#be ready to suffer a g a i n
softquietsteadylove · 11 months
Have you ever thought about writing Thena as the antagonist in combination with Mahd Wy'ry? What if the sickness not only makes her go crazy and additionally turns her evil?
The Goddess of War: the fiercest Warrior the galaxy would ever know.
She was the stuff of legend, but not in reverence. She had felled entire cities, laid waste to armies of humans, destroyed once great empires.
And she had no idea.
In truth, even her own family no longer knew when she was Thena and when she was not. The episodes of Mahd Wy'ry had grown so long and so close together and some had come to wonder if she was ever free of its grasp before she left them completely.
Now, she was only the Mahdness.
They fought her time and time again, through the course of history. Every battle made them glad that they had only been fighting her a mere few hundred years, instead of the thousands they had spent together. Every fight was hard.
"Any sign?" Ikaris asked more gently than usual.
Kingo shook his head. The Fighters had to be on constant guard--more than they ever had to for Deviants. She wasn't some lumbering beast or a monster that could fly, but once she was in sight, destruction was sure to follow.
"Kingo," Ikaris said quietly, nodding his head to bring his brother closer. "You know what we have to do."
"We can't," Kingo argued, far from the first time, "and you know it."
"We have to," Ikaris insisted, hissing through his teeth. "You know there is no end to this. Not unless we-"
"You better not be saying what I think you're saying."
Kingo had some guilt to show for it as he leaned back. But Ikaris looked at Gilgamesh head on, "Gil, I'm just-"
"I won't let you."
Yes, that was clear. For every time they fought the Goddess of War, there was always one factor that neither helped nor hindered: Gilgamesh. He fought to protect humans, which he always reminded them was their actual mission purpose. They had the strengths and abilities they did, not to fight but to protect.
And he did an awful lot of protecting when it came to the Goddess of War.
"Gil," Kingo warbled out, his arms crossed around him. He didn't have any taste for violence, even as one of the Fighters. He didn't like having to fight his own sister any more than they did.
Gil glared at him, "you agreed to this?"
"I don't want to, Gil," he insisted, not that Gil really bought into it. "But Ikaris is right that there has to be a better solution than just...waiting around for her."
Gilgamesh just looked out into the expanse of the night, crossing his arms. "You should have let me go with her."
"She could kill you, Gil," Kingo argued, "at any moment! She's not... "
None of them could say it--even uttering the name opened a wound that was constantly getting salted.
"Thena," Gil enunciated, making his brothers flinch, "could never."
"She could," Ikaris argued more harshly than Kingo. He had no reservations and calling their once comrade - their once sister - the enemy. "How many times have we fought her now? How many lives has she taken?"
Gil turned away from the horizon to look at them, still not particularly kindly. "How many tears does she shed?"
"How much do you think she cries when she learns what happens?"
Ikaris' feet left the ground, only slightly, just enough for him to look down at Gil, "tears don't bring those people back, Gilgamesh. Should I tell their grieving families that the Godess' tears will water their flowers?"
Gil turned away from him. He wasn't here for a fight, and he certainly wasn't up for dignifying Ikaris' temper tantrums. "Would you be able to kill Sersi?"
Kingo held Ikaris back. "Gil!"
"I won't let you," he repeated. This wasn't a challenge issued to them. He wasn't saying it to defy them. It was just the truth. Even if he tried, he wouldn't be able to let them.
Every time he got his fist raised above her, ready to bring it down, he couldn't. His tears would spill onto those perfect cheeks of hers. Cheeks he had held as he said soft words to her. Cheeks he would kiss when they stole moments under the moonlight. Cheeks where he could lay his head at night.
He looked at his brothers with only honesty as his tears welled up in his eyes. He shook his head, "I can't. And I can't let you, either."
Kingo and Ikaris both looked away. The battles weren't the worst part. This was.
"She's still my Thena," Gilgamesh choked out. Even if they did somehow capture her and reset her. Even if they had to live the rest of Eternity paying penance for the lives she had taken. Even if he had to endure the rest of his life without her, she would never be just the Goddess of War to him.
"Gil," Ikaris cleared his throat. The rift between them was greater than with anyone else, with no attempts to rectify it from either side. Ikaris turned away, "I'm relegating you."
"If you can't help us fight, then all you're doing is holding us back," he spoke as a commander--as the leader of the Fighters.
Which he only was because the other half equipped to challenge him was no longer here.
"I won't have you involved," Ikaris continued. "You can help Sersi and Ajak focus on protecting the people. But you're only aiding in the destruction when you're with us."
Gilgamesh didn't even deny it. When he did fight Thena, a lot of it was spent keeping Ikaris and Kingo from working together to land a killing blow. And he had no denial nor defense for it. "Do what you have to."
He wasn't agreeing to it.
"Gil," Ikaris pleaded, with what little heart he had remaining, "you can't protect her. Not like this. It isn't Thena."
"You're wrong."
"Gilgamesh!" Ikaris barked, but Gil was leaving the top of the watch tower. "Gil!"
They were right, in some ways. But it was Thena, and he had seen for himself the cracks in the armour Mahd Wy'ry afforded her. The brief glimpses at a Thena who was still there, still trapped, still horrified at the grief she was causing.
Thena was the Warrior Eternal, built for war and destruction like no other. But she wasn't built for hurting people. She wasn't made for causing grief. She hated seeing people suffer.
He had seen her--his Thena. He had seen glimpses during battles, when she would be poised above him with her spear and unable to drive it into his chest. Her hand would tremble and he would see tears escaping from blank white eyes.
He had seen his Thena in there, and if that was the only way to ever see her again, then so be it.
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 2 months
OM charicters and how they handle periods
- can and will fuck the shir outta ya if it helps-
- he will also baby you
- I mean- he literally sends the brothers out to gather sweets and other needs
- heated blanket on hand for you
- you can sleep in his bed
- he watches over you as you sleep of you get tired
- none will hurt his little lamb
- he panicks
- especially worried and unprepared if you don't identify as a female
- thinks you're dieing and lucifer wil kill him
- when its explained he does good and gets everything he knows you need
- here, have literally all this expensive chocolate he knows you like
- have all the midol he could find
- have the products you need to survive this- and more♡
- he probably learned about periods trough anime/an online AFAB friend
- he wont mind if you stay with him, he can clean whatever gets blood on it, you chose to spend time with him, he is hapoy with that :>
- anime and video games to distract you
- you can sleep in his lap as he plays
- you get to share his anime themed snacks
- for those who get moody during hell, he is here to help
- cat Cafe is the haven for you both-
- he also gets his anger out with you in healthy ways
- you both write out everything, scream out your toughts into the Forrest, and sing along to songs that bring out that anger
- afterwards he will read to you until you fall asleep
- he takes good care of you
- feeling extra ✨️horny✨️ he is here to help
- he fucks ya fore a few hours then you both have a nice hot bath, makeovers and stuff
- you get sugar coded fruits with him
- sleep like Royalty and wake up feeling refershed✨️
- literally a phone call away for anything
- period products are in his bathroom too
- this man has the comfort food
- he will allways share with you and Belphie
- he notices when you come to him more often for sweets and stuff, so he stocks more for you ^^
- om nom nom
- one of the best people to nap with
- he is also a good workout bud to help with the cramps n stuff too
- one of the best boys to go to tbh-
- now- of you need sleep- he has ya
- he sees you being tired and d r a g s you to one of his spots, cuddles you, and falls asleep with you
- it's fuckin comfy so ofc you fall asleep too-
- you get only the best dreams by his side
- cuddle, sleep, it's done- he won't stop- help QwQ
- the me is that?
- he didn't know until you bleed trough your clothes sadly
- he helps by haveing teas with you and has barbatos find some thar help with cramping and just to make thibgs more comfortable
- sweets galore (you're allowed to take them home
- you can sit on his lap and cuddle him, he is warm
- he knows when your periods are, its not weird-
- he has products set up in the bathroom near the room you're staying in and the next fee over just in case
- he brings you tea and sweets that help you
- he has a change of clothes for you on the ready along with spare blankets/sheets/pillows
- he can take care of any and i mean ANY of your needs, just ask ^^
- he isn't that exposed to them, so he dosent know what to do or if he can interfere
- he decides that he can if you beg him enough or he sees that you're suffering
- finds things that can calm the symptoms and help your body
- gentle massages
- he is a little cold but damn can he take care of you
- also has no idea wtf to do
- he learns sweets help and bakes alot for you
- like- they all are get well things or if you like to celebrate it then the sweets are red and pink
- he'll tell off anyone who tries to bother you
- he has a potion for that
- you just have to beg
- :>
- hasn't had one, but she likes to help you if you promise to help her on a trap
- or you can be the trap by surprising someone with your moodyness
- she gets the perfect things for you
- a damn good tradeoff
- like the other angles VERY confused
- he does help tho
- number 2 for sleep spots, no cuddles tho
- gets you weird foods to try
- about 5/10 could be better
- bro dosent know anything about this, why should he?
- when he does learn, he sneaks some sweets into your locker, high quality ofc
- he would give you shit as he gives you some spare clothes
- this man, he finds good shit to help ya
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xxoxobree · 1 year
See You Again
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Miles G. Morales x Black Fem Reader
WARNINGS: Angst , Sadness, Happy Ending.
A/n: Surprise Shawtayyy‼️ wrote this in like 20 mins 🫶🏽 I love it 🤣
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A year has flown by since Miles' father and you, his girlfriend, passed away. Yet, the agony that gnawed at his soul showed no signs of leaving. His grief had descended into a deep depression, which soon morphed into a seething anger. His heartache only intensified as he struggled to make sense of why he had to suffer so much. Why were two of most important people in his life ripped away from him?
Sleep was now a distant memory, and he dreaded the thought of closing his eyes. Every time he did, he was transported back to a time when he was happy, a time when he shared precious moments with you, that only added to his already unbearable pain.
Miles found himself under the spell of his uncle, who had taken him under his wing, using his intelligence for nefarious purposes that he knew would have disappointed you. He was desperate to shake off the haunting memories that plagued him so he took up the mantle becoming The Prowler.
Tonight was like any other night. He slid open his window, using his metallic claws to pry it open, then climbed in, undressing before heading to bed. But as he headed towards his bed, something caught his eye - a glint of light that shone in the darkness. Curious, he approached the object and picked it up, examining it closely.
It was a necklace, one that belonged to you. The very one he had given you, the one that you had lost the day before you were taken from him. The necklace that he had promised you he would help you find the next day. Miles clutched it tight in his hand, feeling the weight of his grief pressing down on him. He slowly made his way to his bed, where he fell asleep, still holding onto the precious necklace.
As he drifted off, his breathing gradually steadied. He soon found himself in a dream, where you appeared before him once again, with your beautiful smile that quickly turned to a frown, your eyes filling with tears. He could hear your weak voice ringing in his ears.
"Miles....Miles, help...I don't want to......... " your voice trailed off the sentence unfinished forever. Miles jolted awake in his bed. His heart raced from the intensity of the nightmare that had just gripped him. He took a few deep breaths, calming himself down before reaching for his cellphone to check the time. It was already 8 am, and he had to get ready for school.
The rest of Miles' day went by relatively normally, until he was heading back home. His head was down, texting his mother about her picking up another shift when he heard it - his name being called. He looked around, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.
He heard it again – that voice he would recognize anywhere, the voice he longed to hear once more. And there you were, standing on the front steps of his apartment building, waving at him before running over. Miles stood frozen in shock, unable to grasp how you were there.
"Y/n," Miles said, his eyes beginning to well up with tears.
"Hey, Miles! What did you do to your hair? Did your mom do it? I kinda like it," you said, unaware of the whirlwind of emotions that Miles was experiencing in that moment.
You looked just as beautiful as the day he lost you, your hair styled just the way he liked, with your signature pink hair in two puffs. Your lips glistened from your lipgloss, and Miles couldn't help but stare in awe.
Without hesitation, Miles quickly pulled you into a tight embrace, knowing that if he didn't seize this moment, it would pass him by forever. He hugged you tightly, squeezing the life out of you.
"Whoa, Miles, you're gonna crush me!" you said, giggling. It was a sound that Miles had missed so much, and it filled him with a sense of warmth a feeling he never thought he'd feel again.
You tapped him gently, and Miles reluctantly let go of the embrace, still holding onto your shoulders.
"Someone missed me," you said, smiling as your eyes zeroed in on his neck. He was wearing a chain, one that looked exactly like yours, but you had yours on your neck. You gripped your chain, feeling a sense of confusion.
"I didn't know you got a matching one," you said, pointing at the chain.
"Oh, yeah," Miles chuckled. "I thought it was cute."
"That's so cute, Miles," you said, before reaching out and intertwining your fingers with his. Miles' heart skipped a beat, and he swore his head was spinning. You were here, in front of him.
