#back to my sappiness again.. 😌
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From consoling, comforting, gentle touches, a hug with heavy thoughts and heavy hearts to soothe the uncertainty.. but just a touch, the flame of need ignited, the want consumes them. Now it's passionate, frenetic touches as kisses reveal - I have missed you, I've been dreaming about you, just you and me finally. I need you, I love you, allow me to show you how much. After the push and pull of their feelings, here they are and again how right it feels... I can have this again one more time. 💜💜
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thevillainswhore · 6 months
New Tricks
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Pairing: Virgin!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Word Count: 9.5k
Summary: After your brother has to cancel movie night, you’re ready to resign yourself to an uneventful evening back at your dorm, alone and dejected. But what you didn’t count on, is your brother’s best friend and roommate, bursting through the door and asking you to stay; to spend the night with him, instead
What unfolds, however, while you spend time with the star football player, both shocks and astounds you — one confession in particular. 
Bucky Barnes, the Prince Charming of campus, the man you have been crushing on for an eternity, is a virgin.
Warnings: first kisses, fluff, smut, grinding, making out, big brother!steve, college!bucky, shy bby bucky, mutual pining, swearing, pet names, huge ton of reassurances, lots of praise, big hints of subby bucky
Author’s Note: beta’d by my baby @rookthorne
Okay, so where to start with this… the idea for this fic sprung from a certain someone 👀 and I just had to write it. Thank you to my girl for being a huge support through this, I love you 💗
These two have my whole heart and who knows? Maybe more will come of them 😌 for all my playlist lovers, you’re welcome - new tricks playlist ❤️
New Tricks Masterlist
I hope you enjoy this as much as I’ve loved creating it 🥹
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Standing outside of your brother’s apartment, your impatience starts to wane thin. For ten whole minutes, you have been waiting for Steve to open up. And knocking like a crazed woman is beginning to get old; so is waiting on the doorstep to his front door. 
“Oh, for–” You grumble, and you lift your arm up to bang against the door for the umpteenth time,  when your hand misses it entirely, owing to the fact it swings open to admit you with such enthusiasm, it creaks and threatens to bounce back off of the wall.  
Bucky — your brother’s roommate, best friend, and your crush — sheepishly smiles and scratches the back of his neck. 
The line of his shoulders slump when he lowers his arm, and you notice (and appreciate) just how broad and muscled he is. He must have just been working out, or you interrupted him — nonetheless, you’re thankful for the sight before you, and how it makes the crush you harboured for the brunette for years roar to life all over again. 
Excellent, you inwardly sigh.
“Buttercup,” Bucky says — the affectionate nickname born from his sappy personality always makes you swoon, and his hesitant smile morphs into a wide one. You’re left fighting  internally to keep your giddiness at the sight of him to a respectable level.  “Hey, you. Sorry I didn’t hear you; I was listening to music.” 
Your gaze continues up to his hair, finding it tied back with an elastic at the nape of his neck.  Oh, how you wished you could run your hands through–
“Hey, you okay?” he asks, furrowing his brows. 
Embarrassment floods you and you realise far too late that he probably has asked you a question, or several, while you were daydreaming. “Sorry, Buck,” you squeak, praying that the heat crawling up your neck was not as obvious as it felt. “What was that?”
His soft, puppy-eyed expression brightens when you meet his gaze. “It’s fine, doll. Everything okay?” 
No matter how badly you want to stand and unashamedly stare at your brother’s best friend and roommate, your true intention behind your visit comes to mind. 
“Can I come in?” you ask, lifting the bag of snacks you brought up higher. Bucky’s eyes glance down at the bag, and then back up to your face. “Stevie planned our movie night and he isn’t answering his phone — I told him I was on my way and I asked him if he wanted anything else.” 
The confusion that creases Bucky's brows and downturns his lips in a small frown makes you narrow your eyes. 
“Surely he didn’t forget,” you accuse, still staring into Bucky’s face. “I make the trip down from campus every two weeks. It’s been two weeks.” A sudden, encompassing guilt fills Bucky’s eyes, and he starts to worry his bottom lip with his teeth — a sight far too hard to ignore. “Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“Um– I just–” Bucky stutters, and you watch as his fingers twitch and fidget — a nervous tic. If he didn’t look cute while stumbling over his words, you would feel sorry for being so blunt. “I just thought that– Uh, I thought it was cancelled. The movie night, I mean.” 
You step forward slightly, and Bucky opens the door wider. A wordless invitation. 
Bucky rushes to clear a space on the entryway coat rack for you, when he suddenly says, “You know, because of his date, an’ all.” His words falter at the look you shoot him. You stop taking off your coat, and you drop the bag of snacks to the floor, ignoring the crinkle and rustle of plastic. 
“What do you mean date, Barnes?” The use of his last name causes a flush of deep red to pattern his cheeks, but you don’t let up. There’s music playing from down the hall of the apartment – right where Steve’s bedroom is. “What’s going on?” 
Bucky skittishly fidgets and glances around the apartment, before meeting your heated gaze. “I– Look, I didn’t know–” 
You silently mouth a curse, beyond frustrated with your older brother, and with yourself for taking just a second to indulge and admire just how sweet Bucky is when he is unsure. “Fine,” you huff, and you turn to walk straight towards the source and to investigate it yourself.
Bucky’s frantic footsteps behind you don’t deter your haste. “Wait, stop — Buttercup, wait!”
Forgoing a courtesy knock — having had enough of banging on his front door — you barge straight into the room with as little as a greeting call or warning. 
“What the shit–“ 
The door to Steve’s bedroom slams against the wall, and you come face to face with the blond in the middle of a dance off with himself in the mirror. “Sis! Hey,” he gasps, holding his hand over his heart in fright. “What’re you doing–?” 
In lieu of an answer, you cross your arms and stare at him, unimpressed and exasperated with his antics. “Don’t you hey sis me.” The fear in Steve’s eyes as you stomp towards him almost vindicates your indignation of being uninformed. “What do you mean you’re going on a date? It’s movie night!” 
Steve has the decency to look ashamed. “Flower, I swear, I’m sorry,” he rambles, and he takes your hand, directing you to sit down on his bed. “I would’ve called to let you know but everything was so last minute.” 
The grip he has on your hand is firm, assuring you of his true intentions, even when he turns the Roger’s charm up to an eleven to worm his way back onto your good side. “I swear sis, I wouldn’t bail on you without a good reason.”
“Okay,” you say, staring into his face — still not wholeheartedly convinced of his graces. A line of questioning is in order, you decide. “So, who is this good enough reason?”
“Natasha Romanoff.” The dreamy, love-struck sigh that leaves Steve’s lips after her name is uttered has you reluctantly trying to hide your giggle; the righteous anger and frustration slowly leaves your body in his admittance.  
The fact that he has been obsessed with the college’s most popular redhead since forever, was a balm to the annoyance. You truly did feel happy for him underneath it all. 
And, in the end, it’s how you decide to let him off the hook — though not without teasing him, first. “No way, the Natasha Romanoff? How the hell have you managed that one?” 
Steve pushes your shoulder, and the force of his shove knocks you sideways onto the covers of his bed. “Fine,” you grouse, sighing heavily and resigning yourself to a night on your own. “I’ll let you off this time.”
“I’ll make it up to you, Flower,” Steve promises. And you believe him. He has always kept his word; ever since the two of you were kids. 
“Good,” you say, smiling softly. “I expect an apology at my door in the next few days, though.”
Laughing, Steve nods, and then he stands from his bed. 
“I’ll leave you to it then, I hope you have fun, bro.” 
It is an impossible task for you to hide your dejected hurt from Steve, though. Clever and perceptive as he is, he detects the subtle sombre undertones underlying your reassurances, narrowing in on them like a dog to a bone. 
You get to your feet with a quiet sigh, and as you move, you miss the thoughtful expression on his face; the perk of his ears at the almost indistinguishable shuffling of feet just outside of his bedroom. “How about you have a movie night with Bucky, instead?” 
You stop in your tracks, frozen in shock at the sudden and downright surprising suggestion. “Stevie,” you admonish, “Bucky does not want to waste a Friday night with me–“
“I don’t mind!” Bucky shouts eagerly from the doorway, and you spin around to face him. The nervous fidget of his curls his fingers and hands around one another, over and over. 
Had he been listening that whole time? 
Guilt begins to flood you. Imposing on any plans Bucky  may have made was a burden you did not want to bear,  and you couldn’t fathom who would want to spend the night with their best friend’s little sister. “Thank you, Bucky, that’s really sweet of you,” you placate, smiling at him. “But I know you’ve probably got better things to do on a Friday night than be with me.”
Bucky seems to swell in the doorway, his chest puffing up and he sets his jaw, a determined glint in his eyes. “Actually, Buttercup,” he retorts, crossing his arms in a decisive move. “A movie night with you sounds perfect.” 
The confidence in his tone takes you by surprise, and you flounder for a second while you stare into his steel blue eyes. “Really?”
“‘Course,” he replies easily, shrugging his shoulders. “It’ll be fun.”
His words, and charming smile, ultimately win you over.  
With your attention wholly focused on Bucky as he begins to talk about what movies to watch, you miss the knowing, victorious smirk that curls Steve’s lips.  
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“Okay,” Steve calls from the doorway, looking back at the two of you, and you can’t help but be frustrated by his stalling. “Be good and behave while I’m gone. Oh, and, no staying up past your bedtimes — Bucky, her bedtime is ten o’clock sharp.”
The scowl on your face only serves to make him laugh, and you huff your exasperation before your hands grip his biceps; the only way to get him out the door is brute force. “Get out, Stevie,” you grunt, pushing with all your might, but it is to no avail. Steve is as immovable as a statue made of marble. “Don’t you have to go see Natasha?”
“Yeah,” Bucky agrees, and you hear the rustling sound of fabric. “Don’t you?”
Instinct tells you to duck, and you do so, just in the nick of time to avoid the pillow Bucky launches across the room from his place next to the couch. The pillow hits Steve square in the face with a comical thump. 
You burst into laughter at the stunned look of disbelief on Steve’s face, and you look over at Bucky, who is leaning against the sofa; a smug grin pulls his lips up and scrunches his nose.  “Get the hell outta here already, punk.”
With Steve distracted by Bucky’s betrayal, you take the chance to shove him out of the front door and watch delightedly as he stumbles in the hallway. “Hey–!” The door slams shut behind him, cutting him off. 
Giggles shake your shoulders as you put your back to the door, leaning against it with all of your strength as Steve turns the handle — evidently not finished in the war of quips. 
Bucky’s laughter from his place by the sofa makes your stomach flutter, and he walks closer, just as Steve stops attempting to break down the door. 
With the end of Steve’s attempts to forcefully open the door, you turn and face the wood and peer out of the peephole. A blond mop of hair is just within view. “Bye Stevie!” you call through the door, “Have fun, wear protection!”
Steve’s reply is muffled by the wood, and he flips you off before walking away.  
Shaking your head, you turn back to face the living room, and you see Bucky fussing around the sofa and coffee table. The strong aroma of a sweet, spicy scent fills your senses and you inhale deeply, letting the tantalising smell fill your lungs, before you ask, “Bucky, what are you doing?”
