drifttale Ā· 5 years
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This took me a bit, but itā€™s finally done. Just a bit of a random drifttale comic. Also the frst appearance of Drifttale!Alphys and Drifttale!Papyrus, I suppose?
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drifttale Ā· 5 years
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One of few original character ideas that will go on in this In the role of the Judge, Kit!
Kitā€™s very nature is unknown to most anyone in the underground, itā€™s just a known fact that sheā€™s prone to avoid the King when possible.
Sheā€™s a bit of a prankster, mostly spending her time messing around with people for better or worse.
Sheā€™s close friends with Grillbyā€™s daughter, whoā€™s currently tending to his bar on his...ā€absenceā€
Sheā€™s always clear that sheā€™ll stay out of Friskā€™s way as long as they donā€™t get everyone in the underground against them somehow.
Sheā€™s a powerful monster, even if she does nothing but act aloof.
Alphys is easily annoyed by her prescence, something about pouncing around in the lab.
Sans, however, doesnā€™t mind.
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drifttale Ā· 5 years
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ā€œI donā€™t know what youā€™re trying to accomplish, human.ā€ ā€œBut unlike everyone else, you wonā€™t get out of this so easily.ā€ ā€œNow stand still, your soul and mine is all we need to free the Monsters.ā€
A piece of theĀ ā€˜thingā€™ Iā€™m planning. The concept where it spawned What if Toriel and Asgore Dreemurr had died at the hands of a human?
King Chara declares war on the surface world, as a confused Asriel flees to the RUINs
A long time after, way too long for any human to live, pure determination is keeping the King alive, and she wonā€™t give until the monsters are freed.
Iā€™m terrible with names, but letā€™s call thisā€¦ Drifttale. Drifttale!Chara.
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drifttale Ā· 5 years
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Remember how I had an idea floating around? And said Iā€™d do a thing and then didnā€™t? Well, Iā€™m hopping back on my own bandwagon.
Noticeably, I donā€™t do Reference sheets often. But hey, first time for everything I think.
In this worldline, Sans has become the next Royal Scientist, taking care of most public research and experimentation along with his assistant, the young Alphys.
Although heā€™s close friends with the King, he doesnā€™t take care of her personal matters.A certain other man takes care of that. If faced with a murderous human, heā€™s not afraid of stalling time, as to allow Alphys to evacuate the monsters of the underground.Heā€™s the ā€˜Bossā€™ of the Hotland/Core, the second to last prescence before New Home.
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drifttale Ā· 5 years
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Continuing with my choo-choo train Drifttale!Frisk. Idk if I accmplished what I wanted to accomplish, that being gender neutrality. But it could look worse, I think. I might make a new blog, just for the archiving and possible future of this idea. Mayhbe like Do an ask blog thing. That sounds motivational. Would anyone like that? IDK who would even answer that butā€“ Anyway Frisk is still as kind and curious as ever, although they donā€™t mean harm to anyone, sometimes their curiosity still gets the better of them. They donā€™t speak much, as a really quiet kid, they are not someone to talk about their thoughts or their person. However, as Chara remains the King of the Underground, I wonder who will be theĀ ā€˜second forceā€™ driving the sidelane with them?
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