#but one last thing— i really want a tattoo and ive been thinking about it every now and then and i think one tattoo i want is of a flower
euno11a · 4 months
Tattooed Hearts
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Genre: No one to someone Tattoo artist! Jungkook X Reader
Summary: What happened to us? Why did we end up like this? It was only a one time thing. Now it’s ruined us both.
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut, mentions of hookups, insults, arguing, blood, mentions of period
Edit: Hey guys, I got this idea for some reason and was thinking of making it into a series, so let me know if you enjoy it and want a part two :)
Pt II • Pt III • Pt IV • Pt V • Pt VI • Pt VII • Pt VIII
*** You weren’t one to put out, always waiting for the one person who made you feel special. But you never seemed to feel that, except for when you were with Jungkook. He made you special, he made you happy, he made you feel loved. Maybe giving yourself to him was your mistake, but how could you not? He looked so handsome with his piercings and tattoos. That’s where you should’ve known what you did was a mistake. Sleeping with him was never on your bucket list, sure you’d thought about it before, but you never intended for anything to actually happen. It felt good, it always did, but the pain of being pushed out always pained you after. Mistakes get made, but this one hurt too much.
Sobbing on the bathroom floor was something you’d never wanted to do when it came to a guy. But seeing him with that girl hurt, way too much. Why weren’t you used to this yet? It’s happened before, get used to it. “He doesn’t deserve your tears, Y/N, please stop crying…” Lindsay, your friend, pleaded. She’d been here when it first happened, the other hundred times it had happened, and now. Maybe you were the stupid one for never taking her advice. Now, you hated calling anything stupid, nothing was stupid. There was always reason for something being one way and not the other, but you were just stupid for how many times you’d fallen for his tricks. Tattoos make a story when on your skin, most of the time. The story behind your tattoo was that you’d fallen for a handsome tattoo artist, letting him sweep you off your feet, wine and dine you and then fuck you. Big mistake. It’s almost funny how many mistakes you’ve made with him. Going the day after to get your tattoo finished was not the happy ending you were expecting, instead finding a woman walk out of his office looking drunk off of sex. Just like you did. He apologized, wine and dined you, then fucked you again. The same thing happened. Something wasn’t clicking, stay away from him; he’s bad for you; he’s using you; all things you should’ve listened to, but didn’t. That was on you, you decided to keep going back and keep getting your heart broken. That was until now, countless nights of crying about him, going back to him, waiting for him to call and use you again, you were done.
Wiping your tears for the last time, you wouldn’t let this man or any man make you cry like that ever again. That was a promise. ***
“Are you ever gonna get that tattoo finished?” Lindsay asked as she placed the bowl of popcorn between you two. It was Wednesday night, your scheduled movie night. “I think it would look really cool actually completed.”
You placed some popcorn in your mouth, thinking for a moment, “I don’t know…I think it looks kinda cool now!” Placing the blanket over your legs, you looked at your shoulder, a half finished tattoo of a skeleton hand holding a rose.
“Girl, don’t lie, you need to get it finished. Please? I’ve been looking at it for so long, I can’t stand it anymore! How are you not annoyed it’s only half done?!” She was adamant about making you get it finished, partially because she wanted you to go back to rub it in Jungkook’s face how amazing you were and what he lost when he slummed it with those other women.
“Fine! Fine! I’ll get it finished, but you need to get me tteokbokki after, got it?” It was something you’d dreaded, but having the feeling inside that you’d let him win by not seeing him again was eating at you from the inside.
Lindsay squealed in joy, clapping her hands, “ I’m gonna make you so hot! He’s gonna regret sleeping with those other bitches!”
“Whoa, whoa, I’m going to get my tattoo finished, not see him. And don’t call them bitches! Women stick up for women, no matter how fucked up some might be.” Secretly, you were hoping to make him jealous or upset with how he left you. He deserved to feel like shit.
“Okay, okay, sorry…I’M GONNA GET MY HEELS!!” Lindsay yelled as she ran out of the living room to grab her heels from her room. I sighed, knowing that I couldn’t stop her.
A week later, you walked into the shop, seeing the familiar face of RM. He was one of the piercers that worked in the parlour, “Y/N, hey, it’s been a while!” He spoke with a big smile, happy to see you again. With the time you’d spent there before everything, you’d befriended his friends. It felt unfair leaving them behind after it all.
“Yeah, hi, how’ve you been?” Even though Jungkook was nowhere to be seen, you couldn’t help but feel a lump growing in your throat.
RM had a bright smile on his face, one that he’d always had that always managed to make your day better. “Good! I’ve been good, uh, how can I help you today?” He asked, standing up from behind the front desk.
“I want to get my tattoo finished. I think it’s finally time.” You gave him a small smile, he’d known about what happened between you and Jungkook. It was hard not to know, he was friends with him after all.
“Alright, we can do that! Let me see…V could take you.” He looked up from the computer, seeing what was open now. You nodded your head, willing to take anyone who wasn’t Jungkook.
They’d gotten you situated at a station, instructing you to take off your sweater. Your half finished tattoo was now on display, waiting to be finished. V was nice, making small talk here and there, making sure you were comfortable with everything and that nothing was too painful. Pain wasn’t your thing, yes, you had to go through a period every month and maybe one day give birth, but you had a low pain tolerance. He used to squeeze your thigh, kiss your neck, finger you to keep you calm…stop it! Don’t think about him! He’s not in your life anymore, don’t waste precious thinking space on him! Not thinking about the needle piercing your skin was abruptly stopped when you felt a prick, yelping, you moved your shoulder away. V looked at you with wide eyes, “ I’m sorry! Was that painful? Oh god, are you okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
“No, no! It’s okay! I’m fine, just startled! Sorry, I zoned out for a moment…” You gave him a sheepish smile, relaxing in the chair again.
“That’s fine, just let me know if you need a break or anything, okay? Maybe I can sneak you a juice if you really want, too.” He gave you his signature boxy smile, instantly warming your heart.
You giggled, nodding your head, “That would be nice…” Smiling up at him, it felt nice to still be friendly with them even though you were nowhere close to being friendly with Jungkook.
V stood up, walking away to get you a juice from the break room. He left you in the chair, leaving you alone to listen to the music playing softly through the speakers. Quietly humming along, your thoughts were halted by hearing two voices. “Hey, RM, when’s my next client?”
“She should be here soon, it’s a touch up.” I could hear RM talk to the person. The other guy hummed, shuffling around a little.
You sat up, being faced with Jungkook. Everything seemed to go fuzzy, your thoughts, the sounds around you, even your eyesight. The lump in your throat returned, making it hard for you to breathe, V returned with your juice, “ I got you watermelon! You know? Since it’s your favourite!”
You were startled out of your trance, looking up at V who was holding your favourite juice. They still had it…? “Thanks…how do you-?”
You were cut off by V smiling sheepishly and rubbing the back of his neck. “We all thought you’d show up again…but when you didn’t, we kept the fridge stocked for whenever you decided to show up again.”
Heat rushed up to your cheeks, they’d waited for you? Why? His boxy smile came back again, looking over to Jungkook, waving “Hey, JK, lunch was good?”
“Yeah, it was fine. Pussy would’ve been better though.” Jungkook replied as if it were nothing, finally looking over to you. He faltered a little bit, quickly recovering by giving you a cocky smirk, “Glad to see you back, Y/N.”
Without another word, he walked away, back into his office. Biting the inside of your cheek, you knew this wasn’t the last time you’d see him. He was like a parasite, once you had it, it would never go away.
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fir3ylolol · 7 months
i had an idea…i’ve been thinking A Lot about that one johnny cage skin with the red shirt where he has the forearm tattoos…. maybe they’re those long lasting temporary ones and he has them on for a movie? and reader is realllllly into them
place beyond the pines
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pairing: Johnny Cage x Reader
summary: your boyfriend comes home, with a couple of new additions 0.0
tw: vaginal penetration, fingering, afab reader, gn reader, slightly dirty talk, groping, established relationship, sloppy makeout, smut, shameless smut
a/n: im alive! ive beaten a cold, finally. glad to write again! it's almost break for me, so i'm gna try to stay consistent. and if not…don't be mad at me pls. ALSO check out my works in progress post linked in my pinned to see what's to come ;P
word count: 1.15 k
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The front door shuts firmly, and you perk up at the sound. That sound means only one thing: your boyfriend is home. He’s not usually home at this hour, so you’re really excited to see him more after a long, lazy day in sweatpants and baggy t-shirts. But as you rush out to see him, you’re stopped by the sight in front of you. There, standing by the doorway, is Johnny, in a tight red compression shirt with the sleeves pushed up. On his exposed forearms, you see black and white American Traditional tattoos, interlaced with a snake twisting its way up his arm. You’re caught off-guard, frozen across the room from him as he puts his keys down on the entry table.
He turns to face you, with a wide but tired smile. But he notices your still state and his face drops slightly in confusion. He walks over, shaking your shoulders lightly. “Love? You ok there?” You snap out of it, shaking your head as you do. “Yeah, sorry, I just…what are those?” You shakily reach your arms out to trace down the patterns. He lifts them to meet your hands, smile returning, “Don’t you think they’re cool? They’re just temporary, but it’s for that movie I was just cast in. You know, ex-cons tend to have tattoos so,” he gestures with his head. You start to fluster further, feeling the warmth of his skin under the intricate patterns and artwork. Finally, the gears start turning in his head and he laughs lightly. “You like them, don’t you?” Your head bolts up, embarrassed that you were so blatantly called out. You shake your head rapidly, stepping back slightly. “No, I just think the art is cool!” He steps forward, smirking at how flustered you are, lightly grabbing your wrist.
