#but as he grows throughout the game he does apologize
yanderehsr · 11 months
Good Day.. I had this thought in my head all day and I wanted to hear your take on it: Yandere platonic stellaron hunters (Blade Kafka and silverwolf) over a toddler reader. Maybe Elio foresaw Reader being vital to their future plans. Of course Elio just dumps the reader to kafka and they’re all inexperienced with taking care of an actually baby so chaos ensues. I thought of a scenario for each character:
Blade looking for vengeance and just being very blood thirsty but Toddler reader just gives him puppy dog eyes and he just melts:
Blade: All must pay the pric..
Toddler Reader: Dada (does a spit bubble)
Blade(looking shock forgetting for a moment about his vengeance): Can you.. did you just.. can you repeat that..
Silverwolf tired of babysitting toddler reader and listening to baby shark all day long. She gets a genius idea
Silverwolf(hacking the herta space station just to play baby shark throughout the station): If I have to suffer this I’m taking Herta with me!
Toddler Reader(tries to sing baby shark)
Herta: Just shut it all down! (Slowly loosing her mind)
Kafka irresponsibly have toddler reader attach to a baby carrier with headphones on as she goes to the luofu for her mission.
(Kafka shooting at everyone with her guns):
(Reader just chilling on her baby carrier as she listen to Cocomelon)
(Cloud Knights shocked to see a baby on kafka): She kidnaps babies too?!!!
-Sorry for the long request, I just had to get it out of my head. Thanks for reading and I hope you can give me your take on this dysfunctional family.
No need to apologize, and finally Silver Wolf is requested🥰
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour
Out of the three it is only Kafka that wants to raise a child, she finds you cute and that is all it takes for her to be interested, she takes you everywhere she goes, to any mission. Of course she wouldn't take you out to a fight, she doesn't want you hurt.
Silver Wolf takes a bit longer to warm up to you, she is awkward, she doesn't really open up to other people. She tries to play video games with you, it doesn't go well. Herta amd Screwllum are surprised when there is a baby with Silver Wolf in the simulated universe
Blade takes the longest, he doesn't want to raise you, but he grows attached and that is enough to make him grow obsessed, he takes you everywhere, it has started a fight or two between him and Kafka about who gets to have you. He even takes you to his battles, he is confident that he can protect you.
Just don't try and leave them when you grow up, they have frown to attached to you, they might not even let Elio use you to whatever you were supposed to do.
"Awwww, look at them, they are just so cute"
"Keep your hands off, it's my turn to watch them"
"Let's just go, they can continue the fight without us"
There we go, three chaotic caretakers, and I love them all three🥰
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essycogany · 4 months
Rare But Not So Rare Sonic Moments
This may get controversial.
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I welcome anyone else’s view point on this topic. If you don’t agree I’m okay with that. Just because I have a different perspective doesn’t make what I think right or wrong. You don’t have to change your mind. Whatever your opinion is, I respect it. Besides, it’s fun to have different views on something we both love. It gives us a way to see different sides of the coin.
Disclaimer: I’m a person who didn’t grow up with this franchise and only recently got into in early 2022. I have no biases towards any version of this character. Making my opinions about his characterizations mixed.
By the way, I’ll only use Sonic games as examples (for the most part) because this analysis would be too long if I talked about other medias.
In short. Most of his flaws do stir into different medias as well. To be honest, Sonic’s other variants aren’t as different as some may think, but that’s my hot take.
Times The Blue Blur Messed Up
Riders: Sonic lunched Amy along with Eggman into the air with his wind abilities. While knowing Amy’s safety would be at risk. Then left her. Which was the reason she was so angry and aggressive afterwards. He didn’t ever apologize either.
06: Exchanged a chaos emerald for Elise even after Tails warned Sonic not to.
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Unleashed: Was distracted by taunting Eggman.
Sonic: “Well, this is new. Showing remorse Eggman? If you played nice, I wouldn’t have to break all your toys.”
Then became the Werehog. All because he wanted to boost his ego.
Secret Rings: Shahra used Sonic to collect the world rings for Erazar Djinn. Even though it should’ve been expected because she said, “They use to work together.” Ended up not being true.
Black Night: Was tricked into helping Merlina who wanted to create a world that would last forever.
Lost World: Tails once again tried to warn Mr.Impatient about the conch in Eggman’s hand, but kicked it anyways. Then warned Sonic about another trap, he didn’t listen, ended up getting the fox captured instead.
Frontiers: Accidentally helped free The End despite Knuckles and Sage’s suspensions. If his friends, Eggman, and Sage didn’t help him…..Well, it’s in the villain's name.
Side Note: In Secret Rings, Black night, and Frontiers Sonic was rude at points.
Sonic Sassiness
Sonic Sassiness Part 2
Sonic’s Overall Flaws/Mistakes
Some may be from his general characterizations throughout his history.
Sonic rushes into things without a second thought. (Impulsiveness) Sonic can be too reckless, brash, or not take situations seriously.
He’s impatient. (Which was his core trait since his idle animation in Sonic 1)
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He doesn’t listen to his friends warnings. Sonic can be too cocky at the wrong moments. He causes or contributes to world ending consequences. The blue blur can also be too trusting and naive.
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Sonic doesn’t worry about his own physical or mental state and internalizes his emotions. He isn’t able to express himself very well. Therefore doesn’t put the right words together when speaking sometimes.
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Sonic can be stubborn and a bit of a jerk.
Sage: “You are short tempered and short sided.”
And that’s about it. If I missed anything, feel free to let me know.
My Thoughts
A few of these can be seen as Sonic’s strength and weaknesses. Like his willingness to harm himself if it means to save his friends.
The reason Sonic never learns from his mistakes in the games is because he gets away with them. Which is not a good or bad thing per say. (Besides Sonic Riders. There’s no excuse for that.)
The stories never really given him an arc. But I don’t think Sonic’s a perfect or flawless character. If the examples I’ve shown are evidence of anything.
I’d say he’s static, but not consistently. Most static characters I’ve seen rarely stays static anyways.
I also don’t believe Sonic himself thinks he’s perfect. Sonic probably thinks he doesn’t have to change because he’s so sure he should be able to manage things without issue. Everything does eventually go his way. Why should he change?
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I do understand Sonic influences people, but why can’t there be a balance? It’s been done plenty of times with other characters. In books, movies, and tv shows. Animated and live-action.
Movie!Sonic in Sonic 2 inspired both Knuckles and Tails. Helping them better themselves with advice and encouragement. While also going through his own arc of growing up and being responsible.
Tails:“You’ve inspired me. To leave my village. To find you and help you on your mission.”
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Despite him learning how to slow down and plan things out, Prime!Sonic also inspires the different variants of his friends. Thorn, Dread, and Nine. Helping them grow into becoming better people.
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Even in Unleashed Sonic was at his most mature, but it was only after his cocky attitude got him into trouble. So, yes. Inspirational characters can have flaws.
I’ll just say this
Everyone has their own views on how Sonic should be characterized, drawn, played, voiced, animated, and showcase.
It’s fine if you don’t like a curtain interpretation of a character, but to say the character (Especially if they weren’t very consistent in the first place) isn’t acting like themselves now, it’s really hard to argue what self there is to come back to. Because even in the games there are so many different selves for these characters in their own canon universe. From Classic to Adventure, Unleashed, Colors, and Frontiers. (If that makes any sense)
It’s hard to find one place to be in because Sonic’s been in too many places at once. He shouldn’t be held down to one characterization if he’s already been all over the place from the beginning of his existence.
AKA Sonic’s first two shows ever. TAOSTH and SATAM. In both shows Sonic had flaws as well, but never learned from them. Which means he’s been like this from the start. Like everything else about this franchise, his personality is an ongoing experiment that’ll probably never be solved. And I kind of love that. Even if it can be stressful and has it’s own up’s and down’s
All of these unique stories from the games, comics, tv shows, and movies people grew up with are what made this franchise so popular. This is the main reason I became a Sonic fan. Because I learned so much about characterization from this franchise and how to love the different variations of its characters. Finding an appreciation for each of them.
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Everyone’s opinions are valid at the end of the day. At least we all have a version of this character we can love and appreciate. Whether you agree or not I’m grateful you’ve made it all the way to the end. You’re a trooper!
Stay Creative! 💜
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skxllz · 6 months
Some gallavich x reader fluff?🥹
I got you anon <3 I threw some other shit in here too
male! reader
“ rock, paper, gun; shoot! — fuck! ”
mickey lost yet another match of his version of ‘ rock paper scissors ’ to kev, resulting in him standing up from his chair and picking it up, only to throw it someplace in complete anger. just like the sore loser he was.
“ HEY! ” veronica shouted, throwing a dishcloth at him, “ take that shit outside! don't come in here messin’ up my bar! ”
“ fuck your bar, ” mickey pointed at her, to which she reeled her head back in return; a ‘ I know he fucking didn't ’ look overtaking v's face before she looked to kevin, expecting him to say something before she leapt over that counter and strangled mickey her damn self.
“ — and fuck you. ” mickey turned to kevin, now pointing at him.
“ hey, whoa! ” kev's brows furrowed together solemnly. “ no need to get physical and talk to veronica that way, man! it's just a game. ”
“ a fucking game you're cheating at! ” mick’ smacked the table; leaning over it to get a nice, good, sarcastic smile brewin’ in the male's face. “ ‘cause you're too much of’a dumbass to actually win it over and over. ”
“ ian! ” veronica called to the red head who entered the bar, you trailing behind him. “ get your damn dog and put ‘im on a leash! he's throwing my chairs just because he's pissy that kev keeps beatin’ him at a stupid-fucking-game! ” she was now heatedly scrubbing at the counter top, new rag in hand swinging about aggressively. “ you men and your damn games. grow a pair! ”
you looked at veronica wide eyed, but said nothing. of course you weren't offended by her words, her aggression when she got infuriated just always caught you off guard.
ian sighed and walked over to mickey, who still was going on about losing the dumb game. “ mick’, come on. you can't be that mad over losing a game. ”
“ ian, ” mickey moved away from ian's hand, which had extended to grab at him, and made a gesturing motion towards kevin. “ he fucking cheated. there's no way he keeps keeping me at rock, paper, gun. absolutely no-fucking-way! ”
blinking once, you stared at mickey as if he grew another head. “ how does one cheat in rock, paper scissors- sorry, gun?. ”
“ I don't fucking know! ” the brunette threw his hands up, turning to you. “ he just did, okay?! he's a fucking cheater! ”
“ I beg to differ. ” ian rolled his eyes, now crossing his arms over his chest.
you shook your head as you saw mickey's anger increase. ian was not helping by disagreeing with you guys’ boyfriend.
so, you helped the solution the only way you knew how-
“ kev, ” kevin leaned over, looking around ian's body to make eye contact with you, letting out a ‘ huh? ’. “ ya’ should apologize to mickey. cheating isn't cool. ”
mickey and ian's argument that had started up seemed to stop at that. they both turned to look at you, faces mirroring surprise.
honestly, it was comical, but you kept a stoic face while staring at kevin. you knew he wouldn't catch on, but veronica should.
“ what? ” kevin scoffed.
“ I said, you should apologize. ” you shrugged, twisting your lips to the side; sliding your hands into the pockets of your jeans. “ mickey is upset you cheated. it's not cool to cheat. say sorry. ”
kevin gawked at you in clear offense, “ but I didn't cheat! it was just luck! you can't- ”
mickey looked smugly at ian, glad you were defending him, while the red head just looked at you as if you were insane.
“ oh for fuck sake- ” veronica's loud voice boomed throughout the bar, making kev nearly jump out of his skin. his gaze shifted to her, while her eyes turned to him in irritance. “ just say you're sorry! get this shit over with! I'm tired of this bull. ”
“ but v- ”
“ kevin ball. ” veronica's stern, motherly voice came out and kevin knew not to argue with her then. he pinched his lips together, before exhaling heavily through his nose out of annoyance, and turning to mickey.
the brunette was standing there, arms crossed, looking as smug as ever. he clearly was waiting for his apology.
