#banri x yuki
idolish7imagines · 7 months
Note: The italicized titles are imagines/drabbles, the rest are mostly headcanons
Ongoing Stories
Private Love (Multiple chars x reader) (slight nsfw in some chapters)
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7
RE:Purpose (Momo/Yuki x Reader) (nsfw in some chapters)
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5
with a kpop idol s/o
'Foreign' (i7 with fan! reader)
s/o saying 'don't leave me'
Reacting to their S/O Saying They Aren’t Beautiful
Iori Izumi
with a mangaka s/o
(21+) Drinking Headcanons
Yamato Nikaido
with a shy and gentle s/o
with an s/o that likes to spoil him
terms of endearment
favorite ways to kiss their s/o
handle witnessing reader's abusive ex
with a cute, cheerful s\o
Mitsuki Izumi
with a mangaka s/o
reuniting with a childhood crush who’s a songwriter
terms of endearment
Tamaki Yotsuba
Sogo Osaka
with an s/o who likes to praise them
Nagi Rokuya
with male s/o hcs
with a shy and gentle s/o
with a kind, reserved s/o
terms of endearment
favorite ways to kiss their s/o
Riku Nanase
with a kind, reserved s/o
s/o doing parkour to give them lunch while being filmed
with an s/o who likes to praise them
(21+) Drinking Headcanons
hair headcanons
with a kpop idol s/o
with a quiet s/o getting angry
romantic relationship headcanons
with a sweet and motherly s/o
serenading their s/o
with a mermaid s/o
s/o saying "don't leave me"
with an s/o that is good at textile design
kink headcanons (nsfw)
reacting to their s/o having paired bracelets with another member
Tenn Kujo
with an s/o that hugs a lot
with a Youtuber singer s/o
with an s/o thats overwhelmed in life
'Keep Your Eyes On Me'
with a “mysterious, all over the place” male s/o
s/o doing parkour to give them lunch while being filmed
with an s/o who likes to praise them
favorite ways to kiss their s/o
on their S/O’s birthday
with shy reader who is also VERY clingy and easily emotional
with an s\o stuck in the rain
(21+) Drinking Headcanons
Gaku Yaotome
s/o that proclaiming themselves as the boys’ knight who will protect them 
receiving homemade Christmas bento and dinner from their s/o
s/o doing parkour to give them lunch while being filmed
terms of endearment
favorite ways to kiss their s/o
with an insecure and anxious s/o
'Gaku’s Birthday'
'Vampire Bite' (Halloween) (slight nsfw)
handle witnessing reader's abusive ex
Ryunosuke Tsunashi
s/o that proclaiming themselves as the boys’ knight who will protect them 
receiving homemade Christmas bento and dinner from their s/o
with an s/o who likes to praise them
favorite ways to kiss their s/o
'Dinner Date'
with a kpop idol s/o
s/o saying “don’t leave me.”
Momose Sunohara
'A Faded String of Love' (soulmate au)
receiving homemade Christmas bento and dinner from their s/o
'Romantic Getaway'
favorite ways to kiss their s/o
S/O hiding a sprained ankle from him
on their S/O’s birthday
handle witnessing reader's abusive ex
with shy reader who is also VERY clingy and easily emotional
with an s\o stuck in the rain
Yukito Orikasa
with an s/o that hugs a lot
s/o that proclaiming themselves as the boys’ knight who will protect them 
receiving homemade Christmas bento and dinner from their s/o
handle witnessing reader's abusive ex
with a kpop idol s/o
meeting their s/o's parents
reacting to an ex-gangster reader
Haruka Isumi
with a kind s/o
with a sick s/o
Haruka’s First time with his S/O (slight nsfw)
Minami Natsume
with an s/o that hugs a lot
favorite ways to kiss their s/o
Toma Inumaru
favorite ways to kiss their s/o
Banri Ogami
S/O bringing him Bento at Work
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rabbitenn · 6 months
so you know how Momo got jealous over Yuki and Banri reunited and bonding and felt like a terrible person for it because he still wants them to be happy and together? How about that but this time its Momo's s\o going through the same feelings he did but towards him? Maybe they're jealous because of his chemistry with Yuki or because he has a lot of friends :3
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You feel at war with yourself. Why is it that your hesitant heart keeps trying to compete with the deserved happiness and friendships he finds?
ft. Sunohara Momose x gn! reader.
cw/genre: angst to comfort.
Thank you for your request, anony ! I’m sorry this took so long. I hope you can enjoy it anyway <3
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You don’t deserve him, anyway.
For you to even fathom you could stand next to the sunlight he embodies is borderline ridiculous.
How could you, who has only envy and second guessing running through their veins?
You are destined to walk the shadows, your only company, the monotone padding of your steps against faded concrete.
Why did you even feel like this?
You want him to be happy, and if that means he enjoys spending his time with his groupmate and other friends, then it’s alright, no?
And yet, a small twisted voice at the back of your mind begs to differ.
‘You don’t matter’ ‘He’ll forget you’ ‘How pathetic are you to be relegated to second place after his friends.’
Your breathing quickens, as you shut your eyes, a tense frown forming on your brow.
You shake your head, trying to swat away the shrill laughter that ensues after your deepest fears have been voiced by your wicked subconscious.
A glance towards the window proves how long you have been overthinking; the citrine outline of a dusking horizon has turned to marine now. No stars seem to prevail in a sky polluted by city lights.
You pour yourself a glass of water.
It’s gotten late.
And Momo isn’t back yet.
Your grip on the glass turns knuckle-white, perhaps to prevent your trembling hands from dropping the fine china.
Though you have the impression you’re the one that would shatter at the minimum impact.
If you aren’t already broken, that is.
At the same time you put your glass down, you hear the keys click on the front door.
Not long after, your boyfriend’s perky voice resounds through the corridor.
Do you have the right to call him that, though?
“Darling, I’m back! Ah, it’s so cold outside, I want to cuddle-“
Momo’s sentence is cut midway when he sees you leaning against the counter.
Your head is hung low, and your shoulders seem to be trembling.
“Baby, are you alright?” He asks, fuchsia eyes tainted in concern.
Why is he so kind?
You don’t deserve it.
But at the same time, you wonder, is he this kind with Yuki too? With his other friends?
And so what if he is? It’s good more people get to know Momo and see how sweet and caring he is.
You just can’t help the thoughts that find their way into your brain, like vines that spread, corrosion infesting your psyche.
