#both of them are responsible for the murder of innocent people especially children but only one of them is recognized as one
wastinawaaay · 8 months
hamas is known as a terrorist group but not the Israeli government? make it make sense
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matan4il · 18 days
lowkey not even as invested in 911 lonestar but ronen has been getting so much hate i feel so defensive about the show like. oof, there's gonna be too much chaos when the season airs
Hi Nonnie!
Honestly, IDEK when the new season airs, or whether real life will allow me to watch it, but all of my solidarity and support goes out to Ronen. Jews do not deserve this kind of abuse and de-humanization for caring about their people and their homeland, especially when it's someone who actually was born and grew up in Israel, and still has friends there (he even mentioned a personal connection to unfathomably young kids who had been butchered by Hamas).
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This wouldn't be done to someone of any other nationality. For example, no matter what the US or UK or Iran has done that people might strongly disagree with, including in recent years, I've never seen individual American or British or Iranian actors held responsible for their government's actions, and expected not to care about the American or British or Iranian people when they are suffering. Because that would be de-humanizing. It would be acting like these American or British or Iranian (or any other nationality, really) actors are political billboards first, and humans second.
It's de-humanizing to expect Ronen not to care about the well being of Israelis and Jews, about their safety after the massacre that was committed against them on Oct 7, and which Hamas leaders promised to repeat whenever possible, about those who are still held hostage in Gaza (whether it's their bodies being denied of having a proper burial and their families of closure, or whether they're alive and continuously abused by people who we know raped, mutilated and tortured even children just because they were Jews), about the rocket attacks on Israel from several fronts (do people realize what it feels like to see the photos of Israeli Jewish kids taking cover from rocket attacks on the ground, with their little hands held over their heads, of all days on Yom Ha'Shoah, our national Holocaust Memorial Day? How do people expect us not to care about that?) which have continued uninterrupted since Oct 7, about the on going psychological and emotional trauma people have and are suffering here, about the repeated personal (because yeah, anti-Jewish terrorism and violence in Israel was not born on Oct 7, and many of us carry scars from previous attacks) and intergenerational trauma (because most of us grew up with the knowledge of what antisemitic violence, including in Arab and Muslim countries, has done to our families) that all of this evokes...
And going, "But so many more have died on the other side!" is de-humanizing as well. It's as if you had your mother murdered, and when you wanted to express your grief and loss, you'd be told that you should care about your neighbor's pain more, because he lost five cousins, not just one mom, and five is more than one. As if this is exactly how human pain works, by numbers... (not to mention, this notion ignores that at least two of the cousins are actually responsible for the murder of your mom in the first place, and they're also responsible for causing the deaths of their other cousins)
IDK, it's just... not normal that Jewish pain and Jewish solidarity are being demonized like this. And it is about demonizing these specific expressions of Jewish bond, because even Jews who have expressed compassion for both sides have been vilified (Ronen even included innocent Palestinians suffering in his initial IG statement, made on Oct 9 and linked above and there's a screenshot below, then he shared an extra statement that was even more about innocents on both sides suffering, and he was still crucified like he's some sort of a heartless monster).
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It is NOT okay if the only Jews acceptable to you, are the ones who do not express Jewish pain and solidarity.
I hope people who may see my ask reply are capable of... IDK. Even if in the past they attacked Ronen or other Jews for expressing any kind of compassion for fellow Israeli Jews, I hope these people can really take in how de-humanizing that is, and what sort of a message it sends to Jews out there, re-consider whether that's a path they want to take again, or support when others take it, and do better than they have before. It's never too late to learn and fix things.
De-popularize the de-humanization of Jews!
Because that's the freaking decent thing to do.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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thisdayhappensonce · 7 months
another idea that i take immense issue with in the hunger games community is that “peeta played the games better than katniss did” - essentially saying that he knew how to play the capitol and the audience but katniss didn’t.
there is a number of evidence to counter this. the first point the people who believe this like to make is that “peeta came up with the love concept”, and while this is true it’s only true to an extent. peeta did come up with the idea of telling the audience that he loved katniss, to gain their sympathy and favour for sponsorships, but not the ploy that happens in the games where katniss falls greatly in love with him too - in the audience’s eyes. we know this because and the end of the first book, peeta and katniss have a conversation where peeta seems to realise, to quote president snow in catching fire “the extent of her indifference” to him (though of course she’s not indifferent, just not fully in love with him at this point).
there’s also the moment post the 74th hunger games, when katniss and haymitch are secretly discussing how to justify the berry incident and haymitch tells her that “her only defence can be she was so madly in love she wasn’t responsible for her actions.” katniss responds asking if he had told peeta of the situation, to which haymitch says, “don’t have to. he’s already there” (thg, pgs. 417-418). what this explains to us is that peeta doesn’t actually need instruction on ‘the love ploy’ as he is actually in love with her. this is also backed up by the fact katniss was instructed with the sponsor items in the game wheres peeta isnt.
in terms of how katniss played the capitol and the audience, there’s great evidence to her proficiency in it, too. foremost is of course the berry incident, which she came up with knowing its meaning and its danger. it is an act done in anger at the captiol, at their murder of innocent children, at their manipulation to get the two people in the arena closest to eachother emotionally to be the last to standing, to have the greatest possible ending regardless of how it felt for the tributes. katniss realises “yes, they have to have a victor” (thg, pg. 402) so she makes them have two or none.
not to mention, throughout the entire 74th hunger games, katniss is constantly thinking of how the audience will view her actions. when peeta passes with the career pack, she “needs to look one step ahead of the game” despite the fact she is confused and angry, so she “gives [the cameras] a knowing smile” and thinks “there, let them figure out what that means”. (thg, pg. 191)
there’s also the moment where she calls out peeta’s name when she finds out they could both win together, the entirety of their time in the cave, the kissing and almost their whole relationship was a great con to get them both home, and was lead by peeta’s love, yes, but also katniss’ ability to play the capitol’s hearts.
there’s so much more i can discuss about the first and the other books bc i’ve mainly talked about book 1 but this is getting super long LOL. my point is not that peeta couldn’t play the games, or that katniss was better than him at it because i dont believe either of those things. it’s that i want people to stop acting like peeta was the greater voice of the revolution, was better at playing an audience and speaking. he certainly was excellent at it, especially in catching fire when he is aware of his need to act for the capitol (after the district 11 shooting and through to the end of the quarter quell), but katniss was too. that’s all!! sorry for the essay.
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nrilliree · 3 days
TG's favourite retort: Bbbbut what about Daemon? Daemon this. Daemon that.
It's excruciatingly boring to see how they act Daemon can be used as a 'gotcha' for TB and is proof that both sides are 'equally bad'. Or that Daemon is as bad as Aegon and Aemond or even worse.
To put it in simple words because anything else won't be understood by them, Daemon falls in the category of GRRM's antiheroes which also includes Jaime Lannister and Oberyn Martell, both of whom are highly romanticized by the fandom. Jaime's deeds need no introduction. It should also be taken to note that Oberyn - the fandom's darling - besides being a known whoremonger - has also used physical violence on Obara's mother in canon and was indirectly responsible for her death by separating her from her daughter.
Anyway, it is obvious that all three of the abovementioned characters are far from morally upstanding human beings. They are not without their shortcomings, some of which have no justification. Yet, to many, they are fascinating because besides being capable of cruelty, they are also able to act within the bounds of reason many a times and possess a capacity for love. Such characters provide ample scope for one's imagination to run wild.
On the other hand, Aegon and Aemond are, in plain and clear words, villains and two of their actions stand as proof.
a) Aegon's brutal murder of Gerardys which is described in detail in the book. That man was an innocent maester who was trying to do his duty by helping Aegon. His only perceived offence was that he had served Rhaenyra.
b) Aemond's massacre of House Strong which is also detailed in which no member including children - trueborn or bastard - was spared save for Alys who was taken as a war prize.
The reason for singling out these two acts in specific, out of all other heinous ones committed by Alicent's sons in the book, is that they are often swept under the rug by the same lot who can't stop crying about B&C which was a reaction to yet another of the Greens' crimes. Aegon and Aemond acted unprovoked without any rhyme or reason and their actions are more in line with those of Joffrey and Ramsay. Or, if we have to pick from their own contemporaries, Hugh and Ulf. Not morally gray or antiheroic like the fics attempt to reimagine them as but plain evil. Even the greenpilled maesters couldn't conceal it despite trying their best.
Now, people can like whatever character they wish to for whatever reason. That's none of my business. But blatant denial of canon while propagating all kinds of fanon is another matter altogether. The fact remains that Daemon ,even at his worst, pales before the Greens' villainy and no amount of whataboutery and denial is going to change that.
Daemon committed one crime throughout the entire Dance - B&C. Yes, it was a cruel crime. But why should the death of one high-born child be treated as a greater tragedy than the death of hundreds of children from the cities that the TG plundered and burned? Why is he considered a "villain" by TG and the TG boys are considered "misunderstood"? This is truly unimaginable to me. Especially when such accusations are made to the book.
Daemon is not good. Daemon is not evil. He is something in the middle and it is the fact that for some he can be considered a hero and for others a villain that makes him such an interesting character. And it really hurts me that the series ruined it so much.