“ I'm sorry. ” kevin stated, letting his fingers thrung out in exaggeration. “ there, I said it. I'm sorry I cheated. ”
mickey widely grinned, “ good- ” he then snatched the money that was displayed on the table, the loose bills they stacked beforehand for their previous bets. kevin stared wide-eyed as the shorter male pocketed them. “ thanks for the apology. now, I'm leavin’- ”
“ you cant just take my money! ” kev sat up straight, scoffing. “ I earned that fair and square! ”
“ you cheated, ” mickey shrugged, “ so it's my money. ”
that being said, the brunette waltzed towards the door of the bar with a cockiness in his step. kevin looked at you, only to stare disheartedly.
“ uh.. ” you chuckled, rubbing at the back of your neck sheepishly. “ i- um- bye! ” you took out of there faster than he could reply, leaving ian behind.
“ tell your boyfriends- ” ian turned to kevin once he began to speak, “ that there's no more free drinks in my bar. ”
“ did you really have to take his money? ” you huffed, trailing after mickey through your living room and following him to the kitchen. it was your place but he acted as if he owned it.
“ my money, ” mickey corrected, opening the top cabinet and snatching out a box of cinnamon toast crunch. “ he fucking cheated, so the cash is mine. it came out of my pocket to begin with. ”
you rolled your eyes, “ mick’, I know not all of that came from your pocket. you're not dumb enough to agree to a bet unless you're getting more money than you already had. ”
he glanced at you over his shoulder, “ so you callin’ me fuckin’ dumb or something? ”
one blink. two blinks. and then you're staring at him as if he's an actual idiot in that moment. “ that's not what I said at all- ”
“ you said I'm not dumb enough, so that's stating I'm somewhat dumb, just to clarify, right? ” as he argued, he had enough time to go to the fridge and retrieve the milk and pour it into his bowl. so now, he was smacking his cereal aggressively, while giving you a pointed stare.
“ can you not? ” ian sighed as he entered the kitchen, only to dump his phone onto the table so he could remove his hoodie. it was rather hot in your place. “ I'd really like to go a day without you running your mouth. ”
mickey looked at ian with a ‘ are you for real? ’ expression. “ so I run my mouth? ”
“ stop- ” he sighed.
“ no, no- ” mick’ sat his bowl down before gliding over to get in ian's personal space. “ I run my mouth? is it too much for you? ‘cause I could just fucking leave. ”
“ mickey- ” you tried to interfere, but neither of them let up.
the ginger pressed a hard palm to mickey's chest, forcefully backing him up. “ you're not fucking leaving. stop acting so childish! ”
you sighed, this time combing a hand through your hair as you became fed up with your two boyfriends. “ guys! ”
they still didn't bother to acknowledge you, though. mickey was now raising his voice as ian got in his face as well, and it was becoming ugly - you didn't want this leading to something more violent. so, you gritted your teeth, and inhaled.
“ GUYS! ” that finally grabbed their attention.
ian's head swiveled around so that he could look at you. mickey peered over ian's shoulder. you looked to be fuming, smaller fists clenched down at your sides and the space between your brows pinched. “ will you two knock it off?! ”
scoffing, mickey pushed ian back -to which the red head stumbled and glared at him-, only to look at you with disbelief. “ why the fuck am I gettin’ yelled at? he started it. ”
“ you both, ” you gave ian a look that told him he better not open his mouth, “ are being stupid right now. stop- and mickey, you're not dumb, it's just the way I worded my sentence. ”
picking his bowl of cereal back up, mickry rolled his shoulders back, mumbling under his breath. “ course I'm not dumb... I'm fucking smart. ”
you cracked a smile at that.
“ now, ” you pointed a finger to them both, raising your brows. “ no more fighting, right? let's just relax for once. ”
ian glanced at mickey, and mickey glanced at him- but neither said anything. ian then sighed and nodded, “ yeah, no more fighting. ”
“ good. ” you hummed, before shuffling over to ian and pecking him on the cheek, “ thank you. I don't like it when you two argue. ”
“ hey, ” you both looked to the brunette, who had an arm extended dramatically so and a distraught look on his face. “ the fuck am I, chopped liver? ”
a giggle escaped you, “ no! ” and you made your way over to mickey, only to kiss him on the cheek as well. but he scoffed for the hundredth time.
“ that's no fucking kiss- ” he muttered, only to pull you closer by binding his arm around your waist. “ come ‘ere. ”
the male pressed his lips greedily to yours, intaking your warmth and savoring your taste. you could taste the cinnamon-y sweetness on him from the cereal, and it made you grin.
“ I think I deserve one too, ” ian whispered as he came from behind, too hooking an arm around you. you parted from mickey to turn your head and smile at your other boyfriend.
“ I love you guys. ” you chuckled, kissing ian sweetly. he kissed back, softness to his touch.
“ we love you too, doll. ”
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mageknight14 · 9 months
I loved how NEO pulled the rug out with Rindo’s character. At first, he generally seems much more sociable and outwardly friendly compared to Neku and then the game quickly goes "yeah, nah, he’s a huge fucking mess too." He’s a good kid fundamentally at his core but he can also be whiny, hypocritical, passive-aggressive, and kind of insensitive at times. He has a tendency to be judgemental and harsh to the people around him while not acknowledging his own faults, like when he complains about Beat joining the team even though he saved their lives beforehand because he’s not Neku or when he gives Fret shit for fawning over Eiji Oji and Kanon while falling for Motoi’s BS. He’s so pessimistic about himself and others that not even a death game that heavily emphasizes the value of teamwork can get him to fully come out of his shell, which is where his time-travel powers come in AND EVEN THEN it’s a double-edged sword since on one hand, it forces him to actively step up to the plate and survey the situation to find the best possible solution, which leads to him slowly growing out of his shell, but on the other, it also leads to him becoming overly reliant on his time travel so that he can walk back from potentially life-changing decisions without having to worry about it since he has a magic reset button. Which ends up biting him in the ass. Hard.
He’s one of those types of people who is ultimately a thinker and planner instead of a do-er, but his being young and overly impressionable takes this personality quirk to such an extreme that he's foundationally useless to most groups. He’s the type of person who you have in a group project who sits around and does nothing, but then complains with the project does poorly because he couldn't be bothered to speak.
He's so unconfident and directionless that he uses effectively Instagram as a means to listen to someone who sounds like some 2deep4u philosopher post dumb flowery bullshit that effectively has all the meaning of "Drink water when you're thirsty." and he admits to finding such "deep" meaning in these posts that it supposedly helped him through life. Because he's 15 and doesn't know anything.
However, all of this makes him interesting as a character because he’s, again, still a fundamentally good kid at his core. While he’s shown to have a fuse, he is also the kind of person who has the ability to think his emotions through. That's what we ultimately see when he and Fret finally talk and drop their beef. The game depicting Rindo's capacity for self-awareness and emotional reflection is a positive revelation of his character strengths. He proves that he's capable of recognizing when he's in the wrong and knows how to apologize, a trait he shows quite a few times throughout the story, while also doing everything he can to set things right as well as be more understanding toward how his friends feels.
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He’s kind of the guy who will drop everything to help a little kid out, even when there’s no tangible benefit to doing so and he and the others are shown to be on limited time, shows empathy to his friends/fallen enemies, and feels massive amounts of guilt for his actions, even if he didn’t know better at the time.
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Hell, the entire endgame is fueled by his selfish yet understandable desire to save the people he cares about most from total erasure, to the point that he’s willing to risk thousands of lives to do so. But not only is he shown to be internally grappling with himself regarding his decision but he’s also willing to take responsibility and ensure that EVERYTHING goes right not just for himself and his friends but the people of Shibuya in general, in a parallel to Neku’s own selfish if understandable decision to put the bonds he formed in the original game (particularly with Joshua) over the actual city.
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Characters aren't interesting simply by switching between 2 different character traits. They're interesting when all those traits are being expressed at the same time for reasons that are consistent within their internal logic. You gotta be a good writer to pull that off and you gotta know when to show off these dimensions during your story to achieve proper dramatic effect when the time calls for it and NEO I feel does this pretty damn well.
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blues824 · 1 year
Idia shroud with a s/o that is his arrange fiancée that is that descendant of Persephone 💖 is graceful and considerate. Although seemingly innocent, she is not one to be toyed with as she holds the capability to stand up for herself and do what is right as she is ruthless to those who had/ have wronged her..
But both of them love each other dearly depending on the situation both have a soft spot for each other but never play favourites ** cough** Persephone!S/O **cough** she will and has put Idia back into his place! Even if he is or isn't in his blot form! Last time she was mad mad... Idia unlocked a new fear.. his soon to be wifey once she turns 18! (She is currently 17) always a year behind him! :3
You will never know how excited I have been to do this. Female Reader who is not Yuu.
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Idia Shroud
Your parents had agreed that you both would be wed once you turned 18. But you weren’t against it at all. Ever since you both were children, you both were happy that you would be married to each other. It was a young love that we only see in Disney movies nowadays… oh wait… this is Disney.
Throughout the years, you both went to the same schools. You would spend a lot of time at his family’s house so that you could learn more about his family’s business. After all, if you were to become his wife, you would be co-owner of the company alongside your future husband.
Idia was wholeheartedly in love with you. You were graceful, you were kind, it was kind of impossible for him not to fall for you. At his family’s estate, you had started a garden so that you could eat a bit cleaner. Your power over plants really fascinated your fiance. 
Ortho became a younger brother figure to you. Idia finds himself super flustered whenever he sees you two hanging out. You spend a lot of time outside due to the nature of your powers, and Ortho also loves spending time outside so it works out. It was at your pleading that your fiance spent more time outside as well. But you knew that the curse on his family prevented him from spending too much time away from blot.
Then, you both got accepted into Night Raven College, one year apart of course. The unfortunate part is that you were accepted into different dormitories. He was a part of the Ignihyde dorm when you were accepted into the Pomefiore dorm. The eldest Shroud sibling had to admit that you looked absolutely beautiful in your dorm uniform.
If you ever adjust his dorm uniform, like the jacket for example, he will get flustered to a whole other degree. The non-existent distance between you two overwhelms him a bit. Then you grab his jacket lapels and pull him into a kiss. Bro turned more red than Elmo.
He does get a bit jealous when you tell him that you have a gardening club meeting and can’t meet up with him. However, he feels crappy when he has a board game club meeting and therefore can’t meet up with you. This puts your relationship in a bit of a distant stage, but ‘distance makes the heart grow fonder’.
Now, there’s the matter of his overblot. It was fiance against fiance in this situation, because you teamed up with Yuu and Grim as well as the other First Years. You were quick to shut him down though, catching him in a snapdragon and watching him struggle within. 
In the infirmary, you were waiting for him to wake up. Once he did, you almost squeezed and kissed the life out of him. But before he had the chance to reciprocate your affection, you slapped him and started yelling at him for how he almost killed himself, Ortho, and everyone involved in the battle.
Bro has never been more scared in his entire life. He could consider it a near-death experience just facing the fire of your fury. You went from kissing him from relief to scolding him out of anger that he just started tearing up and apologizing. This made you feel bad and you wrapped your arms around his torso as you laid on him.
Whenever you lay on him, but the way, you place your hand beside your head on his chest. There, he sees the engagement ring that he gave you while you were a senior in high school and he was a freshman in college. His wife-to-be was always one year behind him.
By the way, you both show obvious favoritism towards each other. Not a lot of people are allowed at the Ignihyde dorm, but you definitely are for obvious reasons. Then, in your dorm, even though you aren’t the Housewarden, Vil does allow you to stay the night over in Idia’s room because you have earned it.
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I haven't posted in ages, man :') Mandy definitely isn't a character that calls for a particularly fluffy fluff alphabet... But I want to try and get a feel for writing her, and this felt like a good way.
