#but if yall hate that idea i wont
gallifreyanhotfive · 2 months
Ngl with my watching the show fic I have spent every other moment for the last several months wishing I had added some classic who companions to the chaos lol.
Especially Tegan, Nyssa, and Ace.
And now especially given what I'm doing after The Giggle.
Might throw them in there after The Giggle concludes right in time for the interlude, unless y'all think that's a shite idea.
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
Pebbles hating on Sun? I'm here for it. I love your version of Suns so much because it just encapsulates all their flaws that people often ignore. Is this my Pebbles bias speaking? Yes absolutely. Nobody LETS Pebbles be angry towards Suns when he has every right to. They just let the anger be outweighed or completely ignored in the favor of Pebbles own screwups.
I want to see Pebbles come into his own, decide he has worth as a living person, and there is value in living. Then, as someone who values his OWN worth, realize that Suns was toxic. That their friendship and mentorship was toxic. Let him be angry and let him cut that out of his life so he can focus on righting his own wrongs (which Pebbles does canonically anyways).
Realistically, Sun's and Pebble's friendship would never be the same. Even if Pebbles forgave Suns, I can't see their relationship being anything but strained. Moon and Pebble's situation cannot be compared to this since Moon is A. extremely forgiving/patient and B. her collapse was an accident on Pebble's part. She was angry yes but chose to rekindle her relationship with Pebbles in the end.
Five Pebbles is a completely different person from Moon and has a right to handle his mentorship with Suns in HIS way. So yeah, I cannot see off the string Pebbles doing anything but trying to heal from what Suns did to him (while also dealing with his own guilt).
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here's a treat cuz oh i Know you are here for this, every time my version of these two are mentioned you come runnin jgksdlmcklsdm
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Hey trouble- mb/idea
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Okay i've had this idea-so-Tom the third fic, son of Voldemort n all that-Mattheo is there to as the little brother-takes place in '2nd' year, Tom is 16 and his brother Mattheo is 12. Tom just wants to get through the year and do his prefect duties and not implode.
But surprise, there's a new trouble maker in town, (y/n) Granger, older sister of 'goody two shoes' Hermione. (y/n) moved to America when she was a bit younger due to...reasons and has finally moved back home and turns out-she's also a witch and so she joins Hogwarts for her 6th year of schooling, gets sorted into Slytherin as well because fun.
She's a smoker, she's got piercings, she's got tattoos, short choppy hair and a punk style and attitude, and she draws Tom's attention the day he goes to Diagon Alley to collect his things for the upcoming school year. She spots him too, and when she asks Hermione who 'tall dark and handsome' is, Hermione warns her big sister that Tom is trouble-being who he is. Tom ignores their conversation but (y/n) smirks. she likes trouble.
Anyway-'goody two shoes' prefect Tom who has perfect attendance and perfect grades meets punk Granger, who also has good grades and attendance because punk doesn't mean stupid, who slowly gets under Tom's skin-blowing smoke at his face and teasing him at every turn, trying to see just how much trouble Tom can be.
"Hey Trouble," Tom sneers at the nickname he suddenly gained from (y/n) Granger, he felt it fit her more than him, but she seemed keen on calling him that at every turn.
Just-i have this vivid image of smoker (y/n)/reader grabbing Tom by his chin and blowing her smoke into his mouth, and its either cigarette smoke or weed smoke-im a fan of both-and 'Perfect' Tom is just-kinda corrupted by (y/n) Granger, the punk older sister of bookworm Hermione-something no one expected.
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minglana · 1 year
its just. when i start thinking about it its already a bad sign that something terrible (me not going to the exam) is afoot. i really am just. not gonna end up going tomorrow and ill endup having to study for 4 exams in less than 2 weeks huh
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arolesbianism · 8 months
Bro what do you mean endori is only 4 events from the graduation event. Stop it stop it Now
#rat rambles#band posting#bro theyre on the yukiran event rn with crying ran its so jover#yall arent allowed to be catching up thats illegal#well ok saying theyre catching up is egagerating a bit but still thats so scary#I only noticed this because Ive been thinking abt yukiran again because I alas love them still and I found out thats the current event in en#bro once mygo is in en thats rly when its going to be jover#and you know if endori does succeed in catching up one day theyll be in shambles immediately afterwards#although who knows I havent been keeping up with endori so maybe its miraculously become a functional english server again#like idk endori has never been perfect but at least its almost always been more usable than ensekai lol#bro the song list ui alone is enough to make me wanna beg ensekai players to delete it#its ridiculously ugly and unprofessional and also I hate a lot of the english names for songs (~close to grey~ is the big one for me)#also just in general ensekai is incredibly ugly and unstable even by sekai standards and it has done nothing to earn my trust in any regard#like idk if you care at all abt the actual rhythm game part of it I see no reason to not get the japanese version#like I get wanting to have a convienent place to read all the stories translated (even if I do Not trust the translators)#but like even with bndori which I started and played on endori for well over a year I still ended up drifting to jpdori as my main#the massively expanded songlist and up to date events just seem impossible to give up to me if you know how to access them#like ofc I wont go yelling at ppl to play on jp servers (plus theyd make multilives Much more unbarable) idc that much lol#but still I think if you can its a good idea to make a jp account if only so you can play jp exclusive songs if you want#this applies to both sekai and bndori to be clear although Id forgive an endori player for wanting to savor the old ui while they can lol#sekais new ui is fine but bndori's is literally sooooo ugly such a massive downgrade#also while I dont hate the new art direction as much as some ppl I definitely think its worse than the old one by a lot#its so dusty now </3#anyways I got off topic there time to stop talking
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So the biggest exam of my semester is in 59 hours and I'm too tired to do any kind of work. Please send help. This is fine.
