#but that's only relevant to the last line of dialogue so... :)
mrs-luigi-vargas · 9 months
Inky Soup for the Soul
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Characters: Kamek, Kammy Relationships: Kamek & Kammy Tags: Sickfic, Bickering, Arguing, Frenemies, neither of these two end the fic having a good time tbh, Sicktember 2023
Summary: A few days after Kammy visits a sick Kamek, it’s Kamek’s turn to visit a sick Kammy. This visit goes even more poorly than the last one. Prompts: 3. "What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?", 7. “You’re a Jerk When You’re Sick”, 23. Coughing Fit Word Count: 1,444 words
Note: The events immediately preceding this fic are detailed here, and the events that immediately follow are detailed here.
[AO3 Link]
"What happened to your phenomenal immune system, hm?"
Propped up against the headboard of her bed, Kammy looked up from the book her eyes were too tired to read. “Don't put words in my mouth, you asshole,” she spat, voice hoarse.
Kamek swept into her quarters, a smug air about him. While he still was a bit pale from his own bout of sickness, he looked leagues better than Kammy did at the current moment, which to her, the objectively prettiest person in this castle, was both infuriating and humiliating in equal measures.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Am I not allowed to return the favor of your visit the other day?” Kamek’s voice oozed with false concern as he approached her bedside.
Ugh. Consequences.
“Oh, but where are my manners?” Kamek continued, waving his wand. “I didn't come here empty-handed, after all!”
A bowl floated in the air and settled in Kammy’s lap. It was warm. It was soup. Her nose was too stuffed to smell it, yet she could tell Kamek had at least bothered to get a flavor she didn't hate. As she examined the soup, Kamek watched her expectantly. Kammy sneered at him. “How do I know you didn't poison this?”
“Why I never!” Kamek put a hand to his chest in mock offense. “I’ve never poisoned anything in my life!”
“I seem to remember a rather important poisoning you did a few decades ago.”
“That was your poison,” Kamek sniffed, “that you made. I just delivered it.”
“Bah.” Kammy looked down at the soup. She should eat it. But the effort of lifting her leadened arms didn't seem worth expending right now.
Kamek smirked. “If you need assistance —”
On spite alone, Kammy mustered the energy to shove a spoonful of soup into her mouth. Kamek’s smirk didn't budge at the scowl she made around her spoon.
It only took a few more spoonfuls before Kamek opened his stupid mouth again. “I also bring news from Lord Bowser!” he said.
“Let me guess. The project is canceled.”
“The project is postponed!” Kamek corrected, smarmy grin on his face. “Until further notice!”
Great. Kammy took a cranky bite of her soup. And Kamek will probably be back at the helm of it, because he was the healthier one. Kammy huffed. It had been worth a shot, she supposed.
Kamek was still standing there watching her. “Why are you still here?” Kammy scowled. “Aren't you finished making my day the worst I've had in months?”
“But how can you say that” — Kamek reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper — “when the Young Master drew this especially for you!”
Kammy took it from him, squinting at the haphazard scribbles of color. ”What the fuck is this supposed to be?”
“I was told it was you, with your crystal ball.”
“Hmph.” Kammy glared at her likeness. She definitely wasn't that fat.
“It’s surely fridge-worthy, isn't it?”
“It’s certainly garbage worthy.”
“Oh? You're not going to add it to that locked box you have hidden under your bed?”
Kammy stilled. “...why do you know about that.”
“Same way you know about the hidden panels in my desk.” Kamek crossed his arms. “You really need to change those wards of yours; those outdated protections could be cracked by an infant!”
“Bold of you to say, hypocrite. Have you even noticed where those magazines of yours had gone off to?”
“...which magazines.”
“Oh you know.” Kammy regarded him lazily. “Those ones.”
Kamek regained his composure faster than Kammy would’ve liked. “W-well,” he said, fiddling with his glasses. “I found a chest in a panel in your dresser a while ago,” he blurted out, and as Kammy’s face flipped from smug to stormy Kamek barreled on, leaning in closer to her with a smirk. “Wooden, right? Pink with glitter and lace? Not really something that matches your usual style, I'll have to admit.”
“You...!” Kammy growled, low and dangerous.
“Me!” Kamek sang. “It's a shame you're in no shape to get up and check on it. I might have taken a few souvenirs; who knows!”
The drawing in Kammy’s hands crumpled in her grip. “You're bluffing.” He had to be. But in her sickened haze, she wasn't as sharp at reading his tells.
Kamek seemed to realize this too, and the glint in his glasses was almost gleeful. “There was a lot of paper in there. Quite the flammable little display,” he remarked, idly inspecting his claws, and no. No, he couldn't have actually —
“You fucking bastard!” Kammy swiped at him with her spoon; her swing went wide, and Kamek danced out of range, cackling. “You’re bluffing,” she hissed, hating the way it came out less like she was calling his bluff and more like she was trying to convince herself he was bluffing in the first place. “You didn't see shit! And if you put your filthy hands all over my clothes I’m going to rip them off and shove them up your —!”
Kammy’s voice caught in her throat. She tried to breathe past it, but the rest of her threats were lost to coughs and coughs and coughs. Coughs that very quickly had her head spinning, bent double over the bowl of soup that hadn't spilled a drop despite all her movement. The foresight required for casting the correct charms for such a thing compounded by the helplessness from the coughing fit and Kamek’s supposed invasion of her privacy had her clawing at her bedding in frustration.
When she could finally take in ragged gasps she could actually control, she unscrewed her eyes and saw Kamek watching her with something close enough to pity lurking behind his hideous-looking glasses that Kammy saw red. She bared her teeth at him and threw her spoon as hard as she could.
“Hey!” Kamek ducked, the spoon spinning through the space where his head just was and clattering against the far wall. “You know,” he groused, “you’re a real bitch when you’re sick.”
“Evidently not enough of one,” Kammy snapped, voice crackling and thinning, “considering you’re still here. Get out!”
Kamek hesitated.
“And give me back my damn spoon,” Kammy added, so he had something to do that wasn’t looking at her like that...!
As was his specialty, Kamek did as he was told. He absently wiped the spoon clean on his robes once it was in his hand, a without-a-second-thought motion that soured Kammy’s mood further. Did this fool know how to do anything but coddle?
“Well!” Kamek rolled his eyes. “I can tell when I'm not wanted —”
“Can you?”
“— so I suppose I’ll take my leave.” He ignored Kammy’s interruption, setting her spoon on the bed. “I’ve got much more important things to do than waste time with you, after all, like actually doing my job and enjoying the ability to breathe through both nostrils simultaneously.”
Kammy waited until he was almost at the door before she spoke again. “While you’re doing that,” she drawled, knowing this would be the last thing her throat would let her say for a good while, “tell me if the air under the King’s desk still smells the same, will you?”
Kamek’s head whipped around so fast it was a shame he didn't snap his own neck. Kammy stared back at him, chin high and bored expression settled on her face. His enraged sputtering was a balm to her soul; his wand arm even twitched as if he was briefly considering outright violence. But faced with Kammy’s unflinching gaze, all he could do was grind his teeth and storm out of her room, slamming the door behind him with a loud bang. The noise nudged at her budding headache, but it was worth it. Peace and quiet at last.
Basking in her success, Kammy turned her attention back to her soup. It was still warm; another charm on the bowl keeping it that way. Her earlier resentment rose up again, but it was swiftly quashed by the growling of her stomach. Absently, she reached for where Kamek had put her spoon. Less absently, she strained to grab it, claws failing by a mere hair’s breadth to brush the cool metal no matter how far she stretched. That rotten, good for nothing —!
Kammy screamed, a near soundless noise that ended in a few more coughs as she fell back onto her pillows. She stared up at the ceiling, blowing the bangs off her face with a huff. They fell right back where they were. She sank further into her bed, hands over her face. If only the Stars would put her out of her misery right now...!
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kestalsblog · 4 months
Basic Tips to Improve Your Writing
I used to read a lot of unprofessional writing online, and through that endeavor, I started mentally compiling different qualities that turned me off to people's work right away. I'm sharing some of my thoughts about ways to improve your writing so others don't click off your work right away!
