mumbled, your voice barely audible as a hot flush crept onto your cheeks. The heat in your face spread down your neck and chest in a wave of embarrassment, leaving you feeling flustered and exposed under her gaze. You just wanted the ground to swallow you whole at that moment.
Lying wasn't something you normally did, but when she confessed that she had been with two other girls before you, a rush of insecurity coursed through you. You felt inexperienced and vulnerable, embarrassed that, at your age, you were still a virgin. It wasn't that you hadn't had opportunities before, but rather that you were never comfortable enough with someone to take such a monumental step. However, with her, it felt different. You felt secure and at ease, and trust blossomed between you. You knew you could confide in her and she would give you precisely what you needed, fulfilling your every desire and need. That's what she was there for, after all.
Her eyebrows shot up, an expression of surprise flickering across her perfect features. A soft oh escaped her rosy lips, her head tilting slightly with confusion. Her brows furrowed as she tried to make sense of it all. "Wait, why did you lie about it?" she asked, her voice tinged with bewildered curiosity.
You gave her a slight shrug of your shoulders, "I dunno...I guess I just- I didn't want to seem- I don't know, it's embarrassing!" You burst out dramatically, your eyes darting everywhere but on your girlfriend, who was looking at you in awe.
Did she care? Not a damn bit. If you only knew how seethingly jealous she had been when you told her you had done it with your ex-girlfriend before. She was downright pissy for a whole week, and you had no idea why. Surprisingly, though, she never said a word about it. She couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that no one had ever touched you that way—that she would be the one to claim you if you ever let her.
She let out a relieved huff, her words tumbling out without a second thought, drawing your entire focus. "Thank god," she muttered, a weight lifting off her chest.
"Nothing, just- I'm glad I'm your first," She confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of bashfulness, eliciting an airy chuckle from you. "If you want me to be, that is," She added; she was a tangle of nerves, fearing that she might be pressuring you to move too quickly, pushing you into something you weren't ready for. Yet, if only she could see herself the way you saw her—the desire for her radiating from your every pore, plain as day and utterly undeniable, practically written all over your features for any blind person to see.
You nodded in agreement, a shy but confident look in your eyes. "Yeah, I think I'm ready," you whispered, your words filled with nerves and excited anticipation.
"We don't have to do anything if you're not ready," Her touch was like a delicate whisper, her thumb gliding tenderly across your cheek, leaving behind a trail of reassurance and comfort.
"No, I'm ready, I promise...and I trust you," Your timid voice's gentle timbre sent a rush of butterflies fluttering through her stomach, causing her insides to somersault recklessly. The fact that you trusted her to take the lead and guide you filled her with a special kind of flattery. Knowing that your trust in her was absolute was a unique form of validation.
Ellie gave you a brief nod in acknowledgment before closing the gap between you with a sly smirk. Her focus remained fixed on your lips as she inched closer, her eyes never straying from their destination. "We'll take it slow."
"I trust you," You repeated, your voice barely above a whisper, the words escaping your lips in a hushed tone. Your gaze locked onto hers, and in that moment, you swore you could see her eyes sparkle with unabashed excitement.
Her lips landed on yours again, kissing you gently yet with a hint of urgency. Her fingers skimmed across the bare skin of your stomach under your shirt, "Stop me if anything feels wrong," She murmured softly against your neck, trailing a trail of kisses down your neck. Your hum resonated in response, a gentle vibration of contentment and pleasure escaping you in a small, involuntary sound.
Her mouth worked its magic on your neck, painting it with a constellation of small, colorful marks. It was as though she were an artist, and your body her blank canvas, eagerly accepting everything she had to give to you. Her hands never left your breasts, gently squeezing and pinching your hardened nubs as she left feather-like kisses all over your torso, claiming you all for herself. Her knee pressed lightly against your throbbing, drenched core, coaxing a soft whimper from your lips.
A few moments later, both of your bodies were bared to each other's eager and hungry gazes. She trailed soft kisses down your body, her lips lingering as they approached the edge of your panties. She paused to take in the sight of the dark, damp spot blooming on the thin fabric of your pink underwear, her eyes lighting up with satisfaction. With deliberate slowness, she pressed a kiss just above the waistband, sending a shiver through you. Her hands gripped your thighs gently but firmly, the warmth of her touch contrasting with the cool air. She spread your legs wider, positioning them over her shoulders, her green, dark eyes locked onto yours, filled with a mix of hunger and playful intent.
Her face, poised between your thighs, radiated with beauty as she looked up at you with a mixture of desire and adoration.
What a picturesque sight, she looked even better between your thighs.
Her cheeks glowed with a rosy hue, contrasting beautifully with the smattered freckles across her face. Her eyes were wide and expressive, her pupils dilated almost as if she was under the effect of some extremely addictive drug.
"I sure am no astronaut, but I'd love to explore your universe," You couldn't help but chuckle softly at her words, the sound escaping you as she continued to pepper your inner thighs with feather-light kisses, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. Her fingertips danced tantalizingly along the waistband of your panties.
"You didn't just say that," You couldn't help but giggle in disbelief.
"Oh, I did," her lips formed a small, self-satisfied grin. She loved how worked up you were getting despite you trying to hide it.
"Such a nerd."
"Hmmm...'m not," She protested softly with a slight pout on her face, slowly tugging at the hem of your panties, a silent plea for permission to continue.
You caught on to her intention almost instantly. "Take 'em off." Your command was direct.  
"You sure about this, babe?" She asked, her fingers traced along the contours of your hips. Her gaze was locked onto your face, her eyes searching yours intently for any sign of discomfort. But there wasn't any. You wanted her as much as she wanted you, and you weren't going to back down. Not now.
"Very," you reassured her.
Ellie's promise to take it slow lingers in the back of your mind. True to her word, she was taking it slow—agonizingly, deliciously slow. Her lips wandered over your inner thighs, teasing and tormenting everywhere but the one place where your need burned the most. Each kiss, each brush of her lips, was a deliberate torture, making you grow more impatient by the second, not that patience had ever been your strong suit.
Only after pleading and begging did she finally give you what you craved. The wait had left you aching for more, and the build-up only made you wetter, if that was even possible—nearly soaking the sheets of her bed.
Her breath hovered close to your wetness, coaxing goosebumps to rise on your skin. Your bottom lip caught between your teeth instinctively. She gently explored your slickness with her fingers, collecting the essence of your arousal on her digits. Her smirk was a subtle hint of the satisfaction she felt, her expression one of quiet contentment as she admired the result of her touch. "Prettiest pussy I've ever fuckin' seen," she murmured under her breath, admiring your throbbing and aching core, which was begging for her touch.
You gasped sharply, your breath hitching as she touched you. Her touch was tentative and curious, trying to figure out what felt good for you and what didn't, observing your body language attentively.
Your hand instinctively found its way into her cinnamon locks, your fingers tangling in the soft strands as she feasted on you like a starved animal. She could feel the subtle twitch of your body and clit against her tongue; her movements were deliciously slow, each lick and suck intended to savor each drop of your essence and relish the taste of you.
She had been fantasizing about this moment for a while now, touching herself at the thought of it, at the thought of you writhing and squirming in her hands, moaning for her and giving her the prettiest sounds and expressions you had to offer. And it was just like in her little fantasy. You were so ethereal, so precious, so gorgeous. None of her ex's were even close to you, you were something else; tasting like you were the one for her.
"Feels so good, El," You couldn't help but let out a breathy moan; your hands found their way to her head, gently pushing her closer to your core. Her fingers tightened around the plush curves of your hips, digging into the soft flesh as she allowed you to guide her.
She moaned in response to your words, her middle finger gently teasing your entrance. Her green eyes flicked up to meet yours, searching for any sign to stop, but all she saw was your blissed-out expression. "Can I?" she asked, her voice breathless as she took a moment to fill her lungs with oxygen. You nodded vigorously, unable to form words, your need for her touch overwhelming.
She slowly slid her middle finger in, allowing your body to adjust to the sensation. "Does it hurt?" she asked, pushing it deeper in response to the slight shake of your head. Her eyes widened with amazement at how effortlessly her finger moved inside you, the slickness making it easy. You gasped, arching your back and bucking your hips against her in response, craving more of her touch. Sweet moans escaped your lips, sounds that once might have made her pause but now only fueled her desire. Your need for her was evident by every movement and ragged breath that came from you. The sound of your pleasure spurred her on, driving her to give you even more.
You were soaking her sheets, but she didn't mind one bit, too caught up in the moment. She hoped you wouldn't notice her subtly humping against the mattress, just as turned on as you were.
But you came first; she would make you feel good first. She could wait.
Her breaths grew heavier, mirroring your own, as she focused on your pleasure, her movements driven by both care and desire.
"No, it feels just perfect," you replied after a few seconds. You were a whimpering mess, and she loved it—she loved every second of it.
"You feel so good 'round my fingers...sucking me in like a black hole," She cooed softly, a coy smirk never leaving her face as she continued to finger-fuck you, adding another finger with a smooth motion. She was amazed at how well you took her, your body greedily sucking in her fingers. What a sight you were—she felt so fucking lucky. Every little twitch of your body was like a symphony to her senses, each movement driving her insane. Her auburn little bush glistened with her own arousal, dripping down her pussy and making a mess on her pastel blue sheets. Her eyes stayed fixed on your face, savoring every expression of pleasure you gave her, feeling the connection between you grow with every passing moment.
"You're so fuckin' weird," You struggled to speak, your words broken and punctuated by soft moans that threatened to escape from your lips.
"Is that any way to talk to your girlfriend?" She asked mockingly, her digits curling ever so slightly to reach that soft spot inside you. The movement coaxed a loud and filthy moan from your lips, echoing in the room mingled with the wet, rhythmic sounds of your slickness and her thrusts. A look of triumph flashed in her eyes, an expression you wished you could've ripped off her face.
"Oh my god!" your eyes squeezed shut as your head sank into the soft embrace of her pillow, her fingers hitting your g-spot over and over. Each sound that escaped you was a soft, needy whine. Your gummy walls squeezed her fingers so much that she could barely move them.
"Gonna cum, baby? I can barely move my fingers..." She observed your every movement, her eyes drinking in how your muscles tensed and tightened with each thrust; she could tell you were close. Her green orbs observed the subtle tells that gave away your imminent release—the arch of your back, the quiver of your thighs, your high-pitched moans. "You're doing so good, babe. Let it alll out," she encouraged you sweetly, her thumb rubbing your clit in a circular motion, slowly, not wanting to overwhelm you; she wanted you to enjoy every second of it, and she didn't wanna rush anything.
"Yes, yes! 'm so close, please," You pleaded, though you didn't need to. Ellie had no intention of stopping anytime soon. Her only focus was to make you feel good, to treat you as you deserved, and to pour her love and affection onto your body.
