#banana has yet another new dress/outfit. but i finally think i like this outfit for her
syrupyyyart · 2 years
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motley outfit redesigns!
#motley#cherry pit#blueberry cobbler#lime pie#marshmallow fluff#banana pudding#watermelon sorbet#my art#ocs#original characters#some notes:#so yes. now they ALL have multiple colors#the idea is that the characters can earn new colors as they grow up/experience important life experiences#and at the beginning of the story. every character has only earned one new color since theyre all only around 15 to 17 years old#except for watermelon. who has already earned two of her colors (and she feels pretty cool about it)#cherry went through like 7 different outfits and colors before i landed back basically right where i started#i almost switched her and watermelons base colors too. but i thought the pink was cuter so i kept her the same#banana has yet another new dress/outfit. but i finally think i like this outfit for her#so heres to hoping i dont feel the need to change it again#watermlon got a complete design overhaul from head to toe#the reason is because her previous design was really difficult to draw on model consistently#so i streamlined it and now she is much much much easier to draw#aka by the end of the story ideally they would all have 3 main colors#which would be the color they were born with + two outfit colors. and then a bonus accent color to tie it all together#im sure thats all ineligible but im just not great at explaining in the notes. this is really difficult when i cant use commas lol#anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk about this incredibley niche topic lmfao#dont judge these drawings btw lol they are obviously incredibly rough#ive still gotta redesign the main 3 girls parents + the mean girls. man lol
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luxekook · 5 years
chapter three.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader (insert gif of elmo with flames behind him here)
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 2.3k
⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, dirty talk, jimin propositions the reader accidentally, taehyung is a menace, noona kink jumps out A LOT, chaotic ot7, talk of poly relationships, overall kinda smut free (the next chapter should quench fuel your thirst)
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Three
“It means that we’re going to date the shit out of you.”
We’re going to date the shit out of you.
We’re. Going. To. Date. The. Shit. Out. Of. You.
Those words play on a constant loop in my head for the rest of the week. After Namjoon had dropped that bombshell on me, I’d kind of freaked the fuck out, faked an immediate illness, and ran at full speed.
When I had told Luna about it later that night, she had been just as shook as me. Surprisingly enough, she had also given her full support of whatever I decided to do but “would have her banana slicer on standby and would order six more if need be”.
It appears that she had drunk-ordered a banana slicer off Amazon when the last boy she talked to pissed her off. I had apparently drunk-approved the decision. Rad.
Jenni’s reaction had been even better. We’d been in the library on Monday and her screech of “he said what!?” had led to multiple events:
An abundance of shushes from every student within a 50-yard radius
Her continued rant: “Your own personal harem! Can you say goals? Maybe I should infiltrate EXO and collect my own...”
Us getting kicked out by our ancient librarian
For the rest of the week, I had Luna and Jenni both giving me shit about the BTS boys. It had helped that I hadn’t run into them at all on campus between classes. But I had known it wouldn’t be long before my luck would run out...
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Quinn Library – 2:31pm
Typically, I don’t spend my Friday afternoons deep within the stacks of the library’s quiet floor. Yet, here I sit typing frantically due to my incapability to stop procrastinating. My fingers fly over the keys of my aging MacBook in hopes that whatever spur of productivity I had going on is captured in its fullest.
General education classes could burn in the pits of hell as far as I'm concerned. If I wanted to be a psychiatrist, why did I have to take – and pay for – an art elective that I would likely never utilize in the workforce? Plus, the only class within the category that fit my schedule ended up being “Writing About Dance”.
Yeah, I’m still a tad bitter, but in all honesty the class isn’t that bad so far. It mainly consists of watching different dance performances and learning how to write about them in different styles.
Today’s assignment is to write critical commentary on videos of the university’s dance team that the professor provided for us. Sighing, I finish my review of the second to last dance video provided by the professor, take a quick second to stretch, and then open the link to the last video on the assignment page.
“Park Jimin – Final Performance Solo, Spring 2019”
Slack-jawed, I fall into wonder as Jimin moves through his routine flawlessly. He dances like it’s easier than walking to him. His movements are somehow precise and fluid all at once. I barely realize a few tears have run down my cheeks until the video cuts off, signaling the end of Jimin’s performance.
Jesus, (y/n), get it together. I laugh lightly as I dig in my backpack for a tissue. How could I possibly capture the ethereal beauty that Jimin exuded into words? Am I even worthy of commenting on such exquisiteness?
Definitely fucking not. And before I can second guess myself, I type: “Park Jimin is art in its purest form. Watching him dance is like watching the sun rise over the ocean – raw beauty accompanied by the hopes brought with a new day. His performance left me wanting for nothing except an encore.”
Boom. Submit Assignment.
As my email pings with the confirmation that my assignment is turned in, my eyes widen in realization. Park Jimin of BTS is a dance god, and he – allegedly – wants to date me? That is just ridiculously unfathomable.
Namjoon must be off his rocker.
Closing my laptop, my phone suddenly vibrates with an incoming notification from snapchat...
President_RM has added you!
Before I can even comprehend the absurdity of Namjoon adding me, my phone bursts into a series of buzzes. Cursing, I switch my phone to silent and check my screen.
minsuga93 has added you!
jhopeworld_ has added you!
handsomeJIN has added you!
JKookie97 has added you!
vantae_BTS has added you!
95jiminie has added you!
Are they serious? How did they even get my SnapChat username?
vantae_BTS has added you to a chat!
Curiosity wins out over aggravation as I swipe to open the chat.
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Heart pounding, I fight the urge to chuck my phone into the depths of the bookcases winding around the room. What did those idiots want with me?
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(y/n) & Luna’s Apartment – 9:45pm
“What do those idiots want with me?” the decibel my voice has risen to is shocking even to my ears.
Luna cringes, accordingly, “I can’t tell if that’s a rhetorical question...”
I steamroll onwards, “And don’t even get me started on how they could have even gotten my snapchat. It’s a complete invasion of privacy!”
“You could just ask them,” Jenni’s voice cuts through my rambling tirade.
I pause, “No, I couldn’t—”
...Or could I?
Turning on my heel, I rush into my room and head straight for my closet. Grabbing the nearest sweatshirt and pair of leggings, I tug them on and then grab my keys from my nightstand.
Whirling back into the living room, I storm past a dumbfounded Luna and Jenni, “Be right back.”
Opening the apartment door, Luna shouts, “Wait! Where are you going? You’re not even wearing shoes!”
Whoops. I glance at my feet and note that she is, in fact, correct.
Jenni bounds over to me holding my Doc Martens, “Here, babe. You’re going to the BTS house, aren’t you?”
I nod grimly and salute my two best friends as if I'm going into battle. “I won’t be long. I just have a small errand to run.”
“Well, you’re not going alone,” Luna declares, pulling on her sneakers.
Jenni snorts and shoves her feet into her beat-up Converse, “No way am I missing out on this action.”
As we head out the door, I link arms with Luna and Jenni, “Have I mentioned I love you both recently?”
“Right back at you, bitch,” Luna laughs.
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Greek Row – 10:17pm
Ten minutes later, we reach Greek Row. Fraternity and sorority houses dot the street on both sides. Personally, I think of this street as home to the chaotic rich, and I tend to avoid it at all costs – except tonight.
The line to get into BTS is so long it wraps around the block. Students dressed in the latest fashions converse as they wait, huddling together in their groups. I glance down at my outfit of a worn university hoodie and leggings.
“Well, shit. We’re underdressed, huh,” Jenni deadpans, causing all three of us to burst into laughter, “Do you think they put you on the list, (y/n)?”
Pondering that thought, I shrug, “Maybe,” and begin marching past the line of waiting students towards the front door of BTS, “But I sure as fuck am not waiting in that line.”
“Hey, there’s a line here!”
“Yo, bitches! What are you doing?”
“What the fuck?”
Paying the hecklers no mind, I saunter right up to the BTS pledges guarding the door, “Hi, I need to talk to Kim Namjoon.”
The pledge on the right rakes his gaze over me incredulously and then makes the same assessment of Luna and Jenni, “You know this is a party, right?”
I don’t deem that comment worthy of a response and instead cross my arms over my chest. He shrinks under the collective glare of me, Luna and Jenni.
The pledge on the left awkwardly clears his throat, “Names, please?”
My answer barely escapes my lips before the pledges visibly straighten, looking at me with new eyes, “You’re (y/n)? Why didn’t you just say so?”
And before I can answer, the front door swings open for us.
People are everywhere. A haze of smoke looms in the air, and rap music blares from the speakers. The bass is turned up so loud that the beat seems to take over the rhythm of my pulse. That cannot be healthy.
Turning to my friends, I do my best to communicate, shouting, “I’m going to find them! Are you going to be here?”
Luna and Jenni exchange a look and nod. Jenni shouts back, “We’re going to get some drinks. Might as well capitalize on free booze! Text us when you’re ready to go.”
And with that, we part ways.
Maneuvering around the sea of gyrating bodies in the main living room area, I scan around for any signs of my seven menaces.
“Do my eyes deceive me? Or is that my future wife?” The deep voice booms from behind me.
I sigh, recognizing the voice, and turn around.
Kim Taehyung is striding towards me with his arms outstretched, smiling like the damned fool he is and looking like he just stepped off the runway for Gucci. “Come to daddy.”
An idea forms. I smile sweetly and walk to meet Taehyung halfway. His boxy grin widens and just as he thinks I'm going to let him wrap his arms around me, I grab him by the ear.
“Ouch!” He cries, “Devil-woman!”
Ignoring him, I drag him behind me towards the stairs.
“If you wanted to get me alone, you could have just asked—OW!”
My hold on his ear tightens as we arrive on the second-floor landing, “Where are your brothers?”
“I don’t know, n-noona!” Somehow the honorific coming from Tae sounds divine, but I file that thought away for another time.
Removing my hold, I corner him against the wall of the hallway, “Okay, Kim, here’s what is going to happen. You’re going to point me in the direction of your room, go find your six idiot brothers, and then report back here so I can finally understand what the fuck is going on. Got it?”
My chest heaves as my directions conclude and I realize how close together we are. Taehyung stares at me with an indecipherable expression before breaking into a slow smile, “Noona is bossy.”
“Noona is going to shove her foot up your ass if you don’t get moving,” I growl.
“Kinky,” he laughs, backing away from me and my brewing anger, “Last door on the left is my room. I’ll be back with the six idiots.”
As he thumps back down the steps, I close my eyes and count to ten, trying to steel my nerves and rein in my anger. When I open them, my eyes are met with the amused gaze of Min Yoongi.
Slapping a hand to my heart, I wait for my pulse to settle from being scared out of my wits, “Motherfuck—how did you even move that silently?”
“It’s a skill,” Yoongi drawls, nodding towards to end of the hall, “So, group meeting in Tae’s room?”
Shooting him the best side-eye I can muster, I stalk past him, steadfastly ignoring the chuckles and light footfalls that follow behind me.
Throwing open the door which Taehyung indicated was to his room, I pause, taking in the horde of photos and art taped to the four walls. The light blue wallpaper barely peeks through the absolute massive amount of artwork.
“It’s overwhelming at first, isn’t it?” An angelic voice shyly breaks through my reverie, “Tae likes to collect pictures and things he finds beautiful.”
“Ah, so that’s why we’re friends.” The joke is followed by a laugh that can only be compared to the sound of a windshield wiper squeakily moving back and forth.
I shift my eyes from Taehyung’s walls and onto the two newcomers – Park Jimin and Kim Seokjin.
Meeting Seokjin’s gaze first, I cannot help but agree that he is a very, very beautiful man. With pushed back dark hair, mischievous brown eyes and impossibly broad shoulders, Seokjin can easily be mistaken for an idol. And, oh fuck, I’m still staring.
Shooting my eyes back up to his, I crinkle my nose at his shit-eating grin. Before he can even comment, I turn and lock eyes with Jimin.
“Your dancing is gorgeous,” I blurt out and immediately want to crawl under a rock and live out the rest of my life as Patrick Star.
Yoongi and Seokjin are cackling as Jimin’s face lights up at my embarrassing compliment, “You really think so?”
“There's no shutting him up now,” Yoongi is in tears, “Watch out, (y/n). Jimin loves his fans.”
“Shut up, Yoongi-hyung!”
Jimin looks ready to swing, but luckily Taehyung chooses the right moment to return, “What have we missed? Why is Jiminie about to fight Yoongi? I’ll put $10 on hyung.”
Gasping in betrayal, Jimin sits on the edge of Tae’s bed and pouts.
The rest of the boys file in behind Taehyung as he flops down onto his bed and reclines like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
“Hi, (y/n). Good to see you again. I’m glad you’re here,” Namjoon greets me with a slight bow, a crooked smile and wicked eyes.
He’s followed closely by Jung Hoseok, the only BTS boy I hadn’t met thus far, “(y/n)! It’s so nice to meet you in person! Wow, you look so pretty tonight!”
“Noona always looks pretty,” Jungkook cuts in, throwing an arm around Hoseok’s shoulder, “She’s bae.”
A collective groan arises from the rest of the boys. “Sit your ass down, JK,” Yoongi grumbles, “(y/n)’s going to break up with us before we even start dating.”
“Dating—!” I break off that train of thought. Other matters need to be attended to first, “No, I didn’t come here tonight to say ‘hi’ or to be your ‘bae’. I came here to get answers.”
I take my time making eye contact with each boy.
Taehyung is still spread out on his bed and Jimin has now joined him. Seokjin, Hoseok and Jungkook are sprawled out on the floor at the foot of the bed, while Namjoon and Yoongi slouch against the opposite wall of the bedroom facing me.
“Alright,” Namjoon lifts his chin, meeting my stare head on, “What do you want to know?”
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a/n: sorry for the cliffhanger, hehe. i wanted to get something up for y’all! hopefully next chapter won’t take too long to finish/edit :)
@hazeljrz @sessi03 @catsandstrawberries @h5naaa @meowmeowyoongles@leftflowerprunedonut @rjsmochii @athletes-of-god @karissassirak  @weallhavesecretsinthebestway @cvbachacbitch @bewitch3dforivar @honeyspillings @xxonyxpearlxx​ @fivesecondsofsarang @oii-f-eli-x2 @joonsroses @theevilyouknow @jooniescupcakes @expensive-grl @i-dont-even-know-fck @doingmybestalltheftime @elraeee @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh @laced-brds @aokay1010 @breeeeh17 @lpayne612 @peachyharmoney @rilakoya @chulchuchi @tabula-rasa0 @guccishookv @nomimits7 @i-like-puppy-mg @s-noir @anna-sorel  @valiantcollectorofsandwiches​ @cage7241​
blogs that wouldn’t let me tag them for some reason: 
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sleekervae · 3 years
The Neighbour [1.3]
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A/N: I’m in a really good mood today and found the motivation to write! Super fluff ahead!!
When Eva woke up, not having remembered falling asleep, she let the light seep in behind her eyelids, floating shapes dancing in her vision before she even thought about opening her eyes again.
She was surrounded by a cloud of warmth, a thick cologne which she had grown too attached to for her own good and his hand was in her hair, tangling and untangling the curls, brushing gently as if distracted by something else, but wanting her to know he was there nonetheless.
She slowly opened her eyes, readjusting to her own living room, the memory of being on the sofa with him before she'd drifted off slowly coming back to her. She glanced down at her lap, his lap, then followed the brightness of his phone in his hand as he typed, closed and opened another app with his free hand, "Rem?"
He flinched, unaware that she'd woken because she was so peaceful, so still. "Yeah?"
"Am I your lock screen?"
Eva stared down at the picture that glowed through the oncoming dark, half confused, half endeared by the silent gesture and the meaning it held.
"Oh, shit," Remington giggled nervously, his cheeks already a flushed pink as he pulled back slightly to look at her, "You weren't supposed to see that, Eva,"
"When did you take this?" she pushed. The girl she looked at seemed so different somehow, so unaware of what was coming, but the laughter and happiness radiated off the screen and it could've only been the company she was with, the ease, the delicate carefree comfort he brought her.
Remington swallowed, "The album party..."
Eva nodded, "This was before the patio?"
"Before the patio. Still only seems like yesterday, you know?"
She smiled with endearment, "Yeah. How long has it been, a month?"
"About that, I think," he smiled back at her, the light reaching his eyes. "I only changed it the other day... now that I know that we're... together... you just looked so pretty. I know you weren't feeling too good, but you were glowing to me," He stroked his fingers through her hair lovingly again. "It's just -- my favorite picture of my favorite girl,"
Eva felt her heart leap in her chest and leant to press her lips to his without second guessing it, the familiarity of kissing him, of being able to kiss him still yet to settle as reality.
He moved his lips with hers eagerly, tilting his head to deepen the kiss, drawing her breath from her lungs effortlessly. She tasted so sweet, so addictive that he knew he'd never have enough.
"You know that picture we took in the bathroom last week?" she whispered against his lips.
"We should take more like that. I don't take a lot of pictures of myself, but I'd like more of us,"
"I'd like that, Eva... I'd like that very much,"
The clicking of spokes echoed through the tunnel, the lights above flickering over the girls' heads as they whizzed towards the light at the opening. Eva and Shy were neck and neck as they pedalled on their bikes, giggling and urging the other to hurry so they could beat the guys as they closely followed one their skateboards. Of course, they were proudly repping the new skateboard that would soon be out on the merch market. 
"C'mon! C'mon! They're right behind us!"
Eva was unsure how a competition between the bike and skateboard arose, but she was too caught up in the thrill to care. She gripped the leather-worn handles of her yellow bike tightly, flying out of the street tunnel beside Shy. Pepper and Pluto sat in their baskets at the handlebars, too enthralled with the wind whipping over their faces to care about each other.
Remington had to wonder to himself why he didn't just take his car to the park; his own ego assuring him that he and Emerson could totally beat the girls there. Maybe if he was on a bike, then he may have had a chance. The skateboard was utterly useless in this situation as the girls became smaller and smaller in the distance.
"Hurry the fuck up, Emerson!"
"The boards aren't motorized!"
The girls came to the park quickly after, dismounting and coming to stop under a shady tree. Shy put Pepper down in the long grass and she immediately went bounding around, excited to explore and sniff all the new smells. Pluto took a look around the open park, glaring in dismay as to why he wasn't at home and decided to settle into the roots of the tree. Pepper then came trotting over to Pluto, in her excitement tumbling through the grass and rolling into Pluto. The tabby glared at the pomeranian and batted her away with his tail.
Though Eva was almost certain they were in the middle of nowhere, no other cars or people in sight for miles, she was more than happy to set up their picnic. She whipped a blanket over the grass and Shy began to pull food and drinks from her backpack. She looked out across the street, just able to get a glimpse of the guys coming their way.
"Maybe their next board should be electric," she grinned.
"And give them a fair chance?" Eva shook her head, "Where's the fun in that?"
Remington and Emerson finally made it to the open park, their legs sore and shoes scuffed from kicking at the ground over and over. They grabbed their board and jogged to meet the girls under the tree.
"Next time... we're taking the car," Remington huffed.
"It was your stupid idea to race, anyway," Emerson grumbled.
"But when I come up with a stupid idea, you can talk me out of it,"
The girls smiled coyly at the guys, "What took you so long?" Eva asked.
They sat down with the girls and took a moment to collect themselves.  Surrounded by tall green grass and inhaling crisp air which made them feel distinctively far from home in the city, they were heading up to a small bank. The heat was palpable already, but the linen material of Eva's white sundress which stopped just above her knees, the hems frilly and delicate, provided a welcome breeze. She shifted to her knees as she helped Shy set up the food they brought.
Remington laid back in the grass, admiring the way the light dazzled between the gaps in the branches, then angled his face again to admire Eva, how effortlessly pretty and ethereal she looked amongst the natural landscape, "Did I mention how beautiful you look in that dress?" he muttered.
Eva lifted her head, looking down at her outfit then blushing at him, "A few times, yeah,"
"Just had to drive the point home," he grinned.
Emerson couldn't help but roll his eyes at his brother's sweet talk, "You guys are gross," he chided playfully.
"Look who's calling the kettle black," Shy chuckled, tossing a grape at the drummer. Emerson tried to catch it in his mouth but it bounced across his cheek and fell into the grass. He was quick to grab it before Pepper or Pluto could.
Remington pulled some of the drinks from his own bag, canned spiked sodas and juices. He grabbed a Nude seltzer and popped it open, unprepared for the fizz and carbonated shower that sprayed over him and the blanket briefly. The others giggled at him and Eva took a napkin to wipe some of the soda from his cheek.
"Thanks," he muttered bashfully.
The four kids shared in vegetable chips and vegan BLTs, with some fruit and two-bite brownies for their dessert. Pluto and Pepper had the opportunity to snack on some pieces of apple and banana. Eva was surprised to see her tabby not trying to start a fight with Pepper.
"You can never go wrong with brownies," she said, popping the little bite of goodness into her mouth.
Shy hummed in agreement, "I wanted to bring the whipped cream too, but I couldn't find it," she said.
Remington and Eva glanced at each other warily, wondering if they knew where the whipped cream actually went. Remington quickly cleared his throat.
"Uh -- I used the rest last weekend," he said, "We made chocolate pudding,"
"Yeah," Eva nodded quickly, "Rem's a secret gourmet,"
Emerson cocked an eyebrow, "Since when?"
"Since Eva," Remington grinned with pride.
The boys had brought out a soccer ball and decided on a quick match in the grass, with Pepper running between their legs to join in the fun. The girls had a different idea, however. Eva needed a new photograph to post along side a piece for her blog, and she asked if Shy would be willing to model. Of course, Shy was more than happy to oblige her.
They picked a small bouquet of daffodils that were growing just a few feet from the tree. The young model kneeled next to the winding roots, tossing her head back and clutching the vibrant yellow bouquet to her chest, her dark brown almond eyes staring into Eva's soul through her phone lens. Shy was easily one of the most strikingly beautiful women Eva had come across, and what made it better was her heart was practically made of gold.
"Wow," Eva breathed as she stared at the photo, "Emerson! I think I'm love with your girlfriend!" Shy bursted into giggles.
Emerson scoffed, "It's okay, I don't blame you!" he called back.
"How'd the picture turn out?" Shy asked, coming to take a look for herself, "Nice! You into photography, too?"
"It's an amateur hobby. I get most of my stuff from Pinterest," she replied.
"You ever think of modelling yourself?" she asked the young writer.
Eva shook her head quickly, blushing, "Me? Oh -- gosh, no!"
"Why not? You're fucking gorgeous. Not to mention so many girls would kill to have your naturally full lips," Shy said.
"I appreciate that. But I think I'm just more comfortable behind the camera, you know?" Eva replied.
Shy smiled and nodded, "I get it. But... if you ever change your mind, I'm expanding my business to a clothing line and I could use some cute models in the future,"
Eva blushed at the idea. Her, a model? Sure, she was confident in her body and what she wore, but she hadn't done a lot in terms of putting her actual face out into the digital media world. It might be fun, though?
"... I'll think about it,"
Sharp grass sliced at Eva's shins as she jogged through the plain, her fingers intertwined with his, the warm palm of his hand so familiar that she would have followed him anywhere. Looking up at the high tree tops, the bright blue sky and the sun peeking through, flooding their picnic spot behind them in a golden glow. Remington wasn't all too sure where he was taking her, he just wanted a minute to have Eva to himself.
The colours were vibrant, rich green tree tops, his pastel pink hair losing its sharp spike and falling over his face, complimenting his pale skin so gorgeously as he turned around while pulling her along. The melodic tone of his voice only drew her in further, she could barely keep up, her sneakers dragging on the ground as she followed Remington, kicking up tiny stones and branches.
"Where are we going?" her voice carried with the wind.
"I don't know," Remington shrugged, smiling gleefully at her, "But that's part of the fun, isn't it?"
She chuckled, "So help me God you get us lost, Remington,"
"We won't get lost," he flashed her that heart-wrenching smile that had her falling head over heels for him all over again. The way her fingers were wound around his made his skin tingle, and his breath hitched in his throat when he decided to stop, spun around and twirled her into a nearby tree, pinning her against his chest. His wild eyes flashed with excitement before he closed the space between them and pressed a deep kiss to her lips.
Her own lips parting, she moaned into his mouth, instantly desperate for more. His hands moved instinctively to hold her hips and she inhaled sharply when she felt the bark indent her skin, her arm wrapping slowly around his neck, her other hand now letting go of his to move slowly into his hair, her nails scratching lightly at the back of his neck, tugging gently on his soft pinky/brown locks as her lips moved eagerly with his.
"You dragged me out here to fuck, then?" she drawled amusedly, her voice nothing but a hint, her tone needy, already eager for more as his calloused fingertips dug into the material of her dress clinging to her hips.
"Have you seen yourself in that dress, darling?" he rasped, his lips were red, his chest flushed, eyes half-open, yet fixated on her flawless features. The glint of mischief in her eyes, the clear determination, everything about her excited him to a new level he never knew he could have, "You're something out of my dream,"
"How original," she chided, squealing briefly when he lifted her by her thighs and kissed her again. Her legs came to wrap around his torso, humming softly, only his hands on the tree keeping her off the ground. She was weak for the way his fingers stroked her skin tenderly yet held her so possessively that she knew she wouldn't have been able to pull away and deny him even if she wanted.
And his lips were on her neck in an instant, driving her wild as he licked and bit, not abashed about leaving a mark. She tilted her head back until she bumped against the tree, her stormy blue eyes slipping shut. The only thing she could feel was a cool breeze ghosting over the bare skin of her legs, his warm hands squeezing her thighs, and his chapped lips ravaging over her neck and chest like she was his final meal.
Her eyes fell open for a minute, mesmerized by the sun peaking through the treetops above, reaching them even in their spot of seclusion. The branches danced and swayed in the wind, and Eva had a brief thought slip through her mind.
"Remington," Eva gasped, pushing at his chest lightly so he'd pull away.
"Mhmm?" he looked up at her with dark, lustful eyes.
"... Can you climb this tree?" the bottom branches were low enough for him to grab a hold of, and it had dawned on her that she'd never seen him climb anything, despite how much he bragged about it.
Remington took a wistful glance at the branches, smiling easily, "Is that a question or a request?"
"Well, I've never seen you climb," she shrugged back.
"Piece of cake," he set her back on her feet, but she leaned against the tree for a moment longer so she could collect herself.
Remington took a few steps, like he was gearing up to run a track race. With Eva standing well out of the way, he took three long steps before he leapt up and grabbed the first branch. The bark on that particular spot was weak and he stumbled to the ground, "Shit!"
"Jesus!" Eva gasped, "Okay, don't do it if it's gonna' cost a trip to the ER,"
"It's okay," he assured her, rubbing his palms on his jeans to take the sting out, "Just a fluke,"
He backed up and tried again, this time gripping the branch tightly and pulling himself up. Eva stood back in awe, his forearms clenched tightly and the veins in his biceps popped, but he showed little overall effort as he maneuvered his way to sit on the branch.
"See? Piece of cake," he simpered.
Eva crossed her arms over her chest, "How's the view?"
Remington smiled down at her, "Pretty fantastic, not gonna' lie. Care to join me?"
"I would love to, but I don't possess any upper body strength, whatsoever," she said.
"That's no problem," he jumped back down and stood behind her, gripping her hips tightly "Do you trust me?"
Eva glanced at the branch warily, standing over her head at a good eight feet. Her fingertips couldn't even brush the bark if she stood on her toes. But she looked to Remington, nodding slowly. He counted down from three before he hoisted her up and Eva quickly grabbed the branch, heaving herself to sit at the spot where the branch met the trunk. Remington hopped up right after, pausing briefly as the wood made a lowly creak, but he relaxed when they were still in the air.
"Piece of cake," Eva mocked.
"Yeah, 'cause I did all the heavy lifting," he nudged her gently, "Literally,"
"I didn't ask you to lift me up here" she pouted.
"But it's more fun with you up here," he lifted his head and caught her lips in a kiss before she retort in any way, holding her in his arms and deepening their kiss.
She hummed softly, parting her lips and cupping his face into her hands, unable to pay attention to anything beyond Remington's lips moving hungrily with hers, his body pressed up against her.
There was a brief moment when Eva forgot where she was as she went to plant her hand behind her, only instead of a solid ground her fingers brushed thin air and she jolted, breaking their kiss and staring down at the ground.
"Fuck," It didn't seem all the far down from the grass, but up here she felt like she was miles up.
Remington chuckled, "You okay?" and she nodded, pink tinting her cheeks. He pulled her tighter into his embrace, willfully ensuring that she wasn't going anywhere, "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you,"
The sun eventually began to settle into the horizon, maybe it was four or five o'clock now? Eva was tired but happy as she sat against the tree trunk at their picnic spot, Remington's head in her lap and she threaded her fingers through his pink hair and they conversed amongst themselves. And then her attention was captured when she heard a sultry request.
"What poem are you gonna' use with the picture, Eva?" Emerson suddenly asked. Eva was taken aback for a moment, her tongue suddenly running dry.
"Erm -- j-just a new thing I wrote a while back," she said, "I kept meaning to put it up, but it always needed some tweaking,"
Remington glanced up at her, "... Can we hear it?"
"Yeah," Shy nodded, hope glimmering in her dark eyes.
Eva relented faster then she usually did, perhaps because she knew they would continue to bother her about it until she would just buck up and read it. And she knew Remington would never make her do anything she wasn't comfortable with. Besides, they had all read the proses she had posted already, what actual difference would it make for her to read aloud?
She grabbed her bag and fished out her notebook, only having to flip to the first few pages. She settled back against the tree trunk. She inhaled to gather herself as her eyes scanned the words she had written only a few months back. Funny, how her writing looked so different compared to how she wrote now. The emotion was different...
"I thought you were so mature when I met you
because we were 18 and you liked pistachio ice cream
and you smoked weed.
And I thought, "what are the chances you'd like someone like me?"
And you never did."
Despite Eva's misgivings, she had a natural storytelling voice. Calm and soothing, Remington had quickly fallen in love with the sound. There was an eternal softness in her voice, a magic that transformed every word she spoke into something more, something special. It relaxed Remington more than he thought possible. His heart was full, content.
"And eight months ago, seven years later,
I met someone who spends his summers in Long Beach, NYC
and studies law as a hobby
and I thought, "he's so accomplished, why would he ever like me?"
And it turns out he never actually did either,
at least not enough to make it real."
Emerson hugged Shy tightly, resting his head on her shoulder as they were both hanging on every word. Her fingers splayed through the grass, twisting, tugging blade by blade surely the same way these characters had to Eva's subject.
"Then I got drunk one night and I texted him
and I asked him "why I wasn't good enough?"
and he said that I was.
He liked me all along, I just refused to see it.
I was the one who decided I wasn't enough.
Sometimes we actually can't see things that are so obviously right in front of us
because we feel we don't deserve them.
And all I could think about was how different my life would have been
if I realized that at the ice cream parlor seven years ago,"
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365days365movies · 3 years
February 2, 2021: Pretty Woman (1990)
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First, we bow to the Actor King of Romancia, Richard Gere. Gere is a DYNAMO of romantic movies, having starred in The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, American Gigolo, An Officer and a Gentleman, Sommersby, Autumn in New York, Chicago, Shall We Dance?, Runaway Bride, and of course, Pretty Woman. He was crowned king of this fictionation both because of his film prowess, and because DUDE HAS DATED A LOT OF FAMOUS PEOPLE GODDAMN
Second, we bow to the Actress Queen of Romancia, Julia Roberts.
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Roberts’ resume is equally romantic, including films such as Notting Hill, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Eat Pray Love, Steel Magnolias, Mystic Pizza, Runaway Bride, and of course, Pretty Woman. She was crowned queen of this fictionation because, I mean...it’s Julia Roberts, man. Who else was gonna be queen, Meg Ryan? She’s too busy ruling the Holy Romance Empire.
Yes. Yes, I will be visiting the Holy Romance Empire soon.
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Anyway, one of the advisors to this great land was the now sadly passed Garry Marshall, a seasoned romantic movie director, responsible for The Princess Diaries (and its terrible sequel), Beaches, Runaway Bride (shit, should I watch this one?), and those bad holiday romance movies from the late 2000′s. You know, Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Eve, Mother’s Day? Yeah, that’s the guy.
Marshall was appointed an advisor of Romancia because of his role as director of the film...you know.
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Enough navel-gazing; let’s get into Pretty Woman, shall we? I, for one, am looking forward to venturing further into the land of Romancia! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
We start at a party where...George Costanza?
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Huh! Phil Stuckey (Jason Alexander), a lawyer and kind of an asshole, is romancing women at a party, held on the behalf of Edward Lewis (Richard Gere), a businessman from New York. However, he’s currently in California away from his unhappy girlfriend back east, who’s feeling a tad neglected by the constantly busy Edward.
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Meanwhile, on a less-than-great side of town lives Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts), a prostitute working the mean streets of Hollywood. Making her way to the red-light district, she enters the Blue Banana Club (which is...a name, that’s for sure), where she finds her roommate Kit De Luca (Laura San Giacomo). Laura’s unfortunately spent their rent on drugs, during the height of the cocaine epidemic in Hollywood.
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The two meet each other on the street, where Edward’s lost, and struggling with Phil’s stick-shift Lotus Espirit. She offers to give him directions for money, and he reluctantly accepts. She gets in, and guides him back to his hotel. As he struggles to drive, she displays her knowledge of cars from back home. He then offers to drive the car for him, and also shows her prowess as a driver. Which...is pretty neat.
He asks how much she makes in her profession, as the two roll up to his hotel. As they begin to part ways, he asks her instead to accompany him into the hotel. She’s about as charmed and gawky as I would be going into a sick-ass hotel like that. The elevator in it has a FUCKING SOFA INSIDE, YES PLEASE
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Edward’s a little embarrassed by her gawking, but they quickly get past it. Edward’s graveyard-still complacency is contrasted by her manic pixie energy. Not that she’s a manic pixie dream girl...I think. It’s more of a “rock-and-balloon” relationship deal. When Vivian busts out the condoms (she’s a “safety-girl”), Edward instead says he wants to “talk.”
