#but now i might remember an incident w him too??????
angeltrapz · 1 year
ohhh my god (uh. trauma talk in tags)
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Star light, Star bright | Fatui Harbingers x Creator!(Female)Reader
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Summary: Caring for children is hard, but it's especially hard when around the Fatui. Getting isekaied was the last thing on your mind after landing in the icy tundra of Snezhnaya all while your nephew is with you. What will happen when you encounter not only a Fatui Skirmisher but a Fatui Harbinger?
Not beta read or proofed, we die like signora.
I tried to be a bit gender-neutral here, but I might have slipped. Nephew does call you auntie qwq
Tags/warnings: female reader, god!reader, cult AU
Tumbling down the steep hill and narrowly avoiding the cliff that just dove off, the car rolled to a stop as you opened your eyes slowly, your arms still around your nephew as a sort of shield for him as he sobbed. Gently and quietly soothing him as you rubbed his back, you soon looked around, even checking him to be sure that he was free of any injuries, which he thankfully was.
"Shh. It's okay, Nugget. It's okay."
You attempted to sound gentle while not wincing in pain. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to unbuckle the seat belt and jump to the back to protect him despite him being in the car seat as well. His sobs and concern for his aunt would have been heard if one got too close to the car, but it was not the time to wallow in such a state.
You looked around, trying to find an exit to make.
Kicking down glass windows, especially the windshield, seemed so much easier in the movies so, using common sense, you opted in opening the back door, realizing just how cold it was out there. Quickly bundling up and gathering all the necessities: bags, blankets, food, emergency kits, and your nephew's entertainment bag, the two of you decided to march on to the closest town or at least to the main road they were taking before the car crash.
Giving your nephew one of the spare blankets, you wrapped it around him, holding back a shriek of joy at how adorable he looked. He looked like a penguin. But now was not the time to think about it as you bit your tongue from crying out from the forming bruises on your body, or even the icy air hitting your cuts.
Pulling out your phone to at least call the emergency line to at least report the incident and awaited for someone to answer. Never having called the emergency line before, you didn't know what to expect but it was definitely not the dial-up tone of the internet in the early 2000s.
It was quite concerning.
But not so much as the full battery on it.
The no signal was a common thing in the mountains, especially during the snowy days. But the full battery was a whole other thing as you clearly remembered it being at 30% at the store.
"Alright, Nugget. Let's go and find someplace warm to wait." Holding onto his hand, the two of you trudged along the snow, walking toward where you thought the main road was at, though when you got there, nothing.
Alright, plan b: look for a line of smoke. Smoke meant campfire, and campfire meant people. People meant help and warmth until then.
Or death if it involved a serial killer
It seemed like forever to get to the line of smoke as you then had to carry your nephew as he had started growing tired, but you never let him take the blanket off. You finally hiked over the hill and were happy but it was short-lived as the people surrounding the fire didn't look like any other person you'd seen before. Was that a lady with a slit-open dress? In the middle of winter?? Work it, girl
You winced in pain again, the injury of before seeming to be more than just a cut started to hurt more. But you couldn't rest now or even let your nephew down as it seemed to get colder already. He even started shivering and sneezing, which seemed to alert the group of people (?) by the fire. The one dressed in red, his eyes only showing and a rifle in his hand suddenly pointed at them and you instantly backed away and held onto the shivering bundle.
"Please help me. W-we've been in an accident." You said, trembling as your arms began to tire, shaking and trying to hold onto your nephew until you knew that you both would be safe. The group soon relaxed and walked over to you and gasped. It all seemed blurry at the moment but you could immediately tell that they grew worried and rushed to your side. The woman with the inappropriate winter outfit soon takes your nephew in her arms, revealing your arms to be covered in blood.
The blood was not it's ordinary red though.
Your clothes soaked in golden blood...
"Your Grace!"
It was chaotic, to say the least when a group of fatui Skirmishers arrived at the palace carrying a sobbing and shivering child and an unconscious person with golden blood covering their arms. The chaos disturbed the peace that the Harbingers inside created and were about to endue their wrath on the offenders when they saw the face of the person they were carrying and the child.
"Your Grace has been hurt!"
"My Lords! Your Grace is injured!"
Feet clattered, chairs scratching the floors as all eleven Harbingers rushed at the one carrying your form, the masked Doctor carefully holding her and rushing towards his lab with the others following suit. Well, that would be the case if it wasn't for the sobs of the child.
"W-where's auntie? Is she okay? She'll be fine, right?" He asked and reached to anyone, holding onto the mirror maiden as she began to soothe the child.
"All will be well, Your Highness." said a soft voice belonging to the third Harbinger, the young boy turned towards a beautiful woman with black hair with some pink locks, her eyes closed though he could hardly tell if she was as she stretched her arms out to him and started to sing. It was beautiful and sleepy but he had no time to rest as he wanted to go to you and make sure you were well.
"Auntie...! I want my auntie! Auntie might die, right? She can't die! She's my auntie! She kept me safe! The meaner crashed into us! It's their fault! If a-auntie dies, I'm blaming that meaner!!"
The air suddenly turned sour, with rage, and anger at the one that possibly harmed their Creator.
"She will not die, Your Highness." said a deep and gruff voice, making the boy look at an older man, seeing him wear half of a mask and walking towards him and the woman that held him.
"We will make sure of it."
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A/N: haha~ I did it~ Finally something that involves my favorite group of people. VILLAINS
Let me know if you want more~
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 5 months
Don't Get Attached | Part 3
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➪ Playlist (Spotify)
➪ W/c: 1640
I Can Beg For You
Even though it has been about a week since Jungkook and I last saw each other he has yet to miss a day of not calling my phone at least once. Of course, I don’t answer, not because I’m petty but more so because I fear that my emotions might take over again. I’ve been a mess since the incident and that’s putting it lightly. I mean, I don’t remember the last time I stepped foot out of my apartment but I guess today’s the day as my friend, Jinni invited the girls and me out for a night out. Do I want to go? No, not really. Should I go? Yes, probably. As much as I’ve grown comfortable with rotting away in my room, I simply cannot keep doing this. 
So, I put on my tightest mini dress and let the curls loose before spraying the perfume Jungkook adored so much. The truth is, I can’t seem to let him go, not yet at least. In my head we are still together, so I pay the price of that delusion by filling the void in my heart with his sweet lies. You can call me naive all you want but something about him is just … I don’t know … irresistible, I guess. No, fuck him. For the love of God, don’t get attached y/n. 
- -
Making our way into the club we are welcomed by the pungent smell of alcohol mixed with sweat and cologne as Jinni pulls me straight to the dance floor. The place is packed and there isn’t much space to actually bust a move if you know what I mean, so most people resorted to simply grinding on each other. Realizing that I’m too sober to take this seriously I excuse myself to grab us some drinks. However, as the night went on, one shot turned into three which then doubled and after that, I just lost count. Feeling the alcohol in my system, the whole grinding thing no longer bothered me as much. 
Pulling Jinni closer we danced the night away, screaming our lungs out when the DJ played throwback Usher songs. It was all fun and games until I really let loose. The louder the music got the quieter my thoughts were and the more I drank the less I could think clearly, which in hindsight was a recipe for a disaster but in the moment was exactly what I needed. So, there I was, strutting away to some Timbaland on top of the wooden countertop as drunk men kept throwing dollar bills at me. While I was unfazed by the whole thing, Jinni had a heart attack after each shaky step I took in my 4-inch heels. The probability of me falling off was as high as most people in the club, so her concern was not exaggerated. 
“Y/n please come down, you’re gonna fall,” she screams, unfortunately for her, I was now surrounded by a sound barrier from the blasting overhead speakers. 
“Jiiinniii, dance with me,” I whine, eyes barely open as my arms reach for her. Shaking her head, Jinni quickly grabbed her phone and dialled the only person she knew could deal with my drunk self. 
“Jungkook? Hey, please hurry, y/n is drunk and won’t get down from bar island,” she screams into the speaker, turning her head to the lounge area where the rest of our group was. A rookie mistake, since by the time her attention was back on the table I was no longer there. Instead, I was in the poorly lit women’s bathroom with some random guy whose grip tightened around my waist. 
“Can I kiss you?” he whispers, gaze focused on my lips as my back presses onto the cold wall. 
“Do whatever you want,” I sigh, intertwining my hands in his dishevelled hair. I know it’s wrong, but if I keep my eyes closed I can almost feel Jungkook’s embrace. His veiny hands on my thighs as we both gasp for air from the sinful kisses. All that, of course, is merely the work of my imagination. At that moment, it’s not Jungkook's hands, not his lips, not him. With all the alcohol in my system, my body has become numb to external sensations until a familiar melody rings from my purse. Speaking of the devil, it’s Jungkook. Did my heartbeat increase? Maybe. 
“Come over y/n,” Jungkook says, his voice raspy and harsh as he presses on the gas pedal, speeding by the passing cars towards the night club. 
“Can’t baby, I’m a bit busy,” I whisper softly, breath hitched from the sudden feel of the guy’s hand on my ass. As he leaves a trail of kisses on my exposed collarbone I bite down on my lip, until a small moan escapes my mouth. 
“Y/n, who is that?” Jungkook growls at the sound coming from his phone. One that is too familiar for his liking as his imagination runs wild, connecting the dots regarding the context of the situation. Closing his eyes for a moment, he can picture your form in a tight dress that pushes your cleavage up with your hair laid perfectly over your shoulders. Just the way he likes it. Fuck, he thinks to himself. 
“Sorry, I have to go,” I yelp, dropping the phone on the floor as my hands now rest on his chest. Lifting my fatigued body onto the countertop, my legs naturally wrap around his torso. It hurts to do this to Jungkook but damn, does he deserve it. It’s time he finally gets a taste of his own medicine. 
- -
Jungkook’s POV
Turning off the engine, I rush towards the entrance of the club passing by half-naked women who clearly had way too much fun. As one of them stops in front of me, I look around the crowded place trying to spot y/n in the neon lights. 
“Dance with me, pretty boy,” she says, placing her hands on my jean jacket as her shivering body leans closer to mine. She’s young. Too young. No amount of makeup can cover up those naive eyes.
“Sorry love, I’m here for my own drunkhead,” I say with a wink, before noticing Jinni dozed off in the lounge area. Pushing past the wave of people, the smell of alcohol in their system can be detected from two blocks away. 
“Jinni! Jinni, wake up. Where’s y/n??” I yell through the blaring music, slightly moving her shoulders in hopes that it’ll wake her up. How does one even fall asleep when Nicki Minaj’s ‘Super Bass’ is basically shouting at you? Nonetheless, I try to catch her attention as our eyes finally lock. 
“Jungkooook, I’m sorryyy. I told y/n to stop drinking but she wouldn’t listen. I swear, I turned my head for one second and then boom, she was gone,” Jinni cries out, covering her flushed face in her palms before looking up at my concerned expression. 
“That’s ok Jinni, just stay here I’m gonna look for her,” I say calmly, putting my jacket over her exposed legs before heading back towards the dance floor. Where could y/n be? Dialing her phone number the signal goes straight to voicemail. Shit. 
It’s been about 10 minutes and I swear I’ve been going in circles. I’d already mistaken four different girls for y/n, yet she is still nowhere to be found, that is until I saw the barely lit restroom sign at the back of the club. Wouldn’t hurt to check, right? 
Walking past the men’s restroom I’m certain that y/n was sober enough to recognize the difference between the two. So, I take a deep breath before knocking on the door. No answer. I mean what was I expecting? She is probably passed out on the toilet or something. Placing a few more knocks, this time with more power, I’m interrupted by a series of soft moans. I might have lost half of my hearing since I got here, but her pretty voice, yeah … I can recognize it anywhere. Pushing the door open, my eyes focus on her heaving chest as some dumbass tightens his grip on her waist. 
“Get the fuck off of her!” I growl, pushing him to the wall as my fist meets his face. Three punches in and his nose began to bleed before y/n stepped in front of me. Eyes locked on my tense face, she places her hands on my burning chest, begging me to stop as my vision gets blurry. 
“Jungkook please,” she cries out, pulling my arms towards her chest to prevent another hit. Gaze focused on her teary eyes, I let out a deep sigh, tilting my head as an indication for the guy to leave. Which he does immediately. 
“Y/n, what are you doing having stranger’s hands all over you?” I yell out, a bit too harshly than I wanted to. But I couldn’t help it. I could feel my heartbeat in my throat as she suddenly dropped my arms, wiping the tears off of her face. 
“No better than being touched by a cheater, right?” she scoffs, shaking her head at my remark. 
“How many times do you want me to apologize? What else do you want me to do? Do you want me to beg for you? I can beg for you,” I whisper into her ear, nibbling on the soft skin before getting on my knees. Looking up at her darkened eyes, I pull her body closer before tracing small circles on her soft skin. Moving her leg over my shoulder I begin to place a trail of soft kisses up her shivering limb, gaze focused on her whimpering pretty face. Each kiss was followed by a sinful plea.
“That’s it, baby, just relax,” 
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smilingangel582 · 9 months
BOO! Hahaha got youuu!! Anyway I'm here to request a fic of ler!furina and lee!lyney, I think she would 100% tickle the info out of him during the trial hehehe-
Ahhhhh! Whew, it's you... hehe, wow, I never tried this before... OK, I'll write one. Just need some time to study Furina's character. Hehe~ alright your heads up is enough...
Oh, spoilers for Lyney's story quest and the archon quest
The law has no secrets
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Fontaine is all about laws where you break a rule you get judgement. This time for Lyney, the magician, things seemed too out of nature for Lady Furina to call out the Gards to restrain him from the prison cells.
He sighed, already assuring a worried Lynette and a shocked Freminet to eat dinner without him.
At least they had the decency to give him something to eat. Still, the exaggeration is when he was afterwards chained completely. With the manacles attached to his wrists, the line of metal was rooted from the ceiling to hold him up, but he was on his knees.
Is the trial room a cell? He must be either lucky or unlucky...?