“I’m fine.” You reply, a choked out sound, voice a thin thread about to snap at the minimum oscillation. “I’m fine…” You repeat, more to reassure yourself than your partner.
“Are you sure, [Y/n]?” His hand moves to your temple, feeling for a temperature, his other arm around your form. “You don’t seem to have a fever.” He states, beaming softly.
You think it looks a little sad, his smile.
He pulls you closer, his warmth calming your mind a little.
“Dear, you can tell me if there’s anything worrying you.” Momo tells you, his voice gentle, as he holds your face in between his hands.
And just like that, you break a little.
You lean your side against his torso, silent tears marking the cracks of your fragmented soul.
“I’m horrible…” You mumble. “Because I should be happier… But I… Sometimes I get this feeling that your friends and Yuki… That they will replace me some day.” You bury your head in his chest. “And I’m happy, I’m very glad you have such a good connexion with him and that you always make so many friends, but I’m also… Am I bad, Momo? For fearing being left behind?”
Your boyfriend’s arms squeeze you a little tighter.
Then, he says:
“You could never be bad, my darling.” His hands trace soothing patterns over your back. In their wake, liquid gold remains, putting back together pieces of you that were falling prey to the devils that consume you.
“You could never ever be less than perfect, [Y/n].” He rests his head on top of yours. “Your feelings are valid, and they don’t make you any less loved by me, okay, baby?”
And in those words of his, memories linger.
Not all of them are shades of vivid rose and verdant, no.
Some of them are ashen, stained by the bitter taste of feeling lost.
“You are my irreplaceable lover.” He assures you, hands cupping your face again. “Never forget that, please?” Almost imperceptible tears shine at the corners of his vibrant eyes.
He understands how you feel, perhaps because once, the same dagger that’s dared to graze your heart pierced his too.
But now you have each other.
And maybe not right now, but with time, you’ll put back together the forgotten pieces of your almost complete puzzle.
Outside, two bold stars have dared to brave the city-lit sky.
They are watching over you.
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Event | Sanrio characters x A3! | Chapter 4
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*Door opens*
Sakuya: I’m home.
Izumi: Ah, you’re finally back!
Sakuya: ?
Izumi: Sakuya-kun! Sakuya-kun, something huge just happened!
Sakuya: Eh? W-What’s wrong? What happened, Director?
Izumi: We got an invitation to do a collab play from Puroland!
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Sakuya: Eh…EEH!?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakyo: Looks like everyone’s here. Well then, Director-san, take it away.
Izumi: Okay. So, as I said before…
Izumi: I’m happy to announce that MANKAI Company will be doing a collab performance at Sanrio Puroland!
Azami: Seriously? Weren’t we literally just there?
Kazunari: Oh man, I am SO hyped! I bet it’s gonna be supes fun!
Misumi: Waa~ah, yay! It’s gonna be so fun~!
Guy: All the shows at Puroland were quite fascinating and informative. I’m honored that they chose us as a collaboration partner.
Izumi: As per usual, the script will be done by Tsuzuru-kun, Yuki-kun will be in charge of the costumes, and Azami-kun will handle the makeup.
Azami: Got it. Makeup to match the vibes of Puroland… Seems interesting enough to come up with something.
Yuki: That said… I’ll be making costumes for Kitty and her friends too, right? If so, I’ll need to know their measurements.
Izumi: That’s a good point. I’ll be going to Puroland for a meeting, so I can check with them then.
Tsuzuru: Is it cool for me to get started on the script?
Izumi: Go ahead. You can get started on it here and then we can bring it with us when we go and Kitty-chan and the others what they think.
Tsuzuru: Gotcha. I’ll try to come up with a few different plots then.
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Sakuya: Collabing with Puroland… It feels like I’m still dreaming…
Citron: Looks like Sakuya’s dream came true ♪
Sakuya: Yeah…!
Masumi: We haven’t even done anything. Can’t really consider that to be coming true yet.
Sakuya: I-I guess that’s true!
Chikage: That was Masumi’s own type of encouragement, I assume?
Itaru: Couldn’t just be honest with your feelings, huh?
Tsuzuru: If there’s anything you want added to the script, feel free to tell me. This whole thing is all happening because of you, after all.
Sakuya: Thank you so much!
Sakuya: I wonder what doing a play with Kitty-chan and her friends will be like. I’m so excited, I can’t wait…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsumugi: Looks like everyone is here. Let’s start the Leaders' meeting then.
Sakuya: Alright.
Tenma: Tsuzuru-san is joining us today too?
Tsuzuru: Yeah. I’ve got some plots outlined for the Puroland collab and I wanted to get your opinions on them.
Banri: Gotcha, aight, let’s start reading through ‘em.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Wow! I think all these stories are really good.
Tenma: A comedy story would be pretty lively and exciting.
Banri: I think a fantasy sorta story would fit Puroland’s vibe the most, plus it’s the sorta thing that we’d only be able to do for a collab like this.
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Sakuya: …I like this one.
Izumi: The story about the fairies?
Sakuya: Yeah. It’s the kinda story that’ll make everyone happy, and I’m sure if we do it in a place like Puroland, everyone will be smiling… I think…
Tsumugi: It’s something easy to understand but still has a lot of meaning. I’m sure that not only the kids, but the parents they came with will adore it too.
Tenma: There are a lot of families that go there. I think we should go with it.
Banri: If you add in all the lights they’ve got there, it’d make a pretty nice production.
Izumi: I agree. Alright then, let’s pick this one as our first choice!
Sakuya: Thank you so much…!
Tsuzuru: Well then, I’ll make this one my top priority and get a few others ready just in case!
Sakuya: Yeah!
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Sakuya: …What am I gonna do? I’m really looking forward to this, but now it’s becoming more of a reality, I’m getting a little nervous.
Izumi: (That’s fair, it’s an entirely different stage and it’s not just our troupe this time around.)
Izumi: (Some of them have a hard time doing this sort of thing with others. If that’s the case…)
Izumi: Alright then. How about we all go visit Kitty-chan and her friends once we’ve got the script all sorted out?
Izumi: I think it’d be a good idea if we could talk with everyone about what we want for the script and costumes and so on.
Tsuzuru: Ah, that’s a good point. It would be pretty helpful to get feedback in person.
Banri: Agreed. I think talkin’ more would help us with the overall concept and help with team buildin’ for the performers too.