"Come for me, sweet girl. Can you do that for me?" She purred softly, her fingers continuing to tease and torment you, knowing it was a matter of seconds until you milked her fingers just like she wanted you to. You could only manage a frenetic nod in response, your words lost in a haze of pleasure. Your body arched towards her, your breath coming in short gasps. "Yeah?" she cooed. "Go ahead, beautiful. Let go for me." She guided you through the waves of orgasm, letting you ride her fingers until you came down off your high, your hips meeting her thrusts halfway with urgency.
Slowly, she withdrew her fingers from you, her lips enveloping each digit, sucking them clean. A low, guttural moan escapes her lips as she relishes the taste of you, finding it utterly intoxicating. You, an exquisite delicacy, have become her newfound obsession, a craving she knew would haunt her long from now on. Hopefully, you won't mind when she'll be begging on her knees to taste you once again. Begging you to let her make you feel good just so she could feel you twitch and throb on her tongue.
Her tattooed hand glided gently along your side, her lips bestowing soft kisses upon your thighs and mound, slowly trailing a path of affection upon your skin. She made her way to your lips, you could taste the remnants of your pleasure on her own as she kissed you lovingly.
She gently kissed your forehead, her hand still idly tracing patterns on your skin, shoving a few praises your way. "Did so well, for me," her tone was warm and caring. "So beautiful, so responsive." Her fingers lingered on your face, her touch almost reverent as she took in your flushed cheeks and disheveled appearance, looking even more beautiful to her eyes. "You taste so fuckin' good, I can't get enough of you."
A delightful darker hue staining your cheeks and giving you an almost otherworldly glow. Your eyes looked up at her, still glazed with ecstasy, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you struggled to catch your breath. "I love you."
She smirked, her eyes glinting with a playful sparkle as she straddled your lap, her body fitting perfectly between your spread-open thighs. Leaning closer to you, she spoke in a soft, sultry tone, "I love you more—Think you got one more for me?"
"Yeah, I can do one more,"
Those words were all she needed to proceed with her intentions. Her body hovered above yours, her movements controlled as she aligned her dripping cunt with your still-sensitive one. Your hands instinctively grasped her hips, guiding her to your desired rhythm. A low groan slipped past your lips as her hips started to roll and grind against yours, the sensation of her warmth and pulsating core pressing against yours causing you to arch your back and meet her movements with eager thrusts. You loved how her clit felt against yours, it was so pretty and puffy, and she was so fucking wet, so needy for you; it was adorable.
"Ooooh fuck!" You cried out, her head arched backward in response, a symphony of needy moans escaping her lips as she clung to the leg you had draped over her shoulder, using it to steady her movements. Your slickness mingled with hers, painting a glistening trail across your inner thighs. She loved feeling you; she loved how good it felt each time your clit kissed hers.
"You feel so fuckin' good, fuck," She murmured, her words punctuated by soft gasps as she continued to move against you. "Wanna feel you come all over my pussy" Her movements grew erratic, her hips moving more urgently against yours, the pace of her grinding becoming frantic and sloppy, using you to chase her orgasm. A constant stream of needy sounds fell from her plush lips nonstop; soft strands of her hair fell loose from her messy bun, framing her freckled and scrunched-up face. Ellie seemed so focused on her movements, trying to keep them steady and controlled but failing pathetically, growing needier and needier each second. Her expression was one of intense focus and desire, her eyes locked onto your face as she rode you with determination.
"Ellie, fuck," you groaned. "Slow down, 'm not gonna last," You gasped out a warning, your nails digging into her pale skin as your body began to tense up once again. The soft curls of her pubic mound soaked with both of your cum, your eyes silently admiring her cute happy trail, tracing it with your thumb.
"Me neither," her voice ragged and breathless as she increased her pace, grinding against you more forcefully and urgently. Her hips began to rotate, moving in a desperate, frantic motion as she sought to bring you both to your climax. Her free hand reached down to intertwine with yours, squeezing your hand tightly. "Eyes on me, pretty," She managed to utter, the words broken by cute little moans, her speech barely comprehensible. Your gaze slowly roamed up her body, taking in the sight of her toned abs and her pretty happy trail. You traced your eyes upward, taking in the sight of her perky breasts before finally meeting her face and locking eyes with her.
"You're so hot," You cried out in ecstasy, the words leaving your lips before you could stop it. She snorted in response, her eyes hazy and lidded as she looked down at you. Her mouth twitched into a lazy smile, revealing her pearly white teeth before she spoke.
"Have you met you?" Her voice was ragged and raw, the following sound escaping her lips like a gasp. She was flushed and breathless, her cheeks stained a deep scarlet hue, like tomatoes in the height of summer. But suddenly, her smile faded, replaced by a look of concentration as her brows furrowed together. "'m gonna-" but you cut her off.
"Me too," You whined as your other hand reached up to play with one of her breasts, your fingers teasing her nipple. The sensation elicited a louder moan from her, a melodic cry of your name that echoed through the room, her body arching into your touch.
You both came together, your cores clenching around nothing and twitching against each other in a mutual climax. The auburnette's movements slowed gradually until she finally collapsed by your side, her eyes wide and cheeks still flushed. She was completely out of breath, staring at the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to her ceiling. For a moment, neither of you spoke, both of you still reeling from the intensity of what had just happened.  
"Mind-blowing," Your words pulled her out of her trance, making her roll onto her side to face you. She propped herself up on her elbow, her eyes roaming over your flushed and breathless face as she spoke.
"Mind-blowing, hm?" she teased, a sly grin spreading across her lips as she leaned closer to you. Sliding her tattooed arm around your waist, she pulled you closer to her until your bodies were pressed together. She placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head, her lips lingering against your hair as she spoke. "You did so good, baby,"
"Did I?" She nodded in response to your question, a soft smile playing at the corners of her lips. Her hand brushed gently against your face, her fingers gliding softly through your hair as she swept loose strands away from your face. You couldn't help but stare at her, taking in her soft features and tender expression, feeling a pang of awe and admiration in your chest.
She gently caressed your face, the touch of her fingers like a subtle whisper against your skin. "You sure did," she murmured, her voice soft and affectionate as she kissed the tip of your nose. "You are one beautiful celestial body," she added cheekily, her tone laced with sarcasm. You chuckled and rolled your eyes at her, unable to keep the affectionate grin off your face.
"That's so dumb," She laughed along with you, her arms wrapping around you tightly as she held onto you like a koala clinging to a tree. She cuddled and snuggled against you, her body molding against yours as you settled into a comfortable embrace. As you gradually drifted off to sleep, you couldn't help but notice a stupid smile spreading across her face.
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daily click・palestine masterpost・neil druckmann is a zionist・more daily clicks. (takes a second, fuckers)
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jarofstyles · 3 days
Teenage Dirtbag 5
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Here we go again! I decided to bring back Fratrry in the rotation. For those of you who didn’t read them yet (or forgot) check out the series masterlist. These updates are shorter so I can get them out somewhat frequently instead of making you wait hehe.
Check out our Patreon for early access and 170+ exclusive writings
Teenage Dirtbag Masterlist
WC- 1.5k
Warnings- asshole H, angst, Y/N putting him in his place as usual
Harry knew he should be a bit more cautious when it came to Y/N but… god, how could he not try and push the envelope if it meant her maybe giving into it again? 
The reality of it was that Y/N, a girl who hated his guys most likely, had been the best fuck he’d ever had. She had blown his mind in the literal and metaphorical sense, and he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Fate had a funny way of working, sure, but he couldn’t be too mad considering he knew their chemistry was too good to push away completely. 
H: what do ya want from the cafe, baby doll? 
Y/N: nothing that you’ve touched. 
Harry smirked at his phone. So predictable, already back with the snarky responses. It worked him up a bit, thinking about how this snarky girl had pleaded for more, kissed him sloppily as his balls smacked against her ass and dragged her nails down his scalp. Such a sweet thing for him that night had gone right to being sour as soon as she left. 
H: ok, so you want me to lick your cake pop. Got it. 
H: it isn’t like we haven’t shared saliva before ;) 
Y/N: yeah, lick on it and then choke . Let me know how that goes so I can cancel our session this afternoon. 
The hope was to bring the sessions here one day. As much as Y/N had disdain towards him, the sparks had flown during sex. She had loved it just as much as he did- he’ll, during their last round she had pushed him on the bed and rode his cock until he was sensitive, her nail marks left on his chest for days. 
H: I’ve got something else you can choke on, baby
Y/N: I will quite literally not show up today, your grades be damned. 
His lips puffed in a pout. He was pushing it, but it was so fun to rile her up. Eventually, he hoped she would give in and like him. See the fun parts of him like other people did- but for now, he would play this game. Cat and mouse… though he wasn’t quite sure which one he was. 
H: fineeee. I’ll be good. 
For now. 
Y/N: please do. It was a mistake and we don’t need to keep bringing it up. 
It was a mistake he very much wanted to repeat, over and over again. 
H: yes, maam. I’ll see you at 2 🫡
Y/N: don’t be late, I’m serious. I have something afterwards and I can’t be late 
H: oooo, a hot date? 
Y/N: yes, actually. So don’t fuck this up or you aren’t getting your full hour. 
His smirk quickly fell. 
She was going on a date? With fucking who? 
That wasn’t in his plans. For some reason, guiltily, he hadn’t anticipated the idea of someone else making a move on the girl he wanted to fuck. Let alone her accepting. She seemed like such an ice queen with him that it led him to forget just how sweet she was to literally everyone else.
It was slightly infuriating, how everyone had nothing but good things to say about her. She was nice and she helped out this person when they moved, she helped plan this persons birthday party, she spotted this person 5 when they went to get coffee… there was no denying everyone else got the sweet parts while all the sourness was reserved for him. 
And yet, he still pushed her. Still played this game and taunted her because how the fuck else was he supposed to get her attention? He was going to have to kick it up a notch.  
“Who’s the date with?” He asked in the middle of their session, ignoring the paper in front of him as he looked at her. She was way more dressed up than he’d seen her at a tutoring meet before, a little skirt that brushed her thighs and a little button up tucked into it giving it a sweet but sexy combination that made him a little twitchy. 
In all honesty it had been hard to focus since he seen her today. All he could think about was how those pretty lips had been bitten and swollen from his kisses, how they’d curled around his name so fucking sweetly that it had his cock stirring at the memory. Her perfume was seemingly freshly applied and it was interfering with his brain chemistry or something, because all he wanted to do was throw the books to the side and pull her up to straddle his lap. 
He imagined her hands knocking off his SnapBack, tangling in his hair as she rode his cock right in the secluded part of the library. His hands under her skirt and gripping her plush ass yet again, unbuttoning that little shirt and leaving more marks on her skin. 
Marks he caught a glimpse of as she suddenly looked up at him. 