#sorry for spamming on here but im too tired to care#chronic illness is so funn yall#ive gotten through 66% of my preparations/the curriculum so this is shaping up to be my worst semester result wise ever#which is fine. i mean it is what it is but i had a full on week long break down a year and a half ago for getting a c so this might be fun#gotta love gifted kid syndrome#what do you mean i cant just get straight As now that im only able to do like 25-30 hours work a week and also had major surgery#this semester 😲#i mean itll be fine. unless i have spectacularly bad luck i wont be drawn both in orthopaedic and kbp#and barring that i really probably wont fail or anything#i might even get lucky and get drawn in like SCa and oncology or pain conditions in which case i might even get an a but like...#im probably realistically speaking at like a D. which is fine. its fine. really.#ill just have to get comfortable with the idea and also maybe if im not too sick work some on kbp#orthopaedics can suck my dick honestly. except fractures. fractures can stay theyre alright.#fucking knee and shoulder pathology in orthopaedics however is the fucking worst and i hate the existence of both shoulders and knees wirh#a burning passion atm#he said having been unable to study for like two days and needing a 5 hour lie down after attending a 3 hour seminar earlier in the week#surely that has nothing to do with my current condition#or predicament rather#anyways yeah i love rambling in the tags when im too tired to function properly#not space
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local minima rn lads.
#i cannot like put in words exactly what it is about my mom that does it for me#like to an outsider it would sound like a normal slightly rude interaction. and i couldnt tell you which part makes me feel bad#or why i feel like that. i just. my mind treats her differently than everyone else. i dont clock anyone's position in a room like i do hers#i am always so Aware. and. ive been grey rocking her now. its the only possible card up my sleeve tbh. no plan b.#she just...#acts all plaintive and innocent while pushing the exact buttons that make me shut down and go cold. and i end up looking#so heartless and cruel in front of someone who does everything for me and receives only hate back. when its just.#not true..#i am so fucking tired of feeling like. like someone scooped a part of my chest out. with like an ice cream scoop every time this#happens#like so tired and HOLLOW#and its not the sort of thing i can explain to someone? its not like someone just called me a slur or cheated on me or whatever#nobody will GET it. like yes you just had a conversation where you were rather rude why is this causing a depressive episode#and just. by nobody i mean everyone who i know who also knows her and also most people who dont know her wont get it#yall got no idea#how much i wanna run away. im fucking desperate okay#i will literally do anything#i need a nap every time i talk to her which sucks because ive got nobody else to talk to.#so there's a lot of sleeping going on here#so much sleeping#just a couple months dante. just. ive done years and years of this. i can do a couple months more.#go to college and then its sayonara you weeaboo shits for everyone here#honestly i was scared of leaving everything i know behind before#but i think im realising i dont really have anything worth keeping here.#i was all like ohh i wont have any family or anyone to fall back on when im in trouble#and then i realised i dont have that anyway. I'd rather figure my problems out on my own than deal with toxic people on top#which is a pretty fucking good realisation peopleos#anyway. hyping myself up to keep from having a breakdown now#godspeed ME
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meejijis · 1 year
The fact that I have a lot of bad history when it comes to fandoms and having to block people I’ve hated/made me uncomfortable but I always have to run into the ppl i’ve blocked complain about me for blocking them when it’s none of yalls fucking business. I have every right to be uncomfortable and block yall out of my life. Deal with it and move on with your own life
#rant#i cant tell you the number amount of times i had to deal with annoying ppl that couldnt handle being blocked by me#ive had some of the ppl i blocked had their friends coming into my dms asking me why i blocked their friend and demanding me to#unblock their friend#fucking insane#why should i have to tell anyone why i blocked someone. damn#i especially hate it when ppl take this problem out into the public and expose the person that blocked them. invasion of privacy much???#fucking dick move#most of the ppl i always blocked from fandoms were from DSP and Sham*n K*ng#dsp has a lot of certain fans I personally cannot vibe with and they make me uncomfortable as fuck#as for SK because 90% of the entire fandom hates renmei and ostracizes its fans fuck yall#i cant deal with that shit. why should i let anti renmei ppl trample all over me with their toxic negativity hate.#i also cant stand to see the ship hate ren x jeanne gets on a daily basis so i blocked everyone that are against renmei#its win win because basically i respect antis and they wont have to run into the thing they hate!#but no some of yall cant handle being blocked. well guess what DEAL WITH IT#imagine hating a ship so much it makes you uncomfortable but cant stand the idea of getting blocked by the shipper that post that notp.#almost as if they had this mindset of you cant block me only I get to block you first bs#anyways im still really pissed off about this. i wish ppl would just leave me tf alone and move on with their fucking life. damn
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feralfens · 2 years
this blog hates respectability politics/the falacy of respectability
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arabellaawrites · 6 days
infrunami | cl16
[ drabble ]
by which, she loved him too early, he loved her too late
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
warnings: none
a/n: hello everyone! this is my first fic ever and I'm so happy with how this turned out! I hope it was an enjoyable experience and I hope there wasn't any element that was unpleasant or unenjoyable for yall! I'm aware that it lacks dialogue and everything is past paced and doesn't have much room for detail! I swear I'm working on that and once I've perfected that art, I hope my writing will be more enchanted etc! alright enough yapping. enjoy the fic!
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back then, you and arthur hated watching charles kart. the idea that you both needed to sit under the scorching monegasque sun for afew hours was never exciting but at least you get to watch arthur’s older brother, charles, kart. you’ve always fancied charles ever since arthur introduced you to him at the playground.
he was 3 years older then you and was the exact opposite of arthur, he was matured, well mannered and wasn't childish like you both were. that's what you love so much about him.
until he started going around europe to join racing series, when Arthur broke the news to you, you acted like it wasn't a big deal. you'll still get to see him on the television or during family holidays, right?. but that also means you'll be seeing him once a week or every few months, eventually a week turned into a month, a month turned into a year until suddenly you wont be seeing him at all which broke heart.
soon it was arthur who left you to follow in charles footsteps, racing across europe, joining f4 and achieving great things. unlike Charles, Arthur still kept in contact with you, constantly inviting you to his races and you both still enjoyed each others company, f4 soon turned into f3 and nothing has changed you still admired Charles from afar and Arthur would constantly ask "do you still have a crush on Charles?" or the occasional "y/n you have to let go" but you never did, Charles was your first love and you wanted him and only him.
every night you sleep in bed, tossing and turning, with arthurs voice continuously replaying in your head, but he was right you do have to let go.
when Charles first debuted for formula 1 for haas was when he first reached out to you in years with no contact. inviting you to join the paddock, to see him race in the pinnacle of motorsport, you were above and beyond the moon. strutting down the paddock next to Pascale and Arthur towards the hospitaly while also trying not to pay focus on the ever lasting sounds of camera shutters and kept your composure.
it has been years since then now Charles was in his 6 years in formula 1 and you have never been prouder, seeing him through his ups and down, supporting him through out all the hardships that this sport had caused him.
you often found yourself in and out of college trying to balance study with the constant travel to different races to support your best boys, Arthur and Charles. which alway lead you to end up in his, Charles, driver room before a race reassuring that he'll be fine and his team wont let him down again.