Tenma: Yeah. If we’re going to be acting with the Sanrio characters, we should all get to know each other better.
Tsumugi: It would be nice if we could get that sort of thing started sooner rather than later. What do you think, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: I’d love to go again!
Izumi: With that decided, I’ll get in contact with them as soon as I can.
Tsumugi: Thank you so much.
Banri: Seems like Sakuya might not be the only one gettin’ pretty excited for this performance.
Tenma: I mean, we’ve all been talking nonstop ever since the performance was actually confirmed.
Tenma: Yuki said he needed to get measurements first, but he’s already started making prototypes.
Tenma: The sewing machine has been driving me crazy, he’s got that thing running almost 24/7.
Tsumugi: Fufu, Yuki-chan is really looking forward to this it seems.
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Sakuya: What Kitty-chan said… It’s really happening…
Sakuya: I’m really looking forward to it too! Let’s make this an amazing play!
Tenma: Yeah.
Banri: Damn right.
Tsumugi: Yeah. Since everyone is looking forward to this, let’s all do our best.
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heifolkens · 10 months
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Yuki x paramore and sleepy banyuki x love island stuff
also drooly banri lol
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gompereatsall · 2 years
some a3! x enstars headcanons
because they've been consuming my brain!! (while i slowly lose the canon characterizations of a3 characters, and try to understand enstars characters)
As stated in this post, i LOVE the idea that Sakuya is the adopted little brother to Rei and Ritsu. (in the reblogs of the post, @/nobleartsy made super cute art of the idea, and @/otome-crow gave some really good ideas adding onto the post, so please check both of their blogs out!!) kinda just rewording some of otome-crow's post, Sakuya has this whole goth outfit to fit in with his brothers :)) Sakuya tries his best to attend lives of UNDEAD and Knights, but will just have to occasionally settle for watching official recordings of their shows. In turn, Rei and Ritsu also try their best to watch the Spring Troupe's shows! They just want to support one another <3
Banri and Tsuzuru are both fans of UNDEAD (even before they met Rei in person! A couple more Mankai members became fans of UNDEAD and Knights after meeting them in person). They both were stoked to meet Rei, and the latter also gave Banri and Tsuzuru some signed merch!
(Genuinely decided to make Tsuzuru an UNDEAD fan bc i think the image of a sleep deprived Tsuzuru trying to work on a script while blasting UNDEAD's music with his headphones, but is still loud enough for people in the room to hear is hilarious)
One time, Ritsu visited the company and fell asleep on top of Hisoka on the couch. This created an impromptu cuddle pile
Yuki is a big fan of Shu's clothing work, despite it being a bit more underground compared to other Japanese fashion designers. This led him to discover the idol group Valkyrie. Some of their songs are now in Yuki's playlist that plays while he and Taichi sew
(I also think Yuki would have great time with Kuro, letting him help with costumes (: )
Chiaki and Sakyo know each other... somehow. Their relationship is unknown, and they never really elaborate what it is when people ask. On the very rare occasion they see each other on the street, they greet each other but talk with such thinly veiled animosity toward each other; and yet, they have each other's numbers in their phones. Make of that what you will (guess a hero and an ex-yakuza don't mix well together)
Sakyo and Keito went to the same middle school and were best friends. They were really close and mainly bonding with each other over manga. They lost touch when they went to different high schools, so neither one of them knows that one is an actor and the other is an idol
Tsumugi Tsukioka and Tsumugi Aoba are acquaintances! They met because they both frequently go to the same cafe; one day, they just started having friendly small talk, and now they meet kinda monthly? Almost as if they're on a schedule lol They just have nice small talk with one another at the cafe and rant to each other about their lives (without getting into too much personal details), offer each other advice, tell stories from their lives, etc! It's come up in conversation that Tsukioka is an actor, but Aoba never mentioned that he's an idol yet
Kumon is a big fan of RYUSEITAI and would love to go to one of their live shows one day! He doesnt have a favorite member (his favorite is a tie between RYUSEI Red and RYUSEI Yellow)
(Listen, I could probably make another entire headcanons list about the characters favorite idol groups, if they have any lmao)
Tenma met Izumi Sena once, while he was abroad. The actor had no idea who the other guy was, and vice versa (Izumi gave him directions)
I am convinced Wataru would love Homare's poetry; he's been a fan, and ever since Wataru heard Homare joined an acting troupe, he's been negotiating with members of Dramatica to go see a winter troupe play!
And that concludes the headcanons i can think of atm, thanks for reading :) if you have any of your own please add them in either the comments or reblogs!! I would love to read them <33
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rennessillyarchive · 11 months
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[A3! x Trigun]
love + peace + triangle!
Ended up making a crossover that appeals primarily to myself LMAO... Anyway, I badly need to share my idea for the casting if ever Mankai does a Trigun play:
Misumi as Vash - athletic silly guy with a mole under his left eye, outcasted from society and estranged from his brother? that sure sounds familiar! it's honestly amazing how well misumi fits vash's character.
Juza as Wolfwood - i think juza would empathize with wolfwood having to fight to survive and having a little brother he badly wants to protect/save. plus, he's used to having a troublesome blond partner...
Yuki as Meryl - this is a case of typecasting... yuki plays a short, short-tempered, and cute character! but also, i think yuki can relate to meryl's choice to help vash, fighting for a good cause even though that's not what society expects from a young office woman.
Omi as Milly - milly is a big woman with a big heart... there was no way i wouldn't choose omi for this role!! omi can probably bring out milly's kindness and emotional intelligence really well. as a bonus, the insurance girls will be played by mankai's handicraft club!!
I was too lazy to draw it, but I cast Banri as Knives (was thinking of his resurrected look), Hisoka as Legato, Tasuku as Livio, and Azuma as Elendira!!
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maritessa · 5 months
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I tried the A3! Ship chart except my brain is always on overdrive so I don't know what's going on. Everything here is under aspec lens so nothing is romantic unless stated otherwise.
Detailed explanation under the cut.
This basically means that they have a label on their relationship but they're alterous. I think BanTsumu are boyfriends and possibly married in the future. To be honest, I don't really care what their labels is but I think they're the type to put a name on their relationship.
BanTsumu is my ultimate OTP, I just like the peaceful vibes they give. Tsumugi becomes a lot more playful when he's around Banri and Banri is uncharacteristically always tied around Tsumu's little finger. They're polar opposites but they find comfort in each other like how Banri helped calm Tsumugi down with a cup of coffee when he was nervous and how Tsumugi makes Banri feel safe enough to release his worries. As an aspec mf their dynamic feeds my soul!