During this talk, it’s revealed that his girlfriend has officially broken up with him, leaving him conspicuously single. He asks if she can stay the entire night, and she agrees for a price, to which he gladly agrees. They spend the night getting to know each other, although Edward is doing business during much of it. And she’s watching TV, and it gives off these kinda weird daddy-daughter vibes (not kink-shaming, mind you), and it’s...mildly uncomfortable.
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This quickly progresses into her beginning to seduce him, and the two presumably have sex. We cut away just before anything happens, though. Afterwards, Edward takes a shower, as Vivian falls asleep, taking her wig off for the first time.
The next morning, Edward talks to Phil about an upcoming business purchase, when Vivian walks into the room. He’s ordered breakfast for them. ALL OF THE BREAKFAST. Seriously, everything on the menu. Motherfucker, do you KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE ROOM SERVICE IS? WE GET IT YOU’RE RICH
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He reveals just how rich he is, noting that he buys companies on the brink of failure, and then sells pieces of the companies he buys. Vivian equates this to a chop-shop, which seems extremely accurate. On another call, Phil tells him that it would be better if he had a date. And it looks like...he already has one.
Yeah, Phil “hires” Vivian to be his girlfriend for a week. For $3000, she accepts, and I feel just a little icky. And yet...I dunno, we’ll see. He’s doing this purely to avoid romantic attachment, which is a little weird, but understandable? Maybe?
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At this point, we get one of the most iconic scenes in the film, as the uptight women at a Rodeo Drive store tell her to leave, like assholes. They’ll get their comeuppance, though. OHHHHHH, THEY’LL get it. This compounds when the hotel manager, Barnard “Barney” Thompson (Héctor Elizondo), questions her presence there. And while it seems that he’s going to kick her out, he actually helps her out with an outfit.
Meanwhile, Edward’s business deal begins to go somewhat south, until Edward takes advantage of GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION. Anyway, Vivian goes to a local department store, where Barney’s friend Bridget (Elinor Donahue) helps her out with a cocktail dress. When she heads back, Barney acts like a bro once again and teaches her proper etiquette, Emily Post style.
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Edward heads back to the hotel, where Vivian is waiting for him. And she looks cuuuuuuuuuuute. Edward thinks so, too, and they head to the corporate dinner. There waitselderly businessman James Morse (Ralph Bellamy), and his grandson David (Alex Hyde-White). We get a taste of just how vicious of a businessman Edward is, and Vivian makes a much better impression on the Morses than Edward does. Also, Eddie’s kind of a sociopath, huh? Or, at least, he has some sociopathic tendencies. I dunno his pure emotionlessness is rubbing me a weird way.
After the dinner goes VIOLENTLY south, the two begin to relate to each other a bit more. He notes that he prefers not to bring emotion into business, although he apparently does like Mr. Morse. He also notes that his father died a month ago, but it doesn’t appear to affect him much. Still he heads downstairs to get some air. Later, Vivian gets the bellhop, Dennis (Patrick Richwood) to help her find him, and she does. He’s playing piano like a GODDAMN MANIAC HOLY SHIT! Just like, “Don’t mind me, I’m just playing an operetta to PUT THE KNIFE FEELINGS TO SLEEP IAMTHEZODIACKILLER.” This manic performance is followed by the two just...fuckin’ on the piano. They just FUCK IN THE LOUNGE RIGHT ON THAT PIANO JESUS CHRIST GUYS
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The next morning, post-musex, they go to get outfits together, in which Gere buys a massive set of outfits, and we get the first makeover montage this month! He also flashes even more sociopathic flair with a clothing store owner, goddamn. And that’s...when we get the song.
I mean, we had to get this song in here at some point, right? She also engages in the most iconically HUGE moment of the film. You know what I’m talking about, and it’s beautifully cathartic, my Lord.
Meanwhile, at work, Edward’s starting to...lose it, I guess? As Phil’s encouraging him to close in on Morse for the kill, Edward’s beginning to grow a heart. And may I note that he’s been in this relationship for TWO DAYS. Jesus, buddy, you’ve really never had a meaningful relationship, huh? They eventually go to a polo match for business reasons, here Phil finally meets Vivian. Vivian also notices that none of the high-society people here seem like, well...friends.
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Turns out that David Morse is one of the polo players, and Vivian starts to speak with him. Phil, meanwhile, notices this, and suspects her of being a corporate spy. And Edward, like an ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE, tells her that Vivian’s a prostitute. Phil LITERALLY IMMEDIATELY GOES AFTER HER, and solicits her like a fucking CREEP.
This obviously very much upsets her, and she chews Edward out back at the hotel. And the argument that follows IMMEDIATELY puts me on Vivian’s side, because Edward’s being a sociopathic douchenozzle. Goddamn. She rightfully wants to leave, and he just lets her. And here’s the real kicker; she doesn’t take the money.
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And that’s when Edward sincerely apologizes to her, as best as he can. And yeah, he’s a little sociopathic, but I can see that the dude is trying? The two make up, and once again open up to each other. Edward starts to realize, in turn, that he legitimately has feelings for her. And we head into the third act of the film.
The next day, Edward leaves work early to go on a date with Vivian, and Phil asks if the date is with “the hooker.” And Edwards flashes him a look that’s just...knifey. I’m still not convinced he isn’t the Zodiac Killer. He takes her to an opera in San Francisco, before which we get this scene.
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Adorable. God, I love Vivian. Also Dennis and Barney are the best, and they’re super fucking invested, and I am HERE for it. Their date to the opera is...sublime. Understand, my girlfriend and I watched this entire film together, and we’re both in love with Vivian and the opera after it. Imma take her to the opera on a date one of these days, I swear it.
That night, they play chess together, and Edward actually takes the following day off. He also actually sleeps in a bed for once, instead of going to work. And this is when my girlfriend the following phrase:
Is he sculpting her, or is she sculpting him?
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OK, that fantastic question is one of the reasons we’re together, but also a very interesting point. Lemme explain here. This is very much a Pygmalion story in a few ways. While not a straight adaptation by any means, this film is definitely taking a few ideas from the Pygmalion trope. See, if you don’t know, Pygmalion’s a Greek myth about a sculptor who falls in love with his statue. It’s been adapted multiple times throughout the history of the arts, but the most prominent version of this was the stage musical My Fair Lady, famously adapted into a film starring Audrey Hepburn in 1964.
And again, a lot of adaptations of that, too. While Pretty Woman isn’t explicitly an adaptation of either work, the themes are still present in the work. So, yeah, it’s a good point. In this version, she’s changing him as much as he’s changing her. The sculpture is sculpting the sculptor. Which is cool.
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And then, as we had that cute little revelation, Vivian tells Edward that she loves him. And OH FUCK. It’s the last day. And when he says he doesn’t want this to be the last of them together, she takes it as romantic. But when he essentially proposes making her a beck-and-call girl, putting her up in an apartment and hooking her up with dresses...she’s understandably not interested. She says that, as a little girl, she dreamed of a white knight that would sweep her off her feet and take her away. But Edward isn’t that knight.
Have I mentioned how much I love Vivian? Because Vivian’s fuckin’ fantastic, Jesus Christ.
Edward decides to leave, and says that he’s done all he can at this point. He leaves, and she’s shattered. Kit, meanwhile, comes to visit her at the hotel, and she admits that she’s fallen in love with him. While Kit’s initially worried about it, she says that they could maybe settle down and buy some diamonds and a horse. I also love Kit.
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Meanwhile, at the meeting with Mr. Morse, Edward turns the tables on Phil and his yes-men, and asks to speak with Mr. Morse alone. Phil’s gobsmacked by this, but agrees. Once they’re alone, Edward admits that he no longer wishes to buy his company and destroy it. Instead, he wants to help him rebuild his company. And Morse agrees, telling Edward that he’s proud of him.
Phil, EXTREMELY irritated by this, and decided to make his way to talk to Edward at the hotel. And that’s when he finds Vivian. FUUUUUUUUCK. As expected, Phil tries to r*pe her, and that’s when Edward shows up, and BEATS THE FUCK OUT OF HIM.
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Edward tells Phil off, calling him an EVEN BIGGER sociopath than he is, and kicks him out. Friendship ended with Phil. Now Vivian is his best friend. But despite this, Vivian still realizes that their relationship, at least the one she wants, seems impossible. Conceding, and on his way back to New York now, Edward pays her, and tells her to call him if she ever needs anything. 
But he asks her to stay one more night with him, not because of money...BUT BECAUSE OF LOVE. And she replies that she can’t...and they part ways. Vivian goes to say goodbye to Barney, who still rules. He calls a cab for her, and says that she can visit them anytime. My girlfriend says that she would leave me for Barney, and I agree. I agree so much, because she deserves the best, and the best is Barney, and I could never BE Barney. 
I could never be Barney.
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It’s over now, as the song in the background says, and Edward laments his lost relationship as the thunder rolls in. Vivian decides to finally go to San Francisco, and finish high school, inspired by Edward’s love and faith for her. She passes that faith onto Kit as she says goodbye. Fuuuuuuck, man, this goodbye hurts as well.
Edward goes to the lobby, and talks to Barney one last time. AND BARNEY TELLS EDWARD WHERE VIVIAN WENT, LIKE A GODDAMN CHAMPION. WHY CAN’T I BE AS PERFECT AS BARNEY????
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He makes his way to her apartment, and buys flowers from a woman with a Cockney accent, WHICH IS A MY FAIR LADY REFERNCE! HOLY SHIT! He arrives in a white limo at her place, overcomes his fear of heights and climbs a fire escape in a metaphorical tower to rescue his princess. 
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THAT’S HOLLYWOOD, BABY! And it’s Pretty Woman as well. That was a very heartwarming film, and I’m very glad that I watched it! Is it perfect? Ehhhhhhhh, see you at the Review.
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chaoslordjoe · 4 years
#BlackSunWeek2020 Day 2 - Resurfacing
“Fuck this heat…” Nora Valkyrie whined, carrying herself on Yang Xiao Long’s back as Yang took a mental note about how that would’ve been her line.
If escaping Atlas was littered with red tape, then flying (relatively) safely to Vacuo was like duct taping yourself to a revved-up chainsaw. 
There were no AK droids or shell-shocked lumberjack-looking General headasses (seriously James, take your court martial like a man) to drag them into anything they were all just through a month ago into the war.
Still, being escorted to the city by a bunch of Vacuan mercenaries was probably more merciful than whatever haircuts or puffy outfits they were given from their time from being conscripted by Ironwood, probably without authority from the Council (General James “fuck-you-I-have-two-seats-on-the-Council” Ironwood) in the gang’s whole black ops stint.
All things considered, this was a lot more welcoming than being drafted into the “Greatest Kingdom’s” side of the war with how they weren’t so great and hiding how much their leadership sucked at communicating with one another.
Politics. The brass. Martial law. Friendly fire incidents. Good times.
Ruby trudged ahead of the group, with Qrow trying to save the water in his flask while he was surprisingly adamant in pushing forward through the dunes. It was a good thing that he sobered up in time for this trip, knowing how it would be hell on dehydration.
“At least we’re not…Having to face any AK droids for a while.” Weiss thought out loud.
“Come on, Weiss-cream.” Yang grunted. “Maybe we’ll get you a new manicure by the time we arrive at Shade.” She joked.
Weiss shook her head.
“She might need more than a manicure.” Ren interjected.
“No-no, she’s right.” Weiss mentioned. “Heiress or no, I think we could all use a touch-up.” She concluded, wincing at the idea of sand going down her dress.
“I hate sand.” Jaune spoke next. “It’s coarse, rough, irritating and it- -“
“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE.” Yang warned.
“…And it gets everywhere.” Jaune taunted.
“I’m gonna smash your balls when we get home.” Yang said with a glare to him.
“How do- -How do you know I’m not into that?” Jaune remarked.
“Guys, can we please argue about which trilogy had the worse writing later?” Ruby begged.
“Much as I would like to learn about movies outside of my homestead, Ruby’s right.” Oscar spoke. “We’re almost there, then we can relax before meeting Theodore.” He added.
Qrow looked over, thankful that at least Ozpin insisted that they still act like teenagers in between all the missions and such. One thing he certainly got right.
“Hey, buddy.” Qrow said to the caravan leader. “How much further?”
“Almost dere, Mr. Branwen.” He spoke, inspecting his weapon behind his shades. “Ya don’t wanna get eaten by a mole crab, do ya?”
“Not exactly.” Qrow grunted.
“Den sit tight, we gonna be dere in no time.”
Soon as they arrived, Professor Theodore had granted the group a hotel to stay at before meeting with her on the Shade campus.
A rare sight this type of hotel was in Vacuo. Let alone something with this many accommodations. Soon as the gang arrived, a cold shower was in order followed by orders from Theodore to relax before the big meeting.
QROWBYJNR sat in the hotel’s pool area, finally being able to catch a breather along with some cooling off in the drink. Oscar stood at the corner reading one of Ozpin’s journals away from the group.
Blake decided to accompany him in the reading with a copy of <i>Zaibatsu Unlimited</i> she had meant to continue reading for a while now. Sort of a corporate espionage thriller about a power struggle between Mistral’s corporate elite in a deadly arms race on the stock market.
Ren sat with Weiss and Nora, figuring a tan wouldn’t hurt with how they were gonna be here for a while. Jaune got to work on a game of pool volleyball teaming up with Ruby, while Yang and Qrow played against them.
Oscar looked up with a cocked eyebrow, observing his friends finally being able to relax for the time being. He looked back at the Ozpin journal that he retrieved from the Atlas vault, then back and forth at the gang while he spoke to Oz privately.
Penny for your thoughts. Oscar spoke.
As long as you are all rested for this whole journey. He said.
Oz. How do you feel about reunions after living for so long? The host asked.
You are asking me? The wizard replied. Well, I suppose apart from all the betrayals and twists/turns I’ve been part of lately, I would say that reunions are best saved for when you can savor the moment.
Yeah. Oscar thought. If Theodore is in on it, feels like we gotta make it on our own. Did you miss Theodore?
”Missing” would imply that I would be welcoming to the Headmistress. I am not easily welcoming on the inside, Oscar. Perhaps I am the wrong person to ask about this.
Oscar squinted.
I get that we have to be more careful and not trust anyone, but you could at least act like you care. Your former students could be here too.
I suppose. Ozpin said with a sigh. Perhaps you are better equipped for this since only a select few people know that we are one at this time.
Because I’m a teenager like the others here? He interrogated.
No, I just feel that you are a more appealing individual in your age group. The wizard answered. Just so nobody else is out to kill us.
“Wow.” Oscar scoffed out loud, briefly catching Blake’s attention. Just put an arrow above my head of how cute I’m supposed to be while you’re at it.
Ruby roared, banking the volleyball around Yang. But Qrow briefly shifted into a bird, headbutting the ball right between the team leaders who dodged it.
“Hey, that’s cheating!” Jaune barked.
“Oh yeah?” Qrow said as he shifted back into a man. “Well, you’ve got banana hair!” He said as he shrugged at his blonde niece.
Weiss raised her sunglasses, squinting at the Huntsman’s remark while she turned around onto her stomach to tan her back next.
Jaune retaliated, by throwing the ball back in an attempt to get Yang to tilt by punching the ball open. Nora looked up from her seat, seeing her boyfriend meditating as he and her finally got a form of that beach day that she wanted so bad.
“I believe that Qrow has run out of remarks from Mr. Xiao Long’s joke book.” Ren observed.
“Feh.” Nora said with a shrug. “Just let him ramble, Renny.”
Ruby tried to Petal Burst her way around the net, only to create a cyclone which nearly sucked in Jaune. Qrow’s misfortune kicked in, causing the ball to hit Ruby in the side of her head at whoever tried sending it back.
“Oww, dang it!” Ruby cried out as she regained her footing the water. “Watch where you’re throwing!” She argued.
“Now who threw that?” Weiss inquired, raising her shades, and stopping at the familiar face before her.
Said familiar face had winced at his shot with Qrow attempting (and failing) to casually avoid the scene while Jaune carried Ruby out who rubbed her head.
“Sorry!” The familiar face shouted. “I didn’t mean to- -Sorry, guys!” He spoke.
Blake looked up at the voice, who wore yellow/blue swim trunks and had a noticeable monkey tail. She immediately got up, tackling her former squeeze from behind who yelped.
“Sun!” She cried out in joy.
“Blake!” Sun Wukong had called in return, setting her down and attempting to give his love interest a hug. 
Blake however, used one of her Shadow Clones to fool him and give the Huntsman an actual embrace after being away for some time.
Weiss sat up, greeting Neptune as well. A nervous meeting on her part due to how little they spoke during Vytal. But Nep was more than willing to let bygones be bygones in showing off his red speedo. Weiss blushed in hoping that she would be the one to clear things up.
Blake and Sun let go from their embrace, as she had never been more alive to see him until now.
“I know it hasn’t been that long.” Blake said first. “I know you pointed out that I didn’t need you anymore, but…Well, considering how poorly Atlas went, I kinda needed to see someone like you.” She sheepishly admitted.
“That bad, huh?” He asked.
“Yeah.” Blake sighed. “I know my hair isn’t properly rendered, either.” She muttered.
“Huh?” Sun asked.
“N-Nothing.” Blake retorted. “Though I imagine you’d probably come up with a better name for it than Yang. Called it the “bi bob” or something.”
“It’s a working title!” Yang argued while busy ogling Sage and Neptune.
“Ruby? Jaune?” Coco Adel asked with her teammates on CFVY not far behind. “What the hell are you guys doing here?” She inquired with lowered shades.
“He-hey, Coco.” Jaune said in an attempt to be suave while healing Ruby’s volleyball-shaped bruise. “See, it’s a funny story. We were called here by Theodore to investigate some Grimm trouble. Like you were…I think.” He flatly stated.
“Heh, great to see you guys too.” Coco spoke. Velvet stood by her side with her hands down. “I’m guessing you could use some lessons on team leadership from me and Sun?” She assumed.
“We are 100% fully functional on being team leaders, thank you.” Ruby argued, having just regained her vision.
“Yet you can’t watch your back at volleyball. Not the best aim there, luv.” Velvet joked. “Right, how about your focus on that Zaibatsu copy compared to Sun's arse and muscles, Blake?” She joked to her cat friend.
“Oh, HA-HA!” Sun angrily replied, blushing.
“It was just a kiss on the cheek, Velvet.” Blake retaliated with an eyeroll.
“I believe ya.” The hare said. “Of course, Sun worded it differently.” She fibbed.
“No he didn't, Bun.” Coco said while giving her friend a skeptical glare behind her shades. Had it not been in public with their First Year friends, she would've given Velvet a stern talking to about who pulled that off better.
While the two lovely ladies of Team CFVY bickered as to who would/wouldn’t get the ball gag, Blake grasped her arm anxiously while Sun awaited her response.
“You, um…Wanna get lunch to make up for lost time?” She hesitantly asked.
Sun instantly beamed, knowing how much of a relief they both needed from Remnant going down the tubes.
“Hell yeah!”
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shawtygonemad · 3 years
What Is This Feeling: Chapter 5
Fem!9th Doctor x Male!Rose Tyler
WITF Masterlist
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In the TARDIS there is no sense of time. Ross, however, was still accustomed to Earth Time. He needed to go bed at Earth's night, and got up at Earth's morning. It's been quite some time these two have been traveling together. One year, according to the last time they went to Earth. That was quite an adventure. Jackie nailed the Doctor in the face after she found out that some alien stole her son away for an entire twelve months.
On top of that, Earth was invaded be the Slitheen family from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorius. The Doctor, Ross, and the help of Harriet Jones, blew up Downing Street. The Slitheen were destroyed and the world was saved, again.
Being through so much together you'd figure the Doctor would be used to Ross's human schedule by now. Yet, she was not. It annoyed her that this human needed so much sleep.
She was tinkering away below the grating in the console room to pass the time. Her eyes would keep wandering down to her wrist watch. Time Lords don't need as much sleep as humans do. She spent most of her time bored while Ross was in dreamland.
Finally losing her concentration, the Doctor decided to go make some tea. This seemed to be their routine. The Doctor would waste time during the night to fill her boredom. When she got frustrated she'd leave to make some tea, and a little breakfast. Ross usually awakens are this time.
By the time Ross woke up the Doctor had a fresh batch of Banana-Nut muffins and a warm cup of tea waiting at his usual spot. The Doctor glanced up from her book as the human entered the kitchen. A smile grew on her face. His blonde hair was a class 'A' bed head. His eyes were half lidded and still matted with sleep sand. He looked adorable.
"Good morning," she greeted as she went back to her book.
"Morning," he replied before sitting down and beginning his muffin graze.
Comfortable silence fell between them. Ross ate and drank while the Doctor continued to read The Hobbit. Once he was fully awake, Ross spoke up.
"You know, for someone who hates being 'domestic' you sure like to make breakfast every morning."
"It's not being domestic," she protested. "It's called being bored while you sleep your life away."
"Mhmm," he smiled as he continued to eat.
More silence ensued. That was, until the ringing of a phone echoed out. It wasn't Ross's mobile. It was an old fashioned one. That was either one of two people. Winston Churchill or… She quickly made her way to the console room. Ross followed behind her. She quickly approached the old fashioned phone attached to the console along with many other things. She picked the phone up and answered.
"Is this the Doctor," a clear, proper, American accent came through.
"This is she. Might I ask who's speaking," she knew who it was. She just enjoyed getting a rouse out of the man.
"It's Gatsby."
"Gatsby," she smiled. "What Gatsby?"
"It's Jay Gatsby, from New-"
"I'm just mucking about," the Doctor smiled
A soft laugh was heard from the other side.
"It's been a while," she commented.
"To long in my opinion. In fact, that's why I called. I wanted to personally invite you to my party," Jay spoke confidentially.
"Tonight?" she asked.
"If you could make it," he said.
"I always make it whenever you invite me," her eyes wandered over to Ross who was patiently sitting on the jumper. "Do you mind if I bring a plus one?"
"Of course. Although the last time you were here you I don't remember you being committed," the Doctor was about to interrupt, but Jay quickly went on. "None of the less, I'd be happy to meet the old sport."
Jay went silent.
"Is there something you're not telling me," she questioned.
"Yes. There is something I need to speak with you about. However, I'd much rather do it in person rather than over the telephone."
"Okay," She said slowly.
"I'll see you tonight, then."
They hung up. She turned toward her companion, and grinned.
"So, Ross Tyler, how's about a trip to the 1920's sound?"
"Sounds amazing, but who was on the phone?"
"We were just invited to one of the biggest parties New York has seen. It just so happens to be in the wonderful roaring '20's."
"Tonight?" he asked excited.
"Yup! So you best get dressed. You remember where the wardrobe room is, yeah?"
"Yeah," he began to leave the room when he noticed the Doctor wasn't going to follow. "Aren't you going to change?"
"I wasn't planning on it," She informed him.
"Well you can't go like that. You look like a… biker girl."
The TARDIS hummed, agreeing with Ross.
"Whose side are you on?!"
The ship hummed once more, encouraging her to change.
"Fine," she sighed, giving in.
The Doctor walked with Ross in the direction of the wardrobe. She kept moving forward once Ross entered the public costume room. She, however, had her own personal room for this. It's where she decides her signature outfit for each regeneration.
She stepped inside the Time Lord sized closet. It was massive. Most females would kill for a closet this size. The Doctor walked forward onto the platform in the center of the wardrobe. Spiral racks of many different clothes reached from the ground to ceiling.
A dress was already selected and placed on the lounge couch. The TARDIS must have picked it out for her. Trusting in her old friend's decision, she put the dress on. It was a spaghetti strapped, mid-thigh dress. The tassels on the dress hung down to her knees. The top of the dress was silver. It faded to gold at her mid-section. That then faded down to a brown shade. The best part of the dress was that it had hidden pockets for her to hold her sonic screwdriver and other various items.
She put on a pair of short heeled silver shoes. They were perfect for dancing, even though she would refuse to. Nothing could really be done with her hair, so she just put a diamond headband across her forehead. And much to her dismay, she ended up putting some make-up on.
Once the TARDIS was satisfied with her friend, she released the Time Lord back into the halls. The Doctor made her way back to the console room. She was met by an incredibly handsome Ross wearing a tuxedo. His eyes widened at the sight of her.
"Wow, you look… stunning," Ross said breathless.
The Doctor flushed red. "You look very handsome. Well, considering…" She trailed off.
"Considering what?"
"That you're human."
She stepped down and started to command the controls. They were in the '20's in no time. She parked the TARDIS in the gardens, and turned to Ross.
"Ready to go," she asked.
"As I'll ever be," he smiled and offered her his arm.
She gladly took it. They stepped out together. The music was surprisingly very loud. They walked together out of the garden, past the pool and bar and entered the mansion. People were everywhere. It was the height of the party. Glitter and confetti rained down on top of them. The Doctor grabbed two glasses of champagne from a waiter. She past a glass to Ross, who was staring at everything in awe.
"This is incredible," he spoke.
She smiled and sipped on her drink.
"Care for a dance," he asked.
"Oh no. I don't dance," she informed him.
"Who doesn't know how to dance," he accused.
"I never said I didn't know how to. I said that I 'DON'T' dance."
She then noticed a brunette girl smiling at Ross. A pang of jealousy hit her. She hid it though.
"Besides, it seems that you might have a volunteer," she gestured to the girl.
"Go have fun," she encouraged. "I have something's that need to be taken care of."
"If you're sure..."
"I am. Go on," she smiled.
Ross gave her a sad look before turning towards the girl. The Doctor stepped away and began up a staircase. She tried to weave through the people, but ended up bumping into a man.
"I'm sorry," he began. "This may seem like an odd question, but have you seen the host, Mr. Gatsby?"
"I have not, but I'll be sure to send him your way…?" she trailed off.
"Nick Carraway," he smiled and shook her hand.
"I'm the Doctor."
"A female doctor. You don't see too many of those," he commented.
"Well it was a pleasure, Mr. Carraway."
She continued up the stairs. She walked over to the railing and searched the crowd below. Ross was instantly spotted. He looked like he was having a blast with the girl. She had the urge to do down and butt in.
Why was she feeling this way? He was just her companion. Nothing more. But what is this feeling? She wasn't starting to develop feelings for him, was she? No, they were simply friends.
The Doctor felt hot breath against her ear. "A lady should never be at a party alone."
"I brought my plus one, Mr. Gatsby," She smirked.
"Where is the old sport?"
"He's down enjoying your party," She took another sip of her champagne. "So, what was it you wanted to talk with me about?"
"Let's speak about this in private," he said and guided her away from the party.
He led her to his study. It was a cluttered mess. Books and papers were everywhere. She took a seat in the vinyl chair and set her drink down on the desk.
"Tell me your troubles," she leaned back, and got comfortable.
Gatsby began to pace.
"This may sound a bit mad," he began.
'Believe me, I've probably heard worse,' she thought.
"Over the last few months I have been slowly losing my memories. The oldest things I can remember were about a few weeks before the war. Right around the time I met Daisy Fay. I can't seem to recall my childhood at all."
She let this fact roll around in her head for a moment.
"I thought it would be appropriate to contact you. The last time we met you said that you were a doctor who specialized in odd situations."
"I am," she said absentmindedly.
What could this be? Possibly Alzheimer's? No, this had to be something else.
"Has anything else seemed not quite right?" she asked.
"Well," he started. "I've been feeling drained both physically and mentally."
"Hmm," the Doctor continued to think.
These symptoms seemed like any normal human disease. However, something still seemed off. It was like she could feel a burst of energy coming from somewhere in the mansion. Ross and she will have to check it out.
"Do you mind if I have a look around," she asked while standing up.
"Be my guest. If you'll excuse me, I have to meeting to get to," he took her hand and placed a kiss on it before exiting the room.
The Doctor noticed a dial phone on the desk. She picked up the receiver of the phone and dialed Ross's number. It rang for a long time before he finally picked up. The music was blaring in the background, which caused Ross to yell into the phone.
"'Ello," he said loudly.
"Ross, I need you to meet me at the balcony overlooking the dance floor," she informed him.
"Okay. Did you find something," he asked.
"Not yet," she said while taking out her screwdriver from her secret pocket. "We're going to have a look around though."
Once they hung up the phone the two met by the balcony. The Doctor began to change the setting on her sonic. It was now set to scan.
"What did you find out?" Ross asked.
"Mr. Gatsby is beginning to have some memory loss. He didn't mention having any head trauma."
She began to scan the area. She paused. That's strange. She was getting a reading of high energy from deep within the mansion. The Doctor followed the signal with Ross following beside her. They were led into a very large bedroom.
"The signal is coming from over here," she scanned a wall behind the bed.
She placed the sonic back into her pocket. How does this thing open? She ran her hands over the wall, only to find nothing. She then spied a painting on the wall and got an idea. The Time Lord grinned.
"Ross, how good is your American history," she asked.
"Okay, I guess," he said awkwardly.
"If you lived in America in 1922, where would you hide the switch to open the door to your speakeasy?" she grinned, waiting for him to figure it out.
He was quiet for a second while he thought. His eyes searched the wall. He began to smile when his eyes fell upon the painting.
"Behind a painting," he exclaimed.
The Doctor grabbed the painting and placed it on the floor. On the wall was a switch. The Doctor flipped it up, and the wall slid to the side. Her eyes widened when she saw what was behind it.
"This must be what was giving off the energy reading."
"What is it," Ross asked curiously.
"It's a transmatt beam," she stepped inside along with Ross. "But where does it go?"
She pressed the red button. She could never resist. The pair was suddenly beamed up into a ship. The Doctor stepped out. They were in, what seemed to be, a lab. She began to look around. It was like a classic mad scientist's laboratory.
"Doctor, you might want to see this," Ross called her over.
She walked over to find an entire wall full of what looked like crystal balls. Something light blue was swirling in each one. Below every crystal was a name.
Furrowing her brows, she took out her sonic and scanned one. When the readings were finished she was shocked with what she found. She placed the sonic back in her pocket.
"These are memories. Whoever these people are, they're stealing memories," she paused.
What if they were caught while they were here? She could easily block an intruder even if she was in a regenerative sleep. But Ross couldn't, and the Doctor doesn't want to have the hassle of restoring his memories.
"Ross, if they are stealing memories, then we are both at risk. I know how to keep people out of my mind. So I'm going to give you a quick lesson on how to do the same. It's easy."
"How do you do that," Ross frowned.
"It's a part of your mind that most humans can't get to. I'll have to guide you to it, if you'll let me," she spoke that last part softly.
"Of course I'll let you," Ross said quickly.
"This is a very intimate action. I'll be inside your mind," she warned him.
"Let's do it. I don't want to lose my memories," Ross spoke, determined.
The Doctor nodded, and placed her finger tips on the connecting points on his face.
"It's like a mind-meld that Mr. Spock does in Star Trek," she tried to explain.
She concentrated as she expanded her mind into her companion's. She was suddenly hit with confusion and… comfort? Those weren't her emotions. Those were Ross's.
'Ross, can you hear me?'
'Yes. What's going on?'
'I'm in your mind. Just follow my consciousness. I'll lead you towards the hippocampus.'
She began to guide him through his mind. She tried not to look at things that were personal. She moved slowly so her pink and yellow human could keep up. They finally made their way to the heart of the memory storage.
'Okay. I'm going to choose a memory at random. I want you to try and push me out. Completely out of your mind. Just imagine a door slamming shut and locking.'
As she informed him she stepped into one of his memories. The scene was set outside of Ross's apartment building. It was snowing out. Ross was returning home. She noticed a short woman with long brown hair. She was wearing a dress that was brown and pinstriped. She had a tan overcoat on as well. Her shoes were cream colored converse. She looked as if she was in pain. The Doctor instantly spotted the TARDIS in the distance.
"Are you alright, love?" she heard younger Ross ask the woman.
"To much to drink?" he smiled.
"Something like that."
"Maybe it's time you went home," he suggested.
"Anyway, Happy New Year," he told her with a grin.
"And you. What year is this," she asked.
"Blimey, how much have you had? 2005, January the first."
"2005. Tell you what. I bet you're going to have a really great year," she told him.
"Yeah? See-"
She was suddenly pushed out of Ross's mind. She was so engrossed in the memory that this took her by surprise. She dropped her hands from his face, and opened her eyes. She grinned at him.
"Brilliant! A little slow, but that's to be expected of a first timer."
"It wasn't as hard as I thought," Ross grinned.
The Doctor noticed something off to the side of the lab. She walked over to investigate. One of the crystals was placed on a pedestal-like machine. The computer next to the machine had a bunch of data and information on it.
Name: James (Jay) Gatz (Gatsby)
Age: 32
Species: Human
Breeding Notes: Body is healthy. Fully capable. Good gene pool.
Drainage: 26%
The Doctor stared at the screen reading through the information. The 'drainage' must be the memory. But what does 'breeding notes' have to do with anything?
"Oh," the Doctor grinned. "I get it now."
"Get what?" Ross asked.
"These, whoever they are, are erasing people's memories leaving the body mindless. An empty hard drive. The body will then be used for some type of breeding. But why?"
"Doctor!" Ross cried out.
The Doctor turned around only to get a needle driven into her neck. Her eyelids began to droop as she was hit with drowsiness. Everything went to black.
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kylo-rens-scar · 4 years
Weekend (Clyde Logan x Reader) 6k (!!!)
Note: Two years of extreme on and off writing and now I finally have something! Answering the prompt of “I'm so excited to see this and currently am looking forward! :D How about something fluffy as a good start for the audience?” from @creamyvanillalove Hope you and everyone enjoys it! This is actually part of a series of multiple one-shots I have cooking, because thinking about my dream life with Clyde Logan has been one of the only constants in my life for the past few years.