“Really? Because it feels like you think it's hot, and it’s flustering you,” his other hand coming up to cup your face tenderly. You try to turn it into a joke, pushing past his touch to walk towards the kitchen. “Come on, stop playing. You must be hungry, ri-” You’re abruptly cut off as that familiar pair of arms wrap around your waist and hold you in place. You’re about to protest until you hear a gravely quiet voice in your ear, “You’re a shit liar, you know.” Suddenly, your feet no longer touch the ground, being carried towards the couch with little to no say. You would fight it but…you don’t really want to. Your eyes are locked on the sight of them, art straining against the veins that pop out of his skin as he constricts around you. You feel him slowly sit down, grip on you still tight as you end up on his lap. You expect him to ease up, but when has Johnny ever gone easy? You notice his hold on you loosening, but his hands start to travel. One traces its way up your chest, reaching your head and gently holding your jaw. The other slips towards your waistband, fingers moving teasingly slow. He leans his head forward, warm breath against your ear as he whispers, “I had a pretty long day…wanna help me relax, baby?” Overwhelmed slightly by him, you nod against his hold on your face.
You watch as his inked hand slides lower, not as teasing anymore. But he loves to put on a show, and he shuffles your sweatpants off slightly. His voice, slightly louder this time, rasps out, “Gotta make sure you can see the whole show.” Helping direct your head down, you watch as his fingers circle against your clit. You jolt at the feeling, but his grip on you tightens slightly, keeping your back pressed into his strong chest. You’re slightly dizzy, watching as he sinks one finger inside you, hand tensing at the feeling. You can feel a heavy sigh from him, as he continues to curl in and out of you. His thumb reaches up, returning to sit comfortably against your clit again. As he moves, speed increasing bit by bit, you can’t help to whine out. The sight of his detailed art disappearing inside you, the feeling of his rough thumb moving so softly. As he slides another finger in, a gentle moan slipping out, he lifts your head again. He tilts it back, resting it against his shoulder. You watch with half-lidded eyes as he brushes your face off, his face barely visible from your angle. But he never stops, steady pace as you squirm at the sensation. But his free hand shows up again, clinging to your chest. It’s as if he’s holding himself back from moving at a ruthless pace, but he can only hold so much back. You can hear murmurs echoing through his throat against your right ear, incoherent, but very much through gritted teeth.
Suddenly, he’s speeding up more, his hand on your chest loosening slightly. At the angle of your head, you can’t muffle yourself, louder and louder moans as his hand starts to grab and massage your chest. You can hear him clearer now, voice carrying better, “God, look at you. You look so good like this, spread out just for me. You feel so good, baby, shit.” You can feel him growing sloppier, and more impatient than before. But you’re not far from cumming, your hands desperately searching for purchase. One latches to his thigh under you, and the other on his wrist, moving as he pumps his fingers inside you. You help guide him slightly, shuddering as he touches the exact right spot. You’re nearly seeing stars, but you lift your head, letting it flop forward. His entire arm is moving at this point, both flexing at the effort he’s exerting. As you manage to gasp out that you’re close, the hand on your chest lets go and shoots back to your jaw. He turns your head, angling in back and to the side, as his lips collide with yours. His kisses are as sloppy as his moves, desperate for more of you than there is. Your grip tightens and you feel him groan into your mouth at the feeling. That does it, a harsh flinch as you cum around his fingers. Both of you are moaning at this point, unable to break the kiss. You’re not sure which voice is yours anymore as it echoes through your head. But as he removes his fingers, you break the kiss, taking a deep breath as you rest your head against his shoulder again. You hear as he brings the drenched fingers to his mouth, wanting to get every last bit of you as possible. But it only lasts so long, as he removes them with a quiet, “Ew, these things taste bad.” After a pause, he scrambles to clarify himself, “Not you! The tattoos! They taste bad, not you.”
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bratzforchris · 1 month
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Summary: Matt has a chronic illness that the nurses at his local clinic are all too familiar with. The new nurse in town hasn't had a chance to meet him yet, but what happens when she does?
Pairing: Matt x nursefem!reader
Warnings: Mentions of needles and blood, chronic illness, use of medical steroids, flirty nurse!reader (this is all fiction!), Matt is 20/reader is 23, Matt has a service dog!!
Word Count: Just over 2k
A/N: This is lowkey inspired by the experience I had a few days ago with a flirty nurse while I was in the ER (I'm still thinking about him--had me giggling n kicking my feet n shit like I was in a rom com [this is definitely a story time]). ANYWAY, Matt has PFAPA (my chronic illness!) here. It's usually a childhood thing, but some rare cases like myself don't grow out of it. You can read more about it here, if you'd like. Enjoy!!
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Matt Sturniolo is all too familiar with his local pediatric emergency room. In fact, he’s been there so many times that the nurses have started to treat him as less of a patient, and more of a friend. “Hey Matt!”, “How’s YouTube going, Matt?”, “I remember you!”,  “I saw you last time!”, and the list went on. Some might ask why he still went there at almost 21, but when you had a chronic illness, it was best to see the people who had been caring for you for years if you could. These nurses had been caring for him at least once a month, ever since he was 12, and were usually quite skilled in how to manage the brunette’s comfort. 
Matt had PFAPA, which left him with high fevers and extremely sore, almost strep like sore throats every month. It was a miserable thing to live, and it really impacted his happiness, especially on days like today when he was having one of the worst flare ups he’d had in a long time and both Nick and Chris were unable to come along with him to the doctor. Luckily for Matt, he had his service dog, Emily, with him, but he still longed for a human companion as well. While some people wondered why he ‘needed’ a service dog, Matt’s disability was invisible. Emily would let him know when his flare ups were starting as well as laying on him to soothe his body aches and chills and helping with his anxiety at doctor visits. 
The nurse tech took him into the back rather quickly, running their usual tests of strep, the flu, and COVID. About 98% of the time, they would all come back negative, but the hospital staff liked to do all they could to make Matt more comfortable. Sure enough, the nurse practitioner stepped in about 30 minutes later, a sad look on her face. 
“How are you feeling, Matt?”
Matt shrugged, grimacing as his throat ached when he swallowed. “‘M not great.” he murmured, petting his pup’s head softly as the anxiety welled in his chest. 
“Well, everything came back negative,” she told, a sad look on her face. “We can test you for mono, though. You have a lot of the symptoms for that. That one is a blood test. We’re also going to give you an IV since you’re dehydrated.”
That sentence alone made him want to cry. Despite the tattoos and piercings he had, Matt hated medical needles. They hurt and they freaked him out. Sensing his anxiety, Emily scooted closer to Matt, whining softly and butting his leg with her head. Matt pet the dog’s head softly, steadying himself to get his breath. “Okay…” he breathed, steadying himself. 
The nurse practitioner patted his leg gently, hurrying out of the room to attend to her other patients. Matt began to panic, his breathing rapidly increasing as tears welled in his eyes. He didn’t want any of this. He just wanted them to tell him what was wrong so he could get some meds, go home, and sleep. Patting the bed he was laying on gently, Emily hopped up, curling into Matt’s side. The pooch rested her head on her owner’s chest, subconsciously working to slow the brunette’s heart rate. 
A few minutes later, another nurse and a lab tech stepped into the small room he was in, holding a tray full of supplies. Matt squeezed his eyes shut tightly at the sight, already dreading the feeling of getting blood drawn. Both healthcare workers were very kind, of course, whispering soft nothings to him as they patted his leg and prepared to draw his blood. They promised him that the procedure would be quick and easy, but those words never mixed well with a chronic illness. 
“Your vein rolled because you’re dehydrated. We’re going to have to draw from your other arm.” the lab tech informed him.
“O…kay.” Matt whispered shakily, trying to get his breath and the feeling in his hand back. 
The brunette knew that it was okay to cry, but that didn’t make it any less embarrassing. He was a grown man, laying here in a kid’s hospital room, trying not to cry while they tried to draw his blood again in his right arm. Unfortunately for Matt, the dehydration he was experiencing from his extremely sore throat caused his vein to roll again.
“Oh sweetheart,” the nurse said sympathetically, patting his leg. “We’re going to give you a minute, okay? Let’s get some water and Gatorade in you before we try again.”
Matt just nodded as he was passed a mini water bottle and a cherry Gatorade. He was hearing their words, but honestly, he didn’t care. All he knew was that he was going to be poked and prodded again, and he didn’t like it. Emily snuggled into his side, whining softly and brushing her sandpaper tongue against her owner’s arm, trying desperately to get Matt to feel better. 
“Alright, honey,” the sweet, older nurse stepped into Matt’s room again, holding a fresh tub of supplies to draw his blood. “Let’s try it in your left hand, okay?”
Because chronic illness never made things easy, the third time was still a failure, leaving Matt with an already bruising hand and tears pricking his eyes. Before he knew it, he was being shoved a packet of goldfish crackers, a popsicle, and more water, being informed that he had to eat before they could try again. The snacks felt like swallowing shrapnel, making the boy cringe every time he had to swallow. 
“Hello, oldest patient of the day!” You cheered, practically walking into Matt’s room on a cloud of glitter. 
Matt jumped in shock, petting his dog’s head to calm his racing heart. “...hi…” he mumbled. 
