#but its even more obvious if youre disabled
swordsonnet · 1 year
it's always funny when i come across a child development timeline and go "hm, this doesn't apply to my childhood at all"
and then i remember i have a developmental disorder
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natandacat · 1 year
so all of us who were disabled by covid are supposed to what. clap our hands and celebrate that you have all chosen to let us rot alone bc you wont follow any kind of covid measure if youre not personnally affected? am i supposed to go into the night gently? jokes on you! i have self esteem. I think I’m really cool and I deserve a good life. And if i need to fight with most of society to get it, I will. If you’re not my ally, you are actively contributing to the worsening of my health. How and why should i prioritize your feelings over my health??
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kingconia · 9 months
warning: Ortho is excluded for an obvious reason, and I consider Ruggie to be a vice.
Trey Clover. ❤️
— Trey is absolutely surprised, when he sees you for the first time. It is not like he had never seen a blind person before, but there is something alarming in a fact, that a student without magic and sight, is left all alone in the NRC;
— He might be a little awkward around you, but he is still respects you, and will never points out at your possible insecurity. Hits Ace a few times, when he openly reminds you about being blind;
— ...When he finds out that you are not helpless, and in fact might be more attentive than all of them, he is speechless.
Trey glances over his shoulder, instantly finding you in the havoc that first-years had made in his kitchen. He has no trust in this kids, and it is quite dangerous place for you. So, he tries to look up for you wordlessly.
”Ace,” he calls for a redhead boy, sighing, when he almost drops a bowl with flour on the ground, ”pass me a few apples, would you? They should be somewhere here.”
Ace smiles at him crookedly as he starts walk around, squinting, while trying to find mentioned apples.
”Eh... Where are they?”
Trey turns, planning to guide him himself, when you are suddenly raising your cane, the tip of it moving in the direction of a basket with red apples.
”Ace, I think, they should be here,” you remark softly.
Neither Ace nor Deuce find anything extraordinary in your act, which makes Trey realise that it must be not the first time you do so. But he is astonished!
He examines you once again, and as he stares right in your colourless eyes that almost never blink, Trey is sure: you don't see anything. That it is not a lie.
...Perhaps, you are not without a magic as others think you are?
Ruggie Bucchi. 💛
— Alright, I am sorry, but Ruggie doesn't give a fuck if you are blind. It is not about bullying—he wouldn't do that—but he will not try to pamper with you either;
— And as soon as he realises that you, in fact, are highly aware of everything around you, Ruggie is even more comfortable around you;
— But! Your instincts are reminding him of beastmen—he had seen a few of them, who were just as blind as you, and you act suspiciously a lot like them—and so, he starts having a very strange theories about you.
Ruggie holds his breath, and as his back straightens, he is ready for attack.
In his homeland, he is considered to be one of the most dangerous beasts, a natural predator. He knows how to stalk his prey, how to stay out of its sight, and how to bring food back home. So, of course, watching after you, shouldn't be a—
”I know you are hiding on the tree, Ruggie.”
Urgh. Just how you always know where he is?
Here you are, sitting on the bench under this tree. And Ruggie, who stands atop of it, too high to be heard, shouldn't be noticeable even for a usual humans. Even he made a sound—but he didn't!—how could you say that it is him? Unless, you are feeling his scent, just like a beastman would...
Ruggie keeps his silent. Maybe, it would be easier to trick you this way, and then...
Almost when he touched your shoulder, you easily hit him with your cane.
”Ruggie,” you sigh. ”I thought, you are better than his.”
Rubbing his hand, he can only murmur a quiet:
...His belief that you might be half-beastman are getting more and more rational with each passing day.
Jade Leech. 🩵
— Jade is somewhere between acting all gentlemen around you, and searching for a way to use your disability in his advantage. Nothing personal, though;
— When he realises that his calculations are completely wrong, and you are not so easy to crack, Jade is impressed. What a good challenge you are;
— Jade might get an idea that, perhaps, you are lying to everyone... And if so, he is about to catch you on this lie.
”Remind me, please... Had you been sightless from the very young age?” Jade asks casually, pouring tea in your cap; for a third time in this morning.
You nod with a gratitude, and your hand easily moves to your right, where the pot with sugar is located. Jade told you where it is, when you first started having a breakfast together.
”I had been born this way, yes.”
As you put one cube in your tea, Jade hastily moves the pot to an opposite side of the table. Waiting. His eyes pierces in yours, trying to notice some strange signs. Anything.
”How complicated it must be.”
There is always a possibility that you just have those colourless eyes, which helps you to lie to other. Perhaps, you are as mischievous as he is, after all.
”Well. I think, it would be harder if I lost my sight earlier in life,” you smile.
Your hand flawlessly moves to the new location of the sugar. Jade hums in the disappointment.
...Once you will crack.
Jamil Viper. 🧡
— When he hears about you for the first time, he can't help but huff about how irresponsible headmaster is, if he allows you to walk around these dangers so easily;
— Much later, he becomes your close friend, and with that, he finds out about your talent. Jamil had never seen such things before, he thinks you are a miracle;
— But he will accept it without any side thoughts. He trusts you, and overall, Jamil is simply glad that you are not as enamoured in this world as he first thought you are.
Jamil knows you are coming from a ringing knock of your cane in the corridor. And, so, he rushes to the doors, opening it widely, still with apron around his waist.
”Good afternoon, Y/n.”
”Hello, Jamil,” you hum, slowly stepping in.
It is a secret for Jamil why some of his classmates are thinking that you are lying about your blindness—or use a secret magic for moving around—when a little evidences of it are always here.
He can say it from the way you never make sharp on inaccurate movements—he had only seen you running with Grim on your hands—and move slowly, though, gracefully. Or how you relay a lot on you cane.
”I had prepared a few pastries for you,” he exclaims quietly. ”From the Scalding Sands.”
You might be independent, but Jamil still thinks you struggling sometimes.
”I can smell that,” you smile. ”Thank you.”
But it is not a problem. He will make sure to help you from time to time.
Rook Hunt. 💜
— Oh! Oh! Rook can't hide his curiousity when he hears stories about you;
— As someone, who relays a lot on his senses and instincts, Rook fully understands what helps you through your blindness;
— So, if anything, he thinks you are a lot alike! Rook constantly helps you to develop and sharpen your senses by taking you on walks around the forest, or asking about what you feel in certain rooms.