Sleeping in until 10 am on a Saturday was something rare in the Logan household especially with 22 month old triplets. Clyde came home around 2:30 from the bar and was still sleeping. You kiss him on the cheek and get out of bed, making your way to the bathroom. You throw on some yoga pants and wash your face. It’s surprisingly quiet in the house, and you thank the lord above the boys are still asleep. You have some much needed emails to catch up on.
You walk into the kitchen and turn on the coffee, and start to think what to make for breakfast today. You spot some overly ripe bananas Clyde swore he was going to eat a few days ago when you bought them, and yet there they were. Banana pancakes it is then. The boys are not too picky with breakfast so this would be easy for everyone. And Clyde would finally eat the bananas.
You are finally able to sit down at the dining room table to check your email when the first fussing is heard from matts monitor.
You make your way to his room and slowly open the door to find him standing up in his crib, rubbing his sleepy eyes and scrunching his face
“Good morning sweet boy,” you coo as you grab his glasses and put them on him. He yawns and makes grabby hands up at you and you pick him up. After quickly changing his diaper, you scoop him back up and carry him to the upstairs family room. You put Matt on the couch and turned the tv on quietly to Paw Patrol. Someday, you want to get they boys a dog, but they’re too young. Matt is immediately engaged to what ever show is on and you go back to finally checking your email.
Ben is the next to get up, but he sounds more of screaming bloody murder when he wakes up, something you pray to god he grows out of. And as usual, he’s fine, nothing’s wrong with him. As soon as you open his bedroom door, the screaming stops and regular crying begins. Very typical of Ben. The crying turns into sniffles when you pick him up.
After another quick diaper change, ben is plopped down next to Matt, both now engaged in the morning cartoon. Taking after his father, you know kylo will very much sleep until noon or later, so you let him sleep a little longer, so you can get to those dang emails.
About halfway through your inbox, you hear shuffling downstairs, and then slow footsteps up the stairs. He walks up to Matt and Ben an ruffles their hair before sitting down next to you on the couch. They boys were too engaged in to the tv to really notice their father. Clyde puts his arm around you then kisses your temple. You’re finishing up you last reply and smile.
“Where’s kylo?” Clyde yawns.
“Still sleeping, I checked on him when I got the other two up and he was still sound asleep.”
“Hmmph” he grunts as he sips some of his coffee. Clyde isn’t that big of a morning person, especially after a long night at the bar.
You close your computer and and stretch. Y’all have a busy day today and you were pretty sure Clyde didn’t hear you last night about it.
“Honey you and the boys are getting hair cuts this afternoon then we have that football tailgate party with the colwells tonight but before then I have to run to the store and get some things for them. I told Them I’d bring dessert and some tortilla chips. Clyde did you even hear a word I said?”
“Huh? Yeah I got everythin’ what time we leaving?”
“I’m hopin’ by 1:45, your sister said anytime after 1:30 was fine for us to head over to the salon”
“Why ain’t you getting you’re hair done?”
“Because I get mine done during the week when the boys are at daycare”
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a little bit, Clyde was still waking up and the boys were still glued to the tv, with occasional chatter from them. It was about 11:15 and you decided to get Kylo up finally. You told Clyde to bring Matt and Ben downstairs for breakfast while you woke up the last triplet.
Kylo was sound asleep still when you walked into his room. You opened the binds slowly to let the sunshine in. He stretched and yawned, then standing in his crib with a sleepy smile.
Kylo was the furthest along in potty training. He usually could hold it in at night and sometimes let you know when he had to go. Matt was the next furthest but usually didn’t have a dry night or could hold it in time to tell you. He tries as best he can but gets frustrated a lot. And then Ben showed absolutely no interest yet.
It was another dry night so after you took his diaper off you set him on his training potty. You praised him after he went and you let him put a sticker on the potty poster before heading back down with the rest of your family.
Clyde had Ben sitting on the counter, Matt in one arm and had a carton of eggs in his other hand. Ben was just about to get into the flour before you quickly whisked it away from his reach. Disappointed, Ben huffed and crossed his arms and looked at the ground, something he copied from Clyde a couple months ago. You ruffled his hair and helped Clyde by taking the egg carton and giving him kylo.
“Darlin I had things under control down here, we was just about to start fixin breakfast.” He protested
“You can help by putting the kids in their seats and getting their sippy cups.” You reply, kissing his cheek. “also kylo had another dry night!”
“Good job bud!” Clyde says and kisses his forehead.
With breakfast underway and the boys settled down in their seats, Clyde takes a moment to stare out into the backyard. He noticed the leaves in the tree line were beginning to rust into beautiful crimsons and oranges. Fall is Clyde’s favorite season. The changing of the leaves, cooler days, shorter days, warm drinks, you’d think he’s a basic white girl. Some mornings he’d see some turkey or deer rummaging in the grass, even a black bear once. This morning was quiet out there, nothing to be seen.
“Clyde honey, are you okay? I’ve been callin at ya for the past few minutes” You ask walking up him an putting your hand on his arm.
“Wha? Yea I’m fine darlin’, just zoned out for a lil bit. Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” He apologized and kissed your cheek.
“Well breakfast is ready and we got a big day ahead of us.”
After breakfast, you take the boys to your bathroom to bathe them and you send Clyde upstairs to get their outfits. You were smart enough the night before when you put the boys to sleep that you had their clothes out and ready.
Bathing three squirmy little boys was something you managed to master very quickly. Each one liked doing their own thing in the bath. Matt enjoys drawing with the bath crayons on the tub wall, Ben likes any kind of bath toys and Kylo prefers the bathtub stickers. Kylo is usually first, then Matt, and finally Ben. As each little one was finished you wrapped them in their towels and sat them on your vanity bench in the bathroom. Most of the time they will sit there and wait for Clyde to get them ready one by one, but sometimes they crawl down and scamper off to the closet and get into trouble. Today was one of those days.
Matt was sitting perfectly content on the bench with Kylo until he spotted his daddy’s shiny new belt buckle on the closet floor. Clyde won it at the fair a few weeks ago in the arm wrestling tournament.
Clyde was still upstairs grabbing the boys clothes at this point and you just started rinsing the shampoo out of Ben’s hair when Matt bounded towards the closet. Kylo was thankfully still on the bench and looked like he wasn’t moving off.
“Matthew James, you best not be getting into trouble in there...” you warn as you finish washing ben.
After discovering the shiny object and carefully inspecting it, Matt decided to run over to show you. But the towel was in the way and Matt tripped on it, causing him face plant straight onto the bathroom rug, followed by crying. You come to his rescue and scooped him into your arms. Clyde is back downstairs and walked into the bathroom to investigate the commotion. Ben and Kylo were wrapped in towels on the bench, both sliding off and shuffling over to Clyde.
“I’ll get these two ready?” He asked, herding the boys out of the bathroom.
“Please, Clyde. We might be a minute” you reply.
Matt has tears streaming down his face, and you see the worst possible place he got a rug burn: his chin. And to top it off, the burn was very much indeed raw. Ouch. Wrapping Matt back up in his towel you sit him down on your counter and open the first aid drawer. His chin and left palm had carpet burns.
“It’s gonna be okay baby, just a couple of little boo boos, hmm?” You try to reassure him.
After the small fiasco and a couple bandaids later, you and Matt emerge from the bathroom, Matt still bundled up in his towel. You hand him over to Clyde, who kissed Matt on the cheek and Clyde started to get him ready while you got dressed and ready yourself.
“Darlin I got all three ready to go, should I start loadin everyone in the car yet?” Clyde asked, peering into your closet. You were getting your boots on.
“Yes babe thank you I’ll be right out. I’ll text mellie we’re heading out now.” You nod, grabbing your coat. While making sure you had everything before heading out to the garage, mellie texted back, telling you not to rush. You get out to the suv to see Clyde in the passenger seat, turned around towards the boys with a stern look on his face. As you open the door you are greeted with a chorus of crying.
“BEN QUIT SMACKIN YOUR BROTHER HE AINT DONE NOTHIN WRONG TO YA!” Clyde bellowed to the back seat as you stepped into the drivers seat.
“What in the world has happened in the 10 minutes I was gone? Hmm?” You ask your husband.
“I swear everythin was for fine, Ben started smacking Kylo for lord knows why then Kylo hit back and also took Matt’s stuffed animal and threw it into your footbed.” Clyde motioned towards your feet.
Nodding, you pick up the stuffed animal giving it back to Matt. Like Clyde, you turn around in you seat to look at the boys. “Now, I don’t wanna have any more crocodile tears in this car or for the rest of today, got it?” You chide, elbowing Clyde for support.
“Uhh yeah boys, don’t get momma upset today.” he adds.
Knowing that little pep talk probably did nothing for them, but it was the thought that counts, you face the front again and start up your car. The boys remained quiet, except for the occasional unintelligible babble to one another, which was normal. Clyde was adjusting his prosthetic, humming contently when it was to his liking.
When you got to the salon, you saw that Ben had fallen back asleep on the drive. You gently get him out of his seat first and pass him over to Clyde, along with the diaper bag. Matt and Kylo were easy to get out of the car, but Matt insisted on being carried in, not loosening his grip on your top. Locking the car, you and your family walk in to the salon to see mellie near her chair, checking her phone. She looks up to Clyde and immediately comments on his hair.
“Good lord almighty Clyde, you’re growin a mop! According to my records it’s been 8 dang months since you last been here and honey it shows.” She says.
“Now Mellie you and I both know you done cut it too damn short last time so I been lettin it grow out again, short hair don’t suit me. My ears stick out.” Clyde huffed.
“Well then how ya want it done then? Last time you said ‘shorten it up for me, it keeps bothering me at work’ and now you said it was too short!”
“I dunno, just don’t do what ya did last time I guess?!”
“Clyde Logan of you don’t tell me ima buzz all it off!”
“Okay fine then, ask Y/N!”
The both turn towards you, Clyde lookin all worked up and mellie looking annoyed at her brother. You crack a smile and roil your eyes.
“Wet is head down first and then let’s go from there?” You offer.
“Sounds good to me, who’s first?” She replies, looking to all your boys.
“I think we’ll start with mister Matthew, but he’s gonna have to sit on my lap it seems like. He tripped this mornin after bath time, and now he doesn’t wanna go near the floor now.” You sigh, stroking Matts blonde curls.
Matt was very anxious during his haircut, lots of squirming and tears. It’s something that has happened the past couple of times, and you and Clyde were a little concerned. You make a mental note to call the doctor about it. Ben was next and was very good in the chair. He just loved the attention, from Aunt Mellie, Clyde, and you. Kylo was calm too, but his hair grows really slow so he didn’t have much cut.
All three boys had different haircuts, with Kylos the longest and Bens is the shortest, with Matt being in the middle of the two.
Clyde was last to go, you pull up a picture of him from a while back to show Mellie a desired length. Clyde asked to look but both you and his sister declined his request, saying that it was gonna be fine. Clyde argued that it’s his hair and his head so he should be able choose his hair style.
You narrow your eyes at him, “Clyde William Logan I swear on the lord himself, you are actin far worse than the boys right now! Now you need to trust me and your sister and if you don’t we’re gonna just buzz all of it off!” You snap. He sighs in defeat and nods, finally letting go of the whole situation.
After all of the boys had their hair cut and styled, you tried squaring away the bill with your sister in law. That was impossible because all she said “y’all are my family I don’t need to be chargin’ ya’ll!” She laughed.
“You sure? They were extra rowdy I don’t want it to be any trouble to you!” You say, trying to hand her $40.
“oh stop it, you’re gonna start insulting me!” She retorted.
You roll your eyes and put the money back in your wallet. “ Alright then, at least come over for supper one night? It’s the least we can do.” You know mellie can’t resist your beef brisket or your Mac n cheese.
“Oh alright!” She finally agrees.
“Darlin are you sure you know where ya goin? I thought cooper and them was on the other side of town,” Clyde commented when you pulled out of the salon.
“No babe they do I just gotta run into the Kroger and grab the chips”
“I thought you was bringing a dessert too?”
“You’re right I am. The boys and I made cookies and brownies yesterday afternoon but I already put them in the back of my car this morning when I woke up. “
“Okay, what kinda cookies y’all bake?”
“Just sugar, the boys helped decorated for about 7 minutes before they got restless so only a few look a little crazy. I did the rest when they went to bed.”
“Ya think I can tell who did what cookies?” Clyde smirks.
“Oh definitely,” you giggle.
Once you guys were pulling into the driveway, you see one of the dogs trailing you to the side of your suv.
“Who is it Clyde? I didn’t catch the fur color too well.” You ask.
“I think it’s Hank, he’s the pointer, right?”
“Yeah he’s the pointer, keep an eye out that he doesn’t get too close to the car.”
“Mommy mommy mommy!” You hear Matt from the back.
“Yes baby what’s the matter?” You glance in the rear view mirror.
“Potty mommy!” He whines.
“Okay okay we’re almost there, you can make it Matt,” you try to encourage him as you pull up to a grassy spot in the side yard.
“If you wanna run him in you can, I’ll try to get everyone else organized.” Clyde offers as you open your door.
“Thank you babe that’d be great,” you say unbuckling Matt.
“Mommy...!” Matt reaches out for you. You grab the diaper bag too and run inside. You say your ‘hey y’all clydes coming in with the boys’ and ‘gimme one second we have a potty situation’ as you b-line it to the powder bathroom with Matthew in you arms.
Before even getting the door closed you see Matt scrunch his face and tense up his body- it was too late. You sigh. Even though he still had his diaper on, you sit him on the toilet to finish and go through with the motion of using the toilet. You still praise him and even flush the toilet together
Matt starts crying when you change him. You have a feeling it’s because he didn’t make it in time again to the toilet. You feel bad for him, you know he is trying his best but he can’t seem to get the hang of letting you or Clyde know in time. It’s just something you will have to work on with him.
“Shh it’s okay baby mommy isn’t upset. I’m happy you let me know you had to go potty,” you try to calm him down. He stops crying after a little bit and you kiss him on the cheek.
You pick Matt up again to carry him to his brothers and the rest of the kids. They were all in the basement playing various things. Ben and kylo were with some older boys playing with trucks. You set Matt down with them and ruffled your other two boys hair before heading back up. All three were entertained with the others so you let them be.
As you headed back up to everyone else you see Clyde talking with cooper and lance. You grab a beer from one of the coolers and walk over to Clyde. He kisses your head and puts his arm around you.
“Didn’t sound good from what I got to hear” he sighed.
“Yeah poor thing didn’t make it again. He needs to tell us sooner, I think he hasn’t connected that he needs to tell us way before versus right before.” You leave it at that.
“Mhmm. I brought everythin in too. Game got pushed to 5:30 cuz rain I think.
“Oh ok.” You respond. You take a sip of beer before properly saying hello to everyone else.
A little into the first quarter you send Clyde down to check on the boys and give them some sippy cups. He comes back up with nothing unusual to report, everyone is still content. With that, you decide to get some food for yourself.
At halftime you are talking with Maggie and Carter about the fall carnival at school when you see ben crawling up the stairs and heading straight to you.
“MAMMA MAMMA!!!” He wailed as you picked him up, not sure if he was ok or not.
“Yes little man what’s wrong?” You ask, looking for anything off.
“Food?” He asks, pointing to the counter with all the food.
“Of course baby. Do you know if brothers want food too?” You ask him.
“Yea.” Ben nods, pointing to the other two who were making their way up the stairs too.
You set him back on the ground and walked over to the plates, getting one for each and getting them a few things. All three are at you feet, on their tip toes to see what foods there are. You ignore their begging for straight desserts and chips, and scold at them for trying to reach up for food too.
“Cmon guys, let’s get over to the table” you say as they follow you back to where you were sitting. All three fit on the bench seat together so you helped each one up and gave them their plate. Once they were all eating and have mostly quiet down, you sat back down and took a sip of your beer. Both Maggie and carter looked shocked at what they just watched you orchestrated.
“Girl how in the world do you do it with triplets? It looked like y’all rehearsed this or something before y’all got here! I am so impressed with your patience and mom skills.” Carter laughed.
“Yeah that’s more impressive than the game honestly,” Maggie adds.
“Awe well thanks y’all. I can tell you it’s not always this organized, every once and a while all three seem to be on the same wave length and they’ll listen. And I’m even impressed considering they did not get a chance to nap before getti- Kylo do not grab food off Matt’s plate you have the exact same thing on yours!” You snapped over to the boys.
“See? It’s not always perfect.” You suppressed a giggle.
After the game was over, everyone still stayed behind a little while longer to socialize and help clean up. The kids were all back downstairs watching a movie, with most of young ones passed out on the floor with some blankets.
You head downstairs about 10 to see how your boys were. Sure enough they were still up, eyes glued to the tv. Getting them ready for church tomorrow was going to be fun.
You head back up to get Clyde to help you get the kids. He yawns and follows you down, stealing a kiss at the stairs landing. You turn the lights on downstairs and announce to all the kids it time and Clyde added “yea y’all better hurry I heard y’all’s parents are gonna leave without ya!” He says with a straight face. All the kids scramble up to their own parents, all with looks of fear of being left.
“CLYDE WHATCHA TELLIN MY KIDS DOWN THERE??” You two hear lance yell down. Clyde bursts into a roar of laughter.
You and Clyde gather your three and their shoes, which unfortunately happened to be littered all around the basement.
“Yes kylo?” You respond as you put his other shoe on.
“Go home now?”
“Yes we’re all going home now.”
“Oh okay.”
You get all the boys in their seats and start the car, Clyde still saying his goodbyes to everyone. The boys were overtired and grumpy, Matt surprisingly the worst. Clyde opens the backseat door to put the leftovers on the floor when Matt screams and tries to kick and push Clyde away from him. Ben and kylo start crying as a response.
“Ow- Matthew quit it!!” Clyde says and shuts the door, retreating to the passenger seat. “What in the hell is up with him and the other two?” Clyde asked you.
“No nap today. Get your seatbelt on so we can go. These three need to go to sleep. “ you plead.
The drive home was fun to say the least. All three boys did not fall asleep in the car and were fussy when y’all got home. You get the boys upstairs and ready for bed while Clyde gets them sippy cups of milk.
Once all three were changed for bed, Clyde was upstairs helping you get each one settled in their cribs. Kylo was the first to go down. Once he had his sippy cup he got super sleepy and was asleep in no time. Matt was next and was overtired to the point he didn’t want th lay down. He just stood up in his crib and sobbed, wanting to be picked back. You and Clyde felt bad but knew if you picked him back up it would only make it worse. You kissed his forehead and put his sippy cup in his crib with him and you let him hash it out by himself. Ben was fast asleep in clyde’s arms when he handed him to you. You kiss him on the cheek before setting him down.
With all the baby monitors on and alert, you and your husband head back down to your room. All the monitors were quiet, even Matt’s which meant he gave up and went to sleep. You sigh and kick your boots off, walking in your bathroom to take your makeup off and change out of your clothes. Clyde went off into the kitchen which meant he either went for a glass of milk or a late night snack before bed. You changed into one of his big old T-shirts he doesn’t wear that much. Partially because it’s neon green and well, Clyde doesn’t wanna look like a damn highlighter in public. He only wears it sometimes if he’s doing yard work or sick at home. All the other times it’s in your pajama drawer. Clyde doesn’t understand how that god ugly shirt looks so adorable on you, even if it goes to right above your knees and you practically are swimming in it.
You quietly head to the kitchen to see Clyde halfway through a pb&j. You lean against the island across from him and watch him eat.
“Did you not eat over there during the game?” You ask genuinely curious. Not only was there the typical game day bites, but there were also burgers and hot dogs on the grill.
“I did, I just wanted a little something before bed, wanna a bite?” He offers.
“No thank you, I’ll be in bed. Don’t forget to turn off the lights out here before coming into the bedroom.” You say, standing on your tip toes to kiss his cheek before head you the bedroom.
You’re settled in bed on Pinterest when Clyde walks in, leaving a trail of his clothes to the bed wearing only his boxers. He takes his prosthetic arm off and carefully places it on his night stand before getting into bed. You shut your phone off and turn to face Clyde, scooting close to him too. He leans to kiss you and you only scoot even closer to him. You drape an arm over his waist and tangle your legs with his.
“We goin to church tomorrow mornin’?” He asks, his hand starting to wander down your side.
“Not until after lunch for evening service. The boys don’t have bible nursery tomorrow morning and I already said we might not be there until the afternoon,” you say.
Clyde grunts in satisfaction with your answer. He was hoping to not have to wake up early for church.
His hand settles for your hip and he kisses your forehead. You exchange I love yous and both of you fall asleep rather quickly, in each other’s arms.
You two are both awakened to the crying coming from a monitor. You roll onto your back and rub your eyes before looking to see which child it is. You look and see it from bens, so you head upstairs to see what the fuss is all about, Clyde close behind you. Coming into his room you see his stuffed animal fell out of the crib, away from his reach. You pick up the toy and pick up ben too, kissing him on the cheek. He wraps an arm around your neck and holds the stuffed animal with the other, when you see Clyde walk in after checking the other two.
He mouths an “all good” with a thumb up, indicating Matt and kylo were still asleep. Ben quickly falls back asleep in your arms, so you put him back in his crib and head back downstairs with Clyde.
Back in bed, Clyde laid on his back while you curled up under his arm. You two fell back to sleep almost instantly.
The next morning, you are woken up by Clyde sliding into bed-with kylo in his arms. You blink again to see if you were still sleeping, but sure enough Clyde was putting kylo down in your bed, with ben and Matt, who were also still sleeping You close you eyes and try to fall back asleep for a little bit longer. Ben woke up first, Clyde picking him up and holding him on his lap.
“Daddy, mommy sleeping?” You hear Ben ask.
“Yeah buddy we gotta stay quiet for mommy” Clyde replied, whispering and putting a finger over his lips for him to be quiet. Ben nods.
You managed to doze back off for about 45 minutes until you feel someone crawl over you.
Barely open an eye to see its kylo, staring intensely at your face.
“Mamma? You sleeping?” He asks, poking your cheek.
“Yes baby, mommy is sleeping!” You exaggerate and flip over to you back and cover your eyes and loudly fake snore. You hear three little giggles you continue to loudly snore until you feel the other two crawl on top of you. All three were bursting with laughter as they sat on top of you. You finally exaggerate a yawn and a stretch, rubbing your eyes and acting completely surprised when to see the boys on top of you.
“What are ALL three of y’all doin!? How’d y’all get in mommy and daddy’s bed?!” You say with a fake surprised voice and look up at your husband. Clyde looked away towards the window and took an innocent sip of coffee.
For a moment, you thought about just not going to church today. You could say Clyde or one of the boys are sick, or even yourself. The idea was nice, but wouldn’t sit well with your conscience as the day went on. Clyde was in a good mood today, something you rarely see on a Sunday. He never cared too much for church, thought it was a waste of a day for getting dressed and then being packed into a room with people. A lot of Sunday’s it was just you and the boys who went to morning service, with Clyde showing up for lunch and afternoon activity/service. Clyde would get home at sometimes 3 in the morning from the bar so you let him sleep in.
“Babe you want me to get you coffee? Clyde offers, you nod in response. The 5 of y’all were still in bed, all cuddled up watching a Disney movie. The boys wanted to watch Tangled- for about the 15th time this past month.
“Momma? Has some?” Matt asks you, pointing at the coffee Clyde just handed you.
“No baby you can’t have any,” you calmly reply, taking a sip yourself.
“Why?” Matt presses, pouting a little.
“It’s very hot and not good for little boys” you answer.
“Why?” He asks again. You sigh, ready to answer again when Clyde butts in.
“Mommy said no Matthew,” he sternly warns him, knowing this may develop into a tantrum or the other two will get involved. It’s the later.
Ben and kylo turn to you and Clyde, now curious to try both of your coffees, with Matt still wanting the coffee too.
You look at Clyde dead in the eyes and raise a brow. “You’re coffee cooled down?” You ask him. He narrowed his eyes at you and nods, not sure of your little scheme. Clyde takes his coffee black, while you on the other hand have cream and heaps of sugar. You know if the boys tried yours they would enjoy it but if they had your husbands they most certainly would not ask to try it again for a long time.
“Alright alright y’all win, you can try Daddy’s coffee! But be careful, it’s a little hot!” You warn and Clyde hands you his mug. “Matthew you can try it first ok?” You say as Matt scoots up to you. You grab the spoon from your mug and swirl it around clydes coffee before gathering a small sip on the spoon for Matt. He took an eager sip and immediately spit it back out, all over your pajamas. He scrunches his face and you start to see some waterworks. You smile ever so slightly and Clyde chuckles and takes his coffee back. You hold Matt’s face and look at him. “See baby? Mommy said you wouldn’t like it, but you wanted to try it, which is ok! I’m glad you tried it, now you know that it’s icky.” You praise him. He nods and hugs your arm.
“Kylo? Ben? Do you want to try daddy’s coffee?” You ask the other two, both surprisingly nodding. With Matt still holding onto your arm you have Clyde hold the coffee mug while you used the spoon to feed them the coffee. Kylo just made a sour face and pushed the spoon and mug away after he tried it. Ben took the whole spoonful and spit it up on you, then threw a fit.
“Benjamin why are you upset? Was it daddy’s coffee?” You ask, watching him roll around sobbing. You see him nod a little. “Is there a way mommy or daddy can help?” He nods again. “Baby use your words so we know what you want,” you encourage him. He lifts his head from the bed and rubs his face.
“Cuddles... Daddy,” he finally says.
“You want to cuddle with daddy?” You confirm.
“C’mere bud,” Clyde offers his arm and pulls Ben into his lap. Clyde kisses his forehead once he settles. Kylo decided he wanted in on this family cuddle pile and makes his way right in between you and Clyde. Matt stopped crying too and was still curled up in your lap. You still had spit up coffee on your shirt. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling but you ignored it because you and your family were cozy, watching the same Disney movie for the umpteenth time and you wouldn’t trade this moment for the world.
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spacegirlinorbit · 4 years
Fooling You? Series
Fooling You? Chapter 5: Leave it up to boys to ruin plans
Warnings: swearing
Taglist: @treestarrrrrrrr
Fooling You Masterlist 
(All rights to HP universe belong to JK Rowling)
Chapter 5: Leave it up to boys to ruin plans
I woke up early this morning after having such a vivid dream I can barely remember now. I looked at my clock on my nightstand saying it was only 7 am. Lily said we are going to leave at 9 so I still had about an hour or so until I needed to get ready. So I quietly tried not to disturb the others as I went to the bathroom and got ready and change into some leggings I had grabbed from the chest and then grabbed a hoodie as well. I slipped them on along with some shoes and left the room. I made sure to grab my wand on the way out and had it sit in my hoodie pocket.
I made my way down the stairs and there was only a couple people in the commons and the head boy and girl of the school posting something on the board wall. 
“Goodmorning! y/n isn't?” The head girl, Michelle, I believe is what her name is asks.
“Yes, Goodmorning.”
“Ah, how are you adjusting?”
“Fine. Say is breakfast ready yet?”
“Oh yes. You know how to get to the Great hall?” She asks and I nod with a smile and bid her goodbye. 
I make my way out of the common rooms and towards the ever changing staircases. Once I missed my stop a couple times I finally hop off and make my way to the Great Hall feeling more hungry than before. I see that there is food spread about the tables like crackers and cheese, fruits, and various breads. 
The plates and cups are all aligned for every student who may come in. Since school doesn't start for another few days, it's pretty scarce in here. I do however notice that a student wearing a red unlined robe sits at the far right table so I make my way over there and take a seat randomly and away from anyone else. I help myself to some grapes, banana, and a buttered croissant. I reach for a cup and it automatically fills orange juice. 
God, I’m going to miss coffee. Maybe I could buy some in Hogsmeade.
I enjoy my breakfast thinking quietly to myself until someone sits across from me. She is an older woman, a professor I assume. She smiles sweetly at me and I try to return the smile back without looking confused. 
“Good Morning. I wanted to personally introduce myself, I am Professor Mcgonagall of Transfiguration and head professor of the gryffindor house. Also the deputy headmistress of Hogwarts.” She explains herself. 
“Wow, quite the title you have. They should just call you queen.” I joke to lighten the mood. Is this normal? Since when did teachers make time for students?
“Oh you flatter me dear. I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything especially personal if you feel uncomfortable going to Dumbledore about it, I am here for you. I unfortunately couldn’t meet with you yesterday, but I at least wanted to make my acquaintance known.”
“Of course. Thank you Professor Mcgonagall.”
“Right, well I’ll excuse myself now. Welcome to Hogwarts.” She smiles and I can truly smile back as she leaves. 
I see more students enter the Great Hall and I finish my OJ and banana and leave the Great Hall to avoid further interaction from anyone who might want to question who the new girl is. I slip out of the Great hall and take my time walking back to the tower taking the long way instead of those confusing staircases. After leaving the Great Hall I reach the viaduct and take a moment looking at the view and breathing in the morning air. I see a couple of owls pass by in the sky most likely delivering letters. I exit the viaduct and back into the school building but now I am faced with two ways to go.
Left or Right? Shit I should've taken the map and there’s someone coming so I can’t use apparition that will look suspicious. I could summon the map. 
“Are you lost?” I hear someone say pulling me from my thoughts. I look up and I see him. Sharp jawline, star like eyes, and cherry lips against his pale skin. Damn he looks fresh out of a portrait. 
I stumble on my words until I finally breathe out, “Yes.” 
He looks me over curiously and then takes a cautious step forward. I remain still, entranced by how handsome he is. “Where do you need to go?”
“Gryffindor tower.” I could've sworn in that moment I heard him mumble ‘shame’. Shame indeed. Shit what am I thinking?! I don’t even know his name. 
“You are going to take a left through there and cross the stone bridge and then head straight and the tower is at the end.” He explains as he extends his arm and the flex of his bicep tighten the loose black button up he has on. I try to breathe as he looks back at me. 
“Thank you um…” 
“Regulus. Regulus Black.” He says with an air about him that makes him stand tall. 
“Thank you Regulus.” 
“Of course, but it’s only fair if in return I get to learn your name.” He says with a smirk.
“Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, y/n.”
“You as well.” and we part ways. I pinch my cheeks to defuse the blush, but I think I only made it worse. I finally get back to the gryffindor tower and head to the room. I walk in the room and it is a mess and the girls are yelling amongst themselves. 
“What’s going on?” I question shutting the door. 
“Oh thank merlin, where were you?” 
“I went out for some breakfast and then I got lost.” I explain by leaving out some details.
“Oh, see, I knew we should have gone out and looked for her.” Marlene says. 
“And we were just about to if you didn’t just show up just now.” Lily explains.
“It’s okay really. I need to get familiar anyways since I'll be here for a while, right.” I state back to them. 
“Right then, well it’s almost 9 so let's get dressed and head to Hogsmeade.” Lily says. I make my way over to the closet and pull out a black turtleneck shirt and some sneakers along with a jean skirt and cropped jean jacket. I get dressed and put my hair in a ponytail and added some chapstick to my lips knowing they were going to get chapped in this weather boarderlining winter. I pulled my mother's necklace from my nightstand drawer and clipped it on. Then grabbed my cross body bag. The others dressed similarly for the weather. A mix of fall and winter. 
Enter Hogsmeade
Once we entered the village, the shops filled with some people passing through making their way from shop to shop. Hogsmeade was a homely village, with pointed top cottages and shops of variety. I can smell something sweet and spicy in the air, it must be the drink everyone has in hand coming out of a place called Madam Puddifoots’ Tea Shop. I hear laughter coming from another end of the street where we walk at another shop called Zonko's Joke Shop. 
“Say Lily won’t you take her to the quill and cauldron shop, maybe Dervish and Banges. Me and Dorcas will head to Gladrags and then meet you guys at Honeydukes.” Marlene says as she shares her idea. 
“Why Honeydukes?” Lily questions. 
“Because she must try butterbeer and I’m starving.” Marlene groans. 
“Here since you’re getting the outfits.” I say pulling out some galleons in a small coin sack. They all look at me incredulously. 
“Well, you didn’t tell us you were loaded.” Marlene exclaims at the bag of gold. 
“I’m not, really.” I say shaking my head. I used mainly american dollars in the U.S. and sometimes wizarding money, but it was easier to transfer american money so that my relation to Grindelwald wasn’t known. 
“Darling, it’s okay. I’m paying for everyone’s clothes today. My treat for bursting in yesterday.”
“You mean all summer.” Lily mumbles. 
“You can say that again.” Dorcas remarks.
“Har Har, Lily fire and I’m hurt D. Spicy this morning aren’t we?” Marlene says sarcastically. 
“Just go!” Lily says and pushes Marlene away. Meanwhile Lily takes me to the quill shop where I can get more ink and paper. I also grab some envelopes hoping Lily doesn’t see it as I purchase them quickly. Then we stop at Ceridwen's Cauldron, where I buy a small silver cauldron and then we make our way to the herbology shop where I gather fluxweed, dittany (that I could easily use as an aphrodisiac), ginger, and valerian. However I couldn’t find moly, a special flower that can allow my body to counteract any enchantments used on me. 
I go up to the counter and purchase my items and ask the lady who is packaging my items,”Do you by chance sell Moly?”
She looked up at me slowly and then looked me over curiously. “What do you want with Moly?”
I challenge her stare, “I’ll need it to reverse the effects of the valerian if something goes wrong.” 
“Hmm, that you will. Best not put yourself in a deep sleep, deary. However the moly will cost extra.” She states. 
“I think I’ll have enough.” I say putting the coin sack of galleons on the counter. She smiles at this and goes to the back to get the package of Moly. 
“3 galleons.” She says with an obvious devious smile. I place the coins on the counter and take my bag of herbs and leave the shop as Lily follows behind saying goodbye to the lady. 
