#both kiss their trophies....both say 'hey is anyone gonna drink out of this'
skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
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kekoma · 3 years
— iwaizumi as your boyfriend.
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no thoughts this time. just hajime. hope you enjoy.
ahh the lovely iwaizumi <3 aka iwa-chan~
another top tier boyfriend. can definitely bring him home to your family and they’ll love him automatically.
but before diving into what it’s like dating hajime, let’s warm up a bit and take a look at his crush stage with you.
actually takes him awhile to even realize he likes you more than a friend. 
only picked up this feeling when he noticed that he finds himself extremely comfortable around you and that he didn’t like the concept of you dating someone if it wasn’t going to be him. 
isn’t quick to act on his emotions though. no no no. matter of fact, no one even knows he has a crush on you (except for oikawa of course.)
hajime doesn’t show any signs of getting nervous when around you, attempting to distance himself from you because of fear he might slip or any of those antics. definitely isn’t the type of guy who spills to everyone that he likes you too. likes to keep to certain things to himself and you’re one of them. 
just acts completely normal around you for the most part.
although he does end up studying you more than before and constantly thinking about how you might feel towards him. 
but this won’t catch your attention since the subtle change doesn’t catch your attention automatically.
iwa does go out of his way to spend more time with you when he decides that he actually wants to be with you.
“hey y/n, a new cafe opened up a few blocks from school. i was thinking we should go there together for lunch.”
“oh? sure but i thought you had something to do during lunch?”
“i did but i rearranged it for later since i wanted to eat with you today.”
of course he asked oikawa for some type of advice/help when it came to asking you since iwa didn’t want to come off as boring or cheesy when asking you out. 
may or may not have wrecked his brains with different ideas about how to go about it which is why he went to his best friend for help.
“i can’t think of proper way to confess to y/n... hey dumbass, if you really liked someone, how would you ask them out?”
“first of all, rude. can’t believe that’s how you treat a good friend like me. anyways it’s simple my dear friend. i would go up to them during lunch, flash a charming smile, and just ask them to be mine. it’s cute, right?”
“... so let me ask you this since you decided to be funny. should i beat your ass now or later?”
“hey! you asked and i gave you an honest answer!”
“ah so now? gotcha shittykawa.”
iwaizumi ends up asking you during one your countless late night runs for snacks.
wasn’t anything super romantic yet it wasn’t completely boring/awkward either.
iwa went for a straight forward approach (not like ushijima straightforward).
 basically explained how he’s been feeling towards you lately and that he wants you to be his. of course when you accepted is confession and expressed how you felt the same— hajime couldn’t stop smiling like a fool.
side fact: he thought about going for a somewhat flirty approach at first by saying how cute you looked in his hoodie and if you really liked wearing his clothes then he wouldn’t mind supplying you with more without hounding you to return them after awhile.
however, iwa thought it sounded odd so he ended up confessing to you in a normal manner to avoid any kind of embarrassment.
now we can dig into the main course meal here: what’s its like dating hajime.
three words that come to mind with him... dependable, caring, and attentive.
starting with attentive, he doesn’t miss a beat if something is wrong with you.
due to constantly studying you previously (and still to this day), learning and picking up the habits you have— he’s able to figure out when things aren’t right with you so hiding your feelings isn’t an option for you love.
although if you attempt to hide them then don’t be surprised when he pulls you aside and confronts you about it. of course, it won’t be anything harsh like but more on the “hey you’re acting strange and this isn’t something i’m going to drop.” side of things.
this is when caring comes into play. iwaizumi isn’t the type of boyfriend that’s oblivious towards your emotions/moods nor does he leave you be.
will also add that he has made it known countless times to you that if anything bothers you then he wants to know in hopes that he can solve the issues. 
but if you’re someone who isn’t up to talk about the issues just yet then he’ll be understandable— won’t push too far but will give you a prep talk in hopes that can it lighten your mood. which i will label that as dependable playing it’s role.
to add more for dependable, i’ll mention that he’s the type of boyfriend that will wake up in the middle of the night, early in the morning or whatever time if you called him about going through any type of mental issues (having a break down, panic attack, etc.). he’ll rush over the minute he heard your voice and of course he ends up bringing items that could comfort you.
we stan and love that about him.
moving along, i’ve already mentioned that hajime remembers things about you but it’s not just emotional wise. matter of fact he knows what your favorite foods are, drinks, kind of aesthetic/style you go for, places you want to visit, hobbies, and all of the good stuff. 
if he were to ever be tested about how good he knows you, mans is getting an 100. can’t convince me otherwise.
the type of boyfriend who’s supportive of everything and anything you do. makes it known that he’s your number one fan and believes in you. 
won’t let you overwork yourself. hajime constantly makes sure your health is in good condition, but it you happen to get sick then best believe he’s showing up to your place with medicine and bringing you back to normal.
iwa purposely leaves his hoodies and shirts at your place since he knows you’ll end up wearing them and when you return them, they smell like you. he likes your scent.
he typically likes to gift you things he saw in the stores that reminded him of you as well as giving you flowers. sometimes you have to ask him to relax on the gifts because your room can’t handle it all.
hands down, DEADASS can’t convince me he DOESN’T, is the type of boyfriend who will throw hands at anyone who flirts with you or attempts to touch you.
like he would come back from getting something, visiting you at work or however you want to picture the scenarios and would see some lame guy trying to spit game at you.
the minute he notices him, iwaizumi is coming in to save the day. tries not to take the violence approach at first, but the minute that other dude says something disrespectful then his whole career is over.
hajime beats ass for a living so beating that man up was no problem, but getting him off of the dude is because the only thing on iwa’s mind is murder.
may even stomp his lights out and then go with a smirk.
anywaysss pda? pda.
iwaizumi is surprisingly comfortable but also a tad bit awkward with it. tries to avoid it sometimes because he doesn’t want others to notice just how soft he is with you/be made fun of.
but in public, the most iwa will do is the basic (with your permission of course because this man refuses to do anything if he doesn’t hear that you’re okay with what he does with you). such as holding hands, gives small kisses on your face that isn’t deemed too inappropriate, holding you in his arms/hugging, and all that good cutesy stuff.
two things he likes with you is piggy back rides and when you ruffle his hair.
with piggy back ride, for some reason it makes him feel all warm inside and he does it instantly the minute the words slip from your lips. sometimes he’ll offer one if you don’t ask him first. other times, he’ll offer them to you if he notices you’re too tired or your heels are hurting your feet.
when it comes to ruffling his hair.. he may act like it bothers him to the MAX sometimes but deep down this man loves it. just doesn’t want to admit to it just yet. the feeling of your hands in his hair is like floating on cloud nine for him.
as for private; of course cuddling is on this list. dude loves feeling you close to him and may even fall asleep while cuddling. don’t think positions really matter (unless notices that you’re trying to big spoon him).
definitely more touchy with you, but of course consent is key so he never goes too far with his touches/stops when you ask him to.
going to dates now~ 
dates with iwa is a mix of sporty and chill. will also add that sometimes it’s random.
like he’ll pick you up from class and suddenly say “let’s go on a date.” while you’re standing there a bit confused.
although if you aren’t someone who’s into sporty type of dates then he’ll always opted for the chill ones which is basically going to the arcades, laser tag, roller skating, paintball centers, go karting and etc.
shows more of his romantic side with the dates and you actually find out how soft he can really be. vv cute.
of course some of the dates won’t only be you two since oikawa tries his best to sneak himself in so he can be the third wheel that takes bomb ass pictures of you and just watch over you two like a parent.
“aren’t you tried of third wheeling oikawa?”
“oh no. never. besides without me, iwa here wouldn’t have any good pictures to post on his instagram... we both know he isn’t good at taking pictures.”
“i-... right right.”
gonna end it here before my brain overheats just a bit, but dating iwaizumi is worth it and each moment with him makings you fall in love with him all over again.
definitely gets the trophy for being the best boyfriend ever and you’re the luckiest person ever to have his heart.
something i forgot to add earlier— his top nicknames for you are; princess, dummy/idiot/stupid, babe/baby, and occasionally he’ll call you his munchkin <3
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© all content belongs to kekoma 2020. do not repost, modify or translate.
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rvspberry · 3 years
Idk if I’m gonna end up posting this on AO3 because it’s very different from what I usually write.
But below the cut is some Johnny Lawrence sexuality crisis angst with a happy ending if you feel like it. (Heavy Christian themes and Lawrusso ending ahead.)
He was righteous, on high, the Almighty personified. Forgiving, and gracious in victory, and good through and through. Set his mind to something and he could make the whole world come alive.
That’s how Johnny felt at the Tournament, at least, when the entire crowd swarmed the floor and lifted LaRusso onto their shoulders, and Johnny snagged the first place trophy. Handed it up like an offering, a sacrificial lamb — all that Johnny had at stake, all that he’d lost, given freely and openly to this holy being.
The crowd grew louder. Johnny called out, “You’re alright, LaRusso. Good match.”
Got a pained, “Thanks,” in return.
He’d touched someone holy and lived to tell the tale.
Once Johnny is at Bobby’s house that night, since Sid and Laura flew to Miami for the week before Christmas, he asks Bobby to pray with him.
“You okay, Johnny?”
Johnny glances up to find worried blue eyes looking over at him, sizing him up — no, not quite. Measuring him, trying to gauge Johnny for what no one could see. Bobby’s eyes are such a different blue than Johnny's, clear and crisp but never cold. Johnny wonders if Bobby sees anything, if Johnny shows anything.
“I just…” Johnny rasps, gripping the glass of water in hand again and taking a hesitant sip. They told him at the hospital that he’d have to rest. Asked if he wanted to press charges, but Johnny just shook his head. “I need some guidance.”
“No better place to look to than to Jesus,” Bobby agrees, reaching out to take Johnny’s hands. He closes his eyes, and Johnny pauses for a brief moment, body going stiff, before he follows suit. Takes a deep breath as Bobby begins. “Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name.”
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” Bobby continues.
Johnny squeezes his eyes tighter and tries not to let his grip tighten, too.
“Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
Please forgive me. Please. Daniel. I’m sorry.
“And lead us not into temptation—”
Daniel’s eyes. His grin, his mouth, his lips. Daniel’s body. The confident smirk when he gets up into Johnny’s face.
“—but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory,” Bobby finishes, squeezing Johnny’s hands. Johnny blinks his eyes open, jaw clenched, to see Bobby giving him a small smile. “Forever and ever. Amen.”
“Amen,” Johnny repeats weakly, clenching his teeth against the urge to cry. To sob.
To throw himself onto the floor and mourn the loss of a life he’d had for years now, the life he’d fought so hard for. The life of a champion, of a winner, the life of a kid from Encino Hills. The life of someone normal, a leader, head dog even though he came into this life late, no rules established, flying blind and feeling his way into his place.
“You’re sure you’re okay, man?”
“I’m not,” Johnny chokes out. Hangs his head.
There are too many thoughts in his head, too much guilt and shame, and he can’t focus on one without the other flaring up to take his attention. Back and forth, back and forth, between Kreese almost killing him and Daniel’s sensei saving him and Daniel winning the match, to needlessly tormenting Daniel all semester and making a bigger ass of himself each and every time. Over and over, like it was on a loop.
“Do you want to pray again?” Bobby asks, voice dropping lower. “Sometimes it helps. The… repetition. Try to focus on the words this time. Focus on God. Let the spirit take you.”
Take me where? Johnny thinks, but he just tightens his hands around Bobby’s and nods.
“Our Father, who art in heaven…”
When Bobby leaves at the end of the summer to go to college in Oregon, a special school for religious studies, he leaves Johnny with his new number and a prayer book.
“If things get hard, turn to God,” he reminds Johnny. Pats Johnny’s back while they hug tightly. Johnny hasn’t been apart from Bobby since they became best friends at thirteen, both newly enrolled in Cobra Kai. “God has a plan for all of us, and you can find all your answers in the Lord, man. You just have to be open to hearing them even when they’re not the answers you want.”
Johnny keeps the prayer book. Says a prayer every night. Calls Bobby once a week, like clockwork, and stops drinking. He gets kicked out of Sid’s house when he turns 18 in July, gets a job as a handyman, then starts apprenticing for a carpenter, then starts working construction. It’s hard work but it’s honest work.
Every time his eyes turn to one of his coworkers, when they catch on the sweat and grime smeared over their muscles, or the curve of their ass, or the line of their jaw, Johnny recites one of those prayers in his head.
Dear Lord, please give me strength when I am weak, courage when I am afraid, love when I feel forsaken, wisdom when I feel foolish, comfort when I am alone, hope when I feel rejected, and peace when I am in turmoil. Amen.
Every time he gets asked out for drinks by his well-meaning colleagues, he politely declines and spends ten minutes praying in his car after his shift is over, hands blistered, muscles aching.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among sinners and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Every night, Johnny lays in bed and freestyles his prayers. God needs to know, he probably already knows, but he needs to know that Johnny doesn’t want to be like this. He wants to change. He wants answers. He wants to be open to them, just like Bobby told him.
“Go out tonight,” Bobby laughs when Johnny calls him on a Saturday at his usual time. “Just get out and have some fun. Go to a movie. Buy yourself dinner, whatever. Go meet someone. You’re just working and sleeping. You need to live a little, Johnny.”
Is that what God wants me to do? Johnny thought to himself. To go out and find a woman to settle down with? Is that God’s plan?
It’s what Johnny’s supposed to do, right?
“Okay, okay,” Johnny groans into the phone, ready to slam it back onto the receiver when Bobby whoops in elated triumph. “Some good, clean fun. Fitting for the best friend of a pastor’s son.”
Johnny goes to the movies. The new sequel to Alien, aptly titled ‘Aliens,’ looks halfway decent. Definitely not a good clean movie, but Johnny can live a little. It’s on its last leg, only playing the earlier showings, so Johnny snags the ticket since he figures he can be mostly alone that way. He loiters in the lobby trying to decide between popcorn or an overpriced box of candy to go with his soda. The bored teen behind the counter pops her gum and rolls her eyes as she waits for him to make up his mind.
He doesn’t fidget as he looks in the glass case, even as much as he wants to. It’s been conditioned out of him.
“Back straight, shoulders down, chin up, Mr. Lawrence.”
“Hey, can I get a large popcorn please?” comes a voice from beside him.
Johnny glances over, shaggy hair whipping around his face, and spots the one person he thought he’d never see again. Daniel LaRusso looks the same as he did before — a little taller, maybe, his long limbs filled out a little more, but still the shrimpy kid who kicked his ass.
Same eyes, same voice, same body.
Same mouth.
Dear Lord, please give me strength—
“Johnny? Johnny Lawrence?!” Daniel’s words cut through his prayer.
Johnny inhales sharply. He has to control himself. Give me the strength when I am weak, courage when I—
“Holy shit, man, look at you,” Daniel laughs, tapping Johnny’s bicep tellingly. A year-plus in construction had done wonders for his body, and his arms in particular. “Like a brick shithouse. Are you on steroids?”
“No, I work construction.” Johnny doesn’t know why his voice sounds so rough. He clears his throat and tries again. “Hi, LaRusso. Small world meeting you here, I guess.”
“Yeah, man! You here with anyone?” Daniel glances around, as if trying to pin someone else in the lobby to Johnny, but there was no one to match him up with. No one to match up Daniel with, either.
“No. You?”
“Flying solo today,” Daniel croons, running his hands down his chest. Johnny blushes and looks up at the ceiling.
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee—
“What movie are you seeing?” Daniel asks, taking the tub of popcorn from the teen and passing a bill over the counter. He snagged a handful and popped a few butter-soaked pieces into his mouth.
“Uh…” Johnny glances down at his ticket. “Aliens.”
“No way! Me too!” Daniel says around chewing the popcorn. He pauses and looks at Johnny with his head cocked curiously. “You wanna watch it together?”
O, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You. I detest all my sins because of your just punishments, but most of all because they offend you, My God, who are all good and worthy of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen.
The movie theater is empty. There’s butter on Daniel’s bottom lip, shining in the dimly lit room. Johnny licks it off in the black silence of the end credits.
Kissing Daniel feels like coming home. It feels like touching something divine, and Johnny’s stained gold in all the places they touch.
Is this God’s plan? Johnny asks himself. Daniel’s fingers tug at his hair, nails scraping gently over his scalp. Johnny pulls Daniel across the seat and into his lap as he swallows Daniel’s moan.
Below Johnny’s hands, Daniel feels like an answer.
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raindropsbarzy · 4 years
summary: he always wants you all the time. he just needs a bit motivation to eventually give in
word count: 1973
warning: just a lot of 18+
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“stay with me longer, maty”
Mat smiles tenderly at the name you call him as you pepper soft kisses across his jawline and up to his cheekbone. large palm grazing on your naked back, feeling the gentle skin under his fingertips. your thigh drapes over his naked torso, humming a deep sigh of relief when your lips keep touching his skin.
“I can’t baby. I’ve got practice, don’t i?” he replies, feeling your mouth forms into a pout and hears you huff out a disappointed sigh. “but I’ll be back at 4 and give my girl anything she wants. Sounds good?”
he moves his head and looks down at you, kissing the top of your head. Your eyes find their way to meet up with his beautiful ones, melting at the sight of his messy chocolate hair and naked chest on display just for you to see.
“I think i may have gripped your hair way too tight, last night” you decide to ignore his last question and open up another conversation.
with a deep chuckle, his hand moves to place it on your leg, a little bit under the curve of your ass. “I didn’t mind it last night and sure as hell don’t mind it right now.”
your lips curve into an exciting smile as you sit up straight, setting your elbow on the soft mattress to support your weight. “What do you say we recreate of what went down last night?” wiggling your eyebrows at him,
this time he lets out the loud laugh that you adore, shaking his head at how needy you are for him. “Not going to work, y/n. Coach is gonna kill me if I’m running late. Plus, don’t you have work today?”
“Pole dancing class doesn’t start in another four hours. I gave my students a bit more free time, they’re extremely exhausted from the last week’s practice. And i’ll be watching over my bar at around six. No longer than thirty minutes. Luna is coming with me.” You explain it to him, moving your long dark hair to the back as you shuffle under the blanket, watching him smiling at you as he bites his lip.
You smile back at him, “what?”
He gives you a shrug. “My girlfriend is a pole dancer slash pole dancing teacher, and manage one of the most successful bars in New York. Couldn’t ask for a sexier woman.” planting a wet kiss on your exposed neck. “Not to mention, you’re smart as fuck and play volleyball. I hit the jackpot, eh?”
You giggle at him, moving his head away from your skin and grabs the back of his hair. “I hit the jackpot too, baby. Got one of the sexiest men in the NHL who won the Calder trophy and skate like the fucking ‘Flash’.”
“Mhmm, that’s me” he smirks,
“Sooo” you trail off, reaching up to give his shoulders a firm grip, feeling them tense. “I wanna show my boyfriend a little appreciation--”
“Sweetheart, again. as much as i want you to, i can--”
“By giving you a blowjob”
He chokes mid-air after hearing you. Looking up into your eyes and realizing that you’re not playing around. With your naughty smile and seductively licking your upper lip, showing him that you’re not letting him go before he says yes.
As horny as this sounds, he wouldn’t mind being late to the practice because he cannot refuse his girlfriend to suck him.
He stammers a bit, your eyebrow raises at his attempt to say something. Large palms grabbing onto your naked waist as he pulls you closer to him.
“I guess i can tell the team that i overslept this morning.”
That makes you giggle as you slide yourself down to his pants, eyes never looking away from his. Dipping your fingers underneath the waistband of his boxer brief, listening to the sharp breath he takes before closing his eyes to calm himself.
“Good choice, baby.”
you and mat are sitting at the VIP’s booth, celebrating Lee’s birthday party. Few of the boys come with their girlfriends, drinks in their hands as they shamelessly make out with drunk giggles spill out of their mouths, causing a few cheers to erupt from the crowd. You cuddle with mat as he brings both of your legs and places them across his lap. His palm feels warm when he rubs your bare thigh.
“Sooo Y/N” Your eyes snap towards Grace, who has Ander’s arms around her waist pulling her close. “How’s work?”
“Pretty good. My legs are killing me right now actually due to this morning class” You chuckle, unaware of Mat looking at you as you speak. “The students are doing great. They followed my instructions pretty well. None of them break any pole... yet”
The whole table laughs at your statement as you sip your drink. Smiling and lean your temple against the couch, catching Mat’s inflated pupils looking at you adoringly.
“Ever thought about becoming a stripper though, babe?”
Grace’s question--which a joke--quickly pulls Mat out of his thoughts, tearing his eyes away from you and furrows his eyebrows. You, on the other hand, laugh hysterically.
“Grace come on, stop giving my girl crazy ideas! Her man is sitting here, for crying out loud!”
She shrugs her shoulders and gives an innocent smile. “Why not? Strippers make a lot of money”
“That’s true” You agree, wanting to see how he’ll react more.
He looks over at you, not noticing your playful smile as he points a finger. “Hey now missy, stop that.” And looks back at Grace. “Again, she’s my girl. There is no way i’m letting other men seeing her half-naked and shaking her ass in front of anyone” He snakes his arm around you, pulling you even closer.
His best friend, Tito laughs and shakes his head then say “Such a whipped motherfucker.” causing others to agree and laugh,
But Mat doesn’t care. yeah, so what if he’s whipped for you? He loves his girl so much and there is no fucking way he’s okay with old bald men touching his naked girlfriend. Would probably beat them to pulp one by one.
“Down, boy” you giggle, planting a quick kiss on his exposed neck making him shiver. “Let’s get you to relax, yeah? Come with me, baby.”
you swing your legs off of him and get up from the seat, intertwining his hands as he stands as well. Setting his empty glass on the wooden table.
“Be right back, guys. Need to loosen this one up.”
“If by loosen do you mean ‘fucking in public bathroom’?”
Honestly, you don’t know who says it but it makes you cackle. As a response, you throw a middle finger and hear the table cheer for it.
“Go get some, Barz!”
He laughs, slapping Tito’s shoulder. “i always do, man.”
And with that, you guide him to the restroom through a sea of dancing sweaty bodies. His eyes glued to your ass the whole time you walk in front of him. the small tight black dress compliments your figure, especially from this view. His teeth catch his bottom lip, chewing on it.
“Damn” He lets out, not having any more self-control he pulls you in so your back hits his chest, hearing you yelp.
“Easy, tiger. we almost made it.”
He hums, placing both of his hands on your stomach. Feeling himself growing hard as your plump ass brushing against the material of his jeans. “Can’t. You’re looking so hot tonight, i can’t control it.”
A soft giggle sputters from your lip as he attaches his mouth on your neck. Pushing the bathroom door open and quickly lock it so no one can get it.
“We have to be quick, okay?”
Mat spins you around and lifts you from the ground, placing you on the bathroom sink. Moving his mouth to yours, making out with you sloppily “Quick? I can be quick” He mumbles against your soft red lips, long fingers digging the inside of your thighs and spreading them open.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer, feeling eager for his touch. He hikes your dress up, just enough for him to pull your panties down. removing his mouth from you and shift his eyes down. Groaning softly at the sight of your glistening pussy.
“Fuck you’re so wet. Trying to kill me are you?” He breathes out a laugh and a smile plaster on his face.
“Maybe so” You tease, biting your lip as you lean back a little. Watching your boyfriend unbuckling his belt and pull his hard shaft out of the briefs, pumping it fast while you tease him more by circling your clit at a soft pace.
His other hand grips onto your waist and stepping closer. “Move your hand baby”
You oblige and extract your hand from your wet mound. Getting wetter at the view of your boyfriend pumping his long hard cock, grunting deeply before slipping the tip inside you.
The two of you sigh in pleasure, your eyes fall shut as he thrust in the entire length inside you. “Holy fuck you’re so tight.”
When he’s fully inside you, both his hands firmly grip your waist and start thrusting in and out, causing moans to keep falling out of your mouth. His eyes move to look at you. Tapping his thumb against your chin,
“Look at me, baby”
Though it’s a struggle, you manage to open your eyes and find him already staring back at yours. Hissing and moaning every time he thrusts faster into your pussy, the sound of skin slapping fill the entire bathroom.
“That’s it. Such a good girl for me, aren’t you baby?” He praises with a smirk, a loose curl falling over his forehead as he watches you tremble. “Taking me so good tonight. Know exactly how to make me happy.”
“Oh fuck, Mat” you moan out his name, throwing your head back in pleasure. That encourages him to go even faster on pounding your pussy, grunting loudly. “Fuck me so good.”
“Yeah?” He removes a strand of hair from your face and his hand moves down to pull your tits out of the dress, quickly latching his mouth around your nipple. Sucking and gently biting the sensitive area.
“Right there, baby. Don’t stop, fuck!” You beg. Grabbing onto one of his broad shoulders, holding tight to it as he keeps going hard.
His eyes look up to you, keeping your head fall back and jaw drops open due to the ultimate pleasures he’s giving you. Makes him so cocky and burst out in pride seeing his girl writhing under his touch. “Gonna cum baby?”
You can only nod your head and mutters out ‘uh-huh’ as you ball your fists tightly, feeling your legs beginning to be sore and about to reach your high.
“Me too.” He hums out, standing back straight and watches your entire body responding perfectly to the thrusts he’s giving you. “i-i’m cumming”
After a few thrusts, he then groans loudly, squeezing his eyes shut and release his warm load inside of you, knowing you on the pill he feels relieved,
You follow soon after, clenching your stomach as you explode all over his cock. coating it with your cum.
