#batman (dick grayson)
celaenaeiln · 2 days
What do you think of Nightwing/Robins relationship with each of the Titans through the years? Specifically Roy, Donna, and Wally.
With Donna and Wally it’s so fluffy! With Roy however I feel like they are either partners in crime or hitting each other where it hurts
You're so right anon. With Donna and Wally things are pretty much perfect but with Roy, Dick's relationship is back and forth but it's not because they don't like each other. It's because they like each other too much.
Donna is EVERYTHING to Dick Grayson. She's his sister, best friend, other half. Hardcore ride or die. He literally walked her down the aisle the day of her wedding.
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Tales of the Teen Titans Issue #50
She also said she would follow him all the way down to hell and she damn sure means it.
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #50
These two aren't going anywhere but to each other.
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World's Finest: Teen Titans Issue #5
Wally just loves Dick a lot. Like if he could Wally would just live with Dick forever and the two of them would just be happy for that.
You've probably read my other posts about Wally already but I'll collate them here just because it's a long time and it's a nice refresher.
Dick and Wally's friendship post
Dick as Wally's lightning rod post
How Dick and Wally in a relationship would go post
Like I said. It's not a problem but Roy's relationship with Dick is based on the fact that he loves Dick too much. He thinks Dick is the best thing in the world to ever exist. All the Titans think that but Roy wants to BE Dick. If you look at it, Roy's relationship with Dick is a parallel to Jason's relationship with Dick and Donna, Wally, and Garth's relationship with Dick matches exactly with Tim's relationship with Dick.
Jason thinks the world of Dick Grayson and tried his best to live up to him. He tried to fill in Dick's shoes which is exactly what Roy does.
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Teen Titans (1996) Issue #13
He loves Dick to an extreme that he wants to emulate but finds himself struggling because he doesn't believe he achieves that. So, he acts out in order to recieve attention from Dick and Ollie and so on. He gets aggressive with the people he loves because he wants them to look at him. He wants to keep them looking at him. Which is the reason for the back and forth between best friend and angry friend moods he has going on with Dick. It's born out of respect and love and need for acknowledgement from the person who he considers is the greatest to have ever existed.
The reason I bring up Jason and Tim is because it's the clearest way to explain Dick's relationships with the Titans. The Titans and Dick's brothers hold him in the highest esteem - they just react to him differently. Wally,Donna, Garth, and Tim love Dick and think of him as the peak of perfection. So, Wally and Tim especially celebrate it by using him as an inspiration to be greater. In similar ways, Jason and Roy love Dick and think he's the peak of perfection and want to be him. They use him as inspiration but at the same time they feel the need to compete with him to prove their worth. Where Wally and Tim have just accepted that Dick is the best and can't be achieved by anyone, Jason and Roy actually do try to be like him. However you know what they say about Icarus - don't fly too close to the sun. Meaning, don't be too overly ambitious and greedy. I don't think there's anything wrong with what Jason and Roy do but the impact of what they're trying to achieve has negative consequences on their mental health.
They love him, want to be him, but personally feel they're falling short of him which brings in the mood swings. The rest of the Titans and Tim have a fluffier relationship because they don't even bother. They've just accepted that Dick is the best and go about on their day. So in summary, Roy's relationship with Dick is fraught with tension because of insecurities as a result of hero-worship. But truth be told, Roy loves Dick just as equally as Wally, Donna, and Garth. He simply shows his love a different way to him than they do because they're all their own individual people.
In terms of Dick viewing Roy, Dick is Roy's hardcore friend. He's a real one. When Roy was struggling with drugs, Dick single handedly dragged him into Rehab because he was there for him. Because for Dick, it makes him happy seeing Roy happy and successful.
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The New Titans (1988) Issue #101
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Titans (2008) Issue #23
And Roy literally holds down Dick when he freaks out and chases after Kori after she gets possessed at their wedding. The friendship they have is not the smoothest friendship but it's a real one. They need each other because when they're each at their worst the other other one comes in slaps the other around, gives a twisted love confession in the form of threats, and then they get better.
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New Titans (1988) Issue #101
Dick is stubborn as hell but Roy is willing to put in the dirty work to pull him out. Same goes for Dick with Roy.