“Everything okay back there?” Lily asks. 
“Yeah. I got everything I need. Should we head to Honeydukes was it?”
“Yes, let’s go.” Lily connects our arms together as we walk the streets to get to a place called Honeydukes. Lily and I are laughing and talking about the shops and the people in the village and what we think they are up to. She stops abruptly and lets go of my arm. I look towards her confusingly. 
“Lily?” I ask trying to see what she’s looking at. 
She turns around abruptly and smiles at me, “I saw a friend in there that I haven’t seen for a while. Do you mind if I go say hi?” 
“No not all. I saw the post office two shops back, I think it’s high time I write a letter to my friends in America.”
“Great. I’ll come find you then, I shouldn’t be long.” She says and rushes into what seems like a pub called, Three Broomsticks Inn.
Marauders 3rd POV
Lily rushes into the pub and quickly and furiously makes her way over to the four boys who all have their heads down knowing what’s coming towards them. 
“WHAT THE HELL are you guys doing here?” She seathed. 
“Lily darling, what a lovely surprise!” James grimaced trying to ease the fire in her. 
“Shut it James!” Lily snaps. “Black what the hell, we told you we could handle ourselves.”
“Aww Lily don’t be like that. We are just here in case.” He whined. 
“Look and listen carefully to the words coming out of my mouth. We are fine. They won’t dare come here. Diagon Alley, for sure, but here never. It’s too crowded with students and teachers from Hogwarts that we would be able to sniff them out. Go! NOW. We are fine and everything is well.”
“Sirius I think we should go.” Remus pipes in and Peter nods in agreement. 
“Right, where is this new bestie of yours?” Sirius pried.
“She’s at the post office. Said something about writing a letter to her friends in America.”
“Oh you can’t be this dull.” Sirius says. Lily gasps in shock and her anger intensifies.
“Padfoot.” James states. 
“Here we go.” Remus says and takes a sip of his tea. 
“What did you just say about me?” Lily presses her hands down on the table leaning towards Sirius. 
“What if she is writing a letter to well you know or maybe someone in connection.” He explains quickly slightly fearing her wrath. 
“You think I didn’t think about that? Dumbledore has someone in there to infiltrate her letters.”
“He does?” James questions. 
“Yes, maybe if you boys paid attention in the meetings you would know that we have put in place a way to intercept any communication she has. Even the letters.” 
“Well damn.” Sirius mutters. 
“Go back to the school boys. The party isn’t going to plan itself.” 
“Will do, mlady.” James says with a big smile on his face and adoration in his eyes. 
“Fuck off, Potter.” She says and walks away from the boys, hiding the small smile on her lips. 
I go into the post office and head to the counter. A man sits there stamping off envelopes and a woman on the other end is helping someone else out. I also see some elves attending to the mail and owls in their cages. I walk over to the small island made for people to write off their letters. I pull out a paper and ink with my wand but disguise it with a spell to make it look like a quill. 
I write out my letter to look like it was ordinary and directed to my friends back in America. Then I look around to make sure no one sees and blow across the paper with blue fire and I quickly whisper what I want to really say as the paper fills with my words and disappears. I sign it and envelope it to an address that is in America, but will be rerouted to Austria once it goes to transport and the real address will reveal itself. Grindelwald taught me this secret way of communication when I left for america. Taught how to use the blue fire to conceal the truth of things you want hidden. It's undetectable but takes skill and focus. I have been doing it so long it comes easy to me now, yet if anyone knew I would be suspected for dark magic. I put the letter in the post box outside so I won’t have to explain the faraway address. 
“Did you get to write your letter?” Lily says as she approaches me. 
“Yes. I only hope it gets to them safely.” I smile and we take off to honeydukes. 
By the time we get to Honeydukes, it's noon and Marlene gushes to us all the clothes and accessories she bought and how great we are going to look tonight at the party. We all ordered lunch and I got to try butterbeer for the first time. It's like butterscotch candy mostly, its sweet deliciousness coats my tongue and I order another once I'm done. I wonder what kind of treats the party will hold tonight. Maybe I’ll finally meet “the boys” and see the one I ran into this morning.
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crystaljins · 5 years
Take a chance. | 02
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Characters: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 7.3K
Synopsis:   You should have known the second your business partner asked you to plan his best friend’s wedding as a favour that it was going to be nothing but trouble. Especially when it turns out he’s in love with said best friend. And dying of a deadly disease because of it.
Notes: The first three parts of this fic went through at least three different drafts. I changed the approach and character features so many times that this story isn’t even recognisable from the initial draft. But, once I added ma boi Kim Seokjin, this story finally hit a place that I felt I could happily write. 
Warnings: Angst. Graphic depictions of vomiting. Mentions of illness and death.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
“Thank you for meeting with me today.” The man says as he slides into his seat. He’s wearing dark sunglasses that obscure most of his face and a black bucket hat is pulled low over his brows. Perhaps he is trying to be inconspicuous, but the large trench coat and obvious attempt to conceal his identity just make him seem more suspicious. Not only that, the price tags hanging off his outfit clearly show that he’d only just bought them.
“What are you doing, Jin? Why’d you call me out here?” Seri hisses. She pauses to smile warmly at the waiter who hands her an ice latte topped with perhaps more whipped cream than is strictly necessary before turning back to her obnoxious co-worker. “Why are you dressed… like that?”
“So that I don’t attract attention to myself. Obviously.” Jin scolds. He leans forward to sniff suspiciously at his milkshake before reaching into a pocket in his trench coat and pulling out a large swirly straw. It’s infuriatingly childish. He glances side to side before placing it in his glass and taking a long sip.
“I’m going home.” Seri snaps, making to get up, but an arm shoots out and holds her in place.
“I’m sorry! I’ll be serious.” He promises, even as he takes another sip from the milkshake through the ridiculous straw. He does remove his sunglasses, though. “This is a matter that concerns not just you and me, but Jungkook and our… beloved… boss.” He begins to tear up at the final person on the list, and dabs awkwardly at the corner of his eyes. “We have to help her.”
“Help her what?” Seri questions, attention grabbed. Where her boss is involved, she is all ears. After all, you had given her a job when she’d been unemployed and desperate. And she’s determined to pay that back by being the best employee she could possibly be.
“Help her with her illness.” He confesses gravely. Seri’s eyes go wide as her mind scans through the long list of illnesses her beloved boss could possibly be suffering from. “She’s suffering from Hanahaki.”
The deathly silence that follows is testament to how much both workers care for their boss. The colour drains from Seri’s face while Jin looks down and another tear trails down his face.
“How… how can you be sure?” Seri breathes. Jin shakes his head gravely.
“Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when I lost that bet and had to take garbage out for a week?” Jin asks. Seri nods contemplatively as she remembers the event in question.
“You bet you could down 2 L of milk in one go but ended up spraying it out your nose all over Jungkook’s desk.” She recalls. He nods gravely.
“Well, I kind of tripped when I was getting close to the garbage and the whole garbage bag split open.” He explains. He pauses mid-explanation to take another unnecessarily long sip of his milkshake, one that has Seri twitching in dread and anticipation as she waits for him to finish his story. “And there were these red rose petals everywhere.”
Seri nods, but then frowns.
“But what does that have to do with (Y/N)? We sometimes get petals in or bouquets as samples for future decorations and two weeks ago she was doing that red themed wedding.” Seri points out. Jin nods solemnly.
“Well that’s why I didn’t think anything of it at the time. It wasn’t until yesterday, when (Y/N) brought up Hanahaki and was super shifty and blatantly lying about why it was on her mind that I got suspicious.” Jin admits. “So that night I went home and rang her brother, because he’s actually a doctor who specialises in treating Hanahaki. Just to ask some questions, but he was surprised and thought that maybe someone from our office was suffering from it, because (Y/N) had rung him too,asking about it right before me.”
“That is very suspicious.” Seri admits, and the evidence is starting to stack up. But there’s one vital piece of information she needs to believe Jin. “But who is she in love with, that doesn’t love her back? And how can we help her?”
Jin smiles widely and leans back in his chair.
“I was hoping you’d ask me that, dear, sweet, naïve Seri.” He tells her warmly, and all traces of his earlier tears have vanished from his face. “It’s none other than our resident space cadet, Jeon Jungkook.” He announces with all the dramatic flair of an actor presenting Best Picture at the Oscars. Seri grimaces.
“Jungkook?” She questions incredulously. Up until that point, Jin’s theory had sounded plausible but now it just sounds ridiculous. “You think she’s in love with Jungkook? The same guy I caught trying to sneak in a new printer without her noticing last week because he spilt banana milk on the old one?”
Jin nods, as if it is the most logical and reasonable conclusion to draw in the world.
“Well, not to be presumptuous, but yes. Can you think of anyone else? Also, haven’t you always been suspicious of the fact that they literally built a business from the ground up together and yet there’s nothing there?” Jin points out. Seri seems surprised.
“Why would starting a business together mean there has to be something romantic between them?” She responds. Jin looks mildly astonished before understanding sets in his expression.
“Ah, I forgot you’ve only been here a couple of months. Yes, Jungkook and (Y/N) started this business together. It was probably like… five years ago? They’d been running for about two years when that video of that wedding she organised went viral and then they hired me to handle the extra clientele that came in, so that sounds about right.” Jin says, launching into an explanation. “But their whole story is fresh out of a romcom- (Y/N) met him after her fiancée dumped her for dropping out of some sort of prestigious uni degree or something at some bar and he had some sad backstory as well that I can’t remember and encouraged her to follow her dreams. And then he ran into her again and helped her get her first client and then after two years of struggling to make ends meet that video went viral and here we are today, successful and happy. How can there be nothing after all of that?” He explains. Seri wrinkles her nose- despite her short amount of time working at this firm, she knows enough of the story to know Jin is butchering the story a lot.
What had actually happened, was that you taken a year off law school when your mother’s health had started to decline. Your brother had been forced to financially support the two of you by working ludicrous hours while you cared for her physical needs. Your fiancée, unable to cope with the emotional strain such an event had put on the relationship, coupled with the lack of time that came with caring for a sick relative, had left you. In the end, you had wound up working at a bar and unable to bring yourself to go back to law school after your mother passed away. The very same bar that Jungkook happened to frequent. After confiding in the sad, unemployed drunk boy you thought wasn’t listening over a period of time about your heartbreak and your desire to go into wedding planning instead of law school, it turned out he had been listening. Not only that, but he had a proposal for you- he, a business major, and you, a wedding planner, could start a business together. That way you wouldn’t have to go back to law school, and he would no longer be unemployed and nearly homeless. At least, that’s what she’d been able to glean from snippets of conversation she’s had with the both of you over the past couple of months.
Still, even though his story is still warped the original point still stands: Jungkook is clearly someone who matters to you, a lot. Yes, it was the video that went viral that made your business successful but you wouldn’t have even started this business without Jungkook. Jin makes a compelling argument- the coincidental timing of your chosen conversation topic the day before, and Jin happening to find the rose petals… it is all very shifty. Even Seri has to admit that.
But Jin isn’t done, and his next piece of evidence is perhaps the nail in the coffin.
“And she asked me this morning to start preparing a job ad for a new assistant. She said Jeon Jungkook is officially taking leave as of today- that’s why he didn’t show up and why we were flat out all day.” Jin points out urgently. “And I left my wallet in my car this morning and just so happened to be ducking down to get it, when I saw Jungkook’s car pulling out of the building. Which means he came in to work today! And when I watched the CCTV footage to check-“
“Woah, woah, woah, Jin!” Seri cuts him off in protest. “We aren’t criminal detectives! You can’t just watch CCTV footage of your boss because you want to-“
“That’s not important. What’s important is they had some sort of fight this morning and clearly, it’s because (Y/N) is in love with Jungkook, is dying of Hanahaki and we need to make Jungkook fall for her or we could lose our jobs. And the nicest boss anyone has ever had.” He exclaims, almost out of breath from his rant. Seri blinks. She wants to disagree. She really does. She wants to write Jin off as crazy and perhaps report him to you.
But… what if he’s right? What if you’re dying because your airheaded assistant doesn’t reciprocate your feelings? If he’s right, then they have to help you! She bites her lip contemplatively.
“Why can’t she just get treatment? We could sit her down and encourage her to see a doctor- isn’t her brother a leading specialist in the disease?” Seri points out. Jin shoots her a look like she’s just made the stupidest suggestion in the world.
“Don’t you know what treatment involves? It makes you forget the person who gave you Hanahaki forever. If she forgot Jungkook how can they run this business together?” He cries out. Seri is pretty sure she read something somewhere, back when she was researching the disease for herself that said that the ‘forget your love’ aspect of Hanahaki is just an urbanised myth and only the most severe cases of Hanahaki that have gone untreated for years require such dramatic action, and even those have been able to be successfully treated with just therapy in certain patients, but Jin sounds so convinced and sure of his words that it makes her doubt herself.
“What... what would you have us do?” She asks, rather than contradict what he just said. She cringes as she says the words because she knows she may regret this strongly depending on what Jin asks.
He merely grins.
“I’m glad you asked, dear Seri, because I already have a mastermind plan in place…”
“Yes, I understand that you want all black for your decorations,” You say, desperately clinging on to your patience. “But black roses aren’t really a thing. If you just agreed to the black baccara roses-“
“They’re still red.” Your client on the other end of the phone sniffs. “I want black.”
“Then having them painted is your best option.” You retort. “I told you I’d do my best to give you the wedding of your dreams but I’m not a miracle worker- you can’t grow black roses!”
“Please? It’s really important to us.” He begs. You dig your fingers into the bridge of your nose and sigh.
“I’ll see if I can speak to some plant breeders and see if we can get something closer to black.” You say with a sigh. “That’s the best I can do.”
You don’t hear whatever he says because you are distracted by the presence of Jungkook leaning awkwardly against the door to your apartment. When he spots you, his whole face lights up and he straightens. You wince as he waves enthusiastically. He’s not in his usual crumpled suit- instead he’s wearing an oversized hoodie and a pair of trackpants and he hasn’t even attempted to tame his wild mop of hair. Oddly, he looks amazing in the casual, comfortable look he’s going for.
“You’re here!” He greets. You watch him cautiously like he is a furious bull that may charge at any moment.
“It’s my apartment. Where else would I go?” You point out. “Shouldn’t you be at home resting?”
He nods sheepishly.
“Well… I did take the day off.” He admits. “But I thought you might have had a long day without me, what with no one to replace the vital work that I do, so I brought some supplies.”
You stiffen. You have had a long day, and that is to be expected when you force your business partner to take an unplanned leave.  To be honest, you aren’t even sure what half of Jungkook’s duties are. You’ve just always done your thing, talking to clients, make plans, connecting with people, and then at the end you’d have money in your bank account. Jungkook has always handled your marketing and connecting clients and managing appointments while keeping the office running smoothly. Without him, you’d had to answer phones, contact the accountant and fill out complex paperwork between and in the middle of appointments with. Seokjin and Seri had done their best to share the load but even they’d felt the strain by the end of the day.
“I’m not changing my mind, if that’s why you’re here.” You sniff, stepping passed him to unlock the door. He presses in close and follows you into your apartment even though he is not welcome. He looks around curiously as soon as he steps passed the threshold of your home.
“This is a really lovely place.” He compliments sincerely- it should be surprising that this is the first time he’s ever step foot in your apartment considering the fact that you’ve been running a business with him for five years now. Even Seri, who has only been working with you for a couple of months, has visited your home before. But before this whole wedding debacle, Jungkook had always refused. He sidles past you and sets a plastic bag up on the countertop in your kitchen. He glances back at you before rummaging inside. “I realised I have no idea what you like to eat, so I read that interview you did with that bridal magazine a few months ago.” He says, and then he pulls out a block of chocolate, some grapes and a bottle of wine. You squint suspiciously at them.
“Jungkook…” You say slowly, about to ask him to leave your home and take the food with them. Yes, they were all guilty pleasures of yours, but you weren’t about to give him false hope that you would rescind your decision. “I’m not going to plan the wedding.” Is what you say instead.
He ignores you, turning to a cupboard and pulling out two wine glasses. He sets them on the counter and immediately begins pouring out the wine. Then he leans against the countertop beside you and sighs heavily, as if the weight of the world is on his shoulders.
“Why?” He finally asks. He takes a long sip of his own glass, sliding yours toward you. Hesitantly, you accept and settle into a stool next to the counter. “It’s not going to stop the wedding. It’s not going to cure me. And I’ll still be involved in the wedding whether you plan it or not. What do you think you’re achieving by refusing?”
You stare down at the ruby liquid in the glass- your distorted reflection glares back. He’s right. You’re not achieving anything. You’re just sticking your head in the sand and pretending Jungkook’s situation isn’t happening until it magically fixes itself. But that’s all you really can do, right? You can’t force him to get treatment and you can’t make his best friend love him back. These are all doubts that plague you, but if you are anything, it is stubborn. Your blood runs hot with anger at the way he’s trying to pressure you into something you’ve already decided not to do.
“Why are you so desperate for me to plan this wedding anyway?” You question, hopping off the stool and edging closer until he is pressed against the kitchen counter. At this proximity you can count each of his individual lashes and feel the way his breath has become shallower and hesitant. It’s out of anger that you press closer. You’re trying to intimidate him into backing off and leaving you to deal with the consequences of your decision in peace. His eyes flash at the challenge though.
“Why are you so determined to refuse?” He retorts. “Up until the engagement party, you were all for planning this wedding! What, suddenly things get a teensy bit more complicated and you’re out?”
“Finding out my business partner is dying from a curable illness is not a “teensy bit more complicated”, Jungkook!” You cry, the volume of your voice escalating. Any louder and your neighbours will probably call the cops on you. “Why aren’t you taking this seriously?”
“I am taking this seriously!” Jungkook shouts. It’s the first time in all the years that you’ve known him that you’ve ever seen him lose his temper. His whole face goes bright red and the tendons in his neck strain with the force of his shout. “That’s all I’ve been doing! Every, single, damn day, all I can think about is how hard this is! You think I want to be sick? You think I want to be here, begging my boss to plan the wedding for the girl that I love? Why do you have to fight me at every single step- why can’t you just do me this one favour? All I’m asking you to do is to plan a wedding for a friend and turn a blind eye when you see I’m having a hard time- is that so hard to do?”
“Yes.” You breathe, and your eyes have watered and filled with tears at his words. “I don’t want to have to watch your heart break.” You finally admit. Because that’s the real reason. You can’t stop the fast approaching train-wreck that Jungkook has managed to lock himself into. But you sure as hell don’t have to watch it happen. “I don’t want to watch you slowly die.”
Your admission is met with silence and when you shoot a glance at Jungkook, he’s staring at you like you’ve grown a third eye. Abruptly he breaks eye contact and his shoulders hunch.
“Let me come back to work.” He says in a small voice. “I know you think you’re helping me, but you’re just leaving me at home alone with nothing to dwell on but the fact that I’m ill and…” His voice cracks. “That she…” He whirls around so that he’s no longer facing you and is unable to finish his sentence. He changes the subject. “Wow, I didn’t know my boss was so heartless,” He tries to joke, his tone falsely light, but his voice is still slightly shaky. “5 years together and you give me the axe just because I’m a little sick.” He shakes his head and makes a “tsk” sound. “Success has really changed you, (Y/N).”
You recognise now, that his attempt to joke around is his way of hiding, so you aren’t offended. Instead, getting slowly to your feet, you pack everything into the bag he brought with him and walk around the kitchen counter so that you’re facing him. He winces and looks towards the ceiling, perhaps to conceal the way his eyes are wet with tears and red-rimmed. Gently, you take his hand and place the handles of the plastic bag in it, wrapping his fingers around them.
“Jungkook.” You say softly. “I’m not doing this because I thought this would easy or because I don’t like you or because I think your job is replaceable or because I’m trying to punish you. I’m not doing it to make your life difficult. You’re sick, Jungkook, and sick people need rest.”
He stares at you with bewildered, pleading eyes. It is an exact repeat of earlier that morning when you had told him to take time off.
“There are other wedding planners.” You tell him gently. “She’ll live even if I don’t plan it for her.”
He stares down at the bag in his hand.
“But what if I… if she really wants you to do it?” He asks, even as he lets you guide him gently out the door. You don’t notice his slip.
“Well sometimes we don’t always get what we want Jungkook. But as your boss it’s my job to make sure you get what you need. And what you need is some time off.” You say. He seems to register he’s fighting a losing battle as the door swings shut- his hand flies out before you can fully close it.
“What would it take?” He pleads. “Hypothetically. If you could have anything in the world, what would it take for you to do this?”
You grimace.
“For you not to be sick.”
For all your bravado over forcing Jungkook to take leave, it really does make your life infinitely harder. Jungkook is a scatter-brain prone to double booking appointments and breaking expensive electronics, but his job really is irreplaceable- he hasn’t just been an assistant, or receptionist. His job was never as simple as answering phones and calling in the technician when he broke the printer yet again. He also managed the entire business side of things- from organising how much clients would pay for your services, to drafting contracts with them, to the entire marketing side of things, it had always been him to deal with that sort of thing. And it had been stupid and arrogant of you to think you could handle your regular duties on top of his. In your head, you had planned to look for a temporary replacement to work for maybe a year while Jungkook sorted himself out, but you barely have time for your own job, let alone searching for a replacement and training them up on top of managing Jungkook’s duties in the mean time. You’ve really screwed yourself over with such a hasty decision.
Your employees are quick to vocally and aggressively remind you of what a mistake it is to have put Jungkook on leave.
“My keyboard still doesn’t work.” Jin sniffs at you in the kitchenette, repeatedly dunking a bag of chamomile tea aggressively into a mug of boiling water. “I thought you said you were looking into fixing that! I can’t type anything and I’ve had two brides organising a wedding and a mother organising a first birthday party call me in tears because I didn’t answer their emails.”
“Well, you didn’t have to spill orange juice on it now, did you?” You almost snarl- you find your temper becoming shorter and shorter the more stressed and tired you are. It’s getting to the point that you’re hardly getting any sleep at night because you’re essentially doing two full time jobs at once. Jin’s eyebrows fly up, seeming to sense that you’re on the verge of snapping at him, and holds two hands up in a gesture of surrender.
“I’m sorry- It was an accident. But it’s really very urgent.” He tells you, and he sounds apologetic enough that you take a deep breath to release the tension built up in your shoulders and neck.
“I know. I’m sorry for getting short with you- I am trying to sort it out. I just have a lot on my plate at the moment.” You admit, and you feel on the verge of tears. Jin’s expression softens at your wobbly tone and he comes to stand next to you, resting against the kitchenette counter.
“Maybe we should give Jungkook a call.” He suggests gently. You tense, about to scold him for such a suggestion, but he holds up a firm hand. “I don’t know what happened or why you put him on leave, but you’re really struggling. If he does need the leave, then at least keep him around until you find a proper replacement- doing two jobs at once like this isn’t sustainable.” He points out. You wince because if it weren’t for your own stubbornness, you probably would have done as much. But you can’t- your pride won’t let you. You’ve decided that Jungkook needs leave and so he’s getting leave. Even if it kills you in the process.
Jin isn’t the only one- later in the week Seri knocks on your door. She strides in without waiting for an answer and leans in close so the two clients across from you don’t hear what she says.
“I just got a call from the bank- apparently there was an issue with billing that florist we contracted. I took down their number for you to ring them when you’re done with your client.” She informs you, flicking a gaze at the two clients before you.
Her interruption, though bearing bad news, is welcome- she’s interrupted two clients on the verge of screeching at you in rage. There was a mix-up with the venue bookings that you forgot to sort out between the flurry of phone calls you’ve been heckled with all day and they are not pleased. You’re barely holding back frustrated tears while Seri watches on, uncertain how to handle the situation. You take a deep breath, summoning all the professionalism you can access and smile at her.
“I will have that sorted after I deal with these two clie-“ You begin, but they cut you off.
“Don’t bother!” The one on the right, a woman in her late thirties’, snarls. She’s clinging to her fiancé’s arm like a hole might open up beneath her and demons appear to drag her to the depths of hell if she lets go. “We came here because we’ve heard so many good things about your service, but clearly it was all just good marketing- we won’t be coming back.”
She gets abruptly to her feet and storms off, dragging her balding fiancé with her. You take a shaky breath and squeeze your eyes shut, willing the tears not to come.
“Perhaps… I should call Jungkook? He’s really good with this kind of thing.” Seri suggests, and it’s so not the suggestion you need right now.
“Don’t.” You say. “My afternoon appointment just cancelled as you just saw- I’m free to speak with the bank right now.”
Your week carries on like that. You’re at your wits end by the time Friday comes around. You’ve promised yourself that you won’t do anything related to work for the entire afternoon. You’re going to ignore all the deadlines. Your business won’t crumble just because you took a Friday afternoon off, after all. At least that’s what you tell yourself as you take on your final task of the day- carrying a heavy box of fragile but expensive glasses that a client ordered in for clients to drink out of during their reception. You stagger as evenly as you can into the elevator and that’s when it happens- your heel snaps. It’s not a particularly high heel- just high enough that your ankle twists beneath you as it gives. You cry out, bracing yourself to crash to the floor and for the delicate goods you are carrying to shatter.
Only, it never comes. As you crumple to the ground, the weight of the box abruptly vanishes from your arms. Instead it is just you that hits the floor of the elevator with a pained grunt. Confused, you look up to find someone has grabbed the box from your arms before it could hit the floor with you and shatter all the contents inside.
“Are you ok?” Jungkook cries, gently setting down the box and crouching down before you. You’re so shocked that you are speechless. His large glasses are slightly lopsided on his face and he’s wearing a t shirt with a pair of ripped jeans. He’s not wearing the business attire that is required of all your employees- instead he’s dressed casually, like he didn’t plan on coming into the office today.
“W-what are you doing here?” You finally find your voice as he helps you to your feet. You wince as you attempt to press your weight into the foot with the broken heel and crumple back down- no doubt you sprained it on your way down. Jungkook’s eyes are wide with concern.
“Jin called me in for something urgent-“ He explains but he’s too distracted by your injury to provide the full story. “Did you hurt yourself?” He questions. You glance down at your leg- you move your ankle and wince when you find it too painful to rotate.
“Probably just a sprain.” You explain and he nods.
“I’ll help you, then,” He says quickly. “There’s a first aid kit in my office- or there was, if you haven’t cleaned it out yet.”
“Thank you.” You say quietly. “I haven’t touched your things. But you really shouldn’t be here-“
Your words are interrupted by the sudden flashing of the light in the elevator and a screeching noise.
The elevator is stuck.
“That’s your mastermind plan to help (Y/N)? Trapping them in an elevator together?” Seri sniffs, as she realises what Jin has done, watching Jungkook and her boss through the small security camera. They remain crouched down, close to the ground and she can’t see their expressions. “What if they get hurt?”
“Clearly you’ve never watched any kind of romcom ever, Seri.” Jin tuts. “This is a basic strategy- and this is just us getting started! Phase one! We just need to force them into the same space and hopefully the confined space will lead to them opening up! Besides, don’t act so surprised- there’s much more work we have to do than this before Jungkook-”
“Why did you agree to this?” She interrupts, directing her question to the elevator technician who has unscrewed the control panel and is fidgeting with the wires. He pauses, resting a hand on his chin as he contemplates the answer.
“For love.” He answers fondly. “But also, Seokjin here paid me $50 if I made sure they were trapped in an elevator together for the next twenty minutes.”
Seri whirls on Jin, the expression on her face utterly despairing.
“What… what else do you have planned?” She asks incredulously, pale and concerned for the wellbeing of not only her boss, but Jungkook as well. Jin considers her question for a moment, before shrugging.
“It’s a surprise.” He answers with a grin.
“How’s your ankle?” Jungkook asks awkwardly. For the past five minutes after ringing for help with the emergency button and being assured that the elevator technician was already working on it, the two of you had been sitting in a deathly silence. With Jungkook’s help, you had manoeuvred so that you now lean against the wall of the elevator, your sprained ankle stretched out in front of you. Your broken, useless heels are discarded in the corner. Your eyes are shut so that you don’t have to acknowledge his presence and can feign sleeping.
“The same as it was 5 minutes ago.” You answer, without opening your eyes. “Swollen. Painful. Will probably be better in a few days.”
You hear a tapping sound and know that Jungkook is probably bouncing his knee up and down. He has a lot of restless energy and a lot of pens have been dismantled at his desk from his fidgeting and a lot of office chairs have met their end because he’s constantly rocking back and forth. It’s a good indicator for when he’s about to strike up conversation- the noise stops, and he inhales like he’s formulating a question.
“How’s the office been?” He asks. “Without me? Is everyone coping alright?”
Not really. But you’re not about to tell him that.
“They’re fine. The others are urging me to find a replacement and I’m sure we’ll find one soon.” You say. Your sentences are clipped, and your tone isn’t unfriendly, but it isn’t exactly warm either. You’re trying to discourage conversation because if Jungkook inquires more into how your week played out, you may burst into tears. The last thing you want is for him to know what a hard time you are having without him.
He starts to whistle tunelessly, and the sound is annoying, but you don’t want to talk to him. At least he’s stopped asking you questions.
For about thirty seconds.
“What was in the box?” He asks. You open one eye to peer at him. He’s sitting cross-legged in front of you with his back slouched. He picks absently at his worn shoelaces on his crappy, frayed sneakers.
“Glasses. For a wedding I’m planning.” You say. He perks up at the mention of your business.
“Is this the couple who met at the Venetian Glass Blowing Factory?” He asks cheerfully. “I thought you didn’t have time to plan their wedding. How did you squeeze them in?”
You tense- you rang them up and offered your services since a lot of clients have cancelled on you this week following your subpar performance.
“I’ve had a few slots in my schedule clear up.” You admit through gritted teeth. Jungkook looks confused but then his eyes go round when he realises what you mean.
“Oh… that bad, huh?” He asks. He winces. “Not that I’m implying you’re bad! I just didn’t think people would cancel so quickly when-”
“When what, Jungkook?” You snap, patience lost. “When I’m essentially working two jobs? When I’ve been yelled at 32 times this week? When I’ve been getting approximately 4 hours sleep every night trying to organise all these events in between doing your job?”
“Well I didn’t ask to be on leave!” He retorts defensively. His eyebrows furrow together and his lips purse in a slight pout. “You’re the one who insisted I was unfit to work.”
“I know.” You snarl, and to your mortification, frustrated tears fill your eyes and blur your view of him. “I know I made you take leave! I know that everyone wants you back and this office is going insane without you!”
Jungkook’s jaw drops at your outburst but doesn’t interrupt as you continue your rant.
“I know your job is important and that it was going to be hard without you, but I was doing it for you! I wasn’t trying to fire you or spite you or punish you for being sick! I was only trying to help.” You’re full on sobbing now, but you’re so exhausted and emotional and the repressed emotions you’ve been pushing back for the past week are all bursting forth. “Is that so bad? Is it so terrible that I just wanted to look after my business partner? Why am I getting punished for doing the right thing?” You’re in full hysterics as Jungkook starts to panic, realising that he has no idea how to comfort you or calm you down.
“D-don’t cry!” He protests but it’s too late- it’s like a dam has been broken. All the stress, all the misery, all the overtime work has combined, and you feel like there’s an angry tornado of lava where your heart should be. “I know you were trying to help, and I’m really grateful for that- please don’t cry!”
He edges closer to you and doesn’t know what to do with his hands, so he settles for resting them awkwardly on your shoulders. You stare up at him with teary eyes. You’re not a pretty crier by any definition- your eyes have gone puffy and your nose is running and were it any other situation he would have laughed at you. But he has at least enough sensitivity to know laughing at you now would be kicking you when you’re down. Instead he offers you an awkward smile, one that is little more than his cheeks raising and him baring his teeth in an almost-snarl.
You’re so confused at his peculiar expression that you actually stop sobbing. You squint at him for a moment, before a tear-y laugh breaks through your lips.
“What are you doing?” You ask, taking the lapse in your hysterics as an opportunity to wipe away the tears running down your cheeks. His expression softens.
“I’m smiling at you.” He explains. You snort incredulously.
“You look like you’re in pain.” You say. He chuckles awkwardly.
“Hey! I’m trying to make you feel better!” He protests jokingly, relieved that you’re at least no longer crying. You frown.
“By showing me what face you make when you’re constipated?” You suggest and he actually laughs.
“I mean, since that’s what stopped you crying, I’ll take it.” He volunteers. He takes his hands off your shoulders and slumps next to you, being mindful of your injured leg. “Hey.”
You turn to look at him.
“Hi.” You answer. His expression is warm and gentle as he volunteers his next words.
“I never thanked you.” He admits. “For caring so much. Enough to keep it a secret.” He confesses. “And for putting me on leave. I know… I know you were trying to help, and it feels good to know that you’ve got my back like that. So, thank you. So much.”
At his words, an odd, warm sensation blooms in your chest. This whole week all you’ve felt is stressed and guilty, questioning your decision and worrying about Jungkook’s health. But Jungkook’s gratitude is liberating- you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. He turns so that he’s staring straight into your eyes.
“And I know that you were only trying to help, and I’m really thankful for that but…” He trails away awkwardly and glances downwards. “But it wasn’t your call to make.” He admits. “I know you mean well, but it’s my decision on whether to get treatment, or whether to keep working, or whether or not to be involved with this wedding. You shouldn’t have taken that choice from me.”  
The truth of his words hits you like a bag of bricks and leaves you momentarily speechless. Because he has a point- even acting with his best interests in mind, he’s your co-worker. Not your friend or your family or your lover. He’s your equal business partner, capable of making adult decisions for himself. And by forcing him to go on leave, you took that choice away from him.