He pants heavily, slowly pulling away from you as he sees you trying to recover from everything. Chest glisten with drops of sweat and breasts still out, noticing the few red marks around the areola,
Chuckling deeply soon as you open your eyes look at him. Giving him a tired yet satisfied smirk, making him lean down and give you a wet sloppy kiss before pulling away completely to help you clean yourself and tuck himself back into his pants.
“I’m one lucky, whipped motherfucker, all right.”
omg this suck i apologize,  it’s 2 am from where i live lmao
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spaceskam · 4 years
He didn't know any better.
That's what Michael was going to say if anyone asked him and he was sticking to it.
He tiptoed about the body on the floor, careful not to give in to the desire to lay down beside him and kiss him until he woke up so they could have a replay of the night before. He couldn't remember a time he'd been so fucking desperate to get his hands on someone that they couldn't make it past the kitchen floor, but there was always a first for something. However, he had a final in twenty minutes and he didn't actually remember the guy's name, so nicities felt benign.
Still, considering that was the best fuck of his life, he took a few second to dig for a pen and paper in the apartment's tiny kitchenette. He settled for a napkin and a sharpie, using his leg as a counter so he didn't stain the actual one.
I had fun with you, let's do it again. Call me.
It wasn't until he was speeding to school that he realized he didn't actually give him his number. He gave himself a second to loudly yell at himself over it and didn't care if the old lady on the next car over was starting at him. Leave it him to him to fuck something so good up.
"Do I even have to ask?" Isobel sighed as he rushed into class with five minutes to spare. He looked at her with wide, innocent eyes. "You're in the same outfit as yesterday, don't look at me like that. You decided your midterm was a pitstop on your walk of shame?"
"Shut up," he said, sitting as close to her as he could without Dr. Glower throwing a fit. Still, she leaned over and pressed her thumb into a sore spot on his neck.
"You didn't even try to cover that up," she mused. He looked at her with wide eyes before pulling out his phone and staring at his reflection. Sure enough, he had a massive fucking hickey. It was only made worse when Isobel plucked at his t-shirt to peer down his back. "Did you have sex with a fucking cat? You're covered in scratches."
For the first time in a long time, Michael's cheeks flushed and his skin got hot all over. Oh, embarrassment, a punishment from God himself for premarital sex. Or was it the gay sex thing? Was it both?
"You're usually better about not getting all that on you," Isobel said skeptically.
"I didn't know any better," Michael said. Isobel snorted.
"I think whoever you slept with didn't know any better," she said. Probably accurately. As good and confident as the guy was, Michael could tell it was the first time he was really putting some things into action. But Michael wasn't about to say that. "So, who was she?"
Michael gave her a look and she looked at him with far too much delight.
"He?" she corrected, "How'd you even get at an angle for a guy to–you know what? Nevermind, don't wanna know. I do wanna know who you let cover you in fucking marks."
Michael pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't actually remember ever asking his name."
Isobel stared at him like he'd grown an extra head.
"You let a stranger do that? How hot was he? Where'd you meet him?"
"Yes, very, Fantasia."
Before Isobel could grill him anymore, Dr. Glower walked in and Michael had never been more thankful.
"Will you leave me alone?"
Michael groaned, but he didn't move out of her grasp. She was busy covering up the bruise on his neck with makeup that was absolutely not his shade but he'd rather a weird pale splotch than all the judgemental looks.
"You never go to gay bars by yourself," she said, "You never go anywhere by yourself."
"Yeah, well, I was stressing about the final and I needed to relax, so I went out. It was late and I didn't want to mess with your studying," he said.
All day he'd been not-so-subtly trying to find the guy from the night before. He knew they both went to UNM because that was the one thing they had talked about. Michael had seen him, bought him a drink, asked about school, his major, and if he wanted to dance. The rest of the night was a blur of tan skin and intoxicating kisses and unrivaled desire. Names just... didn't seem important in the moment.
"You think you're gonna see him again?" Isobel asked. Michael sighed.
"I have no idea. I don't know his name and I told him to call me without giving him my number, so he probably thinks I'm too dumb to talk to again."
"Uh, yeah, about that," Isobel laughed, "Any guy who decked you out in little trophies was into you much more than a one night stand."
The idea alone had him smiling.
"Michael Guerin!"
Michael turned to see Liz Ortecho making a fucking beeline for him. He grinned and opened his arms, letting her bodyslam into him before lifting her off the ground.
"I missed you!" she all but screamed into his ear. He laughed and squeezed her until she gave a little squeak. He let her down onto her feet.
"I can't believe you're back already."
"I was ready to come home," she said, still smiling. Liz had gotten a fancy semester abroad in Madrid because, well, she was great at what she did. "Did you know they spoke a completely different kind of Spanish? Like, I knew, but I didn't know, you know?"
"Yeah," Michael laughed, "Man, I really fucking missed you."
"I know!" she gushed, going in for another hug. He welcomed it happily. She was the first friend he'd made in college and they had spent many nights that started as a study session but became long, in depth talks about their life and goals and now she was one of his favorite people in the universe. "Listen, we're having a little welcome-home-slash-fuck-finals party on Friday at my friend Alex's. Come?"
"You know it."
"Awesome, I'll send you the address," she said, reaching up to give him a kiss on the cheek. He couldn't stop smiling. "You owe me lunch."
"I know," he agreed, giving a small salute as she walked away.
They never said goodbyes, they both agreed that felt too final.
For a genius, Michael was a fucking moron.
He was frozen in his car, staring up at the apartment that he'd been directed to go to for Liz's party. It just so happened to be the same apartment that he'd left Monday morning unceremoniously. He probably should've known that from the address, but he didn't even think about it. He should've. Maybe then he would've been prepared.
"He's in there," Michael said, "And I look like garbage."
"You do not look like garbage," Isobel said, very obviously tired of his shit considering they'd parked ten minutes ago and he still wasn't moving.
"I do! He's gonna look like a fucking gothic wet dream and I look like a trash can who hasn't washed his hair in a week!"
"Because you haven't washed your hair in a week."
"Oh my god, just cut it off, maybe he won't notice."
"Michael, will you calm down?" Isobel scoffed, "Look, come here."
He reluctantly looked to her, prepared for her to have scissors to cut off the mass of grease he'd let compile itself since that night because he was too wrapped up in finals go care. Except she didn't have scissors. She instead had baby powder.
"Just stay still, you gross bitch," she told him, sitting up on her knees and pouring the powder into his hair. She spent a good five minutes making it look like she hadn't just poured baby powder into his hair, just also making sure it didn't look like a grease trap. "Now, just wash your hair when you get home."
"Do you think he'll notice if I sneak in and wash my hair in the bathroom?"
"If you do that, I will disown you."
Eventually, they managed to head into the apartment. Michael was struggling to pretend that he wasn't terrified. He remembered being a lot more chill when he met this guy–Alex, his name was Alex–at Fantasia. Granted, he'd been a little high and a little eager, but still.
This felt like a ticking time bomb. He didn't know when he was going to run into him, he just knew it was going to happen, and that was terrifying. He wanted to see him again. He did. He just didn't want to ruin that night in his head.
That's why, when he finally made eye contact with those black-lined eyes, Michael ducked into the bathroom.
He looked around in a panic, trying to calm down as best he could so he wouldn't embarrass himself. How did he talk to him normally when all he could see was how he looked completely strung out on the kitchen floor? How did he make small talk when he knew they couldn't even make it to the bedroom? How did he flirt when he hadn't washed his hair all week?
He would blame that last thought when he ended up with his head in the sink as Alex knocked on the door.
"Hey," Alex called, "Uh, you've been in there for awhile. You alright?"
Michael tried to think fast. His head was half covered in suds from the shampoo he'd taken from Alex's shower and he was trying really hard not to get any water on Alexs makeup and half his shirt was already wet and he didn't know where a towel was.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"I'm fine!" Michael called back and cursed to himself. This was a bad idea. How was he supposed to explain his wet hair? What the fuck? Why did he do this?
"Are you sure?"
"I'm, uh..."
"You're not doing drugs, are you?"
"Because I'd really rather not find drugs in the bathroom later," Alex went on.
Which is what prompted Michael to say, "Come in!" You know, like a dumbass.
"Uh, okay?" Alex said before the door opened. Michael stood up straight, hair soaking wet (but soap free) and face red. This was just the week of embarrassment. "Um. I'm not sure what to say."
Alex's face was slowly turning red as he fought laughter which Michael appreciated. Still, with a red face, he looked fucking gorgeous. He was dressed in all black and his makeup was done all pristine and and his hair was long and pulled back into a low bun with strands hanging down around his face. Michael didn't remember his hair looking like that. It looked good. And he looked like a wet dog.
"Do you have a towel?" Michael asked lamely. Alex slipped a small laugh, but reeled it in as he nodded.
"Uh, yeah," he said, reaching below the sink to grab one. Which Michael probably should've guessed. "You know, if you needed to take a shower, you could've asked."
Michael closed his eyes momentarily, but thankfully the towel was as to save him from painful eye contact.
"I could come up with a lie, but literally I'm already an embarrassment, so," Michael sighed, drying his hair as best he could. The towel hung in front of his eyes for no reason other than preventing him from wanting to shove his head into the wall. "I didn't realize you were the one throwing the party and I kinda didn't look my best and I didn't want to see you when I looked fucking busted, so..."
"So you washed your hair in my sink?"
"Yeah," Michael sighed, "I'm sorry."
"You're fine," Alex said. They were silent for a moment until Michael dried his hair as good as it was going to get. He was prepared for the mass of frizz it would become in the next few hours. "So..."
They both let out soft laughs and shook their heads. How did people have conversations again?
"Listen, Sunday night was... I don't usually do that," Alex started. Michael got real serious re fast. "I've slept with a guy, like, once before and it was a high school boyfriend and it went really bad and I never spoke to him again. So... That was really out of character for me and I apologize if I embarrassed myself enough to make you feel the need to sneak away."
Michael's eyes widened. "No! No, the only one of us who should be embarrassed is me. I had a final that morning and I didn't wanna wake you, so I just... I left a note."
"Without your number or name."
"I'm stupid," Michael sighed. Alex gave a sweet smile that was enough to recharge him. "I don't usually do that either," Michael said, but quickly decided to back track, "Well, I've had one night stands and stuff, but I usually don't run out like that. I promise I'm more respectful than that. And also I would like that to not be a one night stand. Hence the attempt to not look like a sewer rat when I realized I would see you again."
Alex snorted, "You look great."
"Me? No, you look like a fucking model and that willl forever be my excuse when asked why I lost all my cool," Michael insisted, "I swear, I never lose my cool."
"I know, you were pretty suave that night," Alex noted. Michael licked his lips and smiled.
"Listen, I know we met in kind of an unconventional way, but you are literally the hottest guy I've ever met. I never let anyone give me a hickey, but I gladly let you fucking wreck me and I would gladly do it again," Michael said. Alex gulped visibly, suddenly looking innocent all over again. Why was that so hot?
"I had no idea what I was doing, I'm sorry I left a hickey."
"I ready think you knew what you were doing," Michael laughed. Alex flushed a deeper shade of red and shrugged half-heartedly.
"I was going off your cues."
"Yeah, well, I wanna do that again. But, like, properly," Michael insisted, "Can I give you my number? For real this time?"
Alex smiled a bit wider and nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that."
They eventually made it out of the bathroom and Michael pretty immediately went to Isobel to let her know he probably would be staying a little later than everyone else. He wanted to get to know Alex a bit better. You know, beyond his kitchen floor. Maybe his bedroom would be a good setting.
Isobel sighed and ignored his wet hair which was honestly the biggest blessing of the night.
"Leave it to you to get laid looking like that."
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whockeywhore · 4 years
Captivated feat. Nolan Patrick
“And he gave Madison the last rose but I think he really wanted Emily. The chemistry between them is insane and- are you listening?” 
“Hmm? Yeah. Of course.” Her eyes narrowed before she continued, waxing on about some reality show I couldn’t care less about. 
The music wasn’t loud enough for me to tune her out so I nodded, sipped my beer, and took a look around the room. TK walked in with two girls in tow and waved me over. Grateful for the excuse to leave, I mumbled a quick goodbye to the girl who’d cornered me by the fridge and slipped by her. 
“Hey man, you know Nina.” She leaned close for a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before stepping aside. “And this is-” 
He stopped and turned to her, waiting for an interjection that never came. She crossed her arms over her chest instead and raised an eyebrow. 
“You forgot already?” 
“No,” He chuckled and shook his head, eyes glassy from drinking. “Didn’t forget.” 
“From the door to the kitchen! It’s what, twenty feet?” 
“I know it! Gimme a minute.” He squinted at her for a moment before snapping his fingers. “Texas!” 
“Louuuuuuuusiana!” He drew it out with a grin and she returned her own, turning to look at me. She gave me a wink with the most beautiful hazel eyes I’d ever seen. “Maine?” 
“You’re so close, Travis.” 
“Is it Travis?” 
“Okay, why don’t we go get some water.” Nina wrapped an arm around him and led him away, leaving the two of us alone. I shoved my free hand in my pocket and looked towards the cooler on the island. 
“Can I get you a beer?” 
“That’d be great.” I grabbed two bottles and uncapped both, handing her one as I sipped my own. She shuddered after taking a drink and apologized.  
“Not a fan?” 
“Just haven’t had a drink in a while.” 
“Why not?” She shrugged and took one of the stools under the counter. I snagged the one next to her and leaned back, watching her as she downed another sip. “How do you know Nina?” 
“I renovated her loft back in New York and we kinda hit it off. You?” 
“She’s does media for our team.” 
“So you play hockey?” I nodded and she crossed one leg over the other. “How long have you played?” 
“Long time. Fifteen years or so.” 
“That is a long time.” She finished her beer and sat up to grab another, setting a new bottle in front of me. “You like it?” 
“Love it.” 
“Isn’t it dangerous?” 
“That’s the best part.” The corners of her eyes crinkled when she smiled. “What do you do?” 
“I flip houses.” 
“Really? You must have some strong arms.” 
“Original. I haven’t heard that one in,” she checked her watch and rolled her eyes, “an hour or so. Aren’t you a bit young for dad jokes?” 
We fell into a back and forth, banter sharp enough to cut glass, and an hour later I was hooked. She was sweet and witty and had me wiping at tears in my eyes from laughing so hard as she held her hands on top of mine. 
“You gotta focus.”
“I am!” 
“You’re not.” Her knee was touching the inside of my thigh and that proved to be all-consuming as I lost another round. She shook her head and leaned in even closer as we switched positions. 
“I’m gonna teach you the trick, okay? But you can’t tell anyone.” 
“I won’t.” 
“Promise?” The few inches between our faces gave me an opportunity to really look at her. Her eyes were a brilliant swirl of colors and gold lined her iris, brought out by tan skin and a smattering of freckles. I stole a glance at her full lips, as quick as I could, but she caught me, a blush on her cheeks as she shook her head. “Promise?” 
“I swear.” 
“Good. Now, the key to winning is to distract your opponent any way you can.” She bit down on her bottom lip for a second and smirked. “Anything you can do to shift their focus.” 
“Anything.” She drew her elbows in a bit to push her boobs up and I fought to keep my eyes on her but failed miserably. The deep v-neck of her shirt called to me like a Siren and she slapped my hands as soon as I shifted my gaze. I pulled them back and scowled as she downed the rest of her beer. 
“That’s not fair!” 
“I just hope you’re better at hockey than you are at this. If not, Thursday’s gonna suck.” 
“You’re coming to the game on Thursday?” She opened her mouth to answer me but Travis cut her off as he came into the kitchen yelling. He had an empty bottle in his hand and he held it over his head like a trophy as he did a lap around the island. 
“Spin the bottle! Anybody wanna play?” He stopped next to us and raised a brow. “You guys coming?” 
I slid off of my chair and reached out to her, crossing the fingers on my free hand in hopes that she’d say yes. There was a moment of hesitation before she nodded. 
“Yeah, okay.” 
There were eight people around the coffee table, including the two of us, and I weighed my odds. The idea of kissing her swayed my decision and I took an open spot. Travis noticed her and shouted with a grin. 
“New girl! Come sit by me.” He patted the ground and she obliged, wincing as he leaned in. “It’s Travis, right?” 
“Alright guys, lady Travis spins first!” She opened her mouth to argue but he wasn’t having it, looking to Nina to goad her on. She finally relented, keeping her eyes on me as she spun. 
It seemed like an eternity before it came to a stop, right between me and the guy next to me. He gave me a sideways glance and scowled as I reached out and pulled it in my direction. 
“That’s cheating!” 
I waved him off as I got to my feet, holding out a hand to help her up and pull her towards the closet. There was a bare bulb over us and she flicked it off as I shut the door behind us. Her cheeks were pink and she rose to her tiptoes, stopping just short of kissing me and furrowing her brow. 
“I don’t know your name.” 
“It’s Nolan.” She said it once before leaning back in but I stopped her this time. “What’s yours?” 
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 42)
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Colson's leg is bouncing up and down. If Luna's hangover and the turbulence of the plane are the death of her. His uncontrollable leg is the nail in her coffin. She squeezes his knee, choosing her words specifically. "Do you feel alright?" She asks sweetly, hoping to crack a smile on his beautiful face. It does, but it's weak. "What's up?" She asks him.
Sighing, he says "I'm just nervous about dinner." She laces her fingers into his. Natural anxiety reducer.
Tilting her head, she asks him "Why? You've met my Mom-Mom before...." A little amused.
"I know...." He trails off.
"What's up, Colson?" She pries gently.
He turns to her, their blue eyes meeting. "I just want her to like me. I know she liked Justin and Jackson. I don't wanna be the odd man out." He looks down.
"He's so fucking adorable." She thinks to herself, smiling.
"That's the thing, Bunny. You're the only man in. They're called passed relationships because they're in the past. Plus." She winks at him, hoping he'll look up to catch it. He doesn't. "She already likes you. There would be no dinner if she didn't." She tells him squeezing his hand.
His head pops up finally, meeting her eyes and knowing smile. "Yeah?"
"Mhm... You said it yourself, my grandmom's a beast. She's very direct and I'm betting, she knew and decided she liked you before the end of brunch. Hence, the follow through with dinner."
"I'm outta pocket, hunh?" He asks to her giggling nod. "I know, I just never cared what someone's parent thought before, Loons."
"Well, she's not my parent. She's my Mom-mom. So, wipe that stigma away. And she's not Betty Crocker. She's Patti fucking Smith. And MY grandmother. There's nothing you could do or say in this WORLD, that would shock her." Luna is stroking his hair now, trying to reassure him.
"Facts." He agrees laughing. "You're right, I'm totally outta pocket." He kisses her sweetly on the lips before they lean back against each other. They have an hour left of their flight. Drifting off, their minds wander.
"He's so cute....." She muses to herself. "I wonder where we'll go.... I'm fucking starving. Maybe I can convince her to go to Tony's. It's quiet, we shouldn't be bothered.... Ugh, I'm totally grabbing a fucking pretzel when we hit ground."
"Patti was really nice. And it deff didn't feel like a front.... Luna's a lot like her.... Fuck, I hope she's right...... And fuck Jackson's bitch ass, yo." Annoyance rising inside of him.
They land before 5P. Luna loves The City. There's a rush of emotions that flood her senses as soon as she hits the side walk. Colson sees her grinning as she spies a pretzel vendor. "Ahhh!! It's good to be home!!" She shouts dragging him behind her.
They're staying at The Vale instead with Luna's Mom-Mom. Their intense sex life being the main factor. Dropping their bags, she guides him around the city.
There's something special she has in mind before dinner at 730P.
Colson loses his shit as she leads him into a little comic book shop. "Hey Bob!!" She calls out. A hefty man comes out from a dark back room.
"LUNA!?" His voice booms. "Long time, no see, Kiddo! How are you?" Giving her a huge hug.
"Fucking stupid ass shoulder." She thinks trying to return his hug.
"Good, good. Been on the West Coast for a bit. Yourself?" She asks.
"Don't complain, no one listens!" They all laugh.
"Bob, this is my boyfriend Colson." She says introducing the 2 men to Bob's quiet surprise. He knew Justin. "He's a huge fan. I couldn't come home without bringing him in." She laughs.
Colson is like a kid in a candy store. Excited over all the rare editions, chatting and debating different theories and characters with Bob. He buys 15 comic books and exchanges all info. Making an instant friend. Laughing with promises of returning, Luna pulls Colson out the door and off to get dressed for dinner.
"That was fucking SICK, Loons!" He tells her, scooping her up to kiss her as they walk back to The Vale. "Bob's fucking awesome. He's knows everything!" He continues. "Thanks for taking me!"
Smiling through the tinge of pain, she's heard that of Bob before. She then laughs saying "OF COURSE!! Pete never took you here?" She questions.
"Nah... I don't think we've ever been to Brooklyn together." He says. "Either way, fucking AWWWWESOME!!!" He tells her, swinging her around on the sidewalk, kissing her all over as she laughs uncontrollably.
As Luna slips her clothes off for a quick shower, Colson watches her. Eyeing every tattoo, every curve of her body. Still avoiding that fucking shoulder. She looks over to see him watching her. "What are you doing?" She asks him with a smile.
"THIS." He replies, spinning her around into his arms. He takes her face into his hands kissing her hard and deep. Making her pussy plump for him. Colson lifts Luna up on to the bathroom counter. She's sucking on his neck and biting on his shoulder as he slides himself into her.
"Colllson." She moans out. Leaning back, bracing herself on the sink and mirror. He's gripping her ass, pumping into her, making her whole body bounce on his dick. Feeling close she pulls herself into him. Pussy clenching around his huge cock. "FUCK Colson, I'm gonna cum." She cries into his neck.
"Not now." He pulls her hair back.
Bucking hard against him, she pulls back into him. "YES, now." She demands. Biting him hard on the neck as they both explode. She releases his neck, still pushing her hips into him.
"FUCK, KITTEN." He breathes out heavily kissing her on the mouth. She kisses him back before slapping his ass and pushing him off of her.
"We're late." She hops off of the counter, starting the shower.
"It's this thing's fault." He tells her, gripping her ass cheek and jiggling it.
"Get in the fucking shower." She laughs.
Colson had forgot his wallet upstairs, so Luna's waiting for him in the lobby. Although they had gotten dressed together upstairs, stepping out of the elevator, she takes his breath away. Stopping him in his tracks. She's dressed in all black. Fully covered but still sexy as hell.
"Fuck, she's gorgeous." He thinks to himself. Feeling his heart race and dick get hard, she breaks the trance when she catches his eye. "I'm gonna fucking marry her one day. IF she let's me." He laughs to himself as he greets his girlfriend.
Dinner isn't nearly as intimidating as Colson expected. Luna had told her grandmother about his parents prior, both agreeing the topic was off limits unless he mentions it. There's wine, pasta, bread and lots of laughter.
Patti tells embarrassing stories about Luna to Colson's delight. She asks about Casie and Emma, having met them both. Praising Colson on their dynamic as parents.
The conversation is fully engaging. Patti goes on to ask about his career. Praising him again, this time for his role in The Dirt. "I know those boys pretty well." She tells Colson of Mötley Crüe. "I wouldn't have normally watched it but Luna was intent on me seeing your performance. I was very impressed. You have a natural gift."
He thanks her, cheeks flush with embarrassment.
"Told you, Mom-mom." Luna teases, touching his leg under the table.
Patti asks how him and Luna met. A cheesing Colson tells the story of The Gramercy and his birthday. Luna blushes when he kisses her on the cheek. 
"It's like serendipity." Patti smiles at the couple. Pleased with the way the man interacts with and speaks of her granddaughter.
Patti and Luna discuss Marissa and AL. Luna catching her up to speed. Marissa's visa is slowly moving along. While Ashley and Luna have a meeting this coming week with AL's ACLU. Plus, that the Nightmare merch sold out.
The old punk is pleased with her granddaughter's political activism. This spawns stories of Patti's own rebellion and youth. Colson hanging on every word. Luna watching them happily. She knows almost all these stories, chiming in when relevant.
They finish up dinner with promises of Home Safe texts and future visits. Patti hugs Colson warmly. Holding him tight for a moment, she tells him it was a pleasure to spend time with him and that she appreciates his love for her granddaughter. Colson hugs her back tight, thanking her. There's a safe comfort in the woman's hug. She kisses Luna goodbye, exchanging love before she gets into her cab.
"Your Mom-mom's fucking awesome!!" Colson declares.
"That, she is." Luna agrees with a large smile.
Luna leads Colson to Trophy for a drink, sharing a joint and laughter as they walk along the way.
The bar is pretty calm for a Saturday night. Luna doesn't recognize any of the bartenders or see the owner as they grab drinks and a booth in the back corner.
Heads ducked together, she eyes him deviously. "Wanna play a game?" She asks him. Instantly intrigued he nods. She pulls his hand underneath the booth and places it on her thigh. As he runs it up her skirt, he realizes she has on thigh highs. Not stockings. With no panties.
"This crazy Fucking Bitch!" He thinks in excitement. Eyes wide as he touches her bare pussy.
She's watching his reaction. Body radiating from his touch in the loud bar. "Can make me cum without anyone noticing?" She dares him.
