#but love u all v much and would love to hear what yall r up to / doing etc.
fxreflyes · 1 month
thank you so much for the tags @belleandsaintsebastian @somerubberband and @crvida <3333
rules: answer & tag ppl u want to connect w and get to kno better
fav color: dark green! or dark red
last song: got the life - korn (90s / early 2000s rock save me ig)
last film: dune 2!!!
currently reading: need to start book 2 of the poppy war. just got it!
currently watching: attack on titan (thank u katya <3)
currently craving: sleep & coffee idk i am v tired
coffee or tea: both!!!!!
np tagging: @cosmmicdancer @polaroidcats @kaaaaaaarf @shipsnsails @ethercain @malchai @dieonysian @faggylittleleatherboy @hxlda-hxlda @itmeanssungod @sugarsnappeases @sunattacksthemoon @godsofwoes @stillagoodwitch @angelfruittree @fruityindividual @achillesankle @greengrug @magneto-manifesto @moongays @lilyflxwers @wanderingdonut @silkencanis and the world's most open tag :)
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ma3mae · 1 year
How much do you want to bet that Tecchou has a god damn bug collection and he just shows it off to you proudly😭 "Babe come look it's my favourite beetle boogahooga" I JUST KNOW HE GIVES EITHER THE MOST BASIC NAMES OR LIKE "MEGA BLENDER X300 MAX"
Also I love your writing so much omfg😔🩷🩷
Don't be so antsy!
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Summary: It's been a few months since Tetchou declared his love for you and he couldn't be happier, especially after finally showing you his treasured collection! But how will you react?
Genre: FEAR 🤡 because insects... Also cracky and a bit of fluff bc i just love him so much 💕😭 slight suggestive hint at the end 🤓
A/N: FOAMING AT MY MOUTH FROM EXCITEMENT!!!! still cant believe that u love my writing 😭😩fangirling so hard rn, time to print, frame and hang this onto my wall. No one can stop me 😤😤😤
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Suehiro Tetchou
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You knew about his adoration for bugs even before the both of you got together
It wasnt smth he'd be talking about for HOURS bc its just a topic never really spoken about
all the other hunting dogs know about it but... they wanted to spare u LMAO 😭
like u accompany him to his work place and his colleagues r outside of the dooe, waiting for him so they can leave
u r like waving at them and teruko waves back but yall r just caught off guard when jouno YELLs out of nowhere "MOVE YOUR DUMB ASS ALREADY OVER HERE 💀💀"
Like was he yelling at u??? Yall we dont know who he lookin at bc HOW 😭😭😭😩 srynotsry
But u realised who he meant when u looked behind u and tf 🤨🤨🤨
Tetchou just EMERGES out of a fking bush and 🤨🤨 is that 🤨🤨 a random ass bug in his hand 🤨🤨🤨 he got KIDNAPPED
"But I found this cool grasshopper... His name's Bush."
Jouno is just seconds away from beating the shit out of him bc
"WHERE'D HE GET THAT JAR FROM???" "Teruko, that's not important. Make him HURRY UP ALREADY"
"Can we take Leaf with us?"Jouno is already taking his sword out to kill that thing 💀💀
"PUT IT BACK AND LETS MOVE YOU FUCKER" "No, I won't let you hurt Omega 300 GT 5" "Wait I thought his name wa-UGH IDC ILL KILL THAT THING FFS"
tachihara just turns away with "k, think im walking home already BYE"
teruko just yanks him back and the other boys too so that they can finally leave
"Can I take him wit-" "No. I know you like these kinds of things but no. Also if you want that thing to actually LIVE then put it back bc u know who will exterminate the shit out of it." "Hm. 😐"
He just walks up to u and goes "can u take this. please"
U cant say no to his puppy eyes 👁️👁️
You're just so confused but maybe its also cute??? U just thought that its a little interest in him but BOY
It wasnt so little as u thought 🤓 LOL i gotta get my head out of the gutter
Holding hands while going on a stroll was something you'd often find yourself doing during your free time together, especially when the sun was shining so brightly while a fresh spring breeze would occasionally sweep through the air.
Humming a random tune while you lightly swayed your joined hands back and forth.
Tetchou couldn't help but let a soft smile grace his lips at the slightly childish action.
No words could describe how much he enjoyed your leisurely strolls together. It would be seen as a nearly generic thing to do together as a couple but for him it was a time to be treated as sacred. Where else could he tuck your hair behind your ears when the wind would blow through it? Or where else could he see the sunlight make you shine impossibly brighter in his eyes, almost blindingly so?
But what really excited him were the "little" discoveries you'd make on your way.
And oh wait? What's tha-
Hearing your name made you about to turn your face towards him yet there was no need!
Since your boyfriend forgot how strong he was...
Yanking a bit too hard on your arm made you hit his chest with your back, a small "oof" slipping past your lips.
"OUCH, Tetchou??? What in the-"
You let your gaze follow the direction his outstretched arm, finally stopping at what he was pointing at with his index finger.
To your not so much surprise it was a-
"It's a colony of ants. Look at how hard they're working, Y/N."
Before you could even think of stopping him, he had already moved towards them, crouching down to get a closer look.
You let out a sigh yet couldn't help smiling at his endearing but also random antics.
No matter how many times it would help, it never managed to not be funny. The Hunting Dogs were known for how powerful yet also how "eccentric" the members were, yet witnessing it for the first time and continuing to live with it never failed to bring a smile on your face.
Especially with just how cute your boyfriend looked right now! The way his eyes would twinkle at the mention of insects was something you personally could only understand but never relate to.
As much as you would love to go along and try to enjoy it with him, you kinda wanted to continue on your walk.
Because when he's focused on something then it would be a real nuisance to get him away from it.
But that's not a problem for the love of his life, right?
Jokes on you, it actually was 💀
Like u got a hunch hes doing it on purpose when he pulls his puppy eyes and that barely but noticeable enough atleast for you pout on u when u said
"I love you, but i kinda wanna yk walk?"
"But Y/N 😟. *points at the ants* only for a minute, please 🥺"
Your legs gonna start cramping from watching these fuckers crawl around??? Nah no one CARES 😤😤 jk jk
our cutie tetchouie would NEVER ignore his partners needs okur okur
Like hes already whipped from how we r atleast TRYING to enjoy what hes enjoying
He knows how unlikeable these little crawlers i hate bugs can be but his s/o is trying so hard and he just 🥺🥺🥺 looks at u wirh heart eyes
dw if u cant walk, he'll give u either a piggyback ride yall being cute 😤💕 or the classic bridal style 😩
And dw if he finds another interesting bug but his hands r occupied? Nah, he gon GET THAT ANYWAY
"Bless you."
"Thanks." You told him as you lightly rubbed your nose with the back of your hand. You loved his hair but it would often tickle your nose whenever you'd try to look over his shoulder as he was carrying you on his back.
It was one of the small ways of him apologizing to you and enduring his antics.
His heart would nearly suffocate him from how much it would swell whenever you'd just reassure him that it was totally okay for you. If he loved ants then it's just what he loved and as his partner, you'd be open for everything that makes him happy.
Yet he still tried to keep it down around you so he was often a bit torn between.
"Ah. Wait is that...?"
Oh no.
You knew it.
You knew what was about to happen next.
Before you could stop him, he was already walking off of the path and into the field.
A whine got past your lips yet he seemed too caught up in his fascination of...?
"A horned beetle!"
Some meters above you, sat a beetle on a branch, seemingly undisturbed by the both of you and yet in Tetchou's eyes, it equaled a sacred national treasure.
A treasure that he wanted to get his hands on.
"Hold tight, Y/N."
"WAIT N-!"
Hooking your arm and legs tightly like a koala around his body, he made a leap for it. You didn't know HOW he managed to do it every time but there he was.
Jumping onto the tree and quickly pulling a tiny jar out of a pocket in his blazer (you don't even know how he even hid that...) and-
"I got it!" He exclaimed in happiness as he jumped down, holding his hand onto the open jar. Screwing a lid onto it, he gave it a quick glance before putting it back into his pocket.
Noticing that you were slowly losing your grip on him, he hooked his arms under your legs, hoisting you up again before almost nonchalantly continuing your walk as if he hadn't just jumped up a tree for a beetle...
"Uhm, you don't wanna stare at it or something?" You asked, genuinely surprised yet almost regretting the question since it could change his mind.
"No, I can do that at home. Your legs are hurting after all."
A smile spread onto your lips at his kind words, only spreading further after hearing a slight hitch in his breathing as you let your lips graze his neck before planting a kiss on it.
"Anything for my love, you know? By the way, have you thought of a name yet for your new little friend?"
"I have but-"
You felt him tighten his grip around your legs before he suddenly began to pick up his pace, walking in long and fast strides.
"Want to be home as fast as possible, so we can you know..."
He peeked over his shoulder to see your slightly reddened face before looking forward, strongly focused on one thing.
"continue what you've started."
A small laugh slipped out of him, your nose tickling his neck as you hid your face in it, immediately knowing what he was implying and well...
You weren't complaining.
No one would have expected it but... our boy's pretty easy to rile up 😤😩
yall think he cute and innocent?? Nah nah he wanna get into that shi* too like hes a whipped and legit down bad man for his love rightfully so ✋✋
dw after yall r done, he'll def bring back the topic of "naming his friend/-s" and welp
u better be ready to spend ur weekend on that kinda thing 💀💀💀 and yall gonna settle on the either cutest or most ridiculous shit...
Its either "Groundbreaker 500, The Nightmare of All" or "sugarberry twinkle star" 🤓🤓 if he wants to honor the place he found it (like in the beginning ^), uhhhhhh 🤨
This btch's name is gonna be "leftover bread" or smth bc it was on it when he found that thing💀
yall cant convince me otherwise BYE 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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LOL, this got way too long and i kinda got carried away but that always happens with him 😩😩😩 maybe rushed at the end but i hope u r happy with this @soysaucefu 💅💕💕
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looooooooomis · 2 years
F I N A L  G I R L | F O U R T E E N
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You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
masterlist here | final girl playlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader   word count: 6.4 (whoops v sorry) warnings: S M U T (18+!!!) unhinged!reader, tw: gross pervy men, unwanted advances from said pervy men, feral reader, we getting down to it. 
A/N: read the warnings pleaseeeeee. this one is a juicy one I can’t wait to hear what yall think! also just a heads up - a lot of your tags don't work so sorry if you dont get the notification when she’s outtttt x
p a r t   f o u r t e e n  |  f e r a l
The sun was warm on your bare skin as you, Tatum and Sidney squinted up at the bright blue skies above you. It had been a few hours since you’d all scarfed down as much grease as humanly possible from the burger joint in town and now that you were all on the tail end of a tequila-induced hangover, some sun was exactly what you needed.
It warmer today than it had been in a while and as the boys dispersed to throw around a football they’d found buried in Billy’s old things, the three of you decided to bask in the sun on the back porch. Between your chat with Randy and everything else crushing down on you with being at the cabin with all of your friends, you’d barely slept a wink last night - so this, being between Tatum and Sidney with nothing but the wind gently swaying through the branches in the trees and the distant sound of the boys fumbling around in the background, it was enough to lull you to sleep.
Of course, Billy fingerfucking you in the car a few hours prior didn’t hurt. It managed to create just enough melatonin to make your eyes a little droopier than before and your brain silent enough to make the idea of a nap almost possible.
Almost being the key word.
“Y/N,” Tatum’s quiet voice sliced through the gentle breeze and yanked you out of your solitude. “How do you feel about Steve Jameson?”
You blinked beneath your sunglasses as you tried to make sense of her question. Slowly, you sat up on your elbows and glanced down at your friend. “Huh?”
“Steve Jameson,” she rhymed off, popping one of her eyes open to squint up at you. “He’s on the football team. You know, tall, dark hair, green eyes. I think he used to date Jenna Wescott.”
“Yeah, I know who he is,” you frowned. “But why are you asking how I feel about him?”
She gave you a small, guilty smile. “I don’t know, just going over our options.”
You blinked stupidly. Had you fallen asleep and missed out on something? “Options?” You echoed in confusion. “What options?”
She mimicked you and sat up on her elbows. “Yeah, you know, options. As in, you’re way too hot not to be having these boys eating out of your hands, you know? It’s slim pickings back home, but might as well have your fun with them, right?”
It was almost impressive how fast you were able to go from relatively relaxed to internally panicking in a matter of seconds. Nothing about the topic of your love life made you comfortable, not when you were so intricately spun into this web of lies with Billy Loomis.
“You said it best,” you muttered, laying back down. “Slim pickings at Woodsboro High.”
“Oh, come on,” Tatum laughed, reaching over to punch your arm. “They’re not all bad.”
You glanced up at Randy, Stu and Billy briefly before shrugging. “The only three tolerable men at Woodsboro are twenty feet away from us and I’m not about to date Randy. He’s like my brother.”
Tatum grinned mischievously. “Wait, would you have dated Stu or Billy?”
“No.” You answered that way too fast; you knew you did. Sucking in a subtle breath, you shrugged and adjusted your sunglasses. “I’ve known them too long, is all.”
Sid considered your words briefly before pushing herself up into a seated position as she overlooked the boys. Crossing her legs, she leaned back on her palms and cocked her head to the side as she watched them play in silence. “You and Billy are close; you think you guys would have dated at all if him and I hadn’t started dating?”
You were doing your best to remain as blasé as possible but beneath it all, you were shitting bricks. Your heartbeat felt like it was in your throat as you mulled over your answer. Could you trust your voice not to sound panicked? Was it going to sound too high-pitched? Too low? You swallowed back your nerves and lulled your head towards her.
“I don’t think so,” you answered quietly. “Why?”
Sid was quiet for a few seconds as she watched the boys but then her brown eyes sauntered down to you as she gave you a small smile. “I always felt like there was something between you two when we were younger.”
“I think they call those hormones, Sid,” Tatum simply said. “They’re horny men who were once horny little pre-teen boys. I’m sure they wanted to hump anything with a set of tits back then.”
“Yeah,” you pushed out, feeling guilty as sin for lying straight to her face. “Besides, when we were younger, I was convinced I was going to marry Patrick Swayze, so Billy never really stood a chance by comparison alone.”
That was seemingly enough to break whatever tension Sid’s curiosity might have caused as the three of you fell into another contemplative silence before Tatum spoke again.
“So, what you’re saying, is that I need to find a young Patrick Swayze in Woodsboro for you?” She teased. “Because if I find one, I can’t promise I won’t have some fun with him first.”
Sitting up, you gave them a small smile and reached for some water. “If you find a young Swayze back home, I expect all three of us to have a go at him for scientific reasons.”
“I like that plan,” Sidney declared with a gentle laugh. “For science, of course.”
“What about Steve Orth?” Tatum asked with a quiet yawn as she focused on the guys. “He’s kind of brawny in a Swayze kind of way, no?”
You visibly cringed. “Pass.”
“What?” Tatum laughed. “He’s broad and he’s tall and I’ve heard through the grapevine that he’s been sniffing you out for a little while now.”
“That is not the compliment you think it is,” you muttered. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I’d rather die.”
“Why are you dying?” Stu asked breathlessly as he, Randy and Billy joined you on the porch. He was flipping the football around in his hands with a shit-eating grin on his face as his eyes swept over the three of you. “What did we miss?”
“We’re digging around for Y/N’s type,” Tatum remarked, grabbing the football out of Stu’s hands to toss back on the grass. “She’s too hot to be on the market.”
“So, you were talking about me, then?” Randy teased, taking a seat on the lounger with a tiny smirk on his face. “I’m touched, Y/N.”
You grinned across at Randy and rolled your eyes. “Shut-up.”
“Your type, hmm?” Billy asked, leaning against the railing of the porch. His eyes, those weighty brown eyes, were scraping across your face in dark amusement. It made every small hair on your body stand on edge. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
Cocky son of a bitch.
“Not Steve Orth, as it turns out,” Tatum frowned.
“Jesus Christ,” you groaned.
“Steve Orth?” That smirk was gone now as he furled his brow. “That guy’s a dick.”
His shoulders were noticeably squared at the mention of Steve and the clip in his tone was not lost on you for a second. Ever since that day where he’d punched him after seeing him flirt with you in class, Steve Orth was the one guy at the top of Billy’s shit list.
Desperate to intervene on the potentially awkward discussion and have Sidney notice her dumbass boyfriend’s lack of decorum, you quietly cleared your throat and pushed yourself up to stand up to your full height.
“How about instead of talking about my sad little love life,” you reasoned, walking past the group to grab the empty bottle of tequila out of the recycling bin. You waved it around with a small smile on your face. “We get drunk, instead?”
“Hear, hear,” Stu stood up and slung his arm around your shoulders. “We’ve got one more night up here, might as well make the most of it.” He looked around the small group and grinned as an idea popped into his head. “I think we passed a bar on the way here, let’s give that a shot tonight.”
“Did you forget we’re underage or did you get hit in the head with the football?” Tatum asked in confusion.