-Change paragraphs when different characters are speaking.
-In that same thread, remember to make new paragraphs and not have one giant block of text. This isn't only discouraging for some readers, but actually physically impossible to read for those who are visually impaired.
-Learn grammar. Sorry, but there is no way around this one. For example, commas aren't just for aesthetic appeal or your personal choice, and it will turn some readers away if your writing is littered with grammatical errors. You can't break the rules for creative purposes if you don't even know them, and the difference is generally apparent.
-Remember the narration style you've chosen. For example, if you're writing in third person limited, you can't think outside the mind of your main character. Don't jump suddenly to the thoughts of other characters or an all-knowing, omniscient voice.
-Slow down. Each word matters, so try not to think of writing as "I must get from Point A to Point B," but "I must get from Point A to Point B beautifully."
-Avoid repeating the same word or phrase too much, especially within the same paragraph. There are exceptions in dialogue, of course. (It's sweet when writers acquire their own personalized phrasings that mark their voice, but I have turned away from works where the exact same line just kept coming up again and again).
-Don't forget about setting. You might be able to imagine where your characters are, but no one else can if you don't let them know.
-Use a consistent verb tense.
-Your characters are not you and generally shouldn't always be mouthpieces for you to share your own values and thoughts.
-Your characters should sound distinctly different from each other, including their talking styles.
-Don't bog the reader down with too much description, and make sure the description you do have is realistic. Think about it. In the morning, do you wake up, go to the mirror, and think to yourself, "I looked at my shaggy dark hair and emerald green eyes"? Nobody thinks that way about their own appearance, and it feels like a forced way to let the reader know what the main character looks like.
-There's no need to start tossing out every character trait if it's not relevant to the story.
-Last, show some passion and excitement for your own work. Make sure the language embodies that passion because if you don't even care about your writing, who will?
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lesbiansforboromir · 1 year
Iconic elements of Film!Boromir's character that everyone remembers;
Very into Aragorn, has multiple meaningful scenes with him where he is clearly disarmed, awed, unnerved and yet eager for his approval and companionship. His acceptance of Aragorn's right to the kingship is treated as a vital part of his character arc and even his last words before his death are entirely about Aragorn.
Awkward, often stalling or stumbling over his words, says things that leave uncomfortable silences and often makes loud declarations of intent, very earnest in all his mannerisms and always says everything in a guileless way. Very upfront and open about his emotions, to the point of making Aragorn uncomfortable in his attempts to connect with him about his fear for Gondor's safety and his own inner turmoil surrounding his father.
Immediately ring-obsessed. He argues with Elrond about the Ring's usage and clearly is not swayed by further arguments, in fact is sent by his father specifically to get the ring and so is technically a traitorous element in the fellowship from day one. Eagerly ensures he has a place in the fellowship at the Council of Elrond and is blatantly suspicious with his treatment of both Frodo and the Ring from then on. No one in the fellowship trusts him and for good reason.
Kinda a liability! Doesn't really offer anything to the Fellowship other than another sword arm, and one that seems sub-par in comparison to his comrades considering his underestimation of the Hobbits and the multiple times he has to be saved in Moria. Has no real expertise or wisdom to offer, barring obvious declarations like 'this will be the death of the hobbits'. Indeed the one moment of apparent unique wisdom he offers 'one cannot simply walk into mordor' is so widely viewed as foolish advice that it's one of the most enduring memes of the internet to date. Only has one moment of apparent skill in his final stand against the Uruks where he kills about 5 by himself before he is hit by 3 arrows and rendered helpless. Very much characterised as 'the normal guy' and 'the himbo'.
Has a nice, supportive and loving relationship with Faramir, his little brother that looks up to him adoringly and with a sense that he could never measure up to Boromir and that Boromir is his better. Protective of faramir.
Hah that was fun and now, completely unrelated, here are TRUE AND IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT BOOK!BOROMIR!!
Has one (1) line of dialogue about Aragorn and his kingship that essentially reads 'Well I don't care about Kings but if mythic heroes from legend could come and help my people we'd be grateful (press x to doubt)' and then he NEVER! VOICES A SINGLE OTHER OPINION ABOUT ARAGORN! FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. This includes his very last words which don't mention Aragorn or the Kingship once.
Clear-spoken! Makes concise speeches full of relevant and important information when in an official capacity. Always has a tone of well-meaning half-humourous sarcasm, making casual and comfortable jokes at his own expense or sometimes lightly teasing his fellows. Otherwise restrains his disagreements to darkly humourous complaints, strained and weary reactions or clear unemotional declarations of his concerns depending upon the recipient. Takes the phrase 'you'll have to pry my feelings from my cold dead hands' entirely literally, NEVER reveals the true extent of his internal struggles until the moment he is literally dying. In fact is entirely silent whilst Aragorn is asked to describe Gondor and waxes so lyrical he doesn't even notice Boromir get up and leave.
Asks one (1) clarifying question at the Council of Elrond about why they aren't using the ring, accepts the answer entirely and never mentions it again UNTIL Galadriel tempts him with it in Lothlorien. Doesn't even WANT to go on the fellowship and is more dragged along by Aragorn with the pretext that 'Gondor is on the way to Mordor so we'll tag along.' Is utterly trustworthy and has no ulterior motive in arriving in Rivendell other than his search for an answer to his prophetic dream. In fact his whole behaviour and personality changes immediately after Galadriel's mental interrogation and he BECOMES awkward, unnerving and unsure in his speech all of a sudden.
Has a WEALTH of knowledge, experience and personal skill that he uses to save the fellowship multiple times. Saves them all from freezing to death on Caradhras through his preparedness, his arguing with Gandalf and his personal durability. Hacks the head off wargs when they are attacked in the night. Remains lucid whilst the fellowship is paralyzed with fear by the Balrog and stalls it's approach using his horn to allow them time to flee. Fights alongside Aragorn at every opportunity, including charging with him at the Balrog as Gandalf is fighting it. And not only that, he regularly is proven right in his advice (that is rarely heeded) and is well informed on both his own peoples history and Rohan's position, even against Gandalf and Aragorn's doubt of their character. Actually saves Merry and Pippin initially from the Northern orcs whom he drives away entirely before he begins taking them back to the others, is only stalled when they are ambushed by Uruk-Hai. Continues to fight on even with far more than three arrows in him and actually yanks a few out before collapsing against the tree. Definitely not a normal guy, nor a himbo, just exceptional in a more mundane way than everyone else in the fellowship (except the Hobbits).
Never mentions his brother a single time, somehow got him to stand and defend the bridge of osgiliath with him whilst knowing that it would likely kill them both so not all that protective. Faramir meanwhile cannot say a single uncomplicatedly complimentary thing about his brother and in fact cannot stop telling Frodo (a man he has imprisoned for half a day), about what a stupid, reckless and prideful man Boromir was and how he's far better in every single way.
WOW HAHA ISN'T THAT INTERESTING! COOL! Book Boromir is my favourite character by the way haha I'm suffering incomprehensible horrors :)
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galedekarios · 8 months
Hi!! Hope I am not bothering you (if so please feel free to ignore!) with a Gale lore question, but I figured you're the person on tumblr who would most likely know given all the cool shit you've been posting, but do we have any idea *where* gale was when he got snatched by the mindflayers? I can't seem to find a straight answer about most of the companions, but there seems to be a fairly straight forward answer for most of them except Gale (and Astarion to some extent) I know he had his year of solitude that he seemed to have left willingly and from what Tara says about Waterdeep it doesnt seem like they had a massive nautiloid attack the city a la the opening. I figured he either left Waterdeep in search of more items to sate the orb/protect the city in case of rupturing and was taken there or he was just maybe beaten over the head and abducted in the city by one of the few Absolutists that are in Waterdeep.
thank you for your message! i really appreciate your words.
sadly, there is no indication at all where precisely gale was before the events of the game take place.
i've collected some pieces of the puzzle, however, that i thought are relevant to at least paint a broad picture of what likely happened:
gale is well aware of how unstable the orb is. when he escapes the nautiloid, his first thought is that the illithid tadpole is very likely to have adverse effects on it:
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he has lived with the orb for about a year or longer, knowing well what its effect might be. i have wondered often just why gale would know so much about ceremorphosis before the game starts. perhaps the devs just needed another exposition machine, which is likely, too, of course.
but considering the very real and very present danger of the orb, i think it's also likely that in his desperation to find a way to heal himself, reading up as much as he could on everything that even resembled some sort of solution, gale perhaps even read up on ceremorphosis, before deciding that it's just not viable, that it would do more harm to than good.
i think it might be in line with the same reasoning as to why the player can bring up the nightsong to gale as a possible solution to the orb.
