#but hey if you don't mind waiting i'll consider others too
a-french-coconut · 3 days
His day begins wonderfully.
Truly, it's one of those days where you wake up and think :
Nothing can go wrong !
And for two minutes, nothing goes wrong !
He doesn't stub his toes on the bathroom counter, his hair decided to cooperate on this fine day and the sun doesn't burn his eyes when he gets out in the open air.
Then, he sees Kayla an Austin trying, and failing horribly, to hang an enormous bander on Apollo's porch.
For one second, he is left in utter incomprehension as of why they would hand a sign saying Hyppe Bathdirt Will !
Then, to his grand horror, the bright orange letters makes a lot more sense when they spell Happy Birthday Will !
It's August 23rd.
Will's sixteenth birthday.
And Nico doesn't have a single gift to present to his boyfriend tonight.
Nor does he have a romantic date planned out, no fancy restaurant, not even a picnic on the beach.
"Nico !"
Kayla screams his name, making with her hand the universal sign of get over here.
One he can't ignore considering the bow hanging loosely on the girl's shoulder.
He has learned the painful way Kayla doesn't take too well being ignored.
But it's no problem, he's a demigod who fought two wars, survived Tartarus, he's capable of making a plan, of thinking rationally. He can still get Will a gift, doesn't have to be something big or shiny. It can be flowers or a box of chocolates.
What flowers does Will like ?
What kind of chocolates does he eat ?
Knowing him, he could eat the plainest almond chocolate or a specific pistachio with rose petals and lavender flavored one.
He had seen his boyfriend gulp down a raw egg yolk, claiming its "protein values.". From since, he likes to keep his mind open to any culinary gustos his boyfriend might have.
"Hey Nico, could you-"
"Help me."
"-help us ?"
Kayla drops the banner, eliciting a groan of frustration from Austin, and looks at him seriously.
"Nico Di Angelo, if you tell me on this day of all day that-"
"I forgot."
It's quite interesting to see Kayla's face reddens with anger, then slack with disbelief to finally settle in a disappointed glare.
"You've been dating for-"
"Four months, twenty-two days and five hours, I know, I keep track."
"Stop cutting me off or I'll shoot you."
"Hum, not to interrupt but Kay, we really need to put-"
"Austin," Nico cuts him off, "I am in dire need of both your assistance. Who, or what, is more important, the banner or me ?"
"The banner." The two children of Apollo answer at the same time.
First step of the plan, failed epically.
On to phase two, bargaining.
"If you help me choose a gift for Will, I'll buy you whatever you want for your upcoming birthdays."
"My birthday was two months ago."
"Yeah, and mine is like, in five months."
Phase three, the one he wanted to avoid.
It's not that he isn't polite, he wouldn't want his mother turning in her grave, but he deems a annoying little sister like Kayla isn't worthy of his respect.
Not when she obviously takes great joy in seeing him in such a predicament.
One he caused himself, but that's not the point here.
"Okay, we'll help you." Kayla relents.
"For free even !" Austin adds.
They look at him expectantly, while he looks them waiting the just promised aid.
"The magic word if you may." she enquires.
"I already said it."
"The other one."
"Oh, thank you."
Kayla's face glows, while Austin, bless his gentle soul, gives him a gracious "you're welcome."
"I was thinking to get him something like flower or chocolates-"
"Okay... then Star Wars thingies ?"
"He already has every merch ever created."
"Flip flops ?"
"Don't feed his weird fetish of flip flops, I beg of you."
"Hum, lipgloss ?"
"Now you're just out of ideas." Kayla cackles, "and nice to know Will's lips are as chapped as they look. He thinks that because dad is the sun, we are immune to it. And he's the doctor. A miracle everyone is still alive."
"My preference for Will's lips are no concern of yours," He replies, cheeks slightly red. "And don't talk bad about him on his sacred day."
"It's not like he can hear me."
"Where did you even sent him ?"
He should have known something was missing when Will didn't barge in his cabin, pulling open the curtains like the psycho he is, always ranting about how he needs more vitamin D.
"He's in New York the whole day," Austin pipes up, "he's spending his birthday with his mother and then we will celebrate together tonight."
"Which means I have the rest of the day to find him a gift."
"Yep, open to suggestions ?"
"That is literally what I asked of you. Tell me, Kayla, do you perhaps miss a few braincells ? That would explain a lot of things."
"At least my remembering my boyfriend's birthday date cells are working."
"Okay, stop fighting you two." Austin intervenes, placing himself between the both of them. "I think you should get him something that remind him or your couple. It would be a sweet gift, right ?"
"What he said."
"I'm keeping that in mind, thank you Austin, and Kayla, for your assistance."
"You're welcome, now come one Kayla, we really need to hang that thing..."
Something related to their couple...
What could symbolise their relationship, the love they feel for each other ?
Better to have other ideas if inspiration doesn't come.
"What's on your mind, Nicolas ?"
"Don't call me that, Stoll."
"Only if you guess which one I am." The son of Hermes leans on him, looking at him expectantly.
"Connor, now get off me."
"Nothing could have prepared me to this betrayal-"
"So you're Travis, get off me."
"-from a such close friend, who I have known for years-"
"Aren't you supposed to be in college ?"
"-and still doesn't recognise- oh yes but this my best friend's birthday !"
Travis hugs Nico, ignoring the his protests.
"He's turning sixteen ! I remember when he was a small, fray child, such an easy victim !" He sighs, shaking his head, "they grow so fast, don't they ?"
"Mmmhh !"
"What ? Oh sorry, there you go."
He lets him go, Nico putting two good meters between them to avoid any kind of other physical attempts.
"What are you getting him ? Must be something nice !"
"That's the problem, hum, I don't have anything."
Travis' face falls.
"But-" he stutters, "you're his boyfriend !"
"I know !" Nico snaps, "I know and that' why I need to fix this."
"Do you have any ideas ?"
"Austin and Kayla think that I should gift him a present related to our relationship."
"That's a good idea !" Travis' face brightens.
"But I don't know what, yet."
"Yeah..." Nico mumbles, twisting nervously his skull ring.
"Ooooh" Travis says, excited, " I know the perfect gift !"
"What it is ?"
"A motorbike !"
"It's perfect ! And he already know how to drive, we used to do races in his grandpa's farm fields and he loved them !"
"There's no way I'll find a bike in less than twenty four hours."
"No, but I can ask Nyssa to build one," Travis shrugs, "she'll have it ready before sundown."
"Tell her that I owe her." Nico screams to Travis as he sprints toward the forges.
"Shhh ! He's coming !"
"Yeah , I see him."
"Is he glowing ?"
"Obviously, Lou Ellen, he just spent the whole with his mother, who he adores."
"Shut up Travis."
"Make me-"
"If you two ruin this surprise, I'll send you to my father right now."
"So grumpy, and it's not a surprise. Have you not seen the gigantic banner ? By the way, why is it not on Apollo's cabin like it was supposed to ?"
"We had complications."
"That's slight way to say that you didn't want to help me, Kayla."
"Don't listen to Austin, Travis, he's lying."
"Everybody close their dam mouths ! He's getting closer."
"I understood that reference."
"And I understood that reference."
"Gods give me strength."
When they hear Will's footsteps passing their hiding place, Cecil mouths to the group a countdown.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILL !" They all scream while standing up to hug Will, who is effectively glowing.
"Guys, you really didn't need to do all of this." His boyfriend says, cheeks a bright red.
"Nonsense Willy !"
"Travis ! You came !"
"Everything for my best friend."
They hug, Will laughing at something Travis whispers in his ear before his gaze falls on Nico.
The way his face lights up, a beautiful smile gracing his features, makes Nico's heart pound faster, skeletons butterfly flying in his stomach.
"Nico !"
Will's hugs are the warmest embraces Nico ever felt, they're comforting, heart-warming, familiar now.
Even so, he never gets tired of them.
"Happy birthday, amore mio." He whispers in his ear.
After lot of embarrassing stories, Travis being the main reason of that, and new created memories, it's finally time to open the presents.
Austin and Kayla gave Will a charm bracelet, with customised charms relating different stories the three of them shared.
Drew offered him a very nice sweater, something about she can't have friends wearing only flannels and cargo shorts.
Travis' gift was a photo album, enchanted by Lou Ellen so that the pictures were alive, going from their childhood to today.
Finally, it's Nico's turn.
"I actually have two gifts for you."
"So thoughtful of you." Will smiles, looking at him fondly.
"The first one is Travis' idea though."
"Yeah, you can thank Nyssa later too."
"What did you- oh by Apollo !"
He has to say, Nyssa did a wonderful job.
The motorbike is gleaming, freshly painted and even though Nico has no knowledge of bikes, he can see that it is a true beauty.
"This is amazing !" Will swoons over the bike, "I can't wait to get my licence to drive it !"
"You know, technically you don't need-"
"Travis, I'm going to get my licence."
"If you insist."
Will rolls his eyes before looking back at Nico.
"Thank you, love, this is a wonderful gift."
Nico's throat goes dry, nervousness jolting his body.
"I have to warn you, the second gift is, hum, well, I'm afraid you might find it too intensive."
"Nico," Will takes his hands, "nothing from you is too intensive."
"Then here you go."
He takes out of his pocket a little box and opens it.
Two matching rings, one golden and the other black, are inside. On the metal is engraved "I love you".
Will's breath hitch and Nico is afraid to have gone too far.
"I know this is a big gesture-"
Will kisses him, a light kiss since they have a public but Nico feels the passion behind it, the underlying love and affection Will holds for him.
"I love them", his boyfriend softly says, putting on his ring, "I love you too Nico di Angelo."
"Oh my gods, did they just get engaged ?"
"Cecil, please shut up."
Will laughs, his cheerful laugh that you can't help but join and soon, sounds of joy and happiness echo in the night as they party the whole night.
"How did you get the harpies to leave us alone ?" Will asks Travis, contently seated next to Nico, an arm around his waist.
"I'm full of surprises."
"He volunteered to help them the whole week in kitchen duty."
"Cecil ! Stop spilling my secrets !"
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ssahotchnerr · 8 months
Hey love, could you pretty please do an Aaron x reader where it’s there wedding day and she starts getting real bad anxiety about marrying him. Not because she doesn’t want to but because she feels like he is surrounded by so many amazing people who uplift him that she could never compare. Just in the mood for fluffy comfort Aaron 🥹
cw; fem!reader, a LOT of angst but it's comforting??, heavy 5x9 references (i'm sobbing actually), anxiety descriptions, aaron cries 😭, comfort and a happy ending don't worry!!!! wc; 2.4k
"nervous jitters?"
"you could say that." you replied - while staring off into space, while bouncing your crossed leg, while kicking your slipper on and off your heel. your head moved downward as your fingers clutched onto the seat of the chair you were sat in, harshly enough for your knuckles to turn white.
jj pulled the curling wand away from your face an inch, "careful, try not to move."
yet another wave of guilt rippled through you, as this wasn't how you should feel on your wedding day.
last night, you were surrounded by the people you now consider family, celebrating a new chapter. or rather, a beginning. aaron's permanent grin was engraved in your mind; you've never seen him so carefree, happily conversing with his colleagues, gazing at you as if he'd won the lottery (to him, he had). you were positive there wasn't a second where his arms hadn't been wrapped around you.
before parting ways for the night, he had pulled you to the side, to a more secluded area. he gave you long, sweet, deep kisses, holding your body close to his, as you weren't going to see each other until the two of you officially, and finally, became one.
just as him, you had been on a similar high, more than ready for this next adventure, in pure disbelief that in less than twenty-four hours, you'd be a hotchner. so now, whatever this was, had quite literally come out of absolutely nowhere.
when you awoke this morning, rather than the excitement you had expected, you were greeted with an empty, terrifying pit in your stomach.
as the day carried on, pre-wedding activities in full motion, it followed, and the void within only grew and grew. it was gravely unsettling; you were more fidgety, on edge, you hadn't been your usual talkative self. and despite being surrounded by your newfound family - jj, penelope, and emily more specifically - you couldn't help but choose to remain alone in your thoughts.
jj studied your face through the mirror, before securing your hairpiece in place. "there." her hands found your shoulders, giving them a comforting squeeze. "sit tight, i'll be right back."
you nodded, blinking your eyes to prevent the budding tears from slipping - and to not ruin penelope's handiwork, mascara sure to stain your cheeks. she left, leaving you alone.
but as promised jj returned no more than five minutes later, only she remained at the doorway, her head peeking in. "someone's here to see you."
after giving you a consoling smile, as if she knew - profilers - she vanished, leaving door slightly ajar.
your hand had only just touched the knob when the door moved a centimeter back, slight pressure holding it still to refrain from opening fully.
"don't open it all the way."
"aaron?" at the sound of his voice, you fought the instant urge to sob. but the utmost amount of comfort filled you too. it took a second, but you found your voice, "you're not supposed to be here."
"well technically, i just can't see you."
"still." you insisted. your tone was flat, rather than being full of giddiness due to your future husband sneakily paying you a forbidden visit - like it should've. "they're going to be looking for you."
"then let them." aaron answered simply, not concerned about that in the slightest. "are you alright?"
you immediately fell silent, and aaron patiently waited a minute, but still - nothing. the extended period of quietness, scared him, given the day's event.
please, not cold feet.
and given the current circumstances, there was only so much he could do. aaron dropped his hand to his side, weaving through the small gap. "here, give me your hand."
your hand quickly found his, the promptness allowing aaron to breathe. the familiar weight felt like home; your hand always fitting perfectly within his. your hands always cold, his warm. yours soft, his rough.
his thumb drew circles on the back of your hand, an invitation to open up. "what's on your mind?"
you bit your lip in thought, taking a heavy enough breath aaron could hear it without straining his ears.
"first, i want to preface this that i do want to marry you. i don't want you thinking otherwise." your voice was firm, meaning every word.
"okay..." here was a brief hesitancy in his voice despite your promise; a tinge of worry, some question. however, he managed to keep his voice steady, for the most part. you, however, still recognized the waver of uncertainty.
"just," you released a breath, your voice small. "i envy you."
aaron was quiet for a moment, and when he did speak, the confusion was obvious in his voice. "you envy me?"
"you have," you took a breath, gripping onto his hand. "so many wonderful amazing people around you... i don't even know where to start. they've been with you, stuck with you, for far longer than i have. how do i compare to that? god, dave's practically paying for this whole thing. because of you, for you. no matter who you would've married, he would've done exactly the same. i'm not special."
