#block ghoul au
pinkflames · 2 years
MCYT tokyo ghoul au that refuses to leave my mind: slight worldbuilding
Some major ghoul groups/gangs/territories are:
The Hermits:
A gang of powerful and mysterious ghouls
Most advanced and territorial of the gangs
Some doint see humans as people and exploit them for food and resources,some do but think of it as a necessary evil,some are trying be more hospitable to humans
Generally have a "doint mess with us and we doint mess with you" principle
Lead by a high ranking ghoul called "X"
Many members are presumed dead my the CCG (they're wrong)
Close allies with the crazies
The Crazies (alsmp/empires):
There territory is considered a safe haven for peaceful ghouls and human whare they have a symbiotic relationship
humans provide ghouls with bodies of the dead and ghouls use their abilities to help with things like housing,hostile ghouls etc.
Human-ghoul relationships are generally accepted.
Everyone living in crazy territory is obligated to follow the rules,while the members enforce them and deal with outsiders
They have a large influence and many powerful ghouls,it is general law not to cause trouble in crazy territory.
most major ghouls are connected to them in some way
The CCG knows that some of the leading ghouls exist,but they doint know about the territory and the humans doint snitch
Founding members: Cyan (Scott smajor), Shadow (ldshadowlady), Green bean (smallishbeans), Rainbow (joey graceffa), Fox (seapeekay), Cat (yammy) (deceased), Space (Laurenzside) and Panda (theorionsound)
Space and Panda along with some other members have come back after a recent Cochlea mass brakeout
The Dramlands:
A ghoul territory overtaken by civil war
Unhabitable by humans
The CCGs current priority
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ghoulbrain · 4 days
i finished the draft for the first chapter of my medieval fantasy ghoulcy fic and i just hope folks are ready for this to become my entire personality. preview under the cut!
The walk was littered with blackened torches, this part of the dungeon rarely patrolled. Maximus continued until he was at the end–the last cell. It was silent inside. He glanced at King Henry, who nodded solemnly, his own eyes focused on the darkness. He lifted his torch through the bars, partially illuminating the pitch black cell.
A figure laid flat on the floor at the edges of the light, face covered by a weathered wide brimmed hat. Their hands were folded over their sternum, their ankles crossed. Their cloak was splayed beneath them in a tattered mess, the fabric crawling across the stone floor like reaching tendrils. They wore a pauldron on their shoulder that boasted long, sharp spines. Their armor was so dark, it didn’t glint in the firelight. It swallowed it. 
There was no fog of breath, no sign of life within the figure. Maximus felt a chill of nervous anticipation roll up his spine. While ghouls were aplenty, an affliction of the cursed magic surrounding the kingdom of Vaultence, there was only one entity that was referred to solely as The Ghoul, and for the first time in his life, Maximus was looking directly at him.
King Henry stepped forward, cloaked in heavy furs to abate the chill of the dungeon. “Rise, Ghoul,” he said, standing closer to the bars than Maximus was comfortable with.
There was no answer. The figure did not move.
The king’s lips pursed. “I know you can hear me.”
Deep laughter echoed in the darkness. Slowly, stiffly, as if reanimating from death, the Ghoul rose into a sitting position, hand catching his hat to slide it atop his bald head, turning to look at them. It took everything in Maximus not to wince at the sight of him.
The Ghoul’s eyes were deep set, pitch black in the shadows cast by the fire. His skin was dry and gnarled, lips pulled in such a way that his yellowed teeth were perpetually on display. In the center of his face, a great black hole served as his nose.
“Well, well, well…” The Ghoul drawled in a low oily voice. He had the accent of a man from the Outer Ring of the kingdom, where the livestock and crops were farmed. “How long’s it been this time, Hank?”
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ghouljams · 9 months
I’m the anon who sent in the executioner König ask. I saw that the other author replied to the post asking people to not use the same idea and I want to say that I had no idea that there was another person writing the same idea- I just thought it would be fun. We can also slot Krueger into the same role, with the hood and all should that be an idea that interests ! I just wanted to say I did NOT intend to start anything and I hope it just stays at this. I’ve seen even seemingly minor things blow up and anons egging authors on, which even drives them away! I appreciate all the work you do for us, your writing is amazing and we love ya
@lycheedr3ams has an absolutely stellar executioner!König au that you should check out! I think their wording just got a little mixed up, no hard feelings there. I'll be sure to keep my au separate from theirs!
However @pettyprocrastination wrote an executioner!König, and that was who I was thinking of, check out their work too it had me kicking my feet. Other people have medieval aus and cowboy aus as well!
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uriekukistan · 8 days
fics for gaza 🍉
hi everyone! i'll be participating in the fundraising initiative led by @ficsforgaza! for more information on how to participate as reader, or as a writer, you can visit this post!
how it works: in exchange for donations to vetted fundraisers, i will write at a rate of 100 words per $1. as a reader, you can either choose to "sponsor" one of my current wips/ideas, or you can make a request! more info on my wips & making requests below the cut.
even if you aren't interested in sponsoring my writing, please consider donating to one of the fundraisers anyway, if you're financially able!
reblogs appreciated!
sponsored wips ❀
step one: donate to a vetted fundraiser and screenshot your proof of donation and block out any personal information
step two: send me an ask with your proof of donation and which wip(s) you would like to sponsor. word counts will be kept updated as i receive sponsorships.
i'm not sure how long most of these will be, so i'm setting 2,000 words/$20 per fic as my donation goal for now.