He sends you a furtive glance before looking back down at the snacks laid out on the coffee table, neatly placed next to two already filled glasses of drink. A bag of popcorn threatens to spill from his arms. “I’m, uh– I’m setting up? For the movie–?”
You could not help but notice how fast the bravado and confidence he displayed in the presence of Steve vanishes when he was with you, and you alone.  
“Oh, sweetie,” you coo, walking closer. “I thought we could watch the movie in your room, instead of out here. It’ll be more comfortable, at least, and we can spread out. Is that okay?” 
The popcorn bag that threatened to spill from his arms bursts instead, scattering the popped kernels all over the floor, making him yelp. “Ah! Uh– Okay, we… We can if you want?”
You nod once. “Absolutely. I’d rather be in your bed any day, then out here,” you tease, amused by the way Bucky’s eyes bulge and his cheeks flush. Then you look down at the popcorn all over the floor, and add, “But first, let’s clean this up.” 
Bucky starts to clean up the mess, and he tells you to grab the movies you agreed upon from the collection in the bookshelf. 
The selection to choose from is packed, as it always is. “Why don’t I grab a couple?” 
“Sure,” Bucky answers, sweeping the popcorn into a dustpan. “I mean, why not? May as well go all out.”
You grin and grab a couple of cases. “Do you need some help–”
“No, I’ve got it, Bubs,” Bucky interrupts. You look over your shoulder at him to see the blankets bundled high in his arms, and before you could protest and insist you help carry them, he shuffles off in the direction of his bedroom. 
Then, you glance down at the coffee table to see that the snacks and drinks are missing. “Did you grab the snacks?”
“Yeah!” Bucky calls back, muffled by the walls between the two of you. 
A fond sigh falls from your lips and you follow after him, DVD cases in hand.  
The tension in the air of his bedroom is charged with something you could not quite describe, and the butterflies in your stomach roar to life for it. You square your shoulders, and smile through it. “It’s no different, it’s no different,” you mutter under your breath; a mantra for confidence. 
Though, it is short lived. 
Bucky throws the blankets onto his bed with a grunt, and both the TV and DVD player switch on, ready to accept one of the disks you held in your hand. 
A shuddery breath falls from your lips, and you make your way to the player to place the first disc in. It whirrs to life as you turn to look at Bucky, who is placing the snacks on a tray table, his tongue between his teeth as he works. 
“Okay,” he hums, turning to face you, a shy smile on his face. “You ready, Bubs?” Without waiting for an answer, he walks past you to the light switch, his index finger poised to flip it off. 
You look down at your body, the warm outerwear you had thrown on to get to Steve’s apartment suddenly becomes scorching hot against your skin, and an idea comes to mind — flustering him has given you a rush of confidence before… 
“Almost,” you say, a hidden smirk on your lips. The layers of warmth are soft in your hands while you take them off, and you’re left in a thin tank top and soft, cotton shorts. “Now I am.”
A faint choking noise comes from the doorway behind you when you place the warmer clothes on Bucky’s desk chair. Inwardly, a coy smirk lifts the corner of your lips; outwardly, you look over to him, concerned and ever curious. 
His face, normally soft and kind whenever he looked at you, is taut with embarrassment; blotchy and red. His eyes are frantically looking anywhere, and everywhere around the room but at you. 
“Buck?” you say, getting his attention. His eyes meet yours. “You okay?”
The fidgeting is your first clue that he is struggling with something, and it is a battle to keep the teasing smile off your lips when his hands run constantly through his long hair and or come to a stop in the pockets of his grey sweats. 
Patiently, you watch while he repeats the same actions several times, each pass of his hands only serving to make him even more flushed. “Yeah. Yep,” Bucky coughs. “Mhm. Just great, thanks.” He looks up to the ceiling and gulps loudly. “You’re really wearing those? Uh– Just those, I mean?” 
You thin your lips to try and hurriedly fight off a smile as you grab your warm, fluffy socks from your bag. “Of course, silly,” you tease, shaking your head once. “I always wear my comfy clothes on movie night.”
The room turns deathly silent when you bend at the hip to pull the socks up your feet. 
Peering up from your task, you see Bucky staring at your legs, evidently thinking he hadn’t been caught and his eyes begin to trail upwards, towards your chest. The slackjawed expression amuses you, though you feel the beginning sparks of your own shyness come to life.
“Buck?” A nervous laugh bubbles in your chest, and you play with the hem of your tank top at the heat in his gaze. “Bucky?” you try again, “Are you ready?”
“Uh– Yeah, yes,” he rushes, quickly flicking the light off so his face is cast into shadow. You could have sworn he looked like a kid getting caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar — wide eyes and a deepening blush that spread down his neck.  
Bucky had always been a little shy in your presence, this you knew. Whenever you come over to visit Steve, or you bump into Bucky on campus, you always notice a remarkable difference in his normal, unwavering charm that he had in familiar company. 
This lack of swagger gives you the impression that you unfasten the young, boyish version of him; the one ruled by nerves, and hindered by a severe lack of confidence. 
Sure, you enjoy spending time with him here and there when you hang out at your brother’s apartment, but never before have you been this close to him, and alone. 
“Why don’t we–?” You gesture towards Bucky’s bed, and before he could either protest or agree, you jog to the edge and jump onto the plush mattress with a squeal of laughter. The blankets cover you easily as you roll yourself in them. “This is perfect,” you sigh, happy and content. 
“And where am I meant to sit?” Bucky laughs, appearing in your eye line with a bright, amused expression. “You blanket hog.”
“Fine,” you drawl, and you disentangle yourself from the cocoon of blankets. 
“Why, thank you, madame,” Bucky says, extending his hand in a mock salute, and he sits down in the now available spot, before sidling up the mattress, to rest his back on the headboard.
The broadness of his shoulders don’t leave much room between the two of you, and you decide to snuggle up to his side in a bid to get comfortable. You feel him tense with the proximity, but he doesn’t push you away or say anything.
“Are you ready now?” you ask, reaching for the remote. “For the movie?”
“Yeah, go ahead,” he rasps, nodding quickly.
Despite his initial nerves, Bucky settles comfortably in your presence — half of the movie goes by undisturbed with only the occasional shuffling to get comfortable after getting a snack, or a drink.  
That all changes the moment Bucky becomes restless,his leg twitching against yours constantly, and he repositions himself every couple of minutes. From the corner of your eye, you see his mouth opening and closing; the courage building within him to speak up. You bite your tongue against the urge — let him speak first, you chided yourself. 
“So,” Bucky eventually says, his voice quiet. “How are your classes going, Buttercup?” 
You take your eyes off the screen and face Bucky, but he’s already looking at you, his eyes bright from the glow of the TV. 
“They’re going good,” you reply, just as quietly. “Yeah, they’re busy — hectic, even, but good.” 
The fabric of the comforter ruffles as you turn your body towards him — your shorts ride up with the movement, and your bare thighs brush against his sweats. Bucky tenses while you settle in and only relaxes when you stop shifting in place. “This time of year is always busy, the coursework and exams,” you continue, shrugging your shoulders. “But I’m managing okay, thanks.” 
Bucky nods his head thoughtfully. “Yeah, all those art projects you’ve gotta finish, it must be tiring.” 
Shock slackens your features and you reel back — you could not recall telling him what you studied. “How do you know what major I’m taking?”
“I– um,” Bucky stutters, suddenly overwhelmingly shy. “I hear you talking to Steve about it. Y’know, when– When you come over, on movie nights, and other nights.” 
You can sense Bucky is not done explaining; he licks his lips and stares at his lap, where he fidgets, again. Quietly, as if embarrassed, he continues, “I see you lugging your big canvases across campus sometimes, too. From class, and– And from the window, when I’m actually studying.”
Warmth creeps up your neck again and you blink rapidly. You hadn’t noticed that he took so much notice of you before now, and you couldn’t help but feel endeared over it. 
Desperate to shift the attention away from yourself, you blurt, “How’s, uh– How’s training going for football season this year?”  
Bucky freezes for a second, then trips over his words, “Oh, it’s good– Yeah, it’s great. Coach says I’m progressing well, so I’m doing alright, I guess.”
“So modest, Buck,” you tease. It was common knowledge on campus that Bucky is the star player of the college football team, while also being scouted to join the professional leagues. You place your hand on his arm and squeeze his bicep reassuringly, lending him a bit of your confidence. “Don’t you sell yourself short, I’ve seen you play — you’re amazing!” 
He inhales sharply and grimaces, an expression that contorts his handsome face. “You really think so?” 
“Bucky,” you say slowly. The tense line of his body is obvious as you shuffle closer, but you are determined to prove your point; assure him of his talent and abilities, for all of a shy puppy that he is.  
“Listen to me, honey,” you continue, and Bucky refuses to meet your gaze, instead focusing on his hands. “Everyone can see it, all of us — all of the women in the crowds, all of the kids that watch you from the sidelines. We’re all screaming for you.”
His skin is warm under your palm, but you don’t remove your hand. Instead, you grip his arm and shake it a little. “You’re amazing.”
Bucky stays silent — contemplative of your words, and you take the opportunity to think over the reason why Bucky chooses to stay in on a Friday night. 
There is no questioning the fact that Bucky Barnes could pull anyone he wanted, whether it was to party, or to fuck, but to your recollection — and from what Steve had slipped in the past — no one has ever witnessed Bucky bringing anyone home, drunk or otherwise. No partner he could call his own, either, and he didn’t brag about the obvious charm he held over the many women on or off campus. 
Cautiously, you venture towards the subject of your curiosity. “Speaking of, shouldn’t you be going out on dates on a Friday night, like Stevie? Surely you’ve got tons of girls lined up for you.”  
Bucky’s silence turns deafening, unnatural. His body becomes stiff and he looks to be barely breathing. 
“Buck?” You sit up and look into his face. It’s pulled taut with what you could only guess as shame, but that made no sense, and with a mounting, swelling horror, you realise you may have pushed him too far; teased beyond the point of what is acceptable between friends. “Hey, did I say something wrong? I’m so sorry–”
“No! No– I… fuck.” Bucky throws his head back against the headboard and covers his face. “Oh, God,” he groans, muffled by his hands. “Shit.”
“Bucky–” You hesitate, unsure of what to do or what to say. You’ve never seen Bucky behave like this, so anxious and uneasy. “I– I’ll go, it’s alright, I’m sorry,” you say quickly, and you start to shuffle off of the bed when you hear his muffled voice say something behind his hands. “What was that, I didn��t–?”
A heavy sigh lifts his shoulders, and they slump back down as he exhales. “Ihaventevenhadmyfirstkissyet.”
“Sweetheart,” you say quietly, and you shift back towards him. The curtain of hair he’s so fond of covers and conceals his eyes from view, but you refrain from tucking it behind his ear. “I did not understand a word of what you just said.” 
Bucky clears his throat and shifts uncomfortably, looking up at you with a great effort. “I– uh.” His hands land on his thighs with a finality not unlike the final siren at his football games, and he utters a reluctant, “I haven’t even had my first kiss yet.” 
