#btw the mystery guy is Tommy
captain-mj · 23 days
Bro you cannot just drop prep/jock soap and goth ghost and dip. We need you to give us your brain worms so we can analyze it like a science project
When you have time of course
I will put my worms in a petri dish for you
Soap was an artist! He liked sketching and painting and the act of making art. But he didn't like art essays. The explaining over and over again each detail. Breaking down everything until it felt like a bunch of paint strokes instead of art.
But part of an art degree is a ton of art essays. So Soap went to the museum to write what he needed. He preferred museums to finding art online. A big part of art for him was texture. His preference would've been to touch the art, to feel the paint underneath his fingers. But the assignment specified art from the Baroque period and therefore they had to be older and no museum was going to allow his grubby hands to touch the art.
Soap glanced down one of halls to see if there was anything interesting there when he faltered.
Oh lord.
The man was big. His shoulders. His height. The thighs he had that looked like tree trunks. It was all covered in tight black fabric and silver chains. A work of bloody art himself.
Soap had to hold himself back from wolf whistling.
Once he was done objectifying admiring the man's body, he looked higher up. There was a mask covering the bottom of his face, the only thing visible being his eyes which had heavy eyeliner on them. He could still see the locs of bleached blond hair that surrounded him like a halo.
Soap wanted to paint him.
"You gonna stare all day?" Someone snarked at him and he jumped, glancing at a slightly smaller blond man. He looked at him like he was gross and for a brief moment, he worried he might be about to be hate crimed. The man looked a lot the other one actually now that he was looking closer. Dressed the same way too.
"Aye, what's your fucking problem with it?"
The man's face scrunched. "Ew." He walked away, leaving Soap rather confused but now a bit determined to talk to mystery man.
Pretending to be looking through the paintings, he got closer to him.
Dark brown eyes quickly glanced over at him before glancing back at the paintings.
"Hey. My name is Soap."
Ooh, he's from Manchester and sticks with his aesthetic. Nice. He'd prefer a not British person, but as far as British people go, he could do worse than Manchester. He glanced at the painting Simon had been admiring.
The Raising of Lazarus by Rembrandt.
"It's a lovely painting." Soap put on his normal charm, acting suave and polite.
"Aye." Ghost gruffed and went quiet again, staring in simple contemplation. His arms were crossed, making already large arms flex.
Soap started to take notes for his assignment. Although he was definitely hoping to score well in more than one ways, he did need to take notes for his assignment.
Ghost glanced over at what he was writing quizzically and Soap answered the unasked question. "I'm doing a project."
"Fun." He huffed and looked back at the painting.
Soap looked down at his chest and licked his hips. "Yeah, it's a good one." He kept writing stuff. "You a college student?"
"What do you study?"
"Forensics. I'm assuming you're art?"
"Chemistry with a minor in art!" Right as Soap went to mention how funny it was that they didn't share any classes, Ghost interrupted him.
"Wait. Johnny? Johnny MacTavish? We share several classes."
Soap brightened. "Do you dress like this all the time?" There was zero chance he did or Soap would already know his name, address and dick size.
"We have morning classes together. I don't dress up for morning classes." Ghost said decisively. He stretched and shook his head.
How did he manage to not notice the shoulders though at least? The man was huge. He was also several inches taller than Soap and therefore the majority of the class. Maybe if he sat in the back and left later than everyone?
Soap nodded. "Understandable. You look nice."
"Nice huh?" Ghost smiled at him. He could tell cause his eyes scrunched slightly.
"Yeah. Nice." Soap said softly, his chest doing something weird.
They stared at the painting a while before Ghost pulled away to start exploring the rest of the exhibit.
Soap finished up the notes he needed to write his paper and then started to walk with him. He tried to find his opening during all of this.
Ghost stopped at a very specific painting.
The art was... stunning. The red, faded from time and wear, was still beautiful against the white of the blankets.
The women held him down and there was a movement to it that Soap wanted in his own work. His fingers trembled with the want to touch it. To feel the texture of the paint under his fingers. Ridges and bumps and smooth layers of the different strokes.
Ghost hummed. "I don't really get art. It's pretty but some people look at it and it... gives them something. An epiphany."
Soap hummed. "I find touching it helps."
Ghost looked at him, raking his eyes over him. "I see. Do you want to head out then?"
Soap frowned. "Why?"
"You're a piece of art and I'm looking for an epiphany."
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kimberlyannharts · 21 days
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LAST TIME ON MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: THE RETURN: Depressed milf Kim just got finished traumadumping onto Trini's relative Selena about all the shit that happened on the Moon 22 years ago, just to find out that this wasn't Trini's relative at all, but some mysterious white-haired witch out for revenge???? I guess it makes sense it would never be the simpler option. MMPR: The Return #3!
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= So here's the reveal of the dialogue that was blacked out in the previews! Selena Repulsa, the daughter of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, is official! There's something very funny about the fact that she didn't even use a fake name for her Kwan family disguise. She heard Sylvia had an S name and was like sweet, I can just play the alliteration card
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= I mentioned before in the first issue that this series was already discussing the topic of secret identities in a more nuanced way than the main series' "Zordon is a tyrant for having rules" strategy so I'm happy that's being continued here. YES public use of the powers can be used for good in society but ALSO it can make it really, really, REALLY easy for your enemies to pick you off the street
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= this is Dungeon Meshi
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= I already made the Paul Dano does he know?.png joke but I can't help it. It's too perfect. Alternatively: Kimberly Hart Dreamworks Face
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= Zedd is noticeably less involved in this story than Rita is (as per the usual with BOOM books, admittedly) but I do like how this plan still uses him in some way. Part of me is still curious as to what Dad Zedd would have been like, though
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= she's meditating, guys she's died
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= he was literally born to be a girl dad and the fact that his "main universe" child is a son makes me fucking sick
= also off-subject but I see the occasional comment about how the civilian forms for these flashbacks look too young and it's like.....guys. They're only 22. If anything, drawing them like how they looked on the show is ACCURATE to their age, considering how old the actors themselves were when they were on the show kjdkfjdkfjd and anyway Dino Thunder lied to you. Tommy would absolutely be wearing tank tops as an adult. Those long sleeves were the devil's work
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= I still say I don't want to get attached to any theory about Tommy and whether or not he'll end up alive but Rita seeming to be aware that he saved her daughter and getting his attention before doing the spell...........that's probably going to be important
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= You guys don't understand how much I need the scene where Tommy and Kim discovered she was pregnant and the conversations they had afterwards. Every "ranger kid" story has been so bad about "what does the parent think about their kids one day inheriting their ranger powers" and The Return is the one closest to understanding this is a very logical and rational conversation to have!!!!!!!
= also Olivia was 100% unplanned this i just the vibe i get. And props to my gender-inclusive king Tommy Oliver
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= "no more Power Rangers.......except my daughter who's COOL as FUCK"
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milkboba5 · 10 months
This is a dream I had! I wrote it down to remember it and then I turned it into a fanfic! It is written in my voice so don’t mind the chaoticness. Also, it might look weird because I put it through a word replacer to change I to you etc…
Everything is pretty and pink and fancy. It’s normal. You and your friends walk down an ally way that’s all dark and gloomy. you say “Give me a sec” and walk further down the ally until you reach a town of some sort. you ✨magically✨ change into some sort of c! Quackity outfit or something.
you then start running toward someone who SuPrIzE SuPrIzE looks and sounds like REVIVEBUR. Becuz it IS!!!! He hugs you and then there’s a shot of his arm on my back. ✨Very mysterious.✨ Then we run into a shop and you see his friends. you hear a slight mumble of him saying “this is her btw. you told u guys you wasn’t lying.” you look around and tommyinnit waves and smiles at you. The others are just people my brain made up. We go into a shop and tommy starts stealing everything and it’s fine. (BTW: Wilbur in this universe is apparently a Crime boss and the police don’t exist.) bla bla bla we leave. Unimportant detail is that you steal a gold pen with a blue mushroom on top.
Then we go on this white rollercoaster thing that is apparently the equivalent of a car. Then you hear train incoming and you look above you and the there is another car thingy. you duck but you somehow fall out like 1000ft above ground or something and while you are falling, you look up and you see Wilbur leaning over the edge. you hit the ground and somehow survived but passed out two seconds later.
you wake up in a pink library of some sort and you look and you see someone coming towards you. you look and it’s your old friend! She says “Y/N! Wow! You are so tall!”
You are 6’0 in this universe.
Then you see Wilbur trying to get you back. When he fails, he goes into a rage and starts breaking things. (Bcuz he angy😡) you are (for some reason) there as like a ghost? Wat. But you saw everything.
Then you just appeared out of nowhere and see him and he hugs you again! You walk away with his arm on your back.
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monsata · 1 year
9 of 1001
Today's album: Lou Reed - Transformer (1972)
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Finally, after a few days of post-breakup depression, some wannabeatles figuring out their sound, and experimental noisepop, finally back to something I'm at least tangentially familiar with again.
And boy, am i familiar with the songs I'm familiar with, and the ones I'm not familiar with are a total mystery. It's kinda sad how often that's been happening, but radio has been steadily declining in quality since well before i was born, so i anticipate it to be a common occurrence here on Dancing to Architecture, the blog within a blog.
Perfect Day always makes me think of Trainspotting, one of those songs that gets forever changed by the addition of an excellent visual accompaniment. (Tarantino especially is really good at doing this.)
Hangin' 'Round is an anthem for every shitty person who graduated high school and then never changed a single facet of their lives.
Walk On The Wild Side - trans rights are human rights and if you disagree with me, I've got a curb you can bite.
So, satellite of love hit me in a few ways back to back to back to back:
One: oh, i get the MST3K reference now.
Two: "satellite's gone way up to Mars, soon it'll be filled with parking cars" just makes me think of Elon musk's stupid space car and obvious desire to be the bad guy in total recall.
Three: "satellite of love is what Elon would call the Death Star lol"
Four: "no it isn't, he doesn't have anywhere near that much cultural awareness. He'd call it "Lazerball" because he's literally the shitty, intellectually bankrupt, over-the-top villain from a mid 90s kids cartoon. (Read as "a 90s cartoon of middling quality", not "a cartoon from 1994-1997", btw.)
I'm So Free: The name must be accurate, because right off the bat Lou busts out the rare 4th chord in a song. Wasn't honestly expecting that. (And i gotta say it: The Who did the exact same concept better 3 years earlier on Tommy.)
Throughout the album (but especially on Goodnight Ladies), i love the occasional farts and poomps of the tuba. A truly underrated instrument that absolutely has a place in rock. Apparently that place was here, because it's the only non-polka tuba I'm currently aware of.
Favorite Track: we have a tie!
Perfect Day. (More like perfect song. Show me a better one.)
Least Favorite Track: probably wagon wheel? Not terrible, just didn't grab me, especially with how interesting the rest of the album is.
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commaclear · 2 years
So. Someone said they wished Wilbur cared a little more. There was more to the comment but that’s not important right now. Anyways, time for me to opinion all over the place
I think Wilbur does care more than we think. He just doesn’t care about what he should.
I don’t know much about him yet, but he seems to be going through that thing where he has been restricted all his life so now he’s treating life experience like Pokémon cards. It’s a classic thing a lot of kids go through and it has two usual outcomes. Either the kid never wants to venture out and will do exactly what they were taught growing up, following the lifestyle to an extreme, or they will absolutely go bat shit the second they get freedom.
Like when a kid isn’t allowed soda their entire life and when they get older they are either repulsed by the drink or start only drinking soda for a long period of time.
It also doesn’t help that Phil feels bad. Phil has sympathy because Wilbur just wants to be a normal teenager, and when he was that age that’s all he wanted. It also doesn’t help that Wilbur is very intent on getting what he wants. There isn’t a lot of wiggle room. Wilbur seems to have a general idea of how to get Phil to agree. And if he doesn’t see a pattern yet, it’s not gonna take him long to figure out what works.
Honestly, it would be beneficial if Phil cracked down in the parental way, not the “it’s your destiny” way. Wilbur needs to be prevented from whatever messy spiral he’s about to go down, but he needs to be allowed to have a life.
Right now all Wilbur really cares about is himself and that’s because this is the first time he’s allowed to. At the boarding school he was taught things he didn’t care about. He had to follow rules that forced him to adhere to a set of guidelines. He was taught that he wasn’t priority. He has been told his entire life that his destiny isn’t about him, it’s about someone else. So it’s no wonder he wants to fuck off and do what he wants.
In the initial comment that provoked this, they also said they feel like something is gonna happen to someone he loves that will force him to care
And I already see it happening. Even though he wanted to go to that house party and didn’t care about anyone else, he still had enough of a heart to remind himself that Ranboo had it worse. Maybe that’s not the best way to think about it, but at least he’s still thinking about it.
I think once he gets to know Tommy things are going to get harder for him. Because it’s going to be the battle between wanting to benefit himself or helping the person who actually needs it.
I’ll definitely have more to add on this in the future, but for now this is what I’ve got.
- The Quackity Analysis Anon
(Btw can you believe I’m defending Wilbur of all people???? I hate that guy. Haha. Yeah. I hate him. Who needs Wilbur when there’s a perfectly good Quackity, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Phil, Schlatt, Karl, Sapnap, and anyone else I missed right over there??????)
((Also I’m really getting into it tbh. I’m excited for the new chapter whenever it does come out. I was a little unsure at first but just like always you got me invested into this shit. And Quackity is now so silly and goofy and mysterious. It’s gonna make analyzing him harder. But I can’t wait to try lmao))
*ahem* anyway.....
Wilbur is 100% doing the 'teenager with his first taste of freedom' thing, and there's no way he can keep going in this direction forever. Something has to change, the only question is what...
you're both right
(and yeah why are you going for wilbur when there's a nice juicy dream right there? not to mention whatever quackity's up to rn cuz his intentions with wil are def not the purest... /hj)
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the-mist-striders · 8 months
Episode 5: The Tarot
So last we left off we got this dead guy to the church so that his last rites can be done, and he can go and get buried. Before getting there though in the distance we see the priest drag a body into the chapel.