He kisses her, accepting her dare as he slowly slides his middle finger inside of her, rolling his thumb around and along her clit. Her body tightens with his movement. She bites her lip as he stares into her eyes, pushing his finger inside of her. Feeling her start to shake, he slides his free arm around her shoulders pulling her into him. His finger deeper into her. She's breathing heavy, trying not to buck against him as he pleases her with his finger and thumb. He feels her walls clench as she shoves her face into his neck. Giggling as she cums in his hand. She stays in his neck for a moment, collecting herself.
Pulling away, she looks up around the bar. No one's paying attention to them.
"FUCK, I LOVE NEW YORK" She thinks, happy to be home.
She smiles as she watches Colson lick his finger.
"Fucking peaches." He thinks, distracted by her taste.
"You're a bad girl." He tells her, laughing as he kisses her.
"Your bad girl." She purrs to him. They share a few more rounds before deciding to split.
Leading Luna through the bar by her hand, he's stopped abruptly by the pull back of his arm and Luna shouting "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" He turns to see her bewildered. Before he can ask her what's wrong, she shouts to him with her thumb jerking towards a guy sitting at the bar. "HE GRABBED MY FUCKING ASS!!"
"She doesn't have on any FUCKING panties!!!" The thought quickly flashes through his mind as rage explodes.
Colson grabs the peice of shit by the back of the hair, slamming his face into the bar, hard, while shouting "FUCKING TOUCH MY GIRL, DAWG!?!" Luna sees a guy stand up to her left as another is standing up to Colson's right. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Colson hit the other guy. Luna turns to the man standing aggressively near her, kicking out his right knee cap. This brings him down to her level as she slams her fist up, underneath his jaw with a solid upper cut. A left and then a hard right and he's done.
"Get the FUCK outta here!!" The bartender starts screaming at Colson and Luna as the 3 men try to recover from their damage.
Before Colson can grab her, she slams five $100 bills on the bar. "FREE DRINKS FOR WHOEVER CAN KEEP THEIR FUCKING MOUTHS SHUT!!" She shouts to the crowd watching. Looking the bartender in the eye, sliding him another $100, she tells him "You tell Lucas, THAT Brooklyn Bitch was here." She then steps around the dudes grappling on the ground, grabs Colson's hand and hits the streets.
Back at The Vale, they're both high and drunk off of each other, drugs and love. All over the other in the elevator. "I can't believe he fucking touched you." He's ranting as he pushes her into their room. "I shoulda Fucking killed him." He says through sloppy drunk kisses.
"Next time." She laughs, unbuckling his pants as he pulls her leather off.
"You're a MOTHERFUCKING monster!!" He exclaims to her giggles, lifting her up on to his waist. She pulls her black dress off over her head. "No, like you fucking dropped that dude." His words are quick as he kisses all over her neck and chest.
Unhooking her bra, she laughs "It's all about the knees, Bunny."
He lays her on the bed, thigh high clad legs around his neck, black ankle booties still on. They're sloppy and drunk and excited and in love. Pushing into her, she pushes her hips back into him. Driving him deeper into her. They moan for each other. He fucks her hard, cradling her head in his big hands. She bites his collar bone, pushing against him, pulling his hair. Fucking each other hard. "FUCK LUNA!!" He calls out. She feels his arms shake as he cums inside of her. Dropping her legs, she bucks against him harder, exploding just as he falls on top of her.
Out of breath, they lay there for a minute.
"Fuck. You're ferocious." He breathes into her hair as she wraps her body tightly around him.
Luna wakes up to a text from Pete.
"You might wanna check Page Six before brunch 👀 👀 👀 👀"
Is all it says.
"FUUUCCCKK." Luna sighs pulling covers over her head.
"It seems the prodigal granddaughter of punk has returned home. Sources say That Brooklyn Bitch was spotted having dinner with her grandmother, the legendary Patti Smith at Tony's in Brooklyn, on Saturday night. Sources report that the pair were not alone, being joined by the rapper Machine Gun Kelly. It has been reported that, That Brooklyn Bitch has been recently spotted in LA over the last few weeks with the rapper. The songstress and rapper have a new song together climbing the charts and she has been featured in his Instagram stories this passed month. Sources go on to say, there was an altercation at Trophy Bar between the NY native, we're assuming her new beau and a group of men inside the establishment. No further details were given. At press time That Brooklyn Bitch, nor Machine Gun Kelly could be reached for comment."
Luna slams the paper down on the table after she reads it. Sighing as Colson picks it up. "We're out. The internet doesn't matter the way The Post does." She says.
After reading it, he responds. "Whatever. We're out, Kitten. It could've been worse, there's barely any details. Your $600 bought something." He shrugs laughing.
"FUCK you." She shoots him a dirty look with a half smile.
"I love you and I don't give a fuck who knows. Now c'mon, let's get dressed. Pete's waiting on us." He tells her, kissing her on the forehead before pulling her up from the table.
Sighing again, she obliges. Knowing this is about to change EVERYTHING.
To be continued.......
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Writer ask meme
I was tagged by the flamazing @feedingmyinsomnia​ <333 and i will tag...if you want!... @perfectpiety @amethyst-fox-jv @ayerlind @sitkowski and anyone else who writes who sees this!  but you don’t have to, just feel honored that i tagged you ;)
ao3 name: catmanu!
fandoms: currently writing in the football (as in soccer) rpf fandom, but always have other things on my mind as well.
number of fics: i’ve written SO many in my lifetime and most have never been published anywhere.
fic i spent the most time on: technically “exit right” because it took me like...a year and a half to write it?  in terms of like...period of time spent actively writing it’s definitely “trophy boyfriend.”
fic i spent the least amount of time on: either “fly faster!” which i wrote in like, an hour or “jet ski još čeka” which i wrote over the course of a day.
shortest fic: my shortest standalone fic on ao3 is “the world drowned” at 370 words--my ancient shireen baratheon/rickon stark futurefic 
most hits / most kudos / most comment threads / most bookmarks / highest total word count:  ok im leaving out the drabble collections.  omg without even looking i know this is all gonna be fuckin... “captivated” because i’m The arya/jaqen person on ao3 even now.  let’s see.  most hits: “captivated,” most kudos: “captivated,” most comment threads: “trophy boyfriend,” most bookmarks: “captivated,” highest total word count: “trophy boyfriend.”  sigh
favorite fic i wrote: omg i think i made a post like this recently?   most recently my favorite fics are “trophy boyfriend,” “5.VII.,” “ça c’est ma dope,” “what we do in the élysée,” “victory rain,” “the heat of it all,” “soy loca con mi tigre,” “chief of the armed forces.”  in the past i love all my arya/jaqen stuff so much.  i really do love most of what i’ve written that i posted, but these stand out to me.  oh, and how could i forget-- “modernity towering in front of the sky.” still slaps tbqh
fic i want to rewrite/expand on: everything i’ve written is its own thing.  i don’t usually write things that require a sequel or anything, so there isn’t really anything i can think of?
share a bit of a wip or story idea you’re working on:, ok, so, ahhhh.  i post a lot from my current big ass wip “mare liberum,” but another thing i’m agonizing over is my šluka (šime & luka) longfic “we light up the world.”  i thought it was going to be a fun little jaunt but it’s killing me because there’s not much of a precedent for it and i honestly have no idea how to write the pov.  F in the chat for my pov.  but sigh, i’ll stick a bit of it below; read at your own risk...
Tonight there really is a reason for him to be available and he’s had enough rakija on an empty enough stomach (what was the last thing he ate? How come he can’t remember?) to feel like putting his hand on Luka Modrić’s strong heroic leg and leaning into his face till their noses touched just like on Zadar beach and saying…well, he’s not sure what he’d say.  But he has to pretend he’s sober because Luka is pretty sober and his whole family is here anyway.
Fuck it!  They should have just done the grapes thing!
Šime pulls out his phone and makes Deki a Happy New Year! video instead.  It feels really good to talk to Dejan, even if he can’t talk back.
He gets an idea in the middle of this.  “Hey, look,” he says to his phone.   “Look who’s here with me.  Wait for it…wait for it…HEY…CAPTAIN!”
At least Luka looks happy to see him, and that makes him feel warm all over, warmer than you get from drinking alone.  He turns away from Vanja.  “What’s up?”
“Wanna say hi to Dejan with me?  Say hi, Captain Luka.”
Luka smirks.  “Are you two live?  I don’t want to be in any of your lives.”
Šime clutches his heart.  “Did you hear that, Deki?   Our captain doesn’t like our lajjjjjjvs.  Think we should—mutiny.”
Suddenly Luka’s bony chin lands on Šime’s shoulder.  “Happy New Year!” he yells in Šime’s ear.  Šime doesn’t really mind.  “Are you back in Croatia?  How many times have you bullied Davor this—oh, you’re not live.”  He ruffles Šime’s curls.  Dejan’s not going to be too thrilled about that, but considering he and Šime are both, well, married—and not to each other—Šime figures he can’t reasonably complain about someone else touching his ljubavi’s hair.  And he’ll tell Deki that if he does.  “You should have told me.  I feel stupid.”  He winks.
“Well...you said you didn’t want to be in any of our lajjjjjjvs,” Šime sings.  “So, now you’re not.  See?”  He sticks his tongue out at his video for Deki.  “C’mon, brate, I’ll show you who else is here.”  He moves away from Luka quickly.  Just in case.
He isn’t sure how much time has passed, but he’s definitely helped himself to another drink or two or more than two, and suddenly Luka has appeared next to him.  His hair looks so soft and fluffy and beautiful and Šime just wants--really, really wants to take Luka in his arms and put his nose in his hair and just hold him for a long time.  Rest his head on top of Luka’s head, maybe.  Whisper we’re so lucky to have you.  Please don’t ever retire, play until your bones turn to dust.  Please don’t leave.  
“Hey, do you want a ride home?” Luka asks.  All of a sudden he puts his arm around Šime and Šime pinches his leg pretty hard to make sure this is real.  Luka’s arms are—tricky.  When you first see them, you don’t realize how strong they are.  But when you feel them, you know.  And when one of them is wrapping around your shoulders like a big, heavy snake, you really know.  “I don’t know how you got here, but you shouldn’t get home that way.”
Šime snorts.  “Thanks, Mom.  Since when do you care…I’ve seen you way more drunk than I am right now.”
Luka is playing with the ends of his hair.  Why is Luka playing with the ends of his hair?  He pinches his leg again and it stings a little, but, is he dreaming that he’s pinching himself?  Did someone put something in the rakija?  He stares around the room wildly for a second, wondering who in there’s trying to get him in bed.  “Yeah, but I had people to take care of me, then,” Luka says.  “Even if people was just you and Domo holding my legs.”
“Mmmmm,” Šime agrees, remembering much more about those days than just that.
“But especially you.  You always look out for me when I get like…”  Luka gives him a wet kiss on the forehead and lets go of his shoulders.  “So let us drive you back.”
“Uhhhh.”  Šime stares at Luka till his eyes cross.   Wow, he’s definitely more drunk than he thought he was.  “Okay,” he says.
Sofia is asleep by the time they leave.  Vanja carries her to the car.  Their older two’s eyes are closing as they walk, so Luka holds their hands.  Šime walks a few steps behind them, feeling kind of like the family dog.  It’s not too late to call an Uber, right?.  He really should just call an Uber.  He will, actually.  He pulls out his phone only to realize that making Dejan a video had used up all the battery.
“Go on, sit in the front.  Come on.”  Šime blinks. Vanja is smiling at him. 
“No, that’s...You should sit next to Luka. I’m totally cool with sitting with the kids! They’re all so awesome.”
“They’re all so asleep,” Vanja says. Šime peeks into the car. In the back, Ivano and Ema have already passed out. “Take the front. You’re our guest.”
Šime flops into the passenger seat. He doesn’t want to be rude to Vanja, or make anything even more awkward. But it’s just that up here Luka’s cologne smells so strong and it would be so easy to reach over and just touch him while telling him he still thinks about being a Zadar kid with him just about every week. And he’s so bad at resisting temptation when he’s drunk. Mmmmm, my sinner, Dejan would say sometimes. My beautiful sinful sinner, God, my beautiful perfect—
“Hey, got a playlist?” he asks quickly.  If he gets hard thinking about Deki this won’t get any less weird. “How about some Marice, mariceeeeee--”
“I wish,” Luka says. “But the kids…”  Šime watches how the streetlights light up all the interesting angles of his face.  “Once they’re asleep, you’ll do anything to make sure they stay asleep.  You know how that goes.”  
Šime swallows around the guilty lump that’s suddenly appeared in his throat and he nods.  He keeps his eyes fixed on Luka’s face.  Each time a car’s headlights flash across it, it changes.  Sometimes he looks much younger than he is. And sometimes he looks…older than 34.  Like an eternal captain, like he’ll somehow be Šime’s leader forever even after he retires.
“Luka, stop talking to him,” Vanja says from behind him.  “He looks about as exhausted as the kids.”
“What?  That’s like asking me to stop playing football,” Luka says. “I could never stop talking to Šime.”  And keeping his eyes on the road, he takes one hand off the wheel to rest it on Šime’s leg. “We go way back.  Zadar kids and all.”
Suddenly words are hard.  “We, uhhh—yeah.  It’s not like I knew you back in the day.  We don’t go back that f--that--we…”
“What did I say?” Vanja said.  “Your best right-back’s falling asleep.”
“No, ‘m…’m not, I…”  And Luka is gently squeezing his knee, and--
“Maybe help him get inside,” Vanja is saying.  Šime blinks.  Somehow they’re back at his place and he has no idea how it happened.
“Hey, did I snore?  Did I talk in my sleep or something?”
“Nope,” Vanja says.  “I hate to say it, Šime, but you’re pretty boring when you sleep.”
“Oh?”  He yawns.  What is he, an old man all of a sudden?  A few drinks and this is what happens to him?  “Dejan says I’m cudd--”
“Okayyyy, out,” Luka says.  He’s totally covering up a laugh.  Shit!  “That’s a good idea, Vanja.  I’ll get him inside.  Can’t lose a defender, right?”
Šime says goodnight to Vanja, who now definitely knows he and Deki are fucking, but she’s a pretty chill person, so it really could be worse.  His legs wobble underneath him, and he bumps into the warm hood of the car.
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mcxbobbyx · 5 years
Highschool Reunion: The Party (A love island fan fic)
Theres a knock at my front door after i see my best friend pull up in the driveway. I open the door and immediately get pulled into a hug. "Are you ready for tonight's party??" Chelsea asks. "Its going to be so epic! Everyone from highschool's gonna be there so..." her gaze lingers to my outfit "what in gods name is THAT?" Im wearing my cherrygate shirt with rubber ducky pj pants. "What? They're comfy!" She giggles and walks inside. "Lets get you ready!" After hours of doing make up and
hair, I stand in front of the mirror not even recognizing the girl in front of me. Chelsea lingers beside me "You look amazing!". I grab my purse and house keys before leaving. "My car? Or should we go in separate?" She asks. "Lets go in yours. Im pretty sure one of us needs to be able to drive" I reply. We both giggle and hop in her car. The music starts as we head down the road. "Gosh! It's been so long since highschool. Do you even remember anyone? Like its been how long?" asks Chelsea. "10 years," i replied "and of
course i remember a few people. There was Hope from science. Elijah from the football team" I continue. "Oh yeah," chelsea cuts in "i remember him! He was so cute back then... I wonder how he looks now." She says seductively. We both look at each other and burst into laughter. "Is Bobby going too?" I ask. Bobby and I had been friends since kindergarten. Highschool was a blast together but since then we've all just been so busy with our careers. "I wonder how he is.." i mutter. Chelsea smirks and
says "i think the last time i heard of him he moved to Glasgow and was catering at the hospital there. He might've got the word about the party. Im pretty sure noah sent the invite. Why? Is there something i should know??" she then looks at me suggestively. "What?? No! Definitely not! Come on! We were best friends. Its only curiosity." A low giggle escapes her as she pulls in front of the house. Noah's place is HUGE! "What does he do again?" I ask. "I think he works for a library.." she replies. "Yeah!
Some library." I mumble. We park the car by the street and begin walking up. "Okay, so when we get in there dont forget we have to leave by midnight. I HAVE to be back at the office tomorrow before 9 or i could get fired. So we'll meet back here by then okay?" she says. I nod in approval as she takes the door and opens it to a gigantic crowd of people. They all look at us and we begin to get greeted by tons of people. Theres that guy from math! He looks horrible! Oh wow! Its Jo from chemistry, geez she
got fat! We make our way throughout the house. The place is enormous inside. 3 stories, huge outdoor pool, flat screens on all corners of the walls and a big island in the middle of the kitchen filled with chips, wings, and plenty to drink. "Noah!" Chelsea squeales, pushing her way towards noah who stands by the stair way with a drink and hope close by. We exchanged hugs and begin to chit chat. "You guys remember hope from Mr. Tansey's science class right?" Hope reachs for our hand and gives it a good
shake. "She's actually going to be my date this evening so my apologies to you both." noah says. They both pull each other close to their side. "Aw" i begin "its no problem. You're a lucky guy." I suddenly feel my hand get pulled behind me and find myself pressed against a green buttoned down cameo, smelling a faint hint of cologne all on top of someone's incredibly muscular caramel chest. My eyes linger toward his face, "Not as lucky as I am." say Bobby. His golden hazel eyes beam at mine. In this
moment if his hand wasnt pressed against my lower back, i swear i couldve melted on the spot. For a moment its as though we were frozen in time. He was no longer the dorky bestfriend i used to know. The cafeteria banter was long gone as i can only see a man. Maybe not as tall as noah, but just enough to keep my head in a swoon. I suddenly feel chelsea brush my arm "any chance i could catch a hug too?" Bobby releases me slowly and gently hugs her "hey Chelsea. Still got prep, i see" he says. "Of
course!" She begins "How else would I have gotten all those cheerleading trophies?" Another figure steps into the picture as i see queen bee Lottie walk around the corner. "Hi chels." she says warmly. She glances at me for a moment and then smirks as if something was funny "hey y/n, got rid of the glasses i see." I roll my eyes. Same old Lottie. "Yeah, i guess you can say some people change. But you look nothing different lottie." She huffs out a laugh and says "aw thanks! I knew i could stay young
forever." Her eyes move past me towards Bobby. "Hi" she says, putting her hand out "im lottie, i dont believe we ever met." She looks him up and down, almost drooling at the mouth. Bobby shakes her hand and says "oh ive met you, but you just wouldnt remember." a small smirk spreads across his face. She hesitates before continuing "well maybe a second time will be better-" before another word could be said, Noah bangs on the counter "Can i have everyones attention please? Now that we're all here, i just
want to say that since highschool ended, these past few years have been the best of my life. However tonight is about remembering the years that began where we are today. Its good to have everyone back! In a few moments we'll be playing man hunt and after is 7 minutes in heaven. You guys are more than welcome to join either or simply pig out in the damn kitchen." The crowd chuckles as he continues "I hope you all can have a good time, and here's to another 10 incredible years to come." He finishes off the speech by raising his
glass and everyone cheers him on. He hops off the counter and walks towards us. "Aye Bob's! Up for some man hunt in the dark?" Noah asks, pulling bobby in a man hug. "Hell yeah man! Sounds sick!" They continue the bro talk as chelsea asks "you wanna join? We need more people for the girls team." Without question, lottie pulls you in and says "Of course she does! Cant wait to get down and dirty again right?" I hesitate to answer "sure, why not?" The girls smile as we all head outside and i catch a
glance at bobby who's eyes seem to follow for a moment. We all stand in the street for a mintue until noah and hope walk inti the middle. "Alright, so pretty much the basic rules of tag. One team hides and the other tries to hunt us down. The boys have decided to hide first so girls, you'll have 10 mintues until you can begin. Everyone ready?" The group shouts as the boys begin to jet off. Bobby's eyes still flickering at you. You watch as he walks past a few houses and turns the corner. The few moments pass
and you begin to dart towards his direction. After a few miles of running, you begin to feel out of breath. Leaning against a tree to catch up. Suddenly you hear a scream from one of the girls and see two figures run past you. You watch, but then you feel a sudden jerk from behind you again and the same hint of cologne from before "Bobby!!" You laugh "stop doing that!" You both chuckle for a moment. "I knew you'd come tonight. Its been forever since i've seen you." We had see each other a few years ago when i
went to the hospital in Glasgow, but i barely remember it. "How's your head? Better?" He asks. I smile at how he remembered. "Much" I reply. His hand still holding me by the arm. For a moment we stood there in the woods. Just looking at each other. Gripping me softly and almost pulling me towards him. His hands find my cheek as he caresses it. His thumb skimming my lips and this eyes follow. "You're so beautiful" he whispers. With a low chuckle he pulls away "i can't believe it's been this long
since i've seen you. I still remember you sitting in math class. Biting on your pencil till it broke in two." I chuckle "Hehe, i remember that. You called me a gofer for a whole week after that." He laughs again before raising your head towards his. "I know" he whispers. His warm soft lips brush against yours, his body pressing against you as you cling to the base of the tree. The moonlight glistens on his face and down his chest, peaking out of his cameo. He sees you looking at his chest and pulls you back in for a kiss.
Slow and tender at first, but eventually intensifies as you can taste the sweetness of his lips. Bobby's hands lingering from your hips to your thighs. He wraps your leg around him as he begins to slowly move his tongue against yours. Savoring each warm touch you both make. A gentle moan escapes him, he moves his lips from your mouth down towards your neck. Massaging your thigh with his thumb. You bite your lips to keep from moaning. A small smile spreads across his face as he kisses your chest one last time before returning to
your lips. The kiss is passionate. Hard but still so tender as he lowers you back down. Barely wanting to stop he whispers through a kiss, "Come on, i think we should probably head back before the send out a search party." He smirks a bit as you grab each others hands "I'm pretty sure they could find us. You arent exactly the best hider." Bobby playfully makes a hurt face and places a hand on his chest "my pride". You both walk back, filling the streets with warm laughters and heavy smiles.
Available on Wattpad https://my.w.tt/6i6zaLVZEZ
Follow me on Instagram: @mcxbobby 💞
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hollymartinswrites · 4 years
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti), Doctor Sleep - Stephen King, Doctor Sleep (2019) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Mike Hanlon, Original Child Character(s), Dan “Danny” Torrance, Abra Stone Additional Tags: Fix-It, Post-Canon Fix-It, Post-IT Chapter Two (2019), Domestic, Light Angst, Family Feels, Childhood Trauma, Adoption, Kid Fic, Adopted Children, Richie Tozier Loves Eddie Kaspbrak, Eddie Kaspbrak Loves Richie Tozier, Marriage, Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier Are Parents, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Minor Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh, Beverly Marsh & Richie Tozier Are Best Friends, Catholicism, Richie Tozier Has Issues, Extended Tozier Family, Medical Examinations, Stephen King References, The Shining References, Doctor Sleep References, References to Depression, Depression, Mentioned Sonia Kaspbrak
Eddie and Richie embark on the most terrifying experience of all—parenthood. Or, the author desperately needed a domestic, family fix-it for Richie and Eddie and it turned into a much longer, angstier exploration than I expected.
Chapter XIV: The Tozier Family trip to Seattle is not without its surprises and gets Richie thinking.
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Several weeks later
Richie was just on the edge of sleep when he felt a nudge. He opened his eyes and smiled as Eddie offered him a glass of red wine.
“Thanks, babe,” he muttered, yawning. Eddie collapsed beside him on the couch with his own glass and sighed happily.
“Merry Christmas,” Eddie said, clinking his glass to Richie’s before taking a sip. “We survived.”
“We sure did,” Richie replied, gazing at the unwrapped gifts under the tree and garbage bag filled with torn paper and ribbons. “It was a good day.”
Eddie nodded, leaning his head on Richie’s shoulder.
“I think I enjoy Christmas more now with the girls than I ever did as a kid,” he observed. “Well, that’s probably my mom’s fault but still.”
“Now, you’re right,” Richie agreed. “I remember in college, being depressed that Christmas would never feel the same but this is pretty damn close.”
The two men fell silent as they gazed at the tree and gifts, content to merely be alone together with one another. Richie closed his eyes again and yawned again.
“Ready for bed?” Eddie asked.
“I’ve been ready for bed since Thanksgiving,” Richie replied.
Eddie laughed before taking another sip of his wine.
“At least we got a few days to relax before our flight,” he observed.
“Why’d we even agree to this trip?” Richie groaned. “Can’t we just stay in bed until January 2nd?”
“Because we promised our friends,” Eddie pointed out. “And we love them.”
“Let’s cheat on them with sleep.”
“The tickets are already paid for.”
“Ugh, fine,” Richie sighed, opening his eyes and smiling down at Eddie. “I hate it when you’re rational.”
“You love it,” Eddie said, draining the last of his wine.
Richie nodded and curled in closer to his husband. His mind drifted to that morning, and he smiled as he recalled how excited and happy their daughters had been all day, the smiles never leaving their faces. It had made all the stress and planning worth it.
“Do you think the girls will be okay with this trip?” he asked quietly.
“Why wouldn’t they be?” Eddie asked.
Richie shrugged.
“It’s a long flight to Seattle,” he explained. “And Tess has never even been to an airport.”
“Yeah, but we’ve been preparing her,” Eddie replied. “And her therapist gave us plenty of help, too. Plus, she’s excited just because her sister is excited.”