Seeing Red (gen, death note AU, currently writing part 15/??)
yuuji itadori, a normal japanese high school student, finds a mysterious notebook. - 0/2,000 donated
summer lovin' (lifeguard megumi x surfer yuuji, with a side of inuokko, not started but likely multi-chapter)
yuuta & toge try to set up megumi & yuuji after watching them pine for far too long. - 2,500/4,000 donated, 4,000/4,000 written
currently untitled itafushi one-shot idea where yuuji and gojo share their fav stories about megumi and strengthen their resolve to save him following gojo's release from the prison realm - 0/2,000 donated
SPONSORED! another currently untitled itafushi one-shot idea. megumi wants to take yuuji on a date, but first, he has to impress his best friend, his overprotective brother, his scary uncle, and his adoptive father figure (aka todo, choso, sukuna, and nanami) - 2,100/2,000 donated, 2,100/2,000 written
eternal love (itafushi, 1/1)
yuuji and megumi carve their name in a tree to preserve their love (alongside other jjk couples :3) - 0/1,000 donated
requests ❀
step one: please read my rules and propose your request to me via dm first (i don't bite)! i haven't done requests since (checks notes) 2015, so i'm still not sure what i'm comfortable writing for others 😅
step two: once i've accepted your request, please send proof of donation for me to start writing! i will try to have your request done within a week, but life does happen, so please be patient with me 🙏
request rules
i write for jujutsu kaisen, tokyo ghoul, and death note.
i will write ships, character studies, or any general story you have in mind. i do not write x reader fics at this time.
i will not write anything nsfw, nor will i write any adult/minor or incest ships.
i will write heavier topics, such as mental illness, addiction, violence, toxic relationships, etc, but i will not be romanticizing them. these are serious issues and i will treat them as such, and do my best to portray them realistically.
if you have any questions about what i will or will not write, please feel free to send an ask or a dm!
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hobicakess · 1 year
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SUMMARY: You were born with the ability to see and spot spirits and monsters. From vampires to werewolves, demons, ghosts, and ghouls. Now, as an adult, you use this “gift” to help your clients overcome their worst demons. The “gift” you had never really caused you trouble now that you’re an adult, but you guess some monsters don’t like psychics who interfere with their fun. 
RATING: 18+ (i am not a babysitter, you are in control of what you consume.)
PAIRING: ot7 x reader | poly!au
BOOK MENTIONS: Violence | Eventual Polyamory | Talks Of Reincarnation | Reader Is Too Stunned To Speak | Destruction Of Property | Paranormal Stuff | Gifted Reader | Inaccurate Description Of Demons & Spirits | Cursing | Terrible Therapists | Readers Left Eye Is Purple | Small Mention Of Jesus | Jimin & Tae Are Angry Boys | I Suck At Tagging Pls Help
A/N: I spent so much time procrastinating this sorry hotties. Only at least 1k word, but It took so much out of me.
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Second sight, passed on from the L/N bloodline from generation to generation. There was a sudden stunt in its flow for at least 8 of those generations, until you were born. Your mother complained throughout her pregnancy that she’d see visions of you in your past life but it was waved off. When you finally came into this world, your father says there was a flash of something in your eyes, a purple gleam that danced there as he held you.
At least, that's the story you get when you ask about your eye
Being that  you were the first in 200 years to be sighted, you had no one to teach you how to control such a “gift”, at least that's what others called it. Though there are many that call you blessed, you'd beg to differ. Growing up, this quirk always got you into trouble.
Playful spirits yanked at your puffs and pulled out your barrettes and often caused your silky pressed hair to frizz. Some monsters take their time to torture you by sitting in your closet or under your bed, lurking in the shadows. Middle school was definitely your worst era. You had random outbursts and twitches that caused people to push away from you. It wasn't even your fault, but what could you really say?
“It’s not me! it’s the monsters!” That's ridiculous really.
Your parents took you to therapy for it but you could see the deceitful demons sucking and clinging onto them, so that never helped you at all. They were so quick to throw you a bottle of pills that it eventually stopped working.
  As you get older, you learn to ignore it along with learning to be patient and more even tempered. During high school you were weird and lowkey, wearing huge black sunglasses from freshman to senior year. They helped block out your sight and question's about your eye.
You managed to make friends with a werewolf though he left unannounced in the middle of senior year.  You guess he shifted early and went away to his home where people like him roamed freely.
Graduating as a below-average person, you decided to say fuck college and open your own business.
A “palm reader” ,  “physic” , “witch”, “Woman Jesus”. There were many terms that your clients and random people called you. 
Your job was to find your client's demons and attack them. Any addiction, health issues, relationship problems. These were all caused by parasitic demons and they thrived off sucking the life out of regular people. You didn’t have the qualifications to banish anything by force, so you did help many people in a safer, smarter way with 3 easy steps. 
Identifying the demon. This wasn't hard for you, since you literally saw the demon sucking the life out of a person
Acknowledge them
Taming them
 The most common among all parasites are lust demons. 