“Had to have been hit in the head,” you teased, slinking out from beneath his arm to take a seat beside Sid.
“Oh, come on,” he clapped his hands together in excitement. “We’re in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere - you really think these guys are going to check for ID?”
“And if they do?” Sid asked.
“Then we leave,” Stu merely shrugged. “No harm, no foul, right?”
“Why can’t we just get drunk here?” Tatum groused. “I don’t feel like getting murdered by some backwoods hillbilly.”
“Yeah, I’m with Tatum and Sid,” you shrugged. “I have no intention of starring in Deliverance 2.”
Randy grinned and snorted like a pig a few times before shrugging. “I’m with Stu on this one,” he kicked his feet out and crossed them at the ankle. “Let’s see some local flavour, shall we?”
“Come onnnnnnnnnn,” Stu drawled out, dropping to his knees in front of Tatum. “It’ll be fun, baby.”
Tatum was evidently not convinced at first, but when Stu leaned in to whisper something in her ear, the small smirk he managed to get out of her was enough to seal your fate. You didn’t quite catch what he was saying, but you heard the word tits and mouth and couldn’t help but laugh.
“Well, we’ve lost her, Sid.” You stood up to your full height and leaned against the railing beside Billy. “Looks like we’re going to the bar.”
It had been an hour and half since the six of you had arrived and of that hour and a half, thirty-eight minutes of it were spent regretting ever listening to Stu Macher.  
He’d been right, of course. The makeshift bouncer didn’t so much as bat an eye at the age of any of you as you walked into the bar, but the attention you’d all managed to acquire the second you’d walked through the threshold was not lost on you, Sid and Tatum for a second.
At first, it was manageable. It wasn’t as though either of you hadn’t dealt with pervy men in the past, but when you’d denied the three shots of vodka offered to you by a middle-aged man with the name Mike stitched into the breast pocket of his work shirt, there was an obvious shift from manageable to intolerable.
Heavy glances followed the three of you everywhere and the feeling of their eyes sweeping across your body was enough to make your skin crawl. The three of you were gathered at the bar, watching the boys play pool from a slight distance in an attempt to distract yourselves from the stares of the others. It was impossible, though.
Everywhere you looked, their eyes were on the three of you. You could tell they were curious, at first, some even looked almost impressed that three young women had wandered into their bar only to sit alone, but the moment you’d turned the vodka down, the tension was overwhelming.
You felt like fresh meat and you fucking hated it.
The one man, Mike, with the yellowed teeth and deep crows-feet, was persistent. After being shot down, he was doing his best to make your stay at the bar as uncomfortable as possible with his ugly leering and every single time he’d walk by the three of you, he made sure to walk as close as possible to the point that you had to squeeze into the worn mahogany of the bar to avoid feeling him brush up against you.
It had become a game to him and his friends and with every passing moment your own anger only grew.
“The next time Stu tries to sweet talk his way into getting me to do anything for him, remind me of this exact moment.” Tatum practically growled as she glowered across at the boys and their stupid fucking game of pool.
Sid gave her a small, uneasy smile but it was obvious she felt as uncomfortable as you did as she looked over her shoulder towards the group of scowling, smirky men. “I’ll kill Stu myself for this.”
With an annoyed sigh, you took a small sip of your beer and managed to catch Billy’s cynical stare eyeing the men. Unlike Stu, who was far too immersed in kicking Randy’s ass in pool, you could tell Billy was at least aware that the three of you had managed to catch the attention of every unsavoury man in that building. And as his dark eyes danced across the room to catch your annoyed stare, you subtly gestured to the door and widened your eyes in hopes that he’d catch onto your desperation.
Your attempt was cut short, however, when Mike appeared beside you.
He smelt like stale beer and body odour and the scratchy material of his work shirt rubbed against your bare arm in a way that sent shivers up and down your spine. He was standing too fucking close and he knew it.
You kept your stare dead ahead as his eyes raked along your profile.
“I can tell you girls aren’t from around here,” he spat out. You could feel his warm breath on your cheek, taste the smell of it on your tongue as you buried your grimace into another glug of beer.
“How?” Tatum grumbled, dropping her voice so only you and Sid could hear her. “Because we’re not related to him?”
You heard his table erupt in mocking laughter from just behind you and felt your anger grow. He was making your skin crawl and your blood boil. He knew he was making you uncomfortable and he was fucking thriving on account of it.
“I think it’s best if you go back to your buddies,” you kept your voice firm, barely glancing across at him.
“You do, huh?” He swooped his head a little closer to your ear and your entire body froze as you felt him reach around to brush his dirty hands against your ass. “I think I’m fine right here, darlin’.”
You were practically seeing red.
“Get your hands off my ass and leave us alone,” you growled, gripping your beer so hard you were sure it was going to splinter off into a million tiny pieces into your palm.
“Hey, asshole,” Tatum nearly yelled. “Don’t touch her.”
He held his hands out in mock surrender but the sickly smirk on his face was revolting. “What are you going to about it?”
For the first time, you looked at him in sheer disgust just as Sid grabbed for your arm. “Come on,” she pleaded gently, “let’s go.”
You huffed out a terse breath and turned to follow Sid only to watch him reach past you in an attempt to reach for Sid’s ass. You could taste blood in your mouth from how hard you were biting down on your cheek but the second you watched him try and manhandle your friend was the moment you saw blood. Felt it boiling beneath your skin like a fever.
Snapping around, you barely had time to register the fact that you’d swung your good arm out to punch the dirtbag square in the jaw. He moved to grab onto the bar to catch himself, but that only resulted in him knocking down a few bottles of beer and tripping over the stool as he tumbled to the sticky floor beneath his feet.
But you weren’t done.
Something inside of you, that red hot anger, was all encompassing. It gripped you and guided you from all angles as you watched him fall back on his rear. You felt like a wild animal. Your heart was beating so ridiculously fast in your chest that you felt as though you weren’t in control of your own body as you lunged on top of him, straddling him as you reached for a broken piece of glass that had been shattered at some point in the commotion.
With your teeth bared, you held it against his throat as he squirmed and bucked his hips against you in an attempt to get you off of him.
But you weren’t budging.
Not with all of that anger, all of that adrenaline, still coursing through your body.
“I told you to leave us alone,” you snarled, applying enough pressure to the shard of glass to cause a few rivulets of blood to seep out of his neck. “What part of that did you not understand you short-dicked hillbilly?”
“Get off of me, you crazy bitch!” He cried out. “Get her off of me!”
You could feel yourself getting pulled off of the man as you continued to grip the shard of glass in your palm and it was only when you were standing on your own two feet that you realized it was Tatum and Billy standing on either side of you with wide eyes.
You knew people were yelling in the background, but you barely heard it over the sound of the blood rushing to your ears. It wasn’t until you were outside of the bar, surrounded by Sid and Tatum, both watching you with concern marring their faces.
“Holy shit,” Tatum’s was the first voice to slice through the adrenaline as your anger began to wane long enough to focus on your friends. “You’re like a fucking superhero, did you see that shit, Sid?”
You blinked and managed to catch sight of Randy and Stu yelling at a few patrons lining up outside of the bar just as Billy was making a beeline towards the three of you.
Sid’s quiet gasp stole your attention as she grabbed your wrist. “Shit, look at your hand,” she sputtered. In confusion, you followed her gaze only to notice that you were still grasping onto the glass hard enough for it to be buried into your palm. It wasn’t deep, by any means, but the blood was enough to make you unclench your hand.
The glass fell between you and shattered on the ground.
“Are you okay?” Billy asked with Stu and Randy on his heel.
“Does it hurt?” Sid asked, concern laced in her tone. Her eyes were glued to your hand.
“No,” you muttered honestly. “I mean, yeah, I’m fine. No, it doesn’t hurt.” You were being ushered towards the car as a few of Mike’s angry friends filtered out, following you towards Randy’s mom’s minivan.
“Is no one going to talk about how fucking bad ass that was?” Tatum asked as you all climbed into the van. You were in the backseat beside Tatum, Sid and Billy were in front of you with Randy and Stu in the front. “She really just said pow don’t touch me! Smacked the shit out of him and the fucker went down! And that thing with the glass?” Tatum was grinning as she replayed the entire thing in her head. “Very femme fatale.”
“You don’t think they’ll follow us, do you?” Randy asked from the front seat. “I mean, this is my mom’s car. If they run us off the road—”
“They’re not going to do shit,” Stu said before sticking his head out of the van as they tore off down the road. “Because they’re pussies!” He screamed.
“Are you kidding me?” Tatum laughed. “Did you see Y/N? That dipshit almost pissed himself, they’re not going to follow us.”
“Randy, do you have any napkins, or something?” Sid asked, still staring at your hand with all of the concern in the world. “Are you sure you’re not in pain?”
“I’m sure,” you affirmed with a small smile. You really couldn’t feel a damned thing.
“It’s the adrenaline,” Billy explained, grabbing the bundle of napkins. Leaning back to grab a hold of your hand, you watched him gently pad the wad of napkins on your palm before mimicking a fist “Make a fist.”
You did as you were told, but your eyes never left his. Even as Tatum continued to talk about what happened, even as Sid continued to ensure you weren’t in pain. There was something in Billy’s eyes that held your focus. It was an odd mix of anger, concern and desire but it was the latter that stole your breath. Maybe it was the adrenaline, like he said, or maybe it was the thrill of feeling that in control over a situation that almost got away from you. You’d taken back what Mike had tried stealing from you and you’d done so in a way that left the man trembling and scared.
You’d never felt more powerful in your life.
“What if they follow us?” Sid asked after Tatum had gone into heavy detail about what had happened after Randy had asked just what went down to incite such a reaction from you.
“They won’t,” Billy assured her.
“But what if they do?” She asked again.
“She’s right,” you muttered quietly. “I rattled him, and his friends seemed pissed. They might, we don’t know.”
The car was quiet for a few seconds before Billy spoke up again. “Would you rather we go home?” He was asking you. Not a single other soul in that car mattered in that moment as his dark eyes found yours. Only you.
“I sure as fuck do,” Randy’s voice was slightly nervous. “Don’t get me wrong, Y/N, that shit was hot, but I don’t want to get bludgeoned by a group of hillbillies because you shattered their ego.”
The truth was, you didn’t feel scared and you knew that was probably stupid. It was stupid. And reckless. And if those fuckers did come looking for a little revenge and stumbled across Randy’s mom’s bright blue minivan, you didn’t want to be the reason your friends potentially got hurt.
“Yeah,” you agreed with a small nod. “We probably should, just to be safe.”
Billy dipped his head once. “We’ll go to the cabin, pack up quick, then we’ll head home.”
Billy was on fire.
From the moment he’d seen that creep slide up close to you at the bar to watching you lunge across at him, Billy felt as though he’d been lit aflame. Anger was what fuelled him towards you and that creep, but it was pure an utter amazement that kept him grounded there, watching you hold that shard of glass to his throat.
Your eyes were wild as you held him there, not once breaking contact despite the bastards relentless flailing. You were a feral animal caging in on her prey and Billy was transfixed by it.
The anger that fuelled you in those few seconds, that rage, drew him in like a moth to a flame. There was no side of you, no part of you that had gone untouched or unseen by Billy until that moment. The moment that you unleashed that fire inside of you and let the carnage of it splay through your every finger until that pervert paid for what he’d done. You were a fucking machine, this gorgeous powerhouse of a woman and, while he’d seen little glimmers of it here and there throughout your relationship, tonight was the night that cemented what he’d seen in you from the beginning.
You had a darkness in you. The same kind of darkness that swam beneath the surface of his every pore. He knew that darkness, fuck, did he know it well, so to see it seep out of you as you held that shard of glass to the sick fuck’s throat?
It was almost euphoric.
It took everything inside of him to peel you off of the man with the help of Tatum. The shithead might have deserved to die, but to die by your hand would have been an honour. To have an angel the likes of you deliver the final blow in a room full of witnesses would have been irresponsible.
He was glad, if he was being honest, that you’d wanted to go home. He needed you tonight, needed you more than his lungs needed air, and he knew he couldn’t have you the way he wanted you if you were to stay in that cabin with all of your friends.
He needed you solely to himself tonight, selfishly so.
And by the look on your face as the two of you locked eyes in the back of that fucking minivan, you needed him, too.
You’d all packed and thrown your shit inside of the van relatively fast and within an hour, the cabin was locked up and you were all on your way back to Woodsboro. Every other time he’d left the cabin with you by his side, he’d felt a pang of regret – but not tonight.
Tonight, getting home meant getting you alone and there was nothing he needed more.
Stu and Tatum were the first to be dropped off, then it was his turn. Next would be yours and then Sid’s as she lived closest to Randy. By the time he’d dropped his bag inside of his room, it was just after midnight and by the time he’d keyed the ignition of his car and zipped out of his driveway, it was 12:05. He was wasting no fucking time tonight.
Each and every single time he thought of you punching and throttling that piece of shit, he was rock hard. You had looked otherworldly standing there under the shitty lighting of that bar, but seeing you snap to it – seeing that feral side of you spark to life – it nearly killed him.
He made it to your house in no time having blown through a few stop signs on the quiet side streets and as he parked down the street and walked amongst the shadows that would take him to your house, he couldn’t help but grin to himself when he realized you were home alone.
Wasting no time at all, he walked up your familiar driveway and along the jasmine trees that framed the familiar footpath that lead to your front door. It was a scent he’d never thought twice about before you, but now one whiff of those fucking trees could transport him. He’d bathe in that scent, if he could; sweet and sensual and a little musky. Every breeze that carried jasmine within it, brought him right back to you each and every night.
Raising his hand, he knocked a few times and stepped back.
You answered within seconds and as your eyes swept across his lean frame, the smile he got out of you was enough to make him weak in the knees.
“I’d half-expected you to climb through the window tonight,” you teased, moving over to allow him inside the house. “The first thing I did was unlock it when Randy dropped me off.”
Billy grinned across at you as he closed the door behind him, locking the two deadbolts with ease as he watched your every move. “Pretty girl like you leaving her bedroom window unlocked?” Slinking his arms around your waist, he backed you into the nearest wall and smirked. “Don’t you know what kind of creeps are out there?”
Your response came in the form of a hum as you reached your hand up to give his hair a quick tug. “What if I like the company?”
Your hand fell from his hair down to his shoulder and he caught sight of the gash along your palm through his periphery. It wasn’t too deep, not deep enough to require any stiches, but the reddened area made his cock twitch as images of you wielding that shard of glass resounded in his mind. “Does it hurt?” He whispered, ghosting his lips across your outstretched palm.
You were watching him through half-lidded eyes as you slowly shook your head. “No,” you told him honestly. “Every other part of my body feels like its vibrating, though.”
“Vibrating,” he raised an eyebrow, “I like the sounds of that.”
You smacked his chest and stole a brief kiss. “Is that fucked up?”
“No,” he traced a thumb along your face. And then he leaned in so that his lips just barely touched yours before whispering, “It feels fucking good, doesn’t it?”
He kissed you then. Hard and bruising, with desperation clinging to his every move. He was kissing you with everything he had tonight, every ounce of love and admiration and awe went into that fucking kiss as he pinned you against the wall, desperate to feel you so much closer than this. Desperate to have you feel just how fucking much he needed you.
He kissed your lips, your cheeks, your neck, any inch of you he could, as his hands slithered down the sides of your body. With hungry hands, he gathered the hem of your shirt in his fists, pushing it up your body until he peeled it off of you, leaving you in nothing but a pair of jeans. Your nipples were hardened peaks as he cupped them in his hands, massaging them roughly as his thumbs teased your nipples.
“How did it feel?” He whispered, ducking his head down to capture one of your tits in his mouth. His dept tongue swirled along your nipple, gently at first, inciting a quiet moan out of those perfect lips, but as he bit down, his cock twitched in agony at the guttural sound that slipped out of your mouth. “Tell me, baby.”
“So fucking good,” you moaned out, closing your eyes as your head fell back against the wall. “I was so angry; he wouldn’t leave us alone. He knew what he was doing, he wanted us scared.” Billy bit down again and nearly came as you moaned out his name. “It felt so fucking good to make him feel scared, Billy.”
Your voice was hoarse as his teeth scraped along your nipple. Your body moulded against his own so fucking perfectly, it was a form of comfort unlike anything he’d ever known.
“I needed to make him feel that kind of terror.” You said, pushing him towards the couch as you tore his shirt off. Your hands began to fumble with the button of his jeans and as you managed to yank them down his thighs, Billy kicked them off as he fell back onto the couch.
His dark eyes were on yours instantly as he watched you slink out of your own jeans and thong. God, you were so fucking perfect, standing there in the dimly lit living room stark naked. With desperate hands, he reached for your hands and gently guided you onto his lap so that you were straddling him. He could feel the heat of your cunt, feel your sopping folds, slide against his bare cock as you raked the fingernails of your good hand through his hair.