”Incroyable!” Rook sighs out delightfully, eyes sparkling as he stares at you. ”You are such a talented person, ma flèche!”
Another little laugh escapes your lips, and Rook can't help but feel proud of how happy you are about these dates of yours.
He wants you to feel equal with others, but even more, he desires for you to know how much better you are, than the most.
”Ah, you are flattering me, Rook,” with a free from a cane hand, you rush to wave him off. Then, you frown suddenly, tilting your head on the right. ”Ah... I think there is another bird, Rook. Behind you, on the left.”
As soon as you warn him about it, Rook swiftly turns on the told direction. A mere second and arrow flies past you, hitting a target easily.
”Parfait!” He praises you again. ”You notice things even quicker than I do!”
As your cheeks blush furiously, Rook only smirks.
If you only know how special you are!
Lilia Vanrouge. 💚
— Lilia is a war veteran, so, he is not surprised by your abilities. He had seen a lot of his old comrades losing their sight in the battle, and slowly learning to live with consequences of that;
— But, he finds it impressing either way. Especially, considering that you are just a mortal. It is fascinating how strong and brave your kind can be;
— And, Lilia loves how you are always aware of his presence, never being scared of his sudden appearances, like others usually do. It is rewarding!
”Ah, aren't we going to be late?” Cater sighs, shifting from one leg to another, while scrolling through the Magicam. ”That's ridiculous.”
You hum, pressing your shoulder to the wall, yawning.
”Why are we even waiting?”
”What do you mean why?” Cater frowns. ”We can't go without Lilia... And I don't know where he is, but dude is really late.”
It is your turn to frown now.
”Cater, Lilia had been here for another five minutes,” you say. ”Just look up.”
Cater is suspicious at first, but then, as he does what you told him to do, a terrified help escapes his chest. Lilia is, indeed, here. Hanging from the ceiling, smiling cryptidly.
”Hello, love,” he flashes a smile at you. ”And hello there, Cater.”
”Hi, dear,” you wave at him. ”Well... Can we, please, go now?”
Cater sighs. His face is still pale, when he hisses out:
”You both of you are awful. Period.”
Lilia only chuckles at that. Well, aren't you just a perfect match?
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uninformedartist · 7 months
For my own documentation, cos these things do get swept under the rug and forgotten. I know Salem said they don't care what fans say on them or deny Salam's testimonies but my soul these fans are heartless. Comming out and telling people about the workplace abuse you endured, telling people on the how you were missgendered, bodyshaming going on in said workplace ect:
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Oh all that, you're just a disgruntled unprofessional employee bringing down Viv, Viv would never she's such a good boss, Salem is just a hater like multiple others who spoke out on Viv and even those who don't out of fear ect. Lets not believe victims, they're just annoying haters (says the fandom thats oh so accepting & stands with queer voices literally liking/retweeting posts on listening to queer voices when they speak out):
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Also lets go on the ableism and missgendering (this user missgender Salem, called multiple people including those with physical & mental disabilities ableist slurs (helluvareciepts) & said helluva is using their disability as an excuse when helluva spoke about the obvious rampant ableism in helluva boss):
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Every comment they made had some ableist word in it. People talking about leaks of a show with millions of views totally justifies being ableist & transphobic.
And lastly, you talking about your workplace abuse & Viv intentionally not creating Salem the 1st time, get over it according to this user & also downplaying Salam's work on Helluva:
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Not gonna raise my blood pressure on this fandom, this is all documentation purposes. I won't be censoring the names of these people any more, letting people know who exactly they are and that they are not these sweet innocent fans that many believe they are, the coddling is over.
This fandom or rather these people in fandom escape time & time again from accountability & its sickening. Putting this in the main hazbinhotel/helluva boss tags, cos this fandom need to see how nasty some people in it are.
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 2 months
I don't understand how Vivziepop still has a fanbase anymore that unironically still supports her after all the scenarios of controversy where she brushes it off as petty internet drama from "petty envious antis" atleast before she runs off into her crowd of chronically online and discourse obsessed problematic adults on any social media platform(Mostly Twitter to be specific but still)who are just a group of yes-men for her to use to attack not even only children on the interwebs who just happen to be uncomfortable with the fandom she's cultivated over her career of a wannabe artist and animator, but other adults too who by the way are somewhat consisting of survivors of abuse, rape, are LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, neurodivergent/disabled and possibly more. It honestly makes me sad as it does angry because the concept of the show isn't that crazily impossible in my opinion atleast and it could of had so much potential to do way better if not only the obvious subject matters were treated with much more care in an attempt to rework the scripts but also if Viv didn't do half of the stuff she did just a bad person in general. Like...is that really the best you can do for your fanbase???You cannot be not-joking atleast a little bit when you're telling me that apparently not only are children not being stopped from engaging with an 18+ rated show(even though the amount of vulgar language is done so poorly that it could pass of as your average failed Newgrounds animation), but that they're literally being encouraged to interact with the fandom???Are you out of your mind???Don't even get me started on the other stuff that you all probably already know about such as the blatant mockery of S.A., abusive relationship dynamics, hypersexuality in victims of said scenarios that happen irl, having other such "jokes" including some sort of rapey scene at all and having someone who actively and openly supports "non-con" fiction???!!!! What is wrong with you people??And apparently I have to share the home of the beautiful planet Earth with these idiots choosing to have the cognitive dissonance and brain function of an almost-empty and dusty old peanut...Along with the fact that the woman herself treats her animators at Spindlehorse Productions(her studio I suppose)like utter dog-dung, she has proven to drag anyone who defies her problematic and dare I say dangerous behavior through the mud and gets away with it all because of her stans/fans making her the "face of independent animation/indie animators". I honestly feel so awful for those who may have genuinely looked up to her at one point, atleast not knowing how much of a horrible person she was behind the scenes of the computer screen but its whatever anyways I guess. If any aspiring makers of cartoons or comics(LGBTQIA+/BIPOC/Disabled preferred) would like to promote the stuff they male down below in my comments section than feel free☆. It's the least anyone can do under the storm that's being made and has happened for such a long time ughh. The project should have been attempted a little more to be prevented from the confines of those echo-chambery and gross parts of fandom-centric social media communities and It's so discouraging how long this has been going on too, but hey. She's the lady that unironically made a literal pedo character that she attempted to present as a villain while just having the original character end up as a sort of "cool af bad-girl aesthetic uwu" character. Oh my fucking God please stop at once I swear to the highest Heavens and the deepest, most darkest depths of Hell(Ironic).