"your the best, y/n" he smiles before suiting up, making you stunned in place with a subtle blush spread across your face as you took his compliment.
barcelona 2023, and you just arrived at the Ferrari hospitality per usual, greeting the staff and Ferrari mechanics as your make your way inside until you bumped into someone making you tumble back as the mysterious man reaches for your waist, holding you steady, you smiled at him and apologized which made him smile back and that's where thing took off.
ever since that day you took has been seeing each other non stop and with that it ruined you and Charles relationship, plans were often cancelled, phone calls were usually ignored and text messages were left unopened. this took a toll on Charles, he's new profound feelings for you was too strong and by the time he realized that he has fallen, it was too late.
"mate please!"
Charles begged to Arthur over the phone, trying to figure out what his feelings were and was trying to piece in the clues in himself. he was frustrated, angry and confused he loved you but it was too late.
while you were living your best life, you had a partner in bed, your home always had that comfortable warm presence of your new boyfriend everything felt perfect, he was everything you ever wanted.
he was also everything Charles ever wanted to be, your man.
until one rainy Tuesday afternoon where everything went downhill, you just came home from them store and was welcome home by the repetitive sound of feminine moans that rang threw out the house. your groceries dropped to the floor followed by the sound of glass in your bag smashing which made the moans stop and your boyfriend ran out to where you were standing. "please I can explain this-" he frantically said while holding on to you as you tried to push him away, "I-ive heard enough! just leave and get your stuff while your at it!" tears swell your eyes as you tried to swallow the horrid sensation in your throat and pushed him away before running back into the rain and in your car. you broke down in heavy tears, your heart ache with hurt and sorrow as you try to make way to Charles place.
"y/n- who did this to you..?"
Charles said as he watches you stand in the rain, mascara running down your face and your clothes all soaking wet, without hesitation he pulled you inside and wrapped a towel around you,
" he cheated on me! how could he-"
you sobs onto him, "he was my-" hiccups "he was my everything and he just!"
you weeped into his chest as he held you tight and tried to calm you down. eventually you stopped crying and lifted your head from his chest
"cha.." you called out to him as he stroked your head and then looking down on you.
"know that I've-" you were cut off "yes I've known...I was an idiot, y/n...I realized too late. I really did love you...I was.." he sighed and looked down at her, "give me another chance, y/n.."
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barbies1shots · 26 days
more toxic sukuna 😔
you all are NASTYYY !!! yall toxic sukuna is not for the weak , heres pt1 freaks .
giving my thanks to @thataintyohoeee for bits of this idea .
☆ - TOXIC themes , choking , mentions of stalking , calling the 😼 'she/her' , full nelson , abuse , hints at cheating (sukuna) , mentions of manipulation , mentions of murder , mentions of suicide , body fluids, possessive themes , obsessive themes , reader tries to be a boss bitch but cant stick up for herself , this and YOU guys who support this is genuinely concerning
read at your own risk
toxic!sukuna who you broke up with multiple months ago yet still comes around, claiming that youre the only one he really wants. that no other woman can replace you.
toxic!sukuna who goes to the club the next night and flirts with 2 women before taking them home.
toxic!sukuna who send you photos and videos of him fucking them dumb but saying that they can never compare.
toxic!sukuna who shows up at your house in the middle of the night, completely drunk and off his ass saying that he regrets everything he did. the abuse and manipulation.
toxic!sukuna who presses his face into your chest, pleading for you to take him back.
"Please, please, i didnt mean anything i did or said. ill be better for you. i make you the center of my life, the center of my soul. ill change just for you. I wont hurt you again, Ill love you more than i love myself."
toxic!sukuna who tries to hide his smirk once you accepted him into your home with a heavy heart.
toxic!sukuna who goes to your bathroom to clean himself up but ends up stuffing multiple pairs of dirty underwear into his pants pockets.
toxic!sukuna who licks his lips as he knows that you can not resist him, youre just too caring and compassionate.
toxic!sukuna who sat next to you on the couch after you asked him if he wanted to watch a movie.
toxic!sukuna who has his tongue down your throat and a hand between your thighs by the first 10 minutes of the movie.
toxic!sukuna who keeps pushing at your chest untill your back is pressed into the couch cushions despite your small protests.
toxic!sukuna who continues to take your breath away even after you told the man you wanted a break.
toxic!sukuna who stares blankly at your back as you walked away after you successfully shoved him off and walked into the kitchen.
toxic!sukuna who follows after you and pins you against the kichen counter, his hips pressed into yours so much that it begins to hurt your pelvis and hips as the kitchen counter dug into your skin
toxic!sukuna who wraps a hand around your neck and doesnt let up even after you begin gurgling on your own spit.
toxic!sukuna who smiles in delight when your claw desperately at his skin, drawling blood.
toxic!sukuna who shoves your night shorts down your legs and shoves another hand under your ass.
toxic!sukuna who releases his hand on your neck and shoves your upper back untill your bent over the counter.
toxic!sukuna who lands a slap on your sensitive cunt, pulling a shrill cry from your lips.
toxic!sukuna who just keeps slapping your lower body even after you reach a hand back to cover yourself from his relentless strikes.
toxic!sukuna who sees the counter wet from your snot and tears and grabs your hair to pull you up.
toxic!sukuna who runs a long tongue over your face, licking up everything on it. Tears, spit, snot.
toxic!sukuna who laughs as your sudder in disgust.
toxic!sukuna who pulls your lower lips apart just to look at the damage done, all the slick dripping down your plump thighs.
toxic!sukuna who bends down to pick you up, legs way above your head and completely at his mercy.
toxic!sukuna who jerks your body just to watch your breasts jump with every convenience.
