#be nice to your writers!
bababaka · 8 months
Yall need to interact with fanfiction author's more.
So. After the ddos attack on ao3.
I was encouraged to write more comments and make my love known to fanfic writers.
I dont really like commenting. Because im a bit shy and soooo lazy.
Now though. I am writing more comments. And dude. This is so heartwarming. Ya'll need to treat writers better. They are doing the lord's work.
Take for an example, couple of days prior, i was searching for something interesting to read, and found an oneshot quite compelling.
I read it. At the end of it, i was blown away by how good it was. It promised me something and it went beyond my expectations. But then i saw a crime, zero fucking comments!
At that moment, i wasn't feeling up to writing a comment. Because, normally i like to write huge paragraphs. But because im lazy i decided to be brief.
Next day, the author answered that the comment lift their mood for the whole day.
That warmed my heart.
Duuuuuuuude! Write comments! Suport the writers of the fics you like! No need to be something super elaborate. Just give your thoughts. Freak out. Ramble. Ask something. Make theories. Compliment. Make a joke about how you wished to give kudos every chapter but ao3 sucks(not true bby) and won't let you.
Truly. Just. Comment. It can make someone's day. And that is part of the apeal of writing fics. Interacting with people.
Just give love to fanfic writers yall. They deserve this and so much more.
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coline7373 · 1 year
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On fanfics and all fanworks.
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ecstarry · 3 months
Made for Me
"James?" Regulus gazed at him, utterly bewildered. What on earth was James Potter doing standing outside his door on Valentine's Day, holding an actual bouquet of flowers?
"Yeah, that's us," James and Regulus turned at the sound of Barty and Evan's voices, each arching a brow, silently urging them to explain.
"We signed you up for the Uni's matchmaking program. My guess is that you got matched with Potter."
"YOU DID WHAT!?" Regulus snapped.
A valentine's day oneshot for @regscupid @magswrite and @spacexcowgirl
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dxringred · 2 years
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get out of our house
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aq2003 · 1 year
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the baddest kids in town (gilear's taking the picture)
[made for the @d20exchange for @snoozu !!]
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killerandhealerqueen · 4 months
Can I bitch for a second? Like, I just want to understand why, in the past few years, comments and reblogs on fics have gone the fuck down. Like why? What fucking changed?
In 2020 and 2021, I used to get comments all the time on almost all my fics and now it's like...I'm lucky to get any. I also know that I write for small fandoms so like, that's a contributing factor, but still. Even with my latest multichapter fic, there are no subscriptions. Like, everything has just gone down.
And while I realize that the pandemic happened in 2020-2021, the decline has been happening for a while, especially here on tumblr. Comments and reblogs and asks about fics are just...not really a thing anymore.
And people wonder why writers don't wanna continue. Yeah, yeah, that whole thing of write for yourself, we all write for ourselves, lets be honest. We do. But we also want to share our creations with you because that's the whole fucking point of art. You want to share it with others and have them appreciate the work and time you put into it. And we'd like to hear feedback! It's literally not a bad thing to want comments. And people need to stop making writers feel bad for saying they want comments. And reblogs. Likes and kudos are great but they don't do anything. They just tell us that you liked the fic/work. But they don't tell us what you thought, what moved you, what rewired your brain, what made your heart thump or flutter or clench. That's what comments tell us. That's why we want comments. We want to see our fics through your eyes.
Writers shouldn't have to beg for interactions, so please. Reblog and leave comments on fics. Please. It's really the least you could do
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galedekarios · 4 months
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the thrilling sequel to gale killing himself is right ending actually: why doesn't wyll enjoy being treated like a dog by a sexy demon lady
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ponderingmoonlight · 5 months
Some troll is roaming around writer's inboxes and hates on them for writing gn! and fem! only
If you're a writer and something like this ever happens to you: Just delete the request and move on. Honestly, people like that just want you to feel shitty about absolutely nothing out of their very own insecurities.
It's okay if you write fem! or gn! only
It's okay if you write male! only
It's okay if you write black!reader or japanese!reader only
Because this is YOUR blog and YOUR decision. If you're not delivering the content someone else is looking for, they have to find it somewhere else. Tumbr is literally full of creative work from all kinds of POVs and that's wonderful. There is absolutely no reason to hate on someone because they don't write the way you want it or something on your blog doesn't appeal to them. And you always have this one big opportunity: Just.write.yourself.
You are your own person.
And your content is great.
Just delete senseless hate.
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inkjetpaladin · 5 months
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New ish Toji content from Gege. He has revealed his og sketch for Toji vs the final cover.
Thanks to Gege's love for Toji, we fans are being fed despite Toji being dead.
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tyungelic · 6 months
it takes like five seconds to say how much you likes a fic in the tags or reblogs like sorry to say but in terms of knowing if people actually like what you’re writing or not, likes don’t do much at all. a little feedback never hurts, even if it’s just one or two tags or a reply or a short reblog, anything
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hood-ex · 6 months
wait idk anything about the tevis’— why would tommy tevis call dick his son? would you be willing to give a quick rundown
After Dick failed to get himself incarcerated, he became an enforcer for a mob boss named Tommy Tevis. Tommy took Dick in and made him part of his family. Tommy considered him an honorary son and thought very highly of him.
