#because she wears her heart on her sleeve and is so bad at not doing so
planetwaynez · 2 days
bad ideia right?
Jason x Roy x Fem!Reader
Notes: I've been cooking this JayRoy x Fem!Reader for some time now, the only thing is... I got excited and ended up writing waaaay too much so this will be separeted in two parts. This is part one, if you guys like it lemme know if you want part two, pls!!!
WARNINGS: Talks about stalking, nearly death experince, violence, murderer, being socialy secluded, a lot of complicated feelings. This is part 1!
Words: 4,7k
Synopsis: It never crossed Roy's mind that his cute civilian ex would be knocking at his apartmant door asking for help. Jason never tought that he would've to help his boyfriend with his ex, but he is, especially because she might die if they don't help her out.
Things are not so great at the moment. And she knows it, that's why she stands in front of her ex boyfriend's apartment door, picking at her nails and looking everywhere but the door. She knows she shouldn't be looking for him, but in the situation that she finds herself, Roy may be the only person that can help her out. Rationality, she knows it's no biggie, showing up and asking for her ex boyfriend, who is a very known vigilante, to save her skin. However, emotionally, she knows it's fucked up. 
Taking a deep breath, she knows it's a bad idea, but she reaches for the door and knocks. Taking a step back, y/n can feel her muscles starting to shake in a nervous fit.
It's been two years since she saw Roy for the last time, and she wonders how much has changed since then. 
The door is open and y/n looks up, to find a tall brunette looking at her with an arched eyebrow. She smiles, trying to be polite. He doesn't smile back.
“Hi! Is this Roy Harper's apartment?” She asks, still picking at her nails and the man in front of her notices.
“Yes” he answers, his voice deep and intimidating and for the first time she knows for a fact that this is more than a bad idea, it's a terrible one. But then again, it's better than dying. 
“Is he home?” The man crosses his big arms over his chest, taking in a more intimidating stance than before.
He is not the most polite ever, and it's starting to make y/n panic turn into frustration very quickly. 
“Can I talk to him?” the man clicks his tongue, obviously not liking her request. Well, what can she do, a girl needs to try her shot.
“Who is at the door, love?” a familiar voice asks and now she understands. The huge guy in front of her is acting up in a jealous fit. Does he know who she is? Probably. 
“Your ex” he says, and yeah, he knows who she is. 
They can hear steps coming in the direction of the door and a very confused Roy shows up, wearing only a pair of gray sweatpants and his hair is longer, long enough to be put up in a man bun. Cute.
“Y/n?” He is pale and it seems like he just saw a ghost in front of him. She smiles and gives a tiny wave, not knowing how to act. When she decided to ask Roy for help, she knew that there was the chance for this to happen. A chance to find out about his new partner, a chance that he would look terrified, a chance that he would say no and let her die. Simple stuff.
“Hi, Roy” things are awkward, the three of them looking at each other like idiots.
“What are you doing here?” Roy seems offended that she ever had the guts to show up like this and honestly, she understands him and would deal with this situation in a more aggressive way if it was her in his place. 
“I need your help” she can feel her cheeks burning and her heart rate increase, she feels the sting of a broken nail and her palms are sweating. 
“With what?” Who asks the question is the brunette man, and y/n finally looks at him. He is wearing the same attire as Roy, paired up with a long sleeve black compression shirt, and she realizes how big he actually is. If he wanted to, he could throw her through the stairs of the building with ease. He is scary. 
Instead of actually answering the brunette, she started rambling all of her thoughts to them, feeling her chest tight. 
“I know you told me not to go, I know you said my brain would put me in danger one day and that my smart mouth would kill me and honestly I never believed you, but I fucked up. I fucked up real bad, Roy.” Desperation seeps through her voice, making her look ridiculous but the amount of panic in the woman in front of Roy only sparks his worry. 
“What the fuck did you do?” He asks, taking her wrist and pulling her inside the apartment, practically throwing her in their living room.
“I stumbled across files I should have not stumbled across.” Roy Harper is not a man to worry, unless it's his daughter, Jason or Dinah. Or Y/n.
She was always one to worry about. Always too smart for her own good, always too clever to her own safety, always too curious. She found out way too easily his identity as Arsenal when they were dating. He knew that one day she would have a price over her head.
“What does that mean, y/n?” He is basically yelling at her now, frustrated that she doesn't give him the information he needs. She pouts, hating the fact that Roy is yelling at her.
“It means you were right, ok? I am too curious for my own good and now some rich people want me dead.” 
Fuck it.
Jason didn't see this one coming, not even a thousand miles away. When he woke up this morning, sore from their last mission, he wouldn't have guessed that Roy's most recent ex and only civilian ex, would show up at their doorstep asking for Roy to save her skin from rich people. 
Jason sighs, drawing the attention to him. He closes his eyes, hoping this is some weird dream, but when he opens them again, two pairs of eyes are staring at him. He thanks the gods that Lian is with Alfred. 
“And how could Roy help you?” Jason asks, wondering what is going through this stranger woman's head. 
“As Arsenal, obviously” she says, as if Jason is one dumb fucker, and he can't believe that this is happening. 
“She knows?” Roy shrugs, as if saying ‘I have no control over that’. 
“She found out when we were three months into the relationship” Jason looks at her again, shocked with this new piece of information. He knew they dated for over a year, and also knew how heartbroken Roy was when she left to live in Ireland because of a job opportunity. He didn't know she knew about Arsenal, though. 
“It was actually quite easy to figure it out” she says, her eyes roaming over him, not in a ‘I am attracted to you’ way but in ‘who are you?’ type of way, and that made an uneasy feeling set in Jason's stomach.
“How?” He needs to know how she found out, how her brain works. Jason knows a lot of people, for fucks sake, he knows Tim and Tim found out Robin's identity at the age of nine, not many things shook him, but it's eight in the morning and this woman is definitely weird. 
“I noticed they have the same scar on the left arm” 
Jason's eyes bulge just a little and he looks at his boyfriend, who is looking at the floor, probably embarrassed with how easily a civilian found out his identity. 
“I know” the read head says, clicking his tongue “she is a freak with that brain of hers” 
It's y/n's turn to sigh, rolling her eyes. She looks at Jason again and says, very calmly.
“I knew I could say Roy is Arsenal near you because I firmly believe you already knew. Not because he told you, but because you are like him” the nervous and anxious girl from before is gone and she looks more confident and comfortable, and that uneasy feeling of having someone with a bigger brain than yours in the room comes back to Jason's stomach. 
“And why's that?” Roy chuckles, and Jason looks at him with a quizzical look but the redhead says nothing, just smiles.
“You keep analyzing me, noticing every single move I make. For a guy your size you are very quiet and silent” she point out, numbering everything she says in her manicured fingers “Also, you keep reaching for your thigh, as if you keep looking for a gun in a holster” Y/n points to his hand, resting in his left thigh, and he wants to curse himself. 
“I will make an educated guess and say you are Red Hood, the guy that is always with Arsenal” She says and smiles, tilting her head to the side, exposing her neck that has a hand imprint on it. “You are him, aren't you?” 
Jason nods, not verbally answering her, but he knows there is no use lying since she knows about Roy's identity. What actually sparks his interest is the marks in her neck. She notices him looking and she once again hides her skin from them. Jason looks at Roy, to see if he saw the same as him, and his boyfriend's gaze is focused on y/n neck as well. There is more to this story than she is truly telling, and they know.
“She found out about Dinah in forty minutes in the same room as her.” Roy says, instead of saying something about the purple marks, walking to the kitchen to get a water bottle for himself. 
Jason looks at her, doing exactly what she said he was doing before, but now he takes his time. Analyzing her. Meanwhile, she keeps an eye on Roy, who is not caring at all about the exchange behind him.
Roy turns around, holding his water bottle and looks at the two of them. He drinks all the water with a few gulps, feeling the cold water calm him down to the conversation he will soon have. He really wants to know who is the fucker that tried to choke her to death and left those marks on her smooth skin.
“Come with me” he says, pointing at a very shocked Jason and a very smug y/n to follow him. 
The three of them get in a room decorated to be a study, Roy sits on a couch in the corner of the room and Jason sits next to him, his big arm going around Roy's shoulders.
“Explain yourself, pookie” Roy says and y/n takes a deep breath, collecting her thoughts to start explaining herself to the two vigilantes in front of her.
“It all started a few months ago when Campbell Enterprises, the place I worked at, developed a new project. One that was secretive and only a few would participate, the HR did a whole campaign to encourage us to participate in the selective process to choose the ones that would be a part of this new project. I was hoping I was not chosen, honestly, I was fine with the workload I already had at my lab at the time, but it was mandatory to participate” she pauses, taking a deep breath and looking at the window, watching the sun come through. 
“They chose me and a few others to be a part of it, but it was all too secretive, even for us that were working on it. It was tiring, since my regular workload kept coming” she clicks her tongue and blinks, as if she was transported back to the moment that she is telling them about. “One night I stayed later than usual, it was just me in the laboratory, I was tired and annoyed with a few things so I started digging around, just so see if I could see the development of the others that I worked with.”
She blinks again, swallowing tears and looks at them. Roy and Jason are looking at her very attentively, waiting patiently for her to continue. There is no pressure, no tension in the room, just two men looking at her as if she was made of glass and that, for some reason, soothed the pain inside. Y/N is too used to not allowing herself to be fragile, but right now, with Jason and Roy, she feels that she can allow herself to be a little bit vulnerable. 
“That's how I ended up coming across the real motivation of the project. They told us that we were developing a new medicine for kids with cancer, when in fact, we were developing a new drug so they could kidnap children and teenagers with more ease.” There is silence in the room and inevitably, they all thought about Lian, that is safely with Alfred, but she could not be, like many others are not. 
“And they found out you came across those files and that's how you got five fingers in your neck?” Roy asks, arms crossed and a frown between his eyebrows, looking irritated. 
“Not exactly” she says, her right hand going instinctively to her neck, gulping just to remember the touch of that man on her skin. “They found out I knew, but they didn't make it obvious. I knew they would find out eventually and come after me, but until then I thought I could keep living my life.”
Silence reigns the room, the three of them knowing she was just living an illusion until reality came knocking on her door.
“I went out on a date” she says, and that sparks even more their interest. Jason scoffs, not believing what he just heard.
“You knew you had a target on your back and you went on a date?” He asks sarcasm in every word that he says. She nods and Roy looks at her with disbelief in his green eyes.
“I was needy” she simply states, shrugging as if it was not a big of a deal, except it was. “He was a hitman” 
Jason and Roy look at each other, not knowing how to actually react to her words. It all seems so out of this world, especially with the way she tells things, so calmly.
“We were kissing, he grabbed my neck and said that I was too curious, he had a good grip but I had a pocket knife” she is smiling and Jason knows for a fact now that she is crazy.
“So you stabbed him” Roy says, a smirk forming in the corner of his red lips. She nods.
“Didn't kill though, just enough to run away” she looks again at the window and takes a deep breath, “that's how I ended up in an airplane to Gotham. I called Dinah and asked where you lived, she told me you moved to Gotham, gave me your address and that's how I ended up here.”
She looks at them again and they can see in her eyes that she is lost. Desperate. In panic and disbelief of herself. What Jason can't see but Roy can is that Y/n truly believes she is going to die if they don't help her out.
Roy is not happy to have his ex, who broke his heart even if their break up was mutual and mature, standing in front of him. Roy is not happy that Dinah just gave information on him so easily. But he is less happy with the idea of y/n dying. No, he gets angry just with the idea of her not existing anymore. 
And Jason may not know y/n, but he knows his boyfriend. He knows Roy just as well he knows himself and Jason can see it in the redhead's eyes that they will help her out, even if it fails, they will try their best. Jason can also see the care and admiration in Roy's eyes every time he looks at her, it's the same way Roy looks at him. 
Jason will have to swallow his pride and jealousy, because he is going to help his boyfriend's ex to not die.
“We will help you” Roy says, looking at Jason for support and he finds everything he needs in his lover's eyes.
“But with a few conditions” Jason says, now looking at the younger woman. He knows she is younger than them, but now she truly looks like it. The sun is bathing her from her side, making her eyes shine and seem bigger, her lips are painted a glossy red and her cheekbones are chubby and pink. He can't deny, she is adorable and pretty.
“Anything” she says, her lips quivering just slightly. Jason smirks, he knows he is an asshole, but he also gets the job done.
“You will be staying at one of your monitored safe houses, and you won't leave the house, unless one of us is with you.” Roy nods, his gaze focused on her. The redhead forgot how beautiful she looks with her hair down and a turtleneck and he can't stop staring at her now that he noticed. 
“We will make the groceries for you, just give a list. Also only burner phones and not social media” Roy says, and y/n was expecting nothing less than that. She is asking for them to keep her alive and she knows they will do it, even if it means keeping her away from society for a while. 
“And we need all the information that you have” Jason finishes, reclining himself against the couch, relaxing his muscles. 
Y/n stares. She was always curious and when she thinks something - or someone - is pretty, she stares. She didn't look at Jason until she did, and now that she sees what Roy sees, she can't stop looking. 
They are both attractive men, she can't decide which she will take a look at longer, her brain working faster than normal to keep up with everything that she is thinking, from the information that they need to Jason's muscles and Roy's pretty lips.
She knows it's going to be a long ride with those two around her.
It  was comfortable to stay hidden from society while Roy and Jason were dealing with the issue she put herself in. It is comfortable to stay in and watch movies, read books and cook whatever she feels like cooking. It is comfortable not having to go out to do her own grocery shopping, since Jason did that for her in the last four months, and he never forgot anything from the list. It is comfortable to have them around all the time, it is comfortable to have Lian over on the weekends to play with dolls and paint ceramics with her.
However she knows it's not going to last any longer. Actually, all this comfortable scenario is over as she stares at Roy and listens to him talk.
“It’s all over, we fixed everything up, you can go back to living your life, pookie” he says, his green eyes shining with something she can’t quite comprehend, but she knows the feeling that is attached to her chest. He is sitting in a chair in front of her, only a table stopping Y/N to reach out and hug him until her heart stops growing with pain.
She got comfortable, she created an illusion for herself once again. They were there almost everyday, talking, making jokes and eating homemade food made by her, she even got to befriend Jason in the first month, just to develop feelings for him in the third. In the second month she already knew she still loved Roy with her whole soul, and seeing him so dedicated to see her safe again only intensified that. 
She can’t explain, really, how she feels. She just knows its different but she loves them both. Roy is like a ray of sunshine that comes through the window, always warm and welcoming, always making her feel important and cared about. He was always good at making her feel like she is the only girl in the world, like she is actually important and easy to love. It's hard to let those feelings for him go, since she can’t get enough of his smile, his green eyes and his stupid jokes. She thinks that deep down, she never stopped loving him. It was like coming home from a long trip, the feeling of having Roy around again was that. His hugs became frequent again and she thinks she can’t let him go, the warmth and the intimacy are just too good and keeps her sane in the difficult days. 
Jason was a surprise. Y/N never thought it was possible to love two people at the same time and in the same intensity, but so differently from each other. At first, she thought she was going crazy with guilt because she still loves Roy, and Jason is his boyfriend. But then, slowly, she realized she fell for him just as hard as she had fallen for Roy. Jason is attentive, caring and even though he is more introverted, he understands her on a deep level. He knows when she is upset before she even acknowledges herself, he always has a good book recommendation and he always helped her in the kitchen when he could.  Lian loves him and he is good with kids just as much as Roy is. He is calm and collected and somehow, he soothes her mind. 
She loves them.
But she is sure they don’t love her back.
“Really?” she questions it, not believing that she can once again live in society without risking herself. 
“Yes” Jason says, he is behind Roy, his arms crossed and he doesn't look at her for longer than what's enough.
“Everything is clean, then?” She questions it once again, fear creeping inside her head, telling that they couldn’t do anything and that she will die if she leaves their embrace.
“Yes, pookie, everything is clean” Y/N nods, pressing her lips together and looking away from them, not knowing how to actually feel. She is happy that she is once again safe, that she can walk around without risking being murdered, that she can talk longer to her parents. But she can feel that pain in her chest, the one telling her this is the last time she will ever talk to them, see them and feel their presence. She is free to go anywhere, but the only place that she wants is not available for her. 
While she sits in sorrow, she doesn’t realize that both men are devastated as well as she is. Roy knew it was possible to love two people at the same time, to want to be romantically with two people at the same time, but it never crossed his mind that he would be living this feeling so intensely. He loves Jason with his soul, he would die for his boyfriend and kill just anyone Jason asked him to kill. But he can’t deny that he also loves Y/N, she is everything he could possibly want and not deserving to have. Her smile, her scent, her eyes, her lips, her body, her hair, everything in her was an invitation to his heart. Roy loves her with his heart, he would do anything for her too, he just did. He killed for her last night just to be sure she would be fine. He doesn’t want to let go, but if that's what she wants, he will do it. 
Jason was always skeptical about feelings until he fell for Roy, and he fell hard. He loves Roy more than he could ever be possible, he would take Roy in his worst days just as much as he would take Roy in his good days, and he would go against the world to see his boyfriend happy and calm. Jason stopped drug dealing because he thought it was disrespectful with Roy since he is clean and healthy after a long period of darkness. He takes care of all the things Roy doesn’t want to and he is nice to people that once hurt him because he wants to be good for his boyfriend and to Lian. It never occurred to him that he could possibly fall for Y/N during this time working for her safety. But he did.  And it was embarrassing. He could not look at her longer than a few minutes or his mind would drift to scenarios they would never live, and then he would feel guilt eating him up. Jason was going crazy over his feelings for this woman, she was diabolical with the way she made him feel. The way she would make him blush with a brush of fingers while cooking, the way she would make his chest warm with happiness when she smiled at him and the way she would make him feel euphoric when she complimented something about him. She was diabolical, and that's why in the last month he told Roy about his feelings.
Jason remembers how long the talk was, and he was not shocked to know that Roy still loves her and he truly understands the readhad, it's easy to love Y/N. Her ramblings about things she likes, the way she walks on the tip of her toes when happy, the way her hair falls over her eyes when she is focused. Jason feels like he is not some monster around her, she makes him feel light and makes him forget about all the vigilante stuff, he feels normal around her and good, he feels good. She makes it seem it's easy to be around him. 