"i want to be enough for you." tears pinched at your eyes, your hold on his hand lessening - which frighteningly felt like you were letting go completely. "you deserve," you took another breath, and this one rattled through you. "everything. and i'm afraid i never will be."
aaron only clutched onto your hand tighter, refusing to part. his eyes squeezed shut for a moment, taking a silent, deep breath. "are you wearing your dress yet?"
after all that, you weren't too sure of how he would respond, but you certainly hadn't expected that. "no? once-"
aaron released your hand. and after looking in both directions of the hall to be certain he was in the clear, he swiftly entered, the door clicking shut behind him.
"aaron." you stared at him, your eyes wide in alarm. you barely had the time to process him in his tuxedo, or have the thought to push him out. "you can't be-"
"enough?" aaron looked at you, baffled. exasperation, pain, and love all present in his eyes. "how can you say that?"
"you... are everything. my everything." he moved to your left, pacing away for a moment, quickly internalizing a way to get it across solidly, so you wouldn't dare question otherwise again. he blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "did i ever tell you, what haley told me before she died?"
you blinked in surprise, but shook your head. while you knew the story, offered reassurances after nightmares and the topic of haley had never been off limits, aaron had never gone into detail over... the final moments. you never pushed, never asked - if it was something he chose to keep to himself, to have that part of haley close to him and only him - of course you respected that. they were vulnerable, painful memories, not easy to relive.
he sobered, his posture and expression changing before you, alight with a ghost of the past. a tender, solemn fondness was in his tone as he recalled the line. "'love is the most important thing.'"
your eyes studied his face, silently urging him to continue.
"and while our relationship had it's hardships, she wanted jack to believe in it - love - and had me promise her that i'd show him."
"he believes, because of you."
"i believe," his eyes found yours, full of a sincereness you've never seen from him. "because of you."
you opened your mouth to speak again, but no words came out.
"haley was right." he chuckled softly, with a small shake of his head, "honestly, and while i understand why now, for a long time i was furious she made me promise that. because i wouldn't be able to keep my word. before that... day, i'd already given up. lost hope that i could find it again, that it was even possible, or whether i deserved it. haley and i were together for a long time, you know that. being with her was all i knew, what i was used to, and part of me thought maybe someday, we'd manage to work things out. and suddenly, she was gone. it was too late - i was too late. i failed her, and i'd continue to fail her."
"and then you came into my life, and turned my world around completely. never did i think i would love again, let alone get on one knee and ask someone to marry me. but here we are. here you are."
aaron took your face into his hands, as delicately as he possibly could - as if he feared he would break you.
"because of you, i kept my promise to haley. jack knows, he sees the love i have for you every day. and although he 'ew's' at the sight of us kissing here and there, he'll grow up understanding. he'll know the importance, as promised."
"and you saved me. you saved from a looming downward spiral. i saw it happen to gideon, it's happened to countless others within the bureau, and i could've been the next. i told someone once; it's consuming, this job will eat you up if you let it. but instead of letting it, instead of ruining my relationship with jack, you managed to pull me from that impending darkness i was headed toward."
tears were continuously trickling down your cheeks, utterly speechless.
"you're enough. god you're more than enough. and if that doesn't... i'll prove it to you everyday if i have to. if you'll let me." a broken exhale left his lips, choked up. "i promise."
still unable to find the words, and actions speaking louder, your fingers grabbed onto his tux, pulling his body to yours and wrapping your arms around his middle, burying your face into his chest. in the back of your mind, you made a mental apology to penelope, and hoped you weren't soiling aaron's dress shirt too badly.
aaron's shoulders dropped at the contact, in relief. he pressed his lips to the top of your head, his arms wrapping around your shoulders and holding you close. next, he's the one who took a shaky breath.
"so, i'm the one who should be afraid."
"what?" your voice cracked, peering up at him, your chin on his torso.
"baggage." aaron sighed, tearing his eyes away from yours, his hands running along your back soothingly - or rather, to soothe himself. "i'm the widowed father. i'm the one who's never around. i'm the one who's scarred, in more ways than one. i don't want to limit you, to keep you from a life you've always imagined for yourself. like i did with haley."
"don't say that."
"every day, i wonder why i'm the one you chose to be with. wonder why you love me. i think that it's too good to be true, that i'll wake up. or someday, you will."
he sighed, tears sliding down his cheek.
"you are not scarred, aaron hotchner." you cupped his face and angled him so he was looking at you, wiping the droplets away with the pads of your thumb. "far from it. the life i imagine, is with you. this is it." you found it in you to let out a small laugh, refreshing after the morning you've had. "that's why i was so worried."
he also couldn't help but laugh gently through his tears. "you shouldn't be."
your hand slid to the back of his neck, winding your fingers through the nape of his hair. "you've, very unfairly, dealt with the unfathomable. the unimaginable. but that doesn't make you broken. i find it admirable actually, and it's one of the things i love about you. you're strong aaron. to go through something like that, and come out on the other side of it, both the tragedy and the recovery part of it. a lot of people wouldn't be able to do the same."
aaron looked at you, listening, his head tilting as he leaned into your touch.
"despite what you think, you're a good father. i adore you with jack. and with the horrors you see, every day, you still come home with a calm face. you never fail to give us your all - your sweet loving self. you're always present, even if you're physically aren't here. because you're out there making this world a safer place for so many others. for jack, for me. you really don't give yourself enough credit."
aaron remained silent, his gaze beginning to tear away from yours. but you stopped him, with a finger under his chin to direct his focus back to you.
"you may have scars, but they aren't you. they may contribute, but they aren't you."
"are you sure?" his voice fell to a whisper, eyes desperately searching yours, his own dampened.
you nodded earnestly, your bottom lip quivering a small amount. "i've never been more sure of anything. i promise."
and with that, aaron's lips found yours, kissing you even more deeply than he had the previous night. from the urgency that soon developed, it was clear just how needed this conversation was, on both ends. providing closure, clarity. the kiss sent a buzz right through you, instantaneously making up for the all the lost time you had spent brooding.
you forced yourself to pull away - only when air was needed, and to simply stop. you would've gladly kissed him longer, and aaron likewise, but the two of you were on a schedule.
his forehead fell against yours, a rather boyish, adorable smile on his face. "so, are we good?"
you nodded, your lips pulling into a smile as well, the giddiness you've been missing finally present. you reached up, gently blotting away any lingering tears of his. "we've always been."
"wedding still on?"
you rolled your eyes, gently smacking his chest and making him laugh. "duh."
"okay." he grinned, pecking your lips gently. "i better go. if someone catches me in here-"
"-you'll be in trouble."
"big trouble." he grinned, pulling your hands forward to bring you in for yet another kiss. "i love you. you never saw me."
you chased his lips - just one more. "never did."
aaron laughed, his brown eyes just sparkling. "i'll see you soon. you know where to find me, i'll be waiting."
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tiredofthehumanlife · 4 months
Before proceeding: Luke's a tad wild one might say. Crazy, possibly. Spooky, mayhaps.
Bestfriend!Luke coming over to your cabin to walk you to dinner. You know this and you know all about his crush. You know all about his fantasies, and his tendency of thievery. You may or may not have left your underwear purposely hanging on the rim of the hamper. You may or may not have moved the hamper closer to the spot that Luke usually sat at while he waited for you to get ready.
When Luke actually made it over you were still in the bathroom so he sat down in his usual seat. Luke continued his conversation with you through the door. His eyes caught on the hamper, more specifically the clothing on the rim. A very small voice in the back of his head said take them. Luke wanted to say he was better than that as a person. However, then he'd be a liar as well as a thief. When you left the bathroom you smiled at the now missing underwear. You didn't tell Luke you knew.
Until a few days later when you realized you rather liked that pair. How would you bring that up to Luke. He'd be so embarrassed you know about his feelings towards you, and the underwear thing too. But alas that was one of your favorite pairs so you bring it up when you're left alone with him.
Luke's laying on his back. You hoped he wouldn't run away with leaves and sticks still stuck to his shirt. You were sat next to Luke, leaning back on your palms as you both sunbathe.
"Oh hey you know that underwear you took?" You ask before looking over at the tree off to the side. You heard Luke quickly sitting up. He started talking but his voice cracked immediately. He cleared his throat and started again.
"um sorry what?" You know Luke's under the impression you had no idea. All things considered you were the mastermind behind it all. You certainly hoped he still had them and hadn't thrown them in a wood chipper while you weren't looking. You weren't going to entertain his I have no idea what you're talking about shtick.
"yeah well I want it back because those are one of my favorites but I'll give you a different pair. Tradesies." You keep your attitude nonchalant so you don't freak him out. Or freak him out less. His open and closes his mouth trying to find his words. When Luke finally finds it all he can force out is a tiny sorry that makes him sound like a kicked puppy.
"Luke, it's fine. I don't mind at all. In all honesty I left them there on purpose." This seems to confuse him even more and all of a sudden he's opening and closing his mouth again. You roll your eyes and move back to watching the trees sway in the wind. You felt him pulling your hand away from the ground. You shifted your weight to your other hand and watched him brush the pebbles off your palm. Luke reached into his pocket and pushed the folded material into your hand. He kept it covered with in case of onlookers but no one was around.
You wrapped your next pair in wrapping paper with a pretty bow on the top and a small note. Scribbled on it was a simple enjoy, love. and your signature at the bottom. You left your early birthday present on his bed just before curfew. The next morning Luke seemed quite cheery and you noticed his hand had a tendency to move back to his pocket. You shared a knowing look as he continued his conversation.
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yikesmary · 5 months
how about idol mingyu hypnotized by reader from the moment he sees her -you can choose where and how they meet- I just mingyu pining over her 💚
HYPNOTIZED — kim mingyu x reader
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summary: where you've got seventeen's mingyu hypnotized, and he doesn't mind it one bit.
note: hey everyone🧍‍♀️
I don't know if I'm officially back, I just wanted to post something right before new years since I haven't posted since september and you guys deserve more than that. I might post here and there, but nothing too serious so don't expect me to come back with consistent posts. hope you guys enjoyed this though! <333
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"We're going to be late, love!" Mingyu called out from outside of your room and you could practically hear him pace, as if he wasn't the guest of honor and the party couldn't exactly start without him and the other guys.
Dating an Idol wasn't at all like you expected—and you didn't even have any expectations in the first place. You had been introduced by Mingyu by Wonwoo, whom you had known for a couple of years now. Initially, you were a bit wary of going on the date, considering you've heard all kinds of stories from Wonwoo.
However, what won you over was how Wonwoo described Mingyu; 'the human version of a golden retriever'. Now, if anyone else said that, you wouldn't have believed them. However, this was Wonwoo, and the fact that he had said this with the most monotone voice ever and his face as serious as ever, so you just had to meet the guy that got Wonwoo to say such nice things about him.
You then went on one date with Mingyu and many more dates after that, until you guys started dating and eventually moved in together. The relationship wasn't totally public; while fans knew that Mingyu was dating (thanks to Dispatch, who had photographed you guys together, but your face was pretty well hidden), no one knew who he was dating specifically.
You supposed that it was a blessing in disguise that people knew Mingyu was dating but didn't know who it was. Most CARATs were happy that Mingyu had been dating, which you were happy to see since you didn't know how exactly they'd react when news first broke out.
Of course, there were some instances where people tried to sleuth and find out through various methods on who Mingyu was dating, but the two of you knew better and did everything you could in order to hide your relationship.
Those who know about your relationship have commented on how it must be hard dating someone like Mingyu, but you've told them that it was worth it and that you'd do it if it meant staying with Mingyu. Usually, you've said this with Mingyu not around, but the first time he heard it, you swore that he had never looked more in love than that moment.
"The car is waiting for us and— oh," Mingyu started to say, but had interrupted himself as he spotted you, who was fastening your heels.
You stood up and adjusted your dress accordingly, making sure that there were no wrinkles. You opened your mouth to say something, but there was no time as Mingyu quickly moved across your bedroom to you and captured you in a kiss.
Startled, you eventually kissed back once you realized what was happening. To balance yourself, you wrapped your arms around Mingyu's neck, your arms lightly touching his hair. Meanwhile, his hands went around your waist, pulling you closer.
You kiss for a few moments before you realize where you guys weren't, so you pull away. "I thought we were going to be late," you said, a bit breathless at the kissing.
"Did I say that? Now that I think about it, I don't have to attend. There's 13 of us, they wouldn't notice if I was missing," Mingyu said before trying to kiss you again, but you stopped him, making him pout.
"Nope, you've already used that excuse. Remember when you thought you could not attend an award show to spend the day with me and Seungcheol noticed? The guys didn't let that go for a whole month," you scolded him, this time pulling fully away from him.
"I'll take the fall for it, let's just stay home," Mingyu practically begged, but you weren't having it.
"How about the driver?" you countered, moving away in order to get your bag.
"I was going to pay him anyways, and I'll give him a tip or something," he shrugged.
"We're still going,"
As you and Mingyu walked towards the front door, Mingyu albeit walking slightly slower than you since he was sulking, he abruptly blocked the front door, stopping you in your tracks.
"Gyu, we're going to be late, like you said. You can't resort to using your strength to stop us, no matter attractive I think it is," you retorted.
"You think I'm attractive?"
"Of course you are! Look at you!" You exclaimed, gesturing to the entirety of him.
Mingyu blushed but grabbed one of your hands to pull you closer to him. "Did I tell you that you look beautiful today?" He asked, putting your face in between his hands gently, making sure he didn't mess up your make up.
"Just today?" you teased.
"Well, you look beautiful every day. And all the days after that,"
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taglist: @belladaises @winterpaos @minhui896 @baekhyunimochibbh @x-alightinthedark @whywontyousetfree @coffeesandrains @slaveofmydreams @bmkgemz @dandycharmer @outrologist @stagefrjghts @dahliatopia @exo-saranghajaaa @uhlatcha @watermelon-sugars-things @miniminimingi @venzline @withloveyjh @lockburn-castle @userjunhuii @mypsychicpizzaworld @violetvoo @maevadobreva @soonyoungblr @baekhyunstruly @ryusol @dunixxd @minhwa @ovai @scorpiobitch88 @icyminghao @cookiehaos @duskunt1ldawn
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Hey! I hope you're good! I saw that requests are open, and so I wanted to send one in. It's totally fine if you'd rather not write it, but I'll just shoot my shot xD. So I was wondering if you could write something about Gojo being the nicest guy when he falls in love with someone? I just had my heart broken by someone and it was stupid and everything so I'm just really in the need of some fluffy Satoru where he knows how to value his partner. Because he's at the age where he knows it's not time to mess around, and also because he's already lost so many people he doesn't take his partner for granted? (Could also be kind of something where he's just a little older than reader maybe, so he knows when to be more serious. Lmao ik it isn't actually Gojo if he's being serious but you get what I mean)💙
hey! I hope you're doing okay ❤️ thank you for this request and I wish you all the best, you're gonna be okay, you got this ✨
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summary: gojo satoru shows you what real love is pairing: gojo satoru x female reader genre: fluff content warnings: ooc gojo satoru, fluff Masterlist
Falling in love is easy.