He looked down at your entwined hands, still in disbelief that you were really here. "Miles, are you okay?" you asked, concern lacing your voice as your eyebrows knit together.
Miles took a deep breath before he spoke. "Yeah...yeah, I'm fine," he said, trying to compose himself.
"Okay, well let's go. You promised me you'd carry me to the rooftop, remember? To see your new artwork." You reminded him, eager to see the artwork he had been working on.
You were right. He had promised to show you, but now, that artwork was different. It was a painful reminder that you had died, a reminder that you shouldn't be here with him right now. But he couldn't bring himself to tell you that. Not yet.
You snapped your fingers in front of Miles' face, trying to get his attention. "Miles, hello! You're acting strange today. What is it, my love?" you asked, your eyes searching his for answers.
"It's nothing, mi amor. Come on," Miles replied, his voice unconvincing as he grabbed your hand and led you upstairs. He dreaded taking you up there, too scared that you would leave him again. His heart raced with each step, and he couldn't shake off the sense of unease.
As you two arrived at the rooftop, Miles looked back one more time at you. Your face was radiating with happiness, just happy to be with him. The sight made his heart thump harder, if it was even possible.
He pushed open the door, the cool breeze hit his face. "Here it is," he said lowly, motioning his head to the mural of you and his late father.
Your smile instantly dropped, confused by the whole thing. "R.I.P? But I'm right here," you said, looking at Miles in disbelief.
"Miles, your dad," you whispered, your hand coming up to cover your mouth, your eyes filling with tears. Miles just continued to look down, staring at his Nikes.
You tried to speak, but nothing came out as you stood there, frozen, unable to comprehend the reality of the situation.
"You died, Y/n. Right in front of me, in my arms," Miles said quietly, watching a single tear splat on his shoes. He looked up at you, seeing tears fall down your cheeks. How he hated to see you cry.
He walked over to you, wiping away your tears, a small smile on his face. "You're too beautiful to cry," he whispered, grabbing your hands. "And I don't know if you're a figment of my imagination, if I'm dreaming again, or if I'll ever see you again."
You looked up at him, your eyes filled with love and sadness. "So please," he said, closing the gap between your bodies, his hand on your waist. "Can I get a kiss?"
You nodded, and he tilted your chin upward, placing the most gentle, loving kiss on your lips. It was a kiss you wished could've lasted forever,
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
Aggressive mimicry
Synopsis: A power blackout hits your base, plunging you into darkness. As fear grips you, Ghost tries to calm you down. Little did he know you had other things in mind.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,085
Aggressive mimicry: a tactic in which a predator acts harmless to lure its prey.
Fluff. A little suggestive, but SFW.
No, there’s no part 2.
Want more?
Looks like you’ll both be working until late this evening. New recruits are constantly arriving, and the base is rapidly filling up.
The two of you take comfort in the silence of your office, a small space with two desks next to each other and a bookshelf full of records lining the opposite wall. It’s a little tight, especially with the new chairs you brought for the interviews. However, you cannot conduct them anywhere else since they’re confidential and private. Your job is to assess the recruits’ mental health, look into any past traumas that may have affected them, and determine their trustworthiness with firearms. Ghost, on the other hand, interviews them about their battlefield abilities and skills.
Under normal circumstances, he does not wear his mask when in the room with you. But these aren’t normal circumstances; People are constantly coming in and out of the office, and he feels uneasy without it.
“He was good, that last one,” he says, his attention still fixed on the paperwork. “Don’t mark him.”
“He suffered three concussions in his last deployment and reeks of alcohol,” you explain, baffled. “How can you trust him?”
“These are the best,” he shrugs, “they’ve got nothing to lose.”
You shake your head, stunned, as you look at him. You two come from different worlds.
“Have you considered therapy, Lt. Riley?” you ask sarcastically.
“Have you considered minding your own business, Dr Y/N?” he snaps back. You knew what he was going to say even before you asked. But you enjoyed teasing him every now and then.
“It’s ‘Professor Y/N,’ please.”
Instead of responding, he mockingly repeats your statement, imitating you and pushing invisible glasses up his nose bridge.
You chuckle, and he turns to look at you, slightly proud that he made you laugh. Your opposing personalities complement each other well, with your order and his chaos balancing each other out. It was like mixing black and white to get some form of grey. And that’s the state you’ve been in for years—in a grey area. You two have never been romantic. Still, the flirting was definitely there, even if it came in the form of playful jabs and teasing.
Ghost shuffles through his papers before turning to face you. “Where are the next ones’ files?” he wonders.
You look over your desk and move your gaze to the bookshelf. “I must have left them on the shelf,” you say as you stand up. “Let me go get them.”
But as you approach the bookshelf, everything goes dark—pitch black.
“What just happened?” you yell in a high-pitched voice.
“The lights went off,” he says calmly. “The base has too many people to handle all that power cons-”
“Shut the fuck up, Lieutenant!”
“You just asked me-”
You freeze in place, with your back against the bookshelf like a trapped animal. You try to see through the impenetrable darkness, but nothing is visible. Fear grips you and paralyses you.
“Hey, hey, calm down,” Ghost says through the darkness, and you feel a hand on your shoulder.
Despite his words, the panic rises. As your fight-or-flight instincts kick in, you get ready to defend yourself. You lash out, grabbing the first thing you can get your hands on and swing right at the source of the touch.
“What the hell, woman!” Ghost curses in pain.
“G-Ghost?” you stammer, “is that you, Lieutenant?”
“How could it be anyone else?” He says and rubs his forehead. “Christ, professor, no wonder you know so much about concussions.”
“Did I get you good?” you ask, worried, “I-I’m so sorry.”
“I’ve had worse,” he assures you, taking your hand and placing it on his chest while muttering soothing words.
As you touch the coarse texture of his uniform, you apply a bit of pressure to get a better feel of him. And just like that, the fear fades gradually, giving way to a more... playful mood. You slide your hand up to his shoulder, then back to his chest. You can feel his heart rate increasing as it desperately pumps the blood it requires for him to stay sane. But he doesn’t need sanity right now; he must lose it completely. So you do it again. He lets out a sigh.
“These are dangerous games you’re playing, Professor,” he warns, trying to sound like his usual self and failing miserably.
“I like taking risks, Lieutenant,” you smirk, tracing circles on his chest with your finger.
He takes your hand off him and steps closer, bridging your gap. Seems like the blood is pumping elsewhere now.
“Fuck, professor,” he murmurs, “I need to go check if they need my help.”
“No,” you command, “what you need to do is stay right here.”
“Like this?” he asks huskily, his breath warm on your forehead.
“Yes, exactly like this.”
But, as he tilts your head towards him and begins to remove his balaclava, the door bursts open, and a blinding light shines in, threatening to expose you.
Your reflexes kick back again. You instinctively push him away and begin screaming, grabbing files from the bookshelf and hurling them at the light source.
“Damn it, Professor!” Ghost yells at you, “You’re hitting the engineers with box files!”
You pause midair and focus on your target; two figures squatted on the ground, their hands protecting their heads.
“Motherf—can’t you knock first?” You yell at them while holding the box file in front of your face. “Should we include basic etiquette in the manual, too?”
They all look at you, puzzled. Unable to comprehend your absurd request, they turn to Ghost.
“Sir, we need help with the generator.” One of them explains, and Ghost nods.
They hand him a flashlight and return to the power junction box, leaving you alone again.
He turns to look at you one last time.
“I’m curious,” he says, leaning in close, “did you plan this all along?”
You raise an eyebrow, acting innocent. “What, the power outage?”
“Are you acting all daft now?” he asks, his eyes forming two thin lines. “The whole screaming and acting vulnerable thing so I could come to your rescue and fall into your trap.”
“Oh, come on, Lieutenant,” you playfully roll your eyes, “don’t pretend like you didn’t want it.”
He scoffs and shakes his head. “So you’re okay with staying alone then?”
“Of course I am,” you say seductively, “as long as you come back and let me finish what I started.”
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♠️ Being found in the Borderlands all by your own. ♠️
Summary: You have already been in the Borderlands for a few days and are familiar with the essential components. After a game, you've lost everyone you had a good bond with. You are the only one who was able to survive. Physically and mentally injured, you sit on the side of the road in the middle of the destroyed and desolate Shibuya district. Ready to drop everything - ready to give up - you'll be found by new players who may or may not have the willingness to help you back up when you've fallen so far.
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Characters: Arisu, Chishiya & Niragi.
POV: gn!reader
Warnings: Threats, Weapon (Gun)
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A r i s u
The sight of you reminds him a little of himself. He knows the look on your face when you stare in the middle of the void and don't make any effort to move from the spot, even though you know exactly how dangerous it is to just stay in one place and do nothing. When Arisu finds you, he immediately knows what's going on inside you, which is why he's already determined to help you in some way. The problem is that he doesn't know how to help you, considering he doesn't even know how to help himself.
And yet he dares to come to you after a moment's hesitation. Slowly, so you don't think he's trying to hurt you, but… even that wouldn't matter to you at that moment.
At least you don't even dare to look at him. You could say that your self-protection mechanism has left you completely. You're not afraid. No grief. Just… well, what do you feel? Nothing. Actually, it's just an oppressive void.
"I like to be part of someone else's suffering."
With these words, Arisu manages to draw your attention to him. He may get a confused, almost bewildered look from you, but it's worth it to him right now.
"All right, you don't have to say anything. Let's just… let's just sit here together for a little while and look into the distance. And if you need someone to talk to, then ... I'll be here."
What a strange guy, you think.
Still ... it's quite nice gesture, of course.
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C h i s h i y a
Just on the way to the next game, Chishiya meets you. He actually had better things to do than take care of you, which is why he didn't want to pay attention to you at all, but he finds it strange that you don't respond to anything.
He's just a few feet in front of you and you're looking right at him. His gaze is focused on you, you don't react. He speaks to you with a "Hard Game Finished?" but you sit silently on your spot and don't even make the slightest attempt to give him an answer. Nonsense. Apparently, you didn't even hear him. What if he waves? You're still not moving.
That eventually makes him come over to you, just to see if you're at least reacting to it. It's sad to say nothing's happening here either. Only when he squats in front of you and looks straight into your eyes, do you at least give the reaction of you to move your eyes so that you don't look straight into his. Eye contact has never been your strength.
"Pale. Slight tremor. Indifference."
He doesn't care if you listen to him at all, but the fact is, he's going to have to give up the upcoming game after all.
"A slight shock, it looks like."
Without thinking about it, he sits down on the stony, cold floor, inspecting the wound in your face while keeping a healthy distance from you.
"I can stitch the wound when you come back to reality."
Why is he even telling you this? He'll have to start smiling about it himself. There won't be any feedback from you either way.
"It's okay", he says, "I have time."
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N i r a g i
Most people who know him know how impulsive and violent Niragi can be, but as far as you're concerned, you have absolutely no clue. You didn't even mean for him to trip over your legs. You just sit on the floor and try to deal with the straightforward experience somehow. Forget the pictures of your comrades being brutally murdered. But now you are being prevented from doing so by being all the time riddled with a psycho, one might say, whom you have never even seen before in your life.
Normally, you'd apologize for what happened. I don't care if it was really your fault or not. As long as they leave you alone and go back on their way. And if there weren't any excuses, you'd at least take your legs and just walk away to get out of the situation.
Today, however, it is different. You let the curse and the provocation come upon you. Insults pass you by and don't interest you in the slightest. This, however, makes everything feel even worse. Don't you always say you shouldn't get involved with people like that? That you should just ignore them because then they'd stop harassing you? After all, it should be boring to just give monologues at some point, right? Not with Niragi, who will eventually point his gun at you, threatening to kill you if you continue to ignore him.
"Do it," you whisper softly to yourself, which is more than just serious. "Kill me," you continue, "there's nothing keeping me here any more…"
That's where you finally turn to the unknown, whom you have taken out of concept with these words.
He lowers his gun slowly and only looks at you with irritation. Did you really just say that? Did you really just give him permission to kill you with his own hands? To shoot you down?
Even him makes this speechless.
"Looks like someone's already done with their life."
Without saying anything else, he looks down at you in disgust, holding the gun loosely with both of his hands again, before only a bored "Hm" comes over him.
"Freak", he says, leaving you alone from now on.
Luck in unhappiness, you think ...
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wildemaven · 1 year
Sweet Creature: Chapter One
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader (In future chapters)
WC: 4070
Summary: A washed up movie star with a failing career, fresh out of rehab and looking to turn his life around. He moves back to his small hometown to take a break from stardom and help his sister out with his niece— He’s traded the high-life for school runs and crafting. What he doesn’t except is to meet you, his niece’s school teacher who couldn’t care less about his extensive filmography or his dwindling fame.
Warning: 18+ Blog; brief description of drug use, rehabilitation/mentions of rehab stay, getting treatment for drug addiction, absent parents, anxiety, sister giving ultimatum, apologetic Dieter, determined to turn life around, cursing, if I’ve missed anything feel free to let me know.