Their job was to suck you completely dry and leave you broken. Most people were too far gone before you could save them, but the ones who weren’t you changed their lives greatly. One night while you were closing your shop, two men walked in, one short and blond, the other dark haired, and taller than the other. They were both dangerously handsome and the energy that came from them was hot, sensual, and angry. The blond stormed up to you hissing, eyes turning an unnatural shade of black. “So you’re the one putting us out of business?” 
Staring at his face, you could definitely tell this was one of the men disrupting the lives of so many men and women in this area. Most of your clients have complained about these two being a one-night stand at some club, then as days go on they invade their dreams, and every single thought. Jimin and Taehyung, the dynamic incubus duo. 
You’ve never had a demon come directly to you for butting into their affairs. You guessed these two were fearless, but fortunately the underworld had rules. If any entity killed someone on second sight, they’d be banished back to hell for eternity, and you're sure these two parasites have been around for a long time.” 
“ I’m sorry gentlemen, I'm not sure we’ve met?” You tilt your head, clenching your purse strap up on your arm. Taehyung scoffed, walking around your shop touching a few things every now and then, with a flick of the wrist, the shelf on the side of you tumbled to the ground. 
You squeak, moving out of the way, tripping and knocking over a display table filled with tarot cards. “You are the only one in this miserable town with real second sight.” 
While Jimin talked, Taehyung walked through your shop dropping shelf after shelf. 
“No screaming tongues, or holy water.” the crashing of shelves halted and only the thud of Jimin's boots coming towards you could be heard.  “Your banishing is less dramatic, more modern, effective and so you.” 
You jumped at the sound of your crystal ball shattering above your head, making you scream, as tiny shards of glass cut into your hands. “Y/N L/N, that is your name now?”  
When Taehyung spoke your name, the walls began to vibrate as did your body. 
“Ah taetae, I don't think this is our little princess, just a sad little human of no morals or knowledge”J imin appeared in front of you, bending down to you, hand burning into your skin as he lifted your chin up to meet his blood red eyes surveying your skin. “Though you still possess an untouchable beauty”
You were speechless, scared, and confused. They talked as if they knew you from another lifetime. You can't say you didn't believe it was possible, since you saw devious things every day, but it was still nerve-racking to hear. ''Maybe we should just keep you little princess, and bring back those old memories ”
 Your shop began to shake and tremble, all the shelves had fallen, glass shattering and books spinning around the three of you. 
Standing, he made himself very loud and clear, “Don’t let us hear your name again,” and for their grand finally the front windows of your shop shattered around you.  
TAGS: @tinymesblog @leilei-9 @starrlo0ver @uarmyhore @mageprincess @lachimolala22019
@eclecticranchzonkcookie @thedarkwinterrose@hey-syia  @djodjom  @scuzmunkie 1  @ilover ubberduckiez-blog  @jamlessstars @rinkud
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its-in-the-woods · 23 days
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Hi! I am Chris, 30s, they/them, pansexual, I am from the great white north eh! Minors are very much not welcome. Please exit or block.
I primarily write fanfic, I am down with any ship but I won't write every ship. Listen to variety of music and watch a variety of TV show/movies.
UPDATE find me here for AO3
Find me on twit-ter
Will continue to update Tumblr regularly!
*Last update May 21/2024
Lifes Too Short (complete)
Pairing: Cooper Howard/ The Ghoul x Lucy Maclean (Fallout tv show)
Rated: Mature - Canon typical violence and smut
Synopsis: Weeks of wandering the desert brings Lucy and the Ghoul closer. Takes place after the last episode for fallout tv show
Chapters one, two, three, four, five, six
Down The Rabbit Hole (wip)
Pairing: Walton Goggins x you (AU) (both are single)
Rating Mature: Romance, fluff, older man/younger women, eventual smut (read all tags in chapters)
Synopsis: Working as a Make-up Artist in film is hard enough. But when the lead actor, Walton Goggins, ask you to be his artist. It's easy to slip down the rabbit hole.,
Chapters one , two , three , four, five, six, seven ,eight , nine, Ten, Eleven, twelve , thirteen , fourteen <-new
The Woman Who Couldn't Die
Synopsis: Set a few years before Dom Pedro gets a hold of the Ghoul. The Ghoul is traveling back from the east coast, doing side quests for chems, after saving a girl from closet. She becomes an unlikely companion, that softens the Ghoul’s hardshell.
One , two , three
Random poetry, very personal often deals w mental health
Empty houses
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ratballet · 2 years
i fully realize i'm swinging at the hornet's nest here but ghost lore is so fractured and contradictory and borderline incomprehensible that to suggest there's some elevated crime in writing or drawing a copia/terzo AU when we regularly ignore/make up other shit is just. dbsjdkkd. what
and what do we even consider canon? the stage shows? the chapters? promotional material like photoshoots and magazine covers? music videos? interviews? comic books? what about when those sources frequently undercut or contradict each other? which one do you prioritize? is canon important? what about fanon? who even cares????
remember how the mockumentary said (with apparent canonical certainty) that ghouls were actually resurrected papas? haven't really seen anyone run with that one. and the ghouls are nameless and haven't had alchemical symbols since, god, what? 2017? also not important to the fandom. primo seems to be schrodinger's son depending on whether or not it fits the vibe the fan is going with. nihil's implied outsider status in the dance macabre music video directly contradicts his father's father speech in the chapters. this is all just calvinball!
no disrespect to tobias but ghost is at best a potpourri sachet of vague concepts and vibes that are 1) in frequent conflict with each other and 2) that the fandom seems to pretty freely cherry-pick to better suit their fanwork. "what if this guy wasn't related to the other guys (which we're not even sure about) and kissed one of them" is just an extension of that. if it's not to your taste (w/e! live your life) that's all well and good. i highly encourage you to block, mute, and avoid as needed. that's exactly why we have tags like the one on AO3.