Richie shrugged again. Eddie wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“You worry about her too much,” he said softly. “She’s a lot more capable than you think.”
“I know that,” Richie said quickly. “I don’t think she’s delicate or anything. It’s just that she’s…”
“She’s our baby, I know,” Eddie replied before leaning in to press a kiss against the side of Richie’s head.
“She has been doing a lot better,” Richie admitted. “I thought for sure that losing Abracadabra was going to be a bigger deal but if anything, she’s become more confident lately.”
“We gotta stop calling her that,” Eddie laughed. “The poor girl’s name is Abra.”
“I know, I know.”
“Do you think…” Eddie cleared his throat. “Do you think we should reach out to her again?”
Richie gazed at him.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Sometimes Tess brings her up,” Eddie said, “and yeah, she’s been fine but maybe she should...meet her.”
Richie sat up and blinked at him.
“I know I’ve said I don’t want her or Dan in our lives but she did help our daughter and maybe it’ll be good for Tess,” Eddie sighed. “I don’t know, it’s just a thought.”
“Well, okay. It’s something to think about.” Richie gazed down at his unfinished glass of wine. “I’m gonna chug this and then we’re going to bed, okay?”
Eddie laughed again.
“Okay, babe,” he said.
“Their house should be coming up on the left,” Eddie said as he gazed down at his phone.
“Okay,” Richie replied, slowing their rented car down. “What’s the number again?”
“112. I think that’s it.”
“Holy shit,” Richie breathed.
“Papa said a bad word,” Lydia declared from the back seat.
“Yeah, I did, sorry,” he muttered. “This is just a kickass house.”
“That’s another bad word!”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Lydia shrugged.
“This is a really nice house,” Eddie observed as they pulled into the driveway. “Way too big for just the two of them.”
“They probably got a bunch of live-in assistants and housekeepers and whatnot,” Richie said, parking the car. He turned in his seat to gaze at his daughters. “You girls ready to see Uncle Ben and Aunt Bev?”
“Yes!” Tess and Lydia both shrieked excitedly.
“Best behavior, okay?” Eddie said. “We don’t want to give Uncle Ben and Aunt Bev a reason to regret inviting us over, right?”
“Right,” Lydia answered as Tess nodded solemnly.
Richie grinned and stepped out of the car, helping their daughters unbuckle and climb down.
“Where’s everyone else?” he asked Eddie as they walked up the winding path to the front door. “You think they Ubered or something?”
“They’re not coming in until tomorrow,” Eddie replied, holding Lydia’s hand. “Remember? Bev told us that last week.”
“Oh yeah. Why’d she want us earlier?”
Eddie shrugged.
“Maybe to kill us,” he offered.
“Aunt Bev wouldn’t do that,” Lydia insisted.
“I know, I’m just teasing.”
Richie reached down and lifted Tess into his arms.
“Wanna ring the doorbell?” he asked. She nodded her head vigorously and immediately reached out to press the button. “It’s got a camera, make a funny face for them.”
Tess and Lydia and Richie all pulled ridiculous faces at the camera while Eddie rolled his eyes and smiled fondly. The door swung open and Bev greeted them with a wide grin.
“Aunt Bev!” Lydia shrieked before anyone else could say a thing and immediately launched herself at Beverly.
“Hey, whoa,” Bev laughed, wrapping her arms around their daughter. “I’m happy to see you, too.”
“I think she’s just stircrazy from being cooped up in the hotel,” Richie observed. He leaned in to kiss her on her cheek. “How’re you doing, Bev? Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year.”
“Merry Christmas,” Bev replied. She smiled gently at Tess. “Can I get a kiss?”
Much to her fathers’ delight, Tess nodded and allowed Bev to peck her quickly on her cheek.
“Good to see you, Bev,” Eddie smiled as he embraced her in the doorway.
“So good to see all of you,” she replied and stepped back. “We’re so glad you made it. I know it must’ve been hard to travel all this way. Come in.”
“Oh, nothing Xanax and a tablet full of downloaded Disney movies can’t handle,” Richie shrugged. He set Tess down on the ground. “Take your shoes off, girls.”
“Oh, they’re fine,” Bev said waving her hand. “Come in, come in.”
“Where’s Ben?” Eddie asked, hanging up the girls’ jackets.
“He’ll be right down. Come on, come into the living room.”
They followed her into a spacious living room, still decorated for Christmas, with a large sectional couch and huge TV that was already conveniently quietly playing cartoons. Lydia and Tess immediately sat down in front of it.
“Sit, sit,” Bev insisted. “Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?”
“We’re fine,” Eddie replied, “come here, talk to us. Tell us about your holiday.”
“Yeah, and why you and your trophy husband have been so cagey about this trip,” Richie said, sitting on the sofa. “I had a bet going with Eds that you were pregnant.”
Bev laughed and shook her head.
“No, no,” she said. “Sorry to disappoint.”
Richie shrugged.
“No big deal, he just owes me twenty bucks,” Eddie replied. “So what is going on?”
“Well…” Bev trailed off when they heard steps coming into the living room. “Here’s Ben, he’ll explain.”
As the two men turned to greet their friend, words abruptly died on their lips when they saw him standing there, smiling bashfully, with a baby in his arms. All was silent for a long moment, until Lydia excitedly exclaimed, “Baby!”
“Holy shit,” Richie gasped.
“Papa, stop saying bad words,” Tess insisted, sounding terribly embarrassed.
Bev and Ben both began to laugh.
“What is going on here?” Eddie asked, wide-eyed.
“Whose baby is that? Did you steal it? Are we accomplices now?” Richie quickly asked.
Ben rolled his eyes, still laughing, as he stepped into the living room, the wide-eyed baby carefully cradled in his arms.
“Tozier family,” he said, “meet baby Ida.”
“Hi Ida,” Lydia and Tess both said quickly, gazing at her in wonderment.
Ben smiled and stepped up beside his wife, who wrapped her arms around him. Richie and Eddie both continued staring at the two of them, slack-jawed.
“Well,” Bev said happily, “welcome to our surprise. Meet our daughter.”
Richie was the first to have his brain finally catch up with his mouth.
“So you were pregnant,” he declared. “I knew it! You owe me twenty bucks, Eds.”
“That’s what your first reaction is?” Eddie asked, dumbstruck.
Bev laughed.
“No, we used a surrogate,” she explained. “A college friend of mine. So, I’m sorry, Richie, Eddie wins on a technicality.”
“Damn it,” Richie muttered.
“Can we see the baby?” Tess asked gently.
“Wait, you need to wash your hands first,” Eddie said, snapping out of his shock. “We all do.”
“Bathroom’s right here,” Bev said, leading them down the hall, where they quickly washed and dried their hands.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Richie exclaimed, as they returned to the living room, Ben sitting on the sofa with Ida in his arms. She was happily sucking on her own hand.
“Well, it was Bev’s idea,” he admitted as the girls carefully sat on either side of him, gazing down at the baby.
“Bev, what were you thinking?”
“We didn’t want the fuss,” she explained, sitting down next to Lydia. “At first we were just going to wait until later in the pregnancy but then thought it would be easier to just keep it all a surprise.”
“But what about a shower or…?” Eddie asked.
Both Bev and Ben shook their hands.
“We don’t need stuff,” he said. “We just want you guys here. To finally meet her. That’s way more important to us.”
“How old is she?” Lydia asked.
“She’s just over three months,” Ben said. “She just started sleeping through the night.”
“So did Eddie,” Richie cracked.
“Harhar,” Eddie grumbled. He sat beside Tess and gazed at the baby in Ben’s arms, his face soft and gentle. “She is beautiful, you two. Congratulations.”
“Oh, yeah, we didn’t say that, did we?” Richie observed. “Congrats. And welcome to parenthood.”
“Thank you,” Bev said, smiling beatifically. “That’s actually why we asked you to come here before the rest of the Losers.”
“What do you mean?”
“You guys are parents,” Ben explained. “And amazing ones. We need advice.”
“More like we need all the help we can get,” Bev added.
Richie and Eddie both blinked and stared at one another, mildly confused.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” Richie explained, “but Eds and I are pretty much just winging it.”
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed, “plus, we’ve never had a baby. Lydia was five and Tess three when we adopted them.”
Bev opened her mouth to respond when Tess looked up at her father and made a tiny, whimpering sound.
“But I’m your baby,” she said softly, her eyes wide.
“Oh, for goodness—of course, you are, sweetheart,” Eddie said, quickly gathering Tess into his arms.
“Daddy just meant you’re not a little baby by Ida here,” Richie explained quickly. “You don’t need diapers or bottles, right?”
Tess considered this before nodding. Bev smiled gently at her.
“Would you like to hold her?” she offered gently.
Tess’s eyes lit up as Lydia pouted and Eddie’s own eyes widened in fear.
“I think she’s too young for that, right?” he asked.
“Nonsense, she just needs to sit still and have a pillow on her lap,” Bev explained. “Here, sit back, Tess, let me get you a pillow.”
“And then you can hold her for a bit, Lydia,” Ben said, quickly noticing the pout growing in intensity on their other daughter’s face.
Richie sighed in relief, desperate to avoid a full-on meltdown within the first half hour being there, and smiled reassuringly at Lydia. With Eddie’s help, Tess sat back on the couch as Bev placed a pillow on her lap.
“Hold your arms out,” Ben explained softly, “and be sure to support her neck.”
Tess nodded seriously and stared in fascination as he gently played Ida in her tiny arms. Eddie reached out and helped arrange her arms, whispering, “Careful, and be gentle. You’re a lot bigger and stronger than her.”
“There you go,” Ben said, sitting back. “You’re doing great.”
Tess stared down at Ida, whose big eyes were gazing around her in curiosity. Suddenly, a smile spread on Ida’s little face and she waved her chubby arms about.
“Aw, she likes you,” Bev exclaimed. “Maybe you and your sister can babysit someday.”
Tess looked up at her fathers and beamed. Something bright twisted inside Richie’s chest as he gazed at his daughter and when he looked up to meet Eddie’s face, he knew his husband felt the same way. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ben snapping pictures with his phone.
“My turn,” Lydia said, “please, please.”
“Alright, alright,” Eddie said, before turning towards Bev. “Okay if I do the hand-off?”
“Of course,” she said happily.
After repeating his instructions to Lydia, Eddie carefully took Ida into his arms and allowed himself one brief moment to simply cradle her against his chest before placing her in Lydia’s outstretched arms. Richie exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding and all he could think as he watched his husband holding the baby in his arms was, I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me.
Gazing out at the skyline, Richie leaned against the balcony railing. The lights of the city were bright against the dark sky and though it was beautiful, he was looking forward to going home. He yawned and could see his breath escaping. He shivered.
The balcony door slid open and Eddie stepped out quietly before closing it behind him.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked. “It’s freezing.”
“Got my coat,” Richie shrugged, his hands shoved in his pockets. “Just needed some fresh air.”
“Seattle has some of the worst air pollution in the country,” Eddie observed, standing beside him and wrapping an arm around Richie’s.
“Of course you would know that,” Richie smirked. “Still, it’s a pretty view.”
Eddie nodded.
“The girls are asleep,” he said. “Why don’t you come back inside? It’s been a long day.”
“Eds,” Richie began instead of answering, “I...you...fuck.”
Eddie laughed.
“You still jetlagged, babe?” he asked, reaching up to curl a strand of Richie’s hair behind his ear.
“Do you ever think about having another kid?” Richie blurted out, inwardly wincing.
“Oh, God,” Eddie laughed, rolling his eyes, “I knew this was going to happen. The moment Ben put Ida in your arms, I saw you get all gooey and lovestruck.”
“I did not!”
“And when the girls were talking to her and reading her stories and when Ben asked us to be godfathers…”
“Alright, alright, I get it,” Richie huffed. “One day with an infant and I get baby fever. It’ll go away as soon as we’re on the plane back home.”
“It’s just, I love our girls, right? I love them so fucking much, I can’t breathe at times,” he murmured, looking out towards the skyline again. “And I love raising a family with you and I think we got this parenting thing down pretty good so far. Besides, we’ve never had a baby.”
Eddie sighed and rested his head on Richie’s shoulder.
“I love our girls, too,” he said softly. “And being a parent with you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me but don’t you think our family is complete? And you know how hard it is to adopt a baby versus an older kid.”
“I know,” Richie sighed. “I’m just...thinking out loud.”
Both men fell silent, gazing out to the city. Richie felt Eddie shiver and was about to offer to go back inside when Eddie reached up and kissed him.
“I did enjoy seeing you hold Ida,” Eddie whispered against his lips. “You’re a great dad and I have to admit, it’s a major turn on.”
“So I’m a DILF?” Richie asked, grinning. “I fucking knew it.”
“Mmhmm. Too bad we’re sharing a hotel room with our daughters,” Eddie whispered, smirking at his husband.
“Yeah, too, bad,” Richie replied. He glanced back at the sliding balcony door and was relieved to see that the curtains were closed. He started and turned back when he felt Eddie’s fingers at his fly. “It’s freezing out.”
“So let’s get warmed up,” Eddie replied, leaning up to firmly kiss him again as he unzipped Richie’s jeans.
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twdxjess · 5 years
Hey There, Princess: A Negan Story (Chapter 1)
Summary: It’s been 2 years since you last saw Negan, and within those years you made new friends and had a baby, life was slowly getting better. Well until Rick warns your community (Alexandria) a new threat is on its way to destroy everything you love unless you all play by the rules.
Pairing: Negan X Reader, little bit Daryl X Reader
Want to know what happened before? Prequel  
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You couldn’t believe that today was Jax’s 1st birthday making you realize, it’s been almost 2 years since you joined Alexandria, and what an adventure it has been...
When you first came to Alexandria you couldn’t believe your eyes, it was as if this place has never been attacked not to mention the amazing million dollar homes that were placed here. At first you stayed with Aaron and his boyfriend but once you were feeling better you decided to move in next door into a cute grey house with a wrap around pouch just like from the Notebook. Life was pretty good here and the people were amazing,minus the fact no one was really able to defend themselves. So, during the first couple months of your pregnancy you tried to help prepare the others for the unthinkable until you hit your third trimester, which thankfully Aaron had found a new group with the same experience with the dead as you,so they stepped in when Alexandria needed to be defended from the dead and the living.
Everyday your heart still ached for Negan and some days were harder than others, but when you finally gave birth to Jax (a beautiful healthy baby boy) your life had found a new love and that’s when your heart started to feel whole once again. Granted, the first few months with a newborn weren’t easy but you were glad you had friends, from the community willing to help out.
As you looked around you saw multiple people from Alexandria, which didn’t surprise you for this event was the one good thing that has happened in months due to the last couple of months having been pure hell. From walkers invading the community to Brody’s group attacking Alexandria, who knew a 1 year olds birthday party could bring so much joy.
You were excited for today but as you looked around the your crowed home you noticed the people who meant the most to you didn’t show, which made you anxious because they all promised they would be here. But finally, Rick and Judith showed up, calming your nerves a little. Now, when Rick and the others first got here you were infatuated with him. A strong handsome man who reminded you somewhat of Negan but after getting to know Rick you eventually just saw him as a brother, besides a few days later he and Michionne became more than friends. And watching them fall in love still gave you hope that maybe your Knight is still out there searching for you.
Rick embraced you in a hug and said, “ Hey there ( y/n), sorry we are late.”
“No, problem is everything okay?” You asked Rick noticing the tension in his voice.
He looked at you as if you could read his mind. “ Well...Daryl went off to get revenge on the group that killed Denise... and Carol left without even a note...and when I got back, Maggie looks really ill, so me, Abraham, Sasha, Aaron and my stubborn son are gonna take her to Hilltop.” Tears started to fill your eyes not sure if you were pissed off because everyone is leaving you or if you were more scared for their safety. So you suggested to Rick that you come too and leave Judith and Jax with Olivia.
Rick smiled at your fighting personality and replied, “ No, the thing you need to do right now is to stay here and protect the others just in case. And besides Daryl, Michionne, and Glenn should be back soon to help you as well.” Then Rick touched your shoulder and continued to say, “ and plus it’s your son’s 1st birthday you should be here with him.” You wiped your eyes and Rick continued to say, “ and don’t worry about Daryl he knows how to handle himself.” You blushed at Rick’s comment for you thought the attraction you felt with Daryl was one sided until the other day he kissed you out of nowhere but I guess word about “the kiss” spread around town like wildfire. But you agreed with Rick hugging him one last time and then as soon as you took Judith, Rick rushed out the door.
The party was over a few hours after Rick and the others left, so as you waited for them to come back you did your motherly duties and got Judith and Jax ready for bed. Once they both were asleep, you decided to pour yourself a glass of white wine and keep watch from your porch. So with your wine in one hand and the baby monitor in the other you sat on your porch admiring the night sky complementing on life and reminiscing and how you got here, making you slowly drift off to sleep…
………Jax started to cry over the monitor, so you quickly ran to his room before his cries started wake Judith. “ Hey there buddy, it’s okay mama is here now.” You cooed at him as you lifted Jax from his crib. Thankfully Judith was still sound asleep in the middle of your queen size bed so you took Jax and headed back downstairs trying not to disturb the sleeping beauty.
“ shh shhh shh, calm down Jax mama is here.” You decided to calm your sleepy baby by a bottle of milk and a popped a Disney movie into the tv. Almost instantly Jax was drifting back off to sleep.
“That’s right mama still has that magic touch.” You said victoriously while setting Jax in his playpen and turning off the tv.
“ Can I get some of that magic touch,” someone said while wrapping their strong arms around your waist. But this wasn’t Daryl it was someone you only meet in your dreams. It was your knight, your fiancé, your one true love, Negan.
“Negan you’re back… how I mean what…oh how I’ve missed you!” You jumped into his arms and started kissing him.
“ Well shit doll, let’s take this upstairs.” Negan suggested as you leaped into his arms but then you remembered Judith was still sound asleep.
“Wait what about Judith we should probably let Rick know she is still here.” You whispered to Negan as you set your feet back on the ground.
“ Oh darlin’ you need to stop pretending Rick is still alive,” you looked at Negan confused when he continued to say, “ don’t you remember I won the war and he’s dead.” That’s when you noticed something was wrong, Negan was splattered in blood and just behind the handsome man was a trophy case and on display was Rick’s head……
You woke up in a panic, thankful that it was only a dream. Then you said to yourself said to yourself, “ I really need to stop drinking before bed.” So you quickly went back into the house and locked the door, falling asleep on the couch next to Jax’s playpen, praying that your nightmare will stay a nightmare and become nothing more.
It was early in the morning when the children woke you, and before you went to see if Rick was back home you made the kids breakfast while you sat with them and drank your coffee. Suddenly there was a knock at your door. “ I bet you that’s your daddy Judith,” You gleefully said to Judith. She instantly had a smile on her face and hurriedly finished her breakfast as you went to answer the door.
As you open the door you see Rick and immediately notice the cut, bruises, and the blood splattered all over his body which made it look like he and the others were attacked. “ Oh my god Rick are you okay, what happened?”Rick was at a loss for words as if he couldn’t come to terms with what just happened. Through his tears Rick mentioned to you that there is gonna be a meeting later tonight letting people know what happened.
“I’ll watch over your baby girl until then...get some rest Rick I’ll take over any of your duties you had today.” Before he left, you embraced him letting him know everything is gonna be okay.
As you closed the door you lost it wondering who died or who is in critical conditions...praying that it wasn’t anyone you truly care about, mainly hoping it wasn’t Daryl. Suddenly a small murmur came from the other room bringing you back to reality, so you wiped your tears and went back to go check in on Jax and Judith.
After breakfast you dropped off the children at the Wilson’s house, and then you filled in where help was needed today. From guarding the gate to helping plan scavenging routes, to helping the hospital wing, you did it all. Before you knew it, it was about time for Rick’s meeting so you went to Aaron’s house to see if he wanted to walk with you to the church. Right before you made it to the door Aaron and Eric came out.
“ Oh my gosh, Aaron, you’re okay!” You ran and gave him a hug.
“ Happy to see you too, (y/n).” Aaron exclaimed but still seemed upset about something.
“ what the hell happened out there? Rick was sooo sad...”
Eric interrupted noticing Aaron getting upset, “ Hey (y/n) let’s just wait for the meeting okay.” You nodded to Eric then breaking the awkward silence Eric asked you about Jax.
“ He’s with the Wilsons, well actually Mrs. Wilson is watching Jax at my house just in case the meeting runs later than expected.” Eric smiled at you and said, “ Well let him know his favorite uncle is ready to hangout with him anytime his mommy needs some time to herself, or with Daryl.” You rolled your eyes almost smiling when Aaron commented, “ Honey, don’t you mean his second favorite uncle because clearly I’m his favorite.” You all laughed as if you all weren’t about to hear bad news in a few minutes.
Once you all arrived to the church the three of you sat in the back and as people started to pour in you greeted them like always. A few minutes later Rick took the stage ready for his announcement, but his body language told another story. That’s when you noticed everyone was there besides a few people; like Maggie and Glenn, which you figured was staying home due to Maggie being ill. Then you noticed Sasha and Abraham wasn’t here, which you thought was a bit strange but they did just recently start dating so who knows maybe they are cooping with this “bad” news a different way. But then the last person who was missing was Daryl, which you couldn’t think of why he would be gone, especially since he was Rick’s right hand man. Which this observation got you a little more anxious for what you were about to hear.
“ I know we’ve been through a lot as a community and what I’m about to say isn’t gonna make it any easier...but as many of you know myself and many others went to help bring Maggie to Hilltop...” Rick paused searching for the right words then continued to say, “ and as we were on our way we ran into a group called...the Saviors...”
You were stunned hearing Rick talk about the Saviors because you haven’t heard that name in years. Then you tuned out Rick and thought to yourself, “clearly it’s not the saviors from my last community they wouldn’t hurt anyone, besides we never forced other groups to provide for us because we had the resources to thrive on our own... unless the attack from Brody’s group changed all that..”
Your thoughts started to send you into a spiral of emotions, so you decided to tuned back into Rick’s speech... “ what they did was horrific they...they threatened to hurt our community...and if we don’t supply them with things they need...” Rick was so upset he couldn’t finish his annicement so that’s when Michionne stepped in.
“ what Rick is trying to say is ... they killed 2 of our own just to prove a point...they killed...Glenn and Abraham...” Everyone started to get upset not to mention you were a mess at this point then Michionne continued to say, “ and they took Daryl and if we don’t comply by their rules they will completely destroy our community...”
This is when complete chaos started in the church. People were crying others were furious there were so many mix emotions that even you couldn’t think whether to cry or raise hell. That’s when Rick whistled and got everyone’s attention once again,” I understand all of your concerns and worries but we need to stay together now more than ever because together we are stronger. If you have any questions I’ll gladly take any tomorrow for tonight I’ve told you all I know....as for now Father Gabriel would like to say a few words.”
Rick sat down when Father Gabriel took his place and said, “ We will be having a memorial in honor of Glenn and Abraham tomorrow evening if you would all like to come. And then we will be having a prayer circle in the morning for Maggie,Daryl, and Carol right after, for Maggie is in critical condition at Hilltop, Daryl is with the Saviors, and Carol is still missing.” Once Gabriel was finished the meeting was over some went straight to their houses while others stayed behind to morn, you made your way through the church consoling others trying to be strong, when you finally decided it was time to leave. As you headed for the door Spencer offered to walk you home, but you politely declined knowing he was just trying to get you in his bed, so you made up some excuse that you had to get Jax to bed, when in reality he would already be in bed thanks to Mrs. Wilson.
Once you made your way back home you were greeted by Mrs.Wilson informing you Jax was sleeping in his crib. Then she asked you how the meeting went and you sat and talked to her about what has happened. She reacted to the news just like everyone else but before she left she said to you, “Even though these terrible things keep happening to us all we need to do is look at all the good that has happened too, because everything happens for a reason, (y/n) and God has a plan for us all.” You smiled at her comment and hugged her which made her kiss you on the head just like your grandmother use to do when you were young.
After you watched her enter her home you quickly went upstairs to sleep along side your lil’ guy. You plopped onto your cozy bed and went to turn off your side lamp noticing the polaroid picture of you and Negan a few days after you moved into the hotel. You smiled remebering that day wishing He was beside you right now telling you everything was gonna be okay. So, you closed your eyes desperately trying to hear Negan’s voice in the silence of the night...
“Hey darlin’ can you turn off the light cause I need to get my god damn beauty rest. Cause ya’ know not all of us can look as glorious and sexy as you 24/7.” You looked over to the side where Negan would have been and buried your head into the pillow. As if you were laying against him Negan turns to you and says, “ It’s gonna be okay (y/n), Rick and I will hunt down those bastards and make them pay.”
“ But Negan do you really think it’s the Saviors, our Saviors that killed Glenn and Abraham?”
Negan was as confused as you were and replied, “Fuck, I hope not but there were some pretty sketchy people we picked up along the way...but let’s not worry about the what if’s right now, cause just like granny Wilson said everything happens for a fuckin’ reason, and if you don’t believe that just look at our beautiful baby boy.” You imagined yourself cuddling the man you still love and right before you kissed him he vanished into thin air.
Even though you were basically talking to yourself, “Negan’s talk” actually made you feel safe and ready to fight back when the time comes. You placed the picture back down on your night stand and smiled knowing Negan may not be with you physically but spiritual he is and he was watching over you and Jax every day. “Until we meet again my love.” You blew a kiss to Negan’s photogenic face and peacefully fell asleep.