"Let me go, Ryomen! I let you in my house so you dont have to gravel at my feet like a lost puppy! We broke up so long ago, you cheated on me, you tried to manipulate me, you abused me! I hate you!"
toxic!sukuna who listens to your hateful rambling with a smile on his face.
toxic!sukuna who slams himself in your cunt, cutting off every little thought in your small head.
toxic!sukuna who rails you even with how long your cries are.
toxic!sukuna who stops for a second and walks to the bathroom mirror, forcing yourself to watch how he drops you up and down on his dick.
"I didnt do shit to you, (name). You wanted this! you begged me every night to come over, dont think i didnt forget that. Dont think i didnt forget you sending me videos of you fucking yourself raw each night and sending me videos at 2am!"
"you cant ever run from me. i will always be with you, by you, infront of you, behind you... watching you!"
toxic!sukuna who growled those words into your ears as you cried and came on his dick again.
toxic!sukuna who coos mockingly as you beg him to slow down and let you have a break.
toxic!sukuna who claims your cunt loves it so much that shes squeezing him extra tight tonight.
toxic!sukuna who groans loudly after you tighten up.
toxic!sukuna who threatens to kill everyone you know after you begged him for help.
toxic!sukuna who threatened to kill you while youre stuff with his dick, that he has your life in his hands.
toxic!sukuna who then threatened to kill himself after eveything because you cant go into the after life without him.
toxic!sukuna who drops your spent body on the bed, getting behind you and says hell fuck you untill the sun comes up.
toxic!sukuna who you wont ever get rid of, who will always be there.
"Ive told you multiple times, baby. you cant run from me."
there you freaks go , part2 of toxic sukuna .
- aizawas BARB !
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eddieshellfxre · 2 years
Sugar Me
Eddie Munson x Fem! reader
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: Eddie is your best friend and you tell him your into choking
content: 18+ unprotected PIV sex, masturbation, creampie, choking, swearing, smut, slut calling
a/n ive had this idea for a while, for some reason best friend Eddie always gets in a special way. I hope yall like it.
reblog and like if you do ♡
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In your room Eddie is helping you clean up for the first time in his life. He doesnt really know what hes doing, hes just gathering clothes and putting near your laundry basket
“you do realise you can open the basket and chuck the clothes inside right?” you ask placing your hands on your hips raising a brow “ugh” you sigh “just go sit down ill do it” you say as you command him to sit on a chair at your desk and he was more than happy to do so. He was your best friend but that boy cant do anything to save his life
You feel his gaze watching you bend over and picking up all the clothes he left on the floor. You pick a armful of it and chuck in the basket, letting a pair of panties fall out of your arms, Eddie quickly stands up and grabs it and hands it over to you hanging by his pointer finger
“you left these out” he says with a smirk on his face. You feel heat radiate from your cheeks and it makes Eddie laugh “ohhhh cmon dont go shy on me just because i picked up your … dirty underwear” he says while looking at you up and down the entire time, his breathing becomes shaky at his last words and his lips turn into a cocky smile, he turns his back and makes his way to the chair he previously was sat on.
You sit on the edge of your bed, tired from cleaning your room and high out of your mind because youve been smoking with eddie the entire time and talking about random things until the conversation gets kinda heated with you talking about various kinks, its not something out of the ordinary with you guys, it happened very frequent because you were so comfortable with each other
“but have you ever been choked? how do you know you like it so much?” he questions you “ive seen the guys you dated and NONE of them seem like the bdsm type”
“i know i like it because ive done it myself you idiot” Eddie raises an eyebrow in interest, forming a smile he reajusts himself on the chair
“wait so youre telling me…. you’ve choked yourself? like… when you—“
“Gosh Eddie, ive choked myself while getting off. if no one will do it for me might as well do it myself” you scoff placing the blunt between your lips. Eddie looks at you surprised to see this side of you, he thought he knew everything about you but this took him by surprise “dont look at me like that Eddie, i bet you have kinks of your own that would make me squirm”
“oh this didnt make me squirm baby, it made me curious as fuck” he says taking the blunt away from you. its a love hate feeling when he calls you baby, its not often but he does it so out of the blue it takes you by surprise each time
you notice how he cant keep still, like something is bothering him during the conversation
“is everything alright Ed? you seem like you wanna say something but wont” you question as you dangle your legs at the end of the bed while you rest yourself on your arms, making your shirt rise up just enough to show your lower belly. Eddie keeps almost eye fucking you the whole time always moving in his chair. You notice he has never looked at you like this way, you cant help but feel nervous at this
“cmon i know you wanna ask me something just do it already, it cant be worst than me telling you i choke myself when i get off” you laugh
“wha-what do you think about when you touch yourself” his eyes pierce you to the bed and you feel like you cant move.
“it depends” you say rubbing your legs against each other
you wanted to just tell him hes what you think about late at night alone in your room. he cant keep his eyes off you as you make small sensual moves on the bed bitting your lip while looking at him, you do it on purpose, you wanna see what kind of reaction you could get off him. you notice he has a tight hold on his crotch and lightbulb lights up in your head making you jump of the bed walking over to the chair that hes sitting on, resting your hands on his thighs you come closer to his ear and whisper “i like thinking about you Eddie” you take his earlobe between your teeth and tug at it slightly, hips buck in his seat and his knuckles turn white from how hard hes gripping onto the arm rest of the chair, you let out a laugh and stand up in front of him. one hand still holding onto his crotch you feel his other hand trail up your thigh stopping at your ass
“how about you show me exactly what it is that you do when you think about me” he squeezes your ass tight in his palm.
Eddie stands up, youre now facing each other with very little space between you, you feel his hands grabbing at your waist pulling you in closer, so close you feel his raging boner inside his jeans, just the feeling of his bulge is enough to make you feel like youre already dripping. You grab him by the colar of his Hellfire shirt and pull him towards the bed. The back of your legs touch the end of your bed and you climb on laying down, spreading your legs open.
Eddie understands what your doing and tried to follow you onto the bed, you stop him placing a foot on his chest
“uh uh! you said show you” you tusk keeping him at a distance. he looks at you in dispair, he wants to touch you and make you feel good.