(Gender ambiguous).
Warnings: mentions of violence, death, and past trauma.
A = affection (how affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
While perhaps not the most verbally affectionate, Amanda is rather physically affectionate.
She's a tactile person, and she fuckin' loves touching you. All over. All the time.
Amanda's affection is a little... aggressive at first, but after time, you'll see softer stuff mixed in there, too...
...The A segment gets expanded on throughout this, so I won't ramble too long right here.
B = body (what is their favorite part of their partner's body?)
Eyes. I'm not sure why I feel so strongly about that. I just do.
She'll sometimes stare into your eyes for so long that it verges on uncomfortable. Or perhaps unsettling.
Your neck is a close second, though. She loves marking it <3
C = cuddling (do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yeah. She does.
A lot actually.
She will hold you tight. Full-on gorilla grip, fingers tightly clenching the fabric of your clothes or kinda digging into your skin.
Her preferred position is pressed against your front, her head tucked under your chin.
However, she also enjoys pressing against your side with her legs and arms fully wrapped around you.
D = dates (what do they like to do when they go on dates with you?)
Typically, Mandy doesn't like to go out for dates. And if she does, she prefers to go to places that don't have a lot of people.
Little hole-in-the-wall restaurants, fast food joints sometime after midnight, sitting on the bumper blocks in parking lots after stopping at food trucks.
Hanging out on the couch, watching a movie, or playing video games.
E = emotions (how do they express emotion around their partner?)
Very blatantly. And intensely. Amanda isn't somebody who reacts to things passively. When she feels something, she feels it with every fiber of her being.
Joy is typically the only thing that tends to come across as subdued from her.
But everything else? Rarely. You probably won't have much trouble telling what she's feeling.
F = family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Growing up, Mandy didn't have one. She lived with her dad, but he was never family or anything close to it. And now, she almost feels like she isn't deserving of one. She is, though. Of course she is.
Having John as a father figure, and you there as a loving partner?
That's more than Amanda could've ever anticipated or asked for, in her eyes.
G = gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Although not a huge fan of receiving gifts herself, Amanda does enjoy giving you gifts every now and again.
She prefers to leave them out for you to find rather than giving them to you directly. Often, the item will be accompanied by a simple note on a torn scrap of paper that says "for you" or something similar.
It's also one of her preferred methods of apology following minor screw-ups.
H = hugs (do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
About as much as cuddling.
And similar to when she cuddles you, she will squeeze the life out of you. There's no escape. Occasionally, it even gets a bit hard to breathe.
Like, listen here. Amanda prefers you in her arms over anywhere else.
Her face will be buried in the crook of your neck... Or your chest, depending on how tall you are.
I = injury (how would they act if their partner got hurt?)
She freezes up when she first sees you hurt.
Following that, there is immediate panic and freak-out.
"What the hell happened?!"
There's a decent amount of cursing as she patches you up.
And after, if she finds out that you got hurt because of someone else, you best believe that Amanda is gonna be asking you tons of questions about them. She needs to know all the info you have so that she can track them down, abduct them, and rig up a special (impossible to win) trap just for them.
J = jealously (how jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Mandy does not like to share you haha. At all.
She will, but she won't be pleased about it.
She's not very good at hiding when she's jealous, either.
Amanda will say "I'm not jealous", but it will be obvious from her facial expression, the way she's standing, and her tone of voice that she is. Very, very obvious.
K = kisses (how do they like to kiss their partner?)
The majority of the time? Roughly.
Mandy is somebody who will be pinning you against the wall or nearby furniture.
She'll be biting your lip and sticking her tongue in your mouth before long.
Her hands will likely have a firm grip on your wrists, biceps, the sides of your face, or hair.
She doesn't typically make her kisses brief, either.
L = love (how do they show their partners they love them?)
If Amanda isn't being all touchy-feely, then she's showing her love for you through acts of service.
You say the word?
...Not necessary. She's actively in the process of doing something for you.
She'd give you her last cigarette.
Or kill a guy for you. Maybe more.
M = mornings (how are mornings spent with them?)
Chances are, you probably don't wake up before Amanda. She likes to sleep in until noon.
You wake up to her snoring quietly and holding onto you, unwilling to get up.
So... mornings are simply spent there. In bed.
If you want to get up before noon, you'll need to either pry yourself out of her grasp or wake her up and convince her to release you.
N = nights (how are nights spent with them?)
Nights are when Amanda is most busy with her apprentice work for Jigsaw. Planning, building, abducting, etc. You often don't get to spend long with her because of that.
She'll typically spend the time right before she needs to work hanging around you, though.
And if she's putting traps together, there's a good chance she'll let you hang around. As long as you don't touch anything without asking.
Oh, and hey, pass her that drill.
O = openness (when would they start revealing things about themselves?)
Not for a while.
And telling you stuff from her past? That'll take even longer. Amanda will tell you only once she's ready, and it'll be painful for her. Like pulling teeth.
She might not be hard to read in terms of body language, but she isn't an open book when it comes to verbally sharing things. She's a closed book. That only select people are allowed to look into.
P = pet names (do they use pet names? If so, what do they use?)
She does, but just occasionally.
I can only picture her using "babe".
Half the time, it comes out after she's already said your name. Like "[Insert name here], babe, check this out."
Q = quizzes (how much would they remember about their partner?)
Quite a lot. Mandy remembers the things you do and say pretty well.
Specifically when they relate to the things you do or don't like, though.
She knows the smaller stuff. Your favorite thing to order from the restaurants you go to together, your favorite movies, games, brands of drinks/food, and other stuff like that.
R = remember (what is their favorite moment in their time of knowing you?)
Regardless of wherever it was and whatever happened, her favorite memory is definitely the moment she first met you.
After all, if not for that happening, Amanda wouldn't know you at all. And that's not something she likes to think about.
She isn't even sure what she would be doing with herself if she didn't know you.
S = security (how protective are they? Would they like to be protected?)
As previously mentioned, Amanda will kill for you with little hesitation.
If you're important to her, then nobody gets to hurt you. If somebody does, her rage will be immediate.
She'll make sure that they'll hurt. And quite a lot.
T = time (how long would it take for them to get together with their partner?)
A while.
Regardless of whether you both have a level of chemistry early on, it'll be a while before there'll be a clear definition to your relationship with her.
With previous partners, that wasn't the case. But Amanda has been through a lot.
There will likely be a period where you're already acting like a straight-up couple, but she still only calls you a friend.
U = upset (how do they act when their partner is upset?)
If it's an outside cause? She might try to comfort you.
However, if you're looking for verbal comfort rather than physical, it's pretty 50/50 whether it'll be effective or it'll simply make it worse.
Mandy herself is the cause? Then she'll need a minute before she even acknowledges it. Perhaps a few extra to cool off depending on what happened.
V = Valentine's Day (do they celebrate it with you? How?)
She doesn't care about Valentine's Day. Or most holidays, for that matter. Throughout most of her life, she's never had people to celebrate anything with and make memorable experiences. So when those days come around, it's typically just another day for her.
Valentine's Day in particular is just a load of commercialized bullshit, in her opinion.
Like, whatever. Amanda doesn't need some holiday to do special shit with you. If you want flowers or candy, she could get those for you any time.
She can drop by a gas station right now and grab a few candy bars for you.
She can go outside and find flowers. She'll rip them right out of the ground for you. They'll probably be messed up when you receive them, though. Some of them might also be weeds... And she's just gone and tracked a lot of dirt inside.
W = warrior (how do they feel about their partner fighting? Would they fight beside them, etc.?)
While certainly not something Amanda's opposed to, this also isn't expected from you whatsoever.
So, if you jump in to help her if she gets in a fight or step in front of her protectively, she'll be utterly shocked.
For a solid couple of seconds, she can only stand there with a blank look on her face.
The people she's met willing to do that for her are few and far between. It really starts to set in how much she means to you.
It's also incredibly hot of you.
X = x-ray (how well are they able to read their partner?)
Mandy's halfway decent at reading you.
Like, I wouldn't say she can always pick up on the subtle stuff, but she will most of the time. You won't need to spell a whole lot out for her.
Y = yes (would they propose to their partner? How?)
Marriage is something Amanda is utterly, completely indifferent about.
Like, she could not give less of a shit if she never got married. It's whatever. However, if you really want to get married, then yeah, sure, she's down. Anything for you.
If she's the one to propose, she will pop the question in the most casual way imaginable.
You guys would probably be watching a movie or something, and she would turn to you and go, "Hey, wanna get married?" like she's asking you if you want her to grab anything from the kitchen for you.
She goes out and acquires the rings after that.
By that, I mean she goes out and steals them. Maybe off the cold, rigid fingers of a couple of victims from her unbeatable traps.
Z = zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Simply having you around to talk to her is often a big help to Amanda.
Alongside a bit of space until she indicates otherwise.
Keeping your hands empty and where she can see them, too.
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notlunaaa · 2 months
Ok, so, idea: Alastor about to say something that might’ve been acceptable in 1920 but definitely not now and either Husk or Lucifer does that ‘shut up shut up’ elbow to the ribs and Alastor makes a sound somewhere between a screech of radio feedback and a short squeaky laugh
only work on this if you want, no pressure, but I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and am in a bit of a doubtful ditch about my writing
Dirty Mouth
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Ler: Lucifer
‘Trust me guys this is gonna be SO much fun.’ Charlie squealed, bringing out a pack of UNO cards and laying them down on the table.  She sat down next Vaggie and excitedly held her hand. 
‘This is a PERFECT game for game night so everyone has to participate.  I’m so happy you could join us as well Dad! She gave her father a small wave and he reciprocated with the same motion. 
This game of UNO had been slightly tweaked to be more aligned with Charlie’s ‘Friendship Exercises. ‘ Every. +2 +4 and skip meant that the person on the receiving end had to answer any question about themselves asked from the others. 
‘Not to brag but you assholes are going down!’ Angel chimed in, downing a shot and picking his cards up. 
‘Don’t get cocky now, it’ll be embarrassing when you lose.’ Husk scoffed back, with a swig of whiskey and a smirk. Angel flipped him off and turned his eyes back to his own cards. ‘We’ll see kittycat.’ 
The Game had actually been quite fun, sparking rivalry between the group, and creating excitement and suspense. ‘Oh fuck you!’ Lucifer growled out, picking up four cards and adding them to his deck while frowning. ‘My apologies, not everyone has a talent for card games.’ Alastor replied smugly, chuckling as he watched the King of Hell draw cards. ‘Fuck you.’ He spat back. 
 Throughout all the chaos Alastor was still able to keep a level head, his smile never wavering or changing, Despite  his growing tensions with Charlie’s father. That was because he was almost certain he was going to win. He had 2 wild cards left and everyone was so focused on everyone else that he would go undetected until his victory. That was until.. 
‘Pick up 4 bastard.’ Charlie snickered, looking Alastor in the eyes as she laid the card on the table. 
The radio demon heaved with a heavy sigh, his eyebrows furrowed and he was almost shaking as he begrudgingly picked up his cards. ‘Women….’ he whispered under his breath.
‘Huh!? What was that you fuck?’ Vaggie hissed. 
Alastor clocked his head towards the fallen Angel, prepared to say something else. Lucifer, realising Alastor was about to say something wildly inappropriate and to HIS daughter quickly steeped in ‘I  said -‘ 
He quickly jabbed the deer demon in the ribs.   
Alastor jolted like he’d been electrocuted, then a loud ear piercing sound rang through the hotel, shaking it to its core. It was mix between horrible mic feedback and a group of high school girls squealing at the top of their lungs. Everyone was quick to cover their ears, afraid to go deaf by the noise. They then turned to Alastor, the same expression across all their faces 
What the FUCK was that? 
But before anyone could comment on it, Alastor got up and disappeared into the shadows. An ominous muffled voice ran through the room. 