Well, Lyney wouldn't say he's not anxious to the current setting, but he'd rather have talked things through since the disappearance case is solved by the traveller.
The echoing sound of the metal door squeaked open. Lyney looked up now, hearing the jangling of his own chains. They were Furina's light tapping footsteps. Next to her is Neuvillette.
Wait?! He's on this farce too??
"Lyney, I must apologise for this rough display, but... might I have a word with you?" Furina's dainty tone purred mischievously, making Lyney shudder as he tried to avoid sounding outrageous."Why, if you wanted to talk, we could've done that by settling an appointment? This is too hurtful"
Neuvillette sounded exhausted. "Lady Furina, this is the same question I was asking you, Mr. Lyney is not guilty..."
Furina folded her arms with a smile "Oh this has nothing to do with the disappearances case. This is regarding the trivial incident of the phantom weasel..."
Dear archons, he should've know -oh, wait, she is the archon.
Lyney noticed that even Neuvillette was seeing her ways of thinking for once. Unfortunately for Lyney, though, he did strike the nail.
"You make a point, Jemma's admittance to being the troublemaker is strange since it's relevant to Mr. Lyney's magic show... even the steambird couldn't get an interview out of him"
They eyed Lyney now, suspicious looming over his instantly, well he did try his best to hide it..."
"What are you hiding Lyney?" Furina teased now, as she has finally got a lead in something since the traveler's entrance "I know the case is solved but... we need to know your part in this play"
"I must concede I was responsible for her sudden confession, but..." he bit his lip, trying to sound convincing "The trick Ceaser tried must have opened her heart, so she must have...".
"We know all that... the question is..." she leaned forward, close to his face "Why use the particular trick Ceaser use on the lady? Your not the heartless type to use that trick on her to hurt her more... but you knew it would hurt her, cuz you knew she's the weasel!"
Neuvillette leaned on his hand as he pondered "It's almost strange how you were involved with Lorenzo, the gards told us your good deed"
"W-wait... I swear, it's all just coincidence... I made a mistake remember, I thought Lorenzo was the culprit-!"
Furina laughed now, interrupting him "Aha, so cute when your trying hard to defend when you have used up all your cards, Lyney,"
She pointed our "I know you have a close relationship with Ceaser... so what's your connection to it"
He could tell, but he didn't want to show most of his past to her if all people. The traveler is one thing but the chief of justice is present too.
"Lady Furina," he sighed, suddenly a reasonable part of him was seen "I understand your suspicions but the case is solved, thanks to Mr. Lyney"
He sighed in relief, but Furina hummed. "Is it? I was about to ask who th3 copycat was before..."
He widened his eyes. Right... the notes. He should've known those could be triggering most of suspicions.
"Wait, I'm not the copycat"
She suddenly glanced triumphantly. "I didn't say you were, dear Lyney, now I see a crack in those defences... hahaha better tell us why you'd help to solve a case of ten years ago"
Neuvillette pursed his lips "Lady Furina, could it also be you want revenge on Mr. Lyney?"
She swallowed, flustered "O-of course that's... um not m-my only reason"
Lyney implored, "I swear... It's all a big councidence" he didn't even want to think of her ulterior motives but his mind knew it before he ever did thar she was still vengeful of the traveler's incident when he saved Aether.
Neuvillette rubbed his temple in irritation. "Rememeber interrogation is not to be used as a frivolous method, I'd rather not see you hurt Mr Lyney for your frivolous actions."
"Why," she sounded confident as she slipped behind him. "I'm not here to use that torture method! Please, there are more ways that can break even the most strongest opponenets"
Before anyone could question her she grabbed his sides, startling him by the new sensation "Let the trial commence"
"AhaAHhA! Wait whahat?" He suddenly jolted at the electrifying touch, and even Furina giggled."Well, I guess my intuition is right as water, Mr. Lyney would enjoy this torture"
"Lady, that's the abuse of power" the chief of Justice pointed out sharply but he had no way of stopping her.
"Alright, let's hear it. How were you involved in the phantom weasels case?" Furina snickered as she got a good reaction from his ribs, making him pull at the chains that exposed him most terrifyingly.
"Whyhyhy? Whyhyhy thihihis Lahahady Fuhuhurina???"
"Why? Well because I don't want to hurt you and the other is... I wanna see a great magician such as yourself be a bit more vulnerable"
That's why??? He was torn with exasperation and concern if he was safe in Fontaine.
"This is for pulling that trick on me with the traveler" she teased by tickling his bare armpits. He lost it there and lowered his head with sudden cackles "HOHOLD OHOHON... IHIHI WAHAHAS TRYING TOHO PROHOTEHECT THE TRAHAVELER! HEHE'S UHUHUNAWARE OF OUR RUHUHULES!!
"Protect is a very strong word, Lyney" she smirked, stopping for a moment "ok new questions what's your relationship with the traveler?"
Not that question! He'd rather expose himself than answer thar!
His silence made her circle his sides teasingly, he giggles "Cuhut ihihit out hehe's ahaha nihihice guy!
"Nice guy?" She hummed, then making his squeal by grabbing his hips "Dare you lie to you archon! That's punishment for you!"
Neuvillette wondered if he should do something. Sure he would be lying if he'd say he didn't enjoy this side of Lyney and the mischief in Furina. This is not even work related so he'd rather leave them be.
"Nohohoho don't leheheheave meheheeee!"
"Ah, you're boring," she huffed now but then ignored him completely by trying to attack the new sensitive spot on his hips. "Lyney~... I got a lot of questions, so... try to answer at least one of them..." she continued."What's your relationship with the traveller? Then how did you know it was Jemma the real phantom weasel? Then why did you hide most of the details of the phantom weasels case...?"
Unanswerable! He can't tell any of that. No matter how bad of a pickle he's in.
"Man, your no fun..." she grabbed his thighs now making him gasp "hmmm~ what's that?"
He blushed with the sudden suffocation of holding his laughter but it left him when she knew his thighs are bad, "G-guh! Wait!".
"Jackpot... so tell me?"
"AHAHAHAHA WAHAHAHAIT IHIHIHIHI IHIHIHIHI" He gotta say one thing! He should! He can't expose the secrets of his family but rather...
She backed off, feeling more victorious to hear him defeated "Ah~ that's your secret? I thought it was something else but that's the truth I can tell... took you a lot of guts to say all that"
He blushed now, panting "Ahare wehe done?"
She grinned brightly and snapped her fingers "Yes!" The the chains dropped in him. He sighed, feeling tired for his own good. At least he can ge those before bedtime.
Of course the guards escorted him out and even Neuvillette apologised for the sudden trial run, he did show no offence to him. Knowing he's powerless over the archon but he did doubt if he's actually guilty.
"Lyney! Are you OK?" Aether's voice, he blinked when he noticed Freminet, Lynette and Paimon with him as well. He watched the concerned look on those lovely golden eyes, he looked away with a blush "Y-yeah, I was just under suspicion"
"Did they do anything to you?" He grabbed his face now trying to scrutinze any injuries, he blushed heavily "I-I am fine... p-please let's have some tea together"
"You're blushing? Are you sick?"
Lynettw sighed. "Brother, you can't fool me, so what did they do?"
He pleaded now forcing himself into the house as they followed "Please don't make me talk about it... its embarrassing"
"For some reason, Paimon wants to know," she chuckled, and even Aether gave a smile. Sure, he did tell he was tickled at trial but editted end where he admitted his feelings. Instead, he said she got bored and left.
Nobody knew that except Lynette who knew he must've told the relationship of him and Aether...
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Hope this is alright... and not too long ...I'm really sluggish today but I had the perfect idea to write and I remembered your idea beign trial so I kinda mixed things... hopes it ok
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razorblade180 · 4 months
Clearing the Air
[Context- Post Lantern Rite final act]
Navia and Clorinde: *walking*
Clorinde:Is something the matter?
Furina:Huh? Oh, no. Just enjoying the mountain air on the way back.
Clorinde:Really? You’ve seemed a little lost in thought.
Navia:I know why~ Perhaps someone was hoping for a personal escort home by my partner ?
Furina:*red* That would be ridiculous! I didn’t even plan on seeing him today!
Clorinde:That doesn’t mean you can’t have wishful thinking. If you wanted him to escort you rather than us you could’ve just said so.
Furina:Don’t word it like that. I’m actually really happy to be traveling with the both of you. It’s not something that happens often. Honestly…it’s a little surreal.
Clorinde:…I hope you know I consider you a friend.
Clorinde:I can tell you’ve kept your distance from me and by extension, everyone else that was heavily involved with your old life. I can’t say I know for certain what goes through your mind, but I hope you know you are closer to us than you think.
Navia:She’s right. Starting over doesn’t mean you have to leave everything behind. I know things between us might feel a little awkward for their own reasons, but I don’t hate you at all. If you ever need help or simply want to hang out, I’m more than happy to. And if there’s anything we need to clear the air for, it’s best to do it openly. Clorinde and I learned that the hard w-
Furina:I was hurt.
The two young women turned around to see Furina standing still, her face red and tears stinging her eyes as she tried not to cry.
Furina:This feels so petty to bring up; especially considering how happy I am to free, but… *trembling*
Clorinde: The trial?
Perhaps Navia didn’t want to think of it, or maybe it was because too much happened that day to properly ponder it? Whatever the case, it was the forefront of her mind now that she witnessed Furina furiously wiping her tears away. Navia remembered Furina crying back then too. Everyone did what they believed to be best for the situation; that was little consolation for how feelings fanned the day. Navia knew all too well that emotions don’t settle even in the presence of valid reasoning.
Clorinde took the first step, walking up to Furina and pulling her into a hug. In truth, she could think of many reasons why the girl kept her distance. For years she stood as a sword for Furina, but near the end…
Clorinde:I must’ve really hurt you when I drew my sword against you, didn’t it? Regardless of the reason or the outcome, I’m sorry.
Furina:I never thought it’d be you. I understand why it happened; I really do! I do even hate you! Gods, I could never hate you, so why does it hurt to think about all the time!? Why can’t I just let it go!?
Navia:Because no one could. In the face of a crisis, everyone you thought you could depend on, the people who were said to support for your efforts, they all didn’t just turn against you. They- We left you no way out; alone on that stage with no help.
Rancid memories of Navia crying out for the sake of her father’s defense came rushing back. She begged only for the law, her people, and her very own friend to ignore her pleas. She had held that resentment for ages. Even towards her own father. Of course Furina was still upset deep inside. Saddened by this realization, Navia began tearing up herself and ran over to hug Furina tightly.
Navia:I am so sorry. We should’ve talked about this sooner. I always kept looking from the perspective of the flooding incident and how you feared what I might think, instead of…I’m sorry!
Furina was speechless. All three of them ran out of them ran out of words and just stood on the trail, hugging as if they’ve been reunited after a long journey.
It took a little longer than expected, but the trio finally made it back to Fontaine. The trip definitely took a turn for the quieter, but it was comfortable silence; one could even say healing. As they entered the city, they were surprised to see Aether approaching them. The boy was about to wave happily until he noticed redness under all of their eyes.
Clorinde:We’re okay. It was a longer trek than expected. Although for you it appears to be rather simple. Back and leaving as we just arrived.
Paimon:We’re pros at that. But…maybe we should’ve journeyed together? Did something scary you all in liyue!? Oh, or did you eat something deceptively hot?
Navia:Hehe, never change Paimon.
Furina:As nice as this moment is, I’m way too exhausted to keep it up.
Navia…Partner, could we trouble you to walk Furina home? I have one more errand to run.
Clorinde:And though I’m off duty, I have to report in that I’m back in the city.
Aether:That’s fine. I’ll happily escort you. Paimon-
Paimon:Yeah, yeah. Paimon knows. Just don’t be long! Let’s go Navia. Many hands make light work.
Navia:Thank you Paimon.
Aether held his hand out as the group waved before going off. Furina, too tired to question things, took Aether’s hand and began walking away with him; going as far as to lean on him.
Furina:Please excuse my manners.
Aether:I don’t mind. You feel lighter than before. Finally dropped some more emotional baggage?
Furina:Maybe a case or two. *gets closer* I know it’s late, but can you please make me dinner? I have plenty of macaroni in the cabinet.
Aether:How about I use my ingredients and make you a full blown satisfying meal?
Navia:Way to read the room.
Paimon:This song and dance happens every other week with someone. At this rate, we’ll probably stay the night in Fontaine. Is our room still available? Although it’s probably just going to be Paimon’s room tonight.
Navia:Absolutely. I’ll even make the two of us dinner.
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maddogofshimano · 1 year
The Path of Responsibility: Majima Boss Rush
Yakuza 6 Spoilers
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Welcome to yet another Majima Boss Rush! This one released alongside cards of Majima and Saejima that I’ll put at the end, but they’re from Y7 and I figured, cool, this will probably be Saejima fighting Majima because they’re bored or w/e
Saejima is not in this event. This is a Nishida event.
Summary: Following the events of Y6, things are stable again. While out on a request from Majima, Nishida is approached by a woman. He recognizes her, they had drinks together a month ago, and she tells him that she’s pregnant with her child. There’s only one thing for Nishida to do after hearing that...
2017 Having been arrested due to the Saio Triad dispute, Majima Goro and Dojima Daigo are now released from prison-- and after finally ending the turmoil caused by the incident with the Yomei Alliance... Nishida: ...Haa. I can't find anything.
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Nishida: Boss gave a really absurd request, to go find something interesting to do, but... Nishida: I can't find anything that would satisfy his idea of interesting. Nishida: ...Hm?
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Young Woman: ...You're... Nishida-san, right?
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Nishida: Ah, yep... that's right, but...... oh! You're... certainly! Kanami: ....Don't you remember? Last month... we met at the bar KAMUY by the Millennium Tower... I'm Megumi Kanami. (Tl note: that name is 井佳奈美 and 佳奈美 is basically only read Kanami but 井 has a several so I basically picked one at random) Nishida: That's right....! That day, we first met and got drinks together! I was so excited to learn that we were from the same rural hometown!