They agreed to let her go if it was truly what she wanted, but if she decided to stay, they already talked about asking her out on a date, with both of them. If she didn’t want them both, they agreed that they would move on. It was the three of them together or nothing.
“What are you going to do now?” Roy asks, voice hoarse trying to keep the tears away. The young woman shrugs, her gaze on the wall next to her, deep in thoughts Roy couldn’t imagine what is about.
“A penny for your thoughts, sweets” Jason says, once again looking at her, he can feel the dread polling at his stomach and he just wants to hold her until she gets tired of him and Roy. 
“Thinking about my mom and my dad” she says, finally looking at them with tears stuck in her bottom lashes, making her look like a crying angel in the dim light of the kitchen. 
“Are you going to stay with them until you find another job?” the redhead questions, his fingers tapping lightly at the table, a clear sign of anxiety. 
“Yeah, I think I will,” she says softly, her shoulders drooping and her head falling, somehow hiding her face from the vigilantes in front of her. 
“Nice” Jason says, his voice thick with something not even him can say what it is, but he knows it’s not a good feeling. He feels like he is losing her without trying to actually have her in the first place. “They must miss you”
“They do,” she answers Jason quickly, trying to stop the conversation in its tracks, but it looks like he won’t bite the bullet.
“Where do they live, again?” the brunette asks, not wanting to stop because if they stop talking he won’t be listening to her voice. 
“New York City” 
Jason clicks his tongue not knowing what to say anymore so he looks at Roy, expecting to see the redhead formulating a plan to keep her around longer, but there is only acceptance in this eyes and Jason knows he lost the battle, he knows she would be leaving soon to NYC and if he tries to stop her, Roy wouldn’t help. Not because he doesn’t love her, but because he isn’t the type to hold people where they don’t want to be. 
Roy gets up and smiles fondly at Y/N, hiding his true feelings behind a mask. “If you need anything, just call us.”
She smiles, a tiny one, and nods again understanding that she is not wanted around when in fact what they wanted more is for her to stay with them.
“See you around, boys” she says, leaving for the bedroom that will no longer be hers in the morning.
153 notes · View notes
possamble · 15 days
I absolutely really need to be writing anything but random ideas while I procrastinate and this is so awful rough bc I literally wrote it on my phone in one sitting while avoiding work but
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Do you see my vision. Her Nosy Bitch Syndrome would actually be good for him when they've both chilled out a little in the postcanon.
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babyleostuff · 5 months
their s/o having a nightmare | hip hop unit
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𐙚 seungcheol
cheol is a heavy sleeper, an earthquake could be happening and he’d sleep through it, BUT when it comes to you, it’s like he has a sixth sense that notices any shifts in your mood, even if he’s asleep. and knowing him, cheol would be worried sick seeing you so distraught, as your eyes looked frantically around the room, while you tried to reach for him in a frenzy.
something about you being scared and frightened in your sleep, in your most vulnerable state, made his heart ache so badly. his panicked state matching yours wouldn’t help a lot in calming you down, but the weight of his arms around your waist and his lips repeatedly pecking your forehead would be a whole another story. 
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“s okay, you’re okay baby,” your boyfriend whispered, kissing the top of your head, as he tightened his arms that were wrapped around your waist. you thought you were quiet enough not to wake him, but it seemed that muffling your sobs with the sleeve of his hoodie you were wearing, letting the tears run slowly down your cheeks wasn’t enough to deceive cheol’s protectiveness, even in his sleep. 
“sorry for waking you up,” you murmured, your voice muffled by your hiccups and his shirt, as he cradled your head to his chest. he hushed you immediately, pecking your forehead repeatedly. “do you want to talk about it? need me to get you some water? should i get you an extra blanket? want me to turn on the lights?” he asked, his breath tickling your cheek, as he swayed you back and forth. kkuma, almost as if she could sense something was wrong, yawned and stretched, padding over to where you were sitting in her dad’s arms. 
at some point you had to start calming him down. his worried pout was endearing, but you didn’t want to keep cheol up all night, and you knew there was no way he’d go back to sleep in this state, especially because you were still shaken up by your bad dream.  
“i just want to make sure you’re okay,” he said, running his hand over your back. “just hold me like this, please?” there was no safer place for you than seungcheol’s arms, and not even a nightmare could change that.     
𐙚 wonwoo
wonwoo would wake up while you’d try to sneak out of the bed (he’s not as cuddly in his sleep as cheol or gyu are, but he always has an arm draped over your waist or tummy, so of course he’d immediately notice if you’d try to wiggle your way out of his grip). usually he’d just go back to sleep, thinking you were going to the bathroom or to get a glass of water, but you’d be shaking too much for it to be normal. wonwoo would reach for you, pulling you back to his chest, cradling the back of your head with his hand.
i believe wonwoo would be even more worried than cheol, he’d never show it as much as him, but his heart would break as he’d hold your shaking body in his arms. (i don’t know if you’ve seen that tik tok where he checks up on seungkwan after he hit him on accident or something, AND OMG THE BOBA EYES AND WORRY ON HIS FACE EIUFHEUIRFHE).  
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“here, put your hand over my heart,” wonwoo gently grabbed your shaking hand, and placed it on his chest, right over his heart. “you see, that was just a bad dream, honey,” he whispered, his voice deep and soothing, still laced with sleep. “everything’s okay.”   
you nodded, resting your head in the crook of wonwoo’s neck, as you tried to match your erratic breathing with his heartbeat, while he kept petting the back of your head with one hand, and rubbing soothing circles into your hip with the other. surrounded by his arms and familiar warmth, you snuggled further into his embrace, inhaling his comforting scent that always felt like home. 
“what if i read a bit to you?” wonwoo pressed a kiss to your temple, smoothing out your bed-hair. 
“no, won, you have work tomorrow morning,” you whispered, your face still hidden in his neck. “you should go to sleep.” 
without saying anything, wonwoo placed you between his legs, as he fixed the pillows behind him, so he could rest comfortably against the headboard, and grabbed the book he was currently reading from the nightstand. “do you need an extra blanket? or maybe you want me to make you some tea?” 
you smiled, grabbing his hand that was resting against your tummy, and run your thumb over his knuckles - the same ones that were ready to fight with whatever made you so scared in your dream. “no, wonwoo, everything is perfect,” you whispered. “thank you.”
“of course,” he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
𐙚 mingyu  
gyu can’t physically sleep without you, you’re wrapped securely in his arms through the whole night, whether you like it or not, so he’d immediately know that something was wrong. at first, he’d be a bit confused, sleep still clouding his mind, why he couldn’t feel your body weight on his, and he’d try to reach for you pouting angrily, because how dare you to move away from him.
when he’d find you shaking and struggling to catch your breath, mingyu would be up and alert in an instant, ready to fight whoever and whatever made you so distressed. and mingyu would try to act as composed as he could, even though he’d be a worried mess on the inside. 
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“baby,” you heard your boyfriend whine behind you, probably from the lack of your warmth next to him. “where ‘r you,” he sighed, lifting his head up, just to drop it onto his pillow a second later. “come back.” 
you exhaled slowly, trying to calm your breathing, because you knew mingyu - no matter how tired he was, he’d immediately notice that something was wrong. he just came back home from tour and needed a full night of sleep, you couldn’t make him worry. “i’m right here, love. go back to sleep,” you tried your best to sound as normal as you could, and hoped mingyu would be too tired to notice how your voice shook. 
“no,” he murmured, his voice muffled by his pillow. “come back here,” he reached out and made grabby hands at you with his eyes still closed. if you weren’t so shaken up because of your dream, you’d take a photo of him (which would probably become your new wallpaper), and smother his puffy cheeks in kisses. “wait a second,” he said, finally opening his eyes, sensing that something was wrong, when you didn’t snuggle back against him. 
a couple of minutes later you were all wrapped up in at least three blankets (to protect you from the monsters, mingyu’s words) and your boyfriend’s arms that securely held you against his chest. “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you,” he mumbled, bumping his nose against yours. “you’re safe now, my baby.” 
𐙚 vernon 
when he sleeps, he sleeps like a log (vernon needs his beauty sleep), so you’d be a bit hesitant to wake him up. you knew he rarely got a full eight hours of sleep, so you didn’t want to disturb him just because of your nightmare, but at the same time you needed some comfort. you’d cuddle up to him, throwing one of your arms over his tummy, which would wake him up a bit, alarmed by the weight on his body (it wasn’t often that you cuddled while sleeping, so his sleep clouded mind noticed something was wrong).
thanks to him being so relaxed and composed, vernon would be excellent at calming you down, plus he always gets a bit clingier when seeing you so upset, so you’d fall asleep again in no time.
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“ratatouille is so much better than cars, though,” vernon whispered, his lips tickling your temple, as he placed occasional pecks there. “i could watch that movie over and over again and never get bored of it.”
you giggled quietly as you listened to your boyfriend rant about something he definitely shouldn’t be talking about in the middle of the night on a random wednesday. it was all of you fault, and although vernon was quick to shut your apologies down, you still fell bad for waking him up when you knew he needed to sleep. plus, you were a bit embarrassed by the whole situation.
“nightmares suck, and there is no shame in feeling scared. i’m happy you woke me up,” he said, holding your head in his hands, so you wouldn’t escape his gaze. 
vernon knew exactly how to calm you down, he noticed early in your relationship how you became putty in his arms whenever he talked about movies. it wasn’t your fault he looked so adorable ranting about something he loved os much. rubbing your cheeks to get the dried tears off of them, you snuggled further into your boyfriend’s side, waiting for what unpopular opinion he’d state next.
“are you sure you’re okay, babe? you don’t need me to grab a glass of water for you or anything?” 
“i’m okay, seriously. just… just keep talking.” 
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @eightlightstar @itza-meee @immabecreepin @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @dkswife @marisblogg @whatsgyud @aaniag @jeonghansshitester @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @soul-is-a-strange-kid @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @f4iryjjosh @isabellah29 @hafsah-ali @mrswonwooo @lllucere @athanasiasakura @onlyyjeonghan @chillseo @bangantokchy @hrts4hanniehae @haecien
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kurocamille · 5 months
❝maybe frat boys aren’t so bad (aka cars are meant for driving!)❞
Frat!Bakugou Katsuki x reader (except he’s not stereotypical and mean) mdni
part 2
4.1k+ words
you attend your first frat party and run into a familiar flirty face. he offers to drive you home from the party, the empty parking lot outside your dorm building definitely seems like the perfect place to get down and dirty…
part 1 of 2 (2 will have full smut..) 1 oc who’ll come into play later…., car sex, fingering, handjobs, heavy makeout, hickeys/neck kisses, dry humping/grinding kinda, female/afab reader, no pronouns used, inexperienced reader, “baby” as a pet name
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It was your first time going to a college party, miraculously enough. This year, you had met a group of girls who had quickly invited you into their friend group. Somehow, despite you refusing over ten times, they had managed to drag you to a frat party.
After getting yourself a cup of mysterious red punch, you stand in the crowd of people. Bodies brush against you—intentionally or unintentionally, you don’t know. You’ve seen a few of your friends since arriving, but it seems like most of them are off doing God knows what with some drunken frat boy.
You can feel the beat of the music in your chest, as if it’s pumping your heart for you. The strobe lights flash around you. Sipping away at your drink, you go wandering in search of someone you know.
When you exit the common room, you float down a hallway with fewer people. Despite fewer people being there, the hallway is stuffy, and you can barely walk through without knocking shoulders with someone.
You aren’t watching where you’re going, and suddenly you trip on the bunched up carpet beneath your feet. The half-full soda cup goes flying, and so do you. It spills on the front of your shirt and down the back of a nearby couple who, until now, had been in the middle of making out,
“Ugh!” the girl shrieks, and you look up to see her glaring at you. She comes out from under the guy caging her, and you realize it’s the girl Mika from one of your classes. As always, her hair is perfectly coiffed, and she’s wearing a dress that barely covers her ass.
The girl shakes her hands of the sticky liquid that spilled on her, but seeing as she had previously been caged under that other guy, she had barely gotten wet. Meanwhile, the guy stands in a sopping wet shirt. You also recognize him; Bakugou Katsuki. He’s in another one of your classes, one of which you had been paired up for a partner project. Unlike Mika, he doesn’t look like he’s trying too hard. A white short-sleeved band t-shirt complements his black jeans, something you wouldn’t have expected a frat boy like him to wear.
Despite being in the same fraternity/sorority group, Mika and Bakugou could not be more different, and you can’t help but wonder how they ended up together. While Mika is extremely stereotypical and, if you might say, annoying, rude, and a bitch, Bakugou is really nice. That one project had taught you that not every frat boy is a shameless womanizer and prick. Although he’s a definite flirt, he’s always been respectful and acknowledged you as an equal—opposite of what Mika had done to your friends, and now you.
“I’m so sorry,” you say hastily.
“Don’t min-” Bakugou starts, but he’s cut off by Mika.
“You better be sorry!” she all but screeches at you. “This is a brand new set of nails. They’re completely ruined. You better repay me for this. It cost 10,000 yen, you know that? Can you even fucking afford that”
“Look, I’m sorry I did that, but I don’t know if I can repay tha-” you start. The look she gives you is incredulous as she snarls before interrupting you.
“I actually can’t believe you. You must be a dumb slut dying for Bakugou’s attention. Imagine sabotaging me just because he chose to be with me! And you’re so poor you can’t even afford to fix your mess… Ridiculous,” she huffs, pressing a pointy finger into your chest and probably expecting you to bow down and beg for forgiveness.
You try to apologize, but Bakugou steps in before you can say anything.
“Mika, who cares,” he sighs. He looks at you with a silent ‘I can’t deal with this face.’
The silence that follows feels like an eternity, but it really only elapses the half second before her hand makes contact with Bakugou’s face.
The sound from the slap resounds in the small hallway. You stare wide-eyed at the growing red spot with matching nail marks on Bakugou’s face.
“You should fucking care. We’ve been together for, like, a month already, and you still won’t stand up for me?! I’m done, don’t call me,” she seethes before pointing at you. “And you, you better hope we never see each other again.”
After that, Mika storms off in a fit of rage and disappears into the crowd.
“Dating on and off for a month, and she pulls that. Psychotic bitch,” he mutters before turning to you. “Hey, Sorry, I didn’t know you were coming, you should’ve told me.”
“I’m so sorry, for all of that. I’ll just get going and pretend I never saw that.” You turn on your heel to dash out, but a hand grips your shoulder and turns you around.
“No need to apologize, she gets crazy when she’s drunk, and I was planning on breaking up with her,” he shrugs. “Anyway, I’m just gonna head upstairs and shower this stuff off. You can come up too, if you want, Y/N.”
You raise a brow at his suggestion. “You want me to come shower with you?”
A look of confusion and surprise crosses his sharp features before a smirk breaks out. “There are multiple bathrooms up there, but you know, if they’re all taken, you can always join me.” He sends you the stupidest wink that still sends your stomach into frenzy.
“You bounce back too quickly,” you groan. “Whatever, I’m coming up, but not with you.”
Bakugou reverts to his uncaring self and has you follow him. You follow Bakugou, slowly making your way up the rickety house stairs. When you make it around the corner, Bakugou points you in the direction of an ensuite washroom, and disappears into the room across from you. “Just take a folded towel, and I’ll deal with it. If you need anything, just come and get me.”
In the quiet of the bedroom, you lock the door and undress. You make your way into the connected bathroom and strip down in the low light. The shower has terrible pressure and doesn’t heat up, but it does the job of cleansing the sticky punch off your skin.
You finish your shower within five minutes and step out to grab a towel. It’s surprisingly clean, but the pile of your clothes on the counter are still dripping with liquid. That means you’ll either have to walk around in a towel for the rest of the night or muster up the courage to ask Bakugou for some clothes.
You opt for the second option, seeing as you won’t have to walk through a drunken frat house in a towel that barely covers your “good bits.” So, you head back to the door where Bakugou was, rolling your clothes into a ball and tucking them under your arm. When you get there, the door is still closed, as you expected, but there is no sound of running water coming from the room.
“Bakugou, sorry, I need some extra clothes,” you say after knocking on the door.
As if it isn’t embarrassing enough, Bakugou takes his sweet time getting to the door. When it finally opens, he stares at you, his eyes unashamedly trailing up and down your body. He, similarly to you, looks to have just gotten out of the shower. Water droplets fall from his hair and fall down his hardened chest, which he doesn’t bother to clothe. The only thing keeping his from being stark naked in front of you is the towel sitting low on his hips, low enough that you can see his v-line drifting below.
“Clothes?” he asks after an awkward pause, and you flush.
“Yeah, anything will do, I just need it to get home in them,” you reply.
“Alright, come in.” He beckons you with his hand to follow him.
The first thing you notice when you enter is that his room is far different from the other one. While the first bedroom, whose you can only assume is his frat brother’s, is standard for a male college student—clothes strewn everywhere, an only half-made bed, and suspicious posters. Bakugou’s room is the opposite, the bed made, shelves tidy, and everything in order.
Bakugou coughs and breaks you out of the spell you’re under. He’s holding out a crumpled plastic bag, with some grocery store logo on it. “Here, for your wet clothes.”
You quickly snatch the bag and stuff your clothes into it. As you struggle to fit them inside, the towel hugging your body slips from its hold and drops below your nipples. From your peripheral vision, Bakugou freezes ever so slightly, and you hear an awfully loud swallow.
As soon as you notice him, however, he averts his eyes and pretends he had been looking for clothes the whole time. The outfit he chooses for you isn’t half bad, a hoodie and drawstring sweatpants, but they look so big they could drown you.
You take the two garments from him, accidentally brushing fingers in the process. He pulls away from you and heads back towards his ensuite bathroom. “Don’t worry, I’ll be in here. I won’t peek. You can get changed in the bedroom.”
With that, he closes the door and cements a divide between the two of you. Quickly, you change into the clothes he gave you, having to roll up the cuffs on them multiple times. You look like a blob of fabric, but it’ll have to do. Hopefully Bakugou won’t notice that you’re not wearing your bra and panties.