‘If I hear as much as even a whisper about this I will set this hotel on fire and watch as you all horrifically burn with it.’ 
hope you enjoyed!💞
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Danganronpa Love Languages (SDR2)
[ DR THH | SDR2 | DR V3 ]
Hajime Hinata - Words of Affirmation
No matter your Ultimate, no matter your gender identity, no matter your personality, Hajime is open with how much he likes you. He adores you and isn't afraid to show it. At the start he was much more awkward but slowly opened up and got more confident. Now, he won't be doing these drastic public displays of affection or anything, that isn't his deal. But he will hold hands and openly refer to you as his partner. Hajime sees no need to hide or deny your relationship, if people don't like it that's their problem. The most obvious way he shows his affection is his words, being incredibly direct and honest. He shows a ton of respect for your Ultimate no matter what it is. Hajime loves to ask you questions about it and learn about your life
Akane Owari - Physical Touch
Akane, as we know, had a tough life growing up. Besides her clear desperation for food, she also had a tough time being sexualized. Most men just kinda saw her as a hot piece of meat and treated her like shit. So when you asked her out, she just kinda assumed you wanted to fuck her, and offered herself. When you quickly shut that down and told her you wanted to be in a genuine relationship, she kinda froze up. It was an odd feeling, but it was almost relieving to her. Throughout the relationship she felt more and more comfortable touching you. She knew you wouldn't take advantage of her, and thus appreciated it when you hugged and kissed her. It could get aggressive at times if she was in a hyper mood but she really enjoys just some wholesome times. Cuddling is a must for her, especially after big meals. Just laying down and falling into a food coma together is pure bliss
Byakuya Twogami - Words of Affirmation
When you got together Twogami kept their sort of Byakuya impression and tried to be aloof, but it was clear that wasn't their real personality. They constantly compliment you and openly shows their affection. At least when they are in a disguise. When you eventually managed to make them take down the facade, they really softened more and you got to see them for who they are. Imposter is soft spoken and much more bashful than you expected. Instead of being confident, when they compliment you like this, they have a much harder time getting the words out. Imposter doesn't see themself as someone with any identity, so seeing how unique you are gives them inspiration and admiration for you. It may be hard for them to say, but you will definitely hear it
Chiaki Nanami - Quality Time
Chiaki is a simple girl, she likes to take life as it comes and just kinda go with the flow. And she appreciates a partner that can do the same. She doesn't really like going on dates, they just aren't her scene. She'd honestly rather stay home eating snacks and playing video games with you. To be honest, Chiaki just likes being with you in general. It doesn't have to be a big deal, often you guys will just cuddle and relax or play games together. Even if you don't feel like talking Chiaki is happy to just be with you in comfortable silence. Since she tends to be sleepy throughout the day, she often will end up falling asleep at your place. If you decide to lay down with her, when she wakes up and notices you, she'll smile lovingly and give you a quick cheek kiss (before falling right back asleep)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu - Quality Time
Being a literal mob boss doesn't give you much personal time. Him and Peko are often super busy throughout the day, with Fuyuhiko getting frustrated an apologizing everytime, despite your insistance that it's okay. The days he does have off he likes to spend with you. He isn't really used to being vulnerable and affectionate, so whenever you try to be romantic he will initially push back. Understand it isn't that he doesn't like you, it's just unusual to him, he'll eventually accept the affection and reciprocate. When he is comfortable enough he likes to take you to all kinds of places for date nights. He doesn't care how dumb it is or how he has to make it happen, you want to go to that pickle museum? You are GOING to that pickle museum god dammit! Oh and fun fact. Neither of you know this, but more than half the days Fuyuhiko gets off are actually cause of Peko stepping in. She wants to see her Young Master happy! She has no issues pulling some strings here or there
Gundam Tanaka - Physical Touch
This man lives off of drama and theatrics, do you really think he's gonna hold back in your relationship? Hell nah, you are his dark deity who is destined to rule with him. Anyone who questions will have a curse instantly fall upon them. He is PROUD to let the world know of your relationship and feels no embarrassment! ...Kinda. When he brags in public, 80% of it is all show and overcompensation. He is actually trying to keep his dark lord image up to keep the mortals intimidated. In reality, your relationship makes him weak in the knees. He adores you to his core. Gundam becomes incredibly soft with you and surprisingly bashful. In fact, physical contact is a quick way to turn him into a blushing mess. Everytime you even graze his hand Gundam's heart skips a beat. And when you kiss? Instantly hiding in his scarf afterwards. He doesn't quite understand why it affects him so deeply, it had to be some dark forces in the universe. No matter what it was, Gundam loves it, and shows his appreciation in his own unique way
Hiyoko Saionji - Physical Touch
Jesus christ this girl is a handful. Pretty much from your first interaction she was hostile and condesending. But strangly you both ended up in a relationship somehow, with no complaints on either side. After you started showing more kindness and helped her, she saw you in a more positive light. You weren't as useless or untrustworthy as she thought. Hiyoko still lowkey bullies and teases you, but it's turned more playful and lighthearted. And she's also gotten more physically affectionate, openly clinging to you and leading you by the hand all over the place. She pretty much hangs by you as much as possible, and can get pretty protective. Not to mention really jealous whenever anyone tries to sweet talk you
Ibuki Mioda - Physical Touch
BRUH, this is I-BU-KI MI-O-DA! She is all OVER you 24/7! Pretty much every time she sees you she tackles you with a hug. She adores hugging you and holding hands and jumping into your arms etc etc etc. Sometimes you'll have to use a crowbar to pry her off of you. And don't get me started on the kisses. Ibuki is a kiss machine and loves to just pepper your face with kisses. You're just so damn cute, she can't help herself! It doesn't matter where you are, you gonna get smooched. Funnily enough, when you reciprocate she gets kinda bashful somehow. Ibuki tends to blush hard and stammer, giggling like crazy. Just expect a lot of affection in this relationship
Kazuichi Souda - Words of Affirmation
You saw how he was with Sonia. When he met and fell in love with you he fell HARD. And the fact that you actually gave him the time of day and even liked him back??? He is gonna worship the ground you stand on. Kazuichi adores everything about you and lets you know it everyday. How cute you are, how funny you are, how smart you are, in his eyes you are near perfect. Even when you get into arguments he doesn't stay mad long and tends to apologize first. To most it seems like overcompensation and dramatic, but his feelings are genuine. It's just... Kazuichi really appreciates how much you care for him, you make him feel special and worth something. So god dammit he is gonna make you know he feels the same! (Make sure to tell him to cool it sometimes, he really shouldn't be gushing about you during a funeral)
Mahiru Koizumi - Gift Giving
Being expected to take care of everyone around her can be stressful, it's a lot of pressure. Thankfully with you it's nice cause you're appreciative and don't expect it from her. Mahiru does it out of love rather than obligation. But she doesn't see her deeds as romantic really, instead she loves to give you gifts that memorialize moments in your relationship. The moment you met, your first date, for your one year anniversary she even made a collage of pictures taken on every date you've been on! For the longest time she was hiding a secret, but one day when you were feeling very depressed she revealed it. Mahiru had been keeping a photo album of pictures of you smiling. Some you knew of and remembered, but some of them were secret shots she took when you were distracted. She apologized if it was creepy, but to you it was sweet. Whenever you get self-conscious or sad she loves to bring it out and remind you of the good times you've had together
Mikan Tsumiki - Acts of Service
Mikan is a girl of little self-respect. Years of bullying, abuse, and sexual harassment has really broken her emotionally. So when you asked her out she thought it was a prank. After being reassured she then got the idea that you just wanted her body. It took a long time for her to understand your true intentions, but when she did it all changed. Throughout your relationship she is greatful for your kindness and support, and wants to do the same for you. Being one of the best nurse's in Japan means Mikan can treat you for almost anything. Whether it's a physical injury or a virus she knows what to do. She is a pure blessing when you're sick. She also tries to do other things like cook you dinner and clean the house, but often just ends up fucking it up and somehow (you appreciate it all the same though!)
Nagito Komaeda - Words of Affirmation
Let's get this straight, he considers himself to be pure garbage, and you to be a ray of hope (uh oh). Nagito always wonders why you ever got together with him, let alone loved him. He feels incredibly inferior. Whenever you do anything nice for him he is eternally grateful and thanks you profusely. Nothing you do will ever be taken for granted. He is also very open about how highly he thinks of you, so when you start to feel self-doubt he is quick to shoot that down. Nagito is positive about you, but you'll have to get used to his self deprecation. He constantly says you deserve better than him, sometimes ruining sweet moments on dates. If you get upset he'll apologize though and make up for it
Nekomaru Nidai - Words of Affirmation
Nekomaru is your number one fan, he is your ROCK. And not just cause he's built like one! He is a natural at motivation and uses that constantly with you. You'll never feel like you can't do something, cause he will be by your side encouraging you and cheering you on. He truly believes in you and knows you can do anything if you try hard enough. And if you happen to need a helping hand he is happy to assist, no hesitation! Now in public he is a bit too much of an open book sometimes. He isn't afraid to talk about your relationship, but sometimes that includes some... personal details that you wouldn't want most people to know casually. Trust me though, he has absolutely no intention of embarrassing you, and quickly apologizes when he notices your uncomfortable face. And don't worry about any of that information spreading, a simple crack of his knuckles scares anyone into silence
Peko Pekoyama - Acts of Service
With Fuyuhiko, Peko sees herself as a tool. And with you it was no different. It was kind of like her being a bodyguard who also goes on dates with you. But know that it comes from love, not obligation. She genuinely feels that you are special and important to her. Her heart is dead set on keeping you safe and happy no matter what. She knows she isn't very good with words, it's hard for her to express her feelings without being serious and precise. So instead Peko shows her love by being protective of you in all manners. Of course no one would dare lay a finger on you, but even people bully or insult you are gonna meet the end of her sword. She can't stand it when people disrespect you. Although most of the time she is very serious and stoic, sometimes you can gently get through her barrier and make her bashful. Holding her hand staring into her eyes easily sends her into a blushing mess. You being so precious just fuels her to always be there for you no matter what
Sonia Nevermind - Gift Giving
Sonia is a sweetie, let me tell you. She knows about relationships and has been in a few, but somehow it's still very foreign to her. To be fair though they were not ideal relationships. A lot of them were just potential princes that wanted power, not love. Thankfully she got out of those quickly, and with you it was so refreshing how healthy it was! You don't nitpick her when she says a phrase wrong or mock her for misunderstanding certain cultures. Instead when you laugh, she feels the playfulness and laughs with you. To show her appreciation she gets good use out of her royalty funds. Sonia buys you whatever you want whenever you want. Especially when you get into a new hobby, she loves to buy you a shit ton of related stuff (200 colors of yarn for knitting, antique books that are out of print, a football stadium, it's all for you baby). Nothing is too expensive for you!
Teruteru Hanamura - Acts of Service
We all know he loves some touchy touchy action. It don't matter what parts you got or your body type, he is IN 10000%. He makes it clear by constantly flirting with you and trying to initate any sort of sexual activites (it's fun to see him sulk when you turn him down). But strangely enough, Teruteru actually shows love by cooking for you. Yeah, your hot bod is a big bonus. But that smile on your face when you taste his food? Absolutely priceless. He loves to cook all your meals, and often uses his Mom's special recipes. When one day you asked him to teach you how to cook, his heart soared. He immedietly gave you an apron and pulled out a recipe book so you could choose one to try. Never worry if you make mistakes or completely fail, Teruteru doesn't mind! You gotta start somewhere, and as long as you use the ingredients you have and don't purposly waste them it's all good. But know that even though he doesn't get angry, he will mock you if you're a mess, and can be a little condescending. Just roll with it, he'll eventually humble himself and compliment your efforts
{Like my work? Consider tipping me on Ko-fi! Every little bit counts~}
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 6 months
The Chapter 4 Essay Part 2: Gonta Gokuhara
A metapost on my thoughts on Kokichi’s overall motivations and Gonta’s actions during ch4. Split into two parts. You can find Kokichi's half here: (LINK)
This section is admittedly a little bit shorter than Kokichi’s, but that’s just because Gonta’s motivations are a lot more clear than Kokichi’s. That being said, I’m also worried that since I am so obsessed with Gonta I might forget something important that supports my point because to me its kinda self-evident. So if anything seems like it’s missing or doesn’t make sense, please let me know!