The hard part is where you choose to stay.
You have to work on it endlessly, each and every day. For some people it's easier to walk away, while those who gets left behind don't get a say and is left to deal with what once was theirs.
It took you a minute to move on from your ex. Looking back, it seems so stupid, so careless, so meaningless, sometimes you wonder why you dated your ex in the first place.
For character development, you convince yourself. You learned some lessons from it, so hopefully in your next relationship, you'll know better.
Which is why when you first met Satoru, you felt a little scared.
A little scared because it's happening all over again. After a few dates, you realize you do like him, and you do want to have something serious with him.
It's the way he'll open doors for you, makes sure you're drinking enough water, prepares vitamins on the kitchen counter -- they all sound like tiny actions that don't matter, but it touches your heart.
It's not only that, though.
It's also how he'd return your kindness tenfold, how he makes sure to text you he's a bit busy so you won't be left waiting around all day, how he'll always book a reservation even though it's just a regular date night and not a celebration.
Sometimes you wonder what did you do to deserve someone like him, and without even asking out loud, he'll reassure you that he's with you because he wants to.
There is no other shoe.
"You feel like going out today?"
You hum, considering it. "Not really. Says it's gonna rain. You wanna stay in and cook? I can make pasta."
"You cooked yesterday, it's my turn."
"Yeah, but you got home late yesterday from work. You must be pretty tired."
Satoru looks at you like you're silly. "You got home late too! What are you talking about?"
"Well yeah, but your job is more difficult than mine-"
"No, no, no." He stops you, "We're not doing this. The agreement is that we switch every day-"
"-or every other day-"
"-if the other person is exhausted." Satoru finishes. "I'm not exhausted, so I'm cooking."
Noticing you're about to argue again, he pinches your nose. "End of discussion. Now go relax, I'm making something delicious."
Rubbing your red nose, you smile and silently follow him to the kitchen. Satoru knows that no matter what he does, you'll always try to show him how much you appreciate him -- it's been your thing since you first started dating, and Satoru has given up trying to tell you that sometimes you don't need to always return the favor. Sometimes he just wants to do something nice.
You, of course, will never listen, so he decides that he'll just have to one up you every single time.
"I'm gonna make a side salad." You say, taking out the romaine lettuce.
"Okay, then I'll make dessert."
You can only smile appreciatively and shake your head. That's Satoru for you.
Your mind suddenly travels to the past, remembering how you'd spend hours alone in the kitchen to prepare a meal for your ex boyfriend, and how he'd come home late, and turns out he had eaten. He didn't even tell you.
And you chuckle to yourself, thinking how foolish you were to have stayed that long. Look at you now, spending time with your lover who showers you with love, shows you how much you mean to him, and never needing to ask "are we okay" if you happen to have an argument.
"Why're you laughing to yourself, hmm?" Satoru nudges your hip with his.
You smile at him, "Just... Just want you to know that I'm really grateful for you, Satoru. You're the best thing that ever happened to me."
Satoru visibly blushes, his lips shaking, "Hey, you're being too sweet now. That's my job."
He circles his arms around your waist as you continue sprinkle some cocoa powder on the tiramisu you made together (of course you insisted on helping make the dessert).
"You're the light of my life," He says, resting his head on your shoulder. "Hope you know that I- Achoo!"
You gasp and can't help but laugh as Satoru chokes on the cocoa powder. "Oh my God, are you okay?"
"F-fine-" He coughs and laughs at the same time.
You hand him a glass of water and chuckle as he downs it. "Who knew Gojo Satoru's nemesis is now cocoa powder."
"Hey, you try inhaling that, it can be dangerous." He clears his throat a few times.
Giggling, you hug him tightly and press a kiss gently on his chin. "I love you, Satoru."
"I love you too, sweets."
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rogueddie · 1 year
Steve doesn't really mind the jokes about his intelligence. Not anymore, anyway. He's gotten used to them. Even when they did get to him, he knew that they were just playing. Kid shit.
But he slowly starts to notice... El always watches for his reaction. Almost like she's waiting for something.
So, he starts to watch her too.
He's more subtle about it though. She turns her whole head and body towards him, pointedly staring.
But Steve leans, casual as always, tilting just enough to see her out the corner of his eye. He isn't able to get a great read on her like that, but he sees enough.
He slowly realizes that the insults that he's getting are upsetting her.
When Dustin dismisses his questions because they're stupid, her hand twitches just before she turns to him.
When Mike calls him an idiot, she flinches, almost jerking around to look at him. Her hands stay on the edge of her chair, gripping tight enough to whiten her knuckles.
When Max scoffs at his suggestion, talking louder, as though his ideas are too stupid to consider... Els hands shake. She moves slower whenever it's Max making the cutting remarks, as though they cut deeper.
It's when Hopper joins in, patronising when he ruffles Steve's hair and tells him that 'yeah kid, they know, he's the jock. He's the sports guy, not the brains'.
The noise El makes is too quiet for Steve to really hear. All he knows is that she sounds... wounded. Upset.
"Alright," Steve finally says. He slams his glass down on the table. "That's enough. You've had your fun. The dumb jokes stop here."
"Don't be such a baby," Mike scoffs. "They're just jokes."
"And they're not funny anymore, so cut it out."
"Steve, c'mon-" Dustin starts.
"No. Nope. Nuh-uh. I'm putting my foot down."
"It's not our fault you ask dumb questions!" Mike says.
"Hey, it might be," Max says, smirking slightly. "He's taken a lot of hits to the head for us."
El jumps to her feet, suddenly enough that it startles everyone into silence. She opens her mouth a few times, visibly struggling to speak.
She turns to Steve gesturing for him to follow her.
When the others get up at the same time, trying to follow as well, she finally finds her words.
"No!" She snaps. "You stay here. I am going to talk to Steve."
"What's wrong?" Mike asks, stepping closer, despite her glare. "El?"
"You are wrong."
She grabs Steve's wrist, leading him into her room. She sits on the bed, smiling a little when he sits next to her.
"You need me to be quiet for a minute?" He asks, voice hushed.
Steve nods, giving her a reassuring smile. He looks around her room while he waits for her to gather her thoughts, determined to wait as long as she needs and-
"Holy shit, is that a diorama of the solar system?!" He jumps up, excited, hunching over so he can look at it closer. "What the- El, this is amazing! Did you make this?"
"Oh, yeah. It is ok." Her smile is a little timid, hands shifting into her lap so she can pick at her nails.
Steve doesn't notice, looking back to the diorama. "This is amazing - I know, I already said that, but... Jesus, El."
"Thank you, Steve." Her voice is stiff, stilted- sad.
Right, Steve remembers, cringing at himself.
"Sorry, uh... I'll... I'll shut up now."
"No. It's nice. Will helped me a lot but he won't to let me tell anyone."
"I won't tell," he crosses his heart. "You doing ok?"
"Wanna talk about it?"
"They are mean to you."
"They are."
El narrows her eyes at him, frustrated. "They should not be mean to you."
"You're right."
She looks even more frustrated, but Steve thinks that this is his best little technique of getting people to talk. Especially about emotions. It works on Eddie like a charm.
"I do not like when they are mean to you."
"Because it is not nice!"
"You're right, it isn't."
"They are supposed to be your friends!" El jumps to her feet, voice raised so much that the others can undoubtedly hear her. "They are supposed to be my friends! I do not understand either! If you are an idiot, so am I!"
"So, you're upset because they think you're stupid?"
"No! I know they do not think I am stupid! They are being mean! They are being bullies!"
Steve nods, pausing for a long moment, waiting for her to calm down a little.
"You remember what Eddie told you about bullies?"
"They are sad with themselves so they have to make others miserable too so they can feel better." She glances at the door. "He also called them assholes."
"Do you think that's what they're doing?"
She considers that for a second, before shaking her head. "No. They... do not understand."
"They're not going to understand if we don't talk to them." He raises an eyebrow when she frowns. "You could stay here, let me do the talking?"
"No. I will talk to them. You are too nice."
"Alright," Steve snorts, gesturing to the door. "Let's give 'em he'll."
part two
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auras-moonstone · 4 months
passionate as sin — ethan landry
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word count: 2.6k
pairing: camp counselor!ethan landry x camp counselor!fem!reader
summary: ethan and y/n find out that kissing is more passionate when hatred is involved and fraternising is considered a sin.
warnings: none!
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The rivalry between Garden Gate Camp and Holiday House Camp was something exciting for the campers and dreading for the owners. Y/N's family camp had existed for way too long, due to it being a family legacy. And then, just a few short years ago, the Landrys appeared in the picture to make their lives a mess by setting their camp right next to theirs. While the newest one was more advanced and modern, the other one was cozier and homier.
To summerise it, the business competition created hatred and enmity between these two families, especially between the dads—although Y/N and Ethan came in close second.
The two teenagers have spent their summers arguing and pulling pranks on each other ever since they met. One would think that now, being 20-year-olds, they would've grown out of a prank war that started when they were 15.
"Nice shirt! Your dad will love it." the curly-haired boy laughed once Y/N stepped out of the dressing room.
"You're a pervert, I was showering!" Y/N hit him with her wet towel, causing him to whimper in pain.
The boy had sneaked into the dressing room and changed her Garden Gate Camp counselor t-shirt for a Holiday House Camp one. "Don't worry, I made sure to hear the water running before I got in. Let me take a pic, this will be good for our socials."
"You put your phone near my face and I'll make you swallow it." Y/N said between gritted teeth.
"Fine, fine." he put his phone back on his pocket. "You look good in that shirt."
"You could've at least given me the right size." she groaned as she tried to fix the shirt that barely reached her belly button and was tight as leather. "I don't think I can get out of it. For real."
"I'll gladly help you with that." Ethan smirked, which motivated her to hit him with the heavy towel again. "Ouch! Y/N, it's a wet towel, it fucking hurts."
"That's why I'm hitting you with it, Einstein!"
"Whatever." Ethan said rubbing his arm. "There's a party tonight, at my camp. You and your friend are invited."
Y/N frowned. "First of all, why the hell are you inviting me? Second, I'd rather die than get caught at your stupid party."
"I'm not inviting you because I want to." he scoffed, as if the implication of wanting her there was ridiculous. "My friend, Anika, is interested in your friend Mindy and she asked me to invite her. I assume she wouldn't like going alone, so you can go too, I guess."
"So thoughtful." she rolled her eyes. "No promises."
"So you won't go?" Ethan asked.
Y/N's shoulders slumped. "I guess I will, but just because Mindy is interested in her too."
"Awesome." the boy said with fake enthusiasm. "Party starts at midnight."
"Can't wait." she showed him her fakest smile.
"By the way, I wasn't lying. You really do look good in that shirt." he said before leaving.
Y/N walked away, cheeks on fire. He was an irritating, infuriating, exhasperating asshole. But he was also hotter than hell, which made him even more annoying because she couldn't help but feel heated by his words.
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Y/N and Mindy managed to sneak in through the fence that separated both camps. The owner's daughter still couldn't comprehend why it had been necessary for the Landrys to set a camp just right next to another one. But oh well, it was what it was.
"There they are." Y/N tilted her head towards Anika and Ethan, who were doing their job as counselors in one corner.
"Hey, thanks for doing this." Mindy said as they made their way to them.
“Of course, Minds. I know how much you like her.”
“I was hoping you’d change your mind.” Ethan spoke with an exaggerated tone of disappointment when the girls reached them.
“And pass the opportunity to annoy you in your own territory? No way.” Y/N flashed him a venomous smile before turning to Anika. “Hey, Ani. Nice to see you.”
“Nice to see you too, Y/N/N” she smiled sweetly. Despite the rivalry Y/N had with her friend, she had always been super kind to Anika. “Want to dance, Minds?”
“Sure.” Mindy looked at Y/N, silently asking her if she was okay with it. Y/N sent her a subtle nod, and both girls got lost amongst the campers.
“They’re cute together.” Y/N said.
“They are.” Ethan agreed. He passed her a can of beer, which she thanked with a nod.
“You know, it took two people’s help to get me out of that shirt.”
“And sadly, I wasn’t one of them.” he made a clicking sound with his tongue while shaking his head.
“That’s the second time you mention wanting to get my shirt off me. Are you that desperate?” Y/N smirked, taking a sip of her drink.
Ethan eyed the way her throat moved as she swallowed “And you blush every time I mention it. Are you that desperate?” he mirrored her smirk and took a sip of his beer too. His lips were glistening, soaked by the drink, and for a moment the sight left Y/N in a trance.
She hadn’t noticed how tempting his lips were. They were round and full, and she got the sudden urge to trace them with her finger and feel how soft they were. Y/N looked up and their eyes met. Ethan had caught her eyeing his lips, but he didn’t look smug like she would’ve expected. Instead, he held her stare with intensity and she noticed them turn darker.
The air instantly got thick, their skins turned hot and breaths turned uneven. Their bodies stiffened, feeling their hearts accelerating and a swarm of electricity ran from the top of their heads right to the tip of their toes.
Their magnetic field grew stronger with the passing of seconds, until the mood was broken when something bumped against Y/N’s shoulder, making her fall into Ethan’s side.
“Shit, sorry. Tripped over my own feet.” the guy apologised. He was tall, though not as tall as Ethan. He had short dark brown hair that fell to the sides of his face like a curtain, and an amazing bone structure. He was handsome and Y/N wondered why that camp was filled with such good-looking people.
“It’s okay.” Y/N smiled weakly. She didn’t know if she should be glad or mad that the moment was ruined.
“I’m James, camp counselor.” the guy presented himself. He inspected her face carefully. “Wait, aren’t you Y/N? From Garden Gate?”
“Yup, if you tell anyone you saw me here, I’ll kill you.”
The boy laughed. It was deep and rough, extremely attractive. “My lips are sealed. But I’ll be extra careful if you accept dancing with me.”