His bedroom is quiet enough you would hear a pin drop. The TV had long powered off, since the movie finished while you talked, and the tension was palpable; a living, breathing encumberment that could not be cut with a knife. The flickering light from the still burning candle on his bedside drawers makes shadows dance across Bucky’s face. 
Okay, you think privately, so what? 
Bucky hasn’t kissed anyone before. It was justifiable — too busy with life, training and keeping up his GPA. You didn’t have to make a big deal out of this. “That’s okay–” Then the reality of the situation hits you, and your mind screeches to a halt. 
If Bucky hasn’t had his first kiss… “Does– Wait, does that mean–?”
“Yes.” Bucky squeezes his eyes tight and refuses to look at you — it is obviously a painful confession, yet he still forces himself to spit it out, putting voice to the doubt in your mind. “I’m a virgin.”
Now that catches you off guard. 
Bucky… is a virgin? 
Bucky, the star football player; built like a Greek god with the charisma to match. 
Sweat beads on his forehead and he looks like he is about to bolt from the room in his fear, and you realise all of your thoughts had shown in your expression. 
“Oh,” you manage, blinking slowly. The hand that was gripping his arm had moved without you realising, and you hastily place it back on his bicep. “Oh, Bucky.”
No other words come to mind. 
When you came to visit Steve for movie night, a calm, easy tradition in your routine, you never expected to end up in this kind of situation; on the other side of a confession that has left you speechless with shock, all while a strange confliction brews deep within your guts. 
You had been there once, and what you wouldn’t have given to have the opportunity to experience it with someone you trusted wholeheartedly — like you did Bucky, your mind supplies not-so-helpfully. 
The realisation hits you harder than you expect, and you gasp quietly, still gripping his arm to reassure him. 
Bucky moves his hands to cover his face again, and his chest rises and falls with a sharp hitch. The nervous pants for air that part his lips bring you back down to earth and away from that revelation. You know he’s embarrassed; ducking his head to his chest and glancing up as though you had scolded him. The entirety of his toned body is rigid with fear, each muscle clenching and poised to run, to save what dignity he feels he has left after such a confession. 
It’s difficult not to stare at the veins that line and bulge from his forearms down to his deft hands,  and you almost feel guilty for it; he’s in distress, fretting over the reveal of his lack of sexual prowess, but you cannot help the lingering gaze over his body. He just looks so pretty. 
From the get go, ever since you had met the star football player, you have always fantasised about him. The silent crush on Bucky had developed into such a deep attraction you almost couldn’t bear it any longer. 
Having convinced yourself of the non-existent reciprocation kept your tongue at bay, in the past.  And while Bucky’s virginity is a surprise, it did not hinder or lessen your feelings for him, quite the opposite; the heady weight of it settling over your mind like a blanket. 
What was stopping you now? What would be the harm in testing the waters?
To hell with it, you decide. The springs of the mattress creak as you move to shuck the blanket off of your body, then your legs. 
Bucky audibly gulps behind his hands when you move closer, and he positively freezes, like a deer in headlights, as you lift your leg up and over his thighs to straddle him. The soft brush of his sweatpants over your legs sends a shiver up your spine, and you sit down, settling your body comfortably on his thighs, just above his knees. 
“What– What are you doing–?” Bucky whispers, and his words are muffled behind his palms. You grin, unseen by your quarry, and you shuffle up his thighs to his hips, your clothed cunt just below the seam at his crotch.  
The sound of Bucky choking on his own spit is comical. 
You pull his hands away from his face, the urge to kiss each palm overwhelming; feather-soft brushes of your lips against the soft skin sends the pulse in his throat racing. “Buttercup, please– This is embarrassing enough–”
“Bucky,” you whisper, cutting him off. “Look at me.”
Blue eyes meet yours, and you pour all of the unspoken words between you both in your soft gaze, willing him to feel the yearning. “Kiss me.” 
“But–” He hesitates, a fish out of water again. His mouth hangs slack from the shock of such a bold request, and you place your pointer finger over his lips, shushing him before he can carry on protesting. 
You pout, placing a hint of pleading in your tone, “Please?”
He looks at you as though you’ve grown two heads. “I– What, I mean,” he flounders, arms hovering at his sides, hesitant to touch you — terrified of taking it a step too far. “I don’t know–“
“Aw, Buck,” you coo, smiling softly. Carefully, you shuffle further up his lap until your knees brush against the headboard of his bed. Gently, you place your palms on Bucky’s toned chest, just above his beating heart hammering away — not wanting to frighten him. “I’ll show you, okay?”
“Yeah.” The tremble in his voice makes your heart ache, but you smile encouragingly.
“Here we go,” you soothe. He smiles weakly back, eyes still wide with shock. “I’ve got you.”
You slowly and steadily move closer to Bucky’s face. A shudder racks through his whole body when he feels your breath against his neck, and you peck his stubbled cheek before sitting back upright to face him.
“Okay,” Bucky shakily says, fisting the blankets in his hands. “Okay. That was okay.”
“See? It’s not so bad,” you tease, and you tilt your head to the side, sticking out your cheek. “Your turn.” From the corner of your eyes, you watch his eyes sweep across your face, still hesitant and nervous, but a slither of curiosity now shining through. 
Broad, strong shoulders lift in tandem with his deep, grounding breath, and he steadily leans in before he second guesses himself. He resolutely does not touch your body, but he manages to find the confidence to gently press his lips against your skin, kissing your cheek. 
This time, he sits back and looks up at you for direction and reassurance. 
You consider it, ignoring the fluttering of your heart. His touch was sweet, but polite; a kiss on the cheek that you would give a friend after such a long time apart. And, in the end, you want Bucky to gain more confidence and actually enjoy kissing — he shouldn’t have to be ashamed to want it. “Good, that was good,” you say, keeping your tone mellow so as to not spook him.
He is making good progress, and gentle encouragement is the way to ensure it continues, you reason with yourself. “Now, I want you to do the exact same thing, but start gradually moving towards my lips.”
“Oh– Okay, okay,” he breathes, and his eyes widen slightly before they dart down towards his lap. 
That needs to be rectified immediately, before he shuts down, you hastily think, and you react swifty, your hands roaming from his chest and up to the sides of his neck, adding a little pressure to bring him back down to earth. 
There was an innate need for him to know that he could trust you; that you would treat him with the respect he deserves. 
Gently, you lift his head up, forcing him to look at you, and the downturn of his lips makes your heart ache. All you want to do is soothe the fear and rid the worry from his pretty eyes that pierce you, even through the strands of hair that have fallen in his face. 
“You’re okay, Buck,” you soothe, rubbing your thumbs over his warm, rosy cheeks. The movement and assurance seem to do the trick. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”
A minute passes, and you watch as the confliction flitters across his face; an inward battle to assemble his courage to bridge the gap between you both.
There is another minute of silence, when he slowly advances, leaving his palms flat on the covers of his bed as he kisses you on the cheek. 
“That’s it,” you praise, sitting still in his lap, but smiling softly in encouragement.
Bucky hesitantly returns the smile, and he doesn’t move away, rather, he decides to stay close. “You did good,” you say, still smiling, and he takes you by surprise when he moves forwards again to place another tiny kiss even closer to your lips. “Oh–”
The soft brush of his lips makes you freeze, and he takes his time, building his confidence with each peck he makes. 
Finally, he reaches the corner of your lips, and he stalls; confidence wavering and faltering with the daunting task. You go to part your lips to speak on instinct, to encourage him, when he suddenly moves even closer to your face, making you hastily shut your mouth and brace for what was to come; willing for your heart to slow down the tattoo it beats against your throat.  
“Okay,” Bucky whispers more to himself, and he clears his throat before licking his lips. “Okay, okay. Just–” His lips connect with the curve of you own, the brief and fleeting connection enough to tell you that his lips are plump; ripe to swell and redden with a passionate make out session. 
Hastily, Bucky withdraws, but not all the way back — he lingers and only allows the tiniest space between your faces.
“You did it, sweetheart,” you coo, keeping your voice low. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Th– Thanks,” he stutters, and the rosy blush he sported turns a splotchy crimson. Interesting, you think.  
You turn your head to look at him, and the proximity of his face makes both of your lips brush against each other. The intoxicating softness consumes you, and you cannot deny the reality that Bucky is there, he is right there. A torture that intensifies in the billowing silence, while a burning, reckless spike of adrenaline rushes through your veins.
“Do you want more?” you ask quietly, breaking the silence and shattering the tension. 
A harsh breath falls from Bucky’s lips, and he presses forward to kiss you properly for the first time. 
Whatever you had been expecting for a first kiss from the inexperienced, sweet, charming man beneath you, flew out the window. Your lips slot perfectly over his, a chaste kiss that held enough need and want to be something far more; it could not hold a candle to the sex you had with past flings.  
The kiss, unexpected as it was, lasts only for a couple seconds longer before Bucky pulls back from it, panting lightly — puffs of air fanning over your slightly parted lips. He lingers, bumping his nose into yours to keep close. 
But eventually, Bucky pulls all the way back to rest against the headboard. 
The silence is not deafening — not like it was before, and you open your eyes, blinking slowly. 
Bucky is already staring at you. His eyes are glazed over with hunger, and he's out of breath, the rise and fall of his chest faster than before. 
You fare no better. Your heart pounds heavily in your chest, but it still feels like it’s lodged in your throat. No words are spoken between the two of you; just an invisible string that keeps you entwined to one another. 
It’s difficult to find the words to say, especially after something so raw and vulnerable; so new and budding. You want him to feel safe, like he had done good, though; you want to tell him he has nothing to worry about, not with you. 
And just as you open your mouth to speak, to praise him for how well he had done, Bucky slides his hands up your thighs, over your waist, and up to your neck, cupping the back of it in his large palm. “I want–” 
To your utter shock, he drags you closer, his lips greedily slotting over yours for a far deeper kiss.  
Bucky can’t get enough of you; already addicted and demanding more. You can’t be mad for it, not when he’s a sensational kisser — he’s good, far too good. The basics have you dizzy with want, and you decide on a whim to challenge him, to push him a little further and test the boundaries. 
You part your lips as Bucky pulls back, and before he could kiss you again, you tentatively tease your tongue against his lips. The sensation makes him sit rigid again beneath you, and he chases your tongue, the surprised moan he lets slip vibrates into your mouth.
The power of such a move has you smirking into the kiss. 
You only plan to stoke the fire by pushing him into the deep end a little — the prospect of overwhelming him too risky, but when you feel the effortless slide of Bucky’s tongue entering your parted lips to dance with your own, it leaves you physically stunned and unable to move. 
Bucky compliments you perfectly, as though he is a natural, and someone so timid should not be capable of that — it’s dangerous. 