You spread your legs open placing your hand down your shorts and panties, you moan at your touch as you rub small circles around your clit. “hmmmmm, feels so good” you throw your head back in pleasure as you slide your fingers through your slit gathering your wetness. You notice how Eddie is looking at you, in need to touch you.
You slowly remove your shorts and your panties with it, leaving Eddie front and center to your private show
“fuckkkk— youre killing me y/n” he falls onto his knees in front of you.
You resume your hand’s position at your slit unserting your middle and ring finger inside you and pulling it out rubbing at your bud “Ohhh Eddie” you moan “it feels so good baby” your words feel like fire to him, you look him in the eye as your insert your fingers in and out of you again and again never breaking your eye contact. You bring your other hand up to your throat starting squeezing it but you feel Eddie’s hand on top of yours
“let me take over, please i beg you baby! i cant take it anymore” Eddie hovers over you, removing your hand from your hole, you groan at the empty feeling “shhh baby, let me take care of you” you feel Eddie’s lips on your neck, slowly making a trail of kisses down to your belly looking up at you the whole way down.
Hes so sexy, the way his hand is placed at your chest caressing your left tit playing with your nipple between his fingers. Placing wet kisses on your inner thigh coming closer to your heat, making you grind your hips against the bed.
Eddie slowly teases you by blowing air into your pussy, making you shiver and groan at the same time
“quit teasing me Eds, and fuck me already”
“easy there baby, ive waited long enough to see you like this, i wanna take my fucking time on you” he says sliding a finger up and down your slit, he smirks and he watches you arch your back in pleasure and eager to feel him inside you.
The sudden touch of his tongue at your clit sends a shock through your body making you moan loudly grabbing at his hair and tugging it ever so slightly.
“fuuuuck Eddie, you’re so good at this” you manage to let out almost at a whisper
“and youre fucking hot, you know that?” he questions you as he inserts two fingers in you, continuing to play with your clit with his tongue.
Everytime his tongue touches the right spot his fingers curl up inside you making you clench around him.
“oohhhh you like that dont you?” you nod and keep pulling at his hair grinding your hips close to his face “imma need words baby” he laughs as he continues to tease you
“yes Eddie, oh god yes! dont stop i-im almost there” you whimper almost reaching your orgasm. Eddie continues to play with your clit sucking on it until finally you clench around his fingers one last time. Eddie removes his fingers from inside you bringing them to his mouth sucking them clean
“you.taste.soooooo.good” he pauses in between words as he sucks your fluids off him. You pull him up by his shirt up to your face kissing him, alowing yourself to taste you on him.
“let me make it up to you” you whisper as you try to lay him down on his back
“no no baby” he stops you “i wanna cum in you and if you wrap that pretty little mouth around my cock i wont last” he laughs kissing your neck. he unbuttons his jeans pulling them down far enough to let his dick spring free. You gasp at the size grabbing it with your hand giving it a few strokes and lining it up with your entrance. He replaces your hand with his, teasing your hole with his head, you squirm under him begging for him to go in you.
“Edddieeee” you cry
“Eddiiieeeee please fuck me!! Oh Eddie you’re soo good” he mocks you continuing to tease you
“never said you were good big boy! dont put words in my mou-“ he cuts you off by slamming his cock inside you, you let out a load moan making his head fall in your neck, his heavy breathing on you turn you on even more. He finds a steady pace perfect to please both you and him
“i-i Eddie” you cry, wanting to form a sentence but hes hitting it way too good for you to form one “fuck!! choke me!” Your words make him slam harder into you as you feel his hand at your throat squeezing it.
He’s scared to hurt you but hes hungry for you at the same time
“you take me so well baby. you like it when daddy chokes you? uh? you like being treated like a little slut dont you? fuck, you and your tight little pussy are so good” he continues to have a grip at your throat and you start to close your eyes in pleasure, you never want this feeling to end. “i need you to look at me baby, i wanna see your face when you cum”
You feel a preassure on your lower belly starting to form and feel yourself clenching around his cock
“fuck do that again” he begs and you do as so! You slide your hand down to your clit rubbing it in circles as he continues to go in and out of you “fuck baby— keep going we’re almost there” you rub yourself looking for your orgasm reaching it quickly after, same with Eddie once he feels you coming on his dick. He slows down his pace slowly removing himself off you. He sits infront of you watching his cum drip off your pussy, a sight he now claimed to be his favorite in the world.
“you look so beautiful right now y/n” He says reaching with two fingers at your entrance collecting the mixure of both of you and bringing up to your mouth “open up that pretty mouth of yours” he closes his eyes in pleasure as you take his fingers in your mouth sucking the cum of them “fuck youre good” he says under his breath shaking his head.
He lays down next to you, coming down from his high, noticing the handprint he has left on your throat, making him worried he hurt you he asks if youre alright
“alright? that was the best sex i ever had in my life Eddie. Finally someone with a firm hand” you laugh touching your neck “it has your handprint on it doesnt it?” you ask proudly. Eddie nods in confusion at your exicitement
“i didnt mean to leave a mark y/n sorry”
“oh please im glad you did! fuck i hope it stays there for weeks”
Your words take Eddie by surprise, he pulls you in by your waist cupping your face and bringing it closer to his
“youre fucking perfect for me” he says kissing you softly breaking away right after to ask you “you ready for round two?”