“His name is Derek.” She cleared her throat. “He asked me out on Monday so I decided to say yes. He’s really nice.” For some reason she looked embarrassed by the information she had divulged, like she hadn’t meant to say all of that. 
That sneaky little minx. 
“Uh huh…” he let his eyes linger on the bruising that was fading but not quite covered by the collar of her shirt. “And what is Derek going to think of this pretty little thing?” 
It was gentle, his knuckle lightly brushing over the mark he remembered sucking during the first round. He knew he had caused some nice little lovebites but that one was still healing, so it was probably a dark one. Fuck, it probably looked hot as fuck when it was first developing. “Suits you, y’know. My marks on your skin. I could put some more there, If you want.” 
He was pushing it and he knew it, getting closer to her as his nose brushed her cheek. She wasn’t pushing him away, so he counted that as a good sign. “I could take you back to my place and I could give you quite a few more. A refresher course because… I highly doubt this guy is gonna be able to make you squirt all over his dick. Which you did with me, twice.” He hummed, letting his fingers fall a bit deeper down the collar of her shirt. “I don’t think he’s going to give you what you need, princess. We already did it once and so we’ll… it would just make sense to do it again. I think we have gotten well enough acquainted that I could do the job.”
He hadn’t seen the cold drink coming. Poured all over his lap and seeping through his shorts, he yelped as the icy liquid  hit his skin. “Oi! What the fuck?” 
“I told you, last time was a one and done for this particular reason, Styles.” She snarled, grabbing her books and hurrying to shove them into her bag. “Because you’d be a fucking pig and see me as a sex object instead of a human being. I’m not some fucking challenge, I’m a girl with feelings and I- I told you, I wasn’t doing it again and it meant it!” 
“Babe- no, I wasn’t suggesting that at all. I’d never say that shit.” He tried to fight, unsure how it had gone south so fast. Apparently, he was shit at reading her cues. Worse than he originally thought. 
“You don’t have to say it. You suggest it. You don’t respect what I say. This is why I was never going to go and do anything with you. Who gives a fuck how hot you are if you’re an arrogant son of a bitch who can’t get his head out of his own ass to see exactly why people don’t like you.” Slinging her bag across her shoulder, she scowled at him. “This isn’t going to work. I’ll find you another tutor. I can deal with your stupid flirting, but throwing what we did in my face? Absolutely the fuck not.”
Harry didn’t have a chance to defend himself, feeling incredibly confused as she ran off. Any call of her name went ignored, the librarian hushing him as he made his way out of the doors but it was too late. She was god knows where. 
Who knew those legs could run so fast?
He was a little pissed that she was assuming he thought of her as some sort of object. He didn’t mean to make her feel any sort of way about it all, not thinking he was throwing it in her face, but apparently she thought so. 
H: Y/N can you please come back???
H: I didn’t mean to upset you 
H: I know I can be a dick and that’s part of our thing but I never thought of you as a sex object and I never would 
H: I didn’t think I was throwing it in your face 
H: can you answer me please????
H: I don’t want a new tutor, I want you :( 
H: y/n, cmon 
H: alright, I’ll try again tomorrow. But we need to talk. Please.
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rafecameronssl4t · 13 hours
Pretty in Pink || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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gif by @rafescurtainbangz
Summary: Just you amused by Rafe and Ward’s phone call.
Warnings: suggestive, reader n rafe smoking, swearing,
Word count: 742
A/n: these canon scenes are so fun to write 😭 lmk if you want more of these <333
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Divider by @yoonitos
"That's rough. I mean, yeah, it could've been anyone, right?" Rafe furrowed his eyebrows, trying to appear nonchalant. "Not really, Rafe. It could be one of a very few people," Ward retorted sharply, his frustration palpable even over the phone.
Rafe shrugged, his indifference almost theatrical. "Well, I mean, you know, we were just giving it away anyway. So, who cares?" Ward let out a loud exhale, running a hand down his face. The annoyance in his voice was unmistakable, and Rafe took a perverse satisfaction in knowing he was getting under his father's skin. "Okay, Rafe, okay."
Just then, you stepped outside, your pretty pink tennis set hugging your figure perfectly. A cigarette was cradled between your index and middle fingers, and you brought it to your lips, inhaling deeply. Your eyes locked onto Rafe as you exhaled a plume of smoke, your gaze unwavering.
Rafe grinned, his eyes roaming appreciatively over your body as you sauntered towards the couch. "That's done for now. I need you to finish the list I gave you," Ward continued, his voice a mix of frustration and command.
Rafe pulled the phone away from his ear briefly. "It's Ward," he informed you, sitting down on the couch, as if it wasn’t already obvious from the tone of the conversation. You hummed in acknowledgment, kicking your feet up on his lap. Rafe put the phone on speaker, leaning back as Ward’s voice filled the room.
Rafe glanced at you, a smirk playing on his lips, clearly enjoying the chaos he was stirring. "I want you to sign for the East River property. When that's completed, shut down the offices—" Ward's commanding tone reverberated through the speaker, each word laced with finality.
Rafe rolled his eyes dramatically, a gesture that made you stifle a giggle. "Yeah, no, I—actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. I'm thinking maybe we should keep the offices."
A heavy silence fell, the kind that made every second feel like an eternity. Rafe's eyes stayed on you, watching as you took delicate puffs from your cigarette, the smoke curling elegantly in the air.
"What?" Ward's voice finally cut through the quiet, laden with confusion and annoyance. "Yeah, I'm thinking maybe I should stay down here for a while, really grow the company. I think it'd be good for us, right?" Rafe's tone was casual, almost nonchalant, but you could sense the underlying cunning.
On the other end, you heard Ward groan, a sound full of exasperation, followed by a long, weary exhale. The tension was almost tangible, crackling through the phone. "He's not too happy about it, huh?" you observed, a wry smile playing on your lips. You extended the cigarette toward Rafe, offering it to him. He leaned in, taking a slow, deliberate drag, the tip glowing brightly as he inhaled.
He hummed in response, a low, satisfied sound that matched the glint of amusement in his eyes. As Rafe exhaled a plume of smoke, his gaze never left yours. You could see the thrill in his eyes, the satisfaction he derived from ruffling his father's feathers. "Who is that?" Ward's voice pierced the air, sharp and demanding, as you and Rafe exchanged a glance.
"Hey, Ward!" you greeted him with a saccharine sweetness, your tone a deliberate contrast to the tension that hung in the room. "Rafe, this is supposed to be a private conversation—" "For fuck's sake, Dad, she knows everything already," Rafe interjected, his eyes rolling in exasperation, a gesture that elicited a soft chuckle from you.
Ward's frustration was palpable, his voice tinged with impatience. "Listen to me, Rafe—" Rafe didn't hesitate to cut him off, his tone firm and commanding. "No. No, no, you listen, okay?" His hands moved instinctively to rest on your thighs, his touch both grounding and possessive. You felt a surge of warmth at his touch, a silent reassurance amidst the tension.
"You listening?" Rafe leaned in, his gaze unwavering as he reached to place the phone on the coffee table, his actions deliberate and decisive. "You remember when you told me to make myself useful? Well, that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm making myself useful, alright?" Rafe's gaze on his phone was intense, his voice commanding, as he asserted his authority.
As Rafe continued speaking, outlining his intentions with a firmness that brooked no argument, you decided to get up and fetch the ashtray from the other side of the coffee table. "I can do shit, you know? Explore options, so for the-" As you walked past him, focused on your task, you suddenly felt the sharp sting of Rafe's hand slapping your ass, causing you to yelp in surprise.
"-for the benefit of all, I think I'm gonna hang out for a while, okay?" Rafe's voice carried on, his words interrupted only momentarily by your startled reaction. The mixture of surprise and amusement danced in your eyes as you turned to face him, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Rafe, listen to me. You are there for one reason and one reason only. You are to act as my proxy to shut down the companies, okay?" Ward's voice had escalated in volume, clearly expressing his displeasure with Rafe's defiance.
"That is our one play. It's—it's our only play. And if you cannot do it—" Ward's words were abruptly cut off by Rafe's interjection, his irritation and anger palpable as he stood up, his movements sharp and agitated. "If I can't do it?" Rafe's voice echoed with incredulity, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "Then what? Then what?" he exclaimed, his tone laced with both sarcasm and defiance.
"You gonna hop on a plane? Come down here, huh?" Rafe paced back and forth on the porch as you watched from the couch, amusement dancing in your eyes. "I mean, it'll be like a goddamn Elvis sighting, Ward fucking Cameron, everyone!" Rafe's voice boomed with exaggerated theatricality, his arms thrown wide in mock grandeur, eliciting a snicker from you.
"Oh my god, he lives! He's back from the dead!" Rafe continued, his words punctuated by his animated gestures as you watched with amusement, thoroughly entertained by your boyfriend's antics. With a scoff, Rafe turned towards you, his expression resolute. "I got the family ring now, Pops. Yeah, I'm wearing it, and it's my time to step up, okay? You're dead." And with that, he abruptly hung up the phone, tossing it onto the couch beside you.
You opened your arms, inviting him in for a hug, and without hesitation, he collapsed onto you, inhaling your signature perfume. Your nails traced soothing patterns on his back as he nestled against you, his frustration still palpable as he muttered against your skin, "God, he's fucking annoying," eliciting a chuckle from you.
Checking your watch, you sighed. "Babe, I gotta go, the girls will be waiting for me," you informed him, attempting to disentangle yourself from his embrace, but he stubbornly refused to budge.
"Where'd you get this set from? This new?" Rafe's fingers toyed with the waistband of your skirt, the fabric teasingly brushing against your skin. "Mhm, you like it?" you teased, a smirk playing on your lips.
"Do I like it? Fuck, of course I like it, baby. You're so pretty in pink," Rafe's gaze lingered appreciatively on your body before meeting your eyes once more. "Tell the girls you'll be a bit late," he murmured, his hands trailing up your skirt teasingly, causing you to playfully throw your head back in feigned annoyance. "Fine," you acquiesced, though the mischievous glint in your eyes betrayed your true feelings.
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sashi-ya · 2 days
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𝑺𝑻𝑼𝑭𝑭𝑬𝑫  「part 3」 soshiro hoshina x f! officer! reader
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a/n: i wasn't expecting the amount of love I've been receiving for cuts of freedom and か��ぱい!and because you all been so sweet and requested for a next part on this story, well... here it is! I hope you enjoy 🥺💖 tw: mdni! sex explicit scenes. shower sex. creampie. breeding mentioned. nipple play. soshiro being soshiro. wc: 1.3k // part1: cuts of freedom // part 2: かんぱい!// masterlist
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Praying for no Kaiju appearances while this night lasts, you sit with your legs crossed and your cheeks on fire. He ordered you to keep it all inside of you, and all you wanna do is to please the slanted eyed demon in front of you.
