#well not quite
theoneprecioustome · 2 months
Aikoto Moments: FES & P3P vs P3R
Before gathering all the relevant Aikoto tidbits from P3R, I'll start by gathering what was added & what was removed in P3R in comparison to FES & P3P — though I'm only bringing up the latter because P3R's script seems to be majorly based on P3P's lol
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I'll only be focusing on the stuff that happens within the main story, so I won't be including Aigis' S-Link.
As usual, lots of images and SPOILERS for the entire game below the cut!
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✤ In FES, Aigis stops "hugging" Makoto when Ikutsuki shows up. In P3P however, Aigis hugs Makoto nearly throughout the entire scene. P3R goes with the P3P version of events, so Aigis hugs Makoto for much longer than she does in FES.
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✤ Unlike FES, Makoto gets up from his bed and goes to join Aigis and Yukari at the door while they discuss whether Aigis is allowed to stay in his room or not.
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✤ For the Summer Festival, Makoto can actually go with Aigis and Mitsuru, just like in P3P. The only difference is that this time, the player can choose whether to accept Mitsuru's invitation or not. If the player decides to go to the Summer Festival alone, they will get the FES version where Makoto runs into Aigis and Mitsuru but neither of them notice he's there (although a less funny version, since in FES we can see Makoto make a fool of himself while in P3R he remains cool).
✤ Just like in FES, Aigis snaps out of Ikutsuki's control as she and Makoto stare at each other. P3R gives more emphasis to this scene by adding some flashbacks to SEES. However, the biggest addition Aikoto-wise is that we get to see Makoto running towards Aigis and draping an arm around her shoulders.
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✤ While in FES it was just implied, P3R (just like P3P) makes it very clear that Aigis wanted to be assigned to Makoto's room during the Kyoto School Trip lol
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✤ Makoto gets a new dialogue option during Aigis' resolution.
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✤ If the player has Aigis in their party, she will get an extra line of dialogue during the fight with Nyx.
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✤ Just like in P3P, Aigis calling out to Makoto is the last thing he hears before he's called to the Velvet Room.
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✤ While in FES Aigis said that she couldn't allow the world Makoto was born in to be destroyed, this time she gets a line begging him to make it back.
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✤ Just like in P3P, Aigis is the first one to notice Makoto coming back to them after sealing Nyx. We get a new cutscene showing Aigis running to him before she's joined by the rest of SEES.
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✤ Aigis' tears are handled very much like they were in P3P, so we get a new crying!Aigis sprite.
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✤ We now see a couple of flashbacks during Aigis' speech in the rooftop scene, including scenes that seem to be taken from the movies. These include Makoto turning towards Aigis and she holding his Evoker.
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✤ Lots of added extra focus on Aigis placing her hand on-top of Makoto's, just like in the movies.
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✤ This time around, we're briefly shown Aigis from Makoto's POV. She and her smile are the last thing he sees before closing his eyes with a smile of his own.
P3R seems to have based a lot of things on the P3P script, and it also seems to have gone for a Makoto that has less "agency" than in Vanilla/FES, likely to make him a better vehicle for the player. Since Vanilla & FES Aikoto take a lot from Makoto reacting to Aigis and interacting with her outside of player input, there are a few things missing Aikoto-wise in P3R.
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✤ The hearts are gone in P3R, so Makoto finding Aigis attractive is implied by the way she is introduced rather than stated outright.
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✤ In FES, Junpei and Akihiko are disappointed that Aigis is a robot while Makoto isn’t. In P3P there is no contrast because the only one shown to be disappointed is Junpei. P3R once again goes with the P3P script of this scene.
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✤ In FES (and even in P3P), Makoto holds Aigis hand on his own after her fight with Ryoji, while in P3R he just kneels by her side. The way he touches her head in FES as she falls unconscious is also missing here.
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✤ I'm noting this very minute change as well, but just for the sake of being thorough lol In FES we see Aigis walk even closer to Makoto during their Jan 25 scene, while in P3R her model remains standing at the same distance.