“They called me in for backup,” You explained, a smile on your face. You absolutely loved nursing, and every day at your job truly felt like a gift. You’d graduated from nursing school last year at the top of your class and had been working in the pediatric emergency room ever since. It wasn’t every day that you had a patient who was 20, but you didn’t mind. “We’re getting this blood draw this time so you can get the fuck out of here,” You slapped a hand over your mouth. “Shit, I’m sorry. I hope you don’t mind if I curse.”
For the first time all day, a small giggled made its way out of Matt’s mouth. “No, I’m okay.”
“I see you have a buddy,” You commented. “That’s nice.”
“She helps my…anxiety.” Matt seemingly chose his words carefully, but they still made you smile. It was clear that the boy had a bond with his pup. 
“I’m gonna look at your tonsils first so we can get you some medicine to help you swallow and then we’ll draw your blood, okay?” You asked, wanting to make sure your patient was comfortable with everything. 
At the mention of a blood draw, Matt’s blue eyes widened with anxiety, his body becoming visibly tense. You had become in tune with this, sliding on a pair of pink latex gloves and patting the soft material of the pajama pants on his knee. 
“Hey, look at me,” You murmured softly, waiting for his response. Once Matt had looked at you, you chugged on. “We’re just chilling, okay? I’m not going to do anything yet.”
Matt nodded, letting out an anxious breath he’d been holding. “Okay.” he whispered. 
You grabbed the flashlight to look in his throat off the wall. “Alright, I’m pretty sure you know the drill,” You chuckled. “Open and say ‘ahhh!’...oh yeah, you’ve got an icky throat. That looks like it hurts. Although…did you have a blue popsicle? You’ve got blue tonsils. It’s rather endearing.”
Matt flushed, his ears going red as he nodded. You smiled softly, throwing away the cap and hanging the flashlight back on the wall. You gave the boy the steroidal liquid the nurse practitioner had drawn up for him to ease the swelling in his throat, a blush creeping onto your face as Matt scrunched his eyes up at the disgusting taste, quite literally making grabby hands for his Gatorade. 
“Fuck, that’s gross.” he whined. 
“At least you got it over with!” You hummed cheerfully, in a small aim to make him feel better. “Unfortunately, it’s time for the bad part, but we can make it a little less shitty if you want? Maybe you could play me some music? Something you like, okay?” 
Matt fiddled with his phone for a moment before landing on Dominic Fike’s latest release. You smiled at the lyrics, releasing this was one of your favorite songs at the moment. You prepped the materials needed to finally get Matt’s blood drawn for the mono test, patting his knee gently in an effort to calm his trembling frame as he rubbed his pup’s head. 
“Hey, can I tell you something?” You whispered shyly, setting him up for the procedure. “You’ve got goldfish in your teeth–it’s really cute.” You giggled, your own cheeks becoming red. 
The brunette whined, breathing deeply as you began to draw his blood. “That’s embarrassing.” he grunted. 
A few deep breaths and small, sad noises later, you had finally gotten the sample needed. “We got it!” You told Matt excitedly, placing a Barney band aid across the site. “All done!”
You bustled around the room, making sure Matt was comfortable, throwing away your supplies, and making notes on your clipboard. You helped the boy drink water and got him (and Emily) a blanket, before taking his samples down to the lab to get checked out. By the time everything was said and done, an hour had passed and Matt was asleep against the small bed when you knocked on his door. 
“Hey sleepyhead,” You giggled, stepping into the room. “Nice nap?” Matt fisted his eyes, nodding as you went over his discharge instructions. You always hated releasing patients with no explanations or answers as to why they felt so bad, but in cases like Matt’s, that wasn’t always possible. Your best bet was to make him as comfortable as possible here. “Do you have any questions?”
The brunette shook his head, finally able to speak now that the steroids were beginning to work their magic on his throat. “No, but thank you. You’ve been the best nurse I’ve had all day…maybe even ever.”
You blushed at the compliment, helping the boy stand since you knew he was already exhausted, dehydrated, and lightheaded from having his blood drawn. “Do you need help getting to your car? I actually just got off.” You murmured shyly, glancing at the clock on the wall. 
Despite Matt’s steadiness on his feet and his grip on Emily’s leash, the blue-eyed boy nodded all the same, a quietly flustered look crossing his face. You smiled yourself, maneuvering Matt out to his car with a firm, yet gentle hand on his lower back. Thankfully, the waiting room had quieted down quite a bit now that it was nearing the evening, so no one questioned or pulled you away from walking Matt out. It was a slow trek with your patient being a bit unsteady on his feet, but you didn’t mind. Matt’s presence made you happy in an odd sort of way; you hated that he wasn’t well and that this would continue to happen for him, but you couldn’t stop your mind from thinking about seeing him again. 
“I um…I hope this isn’t weird, but I would really like to see you again. Maybe another time? When you’re not in pain?” You coughed and chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck. 
He smiled as he slid into the driver’s seat, rubbing his aching head that was seemingly getting better just by being around you. “I’d like that,” he offered. “I’d like that a lot, actually.”
Matt didn’t end up leaving his trip to the hospital with many answers beside the usual ‘It’s your chronic illness’, but what he did end up leaving with was your phone number scribbled onto a pink sticky note that he had been given in the parking lot. 
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tags ♡: @jake-and-johnnies-slut @chrissfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxysc-blog @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @spencereidenthusiast @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @sturncakez @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @patscorner @julesgrl @0strawberrysorbet0 @strombolilovr @matt444nixi @remussbitch @devthepoet1221 @mattyblover07 @loisnotaa @mollyquinnxoxo @graysturns @pepsicolapussy333 @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @m00n-0n-paws @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @raysmayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @billsslutt @aemrsy
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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to fall in deeper - Julien Baker x lacy!reader
jj chats: this has been one of the longest things ive written on this account and i am very proud of it!!! i hope this lives up to any expectations!!! also i recommend reading the first part before reading this it is linked here!
word count: almost 2000!!!
warnings: RPF, use of y/n, reader is a musician/famous, julien is kinda mean, someone passes out (not the reader, the boys or muna), reader calls julien 'jay'.
inspired by the request: i lovvved your love Julien fic based on lacy SO much!!! you’re crazy talented <3 would you consider writing more parts of it? 🎀🩷 like maybe how julien falls more and more in love and maybe an eventual angry love confession from julien, and their first date/kiss?
feedback is encouraged and i'd love to get some just please be kind!!!
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When MUNA went on tour, they asked their dear friends to perform as openers. It was on billboards and spread across social media: “Boygenius and (Y/N): openers for The Greatest Band in the World”. All parties were ebullient, another few months of music, laughter, and fun. Everyone except Julien Baker, Julien wasn’t pleased when she found out you were the other opener. She despised the feeling she got in her gut when your name was mentioned, she couldn’t decide what it meant. She was torn between it being contempt or admiration. She didn’t like not knowing, she didn’t like the fact she couldn’t figure you out, let alone figure out her own feelings for you. 
So far the tour had been faring well. There were huge crowds showing up every night, all screaming out the lyrics to their favorite MUNA hits. Everything was going well, until August 6th, a Friday night. It was exceptionally hot and it was starting to take a toll on the musicians. However  they were all pushing through, they had loud fans backstage that gave them some relief from the heat and could basically get away with no shirt on stage. So far, the night was going well, besides the heat. Lucy and Julien sat in front of a large fan, while Phoebe and you stood in front of another one. MUNA was performing on stage, while you all waited until the last song, “Silk Chiffon” . It was always a nice surprise to the fans when you four came bobbing up on stage singing along, dancing with one another. 
Phoebe sighed, turning towards you “Want to go back with me to get some water?”
Your eyes darted to the right, where your water bottle stood proud and tall, still about half full. “No Pheobs I’m okay! I’ll walk with you though!” 
“Oh no dude you’re good,” The platinum blond turned to Lucy and proposed the same question.
“Yeah my water ran out like 5 minutes ago,” Lucy hopped up from her seat, moving towards an already upright Phoebe who was wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, sweat droplets rolling off. “Be right back guys!” 
Before they turned the corner you checked the time and yelled to the singers “I think there's only two more songs till Silk Chiffon so hurry!” Lucy and Phoebe nodded to you and continued their walk to wherever they were storing the water bottles. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted Julien rolling her eyes.
You turned your body to hers, you ignored her obvious irritation towards you and smiling you asked, “You good Julien? I got some water if you need it!”
“Yeah I’m fine. Thanks.” The tattooed woman replied, curtly. 
“Ohhhkay,” you said, confused by her tone. You thought for a minute going back over the day to see if you did anything that would warrant that reaction. You couldn’t find anything, but you did remember how Julien really hadn’t ever been that cordial to you, not since that night outside the restaurant where she found you crying. In a moment of panic you asked the woman sitting 5 feet from you, “Did I do something?”
Julien turned towards you, obviously dumbstruck by your question. She hesitated before responding, you could practically see the wheels turning behind her eyes, “No, you didn’t do anything.”
Quickly you replied, desperate to figure out where you went wrong. “You act weird around me.”
You could see a flash of panic move over Julien;s face before it was replaced with a look of annoyance. “How do I act weird around you?” Julien asked as if it was the most absurd sentence you could have chosen to have said. 
“You don’t talk to me ever, you avoid me, you don’t reply to my texts in the groupchat. Yesterday on stage you avoided me every chance you got. I get that we aren’t really close but do you have to pretend like I’m not even there? Like I don’t even matter?” Your voice started to strain towards the end of your dialogue, you could feel your eyes start to water.
“I-I don’t-” 
Julien was cut off by a very energetic Phoebe who came skipping backstage.  “We’re on stage in like a minute guys! Grab your mics!” 