Oh, he seems unbothered. Nothing has changed from the time he stood up as everybody was having fun and the time he returned to the table.
“I want you to sit back at the table with my cum still inside you… would you be able to hold it in for me?” “Ye-yes, Hoshina fuku-taichou…”
Soshiro takes quick snaps with his burning irises from time to time, never watching you for longer than a couple of seconds… however, it’s enough for you to understand, to feel as if he was making sure you were still holding it with all your will or if his warm seed has started to ooze down your legs.
Truth is, you are squeezing your folds with all your might to obey the vice-captain. Guilty of enjoying such impure act, perhaps also guilty for wanting that release to reach deeper, to make you his, to impregnate you even though the consequences.
“(Name)-chan!” you listen your name being sung by his sweet playful voice.
Shaking your head, you turn back to reality as you were not only lost in the memory of him cumming inside you but also the lack of energy you are experiencing.
“Y-yes, vice-captain Hoshina? You chime, with your back straight but your legs still crossed to the side.
You can see a little smirk on his lips, the little white of one of his fangs protruding… hungry, still, for your flesh.
“You seem tired; after all you’ve been through you should go to rest” he comments, but in reality he is doing nothing but ordering you to leave. And you know, exactly, why that is.
Again. And again. And again. He wants you all day, all night. Desperate, as if, perhaps, you were part of his training routine. Like the oxygen he breathes, and the water he drinks.
You are ready to object, but he is right. Even if he’d told you so because of real concern, you are absolutely tired.
You stand up, rather quickly and nervously. Your eyes open big, bigger. You shouldn’t have. Immediately, your hand reaches for your leg, stopping there by pure instinct. Were for you not realizing on time to stop, you could have use your hand to keep his seed from coming out.
Soshiro’s eyes slightly open in the menacing way that leaves you both trembling and needy. He knows what just has happened. He knows your already wet panties, now have become wetter and by far a lot more stickier.
“Y-es, I’m going to sleep. Have a good night everybody!” you salute, feeling your throat absolutely dry.
Everybody waves you goodnight as you walk with clear discomfort on your pace, ready to reach the showers before going to sleep.
It doesn’t take much for you to reach the community bathroom. Despite the base being huge, everything is at reach within the perimeter the soldiers move. And so, leaving the clothes you are sure should be burnt instead of cleaned on the ground, you hop into one of the shower units.
Drop by drop, lukewarm water cleans you from sins… but for how long?
In silence, he is so stealth and fast. Scared, but not surprised. You already know how he feels, how he smells and how he tastes.
“I thought you were going to sleep” Soshiro murmurs, entering the shower with you. “I- I couldn’t go to sleep with… you know” you whisper back, scared of anyone else coming.
His eyelid twitches.
“Didn’t I order you to keep it all inside, officer (---)?” he scolds you, pulling you against him by your waist.
You look down, eyes fixing on the perfectly sculped pecs, on the pale skin that is so easily bruised, so tempted to bite and mark.
“But- I tho-“ you wanna say something, excuse yourself, but your lips become sealed with his.
Those kisses he gives, scratching a little bit whenever he opens up with his sharp fangs… the way his hand squeezes your ass, the feeling of his hardness getting pressed in between your belly and his.
“You thought what? That I would fill you up again before sleep?” he asks, with his lips against yours.
You gasp. Not only he is good when fucking you, he is also good with words.
“This brings me memories… that day I’d have fucked you until you dropped if it wasn’t because you were hurt” he continues, reaching your breasts, pinching your nipples in between his fingers.
Soshiro inhales your moaning, going harder the more you do.
“Don’t say that, I know you we- were worried- fuck- for me” you giggle while his fingers are now deeply inside your folds.
Soshiro’s cheeks turn blushed, not because of the hot water but because of those words. In fact, you were absolutely right; he almost lost his mind when he saw you being a victim of your anti kaiju suit. Soshiro acts tough, but he is indeed the most gentle of them all.
“Shut up…” he embarrassed exclaims while picking you up from your thighs, making your back hit the shower wall behind you.
Snaked your legs around his tiny waist, both bodies eliminate any space in between them. Is it love or lust? it is both perhaps.
Probably a couple of seconds are what it takes for him to bury himself inside of you; there is nothing he wants more than that. Even if sore, even if drained. You, as well, don’t mind if your body asks for a rest.
Jumping rhythmically to his thrusts, with water pooling on your eyelashes; with your fingers interlocking with deep purple tufts of hair. All of him, all of you.
Your shoulder experiences sharp little cuts, that’s both painful and delicious; like the jaws of those monsters you fight, Soshiro bites your flesh to muffle the moans he can’t control.
The closer to ecstasy you both go, the louder the whimpers. And the louder the whimpers, the dangerous it gets for you. What would they say if Hoshina fuku taichou and an officer gets caught in such impure, unproper acts?
None of that, however, represents a worry for him nor you. There is no space, nor time nor brain capable to think of the rest right now that Soshiro has attacked your nipples. He pulls, he bites and sucks. Your core feels like exploding, the way his dick reaches for the perfect spot as if he was made for you, the way he stimulates your breasts.
No air is left to be breath, the humid atmosphere of the shower makes it even harder for the two of you. And his eyes, electrifying and deep, burn holes into yours as he looks up to see the expression on your face.
“Beautiful” he murmurs, with his tongue playing with your right extra sensitive button.
You brush his wet hair back, unable to think, unable to resist the urge to burst.
“Soshi..ro, I-…” you need to express what you heart aches to reveal. As if he didn’t know, as if he didn’t feel the same.
“Sh.. I know, me too” he shuts you up, this time before plastering a deep kiss on your lips.
This time, he doesn’t order you what to do with his needy release. Instead, he definitely knows you will keep it inside once again. Is it that he wants to breed you?
Oh, what a dangerous game you both are playing… What a risky kink of yours, Soshiro Hoshina.
The sound none of you wanted to listen has just took over the whole squad: Emergency Kaiju alert. “bet it will feel weird to fight with all of that inside, huh?” he laughs, rather loudly. “AH…. SOSHIRO T-T”
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Next part?
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judesfavflvr · 5 hours
could you do like jude on stream playing fifa w like trent and reader comes in and it’s just rlly sweet and everyone in the streams wants to talk to her🎀
 ༊*·˚ jude's booming voice echoed through the house as he reminded trent just how much better he was, and you could only roll your eyes with a smile on your face. it was lunch time, and you had prepared him some. you plated the pasta alongside a cup of water and went to his room, tray in hand.
you knocked on the door as you walked in, drawing his attention to you. he smiled, pushing one side of his headphones back as he pushed his chair away from the desk, setting his controller down and emptying the edge of his desk so you could set the food down.
"thank you" he kissed your cheek as you leaned down, his voice much softer now than it was a few seconds ago, and you could hear trent teasing him through the headphones, making fun of his tone.
"yes chat, this is my girlfriend" you looked at his monitors, one of them displaying his paused game, the other containing the chat of his stream that was now going crazy. jude spoke up, his mouth full of food as he pointed at the screen, "they want to talk to you, babe"
you chuckled, shaking your head at first, reluctant to join his stream. but trent's loud voice came from jude's speakers, telling jude he'd rather talk to you than him.
"come here, just a bit, yeah?" jude looked up at you with a smile as he spoke, and you finally gave in. you sat on the arm of his chair, letting him place the headphones over your ears, and suddenly trent's voice was much clearer.
"finally, i couldn't take another second of talking to your boyfriend" you chuckled, shaking your head at his antics. jude reminded trent that he could still hear him, but trent just ignored him. jude let his arm snaked around your waist, pulling you down so you were propped on his thigh.
the chat was going crazy and you couldn't keep up, but jude was much more used to this than you. he spoke through a mouthful once again to reply to one of the comments, "she made me pasta, chat"
"stop talking while your mouth is full, jude. you're going to choke" you mumbled, looking up at him. he made a point of swallowing loudly before speaking up.
"happy?" and you nodded. he looked back at the chat before looking back at you, "they're asking why you're dating me. hold on, what's that supposed to mean?"
"if only i knew why" you said with a teasing smile, looking back at the screen before he could give you the pout you knew was coming.
"they're right, i don't get it" trent finally spoke up again, making jude grumble under his breath.
it went on like that for a few minutes, the two of you answering as many questions as you could catch, jude's fingers playing with the fabric of your shirt as to keep his hands busy.
finally, jude had finished his plate so you got up, plopping the headphones back onto his head.
"i have to go, bye trent, bye chat." you spoke with a smile on your face as you waved before picking up the tray and leaving, but not before placing a kiss on jude's cheek, his eyes glued to your ass as you walked away.
"we can see you ogling, ya creep" jude groaned at trent's comment.
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0cta9on · 1 day
you sure you really know all fromis_9 members by the surface still? if not, can you make a lewd thoughts of your choice?
Hello anon! Sorry, I'm still not that familiar with the fromis_9 members :/ I will take this chance to write about a short smut about Eunha bcs I haven't written about her yet :>
(Adding this part after I finished writing: This like 10% BFH, 90% I wanted to try something different. Unedited so might be bad, but I hope it's interesting at the very least :})
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This is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong. She’s your daughter’s friend, you shouldn’t be doing this.
Yet no matter how many times you repeat this to yourself, you still can’t seem to let go. Maybe it’s because you’ve been left unsatisfied after your wife cheated and divorced you. Maybe it’s because she’s the first woman to give you attention years after the divorce. Or maybe it’s because of the simple fact that her body is so fucking delicious.
“Mmm, the water feels so nice and warm, daddy~” Eunha says, resting her head against your chest. You kiss her neck, eliciting a cute whimper from her plump lips.
Your memory gets foggy whenever you think about how this all started, probably your mind trying to suppress all the sinful acts you’ve done. All you can remember is that one day, your daughter brought Eunha home to work on a project for school, and then suddenly, the cute Korean girl is on her knees in the middle of your laundry room, sucking on your cock like it’s second nature. Your daughter never found out about that time, let alone the multiple other times that came after. In the bathroom, in your car, anywhere you could find a little privacy, you and Eunha would fuck like rabbits. She became your dirty little secret. 
When you heard your daughter say she would be going to a sleepover tonight, you actively had to stop yourself from looking too excited. “Sure thing, have fun,” is all you could utter before immediately fishing your phone out of your pocket to tell Eunha the news. At best, you would get a couple minutes with her before your daughter would start to get suspicious. But a whole night? Filthy fantasies ran rampant in your mind, thinking about all the things you could do to Eunha’s tight little body. It’s all disgusting. You are disgusting. But hell seems a whole lot more bearable with your dick inside her pretty mouth.
Eunha plays with the bubbles, sloshing them around the bathtub. Instead of tossing her on the bed and having your way with her, you decided to start things slow with a relaxing bubble bath - something you and your ex-wife used to do for your anniversaries.