Tags: @khloekiddo @squidsart1910
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childofhalloween · 5 years
Drunken Words are Sober Thoughts (Part 1: True American)
So I ended up writing this yesterday Idk if I’m gonna keep it a 1 shot or a 3 part. You guys let me know. 
TW: Sex talk, lots of booze, & lots of fluffy huma.  
It was 2am when Harry got a call from Ben to come get Uma. He knew Uma had grudging gone to Mals bachelorette party with Mal (obviously) Evie, & a bunch of other Auradon girls. Her relationship with Mal with had been rehashed but still shaky and her relationship with other girls (especially girly girls Auradon had) was shaky at best. But he had encouraged her to go thinking a night of wine, dick jokes, & possibly an embarrassing lap dance for the bride to be would do her good.
11 came he received no SOS text. 12 still nothing. 1am he figured she must of been enjoying herself. And then 2am he got a text to please come take her home before she broke something. No reply whether he meant the furniture or herself.
Now he was having doubts about the quiet night of wine and dick jokes. As he walked closer to the large living room the girls had taken over, the louder the yells seemed to get.
Opening the door he looked around seeing all the obviously very drunk girls (& Chad who somehow got invited)  standing on furniture with beers in their hands as some very exasperated boys seemed to be trying to calm them.
“The floor is lava!” they all seemed to yell on cue as he walked in.
“Uh Huh…..so what seems to be going on here?” Harry asked confused.
“I am the true American!” Uma yelled standing on the table in the middle of the room a bottle of rum in her hand an impressive pile of empty cans scattered around.
“1,2,3 JFK!” Mal yelled back.
“FDR!” the rest of the girls shouted taking drinks.
Harry had to laugh at the sight of the drunk rowdy girls & overturned furniture. They gave some of the pirates he knew a run for their money.
“Ok girls I know that's fun to do and all but I think it's time to end the game.” Ben said trying to coax Mal off the back of the couch.
“Yeah it's late you guys. Your gonna be waking people up.” Carlos said pulling Jane off an end table.
“No we're having fun.” Audrey whined with a pout.
“Yeah it's not that late!” Lonnie said from up on top of the bookshelf.
“Its 2 in the morning it's late. Now get down your not a cat!” Jay said trying to grab her foot.
“You guys I don't feel so good…..” Evie complained from the love seat as Doug quickly grabbed her and headed to the bathroom.
“Ok looks like it's time to end the party ladies.” Ben said finally getting Mal down. “We will clean up tomorrow.”
“Fine.” she pouted as he lead her out.
All the other girls grumbled but followed behind them.
“You gonna be ok with her? She's smacked anyone whose came close.” Jay said looking back over his shoulder at Uma who was drinking again from her bottle of rum.
“Yeah I got her. I've seen worse.” he said patting Jay on the back as he walked over to the table. “So girls night wasn't so bad was it?”
“I am the true American!” Uma said a little too loudly causing Harry to laugh.
He knew they had both been drinking regularly since 5th grade. Girl could drink like a fish but she knew her limits. But it seemed today not only had she reached her limit she fucking obliterated it.
“Ok ya lush put the rum down it's time to head home.” he said trying to reach the bottle as she pulled it away.
“No! Only I can drink from the king's cup!” she said holding up the bottle like a trophy as he sighed no idea what she was talking about. Grabbing the bottle he put it behind the now beer smelling couch to “hide it”.
“Ok how about we put it right here ok and come back in the morning before anyone can nick it?” He suggested she thought about it for a moment & nodded.
“Ok but you promise no one will get it? It’s mine.” she asked.
“I promise and I ain't ever broke a promise to ya.” he said helping her off the table.
“I missed you Harry.” she said hugging him he just smiled and hugged back. Sure it had only been hours but he always missed her when she wasn't around.
“Missed ya too darling. Now come on time to get to ya room.” he said leading her down to the room she was staying in.
“Ok now time to get ready for bed. Where's your pajamas?” he asked digging through her bag she had thrown in the corner.
“Hey who says I wear pajamas?” Uma said with a smirk Harry rolled his eyes.
“Uma I've known ya since you were 5 I know ya don't sleep naked. And I know ya brought the one with the sea ponies on them because I had to look everywhere for the bloody thing when ya packed. Took 45 minutes to find them with all the clothes ya have.” he said matter of factly handing the long night shirt with the horse pattern to her.
“Your no fun.” she pouted as she started to take off her clothes.
Like the true gentleman Harry was he turned and walked in the bathroom getting a large cup of water and pulling a small vial of ruby liquid from his pocket. Walking back out he found her just finishing getting dressed.
“Drink this. Hook's anti hangover cure. Don't want ya hung over for that bride takes a shower or whatever it's called.” he said handing her the bottle.
“Bridal shower. Thank you Harry.” she said taking drink making a face. She had taken this many times but the taste never got better but everyone on the Isle knew it worked. “God that's gross.”
“I know but ya will thank me in the morning.” he said handing her the water which she gratefully chugged. “You will be fine tomorrow. Now it's time for bed ya little drunky.”
“Noooooo! I don't wanna go to bed.” Uma pouted crossing here arms.
'Must of learned that one from pink princess.’ he thought to himself with a smirk. “Uma everyone else is asleep. There is nothing to do but go to bed. Party's over.”
“I can think of one thing.” she smirked walking closer to him as she leaned up running a hand through his hair causing him to shiver.
“ Uma I'm serious it's time for bed.” he said pushing her back as she glared at him.
“What's wrong with you?” she snapped angrily at him.
“Your drunk and I ain't gonna take advantage of ya love.” he said keeping his distance making her glare at him.
“Why don't you ever try to have sex with me? You sleep around with everyone else guys, girls, the prostitutes that hang out at the docks. But not me. Why not?” she asked crossing her arms.
He ran a hand through his dark hair trying to figure out how to explain this to her or of she would even remember at this point.
“First off I never slept with a hooker. I got one for your cousin's birthday which he still owes me for.” he corrected her. “And I don't think now is the time to be having these kind of conversations. So please lay down Uma.” he said moving her to bed which she plopped down on.
“These beds are too soft. No wonder these Auradon brats are such wusses.” Uma said suddenly changing the topic any trace of an impending argument forgotten.
“Your probably right love.” he said moving to the door.
“I hate them. I can't sleep.” she mumbled burying herself in the blankets. “Lay with me.”
“”What?” he asked turning not hearing her.
“I said lay with me!” she ordered using her captain voice he sighed exhaustedly know refusing her was just going to cause her to start screaming at him & probably wake up half the castle.
“Fine but that's it. Nothing else. Promise?” he asked looking at her as she smiled up at him from the blankets.
He couldn't help but smile she looked so much like a little kid under the huge blanket in pony pajamas & that big smile.
“I promise!” she said wiggling over to make room for him.
He slipped under the covers as she wasted no time snuggling up next to him. He wrapped his arms around her rubbing her back lightly.
‘“So ya glad ya went?” he asked she nodded looking up at him.
“I am the true American!” she said happily as he smiled back to her.
“So I heard.” he said still not knowing what she was talking about but just happy she was so happy.
“It means I won the game. Finally beat Mal at something. Sure it was drinking but I still won.” she explained as if reading his thoughts
Well that explained why she was so happy & so damn possessive of that bottle. It was her trophy to show she could finally do something better than Mal. Even if they were friends he knew years of coming in last in everything to Mal still bothered her.
“Congratulations darling. Best thing you could do better.” he said looking down as she nuzzled her head up against his chest.
There was silence for a while Harry was starting to wonder if Uma had finally passed out. But instead she looked up at him.
“Are you mad at me? I didn't mean to get drunk.” she asked he just raised an eyebrow at her.
“Of course not darling. I told ya to go. You went out & had fun. No ones mad about anything. Don't worry.” he said nuzzling the top of her head. “Besides I could never be mad at ya ever. Ya know that right? I may not always agree with ya but if follow ya to the ends of the earth no matter what.”
A silence again filled the room but this time he could tell from the deep breathing she was fast asleep on his chest. He knew there was no way to get out now without waking her. Not to mention he didn't want to leave anyways.
“Good night darling.” he said giving her a kiss on the top of her head.
Uma woke up the next day the afternoon sun pouring in through the windows. Why did Auradon have to always be so damn bright? And how the fuck did she find her way back last night?
She sat up with a sigh trying to remember the night but it half of it coming out as a blacked out blur. What the hell did they do?
She reached over to grab her phone as her hand hit something hard and cold. Looking over she saw half gone bottle of rum on her nightstand with a note attached in Harry's very messy handwriting.
To the true American
Well at least she won?
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dolan-sunshine-blog · 6 years
Enemies With Benefits - E.D.
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Summary: You hated Ethan Dolan, except when he was on top of you. On a stressful day you realize maybe you don’t hate him so much, and the day becomes just that much stressful. LacrosseCaptain!Ethan x CheerleadingCaptain!(Y/N)
Warnings: swearing, sexy ;)
Requested: nah son || yeah boiii
Word Count: 6.1k
The day was shit from the minute you woke up. Waking up before sunrise for high school was never a great way to start the day, but this time in particular, your alarm for some reason or another, never rang. You only woke up because you had to pee, and when you checked your phone for the time you noticed it was already half an hour past your usual waking up time. You ran to your bathroom to clean yourself up. You had no time to shower, so your hair remained tangled from pillow head.
You brushed your teeth and tried to fix your hair, but after throwing a tantrum to yourself when it wouldn’t settle how you wanted it to, you just pulled it back in a ponytail. The only product applied was mascara, since you still had to get changed and have breakfast. You hurried to your closet and didn’t dwell too much on what clothes to wear. You settled on your favorite jeans and a sweatshirt before sliding on a pair of sneakers that were very worn out from how much you used them. After glancing at yourself in the mirror, you grabbed your backpack and your duffel bag, the one that held your cheer gear, and headed downstairs.
You had cereal for breakfast, which you didn’t usually like because you would be hungry again soon after, but time wasn’t on your side. You got out of your house about ten minutes late, and you had to drive quicker than usual to get to school, which was stressful the throughout. You didn’t have time to drive to Starbucks to get your usual morning drink, and as if everything else wasn’t enough, your car radio wouldn’t work.You ended up getting to school at the time you normally would, but your mood wasn’t the best; in fact, it was the worst.
You walked out of your car and when you were already halfway to the school’s entrance, you had to go back to get your backpack, which you had forgotten in the back seat. Once inside the building, the chatting in the halls felt louder than every other morning (probably because of your lack of morning drink) and the walk to your locker seemed eternal.
On your way there, your best friend catched up on you and greeted you with a smile, which soon faded when she saw your face.
“Are you alright?” she asked you when you didn’t say hey back.
“My alarm didn’t go off and I had to do everything in a rush.” you said bitterly. “The lacrosse final is today and I’m so tired. We’re supposed to do the routine we’ve been practicing all semester on half time. Plus, I’ll be looking like a fucking vampire if I don’t find a way to cover these bags under my eyes.”
“I’m sure someone in your team has concealer.” your best friend rolled her eyes. “Besides, you’re the captain, no one knows the routine like you and…”
Her words faded in your brain, you knew she was talking, but weren’t listening. You were too busy noticing the captain of the lacrosse team, Ethan Dolan, who was casually leaning against the lockers surrounded by a couple of his friends. He was smiling at whatever, but when he looked up at noticed you walking his way he stopped. Only for a second, though, because soon his lips curled into a smirk.
You stopped behind one of his friends, who didn’t notice you were there until you spoke.
“That’s my locker, Dolan.” you said loud enough to be heard over their conversation. His friends turned around to see you and then moved to the side so their backs weren’t facing you anymore. “I’m sure you know that, no?”
Ethan smiled cockily and stood up properly, not leaning anymore. His arms were crossed resting on his chest, making the muscles in them look bigger.
“I didn’t know that, sorry.” he said giving a couple steps forward. You looked up at him with an eye roll. Of course he knew, the little shit.
“Right, whatever.” you said. “Get out of my way.”
Ethan looked at you with a frown as you walked past him and opened your locker.
“Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Ethan teased with a smile.
“Leave me alone, Dolan, I’m not in the mood.” you said without looking at him; instead you focused on getting the books you needed and leaving the ones you weren’t going to use.
“Fuck, alright.” Ethan said, clearly upset with your rude responses. He said one more thing before walking away. “Nice hoodie.”
The sentence made you stop with your books. You looked down and noticed the hoodie you had chosen to wear that morning was his. You looked to your left to see Ethan and his friends had already walked away.
“Damn, (Y/N),” your best friend started. You had almost forgotten she was with you. “Your boyfriend looked offended.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” you told her with a sigh. Then, you shut your locker with a little too much strength, making the metal boom. “How many times do I have to tell you?”
“Right, you don’t like him.” your best friend said as you both walked to your first class.
“Exactly.” you nodded.
“You just fuck him for the hell of it.” you friend continued.
“Shhh!” you let out angrily, as you looked around to see if anyone ha heard.
“Oh, come on, (Y/N), the whole school knows there’s something going on between you two.” your best friend rolled her eyes. “Even if you pretend to hate each other all the time.”
“Everyone knows Ethan is a dick.” you said as you arrived to your classroom. “I don’t have to pretend much.”
* * *
You dazed off during class, not even realizing the bell had rung until your best friend tapped on your shoulder. The classroom was almost empty.
“(Y/N), class is over.” your best friend laughed. You blinked a couple times to come back to reality. “Where did your head go off to?”
“I was going over the cheer routine.” you said honestly, not in the mood to make a joke. You stood up and grabbed your backpack after you shoved your books in it.
“You’re gonna do just fine.” your best friend told you as you walked out of the classroom.
“I need to relax for a second, honestly.” you said heading to your locker again. You didn’t like carrying all your books around all day. “A massage would be nice.”
You stopped in your tracks as your phone vibrated in the pocket of your hoodie. You took it out to check who it was, not noticing you were in the middle of the hallway. Ethan had texted you twice and the messages made you nervous.
english classroom
You raised your eyebrows at the demands and then turned to look at your best friend.
“What?” she asked.
“I’ll meet you later for lunch.” you assured her. “I have something to do.”
“Or someone.” your best friend mumbled. You glared at her, which she replied to only by shrugging.
“See you at lunch.” you told her before walking away and to your English classroom.
On your way there you had to walk past a lot of people, but of course Gina Holloway wasn’t someone that let you just walk by.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” she said as you tried to rush through. She was talking to one of her many friends by the lockers. You knew ignoring her wouldn’t work, so you stopped to talk.
“What’s up, Gina?” you said, clearly not excited for the conversation.
“Are you ready for today’s game?” she grinned, but you knew it was fake. “I’m so excited for the routine! I can’t wait for the celebration when our team wins.”
“We don’t really know if they’ll win, the other team is apparently very good.” you said, just wanting to get out of there. She always acted so pumped about cheering and talked to you as if she didn’t hate you, which by the way she did. Ever since you were chosen captain of the cheering team, she had been jealous. She claimed she deserved to be captain better because she had “a background in gymnastics.”
“Oh my God, (Y/N), come on!” she said patting your arm. You looked down at her hand in confusion, not liking the touch. “Ethan Dolan is the best captain out there. He will for sure win us that trophy. How cold he not with those muscles.”
You only fake smiled and nodded, ignoring the intense burn of jealousy in your stomach. You questioned yourself for it. You shouldn’t be jealous of anyone touching Ethan. He wasn’t yours.
“By the way, do you know where he is?” Gina continued. “I want to talk to him.” the burn only hightened, but you were determined to hide it.
“Why would I know where he is?” you asked with an eye roll. Gina raised her eyebrows and giggled as she looked over to her friend.
“I’m sure you know the answer to that.” she said now looking at you, her brows still raised.
“Don’t be late to the game, we need to warm up.” you told her bitterly as you were about to leave.
“Yes, captain.” she told you in a devilish voice. You said nothing and walked away instead.
You finally reached the English classroom a minute later. The door was closed and the little shade that covered the glass in the door was down, not letting anyone see inside. You opened the door hesitantly, walking in the classroom with a nervous walk.
As soon as you entered the room, Ethan was all over you. You didn’t even get to see him before he started kissing you against the closed door, but you knew it was him. You heard a click, indicating Ethan had locked the door, a habit he had gained after being caught in the janitor’s closet with some girl right after his ex had broken up with him.
He kissed you hungrily, like he hadn’t kissed you in weeks, and he ran his hands down and around your body, going from your back to your waist to your hips. You let him taste you and feel you. He was the stress relief you needed on such a tense day. You let your hands play with his hair, you liked how it looked when you had stopped kissing and it was wild and messed up. You couldn’t help but let out a small moan when his hands reached your butt, and when you did you remembered you were at school.
“Ethan, stop.” you said against the kiss. “We’re in school.”
“When has that ever stopped us?” Ethan replied, not planting his lips on your jaw.
“Ethan!” you called with a chuckle. You pushed him away, which didn’t get him off you, but he did stop kissing you. “Not during class hours, don’t be gross.”
Ethan chuckled as he smiled at you with sparkling eyes. His gaze lowered to your chest.
“Were you planning on giving that back?” he asked. You noticed he was referring to the hoodie you were wearing.
“It’s not my problem you left it in my room.” you shrugged.
“So you’re just gonna keep it?” he asked raising his eyebrows.
“Yeah?” you said. “What are you gonna do, Dolan?”
Ethan smirked, raising only one of his brows that time around. He looked like he was going to say something, but then he decided not to. Hi expression changed to a soft one. His eyes sparkled again and he smiled as he looked at you. He seemed to want to talk again, but he stopped himself once more.
“What?” you asked. Ethan hesitated for a while before finally letting it out, bitting his lip for a second.
“What was that about earlier?” he asked you. You frowned.
“Earlier?” you asked, struggling to remember if you had even seen him before. You then remembered your conversation in the hallway when he was blocking your locker. “Oh, yeah. What about it?”
“You seemed… I don’t know.” Ethan shrugged. “I didn’t expect you to be so rude.”
“Isn’t that our thing?” you asked Ethan. “Being rude to each other?”
“Our deal is teasing.” Ethan emphazised. “This was different.”
“Awww, was that too hostile for you?” you teased Ethan. He rolled his eyes and turned around.
“Forget I said anything.” Ethan said as he walked away to the other side of the room.
“Oh, come on, don’t be a baby!” you told him with a laugh, but he didn’t laugh back, he only leaned on the teacher’s desk. “We fight, it’s what we do.”
“Maybe I don’t want to fight all the time.” Ethan told you. You looked at him frozen.
Of course the thought of being with Ethan for real had crossed your mind before. He wasn’t always a huge fuckboy, he used to have a girl and he treated her like a queen until she cheated on him. Then he must’ve realized how good looking he was, because he started going through the girls at school. Then he found you. You really did hate each other at first. He was always teasing and bothering you and to be honest it was annoying.
Then you ended up kissing on the lockers after a game when the lacrosse team lost by many points. Ethan had angrily walked in the wrong lockeroom. He found you and you only, still in your cheer uniform as you put your stuff away. After screaming at each other for a while, you called Ethan a pretentious dick and he called you a bitch. And then he kissed you and you couldn’t help but to kiss him back.
His whole face was sweaty and he had already taken his shirt off before, so the sight was a little hard to resist. There was something about the way his jaw clenched when he got angry. From then on, you had decided on taking pleasure on each other’s company without any compromise at all. You still agreed Ethan was a pretentious dick and he still agreed you were a bitch, you just also happened to be good at making him feel good, and he reciprocated.
So as stated before, yes, you had thought of the imposible what if? The possibility of Ethan holding your hand through the halls and kissing you after he won a game and taking you on dates on his car, him calling you baby… Then you had to stop yourself, because it wasn’t possible for you to actually have feelings for Ethan, because he was still an asshole, because whatever you had going on with him was too fun, because he wouldn’t feel the same way.
“What does that mean, Ethan?” you asked, thoughts racing through your head like lightning bolts. You walked to him and he kept your eyes on you the whole time. “Oh my God, do you actually like me?” your tone was still a joking one, but you were wondering for real. Ethan rolled his eyes and all your hope was lost.
“No.” he stated. “You’re a bitch.”
“Ah, you’re back to normal.” you told him. “I was worried you might be broken.”
Ethan suddenly pulled you close to him for another kiss that heated your entire body. His fingers gripped your hips with strength as you grabbed onto his arms like they were railings. Then Ethan was the one to break the kiss, leaving his face only inches apart from yours before speaking.
“Try to be nicer.” he demanded in a growl. Then he leaned in to whisper in your ear. “Or I’ll be rude too.”
He slid away from you and left the room, closing the door behind him. His words gave you chills across your body.
You waited a couple minutes to leave the room. When you did, you saw Ethan talking to Gina by the lockers. He threw a glare your way followed by a wink as you walked past him. In that moment, you wished you had let him finish what he was up to when you first walked in to the English classroom.
* * *
The day went by excruciatingly slow. You had fallen asleep on your least favorite class, the teacher had put a documentary on, clearly not in the mood to explain anything to teenagers. It helped you relax a bit, with your mind a bit more rested the stress from doing the routine justice faded.
You were heading to the field with your team, talking with some of your friends about an upcoming party when you realized you forgot the colored ribbon you wore in your ponytail. You stopped for a while to decide whether you should go back for it or not, deciding finally to just get it from the lockers. The game wasn’t starting for another hour anyways.
You walked to the locker room as you stared down at your phone. Once inside, you noticed the room smelled unpleasant. It didn’t take you long to realize you weren’t in the right locker room. The first clue was the smell, the second one was half of the lacrosse team standing before you in silence. You looked up and blushed instantly. They were all wearing their uniform shorts, but none of them had a shirt on. You didn’t know where to settle your eyes.
“E, I think you’ve got a visitor!” one of the players shouted. They were all on their lockers getting stuff.
Ethan’s head appeared poking out of the back of the room around a locker. He smiled cockily.
“(Y/L/N).” Ethan said as you walked your way. “What can I do for you?”
“I’m not here for you, I just walked in the wrong locker room.” you said rolling your eyes. “Sound familiar?” you teased.
“Why haven’t you left then?” Ethan asked you. You scoffed with raised brows. “I think you should anyways, this is no sight for a lady.” Ethan said extending his arms to his sides completely exposing his bare torso.
“Now I’m not leaving just because you told me I should.” you said crossing your arms over your chest.
“Don’t you have anything more important to do?” Ethan asked, now crossing his arms over his chest too. “Or are you all done doing your tumbles?”
“Do you need to make degrading comments to make up for your small dick?” you asked Ethan, faking confusion with a tilt of your head. The team let out a round of ooooh’s. Ethan’s jawline tightened as he looked straight at you.
“Anyone in this room could testify against that.” Ethan said with a poker face, never taking his eyes off you. “Including you.”
You scoffed again, this time with a slight smile and your tongue between your teeth.
“Oh come on, just kiss already.” another one of the boys, Kyle Stevens, said.
“Shut it, Stevens.” Ethan growled. His eyes were locked to yours, even if he was still standing many feet.
“We all know you like her, Dolan.” Kyle continued. The expression on your face softened. “Maybe it wouldn’t be so obvious if you shut up about her from time to time.”
Ethan’s face was still immobile, but you could read a hint of nerves on his body. He pulled his stare from you and turned to his team.
“Stevens, why don’t you start the warm up by running a few laps, huh?” Ethan told Kyle.
“What?” Kyle complained as the rest of the team laughed.
“And take everyone else with you.” Ethan demanded.
“This is bullshit, you’re not the coach!” Kyle said. He looked to the rest of his teammates for back up, but no one said anything. Ethan laughed, but it wasn’t in a kind way at all.
“I’m your captain.” Ethan said. You recognized that tone so well. It was almost a growl, but not quite. “You either respect that or you get the fuck out of my team.”
Seeing the way Ethan’s muscles tightened with anger and hearing the raspiness of his enraged voice made your knees weak. You felt your heartbeat pound faster, the familiar feeling growing in your stomach.
“Don’t be a whiny bitch, K.” Ethan’s best friend said.“Let’s go.”
The team all started walking out of the room, passing right past you in a group. You didn’t move at all until the only team member present was Ethan.
“Didn’t we talk about being rude?” he asked you, getting closer to you with every word. You grinned at him in a mischevious manner.
“Maybe I want you to be rude.” you told him. Your words made his eyes fill with darkness.
“Fuck.” he whispered before rushing to you and grabbing you harshly, pressing his lips against yours with force. He kept giving steps forward as he kissed you until your back hit the wall right next to the door. Ethan carried you up, allowing you to wrap your legs around him.
He was eating you whole, and you loved it. He held you so steadily, not for a second making you worry he was going to drop you. He started sucking on your neck, something he seemed to enjoy just for the sake of seeing the mark it would create. His hands started going up your skirt, and just for a second you worried your team wasn’t doing the warm ups, but the second his fingers got to your inner thighs you forgot. You let out a moan, forgetting you were in school grounds and anyone outside could hear you if they passed by.
“Shhh…” Ethan demanded as he went back to your lips. “Mmm… shit, (Y/N), we’re at school don’t be gross.” Ethan said, using the words you had told him before as he let your legs drop to the ground and stopped kissing you.
“Are you really leaving me like this?” you asked in annoyance. “Right before the game?”