A/N: Firstly, big thank you to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for listening to me drone on about this! And for also being a champ and beta’ing for me too!!
This chapter has some heavy elements to it, and I hope it comes across as a serious tone considering the topic of drug usage. I wanted Dieter to be deliberate in his attempt to better himself. There might be some reference to this characters contents in the future, but this will be the only one containing any actual drugs. There’s a lot of information packed into this chapter to help get the story going. I’ve been so blown away by the responses to this series and I really hope I do it justice! Any questions/comments/or you just want to chat more about this chapter, my ask box is always open!! xx
Series Masterlist / Playlist / Main Masterlist
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A few sharp knocks on the bathroom door. 
“Hello?? Is someone in there?”
No response. 
The slightest twist of the knob. Unlocked. Unoccupied. 
Only the opening of the door reveals quite the opposite. Occupied. 
“Oh! I’m so so sor— Oh my god! Are you fucking serious right now?! You’re getting high at a 6 year old’s birthday party!” 
No response. Just a deadpan look of nothingness from the body propped up next to the toilet. 
“I fucking knew it. I knew you would fucking let her down!! God!!! You’re such a fucking deadbeat, washed up douchebag— so fucking ridiculous.”
“W-whyy a-rrre y-youuu yellllling? Shhhhh!” His speech laden with a hint of sarcasm. 
“You’re a fucking joke! I can’t believe you would do this to your sister!”
“What are you yelling about in here?? Wren is getting ready to open her presents and wants everyone to watch her. Dieter why are you on the flo— are you fucking high?” 
“Ag-ainnn shhhhhhh!” His pointer finger emphatically raised to his lips, the noise too much for his dazed mind. 
“You promised me Dieter! You fucking promised me no drugs! I should have known better, I should have fucking known you’d do this— you don’t care about how much this hurts me to see you like this, constantly letting me down. I’m done Dieter, I’m so fucking done trying to help you if you’re not going to help yourself. Fuck! Get the fuck out! Go! Now!! I don’t want you near us, I won’t put Wren through this. Get help or stay away!”
The door slams, Dieter left alone to ruminate  over what was said in the small tiled space. 
Even in his stupefied state, the words thrown at him were enough to make an immediate impact. The cognitive part of his brain working over time to push through and make a levelheaded thought. 
“Washed up”
“Get help or Stay away”
Reaching for his phone, he dials his lifeline who drops everything for him, probably due to her reoccurring paycheck, his assistant whom he’s thankful doesn’t hate him enough to ignore his call out of the blue. 
“Heeeey! I n-neeeed y-you to c-ommme g-get meee…”
He knew this was it, he had to get his shit together or suffer the consequences. 
He feels different if he’s being honest with himself. 
365 days clean. He made a commitment to a year long stay at a drug rehabilitation center, followed by a 3 month residency in a sober living facility conveniently tucked away in the Hollywood hills. 
Yet, he feels more lost than he was before he started treatment. 
He can’t remember what living a normal, healthy life is like— a life not high out of his mind 24/7.
This wasn’t his first time trying to get clean, he’d become a regular of sorts at a few different rehab centers scattered through out the greater Los Angeles area. 
Each stay with the same goal and each one a failed attempt at getting control over his life without the drugs. 
It was never “hope this is the time it really clicks for him”, it was always a question of “how long will he go this time before he’s kicked out and checking into the next one”— might have even been a headline a time or two. 
Many centers refusing to even consider treating him based on his past reputation alone. 
His agent’s patience was wearing thin trying to book roles for Dieter, doing his best to convince directors he wasn’t a liability and he could get the job done with zero risk in hiring him— it was far from the truth. 
Each day on set became a game of Russian Roulette, no one really knowing which side of Dieter they would be dealing with while shooting. That in itself was a metaphorical high he chased with each role he booked, seeing how long before some one caught on to his slurred words, blood shot eyes and sluggish demeanor. 
On numerous occasions Dieter thought he was skillful in his ability to mask his inebriated ego. He was combative with the crew and fellow actors— his temperament calm and mellow one moment, then seething and dripping with rage the next. 
He was getting sloppy. The teetering domino of his life had slowly began to tip and once it did finally fall, his entire life crumbling around him. 
The traffic is heavier than expected. Dieter wonders if it’s due to others similarly seeking to leave the city in hopes for a break from the dim aura that Los Angeles is. He can feel the weight of the city’s reputation lift from his shoulders with each passing mile as he maneuvers through the stretch of freeway congestion. 
A few honking horns bring his attention back to the conversation he’s currently semi engaged in. 
“This is a big step Dieter. I’m really proud of how far you’ve come.” 
He instantly cringes at the thought of getting back out to sell himself for roles. Facing those who were- and are- tired of his shit. 
The downfall of his career began when he was late for dress rehearsal for a role he some how managed to get— this role having potential to get him in the running for award nominations, propelling his career to new heights. But when he was no where to be found at call time, his assistant went on the search for him and it’s where she found him passed out in his trailer. He was too far gone to even pull himself together, prompting the director to fire him on the spot. 
The rate of speed at which news travels in Hollywood is the equivalent to a fast moving wildfire— once that first bit of gossip hits the ground, it’s spreading through the industry with a sudden surge of ferocity and growing far beyond what is predictable. 
His agent's attempt at damage control was a wasted effort. Directors dumping Dieter’s preproduction roles, actors refusing to work with him and threatening to quit if Dieter stayed on— his list of films beginning to dwindle in a matter of days and by the end of the week, Dieter Bravo was jobless. 
“The next few months will go by quickly, and before you know it you’ll be back out here booking jobs and proving everyone wrong.” 
Vanessa, Dieter’s assistant and full time babysitter, always seemed to have a way to make him feel at ease. And at this point, the only person he knew who believed he could actually turn his life around. 
“I really fucking hope so.” He sighs, this was his attempt at thinking positive. 
“Have you talked to her yet?” Her voice cracking through the car speakers as he continues his drive north on the 101. 
“Briefly. Told her I’d probably be getting in around 6 or so— BEEP!— Watch out asshole!” Throwing a middle finger at said asshole driver who nearly missed clipping his car. 
“She’s proud of you too, ya know. Might not seem like it right now, but she is.”
“Hmm. I’ll just agree to disagree with you on that point. Having a drug addict—“
“Former drug addicted, Dieter.” 
“Right— well, having a deadbeat for an older brother doesn’t really leave a lot to be proud of.”
“You’d be surprised. Hey, I got another call coming in. I’ll be in touch with you soon! Call me if you need anything! Again, Dieter, I'm really proud of you!” 
“Thanks Nessa! I’ll talk to you soon.”
The call ending abruptly, leaving him to sit alone in his thoughts for the next hour and a half—something he hasn’t really taken the chance to experience since, well, a long while. 
The Santa Monica Mountains provide a scenic view as he leaves behind the place he saw as his home for the last 20 years. 
His current destination plugged into his stupidly expensive sports car. 
Home. Where he grew up. 
He can’t even remember the last time he visited. Not due to the years as an actor taking him to all areas of the world. The last time he had been home was just over a year ago and he was high out of his mind, barely remembering the trip as a whole. 
His sister had asked if he’d be able to make it to his niece’s birthday. She was turning 6 and had been begging for her uncle to be there to celebrate with— he was easily her most favorite person. The specifics of the getting to his sister’s home and the actual party are pretty blurry for Dieter. 
Dieter spent most of the last year trying to produce a coherent flashback of the day that would ultimately be his last time using, the reason for his commitment to getting his life together. 
He never expected the lowest point in his life would be being caught in the bathroom of his sister’s home doing a few quick lines on the toilet seat, as his niece was blowing out 6 candles a few feet outside the tiny bathroom surrounded by friends and family. 
The moments following are a mixture of hazy clips, fragmented bits of information,
he’s tried to piece together to the best of his ability. 
The rush of someone bursting through the bathroom door, the echoes of laughter and music piercing his ears as he’s hunched on the floor against the wall, little specks of a white powdery residue dusting his mustache. 
There’s screaming as he does his best to focus his blurry attention on the distorted enraged figure in front of him, yelling something about being washed up— his eye lids heavy and fighting against them to keep them opened. 
If he had to recall the exact moment he knew he fucked up, it was seeing the hurt and disappointment on his sister's face— her face wet with tears as she poured out her disappointment and pain over the fact that he was strung-out at her daughter’s birthday party. The weight of his consequences bleeding through him as he vividly recalls his sister telling him to leave and not come back unless he was sober. 
The next day he checked himself in, determined to get his life together for good. 
He shakes away the subtle tinge of guilt that starts to bubble up in his chest. 
Remembering the ‘54321 Method’ he was taught in treatment to help ground himself when his thoughts start to become overwhelming…
5 things you see: the sun slowly making its way to the horizon, cars moving swiftly by his own, Live Oak trees rooted among the mountains, the slightest twinkling of the first few stars, his reflection in the rear view mirror— lighter, healthier, alive.
4 things things to touch: the leather of the steering wheel, his jeans fabric soft and comfortable, the cool metal of his rings adorning his fingers, the weight of his sobriety chip in his pocket a constant reminder of how far he’s come.
3 things you hear: the familiar beat of a popular song streaming through the car speakers, rhythmic tapping of his thumbs in tune with the song, his off-key voice as he sings along to the words he knows.
2 things you smell: his olfactory nerve triggered at the distinct scent of his woody amber cologne, that new car smell that still lingers throughout the car’s interior. 
1 thing you taste: a minty tingle on his tongue as he chews his last piece of gum. 
His nerves settle, his eyes focused on the road ahead, deciding he’ll right his wrongs when he gets to his stop— his sister’s house. 
The trip took longer than he’d originally planned. Weekend traffic to blame for the 2 hour delay in his arrival. 
‘Welcome to Ojai’— the stone sign greets him, dim uplighting barely making it readable as he turns on to the familiar street. 
The town is all but empty at this time of the night, street lights plus the few restaurants and bars that are open give off enough ambient light to drape the streets in a subtle glow. 
He’s instantly taken back to his childhood, so many memories tucked away throughout the picturesque landscape. 
Growing up with famous parents wasn’t all that glamorous in Dieter’s eyes. 
Dieter’s parents, Dean and Mary Bravo, were both well known in the tv and movie world. 
Dean had been known for his roles in James Bond-esque action films through his career, notably his best work among other smaller productions he worked on. Mary was the queen of daytime television with her numerous roles in soap opera’s biggest shows, a socialite getting invited to glamorous events and elite celebrity parties. 
Together they were Hollywood’s “It” couple, jet-setting to all parts of the world when schedules allowed for it. 
Dieter and his younger sister, while born into this movie star family, were raised far from it. Dean and Mary deciding to buy a home in the mountains outside of the headlines and prying eyes, a place where their kids could live a some what normal life. 
Normal was anything but normal. Dean and Mary didn’t let children hold back their lives and desires of more fame. Leaving them with nannies so they could keep up with the demands of working and living their best lives. 
Ojai, a small village-like town nestled in the valley of the Topanga Mountains, became a literal playground for Dieter growing up. 
Little reminders of his childhood still remain as he ventures further into town. He finds himself slowing the car a bit as he takes it all in, rolling the window down to let the evening air hit his face— it’s crisp as it trickles across his skin. 
The private school he attended all through his schooling years sits on top of a hill that over looks the valley. The school’s reputation was highly regarded and offered a plethora of academic courses and electives. Dieter found the  art and theater programs to be where he excelled most, painting and acting fueled his passion for the arts, propelling him into pursuing one as a full time career. 
He spots Bart’s Books as he drives on, an outdoor bookstore, that had become a daily hangout as a kid. The red wooden shelves still filled with adventures and history to get lost in. He discovered his love for storytelling sitting on the covered patio, nose deep in fictional worlds he dreamed of visiting. 
Across the way, a ‘no vacancy’ neon sign flickers on. Capri Hotel, a newly renovated hotel that still looks like it could have come straight from the 1960s with its mid-century design and modern style. He recalls the summer when him and his buddies regularly jumped the fence to swim in the pool, the cool water under the stars was refreshing during the California heat waves. They managed to only get caught once but worked out a barter with the then owners, they clean the pool and in turn can use the pool at their leisure. The hotel seems to be under new ownership now, but it seems to be doing well. 
On every corner there’s an art gallery. Some still looking as if no time had passed, others adorn new names and a fresh coat of paint. Several galleries offered summer painting classes, where Dieter found he had more creative freedom than in school to explore all mediums and really honing in on his style. He’s always imagined he’d have his own showing of his paintings, friends and family gathering to see his work— a dream he never lived out. 
His car parked and engine killed, he still hasn’t found the courage to get out. He can see a few lights on from the front windows of his sister’s quaint Spanish style home. Trying to not let the vague memories of his last visit deter him from going inside. He sends Vanessa a text, letting her know he’d made it safely and that he’d text her if he needed anything. 