Outsiders is probably the best explanation of their dynamic. Roy put together the Outsiders because he didn't want Dick constantly depressed WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT WALLY DID WHEN HE PUT TOGETHER THE TITANS IN TITANS (1999). But it comes off differently because Roy is more aggressive in the way he shows love. If Roy needs anything, Dick's there for him immediately.
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Action Comics (1938) Issue #631
THIS. This scene is them.
They're a flipping hot mess that love each other. In other words, Roy and Dick's friendship is what you get when you put two egoists in a room together and tell them that they're going to die only for them to start beating each other up because they're each screaming that they love the other more and neither refuses to let the other one go first. Kinda like the song Style. They fall apart and then they fall back together for an eternity.
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littlemushroomboi · 5 months
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some birds
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qcomicsy · 1 year
If the batkids had a podcast. Part. lX
Redhood: How does it felt to be Batman?
Nightwing: First of all not many people knows that– So thank you very much.
Redhood: You're welcome.
Nightwing: –Batman is gonna be so happy–
Redhood (close to the mic): Hi dad.
Nightwing: "Hi dad" (chokes) Stop that. (giggles) Don't do that–
Redhood (closer): "Hi father"
Nightwing: (giggles harder) Don't– I want to make it very clear that every answer I'm giving here is against my will–
Redhood: I'm pointing a gun at him.
Nightwing: Redhood is pointing a gun at me–
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heylosers06 · 4 months
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Dick and Damian where Dick is teaching him gymnastics/acrobatics
Dick and Damian on the trapeze (is that what it’s called sorry if not 😭) but Dick is the one catching because…you know? Cough cough his parents.
I love the idea of Dick teaching his siblings how to do acrobatics. I might make this a series…Cassandra teaching Damian Ballet or him teaching his siblings to play football/soccer.
So sketches and an actual piece. This goes without saying but this is entirely platonic.
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ambriel-angstwitch · 2 months
Babs: If you got arrested what would be the charges?
Steph: Theft
Dick: Disturbing the peace
Damian: Aggravated Assualt
Tim: Arson
Jason: All of the above. In that order, probably
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crookedunknownarbiter · 8 months
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shyjusticewarrior · 3 months
Dick is bad at being unrecognizable.
First off there's how Tim recognized his quadruple flip.
When he was Batman the Riddler knew it was a different guy (tho not who specifically.)
Gaggy hates the og Robin cause he subconsciously recognized him from when the Flying Graysons replaced him at the circus.
Duke figured out his identity when he was Spyral.
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pinkkittycoffin · 4 months
batman : prodigal (1998) pt.2 | (( pt.1 ))
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momachan · 2 months
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"Wind's from the northeast. About ten miles per hour. -Fifteen to twenty kilometers per hour. Taking gusts into account. Which you didn't. -Guys... let's try to have some fun, okay? -Those words coming out of Batman's mouth. It feels good."
Red Robin. "The Hit List."
I'm with Damian in this; why use miles when you have kilometers?
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shipsdoishipidk · 8 months
Dick: I'm putting you here in Arkham for your own safety. You killed too many people so a more social prison would be too dangerous with everyone trying to kill you all the time for what you did.
Jason: Is that the only reason? Dick: No. Jason: *sneering* Then what? Dick: It's because you're too hot for your own good. Jason: Dick: Jason: *smirking* Well, now I think I'm more than happy to accept that reason. Why don't you come on over here baby and you can sit on Daddy's la-wait. Dick: *already climbing over* what? Jason: *squinting at him* It's the red hair, isn't it. Dick: *guiltily* ....yeah..
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 2 years
Bruce, throwing his fork down: My food is too hot, i simply can’t eat it.
Clark, not even looking up from his book: You’re hot and i still eat you.
Alfred: …
Dick: …
Jason: Please, tell me we are going to acknowledge that because i know you fuckers heard it too.
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
Dick Grayson's talent for manipulation literally brings the world to its knees.
Part 1 post
My absolute favorite trait about Dick aside from his craziness is his ability to control every single person in existence. The best part is, he's so clever in the way that he does it that people almost never notice.
Bart Allen
"Oh! Ahh..you're trying to get my DNA sample. You need my spit! Ha! That's such a Dick Grayson thing to do."