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
hi franky!! i’m so excited for the halloween prompt list 👀 could i get prompt 8 (vampire) or h with a yandere twist for sanji or bartolomeo? thank you! ❤️
Okay this was fucking fun and I really hope you enjoy it my dear <3
Sanji x GN Reader Prompt: Cursed SFW YANDERE - HORROR THEMES Modern AU Word Count: 928
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Nightmares, terrible nightmares flashed through your mind. They weren’t filled with monsters and demons though, no ghouls lurked in the corner of your mind to chase you screaming through the forests that had been planted in your mind. The nightmares that twisted and clawed at you as you ran were ones of factual nature, people, awful people that wanted to harm you, to ruin you, to do things considered worse than death.
You woke up screaming, body drenched in sweat, hair plastered across your forehead, and nightshirt clinging to your clammy chest as it heaved, gasping for breath, gulping down air, your hands balled up in the sheets as you heaved and tried to tell yourself it was alight, you were safe, this was your room.
Still, though, the coat that had been hanging on the back of your door lay slumped on the floor and the window was open a crack, you didn’t remember having opened it. Staring out the window, into the night sky where the moon greeted you.
Such terrible nightmares had started out of nowhere.
Sitting at your laptop with a tea clutched in one hand, you started to scroll and sighed a little, trying to work out why they’d started. Using the internet to ask your questions you found article after article that you’d been cursed and if you’d read that week ago you’d have laughed at the ridiculous notion of it all.
Now though? Now it felt heavy on your shoulders, gravity in the truth that rang out in the back of your mind. It felt real, it felt like this word summed up everything that had been happening to you. 
The strange online messages started to come in, random anon messages, accounts on discord you didn’t recognise. They said such an assortment of things, from crude comments to declarations of undying love, how the person would die without you.
You couldn’t stand looking at your laptop or your phone, no matter how many times you deleted, blocked or changed accounts they would follow you. 
Crying into your hands as the phone screen kept flashing, lighting up your dark bedroom for a moment you took a shaky breath, grabbing it, and ignoring the messages you looked online, how to break a curse, how to break a curse like the one placed on you.
You needed to confront the person who had set it upon you, and make them take off, if that failed you’d have to go to drastic lengths.
Please reply my love, I would die for you, I would give anything to be at your side! I can help you with your little problem….
Taking a breath you opened the message up and reapplied. You had a feeling the messages and the curse had been connected. Alright, please come and meet me, at the park at 6 pm.
I can’t do 6 my dearest! What about 10? I promise I would never hurt you!
Your heart beat faster, shit, you’d been right that they knew you. You had been so vague and random about the ‘park’ and they knew what one you meant, they did know you, they were close to you and you jumped up quickly, checking all the doors, all the locks, shutting the curtains and feeling the tightness of panic in your chest.
You would simply tell a friend to meet you there, if you had someone in the area with you nothing bad would happen. You just needed to get this over and done with.
Sending a message to your best friend you told them to meet you at the park, the time and you’d tell them what it was about when you got there, that it was going to be okay, you hoped.
Standing in the park under one of the few streetlights you looked at your phone and clicked your tongue in annoyance, there was no reply from your friend or the stalker. You sighed and leaned against the light, gently bumping your head against the cool metal as you glanced around the area.
A small red light appeared in the distance, it bounced with the sway of walking, you looked up and griped your phone harder, having not heard back from your friend you felt panic erupt in your heart as your breathing became ragged but the small light got closer and closer.
The person stepped into the light and you sighed, letting your head flop forward as you laughed at how stupid you’d been, the red dot had been the light from Sanji’s cigarette. He took a drag and puffed it out into the chilly night air and raised a brow at how you were acting.
“Sorry, I’m a little late.” He said and walked closer to you, putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close against him and you let him, melting against the comfort of a familiar face, his warm embrace.
“It’s fine, for a moment I thought you’d stood me up.” You mumbled and closed your eyes, you were safe with him.
“Were you worried I was the crazy bastard who sent all those messages?” He said with a laugh and held you with both arms.
“Huh?” You opened your eyes.
You’d never told Sanji why he needed to meet you, you hadn’t told him about the nightmares, that you were cursed, that you were being stalked…
“Curses are a bitch to lift even for those who cast them I’m afraid.” He mumbled and gripped you harder. “But I’m here, I’ll protect you from them…”
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wicked-jade · 4 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Thanks to @lulamadison for the tag! Struggling with writers block at the moment, but here's a bit from the first chapter of "Heroes in a Half Shell." AKA the Halloween fic I didn't have time to write this last year.