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Nishida: To tell you the truth... I was pretty tired that day and ended up drinking too much, and I don't remember anything past that... I just remember waking up in a hotel the next morning...
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Nishida: I was worried something might have happened, so I've actually been trying to find you, Kanami-san-- Kanami: The truth is......... I'm going to be having your baby.
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Nishida: A baby? Wow! That's really great to... hear...... Nishida: Y-You said..... my baby!!?? Kanami: ...That's right. Nishida-san... right now... your child is growing in my belly. Nishida: Then that means.... on that day.... I... we did something like that? Kanami: ...We did. That day... we went to a hotel called Labettes...  and you took me like a wild animal... (Tl note: hotel is ラべーツ which I can't find any usage of anywhere so I just made something up that's close enough and vaguely horny sounding) Nishida: L-Like a wild animal!!??
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Nishida: I can't remember it at all, but... was I really like that...? Nishida: ....The name of the hotel we went to.... You're probably not mistaking me for someone else... Kanami: Right. I... I'm not usually that kind of girl. But I was just so charmed by you... (Tl note: oh king you as SO getting scammed) Kanami: ...That I really wanted to have that day end with a good memory. Kanami: But then... my time of the month was late... and that's how I found out I was pregnant. Nishida: ............ Nishida: And you're sure you're not mistaken...? Kanami: I'm sure. Here... this is a certificate from the hospital. I thought you might not believe me so... I got this, just in case. Nishida: ...The documents look genuine. Kanami: Nishida-san, you're the only person I've been with.... so.... Nishida: ...It has to be my child. Kanami: .........That's right. Nishida: ....So, what now...... Kanami: It's okay. I know it would be a burden to go through a pregnancy because of one situation like that... so... Nishida: ....I know. Nishida: ...Let's get married. That way, I can take responsibility for this. Kanami: Eh...? Nishida: I'm sorry that I caused you all this stress. Nishida: Kanami-san and the baby in your belly, you both make me happy. So... let's get married. Kanami: B-But... Is that really okay? I mean it would make me really happy too... but we only just met. Nishida: Being drunk isn't an excuse for my actions... I want to take responsibility for it. Kanami: Nishida-san... Nishida: ...Though, could you wait for just a little bit? Nishida: Before I can marry you, there's something that must be done. Kanami: Something that must be done? Nishida: Yes. So, could we exchange contact info? I'll get in touch as soon as I'm done. Kanami: Are you... going somewhere? Nishida: That's right. I'm going to see my boss. But, I'll be back soon. Nishida: To help you not worry... here, take my license! Actually I'll leave my whole wallet with you. Nishida: So please, Kanami-san, wait for me in that coffee shop. Kanami: .....Got it. I'll wait for you, Nishida-san. <Nishida walks away> Kanami: ..........
Majima: What? .........Ya want cut loose? Are ya bein' for real right now?
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Nishida: ........Yes sir. Nishida: The truth is... I'm going to be a father. I carelessly slept with a woman I had just met because I was drunk.
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Majima: I see... Nishida: But, in order to take responsibility for my actions, I plan to marry that woman and I want to make sure she and our baby are happy.
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Nishida: The problem is, in the yakuza business there's no telling when you might be killed. I could even die tomorrow. Nishida: Until now, and in order to surpass you, I've been fine with resigning myself to death whenever I followed you. But now... Nishida: I've got a wife and child's happiness to consider, so I can't allow myself to die like that. Nishida: That's why... for the sake of their happiness... it's my duty to leave the Family. Majima: ...So that's the situation. Nishida: Of course I don't expect to get off scot free. I'm prepared to face whatever punishment you see fit. Nishida: So boss... please. Let me leave the Family, I'm begging you. Majima: ...Given everythin' ya said, I'll allow ya to leave the Family. <music cuts out> Majima: However...
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Majima: ...That's if you can entertain me.
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Nishida: E-Entertain you? Majima: Exactly! Fight for your life against me if ya want me acceptin' yer resignation!
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Nishida: ....You got it!!!! Nishida: I'm unworthy... but I'll give it everything I have to make sure my boss is entertained!!!!
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Majima: ...What's up, Nishida. Ya done already?
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Nishida: Haa.... Haa.... I can still... can... still....
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Majima: Hehe... good! That's the way, Nishida! Nishida: ............
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Majima: ...Hm?
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Nishida: .......... Majima: ...Somethin' wrong, Nishida? <music cuts out> Nishida: This is... what... am I doing?
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Nishida: Truly...? To leave the family I'll fight my patriarch... <music cuts back in, much less serious now> Nishida: Ha...!
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Nishida: Owww.... My body... it's screaming out... I must have fainted...
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Majima: ....So you're fiiiinally awake, huh. Passin' out while stayin' standing is a pretty handy trick.
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Kanami: ...Nishida-san... thank goodness. You're awake... Nishida: K-Kanami-san...!? Why are you here... Majima: The lady who's makin' your brat was worried about ya. Majima: I took the liberty of usin' your phone. Nishida: S-So that's what happened... Majima: This girl, she was frantically playin' nurse till ya woke up, ya know that? Nishida: ....Thank you, for the medical care. Kanami: .............. Majima: ...Well then, let's talk about ya leavin'.
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Nishida: Y-Yes sir! Majima: To be honest, there's a couple of things that didn't quite meet the mark, but seein' how determined ya were each time ya got back up after being knocked down, I understood your resolve. Nishida: ...Th-Thank you very much. Majima: So... I'm acceptin' your resignation from my family. Nishida: Seriously!? ...Boss! Thank you so much-- Majima: ..........That's what I'd like to say, except for one thing. Seems I can't cut ya loose just yet. Nishida: ........Eh!? Majima: Hey, Kanami-chan. How 'bout ya give Nishida an explanation. Kanami: A-Alright...
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Nishida: .....An explanation.... what the heck....? Kanami: .......The truth is..... When I said that we had sex, that was a lie. Nishida: Eh!!?? A-A lie!? Kanami: Yes... Please forgive me for deceiving you. Nishida: B-But... How did you know the name of the hotel that I stayed in that night...? Kanami: ...That's because... I'm the one who took you to that hotel. Kanami: That day, you started to fall asleep outside... I didn't want you to catch a cold so I brought you to a hotel... Nishida: Then what you're saying is... Th-The baby you told me about is also a lie...? <the music cuts out> Kanami: ...The baby is real. As for whose baby it is... It's not yours, it was a different person. Nishida: Another person...? <sad music now> Kanami: A few days ago... when I found out I was pregnant... I was so worried, I didn't know what to do. Kanami: I'd... been with a lot of different men, so... I had no idea who the father was.... Kanami: I didn't think I could raise a child on my own... but, I didn't have the money for an abortion. Kanami: I don't have anyone I can count on in this kind of situation, so that's why I... Kanami: I lied and said the baby was yours... that way you'd give me money for the abortion. Nishida: .................. Kanami: So I... thought about when we met... and that you're a kind person, so I thought I could scam you. Kanami: Since you were blackout drunk that day... I thought you might not remember it much... Nishida: ...........So that's what happened. But... why didn't you say anything when I asked to get married?
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Kanami: ...When you said you'd take responsibility, it made me really happy. Kanami: The thing is... I really do want to have a baby. Kanami: So I thought I'd be able to take advantage of your feelings... Nishida: I see... Majima: ......Smelled fishy to me.
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Majima: Even if he was drunk, I didn't think Nishida had it in him to go and knock up some woman he'd just met. Kanami: I'm sorry... I'm... selfish and just... the worst. Nishida: No... it's not... Kanami: ...But, when I saw Nishida all scraped and bruised because he was trying to take responsibility for this child... Kanami: ...I, made a decision. This child... I'm going to keep it. Kanami: Nishida-san, I want to take responsibility for this, like you did. Nishida: ......Kanami-san. Kanami: Tricking such a good person like you... I truly am sorry. Kanami: I know I could apologize endlessly and never be forgiven... But I... Nishida: No, you don't need to apologize for that. Having a baby... it's a really huge deal.... Nishida: Honestly I was panicking when I heard about it, so you must have been even more distraught, right? Nishida: So you were grasping at straws to find a solution and tried to deceive me... I don't blame you for that, Kanami-san. (Tl note: oh wow "grasping at straws" is pretty 1:1. I'm not sure if it was borrowed or a cool convergent evolution) Kanami: Nishida-san...... Nishida: More than that... I'm just glad I could help with something.
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Nishida: Going forward... If there's anything you need help with, please count on me. Nishida: I... can't do that much, but I can give advice... and I think I can help out, at least a little. Kanami: Thank you so much... Nishida-san, truly... thank you so much... Majima: This is Nishida's business, if that's what he says, there's no need for me to say anythin' more. Majima: Sorry to drag ya out here so suddenly. Well then, be safe on your way home Kanami-chan. Kanami: I will... and Mr. Patriarch... thank you for everything. And Nishida-san... I'll be seeing you. <she leaves, the sad music stops and we're back to funny substory music> Majima: Seriously, you're as easy of a mark as ever, acknowledging a child ya don't even remember makin'.
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Nishida: Boss... I'm... I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble. Majima: Heh... no worries, no worries. I'll forgive ya on account of ya bein' a stand up guy. (Tl note: oh that is a DEVIOUS looking smile)
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Majima: But... you're just gonna get yourself scammed again. Ya need some kind of preventative measures... Nishida: Preventative... measures? Majima: ...Yeah. Like this time it happened cause ya went out for a drink when ya were tired. Nishida: ...Right. Majima: Sooooo... starting now on I'll work ya so long ya won't have the time to stop for a drink on yer way home!! Nishida: Ehh!? Majima: That way it's keepin' you safe by keepin' the Family safe, right? Hehe, I gotta say this is a real great idea~. Majima: For your own sake, I'm gonna make an extraordinarily brutal shift for ya~! Oooh I can't wait! <he leaves> Nishida: ........I....... might die.
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Bonus stuff:
well. Nishida fucks! probably not like a wild animal, but he didn’t find it completely out of character that he fucked, like in general. so yeah, confirmation that Nishida has a sex life. absolutely not the lore I ever expected to get
so about the rewards, one of them is Saejima’s belt. it's got an ability and those have 5 levels and the only way to improve its level is by merging it with other Saejima belts. so! after an ungodly amount of time I have finally cleared the 3 million point mark to claim the fifth belt. I beat up 424 Majimas. that’s soooooooo much more work than I’ve put in on any other boss rush. I'm only getting three demonfire daggers though, because those are based on your rank vs all the other players with only the top 500 getting a full set of 5. because they hate everyone
I ended up rank 1,355 with slightly over 3 million points and the person who got 500th got over 11 million points. rank number one got 131 million. of EXTRA note, I got super lucky and pulled the KSR Saejima pretty much right away, and having him on my team fighting Majima doubled my points. I would have had to take on nearly 900 Majimas if I didn't have him, just to max out the belt
gatcha is hell. never play them. but hey I got my maxed out belt. Kiryu’s wearing it rn, lol 
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anyways here’s the cards I mentioned, the “Fierce Tiger in Hiding” and the “Mad Dog in Hiding”
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they’re very interesting, because Saejima is an absolutely exhausting heal tank who flings debilitating status effects around like candy and loves having a bunch of other healers on his team. Majima exists to fuck up healers and ignore status effects. they literally have matching heat actions where Essence of Fierce Tiger Unleashed heals and inflicts paralysis once a second for 7 seconds, and Essence of Mad Dog Unleashed does damage and prevents all status ailments on his team for 8 seconds
as usual here’s the lv 69 Majima
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and finally the event music that played
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
AITA for making a spectacle out of leaving the family business?
This might sound a bit weird, but I want to keep things a bit anonymous. I (F, 20’s) work mainly as a police officer, running a lot of patrols at night - break-in reports, stuff like that. All of that is well and good, but my dad (M, 50’s - we’ll call him W) kind of… convinced, blackmailed, whatever— He got me to help him out with a specific job. There’s an old business of his that he keeps hiring security guards for. It’s not even open to the public now, but he wants to make sure nobody pokes around and steals the machines he worked so hard to create. So when I’m on patrol, I help him to case the building and make sure that the guards aren’t investigating around too heavily.
Recently, he brought a new security guard on board - let’s call him M (M, 20’s). I came to check in on M during his second night on the job, and found him pretty badly injured. I had seen these kind of injuries before, and they told me that either he was messing with W’s machines, or they were messing with him. He didn’t seem to realize, though, so I kind of ignored it. But the next night, I come back, and he brought his little sister A (F, 10) along. Couldn’t find a sitter, apparently. I know how dangerous these machines can be if something goes wrong, and so I kindly tell him, y’know… Hey. Don’t bring her back here. This is ALSO how I find out he’s been sleeping on the job - something about trying to remember an old traumatic memory through his dreams. But something about his dream, one little detail, tells me that M is actually connected to W, in a roundabout kinda way. Long story, but W definitely hired him for a reason.
Anyway, after a pretty heated argument in the parking lot, I leave M and assume he’s got the right idea. But I can already tell, he’s learning a lot more about the machines (and the place as a whole) than he’s supposed to, and my dad has kind of figured this out too. I catch M going back during the day, and he gets pretty badly hurt by those machines again. Naturally, I help to patch him up… and then I learn that A also went back there. At the same time that my dad is looking for M.
Even though we’ve had this deal set up for years now, I decide to finally stand up to W, and I send M ahead with special instructions so that he can save A. But I realize too late that I kind of left out a bit about W, so I go after him to try and help. When I get there, A is hiding, and M is unconscious. After helping A get to safety, I finally confront W, who is PISSED at this point. He’s going on and on about how I “only had one job”, but I’m utterly refusing to give in. I’ve done enough.
And then he stabbed me. Currently typing this from the hospital. M and A are safe, and M told me that W’s machines ended up… probably killing him. Which feels like a lot more of an escalation than I had wanted. I could’ve just brought him to justice normally, if I had stood up for myself sooner or taken a different approach. M and A probably got pretty messed up mentally from that whole incident, too. I just feel like I could’ve done more, and at a better time.