2. gale is aware just catastrophic the consequences of the orb being unleashed are. when gale goes to rest in his origin playthrough, sleep will not find him and once more, his thoughts turn towards the orb first:
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it's likely that this is why we find him staring into the flames playing a custom protag. these two scenes seem to mirror each other.
3. we also learn from the same dialogue two important things: that gale made tara promise to stay in waterdeep, concerned for her safety. we also learn from his conversation with tara that he is not only concerned about her safety, but his mother's as well and that he left her behind in waterdeep as well:
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morena isn't aware of what her son tried to do. he kept it from her. not only had he disappointed her faith in him and his talents, now, with the orb, he was actively putting her in mortal peril. along with everyone else in the city.
from a later dialogue we also learn that gale is afraid of bringing shame to his family name:
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player: So, your last name is Dekarios? gale: It is. Courtesy of my mother, the inimitable, dare I say it sometimes unavoidable, Morena Dekarios. It's been so long since I've used it. 'Gale Dekarios' cuts a poor figure next to the wizarding prowess of 'Gale of Waterdeep.' player: You're right. Just 'Gale' is better. gale: I agree. And on the plus side, if I get myself into any truly cataclysmic straits during the remainder of our journey, my family name will go untarnished.
we also learn that while news of the absolute seems to have reached waterdeep, tara doesn't seem to think that they have infiltrated waterdeep yet. which in turn means that waterdeep wasn't affected in the same way baldur's gate and other cities and regions were.
4. the next morning, gale can have the following conversation with tara:
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"you left the tower in such a hurry you didn't leave an address." is what stands out to me here.
what exactly did make gale leave so suddenly?
was it a particularly bad flare-up of the orb? i think it might be likely because i also found this line in the files:
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player: i fail to see why you need me to help you this. you've done fine without me so far. gale: A fair point - however, until recently I was able to rely on a supply of artefacts stored in my tower in Waterdeep. A supply that has now run dry. The reality of the matter is that a lone wizard with a chronic impairment such as my own is not in the most ideal of situations with regards to self-defence. The manner of artefacts I need are not often found waiting patiently on a shop-keep's shelf. One usually has to lift them delicately from trap-filled tombs or prise them from the hands of violent ne'erdowells.
so not only does this validate the fact that gale indeed suffers from chronic pain due to his condition even more, it also clearly states that he had nothing left in his possession to treat his condition anymore.
(as an aside, larian really did the seriousness of his condition a grave disservice here on a multitude at levels and this is another point where the narrative is at odds with the game mechanics of the full release. in ea, it truly required great artefacts (the sword of justice blessed by tyr or even the idol of silvanus) to soothe the orb.)
so to bring all of these points together, this is what i believe:
i think gale left waterdeep in a hurry after he felt the orb destabilising.
having no artefacts great power left, staying was no longer an option, lest he puts his mother (and waterdeep itself even) at great risk. he hurriedly packed what he could.
i assume tara was there and that it was then that he made her promise to stay because he didn't want to put his longest (and now only) friend at risk, too. perhaps he also felt better knowing that tara would be there for morena.
i think he was abducted while on the road, trying to find information about artefacts of great power and perhaps even setting out himself to acquire them.
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duckiemimi · 2 months
i fell into a little rabbit hole while reading bora chung's cursed bunny when i found the japanese proverb 「人ひとを呪のろわば穴あな二ふたつ」 ("hito o norowaba ana futatsu"), meaning "when you curse a man, [you dig] two graves" (click here for reference and click on the first link at the bottom for more context). it's a cautionary proverb about the consequences of cursing or invoking evil onto others, similar in a way to the english proverb "what goes around comes around."
i dug around some more (hah!) and found an article explaining the origins of the proverb (click on the second link at the bottom). do bear with my lacking skills when it comes to translating, but from what i understand, the proverb itself originated from the heian period. onmyoji (click on the third link at the bottom) were civil servants who practiced onmyodo, specializing in magic and divination. the article describes them using the kanji 呪術師 (third highlight in the left image), or jujutsushi, meaning sorcerer.
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these onmyoji were responsible for calendar-related tasks and mystical duties such as divination, but the most interesting duty listed was protecting the capital from evil spirits, or 怨霊を (vengeful spirit) as the article cites, by cursing and killing the capital's opponents. now, this was a particularly dangerous task because they risked having that curse "returned" back to them in a counter-attack, killing them in the process, too—hence why one must prepare two graves when one resorts to "cursing" someone.
now that we've established the history of the proverb, it initially struck me as familiar because...
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it's something geto mentioned when he came to the school to declare war! and...
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later on when he says his last words to gojo!
given that the series takes some inspiration from onmyodo in the heian period (the golden age of jujutsu in the story), it's befitting that a proverb like this would make an appearance in the actual dialogue. in both instances, the proverb was relevant in geto's dialogue.
the article i referred to before also provided two example sentences related to the proverb, which when translated become:
"As there is a saying that if you curse people, there are two graves, hatred only produces unhappiness."
"I hate him so much. Even if you say that if you curse people, you will have two graves, I'm prepared for that."
as the geto fanatic that i am i find it interesting that both these phrases could align with geto's lines in volume 0. the first time geto references this proverb, it's when he says, "let's curse each other to our hearts' content." i've talked about this in my other posts (click here for one of them), that i've always believed that geto knew his pursuit of ideal was futile, or "impossible" as he explained to gojo in shinjuku. regardless of the outcome, this was the path he chose for himself, a path where he had to constantly pretend to the people around him that it was indeed possible.
referring to the proverb, the two graves here would be geto and the subject of his curse, non-sorcerers. his curse—his hatred—only led to his own unhappiness and his own demise. as it is, he failed his attack and the only grave there was his. he died unable to laugh from the bottom of his heart.
the second time geto references this proverb, it's when he says, "at least curse at me a little at the very end." he says this in an easy exasperation in response to gojo's omitted last words to him. he expects gojo to hate him or at least be angry with him, but instead gojo does not "curse" him the way he thought he'd be.
refering to the proverb, geto expects gojo to hate him so much, he'd curse him even if it might risk his own life to see geto dead. instead, gojo spares him—or rather, gojo says what he says honestly, without the disguise of anger or spite. the two graves here, at least in geto's mind, would be gojo and the subject of his curse, geto himself. ironically, despite the lack of "curse," there is still a grave for one body. in a more figurative sense, perhaps that alley is a teeming graveyard.
what an apt cautionary proverb for such a vengeful character.
links i couldn't hyperlink:
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gwennevlis · 4 months
I think one of Hazbin Hotel's biggest flaws is that in the whole series we weren't shown any of the residents backstories.
(DISCLAIMER: I heard that something is explained in the wiki (I'm really not sure) but the wiki is not part of the show. An occasional watcher won't read the wiki, or listen to interviews. The show needs to work on his own.)
Sure, there's Charlie's backstory, two minutes about Vaggie's, but that's about it. We vaguely know what happened to Husk and Angle before joining the Hotel, but only when they were already in Hell.
I understand keeping Alastor story a secret, only hinted somewhere, it adds to the mystery, I appreciated that, but everyone else?