In my opinion, nothing Kokichi did to Gonta was personal, in both positive and negative ways. He didn’t target Gonta because he hated him in particular, but he also didn’t team up with him because they were already friends. Gonta was just an easy target for him to take advantage of, both for stopping Miu from killing him And in progressing his plan to stop the killing game. Gonta’s actions in chapter 4 are a combination of genuine manipulation by Kokichi using what made him an easy target, and motivation caused by Gonta’s desperation and preexisting insecurities that had been growing since the start of the killing game.
Throughout v3, the one thing that Gonta wants more than anything else is to protect his friends from the killing game. It’s pretty clear that he trusts his physical strength more than any other part of himself. The literal First thing Gonta says in a group setting with everyone else is this:
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He doesn’t even know anyone yet! But he’s already prepared to physically defend them from the exisals! He also tries to stop Kaede’s execution along with Kaito and Tenko:
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(post trial, chapter 1) (And- wait- is Gonta missing his bug box in this cg? Oh my god….)
Gonta is shown to be most confident when doing things that involve his physical strength. There’s less hesitation and uncertainty in his actions, unlike what you can often see in him during class trials or group discussions.
Gonta is also more than willing to give up his life for his friends, even as early as chapter 2.
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(post trial, chapter 2) (he’s the first one to make this suggestion)
Outside of physical defense against active threats, Gonta really just wants to help his friends in any way he can. Here’s a couple examples:
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(post-trial, chapter 1) (daily life, chapter 2) (daily life, chapter 3) (investigation, chapter 3)
On the other hand, Gonta has really bad self esteem issues. It’s telling enough that one of Gonta’s common floatlines is literally “Gonta idiot…” When he’s not casually calling himself dumb he’s apologizing for it. For this (and honestly, many other parts of Gonta’s character that I’m pointing out here) I really recommend just paying close attention to Gonta on a replay of the game. I could literally sit here for a week finding and listing all the times Gonta calls himself stupid, but it feels pretty self-evident considering how much he does it. Here’s just one example:
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(investigation, chapter 1)
It’s the combination of his deep desire to be helpful and protect the people around him, and the repeated deaths of his classmates, that really start to wear on him as the game progresses. I think this mixes with his already present self worth issues to form a pretty nasty complex; Gonta explicitly blames himself for almost every single victim’s death in the game. Let’s walk through the chapters for a moment here:
Ryoma: “Gonta coulda saved him… No, Gonta shoulda saved him…! // When piranhas attack Ryoma… If Gonta had dived into tank… / Then… Gonta coulda help Ryoma. But Gonta got scared. Too scared to do anything. / Sorry! Gonta really sorry!”
In chapter 3, Gonta joins Angie’s student council out of his desire to protect everyone. This is made clear in how, before pulling him in, Angie compliments Gonta and calls him smart. She then says this:
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(daily life, chapter 3)
This time, organized as a part of the student council and with Angie’s god on his side, Gonta hopes that he can finally be useful and successfully protect someone.
Angie: “Maybe Angie got attacked while she sleep in her room, and get brought there? / If so… Gonta coulda saved her! If only Gonta saw! / But Gonta was sleeping… Sorry, Angie… Gonta no could save you!”
…To quote my favourite V3 lets play (shortonegaming) on this moment: “He made up a version [of Angie’s death] so that he could blame himself.”
Tenko: “T-Tenko…! Gonta so sorry… Gonta no could protect you!” and then a little later “It’s all Gonta’s fault…! Gonta fail to protect friends again!” and AGAIN later “Gonta so ashamed…! Why Gonta no could protect friends!?”
That’s two deaths in a row that Gonta (at least believes) he was right next door to and failed to stop. You can see from how he says this repeatedly, with lots of dialogue from other characters in between, the sheer amount that this is impacting him.
Miu: “But… why this happen…!? Why… Miu killed!? / Gonta not understand… Gonta not understand anything… /…But Gonta frustrated and sad! Gonta no could protect Miu! // Gonta so sorry! Gonta sorry he no could protect Miu!” Even with Miu’s death, to which he’s waking up disoriented and confused, he blames himself for failing to stop it.
(Sidenote: Looking at all these reactions back to back makes Gonta’s disorientation after waking up from the virtual world SO much more visible. I left the beginning out of the quote I took, but when you first talk to him during ch4’s investigation, he doesn’t say anything for a few moments. This is very unlike his immediate, intense reactions in the earlier chapters. When he does start speaking it feels kind of disjointed, uncharacteristically calm, and confused before he starts riling himself up blaming himself for Miu’s death. I never really noticed it before looking into this. It’s kind of disturbing)
The only reason I personally think he doesn’t react this way about Rantaro immediately is due to being in shock that someone died to begin with. That doesn’t stop him from saying this not long after:
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(investigation, chapter 1)
This complex- made of the desire to protect everyone, self loathing, and feelings of uselessness at being unable to help investigating due to being “stupid” and failing to protect anyone physically, the only thing he thinks he’s good at, every. single. time- only gets worse with each chapter. And in Chapter 4, Gonta finally reaches his breaking point.
At the beginning of Chapter 4, you can talk to Gonta as Shuichi is leaving to meet up with Kaito and Maki to train. He tries to stop Shuichi, worried about a murder potentially taking place at night (again), but Shuichi reassures him that he’ll stick by his friends and that he can’t break his promise to meet up with them. Gonta responds like this:
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(daily life, chapter 4)
Which leads to him saying he’s made up his mind, and has a plan. Which is, of course, to try and take down Monokuma physically, even if it costs him his life. He initially drops the suggestion after Miu starts talking about the virtual world, but the day after, it’s still bothering him.
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(daily life, chapter 4)
Almost every free time event you have with Gonta this chapter (except for like, one, where he talks about the “tiny bugs” he can barely see), Gonta is trying to think of ways to help.
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(free time, chapter 4) His last possible free time event before Miu takes everyone into the virtual world has this dialogue, which is just so sad to me.
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(free time, chapter 4)
“Helping everyone” and not being “useless” are almost the only two things Gonta talks about this chapter. It’s this mindset and motivation that made Gonta an easy target for Kokichi to take advantage of. He’s in a bad place mentally, and nothing he does seems to help anybody. Not to mention, with the student council gone, he’s suddenly just kind of… alone. There’s no one there (other than potentially Shuichi, during free time) to keep him steady.
And yeah, I am definitely not including Kokichi here. A strong reason I don’t think Gonta chose to go along with Kokichi out of friendship was because of this interaction early Chapter 4:
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(daily life, chapter 4)
Gonta’s trust in Kokichi was broken because of the events of the insect meet and greet. The insect meet and greet’s implications for Kokichi and Gonta’s relationship are a bit strange, but since it’s not super relevant to chapter 4, I’m not gonna get into it. The point is, regardless of the nature of their relationship in chapter 2, it’s clear that Gonta doesn’t consider Kokichi a very trustworthy person in chapter 4. It’s likely that he doesn’t consider him a close friend either. I hesitate to say that Gonta didn’t consider him a friend at all, because he’s Gonta and he wants to have faith in everyone, but at the very least he was trying to be wary around him.
This explicit distrust in Kokichi might make it seem strange that Gonta went along with Kokichi at all in the virtual world. But in reality, Kokichi was very aware of Gonta’s distrust in him, and used it to his advantage in setting up his plot.
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(daily life, chapter 4) (I skipped some dialogue in this exchange, but it hits the main points)
Kaito inadvertently eggs Gonta on here, but Kokichi literally drops the idea at Gonta’s feet. Gonta isn’t going with Kokichi to help him look, he’s going to make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble. And as Kokichi said, he knew Gonta would offer to do something like this if given the chance.
Kokichi uses Gonta’s distrust in him again when they encounter the flashback light holding the secret of the outside world together. Gonta’s immediate instinct was to go find everyone else, but Kokichi yells for him to wait, and then this happens:
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(post trial, chapter 4)
He KNOWS Gonta doesn’t trust him, and with that distrust, he can make him doubt anything he says. I’ve already talked about how Gonta is ready to give up his life for everyone else, especially this chapter, so suggesting that he check if the light is a trap set up by Kokichi is guaranteed to make Gonta pause.
But it doesn’t stop there. Kokichi pushes harder:
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(post trial, chapter 4)
Gonta thinks for a moment, but this is what made him choose to come back and look at the flashback light himself. Here, Kokichi uses the thing that has been haunting Gonta more than anything else all killing game, especially this chapter. He knows Gonta has tried and failed to protect people, he knows how upset it makes him. What better way would there be to convince him to do whatever he wants than to offer a way for him to finally be “useful” to everyone after failing them again and again?
Anything after this point and before Miu’s body discovery is purely headcanon, so I won’t get into my thoughts on that. But I think this moment shows that Gonta was under a lot more control that people often think. I don’t mean to say that Kokichi is entirely blameless, or that Gonta wasn’t manipulated at all. But AlterEgo!Gonta says himself, “No, [we] not tricked,” because he wasn’t. He made the choice to see the secret of the outside world on his own, and made every choice after that to continue with their plan. There was no trickery involved. It was Kokichi’s carefully chosen words that dug right into his insecurities, doubts, and hopes that directly influenced him into making the choice that he did.
You also have to keep in mind how absolutely unstable Gonta must’ve been at this point. He was already nearing a breaking point with his feelings of powerlessness before going into the virtual world, but then he got hit with the secret of the outside world. AlterEgo!Gonta openly admits that it made him feel suicidal. (“Cuz, when Gonta remember the secret of the outside world, Gonta think… /…it would be easier… to die.”) With the outside world and the killing game both inescapable hells, Gonta just couldn’t imagine any way out. And then Kokichi suggests the mercy kill plan. In his state of mind, Gonta truly believed that this could be the way to finally “save” everyone.
Of course, Kokichi had only just recently seen the secret of the outside world too. Even though he must have known it wasn’t true, he had no idea the extent to which it was a lie versus the truth. He probably wasn’t in a very good mental state either. But still, just like he would do again in chapter 5 to everyone else, Kokichi used the despair caused by the secret of the outside world to get Gonta to go along with his plan.
This is what I believe was the driving force behind Gonta’s half of the Kokichi and Gonta dynamic in chapter 4. Gonta’s self loathing, which was present before the killing game began, compounded with his desire to be useful and protect everyone else from the threats of the killing game. As more people died, Gonta became more and more desperate to do literally anything to help everyone else. Kokichi used these things about Gonta to push him to do what he wanted him to.
…To close off, there’s this moment right before Gonta and Kokichi leave to kill Miu that’s really stuck with me.
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(daily life, chapter 4) (Read left to right, top to bottom)
It’s not common for the other characters to defend Gonta’s intelligence. But Kaito, unknowingly, says just the right thing to Gonta at just the wrong time. Knowing that Gonta was about to set things in motion to mercy kill everyone for this exact reason… I wonder if Kaito remembered this moment. Maybe it was just another reason he got so defensive over him during trial 4. I just wish he had said something like this to him sooner.
If you got all the way here and read all this… first of all. THANK YOU! Oh my god. I’ve been working on this essay for several days now between studying for my finals. It feels really great to have it all written out after literal years of loving V3 and loving this chapter. Please, please, please let me know your thoughts! Even if you disagree with me! Chapter 4 is so special to me and I love talking about it!! o/
(Screenshots taken on youtube from justonegamr, Bittersweet Gamers, ShortOneGaming, ProZD Plays Games, and my own copy of v3 on IOS. Thank you @/ishimaruhourglass for helping me find some of these!)