Bart knows!! Dick's brilliantly sly okay. Honey catches more flies that vinegar? He takes it so far that breaks he the ceiling with it because by the time he's done, people don't even know they've been manipulated. And if they do, then what can they do about it? He always wins.
With friends and family he does it to make them feel better without being so overt and discomforting them.
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Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis
Jon came to him when he was feeling lost and upset and Dick set up the perfect conditions to encourage him and pick him up. He's just so good at doing what he's doing but he does it for all the right reasons.
But the extent Dick can go trick and manipulate someone is off the charts. A virtuoso.
In a Titans comic, Dick literally spent MONTHS acting depressed and weak after Donna, Wally, and Garth were kidnapped to another dimension by a villain just so he could trick the villain into thinking that his career was over and bring him into the same dimension so Dick could take him down.
He fooled everyone.
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Teen Titans: The Silver Age TBP 2 Part #1
"Batman taught me how to be a totally convincing actor! So if the only way you could send me here with your ring was if I filled my brain with evil thoughts, I just faked it! My facial expression was pure evil-but my mind remained pure good." MONTHS.
He planned, pretended, and calculated every single fiber of his own mind and body until the whole world was fooled by his acting. He tricked an interdimensional being who had psychic access. That means he was so extraordinarily manipulative, he can control his own thoughts inside his head to trick someone else. Voldemort's legilimens has nothing on Dick's talent.
Like Bart, sometimes his allies are aware of this like with Selina-
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Gotham City Sirens Issue #23
Selina's literally having a mental breakdown trying not to fall for Dick's manipulation and tricks.
But even if they know he's manipulating them, they still are forced to fall for it anyway.
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Gotham City Sirens Issue #23
"Damn it."
Like a goldilocks mad scientist - he does it just right.
His acting is just so on point that he outschemes the schemer.
When the Crime Syndicate (Superwoman, Ultraman, Owlman, Power ring, etc) arrive on Earth to take it over when Dick is Batman, Dick needs to do something fast. But to make things worse, there's a being that's so powerful, that both the Crime Syndicate and Justice League combined have a snowball's chance in hell of defeating him.
So what does Dick do? He runs the game.
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #52
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #52
"Of course he had a plan the whole time. He's Batman. He always has a plan."
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #52
He tricks everyone.
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #52
And in the end, the Justice League wins and Dick saves the world.
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #52
I love how they characterized Owlman as a snake because that would make Dick a mongoose since mongoose eats snakes. And do you know what Mongoose represent in folklore? Action, adventure, boldness, fearlessness, impulsiveness, independence, optimism, rebellion, resistance, resourcefulness, speed, adaptation, agility, quickness, intelligence and wit. All characteristics that define him.
He plays the world like a chessboard, always five steps ahead.
He always has an ace hidden up his sleeve.
His thoughts are always masked behind a disarming smile.
He has mastered the art of manipulation.
And that's while he's outright fighting. His subtlety is just so seductive.
Take a look at the way he smoothly evades answering in this panel -
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Grayson Issue #9
He's so smooth. She's constantly on the watch but she instantly fell head over heels for his charms in a half a heartbeat, that's just how good he is.
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Grayson Issue #10
He's a master manipulator who knows exactly what to say and how to act to always end up winning.
It's seriously such a shame that one of his greatest skills and talents isn't talked about more because this man?! Flawless.
He's the spy everyone on TV wishes they could be. He's the type of spy people read about in history books and marvel at the ease, grace, and legendary story he leaves behind. He's the spy that everyone knows and dreams of in their fantasies.
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Nightwing (2016)
And oh how they so are.
He can just get people to do whatever he wants.
There's a reason why Batman's only contingency plan against Nightwing is "Let's hope he fucks up." Because with his intelligence, skill, power, charisma, and raw talent - he's goddamn unstoppable.
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muffinmonstah-art · 1 year
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JayDick with Batman!Dick and villain Jason. They mourn and miss their dead father figure, especially after their heated fight-turn-sex with feelings session.