We needed to persuade him to hurry and do the last rites
We don't see the body he dragged in 
Then we hear "FATHER IM HUNGRY" being bellowed from a mysterious basement
He just wants us to take him on a late night McDonald's run. No biggy
We ask the priest what's up with that
Hes shifty as fuck, says nothing is wrong
So Kai, Fauna and Amahlia go and see what's up with that while Lucerian and Lilliya are focused on last rites 
We find tracks, locate a room with the body stashed in and a trap door to the basement. Very normal stuff. The priest begs us to not go down there. Informs us that his son was visited by Strahd and now required uh. A special diet
Kai prods a bit and confirms that the priest is in fact killing people for his son
Amahlia is like "imma kill him" 
Amahlia No
Lilliya convinces the priest to let us kill his son, putting his son out of his misery
Priest is a broken man. Says "just make it quick and painless"
Kai, Lilliya, and Lucerian go to the basement to kill the lad
We forbid Amahlia from going with us because Amahlia is kind of a murder hobo. So we have Fauna babysit her outside
The vampire boi is scuttling around in the dark. We locate him, and Lilliya offers to let him drink from her wrist so that they can talk
His name is Dorul
Doru is like "but I wanna drain you all the way tho. All of u"
We tried to the very end to make his death quick and painless but Doru has like… 1 brain cell and that brain cell is hungry
He fucking lunges at Kai because he thinks she'll be easier to take out
Surree go for the blind bitch. I see u
Combat is initiated
He did try to bite Kai but failed.
Not sure if you'd even wanna drink cursed blood but idk
Our "quick and painless" attempt to put Doru out of his miserable existence becomes a bunch of loud noises and him screaming
Dorus father listening to as the adventurers loudly struggle to kill him quickly
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At the end he is in the bargaining stage of grief
Begs us to not kill him and instead use him
Says he'll eat our enemies
When that doesn't work he says "I'll do anything you wannt"
Lilliya is like "we want you to die"
which is very 'Mr Obama I'll do anything for uuu' 'Then perish' energy
He eventually dies. Heath ledger does superstitious rituals like cutting off Dorus head, burning the remains, shoving garlic in Dorus mouth, normal shit
Btw it was pretty funny at the end of Dorus fight because we had him in a corner and we were just beating the shit out of him
A weird side note: the dm showed a picture of him from the book and like. Every woman with an inkling of maternal instinct was like "aweee" meanwhile I'm thinking he looks like a younger Tommy Wisau (if he ever did look younger)
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Anyway after we successfully killed him quick and painlessly we find the father being a fuckin mess
Hes eyeballing a rope hanging from the ceiling
Lilliya does talk-no-jutsu to keep him from killing himself and to instead try to bring hope back to the village. Heath Ledger is like "oh shit that's a fire idea. Sorry sister, I know I said I'd escort you to that safer village but I now have a new purpose. Hey adventurers we just met, can you escort her?"
In the background Kai is getting the rope off the ceiling and stashing it in her bag
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The last rites for Heath Ledger's dad are done and we have lowered the body into the grave. It's midnight and we get to see what this "midnight parade" the locals are talking about is
It's a long line of the ghosts of adventurers before us who tried to take on Strahd just walking off a cliff single file
And while this is intimidating the idea is kind of funny to me because the line just keeps fucking going and never stops. Like I get it- holy shit how could we succeed when so many failed- but at the same time this is a very comical amount of dead people
So as Fauna watched a comically long line of dead adventurers go off the cliff edge of Strahd's castle (which is perched on a mountain) she has a breakdown
Fauna in the midst of the meltdown asks “Does a place like this even need heroes?"
Kai says "well I'll die anyway. May as well die faster"
Amahlia: "I can help"
Liliya: “It’s places like this that need heroes the most”
3 kinds of people
We stay the night at the church as the priest is under suicide watch.
Kai is the guardian of the rope.
The priest before bed has pie with Fauna. Causing them to have blissful dreams (the pies have that effect)
The next morning we set out to meet madam Ava, who according to the group of Vistani wanted to see us. We're taken to a clearing next to a lake full of tents. 
Btw at this Vistani camp there's a Ton of roguish looking dudes who are total snaccs
RiP Kai is dead
Pour one of for Kai 😔🍾
and Rip to the mammoth tusk she carries with her 
We go straight for madam ava 
And are like
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Because it's the fucking lady that brought us here and gave us the tarot cards
She tells us in very riddle-y vague terms how to stop Strahd and where everyone should start on their personal goals. Each character got a tarot card.
“ 3 treasures to help kill Strahd”
“The avenger- (Luciren) this treasure lies in a dragon's house. Hands was once clean, now its corrupted Knowledge of the ancient will better still help you understand the enemy.”
“Healer (Amalia) Tells of a powerful force of good and for protection, a holy symbol of great hope, Look to the west. Find a pool blessed by the white of the white sun.”
“Charlatan. (Fauna) This is a card of power and strength. Tells of a weapon of vengeance. A sword of sunlight. I see where you can find it. A lonely mill on a precipice”
“Seer (Kai) This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness. Look for a dusk elf. He has suffered a great loss and is haunted by dark dreams. Help him and he will help you”
“Marionette (Liliya) Your enemy is a creature of darkness whose powers are more than immortality Look to great heights. Find the beating heart, the castle, he waits nearby.”
With the direct yet vague instruction of what they should do next, the party must figure out their next move
Please remember to keep Kai in your thoughts and prayers as she survives these trying times of being trapped in a camp of hot guys
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ghostie-my-beloved · 2 years
Yandere Wilbur headcanons? 👀 Don't feel forced to write this btw, I'm just curious on how Wilbur would be like as a yandere.
yandere wilbur headcanons
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Synopsis: just some general yandere headcanons with our favorite TNT man :)
Pairing: yandere!Wilbur x gn!reader (they/them)
A/N: hoooo boy, first yandere Wilbur request. I gotta say, having a man like him chase after you is hella scary to think about, but it was very fun making these headcanons. Im sorry If they’re a tad bit short, but i hope you enjoy! (Art credits go to SAD-ist)
TW: THIS IS YANDERE CONTENT. It will include many dark themes such as g0re, stalking, kidnapping, murder, drugging, unhealthy obsessions and many more, please don’t read if you’re easily triggered by this stuff. Slight mentions of panic attacks and kn!ves
Wilbur is genuinely a very mysterious guy, you can never tell what he is thinking
But everyone in the server knows for sure, that he is not the kind of guy to take conflict lightly
No one wants to end up on Wilbur’s bad side, and for very good reason too. His entire dark aura just emits pure rage and hatred
You were one of the few people in the entire server that really could read what was on his mind, or just know what he’s feeling
Despite everything bad that he’s done in the past, how much he hurt others during the Doomsday events, you still could read into him so perfectly
He loves that you can still can read him like a book, and understand him
During Pogtopia arc, he never really had any yandere tendencies with you, however he was very, very possessive of you
The only people he’d trust around you were Tommy and Niki, everyone else he.. was weary of
Even Technoblade, his own brother
Tommy called him out on his behavior, but he couldn’t do much about it, since Wilbur was already stressed enough from exile, not to mention he wasn’t directly harming anyone
At least, not yet.
“Hey Wilbur— we need to talk about something, something… important.” The blonde haired teenager spoke up to his older brother, making the brunette hum in confusion, and gaze at Tommy with curious eyes. “Hmmm? What is it, Tommy? I am quite busy right now.”
“Listen man it’s- it’s you and Y/N. I can’t put my finger on it but- you’re acting strange around them, and I can’t quite decipher what it is. I just— needed to confirm it with you, I don’t want you or them getting hurt.” Tommy admitted in a stuttering tone, nervous about what Wilbur had to say to him.
There was a moment of silence, before Wilbur only chuckled a bit and patted his hand on Tommy’s shoulder, making the young boy look up at his brother with shocked and confused eyes. “Tommy, you know me, I would never try to hurt you or Y/N intentionally. Come on, why would you even think of me like that? It doesn’t make sense, and you know that, I only want the best for you two.” Wilbur spoke softly to Tommy, his tone deep and disturbingly calming.
A stinge of guilt twisted itself into the blonde haired boy’s heart. Wilbur was right, he’s only doing the best for them. Y/N was dragged into this mess because of them after all, he was probably just trying to look after them. Tommy sighed and looked up at Wilbur with a slight smile. “You’re right- I’m so sorry for thinking that, it’s not like you after all.”
“It’s not a big deal, at least you apologized. Now.. off you go, you’d best get some sleep for the festival.” Wilbur remarked, making Tommy nod and rush off to his makeshift bedroom. Once Tommy left the scene, the brunette could only clasp a hand around his face and sigh to himself, before laughing bitterly.
“Kids… so quick to learn, but so incredibly naive. Tommy doesn’t have to know about us… I know what I’m doing.”
You and Wilbur never really established a relationship due to all the wars and stuff happening, but many people outside of L’Manberg assumed you guys were dating
Even after his revival, a lot of people assumed you got together, which kinda ticked you off, but it pleased Wilbur
While you shrugged it off and corrected people, Wilbur would just kinda silently curse to himself about it
He wanted to let people know that you belonged to Wilbur; and him alone
Wilbur is a master manipulator, and he absolutely loves using that to his ability
Whether it’s manipulating his allies, his enemies.. or even you, he wants to make sure no one is getting in the way of your relationship
No one should taint a gentle soul like yours, he doesn’t want to risk that at all!
He strives off of threats, and he’s being dead serious about them
While he’s not a master combatant like Dream or Techno, he’s incredibly good at torture
Not physically, but mentally and emotionally, he can break someone so horribly it’s insane, and what he’s shown to others is not even the full extent of it
After his revival, the red-eyed man would notice that you were talking more with other people like Niki, Ranboo, Tubbo and Eret
More specifically, you were getting closer with Ranboo, some enderman prick he’s never even met before was getting your attention more easily than him
Him. Wilbur Soot. The man you’ve known longer than this kid, he wasn’t going to tolerate this so easily obviously
So, Wilbur made plans to meet up with Ranboo, and form that burger van with him. During that process, a lot happened however.
He would gain Ranboo’s trust, only to… well, you’ll see ;)
“Erm… Wilbur, are you sure this was a good idea? Quackity is still losing his mind over this burger van idea.” Ranboo nervously comments to Wilbur while collecting ingredients for the burger business.
“Of course it was, Ranboo. I mean- Quackity needs to learn how to control his government, so what better way to do that then to have some economic competition!” Wilbur remarked pridefully, making the enderman behind him sweat drop. “I don’t think economics and business works like that…”
“Eh— it’s whatever. Anyways, tell me more about yourself, Ranboo. You’re a rather interesting young lad, I’d like to hear more about you beyond stories from Tommy or Tubbo.” Wilbur asked to the hybrid, making him stutter over his words.
“R-Really? Well- well I guess I could spare a few seconds for chit-chat. Uhm… I uh- I basically got rich off of mining goods and selling them. I’m also married to Tubbo, who is a very lovely husband, we have an adoptive child named Michael. He’s very sweet— oh! And we also—“
“Any close friends you have?”
Ranboo panicked a bit at the sudden interruption, but he quickly smiled again and beamed onto the conversation, not aware of Wilbur’s menacing aura glaring holes into him, nor was he aware of Wilbur’s dark tone. Ranboo then continued to ramble aimlessly. “Oh oh! I have quite a few of those! Tommy, he’s really really nice— we didn’t get along well at first but, he’s really cool! And- and there’s also Techno! People say he’s super intimidating- but I think he’s very very cool. Oh yeah- then there was this person named Y/N— super interesting lemme tell ya. Man- I’m pretty sure there’s more but- my memory’s not doing go hot right now— heh.”
“Y/N huh? Sounds interesting… what are they like?” Wilbur asked, his tone noticeably dropping into a deeper and menacing level, concerning Ranboo quite a bit, but he just laughed nervously and spoke. “Well- Y/N is a super cool person. They helped me adjust to this place perfectly, and even officiated my wedding with Tubbo. I- don’t know what I’d do without them, they’ve helped me a lot, and- and I really owe it to them…” Ranboo spoke in a sentimental tone, his lips curling up into a smile a bit, really appreciating what his friend has done for him.
The moment was cut short when Ranboo heard the, strangely disturbing slow claps of a certain pyromaniac, making the enderman snap his head up to see Wilbur, just- standing there and clapping. The white and blacked haired man suddenly noticed the shift in environment and backed away from Wilbur a bit, but a low chuckle emitted from the man himself.
“W-Wilbur? What’s so funny? Are you alright?” “Ohhh it’s nothing, Ranboo. I just find it fun how you and Y/N got so damn close in such little time.”
Wilbur soon started to approach Ranboo, and stepped closer to him, the clicking sound of his boots breaking the dangerous silence. The enderman panicked, but he soon found himself backed onto the counter. He would teleport but, being too paralyzed by fear rendered his ability useless. “Hey- hey can you- stop that please? I- I don’t know what’s gotten into you but- you’re making me uncomfortable….” Ranboo silently uttered to Wilbur, hoping to god he got his message across. But to no avail, he didn’t listen.
“Ohhhh, it’s so funny now isn’t it? You know, I’ve known Y/N for WAY longer than you have, kid. And somehow, they just LOVE spending their time with you now huh? Some- enderman hybrid who I haven’t even known for that long? Oh golly gee, I wonder what Y/N sees in you that makes you such a good friend.” Wilbur rambled on with enthusiastic sarcasm, laughing to himself disturbingly at the end of his statement. Ranboo’s elf-like ears twitched in discomfort as he tried to make it out the door.
“I- I’m sorry I- I don’t know why they like to be around me but— I can’t control that. P-Please understand that—“
Ranboo’s sentence was cut off as he let out a glitch-like scream when he felt the whirring sound of a blade stab into the sleeve of his suit, green and red blood oozing out of his light cut. The enderman hyperventilated in panic, not knowing what to do, as his ruby and jade orbs desperately looked around to see what he could do. His thoughts were cut short when he feels Wilbur’s scarred hand grab his horn and yank him down to his height, making Ranboo squeak in pain and look up fearfully at Wilbur.