“As for the wedding… I won’t force you to do it or keep pestering you about it. I should have stopped when you first said no and respected that. That was wrong of me.” He says. “To be honest, I kept visiting you because I thought I could convince you. I didn’t even care how you were doing or whether you were coping- I just made all these excuses to see you so that I could convince you. And I realise now that’s a really awful way to be. You’re not just my boss or a machine that churns out people’s dream weddings. You’re a person who cares a lot about everyone she meets and I’m sorry for not recognising that.” He tells you. His cheeks are tinted slightly pink at his heartfelt confession, and your own cheeks burn too for some reason.
“The truth is… the truth is that Minah doesn’t want you to plan her wedding this much. Yeah, she liked that video of that wedding you did, but if I’d told her you said no, she would have just found someone else. It was me that was being insistent because I wanted someone on my side. You saw how I almost exposed myself at her engagement party… I felt like bringing another wedding planner into the mix is just one more person I have to hide from.” He slumps against the elevator wall and you take notice of the dark circles under his eyes, of his pale skin and his gaunt face… He’s lost even more weight since you made him take leave- earlier he was skinny but still looked healthy. Now he looks ashy and uncomfortable. At this rate he will wither away into nothing but skin and bones. Your heart aches for him again. “But when you found me… when you helped me and you didn’t tell anyone… I felt like I wasn’t alone for the first time in nearly a year. For the first time since Minah started dating Taehyung, probably. And I liked that feeling- I liked the idea of someone like you having my back. Someone who was strong and so determined that she literally built a business from the ground up, and you always call me your partner but really it was all you. And this whole thing with Minah has been so… hard. I thought… ‘maybe I could do it if she had my back.’” He squeezes his eyes shut and you notice the way a tear trickles down his cheek. His glasses nearly hide it but you’re watching him so carefully that you pick up on it.
“I’ll do it.” You don’t even realise you’ve said the words until he’s staring at you with wide, shocked eyes.
“What?” He asks. “Say that again?”
You blink, startled by your own compliance, but then you steel your gaze and make your decision.
“My brother’s a doctor who specialises in Hanahaki.” You say. “He said that if the doctors have already recommended hypnotherapy then conservative treatment probably can’t do much but it may slow the progression.” You explain. Jungkook is still staring at your with confused, round eyes. “If you promise to meet with him at least once a week for some conservative treatment and then you book in for proper treatment once the wedding is over… I’ll do it. I’ll plan her wedding.”
Jungkook’s whole face lights up and he grabs one of your hands, clasping it between your hands. His hands dwarf your own and you feel like he may break your bones with how tightly he is holding you.
“Really? You’d do that?” He asks, and the breathless excitement and relief in his voice almost makes it worth the stress that will no doubt come with agreeing.
“For you.” You clarify. “And only if you get treatment. If Namjoon tells me you’ve missed even one session, then I’m cancelling on her.” You warn. You look away awkwardly. “And I guess… if it means that much to you… you can come back to work. But you have to promise me that if you’re not feeling well you let me know, ok?”
“Deal!” Jungkook cries joyously, throwing his arms around you neck and pulling you in for a bone-crushing hug. “Thank you so much (Y/N)!  This really means so much to me. Thank you.”
And it is in that moment, with Jungkook squeezing you tightly to him like you’ll get up and sprint away if he lets go, that the elevator door starts up again like it was just waiting for the two of you to come to an agreement.
And if it’s suspicious that Jin and Seri are both anxiously waiting by the elevator doors on the fifth floor when they eventually slide open and release you, then neither you nor Jungkook notice it.
You’re both too distracted by the work you have ahead of you.
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bvidzsoo · 5 years
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warnings: swearing, violence, blood
 Pairing: Kim Mingyu x female reader
 Word count: 13, 672
 Summary:   Oh Y/N is just a simple person living her life, with her best friend, Choi Seungcheol. What she doesn’t know? Seungcheol is part of a rather dangerous gang. Who she can’t get away from? Kim Mingyu, leader of the gang.  
 A/N:  And after ages I finally finished this one shot too. I couldn’t have been happier that it’s finally done. I hope you’ll enjoy it!
     It was a beautiful evening, the breeze warm, a contrast against the chilly air. Nowadays you never know how the weather will be. On a summer day it can be freezing and then at winter you wake up to no snow, when there it should be. 
Seungcheol and I rested on top of his car’s hood, a silver Toyota 86 GT, a car that’s more expensive than everything I own in my small apartment. I asked Seungcheol many times how he got the car, since his job isn’t that well paying, but he always tells me the same thing…”You know my parents are wealthy, they sent me the money” and then I always ask him, “If they are so wealthy, why do you still work?” and he answers, “Because life is boring if you do nothing”.
I should probably believe him, but in all five years I’ve known Seungcheol for, I’ve never met his parents. I’ve heard kids around campus saying he’s an orphan or different versions about his private life, but the one who I’ll always trust is Seungcheol. If even after five years of knowing me he’s still not ready to tell me, I won’t pressure him.
“Where should we go this weekend?” Seungcheol asked while chewing on his blue straw, his banana milkshake half gone.
“I don’t know” I muttered, eyebrows furrowing, “Shouldn’t we rather study? Exams are coming up in one month”
“There’s plenty of time to study, Y/N” He chuckled, looking at me from the corner of his eyes, “It’s just for the weekend”
“You say that every week, Cheol” I sighed, sipping my strawberry milkshake quietly, “We’ve been gone every weekend this month. I don’t have time to study anymore, you know I don’t like that”
“Okay, I promise it’s the last weekend we leave...will you come with me?” He asked, lips turning into a pout as his eyes dropped, trying to look cute and convincing. I scoffed and rolled my eyes while sipping my milkshake.
“I don’t know…” I trailed off, enjoying the way his lips downturned and he looked away, shoulders hunching.
“Come on! You never know when something big happens, we should go” He tried to reason with me but I was already shaking my head.
“If that something big is something dangerous, I’d rather stay out of it” I muttered and Seungcheol sighed, reaching out for my hand. I placed my hand in his, enjoying how warm his were compared to mine. Holding the cold milkshake froze my fingers.
“I think I won’t be here next month, Y/N…” His voice got quiet and my eyebrows furrowed.
“What do you mean?” I asked confused, sitting up straight as I leaned into his face to see his expression better in the dark night.
“I might be leaving, my boss wants to start some new project in China and they might send me there” He said casually, but gulped nervously. There was something wrong, he must be lying.
“Why exactly you?” I scoffed, watching his expression closely as he licked his lips, his silver lip piercing glinting in the light.
“You know...I can speak Chinese and stuff…” I hummed, sipping my milkshake suspiciously. 
“Cool guy you are, Choi Seungcheol” I bumped my shoulder into his, making him chuckle.
“But if I go, which is really not sure yet, I’ll make sure to text you every day and! We can facetime every evening!” He exclaimed, eyes lighting up as I scoffed.
“That still sounds suspicious to me” I shrugged, teasing him as Seungcheol cutely huffed.
“I’m not doing anything bad, Y/N, don’t worry--” Before he could finish his sentence, his phone pinged. He got a message. I sipped on my milkshake quietly as I looked away from my best friend, my eyes falling on the lake and the willow trees that surrounded it. My coat was warm but I was starting to freeze and the cold milkshake wasn’t helping either.
“I got to go” Seungcheol said with a sigh, getting off the hood of the car. He extended a hand for me and I took it with a thankful smile as I carefully slid down. This car is his life.
“I’ll take you home first” Seungcheol called as we went to each side of the car. I pulled the handle and the door opened upwards, the lights turning on inside.
“You don’t have to” I told Seungcheol before quickly finishing my milkshake and threw it away, “It’s urgent, isn’t it?”
“Kinda” He shrugged, buckling up his seatbelt.
“Then let’s go, you can take me home after you are done” I shrugged too, closing the door as I got in the passenger seat. 
“Seatbelt” Seungcheol muttered as he started the engine, the roar a blessing to my ears. It was nor too loud nor too quiet, but once you press the gas pedal, the engine roars to life loudly. I buckled up my seatbelt as Seungcheol carefully drove away from the lake.
“Than I first take you home and--”
“Seungcheol!” I groaned, not letting him finish his words, “You drive us wherever you need to go and then drive me home, okay?”
“You sure?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowed and piercing between his teeth, as he glanced at me for a second.
“One hundred percent sure” I answered confidently and Seungcheol only chuckled as he speed up and drove down the empty streets, thanks to it being late at night.
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   We pulled up into an empty parking lot, the supermarket long closed, the lampposts illuminating the front of the parking lot. It felt a little eery here as I looked out the window, the road behind us covered in darkness. We were in the suburbia and I seriously have no idea what Seungcheol has to do here at this hour. I undid my seatbelt but before I could open the door, Seungcheol held me back.
“Woah, Y/N, what are you doing?” He asked in an urgent voice, eyebrows raised.
“Getting...out of the car?” I asked confused, eyebrows furrowed as he quickly shook his head.
“Nope, you are staying inside the car” He patted my head, turning off the light inside the car, “Don’t turn on the light and don’t go out, okay?”
“Why?” I asked, eyes narrowing at him as Seungcheol bit his lower lip nervously, his piercing sinking deeper into his lip.
“Ah, because--just don’t do it, okay?” He said urgently, glancing at his wristwatch, “Stay quiet and in here, please?”
“I promise” I muttered with a grimace and he offered me a small smile.
“I’ll be back in five minutes” He said with a firm nod, almost as if reassuring himself, before he closed his door and locked the car. I followed him with my eyes as he ruffled his hair and adjusted his red leather jacket before taking off. This whole place felt weird, maybe because it was very late and because it was only us here, but it didn’t feel right when Seungcheol went to the back of the supermarket. What the hell is he doing here? Did his boss send us here to pick up his trash, once again? It wouldn’t be the first time and it probably won’t be the last time either. I sighed as I lowered myself in the seat, getting into a comfortable position before fishing out my phone. I have to act like a ghost for five minutes, no noise and no light. I lowered the light of the screen of my phone to make sure no one would see it from outside, even though the windows are already tinted and you can’t see inside. But to be honest, this is the suburbia, and I’m sitting inside a very expensive car, locked and alone and...God only knows if someone tries to break in I’m going to kick their ass so hard they’ll remember it for the rest of their lives...if they will be still alive by the time I’m done with them. 
I sighed as I scrolled through Instagram, liking the pictures of other people’s boring lives, before the noise if an engine from outside caught my attention. I tensed up and whipped my head to the right, where the noise was coming from. A black van pulled up right beside Seungcheol’s car and my eyebrows furrowed. My heart speed up as the door opened and a light blue haired boy got out from the driver’s seat. Feeling exposed, I quietly lowered myself in the seat and made myself as small as possible, even though they couldn’t see inside. I’m not testing my luck upon seeing these guys. All dressed in black and leather, something glinting from a guy’s ankle caught my eyes. He got out from the back of the van, hair a brown, and his jacket furry instead of leather. He looked expensive and like he put much thought into his outfit. I watched as another man emerged from the van, black hair slicked back and leather jacket undone, unfitting for this chilly night. And then the passenger door opened too and a very tall guy got out, his hair a fire red, like a hydrant. I couldn’t see their faces too well from my position, and I really wasn’t about to risk it, but they headed to the back of the supermarket. And Seungcheol is there. Fuck. Are they going to kill my best friend? Does that mean his car will be mine? Not that I need it, I just--Wait, what the fuck is Seungcheol involved into? Has he been hiding some...dark shit from me for five years? Wow, I’m breaking up with him, not that we were dating...it’s just funny to say that. 
Biting my lower lip, I started debating in whispers if I should stay inside the car, like Seungcheol asked me to do, or go and see if my best friend is still alive, like my brain is screaming at me that would be the best option. I mean, the worst thing is finding him dead, right? Right?
I took a deep breath and unlocked the car, pushing my phone into my back pocket as I carefully opened the door. I looked around tensed as I got out carefully, staring at the van. The windows were tinted too, what if someone is inside? What if someone was waiting for me to get out so they can kidnap me? A shiver ran down my spine as I quickly shut the car’s door and speed walked away from the black van and the red Toyota 86 GT. My heart was beating quickly and I slowly started not feeling the chilly air as I felt sweat gathering on my forehead, underneath my bangs. Oh wow, who knew you could sweat in a chilly weather too from doing nothing? I creeped to the back of the supermarket, careful to not make any noises and glancing every second behind me to see if someone was following me. I was tempted to turn on the flashlight of my phone but that would have been too risky. Nearing the place where Seungcheol and those other five men were, I started hearing masculine voices. Well duh, if they are all men, come on Y/N, focus!
“So, do you have the money or do you not?” A foreign accent spoke clearly, voice slightly raised.
“I don’t” Hey! That’s Seungcheol! I hid behind the building, poking my head out just enough for me to see with one eye what was happening. The five men were standing a few feet away in front of Seungcheol, a lamppost lighting down on them, my best friend’s back turned to me. The tallest one, with the vibrant red hair, was standing in the centre, eyes narrowed but looking amused. There was the slicked back haired one standing next to the tallest one with red hair, the one with the fur coat, who just spoke, stood on the other side of him and there was a blonde haired guy, who seems like it appeared out of nowhere as I haven’t seen him getting out of the van?, and the light blue haired one was next to fur coat-foreign dude.
“Why do you not have it?” Fur coat spoke loudly once again, his face amusingly serious. He looks kinda funny in that fur coat trying to be all intimidating.
“You know my parents are in debt...I had to pay some of it or either--”
“And your new Toyota?” The blonde spoke up, his eyes sharp in nature as he looked at Seungcheol with a glare, “I bet your daddy didn’t buy it for you”
“I saved up for that!” Seungcheol hissed, jaw tight as he glared at the blonde guy. For the first time, I thought Seungcheol looked scary in his red leather jacket and silver lip piercing, his black hair falling in his eyes.
“Of course you did” Blonde guy said with a cackle, making the tallest send him a small glare. Is he mute? Why is he not speaking?
“So how will you return our money?” Light blue haired boy said, a creepy grin expanding on his lips. “I don’t have it right now but--”
“Seungcheol, this can’t go on” Slicked back haired guy spoke up, his accent foreign too, “We need to give back that money too, you know we don’t keep everything”
“I--” Before Seungcheol could even start speaking, a gun was pointed at his face. I gasped loudly, I couldn’t see Seungcheol’s face but I’d be scared shittless. The light blue haired boy walked closer to Seungcheol, gun pointed right between his eyes. No one spoke, the tension was high and my reckless self couldn’t contain itself anymore. I’m not going to watch some guy blowing my best friend’s brains out.
“Seungcheol!” I cried loudly, sprinting off towards him. I almost collided into him with the speed I ran, afraid for his life more than mine. All eyes set on me, even Seungcheol’s as his expression contorted from fear to anger in seconds. I took a deep breath before slightly standing in front of Seungcheol, my hands shaking from the adrenaline and fear altogether.
“I don’t know what Cheol did to you guys…” I spoke up, voice firmer than I was expecting it to be as I stared the light blue haired guy straight in the eyes, “But get that fucking gun out of his face”
There was silence, stunned silence to be honest. The guy’s eyes widened as he watched me before a lopsided grin spread on his lips. He nodded once with a shrug and lowered the gun, putting it into the waistband of his pants. I quietly let out a breath I was holding, reaching a hand out for Seungcheol for a little reassuring. I could see the blonde guy fighting off a smile while the two foreigners glanced at each other before looking back at me, curiosity filling their eyes. I was about to relax when the tallest man with the red hair moved. He was fast and I almost didn’t see it, but he withdrew his gun from his gun holder on his left thigh and took two long strides. But I moved fast too and stepped fully in front of Seungcheol, thanks to me wearing my high heels boots, I was taller than him. The gun pressed into my temple as Seungcheol hissed behind me but I didn’t move. The tall man, who was towering over me even with my heels on, narrowed his eyes at me.
“And who are you?” He muttered, eyes trailing over my whole face.
“It’s none of your business” I snapped, staring him right into the eyes. My heart was beating so quickly it felt like I was having a heart attack. I expect to drop dead any minute, to be honest.
“That’s not how you speak to someone who’s holding a gun to your head, sugar” He spoke in the same low voice, the end of his lip curling up.
“I won’t show respect to anyone who points a gun at my friend...or me” I muttered just as lowly as this guy, his red hair annoying the hell out of me. It looked too messy, a contradiction to his neat clothes and I really wanted to kneel him in the groins hard. He’s invading my personal space and pressing a gun to my head, not my ideal Wednesday night.
“Oh, Seungcheol…” The guy spoke up, glancing behind me with a chuckle, “She has a quick tongue, does it do its justice other times too?”
I glared at him for his choice of words and before I could snap back I was hauled back roughly by Seungcheol, surprised by his sudden force. Was Seungcheol always this strong? I mean, I did see him playing with people a game where they had to use their thighs to block the other when he was drunk, but I never imagine he was this powerful actually.
“Don’t speak to her like that” Seungcheol snapped, his deep voice raised for the first time when speaking to these guys.
“You can’t speak like that either to your boss, Seungcheolie” The tall man with red hair shook his head, carelessly shaking his gun too. I followed every movement of his, getting ready to do something if he was about to pull the trigger.
“You never told me you had a girlfriend…” He trailed trailed off, thinking for a second, “How did you hide her from us for so long?”
“I know how to stay under the radar” I snapped, playing along as if I had any idea what he was talking about. 
“I thought Jeonghan and Joshua did their jobs well...” The tall, red haired man hummed, more to himself as the light blue haired guy chuckled.
“Boss, they did, I was there. The girl didn’t pop up anywhere they looked. Seungcheol must have hidden her from us”
Boss. So this giant and red haired man is the boss. Well, screw him.
“I’d hide her too” The blonde haired guy said with a sneaky smile, making the foreign guys snicker to themselves. I rolled my eyes as I looked back at the giant who was grimacing now.
“You fucked up my fun night” He said, pointing his gun at me again, but not in a warning manner. As if trying to disciplinate me.
“Fuck off, both of you” He hissed, his face suddenly darkening and eyes narrowing as Seungcheol bowed once. I stared at him taken aback, wanting to kick his ass for bowing to someone like him. Boss or not with a gun or not. That ass needs a good beating. I could feel the tall guy’s eyes on me as Seungcheol dragged me after him, trying to get me away from there as fast as possible, knowing me too well.
“Point a gun at my friend again and I’ll kill you!” I shouted at the guys, head turned back to see them, before I was pulled around the corner and back to the front of the supermarket. Seungcheol rarely got angry, but he was fuming right now. My heart was beating fast and it didn’t seem like it was about to calm down, all thanks to Seungcheol’s anger. He looks kinda scary. I stayed quiet until we got to the car and Seungcheol pushed me into my seat rather roughly before he got in too.
I gulped as he started the engine and roughly turned the wheel to pull out of the parking lot. I yelped at the sudden speed and quickly buckled in my seatbelt.
“Your seatbelt, Cheol--”
“Shut up!” Seungcheol snapped loudly, hands gripping the wheel tightly.
“Don’t tell me to shut up, you idiot!” I snapped back, turned towards him in my seat, “Put on that fucking seatbelt before I do it!”
“Don’t raise your voice at me!” Seungcheol snapped as he buckled his seatbelt with one hand, eyes turned towards me.
“Are you trying to kill us, you idiot!” I screeched as he kept looking at me instead of the road, “Look fucking ahead at the road!”
“I told you to don’t raise your voice at me!” Suddenly Seungcheol started shouting back and I could feel the vein in my neck close to popping, “Are you a fucking idiot, Y/N? Do you even know who those were? You come and--”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know who they were when you won’t tell me anything about your private life!” I shouted back, hands shaking from gripping onto the board and my seat.
“This is exactly why I never told you!” He continued to shout as he speed down the road, “They are dangerous--hell, I’m dangerous! And now they know about you and it’s all my fucking fault--fuck!”
Seungcheol hit the wheel hard and suddenly pressed on the brakes, sending me forwards, and I’m pretty sure I would have flown out if the seatbelt wasn’t on.
“Seungcheol, please” I said quietly as he was breathing loudly and I reached out a hand to grip his arm, “I’m sorry. I know I scared you but I--I couldn’t just stand there and watch them kill my best friend! You would have done the same if it was me in your place, I know you would have done the same”
He turned towards me, biting his lip as he shook his head, “I’m such an idiot”
“Seungcheol” I sighed, offering him a small smile. He just continued to shake his head until I reached over and pulled him in a hug, a quite uncomfortable one.
“Are you part of the Mafia?” I whispered, biting my lower lip nervously. Life seemed simpler before tonight.
“No” Seungcheol chuckled, squeezing me to him, “Mingyu is far from getting into the Mafia, but his gang is the biggest around here”
“Isn’t...that the Mafia though?” I asked confused, enjoying Seungcheol’s comforting presence. Fuck, I can’t imagine how close I was to losing him.
“No, Y/N, it’s not” He muttered with a chuckle before we pulled away from each other. 
“And I thought I had a cool best friend…”I said teasingly earning a small glare from him. He started driving again but at a normal speed, circulating like a normal driver on the deserted streets.
“So…” I trailed off when I saw he wasn’t going to say anything, “Do you have a name? What do you do in this gang? Why do they want money? Did you steal money from them? I heard you owe them some because--”
“Nope” Seungcheol casually said while shaking his head, “I’m not answering anything. You know enough, I won’t get you more involved, this is dangerous enough already. If they found out, any rival gang is capable of finding out about you”
“But Seungcheol--” I whined but he sighed and threw me a look of warning.
“I’m going to drive you home and you will go to sleep and tomorrow you won’t remember a thing, do you understand me?” His voice was firm as I huffed, sliding lower in my seat.
“Yes, sir, yes” I muttered while looking out the window with a pout.
“Very well” Seungcheol chuckled quietly, the smile obvious in his voice.
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     After my classes were over I would go to my job, a small corner bookstore in a quiet neighbourhood. It was a twenty minutes walk from my university and around half an hour away from my apartment, but of course by bus it’s around fifteen minutes. Since my courses were in the morning ‘till late noon, I took the afternoon and evening shifts. My co-worker, Irene, is a quiet and lovely girl who loves books just as much as I do. She’s always wearing her big round glasses with her hair in a ponytail and you can always find her hiding behind the counter with a book in her hand. Sometimes, if we don’t have much studying to do, we stay together for the whole day to keep company for each other as there are days when the bookstore is rather empty and lonely. Or there are days when we go out and have lunch together, days like that our boss is working as he is rather dedicated to his business and keeping the bookstore going. Honestly, I prefer those days when there are less customers, the quieter the better.
Seungcheol and I haven’t spoken since he dropped me off last night, but it isn’t something unusual. I did as he asked me, forgot about last night as if it didn’t happen in the first place. I couldn’t help but still worry about his safety but he’ll be fine, he’s a big boy. My dreams didn’t go easy on me either as the red haired man appeared in them, an amused smile on his face as he kept playing with his gun as if to tease me. I’ve had better dreams for sure.
In order to pass time, sometimes I would go to the back of the store or stay at the front and organize the shelves again as there were people who took a book and didn’t place them back to its place. I hated people like that, but maybe their memory isn’t as good as mine since I know where which book belongs. There’s not much to do here, but I truly enjoy being surrounded by books and their smell. It’s calming and quiet, exactly what I need.
I sighed as I picked up a fallen book and placed it back on the shelf, nicely organizing it. The doorbell chimed and I perked up.
“I’m in the back, just a second!” I loudly called for the customer to hear me. I dusted my pants off and quickly walked to the front, peeking around the shelves to see if they had started looking around.
“I’m here, so how can I--” I stopped in my tracks as there was no one at the counter. Did they go already looking for books? Can’t they hear me? They could make a sound at least.
“Uhm, hello?” I called uncertainly as I turned around and walked to the first row of bookshelves. Maybe they left already? I didn’t even take a minute to come to the front. Oh well, at some point they will have to leave so I’ll just stay at the front.
I walked back to the counter, back turned towards the bookshelves as I went to pick up my phone and text Seungcheol to ask him if he’d like to go out for dinner with me when two arms suddenly trapped me between the counter and a warm body. I tensed up, the hands not belonging to Seungcheol and he knows never to sneak up on me.
“Hello, sugar” The low voice whispered close to my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. The voice was unfamiliar and I will have to fight if this someone tries to do something to me.
“I didn’t believe Jeonghan and Joshua when they told me you worked at a bookstore...I had to come by and see it for myself” The guy chuckled, still standing just as close. My eyebrows furrowed, did he say, Jeonghan and Joshua? I’ve heard those names before...isn’t he...wait. I abruptly turned around in his grip, gasping quietly when the tall stranger leaned closer to my face. It’s the tall, red haired man that pointed his gun at me yesterday night.
“It really is you” He muttered with a frown, still invading my personal space. Does this guy not know what personal space is?
“What...did you come back to kill me?” I snapped at him with a glare, trying to look confident under this giant’s measuring eyes. He suddenly started laughing and shook his head.
“Not at all” He said with a shrug and I raised my hands to slap his arms away.
“Do you not know what personal space is?” I snapped again, freeing myself from his hold as I hurried around the counter to put distance between us.
“Oh, did I make you feel uncomfortable?” He asked with a smirk and I scoffed while I stared him down. He was dressed in black pants, a grey oversized sweater and a leather jacket. His red hair was neat now, unlike last night, and I observed a silver, expensive looking ring on his right pinky. 
“What do you want?” I asked with my eyebrows furrowed, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“First of all, let me introduce myself” He said with a wide smile, his sharp canines showing. I tried to ignore the fact that I found this guy handsome because last night he was pointing a gun at my head while his men pointed a gun at my best friend’s head. Maybe if I didn’t know who he really was, I would have said he looked cute.
“My name is Kim Mingyu” He said, doing a small bow for show. I rolled my eyes at his unasked for actions.
“Okay” I muttered with a shrug as a frown fell on Mingyu’s face.
“Are you not going to tell me your name?” He asked, leaning against the counter.
“Don’t you already know it?” I scoffed, obviously if he knows I work here, thanks to Joshua and Jeonghan whoever they are, he knows my name, my apartment number and probably the size of my bra and panties too.
“No” He said innocently and I narrowed my eyes at him as I tried to read his face. He didn’t look like someone who was lying so I sighed and lowered my hands from my chest.
“My name is Oh Y/N” I introduced myself and a mischievous smirk appeared on his lips.
“Oh, I know your name...I just wanted to hear you saying it” I groaned and picked up my phone, unlocking it.
“If you won’t leave I’m going to call the cops on you” I threatened, waving my phone in the air.
“I’m not sure if that will help you, sugar” He said with an arrogant chuckle and I glared at him.
“Why not? And stop calling me sugar” 
“Because I have connections everywhere. One text from me and they already forgot about your problem...sugar” My jaw tensed as I continued to glare at Mingyu’s smug face.
“Cool, then I’m going to ask nicely only once...fuck off, Kim Mingyu” I snapped and watched as a laugh bubbled up from Mingyu’s lips.
“That wasn’t exactly nice” 
“I’m not saying it again” I threatened, raising the hand that was gripping my phone. I’m definitely not afraid to whack him with my phone, the more painful the better.
Mingyu raised his hands in defeat and retreated towards the exit of the store as he kept looking at me. He opened the door, and the bell chimed once again, before a large smirk grew on his lips.
“Don’t forget who has a gun, sugar” He winked at me and I rolled my eyes as I watched him close the door and slowly walk away. What the fuck? This is all Seungcheol’s fault. 
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   Nightfall came faster than I expected it and it was time to close the bookstore. It was a fairly warm evening so I decided I would walk home, enjoy this weather until it’s still like this. Winter is approaching quickly and I dislike the cold, so Seungcheol usually just fetches me from places and drives us around in the city...or I don’t go out of the house for a whole week, there’s no in between. School and work be damned. Okay, not really.
Mingyu didn’t return after I told him to get lost and I was content with that and very hopeful that he got the message...that being, that I want him gone from my life. I’ve only known of his existence for two days, but I do not wish to have any more encounters with him. Seungcheol is right, as always but don’t tell him that, gang life is dangerous and I won’t get more involved. I just want a nice, quiet life, being known as the girl from the bookstore who hangs out with a boy from a gang, nothing more festive. Irene will have a heart attack if I ever tell her, poor girl.
I placed my keys in my backpack and walked down the quiet neighbourhood’s street, the lampposts illuminating the street nicely. I never encountered problems here as it’s a safe neighbourhood but it’s never bad if you are aware to your surroundings. So it wasn’t a surprise when I quickly became aware of the man walking behind me, at a respectable distance, but it still raised questions in me. Just to test it, I walked inside a shop, which was still open, and looked around while pretending I was looking for something. Seeing as he didn’t follow me inside, I brushed off the thought and exited the shop, strolling down the street just a little bit faster than before. Right before I could turn down to the alley that led onto the main street, I heard footsteps behind me. Maybe I was wrong? Unless...it’s Mingyu. But I don’t think he’d really sneak up on me twice today. It was too late to turn around so I just walked ahead, muscles tense as I was ready to fight whoever was following me. I cursed when at least three men blocked the end of the alley. Fuck! This is definitely not what I need right now. I quickly took my phone from my pocket and pretended to speak to someone as I neared them.
“Yes, I’m walking home right now” I said clearly for them to hear. 
“No, Seungcheol, I didn’t buy any bread...you already ate all?!” I exclaimed not too loudly, not wanting to draw too much attention on me, as I gulped when the men looked at me.
“Yeah, I know...yes, oppa, I will hurry up” I pretended to roll my eyes as if he said something annoying. Ew, me calling Seungcheol ‘oppa’? Even if I didn’t exactly call him, just the thought of it is a no-no...maybe I should start annoying him with this? I know he would hate it just as much as I do.
“Oppa, I’ll be home in ten minutes, don’t worry” I said cutely, coming close to the men as they were now standing turned towards me, still blocking my way.
“Sorry, could you let me pass?” I spoke up, looking them in the eyes as the one behind me finally stopped walking.
“What’s a pretty lady like you doing here at night alone?” One said with a smirk and I refrained myself from rolling my eyes.
“It’s evening, check the time first, and I asked you to move” Their faces turned serious as they watched me, the phone still at my ear.
“Yes, oppa, nothing is wrong” I spoke with a small smile on my face, raising my eyebrows at them.
“Tell oppa you are a little busy right now” One said with a snicker, making the others snicker as well. I scowled as I lowered my hand from my ear.
“Have your fun without me and let me pass, now” I demanded as they kept snickering, the guy behind me leaned against the brick wall.
“Come on, sweets” He said and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I hissed and roughly shrugged his hand off my shoulder.
“Go to hell, pig” I snapped in his face as I watched his face contort into anger.
“I wouldn’t speak like that if I were you” He threatened and I scoffed.
“Or what? You’ll go running to mommy to tell on me?” I smirked as the guys behind me snickered, my heart started to speed up. Fuck, my mouth is going to get me in so much trouble one day...perhaps it’s today.
“Don’t play with us the hard to get card--” A guy with a deep voice said from behind me as a hand swept down my back. I abruptly turned around, the most disgusted face I could muster up directed at him.
“And you don’t touch me, asshole” I could see as the guys were starting to lose their patience. I gulped as I gripped my phone harder, ready for anything. 
“Now--” The one leaning against the opposite wall extended a hand towards me and before his fingers could touch me, I whacked him across the face with my phone, hard. His head collided with the wall he was leaning against as the guys shouted in surprise, a loud curse leaving the injured one’s mouth.
“You bitch!” He exclaimed, spitting blood out. Wow, this has to be my best punch so far. I felt hands around my shoulders and I shoved myself into the guy, raising my elbow hard up into his stomach, making him groan as he released me. Before the next one could have touched me, a gunshot rang through the quiet night. Everyone jumped while I gasped, my hands finally shaking. The adrenaline was becoming too much as I realized the danger I just put myself into. Was someone coming to kill us all now? I really should have just called Seungcheol.
“You have one second to step away from her” The voice growled deeply and I clutched my phone to my chest as I leaned against the wall. I knew that voice, did he wait for me all day? 
When the guys didn’t move, I could hear a click and then suddenly each guy pressed up against the wall, making me back away as there was one each on my side, their faces looked terrified. With wide eyes, I looked towards Mingyu, who was standing underneath the lamppost, his features well visible, vibrant red hair a contrast to his dark clothes. The gun was still pointed, but towards my left side, where the bleeding guy was standing. He lowered his gun as he walked towards us, slowly but taking big steps. I gulped as I watched him, his expression scarier than he was when I jumped in front of Seungcheol, he looked deadly right now.
“Who touched her?” He muttered, still as lowly as before, eyes darting around. When no one answered, his eyes fell on me. I flinched back thanks to the dark look he had in his eyes as he raised an eyebrow at me. I knew what he wanted, so with my phone still in my hand, I pointed towards all the guys, since they all touched me. Mingyu’s jaw ticked, as he walked even closer I could see the guys actually trembling, and he stopped beside the bleeding one. He leaned close enough to whisper in his ear with a disgusted face.
“If you dare to ever again lay, even, your eyes on her...you’ll be dead and eaten by rats in an abandoned alley, did I make myself clear?” He growled in the quiet night, his voice carrying around in the alley. A shiver ran down my spine as the guys nodded and quickly ran off in the opposite direction, from where I came from, leaving me with Mingyu alone. I licked my lips as I placed my phone back in my coat pocket, hands shaking a little.
“I--” I looked up at him just as he spoke up.
“Are you alright?” He said harshly, eyebrows furrowed. I quietly nodded, deciding to stay quiet. My eyes went to the gun, still in his hand and his eyes fell to where I was looking at. He put the gun away without a word and looked back at me.
“Thank you” I decided to say to get over with it and bowed my head a little bit, refusing to look at him.
“I should have killed them” Mingyu muttered rather to himself and my eyes widened.
“No!” I quickly exclaimed, shaking my head, “Forget about them! I’ll probably never see them again and if I will...I’m one hundred percent sure they learned their lessons”
Mingyu stayed quiet as he watched me before he gave a small nod.