Bags in tow, he makes his way to the front door. Nerves and emotions swirling around, reminding himself to breathe, letting go of the fear and expectations he’d had for this reunion. 
He opts for knocking, assuming Wren would be sleeping at this hour. 
The clicking of locks being turned, twisting of the door knob, the black wooden door swings open to the space that’s haunted him for the last year. 
“Hey, Diem. Sorry I’m so—“ He starts to explain his lateness before he’s cut off. 
“Dieter! Oh my god! I thought something happened to you! What the fuck?!” Her body launches at him, arms wrapping around him securely. He accepts the impromptu hug, dropping his bags to return the gesture. 
“No, no I’m good. Traffic was a nightmare and by the time I thought to call, service was fucked. Sorry for making you worry.” 
“You’re here and you’re safe— that’s all that matters.” 
This greeting is going far better than he had expected, but he hasn’t made over the threshold, still plenty of time for Diem to drop the hammer on him. 
“Come in! Let’s get you all settled in.” She ushers him in, closing the door and adjusting the locks again. 
He takes the space in, noting not much has changed from what he can tell in the diffused lighting, but he feels warm and welcoming even for him. 
“I got the spare room all cleaned and ready for you. New sheets on the bed and a few extra pillows just in case.” She seems skittish moving about the living room, picking up the few toys laying around the room and placing them back in their designated baskets. “If you want to sit, make yourself comfortable. You want anything to drink? Eat?” 
She seems just as nervous as he is and that makes him feel less anxious for some reason. 
“I grabbed some food on the way, I’m good.” Setting his bags down, he makes his way to the couch and sits down, deciding to rip the bandage off so to speak. 
Diem taking his lead, sits on the opposite end of the couch, legs tucked under her and hands resting on her lap. A lull hangs over them for a few moments, neither really know what to say or do. He notices her fingers fidgeting and decides to break the silence. 
“I know we haven’t talked much since the last time I was here,” He sees the brief wince on her face at the mention of it, as if she’d been actively trying to avoid talking about it. “But I want to tell you how sorry I am for—“
“Dieter, you don’t have to.” 
“No, actually I do. And I’m going to. Not only because it’s part of my steps in recovery, but because you deserve it— Wren deserves it.”
“She doesn’t know— about the drugs or you going to rehab.” She doesn’t look at him as she says it. 
“I won’t mention it to her then.”
“I just told her you were busy and that you’d be coming to spend time with us 'cause you missed her.”
“Why did you agree? After all the shit I’ve done and put you through, why are you letting me stay here?”
That gets her attention, her eyes glossy with unshed tears as she looks at him with nothing but love and forgiveness. “Because you’re my brother and I want you here, despite all the shit you put me through.” 
He shifts closer to where she’s sitting, wiping the few tears that had decided to fall. He doesn’t think he deserves her kindness, but is grateful he has this opportunity to do what he’s been wanting to do. 
“I’m sorry for the pain and hurt that I caused you. Not only at Wren’s party, but all the other times I’d said I was clean and wasn’t. For putting you both second to my addiction. I’m sorry for not being here when you needed me most. I promise I’m going to do my best to earn your trust and prove to you that I am committed to my sobriety.”
Leaning back, his hand digs into his pocket pulling out his proof, grabbing Diem’s hand and turns it over placing the chip in her palm. She looks at it then back at him, the most genuine smile graces her face before she wraps her arms around his shoulders and pulls him in for a hug. 
“I love you Dieter! Thank you for not only doing this for us, but for yourself as well. I’m really proud of you.” 
“I love you too Diem.”
Releasing Dieter from the hug, she adjusts herself back to her previous position, now more relaxed with her elbow resting on the back of the couch propping her head up as she looks at Dieter, really taking in how healthy he looks since she’d last seen him. 
“Thank you for also letting me stay here. I needed to get out of the city for a bit, clear my head and shit. Should only be a few months or less, until I can get a few things lined up— have a few potential projects I requested scripts for.”
The thought of returning to his old ways terrified him, he had all the tools and support to continue working on himself outside of treatment, but he didn’t want to chance it. He instantly knew exactly where he wanted to spend the next few months re-acclimating back into this new way of living, away from temptation. Knowing their last conversation was anything but great, he'd decided an e-mail felt less grievous and hoped she’d find it in her heart to accept him back in her home again. 
“Of course. Stay as long as you need to.”
“And I can help how ever you need me to, figured it would keep me busy doing stuff, help out with Wren.”
“Oh my gosh, please! It’s peak tourist season the next few weeks at the Hotel and I’ve got a handful of events we’re hosting too. School runs would be a big help for me.”
“Hotel?” He’s sure he heard her right but doesn’t remember any mention of a hotel that he can recall. 
“Funny story actually-- I bought the Capri last year. Did some renovations and it’s been great really. Keeps me busy most of the time, but I love it.”
Diem was never one for the spotlight, especially with movie star family members, actively avoiding anything to do with Hollywood and its ostentatious air. She always had a knack for making drab things look enticing, so Dieter isn’t surprised one bit by the mention of her being the new owner of the Capri Hotel. 
“And now that I’m the owner, you can swim for free— pool cleaning is encouraged too.” He laughs at that. 
“Congrats on owning a hotel I guess. I’ll definitely be taking advantage of swimming privileges then.”
“Alright. I’m going to head to bed, got an early morning dropping Wren off before I meet with the planner for our next event.”
“I can take her tomorrow.”
“You sure? You don’t want to settle in a bit first?”
“Nah, it’ll be nice spending some time with her.”
“Okay. Prepare yourself for a wild time then.”
She kisses the top of his head before heading in the direction of her room. Stopping before turning down the hall, she looks back at Dieter who hasn’t moved from the couch, one of his hands rubbing at the opposite shoulder and leaning his head to the side to stretch it out a bit— the longer car rides really doing a number on him. 
His head turns towards the direction of his name being called. 
“I’m really glad you’re here.” 
“Yeah, me too.”
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fatale-distraction · 4 months
If Barcus were an Origin companion/just a companion do you think he'd have any special interactions with any of the other companions?
Okay this one got the fuck away from me so I might have to do a series?????? Idk, let’s see how I feel this weekend.
For the time being, I hope this will suffice! Here’s how the companions would interact with Barcus after certain Act 3 events! (Minus Minthara, because I feel like he is probably so terrified of her that he’s just deadass faint if she acknowledged his existence.)
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The companions offering to beat up Wulbren:
Gale: I could always set him on fire...?
B: No, that's alright.
G: Poison his food?
B: No.
G: Freeze his undergarments to his arse?
B: Really, it's—...Actually... ~
Astarion: I'd offer to exsanguinate him, but he probably tastes awful.
Barcus: I…appreciate the sentiment. I think.
Astarion: You’re QUITE welcome. Of course, turning him inside out might also be fun…
B: Please don’t turn ANYBODY inside out.
A: Even Wulbren?
B: Even Wulbren.
A: TSK. You’re no fun at ALL.
Shart: ...I know how to make people disappear. Just say the word, and Wulbren will find himself in Shar's embrace.
B: ...Are you a cleric or an assassin...?
S: Don’t worry about it. Just blink twice for yes.
B: No.
Lae’zel: Have you decided on a punishment for Wulbren?
B: A what???
Lae’zel: He has betrayed and insulted you. Such behavior must not be tolerated. Might I suggest a beheading?
B: N-no!! I don’t want him DEAD!
Lae’zel: ….A beating, then?
Wyll: I understand things are over between you and Wulbren? I am sorry to hear it. I had hoped for a better outcome for you.
B: It’s…well, not alright, but…I appreciate it. Thank you, Wyll.
Wyll: And should you ever feel the need to take Lae’zel up on her offer…well, The Blade stands ready.
B: not you, too…
Karlach: so…you’re SURE you don’t want me to punt him into the next century?
B: Quite sure.
Karlach: …damn. That would’ve been fun. Let me know if you change your mind. I’ve got a wicked good leg.
B: I don’t doubt it at all. Thank you, Karlach.
B: Please don’t offer to turn into a bear and eat Wulbren.
H: I wasn’t going to.
B: oh…well. Thank goodness for that.
H: -was absolutely going to-
Jaheira: I understand you probably don’t want to talk about Wulbren.
Jaheira: All I’m saying is that there have been some truly absurd suggestions being made.
B: Thank the stones. I completely agree, Jaheira, thank you for being so—
J: Obviously the best punishment would be to lash him to a windmill. It’s only fair that he should suffer as you once did!
Minsc: Boo would like to offer his services in the getting of revenge upon Wulbren.
B: No. I already have everyone else offering, I don’t need help from a hamster.
M: Are you sure? He has suggested that the most suitable punishment would be to have a teeny tiny hole chewed in the toe of all of his left socks.
B: It’s not nece—actually…That’s not half bad. Of course the most sensible suggestion in this group of weirdos came from the hamster…
114 notes · View notes
dirtybitfic · 2 months
so wrong yet so right
matt sturniolo x y/n
Contains- lecture, disciplinary conversation, dirty talk , flirting, humiliation.
( matt is your professor and you've been skipping class so he has you stay after class to talk)
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y/n pov ~
I've been seeing this guy on and off for a while but recently he's been persuading me to skip my lectures and I agree every time. Today I told him I have to go to my class due to the fact if I missed today id be dropped from the class and I don't need to deal with that and my parents would be up my ass.
I grabbed my bag and packed up my shit and started my 8 minute drive to campus. Im honestly glad my apartment isn’t far from campus or id be late to every class ever.
I parked and made my way into the building. The halls were quiet since this is a later class and most of the building is used in the morning.
I had my air pods in as I listened to Maria Maria by Santana and the product G&B.
I open the door of my lecture room and make my way down the first two steps choosing to sit further in the back .
I sit down and bring out my computer to type notes during the lecture and wait for the class to fill up.
After about 5 minutes the room was filled to the brim with bored students ready for the day to over since its Friday and everyone just wants to be out at the clubs and parties taking place for st.Patricks day.
im gonna be honest this class is kinda boring I had to take it so I have to suffer through but ... the professor is hot asf so I don't mind being stuck in this room for 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Okay guys today were going to be sharing the stories you've all written throughout this week . professor Sturniolo says as he dims the lights and calls up the first student to read their story.
This is a creative writing class and we’re aloud to write anything we want but I missed the fact we’d be sharing the storys... I find that my best writing is dark romance . It's all I read and it's all that keeps me interested .
There is NO FUCKING WAY i'm reading this shit in front of the class . I guess from the class I missed on Tuesday was when he explained that we’d be sharing them with the class.
After about 10 students we were an hour into class . This is a smaller class probably around 60 people. Im praying to god we don't get through everyone today so I can write up a new story over the weekend that isn't filled with smut and masks and corn mazes like the one I have written this week.
I had to pee when we got to the 30th story so I got up quietly slipping out and rushing to the bathroom.
Call me crazy but every time my eyes drifted to Professor Sturniolo his eyes were already on me . Id like to think i'm delusional but the eye contact we held as he gave me a stern look had me feeling otherwise.
I made my way back to class and sat back down . Im guessing we were on about the 35 story when he said we only had time for about three more after this one.
THANK FUCKING GOD I CAN WRITE A NEW STORY THIS WEEKEND I thought to myself as another guy came up to read his story.
I was in shock after he read his it was a story about an old couple with dementia and the only people they could remember in the end was each other as they died in each others arms listening to their first dance song from their wedding. Im not gonna lie I shed some tears .
I looked back at Professor sturniolo as he called the second to last person up to read . He looked at me with a smirk and I swear I saw his Adams apple bob as if he was chuckling at the fact I was crying from the story that was just read. I quickly wiped my tears and sank into my seat.
After the last story of the class he started talking about how he wants everyone to start a new story and have it ready for next Fridays class .
I want you guys to focus your next stories on a specific feeling . It could be anger, happiness envy... anything you're feeling in the moment . I know I don't usually give prompts but I want you guys to express your feelings and show me through your writing style so I can feel them as well . Portraying feelings is a way to keep your reader interested . Have a good weekend and be safe .
everyone starts packing up and I do as well until ...
Ms y/l/n can you stay for a second we need to talk about some things
I loudly gulp as I look down the stairs where he stands as I nod my head and make my way down to him as the last students filter out.
have a seat ms y/l/n he says motioning to the seat in front of where he stands .
I do and sit quietly waiting for him to speak.
so would you like to tell me why you've missed two weeks of class he asks as he walks to his desk grabbing a few things and putting them in his bag.
I have no good explanation so I make one up hoping he'll believe it.
I was sick the first week and last week I had car troubles and was unable to get transportation here. I say sounding a bit unsure.
did you go to the doctor for a sick note he asks as he walks over to me standing in front of me looking down at me all the sudden making me nervous.
umm no
then I cant except that excuse . As for the car troubles ... uber is an option or the bus he says narrowing his eyes on me .