“I wanted to make him pay, Billy.” You whispered, catching his bottom lip between your teeth. “I didn’t even hesitate. I didn’t realize what I was doing until I was on top of him.”
His hands skimmed down your arms and waist and hips before giving your ass a long, firm squeeze. “That’s my girl.”
Billy craned his neck up to capture your lips as you slowly rocked back and forth on his awaiting cock. You were so wet and feeling you like this, unhinged and longing for him, was doing his head in.
He was about to grab your hips and position himself to slice into you when you began to crawl off of his body. The sudden coolness of not having you on top of him was enough to kill him but as he watched you position yourself between his thighs, looking up at him through those pretty eyes of yours, Billy could barely breathe.  
Your eyes were darker than he’d ever seen them as you settled between his thighs, your lips puffy from all of the kissing. And as your chest heaved with each shallow breath you took, your already pert nipples only hardened more so. Scraping your fingernails up his thighs, you wasted no time in licking your way up from the base of his cock to the tip, swirling your tongue around his head as your hand gently massaged his balls.
You never once looked away from him. You were watching him like he was your prey now. With hungry, half-lidded eyes, Billy watched that pretty mouth of yours take him. Slowly at first, but soon you fell into an easy rhythm as you continued to suck him off.
“Fuck,” he swore under his breath as his head fell back against the couch. For just a second, he squeezed his eyes shut as you fucked him with your mouth. The hiss that rattled from his lips was loud as it echoed out around your living room. His cock twitched and the precum that slipped down your throat as you swirled your tongue around the head of it made his entire body writhe.
He said your name like a thousand tiny prayers in the hush of your empty house. With long, nimble fingers, Billy tangled his fingers through your hair and squeezed. He knew he was going to come but he couldn’t. Not yet.
Not until he tasted you on his tongue.
His hands dropped from your hair to crawl down the sides of your neck where he cradled your head in his hands. Without a word, he leaned forward and captured your lips in a bruising kiss as he pulled you back onto the couch. Only rather than join you, rather than slice into you like he so desperately needed to, he took his position between your thighs.
“I’ve been thinking about doing this all weekend.” He simply said before burying his face in that sweet cunt.
He was a man unhinged as he tasted every inch of you and, as he looked up at you from between your thighs, that hunger, that wanton need, splayed out across every inch of your face, was a high for him. Giving your cunt one long, slow lick with the flat of his tongue, he smirked as your entire body trembled for him.
You tasted so fucking sweet as he lapped and sucked at your clit. Your moans were whiny and desperate and every inch of your skin felt like fire beneath his as he watched you squirm and cry out for him as you bucked into his mouth. Swirling his tongue around your clit, he alternated between long hard sucks to gentler laps, knowing how fucking crazy that made you.
“Billy,” you rasped out, squeezing your eyes shut. You were close, so fucking close. He could feel it. “Fuck, baby, I’m going to come.”
One more long suck was what did it. He felt your entire body ride out an orgasm that tasted so fucking good on his tongue. You needed this release tonight and he needed to be the one to deliver it, needed to feel you, see you tremble and shake.
He didn’t ease up at first, he never could. He wanted to hear you scream out for him until your voice was hoarse and your body was writhing. But, knowing this night was far from over, Billy slowly released your clit with a tender kiss before leaning up to capture your lips once more.
Again, he joined you on the couch, but you wasted no time in crawling across his lap again, straddling him just like you did to that fucker at the bar. Your eyes were dark, and your smile was dangerous as you gently bumped your nose against his. Reaching down, you gave his dick a firm tug as you lined him up between your folds.
“Fuck me.” You merely said, finally lowering yourself onto him.
You were so fucking warm and so fucking wet, Billy had no hope in hell in lasting a long time. You felt so fucking good, looked so fucking beautiful as you fucked him. Your tits heaved and bounced with every bound, mesmerizing him in a way only you could.
Leaning forward, he caught your lips in a hungry kiss.
His hands trailed from your breasts and down your sides before squeezing your hips. With every bounce, he met you halfway, steering his hips up to thrust into you, slamming into your pussy as you yelped and moaned against his lips.
Slowly, your forehead fell against his. “You feel so good, Billy.” You groaned. “You fill me up so fucking good, baby.”
Something inside of Billy snapped to life in that instance. An almost primordial need bubbled to the surface as he held you there against him. That tension he’d been feeling for the better part of the weekend eased with every primitive thrust.
His mouth buried your moans as he felt that familiar knot in the pit of his stomach begin to tighten. You were both breathless and desperate to be as close to the other as humanly possible as you fucked each other on that couch.  
His hips bucked into yours one final time before he came undone inside of you. He moaned your name out, quiet and desperate, as he bit down on your shoulder. With one last shaky pump, Billy held you there, unmoving. He kissed your lips, your cheek, down your neck, and along the teeth marks now marring your shoulder blade before his eyes found yours through the darkness.
There was a shift in the air, the same one he’d felt the night he’d fucked you covered in your blood, the same one that hung over the two of you when you’d told him you wanted to act out the dream you had about the knife.
It was as though there had been a tarp shielding the ugly bits away from one another, hiding the parts that few people had truly ever seen. But, over time, little slices, here and there, began to show face, eating away at the canvas, little by little, until that darkness, the one that dwelled just beneath the surface, began to take over.
It was an opening, of sorts, tiny little tears that opened up new doors each and every single time the two of you were together. It was dangerous and reckless and now that it was out there, neither of you could get enough.
taglist: @wilsonsbuck @mephistopheloser @vacayanon @undcrthcmoon @carlywhomever @vivifruit @iamsherlocki-wholocked @would-not-recommend @marisughh @popcornpoppin @ambria @bubblebuttwade @moose-squirrel-asstiel​ @blackundertaker @knoxdallas​ @marauderssub​ @halloweenscream​ @padf00ts-l0ver​ @jettia​ @lalisala​ @racyreverie​ @onfiretakemehigher​ @rileyloomis​ @twistedinbliss @i-love-scott-mccall​ @viennasolace​ @imrubio03 
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babybluebex · 3 years
laszlo kreizler nsfw alphabet
so yeah this... Happened. the zemo version is coming soon, stay tuned! (probably tomorrow morning bc a bitch is tired lmao)
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(gif credit to @lindir)
A = Aftercare.
Laszlo is such an aftercare king. He’s checking on you in every way he can think of: asking you if you feel alright, maybe massaging your hips if he had you in a weird position, offering you dinner or wine, maybe even a hot bath, if you’d like (and the bath would have special perfumed oils he had sent from Paris because Laszlo is SUCH a self care whore, he’s got soaps and perfumes out the wazoo).
B = Body Part.
His favorite part of yours are your breasts. No questions, hands down. He likes using your breasts as a pillow at night— just settling himself between your legs and resting his head on your tits is a dream he indulges in frequently. He also really loves seeing you in the new French-style of dresses that have a lower neckline, and, if you wear one of those dresses to dinner without telling him beforehand, he’s as good as gone. He’s staring the whole time and can only manage simple sentences.
C = Cum.
I think Laszlo likes to cum inside you, but he also wouldn’t mind cumming on your tits. If you’re on your knees, sucking him off, he’ll pull himself out of your mouth and almost rip your blouse in his haste to set your tits free before his orgasm rips through him. He only chooses to cum inside you if he can’t cum on your tits (for example, if you’re having slow, kissy sex and he can’t bear to leave your wet heat).
D = Dirty Secret.
Laszlo. Loves. To. Be. Degraded. From a psychological standpoint, he understands that his desire to be brought down and ridiculed is born from some sort of childhood trauma that DEFINITELY involves his father, but he just can’t help himself from getting so ridiculously turned on when you call him a dog for humping your leg while you try to sleep. Bonus points if you use his title while you do it: “Just like a little bitch in heat, aren’t you, Doctor Kreizler? You’re so aroused, you can hardly handle yourself. Are you too dumb to touch your own cock? Do you need me to do it? Oh, Doctor, what a dumb little thing you are.”
E = Experience.
Even Daniel himself has said that Laszlo has like NO experience. Laszlo got ZERO bitches (which I find hard to believe but ok whatever you say, writers of The Alienist), so, the first time y’all have sex, he’s more likely than not losing his virginity (let’s not get into the debate of “virginity is a social construct” because a.) IT IS and b.) Laszlo would lecture for hours about this). HOWEVER, these things come naturally to him. He is just Good In Bed. He figures it out very quickly, so, while you make fun of him for going a little stupid when he’s aroused, he makes up for it by bruising your cervix and apologizing later.
F = Favourite Positions.
Laszlo loves that soft, slow, kissy sex, so he’s into whatever position makes it possible for him to be inside you and to kiss you at the same time. Missionary is a go to, but sometimes he’ll have you sit on his desk and kiss your neck as he hikes your skirts up and fucks you all slow and nice.
G = Goofy.
Hardly ever? Laszlo is pretty serious most of the time, and the only time we ever see him Not Serious in the show is when he’s wasted after John’s bachelor party in season 2. So, maybe y’all went to dinner at Delmonico’s, then a ball for members of high society, and he had a little too much champagne and schnapps. He’s not like giggling and all, but his cheeks are red and he’s smiling more than usual, and calling you sweet names “Oh, mein Kätzchen” and “Meine kleine Prinzessin”. That’s Laszlo’s version of goofy.
H = Hair.
OK, my train of thought here is: LOOK AT THIS MAN’S BEARD. HIS BEARD IS NICE AS SHIT. If he treats his facial hair that good— regular trims, the beard oils we all know he uses, even if it isn't strictly canon— then his downstairs hair is nice too. Definitely soft, if maybe a little wiry sometimes (but tbh whose isn’t), and it’s a nice little cropping at the base of his cock. He also has a thin happy trail up his soft tummy, and a good amount on his chest (as we see in the show lol that much is canon).
I = Intimacy.
Laszlo is ALL ABOUT intimacy. You’ll know he’s in a ~mood~ because you’ll ask what’s being served at Delmonico’s that night, and Laszlo is like “I thought we might stay in tonight. John gave me his grandmother’s recipe for chicken soup”. He’ll light candles and pour you wine and play nice music on his gramophone, and he’ll romance you throughout dinner with little hand touches and sly smiles, until he’s kneeling in front of you and slowly kissing up your leg.
J = Jack-Off.
Honestly, he hardly does it. Of course, I’m sure he did it A LOT before he met you, but now he doesn’t need to pleasure himself anymore. He’s got you to do that. The only exception is if he has to travel for work and you can’t go with him. Even then, he’ll hold off until he absolutely can’t stand it, and then he’ll like read a letter you sent him or look at a sketch that John did of you while he whacks off; sometimes, he’ll just hold your letter to his face, and the faint trace of your perfume is enough to do the job.
K = Kink.
He likes impact play a lot (and perhaps a little roleplay wrapped up in it). On the rare occasion that his fucking is anything but soft and lovely, he’s gonna be hitting your ass and the backs of your thighs as you cling to him while he rails you stupid. Laszlo would try to hit your cheek, but he feels too bad when you wince at the pain of it. Spanking your tits is good to him too. His favorite though (and here’s where the roleplay comes in), is caning your ass. He’ll bend you over the desk in his home office and pull your skirts up past your hips, and he’ll make you count the amount of times his thick wooden cane connects with your soft asscheeks. The roleplay is, more often than not, you were his assistant who did something wrong and needed to be punished. If you miss one or forget to thank him accordingly “Thank you, sir”, he’ll focus the next hit on your thighs.
L = Location.
Either the bed or his desk. Laszlo is a little older (I don’t think we ever get an explicit age? But if we say he’s the same age as Daniel, then he’s 40 to 42-ish) so he can’t do it against a wall or anywhere too crazy (not to mention his right arm can hardly support much weight, so if he needs to hold you up, it’s probably not gonna happen). The bed is a special time for you two because of his arm; he’ll hold himself up with his left arm and rest his hand on your hip or wherever to give himself at least a little leverage. But the desk is usually easier because you can sit, or you can bend over and he can grab your hip.
M = Motivation.
He loves you and wants to worship you. It’s truly as simple as that. He loves you and thinks that you’re the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen, and he wants to show his reverence for you by making love to you.
N = No.
He can’t get into the role of “daddy”, nor can he call you “mommy”. Childhood trauma aside, he will be goddamned if Sigmund fucking Freud is correct about his bullshit Oedipus complex or whatever, so he just eliminates that whole thing entirely.
O = Oral.
He’s very good at it. He’s just… His lips are soft and his beard is good, and he’s not afraid to get a little messy with it. He’ll eat you out until he absolutely has to come up for air, and he’ll have a little bit of your wetness clinging to his mustache, but then he’s right back in it. His medical degree is also put to good use here because he remembers his female anatomy and he’s locked onto your clit the entire time. The first time you ever squirted, it was because Laszlo was nipping at your clit and sucking your wet little hole and pressing his thick fingers into you, and it was A Lot To Process, but you squirted and Laszlo came in his pants instantly because he’s like “I didn’t think women could actually do that… I thought that was a thing that penny novels made up”
P = Pace.
Again, he’s a little older, so he doesn’t fuck like some wild boy. He takes his time with you, touching you and caressing you and kissing you, and his pace is the same way. He’s slow and gentle, but has the capacity to go faster and harder if you ask for it.
Q = Quickie.
Hates them. Never. Never ever ever. If he can’t properly romance you and take his time with you, then what’s the point??
R = Risk.
Surprisingly, Laszlo is a little schemer, and he loves running a risk. He’s already looked down upon by other society members, so what’s the harm in squeezing your ass at a party? PERHAPS it’s inappropriate to get caught in a dark corner with your hand down his trousers and him kissing your neck, but it’s easy to blame it on the alcohol.
S = Stamina.
Once more, he is firmly middle aged, so he can do one round— maybe two, if he’s feeling particularly frisky. Usually, though, one is more than enough for both of you.
T = Toy.
HAVE YALL SEEN SEX TOYS FROM THE 1890S?? SHITS ARE SCARY. Laszlo does not like toys, but he understands their need for existing, so he may not like them but he tolerates them. That being said, he likes to watch you use them. LIke, he’ll sit in a chair by the bed and request you “put on a good show”, and he’ll watch you fall apart, and he’ll only come and touch you if you beg and plead for him to.
U = Unfair.
Mhm, so, in Laszlo’s mind, sex and pleasure are not just a give and take, it’s a two way street. They can (and often need to) coexist. He doesn’t like to initiate something if you won’t be able to reciprocate, so he’s not too into teasing or things. At the aforementioned parties, he’ll only goose your ass if he knows you’re 100% down for it.
V = Volume.
He’s fairly quiet. His mouth is usually really close to your ear, and you’re the only one who gets to hear his pretty little noises. The loudest he’ll be is when he’s come home after traveling and it’s felt like ages since he’s made love to you, he’s gonna come inside you, and his little gasp and moan are louder than usual.
W = Wild Card.
He is down to be tied up. He doesn’t like to tie you up, but if he’s the one being restrained, he’s all over it. It’s nothing too intense, just using a ribbon for your hair to tie his left hand to the headboard, not super tight but enough to make his fingers a little tingly, but he loves it. He loves the switch of the dynamic, how he’s fully at your mercy and you can use him however you please; usually, you just suck him off and ride him, but the endless possibilities get him hard as soon as you pull out the ribbon.
X = X-Ray.
Laszlo has Big Dick Energy, so he has to have a big dick. The best example of this sort of energy is in the very first episode after he goes and interviews Wolf, and comes to speak to Teddy, and Teddy is like “you interviewed the suspect? On whose authority??” and laszlo is like “Mine” like OH HIS DICK IS BIG I KNOW IT. He’s got an above average length and girth, but we know our man likes to eat, so some of his weight goes to his dick, so it’s like,,, He’s got a fat cock, sorry, I don’t make the rules
Y = Yearning.
Constantly. Neverending. He’s at work and he’ll catch a glimpse of a pastel drawing that you commissioned from John for Laszlo’s birthday that sits in a frame on his desk, and his heart starts to hurt from missing you. When he comes home, he’ll embrace you and kiss you like he hasn’t seen you in years, and he’ll want to hear all about your day. You have your doctor so whipped for you, and it’s a different kind of whipped than being pussy whipped. He’s, like, feelings whipped.
Z = ZZZ.
He’s a sleepy little baby after you guys finish. His eyes will be a little heavy and sticky as he’s cleaning up and caring for you (and you definitely coo at him “Oh, Las, you’re so sleepy!”) but when you’re both back in bed, our little man is circling his arm around your waist and nuzzling his cheek into your shoulder. He’s so soft and affectionate, and he’s out like a light when you kiss his forehead and tell him you love him.