“This is so romantic, daddy,” she says, grinning up at you. You pull her tighter towards you, caressing her hefty breasts.
“I’m glad you like it, baby.” Sweet little moans escape from her lips as your hands travel across her body, going down the curves you’ve already memorized at this point. Her hips buck as you tease her clit, sending mini waves across the water.
“Oh yes daddy, that feels so good.” Eunha’s head falls back, eyes shut and mouth agape in ecstasy. You take the chance to shove your tongue in between her glossy lips, savoring the faint taste of strawberries. She moans heavily into your mouth with each squeeze of her tits and each flick of her clit. 
Her body is like a game you’ve played over and over again, you’ve ingrained all the combos and strategies in your mind to the point that it’s muscle memory. Bite her clavicle, she’ll make this noise. Squeeze her ass, she’ll make a different noise. Do both at the same time and she’ll do something else entirely. So easy, so predictable, yet it never ceases to be thrilling.
“Y-yes! Finger my pussy, daddy! My pussy is all yours!” It barely registered in your mind, your feverish movements in and out of her tight hole, causing water to splash out of the tub. You’ve become so enamored in playing with your little toy that you forgot about the good part. No matter, it won’t take long for her to do it again.
“Augh!!” With a loud squeal, her body squirms as her climax overtakes her before falling limp into your arms. “That… was so… amazing…” Eunha plants a small peck on your cheek. Her breasts rise and fall with each heavy breath, water glistening on her beautiful chest. Much to her delight, you are far from done.
You help her out of the tub and dry her off, exchanging brief kisses as you feel each other up.  Her smooth skin feels plush under your grip, way better than what your ex-wife felt like. Eunha looks up at you with a hungry glare while stroking your erection.
“I can’t wait to have this inside me~ Daddy’s cock is soooo big and thick.”
You chuckle at her juvenile words that sound like they’re ripped straight from a vulgar porn script. The moniker left a bitter taste in your mouth, but it stuck naturally: you are, in fact, old enough to be her father. In a repulsive way, it does turn you on, especially when it comes out of those slutty lips. 
Eunha giggles as you pick her up by her ass and carry her lithe body to the bed like a ragdoll. Her supple thighs are already covered in her slick, desperately waiting to be used like the toy that she is. Those large, glistening eyes never leave yours, promising to give you everything and more. You know she can’t, but she’ll try to, even if it hurts her.
“Ooh yes, fill me up, daddy.” Her familiar yet luscious tightness surrounds your member, accepting every inch of you. A chorus of grunts, moans, and expletives fill the room, crescendoing into an incoherent symphony of lust and sin. So sweet, so delicate, her pussy takes you so easily without resistance. Fuck. Fuck, this is wrong. This is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong. She’s your daughter’s friend, you shouldn’t be doing this.
Yet you keep thrusting and thrusting, marking her body with consequences she’ll have to face alone, harder and faster until tears drip down her face. Kiss her, endure the burning of fingernails in your back, it’s the least you can do right before you absolutely ruin her.
“F-fuck! Daddy, I f-fucking love you! A-ah, yes!”
Your body continues like a machine, but your mind is still human. Love. You tried to love her, tried to think about the future with her in it. But it’s all dark. Deep down, you know you don’t love her. You love her body. You love the way she takes your dick down her throat or into that tight cunt. She takes it so well. So. Fucking. Well.
You’re close. Eunha has already went through two or three orgasms at this point, but you fuck her right through all of them. Her face is frozen in lust, eyes rolled back and mouth desperately catching oxygen. Your fingers sink into her hips, pounding away at her like she’s a piece of meat. Her entire body shakes violently as you dump your load directly into her womb, nothing but a glorified cum rag. You pull out, watching the mixture of your juices drip and stain your sheets, marking them with your sin.
Eunha looks at you with that damn twinkle in her eyes - she wants more, and so do you. Your favorite little toy to use as you please, never arguing or complaining or fighting with you. Dress her up in whatever you want just to rip it off and fuck her senseless. Purely built for your pleasure and your pleasure alone. You pounce onto her, ready for another round. 
Suddenly, the both of you freeze. Eunha’s sultry look is replaced with shock, fear, and shame, her gaze fixated on the doorway.
The door swings open on its creaky hinges. You always thought about fixing your door, but never got around to it. But that’s the least of your problems right now.
“D-dad…? What… the fuck… are you doing…?”
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gaybae1021 · 3 days
Well since my bachelorette designs were received so well, I decided to complete the marriage set! Here’s my bachelors!
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Individual pics and thought processes under the cut:
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I’m drawing these from the perspective of how they’d look on day 1, but I’d definitely like to do a post-Joja higher heart design for Shane at some point. Overall for this one I just tried to make him look unkempt and dull, I desaturated his skin tone to make him look sickly and he’s the only one without eye shines, signifying how he’s lost the spark for life.
Also sorry about the socks and Birkenstocks.
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Decided to make Alex mixed, since there’s absolutely no diversity in the bachelors. Had a lot of fun translating his canon hairstyle into those short locs. Other than that the biggest change was turning his jacket into a proper varsity jacket. Short Alex gang unite!
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Okay sorry Haley, Elliot takes the win for the most changed design. Like it’s so obvious he’s meant to have a Victorian jacket and fancy trousers and all that, but after I drew him all tall and slender and I gave him little braids and beach waves he just started taking on a Boho vibe? When I drew the jacket it just looked tight and restrictive. So I decided to let the beach influence carry and we ended up with this fancy yet comfy loungewear with sandals. And I love him?
Also this was heavily inspired by ginjaninjaowo’s male espeon design
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Sebastian was honestly a pain, like I know his design plays off the emo teen archetype, but compared to the others npcs he’s actually got a lot of variety. Like he’s obviously got some emo influence, but there’s also some nerd thanks to his interest in coding and ttrpgs, and he’s also a bit of a tough guy with the bike and the smoking. So there were a lot of directions to lean. Still, his sprite is clearly going for a dark hoodie and dark jeans, so I didn’t think I could change it up without making it not feel like Sebby. Does he have a muscle tee underneath for working on the bike? I’ll never say.
Biggest change is probably the hair, just wanted something less stereotypical, and have some variety in bachelor hair length. Definitely leans into the biker side a bit lol. Otherwise I just tried add detail to his dark outfit and adorn it with his interests. So frog embroidery on his shoes, a patch on his jacket and some motor oil stains on his hoodie. Also as promised he and Maru have matching dimples.
Also happy pride month, enjoy trans Sebastian and also the head canon that he and Sam start dating provided the farmer doesn’t get there first lol.
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And with Sam the ASS trio is complete! Now with matching chokers because I said so.
Just like with Sebby I wasn’t sure which direction to go for Sam, whether to lean more into skater boy or rockstar. Ultimately he ended up more rockstar, though he’s still always roughed up from skating (probably because he refuses to take off the platform boots). He thinks the torn clothes make him look more legit though.
I had fun making his shape language compliment Sebby; he’s very top heavy from the giant hoodie so I made Sam bottom heavy with the baggy jeans and jacket. Also I had so many thoughts about him and Kent, given that Sam and Sebby are a thing and Sam isnt exactly gender conforming.
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And last but not least, Harvey. He’s sweet, he’s simple, all his heart events are charming. And yet he is always the last one I reach max hearts with because I can’t be bothered to go to the doctors office. Sorry bby, I hope I can make it up to you by designing you as an adorable cherub of a man.
I know I’m being super controversial, giving him a pushbroom mustache when the sprite is obviously a handlebar /s. But like, he’s such a square; it fits him so well. My little lawful good guy.
Ya know, I think I gave him a sweater so Elliot’s jacket would stand out, then proceeded to not give Elliot his jacket. Huh.
Anyway bonus of the boyfriends together to close us out, thanks for reading!
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pregmothy · 2 days
You’re a slime puppy so stuffed with eggs that need to be laid. You see a cute sleeping bunny boy before you and know their going to be a perfect little incubator
Oh, and how perfect he looks, striding along all fluffy and confident. I can’t let such a perfect opportunity fall by the wayside, so I set some sugar out to catch my flies. Whining a hypnotizing, pitiful whine, I attract the attention of those nice big ears that are so fun to pull on. When he finds me, all he sees is this weird, sad, strange-looking pup crouched with an engorged stomach. It's obvious that I’m pregnant, and since I'm whining so desperately, he has no choice but to rush to my side.
From there, I’m all over him, pawing, whining, moaning so sweetly that I’m practically on top of him with how I’m clinging to his frame. He’s a little startled by the behavior, but he can’t just leave a huge pregnant pup alone, especially with how I’m practically grinding onto him. Despite the bun’s best efforts, the moans and pathetic whimpers are getting to those sensitive ears of his. It only gets worse when I start making somewhat coherent sentences, complimenting him on his body. “Such soft hair~” “Such pretty eyes, do you like what you see? ~” “hips – so wide and soft. Just perfect ~” The praise is getting to him, and he tries, and fails, to not get too incredibly aroused.
With my weight on top of him, it’s not long before I topple us both over, and I’m straddling his hips. From that angle, he can get a closer look at my stomach and see what looks like… eggs? Not to mention the translucent body, it’s blatantly obvious that I’m no normal puppy at this point, and he’s fallen right into my clutches. I keep grinding and moving on him, whimpering as I lap at his face for kisses. At some point, my lower half practically melts to where his pelvis and thighs are encased in my slime, trapping him within me. Using my slimy body, I put physical pressure on his crotch, rubbing and teasing his sweet little pussy through his shorts. As he moans at the feeling, I take advantage and kiss him, manipulating my tongue into some long tendril, filling his mouth with it. He tries to grab hold of me, but his hands just slip into my body, providing no purchase.
Using my slime body again, I pull his shorts off completely and start playing with his cunt. Teasing at the lips and putting sweet torturous pressure on his dick, I drink up his pleasured little moans. Soon, I grow impatient, these eggs need to be laid, after all, and start filling him with my slime, stretching his gummy walls and prodding at his cervix until I slip into his aching womb. I melt more onto his body, looking more like some slimy mass than a puppy, and use my slime to tease and suck at his tender little nipples. Really, my slime is so useful 😊. Meanwhile, my tongue has now slipped down his throat, using the slight lack of oxygen to enhance the wet pleasure my body provides. He's so pretty like this, crying and cumming in and around me. I shift to lap at his tears, wanting to absorb more of his fluids.