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Nightwing (Vol. 2) #107
He even told Dick that everything he had (his home, his reputation, his family, etc.) was Dick's as well. Lynette, Tommy's wife, told Dick that Tommy would let Dick do anything. The whole family loved Dick, including Tommy's 15 year old daughter, Sophia. Sophia actually had a crush on Dick, but Dick acted like an older brother to her, helping her with her homework and such.
While Dick was away from the family for a few days, the cops busted into the Tevis's home. Lynette got killed in the gunfire, Tommy got taken to jail, and Sophia got taken in by the state.
Dick, while mentoring Rose, broke Sophia out of the state home. He got Sophia to help him with the mob. Then, when Chemo fell on Bludhaven, Dick saved Sophia and left her with Amy. When they reunited at the hospital, Dick asked Sophia to leave the mob behind and join a boarding school.
So, yeah, that's Dick's relationship with the Tevis family.
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the-kipsabian · 6 months
a quick hot guide for people that struggle commenting on fics aka things authors love to hear and youre just over thinking it and its actually really simple to leave comments on stuff!!
key smash/emoji spam/reaction image/etc (it conveys emotions way more than you might think)
drop a line you really liked
say how much you love a ship/character and how happy you are that theres content about them
"i liked/loved/enjoyed/whatever it!" its better to say the most basic thing than saying nothing tbh; writers appreciate hearing anything over nothing 💜
"thank you for writing this" its short, sweet, and very powerful
think what kind of feedback you'd personally like to receive on a piece of art you made. try to translate that want into comments you leave for other people too
you dont have to be critical or constructive or anything, even if the author asks for that stuff in their notes. they'll get it from someone else, you just do you
i feel like people make leaving comments too hard on themselves, so really just make it simple. if you really dont come up with anything, just say thank you. youre there reading for some reason, tell the author what it is. fic comments dont need to be book analysis essays (tho those are. incredibly appreciated as well if you want to write one!!), writers publishing their works for free online appreciate any kind of feedback regardless if you consider it good or well written. a comment is a comment
bottom line is, leave comments on fics and other written works. its whats keeping this game alive
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not-poignant · 25 days
Hello Pia how are you? Not really an ask but more sending thanks and love for all of your writing. I've been a reader for over a year now and am still in awe of your skill (and speed!). I've been getting back into writing and struggling with feeling inadequate or like my stuff reads childishly, as a result I can barely get out 5k aha, but I'm working viewing it as a lifelong dedication to improvement. (On a side note: your work got my teenaged self to snap out of purity wank, forever grateful!)
Hi anon,
It is so awesome that you're getting back into writing!
Honestly, it is a sign of a kind of growth to notice the things you don't like in your writing, because if you feel it reads childishly (and I bet it doesn't all read like that, or most of it doesn't), that means you have skillsets already to aim towards. You can see how you want to get better. This is a skill!!! It's a more painful skill, and it's not a good one to listen to all the time, but it's a good skill to have.
When it feels dispiriting you can balance it out by intentionally looking for and writing down your strengths as well, and writing more of those. It might be only a few lines, or it might be all of the dialogue, or it might be the descriptions, but there will be strengths too!
Also 5k is impressive! Everyone writes differently. It took Mark Z Danielewski 10 years to write House of Leaves, and I love that book a very great deal. Quantity =/= quality, and you also have to remember I've been doing this in a pretty focused way for 10 years! Trust me, if you did this in a focused way for 10 years, you'd be in a different place with your output (which isn't obligation to do this for that long, just that...things take time <3 )
I'm glad you were able to snap out of the purity wank mindset anon, it's a tough one to be in, because it makes you feel like you're not safe in your own mind, and after a while it shuts down curiosity because it feels like everything you're interested in has to be examined just in case it's a moral trap or says something 'terrible' about you if you show interest in it. And that's really hard! It makes sense to me why so many antis kind of really lock into what they think and believe, because they've gotten so used to treating themselves with paranoia, how can they not treat others that way?
And that's a miserable way to live. It's the opposite of benefit of the doubt.
So being able to separate from that is incredible! And that's a tribute to your own curiosity in the world, and interest in exploring different ways of doing things, and I think that's really cool. :D
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duncanor · 8 months
Vashwood top 24 on AO3?????
That's insane.
Congrats everyone, y'all did an amazing job.
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tsams-confessions · 1 month
im not hiding myself, I send an ask a long time ago saying how, as someone who liked to ship, I was doing my best to keep Moon as Ace representation as best as I could (Im demi- who loves silly lovers) I speak to some Ace artist and they had guide me, I been follwing a nice blog too! that often responds to my ask, but I leave this ask now to say.. what Im doing wrong? I keep reading these ask saying "how aphobic people are when removing the sex repulsed out of NewMoon!" when.. all I do is going by how he is acting in canon and what he said- the "I dont swin any way" was to a literal monster showing his ass.. but but , im not here to get yelled at. im here to know, to ask those anons who say me and others artist are being aphobic, to please guide me, what Im doing wrong? maybe is my like to proyect into characters I like? is it because I view im as Ace-Sex favorable? is it because I just like him to be with Solar? I ask those who leave those type of ask, to please tell me, and by extent. others that will read, what is it aphobic to view NewMoon as another "type" (hope is ok to say it like that) if Ace, please because I care to know..
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cordeliawhohung · 26 days
PLEASEEEEE will there be any more bodyguard gaz i need him so bad
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on that note im going back to bed
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