“Well, I bet this was a bother to you but--I’ll be going now--” I went to walk past him but his hand gripped my arm tightly, stopping me from walking away.
“I’ll drive you home”
“No!” I quickly snapped, stepping back from Mingyu but he still held on to my arm.
“You think I’m letting you walk home after that?” He raised his eyebrows, voice dropping an octave as a vein in his neck became more prominent. Oh great, he’s angry again.
“I don’t want you to drive me home” I said firmly, my eyebrows furrowing, “You can’t do it against my will”
“Yes, I can and I will” He snapped, suddenly dragging me forward.
“What! No!” I started to struggle in his grip and tried to rip myself away from him but his hold was ten thousand times stronger than any men’s I’ve met before, “I’m not going with you!”
Taking the opportunity, as he dragged me onto the main street, I quickly latched onto the lamppost, wrapping my free arm tightly around it. Mingyu was hauled back and he turned around, his eyebrows in a deeper frown than before. There were people actually walking on this street, so I was definitely causing a scene and they were shamelessly staring.
“What the fuck” Mingyu snapped as he tried to yank me forward but I held onto the lamppost tightly.
“I said no” I snapped back at him, yanking my other arm free from his hold and now fully hugging the lamppost.
“Don’t make me point the gun at you again” He said as he stepped closer, an eyebrow raised challengingly.
“You know I’m not afraid of you” I said smugly, a smirk crossing my lips. He was barely a feet away, again invading my personal space, when a smirk similar to mine crossed his own lips.
“It takes five seconds to have a gun pointed at Seungcheol’s head, six for him to drop dead on the cold ground” He barely whispered but I heard him clearly as my eyebrows furrowed, a glare crossing my features.
“You wouldn’t dare” I said breathlessly, eyes searching his face as he chuckled casually.
“Really?” He raised an eyebrow, phone quickly in his hand. I abruptly untangled myself from the lamppost, stepping away from it as I stared Mingyu in the eyes.
“Do I have to threaten you for you to work along with me?” He said with a sigh, dragging me to his car. A red Mercedes.
“You are not driving me home” I still opposed the idea and Mingyu opened the door before shoving me inside.
“I’m not, relax” He said with a playful smile and I lowered myself in the leather seat as I put on the seatbelt. Is he driving me towards my death then or what…?
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   I was expecting everything, a bridge where he could push me off from, a club where we would go so that he could party his ass off, a place where he’d sell me to people for money, a dark dungeon where he kills me and leaves my corps for the rats...but I was really not expecting him to take me to his mansion. His fucking mansion. A huge ass house, the type you only see in movies. With gates that opened by themselves and there’s a long driveway until you get to the garage and the whole house has only windows, and I can’t see any curtains, like who doesn’t put up curtains with huge windows like those! Kinda explains why the fence is so high. And like, there’s a pool? Inside the house?
I was quick to get out of the car as Mingyu stopped the engine and I looked around varily. The garage wasn’t too big, but there were three other cars inside, and I had to embrace myself when I saw three other sports cars. There was a Toyota Land Cruiser too, and Mingyu saw me eyeing it.
“Yeah, I can’t go around all the time in expensive cars” He said with a shrug as he locked his Mercedes.
“Excuse me?” My eyebrows raised as my eyes widened as I looked at Mingyu taken aback, “Are you calling the Land Cruiser a cheap car?”
Mingyu looked at the car and then back at me with another shrug, “Yeah”
My jaw fell open and I huffed but Mingyu only shrugged, taking his leather jacket off. He started walking and I followed after him wordlessly, letting my eyes wander around the place. It was huge just like in movies, the windows big and the house lit up everywhere. Yes, we walked by the pool, which by the way is two steps away from his huge living room which is twice the size of my not so small apartment. And finally, Mingyu led us into a not so small kitchen, everything white with a little red here and there. There was a counter in the middle, across the stove and the rest of the kitchen was decorated with cupboards.
“Take a seat, I’ll be back in a second” He said before walking off, leaving me alone. I nodded to myself as I took a seat at the stool, taking my coat and backpack off and placing them on the white tiles. I’m afraid I’ll dirty them, this place is so clean. I bet he has someone who cleans it. Isn’t he afraid they’ll steal his money? I’m pretty sure he has a safe where he keeps his money. Besides, why have such a huge kitchen if you don’t use it?
“So…” I jumped at Mingyu’s voice, not having expected him to return so quickly. When I turned around my eyes widened and I quickly put on a tight smile, trying to mask my surprised reaction. He was wearing black sweats and a black form fitting, with a deep V, t-shirt. His built muscles were visible, chest firm and neck veiny. I cleared my throat and averted my eyes away from him, but I know he saw me checking him out, his smirk gave it away.
“I was planning to have Fajitas for dinner, I hope you like it” He said as he went to open the fridge.
“They aren’t my favorite” I muttered, curious of this new side Mingyu was showing. He was quiet throughout the ride to his mansion and have completely calmed down, now here I am sitting in his kitchen with him dressed casually, and rather sexy, and about to have dinner. Can he surprise me more?
“I can assure you, like mine you haven’t eaten before” He said with a grin, an innocent looking grin, as he took salad, pepper and other vegetables out from the fridge.
“Yours?” I chuckled, eyebrows raised, “Are you going to make it right now?”
“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind waiting an hour...or are you very hungry?” He raised his eyebrows as he placed the ingredients on the wide counter, facing me.
“I--” My mouth dropped open as I tried thinking of an answer, trying to get over my shock. He cooks? Kim Mingyu, leader of a gang, actually knows how to cook and is bragging about his Fajita? This is the shock of my life.
“I’m not very hungry” I finally managed to push out when Mingyu looked at me.
“Good, in the meantime…” The cocky smirk was back and I rolled my eyes, “Let’s get to know each other more”
“No” I deadpanned and took my ringing phone in my hands. It was Seungcheol calling, before I could raise the phone to my ear, Mingyu pointed the knife at me quite threateningly.
“While you are with me, you aren’t allowed to answer your phone” He said seriously, eyes fixed on me.
“Why?” I scoffed, raising an eyebrow as my phone stopped ringing. I haven’t spoken to Seungcheol the whole day, he will worry if I don’t call him back.
“My house, my rules” Mingyu deadpanned and I rolled my eyes as I placed my phone down rather loudly on the counter, “People need to offer me their whole attention”
He lowered his hand and went to continue cutting the meat when I had to test my luck once again, “Wow, did your mommy and daddy not give you enough attention while growing up?” The knife was slammed down against the counter and I jumped, my irritated expression turning into an innocent one.
“Say that again” He muttered, eyes boring into mine, “I dare you”
I gulped and looked away, his gaze becoming too intense but Mingyu kept on staring. I knew he wasn’t going to stop, so I looked back at him with a defiant gaze.
“I won’t please you no matter what, so stop trying to make me do things against my will” I snapped irritated, the tension becoming too much. Hotness suddenly took over my body when Mingyu licked his lips and ran his right hand through his hair. What is he doing? Why am I even thinking he’s sexy? 
“You are annoying, no one disobeys me” Mingyu went back to his previous demeanor like nothing happened as he started cutting up the meat.
“Well you are not my boss, therefore I don’t have to follow your orders” I said with a shrug, leaning back in the seat.
“Who taught you how to fight?” Mingyu asked, curiosity lacing his voice, “The punch you gave that man was something a lady isn’t supposed to know how to do”
“I’m not a damsel in distress, Mingyu” I snapped, getting fed up with his comments about how I should be.
“I know, but you still didn’t answer my question” The only sound was coming from the knife as Mingyu cut expertly, eyes focused on what he was doing. I sighed and leaned forward to rest my elbows on the wide counter.
“My father...and then Cheol…” I trailed off, eyes falling on my phone that started ringing again. Just as I mentioned him…is this some telepathic power?
“Who’s so persistent?” Mingyu asked lightly, one eyebrow raised. Switching to cutting the vegetables.
“Seungcheol” I muttered quietly, looking away when Mingyu’s hand paused and his eyes were back on me.
“What does he want?”
“What could he want?” I asked in an exasperated voice, “To know how I’m doing, he’s my best friend, we check up on each other”
“And he couldn’t have done it earlier?” Mingyu snapped and I sent him a glare.
“Well you won’t answer him--”
“He’ll get worried--”
“And do I look like I care?” Mingyu cocked an eyebrow and I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from cursing him. 
“Tell me about yourself” Mingyu said as he started walking around his huge kitchen, my eyes followed while trying to be subtle about it.
“No” I deadpanned, trying to avert my eyes from his well defined back, wide shoulders. God, he looks amazing. 
“I wouldn’t want to force it out of you” He sent me a wink and I scoffed.
“The answer is still...no” I deadpanned again and Mingyu shook his head as he returned to his previous place with a pot in his left hand.
“I don’t take no as an answer, sugar” He licked his lips and my eyes followed the movement, making me sigh loudly. God, this man is so handsome I’m starting to doubt myself. If only he wasn’t who he is…
“Only if you answer my questions” I said while sitting up straight. I bet I can get more out of him than Seungcheol.
“Sure, why not” Mingyu shrugged, bingo, and I extended my right hand. He eyed it curiously and an actual smile graced his lips when I stretched my pinky out for him.
“Really?” He asked, trying to fight of his widening smile.
“Really” I said seriously, trying to fight back my own smile. Mingyu placed the hand holding the knife down on the counter and extended his right hand, hooking his pinky with mine. The ring was cold against my skin as they touched and my heartbeat speed up, to my annoyance. Mingyu’s smile remained wide but there was a new look in his eyes, it wasn’t curiosity, it looked almost as if he was affected by my touch as well.
“Promise” He echoed after me, the wide smile finally stretching on his lips as his canines appeared. I sucked in a sudden breath and quickly pulled my hand back, leaning back in my seat. Mingyu cleared his throat before he went back to placing the cutten food inside the pot.
“Okay, so…” I rubbed my hands together and licked my lips before speaking up, “I’m an engineering major, I don’t have any siblings. My parents never were financially stable but they help me out with university. I work at the corner bookstore as a part time job, because I love books and because it’s quiet, I hate noisy and crowded places. I have only two friends, one is Seungcheol who I have known for five years and the other one is my co-worker, who is a very lovely girl. I dislike smug people who try to control everything around them and think they are better than others. I can kick your ass anytime, probably, I’m also not afraid of you pointing a gun at my head because I know you won’t pull the trigger and I will kill you if you don’t leave me alone after I have woken up, for at least an hour”
“Well, most things I have known already…” Mingyu muttered and I rolled my eyes.
“That’s what happens if you send your people to stalk me” I snapped and Mingyu chuckled as he turned around to put the pot on the electric owen. 
“Well, I know now at least to leave you alone after we wake up” He turned back around to face me with a smug smile.
“Say that again” I raised my eyebrows at him, lips pursed.
“Oh, trust me...you’ll be laying in my bed before you can even blink” Mingyu bit his lower lip and my jaw clenched.
“Well then...you’ll eat your Fajitas alone--” I was already on my feet, leaning down to take my backpack and coat when Mingyu trapped my hand against the white counter. How did he go around the counter so fast? He was once again, invading my personal space as he was standing too close for my comfort and towering over me. I looked up into his eyes and pressed my back into the counter as he sent me a glare.
“We are not finished yet, you are not leaving” He said lowly and I rolled my eyes.
“I have nothing to converse with a person who wants me in their bed, because I, don’t want to be in your bed so clearly our intentions here are too different” I snapped at him. Mingyu closed the gap between us, making my heart race. A shiver ran down my spine at the close proximity, his scent and warmth invading my senses. It felt as if I was hypnotized. I refused to look him in the eyes, fixating my eyes on his neck, the veins less visible now. I never observed how beautiful his tanned skin looked. I gulped when Mingyu didn’t move away, his intense gaze making me nervous and uncomfortable.
“I’m serious about you, getting you into my bed isn’t my only intention” He whispered, leaning just a little bit forward but it was enough to form goosebumps on my skin.
“You don’t know me and you are not my type, Mingyu. I won’t involve myself with people like you” I said, looking up at him, his eyebrows furrowed.
“It’s too late for that now, considering your best friend is Choi Seungcheol” He said with a quiet chuckle and I rolled my eyes.
“What about my questions? You pinky promised” I raised an eyebrow expectantly and Mingyu bit his lip as he stepped back. I was finally able to breathe normally and my heart very slowly went back to its normal rate as Mingyu walked across the counter to check on the boiling Fajita. Before I could speak, my phone started ringing once again. Mingyu groaned and turned around, taking my phone in his hands before I could stop him.
“Call her again and you’ll regret it for the rest of your life, Choi Seungcheol” One second, that’s how long it took Mingyu before he hung up and gave the phone back to me. I sat back in the stool and bit my lower lip.
“Does your gang have a name?” I started my questioning.
“Seventeen” Mingyu’s answer was short and straight to the point.
“What does your gang do?” I continued, raising my eyebrows.
“Many things”
“I asked you something” I snapped and a smirk crossed Mingyu’s lips.
“Mainly drugs, weapon trafficking, bank robbing and assassination” I gulped at the way Mingyu said everything with so much ease. How could he switch his personality so quickly? It was as if he had a switch inside him he switched whenever he wanted to.
“Did Seungcheol steal something from you that you threatened to kill him?” Finally, the question I wanted to ask the most.
“Yeah, he stole our money. He’s our main dealer but for the past two months he’s been stealing our money. I don’t tolerate such thing no matter how much I like Seungcheol hyung” Mingyu crossed his arms in front of his chest, his muscles bulging even more. I sniffed and averted my eyes from them back to his face.
“Is it because of his parents?”
“Most probably” Mingyu nodded, turning around to check on the food.
“Let him off, for me...please” I muttered quietly, watching Mingyu’s straight back.
“I’ll think about it” He muttered, a small smile formed on my lips. 
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   The food was quickly done and we served it while hot, too hungry to wait for it to cool down. Mingyu didn’t joke around, it was amazing. I have never tasted Fajita so good, compared to his. I really dislike it, but this one was tasty. He finished earlier than me and went rummaging through his cupboards before he sat down across from me. I ate quietly as I heard him opening a lighter before smoke floated in the air. I glanced at him, unappreciative of his smoking while I was still eating. Mingyu’s eyes were closed and he was leaned back in his chair, smoke floating around him. He looked mesmerising but ignored me as he puffed out the smoke in circle forms, opening his eyes while I gulped down the food, getting lost in his brown eyes. He was looking at me intently again, the smoke enveloping his face as he blew it out through his nose.
“I’m done” I said, standing up abruptly. Mingyu actually jumped, surprised by my sudden action.
“It’s late, I have to go home...I have classes tomorrow…” I muttered, taking on my coat as Mingyu stood up.
“I’ll grab my keys and--”
“No!” I exclaimed, eyes widening, “You aren’t driving me home!”
“Y/N, seriously--”
“No!” I snapped, sending a glare at him. He rolled his eyes and took my phone. I whined and watched him dial a number.
“Be here in two” He simply said before hanging up.
“Who was that?” I asked, taking my phone from Mingyu as he handed it back to me.
“My personal driver and...the gang’s driver as well” He answered as I picked up my backpack.
“You can drive too, why do you need someone to drive you around?” I scoffed as Mingyu lead the way back to the front door, I took in the mansion with my eyes as subtly as I could for a last time.
“Good night, Y/N” Mingyu smiled at me before opening the front door.
I walked out and turned around to tell him to leave me alone after tonight, but he just closed the door in my face.
“Asshole!” I hollered as I walked to the gate where a red car was waiting. The front window rolled down and a sharp eyed guy stuck his head out.
“I’m Wonwoo, hop in” He said with a little smile, nose scrunching up.
“Okay” I muttered, getting in the backseat, “Sorry for having to pick me up, but Mingyu called before I could tell him not to--”
“Don’t worry, I’m used to him already. We grew up together, figure that one, huh” He said with a chuckle and I hummed, growing curious. Wonwoo knew Mingyu best then. Just what more mystery circled Mingyu’s life?
“Do you mind if I make a phone call?”
“Not at all” Wonwoo offered me another nose scrunched smile before I dialed Seungcheol’s number.
“Why were you with Mingyu?!” He exclaimed the second he picked up.
“He came by the bookstore and insisted on taking me to dinner” I lied, he’d worry too much if I told him the truth and I need to sleep tonight.
“What? I told him to leave you alone” Seungcheol growled and I chuckled a little fakely. He really did that? What a caring best friend.
“Don’t worry, I told him to leave me alone, I’m not interested” Another lie. Forgive me Seungcheol, but I can’t have you worrying about me as well.
“Really?” I could hear the happiness in his voice.
“Really” I muttered quietly, feeling guilty for lying to him.
“Sleep well, I’ll drive you to university tomorrow morning, okay?” He asked and I smiled lightly.
“Yeah, sleep well, Seungcheol” I hung up and leaned my head against the headrest with a sigh. Wonwoo offered me a small knowing smile through the rearview mirror and I couldn’t help it but feel guiltier.
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     Maybe Wonwoo told Mingyu, or maybe Mingyu realized just how different we were...one week passed, and there was no trace of Mingyu. I would lie if I didn’t expect him to go searching for me and bothering me even after I asked him many times to leave me alone, but seeing it happen left me surprised. I truly wasn’t expecting it. Did Seungcheol threaten him? But I don’t think Mingyu truly would listen to Cheol’s orders. So deciding I wasn’t risking anything by asking, one evening, when Seungcheol was chilling in my living room while I was solving some equations, I decided to speak up.
“So…” Seungcheol hummed as I looked up at him with curious eyes, “You know, it’s been a week since Mingyu asked me out for dinner...I never really saw him again”
Seungcheol hummed once again and I stared at him, waiting for an answer.
“I guess he truly got the message, didn’t he?” I said with a chuckle as Seungcheol hummed again, scrolling through his phone without interest.
“So I guess he’s doing fine” I muttered, still waiting for a confirmation from Seungcheol.
“I saw you have a maths test tomorrow, you understand everything?” He sat up straighter on my couch and I narrowed my eyes at him as he looked at my notebook with interest.
And that’s how I knew Mingyu was forgotten. Seungcheol acted like he never knew of his existence, that means he is forgotten, never spoken of again. So I willed myself to forget about him, but it was harder than it seemed like at first. I found myself spacing out in classes, thinking about how the smoke enveloped his features in the illuminated white kitchen, how his muscles bulged at the smallest action, how he repeatedly ran his hands through his hair and the feeling I got when we pinky promised. The guy got me hooked only after two days of knowing him and there were high chances I was never going to see him. I hated myself for letting him affect me so much so quickly, but there was an attraction I felt towards him that I never felt towards anyone. I knew going around looking for him wasn’t the option, but if he wasn’t going to show up, I was willing to try it. Maybe call Wonwoo? That was another option since I saved his number...just in case.
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     Everything seemed to go downhill on Thursday after I finished my classes at the university. Seungcheol couldn’t pick me up today because he had some errands to run, thanks to Mingyu, and it was also raining pretty hard. Everyone was running to cover themselves from the rain, cars filling with people that drove by me. My umbrella wasn’t doing much as my legs were wet up until my knees. Just as I was about to call for a cab, a black van pulled up beside me. I reacted too slowly because a rag went around my nose and mouth and I was hauled backwards, into the back of the van. Of course, it wouldn’t have been me, if I didn’t try and fight whoever caught me, but it was to no help as I already inhaled the chemical which was knocking me out fast.
   My back felt stiff and my shoulders hurt. I groaned as I tried moving my hands, only to realize I couldn’t. I suddenly jumped when something slammed against the ground, my heart suddenly racing. I whined quietly at the pain in my neck and the small headache that was about to become more intense for sure.
“Idiot” Someone hissed and I squinted my eyes, trying to make out the figures in the dark.
“You think I have laser eyes?” A deep voice hissed back. I licked my lips as I continued to listen to them, my throat felt dry.
“Why don’t you turn on the lights then?” 
“Why don’t you do it?”
“Don’t talk back to me, you faggot!”
“Excuse me” I spoke up, clearing my throat. Two loud yelps and then the light was turned on. I closed my eyes thanks to the sudden brightness, slowly opening them again.
“Didn’t want to disturb your bickering but--why the fuck am I here?” I raised my eyebrows, glaring at the two short boys. I bet I tower over them with my giant height. And here I am calling Mingyu a giant, how the tables have turned.
“Call Bang Chan” The deep voiced one said suddenly and the other boy hurried away, the light going off again.
“Why did he switch the light off again?” I muttered with a sigh, trying to undo the rope around my wrists.
“He’s young” The guy answered, the voice further away from me. Suddenly a light turned on, not the same one, as this was directly above my head, barely lighting the room.
“Wow, so mysterious” I rolled my eyes, “This is really not scaring me”
The door suddenly slammed open, the sound echoing in the room. I raised my eyebrows as I sat up straighter in the wooden chair as various guys walked inside the room. One took a chair and dragged it across the room, setting it in front of me.
“Oh Y/N” The raspy voiced guy spoke, sitting down in the chair.
“Yeah” I nodded, glancing behind at the three guys. It was a tall guy and the previous two.
“Tell us everything about Seventeen” He demanded and my eyebrows furrowed.
“Seventeen? The number? What can I tell you about a number--”
“Cut the shit, girl” He snapped, making me jump, “We know you are dating their leader”
My eyes widened as I glanced at the other three guys behind the one glaring at me.
“I am--I am not!” I exclaimed offended, “I have no idea what you are talking about!”
“Let us enlighten you then…” He smirked and the tallest handed a folder to the raspy voiced guy. I watched them with a pounding heart as he opened the folder and turned it towards me. I tried to remain blank faced but it was hard when the pictures showed Seungcheol and I laughing in the supermarket, the other was us walking late at night in the park and the third one...with us sitting in my living room, eating dinner. Fuck, they even know where I live. I can’t lie, it won’t get me out if it now.
“He’s my brother” I still lied, looking the guy in front of me in the eye.
“Yeah, right” He snickered and I sent him a glare, leaning as close as I could to him.
“What? You don’t believe me?” I chuckled, leaning back in the chair as I sent him a smirk, “Maybe he’s not my biological brother, but he is my brother”
“Is it true what she’s saying?” He asked the tall guy behind him and he grimaced.
“We didn’t check--”
“Idiots!” He hissed, turning back towards me, “Let’s assume what you say is true...do you know what your brother does for a living?”
“Yeah, he works at a printer shop downtown” I answered, which really wasn’t a lie. Seungcheol does work there, I’ve been too many times the witness to the idiocy of his boss. The four guys in front of me snickered and I sent them a glare, annoyed by their behavior. Do they think by snickering they look cool? Because they really don’t.
“Your brother is the drug dealer of the gang called Seventeen, who took something that was ours” The deep voiced guy said, a harsh look entering his eyes. I hummed, looking at each one of them for a very long second.
“And how does that involve me in this?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.
“You aren’t only connected to Seungcheol but Kim Mingyu too, they’ll be pissed” The guy on the left said with a chuckle and the other three agreed.
“I already told you I have no idea who that Kim guy is and my brother won’t be too happy so…” I stared at them expectantly, chin raised, “Let me fucking go!”
“She’s funny, Changbin” The tallest muttered to the raspy voiced guy, sitting in the chair in front of me, and I narrowed my eyes at them.
“Where’s her phone?” Changbin asked and the boy on the left extended his hand.
“Search her contact list, Jeongin” Changbin commanded and I watched the later with a glare. Changbin sat leaning back in his chair with a smug smile.
“Found him” Jeongin said with a grin, extending my phone towards us. My eyebrows furrowed as I leaned closer to the screen of my phone curiously. My jaw fell open when the name ‘Kim Mingyu’ and a phone number stood screaming in our faces. What the hell? Since when do I have Mingyu’s phone number? Wait...did I have it all this time and didn’t know about it? Does that mean I could have called him while--fuck, no. I can’t think like that! I’m not supposed to get further involved because look at what it happening right now! They want to kill me over some information I don’t even have!
“I swear to God, I had no idea I had his phone number…” I muttered confused, looking up at the guys. Jeongin’s eyebrows were furrowed as he studied my face but the tall one was nodding along. The other two didn’t seem to be convinced of my words.
“This proves contrary to your words” Changbin said with an arch of his brow and I bit my lower lip. Kim Mingyu brought this on me and I will fucking murder him when I get my hands on him. I can’t believe I’m in this situation because of him! 
“Listen, I know this sounds like I’m lying, but I really know nothing of Seventeen and I know nothing about Kim Mingyu--” The room fell silent with my mouth open as my phone started ringing. On the screen was Mingyu’s name. I felt my hands shake as I stared at the screen, afraid of what was next. I’m going to die. I really can’t talk myself out of this. Fuck.
Changbin pressed the green button.
“Hey, sugar” Mingyu’s voice echoed in the dead silent room, having put him on speaker, all eyes on me as I continued staring at the screen of my phone.
“Fuck you” I spat shakily and the boys chuckled.
“That’s enough…” Changbin spoke up, his voice bored, “We have Y/N, if you want to get her back alive you know what you have to give to us back”
“Give you back what?” Mingyu started laughing, his voice stiffer than before, “You are not getting the diamonds back. They were mine from the very beginning, you just stole them first. Greetings and salutations to your beloved Bang Chan”
The boys jaws clenched and I could see as the tall guy’s face started turning red.
“Then she dies” I gasped at the tall one’s words, head snapping up, eyes boring into his.
“Okay” Came Mingyu’s answer. My eyes widened as I looked back at the screen of my phone, fear creeping all over my body. 
“Kill the girl, she means nothing to me” Before anyone could say anything, he hung up. My lips started trembling as I continued staring at the black screen of my phone. He really doesn’t care. He was just trying to get in my pants a week ago and as he saw he couldn’t, he decided I wasn’t worthy of his attention and time anymore. And now, all because of him, I was gonna die in a cold and dark basement while surrounded by three dwarfs and a tall guy. Jeongin cursed but no one else said anything. I continued looking at my phone screen as Changbin still didn’t move his hand, my heart beating faster and faster.
“Fucking bastard!” The tall guy cursed loudly, almost shouting. I jumped but refused to look at anyone in the room.
“Cat got your tongue now?” The deep voiced guy snickered, “Fucked you well and now left you to die?”
“Fuck you, idiot!” I spat in his direction, angered by his assumptions. The boys weren’t too happy by my reaction and the tall one suddenly went around Changbin and stopped behind my chair. I sat up straight, my breathing quickened. He gripped my hair and I yelped when a knife was pointed at my neck.
“Well, our dear Mingyu said we could kill her…” The guy behind me said with a chuckle, a smirk crossed Changbin’s face, “Why not have a little fun?”
“No, I--” I screamed when the edge of the knife pressed into my skin, piercing it. I could feel tears in my eyes and all I could do was bite my lip to prevent myself from letting out any other sound, my pride won’t let that happen.
“Oh no, she’s afraid now” Changbin chuckled and before I could snap back at him, there were gunshots upstairs. The boys became tense and I perked up, hope filling me. Please tell me it’s Seungcheol with his boys!
“What the fuck” The deep voiced guy muttered while Hyunjin still held onto my hair.
“They are here” Jeongin said, withdrawing his gun from his pants.
“Fuck” Hyunjin cursed behind me, making me stand. I groaned at the sudden movement, my ass having gone numb since I had to sit for so long.
“Stay with her” Changbin hurriedly said while him and deep voiced guy ran to the door, standing on each side of it. Jeongin went behind Hyunjin and I glanced at him with my eyebrows furrowed, just how young is this boy?
The door was suddenly slammed open, slicked back haired boy and fur coat standing in the doorway.
“Look out!” I screamed at them as Changbin and deep voiced guy jumped from their positions to shoot at the guys. I yelped when I was tugged backwards by my hair, Hyunjin’s hand around my neck.
“What? You a pussy now that your boys are taken down?” I asked with an arrogant chuckle and he tightened his hold, cutting the air from my lungs.
“You are going down with us, bitch” He muttered in my ear and I cracked a grin, my face turning red.
“My name is...Y/N” I forced it out, praying that someone would save me already as black dots started to appear in my vision. I saw guys pooling inside the room but I couldn’t see clearly as I was close to passing out. Fucking amazing. This will bruise like a motherfucker.
I heard a gunshot and a grunt before the pressure disappeared from my neck and the air entered my lungs furiously, making me fall to my knees as I started coughing loudly. I could see a guy laying on my right, clutching his shoulder while a boy was on my left, Jeongin.
I looked up, to see the light blue haired boy pointing his gun at Jeongin and I quickly shook my head, raising to my knees.
“Don’t!” I said quickly, voice raspy, “Don’t shoot him”
“Why not?” He asked, not surprised that I stopped him for the second time from shooting someone.
“He’s young…” I muttered, my eyes falling on the scared boy. He had tears in his eyes as he was kneeling, eyes on me.
“Get up, Y/N” Light blue haired guy walked towards me while putting his gun away, “You got yourself in some serious shit this time”
“Are you saying the first time it wasn’t serious?” I asked with a small grin as he kneeled down to undo the ropes around my wrist.
“I wasn’t going to shoot S.Coups hyung, just wanted to give him a good scare” He shrugged and I raised my eyebrows at him.
“S.Coups?” I asked with a chuckle while rubbing my red wrists. This will bruise too.
“He likes it” The light blue haired guy shrugged with a smile and helped me up, “I’m Vernon, by the way”
“Who were with you that night...their names, I mean” I turned towards Vernon who was giving me an amused smile.
“The guy with the fur coat is Minghao, the one in the leather was Junhui and the blonde guy was Hoshi or Soonyoung, whichever you prefer...I’m sure you are familiar with Mingyu already--”
“Fucking asshole” I muttered underneath my breath as Vernon lead us towards the group of people gathered around the door of the basement.
“Seungcheol!” I exclaimed once I saw his black hair and red leather jacket. He turned around wide eyed and opened his arms as I happily ran into them, Seungcheol engulfing me into a tight hug.
“God, I really thought I was going to lose you” He muttered into my hair with a loud sigh.
“I was scared too but I had faith in you, Cheol” I muttered, pulling away a little to be able to see his face.
“Your neck--” Seungcheol’s eyebrows furrowed as he touched my pierced skin, making me hiss.
“I’m fine” I sent him a small smile while looking around. The guys that captured me were gathered outside in a circle, all tied up. Jeongin was being held by a young looking boy as they were talking. Hyunjin was bleeding and being dragged away by Junhui. No trace of Mingyu still, he better doesn’t show up.
“I’m sorry we took so long...Mingyu wanted to make them think they got you--”
“Mingyu?” I snapped, eyes narrowing at Seungcheol, “I hate him. I never want to see him again”
“He didn’t really mean what he said--”
“Why are you defending him?” I snapped, stepping away from Seungcheol’s embrace.
“I’m not but he didn’t mean it--” Suddenly there was loud laughing as a guy in all black entered with...Mingyu following him. It was Wonwoo with Mingyu. I made eye contact with Wonwoo and he started walking in our direction as Mingyu’s eyes fell on me.
“Hey, Y/N” Wonwoo greeted with a little smile, nose slightly scrunched, “You good?”
“Yeah, after I was almost choked to death…” I sent a smile at Wonwoo, “I’m fine”
“Y/N” Mingyu spoke up, voice serious as he looked at me, “Who did that?”
He pointed towards the cut on my neck and I shrugged with a glare, “Oh, we were playing around with our knives. The guy wanted to show me his skill but I guess things went a little wrong--”
“Y/N” Mingyu’s voice echoed in the room while Vernon, Wonwoo and Seungcheol tried to keep their laughs quiet.
“No. Fuck you, Kim Mingyu” I snapped, pushing Seungcheol away as I walked up to Mingyu, getting up in his face. I was still shorter in my heels but right now I didn’t care, I was ready to beat the shit out of him, “I got into this all because of you. Because you couldn’t leave me alone, you had to come to that damned bookstore and take me to your fucking mansion and cook me some tasty Fajitas--then you disappear for a whole fucking week and I get kidnapped and almost killed!”
“Wait--what? I thought you said he asked you out for dinner?” Seungcheol’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked between Mingyu and I. Wonwoo placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a single nod.
“I’m sorry if I have offended you, Y/N” Mingyu muttered but a mischievous smile appeared on his lips, “Seems like you are stuck with me now...unless you want to be kidnapped again”
His hand extended and I felt it landing on my head before there was a pat. I glared up at Mingyu as Vernon burst out laughing, making Mingyu grin. Taking the chance, I raised my knee and kneeled him where the sun doesn’t shine, making him groan as he hunched over.
“Asshole” I muttered, trying to hide my own smile.
And I thought this was going to end...but this was only the beginning.
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bree-sasbdb · 4 years
Confronting Marsden
The evening following my trip home I woke up and thought about everything that I had found in the house and it pissed me off that Marsden had the nerve to mess with things inside my home. He had no right to even be there without me present. He had some balls to think that I wouldn’t return to the house because he forbade me from going without him. It was my house and I would go there any damn time I wanted. I took a quick shower, did my make-up and hair then I went to my closet. I picked out a pair of black jeggings and a nice lavender top as well as my black knee-high heeled boots. As I got dressed I decided that I needed to confront him about this and let him know that he needed to return the missing items to me by tomorrow. I really needed to go to the location where I knew the King held audiences and settled grievances to find out how to get an audience with the King to resolve this matter once and for all. I was done with Marsden’s bullshit and if he thought he could play me he had another thing coming.
Just as I was zipping up my boot Kiehran woke up. I walked to his room with Jax and Mia right on my heels. As I walked into his room he looked over and started smiling. I said, “Good morning little man” as I picked him up smiling. He laid his head on my shoulder as we walked to his dresser and I picked out an outfit for him before I took him to the changing table to get him dressed. I started to calm down some as we played to keep him entertained while I changed and dressed him. Once he was dressed we went upstairs. Nerville let the dogs out again as it wasn’t quite dark enough for me yet. I put Kiehran in his high chair and went about making his cereal and bottle. I grabbed a jar of banana baby food on my way to the island counter to feed him. Hafwen and I started talking and when Nerville returned he joined us. I told them that I planned on going to Marsden’s house to confront him about what I found. They both were scared for me because they knew the type of man he was. I was just thankful that he couldn’t get into any of the bank accounts without my consent.
