#bad writers
saraswritingtipps · 1 year
5 Ways to Make Your Writing Sessions More Productive
1. Set specific goals: Before each writing session, establish clear objectives for what you want to accomplish. This helps you stay focused and motivated throughout the session. Whether it's completing a certain number of pages, reaching a specific word count, or finishing a particular section, having a goal in mind keeps you on track.
2. Create a conducive writing environment: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can minimize distractions. Eliminate clutter, turn off notifications on your electronic devices, and set up a writing area that inspires creativity. Some people find instrumental music or ambient sounds helpful for concentration, so experiment to find what works best for you.
3. Develop a routine: Establish a regular writing schedule and stick to it. Consistency builds momentum and makes writing sessions feel more like a habit. Whether you prefer to write early in the morning, late at night, or during specific time blocks throughout the day, find a routine that aligns with your energy levels and other commitments.
4. Use productivity techniques: Explore different productivity techniques to enhance your focus and efficiency. One popular method is the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for a concentrated period (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by a short break (e.g., 5 minutes). Repeat this cycle several times, and then take a longer break (e.g., 15-30 minutes). Other techniques include time blocking, task prioritization, and setting deadlines.
5. Minimize self-editing during the drafting phase: When writing your first draft, try to resist the urge to constantly edit and revise. Instead, focus on getting your ideas down on paper without judgment. This allows for a more continuous flow of thoughts and prevents self-censorship. Save the editing for later drafts, as separating the drafting and editing stages can lead to increased productivity and creativity.
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i-will-write · 9 months
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v0gel-im-kafig · 1 year
republicans aren’t going to ban Colleen Hoover’s books because she’s at their level intellectually (dumdum) and they support domestic violence
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mrsblackruby · 11 months
Ugh I’m such a slow writer how am I ever gonna accomplish anything if I can’t keep up.
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gay-otic-good · 1 year
Scorpio eclipse/mercury retrogrades spinning age_
Spinning in my room for the first time in dresses I don’t hate
Used to wear them as a trade for approving smiles
Because that’s the realest I know love can be.
I think I was honestly loved a few times growing up when I was outside my parents house
But I’m still not sure how to recognize when maybe love was, or is there.
I think that's why I can’t stop cursing those who took it away
I can’t stop cursing those that stopped
Jankier than she’s ever been, begs you to love her just to mock the way you’ll try
Too disfigured to remember what she could have been, sometimes it’s better that way babe
Sometimes it feels better to laugh at the way they carry the gun than remember it’s pointed at you
I know it’s not right, but part of me believes in the right//wrong world, it could have been.
And I would let you fire away, but I know you don’t have the guts anyway/
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wixterirox · 2 years
I think Steve should die 🤷‍♂️
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gr8k877 · 2 months
I have never rage watched a show before. I can't tell if these characters are horrible or horribly written. Every adult in this show needs to be shaken until their teeth rattle. But I kinda need to know what happens. But good lord.
Edited to add: Gwen is a horrible friend. They think they are writing one kind of character, and they aren't. They are writing tropes, but doing it so badly.
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montanabohemian · 10 months
if i see a single one of you pissed that your faves canceled an event or a con appearance because they're striking for fair wages then imma come for you in your sleep 🔪🔪🔪
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(direct that fury where it belongs: AMPTP and the execs)
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azulso · 9 months
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Posting for future memes
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tavina-writes · 1 month
horrible news: in order for you to finish a wip, you have to work on that wip and not the 2543524 other wips you were brainrotting over instead of that one. more investigations at 7.
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saraswritingtipps · 1 year
Character Movements #1
1. Sighing: The character releases a deep breath, conveying frustration, relief, weariness, or resignation.
2. Shivering: The character's body trembles involuntarily, often indicating fear, coldness, or a strong emotional response.
3. Trembling hands: The character's hands shake noticeably, suggesting nervousness, anxiety, or fear.
4. Clenching fists: The character tightens their hands into fists, expressing anger, determination, or frustration.
5. Biting nails: The character nibbles or bites their nails, indicating nervousness, anxiety, or anticipation.
6. Tapping fingers: The character rhythmically taps their fingers on a surface, suggesting impatience, irritation, or deep thought.
7. Pacing: The character walks back and forth in a small area, indicating restlessness, anxiety, or contemplation.
8. Slumping shoulders: The character's shoulders droop or sag, conveying defeat, sadness, or exhaustion.
9. Tilting head: The character inclines their head to the side, expressing curiosity, attentiveness, or confusion.
10. Rubbing temples: The character massages their temples with their fingertips, suggesting stress, tiredness, or a headache.
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i-will-write · 2 years
i HATE writing!!! grr!!! fuck! aaah!!!!! <- loves writing
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holymymolly · 10 months
Sometimes (sometimes) I wonder if I should start writing fanfiction. Would it be as amazing as the masterpieces I read or would it be "12yo girl on spirit" level?
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me writing angst: haha this is fun I hope someone cries reading it
me when my favorite show has even the slightest bit of angst: OH NO
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wispscribbles · 3 months
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still breathing ☀️
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hashtagloveloses · 10 months
the hollywood studios are the dumbest people alive bc now every american city with a large film/TV industry (LA, NYC, Atlanta, etc) are going to be overrun by grown up theatre kids (professional writers and actors) hanging out together in public for months on end with nothing to do but emulate newsies. whole american cities are about to look like the inside of a suburban dennys at 11 pm on a saturday after a high school musical closes. they have trapped millions of people in a hell of unimaginable proportions.
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