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plazmafields · 3 months
Oh boy you better get your asses ready because I just beat the game again on 2.1+ and I think it actually has interesting implications for Kerry’s romance. SPOILERS FOR THE SUN ENDING SPECIFICALLY!
Like many other players, I got the Sun ending the first time I played, and (other than when I’m roleplaying a new type of character) it’s the ending I always go for and consider canon for my main oc Vesper. Over on the subreddit(s), people seem to view this ending as definitely 100% implying that V finds a cure and lives to see old age. While of course I would love my character to live a long and happy life, I don’t think that’s the case. V free floats off into space toward a several trillion dollar heavily guarded spacecraft filled with the most elite of the elite. That job was a suicide mission, and I interpreted this ending as V going out with a bang so they could finally, actually become a real Night City legend.
I believe Kerry knows this. When he calls you during the credits, Kerry asks you in a casual tone to buy some olives on your way back, then his voice gets soft and he goes, “Actually, you know what, forget it. I’ll buy them myself.” He does this backtracking in conversation several times during his romance, and I always read it as him being uncomfortable talking about his feelings. He stops himself from apologizing to V during A Like Supreme: Kerry gives V the gun he tried to shoot Johnny with, V reminding him that he was actually aiming the gun at V’s head. Kerry says “yeah…” in an apologetic tone and then starts saying “And earlier when–” then stops himself and says “nevermind.” Kerry also does this during Boat Drinks. He starts by saying “You shake things up, V. Make me feel…” trails off for a second, then stutters before saying “uh, I mean.” It sounds like he has a habit of stopping himself when he starts to feel he’s being too vulnerable.
Now, during the Sun epilogue, Kerry doesn’t hesitate when he tell’s V “I don’t want to lose you.” This would normally be a very vulnerable thing to say, and Kerry’s shown that he always backtracks in moments such as these. He even goes so far as to repeat it and make direct eye contact as he says it again. This makes it seem like maybe he’s done some emotional growing and is now more comfortable talking about his feelings, specifically with V. So, if that were the case, why does he restart the habit of backtracking in the credits call? He doesn’t backtrack during the emotional part, when he tells V he wants them to spend more time together and try to be less busy for one another. He only corrects himself when he talks about V coming back. Because he knows V isn't coming back. Even before that, right before V gets on the flying Delamain to head to the Afterlife, he says “Take care of yourself.” to Kerry, which feels very final, like he doesn’t think he’ll see Kerry again.
With all the other romances, saying goodbye in the mansion makes perfect sense. Panam is leaving with the Aldecaldos, Judy is leaving Night City for good, and River expresses that he feels their relationship doesn't feel equal. The conversation V has with Kerry feels very much like any of their other conversations throughout the game: Kerry talks about his stuff, then once he’s gotten it out of his system, asks how V is doing. But with some notable, very subtle changes.
Kerry is always excited to talk about himself, and rarely asks much about V unless he’s making sure V isn’t already dead. The text that actually sparked me wanting to put these thoughts to paper is the one where Kerry takes a personality quiz and it labels him as a narcissist. He’s self absorbed, sure, but he doesn't have the psychiatric disorder Narcissism as far as I’m convinced. Whichever reply you send, his responses are pretty funny. However, getting that text reminded me that the first time I played Cyberpunk I really wasn’t all that into Kerry as a character, and definitely not as a romance option.
So, the conversation you have in V’s mansion in the Sun ending is actually much more V focused than previous interactions with Kerry. When Kerry asks if you’re alright, even if you say everything’s fine, he still insists that he’s there for V and willing to talk, cuddle, fuck, whatever V needs. This is in stark contrast to when you call Kerry on the rooftop before picking your ending. During that call, he definitely notices something is off with V and asks if he’s ok, but doesn’t press any further when V says he’s fine. His dialog in the Sun ending is strangely caring for Kerry, who otherwise always seemed like V was more of a convenient side-piece with whom he shared a mutual friend. Obviously, as I’ve played the game more and considered Kerry’s quests and dialog options from different angles, I really like him as a character and see much more of his depth than I did on my first playthrough.
Now here’s why playing the game on version 2.1+ is important: 2.1 added dates with your romance options to the game (the “I really want to stay at your house” repeatable quest). If you were to consider the new texts, dialog, and gift responses from the perspective of any of the other endings, Kerry’s replies sound somewhat out of character. The phrasing, the word choice, the tone is all Kerry, but the sentiment is decidedly not so. “I really like you, V. Thought I should remind you.” after the first time he goes over to V’s. His response to getting the flowers or car, he’s almost too complimentary; I feel like Kerry would mention everything wrong with the gift first, then admit that he actually likes it, but still find a way to show his appreciation without saying the words “thank you, V.”
However, if you put everything added in 2.1 into the context of the Sun ending, it starts to feel like Kerry is growing as a person. That’s what his whole quest string was about, sure, but you don’t see him put any of those personal changes into practice after Boat Drinks (mostly because all the romance options just stop leaving their houses once you reach the end of their questlines). So the sweet, appreciative texts after dates and gifts, leading into the way he’s much more focused on V and their relationship during the Sun ending, It actually feels like a natural growth for his character. It’s like the dates, the gifts, the cute little replies, are all the beginning stages of him becoming a much more attentive partner in the Sun ending. Kerry even says himself, before V gets on the Delamain, that their relationship has changed his outlook on life and helped him reprioritize things. The 2.1 additions actually make it feel like we watched that journey begin for him, instead of it just being told to us after a time skip.
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ganseyenthusiast · 1 year
anyways since the theme of post-TRK seems to be that every single character ignores any development they had and gets worse, I'm listing everything out here + with a rating of how likely I, the authority of everything ever, think it was. greywaren spoilers obviously
1. Declan: Decides Dad was good all along, disregards real actual emotional abuse and parentification as "misremembering" how great Niall was. 6/10. CDTHEU Declan is a very different character to TRK Declan, I still think he's been too self aware throughout to suddenly walk it back THIS severely. I predict a severe breakdown for him age 30 since I've never witnessed someone do Denial as their last stage of grief.. it’s gonna be explosive
2. Ronan: Disregards his family for the majority of his arc, is worse to them than in TRC. does not call gansey for months. finds a new FP instead of a therapist. emotionally worse off. does find himself via terrorism I guess? 9/10. pretty on brand for Ronan to go scorched earth and suffer zero consequences. I do wish he was made aware of his birth circumstances and displayed the same love/grief for aurora/niall that he's shown in every book except greywaren. are you telling me he can look at the New Fenian and be OKAY?????
3. Adam: ‘Reinvents’ himself, suffers, lies, suffers again. Does not call gansey. Suffers in the VoidSpace, apparently with no lasting consequences. becomes a narc. 7/10. I was hoping for a more self aware adam post TRK but him choosing to pull a Henry Cheng is also pretty on brand. wish he'd actually broken up with Ronan for at least a week. him becoming a narc is unfortunately pretty accurate to character but government jobs are not famously well paying so it really does feel random? the only thing he’s done that’s close to sleuthing is inventing pedo murder charges for his teacher/keeping with the bryde stuff. plus he's still not utilizing his magic skill so this just feels like a continuation of the Harvard arc for the rest of his life which is REALLY baffling when u compare how many times TRK insists he's a magician and will remain a magician/psychic despite everything. seems he's growing MORE disconnected with himself. i’m all for negative development but it’s really being framed as a happy ending which is baffling ngl
4. Gansey: has a sociology degree + is only associated with blue (and nobody else) in the 4-5 years since TRK. Completely reversed his stance on henrietta being home, on "I'd take all of you anywhere with me", on his dedication to history/archeology. does not seem too concerned about Ronan going insane, still odd despite the time he's had to get used to it. 5/10. horrible representation of gansey but I DO like that he's focusing on himself instead of raising pynch. as i say this i remember the ring thing and grit my teeth. complete ignorance of Henry AFTER his whole "friends forever and ewer" TRK thing gives me a good playground to make things worse so I like it but it's definitely weird. how did being a teenager specifically suck for you king because I think Being Dead trauma is unrelated to age
5. Matthew: nearly found independence + love in the abrasive way that lynches give it, then was disregarded emotionally and still not given an apology for the Everything from declan. 8/10. extremely on brand for the lynches to not hold each other accountable. Matthew seems to have improved somewhat + Declan is less overbearing about him, so I like it, I'll take it
6. Henry: went into Seondeok's black market low level mob business, got divorced?, does not speak to bluesey. 10/10. it’s so bad. absolutely off brand for the entire theme of him rejecting the Orders his mother who Literally Forced him to come to henrietta gave him (did not begin this game looking for a friend etc). refutes the entire "find your own something more" theme, refutes the "three of us" theme, refutes the "im going to make something great" motives. and I love it. TRULY my worst ending for Henry is becoming yet another fairy market nepotism casualty. he will Literally never escape and it’s FANTASTIC it is so much fun. Ha Ha You Have Become Your Mother
7. Fenian/Mor: live at the fucking barns now. 1/10. you are telling me a series whose entire THING is based on growing up/overcoming grief/moving on ends with THE FUCKING LYNCH FAMILY BACK AT THE BARNS?????????? WHAT THE HELL???? WHY IS EVERYONE OKAY WITH ANY OF THIS??????????????????????????????????????????????????
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istumpysk · 1 year
hello! i just found your re-ead posts a week or so ago, and i wanted to say i really love all your observations. i also caught something interesting in dany's chapters of adwd i wonder if you'll bring up in her final chapter.
she only started calling herself a "young girl who does not know the ways of war" near the end of asos as an ironic way to lean into the yunkish underestimation of her and mock them for losing to her anyway, but then continues to refer to herself as a "young girl" throughout adwd to the point where reznak and the green grace call her bluff, saying if she's really a young girl who's just listening to wise men then they better marry her off to a wise man
suddenly that turns the phrase from a way to tease enemies and brush off petitioners she didn't actually care about to something she seemed to actually believe about herself, because from then on it appears in her internal thoughts as well as her dialogue, usually to justify her changing her mind or explain why she's so miserable as queen. she falls back on it again when she's hallucinating jorah, but it feels like yet another redefinition of the phrase since this time she uses it to justify why she hadn't sailed to westeros yet
it's a really fascinating bit of age regression that she tries to use to distance herself from responsibility, and i think you'd get a kick out of reading through the passages on asearchoficeandfire
Apologies for the delay, and thank you for the compliment!
Nice observation, anon.
"It is true that I am only a young girl, and do not know the ways of war. Explain to me how you propose to defeat ten thousand Unsullied with your five hundred. Innocent as I am, these odds seem poor to me." Daenerys IV, ASOS
"Just so," she agreed. "I think we should attack from three sides. Grey Worm, your Unsullied shall strike at them from right and left, while my kos lead my horse in wedge for a thrust through their center. Slave soldiers will never stand before mounted Dothraki." She smiled. "To be sure, I am only a young girl and know little of war. What do you think, my lords?" - Daenerys IV, ASOS
He is playing games with me. Dany could play as well. "I am only a young girl and know little of such things, but older, wiser men tell me that to hold Meereen I must control its hinterlands, all the land west of Lhazar as far south as the Yunkish hills." - Daenerys III, ADWD
Dany could feel the anger in the hall. "I am only a young girl, and young girls must have their gifts," she said lightly. "Daario, please, you must not tease me. Give it here." - Daenerys VII, ADWD
"I am only a young girl and know little of such things, but it seems to me that we want them to be treacherous. Once, you'll recall, I convinced the Second Sons and Stormcrows to join us." - Daenerys VIII, ADWD
"It is such a long way," she complained. "I was tired, Jorah. I was weary of war. I wanted to rest, to laugh, to plant trees and see them grow. I am only a young girl."