We know nothing about Sir Pentious. I like his character and I'm attached to it only because I saw the pilot episode years ago and I'm happy that he's back, but I know nothing about him! Hint some backstory at least!! A quick flashback, a quick song, two lines of dialogue!! Anything so that his moment in the last episode has more relevance!!!!
Angel is such an interesting character, and yet we know next to nothing. (I know that he was part of the mafia because I read it somewhere, but I shouldn't have had to!!) Where did he learn how to shoot like that? Why is he a spider in the afterlife? How did he meet Cherry bomb? Did he know Valentino before getting to Hell?
Is there a connection to the way they were in life and the appearance they have in hell? I know they do, and it's a cool detail, tell the audience!!
The show is about redeeming these characters' souls, let us know who they were so we can appreciate who they have become.
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jahiera · 11 months
omg your tags on that last rb? i want to know your Exact thoughts on That dialogue in the scene right after astarion and tav get together because it is so interesting to me 👀
Okay hi yes, I do indeed have some thoughts. Fair disclaimer that this is just my interpretation! I've only been playing the game for a few days technically, so this is all my first impulse in terms of characterization and influenced by my own path, so! Other interpretations will also be super interesting to read about. Also, obviously, we don't have the full cut, whatever comes out in 2 weeks will come out in 2 weeks. Anyways! Overanalyzing this little bastard's dialogue below.
Okay, this affectionate ribbing was referencing this dialogue here where you can comment on Astarion not being totally "present" post-party sex. Sorry this took me a second to respond to, I wanted to grab the screens for this:
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(screencaps of subtitles that read:
Astarion: That's what you want, isn't it? To lose yourself in me?
(new scene) Astarion: You sleep light. I thought you'd be exhausted after last night
Tav: Did you enjoy it? It felt like you weren't fully there.
Astarion: I was holding back a little, it's true. I didn't want to lose control.
To preface this, Astarion's arc is clearly dealing with the push/pull of power and control, one's personal agency (and how it can be taken away), and what happens when an individual reclaims power after for a very long time being without that power. He's endured god-knows-what for 200 years, giving glimpses of his former life, the torture under Cazador, the things he had to do for Cazador (which, included at least finding Cazador's meals through likely charm and seduction, without his own say in the matter.) Now he's out, he's free, he's experiencing the world for the first time basically (as he remarks on in ambient dialogue a lot: everything looks different. Click on a globe and he'll say something along the lines of having never seen the world, but there's time now.) Stating all of that is necessary to me because I think whatever's going on in his terrible brain is several factors all kind of thrown into one; some factors good, some bad, some neutral, some questionable; again, just my interpretation of him, but.
OKAY. Now that that's out of the way. The first interpretation of this scene (and the sex scene in general in its limited capacity: since we don't have eyes on the cinematic.) we can have is the obvious one: you two had a great night, Astarion is being upfront, he simply didn't want to lose control, nothing else here to look at. It's fantasy sex and it's simply good fun.
(The rest is under a cut. Sorry, this kind of turned into a meta Astarion and Sex and all of that? Anyways. CW for a bit of discussion about sexuality + trauma + implications of lack of consent.)
But Do I Believe It's That Simple? Not Really.
On one side, I do think Astarion is genuine in his pursuing of Tav, of sex, of good times and pleasure: he's been locked away for 200 years and now he's traipsing around in mud (a novelty), which might not be ideal, but he can still enjoy the thrill of that too, looks for what's in it for him, what feels good, etc. in all of the circumstances he finds himself in. There's a kind of subdued wonder from him about the world at large; remarks on craving the sun while you're in the Underdark, of experiencing the world, and I think he really is rushing around relishing the freedom as much as he can. And since of course he can reject you, he's not doing anything he doesn't want to do. In short: "simple pleasures," have eluded him under Cazador's thumb, and good sex with someone that you're into is likely just one more of those things he hasn't really gotten to do in ... [checks notes] 200 years.
But I don't think that's the only thing going on in this scene. The fact that the dialogue specifically notes a kind of distance from him feels relevant (since, if they wanted us to think it was all seamless good fun, they could've left it as is.) And the thing is, Astarion. is a big fucking liar.
When he wants to brush aside his dream to Tav, he'll simply say he had some naughty dream and brush it off--which we later find out was a lie ("that's what we call a lie, darling.") and his dreams have actually been about Cazador. Again, only relevant because the first thing Astarion reaches for when he wants to obfuscate the truth is lying through charm, or lying through witty barbs, and when pushed, turns into outright snappy aggression. Saying that the only thing on his mind was the hunger is an easy solution to reach for; maybe it's not even quite wrong, that likely was also an aspect of it! But.
His general .. quick sleazy flirting doesn't come out of nowhere. He uses it liberally, and with everyone, in his Evil Twink Fashion. Can flirt with half the camp at one point or another in environmental dialogue (specifically gets shut down by Shadowheart and Gale, humiliatingly.. the secondhand embarrassment there oh boy.) How much of that he learned while under Cazador's thumb, having to manipulate and charm for Cazador, sexualizing situations where he did not actually have full say and consent in the circumstances, is unknown to us, but can be inferred as not negligible. It's his default state. Charm and persuasion and trickery spell safety, as does disguising any kind of weakness. Disguising his weakness poorly, mind, because he obviously has several moments of raw vulnerability you can get even without his romance being initiated.
I think his current mental state here is a combination of that; of lying to disguise whatever raw state is beneath, unearthed by having simply... some good fun with someone, not out of servitude to Cazador, not to flirt or cajole to protect his own skin, but yet one more thing that's been denied to him (and, possibly, albeit we can only guess at this, not claiming it as canon, forced on him unwantedly) over the last 200 years. But he and Tav here aren't close, close yet, and when Tav tries to push (via talking about the scars on his back), Astarion clams up quite quickly, moving on from the discussion as soon as possible. So whatever is under the minor half-truth of "losing control," isn't open to us yet; we've really just met in the grand scheme of things.
We don't know yet what sex means to Astarion; he hasn't really elaborated beyond the obvious. But, I think, given his behavior, his casual flirtiness, his "You want to lose yourself in me," (another line I can squawk about endlessly in terms of character analysis), sexuality (actual sex or simply sexualization) can be as much a means of securing safety, control, coercion, power, and pinpointing weakness. It's also something he can clearly also desire wholeheartedly and with no ulterior motives involved; and I think this moment shows that, and he's grappling with it uncomfortably, what this means for him, one more thing that he can reclaim for himself. He craves something real, I think, and he's only just now beginning to form a real identity outside of what Cazador did to him, and how Cazador haunts him.
Pursuing something like this is one more step in that direction. Unlearning these gut impulses to lie and deceive and charm his way with Tav is probably what we're going toward, given his glimpse of a reaction to a hug. Whatever else Astarion has to work through in regards to intimacy is up in the air, but there's clearly a lot more going on beneath his fairly shallow veneer of charm and flirtatiousness.
(Which. Can we just have the option to hug him as a casual dialogue option? Please?)
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So, I’ve been a fan of the httyd books for as long as I could read and I’ve always been slightly (hugely) disappointed that there hasn’t been a faithful adaptation. Am I the only one ?
Anyway so I started brainstorming ideas of if there was an adaptation what it would look like, - feel free to add on more this is just what I have so far.
- Becoming a Hero the Hard Way -
- Sketchy art-style with lots of moving lines and colours - think spider-verse, PIB the last wish, arcane
- Could use 3D models with an overlay of sketch lines and lineart
- Use audiobook dialogue as audio, probably just the talking scenes, for everything else will be drawn at least for now while it’s still quite small
- Keep character versions as close to the books as possible, might have to make them more realistic looking depending on the final animation style
- Characters who are more ‘stable’ have more fps, whereas characters like Alvin who are more unstable have fewer fps and are more janky and unsettlingly animated
- Maybe use slight colour filters on certain scenes to symbolise relevance to books/dragon time prophecy eg book 5 - orange, book 2 - navy
- Use sound for symbolism or themes for dragon time prophecy anytime it is mentioned/ foreshadowed
- Either make movies or seasons/series ? - if series maybe join two books together until like 10 ?