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
tldr: @buddyaldridge is a 30 year old weirdo proshipper who talks shit about ppl behind their backs, block em and report if you can/want to
just wanna let everyone know theres a omegaverse mpreg dallyboy writer whos been an all around WEIRDOOOOO cause their brain is LITERALLY porn rotted and they cannot fathom ppl actually having fun at all, their @ is @buddyaldridge aka @pelopsides previously known as @madelynprior
in 2020-2022 the outsiders tumblr they used to be @madelynprior and theyre a hardcore dallyboy stan which is already fucking weird, but on top of that, they would make teen pregnancy omegaverse smut fics which??? and im not gonna give you the ss, nigga im givin yall the LINKKK to see it with your own eyes so you know im not crazy
how ik its them is bc on their acc RIGHT before they switched to their buddyaldridge acc, and before that acc was named “pelopides”, they used to go by “madeleinepryor”, how ik its the same person is bc on a good chunk of their post, theyd tag it as “#madeleinepryor dispatches” on top of that, they just straight up linked their ao3 acc😭😭
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heres what the link goes to, they linked their ao3 acc, they just changed their username on ao3 as well from madeleinepryor to greasers
now me calling them a proshipper isnt me talking out of my ass, they say it themselves like ughhhhjjj
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as for them talking about other ppl, i wont share ALL the screenshots bc idk if the ppl theyre talking bad about would rlly feel comfortable w those being posted, if they know, they can feel free to post it on their own accord, so like i said, wont share, but i HAVE seen some and i can conform that they have done it, its ABSOLUTELY NOT above them
for now ill post the ss i CAN post rn which just proves my point
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now ignoring that theyre talking smack, theyre just so odd and obviously didnt rlly think this through bc 1967 is ALREADY IMPLIED in the 60s, youre just incapable of reading things that arent about teen boys getting it on w each other PLEASE get a grip on reality😭😭
theyve talked about 14 year olds and their post on their acc just to shit on them, once again, GROWN ASS PERSON TWEAKIN OVER THE IDEAS OF A 14 YEAR OLD🗣️🗣️
NOW maybe your asking “how do you know the discord user and the tumblr user are the same person” AND I WILL ADMIT, while i DO have strong feelings they are the same person, its not 100% proven, HOWEVER buddyaldridge DOES go by buddy and that discord users name is buddy, so while its not concrete, the link IS there, once again, feel free to come to whatever conclusion you wanna come to about that
but what ISNT disputable is the fact that theyre a proshitter
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additionally just this??? reblog from them????
on its own, not MUCH, bit considering the fics they make this is SO weird like??????
and finally, ive heard that theyve specifically came for me about my haitian shepards and maybe even my heritage, saying that they hated race hcs??????like using me as an example, they ss my acc and talked shit, someone contacted me about it and they dont have ss of it specifically, but they can vouch for it, and im not just gonna dismiss that, bc while they dont have ss, they do have ss and proof of everything else, so i do believe them, and theyve said if they find it they would show them to me, do what you wanna with this info
ANYWAYS buddy, your brain is unironically pornrotted, ur being a lil baby who cant do anything but cry and moan online on discord of all places and ur doing all this as a 30+ year old, and its CRAZIER bc youre doing all this while having “minors dni” in your pinned post, while also writing about minors, in a fandom MOSTLY OF MIDDLE SCHOOLERS!!!! (aka minors!!! ik age is hard for you to grasp) on top of that, literally ANY and ALL race hcs is way more believable and enjoyable than any “ideas” you’ve been cooking up in that odd demented, shriveled up pea brain of urs
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anyways yea, that all i have to say, and im speaking for myself here, but i mean this with every fiber of my being, i dont know how you function in life but i DO NOT want you to go any farther, and i think others would/DO feel the same, ive seen what makes you cheer and i am PROUUUDDD to make you BOOOOO, you shouldnt be near minors at all, fictional or non fictional, you should BARELY be near other adults
plus if you go onto their acc rn, notice how when anon called them out, buddy aint even say they were wrong?? JUST SAYIN🗣️🗣️
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im tagging everything i can tag bc i DO NOTTTT want mfs interacting w their blog, and want as many ppl as possible to be aware, dont say anything to them, dont give them attention bc obviously they’ll think this is funny and post it on their shitty discord server or whatever and giggle like they arent a grown ass nigga w bills to pay, trying so hard to cling onto their high school days, making fics about a canon middle schooler getting banged and pregnant, pls block and report do whatever u wanna do, just plssss dont let this proshitter on this damn sight near kidssss😭😭
dont take this as me WANTING drama, i dont, i just dont want ppl coming in this fandom thinking posting this shit and doing this is ok, youre bullying ppl for doing harmless things meanwhile your just making straight porn about a weird ship left n right, thinking YOUUUUU of all ppl have the place to talk about anyone or anything like your opinion on anything is valid😭😭
you NEED stones thrown at you
if anyone has anymore ss send em to mmeeeeee, but in the mean time ill be doin my own thing wooooo‼️‼️🔥🔥
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elliessession · 2 months
"I need you right now."
an: IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN BUSY BECAUSE OF SCHOOL UGHHH, ANYWAYS HERE YALL GOO💗 I HOPE YALL LIKE THIS! And ofc as alwayss this one shot is inspired by "Coming Down" by the weeknd!
summary: you were done doing the chores in your apartment and ellie is still not home, shes at work but you decided to text her some things that you know would drive her crazy and immediately regret it.
-> smut! d!ellie, s!reader, pet names: princess, baby, good girl, slight degrading!, cursing! And i guess thats all?
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
After hours of cleaning your apartment you're finally done with everything. 'The bedroom? Clean! The dishes? Yep already cleaned, and im pretty sure i already vacuumed the whole apartment' you thought to yourself. Now theres nothing to do. You're on your school break right now and you've already did all the things you're supposed to do.
You tried to watch a movie which never really entertained you. You've also tried this tiktok trends just to really get out of your boredom, yet nothing really helped. You miss ellie, you miss being in her arms. "Yes! Why did i not think of this earlier!' you screamed getting your phone and plopping on your bed and opening your phone to text ellie.
me: els? When are you coming homeee, imyy! :(
no reponse.
"awe, she's probably busy" you said in a upset tone, really missing ellie closing your phone, then getting a 'bright idea' that is not so bright. 'why not send risky texts to ellie? She probably wouldn't even read it since shes at work, then ill probably just remove my text when her break is near'you thought to yourself
me: els, fuckkk i need you right now baby.
no response.
You giggled at the text you sent knowing she wont really read it.But the thought of her actually reading your texts and knowing what can happen. "Err.. lets go send another one!" You said.
me: els, baby please i really need you right now.
me: els, please. I miss you, can you text me back baby please. Fuck i need you so baddd
me: ;)
"holy shit!, Shit she saw it, im doomed for fucks sake" you say with a slight panic in your voice.
els💞: hey baby, missed me that much hm?
me: fuck yes i do.
"shit, just go with it lets just end what i have started" you say to yourself.
els💞: baby yk you're really turning me on rn.
me: oh? thats a good thing then.
els💞: babe stop.
me: whyy? do you not like it when im bold hm?
els💞: fuck this.
me: hm? Im all alone baby. I need you.