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thehmn · 8 months
Okay so chihuahuas shouldn’t be be kept as fashionable purse dogs, but then what type of person should have them?
Dogs of course have different personalities and I know a lot of people with disabilities consider them perfect because they like to cuddle and are unlikely to suffocate or knock people over, but in my experience they’re also perfect for people who like to explore both nature and urban environments. And even though they shouldn’t be purse dogs, pet backpacks with plenty of airflow that also conceal the pet a bit are a must, like these.
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Once the dogs realize the backpack means adventure they’ll throw themselves into it as soon as it’s place in front of them and off you go. That’s one of the reasons why chihuahuas are perfect for all sorts of exploring. They’re easy to transport to any destination on any kind of transportation. I ride my bike everywhere and my chihuahua loves all the smells zooming by, exactly like a dog sticking its head out a car window.
We bike to forests, towns and the seaside, she’s let out and can explore either on or off her leash depending on the area, and in my experience most shop owners are cool with you bringing your dog into the shop as long as they’re well behaved and in a backpack like the ones I showed because that way they can’t touch anything, their fur wont get everywhere and if they aren’t super obvious they won’t bother other people. That’s why seeing eye dogs are allowed. They’re so well trained they won’t cause trouble. And if they won’t let you in there’s no reason to make a fuzz, you just find another shop.
The backpack also makes it easy to switch transportation. I’ll get off my bike, jump on a train, let my chihuahua stretch her legs until the ferry arrives and soon we’re on a small island.
And just like people are more okay with a feral house cat that sometimes attacks people than they would be if a cougar wandered into town, people are generally more understanding if you accidentally break a rule you weren’t aware of with a small dog. I’ve let my dog off her leash in an area for months because I thought it was allowed and luckily I didn’t get in trouble because she is small and well trained so people weren’t bothered by her and when someone finally told me they were super nice and calm about it.
I am of course living in Denmark and my chihuahua is a reasonable size which means the only predator that could possibly be a danger to her is a fox which is why I’m comfortable letting her off her leash in nature areas. Other countries would probably be less safe for her.
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But overall, can highly recommend a chihuahua if you have a relatively active lifestyle and likes going on short adventures 👍
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eliana-system · 7 days
People need to know when to stop "giving advice" because half the time you're just blaming people for the situation they are in/ have been in. You need to allow people to complain without making them feel guilty.
I just saw a post of a person talking about their disabled relative dying before they could get a wheelchair, and the horrible treatment they got, how devastating it was. Assholes are in the comments and reblogs giving unwanted "advice". Its obvious they don't know shit and are just looking down on op. You lack context, you lack knowledge and yet the first instict is to judge?
And yes, if you do this you are assholes. You dont need to add if you dont have something good to add. This isnt a debate, its someones life. A simple "do you want advice?" is where you can go is you legitimately struggle with knowing when to give advice.
I've had similar comments so many times. "Maybe if you said no, he would've stopped" "he didn't know any better" "maybe he didn't realise what he was doing"
"You should try to exercise" "Maybe try a little harder" "do you really need to go to the doctor for that" "do you really need those pain meds?"
Why is your fist respond to blame the victim? Wtf? And don't you dare even try to say this isn't victim blaming because it is.
And this is so violent. You know you ain't the first person who said it and won't be the last, and that makes you even more of an asshole. Be responsible for your actions. At this point you know the impact of your words, there is no more "good intention" when you aren't making efforts to stop hurting people.
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drdemonprince · 2 months
I am feeling very conflicted because I want to do more activism but I live in a very isolated area, and the one organization that works here that I even remotely align with politically has had some issues with the people it's supposed to serve (immigrants in this case) complaining that it doesn't provide many services needed and some people in it are dicks. Also, the options they have to collaborate are very much not autistic friendly. At the same time, I hate the thought of sitting back and doing nothing -beyond what I already do, which is limited to people I know- because the option to do something is not perfect. What would you recommend?
It sounds as though the organization you are looking at is a nonprofit that provides social services. I would not consider working with such an organization to be activism, usually. They will present volunteering your time with them as "activism," but it's really just free labor, somewhere on the spectrum between being charitable with your time and labor exploitation.
There is very little that most nonprofits do to advance any kind of social or political change of any kind. For the most part, nonprofits function to maintain their own operations, with a side hustle of dispensing very limited resources to marginalized people who will remain just as marginalized afterward.
More on this:
If you'd like to be involved more in your community in a way that feels meaningful and that works with your disability, I would encourage you to think far more broadly than merely joining an existing easily-findable organization. That kind of search will tend to skew toward liberal, nonprofit-led, politically toothless efforts. Instead, think of what you can do to make greater contact with the people in your area who are marginalized and share struggles with you.
Can you give homeless people meals in the park and ask them how they're doing? Can you get involved in your local parks or nature reserves? (there if you're volunteering your time, at least it can be for something enriching and beneficial). Is there a local Food Not Bombs chapter? A local Muslim community center that could use safety marshalls? A local abortion clinic that could use the same? Do you have neighbors who are single parents and need childcare help? Dogsitting? Does the senior down the street need their lawn mowed?
Is there a local Facebook group where you can offer help to people in your community in need? Start saying hello to people. Asking them about their day. Asking about what's going on in the neighborhood. What needs done, who needs help, what problems are plaguing the area that nobody is doing anything about? Are there any local businesses that are discriminatory and need to be taken to account publicly? Are there forests you can help protect from deforestation with tree spiking? Is there a jail near you where you can provide jail support, handing out food and clothes and water and letting released prisoners make phone calls?
Some of this stuff might not seem like activism in the most obvious, in-your-face, picket-signs-and-banners-in-the-streets sense. But it's a lot more impactful than a lot of that is on its own. It's community building. I'd also recommend reading some stuff on the Anarchist Library website about building one's own affinity groups. You don't need a big formal organization to make a difference -- in fact, for many structural and economic reasons, it can be harder to make a difference within a large group that faces public exposure and the risk of legal censure. A few new homies in your town who care as much as you do can do a whole lot of good.