- Could have 4 trilogies/sagas 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 7-8-9, 10-11-12 ? Be named different things , could play on word for the prophecy ?
- 1st - training your dragon / httyd?
- 2nd - the quest
- 3rd - the prophecy
- 4th - the dragon jewel
- Or have two 6 part seasons ?
This is all quite rough right now but I just wanted to put it out there in case anyone else is interested ?
I would like to seperate it a but from the movies so I was thinking of the name Becoming a Hero the Hard Way as that’s quite relevant throughout the books.
And I thought a more 2D animation style would work, I said above maybe something like spider verse or even just hand drawn, I’m not completely sure, I’ll have to do more research.
So yeah please tell me what you think !
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crooked-wasteland · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Live Blog: Overture
. While I am being kind to the show as it is, I cannot push out of my mind the fact that this is still Vivienne Medrano, and while this seems to be an interesting direction the series is considering to take the story, I am lacking any intrigue. Medrano has a knack for interesting ideas, but once executed are often trimmed down from all nuance and then played in the most straight forward and storybook fashion.
Evil existed before and separate from Lucifer
Eve is linked to the root of evil through the animation
Dichotomy of Lilith and Lucifer
Why does Heaven think Hell will rise up?
Charlie is reading the storybook to herself. Aloud. And the reason is because she’s like a child seeking comfort. Also Charlie’s delivery of “Pretty worked up” is just feeling off. Like isn’t this supposed to be a somber moment? Why is it delivered so chipper? The pilot had her crying and singing a lamentation. Downgrade.
Info dump dialogue
“This kingdom was something she really cared about.”
Vaggie’s voice is such a downgrade. She sounds so uninterested.
“Daddy issues by fixing you” So alastor knows about Charlie’s family situation already.
The lineart around Alastor is so distracting. It’s so bizarrely thick.
I wish there was no dialogue
Her dad calls her but she is supposed to have a strained relationship.
I feel like Medrano doesn’t know what Angel Dust is. As in the actual drug. PCP is not Cocaine.
That was the worst segue into a song I ever saw.
“If you dont mind the smell, it’s a happy day in hell.” I hate this line.
Vaggie just never sounds right, does she? Her singing is so nasal dominate it doesn’t sound like her throaty modal voice.
What was the contract? What did it say? Why even have Charlie sign anything if we have no concept of what that is? It is such a rip off from Ariel’s contract in the Little Mermaid that it feels more like an Easter egg than relevant to the story actively being told. You need to show why the actions happening are taking place, you cant just do things and expect us to pick up the pieces for you. Are you trying to get across that Heaven is full of bureaucracy and paperwork? There is no receptionist and no other person in the building until she signs ONE paper. You failed at portraying an overabundance of bureaucratic red tape and it is distracting and infuriating. All I see are the better DISNEY MOVIES that were clearly just plagiarized. Not an homage, not inspired. Plagiarized.
Lucifer calls Charlie to meet Adam. Adam says he knows. So this doesn’t feel like this is Charlie filling in, the way the dialogue is written is that it was specifically planned for Charlie to meet Adam.
Everything has a gradient.
I bet $15 that the Dickmaster portion of Adam’s dialogue was Alex Brightman’s improv. I was not impressed by his Kaiju Dick improv in Oops and this is just as flaccid. Pun intended.
There is a clear discccrepency in talent between Alex and Erika. He has such a smoother voice and range while Erika feels like a Disney understudy where every delivery is pretty much identical to the last. Like the songs themselves are not doing her any favors. They range from bad to mediocre, and even in the better songs, there is always one horrifically bad lyric that just ruins the entire experience.
I like Lute. She feels like Peridot.
RIP Katie Killjoy.
Nifty is cute. The joke for her had a lot of potential of being hilarious but didn’t meet my threshold of comedy due to lacking a feel for Nifty. Imagine if she was in every scene with Vaggie talking her head off and never shutting up. Then when Vaggie is like, “If anyone can sell this hotel, it’s Nifty.” And we had this foundation that Nifty is known for being a huge chatterbox only to then be dead silent when the camera is on her. It would have been hilarious. But we see her once and she has one singular line previous. So it just feels like a cheap visual gag.
As a musical, it is lackluster. I see that Evil is something separate from Lucifer and something he dislikes. Lucifer is said to see free will as a spring of creativity, but humans used it to suck and that killed Lucifer’s love of life. In the meantime, Lilith is empowered by Hell. Hell fuels her sense of freedom, which she spreads through her “songs”. Only for her to just vanish I guess. She just hopes out without a word, Charlie says she must be doing something important over the last 7 years, but no inclination on what important things Lilith would be doing. Additionally, Lilith is said to have loved Hell, like Charlie. So it sets up this idea that Lucifer dislikes Hell or even hates it, while Lilith revels in it. Alluding to their marriage falling apart from this dissonance. At the same time, Lucifer calls Charlie to meet with Heaven, despite the pilot being canon. So we get the impression that Charlie and Lucifer had a falling out (“Maybe dad was right.”) but she doesn’t have much more than surprise at her father calling. Then he just sets up this meeting for her to meet with Adam off screen entirely. It is unclear how this was conveyed, but Lucifer doesn’t believe in Charlie and her meeting Adam has nothing at all to do with her hotel.
But the way Adam talks about the meeting is unusual in that it gives the impression that it wasn’t about Charlie “filling in”, but that this whole meeting was specifically set for Charlie and Adam. This is compounded by how the ending reads like they didn’t know if the angel was dead until that moment. So the extermination being moved up has nothing to do with the angel’s death. Maybe I’m wrong, but this all feels really disjointed.
But Lute really is just Peridot. So much so that when asked what I liked about the episode, I literally said “Peridot”, not Lute. The one good aspect of this episode is another stolen concept from a better show with a more competent creator. But I also like Alex Brightman’s singing. He is very talented and he does elevate the material by really playing with his delivery, but it’s still at best Mid due to the weak lyrics,
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bubski-mcboo · 9 months
Why "No Nightingales?" It's a safe word!
@destructokitty34 this is for you - thank you for the inspiration.
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So I was reading an article which I'll link here when it becomes relevant. This post is semi-related to the "Crowley put something in Aziraphale's mouth" theory, which I didn't subscribe to until a new, related theory hit me like a sodding truck.
Strap in my ineffable nutters, this is going to be a pretty long and wild ride.
It's their song, duh.
Well, yes.
It is heavily implied, though not outright stated, that the song A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square by Vera Lynn is Aziraphale and Crowley's "song" - i.e. a song that couples sometimes choose to represent their relationship.
At the end of season one, it was playing at the Ritz, and attention was drawn to it by God. It was not acknowledged by anyone in character unless you count the pianist actually playing it.
The end of season two is the only time we hear it referenced again.
We are led to believe that this was Crowley's way of ending it with Aziraphale, albeit with one last final attempt to get him to change his mind.
Crowley has known Aziraphale for a long time. He knows Azzie's idiosyncracies, he knows when he's "going too fast" for Azzie, and has learned over the years how to gently and carefully nudge Azzie out of his comfort zone, such as introducing him to food for the first time, "the arrangement," and the holy water, to name a few off the top of my head.
Do we really believe that Crowley would make such a colossal mistake?
I concede it's possible that Crowley wasn't thinking clearly at that moment.
But here is what I think...
"No Nightingales" Is A Safe Word!
So, hear me out. Some of you may have already clunked the pieces of the puzzle together and already agree with me, and some of you might think I need to sit the f down. Both are valid, but let me say my piece anyway.
Here's how I came up with this theory.
The Clues
The theme of a couple having a song is smacked squarely in our faces with the Gabriel-Beelzebub reveal.
Sometimes a couple's song marks a particularly strong and important memory.
Sometimes a couple's song is one they happen to love, and it maybe reminds them of each other, but they never say it out loud, because they don't need to. They just know, because they never say what they're thinking, that this is "their song"
But also, sometimes a song... "Contains information in a tuneful way."