Knocking on the bathroom door, you meet face to face with Bakugou one last time. He’s fully clothed now and gives you a smile.
“Looks like it fits,” he says sarcastically.
“For sure,” you joke, flattening out the garments awkwardly. “I’m planning on heading out now, by the way. I think I’ll just catch an Uber, I’m pretty sober now, and my friends will probably be here for a while longer.”
“Don’t take an Uber,” he replies suddenly.
Rubbing the back of his neck, he corrects himself. “I mean, it’s not safe to take one right now. Let me drive you, I didn't drink tonight.”
“No way!” you retort. “I couldn’t bother you with that. I’ll be fine, anyway.”
However, Bakugou, being his stubborn self, does not relent until you agree to let him drive you all the way back to your dorms, only a stupid 30 minutes away.
Normally, you wouldn’t risk going with someone in his frat, but you have enough trust in Bakugou to keep civil. So, after a moment of contemplation, you accept his offer and follow him to the adjacent parking lot. Multiple people stare as you walk past them, but you pay them no mind, seeing as you’re practically unrecognizable in your new outfit.
“Yo, Bakubro, good for you!” a redhead yells from the doorway as you leave, whooping in a supportive, you suppose, manner.
“Ah, shut up, don’t spread any rumours, Shittyhair.” Bakugou groans, but you don’t miss the way his ears turn pink.
You’ll have to forget about that, though, because the lights of a black Jeep Wrangler flash on, and Bakugou escorts you to the passenger seat.
“I didn’t know you were this much of a gentleman, Bakugou,” you giggle in an embarrassingly girly way.
“I’m always a gentleman.” He winks and walks around to his side of the vehicle, leaving you feeling hot in the face.
He swings into the passenger seat, and puts the car in motion. You can’t help but notice the way his arms grip the steering wheel, the veins from his strong hands trailing up his forearms in a way that makes you unconsciously bite your lip.
“Put the address into the GPS,” Bakugou interrupts, and you notice his eyes force themselves away from your lips.
You deny whatever you just saw and punch your address into the screen. The machine takes only a second to bring up the route home, which, at this late hour, will actually only take 15 minutes.
After pulling out of the lot, Bakugou heads down the street following the indicated yellow line. He drives smoothly and professionally, as you expected he would. He maneuvers the car with expertise, and you can’t help but think he’s showing off when he steers with an open palm and an arm on the back of your seat.
For most of the ride, you guys are silent. Other than the faint whirring of the air conditioner, the only sounds to be heard are made by you and Bakugou. His by his slow, peaceful breathing, and yours by the beating of your heart—something which betrays you by getting louder and faster with every minute.
Luckily for you, the drive is soon over and Bakugou’s car is parked right outside of your dorm building. For the most part, the lot is empty, and the lights from the windows are off. It makes sense, most people in your extremely small building are out partying at 9 o’clock on a Friday, and the homebodies you’d normally associate with are already in bed.
Your specific block seems to be completely dark, seeing as you left your friends behind at that party… Whoops. It’s no matter, however, you’ll just be the first one in your complex to get back.
You unclick the belt from your waist, moving up on the seat to grab your things off the floor.
“This is you, right?” Bakugou questions.
“Yep! Thank you so much for driving me. I’ll text you later so you can have your clothes back.” You smile at him and go to open the door, but he lightly pulls you back.
“Wait. Y/N, you can keep them, actually. ” He chuckles, but it has an awkward tone to it. “You look better in them than I do”
Wait, what?
You always thought Bakugou was just flirty by nature, which to some extent he is, but you could see it now. Whatever you two had going on was certainly out of the ordinary. From what you could tell, Bakugou wasn’t half as teasing towards Mika as he was to you.
Ever since that one project, he had always made it a priority to sit next to you in class. You had assumed he was there for your notes, not that you minded, but could it actually have been for another reason altogether?
“Well, I would bet you look pretty good in these too, not that you don’t always look good,” you giggle, testing out the waters.
Bakugou’s eyes widen in surprise and soften under the pale light of his car. You stare at him fondly, accidentally letting your eyes flicker to his lips.
“Y/N, I-“ he starts but can’t seem to find the right words.
“I know you just broke up—literally tonight, but, Bakugou, gosh, I really want to kiss you right now,” you speak for him.
Maybe that punch was more potent than you thought. Good thing Bakugou drove you all the way here…
Instead of replying, Bakugou places a tender hand on your cheek and pulls you in. Soft lips meet your own, and you smile. You move to his lap where the seat has suddenly been rolled back.
Ah, it’s his frat boy car seat trick.
Your kisses continue slowly, and you can tell Bakugou wants to deepen the kiss when his tongue brushes against your lips. Upon first contact, you freeze in place. Before this you’d only ever been with one guy, one that you hadn’t even gone far with. In the moment now, you can only hope and pray that he won’t notice your inexperience.
However, you completely forget whatever worry you had when Bakugou starts to go into your mouth. His large hands pull you flush against his body, grabbing at the flesh right above your ass.
When you finally pull back, Bakugou’s eyes are blown wide, and he looks lost to lust. The lips that had previously been on yours now have a cute pout, having puffed up from your kisses.
Bakugou’s lips move down and pepper chaste kisses along your jawline. Even with his light and seemingly innocent pecks, you’re still softly moaning under his hold.
Bakugou switches focus to your neck, licking and sucking a hickey into your skin. After nipping at you for a while, Bakugou lifts off of you, and you can tell with his smirk that he left a massive bruise blooming on your skin.
“Bakugou, let me touch you,” you whisper as he moves to kiss the other side of your neck.
“Call me Katsuki… Please. “ He groans when you slightly grind against his groin.
You shift down on your hips and look down to see a thick boner growing in his pants. Curiously, you press it softly with your fingers and give it a light squeeze.
Katsuki looks down at you, his face quickly turning red. Silently, you reach into his pants, looking at his gorgeous ruby eyes for any sign of contestment. Katsuki stays quiet but gives you a small nod in approval.
Finally, you get to the moment you’ve been waiting for. You press your fingers under the waistband of his boxers, sliding your hand across the top of his cock. Then, with one movement, you free him from his confines, and his dick stands proudly in front of you.
Any expectations or preconceived notions about what Katsuki was packing were shattered. Painfully hard and dripping tiny amounts of precum, his cock is a beauty. The dark pink tip invites you in, begging you to give it one moment of reprieve.
When you nervously stroke the shaft, Katsuki’s reaction is instantaneous, his hips lurching up against yours.
“Fuck, keep going,” he hisses, his breath already laboured.
With more confidence you wrap your fingers around him and give his cock a few quick pumps. Your sudden change in tempo makes Bakugou’s cock twitch in your hold and release a bead of white precum. You remove your hand, and Katsuki’s eyes meet yours with a pleading look.
Carefully, you push your thumb against the slit of his dick and lubricate him with his own pre-cum. As you swirl the substance around the head, Katsuki buries his face in your shoulder.
“Oh my God, I’m about to cum,” he gasps. “Fuck, it’s like I’m a virgin again.”
Bakugou’s chest heaves as you work him to his high. With every light touch or squeeze of his dick you make, it twitches and throbs in reply. You decide to help him finish, doing the same fast strokes that make him groan lewdly in your ear.
Then, all of a sudden, Bakugou reaches out and stops your hand in the middle of its movements. You eye him, confused. “You into edging or something?”
“Not quite, I wanna get you off, too.” He surprisingly lets out a hearty laugh.
“Sit up, baby,.” You follow his instructions and he picks you up with ease.
Katsuki flips you over so you’re no longer sitting on top of him, rather lying caged underneath him. His body is so close to yours that you can’t look down to see what’s happening when you feel his hands moving against your clothed pussy.
“May I?” he asks, tugging at the edge of your panties.
“Still such a gentleman,” you giggle embarrassingly.
“Breaking the frat boy stereotypes as we go, I suppose.” He laughs with you, before turning his attention back to your body.
His adept fingers pull your soaked panties to the side, revealing your equally glistening cunt. Katsuki nimbly dips his fingers in your wetness with a soft hum.
“So wet, baby,” he grins, and you blush in embarrassment.
Bakugou skillfully captures your attention by pressing the pad of his thumb against your aching sex, as if to test the waters. When he hears your soft moan in response, he takes it as an invitation to keep going.
Slowly, Katsuki’s thumb plays with your throbbing clit, brushing it in teasing circles. A whine escapes your mouth, and he chuckles upon hearing it, knowing how needy you feel. “You want my fingers inside of you?”
You gasp out a ‘yes,’ and his fingers are immediately prodding at your entrance. Then, you feel the stretch your hole makes to accommodate his intruding finger. Although you’re not used to such a feeling, you easily adapt to the length of his digit, which pleasantly curls into your depths.
Bakugou starts fingering in and out of you, and the pleasure increases. Previously soft moans and whines turn into cries against his shoulder. Despite your embarrassment of being oversensitive, the flush on Bakugou’s face proves he’s just as affected, without you even touching him.
As Katsuki continues to slip inside your wetness, you feel the pressure building in your stomach, much differently than it ever has before. One more finger squeezes into your tight cunt and presses against your pleasure spot. You cry out, and his hands continue to brush against that sensitive place.
“Fuck, that feels good, please don’t stop,” you babble mindlessly, barely even registering Bakugou’s reply of, “Course not. Wouldn’t dream of it.’
To your blissed out surprise, the pleasure gets stronger. The sensation on your clit returns, and your body uncontrollably arches into Bakugou’s above you. With every calculated movement against your bundle of nerves, you’re worked closer to orgasm.
Then, all of a sudden, the angle of the thrusting fingers changes. Bakugou changes his position to be closer to you, somehow managing to reach further than before. With every new touch to your g-spot and clit, you feel yourself being pushed to your high.
In turn, you grasp a hold of Katsuki’s twitching cock. His hiss in reply shows you just how sensitive he is from before. Your hand moves up and down, matching the quick strokes of his fingers. Just as quickly as he had gotten you to the peak of your orgasm, his body convulses, signaling his is soon to come, as well.
Your moans crescendo and bounce off the walls of the car, and Bakugou can't help but be spurred on by them. The speed of his hand gets faster, still very much calculated in its movements, your hole fluttering around his digits.
After swiping your thumb across his leaking tip, Bakugou’s body seems even more sensitive, if it’s even possible. His cock violently throbs in your hand, begging to spill its seed. You oblige its wishes and continue your pumps up and down his hard length.
You can feel yourself almost cumming, on the brink of losing your mind. Similarly, Katsuki’s body, his higher-pitched moans, twitching shaft, and milky tip, tell you he’s extremely close.
Then, taking you by surprise, Bakugou cuts off your moans with a hot kiss. Immediately after you make contact, his tongue sweeps against yours in a passionate dance.
“I’m gonna cum!” Your voice gets muffled by the tongue pressing against your own.
The addition his mouth was to your pleasure plunges you right into orgasm. Your body convulses, pussy tightening uncontrollably, and you wail into his mouth. Anything you had ever expected of sex is automatically blown to bits when this atomic force hits you.
You feel your eyesight black out, as if you’ve been hit by a truck. You subconsciously grip harder around Katsuki’s dick, causing his orgasm to come shooting out of him. Long strings of his pearly cum cover the palm of your hand, his cock still moving to let out the last bits of his seed.
The bliss that follows is calming. Bakugou finally pulls out of you, his face coming off of yours to reveal his dazed eyes and flushed cheeks.
You doubt you look appealing, but Bakugou looks at you sweetly and more kindly than you can assume he does with anyone else.
“You did so well, baby,” he whispers to you after leaning down to your level.
You give him a quick peck on the cheek and slowly untangle your limbs from his. Bakugou helps you up and grabs your (borrowed) clothes that had previously been strewn across the other seats.
After dressing yourself and saying a quick goodbye to Bakugou, you slip out of his car and head back into your dorms.
You smile to yourself as you lay in bed alone. On your bedside table you notice you’ve received a new notification, a message from an unknown number. What you see makes you smile and blush.
‘That was such a great night, let’s do it again sometime. - Bakugou’
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a/n: hi guys. i’m back for the holidays and i hope to put out part two soon (let’s be honest, i never write things on time). i tried writing something more plot heavy… hope you enjoyed🫶 also, sorry for the edging joke. i think i’m funny.
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Random Astrology Observations
Moon in the 1h is often talked about like 🥺🥺wears their heart on their sleeve🥹🥹uwu softie way but tbh Moon in 1h can make someone incredibly manipulative, they know just what to say and when to say it and know how to work their audience, this is perhaps why this placement is found in the charts of soooo many successful actors. ex: Leonardo DiCaprio, Audrey Hepburn, Henry Cavill, Charlie Chaplin, Priyanka Chopra, Antonio Banderas, Brendan Fraser, Benicio Del Toro, Jared Padelecki, Val Kilmer, Adrien Brody etc
I think this is a very manipulative placement, again manipulation is not in and of itself a bad thing, its what we use it for that matters. Some people completely lack the ability to manipulate at all (they don't have Moon influence)
2. Debilitated placements point to unconventional intelligence & wisdom in that area. I feel like they've cracked the code . They struggle a lot but when they triumph it's magic
3. I've mentioned this in other posts but many notorious sex offenders have Venus influence. Actions of this sort, as well as criticizing others' beauty, not taking care of yourself/surroundings, being shabby or disorderly in general are all things that harm your Venus. Abusing someone is the quickest way to ruin your Venus, you start corroding and that ugliness begins to manifest on the outside.
Ex: Harvey Weinstein looks like a cartoonish villain
4. As I explore the astrology content put out by others across different platforms, I've seen how the nature of the take themselves are so specific and unique to the person making them. Claire Nakti has a tendency imo to focus heavily on romance, sex and women's sexual behaviour and what sort of men they attract.
Going through her website, it's obvious that she's deeply immersed in occult & esoteric philosophy (all of which ties together with vedic astrology, philosophy, Buddhism etc because I truly believe that spiritual truths are universal and different schools of thought/religion/culture/mythology express these same truths in their own way with a LOT of recurring patterns) and Carl Jung as well.
It's studying Jung that helped me understand that what we see or draw from something is a reflection of who we are. As a beginner to vedic astrology, I initially believed Claire's one dimensional portrayal to be the all encompassing truth of a nakshatra until I started doing my own reading and research.
The things I talk about or the patterns I find are a reflection of me and I get a lot of asks about why I don't do xyz nak and honestly it's not as simple as doing research for an essay for uni, you kind of have to have a gnosis or innate knowing of its themes, something to base your search off of. And different naks call to me at different points. I come across content that describes certain naks in lights i could've never imagined which is to say that gnosis or inner knowing is an important aspect of studying anything esoteric, it kind of has to be revealed to you and what you see, what you can discern is a reflection of you.
5. you have to have a strong Rahu to discern patterns and similarities because Rahu is maya/illusion and a well-placed Rahu will allow you to see through those patterns/illusions. it will be very hard for someone without a strong Rahu to find similarities or common tropes, patterns, themes etc. Seeing through the veil or fog is Rahuvian.
6. Claire Nakti made a video about Venusian men where she said they were the ideal type of man and tbh that just confirmed my suspicion that she's Moon dominant because I think Moon dominant people are attracted to Venusians but in my humble opinion both Venusian men and Moon dominant men are some of the most batshit crazy people (manipulative and controlling at the least, psychopathic at worst) basically men who have a lot of Yin tend to be psychotic
7. I've noticed that Revati people tend to speak in a very verbose way. Nigella Lawson, Revati Moon is a really good example. Obviously other placements will also impact speech
8. Moon dominant people hate it when others share sob stories. They're the type to have the least amount of empathy for others and will either react in a neutral way or like they don't understand why you're saying this stuff at all. They're bored by other people's mundane problems and make it known as well. Not people you want to open up to.
My former friend was this way, I once cried in front of her and she showed zero emotion and didn't even try to comfort me lol
9. The way others treat us is the way we treat others. ik this is a basic take but karma is cause and effect. if you're dismissive of others feelings, other people will be dismissive of yours. what you do is what will be done unto you. Its so crazy to see how people who've been treated like shit by their friends will turn around and treat other people like shit. this is sooo basic but genuinely dont do anything to others that you dont want done to you.
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beetlejuicyy · 6 months
Part 1 • Part 2
Bebe Gang AU
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Pairing: Gang member! Bada x reader
Synopsys: Bada takes you with her to a party. Her mistakes cost your safety as you're kidnapped by Wolf'Lo.
Warnings: none
Notes: im back!!! ive been wondering how to make this story more interesting so i hope you enjoy being kidnapped by chocol? hope you enjoy as always
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“That’s actually not as bad as I expected.” Bada sighed in relief when you came out of the room. She was lying down on your bed, scrolling through her phone while she waited for you to decide on what to wear.
“Do you mean I don’t know how to dress?” You asked. Still, you posed in front of her earning a wide and loving smile.
“No, I mean I thought you’d choose something more…” Bada waved her hand through the air as if searching for the word. “Racy? Is that a word?”
“So you thought I’d be a slut the very first time you actually include me in your mafia activities?” Bada rolled her eyes at you, as you checked your outfit in the mirror again.
“Don’t romanticize that.” She let the phone drop on the mattress as she walked behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and looking at both of your reflections in the mirror. “I just know that I have a gorgeous girlfriend.”
“I can’t kick your ass in laser tag in a cocktail dress after all.” You said.
Your girlfriend had been very spontaneous when she asked if you wanted to go with her to a chill get together at one of the guys’ house that night. They were going to get a special delivery of laser tag guns and it was gonna be fun, she promised. You were almost euphoric when you heard her. Somehow, it felt like Bada was being more serious about your relationship, since she was willing to bring you in the middle of her friends.
You were anxious though. In the back of your mind you couldn’t completely ignore the fact that some of those people were dangerous. Of course, not to you in particular since you were Bada’s plus one. The people she introduced you to were a few sweet girls that, between dancing classes, were buying and selling guns and weapons on the black market. Your girlfriend was the one administrating this whole deal, and it took you a bit of time to wrap your head around the idea that the very dance academy they were working at was basically a money laundering scheme.
When you finally arrived to the place, you were left speechless. Bada grinned as she was undoing her seat belt.