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itsgaga · 3 years
A-Z NSFW(Nikki Sixx)
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this is my third time writing this so please excuse how bad it may or may not sound
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
At first Nikki wasn’t good with aftercare, he was used to being really selfish during and after sex so when it came to you he didn’t really know what to do afterwards. After you guys had done it a couple times you had explained to him why aftercare was important which ultimately changed how he treated you after sex. He slowly became more caring and affectionate wanting to cuddle with you, get you whatever you want/need, and he will clean you off.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Nikki fucking loves your legs and your neck, your legs though, like dude is obsessed with them. There's something about them that makes Nikki feel a certain type of way, as for your neck...it’s a jealous possessive thing. He loves to mark you up, especially when he is jealous, so your neck is the easiest place to go to. 
As for himself, he’ll tell you his dick. Mostly because that thing can do wonders. It pleases you, it pleases himself, what is there not to love about it? 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Nikkis cum is everywhere. It’s that simple. He wants it everywhere. The fucking sight of it afterwards is like a piece of art to him, idk why he’s like that, he’s a filthy dude, ok? I mean like yeah cumming in you or somewhere on your is fine but no this man just loves being dirty and getting it everywhere. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn’t really have much, he’s a open book, he’ll tell you everything he likes and wants to do but maybe that he loves to fuck in public because he wants to get caught. You guys haven’t got caught yet but Nikki really wants you to, like if you ever notice Nikki will extra loud in public it’s for that reason.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Hello? He’s Nikki fucking Sixx. What do you think?
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. He loves to watch your face and your reactions while he’s fucking you. It could also tie in with that jealous side of him knowing that no other guy would see you like that, knowing that what he is doing is putting you in your most vulnerable state it all just turns him on even more.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Nikki is a fiend. Nikki is not a saint. At least during sex, meaning Nikki is serious as can be. He’s all about devouring you and wants to do it better than how he did last time so he has no time to be goofy. But, there are those rare moments where that all disappears and he becomes softer and more gentle, like he will hold your hand and smile, that could happen for special things like birthdays or just when he wants to be more romantic. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He didn’t groom that shit at all for the first couple times yall fucked, but he started to around the same time aftercare became a thing. As for color it pretty much matches the rest of his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Like I said he has his moments, it’s not like he doesn’t like to be romantic with you he just feels like it would be even more special if that side of him came out at more special times.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I don’t think so. I think Nikki is always horny and he’s kind of learned to just deal with it but if he can’t and you aren’t there to help him out he would call you and get off with phone sex.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Spanking, choking, and roleplay. Theres a lot more like wax play, bondage, etc etc. But I think spanking, choking, and roleplay comes mostly everytime you guys fuck, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh he loves when you call him daddy. He likes when you sound like a needy whiny mess. Oh and Nikki is a dom no doubt, you can take control sometimes but he is a whole other level of dominant. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Tour bus, dressing room, hotel rooms, closets, bedrooms, cars, really anywhere. I think he likes bedrooms because thats where the kinky stuff can happen but he likes a challenge and will try that stuff in public. He has tried to fuck you over every piece of furniture, couch, counter, desk, etc. Like I said earlier he loves to fuck in public so... expect that anywhere you go. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
What doesn’t though? Nikki’s jealousy will get you bent over a piece of furniture in .5 seconds. Nikki after a concert is him running off stage and pulling you in the closest room possible. Whisper in his ear or talk in a lower tone then your natural talking voice and you two are in bed. Like it doesn’t take much from you to turn him on. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Threesomes or Voyeurism. Like I said Nikki is jealous/possessive. No sharing. I think the idea of it would turn him on until it actually happens and he would end up getting up really jealous.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
The dude is a fucking god. He loves receiving but giving? You won’t be able to walk. So he likes both receiving and giving. receiving because he loves to see you on your knees for him and the way you look at him while your giving head, while giving he loves to hear the way you sound, the way you taste, and the way your body reacts to him and his tongue.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough. “The faster you go the more orgaisms you can get in a night, the slower you go the less you get in the same amount of time” idk. NIKKI LOVES ROUGHNESS, like seriously he is not a easy simple cum and go guy. He’s a i’m gonna fuck you so hard that you’re gonna cum 10 times by morning type of guy.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If he’s horny and you’re there then you’re having a quickie, he prefers to have time to fuck but honestly you both get horny at the mist random times so it just has to be done. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Hahaha, yes. Anything you wanna try Nikki is down. I’m serious anything, anything at all he will say yes, he’s always looking to try new things with you especially things he hasn’t done with anyone else before.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Night to morning. Morning to night. Idk maybe. I think he will keep going until either you or him say you can’t handle it anymore. But as for rounds I would say 4 to 6 maybe a half an hour to a hour long.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I think he has some, not as much as one may think but I feel like he may have a couple vibrators, bondage, some plugs, dildos, blindfolds, handcuffs. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
BIGGEST FUCKING TEASE. He loves teasing the shit out of you. Will have you so close to having a orgaism and then pull away with a big stupid fucking grin on his face.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He won’t make a sound until he leans down to your ear and will start grunting and moaning, it drives you wild and he knows it which is why he does it everytime you guys fuck. He has and always will do that unless you’re in public then there’s no stopping whats coming out his mouth.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves dirty talk, but mostly from you. It’s the only time you have ever actually seen Nikki visibly weak. He especially loves when you do it and look at him innocently, it really pushes him to a limit that no other woman has before.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Now from the pictures that I totally haven’t seen ;) he isn’t small but he isn’t huge. I think he’s a grower not a shower which is fine, he knows what he is doing and knows how to use it right.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He could take you anywhere, anytime, anyday. He’s ready whenever he’s just waiting for you to be ready too.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes him a little longer to fall asleep then it does to you so while you’re asleep and just lays there cuddling you wondering how you went from whatever he was just fucking into a soft innocent looking angel.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Pls ur reactions r so good ??? I’m in love :(
Skz reaction to you having an oral fixation / always wanting to have a mouth full of cock ?
AH thank u!! its really gratifying to hear <33
also when i write these i get like a ~ feeling ~ for each member IDK i feel like a psychic AND I WRITE DOWN EVERY THOUGH HAHSAHAS so if it seems kinda... unorganized thats why lmao
Warnings; skz x gn!reader; SMUT!! oral fixation, male genitailia, blowjobs, explicit sexual content, strong language, cum, orgasm (m),,, uhm.. yeah? about that
now look,,, its not that he doesnt like blowjobs
its just that he doesnt see the point of you sucking him off all the time when he could be hitting it yk?
SURE foreplay go ahead suck his dick 
but like... always?? hmm... dont think so
he never says no to it if you offer to do it lmao
because WHY WOULD HE
BUT and now this is a big but(t)
i’ve had this thought for forever but hear me out...
he loves to 69
because he both gives and recieves and that makes his heart go BOOMBOOM
more for your pleasure and doesnt mind going without it for a while, more enjoying to give you pleasure
ah pretty boy channie :((
it gets violent 
no joke
hearing and feeling you choke on his dick is the ego boost of his life
“hmm? having a hard time baby? how about i help you?”
and then he shoves it further down, making you tear up
drool all over your chin and chest
his hand tightly gripping your hair
almost facefucking you
degradation x1000
every degrading word you could ever imagine comes out between his pretty lips 
“slut, whore, cumslave” 
but always mixes it with praise to let you know that you’re doing great and that he’s enjoying it (a lot) :(((
he’s definitely a blowjob type of guy
just taps the head of his dick against your flat wet tongue LORD SAVE ME
eye contact or no dick
in his opinion you’re the prettiest when you look up at him with sparkly doe eyes, your mouth stuffed with his girthy dick
he likes being teased?!?!?
kitten lick his tip and bruh he gone in a matter of minutes 
probably a bit embarrassed but DEEP DOWN he enjoys it 
even though you like sucking his dick A LOT
he is usually the one that suggests it just because he knows that you’re gonna say yes no matter what
praise him, he needs it
“you’re so big binnie, f-fuck...” 
size kink hello? how small your mouth his in comparison to his dick 
nah he gets off by just that lmao
i strongly believe in that the fastest way to get him off is oral
he’s not too sensitive most of the time
but oral 
PHEW boy be cumming faster than changbin grew (ITS A JOKE DONT ATTACk ME)
he cums a lot 
white ribbons just ooze out from the tip
the moans THE MOOOOANS
tiny sweat drops bead on his forehead as his long hair falls in his face, the rest being tied up in a haphazardly ponytail
he slowly guides your head down his length
gently grabbing the back of your neck
flattening your tongue and licking fat stripes up against his painful erection (im going feral)
loves cumming in your mouth 
“open up sweetheart” he’d squeeze your cheeks, forcing you to open your mouth and groaning at the sight of your wet tongue covered in his release 
my god
loves it
because it’s convenient
if he feels horny its easy for him to just nudge you and say
“c-could you,, uhm,, suck me off?”
and if you enjoy it just makes it better??!?
jisungs dream; a s/o that actually enjoys sucking him off rather than just doing it bc of foreplay 
loverboy probably whips his dick out whenever he can 
in hopes that you notice and suck him off (which,,, works)
yall had just had an argument and his way of making it up to you was to let you suck his dick ASHAHSHAS
did you take it? 110% yes
tell me why i thought of felix’s australian accent getting more apparent as you suck him off??!?” ASHSH DONT ASK
suck until your jaw hurts
cause its fun to see lixie all squirmy with small whimpers and breathy shaky moans just pouring out like water. 
im gonna say this in every damn reaction but baby is sensitive
your mouth wrapped around his dick is heaveeeeeen
it’s just perfect?? it’s warm and wet and soft :((
not too rough with it either
would never ask for it explicitly 
and so you just,,, wanting to do it is ~ lovely ~
would probably get annoyed if you did it too often
reason being that he’d get overwhelmed lol
you just wanting to continue and him trying to yell at you but being to weak from the pleasure that washes over him
a lil bit like chan 
now... believe it or not,,, he’s more gentle with you when you’re sucking him off than he is when he’s actually inside of you?
it’s like... all cute, he’s stroking your cheek, running his hands through your hair and smiling down at you
YALL WERENT EXPECTING THAT (or maybe you were idk)
when you pull off his dick with a loud pop
weak i tell you, absolutely weak because of your beauty
spitters are quitters (ASHSAHHS I CANT)
he grabs your throath gently, watching how your adams apple bobs down as you swallow his sweet cum
then he smiles, his eyes all halfmoon shaped as if he didnt just bust his load in your throat
this duality is killing me ffs
“r-really? you’d do that for me?” 
is what he would say when you suggest sucking him off randomly, seeing him getting hard for no apparent reason
nah bro he’s in love when you randomly suggest it
one thing i really want to emphazise is the hidden duality of babybread
i know everyone is going to think; CHERRY HE’S A BABY HE COULD NEVER BE ROUGH
and thats where you’re wrong
have you seen him on stage??? 
not so bready anymore ohohooho noo...
when shit gets hot and heavy so does he SO THERE IS NO HESITATION IN SHOVING YOUR HEAD DOWN HIS DICK
you just have to get to that point where they horniness is too much to bear yk??
imagine you two cuddling and you start tugging on his pants 
he already knows, no words needed 
baby bread senses lmao
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drakenology · 3 years
A B C’s with Todoroki Shoto.
Tumblr media
hiii! so I got this little idea while leisurely scrolling through bnha smut. idk if this creator is the originator of the trend but I wanna give credit anyways so shout out to @nillabeam​ for inspiring me to drabble on and on about my shoto doin the dirty. 
warnings: smut (obvi so 18+ please), slight daddy kink, all characters are aged up, and some swearing cause I feel like it. 
enjoy my little heathens!
A- Aftercare
Oh don’t be fooled by Todo’s calm and stoic demeanor. He is fucking insatiable in bed. 
But after a long night of ravishing you until you’re drunk on his cock, he’ll run you both a bath to soak your muscles in and relax.
Would help you in and out of the bath as he washed you up, rinsing your back for you. 
He’d leave kisses where he left harsh hickies. 
Would tell you how much he loved you, and gush about how delicate and pretty you were. EEK!!
B- Body Part 
He loved your breasts. 
You would often catch him staring at them as you talked to him, earning a stern look on your face to remind him to pay attention to you.
Would fuck you on your back just to watch them bounce and jiggle around 
He felt like your boobs were always so happy to see him, perking up when he would grab them. 
Would kiss them during sex and loves playing and sucking on them. 
Most of your hickies were all over them 
As for his own body, He really likes how toned and strong his arms got. 
He wants to protect you, so he got stronger so he can beat people up for you if he needed to. aww how sweet. 
C- Cum
He cums all over his favorite part of your body (see B). 
He also likes to cum inside you, cause he’s got a small teeny weeny breeding kink. 
You always cum first.. like it’s mandatory. He simply can’t bring himself to do it knowing you haven’t had your fill. 
When you go down on him thoooooo..
He loved to cum all over your pretty face. He always thought you looked gorgeous painted in his cum. 
He’d kiss your lips after you gave him head if a little bit of his hot cum was still on your mouth. 
D- Dirty Secret
As I said, Todoroki was a stoic and cool person out in public. 
He didn’t appear to be as sexually savant as he is 
but BABY
I’m tellin you, in the bedroom Todo is a beast. 
He really liked being called daddy.
It was something about watching your cute little face twist in pleasure whine and beg for him to fuck you. 
“Address me right, princess.” ASDGFJKF
HUGE daddy kink, da fuqq.
E- Experience 
eh.. some.
He had another girlfriend before you; some girl Endeavor set him up with. She cheated on him. 
but yeah.. my baby knows what he’s doing.
He loved showing you his moves. Watching your amazed and fucked out face was his favorite part of fucking you. 
F- Favorite Position
He loved them all tbh. 
He liked to experiment with a lot of different positions, getting bored pretty quickly.
But his tried and true is missionary.
He got to watch your face react to his every maneuver, kiss your neck to mark you up as his territory as he whispers in your ear sweet praises 
“Good girl, kitten.” “So good for me.” “You feel so good, baby”
Also your luscious breasts were front and center for him to stare at as he pounds you ooooooooo. 
G- Goofy
Yeah soo.. Shoto is a little serious. A little too serious in fact. 
Once when you two were making out he lifted you up, trying to carry you into your room as he bumped your head on the door frame. 
God it was like you were on life support or something
He apologized a million times, blaming himself as if he severely hurt you. 
You just giggle and kiss him in hopes it’ll shut him up and calm his worrying. You knew it was just an accident. 
H- Hair
He kept himself pretty trim, not really liking having a lot of hair on his body, for the exception of his arms and legs. He couldn’t help that he was a hairy guy (I imagine Endeavor being a lil hairy under his hero costume soo genetics?)
I- Intimacy
 he’s such a hopeless romantic it’s adorable.
he dotes on you the whole time, ensuring he’s not hurting you too much 
would kiss you over and over again
wants to you be comfortable at all times. 
in moments like these you’re the only thing that matters. 
J- Jack off
If for whatever reason he’s away, he always calls you. 
“I need you baby, what are you wearing right now?” He’ll ask, no matter if he’s in an important meeting or away on business, if he’s horny he’s horny.
Needs your voice to help him through his orgasm. 
Loves to facetime when he’s away so he can see your face and your body. 
“Yes, god Y/N you’re so perfect. Bend over for me.. yes..” He groaned, sloppily palming away at his length as he comes to his climax.
K- Kink
he’s got a lot sksksns
definitely a fucking dom
loves telling you what to do, always calling the shots in bed most of the time
Loves pet names, “baby girl” “kitten” “princess” 
overstimulates you sometimes just to see you squirm under him, the sick bastard. 
high key a sadist.. he’ll never openly admit to that tho
L- Location 
anywhere, surprisingly. 
If you two were out with friends and he felt an urge to taste you, he’d simply say you two are going to the car to get something, only to start having sex with you in the back seat. 
Fucks you in his office
Fucked you in his childhood bedroom once as a fuck you to his father. haha.
down for whateva.
M- Motivation
one thing that always got him going was you acting coy. Like you don’t know that what you’re doing is turning him on. 
You lean a little more, your blouse unbuttoned so he can see your ample cleavage. 
“What do you mean, Sho?” You bat your eyelashes, smirking at him as you watch his face turn red. 
“Fuck Y/N, don’t be cute. You’ll be sorry when we get home.” He would hiss at you, secretly not wanting you to stop teasing him.
He loved your sexy ass.
he hated excessive hitting or pain play.
he was always too scared to hurt you, knowing he could by mistake at any given point. 
he just won’t hit you.. so don’t ask.
O- Oral
he loved sloppy, degrading head from you. 
fucks your throat sometimes, loves hearing you gag. 
when he gives you head though, he’s relentless.
he wont stop until your sobbing, begging him to fill you as he ate you out, shallowly fingering you with one finger to make you.
“Aw.. look at you. So desperate. You want me inside you, kitten?” UGHHH
P- Pace
depends on the situation or what mood he’s in. 
when he’s making love to you, his pace is slow and methodical, wanting to savor the moment
however when you’ve been bad... FUCK
he’s gonna pound you into the mattress until you’re a fucked out mess underneath him, begging him to slow down so you can catch you breath
“Don’t cry now, princess. You had so much mouth earlier.” He would mock you, smirking at your weakened state. Yall I-
Q- Quickies
as much as he loved taking his time with you, quickies were something that were quite vital for you two.
