#but someone EXPLAIN!!! AMERICA EXPLAIN!!!!!
diazsdimples 14 hours
Bucktommy rwrb au?
Do not shoot me but I haven't seen or read rwrb 馃 so I'm coming up with this purely based off Vibes鈩笍
Thomas Kinard is the son of the President of the United States of America, and a complete failure in the eyes of his father. He is sent to the United Kingdom to be the USA's representative at the wedding of Princess Madeline Buckley, mostly so his father can get him out of his hair for a while.
The day before the wedding, Tommy meets Prince Evan Buckley, the disgraced youngest son of the King and Queen. Tommy's first introduction with the young Prince does not go well, as he views Evan to be quite pretentious and naive. He tasks his bodyguard, Eddie Diaz, with finding out as much about the Buckley family as possible.
Before Eddie can report back, Tommy and Evan find themselves alone in the library together. Evan seems far less uptight now that's he's not around his parents, and eagerly asks Tommy about the United States. His enthusiasm is adorable and Tommy finds himself softening towards the young Prince.
Tommy and Evan find one another at the wedding and end up hooking up in an empty room. Someone photographs them exiting the room, disheveled and clearly post-fuck, and its in the papers the next morning. Tommy's father calls in a fury, telling his son to fix it before he comes home. Tommy find a distraught Evan, who's parents have threatened to disown him, and tries to calm him down. Eddie has explained the Buckley family sceret to Tommy so he understands Evan's fear. He suggests they put on a front as partners so Evan can come to the USA and escape his parents.
Tommy and Evan make a public announcement a day later, announcing their "relationship" to the world. Evan comes back to the USA with Tommy and Tommy begins to show Evan around the country, watching as Evan finds his freedom. They continue to fake date, just for appearances initially, but as their friendship grows, Tommy realises he's falling for the guy. He finally works up the courage and asks Evan out when they're on top of the Empire State Building in New York City.
Send me a ship and an AU and I'll tell you 5 things that happens!!
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slutdge 3 days
yall remember that time someone got SO WORKED UP in my anons cause my sludge metal playlist was too "american-centric" and i had to gently explain that the country a genre is invented and founded in (especially an underground genre) is gonna have the highest concentration of bands from that genre and I wasn't spotlighting american sludge on purpose its just that.... yeah my sludge recs are gonna be a lot of american bands. cause america is the country with the highest concentration of sludge bands. cause thats where it originates from. am i crazy or should that be like common sense. american-centricism is a problem with a lot of things no doubt and i hate it too but like this one feels like its not american centricism its just... how music works...
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fanficfish 3 days
explaining Hetalia character badly: highschool edition
Honestly this is prob just gonna be "if Hetlaia was MHA" but bigger and mixed with some American archtypes lol....just imagine they're in some weird highschool anime!
this is the same format as my Family Reunion explaining post. i'm just make this a tag.
also not affiliated with W Academy!
Germany: Class Prez. Who you watched struggle with the milk carton from the cafeteria. And the vending machine dispenser.
N. Italy: The class idiot. Every good class has one, you don't know how they're here but OH GOSH WHEN DID HE LEARN TO USE A SCYTHE LIKE THAT-
S. Italy: The one in the back of the class that gets surprisingly decent grades but also has a potty mouth. You know who I'm talking about.
America: Thinks he's the main character.
Canada: Knows he's not the main character.
Estonia: Is the main character and doesn't realize it until he realizes he's in a love triangle, keeps adopting random animals off the street, has an archnemesis that actively tries to murder him, and somehow survives things he definitely shouldn't have survived.
Lithuania: The one with the highest GPA but everyone thought he was a delinquent.
Latvia: The one with the second-highest GPA that everyone knows is a delinquent. Mostly because he was selling test answers out of the janitor's closet.
Russia: The school bully every good school has.
Belarus: The popular girl every school has that can't decide if she likes the "main character" or not.
China: The guy that acts like he's actually 70 and not 17.
Japan: The quiet kid that knows everyone's dark secrets.
France: Of course he's the obligatory French dude in the Japanese anime. Actually what's up with that? Seriously, all the big amines have either a French guy or a super short person (the best ones have both)....
Lichenstein: She's the short one.
Switzerland: Aaaaaand there's the one in the corrner of the cafeteria scheming how to make the most out of the Job Fair.