“Am I in a rich people drama?” You mumbled to yourself and she giggled because that had been her reaction too when she came for the first time. Now it was quite obvious that you were at the head of the gang’s house. Because it was more of a mansion. It made sense now, how they could play laser tag at home with that much space. You got out, anxious knowing you were about to meet so many new people. But you were happy because Bada would be next to you at all times.
The moment you got in you noticed how something in her attitude changed. Of course, you thought, around all these people she was something other than the sweet and playful girlfriend. From the moment you saw her outfit, black ripped jeans, a tight crop top, a black and white racer jacket and a black cap, you thought she looked cool. There were times when she would effortlessly look like a model no matter what she put on and your heart fluttered knowing you could call this gorgeous girl yours. But now, in a room full of guys with sleeve tattoos and girls who looked like they could beat those very guys up, Bada had a much more imposing posture and an ever cooler air to her. She greeted a lot of people, high-fived some, said a few jokes here and there as you were making your way to the kitchen. She introduced you to everyone you met on your way but you would forget the names as soon as another person would pop out of nowhere. Some people would play cards at a table, others would do shots or play on the gaming consoles. In a room to the right you saw a ping pong table. You tried your best not to look at them in an inappropriate way, knowing you’ve never been to this kind of big parties with this kind of people before. But, as Bada was pulling you by the hand through the people, you knew you looked like a confused deer in the headlights and it was obvious by the way some people would look at you from head to toe that they knew you were an outsider.
The kitchen was thankfully not as crowded, except for some people who would just come and go occasionally. The chairs around the kitchen table were missing so you looked around awkwardly, not knowing how you should sit or act. Bada crouched down, opening a cabinet and reaching out to grab a can of beer for each of you. It looked like it was a secret place, because she waited for two guys to lesbe the kitchen disappointed they didn’t find any more alcohol in the fridge. You hopped on the table, finding it a decent spot to sit, as she leaned against the counter in front of you. You gulped down the beer, realizing how refreshing it finally felt to lessen the tension in your body.
“Someone was thirsty.” Bada said, looking at you and it seemed that only now when you were sitting on that table she noticed how good those low waist cargo pants were hugging your hips. You noticed her eyes quietly taking their time, resting on your bare shoulders as you were wearing that off the shoulder T-shirt she loved on you.
“It’s your fault for looking like that.” You said and she grinned, coming closer to you. She leaned over you, her hands placed on the table at your sides supporting her weight.
“We just got here.” She said and the visor of her cap pushed against your forehead playfully.
“Are we interrupting something?” Lusher asked, obviously knowing the answer already. Bada pulled back and fixed the cap on her head with both hands and you looked the other way in embarrassment. The girls giggled and Bada leaned against the counter just like before, folding her arms in an awkward gesture. She was always close to her girls, you knew that much, but she would always get shy when they would see her crossing the intimacy boundaries with you.
As Lusher, Tatter and Sowoen walked into the kitchen you noticed they were wearing the same jacket as your girlfriend. They really looked like a gang from the movies now. They chatted with you for a while, making sure you felt comfortable and spilling some tea on the people around. You also found out from them that Minah, CheChe and Kyma were on their way to bring the main attraction of the night, the laser tag guns. It was on Bada’s orders, Tatter said, because she trusted them enough to let them deliver some real guns to another gang in the area on their own. They must have already finished the exchange and should have been on their way with the toy guns for the party. You looked at your girlfriend who was rather silent, enjoying to simply watch over her girls chatting. Bada was a very good leader for them, you thought.
Dragged by Sowoen, all of you went to play some games. She was very excited because, apparently, it was her first time at this kind of party too, although she was more laidback and carefree than you since she was familiar with most of the people. It was impressive to see how every time you got close to some group people would greet Bada first and immediately offer to make room for you or simply give up the game for your sake. It happened with Xbox, twice with ping pong and some guys rushed to bring more chairs for you around the table where they were playing cards, even if you were just watching. Lusher winked at you playfully almost like saying I-told-you-so without words. You’ll see how popular Bada unnie is. She had told you in the kitchen. More than popular, you were amazed by how respected she was. She would only decline the favors once, in a very cheerful tone, mostly because that was the polite way. However, they would insist and she would always find a place for you first, then sit right next to you. Now she was playing cards with a few guys and you were quietly sitting next to her.
Outside, you could see a group of people smoking something thicker than the usual cigarettes and you guessed it was cigars. Tatter had told you there was no reason to feel out of place here, after all a lot of people were coming with their plus one. Looking around, you noticed a few couples getting a bit too touchy. You saw two girls hurrying up the stairs holding hands to what you assumed would be a bedroom.
“I’ll go take some air.” You leaned to whisper in her Bada’s ear and she only nodded, looking very concentrated on the cards in her hands.
“I’ll finish here and I’ll come too.” She replied.
The night air was cold but refreshing after spending so much time around so many people. It was almost midnight when you checked the time on your phone and decided to stay on the terrace where those guys had smoked before leaving. You could see Bada through the window, although she didn’t know you were watching her. You saw Lusher walk towards one of the guys and grab him by the hand, cards falling from his sleeve. Your girlfriend slammed her cards against the table laughing. She took her cap off her head and brushed her fingers through her hair, a habit of hers that you found very sexy. As grateful as you were that she brought you there with her, you really wanted to go home and get laid. Or maybe there was an empty room for the two of you right there.
At some point you heard the engine of a car, then you saw Bada stand up and joyfully greet someone you couldn’t see. Now she wasn’t in your view anymore but you guessed that Minah, CheChe and Kyma were finally joining the party with the long awaited laser tag guns. The music was still loud and you had no idea what was happening but you knew your girlfriend would come for you when she was done, as she promised. Besides, it was such a pretty night and you rarely got to be outside this late.
“The party’s inside.” You heard an unfamiliar voice and realized you’ve been too lost looking at the stars. At an arm’s length away from you was a woman with orange toned hair and brown eyes piercing through yours.
“I was… taking some fresh air.” You said, startled. It was almost terrifying to you that she could get so close without you noticing.
“You’re not from here, are you now?” She asked, a grin curling at the side of her lips. She took one hand out of her pants’ pocket in a greeting gesture, closing in the distance between the two of you. “I’m Chocol.” Her voice was low and relaxed and for a moment you thought that you shouldn’t be talking to people without Bada around.
“I’m y/n.” Pressured by the social expectations or simply by Chocol’s persuasive look you took her hand and answered appropriately.
“You really are not from here.” She repeated, making your heart beat faster. You felt threatened for some reason, although her voice was gentle and she never showed any intention of harming you. From her reaction, you could tell that your choice to take her hand and introduce yourself was the wrong one.
“I haven’t seen you around either.” You said, although it didn’t mean much. She let go of your hand.
“There’s a lot of people here tonight.” She shrugged off your comment and you couldn’t argue. “Let me guess. You’re… someone’s plus one?” Chocol asked. A part of you wanted to run back inside. But she gave you no reason to – besides her pressuring stare as if trying to read your mind.
“Yeah I’m here with Bada.” It seemed like the safest thing to do in that moment. You had just witnessed how respected your girlfriend was amongst all those people. Dropping her name would be your easy way to get rid of this uncomfortable situation.
“Really?” She grinned. She was quite good looking, you thought. Your instincts were telling you something was off but if you thought about it she had done nothing wrong. Maybe you were exaggerating. “You should stick around her then.”
You only nodded in agreement, hoping the conversation would end here. Maybe you would both go inside. The music volume inside the house lowered all of a sudden. You found it odd.
“Who knows what alpha males started fighting now.” Chocol yawned, noticing you looked worried. “I wouldn’t go inside.” She said, as if she could read your mind. She seemed to know a lot of things, after all it was obvious she was part of this world.
But she also told you to stick around your girlfriend. You pondered on those words for a moment. It had been a while since you were out and Bada said she would be coming for you but she hadn’t. Now it looked like something was going on inside and maybe that was keeping her busy. You decided to look for her.
Just when you were taking your first step towards the door, you felt Chocol’s hand grab you by the wrist. The sound of a familiar hip hop song was gradually getting closer and louder as a car passed the front gates. Before you could react, Chocol had both your hands behind your back and a hand over your mouth so you couldn’t let out a sound.
“Sorry babe. You’re just collateral damage.” She said and, as your back pressed against her body, you felt the rough edges of the gun she had under her jacked.
Bada was growing bored with the game. Maybe it was more rewarding to have you by her side as she flexed her popularity and skills because ever since you went outside she wasn’t really into it anymore. Lusher noticed it and did her a favor by pointing out the obviously cheating player and everyone dropped their cards. A few words about the situation were exchanged and then she could finally join you. By the time she was ready to excuse herself, three girls came in, followed by two guys carrying a large and seemingly heavy container. People got excited, the main attraction of the night was finally here.
On her way to you, Bada decided to welcome her girls and congratulate them for their first independent deal. She was always with them, guiding and protecting especially the younger ones, but it was time to put her trust in them, although some unfriendly voices had told her it was too early. Minah was experienced enough, she argued, to take CheChe and Kyma and seal a simple deal. After all, the biggest advantage Bada’s girls had was that, looking at them, no one would think they were smuggling guns. On many occasions their innocent faces and charms fooled the police and mafia alike.
“Look who’s here!” Bada’s excited voice covered the noise as she opened her arms to welcome the three girls in a warm hug. She was proud of them and they started talking over each other about who they met, how everything went and how scary Minah looked when she was serious. They laughed together as the guys put the container on the floor with a loud thud and opened it. “What’s wrong?” Bada asked as the murmur of people grew quiet and the mood seemed to change around them.
“These are not laser tag guns.” One of the guys said. Stepping closer towards the box to see with her own eyes, she felt her heart stop for a moment, realizing what was going on.
“Girls?” She asked hesitantly but they were already next to her, wide eyes looking down at the container full of pistols. “What are these?” She asked, in a scolding tone. However, it was obvious that more than mad she was growing worried.
“It’s… the delivery for Wolf’Lo.” Minah said in a low voice.
“And what did you deliver?”
“If the real guns are here…” CheChe muttered but the pressure of everyone watching, witnessing a mistake like this was too pressuring to let her finish the sentence.
“Didn’t you open the container in front of them? Who picked them up?” Bada inquired. She had thought that it was an easy task, they never had issues with the girls from Wolf’Lo and besides she was friends with Yeni Cho, who assured her she would pick up the delivery. Everything was supposed to go smoothly, it should have been an opportunity for her youngest members to gain confidence and experience on their own.
“Yeni Cho said it’s not necessary… That she trusts us.” Minah answered.
“You’re supposed to do it no matter what.” Bada said between clenched teeth. “You just sold toy guns to one of the biggest and oldest mafia network in the country.” She knew she had to do some damage control. Give some calls, assure people it was a genuine mistake. Although, in this world, people rarely cared. She only prayed that Yeni had the sense to check the guns before taking them to her team. The music coming from the speakers was long paused. As she was pondering in silence on what was the best approach in the situation, the growing sound of a hip hop track signaled they had company.
“I’ll handle it.” Bada said when a few friends of hers showed their support, ready to fight if necessary. Things had to be clarified as calmly as possible.
She stormed outside the house with more people following behind, the sound of charging guns clicking alongside their steps. Bada was grateful that you were not there at the moment, you were safer this way.
A black SUV pulled up right in front of the house. It was indeed the source of the loud classic hip hop song that stopped once the engine of the car stopped as well. Bada’s fists clenched as three people got out of the car and walked towards them in an almost insultingly relaxed manner.
“Bada Lee, now you have the decency to show up.” The woman walking at the front said in a cocky tone. She had short bleached blonde hair and an annoyed grin. Behind her, a girl with brown hair and gentle features was standing awkwardly, a totally opposite attitude.
“You know it was a genuine mistake, Halo.” Bada said with a calm and conciliatory tone. Halo only clicked her tongue in disapproval. “Yeni, tell her.” She pleaded. The brown haired girl kept looking down at the ground, gulping in guilt.
“Where there’s respect there’s no room for mistakes.” The third person said, a tall lanky even more threatening woman than Halo although she was half a step behind her.
“Tell her, Yeni.” Halo said mockingly. “Isn’t Baby Sleek right? Where’s the respect?”
They were just three women in front of tens of people with Bada in the front but, besides Yeni, the other two didn’t seem scared or intimidated. On the contrary, the power dynamic was the opposite of their numbers, judging by their attitude.
“We have your guns. We can give them to you right away. This misunderstanding can be settled.” Bada tried not to let herself be intimidated. Underneath the visor of her cap her eyes were piercing directly into Halo’s eyes. The more you showed them your fears, the easier they won. That was the first lesson she learned on the streets.
“And how do you settle the moral damage this misunderstanding has brought on us?” Baby Sleek asked back. Halo only nodded in approval.
“You must know that it is a very humiliating gesture. You sent your kids to meet our people and didn’t even bother showing up. Are we that irrelevant to you, Bada?” Halo continued.
“No.” Bada had no choice but to play by their rules. “What’s your price?”
“Three times as many guns. And our money back.”
“That’s ridiculous.” Yeni muttered behind Halo. She had been silent all that time. A part of the fault was hers, she knew, but Halo would never admit that in front of outsiders.
“It is a bit unreasonable for our part.” Bada replied.
“We take what’s ours, even if you give it or not. Although, for the sake of our future business partnerships, it would be nice of you to comply.” Halo was close to mocking her now. Bada felt like her blood was about to explode in her veins. How was she supposed to find that many guns and cover their expenses?
“Halo, please.” She asked again, with a stern tone. “You know it can’t be done.”
“Not even for the sake of your pretty girl?” Another voice ringed in everyone’s ears. Turning to the side, Bada’s eyes widened and all her tough act vanished. There you were, with a gun to your head, a woman taller than you keeping your hands behind your back roughly. You looked terrified, you could hardly breathe, and when your eyes finally met hers tears started rolling down your cheeks.
“Let her go!” Bada yelled, taking a few steps in Chocol’s direction. In a instant, the gun at your head clicked, ready to shoot at the next pull. All the people behind Bada took out their guns and pointed them towards Chocol, and you, or towards the other three women. Halo only laughed, her posture still very much relaxed even with all those guns pointed at her. “Drop the guns, idiots!” Bada’s voice was loud and angry and desperate as she gestured to her friends without taking her eyes off you.
“Good choice.” Chocol said. She pushed you forward, forcing you to walk towards Halo and the others, passing unnecessarily close to Bada in your way. “Don’t worry.” The red haired woman said winking at your girlfriend. “I know how to treat pretty girls.”
It was impossible for her to stand still. Her fists ached for violence and she wouldn’t stop until you were safe back in her arms. But she didn’t have that luxury now. Tatter and Lusher had to forcefully hold her back for your sake, as Chocol pushed you to walk towards the car. Halo walked up to Bada until they were inches apart. Although she was significantly taller than Halo, the shorter woman was dominating as Bada kept on fighting to free herself from her friends’ grip.
“You have until dawn.” Halo said. “Three times the amount of guns and the money back in exchange for your little bitch. Let’s see how much you care about her.”
With that she turned around and walked back to the car, getting in the driver seat. Bada watched as the car got smaller and smaller as it drove off, and she fell to the ground when Lusher and Tatter finally let her go. She was crying and hitting her bare fists on the asphalt, as the mass of people behind her had already started making calls at midnight trying to find the amount of guns necessary until dawn.
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little-cereal-draws · 4 months
If Ghosts had a more mature rating and was able to do more creepy ghost powers/death side effects:
Pat, Humphrey, and Thomas are eternally bleeding. Their clothes are wet, their hand gets wet from touching it, they'll leave trails of blood down the hall, etc. The blood on their hand or the floor disappears pretty quickly as their ghost powers make them reset but their clothes are always soaked
Thomas's whole stomach and the top of his pants are bloodstained. Pat's is all located on his shoulders/necktie and has the most obvious stains due to the color difference of his clothes. There are a few drops here and there down his sleeves and chest. It's pretty heavy because of the major arteries the neck that would've been punctured. Humphrey's is by fair the heaviest and is all over the front of his torso. Like the whole thing. When he died he fell face down into the growing puddle of blood that would've been pooling from his stump
Fanny can turn her head frighteningly far. There's a sick crunching sound that happens when she does this and it always sends shivers down Alison's spine even after years of hearing it. The other ghosts have joked and compared Fanny to an owl because of this and she chews them out every time
Pat coughs a lot because he's got blood stuck in his throat. He'll randomly have a huge coughing fit, cough a bunch of blood into his hand and then go "Oh no. Anyways..." He also has trouble breathing and has to take breaks to sit down during physical activities like dancing or running. It annoying but not too much of a hindrance to his daily life; it's like having asthma or allergies. The blood can make his voice sound a little weird sometimes too, like he's gurgling smth while he talks. He just clears his throat and keeps going
The plague ghosts vomit up bile every once in a while. It's black, steaming, and putrid but disappears almost instantly
Kitty also throws up when she's excited... which is a lot. She also gets chills, lightheadedness, fevers, and uncontrollable shaking. There's not much the other ghosts or Alison can do to help her besides sitting with her/trying to distract her. She'll lay down and try to breathe through it while Alison reads her a story or the Captain infodumps abt smth or Robin holds her hand. Sometimes she falls asleep, sometimes she doesn't. She's always better after a few hours tho
Fanny gets really bad migraines. Alison's theory is that they're caused by her broken vertebra. Fanny doesn't particularly care why they happen. When they happen, she's in an even worse mood than usual so it's best to steer clear of her. She doesn't have the energy to yell at ppl but will remember the slightest fault and wait until she's better to go on a lecture. Again, there's not much Alison or the other ghosts can do to help besides let her lay down and try to be quiet
Mary and Robin's skin peels off. It's white and flaky and leaves raw red spots underneath. The dead skin disappears once it leaves them but the skin underneath is never healthy and flakes off too
Both Robin and Mary smell like burning flesh but only Mary is detectable by living people. Robin only smells when he uses his powers. It really puts a lot of the ghosts off, especially newer ones
Robin's body also gets affected by his powers in other ways. If it's something small like flickering a light, his hair will stand on end. Something bigger like turning a light on/off or flickering a more powerful light will cause him to spasm. It's usually just his arms and wears off after a minute. Smth really big like redirecting that lightning bolt for Mike will be the equivalent of him actually getting hit w the lightning. His body seizes up, falls over unresponsive and twitching for several minutes, but he's always ok in the end. Alison and the other ghosts get very worried but he walks it off
Julian and the Captain both feel remnants of their heart attacks. Shortness of breath, tingling/numbness in the arms, dizziness, heart palpitations, etc. They both choose to keep it a secret from the others and cover it up but if they're particularly stressed abt smth, they'll start getting chest pains which is harder to cover up. The Captain has excused himself from many social situations to go sit on the floor and try to breathe through the pain and calm his heart. Robin's the only one who knows about Julian's because it happened once while they were hanging out. Logically, they both know they can't die again but it's still scary
Mary likes to sit in the lake because even tho she can't feel it like she would if she was alive, the cold water is soothing on her burns
All the ghosts have days where they just lay abt bc the pain is too much to move. From who does it the most to who does it the least it goes Mary, Humphrey, Pat, Fanny, Thomas, Kitty, Robin, the Captain, Julian
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beansprean · 14 days
"So, how did Guillermo get started as Nandor's familiar?"