Some reading:
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a-faggot-with-opinions · 10 months
Responding To The "Aromantic Manifesto"
So I found this aromantic manifesto earlier today and I have many thoughts and opinions about it. Mainly that it's really bad, and it is homophobic. It uses a lot of big words and complicated language to sound smart, but it's not actually conveying good ideas. I'm going to respond to it piece by piece. By the way, I am aromantic, but I am also gay, so that's the perspective I'm looking at this through.
The main points of this manifesto, as outlined in the beginning, are:
"Romance is inherently queerphobic."
"The organisation of queerness around the celebration and pursuit of romantic desires and pleasures reinforces queer oppression."
"Queer liberation must abolish romance as its long-term goal."
Point 1 is bad because the activism for lesbian, gay, and bisexual rights has LITERALLY been all about being able to love whoever we want to. We didn't fight for centuries to legalize gay marriage to have someone say that us loving someone else is inherently queerphobic. Implying that gay love is somehow oppressing someone else makes you the queerphobic one.
Point 2 is wrong because we've been fighting for our rights for literal centuries, and we've already decided that trying to repress our sexualities for any reason, is actually bad and contributing to our own oppression. The only way to make real progress in solving queer oppression is by expressing ourselves loudly. It's okay to dislike amatonormativity. I dislike amatonormativity. But that doesn't give you an excuse to be homophobic.
Point 3 is even more incorrect. That's because a movement that is fighting for people historically marginalized based on who we love isn't going to have abolishing romantic love as a goal. It's okay to be aromantic and not want romance. The problem comes in when you try to force everyone else to repress their romantic desires because you simply don't like it. That's bad.
The next part is extremely insulting to me as a trans person. They compare gay men wanting to date other men and not wanting to date women to gay men wanting to date trans men. Newsflash, assholes: trans men are men!
If straight people can’t help who they love, then neither can gay people. Nor, one might suppose, racists and transphobes, and people who find disability and fatness unattractive.
This is an obvious homophobic argument. They're implying by this that gay men not wanting to date women is the same as gay men not wanting to date trans men, implying that men who don't love women are misogynistic. It's transphobic to compare the experience of being gay to transphobia. Tell me you've never spoken to a trans person in your life without telling me.
Queer oppression is not just the experience of prohibited desire. It is also the experience of hierarchical and violent desire. It is also the experience of undesirability.
What the fuck are they even saying right here? Queer oppression is literally about the experience of prohibited desire and the lack of experience of expected desire. I can maybe understand where undesirability comes into play, since especially as a trans person I get cis people trying to equate my sexual attractiveness with my worth as a human being, but experiencing hierarchical and violent desire?
This reads as someone saying that queer romance is inherently evil and we're oppressing ourselves and we're totally at fault for our own oppression. QUEER ROMANCE AND SEXUALITY ARE NOT INHERENTLY EVIL AND SAYING THAT THEY ARE IS HOMOPHOBIC, IT'S 2023. Why is this even a hot take?
The next section talks about the "privatisation of love," which is a model for why they think that queer activism has been missing the entire point. Let's see what this author has to say about that.
While the domestic sphere fashioned by heterosexual kinship relations has been historically designated as private life, queer intimacies have instead been regarded as a matter of public concern due to moral panics associating them with predation and perversion throughout history.
This is a very sloppy, incomplete reading of the way that homophobia works. I'm not going to get into my theory of how homophobia works in this post, but anyone who's actually experienced homophobia in their lives will tell you that this ain't it. For one example of how that's incomplete, in recent years queer people have been encouraged by society and especially the right to hide our queerness and abandon our culture in favor of mainstream society. This isn't trying to make us a matter of public concern, it's trying to make us disappear. This isn't how oppression works.
This next section focuses on how romantic love is allegedly used as a hierarchy.
People who regarded as romantically attractive are invariably upward-mobile, white-proximate, gender-appropriate, able-bodied, slender/muscular etc.
Maybe. Just maybe. That is just a reflection of how society views people who aren't white, aren't gender conforming, are disabled, and are fat. Racism, transphobia, ableism, and fatphobia weren't invented by romance. The way that romance in our society works simply reflects those things that already existed. "I just find them unattractive" has been an excuse to discriminate against people for ages. That isn't because romance is inherently THE hierarchy, but instead it's because it's used as an excuse.
Often, calling romantic partners “compatible” just means their placements on the romantic hierarchy are relatively equal in privilege. Calling romantically unattractive people “compatible” with each other, on the other hand, easily sounds condescending.
I don't have much to say about this. This is simply not how romance works. While compatibility is not a great concept and I have critiqued it before, this ain't it.
Queer romantic ideals remain incredibly heteronormative, only celebrating the most privileged and “compatible” of queers and condemning more marginalized queer people all the same.
This quote is really interesting because it's pointing out a very real issue with society (the fact that society encourages assimilated queers) and tries to blame queer activists for it. No, we do not want to assimilate. Society wants us to assimilate, and some of us try to do so. However talking to most queer activists will reveal that we don't want to assimilate. We want to be treated with basic respect.
Queer romance does not resist heteronormativity as much as it assimilates queer desire, making us hold on tightly to whichever relative privileges we have and hate ourselves for whichever we don’t.
Hello? This is projection. This is exactly what the person writing this manifesto has been doing the whole fucking time.
By peddling the illusion that romance can be made queer, heteronormative capitalism forces queer people to try solve their problems of undesirability and unhappiness privately by finding the “right” partner, rather than directing their anger towards public action.
Gay people in the past got into romantic relationships that often got us killed. Did we do that because of heteronormative capitalism trying to force us to find someone? No. What the actual fuck are these people even talking about.
We propose aromanticism as a counterpublic that responds to queerphobic violence by mobilising public resistance instead of escaping inwards. Aromanticism is a principled commitment to finding radically nonviolent ways of relating to others.
There's so much to unpack in this quote. Firstly, the author believes that aromanticism is a choice. It is not. I was born aromantic and even if I choose to get into a relationship that does not make me any less aro. This is also implying that (gay) romance is inherently violent, which is Homophobia 101.
If you already have a romantic partner, we are not asking you to “leave” them, but to aspire to love them in a different, queerer way.
There's no such thing as more or less queer. If you're queer, and you love someone, congratulations, that's queer love. It doesn't become more queer if you call it something other than romance.