“Now listen to me, Ranboo. If you try to even spend as much of a second with Y/N, don’t think I’ll be so lenient with you like right now. I don’t want them being around the likes of you, a people pleaser. So, take your sorry little ass out of here, and stay away from them. Also, don’t even think about telling your little friends about this, because I have ways of making people listen to me and doing exactly. What. I. Want.”
Ranboo nodded vigorously in panic and pure fear, absolutely terrified to even think of a solution. Little enderman whimpers escaped his mouth as he felt Wilbur let go of his horn. He then scrambled to get up and take the knife out of his sleeve before dashing out of the van.
Wilbur looked at the exit of the van, and chuckled to himself, amused with how Ranboo reacted. The demon put a hand against his head before letting his chuckling build up into more creepy and insane laughter.
“Ohhh you can run, Ender boy. Just know that you still won’t exactly be safe….
… after all, I’m doing this all for my beloved darling.”
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pixla · 3 years
Love letter
Tommy Slater x nb!reader
Summary: you find an anonymous love letter and assume it’s from Kurt
Word count: 1.4K
Warnings: confession, fluff, kissing, (light) drug use, very undedited (tell me if there’s anymore)
(Btw cindy and Tommy are not and have not dated in this au)
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You look down at the cream envelope in your hands. You had found it tucked under your pillow after returning from the mess hall for dinner.
You smile giddily to yourself, tearing open the seal of the envelope carefully. Your mind flutters with the image of a familiar face as you read the words that were written about you.
Alice walked over to your bunk leaning over the piece of paper you held on your hands. She scoffed, sitting beside you, causing the bed to creak. “Is that a fucking love letter?! Who the fuck still writes love letters over the age of Twelve?!”
“Hey!” You ellbow her in the side to shut her up. “I actually find it quite sweet.”
“Shut up and read it all ready! I wanna know what this little stalker you have has to say about you.” Alice whined.
You began.
“I don’t really know how to start this letter but I really need to get this off my chest. Y/N, you are so fucking perfect. I remember the first time you introduced yourself to me. I think about the way you looked at me that day. The way your-“
“blah blah blah.” Alice interrupted. “This is surprisingly really fucking boring, just get to the good shit!”
You groaned. “If you feel the same way, you’ll know who this is from.”
“Ooooooo.” Alice whistled. “Wellllll, who do you think it is?!”
You stared at her with a particular look that set off a switch in her brain as it finally clicked. “KURT?! Shit! I mean it makes sense..”
“There’s nobody else it could be, right? I always catch him staring and he’ll take any opportunity to talk to me so I guess it has to be him.” You hypothesise.
“Well, what are you gonna do about it, you gonna try and get in his pants?” Alice half jokes, raising her eyebrow at you.
“I don’t know, I always thought he was kind of a dick but this letter, this letter is different.”
“Welp, whatever you think.” Alice said, shrugging her shoulders, not judging you at all.
You awoke to the feeling of someone’s hand on your shoulder, shaking you. You jump slightly only to realise it was Alice, of course it was Alice. “Wake up sleepy head, you’re gonna miss the most important meal of the day!” She said sarcastically.
Pulling your body from the bed, you sat there arching your back, cracking it as you yawned. “Fuck I feel like slept for the entire summer.”
“You practically did, I thought you were dead it was so hard to wake you up.”
You both chuckle as you quickly slip into a pair denim shorts, paring it with the white tank you were already wearing.
“Sooo.” Alice began as you both walked in the direction of the mess haul. “About this ‘Kurt’ guy.”
You sighed, rubbing your temples as you had completely forgotten about the whole secret admirer situation. “Idk, I guess I’ll just confront him?”
“What no way,” she snickered, “you’ve gotta be subtle. Flirt! Play with your hair like in the movies even!”
Walking into the haul, Arnie immediately walks up to the both of you, swinging his arm around Alice. “Soo, Y/N I’ve heard about this mystery lover boy of yours hmmm..”
You roll your eyes at Alice who’s wearing a guilty grin over the fact that she’s basically already told half of the camp.
“Y’know, I think it might be Gary.” Arnie says with zero sarcasm.
After grabbing breakfast, you follow Alice and Arnie over to a table situated on the right, in the back of the haul where Cindy Berman, Tommy Slater, Joan and Gary sit.
You sit yourself down next to Tommy smiling at him before dropping your food tray on the table next to his. He looks at you, “so um, Y/N, any uh le- I mean-“ He stumbles over his words slightly running his fingers through his hair.
You look over at Alice immediately. “Really, him too?”
She raises her hands. “Uh! No actually!”
You look at Tommy confused, about to question him before Arnie raises his hand in defeat. “No, um that was me actually.” You sigh, somehow not surprised. Everyone laughs including Joan despite her probably being too high to even know what was going on.
You sat on the edge of your bed contemplating to yourself. “Okay, fuck it! Tonight I’m gonna make my move on kurt.
“Got fucking finally.” Alice groans, jumping onto her bed, sighing.
“You know tonight at the bonfire, I’m just gonna go over to him and just tell him how I feel!” You say standing up in revelation.
“Well better get yourself all dolled up and pretty for little old kurt, the suns already starting to fall.” Alice smirks.
Strutting from your cabin, you feel like a whole new person, confident and ready to finally confront your feelings.
You look around as you near the bonfire, looking for kurt. You spot him in a large group of people, typical for someone as popular as him.
You walk in Kurt’s direction, looking at him as he laughs and jokes with his circle of friends as he takes sips from the coke can he’s holding. “Hey kurt.” He turns to you. “Oh hey Y/N…um what you up to?” He laughs awkwardly. You brush a loose strand of hair from your face. “So I got your letter… I thought what you wrote was super, like super sweet and I think I feel the same way.”
He laughs confused looking back at his friends, signalling to them that he’ll only be a second. “yeah I don’t know about any letter.” Your face drops as he looks at you as though you're insane. “But like if you're looking to y’know I could probably free up my schedule I don’t know, um maybe tomorrow?”
Your face drops. “Yeah…nevermind...” You U turn in the opposite direction as Kurt shrugs your strange behaviour off, redirecting his attention back to his friends.
You walk back to Alice and your group of friends with fear shining bright in your eyes. You grap Alice’s shoulder pulling her out of her conversation with Arnie and Joan.
“Yo what’s wrong?!” She questions as you pull her away. “Wrong. Fucking. Guy.”
“Wait so it’s not Kurt? Then who the fuck is it?” She asks just as confused as you.
You ponder for a second and then it hits you. Tommy. Fucking. Slater. “Where’s Tommy?” You ask Alice hastily, grabbing her shoulder again.
“Um I don’t know, he said he was going to the outhouse, why do you need to know anyways?!” Alice stood there stunned as you ran off before you answer any of her questions.
How could you possibly be so stupid. It was always him. It was so obvious. Out of anyone it was always him who would come to your aid, to help you when you got stuck with cleaning the mess haul or outhouse. Or when you seemed down, he would always be the first after Alice to ask what was wrong.
Running as fast as you could, you prayed that he’d forgive you. Your mind was occupied when you failed to notice a pothole that hooked your foot causing you to tumble to the ground. “Fuck!” You look down at your now muddied hands.
“Hey are you okay?” You look up.
He smiles, holding a hand out to you, helping lift your weight. “I’m so, so sorry Tommy. I should’ve known it was you but I was too stupid to realise.” You begged, praying he wouldn’t hate you.
“Hey, hey don’t say that about yourself. This was all my fault, I shouldn’t of left you that cryptic note like I pussy, I should’ve just told you.” He looked at you. “I hope you can forgive me.”
You reached your hand up, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him in. Breaking the distance, you brought your lips together in a kiss. “I really like you Tommy.” You say softly between kisses. He snakes his arm around you waist pulling you in closer, “you are so perfect.”
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marsunderscore · 2 years
there is no way we will not get at least some form of closure for c!dream and c!ranboo's arc btw, especially after streams upon streams of building such an intricate storyline between the two, establishing a mysterious connection and hinting towards off-screen interactions. cc!dream said he would "obviously need ranboo to be in his prerecorded lore stream" back in march, which alone is proof that there are things occurring behind the scenes that we still don't know of
i have to say the way c!dream acted towards c!ranboo in the prison was not exactly what i expected? i don't put it past c!dream, but i am also so utterly confused as to why he would speak and act like that to the guy who has "visited him more than anyone on the server" (HIS words) and allegedly helped him carry out his plans (blowing up the community house, hiding the cat disc—if we deem these as canon events and not red herrings, up to your interpretation)
yes, according to cc!ranboo his lore was poorly planned at first and a lot of ideas fell through, but i’m certain he'll be able to give us some sort of explanation for what happened between his and dream's characters. the connections are obviously there!! c!ranboo hearing c!dream's voice of all people as his subconscious wasn't some crazy coincidence. them having a persistent stare-off in the vault as c!dream was being taken away wasn't just a weird creepy moment. c!ranboo reciting c!dream's speech that he specifically only said to c!tommy and c!tubbo wasn't random. it is apparent that these things happened for a reason, a reason that is still hanging above our heads and a reason that the finale hasn't solved yet
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shepard-ram · 3 years
Fuck it I can’t take the fucking sadness of Tommy dying on the dream smp so imma make myself happy. Btw this started off with one idea and then I squirreled off onto something else but I do eventually get around to my original point... which ends up super long. Now bear with me here.
So this could be in the yandere!clingy duo or not, doesn’t matter because I think it could work with or without Tommy being a yandere. I refuse to say that Tommy is dead, but he is.
Everyone is mourning his death. You only hear of Tommy’s death through Tubbo. He seems sad but so nonchalant at the same time like wtf how and why???
Okay but can we mention how Tubbo has a platonic spouse now?? Like Ranboo and Tubbo are so cute together 🥰 I feel that, since Tommy is gone now, Tubbo is going to “enlist” the help of someone he really trusts. Now don’t know if Ranboo would be yandere, or if he was, if he’d be as yandere to the extent that Tubbo is, but I feel that since Tubbo and Ranboo are “married” now, Tubbo feels very comfortable revealing things about himself. Which means you get re-introduced to Ranboo! He knows that Tommy’s gone and you’re upset that Tommy is gone, but you got a new friend now. Look, Ranboo is here now!
Ranboo would definitely be uncomfortable with the situation when he’s first introduced to it. Like this person was missing right?? Like he swears he wrote down in his memory book about someone who went missing a while ago and he’s pretty sure he wrote about the person in front of him. But he just can’t remember. It’s all too fuzzy. And oh no they’re cry oh no what should he do? Reader just stands looking at him like oh?? Who this? This isn’t Tommy. They think they remember Ranboo, but it’s been so long since they saw anybody that wasn’t Tommy it Tubbo. Strangers are scary, but Tubbo brought them. And Tubbo is gesturing towards Ranboo like he’s good, safe even. And Tubbo explains that Ranboo would be helping protect you from the others since Tommy could no longer help. And Ranboo is a part of the family now! I mean he was for a short while already since they were platonically married, but now it’s more official! Tubbo “introduced” Ranboo to you. And yeah Ranboo may not be the most trustworthy, but he’s part of the family! With some convincing from Tubbo, Ranboo is ready to help Tubbo in “protecting” you.
Now here is the original point: You know what’d be cute yet sad? Tommy coming back as a ghost. Gonna call Ghost!Tommy “Toast” because that’s funny and he deserves a cute ghost name. So Tommy doesn’t remember much of his life. But he does remember a few things, things he thinks he treasured when he was alive. There was this guy named Wilbur, another named Tubbo, and then some other person. He can’t put a name on who they were but he just has a feeling that he needs to be by them. He needs to find them. So does just that, wandering the land in search of this mystery person and the others he remembers. He doesn’t find this Wilbur dude, but through his wandering he does see this black and white thing. It’s super tall and walking towards him. Maybe he knew this thi-person when he was alive? Yeah he hopes so. They seem friendly enough. And the kind stranger introduces himself as Ranboo, a friend of Toast’s when Toast was still Tommy. And Ranboo gets so excited, saying something along the lines of “they’ll be so excited to see you”. Now Toast has no idea why Ranboo was so insistent on him following, but he needed to find that person and his best friend. Ranboo stopped Toast from leaving, saying he knew where Toast’s Tubbo and this mysterious person is. Ranboo mentions their name, but he just doesn’t comprehend it for some reason or another. Excitement? Who knows. Without a second thought, Toast follows Ranboo back to the base, where you and Tubbo are. Toast comes in with Ranboo and is lost, in a way. He recognizes the place and he re-obtained some of his memories, but he feels detached from it. He feels at home yet in a whole new dimension. Then he sees Tubbo and the “mystery person” (who he just dubbed “Mystery” after a while since he couldn’t remember who they were) and just is confused. Why can’t he remember the person next to Tubbo? He can remember them but just not their name. Ranboo and Tubbo say that Toast knew you when he was Tommy, but he still can’t remember your name. You’re crying because Tommy is back. Your Tommy is back! So you do the most rational thing your poor frazzled brain can conjure up; you run up to “Tommy” and give him a big ole hug! But you fall through him! Oh yeah, you forgot. He’s dead, gone. But Toast is still happy to see you, even if he can’t fully remember you. You’re one of the only things he remembers. And he feels so happy and safe in your company. He gives you the best hug he can after you end up bodyslamming onto the floor. So he’ll stay around you a lot and you’ll be his “Mystery” until he can remember your actual name. Lmao think of it like a free babysitter. Or one of those puppies/a ballon tied to your wrist because he’s always close by, just following you. He missed you, even if he can’t exactly remember your name. Why can’t he remember your name? You were obviously very important to him if he had so many memories of you. Oh well, he’ll remember one day.