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"Nadja and Nadjita Tell It"; my entry for the Rashomon-style AO3 collection "So How Did You Two Meet?"! Check out the other fic and art entries to see the other characters' perspectives!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Wide shot of Nadja and Dolly wearing matching pinkish-red gowns with dark blue sleeves sitting side by side in armchairs in the foyer, stairs twisting up behind them, as they do a talking head. Nadja tosses her hands up and scowls, rolling her eyes, and says 'Guillermo? What was that, 80 years ago? How should I remember?' Dolly has an open pack of crayons tucked into the chair next to her and has a stack of paper as big as her torso in her hands. She scribbles on it with a red crayon and clicks her tongue dismissively, replying, 'I remember everything. Let me show you.' 1b. Tight shot of Dolly's eyes in extreme closeup in the foreground, Nadja waist-up in the background. Nadja turns toward Dolly with a frown, one hand held palm up beside her head, and points out gently, 'But you weren't even there, my sweet little piglet.' Dolly responds, eyes focused on her paper, 'Then tell me if I get anything wrong.' 1c. Medium shot from the front, focused on Dolly as she smiles and turns her paper around to show the camera a clumsy crayon drawing of the vampire mansion. Nadja leans on one arm of her chair and ducks her head to get a closer look. Dolly begins, her speech bubbles turning into gilded scrollwork, 'Once upon a time...' 1d. The panels are now parchment paper with crayon drawings. This one depicts Guillermo, his body made of a single circle with a head on top and stick arms and legs with little circles for hands and feet. There is a big frown on his face, and behind him is a house shape in green with double doors and a P on the front followed by ellipses. Dolly's voiceover continues: '...there was a sad, round little human man with broken eyes who had a job at... uh... P...Pan...' Nadja's speech bubble appears, now in curly pink script: 'I believe it was Panda Bread, agapoula mou.' Dolly: 'Ah, yes! He had the job making breads from the panda milk, one of the most lowly forms of human labor.' 1e. Repeat of the previous drawing, now with a few additions from Nadja with a pink crayon: the building is titled Panda Bread, Guillermo is holding a load of bread and has a tear in his eye, and arrows are pointing toward him reading 'sad' and 'virgin'. 1f. Drawing of Nandor, whose body is made in the same style but shaped like a triangle, kneeling on the ground and weeping loudly. Pink additions: smell lines, a long dick and balls between his legs, and text that reads 'Oh I am so lonely and I smell bad because my last familiar fell off the roof or some shit'. Dolly: 'Meanwhile on the Staten Island, there was also a pathetic, empty-headed buffoon of a vampire who spent every night crying about how lonely and smelly he was.' Nadja: 'That sounds right.' 1g. Dolly: 'And his beautiful housemate, Nadja-' Nadja: 'That sounds very right!' Dolly: '-kicked him in his ass and said 'Get out of here and don't come dragging your balls over this doorstep without a familiar to take care of you!' The page shows a slightly more detailed drawing of Nadja with full lips and long eyelashes and waves of glorious hair in a big fancy dress, arms and legs held straight out. Nandor, still crying, is crouched over in the foreground as one of her heeled feet kicks him in the butt and sends him flying. Pink additions: dick and balls on Nandor and text that reads 'owie my penis', larger boobs, earrings, rings, and fishnet stockings on Nadja and sparkles surrounding her entrance.
2a. A drawing, torn off on the bottom, showing Nandor standing with his arms out and mouth open in an O, hearts in his eyes as he sees Guillermo crouched by a crudely drawn panda with an udder, milking it into a bucket. Pink additions: Nandor's dick standing at attention, surrounded by hearts; Guillermo surrounded by stink lines and hearts. Dolly narrates: 'So the sad vampire went to the Panda Bread and found the delicious virgin. The vampire wanted to eat him immediately! But he had promised Nadja to bring back a familiar.' 2b. A drawing, torn off at the top, showing a series of Guillermos working: holding a loaf of fresh bread, sweeping the floor, and dusting the wall with his back to the viewer. Nandor stands nearby, pointing a finger in the air with a big grin as he gets an idea. Pink additions: stink lines and hearts around Guillermo, buttcheeks on the dusting Guillermo, Nandor's dick pointing straight up. Dolly's voiceover continues: 'And though he noticed that the virgin worked very hard, he smelled much too yummy-scrummy to bring home alive. So the vampire did the only thing he could do...' 2c. Briefly back in reality, a close up of Dolly smiling and holding up a paper with a single crayon drawing showing a naked Guillermo lying on the floor with his mouth wide open and his legs straight up, Nandor crouched between them. Pink additions: buttcheeks on Nandor, tit and a small dick and balls on Guillermo, text reading 'ooh ahh master' and 'i love you human man'. 2d. Drawing torn at the bottom showing Nandor and Guillermo, now dressed, holding hands and smiling in front of Nadja, who towers over them and gives them a thumbs up. Pink additions: hearts surrounding Nandor and Guillermo, limp dicks on them both, a crown, bat wings, rings, sparkles, bigger boobs, and fishnet stockings on Nadja. Dolly narrates: 'Once his cherry was thoroughly popped, the vampire brought his new familiar home for Nadja's approval.' 2e. Dolly's voiceover continues: 'And then she and her husband fucked all night with no weepy loser to interrupt them!' Drawing, torn at the top, of a naked Laszlo laying on his back on the ground smiling with his arms straight up in a cheer. Nadja, also naked, is straddling him backwards with her arms also up. Pink additions: hearts all around them, crowns and rings for them both, chest hair and tits for laszlo, tits and bush for Nadja along with bat wings, a crude interpretation of their genitals entwined, text by Laszlo reading 'i love my wife', text by Nadja reading 'finally i can be the little spoon'. Dolly's narration concludes with a fancy 'The End.' 2f. Back to reality; repeat of the first panel, wide shot of the foyer with Nadja and Dolly sitting beside each other. Dolly is proudly holding up the final drawing with a smile. Nadja grins at the camera, left elbow braced on the chair arm and idly twirling a blunt pink crayon in the air as she declares, 'Yeah, that was pretty much it. No notes.' /end ID
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wileys-russo · 8 months
handyman II l.williamson x reader
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just a cute little ficlet based on this request here. handyman II l.williamson
"-love do you have to stop at every single display room?" leah sighed with a tired smile as you collapsed on yet another sofa you had no intention of buying. "lee it's all a part of the experience! come, sit with me." you patted the brown leather with a beaming grin that leah just couldn't say no to as she wandered over and sat beside you.
"now. imagine this is our home-" you started, gesturing to the made up room around you as leah hummed, watching you with a fond smile. "-that's my desk. i put it by the window so that when i work from home i can see outside and people watch." you started, gesturing for leah to continue.
"okay uhh, that's all our photo albums on the bookshelf there. we spent a weekend together making them, they have all of our trips together, special times in our life, dates, our wedding, our kids first moments and experiences." leah smiled softly as you gave her a look of surprise, the blonde not having mentioned children before with you, let alone so casually.
"we mounted the tv to the wall because the kids kept kicking a ball in the house and knocking it over, because someone lets them do it when im not home to tell them off." you teased, leahs happy grin in return making your heart warm at the thought of one day starting a family with her.
"babe this is really fun and all but if we don't shift it the paint warehouse will close and it's not open again until Tuesday." leah checked the time, patting your knee and standing, pulling you with her.
she kept a close eye on you as the two of you made your way through the rest of ikea, grabbing what you needed as leah subtly removed the random things you threw in that she knew you didn't, holding your hand and gently tugging you away as you continued to try and stop at every single room.
"no i think it's that one." you disagreed with your blonde lover who sighed, her patience wearing thin as she paused to calm herself. "it's that one baby, look at the label and the numbers-" she showed you the tag on her phone.
"no because thats a nine, and thats a six!" you argued with her, leah pinching the bridge of her nose. "fine! we'll get the one you want and when it's wrong you can return it on monday while i'm at training." leah decided, her thin veil of tolerance breaking.
you wanted to tell her off for the snide comment, but found yourself far too distracted by her muscles as she grabbed the last flat pack you needed and slid it onto the trolley, opting to roll her sleeves up to her shoulders earlier in the day.
leah impatiently turned around to tell you to hurry up as she wheeled off the trolley and noticed you weren't by her side, but seeing the way your eyes had lightly glazed over and were fixated on her arms a small smirk made its way to her face.
"when you're done drooling over me baby girl i think there's a mop a few aisles back to clean it up." leah teased, snapping you out of it as you hurried to catch up with her, punching her lightly as she stole a kiss, bad mood melted away.
that didn't last very long though.
"babe oh my god just read the instructions!" you groaned, dragging your hand down your face as your girlfriend shook her head stubbornly. "i don't need them, i'm telling you its missing a piece!" leah crossed her arms over her chest, glaring down at the half built coffee table.
"you're so fucking stubborn leah honestly." you grumbled to yourself, snatching the instructions off the floor where she'd tossed them aside, the comment not lost on your girlfriends ears who scowled at you over her shoulder.
"my god leah." you inhaled sharply, squeezing your eyes shut after they'd scanned the paper in your hands. "what?" she huffed, scowl still built into her features. "you've put the fucking top on the wrong way and the base is backwards." you held out the instructions toward her.
"what!" leah scoffed in disbelief, snatching them off of you, face paling as she realised you were correct. "just fix it. i'm going to start putting everything else away in the kitchen." you rolled your eyes, storming out of the room.
leah gave you your space for a few hours, focusing all of her energy into building as much furniture she could, now making sure to actually use the instructions.
the two of you had been bickering relentlessly all weekend over the tiniest of things and though you both knew none of the small tiffs meant anything, those few hours without them were much needed.
the two of you had just bought your very first home together.
you'd lived together for a couple of years, renting and falling even more head over heels for one another. but you'd moved in with leah and as much as she made sure to assure you the place was for both of you, it never quite felt that way.
so with leah extending her arsenal contract for a further three seasons and you running your own business, you'd sat down together and made the decision to buy a place that would be for both of you.
the day you finally got the keys leah carried you bridal style over the threshhold as you smacked her shoulder with a laugh, dropping you down as the two of you ran around the eerily empty house playing tag, giggling like giddy school children.
in typical fashion the very first night you moved in you'd had the absolute bare minimum, the moving truck with the majority of your belongings not due till the next day.
so you'd eaten pizza on the floor and slept in the living room on a cheap blow up mattress, spending the evening playing card games using the pizza boxes as a makeshift table while you watched a movie on leah's laptop.
not the most conventionally convenient first night and with the mattress all but deflating by the time you woke up it was far from the greatest nights sleep, and yet it was perfect.
"hello gorgeous. shall we call it a day?" leah murmured gently, hugging you from behind and softly kissing your neck as you busied yourself unpacking boxes in your bedroom, closing a drawer with a tired sigh and a nod.
"sorry for being cranky." you mumbled into her shoulder, turning around and hugging her properly. "sorry for being so stubborn." leah mumbled into your hair as she placed a kiss there tenderly making you smile.
"we've still not done any groceries!" you groaned in realization of the one errand you'd both neglected to remember today, so busy in your hurrying about from one place to another you realised neither of you had really eaten a proper meal all day.
"well we've got plates and glasses and cutlery now. so even a takeout can be eaten like a proper fancy meal!" leah joked, pecking your lips a few times before letting you go and pulling out her phone, collapsing on the bed.
you curled up into her side, head resting on her shoulder as the two of you browsed your options, leah claiming she didn't mind what you ordered but here she was shooting down almost all your suggestions.
"oh my god leah you choose then!" you laughed, sitting up with a shake of your head as the blonde grabbed the back of your jumper and pulled you back down into her hold. "i don't mind!" the girl assured yet again as you rolled your eyes.
"you say this and yet every single thing i've suggested you can come up with a reason not to order it. so what do you really want love?" your hands grabbed her face gently, thumbs stroking her sharp jawline with an amused smile.
"pizza." leah admitted with a sheepish grin and a pout. "we had pizza two days ago!" you smiled with a shake of your head. "i love pizza and pizza loves me." was all your girlfriend answered with a shrug before attacking your face with kisses, only pulling away to go and order your usual.
"-no a bit more to the left." you hummed, arms crossed as leahs shook, holding up the heavy photo frame which was filled with pictures of the two of you, the thing easily weighed half of her and it was huge.
"baby. with the most peace and love if you don't hurry up and decide where i'm mounting this i am going to shove it up your-" leah started and forced a smile, straining to hold it up as you again directed her to shuffle right then left, then up then down.
"wait stop right there! perfect." you smiled happily with a clap, ignoring her recent comment as leah sighed in relief, placing it carefully down against the wall on the floor as she moved to grab the hooks and nails.
"make sure its straight when you nail it in!" you chatsized, taking a seat on your lounge which had finally arrived, burying your head in your phone. "i'll nail you in a fucking minute." leah mumbled under her breath, you too busy browsing online for some prints for your guest room to hear her.
"baby its crooked." you moaned as leah finally finished, the defenders head slumping against the wall in defeat. "only joking." you grinned, kissing her cheek and smacking her bum as you sauntered past. "i could just...." leah made a strangling motion with her hands behind your back.
"i could hide a body, i've watched enough crime podcasts." the blonde continued under her breath as she packed up her tools. "are you plotting my murder again?" you smiled knowingly, tilting your head as you leaned in the door frame watching her.
"yes i am." leah rolled her eyes, snatching your drink from your hand and chugging it as your jaw dropped. "leah!" you smacked her chest as she sighed happily, handing you back the empty glass and sloppily kissing your cheek in thanks.
"i'd not say no to a sandwich either love." the captain grinned with a wink before disappearing into your bedroom to finish building the side tables she'd started earlier before you demanded her assistance with several other things.
"what am i now then? your little house wife?" you scoffed, following after her, the taller girl smiling cheekily as she swung a hammer around in her hand. "yeah. yeah you are!" leah nodded before squatting down to continue building.
"put a ring on it and maybe we'll talk titles then williamson." you teased, the older girls cheeks flushing red as you smiled and left the room. changing into an old pair of overalls you tied your hair up and grabbed a can of paint, moving into the spare room to continue where you'd left off yesterday.
you'd finished another entire wall by the time leah appeared, having finished the side tables and your tv stand after much swearing and yelling which you'd left her to, not wanting to push her any further despite how easy you knew it would be to wind the blonde up.
"sweets do you know where-" you didn't hear the rest of her sentence, too fixated on the tool belt strapped around her waist, her shorts rolled up and only in her sports bra as of course a heat wave had decided to roll in over the weekend.
"baby? did you hear me?" leah asked somewhat impatiently, tapping her foot and raising an eyebrow as you shook your head wordlessly, eyes roaming her body hungrily. "how do you not know-" leah started though she stopped when she realised what it was which was distracting you.
"now see i wouldn't have pegged you for a girl with a little handyman fantasy." leah smiled cockily, sauntering over as your arms hung limp by your sides. "that makes two of us. but you in a tool belt...baby it's doing things to me." you admitted with a nod of approval.
"would you like me to do things to you my girl?" leah breathed out with a grin, hands grabbing at your hips as her eyes flittered down to lock with yours. no more words needed the taller girl connected your lips.
unlike normal she didn't rush anything, the kiss was slow and sensual and she poured into it every ounce of affection and love she held for you, though as time passed and you seperated momentarily to catch your breath it grew messier.
your head span, feeling as though it was filled with cotton, in a drunken haze off the taste of leahs lips on yours and the way her tongue moved around in your mouth, teeth nipping teasingly at your bottom lip as she suddenly pushed you into the wall causing you to let out a small moan.
however it only took a millisecond before your brain switched back on and you shoved her away, leahs eyebrows creasing into a frown as you gasped, tensing as you felt something wet drip down the back of your neck.
leah opened her mouth to ask what happened but as you took a step forward the blonde swiftly covered her smile with her hand, biting down on her lip with a guilty look sent your way.
for behind you on the still dripping wet wall of paint was now a you sized smudge, the eggshell white now caked in your hair, neck and all down the back of you.
"we could tell people a bird took a shit on you? that's quite good luck!" leah joked, a pause passing between the two of you as your eyes narrowed and she took off, you hastily chasing after her.
you caught her in the kitchen, eyes locked as you circled one another around the island bench in the middle. "now baby really that was your fault." leah shook her head as you scoffed and lunged at her but she easily side stepped you, backing away out of the room as you advanced on her.
"come give me a hug then babe." you smiled, taking further steps toward her as leah looked around for an escape, darting past you and out the back door as you chased after her.
much faster than your girlfriend would ever give you credit for you tackled her onto the grass as she paused to try and evaluate her next steps, landing on top of her with a grin.
"you look a bit pale darling." you teased, grabbing your paintbrush you'd stashed from your back pocket, gently smacking her cheeks with it and painting her face as leah squealed but kept her mouth shut as to not invite any of the paint into it.
you rolled off of her and laid on your back, clutching at your stomach as your laughter echoed around the backyard. though now it was your turn to squeal as leah sat on top of you, wiping her face all over your overalls as you tried to push her off but she swiftly pinned your wrists to the grass.