No. You are the blood of the dragon. - Daenerys X, ADWD
In criminal psychology, I believe what she's doing is called juvenilization ("presenting oneself as younger than one's actual age in order to avoid legal consequences or to gain some advantage").
There's nothing subtle about it, and as you alluded to, the tactic has been acknowledged by her own council.
And Daenerys Targaryen, whatever else she might be, was still a young girl, as she herself would claim when it pleased her to play the innocent. - The Discarded Knight, ADWD
The author's intention is not to highlight her abilities in persuasion or negotiation; instead, it's meant to be interpreted as manipulative and avoiding accountability.
Not only is it incredibly obnoxious, it's also not in line with how one would typically expect a good guy to behave.
Try to picture Bran conducting himself in this manner. You can't.
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inkandpen22 · 2 years
An Electric Connection (1/?)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Warnings: mild language
Word Count: 2.5k
Part Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is the Queen of Hawkins High, but under her radiant smile she's crumbling. She's struggling to maintain her perfect image and everyone is blind to it except the one person who can look past the facade.
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You ride in your boyfriend Chance's car on the way to school with your mind racing as fast as his driving. Flashes of light glimmer in various warm colors through your shut eyes. Your lack of sleep these last few weeks is catching up with you, but you don't have a second to show it. The hand full of minutes it takes to get to school is all you have to rest and you take it gladly. Once you enter Hawkins High, you must be on. You must be the Y/N Y/L/N they all expect. The head cheerleader, student council social chair, dance committee president, all of it.
"Hey?" Chance mutters as he places a hand on your hand.
You turn your head away from the window and flicker your eyes open to meet a quick glance of his eyes as he focuses on the road.
"You okay?"
You hum and offer him a weak nod. "Yeah," you yawn. "Just a bit tired."
"After the game, the boys were talking about having a little... get together," he chooses to describe it. "You wanna go?"
No, you wish to say, but you know it's not what he wants to hear. You hate to admit it, even to yourself, but you're a people pleaser. You rarely, if ever, say no.
"Um yeah, maybe," you answer vaguely.
Chance flashes you a grin as he pulls into the hectic parking lot. The muffled chatter and chaos of everyone shuffling into school both wake you up and triggers a subtle wave of anxiety.
You reach down at your feet for your purse and books when abruptly Chance hits the breaks. His arm flies across you before you fly forward and smack your head on the dash.
Chance lays his hand on the horn and yells out his window. "How about you watch where you're going, Freak?"
You glance ahead to see Eddie Munson and his brigade of minions gathered in front of the car on their way into the school.
Eddie snickers, pleased to get a rise out of Chance. "Maybe pay a little less attention to your girlfriend and actually learn how to drive." His eyes flicker to you with a smirk. "Apologizes, Disney Princess." He bows mockingly. He's been calling you that since Freshman year, ever since you made Homecoming court for the first time. "Love the hair today by the way," he comments with a wink.
You suddenly grow self-conscious about your hair. You usually have to wear it in a ponytail because of cheer but you curled it today, nothing crazy, just some waves you saw Brooke Shields do for a magazine.
"Hey!" Chance barks. "Don't talk to her."
"Oh right, forgot, I'm just a peasant amongst you high school royalty," Eddie remarks, pretending to grovel. He earns a series of laughs from his buddies. Before they all head off, Eddie flips off Chance as one last dig.
Chance rolls up his window and grumbles. "I hate that guy."
Meanwhile, Eddie continues inside with his Hellfire friends, his only friends. You don't notice, but as Chance waits for the road to clear of kids before continuing to find a spot, Eddie glances back at you. From the car window, he watches your eyes flicker about the parking lot with a blank expression. You bite down on your lower lip, a habit he's seen you do a million times in class. It's one of his favorite things, a part of your hair.
He wasn't being snarky before, though if you asked he'd deny it. He loves it on the rare occasion your wear your hair down. He could stare at it for hours, analyzing the various shades within it, and how it shimmers. In fact, he does stare at it from time to time in class or at lunch. Your hair, your doodling, the way you bite your lip when you're not paying attention, confused, or overwhelmed during a test. On any occasion he finds himself just looking at you throughout the school day, you never seem to notice, of course, You have too many friends to ever pay any attention to him. You're constantly surrounded by them. You're untouchable. All he can do is admire from afar.
"But as long as you're into band or science..." Eddie yells over the chatter of the busy room from atop his table right as You and Chrissy enter the lunchroom arm-in-arm. "Or parties..." He whines in disgust.
"Loser!" One student hollers at him.
Eddie walks the platform like a catwalk, making you and Chrissy finally notice him. You both slow down, after realizing you have to pass him to get to your table.
"Oh Jesus," you scoff under your breath.
"He can't never act calm, can he?" Chrissy grumbles.
"Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" Eddie shouts toward our friend's table.
Jason flies up from his chair all mighty. "You want something, freak?"
Eddie sticks his tongue out at Jason and brings his fingers up to his head like devil horns, just to piss him off.
Jason mumbles something under his breath and sits down, thankfully. There have been enough fights between the two our entire high school career to last us a lifetime.
"It's forced conforming!" Eddie continues to preach.
You guide Chrissy along, having had enough of his speech. You keep your eyes ahead and walk somewhat briskly through the cafeteria.
"That's what's killing the kids!" Eddie declares, hopping down from the table. He hadn't realized he would land right in front of you and Chrissy of all people, but he wasn't disappointed to say the least. A smirk forms on his lips as his dark eyes meet yours, causing his grand speech to come to an abrupt end.
“Excuse me, Princess.” He extends out his arm and bows to let you pass.
Chrissy moves to walk, but you remain stationary. Your eyes locked on Eddie's with a narrowed gaze.
"Come on, Y/N," she urges you along.
"I'll be there in a sec," you assure her, slipping your arm out from hers.
She glances between you two before relucantly leaving you behind to join your friends safely across the room.
Your eyes finally shift away from Eddie and toward the two freshmen sitting at the Hellfire table. “Still brainwashing children?” You tease.
“It’s my vocation to guide the youth away from your kind’s corrupt ways," he fires back without missing a beat.
You snicker. "Oh right, because maintaining a decent GPA while balancing extra-curriculars is soooo barbaric of me." You cross your arms over your chest and meet his gaze with a smirk. "I should take a page from your book. Sleep in class, get pushed back for two years, and spend all of my free time playing a board game," you list mockingly.
He chuckles and takes a step closer until he's towering over you. "At least I don't spend hours in front of a mirror slapping makeup on my face and shake my ass for everyone in town in the gym once a week."
Your satisfied smirk fades and turns into a spiteful frown. “Oh, bite me, Munson.” 
“Anytime, Cheer Queen," he offers before he glances over across the room toward your table with a wave of his hand. "But your little boyfriend might get jealous.” 
Your eyes follow his to see Chance standing in front of his seat and watching you two closely with a deadly glare. You roll your eyes and shove past Eddie, earning a snicker from him.
"You can shake your pom-poms for me in private whenever you're ready!" He teases loudly enough for your friends, especially Chance to hear.
School days are feeling longer and longer with each passing week. Your eyes are becoming heavier earlier in the morning and by lunch, you feel as though you could collapse onto the tile floor. When your history teacher turned off the lights to show projections of American Revolution battle routes, you knew you were screwed. To your left, Chrissy is vigorously taking notes, always on her A-game. On your other side, Chance doodles various sports ball from footballs to a baseball bat. All you can focus on is trying not to fall asleep.
"And then the American forces moved north..." Your teacher chatters on.
You're not sure when it happened, but an innocent blink turned into a prolonged rest. Your mind wanders to your to-do list: finalize the decorations list for the winter dance coming up, come up with a cheer practice schedule for next semester, finish application essays to UPenn, Notre Dame, and... and...
"Y/N!" A voice shouts, causing you to jump and your eyes to fly open.
Your heart is pounding in your ears as your sight flickers rapidly about the classroom to find your teacher and everyone staring at you.
"Can you repeat what I just described?" Your teacher requests sternly.
"Oh, uh, you said..." You stammer, still in a daze from your unpredicted nap.
"Please pay attention," your teacher snaps before turning back to her projection. "So, as I was saying..."
You slouch down in your chair, utterly embarrassed. Chrissy offers you a comforting smile of encouragement which you return.
"You okay?" Chance whispers with furrowed brows.
You hum weakly as you wrap your arms around yourself in a hug. Your eyes wander about the room, then out the window. Finally, in your peripheral vision, you see someone looking at you, Eddie. Your eyes meet and for a moment, if you didn't know any better, you'd think you saw sympathy behind his gaze.
For the remainder of class there was only one thought that drowned out the rest, find a solution to your insomnia and find a way to cope with your constant anxiety. Your schedule doesn't allow space for anxiety. You need to be able to cope and be fully-functioning at all times. In order to do that, no anxiety and sleep are required.
The idea to seek Eddie's expertise didn't just appear during history. No, it's a well-known fact around school that he sells just about any drug seen on Miami Vice. You never actually acted on this idea before for a number of reasons. One is monthly drug tests by the athletic department. Two, you're afraid of how you'll react as you've never tried any sort of drug before, even weed. Three, Eddie scared you, not in a Michael Myers or Freddie Krueger-type way, but he was unpredictable and metal. Everything you or your friends are supposed to be.
After class, out of pure desperation, you decide to talk with Eddie. You'll do just about anything to make your schedule work and achieve your goals, partially because you rather die than let people see you fail.
Your final class of the day, English, you don't share with Chrissy or Chance. However, you do share it with Eddie. He never talks and sits in the back so it took you almost all semester to realize he was in all but one of your classes. The one class being yearbook, that doesn't really require an explanation.
Chance gives you a quick peck before you part ways. "See you after class."
You offer him a content yet minor smile. While Chance continues on to his next class, you linger by the classroom door, waiting for Eddie to step out. You try to act casual so know what suspects the reality of what you're doing. You can't exactly be seen willing waiting for Eddie Munson of all people. You may interact with him from time to time, but everyone can assume that it's not pleasurable or by your initiation.
Eddie emerges and doesn't notice you as his head hangs low with his fingers coming through his hair. You follow behind him like a spy on the prowl. Swiftly, you pick up your pace, weaving between people to keep up with him. You didn't exactly plan this through, so when you spot a dark empty classroom, you take your chances. You grab his forearm and pull him into the room, hopefully without anyone paying attention.
"Hey! Hey! What the fuck?" Eddie blurts out as he stumbles into the room.
You shut the door behind you, making sure through the tiny window that no one noticed.
Eddie straightens up and when his eyes land on you surprise is just one emotion he's feeling. When you lock the door and turn toward him, he chuckles nervously. "Okay, did I fall and hit my head or something because this is-"
"You sell right?" You cut to the chase.
He raises his brows and leans against a desk. "Pardon?"
"Weed, you sell?" You specify, growing more and more impatient.
"Depends..." He releases a breathless laugh and sets his books down behind him. "Are you in search of some or are you acting as an undercover cop for Principal Higgins?"
"It's not that..." Your eyes fall to the floor in shame and anxiety as you press your textbooks to your chest. "I...I need something," you admit timidly, though you're not exactly sure what you're asking for.
Eddie's brows furrow together as both confusion and curiosity overpower his initial surprise.
Nervously, you check over your shoulder at the door. If anyone saw you in here alone with him, teacher or student, who knows what they'd assume. "Look, we can't talk here. Is there somewhere we could meet up later?" You practically plead.
A crooked grin forms across his lips. "You're kidding right?"
You scoff. "Alright, sorry I asked." You start toward the door urgently. You could've predicted this would be a mistake.
"No, no, wait!" Eddie blurts out. He lunges forward and grabs your arm, stopping you.
You whip your head around and meet his gaze. In the dark, his eyes appear almost black. Granted, they were already pretty dark, to begin with, like two dots of ink on paper.
"I just wasn't expecting you of all people to want to buy," he reasons. His hand lingers around your arm with a gentle squeeze.