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bbygirl-obi · 11 months
Having one of your posts appear in Tumblr recommendations is the only time the dubious algorithm actually recommended something I DO like.
Could you talk about Padme and empathy in aotc? I saw you comment on something in another post and I would love to know more
aww thank you SO much! and yes, i'd be happy to!
when i think about empathy with regards to padme amidala, i think of the four barriers to empathy, which i learned about in a course at the university of chicago called "nowhere lands: utopia, dystopia, and the afterlife of empire." we read the work of an australian philosopher called roman krznaric, who created a definition of empathy in an attempt to explain why people do or don't stand up against injustice (specifically with regards to revolutions against imperial regimes). the four barriers are both social and political: prejudice, authority, distance, and denial. i'd argue that every single one of these barriers is as work with regards to padme in this scene.
prejudice and authority both influence padme's ability to empathize with the tuskens. she is unfamiliar with tatooine and with the tuskens, and the people who are more familiar with them (anakin, cliegg, aka the authorities on tatooine culture compared to her) describe them in very prejudiced ways. this makes it easier to discount them as sentient beings. distance is also factor; padme has never had to interact with the tuskens, and she does not see the carnage and aftermath of anakin's massacre personally. this distance makes denial easier- the crime feels less tangible, so it is easier to shy away from acknowledging it, especially when acknowledging it would require her to confront feelings like guilt, fear, and horror.
it is so much simpler for padme to ignore the tuskens, a distant group of people whose suffering she never had to witness, and so much easier for her to acknowledge anakin, a friend whose distress is presented right before her eyes. she has empathy for anakin's pain, is likely grieving shmi's death herself to an extent, but she allows this empathy for someone she knows to override empathy for the entire tusken village, specifically because she does not know them. she holds more empathy for anakin than she does for the multiple innocent children--and likely also infants--that died at anakin's hands. because it allows her to maintain her current worldview, and her affection for anakin, and it absolves her of any moral responsibility without leaving behind any uncomfortable feelings like guilt. every single barrier to empathy makes it easier and more comfortable for padme to ignore the tuskens' suffering and death. and so that's exactly what she does.
it's very interesting to me that padme's reaction to anakin is almost entirely about herself, not about him. she wants to maintain her own comfort. she wants to preserve her affection and respect for anakin rather than challenging her opinion of him. she likes his friendship, she likes how he makes her feel, and she doesn't want to risk losing it by angering him (disagreeing with him or reporting him to the jedi). it is easier to partake in anakin's racism towards indigenous occupants of a planet than it is to acknowledge that her friend is a prejudiced murderer and that she is party to a massacre. she wants to acknowledge her own grief for shmi and for her friend, while disregarding the pain and grief of those who were hurt because of it. she wants to absolve herself of any guilt related to her own role in facilitating anakin's return to tatooine. (her own attraction to anakin is also more about herself- her girlhood, her lack of identity, her obligation to be selfless in every aspect of her life- than it is about him. but that's a separate essay!)
this scene in attack of the clones is a fascinating juxtaposition to padme's role throughout the rest of the prequels as a proponent of democracy and of justice. and it's so incredibly realistic. padme will fight for ideals; she will fight for the nebulous ideals of democracy and freedom and peace, and she will fight for her planet of naboo. and when she does, the benefit to the galaxy as a whole is massive. there is absolutely no denying that padme's career was a tremendous force for good overall. but attack of the clones shows the limits of padme's empathy and righteousness, and that limit is with anakin in particular.
we spend a lot of time in this fandom discussing how anakin consistently puts padme above the greater good, but this is a striking example of padme doing the exact same thing. it proves that even the most striven, empathetic proponents of justice have limits to both empathy and justice that are selfish and very human. and it raises excellent questions about how to weigh the good someone does with regards to the harm they are willing to condone.
idk padme is just so fascinating and i wish i could crack open her brain and study it in a petri dish. she embodies so many amazing parallels to both the blessings and inevitable pitfalls of real-world activism and justice.
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anyoldfandom · 5 months
Why are you anti-Israel as a Jew? genuine question, I'm just curious as a non-Jewish person bc all my irl Jewish friends are pro-Israel
Okay so normally I don't really,,check my inbox so sorry for the late response anon, but thank you for the genuine curiosity! I'm glad you're coming to the table with an open mind.
I am going to put a disclaimer here, however: Jewish people are not the only people impacted by Israel's actions. We're not even the most impacted. I am going to give my perspective because it was asked for, but my biggest suggestion is to listen to Palestinian voices the most before you draw any conclusions, as they are the real victims in the center of Israel's actions.
As for my opinion, however - quite frankly, my dislike of the Israeli state comes from a few places. Yes, it is true that Jewish people lived in Israel in the past, and yes, it is a holy land - but I genuinely do not believe that the Israeli government has Jewish interests in heart. The common narrative that I've heard in a lot of spaces is that Israel is a safe place should the world turn against us again, but quite frankly...it's unrealistic. Not every Jew in the world can move to Israel. Only the wealthy Jews (and I can tell you, many Jews are not wealthy at all) would be able to flee, and the rest of us would be stuck where we are.
And that would be if Israel was not already filled with Palestinians. A phrase I and other Jews have used is "Not in our name".
The Israeli state is breaking international laws - yes, Hamas has also been condemned for breaking international laws, but the Israeli government is also a state. It is a government. A government that has a history of committing genocide - so much that South Africa is trying to sue them for war crimes.
And, to be frank, and I will admit my language is about to be very harsh - please know my anger is directed at the Israeli government, anon, and not you - but I do not want a fucking genocide in my name. I do not want other peoples to suffer because my people have in the past - Israel is not the answer, fighting real, actual antisemitism is. Making the entire world safe is the answer. I also hate that the government is claiming any criticism of Israel is antisemitic - I've spoken out against antisemitism in the past, consistently. I've written in concerns that people will use criticism of Israel in a way where they simply attack Jewish people, which is absolutely antisemitism, but holding a state responsible for their actions is not bigotry.
And, one more point - I do not think the allies of Israel are the allies of Jews. I can only speak as a US citizen, and not for any other country - but I do not, and have never, believed that my country is an ally of the Jewish people. I am constantly hearing antisemitic conspiracy theories being spread by politicians, and I heard the president claim that Israel would be the only safe place for Jews - supporting another genocidal country over the citizens he's supposed to be protecting, by suggesting the only place we will be safe is far away from America.
So, I don't support Israel. I don't support the murder of innocent Palestinians, the killing of journalists and children. I don't support the removal of people from their homes - and I'm frankly disgusted at those who would imply that I must run from my own home to be safe, because they refuse to be the change to keep my people safe.
I hope I explained my position well, anon. I really appreciate it when people, especially people not in the groups centered in a conversation, try to speak to both sides to at least understand all of the issue - though, don't just listen to me. As I said at the beginning, listen to Palestinian voices, as well - listen to the people living through these horrors. While Jews are centered in the conversation, it's important to remember that there are other victims here, who deserve to be listened to a whole hell of a lot more than me.
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pricklypear1997 · 1 year
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Wowowowoowow. This dumb bitch is still going off about me lol 😂. Suddenly I’m full blooded chetnik Serb now lol ok. Go ahead wishing violence and death upon another nation even though you’re the only one actually spreading genocidal hatred towards a neighbor country while also claiming shit that just isn’t yours. The tumblr is called @talking-about-albanians and she’s obsessed with Serbs and calls everyone a rapist and assumes we’re all Serbs, Chetniks and r*pists for calling out her blatant genocidal hatred and stupidity. This person is sick. Don’t believe me? It’s all over her profile.
Now these articles are here to simply prove a point; Albanians today are killing Serbs, and that there are clear statistics that both sides harmed one another HOWEVER, there was no Albanian “Genocide” before the bombings. The CIA had infiltrated and trained the KLA (Kosovo liberation army), and they did horrible things to Serbs, but sure the Albanians will deny any responsibility of course because everything is Serbia’s fault and ALL Serbs are murderers and rapists, despite the plethora of evidence against Albanians and their mistreatment of Serbs. The countless Serbs who actually ironically had to evacuate Serbia and move elsewhere including the US, describing the atrocities that were inflicted onto them by the Albanians in Kosovo. The CIA and NATO are pure evil organizations that killed so many innocent civilians, that includes Serbs AND Albanians. I don’t understand why Albanians are convinced the Serbs killed them en masse when it was obviously the bombing inflicted by NATO of Kosovo that did that. The US created instability between the 2 people groups as a way to weaken Serbia and make them financially unstable. Why? Because the US viewed Serbia as a threat. Why did they view them as a threat? Good question. It’s probably because they’re a Slavic ethnic nation that was also previously communistic, which is ironic considering how many American elites and politicians are suddenly pro socialist (as long as it suits their needs) despite the more laissez faire capitalistic mentality imbedded in American “culture”. NATO is also using (my country) Bulgaria as a puppet, I mean just look at our shitty corrupt politicians and this obsession with trying to get into the EU while also somewhat supporting American government intervention and other things such as supporting Kosovo and even having our own military stationed in Afghanistan (I mean what the fuck)… I hate NATO and the CIA with such great passion. They are a pure evil and the bane of all our existences, yet Albanians are so delusional and play right into their hands. DO NOT get me started on the whole Russia VS Ukraine shit of a pointless war that once again the US/NATO/CIA is just using Ukraine as a pawn against a long time enemy; Russia. It’s honestly just sick. All of it. There’s literally no excuse for bombing foreign land, ESPECIALLY CIVILIANS. THERE IS NO EXCUSE IN STARTING WAR IN FOREIGN LAND. GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR LANDS YOU WESTERNIZED SHITBAG TRAILER TRASH GHETTO RAPPING CASTRATING CHILDREN PEDOPHILE LOVING RETARDS. IT’S SO FUCKING OBVIOUS WHAT THIS SHIT IS, AND ITS A CULTURE WAR. AMERICA HATES CULTURE. AMERICA HATES COUNTRIES WITH RELIGION IMBEDDED IN THEIR CULTURES. AMERICA HATES COUNTRIES THAT ARE MUCH OLDER THAN IT AND HAVE REAL HISTORY AND CULTURE AND ETHNIC IDENTITY, UNLIKE THE US. THE US USED ALBANIANS TO DESTROY SERBIA’S REPUTATION, THEY’RE DOING IT ALL OVER AGAIN WITH UKRAINE AND RUSSIA. THEY HATE EASTERN EUROPE AND THE BALKANS AND THEY ONLY SEEK TO DESTROY US.