"no leah its on your lips!" you laughed as the blonde dipped her head to kiss you. "i know!" she scowled playfully, gently kissing both your cheeks and your forehead leaving marks all over your own face.
"shower time?" leah grinned, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively and letting go of your hands as you hit her on the shoulder. "only if you keep the tool belt on." you smirked now making her throw her head back in laughter.
"you know baby i think that can be arranged."
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lavendertales · 4 months
dinner party || Steven Grant x f!reader
summary: after attending the same book club for weeks, you and Steven run into each other at a dinner party and all of your curiosity and tension finally clash together.
word count: 3.8k
A/N: first fic of the year yaay😌 felt like writing something lighthearted so no warnings besides tension, a hot makeout session & Steven being a sweet literature nerd. I'm actually having a very hard time getting into writing & posting lately but I'm working through it. anyway, feedback is always very much appreciated ❤️
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You weren't planning on showing up to this dinner, but according to your friends, "it’ll do you good" to socialize and get out more. While they may have been right about joining the book club to begin with, you don’t want to reveal the real reason why you're attending this event because they’re gonna be all over you, asking incessant questions and badgering you all enthusiastically and frankly, you need some time to process what you're feeling.
What are you feeling exactly?
You're excited about the possibility of seeing Steven again tonight. He’s the big reason why you're going to your book club’s owner’s house for this dinner party in the first place. You can’t help but be attracted to him; that much is clear, blatantly obvious. You are definitely attracted to him. He’s so damn intelligent and curious about things and open-minded and sweet… oh lord, he is so intoxicatingly sweet. And so shy! Steven seemed like the kind of man to wear his heart on his sleeve and that is like a breath of fresh air to you.
And when he mentioned the dinner party happening tonight… you figured it was the perfect excuse to go. It’s not a sin to want to see someone you're attracted to, right?
And it’s been such a long time since you’ve felt this attracted to someone.
Okay, so bottom line is, you're here tonight to show support for the book club, to have some wine and maybe talk to Steven.
You definitely want to talk to Steven. Or at least see him.
He’s got such a sense of humor too. The kind where he doesn't necessarily intend to joke but it comes out funny anyway and it makes you giggle involuntarily. He can make you laugh by saying dry and bad jokes, and when he talks about poetry and interprets it, about history, the way his eyes flicker when he talks about literature in general...
Yeah, one might say you are dangerously attracted to him.
Maybe tonight is a mistake. Maybe you shouldn’t be around him and wine. The combination oozes trouble, and you are not a troublemaker. You are certainly not a reckless person when you drink. You're fun and lighthearted and honest, a little too giggly sometimes, but never reckless. You don't plan on binge drinking, so you should be alright.
Unless your nerves get the best of you and you remain tongue-tied around the sweetness that is Steven Grant.
By the time you soothe you nerves, you are on your second glass of wine, politely engaging with the guests, with Miranda—bless her for starting this book club in the first place—and then you decide to indulge into some appetizers and look around her library. Man, she’s got a huge collection! She has a library in the living room and, from what Miranda herself says, three smaller ones in the three bedrooms.
She says it’s okay to take a look throughout the house—or should you call it a mansion because damn!—and so you look in the first bedroom. You are more interested in the library. The book collection is so damn impressive. She even has first editions of books that would be considered extinct nowadays and you are in absolute awe.
“Oh, hi.”
You turn around so violently you nearly pull a muscle in your neck and spill your drink. There’s Steven, holding his own glass of wine in one of the hands, a boyish grin on his face. You instantly feel your cheeks burn at the sight of him: he’s wearing black suit pants, a turtleneck sweater with the sleeves rolled up and his hair is so curly and luscious it almost makes you sigh.
“Hi,” you finally reply with a flustered smile. “Sorry, I didn’t realize anybody was gonna sneak off to look at books.”
“That’s my idea of a party to be honest.”
You both chuckle, and you can’t take your eyes off him. There’s simply something magnetizing about his presence, about the way he makes you feel just by being around you and that’s dangerous. This has the potential to be a fatal attraction and it’s scaring for all the reasons that it's exciting.
Steven approaches you, although visibly hesitant himself. You clear your throat in an attempt to diffuse your own tension. “But it is a great dinner party though,” you say, avoiding his gaze. “Everyone’s so nice.”
“They are, yeah.”
“The music’s nice too. The food is—“
“Nice too?”
You break into nervous laughter. “I’m babbling. I’m sorry. I tend to do that when I’m nervous.”
“That’s alright. It’s—quite endearing, really.”
Your eyes shoot up at him. Your cheeks burn by this point, and you're fairly certain he can see how red they are, too.
“But why are you nervous?” Steven asks and his voice is so sweet and filled with care that it's impossible to not melt.
“Um… this is not a conversation for a second glass of wine.”
“For a third glass maybe?”
Your eyes widen some more and you find yourself absolutely flabbergasted at the notion that this sweet, intelligent and introverted guy is being flirty right now.
He’s flirting with me.
He’s actually flirting with me.
“Maybe,” you decide to tease against your better judgment. “But I wouldn’t want to ruin my image by binge drinking tonight.”
“I was thinking about getting a third glass myself, so I doubt you’d ruin anything.”
It’s tempting. Too tempting.
You shouldn’t.
But he’s so close to you and he looks and smells so good it impairs your judgment. There is no judgment to be done though. You are feeling needier and more impatient than you have in a long time, and you can barely keep it together.
“If you’re having one, then fine,” you reluctantly agree. “But three is where I have to draw the line.”
Steven giggles. The sound is so youthful and pleasant it’s almost like it tickles your skin.
There’s a moment of hesitation and silence between the two of you as you both acknowledge the fact that you should probably head back downstairs, but you remain locked in some sort of trance looking at the books on the shelves, still nursing on your second glasses of wine and stealing glances at each other. The tension is so thick that you're starting to wonder whether a knife would be able to cut through it.
“Can I confess something to you?” you foolishly ask.
Steven offers a polite smile and a nod right next to you and you feel your heart racing.
“I wasn’t totally sure if I wanted to come tonight,” you muster up the courage to say.
“After what I can assume are a lot of dinner parties over the years, this one probably seems a bit dull.”
“No, it’s—“
You both giggle and exchange a glare that’s filled with yearning. Oh god, the yearning is consuming, devouring from inside out, clawing with unbearable hunger.
“Yeah,” you laugh. “But I’d agree with you in the slightest. It’s just an ordinary dinner party, nothing fancy. And I am all for that. But... I’m glad you’re here tonight.”
Silence. You gulp, afraid to find his eyes this time around.
“I really like—“
No. Stop before you say something you’ll regret and scare him off.
“I really like talking to you,” you smile at him, and you are so relieved to see Steven smile as well. Watching him be so flustered is an absolute delight. “So you’re pretty much the big reason as to why I decided to come tonight. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy the other members of the book club, but it’s just—“
“I was looking forward to seeing you tonight too.”
That shuts you up real quick. Your pulse has skyrocketed, and all you can do now is gaze practically shamelessly at this beautiful man, now in front of you. Your knees weaken, your yearning suppresses all other sentiments, and he is all that you can see. All that you want, the sole reason why you can scarcely think straight at the moment.
 It’s a primal instinct, to want and to have, and to be had.
The more you look at him, breathless, the more you wonder if he feels like that too. He probably thinks in far more decent terms than you do because you can get a bit too dark on the inside to think straight and decent.
“I really enjoyed getting to know you over these past few weeks, to connect on a human level,” Steven continues. “I mean, who you are. And who you are is… really fucking spectacular.”
You haven’t heard him cuss before and you wouldn't have pegged him as the kind of guy who cusses, but it’s definitely doing something to you. Might be him, might be the wine, or it might be a combination of the both. At this point, it's futile to try to understand.
Tonight is shaping up to be quite the evening after all.
“I’m—not,” you smile flustered. “I try, but sometimes I—I go a little dark.”
“That's alright. Everyone does, don't they?"
You scoff. “How are you so open-minded and okay with the idea that someone is telling you upfront, ‘hey, I’m kind of a mess sometimes’? How are you so—so dreamy?”
Steven laughs, scratching his head, and you realize you might’ve made him a bit uncomfortable with your previous remark. But it’s a genuine question because how is he this dreamy?! Can he actually be the ideal man?
All you know is that Steven makes you feel things you haven’t felt since high school, if maybe ever. You haven’t felt anything this intense in years. It might actually rekindle your hope for the male species.
“I wouldn’t call myself that,” he giggles. “A couple of my former dates might disagree with you. I'm not actually a pro at dating."
“Yeah well, an ex might be bitter enough to think that way. But I do think you’re an amazing guy, and… I’m glad you’re here tonight.”
“I’m glad you’re here tonight.”
Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck. The way he says your name right after that sentence, your full first name, with that British accent sprinkled in, oh my God.
You discover, much to your dismay, that you are feeling things you haven’t felt in years. Carnivorous, urgent, tingling and prickling your skin and you're in imminent danger.
“So did you find what you came in here for?” Steven asks all of a sudden and just like that, when your eyes meet, you're a puddle.
Your heart’s thrumming in your ears, pounding away in your chest; so, so loudly you're afraid it might burst out for him to see it too. You haven’t felt this way in a long time, that much has been established; but this just seems incessant and over the top. You barely know him as a regular person and you just wonder… can you be this insanely attracted to someone you barely know?
“I think I did,” you respond eventually, your voice scratchy against your dry throat, like sand on paper. “Except now I’m debating… um… whether I should or should not have it.”
Steven takes a step closer to you, thus indirectly forcing you to look up at him and you swear you feel your knees buckle under the weight of this solitary glare. Then he clears his throat and stares at you, cheeks flushed and all.
“If you really want it, perhaps it means you should have it,” he says. “There should be no hesitation with the things you want.”
“What if—what if I’m not fit to have it? What if I do something to ruin it? Because this thing, it's—it's beautiful and sweet and kind and a lot of the time I'm not. What if when I inevitably hold it in my hands, I'll stain it?”
This would be a great time to claim this is a metaphor about a book on the shelf, but it isn’t. You know it, Steven knows it. There’s no need to pretend, even if no specific words are given.
“I suppose you have to take a chance and see what happens,” Steven says nearly breathless and to my shock, you see his eyes drop straight to your mouth. “It’s a gamble, as with most things.”
You unconsciously lick your lips and bite on your bottom one, and something changes in his eyes. You swear it fucking does. It can’t be just your imagination, however hormone-soaked it may be right now.
“Take Orpheus and Eurydice for instance,” he continues. “Their love was no gamble, no what if’s. They just knew it from the moment their eyes laid on each other. They knew they had to have each other.”
Okay, so citing one of the most infamous love stories of all time is not helping right now because you're really about to throw caution to the wind and live in the moment, for once in this damned life.
What repercussions would there be, anyway? You simply want to kiss him, that’s all; to kiss him on his cheeks, his nose, his lips, down his neck and down his whole body till he’s writhing beneath you and he’s a pleading, mumbling and sweaty mess. Pleading for the kind of release only you could give to him.
Okay, maybe some repercussions. And this isn’t the time or the place for any of that.
Shit, the image of a sweaty, pleading Steven haunts you now as you're met with his blown-out eyes, somehow still kind.
“That’s… I can’t argue against that,” you smile, way too flustered about the images running through your head. “Thank you for the wise words.”
“I have often been told I am somewhat of a wise man,” Steven jokes.
You chuckle. “You really are though. Um, Steven?”
You're not really sure what happens after you call out his name; all you know is that you pull him in by the wrist, our eyes locked in what seems like a pleading glare, both of us begging the other to move, to do something, anything, and then your body is pressed against the bookshelf, one large hand on the small of your back and the other in your hair, while a sweet mouth is a hot furnace on yours, pressing and touching relentlessly.
And you feel like you're straight up in heaven. You taste, see and feel heaven.
Christ, his lips are so soft, and yet the way he kisses is passionate, tender and ferocious all at once. It’s like he’s trying his hardest to let you know he’s gentle and caring but that he wants this so fucking much and the mixture, the entire idea in and of itself, has you absolutely feral. So much so that you kind of groan into his mouth, and that seems to spur him on. He pushes a bit of himself into you, and you're melting. You're melting and burning up and you never want to be apart from him, from any part of him.
You're left confused when you don’t feel his mouth on yours and oddly disappointed, but then you notice why he stopped. Miranda’s in the doorway, her hand on the knob, chuckling at you.
“My apologies,” she smiles at you. “Didn’t realize I was interrupting.”
“No, we were not—it’s not—“you start, losing the string of your own sentence as you manically lick your lips in what appears to be a feeble attempt at memorizing the taste of Steven's lips.
“If it’s urgent, the bedrooms are all free, and the bathroom’s stocked.”
You feel a rush of embarrassment flood you, and your cheeks are even redder than before.
“We weren’t planning on—on any of that,” Steven mumbles.
Miranda cocks an eyebrow at you, and you both feel like two teenagers being scolded—oddly enough. “Didn’t look like that from here. I was wondering how long it will take you two to finally get your act together. Enjoy the evening!”
With that, she leaves, and you feel even more determined to explain yourself, even if… really, there’s no reason to feel this way. You only shared one kiss, albeit a very heated one. Nothing else happened.
Could it have happened? If Miranda hadn’t walked in… would you have gone all the way?
You know you could have, with the way you felt so devoured and consumed by that kiss and by Steven himself.
Steven clears his throat, scratching the back of his head as he looks at you, his whole face red, just like his lips. Now that you’ve had a taste of his lips, of the way he can be when he wants something—someone—you feel feral, in an absolutely unhinged desire for more.
And it scares you as much as it thrills you.
"I'm really, really sorry," Steven apologizes.
“No, I’m the one who’s sorry. I feel like I sort of lured you into this… bookish trap.”
And then something hits me. “Actually… no. I’m not sorry,” you correct yourself.
Steven seems surprised, only pleasantly. “I’m not sorry about this. We didn’t do anything bad, right? Unless the kiss was bad, in which case…”
He giggles, and he’s so damn sweet you could eat him up, spread him on a cracker.
Okay babe, focus. Stay on topic.
“It was the stellar opposite of that,” Steven smiles reassuringly, though his eyes maintain that look in them that’s rather… feral as well.
“I’m not sorry about the kiss because… truth be told, I’ve been sort of… thinking about this for quite some time.”
“Yeah? Anything else you thought about?”
Oh shit, when he’s intentionally flirty is just so attractive you can barely hold yourself together in one piece.
“A lot of anything else,” you admit and gosh, how is it possible that your cheeks are burning even more?! “But this is a third glass of wine conversation. Or—maybe for another setting.”
Steven smiles, still flustered himself. His cheeks are rosy, slightly reddened, and it paints such a beautiful image. It is now that you realize he truly is beautiful: his chocolate brown eyes, long eyelashes, gorgeous hair, and simply the kind aura about him that makes you want to be around him at all times. He exudes safety and warmth and you have genuinely become frightened by how much you am into him already.
“Maybe that glass of wine isn’t such a good idea in the end,” Steven mutters affected.
“Oh? How come you changed your mind?”
“Full honesty?”
“I usually appreciate it very much.”
He leans back in, his eyes roaming your figure and your spine tickles with electricity. A hot and cold shiver passes through you; you tremble. You actually tremble. Holy shit.
“It’ll have quite an effect on me and I might want to take Miranda’s advice from before. Get on with what we started.”
Nothing but a faint oh leaves your mouth; and that’s barely the word itself, just a gust of wind that resembles the word oh, because your brain cannot compute anything at the moment besides what he just said.
And what he said is… well.
“And that would not be the gentleman-y thing to do,” he carries on, and his face is so flustered and yet riddled with something akin to neediness that your head starts spinning again.
Of course he wants to do gentleman-y things. Of course. How on brand for someone such as Steven Grant.
But oh how much you'd love to tell him—and show him—that he can easily do the opposite of that.
You can’t get the sensation of his lips pressed against yours out of your mind. You can’t get his taste out from your lips or your mind. It’s like he’s infiltrated far below the skin, straight into your bloodstream, swimming in your veins, becoming one with your entire system, and you find yourself absolutely speechless. You have genuinely no idea what to tell him or what to reply to him, so you kind of just stare at him in disbelief whilst also wishing for more, almost begging through that single stare, begging him to do anything remotely close to that kiss. Any touch right now would send you into a pleasurable orbit, even a breath in your direction would set your whole body on fire, and as you're thinking this, you come to realize maybe it isn’t such a good idea.
After all, you're still at the dinner party where loads of other people are and something like this, with someone as special as Steven, requires to be in a very intimate setting.
“Is there ever a time when you don’t think of the gentleman-y thing to do?” you chuckle and immediately face palm yourself mentally. Why would you so shamelessly pose such a flirty question when both your minds are in very fragile states right now?
Good god, get a grip over yourself, woman.
“Right now would be a very solid example,” he replies and you could so easily faint right now knowing that those words actually came out of his mouth. “But we can’t always give into our very first urges, can we? Otherwise it’d be so much chaos in this already chaotic world.”
Your jaw slightly drops as you look at him in awe. “You are... impossibly poetic.”
Steven chuckles, a soulful and hearty sound, and to know you are capable of rising such crystalline sounds from him, from such a beautiful man, it means so much to you.
“I just say what I think, nothing to it,” he keeps laughing.
“You’re really making things difficult right now, you know?”
“How so?”
“Well… let’s just say I have half a mind to surrender to that very first urge regardless of what might happen.”
“Kind of an unreliable narrator that urge, isn’t it? Saying it wants things, and it wants things badly, but rationality knows that if we do give into it, into that lust, we also become unreliable in a way.”
Your jaw drops further, and you shake my head. “Steven, you have got to stop with this, seriously. You’re making things very hard for me right now.”
“Sorry! I'm sorry.”
But he keeps laughing and laughing, even as he allows you to leave the room first and leads you back into the kitchen where we end up having a glass of water and talking about literature for another hour.
And around midnight, you arrive at the startling realization that you might be falling in love already.