I mean ... yes but I...
I think your lying to me y/n and I don't appreciate it. Id like to think I make this class fun and you are a good writer what could possibly be worth waisting your talent hmm? he asks as he kneels down in front of the desk so I have to make eye contact with him .
I don't know I whisper as my face gets red and all the sudden the room starts to get hot.
Its a boy isn't it he ask as he tilts his head and narrows his eyes.
what ... I ask looking at him scrunching my eye brows
oh come on y/n your face says it all . I hate to see you skip class for someone who keeps you from having good grades and staying focused
I don't know what your talking about ... like I said I was sick and my car was broken so I say as I look away . How did my face give him that much intell.
okay y/n here's what we're gonna do i'm going to ignore the fact that you are blatantly lying to my face and i'll let these absences slide . But... if you even think of skipping my class again I will drop you and you will have to retake my class next semester... an I understood?
y-yes sir thank you I say as I take a breathe I didn't realize I was holding and look back up at him as he stands above me.
now did you write a story this week even though you were absent?
I want to lie and say no but i'm already on his bad side . I hate to say it but... he looks so hot when he's being stern and slightly irritated. He's only 27 and im 22 which is slightly weird. Most of my professors are old as fuck but it's kind of refreshing to have a young teacher.
Yeah I did I just... I didn't know we’d have to share them in front of the class and its not exactly... something I want to read to 60 people. I say as I avert my eyes to the ground.
Then good thing you'll be reading it to me right now... I know your style of writing I read them on a weekly bases but if you'd come to class on tuesday you would have known you'd have to read it aloud .
y-you want me to read it to you now I ask as I look up at him with raised brows and worry in my eyes.
yes unless you have somewhere to be thats more important . The correct answer would be " no sir ill read it now" his tone was laced with attitude mixed with a degrading flare that had me clenching my thighs.
no sir I have no where to be ill read it now I say with a tinge of attitude .
good girl now grab your computer and come back down here and start reading when your ready
I swallow thickly when he calls me good girl as my thighs squeeze together and my face gets red . It's so wrong to think of my professor in the ways I am but he makes its so hard not too. He looks down at my clenched legs smirking and walking to his desk grabbing his chair and sitting it in front of the desk I am at .
I get up and walk back up to where I left my bag grabbing my computer and bringing it back down . Opening it up and logging in as I find my story in google docs and take a breathe . Ive never had to read what I wrote out loud and I hate it so much . The fact i'm about to read a full on sex scene to my teacher should be illegal but he reads my story's each week so how bad could this be right.
whenever you're ready he says as he leans back in his chair waiting for me to start.
o-okay I say as I look down and start reading .
I was running through the corn field the three boys chasing after me from all sides . I cant tell who's who from the masks but I know if they catch me i'm screwed. Im being smacked and sliced by the sharps thick dried shucks from the corn but I power through trying my best to get away untouched . I decide to take a left and run down a narrow path that had been cut . I hear a low chuckle close by as I look over and I continue running to see the gold mask looking at me as the boy approaches me quickly . You can keep running all you want but we will catch you and you'll pay for what you did I hear a deep voice call from behind me . My breathing accelerated as my legs grow week from the amount of running i've been doing tonight. The path all the sudden opens to a large circle with a cross in the middle where they tie up the scar crows but it seems to be missing but fresh ropes lays over the arm parts. I turn around and all the sudden my body is knocked to the ground by a large hard object tackling me .GET OFF ME I scream as the man who pummeled me to the ground holds me down sitting on my legs so I cant fight back. Should have kept running darling you're in for it now he says as the other two apear behind him. Fuck all of you I spit as they all hover over me . The one holding me down hoists me up and the others grab my arms as they push me back into the cross. The ropes that were hanging are all the sudden around my wrists as they tie me to the cross and my breathing starts to pick up . What the fuck are you doing stop take me down now I say to them as I start to panic. Mmmm no. You knew we'd come for you after you sent Darren to prison and now... you'll pay for your sins the one in the black mask says as he steps close to me and I suck in a breathe . He deserves every single year he’ll be in there and I will never be sorry for it. I say as I try to kick him in the leg but fail when my arms burn form the movement causing me to whine. Easy sweetheart your only going to hurt yourself if you keep doing that the one in the red mask says as he steps up to me . Now are you ready to pay for your sins red masks says . What fucking sins I did what had to be done I bite back.
You see sending him to prison hurt all of us and you're going to repay us . You're going to be our own personal slut . We'll take every part of you until you finally realize what you did was a huge mistake black mask says as he steps up to me grabbing me by the neck . Hell no I scold him . These three boys are crazy and deranged . So dark that it feels like the moon barely even shows when they appear.
Jake mullin , Kade Brooksville and Connor palemess are some of the worst guys you'll ever meet . They are so attractive it hurts to even look at them but they have the worst personality known to man. I knew that they would make me pay for sending their best friend to prison but after Darren killed my brother I went psychotic and tracked down any information I could to put him behind bars but at what cost.
Now they want to use my body in a form of pay back for what I did. I should be angry and disgusted but ... the thought of these three men using me like their own personal toy has me dripping wet and embarrassingly I want them in ways i've never wanted a man in my life .
They each rip off their masks and i'm met with their faces.
Jake with his blue eyes and blond hair with a perfect jawline and juicy lips, Kade with his dark hair , stubble over his sharp jaw and perfect green eyes and last Conner with his hazel eyes and sandy brown hair with a perfect button nose and sharp jaw.
Kade steps in front of me as his hands move to my waist in a tight grip causing me to gasp .Now be a good girl and spread your legs he says deeply as he towers over me . I swallow but do as im told not feeling like putting up a fight and excepting the punishment for my actions. He pulls my shorts down along with my underwear tossing them back to Jake as his right hand moves down to my bare pussy causing me to gasp. mm someones dripping wet he says with a smirk that I wish I could punch off his face . Fuck you I say as I look up at his green eyes that are boring into me . He shoves two fingers inside me and I moan out as he speeds them up and grips my jaw with the other . Look at you such a slut enjoying what i'm doing to you he says as he gets in my face keeping eye contact as I struggle to keep my eyes from rolling back. i'm shaking and moaning as my orgasm washes over me . Kade chuckling in my face as he watches me fall apart .
Connor come behind her and hold her legs up Kade says as he starts unbuckling his belt. My eyes widen as my body is picking up and conners strong veiny arms wrap underneath my thighs holding me up. Kades jeans drop to his ankles as he moves to take his boxers off too. I look down to see his long and thick dick clad with 4 Jacobs ladder piercings making me gulp.
He steps up to me and I meet eyes with him as his glisten with lust and a tinge of devilish intent. He smirks at me and I want to die right here right now. I should be fighting this I should be disgusted but... i've never wanted something so much in my life. This is going to hurt but punishments shouldn't be enjoyable. he says deeply as he slides the tip in causing me to gasp and my face to squeeze in discomfort. So fucking tight he groans as he slides more in and I feel every piercing as he thrusts in all the way and I scream. The pain of the stretch has my hands balling to fists and my eyes to water. He starts pounding into me harshly as my breathing is rapid and my muscles tense the pain hurts so good. Thats it take it all he groans as he gropes my ass and pounds faster hitting my g spot repeatedly . This goes on for god knows how long and I’ve lost count of how many orgasms I’ve had . All I can do is breathe harshly when he finally finishes inside me and pulls out as Conner drops my legs and I hang on the ropes as my legs give out. Mmm I think we should just leave you here like this Kade says as he buttons his jeans and looks at me .My face is covered in tears and spit and I struggle to keep my eyes open from the exhaustion my body is feeling right now .Please don’t I whisper with a raspy voice . He chuckles as he tells the others to untie my wrists and Conner puts my short back on but keeps my underwear shoving them in his back pocket . Kade picks me up throwing me over his shoulder and walks back through the maze to his car throwing me in and driving back to their large mansion .
I take a deep breathe and stare at my computer when I finish reading the story unable to meet his eyes.
I mean y/n I must say you’re an amazing writer . You know how to set a science and really make the reader be able to envision where the story takes place.
Thank you sir I say but I still don’t look at him
When you write these stories do you envision yourself as the girl character he asks in a tone that has my eyes snapping up to meet his
Ummm … I guess yeah
Interesting he says as a smile forms on his face
You could easily be a dark romance author you have a talent for it … I mean these fantasy’s are thoroughly thought through and I think people would enjoy reading something like this. If I have to admit I read a lot of dark romance books myself and your writing reminds me a lot of books I’ve read and enjoyed
I smile at him as my face blushes and he notices as a smirk comes to his face.
Thank you sir I … appreciate that a lot
He stands up from his chair and come behind me as he bends down to be ear level with me.
Now. You better keep that promise about coming to my class from now on . I know you can be a good girl for me okay .
His voice so deep in my ear I feel the vibrations in my head and I accidentally let a whine out when he says good girl again and I hear him chuckle in my ear as he places a hand on my shoulder as he stands up to his full height.
Thank you for staying ms y/l/n . I can’t wait to read your next piece have a good weekend
I grab my computer and smile at him .
You too Mr Sturniolo I say as I rush up the stairs to my bag and rush out of the class room.
God wtf is wrong with me I think as I get back to my apartment and flop down onto my bed .
the way he spoke into my ear .... the heat of his hand on my shoulder... the way he calls me good girl.
the way i'm thinking about my professor right now is not okay and I know that but fuck me I cant stop myself from going to my nightstand and grabbing my vibrator.
Ever since I left that building tonight I couldn't deny the pulsing between my thighs and wetness that pooled when I read my story to him .
I strip and lay down on my bed as my minds ran wild with thoughts of professor Sturniolo .
maybe this will get him out of my head and ill be able to focus from now on.
Matts pov-
Y/n is a great writer but god reading her story each week drives me wild. I know thinking of students sexually is wrong and morally illegal but I cant help myself .
I was pissed off that she skipped two weeks of my class ... yeah obviously because she should be focused on finishing out her senior year with passing grades but also because I love watching her in my classroom as she works on her dirty little stories.
The way she bites her lip in concentration… the little smirk she gets when I know she’s writing a dirty line… the way she clenches her thighs when I call her a good girl
I know she’s my student and I shouldn’t be thinking these things about her but … I pull up her last story in my computer and decide this is the least time I’ll ever jerk off to the thought of her.
I need to clear her out of my head and be professional from now on .
Next class is gonna be different….
Part 2 coming soon 💋
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cntloup · 4 months
G/N!Reader fluff, angst
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As soon as he steps through the door, you’re all over him, latching onto him like a lifeline and he puts his strong arms around you, pulling you impossibly close, it seems your two bodies become one. Finally in his warm embrace after so long... how long was it? it felt like an eternity. But now he’s finally home and you’re in each other’s arms, safe and secure. It feels like in that moment, time stops. Nothing else matters. Just two lovers and the burning flame of their love.
He pulls away ever so slightly to take a look at you with glossy eyes when he feels you shaking with sobs. “Love, I’m home now. Safe and sound.” he whispers as though if he spoke loudly, you’d shatter into pieces in his arms. He gently wipes your tears and captures your lips in a tender kiss, slowly putting you down on your feet. You start to wipe your tears quickly with such force, it makes your skin burn as you nervously laugh with a quiet “sorry”. But the tears don’t stop and you continue to sob as a mixture of emotions hit you, both happy and sad. You had to suffer from his absence for so long and now he’s here, standing right in front of you. You don’t know how to feel. He wipes his own tears that rolled down his cheeks when he saw you for the first time in such a long time also it broke his heart as you broke down into uncontrollable sobs in his arms. He pulls you into a bone crushing hug trying to comfort you repeating the words “It’s ok, love. Just breathe. I'm home.” and he has to feel you against his body again to make sure you’re real and not just a fragment of his imagination.
You start to slowly pull away and force a smile that reach your tear-stained cheeks but not your eyes. “Are you ok? No injuries?” “Just some scratches. Nothing to worry about, love.” You wonder if he’s playing it down again in order not to worry you or if he’s being honest. You take his hand in yours and guide him through the hallway into the living room where you have his favorite food ready for him and a bath upstairs. “You wanna eat first or take a bath?” “I’d like a bath first.”