Y/N could feel Ethan’s eyes on the side of her face, expectant to hear her answer. James was gorgeous, and in other circumstances she wouldn’t have hesitated, but right now she wasn’t dying to dance with him. On the other hand, if she stayed with Ethan, she’d have to acknowledge the strange moment that happened between them.
“Just for a bit, I’m not much for dancing.” she finally said. And when she felt Ethan’s stare on her back as she walked away with James, part of her regretted her decision.
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“What the fuck was that?” Ethan asked, leaning against the wall next to the doorframe, when Y/N exited the bathroom. She had excused herself from the dance floor, leaving James alone, and Ethan took his opportunity to get the irrational anger off his chest.
“You’ll have to be more specific, Landry.”
“You, dancing with James. Didn’t your father teach you not to fraternise with the enemy?” his jaw was clenched and his body burning with rage.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Anika is also fraternising with the enemy, yet I don’t see you mad over that.”
She had a point. Truth was, he had wanted to punch James so badly when he saw his hands gripping Y/N’s waist and the way she was smiling up at him as she swayed her hips in such an hypnotic way. Ethan didn’t know what was going on with him, but he knew that he and Y/N had an undeniable chemistry. And he wanted to dive into it.
“You’re right.” Ethan said after a few seconds.
“Great. Can you move?” Y/N asked, as his tall frame was blocking the door.
He didn’t budge. “You’re not going back to him.” Ethan stated calmly.
Y/N scoffed. “Why do you care if I go back to him or not?”
Ethan took a step closer, leaving them chest to chest. Y/N had to tilt her head up to look at him properly. Her confused eyes made contact with his darkened ones. The kind of dark that made Y/N’s insides melt. She set her hands on his hard chest, while his found her hips.
None of them knew who got rid of the distance, nor did they care. The only thing that mattered was that their lips were pressed together in one heated, breathtaking and passionate kiss.
They kissed like they were liberating the tension they had been accumulating through the years, like they were letting out the anger that every prank, insult, glare and hurtful comment had made them feel. They kissed like it was something they had been wanting to do for a long time and never realized—or never wanted to realize.
“Hate you so much.” Y/N slurred between kisses as she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him inside the bathroom, pining him to the now closed door. “You’re so good at this. I hate you.”
“I hate you more. Seeing you with someone else makes me furious, and I hate you for that.” he descended his kisses to her neck, collarbone and shoulders. Those kisses were softer and slower, as if he just wanted to feel her skin with his lips.
“I hate that your lips are soft and that I’m already addicted to them.” she said as she played with the hair on the nape of his neck.
“I hate how many times I’ve dreamt about this, and I hate even more that this is better than anything I’ve ever imagined.” he lifted her up and set her on the counter.
Y/N’s hands gripped his shoulders and pulled him even closer. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, it makes me so mad.”
“Tell me about it. Just my luck, the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen is also the bane of my existence.” he squeezed the back of her neck.
“Good thing we found something to help us release our anger.” she bit his lip so hard that it drew blood.
“Asshole.” he cursed. Then, an idea passed through his mind and a grin appeared. Before Y/N could address the weird reaction, Ethan attacked her neck making her squirm.
“Ethan, what the fuck!”
“Have fun explaining that to your father, sweetheart.” he smiled devilishly. Stepping back, after giving her one more short kiss, he opened the bathroom door. “See you tomorrow.”
“This changes nothing, prank war is still on.” she said with a glare.
How he loved when she got all angry with him. “Wouldn’t have it any other way. But it does change things, we can still have our little rivalry, hate each other, but I’m the only one who gets to kiss those pretty lips, understood?”
“I don’t know.” she scrunched her nose and gave him teasing eyes. “I’m kinda curious to know how James kisses.”
“You can try, but we both know you’ll came back to me.”
Y/N was sure that was true, but she wasn’t going to admit that. “Oh, yeah? Why so confident?”
“Because our chemistry is unmatched. And because I know that if you truly wanted to know how James kisses, you would’ve already made a move. You always go for what you want.”
The fact that he knew her so well made Y/N’s heart go crazy. “Meet me tomorrow at the fence after 8pm?”
Ethan shook his head, and Y/N hid her disappointment. But then, he went and made her cheeks flush when he said, “That’s seems like eternity, need to see you earlier than that. Before breakfast? At the fence.”
Y/N tried not to smile. “Okay.”
Ethan couldn’t help himself, and walked towards her again to kiss her once more. Just one kiss and they were both turned into fools. “You look beautiful tonight, by the way.”
The thing that started between them was like a sin. Their parents would never approve, but that’s what made it so passionate and exciting.
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tojirin · 10 months
🌀 megumi x gn!reader . fluff , megumi having a crush on reader , silly gojo and yuji , megumi in denial . proofread? nah . WC: 3.4k
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"and when i felt like a cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite."
Megumi never knew how it felt to actually love someone other than his sister Tsumiki, but now she's gone. But that was until you came along, when he first saw you felt as he respected you, which was an peculiar since there was very few people he actually respected, he didn't even know your name until something, no someone interrupted his thoughts and that someone had to happen to be Gojo. "Heyyy!! first years listen up since this is important!" he said with a slightly goofy tone which caused you to giggle. "so.. are you gonna tell us what you wanna say??" Nobara said with an annoyed tone. "I was getting to that! meet your new classmate, [name]!" Gojo just dropped that bomb and happily skipped away. You took that as a cue to actually introduce yourself, hey! i'm [name] I hope we can get along." It didn't take long for Yuji and Nobara to introduce themselves, but it took a while longer for Megumi finally i introduce himself. "Hello, um..i'm Megumi, Megumi Fushiguro." you reached out your hand for Megumi to shake. "Hey gumi! its nice to meet you, wait is it okay that I call you gumi? i don't know but I feel like I can be casual with you.." "Yeah it's completely fine, don't worry." Megumi isn't sure why he agreed considering he hates when Gojo calls him it. "Well! bye guys I have to get something from Yaga! i'll see y'all later?.." "yeah! byeee!" Yuji and Nobara said in unison.
It was has three months since you transferred to jujutsu high and you've grown plenty close with everyone. Currently it was currently 8:49pm, all students had to be in the dorms by 9:30pm, Yuji and Megumi were in his dorm talking about random topics until Yuji decided to bring up something he noticed lately. "Hey Megumi?" "yes Itadori?.." "You known [name] right? what's up between you and them, you totally give them goo-goo eyes when y'all interact!! you totally have a crush on them! Yuji said while having a giggle fit. "No, I dont, itadori." "You totally doooo!!" by now Yuji was rolling around while wiping his tears from laughter. when he calmed down he spoke up saying "soo you don't mind if I ask them out?" Megumi has never gone silent so quickly. "So you do! I was just kidding!!..so if you like them.." "I don't." no matter how hard Megumi tried to shut down the idea of him having a crush on you Yuji kept on insisting he confessed to you since he noticed the way your eyes would linger when it came to Megumi. Yuji thought if Megumi didn't wanna confess his feelings he'd had to force it out of him. "Megumi! if you don't confess by tomorrow I'm telling them! "ok." "that's all it took?" "i'm not letting you make a fool of me."
That's basically the reason Megumi is currently trying to get the courage outside your dorm to confess since he knew you were in it. Megumi was thinking that the worse was you'd reject him and he'd have to ignore his feelings for the rest of his life, not too bad right? *knock* *knock* then fifteen seconds of pure silence. Then a door opens, he noticed you looked like you got ready in a rush. "O-oh! hey Megumi! I wasn't really expecting for you to be here right now.." "yeah." "well..is there something you need?" "I like you, would you go out with me sometime?" he said very bluntly which made you go wide eyed with shock, considering you never thought he would like you back.
"I would love to."
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★ © tojirin ʚɞ 2023
part 2 drabble maybeee??🙈🙈
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ddejavvu · 10 months
That last Indy blurb you reblogged, and oh boy.. oh boy… all I could think of is Indy making you ride the end of his whip. making you rub your wet little pussy all over the handle of it for him. 
salivating... foaming at the mouth... creaming my pants
this post is 18+, minors dni.
Indiana is nothing if not a massive tease. He knows you're desperate for him, knows he couldn't lose you out in the jungle if he tried, so when you rest your chin over his shoulder, he doesn't give in.
"Not now, sweetheart," He drawls, thumbing through the pages of his notebook like it's more important than your aching pussy, "I'm busy."
"Indy," You whimper, sounding all too bratty as you scoff at his work, "Come on, all we've seen today is dirt. Aren't I a little more important?"
His brows raise, and he fixes you with a look that's part amusement, part incredulity.
"More important? These are historic archaeological discoveries, princess, you don't think that takes precedence over a quick fuck?"
"If it's gonna be quick you won't mind putting the journal away for a bit," You decide, throwing a leg over his thigh. You're purposefully naked beneath your nightgown, the safety of your tent the perfect place to prepare for your night. Despite the lustful call of your hot cunt against his leg, he pushes further, trying to see just how far he can go before you'll beg for it.
"Hey- hey," He gripes, one hand on your hip to hold you from getting any further, "I said I was busy, you little minx. You can wait."
"I don't want to wait," You huff, "Just- fuck me, Indy!"
You've done it. You've said the magic words, you've laid all of your cards on the table, you've guessed the password correctly.
"Well," He pretends to consider, "I could use my fingers. But I really need to work on this."
You know damn well he'll abandon his scholarly facade the second your legs spread. You're playing each other like tense snakes, not sure who'll sink their fangs into the other first.
"I need more than your fingers," You brace your hands on his upper thigh, squeezing more than you need to, "I want your cock, Indy."
"No can do, sweetheart," He grins lazily, all too proud of himself for his restraint. Truthfully, he's already hardening in his pants, the fabric stretching tight over a bulge you're both pretending like you can't see. It's better that way, if you pretend he's not chubbing up and you're not already hot against his thigh. It's better to pretend you don't care, to build the frustration inside until you snap and it floods you both.
"I'm busy. If you want something thicker than my fingers, you'll have to use my whip."
It's a throwaway suggestion, an absurd way of telling you you're in for a long night of teasing. That you're going to have to work for what you want. But you're more than intrigued by it, eyeing the thick leather handle that's mounted on his belt.
"Okay." You catch him off guard with your sense of adventure, and something flickers in his eyes. He muscles it down from his face, though, keeping his smirk tight over his cheeks.
"Okay? That's it? You're gonna fuck it?"
"I'm not waiting around all day," You scoff, taking the leather handle from his belt and sticking it in his non-dominant hand as you settle between his thighs. You've got your back against his chest, and you drag his hand between your legs.
"I'll hold the journal," You brace your hand against its pages, keeping is steady, "You can still write, Indy."
He's a little slow to process the situation, so you groan, "Well come on, fuck me! I thought you were busy, now you're just wasting- time!"
Without warning, Indiana drives the thick, leather girth of his whip into your cunt. It's abrupt, and if you hadn't been steadily producing slick at the condescending tone of his voice the entire time, it would hurt. But it's nothing more than an initial sting, and he laughs in that same cocky tone.
"You brat," He spits, like it's a curse word, "You pitch a big fit about getting fucked like I'm not taking care of you. You're greedy, y'know that? Can't handle a day without a dick in you, y'gotta fuck yourself all over whatever you can get. Is this what you wanted?" He drags the whip in and out of your cunt, marveling at the slick smeared over it, "You wanted to fuck my whip? You're a nasty little thing."
"Oh, shut up," You huff, face turned against his tanned neck. You nip at a spot beneath the hinge of his jaw and you feel his chest swell as he draws a heaving breath in, "You can talk as much shit as you want, Indy, I- ah!" You writhe back against him as he steadily fucks the handle of his whip into your soaked cunt, "I feel you getting hard. I know you like it."
"You're pathetic," He manages to spit through clenched teeth as you suck bruises into his neck. He's right, you're desperate for whatever you can get inside of you and he loves it, he loves watching your cunt suck his whip in like it's his cock.
"And you're not working anymore," You point out that his pen has been long-since discarded, his fist now clenched atop the pages of his journal, "So why don't you cut the bullshit and just fuck me, Indiana."
"Well," He pants, a wry grin taking his features by storm as he wrestles to both lay you down and maneuver himself on top of you. Once he's hovering above you, hairline already gathering glistening sweat as he tries controlling his lust-fueled movements, he smirks down at you, cherishing the feeling of your hands prying at his belt to release his achingly-hard cock, "Since you asked so nicely, sweetheart."
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skyeslittlecorner · 5 months
Belphegor brainrot...?
I wanted to put together all crumbs about Belphie just like I did with Asmo.
We know Nilfheim is a something like a military hive mind. Nobles use swords or other melee weapons (the scythe is somewhat included in this), and since consistency is usually maintained, plus Bathin has a uniform resembling a soldier (we will talk about uniforms later), let's very roughly assume that it is, to some extent, a knightly country.
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Okay I'll be honest, I'm just amused by the idea of Belphie as a mixture of Sleeping Beauty and a knight on a white horse lol.
I don't have a screenshot unfortunately, but Satan during Halloween event said Beplhie don't like tedious work (even if it's just a signing.) Expected. He's embodiment of sloth after all.
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Actually, I can relate.
It looks like Gusion and Bael could shake hands. But Belphie is there, he really does a lot when he's out of his cave. It is not without reason that it is said that lazy people are the best employees because they will get the job done in the fastest way.
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Looks like his Majesty is flirty! A big point in my opinion, because for me he seemed cold and distant. I was afraid that we would be too similar to Leviathan, but I guess that's not the case.
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He doesn't sound like this decision bothered him at all. I don't know how to interpret it, so I leave it here out of chronicler's duty. And to please the eyes, look at my pretty boy!!!
But... that's it. That's all. So, I have found a related topic to rabmle about.
Nilfheim boys what's wrong with you?
We only know two, only recently three of them. Gusion, Bathin, Andrealphus.
And I guess they have a different definition of military than us.
Two of the three are like, "hey, have you seen that unicorn in the green cloak? This one who is never in his country? Great idea!" and yeeted themselves from Nilhfeim.
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He just. Randomly visited Earth. Because why not.
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Honey, you don't. Although… you're the devil. *Hands AO3* Have fun!
We are fresh from Andrea's escapades to Avisos. We know that he spends a lot of time there and from the screenshot above we also know that he doesn't really need things like his king permission to be happy.
Considering that Bathin is friends with Stolas...
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...aka his personal radio, I'm sorry I can't get over this lol, it is very possible that he also often visits Avisos. Beel, you are tempting nobles from the next country and you are not even in your own country.