You quickly got up, blinking back your tears as you approached a table, grabbing a mic. You settled your breathing as Lucy came up to you. “You okay?” She asked, voice laced with worry.
“Mhm! I’m fine! I think the heat is just getting to me!” You replied, your voice steady. You’re honestly surprised at how fast you pulled yourself together.
MUNA was on stage finishing up their second to last song for the night when Katie yelled into her microphone, “Thank you all for such a gorgeous night! We have one last song! Can you all welcome our guests to the stage please?” The crowd begins to go crazy. 
One by one the 4 of you run out on stage as the band starts playing “Silk Chiffon”. Your eyes scan over the crowd, everyone is having an amazing time, they all look tired, but in a euphoric concert driven tiredness. Until you spot one girl near the front of the barricade. She looks as if she's about to pass out, and the people around her don’t seem to notice. You brush it off, but decide to keep an eye on her just in case something happens.
As the band starts to play the music fills your body, heating your veins with electricity. You move the mic to your mouth as you sing background for Katie. This was always one of your favorite parts of the show, the harmony between all of your voices, the feeling of being alive and showing it through music. Phoebe rushes up to you and grabs your wrist, twirling you around and smiling wide at you. She leans in and gives you a kiss on your cheek before your bodies find natural sync, dancing together. Everything always gets too chaotic when the 7 of you are all on stage. AS your eyes move from  Phoebes to the rest of the talent on stage you spot Julien glaring at you, your cheeks redden and you can’t distinguish whether it's from the heat or the shorter woman's dangerous stare.
Suddenly you remember that girl in the audience and when you look back to her place, you see her almost going limp, merely held up by the sweating bodies around her. Immediately your mind moves fast, remembering your highschool first aid lessons on heat stroke. Your brain quickly runs down her obvious symptoms and realizes it could be severe dehydration or worse, heat stroke. You quickly let go of Phoebe's arm and run backstage to grab a water bottle and someone to help you. 
Phoebe is confused, her eyes follow you backstage until she sees you grab a bottle of water. Too caught up in the moment she thinks you need a drink. She assumes nothing is wrong and then goes over to Jo to dance with her. The others don't realize your absence, too caught up in the song. Except Julien.
Julien was keeping a close eye on you when you were on stage, she saw every time you glanced at that specific spot in the barricade. Though she didn’t follow you, not until you suddenly appeared on the lawn in front of the stage with a medical professional and a security guard. 
You run to the dehydrated woman and then help her get to a cooler spot, and give her small sips of water to hydrate her. You couldn’t care less about the concert at that point, too concentrated on making sure this person was alright. 
Julien’s stomach started to churn, once again you were proving to her that you were perfect. There wasn’t anything Julien could flaw you on at this point. You stopped singing in the middle of a concert to go and take care of someone in need. How could she avoid her true feelings now? 
The song came to a close, and the bands lined up, wrapping their arms around each other's waists and bowing. Naomi, Jo and Katie blew kisses to the crowd and then they all walked offstage, a concert well performed. 
As Phoebe looked backstage she didn’t see you. She turned to the group and asked, “Did anyone see where (Y/N) went?” 
It came as a surprise to everyone when Julien answered, “They went to help someone in the audience, I saw them with medical.” 
Everyone nodded, Jo hoped the person was okay. Katie and Naomi went to ask someone about what had happened. It wasn’t soon after that you showed up.
Walking back to where you had just appeared from, Naomi and Katie both asked you “What happened?”
You told them that “Some girl in the barricade got really dehydrated and passed out, but she’s alright now!” 
A sigh of relief was heard from all 6 people, relieved that everyone was okay. Small chit chat was made until Jo spoke up “Okay I don’t know about you guys but it is hot as hell out here and I am going somewhere with air conditioning!”
“Finally someone said it!”
“Thank god I was starting to think I’d melt,”
Naomi, Katie, Lucy, and Phoebe dispersed after Jo, all talking about some record they’d listened to recently or where to get takeout from.
Julien stayed behind, and just as you were about to follow after the others she caught your arm. You turned towards her, “What’s up Jay?” The nickname leaves your lips in a second before you could think to not say it. 
Julien looked at you strangely and let go of your arm, not really realizing she had grabbed it in the first place. Another round of butterflies flew through her body as you looked at her questioningly.. “That was super cool what you did for that girl. Leaving mid song I mean.” 
You sighed, you were starting to get frustrated with her antics. Did she loathe you? Were you two friends? It seemed every other minute her feelings towards you changed. It was confusing the hell out of you. “Thanks.” You clipped, starting to walk away.
“That’s it?” Julien asked from behind you.
As you turned back around you noticed she stood as if trying to make her 5 foot frame seem taller, not that it was working. “What?”
“‘Thanks.’ That’s all you're gonna say? Normally you're much more chatty,” Julien laughed.
“I don’t know what you want from me Julien.” 
Julien pauses, looking at you with questions written all over her face.
“When I talk to you, you get snippy and you’re mean. When I don’t talk to you, you want me to talk more. I don’t get what your deal is with me?” You whisper-yelled, afraid someone from the crew would see your argument.
“I-” Julien stuttered, not being able to come up with anything to say.
Finally done with the back and forth banter that has been hurting your feelings ever since you met Julien you declared, “If you don’t want to be my friend just say it.”
Julien looked at you, eyes wide. You watched her as the gears turned in her head, trying to come up with what to say. You gave her a chance to explain herself, you set a mental timer of 30 seconds, if she didn’t say anything then you would go away. 
Those 30 seconds flew by without a peep from Julien, your eyes teared up as you spoke, “Fine, I’ll see you later I guess.” Turning around you went to your tour bus, wondering what you did to get Julien to dislike you so.
The only thing going through Julien’s mind was how she screwed up, bad.
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dwntwn-strnlo · 9 months
HELIX matt sturniolo
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓁𝓎, dwntwn-strnlo.
↳ 𝐀/𝐍. this request is from july HELP
↳ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. matthew sturniolo x reader
↳ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. piercing date 🤭
↳ 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃? yes! . . . reader is best friends with the triplets (and has a soft spot for Matt), they are recording a video and then they talk about things they wanna do, like visiting a certain country, just some rambles. Reader then talks about how she always wanted to get a piercing but is afraid about it and never had the courage to do it. So the next day Matt takes her on a surprise date to a piercing studio where she gets it done. Just some fluffy stuff where he holds her hand and tries to encourage her to do what she always wanted to do. ( @hedgehogperalta )
"okay, okay, here's one." you say, finding a good question. "'what's on the top of your bucket list?'"
"scuba diving for sure," nick answers almost immediately. then trailing on while chris counters with his bucket list.
after the two of them finish, matt turns around in his seat, meeting your eyes. "what about you, y/n?" he smiles lightly, visibly interested in what you would like to do.
"oh," you huff, scanning your brain. you were so invested in nick and chris' rebuttal that you didnt think of your answer. "ive always wanted to get a tattoo or a piercing, but ive always been too scared to do it."
"ooh ive always wanted a helix," nick adds.
matt smiles, "y/n you would look really cool with a helix."
you return the smile, a light blush creeping on your cheeks. "would I really?"
"or just a straight up nose ring," chris encourages.
"right," nick laughs, "you need to go get a piercing for sure."
you smile. ego definitely boosted from all of this encouragement.
. . .
"can i-"
"no." matt huffs, cutting you off. you've asked him the same question over and over, 'where are we going?' 'can I know what we're doing?' and so on.
"well are we at least close?" you ask, looking out the window beside you. watching as the buildings and cars flash past.
matt hesitates, taking a left turn, "just like four more minutes."
you turn to the radio, turning the music down. trying to figure out why in the world matt randomly texted you that he has a surprise for you. but nothing crosses your mind.
"and. . . here we are!" matt says, lightly biting his lip in excitement.
you look out the windshield to find yourself parked in front of a piercing studio.
"matt, holy shit-"
"you were talking about how you wanted a piercing last night and so I figured might as well." he smiles at you, pulling the keys out of the ignition.
suddenly you felt small. nervous butterflies erupting in your stomach. "I dont know if I can do this, matt." you awkwardly chuckle.
"sure you can," he assures, leaning over to meet your eyes. "this is wear nick gets his piercings, it's safe, and they're all kind. I promise."
you look at him with an untrusting look in your eye. still not sure about going through with this.
matt reaches out and grabs your hand, "I can hold your hand while they do it." he says, knitting his brows with an assuring smile.
looking down to you hand intertwined with his, your breath hitches. "well- I can't aff-"
"my treat." he rubs his thumb against the back of your hand, "i wouldn't have drove you all the way out here just to make you pay."
"y/n." he giggles. "quit stalling, kid."
releasing a shaky breath, you nod. "okay." you mumble, nodding your head again before getting out of the van.
matt gets out and meets you at the door. then asking if your ready and opening the door. he lets you walk in first, and then following you in. "appointment for sturniolo." he says, walking up to the front desk.
the lady at the front nods, leading the two of you to a room. "which one of you is it today?" she asks, pulling two gloves on over her hands.
matt gestures to you before sitting down in the chair next to you, "she is."
"awesome," the lady smiles. "you can sit here. and what are you getting?"
"oh- uhm a helix?" you say.
she nods before spinning slightly in her chair to set everything up.
you meet matt's eyes, your face clearly washed with panic.
"you're alright," he whispers soothingly. he picks up your hand you holds it in both of his. gently rubbing your knuckles. "you'll be fine and you'll come out of it looking badass." he laughs lightly.
amusedly rolling your eyes, you smile, "sure."