Shoto was always busy with something as he always kept himself occupied to provide for you two. 
Whenever the opportunity arises, you two strike while the iron’s hot
R- Risk 
Shoto likes to explore every aspect of sex, so that leaves for lots of room for exploration.
Finding new spots to touch and lick and suck on. 
He loved taking risks if it meant he got to listen to your sweet moans. 
S- Stamina
uhm.. yes. 
he had a fuck ton, you often cumming multiple times before he did. 
“I hope you’re not tapping out on me. I’m not through with you yet.” He would coo to you, urging you to yet another orgasm. 
he almost felt bad for you, as you twitch and shake overstimulated from his stamina being filled to the goddamn brim. 
T- Toys
he used them on you a lot.
loved little bullet vibrators, they were so handy in helping him send you into a frenzy. 
one night he had made you squirt when he used one on you as he fucked you senseless. 
“Ooh I know you’ve got some more in there for me, kitten. Be a good girl and do that again.” 
he also liked to watch you fuck yourself with a dildo. 
he found it pretty easy to degrade you as he watched you try mimic his thrusts with it. 
“You wish that was me don’t you, kitten? Too bad.” 
U- Unfair 
he totally LOVES teasing you
in public especially, loving to see you flustered and speechless as you try and talk to others. 
“What’s wrong, princess? You seem a little hot.” He’d say, caressing your inner thigh under the table at dinner. 
V- Volume
todo isn’t very loud in bed.
he’ll grunt and groan against your skin has he fucked you 
definitely cussing a lot under his breath and whispering praises or obscenities in your ear as he took you. 
“Ugh..baby. You feel so good.” “You’re mine..all mine.” “Shit, you’re so wet.”
W- Wild Card!!!
todoroki’s favorite memory of one of your ventures was when he had you bent over the kitchen sink. he didn’t think you could cum that hard around him, the feelings almost sending him into his own release.
he loved when you wore dresses to give him easy access to your pussy. 
loved fucking you in them, something about pulling it up to reveal you cheeky little panties made him feral. 
X- X-Ray
todoroki is PACKIN okay? 
i don’t imagine him being extra long, but he had really nice girth
still to this day you’re left speechless when he pulls that glizzy out his boxers. 
shoto loves you.. like a lot.
everything you do kinda sends him into a frenzy, wanting you right then and there. 
he wants sex pretty much all the time, I think the only time he’s not horny is when he’s working. 
Z- Zzz
you always fell asleep first, being that shoto wears you the fuck out
he liked to watch you sleep, leaving soft kisses all over your face. 
“I love you, Y/N.” He’d whisper, holding you close as he drifted off to sleep with you. AWWWW 
whew this shit took longer than I thought. hope yall liked this. i’m finally starting to write about more characters other than my baby daddy katsuki. bye! 
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soulwillower · 3 years
tozier (vii)
(tozier!reader smut)
requested: okay so once regular requests open, here’s my idea. so the reader and richie are siblings and they absolutely hate each other and to get under his sisters skin, he fucks her best friend. so in sheer anger she decides to fuck all of his
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, also minor violence, bit of blood, sub reader AND dom reader, BOTH baby, light choking, mild mild cumplay, oral (fem recieving) 
part 7 of the tozier series [  i  ii iii  iv v vi ]
guys!! finally the last part, thanks for all the love on this series :) this was rly so so much fun to write for yall, pls let me know how u feel about this/the series in general
(losers and reader are 20+ and in college in this)
4.5k words
"i fucked your friends, anyways." you say with a grin. 
"funny, y/n. as if any of them would settle for you." richie snarls, smirking as if he's proud of what he'd said. it makes you smirk, shaking your head. if only he knew. 
"richie, i don't think she's joking." ben speaks up. everyone's eyes turn to ben, and your heart pounds as you bite your lip. you look at each of the others quickly - ben's gnawing on his lip and looking at richie uncertainly, mike is staring at the ground in thought, eddie's staring at his lap with an amused grin, bev is smirking between the two boys with her eyebrows raised, and bill is looking at ben with a small look of realization.
your eyes land on stan, who's staring back at you intently, a suggestive look on his face as he tugs a small part of your underwear from his front pocket as he thumbs it with his finger. you send him an intent look back, trying to beg him not to do it. 
when you look at richie, he's shocked, mouth agape. "what?" richie says quietly. "you fucked my best friend. it was only fair." you say with a shrug, smiling at him. he looks like he might punch you. 
you stifle a laugh, trying to keep a straight face but failing. richie looks furious as he walks up to you, the two of you standing in the middle of the make-shift circle the losers formed in the living room. 
"which one?" he says through a clenched jaw. 
"all of them."
the room is silent as everyone's jaws drop except yours, bev's, and surprisingly stan's - the latter of whom are smirking. richie looks like he's in utter disbelief. it's silent for a few moments, until someone breaks the quiet. 
"who was the best?" 
you turn bright red at that. 
"shut the fuck up, eddie!" richie yells, no sign of joking on his face; he's red as he stares you down. you don't cower at all in front of him - in fact, you're definitely the one with the most power in this situation, and you smirk. 
"so... a-all of us slept with y/n?" bill says in shock. everyone looks around and you're just smirking, your brother furious. "i can't fucking believe you. this isn't funny at all." richie snips. 
"this isn't any different from what you did, richie. c'mon, it was just some fun. it's not like it meant anything more to any of us." mike says. you're shocked that they're all taking it so well.. you never expected them to find out, but they seem to be on your side. thank god. 
your eyes dart to stan, who's still sat on the couch. he meets your eyes and doesn't back down, his gaze piercing and intense. his eyes course over your figure and you feel a twinge of emotion as you remember his hands on your skin, his lips.... you clear your throat as you look away, hoping to god nobody will notice your lace undies sticking slightly out of stan's pocket. 
"-why are you taking her side?" richie hisses, shoving everyone away. his eyes barely leave yours, his fists clenching down by his sides. 
"because you are in the wrong, richie. you cannot possibly be mad at me for this." you say with a grin. "sorry, you're just overreacting. plus you're not just fucking cecily, now you're actually dating her. which is way more shitty. and clearly they all wanted me, richie. i'm an angel."
bill snorts from where he's standing, "yeah r-rich, you're the one who always says that girls who suck fingers without being told to go to h-heav-"   
richie throws his empty cup towards bill, missing by only an inch as he yells, "can it, denbrough! shut the fuck up!" 
you're bright red from bill's words, looking from him, to richie, and then catching stan's eyes again. you swallow, throat dry. 
"-wait, who was the best?" comes from bev this time. you bite your lip, watching as richie shoves her lightly. you grin, "well, ben was the sweetest, but mike was the most surprising-"  "you better shut the fuck up right now y/n." richie mutters. you shrug, "you talk about cecily all the time to me!" you yell. "plus, i'm not finished. eddie... well, that was the dirtiest." you smirk at him and he grins at the ground, richie moving towards you. you back up swiftly, still talking. "-eddie fucked me in your bed, you know." 
richie shoves you hard, looking the angriest you ever have seen him. everyone else gasps or rushes towards the two of you, but as your back hits the wall near the fireplace you barely wince, laughing. "then there was bev... that was the hottest. you were in the other room." you wink.
bev gives mike knuckles out of the corner of your eye and you almost laugh, watching richie as the others tug him back from you. "y-y/n, stop. we get it, r-richie's gotta calm down." bill says as he holds back richie's seething form. 
you tilt your head, grinning at bill. "what, you don't want richie to know that you have the best dick game?" 
everyone stops, and richie freezes in bills arms. "wh-" bill starts with a cocky smirk, but then richie's wrestling bill to the ground, and your eyes are widening. "richie, knock it off!" bev yells, laughing as richie shoves bill's head and bill just laughs on the ground. 
mike and ben get him off of bill, who's sitting up with a disheveled shirt and smirking. "jesus, richie." stan mutters, still on the couch seemingly unbothered.  
you feel the need to make it worse, just to rub it in. "richie, it's okay. he felt bad at first, fucking me in my bedroom while you were asleep next door-"
"shut up y/n!" richie yells, loud enough that you think the neighbors could have heard. stan laughs from the couch, and richie turns to stare at stan, who's lounging as if nothing's happening, looking entirely amused and unbothered. it’s hot. 
it's quiet for a moment, and it seems like everyone thinks you're done. you mutter, "but stan was the most recent, like ten minutes ago, actually." stan doesn't even really react to your words, he just grins devilishly at richie, dimple popping in his cheek. 
you clench your thighs. 
richie turns to you again. "you're a fucking bitch. you’re so disgusting, it's no wonder you couldn't get any of my friends to want to date you. so you just tried to fuck them all instead. you're embarrassing." richie spits. your eyebrows draw together and you almost quip back but a movement makes you look to your left. stan rises as he states, "richie. shut up." you and richie both look to stan, as do the others. 
"i don't want to hear shit from you, uris. fuck you, i've told you for years to keep your paws off my sister." he spits, and stan tilts his head. 
"she's a grown up, richie. she's not just your sister. if she wants me to go down on her in the backseat of your car, why the hell would i say no?" 
and then richie's swinging at stan, punching him hard in the face.
"richie!"the others call, bill and mike pulling him away and holding him firmly this time, shocked that he really did it. "stan?" you call, moving toward him as he flexes his jaw and holds the side of his face. he stands all the way up and licks his lip, a smear of blood leaking from the fresh split on his lip. richie's shaking his hand, face bright red under his glasses. 
"fuck all of you." richie hisses, turning and shoving eddie and ben out of the way as he grabs his car keys and storms out the front door. 
it's quiet after richie leaves, and everyone decides that he needs cool off time before he comes back or before anyone tries to talk to him. so they then get the message to trail out and head to the basement in groups of two or three until just stan remains. "stan, i'm sorry." you say weakly, offering a hand. he lets you lead him to your bedroom upstairs, silently looking at the ceiling as you re-enter the room with a shitty first aid kit. 
stan is impossible to read as you tear open a wipe to clean around the cut. your hands shake as they rise to his face. "i'm sorry." you whisper, the guilt getting to you.
 you jump a bit as one of his hands lands on the bare skin of the back of your thigh. you meet eyes and stan stares directly at you, "i'd do it again."
you smile shyly, looking down and swiping across his bottom lip to collect the blood. "i never meant for this to happen, i guess. i was just so angry, and i- yeah."
it’s quiet again. 
"when did you and bill fuck?" is all he asks after the silence. you blink at him, thinking. "um... a few weeks ago? when we went to kiera gross's party." 
he hums, his hand still rubbing your bare leg and making you feel weak. his fingertips graze the skin of your ass before moving back down, making you exhale shakily. you feel like you want stan to know that you don't have anything going on with bill - but you're nervous. "i promise, i- god, would you stop fidgeting?" 
your hand grabs his jaw, but he jerks his head away and he tosses you a glare. "i'm fine." he mutters. 
"i don't have to be doing this, i can just go back downstairs." you snap, crossing your arms. 
"yeah, perfect, why don't you go let bill fuck you again?" stan quips. "he was the best, right?" you roll your eyes, shaking your head as you look at his pouty lips. "stan, come on. and tilt your head up." 
it's silent again and stan's staring up above you, avoiding your eyes as you wipe a bit of alcohol over his busted lip. "y'know, i hate to say it, but this is kind of hot." you whisper. 
he stares at you dryly. "you think your brother socking me in the face is hot?" 
you laugh, "no, i think me telling you what to do is. you take directions well." his face blooms light pink at your words and you feel proud. he’s watching you carefully, "really? that's cute coming from you. i seem to remember you begging for me to tell you what to do not even an hour ago." 
you swallow, cheeks going red, but you notice his are too. "maybe you just need to be put in your place, stan." you whisper, leaning forward to capture your lips together. he winces slightly, his busted lip tender against yours, but his hand grips your ass immediately, tugging you towards him. 
you slide onto his lap, straddling him easily. the kiss starts slowly, but quickly heats up when he pulls you down to grind on him, causing you both to let out shaky moans of pleasure. then you gently push his shoulders back, “wanna feel you inside me.” you whisper, noticing his knowing smirk as he lays back, propping himself up on his elbows to watch you. 
you slide back on his lap, undoing his pants and sliding them down his legs. his cock springs up and you bite your lip, hand wrapping around his base. you pump slowly, watching as he bites him lip and tilts his head back. you're filled with desire as you take in his size, desperate to feel him. then you're pressing a kiss to his lips, balancing up on your knees and teasing him against your slit, spreading your wetness. he groans, bucking his hips up but you shush him, kissing him again.
he pulls off your shirt, and you quickly do the same to him, taking in his toned torso. you silently thank whoever made stan so goddamn good at baseball. he groans as you place his hands down and off your body, gently sinking down onto him.
you both let out loud groans, relishing in the feeling of him stretching you out perfectly. his head falls onto the wall behind him as you start to move on top of him, stabling yourself on his chest. “fuck, y/n.” he groans lowly, eyes shut in pleasure. 
he looks so perfect under you and you move yourself quicker, loving how he fills you. one of your hands slips into his hair, pulling and making him groan, his hips stuttering. “stan…” you moan as he places kisses on your neck and chest, moving your hips as you bounce. his teeth nip at your skin, his hands rising to grip your ass, hiking up your skirt. 
leaning forward, you find a new angle and bite your lip to keep from screaming at the feeling. stan's biting his own bruised and split lip, his face flushed and chest heaving. he’s hitting deep inside you and you feel full, moaning as you bounce up and down. you moan into his skin, sucking dark marks up and down to column of his throat, 
you lean to press your hands against his chest, changing the angle again. “fuck.” he mutters and you moan, your legs burning but the pleasure flowing through your body. he all but growls, his head falls against the wall again with a groan of pleasure, his hands raising to your hips and fucking up into you, eyes scrunched. his hips are stuttering and he’s flushed, looking like heaven under you.  "stan," you moan, "you feel so good, fill me up s'good." you whisper, unable to stop yourself as you moan. 
through breaths, he's whispering into your ear. "sorry, who did you say fucked you the best?" he asks as you clench around him. 
"shut up." you whisper into his ear as you bounce on him, your hand rising to his throat.
 his eyes lace shut, screwing with lust as he moans, hands hard on your hips as he fucks you down onto him. you squeeze his throat lightly, feeling him swallow under your palm. your lips meet and he bites down on your lip hard, moaning at the feeling of your hand on his neck. 
"who fucks you this good?" he says, and you can feel his voice vibrate under your palm, his lips in a sexy grin as his eyes flutter shut. "shut up, stan." you say again, "don't make me leave and let you finish yourself off." you whisper in his ear. 
he moans at that as you move your hips, your hand still around his throat. 
his hand rises up your back, palm sliding over your bare skin and then gripping your breasts, starting to thrust up. you moan loudly, forehead falling to his shoulder at the new angle as stan stretches you and hits perfectly deep inside you. your hands fall to his chest, clenching around him as you whimper. 
your legs burn and it's almost like stan can tell, because he's lifting you off him and then swiveling you so that your back falls onto the mattress. he hums, "no, you won't leave." 
you raise your brows as he grabs your legs, pulling you down towards him on the bed. "what makes you think i won’t just get up right now?" you ask. 
but then he's sliding into you, one leg held by his hand and the other behind him. he fills you up and makes your toes curl and your vision cloud in pleasure with one stroke. and then he's thrusting, your whole body bouncing as he pounds into you, hitting your g spot perfectly and making you gasp sharply in pleasure. 
"because," he whispers into the shell of your ear, "nobody can make you cum like i can." 
you let out a shaky breath, the last ounce of dominance gone from your body as he fucks you into the mattress. he slips his thumb into your mouth and you wrap one hand around his forearm, sucking on his thumb and swirling your tongue over the tip of the finger as he stares into your eyes. 
he bites his lip, grinning. "what was it bill said? that girls who suck fingers without having to be told go to heaven?" 
you blush at that as he thrusts into you, and he coos as he slips the finger out of your mouth with a light pop. "yeah, guess he's right. you are my good girl."
and then he's rubbing your clit gently with that thumb, his hips rocking into yours and making your legs shake. you moan loudly, the pleasure making you squeeze your eyes shut. 
he hums, "you'd better be quiet or everyone's going to know who's really your favorite." he whispers cockily against your lips, and your eyes roll back as you moan quietly. 
he smiles at you, other hand smoothing your hair. your eyes fall to the marks from your fingers around his neck, and you get shiver of pleasure knowing the effect you have on him.  "you need me. say it." he whispers against the skin of your chest. 
you let out a strangled, "n-need you, stan... i n-need you." you rush out, feeling dangerously close to your second high of the day. he smiles, kissing you sweetly as he thrusts deeper than before, making you moan into his mouth a low whimper. the aching need is becoming almost unbearable, and you pull him closer to you, clenching around him as you near your high. 