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waywardsummoner46 · 1 year
Pairing: Khan Noonien Singh x Reader
Summary: “You were right, Lieutenant.”  
    Turning, you regarded him curiously. “I am a liar.”
Word Count: 942
Warnings: None apart from overprotective Kirk. 
A/N: *sigh* Hey guys, I am alive. I’m trying to get some stuff out so here is something I wrote ages ago. This character isn’t especially popular but it is Benedict Cumberbatch so I had to. As always, enjoy and let me know what you think.
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  “Lieutenant,” you greeted the crew mates. “The captain has requested that I speak to the prisoner… alone, if you will.” 
  Both red shirted men looked a bit shocked, perhaps even suspicious, but the words of a higher ranking officer caused them to heed your words. Out of respect and duty. 
  They both nodded and with reassurance that they’d be just outside if you needed them, they left the holding bay where you stood. 
  The silence was deafening; before coming here, you’d had a concrete and confident plan and now, standing before… him… that confidence had been thrown out of the air lock. You couldn’t even turn around and face him. 
  Light, muffled footsteps echoed behind you, causing you to draw in a breath to compose yourself. “Lying to your crew, Lieutenant?” 
  His voice was infuriatingly calm. As though nothing was wrong, as though his life wasn’t in other peoples’ hands. Unfortunately, it urged you to turn and face him for the first time since the Klingon battle. 
  “I told no lie, Harrison.”
  His head titled slightly, eyes just a little bit too invasive, too observant. 
  Narrowing your eyes, you approached his cell. “No,” you said through gritted teeth. “I did not lie… I twisted the truth.”
  His own eyes narrowed, but not in anger, in amusement. You were amusing him - this criminal who had murdered innocent men and women, children, was finding childish amusement at your words. Despite your evident vexation, he had the gall to agitate you further. 
  “I am not the liar here, Harrison.” 
  He didn’t say anything for a while, merely scanning your face with his squinted eyes. “I must say, Lieutenant, I underestimated you.” 
  Were you supposed to take that as a compliment? 
  “Flattery won’t help you, John. Only the truth will,” you said, walking towards his cell so that only the thin glass separated you two. “I know you wouldn’t be here if it didn’t benefit you somehow. Considering how the mention, the specification, of the number of torpedos caused your surrender, I’d wager that there’s something about them you’d like to get your hand on.”
  At your accusation, his eyes bore into your own. The intensity of his cerulean eyes almost made you waver but you were in too deep. You needed to know why he was so caught up on those torpedos. 
  “Your perception might have saved your life, little one,” he muttered darkly, almost to himself. But you heard. 
  “I suggest you address me as my rank, John.”
  “Or what?” He was quick to respond. Somehow, he seemed genuinely curious to your response. 
  You opened your mouth to respond but the door slid open before you could, and in walked in Captain James Kirk himself. And he looked fuming. 
  “Captain, I can expla-“
  “You were explicitly told to interrogate the prisoner with someone else in the room.” Oh yeah, he was pissed. Served you right, however you were doing it for his benefit - he’d never see it like that, though. 
  His eyes were aflame. Deep down, you recognised the emotion behind his eyes as concern but in front of Harrison? That was weakness. John Harrison was an extremely dangerous individual who could and would use any little thing he could to exploit you. In conclusion, he acted angry. 
   In truth, he probably was a little angry. His instructions were quite clear, yet you’d never been good at following the rules. Just like him. Oh, the irony. 
  “In my defence, the prisoner wouldn’t have spoken as freely as he had been if there were other people in the room. I was gathering information, valuable informat-“ 
  Interrupting you once more, he ground out, “Information that would be useless if you were dead.” 
  Exasperation overwhelmed you, to the point where you forgot Harrison was in the room. “Oh, come on, James! You’ve got to stop with this, I’m perfectly capable of dealing with this. I’m safe! That glass is of the highest quality, he isn’t getting out of there anytime soon.” 
  “You should listen to her, Captain,” John piped up from his cell, arms crossed behind his back and posture disturbingly straight. Subconsciously, you straightened (at his words or his posture, you didn’t know) and the microscopic crinkle of his eyes told you that he was amused… again. 
  “I have a feeling that the Lieutenant would kill me before I even took a step out of this cell, should I escape.”
  James’s anger levels reached livid and he glared daggers at the other man. Surprisingly, his next words weren’t addressed to him but to someone else: “Spock? Please escort Lieutenant (Y/N) to her chambers. She’ll be staying there for the rest of the evening.” 
  You gaped at him in disbelief and began to protest but Spock grabbed your hand and you felt a jolt run up your arm. 
  He leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Please, Lieutenant.” Curse Spock and his painfully monotone yet concerned words. 
  Nodding slowly in a resigned way, you glanced one more time at John. You met his gaze, a chilling feeling spread through you once you realised he hadn’t looked away once. 
   “Lieutenant,” he nodded at you. You ignored it although you continued to stare. 
  Spock and yourself were nearly out of the door when he broke the tense silence again. “You were right, Lieutenant.”
  Turning, you regarded him curiously. 
  “I am a liar,” his words were proud. “Khan.” He said it so impassively that it took you a while to process his word. 
  He smiled, genuinely. “My name… is Khan.”
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lgist · 2 years
When things aren’t going your way, what is your emotional reaction? Do you stay calm, wait it out and see what happens next? Do you say to hell with it as your frustration at the situation itself cannot be swayed? Or do you shut down? Unable to keep upright as the scenario sends you off the plank, to a deep and negative spiral. Things often do not go our way, it’s a fundamental part of life. Great times get even better when we realise how much worse it could’ve been. Times when we are feeling low are only made worse by this fact. We imagine the outcomes of life to where we are not here. The decisions we could’ve made. The time wasted doing something we now find non important. We are never getting it back. I’ve spoken about the sadness and the grief and the regret that comes from that, from imagining a life better than yours but anger and frustration, those emotions are slightly different. Anger, similar to sadness and grief, is inherently a negative emotion. Like the atomic bomb, it burns everything it touches, leaves a mark after it’s done and we’ll wonder in the future how and why did it ever come to fruition. For anger is momentary in its existence, it will come so fast we cannot prepare for its devastation in our thought process. After it has demolished enough, it will leave in a trail of fire and we will look upon the ashes, wondering if it was necessary. Where anger will deviate from sadness is what it seeks to destroy. Anger is anger, it is angry at the world for what it has done to you, it will place your ego at the forefront of pressing issues in your life and blame, outwardly, everyone and everything but yourself. Sadness is sadness, the blame falls to you, the responsibility falls to you, everyone and everything can’t do a thing to help you, you are alone. You will find that these 2 things mix into an incredible concoction of negativity.
When you are helpless in your journey of self actualisation, with no sense of direction, you will blame both the world and yourself for how it has gone so far. Anger will arise, so frustrated with how things are working out for you, it cannot dream of anything else but annihilation. Sadness will surface, it will beg for you to give up, it will convince you that you were useless in the eyes of life. I feel this problem, while it does exist for everyone, young people are especially at risk. It is how families will lose their children just after sending them off to school in the morning. These children, actual children, will wake up one morning, already so fed up and so frustrated that the attention from a tragedy is good enough. Finally they are seen, finally their emotions have taken form, finally their pain is shared. So while we talk about pressing topics such as gun control, we forget to ask, what can drive a child, barley breaching their teens, to murder? What can drive such hatred, such anger, such negativity to oneself and those around them? What can rip away the innocence of a child that then allows them to rip away that same innocence from others? The perfect concoction of negativity. There is not much to do once someone has taken their first sip, they are now addicted to it, foaming at the mouth for the next hit.