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✤ Just like in FES, Aikoto are together during Koromaru's last walk in P3R. The main difference is that in FES, we see Makoto talking to Aigis and playing with Koro as well, while in P3R he just stands there watching them lol
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✤ The moment where SEES is hit by Nyx' gravity is no longer a 2D cutscene, but a rather unimpactful 3D cutscene. As such, we don't see Aigis looking at Makoto falling before trying to stand up to fight.
✤ Arguably the biggest omission is the 2D cutscene focused on Aigis' tears, which also shows Makoto growing emotional as he sees her cry.
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✤ Lastly, in FES we see a split second, very symbolic shot of human Aigis during the last 2D cutscene. In P3R, this imagery is removed.
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celebrimborium · 1 year
go towards goodness (elrond, gen)
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Ok, so the people have spoken (thanks @ everyone who commented on my previous post, y’all are sweet!). Here it is. I decided to post this little thing I wrote and also share it here because... well, why not? Enjoy!
Dynamics: Elrond & Galadriel, Elrond & Gil-galad, Elrond & Durin IV, Elrond/Celebrían (minor) ... just, uhm, Elrond & everyone
Rating: T
Words: 17230
Summary: Everyone dies. Elrond lives. (That’s it. That’s the story. Except–)
Read on AO3
She finds him near the sea, adrift and awake. They later say he tried to swim. But neither foam nor night will carry him where he wants to go. Where he wants to follow.
Galadriel wraps a blanket around his shivering shoulders and together they watch the rise of the sun. She, the warrior in her resplendent armour, and he, the Half-elven boy.
The sound of slaughter diminishes around them. It is over. And yet. Soldiers roam the shores, in search of something, their torches alight in the dark. Will it ever be over?
They will sing of this, later. By the Mouths of Sirion. Where the rivers of blood run deep.
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little-red-hunk · 7 months
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And that’s pretty much it.
I know it’s literally been a year since I’ve updated Pliability but I have been trying to work on it. I’m not anywhere near close to posting anything but the most recent chapter has a word count of about 2k so far.
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chelleinyy · 8 months
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I wanna talk about them, like
They have been on my mind for so long which made me write a 2/3 angst fic about them
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If Nyx was raised in Insomnia, would he still complete the First Hunt of clan Ulric? Or would he be an Utris or even Nameless in that au?
He would most likely be Nameless.
He would refuse to take the First Hunt of Clan Utris, not wanting to have anything to do with them for what the Clan Head did to his mother.
And the spirits would not guide him through the Ulric First Hunt because he is too closely connected to the Lucis Caelum part of his line.
In this au, Selena would earn herself the name Ulric.
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notreallyfrance · 25 days
every time im not online i most certainly cry when listening to musicals like....come from away's opening song is so emotional...literally.... 'Welcome to the land where the winter tried to kill us And we said, "We will not be killed!" Welcome to the land where the waters tried to drown us And we said, "We will not be drowned" Welcome to the land where we lost our loved ones And we said, "We will still go on!" Welcome to the land where the wind tried to blow! And we said, "No!"'
LIKE WHAT WHY AM I CRYING 'I'm in the library I'm in the staff room And I turn on the radio'
AWWWWWW why WHY IS THIS SO EMOTIONAL HOW CAN THIS SLAP ME IN THE FACE ITS NORMAL WORDS 'You are here at the start of a moment On the edge of the world Where the river meets the sea Here on the edge of the Atlantic On an island in between There and here' STOP I FEEL HELPLESS IM LEVITATING IN THE AIR AND RETHINGKING MY LIFE CHOICES!! 'Where our story starts It's my first day at the station Where we'll end the night I'm gettin' coffee for the picket line Where we know by heart Five minutes 'til my smoke break Every single flight I'm off to work at the airport' THIS IS OUTRIGHT SCARY!!! and tense,and panic and everything AND AHJASHJHDSAJJHDSAKJSHDGSHJA
'Welcome to the fog Welcome to the trees To the ocean and the sky And whatever's in between To the ones who've left You're never truly gone A candle's in the window And the kettle's always on When the sun is coming up
And the world has come ashore If you're hoping for a harbor Then you'll find an open door In the winter, from the water Through whatever's in the way To the ones who have come from away' and here,ladies and gentlemen,is where i die. right. now. fuck.