1. SakyoIzu: they're not really my top choice but if I'm gonna ship them, I think they would be romantic.
2. TaiYuki: Taichi definitely has the fattest crush on Yuki and I think once he realizes it, he's gonna want something more out of it.
3. TsumuHaru: Tsumugi and Haruto just scratch an itch in my head😔 I think they're the type of couple who tease each other endlessly, act like they're done with each other's antics, and they constantly bicker but at the end of the day, they understand each other most.
1. ChikaIzu: MY ALTEROUS BELLS 🫶 RING SO HARD FOR THESE TWO. They are family and they would do anything for each other. They're not shy to reach out when the other needs help, they make promises with each other, they have a playful dynamic, they bond with each other even in the most mundane settings... MY BRAIN JUST HURTS WHEN I THINK OF THEM because I want what they have!!!
2. AzuTasu: Tasuku is just so down bad for Azuma, man. LIKE WHAT EVEN IS THE ENTIRETY OF NOCTURNALITY? Not only that, Tasuku is DENSE but for some reason, he's always one step ahead of comforting Azuma. Also, why does he call everyone by their last name EXCEPT AZUMA 😭 LIKE WHAT THE HELL? Don't even get me started with Azuma's semi playful flirting and Tasuku just responds in the most sincere way THEN AZU GETS ALL FLUSTERED? Whenever these two interact, I just want someone to punch me.
3. HisoIta: I saw this ship one day, thought about it for 10 minutes, and hopped in the ship. I love the idea of spoiler x spoiled. Itaru is SO good at spoiling people and Hisoka is like a cat that needs to be spoiled rotten. Hisoka is also the type of person who will let you do your thing but he'll try to help you in his own terms when he feels like you need help. I like that cause I think Itaru likes his own space and pace so Hisoka is perfect for that!!
4. ME AND KASUMI : look, I know her wife died and I'm sorry but like... If the triplets need a stepmom just hook me up.
1. JuTen: I just love the mutual respect they have for each other 🛐
2. HisoSaku: TWO ANGELS TOGETHER IS NEVER THE WRONG MOVE!!! Hisoka has this vibe that he's always carrying something heavy and I think whenever he's around Sakuya, he relaxes and he likes watching over how pure Sakuya is about everything. I think if Sakuya asks Hisoka for a favor, he would skip his sleep just to fulfill it.
4. TenSaku: Tenma's crush on Sakuya in Act 1 never died on me. Sakuya's acting was acknowledged to not be the best at that time but he just saw how pure and passionate Sakuya is for acting so he felt inspired. HE TALKED TO HIM TO RESPECTFULLY TOO LIKE 🙉🙉 Y'all make me crazy.
5. CitoTsuzu: Citron please keep looking after our playwright boy. He may complain all the time but he looks up to you so much and I know you adore him for all he is.
1. Fuyupoly: Fuyu is so unserious 💀 I know they're supposed to be the mature group but I swear I was never fully sold on that idea. I think they'd all live together with their shenanigans until they die.
2. CitoIzuChika: This is kinda complicated but like Citron and Izumi are bros, super tight bros, they always go out together and hang out— everyone is convinced they are together. Chikage and Izumi are the same but their dynamic is more serious than the crackhead energy CitoIzu gives. At one point, they just started going on dates together and now they have this giant queerplatonic poly/polybromantic thing going on.
I do not know how my brain cooked this up so please don't ask.
1. MukuYuki: MY BABIES 🫶 I want them to be there for each other forever
2. KumoAzuShift: The Bois hanging out.
3. TaiAza: the bois hanging out 2. Azami better be Taichi's wingman for Yuki!
4. BanIta: I think this is very common but it's mostly because of their gaming ventures.
5. BanTen: Their interests line up really well and I just love watching them talk tbh
6. ChikaIta: Please roast each other even more 🤗 also, Chikage is Hisoka's brother but Hisoka is with Itaru. I like them getting along but also I like Chikage being like "what the fuck" everytime he sees a new side of Hisoka when he's with Itaru. Maybe we can have either side ranting to Chikage about their relationship problems and Chikage is like "just fucking talk to each other my god".
7. MasuSaku: THE OG LEADS
8. MasuTange: Tangerine is so cute and I love love love him with Masumi. Masumi is so >:( while Tangerine is a ball of sunshine!! I need more interactions with the two of these!! LIKE AT LEAST SHOW US THEM CALLING EACH OTHER 😭
9. CitoIzu: MY ULTIMATE BRO OF ALL BROTPs! 🛐 These two will probably do anything together and I mean anything. I'm convinced they'd get married while skydiving just to prove a point they're making. They are besties who enable each other's bad ideas 😍 and I love it. My favorite genre is dumbasses being dumbasses.
1. JuBan : I don't hate JuBan but I have bad experiences with JuBan fans that kinda ruined the ship for me :( I'm sorry it's not them, it's the fans that terrorize my BanTsumu posts in the past.
1-4. Kumon and Muku w Guy and Tsumugi: I just want the winter adults to look after my chaotic chuunibyou son and his cute but equally chaotic cousin. Guy looking after anyone in general is adorable to be honest and I like Tsumugi's teacher side.