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cowgremlin11 · 1 year
For vikdecai ideas/prompts:
Mordecai 'visits' while Viktor is still healing from a wound, maybe it's vague on whether he actually did it or not as it's from Viktors perspective who might not have a clear head at the moment
Mordecai meets Viktor after the kneecapping incident, things are very very awkward and tense and neither of them are happg about it but for whatever reason they can't fight right now (maybe both are in a position where they can't currently give their location away by yelling at each other)
anon your BRAIN.
anyways i did the first one since i could have fun fucking w viktors head :) its pretty loose cus Someone Is Having A Sick
ficlet under the cut hehe
Viktor’s stuck at home after taking a bullet to the chest. He’s lucky to be alive is what he was told. Viktor stubbornly believes that he can do his job fine, but the horse doctor Mitzi called to the scene had given him strict orders to stay home and let himself recover. He isn’t happy about the situation, but he’ll rest if it means everyone gets off his case about it.
It’s honestly awful being all alone like this. Yes, he hates the way noise incessantly chatters on, but dead silence is far more grating right now. The emptiness of it all makes him feel like he’s going to lose his mind. It leads to his thoughts running wild as Viktor desperately tries to catch them before he falls into a depressive spiral.
As of late he’s been failing at the task of wrangling his own mind. He ends up thinking of all he’s lost. He thinks of the things that were taken from him. The honourable man he once was. The family he tore from his own hands. The happiness he once felt. Everything had been ripped to pieces over the years by himself and the people he once knew.
Mordecai was the one who took the most from him that day he left a bullet in Viktor’s knee. Mordecai’s the reason he’s stuck standing behind that damned counter. Mordecai’s the reason he’s been in this downward spiral for the past few months.
It’s not like he enjoys thinking about what Mordecai did to him, but sometimes his mind has other plans. Every time his mind lands on his old partner he starts out angry, but then his thoughts begin to trickle down into the fuzzy memories of their time together.
He likes remembering how it felt to hold the smaller one close to his chest. The intimacy of when they would press their foreheads together. The smell of a warm breakfast in the morning. The sound of rain drumming against the window.
He misses his old partner every day. He can’t help it. They had a real connection that he’s never had or will ever have again. They’re completely different ends of a spectrum the way left is to right, north to south, yin to yang; both opposite but reliant on the other. That's how they worked so well in the past, after all.
He’d give anything to see Mordecai right now. He’d rather spend the awful weeks of recovery ahead with Mordecai at his side. He just wants to hear that familiar-
Viktor shakes his head. He must’ve just been hallucinating that knock. But again— Ra-ta-ta. More urgently— Ra-ta-ta.
“Viktor, it’s me. Open the door.”
The voice is all too familiar to him. Smooth with no discernible accent, but so distinctly the voice of the black and white triggerman who’s running from his past. Viktor’s heart tightens with a myriad of emotions.
Viktor tries to sit up, but Mordecai’s already walked into the flat. Had the door been unlocked? Viktor rubs his remaining eye and struggles to recall what he has and hasn't done. He looks up and focuses on the image of Mordecai Heller. He looks the same as he did all those months ago: beautiful.
Mordecai stands a few feet away and gives him a once over. “I heard about your injury,” he says.
Viktor just keeps staring in awe. He doesn’t know what to say at the moment. He’s just stuck sitting in his chair with a dumb look on his face. It’s more so the fact that Mordecai’s here at all that has him so stunned. He’s dressed in what Mordecai considers casual: a nice button up, a crisp tie, silk pants, and his business shoes. Can’t forget his classic pince-nez pinching his muzzle to stay in place.
He should punch those glasses right off his face, but he can’t bring himself to it.
“Vhat are you doing here?” Viktor asks with a rasp to his voice.
Mordecai doesn’t answer him. Instead, he feels Viktor’s cheek and forehead to check his temperature.
“Have you been taking care of yourself? Ugh, you haven’t changed one bit,” he says with an annoyed tone. “Stay there, I’m sure you haven’t been eating as well as you should be. I’ll make you something.”
Viktor’s ears flick back grumpily as he watches Mordecai go to the kitchen. He can sit and sulk all he wants, but he has to admit to himself that he’s missed the fussing. He’s missed their time together. He’s missed Mordecai.
But Mordecai doesn’t come back with anything. He doesn’t come back at all; the flat is quiet once more. Viktor is alone with the painful memory of a love he once had, and the strain of a bleeding lung.
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brother-emperors · 5 months
I'm so sorry if you get tired of answering asks about Pompey and Crassus BUT your response to the anon asking if Crassus let Pompey get away with things really got me thinking! Specifically about the way that Plutarch (I think?) says that Crassus didn't hold ill-will against Pompey for "stealing" his triumph. And how it feels like Crassus just kind of decided to shrug it off and instead asked Pompey for help for the consulship elections. Crassus seems so ruthless and direct while on the field, and I have so many questions about how he and Pompey worked together in Spoletium which will never be answered 😭 But then when it comes to politics I really can't see the pattern!
oh, I love talking about Crassus (and Pompey too, by extension), literally I can't stop. you can ask several people. I'll be talking about one thing, and all of a sudden: Crassus has entered the conversation. it's terrible, I can't stop. mostly, it takes me a thousand years to articulate my thoughts in any kind of way that makes sense.
I actually think that there are two times that Crassus subtextually calls Pompey a bitch, and the triumph incident is one of them!
specifically in that Crassus's comment about it:
Crassus, for all his self-approval, did not venture to ask for the major triumph, and it was thought ignoble and mean in him to celebrate even the minor triumph on foot, called the ovation, for a servile war.
Crassus is also not the first person to hold this sentiment.
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Crassus' Ovation in 71 B.C., B.A. Marshall
I think it's important to remember that for Rome as a whole, the Third Servile War was terrifying because of the scale of the threat it posed to how an imperial wheelhouse running on a slave economy functions, but also because it's really fucking embarrassing for Rome's identity.
Crassus is also not the first person who commands the leading role against Spartacus. Spartacus goes through two other commanders before Rome asks Crassus to enter the scene. Crassus specifically is a private citizen when he is asked to step into this role: up until now, Rome's own praetors and consuls have failed to rise to the occasion.
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Crassus' Ovation in 71 B.C., B.A. Marshall
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Marcus Crassus and the Late Roman Republic, Allen Mason Ward
this is a deeply humiliating moment for the Roman reputation and identity. Pompey taking credit for Crassus' victory is an expected power grab, but it's also kind of cringe that he did it. Crassus was doing Roman's Duty To The State (or, if you like a spicier take on it, may have pulled strings for it. after all, you can't consider a man rich unless he can fund his own army. and the army Crassus brought with him for this was is own)
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and so taking credit for that is like. man. this was NOT a "glorious war" that was fought. (Lucullus cites this as a blemish on Pompey's character during his vulture speech, it's very fun!)
so while Crassus may have realized that writing back to Rome and requesting back up was a mistake because whoever showed up would have the world's easiest time taking credit and accepted that it would happen, I do think that he took alternative measures to even the playing field in a 'okay sure, have your triumph, but don't think you're going to have it all,' kind of way because he also does this
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Marcus Crassus and the Late Roman Republic, Allen Mason Ward
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Pliny, Natural History 15.125
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Gell. NA 5.6.23
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Cic. Pis. 58
which does not strike me as the behavior of someone who is letting Pompey just run away with it without any kind of pushback.
and now to throw out literally everything I just said about the Triumph Incident, B.A. Marshall (whose article I've cited several times already in this) has an incredibly compelling case to make that there wasn't really as much conflict between the two over this as ancient narratives might indicate (which. seems to be a recurring theme with them)
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Crassus' Ovation in 71 B.C., B.A. Marshall
I will stick to my narrative speculation that some of their respective peers probably thought it was at least embarrassing behavior on Pompey's part, because Lucullus has a lot of vitriol to direct at Pompey, and he does cite this incident as something negative to Pompey's overall character) someone who steals credit and glory from other people). so. hm. I think the assumed personal and periodically biting rivalry (in addition to the usual political rivalry) between the two is extremely fun, but so is. this. thoughts! much to think about.
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iceman-kazansky · 1 year
Hi! I'd like to request a Webster x fem!nurse!reader one shot. Something about their first meeting after the war. They fall in love while Webster is in the hospital, but when the war is over they part ways, but he can't forget her and finds her home to see her. If you are not busy of course. Love you and your blog 💗
A Reunion Not Thought Possible
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Pairings: David Webster x f!reader
Requested: By another lovely anon
Warnings: Uhh.. Mentions of Explosives, kissing? I think that's it.
Summary: When the war ended, you were hundreds of miles away, with no hope of finding each other after. Yet, here he is.
A/n: as much of my work, I don't like this one very much, and I feel like my writing style switched randomly. I hope you like it Anon 🥺
Like many, You remember where you were the day the war came to an end. At the time, you remember you had been bandaging up a nasty leg wound and applying a thick layer of gauze and a white bandage over it. It was then the news bearer came in, shouting and out of breath: “The war’s over! The japs surrendered!” before they were off to the next tent.
The celebration had been large, larger than any celebration you’d ever seen. There was drinking, lots of it, and someone had managed to get their hands on fireworks (or explosives, for you had only heard the story rather than witnessed it,) and had lit late in the evening.
It was even crazier when you arrived by boat to San Francisco, there were millions of people crowding the docks, welcoming the soldiers home. You remember setting your feet down on American soil again, you hadn’t been home in nearly 3 years, but it was such an odd yet wonderful feeling. To be home.
But of course, when the war ended, another relationship you'd never thought of how it'd work after the war, ended too.
As of right now you were cleaning your house– could you believe it? You bought your own house after the war!– when suddenly, the doorbell rang.
Which was odd, because you weren't expecting any visitors. Although, it could just be the postman? Or something like that.
When you pulled open the door, you were met with a dashing but very familiar face. His mouth was open, as if he was going to speak, but nothing ever came. He stood there like a fool with no words to explain why or how. Something he'd later chastise himself for when he remembered the embarrassing incident.
Moments passed when you both just stared. One, too lovestruck to talk and the other? Too scared to speak in fear her words would make the man she never thought she'd see again disappear.
David finally snapped out of his reverie, "Hello," he spoke gently. Almost like he was talking to a wounded animal, afraid it might flee.
Did you not recognize him?
Davis rid himself of the thought, of course you remembered him, right?
With a shaky hand, he extended the bouquet towards you, "These are for you."
A smile stretched onto your face as you took the flowers delicately and retreated back into the house, leaving the door open while saying from the kitchen: "Come, sit down."
David removed his shoes and shut the door behind him when he entered. He followed you to the kitchen, watching as you filled a clear vase with water and clipped the stems off the flowers.
Webster observed from the doorway in silence, taking note of the way you practically danced across the kitchen, finally placing the vase on an open counter and turning around to face him, "Would you like a drink? I've got tea, coffee, or some water."
"I'll have tea, please." He responds absently. You don't realize it, of course, but his mind is trying to make a decision. He's still not sure if you remember who he was, but, Oh– he sure hopes you do. He can barely contain himself when he blurts, "Do you remember?"
Turning to look at him again, a quizzical look crosses your face before it returns back to a warm grin that makes his heart 'ba-bump' wildly in his chest. "How could I forget?"
David feels a smile pulling at his lips and a soft sigh of relief eludes him and he steps closer, nearly cornering you against the counter, “I had to come find you,” he says, “I just couldn’t live my life knowing we had something and never got the chance to act on it.”
“I’m glad you did,” Your voice is barely above a whisper when his hand reaches up to cup your cheek.
His eyes dart down to your lips. Subconsciously, his tongue darts out to wet his own lips as his eyes draw back to yours, “Can I kiss you?”
In a hushed tone, you answer: "Please."
Instantly, David closes the gap between your lips in a fiery kiss. His lips were molded against your own, passion flowing between you two.
The kiss was only broken off when he pulled away for a gasp of air, his forehead resting against yours, "I love you."
"I love you more," you reply
Nothing could describe how forever grateful you'd be that David did find you. In all honesty, you had thought there was never a chance of finding him again after the war ended. But how he did find you was a story for another time, one that would be discussed at a later date because right now all you wanted to do was hold and love David for he had found you. A reunion believed impossible.
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theladybarnes · 2 years
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“It's just, sometimes... people don't really say what they're really thinking. But when you capture the right moment, it says more.”
▸ summary: you give a little inside scoop at what the incident was  ▸ characters: steve harrington, claudia henderson,  ▸ word count: 3,226 ▸ warnings: angst, slight flirting, & police (💀) ▸ series masterlist
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The night felt like it had gone longer than you thought. For the most part, you spent the majority of it consoling Dustin. Trying your best to think of the right words to say. For years the young boy never really cried much. There was the occasional fall or scary dream when he was younger that brought out the water works. But for the most part Dustin had always been so valiant and snarky. 
 Even with light teasing from others, he always took it in stride, letting the words fall off his body like water off a duck’s back. So seeing him last night, face red and swollen with sad tears had your heart ache in such an unfamiliar way. 
 Almost too selfishly did you ignore the desperation him and his friends had on finding Will. You had easily assumed that in a day or two the police would find him and move on. Not once did you figure the crippling reality if he was found dead. At this point, you supposed no one really did. 
 Eventually, your Aunt Claudia returned home, instantly wrapping her arms around the two of you as she shed tears for the Byers boy. It was strangely cathartic to have her hold and check on you. This type of affection wasn’t necessarily one that you were used to at home. So after returning back a small hug, you excused yourself for the night. Feeling unworthy suddenly of the feelings the family hug brought you. 
 And when you finally returned into bed, lights off, and blinds closed, you couldn’t help but wonder. 
 What would the Byers family do next?