"I wouldn't be, trust me," you emphasize, much to his amusement. Then, you sigh and shift on your feet with a frown. "But I'm desperate."
He had never seen like this so... lost. Usually, you're smiling, laughing, walking around these halls like a damn ray of sunshine. You're practically the human embodiment of a Care Bear.
"The woods just beyond the practice fields," he states. "There's a picnic table a few yards in, can't miss it. Right after school, deal?" His hand slips from your arm and he holds it out between you two.
You hesitate for a second, peering down at his hand. Are you really willing to do this? Risk getting caught and perhaps losing everything you've ever worked for?
"It'll be our secret," he adds.
Your eyes meet his and he offers you a soft smile. You slip your hand into his and feel his many rings graze your skin. You note two things. One, this is the first time you've ever touched despite being near one another on numerous occasions. Two, his touch, despite the rings, is a lot softer than Chance's and you've held hands many times.
Your hands break apart right as the warning bell rings. Your focus travels back to school and your obligations. "I should-"
He nods and gestures toward the door. "No yeah, go ahead."
You hurry toward the door, already worrying about being late. Before you unlock it, you turn over your shoulder and offer the boy a smile. "Thanks, Eddie."
He releases a quiet chuckle and collects his books. "Anytime, Princess."
When you do finally leave the room, Eddie lingers behind for a minute. The cool and relaxed attitude he had around you slips away to reveal his mindblown state. He pushes off the desk and brings his hands to the side of his head. "Holy shit... holy shit... Holy shit!" He practically celebrates, doing a slight jump. "Okay, okay, okay," he tries to calm down. "Gotta be cool about this. Gotta cool... holy shit!"
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aizawasdumbwhore · 1 year
The League of Villains In A Relationship w/ You
A/N: the reader goes by she/her in this specific headcannon. I wanted to do more for Spinner and Mr. Compress but i didn't really know what else to add, i apologize.
Warnings: toxic relationship dynamics, slight NSFW, suggestive
I hate everyone but you trope
affectionate in a nonchalant way
always has his arm around your waist
pulls you in close to him and then will look down and smile at you
a cocky you're mine type of smile
all kinds of pet names like princess, darling, baby, babe, etc
will show you off to others as a way of possession
"my princess", "my girl", "my baby", "my darling"
always pulls you to sit on his lap
will also play with your hair as you sit there
lots of gaming together
(he gets pretty competitive but it's cute)
very possessive
wants nobody to look at you
is very afraid of losing you
very clingy but acts like he's not
denies anything about being jealous or clingy of you though
is pretty insecure behind the scenes
gets angry and aggressive if he sees another guy check you out or flirt with you
sometimes he'll just stare them down
when going to bed, he'll start off distant. but throughout the night he'll slide his way over to you and hold you while you sleep
lots of kissing you in public if he feels like his relationship is being threatened
opens up A LOT once he trusts you
in the beginning he acted like a huge asshole
but once he realized you were there to stay, he let it all open up
it was slow but now he was completely vulnerable
he loves it and hates it at the same time because of his abandonment and trust issues
you're the only one he truly trusts
has his head on your lap as you play with his hair
late night texts and calls
especially between 3 am and 5 am
always holding your hand, super tight
very clingy
likes to tell you stories about her day
always plays with your hair
loves to braid it and brush it
she'll even put little clips in and bows
always does the stereotypical highschool girl sleepovers w/ you bc she never really got that growing up
nails, make-up, hair, all that stuff
she's very cuddly and always looking to be held
lots of days where you two just don't do anything besides exist in each other's presence
this is nice bc she can be reading some new magazine as you watch tv
she'll be laying across your lap and occasionally show you highlights that she enjoyed
sharing clothes
always takes you on very simple dates
playing games together a lot
laying in his arms while he holds the phone to watch YouTube gaming videos
he's a lot softer than you would have expected
very strong beliefs about heros and Stain that he talks about a lot
very affectionate with words
makes sure to remind you all the time that he loves you A LOT
cute little notes and gifts left behind for you to find
lights your cigarette for you
you'll turn and catch him smiling, admiring you
always talks greatly about you to others
on lazy days, he'll lay down with his arm around you while you read a book
very touchy and clingy
always has to have an arm around you
he also loves to show you off and let everyone know you're his girl
Mr. Compress
always calls or texts to check up on you and make sure you're good
you two are like two little giggling children
never a dull moment when you two are together
always goofy
likes to show you little tricks
teaches you how to do some of the simpler ones
some he doesn't tell you because his excuse is a magician never reveals his tricks
he liked you once he first saw you and did a few to impress you
ride or die for you completely
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astra-galaxie · 5 days
hello idk if ur still doing them but for the ask thing,, can i rq ★☆■♡♥♦☯▼ൠ with celine georges 🙏 super random character ik she is my absolute lifeline and seeing new takes of her is rlly fricking cool
I’m always open to coming up with some headcanons! That being said, let’s see what I have for Celine…
★ - sad headcanon
Celine was rejected from several universities when she was trying to pursue her education in science and inventing. She kept being denied because people didn’t believe a woman should be working in such a field and that she would be better suited staying home and supporting her husband. But Celine didn't want a husband or to become a housewife, so she continued applying to every university possible until she was eventually accepted. However, the anger she felt from the discrimination never left her, especially not when she continued to face it throughout her schooling.
☆ - happy headcanon
After defeating the Chessmaton, Isaac assisted Celine in developing a new program cylinder for it. While he might not understand the science behind the machine, he does understand chess and how to win. He played many games against Celine to help her adapt the program to create an unbeatable version. The two also enjoyed playing a few rounds for fun when not working on the Chessmaton.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Celine keeps her spaces relatively clean and organized. Of course, there are occasions when messes can pile up, but she always makes time to clean them up. When it comes to displaying her inventions, she takes pride in everything looking its best by ensuring her machines shine and don’t have a screw out of place!
♡ - romantic headcanon
Celine’s biggest regret was letting her jealousy over losing to Greta overshadow her love for the other woman. Of course, Celine was upset that she had lost the World Exhibition, but she was happy that Greta had won. Unfortunately, Celine’s jealousy took over after the winner was announced, and she regretted everything she said to Greta, ultimately destroying their friendship. Celine spent a long time trying to come up with the right words to apologize to Greta, but nothing ever felt right, and sadly, she never got the chance to make amends for her past mistakes and show Greta what she really meant to her.
♥ - family headcanon
She has older brothers, some of whom also became inventors. They used to leave their textbooks around the house, and Celine would read them. She loved learning about mechanics and science. Eventually, her brothers started letting her help them with some of their smaller projects, and Celine knew she wanted to become an inventor one day and show the world that women could do things just as well as (if not better than) men.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Celine loves masking puzzle boxes. Some are simple enough for children to solve, while others could take adults hours. She enjoys challenging herself to make the next box more complex than the last. She also makes other brain-teasing puzzles, some of which no one has been able to solve.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Heels, corsets, big dresses… Really, anything that’s uncomfortable for her to wear
▼ - childhood headcanon
Growing up, Celine was the biggest tomboy. She was never drawn to “girly” things like dresses, dolls, or tea parties. She’d much rather be outside playing in the dirt, riding her bike, and playing sports with other kids in her neighbourhood. Her mother always tried to get her to dress up and look pretty, but the efforts wouldn't last long, and more than one dress was ruined beyond repair. Eventually, her mother gave up trying to make Celine look like a princess and let her wear what she wanted.
ൠ - random headcanon
Oh! I’ve got the perfect answer for this one! Finally, I have a reason to tell it!
Charlie and Maddie’s son is named after her. I always wondered where the name “George” could have come from, and one day, when I was revisiting old MotP cases, I remembered Celine’s last name was “Georges.” This led me to make the headcanon that Charlie picked the name George for his son to honour his lost friend and fellow inventor, Celine.
It's fitting that this character was requested since I will soon start writing Century Mile in my story. I have always liked Celine’s character, and she was one of my favourite inventors at the World Exhibition. Thank you for the request, and I hope you enjoyed the headcanons!
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letsgetrowdy43 · 20 days
For Angie and Nico
-Telling the team and their reactions
-The team being protective when the rest of the league finds out
-Nico’s last game she wears Hischier instead of Chandler on her jersey?
-The daughter’s first time skating and both Nico and Angie crying but happy tears
-After Angie retires, she maybe gets pregnant and they have another daughter or maybe twins, a boy and a girl
-The wedding for sure. Are the Hughes boys her “bridesmaids”? She does a first look with them and ices them?
-More on her relationship with Nina and maybe the WAGs?
Sorry I just really love this AU lol
Omg, please never apologize for requesting things for this AU, a few months ago. I almost discontinued it because I felt people were disinterested in it so to see people loving it as much as I do warms my heart 🩷🩷
I’m gonna answer most of these questions, but a few of these are future fic ideas so I’m not gonna go into too much detail—
I’m gonna do a little fic on this soon, but it’s kind of safe to say most of the boys knew, that the moment that solidified the relationship for them was after Angie accidentally publicly kissed Nico following a preseason win. not too much detail, but I will be writing about this soon!!
The boys were always really protective of her, they’re like a family so it’s safe to say that when someone’s disrespecting her, they’re disrespecting all of them and they have no issues starting issues to right said wrongs. When the rest of the league finds out though there is a lot of chirping and a lot of comments thrown her way both on and off ice, mostly about her personal relationships, especially about sleeping with her captain, and to be frank her teammates do not take it lightly whatsoever. They stick up for their own when it's needed, and anytime Angie is spoken to in ways that they don’t deem respectful they will do everything in their power to defend her!
I talked about this briefly, but I think legally they decided to hyphenate their name to Chandler-Hischeir. I went into a little bit of detail about their relationship being very give and take, and this little notion highlighting how equal they view each other with marriage. That being said on the ice, they do keep their separate names, mainly because Angie wants to be known as an individual throughout her career rather than an extension of his.
I think I’m also gonna do a little thoughts/fic about them as parents and their daughter. But for now, I’m going to share that Nico is the more emotional parent. It’s very safe to say that he has a really big heart, and he wears it on his sleeve. They are both very soft and gentle people, but he’s more of the crier and the more outwardly emotional parent in their dynamic!!
I haven’t overly thought about the concept of them having more kids, I kind of like them having only one daughter, but I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of her possibly thinking about pregnancy after retiring!! I think that’s a really big part though if there were to be more kids in their future, it would be she decides to end her career. I am really open to the idea of more kids if that’s something you guys may want to talk about!!
I’m gonna do a long fic about their wedding!! But to highlight some of the involvement of the Hughes family, and a few other people, I will say that Jack will be her “man of honour”. Trevor, Cole, and Alex will be giving a speech in honour of watching her grow into the woman she has become and in an ode to her USNTDP days. I think both her father and Jim would walk her down the aisle, and do a father-daughter dance with her. And I think Ellen and her mom would give a speech together, and she would be wearing Hughes heirlooms because Ellen never got to have a daughter to pass them on!! So many little ideas and thoughts that I am dying to write and I’m so excited to write something so soft and gentle for their wedding!!
Adding onto that, I don’t think Luke and Quinn would necessarily be in the wedding party for her, but they would have a lot of involvement and be extremely emotional the entire day :)))
And lastly, I think she’s close with Nina and the wags. I said this before, but anytime Nina is literally around Angie, Nico becomes a whore for his girlfriend’s attention, which is both endearing and so funny!! With the wives, I think she’s close with Nicole because she has such a strong relationship with Jesper. I also think any of the Hughes brother's girlfriends would be very close to her because they are like her brothers and she would be around all the time (plus she has such a strong need to bully them and what better way to do it than their partners!!). But she has a good relationship with all the wives and girlfriends of teammates, they all have this ongoing joke that Nico is her wag rather than the other way around, and she loves hanging out with the girls because she honestly does not have a lot of female friends and she misses being a part of girlhood!!
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