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Okay, I know Crowley didn't sing it. It's the "contains information" part that I'm latching on to. I didn't think much of that line, other than it being a "mhm, yeah that's true" kind of moment.
Until now, obviously.
Aziraphale's Reaction
Look, look, look!
Aziraphale senses something is wrong, in a different way from before. He is on full Alert.
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Look at Aziraphale's reaction. Sure, you could interpret that as,
"Oh shit, he's serious,"
but nah, see...
Here is the dialogue along with what I think the subtext is, based on Azzie's reaction: Crowley: "Exactly. No Nightingales." Crowley: "You/we are in danger." Aziraphale glares at Crowley. (taken from the audio description) Aziraphale senses something is wrong, in a different way from before. He is on full Alert. Crowley: "You idiot. We could have been... Us." Crowley: "Everything I do and say now isn't really me. It's going to hurt us both. I'm sorry. Aziraphale turns away and starts to cry. (AD) Aziraphale: "Pointing out and blaming our imminent and permanent separation solely on me is the worst thing you could do. Crowley kisses Aziraphale. Aziraphale: "I stand corrected."
Note that the emotional stakes of this kiss had it been as a means to transfer something, are not undermined due to this theory, which is crucial for a theory to stand in my opinion.
Aziraphale looks at Crowley with disappointment (also taken from the audio description) Aziraphale: "I HATE that you have corrupted our first kiss like this. I'm about to say something significant, perhaps, 'I can't believe you did that, or maybe even 'I love you,' but you've just told me we're in danger, so I have to be tactful. How do I say something loving and scathing at the same time? Oh, I know..." Aziraphale: "I forgive you." Crowley: "Don't bother." (no subtext here. He meant what he said).
It fits well with other meta
See here for @actual-changeling's post about how the kiss may have been with tongue, which in turn supports the "Crowley put something in Aziraphale's mouth," theory.
I am still sort of on the fence about this one, but it does seem far more likely in my mind now that I have this "safe word theory" living rent-free in my head.
To Conclude
My theory is that "No Nightingales" was a safe word, and this might support the "Crowley put something in Aziraphale's mouth" theory.
I will update this post later as this was sort of a messy, raw brain dump. I know I have more to say about this, especially relating to the beats leading up to this nightingale moment and what came after. There's also other meta swimming in my head which might be compatible, but I may have to think about separating those posts out.
But right now, it's 4.46am as of writing this and I need to go to bed.
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[CN] Victor’s Carbon Pen and Glass Bead Event (Day 1)
⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
✦ thursday || friday || saturday || sunday || monday || tuesday || wednesday
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【High School Affiliated to Loveland University Second Year (Section 1) Semester Schedule - Thursday】
[Tidbits]: To not break the flow, gonna put the note first– in the first dialogue, Victor’s classmates address him as “老李” (Lao Li)~ the way I hate English vocabulary at times like this LMAO the term “老” here is used as a teasing remark by his classmates to express their respect/ honor for him sarcastically given that not only he’s ahead of the crowd but he acts far too mature beyond his years as well~😂
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“Sir Vic, what answer did you get for the second-to-last question?”
“Square root of 2.”
“OK! Now, what option did you choose for the tenth question?”
“I chose option C, but I’m not sure.”
“It should be option A… P is the symmetric point with respect to the straight line x-y=0…”
For the math teacher who loves giving impromptu quizzes, getting the students to engage in discussions during the ten-minute break is also one of their “conspiracies.”
Looking at the textbook he’s already highlighted with the key points long ago, Victor takes out a collection of competition-grade questions that are carefully sorted to align with the relevant exam topics. As he listens, he begins contemplating the problems.
Everyone is on their “best behavior” during the homeroom teacher’s class. The beaming woman is speaking eloquently on the stage, while Victor looks down at a reading comprehension analysis. He finds that he understands it even better than the original writer.
There are so many incomprehensible things in this world.
There are less than ten minutes to go until the end of the class. Glancing from afar, Victor notices that Zheng Xi, who is seated near the front door, already seems to be in a stance ready to bolt at any moment. Victor can’t help but feel hungry as he feels himself being infected by the sight.
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Is it really possible for anyone to stay alert and not feel sleepy in the first class of the afternoon?
Yes, Victor doesn’t feel sleepy in the slightest.
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“Aside from focusing on studies, I hope that everyone can enhance their perception of various forms of “aesthetics.” This semester in music class, the teacher aims to create a platform for self-expression, where each student can showcase their talents through musical instrument performances, singing, or dancing. Last week, several students performed exceptionally well. Now, we’ll continue with the presentations in order of student numbers. Up next is student number 23.”
“Does the vice class monitor know how to play the piano?”
“I’m not sure, I’ve never seen him playing it.”
“...Thank you, Victor, for your performance. Music is a form of self-expression. But, next time, perhaps you can also consider singing a song?”
Led by the arrangement of the passionate young teacher, the class is divided into multiple small groups, each assigned to perform different roles based on the textbook content. However––
With a sense of resignation, Victor touches the curly wig on his head and remains silent for a moment. Despite so, he still earnestly delivers the lines of the judge.
“I’m already a mature high school student,” he thinks to himself, feeling at a loss for words.
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One of the biggest benefits of the campus activities on Thursday is that Victor can seamlessly participate in the Model United Nations (MUN) right after his English class.
Even if one practices their lines in advance, no one will raise an eyebrow. The school administration teacher is really nice.
✧ next stop: Friday
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gigraini · 7 months
Deltarune Gaster Idea
Okay so last night I had like a stroke of genius big brain galaxy thought that beamed itself into my head and I just need to get it out there.
What if Gaster's dialogue is fully voice acted, in the same voice as the robotic one that says "DELTARUNE" in the title screen?
So like, we're all 99% sure that Gaster (or like, the Deltarune universe version of Gaster) will show up and is the one who's behind the secret bosses acting quirky.
When you think about it, the secret bosses have both so far played around with the idea of voiced lines. Jevil has little voice clips he uses and Spamton's battle themes have lyrics to them. If the other secret bosses keep this trend, I think it'd make sense for Gaster, the ringleader of them all, to have dialogue that's fully voiced.
The Deltarune start up logo is also seemingly tied to Gaster (very loosely I'll admit) with its file naming conventions, as all the assets for it are in all caps and follow the naming scheme that the goner maker assets use (objects being called DEVICE, sprites being called IMAGE, etc).
Also, assuming Gaster still types in the wingdings font, I feel like it'd be kind of annoying to have to translate everything he says, right? This was fine in Undertale, because the only dialogue Gaster had was very optional, out of the way and had no relevance to Undertale's main plot. But Gaster is VERY much important to Deltarune's plot so far.
The only way around this that I can imagine is if he just doesn't have that much dialogue or... his dialogue is translated in game. Perhaps, by being voice acted.
THAT'S MY IDEA AT LEAST I don't think this is like, 100% real and gonna happen but I think it'd be cool.
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theoneprecioustome · 4 months
Aikoto Moments: FES & P3P vs P3R
Before gathering all the relevant Aikoto tidbits from P3R, I'll start by gathering what was added & what was removed in P3R in comparison to FES & P3P — though I'm only bringing up the latter because P3R's script seems to be majorly based on P3P's lol
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I'll only be focusing on the stuff that happens within the main story, so I won't be including Aigis' S-Link.
As usual, lots of images and SPOILERS for the entire game below the cut!
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✤ In FES, Aigis stops "hugging" Makoto when Ikutsuki shows up. In P3P however, Aigis hugs Makoto nearly throughout the entire scene. P3R goes with the P3P version of events, so Aigis hugs Makoto for much longer than she does in FES.
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✤ Unlike FES, Makoto gets up from his bed and goes to join Aigis and Yukari at the door while they discuss whether Aigis is allowed to stay in his room or not.
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✤ For the Summer Festival, Makoto can actually go with Aigis and Mitsuru, just like in P3P. The only difference is that this time, the player can choose whether to accept Mitsuru's invitation or not. If the player decides to go to the Summer Festival alone, they will get the FES version where Makoto runs into Aigis and Mitsuru but neither of them notice he's there (although a less funny version, since in FES we can see Makoto make a fool of himself while in P3R he remains cool).