It's set circa 2008, in an AU where Johnny winds up raising Robby by himself.
It took him a second, but the blurry images finally coalesced and came into focus. The Today Show was on and Al Roker was giving the weather. The time in the bottom corner said it was barely 6:30. Johnny let his head fall back with another groan. “Christ, it’s still over an hour before you have to be at school! Go back to bed.” “But it’s Halloween!” Robby protested, sticking his lower lip out in an exaggerated pout. “Exactly. It ain’t Christmas morning, kid. You’re supposed to celebrate Halloween at night,” Johnny reminded him, reaching out to ruffle his hair. “With the rest of the ghouls and goblins.” “Hey! I am not a goblin!” Robby scowled, ducking out of his reach. “That’s right, I forgot - you’re a gremlin!” Johnny teased, unable to stifle another wide yawn. God, he was tired. He couldn’t remember what time he finally stumbled in, but it felt like he’d barely slept at all. “So, what’s the real reason you’re up? Did you have a nightmare or something? Need me to scare away the monster in your closet again?” Robby bit his lip, suddenly turning shy. “Wanted to ask you somethin’, and Uncle Bobby said if I asked while you were still half asleep, you might not realize what you’re agreeing to and say yes,” he said in a mumbled rush. “Uncle Bobby said that, huh?” Johnny said sourly, raising one eyebrow. “Uh-huh. And he gave me this!” Robby pulled a crumpled flyer out from under one of the lumpy throw pillows, like he’d hid it there, just waiting for this moment. He thrust it into Johnny’s hands, his eyes shining with excitement. “Can we go, Dad? Please??” Johnny straightened out the paper and tried to focus on the words. Even once they stopped swimming around the page, they still didn’t make much sense to him. “What the hell’s a Trunk-or-Treat?”
Tagging @phoomwhoosh @desolateice and @dream-beyond-the-fantasy. And anyone else who wants to share, of course.
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lowqualitygarbage · 3 months
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It never even crossed Charlie’s mind that their little corner of the Wasteland was unusual for having so many Ghouls in positions of power in a mixed community until Husk brought it up in a bout of drunken reminiscing. Alastor posited that it was probably due to Zestial’s influence.
Quite possibly the oldest being in the Wasteland, Zestial is a rare sentient Glowing One. Unlike many of the more passive pre-war Ghouls, he is fully willing to use his cunning and centuries’ worth of experience and wisdom with devastating efficiency. Able to emit levels of radiation that could near-instantly heal nearby Ghouls and poison anything else in his range, the ancient Overlord could probably destroy any settlement that tried to kill or exile their Ghoul populations.
In the rare meetings between Overlords, Zestial is a moderating influence; his experience and age giving him a broader perspective than his short-lived peers, and a deep well of patience that was rare amongst some of the most brutal people in the Wastelands. In respect for his more “fragile” human Overlords and subjects, Zestial wears a specially-lined overcoat that blocks most of his passive radiation.
I seriously hope we see more Zestial in Season 2, he seems super interesting. Trying to keep specifics of what he does in this AU vague until we learn more about him. For now he’s a sentient Glowing One that was probably in a fairly powerful political/military/industrial role before the Great War and becoming ghoulified. 
For the major Ghouls in this AU, he and Rosie are pre-war, with him being an older adult and Rosie being a child when the bombs fell. Husk is post-war, but still relatively old, probably around a hundred or so, and was older when he turned. Velvette is a baby - she’s probably just hitting 30 or so, and has only been a Ghoul for a few years (she was already with Valentino and Vox before she became a Ghoul, and they stuck with her and probably made fun of her hair falling out and her nose falling off or something when she got radiation sickness).
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pinkflames · 2 years
Block ghoul: characters
Alias: Phoenix
Kagune: Ukaku
Description: wares a red plague doctor mask along with red-black hoodie with yellow accents. Kagune takes the form of bright red fire and solidifies into a pink-purple crystal-like form.
a rare natural-born half ghoul that spent most of his childhood hunting for himself due to being abandoned my his human mother,whare he eventually made friends with a human named taurtis
After a incident that resulted in taurtis's death Grian was captured by the CCG and indoctrinated into a new program made with the intention of using young ghouls as weapons for the CCG
He was quick to rise the ranks then broke out along with a bunch of other ghouls in the program
They stook together and formd a gang,lead by grian
but it didn't take long for the "ghoul gang of rouge doves" to garner attention,causing them to get ambushed by the CCG,causing them to get separated
Grian was able to get away and ended up being found by and joining the hermits.
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findroleplay · 7 months
🌸hey! a.here she/her 18+ minors will likely be blocked if you interact.
I will start out by saying I am strictly looking for a MxF rp where I could play the female role. I am okay with fandom and fandomless. the main fandoms I am interested in are demon slayer, Naruto, and the last of us. (oc x oc is preferred, I would be lenient on my oc x canon, but cc x cc is okay as well, I'm just picky) I have ocs for all three of those fandoms, though I am in other fandoms. as for literacy, I am semi literate to literate, anywhere between 2-7 paragraphs, but it can vary depending on the details in the plot and replies.
as for genre, i love some angst and drama, a bit of gore is perfectly fine as well, nsfw is welcomed but I would like to have more plot than smut. my triggers are the basic stuff like beastiality, incest, pedophilia, etc, but we can discuss more about our limits in DMs.