It escalates — tongues dance and lips clash, and Bucky’s breath is heavy on your lips, as yours is on his, when he pulls back for air. There’s a pull that you can’t ignore, not any longer, and you bring your hands up from his neck to his hair, threading your fingers through it, making him moan quietly against your lips, “Bu–”
Your nails scrape against his scalp while he speaks, and you squeak in shock as Bucky’s hips surge upwards, forcing his hard cock against your clothed cunt. “Oh, fuck–” he gasps, and his body turns rigid with fear again while he pleads for forgiveness. “I’m so sorry, so sorry, Bubs– I–”
Quickly, you place your index finger over his lips. “Hush, you. It’s alright. I loved it,” you reassure, and suddenly, it turns into a game for you — you are desperate to see how Bucky plays along, how close to the edge you can get him. “Let it go, it’s okay.”
Bucky’s breath hitches as you grind down hard against him, and his hands rush down from your neck to grip your waist. The unabashed moan he lets slip is sinful; a delight to be the cause of, and a Cheshire Cat grin splits your lips. You’ll be damned if you don’t get more from him, you decide.
“Fuck,” he grits out, the grip of his hands on your waist turning painful. “Fuck, yes.” 
You moan and allow him to move your body where he wants it — predictably, he perches you straight on his crotch and his hands wander, slipping beneath the tank top you wear to brush against your skin. 
The resolve he had held onto so strongly is starting to slip, and you inwardly scream with joy at the dilation of his pupils, the heavy pants of his breath — a poor, virtuous man is melting into a puddle at your feet. 
The position of your body gives you an impression of just how big Bucky is, and with his cock hard, you can feel the girth and the size of him against your cunt  — a crime, you think, that it wasn’t inside you.
Your motions of grinding down into him have the tip of his cock catching on your clit through your shorts, and the thin material has no pretence of protectiveness, and you greedily lap every single, last sensation up while shamelessly taking more.  
“Bucky,” you whine against his mouth, and in turn, he nips at your swollen bottom lip before sucking on it. “Fuck– S’good.”
“Buttercup, baby,” Bucky slurs, and his fingertips dig into your skin, unknowingly marking you in his lust-fuelled haze. “Fuckin’ feel good, please,” he whimpers, unable to keep kissing you with the way his moans and litany of quiet cries fall from his lips, longing for more; too far gone, he can’t help himself anymore. “Need more, please.”
You’re all too pleased to listen to his cries for you; begging would taste so much sweeter, though. Next time. “Okay,” you soothe, pecking him on the nose. “I’ll give you more, sweetheart.”
The bed creaks as you shuffle up Bucky’s lap, and you move your hands to grip the headboard. “Don’t keep quiet on me,” you warn. 
“Wha– Fuck!”
You pant as you grind down on Bucky’s cock, the effort of making your hips work this hard and fast steals your breath, but the sounds — oh, the sounds falling from his pretty lips make it all worth it. 
The added friction of your lace panties against your soaked clit only amplifies the pleasure for you, and it’s all you can do to keep going.
Bucky throws his head back and groans to the ceiling, but you follow him, leaning over and panting into each other's mouths and kissing messily, barely able to put anything behind them as you work the both of you closer to release. 
You pull back to look at him, and the slope of his neck is too tempting to leave alone — the  loose strands from his hair are sticking to the sweat gathering on his skin, and you watch a bead of it roll down a curve of corded muscle. 
Of course, you weren’t going to let it go — you want him to crack.
Bucky moans, his breath stuttering as your tongue chases the bead of sweat, and you latch onto his skin, sucking steadily at his pulse point. “Baby– Baby, please, fuck,” he babbles, forcing his head back further to expose more of his neck. 
You oblige, all too willingly and with a giddy enthusiasm; the bow of your lips trace over his Adam’s apple and down to his collarbone, where you bite down gently. 
“Shit, shit,” Bucky suddenly exclaims, his words slurring together. “No– No, please, I ca– Can’t,” he begs, and you pull away from his neck, brows furrowing in concern. “Please, I don’t want to– To, shit–”
Words seem to be out of his grasp, and you wait patiently for him to gather his thoughts while you watch the thread of his restraint wearing thin, so close to snapping when he’s this overwhelmed with the pleasure you are giving him. 
You can’t have that, though. 
Bucky was torturing himself, not allowing himself the pleasure of giving into his base desires - what he needs. “Can’t what, sweetheart?” you ask. “You can’t cum?”
Bucky nods his head frantically, his eyes widening. You consider him, the sweat on his brow and upper lip, the way his eyes plead for something more; he’s so desperate to not cum, to let go. 
It’s plain as day that he is holding himself back, when you knew deep down that he is itching to relinquish control and give in. 
You decide then to push, to throw caution to the wind and make him take it. “Why not?” you whine, grinding back and forth, back and forth, over his painfully hard cock. “Doesn’t my pussy feel good, baby?” 
Bucky whimpers and scrunches his face up, cock throbbing as he grows closer to finishing. You don’t think he realises how he rambles to himself, “Fuck, yes! It does—fuck, it does baby.” 
“Think for me, sweetheart,” you say, leaning close to his face. “Just think for me, how good being inside my pussy would be.” The lure of being inside your cunt cracks the last of his resolve; control slipping through his fingers before he can grasp hold of it.  
You smirk, watching how his brows furrow and his eyes squeeze shut. “Just think, Bucky,” you repeat, “How wet and tight I’d be for you. How I would scream for more; beg for more of your cock and what you give me.” 
The sound Bucky makes is close to a wounded animal, and his grip on your waist is sure to leave bruises. “Oh, sweetheart,” you coo, mouthing softly up his neck until your lips brush over the shell of his ear, and you whisper, “Doesn’t that sound good, baby?”
Something snaps within him. 
The headboard of the bed thumps against the wall as Bucky tumbles over the cliff, his restraint long gone, and he wraps his arms tightly around you, curling them around your waist to hold you impossibly close. You feel something wet on your neck, and you realise belatedly that Bucky is crying silently, overwhelmed with the pleasure. 
To reassure him, you thread your fingers through his hair again to scratch at his scalp. You feel his lips move up and down your neck, placing open mouthed kisses over the skin “Are you okay?” you ask softly, careful to not move in his hold. “Bucky, baby?”
“Mhm,” Bucky hums, and he buries his face further into your neck, nodding frantically. “Pleasepleaseplease.”
A victorious smirk pulls the corner of your lips up. You know you have him — Bucky’s too far gone to come back down now, and he won’t be able to stop. 
“Go on,” you purr. Bucky hungrily grinds up into your heat, seeking it out and forcing a gasp from your lips with the pressure. “That’s it,” you push, and your last deadly blow has the dam breaking, once and for all: “Cum for me then, pretty boy.”
“Oh, oh, fuck– Baby–” Bucky moaned, but you keep steady pressure over his cock, and his hips start to stutter in rhythm. “Shit!” 
“That’s it, that’s it, sweetheart,” you coax, just as a damp patch stains the crotch of his sweats, and his legs tremble under your thighs. There’s a loud thump as his head hits the headboard of his bed. 
“Fuck–” Your own climax begins to mount, the tension of it unbearable, and just the band snaps, you cry out to the ceiling, “Bucky!”
The room is full of pants for air, the synchronised rise and fall of your chests in tandem with the twitching muscles of your body; the rushed gasps for breath a symphony to your ears.
“Holy shit,” you murmur, and you finally look at Bucky — only to be taken aback with the awestruck expression on his handsome face. His lips are stretched wide in a dopey grin, and his eyes, while normally so bright and soft, are glazed over with post-orgasm bliss. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby,” he whispers. You feel the brush of his fingers over your waist and thighs, a soothing touch that in combination with his words sends another wave of heat up your neck. “So fuckin’ beautiful.”
You smile nervously, suddenly speechless with the earnestness and fondness in his voice. Instead, you shuffle down his thighs to rest your arms on his shoulders more comfortably, and you play with the hair on the nape of his neck — the soft locks damp with sweat. 
The two of you stare into one another’s eyes, then, you rest your forehead on his to whisper, “Well, handsome, not so bad for your first kiss.”
Bucky starts to laugh, then giggles take over as he faceplants into your chest, nuzzling himself against your tits in shyness. 
After a while, Bucky starts to shift in place, and you start to rise up off of his lap, when his sudden stiffness alarms you. “Bucky? What’s the matter?”
“I— I don’t, I didn’t mean to—“ He stutters, looking down at his crotch. You follow his gaze, utterly confused — there is nothing abnormal, only the wet patch of cum staining the material. 
Your confusion only increases, and you look back to Bucky’s face. It’s blotchy and red from embarrassment. “Bucky?”
“I– Oh, goddamnit,” he mutters, and he looks down at his lap again pointedly.
The realisation washes over you; a lightbulb suddenly going off in your head. He was embarrassed over coming in his pants. “Bucky, sweetheart,” you say, moving to cup his cheeks and force him to look at you. “Listen to me, okay?”
Blue eyes meet yours, his gaze pensive. You muster the warmest, kindest smile; no judgement apparent in your own eyes as you stare at him. “There is no need to feel ashamed.”
“But–” Bucky tries. 
“No, listen to me,” you interrupt, and you lean in closer, bumping his nose with yours before reassuring him, “There's no need to feel ashamed, sweetheart.”
His pure, innocent gaze doesn’t fail to make you swoon even more over him. “It doesn’t?”
“Of course not, you know why?” Bucky shakes his head, eyes wide and intent to listen to anything you have to say. Your lips hover over his as you whisper, “Because I love you making a mess for me, baby.”
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The weekend passes by swiftly, a tangle of bedsheets and limbs; kisses and fleeting touches that turn into passionate embraces. 
It was only when Steve came home on the Saturday night did he kick both you and Bucky out of the apartment with a yell of, “Bye! Have fun, kids!”
You decided to take Bucky back to your dorm-room — an easy decision when you get to watch how his eyes trail over your body as you walk down the halls holding hands. 
And on Sunday morning, bright and early, a series of knocks on your dorm-room door wakes you out of your slumber. “Damn,” you grumble, blinking slowly into the dimly lit room. The curtains are drawn, but a slither of gold peeks from behind the fabric; right over Bucky’s face and the mess of his hair. 
You sigh and tiredly throw the covers off you, mentally preparing yourself to get out of bed, but before you can get up, two arms curl around your waist and tug you backwards into a muscled chest. The warmth of the embrace makes you sigh contentedly.
“No,” Bucky groans before burying his face into your neck and smothering you with his body; trapping you with his arms and winding his legs around yours. “Dun’ get up.” 
You giggle as he starts kissing your shoulders and nibbling at your neck — the stubble of his jaw tickling the soft skin while his lips soothed over it. “I have to,” you say quietly, and you grab his arm to pull it off, only– 
“Nuh-uh. Where y’think you're goin’, Buttercup?” The deep rumble of his morning voice has you inner self trembling, memorising your antics of your weekend together. “Can’t leave me.” And to solidify his claim, Bucky clings onto you like a koala. 
“Bucky, you big goof.” You slap his arm, but he just grunts his protest, clinging to your body tighter. “Come on,” you say, wriggling — it’s met with no success of him releasing you. “Get off of me so I can answer the door.”
But you should have known that he is far too stubborn to let up that easily — a stubborn puppy that refused to give up his treat. “No. Tell ‘em to fuck off.”