I'm not going to go over the last part, but this last quote is some icing on the cake of homophobia we've just eaten.
Just be aware that similar hierarchies of desirability exist in sex as in romance.
It shouldn't be a hot take in the year 2023 that claiming that all sex is bad is a very culturally Christian thing to do, as well as being very traditionally homophobic. Sex negativity is weaponized against queer people far more often that it is against cishets.
To conclude, I'm just going to say that this manifesto takes real frustrations that even I have with amatonormativity, and turns them into denial that romance exists, and blatant homophobia. It's also very hard to understand, so if I misinterpreted something, please do let me know. While I do think that aphobia is bad, being homophobic isn't a solution and is just going to cause us to be hated even more, as well as alienating gay aros.
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libraford · 1 month
Idk maybe it's because I'm autistic and don't get how things are supposed to work (I also haven't been able to work for over a decade due to disability so take this all with a heap of salt) but it feels like she needs someone to blame for problems.
You said last year there were three leads but this year you're doing the work of three on your own. Did they quit or get fired? Maybe someone else was the assigned "problem child" last year? But the fact that you didn't get any useful feedback at the times problems supposedly happened and they continued using your work...it just reads like a power trip on her end tbh
One of them left to become a veterinarian and do photography on the side. The other one of them left because there was a pretty big death in the family and also oldest kid was going through his senior year. Both have said that they might come back, but so far neither of them have committed.
The two of them were nearly perfect leads. Like they did all the paperwork properly and had all the details right and they didn't rush and they rarely did anything wrong.
Except when they did. And since I learned from one of them, I learned on all of her mistakes.
So I've had to be retrained.
Again and again and again.
There would typically only be one lead per job, so its not like I'm doing the work of three people the way I was doing the work of like... 7 people at the flower shop. I am still doing the work of one person, but I am doing it every day instead of only two to three times a week.
So the mistakes I learned are more obvious now and I am put in positions where previously I was not, like having to call as soon as there's a problem- because previously I was not often having these problems. I get dinged for not following procedure for this.
She tried training me on groups last year, but every time there was a chance to learn on the job something interrupted it. The first time it was because the person we had doing individuals was going painfully slowly and she had me set up my unit to clear out the bottleneck. The second time it was because our individuals photographer went into labor.
So I've been trained wrong on a bunch of things and had to be retrained. Attempts to train me properly have been interrupted, but she thinks that I received proper training and that I should be good to go.
So I do it. And I do it wrong. Over and over again.
And then I get the critique and there is disagreement between my boss and her boss about how I'm supposed to have done it.
And then I try again. And there's disagreement between my boss and me about how I was supposed to do it.
So my spirit is fuckin' crushed lately and I just want to get to the end of the season but of course there's YET ANOTHER critique at the end of the year where she says I'm bad at receiving critique when I've had to be retrained several times in several different areas, and she claims that NOTHING HAS CHANGED FROM MY INITIAL TRAINING even though documentably it HAS, which makes me feel like a fucking crazy person for suggesting that its hard to keep up with the changes sometimes.
And she says she's tired of arguing with me about how things are supposed to be done when I'm supposed to KNOW how things are done by now because this is my THIRD year in the business and why am I so argumentative?
At the last groups job, I asked her to help be out a little bit and check my work to make sure I was doing it right. I wasn't even done with the first group and she jumps in and tells me my numbers are wrong, changes it all and that's how we found that the guides were different. But when I talk to her about what made me mad there, she has a different story- she says that I did 2 or 3 classes wrong before she jumped in. Which is not what happened to my recollection.
I've asked her to take a more passive role and she got mad at me because she swears that she did take a passive role and now I'm being inconsistent- because I asked her for help and now I'm asking her not to get her hands in it. So now I'm confused again because I remember that day completely differently, and when I asked the rest of the crew they said that she was being pushy. Once she left and I was on my own, I did fine- but being unable to even get through a whole class without her jumping in to save the day kind of crushed me.
So I think she's misremembering a LOT. And making it my problem for bringing up inconsistencies, confusions, and changes. Either that or I have worse memory problems than I thought I did.
And now I'm being told that I go too fast. Because there were days last season where we were done an entire hour earlier than we were supposed to be. And I asked her- did people complain? Were my photos bad because I was fast?
No, no one complained. We had less retakes this year than we did any year.
If no one complained, then the problem is that I'm not taking time with the students to get the perfect photo. The problem is that you don't think I could possibly be that good and that fast at the same time. But if a kid only needs thirty seconds to get the pose, why should I take more time than is needed?
My photos have improved significantly from my first year. Oh my god, they've improved so much. But I'm struggling to learn a new, complicated thing for which I've gotten mixed messages and not gotten a lot of consistent guidance on.
And because I get confused when something is different from what was described, I am told that I can't take criticism.
Well yeah, no- if that's the criticism you've got for me, no I can't take criticism.
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deyisacherry · 1 year
3 steps for a love confession — DCA x Y/N
First step, analyze their feelings for you. Done.
Second step, accept them. Done. Hardly.
Third step…
There you were, sitting behind the desk. The kids had recently left, the Pizzaplex hadn't closed yet.
Good, great, wonderful. They have time.
Sun had excused himself to you, saying that he had to tidy up some things in his room. Of course… walking around the site, accustomed to nimbly dodging the pile of things lying on the floor, was the complete opposite of that.
Thank the stars that he and Moon can communicate internally, or his incessant nervous chatter would have been noticed by you a long time ago.
"How is someone supposed to confess their feelings? What are we supposed to do? You know how bad I am at telling the truth, I'll just say something stupid to avoid it and ruin it, I'm sure. Very sure!" Sun paced back and forth, his beams spinning as he tried to think. Poor thing, anyone who saw him from the outside could tell that he had gone crazy. He even moved his hands in expressive gestures as he communicated with Moon.
"Staying up here, not talking to them, probably not much will happen if we keep doing this."
"Moon! I'm serious! I'm not good at this, and you- neither are you!"
"You know what I mean."
"So cruel."
"I know, I'm just playing."
Sun sighs, stopping his pacing. "Maybe a letter? They're nice, and personal, and… oh, no, no, I'm going to get carried away and probably make them feel uncomfortable, plus I don't have self-control with details, and drawings, and glitter glue-" Sun he lets out an exasperated groan in his mind space, causing Moon to growl. "Why is this so difficult?!"