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  The following morning had been just as solemn as the night before. Dustin never came out of his room, and your Aunt quietly reassured you that he’d be more ready come the later part of the day. Thankfully, your Aunt offered to drop you off. Thinking it was not only too chilly for the bike ride, but just so she could be assured you made it to school safely. 
 It was an odd feeling when walking the halls. Some students were murmuring about Will. Discussing in gross detail how his body must have looked from being in the water. Others were trying to act like it was another normal day. Leaving you confused why you were in a weird middle of wanting to talk about it, and wanting to forget about it. 
 Despite the anger and hurt you had towards Jonathan Byers, your mind couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing. The look in his eyes when he hung up the missing posters was still haunting in your mind. But there was no way you could possibly seek him out now. Not when you remember the type of photos he had taken. 
 With the day going painfully slow, you almost did a silent prayer when you walked towards your class before lunch. That is, until two of the town’s officers stood outside your classroom door. “Miss Henderson?” the shorter of the two asked. Looking at his tag, you read the name Powell before glancing at his friend. 
 He cocked his head at you before tapping at his own.‘Callaghan’. The beat of your heart quickened and you wondered what these two could possibly be here for. “Well?” Officer Callahan pushed. “That you?”
 You nodded your head slowly, gripping tighter to the strap of your bag. 
 “We’re gonna need to ask you a couple of questions.”
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  The bile had not left your throat since the moment you entered inside the empty cafeteria. Which didn’t help with the fact that you had skipped out on eating breakfast today to work on homework.
 But now, here you were, sitting across from two officers with your Aunt Claudia. She had been called in as acting guardian so that she could be there for any questions that might be on record. Unfortunately your Father who was a lawyer back home could not come in so easily. Despite wanting to help find out where Barb was, you really didn’t like the idea of talking with the local law enforcement. Especially when one of the officers would not stop staring at you like you were holding the murder weapon.
 The whole thing made the air in the room tense. Just how much trouble were you in?
 “Ms. Wheeler told us that amongst Steve Harrington and two close friends of his, that you and Barbara Holland were at his house the other night.”
 “That’s right.” you answered back. “I was invited to a small hang out. Nothing too crazy.” 
 “And did you see everyone that’s mentioned here?” Peering down at the paper pushed before you, your eyes scanned over the small list of names before you nodded your head. “Tell me, what time did you leave the party?” Officer Powell asked. 
 “Around close to midnight.” You glanced over at your Aunt, confirming the time with her. “I got home around close to twelve thirty after I had coffee with Jonathan Byers.”
 “Why were you out with Jonathan Byers so late?”
 The two leaned in closer on the table now, possibly more curious to have someone like you be around the family of the boy who was just found dead. “I almost ran into him on the way home. He seemed..down so I figured that I could talk with him. After that I went home.”
 “And did you speak with Barbara Holland any time before that?”
 “Yeah, we were all hanging out. When it was close to ending, I invited her to join me in getting coffee. But she wanted to wait out for her friend. So I left.”
 Officer Powell wrote everything down, making sure not to miss a detail. “Did Barbara say if she was going to wait anywhere else or meet up with someone after she took Nancy home?”
 The photograph of her waiting by the pool came into your mind. And for a second, something in your stomach told you to tell. But your mouth seemed to have a different idea. “She waited in the house as far as I know..and no. She never mentioned anyone else.”
 “We were told that there may have been some drinking involved that night.” You couldn’t stop your body from tensing up. One of the perks of having some sort of record would be a list of things you weren’t allowed to do. Like underage drinking.
 “Some of the kids were drinking.” 
 The taller officer scoffed at the reply, leaning to rest his head on the palm of his hand. “Oh really? Just some? You mean to tell us you were completely sober?”
 Suddenly your throat felt so dry. Making it hard to get any words out as you struggled to lie through your teeth. “I was.” you gritted, trying to keep a neutral face. That didn’t stop your heart from beating faster. The thought of judgmental eyes on you again like all those months ago kept creeping in your mind.
 Your Aunt seemed to figure out your distress, reaching out to place an arm on yours. “My niece has given you all the answers she’s able to.” she clapped, giving the two a kind smile. “I’m sure if Nancy Wheeler cannot find her friend, that my dear niece wouldn’t either. She’s still new to town, officers. Is there anything else you need to ask from her?”
 Officer Callahan did not seem to like that reply, clicking his pen quickly before he turned his attention on you again. “You know, we were given a heads up from your previous town’s Chief. Told us all about you.” he said nonchalantly. “He mailed your whole file over and everything. It’s not like you wouldn’t have a crazy night that you didn’t remember.”
 The blood drained from your face and the bile felt harder to hold back. Still, you held yourself together. This guy was a dickhead and only wanted to intimidate you. “Nice to know that I have a fan club at the station. Want me to autograph it?”
 The grip on your wrist tightened, a sign of your Aunt trying to calm you down. “I told you everything that happened. Remembered it to a T, actually.” you added with a shrug. “Now, is there any other reason you need me here or can I finish the school day?”
 Officer Powell shook his head, reaching into his pocket to pull out business cards. “You both have my number if you remember anything else or see anything suspicious. Thank you for your time today, ladies.” 
 Faster than they could blink, the two of you bolted from the Cafeteria chairs. The room echoed every step of the heels your shoes had as you pushed opened the heavy doors. You weren’t supposed to get involved in trouble like this. Your parents had made it very clear.
 “Honey,” Aunt Claudia called out. “Come with me.” she urged, holding a hand out. 
 Without a thought, you allowed the women to walk with you towards the front entrance. Rubbing her hand soothingly up and down your back. “What they said wasn’t fair, but they were right.” Your jaw dropped a bit but she held up her hand, asking to finish silently. “If you were drunk, you wouldn’t remember. But you’re my smart girl and I know you wouldn’t make that same mistake, right?”
 “Right.” you nodded, needing her to believe you on that much. 
 “Then that’s all I need to know.” Adjusting her coat, she leaned forward to fix up your hair, giving you a small smile. “Be good, okay? We don’t need anymore kids getting into messes.” Pulling away, she gave a small nod and a promise to pick you up after school. Leaving you back to your thoughts all the way to class. 
 It isn’t till much later when you’ve ditched the main cafeteria for lunch that you find yourself being pulled in for questioning again, except this time it’s from Steve. 
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  “And what did you say after that?”
 “Steve, do we really have to do this?”
 “They’re going to ask me questions next and I wanna know what I’m heading into.”
 You glanced over at Steve, with a morose expression. “Trust me, they’re not going to grill into you.” 
 That answer seemed to make the boy more frustrated as he placed his hands on his hips. Looking more like an upset parent than an anxious teenager. “You can’t be serious. They know we drank! They’re going to give me the third degree and my ass is grass the moment the old man finds out.” 
 For about ten minutes now, Steve and you had been hidden behind the back of the gym, going over the questions that the two officers had asked you. Despite being brief and short about it, Steve didn’t seem to understand your hesitance to really talk about it.
 “Carol said you looked pissed off by the time you came back into class. So obviously there’s something you’re not telling me.”
 Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest, learning to speak quietly. “Are you having your friends report on me? Carol isn’t even in my class.” Steve’s eyes narrowed a bit at the accusation before he shook his head quickly.
 “Okay, so it was Nicole who reported to Carol who came and told me. But only because she’s freaked out too!”
 Moving to stand in your line of vision again, Steve reached out to place his hands on your shoulders, leaning close with big eyes as he asked the same question again. “What did you say? Please?”
 Growing frustrated you can’t help but glare a little at Steve. “Look, it’s safe to say they’re aware of some of us drinking. I don’t know what Nancy told them but they know.” Picking up your bag, you point over at him. “If you blab to them about just who was drinking, be sure to leave me out of it!” 
 You didn’t make it an inch forward before Steve grabbed you by the shoulders, spinning you back around to face him again. “Are you okay?”
 “Okay? I’m peachy fucking keen.”
 His eyes went wide and he held up his hands defensively. “Whoa, chill out there spitfire. I’m just checking if you’re alright.” 
 It bothered you how genuine his words came off. You wanted to stay out of any future drama including crushes on boys. Especially boys who were unavailable. But with Steve it seemed he really did want to look out for you. Making your outbursts create an anxious ache in your stomach. 
 “I didn’t mean to get mad.” You sighed, looking down at the ground instead of his concerned dark eyes. “It’s just hard dealing with people like the cops when you have them know your history.” 
 “Know your history?”
 Well, there’s no going back now. 
 “Remember at your party? Tommy asked why I’m here and not back home? Well I wasn’t lying when I said I was sent here to behave better.” 
 All Steve could do was stare at you expectantly, not wanting to interrupt what you might say next. 
 “Earlier this year, one of my friends got the keys to their dad’s beach house. Since the weather was still nice, we decided to go out for the weekend. Stay for the weekend.” Suddenly you felt so insecure about something you had been confident about months ago. But you figured this story wasn’t ever gonna come off right. 
 “I had to lie to my parents about it. Said I was just staying at the house with my friends. But really it was them, their boyfriends,..and mine.” 
 “You stayed a whole weekend with your boyfriend?!” He looked a lot more perplexed hearing about that than anything else so far.
 “Well, ex-boyfriend now.” 
 “Oh,” he sighed, nodding a bit. “Go on.” 
 “The first night went by fine. Mostly us just setting up on Friday. Then the next day was the party and the Sunday for cleaning up. It was fool proof.” 
 You couldn’t help but frown at all the memories coming back to you. “Until my douchebag ex boyfriend decided to ruin it by cheating on me.” The image of catching him in the act was still burned in your mind. “All damn day he fought with me, it took tooth and nail to get him to even stay long enough for the party and he ditched me halfway just to go find Darcy fucking Morris and screw her up in our bedroom.”
 Steve again watched with wide eyes as you pushed yourself off the wall to pace before him. “So of course, I have to be the one who walks in on them, and instead of just calling a cab home and getting my ass out of there, I stick around. I get so drunk that I don’t even remember where I’m at.”
 “So just because you were really drunk one night that’s why you’re worried about the cops?”
 “There’s more..” You stopped walking and turned to look at Steve’s eyes, ready almost for the judgment that’s most likely to come. “My friends really goaded me into getting back at him. Trying to tell me to find some lucky guy and do the same with him.”
 Steve crossed his arms, seemingly invested in the story as he leaned forward with anticipation.
 “Instead of that, I went for his jacket, took his keys and went for his car.”
 “Shit,” Steve sighed, closing his eyes. “Tell me you didn’t.”
 “That’s the funny part.. I don’t remember any of it.”
 The memory had always gone hazy once you left the house. Whether it be from your own mind holding down the truth or the alcohol having consumed it in a drunk blur. “Once I had stepped out, my ex dashed out of the house, arguing that I’m crazy if I thought I could take off with his car. There’s this big yelling match and then it’s all dark.”
 There were also flashes of the street lights blurring together, making it all hard to remember if it was any place special. “Next thing I know, I’m waking up in the driver’s seat. My boyfriend is nowhere and I crashed into a parked car in some neighborhood four blocks away from the party.”
 Steve stayed quiet, hand covering the bottom of his face as he looked down at the ground. “Was anyone hurt?”
 A sigh of relief fell past his lips and he returned his gaze from the floor to back at you. “What happened after that?”
 “Dad’s a lawyer. Took him only fifteen minutes and a pay off to the owner of the car. Got off without a misdemeanor but had to do community service for a bit. After that my parents told me they were tired of my crap and made plans to send me here.”
 “Shit.” he cursed again. “So what did the officers say today that upset you.”
 “Well they were apparently still given a heads up about me and my incident regardless if it was taken care of or not. So, after Barb’s disappearance and the knowledge of me being at your party, I’m sort of on their radar.”
 Steve surprises you next when he reaches out to pull you in for a hug. It’s innocent enough that passing students wouldn’t think much but still have your heart fluttering. The scent of his rich cologne flooded your senses and you struggled with not taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” he said after a minute. “I didn’t know that any of this would happen.”
You were battling between hugging him back and pushing away from him. There was no reason for your crush on Steve to grow into anything other than a fleeting infatuation. But even as he pulled back from you, you couldn’t help but allow your eyes to flicker up to his brown ones. 
 “Why is it that when I’m around you a mess seems to follow?” you joked, feeling like there was too much tension. 
 “I wish I could say I knew.” he chuckled, looking down your face until he stopped at your lips. “You’re trouble, that’s for sure.”
 “Come on, that’s not fair. You literally just found out my story.”
 He shrugged his shoulders, smirking down at you now. “Sorry, if you get to tease me for embarrassing myself, I get to call you trouble.”
 Punching his arm playfully, you adjusted the bag on your shoulder before nodding to go back in the direction of the school. He picked up his step and followed after you, nudging you with his shoulder as he led you to your next class.
 “Promise me something.”
 Looking up at him, you give a small pout. “Please don’t tell anyone else my story? It’s..it’s not my finest moment. I just want to move past it.”
 Steve crossed his finger over his heart, nodding his head quickly. “Promise. As long as you don’t tell anyone just how freaked out I was about being questioned next.”Holding out his hand, he extends his pinky out, raising a brow for you to take it. 
 Sighing, you grinned down at his hand and wrapped your pinky around his.
 “Can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually feel a little bit better after talking to you.”
 “What did I tell you, trouble? I’m a pretty great guy.”
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A/N: This chapter is a bit short but it’s to help give a bit of the backstory. Kids, don’t drink and drive. EVER
@m-rae23​​, @teeacooper (won’t let me tag), @ally-holmes​​​, @namesaretomainstream​​​ , @lilygreennn​​​,
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kkrazy256 · 2 years
Terra hai I want to see Fox being a good ori'vod to Rememememememdy with
➵ covers; character a gets into character b’s bed in the middle of the night. at first character b is confused, though they hear character a crying and hold them for the rest of the night.
Characters: Commander Fox, Clone Medic Remedy, Arc Trooper Drift (calamity-aim’s oc) 
Notes: Post-Prosthetics Center 2 and Pharma’s death
Sorry for so much exposition, but I genuinely don’t think Rem would willingly do this unless some shit’s gone down akjhfwklj. Enjoy! 