“Like this how?” Ethan asked innocently. He brought his fingers up to your neck, tracing the bruise that was probably already forming. You looked at him bothered. He knew exactly how, he just liked hearing the effect he had on you.
“Like this.” you stated as you brought your hand down to his crotch and slowly ran it up and down. Making Ethan tense up and clench his jaw again. A groan got stuck in his throat when someone knocked on the door.
“Ethan, the coach wants you to come on out.” the voice of one of Ethan’s players said from the hall. Ethan cleared his throat before talking
“I’m coming.” he replied. A smile appeared in your face.
“Are you?” you mouthed to him with a brow raised. Ethan let out a breath through his nose and bit the entirety his bottom lip.
“Alright.” whoever was outside said. Then footsteps walking away were heard. You waited until they disappeared to let go of Ethan.
“Good luck out there, Mr. Captain Man.” you said with a smirk before walking out the door and making your way into the field.
* * *
The good luck you had wished Ethan seemed to be working, because he was on fire. The other team was putting up a good fight, but there hadn’t been a moment in which they were in the lead. The routine had gone just fine on half time. The bleachers cheered and some words were shouted your way. Ethan was looking at you from the bench. He had removed his gear and there was a towel resting around his neck. His dark hair was flat from the helmet and his face was covered in sweat. His eyes were full of lust as he watched the routine. You tried to ignore his gaze as much as you could, since he was definitely a distraction.
You ended up in the air. As you came back down to the ground with the help of your teammates, you stared back at Ethan, who was sucking on his Gatorade bottle, eyes still on you.
“Are you really dating him?” your friend Julie asked you. She was fixing her ponytail as she talked to you. “I think you’d make a hot couple.”
“Fuck no.” you told her. It was true, whatever was happening between you and Ethan wasn’t dating.
Ethan threw a smirk your way and put down his bottle as the coach started giving him instructions. His eyes finally drove away from you.
“Why do you say it as if you would never be with him?” Julie laughed. “He’s gorgeous.”
“I don’t like him.” you said, and suddenly something shifted in your stomach. You realized you had stung yourself with your words. You had told people so many times Ethan was a dick, that you knew better than to get tangled in his games, that you didn’t like him. You never felt guilty of doing so, because you really believed it was true, but this time it felt like the biggest lie.
“Well, good, because Gina is hunting him.” Julie said as she eyed Ethan. He had stood up, he seemed to be cheering his team up, telling them to not give up or something. You turned to Gina, who was talking to another girl in the team. They were both looking at Ethan too. “She says she can’t graduate without doing him. Rumor has it he’s… pretty good. What do you think?”
You looked at Gina again and then at Ethan, who looked incredibly attractive as he talked to his team.
“He probably has a small dick.” you lied.
The game resumed and both teams scored, but ultimately your team won. The celebration was loud, people started coming down from the bleachers to congratulate the team. The players’ girlfriends flooded the field, showering their men with kisses and hugs. You were with the rest of the cheerleaders jumping and shaking your pom poms in the air.
You spotted Ethan, who was surrounded by people already, including his brother, who didn’t go to the same school, but everyone knew anyways.
Eventually, he turned your way and spotted you in the crowd. You smiled at him, realizing you didn’t want to keep up the act. He looked confused at first, he wasn’t used to you being kind, but then he smiled back. He looked… cute, which you had never thought of him before.
You felt a tap on your back and turned around to see your best friend.
“You killed it, dude, you had nothing to worry about!” she said as she hugged you.
“You’re so sweet.” you told her. Julie then approached you again.
“Hey, (Y/N), we’re going out for milkshakes.” she said as she pointed to the whole team a couple yards behind her. “We would like our captain to be there.”
You smiled, feeling glad your team was fond of you. Your only plans for the night would be catching up on the sleep you hadn’t had during the week, but you figured going out with the team for milkshakes would be relaxing too. Then you remembered Gina, who would for sure not shut up, and then you looked past Julie to the team and didn’t see her there.
“Is Gina going?” you asked Julie. She turned around to check the team. She frowned.
“Oh, yeah, she disappeared a minute ago.” Julie told you turning back to you. “I’m not sure where she went.”
“Actually, Jules, I think I’m just go throw myself in bed.” you told Julie after hesitating for a while. You figured the risk of Gina going wasn’t worth it. “Thank you so much, though, I hope you have fun.”
“No worries.” Julie told you. “You’re a busy girl, we get it.”
She walked away and the team left together. The field started clearing out, everyone was going to parties or just home to get some sleep after a heavy couple weeks. You didn’t see Ethan though, only his twin was where Ethan had been before. He was talking to a group of girls from your grade. You decided to walk to Grayson, Ethan’s brother to ask where he was. You wanted to congratulate him.
“Hey, Grayson.” you called. You had met him before in their house.It was kind of awkward the first time he saw you, since you had gone for a midnight snack to their kitchen only covered by Ethan’s sheets.
“(Y/N)!” he exclaimed. “You were so good at half time!”
“Thanks.” you smiled. He had always been so nice it was hard to even pretend to be rude to him. “Hey, have you seen your brother?”
“He left a few minutes ago.” he told me. “I think he just went to the locker room to shower.”
“That makes sense.” you said. “Thanks, see you around.”
“Sure.” he smiled and waved goodbye. Grayson was always sweet to you. You had thought he felt bad because he thought you would just be another girl that fell for Ethan and then got dumped when he got bored. You had always denied that would ever happen, but at that moment you started to wonder if it was true.
And then you thought of Ethan questioning your rudeness before, and how serious he looked while asking you what had happened. You had sensed the tone, but hadn’t allowed him to say how he really felt. Now you were considering telling him to continue, asking him why you being rude had upset him that time in particular. You smiled as you walked, mainly because even though you could faint from how nervous you were, you were full of hope. Until you opened the locker room door.
Ethan was there for sure, only Gina was with him, or on him if we’re being gramatically correct. They were making out against a row of lockers. You couldn’t see Ethan’s face, Gina’s head was covering it, but judging by the way he was kissing her, he was having a good time, the same you completely ruined once the door closed behind you, making a loud bang sound across the room. Gina let go of Ethan. The red lipstick she was wearing was all over her face and Ethan’s. She smiled when she saw you, opposite to Ethan, whose eyes only widened.
“Excuse me, we’re a bit busy.” Gina said with a triumphant smirk. “Do you mind?”
You wanted to explode, because you knew that she wasn’t  only doing it because she liked Ethan, she was doing it out of spite and you could tell by her face. Heat rose from your chest to your head and you wanted to scream.
“Fuck you both, I don’t need this.” you let out.
Not wanting to stay in the room any longer, you turned your heel and left, walking through the hallways. You headed to the field without thinking at all, but once you were close, you could still hear people there, so you stopped next to the bleachers, where the light of the field didn’t quite reach. You leaned against the bleachers and sighed, not wanting to externate any signs of sadness. Ethan appeared only seconds later. You hadn’t heard his footsteps following you, but he must’ve been if he knew where you were going.
“(Y/N), I see you.” Ethan let you know. He didn’t raise his voice, probably because he knew you didn’t like it when he did. He walked to you. “Baby, talk to me.”
“Don’t call me baby!” you yelled. You weren’t sure if the people that remained in the field could hear you and honestly you didn’t give a shit.
“Look, I’m sorry, I-“ Ethan started, but didn’t get to finish.
“Why would you be?” you asked him, more angry at yourself than him. “We’re nothing! I shouldn’t be upset, you have every right to-“
“No I don’t!” Ethan cut you off.
“We are nothing, Dolan!” you repeated.
“Hey, don’t call me that! You’re only doing it to kid yourself.” Ethan growled. He was right, calling him Ethan felt too close, closer than you wished you had gotten. You didn’t know what else to say. You didn’t feel like you had the right to say anything, so you stayed silent. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have kissed her. I was still lowkey pissed that you seemed to not care about me all day.”
“What?” You frowned.
“You were being a bitch, (Y/N).” he said.
“That’s our thing, Ethan!” you yelled, emphasizing each word.
“I don’t want that anymore, damn it!” Ethan yelled this time, not caring if you got upset about it. He took a deep breath and licked his lips. “I don’t want you to leave everytime we fuck. I want to hold your hand and kiss your forehead. I want to show you off to my friends and brag to my brother about having a g-“ he stopped himself, not wanting to say the g word. “I know you don’t want that, alright, it’s clear to me. I’m sorry for catching feelings, I didn’t want to either. I thought kissing someone else would make me feel better, and Gina just happened to be really horny, apparently.”
You looked at him with an upset pout and arms crossed over your chest for a second before talking.
“And did it?” you asked, your tone low. You were too proud to just let Ethan know you had been daydreaming about the same shit he had all day.
“What?” Ethan asked you, clearly unsatisfied with your reply.
“Did it make you feel better kissing Gina?” you asked. Ethan scoffed and then looked away. It took him only a little while to look back at you.
“Fuck no, (Y/N).” Ethan said in disbelief you had even asked him. “She bit me.”
“I thought you liked it when I bit you.” you muttered. You sounded like a child that had just thrown a tantrum and was just realizing they were wrong.
“I like it when you do, yes.” he confessed. You fought a smile that threatened to appear on your face.
“Since when have you been feeling all of this?” You asked Ethan. He looked up to remember.
“I don’t know, I noticed a couple weeks ago.” Ethan shrugged. “Why are you so chill about this?”
“Weeks?” you exclaimed. Ethan had been crushing on you for the last couple weeks and you had just realized that day that maybe being with him as more than enemies with benefits was a not such a bad idea. “I just realized today.”
“What did you realize today?” Ethan asked. You knew he hated it when you weren’t clear, but your head was turning nonstop and it was hard to express your feelings.
“That I really, really want to hold your hand.” you said. Ethan’s body had been tensed up the whole time you were talking, but at that moment, it suddenly relaxed. A relieved smile appeared on his face. He was having a flow of emotions and you could read every single one of them.
He came up to you and kissed you, and the feeling was so foreign to you. He had been kissing you every day for the last couple months, but he had never ever kissed you like that. His lips weren’t rough, his hands were gentle on your cheek, and you felt like you were floating in a field of cotton. For a second you doubted it was real. You were a professional daydreamer, and you would hate yourself if you were making this up, but as you opened your eyes and pulled away from Ethan it was a hundred percent clear it was actually happening.
“Come on.” he said. It wasn’t a growl like you were used to, it was more of a suggestion than a demand. Taking his hand, you let him lead you inside of the school to the girls’ locker rooms. The only bag left was yours. It was sitting below your locker. The room was evidently empty, and Ethan closed the door behind you, turning the lock so no one could open it.
He kissed you again, just like he had a few moments before. You realized at that moment how much you had wanted that, to felt like he cared. You didn’t realize how much you cared yourself. He slid a hand around your waist and the other up your leg. His touch felt so different compared to all the other times, but it still felt so good.
“Take your top off.” he ordered as he kissed your neck. You chuckled.
“So much for holding your hand, huh?” you raised your eyebrow.
“You can hold it while I pin you to this wall.”
Let me know what you thought!
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
The start of an apprenticeship; Newt Scamander x teen reader
While I was posting up my Supernatural fics I thought why not give u guys more Newt. Now this was one of my recent and first Newt Scamander requests I got recently on Wattpad. And let me just say I had a FREAKIN blast with this story :) So I hope all of you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I was sooo happy that someone asked for a Newt request and I delivered if I do say so myself :)
Warnings: Nifflers, Demiguises, Newt Scamander fluff, Goldstein sister fluff, but real warning here, TORTURE (using one of the unforgivable curses), other than that just fluff and nifflers.
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It first started off with a simple Thanksgiving vacation from Ilvermory. I had gone to visit my older sisters Tina and Queenie to surprise them but when I got there, it turns out I was on the receiving end of a surprise, when my eldest sister Tina had brought in men into our apartment when the landlady strictly forbids men from entering the premises.
“(Y/n) what a surprise” my big sis Queenie stated happily as she came up and hugged me tightly.
“Hey Queenie, mind telling me why there are men in our apartment?” I asked nervously.
“I think you should talk to Teenie” I turned towards my eldest sister and she explained that Mr. Scamander the wizard wearing the blue trench coat had committed a crime against the secrecy of Wizard kind, and the other man Jacob Kowalski was a no-maj that is sick because of Mr. Scamander.
I took a good look at both men and saw that Mr. Scamander had shaggy brownish hair, freckles danced across his face but he held a warm presence. Even though he was tall, he wasn’t intimidating. I took notice that he held onto a suitcase very tightly and kept looking around the apartment trying to figure a way to get out.
While Mr. Kowalski had a tuff of black hair, a mustache that went all over his upper lip, he wore a suit that was just barely able to hold onto him and he did appear a little sick as his face glistened with sweat and he tried to keep his stance. I also took notice that he kept staring at my sister Queenie, not like in the way most men have stared at her like they wanted to own her as property, he was in awe and it was almost like a puppy-dog kind of way he was looking at her.
“Hey (y/n), you’ve had such a long trip from the train station so why don’t you get settled in and then come back out for dinner, and no sweets don’t count as a meal” I stuck my tongue at Queenie for using her mind-reading abilities on me.  I picked up my suitcase and went into my room and saw that it was all cleaned up for me.
I set my stuff down and began unpacking for the week vacation that I had from school.  I got changed from my uniform minus my robes into more casual nightdress. Once I was done changing, I joined up with my sisters and our guests and we all sat down and ate the delicious meal my sisters had prepared.
After dinner, Queenie and Jacob seemed to get a long really well as they talked about their love for cooking and baking.  I smiled softly at them never once seeing my sister so happy before in her entire life talking to someone who also enjoyed the same thing’s she did. Like I had said before, most guys think of wanting to get her as a trophy wife and have her be the stay-at-home woman cooking and preparing coffee for them, or just use her as a chance to cheat on their own wives or girlfriends to show them that they could get someone better than them on the side when they don’t give them what the guys want.
Thankfully my sister always stands up for herself and tells them straight away that she’s not interested or goes right to the girlfriends or wives and tells them of what their spouses are doing. But seeing her now with Jacob, he’d be good husband material in my eyes for my sister, if it wasn’t for the laws of wizarding community here in America. 
That’s why when I get out of Ilvermory, I want to travel the world and I don’t know maybe settle down in England since their laws are looser when it comes to No-Magic people or No-majs as we call them here.
“Our little sister here is just about to be done with school. Top in all her classes and is looking at a full scholarship into getting into MACUSA’s International Research team. She’s always wanted to travel the world, haven’t you sweetie?” Queenie said to me.
“Yeah, it’s always been a dream of mine. Travel the world, see what other cultures are like”. I said to Jacob.
And Tina or as I sometimes like to call her Tina “Kill-joy” Goldstein struck again when I heard Queenie state solemnly that she wasn’t flirting.
“I’m just saying don’t go getting attached he’s gonna have to be obliviated. It’s nothing personal”. Tina stated solemnly.
“Oh hey, you okay honey?” Queenie asked Jacob as I began to take notice of his starting to get dizzy and his sweating began to grow worse.
“Ms. Goldstein I think Mr. Kowalski can do with an early night, besides you and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find my niffler so….” Mr. Scamander stated as he sat up from his chair. I tilted my head in confusion and Queenie and I said to Tina at the same time.
“What’s a niffler?”
“Don’t ask” she muttered. “Okay you guys can bunk in here” she said as she walked towards their room. 
Once settling down for the night, Queenie knocked at my door and I told her to come in and she came in with a cup of hot cocoa.
“Hey sweetie, thought you might like a drink before bed”.
“Thanks Queenie”. I said as she came up to me and I took the cup from her and blew on it before taking a small sip. 
“How is your year going so far?”
“It’s going well. Me and Danielle continue to do our competitions with each other in our Potions class, just last week she was going so fast in trying to outdo me that she caused her potion to explode right in her face, but I helped her clean up after class in the end cause I couldn’t let her take it alone”.
“You girls and your competitions, but you are a good friend to helping her clean up the classroom, so you excited to have finally brought your wand outside of school?”
“Yes never have I been happier then when they told me I could finally bring my wand home”. You see since the Magical community in America is so paranoid about being exposed by the no-majs, Ilvermory has issued a law that anyone under 17 cannot take their wands out of school. 
They have to remain inside their dorms at all times when it comes to home visits and only until the wizard or witch reaches 17 years old, then and only then can they bring their wands outside of class, but one slip-up of using magic outside of school grounds or using magic outside of my current residence, results in severe punishment even expulsion from the school.
But since I just turned 17 on All Hallow’s Eve, I was officially allowed to bring my wand home with me.
“Now you can help me cook some meals” she stated.
“Yep, I can’t wait”.
“But for now it’s time to go to sleep, no into bed little missy”. I placed my cocoa down on my nightstand by my bed and Queenie tucked me in and kissed me goodnight. “Night honey”.
“Night Queenie” I stated tiredly as I yawned. She then turned off my lights with her wand and closed the sliding doors behind her as she left for the guest room. 
Later that night I had this dream of seeing President Picquery’s right hand wizard Mr. Graves in his office.  Why I was dreaming about him I have no idea, I mean I only met the wizard once when I was first being interviewed for the scholarship that Ilvermory was giving me. I didn’t speak to him physically but I saw him around, plus my sister Tina talks about him constantly always getting on her back about something.
But what happened next was something I never expected to see in my dreams. His face appeared to change his onyx black hair with bleach white, his facial structure began to slightly change into a much older man and his eyes were the biggest changes of all. One was pure black while the other was pure white.  I had seen this wizard being posted around in the Ilvermory news. 
It was Gellert Grindelwald. 
I shot up in my bed panting frantically and I quickly got dressed and cried out for Tina and Queenie but no one responded. I then called out for Mr. Scamander or Jacob, again got no response.  That was until I saw a note on the kitchen table from my sisters.  I picked up the note and it read.
Newt and Jacob left the apartment, Teen went to find them and I was called into work. Things have gotten more dangerous now at MACUSA with all that’s been happening. Please just stay home, lock the door don’t answer it for anyone okay honey? I should be back by sunrise.
Love, Queenie. 
No, no, no, no they—they need to be warned. They need to know who Graves really is. I immediately got dressed and then apparated out of the apartment and flew myself all the way to MACUSA.
By the time I got there, it was completely empty with only a handful of people walking around.  As I walked through the hallways I then heard a voice call out my name. When I turned around I saw that it was my sister’s boss Mr. Abernathy.
“Oh hi Mr. Abernathy, so sorry to come in so early but I was wondering do you know where either of my sisters are at?”
“I’m not sure about Goldstein but Queenie she’s downstairs preparing coffee for the council meeting downstairs, is there a problem?”
“Yeah it’s—it’s a lady problem. And I would really like one of my sisters to come home and help me out”. At that statement he backed off and let me go my way and I thanked him. I walked on as if I had only one destination to get to then when no one was looking, I apparated towards Mr. Graves’ office.
Once I got there, I took out my wand and pointed it at his door and whispered.
“Alohamora” but it didn’t work.  I then ran through my head all the unlocking spells that I knew and tried “Aberto” again that didn’t work. “Oh come on (y/n) think!” I began running through my head again one last time I then came to a spell Danielle once taught me an unlock spell that is so obvious that most people wouldn’t remember it.  I then took a deep breath and pointed my wand at the lock and whispered “Sesamius Opus” at that I heard his door open. “Thank you Dani”. I then went inside Mr. Graves’ office.
I looked around for whatever spell or potion was used for Grindelwald’s disguise but couldn’t find anything.  I was so focused in trying to find whatever it was that helped Grindelwald with his disguise that I was completely unaware that the devil himself was right behind me.
When I turned around and saw “Mr. Graves” standing there, I quickly took out my wand but before I could even get one syllable out of my mouth, he used his wand to fire my wand out of my hand leaving me defenseless. He then fire a shot right at my stomach sending me towards the wall and soon I felt his hand around my throat.
“What are you doing in here child? This section is strictly forbidden”.
“I know….who you are”. At that statement he sighed deeply and said.
“Much like your sister, always turning up where you’re not needed. What gave me away?” I remained silent not wanting to tell him anything.  I felt his grip tighten around my throat cutting off my airway even more than before. “Answer me and I will let you walk with only your mind obliviated of this encounter”. I choked out but managed to somehow get enough spit into my mouth before spitting right in his face.He glared at me with soulless dark eyes and the next thing I knew I saw blackness. 
When I awoke I found myself in a pure white room chained up to a levitating chair.  I saw what looked like a sea of potion surrounding me.
“You are indeed the more interesting out of your sisters Ms. Goldstein.” I looked up to see Grindelwald himself standing before me. “Top of your classes in all years at Ilvermory, especially in the dark arts and potions. Your professors even praise you for your talents, you could be a great witch one day. Maybe even more. Now answer my one question, how did you see through my disguise?” Even though I was scared to death at seeing the infamous dark wizard before me, I refused to allow him to see me fear. So I kept quiet.
“Crucio” I then felt a surge of agonizing pain come through me as I held in my screams and panted heavily. “I grow tired of your silence my dear, tell me how you managed to see through my disguise and I’ll let you and your family go”.
“Drop….dead” I panted.
“Not what I was looking for, Crucio”. I felt the same pain go through my again. I kept hearing him whisper Crucio again and again and again never once refraining. He didn’t care that I was just a child, he was willing to watch me suffer and he didn’t even care if I would die or not.
I kept screaming in agony as I couldn’t take the pain any longer until I finally answered him.
“I HAVE FORESIGHT! I have foresight….I have foresight” I sobbed out.
It’s true. Like my sister Queenie who was a Legilimens, I was gifted foresight when I was around 8 years old. They don’t happen much and only through dreams do I get them. I haven’t really had one in years when I saw myself traveling the world with someone. Back then I was still learning to control my powers so I never did see who it was that I would one day travel with, but that’s what’s pushed me to getting the International research spot in MACUSA.
“Foresight, I never thought I’d see one so young. And if you were able to see past my spell, as I stated earlier Ms. Goldstein you must be very powerful for your age, and could be even more. Join me, imagine what kind of power you could obtain, what you could create. See a new world where Wizards rule and the muggles live under our reign”.
“Psychopath!” I panted out. His eyes narrowed then Grindelwald shifted back into Mr. Graves and he said in Graves’ voice.
“Very well then, Ms. (Y/n) Goldstein you are hereby guilt of trespassing and assaulting an Auror. You are thereby sentenced to death and your sisters will receive the same sentence”.
“No….no please th-they didn’t……”
“Shhh” he the pointed his wand at the chair and I was now being lowered towards the death potion. I let out weak sobs as I saw three people in white coats now come in to watch me be executed. I threw my head back silently praying for someone to help me and that’s when I heard the door slam open and what sounded like a fight came out.
My vision was blurry but I swore I thought I saw a flash of blue fighting off the three executioners.
“(Y/n)!” I opened my eyes trying to focus my vision and it was there I saw standing before me was Mr. Scamander.
“Mr. Scamander?” I stated out.
“Hang on I’ll get you out of there”. He then pointed his wand which unlocked me from my chains but before he could do another spell I tried to tell him.
“Mr. Scamander behind you!” He was then suddenly punched by the male executioner and the two of them began to try to over-power the other.  Newt then cleverly kicked the male’s shin inward and release some kind of bat-like greenish-blue creature and it flew around until it tackled the man down which forced his wand into the death potion making it sizzle like boiling water and raise it up higher towards me.
I whimpered and tried to stand up but I could only curl myself up into the chair.
“Mr. Scamander!” I cried out.
“Now, now don’t panic everything’s gonna be just fine. Now listen to me (y/n). I need you to jump towards me”.
“I—I can’t…..He used the Crucio spell on me”.
“Alright, alright”. He then made some sort of hissing sound at the creature and soon it began to change its flying pattern and circle under and then over me. “Jump”. I looked to him and then at the creature flying over me and I said.
“You’re insane”.
“Jump on him (y/n). Don’t worry I’ve got you”. As I saw myself now beginning to be encaged by the death potion, I tried to stand up but every muscle in my body refused to obey me, plus I was deathly scared. What if I didn’t make it? What if he didn’t grab me in time? What if I died today?
“I—I can’t…..I’m scared. I won’t make it, I can’t make it Newt I—”
“Hey, hey (y/n). Look at me, okay I need you to look at nothing but me right now, can you do that for me?” Tears filled my eyes as I looked up at him and he told me. “I’ll catch you. I swear to you (y/n), I swear on my life that I won’t let you die. I promise I’ll catch you. I’ve got you (y/n)”. Looking into his blue-green eyes filled me with some warmth and I knew that I could trust him, even after just meeting him today. 
I nodded telling him that I believed him. And no matter how much my muscles were screaming at me, I began to slowly stand up just enough so that I would be able to jump.
“That’s it, I’ve got you (y/n)….Go!” I then took my best leap and managed to land on the creature’s back before flying forwards and I fell into Newt’s arms.  He then held his hand out and the creature turned into a cocoon in his hand and he said to me, “Hold on”. He then adjusted me so that I was being carried bridal style in his arms as I cried out in pain but he calmed me down by shushing me softly before taking off running.
Newt ran down the hallway with me still in his arms. He had me so adjusted in his arms that as he was running I wasn’t being jostled around.  I then saw flashes of light heading straight for us as I knew the Aurors had been alerted of an escape and I heard the sound of the alarms going off.  Newt hid us behind a pillar and released the creature out and it flew around knocking the Aurors. As Newt came out running he then stopped and I heard him say.