To test his capacity, I flood his womb with slime, making his stomach bulge as large as mine before draining back out. After a while, I finally move the eggs inside of me to his entrance. They’re a little large and get caught on his rim, but after some force, they push inside one by one, each one causing him to flinch and twitch. He’s gurgling and groaning around my tongue with the stretch. I’m just purring into his mouth at how well he’s taking my eggs. So pliant after a bit of teasing, the perfect incubator. As a reward as well as a distraction from the increasing stretch, I put more stimulation on his dick, making him moan louder. Slowly but surely, our sizes change. My body has slimmed down, but his frame has expanded significantly. His stomach now swollen with my eggs, I remove my tongue from his throat, leaving him gasping and panting as I force him to come once more before gently lowering him to lay flat on the ground. I slip his shorts back onto him as far as they’ll go and slip from his hole. Removing myself from him, I stand and take a look at my work. The poor bunny lays there, covered in sweat and slick, teetering on consciousness. His stomach is filled with my eggs, weighing him down, and his clothes no longer fit right, unable to accommodate his new litter. Satisfied, I sneak away, continuing my life as normal until more eggs develop, and I need to find the next willing boy.
Edit - I just realized this said sleeping, sorry
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What Attracts Them [1]
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Vulnerability. If there is any weakness or fault in your self-concept, Alastor will pick up on it and try to exploit it to garner a connection with you. He’s not particularly fond of approaching someone without an ulterior motive in mind or solely because he finds you mildly interesting -among other sinners, that is. He needs leverage and uses whatever he can pry or observe about you to his advantage. Need protection? He’ll offer to guard you. Need financial support. He’ll hand over any amount you desire. As long as you either sell your soul or initiate loyalty to him, Alastor will proudly proclaim you his (property).
Alastor is wildly addicted to dual-sided sinners. The pure joy he gets from seeing you go from being sweet, shy, and agreeable to bloodthirsty, witty, and downright stubborn gets him going. You don’t often get that way unless it’s to put someone in their place or to show how protective you are of him -even if he’s far more powerful than you in every way. Still, when you do, his grin stretches wider than usual, and he’ll constantly try to encourage your violent behavior out into the open after the fact.
He’s got a massive thing for motherly types. Partly because he is a momma’s boy but mostly because he is very prone to being taken care of, as much as he’ll deny needing anyone’s help. What overlord would willingly say they like having their ears petted, antlers touched, or hair messed with by the one they love? None. And he won't be the first. You can always do the simplest things too: helping Charlie around the hotel, giving angel advice (even if he doesn’t use it), or running around with Nifty trying to help her catch bugs strikes a nerve in the stag he can't ignore. Seeing you tend to others makes him incredibly hot-blooded. It gives him more motive and excuses to breed you later on.
Dancing. He loves to trot around his room late at night with you. Soft jazz or swing music playing from him keeps a smile on your face as he leads you through various steps, effortlessly twirling you around the room and addicted to hearing you giggle softly anytime he sweeps you off your feet. He was a phenomenal dancer while alive, and that fact hasn’t changed in death. You will either have to learn from him or already be light on your feet when Alastor decides to ask you for a dance.
Alastor doesn’t mind having a chaotic partner but values a higher level of ‘obedience’ from them. If you aren’t the type to make a deal with the stag and he can’t convince you to do so, he’ll settle for an almost toxic form of companionship. What he says goes, and if you put up a fight, he’s not above reinforcing his command. Physically or emotionally. No one has ever called the Radio Demon fair, and they’ll never have a chance to. He does enjoy your stubborn fits occasionally, though….they make it so much more fun for him when he has to break you into submission again.
Overprotectiveness. He’s got a bad habit of practically stalking you whenever you’re away from him, but you have quite a temper when he’s put in a vulnerable position. This doesn’t happen often, though. For instance, his brawl with Adam enraged you to want to skin the angel alive. Luckily, Nifty and Lucifer got to know him before you did. Alastor adores it when you hiss at sinners who stare at him a little too long and can’t help but smile wider when you flash him an innocent look right after. You’re smaller and much more prone to be hurt, but you’ll still claw someone’s eyes out for him…yeah he’s never going to let you go.
Alastor isn’t very touchy but delights in invading others' personal space, so having an overly clingy partner would annoy him. You learn he appreciates acts of service more than anything else and is pleased to see what you do for him—keeping his room and Radio Tower tidy even if they’re usually clean and straightening out his bow tie if it’s crooked, bringing him raw meat after a long day of running errands, or even slipping into his room at night to sleep even if he’s wide awake himself just because you ‘miss him.’ It's all so trivial, small things you get used to doing, but meaningful to him nonetheless. He returns the favor in the best ways he can think of. Praise, gifts, making you cum until you can't think straight… You're such a sweetheart, and he can't help showing you bits of gratitude.
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A sucker for the cliche type of love. Running into you while on a stroll, seeing how clumsy you can be right off the bat, and feeling obligated to help poor little you make Lucifer giddy. You don’t mainly get why he’s so infatuated with you at first sight, but having the attention of Hell's King is flattering. Your friendliness is what pulls the devil in like a magnet at first. He wonders how you ended up in Hell even though you’re lovely and genuine. He finds kinship with those out of place because he fell from heaven for the same reason. In his opinion, you stand out amongst other sinners by being less of one.
Confidence. Whatever vanity you have, Lucifer drowns in it. Your looks, talents, and impression on others…if it’s all done with a sense of pride, he can’t get enough of it. His drug is seeing the smug look on your face when you make him beg for attention. When you want something from him and know you’ll get it if you ask, that glint in your eye sends the devil spiraling to his knees. You don’t have to be obnoxious about it either; quiet as a mouse hanging onto his arm as he walks about, he’ll, with a slight smirk of delight on your face when people stare at you, stroke his ego more than anything else could. You’re his prize, and he’s glad you’re proud.
Curiosity. You are asking him questions, getting him to talk, or even rambling about what’s on your mind, which comforts Lucifer. It reminds him of his time in heaven, being able to express his thoughts to those who’d listen, and you tend to do the same, which excites the fallen angel. He enjoys explaining things to you, deconstructing complex concepts to see your bright eyes light up with wonder, and the oh-so-sweet smile you give him during long, in-depth conversations eases his heart. The pure excitement on your face when he shows or explains something new to you is contagious. You’re too cut to be left clueless.
Touchiness. Lucifer is very prone to clingy behavior and sees nothing wrong with that. He likes your attention on him. Physical touch is his favored love language, and sharing it with you comes naturally. You often sit in his lap, play with his hair, pet his wings, and cuddle. He can’t get enough of it. He shudders when you’re all over him, pining for a kiss he can’t resist giving to you and whining for another right after he gives in. His hands never wholly leave you, and yours always find a way to bring him in close again.
Creativity. He’s drawn in by those who have an eye for the arts. It doesn’t matter what your interest maybe if it’s a form of expression for you; Lucifer tends to admire it. He’ll go as far as researching facts about the subject/hobbies to impress you with his knowledge and actively participate in the activity. You don’t mind him joining in, happily spending time with him more often, and appreciative that he puts so much effort into learning about something you love to do.
Reliance. Not in the sense that you’re utterly helpless without him but more so that he likes to be needed even for the most minor things. Being unable to help or fulfill another’s wishes irks Lucifer. He embodies pride, and feeling useless damages him a lot more than other things. He’s very attentive and soft-spoken even when agitated with you, and he genuinely does his best to do anything you ask of him. Once you become his, the world (alive or dead) is yours for the taking. He hates it when you brush him off to do something on your own, so you’re bound to let him tag along with whatever you do to keep him busy. He doesn't intrude if it's too severe of a boundary for you, but he can't help but want to take care of you with the utmost diligence.
Brattiness/Sassiness. Lucifer can't understand why he's attracted to a sharp tongue and an even colder attitude (which only occurs when you're upset with him), but he loves every second of it. Sometimes hell does or says things on purpose to piss you off and get your focus back on him. Other times, if you're already in a sour mood, he’ll suggest you take that anger out on him. He's noticed a pattern of you using stress as an excuse for him to fuck your brains out, and he's not mad about it. If making you break down into tears underneath, thanking him for fucking the bitchiness right of you after the edge of another high slowly wears off helps you in any way….Lucifer won't hesitate to participate. He wants to see you happy, but he loves the minor spats of aggression you have, like every other sinner in his domain. Though, you don't get very cutthroat as much as the majority does.
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New filler posts because sometimes I have random ideas and need a break from writing a series. ❤️
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chosolala · 16 hours
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ jjk birthday headcannons
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okay so! this is just my headcannons for how i think the jujutsu kaisen characters would your birthdays!! (mostly relationship stuff and how they’d suprise you)
characters: gojo, geto, nanami, choso, yuji, megumi, yuta, inumaki
⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧
satoru gojo
forces everyone to throw u a big suprise party but is so stupidly obvious about it
like he can’t even think of a good excuse to get you into the room everyone’s waiting to suprise you in so he ends up just dragging you in
he gets you something like a promise ring or something nerdy you like like a rare figure or something
also throws a really dumb card in there
he’s laughing before you even open it
suguru geto
he gives me like acts of service vibes so he’d probably do something really big for you
like he builds you a car or something 😭😭
but like more realistically he would do something really sweet like go on a hunt around town for your favorite desert or cake then take you out for a fun day in the park or at an amusement park, whatever you want to do really :)
he struggles with choosing a gift because he’s so scared you won’t like it so he probably just settled for a bunch of snacks and a very thoughtful card
kento nanami
he does NOT play about your birthday
he would book you guys a room at some romantic resort for the weekend
expect expensive gifts and chocolates
massages, spa days, late night hot tub trips, candle lit dinners, this weekend is all about you
all these pictures are going up on his facebook so make sure you look cute 😭
choso kamo
i feel like he wouldn’t really understand the big deal around birthdays but he’d try his best
he makes you cupcakes and gives you a hug 😭 he’s trying his best he doesn’t know what to do
if you get upset by how he’s acting he would probably bring you to a cool spot he knows with a good view of the city
you guys just talk and eat junk food while the sun sets :]
yuji itadori
he’d probably try the suprise party approach but only for the two of you
he’d set up everything in his room and surprise you with gifts, snacks, balloons, everything
he does NOT play about birthday planning, he makes sure you feel special
he probably takes you out bowling or go karting, then you end the night watching movies and playing videos games back at his place
megumi fushiguro
he doesn’t really know what to do either
he knows he doesn’t do much for his birthday but he doesn’t want to not do anything for you and make you feel like he doesn’t care
so he buys you one of those lunchbox cakes and a cool manga he thinks you’d like
he also invites you to his dorm to play board games
when it’s time for you to head back he apologizes for how your birthday went, he feels like he didn’t do enough
you have to reassure him a lot for him to feel like he did good
yuta okkotsu
he also surprises you
he convinced the others to keep you busy while he decorated your room with balloons, ribbons, sweets and gifs
when you get back to your room he greets you with those confetti poppers and a bouquet of flowers
he takes you out to eat to your favorite restaurant ;)
toge inumaki
he would probably make you think he forgot your birthday for like an hour (his plan was to make you think he forgot until night then suprise you) but he literally couldn’t wait and ended up saying happy birthday to you pretty quick
he got you a bunch of snacks and manga
you guys spend the day playing your favorite video games and laughing together
he is surprisingly very funny for someone who can hardly talk
this was actually SO FUN to write!! should i write how they would want to spend their birthdays? lmk :P
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hi! 30. “You’re definitely your mother/father’s child.” with Matthew Tkachuk please
The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far || Matthew Tkachuk
Prompt: 30. “You’re definitely your father’s child.”