The last of us; I prefer oc x oc, or oc x Joel miller
Naruto; oc x oc, oc x cc, Hinata x naruto, Shikamaru x temari
Demon Slayer: oc x oc, oc x cc, mitsuri x obanai, shinobu x giyuu.
Tokyo ghoul: I would love to do an oc x oc for Tokyo ghoul!
BTS, ateez, ikon, txt, seventeen, got7, shinee, monsta x, stray kids, nct, dpr live, dpr Ian, sik-k, Dean. with kpop we can either do oc x idol, or idol x idol.
descendants of the sun, the K2, weightlifting fairy, strong woman do bong soon, romance is a bonus book, just between lovers, cheese in the trap, he is psychometric.
pitch perfect
Twilight saga
The breakfast club
10 things I hate about you
The edge of seventeen (best friends brother AU)
To all the boys I've loved before
the craft
Dazed and confused
Jurassic world
This will be on discord! Like this and I'll reach out to you.🌸
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ghouljams · 5 months
I’m obsessed with your magic system, it can be read and understood intuitively while being super easy to get invested in, it also reminds me a lot of my sister’s own practices in Wicca. (Encountering your Fae AU is what got me into COD.)
What do you think inspired your magic system, and may I have permission to use it in my dnd campaign?
Thanks <3
Witch's magic system is inspired by Hoodoo and Appalachian folk practices, as well as my own slap shod approach to magic!
The fae are inspired by Celtic fairy tales, German fairy tales, Dutch fairy tales, and a homestuck fanfic(Gushing Gold by callmearcturus on ao3 10/10, Witch's back garden is also inspire by this fic), plus my own take on why/how fairies do the things they do. My sister has informed me that I don't follow any of the rules that most fae novels published follow, idk if I believe her.
You are more than welcome to use any magic system I have cooked up in your dnd campaign! I'm honored! I love intuitive magic, I think that's how magic should be. When you understand the building blocks of it, it should come naturally to you. Maybe it takes some people more studying than others to get it, but once you do understand it and can pick out the pieces it should all be intuitive.
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kiss-kei · 2 years
KISS-KEI . . . INTRO ? !
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ABT ME . . .
☆ my name is KEI, but you can use K for short since it’s pretty much the same thing. my pronouns are HE/HIM.
☆ i’m 20, and my bday is on MAY 2! which means i’m a TAURUS.
☆ my favorite color is obviously BLUE. i wouldn’t have made my whole blog based on the color if it wasn’t blue LMAOOO.
★ SMUT, FLUFF, + ANGST !! i’m open to any category and i’m willing to try anything tbh.
★ KINKS / CATEGORIES — cnc, watersports, omegaverse, yanderes, and any kinks and aus as long as it isn’t in my WHAT I DON’T WRITE section. :>
★ i’m open to writing POLY RELATIONSHIPS !!
☆ RAPE, PEDOPHELIA, or anything of the sort. i only write things with CONSENT, so any requests for the mentioned will be deleted immediately.
☆ i will not be doing BULLY!CHARACTERS. the whole trope is just weird to me and it throws me off, so i don’t think i’ll be doing that au.
☆ FEM!READERS. this blog is strictly for male readers only.
— will be adding more soon!
★ SPORTS ANIME — free! iwatobi swim club, haikyuu!!, kuroko no basuke, yuri on ice
★ ACTION ANIME — boku no hero academia, spyxfamily, demon slayer, jujutsu kaisen, attack on titan, one punch man, hunter x hunter, tokyo ghoul, assassination classroom, death note, high-rise invasion
★ OTHERS — angels of death, the disastrious life of saiki k., the promised neverland, neon genesis evangelion, psycho-pass, another, my little monster, toilet bound hanako-kun, your turn to die, genshin impact, danganronpa
RULES . . .
☆ MINORS please DO NOT INTERACT with my 18+ posts. you are allowed to interact with anything else but that.
☆ i will only do minor characters if the request is NOT SMUT. any request for smut for minors will be IGNORED and DELETED or CALLED OUT.
☆ i only do MALE CHARACTERS because that’s what i’m most comfortable with. i’m sorry but i won’t be accepting requests for women :<
☆ blogs with DEFAULT or NO PFP will be blocked or removed from my followers list. also those with NO AGE in their bio or PRONOUNS.