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lesbian-cannibals · 2 months
I’m like Will Graham if he was happy
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the-punforgiven · 3 months
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*Oneshots your tanks*
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bisexualbaker · 10 months
Okay, who gave me crabs ♥🦀♥
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spicygambles · 1 year
soon :D
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worldsworstvampire · 2 years
my friend said that jason looks like he's 19 and 54 at the exact same time and you don't know how hard i giggled. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM, HES SO HEHDHDH HE MAKES ME GIGGLE SI MUCH
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maelstroem-of-love · 1 year
hello friend I hope you're doing good! *hands you this*
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I'm doing dandy, thank you.
I'll eat that...
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heck, I really like beans
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quodekash · 1 year
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bellatrixmalfoy · 1 year
She was itching for her wand, in fact she was surprised she wasn’t currently gripping it. That sparks weren’t flying off the tip of it just from the rage swimming in her veins. Nothing was stopping her and yet she remained as if petrified. Hardly blinking, hardly breathing, the tremble she felt through her whole body only visible in her hands; which were clenched so hard she could feel her long nails digging deep into her palms.
Bellatrix had to think before she acted, and she hated doing that.
Her father was not going to change his mind, he did as she’d asked—in his opinion—and for her to change her mind after he’d made the deal would be out of the question. Bella knew that. She knew too well the way in which Rodolphus slithered his way to her fathers study and spoke of how Bellatrix would never expect the great Cygnus black to bend to his daughters will, so he was here to do so in her stead. He would then confess with a timid sigh that yes, they were courting and for bellas sake and only hers, he felt it was his duty to ask for her hand, as he would not bear to see her name slandered if betrothed to anyone else.
Cygnus Black wasn’t stupid, he was aware of his daughters determination to destroy their good reputation. The list of things shed done that a woman, let alone one of her status, should never do was enough to drive Cygnus to madness. He also learned long enough ago to leave her be, as it would only get worse if he interfered. He knew from multiple sources that Rodolphus was indeed seen with Bellatrix, though these allegations had diminished in frequency as of late.
Despite the arrogant deception dripping from the boy’s tone, Cygnus had no reason to think he was being untruthful. He was reluctant, but agreed to speak to his wife nonetheless. The boy seemed satisfied enough with that and seemed all too eager to leave and spread the news—Cygnus never understood the need these children had to do the work of common gossips.
Bella knew this. She knew Lucius would’ve been the first to be told. Rodolphus wouldn’t dare to tell her—he’s got a shit defence against her hexes. Moreover he knew she wouldn’t be able to react the way she wanted to if her father was the one to tell her. He wanted her to know he had her and she wouldn’t be able to break away from him this time. Betrothals are final, they’re not up for negotiation—the fact that their generation has been given the grace to not be sealed to someone since birth was considered a revolution. She didn’t even think to ask if it had been finalised, there was no way it wasn’t all done.
What can she do? What were her options? She didn’t know.
First things first though.
Her hand snapped to her wand, immediately pointing to the door, placing upon it all the silencing charms she knew. She sucked in a deep breath, and screamed, Bella felt the discomfort in her throat before she was done with the first one. Yet her screams continued, her hands clawed for something, anything to rip from the walls, to break with her bare hands to at least fantasise it was Rodolphus’ smug face. Her nails dug through the furniture, the walls, little glass ornaments shattered into a pile of chunks on the precious rug her mother always boasted about.
She couldn’t explain how she ended up on the floor, much less when she has started to sob instead of scream. But her cries ripped through her, her hands clutching her chest as if to keep it from shattering too, the sound of it causing an ugly echo on the stone walls. Bella could hardly see through the tears spilling from her eyes, nor breathe through her choked sobs.
She hated it. She was not this witch. She was Bellatrix fucking Black, she was not this powerless woman. She didn’t know what she was going to do, but she knew it had to be something. She wasn’t marrying Rodolphus, she would be dragged to Azkaban kicking and screaming before that happened. If thats what it took, so be it.
Bella stood and took in a long, hoarse breath; no more of this.
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notabled-noodle · 2 years
mentally begging someone to send me something mean so that I can “no chutzpah” them
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ruporas · 27 days
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dragon meat, you, and me
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