Fox had hoped sleep would take him the moment his head hit the pillow.
But then again, he’s never been the lucky sort.
Instead, the mattress of his bunk feels entirely too stiff and uncomfortable. Most likely from the lack of use. Really, his office chair gives a better embrace for his ass than this piece of shit. 
He’s the only one in the Command bunks tonight. It’s not a rare occurrence, but Fox usually misses his own sleep shift anyways so he’s never really noticed how quiet it gets in here without the rest. He misses Thorn’s snores and Stone’s half-asleep mumbles. It’s been a long time since he’s slept in his own bed. 
But he’s exhausted today. Even the usual late-night mug of scalding tea didn’t help keep his eyes from drooping nor keep his forehead from slamming against his desk painfully three times before he gave up and logged himself as ‘off-duty’ for the night. 
It’s been a busy week. Somehow there had been less paperwork with the first Prosthetics Center incident. And that outpost had been blown up to bits and pieces.
The second one became a graveyard, with every clone assigned there dead. The coroners (two full teams of them sent there) said that the various states of internal decay meant they had been dead for quite some time. Yet, the tears in dead muscles show they had been moving beyond death. There were no external wounds. By all accounts, an absolute mystery. 
Fox had been present during the meeting about this whole fiasco. The looks the Jedi shared with one another at the coroners’ revelation didn’t sit well with him. They knew something. 
The Jedi had joined the recovery mission and taken General Tarn’s body. To where and for what reason, it hadn’t been Fox’s problem.
But Pharma’s body? That had been his problem. 
Because his body had been the only one with a physical wound. A fatal blaster wound to the back of the head. The autopsy photographs had been as gruesome as they had sounded. The blaster fired had been a standard issued one, the serial number assigned to one CT-8847. 
Questioning by High Command had been delayed until Drift was out of emergency care, and Remedy got his knee fixed properly. Even then, neither of them was in the right mindset to take the brunt of the questions that were pressed against them, digging for holes and weak points. 
As their Marshal Commander, Fox had taken the brunt of it, defending their actions with everything he could. Like hell, he’d let these bastards tear into his men for making the choices they did on what was probably one of the worst days of their lives.  
It all came to a pause when the Chancellor asked to speak with Remedy privately. After that, he agreed that Remedy’s actions were justified and the matter was put to rest. Remedy says he doesn’t remember much about the conversation, but that might just be from the stress of the day. Even now, the gratitude that wells in Fox’s chest is genuine, though hampered by a feeling that something is still wrong. 
Because it hadn’t ended there. Because Remedy wouldn’t stop. 
His injuries had been significantly less severe than Drift’s but even then, it was clear as damn day he should be taking it easy. 
It was a miracle Fox didn’t raise his voice when he told Remedy his request to oversee Pharma’s autopsy was denied. The incredulity had probably bled into his tone, but at least he hadn’t outright sputtered, “are you insane?”. Remedy had just stared, the hand clenched around his single crutch was still. 
Then, he nodded and left Fox’s office. 
And that had been the last time Fox had seen his CMO this week. 
Still, he kept tabs on Remedy amongst the millions of other tasks throughout his days. Each report was the same.
He’s working, Commander.
He was in Medbay 6 when I signed off, sir.
He took over my inventory shift, Commander.
He said he’d do the night rounds in Medbay 2 today.
I think he’s falling asleep on his feet, Fox. 
He was visiting Drift, sir.
Fox groans, rolling onto his side to grab the datapad off his bunkside drawer. The bright blue glow makes him squint. Once the static in his vision clears, he pulls up the current on-duty roster of his Guard. 
He scrolls the endless lists of numbers until he finds CT-8847. He taps on his shift history.
Remedy’s been on rotation for the past four days. And he still hasn’t signed off. 
His rations check-off history is also spotty. He hasn’t been grabbing meals either.
Fox sends him a location ping request and sets the datapad down, staring at the dark screen.
His fingers tap out the melodies of at least three of Coruscant’s Top 30 hits before he realizes he’s not getting an answer.
Fuck it all to karking hell.
His spine pops when he gets out of bed, and he rubs his neck with a sigh. Surely, Senator Corinth wouldn’t notice if Fox takes one of his dozens of plush cushions next time he’s ordered to sweep his office floors. 
He goes to Drift first in the medbay. The ARC is still confined to bedrest until his prosthetic is fully integrated again. His file says he’d have to go through at least a month of consistent physical therapy before he can return to active duty.  
He’s lying on his stomach and speaking into a comm softly. The blinking blue light washes over his white hair with a cool glow, but the smile on his lips is warm and silly. 
Fox clears his throat once, and Drift looks back with a start.
His eyes widen, “Uh, I’ll call you back Rod-” 
Fox shakes his head, and whispers, “I’ll be quick. Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to know if you’ve seen Remedy.” 
Drift covers the comm mic with his palm and his lips pull into a small frown, “he was here about half an hour ago, sir.” 
“Any idea where he went after?” 
“He didn’t say…he didn’t say much actually.” Drift taps the metal of the comm thoughtfully, “he seemed distracted. Couldn’t really keep a conversation.” 
Now it’s Fox’s turn to frown, “Is he okay?”
The look Drift gives him is just short of, ‘are you serious?’, and Fox winces internally. Stupid question. 
Still, Drift stays professional, “he’s asked me that a lot these days.” 
He rolls the comm between his fingers, and the ‘well, are you okay?’ is on the tip of Fox’s tongue. 
Drift speaks again before he could voice it, “but when I ask him the same, he never answers.” 
He turns his bitter smile towards Fox, “you know how the doc is.” 
“Yeah, really good at pissing me off.” He says without thinking. 
Drift blinks up at him in surprise before snickering. Then he stops when the mirth turns into a grimace of pain and he sinks back into the bed, “that makes two of us, Commander.” 
“But,” Drift continues, “I don’t think he was doing it on purpose today. He was just really out of it.” 
Fox swallows, looking down at the datapad in his hands. CT-8847’s status is still glowing green for on duty. 
“Did he say where he was going?”
“No. He didn’t even say goodbye when he wandered off.” His choice of words is deliberate; Fox needs to find him fast. 
“Alright, I’ll check the other floors. Thanks, Drift.” He turns to leave.
Fox stops. 
“...Will you ask him?” 
Fox leaves the room, catching the start of Drift’s renewed conversation on the comm. The warmth had returned to his voice, and he can hear the smile in it. 
He stops by Remedy’s office at the end of the hall first. The lights are off, and the CMO is nowhere in sight. His commlink is sitting at the center of his desk, Fox’s last three location ping requests still unread. He grabs the wastebasket, which is filled with scraps of flimsi, a few broken datapads, and ration wrappers. There were only a few, not enough to account for four days. 
Fox places it outside the doorway for the custodial droid to take in its next rotation and keeps moving.
He’s not hiding in Inventory like he usually would. The small medicinal garden on 6th is also empty. He’s not in the mess hall. He’s not at his assigned bunk on the 14th floor either. 
The crisp, artificial Coruscant air stings against his dry cheeks when he pushes open the door to the rooftop. He scrubs the dust from his eyes before walking toward the ledge. 
His city breathes with activity, hundreds of speeders whizzing by in the distance. The time of night does nothing to deter the never-sleeping planet from its endless march. 
Fox leans forward, the wind pushing against his shoulder blades with a teasing whisper. 
He looks down, not daring to take a breath while the breeze plays with his hair. 
Remedy isn’t here either. 
Fox goes back inside. 
At this point, he’s starting to feel the first inklings of worry. It’s not enough to order a search; he’s not impulsive enough to do that without considering the consequences. Maybe a Guard-wide announcement to be on the lookout? No, that would just get everyone in a panic. 
Fox rubs his eyes again, cursing the way they burn with tears. He can’t stop yawning.
The door in front of him slides open, and he jumps at the familiar scenery of the Commander barracks. He must’ve wandered back without thinking. 
He walks in, running a hand through his hair. He should send the message to at least the medics, in case Remedy decides to head back to the medbays. He’d authorize full permission for them to tie their CMO down for forced bed rest. Then, Fox will give that di’kut a piece of his mind after he’s taken a quick nap—
There’s already someone in his bunk.
For a moment, he wonders if Thorn had returned from patrol. If it had been a particularly bad one, he’d usually just flop down on Fox’s bunk because crawling up to the top one is ‘too much work’. 
Then he catches a glimpse of red hair, and the knot in his stomach loosens.
Found you. 
Fox sets his datapad down on the drawer before sitting on the edge of the bunk. Remedy is lying on his side, facing the wall. He doesn’t even stir at the added weight. 
As CMO, Remedy has code access to all their bunks in case of emergencies. 
Maybe he had come here because he had been looking for Fox as well. Before the exhaustion caught up to him the moment he felt a bed beneath him. 
Fox reaches out, hand landing on Remedy’s shoulder. 
He gives a small shake, “hey—” 
The loud smack of Remedy’s forehead against the ceiling of the bunk makes Fox cringe in sympathy. The medic swears up and down, cradling his head as he pushes away from Fox as quickly as he could. His back hits the wall, and he stays there, his entire body tense. Like he’s waiting for something to happen.
“Remedy?” Fox tries after another ten seconds. He holds his hand out but doesn’t make a move to get close. 
Wide brown eyes find him in the darkness and Remedy drops his arms.
“Yea-“ He leans back when Remedy surges forward to grab his face, tilting it up and down, searching with a squint. Fox reaches down to pat around the mattress for his glasses. Remedy grabs his arm, feeling it from shoulder to wrist. 
“What are you—“
“What’s wrong? Where does it hurt?” Remedy demands. 
“Where are you injured?” 
Remedy scowls, looking around while still squinting, “then who is?”
“I…” Fox flounders, “I don’t think anyone is?” 
Remedy blinks, sitting back. 
“Then why are you bothering me if there’s no emergency?” 
Fox stares before lowering his hand slowly to tap his finger against the mattress, “you’re in my bunk.” 
Fox finally finds Remedy’s glasses under the pillow and hands them to him. 
Remedy puts them on and scans his surroundings blearily. Then recognition sparks and he goes completely still. 
Fox uses the silence to study him. His hair is nearly freed from the ponytail; the red curls drape over his shoulders, tangled and wild. 
He can see all the lines cutting deep into Remedy’s face, seemingly multiplied in the last few days. They make the bags under his eyes glaringly obvious, even when hidden behind the frames of his glasses. His skin is sticky with sweat. 
It’s not right. This is what Fox expects to see when he looks in the refresher mirror after a blackout mission, body still shaking like it doesn’t belong to him—because it doesn’t—This isn’t how his little brother should look. He had promised Cody, Fox had promised him that he’d look out for Remedy. This isn’t—
“Remedy,” He starts—
“—I’m sorry, Commander.” His CMO straightens, face falling blank. 
The stilted formality makes Fox clench his jaw.
“I’m sorry, I must’ve,” Remedy swipes a stray white curl out of his face, and his hand trembles with the motion, “I must’ve walked here accidentally. I apologize for the trouble.” He shifts to move around Fox, “I’ll go, Commander.” 
He pitches forward, and Fox catches him by the shoulders before he faceplants headfirst into the edge of the bunk. 
“Just lie down, you can sleep here tonight.” 
“And where will you sleep then?” Remedy snorts, already leaning away from him. 
Fox answers that by lying down, stretching out his limbs with a groan, “right here.” 
“Fox, I—”
“— are an idiot that is about to pass out. You think I haven’t noticed your shift history?” He gestures to the datapad on the drawer.
“I think you’d know a body’s limits better than most, Chief Medical Officer.” He tucks an arm underneath his pillow, “I’m tired.” He can hear Remedy’s soft intake of breath; Fox couldn’t believe he was admitting to it either, “I don’t want to have to get up and escort you back to your bed like you’re some cadet.” 
There’s the subtle creak of a clenched fist, and Fox shoots down the brief second of regret for using Remedy’s guilt like this. 
But it works. After a minute, he can hear the medic shifting to lie back down. 
Fox lets his eyes slip close, forcing his breaths to even out. The familiar hums of the ventilation system and muffled outside noise lull him into a half-asleep state. He hovers there comfortably, mentally running through his schedule next shift. 
That’s when he hears something beyond the familiar background noises. 
It’s a stuttered sort of sound, the rhythm off-kilter and pitchy. It takes him a few seconds to realize it’s coming from next to him. Then another two seconds to recognize the sound as sharp inhales being deliberately stifled. 
He turns his head, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. Remedy’s hair is completely down now and covers the space between them. But Fox can still see the way his entire body shivers each time he tenses to clamp down what can only be a sob. 
Fox reaches out again, hand brushing against his hair. 
The full-body flinch he gets in return makes him pull back immediately. Remedy shoots up, slow enough to avoid collision with the top of the bunk but still hurried. He turns his head away from Fox to face the wall. But not before Fox catches the glimpse of wetness on his cheeks. 
Remedy reaches up to swipe the tears away.
“I’m,” sharp, shaky inhale, voice still trying to appear level, “I’m bothering you, I’m sorry—”
“Kih’vod. Stop.” The blanket twists beneath Fox’s clenched fist. 
Remedy goes perfectly still. He finally turns to stare at Fox. His glasses are gone, and Fox spots them haphazardly crushed underneath a pillow. His eyes are swollen, making the bags beneath them look puffy. His nose is runny and the wet trails of tears paint his face in two neat lines going sideways from lying down. His shoulders are squared, his back straight, and his chest puffed out. 
Only he shakes. 
His shoulders shake, his chest quivers, his jaw trembles from how hard he has it clenched. His eyes shine with unshed tears but they’re not falling. Why, why is he trying so hard to—
Kih’vod. Stop.
Stop fucking crying.
His heart drops.
Why the hell is Fox so fucking bad at this? 
“No.” He says as firmly as he can manage without falling into yelling territory, “I didn’t mean—” He takes a deep breath. 