For while anger and sadness are destructive and almost inescapable once they have taken you down, inch by inch, they remain the easy way out and our minds are lazy, it will always look for the easy way out. A method of looking at the world through the lens of blame and regret. I cannot be happy because person x doesn’t love me. I cannot be happy because person y doesn’t agree with my university choice. I cannot be happy because. We will fill our minds with reasoning and rationale for our sadness and anger, for what? Because it is easier than actually facing it and moving on. We would rather sit and sulk rather than actually do something about it. I am guilty of this too. I had a dream once, this beautiful dream I wished to have never ended, where my life is how I pictured it to be. Like my brain played this prank on me, elaborate in its execution and extremely effective in its realism. A dream so real, I forgot about my actual life in it. Imagine my ruin when I woke up. I had lost perfection and returned to my imperfect life. Tears smeared my pillow case as I realised what had happened and rather than getting up and immediately chasing my dream, I did what I did the day before. Strange isn’t it? How I can be shown perfection and even its appearance did nothing to actually motivate me. So, if it’s not perfection I am seeking, what is it? What do I want? How do I want it? When do I want it to happen? Unanswerable and rhetorical, so I will just sit in this pool I have created for myself. That is the catch of this deadly concoction, sacrifice your endless and tiring search for happiness and blame those around you for it being this way, this way you need not ask difficult and unanswerable questions, you can finally relax.
When it is the exact opposite of relaxation you will find. While yes the questions will subside and you will finally find some grounds for why things are the way they are. Will you be at peace? No. Conflict within yourself will surely rise as your rationale keeps eating away at you. That part of yourself that dreams for more, that awakens when you sleep, will always be somewhere within that recess we call a consciousness. An internal conflict that only has one winner. It is like in fiction, where they will have the demon and the angle on either shoulder. For if the angel should win, inner peace is achieved and if the demon should win, a gravestone of a person far too young will be your legacy. I feel as if our minds are constantly toying with us, it knows what it should do and yet it still begs for more and more questioning. Endless questioning. The whys, the whats, the ifs. Sometimes you just get sick of it and miss the entire point of asking questions in the first place. No matter how you think we were brought to creation, creationism or evolution , one fact remains true, we are here. We are here to be. Present always, never a second too late or early. Free will bestowed upon us, we are free to ask, ask as many questions as we want. However, in our infinite lines of questioning, we forget that an even greater amount of answers exist and it is the root of negativity. Unanswerable and rhetorical questions eat away at our minds' ability to be happy for we feel a great failure in being unable to answer questions, especially questions about ourselves. The questions themselves are unanswerable because of their variance, you could answer the same question about yourself entirely differently on a different day. It is what makes the answer feel so empty, for it exists in this plane of subjectivity and for some odd reason, we as humans chase objectivity. The undeniable truths. So rather than being happy in the ability to ask questions we suffer at the hands of a varying and empty answer. I plead with you today to be happy with a multiple choice question, for you are able to ask again another day. Perhaps the objective answer to you is murky now, covered by your own self-pity and blazing anger, patience is truly a virtue, even in the long road to happiness. Keep asking questions, keep giving new answers. Until you find the objective truths about yourself. Dealing with anger and sadness is hard, inquiring about their existence is harder. Perhaps all my answers here today are subject to change and I’m all right with that. The first and last question we will always ask ourselves at the beginning of this journey and at the very end; Are you happy?
Emotional as always, I love a bit of melodramaticism in the morning. What am I if not melodramatic? Reader, even I am still searching for my objective truths, it might take my entire life but at least I have my entire life to ask away. How many questions do you think we ask on average in a lifetime? Must be thousands, it will be for me anyway. And yes, I do get angry and I do get sad sometimes. I do not take my own adviceon , even though it’s really good advice :p. This blog isn’t meant to be some self help course, I’m just trying to get my ideas of life on paper. Perhaps I should adventure into a deeply negative source, one without a happy ending. An experiment of sorts. What do you think? Let me know. Much love - S
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mzemo0 · 2 years
Sabra And Shatila: A Wound That Won’t Heal
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The Sabra and Shatila massacre is one of the many massacres carried out by Israel with the help of Lebanese right-wing parties, which claimed the lives of 3,000 people on a continuous slaughter for three days.
The blood of the martyrs and innocent children who died in the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon will not be washed away after 40 years and the passage of time. 
Allied to the occupation on both the political and military levels, the Lebanese Phalange Party and numerous militias of occupation agents, the Lebanese Phalange Party allied themselves with the occupation. 
Premeditatedly, determinedly, and prepared, since the establishment of the temporary occupation entity in 1948, one of the largest, greatest, and most heinous massacres in Arab-Israeli conflict history has taken place.
There was no specific target for this massacre, but rather it was committed against all human beings. There were also thousands of Lebanese martyrs and martyrs of Arab nationalities.
Sabra and Shatila: The fateful day
On September 16, the occupation army fired flares over the two camps. Three teams of Phalange Party militias, each composed of fifty armed men, stormed the alleyways of the two camps spread over one square kilometer.
To begin the process of extermination and indiscriminate killing, they used white flags and firearms to deceive the residents and ask them to leave the houses with white flags.
The Lebanese Phalange militia killed everyone present in the two camps and mutilated the corpses, slaughtered children and infants, and extracted fetuses from the mother’s wombs. 
They raped many women, robbed them of their jewellery, and killed entire families.
While the occupation army prevented anyone from leaving the two camps, it also prevented the media from entering the area and reporting what was happening.
The families are saying their goodbyes
The massacre took the lives of close to 3,500 Palestinian martyrs over three days and roughly 1900 Lebanese martyrs, in addition to 300 to 500 missing people whose whereabouts are still unknown.
Days passed with the dead still there, and nobody was able to enter the two camps or the nearby communities.
To disassociate itself from the murder, the occupation claimed in a Hebrew book titled “Lebanon 1982 – The Road to War” that the Lebanese Phalange Party carried out the slaughter on its own in retaliation for the assassination of its leader Bashir Gemayel.
Acquittal of Israeli officials
On September 28, 1982, under pressure from the Israeli street, the government of the enemy of Israel was forced to form a committee to investigate “the atrocities committed by a unit of the Lebanese forces against the civilian population in the Sabra and Shatila camps.” It was called the “Kahan Committee,” after the President of the Israeli Supreme Court, Judge Yitzhak. Kahane who chaired the committee.
Kahan’s report, which was issued in February 1983, absolved senior Israeli officials, especially the prime minister, the minister of war, and the army chief of staff, of direct responsibility for the massacre, claiming that they were not aware of what was happening, and denying any role of the Israeli army in the massacre. racism
The report was satisfied with placing personal responsibility on the then Minister of Defense, Ariel Sharon, for ignoring the “possibility of bloodshed and revenge,” which forced him, with mounting pressures, to resign from his position as defense minister only, but he remained a minister without a portfolio.
the fear of the massacre survivors
The occupying power tries from time to time to evade its historical and criminal responsibility for the Sabra and Shatila massacre and to hold the Maronites alone responsible for its implementation, despite the approval in the last lines of the decision to allow them to storm the two camps from the highest levels of Israel. Menachem Begin, Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, Foreign Affairs Yitzhak Shamir, Mossad commander Nahum Admoni, the army Raphael Eitan, the Northern Command Amir Drori, and Military Intelligence Yehoshah Saguh. These decisions could not be overridden, or skipped, which confirms their responsibility for the massacre.
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nickyhemmick · 3 years
A Very Stressed American Jew here again,
Hi! Thank you for taking the time to respond to my ask and yes, I’m someone who loves hearing as many perspectives as possible so I’d love some sources from you. I also very much appreciate the fact you are being very careful to only reblog posts that are anti Israel, not antisemetic (which is frankly a breath of fresh air, the internet has been a bit exhaustingly full of both antisemitic & Islamaphobic content these past feel days as I bet you’ve seen)
I’ve also been to Israel on a Birthright trip. We met people who ( both Palestinian and Israeli) on various sides of the conflict and learned a ton about it, from both perspectives which I was lucky to have the opportunity to do. We even went a little into the Gaza Strip to talk to these people running a pro Palestine peace movement and it was so important to me hearing those stories.
I never said they were on equal footing militarily, they definitely are not, Israel definitely has that advantage. But you are incorrect about Israel always being the aggressor since 1948,they’ve defended themselves about as often as they’ve attacked. Isreal is a small country comparatively to the ones surrounding it, so it makes sense it defends itself heavily in case of an attack.
I 100% agree that there are too many people who are compliant with the mistreatment of many Palestinians! I’m not anti #freepalestine at all! I get why that is a thing. But I also stand with Israel( but that does not mean I condone every action they take. ) Overall I think the situation is extremely complicated and some sort of compromise should be reached.
It’s just been very frustrating to see so many people reblog things on a situation just bashing Israel because so many others are doing it. Especially when then don’t know what they are talking about or using big buzz words that they don’t know what they mean, or spreading misinformation. It’s been on both sides and has been very very draining. I just want peace and some sort of solution. It makes me extremely happy you know what you are talking about and can debate politely yet happily about it. The internet has been so ‘ either agree with me 100% or you a bad person’ about this so it’s refreshing to see you are not like that.
I’ve done a lot of research into it from as many perspectives as I can get my hands on.