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nymphilily · 1 year
IDOLiSH7 x Transformers Seiyuu
I am mentally ill
Every single Seiyuu from the Joseimuke game IDOLiSH7 (as collected by the IDOLiSH7 Wiki), and whether or not they voice a character in the Transformers Franchise; human and crossover characters included
Any characters that are not animated as of the ending of IDOLiSH7 Third Beat are listed in the SPOILER CHARACTER section. Please tread with caution
IDOLiSH7 Toshiki Masuda (Izumi Iori) - NULL Yusuke Shirai (Nikaido Yamato) - NULL Tsubasa Yonaga (Izumi Mitsuki) NULL KENN (Yotsuba Tamaki) - NULL Atsushi Abe (Osaka Sogo) - NULL Takuya Eguchi (Rokuya Nagi) - NULL Kensho Onō (Nanase Riku) - Hot Rod (Q-Transformers)
TRIGGER Wataru Hatano (Yaotome Gaku) - Optimus Prime (Robotmasters) Sōma Saitō (Kujo Tenn) - NULL Satō Takuya (Tsunashi Ryunosuke) - Hot Rod (Cyberverse)
RE:VALE Sōichirō Hoshi (Momo) - Tracks (Q-Transformers) - Yukimura Sanada (Sengoku BASARA/Q-Transformers) Shinnosuke Tachibana (Yuki) - NULL
ŹOOĻ Yūya Hirose (Isumi Haruka) - NULL Subaru Kimura (Inumaru Touma) - NULL Kōtarō Nishiyama (Natsume Minami) - NULL Takashi Kondō (Mido Torao) - NULL
AGENCY STAFF Satomi Satō (Takanashi Tsumugi) - NULL Kazuyuki Okitsu (Oogami Banri) - Smokescreen (Prime) - S.S. (Prime) - Kenzan (Go!) - Scrapface (War for Cybertron Trilogy) Susumu Chiba (Takanashi Otoharu) - Jetfire (Armada) - Wheeljack (Armada) - Sideways (Cybertron) Katsuyuki Konishi (Yaotome Sosuke) - Optimus Prime (Superlink) - Cliffjumper (Energon) - Angry Archer (Animated) - Spike Witwicky (Animated) Yoshihisa Kawahara (Anesagi Kaoru) - Farnum (RID15) Makoto Furukawa (Okazaki Rinto) - NULL Hiroki Takahashi (Tsukumo Ryo) - Starscream/Hellscream (Beast Wars II) - Mantis (Beast Wars II) - Autolauncher (Beast Wars II) - Optimus Prime (Animated)
FAMILY MEMBERS Rina Hidaka (Kujo Aya) - NULL Fumihiko Tachiki (Chiba Shizuo) - Cyclonus (Rebirth) - Silverbolt (Rebirth) - Spasma (Rebirth) - Meltdown (Animated) - Dino (Dark of the Moon) - Megatronus (RID15) Rikiya Koyama (Osaka Soshi) - NULL Kenjirō Tsuda (Kujo Takamasa) - Thundercracker (Q-Transformers) Chiwa Saito (Sunohara Ruri) - NULL
OTHERS Wataru Takagi (Mr. Shimooka) - Cheetor (Beast Wars, Beast Wars Returns, Cyberverse) - Generation 1 Megatron (Beast Wars) - Glen Whitmann (Transformers) - Jetstorm (Animated) - Safeguard (Animated) - Jazz (RID15) Junichi Yanagita (Hyūga Akihito) - NULL Ryota Takeuchi (Douglass Rootbank) - NULL Tomokazu Seki (Sakura Haruki) - Skids (Revenge of the Fallen) Hirofumi Nojima (Thorvlad) - NULL
SPOILER CHARACTERS Takahiro Sakurai (Utsugi Shiro) - Sideways (Armada) - Blurr (Animated) - Vince (Prime) Yuichi Nakamura (Okazaki Rintaro) - Lambor (Q-Transformers) - Sunstreaker (Q-Transformers) - Steeljaw (RID15) Kaori Nazuka (Takanashi Musubi) - NULL Shin-ichiro Miki (Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir) - Inferno (Beast Wars) - Sentinel (ep18 only) (Beast Wars) Kenichi Suzumura (Bernard Kenneth) - NULL Yasuyo Tomita (Haruka’s Grandmother) - NULL Ryota Osaka (Tanigawa Mon) - NULL Kazuhiro Nakaya (Producer Matsunaga) - NULL Mai Fuchigami (Hanamaki Sumire) - NULL Shugo Nakamura (Tsunashi Sotaro) - NULL SOUNGDOK (Oda Hiroto) - NULL Shoya Ishige (Matsunaga Taro) - NULL
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sly-fleur · 2 years
Confession Headcanons
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@sekkimirai: hey!! i saw your a3 stuff and i think they’re pretty neat :D could i have some a3 troupe leaders hcs on confessions? who’s most likely to be the confessor(?) or confessee(?) HAHAHA thanks! hope u have a good one!! (^O^)
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Characters: Sakuya, Tenma, Banri, Tsumugi
Pairing: x reader
Reader: Gender Neutral
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Once Sakuya realizes that he has feelings for you he becomes all shy around you. But he is very determined to confess.
Sakuya would put a lot of thought into planning on how to confess to you. He doesn't want it to be very extravagant but he also wants it to be memorable.
When he's done with all the preparations he would ask you to come by the river side using it as an excuse saying that he wants you to help him practice some of his lines.
His line was him confessing to the love interest.
Sakuya finished deliviring his line and turns to you. "Was that good?" "That was great Sakuya!" You said smiling at him. He looks relieved and his smile widen. Then all of a sudden he looked at you straight at your eyes and repeated the line.
"That was meant for you. I'm in love with you y/n. Please go out with me."
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He's too scared to confess. Yes he loves you but what if you don't feel the same way? What if you reject him? He's not sure if he can take that.
He kept his feelings to himself for a while but honestly he's too obvious that the whole Mankai dorm is aware of his feelings.
He's staying up late one night looking at a picture of you from his phone. He sighs over and over trying to make a decision to wether to confess to you or not.
What he doesn't know is his sighing kept Yuki awake and the younger one is definitely annoyed at Tenma.
Yuki shot up shouting at Tenma to make a decision already. Next thing Tenma knows the entire Summer Troupe is in their room.
The Summer Troupe encouraged and helped Tenma with his confession. Their discussion went longer than expected and the next morning none of them were able to attend their morning practice.
Tenma stood nervously looking at his phone. He messaged you to come and see him since he wants to tell you something. He's not sure if you're coming and he's honestly getting more nervous every passing second. "Chill Ten-ten. They'll be here. I'm sure!" Kazunari said before leaving with the rest of the Summer Troupe. The Summer Troupe planned to watch Tenma but Tenma kicked them out since he doesn't know if he can confess with those guys around. After a while he saw you walking near him. He cleared his throat as you approached.
"Y/N, there's something I've been meaning to tell you..."
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Banri would constantly flirt with you and is pretty obvious that he likes you, in fact, other people thinks you're dating already.
But this guy won't confess. If he senses that you'll ask him how he feels about you he would immediately change the topic.
It's not that he doesn't love you, but he wants you to confess to him. Yes that's right.
This guy is completely in love with you so he wants you to be completely in love with him as well before entering a relationship.
For the first time he's gonna be in a relationship with someone he truly loves so he wants to make sure the feeling is mutual.
So this can end with two scenarios:
One is where you confess to him first.