I’ll stop myself here because now I’m gonna get sad about this. Gonna be thinking of this for a while now 🥺 I just rlly like the possible Ghost!Tommy interactions. -🦤
Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast-
Ok Tubbo getting Ranboo on board makes so much sense! You're so desperate to have someone else there. And he knows just who can! Even if Ranboo isn't as deep in it a Tubbo he still corporates, after all even you want this. Toast not fully remembering who you are is good, when Ranboo finally reunites him with "mystery" he never leaves your side. He may not know exactly why you were so important to him, but your both happy in each other's company. Even if it's far from the same it's good enough for you, and that's all that's matters for now
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themonkeycabal · 3 years
WandaVision Episode 9 Spoilers
I can't believe we're already at the finale. 
This has been better than I expected, though I didn't have any particular expectations one way or the other. I had hoped it would be bonkers, and it's had its moments, but I didn't expect it to be breaking my heart. I'm glad Wanda (and Elizabeth Olsen) got this moment to shine. It was very well done, and it's been nice to have fun with a Marvel property again. It's been a little while.
My wishlist for this episode is simply that somebody, anybody punch Acting Director Dick square in the face. And also that Jimmy Woo arrests him. A lot.
Other than that, I don't know what to expect, or how they wrap this up in 30 minutes.
Previously on: Wanda finally earned the name Scarlet Witch after Agatha made her relive the worst moments of her life. Harsh, Agatha. Vision uttered a line that launched a thousand gif sets. And Hayward revealed his genius masterplan which is a reactivated Vision, devoid of color and powered by the energy bleeding from Wanda's hex. I'm sure that will go swimmingly for him.
Let's see how this all ends.
Agatha still has magical tethers around Billy and Tommy's necks, which obviously Wanda doesn't like. Agatha gives the boys a tug, knocking them back, and Wanda lets loose, walloping Agatha. The boys are now free, but Wanda tells them to go to their room. They object, she insists, Tommy grabs Billy and they zoom off. Wanda hits Agatha again with a hex, but Agatha sort of collects it into a little glowy ball in her hand. Oops.
"I take power from the undeserving. It's kinda my thing."
Wanda notices her hand turning gray and gnarly — the look of somebody about to be magically mummified. Agatha hits her with a hex and taunts her some more.
"You're clearly in over your little, red head, so why don't you surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it?" Agatha, you're pushing your luck. "I'll let you keep this pathetic corner of the world all to yourself. What do you say?"
Wanda says she will throw a car right at your face, Agatha. I laughed. Didn't see that coming, did you? Knocked Agatha right out of her boots.
As Wanda is investigating, Director Dick's white Vision floats down behind her. He's creepy looking.
Wanda walks over to him, staring at him. "Is it really you?"
He puts his hands on her face, all gentle like, but it's a lie. He starts to squeeze. "And I was told you were powerful."
Gross, AD Dick. I hope you get stepped on by Ant-Man when he's being Giant-Man.
Sitcom World Vision (hereafter just plain old Vision) makes a timely reappearance, and takes out Not!Vision. He wants to know where the boys are, Wanda assures him they're safe, and she apologizes for everything and that she should have told him what was happening, "the moment I realized what I'd done". Poor Wanda. He tells her it's alright. She says she can fix it. Not!Vision climbs out of the burning remains of a camper.
Agatha reappears to note the awkwardness of the situation. She asks Wanda who she's going to choose, the ex or the boyfriend. What happens when Wanda hits you with more power than you can contain, Agatha?
Wanda tells Vision "this is our home." He agrees, "then let's fight for it." I hope for the best for you two crazy kids! Marvel has a dicey record on happy endings, though. Sorry!
Vision takes off towards Not!Vision again. Agatha flies off, too, and Wanda follows.
Across the street Monica is pounding on a window, calling for Wanda. Fietro, lounging with a guitar in his … stoner den?, tells her nobody can hear her. Can we talk about how Monica's SWORD uniform looks like ST:Next Gen unis? I can't stop seeing it and it's distracting. Anyway, she tries to escape, but, Fietro is still all fast and stuff, so she's thwarted.
In the sky, Vision and Not!Vision battle. Not!Vision says Wanda must be neutralized and Vision must be destroyed. Hmm. Not!Vision tries to rip out the stone in Vision's forehead but Vision goes intangible. More fighting with intangibleness. It's pretty cool.
Outside Westview, AD Dick is feeling cocky as he watches both Visions on tracking monitors. I loathe him so much. Jimmy Woo is brought in handcuffed by a pair of SWORD goons. I'm sorry, who the f is SWORD? Like, they have arrest powers now? Dick says "hey, it's my favorite member of the Bureau." New wishlist: everybody gets to take turns punching AD Dick in the face.
Dick asks his minion to reconfirm mission objectives while Jimmy listens carefully, mentally noting each and every violation of federal law and the Sokovia Accords. 
The minion says she can't get through to not!Vision, his system is overloaded. A cellphone rings on a desk nearby and Jimmy eyes it, then tells Hayward that he'll never be able to cover up these shenanigans. 
While Dick is busy boasting and the SWORD goons are doing everything but paying attention to their prisoner (in my head all the SWORD goons applied to SHIELD but Maria Hill laughed at each and every one of their applications and then called Pepper to laugh some more and then texted choice bits to May tagging them "RE: LOL"), Jimmy eases over and grabs the phone.
"Wanda canceled her show,” Dick says with the sort of confidence only an enormous prick can muster, “so there's no footage proving there was ever more than one Vision."
Jimmy points out that that is dumb, because there is other footage, from SWORD HQ and stuff, and probably evidence of tampering. He casually sits on a table, shaking his head, like he's just so disappointed (i'm hoping he's somehow managed to use the phone to record the monolog-ing) .
Dick is still too far up his own ass to notice Jimmy being sneaky. "No one's going to care once I've eliminated Wanda Maximoff. They'll believe that the Vision that emerges from the Westview rubble is the one she illegally tried to bring back to life."
Wait, bringing him back to life is illegal? You're full of shit, Dick. And also, an extremely terrible person, who will destroy a whole town for … something? A Vision weapon? Who are you fighting, Dick? BTW, I award him no sympathy points for surviving in the post-Snap world. So if he's been scarred by that or whatever, I don't care. Trauma doesn't excuse murdery megalomania. As has been said before: Cool motive, still murder. I hope Vision intangibles him into a lamp post that gets peed on every day by a parade of small dogs.
"They'll thank me for recovering such a valuable asset. You could be part of that victory, Jimmy. If only you had a little more … vision" says the smug prick who is asking for it. And by it I mean something both terrible and humiliating to happen to him asap.
Jimmy fake laughs back. "That's a good one, Hayward. Okay, I'm convinced. The trouble is my friends at Quantico will probably have something to say about your plan. When they arrive. Inside the hour." heh.
Oh, poor Dick doesn't like being mocked back. He tells his brain-dead goons to remove Jimmy. The goons throw Jimmy into a … stack of hay? In a fenced in cage thing? As you have on your pop-up military facility. Where he sets to work removing his handcuffs with a clip he also stole, because Jimmy Woo is cool like that. Close Up Magic! See the things you can learn from criminals. "Flourish" lol. 
He calls his friends at Quantico. "I was hoping you could get here … inside the hour?"
Back in Westview. Wanda is looking for Agatha while the town goes about its business. Weirdo delivery guy drives by "Don't shoot. I'm just the messenger. ha ha."
Then she gets hit in the back by a purple hex. Ouch. She has hit the pavement hard kind of a lot in this episode already. That hurts, my dudes, I know this from personal falling down experience. Wanda's hand, by the way, is still looking ashy and not very healthy.
Agatha taunts her from a rooftop. "Did you know there's an entire chapter devoted to you in the Darkhold." How could she know that, Agatha? Also, boo the Darkhold. That bit of nastiness led to the Framework, and I'm still a little scarred by that myself. "That's the book of the damned," says the witch standing in front of a billboard for "Squeaky Shine" lol.
Agatha produces the Darkhold and recites from it, "The Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged. She has no coven, nor need for incantation." Wanda insists she isn't a witch, nobody taught her magic.
Agatha continues, "Your power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme" Steven Strange will like that. Not much. He's so twitchy about things like that. "It's your destiny to destroy the world." Always with the destinies. FREE WILL FOREVAH!
Wanda insists she's not the Scarlet Witch thingy. Agatha says "oh really?" and uses her mojo on Emma Caulfield. Hi Emma Caulfield! She seems to be 'awake' and introduces herself to Wanda (who knew her as Dottie) "My name is Sarah. I have a daughter, she's 8, maybe she could be friends with your boys. If you like that storyline. Or the school bully, even. Really anything, if you could just let her out of her room. If I could just hold her." Wow, ouch.
Speaking of free will or the lack of, Wanda accuses Agatha of doing this, but Agatha says "She's your meat puppet. I just cut her strings." Poor Wanda. And now Agatha wakes up the whole town, who all head towards Wanda.
And we cut to Fietro's den of manchildness. Monica asks what that place is, but come on Monica, it's clearly a den of manchildness. Fietro is making himself a smoothie and explaining the purpose of a mancave — chillaxing.
Monica ignores him and rifles through his bills and whatnot. She finds a headshot of Fietro with the name "Ralph Bohner" underneath. Because, people just keep their headshots lying around willynilly. Wait, are we saying Ralph is an actor? Lol. 
Fietro meanwhile is planning for a Steven Segal marathon — my dad and I watched all of those movies and for the life of me I could not tell you why. We didn't *like* them. I mean, mostly we laughed, but still. Why?
Anyway, Monica is trying to solve the mystery of Fietro. It's not Agatha's house (obviously) it's Fietro's (Ralph). He's an ass and asks if she wants to fight some more, so she flips him over her shoulder and pins him down, trying to figure out how Agatha is controlling him. With her new glowy eyes, she notices the bead necklace he's wearing sparkles in a magically way. She rips it off and Fietro becomes Ralph.
Elsewhere the Visions are still battling in the sky and the boys are watching from their bedroom. They lose sight of dad, but Billy gets a vision of mom in trouble in the town square. He and Tommy run off.
The townsfolk are confused and scared. Wanda tells them they're all going to be fine. "When you let us sleep, we have your nightmares." Ouch. Wanda insists she kept them safe. Wanda, sweetie, you're very far in over your head. 
"You feel, you feel at peace," she tells them, kind of hoping that works. It doesn’t. "We feel your pain." "Your grief is poisoning us." "Please let us go." This is an awful thing to do to Wanda, Marvel!
It escalates with all those voices begging her to free them and she screams, grabbing her head, and when she does that, red light appears around the throats of the townies, silencing them, choking them. Wanda realizes and puts her glowy hands up "stop, stop, I'm sorry", releasing them all.
"If you won't let us go, let us die." Wanda promises to let them go. Agatha wonders what's stopping her from actually doing it.  
"Heroes don't torture people." Agatha's a very sink-or-swim kind of teacher.
That does the trick and Wanda throws her arms back and yells to the sky, releasing her power up at the hex surrounding the town. "Go, all of you. Now, go." The people run and the town flickers through the eras and the barrier starts to fall.
Outside, Director Dick tells his morons "this is it, we're going in!"
The Visions keep on battling, but as the barrier falls, Vision starts to falter himself. I was afraid of that.
The Morons roll in with their big trucks and big guns because … reasons. I have a very low opinion of SWORD. Maria Rambeau's agency deserves better than this shitshow.
Vision falls and it looks like bits of him are chipping off. He hits the ground hard, he gets up, but he's glitching, too, falling apart as Wanda takes down her spell. He reaches for her. The boys appear now, too, screaming for mom, but they seem to be flickering as well, flying apart in pixelly pieces. Poor Wanda.
Agatha says "Now do you see? You tied your family to this twisted world and now one can't exist without the other." This is terrible. "Save Westview or save your family." TERRIBLE.
Wanda pulls the hex into herself again, recreating the barrier. The kids and Vision recover and run to her. Outside, as the hex closes, Jimmy Woo is, yet again, left to stare at the barrier, cut off from the fun inside. Poor guy, lol. But, his FBI buddies are arriving, so at least he won't get lonely.
Agatha throws a hex at Wanda and Wanda throws up a shield to protect her family. Which Agatha starts to draw towards herself like the magic vampire she is. Greedy Agatha. Wanda's arms are all gray. And SWORD rolls into town square, because that's what this confrontation needed — these dipshits.
Anyway, the Family stands ready to face Director Dick and his morons, in a quality recreation of the Incredibles family pose. "Listen boys, your mother and I never really prepared you for this," dad says. Because your boys are like three days old, Vision, it's okay. "But you were born for it," Wanda assures them very fiercely. Get 'em, sister!  
As they square off, Vision's like "oh crap, it's the other me, back in a mo'" and flies off to tackle Not!Vision who's trying to sneak up behind them.
They destroy the town library and Vision wants to know why Not!Vision gotta be like that. "My programming directive is to destroy the Vision." 
Ha ha, says Vision, a loophole. "But, I'm not the true Vision, only a conditional Vision."
Hmmm, says Not!Vision, and they stop fighting, "I request elaboration". Hey, Vision, move into Not!Vision's body and you can be true Vision again! Problem solved, my work here is done.
Back to the street where we find Dick and his Morons and Agatha who is not making this situation at all better. The morons point their guns at Agatha who magics them up off the ground like thirty feet in the air, "Same story, different century. There will always be torches and pitchforks for ladies like us, Wanda." I'm not going to say you're wrong, Agatha, and God knows these SWORD morons are morons, but you're also a pain in the ass. So …
Anyway, then Agatha drops them and Wanda reaches out to catch them. But once caught, she does let them drop the last five or six feet. They'll be fine, but also they deserved it, so I laughed.
"Boys, handle the military. Mommy will be right back." They're my new favorite family.
Wanda flies up to tangle with Agatha and Agatha is super ready except … Wanda throws a curveball and disappears. Suck it Agatha.
Down on the ground the SWORD morons continue to cover themselves in glory and point their guns at CHILDREN. I don't care if they're powered children, you know what I'd like, I'd like if one of the morons would just be like "um, but … they're kids and how about no? I'm going to get Jimmy Woo! He'll know what to do. Don't try and stop me!" That doesn't happen.
Billy freezes the soldiers in place and Tommy super speeds by and steals their guns and hats. AD Dick, being the absolutely loathsome, vile, lower-than-a-maggot, piece of shit that he is, gets out of his humvee and shoots at the CHILDREN.