Some extremest Israelis are hurting Palestinians
Some extremest Palestinians are hurting Israelis
Both sides are throwing rockets at each other and it’s terrifying.
Both sides claim the other side is brainwashed
There is so much biased propaganda out there on both ends it’s hard to know what is truly happening.
I know people living in Israel who have sent me videos they’ve taken of rockets flying over there heads and I’m so scared for them. I’m so scared for all the innocent people caught in the crossfire on both sides.
Thank you for a more nuanced response and I’d love some of your sources,
A Very Stressed American Jew
Hi anon, 
I wasn’t going to respond to this until after my math final tomorrow but I’ve spent the past two days thinking of your ask and the things I wish to articulate in my answer. 
I am going to start here: how can you say you support Israel but say you are also pro-free Palestine (as in, you said you are not anti free Palestine). In my opinion, these two ideas cannot coexist. Simply because, the entire establishment of Israel has been on violent, racist, colonial grounds. 
(Super long post under here guys)
You said you don’t support all Israel’s actions, and definitely, just because you support something doesn’t mean you can’t criticize it. However, in my opinion, if you do not support Israel’s actions against Palestinians there’s not much left to support? I admit this is a very biased view as I am Palestinian, but many things that people support about Israel have existed before its creation: as in, these are things and qualities that have existed in Judaism and are not due to “Israeli culture.” There is no Israeli culture. There’s Jewish culture--100%. But there is no Israeli culture, because Israel does not only steal Palestinian land, but Palestinian culture, too. Such as claiming Levant food is Israeli; hummus, ful, falafel, shawarma. I mentioned food from this article I know is culturally and traditionally of the Levant, and has been for centuries, it is not something that has come to culinary creation in the past 73 years. 
I do not think this is a complicated issue. I said that in the previous ask and I’ll say that again. Saying it is a complicated issue is trivializing the deaths of innocent Palestinians, the violent dispossession our ancestors endured, and the apartheid they live under. I hope if anything comes from this discussion it is you removing the “it’s a complicated issue” phrase from your vernacular. 
This is not complicated. A journalist reporting the death of martyrs only to discover that of them include two of his brothers is not complicated. The asymmetry of Israel vs Palestinian armed forces is not complicated, nor is the asymmetry in Israeli vs Palestinian suffering (which I will get to later). It is not complicated.  Destroying the graves of martyred Palestinians (or just in general, the graves of the dead) is not complicated. Little children being pulled from the rubble, children being forced to comfort one another as they are covered in the ashes of their decimated homes, attacking unarmed citizens in peaceful demonstrations (you can find videos before this attack where they were playing with kites and balloons), destroying an international media office and refusing to allow journalists to retrieve the work they are spending every waking hour documenting but claiming it was because it was a hide out for a “Hamas base,” fathers who are trying to cheer their frightened children up only to end up dead the next day, while many Israeli have the privilege and the option to go to hotel-like bomb shelters is not complicated. 
This brings me to my next point: the suffering of Palestinians cannot be compared to the inconvenience of Israeli’s. On one side, you have children who are happy to have saved their fish in the face of their homes and lives being decimated behind them to Israeli’s in Tel Aviv having to cut their beach day short to get to bomb shelters. You have mothers and fathers ready to set their lives down for their children to save them from bombs to Israeli’s enjoying their brunch only after making sure there are bomb shelters there. You have Palestinian children being murdered to blocking out the sound of sirens in the safety of your bomb shelters. (The first picture of the Palestinian child is not from footage of the recent problems). You have the baby lone survivor of a whole family recovered from rubble. His whole family, gone, before he ever had the chance to realize that he even exists, while Israeli’s decide to flee out of the country,(Translate the caption from Twitter, it checks out), or have to leave the shower due to sirens. Who is really suffering? 
I won’t sit here and pretend like the thought of rockets flying over my head, no matter which side I am on, is not terrifying. It is. It’s scary to just think about. But Israeli’s have protection beyond Palestinian’s, they have sirens to warn them (Israel does not always warn Palestinian building members that it is about to be bombed), they have the Iron Dome, they have simply the threat of nuclear power (which I am not saying Israel would use, but the simple fact they have it would make me feel a lot better if I were an Israeli citizen) and they have bomb shelters. What do Palestinians have? Hamas? That smuggles its weapons through the ocean? That only ever reacts to the action Israel instigates? And yet Gazans are branded terrorists and that it is their fault that they “elected” a terrorist organization that only was ever created due to no protection from any armed country? (There are so many links I want to add in this paragraph but it is simply impossible for me to add everything I want, a lot of what I’m referring to can either be found through a Google search, or you can stalk my Twitter account, all that I am posting now is about Palestine, and will include sources of things I cannot add in just this one post.) 
Look, I see myself in the genocide happening in Palestine right now. I see myself in this ten year-old girl. In this three year old girl. I see me and my family in videos of cars being attacked in Ramallah and Sheikh Jarrah (I cannot find the Ramallah video, should be somewhere on my Twitter), I see my father in the countless videos of fathers crying out for their children, of kissing the corpse of their loved ones (again, translate the Tweet, the man holding the body is saying “just one kiss”). I see my grandfather in videos like this (old footage). I see my younger brother, I see my grandmother, my mother, my aunts and uncles and cousins. I see myself and my life and my family were my father not lucky enough to get a scholarship to the UK and out of Palestine, were my maternal grandfather not been lucky enough to make it to a refugee camp and build a life in Jordan. I have an unbelievable amount of privilege to be born into the life I was born in to, in terms of I do not have the threat of bombs and violent dispossession around me, and I do not even live in the US. I have privilege and sheer luck that my parents were able to go to the US so that me and my brothers can be born, because now I have both the protection of the most powerful country in the world while at the same time being part of a people to have suffered so generously the past seventy-three years. 
On the other hand, you saying that Israel has “defended themselves about as often as they’ve attacked. Israel is a small country comparatively to the ones surrounding it, so it makes sense it defends itself heavily in case of an attack,” I offer you this question: why are they using military grade guns and stun grenades in mosques to “defend” themselves from rocks? And before you mention that Hamas hit Tel Aviv, I remind you that Hamas did that due to the violence in the Al-Aqsa mosque square and the attempted ethnic cleansing in Sheikh Jarrah. The violence didn’t begin with us; the violence was brought out of Palestinians in resistance to the generations of oppression we have endured and the attack on Palestinian Muslims during the holiest night of Ramadan. Hamas has since asked for a ceasefire multiple times and Israel is refusing. New reports say there is a possibility of a ceasefire in the coming days, but Israel could have decided this a long time ago and spared many lives. (Remember, no matter what resistance we make, Israel is the one in power).
Israel has been the aggressor since 1948. Just read up about the Nakba! 700k Palestinian families were dispossessed violently. The only reason Israel was established at all was because it simply declared it was now a country and the US and many other countries recognized it as such. (Of course, there are many other historical details here, like the British Mandate of Palestine, the Balfour Declaration, the Oslo Accords and many others. I am aware of them but these are for a different post all together). My paternal grandfather was a little younger than me when Israel as a state was created. The hostility that followed was due to this independent declaration being listened to over Palestinian voices. 
Here is a very, very simplified analogy, one that can also answer some people’s questions as to why Palestinians (not Arabs, we are Palestinian before we are Arab) did not like what happened in 1948 and why they refused a two-state solution (that Israel was never going to go through with anyway). (I am also aware other Arab nations got involved, and that is perhaps what you mean when you said they had to defend themselves, but my response to that would still be we didn't start it, that we only responded to it).
Let’s say you are a farmer. You have many fields of trees, ones you have taken shelter under from the sun since you were a child, or hid behind when you wanted to avoid your parents when you misbehaved. You have seen your trees grow from a seed, to a sprout, to a flower, to a large, beautiful tree with fruits the size of a fist. You pluck the fruits from one tree, and make a jam from it. I don’t know how to make jam but I know it takes a lot of energy. So, you make this jam and from it, produce a lovely, mouth-watering pie. Once it has cooled from the oven, you take it with you outside your balcony just so that you can admire the years, months, weeks and hours this one pie has taken to be created. Suddenly, a stranger walks past and yells to you, “That pie looks delicious, I want it!” And you, shocked at their boldness but ready to share, say, “I will give you a bite.” But the stranger says, “No! I do not want a bite or a slice or whatever you want to offer me, I want the pie!” And they grab it from you. You and the stranger start screaming at one another about who the pie is for, who is allowed to decide what happens to it, and who you can share it with. Then, another stranger comes by and says, “Why all the problems? Let’s cut the pie in half and the both of you can share it!” But why should you, who has spent years cultivating the fruit and grain inside this pie, share it? Why should you give up half of the 100% that you already owned? Of what you already had? So you disagree, and now a crowd has formed around you. “What’s the problem?” someone in the crowd calls. “They don’t want to share their pie!” another voice says. Then you become branded a selfish, mean bastard. Again, this is a super simplified analogy, so don’t take it too seriously, but I am trying to show you why Israel is the aggressor.