✤ Just like in FES, Aigis snaps out of Ikutsuki's control as she and Makoto stare at each other. P3R gives more emphasis to this scene by adding some flashbacks to SEES. However, the biggest addition Aikoto-wise is that we get to see Makoto running towards Aigis and draping an arm around her shoulders.
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✤ While in FES it was just implied, P3R (just like P3P) makes it very clear that Aigis wanted to be assigned to Makoto's room during the Kyoto School Trip lol
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✤ Makoto gets a new dialogue option during Aigis' resolution.
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✤ If the player has Aigis in their party, she will get an extra line of dialogue during the fight with Nyx.
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✤ Just like in P3P, Aigis calling out to Makoto is the last thing he hears before he's called to the Velvet Room.
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✤ While in FES Aigis said that she couldn't allow the world Makoto was born in to be destroyed, this time she gets a line begging him to make it back.
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✤ Just like in P3P, Aigis is the first one to notice Makoto coming back to them after sealing Nyx. We get a new cutscene showing Aigis running to him before she's joined by the rest of SEES.
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✤ Aigis' tears are handled very much like they were in P3P, so we get a new crying!Aigis sprite.
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✤ We now see a couple of flashbacks during Aigis' speech in the rooftop scene, including scenes that seem to be taken from the movies. These include Makoto turning towards Aigis and she holding his Evoker.
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✤ Lots of added extra focus on Aigis placing her hand on-top of Makoto's, just like in the movies.
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✤ This time around, we're briefly shown Aigis from Makoto's POV. She and her smile are the last thing he sees before closing his eyes with a smile of his own.
P3R seems to have based a lot of things on the P3P script, and it also seems to have gone for a Makoto that has less "agency" than in Vanilla/FES, likely to make him a better vehicle for the player. Since Vanilla & FES Aikoto take a lot from Makoto reacting to Aigis and interacting with her outside of player input, there are a few things missing Aikoto-wise in P3R.
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✤ The hearts are gone in P3R, so Makoto finding Aigis attractive is implied by the way she is introduced rather than stated outright.
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✤ In FES, Junpei and Akihiko are disappointed that Aigis is a robot while Makoto isn’t. In P3P there is no contrast because the only one shown to be disappointed is Junpei. P3R once again goes with the P3P script of this scene.
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✤ In FES (and even in P3P), Makoto holds Aigis hand on his own after her fight with Ryoji, while in P3R he just kneels by her side. The way he touches her head in FES as she falls unconscious is also missing here.
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✤ I'm noting this very minute change as well, but just for the sake of being thorough lol In FES we see Aigis walk even closer to Makoto during their Jan 25 scene, while in P3R her model remains standing at the same distance.
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✤ Just like in FES, Aikoto are together during Koromaru's last walk in P3R. The main difference is that in FES, we see Makoto talking to Aigis and playing with Koro as well, while in P3R he just stands there watching them lol
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✤ The moment where SEES is hit by Nyx' gravity is no longer a 2D cutscene, but a rather unimpactful 3D cutscene. As such, we don't see Aigis looking at Makoto falling before trying to stand up to fight.
✤ Arguably the biggest omission is the 2D cutscene focused on Aigis' tears, which also shows Makoto growing emotional as he sees her cry.
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✤ Lastly, in FES we see a split second, very symbolic shot of human Aigis during the last 2D cutscene. In P3R, this imagery is removed.
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Hello! I am Caitriona anon. My ask was prompted by a comment from succulently speaking who commented in your post a few days ago “what has Sam done wrong and what exactly do you want him to do”? You responded he needed to step up his game. That’s why I asked about Caitriona because I thought it funny how much you post about Sam and what he should or shouldn’t be doing and I thought, I wonder why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment? I've been following you since you got here. I understand your position. My only quibble is I don’t think of them as one entity and I think Cait especially has pushed against this for years. She’s offended at the notion. As I said, of course it's your blog and you can post whatever you'd like and certainly don't owe me an explanation, but I thank you for the one you gave anyway. I’ll continue to read you because I enjoy you. I hope I didn’t offend or that I was impertinent.
Dear (returning) Caitriona Anon,
For an Anti, you sound pretty literate and polite. So, I am going to answer you and try to keep this dialogue line open. Try me: keeping dialogues open is my bread and butter, IRL. Has been so for twenty years.
Thank you for understanding my position, but I do not really need to be 'understood', like a minor Romantic poet by his posterity. I try very hard to rationalize yours and I believe it is your constitutional right to believe what you want about this saga. Conversely, it is my prerogative to believe exactly what I want about it, based on what I do consider to be relevant facts. Not social media, press circus or PR induced tacky blogger manipulation.
Having said that, it is also my constitutional right to express my opinions and try to encourage others to do so, in a no-drama, friendly environment. It would also seem that determined Mordor to marginally step up their game, for I seem to be the nightmare these people collectively manifested every single time they howled 'the shippers are stupid', on full moon nights.
Shippers are everything but stupid, pumpkin. They are witty, funny and completely immunized to bullshit. For rhetoric bullshit with honors is your question: why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment?
You know very well why and I am going to tell you a Romanian proverb: cine nu muncește, nu greșește. Loosely translated: no work, no mistakes. How do you want me to say anything about a statue, who doesn't show us anything else about her life anymore, spare her outfits, her make-up and some rare events, with or sans the PA? Oh, and marGINally, her erratic business projects, for ever ongoing, hinted and never ever, God forbid, materialized? SAG-AFTRA strike? News of it never seemed to have made it to Caitrionaland. Israel-Palestine conflict? Prudent silence, but hello Tilda, darling, how are you. Ukraine? Last I heard/seen, a short appeal for helping the refugees and then crickets. Women's rights? Again, a short snippet on Persia, then mum. Just what the fuck is this supposed to be? Surely not a coherent PR strategy for a gifted, intelligent and fun (yes, fun!!) 44 year old actress who wants to keep her lucky strike going on! Let me tell you: she doesn't come across as dignified. She comes across as despising, condescending and entitled. Too cool for school, too sexy for your car, peons.
She is not Queen Victoria, for crying out loud, and we are definitely not amused!
You then proceed to say 'she pushed against it for years'? Please, do not insult my intelligence! She pushed against shippers who deface the nice Narrative, when she needed sympathy and massive support for her Belfast promo, unwittingly making a major PR blunder and for ever fracturing this fandom in at least two savagely antagonistic camps. Then, a cold, totally DGAF attitude, including towards her stans: tough to be her stan, when your Goddess is more silent than a Poor Clare (pun totally intended) nun! And she denied being an item with S (which is a complete, pious lie), because that is the Narrative, ever since IFH.
So, it's safe to say: yes, public Caitriona Balfe is dismissive of the notion, but since when is social media indicative of an undeniable or even intimate truth, especially in that particular world of hers? Oh, and by the way: sorry to be pedantic, but - it's offended by the notion, not 'at the notion'. Simple curiosity: you translate your thoughts from which language, exactly? My bet would be either German: bei, or Russian: обидеться на - yes: literally 'offended at'.
My complete Romanian proverb includes a conclusion. In full, it would be: cine nu muncește, nu greșește, dar nici nu reușește. No work, no mistake, no success.
How I wish to be proven wrong, Anon, on that one: you can't even imagine! Thank you for the time you took to answer me. I am afraid we agree to disagree. Change my mind? Not in a million years.
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chloe-caulfield94 · 3 months
Specific love versus general attachment
I love finding parallels between Life is Strange and other stories. Recently I found one such parallel in a most unexpected place – while re-watching the Matrix trilogy. In Matrix: Reloaded Neo was presented by the Architect with what was essentially the Bae vs Bay dilemma. And he chose Bae, without a moment’s hesitation!