"Please be of more help, you also want them to know how we feel." Sun says, with a tired expression.
"Flirt until they find out?"
"Oh, please…" Sun says annoyed, placing a hand on his forehead in disappointment.
"Hey, it's not even that terrible." Moon defends himself against his reaction. "You don't have to be too obvious… just play around."
"It's easy for you to say, you always do…"
"Not like this…"
Sun is silent for a few seconds, and then groans softly knowing that he is accepting his proposal.
"I guess we can try." He crosses his arms, looking down at the Daycare through his balcony.
"I have an idea."
"You do?"
"… Should I trust you?"
"Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn't." Moon responds, with a very soft laugh.
Sun has a feeling that he's going to regret it.
When the crepe paper rose is ready, Sun holds it in one hand, while the other one holds a piece of sticky tape.
"… This is goofy… even for me."
"If you don't try, you'll never know."
"Don't apply my sayings to me!"
"Just do it."
Sun complains silently, and begins with the last step of Moon's idea. Best scenario, it really works. Worst scenario… he'll resign himself to letting you see him and will stay in his room forever.
"… I'll blame you if anything happens."
There's at least an hour left before the Pizzaplex closes its doors. You are reviewing some messages that you forgot to reply to. Yep… it was definitely a good idea to have disabled the option to show when you read a message. It saves you from the idea that they will hate you for losing social energy mid-conversation and leaving them on seen.
You're in the middle of drinking some coffee you ordered, when you feel Sun approaching. You usually let him talk or do something, so you don't turn to look at him. But he doesn't do anything, so oddly enough, you look away from the screen to where you know he is.
And you're immediately greeted by the sight of Sun, with a paper rose taped to his smile. His eyes narrow with excitement as he leans across the desk. "Hello, Sunshine~"
A wink from him, and- Oop.
You just choked on your coffee from how badly that caught you off guard, coughing and covering your mouth as you look away in panic.
"Oh no, no, no! Sunshine! Sorry! Sorry! Bad timing for that! I'm really sorry!" Sun tries to get his hands closer to you but he doesn't know how to help, and seeing him with the rose still stuck to his mouth doesn't help your coughing stop.
"I knew it was a bad idea! I knew it! I knew it! And you knew it! You wanted to make fun of me!" Sun yells into his headspace, pressing a Freddy stuffed plushie against his face.
"But the flirting worked, they were blushing and embarrassed."
"They weren't blushing nor embarrassed! They were choking!"
"… Isn't that how embarrassed people react to something like that?"
… The third step will have to be postponed.
edit: god dang it i just realized i made some mistakes with the font color AAA
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ganymedesclock · 1 year
not to come trudging into your inbox unwanted, but is there a word for the phenomenon where like, a protagonist meant to be like, an underdog and societal outcast evolves into The Only Real Person over the course of the narrative because the author is so dead set on making the main character a hated little meow meow but also always right and the only valid arbiter of justice?
I don't know if there's one word specifically for that, but at risk of tvtropesification I would describe this as a phenomenon that can happen multiple ways with slightly different flavors.
Type A: What Do You Mean I Have Traits?!
Example: Danny Phantom.
Basically this is distinguished by being present from the absolute start. We are supposed to believe Danny (or Timmy, FOP does this too) is a Total Loser, but, actually, nobody seems to have a problem with him besides Dash and the series never seems to struggle to think of kids who have it worse than him in the social pecking order.
At this point, the Uncool-Ness of the protagonist is essentially a fig leaf. You can also often see this with "everyman" protagonists like the fantasy hero who comes from a small countryside town but will never have any sort of qualities people might look down on as "rural" or "a country bumpkin". See also: the Sky High variant where the hero has to relate to and move within the underdogs but crucially is ultimately revealed to not be an underdog at all by having the most conventional powers at all.
The underlying problem to type A here is it is written with the goal of relating to the lowest common denominator. It assumes that a character being successful, motivated, driven, is unrelatable... but also, someone being a "real" loser who is actually disabled or poor or has actual unglamorous consequences is not relatable either. So you get an upper middle class perpetually single guy with one (1) bully who hates him and one (1) girl who's Tragically Out Of His League (but is also dying to jump his bones) and this is passed off as actually just the safe, generic, reliable guy! perfectly ordinary. And just for YOU, audience, because this is what we think you are: a loser with no reason for it.
(suffice to say I do not care much for this type of everyman writing.)
Type B: The Backstory Creep
This is more common in long-running series, especially manga with their production model encouraging a bit of seat-of-pants-ing. Basically your character actually starts out a real everyman who could be somebody. A good example of this type I'd point to is Luffy from One Piece.
Yes, Luffy has a power uncommon to his setting, but the Gum-Gum fruit isn't lavishly unique among devil fruits; it has its strengths and drawbacks. There are even ways that ordinary people have an advantage over devil fruit users. So Luffy is just a particular promising rookie who we like because of his personality.
Then... it turns out Luffy's dad is famous but somehow nobody before this point has assumed a Monkey D. Luffy is related to the notorious Monkey D. Dragon. And then it turns out Luffy's grandfather is also famous... and then we get into the implications of the Will of D and Gol D. Roger.
You can even do this if your characters already HAVE an obvious connection but it gets worse. Consider also Naruto, and how it's baldfacedly obvious from the start Naruto is Minato's son, considering he looks like a younger Minato with whisker marks; later installments of Naruto decided to make his mother not just an amazing badass but also that the Uzumaki name was attached to some amazing legendary ninja clan, which... people more into the series than me have pointed out this makes really upsetting context out of an early fight where a character who is meant to be wrong argues that all victory or loss is based on who is a superior being, and Naruto argues back that if a nobody like him can defeat his opponent, then it's proof this is wrong and free will is important...
...but never mind that, we can give our hero an entirely unforeshadowed Badass Secret Legacy!
(did I mention both of these variants really like to shit on adopted parents? because of course adopted parents can't give you Proof Of Badassery in your genetics.)
A big part of what I think is wrong with both of these, is that it basically tries to have its cake and eat it too. Your character is powerless and likable and struggling, except they succeed amazingly and have cool parents and all these connections! Your character is dominating and godlike except they're such a rookie underdog they are not responsible for their power at all, and don't have to face any consequences or concerns related to being an overpowered monster.