“Fine.” Your only hope is an attempt to bribe him, you decide, and you look at him to find he’s staring at you through a half-lidded eye, the other eye obscured by his pillow. “How about you let me go, and I promise to give you unlimited cuddles for the rest of the day, no moving whatsoever?” 
That gets his attention, and he perks his head up to lean closer to yours. “I wan’ unlimited kisses, too,” he negotiates, pouting his lips and narrowing his eyes. 
You cannot help but chuckle. “Deal, handsome.”
Bucky plonks backwards onto the bed, star fishing in his sulking — the treat now successfully taken away. 
With your newfound freedom, you sit up and stretch, ignoring the grumbles and quiet whines of, “Bein’ left alone ain’t right,” and, “Tell whoever it is to fuck off, I mean it.”
The bedsheets rustle under you when you scoot to the edge, the warmth of Bucky’s body and the softness of the covers already sorely missed, especially when you stand up and slip into your fluffy, warm gown and slippers. The brush of Bucky’s shirt over your skin makes you smile, the fabric soft and worn but oh so perfectly Bucky. 
“Hurry back, Buttercup,” he calls after you as you walk slowly out of the room. “Please—don’ leave me too long.”
“Drama queen,” you whisper, quiet enough he wouldn’t hear. The knocking comes again and you curse the cause — if it’s your friend from class asking to borrow your notes again, you were going to slam the door straight back in their face. Aloud, you say, “I’m coming, I’m coming. Don’t bust the hinges.”
You prepare the speech to scold your friend as you walk to the door, and you grab the hand;e — the metal of it cold from the chill overnight. The door swings open with a loud creak, and you start saying, “What are you–”
The lack of a presence, or anyone at the door, stops you short — not even a shadow of someone running away down the hall.  “Fucking door dashers,” you groan, and you turn on your heel to go back inside when the toe of your slipper bumps into something on the ground. “What–?”
A gift basket, filled to the brim with an assortment of chocolates and scattered gift cards to your favourite stores, is innocuously sitting there. In the middle of the basket, poking its head out next to a bouquet of your favourite flowers, is the head of a stuffie Golden Retriever, the fur irresistibly soft and the eyes bright — much like Bucky’s. Its mouth held a note scrawled in messy cursive. 
“Okay,” you mumble, and you kneel down to look at it closer, worried that there had been a mix up or confusion of a dorm number. As you near the letter, you realise that the messy scrawl spells out Flower. “Wait.” 
That meant only one person was responsible. 
Your fingers tore open the letter and unfold it; the messy scrawl continues on the inside, too.  
Flower, I’m sorry for bailing on our movie night. 
I know you’re pissed, but I hope this and the beefcake attached to your back makes up for my mistake. 
Love ya squirt, 
Your big bro.
“Stevie,” you say, eyes darting over the lines of script. “You sneaky bastard.” There is a post script just below his sign off, and you continue to read.
P.S. Date went well, tell you all about it on movie night next week? I’m sure we’ll have guests joining us x 
Shaking your head in amusement, you place the note back with the stuffie, and pick up the rest of your basket. “What am I going to do with you,” you mumble, stepping back into your dorm to place the basket on the entry table to admire it again. 
“Wha’s happenin’?” a voice rasps behind you, and sure enough, the aforementioned beefcake in the letter from Steve plasters himself to your back; arms around your waist and his face tucked into your neck again. “Back to bed, c’mon.”
Bucky drags you backwards, chuckling deeply at your squeal of laughter that echoes down the hallway to your bedroom. “You made me a promise,” he grunts, and he pulls you back into bed and underneath the covers, intent on making sure you fulfil your end of the bargain. 
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Part Two, Part Three
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bedsyandco · 27 days
𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲
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liked by jackhughes, quinnhughes, and others
lukehughes: happy birthday my vi! you mean the world to me and I’m so grateful there’s a day every year where I just get to celebrate your existence (as if I don’t do that every day already🙄) 21 has never looked so good😏 I just know you’re my best friend in every life time. I love you endlessly. -your luke❤️
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ethanedwards: this is so sappy
rutgermcgroarty: let the man celebrate his girl in peace smh😔
violet: thank you lu. I love you❤️
lani: happy birthday violet! I hope you get spoiled rotten xx
violet: thank you nini! can’t wait to see you 😚🩷
blue: happy birthday auntie vi! rosie and I are sending you the biggest hugs 🫂 🤍
violet: sending them right back 🫂
quinnhughes: happy birthday baby sis. miss you guys🤍
violet: miss you quinny😢 lake house time can’t come soon enough🫶🏻
jackhughes: happy birthday V
violet: thanks J
dylanduke: trying to copy my birthday post I see 😤
lukehughes: couldn’t even if I wanted to. we all block you on jules’ birthday cause you literally post for three hours straight.
dylanduke: you can’t out do the do-er 😌
lukehughes: do-er isn’t a word🧍‍♂️what are you even in college for??
dylanduke: says the guy that went to college just to play hockey 🧍‍♂️ do-er: the guy that gets things done with 100% effort and efficiency
stevenholtz: there’s no such thing as 100% efficiency. it’s impossible
dylanduke: this isn’t a physics class steven 😒
jules posted on her story!
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… replied to this story
[violet] thank you my jules. I love you so much 🩷
[dylanduke] you look so pretty in these baby😍
[lukehughes] wow my girl looks hot as fuck in these. good enough to eat. gonna need you to send them to me jules🙏
— [jules] I will if you promise to never say that in my presence EVER again
dylan duke posted on his story!
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… replied to this story
[violet] thanks gnomeo🤍
[lukehughes] MY day one
— [dylanduke] I thought I was your day one🧍‍♂️😦??
mark estapa posted on his story!
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… replied to this story
[violet] thank you marky🤍
[lukehughes] this looks cozy😑
— [markestapa] 🧍‍♂️
— [markestapa] would it help if I said she was drunk and cried about how much she missed you the entire night ??
— [lukehughes] maybe just a smidge
jack hughes posted on his story!
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… replied to this story
[lukehughes] this is the best you could do? no I love you nothing…
— [jackhughes] I told her I love her this morning
— [lukehughes] you put a cup of coffee, that you made wrong btw, in front of her and said “happy birthday you old bitch”
— [jackhughes] that’s how we show love!! 😤
— [lukehughes] tell her
— [jackhughes] she knows …
— [lukehughes] TELL. HER 🔫
— [jackhughes] okay ffs
[violet] thanks jacky🩷
— [jackhughes] love ya V
— [violet] 👀🤔
daxton posted on his story!
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… replied to this story
[violet] I love you dax🥺 the best little brother I could’ve ever hoped for🩷😚
[lukehughes] you better call her later
— [daxton] you know I will
— [lukehughes] better call me later too
— [daxton] aww you miss me?
— [lukehughes] nah just need an ego boost and seeing your ugly mug will do that for me
— [daxton] haha 😑
quinn hughes posted on his story!
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… replied to this story
[violet] craving a huggy bear hug and a lani sweet treat today🥺
— [quinnhughes] I know it’s not the same but sending you virtual hugs🫂 and lani says she’ll bake you a belated birthday cake at the lake house
— [violet] 🩷🩷🩷
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abiiors · 7 months
i know it's still slut hour all over my dash but 'tis the time to be sappy on my blog once again because promptober was so much fucking fun!! and now that it's over i need to shoutout and thank everyone who wrote all the amazing fics 🥺🧡
it doesn't matter if you wrote one fic or all thirty-one, i am so fucking grateful for all of you <33
@lastnightwaskindofablur - genuinely in awe of how amazing everything you wrote was!! and i am so excited to read atvb/atpoaim (although i'm very scared of the angst. just so you know, i refuse to acknowledge pt 2 of the promptober angst :)) they had adorable babies and britt woke up on christmas morning, realised it was just a nightmare and went back sleep cuddled up w matty, okay? okay!)
@toomuchracket - your fics have literally never fucking disappointed but the sweetheart george fic was my absolute favourite just because of how soft it was!!! stunning, perfect, gorgeous 🥹 special shoutout to ross + shy gf eloping fic and d word matty first time fic <33
@cinnahmongirl - your ross fic debut!!! and it was so cute and domestic, everything i fucking love in one fic. pls pls pls write more i beg !!!
@the1975attheirverybest - absolutely fucking amazing as always but the scary nights dad matty one was my personal favourite. i love the way you write matty, he feels so real 🥹 100% believe that he would be the type of dad to be swayed by his kid so so easily!
@all-things-fic - i cannot believe that was your first time writing for ross and you're not allowed to stop btw, sorry that's the law. i don't think i have ever consumed like 7k words so hungrily!!
@everythingdenied - i'm so happy it reminded you that you don't hate writing <3 🥹 and also the dad matty fic was fucking adorable because he really is my weakness ugh!