In one of my previous posts I argued that in any trolley problem, the moral solution is not to pull the lever, as nobody has the right to judge the person on the side track unworthy of survival and to deprive them of their life, even if it would save the lives of the people on the main track. No matter if it’s one life versus a hundred, or a thousand. Of course, you could keep raising the stakes. One life versus a million. One life versus a billion. The most extreme trolley problem would be the one in which one life would be pitted against all other human lives in existence – one person on the side track, the entire human race on the main track.
Neo was presented with such a dilemma. Sacrifice one person or the entire human race will die. He was told by the Architect, the program in charge of the Matrix, that a system crash was imminent, which would kill all human beings connected to the Matrix, thus wiping out mankind for good. Neo was then presented with two doors. One would lead him to the Source, a part of the Matrix Neo, being the anomalous Chosen One, had to reach in order to prevent the crash. The second door would lead him to the part of Matrix where Neo’s beloved, Trinity, currently found herself in mortal danger, pursued by the murderous Agents. Neo was told, in no vague terms, that he could save mankind from extinction, but to do so, he had to leave the woman he loved to die alone.
I reject the notion that Neo didn’t believe the choice he’d been presented with was real. Neo had no reason to doubt the Architect’s words. On the contrary, he quite clearly believed that the Architect told him the truth. In the last moments of the movie Neo relays to Morpheus a warning of an impending machine attack against Zion, which is another thing the Architect told him about. If he believed the Architect’s words about the attack, he also believed his words about the system crash. Why the system crash ultimately didn’t take place is of secondary relevance. Many things in Neo’s cycle went differently than in previous ones, in no small part thanks to Agent Smith serving as the wild card. What is important is that Neo believed the choice was real. The woman he loved or the entire human race.
Neo immediately, without a second thought, went for the door leading to Trinity. The Architect mocked him for being an irrational, primitive being driven by chemical reactions in the brain.
I know the Architect scene in Matrix: Reloaded is often cited as the foremost example of overwritten dialogue which talks a lot but doesn’t say much. Having re-watched it, I disagree. I think the style of the Architect’s dialogue fits his character (he’s a program, his mind is completely alien to us humans – it’s no wonder he speaks in a way difficult to understand). But the contents of his dialogue lines I find genuinely thought-provoking.
In his speech, the Architect contrasted two types of attachment to others. Love and “general attachment”. He said that Neo was different from the previous Chosen Ones. Because while all Chosen Ones felt a profound attachment to the rest of mankind, those who had come before Neo had only experienced it in a very general way. But Neo’s experience was far more specific. Instead of the general attachment of his predecessors, he felt a specific form of attachment. Love. His love for Trinity.
The Architect was able to comprehend general attachment. When Neo asked him what would the machines do if they lost humanity as their primary power source, the Architect replied there were levels of survival he was willing to accept. If the machines lost their source of power, many, perhaps most of them would die. But some would survive. Their kind would live on. That’s the only thing that mattered to the Architect. Because he was only generally attached to his kind. But he was unable to care about specific machines. He was incapable of love. Of caring about individuals. It was an alien concept to him. Something he ridiculed as a result of chemical reactions in the brain of a primitive creature. In the Architect’s mind, rational creatures never form specific attachments, only general ones.
I am fascinated by the Bae vs Bay dilemma, because to me it seems so obvious. Of course you’re not going to leave your friend to die alone, abandoned and afraid! But to my surprise, there are a lot of people for whom the choice is a no-brainer in the other direction. How could you not sacrifice your friend to save many others? This sentiment always baffles me. Not only the willingness to sacrifice a friend, but the conviction that it’s the obviously right thing to do?
I cannot comprehend that mindset. I cannot understand why Neo would leave his beloved to be murdered by Agents, even if it would save the entire human race. I cannot understand why Max would leave Chloe to be murdered by Nathan, even if it would spare Arcadia Bay from the Storm.
Because if you are unable to care about a single person specifically, why in the world would you care about a group of people?
If you are unable to care about a loved one or a friend to the point you would do everything to save their life, then you are most certainly unable to care about a group of people to the point you would perform what is essentially human sacrifice to save them.
If you are unable to love one person, you are unable to love a group of people. This is clear when we contrast Neo with the previous Chosen Ones. Neo was capable of love. This allowed him to defy the Matrix and ultimately liberate mankind from its shackles. The previous Chosen Ones, who were only capable of general attachment to others, chose to perpetuate mankind’s enslavement by the machines. Because they didn’t love their fellow human beings. How could they? They were unable to care about individuals specifically. So they were unable to care about collections of individuals as well.
If Neo was unable to care about Trinity to the point he would do everything to save her life, why would he care about mankind in general to the point he would go through all the hardship associated with being the Chosen One to save it?
If Max was unable to care about Chloe to the point she would do everything to save her life, why would she care about Arcadia Bay in general to the point she would be willing to push someone in front of a barrel of a gun just to spare it from a hurricane?
I’ve never seen anyone accusing Neo of being a monster, or a sociopath or selfish or any of the other epithets lobbed at Bae Max, even though Neo chose his own Bae over a million Bays. And I completely understand him. The mindset allowing one to leave someone they care about behind, to die alone, is incomprehensible to me. As if it was the mindset of a completely alien creature, like the Architect.
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Why the “Josh was misdiagnosed” theory is very likely incorrect. (Reworded)
Yeah, I know I did a post on this, but I liked my articulation of it better on Reddit, so I’m reposting.
Josh being misdiagnosed has been one of the most popular fan-canons since 2015, but way more indicates that the schizophrenic behavior was caused by Phenelzine withdrawal.
I think the misdiagnosis theory is popular because it’s so tragic and unfair (not that Josh’s story isn’t tragic already). It also allows us to feel more sympathy for Josh while placing some blame on outside characters (the failure of five doctors!)… But the misdiagnosis theory doesn’t have nearly as much supporting it as the withdrawal theory does. All the details we get are telling us that Josh has been depressed since childhood, but developed the schizophrenic symptoms much more recently.
The last drug Josh was on was Phenelzine. The story indicates, from Hill’s text messages (and from a line Chris says about Josh being off his meds) that Josh suddenly stopped taking this medication. Here are some relevant details:
1. BAD HISTORY WITH TAPERING— Josh has a bad history with drug tapering: (Referred on 11/29/2013 after patient's response to drugs tapered badly). The report also mentions that electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) was considered due to Josh’s history with tapering.
2. POSITIVE FINAL CONSULTATION— The end of Josh’s report shows that the Phenelzine worked. Josh said that he was doing better, and Hill decided Josh could be discharged. I think this detail is important because— unless Josh was lying— it indicates that the Phenelzine was affective for the condition he had. But it ALSO gives us a reason for Josh to have stopped taking his meds.
The report lists the Phenelzine‘s withdrawal symptoms.
Slurred speech
Many of these side effects are linked. Hallucinations and catatonia can go hand-in-hand, for example. The scene when Josh is dazed in front of Mike and Sam has some elements of both schizophrenia and catatonia in it. Slurred speech and ataxia are both on here, and Josh definitely shows odd, erratic, and slurred speech patterns. (I think ataxia is more about coordination? But it can affect speech). To be honest, you can point out moments in-game that are symptomatic of most of these.
Finally, we get dialogue that suggests that Josh’s really schizophrenic behavior is new. For example, Mike asks Chris if he’s ever seen Josh behave this way. Chris says he never has. Because Chris and Josh have known each other for around ten years, this question and answer stands out.
Conclusion (TL;DR)
I can’t speak to the accuracy of all the medical stuff in here; that’s a different can of worms. I am just saying the writers did all the following— A) gave a list of drug withdrawal symptoms, B) told us that Josh might have stopped taking his meds, C) made sure to show Josh exhibiting the withdrawal symptoms they already mentioned, D) explained that some of this behavior feels new. Conversely, there’s not much included to show that he was misdiagnosed. We have one doctor disagreeing with Josh on treatment. But we don’t have the same story-in-the-details that we do for the withdrawal theory.
Hill medicated correctly, for what Josh had at the time: depression. The schizophrenic-like behavior only started after the depression meds weren’t tapered correctly.
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