"it’s okay, i need you too, babylove." he whispers into your ear, kissing your hairline as he tugs your leg up more, hitting a different angle. the new sensation pushes you over the edge and you're moaning his name in ecstasy, eyes screwed shut as you pulse around him. you feel euphoric as he rocks you through your orgasm, kissing you softly. 
his name falls from your lips as you hold him tight, your nails leaving small half-moons in his skin. you come down from your high and stan's right behind you, only a few more thrusts until he stills slightly, his breath shake as he props himself above you.
 he pulls out and pumps himself, biting his lip as a bit of blood lingers from the split. you're breathless as he cums in spurts on your stomach, enthralled by the sight of his beauty. "god, y/n." he whispers, the david star charm on his necklace glinting in the light against his bare chest. 
"didn't want to cum inside you." he whispers against your lips, but you pull him closer, "it's okay, i'm on the pill anyways." you whisper. he swallows, sighing in relief as he collapses next to you. "good girl." he whipers breathlessly. you smile into his neck as he pulls you closer to him, your naked limbs warm against each other's bodies. you lay there for a few moments, listening to his rapid heartbeat calm down as he plays with strands of your hair. 
he gets up suddenly, though, and pulls on his own underwear and then pulls your own from his pocket of the pants on the floor. you swallow, watching him as he slowly slides your underwear up your legs slowly. he watches you, too - "did you fake it?" he asks. 
you blink at him. "no, actually." you admit, face red. "never with you." 
he smirks, kissing your bare legs as he makes his way up your thighs. you swallow, heart beating quick. "wh-what are you doing?" you ask. he shrugs, "you look so beautiful when you cum. i want to see it again." 
your throat dries up as you try to swallow to avoid choking at his words, shock coursing through you along with desire. holy fuck. "but your lip-" but he shakes his head, "-don't care." he says, eyes already focusing on your heat. 
"o-okay." you say shakily, "god, please," you add, looking at him as his breath hits you. he watches you as his tongue sticks out, licking a stripe up your pussy before swirling on your stimulated clit, making you gasp in pleasure.
the feeling is sharp and pleasant as he wraps his lips around your clit and sucks lightly, tongue running over your folds. his hands move to hold your thighs as he delves in, your moans quieting as the pleasure increases after already being so overstimulated. 
you're already shaking. his mouth moves on you expertly, his tongue sliding to fuck up into you and making your hips buck, his nose brushing against your clit. you tug on his hair and he groans, sending vibrations through your body that make your toes curl. "stan, f-fuck," you say quietly, whimpering. 
its soft as he looks up at you, his tongue working you so well that within a few minutes, you know you’re already about to cum. your fingers tug his hair hard and then he's reaching to cup your face.
 his thumb presses against your lips and you kiss it softly, making smirk in between your thighs as he kitten licks your clit and draws a gasp from your lips. “stan, oh my god, i’m so close.” you sigh out, overwhelmed by how good you feel, by the pleasure coursing through you and the affection for the boy you’re with.
he just holds you tighter to his face, lapping your juices up and flicking against your clit before sucking, your thighs tightening. “stan, please, i’m gonna-” and but yourself off with a high moan, hand covering your mouth as you hit your high. you cum for the third time on his tongue, your legs shaking as you ride it out, your fingers combing through his curls. you sigh in bliss as you come down from your high, full of affection and need. 
stan rises from between your thighs, pressing a kiss to each before pulling up your lacy underwear and kissing your lips. 
he's wordless as he leaves the room, coming back moments later with a warm washcloth to clean himself off your stomach. you watch him the whole time as he smiles, your handprint fading from his neck. your stomach flutters as you pull on a sweatshirt and press a kiss to his nose. 
but the door opens and shuts from downstairs and you both share a look: now is not the time to test richie. 
stan looks to your window, then back to you, "i'm going to go. it's probably best." 
you pretend not to be disappointed. "y-yeah. makes sense." stan stares at you for a second with a gentle smile before standing and quickly getting dressed the rest of the way. 
you watch silently with an aching heart as he pulls his shirt on, grabbing his shoes and then leaning to kiss you quickly. "hey." he says softly, and you meet his eyes. "i'll... see you soon." 
"okay." you whisper as he slips out your window and down to your roof. 
you don't see stan for almost eight days after that. he doesn't phone the house, the losers don't come by much, stan not at all. richie doesn't speak to you, only in passing and only micro aggressions. it's lonely.
it's almost sunset when the door knocks, and you take your time walking to open it. 
you swing the door open and do a double take as you see the boy standing on your doorstep, hands in his pockets. he looks nervous, but when his eyes catch your figure, his face turns red. 
stanley uris looks devastatingly gorgeous in the dying light of the afternoon. 
"-oh, i thought..." he clears his throat. "i thought richie'd be here." he says, swallowing. you raise your brows, "he's at work right now, actually." you respond, toe drawing circles in the ground. "why did you even try to come and talk to him? he's a nightmare right now, he'd definitely try to beat you up again." you say softly. he chuckles a bit and your heart keels over and surrenders to him. 
stan shrugs, "he's been my best friend since we can remember. it's not as bad as he seems to think, i know we can get through this." 
you nod, heart then deflating as you realize that stan's intending to apologize to richie and beg for him to forgive him - of course friendships are more important than hook-ups, but after last time... and the way stan had stood up for you when richie was being mean... you'd hoped things would be different with him. 
because you think you've loved stan for a long time. 
"anyways, he has to learn to accept that i have feelings for his sister. i'm not going to sacrifice my happiness just because he's acting like a child, or that he's mad that i spend all my time thinking about you." 
your head snaps up to him and your eyes widen, heart soaring at his words. "wh-wait what?" you ask, suddenly shy. "you-" you just smile, not knowing what to say. stan shrugs, as if it's as simple as saying the sky is blue. 
"i think about you all the time, y/n. i like you as more than a friend, more than just a good fuck. i want to be yours, i want you to be mine. always have." 
you smile so big you think your face may split in two. "i think about you too, stan. haven't stopped in a few years. i missed you last week." 
"then can i take you out?" he asks boldly. "promise i'll hold your hand and buy you dinner." 
"he'll kill us." you say, looking into stan's bright honey eyes. they're full of confidence and mischief and you think he's absolutely irresistible. stan's large hand finds purchase on your waist lightly as he smiles, "has that ever really scared you, y/n?" he asks. 
you smile as you take his hand. "of course not." 
he kisses your forehead as you step towards him, his arm pulling you closer and releasing hordes of butterflies in your stomach. "think we should go visit him at work? order a shake with one straw and make out in the corner booth?" stan asks, the light catching the purple and yellow skin of his fading bruise.
you laugh as you walk towards his car, shoving him a bit. "you're an asshole." you say, butterflies rampant. his laugh makes you warm and he leans towards you. "you can say that all you want, but i know you've had a crush on me since we were kids." he teases. 
you roll your eyes. "you're really testing me, uris." 
"it's okay, tozier. i think you're beautiful even when you're mad." he says, pecking you on your nose. "well you better get used to it, i guess." you mutter, and he chuckles a bit as he kisses your forehead. 
"i will never get tired of you, no matter what you do or what your brother thinks." 
tag list: 
@gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier @sft-core @clownsloveyou @moon-shine-baby @daughter-of-the-stars11 @trashedfortozier @oceandog13 @kait16xo @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @cowbellies @deepestofwaters @psykronium-cube @ruefulposts @letmereid @topper-mostofthepopper-most
© all content belongs to soulwillower 2020. do not modify, repost, or redistribute
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mydekuacademia · 3 years
HELLO!!!!! How are you? Congrats for the 150(2) followers!!! You really deserve it 🤗❤️
Ok so...can I have A,B,C,P,U, and Y for Todoroki? Please and thank you!! (Also if that's to much, I'm sorry about that. Just cancel some of them ok?) Have a nice day!!!
Thank you so much!!!
This is also for the other anon that requested Shouto's alphabet. Hope y'all enjoy :)
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A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
At first, hes not too familiar with the concept of aftercare. He'll do whatever you ask, but he wont really initiate it until hes more familiar with what needs to be done after sex
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner)
On him: his arms. He loves well you fit into them
On you: thiiigghhsss babyyyy. He could spend hours buried between them. Skinny, thick, muscular, he doesnt care. He also loves marking them up
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Not to hop on the quirk train, but the temp of his cum depends on the type of sex hes having and what mood hes in. Slow, sensual sex: slightly warmer. Quickies or rough sex: slightly cooler
He wants to cum on your thighs or stomach. Hes not a big fan of cumming inside because hes terrified of knocking you up (if you can get pregnant)
D: Dirty Secret
He kind of likes choking, but it makes him feel like endeavor so odds are, hes never going to choke you
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Hes not experienced whatsoever. He had comprehensive sex ed tho (endeavor wants grandchildren), so he knows what the fuck hes doing. If he doesnt know something, hes not shy about asking or looking it up
F: Favorite Position
Anything where he can see your face. Missionary, mating press, cowgirl, etc. He also likes holding you up with your legs around his waist (hes strong, so dont worry about getting dropped)
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
The longer youre in the relationship, the goofier he gets. At first, hes dead serious. Absolutely no joking. After some time tho, he might slip in a little joke or tickle you a bit if he feels like its getting too serious. All in all though, hes pretty serious
H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
No half and half pubes, sorry. Hes kinda salt and pepper, red and white mixed
Hes not trimmed or anything at first. It doesn't bother him, so why would he? After your first couple times getting intimate, he starts to trim
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
So intimate, holy shit. He just loves you so much and wants to use this opportunity to really show you since he isnt great with his words. Sex with him is full of slow, gentle caresses and soft kisses. Even when he gets rough, he still makes sure you know how much he loves you
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Once every couple weeks, maybe. Less often if you have sex in that time. Its not a huge thing to him honestly
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks)
This goes without saying, but temperature play for sure. Only gentle heat and cold, never anything that could hurt you
Sensory deprivation - it gives him such a rush that you trust him enough to let him do as he pleases to you without you knowing what's gonna happen next
As i said before, choking. But hes not gonna do that unless he grows a lot
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
If its not a quickie, he almost always wants to use the bed. More comfortable and more space to work with
For quickies, just about damn anywhere yall wont get caught. Closets, bathrooms, empty conference rooms, you name it.
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
When you do something that makes him remember how much he loves you (standing up for him, making him dinner, just existing sometimes) or when hes really frustrated and needs some release (like fromman encounter with endeavor or a failed mission or something)
N: NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No permanent marks, no pain play, no age play
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He is the king of giving oral. He knows the perfect combination of tongue and fingers to have you seeing stars. He'll be buried between your thighs, squeezing and caressing them, and absolutely going to town on you. He doesnt even care if he doesnt get off, this is enough for him
He also appreciates a blow job if hes particularly frustrated or upset. He likes being taken care of sometimes
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Generally, hes right in between. If hes feeling particularly soft, he goes slow and sensual. If hes frustrated or during a quickie, hes 100% fast and rough
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Hes absolutely down for quickies. Probably a third of the sex you two have is made up of quickies
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)  
Hes pretty open to experimentation as long as it isnt one of his turn-offs. Just be aware that if he isnt feeling it, hes cutting it off right away.
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
My god, he has so much stamina it should be illegal. If you let him, he'll go all damn night and maybe another round when you wake up. However, he doesnt usually do that since he knows that much overstimulation can be painful
T: Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He has a vibrator to use on you and a couple silk scarves for your wrists/ankles and to be used as a blindfold, but thats about it. Anything else he might use is made up of random stuff he has. Your underwear can be a gag, his belt can be a handcuff, etc
U: Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He will tease you until you start really whining, but not a ton honestly. He uses teasing to get you in the mood oftentimes. A hand just a tad too low on your back in public, or way too many kisses and hickies on your thighs before getting to the good part
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not loud, but certainly not quiet. He has no qualms about letting out low moans and choked groans, but he loves hearing your sweet sounds too much to drown you out
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
He secretly loves having visible hickies. He doesnt mind the comments and speculation, and it makes him feel like theres always a part of you with him
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Icyhot is fucking hung. Not big enough to really hurt, but defs bigger than average. And its pretty too. One vein running along the bottom, circumcised, tip flushed pink. Perfect.
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Not terribly high - hes a pro, he has more to worry about than sex. He can go a good while without sex, but hes absolutely going to make up for lost time
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He oftentimes doesnt fall asleep after sex. He takes his time cleaning you up and giving the best aftercare (after he learns what that entails) then he might turn on a movie and just chill with you. The only time he falls asleep soon after sex is when he goes more than 4 or so rounds
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touyaz · 3 years
Ok but what is soft Gojou like in your mind bc as much as I love reading about him being a smooth fuckboy, I also know deep down that that man is an absolute BUFFOON when he’s in love
i cannot seriously imagine him as a fuckboy bc like..... he's got trust issues + no time to play around lmao. it's still fun to read tho !!
ok only after writing it all did i realise you asked for soft gojou and this is more........ my version of him being in love, and it's like,,, a lil goofy and realistic?? not necessarily /soft/ so i apologise akjshda if u want soft specifically lmk !!
WHEN IN LOVE THO HE'S SO !!!!!!!!! god. goddddd. definition of a menace but we already know that. he has little time to spare, so he will take up all of yours whenever he can. will take advantage of the fact that higher-ups cant really say no to him (or they will but he will ignore them <3) and drag you on his missions just to spend time w you. will take you to his favourite places to get some food, and then head somewhere a little more exclusive. kinda strikes me as the guy to go on reddit and find obscure/ hidden places where you two can chill for a little while together, like a lil adventure + picnic date daskjhd he's cute <3
i also think he's a movie buff + so you'll have a lot of late night dates w takeout and film marathons. he barely sleeps so he'll tuck you in when you fall asleep and continue watching without you </3 threatens to spoil the film if you dont listen to him the next day. i can see him being someone that talks a lot in films, but i prefer imagining him quiet during those times bc its like a way for him to unwind and relax? he'll tease you a bit/ make lil jokes throughout, hog the popcorn but otherwise he's actually a decent guy to watch films with. v knowledgeable. theres little he hasnt watched. can give good recs, but would rather make u waste ur time on some shitty film :/
massive foodie + he's got a.... weird obsession with handfeeding you lmao. is v playful, pretending to feed you then pulling away. stealing food off of your plate and denying it :| 100% wipes sauce off of your lip then licks it off his thumb. slurps obnoxiously loud + grins when ppl stare at him. when he gets a foam moustache from drinking smth creamy, he'll try to lick away and he just looks like an absolute fool. kinda cute tho. if you want him to share his food w you, youve gotta give him something in return (usually a kiss, sometimes a quickie lmfao).
his phone lockscreen looks like a default pic (a beach in okinawa, he says), but youre his wallpaper!!!! it's probably the worst picture he has of you, but he will insist that you look cute :/ he looks flawless, smirking at the screen, and your face is beside his, w his hands squishing your cheeks. u look v disgruntled and funny. no amount of bargaining will get him to change it until yall get a wedding pic or smth </3
i've said this before but he has the worst pet names. v cringe, food-related names like cupcake, sugar pie, honey bun, gumdrop. SWEET CHEEKS. SWEET CHEEKS IS HIS FAVOURITE!!!!! he's so fuckin loud as well, he doesnt care if youre in public/ around family or kids, he'll scream that to get ur attention. has no shame. the only normal pet names he'll use are babe/ baby, honey, sweets. says your name in a really teasing tone, like yknow when manga characters' speech goes like this~♡ that's how he calls you. also sarcastically calls u your highness/ majesty + he'll call himself ur humble servant. gojou u r the court's jester know ur place :/
loves calling you to hear ur voice. will video call u and ur like ?? arent u on a mission rn? and he's like yeah watch this bb <3 its the easiest way for him to spend time with you when he cant be there in person :(( kinda cute but then he'll make u watch him eat your fave food + say that if you wanted to eat this, u shouldve joined him on the mission. when u hang up on him he'll buy you it tho :( <3
i could go on abt how he's part of the biting + licking love lang group, how he likes drawing a bath for you when he's feeling melancholy, how his fave position is missionary, how his favourite place to kiss you is your forehead but i will shut up now <3
here are some other posts if u want more of my hcs for him !!
+love lang
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heartsfrommari · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet; Nikolai
Content warning: Generally NSFW!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
A liiittle awkward. He'd clean you up, and if you ask for it, a few cuddles. Mans is probably touch starved, ypu gotta show him how this works. 😪
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your chest, literally. He sleeps on them, touches them, kisses them, no matter the size. Tits are tits.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Thick and kinda transparent. He cums around average. Maybe about 3-4 ml? Loves cumming on your chest though.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Doesnt have any. Would straight up tell you if you asked, he really aint got no shame.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like if hes single he would have many one night stands, so yes, he has lots of experience and definitely knows what he is doing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Cowgirl. Even if you are on top, no you aint dominating. Its impossible dominating him, sorry yall♡
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Would crack one or two jokes to lighten the mood but otherwhise quite serious. Not because of enjoying his time with you, he just wants to intimate you. Thinks its fun!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Despite his rather silver hair, i think it would be a little more blonde down there. Only shaves when the hair gets long enough to annoy him, so it really depends how groomed he is.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Not that romantic, too much extra work.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Usually he jerks off often, if hes with someone, in this scenario you, he will just ask to fuck you. Why take the less better variant when he has you right there?