After first meal I got my purse, phone, and keys then gave Kiehran a kiss on the head. Luckily he was having a good day so far. As I was getting ready to leave Nerville stopped me and asked if I would allow him to drive me just in case I wasn’t able to drive. He also said that he thought it would be a good idea for me to let someone, perhaps Joshanah’s father, Batair, know where I was going. At first I didn’t think I needed to but I realized that Marsden wasn’t trustworthy and if he could he wouldn’t let me leave the house. I gave Batair a call and I told him what I was doing. He wanted to come with me but I told him that I needed to do this on my own. He didn’t like it but he understood. He told me to call him when it was finished so that he’d know I was alright. I told him that I would. Nerville and I were just about to leave when Hafwen came back to us and said that I had a package. She handed me a padded manila envelope. I opened it up and looked inside before dumping out its contents. It was a USB drive and a note from the manager I had spoken with telling me that all records of my call had been erased. I had gone onto the secured website and downloaded the files but I was glad to have a back-up copy. I told Hafwen to burn the note and at least the address information of the envelope, just in case. I told them that at this point I wouldn’t put anything past Marsden. 
As Nerville and I drove to Marsden house I started to get angrier and angrier the closer we got. I went over everything that he had said to me after the funeral and reading of the wills trying to see if I had somehow missed anything. When we got Marsden’s house they were surprised by our visit as I hadn’t called ahead of time to let him know I was coming, they let us through the gate. As we drove up to the house I told Nerville that I wanted him to stay outside by the car just in case anything happened. He tried to argue but I told him that I appreciated his wanting to be inside with me but I really needed him to stay with the car. He finally relented and when we got to the house he stayed with the car as I went up to the door. A Doggen answered the door immediately, he showed me to the parlor as he said that Marsden was in a meeting and would be with me soon. When we got to the parlor I pretended to be willing to wait however I wasn’t going to. As soon as the Doggen left me alone I left the parlor and walked straight for his office. 
As I opened the door a crack I stopped because I heard Marsden start talking about me. He said that he was going to do everything in his power to leave me with no choice but to marry his son Trahern no matter what it took. Several males agreed with him and I thought, not a chance in hell that would ever happen. I had heard enough so I pushed the door open and walked in heading directly for him at his desk. With only the desk separating us I said, “I know what you’re doing at my house Marsden and I’m telling you that the shit stops now”. He said “I’m just taking stock of items in the house. I have to protect it for you, after all.” I said, “I’ve already done that so there is no reason for you to be at the house. It states in the will that you are to watch over the estate. You do not have any rights to anything in the house or on the grounds. Furthermore you can’t do anything without my consent. You’re just a fucking caretaker Marsden, nothing more. Yesterday I had all the locks changed and I went to another security firm. They installed a new security system and I’m the only one who has the access codes and keys to the house so if for some reason you need to go to the house you need to notify me and I will make arrangements but there is no reason for you to be at the house. You have twenty-four hours to return the items that have been taken from the house or I will take this and any other grievances I have up with the King.” He said “I was only trying to help and that he didn’t want me to have to worry about anything…” I interrupted him and said, “You’re full of shit and I know you have ulterior motives but you seriously fucked with the wrong bitch. Unlike your daughter I wasn’t raised to be a doormat and I’m not afraid of you but I guarantee that if you fuck with me I will fuck your world up!” I turned to leave and saw the three gentlemales he had been talking to, one of which winked at me. He was a very large male that had blonde hair that fell just past his shoulders, he was wearing an Armani black pinstripe suit with a purple tie and handkerchief as well as Ferragamo leather dress shoes, however, he looked like he was more at home in leathers and shitkickers. As I reached the door I turned partially and said “Twenty-four hours Marsden. Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me!” I walked out and I wasn’t far from the door when I heard one of the males say, “Damn now that’s a female right there. She may be small but she is fierce. Man what a lewlhen.” I then heard Marsden say, “She’s not for you so back off, Kontar.” I was pretty sure it was the male who winked at me. I continued walking not seeing a soul until I got to the parlor, Trahern and the doggen were there. I started to walk past them but Trahern blocked my path. I told him to move but he refused and when I tried to get around him he grabbed me. I shoved him off me and said, “Not today Trahern! I’m not in the mood for your bullshit!” He laughed and said, “What can you do about it?” I tried again to get past him and he grabbed me again this time he held me against his chest with my arms trapped between us thinking that I couldn’t do anything to him, boy was he wrong and just as his father and the males he was with came down the hallway I kneed Trahern in the groin as he yelped and let go of me I punched him in the face then I hit him with a spin kick to the face, which put him down. I walked past him and said, “If you ever touch me again Trahern I will cut your dick off. Than where would you be if you couldn’t rape anymore women.” The male who had winked at me started to laugh and said, “She is straight fire.” His was the voice I heard. Trahern called me a fucking bitch and I turned around, got right in his face and said “No I’m The Bitch!” before turning back around and walking out the front door, slamming it as I went. Nerville was right there when I walked out, neither of us said anything. He just opened the door for me then hurried around, got in the car and drove us home. I called Batair and let him know I was alright and heading home. He asked about what happened and I told him that I would tell him later. After hanging up, I stared out the window all the way home getting my anger under control.
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onstarsandiron · 4 years
Band AU Outline
Because where else am I going to put this?
[Lol I made it long, it’s under the readmore]
Scene 1 is Jax is trying to get coffee for his shitty boss and this asshole bumps into him, spills it all over him, and has the goddamn nerve to not stick around. Jax doesn’t know how he feels about the $50 bill casually thrown at him before Asshole runs off
Scene 2 is Robb arriving late to after school rehearsal and smelling faintly like coffee and his stupid brother is there and sneers at him because Eric is sooooo perfect and Eric gets to be the one that plays the violin, the instrument that everyone likes, and Robb is here playing the bass. Well fuck you, Eric, because Robb’s a damn good bass player and he actually likes how it sounds, thank you very much. If he’d gotten stuck with the viola he would have killed himself; he’d literally be second fiddle to Eric.
Scene 3 is Jax on his lunch break talking to Ana about their bassist or something I think? 
Scene 4 is Robb secretly practicing his electric bass in a quiet part of the mansion, like he always does, playing along with youtube videos and learning whatever he feels like
Scene 5 is Jax arriving at the venue and finally feeling the stress of the day wash off a little
Scene 6 is Robb arriving at the venue; he’s got a genuine ticket, but he brought his electric bass to try and say he’s part of the opening act or something and get backstage to try and get an autograph (maybe got dared to get one?) This goes, of course, wrong when the stage runner insists on personally seeing him to the correct dressing room saying they’ve been looking for their goddamn bassist all over the place, where the fuck have you been? and just shoves him in 
Queue: “YOU!” “Me?” Robb studied the other’s face, looking for where he’d know those features from. Suddenly it came to him. Oh. Oh no. Coffee boy. “Oh no,” Rob said, unable to help it, “Me.” 
Robb fucking OWES Jax for that bullshit, he may have payed for replacement coffee, but you can’t pay for replacement dignity, and that was his FAVORITE sweater. What’s that instrument he has? A bass? Fucking good because Barger is a no-show and they’re on in 15. 
Ana’s drums, Di does keyboard and synth, Jax is lead (only) guitar and lead (only) singer -- Di cannot carry a note to save the galaxy and Ana gets too excited and just ends up screaming more than singing (you physically cannot stop her from doing this, mind you, so mostly Jax just doesn’t give her a mic. It helps only so very much. To be fair, it is Ana’s band, so she has a certain right to do whatever she wants) They are the Dossier [Idk if I wanna include Xu and Elara in here yet; if I do, Elara’s a techie and Xu is additional tech support + Social media manager/marketing/gig booking/etc]
Queue the gang tearing up Robb’s pretty boy outfit to get grungier bc if you believe Ana started some kinda new wave bullshit band full of crooners you’re goddamn wrong. They do loud hard rock and you can die made about it. Also Jax applies Robb’s eyeliner and Robb has never had a more intimate moment with an individual without actually touching one another in his life. 
Then there’s the show. Lucky for Robb they’re playing all covers and it’s stuff that he knows. unluckily for Robb, it’s completely different to playing quietly in his tucked away chamber to youtube videos. He makes do, though. 
He’s kind of mouthing along to the words he knows and then he’s singing them quietly and then he’s singing them outright and then Jax notices and somehow there’s now been a mic placed in front of him and he’s become backup vocals now and if he believed in fake things he’d think Jax was actually pleased about this. Wow, performing sure makes your heart beat hard.
Then they’re taking a bow and off the stage before he even knows it. He thinks now he’ll be shooed off, but actually they let him watch the actual concert with them and then there’s like an after party and they let him tag along and actually he has a really good time (He gets that autograph he wanted too lol)
Like a week later he gets a call from Ana -- Di had made him sign a goddamn liability waiver including personal and emergency contact info -- and turns out that Barger skipped town for reasons which are genuinely undisclosed but 99% probably because he has a gambling problem. They need a new bassist. He worked out well in a pinch, does he think he can make practices monday at 7? 
So that’s how Robb starts sneaking around to be in this band and play little gigs here and there and it isn’t the sort of places anyone from his circle would be involved in and it isn’t so big that he’s so very worried about an internet presence (he does “”Shyly”” hide behind his hand when Di tries to get pictures for their social media). Robb like tells his mom he’s doing some extracurricular thing and turns his phone off and pays off his chauffeur to say nothing
There’s probably some cute scenes or clips of outings or something. They go thrift shopping to get Robb some actual stage clothes, they hang out with Ana’s moms, they don’t talk about Jax’s parents ever and don’t mention that Jax pretty much lives with Ana or the rotating cast of personnel through the house, there’s heart-to-hearts, there’s laughs, there’s drama, there’s friendship blossoming, walls breaking, truly incredible stuff
Then comes the inevitable. The day of the Big School Concert is also the day of the big Battle of The Bands or something. It’s some sort of contest where they play some songs and then they play one they were like assigned and they were assigned Space Oddity and one thing is that the judges are really looking for those strings but Di’s synths just aren’t cutting it; they’re timing and intonation just aren’t right. So Robb is like “Okay, you can’t ask any questions, and I’m going to be like on the wire BUT I will be there and I will bring strings. You have to trust me.” 
And then it’s Robb’s concert, and bananas things happen and he gets out of there with the bass and we’re switching back and forth between everyone being antsy and worrying and Robb booking it with this big ass piece of shit on his back and he’s in the back of the car fucking up his $300 suit. Maybe there’s a run-in with Eric? I kinda really want him to show up a little worse for ware for Jax to fuss over. 
And Jax and Ana and Di are like Bass??? Suit???? Hair half slicked back??? Are those LOAFERS??? Is that a BLACK EYE?? [one of the judges later asks the same thing and Robb just replies “We are a grunge band, ma’am]  But there’s no time to fuss! Because he rolls up literally like two minutes from going on stage!
They rush out and they play their song and it’s magical and fucking gay and Di’s going fucking ham on the piano and the whole room is vibing. Then they play a couple more songs or something idk I don’t want to like ruin this emotional high but I do need to justify the electric base being there for the next bit which issss
Di and Ana shove Robb and Jax into the dressing room and they FINALLY make out. And it’s amazing and heavy and full of emotional and physical catharsis and it’s just exactly what everyone -- robb, jax, the reader -- needs. 
And then there’s a knock on the door. Followed by “Robbert, darling, are you in there?” 
And Robb’s blood goes cold. Because of course Eric told his mother. Of course he forgot to turn his phone off. Of course, just as he finally has the things he wants, what he’s been craving for all his life, here comes his mother reminding him of what he is supposed to be. 
“What’s wrong?” Jax asks, “Who’s that?” But Robb can’t bear to say a word. It’ll all become obvious in a minute anyway. All he can do is hope that the sadness on his face shows, for once he wants his stupid face to show his goddamn emotion to the one person, and that Jax will know that’s how he really feels and won’t take this next part too personally. 
His parting words are to hand his electric bass to Jax and say, “Here, can you keep this safe for me? Valerios aren’t supposed to play these sorts of things.” 
And before Jax can say anything Robb turns away and makes his face a mask and replies, “Yes, Mother.” 
The door opens and there stands his mother, graying hair pulled into an elegant bun, still in the dress from the recital. Eric stands there too with his sharp suit, looking as if their tussle had never happened and like he didn’t need to wash blood off his rings. There were also a couple of men in suits, some of his mother’s assistants. One entered unceremoniously and silently took the bass from the room. 
“My dearest, whatever are you here for? I believe we agreed to a dinner at your favorite restaurant for your recital tonight,” it was Eric’s favorite, Robb hated the place, “This event was not on my itinerary.” 
“I apologize for the delay, Mother,” Robb said, as if he’d made them wait five minutes instead of running off across town and surely ruining their evening, “I owed a debt, and as you know that cannot be outstanding.” 
The barest hint of anger flashed over her face; she absolutely hated when he threw Valerio Family Names items back at her. He must have been hanging around with Ana too much, because he found himself relishing in having made her mad. The flash was gone almost before it was there, though, and her face was cool once more. 
“And what, pray tell, did you owe to these... people,” his mother said, eyeing Jax in a way that made Robb so angry he could feel the white hot rage in the center of his chest. But he was a Valerio, and he knew better than to show it like Ana was allowed to. 
“Did you not catch the show, Mother?” Robb asked, protectively stepping between her gaze and Jax and praying that it didn’t show his cards too thoroughly, “They required some strings accompaniment. I lent them some. Our transaction is done, I have no more business here.” 
He had so much more business here. He had results to hear. An after party to go to. Pizza to eat. Jokes to laugh at. A boy to kiss. 
But now all that business is done for. Who wants to hear results for a song played by a liar? Who wants to go to an after party or eat pizza or tell jokes with a Valerio? Who would want to kiss him after seeing who he really is: a spineless wimp who is doomed to live and die by his mother’s whims. This whole arrangement was doomed from the start, and he always knew it. He was just too happy to let himself know that. 
His mother was clearly displeased with him, but what was new? “So I see,” She said at last, “Well then, come along, no need to tarry in this... venue.” 
“Of course, Mother,” Robb said. A cool nothingness washed over him. He knew his lines. He knew his place. This was who he was. 
Robb left the room, not sparing Jax a single look over his shoulder. He told himself it was because his mother would certainly notice, and she would, but really he couldn’t bear to see whatever expression Jax was wearing -- betrayal, shock, anger? It would only break his heart further. 
As he left the room he now saw that Di and Ana were looking on in shock. Apparently they hadn’t stepped too far away. “Hey!” Ana yelled, “What’s going on?” 
“Did you not hear the entire conversation about what’s ‘going on’?” Erik asked, and Robb wanted to punch him again. Apparently Ana wanted to too, because Di instinctively reached to hold her back just as she began forward. 
“And who is this, Robbert?” his mother asked, as if they were at the zoo and she was asking which animal was in this enclosure. It was so hard for Robb to see Ana riled up without getting riled up too. 
“The leader of the band, Mother,” Robb said, carefully not naming her. She was nondescript, hard to track down by description alone. Hopefully more trouble than his mother thought worth it. He never wanted any of this night to come back to hurt the band. 
“Well, as you’ve heard, his debt is payed, so he is leaving. Say goodbye, Robbert.” 
“Goodbye,” Robb said, feeling like a dog, “Thank you for the experience.” That was as close as he could get to what he wanted to say. Thank you for being his friend, for being there for him, for letting him be dumb and clumsy, for a thousand things Ana has done for him. Her and Di and Jax. And all he can say is, “Thank you for the experience.” He makes him sick. 
And like that he turns with his mother and brother, because he is nothing but their dog. A spare for if something goes wrong. An extra to be married off for a good business deal once he’s ripe. That’s all he is and all he will ever be. 
He can hear Ana yelling after them, struggling against Di’s hold. He can picture Di’s face as he struggles between holding Ana back for her own good and letting her go because he knows she’ll at least land a hit. He tries not to picture Jax at all. 
But don’t worry because I hate sad endings but idk exactly what I want to happen but basically a few hours pass and then either Siege or Ana is like “So, when are we going?” and Jax is like “? Going where?” “To break your boyfriend out.” and idk, but it works out in the end. 
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thorsstorms · 5 years
Abroad Pt. 8
Summary: Being the Hemsworth Kids’ Nanny, you were vowed to keep it strictly professional for their sake, but do the stolen glances go unnoticed between you both?
Word count: 6.4k
Warnings: Smut! (18+!!) Oral, F reciving. 
A/N:  Posting this on April 24th!! I see endgame tomorrow evening, are you ready for it??
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Coming to your senses, you knew it was early. The window showed a darkness what hadn’t been swallowed by the sun yet. That’s what you get for sleeping so much yesterday. Peeking open your eyes, curling into the warmth that your lover gave off was enough to put you in a good mood for the day. You pulled the blankets over your shoulders and softly moved your arm over his back, though not wanting to wake him up, just wanting to touch him.
Laying there was peaceful and it gave you time to think. How long had it been since you’ve moved in? Five months? Six? What were you doing before this? Seemingly all the sudden, you are in California in a house with new additions to your life that you never thought possible in this lifetime. Since when are you the sentimental one?
It’s because you love him, you loved him and his kids and his whole family and you weren’t getting out anytime soon. Today you get to go to Disney for the first time. You peaked up at the clock, T-minus 6 hours and you will be at the happiest place on Earth.
You have probably 2 hours before the kids wake up as as much as you missed them, you still wanted to milk these 2 hours the best you can. You quietly and slowly slide out of bed, blushing to yourself realizing you are still naked. Maybe you shouldn’t leave him alone.
The thought left your mind when you felt him roll over. You sat on the edge of the bed and watched his arm reach out and land on the sheets lazily. He laid still for a second before his eyes popped open and he sat up on his elbows quickly, finally finding you staring at him almost laughing at his reaction. Then finding it not so funny, mean maybe. You laid back down with him and he lets out a sleepy ‘I love you’, successfully making your heart stop in place.
“Tell me you love me (y/n),” he said quickly with tickling fingers running up your sides.
“I love you, I love you!” You squealed him, pushing away his arms, “but not when you do that!” He rolled on his back pulling you with him. You just stared down at him while he closed his eyes, a small smile shying way on his face.
“I can’t sleep anymore, I’m wide awake,” you whispered to him.
“Ok, fine.” He said, you rolled off him standing out of bed while he threw the covers off.
“Chris you can still sleep, you don’t have to get up,” you told him, feeling bad for waking him.
“No I should get up anyway,” he grumbled rubbing his eyes, staring around the room. You blushed looking away from him as he reached for his boxers, you grabbing your own clothing.
“I wanna go for a walk.” You told him grabbing a water from the fridge. It’s just barely 6:30 AM. You watched as he grabbed a banana from the counter and looked around for his phone. You justified him a little more, telling him that the kids won’t wake up for a couple more hours and you weren’t the only two adults here. He just shrugged his shoulder and slipped on Liam’s shoes, now the second time your caught him doing that.
You both walked out the front door and saw the sun peeking up behind some trees to the east. Thinking to yourself that this time of day is the most peaceful. You walked around the block, not many cars out at this hour.
“I’m really excited to go to Disney today, I’ve never been,” you admitted after a moment of walking. It was an excitement that the more you thought about it the more you could hold it in.
“Oh-ho, it’s a blast, India will take you all over the place!”
You both decided that while they are doing their event, you and the kids wouldn’t be there till after it was over, spending that time exploring the park instead. You walked around the block while he asked about what you did back home and how you spent your time. You told him how much you didn’t realize you missed it. Watching your brother on the baseball field, fun summer nights with your seemingly 100 cousins.
This was time that you need alone with him. Just talking about nothing in particular. It was when you got to notice the cute wrinkles around his eyes when he smiles big, his floppy hair when it is not fixed, and how silly he is. A work of art, really. You both rounded the block and slowly made your way back to the house, the sun finally sitting low in the horizon.
“What are the other two doing today?” You asked as you walked up the driveway.
“I’m not sure, there isn’t much they can do about the house yet.” Inside was still dead silent. You grinned to yourself, a quiet house is rare. You walked to the bathroom to pull your hair into a braid and putting on clothes for the day. You emptied out your backpack and started to gather things that you might need for the day with them at the park.
“Chris!” You whispered yelled across the living room. “I need to go the store, do you need anything?” He replied with a no, and as soon as you grabbed the keys from the counter you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The two of you stood staring at the staircase from your spots in the house waiting to see who comes out and.. It was just Miley. Thank god, if the kids woke up at this hour you would be S.O.L. later.
“Wait, I wanna go.”  She mumbled as she walked towards you and slipped on her sneakers she left at the front door. Her hair was already in a bun and she was dressed like she had already been awake. You both waved goodbye and walked out.
“How long have you been awake?” You pulled the door shut behind you and started the car, realizing you had no idea where to go.
“Like an hour.” You started to pull open a map on your phone to a Target. The morning was not busy and you held a small conversation about what she was going to do, move to the house in Tennessee was the best option for them both right now. You listened quietly while you followed the directions, listening to some music coming through the car.
“Do you wanna come with us today?” Breaking the comfortable silence that fell over you both, it was too early for conversation, coffee first. One of those moments that you were thankful for starbucks being inside the store.
“Where to?”
“Disney! Its my first time and Im taking the kids, Chris has to be there for an event.” you smiled getting excited all over again. You were sure you could handle it yourself, but having another adult would be nice. She watched you get giddy and a smile take over your face, she knew she couldn’t ruin your first experience there.
“I would love to, but I actually think I’ll stay back,” you tried to skip the pout that was coming but it made a small appearance. You recovered quickly, letting it go and got out of the car with her.
You both stood in line at the Starbucks, only one person in front of you. You quickly order a iced coffee, and let her order hers and you paid for both after some convincing that it was your treat.  You sat at a small table waiting for your name and realized you left your phone in the car, what else were you supposed to do with your hands?
Your name was called a few seconds later, and a minutes later they called a ‘Destiny’ and Miley got up and grabbed the drink. You gave her an incredulous look, about to laugh at her for choosing a different name and then she slowly saw the look of realization fall over your face. She was wearing a sweatshirt that you knew for a fact was Chris’s and she had sunglasses still covering her eyes. She needs clothing but she doesn’t want to be recognized.
“Oh,” you said under your breath, feeling dumb. “Do you always use that name?” She nodded with a solemn look on her face while you both headed towards the clothing section. While deep in the racks she eventually pulled the glasses to the top of her head. After a few outfits and clothing for Liam you both quickly went around for your items and some groceries for the house. They were only staying for a few more days, but you were going to be there for a while longer, kids gotta eat something.
You really only needed some necessities like personal hygiene things, indulged in a few makeup items, and a new silk navy tank that you decided would look good with a Disney themed outfit. Might as well enjoy it while you are there, right?
Miley silently thanked the heavens that you both got in and out of there, no problem, when you were sat back in the car that was loaded with bags.
“I think we got more than what we came for,” you joked, mostly to yourself but she definitely agreed. On the way back you kept pondering over how she kept such a watchful eye on her surroundings. Quick looks to her left or right, it didn’t go unnoticed by you, you had seen Chris do the same thing only a few times.
“So, is that why you wont come with us today?” You wondered out loud. Curiosity doesn’t stop you, but you already knew the answer.
“I would love to, but I just dont think its a good idea. But don’t worry about me, Disney is so much fun, you’ll have fun without me.” Feelings of regret washed over you, you shouldn’t have asked, should have known better. Of course she wasn’t going to go, especially not with the kids, she already got too much going on. Nodding your head, you turned on the music and let it take over the car, both of you trying to suppress your laugh as ‘Sucker’ was in the middle of playing on the local station. Yea, you can check off finding another best friend off your to do list.
Back at the house, the TV was playing Trolls with two out of three kids sitting, watching intently with a bowl of fruit in between them. After sorting through all the things you bought and putting them away you parked yourself at the dining table, watching both brothers cook up some breakfast.
“I’m so hungry I could die.” You propped your elbows up on the table, the smell of bacon wafting around making your mouth water. “Holy shit that’s a lot of bacon.” You admired the mountain piling up on the plate.
“Yea and $10 bucks Liam eats all of it like a cow,” that earned Chris a double dead leg kick to the back of the knees, but he quickly turned and smacked him with the spatula. Liam yelped a “fuck that’s hot” jumping away.
“Respect your elders,” Chris warned him a turned back to the stove, laughing to himself and winking at you. You watched in amusement as Liam rolled his eyes and took it upon himself to stop what he was doing and pinch Chris under his arms. He turned and threw the spatula at him while Liam tried to run from him across the island of the kitchen.
“Touch me again and I’ll kill you,” Chris warned him, almost like he wasn’t messing around. You thought ‘oh shit’, for both their sakes. All three of you in the room new he was about to come back at him as soon as Chris turned his back again.
And he did. He pulled open the drawer for another utensil. You watched with wide eyes of amusement as Liam slowly picked up the spatula off the ground and prepared himself to throw it and dart out of the kitchen for the stairs. It was almost as if you could see himself counting to three in his head, and then he threw it.
“Run!” You yelled at Liam as he crossed you headed for the stairs. You watched as Chris got ahold of the back of his shirt, Liam slipped himself out of it and opted for the back door instead, better luck to not get trapped. The back door flew open and you heard Tristan yell from the living room, “Get him Papa!” You three peaked out the door, Miley skipping down the stairs to join you.
“Oh my god!” You exhausted. You watched Chris take Liam to the ground and put him in a headlock. You gasped and threw a hand to your mouth trying to cover your laugh, not working very well.
“You gonna stop being a shithead?” You heard Chris ask him. Was this unusually hot? Yes.
“Don’t break him, I need him!” You heard Miley toss back as she walked away from the door frame in the kitchen where the bacon was probably burning. So is this the shit that Jennifer Lawrence used to talk about in her interviews? That was a thought you definitely kept to yourself.
“So these are your fast pass thingys, they will let you go to the shorter lines for the rides.” He started handing you four, “Gen got you this map of the park so don’t get lost, please. India will try to get you to stay in line to meet Elsa and Anna, don’t do it for the love of God, I have like three pictures of them and the line is forever long. The boys like messing with Gaston if you find him, and they are all three scared of the Lilo and Stitch ride, so you might want to stay away from that.” He looked good, like way good. Like, thinking unholy thoughts in the happiest place on Earth, good.
“I think I got it.” You were in a backroom in a building. Someone was ready to lead you out into the park. The both of you quickly went over rules with the kids. Always be holding someone’ hand, whether it was a sibling or yours, no running to far ahead, and don’t take your pass off your neck, things like that though you knew you would be repeating yourself for the next few hours.
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, turning to him. “You good? You look really really good.” you told him messing with his scarf.
“I’m always good.”
“Right…Well, I’ll see you in a few hours?” You looked over your shoulder at the kids then back to him.
“Uh, are you good?” The excitement was probably rolling off you in waves, taking a breath trying to calm yourself.
“I’m about to go find some Disney princesses of course I’m good.”
“Okay, I love you.”
“I love you too.” You kissed him goodbye, pulling him down by the silly scarf he had with his outfit. He watched a pink glow take over your cheeks. You knew there wasn’t anyone around that probably cared, but he was kissing you in the most public place he ever had. It was easy to forget, that one was on you.
“Oh my god,” you said quickly, pulling in, using Chris as a shield. “Is that, Robert Downey Jr.?” You shyly looked up at Chris, and then peaked again over his shoulder. “Oh my god it is.”
Chris turned slowly and you watched in horror as he winked at you and yelled, “Robert!” You turned your head the other way and looked at the kids. Sasha has parked himself on the floor while India leaned into you from behind, waiting patiently, watching the people around you and Tristan had your phone.
You felt Chris take a few steps and heard him greet him. Your heart was beating so fast, and you wanted to kill Chris, of course he would call him over. “Who is this is just saw you smooching on?” That was your cue. You turned around and Chris pulled your hand to his, intertwining his fingers with yours which were visibly shaking, you knew he could feel it.
“This is (y/n), and she’s my girl,” he said looking down at you. “My girlfriend.” You blushed under his stare. It sounded like such a juvenile thing to say, but were you complaining? Not one bit. “But we are keeping quiet for now,” he corrected himself and told him. Robert nodded in understanding.
“Well, (y/n) it’s nice to finally meet you,” he shook your hand but as always, you thoughts show on your face. Finally? “Oh I’ve heard all about you, even gotten a couple pictures of you.” He said proudly with a smart ass look on his face.
“You what?” you asked him. You looked up at Chris, “You what?”
“Oh yea we all have, he never shuts up about you!”
“Pictures? Christopher!?”
“What he didn’t tell you about the group chat?” Robert interrupted. Chris playfully glared at him before turning his attention back to you. You felt India slip her hand into your other and try to tug you in the other direction but you tugged her back, ignoring her.
“Group chat! Oh my god is Chris Evans in this group message?”
“Oh my god.” You said quickly, looking at the ground, you face tomato red by now for sure.
“My job is done, it was lovely to meet you Miss (y/n), truly. I hope to see more of you.” He winked swiftly at the both of you, walking away before you could muster up another word to him.
“Oh my god I just met RDJ,” you mumbled to yourself, shaking your head.
“Ok what?” Chris protested, “How come you weren't all clammy, and blushy, and shaky when you met me?”
“Oh-ho wow, don’t try to flip this on me.” India, pulled at your arm again saying she wanted to go. “We are not done talking about this!’ You warned him as you finally allowing India to drag you away, calling the boys to follow you. Chris waved like he just got saved from a horrible confrontation, gladly shoo-ing you all away. This is not over.
By six o’clock all three were complaining of their feet hurting. You knew they wouldn’t last till the firework show but you had a small tiny hope that kept a fire inside, hoping to get to see it. You did get to see a parade though. Pictures with Buzz Lightyear, and Mickey mouse. It was a good day, but you were also burnt out with the kids. There is only so much a person can take of the whining that its too hot, or they are thirsty, or someone has to pee every 30 minutes. When you made you way back to the building you left out of, you spotted Chris sitting in the air conditioning, scrolling his phone with Gen sitting next to him. Jealousy flooded through you but you remembered that he had to stand in front of press and do a few interviews, and it calmed you knowing you were fine with having this end of responsibility.
He looked up at you four crowding in, both boys slumping to the ground carelessly while India crawled on his lap and laid her head on his shoulder. Yea, you would be doing the same. It wasn’t long before you were in the car headed away from an awesome day over all.
He broke the news to you that night that they switched most of the European side that was planned and the studios rearranged press to the other side of the globe. South korea, excited you, another stamp on your passport. He promised he would take you to Paris to make up for it because he knew how excited you were to see it again. That just pulled a head shake from you, the words sounding so foreign for someone to speak, at least from what you had grown up with.
Three weeks were filled with unstability. Weird school work hours with the kids, a lot done on a plane. You took so many pictures with them at cool places and sent them all back to your family making them jealous. Jumping from hotel to hotel was making you extremely home sick. You got to know RDJ’s wife well, spending days with her and their kids so you didn’t have to follow Chris around, you explored separate from him, though he would ways come back to you in the night but be gone fairly early the next day. It was tough but you never took a moment for granted while with the kids in such amazing places.
A couple nights consisted of a kid sneaking out of their room in the hotel and sleeping with you both falling between you. After you tucking the kids in you retreated to bed, Chris sometimes with you, sometimes he came in later if he spent time with one of his friends that evening. You always reminded yourself to not mind, it was his work and you were here for him and kids in the first place. It settled your heart most of the time to embrace the city glowing outside the windows.
Not an evening went by where you were not awake or didn’t wake up when he returned, always waiting to hear about his day. You tried to be sly and tease him a bit and sneak in a question about the movie, but it was always shut down so fast, ending in a buzz kill, but that was on you, everytime.
“I’m not telling you anything, if I know something, not saying that I do, because I don’t.” He fumbled over his words while you trapped him, attacking his neck, pulling back on his hair. Hearing his breathing run ragged while you calmly asked him about his day, if he missed you, while you touched him through his clothes, refusing to go further unless he gave up a little information. It was a dangerous game really. Were you abusing your power over him? Absolutely. Was he going to stop you? Absolutely not.
Finally fed up on an evening in Shanghai, he flipped you around so fast pinning you to the bed, daring you to try and steal touches again. A game you wanted to learn all too much. You innocently apologized while he let up and relaxed to your side. You curled over him, telling him that you know you were torturing him and you were sorry. But you just couldn’t help yourself because you always wanted him. He listened and melted under your touch while you told him it was your fault for making him so hard for you. For making him need you and comply with you while you messed him up in ever way you knew you could.
“All you had to do was answer me,” you whispered against his lips, stilling as his eyes shot open and he grabbed a hold of your hips digging his fingers into the soft skin with a dark blue lace covering you. A hand grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled you back so he could see you clearly. The sting sent a wave straight to your heat, clenching around nothing. That was new. You gasped as he stared at you, “Insatiable.”
“How about you let me give you what you need since ‘you always want me’,” you nodded slightly as he urged your hips up.
“Really?” You stilled and questioned him quickly. He nodded and tugged your hips forward as your hands fell to the headboard from his movement. You smirked, masking your curiosity, and crawled you way up his chest. He tugged you the rest of the way, making you gasp as his fingers were sure to leave bruises.