In addition, I do not know too much about the Birthright program, just that American Jewish people are sent to Israel, all expenses paid. I tried my best to find the Twitter thread but I read it so long ago, about an American Jewish person who went on their trip and they talked about the propaganda that they were exposed to on that trip. I can’t say for sure that it is true, because I haven’t been on it and never will, but that is the first thing I thought of when you mentioned your Birthright trip. Either way, I think it is still great you went and saw the country. However, I must ask you this: are the people you met ones you, yourself, sought out, or ones you were organized to meet?
Now, I haven’t been to Gaza, so I don’t know what you really saw or didn’t, but did you speak to Palestinians who lost their homes to airstrikes? Did you speak to siblings, parents or children of loved ones who had been lost beneath the rubble of buildings and towers? Outside of Gaza, did you speak to Palestinians that live in poor quarters? Ones who have been victims of an IDF soldier shooting them, or who have family members who have died from such attacks? Did they take you guys to Ramallah, to Nablus, to Beit-Imreen, to Jenin, to small villages in the West Bank, far away from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv? Did you speak to people there? Ask them their stories? Because if you did I have a very hard time believing you still think Israel is “defending” itself.
I’ve been to Jerusalem, many times, even Tel Aviv and Jaffa and Haifa. All the times I visited Dome of the Rock there were IDF soldiers with huge guns strapped to their person, standing menacingly outside the courtyard. For what? Genuinely, genuinely for what? It is nothing but an intimidation tactic. The same way we are not allowed in through the airport. If you could see the struggle some Palestinians actually go through just to get into Palestine, through the land border, you would be disgusted. I love Palestine, it is my ancestry land, it is my culture and tradition. But I always hated going to visit because I knew the way to getting there would be hell.
My father worked in Tel Aviv through the first Intifada. My maternal grandfather was forced out of his home in the Nakba and was forced to leave behind his belongings and the orange trees that have been in his family for generations. Hell, the town they lived in was destroyed! It doesn’t exist anymore except in the memories of my aunts and uncles, who never even saw it, but just heard of it from their father!
I’m not saying there aren’t Palestinians who are racist and anti-Semitic (though, tbh, I will direct you here for that) and who support Hamas in killing Israeli’s, but talking about how there are many “extremist” Palestinians who are hurting Israeli’s and in the next line say there are extremist Israeli’s who are hurting Palestinians is not correct. There are extremist Israeli’s killing, lynching, stealing the houses of Palestinians, and there are Palestinians who are fed up and fighting back. (I am not talking about Hamas vs the IDF here, I am talking about the citizens). I have not seen one reported death of an Israeli due to Palestinian violence (if you have, from a trusted source, send it to me), but I have seen countless of the other way around. I have seen images of charred little bodies, of a baby being dug out of the rubble, of a child’s body that had been so mutilated that you can literally see the insides of their body coming out. (I don’t know if it’s on my Twitter, I didn’t want to save that shit). If this was my country I would be absolutely ashamed of myself and my people and what they are doing in the name of my protection. So you have to forgive me, and forgive other Palestinians, who don’t give a fuck about Israeli’s having anxiety over rockets flying over their heads when we see these images. Where is the protection of our kids? Why does no one seem to mention them except when mentioning the poor, innocent ones in Israel? At least more than the majority of them have their parents to comfort and rock them. At least many of them will probably be saved of ever having to be beneath the rubble of a destroyed building, or digging in it, to hope to find the parts of their parents or siblings just so that they can bury them. Just the links from the start of my answer is enough to support what I am saying.
I have soooo much more I can say, like how Israel uses religion to distort the image of what’s going on (tbh, just check my Twitter for that: language is EVERYTHING), but you didn’t mention religion in any of this and so I won’t either. The only reason I decided to respond to you in such length was because you have been one of the few respectful anons in my inbox in the past few years of me being on here talking about Israel, so I appreciate that from you. 
As promised, some more sources: decolonizepalestine is a good place to start if you haven’t used it already, it has reading materials, myth busting, and more. Here is a map list of destroyed localities from pre-1948 until 2017, run by two anti-Zionist Israelis. Here and here are the articles I promised of a former IDF soldier-turned Palestinian activist, I read these two last year in June and remember coming out much more informed than before I read them. I suggest looking into the writer and his organization, which, if I remember correctly, collects accounts from previous IDF soldiers. I would suggest not to follow Israel and the IDF accounts on any platform, or any Israel times newspaper, simply because they will not tell you the truth. In fairness, you do not have to follow any Palestinian Authority accounts (which I am not even sure there are), but to follow on-ground Palestinians like Mohammed El-Kurd, who has been speaking out since he was 12 (he is now 22) and he is part of the families in Sheikh Jarrah. I have noticed that this and this account have been translating Arabic headlines and tweets for non-Arabic speakers, I have just started following this person but their bio says they are a Palestinian Jewish person so I am interested in their view of things. You can also follow Israeli’s on-ground and see their perspective on things, but I would also advise to compare the Palestinian and Israeli side of things from the people, and critically analyze the language used in each case. Also, this article references Jewish scholars opposed to the occupation (I have not looked into them myself but I plan to after my exams), and Norman Finklestein is another great Jewish scholar to look into if you haven’t. Twitter is better than Instagram and Facebook, so I would stick to getting live-info from there, Twitter does not censor Palestinian content as much as Insta and Facebook so you’re more likely to see things there.
I will end this by saying I personally do not see any other option for peace than to give Palestinians our land back. Whether we may be Muslim, Jewish or Christian, it has always been and will always be our land. I only hope to see it free in my lifetime. 
Free Palestine. 
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kellyvela · 3 years
yea ive seen loads of anti dany people mention the feldman essay, especially since grrm said that feldman understood what he meant with the characterization of dany but i was rereading and it said she was a success
Oh I think I read too fast. You meant anti-dany. You only wrote "antis" in your previous message, so I thought you were referring to other people.
Keep your re-reading anon and you will get to Untangling the Meereenese Knot, Part IV: A Darker Daenerys:
“I am alone and lost.”
Lost, because you lingered, in a place that you were never meant to be, murmured Ser Jorah…
…I gave you good counsel. Save your spears and swords for the Seven Kingdoms, I told you. Leave Meereen to the Meereenese and go west, I said. You would not listen.
“I had to take Meereen or see my children starve along the march.” Dany could still see the trail of corpses she had left behind her crossing the Red Waste. It was not a sight she wished to see again. “I had to take Meereen to feed my people.”
You took Meereen, he told her, yet still you lingered. “To be a queen.”
You are a queen, her bear said. In Westeros.
“It is such a long way,” she complained. “I was tired, Jorah. I was weary of war. I wanted to rest, to laugh, to plant trees and see them grow. I am only a young girl.” (DANY X)
Note Dany’s account of why she had stayed in Meereen. As mentioned in Part III, she was motivated to stay by both the fate of Astapor, and her fear of her own dragon nature and potential madness. Neither is mentioned here. Instead she now seems to view her decision to stay in Meereen as the whims of a young girl, rather than a responsible moral crusade.
No. You are the blood of the dragon. The whispering was growing fainter, as if Ser Jorah were falling farther behind. Dragons plant no trees. Remember that. Remember who you are, what you were made to be. Remember your words.
“Fire and Blood,” Daenerys told the swaying grass. (DANY X)
And there it is. A rejection of Meereen. A rejection of peace. A rejection of bending over backward to protect innocent life. A rejection of “planting trees.” And instead, an embrace of vague, violent rhetoric about who she is “made to be” — and her words, “fire and blood.”
Since the first book, Dany has been tormented by the innocent lives lost when she unleashes violence and war. Now, she has apparently resolved to stop letting all this bother her. Her new “fire and blood” approach just seems likely to lead to many more Astapors and thousands more Hazzeas. But in this chapter Dany seems prepared to write them off, as sad but necessary collateral damage of her embracing her true “dragon” self and who she was “made to be.” The dragons, and Dany’s own violent impulses, will no longer be chained. She has given into her greatest fear — herself.
This is not to say Dany will become some cackling, one-dimensional “evil” villain. She will surely continue to care about those she loves, use violence against some people who legitimately deserve it, and free some more slaves if she happens to come across them.
But now she wants to go to Westeros. And that’s particularly interesting because, so far in the series, Dany’s violent methods and ignoble tactics have often been palatable to the reader because they were used against brutal and murderous slavers, for seemingly noble ends. But there are no slaves to free in Westeros. It seems that Martin started off by giving Dany a seeming moral justification for her violence, that he always later planned to undercut. Now, Dany’s in it for herself — for her own power, for her own throne, and for becoming who she’s made to be, and woe to anyone who gets in her way.
This is the tragedy of Dany. She achieved peace. And then she decided war felt better to her.
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fruitless-nonsense · 3 years
would you analyze haylijah?
You read my mind (literally I was just thinking about this last night)!
Firstly, I’m sorry how long I took to answer, work was killing me. I also wanna say how appreciative I am that people like you are interacting with me, so thank you!
Okay, so Haylijah! What I take from them is a simple issue that the writers continue to make in to and tvd: beating a dead horse. Confession time! I genuinely liked these two in season one. They were cute, had good chemistry, a connection that wasn’t inherently toxic, and just cause they were paired didn’t mean they were tied to each other (I.e - had different storylines and stuff to do). I also liked how they took their time with it (like I said, they had stuff to do). I mean, I guess Hayley falling for the brother of her baby daddy is a bit weird of a dynamic, but it’s not like Klaus owns her just cause they slept together once. It also helped that I enjoyed both characters at the time. That’s really it, just a surprisingly unproblematic pairing. So what happened? A lot, a lot happened.