“Leave his brains come on! Come on!” The creature then obeyed as it took off flying again. As more Aurors came for us, the creature protected us by simply tackling them down to the ground.  As Newt kept running I asked him.
“What was that thing?”
“Swooping Evil” he answered me.
“I gotta get me one of those”. I joked. Newt kept running on but soon stopped just as we were about to reach the exit and just when I was thinking we had been stopped by more Aurors or even worse Grindelwald himself, I was beyond relieved to see my sisters and Jacob standing before us.  Queenie held Newt’s case while Tina had all their wands plus my own.
“Oh (y/n) thank Merlin you’re alive!” Tina stated as she came up to me and took me from Newt’s arms and she and Queenie both hugged me but I groaned in pain.
“She said she was attacked by the Crucio curse” Newt explained to them.
“What?!” my sisters exclaimed worriedly as they both looked over me.  As Queenie turned her head she then gestured towards the suitcase as she still held it in her hands, “Get in” she stated firmly. One by one we all went into the case then Newt and Tina both helped me down into the suitcase.  Newt carried me down the steps before handing me to Tina who was at the bottom of the steps and as I was transferred to my sister, I saw that I was in some kind of shed.
“Place her over here” I heard Newt’s voice say. I was then gently placed as I cried out in pain on a soft makeshift mattress.  I felt Tina sit beside me stroking the hair away from my face.
“I thought we told you to stay home sweetie?”
“You—you needed to…..”
“Shhh don’t speak now” my eldest sister whispered. I then heard Newt’s voice say.
“Lift her head a bit, have her drink this. This should give her back some of her strength”. My head was then raised up and I felt something touch my lips and I felt a potion working its way down my throat softly.  I swallowed it whole and once I was done, I felt myself growing very tired before I blacked out in exhaustion.
*3rd Person POV*
Tina dabbed her youngest sister’s head with a damp cloth and Newt said to her.
“That should do it, now all she needs is some rest”.
“What exactly is that Crucio thing that did this to her?” asked Jacob.
“It’s one of the three unforgivable curses. The three most powerful and dangerous spells that any witch or wizard can do. One is an instant kill, the other can control a person’s actions against their will, but the one (y/n) was submitted to tortures the victim beyond any levels. Think of it as someone taking a hot iron rod and touching it to your skin from the inside”. Tina explained.  She turned back towards her sister and took a better look at her.
Her once vibrant skin was now ghostly pale, her eyes that were once filled with light were now sunken in and dark circles underneath her eyes. She couldn’t believe that someone in MACUSA knew the unforgivable curses and would do that to an innocent child.
“Here, for once she wakes up. This should give her some more strength and energy”. Jacob handed to Tina one of his grandmother’s desserts that he presented to the bank before all this mess started. Tina nodded in gratitude then she set the treat beside her sister then the two men left Tina alone with her sister.
*My POV*
When I woke up I found myself in a shed. I rubbed my eyes and when I opened them up I was staring face to umm….snout with some black, furry creature.  It had a pink snout, black fur, webbed feet with claws and a stout tail.  It sniffed at me before cuddling right back into me.
Normally someone would scream at seeing something just staring at them especially if they didn’t look like a normal animal, me on the other hand, I thought the creature was cute and it was friendly enough to cuddle with.  I giggled and pet it when I heard the door to the shed open and Mr. Scamander came in saying.
“For the last time you pilfering pest, stay in your burrow and don’t go—Oh (y/n), how are you feeling?”
“Better, much better actually. Wh—where am I? Last thing I remember was being in MACUSA”.
“You were hit with one of the forgivable curses, luckily for you I managed to brew a potion strong enough to give you back some of your strength. Now I would suggest still getting some rest, you were barely able to stand when I got you out”.
“Oh yeah you—you saved me. Thank you Mr. Scamander, I owe you my life”.
“Oh please call me Newt, and there’s no need to thank me”.
“Yes there is Newt, if it hadn’t been for you I’d…..well I doubt I’d even be here”.
“Well I couldn’t just let you die could I?” I smiled then I turned my attention back to the creature in my lap and I asked him.
“And who is this little guy?”
“Oh that is my niffler. Terrible bugger he is, anything shiny and he’s off like a shot. Grummy little thief, I thought him wanting to come in here was because I must’ve left something shiny in here, but I guess he wanted to come and see you. Dougal was also wanting to see you, he always has that parental sense in wanting to care for things”.
“Dougal?” I questioned.
“Do—do you think you can walk? Try and stand up for me?” I slowly found my footing and tried to lift myself up.  Wobbled the first few times but I managed to find my footing and proceeded to walk towards Newt.  He held his arm out for me to take just in case I felt like falling so I went ahead and took it. “Now before we head out I must warn you advance, it is a bit much for first timers”. He then opened the door to the shed and the second we stepped out, it was like I was in a whole new world.
Multiple habitats like those no-maj zoos that I’ve always visited whenever I came home from school but without the cages surrounded the entire area.  I was in awe and bewildered by the amount of space this suitcase had, it was truly bigger on the inside.
Dozens upon dozens of creatures were around roaming freely around their habitats but my attention was drawn to the magnificent Thunderbird to my left. I was in pure awe at seeing my Ilvermory house creature standing before me.
“Is—is that a—”
“Yes, he’s the reason I came to America. His name’s Frank, I found him in Egypt all chained up, I couldn’t leave him there so I rescued him, healed his wounds and brought him here to take him back to his home in the wilds of Arizona”. Soon a white furry creature with big golden eyes came up towards me and hopped onto my back and started stroking my hair.  “This is Dougal, he’s a Demiguise, fundamentally peaceful most of the time but can give a nasty nip or two if provoked”.
“Hello Dougal” I reached up and stroked through his soft fur and he let out a purr like sound as he leaned in against my hand then he adjusted himself more until he clung to my back.  Newt continued to show me around the case where I got to meet more of his creatures and he even introduced me to a creature I thought I had been seeing move around in his cloak at dinner earlier yesterday evening.
He told me that his name was Pickett the Bowtruckle and he has some attachment issues of not wanting to leave Newt’s side and join his branch (which is what a family of Bowtruckles is called).  But if I’m completely honest, out of all the creatures I’ve met, I seem drawn to the niffler the most. The little guy even gave me one of his gold coins and Newt was surprised at that, telling me that he’s never shared his gold with anyone before, not even Newt.
“(Y/n)!” I heard two voices cry out my name and soon I saw my sisters running up towards me and I embraced them both.
“How are you feeling honey?” asked Queenie.
“Better than what I was earlier”.
“Why didn’t you stay home like we asked you to?” questioned Tina.
“I—I had a vision about Mr. Graves, guys….he’s not who he says he is”.
“Wh-what do you mean sweetheart?” asked Jacob.
“I mean that Mr. Graves never even existed. Not until he came to MACUSA, and how is it that he’s managed to rise faster in the ranks of Auror command than any other Auror who had worked for President Madam Picquery? Guys…..Mr. Graves is actually Gellert Grindelwald”.  They all looked at me in shock except for Newt who might have had the same suspicions as I did.
“(Y/n) are you sure that he’s Grindelwald?”
“Teen, have my visions ever been wrong? Why would you doubt me now?”
“She’s right Tina, just from talking to him when we were being interrogated there was something about him that almost had a similar connection to Grindelwald’s belief. With all these attacks that have been happening that you’ve told me about, the obscurus. Grindelwald would seek a chance like that to expose us to the Muggle-world”. Newt backed me up.
Before we could continue on with our conversation, Frank suddenly went on the defense as thunder rumbled above us and he was flapping his wings almost anxiously.
“Danger, he senses danger”. Newt stated.
“(Y/n), you need to get home right now” stated Tina.
“What no I’m coming to help you guys!” I snapped at her.
“This isn’t a request. He already hurt you once, almost killed you I—I can’t let that happen again!” Tina choked.  I walked up to her and embraced her and I said to her.
“I learned from the best witch on how to fight. Now that I know exactly who I’m dealing with and won’t fight blindly, I’ll only step in when I need to”. She looked at me skeptically but I stared back at her with strong eyes determined to not back down from my decision.
“Just stay close to either me or Newt okay?” I nodded then we all began formulating a plan to stop Grindelwald. 
*Time skip to after the battle with Credence*
After Credence was destroyed by the Aurors and “Graves” tried to persuade the Aurors of their crime and how the supposed law to keep us save from the no-majs and asked them if it really protects us or them. At that moment Graves snapped and tried to kill Madam President Picquery but Newt used the Swooping evil to distract him and fired out some kinda of cocoon webbing to trap Graves where he stood as my sister used the Accio spell to bring Grave’s wand to her. As he turned to us with hatred in his eyes I said to President Picquery and the other Aurors.
“You all have been deceived. Mr. Graves was a fictional character created to hide his true form”. I then pointed my wand at him and made an R shape as I stated, “Revelio”. At that moment Graves began to breathe out harshly as his hair changed into the bleach blonde, the older face began to form as well as the mustache.  As I circled before him there kneeling before the Aurors was Gellert Grindelwald himself.
“Do you think you can hold me?” He asked President Picquery.
“We’ll do our best, Mr. Grindelwald” she stated lowly. It was then two Aurors came up and took him into custody and walked him out of the subway.  Newt came up to me and hid me from Grindelwald’s view as he stopped right in front of us.  The dark wizard turned towards us and he said to Newt.
“Will we die, just a little?” His eyes then turned towards me and he smirked wickedly down at me before being lead up the stairs. 
After he was taken into custody, in order to obliviate the entire city of New York, Newt suggested that by using the Swooping evil venom he could use Frank to create a thunderstorm and that should erase every no-majs memory of everything that happened tonight.  Seeing Newt say goodbye to Frank was heartbreaking and I knew it had to be even harder for Newt.
I mean he told me he had basically helped raise Frank back up on his feet the moment he rescued him.  To all of his creatures he saw them as his children and he vowed to protect every one of them, but now he had to let one of them go just like he was set off to do before all of this craziness started.
“(Y/n) come here please”. I heard Newt’s voice say to me.  I was surprised to see both him and Frank looking at me. I turned towards my sisters and they both nodded at me to go on so I cautiously walked up and held out my hand and Frank brought his beak to my hand and I stroked through his feathers. “Seems he’s come to like you”.
“I wish I had more time to get to know the creature that represents my house. But I know this is for the best, like you said this is why you came to America in the first place. And you must be willing to let them go”.
“Indeed” I heard him say.  After Frank was done nuzzling my chest he then let out a cry and turned towards Newt who said. “You know what you’ve got to do”. He then tossed a vile of the Swooping evil venom in the air and Frank caught it in his beak and took off flying high into the sky.  I stared in awe watching him go higher and higher into the sky.  Seeing him cause the sky to darken and thunder boom in the sky as well as lightning flash until finally a big boom was heard and rain began falling.
The Aurors then began to repair the damage of the battle while the no-majs went about their normal day as if nothing happened. Once everything was cleaned up, President Picquery ordered us that Jacob had to be obliviated because even one witness could cause trouble but she allowed us to say goodbye before she and the rest of the Aurors walked out of the subway.  
At the top of the subway exit, we said our goodbyes to Jacob even though it was hard, especially for Queenie.  She tried to convince that she would be willing to come with him and that she’d never find anyone like him.  Even though he tried to brush it off, she assured him that there was only one like him.  I then tried to stop him by whimpering out his name but he assured me.
“It’s okay kid, it’s okay. It’s just like waking up right?” Then without another moment’s hesitation, Jacob stepped out into the rain and allowed the potion to do its work.  Queenie then used her wand to form an umbrella above her as she walked towards Jacob, stroked his face and gave him a kiss.  I lowered my head sadly as tears fell down my face and I hugged Teen and she rubbed my back and stroked down my hair comfortingly.
Queenie then came back towards us and though we hate to, we apparated out of the subway and back to our apartment before Jacob could open his eyes. 
The next few days I received the letter I knew I had been dreading. Ilvermory had caught wind of my use of reckless magic in MACUSA headquarters and for that I was expelled from Ilvermory and my scholarship into the International research has been revoked.
I sighed heavily then I heard Newt’s voice say.
“Something troubling you?”
“Yeah, I’ve been expelled from Ilvermory and my scholarship opportunity into the MACUSA Research team has been revoked. Even if Madam President could convince them to reinstate my scholarship I doubt there’s any way I’ll get back and finish my last year of school. And I doubt MACUSA will hired a student with an expulsion record”.
“Actually….there is another way you could see the world” he stated.
“And what is that if I may ask?” I asked.
“For a while now I’ve been thinking about hiring an apprentice. Someone who could keep an eye on me from over-working myself and helping me with my creatures. I’m always traveling the world discovering new things for my book and I would like an editor by my side at all times instead of waiting for weeks on end to hear a response back”.
“Are you—you’re offering me an internship?”
“Now it won’t pay much, but you’ll get to do what you’ve wanted to do your whole life. See different cultures, meet new people, and you’ll be my first young witch I educate on why Magical creatures should be protected instead of being hunted to extinction”. I smiled at him and he said, “Plus I think the niffler would miss you. He kinda likes you”. I laughed softly and hugged Newt and said to him.
“Thank you Newt, for everything”. He was tense at first but then he relaxed and embraced me back and said.
“You’re welcome”.
After a long talk between Newt, Tina and Queenie about his offer of hiring me as his apprentice, they agreed that the best thing for me right now especially after my expulsion would be to go with Newt to get some experience out there in the world.
So a few days later after setting up my passport and packing all my things up, Tina and Queenie came with Newt and I to the docks that would take us to Madrid, Spain and then from there the world was my oyster.  After Tina and Newt said their goodbyes to each other, Queenie embraced me tightly and said as she rocked me.
“You have fun and listen to everything Newt tells you okay honey?”
“I will Queenie”.
“I’ll miss you baby sister”.
“Not as much as I’ll miss you big sister”. She kissed my cheek and hugged me one last time before I turned to Tina.  She smiled and hugged me and said.
“You be sure to write to us as much as you can”.
“I will I promise Tina”. She kissed my forehead and stroked the hair out of my face before turning to Newt and said to him.
“You make sure to look after her for us”.
“You have my word, no harm will come to her under my watch”. The boat then let out a blow of its horn. “Come on (y/n), we better board or else they’ll leave without us”.
“Coming Newt”. My sisters smiled down at my proudly with tears in their eyes and we all got into one last sisterly group hug and they both kissed each of my cheeks then I followed behind my teacher and the two of us walked onboard the ship and as we took off, I waved by to my sisters and they waved back to me until New York was out of our sights.  I sat myself beside my new mentor and he said, 
“Ready to begin your teachings?”
“Indeed Professor Scamander” I joked making the two of us laugh then he took out his journal and ran through the basics with me.
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bastionkeeper · 6 years
@mykindofcontent and I wrote this fic together. Kravitz expresses a concern about how dating Taako has made reaping hard, as his bounties always threaten the love of his life. Taako, always the drama queen and emotionally repressed elf does what he thinks is a solution and only makes things worse. Will breaking up really help things?
Kravitz paced hurriedly across the bedroom floor. One arm folded over his chest, the other gripping his chin, his eyebrows were furrowed as he thought. He shouldn’t have been home yet, not really, but it had been the third time in two weeks he’d had to call Lup and Barry to take over one of his cases. It was getting out of hand. He never needed help before. Now he had to rely on his two new subordinates just to bring in a small fry bounty.
He scowled at himself. The ones he had to give up all had one thing in common.
They all knew him as Taako’s trophy man.
Some amount of fame was expected when getting involved with the seven extraplanar beings that saved all of existence, but Taako seemed to thrive off the attention, and death worked better in the shadows.
It shouldn’t have mattered, really. He should have been able to date whoever he pleased and have it not matter at all. If only it was that easy.
There were those that simply didn’t take him seriously because of his romantic position and that was easy enough, even the most well-read gossiper wet their pants at the sight of a flaming skeleton.
Then there were those that made things personal, made it clear that if he continued to track them they would take the man that set his heart beating and break him.
He could have trusted that Taako was strong enough to take care of himself, but part of him refused to take that chance. He let them go each time, and it was starting to get dangerous.
His love was his weakness, and that was a terrible thing to say. Kravitz hated the idea that a person could be a weakness, it was selfish and cruel...but it also had a truth to it.
His nervous pacing came to a stop as he heard the front door opening. Taako was home. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. There was no reason to breach this subject yet, not when he didn’t have any solution in mind. It would just make Taako worry.
He couldn’t help a small part of himself that felt guilty. Taako had been acting distant and Kravitz knew the elf well enough to know it was because of his own behavior. Taako always drew back and guarded himself if he thought something was wrong, he would never confront it until Kravitz was ready.
“You home early again?” Taako’s voice came from the living room. “You keep slacking off just to see lil ol’ me and Lup will be employee of the month before you know it.”
Kravitz tried to laugh, still feeling preoccupied as Taako made his way into the room. “I believe we’ve been over this dear, the Raven Queen doesn’t have employee’s of the month.” “That’s because she hasn’t had more than one employee before~” Taako spared a moment between the banter to press a kiss to Kravitz’s check. Kravitz was aware of the way Taako’s eyes searched him suspiciously, knowing things were not as calm as they seemed. He had the eyes of a rabbit ready to run at any second, back to hide in its burrow.
Kravitz hated seeing him so on edge, and even more hated being the cause of it. He wanted to be Taako’s safe space, somewhere he could drop his act. Taako normally trusted Kravitz enough to show him his real face, the one behind the glamour that hid dark circles and scars. Lately though, the magical and emotional glamour had been intact.
Maybe it was time to get it out in the open, he didn’t want Taako to agonize over an invisible problem for weeks.
“Sweetheart, can we talk?” Kravitz said, steeling himself. “I promise it’s nothing bad, please don’t worry, something has just been bothering me and I’m sure you notice... “
“Krav, honey, nothing makes a man worry more than the phrases ‘we need to talk’ and ‘I promise it’s chill don’t sweat it’,” Taako joked, masterfully hiding any signs of nervousness. “But you know you can tell me anything anyway.”
Kravitz tried to laugh off the comment, but he could tell he wasn’t fooling anyone. “It’s...about work. About why I’ve been...home more.”
“Did bird mom fire you since Lup is so much better?” Taako’s words came out teasing, but his stance tensed. He forced himself to keep the playful smile on his face.
“She might,” Kravitz said, only half kidding. He didn’t think he could be fired per se, but he certainly would be in trouble if this kept happening. His Queen was patient, and she understood the position he was in, but it couldn’t last forever. “Things have gotten… difficult since the news we’re dating started spreading. Some of my bounties have started using the knowledge to their advantage.”
“Like...no more flirting with death?” Taako made another joke, but Kravitz could see it in his eyes. He knew what this was about and he was already making an escape plan, a way to fix it all without ever having to talk about how he felt. The joking was just stalling for time while he planned. He loved his boyfriend, his silly complicated boyfriend who never just took the straightforward way out.
Kravitz shrugged. “It’s just been hard. Not so much hard as it is frustrating.” He confessed. “I’ve been doing this job for so long and suddenly I feel almost incapable. I’m not used to-” He stopped himself, thinking over his words.
“Not used to people having stuff against death huh?” Taako helpfully added.
“Yes, exactly! I was this mysterious being of Death, everyone was scared of me. It was better that way, my job is supposed to be straight forward. I’m not supposed to get nervous whenever someone knows your name and threatens you.” Kravitz sighed. “Back before I had attachments...just had the job, that wasn’t an option for them.”
Taako took a step away, trying to feign a look of boredom to cover his hurt. “So I’m a problem then?”
Kravitz groaned. “You know that isn’t what I meant, Taako.”
Taako shrugged. “Alright my man. Well...I have to go get some stuff for dinner, okay? Can we finish this later?” Taako couldn’t stay in that room much longer without showing his cards. He had to go think about what to do about this.
“W-we don’t have to talk about it any further,” Kravitz said, “I’m just...venting about a bad day. You don’t have to try and fix it.”
I want to fix it, I want to help the same way you always help me. Taako thought as he backed towards the door. “Cool, cool, because I hate talking about your work no offense.” He didn’t know it yet, but that was just the first blow he would deal tonight. He tried to ignore the hurt look on Kravitz’s face. “I’m gonna get stuff for dinner.” He said quickly, making his escape.
Taako made his way to the store automatically, not really thinking about it. He wasn’t after any ingredients, he was after a solution. He didn’t want Kravitz to suffer because of his “big Taako personality” that always sucked everything up like a black hole. Kravitz deserved a better life than that, his own life. How could he give that to him?
As he passed the liquor aisle an idea sprouted in his mind. He shook it off at first, it was too painful to even consider...but...he loved Kravitz right? Loved him enough to….let him go? Taako always did fine on his own...right? Would it be better if he just wasn’t selfish about things and toughed it out on his own again? Besides, he had his sister back, and his family. If this meant Kravitz could be happy, that was worth it… right?
Taako made up his mind, he started filling his basket with wine that he wasn’t going to really drink until much later, after he’d already ripped off the band-aid.
It didn’t take much to disguise himself as a selfish drunken asshole. A little dab of wine behind his ears and on his tongue to make him reek of booze, a bottle half emptied into the gutter, and the sharpest words from his repertoire.
He stood in front of the door to his….to their house gathering up the will to do what needed to be done.
He made a show of stumbling through the front door, freezing as he saw Kravitz.
He was used to this by now, having come home a thousand times to see his boyfriend just humming to himself as he cleaned or read or did nearly anything else, but somehow this time it felt different. This time he could feel his heart ache when he heard Kravitz stop humming, when he came over to Taako with a concerned look on his beautiful face.
Taako took a deep breath, and he started. “Wha’ are you still doin’ here? I thought you were married to your work.” He took a swig from the open bottle in his hand, pretended to stumble in an attempt to lean against the doorframe.
Kravitz tried to reach out and take Taako’s arm to steady him, but he jerked away. “How much have you had?” He asked.
“Not enough.” Taako took another drink, knowing he’d need it. “Hey, no big deal if I...uh...if I overdue it right? Since you’re sooooo much better off without attachments.” he made air quotes with his fingers. “Ha, just like meeeee. No wonder we hit it off, bone-man. We both don’t need...any...anybody.”
Kravitz sighed and rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache come on. “You’re twisting my words, and I really don’t think we should have this conversation while you’re drunk.” He paused. “Or maybe we should since you won’t talk to me otherwise.”
Shit Taako thought. Kravitz was about to be the good guy, cart him off to bed and be there in the morning with a cup of coffee to talk it out open and honestly when he was sober. He couldn’t let that happen, he had to push him past the point of forgiveness.
Taako drew his arm back, and being careful not to hit Kravitz or anything near him, he threw his bottle at the wall and watched it shatter, spraying red all over the room.  “Fuck you! Not my fault I can’ talk to you unless m’drunk!”
Kravitz had flinched away, now he whipped his head back around to look at Taako with wide surprised eyes. Taako could see fire dancing in his eyes, the way it did when Kravitz was staring down a bounty, not his boyfriend. “What is the matter with you?”
“Fuck off, I’m perf...Taako brand, baby,” Taako stumbled forward, pushing Kravitz roughly aside. He moved to the kitchen, pretending he didn’t care enough to stick around and watch Kravitz react. He just pretended to search for more booze. It also gave him an excuse to not look Kravitz in the eye and see the hurt there.
Kravitz grabbed Taako’s arm, pulling him away from the fridge. “If you want to talk, then talk. Clearly something is bothering you enough that you...You...went and got yourself pissed." He sounded frustrated, slipping into his cockney accent without thinking.
Taako struggled against Kravitz’s grip. “Lemme go you ass.”
Kravitz let go, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. He didn’t want this to escalate any further. He could feel his frustration from the past few weeks at work threatening to spill.
Before he could think his actions through, Taako shoved Kravitz hard. “Fuck you! You think you can put your hands on me? I get you were super lonely before yours truly but don’t forget who I am, I have a million suitors, I could drop you easy.”
Kravitz practically snarled. “Oh yes, how could I possibly forget who you are when no one will let me forget! I may as well be dust next to the great self-important Taako!”
Taako bit his lip, he’d done it. He’d broken down his sweet loving boyfriend....pushed him past the point of forgiving him. He could do this, he could break Kravitz’s heart in such a way that it would mend but never again trust Taako.
“I might have been lonely before I met you, but at least I actually had compassion even without a working heart. What’s your excuse for being so horrible?” Kravitz continued.
Any heart Taako had shattered into a million pieces. Maybe he was pushing this too far? He started to panic, his breath picking up as he remembered all the horrible things he’d said and done tonight. “A celebrity who saved the goddamn universe doesn’t need a heart, just more fucking alcohol.”
Kravitz drew away, a disgusted look on his face. “How could I have been so blind to have fallen for someone like you. I should have known when I met you that you were just what you appeared to be. A selfish, cruel, ignorant little mortal who couldn’t give a damn if his life depended on it. Or maybe only if HIS life depended on it and nobody else's….”
Kravitz looked Taako dead in the eyes “...I should never have gone to that pottery shop with you.”
Taako broke then, he had to turn towards the counter to keep Kravitz from seeing the tears in his eyes.
“Fuck, Taako, was this some game to you? Did you just want to charm me for immortality? I… I loved you.”
Taako pressed a hand over his mouth, forcing himself to remain still. Did that mean Kravitz stopped loving him? So easily?
“...Leave,” he whispered, barely audible.