@poisonmedaddy13 - i don't think i have stopped thinking about the road trip fic btw like it has a permanent place in some corner of my brain now. you did such a good job and i'm so proud of you <33
@kate-inhaler-1975 - i loveee the premise of the series and i really hope you continue it 🥹 (and i do hope eve ends up with ross for very non vanity related reasons)
@insidemymind19 - meet cute was absolutely adorableeee and it has added a new brainrot of matty flirting with me over a bar counter to the already very long list of brainrots! i hope you're doing well :)
@procrastinatinglikeapro - apple cider had me giggling, blushing, kicking my feet!!! making the man blush just fucking hits different for me and you delivered <33 adorable and very sexy but soft smut my beloved 😌
@wrestletotheground - kissing you on the head for adding to the cute bf ross agenda btw because that shit made me yearnnnnnn for a movie night like you don't even know, i was very very down bad. (def if he's in grey joggers 👀)
@imightgetbetter - 14 YEAR OLD MATTY!!! THAT MADE ME AWWW SO HARD 😭😭 i'm always a sucker for "our story as a bedtime story" fics and this was the fucking cutesttt
@think0fmehigh mollyyyyy begin again had be sobbing and also horny and i fucking love that song so so much 😭 the fic was fucking perfect and i love your writing and especially your smut writing so so much!! <3
and last but not least, me because i think i did a pretty good job :)
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leopardom · 2 months
✨ sappy post incoming ✨
(and a little trigger warrning for the vague mention of suicide)
i’m not gonna do any gig reports for now because last week still feels like a fever dream and i can’t really put my thoughts in an order that makes sense. but i just wanted to stop by to say how much i love the vibes and creativity of this fandom and how happy everyone was when it came to meeting and trading/giving out their creations while queueing for the gigs or even when they were over
in Munich, Milan and Padova i got to meet so many people from here. with some of them i chatted more and with some others less. but in any case it absolutely warmed my heart to finally see all those people i see on tumblr but like, in real life! i got to trade my stickers for bracelets/stickers/art/fan stuff, got to see everyone have a good laugh because of my stuff and also got to complement people for their crafts. and i'm telling you i really meant every single word because as i already mentioned, i love the creativity of this fandom 💕
last weekend i began my trip with pretty much nothing on me and now i'm back home with a bag full of bracelets, a folder full of art and a heart so full i wanna cry. i mean look at that:
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1) idek where to begin with the tags of the artists, i’m still confusion but i’ll try to come back to this post again later with a clearer mind
2) “big juicy” bracelet you will always be famous @greensolsikke <3
this last week was a tiring experience with many ups and downs but at the same time it was probably the best week of my life so far
i'm getting especially emotional about it all because this whole frenzy concided with my birthday (on the 29th of March). this may sound cringe or what, but on the actual day of my birthday and when everything was over, i was sitting alone on my hotel bed in Milan and was thinking how this last year of my life started in the worst way possible and how it was only escallating towards the worst every single day. during my 26 i reached a new level of low, a bottom lower than the one i had reached when i was 20-21 (and that was a bad bad time). and yes, there were a few times when i was close to ending it all because it was too much. my 26 was pretty much like hell
but now i'm glad i didn't give up and pushed through all the struggles. because if i hadn't, i wouldn't be able to experience last week. i wouldn't be able to see some of my dearest friends again, to meet all the amazing people from here and from twitter, to see one of my favourite bands perform for three nights in-a-row and to listen to all my fave songs of theirs live and even cry my eyes out to some of them (Barve Oceana in Munich, Padam in Milan and Metulji in Padova really were an Experience). can safely say that my 26 ended with a bang and it was a very good one 😌
i'm feeling sad that this is over but at the same time i'm so warm inside and so happy that it happened. and i would do it all over again, especially if it meant meeting you all again or meeting even more of you from in here. i have never felt so welcome by people who technically only knew me as a tumblr user and i never thought this would happen, considering how awkward i am when it comes to interacting with people online and in real life
anyway i think i've talked too much and i'm slowly loosing my train of thought because the thoughts and emotions are so many right now. i just wanna thank each and every single one of you for making the past week so special and one of the best weeks of my life. i'm beyond gratefull 💖
sincerely, the curly head with the meme stickers 🫶
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softpine · 4 months
I'm still thinking about your characters and what their valentines day would look like currently where your story is so can I ask what everyone would be doing? I imagine Austin bringing flowers to Elaine and she loses it. Would Matt text Stevie? Mickaela and Dan pegging. Casper and Coco 👀????? Alisa messing with Jada. Stevie maybes annoying KD asking her what she's doing for v-day
omg i'm sorry my answer is so late 😭 if this were just a normal valentine's day and nothing life-threatening was happening to anyone, then what you said is exactly how everyone would be spending it ;-;
stevie annoying KD on valentine's day is sooooo true oh my god i can only imagine how insufferable she would be. she would bake a bunch of cookies and bring them into work like "here's a cookie for you! and here's a cookie for your...... partner? 🤨 and here's a cookie for your..... child? 👀 and here's a cookie for your..... other child? 🤔 just tell me when to stop. here's a cookie for your... dog? 🧐 here's a cookie for...."
coco is BOOKED for valentine's day. sorry to anyone who wishes they could make plans with her, she goes all out for this!! not even for monetary gain (it's actually a pretty slow day for sw), it's just always been her favorite holiday and she loves the decorations & outfits. although this would be the first time she's been 100% single since she was a teenager, so that would be tough, but that's all the more reason to throw herself into her work. casper is not part of this equation, he's going on a failed tinder date and making his mom sad because she was sure this would be the one sjkfjsd
definitely agree about austin buying elaine flowers, but really all elaine wants is a heartfelt card attached to them 🥺 she also organizes galentine's day (asa counts as an honorary gal) every year 💖
matt would fumble his way into some awkward misunderstanding with stevie, probably involving another goddamn stuffed animal fjskjfsd
jada would literally call off work on valentine's day. she is NOT emotionally prepared for whatever hell alisa would bestow upon her 😭 and since her dad is dating again she'd probably be alone but that's perfectly fine with her. a moment of peace is better than a valentine
finn would do something so sappy for valentine's day if here were here ughhhhh :( he'd have to step it up since he's already given asa flowers a few times and of course the unbeatable gift that was the antlers... the greatest gift asa could give to finn would be to chill the fuck out and not break the universe for one singular day lol
caroline starts getting cynical about love around valentine's day because so many people come into her shop asking for their bf/gfs name tattooed and she has to turn them away because she's not going to be complicit in bad decisions (DON'T ask her what tattoo she had covered up on her back 👿) but then she comes home and beth cooks dinner for her and lights one of their good candles and she believes in love again 😌
and we must not forget mikaela/danny pegging, as if they ever need a reason lmao. they're doing some convoluted roleplay that only they understand, making good use of their repertoire of spirit halloween costumes
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bussyslayer333 · 1 year
in response to this post, “confessing when the other one is sleeping” with rhett abbott
yep i’m back at it being an insufferable rhett girly on main again 😌
we are the insufferable rhett girlies !! HE IS THE ONLY MAN 🫶
send me a prompt!
pairing: rhett abbott x reader
word count: 0.4k
warnings: none! tooth rotting fluff
Rhett didn’t do girlfriends, in fact most of the time he didn’t do sleeping over at one night stands. But for some reason you were different, he was consistently looking for reasons to keep you around. He thought hard about this whilst watching your sleeping form move slowly up and down whilst nuzzled into his chest.
Rhett wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed but even he knew you weren’t supposed to feel this way about a supposed “friend with benefits”. The way his heart beat quickened whenever he made eye contact with you, or the way he smiled whenever you did too. He tried to match his breaths with yours, not wanting to disrupt your sleep. His fingers slipped their way into your mussed hair, twirling a finger around and making a small curl.
You can hear Rhett’s heart beating steadily from where you’re pretending to sleep on his chest, it’s comfortable. In the other ear you can hear him humming a song. Something kind of sappy that you wouldn’t expect from him at first glance but now you know him it seems more fitting than ever, he stops humming for a second and your ears prick up to listen to his hushed whispers.
“Darlin’ I, I think I’m in love with you.”
He says it so quietly you’re pretty sure you could have mistaken him, but the way he presses a soft kiss to your temple afterwards says otherwise. He continues to hum when you finally recognise the tune, it was the song playing on the radio when he picked you up earlier in the evening. The one you told him you loved.
Trying to hide a face-splitting grin whilst pretending to be asleep proves much too difficult for you, you roll convincingly a few times then pretend to rouse from your ‘sleep’. Rhett seems convinced enough and allows you to move so your sat between his legs, back of your head resting against the front of his chest.
“Couldn’t sleep?” He questions, lips against your hair.
You nod, reaching for his hand resting on his thigh. You pick it up and inspect it, finger running along the calluses and lines that make up the man behind you. He hums contentedly at you soft touch and intertwines your fingers. You sit in comfortable silence for a few moments before you turn around in his lap and press a fleeting kiss against his lips.
When you pull back he’s looking at you with so much adoration it hurts, you lean back in and breathe against his lips,
“I think I’m in love with you too, Rhett.”
a/n: i’m sorry for my lack of writing 😭😭 i’ve been so busy w school atm but christmas break tmrw so i can write again!!!
i hope u guys can take this as a peace offering heheh
pls feel free to send me requests and prompts and ideas bc i love reading all my asks & try my hardest to reply to them all <333
ty for reading this little molecule
-honey <333
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mamamittens · 2 years
OP reactions to you taking your S/O's face into your hands and kissing their nose cause you're feeling soft. No words. Just nose kissy 😌
Very fluffy sfw headcanons. Zero spice content.
He's pretty surprised at first! You really caught him off guard there.
He was originally expecting you to say something or maybe kiss his lips--the nose however? Well, he's a little flushed but he just smiles and returns the gesture with a kiss to your forehead.
He'll probably cuddle you a bit more than usual tonight thinking about the kiss.
"You're too cute sometimes..."
Shocked. Absolutely startled. Something catches on fire and he flails a bit before holding his nose. So flustered, he's going to be spacey for the rest of the day, smiling to himself.
When he finally wrestles himself back under control he's going to hug you and kiss your hair.
"... Love you too."
He's thrown. Absolutely floored and thrilled. He didn't expect the cute gesture and it makes him melt a bit. Okay fine, a lot.
He doesn't hesitate to bear hug you and noisily kiss your cheek for being too cute to bear.
"Mmmmm-wah! Sugar for my sweetie pie!"
I think he'd be less shocked if you suggested making a fruit salad with several devil fruits to be honest. Give him a bit, he's trying to process the affectionate gesture.
Okay so it takes him a lot longer than a minute. He's frozen solid in shock bear with him. The first several seconds is trying to figure out what your ploy is. Then it occurs to him that you might have just... Wanted to smooch his nose. Just because you could. Because you wanted to.
It takes you trying to run away with laughter to get him moving. After that he's quick to scoop you up into his arms and kiss your ear with a smirk as you laughed harder.
"Who said you were allowed to be this cute?"
He's taken aback for a minute. Surprised but not unpleasantly so, he sort of fake huffs. Wrapping his arms around you and tucking your head under his chin so he can hide his flustered smile in your hair.
He's got a reputation to protect after all! He takes a moment to relish the flex of muscles on your back as you breathe against his embrace.
"Close enough for you?"
Well, congrats. He's dead. You killed him. He's ascended up into the heavens now. He'll probably be babbling and fawning over you for a few minutes as he sweeps you into his arms.
Just. Kissing your face with a deliriously happy grin. If you want to shut him up feel free to do it again, but he might actually die from happiness. Or a nosebleed. Either or really.
"You make me so happy, my angel~!"
A bit taken aback. If it wasn't for the sappy look on your face she'd suspect some form of duplicity. Perhaps it's a diversion or you wanted something--but nope! You just... Wanted to kiss her nose.
Dork. She kisses your face, right next to your eye so you have to close them. Perfect for pulling you into a half spin hug. Just for a moment.
She just wants to... Enjoy the moment.
"Let's just stay like this for a bit."
Flustered baby. Immediately pulls his hat over his face as he sputters. Cut to the chase and do it again, confirming that you did it on purpose. Once he manages to reboot he's going to give a little, breathless laugh. A lopsided grin just a bit wobbly and teary.
Don't ask why it got to him so much. Just enjoy the soft hug as he buried his face in your shoulder.
"... You're too good to me."
He's quiet for a moment before laughing loudly. Eagerly pulling you into a tight embrace. Might be his favorite kiss ever. If he's ever sad, feel free to abuse this new power.
He won't ever take it for granted. Though he will return it with a noisy kiss to your nose as well. Maybe smoothing your faces together a bit too. It never fails to bring a smile to his lips
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oh-austin · 2 years
ik requests are closed but can we see more fc!selena I would love to see their relationship progression (cute domesticity, engagement, etc) it could possibly be a mini series with the insta au I think it would be cool 😭
famous!reader part four
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liked by ynfan2, user4 and 86,628 others
thedailymail Media News! Y/N L/N cast as the lead in Jordan Peele’s new film! Y/N is putting the microphone down and going back to her film roots for her next project.
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ynfan5 she’s literally unstoppable
ynfan8 y/n 🤝 taylor, never taking a break
ynfan10 is it bad I want y/n to take a break and just chill out with austin??