While he’s inside the bathroom, you try to busy yourself with your own chores, but you can’t stop the thoughts that run through your mind every time while he’s away and comes back after so long. ‘How many times do I have to go through this?’ ‘How long do I have to endure this pain?’ Missing him, his touch, his smell, his unique way of loving you, him doting on you all the while you’re together, kissing his scars and showing him such a tender love and fierce devotion he’s never experienced before and showing him that he deserves it, missing everything about him... and dreading for his life every moment that he’s gone. He steps out of the bathroom, a towel hanging low around his torso, interrupting your thoughts. At any other time, you’d jump him right then and there, but you’re too lost in your head right now to focus much on your surroundings, but still you walk up to him to make sure there’s really no serious injuries on him and he lets you then you let out a sigh of relief when you don’t find any. You face him with a smile but he can see right through you “You ok, love?” he mutters after kissing you gently. You can’t keep up the facade as it hurts too much and you never really want to act in front of him. With him, you can be yourself... even show the darkest parts of your soul and be sure that he will stay. “It hurts, Si!” you choke out after a few moments of silence as you start crying. “What?” he asks worriedly with a confused expression on his face. “You being away for so long and when you come back, I have to pretend like it’s nothing and it doesn’t shatter my heart every time. And while you are home, I know it will end eventually and you will leave again-” a loud sob interrupts your words. You inhale deeply and go on “I’m not saying it’s your fault. I know it’s your job and I’m not asking you to give it up. I knew from the start what I signed up for. But it doesn’t help the fucking pain and torment I have to go through every fucking time.” You say the last part through gritted teeth as the anger and frustration bubble up inside you and turn your head to face him as you both sit on the edge of the bed now and see the tears rolling down his cheeks “It hurts me just as much, love. And I want you to know that you’re the only thing that keeps me going and I promise that I will come back to you every time.”
“Promise you’ll be extra careful?” “Pinky promise.” he replies with a chuckle and locks your pinkies together as you set your eyes on him with a genuine smile this time. “I know it’s something I have to deal with on my own. It’s a weight I must carry myself because I love you... because you are worth the pain.” You utter with a lump in your throat. He can’t believe the words that reach his ears ‘Is this a dream?’ ‘How did I end up with such a patient and understanding person?’ He looks at you as though you're his whole life... his everything. He feels guilty and ashamed of himself that he puts you through this. He feels like he’s torturing you. “I can ask Price to lower my deployment numbers.” He’s sorry that it’s all he can do for now. “For now... we’ll see what the future holds.” “You mean-?” “Yes, love. I will retire eventually. In the near future.” You jump into his arms gleefully with a wide grin on your face making him laugh. He kisses you passionately and you pull away only when you run out of breath. He starts kissing all over your face whispering I love you’s over and over again. “I love you too, Si.” you reply with the same grin on your beautiful face which makes him truly happy every time he sees it.
comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥ 
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scribblemakes · 2 years
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I’ll try and set up some compilation posts here so they’re easier to save and look through at your leisure (also it’ll give me a break to make some more art to post). The longer ID is under the cut and a shorter one follows this paragraph.
[ID: 12 images depicting the Psyche skills from Disco Elysium as bigger monsters that interact with Harry. In order, there’s Empathy, Inland Empire, Esprit de Corps, Volition, Authority, and Suggestion. /End ID]
[ID: Every second image shows the previous skill’s design iterations. For example: The second image shows Empathy’s iterations, the fourth shows Inland Empire’s iterations, and so on.
The first image shows Empathy both at a low level and a high level. At the high level, Empathy is leaning over Harry and reaching its hands into his chest. The dialogue reads: Small Empathy: “Oh, he’s- Uh. He’s sad?” Large Empathy: “Feel her pain, Harrier. She’ll never be the same again.”
The third image shows Inland Empire at both a low level and a high level. At the high level, Inland Empire is standing behind Kim while he looks toward the viewer. The dialogue reads: Small IE: “Lift me higher! I need to see the ghosts!” Harry: “Ghosts?” Large IE: “You will lose him.” Kim: “Is something wrong detective?” Large IE: “He will suffer for it.” Kim: “… Harry?”
The fifth image shows Esprit De Corps both at a low level and a high level. At the high level, Esprit De Corps is draped over Harry like his RCM cloak. Multiple radio codes and sentences are coming out of Esprit De Corps. The dialogue reads: Small Esprit De Corps: “That man can’t be your partner! He doesn’t have a cool jacket like Kim!” Harry: “You’ve got a good point.”
The seventh image shows Volition at both a low level and a high level. At the high level, Volition is leaning over Harry’s back while Kim tries to talk to him. The dialogue reads: Small Volition: “Harry! No!” Kim: “Still ready for that Suzerainty rematch, detective?” Large Volition: “Harry. No.” Harry: “No.” Kim: “N-? But you said-” Harry: “I have work, lieutenant.”
The ninth image shows Authority both at a low level and a high level. At a low level, Authority is hitting Harry on the head while he winces. At a high level it’s standing behind Harry with a commanding expression. The dialogue reads: Small Authority: “Grow a fucking spine!” Large Authority: “Make them submit to your will. Command their respect.”
The eleventh image shows Suggestion both at a low level and a high level. At a low level, Suggestion is sitting on Kim’s shoulder and yelling out to Harry. At a high level, Suggestion is leaning over Harry while he looks at someone out of view. The dialogue reads: Small suggestion: “Tell him he’s drop dead gorgeous!” Harry: “Kim, you’re drop dead g-” Kim: “Detective. We’re in the middle of an autopsy.” Large Suggestion: “It’s okay. She’s emotional right now. Keep at it.”
/End ID]
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ch4osworld · 3 months
Chapter 3
Words:889 @cherry-4200 @adaizel
Ok so you guys before you read this i must tell you that it actually sucks ass. I didn't have time to plan anything for the fic this week as it was literally full of things to do and to not let you all without an update for too long i did this monstrosity. I did it in like some minutes and it was a last minute thingy but i promise that the plot of this fic is good i just can't write happy things in my "poetic" style for the death of me so i had to improvise. Again i am deeply sorry for whatever this is.
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A few years have passed since Lilith's disappearance and Lucifer depression was really getting to him, but you always managed to help him through it. After she was gone you stopped travelling around hell and started living with him and Charlie. You loved navigating through the inferno, as much as it was grotesque, but Luci was your top priority. It seemed like he was getting, happier, in a sense. You didn't have to help him as much as you did in the past. It seems your sweet reassurances were useful for once. His joyous demeanor was slowly creeping through the cracks filled with suffering. Charlie was a fully grown woman by now, you were so proud of her, of what she has become. She recently started some sort or project, a hotel to redeem sinners. Her dad wasn't really...fond of her dream, but you supported her as much as you could. Her and Lucifer lost a lot of their relationship. They were....distant, she did love him, as much as he did love her, but it saddened you to see them grow apart. After Lilith's disappearance you started to care for Charlie as if she was your daughter, she was so young when she lost her mom, she needed someone to care for her like only a mother could, and you decided to fill that role. After a while she got accustomed to you, she grew to love you, to see you as family, even when the thought of Lilith still lingered inside her. She was such a sweet girl, you were sure she could do it.
As for Lucifer, your feelings for him never went away, they only grew the more you were togheter, and it was the same for him too. He loved you oh so dearly. He desperatly wanted to make a move, but he was afraid, deathly afraid of it. Lilith was still in his heart, y/n helped him a lot to move on, but he still wasn't ready. You decided to plan something for you and Luci to distract him and help him get better. And what's more relaxing then swimming? You searched for him among the intricate corridors of the castle, founding him in his room, making another rubber duck: "Oh Luciiiii~" you exclaimed, catching his attention, slowly moving your way towards him "Oh! G-good morning, do you need something? I am quite busy right now as you can see...uh...you can stay here with me and help me! If you want..." He replied. He was starting to get more nervous around you and you felt guilty about it, you thought that maybe you did something wrong. If that's the case then the pool day might be able to help him forgive you you hoped "Uh, are you almost done with that? I planned something for us today but we could do it later if you're busy" "NONONONO! I-I am happy to do anything if it's with you–uh I mean don't worry, we can do it now!" He spluttered, as he looked away from you to hide his growing embarassment "Ok so uhm, I've noticed you are recently getting more stressed, soooo you know the pool you have but that you basically never use? What about having a relaxing pool day with nonother than me?" Lucifer contemplated the idea, but of course he accepted. How could he not when you were so excited to spend the whole day with him? "YES–uh of course I accept" "PERFECT. I'll wait you in there while you get ready byeee!" You exclaimed, as you burst out of the door, a sigh coming out of his lips. You were hopeless, but he loved you for it, plus it was an excuse for him to see you in a bikini. He got ready for the pool and made his way there, you were already waiting for him in the cool water and oh my god was he a sight to see. You had to physically  restrain yourself from watering down your mouth, the same was to be said for him though "Ehy, sorry if I didn't wait for you, it was just so fucking tempting" you said looking up at him "It's fine, i guess you'll just have to WATCH OUT!" He exclaimed diving into the water "OH COME ON LUCIFER FUCK YOU I WASHED MY HAIR YESTERDAY" you shouted at him, him exploding in a fist of laugher "that's what you get for not waiting for me". You sighed, he was hopeless, you were truly infatuated with him weren't you? "You owe me something for this mister" you told him, crossing your arms "yeah yeah sure" he replied giggling. Oh god you were such a sight in that, it was hard not to kiss you right then and there. "Uh do you hear that too?" He said all of a sudden "hear what?" "My phone's ringing, wait a sec" he replied, teleporting his phone there. He started at it for a second before screaming "OH FUCK IT'S MY DAUGHTER WHAT THE HELL DO I DO!" "Luci, calm down. Breath in and out it's going to be fine, now be a good dad and respond" "Yes yes you're right" he cleared his throat while finally responding to the call "Ehy bitch!" Ok maybe he was more hopeless than you thought.
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heartsforsserafim · 9 months
i really love your works, can you write for g!p winter?🥺 free choose if sub or dom and about the kinks ofc, whatever inspire you♡
Movie night
pairing ; gp!minjeong (sub) x fem!reader (dom)
genre ; smut/fluff
tw ; edging, teasing, handjob, public sex (lwk), whimpers
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Today the girls invited you and minjeong over for movie night, they'd be providing everything needed. You and minjeong made your way over to the place, greeting the girls.
"Hii Y/nie on my gosh its been SO long" Aeri spoke, you agreed and hugged her, "So true", minjeong got caught up with ning and rina's talk about the new anime they found while you and aeri cooked inside the kitchen.
A while passed and everything was ready, you chose to watch 50 Shades Of Grey. The girls agreed but minjeong didn't know you decided on it, she walked in during one of the sex scenes inside the movie and she sat next to you. Quickly grabbing a blanket in fear of the girls seeing her slowly hardening cock.
"Babe why'd you grab a cover? Is it already cold?" You asked her, getting a heating pack out of your bag, "N-no its something else" she whispered back. You didn't fully process what she meant in the moment and the movie was back on a normal scene. You two just hushed and watched the movie, until another scene came up.
minjeong gripped your thigh and looked at you with pleading eyes, you understanding what she meant now. Reaching your hands down to her waist, you slowly moved your hand into her pants. Going past her boxer briefs, touching her bare cock. The amount of precum coating it would make it easier to give her a handjob.
You began jerking her slowly, she wimpered lowly. Aeri turned her head, "Winter are you okay?", " U-uhm y-yea i'm fine" that caught the attention of karina, "I mean, we can turn on something else if you'd like?" "N-no girls i'm fine, enjoy your movie" minjeong said, reassuring them. They nodded and turned back to the movie
She was currently suffering, your slow movements on her cock made her want to just fuck your hand. Ningning stood up from behind you two, and minjeong's head fell back at the same time. "Win you sure you're okay?" She asked the older girl, "Y-yeah ning i'm fine" She nodded and walked over to the kitchen.
Another sex scene comes on, and minjeong's cock twitched. "Aw puppy come on" you whispered in her ear, "Can't you wait till it's over?" "A-ah n-no i can't wa-wanna cum now" you nodded and sped up your movements on your hand. Minjeong tried her best to keep quiet and not alert the other girls.
She whimpered lowly as she felt herself getting closer, but you stopped and got up to go get some water out of the kitchen. Leaving minjeong there, waiting for you to come back. Although it only took four minutes, it felt like years to minjeong. She needed to cum and you just edged her. Once you came back, minjeong looked at you with pleading eyes once more. "Aw i'm sorry princess" you put your hand back on her cock and continued your movements.
By this point, minjeong didn't care who caught you two she just wanted to cum. Her orgasm built up once again pretty quickly, thrusting her hips into your hand. She came and shot her head back, her load spilling all over your hand. You whispered into her ear, "Good girl" minjeong brought her head back. Her eyes hooded and she was still panting, her vision wasn't clear at all.
The movie ended a few minutes later, "Okay how was it?" Jimin asked, "It was good, i really liked it" Ning said, "Same here" Aeri spoke, you nodded with them. "Minjeong, you okay?" Aeri asked the younger girl, "She's fine, she was tired" you said, "Oh okay" Aeri went over to her bedroom.
The girls got everything cleaned up, and you fixed minjeong's clothes before waking her up, "Come on baby, the movie's over" She wasn't registering everything and just nodded following you home
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xxsycamore · 10 months
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𝐍𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞
↬ 👖 Napoleon has a little problem dressing up for a date in the 21st Century. Luckily, the mansion's residents are there to give him fashion advice, divided into team Sexy, team Defense, and team Cute.