In season one, we are introduced to Jackson (who’s his own can of worms, believe me) and is immediately presented as a love interest for Hayley (love triangle oh boy!). It’s not really until season two that Hayley shows signs that she might feel things for the man, and then they have to get married. Couple that with Elijah inexplicably being distant towards Hayley for reasons I can only guess are to raise conflict and nothing else (cause seriously it made no sense). So they sleep together (I don’t know either, guess they patched things up and love each other again. You’ll notice that’s a theme) after Hayley explains that she’s marrying Jackson and they can’t be together. We skip to the wedding and they both have a heart to heart and end their relationship for good. I have to be honest, as a finale to this ship, it was perfect! It wasn’t just Hayley repeating “I’m marrying Jackson for the pack, we can’t do this anymore,” Hayley brought up her issues with Elijah. He’s the kind of guy who isn’t good at showing his feelings (to each their own), and Hayley wants more. She gave her entire heart to Elijah and got barely anything in return. Maybe she doesn’t love Jackson now, but he’s what she wants and perhaps she can learn to. Good scene, good episode, good season. This talk was expanded a bit in the finale when Gia had gone to Elijah, and just when it looks like he’s pushing another person he cares for away he goes back and kisses her (this might be me stretching but I have an overactive imagination). So what happened? It wasn’t over.
Season three had these two interacting a lot more (I mean Hayley didn’t have her own storyline at this point, so it’s unsurprising), and the writers decided to give them this lingering tension as to hang onto the pairing. Now I don’t know about y’all, but at this point in the show I had moved on. Why can’t these two just be friends, why is this still a thing? This is the nature of every scene they share (which is a lot of scenes, Hayley do you have nothing better to do? Wait, I just remembered thanks to the writers you don’t!) until Jackson dies, and suddenly things go from lingering tension to will-they-won’t-they. Now, I don’t have a problem with this trope when done well, but the problem is this is less of potential and more dunking it in the water and taking it back out over and over. These two were together, but now it’s over, wait never mind it’s not over but we can’t be together, now the obstacle keeping us apart is gone we can do this, but I have to respect his memory, wait never mind let’s do this. It’s not even exhausting, it’s just boring. This is all during season three! They finally hook up again after Elijah tells her he murdered Marcel and Hayley just doesn’t react. Who cares that the man who saved her as a baby and has done everything in his power to protect her and her daughter was killed by this man? Hayley needs to assuage Elijah’s man-pain. Then she has the audacity to demand Klaus forgive him, and when he addresses the irony she just ignores him. This is the moment it got through my head that Hayley was no longer a character, and was just a puppet for the writers, but tbh it happened way earlier than that. The season ends with the fate of the Mikaelson’s falling on Hayley. Does this mean Hayley gets her own storyline again in season four? You see where I’m getting with this.
We get the first episode’s A plot starring Hayley exclusively as she fights to save them, and it was actually pretty fun, especially when she went into wolf form to tear apart some vampires. Unfortunately it doesn’t last long as she reunites with Elijah immediately. Okay, so at this point Elijah is dead to me and Hayley has ceased to be a real character. Outcome, they’re together now and I couldn’t care less. I could say it’s infuriating that Hayley doesn’t care that Elijah contemplated killing a bunch of children no older than Hope or actually killed four innocent teenagers for the harvest ritual (she does bring them up with him, but it’s always in a scolding manner that doesn’t affect how she feels about him), but what he does to her in the necklace is what makes her believe he’s not safe to be around Hope. Okay. Not much outside of this, they end things again shortly after he returns from the dead (another cliche that y’all keep doing!) The finale has them separated by the hollow and Elijah’s amnesia. So how are they gonna bring this back for season five? It’s much worse than that.
So season five skips to seven years later, and they both appear to have moved on with respective partners. Declan is boring (more of a Matt clone than people keep insisting Cami was) and Antoinette is interesting but also problematic, not that either of these people matter. They’re only plot devices (another female character who doesn’t get to be a character? Nice one guys!) to put a wrench in Haylijah despite Elijah’s amnesia already doing the job just fine. Surprisingly their relationship isn’t relevant at all for a good few episodes (mostly due to Hayley being missing. And then, he kills her. You know what I’m talking about. X character being responsible for loved ones death while they don’t remember said loved one cliche. Remember when this ship wasn’t inherently toxic? Tbh it hasn’t been harmless in a while. So we get stoic Elijah, and the others trying so desperately to make him and to the extension me believe that him and Hayley were this unbreakable love story for the ages, when in reality their relationship was a hot-and-cold nightmare. Take notes, if you’re gonna do a slow burn, don’t get them together and break them up over and over again unless you’re planning to spice up the relationship in some way every time. Because I lost interest so early, and I don’t think I’m the only one. So once Elijah gets his memory back his story arc is over for the season and he spends the remainder moping around (we could have gotten an entire story between him and Hope instead of one episode and a scene in another). He almost doesn’t go to his own sister’s wedding cause he’s man-paining too hard. Finally, he decides last minute to undercut Klaus’ self sacrificing so they could die together (cause who needs actual growth between these two?). It is speculated that Elijah reunites with Hayley in the afterlife and they live happily ever after (I say speculated because we didn’t get to see their afterlife even though we saw Hayley and Josh’s?).
So what is there to learn from this? Elijah was an interesting character who’s arc inverted Klaus in a clever kind of way, but would not stop hanging on Hayley. And Hayley herself is yet another female in this show who’s agency and character is stripped away to service the man. The main problem with this couple is how repetitive and predictable their story became. Unlike kolvina their beginning had promise, but they never grew from there, they only shrank.
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
On this International Woman Rights Day, shout out to Dame Fière, the lioness queen from LRDR who probably was one of my original bisexual furries awakening years before I realized so
Not only she is beautiful, she is also very intelligent and witty, knowing all the laws of the Chancellor by heart and turning them against him to put him back in his place when he seems to forget where he belongs, and uses this knowledge to tone down his radical arbitrary decisions thanks to any countering law, which makes him hate her in secret, obviously (couldn't she just be pretty and shut up?!) And she does seem to have contempt for him in return
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She also tries to rationalize everyone when it comes to exagarated complaints when she already knows these people are shady, scolds more or less gently Ysengrin whenever he is way too obsessive of Renart to the point of bringing excessive complaints and leading his own guards to be victims of Renart's tricks instead of himself as it is his own responsibility, and only loses her patience with him and has him punished when his obsession goes as far as bursting the door to her bedroom which is of course a royal offence
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Because unlike them, Fière is caring, caring for her people's well being as well as for Renart she feels attached to. His ruses amuses her, and she does know he does them and steal to survive and to have his family survive which she actually respects. She does know she can't do much to protect him since in the end of the day she is only a queen consort so doesn't have the last word, but she will still be complicit whenever they meet, such as not telling him off when.he falls on her balcony and giving him a better bag after his old sack broke and spilled all his stolen food over. That moment does seem flirty, especially with the kiss she sends him, but it is more like how Madame Pandora and the Captain flirt around with no intention of cheating, it's like an inside joke because yhey both know they are pretty and love their respective spouses. They rather see themselves as friends... so much that she does believe his innocence when he is framed for mass murderer and gets aggressive about the accusation, but since there is no counter proof, everything points at him and her old naive husband sentences him to death, she still can't do anything and has to stay "professional" as much as it pains her. And it pains her even more and has her not care anymore when he is framed for her husband's death, reconciling only after finding out he was innocent and could resurrect him
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Duty aside, she may have been married off to her husband King Noble out of an arranged marriage because she is in age to be his daughter or grand daughter, she still very much loves him and is loyal, worried whenever he feels weak or has a headache, and doing her best for reasoning him when the Chancellor is manipulating him, which is often why she counters with his own laws. At least she tries since in the end of the day she is just the consort and he is senile. But there is a deep mutual respect and she is devastated when he is murdered and overjoyed when he resurrects younger and stronger, and she hastily has the traitors be arrested and along Renart and Noble helps rebuild the kingdom off Bernard's classist and privileged laws, looking tenderly at peasant children back to school who could not learn how to read before because of him, for she is a ruler who wants to see everyone thrive
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In conclusion, all Hail the Queen
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hafanforever · 3 years
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Reflections of a Mad Man
In my analysis “Through a Mirror Darkly”, I described how Runeard is a unique Disney main antagonist to be an evil counterpart to not only a heroic character, but to another main antagonist, that being Hans. Between the events that occur in both Frozen and Frozen II, I see that Runeard is arguably a dark reflection to Agnarr, his own son, his granddaughters, Elsa and Anna, and as I said, to Hans, another evil monarch.
Both were kings of Arendelle.
Both held a fear of magic, which ultimately caused them to lose their lives.
Both married a woman from a different land with whom they had children.
