justalicetalking · 3 years
It doesn’t matter how well-written, developed, and deep a character is, there will always be a group of people in the fandom that will reduce that character to 2 or 3 traits and then misinterpret everything they do based on those 2 or 3 traits which may or may not even be accurate to that character.
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justalicetalking · 3 years
I hate true crime I hate it. not true crime in the sense of just like. knowing abt crimes or whatever but this whole True Crime industry where you get these instagram influencer types dressing up in their cute little outfits and doing up their mascara and winged eyeliner for the thumbnail of their youtube video where they talk abt the violent death of a child makes me want to commit a True Crime myself
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justalicetalking · 3 years
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This is how the golden age of piracy ended.
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justalicetalking · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen as Brooklyn 99
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justalicetalking · 3 years
i don't really understand why you would be pro-zoo. like i understand nature reserves and sanctuaries where people can observe from afar, but it doesn't seem right to me when they're locked up in generally small confined areas for people to watch them do nothing all day. idk maybe i'm getting this wrong, and i still really respect you, i just don't understand this. like i interned at a zoo and felt uncomfortable with how small their living areas were and how they had no stimulation
Zoos don’t look like this anymore.
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They look like this:
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Good zoos do not keep their animals in “tiny spaces” with no enrichment.  I’m not pro-roadside zoo.  I’m pro-accredited zoo.  Zoos are incredibly important for conservation and education.
Are Zoos Necessary?
The Importance of Zoos: Resource Post
Why Zoos and Aquariums Matter: Assessing the Impact of a Visit to a Zoo or Aquarium
Why I Want to be a Keeper
Why I Believe in Zoos
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justalicetalking · 3 years
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Buck and Eddie - What's a soulmate?
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justalicetalking · 3 years
𝐩𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡
toji fushiguro x reader
You could have anyone you want
Why would you want to be with me?
I’m nothing special
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WC- 8k+ || MINORS DNI !!
my fic for the “great conjunction collab”
Warnings/tags- (unprotected sex, oral sex, slight voyeurism, choking, nipple play, mating press, size kink, slight breeding kink) (historical AU, non-canon timeline, greek mythology, hades-persephone retelling, mentions of misogyny/sexism, depression, religion, hurt/comfort, angst, heartbreak, major character injury, descriptions of blood, violence and death, manipulation)
Seguir leyendo
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justalicetalking · 3 years
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Who brings a baby to a Jujutsu Sorcerer fight?? Toji. Toji does AKA ‘The Toji is a not so responsible dad but he stayed with his kids anyway’AU
don’t sweat on the details I just want to draw baby megumi
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justalicetalking · 3 years
How to get back into a WIP when inspiration is lacking
1. Character exploration
You may be feeling uninspired because you find it difficult to enter your characters' minds.
A great way to dive into a character's point of view is writing a paragraph from their perspective on a topic like death, the meaning of life, loss etc.
I usually do this before I start a project, but it can be a great way to get back into the swing of things in the middle of a book.
2. Character songs/playlist
A lot of people write with music, curating playlists for their WIP.
I don't write with music, but it can be great to listen to a song or two before writing a specific scene or character's POV.
Curate a Playlist for your POV characters and listen to it when inspiration is running low.
3. Fake promotional material
This may just be a weird thing I do, but I love it.
When I really need a motivation boost, I create fake promotional material or swag designs for my WIP. Mock covers, bookmarks, posters, ads etc.
It reminds me what I'm working towards and that can help a lot.
4. Moodboards
Creating physical mood boards for your WIP or specific characters/locations and putting them up int your work space can do wonders for inspiration.
Every time you look at the moddboard, you're taken back to the moment when the idea first got into your head - a moment when you had oodles of inspiration.
You can also add to those mood boards whenever you need an extra shot of inspiration.
5. YouTube
Every time I watch an Authortube vlog, I feel motivated to work on my own writing.
Pick an Authortuber who resonates with you and has the life you hope to build. Watch one or two of their vlogs and that should light a fire under you.
Reblog if you found these tips useful. Comment with your own ideas. Follow me for similar content.
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justalicetalking · 3 years
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Snake!Geto x Snow Leopard!Gojo
I am not an animal expert, so the information on my comic may be incorrect
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justalicetalking · 3 years
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justalicetalking · 3 years
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The bean jar
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justalicetalking · 3 years
Hey instead of a Harry Potter world there should be a lord of the rings world where it’s super immersive and you’re given a sword when you enter the world and giant spiders chase you and the elf actors eat dirt and offer you some
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justalicetalking · 3 years
I just really want to write a book (in fact, I think that I’m going to) where the protagonist is in a wheelchair. And they live in a city where there’s a group of superheroes. And there’s a big, magical, villain because of course there is.