WC: 1.2k
A/N: I told y’all I would work on my requests.
Warnings: children fighting (but it’s all in good fun. )
Summary: Off season meant that your husband was home every day, which provides a break for you and time with their dad for the kids. The same kids that idolize their father so in hindsight, perhaps you should have seen this coming. After all, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
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It was no secret that the off-season was your favorite part of the year. You loved to watch your husband do something that he loved and enjoyed and ever since your children got old enough to bring to their father’s games, hockey had become special to everyone in the house. The off-season is special in a different way. Matthew was at home and even though he trained five days out of the week, he was still mostly at home spending time with you and your two kids.
It was nice to wake up in the morning and have Matthew beside you and every morning it felt like you were falling in love with your family all over again when your son and daughter would sneak into the room and cuddle against you and Matthew. You would always take a minute to watch fondly as your husband squeezed both of the kids to his chest before you left the comfort of your bed to make breakfast.
The afternoons were always spent outside. You soaked up the Summer sun as you sat on one of the patio chairs drinking sweet iced tea and watching as Matthew and your children ran around playing.
Today was no different. You relaxed as you watched Matthew run around the backyard with the kids. You couldn’t make out what game it was and suspected that it was one that the kids had made up. It didn’t matter much to you, just as long as no one was getting hurt and they got their energy out. At the ages of six and four, your daughter and son, respectively, had more energy in them than anyone else you knew.
You laughed as you watched your son, Link, screech as Matthew threw him over his shoulder and took off running. The screeching quickly turned into loud laughter not just from your son but your husband too. Your daughter, Maxie, giggled hysterically as she chased her father and brother.
It didn’t take long for her to catch up to them, after all, Matthew was running slower than usual so she had a chance.
“Run!” Matthew called out loudly as he set Link down. “Save yourself!”
Maxie who had wrapped herself around her dad’s legs looked at her younger brother's small frame as he ran in the other direction. You winced, already knowing what was likely to happen. Your daughter was highly competitive, a trait she likely inherited from her father, and she wasn’t one to go easy on anyone if she wanted to win. Not even her brother. Especially not her brother.
You fought the urge to get up from your set and get involved before things got out of hand. You reminded yourself that Matthew was home and that you could take a step back from being the disciplinary one.
It was just last week that you were talking to Matthew’s mom when she told stories about Matthew and his siblings when they were younger. When you mentioned your worries about your own kids fighting she eased your thoughts, assuring you that siblings fight, especially when their last name happens to be Tkachuk.
It was as you were thinking back on the conversation that you heard a thud followed by a cry. Your eyes landed on your children tangled together on the grass. You didn’t see what had happened but with the way Maxie was nearly sitting on top of her brother, you realized that she probably tackled Link to the ground. Your daughter still had a hard time understanding how rough she could be with her brother, not yet understanding how even though they were two years apart, four and six was still a significant difference.
You were about to get up when Matthew came walking up to the kids. You bit your lip to hold back the laugh that wanted to escape. You couldn’t remember the last time that Matthew looked so serious or when that look was directed at his kids, the same kids that he claimed were “perfect little angels.”
He plucked Maxie off of her brother as if it was nothing and set her on her feet and with a disappointed frown said, “I know you want to play but you need to realize that your brother is still a lot smaller than you and you shouldn’t be so rough with him.”
“Daddy-“ Maxie tried, looking up at Matthew with round eyes that were his exact replica. You could see it in the way she was behaving. She had no idea what to do or say because her dad was never the one to scold her. If it was you you would be on the receiving end of her sassy attitude that she reserved just for you.
“Your brother deserves an apology,” Matthew said as he helped Link stand up. Your son was still sniffling and his face was red. He wasn’t seriously hurt and was likely crying from the shock of being hit so hard.
Your daughter crossed her arms and looked at her brother. It was like looking at a smaller version of your husband as she frowned and shook her head. “If he didn’t want to get hit he shouldn’t have been in my way.”
This time you couldn't hold back the snort that left you at her words. You could have sworn you heard Matthew say something just like that before. Neither your daughter nor Maxie looked at you but your son did. His red tear-stained broke your heart and you leaned forward and opened your arms for him. He wasted no time in running into your arms.
You wrapped your arms around him and ignored the snot and tears he got on your shoulder.
“It’s time for you to cool down,” Matthew said.
“Go to your room until you figure out how to apologize,” Matthew said, his voice stern.
Maxie huffed in frustration but didn’t argue. Matthew followed behind her and when she walked through the back door, ignoring both you and Link, Matthew stopped. He watched from beside you as she disappeared into the house and up the stairs to her bedroom.
Finally turning to you he let out an exasperated sigh, “What do I do now?”
You were combing your fingers through your son’s curls when you shrugged, “Wait for her to come out and apologize. It won’t take her long, she’ll get hungry soon.”
Matthew groaned, sitting in the seat across from you. He raked his own fingers through his short hair. Now that everything had finally calmed down and Link was no longer crying you finally let yourself appreciate just how amusing this whole thing was.
“What’s so funny?” Matthew asked, looking confused and exhausted, as if dealing with his troublesome daughter was going to take years off of his life.
“You do realize that she’s exactly like you, right?” You said in between giggles.
Matthew rolled his eyes but smiled anyway, flashing the gap between his teeth and making your heart beat a little bit faster than normal.
“In that case, we’re in trouble for the rest of our lives.” He chuckled.
Link finally pulled back from you to look at Matthew and then at you. His face had gone back to its normal color and you wiped away the tears and snot from his face. His curls were everywhere and his wide eyes met yours as he asked softly, “What about me?”
You flicked your eyes over to your husband briefly before looking back down at your son. He wasn’t like Matthew when it came to his mannerisms but your little boy loved fiercely, and as much as a four-year-old could. He was Matthew’s twin in everything but roughness.
You pushed his curls to the side and kissed his forehead, “you’re definitely your father’s child.”
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Could i request G, I, L, O, and U for Mihawk with the alphabet please? I love your takes on these characters.
Aww, thank you!
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
His love for you isn't a game, but by god does he love the thrill of a good hunt. His darling being feisty is ideal for him. With his dream already being well achieved, he's honestly quite bored in his day to day life. Terrorizing random pirates that irk him in one way or another only entertains him so much. He needs something with real substance, and that comes in the form of playing a cat and mouse game with you (he frequently calls you his little mouse as a term of endearment and slight teasing jab).
Fighting back against him and running away is an extremely frustrating process, and not just because of how unsuccessful it is. No, it's his attitude that drives you up the wall. He keeps giving you critiques and pointers. You tried to run while he slept? He's admonishing you for not even trying to drug or poison him. You tried to fight him? He's correcting your stance, your hold on the weapon, and your technique the entire time. You made some elaborate escape plan? He calls it cliche and says that he knows you can do better than that. All of this combined almost makes you want to throw in the towel and sit quietly in his castle just to spite him.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
While he adores the fun of you running away and fighting him, he does hope that you'll settle down and come to love him eventually. Even then, he still wants you to be a little feisty. Like having some playfully sharp banter and doing little things to get a rise out of each other. Think like a somewhat vitriolic spin on a Morticia and Gomez Addams type relationship.
Outside of that, he wants to have a quaint life with you in his castle. He'd also like to teach you how to fight with a sword because he does want you to be self sufficient to a degree, plus he considers it to be a fun bonding activity. Once you've calmed down, he plans to marry you. The rings will be uniquely gothic yet simple, and you'll have a quiet ceremony in his garden... At least it was quiet until Shanks and company showed up because they someone caught wind of this despite Mihawk's best effort.
Mihawk isn't super interested in children, but he doesn't hate the idea either. On one hand, he thinks that Perona's spontaneous appearances are enough, but if you two were to have a surprise baby or some kid washed up on shore, he wouldn't be upset about it.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
In hindsight, it's a little embarrassing how easily he drew you in. Mihawk is an attractive and charming man. The first interactions are short and sweet. They give you a taste while still maintaining an air of mystery. He gives you little gifts, like an article of clothing that he thought would suit you or some well-aged wine that he made himself. After that stage, he offers for you to come have dinner at his home. At that point, he's been a suave gentleman, so you see no reason to turn down him. What you don't realize is that he has no intention of letting you leave once you're there. That will be an after dinner surprise for you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Beyond trapping you on his island, you're pretty much free to do whatever your heart desires. He won't even disarm you because as mentioned in G, he loves a good fight. On top of that, he won't force you to do anything with him besides just staying on the island. If you two kiss, it's only going to be because you initiated it. He wants you to want him, and he also admittedly gets a kick out of how annoyed you are when you start to want him due to him being one of the very few people you ever get to interact with. He won't harm you either because he simply finds no reason to. It's not like you're going to be any real threat to him, so hurting you would be like a hunter giving a handicap to a baby deer.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
A few things: He enjoys your fighting and escape attempts, he's shockingly respectful of some of your boundaries, and he isn't prone to jealousy.
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reverieblondie · 19 hours
Could I request headcanons for Raphael, and Haarlep with touch starved gn s/o?
Sorry this took forever to get to you! It's been half finished for weeks but I was finally able to wrap it up! I really do love these bullet point headcannons that deal with a specific type of reader they are fun!
Post with other BG3 boys with touch starved s/o HERE
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You have always been good at hiding your inner longing. That aching emptiness that craves touch. It was your weakness, something that you could never tell anyone about you…you would suffer solely to save yourself the embarrassment. You're supposed to be strong, mind filled with ways to help people, there is no time to sit wrapped up in your loneliness… you could have gone to a companion for sure. Everyone knows Karlach is always eager to give a hug, but you knew it would only make you crave it more. Just suffer in silence; don't let anyone know. That worked for you until you ventured into the house of hope. They smelt it on you as soon as you walked through the door; Haarlep's fiery eyes couldn't help but glimmer, their mouth turning into a cruel smirk. A little mouse and a touched-starved one at that. As soon as your eyes met theirs, Haarlep knew they had you ensnared, and they couldn't blame you, their body exposed to all, the sheer heat radiating from them, their words silky and sinful. You had to fight the urge to melt, which Haarlep found quite amusing. Maybe that's why they decided for you to play with them rather than just kill you like they had been told. It was desperate, tender, and ultimately satisfying. From that moment on, even if you didn't know it, Haarlep, in their infinite generosity, vowed you would never be touched starved again. If Haarlep couldn't come to you, they would make sure you could feel their touch, transforming into your form and touching all your most sensitive areas, knowing full well of the shivers and excitement they flooded you with. Nearly every night, Haarlep was desperate for another feeding and would gorge themselves on you. Taste every part, listening to every sweet moan. You are so delicious…it started out as a mutual benefit for you both but slowly built to longer and longer that Haarlep would stay in your bed, holding you close. 