"okay, you ready?" the lady asks, turning around with her things.
you look at matt and he smiles, silently assuring you again. "yeah, I am." you nervously laugh, squeezing matt's hand tightly.
shutting your eyes, you try focusing on the unintentional rhythm of the way matts thumb slides across your skin. doing your best to completely ignore the quick sting in your ear.
"all done." the lady says.
you open your eyes, looking around confused. "I didn't even notice."
matt smiles, "see, I told you it would be okay."
"thank you, matt."
"of course," he says, his cheeks going a light pink at your praise.
@thetriplets3 @stxrniqlo @ifilwtmfc @iha8you @oneirophobic @20nugs @gracietaylorsversions @fenoy7 @mlimmm @prettysturniolo @ssturniolo @gabbylovesreading @oh-toseewithoutmy-eyes @matthewmurdockswife
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strgrlxox · 1 year
dark matter.
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ꗃ this is possibly the worst the ive ever written but ik yall see how sexy she looks in that picture im tryna go CRAZYYY ❞¸
+ ¸ ❞ toxic ellie warning yalllll ꗃ
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the last time was always the “last time”.
except it never was. you weren’t exactly sure why you kept coming back to her. ellie was like a drug, one you’ve sworn to quit several times but you’re addicted. 
she is intoxicating. 
although the problem is normally different, the routine remains the same. ellie would fuck up and push blame, you would shout and then leave, she would laugh and say something like you’ll be back, you’d curse and deny it saying something like no i mean it this time, then a week later you’d be back.
you could never truly stay away from her. she reminds you of this with the way she kissed you, longing and angry and full of abandon.
“thought you said i’d never see you again, huh?” she says into your mouth, it wasn’t really a kiss…more of her trying to swallow the air that’s in your lungs. 
you kiss her harder, hoping to shut up her endless teasing. ellie pulls back from you, a smirk that you wanna taste tattooed to her lips. 
you can’t help but open your lips so that she could kiss you however she wanted. she knew exactly how you needed her and she was more than eager to provide.
“why do you keep trying to leave me?” she lets her kisses move from your mouth down to your neck. you whimper into her, your body tingling in every place she touches. you can’t help the guilt that sweeps inside you at the pain in her voice, unable to stop yourself from trying to kiss her again…it was your way of showing her your regret.
she pulled back again, the corners of lips lifting at the way your mouth desperately chases hers. driving you past your point of sanity was what she did best after all.
she walks forward, forcing you to move backwards until your body hits a desk. she grabs hold of your hips, encouraging you to jump slightly. you obey her silent command, until you’re sat on the flat surface.
“why can’t you see that you’re always gonna be mine?” she pouts, you barely notice when she drops down to her knees. the look in her eyes was pure, it could fucking kill you how pretty she looks right now.
it made you think about her question, why do you keep leaving even though you know you’ll come back every time?
when she notices your attention shifting she sucks at the skin on your thighs, below where your skirt ends. greedily, wanting to be the center of your fixation. “focus on me, okay?”
you nod, hands tangling in her hair. ellie’s hands tail along your thighs, squeezing them occasionally. 
“i’m forgiving you again this time…” you begin as her lips trail further up, her hands shifting underneath your skirt to pull it above your hips.  “but this is the last time, if you fuck up again i swear i’m gone.”
it’s a lie. you both know it. 
although you would like to believe it was true. ellie kisses your knee––looking up at you, she trails a finger over the wet spot on your underwear.  she smiles against your skin. “let me show my gratitude.”
you’re panting by the time she moves your underwear aside, licking her lips at the sight of you. she kisses up your thigh, her lips leaving a trail of your anticipation behind.
“hurry up, ellie.” you whine and she scoffs. how silly of you to think you had any control here.
“careful.” she chastises. “before i stop being so nice.” it’s more of a warning than it is a threat but with ellie, the two things are synonymous. you can’t help but watch as she disappears in between your thighs, drinking you in like she’s been starved her whole life.
“are you gonna be the good girl i know you are?” even though she knows you’re too out of breath to answer––she cruelly asks, the vibrations making you shudder. you let out one long moan, the only answer that can make its way from your throat.
she huffs into you, pulling back which makes you whine. “when i ask you a question, i expect an answer, pretty girl. you know that.” she’s being harsh but she’s almost pouting as she speaks. and although her words are muffled by the skin of your thigh the room is so quiet that it sounds like it echos. 
“yeah, i’ll be good.” your hands reach in her hair, trying to pull her closer but she just avoids your touch.
“i don’t know if i believe you…”
you sob, desperate to feel her lips on you again. ellie could be so mean. “i’ll be so good, ellie––i promise.”
“i need to feel you, please ellie.” the thought of her leaving you like this––all worked up with an ache only she could rectify––makes tears brim in your eyes.
“that’s right, baby.” she smiles and it gives you whiplash how sweet she looks when she’s being so goddamn mean to you. “you need me. you just need to be reminded of that sometimes…”
you whimper, nodding your head meekly. she places two more kisses on your right leg, hands pulling your legs further apart. you watch as her face softens behind your blurry eyes, she can’t help but melt at the look on your face. “okay, it’s okay. you’re so good for me, look so pretty when you cry.”
she leans down to flatten her tongue against your center, making you sigh in satisfaction. ellie licks at you slow and sloppy, taking her time to savor you until your legs close around her head in the wake of your rapture. she rides it out, only pulling away when you push at her head from sensitivity.
she stands up and licks her lips, getting the last drops of your taste. her hands immediately tangle in your hair, pulling your mouth onto her own. she only breaks away from the kiss when the need for oxygen consumes her. “god, you look so good when you cum…so beautiful and all mine, right?”
you hesitate for only a moment, but it’s enough to make her grab your jaw and make you look at her. her gaze narrows as she awaits your response.
“m’all yours, ellie. always.”
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hiddenwords · 3 months
it was never anything serious
we just talked
we didn't know eachother at all
except we have the same favourite animal
we'd both sometimes randomly bring up penguins
he keeps forgetting we both love them but it's nice thinking of him whenever i see one
we also love the same flowers!
we found that out when we were having our first out of maybe three serious conversations
and it was brought up again when he told me he'd take me out and buy me flowers
that never happened of course,
but it was a cute thought
his favourite food was pizza
he said he loved any kind except cheese
in his mind it's too basic and doesn't see why not put something else on it
i let him know thats one of the few pizzas i eat
and he suddenly said it was still nice
did he really mean that?
i told him about my memory box and all the weird things in it
a lot of people know about it, it doesn't matter
but he encouraged me to show him and i was shocked to see him interested
of course i loved talking to him, letting him closer
it was a way to prolong our conversation, so i did
it was never anything serious
we just texted
...for hours and hours on end
sometimes he'd stay up all night talking to me even if he had work in the morning
we didn't even notice the sun had come up
i swear the conversation started an hour ago?
i felt so warm after so long
(even if i'd experience cold for the next 2 months, it was worth it)
we just texted
and i dont think ive ever laughed so much at my phone
you've said numerous times that you cant believe my sense of humor
and of course i went along with the joke
we'd both always be dying laughing
we just texted
but we talked about why we couldn't work
he told me hes the last guy i wanna be involved with
of course i didnt buy it, i said that i'd be the judge of that
(i was)
he always apologised saying he didnt want to hurt me
and i always said that he wasn't and even if he did it would be my fault
(sometimes only half truths are good enough)
but we also had the same music taste as kids
we both love tattoos
we know so many of the same people
we both love so hard
and thats the exact reason that we couldn't work
i had no barriers and fell for him too hard too fast
while he was held back by his past, his mind and his pain
we also disagreed a lot
i believed things happen for a reason
that things like fate exist
(and that you were part of mine)
you believed it was all coincidence
but that night you said that recently you've been seeing "reasons" more and more
did he really mean that?
he saw me as... i don't even know
a distraction? a rebound? an option?
all i know is that he broke away the walls around my heart and made me feel again
it was never anything serious
i still remember everything about him
ive never felt so connected to someone in such a short time
and we didn't know eachother at all
but damn did i wish i'd get to know him
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stedebonnit · 1 year
Thinking about Ed getting injured at some point, and him being so used to just taking care of himself because no one has ever really cared if he was injured beyond "keep the captain alive so he can tell us what to do next". Hes never been cared for, especially not for a minor injury like this (i mean, getting a sword slash on the arm is really the least scary thing to get. A couple of stitches and he'd be right as rain)
But Stede sees it happen, and in a second Ed is being scooped into Stedes arms and fucking carried back to the ship. Stede is settling Ed on their bed, and hushing him when he tries to tell Stede that he's fine, that this really, really isnt a big deal.
Stede is so gentle as he peels off Eds jacket, and the little tsk's and, oh dear's that fly from Stedes lips as he assesses the damage pull at heartstrings that Ed wasnt aware he had.
Then Stede is scrambling over to the medicine cabinet and pulling out supplies, and rum to numb his pain for fucks sake, as if Ed wouldnt have just stitched this up with one hand if he'd been left alone to handle it.
Stede approaches, handing Ed a small glass of rum and intructing him to drink. Ed, too shocked to argue, does just that.
"Good, now lie back, dear, Ive got you. This may sting a little, but I'm hoping the rum will make it a little easier."
It does sting, just a little, in a way Ed never cared enough to notice before. Its not that it never hurt, Ed had survived far more painful injuries in the past, but Ed had never been allowed to feel it before. He'd never had someone care enough to hold him and tell him:
"Its alright, sweetheart, we're almost done. You'll be all better in just a tick, you're being so brave. We'll take a nice long rest after this. The crew can wrap up the raid no problem."