As you tell him what you feel he flashes that smug grin of his and pulled you close.
"Took you long enough."
But of course, Banri can still be impatient. So he would confess to you if he tired of waiting for you to confess to him.
"What? You're in love with me now?" you said jokingly. "Yeah, for a long time now actually" Banri said it with his usual cool expression but his voice is full of sincerity. You stand there not sure how to respond while he smirks at you. Unlike his past flirtings, you feel that this one was genuine.
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Tsumugi's confession is very subtle that you won't even notice that he confessed his love for you. If you don't become a couple you can blame this man.
You two are out shopping together when he stopped by a flower shop and told you to wait outside for a bit. When he walked out he handed you a red tulip.
As he handed you the flower you notice that there was a certin emotion in his eyes but you can't exactly point out what. "The meaning of this flower...is for you to find out" he smiles and continues to walk back to the dorm.
If you immediately found out his intentions then you'll have to confess to Tsumugi that you like him back or else he wouldn't bother you about dating and stuff.
He doesn't mind if you reject him but he really wants you to know what he feels.
If you were not familiar with flower languages then he would keep giving you red tulips once in a while until you finally get that he's confessing his love to you.
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pink-alstroemeria · 1 year
✿ rules & tags ✿
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—✿ what i will write:
fluff, angst, and suggestive content (to an extent)
oneshots, headcanons, and character interactions
x reader (and sometimes character x character)
AUs/crossovers (as long as I know the other media well enough)
romantic and platonic/general relationships
—✿ what i won't write:
gore/descriptive injury
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—✿ characters i'll write for:
i'm sorry if there's a character you wanted to request but isn't on the list! some of them are just harder for me to write than others </3 (the genshin list may be updated when new characters are released!)
bold = strictly platonic only
◦ genshin impact ◦ — amber, bennett, fischl, kaeya, razor, diluc, jean, venti, klee, albedo, beidou, chongyun, xiangling, xingqiu, zhongli, xiao, yelan, thoma, gorou, heizou, kazuha, ayaka, itto, tighnari, cyno, wanderer, childe, dainsleif
◦ twisted wonderland ◦ — riddle, trey, cater, ace, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, kalim, jamil, vil, rook, epel, idia, ortho, lilia, silver, sebek, che'nya, neige, grim
◦ a3! ◦ — sakuya, masumi, tsuzuru, itaru, citron, tenma, yuki, muku, misumi, kazunari, banri, juza, sakyo, omi, taichi, tsumugi, tasuku, homare, hisoka, azuma, izumi
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—✿ special blog tags:
random posts (i.e. me posting random thoughts, ect) — 🌸.stray flower
non-request asks i answer — 🌸.small bouquet
writing (both requests and non-requests) — 🌸.floral arrangement
romance — 🌸.red rose
platonic/general — 🌸.yellow rose
fluff — 🌸.forget-me-not
angst —🌸.bleeding heart
suggestive — 🌸.jasmine
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rikus-hips · 2 years
Minors DNI
Kinktober 2022 masterlist : Idolish7 x gender neutral y/n edition
note: everyone below 21 are aged up to 21 for this but please remember that anyone under 18 in real life CANNOT consent!! if age is just a number, electric chair is just a chair. please continue to distinguish fiction and reality from each other as you enjoy these prompts!
Dirty talk - Gaku
A/B/O - Riku
Anal - Sougo
Missionary - Yamato
Breeding - Tamaki
Cockwarming - Ryuu
Sex toys- Iori
Voice kink - Nagi
Stripping - Banri
Drunk sex - Mitsuki
Rimming - Tenn
Exhibitionism - Yuki
Dry humping - Tamaki
Love bites/marks - Momo
Group sex - Yuki & Momo
Bath/shower sex - Iori
Pegging - Nagi
Lingerie - Ryuu
Masturbation - Tenn
Mirror sex - Gaku
Nipple play - Riku
Phone sex - Sougo
Orgasm denial - Yamato
Tender sex - Momo
Sex pollen - Riku
Sexting - Gaku
Sensory deprivation - Tenn
Formal wear - Nagi
Body worship - Mitsuki
Public sex - Yuki
(Free choice) ??? - ???
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mashuhiso-writes · 2 years
A3! Masterlist ❀
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Harugumi / Spring Troupe: ❀ Sakuya Sakuma ↳ none yet...! ❀ Masumi Usui ↳ Headcanons with a Fem!S/O that Crossdresses ❀ Tsuzuru Minagi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Itaru Chigasaki ↳ none yet...! ❀ Citron ↳ none yet...! ❀ Chikage Utsuki ↳ none yet...!
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Natsugumi / Summer Troupe: ❀ Tenma Sumeragi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Yuki Rurikawa ↳ Headcanons w/ a Quiet & Gentle S/O ❀ Muku Sakisaka ↳ Fluffy Dating Headcanons ↳ Best Friend Headcanons ❀ Misumi Ikaruga ↳ none yet...! ❀ Kazunari Miyoshi ↳ Reader Helping Taichi&Kazunari Dye Their Hair ❀ Kumon Hyodo ↳ none yet...!
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Akigumi / Autumn Troupe: ❀ Banri Settsu ↳ Banri Settsu x Veludo Arts Student!Reader HCs ❀ Juza Hyodo ↳ Headcanons w/ an S/O that has a huge sweet tooth like him ❀ Taichi Nanao ↳ Headcanons w/ an S/O who loves art ↳ Reader Helping Taichi&Kazunari Dye Their Hair ❀ Omi Fushimi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Sakyo Furuichi ↳ none yet...! ❀ Azami Izumida ↳ none yet...!
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Fuyugumi / Winter Troupe: ❀ Tsumugi Tsukioka ↳ Headcanons w/ an S/O that’s similar to him ❀ Tasuku Takato ↳ none yet...! ❀ Hisoka Mikage ↳ none yet...! ❀ Homare Arisugawa ↳ none yet...! ❀ Azuma Yukishiro ↳ none yet...! ❀ Guy ↳ none yet...!
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jujumin-translates · 11 months
Event | Sanrio characters x A3! | Chapter 8
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Citron: Well then, let’s give it our ball at today’s practice again!
Guy: Give it a fall? Why would we want to fall?
Masumi: Not ball or fall, give it our all.
Citron: That! Jeez, Guy is even messing up here too.
Tasuku: There’s a lot of people leaving Puroland, huh.