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fookingmuffins · 1 year
Say something babe pt 3
James potter x reader (well not anymore really)
Warnings: cheating, lying, few punches are thrown and cursing I think? (Switch of povs)
A/n: last part!I hope you guys can enjoy this part as much as the others. There's different povs and a time skip in this part. Thank you for the lovely feed back genuinely means so much to me and got me so excited to write again. So maybe next time I'll write something a little bit more happy 💀
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James had fucked up he knew right when you rejected his kiss, and then you went and mentioned Lily, and he expected to be a dead man by the time you got out of his dorm, so he tried to lie again unfortunately that was apparently not an option this time. You had always been the type of person to wear your heart out on your sleeve without a care in the world, but right now seeing you seemed, so emotionless, James was sure he preferred the screaming and crying. He had cheated on you, yet you were so emotionless which if he was being honest stung a little because did you not love him? Why didn't you care?
As you got up deep down, James knew it was really over, especially after you called him Potter with such venom in your voice that was usually full of love for him, but part of him hoped you would come back to him the way you always did. In the meantime, he would have Lily to keep him entertained.
When the other Marauders came back, Sirius was carrying a honeydukes bag, "Where's y/n? I figured she was having a bad day. Or weeks I don't know she's acting different, so I brought her favorite treats." James knew that Sirius and y/n had been friends since childhood since they both came from pure-blood families and her father had hoped for them to marry before leaving her mother, who unlike most pure-blood Slytherin was not prejudiced against muggles.
"She broke up with me…" James knew that Padfoot loved him, but he'd be a fool to think he wouldn't hex him if he knew the truth about how he hurt his other best friend, so he kept it short
"What!? Why!? What in Merlin's baggy fronts did you do Potter?"
"What? Why did I have to do something? She's the one who broke up with me!... a-all because, apparently, I was no longer good enough for Ms. Popular." Sirius looked at James, not believing a word he was saying, all the marauders knew you were most definitely not that type of person. But he had to lie and hope they didn't find out the truth because if Sirius found out he was a dead man. Especially since at the beginning, Sirius was not at all happy with the relationship, yet James insisted, and he had no choice but to accept it for the sake of his two best friends.
"That has to be bullshit!" Sirius turned around to head out again, probably to look for you, but Remus stopped him and told him to just do it tomorrow. At that moment, James thanked whatever greater power had saved him and started concocting a plan to keep Sirius and y/n from speaking.
This was not how James Potter was planning to spend his last few days at Hogwarts. Only a week after y/n broke up with him and word got out, Lily Evans had also ended things with him, no longer deeming him interesting and refusing to make them official again. James' hopes of y/n crawling back to him soon enough also started to waver as she refused to even spare him a look and if by some miracle she did look in his general direction her eyes passed through him as if he was just another stranger. His former fan club of fangirls had also dispersed, most of them being too loyal to y/n for one reason or another, and it was not like they knew why they broke up, but they knew that if y/n was ignoring his existence it was with good reason. James was at least relieved that y/n had also been avoiding Sirius and the rest of the marauders, so at least he still had his friends with him.
But unbeknownst to him today, exactly 3 days before their official last day at Hogwarts, Sirius managed to corner you and finally got you to talk.
"-and then I kept stirring and stirring and stirring the potion, but I swear I wanted to stop but dream me was in some sort of trance-"
"Sirius please I swear I'm fine I'm over James, and I'm sorry for ignoring you, but please just let me go."
"I told you not until you tell me what he did to you. I know he did something because he said you didn't think he was popular enough for you, which like hello? So dumb and so unlike you, and you wouldn't ignore me unless you thought I was involved in whatever fuck up he did. Which I'm not! And plus I have not seen a real smile from you since before spring break, so you're stuck here with me till you talk. Now where was I?.... right! So I kept stirring and stirring…" You were sure that what Sirius was doing right now could be qualified as torture after he had cornered you and locked you with him in an empty classroom, he immediately tried to get you to talk. But since you refused he proposed he would wait till you were ready to tell him, however in the meantime he would tell you a story. Which was all fine and dandy, except his story had been in the same part for over 20 minutes now, and you could only hear him talk about stirring a potion a certain amount of times.
"Okay! Fine! If you really don't know, I'll talk!" And you did. By the time you were done, Sirius was seething and cursing James however when he looked at you and how your once brilliant eyes had lost their spark, and you looked so tired he decided to postpone James' doom for a little bit and instead pulled some sweets from his bag and spent the whole afternoon talking to you about everything and nothing, even getting you to laugh few times with stories about how he would pretend to be your knight when you were obsessed with being a princess as a kid and this time you actually felt the joy of laughing. You had forgotten how lucky you were for having someone who knew you the way Sirius did. (And thankfully there were no more mentions of his potion dream!)
By the time it was night, he walked you to your house and said goodbye to you with a tight hug, making you promise to never ignore him that way again, or he would probably go insane. After watching you go in through your house's entrance, he turned around with just one thought on his mind. James Potter was going to pay for hurting his princess.
James Potter quite literally had no idea what hit him as soon as he came out of the bathroom. One moment he was making his way to his bed and the next he was on the floor holding his nose, which he was pretty sure was broken.
"What the fuck, Pads! What the fuck was that for!?" James was sure he had never been more grateful for Peter and Remus, the latter who was instantly ready to stop whatever the fuck had gotten into Sirius.
" Remus, I swear, you better get out of my fucking way and let me settle this with this cheating pig!" At that moment, everything stopped for James. You had told Sirius, he couldn't believe it. He knew that at that moment he was essentially a dead man walking. He knew that if Sirius stopped at just a broken nose, he should consider himself lucky.
"Cheating pig? What the hell are you going on about now, Pads?" Peter looked between James and Sirius, expecting an explanation from either of them.
"What James? Apart from being a cheater and a lying bitch, you're also a fucking coward?" James wanted to cry, he wasn't sure if it was from the pain on his face or because he was fucking terrified. "Fine, I'll tell them myself about how you had the audacity to cheat on the most amazing girl with your ex, talk shit about her behind her back, and he gaslit her so bad she lost all the fucking spark in her eyes!"
"He what?!"
"No fucking way!"
Both Peter and Remus were both now looking at James with a mixture of disbelief, disgust and disappointment. He didn't want to look at them, but he could feel Sirius look of pure hatred looking at him.
"Pads I-I didn't mean to hurt her, it just happened… b-but now that you know and have talked to her ma-maybe we can fix this! I can make it up to her, and we can get back together. It could be a nice way to pay me back for helping you get away from your parents." Sirius saw red when he heard that and pushing Peter and Remus away he launched himself at James who was still sitting on the floor.
You were sure this time Luna was going to kill you, you were running late again. Today was her rehearsal dinner, and you were to be the maid of honor having been the one who introduced her to her fiancé, Percy, back in your Hogwarts days that now seemed so far away though it's only been two years.
You arrived and thankfully Penny had been able to cover for you with the instructions you provided just fine and after greeting a few guests you finally saw him sitting by the bar. Although you had seen him this morning before you both left for work, you couldn't help but be excited about being in his arms again.
"Excuse me for being too forward, but are you by any chance a single Miss?" You rolled your eyes at his cheeky antics but decided to play along.
"I'm afraid you've come too late Sir, my heart has been taken already and so has my hand" You say dramatically showing him your engagement ring.
"Oh really? He must be a lucky lad and very handsome obviously to be deserving of such a lady"
"Lucky indeed." At that, tired of playing games, you kissed him softly, which he quickly reciprocated. When you pulled away, you took the drink he had been previously nursing and pulled him to where dinner was about to be served. You both sat down next to Penny and her girlfriend.
"I'm just saying y/n we can only adopt so many pets before our house starts looking like a-" All of you were chatting animatedly when suddenly your fiancé stopped talking about why you shouldn't get another cat, and you felt him tense beside you. You looked at him and saw he was glaring at someone, so you followed his line of sight and saw no other than James Fleamont Potter standing there staring right back at you.
"I get what you're saying, love, but what if I just happened to stumble upon a homeless cat? I could not be so heartless as to just leave him there." You continued your conversation as if nothing happened, effectively regaining your lover's attention, leaving James Potter forgotten for now.
James heard your voice before he saw you, the voice that had been constantly hunting for the past two years. At first, he thought this was another one of his hallucinations until he saw you. You looked more beautiful than ever, and you were practically glowing. He couldn't help but freeze and just stare at you in pure awe. When you looked at him, he felt the air leave his body, yet he felt more alive than he had in these last two years. But you didn't even bat an eye and looked away, continuing your conversation as if nothing had happened.
James' heart dropped, you had clearly not been thinking about him the way he had been of you. He scanned the room to see if he perhaps could sit close to you, and that's when he saw him. A knot formed in James' throat as he saw him take your hand, and you smiled and looked at him the way you used to look at him back when you two were in love.
James cursed himself for arriving late, cause the only empty seat was too far away for his liking, but at least he could still watch you. He was entranced by you. He felt like he was the 17-year-old boy again, shocked to find out you liked him too. After dinner, music started playing and the soon-to-be weds invited all the couples to join them on the dance floor for a slow dance. James felt tears fill his eyes as he watched you make your way to the dance floor holding another man's hand while the biggest smile adorned your face.
"I cannot physically wait for this to be us." You smiled at your fiancé's words.
"I can't wait either."
"I love you y/n y/l/n"
"I love you, Sirius Black" You leaned in and kissed your fiancé while you two continued to sway to the song playing.
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lynnielovestlou · 5 months
Hey lynnie!! I was wondering if you could maybe right a fic about reader that does sh and relapses and gets comforted by abby??
hi ml!! of course i can, i hope this is okay
cw: self harm , explicit details about cuts , comfort! abby , use of pet names , reader has she/her pronouns
a/n: DO NOT READ IF THIS TRIGGERS YOU. this is an extremely touchy subject, and i sincerely apologize if this is offensive or insensitive. if you need help or someone to talk to, my dms or inbox are always open, and there's a list of helplines tagged below.
it was pure mistake. the urges usually weren't that strong, and you usually knew better than to give in to them. but after a rough morning, you felt helpless.
usually it wasn't that bad. they were always surface scratches, fading away quick enough so that nobody noticed them.
and of course abby knew. she noticed them one day while you were at her apartment, doing the dishes after baking with her. it was over the holidays and it was cold outside, so naturally you were wearing long sleeves. while you were doing the dishes she found it odd that you didn't roll your sleeves up. your clothes were turning dark from the dampness of the sink water, and it bothered abby.
"why don't you roll your sleeves up, baby?" she asks with a small chuckle, dropping a dirty mixing bowl into the sink.
you had laughed nervously, "cause it's cold in here."
"aw." she said as she pressed a kiss to your temple. her hands had been dangerously close to your sleeves, "want me to turn the thermostat up?"
but before you could respond, she was rolling your sleeves up for you. everything stopped when she saw the cuts on your arms. breaths were held. hearts didn't beat. eyes didn't blink.
after that she spent an hour talking to you about it, asking you questions while she tended to your wounds. you had never seen your poor girlfriend so upset and so worried about you.
she made you vow never to do it again. which you thought was going to be easy.
until today.
now your arms were so red there was blood dripping down to your elbows. your body shook and shook and shook. like you did it when you weren't thinking clearly, and now it was suddenly hitting you that you went overboard. so overboard, in fact, that the sight made you sick to your stomach.
your skin was red and swollen, and the tips of your fingers were tingling. the fresh cuts had overlapped the old ones, blood tricking all around your wrists and elbowsz
your first instinct wasn't to wash off the blood or bandage it up, but to call abby.
after three rings she answered, "hey, baby. i'm at work, can i call you back on my break?"
just the sound of her voice put tears in your eyes. you knew she was going to be upset.
"i need you." you manage to choke out, your voice breaking as a hiccup escapes your lips.
"whats wrong, sweetheart?" she asks, and you can hear the faint clicking of a keyboard on the other side of the line. she's working on her computer, typing away as she's blissfully unaware what her girlfriend had done to herself.
"i relapsed."
the words make her breath catch in her throat. all of the noises stop, a sharp inhale being heard. abby herself felt like crying, because it hurt to know her love had cut herself again.
"okay... it's okay. don't panic and don't move, alright? i'll be there as fast as i can." she says in one breath before hanging up.
within ten minutes abby was at your front door, fishing out the key you gave her a few months into dating. she let herself in, seeing you on the couch, completely still. you hadn't moved, just like she asked.
she sinks to her knees in front of you, her gaze never once leaving your eyes. you'd grown to appreciate when she would do that, as if your scars weren't the only thing that she sees. but when her gaze finally did fall to your arms, the mere sight made her heart drop to her stomach.
"oh, honey... oh, baby..." she says quietly. she didn't expect it to be this bad. maybe a few surface scratches at best. not one this significantly deep, "why didn't you call me?"
"i-i did."
"i mean when you got the urge." she says, taking your hands into her own and rubbing your palms, "call me before, not after. okay?"
you nod your head, fighting back tears as she takes out a wipe from her work bag, trying to clean up the cuts the best she can.
abby is the most tender human being youve ever met. she's gentle and knows what to do when things like this happen. often times she has to remind herself not to panic to worsen the situation, but seeing you in such a state like this makes her heart shatter in her chest.
once she's all done she cuddled up real close with you, wrapping your arms in a bandage and peppering kisses all over your face. she'll take the next few days off of work to stay with you, afraid it'll happen again if she were to leave you by yourself. once you're calmed down enough, she'll go around your apartment, confiscating anything she thinks you could hurt yourself with. but you didn't mind. even when the urges were there, so was abby.
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miguelschamp · 5 months
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pairing: isaac lahey x fem!reader
summary: something is finally done about the lingering feelings between you and isaac
warnings: none. it’s quite literally just fluff
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the bell rings dismissing you from your last class of the day. you walk out with malia by your side complaining about your teacher.
“malia, she’s just doing her job.” you chuckle
“i don’t care. she’s not making any sense when she’s explaining things and she’s the only one whose given us homework for the weekend.”
“that is true.” you mumble as you two stop at your locker
“it’s stupid.” she says rolling her eyes. she looks past you as you dig through your locker. a smirk takes over her face. “your boyfriend’s coming.”
you look up to her quickly, “what ?” she nods ahead as you turn to your left. your eyes widen as you see isaac coming toward you. “oh my god.”
“good luck.” she says. your head snaps to her. “what ? where are you going ?”
“away from here. the awkward flirting makes me nauseous.”
“wait, malia. please.” you beg
“no.” she mumbles, “isaac.”
you sigh as the boy stops beside you. he smiles lightly, “hey, malia.”
the girl hums before she walks off.
you and isaac had a little bit of a confusing relationship. you two weren’t dating, but it was obvious you liked each other. you didn’t really know what to make of it since he hadn’t asked you on a date or to be his girlfriend. it was just a little awkward whenever you two spoke to each other.
“uh, y/n ?”
your eyes shut tightly before you slowly turn to him. when your eyes open, you’re met with a smile.
“hey, isaac.” you say softly
“hey. how was your day ?” he asks
“it was good.” you nod. “uh, what about you ? how was your day ?”
“good. good.” he nods. you chuckle as you nod with him. “i actually wanted to ask you something.”
“okay.” you say as he starts digging through his bag.
“i wanted to ask if you’d wear my extra jersey to the game tonight.” he says as he pulls the jersey out. you brows raise as you look up at him.
“really ?”
“yeah.” he says scratching the back of his neck, “only if you want to though.”
of course you did.
“yes. yeah, sure.” you ramble
“okay. great.” he smiles wide as you take the jersey from him. “i’ll be sure to look out for you.”
his heart skips as you smile up at him. his blue eyes searching your face before he looks down at his feet.
a couple of hours had passed and the game was starting soon. you sat in the bleachers with lydia and malia while isaac, scott, stiles, kira, and liam were out on the field.
you wore isaac’s jersey like he asked, but you put a long sleeve on under seeing as it was always cold in beacon hills. you also tied the end of his jersey around your waist since it seemed like it was huge on you.
“you know, wearing someone’s jersey basically means that you’re dating.” lydia says
“does it ?” you ask
“yeah.” lydia nods, “trust me. so many different guys have tried giving me their jerseys. it’s like showing other guys that you’re taken.”
you look down at the jersey, “oh.”
“so, he’s finally making a move.” malia says, “thank god.”
“is that bad to where you guys are hoping that we finally start dating ?”
“yes.” they both say. your mouth opens slightly as you try to respond, but you come up with nothing as the game begins.
you missed how isaac had looked into the bleachers for you. his eyes searching each row until they finally land on you. a smile instantly taking over his face at the jersey covering your body.
the game was nearing the end with only a few seconds left on the clock. the teams were tied and you could see coach basically having an aneurysm on the sidelines.
you weren’t too much into sports. only going to the games because of your friends being on the team, but you were on the edge of your seat.
it’s not long before you see the boys running around on the field. your eyes looking for anyone on your school’s team to have the ball.
you gasp as the ball flies through the air and isaac catches. the students start to cheer in the stands as he runs toward the goal.
“go, isaac ! go !” you yell as the students cheer him on. unbeknownst to you, he had been listening to only your voice the entire game. so, out of everyone yelling at him and cheering him on, he only heard you.
you and the students in the bleachers stand as he gets closer to the goal. you feel your heart beat hard in your chest as the clock ticks down.
just as isaac tosses the ball toward the goal, the buzzer goes off. it’s quiet for a second before the ball goes in. isaac earned the game winning point.
the crowd erupts into cheers as the team runs over to isaac. you and lydia jumping up and down as malia cheers beside you.
a couple of people step off the bleachers into the field to celebrate with the team.
you, lydia, and malia make your way down the bleachers and onto the field. you guys spot stiles first. malia walking up and giving him a hug as you look around.
“he’s on the other side.” stiles says breathing heavily. you turn to him to see him already smiling at you.
“go get him.” lydia says tapping your arm excitedly. you chuckle at her before you make your way through the students.
isaac laughs as his team sets him down. he turns as his eyes scan the crowd for any sign of you.
“isaac !”
he turns and sees you pushing through some students trying to make your way to them. you dodge a teen running up toward a friend as he smiles at you.
as you run up to him, he holds his arms out. you two collide in a hug with your arms going around his neck and his around your waist.
he lifts you off the ground slightly causing you to laugh. he sets you down as you pull away, but don’t go far at all. your hands holding onto his arms as his stay around your waist.
“that was amazing. i’m so proud of you.” you smile
“thank you.” he says, before his eyes trail down, “you actually wore it.”
you look down before looking up at him with bright eyes. “yeah, of course. you wanted me to, right ?”