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Napoleon Bonaparte x MC, ft. all residents ( Leonardo, Mozart, Arthur, Isaac, Dazai, Comte, Sebastian, Jean, Theo, Vincent, Shakespeare) • rating: G • tags: Humor; Crack; Dress Up • wordcount: 1,797 • masterlist
a/n: An early celebration for Napoleon's upcoming birthday, with the prompt Napo Style from my Napoleon Birthday Celebration 2023 event! Enjoy the chaos!
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Thanks to The Door at Comte's mansion being fixed and thus allowing a safe trip through the time and space continuum, newer and cooler dating spots are now available for the mansion's lovebirds, Napoleon and MC! How exciting is that? The latter is especially enthusiastic about strolling the streets of 21st-century Paris and showing off her lover…
The former is currently losing his mind.
Because there is an hour left until they step into the vortex of time-traveling, and Napoleon has no idea how people in the future dress for a date. At all.
"This is a problem." Napoleon muses out loud as he paces back and forth in the mansion's lounge room. Of course, he's not alone there, in this house you never get a moment of privacy no matter where you are. Currently he shares his air with… Leonardo, Mozart, Arthur, Isaac, Dazai, Comte, Sebastian, Jean, Theo, Vincent, Shakespeare… wait, why are all of them here?! Even Shakespeare? Could it be that his worries are so prominently written on his face that the residents' gossip-meter was able to track it, and now they're bursting with curiosity?!
"Everything alright, Naps?" Arthur tests the waters, taking a noisy sip from his coffee.
"Yeah, you can always tell us if you have problems with your dating life. That's what friends are for."  Theo chimes in, folding his arms in front of his chest.
"Problems with my dating life? No, it's just… I don't know how to dress up for the date. I thought that maybe I could just go with these clothes…?" Napoleon shrugs, fixing the lapels of his jacket.
"I strongly suggest you don't." Joins Mozart, closing the piano he was pretending to play as he listened in.
"Then what do I put on? MC will be ready in just a moment and she'll no doubt be stunning. Gods… Can any of you help me out?"
"We can."
"Alright old chap, come out whenever you're ready. Too bad that our team's idea is first and therefore it will put an early end to this fashion show." Arthur boasts confidently as he takes his place on the left along with his other team members, part of the Sexy team. As the curtain is dramatically swooshed to reveal Napoleon, the audience livens up in a cacophony of different murmurs…
Napoleon has no idea why the bunch targeted his favorite red curtain-- erm, cape, as the first thing to be removed from the outfit, but in a flash Napoleon sees it hanging from the staircase's railing and he understands. The small space behind the stairs becomes a makeshift changing booth… he does live with the smartest men in history after all. From there on, the smart ideas keep on coming as he steps behind the curtain and braces himself for accepting the various articles of clothing being handed to him to try on.
Napoleon poses awkwardly while trying to hide his attributes, the small cloth hiding his crouch area making it difficult as his pants have been reduced to just that, a loincloth that his trademark big belt holds together. His shirt too has suffered a massive reduction in length and now barely covers his chest, leaving his abs and stomach exposed, a similar thing done to his sleeves so the shirt now reminds more of a tank top of sorts. The golden epaulets from his jacket remain. His boots are untouched, at least. His look is completed with ruffled hair for a messier, sexier hairstyle.
"Ahem. As you may know, the 21st century is vastly different from our times in terms of dressing to impress… so to say, the meaning of that phrase is turned upside down!"
"Undress to impress!" With a finger in the air and a smile on his face, the most unlikely member of team Sexy, Vincent, hurries to add. Before Theo can collapse, Vincent backs up his (unbeknownst to him) scandalous vision with a little bit of his wisdom. "How nice that is, a world that celebrates the body instead of hiding it. Napoleon has a body that many would put on a canvas, and he should celebrate it!"
"Thank you, Vincent."
"Sebastian, why are YOU on this team?" Someone in the crowd asks.
Despite Arthur's confidence in winning this "competition", the other teams are more than eager to have their go in an attempt to beat his idea of modern fashion. After another round of handing stuff to the haphazardly changing behind the curtain Napoleon, a group of four residents get ready to present their idea.
With a perfect little nod, Sebastian says matter-of-factly, "Master Napoleon has a body that many would put on a canvas, and he should celebrate it."
With difficulty, a man in a knight's heavy full armor (that normally can be found in one of the hallways as a decoration) steps in front of the audience's eyes, who they can only assume is Napoleon, due to not a tad of his identity being visible underneath this "outfit".
As a leader of Team Defense, Jean turns to the audience to explain. "The modern world is filled with dangers we're unaware of. Napoleon should prioritize his safety," he eyes his teammate, Shakespeare, who is ready to take the word next: "As well as the safety of his beloved. Thus he clothes in steal and prepares a heavy blade, or a dozen; if the chance arises, he shall defeath all that's on his path, in the name of her!"
As Napoleon hears the signal, he demonstratively takes out a spear, a chain mace, a war hammer, a longsword…! The audience takes a step back.
"They're right. You never know what's out there. There might be cats." Theo nods approvingly, slapping Napoleon's armor as if to test its durability. The last member of team Defense, Mozart, is ready with his own argument.
"Everything there must be dirty. This will protect him from exposure."
Still, this can't end without the final third team showcasing their own unique idea of dressing up Napoleon. And besides, the mansion's daddy, Comte, being a leader of this team is enough to make everyone quiet down and pay attention.
It's a shockingly good argument.
"And finally, team Cute. Because you, my dears, are forgetting a key element of what our fashion show is about, and that is helping our Napoleon win his girl's heart all over again, in a different time, in a different world. We must look from the eyes of MC. And a lady like her, oh her heart surely sings at the sight of everything that can be called cute. She'll swoon and melt as she witnesses Napoleon embracing his inner adorableness; that is for sure!"
Without further ado, Napoleon steps forward, revealing his outfit that for some reason troubles his walking more than the armor from before… the reason might be the tight corset Comte put him in, one made for men nonetheless, but still making it hard for the soldier to act naturally wearing. Especially combined with those high-heeled boots! There's not a trace of any dark colors anywhere to be seen, from frilly innocent whites to sunny yellows to baby pinks, he's dolled up like a little prince from a fairytale. His hair which is the only color out of place, is densely covered in small hairclips, that are not exactly Comte's style, so there might be put there by…
"Napo-chan is so kawaii with the little hair accessories I put on him. I'm convinced MC won't resist kissing you all over."
"Why am I on this team?!" Laments Isaac, whose contribution is narrowed down to an apple he found laying around… surprisingly, posing with the apple does add cute points to Napoleon's look, as much as the physicist hates to admit. He's only on this team because he refused to join in the absurdity of the other two…
"They're right, Naps." Leonardo agrees with a hand on his chin. "I've heard cara-mia gush all over you being cute when you make a slip-up from your mister perfect persona. Be a little clumsier and clueless. She'll find it charming."
Napoleon hums and looks at the palms of his glove-clad hands, a little lost. "I'm, uhhh… not so sure what you mean."
"That's it, just like that."
"Okay, that's all, which team won?" Arthur asks impatiently, not very amused about the fact that his coffee mug is now empty.
"That's for Napoleon to decide. What do you think, Napoleon?"
Napoleon takes a look at all the faces lit up in expectation, and makes a "wait" gesture as he disappeared behind the curtain again. A few seconds later he is out, dressed in what appears to be an untouched replica of his original outfit, but almost hidden beneath various items that each of the teams can recognize as their own.
"You all joined forces to help me, so the answer can only be a combination of your efforts. With this, I'm confident about covering all bases necessary for a successful date with my Nunuche. Thank you."
"Spoken like a true leader!" Dazai cheers, instantly approving the idea.
The door swings open as MC walks in at a fast pace, hurrying to collect Napoleon's hand and take him away. She's dressed in a simple sundress and wearing her light pink bag over a shoulder with the little Mousette charm hanging from it.
"There you are Napoleon, we're going to be late for our date…! What are you wearing?"
Napoleon makes a troubled humming noise as he shakes off item after item, throwing them in different directions as they clatter against the floor and roll off somewhere. He's back in his day-to-day outfit.
"Nothing much. Nunuche, the truth is… you're stunning. I didn't want to disappoint you. I'm sorry but I couldn't find anything to dress up for our date."
"Oh? What are you talking about, we're going to get you dressed up right now! As soon as we step out of the door we'll go to my friend Mai's boutique and you can have a full Comtherapy!"
"…I…What's a Comtherapy?"
"A Comte-therapy! A shopping therapy, dummy! He even gave me money to dress you up this morning! Thank you, daddy Comte!"
"You're welcome, ma cherie."
"COMTE? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?" a bunch of voices speak up at the same time.
"Why, my dearest residents and I were having so much fun. Who am I to spoil it?"
Amidst the chaos, Napoleon and MC begin to laugh, their hands still intertwined because of MC's earlier attempt to sneak Napoleon out of the rowdy room. Napoleon smirks and takes the lead, leaving the residents to their wits.
"Come on, Nunuche. Let's go on our date."
MC swoons and gawks, following right after.
"Gods Napoleon, you're so charming!"
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @my-day6 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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NSFT Alphabet: Joseph Desaulnier
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I have no idea what im doing lol
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
So ideal you prob are expecting him to run you a bath, wipe you down, cuddle all that jazz but tbh he needs a second to recover. Would cuddle if you are a cuddly type but are content lying beside you just listening to your voice. He does like to touch you after with his nail tracing your skin or kissing a spot he might have bitten too hard during the moment. I do believe this man would have after-sex snacks ready lol food and wine guy. The bath happens later 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite part of his body I think would be his hair idk he seems like the time to take extra care for it. On you, I think your face if you are an expressive person or your hands. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes cumming on your face. If you let him he will paint you with his cum and take a picture of it uwu
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes giving those he likes pet names (‘gray little mouse’ for Aesop). He rather likes it when someone fights back rather than just accept their fate-- this goes in the bedroom too. He likes the tussle before you give in. Would let you peg him if you are into that
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
A lot. Trust me this man in no way is a virgin, no way and with both genders
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
You riding him 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
He is serious but might smile but he takes this very seriously
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Uh-hm I don't think his a hair guy based on his once skin, I doubt he has much hair down there
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
He can be romantic depending on the mood and 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I don't think he does this unless he is already in a relationship
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Petplay, degradation, mutual masturbation, 'human furniture', titles used in the bedroom, brat taming
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In his bedroom he is not all that into public stuff but something you inspire him in matches (more like he bullies you for being bold)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You being a brat
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He will not sub he just wont (until i find a plot reason for him to sub lol)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Too good, evil good, life-changing even 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual or fast and rough it all depends on the mood and place
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He hates quickies at first until you tease him enough then you getting it
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He can if you present it to him
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
The man literally can cheat using camera world to make you cum faster without having to do much work lol but also he is a swordsmen i think he can last fairly long
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You need to show him what a vibrator is (but be ready to suffer)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
100% unfair
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Depends he can be loud or quiet (plot reasons)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Pull his hair before he cums 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I think he does not have a high sex drive as he got older, but if you have a high sex drive I'm sure he can match it
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
I think it depends on how long you two have been going at it. He tends to stay awake to watch you sleep, the calm after the storm feelings. Here you are vulnerable with the person who is technically your enemy in these games, peaceful and covered with his marks.
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vioartemis · 1 year
I'll die with you (part 6)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: After your mom's death, you were ready to kill Ghostface. Whoever it was. At least that's what you thought, before realizing it might be one of your friends Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 Warnings: Ghostface stuff, death of a character (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Tears were rolling down your cheeks as Gale's body fell to the ground.
You got up, shaking, and punched the button as hard as you could, letting out a cry of despair. The mechanism finally decided to work, and the glass wall started to go upwards.
But it was slow. Too slow to allow you to rush to your mom yet.
As the wall went up, Ghostface looked at you and whipped his blade before turning on his heels, removing what held the stairwell's door closed and running away. You couldn't wait any longer and crawled under the glass.
At the moment, chasing the killer was the last thing on your mind.
You knelt next to your mom and applied pressure on her wounds. But the cut on her throat was deep. Way too deep. Despite all your efforts, blood continued gushing out of the wound.
"I-it's okay... you're gonna-"
"Y/n..." the tone of her voice broke you, and her weak smile didn't help "I'll tell your dad you say hi..."
"Wh- no no no no...! You can't you- don't leave me too..."
Tara was worried about you. Since your mom died, you weren't the same. She could understand that, of course, but you didn't say a word to anyone, including her.
She tried to talk to you, only to be met by dead eyes staring into the void. You weren't responding, even when she kissed you. Sam ended up telling her to leave you alone for the moment, and they both exited the room you were sitting in.
Everything around you was blurred, nothing mattered anymore. Both your parents were attacked by Ghostface, and each time you couldn't save them.