Bathin? Andrea? I understand that in a sentence "The devils of Niflheim almost never move individually" you are the "almost". Two of the three known. A known majority. They are hopeless.
And you know what? The third one isn't any better.
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Yeah. Who in a MILITARY COUNTRY would wear a uniform. Well, no one normal. Let's get back to those uniforms, this time for real.
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We already know that Gusion doesn't bother with such bullshit, so we don't know if what we actually see is the one times he wears something he should wear all the time. (I guess we do and he just doesn't have a jacket.)
Bathin has a uniform, but it's from Paradise Lost. It is possible that his appearance refers to this and not Nilfheim, as we know that other devils associated with foreign countries, especially Buer, but also Sitri, have appearances related to the latter country.
Andrea seems to be the most reliable. But who knows? He wanders where he shouldn't, do you think he would care about his uniform? Plus… A wing? And a halo? Exactly.
Ultimately, I would lean towards uniforms of nobles that look like hitmans. Just like someone described Andrea in the event.
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At least one thing is right. The devils of Nilfheim are unnaturally strong, even by their standards. We all remember how Andrea abused every angel in his path. Even the big guy who seemed to break him like a match. No, the big guy was shaking like an aspen under his feet as Andrea happily dismembered him. As we can see, Gusion's sword also proves his strength.
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Even some of Nilfheim's lower devils seem to have great fighting skills. Not all of them, of course. One is a fish.
We have the least information about the countries of Asmo and Belphi, but we have some coherent idea about Abaddon thanks to the nobles. Nilhfeim? Nope! Funny country. I can't wait to visit it.
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gracejh08 · 19 days
Breaking the media
Chapter 5- the incident
CW- brief mention of SA please dont read if it a triggering subject
As the sun peeked through the corner of the blinds it wasnt the blaring sound of your alarm that woke you up it was the calling of your name from alexia "y/n come on you need to get up" she said from the kitchen. Half asleep you clambered out of bed and into the kitchen where a plate with pancakes on waited for you "goodmorning" you said letting your eyes adjust to the light in the room "morning to you too now eat up we can't be late for training" she said while pulling the chair back for you to sit in. After finishing the morning routine and climbing into the passenger seat of the car you made small talk in the car "so how are you enjoying barca" she asked "its good, a lot warmer then back home" you joked "just a question y/n" she asked you hummed in response "i don't want to pry but why are you here by yourself" she asked, you paused before answering "oh well my parents weren't the best for my career they didnt mind when i played at sunderland but when i moved to arsenal i lived with a foster home so when i came here i didn't really have anyone to bring with me" you said trying not to show the sadness on your face it was a sensitive topic for you "im sorry pequeña" she said and rested her hand on top of your leg.
Training was hard today you had been doing fitness tests all day unlike the other girls who had normal training due to being new. It was so they can determine your stamina compared to the others and see how much they can play you on the pitch. "Hey y/n are you going back to yours to pack the rest of your stuff or are you gonna do it later" alexia asked you it was if she had read your mind or if the tiredness had spread across your face "I think I'll do it later, im sorry im just really tired" you said packing your stuff in your bag. You had arrived back at alexias place when you had essentially passed out on her sofa of tiredness "hey pequeña is it okay if mapi and ingrid come over?" She asked bringing a cup of coffee to the table. You just stuck your thumbs up at her you had 0 energy to talk and you needed a shower.
It was friday when you had finally got around to collecting your things from your apartment, the remaining days you noticed how close alexia and mapi were considering as in 4 days you'd seen her and ingrid twice. "Call me when you're done packing and i will bring the car for you" she said as you began to leave the building. Normal you wore your sweats to leave but it was so hot you decided to keep your shorts on. Alexia would have come and helped you pack but unfortunately she had to stay back for media and so did some of the other girls. You began to walk to your apartment when after a couple minutes you had noticed a tall man in all black following close behind you, but before you got to panicked you decided to take a turn which was no where near your house but it was just to check if he was actually following you. Then he turned down the same street all of sudden you started to feel your heart beat to speed up and you did the only thing you could do and that was call alexia.
The call came halfway through media luckily it wasn't alexias shoot, she picked up her phone and saw your contact and had no problem to pick it up and she wandered out to the hall "ale..please help" your voice was quiet and filled with panic "pequeña whats wrong" she asked her voice filled with concern "someone is following me" you said almost in a whisper, the minute she heard this alexia was filled with concern and almost a sense of anger but she needed to stay strong for you "okay amor you need to listen to me, walk to the nearest bus stop the one near the town centre and I'll be on my way" she says "okay please hurry hes getting closer" you said following her instructions as you headed towards the bus stop. She hung up the phone and nearly sprinted to the door when she said that she needed to go but before she drove herself to you she was in no state to drive her hands clenched ready to knock out whoever this was she didn't care if he was 5 foot 4 or 6 foot 6 she would do it. "Mapi i need your help please can you drive me to the bus stop near the cafe y/n is being followed and i said i would get her there" she said frantically to mapi on the phone "yes of course me and ingrid are on the way now" mapi responded grabbing her keys and ingrid to come to the car.
You had made your way to the bus stop when you sat on the furthest seat away and the man sat on the other side of the bench glancing at you every minute or so. You pulled out you phone to try and see how close alexia was to you but from the corner of your eye you could see the man shifting more and more towards you. The text came through to alexias phone 'please hurry he's moving towards me' you practically begged if alexia was driving she would have definitely broke some speed laws and here she sat in the passenger seat of mapis car her leg shaking up and down and worry knitted across her face. As each passing second the man had now made his way beside you his leg pressed against yours, you were helpless there was no one to save you and you couldn't move almost frozen by fear and slowly preparing your self for the worst. "Hey gorgeous whats someone like you doing by yourself" he gritted through his teeth placing his hand on your thigh "none of your business now please leave me alone" you said trying to mask your anxiety through your voice but it didn't stop him. His hands moved further up you leg to your inner thigh just as they were about to reach the hem of your shorts you saw a car pull up. Alexia had seen the sight from a couple hundred metres away and she couldn't believe it she flung the car door open and started shouting in spanish. Mapi quickly followed to restrain alexia from knocking him out "calm down ale, we don't want to cause a scene" mapi said her hand firmly on alexia waist trying to calm her down.
Meanwhile it was ingrid who had come to you, she crouched down infront of you as you were fixated on staring at your thigh you could almost still feel his hand on you. That's when alexia had turned around to face you, you were as pale as a ghost and trembling she reached out to put a hand on your shoulder buf before she could reach ingrid had slapped it away "ale you cant just touch her after she has been touched without consent" ingrid said trying to hide the anger in her voice. Thats when it hit alexia you must be terrified something way worse could have happened if she didn't show up earlier "hey pequeña can i touch you" she said gently you just looked up at her your eyes dwelled with tears. You didn't respond you just launched yourself at alexia and cried into her shoulder " he was.. he was so close ale... i was so scared" you sobbed into her shoulder as she rubbed circles on your back "its okay now you're safe" she whispered into your ear "how about we go home" she said as you nodded in to her shoulder. This time it was alexia who sat in the back as you lay still surgically attached to her as she sat and brushed her hand through your ragged hair you had fallen asleep on her lap as your tears had exhausted you.
You had arrived back home where instead of waking you up she carried you to her bed not yours she wouldn't let you out of her sight not again. Then she turned to mapi and she let out the emotions she was hiding to stay strong you she cried into mapis shoulder "i was so worried about her.. she.. she.. its my fault. I told her to go" alexia said her voice raspy her thoughts could only bring herself to blame herself for what happened "no no ale it wasn't your fault no one could have predicted that it would've happened" mapi said soothing her besf friend. After 10 minutes alexia was ready for bed she was greatful of the catalan who had let her cry on her shoulder but now she only had one place to be and that was next to you. To make sure nothing like this will ever happen again not under her protection she wouldn't let it happen.
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lumea-art · 7 days
Hey, guys! I'd like to address a personal issue which actually concerns everyone in this fandom. Please, read and react somehow🙏 For those on the bojere fanbook server, that's going to be pretty much the same as what you read yesterday. If I'm too direct or accidentally overshare, sorry, keep in mind that I'm autistic
So for quite a long time I felt secretly disliked in the fandom. I am a very anxious person, I hang on every piece of feedback that I get so it bothered me a lot. I wasn't allowed to participate in the Käärijä zine and they never explained why and I almost didn't get in the bojere fanbook as well but at least the mods were kind enough to communicate the issue
So the mods told me yesterday that people felt uncomfortable about me taking part in this and having me on the server. I felt very down the whole day and didn't understand shit until Moko and Due gave me the explanation. The issue was "radfem" in my bio on Twitter. They explained to me how my associating with radfem made them think I was potentially threatening to other people on the server, especially the queer folk. But the thing is I turned out to be quite different. I consider myself to be radfem cause I've had a lot of traumatic experience with men (SA, abusive relationship), I don't want any other women to go through something like I had to experience, I am with women, I'm fighting for our comfort and against the patriarchy. Also I am from Kazakhstan and we have big issues with women's rights here including all kinds of abuse and femicide for which men tend to not get in jail. You might have heard how our ex minister of Economics abused and k*lled his wife and didn't get in jail until the case reached the news. That's all, that's what it means TO ME to be radfem. So I guess this radfem is different to the one you're used to. I am not transphobic and I have never thought my views had anything to do with queer people. I have always been nothing but respectful towards queer people, online or irl. I have nonbinary friends who are comfortable with communicating with me. As a cis person, I may not understand something, but we tend to talk anything through in order to understand each other better, not waiting for any of us get hurt accidentally. So I suggest the same - if you need further clarification, you can ask me questions in reblog or dms and I'll answer. Also I'm open to literature suggestions to get to understand you guys better💕
Also regarding Russian-Ukranian issue in case anyone has a problem with it
Since I'm openly Russian speaking (though being from Kazakhstan and half Ukrainian myself), Ukrainians might have an issue with me and I perfectly understand why so I try not to bother them. However, some of them didn't want to leave me and my friends alone. You might have seen this big Russian-Ukranian fight on twitter in April, mostly taking place in JO fandom. The thing is that (again) people don't dig deep and assume I am pro Russian since I speak Russian and happen to not be able to speak Ukrainian or Kazakh (in Kazakhstan we mostly speak Russian). Me and my Russian speaking friends were bullied, our personal info was leaked without our permission and one of us got threatened to be physically hurt once she arrives to a JO gig we are all going to. Of course I protected my friends and myself, maybe not in the best way possible. Luckily, we were able to talk everything through with the guys and no one means to hurt anyone anymore. I suggested doing commissions for donations and I still do that if you're interested. I am pro Ukrainian and pro Palestinian and genocides suck
If someone doesn't want to communicate with me for whatever reason, just don't, what's the problem. But don't limit a person before clarifying things, I beg you. Please, I really want to be on good terms with everyone. I wish peace to everyone 🙏
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softshuji · 1 year
Sanzu wakes up after you on the first night he stays over.
And it's not that he's found it hard to sleep, quite the contrary, which is a start all things considered. Maybe your bed is just too warm and smells of perfume and vanilla, lemon soap and coffee that you're prone to drinking even during the late hours. Maybe it's that there's a hair of yours on his chest that whirls along his torso, and he can feel the warmth of you still on his skin despite the draught.
These are the things he knows immediately: He knows the sheets are soft, and you'd been embarrassed at the pale green of your covers that still had ink marks and spots of nail polish dotting its corners. He knows you'd switched the noise machine off last night and had curled on his chest, your ear pressed to his skin, the milky white juncture of his shoulder, the slope where his heart rests anxiously underneath.
But he's surprised that he doesn't feel inclined to move immediately when he feels you slip out next to him in the morning, taking the warmth with you. You hold his hand, halfway between sleep and not, and press a kiss to his wrist, before pulling the covers over him again, safe and cocooned in your bed.
You know he's watching and it doesn't feel awkward, him peering from beneath the snow of his lashes, sleep grit and fatigue still clinging to the shadows underneath.
It's not sexual when he watches you pick up a bra from the floor and shimmy into jeans thrown somewhere on the other side of the room from the night prior. It's unceremonious in fact when you pad to the mirror in just those and one sock and thermal pants underneath because, quote unquote "you hate the feeling of bare denim and your legs get cold easily."
And he remembers it had been a quick affair, getting you out of clothes and onto the bed, your thighs in his hands, your back on the sheets and him latching onto your skin, sucking deep purple onto your neck and lower still. He looks at the wreckage of his lust now, the capillaries broken under your skin that you don't seem to mind as you slip a shirt on.
You look at him and it's open, carefree and vulnerable when you tell him , "hey Haru, there's coffee in the pot for you when you're ready okay?"
He sits up on his elbows, the sheets slipping off his chest to expose your own destruction to the sunlight, fading pink that's stark against the ivory of skin. 'I think I should probably go,' he says, for something to say. And he does feel awkward now, feels as if he needs to rush to leave the safety of your home and your inviting bed.
You frown and dig around in your dresser for a hairbrush. 'I thought you said you had a day off today?' you say absent-mindedly, rubbing moisturizer into your skin.
'I do, but- Mikey- there's some things- I shouldn't stay-'
You pause, frown, drop the hairbrush onto the vanity in succession. 'You don't have to y'know.' And you smile, placatingly, amicably, moving to sit on the edge of the bed as you pull your socks on.
'What do you mean?' He sits up further, his back to the headboard now, frowning further when he feels your fingers dance on his open palm.
'I mean...' You tongue your cheek, avert your eyes, all timid shyness that seemed lost on you just last night. 'You can stay, if you want. I left a spare key on the microwave but- you don't have to- I mean it would be nice, if you were here when I got back.'
Suspicion is the first to crawl along his skin. 'You don't want me to go? I can go if-'
'Haru. Stay. Please stay.' And you lean across the expanse of cotton to plant a soft and hesitant touch on his mouth, the cherry of your lip balm a soft tingle on his tongue.
'Are you sure? You don't have to feel force-'
'I'm serious. I don't want you to go.' You touch at his cheek, one polished finger that traces a circle into his skin. 'Be here when I get back?'
He waits, and searches your eyes, the reflection of himself shining in the glassy mirror, for the honesty he finds in you and lacking in himself. 'Sure, I'll...stay,' he says, slowly, as if testing out the words, as if they're new.
And then you lean back and smile, tuck his hair behind an ear and it feels like a loss when the bed springs back as you stand.
Except it feels less like it hurts this time.
reblogs appreciated!