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Marking, knife, gun and blood play, (consensual) somnophilia, hair pulling, choking, orgasm control, impact play, begging, pet play, facesitting, semi-public, teasing, dacryphilia, bondage
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Literally anywhere risky, especially the sky-casino or similar. You can hear sigma or even fyodor passing by, the thought of getting caught ruining you is just great to our favourite jester!
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Your tears, moans and begging. Knowing he caused those besutiful tears dropping from your glossy eyes, god, he could fuck you forever.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Not really anything he would never once try. Probably wouldnt piss on you though, get lost piss kink mfers💀
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers you giving him oral. Ofc he would also give you some ocassionally, but he loves your lips around his cock.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Rough and pace usually changes. You can never predict when this man slowly thrusts into you and switches it up to a fast, hard pace in a second.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Fully against quickies. Let the man enjoy his meal‼️‼️
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Absolutely. Willing to try most things, probably enjoys half of them too.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Kinda above average. Maybe about 4-5 rounds max, he'd get tired after.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Has so many toys IT'S SCARY. This mf has a whole ass box dedicated to his toys of every kind, all for you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Once left you (with consent ofc) in the bed, tied up and with a low set vibrator or similar, for a whole night. He watched you through a hidden camera, laughing at you squirming and begging to let him let you cum.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Once again, shameless. Usually doesnt moan but if he feels like he has to, he does. Usually growls or groans though.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Once fucked you for about 6 hours straight after fyodor flirted with you and you (apparently) flirted back. Jealousy fucking is a thing, have fun♡
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
7.2 and average thickness, has a really sensitive tip but denies it. (Also, can you call a cock pretty?)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Atleast every second day. Loves you and your body way too much.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Takes care of you and probably falls asleep directly after. Often will fall asleep earlier than you.
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Can I request how the feral boys would ask you/ what they would do for your first time sleeping over as their girlfriend? That sounds weird but I hope you know what I mean lol. I love your writing by the way!
hi friend , and thank u ! i appreciate it <3 this is a super cute idea and i had a lot of fun writing it ,,,,, im so soft for them i can't . xoxoxoxoxo , starlight
AYO LOOK AT THESE : the smallest bit of smut but overall fluff ! soft feral boys content , come get yall juice
reblogs are always appreciated !!! <3
wouldn’t be planned tbh , you’d been at his place all day and you’re both too tired to drive
you’d start to call an uber and clay would turn your phone over
“you could… stay here, if you want?”
it was a no brainer
of course you’d stay with him
clay would be so excited , smiling through his sleepy haze
he’d finally get up from his computer just to shower you with kisses all over your face
he’d tackle you back onto his bed , his soft , silly kisses turning into lingering, hard kisses
all teeth and tongue and his hands all over you
he’d get one of his legs between yours, shuddering at the way you’d whine into his mouth
his hands would make their way down to your hips
he’d grind your hips down on him , your sleepiness only making you more sensitive
you bet your ass that he’d make you cum just from grinding on his thigh
he lives in a constant state of horny™ even when he’s tired
clay would be so cocky at how he’d made you finish , doing virtually nothing
but he would go so soft at the way you were exhausted after that , yawning and rubbing your eyes
‘baby’ , ‘love’ , ‘pretty girl’
so affectionate 
you could’ve fallen asleep just like that but clay makes you get up and change
“baby , you don't want to sleep in your clothes” 
“sleep in mine instead”
you would just grumble back at him until he would physically lift you out of bed
clay would help you out of your clothes 
he’d put you in his sweats and a giant dream hoodie
just incase sap walked in for some reason
doesn't want him seeing any of the goods™
he’d carry you to the bathroom and find an extra toothbrush
clay would absolutely try to talk to you while brushing his teeth and the two of you would laugh s o hard at each other trying to talk with mouths full of toothpaste
again , he would pick you up and carry you back to his bed , shutting the door behind the two of you
“don't you want to say goodnight to sap?” “no :)”
the two of you would fall onto his bed and be asleep within 10 minutes , completely tangled in each other
he talks in his sleep
but you snore
so its even
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
soft george my beloved
he’d probably plan your guys first ‘sleepover’
he would want to make it special , and definitely do something memorable
george would bring it up to you like a week before
he’d practically invite you like it was a birthday party :,)
i can't
he’d make reservations for a nice dinner before and get all dressed up
george would pick you up and hold your hand on the console
he’d open all the doors for you 
he'd pull out your c h a i r
yall would definitely be cracking jokes all throughout dinner in the middle of this fancy restaurant
george would ABSOLUTELY knock his silverware off the table at some point
you would have to fight to not spit your drink out , laughing so hard
he’d skip on desert at the restaurant and take you to dairy queen or something
it would be the two of you in your fancy attire , sitting outside some tiny ice cream parlor
looking at eachother like you were the only two people on earth
yall are in L O V E 
once you two got home george would carry your overnight bag in 
he would change immediately 
bc he h8’s fancy clothes 
but wanted to dress up for you 
after you guys changed into pajamas , you’d stay up talking for hours
he’d tell you stories of him and all the feral boys
you’d tell him stupid things you did as a kid
the two of you would want to make the most of the extended time you had together and stay up until like 2 in the morning
george’s voice would get all low and raspy from talking for so long
you’d fall asleep on the couch together when you physically couldn’t hold your eyes open anymore
george would wake up when the sun started shining through the blinds
he would carry you up to his bed 
then promptly fall back asleep with you in his arms
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
snapmap my love .
this man doesn’t plan shi t
it would be very spur of the moment , the two of you laughing at some joke that he made when he’d grab your hand suddenly v serious
“will you sleep with me tonight?”
he’d look so earnest while asking that and you would BURST into laughter
it would take nick a hot sec to realise what he’d said and once he did . he would simply . disintegrate .
he would be so dramatic about it too
“i was trying to be romantic ! stop laughing at me !”
and you would just sit there , laughing so hard that you couldn’t produce noise anymore , just silent wheezes
you would start to cry and nick would pOUT
you would just nod , literally unable to produce words
but sap would brighten up at that
“so you’ll stay the night?”
once you got control of yourself , the two of you continued on doing what you were doing
it was like a normal day other than the fact that it ,,,, wouldn’t end
you two watched movies and played minecraft all day , being lazy together
you’d doordash dinner or order pizza or something so you didn’t have to leave the house
he’d have to stream and you would just chill , eating pizza in bed
once it became apparent that the stream was gonna last longer than planned , you would quietly come up behind him and drop a kiss on his cheek
he’d grin at you but be confused ???
you’d text him so your voice wouldn’t pop up on stream
‘gonna take a shower / keep myself busy’
he’d text back a single ‘👍🏼’
sapnap texts like a dad and NO ONE can tell me otherwise
you’d shower and get dressed , then wander down to the kitchen trying to find something to do
scavenger hunt™ for cookie ingredients
you’d bake his favorite and surprise him with a warm cookie im s o f t
the SMILE that would cross his face my god
he would feel so loved
he’d mute stream to thank you, putting his hands around your waist and burying his face into your stomach
you k n o w he’d find some way to end stream early after that , wanting to be with you
the two of you would finish off all the cookies , watching scary movies together
he’d hold you when you jump at all the spooky shit
you’d do the same for him bc sap is baby
chat . i'm kinda scared . lowkey .
you were both half asleep by the time you made your way back up to his room
you’d be lights out the minute your head hit the pillows 
and he’d be big spoon
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
karl would probably ask you that day , texting you before you’d even come over to ask if you would stay the night
you two had technically slept over before , but never at karl’s place (usually pulling all nighters with the feral boys on stream or with the beast crew)
you can not tell me . that karl . would not build a fort . with you .
and he would 100% go all out with it
he’d get lights to string up on the inside (the twinkle ones for sure)
he would get a fuckton of pillows and the softest blankets he can find and pile them in
karl would essentially make a nest for the two of you
you’d spend the first hour alone sharing soft kisses and cuddling so close that you weren't sure where you ended and karl began
he’d hold you , letting you lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat
you’d talk about everything and nothing at all , just wanting to hear each other’s voices
until someone’s stomach growled
he’d laugh until he couldn't breathe 
you had tears rolling down your face , your stomach hurting from the giggles 
he’d either take you to get food before or doordash your favorite
because neither of you can cook blESS
you’d pick out cute , matching pajamas for your first official night together
he’d end up giving you his clothes to sleep in 
because he likes you wearing his stuff 
and it's more comfortable than your fancy pajamas
he’d cover his eyes and face a blanket/wall while you were changing
the only time either of you would leave the fort would be for more snacks or to go to the bathroom
karl would bring his laptop in and turn in a movie as you two were settling in for the night 
(some super dumb kids movie) 
(my brain immediately went to the lorax) 
(i’ll see myself out)
and he’d stay awake until you fell asleep, your face buried into his t-shirt
it made his heart so full that you felt safe enough to fall asleep with him
he’d play with your hair and trace over your features as soft as possible
because you're just so beautiful when you’re asleep ??
karl murmurs how much he loves you , everything that he loves about you while he knows you can't hear it
he’d drift off with you still in his arms, his lips pressed to the top of your head in a sweet, gentle kiss
and the two of you would stay like that the entire night , keeping each other warm
im so soft for him
can u tell
karl jacobs my love
☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁
everyone writes big q as a stupid dumb dummy
and while he can be that at some times
this man would be so fucking thoughtful ??? when it came to his girl ?????
you literally can't tell me otherwise .
much like gogy he would plan something special
but like
he can COOK yall
he’d make you a nice ass dinner
and set up a picnic in the backyard 
he’d light candles and make it all fancy
literally it would be a scene out of a movie
once you finished eating dinner the two of you would watch the sunset
he’d play guitar and sING FOR YOU
you’d stay outside soaking in the heat even after the sun had gone down
stargazing for as long as you could
alex would put his arm around you and have you lay on his chest
you’d listen to his heartbeat while you pointed out the big dipper
he’d make up his own constellations aljidhkuvgfhadj
you two would only go inside because you were being eaten alive by mosquitos
one of you would play music off your phone and yall would slow dance in the kitchen
he would repeatedly tell you how much he loved you , pressing tender kisses to your neck , your jaw
until a fucking ad would play
and alex would just lose his shit
he would laugh so hard he’d ipad kid cough
then you would simply ascend
the two of you would be laying on the kitchen floor absolutely D Y I N G of laughter
you’d stay there for a while , trying to recover
by the time you did , your ribs were sore from all the giggles
alex would pick you up and throw you over his shoulder , walking you up to bed
he’d suplex you onto the mattress
the two of you are children around each other tbh
that would lead to a wrestling match
until you’d found your way onto his lap , pinning him by his wrists
w h e w
the way that man would kiss you after that ? bye im gone
lets just say by the time he was finished you would both be exhausted
he’d tell you how pretty you were , how good you did
the two of you would fall asleep with tangled limbs , half kissing
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absoluteindulgence · 4 years
Hey, don't wanna overwork you but i just HAD to ask: How would Mirio, Tamaki and Inasa respond if their s/o frequently touches The Butt? Feel free to go raunchy if you so desire >:)
A/N: Woooooooooooah this is gonna be good >:)))))) (Aged up 18+ ofc guys~) I know I’ve talked about booty related to the reader but I had a couple more thoughts lmaoooo. Hope you like this, Boo!
Our Sunshine boy is the STACKED snack that smiles back ON GOD!
So ofc you grabbin dat a$$
He juicy, juicy! he eats his lunch.
And really, you’re disrespectful because he don’t even be doing nothing, and you just come over and clap his ass lmaoooo
It’ll shock him at first, but then he goes to the gym more.
And now you have to deal with Mr. Buns of Steel.
You smacked his ass once and your hand STUNG
“Mir- what the hell? You lifting weights with your ass now?”
“Hey, I’m just trying to be the best Brickhouse I can be.”
Mirio is an ass man; you can’t change my mind.
He’s grabbing your ass in bed, in the shower, in the car/public transportation, at work, in the office.
His hand has to be attached to your ass for more than 5 minutes every hour, or else he’ll foam at the mouth.
You deprived him once of grabbing your ass and learned fast that was a bad idea.
“Babe, I’m sorry but I need the keys to your bakery,”
He was feral and gave you the most intense back shots you ever had….
Guess who had to call out from work for a week? You, sweetie lmao
🐙Tamaki 🐙
He must have eaten a tomato, don’t make any sense how red he is
You would think that yall being intimate would make him more open to your kinky touch or sexy/goofy gestures, but it’s always like its the first time
He has his moments where he’s goofy back, and it’s usually a reaction to what you said
“Dammmmn, Tama baby, you loooooking PHAT IN THE BACK, Turn that thang around and poke it out!”
*Tamaki literally poking his ass out to you*
Grabbing your ass is equivalent to THERAPY
Your ass = comfort food
So you know what that means
“Bunny, I know they say you can’t have cake and eat it too, but I think they’re wrong because… You’re living proof...”
Who’s the tomato now?
Mr. Wind Man, make that ass go brrrrrrr (I hate myself for saying this lmao)
Inasa is ANOTHER STACKED SNACK, definitely not enough love for the man.
His build tells you all you need to know.
He’s double cheeked up, on a Thursday afternoon, making yall brunch.
You’re so wrapped in watching him cook in the kitchen that you blankly ask him, “Whatchu doin with all this ass?”
He hears what you said, looks at you, and just busts out laughing. His laughter booms throughout your home as he places your plate onto the table.
You smile, thanking him, while placing your hand entirely on his booty cheek, giving it a firm squeeze.
“Hey, now, you gotta wait till you finish your food first, babe.”
“Well, I can’t help that your booty blows me away.”
More laughter comes out, and he kisses your temple, “You’re so corny.”
HE LOVES TO CUP YOUR ASS USING HIS FINGERS, The jiggle as he cups the undercut of your bootay is d i v i n e
Can you spell: p r e c u m ?
Anyways, you’re happy to know how much Inasa loves your ass, you always complain about its size and the stretch marks, and he’s just like, “Does that stop me from smashing, smacking, or smooching? I thought so, come sit your cute self, over here, babe.”