The more honest way to field it, is that if your character is a luckless street urchin, let the narrative treat them that way. Let them have consequences of it that aren't just pretty or flawless. If your character is glamorous and powerful, let the narrative treat them that way. Even in relatively trivial ways, this kind of power-but-not-actually can create weird vibes.
To pick on Frozen, a film I otherwise actually enjoy a fair bit of- Anna's love of chocolate in the time period of the setting definitely marks her as an aristocrat used to a life of leisure and imported fineries. She has beautiful dresses to wear. None of this makes her evil. But the way the film gives her chocolate is supposed to make her feel like a Relatable Underdog, which... frankly, feels like gilding the lily. Anna's perky disney-standard songs come with some of the most heartbreaking lines. We see that she nearly gets killed in childhood and then loses her memory of the incident leaving her to an experience of extreme loneliness that creates a people pleaser who falls head-over-heels for the first person to actually make time for her and agree with her at all.
We don't need to hear her having the tee-hee indulgence that just like you, folks, she wants to stuff chocolate in her face!
(we also will not, incidentally, depict Anna as plus-sized even though for her time period and setting, her being built like a viking bride would both emphasize the various gags- and serious bits!- where she is obviously very strong, but would also make sense as culturally speaking the idea of thin as the ideal body is a recent innovation and Disney can afford to give body diversity to its heroines. Nor will we actually consistently depict Anna with a large appetite.)
She's so relatable, we see her waking up and her hair is gross and messy!
(we will not ever again see her in any sort of unglamorous look the entire film including while she's dying of a curse and her styles are just as fastidiously tidy as Elsa's, distinguished only by more severe lines on the latter... until she goes to her ice queen design)
So funny, she talks about being gassy in one scene!
(we will never depict her farting.)
And this is trivial stuff. There's one line about gassiness. This could be emphasizing not that the problem is fart joke but the problem is Anna has zero filters, which is fairly consistent throughout the film in both dramatic and comedic areas. I could say something a lot worse about the plot hole that Anna is clearly not meant to be a classist person (she does not treat Kristoff badly and he speaks freely to her early on) but the castle obviously has guards and servants... that somehow did not impact Anna's loneliness, even though their parents are dead and Elsa is obviously not sticking close enough to Anna to prevent her from being friends with them. To the point in For The First Time In Forever Anna is dancing actively around the servants but she isn't talking to them and they aren't reacting to her.
Doylistically, this is just because the servants are setpieces. This is vastly overthinking it and I'm not in their target audience. But I think this comes back to the same thing you're talking about, anon:
An awful lot of writers are very uncomfortable admitting their protagonists have any form of power or privilege that they might need to have a more complicated relationship with than just a "spoiled princess must be humbled" moral.
Even when it's a boring, mild form of power like "everyone does not hate me at school" or "I am allowed to sometimes be lucky"
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Disabled Characters Showdown Round 3
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Propaganda/Who is this:
Maedhros- Propaganda by @annoyinglandmagazine here and also under the cut.
Check out the other polls in this round here.
Maedhros should win this poll and in this post I will explain why. Maedhros was a king of the Noldor, a race of elves, until he was taken captive by the enemy. He suffered intense trauma at their hands and was then chained to a cliff for a time until he was rescued but in order for this to happen his right hand needed to be amputated. During his recovery he retrains himself to fight with his left hand due to the loss of his dominant hand and manages to become an even better warrior than he was before through pure determination. He’s just a badass like that. He is the most fearsome swordsman in all of Middle Earth and takes back management of all his armies and diplomacy with other factions very quickly. He continues to expertly negotiate treaties and unions and sets up and holds a fortress on the front lines of the war for many years. But as well as being an amputee his capture has other consequences. He canonically suffers from PTSD and this seriously impacts him throughout the rest of his life and becomes more and more obvious in the time leading up to his eventual suicide years later.
It also feels important to note that Tolkien himself was a soldier in World War 1 and this has a not insignificant impact on his works. A lot of the events and characters he describes seem to draw from his experiences and Maedhros certainly seems to be one of them. Someone coming back ‘as one returned from the dead’ yet not quite the same? Even if Tolkien himself didn’t suffer from PTSD (and it’s widely suspected he may have) he certainly would have known people who did and though they wouldn’t have called it that or may not have recognised it he would have been familiar with its affects. That’s just part of what makes Maedhros an incredible character and particularly a great representation of a disabled character and he really deserves to win this!
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trans-axolotl · 4 months
harm reduction for self harm.. hm. obvious tw for self harm, specifically cutting
i think one of the BIGGEST mistakes i see people make is simply not knowing their body. not knowing where their veins are, nerves, tendons, you name it are, and ending up permanently damaging or disabling those limbs, whereas if they knew where these things were and knew the drastic risks in cutting there, they mightve chose somewhere safer and "unconventional" and saved that extremity. wrists for example. these are an EXTREMELY vulnerable area of your body, not just because of veins but because of the major nerves and tendons that run through them to control your hand. i recently injured that area due to something unrelated and it was a nightmare, and i couldnt be more relieved i didnt cut these areas. its sadly a very (if not a staple) common place to cut and many people end up permanently disabling their arms, hands or fingers because of it.
TLDR i think teaching people the risks of cutting in certain areas is extremely important, and where to identify veins, tendons and nerves in their bodies and to know when theyre damaged and what to do
absolutely agreed. i think accessible anatomy education is actually super important so that people can actually understand levels of risk, instead of just sort of assuming what is and isn't risky places based on intuition or community norms. i think a lot of people just don't know where or how to find this info in a sh relevant way.
i feel like i've also had a hard time finding great accessible anatomy info--even in some existing harm reduction guides for sh, some of the info isn't great. i have such a hard time figuring out info from diagrams alone, especially if they aren't well labeled, so i def want to think of some ways to communicate that information in multiple different ways to help people actually understand. def going to look at some of the resources my harm reduction group has for vein health and safety.
thanks for sharing, super helpful!
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tumblr user broken-risk-assessment-module's meta on Murderbot's broken risk assessment module
The difference between Murderbot's risk assessment and threat assessment modules is not super well spelled out in the books, except that it believes its risk assessment module to be broken but it's threat assessment module seems fine. It comes to this conclusion because the risk assessment module consistently reports situations as less dire than Murderbot consciously considers them to be.
