gay-otic-good · 6 days
The Good Place Janet's "I'm not a girl" to Barbie Allan's "he's just Allan" pipeline is so real
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gay-otic-good · 1 month
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gay-otic-good · 2 months
The type of parents who argue that simply putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their kids' head is sufficient parenting are always so shocked when their children no longer want to deal with them once they've got their own place and can buy their own groceries. Like what else did you expect to happen? You told the people who had no other choice than rely on you for food and shelter that asking for any more than that is unreasonable of them, and then they don't go to you for anything once they can get those some other way. What would they go to their parents for?
They've got food at the house.
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gay-otic-good · 2 months
[smash mouth voice] well, the tears start coming and they don’t stop coming
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gay-otic-good · 2 months
never gonna stop thinking abt how i drunkenly stumbled over to this 40/50 year old butch lesbian at a gay bar and said “you’re everything i want to be” only for her to give me the warmest hug i’ve ever received in my life and tell me that was the best compliment she’s ever received.
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gay-otic-good · 2 months
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Charles Bukowski, “The Poet,” from Slouching Toward Nirvana
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gay-otic-good · 2 months
Perhaps it victimizes me to admit that I am expertly betrayed. Easily taken advantage of. I am not a martyr. I am The Devil’s Professional Advocate. I will put myself in your shoes till my flesh melts with the soles. And in these trappings not made for me, my clumsy and stumbling gait walks me into gaping pits of disillusion. Bear traps set in a forest by those who know I will stop to admire the leaves and search for beetles on their backs who need rescuing. I suppose that I owe my survival to a magic trick I learned (earned?) when I was young:
“Leave your body, and go somewhere else.”
I became such a skilled dis-associator that I split in two. Peel myself straight down the middle like the plastic backing of a bandaid. Astral project into a timeline where I haven’t made whatever grave error in character judgement has landed me in my terrible predicament. I have been asked 100 times what the difference is between Halsey and Ashley and I have never answered honestly. The truth is that I built her, as a child, to protect the tender core that lies beneath. In a confusing chain of events, my maladaptive daydream became my full time reality. My armor can walk and talk and they look just like me. But you can’t hurt us anymore,
Because one of us is not real.
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gay-otic-good · 2 months
I’ve been on my knees since I was 5.
In the chapel,
in a bedroom,
in an alley late at night.
Always facing an inflated
version of some guy.
But as a girl you do what you need to survive.
You open wider, take the body.
Thank your father, you’ve been naughty.
2 Hail Marys, 20 lashings.
“I’ve been sent to punish you for daring to exist.
You will never know a love as meaningful as this.”
I’ve memorized
the lines
since I was 10.
From the Bible,
from the playbook,
from the magazines for men.
If you should mess it up, you’ll start again.
But, still, they only want
the women
they condemn.
I think that I’d have too much fun in hell.
With the pagans
and the hedonists
and sapphics there as well.
Purgatory seems the better fit
I can’t stand waiting in the corner,
but I do love being hit.
There’s not a torture you can prescribe
that I wouldn’t find
a way to like.
Every single second I’m alive
I’m sharpening an axe I’d like to grind.
“I was sent to punish you
for the way I was designed.
You will never know a love
that you fear more than mine.”
- “God Fear a Woman” 2023
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gay-otic-good · 2 months
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The Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1944–1947
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gay-otic-good · 2 months
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gay-otic-good · 3 months
The window pane is 20 knives, all cutting through my fragile life. Someone new peeking through the room. I fear the name you whispered is mine, I’ll know it soon. I’m headless, I’m just limbs. I think they’re coming in. I already died, so this is extra time. I already died, so now I see it open eyed. I already died, so I am justified. I already died. There’s nothing you can say to change my mind.
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gay-otic-good · 4 months
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gay-otic-good · 4 months
i said it was my favorite piece of media that i’ve hyperfixated on since the tender age of 12 and have not let go of since. i didnt say it was a Good piece of media
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gay-otic-good · 4 months
ooooh I crave verbal approval from others oh wooww but I don't know how to except it oh nooo so I avoid any form of acknowledgement when someone even might be giving my praise LE GASP if someone I want approval from gives my verbal approval on any level again I wiLL FOCUKING DACNKDLFEEXPLODE
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gay-otic-good · 4 months
Yes girl, unhinge that jaw! Tear that man limb from limb! Wear your silly boy-girl best and prep their concept of reality for breakfast! Those reoccurring thoughts of death won’t consume you, anxiety wishes it were as cool as you are!! Your endless hunger and rage is more devastating than any god!
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gay-otic-good · 5 months
Reposting again
genderfluid but not in a "is it a girl day or boy day today" way but in a "my soul has lived here for too long. the doorframes are chipped and the walls are sun-faded; the wood rots and the nails rust. this house was once home but today it is no longer. will I ever be back? maybe one day. but come tomorrow this place is dead to me." on a random wednesday and then chopping all my hair off way
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gay-otic-good · 5 months
I love finally experimenting with gender expression after hiding under a hoodie with a shaved head for years. I started doing makeup a couple months ago. I have bangs for the first time. I am some tragically pathetic guy trying to carry all the world’s weight with tired eyes right before I get excited about buying a cute little drink from a local coffee shop. I am overflowing with feminine rage and use my femininity as a weapon to try and control the masses and I want to flirt a little with everyone but I also have dad/grandpa energy and call little kids bud. Idk I started considering trying to grow a beard this morning
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