Alternative version https://www.patreon.com/muffinmonstah
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ressaart · 3 months
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anything you become let me run beside you
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tiredandwireds-blog · 4 months
@jennalistening i got u
Ok here's a list of all the best Dick and Damian(mostly with father/son dynamics) fics imo. Pls dont judge me.
The Stowaway (5099 words) by LittleLadybugs
Short sweet and fluffy! Damian sneaks a cat into the penthouse and struggles to keep it hidden. At least Dick always has his back!
Emergency Contact by DawnsEternalLight for grousemouse
Hilarious and cute! Damian gets attacked on a school trip and is just the way youd expect him to be lol. Dick freaks out ofc
my shoulders are heavy already by a_alene
Ughhh its sooo goodddd! Damian and Dick sickfic cannot recommend enoughhh plsplspls read ittt
a chance to celebrate by emavee
So cuteee! The batfam throws a party to celebrate Dick adopting Damian. Its such a cute story that gives insight into each characters feelings and its also fluffy as hell!
Father's Day (we were the best) by InkpotSprite
Damian decides to celebrate Dick on Mother's and Father's Day lol cute and absolutely hilarious!
I'll Carry You by BrickSheep
BrickSheep puts it best with the tag Comfort No Hurt. Its exactly as the title says dick carries damian and i get a rush of dopamine lol
I Saw Grayson Kissing Santa Claus by pupeez4eva
Damian becomes convinced Santa is after Dick Bruce is confused and Jason is evil. So pretty par for the course lol. Tbh tho this fic had me laughing so hard my sides hurt an absolute beautiful nightmare to read
The Ping-Pong Wars by fadesfanfic
Stephanie and Damian bonding! Dick being worried over Damian! And oh the shenanigans! Its beautiful and sweet and funny and iloveitsomuchhh
Paint Cans and Sneaking Out by CarrionCarnival
Damian sneaks out to do some graffiti and tries not to get caught lol. Cute and fun. A whole new look for Damian that I loveee
The R Stands for – by Cirth
A beautifully written look into Damian's adjustment to his new home. Honestly made me cry ngl but sometimes you need that
Obsolete Tools and Tangible Miseries by Corybantic
Ok we def in angst territory now gang! Damian thinks hes nothong but a weapon and Dick helps convince him otherwise. Read at your own risk cause i was sobbinggg
the city without stars in its skies by Alienu
Ok i literally just reread this one anddd. Ughhhh im dyingggg. Damian is sent to kill Officer Dick Grayson you see where this is goinggg its so gooddd plsreadplsreadplsread
Home Is Where the Heart Is by LittleLadybugs
Ok ill admit this ones more batfam focused then just dick and dami but still. So good. Dick is adopted by Slade not Bruce and goes running to blüdhaven to hide from him. Sadly the Birds wont leave hime alone
Not by Blood, Maybe by Heart by Ellegrine
Ok we back to fluff now lol. Damian loves his brothers even if he never says it. In this fic he shows it by protecting Dicks honor lol
Still the Best by Cdelphiki
3 great fics all in one spot! Literally some of the best stuff ive ever read! Iloveitiloveitiloveit pls readdd
Catch Me (All Records Indicate) by Engineerd
The evolution of the nickname lil D. Cute and so sweet. Short but such a comfort read
This Too Shall Pass by DarthPeezy
Just oh. just so so goodddd. Another gorgeous look at Damian adjusting to his new life with the batfam tho this one is more plot directed and ohmygosh did that plot have me in a death grip
And finally my top 2 fav fics:
Throughout Infinity by flumen
Damian is sent to an alternate universe and meets young justice Dick and crew. Ok no summary i can do will do this fic justice just know i read this in one sitting and immediately felt my sense of priorities and my mind shift. No joke this changed me.
3:16 by partingxshot
Ok now i can talk abt this. Im in the process of rereading this AGAIN bc i literally cannot be left alone. Ok quick summary: each chapter follows Dick and Damian adjusting to their new life as Batman and Robin. I feel like most everyone who is in love with the dynamic between Dick and Damian has read this fic but i cant leave it out bc its literally my fav fic EVER. i will never be normal abt this fic if you havent read it yet plspls do
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ambriel-angstwitch · 2 months
Dick: I'm sure wherever Bruce is now, he's looking down on us
Dick: He's not dead, he's just very condescending.
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