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zoeykallus · 8 months
Hey, I really enjoy your writing and what you do! Would you mind doing an enemies to lovers hc for TBB?
This topic is so loved in this house. Let's get some glimpses... Let's gooo!
PS: I think more detailed One-Shots would have been probably better, but I did the best I could with these HCs 😅
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Enemies To Lovers
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Warnings: Partly Suggestive/Cat And Mouse Games/Slightly Angsty
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
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You may be opponents, but the tension between you is not just hostile, that's for sure.
He is an excellent opponent. Hunter is fast, he is skilled, his only weakness is that he tries not to hurt you every time. If he were more ruthless, he would have defeated you long ago. The encounters with him are exciting, they are like a kind of intoxication you can't resist.
You almost can't imagine to not let this cat and mouse game between you take place anymore. You could have taken him out from a distance more than once, and he could probably do the same the other way around. But something keeps you both from putting an end to it.
Sometimes it's unclear who's actually the hunter and who's the hunted, but that doesn't matter, both are exciting, you enjoy each of these encounters.
Hunter's senses have long perceived that your cat and mouse game does not leave you untouched, and your rapid pulse has nothing to do with fear. Even if this confuses him at first, he feels this magnetism as well. With every encounter, every chase, it's there again, his senses pick up everything, your pulse, your excitement, your hormones. Of course, he teases you with it, and you react to it defiantly at first, as expected. He's mocking you, "You're really excited. Are you excited to see me again?" You growl, "Keep dreaming, clone." Hunter has an unflinching gleam in his eye, you always feel like he knows exactly what's going on inside you. You want to resist, but you quickly realize that this resistance is beginning to crumble. "You can't hide from me". You jump out of your cover and shout, "Then I'll attack." Of course, he already knew where you were, fending off your attack with ease and pinning you between himself and a wall of a house. You squirm in his grip, but the heat between you only increases, your pulse quickens even more.
"Gotcha," he says in a deep voice with a triumphant smile. Part of you wants to kick the smile off his face, another wants to kiss those lips. He takes the decision from you quite unexpectedly. The kiss is wild, and the next moment you are tugging at each other's clothes, not in a fight, but to get even closer to the other.
He's probably the fairest opponent you've ever had, but he's also smart. As long as you stay fair in the fight, so is Echo. "I really don't want to hurt you if I don't have to," he says seriously when he has you deadlocked. "Don't worry, I won't make it that easy for you," you snort, getting ready to fight. He eyes you and you him, both of you tense. It's not the first time you've screwed up his game, beating him to the punch and snatching information or important items from under his nose. But this time, you don't seem to be getting away from him so easily. "Dead end," Echo says dryly. You stare at him angrily. "Captain Obvious," you grumble. He sighs and says, "I can't let you escape this time, I need those files you stole." "Let me get away? You've never let me escape before, I've escaped you."
Echo rolls his eyes. "Sure." Outraged, you clench your hands into fists. Echo suddenly smirks. "You look cute when you're angry". "Thanks...wait what?- I know, I mean.... Shut up!" Echo raises his brows in amusement, very slowly he moves closer. You consider backing away, but you're far too intrigued by that expression on his face. He seems so different than he usually does, not as grim. As he stands in front of you, he finally asks, "If you don't want to give me the files, how about a date?" You catch yourself actually thinking about it, feeling flattered. But then your eyes narrow. "That's an honest question," Echo says when he sees your reaction. "Really?" He nods with a small smile and puts his blaster away. "Neutral territory, truce?" he asks. Uncertain, you say, "Um, okay." The corner of his mouth twitches up again as he says, "You won't regret it."
Even as an opponent, he's playful, but he's also damn strong, and you have to be pretty damn careful. One blow can knock you out or even break your skull, even if he doesn't necessarily mean to. But in the heat of battle, that can happen. You're faster than him, that's your advantage. But he's smarter than you think at first. Every now and again, you narrowly escape your encounters. "Hey, you want to play hide and seek again?" the giant rumbles with a laugh. You sigh and shake your head. "Not today, big guy," you say, throwing him a kissy hand and deftly dodging as he tries to reach for you. "Oh come on, don't be a killjoy!" You laugh and hastily climb onto a low little house nearby. You look down and see him standing there, down in the alley. Wrecker looks up at you, disappointed yet expectant.
You want to make a cool exit and wink at him with a casual salute, but as you turn around, something breaks loose from the edge of the roof you're standing on. From one second to the next, you suddenly find yourself in free fall. Your heart skips a beat, you expect to land hard on the ground at any moment. But that doesn't happen. Wrecker catches you. He looks at you with concern, you in turn look up at his face in complete surprise, still lying in his arms. "Are you all right? Did you hurt yourself?" he asks quietly. Just as quietly, you reply, "Just got a fright." For a long time you just stare at each other, your eyes wandering back and forth, sometimes meeting, only to dodge again. At some point, however, you say quietly, "You do realize that we're actually enemies?" Wrecker snorts softly, then shrugs his shoulder and carefully eases you to your feet. "Nobody has to know that we don't actually kill each other. I don't like us being enemies, but I do like our cat and mouse games," he finally says with a smirk. You laugh softly and ask, "Should I hide again?" His smirk turns into a grin.
You've met many times before. But never has he seen your face, or much of you for that matter, you usually attack from cover, from the shadows. Today is no different. He's ahead of you at the finish line, ahead of you at the computer with the important data. He doesn't hear you coming. When you pull his legs away, he makes a surprised, startled sound, has to drop the holopad he's using to download the data to catch himself and not land on his face. He lost his helmet on the way when you shot at him from cover. He hasn't really laid eyes on you yet and is already impressed and annoyed by you, to the same degree. You deftly tied his legs together in a prepared sling with one quick move and jump over him, grabbing the holopad as you go. Somehow he's cute, the lanky, tall guy with the goggles. "Hey! That's mine!" he indignantly says, reaching for you but narrowly missing. You take off your helmet briefly to give him a cheeky wink, at which moment he seems to freeze for a second, staring at you as if he's seen a ghost or some other kind of special phenomenon.
„What's wrong? Having a stroke?“
For the first time in his life, Tech probably speaks without thinking as he says, "I didn't expect you to be pretty". When he realizes what he said, and you do too, you stare at each other, blinking. You sigh softly, crouching down at a safe distance from him, he's still on the ground, propped up on his forearms, looking at you, part critical, part curious, part confused. "And I thought you were smarter," you say dryly. He frowns, indignation clear in his expression. "I'm probably the smartest person you'll ever meet". You smirk at his reaction and say, "Then I guess we define that word in different ways." A noise distracts you, just a very brief moment, but obviously long enough for Tech to get the upper hand. He has freed himself from the sling and leaps forward, at the same moment that you look in his direction, startled. He rams you backwards from your crouch onto your back and is upon you. Your heart is beating up to your throat, but you calmly say, "Okay, handsome, looks like I underestimated you."
Tech blinks several times, having to classify and digest the word 'handsome'. "I'll take the holopad back from you". "You're welcome to try," you say with a smile. "And then I will go my way" You sigh softly, you know you should fight, not shy away from hurting him. But something inside you resists. Tech's gaze wanders down your face, again and again. "But I'd like to see you again." That is new. You say softly, "We're opposites, enemies, actually." "Do we have to be?" he asks back promptly. You blink, unsure, is it that easy? Is it that simple? "We have different clients," you note.
"So? We could go from enemies to a friendly rivalry after all. That would give us room to do other things." You laugh softly, still beneath him, pinned to the ground by him. "Other things?" you ask, amused. Tech's ears and cheeks flush as he says, "Well, maybe romance". You laugh and feel yourself getting all warm. He realizes that this approach is probably far too direct and awkward, but why waste time. "A romance? Well you have big plans" He shrugs and stays serious, ears and cheeks still flushed, "Why not, life is short, let's make the best of it" You blink in surprise and after another breath you say softly, "Okay. I'd be willing to give it a try" The smile on his face is undeniably adorable.
You already know that he is an excellent shooter and tends to use live ammunition rather than stun ammunition. So the first thing you do is concentrate on stealing his gun or making it useless in some way. You hear him swear as you grab his Firepunsher from your position in the vent and pull it off his back. He turns around so fast and jumps up, almost getting a grip on the weapon, you have to hastily throw yourself backwards, back into the ventilation shaft. You let out a startled curse as suddenly his hands grab the edge of the vent. You know you should react quickly, strike at his fingers, but you hesitate, and you don't really know why yourself at the moment. He pulls himself up and shortly after you see his Angry Face appear in the opening of the ventilation shaft. "You lousy little womprat," he growls as he pulls himself into the shaft. You want to aim at him, but the Firepunsher is far too long to turn it around in the shaft.
He grabs your ankle and pulls you out of the shaft with a jerk as he drops back out. You fall out of the shaft with your weapon and land hard on the floor in the hallway below. Your helmet slides off your head and rolls to the side. "Fuck!" you curse, snarling, and go to stand up, but there's the barrel of the Firepunsher in front of your nose. You curse again, much quieter this time, "Fuck..." You look past the barrel, up into the Sniper's angry face. You wonder why he hasn't pulled the trigger yet. You hold still, even trying to breathe shallowly, as if you fear any movement on your part might tempt his trigger finger. "That's the last time you mess up a mission for me," he says cuttingly. You don't quite know what to do or say, so you keep silent and stare at him as he stares back. This is the first time you've been able to get a good look at his face. Striking, masculine, serious, there is something bold in his golden brown eyes. Too bad you're playing on different sides, he's a looker.
After what feels like an eternity, you open your mouth. "Okay. So where do we go from here?" He seems to take a deep breath, as he answers he sounds annoyed, "Haven't decided yet." You try a little smirk and ask, "So what's the choice?" Crosshair clicks his tongue and says, "I kill you here and now and finish the mission and never be bothered by you again. Or I take away all your weapons, tie you up, finish the mission, and take the risk that you'll get on my nerves again someday." You ask perkily, "No third option?" His head tilts to the side barely noticeably, then he asks, "What do you have in mind?" You cautiously venture up on your elbows and look at him slyly, "I saw you staring at my lips. You're wondering how they feel, how they taste." He blinks several times. "You're full of shit," he growls.
You smile unperturbed. But when he suddenly holsters the gun and pulls you to your feet by your collar, you make a startled sound that is smothered by his lips. At first, you are far too surprised to react, but only for the length of a heartbeat or two. Then you return the kiss. It's heated, wild, sloppy all at once, and undeniably glorious. When he suddenly lets go of you, you stumble backward, nearly falling, your knees unexpectedly weak. He looks at you, a smug smirk on his face. "Not too bad," he says dryly. "Well," you say a little beside yourself, "Right back at you." After another moment of silence, he asks, "You're still going to try and screw up this mission for me, aren't you?" In response, you merely grin. He sighs and finally says with a barely noticeable smile, "Go on, I'll even give you a little headstart, but when I get my hands on you again, I want more than a kiss. Deal?" You get hot and almost swallow your tongue, but you grin back and nod. "Deal."
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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fraudkuna · 9 months
your phone buzzes on the couch. 
you barely spare it a glance before picking it up, fingers habitually swiping across to answer. your other hand flips through the book you were reading languidly, something about interior design. the images of couches and lamps does little to draw your attention, but your mind remains barely focused on the call when you say a lazy, “hello?”
"hey." getou says on the other end.
you almost drop the book in shock.
"getou?" you switch your phone to your dominant hand, leaning into the screen. "getou? you, why are you calling? i mean, how are you calling? i mean, where are you? tell me where you are and i'll come see you—"
he has the audacity to laugh through the phone. "i have a surprise for you."
last time getou surprised you, he had massacred an entire village and some. panic makes your blood run still and you freeze in your chair. "you're... coming back?"
"i said surprise, not miracle."
it's almost funny. you almost laugh. almost. instead, you swear at him. "fuck getou, where are you? i've been trying to find you, we all have! listen, you know i don't give a shit if you're a murderer just, let me see you? please?"
getou chuckles again, he takes his sweet time doing so. "sorry, you're just so easy to tease. i'm not coming back, i've found my place already and i'm not leaving it a second time."
hurt makes your heart ache. his voice was so soft, so at peace that you believe he was right. in his own, twisted way, he was right.
"okay." you mumble instead, drowning out your rebellious thoughts with spoken word. "okay. then, why did you call?"
"i told you, didn't i? i have a surprise."
"is it a good one?"
"what do you consider good?"
"not murdering a small town's worth of people." you say.
"then you'll like this." he continues onwards despite your targeted words. "because there's no killing people this time around. i found gojo hanging around shibuya."
"uh." your eyes sweep to the clock hanging in your dorm. it reads early afternoon.
you hadn't seen gojo all school day, but then again, that was the typical nowadays. yaga had gained the habit of flinging him out into mission after mission following getou's disappearance, whilst you yourself remained at the academy. you could only watch as he was wretched further and further away.
these day, it wasn't an understatement to say the pair of you barely talked.
still, you understood gojo well enough to know that he'd typically walk the streets of busy cities after each mission's success, letting the bustling atmosphere overwhelm his brain and muddle his thoughts.
"okay? fork in kitchen?" after another thought, you stand from your chair. "wait, you're with gojo? the two of you? together? and you're still alive?"
"not together, i'm watching him from a distance. you didn't tell me he ditched the glasses for a blindfold. i think he looked better wearing the conventional eyewear."
there is so much wrong with his sentences that it takes a few seconds for you to conjure up a response. "first of all, gojo didn't abandon his sunglasses. second of all, how would i let you know? you, you changed phone numbers! i couldn't contact you even if i tried! and i did! so much!"
getou winces at your loud volume. "okay, my bad. but i'm telling you, gojo is walking around shibuya with a blindfold on. and he seems taller now."
"are you sure that's gojo?"
a pause. "do you know another white haired sorcerer who'd walk into an otaku cafe without hesitation?"
"mei mei." you answer. "if the otaku cafe paid enough."
"i think i know what mei mei looks like to confidently say i am not stalking after her right now."
"if you were, i think people would call the cops on you."
"they'd realise this would be the least of my crimes." he laughs into the phone but stops after you don't join him. "too soon?"
"never again." you mutter, then wince. "should i, should i come meet you?"
this time, it's his turn to fall silent. then, softly, "yeah."
"okay." you nod at nothing, fumbling to grab your dorm keys on the way out. it doesn't matter though, because you forget to lock the door as you run out of your room. "okay, okay. i'm coming right now, okay? don't move please?"
again, getou laughs. "i'm not going anywhere this time."