Austria: That one weird kid that's got a full ride to Juliard and is the reason why your underfunded school has a MUSIC ROOM, HUH-
England: The guy that somehow got himself class monitor, and does a mostly decent job. Unless you ask him about That Clique.
The Clique: aka, the jocks who miiiight also bully the class monitor by flaunting popularity points a little. Just a little. -Denmark: Clique ringleader, acts friendly with everyone so he's popular but you KNOW you're not getting in on the real action unless he invites you to one of his legendary house parties.
-Norway: Clique leader's second in command who's some introvert the clique leader got attached to. Y'know, as extroverts are required to do. Usually has his face in his phone.
-Finland: Popular on his own, the one person in the clique who doesn't understand that in a clique you generally don't socialize outside the clique. Is the reason the main character gets character development through a house party halfway through the series.
-Sweden: That one jock in the group who looks like a jock, talks like a jock, sometimes acts like a jock, but has the highest GPA out of all of the jocks. He's the one that knows Genovia's official fruit but not the name of the fictional kingdom, if you've seen the meme.
-Iceland: Someone's brother who got absorbed into the clique.
Hungary: The girl campaigning that everyone should do the same kind of pushups, that girls can compete with guys and making presentations on the gender gaps in atheltics. Ofc she's the jock that falls in love with the nerd (Austria).
Ukraine: Bakes everyone treats
Netherlands: Bakes everyone treats but makes everyone pay for them
Luxenberg: Your obligatory rich kid., riding to school in Gucci glasses, a Mercedez-Benz, and a jacket with a high-end brand splashed across the pocket. Also has the latest iPhone.
Belgium: Student council rep, joined fifty clubs.
Greece: He shows up, but usually late, with Starbucks, and sleeps through class.
Romania: He shows up every other day, and bribes the class monitor to mark him present. Does show up for Halloween though.
Bulgaria: You show up?
Spain: Complains about the cafeteria food to anyone who will listen.
Australia: Resident jock #1
Cameron: Resident jock #2
Cuba: Resident jock #3
Portugal: Don't mind him he's in a goth phase. The skulls lining his locker will pass. Probably.
Seychelles: The one that secretly brought all the girls flowers from the fundraiser during Valentine's Week despite not knowing what the fundraiser was for.
Poland: The one on the student council who is the reason everyone is wearing couple outfits for School Spirit Week and the theatre club is doing Legally Blonde.
India: The guy who everyone asks to copy his homework because he sure isn't the most popular but damn does he actually know what's going on.
Turkey: The guy that tried to punch a guy, got punched, then turned around and punched the other guy's bullies. Basically he's That Kid That Got Detention For Trying To Be Helpful, though he did start the fight sooooooo
Egypt: Recorded the fight. For historic purposes of course.
idk i ran out of ideas i'm gonna sleep and fix this if i remember who i was gonna put where lol
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troglobite 2 years
okay i finished kinnporsche now who tf is going to explain all of that to me lol
#no literally like obviously fuck gun and korn is..........proooobably not the worst#but someone EXPLAIN!!! AMERICA EXPLAIN!!!!!#also tf how are they gonna cast porsche's mom and SHE DOESN'T GET A SINGLE LINE????#BRO HER MEMORY'S BROKEN NOT HER FUCKING WORD CENTER AND MOUTH#LIKE GOOD GOD WILL SHE SAY ANYTHING?!#ALSO IT'S BEEN A MONTH AND SHE'S STILL LIKE ??? ABOUT HAVING KIDS??? BRO DOES HER WORKING MEMORY NOT WORK OR WHAT?! EXPLAIN!!!!!#also okay for real like whose version was truer? gun's or korn's?#also WHO SHOT HIS FUCKING DAD?! WHO KILLED WHATSHISFACE WHOSE NAME I CAN'T REMEMBER RN?!#also like....okay so it's not Weird bc they're not blood related#but also DID THE GRANDAD KILL THE MOM'S WHOLE FAMILY!? WAS THAT TRUE?! IF SO WHY?!#for real though why is this family just like welp gotta#murder a bunch of people and then adopt their kids!!!!#bro i am TRYING to understand but boy oh boy gimme another episode man that was A LOT#also i feel like we didn't see ENOUGH of vegaspete for me to fully believe it#or at least i believe it on vegas's side but not pete's just yet#like i'm not buying it#he certainly reacted normally throughout but then had like no contact and suddenly is like no i love him???? bro c'mon#kinn and porsche though i'm on board with i get it#but don't get me started onchay and kim FUUUUUUCK RIIIIIIGHT OFFFFFFF I DON'T CARE!!!!!#kinn's friends? adorable. tahnkhun? best boy best brother.#everyone else can eat an ass which is fine bc they'd probably like it since EVERYONE IS GAY IN THIS SHOW??? EXCEPT THE PARENTS???? I GUESS?#no seriously explain the whole parents situation to me and why and how we're supposed to believe korn THIS time?#oh no wait hang on biggest thing WHY THE FUCK DID HE FAKE HIS OWN GODDAMN DEATH?!#LIKE WHAT WAS THE IMPETUS FOR THAT BRO?! HOW WAS THAT CENTRAL TO ANY PLAN?! I DON'T GET IT!!!!