↳ austinfan14 definitely not, they’re always doing something new I swear
ynfan15 y/n back in film is what the world needs
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liked by ynfan18 and 15,661 others
ynupdates Y/N on set of Jordan Peele’s new horror film!
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ynfan19 she’s so cute
ynfan23 I love the outfit tf
↳ ynfan26 she’s giving us retro vibes
ynfan27 this movie is gonna be great
ynfan29 I want chris evans and y/n pics thanks paparazzi, do your job
↳ ynfan31 stop it, where?
↳ austinfan32 CHECK AUSTINUPDATES!!!!
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liked by austinfan33 and 21,621 others
austinupdates Austin on the set of Y/N’s new film! He has reportedly been cast for a minor role in the movie!!
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austinfan35 We’re getting Austin and Y/N on screen together again??? I’m bawling 😭
↳ ynfan37 again?
↳ ynfan38 they met on the wizards set back in early 2000s!!
austinfan41 he’s actually so hunky
austinfan43 but what about bike riders!!!
↳ ynfan45 I told you these guys never rest 🥲
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liked by austinbutler, jordanpeele and 6,278,190 others
yourinstagram how it started vs how it’s going
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austinfan49 ITS CONFIRMED
austinfan52 I’m actually going to pass out
ynfan53 who gave them the right to work together again? my heart can’t handle it
austinfan57 catch me watching this film for austin for him to die in the first 10 minutes again
↳ austinfan59 he is the reason I have trust issues
ynfan58 I’m focused on austin and florence sharing the screen AGAIN
saoirseronan a pleasure to work with you both ❤️
ynfan62 get married pls and thanks
↳ yourinstagram I’m working on it okay?
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liked by yourinstagram, florencepugh and 1,982,352 others
austinbutler the best scene partner ever
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yourinstagram you make a great personal assistant tbh
↳ austinfan70 YOU TELL HIM Y/N
↳ ynfan73 Y/N please he was trying to be cute 🤍😭😭
florencepugh working with Y/N is the only reason I agreed to work with you again
↳ austinbutler I’m hurt
↳ yourinstagram 😌✌🏼sorry aus
ynfan76 she looks so good with short hair
↳ ynfan78 I’m wondering if they cut it or if it’s a wig, I need answers pls
chrisevans sappy sappy sap, like get married already
↳ austinbutler guilty 🥸
↳ yourinstagram he’s so embarrassing
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aeligsido · 1 year
I've been told that this wip i just started is like, very mean, so i feel like throwing it into the void and see what you guys will say about it lmao
Enjoy ❤️😌
"—it's a bad fever and I don't want him to stay alone— I'm really sorry to cancel last minute, Howie." There's a soft laugh, and Buck peels his eyes open to look at Maddie, sitting on the edge of the bed she forced him into, the phone tucked between her ear and her shoulder, a soft smile on her lips.
It's a familiar sight; a comfortable one. It's just like when Buck was a kid and feeling like death washed over him to leave him shaken and without strength to support himself. She would take care of him then; somehow, even if he's an adult, she insisted on taking care of him now.
He loves her so much. He missed her so much.
"—looking after my sick baby brother is not really romantic, Howie!"
She rolls her eyes but she looks so in love, like her heart is in each of her smiles and words and giggles. Maddie looks down at him, and Chimney's tiny voice says something on the other end. She simply hums, putting her hand on Buck's forehead, caressing his temple with her thumb. She frowns, and Buck wants to apologize — he wants to see her all happy and sappy and giggly again, not worried like she is now.
"I'll be right back," she tells him softly. "Just getting some meds and water, okay?"
He whines, but nods pitifully. He doesn't want her to go — never wanted her to leave his side ever again — but he lets her, because it's Maddie and she always comes back and also she's his big sister and she knows better. So.
Maddie is still talking to Chimney when she slips past the door, closing it carefully behind her. Buck sighs, burrows further in the blankets of Maddie's back, breathing in the familiar scent of her favorite shampoo since she was fifteen and doing her own groceries shopping. It's all over her pillow, and it reminds him of being small and curled up against her in the dark of her room or his and just existing together, as if they were parts of the same world ripped in two.
Buck isn't sure how long has passed when he opens his eyes again. He's not sure he fell asleep, but Maddie isn't here and there's no water or pills on the bedside table. Buck blinks, and then frowns, a sudden worry polling in his stomach. It's weird. Something is weird.
He grunts as he gets out of the bed. Quitting the comfort it provides is hard, but finding his sister is more important right now, even if it's for her to fuss over him some more. He grabs his hoodie on the chair near the door, putting it on as he steps on the staircase. The floor is cold under his naked feet, but he's too tired to go and put on socks right now.
He gets his head out of the hoodie, straightening it out, a little dizzy at the action. His hand grabs the railing, his eyes wander around Maddie's apartment—
Her eyes are the first thing he notices. Big and terrified, glistening with tears as they fix him with horror.
The knife is the second one.
It's pressed against his sister's throat, not even cutting a line but enough to be a danger, a threat, and his heart leaps and breaks and bounces and drops.
He sees the hand and then the arm and then—
He catches his face, his eyes as assessing as when he meets him the first time, and Buck feels like he's nine again and judged by his big sister's boyfriend.
"Hello, Buck," says Doug, and the world shatters around them.
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nextinline-if · 2 years
I have come to you with a request for fluff to balance out the angst(which i too love)✋🏻😌
How would the ROs react if MC whisked them away in for a day in spring, to a clearing in the woods, where they prepared a big picnic with the ro's favourite food?
Also, what is their and James favorite food, if it wasn't asked before?
You don't need to answer this anytime soon, please take your time! <3 you're great💕
Thank you for your patience <3 you are a very kind and sweet anon.
Favorite Foods - ROs + James
Constantine: Puls - kind of porridge. He likes it served with cheese, eggs, and meat (especially pork sausages).
Felix: Souvlaki (typically from a street vendor) - bits of vegetables and meat on a skewer.
F: Dumplings - ball-shaped dough fried in oil and drizzled with honey.
Margaret: Lamb with fresh vegetables and an apple pie for dessert.
James: Tiganites - pancakes made of wheat flour, olive oil, and curdled milk. Topped with honey.
RO's Reactions to being whisked away
Constantine: Constantine peeks around you from where he sits behind you on the horse. His eyes widen in surprise.
"Hey, no peeking!" you tease.
He chuckles and leans forward, resting his cheek on your back. "Fine, I can be patient - for you."
You laugh. "We're almost there."
A few minutes later, you come to a stop and both get off the horse.
"Wow," Constantine says, looking at the massive spread of sausages, various types of cheese, eggs, vegetables, and porridge. He turns to you, a wide smile on his face. "You did all this for me?"
You laugh lightly and grab his hand, pulling him along. "Of course, I thought you could use a day off."
He sits down next to you and starts to make you a plate. "Oh, no," you tell him, as you grab the plate. "Let me wait on you."
He sighs but a smile still sits on his lips. "As you wish." He watches you with a longing in his eyes.
Felix: "Remind again why we're walking through the forest?"
You laugh and give Felix a playful shove. "Be patient, will you? It'll be worth it."
He moves closer to you and gives you a smile that sends your heart racing. "It's already worth it - just being here with you."
You clear your throat. "Didn't realize you were so sappy," you tell him, a smugness to your voice.
He grimaces. "Me either, but you seem to bring it out."
You grab his hand and pull him along into the clearing. "Ta-da!" You watch his face for a reaction.
His eyes go wide. "What's all this?"
"A picnic with Souvlaki from all your favorite street vendors." You smile at him and he smiles back, a soft look in his eyes.
"This is sweet," he says, turning to you. "Too sweet. Are you trying to butter me up for something?"
"Maybe some kisses," you reply with a wink.
He smirks at you. "I must be a pretty good kisser for all this effort."
You roll your eyes and plop down next to him as decides where to start.
F: "It's a beautiful day," you tell F, as you both walk through the forest.
F nods. "Yes," they say, turning to look at you. "Almost as lovely as you."
You can't help but smile. "As much as I enjoy being bathed in compliments, that's not why I brought you out here."
F laughs softly. "Alright, why did you bring me into the forest on this perfect Spring afternoon?"
Just then, you both walk into the clearing, where you have a spread of dumplings with various syrups, including honey, strawberry, and raspberry.
F stops and their mouth falls open. "Wow." They turn to you with a grin. "I thought I was supposed to be the romantic one."
You laugh. "Not today." You watch happily as F starts tasting the various dumplings.
After a moment, F looks at you, a small smile on their lips. "This is...the best day." You smile back and reach out to squeeze their hand.
Margaret: Margaret attempt to peek out the carriage window. You gently push her back against the seat. "No," you say, a smirk on your lips.
She huffs. "You know it's not my nature to just get in a carriage and go to some random place, darling."
You grin at her. "But that's exactly what you've done."
She narrows her eyes at you. "Fine, fine. I shall be patient, as painful as it is."
A short time after, you exit the carriage and offer your hand to help her out. Once you're both out, her eyes fall on the picnic. She glances at you, a heartfelt smile on her lips. Then she giggles and gives you a push. "Last one to the food gets the smallest slice of pie!" She winks at you from over her shoulder.
"Hey!" you shout, taking off after her. "That wasn't very honorable."
Her laughter rings out around the clearing. "There is no honor where apple pie is involved!"
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gottabegenki · 1 year
Happy Wednesday. Wanted to put down some more MalleJo sappy stuff. 😌
But this is before Malleus confesses to Joellen. He has a talk with Lilia 😁
I typed this short on my phone 🥲
Malleus sighed heavily as he stirred his tea while being deep with his own thoughts.
Lilia sat across from him and gave a small smile that also had a worried look. “Is something troubling you? You haven’t drank your tea or took a bite from a biscuit.”
Lilia’s question snapped Malleus out of his thoughts as he looked over to his guardian. “Oh. I am just….unsure of what I should do.”
“In regards to what? You can tell me.” Lilia assured him as he sipped his tea.
“Well….given my title, and what I am, is it….alright for me to have feelings for someone who is different from me?” Malleus asked curiously as he set his tea cup down.
Lilia blinked and couldn’t help but give a light chuckled, “That’s what bothering you? Of course you can. What’s the problem?”
Malleus thought for a moment before turning his head to look to the window next to their table. “For a while now, there’s someone who’s been on my mind. Well…ever since they spoke to me without any fear, and saw me for who I am, I can’t help but think about them in a way I’ve never felt before.”
Lilia nodded as he listened to Malleus’ words. A smile appeared on his lips as he had an idea already on who he was talking about. “I see I see. I take it you haven’t told this specific person how you feel about them?”
Malleus shook his head as he sighed and folded his arms across his chest before leaning back against his chair. “No. We still talk to each other given the chance. And…I lose track of time when I’m with them, and I find it pleasant to the point where I wish it would last longer.”
Lilia giggled as a bat landed on his shoulder. “Aww~ Malleus. You’re experiencing liking someone in school. You should tell them how you feel before you enter your last year here.”
Suddenly, a light flush of pink appeared on Malleus’ face. “Lilia…how do I that?” Briar Valley’s prince is one of the most powerful beings in Twisted Wonderland, but confessing to someone is completely foreign to him.