On the last stitch, Stede looks up to find tears in Eds eyes.
Stedes face melts and he reaches up a hand to carefully wipe the tears away.
"Oh, my heart, did it hurt terribly? I'm so sorry, but its done now."
Ed shakes his head, blown away by the fact that he can be loved so gently.
"No, love, you did perfectly. Thank you. I've just...never had this before."
"An arm slash? Ah, theyre quite nasty, I hear."
"No, had plenty of those. Plus...tattoos are just one big arm slash if you really think about it."
Stede snorts out a laugh.
"You know, that tracks. What did you mean, then?"
"Ive been injured plenty. Much worse shit than this, that's for sure. I've never...had someone care. Not like this. People cared enough to keep me breathing, sometimes even that was only up to me. I've never had someone want to help me feel better, you know?"
Stedes brows pull together, his ever expressive face dripping with empathy as he nods.
"I do. Im so sorry youve been alone for so long, Edward, but you arent alone anymore. I will always take care of you, because you deserve it."
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Welcome Back. 🥳
If you have to list most fave songs within album. How would each of the song rank in your list?
Thank you.
Hi @misslauwie! I assume you're asking about Face. If not, then so be it because that's what I'll be talking about 😄
I'll make this brief and not an in-depth analysis. I actually avoided Face for a while after its release. I did listen to all the songs immediately and as a first impression, I liked everything, but I took a step back. It's difficult to explain because I myself don't know exactly what was so odd. It felt like I'm listening to the music made by a stranger, but then again isn't a good thing when an artist reveals a new side of themselves through creative means? So why the cognitive dissonance? Well, one answer would be because all of us have this image in our head of that person. And while there is a general consensus, some things we perceive or make up in our heads will differ because we project onto them. And it happens often and really easy when we're focusing on that artist every single day. I find that it's a bit too much, at least from me. It was difficult to be able to fully understand, appreciate or even critique the music without some distance. Which is what I did and a couple of months later I decided that I can and want to listen to Face casually.
And I'll tell you what transpired. Like Crazy the English version is the only song from the album that I have added to a spotify playlist that I listen to everyday at work when I'm writing/editing. It's right there in between an IVE song and Kylie's Padam Padam. It's such a damn good song. From the musical arrangement, the lyrics (emotions on ice, let me have a taste???? Damn, I'd have that tattooed somewhere), the way Jimin sings. The entire production is top notch. I want to listen to it on a vinyl record at a party in an apartment at 2 am in the morning kind of vibe. An 80s throwback, but it also has that contemporary aspect to it. It's a type of song that fits well with the trends in the last couple of years, but impressive enough to stand out. If it had radio play, it would have become a hit with the gp. Like Crazy is that song that could have been BIG if only it got the means to it.
Second it would be Letter, but not for some deep reasons or whatever hidden meaning behind it. A lot of the times when I listen to music, I don't think about some back story. I doesn't mean I don't think about the meaning of the lyrics, but maybe I just like the melody and the voice. Letter initially made me think of a Studio Ghibli movie, something about adolescence and young adulthood in the summer. It would be perfect for a soundtrack. And now I also associate the song with that period in my life in March because who was on a 3h train ride running away from town because life is shitty and had Letter on repeat the entire time while crying and wearing sunglasses so the other people on the chairs nearby wouldn't see? Yep, that's Letter for me.
Coming in third, Set Me Free Pt. 2. No need to go into detail, I've written about it when it was released. But I don't listen to it anymore and I'm still not a fan of the rap part despite understanding the creative reason behind it.
Alone and Face-Off. Both good songs, but I don't think about them. For no particular reason, it's just that I'm not in the mood to have them casually in a playlist. But if from time to time I choose to listen to Face entirely (usually on a train ride), I don't skip them. I do the album entirely, beginning to an end (and skip Interlude: Dive).
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tremendum · 25 days
hiii! pls i was nervous i said something and you were upset and oml, im so sorry. ily im sorry! ill try and think of the things i could've possibly ran my mouth about LMAO
okay, first thing was my little story from 4th grade and i saw the hashtags you put in that reply and THATS THE SWEETEST THING. and then i remembered the time you called me darling and then i shut my mouth 🥹
oh yes, then was about your tattoos and how you've been making a lil collection of them and i said how i bet they all look amazing on you (i still stand by that). think i said something about how i don't have loads of tattoos atm but have lots of piercings (also recently been really thinking about retiring one and getting a new one).
that's it i believe. i feel like ive been rambling and reviewing our last topic smh. i apologize. BUT ive missed you and ily sm, hope you've been doing amazing and you deserve everything and more
mwah ♡
NO never bb! never!! haha im sorry, but aw hehe its true ur such a cutie :) thank you i think my tattoos are a bit unique which is fun i love them so much and i want more!
and rahhhhh im jealous! i only have a few piercings, my septum and a double nostril and then my earlobes. i want more omg. what are you thinking of getting, and retiring?? do u have a favorite? i hope you're doing incredible ily!!
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iwantdatcookie · 7 months
Answer all the even numbers of that ask meme >:3
Oh shit fuck ok hold on gimme a sec gonna have to pull up a second screen for this. Puttin it all under a readmore to not clog anyones dash haha
2: i dont really like either of them, but ive had tea and i prefer it more sweet
4: im a side sleeper through and through, full fetal pose sometimes even
6: i havent done either in a long time, but i think i liked drawing more since i could see what i made immediately in my eyes.
8: dont have one currently, but ive been thinking a lot about linkin park lately
10: uhhh shit ive forgotten. Maybe around 1 meter 80 by now so 5’ 9”?
12: my baby niece, all of my tumblr mutuals, my online friends that ive fallen out of contact with because i have difficulty talking to people myself. Really a lot of people…
14: green! Followed by brown because chocolate
16: not really want a tattoo, cant handle the pain haha
18: in terms of dms its a friend i sent a photo of among us chicken nuggets
20: the aforementioned online friends ive talked about before which are too many to all say now.
22: actually might have been a good 8 hours though i csnt recall what hour exactly i fell aslepp
24: i think last time was because i messed up in something at work
26: videogames are still kinda childish in my society, also chocolate milk
28: currently im a little happier because family came over and i got to see my niece but otherwise ive been feeling a little sad and isolated
30: for the school year to end and to go on a trip with my coworkers and then be able to stream again now that i have good internet
32: i would go to super nintendo world just cause i wanna see it. I feel like if i said i wanted to visit friends would be a boring answer to give
34: i like sunflowers
36: yeah its alright, nothing to say about it except that i makes my initials spell out a word and i like that
38: not very strong phobias but i cant handle dogs approaching me at high speed or darkness. I guess heights too?
40: i like the beach, though i prefer when its cloudy because i also dont like extreme heat haha
42: oh shit uhhh @lotsadeer, @robboybot, @gothbaseball, @squintsquint, @bimbocatfood
44: my baby niece who’s visiting :)
46: honestly, just sleep, or a videogame, or honestly just you know haha
48: i honest to goodness dont know, i guess at this point my parents or sister
50: i guess i can pick whatever thing to say for this one so uh, if anyone wanted to know what ive been up to lately im doing the final bonus level in mario wonder and i dressed up with an evil clown mask for a halloween event recently!
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elmaxlys · 10 months
Hi! Ive been going through my ts volumes and I’ve been wondering,
considering you are the person who is the most interested in juo, you would be the best person for me to ask. what do you think His childhood was like? (apart from what we know)
Also! If you have any other thoughts on other characters i would love to hear it!
If you want, I could also share some thoughts/headcanons on my favourite guys! (Ein & Aikawa Obvs)
Hopefully this is coherent aha, i have troubles putting sentences together!
Just wanted to ask because im soo intrigued to see more on what others think about certain characters and such!
Ooh hi!! :DD
I do think about Juo's childhood from time to time, although my headcanons about it tend to vary depending on, like, the AU or my mood or anything, really xD that's the one good thing about having barely anything about him :')
can you believe that's all we have on his past? orz
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(mangabox screens bc they're the ones i have saved in my computer but it was fun to go compare with the seven seas at the site you told me, thanks again for that :3)
Anyway, to come back to the topic at hand..
I like to think that he's mixed caucasian/japanese
I can't decide whether i read him as an only child or as younger/middle brother like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the projection can only go so far. In one of my fics, I made him an older brother to step siblings, but I do tend to think of him as either siblingsless or as his problem with authority having some part to do with having older siblings (whether he also has younger siblings to go with that depends on how blatant i want the Rika parallel to be lmao)
He's was a good student, getting good grades. Helps sell the "I never bullied anyone, how dare you judge me on my appearance" act + he's smart AND likes to shove his superiority in people's face, he totally would get good grades and play it off as nothing
I love that school is his villain origin story btw
His parents are either the neglectful kind or the blind trust pink sunglasses kind ("my kid would never do that he's an angel! :o")
In any case he hates his parents
He didn't have friends. He hung out with people like him (delinquents and bullies) but never let anyone get close
He only allowed himself the more feminine aspects of his appearance after he became strong and known enough that no one would ever attempt to give him shit for it
The first tattoo he got was the one on his left arm
He lost his virginity in middle school to an older girl, he did it with a guy in his last year of high-school, lying about his age
He wanted to be independent as soon as possible so he got a part time job while in school and didn't go to university or anything, did an apprenticeship or equivalent - and then he was whooshed to high-rise world
I hope it's somewhat coherent xD my thoughts tend to change a lot, ngl, none of it is fixed but it's what i tend to default to i guess? x)
I can't think of anything to share about other characters but I am really curious about your thoughts on your favs, especially about Ein, since we have absolutely nothing on her past o_o
Anyway I hope you liked these! :3 :D
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mokeonn · 5 months
Ive been drawing for 10 years and no one wants my art and i live in a community of people who dont care for each other i reslly just dont see how it gets better for me in this case and i just wish i had you optimism
Well, I don't truly know your situation so there's a lot I can't comment on or give advice for. However, I am noticing some language in this message that gives me an idea (whether it's a good one or not is up to you) of what could help.