And since they were a young child, this protagonist has wanted nothing more than to join the group of superheroes. Like they’re a huge fan of the group and they just know that it’s their destiny to join.
And one day, when wheeling through the city, they see the group of heroes fighting the villain. And they quickly wheel over and cry, “Let me help!”
But the ‘heroes’ laugh and instead make a whole bunch of ableist remarks.
And so the protagonist has to prove themselves.
And the villain is trying to warn them to stop.
But the protagonist ends up taking their footrest off of their wheelchair and they swing it. And it hits the villain in the side of the face and the villain collapses and groans in pain.
And so the protagonist proudly smiles and turns to the group of heroes.
Because they just proved that they are strong and worthy enough.
But the group of ‘heroes’ still keeps making ableist remarks.
And the protagonist is shocked.
And meanwhile, the ‘villain’ staggers to their feet and is standing next to the protagonist’ wheelchair.
And one of the ‘heroes’ goes too far when calling the protagonist the R word.
And the protagonist and the ‘villain’ just sort of glance at one another.
And the ‘villain’ is just like, “You know…I can zap them for you…if you want.”
And the protagonist hesitates and says, “Yeah, alright!”
One fried group of heroes later, the ‘villain’ says, “Why do you think that I’m always fighting them? They’re all a bunch of assholes.”
And the protagonist sadly nods and starts to wheel away.
“Hey, do you want a job?”
The protagonist turns at the villain’s remark. And the protagonist mumbles something like, “Oh, come on. I don’t need your pity.”
And the ‘villain’ is like, “Pity!? Do I look like someone who hands out pity!? I don’t pity you! I’m kind of afraid of you, to be honest! I mean…I’m going to have a giant bruise on my face because of you.”
“Water under the bridge! So, what do you say? Do you want a job?”
And the protagonist thinks about it for a minute before shrugging.
And the ‘villain’ is all excited because they’ve wanted someone to work with them for years but no mortal is allowed to ‘step into’ their lair.
And then the ‘villain’ stops and is like, “Hang on…you can’t work with me in that.”
And they gesture to the protagonist’s wheelchair.
And the protagonist is all embarrassed.
And then the villain goes, “Because we can get you a much better wheelchair! It’ll look great! And it’ll be indestructible! And it’ll have all sorts of weapons and gadgets! Hey, how do you feel about flying…?”
And all of that is literally in the first chapter and then the rest of the story follows the two going around the city like BAMFs, forcing people to stop being ableist, one way or another. And maybe it’ll have some commentary on the scale of morality and what it truly means to be a hero and what it truly means to be a villain.
Would anyone be interested in this!?
Because I really want to write it!?
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justalicetalking · 3 years
I’m both pro herbal medicine and pro vaccination because you can treat burns with aloe vera juice and sore throats with lavender infused honey but you can’t rid a country of polio with plants. 
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justalicetalking · 3 years
Masterpost: How to write a story?
Compilation of writing advice for some aspects of the writing process.
How to motivate myself to write more
How to get rid of writer’s block
Basic Overview: How to write a story
How to create a character
How to make a character unique
How to write conversation
Introducing a group of characters
Large cast of characters interacting in one scene
Redemption arc
Plot twists
How to write a summary
How to write romance
How to write emotional scenes
How to write yelling
Fatal Character Flaws
How to use songs in a fanfiction
Good traits gone bad
More specific scenarios
Slow burn
How to create quick chemistry
How to write a bilingual character
How to write a polyamorous realtionship
How to create and write a cult
Criminal past comes to light
Reasons for breaking up while still loving each other
Forbidden love
Date gone wrong
Causes for the apocalypse
How to create a coffee shop atmosphere
How to write enemies to lovers
How to write lovers to enemies to lovers
Arranged matrimony for royalty
Paramilitary Forces/ Militia
Academic Rivals to Lovers
Love Language - Showing, not telling
How to write amnesia
AU ideas
Favourite tropes
Inconvenient things a ghost could do
Milestones in a relationship
How to write age difference
Platonic activities for friends
Introducing partner(s) to family
Writing a stratocracy
Reasons a couple would divorce on good terms
Love Language - Showing you care
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! 🥰
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justalicetalking · 3 years
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Beastars Titanic AU
bonus frames and sketches on my twitter because tumblr only lets me post 10 images at a time,,,,
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