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blood-injections · 1 year
Once in a while I’ll hyperfixate on my own aus and I’m like god this would be SO FUCKING GOOD IF I COULD JUST WRITE IT and I’ll sit back down and crank out a chapter if I’m lucky and then lose all ability I have to write and not touch it again for like two months so the specific one I’d love to post right now except when I do write it it’s. It’s not in order. I started in the middle and I now have like the two beginning chapters and I have a bunch of random scenes idk where they’d be yet and I have the end and there’s like maybe ten chapters but like the amount of the au they cover is so small the finished fic would have to be like fifty chapters at this rate. And each chapter is at least 3k words and so it’s like. I have the main shit figured out but it’s so hard coming up with the filler stuff so so it’s just a big block of very holey cheese and I want to post it but I can’t because I don’t have the beginning and I don’t want this specific one to be fucked up and out of order with funky flashbacks or the future as a start or whatever and then it goes back and tells the story like those are cool but this one I’m doing normal but ohh my god else wise I’d post it right now I’m obsessed with it. It’s that venom sib pornodroid au I posted about forever ago where it’s Pois and Kobra in the place of red and blue in the comics and poisons battery is dying so Kobra has to go and try to get a new one but they deny it because poisons an outdated model so Kobra shoots the dracs and just steals a battery and so they were already coming to recycle poison but now Kobra’s also wanted so they run away to the desert where yes they can still functuon they just like get cut off from the bat city internet system or whatever and they have to run off plus instead of like just plugging in like droids can in the city. But they always wanted to be killjoys were just too scared to risk it all try and escape and preferred to wait for destroya to come save them instead. But now they have no choice but they wanted ti be killjoys anyway so it works out and they get to the desert and choose their killjoy names and are exposed to like the culture and the freedom and all the different ways to say fuck you to BLi and learn that you can change more than just your name and poison embraces genderfluidity and kobra was a female model pornodroid but realizes he’s trans so fucking transgender pornodroid hell yeah. Also he figures out he’s a aroace and he really hates his past so he tries to forget about it and a couple months into life in the desert they meet Jet and ghoul because ghoul got shot like an idiot and jets stitching him up in the diner that was the first shelter they spotted and Kobra and poison come back from a concert or rave and find them there and they hang out a bit and become friends and then a crew and after a few months when poison has totally fallen in love with ghoul but lowkey hat themself because they know they’re not human and can never be and that ghoul would hate them if they knew their secret(Pois and Kobra are hiding that they’re androids. They’re so troubled lmao) and that ghoul could never love them bc they’re not human and they also don’t want to be used or seen as what he was seen as in the city which was a tool and a product not a person. So they’re terrified and so is Kobra but poison gets shot one day a few months into being a crew and tries to hide it but his systems are trying to shut off because they register the injury and he wants to get back to the diner to fix themself but of course ghoul notices that he’s hiding pain and he’s like are you hurt and poison holds out until they get to the diner but then ghoul grabs their wrist and is like I KNOW you’re hurt let us help you let me help you and poison tries to convince him he’s fine and he makes knowing he contact with Kobra who defends him but sounds like an asshole bc he’s like leave them be when they’re obviously not fine and ghoul won’t let him go but poisons blacking out and crying and his systems shut off right there in the foyuer and everyone freaks the fuck out
and Kobra has to take over the situation and fix poisons damage and when they come back online everyone’s like silent and staring at them and they’re fine and they’re like yeah I’m. Im a droid. And Kobra’s like we both are because if they’re going down they’re going down together. But of course ghoul and Jet are amazing and don’t care they’re the same killjoys they’ve come to call their crew it doesn’t matter where they came from they have feelings and shit just like everyone else. And its all okay and ghouls still freaked out because surprise surprise he’s also like madly in love with poison and is now torn becuase of this so when poison rests some more he goes and chainsmokes on the roof and thinks over but finds he really doesn’t care what poisons made of and when poison wakes up and goes up there just to stargaze he instead finds ghoul and they have a nice long talk and poison tells him about their past and reveals that they’re not just a droid but a pornodroid and they just bond and shit and it’s all okay and ghouls like you don’t need to worry I’ll gladly watch the sun rise with you forever becuase they’ve been out on the roof talking all night and poisons like sounds romantic and ghouls like is that alright and poison like blushes and is like of course and the finally kiss like two days later.
And all is well actually everything is great for a few more months until they get in a fight with Korse and he’s like oh look who it is our escaped pornodroids and he talks shit at them like they’re not people and also Kobra hasn’t told anyone he’s trans he’s happy just presenting and not revealing those personal things about himself and his past so only poison knows he was a female pronodroid and while poison has been in love and doing great he’s been still hating himself and his body and his past and he’s totes autistic and is always overwhelmed and shit and every once in a while when he feels himself reaching a limit he takes time to himself to go blow off steam and scream into the desert in the middle of nowhere and shoot stuff or go to a concert or whatever and just empty that overfilling bucket. And when Korse comes he’s already been stressed but then Korse taunts him and calls him terrible shit and he’s like trembling in place as he’s like do your little friends there know what you are? That you’re a product of BLi? A droid? A bitch? And he’s like barely restraining himself but then Korse says something in reference to poison and how they’re an outdated model and would’ve been melted down if the two of them hadn’t malfunctioned and he basically says like a slur as he says that stuff and Kobra sees RED and fucking GOES FERAL AND ATTACKS HIM. And Korse can’t even fucking do anything his gun gets knocked aside and Kobra’s living up to his name and striking like a a fucking viper and absolutely beating Korses face in until he’s like unrecognizable. He’s not even aware of this, it’s a meltdown, he just went into a trance and doesn’t brave out of it until poison like