NOTE: I'm an unemployed 23 year old who is off their depression medication. I am NOT the one to go to for life advice, I'm just speaking from personal experience.
I think the first and easiest step is to take a moment, breathe, and just think. What do you want? Do you enjoy art as a hobby and would enjoy a non-art related job? Do you want art as a job/career, but you're not exactly picky on what that job should be? Do you have a specific dream in mind, i.e., comic artist/game developer/fantasy writer/illustrator/independent business owner? Because the answer to this question means a lot to what you should do!
For example: I'm all three.
I could absolutely keep art as a passionate thing I do for myself that I happen to post online while also working at, say, a library or a laboratory. I would love to make art my primary job/career, but I'm not very picky on how I get there! I have some ideas in mind, but if they're not a good fit, I won't be too upset. I would also love to be a comic artist/game developer, I am currently working on a comic and a game right now, actually. It's taking a long time, and it's going to take ages before I get to a point where I can even post things related to it online.
So I have a metric fuck ton of options. Let's make that clear, my goal in life is to just be happy, fulfilled, and surrounded by my friends. How I get there? Doesn't matter. As long as I stay true to my personal core values and it makes me happy, I am down for whatever. This absolutely gives me an advantage over someone who, say, only wants to be a professional animator or someone who wants to sell their knitted goods in shops and online.
So once you identify what you want to do, you gotta get ready for the next step: research. Ask yourself a million questions, find an answer, talk to other artists on or off the internet, find an answer.
For example: let's say you want to be a tattoo artist, but everyone in your area thinks tattoos are of the devil. Well, some questions to ask yourself would be:
How do I become a tattoo artist? What does that entail?
Are people the next town over more alright with tattoos? What about the nearest city?
Are these locations too far to travel to?
Would I have to move to make this dream a reality? Or could I start a tattoo community here?
How will I make the money in the meantime while working towards this?
And so on and so forth. In fact, imagine under every single one of these questions, there are sub questions that expand upon your answer, ask you if that answer is achievable, and ask you if that would make you happy. Like I'm taking dig deep, man. Get into the nitty and gritty of what you want to do and how you're gonna get there. Because, at the very least, this will give you some basic goals to work towards and ideas of what you are and aren't able to do. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone! If you spend your whole life in your comfort zone, you're never gonna learn anything.
However, I think the biggest obstacle that gets in a LOT of artists way that I pretty much spotted immediately when I read this ask: having low self-confidence and being pessimistic is absolutely getting in your way.
I've been working on my self-confidence for the last 10 months, give or take, and to say that there is a difference is an UNDERSTATEMENT. I had extremely low confidence, possibly because of a lifetime of bullying, mistreatment, depression, and a childhood of undiagnosed autism... but in all honesty the reasons don't really matter. I made self depreciating jokes ALL the time (the really harsh kind that made people uncomfortable rather than laughing with me) I constantly held myself back from doing things because I didn't believe I could do it, I hid myself all the time (metaphorically because I rarely showed others the things I was passionate in and kept myself very private out of fear of judgement... and literally too. I never fucking left the house.)
I basically was my own worst enemy, and what got me out of it was working with my friend. One day, I made a self depreciating joke or something along those lines, and she just looked at me and said "You know, it makes me very said to hear you talk about yourself like that."
She then went on to explain how I was a kind and wonderful person and it made her sad to hear me say things like that because it wasn't true and it was only preventing me from seeing what she saw. I ended up crying because it was so kind, and I never even thought about that. Around that time as well, I had made a joke around my Dad, and he said, "You know, I wish you didn't talk about yourself that way."
Over the upcoming months, I started working on my self-confidence. My friend helped a LOT whenever I went to her place to help out with her art business. She helped me gain confidence in asking questions, because before I would just avoid asking out of fear. She never yelled at me or got upset at asking questions, and would compliment me or thank me for asking a good one. It helped me learn that if someone yells at me for asking a question, they're the jerk! They're the problem, not me!
I slowly switched my language from "I think I can..." to "I can", "I'll try my best", and similar language. I went from being afraid to trying new things because I was afraid of failure to feeling completely fine with trying new things because a majority of those new things are completely low risk! If it doesn't work out, it just doesn't work out! I didn't lose anything but a little bit of time! A year ago, if something didn't work out, you might as well thought I shot your puppy or something with the way I would cry and apologize. I got better at not apologizing all the damn time, because there's no point in apologizing for things that aren't your fault!
I went to a pretty awful show with my friend where pretty much everything went wrong, and during the show it ended up POURING. We had an absolute downpour of rain. It ended up destroying a ton of stock and packaging for transportation. I had to stop myself from apologizing so much, why? Because I don't control the rain! It's not my fault that we got rained on and things got destroyed! Apologizing is not the right thing to do in this situation because there's nothing to apologize for. I ended up being a huge help in putting things away, and when I later told my friend that I had to stop myself from apologizing, she said the same thing: "it's not your fault it rained."
I can safely say that since working on my self-confidence, my mental health has been at an all-time high. My medication is more effective than ever, I am no longer struggling with depression unless off my medication, my anxiety is pretty much gone unless off medication (I need to make it abundantly clear that I have chronic depression and anxiety and I need medication to be able to function and I know that my mental health struggles are nowhere near as bad on medication, because I am currently off my meds due to doctor problems)
I have been more willing to get out of my comfort zone, learn, try new things, and work towards actual tangible goals. Because I took the time to work on my EXTREMELY LOW (I can not emphasize enough how bad it was), self-confidence, with the help of those who care about me.
Your anon message absolutely tells me you do not have very high confidence in yourself. The way you talk about "no one wanting your art" (I don't know how you know that for certain), and how you wish you had my optimism because you see no options for yourself remind me SO MUCH of how I used to be. So my biggest message really comes down to this:
If you want ANY success in life, you're going to have to allow yourself to have it.
Having low self-confidence and being pessimistic is honestly just... denying yourself the happiness you deserve. You're going to have to work on that because you deserve that happiness.
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thelumpyabyss · 2 years
i just passed out on the couch for an hour and half out of emotional exhaustion but oh my god tiger & bunny can't be over i refuse to believe it. spoilers under the cut
-THEY NEVER GOT THEIR DRINKS!! are they really going to leave the "guess we have to toast with our IVs" the closest taibani gets to going out for drinks....that's criminal
-i guess i was expecting kotetsu would lose his powers but it was so abrupt and he seemed so...not ok with it, but resigned? i thought we would've gotten more of an emotional response from him. we sure got one from bunny lol
-i was really surprised they put a limitation on bunny's powers, too, and he's not even going to stop being a hero because of it?? having your leg kill you every time you use your powers seems really serious and i can't see that being as sustainable as kotetsu's declining powers were. also is it wrong of me to not want bunny to be a hero without kotetsu lol. WHO'S GOING TO BE HIS BUDDY?? he can't have another buddy!!!
-the ED was so romantic and for what????
-listen i'm a veteran fujo and i knew there was no possible chance for a taibani kiss but it really seemed like they were setting us up for one? what with the raging NEXT lesbian and ruby mentioning her two dads...idk i thought for sure they were hinting at something. but queer rep is always good, in any case. i wish they had at least hugged though...
-lunatic really went through it after not much action from him in the first part!! HIS POOR MOTHER omg. idk if he's really dead but like. he probably is. he deserved better. it was cool seeing him fight with the heroes.
-they didn't wrap up anything with ouroboros!! it bugs me that no one mentioned the ouroboros tattoo on brahe's hand. you'd think bunny would've been all over that shit. i want to know what their true motives are if they really do run the world
-bunny having a flashback to maverick when it was hinted that mattia might've betrayed him. i wish there'd been more about that
-i did NOT expect them to bust out the real life l.l. auden! it cracked me up that he was just like "oh hello do you need help oh of course i'll kill some villains for you"
-one of the things i was most afraid of happening was gregory using his power on kotetsu but what i didn't realize i should've been afraid of was KOTETSU RAMPAGING AGAINST BUNNY...that hurt me. at least it didn't last long
-when the mayor was making his stupid decision to segregate NEXTs i wish he had made some comment about how maverick basically used to tell him what to do in situations like this. it always bugged me how they never mentioned the man again except for brief flashbacks
-AGNES NOT WANTING TO HEAR KOTETSU SAY HE WON'T BE A HERO ANYMORE!!!! i knew she had a soft spot for him
-rock bison having a crush on agnes....i really thought his present was for origami esbibgierubwrhw that whole plot point was so funny
-i'm glad black and thomas actually became proper partners. they were so good together! I'M SO HAPPY THEY FOUND RUBY!! she's so cute and it was nice to see thomas happy
-BUNNY USING KOTETSU'S SUIT???? and using it really well?? and kotetsu saying "it felt like tiger and bunny!" IOEFIREHEUIHIH the fact that they know each other so well that bunny was able to use kotetsu's suit as if it was an extension of having kotetsu there fighting with him......THEY REALLY ARE THE BEST TEAM EVER. THEY'LL ALWAYS BE PARTNERS (because they're married)
-kotetsu finally got to carry bunny.....