“yeah.” he nods, “you know, i couldn’t have done it without you.”
your brows furrow, “what do you mean ?”
“i was listening for your voice.” he says. your face softens, “while i was playing. it helped me focus.”
isaac searches your face for any reaction to what he said. he doesn’t expect you to lean up and kiss him, but he definitely accepts it.
you pull away slowly. your breathing a little heavy as you look up at him. “i really like you.”
his smile widens, “i really like you too.”
you chuckle as he leans in again, kissing you softly.
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tan1shere · 4 months
Film Wife
Young Miko x Female Reader !
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A/n: hey all ! Some of you have been asking for this so I'm here to provide for yall ;) this is in English because I am not Spanish what so ever so i'm very sorry to disappoint but for all the fans who would like to read this in English this is for you girlies, enjoy ! (I'm so fucking down bad for this woman this was so yummy to write.) Also if you want any others with Miko please lmk ! Gimmie as many requests as you can think of :)
Summary: You know how theres a thing called 'work wife'? Your Mikos film wife ;)
Warnings: smut ! Mdni. Car sex 😏 don't ask me why but I just know this woman either has an army green strap or a rainbow one. I'm convinced!! Just filthiness like usual-
"Cut!" The director screams. You were currently on set of a singers music video. Everyone loved having you in them you were quite popular. You walk over to your manager, walking past the artist giving them a smile. "You have another music video later on." Your manager Stacy tells you. "Do we know of this person." She shrugs. "You might." She states, showing you her phone. You have a look at the photo she shows you. "Young Miko, or Baby Miko. She's filming a video for her latest song Lisa." You look over the photo, looking at it all very clearly. You were stunned, she was incredibly attractive. She was wearing a beanie, big short sleeved t-shirt, tattoos that immediately catch your attention. "Go home, get changed and I'll send you the dress code." She flashes a toothy smile at you.
Later rolls round fast, you were currently just sitting on your couch in your apartment scrolling on Instagram. Your curiosity got the better of you. Heading to the search bar and looking this mysterious woman up. You scroll a bit, looking at every picture carefully, you would be lying if you said you weren't already obsessed with her. She looks like so much fun. The thought made you smirk to yourself, letting out a slight giggle. This was going to be good.
You had arrived at the studio, seeing your manager and going over to her. "So, what's my part in this." You set your bags down. She points to a bed. "You will be filming a rather, heated scene on this with the artist herself." You couldn't help the blush that spread across your face. You enjoyed these types of scenes, especially when the artist is extremely attractive. "Sounds good." You head over to the bed, just getting into the clothes Stacy had said to. You weren't paying much attention when you felt the bed dip just a little. Bringing you to gaze up. You're met with those beautiful blue eyes. "Y/n? Correct?" You nod. "I've been told you don't speak any Spanish?" You shake your head. "No, I mean I might know the basics, but not well." She nods, herself. "That's quite alright. Good thing I'm good with my English huh?" She smiles at you.
But there was something in the smile, something flirty. "Action!" The music starts playing, Miko gets closer to you, slowly but surely. It makes your heart slightly race, she was so much more hotter in person. She was tall, cheeky. Just over-all attractive. She looks at your lips for a quick second then looks into your eyes, seeing her slyly smirk and lean into you. The kiss was soft, but slowly turning more heated. You put your hands so that they're resting on her neck, as she put hers on your hips, slowly pushing you down on the bed and getting ontop of you. Everyone always asks how you do these and not immediately fall inlove. You were the best liar because honestly it wasn't easy. Miko continued the kiss, deepening it. You felt her tongue swipe across your bottom lip, and how could you deny this oh so yummy makeout.
That went on for a tiny bit more before the director called cut. Signaling that it was the end of the shot. You furrow your brows, not expecting it to be so short. You dreadfully wanted more, but how on earth would that happen. "That's it for today." Stacy says coming over to you, your water in hand. "I didn't expect it to be over so soon." You state. "They got what they needed." She smiles at you. You watch as she walks off, knowing it's it for the day. You feel a tap on your shoulder, turning around to see who it could be. "Do you do kissing scenes very often?" Miko asks, looking right at you. She towered over you just slightly as you were quite short, making your breath go uneasy for a second. "I do actually, that's one of the jobs I get frequently." She smirks to herself. "I can see why. You're a hell of a good kisser." You swallow at the compliment. Not knowing where all your bold attitude had gone to, but you were so hoping for it back. She comes a bit closer to you, leaning down to your ear.
"Why don't I take you home." Your eyes grew wide. Definitely taking up that offer right away, not only because you want to see where this goes with her, but because you had come here in an Uber. "I'd love that." She nods, putting her hand on your lower back. Watching as you walk to get your belongings. Was this really going to lead to something? Yes. It infact was. As you head out with her to her car you can help the butterflies at everything you're thinking right now. As you get in the passenger's seat, she wastes no time into kissing you, grabbing your face to bring you closer to her. Melting into it almost immediately, gaining that slight confidence and boldness back by situating yourself on her lap. Her hands roam your body, touching your waist, hips, sides. Even a cheeky little touch on your breasts every now and then. She guides her beautifully tattooed arms up your body yet again.
Sliding them under your shirt letting them rest over your bra. She pulls away from the kiss. "Can I take these off?" You bite your lip, nodding nonetheless. She swiftly does so, letting your tits spill out. She keeps eye contact with you, going to wrap her hands around them, lightly squeezing. Miko wraps her lips around one, sucking hard. Her hands held onto your back as she did so. You let your head fall back as she gently bites your nipple. Letting out breaths, even hearing a small noise emerge from her lips letting it vibrate slightly around you, as you put your hands in her soft hair. "Mmmm, please-" You purr out, wanting more and more of this. Of her. It was intoxicating by the minute making you more needy for her. She pulls away just admiring the slight purple tinge to your breast. She had sucked so hard it literally started to form a hickey. Her cockiness increasing at the sight.
You move your hands to her slightly toned arms, feeling the slight dents of muscle that formed in them. Admiring every tattoo on her. She gently moves your hips on her lap, feeling the friction of her thighs against you. You whine desperately wanting to feel so much more. "Patience Mami." She looks directly at you as she says that. You could feel yourself getting wetter at the name. "You wanna know something." You hum as she says that, her voice husky and lustful. "The oh so amazing thing that you're currently desperate for. Matches my microphone." She whispers in your ear. Sending cold shivers down your spine, her warm breath didn't change that it just made you colder, shakier, with need. She gets you to take off your jeans, but keeping on your black lace underwear. Guess she liked that.. Alot. You move your hands so that they're rested above her jeans. Letting them hook around her belt slightly. "Why don't you take them off for me." She looks at you, leaning back into the seat, and putting her arms behind her head.
You bite your lip a little harder this time, feeling your panties pool at this point. You do as told, unlooping the belt and sliding it out from its space in her jeans. You let it go into the backseat, discarding it for now. She doesn't budge, nor say anything. Keeping her eyes on you. You knew what was going on in her brain, she was filthy. She wanted to watch you do this all on your own, didn't she? You go to unzip them, sliding them down enough to get what you were after out, giving a quick glance and the band on her boxers, but immediately paying attention to the gold. And she wasn't lying. There it was, the rainbow strap. You could've sworn there was drool gathering at the corner of your lips, the thought of her sitting there, watching as you basically fuck yourself on it got you even more aroused.
Grabbing it slowly, positioning it at your entrance. Moving the fabric out of the way. "Rip them off." She suddenly says, eyes growing dark as she watches you. Your eyes go wide. "I'll buy you new ones." She subtly winks at you. You smirk at her, ripping the thin material in half, discarding that to the backseat also. "Good girl." That made you desperately claw for the strap, wanting nothing more then to be full of her. You begin to sink down on it, letting your mouth hang open at the delicious feeling. She continues to watch. Watching your facial features every time you'd move. Every little noise you made. She was stunned by you, how beautiful you were, how drawn she was to you. Keeping her arms behind her head just relaxing. She never takes her eyes off of you, only on occasion to watch as the strap dissappears inside of you. You couldn't help but let out a moan, feeling your breaths pick up.
She doesn't necessarily agree with the pace you're going at, so she begins to fuck up into you, making you latch onto the shoulders of the seat. Having your mouth slightly drop at the feeling. "Miko.." You whine out enjoying this so much. "Hm? Enjoying this. I bet you do, don't you?" You nod vigorously. "You're a slut huh.. letting me watch you fuck yourself on me. How very filthy." You bite your lip again, so much that it draws a little blood. The taste was irony, and bitter. You couldn't care less though. Miko leans forward, bringing her lips to your neck as you keep moving yourself on her. She sucks hard, loving how your tits had looked before. Wanting to mark a more visible area next. She moves the kisses from your neck, to your plump, slightly red lips.
She tasted the tiny bit of blood, making herself go crazy at everything that was happening. She grunts quietly into your mouth, moving her hands so they rested on your hips. "Gonna cum for me?" You lazily nod, feeling fucked out and tired. "Go on, I know you can. Make every director that's still in that building know, how good you're being fucked right now." That alone sent you overboard, feeling the knot tighten at her beautiful voice. You were inlove with it, scratchy but yet so pretty. She goes to your neck again, leaving kisses and a few hums, leading up to your ear again. She could tell you loved her voice, it's as if she could truly feel you clenching around her. "Mmm that's it Mamacita." She nibbles. "Cum all over me." And just like that, you did. Feeling yourself gush over her strap, letting your body fall into her touch and resting your head in her neck. You felt completely fucked out, letting out breaths as she gently rubbed your back.
"Im telling my team that you're gunna be in all of my upcoming music videos." You let a smile spread across your face. "How's that sound, film wife?" You close your eyes. "Just perfect."
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auras-moonstone · 8 months
hi ursula! would you be up to writing jack x reader where she wears his shirt for the first time ever and he’s just mesmerised by her, and kisses her face all over? i think that’d be cute!
sweet nothing — jack champion
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word count: 661
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: jack goes home to his girlfriend and her sweet nothings.
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JACK LEFT THE SET WITH THE FEELING OF EXCITEMENT INVADING HIS CHEST. It was an unusual thing to feel after long hours of shooting, but that day was different because Y/N was waiting for him at his house. They were both free the following day so Jack told her to sleep over and spend the next day together.
As he drove towards his home, he could picture her perfectly in his head. She was probably making his favourite food—because she loved to spoil him after tiring days of work—while humming some Taylor Swift song and dancing around the kitchen like a little kid.
And once he parked in the driveway, he sprinted towards the entrance door with a big smile, eager to see his girl. He was instantly hit with the smell of pizza and the sound of her sweet voice. When he reached the kitchen he leaned against the doorframe, and took his time to admire the sight in front of him.
Y/N was standing behind the counter, eyes furrowed in concentration as she carefully put cheese on the pizza—her perfectionist ass wanted the squares of cheese to be even and perfectly cut even though they were going to melt—, her hair was in a messy ponytail and strands fell in front of her eyes which made her sigh in frustration—something that made Jack smiled like a love-sick fool because he couldn’t believe the adorable girl standing in his kitchen was his.
And finally, the last thing that capture his attention was what she was wearing. The short sleeves of the plaid green shirt reached her elbows, and when he got to see her full body he noticed it ended by her upper thighs. She had never looked more beautiful.
Jack wanted this to be his everyday sight. He wanted to found himself running home to her warm smile, to her little rumblings about her day at uni, to her easing laugh and creases in her eyes, to her cozy arms and awful singing voice: to her sweet nothings.
“Hey” she spoke once she noticed his tall frame leaning on the door. His eyes were on her, but he appeared to be in another planet. “Babe?”
Jack blinked as he got out of his trance. “What?”
“Nothing, I just said hey” she laughed. “What happened?”
“You. In my shirt” he answered, eyes filled with adoration.
“Yeah, sorry. I spilled tomatoe soup on mine so I stole this one”
He took a step closer and cupped her jaw “It looks so much better in you. Hell, you know what? All my clothes are yours now, you should wear mine everyday from now on”
“But I like my clothes” Y/N laughed.
“I’ll burn them so you’ll have no choice” he joked. “For real, you look so beautiful. I never want to take my eyes off you” he started kissing every inch of the skin on her face, making her giggle.
“I missed you a lot” she said wrapping her arms around his neck as their foreheads touched. “How was work?”
Jack pressed a kiss on her nose “It was okay. Been looking forward to this all day, though. It was hard to concentrate” he admitted, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of their hug. “Missed you too. It was excruciating.”
“I made pizza, is that okay?” she asked. Jack looked down and smiled when he saw the pizza had the shape of a heart. “Saw it on Pinterest, and I just had to do it”
“You’re so cute. I love you.” he pressed his nose against hers, his heart pumping in his chest. He never thought how good being in love with someone felt like.
“I love you too, J.” she smiled lovingly.
And to have that someone love you back? It was priceless. He would take every exhausting day at work, every industry disruptor that made a bad review on his performance or movies, every soul deconstructor that threw hate comments at him, as long as at the end of the day he would have Y/N’s love and support.
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purgatory-if · 7 months
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demo (tba) | faq | masterpost (you are here.) | art cred @aykaypee
You’re in danger, and every fiber of you knows it.
You’re sure, by now, that no matter what you do you won’t be able to stop it. Maybe that’s a good thing.
...This is the end.
You wish you had something that would remember you.
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... YOUR life is a mystery to you when you wake up in the sunny fields of Purgatory. Apparently death isn't supposed to be a full memory wipe to the soul, but that's no problem, right? There's usually some sort of record kept of this kind of thing. If not for special cases like yours, then at the very least for organizational purposes. You're told all of that, assured that nothing is wrong and that this jsut 'happens' sometimes up until the moment they look for yur death and find nothing to speak of. Nothing of your life, either, just to make a bad time even worse.
Without knowing anything like this, it's safe to say that it'll be impossible to pass on. The underworld isn't built for fringe cases like you and even if it was, not even knowing who you were is disconcerting at best and cause for crisis at worst.
So alright. It shouldn't be too hard to find out how one person died, right? Detectives and story characters do it all the time- and now you have all the time in the world.
You should, anyways.
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... FEATURES include:
play as a seriously unlucky pc whose cause of death depends on which route you decide to pursue
be whoever you want to be! standard for ifs nowadays; things such as pronouns, general appearance, personality all that jazz
8 romance options (mostly fem/non-binary, 1 option you can choose the gender of) and the ability to play as aro and/or ace
at least 4 poly romance routes!
love me some good vanity stats! vanity stats
get recruited (read: forced) into a 9-5 where time isn't real
beat up time
really symbolic mythology! i could write a goddamn essay on these fuckers
... PURGATORY is recommended for players over the age of 15, though I’m not going to police what you do on the internet. The game will contain major character death and death of all kinds, what is probably sacrilege, memory loss, fantasy violence, potentially sexually suggestive scenes and dialogue (hi ama.), morally dubious behaviour, and more. In-depth content warnings for each chapter and specific routes will be released at a later date.
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Angel (prns selectable) / Witty, charismatic, more than a little bloodthirsty, there's a certain volatility about someone who is Fate embodied. While they take their time on the many, many field missions necessary for stability in the multiverse or whatever very seriously, they'll put their restless passion into anything if it catches their eye for long enough.
Achlys (they/them) / Death itself, stoic and sharp and more than a little intimidating, it's hard not to let their mere presence get under your skin. While it would be nice to say that's not an intentional effect, the only unintentional thing about them is the fact that they're down here, of all places. They seem to be making the best of it.
Esme (they/them) / An angel in what is certainly an analogy for hell, classic, isn't it? They're little more than a shambling mess in a skirt if we're being honest, oh so scared of any shadow that moves in the corner of their vision. They truly do wear their heart on their sleeve, which seems to be an invitation for some to try and stop its frantic beat.
Amaterasu (she/they) / Don't let her meet your parents, is the only advice I'd give, because she'd be gunning for at least a threesome by the time starters are served. Unflinchingly forward and seductive, they're horribly charming in the most impermanant of ways. There's nothing she'll shy away from trying sooner or later, it seems, in or out of the bedroom.
Viviana Alatorre (she/her) / Businesslike. Some people really don't change when they die, and going to this office just means you see the sun less on your coimmute. She doesn't appear to be dead, or alive, something in the middle. Out of everyone here, she's probably the most terrifying. Even more than the death god, probably because she's actively working towards terror.
Ailbhe Kahinu (she/it) / There's nothing that troubles Ailbhe, and it wouldn't be concerning if she was... y'know, dead. In the face of certain terror, it faces things with a shrug and a sigh. At least she's good-natured about this whole thing, being dragged down here by both her girlfriend (Vivi) and her sister (Rahley). The prices here are better than aboveground, anyways.
Rahley Kahinu (she/her) / Rahley's been compared to a robot more than one time, and while the comparison probably wasn't in good faith that doesn't mean it was necessarily wrong. She's intensely focused on her work, and her skill in that department seems to have drained her ability in things like basic conversation and empathy. So it goes.
M Blankenship (prns selectable) / Previously called 'Hit 'N Run' in the world of roller derby, the violent nickname seems odd on someone as cheerful as M. They act as a sort of tour guide for souls entering the Underworld proper instead of hanging around Purgatory, and it's hard to say their easy extroversion makes them anything worse than great at their job.
Stratos C. Lusse (he/him) / The eternal guide to Purgatory for souls lost, souls found and all who are inbetween. He seems to have been here the longest--minus all of the deities, of course.
Octavia Hardin (she/her) / The part-time guide to Purgatory. She seems more likely to throw your soul into damnation if you cross her or anybody she cares about. Stay on her good side!
Salem Astor (she/her) / She would be a romance option if I had the energy to code in a shop feature. But I don't. So she runs free through the city.
Abbadon (prns selectable) / Personification of the past. If anyone can help you figure out what the hell happened to you, then they should be the one to go to. Sometime in the next 5 centuries would be ideal.
Maliel (prns selectable) / Personification of the future. Again, probably someone who can find out in a second what you'll know when you figure out this mystery, if you're able to find them at a good time. The woes of being a primordial deity.
...and more! Probably. Co-workers, pirates, other deities but this is running long.
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