"shit is it her break right now?" You asked yourself looking at the time in your phone "3:58pm" "its not her break yet, her breaks are in 4pm since i know shes in her night shift right now." you asked your self.
what do you not know is ellie actually left early to buy you gifts, she was buying you your favorite food at the time you texted her.
els💞: pick up your phone.
"shit im in trouble" you say to yourself picking up the phone.
"im on my way home."
"d-dont you have work?"
"shit, you'll understand later baby."
"what do you mean?"
"your messages. Shit you've been driving me crazy."
"wheres your boldness now? Hm?"
"fuck you els."
"you'll be fucking me later princess dont worry."
"ugh i hate you."
"pretty sure you dont baby"
*hangs up*
you can imagine ellies stupid smirk on her face, knowing you're literally folder right now.
A few minutes later your door opened and guess whos there. Ellie, you tried to play it cool like you didn't just drive your girlfriend crazy. "Heyy baby! I missed you!" You hugged her, ellie well.. was not playing with you. She took off her shoe and placed the things she bought for you and kissed you.
"you dont know how much you.. fuck youre driving me crazy all day."
ellies kiss deepen as her hands moves up and down from your shoulder to your waist, you tried your best not to moan from her touch.
a moment after there you guys were. Your laying at the bed and ellies there, between your legs..
"f-fuck.. els.."
and there she was. Coming down, right now.
infront of you.
"you're such a slut for me baby. I love it."
you closed your legs as she said this
"no need to be shy now princess, be a good girl for me hm? Show me your boldness."
"els please.. just.. fuck me please."
"eat up now baby"
"els i.. im tired okay"
"shh, you were begging me for more earlier." She laughs
"ugh i hate you so much."
"thats not what you were saying earlier when i made you cum, hm?"
"shuuutttt upp"
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godsstrongestangel · 10 months
These are notes not observations because yes these are factz onlii 🗿 Take it with a pinch of salt
⚠️TW- sensitive, my cry soft babies 🥺 this is not for u honey just take my virtual hug 🫂 and take care of urself 💗
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Capricorn moons are a disgrace to Capricorn community it is because of them the "capricorn sun" is stereotyped as judgemental and close minded for being so rigid when in reality it is true for moons onli the cap suns are the sweetest and most open minded people ever infact they are observational and not judgemental which indicates a higher level of intelligence unlike the cap moons (we get it its in detriment and you got a ton loads of mommy issue but baby whos gonna heal them? 🤡forget being the joker now, past is over)
Same way libra suns are petty and pathetic esp with their manipulative as well as people pleasing behaviors they are disgrace to libra community its other libra placements that represents true beauty and not shallowness or over rationalisation
I have to break it up to you but aquarius venus does not move on that easily infact many times it fails to move on they are just good at hiding it wanna know why? Because it is ruled by saturn daddy that means it is disciplined, determined and focused AND NO THEY ARE NOT CHEATERSSSS!!! Also being ruled by uranus means they will keep on bringing new changes (cant say for good or bad whoops!! ) in the relationship because it is a visionary sign they are probably daydreaming about marriage 🥺🥺 and yall are here throwin misiformation😒💀 PLUS ITSSS A FIXED SIGN WHAT YOU EXPECT FROM A FIXED SIGN SOCIETY?? TO MOVE ON IN THE SNAP OF A FINGER LIKE THANOSSSS BRO??
Now speaking of fixed venuses (aquarius, taurus, scorpio and leo) all of these fixed venus people at least have one lover they can never move on from they might feel they have moved on then suddenly the memories resurface 🏄🏻‍♀️🏄🏻‍♀️ you thought it was over huh?🤺🤺
Whats up with SCORPIO placements having a love for dogs and having a dog pet at least once in their life (esp moon) and then scorpio suns usually hating cats? 🗿 is it because they are willful and wont be manipulated by u? I suggest u seek some psychopath diagnosis this is some serious underdeveloped energy SIS/BRO IT IS UNHEALTHY
Aries and Scorpio mars would love the idea of tearing your clothes while making out or making love 😏💗🥵
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Libra moons with air rising should actually consider polyamory
All libra moons are true romantics or should i say hopeless romantics
Cancer suns are pathological liars Its not Gemini yall need to stop giving them fake rep of lying
Leos suns talk a lot and they do not mix well with earth suns even if they try to earth sun will eventually find themselves pissed and drained bcuz of how much they speak and boast they are constantly speaking 😂 (gives headaches in worst case scenario)
Virgo sun and risings really do a lot of stuff and chores despite having phone addiction and even if they are not good in academic or dislike what they are studying they will still be seen suffering with books and notebooks
Venusians suns with leo moon are pretty miserable they are pessimistic and overthinkers it feels like they dont have touch with their emotions at all because they are constantly rationalising emotions to the point they are repulsive to deep feelers and feels almost inhumane 😬like you would not like forming deep connections with them because you will realise they lack emotional capabilities to connect with they sometimes can even make you loathe them or very annoyed its like you are dealing with someone who doesnt make sense at all as if their brain is underdeveloped or something you just dont wanna deal with them
Scorpio placements are not loyal
Sagittarius placements and doms laugh a lot 😂
All capricorn suns and virgo risings are skinny or petite
Aquarius suns do love posting on social media a lot and they do care about ur instagram 💀
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Air venus can easily stay loyal with online relationships infact they are all loyal idk where the stereotypes are stemming from
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May I please ask for headcanons Aoba Johsai with a manager whose skilled with archery and sharpshooting please
Yes of course! Sorry for the wait I was working on a Rindou piece and my physics exam. It’s like 3Am right now, but I still want to finish this for you boo. Thanks again For requesting Anon, if you like this, don’t forget to like and ask if you have any other ideas. Also, you didn’t specify which you wanted, so this can be interpreted as romantic or platonic. Status: unedited
warnings: crackfic, bad grammar, cursing, violence, oikawa exists, oikawa slander, color coded characters, reader is a whole ass menace, mentions of vaping
🩵🤍Aoba Josai With a Sharpshooter/ Archer Manager🤍🩵
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As a Team (platonic)
Oikawa, Iwazumi, Kunimi, Kiyotani, Kindaichi, Matsukawa, you
My first thought when I looked at this post was simple. How many times and we hit oikawa in the head. Everything else kinda spiraled from there. Just imagine being able to do that shit with pinpoint accuracy, and when he turns around to see who did it, be like the gremlin chick from hotel transilivania and be like ,” I didn’t do that”. And then he proceeds to blame Iwa, and pure unrefined chaos erupts from there. *clears throat and sips matcha* good shit
But on a more serious note, these boys are completely ready to take full advantage of your skills. Remember when oikawa sprained his ankle? Guess who had to replicate his serves instead so they could practice receives. That’s right, you. And your aim is a little too good sometimes (Kindiachi has been hit in the face) but they honestly don’t care, they just looking to get practice in, and maybe a few tips here and there for aiming.