However, Agnarr was able to look past Elsa’s magic and still love her as his daughter and a person, rather than his heir, along with his other daughter Anna and wife Iduna, both of whom he also genuinely loved. His fear of magic was well-intentioned because Elsa accidentally injured Anna with her ice powers due to having trouble controlling them. Agnarr was also determined to protect his daughters, which he did by separating them, and to help Elsa learn to control her magic to prevent further accidents.
On the other hand, Runeard's fear of magic was entirely self-centered because he viewed it as a threat, but only to himself rather than his servants and subjects. He blamed all of his problems, including those that happened in Arendelle, on magic because he did not want to accept responsibility for these problems and his own misdeeds, and instead took the easy way out by blaming magic since magic cannot defend itself. Additionally, Runeard never even loved Rita and Agnarr and only saw them as assets to his status and Arendelle based on their own royal positions. He forcefully married Rita to create an alliance with her kingdom and increase his power and rank, and became annoyed and impatient when she grew sad over missing her home and yearning for freedom. When Rita left Arendelle for good, Runeard scolded Agnarr for weeping over her absence and lied to him about her being carried off by "evil spirits". He subsequently assigned Lieutenant Mattias to be Agnarr’s official guard so he wouldn’t have to be responsibility for Agnarr’s well-being himself.
Therefore, Runeard serves as a dark example of what Agnarr could have become if his father was much more personally involved in raising him.
His older granddaughter Elsa:
Both are very powerful monarchs who were the sole rulers of Arendelle (Elsa never married, while Rita eventually abandoned Runeard, leaving him as the only ruler of the kingdom).
Both kept big secrets about themselves from their kingdom, which related to their deep-rooted fear of magic.
However, Elsa feared her own magical powers since she believed that she would harm innocent people with them if she lost control, especially the people she loved. Eventually, she overcame her fear and learned to trust herself and others, despite her powers.
On the contrary, Runeard feared magic because he considered it to be a great threat and competition to his royal status and power, and to be something that made people think they were so powerful that they would defy or challenge a monarch like himself. His fear twisted into paranoia, hatred, and bigotry, which clouded and corrupted his judgment over trusting people and giving them a chance if they were magical or had magical ties. Because the Northuldra follow magic, it was that reason alone that Runeard flatly refused to ever give them a chance and believed they could never be trusted.
Therefore, Runeard serves as a dark parallel of what Elsa might have become if she allowed her fear to consume her.
His younger granddaughter Anna:
Both are rulers of Arendelle.
Both lose and/or face a disconnection from a family member due to magic. Runeard’s wife Rita leaves him after having her memories of him erased by Pabbie in order to freely exit their loveless marriage, and Anna is separated from Elsa after accidentally being injured by her, then loses her parents when they drown while trying to cross the Dark Sea to find Ahtohallan.
However, despite their separation, Anna still loved Elsa and yearned to reconnect with her. When Elsa’s powers were revealed, Anna held no spite, fear, or bigotry towards her sister, even for being magical, and instead sought to help her. She is also a very selfless extrovert who loves people, not just her sister and parents, but her servants and the citizens in her kingdom, and is always willing to help them, without holding any kind of prejudice towards those in different social classes.
At the same time, Runeard held a great amount of wrath and prejudice towards magic and anyone with ties to magic, with one of his reasons being because he blamed it for Rita leaving him. This made him instantly distrust people or beings who had anything to do with magic and stubbornly refuse to give them a chance. Since Runeard only cared about himself and the power and social rank his position as king gave him, he looked down on everyone else, especially people of the lower classes, including his servants, family, and the Arendellian citizens. He never truly cared about his wife and son or for the welfare of his people, so any concerns he ever had were only selfishly for himself.
Therefore, Runeard serves as a dark counterpart of what Anna would have become if she gave up on Elsa and learned to develop prejudice and fear towards magic.
Both men are monarchs who are very obsessive, manipulative, ruthless, and cruel, but fool the public by pretending to be kind, charismatic, trustworthy, and benevolent in order to gain the trust and loyalty of people just for their own personal, but selfish, interests and benefits. 
Both are also very power-hungry individuals who only care about about the power they have/crave, and have no qualms about committing treachery and murder to get what they want and protect their power.
Both sneak up on people sitting on the ground and try to murder them with their swords since they view those as standing in the ways of their goals. But while Hans failed to kill Elsa due to Anna’s intervention, Runeard successfully killed the Northuldra leader.
Therefore, Runeard is what Hans could have become if he had successfully murdered both Elsa and Anna and been crowned king of Arendelle.
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thegreymoon · 4 years
Hi, I'm reading 2ha currently but I've stopped atm because I'm at the part where it's explicitly stated that wanning fell in love with mo ran when moran was 15years old? Is it true? That wanning has had a crush on mo ran when mo ran was just 15 while wanning was 30+? Isn't it grooming then?
LOL, no offence, anon, but I had a little chuckle at the idea of CWN grooming anyone 😂 He is just not capable!
The fact is, this book has a list of warnings as long as my arm that includes all kinds of obscenities, including mutilating and cannibalizing children, treason, torture, murder, genocide, sexual slavery and all flavours of non-con and rape. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to be uncomfortable and not touch it with a ten-foot pole, however, grooming is not one of them. 
When the mentions of this novel first crossed my dash, I checked out the summary and was immediately put off by it being a teacher/student relationship, which is a particularly squicky power imbalance for me and something I usually can’t click out of fast enough. However, when I actually sat down to read it, I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that 2ha actually subverted the power dynamics. 
First of all, grooming implies a predatory intent. It involves manipulating a minor into entering a sexual relationship. All key elements that would make it grooming are missing in this case. CWN has no predatory intent (or any intent, for that matter, unless it is to protect Mo Ran, teach him well and watch him prosper), he is incapable of manipulation and, honestly, sex does not really occur to him as more than a vague theoretical concept and something he knows other people practice, but which is certainly not a possibility for him. 
In addition, in the context of the society that they live in, the taboo of their relationship is not the age gap, but the fact that they are master and disciple, which, again, makes all the sense to me, because of the inherent power imbalance between a teacher and a student, and the sacred obligation they both have towards each other (but especially CWN towards Mo Ran). 
Another important thing: loving someone, and even finding them sexually attractive, is not inherently predatory. Acting on it is. There is a reason why the “But he wanted it!!” and “We’re in love!!” line of defence is laughable and gross in the context of large power imbalances, be it age gaps or teacher/student relationships. No matter how horny the teenager is, as an adult, it is your responsibility to make sure that no lines are crossed, and CWN absolutely maintains that boundary. Before the time skip, there is not a single instance of sexual contact between them that was not initiated (or forced upon CWN) by Mo Ran.
When it comes to CWN’s feelings towards Mo Ran, yes, they are soft, and yes, they are deep, and yes, even idealistically romantic, but everything about them is just so... innocent. All it ever amounts to is, ‘If I had a better temper, and if I was more beautiful, or if I was not so old, then maybe I could hope he could love me!’ But he never ever acts upon it. He does not think it is even an option for him. In fact, the book makes a point of underlining that he makes sure not to burden Mo Ran with his feelings. 
There is absolutely no grooming going on here, CWN keeps his love well hidden, to the point that for the longest time, Mo Ran thinks he does not even like him. In addition, CWN is ashamed of his feelings. He is well aware of the master/disciple taboo, he thinks his feelings are dirty and inappropriate and he does his absolute best to suppress them, to the point where these thoughts don’t even get the chance to fully form before he squashes them. 
Another important thing to mention here is that CWN was was raised by a monk and that his cultivation path was one of abstinence. Left to his own devices, sex with Mo Ran (or anyone else, for that matter) would never have happened. Another sad aspect of this whole thing is that CWN is utterly inexperienced, he has no idea how sex between men is even supposed to work, until Taxian-jun gets a hold of him. In his second life, the only reason he has any sexual thoughts at all is because of his explicit dreams involving adult!Mo Ran, which are not really dreams, but memories of a very thorough sexual education forced upon him by Taxian-jun. It is also important to note that CWN is very ashamed of what he thinks is a product of his own dirty mind and that he takes extra measures to make sure that he maintains an appropriate distance between himself and Mo Ran. 
I think it is no coincidence that CWN’s sexual attraction towards Mo Ran comes to the forefront after the time-skip. It is pretty clear that CWN is suddenly all hot and bothered and cannot control his boners only after Mo Ran has fully grown into an adult. It is obvious that he gets hard for the adult man in a way he never did for the boy. Another important aspect of the time-skip is that a lot of Mo Ran’s character growth and maturing (mental and emotional) takes place during this time, apart from Chu Wanning, which creates this huge dissonance in CWN’s brain and also eliminates the inevitable squickiness that would have resulted from him lusting after someone that he personally raised to adulthood.  
And all this is without even getting into what TXJ did to him when he captured him. CWN was so unwilling, it took a lot of time and extended torture before TXJ forced him to cooperate in bed. Even Mo Ran 1.0 was extremely predatory towards CWN, though he did eventually grow himself a moral compass after the time skip, and though the instincts to just hold CWN down and take him were still there, he had learned the importance of consent. When it comes to their sexual relationship, there is not a single moment where Mo Ran was not the one pulling all the strings. 
Anyway, TL;DR Chu Wanning never did a single thing wrong in his entire life. 
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