“I said leave!” at least Taako had an excuse for crying now, he could turn around and face Kravitz without giving it all away. He whirled around, tears flying from his eyes. “Get the fuck out of here! I never want to see your stupid face again. Especially not in my house.”
Kravitz wordlessly summoned his scythe without ever looking away from Taako. He cut open a portal and just like that he was gone.
Taako stood there for several heavy seconds after Kravitz left, his whole body shaking. He fell to the ground soon after, and had just enough presence of mind to struggle back up to his feet and get a glass of water. He threw it back, coming up gasping for air with a throat made raw by stifled tears.
Breaking up with Kravitz wasn’t what made this hard. What made it hard was hearing Kravitz’s angry, honest thoughts. Did he really believe Taako was using him? After all this time?
Had he done the right thing?
“I love you Taako and...I think at this point everyone in reality is going to love you and...nothing’s gonna change that.”
Fuck this, Taako was ready to get drunk for real. He wasn’t stopping until he didn’t even remember his own name let alone Kravitz’s. He was going to get void-fish drunk and then he was going to sleep until it stopped hurting.
Lup suspected something was wrong when Kravitz didn’t show up for work, but her suspicions only grew when Taako didn’t answer her call.
Taako always answered, sometimes even when Lup rather he didn’t. She spoke into the stone again, hoping to get him. “Taako come on, whatever sex you’re having can’t be THAT good.”
She frowned at the stone in her grip, looking over at Barry. “I’m gonna go check on him. I don’t care if I get scarred for life.”
Stepping into Taako’s house was like stepping into a nightmare.
First of all, she nearly broke her neck when she stepped out of the portal and onto an empty bottle. Then there was the glass shards everywhere, and the dirty dishes no one had bothered to do with food no one had bothered to finish still on them.
Panic seized her. “Taako?!” She called loudly, floating over the disastrous floor towards her brother’s room.
There was no answer, but she realized as she entered the bedroom that that was because Taako didn’t feel like answering.
He was awake, sitting in front of his bed with his back against the frame. He had the blanket wrapped around him like an enormous cloak, and he was staring deep into a bottle of vodka as if it was a magic mirror. He looked gaunt, and the bags under his eyes were terrible. His hair looked unwashed and was tangled to hell. He didn’t look up as his sister entered.
“Taako, talk to me,” Lup said, kneeling down and grabbing her brother’s shoulder.
He tried to speak and ended up coughing instead, his throat sore. He tried again. “Why does doing the right thing hurt so fucking bad?” He whispered.
“What did you do?” Lup asked, but Taako only looked down at the ground in shame. “Taako. What. Did. You. Do?”
Her brother started crying, soft and slow like he’d already used up most of his tears. Lup felt her heart ache, and she stood up.
“Alright. Shower. Now.”
“Taako I swear to god I’ll strip and carry you if I have to, get your ass in the shower and you don’t get to take that.” she snatched the bottle from his hands and before he could grab it back she walked to the window and poured it out.
“Hey!” Taako yelled, wobbling to his feet. It wasn’t hard for Lup to grab him and toss him over her shoulder.
“Alright, since you wanna be difficult…” she carried Taako to the shower and dropped him inside, flicking on the water and drenching Taako and his clothes.
Taako groaned. “I can do this myself, just toss in some new clothes.”
“Use soap, don’t just stand there and pout!” Lup ordered as she left the room.
First she searched the closet and found a simple pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt she suspected was Kravitz’s to toss into the bathroom. Then she set about cleaning the mess her brother had made of his expensive house.
The uneaten food broke her heart. Not only was Taako not eating, but he wasn’t even really cooking. It was all instant food, convenience store crap. The broken glass was bad too, it looked like Taako had tossed a whole bottle at something or someone. That was the only bottle he’d wasted by the look of all the other empties around the place.
As the water turned off she heard a screech that sent her running back into the room.
“Literally any other shirt!” Taako yelled as he threw the shirt at Lup and slammed the bathroom door shut again.
Her stomach twisted. Now she had a better idea what had caused her brother’s breakdown, even if she didn’t know the specifics. There was only one reason why Taako wouldn’t want Kravitz’s shirt.
She found another shirt, one she remembered clearly was Magnus’s. She left it on the doorknob and went to the kitchen to make something that might soak up all the alcohol in her brother’s stomach. As she cooked she sent a quick message to Barry, telling him she wouldn’t be working today and to try and find Kravitz if he could.
Taako took awhile to come out and Lup was pretty sure it was because of his outburst from earlier.
He lurched like a zombie into the kitchen, giving her food a baleful look before getting himself a glass of water and retreating back to the bedroom.
Or at least he tried to before Lup hooked a finger into the collar of his shirt and stopped him in his tracks.
“Sit.” she ordered, pointing to the nearby table.
Taako obeyed his sister’s order but just buried his head into his arms once he’d sat down. Lup filled a plate for him, she’d made some simple breakfast foods guessing this would be Taako’s first meal of the day at….well, well past noon.
She placed it in front of him and then sat in the opposite chair, steepling her fingers in front of her and waiting patiently for Taako to sit up.
“C’mon Ko, we both know you can’t resist my cinnamon walnut pancakes,” she said, letting her tone become playful. “Remember cycle 43? You died trying to get walnuts from the local and very mean natives just so I could make them.”
He sat up and stared at the pancakes, then back at his sister. “I’m not hungry.” He said simply. “I don’t want to talk Lup, I don’t want to eat. Just let me drink and rot away in peace.”
Lup slammed her palms against the table, jostling the silverware and startling Taako.
“Taako, I know you’re feeling real shitty right now but just look at me for a second?” she said, her voice like a fire raising up. “Do you see my face? Same as your face, right? Because we’re twins. We’re siblings. We shared the same womb, we shared the same life, and we share everything else we have because that’s what siblings do. What siblings do not do is let their brothers drink themselves to death because of some breakup.”
At the mention of the break up Taako looked away, using one hand to cover his face. “You can’t, you can’t just say that like he’s any other guy! You can’t, he’s not dust like everyone else was okay?! Don’t treat him like that.”
“Why did you break up, Taako?”
“He wasn’t happy.” He choked out, still refusing to make eye contact.
“Did he say that to you?”
“He didn’t have to…”
“Oh, Koko… “ Lup sighed. “He was never happier than when he was talking about you. What could’ve made you think differently?”
“My track record for the first part,” Taako laughed coldly. “He told me...people were using me to get off scot free from death. He told me no one feared him anymore and that he wasn’t able to do his job, and that he was too busy worrying about me to...feel anything else.”
There was a pregnant pause before Taako spoke up again. “I made myself the center of his universe...just like I always do...and I ruined it for him.”
Lup reached across the table and took Taako’s hand in hers. “Why didn’t you say that to him then?”
“Because he’d just find a way to tell me I was wrong?” Taako laughed a bit, tears in his eyes. “Because...he’s such a good guy he...he always makes me feel better...but I needed him to feel better this time. I needed him to move on and not miss me so he could be happy...that’s why I…” he trailed off, pursing his lips.
Lup frowned. “I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think he’s very happy… He hasn’t been to work in days.”
“What?” Taako’s ears lifted in surprise, the highest Lup had seen them since she’d arrived here.
“No one knows where he is,” Lup said. “I kind of assumed he was here… But he clearly isn’t, and hasn’t been.”
“Well, we have to find him,” Taako said, standing up quickly.
“Should be a bit easier now that I know how you were living,” Lup said. “He’s probably hiding out somewhere being miserable.”
Taako swore softly. “I fucked up… Lup I fucked up so badly.”
She patted his shoulder. “We all do it, you guys just need to talk it out like fucking adults.”
“What, like you and Barry do that?” Taako raised an eyebrow at her.
“Honey, Barry gets an update if I wake up feeling mildly discontented,” Lup said. “Which, to be honest, might be unhealthy in the other direction, but at least we’re honest with each other. You can’t hide how you feel and then expect the other person to understand. You’re setting yourself up for failure coding everything.”
“Can we please find Kravitz and then you can lecture me on how your relationship is so much better than mine?”
Lup rolled her eyes. “Alright, but be prepared to take notes, sucka,” she teased. “Why don’t you stay here and call him?” She suggested. “Barry and I will keep looking for him.”
Taako swallowed thickly. “Yeah, sure, no problem, I can absolutely call him.”
Lup smiled at her brother and summoned her scythe, opening up a portal.
“Oh, and Taako? Eat your goddamn pancakes or I’ll force them into your mouth.” she grinned sweetly, baring canines, and then vanished.
Taako did indeed eat his pancakes, washing them down with some pinot grigio. He couldn’t just call Kravitz up out of the blue. Not after everything he’d said. He’d just top off his buzz a little to take the edge off, give himself some liquid courage so he could do this. So he could fix things. If sober Taako fucked things up then drunk Taako would glue them back together.
He sat on the couch, watching as the sun set through the window and cast an orange light over the living room. His palms were sweaty, and he kept running a thumb over his stone of farspeech saying to himself: “okay call him...now….now...call him...NOW”.
As he tried to tune into Kravitz’s frequency he heard a crash, like glass shattering. He stood, turning towards the source of the sound.
“What, you assholes couldn’t even be bothered to check the door? It was unlocked! You had to just break my window?”
Before he could get anymore drunken snark across, one of the intruders: a man in a dark cloak, pinned him to the wall by his throat.
“Tell the reaper we have his boy toy,” he said to another intruder.
Taako struggled against the man’s grip, trying to reach for the spare wand he kept tucked in his pocket but it was no use. He felt lightheaded already, losing his grip on his stone of farspeech so it clattered to the floor.
The other intruder busied himself with some sort of ritual preparation. He was spreading out raven’s feathers and onyx. Taako knew enough about this school of magic to know they were going to try and speak to Kravitz through a spell, most likely to tell him that if he didn’t leave them alone they’d kill Taako.
Well, at least I fixed this problem, right? Taako thought wryly.
His ears flickered. He could hear the faint static from his stone, meaning it was tuned to someone else’s frequency. He had to say something, had to warn him.
He tried to speak, but the man pushed his forearm deeper into Taako’s throat. Black spots appeared in front of his eyes as his lungs struggled to inflate.
“Are you almost done? Will it work if he’s passed out?” The intruder asked.
The other one grunted. “This stuff takes time, don’t make him pass out or we’ll have to wait longer and we’re running on a time limit as is.”
The man eased up, and Taako’s feet touched the ground again. He coughed, and tried to think with a muddled oxygen deprived and wine soaked brain.
“He won’t come,” he said. “He won’t come, I broke his heart he doesn’t love me anymore.”
“Yeah, okay,” the man holding him scoffed.
“No, really,” Taako said. “I kicked him out of the house, that’s why he’s not here.” he subtly dropped his location into the sentence. “I told him I could have anyone else if I wanted. Got him real mad. He won’t come back.”
The guy’s face screwed up. “Wow that was kinda assholeish dude. Why would you say that?” Taako looked at the stone of farspeech, then he closed his eyes. Maybe it would be better if Kravitz didn’t come, if he could be free. “...because I love him.”
“Jerry, get your shit together, this isn’t some gossip time sleepover party we need him for this ritual.” The guy setting up the summoning circle said. “Aw come on! He’s clearly hurting, I’m just talking to the guy.” The man - Jerry- whined in protest.
“He’ll be hurting a lot more if his ex doesn’t come for him.”
Jerry brought Taako over to the summoning circle, pushing him down to his knees. “What do we do with him if death doesn’t show?”
The other intruder looked up, a knife in hand, and gave a sinister smile. “What, you never heard of lucky elf’s ears?”
“That’s pretty fucked up… This is why I married ya~” Jerry replied, blowing a kiss.
Taako rolled his eyes. He was gonna die, and to add insult to injury he was gonna die at the hands of true love. Great.
They waited there for Kravitz to show, and with each passing minute Taako’s heart sank. Eventually, Jerry’s husband sighed and stood, lifting his knife. “Well, guess that’s it. Search the house, take anything expensive or magical. I’ll strip the elf of his ears and whatever other parts we might ne-”
Suddenly there was a sound like a snap, amplified so loud that Taako’s ears rang. A portal opened up on the floor inches away from where Taako was kneeling.
A dark cloaked figure soared out of the portal, black wings pounding against the air and sending feathers flying. Taako’s eyes widened: he was still so fucking beautiful.
Kravitz stayed in the air just inches off the floor, his face furious, eyes glowing. He raised his weapon, swiping it downwards in a deadly arc that swiftly dispatched Jerry. Jerry’s husband tried to get a spell off, but it glanced off Kravitz’s wings harmlessly. Kravitz raised his scythe again and with a sickening sound he separated the man’s head from his shoulders.
Kravitz grabbed the souls now freed from their bodies, his hand turning skeletal where it touched the immortal essence. “No one touches him.” He growled before sending the souls off to the eternal stockade. He could feel the tension still in his shoulders as he willed his scythe away, landing on the floor softly.
He didn’t vanish his wings, not yet. He wasn’t sure if he was staying, but he needed to see Taako.
The elf was still on the floor, staring up at Kravitz with watery eyes.
“Are you okay?” Kravitz asked gently.
Taako looked at him in disbelief, then his face slowly contorted into the biggest frown Kravitz had ever seen as Taako burst into tears at the idea of the man whose heart he broke asking if he was okay.
Kravitz’s heart twisted as he rid himself of his wings to kneel in front of Taako. He reached out hesitantly towards him, a reflex, but paused. “Taako… I- I need to know what’s going on. Please, talk to me.” He offered his hand to Taako, allowing him to make the first move if he wanted to.
Taako didn’t need any more prompting. He grabbed Kravitz’s hand and pulled himself into Kravitz’s chest, wrapping his arms around the reaper. “I’m so sorry, I fucked up and i'm sorry.”
Taako just kept going from there, words falling from his mouth like a waterfall as he explained the whole thing. “I just w-wanted you to b-be happy, and I thought...I thought t-that I was making you m-miserable, but all I-I did was scare you a-and make it worse, and make you n-not love me anymore,” he sobbed.
Kravitz held Taako tightly in his arms, rocking him back and forth as he cried. “Shhh, please calm down, it’s alright.” It was a lie, what Taako had said days ago had hurt, but hearing his Taako sob hurt much worse now that he knew the truth. “Breathe darling, please.”
Taako took a few desperate breaths, and scrubbed at his eyes. He tried to make himself look presentable for Kravitz. “I did something so shitty...I’m so sorry...I should have just talked to you instead of...fucking acting out a way to push you away. I’m everything you said I was...I’m selfish, cruel, and ignorant.”
“I wasn’t any better.” Kravitz sighed. “I wish you had just talked to me, but I should have been more clear. I’m sorry I ever made you think that I was miserable because of you. I was angry, I wasn’t thinking. This is just different, being with someone is different, but it’s ultimately a good thing.”
“You’re saying...I’m worth it?”
“You’re worth everything to me, Taako.”
Taako looked at Kravitz, gently running the tips of his fingers along the reaper’s jaw. “Where were you this whole time?”
Kravitz sighed. “I just...went to an old bolt-hole of mine. I was angry at first, I just hit the wall until I was tired...then I was sad. I couldn’t think or stand...I just sat there thinking about our fight over and over again. Then...I heard your voice.”
“Why would you come to help me? After everything I said?”
“Taako I don’t- I don’t care if we break up, or if you’re horrible to me. I won’t let anyone hurt you. You might be a weakness but you’re one of my greatest strengths. My love for you keeps me going.”
Taako traced Kravitz’s lips with the tip of his finger, relishing the feeling of his boyfriend’s arms around him. “I...I don’t ever want to do that again. I love you...and I’d give you my everything.” He bit his lip. “Can we ever get back to how things were?”
Kravitz ran a hand through Taako’s hair in a soothing motion. “We can’t just undo what we said, so not quite.” He smiled ever so slightly. “But we can keep talking, keep being honest with each other. We can grow and heal and learn, together. If… If that’s what you want.”
“Kravitz, there’s nothing I want more, than being happy with you.” Taako crawled further into Kravitz’s lap and nuzzled up against him. Kravitz smiled, feeling himself warm at Taako’s touch, feeling his heart start beating again.
The house was still trashed from the home invasion, and Taako and Kravitz were still raw and vulnerable from the fight, but it was nothing they couldn’t fix.
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shippingk8 · 6 years
“Recovery” Update 12/11/17
I feel terrible that it is taking so long to get this chapter out. Being sick and then taking care of a sick wife put me behind in many respects. Therefore, I will be posting part of the chapter early.
Hope you enjoy the first 3 pages, there is quite a bit that follows.... as soon as I find the time to finish it. (Fingers crossed it will be up next Monday) 
Yang waited patiently for Weiss to climb down from Bumblebee as she scoped out the perimeter of the newest town in their travels. It looked to be larger than the last two that they had visited, so she was optimistic that they might find information this time. The lack of progress the past few weeks had eaten away at her patience, and it was making her question whether or not to change to tactics that the princess would find to be far less desirable.
When she heard rustling behind her Yang was brought out of her thoughts.
Weiss grabbed some lien from her bag and slipped it into her sash before stating, “I am going to see if I can gather any information while I get us new supplies,” the heiress appraised the town quickly before turning back and smiling at her, “I might even be able find a place for us to eat a real meal this time.”
A smirk pulled at Yang’s lips, she was actually quite impressed that the heiress hadn’t once complained about having to camp out every night and eat far less than desirable food. Even Yang was getting sick of sleeping on the ground after so many weeks, but she didn’t want to slow down when they had accomplished so little.
“Sounds like a plan,” Yang kept grinning as she got off her bike. She bent a little and kissed Weiss’s cheek, “Good luck princess.”
The heiress smiled and rolled her eyes in a way that let Yang know that she had actually enjoyed the familiar gesture more than she wanted to let on.
“You too.” Weiss started to walk away, but after a second turned and added with a half teasing tone, “Try to stay out of trouble this time you bothersome dragon.”
With a wave of acknowledgement she sighed at how easy it had become to just be with Weiss.
Though as she watched her princess walk away her eyes lingered with less than innocent interest. It had been quite some time since they had spent any ‘quality’ time together, and it was getting harder to hold those feelings at bay.
Typically they were both so tired from riding all day and taking down the stray grimm that crossed their path, that they usually just ate and went straight to bed as soon as they found a safe spot for the night. There had been some rare occasions that they weren’t both longing for sleep that the two of them had sat by the fire together and talked, but if she was being completely honest she desperately missed certain aspects of their relationship that had been easier to attend to in Atlas.
Realizing that longing for her girlfriend wasn’t actually getting her anywhere, she shook her head refocused on finding a place to put her bike.
It’s not like the point of this search is to get ‘alone time’ with Weiss.
After finding a safe place to lock down her bike Yang wandered into town, and headed straight for the part that Weiss would normally refuse to step foot in.
They both had their roles and own ways of gathering information; a point she had actually used when she had  argued with Ironwood about lifting Weiss’s travel ban. Together they could collect intel from just about any source. Weiss from the upper class and more civilized crowd, and Yang from the seedier sides of society.
Though the town, despite it’s size, didn’t seem to have that many questionable establishments. It wasn’t until she found the town’s third, and final, bar that she stumbled upon anything even remotely like what she was looking for. Plus, with a name like ‘What Ales You,’ she figured it might at least have an owner with personality.
The place looked run down from the outside, and when she entered the open doorway she found that the single large windowless room sported the same worn out theme. It was a basic bar set up, tables and chairs were haphazardly placed in a loose pattern around the actual bar where the bartender stood, and the walls were bare except for some dusty animal trophies and the occasional lamp. But the gas lights did very little to actually brighten the place, which made the inside feel like sundown despite the fact that it was just a few hours past noon.
Which didn’t seem to bother the single group of rather drunk patrons that were huddled around a table to the left of the bar keep. Other than them, the place looked empty. Survey complete Yang wandered towards the man behind the bar that she had a feeling was also the owner.
As she got to her destination up she didn’t fail to notice the leering looks that she got from the sloshed men as she passed by. She did her best to ignore them, because without a doubt, she knew they would be far more trouble than they were worth. Which is why she let their crude whispers go, and instead focused her attention on the skinny man at the bar cleaning a cup with a not so spotless towel.
“What can I get you?” the barkeep asked with a raised brow.
Yang pulled out several lien and placed it on the table before removing her aviators to say, “Information.”
His brown eyes widened and his attention narrowed in on the money, “Hmmm,” he looked from her lien then back to her, “Well I hope I know what you want to hear then.”
She knew exactly what that meant. Yang took a minute to think of how she wanted to word her questions. She had no interest in false intel that he might try to feed her, because he thought it was what she wanted to hear.
“I’m looking for a girl with a red hood,” she put her glasses away and looked the scrawny older man straight in the eye, “black hair, and a little on the short side. She might have passed through here some time in the last four months.”
The owner threw the towel in his hand over his shoulder and scrunched up his face in thought, “Was she a huntress?”
A glimmer of hope lit inside of Yang’s heart, but she didn’t let it touch her face, “You could call her that, what else can you tell me?”
“Well, I’m not sure if it was the person you are looking for,” he let out a little laugh, “I didn’t see them for myself, but word around town was that she and three other kids took care of the grimm that had been harassing a farm in the area. Apparently they didn’t stay long. They just wiped out the grimm, grabbed some supplies, and moved on.”
Yang gripped her left hand to hide her excitement, “How long ago, and did anyone happen to ask or hear where they were headed?”
The man looked up and away as he thought, “I want to say I heard that they were making their way to Mistral, but I can’t remember exactly how long ago they were in town. Probably more than two months ago is my best guess, but if you want to know more you should honestly ask the town elder. She was probably the one who hired them.”
A small grin slipped onto her face as he spoke. It was the first solid lead either of them had gotten since leaving Atlas, and it seemed viable. She was about to pay the man and ask for the name and location of their elder when the largest and scruffiest man of the group saddled up to the bar next to her.
“Hey good looking,” he waved to the owner, “let me buy you a drink.”
Yang looked at the guy and realized from smell alone that he had already had about four too many.
“Maybe next time buddy,” she deflected, “I’ve actually got some place to be.” She slid the lien forward to the man behind the bar and turned to walk out.
She didn’t even get three steps before the drunk shouted in anger as he grabbed her arm, “Hey, who said you could leave yet blondie?!”
Ire bubbled inside of her. Normally she would have pounded the guy into the floor, and would have been thrilled to take on his stupid buddies that were still leering at her from their table. But she didn’t want to have to explain to Weiss that she had gotten into a fight or mess up the owner’s bar, not when he had just given her the only good lead she had.
So instead of breaking every bone in the jerks arm like she wanted, she simply yanked her wrist away and said, “I don’t want any trouble. It’s really better if you let this go.”
“Heh,” the drunk scoffed at her as he eyed her chest, his sour breath assaulting her senses.
She turned to leave again, but he boastfully asked, “And what the hell are you gonna do if I don’t,” right before he grabbed her ass.
An instant later the ring of activated glyphs echoed in Yang’s ears, and was instantly followed by a furious wind that lead to pained cry behind her.
When Yang turned she saw the drunk pinned to the bar with the tip of Myrtenaster pressed against his Adam’s apple. The drunk man’s cronies stood to help, but after a quick flick of the princess’s right hand they all found their feet glued to the floor by black glyphs.
Dangerously narrowed eyes and a frigidly unwavering tone came from her princess, “If you ever touch my girlfriend again there won’t be any pieces of you big enough for a nevermore to scavenge.”
The heiress’s warning left the whole room silent.
It took Yang a beat to clear her shocked, and very turned on brain, enough to say, “Alright Princess, I think it’s time to leave.”
Weiss gave the clearly terrified man one more glare before taking a step back to slash her sword in a wide sweeping arc. She then turned her nose up disdainfully and strode past Yang to exit the bar. The whole time looking like she was mad at even having to step within eye shot of such a dirty establishment.
Yang grinned as she watched her partner leave. She then looked back at the five men her extremely sexy girlfriend had left frozen to the floor in huge gagged blocks of ice, and waved goodbye to the bartender.
A second later she chased after her little tsundere. Despite her effort she couldn’t hide the wide smirk that spread across her face. When she finally caught up she proclaimed, with a little more weight in her voice than was necessary, “I had no idea you were so possessive Weiss. I gotta say, it was kind of a turn on.”
The comment caused the smaller woman to blush and walked a little faster.
Yang knew that she had embarrassed her girlfriend, but the princess tried to cover it by barking out over her shoulder, “I told you that I would not stand for anyone touching you like that ever again.” She slowed a little, but kept walking as she added, “Now hurry up, I managed to find us suitable lodging for the night at the other end of town.”
The brawler lengthened her stride to catch up, “But I got the info we were looking for. We should really jump on it.”
Weiss stopped and turned to stare at the blond, “We have been on the road for weeks now; I am in desperate need of a hot bath and a soft bed.”
Yang opened her mouth to protest, then the princess grabbed her by the lapel of her jacket and pulled her down so the blond was trapped by piercing blue eyes, “I know you always ask me to shower with you, but I really do prefer baths.” Weiss quickly glanced down at Yang’s lips before adding, “And frankly I was rather looking forward to finally sharing a bed you.”
With that said Weiss let go and continued her march down the street.
Meanwhile, Yang was left to stand with her jaw open as she tried to cope with the words that still rang in her ears. She felt her heart beat radiate through her whole body as she struggled swallow the lump in her throat.
Wow. That was so unbelievably hot.
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