Monica, who has just arrived to the party, runs and throws herself between Dick and the boys, taking the bullets meant for them. Her new powers render her sort of … I don't even know. Not quite intangible, but she kind of looks like a ballistics gel dummy and the bullets go through her but they slow down a lot as they pass and then just sort of fall on the ground. Dick, crossing the line into pure evil, fires again, the bullet misses Monica and heads towards Billy, who just raises his hand and stops it with his power then he grins at Monica.
"Nice tricks," she tells him.
"I like yours, too," he says.
Dick tries to fire AGAIN! But he's out of bullets. He only had four? Or maybe his gun jammed. Anyway, like the brave man he is, he runs to the humvee, gets in, reverses at speed, stops and looks like he's going to put it in gear and drive at them because the dude is unhinged. But! Lo! It's Darcy and the funnel cake truck, that is apparently built like a tank, though come to think of it, it probably was an armored vehicle in the real world.
Anyway, she t-bones Dick's vehicle, thwarting his evility for the moment. "Have fun in prison." Lol
Back to the Visions. They're having a philosophical debate. "You are familiar with the thought experiment "The Ship of Theseus" in the field of identity metaphysics," Vision prompts Not!Vision.
  "Naturally." And Not!Vision helpfully spells it out for us. "The ship of Theseus is in a museum. Over time its planks of wood rot and are replaced with new planks. When no original planks remain, is it still the ship of Theseus?"
  Vision presses his advantage, "Secondly. If those removed planks are restored and reassembled, free of the rot, is that the ship of Theseus?"
To sum up, neither is the true Vision, both are the true Vision.
"But I do not have the mind stone," says not!Vision.
  "And I do not have one single ounce of original material," replies Vision. "Perhaps the rot is the memories. The wear and tear are the voyages. The wood touched by Theseus himself."
Not!Vision says he doesn't have the memories, though, but Vision insists he does, the data is still there, hidden. Not!Vision says nah, Vision must be the true Vision because he believes himself to be. But, Vision says that's not true anymore, he plays the reverse card, "upon meeting you, I have been disabused of that notion." This is the most philosophy nerd game of 'not it' ever.
Vision continues to try to get at Not!Vision's memories. "As a carbon-based synthazoid, your memory storage is not so easily wiped. May I?" Not!Vision allows Vision to touch the glowy bit where the memory stone used to be, and Not!Vision is flooded with Vision's memories. Not!Vision's eyes go … normal, I guess you'd say, no longer robot-like and glowy.
"I am Vision" he says and flies off. It was a lot to take in, I guess. He needs a little me-time.
I guess we're going to have to go back to calling Vision Sitcom!Vision, anyway, he goes outside and the boys run over to him and there's hugging and stuff.
Agatha stalks them from the rooftop, but it seems she might have forgotten Wanda for a second, because Wanda appears behind her and does that thing she does where she makes you see your worst fear. Enjoy that, Agatha!
Agatha sees herself bound to the stake in the woods again. Her coven dead. Wanda is there in the vision, too. "You see the difference between you and me, is that you did this on purpose."
The coven rise from the dead and shuffle to her while Agatha begs for it to stop. But, then Agatha gets control of herself, I guess, and the undead mummy witches start saying Wanda's name and pointing at her. You're just no fun at all, Agatha.
Now the coven ties Wanda to the stake. "You can't win, Wanda. Power isn't your problem; it's knowledge." That is, actually, very true. Wanda's Scarlet Witch headpiece appears on her all magical-like, marking her as the Scarlet Witch of myth, I suppose.
"Give me your power, and I will correct the flaws in your original spell. And you and your family and the people of Westview can all live together in peace."
If Agatha is so smart, why doesn't she just take Wanda's power, hmm?
"And no one will ever have to feel this pain again. Not even you," Agatha tries cajoling, but that was the wrong tack to take. Wanda gives her the head tilt of imminent ass-kicking, and her powers explode outward, flinging way the weird creepy coven of zombie mummies. Then Wanda knocks them both back into Westview.
She starts hammering Agatha with her powers. "Take it, I don't want it." Vision tries to fly up to help her, but she blocks him with a spell.
Witch fight in the clouds. Every time Wanda misses Agatha, her hexes hit the shield. Outside Jimmy Woo looks on, concerned.
"There's more," Agatha says, "I want it all." Wanda's looking a little mummified, but she's still flinging hexes left and right while Agatha cackles evilly. Eventually Wanda runs out of steam and just sort of hovers there.
"About our deal. Once case, a spell can never be changed." You're terrible, Agatha. Very cruel. "This world will always be broken. Just. Like. You." Low, Agatha. Lower than dirt
Agatha gathers herself and tries to hit out at Wanda with all that yummy power but it just fizzles. Nothing happens. Oh noes, Agatha, what's wrong?
Wanda starts looking like her normal self again and behind her glows a giant rune. Oh, dear, Agatha, you taught Wanda something. When she was missing Agatha and hitting the shield all those times, she was actually casting runes. LOL to you.
The sky is angry and red and stormy. Monica, Vision, and the boys look on.
"In a given space," Wanda says, "only the witch who cast them [runes] can use her magic. Thanks for the lesson, but, I don't need you to tell me who I am."
 The Scarlet Witch headpiece reappears and now Agatha has her a fright. I like you Agatha, you're rotten in fun way, but you took it too far, sister. Wanda takes her power back with prejudice and she is transformed into the Scarlet Witch. Updated version of the classic costume. Nice, I like it.
"Oh god," Agatha gasps, "You don't know what you've done." Wanda drops her on the ground more gently than she deserved.
Agatha asks if Wanda's going to lock her up somewhere. And Wanda says, yeah, here in lovely Westview. "I'll give you the role you chose; the nosy neighbor."
"You have no idea what you've unleashed. You're gonna need me." "If I do, I know where to find you." lol
And Wanda turns Agatha back into Agnes. "Hiya, hon. Say, that some kind of getup you're wearing. Did I leave the oven on, or is that just you, hot stuff."
Wanda says goodbye and walks over to her family, kissing her boys.
Vision says their dream home has turned into a fixer-upper. "I know you'll set everything right. Just not for us."
"No," Wanda agrees because Marvel likes to hurt us all. "Not for us."
Monica kind of bounces on her toes, trying to get Wanda's attention, but probably also not entirely wanting Wanda's attention. Wanda gives her a hesitant nod as she and Vision leave with the boys.
The field around town starts to shrink, the circus turns back into the SWORD base.
They get home and tuck the boys into bed.
"Big day today," Vision says. "Your mother and I … are very proud of you both."
"Very proud," Wanda agrees. "You know, a family is forever. We could never truly leave each other, even if we tried. You know that right?"
They kiss their boys goodnight. Outside the window, the field flickers and fails. "Boys, thanks for choosing me to be your mom."
The town of Westview returns to its sad old self, street by street. Wanda turns out the lights in their home.
But, Vision turns one back on. "Oh, I read somewhere, that it's bad luck to say goodbye in the dark." "No, you didn't." You guys are killing me.
Why did this have to be so good and sad?
And finally the collapsing field reaches their street, they watch it coming. 
"Wanda, I know we can't stay like this, but before I go, I feel I must know, what am I?"
She touches his face. "You, Vision, are the piece of the mind stone that lives in me. You are a body of wires and blood and bone that I created. You are my sadness and my hope, but mostly you're my love." Stupid show, my screen went blurry there for a second.
Vision cries a bit, they both are a little astonished by the tear. 
"I have been a voice with no body, a body but not human. And now, a memory, made real. Who knows what I might be next." Aww, Vision, I love you.
Here comes the field.
"We have said goodbye before, so it stands to reason—" "We'll say hello again." STUPID SHOW why do you have to make me feel things?
The field collapses and everything is stripped back into nothing. "So long, darling." And Wanda stands in the empty lot, in the foundations of the home that never was.
She walks away again. Poor Wanda. And back into town. The people look at her, they don't seem happy. I don't know why she chose to do that, she does have a car. Ah, she's going to talk to Monica.
"They'll never know what you sacrificed for them," Monica says. "It wouldn't change how they see me," Wanda tells her. "And you? You don't … you don't hate me?" "Given the chance, and given your power, I'd bring my mom back. You know I would." "I'm sorry, for all the pain I caused."
Wanda promises to figure out her power and then files off. The End.
Heartbreaking. Good, but heartbreaking.
Mid-credits scene. Jimmy Woo is large and in charge. He's setting up the incident response in town, ordering folks around (in his good natured way).
Jimmy spots his friend. "Monica!" "Authority looks good on you, Jimmy." "Where's Darcy?" "Something about ‘debriefs are for the weak’?" lol "But we can thank her for that." 
And down the street AD Dick is being arrested. Nobody punched him in the face. I'm sad. Darcy came closest, I guess. What with hitting him with the very large truck. It will have to do.
Monica is summoned to the theater by another agent. Hmm nobody there. The agent follows. "I was sent by an old friend of your mother's." And the agent is a Skrull. "He heard you'd been grounded. He'd like to meet with you."
The Skrull points up. 
What was Fury's Skrull buddy's name? I don't recall. I didn't actually like the Captain Marvel movie. I felt like they told it backwards, and also they should have just cast a younger actor to play young Nick Fury. That bugged me. And I wanted more of Annette Benning’s character. Anyway … I guess we know where we’ll see Monica again. 
Well, that was fun. Like I said, I'm not sure what I expected from this series, just that it be some degree of fun, I guess. But it was much better than whatever I had half-envisaged. AND SADDER, MARVEL.
Thank goodness for the multi-verse. I'm sure we'll see some version of the boys again. And also Not!Vision, who is probably also Vision at this point, knocking around the world, trying to find himself. Talk about identity crisis. I feel you, brother. Stay safe, get plenty of whatever passes for rest for you!
See you guys in a couple of weeks for Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I WANT NO TEARS FROM THAT ONE! Unless it's tears of laughter. 
ETA: FOR THE SECOND POST CREDITS SCENE THAT I MISSED. Stupid Marvel hiding things from me. Thank you, @beelzebufo
Mountains, a mountain lake, a place I’d like to be right now. Wanda sits on the porch of her lonely little cabin. The tea kettle whistles and she goes inside. There’s a rattling and whispering from the other room, where the astral projection(?) of the Scarlet Witch reads the Darkhold and her children call for her. I don’t know, Wanda, seems dicey, that’s not a very nice book. 
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
👑Royal Buisness👑 (SBI+Tommy AU)
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Hello!My name is Moonbow and I am a huge sbi+more fan! And so I decided to do my bois some justice and create a au based off of dnd and skyrim!They all reside in the land of "Bladestrom" a legendary kingdom build out of mysterious ruins and on the ground where dragons once rested.I will let you in on some headcanons and insights about each character!I hope you guys enjoy it🥺👑💓
Dave(Techno) Blade:
The 12th heir of the throne King Technoblade,or simply King Blade.A strong and fearless warrior known for his determination,power and strength.
He has a serious and egoistic facade.Though in reality the king is anything but egoistic and serious.Quiet the opposite actually:He tends to be very polite and respectful.Sure his ego is the size of a full grown dragon but he is a big hearted man.
Techno mostly stays in his castle walls and prefers to read or write in peace.The only time he will actually step foot in the outside world was during night,when his people need him or his favorite hobby ;)
He has a pretty unbalanced and unhealthy sleeping schedule which he constantly gets reminded of.
The only person Techno actually lets into his private life is his best friend Phil.Phil is Techno's personal knight and right hand man.Techno trusts Phil with his eyes closed,his loyalty is very appreciated.
A huge downside for Techno's reputation is that he is really shy and socially awkward.The poor guy can't find the right words or say anything normal without feeling like he said something fully absurd.
Apart from reading and fighting,Techno loves to farm potatoes in his free time.He loves the fresh taste once they are harvested and prepared properly!!His potatoes are known to be from the best quality in the whole land!Which earns Techno some extra money.
Techno won't admit it infront of Phil or anyone else but he has a soft spot for children,especially orphans. He knows the feeling of growing up without parents and he feels connected to them.That's why Techno stops by the local orphanage to donate some money he earned from his potato farming.
Techno loves to train and upgrade his swordsmanship abilities to their fullest potential.Always coming up with new strategies and techniques to use whenever the time for war would fall upon them once again.
And speaking of war,the thing that terrified the neighboring kingdoms and enemies even more about King Blade is the fact that he never manages to lose. Everyone stupid enough to challenge the king of Bladestrom would go down in shame and regret.
Though Techno isn't really in control of himself in those types of situations.His lust for blood overcomes his senses and he can't but see red with every step he takes on the battlefield.
Phil is usually the one who manages to calm him down and get him back to his normal self.Techno would feel awful and expose the side he hates the most about him to Phil: Vulnerability
Techno doesn't take things very seriously.He is very sarcastic and relaxed all the time,and that's what makes him even scarier.
He competes in the yearly bladestrom championships which is a battle arena with different challenges and obstacles you have to beat.And suprise,suprise Techno wins em' all!
Techno suffers from adhd and anxiety.Something that only Phil is aware of is Techno's ptsd.He didn't exactly have the luxurious and perfect life growing up,so when he ends up getting nightmares or panic attacks Phil's dad instincts take over and do their thing.
Long story short,Techno doesn't necessarily know his limits,but he is hundred percent aware of his strengths and weaknesses.He protects and takes care of the people he deeply cares about and welcomes them as family.His power is what makes him a fearless and violent king.But his heart is what makes him a kind and understanding human.And if he ever forgets about that side of him he simply has to listen to the repeated beating in his chest.
Phil Watson:
The royal guard with a five year long achievement on staying at the top of his game and ranking as the number one royal knight.
Earning himself the trust and life long,brother like friendship with the king himself was a big plus!
Phil is a very loyal and hardworking man.He seeks justice and always wants to take things the slow and pacifistic way before instantly turning to violence and bloodshed,much unlike his best friend.