“I mean…have you stopped?... At all? Even once? Since you came back from there?” 
“I can’t.” Remedy breathes out, as if it were the most obvious explanation, “I can’t.” 
Commander, will you ask him? 
“Remedy, are you okay?”
It’s almost funny how he gives Fox a ‘are you serious?’ stare near identical to Drift’s.
Remedy opens his mouth. To answer, to deflect, to call Fox a fucking idiot, who knows. Fox doesn’t get a chance to know.
Because the only sound that comes out is a sob.
Remedy slams both hands against his mouth, eyes wide and darting away to look at anything but Fox. The movement makes the tears finally fall.
And then they don’t stop. 
The muffled sobs wrack his frame in waves, the overwhelming emotions practically clawing out of him. Fox doesn’t know what to do. 
Eventually, the stuffy and runny nose forces Remedy to remove his hands from his lips so he can gulp down air with shuddering heaves from his lungs. He presses his palms against his eyes. His mouth hangs open in a silent scream, unable to find the breath to sob out loud anymore. 
He’s hunching over, practically curling in on himself. He looks so damn small. 
The complete image hurts Fox in ways he didn’t know could be possible anymore. Hadn’t he seen it all these past two fucking years?
The only words flashing through Fox’s mind are
Cadet. Kid. Kih’vod. Don’t cry don’tcrydon’tcrydon’tcry, little brother, please don’t cry.  
He pulls Remedy into his arms, one hand cradling his head and the other running up and down his back. 
“I can’t, he, I c- I’m not, I’m not o—” The words come out incoherently, and Fox just hums, nodding. 
“I can’t stop, ori’vod.” His voice is wretched and muffled against Fox’s chest.
“I can’t. If I do, I—” He trails off into a barely audible whisper, “I can’t stop seeing him. I can’t stop hearing them. It’s my fault, I know that but I can’t. Ori’vod, I can’t anymore. Please.” He begs, rambling until all his words devolve into a simple plea of ‘please’ over and over again. Each repetition digs into him like blades. 
And Fox doesn’t know what else he can do beyond tightening his grip, running his fingers through those tangled curls, and whispering “I know. I know, kih’vod. I’m so sorry. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Fox doesn’t stop the motions and words when Remedy’s sobs turn into quiet sniffles and shuddering breaths. He doesn’t stop when his breaths eventually even out. He doesn’t stop when Remedy goes slack against his hold, leaning against him completely.
He doesn’t stop when his voice is hoarse and he can only murmur the words against the top of Remedy’s head.  He doesn’t stop when his chrono tells him it’s dawn. He doesn’t even stop when Stone and Thorn return from their shifts and give him solemn, understanding stares before leaving the room again. 
Because if it meant Remedy could finally find a moment of pause—to rest, to find peace, to have silence, to stop blaming himself—
Fox would gladly keep going on forever.
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girlwifteef · 2 years
“I’m sick of it” James Hetfield x Fem!Reader!
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Part 5!
TW: Backstory of Y/N’s toxic ex and their abusive relationship, nightmares, and goes into detail in that kind of shit. Oh, also language. It’s these fields disturb you, you’ve been warned :3 <3
Description: Uhh, read above basically, lol.
I was sitting on the floor still wiping away tears as I tried to answer James’ question.
“His name’s Chris, right?” He asked.
“Yes, Chris Meyer.” I choked out holding back the lump in my throat that was threatening to come out. “He’s been stalking me for the past 4 years.” Damn. It’s really been 4 years since I first welcomed that bastard into my life. If I was just so much more careful then and actually had a voice, maybe I wouldn’t be in this mess. 4 years. I’ve been to every state (except for Hawaii and Alaska) in this damn country with in 4 years. California was the last one I could afford, out of the 50. After tonight, I don’t know if I’ll survive anywhere else. I can’t run back to states, trust me I’ve tried. I just can’t run anymore.
James looked at me in disbelief, “This asshole’s been after you for 4 years?”
I nodded my head in response. “I’ve been to every single state on this godforsaken continent and couldn’t find one place to be safe from Chris. Until, of course, I came here. You might want to get comfortable because this story is a doozy.”
James, holding back his laugh, obliged to my suggestion. And so, I began to tell my darkest secret.
“I was safe from Chris for a little over a year. Do you remember when I told you that I came here from Nevada for a job opening?” I asked looking up at James.
He nodded. "Well, it's not completely true, perse." I suggested, "I was looking for a new job we Chris found me again." I watched as I saw James put together the puzzle pieces in a nice manner as he looked back into my eyes. It was a little funny watching the gears turning in his head and the saw the lightbulb with the finished product.
He spoke snapping his fingers, "You also said that you’re from Florida, right? So, how-?”
I raised my hand, "I'll explain, don't worry." Glad he’s paying attention. “And yes, central Florida, born and raised. That’s where … I met Chris, it was actually through a good mutual friend. When we first started dating, he would mostly be romantic and would buy me whatever I wanted, but I didn’t want gifts or money, I just wanted to be with him.” I admitted. "Too bad he couldn't get that through his thick fucking skull."
“That actually sounds really sweet.” James commented.
“Yeah, it was. Until I started refusing the gifts because it had gotten more frequent. I told him I didn’t need or want them but all I saw anytime I would bring it up was just pure rage plastered on his face. He would smash the gift and call me selfish, ungrateful, a brat, basically everything under the fucking Sun.”
The First Incident:
(Back in time)
“Hey Y/N, I’m here! I brought you something!” Chris said as he rushed into my apartment to show me what he bought.
“Aww, Chris, baby I told you not to buy anything for me really!” I said sincerely. “I already have so much!” I stated with a wide smile.
“What? No, come on, look inside already.” Chris said now dropping his belongings onto the floor.
"Chris, I don't need anything. It was thoughtful but I think you should return it." I said a little hesitantly because of the sudden expression change. The air shifted, somehow, even with all the windows locked.
“Well, like I said, you don’t have to buy me gifts, I just want you, baby.” I reassured, then I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist. He swatted me away knocking me back.
“What the fuck do you mean? You don’t want anything that I give you?” He said raising his tone and stepping closer.
“W-what? I j-just don’t want you to waist-“ he cut me off.
“No! You ungrateful little shit. You need accept what I give to you!” Chris said yelling at me now.
“I- I don’t want it.” I said stuttering. He smashed the glass gift onto the floor shattering into a million pieces.
“There! Now you got what you wanted! Now pick it up!” He yelled into my ear as he stepped back to watch me.
I got onto the floor with hot tears streaming down my face. I hovered my hand over the glass carefully to not get it stuck in my hand. With a swift motion of his foot, he stepped on my hand pushing my flesh into the glass. I screamed and cried for Chris to stop.
“Chris! Stop, you’re hurting me!” I screamed but he just watched as the floor began to stain with my blood. After what felt like an eternity, he let up his foot and I held my hand and watched in horror as the blood kept pouring from my hand. He had leaned down to whisper into my ear.
“Do not make me angry, or that will be your face.” Chris said pointing to my hand then my head. I shivered in fear and nodded as he walked out of my apartment slamming the door. I made sure that he was gone before I let out my cries. I had just sat there for 5 minutes crying and had finally gotten up to rap my hand in a towel. I had shuffled and sniffled my way to my car and drove myself to the emergency room. There, I got medical attention and drove myself home.
I parked my car and walked to my apartment and unlocked the door. I step inside, not ready the clean up his- wh-. The mess was gone. How? I walked around the corner and to my surprise I saw Chris sitting in my dinning room, I'm living in hell, aren't I? I thought. He got up and I flinched back.
“Wh-what are y-you doing here?” I squeaked out.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I got aggressive earlier will you please forgive me?” He pleaded taking my hands
I pulled back praying I didn't get slapped. "Please l-leave.” I said quivering with fear. It sounded so meek and so helpless, mentally kicked myself.
“I understand. I’ll go.” He said with a sigh. “Will I see you tomorrow?”
“Maybe.” I wasn’t fully understanding what the hell was happening but all I knew was that he couldn’t stay here.
The Second Incident:
(Few months after the first)
“Hey baby, I’m gonna go out with some friends, I’ll be back around 12!” I shouted to Chris from the front door.
He was in his room jamming to music, “Ok, have fun! Don’t drink and drive!”
“I won’t, Beth is driving us you know how she doesn’t drink!” I yelled back.
“Ah right. Well, I’ll see you later!”
I left and saw my life long friend in her car waiting for me to get into her car. I greeted her and we were off to the local bar. I met with a couple of my other friends and we were having a blast. In a drunken state I had called Chris by accident. By accident I mean now that I look at it, I should never have called him.
“Chriiiiiiis. Heeeeeyyyyyy.” I said slurring my words.
“Oh my god, you’re so drunk, are you ok, Y/N?” Chris asked a little concerned but holding back his laugh.
“Y/N! Get your ass over here and do a shot with me!” One of my guy friends yelled next to me.
“Y/N, who is that?” Chris asked with a serious tone.
“Hahah, Gaviiiin get outta here! I’m talkin to my boyyyfriennnd. Uh, that’s Gavin.” I laughed out. “Hey! I hav ta go but I’ll see you in an hour or so!”
“Ok.” Chris said before hanging up. I didn’t really remember much of the else happened but I remember walking through front door.
I entered my apartment stumbling a bit and it had been trashed. “Shit! What the hell happened?” I thought I had been robbed but I saw Chris’ figure emerge from the living room. “Hey! Do you know what happened?” I said as my words were merging because of how drunk I was. Little did I know I would sober up quick.
“Who was that guy, Y/N?” Chris said walking closer and closer with a dark demeanor. “Who was he!”
“Huh? What guy, hehe.” I said drunkenly giggling. Chris wound up his hand and slapped me across the face.
“Wh-why-“ I tried to say but was cut off. Sober enough to see what was going on I crashed to the floor.
“Who the fuck was that guy on the phone?! Are you cheating on me?!” Chris said now screaming me inches away from my face.
“N-no! I w-would never! Chris pl-please!” Chris took a step forward and pinned me against the wall. “Ack! You-you’re hurting me!” I cried as he held me to the wall by my neck.
“What’s his fucking name?!” Chris yelled squeezing my throat.
“G-Gavin!” I squealed. “He’s my friend!”
“Bullshit!” He said as he punched me in the face and threw me to the floor. “You’re lying!” He screamed. “You didn’t take my warning from before seriously. This is your fault! This could have been avoided if you just stayed with me! But you want two at a time don’t you?!”
All I could do was cry for the few moment I was conscious. I had passed out from Chris when he struck me and woke up the next morning with a splitting heading and blood on the floor once again. I looked around through my blurred vision to see if Chris was still here. He wasn’t but the mess was. I spent that day crying in my bedroom then, I made plans to move. I shouldn’t have let this happen again so, I’d tried to make sure it won’t happen again.
Back to Present:
“I guess he had been keeping tabs on me after I left and never said goodbye. But he’s always been after me. I just can’t shake him, everywhere I go there’s a reminder, and him. And now he’s back and I’m sinking again, I understand if you want nothing to do with me now.” I said as hot tears were still streaming down my face. To my surprise James was still sitting there practically on the edge of his seat listening to every word. It seemed like he just processed what I said about leaving me to deal with Chris.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Y/N, how could he do this. How could you think I would leave?” He asked getting on the floor with me and taking my hand.
“I- I don’t know. I just imagine you have a lot on your plate with your band and everything I just- I don’t know.” I said softly crying. I hugged James again and held on for a minute.
He loosened his grip to look at me. “I’m not going anywhere. We are going get this guy out of your life.” James said kind of like a hero out of a movie. Was he really going to help me, after I said all that? Like, that was the last test I had for him to pass the boyfriend test. Well, let’s see if he speaks the truth and actually stays with me first.
“T-thank you, for listening. I don’t think I’ve told anyone that, except for Rich.” I said truthfully with a soft reassuring smile and a couple of sniffles to James. This again, caught him off guard and started to blush in the low light so he turned away for a second.
“You have to tell me before you do that, Y/N.” James said smiling as he turned back to look at me. Now, just the tops of his cheeks were red.
I giggled, “No promises.” I said playfully wiping away the rest of my tears whilst James helping me. I grabbed his hand and looked up at him, “I’m serious, thank you, I’ve never met anyone like you.” I admitted looking into his dark blue eyes. He looked down for a second and took his right hand to hold the left side of my face.
“I’ve never met anyone as brave as you, Y/N.” He said tilting his head slightly to make his tone more sincere. We both paused for a moment, I saw a few strains of his hair were still miss placed and I reached up to fix them. I tucked them away in the rest of his mane and brushed the left side of his face with my knuckles and held his face. During this duration he watched with admiration and leaned into my hand as I brushed and held him. We had a mutual understanding that neither one of us was leaving each other anytime soon. I saw him glance at my lips and look back into my eyes. I had caught onto the hint and just smiled and nodded my head. He slowly leaned in and we pressed our lips together filling the gap between us. It wasn’t a lustful kiss, it was meaningful, slow, and deep. He wasn’t trying to get with me (if you catch my drift) but was trying to reassure me. I felt his left arm sling around my waist to bring me closer to him without breaking the kiss. I helped by moving my legs from underneath me and scooted closer while wrapping them around James’ waist. We had made out for a few minutes before looking back into each other’s eyes.
“M-maybe you shouldn’t be alone tonight.” James said sounding a little embarrassed to initiate. However, I was thankful he said it because I didn’t want to embarrass myself more than I thought I did tonight.
“Will you stay with me? Just for tonight?” I asked kind of already knowing the answer.
“Of course.” He said gladly accepting, which almost made me cry again because I didn’t realized how caring and sweet he really was. Not to mention how easy it is to talk to him.
“Thank you, James.” I said pulling him to hug me again, I needed this one. I let go and he stood up to get ready to go to my apartment. Once he did, he held out his hand to help me up. I took it slowly rising up and still looking into his gorgeous blue eyes.