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sylvies-kablooie 7 months
when sylvie rolls up to a branched timeline during the year 1982 in the middle of oklahoma in a random field, i am torn between the emotional potency of her experiencing a timeline that was destined to be destroyed like her own was, and how fucking weird it must have been for jack, the mcdonalds employee whose only priority is to graduate high school, to have encountered this feral creature rolling up straight from the end of all time. she's still in her battle armor and has open gashes on her face and she's asking for something that isn't a squirrel, possum or a rat, please. he adjusts his tie with a smile and says "okay!" when the woman with a machete asks to try everything. absolute king. customer service is just like that sometimes.
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likesummerrainn 11 months
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ROH Death Before Dishonor | 07.21.23
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stardustxreverie 13 days
What the hell happened here?
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homeless202 1 year
how does this plus this
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equal this:
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vexx-the-egg 1 month
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lu-inlondon 11 months
Hey quick question:
What happened in the stucky fandom and why are we hating on marvel now?
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chloeseyeliner 3 months
scrolling through the phineas and ferb tag at 3 a.m. i came to the (random) realisation that when i was a kid, i treated almost every cartoon like a "podcast"??
like, even if i didn't do something at the same time, like play with toys or make a puzzle or draw (like many kids do, of course), i just listened. without watching. like, i remember just listening most of the times. i don't know if it was because of my myopia and my (annoying to my today self) resistance to wearing my glasses all the time to help myself (a BIG mistake), but i did.
anyway. random late night thoughts. maybe that's what most people used to do and i am going to be extremely embarrassed about sharing this, lol.
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redhoodie1723 1 year
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Captain America: Civil War (2016): The Good Ending
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staying-elive 2 years
So I saw this list from the Hollywood Reporter listing the most watched Marvel shows by minutes...
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And now I'm wondering how many times I'd need to have TFATWS playing on loop in order to bump it up at least to number two. 馃槅
(I thought WV was okaaay although last couple eps were a mess. But I really disliked the Loki show - completely jumped the shark imo and essentially destroyed the stakes of the universe past and future with it's ridiculous TVA but whatever)
So what do I have to do to bump up Captain Sam people? 馃槅馃槄
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coffeebanana 2 years
Arguably the best part about being Canadian is having grown up with a miniature house hippo.
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faeriecap 1 year
so i鈥檓 sitting here thinking about samriley and how despite being a foil for steve鈥檚 relationship with bucky (which walker and lemar are as well + for bucky and sam鈥檚 relationship now that he鈥檚 cap) it never comes up in fatws??? which seems weird bc the show鈥檚 main focus was to introduce more of sam鈥檚 backstory and explore his character/experiences right? but then i remember one of you telling me on my barnes sibling post that the creators didn鈥檛 even. watch catws. like at all!
OF COURSE THEY DONT EVEN KNOW RILEY EXISTS??? but like what the literal hell????? WHY WOULDNT THEY WATCH THE MCU SOURCE MATERIAL FOR THEIR CHARACTERS? how can someone be so talented and fail so hard at the same time like i genuinely just don鈥檛 get it???? what are they even DOING at marvel studios rn i-
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sereniv 2 years
fb suspended my account temporarily for hate speech bc i told someone, who was mad about the phrase "you are on stolen land" asking why does it need to be said and then proceeded to say that people on the rez can just leave "no ones holding them there", that "this is why. bc of ignorant white ppl like you"
like even beyond the bullshit, its relevant to the conversation! his whiteness played a roll in his ignorance!
i appealed and fb allowed my comment back up
but then suspended me?
like yeah suspend me but not the actual racist person 馃檮
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