Phil is very kind,and gentle when he needs to be. Everyone loves seeing Phil in the local town tavern or in a city bar.He always seems to read poeple like an open book and find the right topics to talk about.
Techno and Phil have a very close and important relationship.They are like a brothers,though Techno secretly looks up to Phil like a father he never had. Phil would risk his life for Techno,not only becouse of his duty as his personal guard,but becouse family comes first.
Phil is a very wholesome and strong willed guy.
Whenever Techno is feeling down or something like a panick attack or nightmare is happening,Phil immediately notices it.Techno doesn't have to say a word for Phil to hug him and take care of the vulnerable king in his hands.
He will find Techno on his balcony while patrolling the castle halls or garden in the middle of the night just staring at the moonlit sky.He always seems so lost in thought and carefree that Phil simply smiles and continues his work.
He does scold him for not resting enough the next day though-so he's never really off the hook :D
Phil is also the only person who really knows Techno.He knows his deepest fears,biggest insecurities and darkest secrets.He sees him in moments where the world would turn his back on him but Phil doesn't and he never will.That's what he promised him all those years ago.
Long story short,Phil is very kind and hardworking.He takes problems into his own hands and solves them the best way he possibly can.He can and will tease the living daylight out of Techno and that infront of other residents of the castle who don't know if they should laugh or simply stare in shock.Phil deeply loves and cares of Techno like his son and always makes sure ro put his well being infront of his own.
Wilbur Soot:
A lonesome musician on the lookout for money and success-
Wilbur is a guitarist living on the streets of Bladestrom He goes from bar to bar and performs his musical talent there.Though the majority of the time Wil plays and sings on the streets.
Earning money is hard so affording an apartment,even a room for a few nights is almost impossible for Wilbur since he only earns a few silver coins per night,that is if he gets lucky and poeple actually listen to him.
He is very charming and suave,also add the fact that he is pretty handsome to the list and you have yourself the perfect boyfriend.May I inform you that his voice is a perfect balance between velvety and rough-
Wilbur isn't from Bladestrom.He grew up in another kingdom which he can't remember the name from since he arrived here during a war 19 years ago.
He never really heard from his parents,they just sort of disappeared.But that was something Wilbur didn't question,he didn't care about them.He learned how to survive and keep himself company.He doesn't need a family ro accomplish his goals.
Wilbur is a huge gentleman and he is also tends to be extremely flirtatious,which he is really good at btw!So yeah he earns himself some extra points with the ladies ;)
His biggest dream that he is trying to achieve is to become a famous musician in the whole entire land. Opening his own theater and doing what he loves the most.Sing and perform.
But living on the streets has it's ups and down's.Most nights Wilbur has to deal with drunk people wandering the alleyways or annoying little children who constantly pickpocket you-
Wilbur will sometimes nonchalantly sneak into a hotel and sleep in one of their cozy beds,since he doesn't experience that feeling often.Or the places he performs at reward him with shelter instead of money.
Long story short,Wilbur can keep apart dreams and reality.He is a smart and sly person who knows how to accomplish his goals.Even though Wilbur has his one Night stands more than often he would never betray a woman if he got into a serious relationship,which he plans on not having any time soon.He keeps to himself and sternly focuses on the things that matter in life,everything else is irrelevant.
Tommy Simons:
An energetic orphan with no manners and the mouth of a sailor.
Tommy grew up on the streets,any memory of his past life or family only appear as a missing puzzle piece or a black canvas.
Tommy is a very outgoing and optimistic person,his emotions are practically worn out on his sleeves.
Spending his days in the local town orphanage Tommy met a few poeple who he spends his time with.You could say that he has formed a wierd alliance with his more questionable friends.
Tommy learned how to defend himself and make sure that his "gang" stas safe aswell.He is quite the expert at pickpocketing which comes in handy.
Being quick and light on his feet,if Tommy does get caught by the royal guards he manages to escape and get away with the stuff he stole.
On the other hand though,Tommy is extremely clumsy and seeks huge amount of admiration in any way.He constantly wants people to refer to him as the best.
And to repeatedly prove himself worthy of that title he picks fights with multiple poeple and always manages to make poeple hate him.He won't say it out loud but he sees the bloody noses and bruises as badges of honor,he's proud of them.
This little troublemaker has only one person he dreams to meet one day,but for now he can only hear stories about him and admire him from afar.And that person is none other than King Blade himself.
Oh what he would give to train with him and show off his badass moves and fighting skills.
Long story short,Tommy doesn't think before he acts and he surprisingly manages to pull off any stupid stunt he plans to do.For Tommy it's kill or be killed.Either you face your fears head on and establish dominance or you act like a coward and run away.And there was no way Tommy ever does the second option even if it gets him into dangerous situations.Tommy is very overprotective over poeple he cares about,his guild is his brotherhood,his family,and he would do anything for them,even going sofar as risking his life.
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kimberlyannharts · 5 months
So im guessing you like our lil Liv' ( i love her btw) thoughts about how it might go? Why is jason doing the road warrior version of Red ranger? What are the other three up too? Is Trini still alive or is Minh around? Honestly think its going to be really good.. Mora's art continues to knock it out of the park for the sheer beauty of it. Also I just love your lil art pieces with Minh and Oliva. Thank you so much!
My assumption is that the final Moon battle led to Tommy and Trini's deaths/disappearances, and when the team disbanded, Jason was the only one to continue Rangering out of a sense of guilt/duty/whatever. We'll have to see if there's actually any legit bad guys after Rita and Zedd were defeated or if he's just wandering the earth fighting regular criminals. We know from the Re-Imagine prologue that Kim changed her name and moved to Canada for some reason, and Billy and Zack's current whereabouts are a mystery; though the implication does seem to be that the guys kept in contact while Kim cut herself off completely as the solicit describes it as Billy and Zack giving the news that Jason's disappeared. It's super exciting to realize there's so much we don't know!
(and thank you!!!!)
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shadowhuntertrash · 3 years
High Notes
I own nothing
Chapter Six
  The day went by quickly and Thomas didn’t have much time to ponder the almost kiss he had with Alastair or the girl's from the coffee shop’s words until dinner that night. Lucie and Cordelia had gone and had an early dinner with Alastair and the other boys had decided to have a late dinner and go ahead and knock the rest of their rehearsal out. 
   James and Christopher were in a deep discussion about dress rehearsal they had tomorrow and Thomas found himself, once again, under the scrutinizing gaze of Matthew. Thomas moved the fry around on his plate, his hamburger long forgotten. He was too anxious to eat anyway. “Who started it?” Matthew asked in a quiet voice. Thomas raised an eyebrow, “Math I have no earthly idea what you’re talking about.” He said innocently shrugging, Matthew just glared.
   “Stop it, we both know you do.” They held eye contact for a minute and Thomas was reminded vaguely of a dominance match between dogs. Thomas gave up with a huff and looked back down at his fries again. “I honestly don’t know. I had a panic attack and then we were just walking and then it just kind of… happened. Lord, that sounds dull.” Matthew smirked at him and Thomas groans, burying his head in his hands. Matthew laughs softly and James looks over at them. “What are we talking about?” James asked, propping his chin on Matthew’s shoulder so he could see Thomas. 
   Thomas had sat in this booth first, Matthew had sat next to Thomas and then James, the social anxiety impersonation he is, sat next to Matthew instead of sitting in the booth with Christopher. Which led to Thomas, Matthew, and James being squished together and Christopher propping his legs up in his practically empty booth.
   They had to sit in the back because most places they go they get noticed by fans and won’t get any peace. It was a habit now (for their band and Alastair and the girls) to ask for a spot in the back or off in a corner somewhere when they went out to eat.
   “We’re talking about Thomas and Alastair almost kissing.” Matthew said as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Christopher choked on his drink and James looked at Thomas with wide eyes. “When did that happen!” Christopher said when he had stopped choking. Thomas was sure he resembled a tomato at this point.
   He hit Matthew, who was still laughing hysterically, in the arm and slumped further in his seat, hating his height more than anything at the moment. “When we found them, they were about to kiss and then we stumbled upon them and they didn’t.” Matthew frowned and slumped against James. “What a bunch of cock blocks we are.” Matthew said as if it were him that didn’t get to kiss someone he wanted to. 
   Thomas found himself laughing at Matthew’s forlorn expression and James’s still too wide eyes. “Nothing really happened. We were just walking and talking. We were actually trying to find you guys because I told Matthew twenty minutes and then I realized I was late because I didn’t have my phone on. Sorry about that Math, I know you worry. So I was trying to-”
   Matthew cut him off with a raised hand. “Stop rambling it’s okay. I was just picking and James was just a little shocked.” Matthew finished with a shape jab to James’ ribs which seemed to snap James out of his daze. James nodded enthusiastically before looking at Matthew with a wide smile. “Oh my god otp Matthew OTP!” Matthew and Christopher burst out laughing and Thomas slumped impossibly further in his chair. Why did they always have to pick on him?
   Matthew dropped his hand on Thoams’ shoulder and Thomas looked at him. Matthew was looking at him with a look that was strictly reserved for James, Thomas, and Christopher. A soft look that was often off putting since he was constantly annoyed or making a joke out of everything and anything.
   “You know Tommy we only pick on you because it’s easy with how embarrassed you get. We love you and as much as I dislike Alastair I think you two would be good for each other. Plus,” He added a wink that made Thomas blush before he even heard the next part. “I think you could teach him some well needed manners.” Thomas laughed softly and gave Mattew a pointed look. 
   “You really shouldn’t make fun of my pining, saying as it is not nearly as bad as yours was.” Matthew put his hand to his chest in mock hurt. “You wound me Thomas. Anyhow even if that was accurate,” He turned to James and stuck his tongue out boyishly. “Which it wasn’t,” He turned back to Thomas who was smiling at his friends. “It isn’t my fault you’re too nice and didn’t pick on me when you had the chance.” Thomas rolled his eyes.
   It was common knowledge that Thomas was nice, it was why the fans had dubbed him the ‘Kind One’ or ‘Gentle Giant’ as some others called him. He hated that one thought, gentle giant made him sound dull. They had dubbed Matthew as the ‘Sexy One’, James the ‘Mysterious One’, and Christopher, well Christopher was his own category.
   Thomas pushed Matthew playfully and Matthew fell back dramatically accidentally falling on James, causing him to fall out of the seat. “Jesus Math, be careful.” James said taking Matthew’s outstretched hand and getting back to his feet, Matthew was too busy laughing to listen to him.
   Thomas sat back watching them, his brothers by all means but blood, and smiled. How did he get so lucky?
   When it was time to go back to the hotel rooms, which they were staying in when they weren’t on the road, they all split ways smiling and wishing each other goodnight. Thomas followed Christopher to their room. There were two beds so Thomas knew he could stand staying with Christopher.
   Thomas showered as soon as they got to the hotel. Some people thought it was weird but Thomas showered twice a day and washed his hair at least once a day. Matthew always picked on it but Thomas just shrugged it off he didn’t feel clean if he didn’t wash his hair.
   Thomas took his time feeling the hot water wash off the stress of the day. As soon as he had got to the quiet hotel room the fans from the diner’s words came back to him. He knew he would spend too much time thinking about this.
   He got out of the shower about 40 minutes later and ran his towel through his hair shaking it out. He flopped gracelessly on the bed and groaned. Christopher was fast asleep on the bed next to him, the sound he was making strongly reminded Thomas of a lawnmower.
   Thomas grabbed his phone, turned the brightness down, as he began feeling the beginning of a headache, and read the texts he had received. 
Matthew Unfairchild:
Sleep well dream of your knight in shining armor <3
   Thomas scoffed and replied,
We all know I’m more into Prince Charming. <3
   He opened a text from Lucie and smiled at her picture. It was a picture from the first time they went to Disney World. No one else would go with her, Cordelia didn’t like it because she couldn’t stand the lines and decided it was no more magical than Six Flags. James and Matthew had claimed too manly (however it turned out they went two months before without telling anyone), and Christopher, bless his soul, wouldn’t stop going on and on about the mechanisms in the rides and that just made everyone untrustworthy of the shaky rides.
   So Thomas had gone with her and they had stayed for two days, riding rides and meeting characters. The picture that made her profile was of her in front of Cinderella’s castle with a bunch of fireworks going off in the background. She was mid jump and a look of pure happiness plastered on her face, she had an ice cream cone in her hand however the ice cream was mid fall.
   It was Thomas’ all time favorite picture of her and he was quietly proud of his photography skills. Lucie’s parents, Tessa and Will, had taken one look at the picture and demanded it be framed and hung on the wall of their house. Thomas was proud of that too.
Luce <33:
Matthew told me what happened. I'm so mad at myself. You two were finally gonna kiss and I messed it up I’m so sorry Tommy.
   Thomas laughed and shook his head. It seemed everyone was rooting for them and Thomas was quietly pleased. Thomas just hoped he wasn’t going off of false hope.
It’s fine sweetie don’t worry about it. I wasn’t thinking anyway.
   Thomas checked his other text to find pictures of Barbara’s engagement ring and a video of her telling our parents about her engagement. Thomas smiled slightly and watched the video with the volume on low knowing exactly how his mom would react. He did however have to turn it up when he couldn’t hear the video over Christopher’s snoring.
   He watched as Barbara casually, without words, held up her engagement ring for them to see. Sophie’s hands automatically came up to cover her mouth as her eyes started watering dangerously. Gideon however stared at it not comprehending yet. “He did not!” Sophie all but screamed. He listened as Barbara and Oliver started laughing. 
   Gideon’s mouth fell open slightly, understanding brightening his eyes. He walked over quickly and hugged her, Sophie joining quickly. The video ended then and Thomas sent his sister a text.
Aww! They’re so proud! I’m proud of you. It was about time Oliver took the next step! Love you tons miss you more!
   Thomas opened the last unread message and furrowed his eyebrows, it was an unknown number. Thomas opened it and felt a smile stretching across his face. 
Unknown Number:
Hey I asked Lucie for your number hope you don’t mind.
Unknown Number:
It’s Alastair btw lol
   Thomas let out a happy sound that immediately made him blush even though Christopher wasn’t awake to hear it. Thomas took a few calming breaths cursing himself for acting like a little girl with a crush.