“Oh god,” you whispered as he bit at your inner thigh. You felt his fingers pull the lace to the side and his arms tighten around your thighs, pulling you to his tongue. You gasped, almost trying to sit up on your knees from the onslaught of pleasure but he held you still. Against your wiggling hips he got frustrated and ripped the lace, and it laid limp around your waist. Your hands losing their sense of direction on the headboard and flying from his hands, to his hair, back to the headboard, not able to find a place that will ground you. He licked and suckked at your clit, you jerking in his grasp which only entails a growl and a firmer hold around you, preventing you from moving away. His flicked open and closed, caught between watching you and focusing on your pleasure, enjoying your taste on his tongue.
“Oh god Chris,” you moaned out, tugging on his hair again. “Oh god, I’m gonna cum,” you let out a normally embarrassing whine but were too lost to care.
You breathe caught in your throat when he pulled away, sucking at your skin, “Already love? Were just getting started.” He allowed you the moment to push down on his mouth, your chest heaving trying to keep up. He sealed his grip again and went to town until your face was twisted up in a silent scream, gushing all over him, for sure making a mess. You came down from your high, his tongue pulling large circles around your clit and dipping back down to clean your mess. He laid kisses against your clit having your body flick in his grasp, still sensitive. Though when he didn’t let up, your heart raced, looking down at him with no mercy showing in his eyes.
“Baby, ah, I’m too sensitive,” you jumped again, trying to pull yourself up using the headboard as leverage. “Ooooo, no,” You moaned, raising your voice when he sucked your clit harshly into his mouth making your vision run white. You felt his fingers replace his tongue rubbing slowly.
“You want me to stop? Like you stopped messing with me?” He said biting and leaving a mark on your skin. He pressed his tongue, swiping up your slit, your eyes rolling back, grinding down on him.
“Look at me,” He mumbled against you. Your head was heavy on your shoulders and you creeped your eyes open to him, only for them to shut again as soon as he moved his tongue. “Look at me or I’ll stop and leave you dripping,” you could tell by his tone of voice that he wasn’t lying. You shoved your head forward and watched down at him through hooded eyes. His lips started at work again, tongue wiggling itself into your hole massaging your walls as deep as he could. Your eyes were open in shock staring at the erotic scene, and sounds he was making. You could feel your blood run hot, pulsing through you, where you needed him most.
“I’m- oh I’m gonna come,” you groaned out. His arms tighten around your thighs holding you to him and he worked feverishly on your clit. You watched him take over your senses, pretty sure you stopped breathing all together as you dragged you to your peak, spilling over, clenching over his face, hips rocking in his grasp involuntarily. You let out a gasp of air as you kept coming hard on his mouth, his tongue retreating to soft circles around your over sensitive nub.
You started to feel you muscles loosen from their tense nature, and he helped support you as you slipped down his torso and laid on his side. You legs remained propped around his waist while you tried to come back down to earth, your ears ringing.
“Holy shit,” you mumbled incoherently. Your legs felt numb over him, and you felt his hands shove hair out of your face, his thumb brush across your eyelid. When did you close your eyes? His hand roamed slowly over your own twitching body, his touch bringing your senses back to life slowly.
He watched your face lost in the reminisce of an orgasm, wiping his face with the bed sheet. He watched you with such tense adoration that he was sure you could rip his heart out his chest at the very moment and it would beat for only you. He didn’t care that he had a hard on that was almost painful and that you most likely didn’t have the energy to move at the moment. He didn’t care that you drove him crazy sometimes. He didn’t care that he didn’t get to show you off to the world yet. He cared that you were willingly still in his life and that was enough for him.
You suddenly felt the bed dip and a warm wet cloth wipe across your forehead. You eyes flinched at the contact, where did he get that? You jumped slightly when he ran it across your sensitive core and your thighs, washing away whatever mess you both made.
He laid down next to you and pulled you to his chest, kissing your forehead.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“Are you sure you want me to go?” “I can wait to see it, really.”
“(Y/n) I’m not going to say it again, I swear, just pick a dress.” You were currently in the same house back in LA, staring at a rack of five different dresses, all matching Chris’s suit choices. He wants you to come with him to the premiere tonight, and you have 5 hours before you need to leave and all the sudden he’s like “oh yea, by the way, your coming with me tonight”. Uh, what? The initial panic wore off too fast and now you were just curious. You stood next to India looking over your choices.
“What do you think?” You asked her, starting to favor the white dress and a blush pink dress.
“Papa which are you wearing?” She asked him in retaliation. Smart girl.
“Well, sweetheart I wanted (y/n) to pick, but I’m thinking either the printed jacket with the solid pants or the printed pants with the solid jacket, definitely the navy blue though. What do you think?” You eyed his choices hanging on the rack and the material and patterns.
“Ok, dont hate me,” you started to laugh, “But I like the printed pants and the printed jacket with a solid shirt.” He eyed the two pieces, and slowly started to nod.
“You’re right.” He grabbed the two and dressed in them so we could see the whole look. India nodded in approval, grabbing at the blush pink silk dress for you to wear.
“(Y/n) wear this one.” You pulled the hangar from the rack and felt the material between your fingers. The smooth silk texture was bound to feel amazing and comfortable against your skin. You smiled at her and walked to the bathroom to slip it on, the designer following you in to help you zip it up.
“Wow,” she said behind you looking in the mirror, “Fits you like a glove.” You blushed from the compliment, she wasn’t wrong. You opened the door and stepped out, picking up the bottom as you walked, sighing when you realized you would need to wear heels with it. Not your favorite thing in the world.
“Wow.” Like father like daughter. You blushed and looked down at the dress from their stare. If you couldn’t control your reaction from their staring, how were you going to around others?
“Do you like it?” You asked them both, gauging their reactions. Chris floating with nothing but adoration from his eyes, raking across the material and how it lays daintily across your skin. You watched his eyes dance around the dress and he walked closer to you resting his hands on your shoulders to admire up close.
“Beautiful,” he kissed your lips softly, your head feeling like it was floating till a ‘eww’ leaked from Indy’s mouth, Chris waving a hand at her, dismissing her. The designers’ assistant leading her upstairs to join the boys where they were watching The Incredibles to keep them away for awhile. Your eyes followed them as they disappeared up the staircase.
You sighed, you shoulders dropping, “I’m kind of nervous.” ‘Kind of’ was an understatement.
“That’s alright, I’ll be with you and if and when I get pulled away, I’ll make sure you are in good hands. Miley and Liam will be there, so will Luke and his wife, you can keep each other company.��� The designer interrupted you showing you a jumpsuit for after the carpet, that you could change into for the actual screening and the after party. This was really going to happen. You knew it meant alot to him, you couldn’t say no this time or hold him back, it would be selfish. You nodded and went with the flow, following instructions to go take a shower, hair and makeup would be here within the hour.
You pulled up to the venue, staring out the windows at the hoards of people behind barricades and the hoards of people with cameras and interviewers. “Chris, I really think I’m going to throw up.”
“Hey, It’ll be alright,” he said, turning your head to him, laying a quick, soft, reassuring kiss to your lips. “Just hold on to my hands, I won’t let you trip. You don’t have to talk to anyone, just smile. The photographers will scream at you and tell you to turn this way and that. Just ignore them or do as I do. They might shout and ask who you are, just ignore them. Gen will instruct each interviewer what not to ask before I speak with them. You be with Miley and Liam after the carpet while I do some press.” His hand laid comforting on the side of your neck, keeping your attention, trying to digest everything he was saying. “Everything is under control.” He gave you a small smile, trying to decipher what you were thinking. You nodded in his grasp while he watched you making sure you were sure.
“Okay. I trust you. I love you.”
“And I love you. I’m going to get out and come around to your door, alright? As soon as I open your door, there will be pictures, okay?” You nodded again and took a deep breath, letting him know you were ready.
As soon as he opened the door, there were shouts about who you were and asking you both to look in their direction. You clasped both your hands in front, grabbing Chris’s hand in yours, hoping it would disguise the shaking. You smiled like he said, and followed his lead. Gen met you at the entrance and directed you through crowds and past interviewers to the carpet first so you could get it over with.
He whispered a reassurance in your ear, and you put on your brave face. The same sweet smile that you plastered when you turned the corner in his house for the first time, seeing him standing there in the kitchen, masking your shock. It was the same smile. Beautifully mastered.
Feeling his presence next to you was enough to drown out the shouts and flashes of the cameras and people behind them. You took a few steps with him, shifting down the back drop, hoping that the makeup would cover the blush flooding your cheeks when chris kissed you cheek in front of the cameras and mumbled a, “Your doing amazing,” in your ear. You could see Gen on the end, ushering you down the back drop a few steps. A few more moments and then it would be over. You finally gave in to a person yelling for an over the shoulder shot, and turned you head finding the camera, putting on a bright, shy smile. One could only hope you don’t look stupid right now.
Finally off the carpet, the cameras left your direction and you watched as you finally laid eyes on Liam and Miley starting the carpet. Chris gave you a quick goodbye kissing your cheek, as you watched them walk in front of the cameras, waiting for them at the end. Liam laughing at Miley and walking out of the way so she could have her own shots. She was a natural, glowing and carefree, in front of them all. It seemed like a totally different person from the Miley you grew to know. You watched her as she finally met you both at the end, walking behind and out of view.
“Wow,” you told her as she admired your own dress, “you are so amazing.” A new found sense of pride came over as you watched her retreat back to into a shell that she was in outside of the public eye. They both complemented your dress, you returning it. You both walked towards the entrance, them both saying they did a few interview before hand. You nodded and waited a moment to see if you could find Chris in the sea of people. You found Chris alright, but it wasn’t the one you were looking for.
You surpessed your panic for the hundredth time and turned to Miley sporting a mischievous smile. She followed your gaze and found him, shaking her head at you. Oh your were definitely making him introduce you after the screening. One hundred percent. You were in a slightly confident mood and needed to do it today before the high wears off and you become mortified again.
After you and Miley changed out of your dresses and heels into a bit more of a casual attire, you three went inside and took seats as the cast started to pile into the front of the theatre. You eyed the crowd, finding some of your favorites in the mix, a moment of pride filling your body to see your Chris up there with them all. This is the kind of moment where a person evaluates their life and needs a pinch to prove that it’s real.
Taglist: @keithseabrook27 @odinson-barnes @jonsnowisthesexiestbastard
@weekendswithnewtmas @innerpaperexpertcloud @toomanyflowerboys @thefashioncomplex @basmaraafat @imaginationintowords @taketimeandappreciate @superheroesaremytea
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writingsofadream · 6 years
Chapter One | The Beginning
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Pairing : Jungkook x Reader
Story: You knew being an intern at BigHit wouldn’t be easy, but you’d never imagined Jungkook would make it even harder. 
You are a new intern at Big Hit, and you get to meet the boys. Set in the real world (as opposed at an AU), and just before the Love Yourself: Tear Comeback. 1.8k words in this chapter.
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The harsh and unforgiving buzz of your 6am alarm screeches through your bedroom, penetrating the soft blankets and making its way into your dream. For a second your thoughts are confused and muddled with the morning noise, but then you feel your body wake with a start.
Today’s the day.
Hurriedly you push the blankets off your body and slip out of bed, into your comfiest dressing gown and the ridiculously old slippers you refuse to replace. Their sentimental value outweighs their depreciating quality, so you continue to wear them to pieces.
Your internship starts today. With Big Hit.
You couldn’t believe your luck at being chosen from over 15, 000 college applicants, especially as Korean was only your second language, (though you were undeniably fluent), and you had just arrived in Seoul a little over six months ago. Somehow you had been picked, and your astonishment had turned into realisation and immense butterflies in the weeks since the fateful letter had arrived. And now today was finally the day.
Big Hit was such a huge contributor to K-pop and the music industry through BTS, but most of all it was an undeniably successful music production company. You were overwhelmed at the thought of being able to see first-hand the work that goes into such a huge corporation, and as a business major it was pretty much all you could think about. Most of your friends had been shocked at the prospect of you being near BTS for 4 months, but you just couldn’t keep your mind off the school side of things. After all, that was why you applied, and no doubt they were going to be perfectly normal boys anyway. Well, men.
The shower was warm and enjoyable as it flooded over your body, and you shut your eyes for deeper enjoyment. Mixed with the sound of light rain from outside, the butterflies in your stomach were almost calming rather than anxiety-inducing. You shave, and wash your body and your hair - the light and flowery scents were your favourites, and you’re all too aware your self-presentation will be taken into account by all officials you meet.
Hopping out, you put on your pre-selected outfit, looking at yourself in your bedroom’s full-length mirror. A white button-up shirt, with tightly flattering black jeans cuffed at the ankles and your faithful black and white vans. You look presentable, yet still young and obviously intern-esque. Appropriate for an 19 year old intern, you thought.
Heading through to the kitchen, you quickly pop some 3-minute oatmeal into the microwave, and begin cutting up the banana and strawberries to go with it. Your tiny kitchen hugs around you reassuringly, and you look around gratefully. It was truly the perfect apartment, modern yet tiny and with a surprisingly modest rent. In the middle of a strawberry cut your phone rings, and you check it with nervousness. A text from Shia, your best friend and long-suffering brother’s girlfriend.
“Good luck, Y/N! We all love you and are rooting for you!”
Beneath was an adorable photo of them together with your parents, giving you genuine open mouthed smiles and a thumbs up. You couldn’t help but smile too, it was too damn cute. No doubt it had been taken in advance, since the time difference had to be accounted for. You quickly tapped out a thankful reply, sent it, and retrieved your warm oatmeal from the microwave to dig into the early breakfast.
Your phone buzzes again, this time reminding you to take your daily birth control pill. Gulping it down with water, you wondered why you were even still bothering. It’d been almost a whole year since your last kiss with a boy, let alone anything more promiscuous than that. Still, shorter periods was a plus and you didn’t seem to have any negative side effects, so you figured it was somewhat worth the routine and $30 a month. Seeing the time, you grabbed your bag and double checked you had everything you could possibly need. Gum, cards, offical ID… everything seemed to be in its rightful place, which seemed promising. You’d even remembered to fill up your metal bottle with fresh cold water and ice, which you loved regardless of the raining weather outside. Stepping out of the apartment, you locked the door behind you and headed down the copious stairs leading to the outside of the building. Sure, you didn’t have to be there until 8:30am and public transport would get you there by 8:10 - you still wanted to be on time for one of the events that could turn into a momentous event for your college work, or even your career.
The train is packed, and you find yourself squished between a businessman who pays you no attention and an old lady carrying three purses. The smell is rather damp, and the Monday mood is evident throughout all passengers’ moods. You were undeniably glad you had remembered your tiny bottle of perfume, your favourite travel-sized scent; a little bottle of Marc Jacobs in the scent ‘Daisy’.
A young boy, most likely around 17 is eyeing you up and down from across the train, and his eyes are making you slightly uncomfortable. Sure, you have a nice body and you’re not stranger to their gaze, but it never gets easier being openly gawped at. You shift from foot to foot, hoping that the train has no delays and he doesn’t get off at your stop. He gets off one before, and makes sure to brush against your ass as he makes his way past and out the doors. Gross.
You try the door of Big Hit Entertainment nervously, only to be met with resistance. Looking next to the door, you see a keypad clearly needing a set of around 5 numbers to be punched in. Dammit. Shit. How fucking awkward. Waving through the clear door, you try and get the attention of the woman behind the front desk. Eying you with a steeled look, she simply goes back to her mundane work. She must think you’re just a crazed fan. Perfect.
Knocking again, she looks up with clear annoyance on her face. You quickly snatch your ID and the acceptance letter from your bag and bang them against the glass, motioning for her to come and take a closer look. Clearly rolling her eyes, she gets up in a clear movement of frustration.
Once close enough, her eyes go wide and the look on her face is replaced with that of surprise. She swiftly punches numbers in, and the door swings open. Some of the fans who had been standing further back, from the other side of the road start to rush forward, and as soon as you’re through the door she slams the door behind you.
Now up close, you see she’s quite beautiful with wide doe-eyes and perfectly Korean features. She looks as through as was ripped straight from the pages of a magazine, particularly in her dark blue dress that’s tight and works her small curves to the best of their ability. Her lengthy legs in their sky-high heels make her a good 10 inches taller than you, and you feel considerably uglier in comparison.
“I am SO sorry,” she gushes. “I thought you’d be older, and not here until at least 8:30. Again, I seriously apologise! You must think me so rude.”
Her previous annoyance has been completely wiped away, and she now flashes you a sheepish and apologetic smile.
You give her a quick, reassuring smile back, and even laugh a little about the situation.
“No doubt young girls like me try and get in all the time, no doubt! I definitely don’t blame you for being good at your job!”
She laughs in return at this, nodding enthusiastically.
“You’d be astonished at how many young girls want a glimpse of BTS, it’s no wonder they come in through the back! I’m Jinwah, by the way, it’s nice to meet you Y/N… even if our first meeting has been a little difficult!”
You flick your wrist up and check the time on your small gold watch, a present from your father before you'd left for Korea. Your deep sentiment definitely transcends no-longer-fuzzy slippers. 8:24. Definitely time to go.
“I’m so sorry, but I definitely have to get to where I’m supposed to be now. Room 753?” you ask quizzically.
“Take the elevator to floor 14, then it’s the 8th door on your right. Good luck!”
She flashes you another award-winning smile, and you can’t help but seriously like this girl. We could definitely become friends while you’re here, in fact, you might make it a personal goal. You could do with more friends in Korea, since you’re currently sitting at only two.
You send a quick “thanks!” her way, and walk over to the elevator. Pushing the button, it pops open right away for you. Getting in, you repeat to yourself that it’s the eighth door to your right, and you punch in the 14th floor.
Whizzing up, your stomach is in knots as you attempt to mentally prepare yourself for your first impressions. A spritz of your perfume and the doors open, allowing you to step into a white-walled and modern looking hallway. It screams office building, and the buzz of talking is thick. People are all throughout the hallway, and going in and out of the rooms, much busier than the lobby downstairs. You suppose they must all come in through the secretive back entrance, being staff and all. A large and busy woman in a black and white dress notices you, and comes striding towards you with her clipboard. Her smile makes you less nervous, though you feel exceedingly out of place and awkward.
“Welcome! You must be my intern, yes? You’re Y/N?”
Her smile and her warm demeanour melts your butterflies, and you feel much better having met the woman who you’ll be shadowing for the next few month.
“Yes, that’s me,” you reply, “I’m very honoured and excited to be here!”
“Good, good!” She replies, bustling with enthusiasm. “Shall we get started? The very first thing I’ll have you do is meet the boys, they’re all in dance practice right now so I’m sure they’ll be happy to have a quick break.”
She says this with a chuckle, but you suddenly feel nervous again.
On our way towards the room you hear it from all the way down the hall. The loud, banging sound of all their feet falling to the floor in synchronisation, and it sounds almost mesmerising with their music playing in the background.
She doesn’t even bother knocking, and simply opens the door with blatant familiarity. Of course she knows the boys well, you chastise yourself. It’s you who’s the outsider.  
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Chapter 1
The 14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards
From the Desk of Sharper,
Hello, everyone and welcome to another installment of the traditional Kim Possible Fannies Awards. With everyone still recovering from the impact of the live-action movie, let us bask in the pomp and circumstances of the traditional awards ceremony where, who knows what surprises may be in store.
The fanfic is rated T for some strong language and a couple of obscene gestures, a bit of sexual dialogue, a drug reference, and some action violence.
Kim Possible, characters and settings, are created by Schooley and McCorkle and (c) by Disney.
Any OC I create is my own.
Chapter 1 - Kim & Ron vs. the LAM Backlash & Bullying
(July 27, 2019)
This was it.
The day before the annual KP Fannies Ceremony.
After two years on the road that also involved the kidnapping of a co-host AND the leader of a quasi-government police agency, plus an alternate dimension of the KP crew and the whole bru-ha-ha over the live-action movie, the ceremony returned to the Tri-City Convention Center in Middleton. The KP Kimmunity and the Middleton City Council agreed on a four-year deal to host the Fannies at the Convention Center. The presentation itself was going to be held at the Timothy North Memorial Theater.
Everyone was getting ready for all the glitz and glamor of the awards show, especially on which dress the grown KP women were going to wear for tomorrow's event.
At the same time however, something else had bothered the now 31-year old Kim's mind.
In fact, the infamous trip they took to South Dakota last year made their marriage stronger. It's just that they did not want to be associated with the Stoppable Family Vacation Curse, so both Kim and Ron decided to legally change the entire family's last name to put his wife's name first. This year, they had taken a trip to both Hawaii and South Carolina and did not run into any significant problems.
And yet, something else had nagged at her mind for over the last five months.
It was all the hate the LAM had been receiving over the timespan. It was like a big stress ball that Kim was squeezing really and mighty hard but it was about to pop. She didn't say anything about it at all after the February 15th premiere of the LAM. -
"Ron, all of this is getting on my nerves! UGGGGGHHHHHHH!"
"KP, calm down a bit! You're letting this whole thing get to your head!"
Both Kim and Ron Possible-Stoppable were walking down the hall of the convention center. . Ron was in a button down shirt, white tennis shoes and baggy jeans held with a belt. Thankfully for Kim, he was not showing his underwear. She was wearing her favorite dark denim baggy Club Banana overalls. It had holes in the kneecaps, but it had a cargo pocket big enough for Rufus. The left strap was hooked but she unhooked the right strap. It was dangling behind her back so that she liked it 90s style. Plus, she had a green button-down shirt. She also was wearing a gold statement necklace, giant dangling earrings,a ladies watch, two bracelets and a total of five rings, including the wedding band. Kim finalized the outfit with black sneakers.
Rufus, on the other hand, was standing on top of his owner's shoulder.
"I am so not jelly about the criticism of the LAM!" Kim countered at her husband.
"Am too!"
"Am not!"
"Am too...times infinity!" Ron snarked.
"Ughh...got me on the infinity clause!" Kim exclaimed.
"Jinx, I owe you a soda, KP!" Ron said, giving a smile to his wife.
Kim smiled back and got back to the topic at hand.
"Anyways, what pissed me off about the whole criticism starts with the little parts. First off...the look of the LAM's mission outfit!" Kim ranted.
Ron sat down on a nearby crate and began to listen to his wife's rant.
"First off...people complained about the fact that the actress was not wearing a croptop! She is 17 years of age last time I checked. That would be downright creepy! And second thought was that people were comparing it to a Halloween costume! I mean, do they even have a brain cell in that head of theirs? Hell, even I can defeat Shego in that outfit!"
"So said the person that wore croptops to school all the time!" Ron snarked. "And of course, currently owns 25 pairs of baggy overalls."
"Ron..." Kim groaned, "...fashion ideas change between 2003 and today, though I do swear by Club Banana's baggy overalls. I do think the mission pants looked very cute on the actress despite the obvious lack on the pockets."
"I tell ya, KP." Ron said while eating some of the Bueno Nacho catering at the nearby table. "Some people just think with that Dawson's Casting mentality!"
"And that, Ron, will serve as a transition to my second point about this whole criticism BS!" Kim replied, continuing on with her rant, "These so-called quote-en-quote 'fans of my show' thinking that a grown-ass 24 to 28-year old woman would play a FIFTEEN-YEAR OLD GIRL?! Does ANYONE even KNOW what teenagers even look like?!"
"I tell you, these women cannot even grasp what it is even like to be in the shoes of a teenager approaching her very first day of high school!"
Her anger became more apparent.
"The damn nerve of some people to call a teenager a 'crop-top hoe' and a 'bad bitch' really wants me to unleash all my styles of kung-fu against them and send these idiots to the hospital. That is simply a sick and wrong term to describe me and my gender, thank you very much! And this is on the poor girl's first major starring film role! I mean, can't those people just live and let live? They have the animated version that they can watch all the time on the Mouse's new stream thing coming up in November. Let the teens and young kids of THIS generation, including my own, have the LAM!"
"Maybe that was the reason why the trailer for the LAM had more than 160,000 dislikes on the interwebs." Ron said while drowning the Naco in sheer Diablo sauce. Rufus dug into the Naco.
"Getting on to point number three against the LAM backlash, Ron." Kim continued with her rant. "The whole 'me-with-a-secret-identity' thing is complete bullshit!"
"Wow, KP! I have not seen you this salty and potty-mouthed since the South Dakota trip!" Ron exclaimed. He had seen Kim utter even worse words than that during that fateful trip.
"Ron, you know my stance when it comes to this!" Kim said, "Through all of my years of high school, I neither once HAD a secret identity that only, like, two people knew nor did I belong to some secret agency where if I blew my cover I would have to be relocated to another host family! The only time I even was involved in one was because of teamups, though it felt weird working with a platypus wearing a fedora and having that mission wiped out from my memory."
"Wasn't there that one time in your show, KP...?" Ron asked.
"Oh that, Ron?" Kim said, "I remembered that you were the Fearless Ferret at the time under Timothy North, God rest his soul."
"And Mr. North offered you to be Ferret Girl." Ron said.
"But I declined stating that I don't get the whole superhero-secret-identity thing." Kim countered "I made that crystal-clear that everyone: my parents, my friends, my neighbors, hell, even the former team-mates on the Middleton High squad that I was out there saving the world from the bad guys!"
"Yet...some people just don't learn." Ron bemoaned.
"Ugh...and don't even get me started on point number four...THE worst thing of the whole LAM criticism! In actuality, I don't even call it criticism...it is so in the territory of bullying! Again, as I have stated before, the Kim actress was 16 (now 17) when she did the movie! And they bully the poor girl on all her social media sites such as Flitter, InstaPic, and AddressBook! The other thing that annoys the hell out of me is the whole 'my childhood is ruined' shit every time something is rebooted! No, their childhood isn't ruined. They had a childhood, like we did, and it lasted a good while until we got to adulthood!"
"And for those people that have the nerve...the damn audacity...to actually post hateful comments such as killing herself? In my eyes, I do not consider some of them to be 'fans of my show' " Kim replied with air quotes around 'fans of my show" with her fingers. "To me, they should be arrested by the police and sent to jail!"
Taking a deep breath, the redhead added, "My show was supposed to teach kids about friendship and kindness. And in my eyes, the Kim LAM actress is a perfect repesentation of...well...me! She took on those hateful comments with messages of positivity. THAT in all honesty, represents THE true Kim Possible spirit that has been exhibited by some of our good fans in the past, such as the late CPNeb and the late Commander Argus. I loved it! You loved it! Our kids loved it!"
Rufus nodded his head in agreement, belching out what remnants of the Naco there was.
"Even Rufus, the mole rat who did become CGI, loved it! If they are going to target the KP LAM actress, they'll have to get through me first!"
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sambart93 · 5 years
2019.03.12 NakamaruKun no Tanoshii Jikan 3 [Report]
So of course I went to this, and of course it was great! Let’s get right to it!
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If you don’t know what this is, this is basically a one man show with Nakamaru who produces and performances basically all of it. The first one was back in 2008, and then he did another in 2017 and finally this one in 2019. The main ‘plot’ is basically just Nakamaru showing us things that he thinks about or that he finds interesting. It’s really random, really funny, and a lot of fun!
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☆ The show opens with him, of course, doing a beatbox performance to get us all in the mood. But shortly after that we get into the first part/corner of the show.
☆ The first part of the show is him waking up at home (in bed, IN pajamas!) and the theme is: Relatable things that happen at home. So we had things like ‘hitting the snooze button but getting up anyway... forgetting you’d hit the snooze button and getting angry when it goes off..... getting angry when it goes off for the third time.... splashing your face with water three times.... talking to your pet plant... watching the news and making a commentary as you watch.... negatively ridiculing the experts on tv....’ and then there were some Nakamaru only ones such as ‘washing your hands after you touch your phone every time,’ and ‘being able to change quickly because you’re an idol’. Also during this segment, his ringtone AND his alarm tone was him beatboxing which I think is hilarious xD
The main theme is that Nakamaru’s manager has gotten sick so Maru has to do his schedule alone for the day, so we go through his day.
☆ So his first plan of the day is to do a TV news recording called YuIchi (a parody of his actual show Shuichi). He is pre-warned that the host and the guest (which are both projection mappings of him in different outfits xD) can be a little odd so he goes in prepared. But what he gets is more ridiculous than he expected. They talk about nonsensical topics, such as the new auto-parking cars (but the VTR shows the car banging into the nearby cars), and a straw to suck up curry. The other two think these are amazing ideas, while Maru is sat there in disgust and tsukkomi-ing (negatively commenting and scolding) throughout the entire thing.
☆ Then the scene changes completely and it turns into a boxing arena-type setting and Maru walks through the audience area in his boxing shorts and dressing gown. And this is where his infamous bra hook undoing challenge comes in (in an interview for Tanoshii Jikan 3, he said that the staff actually suggested he do this segment because it had become so popular with the fans xD) so he had to unhook as many bras as he could in 60 seconds. His goal is 60, but unfortunately he only got 55 this show.
☆  So after that, his next schedule is to check on the new album and songs. The new album has 8 songs and they’re all remixs of KAT-TUN songs. They were absolutely hilarious! And you could tell a lot of it was influenced by West/Shige (who’s worked with Ueda on Setsuyaku Rock), because we had things like: Real Face West Japan Ver. which was Real Face sung in Kansai-ben/dialect. We had LIPS Eating Edition, which had the sound of someone eating crisps just after Kame’s opening line but before the guitar kicks in. We had Keep the Faith Fan Edition. which was Male Ouendan Chants (it was absolutely hilarious! Maru said ‘the fans would never cheer like this,’ but to be honest, if you asked us to, we would!). We also had (either) White X’Mas or One Drop that was sung in an old Enka/Opera style. The remixs were absolutely hilarious! And so much fun to listen to! Also the new album ‘covers’ were the old grey silhouette style when JE wouldn’t allow previews on the internet. And then the LE edition had the actual member photos but it was Maru as all three of them. Maru turned to his producer and said ‘there’s no way in hell Kame and Ueda would do this (dress up as each member). Ueda would punch you if you told him to,’ which was hilarious because it’s so true! Only Maru would be up for doing this!
☆ Then we had a Metal Gear Solid inspired segment (calling back to UNION and CAST when they did impersonations of this game’s voices) where Maru used the ‘!’ sound and image, and he was dressed up in a MGS-like outfit. Here he did the questioning segment. So here are the question he got that day:
Question One: Is there a role from the other two’s dramas/movies that you want to do? -- Yokai Ningen Bemu. Even though Bem wants to be human, it’d be fun for me to become a yokai every week. Also... OreOre, but that would be very tiring to film. Kame did 23- *audience member yells 33* -- ah sorry, he did 33 different characters. It would be interesting to film though.
Question Two: Do you have an idea about your next solo song? -- I haven’t decided anything yet. I always think of doing a ballad or something because of my age, but then when it comes to the concerts, I really want to dance! So I always do a dance song with a high tempo.
Question Three: What’s your favourite underwear for women? -- I’m an idol so I can’t answer that! If I answer, everything’ll get blown out of proportion. Next question please ^_^
Question Four: What’s your favourite Dialect (in Japan)? -- I love all dialects. I’m from Tokyo so hearing them just sounds so cute. I guess, Kyuushuu’s dialect is nice. Around Kumamoto and Fukuoka is good. They say stuff like ‘~to! ~to!’ (at the end so) it’s really cute. 
I did have a question prepared just in case but luckily my seat number wasn’t pulled out! PHEW!
☆ The next section, Maru goes to a voice recording and he has 4 different clips to voice (all the voices in the clip) for. Me explaining it isn’t going to do any justice at all. But the first clip was of a man being pulled over by an officer, and Maru voiced it so that the two characters were talking about Point Cards xD then next clip was two men meeting and Maru made it into a ‘oh this is my first time meeting you. It’s great to see you again even though this is our first time hehe’ type of thing. The third clip had a couple in a bath and he made it into a ‘so you only like guys with brains? But I have no brains! Are you gunna leave me?! So you’re saying you should have brains too?!’ and unfortunately I don’t remember the fourth clip.
During the curtain call, he told us that he and the staff had actually spent a week going through about 130 or so videos, and buying copyrights to a bunch of them so they could use them for this segment. He said he was going crazy after that week xD
☆ Then we get to the climax corner where he goes back to his room after the day’s schedules are done. And he checks up on his manager who says ‘turns out it wasn’t the flu! I just feel like I have the flu! So I went out and bought hot lemon tea and the limited edition KaniBread! You should go back out and get the KaniBread before it sells out!’ to which Maru is like... ‘you’re too sick to come to work but you’re feeling well enough to go out and get limited edition stuff?’ and the manager was like ‘....yes’ which my fangirl feels totally understand. I will go out dogsick to get an LE of KAT-TUN’s stuff or to go to a limited time cafe or something, but am I f*ck going to work if I feel sick.
☆ So Maru goes to the bathroom but ends up slipping on a banana. When he wakes up, his shadow had detached himself from Maru so now the shadow is running rampant all over Maru’s house. So Maru attempts to catch him and this leads into THE climax of the show which is a long 10 - 20 minute long performance where he used special effects, projection mapping, smells (of biscuits and hot lemon tea), special flying and maneuvering devices, sparkly outfits, suspended dancing glowing balls/crystals etc. It’s just so visually pleasing and it visually enjoyable during this last segment! All of KT’s and Maru’s performance habits came out in this one! We had the classic green light beam performance, we had Maru beatboxing, the very JE sparkly, shiny outfits. I also really loved the space segment of this performance too. He was on a blacked out rodeo horse thing and it made him look like he was floating in space which was so cool! Also at one point, the entire room went black except for some ‘falling’ colourful balls that came down from the sky and then in the center Maru popped up! The entire audience freaked back it was in the center of the first floor audience area! The fans were SO close to him!!
Such an amazing finale!
☆ During the Curtain Call Maru mentioned that there’s still some stuff he can’t talk about and he mentioned ‘KAT-TUN Events’ to which I freaked out because usually he would say ‘Con/Live’ if it was going to be a concert but because he specifically said ‘EVENTS’ my brain was going ten to the dozen! What events?! Debut event?! New album?! New Drama?! New Concert?! Another Line Live?! All of them?! What is in store for us?! So excited!!
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