grabs him and he realizes he’s shaking like a leaf and sobbing and he gets pulled away from Korse and they leave and leave him to die because he’s basically on the verge of death(they should’ve shot him though because he does in fact survive) and Kobra is like exhausted now becuase of this meltdown and all his secrets being exposed at once and he rests when they get back to the diner while poison freaks out and stays by his side all night becuase they’ve never seen Kobra like that and didn’t know he was struggling but they should have and once again morning comes and they have a nice long talk and Kobra agrees to be more open with everyone and everything’s fine again and like within a couple weeks he and Jet have formed a queerplatonic relationship and he’s doing better and it’s basically happily ever after but that’s not the end no there like a few year time skip. And poison was already an outdated model when they escaped the city and Kobra was a newer model but now they’re both like ancient in android terms and the desert has taken its toll on their mechanics and their batteries aren’t holding as much power anymore just like when poisons battery died before they escaped the city. Poison starts deteriorating first, limbs becoming stiff and achy, rust in their veins. They know their systems are messed up and there’s not really anything they can do and theyre fucking terrified and once again they hide their problems, they don’t show that they’re aging. But then the glitches start happening and they’re harder to hide and after a while Kobra finally corners him and is like tell me what is going on. I know you’re not okay. And poison breaks down and says his systems are failing again and Kobra with like a haunted expression is like I know it’s happening to me too. But his state isn’t nearly as bad as poison is yet. And like poisons protective of Kobra because he’s their younger brother but Kobra’s even more protective of poison because he already had to watch them nearly die the first time around when their battery was dying and an androids battery dying is akin to a human starving to death but being physically unable to eat or take in any nutrients whatsoever. So he almost lost poison once and he’s not about to do it again, he’s super fucking protective of them and he’s like we need to tell the others and poisons like but I’m scared how do we even fix this,
we’re androids we’re not meant to last for more than a few years and Kobra’s like I don’t know I really don’t trust me I’m scared too but we need to tell them because they’ll figure it out soon anyway and they deserve to know either way and you’re already getting pretty bad and sooner or later so will I. So they sit down their respective partner and tell them and theirs a lot of tears and they all search for tech or upgrades and solutions but can’t find anything good enough and all of a sudden poisons getting real bad real quick, glitching all the time and battery running out faster, and they’re basically about to die again and Kobra feels kind of like he’s failed them and the four of them realize the only way they’re going to save poison and Kobra is if they go to the city. So they do. They sneak in, find the labs, the plan is to steal the tech they need, new parts, new battery’s, whatever they can carry. But a lot of the new stuff isn’t compatible with the older models, not without precious time being lost with the personalizations that would need to be done to the tech to make it compatible, time they don’t have with poisons condition worsening by the day and Kobra also slowing down considerably.
And then an alarm goes off and Jet and ghoul fight off the oncoming dracs while Kobra’s helping poison and he sees all the new models laid out and empty, not programmed quite yet. And he has an idea. Jet and ghoul fight off the first wave of dracs and come back in like we need to get out of here but Kobra explains his idea and they’re like fuck wrought because they can’t leave to make it work. So they all barricade themselves in the lab while Kobra hooks poison into the like machines there to essentially transplant their programming and consciousness into the shell of the brand new android models laying around, because that’s something possible and easier than retrofitting a ton of tech. More dangerous since they have to be in the heart of bat city to do it, but worth it. And while poison in those new body is charging and rebooting Kobra’s up next because he walked Jet and ghoul though the process and now he’s getting his consciousness transferred to a new body too(they make sure it’s a male model this time around :3) and it takes like and hour for them each to reboot with like all systems ready so Jet and ghoul are on their own, doors barricaded, waiting for their best friends to wake up.
But they do, and they fight their way out. They all earn a few injuries but they survive, barely escaping and getting out of the city. But they do, they escape, they get home, and Kobra and Poison are in brand new vessels, they look different but not that much, androids are all pretty similar looking, and you can alter your own appearance somewhat. Kobra’s finally in the body he always wanted so he’s great, and both models are brand new and super advanced so they’re still not really superhuman, but these bodies will definitely hold up a lot longer to the elements, and they don’t have to run off plus, Their batteries last longer and there’s different ways of getting energy, like from eating, where food they ingest is converted into biofuel and they can run off it. Physically they’re more inhuman but simultaneously also more human than ever before. And that’s the definitive happy ending.
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ghoulette-knell · 6 months
Hey everyone!
Welcome to my masterlist! Unless mentioned otherwise, my fics will be 18+!
Do not interact with my content if you’re a minor! I will block you if I find out you’re a minor!
Master list begins beneath the line cut.
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His Cardinal 18+
Chapter 1;
One Shot:
Coming soon
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Coming Soon
One Shot:
Coming Soon
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Coming Soon
One Shot:
Confessional Booth 18+
Touch Starved 18+
Overstimulation (Kinktober 2023) 18+
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Coming soon
One Shot:
In the Name of Research 18+
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Coming Soon
One Shot:
Coming Soon
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The Ghouls and Ghoulettes below are the most popular members of the Nameless Ghouls. If I get requests for lesser known Ghouls, I will add them to the list.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
One Shot:
Shower Sex (Kinktober 2023) 18+
Payback 18+
Goodbye SFW
A Little Bit Tipsy 18+
Monster AU (Kinktober 2023) 18+
Coming Soon
Road Trip SFW
Kiss the Goat 18+
Coming Soon
Quarantined SFW
Touch Starved 18+
Payback 18+
Coming Soon
Thigh Riding (Kinktober 2023) 18+
Coming Soon
Road Trip SFW
Kiss the Goat 18+
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