Was continue trying even worth it? You were all going to die anyway. You, Mindy, Lexi, Sam, Tara... Tara...You couldn't stand seeing her suffer again. She was the only thing you had left. The only one.
You couldn't let him take her away from you. Not her too.
The grief you were experiencing since your mom's death was replaced by an overwhelming wrath.
He was not going to hurt her in any way. You would do everything in your power to prevent that from happening. Even if it meant killing him yourself.
Especially if it meant killing him yourself.
Loud voices in the hall made you snap out of your 'trance'.
"I told you it wasn't going to work! Her theory was bullshit, not everything revolves around her!" it was Lexi's voice
"At least she tried to find a plan! What did you do huh? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Oh no, sorry, you couldn't stop complaining about how you didn't to be the bait! How useful." Tara defended you
"You know damn well that's not true! I tried to tell you all that was a shit plan, that we should- You know what? I don't care. I'm leaving. She can die alone, just like her father."
That sentence made your wounds burn and your rage build up.
Before you could realize it, you were storming out of your room and grabbing the blonde by the collar, pinning her against the wall with force.
"What the fuck did you just say?" you said, teeth clenched
"You heard me perfectly."
You would have punched her on the spot if it wasn't for Tara to put her hand on your arm gently.
"Y/n, she's not worth it..."
You looked at your girlfriend for a second, before releasing the other girl.
"Oof, thank you Tara. Your crazy girlfrie-"
She didn't get to finish her sentence, cut off by Tara's fist meeting her face. She looked offended but didn't try to fight back and simply turned to Mindy.
"You coming with me or...?"
The brunette started following her girlfriend but turned around and mouthed you 'I'll try to convince her', leaving you alone with Tara.
"I thought you said she wasn't worth it"
"Well, I was wrong. Who does she think she is to talk about you like that?" she mumbled
You grabbed her hand gently, thumb brushing over her red knuckles.
"Thank you for punching her, it was satisfying to watch" you said, lips curling up slightly
"Where are Mindy and Lexi?" Sam asked, arriving with coffee in her hands
"They left"
"Lexi wants to leave Woodsboro. Mindy said she would try to convince her that it's useless" Tara explained
"And you let them go? Splitting up is the worst thing to do right now!"
"I don't know." you started "Maybe staying only the three of us is the best option."
"What do you mean?"
"Our plan was good; it should have worked. He had no reason not to follow us."
"Are you trying to say that-"
"He knew."
The two girls looked at you with wide eyes.
"He knew...?"
"He knew what we wanted to do. He tampered with the mechanism. He even blocked the doors! That cannot be a coincidence!"
"But how?" Sam questioned
"Someone might have heard us. Or... or one of us is Ghostface"
"Maybe that's what he wants us to believe. He makes us doubt each other and then... He gets us one by one." Tara suggested, way too quickly to your taste
Why did she react this fast? She didn't have that kind of scruples when she accused Damian to be the killer. Why was she being so defensive now...?
You looked at her, eyebrows slightly furrowed. She wouldn't... she wouldn't be Ghostface, right? No, she was with you during every attack.
Which gave her a perfect alibi, said the little voice in your head, speaking for this tiny little part of yourself that thought it might be her.
You were on the verge of slapping yourself for thinking that it could be your girlfriend. It couldn't be her. You hoped it wasn't her.
And if it was her... you preferred not to think about it.
Your phone ringing in your pocket made you snap out of your thoughts. It was a text from Mindy: 'I have a plan. Meet us at the old house near the hospital at 6.'
At the agreed time, Sam, Tara and you were in front of the house, wondering what could possibly be her plan in such a place. The house was decrepit; no one had lived here for a long time.
"Are you sure we're at the right place?" Sam asked
"Yes, there's no other 'old house near the hospital'"
"Couldn't she find a better location...? This house's creepy"
You shrugged. There were rumors in school saying it was haunted by its former owner's ghost. You never believed it, but you had to admit the atmosphere wasn't pleasant.
Maybe five minutes after, Mindy and Lexi arrived, soon followed by... Damian?
"They let you out?" the blonde asked the boy
"I told you I was innocent..." he simply replied
"We still don't know that." Mindy intervened, eye siding him, before turning to you "Why did you brought us here?"
You gave her a confused look.
"What? You're the one who texted me to meet you here!"
"I did not? Tara messaged me half an hour ago telling me to come here at 6" the brunette said, confused
You turned to your girlfriend with a questioning look on your face.
"I didn't text you?"
"Yes you did"
Mindy took out her phone and showed the text. It was indeed from Tara.
"I got the same" Damian added, showing his phone too
You showed them what you received too, more confused than ever.
Just when you thought things couldn't get weirder, someone else arrived. Sidney Prescott, your 'aunt'. Why was she here? Wasn't she supposed to stay with Mark and their daughters?
"Sidney? What are you doing here?"
"Your mom texted me. She said you would need my help here and that without me it wouldn't work"
Your heart sank at her words.
"When did she text you...?"
"Maybe two hours ago. Why?"
Your eyes widened and your heart started beating faster.
"W-we need to get the fuck out of here..."
"What? Y/n what are you-"
"She can't have texted you"
"Because I killed her."
The voice made you all jump. You turned around, only to be met by a tall, black figure standing in front of you. Ghostface was here.
It was a trap. There was no way out, he was in front of the garden's exit. The only option you had was going in the house. Into his trap.
He had planned everything; lured you here and blocked the way out so you were forced to go inside. You couldn't escape.
When the killer took a step closer, knife out, you all ran in the house, except for Sidney who took out a gun and tried to shoot him. You didn't know if she got him of not, but she soon followed you inside.
You slammed the door shut as soon as Sidney got in, and Tara and Sam pushed a cupboard against it, keeping it close. Damian took out his phone and dialed 911.
"Shit, there's no network here..."
"What do we do then? We can't call the police nor go outside!" Lexi complained
"We try to stay alive" Sidney said calmly
"And we kill him." you added
"No more 'we arrest him'? Now you want to kill him? May I remind you that last time your plan failed miserably."
If Sidney and Damian hadn't held you back, you would have punched her way harder than what Tara did earlier.
"Y/n calm down, now isn't the time to-"
Sidney got cut off by Ghostface, bursting through the door on the other side of the room and throwing a chair at her. The three of you bent down to dodge the flying object.
From your position, you saw Tara and Mindy running away through the right door. Sam and Lexi tried to follow them, but Ghostface stood in their way, forcing them to go somewhere else.
Damian grabbed your hand and pulled you with him, away from the killer. You tried to pull Sidney with you, but she didn't move, gun in hand.
You followed the brunet across the house, trying to sow your pursuer. You stopped after a minute, out of breath.
"I- I think he's not after us..." the boy said
You nodded, hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath.
You hoped none of your friends was getting killed. At least they were in groups of two... Which could be deadly if one of them happened to be the killer.
What weird groups now that you thought of it. Tara didn't try to get to you like she did before. Mindy and Lexi didn't try to be together either.
Sam and Lexi didn't have the time to get to them, but Tara and Mindy were the first ones to run. They had the time to go with whoever they wanted. Why didn't they try to go with their girlfriends?
Here it was again. The little voice in your head telling you that Tara might be Ghostface. And again, you tried not to think about it.
Damian got cut off by the second door opening itself, revealing Ghostface. Maybe he was after you. As he rushed to you, you grabbed the nearest object, a lamp, and threw it to him.
It was your turn to grab Damian's wrist this time, pulling him out of the room and running away. You had no idea where you were in the house. Everything looked the same.
At one point, you end up at a crossroads. You could hear Ghostface running behind you, you had to think fast.
"Go left" you said
"Go left, I'll go right. He should come after me"
You didn't let him time to think and pushed the boy to the left, preventing him from getting cut by Ghostface's knife. You sprinted to the right, hoping the killer would follow you.
And he did. He followed you to the end of the corridor. A dead end.
Shit, you thought.
You didn't even get the chance to get to the wall. You felt the blade sink in your back. He was already on you.
You thought he would kill you right away, but instead, he grabbed your hair harshly, knife still in your back.
"Now stop running, will you?"
"What do you want?" you asked, teeth clenched
"You'll see in a minute. Be patient. And stop struggling, I wouldn't want to kill you before the big reveal."
With that, Ghostface guided you to the living room. Six persons were already there. Five of your friends, and one Ghostface.
Someone was missing.
So I was right... There was a mole among us the whole time.
a/n: I'd love to have your thoughts about who you think is Ghostface after reading this chapter, I'm really curious 👀
[Previous part] || [Next part]
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naughtyknickers13 · 1 year
Jason Todd x F! Reader NSFW Alphabet Headcanons
Notes: this is my first ever NSFW post! I could not stop thinking about my personal NSFW headcanons for Jason. Eventually, I gave in and wrote this.
Warnings: general NSFW-ness (if there's something else i should add, let me know!)
Other: If you're a minor, there's nothing I can really do to stop you, especially since I doubt you'd advertise it. But please, don't look at this if you are. Just wait until you're older. You have time, I promise.
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He is the sweetest after sex. Making sure you have everything you want or need, helping clean you up, and cuddling when all that is done. 
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your ass, definitely. He is an ass man, no question. 
He really loves his thighs, especially because he knows they turn you on. Jason knows how hot he is. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
His cum always either goes in you (pussy or mouth, he's not picky) or it goes on you. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He had a wet dream about you before you'd ever gotten together. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's not very experienced, though he has some. He didn't really have much time. Once he was old enough that he'd want to do it, he was busy being Robin and trying to impress Bruce, then he was dead, then he was on a revenge mission suffering from pit madness. It would only be after all that that he could get some experience. 
But he's a fast learner. He pays attention to what you like and what you don't. He also makes sure to ask you and that the two of you talk about those kinds of things.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
His favorite is missionary, where you can see him, and more importantly, he can see you. Your reactions,that lust-filled look on your face, all of that.
He also likes doggy where he can just pound into you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
He teases a lot, but he does not joke. Sex is a serious thing for the two of you. There's the odd bit of awkwardness and laughter here and there, but it's not a common thing.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Neatly trimmed. Definitely has a trail from beneath his belly button to his member.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
It depends somewhat on the situation. He can be VERY romantic, or not very romantic at all. It's always pretty intimate, though.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He'd prefer to have you, but when that's not possible, he'll do it himself. Using a picture of you, of course. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Size kink.
We all know it. No explanation needed.
Orgasm denial.
He wants you BEGGING before he lets you come. 
Having you tied up and at his mercy is something Jason LOVES! He definitely wants to be in control, and seeing you helpless and all ready for him really gets him going. 
Face-fucking (both ways). 
Letting you use him for pleasure can really get him going. It's one of the times he'll let you have control. 
And seeing you on your knees while he fucks into your mouth? Oh, yeah, that's a big yes for him. 
Whether it's his thigh or his dick, seeing you use him to get yourself off is something Jason LOVES. Another one of those times where he'll let you have control. 
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He'll do it just about anywhere, but he prefers the bedroom. Private, uninterrupted, and comfortable. There are definitely times where he'll do it semi-public. Only if you're okay with it, though.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
More like what doesn't? But your ass is one of the big ones. And if you start talking dirty, that gets him going real quick! 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Gun/knife kink
Growing up in Crime Alley and being a vigilante, Jason has seen the atrocities that people with guns and knives have caused. He does not wanna bring that into his life with you or the bedroom. Sex with you is about being intimate and in love. 
Sharing you is a definite no. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He's gotten GOOD at eating you out. He knows what makes you tick, what gets you screaming, etc., 
And he has no problem receiving oral. That's always great, of course.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be either depending on the situation, but most often it's fast, rough sex. You at his mercy, begging for release.  (Remember, orgasm delay kink.) Plus, Jason likes control.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He'll happily do a quickie. He'd prefer to be able to do more, but that's not always an option and the boy gets the need for you pretty often! 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He'll take some risks and he'd be okay e8th experimenting unless it's something he knows he's absolutely against, or you're against it. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Ohh, he's definitely got good stamina. Can definitely go at least 3 or 4 rounds. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
I don't think he has any for himself, especially since he's got you. But the man would DEFINITELY have one of those vibrators with a remote that lets him control it. Man's a tease. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
A LOT. He likes to tease you until you're begging him, barely able to form a coherent sentence out of sheer need. The man's good, and he knows it. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's not very loud. More grunts and low moans than anything else. 
You, on the other hand, he wants to make you scream. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He may be an ass man, but he also really loved your boobs! 
Scratching his back with your nails is a big yes for Jason.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's just big. Thick. Long. All that.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high. He gets horny a lot. Especially now that you're in the picture and he has someone to want. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He takes a while to fall asleep. He spends that time holding you and thinking about how beautiful you are, how much he loves you, and how lucky he is that you're his. He'll call sleep eventually, but it takes a while and only if you're in his arms. (But then, where else would you be?)
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