-KING OF BUDDY HEROES ToT I CRIED FOR SO LONG!! i hope there's a season 3 or a movie or an OVA or SOMETHING because there are a lot of loose ends they didn't tie up, but at the same time there was a huge sense of finality? idk. maybe they'll announce something at the last live watch party. i'm really really hoping. this can't be the end. i don't want to say goodbye to the best team ever.
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I am asking about heypetekey drama.
okay there's,,, so much here. chris himself has said that this whole thing is only abt 75% true but i'm putting it all under the cut anyway FDHSJKFDSK it's also not really,,, heypetekey drama it's like petekey + chris who's in lvoe with mikey but also pete and chris definitely kinda have a gay thing drama. i don't know what i'm saying anyways
this isn't like. i'm sure some of this won't make sense if you don't already have background knowledge of them but i'm Hoping it kinda might if not. idk dig up the petekey masterpost or something
anyways so heychris had a girlfriend and her name was heykate and pete slept with her bc?!?!? idk!
so chris posts this thing on his livejournal about it!
an open letter to pete wentz. it takes a lot to make me mad. it takes even more to infuriate me. so, after all this time i finally learned the truth. that it was you telling my ex girlfriend lies and secrets. despite even giving you the pass card after i caught you trying to talk dirty to her online, this is how you repay me? no wonder why you couldnt look me in the eye on the bus last summer and no wonder why you avoided me every chance you got. you hug me and tell me you love me then you tell lies to my girlfriend behind my back to lure her away from me? you tell her i cheat on her and then you tell me to come stay on the bus? you are a spineless fucking sham. i regret every second i spent defending you and your selfish ways. dont forget, i know you. not that shitty glammed up poser image you present to the masses to consume. the dude i knew never would have worn a fucking dinosaur shirt or sold out one of his friends. the dude i knew had heart and fucking loyalty. well lil buddy, you are fucking done. you want to sell me out to the most important person in my life and then have the audacity to make ME think I did something wrong to not deserve your friendship? you fucking arrogant bastard. since we’re discussing sellouts lets discuss how when kids give you presents you laugh at them and throw it straight in the trash. oh yeah, ive seen it many times. lets talk about how you talk shit about the fat girls that are your fans and mock their letters. you are fucking undeserving of every ounce of attention you’ve ever gotten. from every one of your calculated business moves to your “spontaneous” jumps in the crowd parts to your well rehearsed cliche lines you’ve been spouting for 400 shows in a row. you’re boring, contrived and old. “oooh, no one loves me, its sooo hard being on magazine covers and tv shows. someone save me from me.” what are you, fucking 12? go light your little candles ask yourself why no one will ever truly love you. its amazing no one has caught on to your little fucking show. you’re nothing more than a shitty opportunist business man with even shittier fashion sense. so pack up and move to whatever million dollar house you’ve picked out in california paid for by your lies and hypocrisy and deceit and selfishness and over medicate yourself like youve been doing for years…because guess what? no one wants you here anymore. you are not welcome. oh yeah, hows that straight edge tattoo doing? as well as the tattoo for your “crew” who now refer to you as a fraud and a con? stay gold dude, stay gold. remember this each night of the tour when you play the lie, “hey chris, you were our only friend.” downplay it all you want by saying the song is about “friends”, but guess whos fucking name you’re saying each and every night? mine. thats right. what a bunch of fucking phonies. sing the songs you dont even believe in anymore. fucking liar. you know the friends i have and you know how we feel about loyalty. you know who im talking about and you know they’re not happy either. so dont get caught slipping and you better make damn sure you watch whos on your guest list because a plus one might come backstage to punch your fucking teeth out and tear the windpipe from your throat. you fucking sell out. oh, and next time you decide to write another song about me, do it right you fucking coward.
so uh. pete replies on the fall out boy lj. and like,,,, you can imagine how awful that must've been for chris
oh what a monster we’ve created.
when i am called by my manager to read a post that is burning through the internet it makes me wonder. ive never responded to rumours or shittalking online, no matter who it came from- at the same time there is nothing that makes my blood boil more than reading this- being who i am, my first instinct is to blow it off- but then i consider how anytime anything is written on the internet people believe its true- no matter what, no matter the biases or subjectivity of the sources. my first instinct is to lash out- to say everything i think about you and every situation- to defend myself and attack you. as unbelievable as it is- i am an extremely insecure person- everytime i read something about myself negative or positive i react in probably the exact same way anyone would.
but like i said- i am going to continue to do this my own way, what i consider to be the higher road. i understand when we get angry we often lash out- ive done it myself on many occassions. if you want to talk to me about any of this call me on my cell phone and we can do it one on one-
i will not be responding to anything else-
however, the attacks about our fans and the people that listen to this music and read these words is completely offbase- the fans of this band are my entire life- ive lost my girlfriend, my friends, much of my “normal” life- just to keep this relationship going- this isn’t to say that i dont make mistakes, take misteps. just because youve seen me on tv or at a show doesn’t make me anything less or more than human. you dont ever see the other side of the way we agonize over every decision we make or try our best to please everyone- because we’ve given up in bands before and we know how it feels and we dont want that to happen. everyone in the band is upset about this- remember everyone that makes up fall out boy- they all wanted me to voice that we appreciate our fans and friends that weve met more than anything- and that we realize because of where we are all the arrows are pointed at us- but we will try our best. and we do try our best. we also, have far more faith in the intelligence and dedication of the people that believe in us to think that they will be swayed easily. if you want to hear other stories of how we actually talk about our fans or think of them please ask other bands, they will testify to how we really act. we just want you to know that in four years when noone cares, we still hope you are there. im not going to freak out or whatever, but please an attack on our fans or our relationship with them as a p.r. move is uncalled for.
this doesn’t need to be reposted anywhere- i am sure that fob fans know where to find it.
chris if you want to talk the phone line is there.
i wrote this pretty fast so i apologize for the typos and run-ons.
until then, thank you to everyone who reserves judgment and has my back until the end of time. - petey
(idk why that bit formatted weird sorry)
so chris replies again on a different journal i think?
heterolifemates. i wont lie. i hate being this dude. i wish it wouldnt have come to this but goddamn, hes right. no one knows how to break a heart like he does.
which comes across as weirdly gay but shrug. and around now is peengate. chris denies doing it but the timing lines up Really nicely. and like. i don't know getting publicly humiliated by a band that's BLOWING UP? when you weren't even in the wrong? also i'm fairly sure that pete sending chris nudes was like,,, a thing since i think he offered them for help fixing his printer once?! yeah idk
and nowww mikeyway gets involved! hoping you've got like background knowledge on petekey and what went on summer 2005 if not,, i mean you could ask me too o.o FDSHJFDS sorry if i get tinhatty around here too
chris said he "went to california and fell for a boy who had a girlfriend" and then literally RIGHT AFTER. posted these
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and then pete does this
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so pete and chris weren't friends but they were still friends with each other's friends and i'm fairly sure they're like,, on good terms again but definitely not best friends or anything
in 2013 chris said "But I still do have a crush on Mikey."
this year. 2022. chokes and dies.
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do you know how normal i have to be about these images anon.
also earlier this year or maybe last year? idk but chris commented on one of mikey's posts i think getting mad he never came to the catcade (chris's cat cafe!) when he went to chicago (fic potential just sayin)
um the end probably for now :thumbsup: i left some bits out but ! ehhgjgndnj
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
9, 26, 27 and 28!
9. Tattoos i want: oh mica youre gonna make me crave but hmm. currently i have a few ive settled on that i definitely want, so (also gonna separate these by arms cause the left one is supposed to be more of a wrestling themed sleeve and the right for the rest lol, and mostly i have just planned these for my arms or upper body at least) - knives. i want a double set of switchblades, one on each arm, currently thinking above my elbow on the back of my arm. one pointing upwards and one downwards - i need the ace austin ace logo (left arm). cause fucking aesthetic (also matching tats with my babe <3) - some sort of a set of the house of black masks or at least one of them (left arm) - libra constellation (right arm, preferably right hand) - some type of a cat. i havent decided on this yet, most likely its gonna be a matching one with my wife, but definitely cat themed (right arm) - fox done in a watercolor style (right arm). this is one ive wanted for the longest time, so we'll see when that eventually happen. i just want it to be like the size of my entire upper arm lol - "night crow" (right arm). im not going into details cause it would take a while and its a work in progress and idk if i can actually make it happen but this is something personal and kip related lol - if i ever get a chest removal, my scars will be covered with "im not a woman, im a god". also potential matching tattoo idea with babe <3
..i think thats all ive been thinking rn? most likely at least one knife will be next, but that entirely depends what im feeling, who i can get as an artist and when i come to monies for anything but. theres a short list for now LOL
26. What’s one thing you regret? im trying to think but like. nothing major comes to mind honestly? im too old to regret things lol
27. First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: ..oh. you know. YOU KNOW
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kicking my feet, twirling my hair <333 (we just talked about this last night too, but like yeah.. hes attractive to the point where i ended up liking facial hair actually LMAO)
28. Favorite ice cream? like. theres this really good one i get constantly from the store during the summer. where its like. chocolate ice cream. with little chocolate cake pieces in it. and little chocolate drops in it. and mocha sauce on top of it. its so ridiculously good like holy shit
get in my business please ~
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