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getou has lied to you many times before. he would say things like, "i didn't eat your icecream!" or "i wasn't the one that drew that on your report" or even "i won't leave you" with a smile on his face. you'd eat up every word that left his mouth even if you noticed his grin would never reach his eyes. it was like a circus act, one clear, obvious lie and one desperate acceptance. it was dramatic irony and it was pitiful.
getou leans against the railing in the middle of shibuya.
he didn't lie this time.
"getou!" your legs hurry you over to him. though he turns his head and looks at you, something you once believed would be enough to settle the void in your heart, you realise it simply wasn't. you throw your arms around his neck and bury your nose into his shoulder. "oh my god."
he smells a little different, perhaps he changed cologne along with changing his moral compass, but with a little imagination and effort, he almost smells like your getou, the one you knew.
his arms snake around your back and he holds you close. "hey. i missed you." he says into your hair.
you choke. "then you, you should have let me come with you."
he pulls back first and doesn't reply. anger and something else makes you grasp at the fabric of his sleeve but he eases himself out of your grasp. "i saw gojo over there."
sniffling, you look in the direction of his finger. "huh?"
"we're here to see gojo, remember?"
no, he was here to see gojo. you were here to see him. regardless, you squint your eyes and survey the packed streets. "i don't see him."
getou leans in, voice closer to your ears. his finger sweeps the crowd before pausing on a very familiar figure.
yeah, that was definitely gojo.
"wow, you're right. he is wearing a blindfold."
"you didn't know about this?"
"he and i, uh, haven't really been talking."
getou just hums. "what is he doing?"
"did he, did he get a new phone?" you wonder, observing the sleek shiny device in his hands. you watch as gojo lifts the device up in the air, an universal gesture for getting signal. it seems to bear no fruit and he slumps down, pocketing the phone.
"that's what you're focused on? look at him! he's so much taller now!"
"i hear boys get their growth spurt around that age."
getou looks down at you. "i haven't yet."
you make a face, finding it difficult to look at him. "um, look! he's moving. should we tail him?"
"are you kidding, of course we should."
he grabs your hand and you jolt at the contact before he drags you into the crowds. people bump into you from all sides but getou guides you through.
"he's entering a library." getou tells you because you're too short to peer from above. "i didn't know gojo could read."
you snort, then apologise to the stranger you ran into. "of course he can. he's still a student after all.”
"barely. what's he doing going into a library though?"
"maybe he picked up reading?"
you both laugh at the ridiculous idea.
soon, the two of you find yourselves at the steps of the library. tall windows surround the building on all four sides, perfect for peering into its contents. getou ducks behind the bushes that ran around the library's exterior, pulling you down into a crouch beside him.
he glances over at you before reaching around, pulling you flushed up against his side. you look up with a start, warmth heating up your cheeks as stray strands of his hair tickles your face.
"look, he's actually picking out a book."
you spin around and refocus.
"time travel and its consequences." narrowing your eyes, you state the title. "that's what he's reading? isn't that too hefty for a starting point?"
getou jerks his head towards the door. "let's get a closer look."
you hiss, yanking your interconnected hand back down. "he'll see us!"
"then we can just confront him head on."
you stare at him like he'd just told you he killed another small village on the outskirts of japan. "do you have a death wish? is this what this is all about?"
"i still have things i want to do so no, this isn't a death wish."
"right." you say, disbelieving. "that's what i thought. but what other reason could you have to see gojo again? if you tell me you miss him i will stab you."
his voice turns low. "of course i miss him. i miss everyone at the academy."
his confession leaves you temporarily stunned. "you don't get to say that after you left us."
"i didn't have a choice." he finally says, and the fake smile he's been wearing this whole day melts away. there's that scary look in his eyes, the one you've never seen before up until the moment he left.
"you had a choice. you could have chosen to not leave us."
pain twists getou's features into something ugly. "it wasn't that simple."
"no? then explain it to me using baby terms. i'm sure i'll get it then."
he says your name like it might stop you. it doesn't.
he sighs and lets go of your hand, using it to pinch the brim of his nose. "i don't owe you an explanation."
heat rushes to your face once more, but it isn't overflowing love that surges through you. "are you serious? i'm your friend, isn't that enough?" then, quietly, when he doesn't reply. "i am, right?"
getou looks at you and whatever he sees breaks his heart. his eyes fall from yours, staring instead at your shoes. "i've never once considered you anything but."
"me too." you rush to grab onto his hesitance. "even now, i still think you're my friend. that sounded bad, i mean, no matter what. you'll always be my friend no matter what you choose to do."
when he looks up, he isn't as defeated as he sounds. there's a resolve that lines his eyes and hardens his gaze.
you've lost him, really and truly.
shock renders your body useless as gojo peeks around the bush. he looms over the two of you, the height of his hair making you peer upwards, bending your neck all the way back to hold him in one single frame. most notably, black fabric covers the top half of his face in place of a pair of glasses, and you suddenly miss seeing the weird blueness of his eyes.
"i didn't think i'd see little you today." he says. 
getou's eye twitches. "little?"
"he's from the future." you deduce, remembering the book gojo had picked out earlier. "it's okay, i think you're pretty tall already."
gojo’s eyes falls on you. “you’re also shorter.”
“yeah? well, you grew up into a creep.”
“you wouldn’t say that if you knew what you look like in the future.” 
“what? what do you mean? hey, don’t ignore me, answer my question!” you reach forward and grab onto gojo’s collar, hoping to shake an answer out of him when his lips remain sealed. 
“what about me?”
you look back at getou. 
“what do i look like in the future?”
no one says anything. 
you place a delicate hand over your mouth at the silence. 
it doesn’t look like gojo will answer, so getou drops the topic, shoving his hands into his pockets. “how long are you here for?”
“i don’t know.”
“how are you here?” 
“a curse’s technique.” 
getou looks at him sideways. "is this all you're going to say to me?" 
gojo thinks for a second. “want to stop by an arcade whilst i’m still here?”
the idea appeals to you so you nod. you look over at getou and he shrugs too. “sure.”
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the hazy atmosphere of the arcade embraces you in nostalgia. the slot machines lining the left wall, the neon lights blinking from the dance dance revolution device, the aggravated scream from losers and the cheers from winners, that was you once. 
you don’t visit the arcade that much anymore. 
gojo slides himself into one of those first person shooter games and jerks his head to signal getou into the opposing seat. 
“you can’t beat me at psychological warfare so at least try and beat me at this.”
disbelief scrunches getou's face. "i always beat you in psychological warfare." 
“what do you think?” gojo asks you. “who will you side with?” 
you look between them, caught in the middle. with a sigh, you walk to stand behind getou’s seat. your fingers grip his shoulders to give him a massage. “don’t let me down.” you threaten. 
he nods, solemn. “understood.” 
of course, things never go in the direction you wish. your failures pile up one by one as the three of you rotate around game after game. you receive no wins, none of them, but with every attempt, gojo’s shoulders raise higher and higher in pride. 
you stand behind a ping pong arcade machine. 
“addicted to losing?” gojo taunts. 
“my parents didn’t raise a quitter.” 
“sometimes it’s better to cut your losses before they happen, you know.” 
you ignore his smug words and hit start. 
gojo starts and he slams his paddle into the moving object, momentum shooting it across the board in under a second. your eyes catch the movement, instincts jerking your hand to the right to block the incoming attempt.
getou leans over your shoulder to watch. “to your left.” he says, and you obey. the ball enters your goal from the right. 
he laughs nervously as you glare at him. “my bad.” 
“you shouldn’t take advice from someone who still hasn’t won against me once.” gojo says.
“show off.” you mutter, receiving the pong as it slides to your half of the table. 
“im just giving you an example on how you can be better.” 
getou watches as you lose again. frustration narrows your eyes and tenses your shoulders in a way he thinks is endearing. a smile would look better on your face, though. so he clears his throat. “am i dead in the future, gojo?” 
gojo’s paddle shakes, narrowly missing the pong by millimeters. “you—” it slams against the back of the goal slot and breaks in two. 
“i won!” you scream. your hands fly up in the air in a physical cheer, palms out to receive a high-five from getou. when the sense of victory fades, your arms droop down to your side. 
getou catches them, a grin on his face. “yay!”
“yay.” you repeat, sparing gojo a glance. uncertainty shakes your voice. 
“that’s playing dirty.” he says.
“what are you going to do about it?”
a fierce grin cuts across his face. “round two.” 
round two never comes because the three of you are effectively kicked out of the arcade, something about ‘breaking the pong’ being ‘disastrous’ and their behaviour ‘was scaring away customers’. instead, you all settle for dropping by the nearest convenience store and buying icecream. 
gojo hands getou the red one but the other boy only shakes his head. “i like the purple one now.” 
it’s an easy switch so you take the red icepole from gojo’s hand and trade it for the purple one you had taken. 
gojo opens his blue one wordlessly. 
“so, when are you going back?” you ask him. 
“the technique should run out in 24 hours.” 
you check your watch. “it’s only been five and a bit hours, you still have ages to go.” 
“no, i’ve been here since yesterday evening.” 
getou kicks a rock on the ground and it flies uncontrollably from the tip of his shoe. “today was nice.” 
“yeah.” gojo says with a grin and he offers out his popsicle. you lightly tap yours against his and wait for getou to do the same.
a pause, and then getou's smiling too. he holds out his icepole. "no hard feelings?"
gojo bumps his against it. "so many."
his expression falls, eye locked with something behind you. 
you turn. 
gojo, your gojo, stands isolated amongst workers returning from their nine to five jobs. there’s a bag hanging off his arm and your eyes notice the brand belongs to getou’s favourite bakery just down the road from here. the bag slides down his sleeve as he stands there. 
time for round two, you think.
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u10como · 2 months
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Some time ago, i released this picture on my DA with a caption, later suppplemented by a short story expanding on the theme, followed by personal afterword regarding my background and themes of the story, which i now decided to present here on tumblr, all joined into one text. Once again, english isn't my first language, it was one of the first longer pieces i wrote and i'm by no means a writer, but i hope some of you might enjoy it nonetheless.
Hope you don't mind
You met her on an online forum about your favourite band and you've been messaging for a month now. She was just perfect: Funny, smart and as far as you were aware she was really interested in you, but everytime you suggested meeting somewhere, she said she's either busy or just changed the subject. Not wanting to push her, you gave her some time to think about it.
One morning a message from her, accompanied by a photo landed in your inbox:
"So...this isn't easy for me, but you seem like genuinely good person and i'd hate myself if i passed that opportunity  because i was insecure. Anyway, this is me. I had an accident with high voltage  power lines six months ago and i'm still insecure about meeting new people or going in public in general.
If you feel weird about it i completely understand and won't bother you any more, but if you still want to meet, i know a nice little pizzeria just around corner from where i live. The owner is an old family friend and could arrange a small room in the back for us so people won't stare."
Why should i mind?
As you read the message over and over, your mind is racing, filled with mixed emotions. On one hand, you're relieved – she really wants to meet you after all. On the other hand you can't help but feel sad – such a beautiful, smart girl, full of life, suffering from such horrible injury. Of course, you never for a second consider saying no to her proposition – she is still the great girl you messaged with the past month. You immediately write your reply:
„Hey! Of course i still want to meet you - i've been asking to meet you for some time now and nothing changed about that! Today, 4 in the afternoon works for you? Just tell me where the pizzeria is and i'll wait for you there.“
In few minutes she replied:
„Oh, you can't believe how relieved i am – thank you for not being weird about it! Yes, 4 will be perfect time. The pizzeria is Giovanni's on the corner of Oak and Harbor st – just tell the owner you're Jana's friend, he'll seat you in the back.“
„Well… I have a date!“ you think to yourself. Rummaging through your wardrobe you struggle to find anything you'll be satisfied with – going all dressed up like to prom seems like overkill, but you don't want to come all casual either – after all, you really care for her and you want to show it. In the end you settle for your least worn cargo pants with a T-shirt of your favorite band – you know she likes them too, so you hope this might outweigh your otherwise way too casual look. You set off early, intending to buy flowers for her. After careful consideration, you buy a nice bouquet of seven pink carnations and set off to Giovanni's.
As you step inside ten minutes before 4, the owner – a rather short, somewhat overweight yet muscular man with large hands and a bushy mustache above his friendly smile greets you. „Welcome to Giovanni's, what can i do for you?“ „Uhm, hello, i am Friend of Jana…“ „Oh, Wonderful, wonderful!“ the owner interrupts you with a big warm smile, A friend of our little Jana is my friend too! Right this way, have a seat, i'll bring you a vase for these beautiful flowers. Care for a drink in the mean time?“ „Yes, i saw you serve a homemade lemonade, please.“ you answer. „A wonderful choice! Comming right up!“ says the owner with a wide smile.
With that, the owner runs back front, returning in half a minute with your lemonade served in beautiful tall glass with pieces of lemon, lime and mint leaves, toped with a bright red straw. „Here you go! When Jana arrives i'll send her right away. Now, if i may ask, when did you two met? Pardon me for asking what might be a personal question, but you see, being friends with her parents ever since i moved here, Jana is like niece to me.“ "Oh, don't apologise, i understand.“, you reply, “To be frank, we haven't met in person yet, we were just chatting over internet and i really liked her – and the feeling was mutual, dare i presume.“ „I see“, says the owner, „So you know about…?“, He struggles to put his thoughts to words, instead just shrugs his shoulders one by one.
„Oh? Oh! Yes, i do. In fact, she told me just this morning.“ „I was just asking.“, nods the owner, „You see, our poor little Jana suffered enough. I just don't want her to leave today with a broken heart, so i wanted to make sure you won't freak out or something.“ „Oh no, don't worry, sir. I was asking her for a meetup for two weeks before i knew about it. I liked her before i knew about it and i don't see why it should change anything.“ The owner nods his head „I see. You're good in my books then, kid. I'm glad Jana found someone so understanding.“ He pats your shoulder as he says that.
There is a ring from the little bell above entrance and a young woman's voice calls:
„Uncle Tigran, are you there?“ „That's her.“ Says the owner and rushes off to the front. „My little Jana, it's so nice to see you again! Your friend is in the back, go, have some fun, and when you're ready, call me and i'll be right back to take your order.“
You stand up to greet her. In few seconds, she peeks inside the room with a shy, almost affraid look on her face. As your eyes meet, she smiles at you and you smile back. Despite the smile, her green eyes show a hint of timid apprehension. As she steps in, you notice her motionless hands, convincing at first glance, but knowing her condition, obviously artificial.