As I stood up I had reached up to look at his cut again to make sure he really didn’t need stitches. “God, he got you good didn’t he?” I asked rhetorically debating wether or not to clean it again. It wasn’t bleeding but I wanted to make sure. “Does it hurt?”
“Well, now that I’m talking about it a little. You seem to distract the pain good though.” His answer caught me off guard and it was my turn to blush and turn away.
“Ah, well, glad I could be of assistance.” I said stealing his line. I heard him laugh as I turned on my heels towards the exit. I looked back to see him. “Hah, should we go?” I asked.
“Yeah, I promised this chick I would stay over to protect her from demons tonight.” James joked flexing his muscles.
I lightly slapped his rib cage and laughed, “Fuck you!” We both then laughed with each other and headed out the office door where we first entered.
A/N: Oh my god, this took me forever to come up with this over vaca. I can promise you guys tho that there will be links to the other parts on the actual posts as soon as I figure out what's wrong with my WiFi. Anyway, this is the end of the series uhhhh. I like to leave it open to your imagination but yeah. I think I'm going to write about Kirk now. Hmmm, decisions, decisions. Well, if I do, you'll see it on my page. That's all from me! Thank u for reading and have an awesome day!
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[text in image: “I felt like a man many years ago, when I had to take responsibility. Early on, with my mother and my sisters, but also with my career. At a very young age I was making decisions about tens of millions of dollars—not that I think necessarily that is a definition of being a man. Manhood? I don’t know, I guess manhood is having the courage to stand up for what you believe in, no matter what. Even if it costs you your friends. Even if people dislike you for what your choices are.”]
TC is so Interesting in this 1994 Vanity Fair article (archive link), except for this bit. It's like 10 years before the whole couch jumping and Psychiatry Is Fake series of incidents which imploded his career and made him too scared, I think, to continue to pursue interesting dramatic roles. I really wish he had never met Mimi Rogers and fallen into the Scientology rabbit hole, or that he at least remembered that you have to question your beliefs instead of just insisting on them, as if the truth is another one of those settings that you can opt out of in life.
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[text in image:
A few days later, after our aerobatics, his thoughts return to his father. “He was a very complex individual and created a lot of chaos for the family before we left him,” he remembers. “If I came home from a fight and I had lost, then I had to go back out there and do it again. He was one of those guys: ‘You go out there and you don’t lose. Period.’ And I certainly wasn’t the biggest guy on campus.”
“Was it an insistence that you had to be macho?”
“No. It was more not losing. It also had to do with his own way of loving me. He was the kind of guy who really got picked on a lot at school himself when he was growing up. He had also been small, though he ended up being six foot two. People had been quite brutal to him. Inside, I believe he was a really sensitive individual. He just didn’t want me to have to go through the kind of pain that he had felt in his life. I think that all this was a solution to solving that problem. He was very, very . . . ah . . . tough on me. Very, very tough. In many ways.”]
TC on his father. I might be reading too much into a puff piece about a celebrity but the article seems to be pointing us toward the conclusion that this Father stuff taught him to just never reverse course on ... Things, because it would be Losing or something.
There's stuff on Nicole and the two kids too! It's absolutely heartbreaking that Isabella is now Deep Into Scientology ...
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[text in image: Cruise turns the question back to his decision to play Lestat. “No, not really. . . . You know, I’ve never worked so hard on a character as I did for Interview with the Vampire. I lost 18 pounds. I worked on my diction, my movement. I read out loud from classics so that the language became easy for me. I was nervous about it. But it was that fear that drove me into it. The guy who taught me to race cars would always say to me that he didn’t know whether I was the smartest guy around or the dumbest . . . but I’ve always had this thing that when I was afraid I never backed off. I always went forward.”]
There's so much amazing stuff in this article! "[W]hen I was afraid I never backed off. I always went forward." Inspiration and wisdom for the ages.
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sleptwithinthesun · 2 years
if you're so inclined to write anything w cat allergy eddie i would love that!
okay so even though you are the most recent prompt i have received, i really want to get something out tonight, so here's a 1.3K fic for you, anon. promise i'm getting to the rest of the prompts, i'm just really tired and have been working all week :)
Eddie's almost asleep on the couch when Steve finally walks through the door, feeling a bit haggard and worse for wear but with a light in his eyes he knew had dimmed when he left almost three hours ago, after a call from Robin demanded his presence over at her place. At the sound of him kicking off his shoes, Eddie forces himself into an upright position, scrubbing at his face roughly with both hands before looking up to meet Steve's eyes and asking, exhaustion obvious in his voice, "'S she okay?"
"Robin's fine," Steve assures, moving to sit down next to Eddie for a few minutes before the two of them head upstairs. The latter is already half-asleep, hair messy around his head like he's been lying there for a while. He probably has; Steve didn't exactly tell him how long he was going to be out, and it's almost midnight already. "She just needed some, uh... help and advice."
He's pretty sure Eddie wouldn't give a shit about Robin being a lesbian. After all, the man isn't exactly quiet about his own sarcastic flirtations with Steve when it's the three of them and Nancy, but still, Robin trusted Steve with that information. If she doesn't want to tell anyone else, that's none of his business.
Eddie leans heavily into Steve's shoulder, blinking up at him. He's a very tactile person, Steve's learned, eager to soak up any human contact like a sponge. "Everything's okay, though?"
"Everything's okay," Steve confirms, bringing his hands up to untangle a couple knots that've worked themselves into Eddie's hair. "Have you been down here a while? I didn't mean to make you wait."
"Mm, I dunno," he murmurs. "Been down here since ten-thirty, maybe? Although, I do think I feel asleep for a bit." His nose wrinkles for a second before his face smooths out again.
Steve says, earnestly, "I'm sorry. I know we were supposed to hang out tonight, but it's a little too late for that now and I don't exactly want you driving in the dark. Would you maybe stay the night, then head home in the morning?"
"Oh, yeah. I am in no shape to drive right now," Eddie says, with a tired laugh, then turns so that his back is towards Steve and half his face is pressed into his shoulder. "h'ktSch! tcHh! kt'sch'iew!"
Steve taps Eddie lightly on the side of his thigh thrice, a nonverbal blessing for each sneeze. "Those were allergic?"
"Felt like it." Eddie sniffles, leaning back into Steve. "Though, they might also just be random. I was a bit sensitive today."
He nods. "Yeah, I remember from when we were in the kitchen earlier, with the lights?" Eddie hums in confirmation, rubbing a knuckle under his nose while Steve puts his hands in Eddie's thick hair again.
In the four-and-a-half months they've known each other since the Vecna incident, Eddie's been sick twice and had enough summer allergies that Steve can actually tell the difference between the way his sneezes sound. Still, though, this has to be allergies, because both the itchy and breathy quality of the sneezes and the fact that not even ten seconds later, Eddie's burying another fit into his shoulder, the two not even a minute apart, are calling cards if Steve's ever known them. This time, though, he seems more prepared, stifling the sneezes roughly. "h'ngt! ngxt! huh'sHXt!"
"Bless you," Steve says, brows knitting together. "No, those were definitely allergic. What's getting to you?"
Eddie shrugs. "No clue, to be honest. I didn't really do anything while you were gone, so maybe while you were at Robin's?"
And that's what gets his eyes widening with realization, grabs Eddie's attention by the ear and places it right on Steve's face. "It's her cats," he says, looking down at his shirt. Sure enough, both that and his jacket are covered in cat fur, just like the rest of Robin's house was. "Oh, shit."
As if that's permission to sneeze again, Eddie stifles another set of three into complete silence, then follows it up with an extra pair for good measure. "Change. Right now," he orders, all measures of playfulness completely dissipated. Nothing gets to Eddie quite like cats do, although dust is a distant second, and Steve complies without another question.
He shucks off his shirt and jacket before he even gets to his room, pants dropping seconds after the door closes, all items thrown into the hamper afterwards. He puts on a T-shirt and sweats to sleep in before creeping back out into the hallway with another set in hand. Eddie was leaning right into him; there's no telling how much ended up on his clothes as well, nor how much is on the couch. Robin's house was practically coated in the stuff.
"Here," he says, handing the bundle of clothing to Eddie. "Change in my room, I'll join you in a second. Let me just make sure there's no fur in my hair."
"Good idea," Eddie says, relaxing again as he walks down the hall. Crisis averted, apparently. Now all he has to do is pick any remaining bits of fluff and dander out of his hair before going back to his room, where convincing Eddie to sleep in his bed is as likely to happen as his parents are to return home at that exact instant, which is to say, not at all.
As he combs through his hair, Steve tries to run through any other options in his head. He very well can't leave Eddie out on the couch, what with the cat hair, and besides, the couch is more for show than actual comfort. There's no way Steve's going to sleep on it either, and it'd be weird if either of them took his parent's rooms, leaving either his room or the guest room available. And while there are upsides to the guest room, the Harringtons almost never have people over for the night, and he doubts it's in good enough shape that Eddie won't end up allergic to the dust, anyway. Meaning, it's Steve's room or bust, and he already veto'd the bust by telling Eddie he could stay the night.
It'll be fine. They're both adults, which might actually be part of the issue here, and wow Steve needs to stop thinking right now before he psyches himself out. He puts the comb back on the counter and grabs the sink for a couple seconds, grounding himself, before walking back to his room.
"Hey," Eddie says, slightly congested already. "You alright? You were gone for a bit too long, it felt like."
"Just being thorough," Steve tells him, smiling at the sight of Eddie in his clothing. It's more color than he feels like he's ever seen Eddie wear, a bright green Hawkins High T-shirt reaching down to the middle of his thighs and pale gray sweats cuffing just above his ankle. Different proportions, apparently, even if Steve is just a bit taller than Eddie is. "You alright?"
He nods. "I'm good, Harrington. 'S only a couple sneezes, no need to worry about it." His nose wrinkles again, the same way it did when he must've registered the allergen earlier. "I'm not sure if I want to risk the couch for the night, though. Is there—"
"Stay with me," Steve blurts out, plan out the window. "I don't mind sharing my bed, it's big enough for the both of us."
Eddie's frozen for a split second before some of the tension melts out of his bones. "Are you sure?"
He nods, resolute and smiling softly. "Yeah, Munson. Get in."
There's not another question from him, just the quiet acceptance that comes with a friendship like theirs. It shouldn't matter that they're sharing a bed, after all. As far as Steve knows, girls do this all the time at sleepovers.
"Thanks," Eddie whispers, once they're both tucked in and the lights are off. "For caring that much, I mean."
"Of course." Steve moves a hand up in the dark, squeezing Eddie's shoulder gently. "Always."
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polneraff · 11 months
I dunno where else to share this, and since I already shared a dream here before, might as well repeat it
I don't remember everything extremely solid. But I recall it started with me going to school. A past school I went to when I was little, same teacher and all. I was my young version with my mind of today, and we were going to learn something I dread, but decided to try.
I remember I had a hard time choosing where to sit. I asked the teacher if I could sit where I wanted or she had to assign us. She told me to just sit anywhere. The class was a bit empty until then, and suddenly it was filling up and I had to rush to a seat in the front row, next to the wall.
In middle of class, she starts projecting a movie in the chalkboard, everybody was paying attention. Idunno what I notice in my shirt that I need to unbutton it, flip it inside out and try to put it in again. I was having a really hard time doing it. It was starting to get embarassing, but I was counting in the fact that everybody was watching the movie and I was discimulating it "very well" that I kept trying.
Until it was too much and just rushed out of the class, covering myself and telling the teacher "Sorry but I can't do it like this!" and she just went "Ok."
So I was out and about in the corridors. I went to the bathroom of that floor, that I thought were small at first, and tried to get in a stall but it was occupied, and so the next to it. So I circled around the stalls and the place was way huger than I thought. Lots of broken down stalls, and clogged toilets, uncovered pipes, everything soaked. I remember thinking "What are they doing with the money for this school? If they invested in this shit nobody would hate them." (For some reason I had a really political thought there, I meant the goverment and not the school, lol.)
Anyway, like with the shirt, there's not really a resolution about that. I think in some moment I go back to class, and Wendigoon, the youtuber, is there. I think he's an advisor for the school. He's dressing very fancy, stereotypically intellectual.
This part gets really blurry. It just kinda skips all the time. i know he was talking to us every day and he's a very beloved figure in our school. At some point we were folllowing a series of incidents in our town, I guess it was something we were all discussing in class constantly, I think we were in a school office. And I was some random guy now. I think we were talking about who could have done all this and why? A woman acussed some other random person, and I corrected her that no, "they would have to do this and that and have this and that motive to... Like... You?" I slowly realized Wendigoon was the perpetrator. He laughed awkwardly and then ran out the window, it was snowing and it looked pure white. I followed him to an old bell tower. We got all the way up, we were verbally fighting, turns out I was his partner in crime, and he was betraying me! Fight to the death! This part is messy and I know we constantly go up and down the stairs. We're rather high up, I am hugging some kind of support to not fall to my death. Wendigoon is hanging right above me like some dumb Assasins Creed character. He lets himself fall right next to me. This pushes me enough to fall on my back, down, I supposedly died.
Supposedly, because he actually held me so I didn't really fall. But my character did. Turns out we were acting. This was a movie. He laughs excited to finish this new project. We're still in the damn tower though, and we need the shot of my character falling. We finally decide to throw a fucking car engine down. It falls onto another car and just destroys the thing. Hell yeah, we laugh and high five. We get down. Like. We just jump now. We were in a safe distance from the floor now.
We look at the car, it got totaled. We wonder if we will get in trouble for this. We start picking up the equipment in the snow. A police car shows up and tries to detain us. We rise our arms instinctivelly while we talk. Wendigoon just stands in front of me laughing, while I obey the orders to get down on my knees, also laughing.
Another police car show up. Quickly detains the other officer for being an impersonator, he looks at us really fast and tells us "Oh, you're all good. You can go." In a really happy voice.
Me and Wendigoon hug, his arm in my shoulder and mine in his', we leave laughing.
The dream ends.
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