But that’s just during their practice. During your archery or other practice. Oh my god. Imagine having like 12 annoying older brothers. Like both Archery and Sharpshooting are pretty quiet sports. But with these mfs at your practice? Oh dear lord. These gon be the most obnoxiously loud humans to walk the planet (3rd only to Fukurodani and Kurasuno). Imagine with me. It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. You’re trying to concentrate before you’re pulling back your string. You take a deep breath and just as you’re about to let go- “WOOOOOOOO THATS MY LIL SISSSSSS/BROOOO!!!” “SHUT UP SHITTY KAWA!THEY NEED TO FOCAS!” “HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IWA!?” “YOU WOULD KNOW IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH AN DUMBASS!” “IF YALL DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP ILL SHUT YOU UP MYSELF” yeah they’re THAT kind of sports parents. They got kicked out last time :)
I just know yall have made oikawa put an apple on his head and see if you can hit his head. Ofc you can, but it’s funnier hitting him with the Velcro arrows and watching him rip his hair out, and ruining it for the day (his fangirls hated you for that lol.)
I just KNOW that the other teams got some crazy ass conspiracies about you. They call you the Seijo Assassin, and that you kill the best players of the opposing team, and they never find the bodies. And tbh it was probably oikawa who started it, to get back at you for getting Velcro stuck in his hair. So while you’re just as hot as kiyoko, everyone is terrified of you, and are only referring to you as L/n-sama (even though you’re only a second year.). I swear to fuck hinata pissed himself when tsukki told the team about you.
also yall know the sharpshooter shaving cream balloon prank thingy? I know damn well the whole team is having a competition for who can do it best. Like it’s literally so funny, especially when someone not on the team gets hit. Like I know oikawa has accidentally hit the coach with one of those. Do with this information what you will.
Individuals: Could be romantic or platonic, either way fits (though both are seriously on crack.)
Somehow or someway, Oikawa will convince you to be his bodyguard. And not even like paying you money. Just like a, “ YoU wOnT wALk yOuR pOor dEfEnSLeSS FRiEnD tO cLAss? WhAt iF my FAnGirlS Kidnap MeEEEEE?!” “yep.” “Do you even Love Meeeeeee!?” “Nope.” “…I’ll pay you~” “pay me what?” “Food~” “DONE!” *throws chair out window* yeah y’all’s relationship is pretty much just blitz and stolas in the loo loo land episode. Like when Stolas was just walking while Blitz is pretending to be Batman, lurking in the shadows and pointing a gun at anything with a pulse? Yeah that’s you two walking around the school, except with a nerf gun instead.
oh and you know the team jackets? He bought you yours. But not just any jacket oh no. Yours is special. He payed extra to have it say, “The Seijo Assasin; Oikawa’s bobyguard.” He also might have gotten it in 4xl because he doesn’t know your size, but still wants it to be way to big on you so he can make fun of you. He’s an ass.
Iwazumi is much nicer on the other hand. He (regardless of if it’s platonic or romantic,) is all about helping you carry your stuff. He doesn’t even ask either, he just kinda picks it up and does it. He says it isn’t a big deal, and that you’re carrying enough with your archery equipment anyway, and that he needs the weight training anyway. Def the kinda guy to use your backpack as a dumbbell and use it to lift while y’all in the hall.
I know y'all have a running competition on who can hit oikawa in the head the most. Body shots are one point, head shots are worth 2, and the groin is worth 3, especially if he’s being creepy to someone. The score is currently 34-31, slightly in your favor. Whoever hits him the least by the end of the month has to buy the winner ramen. Oikawa doesn’t approve of this game, and ends up attempting to bump everything back your way. But on the bright side, it’s a good way to scare off his fangirls :).
Kunimi just kinda vibes with you. Like he doesn’t really acknowledge much of what you do, just kinda goes like, “ oh so that’s why you were so good at that. I just thought you hated oikawa. Anyway can I have your Chez-its?” Yeah my boy don’t care enough, but he cute so yeah.
also I just know this mf, plays Fortnite and vapes blue raspberry burst. Do with that what you will. ( to be clear, I wouldn’t ever vape, i just know he does, and honestly had to look up what flavors there are.
The honesty biggest thing you do that impresses him is the whole good aim card slicey thingy. Idk man, he just seems like he would be good at that, and would try to fight you on it.
Despite everything, Kyotani is actually relatively nice to you? Or at least as nice as he can be. His version of nice is avoiding you like the plague, cause he’s scared you’ll be scared of him. He actually really likes you and wants an excuse to talk to you. So what does he do? Asks you to help him aim while spiking, so that he can use his strength more efficiently. He actually is pretty patient with your teaching, and genuinely respects you enough to take your advice. ( tell him to shower pls, I can smell him through the screen, luv him though)
He also uses a whole bottle of axe body spray every time he walks out of the house . Be careful not to get too close to him. Please find someone strong, or stupid enough to bully him out of it, for the sake of the teams lungs🙏
Kindaichi is probably the only person on the team who still calls you Y/n- senpai. He’s way too precious. That being said, he still did give you a twenty if you hit kageyama with a vollyball during warmups. He may be nice, but he mad petty. And $20 is $20 man
Matsukawa is definitely a COD type of guy. He knows a lot about guns. Bond over that (then give me his number pls)
Thanks for reading, sorry the last part was rushed, I am just not feeling it rn. If y’all liked this make sure to follow, Like, and request something of your own. I literally have nothing else to do. Love y’all sm, peace
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