When you’re not over-critical about your body, you’re always placing yourself in front of him; just rub your booty on his beef stick, which is always ready to serve 😉
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hajim3 · 3 years
𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆 𝙰𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚝: 𝚃𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚔𝚊
꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒦꒷‧˚꒦꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷
Ok i put way to much into this and idk why I honestly did not try to 😭
nsfw under the cut; minors pls dni
word count 1.1k
a/n: there’s a weird glitch/bug that’s happing with my posts where it deletes sections/paragraphs or it has certain sections/paragraphs more than once and idk how to fix it because it’ll just mess it all up so I’ll try my best until something is done about it. (6/23/21)
꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒦꒷‧˚꒦꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷
A: Aftercare~ cuddles, cuddles, and more cuddles. And honestly he would have an assload of energy left but it depends on how tired you are if y’all go another round or two or not. He also runs the fanciest looking baths like omfg. Flower petals, bath bombs, and candles surrounding the tub and if you have sensitive skin you better know damn well he has everything you need to have you feeling soft asf 😌
C: Cum~ Most of the time it’s inside a condom, both of you feel that it’s safer but if you wanted him to cuz in or on you then he wouldn’t mind as long as it’s fine with you too
D: Dirty Secret~ Ok he’s had this on his mind for months and wants to bring it up but he would definitely let Noya join a few times but he would like it better if you brought it up knowing damn well he was thinking the same
D: Dirty Secret~ Ok he’s had this on his mind for months and wants to bring it up but he would definitely let Noya join a few times but he would like it better if you brought it up knowing damn well he was thinking the same
E: Experience~ Both of y’all’s first times was with each other but he kinda already knew what to do cuz you can tell me he hasn’t watched porn or even looked at porn magazines; luckily he catches onto stuff very quickly but he’s still got some stuff to learn
F: Favorite Position~ Ok he is a complete service top but he LOVES to see you on top of him; so Cowgirl, Reverse Cowgirl, or riding his face are his absolute favorite positions and he also has quick access to your thighs so it’s a win win for him
G: Goofy~ Come on now this is Tanaka of course he’ll be goofy asf during secksy time, at times he’s a little more serious but for the most part he like know that your enjoying it as much as he is
H: Hair~ Ok so we all know the carpet does not match the drapes; as far as maintenance, he’ll forget to do it sometimes so it gets a little wild but either he’ll take care of it himself or he’ll let you do it and he really doesn’t mind if you do
I: Intimacy~ Omg he treats you like royalty; nothing is worth more then making his s/o feel like they are loved and taken care of while throwing a little spice into it at the same time; he treats you with so much respect and honestly the both of you can’t ask for better
J: Jack Off~ He doesn’t do it as much often cuz he has you but before.... 😀 no comment; he also gets off the the nudes you send him
K: Kinks~ Ok he’s not vanilla but he’s not very kinky so I feel like he would like some bondage and sensory deprivation (my fancy way of saying blindfolds), he likes semi public sex as well, spanking, and he liked ducking you in front of a mirror
L: Location~ Your shared bedroom, the kitchen counter, the shower, and hidden but public spaces
M: Motivation~ It doesn’t take much to get him all hot and bothered, it’s as simple as touching his thigh, whispering in his ear, or kissing his neck, do all three and have fun not walking bae <3
N: No~ He will NEVERRRRR do ANYTHING with out your consent, he’ll even go as far as asking a second or third time; this baby will never purposely hurt you, he may like spanking you but that’s really it
O: Oral~ You- he loves when you suck him off he thinks you so sexy with your lips wrapped around him and tears coming from your eyes 😊; Him- omfg he will spend hour going down on you, he makes you cum so many times it hurts just a little bit but he just can help but slurp you every ounce of cum you give to him
P: Pace~ He’s either slow and deep or hard and fast... there’s literally no in between
Q: Quickie~ He fucking loves them, will beg for them until you say yes so yall would end up in an ally or an family bathroom taking care of business 😏
R: Risk~ He likes the risk of getting caught in public so he’ll make sure to fuck you extra hard and try to get you to moan really loud so other people can hear you
S: Stamina~ Fucking endless almost, y’all can go for hours and he’s asking and begging if you can go another round when you’re over here on the verge of passing out
T: Toys~ There’s a box under your bed filled with vibrators, blindfolds, maybe a couple dildos, and some rope
U: Unfair~ He’s not as ruthless with his teasing but that doesn’t mean he won’t do it, I feel like he’s the type that if y’all are walking together in public he would put his hand on your ass and just keep it there... like he doesn’t slap it, doesn’t rub it, or squeeze it, he just keeps it there and it annoys you cuz he won’t move it 😭
V: Volume~ Omfg he is a very vocal partner; loud moans, sexy grunts, and moaning your name and the best thing is, he gets a little whiney and shakes a bit when he’s about to cum
W: Wildcard~ Ok so y’all have gotten so comfortable with each other to the point where getting a nude out of nowhere are quite common; he doesn’t beg you for them but does ask and is very appreciative of them and he definitely got off to your nudes more times then he’ll actually admit
X: X-Ray~ Boy is big 😀 it’s not much of a grower it more so gets thicker; I’d say a good 8 inches soft and 9 hard and like I said it gets thicc bae 🤌🏾, it’s also got this on vein that goes down the length of the bottom of it and it’s pretty sensitive and you’ve used that against him a few times
Y: Yearning~ All the damn time; his sex drive is high at least a 8/10
Z: ZzZz~ Lkike I said earlier, he would still have some energy left and if y’all don’t end up going another round he’ll just handle the aftercare and cuddle you until you go to sleep then he may get up and go on a jog to relieve the rest of that energy and when he gets back he’ll wash up again so he won’t smell like outside (pocs understand perfectly) and he’ll climb back into bed with you and eventually fall asleep
 ⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝
© original work of hajim3 (2021), do not modify or repost without permission.
Likes, reblogs and follows are greatly appreciated 💖
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imagineurfavs · 3 years
Nu’est - Baekho A-Z
“I knowww you’re in hiatus but would you consider a Baekho A-Z ??? Your last couple asks have me thinking fr”
Tumblr media
A - Aftercare
Boy gets so cuddly afterwards, he just wants to lay together until the end of time lmao, so it’ll probably take him a minute to even think about aftercare. But he’ll probably run a bath or shower for you
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner)
on himself he likes his arms, they’re big and strong, he loves that he can hold you close to him no matter what position yall are in. On his partner he likes their legs, esp when you wrap them around his waist when he’s on top of you...oof...nice.
C - Cum
Likes the intimacy of cumming inside you, but if that’s not an option, he likes to cum on either your stomach or your chest. He’ll glance at it for a second, looking super proud, then rush off all bashful and shy to go get a towel lmao
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Sometimes he cries when he cums lol. Not bc he's like overly in his feelings or anything like that, like it's just a reflex that happens sometimes and he has no idea why. He won't be like full on bawling either but like you'll look over at him and just see his eyes all glossy with like a single tear drop on his cheek djdjd
E - Experience
It’s a tricky one lmao. I feel like he’s just got a natural way with people lol, he’s a pro at wooing anyone. However, he doesn’t strike me as much of a one night stand kinda guy. Idk, I’d say he’s got a fair amount of experience, but from relationships, so like...its moreso, he’s done it a lot, rather than he’s done a lot of different stuff...yknow??
F - Favourite Position
Anything where he can keep your face close to his and maintain close eye contact. He likes being able to whisper sweet nothing's in your ear and kiss you freely whenever he wants
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc)
I wouldn't say he's humorous per se, but he's just smiley and sweet lol. He likes to keep the atmosphere warm and loving, the last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable in his company
H - Hair (how well groomed are they)
He’s not like, immaculately clean shaven, but he’s not super wild either lol, he keeps it at a middle ground.
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Mans a total romantic, even in times when yall are in a rush and it's just a question of chasing that climax, even then he's just got words of love flowing non stop out of his mouth
J - Jack Off (Masturbation)
Almost every day, if not every day lol. It’s something he just kinda does without thinking. Like, he’ll be in bed, winding down, relaxing...then without knowing it his hand is in his pants lmao
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks)
Now, this is where it gets a lil controversial lmao. I dont think Baekho is a dom. Not at all. Just bc he’s a big guy doesn’t mean he’s dominant lol; Baekho is the truest of switches you could ever see. 100% switch lol. He literally just wants to please, he just wants to make you feel good. As for actual kinks, I dont think he has that many that are that out there. He likes some light marking (giving & receiving), edging (receiving), and maybe a tiny hint of a femdom kink.
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere where y’all can move about freely, that's literally his only requirement lol. He doesn’t wanna be cramped up in a tiny spice, which also means no car sex lol sorry lads 
M - Motivation (What turns them on)
One of the easiest men to rile up on the planet lol. Three things that get Dongho all hot and flustered lol:
1. tell him how much you love his body. (bonus points if you tell him how hot he looks working out and that you appreciate how hard he works for his body lol)
2. Show the tiniest bit of skin, he loves it when you wear a shirt that sits a tiny bit higher than usual and he can see your lower stomach when you move.
3. Literally just hold his gaze for 0.5 seconds longer than usual lol
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs)
I feel like literally the only thing he’s unwavering on is his stance on three(or more)somes. He’s really not a sharing kinda guy. He doesn't wanna bring someone else in and potentially mess up y’alls dynamic. It’s something he cant even bear thinking about.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He can be a bit relentless when it come to giving lol, he'll hold your hips down with all his strength as he just totally feasts on your core. Deliberately makes the most lewd noises tryna get you to blush.
When receiving, boy he is LOUD, he'll be talking you through it like "fuuuuuuck yes baby, I know your throat can take all of me" "your pretty lips take me so well" he'll grab your hair and hold your head still as he cums, gets the fattest smirk on his face is he sees his load dripping out the sides of your mouth too,,,,,ooof. But then once again, he'll get all shy and bashful afterwards lol like he can't believe what he just said to you didjdjd
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc)
I don't really think he has any set pace lol it can vary every time. I feel like it'd depend on the vibe of the day, like, if it's been a while and he's missed you beyond belief then it'd be much more slower and sensual. But if it's like,,,gotta chase that nut, then he can get pretty fast. I don't think he'd ever cross over into being rough, but his thrusts can get like, firm and...sharp lmao
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
Yes yes yes. Loves them. They usually tend to be a lot more giggly and fun than regular full sessions too lol
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?)
Eeeeeeh, a little bit. He's a bit of a baby in terms of pain so I feel like anything that could maybe hurt, even if it's something as simple as spanking or light restraints, could take a little convincing lol. He is definitely down...mans just needs reassuring he won't like die lol
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc)
I mean, he’s a healthy guy lol, he’s gonna have super good stamina. I feel like there’d be literally no stopping him, he can go for however long you need him too. You might wanna get as much as you can out of him though bc once he's done, he's done for the night lmao
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?)
He doesn’t own any himself, but that’s not to say he’s not open to experimenting with any. He just wont do it of his own volition lol. Hes thought about getting some numerous times though but he just doesn't wanna be the one to bring it up
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not really a fan, he just doesn’t understand it lol. He’s not big on teasing or being teased; he's not good at holding back when he's the one *trying* to tease you, and he gets so so fidgety and antsy when being teased lol. He’d much rather just get to the main event lmao
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make)
Lots of loud sighs and choked out groans. He can get quite high pitched, which he’s honestly a little embarrassed of lol. He gets louder slowly the closer he gets to climax, he’ll attach his mouth to your neck as he starts to get louder; tryna muffle any sounds bc he doesn't wanna hear himself like that lmao
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon)
Okay. This is where this whole thing started lol. Baekho is not a dom, he’s also not a sub either. BUT, he get’s so unbelievably turned on by watching you take control. Like he just thinks you have this aura to you when you’re the one pinning him down and getting what you want from him. It’s literally the only time he ever enjoys edging too; he'd never do it to himself, nor does he do it to you, but for some reason having you edge him, having himself be totally at your mercy is just...omg
X - X-ray (what's going on inside those pants)
Average/maybe a tiiiny bit below average in terms of length, but pretty veiny and he’s got some nice girth lol
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
I feel like it’s either one extreme or the other lol. It’s either he can’t keep his hands off you at all for days on end, or he’s just busy occupied with other stuff and his mind doesnt even go in that direction...there’s no way of knowing sksks
Z - Zzz... (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As long as he's happy that you're both fully satisfied, he'll be out like a light almost instantly lmao
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chuuya-centric · 3 years
character: chuuya nakahara
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: gn afab reader, no pronouns used, alcohol mentions / use ? unorganized as FUCK — read at your own risk 🚶 these r also much longer than i originally intended 🤒🤕 they get kinda bad at the end bc im lazy asf and just wanted to be done with these im sorry yall LMAOO
↬he he i he he i i hhnhshgghfgg
↬lord please god passionate+romantic sex with this man is all i ask you for please ill never ask for anything ever again 🙏🙏🙏
↬now i would like to start this with a disclaimer by saying chuuya is usually vv rough and passionate and would manhandle your ass 😁🤞 however these hcs will be like 🧍 slow ................. and passionate ??? not gentle per se but just romantic amd uhm very much "love making" if u will 💯
↬sensual ?? i think ????
↬hhndhsgh ik we're all horny and just wanna be used like a ragdoll but please hear me out yall
↬emotional and passionate sex !!!!!!!!! this usually happens whenever chuuya gets drunk (bc i think he is a v emotional drunk, and if he's w his s/o i think he gets vv sentimental / touchy-feely
↬ofc if you say no or reject his advances he wont do anything other than cling to ur side but if u dont do anything to stop him you will 100% be in his bed by the end of the night 🔥🔥
↬starts out as him havin a lil too much to drink nothin new yk and then he gets more touchy / physically clingy than usual 🧎
↬a lil off topic but he would absolutely fight anyone who tried to flirt w you / anyone who looked at u the wrong way LMAOOO not saying u have to babysit him but 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯 taking him back home would be the smart thing to do as to avoid bar fights
↬but back on track i think chuuya would refuse to leave your side 💀 he would be all over u so unless ur into like hardcore pda u fr better take him home 💀💀
↬he's a horny menace 😕👎
↬okay so blah blah blah yall r back home now what ? now he rlly starts getting emotional 🚶 he's just so grateful to have u in his life and he loves you so much and what if he's not good enough for you ???? how could u love someone like him ?????? what if— please just shut him up with a tender kiss 🤒☹️ tell him u love him very much
↬he............hhbbgdgshhhh i was talking to @chuuyasbf ab this but dhshsbhhhhhh we came to the conclusion that he'd like smother u in kisses oh my fucking god 💔🙏 like he'd just cover your mf face in kisses and i— bursts into tears
↬now by this point this is where he'll start communicating his feelings thru actions rather than words so please expect a very heated makeout session (that leads up to the best sex of ur life 😏)
↬"he just goes “oops, missed a spot *kiss* oops, theres another one *kiss*" - @chuuyasbf and i honestly could not agree more please 🧎🧎 hhnbbhghghh
↬but back to the makeout session it started after u shut him up w that kiss yk and u were both just sitting on the couch, originally basking in the others presence, before the words just started flowing so ofc u gave him a lil kiss n told him he was enough and that u loved him so so much and he pulled you back for another n another til u were sitting on his lap w his tongue in ur mouth
↬and things progressed n progressed n next thing yk he's got you intoxicated (his kisses r life changing ok 🤨🕶️🤏 even if he were sober it'd just be hjndhdghgggh) but like yall know when ur grinding against them n they buck their hips up a lil ? yeah <33
↬HE'S SO HANDSY OMFG ESP IF YOURE SITTING IN HIS LAP 🙏🙏🙏 after he's pulled you as close to him as humanly possible (im talkin chest-to-chest, hip-to-hip — he is a very intimate person and greatly enjoys physical touch argue w the wall ab it) his hands go from finding purchase on ur hips and guiding your movements to pulling at ur hair to feeling u up to running his fingers up n down ur back to helping you take your shirt off. he cannot for the life of him keep his hands to himself
↬in reality he'd shift you onto his thigh before making ur neck his next target for his kisses (and hickies)
↬when you start whining for more and saying his kisses aren't enough, thats when he'll sober up enough to be snapped back to reality n to carry you to his room 🧎 or so you thought 😚
↬confused, u didn't get the hint until he bounced his leg, once, twice, oh— and even after you'd understood what he wanted you to do, he'd grab ur hips and completey take control of the pace n grind u against his thigh almost agonizingly slow, all while leaving some awfuy dark hickies on ur lower neck n a handful on ur collarbones
↬ofc theres some muttered praise and "i love yous" as well. he'll tell you how good you look, getting off on his thigh like this
↬he'll take u back to his room only after you've cum against his thigh 🧎🧎 consider it a warm up LMFAOO
↬when he finally does get up from the couch, he'll probably use his ability to help stablize yall a little 💀 (he had a lil too much to drink pls dont clown him)
↬whereas he'd normally toss u onto the bed, this time he took his time to set u down gently before settling down in between ur thighs and— hey wait a damn minute when did this mf find the time to get your pants off huh—
↬aye speaking of which i think chuuya is rlly big on eye contact regardless bc its honestly just vv intimate to him 🧐🚶
↬yall know when they like ............. when theyre like caressing / holding your thigh n looking up at u n they kiss ur inner thigh while maintaining eye contact or whatever ...................... <33
↬i think his praise kink especially shines thru when he gets drunk bc he will take his mf time covering you in kisses and hickies all while showering u in praise n telling u how beautiful u r and ab how much he loves you
↬he knows his words usually tend to be / sound harsh, but at the end of the day he loves you sm more than words will ever be able to convey :((
↬def tries to make up for that (when he's drunk 🙄 emotionally inarticulate ass 🚶) by showering you in praise and doing his best to be tender and gentle
↬and to be fair he'd be content w smothering u in praise and kisses for the rest of the night n probably would if u let him 🧎🧎 please snap this mf back to reality by yanking his hair n whining for more
↬in which case he will be happy to oblige 😚 he's def the type of person to get off on his partners pleasure so that being said this mf will make sure u cum on his tongue at least twice before properly fucking you
↬whenever hes drunk he tends set a rather slow pace but dont let that fool you 🧎 the entire thing is so fucking intimate oh my lord you will be seeing stars by the time he's done w you
↬his thrusts r much deeper n more precise than usual and he puts one of ur legs on his shoulder and has the other pressed up by ur head it really just enhances everything yk ?? 😁😁 (mating press kinda ??????? not exactly but)
↬he ends up alternating between leaving (more) hickies on ur neck n shoulders and actually kissing you as well (your lips r gon be bruised asf by the end of it all sorry 🔥💯)
↬even drunk he loves to overstimulate you omfg 🤤 loves seeing you get all teary-eyed from the pleasure (even better if u actually cry 😏🕶️🤏) bc to him it shows that he's done a good job
↬aftercare w drunk chuuya is a lil sloppy tbh 😕 probably immiediately passes tf still inside u after pressing like a final kiss to ur forehead LMFAOOO
↬but dw he makes it up to u in the morning !!!!! after taking care of his hangover first tho 💀 once he's feeling better himself, he'll def offer to draw u a bath and, lets pretend he has the day off here, after that all he rlly wants to do is cuddle for the rest of the morning
↬do not bring up how clingy he was last night LMFAOOO his face will get so red so fast (unless ofc thats ur goal in which case go right on ahead 😚😚😚)
↬please do, however, kiss his forehead and tell him that u love him n that he did a good job last night
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