Haarlep would say that they enjoy being touched everywhere; you can use your hands, feet, or tongue, and your pleasure is their pleasure. Though you enjoyed the sentiment of Haarlep saying this, you wanted to find where they liked to be touched. You, of course, knew the obvious place, but you wanted to see if there was more… You framed it as a simple message to thank them for all they do for you. You ran your hands over Haarleps shoulders, neck, thighs. Giving teasing kisses to their ears, stomach, and hands. You finally got what you were looking for when you placed an experimental kiss on the base where their wings reached from their back. A quick shiver, then a low hum, almost like a purr. You felt their body heat up as their wings twighted, silently begging for more. Now, when Haarlep and you engage in your nightly cuddles, you pay extra attention to Haarlep wings. You just love to make them feel special in any way you can. 
When Haarlep is feeling needy, it is obvious…If you're up, they're up; if you're reaching up to grab something off a shelve, Haarlep is snaking their arms around you, pressing kisses to your arching back. If you're trying to take a bath, Haarlep is right there dragging the soap all over your curves as their hard cock sits in your ass, whispering their deepest desires to you, bouncing you slowly. If you are lying down for a nap, Haarlep is curled right behind you, their lips caressing your neck as their warm hands stay pressed to your stomach. Though many would probably grow tired of receiving so much non-stop attention, you could never tire of the feeling of Haarlep lips on your skin. 
Haarlep would never say that they worship anyone…But that was before they met you. Haarlep can't help themselves when it comes to your body; they crave you endlessly. The taste of your sweat, the sound of your moans, the feeling of your warm walls squeezing their cock with every pull, they love how you quiver with every push. They could ravish you endlessly, let years go by, and they would never tire of you. But you're mortal, and your soul is delicate, so they will have to be able to allow you to have your breaks, to let your soul drift back down to your body after every devastating orgasm. The good news is you have adjusted quite well to the hours of cock warming. 
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It was like you didn't even try to hide your desperate need for touch. No, you didn't go around giving everyone a hug, but he saw it when he was watching you, that shy trembling when someone touched you, and how you would place your hand where the former was just to linger in the sensation more. How your eyes seemed to always be in a pleading-like state, begging for any kind of affection…comfort. The thought of his hands touching your skin floods his mind. The feeling of having someone so close like that…he can't help but crave it too. Raphael was a master of temptation; his words promised power and fame, but if you were to tell him what you craved the most…would he offer it to you? You couldn't help yourself; it was all so perfectly orchestrated…his bare chest, the fire that scorched behind him as he asked what you wanted for being a good mouse…his favorite client. Raphael knew as soon as he ghosted his hands over your arms that you were ensnared by him, the great hero, in the arms of a devil… how your body trembles for his attention. What he didn't expect from this deal was how his body would start craving you back. What began as a reward for when you did what he wanted slowly turned into a need you two shared for each other, an intimate closeness that is so sweet and foreign to both of you… After a while, it bloomed into something more; Raphael sees it in your eyes and your touch…he can't say it back, but do you feel it in his touch? The desire he shares with you. 
It's no secret that Raphael is gorgeous… The worst part is that he knew it. Though there's something sexy to the cockiness of that. Raphael assumes your favorite part of him is his angelic face, his hands, his voice perhaps? Imagine his surprise when he learns it's his broad shoulders you just love to run your hands over and dig your nails into, all while your lips bite and suck marks to his neck. Raphael has warned you before about marking up skin…flipping you over face down on the bed, his hot tongue running up your spine. It's your turn for him to mark, and you can't help how your toes curl from the anticipation…
Raphael likes to think his neediness is subtle, but it's not. When you went to bed last, it was in your bed, but now you are wrapped in luxurious silk, laying on top of the cambion, his nails slightly digging into your skin to ensure you don't leave or that nothing takes you from him. For the rest of the day, he takes you everywhere, his hand constantly caressing you by either holding your waist or your hand. He spends the day being a perfect gentleman; you're unsure if there are ulterior motives, so you try to keep your head straight despite it. Raphael understands he is a devil after all, and your wit is something he enjoys about you, amongst other things. It's not until he brings you into his arms after the day is through that you realize this is different…Raphael sways with you slowly as a hauntingly beautiful melody of instruments whispers through the house, his rich voice in your ear as he sings soft, poetic verses of love. It's then that you know that this…this is real for him too. 
"Such an eager pup…" his hands roam over your body as you push him down to his back, your strength apparent by the force. Raphael has been toying with you, and finally, you hit your breaking point. Your hands are fanatic as you rip apart his tunic and unlace his trousers. Raphael had spent days making you burn with withdrawal. His hands only ghosted over your skin, his lips only a whisper away before he would pull back. His bringing you here only to strip for him and then tell you to leave had been the final piece to break your neediness he had been so carefully cultivating. Why did he do this to you? Raphael loves your neediness, loves the feeling of you so eager to push his cock through your entrance, how tears of relief flood your eyes as you bounce on top of him, calling him an arrogant ass as you ravish yourself on him. Raphael is rarely left speechless, but watching your lovesick eyes on him as your body clings, sucking him in deeper, only one word can describe how he feels in this moment looking up at you, love.
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regressionschool · 12 hours
Based on an idea from @diapereddoe
You’re sitting in the playpen, surrounded by your toys, when you hear the doorbell ring. Your ears perk up, and your heart sinks a little. You know who it is. It’s her. The woman who Daddy always has grown-up fun with. You don’t like her; she always teases you and makes you feel even more little.
Daddy opens the door, and you hear her voice, sweet and playful, but it grates on your nerves. This time, there’s another voice too, a man’s voice. You peek over the edge of your playpen and see him. He’s around your age, but he’s dressed like a toddler, just like you.
“Hello, little one,” she says, her voice dripping with condescension. “I brought a friend for you to play with.”
Daddy leads them into the living room, and you shrink back, clutching your favorite stuffed animal. The man smiles at you, a mix of nervousness and excitement in his eyes. He’s wearing pull-ups, you notice, unlike your thick, soggy diaper.
“This is Tommy,” Daddy says, ruffling the man’s hair. “Be nice and play together while we go upstairs, okay?”
You nod, not that you have much choice. Daddy and the woman head upstairs, leaving you and Tommy alone in the playpen.
Tommy crawls over to you, his eyes wide with curiosity. “Hi, I’m Tommy,” he says, a shy smile on his face. “What’s your name?”
You mumble your name, not meeting his gaze. He seems nice enough, but you can’t help feeling a bit jealous. Why does he get to wear pull-ups while you’re stuck in a wet diaper?
Tommy starts playing with the blocks, stacking them up and knocking them down. You watch him for a while before joining in.
Tommy seems to have fun with the blocks, and his laughter is infectious. Despite your initial reluctance, you find yourself smiling a bit. Maybe having a new playmate isn’t so bad after all. You both build a tower together, and when it topples over, you giggle uncontrollably.
As you’re engrossed in your play, you suddenly feel Tommy’s hand on your back. He’s pulling back the waistband of your diaper. You turn your head in confusion, but before you can say anything, you feel warmth spreading through your diaper. Tommy is peeing right into it.
You gasp in shock and disbelief. “Tommy! What are you doing?” you exclaim, your face turning red with embarrassment and anger.
Tommy finishes, letting go of your diaper and giving you an innocent look. “I’m sorry,” he says, a bit sheepishly. “My Mommy is too busy with your Daddy to take me to the potty. She told me to just go in my pull-up, but I didn’t want to get it wet.”
You feel tears welling up in your eyes. Your diaper, already soggy, is now even heavier and more uncomfortable. You glance upstairs, knowing that Daddy and Tommy’s mommy are too preoccupied to care about what just happened.
Tommy then looks at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know," he begins, lowering his voice as if sharing a big secret, "my mommy unlocked my peepee today. She says I can have cummies as long as I do it in the playpen."
You blink at him in disbelief. "What? Really?" You can't help the pang of jealousy that surges through you. Daddy never lets you have cummies, no matter how much you beg or plead. He always says it's because you're too little and still in your squishy Pampers, but Tommy is a big boy, still in pull-ups. You can’t help but feel extra babyish, realizing you are jealous of someone in pull-ups.
Tommy moves closer, his hand pressing against your soggy diaper. You try to pull away, but he’s already humping against your wet padding, his movements quick and desperate. In what seems like just a few seconds, Tommy lets out a soft moan and shudders, a look of satisfaction on his face as he cums into his pull-ups.
A few moments later, you hear footsteps coming down the stairs. You glance up, your cheeks flushed with humiliation. Daddy and Tommy's mommy appear in the doorway, their faces flushed and satisfied. They don’t notice your discomfort right away, too engrossed in each other.
Tommy's mommy claps her hands, a wide smile on her face. “Well, it looks like you two had a fun time playing together! Didn’t you, Tommy?”
Tommy nods, looking proud of himself. “Yes, Mommy! We played with the blocks, and it was super fun!”
Daddy looks down at you, his eyes softening with affection. “And how about you, little one? Did you have fun with your new friend?”
You try to muster a smile, but the heaviness of your soggy diaper and the shame of what just happened weigh you down. “Yes, Daddy,” you mumble, your voice barely above a whisper.
Tommy's mommy walks over and ruffles Tommy’s hair. “Good boy, Tommy. You didn’t have any accidents, did you?”
Tommy shakes his head, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “No, Mommy. I didn’t wet my pull-up at all!”
You feel your heart sink even further. Everyone seems so happy, and you’re left feeling more little and humiliated than ever. Daddy bends down and checks your diaper, his brow furrowing when he feels how soaked it is.
“Oh, my poor baby,” he coos, lifting you out of the playpen and carrying you over to the changing table. “Looks like someone needs a change.”
As Daddy changes your diaper, you can’t help but glance over at Tommy, who’s now playing with his mommy. You feel a pang of jealousy and frustration. Everyone else got to have cummies, but you’re still stuck in your soggy Pampers, treated like the littlest of littles.
Daddy finishes changing you and lifts you up, giving you a gentle kiss on the forehead. “There you go, all fresh and clean. Now, why don’t you go play with Tommy some more?”
You nod, feeling a bit better but still longing for the grown-up pleasures that everyone else seems to enjoy. You crawl back into the playpen, trying to push away the feelings of jealousy and focus on the only distraction available to you, the toys right in front of you.
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