"Hi, nice to finally meet you", you say, holding the bouquet of carnations forward. "Oh, these are beautiful, thank you, she says, leaning in to smell them. Looking into her beautiful green eyes, your heart flutters with happiness.
„I'm really so glad to finally meet you in person“ you say. „You're even more beautiful than on the photo .“
„Oh, thank you. Nobody said such thing to me since…“ she pauses, looking into distance. After few seconds she breaks off, shyly attempting to smile on you. „Anyway, would you mind helping me with my coat?“ „Of course, right away“, you say as you move in to unbutton it. As you remove her coat, the prosthetic arms slip off her shoulders, staying firmly inside the coat's sleeves, letting her little arm stumps show. „Oh, sorry, i didn't mean to, let me…“ you stammer an apology.
„No, that's allright. They were meant to come off. I should have told you. I wear them on the street to avoid the stares, but they are so uncomfortable, so since here i am among people who know about me, i just hooked them to the coat so i don't have to wear them all the time.“
As you sit on the opposite sides of the table, you suddenly don't know what to say. You see she is uncomfortable, so you try to steer the conversation a different way.
„So… This pizzeria – It's named Giovanni's, but i heard you call the owner a different name?“
„Oh yes, uncle Tigran gave this establishment italian sounding name as marketing trick. He is great, though, one of the best pizza chefs around. He says he spent five years in Naples learning about local cuisine, actually. I understand you already talked with him?“
„Oh yes, he seems like really nice, but no-nonsense kind of guy. Told me you're like a niece to him and warned me not to break your heart. Not that i intended to, anyway.“, you add with a smile.
„Yeah, uncle Tigran was always nice to me. He visited me in the hospital almost daily when i…“ once again, Jana's gaze slides into distance.
„You don't have to talk about it, i'm sorry if i reminded you in any way.“ You say hastily.
„Oh? No, don't apologize, you did nothing wrong, it's just… Everything reminds me, you know? Wherever i go, whatever i do, every single thing reminds me i no longer…“ she pauses and sighs, lifting her stumps to illustrate her point before continuing „…have arms. Waking up in the morning, i try to lift my blanket and these useless things just flap about helplessly. Reaching for things, trying to do any simple task, even steadying myself when i trip – everything i do i must remind myself i can't do it the normal way anymore. If it was just one i could deal with it, but like this? I feel so helpless sometimes. The first few weeks in the hospital i had to bother the nurses everytime my nose got itchy, not to mention i had to be showered by them, just standing there, leting them clean me off. Tt felt so dehumanising... I'm sorry i spilled all this on you, it's my problem and i should deal with it myself, you don't have to think about it.“ She averts her eyes, looking down into the table.
„Jana,“, you say, „If i wanted not to think about it i wouldn't be here with you – and that would make me quite a bad person, don't you think? I came because i liked you from the moment we started chatting, long before i ever saw you. If there is anything i can do to help you – even if it would be just to stand by your side to always be able to remind you how great person you are whenever should you doubt yourself – i want to be there and help you.“
With tears welling in her eyes, Jana lifts her head „Really? You would do that for me?“
„Of course i would. You are smart, funny and stunningly beautiful. If i can help it, i wish for you never to be sad again“, you reach over the table with a tissue to wipe the tears from her cheeks.
„Thank you,“ she says, suppressing tears, visibly moved. „I never thought i would hear anybody say that to me. Come on - let's order some food, i'm starving.“
As if waiting for his cue, the owner comes in with a big smile „So, what would you want, my dears? We have excellent Margherita Napoletana, but if you're not into traditional pizza, i might do a regular New York style. Most people prefer that, anyway – beats me why, though, there's nothing better than proper traditional italian pie.“
„I think i could go for your Napoletana, Jana told me you're one of the best pizza chefs around, mister… uhh…“ „Tigran Manukyan, at your service.“, he replies with maybe a little too deep bow, „I presume our little Jana here told you about my little trick already, so why should i hide it anymore? Anyway, what can i offer you, my darling?“ says mister Manukyan turning to Jana. „I'll take the Napoletana too, uncle Tigran. And might i ask you for a glass of that lemonade too? It looks so refreshing.“ „Comming right up, my dears“, says mister Manukyan and rushes off.
„So… Where were we?“ asks Jana. „Well,“ you say, „I just told you you're beautiful and i wish to be always there for you.“
„Oh…“ she pauses, but smiles, finally seeming to be at ease, „I mean… Thank you. I'm sorry, I've became quite bad at taking compliments lately – not that i ever was any good to begin with, but now… i mean, you know, with my…“ she says, wiggling her arm stumps.
„You don't have to explain yourself, i understand“, you calm her, „Jusk know you are beautiful to me and nothing can ever change that. In fact, you were beautiful to me long before i knew how you even look, when we were still just chatting.“
Mister Manukyan comes with Jana's glass of lemonade and a pitcher „I brought you two some more for refills – on the house of course. The pizzas will be done in few minutes.“ Almost unisono, you and Jana reply „Thank you, mister Manukyan /Thank you, uncle Tigran“ and with a smile, he leaves.
„Anyway,“ says Jana, „I know you're telling me that just to make me feel better. Why would somebody as cute as you consider someone ‚beautiful‘ just from an online chat?“ she says, leaning forward for the straw and taking a sip from her drink.
„Maybe because i found a great person to talk to and spend time with.“ You reply, looking directly into Jana's eyes. „Maybe i don't care about looks that much. Maybe i think beauty is not only based on somebody's looks. And maybe, or not as much maybe as quite undeniably surely, you are actually beautiful even if i would step so low as to judge you just by your looks. You have pretty face, beautiful hair and the most captivating emerald eyes i've ever seen. But even without that, you are above all the brave, smart girl i came to know and love – and nothing can change that.“
„Brave? How am i brave? I spent half a year hiding from world, almost never leaving my room unless i had to.“ Replied Jana.
„Yet you came here and invited me.“, you say, “You overcame your anxiety and reached out. That alone was braver than most people would ever hope to be. All i ask of you is to believe in yourself as i believe in you. You are the bravest girl in know and i love you for that.“
„I love you too“, she says, hint of tears in her eyes once again as she shifts closer to you with her arm stumps outstretched. Understanding the hint, you hug her, gently stroking her hair with your hand.
„Oh, young love, what a beautiful sight!“ says mister Manukyan as he comes in with your pizzas in each hand „Here is your food, my dears, Bari Akhorzhak to you both!“
„Uncle Tigran,“ says Jana, lifting her head from your shoulders, „this was the first time ever i heard you speaking Armenian in your pizzeria.“
„Well, i figured i might as well drop the act, my dear.“ said mister Manukyan with a smile. „Pizza is my passion and my living, but i'm no Italian and never will be. Maybe it's time for me to fly my true colors with pride. People come here for good food, not for fake Italian. Of course, a name change would be required, then, but i hope people would come nonetheless. After all ‚Uncle Tigran's‘ has a nice ring to it, no? And i might as well put some of my old family recipes on the menu. Next time you come, i'll make you the best Lahmajoun you ever had, i promise!“
„That would be really great, mister Manukyan“, you say with enthusiasm, „I'm looking forward to it.“
As mister Manukyan leaves with a big, warm smile, you and Jana sit to your pizzas. "Do you need any help?" you ask. "No." says Jana almost too quickly. "Well yes, probably, but i shouldn't. I need to do this on my own - i mean, there won't always be somebody around to help me, but i will be always armless, you know?" You notice her suddenly easing up, as if adressing her condition out loud, without euphemisms or hesitating helped her finally come to terms with it. "Would you mind helping me taking off my shoes, though?"
"Of course", you say as you kneel and gently lift her right foot in your hand, taking off her shoe and sock, then doing the same with her left foot. "Thank you. You're a real sweetheart" she says, lifting her feet up to the tabletop, awkwardly picking the fork with her left foot and knife with the right. As you sit on the opposite side of table, you can't take your eyes off her while she cuts a small piece of her pizza and using the fork in her left food brings it to her mouth with a great effort.
"Oooh!" she smiles with pleasure as she savors the food in her mouth, "I almost forgot how great uncle Tigran's pizzas are! You should eat too while it's hot." Taking a bite from your own pizza, you must agree - this is certainly the best pizza you ever had. As you both eat, you notice Jana's movements becoming ever so slightly more fluent and relaxed with each bite. you can't help but stop and look at her, smiling.
"What? Is something on my face?" she asks as she starts rubbing her nose with her right stump. "No, it's just... When you came you were all tense and apprehensive, but now you seem to ease up." "I just know i'm in a good company", she says, shrugging her shoulders, "I mean, yeah, i knew you are funny and kind from the first time we started chatting, but now, you made me feel... appreciated, normal. Like i matter. I... probably just needed to hear that, you know? Like... from somebody outside of my family." "I see," you say, "But how come you weren't so shy when we were chatting on the forum?"
"I don't know, i guess the anonymity played a part, you know?" she ponders, "Like - on the internet, nobody sees me. Nobody knows. There's no way to tell whether the person on the other side is beautiful, ugly, thin, fat or uses toes to write. That probably helped me there."
"Tell me about it," you say. "Sometimes i feel anxious even making a phonecall, let alone talking to strange people in person!" "You?" she smiles "No way! You seem so cool and confident. After all, you asked me out first, i would have never had the guts to do it myself without you."
"The same magic of the anonymous internet as in your case" you reply, "And if i somehow seem confident now, it's only because i feel like we known each other for ages. It's hard to describe, but i feel like we were meant to be together, you know?"
setting down the knife, she extends her right foor over the table towards you, gently stroking your face with her big toe. Smiling, you take her foot in your hands, planting a soft kiss on her ankle. She giggles "That tickles! But... it feels nice." Kising her foot once again, you let go of it, looking deep into her green eyes with a warm smile. "So, are you up for a little stroll after we finish our pizzas?", you ask her. "Gladly!", she replies as she puts another piece i her mouth. "Do you have any specific place in mind?" "Well," you say, "I was thinking of just going for a walk, but if you want, we might go to the gazebo on the cliff above the city and watch the sunset together?" "Oh, romantic!" she exclaims with excitement. "I like that."
When you finish your pizzas, mister Manukyan comes in to clean up, almost as if he was waiting for his cue. "Enjoyed your food, my dears?" he asks, "Everything was up to your liking? "Of yourse, uncle Tigran," responds Jana with a smile, "I always loved your cooking."
As you leave Jana in the back to pay for the food, mister Manukyan says:
"Thank you for everything, kid. Jana really needed someone to just be there for her. She used to visit me every week, but since her accident she just moved back to her parent's house and stoped going out. I knew what she was going through, but i had no idea how to help. Turns out, all she really needed was for someone outside of her family to just treat her with love and respect and you did just that. I won't lie to you - i doubt if stuff would be just *poof* and everything is okay now, people just don't work like that and i am sure there is still a lot ahead of Jana before she's back to the cheerful self i remember from before her accident, but i feel like you really helped her make a big progress today. Once again, thank you for that."
"It was my pleasure, mister Manukyan." you replied, "She is great girl and i fell for her ever since we started chatting." "I'm glad to hear that. And please, you can call me Tigran", he says with a smile, "Or Uncle Tigran, whole town will know me like that anyway soon, at least i hope."
After shaking hands with mister Manukyan, you return to Jana, who is almost prepared to leave. As you help her tie her shoes loose enough so she can slip them on and off at will, you go fetch her coat.
"No, you can leave that here,", she says, "i'll talk with uncle Tigran and ask him to hide it somewhere so i can pick it up later."
"Are you sure? Your arms are in there, don't you want to put them on?"
"Not really. As i said, they are heavy and uncomfortable. Also, they are purely cosmetic, so aside from keeping people from staring, they are pretty much useless.", she said. "And if that means people will stare, then so be it. I need to get used to showing in public and i thought why not now, when i have you by my side?" "As you wish," you reply. "Shall we go, then?"
"Okay. I hope you don't mind being seen in public with a disabled girl"
"Being seen with beautiful smart girl i love? Why shuld i mind?"
A little afterword is due.
This story, while obviously coming from place of my attraction to women with, let's say, non-standard physique, in this particular case bilateral arm amputees, is a departure from my usual style. My usual character background snippets revolve around happier circumstances - my characters usualy lose their limbs voluntarily, non-permanently or in some obscure magic way, which, while it can't be assured to be temporary, has the peculiar side effect of making them weirdly okay with the changes.
This is not the case. In reality, a limb loss is a powerful traumatic experience to vast majority of people. Overcoming such trauma might take weeks, months, years even, and some people may never recover mentally. I felt like this point was worth mentioning and keeping in mind.
As for overall themes of this story, the main themes are hope, acceptance and dealing with adversity. In that sense, Jana's condition is a stand-in for number of problems which might cause a person to lose their sense of self-worth and shut themselves off from the world. If you are suffering from any condition causing you to feel that way, remember this: You Matter. You are loved. And while in real life, recovery will certainly not come as quickly as for Jana in my story, the point illustrated still stands: Some battles are not meant to be fought alone. Sometimes all you need is to find someone who will help you carrying your burden. Remember, that leaning on your friends in hard times isn't weakness. On the contrary, knowing when to ask for help is major strength. And if you do not suffer from any such problems, then please, be mindful of those who do. Be kind, accepting and unconditionally loving as our unnamed protagonist. After all, the protagonist is reffered as You, because they are supposed to represent the best in every single one of us. Man, woman, trans or non-binary, if you're reading this, i hope you will always be as unconditionally accepting as the protagonist is to Jana.
Some elements of the setting sort of come from my own experience. The overall setting of my stories is this usual culturally neutral americano-european mishmash, made for easier accesibility for wider audience, but certain characters or places might carry something from my personal experience. As some of you might know, i am Czech, so i decided to write Jana as one too - even though this might not be really apparent from anything beside her name, that is her intended nationality. Whether you imagine her as local, thinking of this story's setting as somewhere in Czechia or as immigrant to a foreign country of your choice is up to you. Also, the character of Tigran Manukyan is losely based on my own experience: Where i'm from, a lot of pizzerias are actually owned by people from Armenia, Georgia or Turkey and a lot of their owners are very similar to "uncle Tigran" both in their appearance and in their cheerful, friendly way of greeting their customers. Uncle Tigran's character arc is also about acceptance: Accepting own cultural heritage, because every culture is worth preserving.
So, this is the end of my little PSA. Respect each other, be tolerant to one another and try to help those whose life dealt them the worse hand.
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