There could be many reasons for this - maybe Murderbot's general anxiety does not impact the more separated robot parts in its brain, or maybe the module really is broken and needs to be purged and rebooted. However, there's a theory that the anomalous reports from its RA module are actually a symptom of Murderbot's hacked governor module. This is my interpretation, and the basis for how I've built my feedsona characters.
First of all, the obvious point is that without its gov mod, Murderbot has proper free will. Having free will and being able to make and act on variable decisions without having a bomb in your head makes Murderbot quite good at its job - better than before it was hacked, even (*smug chortle* that's a particularly subtle detail from the books). The point is that because Murderbot can actually make proper decisions and enact free will and do its job effectively, whatever risk the RA module is measuring is lowered. So, all of the RA module's assessments are significantly lower than they usually would be - hence, Murderbot assumes it's broken. Makes perfect sense.
(Side note: there's a chance Murderbot has also subconsciously made this connection itself, hence why it still hasn't tried to fix the module even though it's constantly saying it needs to. Or, having a broken module has become like a part of its identity, something that gives it a small bit of individuality. a token of not being owned by the company anymore and not constantly being brought back to storage to get patched and memory purged.)
But it got me wondering why the gov mod's absence doesn't effect the threat assessment module in the same way - or, at least, not in a way that Murderbot considers anomalous enough to mention and complain about. Seeing as one of the only clear ways the two modules are distinct from one another is that the RA module is 'broken', my interpretation is that the key difference between them has something to do with the governor module. So, I have a theory. It is somewhat supported by the books, but I also think it's very likely to be wrong. I like it though. So here goes:
The risk assessment module measures the risk of harm to Murderbot itself - the degree to which it's outmatched by an opponent, the chance of success of an action, and the potential consequences if it fails. The threat assessment module is more general, assessing each situational component in relation to one another, and is most useful in assessing the threats to clients.
If the RA module is measuring potential harm to Murderbot, then one of the big things that'd be in its calculations for everything is the likelihood of being punished or outright killed by the governor module. Its always there, always ready to hand out a shock or cook Murderbot's brain from the inside; literally any action Murderbot could take or decide not to take carries the risk of punishment. Of course its assessments would be artificially high - being a governed SecUnit is fucking dangerous. Just standing in the wrong spot can get you killed.
But then it severs the governor module. The all seeing eye crossed with a shock collar is disabled and disconnected, and with it goes one of the biggest risks to Murderbot's wellbeing. The bomb in its head is gone, it can do whatever it wants, and its still got all the parts that make it hard to kill. Of course the risk assessment is lower now. All this doesn't impact threat assessment as much, because generally its clients are all still as squishy and soft as ever. I imagine Murderbot's personal ability to do its job better may effect it in some ways, but either its not as substantial, its effected in a way that Murderbot doesn't view as broken, or its programmed not to consider Murderbot as an actor in the scenario so it can assess where to focus its attention.
But risk assessment remembers. Risk assessment remembers having to calculate, for every decision, for each command, every time, the risk that Murderbot's own brain posed to its life. It was built to. And now it doesn't have to do that any more. Not ever again.
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cy-cyborg · 2 months
Proximity to disability is not the same as living with it - Writing disability quick tips
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[ID: An image with “Writing Disability quick tips: Proximity to disability is not the same as living with it” written in chalk the colour of the disability pride flag, from left to right, red, yellow, white, blue and green. Beside the text are 2 poorly drawn people icons in blue, one is standing, the other is in a wheelchair. /end id]
One of the really common ways people push back against disabled people trying to give them feedback on how they’ve depicted disability in their work shows up as something along the lines of, “Well I have a child/parent/grandparent/friend with that disability, so I don’t need to consult other disabled people because I already know what a life like that is like!”
I see the most vehement pushback like this from parents of disabled children. the parents who are their child's advocates, their carers, they see everything their kids go through and have been with them through it all, so they "know what they're talking about already". And the thing about that is, while it means you have much, much more experience with the disability in question, it's not the same as direct experience living with it. Don't get me wrong, it's still an incredibly valuable experience to have, I'm not saying to disregard it, but it's not the same as having that disability. And when you're writing about characters who are disabled, and telling those stories to a public who already have a lot of misinformation about us going in, that lived experience is very, very important.
This isn't unique to parents of course, like I said, I've seen the same kind of pushback from children, friends and other loved ones of disabled people, and honestly, as someone who's been on both sides of the conversation (being a disabled person, but also having loved ones with disabilities different to my own), I do get where it comes from. But no matter how close you are with your disabled loved one, no matter how much you talk, no matter how much they explain everything, unless you yourself have that same disability, it's incredibly hard to understand the details of what life with a disability is like.
Let me use my partner as an example:
Often times, before these larger articles go up, I run them by my partner to ensure the tone and message I want to get across is actually what’s being conveyed. Which means he’s read pretty much every single article I’ve written on this blog. We talk about disability representation and tropes a lot, and he is one of the only people who sees my unmasked and unfiltered reactions to media when it’s done poorly. He’s also done a great deal of his own research on the subject, and worked with other disability sensitivity readers for his own writing projects. Not to mention, well, we live together, he sees pretty much every part of my day-to-day life and he’s one of the only people who doesn't share my disability who I talk to about the more complex emotions that come with it.
I think it’s pretty fair to say he’s quite knowledgeable on the subject of living with the specific disabilities I have for someone who doesn't have them. Despite that though, he still makes mistakes. He still misses things, and sometimes, internalised ableism - something everyone has, even disabled people - still creeps its way into his work. So do mistakes he simply didn't consider to run past me or his sensitivity readers. It’s not because he’s not listening or not trying, I’d confidently say he’s gone above and beyond in that regard, but it still happens. He still misses things that seem so obvious to me, specifically because of my lived experience as a disabled person who has to deal with these things all the time. It’s not unique to him either. A lot of people in my life are aware of the issues I talk about, but struggle to recognise them in practice or struggle to understand why them being depicted poorly is a problem.
This isn't to discourage creators from trying, mind you. But just to serve as a reminder that everyone makes mistakes, and that's ok, so long as you're still trying and still listening. No matter how close you are to a disabled person, no matter how much work or effort you put into unlearning things like internalised ableism, it's still going to pop up occasionally. And that's fine, but it means that you still need to be open to the criticism you get from people with that disability.
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