Oh hey I don’t mind sorry for responding late
   Thomas stared down at the message, that was cool right? Not too eager, not too pushy. Thomas sighed roughly and put his phone on the nightstand by their beds. Thomas closed his eyes and replayed the events of the day, the practicing, the boys trying to convince him to sing at a concert, the girls words which were still ringing in his ears much to his dismay, and Alastair. 
   Daring Alastair with his stupid dyed hair and his face that lights up constantly. Thomas shook his head as if he could physically fling the thoughts from his head. He got up knowing he wasn’t going to be able to sleep yet. Christopher was making sure of that. Thomas knew in the back of his mind that he was probably going to end up in James and Matthew’s room.
   Thomas got up and picked up his guitar. It had been a long day and he had written a song but he didn’t want to play it for anyone yet. It was deeper than his normal ones, it was more just words he needed out of his head. Thomas huffs loudly the girls words playing on repeat in his head, he could tell he was getting a migraine but he bit back the pain and started strumming.
I don't know why I just feel I'm better off
Stayin' in the same room I was born in
I look outside and see a whole world better off
Without me in it tryin' to transform it
You are out of my mind, oh
You aren't seein' my side, oh
You waste all this time tryin' to get to me
But you are out of my mind, yeah
Listen, I know
This one's a contradiction because of how happy it sounds
But the lyrics are so down
It's okay though
Because it represents, wait, better yet it is
Who I feel I am right now
You are out of my mind, oh
You aren't seein' my side, oh
You waste all this time tryin' to get to me
But you are out of my mind
Heard you say, "Not today"
Tore the curtains down, windows open, now make a sound
Heard your voice, "there's no choice"
Tore the curtains down, windows open, now make a noise
Oh, don't you test me, no
Just because I play the piano
Doesn't mean I, I'm not willin' to take you down
I'm sorry
I'm, I'm out of my mind, oh
I'm not seein' things right, oh
I waste all this time tryin' to run from you
But I'm, I'm out of my mind
Heard you say, "Not today"
Tore the curtains down, windows open, now make a sound
Heard your voice, "there's no choice"
Tore the curtains down, windows open, now make a noise
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah, oh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah, oh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
You are out of my mind
You aren't seein' my side
You waste all this time tryin' to get to me
But you are out of my mind
Heard you say, "Not today"
Tore the curtains down, windows open, now make a sound
Heard your voice, "there's no choice"
Tore the curtains down, windows open, now make a noise
   Thomas sighed and sat his guitar down rubbing his forehead with one hand. He got migraines when he had stressful days, which in all honesty were more often than not. Maybe he could ask Matthew for migraine medicine, he was sure to have some.
   Thomas got up and jot down a message telling Christopher where he went in case he woke up, which wasn’t likely but he didn’t want to risk it. He put some sunglasses on because the yellow lighting in the halls made his head worse and walked down to James and Matthew’s room which was only three doors down.
   Everyone knew where the others were sleeping in case of emergency or if they just wanted to hang out. 
   Thomas was about to knock when he heard some noises coming from inside. He furrowed his eyebrows wondering the hell they could be doing to make that racket. He could hear the bed hitting the wall and realization dawned on him. Crap.
   Thomas whined softly knowing that he couldn’t get Matthew’s medicine now. He blushed furiously and walked away from their door quickly trying to erase the noises he had just heard. He sighed and shook his head stopping for a moment when a sharp wave of pain hit him and he stumbled slightly.
   Thomas put his hand on the wall and walked slowly to Lucie and Cordelia’s room slowly, waiting for the room to stop spinning. He cursed when he stood in front of the door. He knocked sharply not wanting to be too loud in case they were asleep. He stood there for a few minutes before he turned to head back to his room deciding to wait it out.
   The door opened as Thomas took his second step. Thomas let out a noise of relief. “Lucie-” He started softly before realizing that it wasn’t Lucie standing there, it wasn’t Cordelia either. It was Alasatiar.
   Thomas looked at him for a while trying to wrap his head around why Alastair was there before slowly realizing that this wasn’t the girls room it was Alastair’s. Thomas groaned loudly and stumbled slightly. Alastair’s eyes, normally playful and joyous, were now darkening; he was practically scowling and Thomas shrunk away.
   “Lightwood please don’t tell me you’re wasted.” Alastair said glaring Thomas shook his head and promptly sat down when the room spun too fast. Thomas let out an exasperated laugh. Alastair was now looking at him with concern, all annoyance gone. “Lightwood what’s wrong with you?” He said squatting down so he was eye level with Thomas.
   Thomas looked at him in confusion before shrugging trying to ignore the pounding in his head. He hadn’t meant to be here and it was quite embarrassing to be a stumbling, collapsing mess in front of someone he cared so much to impress or at least not embarrass himself in front of. Alastair’s eyes narrowed, not a glare, but a look that said stop lying.
  “Thomas you all but collapsed in front of me and you’re saying there’s nothing wrong?” Thomas let out a small noise. “James and Matthew are shagging.” Alastair’s eyebrows shot up. That was obviously not what he was expecting, Thomas laughed. “And this affects you and I how?” I close my eyes, the pain radiating and pulsing in my head. 
   “I needed his medicine.” I explain quietly trying to show him he needed to be quiet. He seemed to take the message because the next time he spoke it was significantly quieter. “Thomas what medicine?” Thomas furrowed his brows trying to think of the name giving up quickly when that just made the pain in his head worse. He really really hated migraines.
   “Thomas,” Alastair said, now kneeling in front of Thomas. He looked slightly desperate and Thomas took a moment to appreciate that he had never seen Alastair look like that before. “Thomas come on what medicine.” I pat his shoulder and stand up shakily. “It’s alright I actually meant to go to Lucie’s room.” 
   Alasatir gave him a serious look and took his hand gently leading him inside the cold hotel room. “Thomas just come here and what medicine do you need?” Thomas didn’t even try to fight him, knowing Alastair was too stubborn to let him go easily. He was attempting to ignore the fact that his head was steadily getting worse and how his stomach was flipping dangerously. “Migraine.” Thomas said simply, answering Alastair’s question as best he could. Alastair looked at him wearily. 
   “Is that what’s going on? You have a migraine?” Thomas nodded and that was all it took to push him overboard. Thomas gasped and stood up quickly stumbling to the bathroom and barely making it in time to empty out his stomach in the toilet. He felt a hand on his back and soothing words but the burn in his throat and throbbing in his head was all he could think about.
   “Thomas, I’m going to go get some medicine okay? Do you want me to stay or are you going to be okay for a minute?” Thomas just groaned in response and continued emptying his stomach contents. He honestly didn’t believe he had much in his stomach because he hadn’t eaten much that day but he was being proven wrong.
   He felt the hand leave his back and he threw up a little more before sitting back and resting his back on the bathtub. Thomas groaned in embarrassment when he realized that not only had he accidentally come to Alastair’s room, collapsed in front of him, and was dragged into his room, but he had also thrown up in front of him.
   Thomas didn’t get much time to ponder that thought because Alastair came back with pills and water. His face was calm but his eyes were slightly panicked. Thomas wondered if he was the only one who could see it or if Alastair just showed it obviously.
   Thomas took the water gratefully and drank it quickly, onl stopping when Alastair put a hand on his and carefully lowered it, taking the glass with it. “I brought you some medicine too. It’s not migraine medicine but it should help a little.” Thomas nodded, head still throbbing and took the small pills Alastair had offered him. He threw them back easily and swallowed them dry, taking the drink back from Alastair’s frozen hand.
   Alastair was watching him with a dark look in his eyes, something Thomas couldn’t place but he knew it wasn’t bad. Not the kind of look Alastair had when he thought Thomas was drunk. Thomas shuddered and finished the water. Alastair helped him up and put his arm around Thomas’ waist to keep him steady.
   Thomas flopped on the bed, not unlike he had earlier that night and sighed. His stomach didn’t feel as bad but his head was still pounding. Alastair sighed and sat up against the headboard, holding his arm out, inviting Thomas closer. 
   Thomas didn’t have to be told twice. He all but collapsed on Alastair’s lap. Thomas hummed contentedly as Alastair ran his fingers through his hair. Thomas grunted when he couldn’t find a comfortable position with his sunglasses off. Alastair gently tugged his glasses off and Thomas groaned as a new wave of pain hit him when his eyes saw the light. Alastair quickly blocked the light with his hand and leaned over to turn off the lamp.
   The room was plunged into darkness and Thomas just cuddled deeper into Alastair’s lap. He could vaguely remember that this wasn’t his room and he shouldn’t be doing this but need to sleep, most likely due to the pills, was overwaying his ability to freak out properly. When Alastair started humming he couldn’t keep himself aware of much anymore. 
   One thing Thomas was aware of was the fact that Alastair’s fingers felt good in his hair. Thomas wondered what it felt like to run his fingers through Alastair’s hair. To bring his face closer. To kiss him. 
   There were so many things he wanted to do and a massive inability to do any of it. Thomas was decidedly ready to tell Alastair how he felt. If he were any more awake he might have even done it right then, but he knew he was far too gone to do it.
   Thomas listened to Alastair’s quiet humming and decided that he would tell him over a song. Thomas shifted slightly so his head was resting more on Alastair’s thigh and smiled tiredly. “Alastair?” The man in question made a noise in place of an answer. “I’m going to sing my song.” He realized too late that that probably made no sense whatsoever but it seemed Alastair understood because he beamed at Thomas and ruffled his hair slightly. “I’m glad. I love hearing you sing. I’m proud of you for deciding to do it.” 
   Thomas hummed non-committedly. “Only for you.” He mumbled before his eyes slipped closed against his will and his mind gave way to dreams. He could have sworn right before he fell asleep that he felt someone kiss his head, but he chalked it up to sleep and want.
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espieviolet99 · 3 years
Noah Newman now very much appeals to me. I’ve always found Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones handsome - but being a fully grown woman... Newman... mmm.
I wonder how Ford acquired that scar - he had it in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, too. Which I do enjoy as a film. I used to crush so hard of Shia Lebouf, but now I just tend to watch it every so often because why not. It’s not un-entertaining.
THAT GUY VOMITING IS OBVIOUSLY BEING SO SUS but also what a nice guard that he still wants to protecc - but too bad he snitches on Kimble at the hospital WHEN HE SAVES HIM TWICE!! But duty and all that, I suppose. YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PRISON GUARD, OTHER GUARD!
Copeland, you fuck XD
I’m not drinking, you are.
Ooof... Kimble must really be questioning his existence after that Train Wreck. 
I love this film so much btw. It is my favourite thing to watch with my grandad. Ever since I was like... fresh teen. That and Under Siege. And Stalag 17 - which is a black and white obscure film which can be found on youtube, as far as I am currently aware.
Also, Newman. Mmmm. Adult me has other fixations on this film now. Hehehe. 
These Police departments are ridiculous. But plot, I suppose.
That Guard.... CUNT.
FARMHOUSE, HENHOUSE, ETC. ICONIC! LOVE IT!!! Also referenced in B-99
Who is Wyatt Earp?
“You know we’re always fascinated when we find leg irons with NO LEGS IN THEM!”
I could probably do better than 4 miles an hour, won’t lie. But then I’m a week away from 21 and have the legs of God knows what.
Tommy Lee Jones has such a handsome face. 
Kimble was very intelligent of what to do very quickly and I respect him so much for it. You go avenge your wife, sir! Unravel that mystery! Bunch of cunts!
Harrison Ford was like 50 in this film and daaaaaaaayuuuuuuuuum
Mr Johnson XD
You!..... fucking prison guard... 
Why did you nick an ambulance.... nevermind... Erin Poole is the best
Joe Pontaliano is awesome, lol
I don’t have the alcohol tolerance to continue this - but my god. I have watched this film so many times and I cannot stress enough how good it is. How much I love it. And Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones in it. I’d love to get my Grandad their autographs. 
Can we go home no?
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cogentranting · 7 years
Oliver Queen as a Slytherin: A Character Study
When asked what Hogwarts house I believed Oliver Queen to be in I very adamantly declared him to be Slytherin. I was asked to explain my reasoning and (with the editing and co-authorship of @emeraldoliverqueen) I wrote this absurdly long exploration of Oliver and his character as a Slytherin. (These are my own thoughts and interpretations- I’m not trying to fight anyone; you’re free to imagine him/write him in whatever house you prefer)
These are the traits that the Harry Potter wiki listed for Slytherin: Resourcefulness. Cunning. Ambition. Determination. Self-Preservation. Fraternity. Cleverness.  And if those don't describe Oliver I don't know what does.
Resourcefulness- the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
He made a bow from materials found entirely within his hotel room. He rigged together a booby trap in the middle of a jungle. He devises weapons on the fly. He may have come back to his city and have billions of dollars at his disposal to help him on his quest, but his origins are on a deserted island where his resourcefulness sustained him.  
Cunning- skill in achieving one's ends by deceit (aka lying)
He came up with a plot to get himself arrested so that he could have someone else pose as him in order to throw the police off his trail. He dug up information and used it to blackmail Amanda Waller. He came up with a ploy to destroy the League of Assassins from the inside. He planned the ruse to get Sara Slade and himself onto the Amazo. Plans and strategies are his strong suit. Here we could also include, Oliver’s impressive skill at lying (he manages to convince virtually everyone that he is something he’s not for years. And he beat a lie detector test.).
Ambition-  a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work; desire and determination to achieve success.
admittedly not one of his more notable traits in that he doesn’t really seek success for it’s own sake. However, he is the mayor, was a CEO, was high-ranking Bratva member, was the head of the League of Assassins and also has a zeal he puts into perfecting different skills. So there is some element of ambition present in those things, because he rises to the top of everything he does. And of course, there is the incredibly ambitious endeavor that is Oliver’s crusade- the sheer size of the tasks he sets for himself speaks of his ambition. The idea that he would hold himself accountable for saving a city, and punish himself for failing (running away after the Undertaking) indicates his ambition.  