Azuma: Fufu, everyone’s smiling… Oh?
Child: Waa~ah!
Mother: It’s time to go home now.
Child: No! I don’t wanna go home yet! Uuue~e!
Taichi: I feel you, little guy, I feel you…!
Kazunari: IKR. Leaving a theme park is like waking up from a dream and then being back in reality, it’s re~al sad.
Kumon: If that were me, I’d wanna stay and play more too.
Itaru: That’s def a theme park mood.
Yuki: Someday, it’ll just be a nice memory.
Mother: C’mon, let’s say bye-bye to Kitty-chan and her friends, okay?
Child: No, no, no! I don’t wanna say bye-bye!!
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Sakuya: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Alright, let’s take a short break.
Omi: Practice is going pretty well. I think we’re getting to a really good point.
Sakyo: Agreed. But there are still areas we can improve on, like blah, blah, blah…
Azami: And it’s started… Every damn time with his stupid long-ass speeches…
Izumi: …Ahaha.
Sakuya: …
Citron: …
Citron: There is something not right with Sakuya today.
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Itaru: …You think so too, Citron?
Masumi: …Well, he has been kinda quiet. And he seems kinda out of it.
Izumi: There was nothing wrong with his acting… But something is definitely up.
Chikage: I hope he’s not trying to keep something all to himself.
Tsuzuru: I’ll try and talk to him.
Izumi: Me too!
Tsuzuru: Something up, Sakuya?
Izumi: Is there something on your mind, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: Tsuzuru-kun… Director… I was just a little lost in thought.
Sakuya: …Can we really just have a story about having fun?
Tsuzuru: Eh?
Sakuya: …No, it’s nothing! Just pretend you didn’t hear that!
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Tsuzuru: …If you need anything, you can always talk to me, okay?
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun… I hope he’s okay.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: …
Child: No! I don’t wanna go home yet! Uuue~e!
*Flashback end*
Tenma: Sakuya, you coming or not?
Sakuya: !
Sakuya: Sorry! I just spaced out for a bit…
Sakuya: …
Tenma: …
Sakuya: …Tenma-kun.
Tenma: Hm?
Sakuya: Is it really okay just to do a play about having fun?
Sakuya: Just having fun, just smiling… But is that really all there is to it?
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Tenma: …Depends on the situation.
Tenma: Like, Summer Troupe specializes in comedies, right? So comedy is the majority of it…
Tenma: Some of our stories are just funny ones about passionate friendship, but some are a little more sad, and make you feel nostalgic.
Tenma: But it all depends on how we want the audience to feel and what we want to put into our plays.
Tenma: And like how Autumn Troupe and Winter Troupe have lots of stories about not being able to be saved. But people still like to come and see those stories.
Sakuya: Yeah, I guess you’re right.
Tenma: People come to watch sad stories that make you cry, or thrilling stories that have you at the edge of your seat…
Tenma: And people come to see stories that are so stupid you’ll laugh until your stomach hurts.
Tenma: So there’s nothing wrong with having a story just about having fun. But it depends on whether or not that’s what you want to convey to the audience.
Sakuya: What kind of story I want to tell… What… I want to convey…
Sakuya: Got it… Thanks, Tenma-kun. I’ll try to think about it.
Tenma: No problem.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Banri: …So how’s somethin’ like that?
Izumi: Sounds good. I’ll check with the staff.
Banri: Thanks.
Banri: Hm? Sakuya?
Banri: You wanna talk to Director-chan? We just finished up our meeting.
Sakuya: I’m not really here for anything in particular…
Sakuya: …
Banri: Is it about the show?
Sakuya: …Eh.
Banri: Figured.
Izumi: Sakuya-kun, you were saying something about it before, right?
Sakuya: …
Sakuya: … I was… Wondering if the story was really good enough.
Sakuya: The show I saw at Puroland brought smiles to all of the audience’s faces.
Sakuya: I’ll never forget that sight. It made me think that I want to do a play like that.
Sakuya: But when I saw a kid crying because they didn’t want to leave, I couldn’t help but wonder.
Sakuya: The more fun you have, the harder the sadness and loneliness hit after the fact.
Sakuya: Adults can understand that, but little kids can only take that sadness and loneliness at face value.
Sakuya: Someday, it'll just be a nice memory, but it’s hard for a little kid to understand things like that now.
Sakuya: Tsuzuru-kun’s story is wonderful. It’s a gentle and fun story that’ll make everyone smile. But…
Sakuya: I really want people to take home the memories of the fun they had as souvenirs. And I just kept thinking about that…
Izumi: …I see.
Sakuya: Tenma-kun asked me what kind of story I wanted to tell. But my thoughts are kinda all over the place, so I still don't have an answer.
Sakuya: Sorry. We’re already pretty far into rehearsals, and now I’m just telling you this.
Banri: You’re really sensitive to this kinda stuff, huh, Sakuya.
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Sakuya: Eh.
Banri: I ain’t as nice and good-natured as you. So I never woulda thought about somethin’ like that.
Banri: Guessin’ that’s the perspective of someone who works at a daycare, huh?
Sakuya: Ahaha… I guess so.
Banri: But you should really get better at conveying this stuff to the people around you.
Banri: Even if you can’t figure out the answer yourself, someone else might have the solution.
Banri: You might be able to get more ideas by listenin’ to someone else’s perspective.
Izumi: Yeah, I think so too. …Fufu, Banri-kun pretty much said it all.
Banri: My bad.
Sakuya: …I guess you’re right. Thank you so much, Banri-kun, Director.
Banri: No problem.
Banri: I mean, it ain’t easy talkin’ about something that’s supposed to make everyone in the audience smile.
Sakuya: …Ah.
Banri: Well, ya gotta have pretty high aspirations to do it.
Izumi: I think it’s a wonderful objective to have.
Sakuya: …Yeah.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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nitunio · 3 months
new AU again...
Kujo Tenn - Changeling (the devil/angel thing you know...)