Lilia smiled again and couldn’t help but laugh lightly when he noticed the blush on Malleus’ face. “If you don’t feel ready to say anything yet, then continue to talk with them. And this time, find the little things that makes them smile, laugh and happy. That way, you will get to learn even more about them that most people don’t.”
Malleus smiled slightly, “You make it sound so easy.” Which makes sense for Lilia, since he’s more of an extrovert and a people-person compared to everyone else in Diasomnia.
“Do you think they would understand fairy jokes? Or tease them? And maybe tell them more information about Gargoyles?” Malleus asked before taking a bite from a biscuit.
Lilia smiled sheepishly, “Well, maybe? But know your limits with teasing, some people may get mad. You can continue to tell them about everything there is to know about this world and everything you have seen and experience.”
“I could…but being in Briar Valley most of my life, I’m not so sure if continuing to talk about it with them would be interesting.” Malleus replied and frowned slightly. “I know they told me they’re not afraid me…and I do not wish to scare them.”
Lilia smiled again as he rested his chin on the palm of his hand. “You really thought hard about this for a while?”
Malleus nodded as he looked to his unfinished tea.
Lilia reached over and patted Malleus’ shoulder. “I’m sure it will be good. I say tell them how you feel. From what you told me, and from what I’ve seen…I’m sure they will see you more than just the Prince of Briar Valley, Malleus Draconia.”
Lilia’s assurance caused Malleus to smile again. “Thank you Lilia. This talk really helped. Is there any other suggestions you can give me? What else can I do for this person I like?”
Lilia rubbed his chin before smiling and responding, “You can always start with flowers. Certain flowers have special meanings to them. Give one to them as a start, and then tell them how you really feel.”
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I am so glad you're not against my sappiness because guess who's back with your weekly (well. Almost weekly. I'm a couple days early but I must tell you now) reminder that you are the cats pajamas, the bees' knees, all that and a bag of chips. Oh, and did I mention amazing? Talented? Sweet, kind, lovely? Also so cool even the universe is like "what the fuck Felix is so cool how do we even compute this?!?!"
Hoping your week goes amazing for you sweetness! You got whatever challenges are being thrown your way and can kick their asses like the absolute incredible badass you are. 💖 (And if the universe decides to be mean to you then I will have to fight it *cracks knuckles*)
Sending lots of platonic love and nothing but the best for you and the rest of your followers as always!!! 🥰
-Moon, your ever sappy dorkwad
moooooooon 💗 huh what a funny coincidence! never in my life heard "all that and a bag of chips" til couple weeks ago and now here it is again! and the cats pajamas 😭 how cute- you always light up my days moon! actually in rare form today and thinking highly of myself so yeah!!!! im the cooliest 😤 but you know who else absolutely rocks??? YOU MY DUDE 💙
i feel like the next two weeks are going to be both incredibly fast and slow at the same time with how busy they'll probably be 😭but hopefully nothing too bad! and i hope you have easy times ahead too, and plenty of time to kick back and take it easy 😌 lots of love! 💗
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
HW anon. aw thank you, I'm so glad you found my nonsense funny too. 😌 I just couldn't help sharing because it feels so on brand for Stu. Yesss for that Dolly song for Stu and speaking of Patsy Cline, her song I Fall to Pieces is sooo on point for the times when Billy is struggling to accept his feelings and Stu is ignored and sad! THOSE GIFS ARE PERFECT lmao that is exactly what I was picturing. I LOVE the old married couple who still act like teenagers energy for them as well. (I find it so cute honestly) Billy keeps threatening to leave and it just gets less and less convincing every time, and Stu is SO SMUG. THIS exactly lmao. I am fully convinced that Stu would not be above calling it "their song" and would play it at random times to make Billy suffer. like: they're fooling around and he's like "wait," and makes to take shirt off but he just blasts the damn song from his phone. Billy getting up: Good luck touching me tonight. Or ever again. Stu, laughing: Do you prefer when my old man sings it like that time in my room when he was downstairs and we -? Billy, seething: - I am absolutely leaving you. Stu just laughs and takes his shirt off giving Billy a view of his scars that still makes him go feral. Billy: I hate you so much (then starts making out with Stu and the kicker is the fucking song is still playing on Stu's phone) All this has me extremely tempted to write a fic about them years down the line because there isn't enough fic for thi
LMAO good shit anon, keep torturing the s/o with that lol shit agenda 🤙🏻 lmao always😌.
Idk why but I really do love thinking about Stu being sad listening to sappy songs lmao, good shit HW (thats your nickname now)
Lmao bold of you to assume Billy wouldn't just break his phone for that. I think that phone is going out a window tbh. Stu's phone is always backed up because he has to replace it four times a year.
Also lmoa- Billy: Yeah fine I'll still have sex with you but you're sleeping on the fucking couch tonight.
You should! I want this fandom to growwww we need more fics.
I'm also gonna write some older them at some point! I love the idea of them mellowing like 2% and only 2%. And also grown up Billy having some "Yeah I'm gay, fuck you" energy.
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kingmaker-a · 1 year
Ah, I hope you get to feeling better! Health issues suck, I've seen friends and family go through the ringer and it's especially scary when it's happening to you. 💗 Wishing you nothing but love and a quick recovery if you end up having a procedure done.
Gotta a bunch of questions for ya that should hopefully pass the time, but don't feel like you have to answer them all!
Besides Yoohyeon, who's an idol (or idols, I don't judge) that you've been obsessed with lately? It can be because of their music, visuals, stage presence, or whatever criteria you so choose.
If you could make a supergroup of K-pop idols from any generation, who would you choose and what concept/music genre would you go for?
Do you like any K-pop soloists? If so, who's your favorite?
What's your number one comfort food/meal?
I saw that you have The Weeknd in your Spotify Wrapped... what's your favorite song by him? (I swear I'm not a stalker, you guys, we shared our Spotify wrapped in the Paladin group chat).
Would you rewrite any published fic of yours? If so, which one would you choose and why?
What's one thing you admire about each of the Paladins? It can be writing-wise, personality-wise, or both!
That's all I got! Once again, wishing you lots of love and happiness as you go through this rough patch. If you ever need anyone to cheer you up or talking things over with, your sweet Maknae is here to help! 💖
P.S. - I have to leave a picture of Dami and try to bring more people into the cult of Damism because it is my one true calling in life 😌
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I'll try to answer these as best I can with my sleep deprived mind, though I'll probably just reblog if there's stuff I haven't answered.
Maybe not so much lately due to everything happening, but an idol I've been obsessed with?
I'm gonna have to go with Kim Lip, though I'm pretty sure you could've guessed that. I dunno I just got super into her voice after hearing Eclipse for the first time, that kinda what got me to listen to Loona in the first place. Literally obsessed with that song to the point that I build eclipse in lol when I shouldn't if it's even remotely playable.
Aside from that, her stage presence is 👌👌 even though she's kind of a dork.
Kpop supergroup? That's gonna have to wait until I have brain space.
Kpop soloists? I listen to a decent amount, the ones I remember off the top of my head are Chungha and Bibi, I do listen to a lot of kRnB as well like Dean and Hoody. My favourite just generally is Dean but Bibi did release an absolute banger recently.
My number one comfort food, I kind of have two since one is easier than the other for me to get nowadays. My preferred one is Fry Bread made by one of my Nan's, but I don't get to see my whanau much nowadays.
Other than that, Me and my ex-girlfriend would get burgers from this place called BurgerFuel whenever something good or bad happened.
Are you sure you're not a stalker? 👀👀 Jk jk, my favourite song from the Weeknd? It depends I guess because when I used to hangout with my friends it used to be Rocking or Party Monster, but nowadays? Faith or After hours, depends on the mood.
I know that there's quite a long list when it comes to which ones I'd redo if I had the time and effort. But probably Ramyun + Extras even if it's my second best piece note wise. In terms of why? The plot itself could've been a lot better, though I mainly wrote based on my own vibes being back in my hometown, as a result it's kinda eh and unfocused I guess.
What's my favourite things about the Paladins aside from being the best? I think I'll save it for new years when I'm being sappy. ❤️
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Stranger Things and S.W.A.T. have been super heavy on my brain lately and I'm afraid of what will happen if I open a word doc for them
Okay but what will happen is WRITING (or, depending on how the day is going, daydreaming lol) and isn't that a good thing? 🤔
also. very glad that Just One Week has an ending coming eventually! no rush on it, just good to know that it's happening (she says, shoving her own large unfinished half-published WIPs under the table)
Just One Week followup:
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
5: What part was hardest to write?
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
PS I am hugging you back through the screen!
I will say, that for S.W.A.T. specifically, it's more a matter of when will I start writing, not if. I'm on season 3 of 5 and I'm figuring out if I wanna watch all of what's available for the series before I take a crack at writing. That tends to be how I operate so tumblr has about 2 more seasons before it can't escape yet another fandom from me 😂
But! Just One Week! Let's get into it 😌
4. What's your favorite line of dialogue: I'm such a dialogue person so I feel like there are so many haha. Some of my faves are definitely from The Peanut Gallery, aka, Steve and Javier. Right from the jump, Javi calling Horacio out with, "You remember dating, right?" will always be a fave of mine. I love the relationship the two of them have. And the whole exchange in, I think it's chapter 2 or 3, where it's the reader and Horacio just talking one-on-one and getting to know each other, and he talks about his ex-wife, I was really proud of that whole interaction.
5. What part was hardest to write: The smut. I wrote one (1) smut scene and I agonized over it. I stressed. I almost scrapped the scene altogether. 😂 I'm not really much of a smut writer these days and I knew that a scene like that couldn't just be haphazardly thrown in there. I couldn't half-ass it. In this fic it was a scene that would matter and carry a lot of weight. So I knew I had to get it right. It is the only smut scene that's going to be in that story because I cannot put myself through that again lmao
8. Did any real people or events inspire any part of it: The Parents are definitely an amalgamation of a few of my family members. I took some of my favorite and least favorite qualities of the people in my family and packed them into two family-friendly fictional parents.
9. Were there any alternate versions of this fic: Not alternate versions, per se. But I have written a little off-shoot that was inspired by the whole ex-wife thing that I mentioned before. You know me and my feelings about Horacio and his exes. The dynamic I have for them in my head is just so comfortable and wholesome. It doesn't really have a place in this story but I like thinking about it.
13. What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to, to accompany us while reading: I have a "fic inspo" playlist on spotify that I've been adding to since I was in high school. It's got a range of music on it, but it's pretty much what I always listen to whenever I'm writing! I'm a big sucker for sappy love songs, which I think fit the whole mood of the story to begin with.
15. What did you learn from writing this fic: This fic is definitely what got me comfortable writing for Carrillo. He was the character I wanted to write for the most when I finished Narcos, but he was also really intimidating to write. I wasn't sure if I would be able to make a "fake dating" plot work for him but I gave it a shot anyway and I'm so glad I did! It definitely got me comfortable writing for Horacio and the Narcos universe as a whole.
I could talk about this fic for ages thank you for all of these questions 🥺💖
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