Determination- the process of establishing something exactly, typically by calculation or research.; firmness of purpose; resoluteness
His name is Oliver Stubborn Queen. Stephen Amell described stubbornness as Oliver’s superpower. Oliver’s sheer force of will is what propels him through most of his experiences. His determination is part of why he’s so able to resist torture (Oliver NEVER breaks under torture- except with Prometheus, but that was on a special psychological level and didn’t involve endangering anyone else). It’s why he’s able to endure so much. It’s why he is able to achieve such skill and physical fitness. It’s why he butts heads with literally everyone. And it’s why he is able to accomplish so much more than anyone thinks he’s capable of. Also think of his dedication to the list and his evolving crusade.Think of how absolutely impossible it is to dissuade Oliver from this course he has set for himself, either through arguments (Diggle, on multiple occasions but the Claybourne incident in particular) or through harm to him (Oliver going out to chase down the Count while still being affected by Vertigo). Once Oliver has set himself a purpose he does not back down.
Self Preservation- the protection of oneself from harm or death
This one is unusual because it’s very present, but it’s also paired with self-loathing and suicidal tendencies. However, this only makes his sense of self preservation even more evident. Because it’s undeniable that Oliver fights hard to survive- in his ten years there were countless times when he could have given up, or should have died and he kept going and made it out. Oliver’s inclination of self preservation is so strong that for ten years it has managed to overcome those suicidal thoughts even in the face of the number of impossible situations he’s been in. Consider the fact that he survived his five years through sheer force of will. A few specific moments stand out: Oliver breaks his own hand to get free and stop Slade from killing him when they first meet; Tatsu claims that his “will to live” is what saved him on the mountaintop;  digging the bullet out of his own stomach; undergoing a week of torture and then still stabbing Kovar in the hand and trying to fight his way out; his suspicious nature, especially in instances such as when he finds the guy in the cave claiming to be shipwrecked and chooses to leave him, and with Andy.
Fraternity- the state or feeling of friendship and mutual support within a group.
The list of Oliver's "brothers": Tommy, Diggle, Anatoly, Slade, if you want to take Barry on to that even though he's never verbally identified Barry that way. Oliver loves his bromance. In fact, Oliver is all about family. From his mile-high prioritization of Moira and Thea, to the found families he creates everywhere he goes (the island, hong kong, team arrow etc.).  That sense of brotherhood and that form of love is something Oliver can’t go long without, and that’s why he almost always has at least one close friend he refers to as his brother.  
Cleverness- the quality of being clever; ingenuity or shrewdness.
Arrow has a pretty common mystery element and puts a lot of focus on Oliver’s detective skill- piecing together clues, discerning motives, tracking people down. His sense of humor, when he shows it, is sort of clever dry sarcasm. He has an extraordinary skill with languages. Tactics are his specialty. He’s good at figuring out how machines work (fixing the plane radio). He rigged a computer system to help him when he worked solo. Oliver’s extremely intelligent and most of that veers toward the clever and cunning classifications.
Slytherin is also associated with tradition and family names. Oliver is from Old money- an established family name with wealth and power (btw, Thea, Moira and Robert are ALL Slytherin- it’s why Merlyn relates to them more than to Tommy, who is decidedly NOT a Slytherin). His idea of honoring the dead is also a somewhat tradition oriented mindset. His choice of weapons (bows and arrows and swords) could also be considered traditionalist.
The Slytherin wiki page also talks about how they make strong leaders, and that is something I strongly associate with Oliver. (I’ve talked about it before, here)
The biggest thing however is that Oliver (and all the Queens) is defined by a ruthless pursuit of his goals. “whoever I am, I'm someone who will do whatever, whatever it takes to save my sister.” “he had you and he was gonna hurt you. There was no choice to make.” “To live I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon.” “There's no length that I will not go to to avenge Laurel. To stop Darhk from ever hurting anyone again.” “Do you remember what you told me? It takes a monster to kill a monster.” “To do what I do, Barry, takes conviction. But more often than not is the will to do what's ugly.” “There are people in the world who deal only in extremes. And it would be naive to think that anything less than extreme measures will stop them.” What sets Oliver apart is his moral pragmatism, his willingness to cross lines, the fact that if you stand in his way he WILL destroy you. And that’s ALL Slytherin all the way.
Here’s an additional Slytherin description that seems to sum up Oliver pretty well:
Slytherins are usually ambitious, goal based learners, who can be very perfectionistic. They can be resourceful, subtle, charming, self-reliant, and adaptable. Just because they’re not loyal in the same way Gryffindors are doesn’t mean they’re not loyal people- they’re just extremely selective about who they are loyal to; which is usually a very small amount of people who they know they can trust and confide in, and they are usually extremely passionate and caring towards this small group. They also feel great deals of respect for people they feel are deserving of respect. (http://unicornachos.tumblr.com/post/46241425124/diffusing-some-hogwarts-house-stereotypes)
What about the other houses though? How does Oliver compare to their key characteristics?
Ravenclaw- Intelligence, wit, wisdom, creativity, originality, individuality, acceptance.
Oliver is certainly intelligent. I have a whole ongoing soapbox about how smart Oliver is and how it never gets acknowledged. Note that: it never gets acknowledged. That’s important. Because there is a reason Oliver isn’t often thought of as being one of the smart characters (and why characters will make comments calling him dumb “you’re very handsome but not especially bright)- Oliver doesn’t have a particular inclination toward the pursuit of knowledge or a value for intelligence/knowledge in and of itself, and those things are defining Ravenclaw qualities. It’s for this reason that Oliver never did well in school- the knowledge itself was not interesting to him. For Oliver, intelligence is a tool to achieve his ends; his intelligence is channeled into a goal- getting off the island by fixing a plane radio, using computers to steal from Adam Hunt, learning a language to survive whatever country he’s trapped in, memorizing ARGUS tactical maneuvers etc. His intelligence craves utility much more so than someone like Felicity, or Nate, or Caitlin. This pushes it away from a Ravenclaw trait more towards the Slytherin sortings of “cunning’ and “resourcefulness”. And really it all falls back under the purview of Oliver’s ‘by whatever means necessary’ mentality- sometimes “whatever it takes” is torture, sometimes it’s learning a new language in under a year. Oliver has wit- his humor is defined by snark and dryness. But the fact that it only makes rare appearances keeps it from being a defining trait of his, and indicates that it’s not of particularly high value to him. Oliver isn’t a character I would define as creative- creativity is defined by imaginativeness, which is never something highlighted in Oliver, and original ideas. Oliver has plenty of original ideas, but creativity has a strong artistic connotation, something Oliver does not demonstrate. Rather his more inventive ideas lean toward tactics and strategy, something related to resourcefulness- again, a Slytherin trait.  Likewise, originality/individuality is not something Oliver actively cultivates- he’s original and unique as a person because everyone is and he’s by no means a conformer. But rather than coming from a desire to be original or exercise his individuality, Oliver’s contrast with others comes from ambition. Acceptance can have many different definitions/connotations but Ravenclaw definitions seem to put an emphasis on accepting eccentricities. Oliver is not un-accepting… but neither is his acceptance clearly shown. While Oliver is very adaptable and will work with all sorts of people, there are a number of people whose eccentricities he meets with clearly expressed annoyance, especially when first meeting them (Cisco in 3x08, Curtis at various points but 4x17 particularly, Ray in 3x18, Kara in Legends 2x07, Barry at various points). As to Oliver’s wisdom, that’s a contentious point. Many would argue that Oliver is not wise at all, he makes terrible decisions and never learns from his mistakes. (I would not be one of those people). Others would say that Oliver has a lot of experience to offer and gives strong advice. I would argue that while Oliver’s experience has lead to him becoming much stronger at giving advice, his practicality and comfort operating in morally gray areas, as well as his extensive trauma, cost him the moral viewpoint that would be needed to truly be considered wise.
Hufflepuff- Dedication, Hard Work/Unafraid of toil, Fair play, Patience, Kindness, Tolerance, Loyalty
Dedication comes very close to Oliver’s “determination” trait so in most instances it is present, however, dedication could also be applied to relationships and there you run into the issues of Oliver’s cheating in his younger years. Oliver is also very hard-working (won’t stop until he drops from exhaustion type of hardworking). But that’s where Oliver’s Hufflepuff traits end. Hufflepuff’s value fair play- fair play doesn’t particularly interest Oliver. He’s a no holds barred fighter, his primary tools for accomplishing things are fear, intimidation and pain. He’ll sever your tendons to end a fight, physically intimidate you in an argument, keep countless secrets, torture an innocent man for the greater good, use any trick he thinks of to win. Fairness is not something Oliver considers. Hufflepuffs are patient. Oliver is patient in accomplishing a task, but not when dealing with other people. Watch the scene in 5x02 where he berates the recruits after Rene messes up. Watch him get frustrated with Barry in Flash 2x08. Even consider the way that he charges off to climb the elevator shaft in 5x20. Kindness. No. Oliver is not kind. He’s good, with a big heart and a lot of love. But that’s not the same thing. He can be kind, to the people he cares about, but in general he is not a kind person. Oliver has a temper, Oliver is very blunt, Oliver is often focused on his goal to the point of neglecting the emotional needs of others. Oliver shot three different mentees with arrows to teach them a lesson, Oliver has yelled at every single member of Team Arrow and most members of Team Flash. Oliver has gotten frustrated and made several different grown men cry. He’s not kind. Tolerance really depends on which definition. Go back and look at what I have to say about “acceptance” and adjust as necessary. And loyalty. Oliver is loyal… until he’s not. He’s loyal until he cheats on you with your sister. Or until he feels he needs to lie about something or do something alone. Or until you do something that makes him feel he can’t trust you- and his trust issues are substantial so there’s a lot that can do that. But mostly just consider that Hufflepuff is most commonly defined as being the friendly, cheerful house. And Oliver Queen is most commonly referred to as brooding, dark, and “doesn’t play well with others”. To the extent that the woman he was dating made a joke about how an alternative version of Oliver might be “agreeable”.
And Gryffindor (the one that more people probably sort him into)- Bravery/nerve/daring/courage, chivalry, recklessness/impulsivity (not listed but very commonly associated with them)
Oliver certainly does share some traits of this house-. However, Oliver isn’t actually what I would call chivalrous. Chivalry is defined by being courteous and gallant- Oliver is more often blunt, cold and pragmatic. He isn’t given to large gestures and when he is charming, it isn’t with the same nobility that chivalry implies. Secondly, though many people deny it, Oliver is not impulsive. Occasionally he acts impulsively, in times of duress or anger or fear. But in general, most of his behavior is very controlled, very calculated. He’s the planner of the Arrowverse. He’s the strategist. He’s the one who spent years planning his crusade. He’s the one who researched his team members before telling them anything. He’s the one who taught Barry to case a situation before rushing in. He’s the one who insists on having a plan before a confrontation, the one who wants all the information before deciding whether or not to trust someone. Nor would I describe Oliver as arrogant. Confident, yes. Arrogant is defined by overestimating one’s abilities. In his younger days Oliver may have been a touch arrogant. But now Oliver’s confidence is simply awareness of his oft-proven skill. Oliver knows what he’s capable of (a lot) and has confidence to match. Gryffindors are also often thought of as self-righteous, which is defined as “characterized by a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior.” And Oliver is quick to praise the morality of others (whether they are deserving or not)- Thea, Laurel, Diggle, Felicity, even someone like Moira. And not just praise what a good person they are, but tell them how much better they are than him. He’ll call himself a monster, talk about being “beyond redemption”, or “broken.” He can be made to believe that he is undeserving of any kind of love, that he is poisonous to the people around him. It took years of working as a superhero before anyone could convince Oliver to see himself as a hero. Oliver is sometimes proud, it’s not unusual for him to think he’s smarter than someone else, or to think they’re naive. But most of the time he does not believe that he is a good person, let alone better than others. He’s not self-righteous.  
And Oliver is without a doubt brave (daring/courageous- Gryffindor’s trait list is a bunch of synonyms) but this trait is rarely emphasized. In its place the narrative focuses on his toughness and determination- his passion and willingness to do whatever it takes. The emphasis on his willingness to sacrifice rather than bravery in and of itself. And Bravery is rarely a trait that Oliver expresses any particular value for. It’s rare that he praises something like that. What’s more, Oliver’s bravery is not a trait unto itself. His bravery comes naturally from all that is Slytherin in him. It comes from his cunning, resourcefulness and skill which he is acutely aware of to the degree that he doesn’t have to fear anything.It comes from a passionate sense of fraternity. A loyalty to his brothers (and any family, biological or otherwise, that he claims) which supersedes everything else. And most of all it comes from his single-minded determination, ambition and ‘whatever it takes’ mindset which will not let anything stand in the way of him accomplishing his goal- not even fear. (And, unfortunately there is also an aspect where some of what might be considered bravery is actually disregard for his own life- what is there to fear when you’ve embraced pain and the possibility of death?). Oliver’s bravery is result, not a cause.
[That being said, there is a decent chance that, were he in the books, Oliver would get sorted into Gryffindor. Because there is a tendency for Harry Potter to treat bravery as a trump-card trait- it doesn’t matter how many of your other traits line up with another house, if you’re brave, you’re Gryffindor. It’s like the golden snitch of character traits- if you have it, everything else is irrelevant. And that’s something that happens in practice but in theory shouldn’t happen. It’s the tendency which turns four equally valid houses and personality types, into the Protagonist House, the Antagonist House, aaaannnnddd everybody else. And it’s a tendency that I think Rowling actively tried to counteract further down the road (hence, Newt Scamander). So I don’t accept Oliver’s bravery as overriding all his prominent Slytherin traits.]
In the end, I think that the qualities that most distinguish him from other characters (characters like Diggle, Barry, Ray, or even Felicity) are very much Slytherin traits. His key characteristics, the ones that really define him and his style of heroics, are his cunning, his determination, and his ruthless pursuit of goals. And those are all Slytherin.
Plus…. Come on guys. Green.
TL;DR-- Oliver is a Slytherin because he is cunning, resourceful, stubborn, ambitious, and always has a plan which he will be ruthless in executing.
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