Tsunashi Ryunosuke - Haruspex (the unfamiliarity of familiar)
Yaotome Gaku - Bachelor (man set out to beat death with his own hands)
Izumi Iori - Peter Stamatin ("i've created a monster miracle")
Nikaido Yamato - Aspity (im not human. to some im a spiteful evil being, and to some im a guide, a foundation)
Izumi Mitsuki - Andrey Stamatin (fiery and protective of his brother. alcohol supreme)
Yotsuba Tamaki - Sticky (he's everywhere. he's sticking to ryu and never leaving his side yet he's having fun)
Osaka Sogo - Vlad the Younger (i will do as i must to keep this town safe even if it means defying my father. for all the ryu/sogo fans. also check big vlad)
Rokuya Nagi - Capella (you need political calculation to build things. heir to the throne or so to speak. nagi/riku canon in one ending)
Nanase Riku - Khan (balances on the edge.. stands atop of the miracle that iori created)
Momo - Bad Grief (tempted to switch him with ryo but im keeping it that for fun. (me when i remember his backstory) (gets emotional damage equivalent to infinity))
Yuki - The General (hardened heart and flayed nerves, always closed off. adopts tenn in one ending)
Natsume Minami - Grace (being near graves is like enrichment to him i think) / Eva Yan (nonsense sayer and the. uh. the chapel thing.)
Isumi Haruka - Taya Tycheek (strong heart of gold in spite of everything endured)
Mido Torao - Stakh Rubin (i really want him to lose zero's corpse for fun you know??? you know??? slight ryu/torao if you squint but mostly its gonna be gaku kicking his ass)
Takanashi Tsumugi - Maria Kaina (most ooc bc this girl will not shut up about nonsense)
Anesagi Kaoru - The Inquisitor (my fav character gets to my fave manager)
Tsukumo Ryo - Mark Immortell (no theatre would be great without a director?)
Utsugi Shiro - Yulia Lyuricheva (this will make sense later)
Yaotome Sosuke - Oyun (he and osaka soshi need to chill the fuck out)
Takanashi Otoharu - Victor Kain (tsumugi's dad ic and ooc)
Ogami Banri - Anna Angel (so sorry for what happened in the past babygirl)
ZERO - Simon Kain (i made him die. his corpse gets lost and nobody can find it. the plague mightve come from it. nobody knows and im standing aside laughing giggling)
Okazaki Rinto - Lara Ravel (that stomach medicine is going to be needed soon...)
Okazaki Rintaro - Georgiy Kain (the judge hath spoken)
Kujo Takamasa - Alexander Saburov (cunt. also the tenn plot gets funnier this way. also - the idea that both can see what the problem is yet instead of trying to fix the root cause they do it all in a roundabout way that seems "easier" but instead hurts others all around)
Kujo Aya - Murky (gets adopted by ryuu alongside tamaki. they are a happy family now)
Haruki Sakura - Katerina Saburova (sorry for giving you a morphine addiction i couldn't find a better partner for kujo)
Osaka Soshi - Big Vlad (cunt. can have a heart if he chooses to)
0 notes
gompereatsall · 2 years
Also if you wanna, juza hyodo and yuki rurikawa for the ask game too!!
(i'll be real, it's been a while since I've consumed canon a3 content, so,,, some stuff might be inaccurate my bad)
it's the guy i share a bday with, juza!!
favorite thing about them: his whole deal about being self conscious about who you are?? like. like his whole portrait episode. my god. that alone made him one of my favorite characters. his character growth about being more confident not only on stage but in other stuff like life?? im in love
least favorite thing about them: I? I literally can't think of anything?? i guess just how much sugar he eats, i mean yeah it's hilarious but also guy please. please no (i mean this light heatedly dw)
favorite line: I'll be honest, I'll be skipping these ones because I cannot remember any quotes for the life of my lmao (I JUST SAW YOUR POST IT'S "Uh... what sounds so bears make again? Beeeaaar!")
brOTP: muku and kumon,,,,, I love when the family hangs out, those three are my faves <33 ALSO O High Boys are so good,, those three make the PERFECT asobi asobase au ever
OTP: juza x banri 100%, the rivals to friends to lovers,,, so good,,,
nOTP: other than the obvious kumon and muku, no one in particular? also no weird age stuff, like anyone in high school when he's in college
random headcanon: has acne bc of all the sugar he eats. also he has lots of energy bc of the sugar he eats. he has to bounce his legs or tap his fingers or SOMETHING, he also just lays awake at night because he can't resist eating something sweet before going to bed...
unpopular opinion: fandom makes him a big himbo and, in juban fics, only cares about banri and i?? I don't like that?? please expand on his family and his whole self esteem issues. I want fics about his self esteem issues please
song i associate with them: UHH AGAIN I DON'T HAVE A LOT OF SONGS... I'm also so bad at assigning songs to characters that aren't my OCs... ig Sweet Magic by Junky PURELY for all the sweets and desserts and not the actual meaning lmao. Also maybe Ado's Gira Gira?? About his scary demeanor and all. (Also just figured out that the songs don't have to fit them, just remind me of them. These two may not fit but I always think of Juza when I listen to them.) Also Akatsuki Arrival!! Makes me think of Juza and Banri everytime :)
favorite picture of them: This card is the good shit. I have no idea why, I just like his outfit lmaoo
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favorite thing about them: he's so sassy, and i LOVE his quips
least favorite thing about them: uhhh idk, let people in more?? talk out your problems man idk
favorite line: skip, sorry
brOTP: UGH friendship with muku, first of all. I love those two so much <33 also I love his friendship with Azami and then bonding over their dislike of Sakyo working with like fashion and make up (idk, i've always related those two things closely together). Obviously he's very close to the summer troupe, but i love him hanging out with misumi, kazunari, and kumon just to be their sole braincell
OTP: actually no one?? because i headcanon him as aroace, I don't ship him with anyone. Platonically however, him and muku are very cute <33
nOTP: nothing really, just no weird age stuff (so no one from the winter troupe, and no one in college)
random headcanon: his arm has small, tiny injuries from missing the pincushion, and the pins just stabbing his arm. This only happens when he's REALLY focused and is 'in the zone,' so he doesn't really feel it when it happens.
unpopular opinion: idk, i can't really think of anything? yeah he enjoys wearing skirts and dresses, but only because women's clothing are more fashionable and prettier than men's clothing. He also really enjoys wearing guy stuff if it's really cool or fashionable. he also doesn't really like wearing make up; doesn't like the feeling of it on his face
song i associate with them: Jitterbug I feel fits Yuki really well! Surii's Telecaster B-Boy also fits i think!
favorite picture of them: UGH THIS CARD OF HIM HAS ALWAYS BEEN ONE OF MY FAVORITES, I JUST LOVE HIS CLOTHES i am,,, very weak for traditional clothing,,,
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astharoshebarvon · 3 years
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Re Vale
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