startistdoodles · 2 years
Hello, Star. I was hoping I could ask you for some art advice.
Do you remember the character with the "vertical slit pupils" I asked you to draw? Since he's my tallest character, he'd have to look down a lot, but I have trouble drawing these types of eyes looking up or down.
So if I may ask, how would you do it?
If the slit pupil is paired with an iris, then it works like a normal eye:
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However if there are no irises, having a gap between the top and bottom helps show where the pupil is pointing:
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Characters with slit pupils can sometimes be hard to read, so tilting the head up and down along with the eyes can help a lot with readability for viewers.
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Hope this helps!
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valentinbelleyh505 · 7 months
A10 Ludwig/Kooky von Koopa
it's here!! Ludwig it's my favorite koopaling ^^
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Courtney, how did you and Maxie first meet?
oh..! that’s a…pointed question…♪
…i was…a prodigy…around 14, 15…the devon corporation took interest in me…i was failing in my other subjects but excelling in my current field…and joseph stone was willing to help nullify that. but it turned somewhat….competitive.
leader maxie has…very firm morals…♪
things spread by word of mouth…it’s to be expected. he took interest. it was…my decision in the end…he took me in.
leader maxie taught me everything i know about being human.
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silyabeeodess · 1 year
So happy to be part of another awesome dub with @auditect!! "The Hunt for Aurra Sing" continues!! :)
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Super Mario World
Schickt mir ein Videospiel und ich sag euch wieso es scheiße ist
Ist für die Einführung von bekanntem Steuerhinterzieher Yoshi verantwortlich. Den Steuerinstituten fehlt bis heute das Geld!
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ooops-i-arted · 10 months
What's your favourite Dave Filoni show? Mine's the one about a war-hardened soldier who needs to learn how to be a father figure/role model to the spunky kid sidekick.
Don't forget the one with the whitewashed clones who look nothing like their original actor!
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Maul: You are too late! The entire population of Mandalore has been reduced to ash. Now no one shall interfere with my revenge!
Ahsoka: Actually, I’m pretty sure you only-
Bo-Katan: YES! The ENTIRE population!
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antianakin · 10 months
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You seem like you're being genuine about this and asking this in good faith, so I'm going to say this as respectfully as I possibly can: no, she's not.
When thinking about what's canon and what's not, there are 2 things to consider. One is, was it explicitly said or shown in the canon material (in this case, Rebels)? For example, did you hear anyone CALL Ahsoka a Gray Jedi, or discuss Gray Jedi and then have Ahsoka pretty clearly get associated with said concept? Two is, have you ever heard the main creator of a canon material explicitly state somewhere that Ahsoka is intended to be understood as a Gray Jedi by the audience? In this case that would probably be Filoni, but you can probably count the other writers and even Lucas in this category.
The answer to all of those questions is no. At no point has the concept of Gray Jedi ever been brought up in a high canon piece of media in Star Wars (in case high canon is a new term for you, this includes all of the movies, TCW, Rebels, and the Disney+ shows like The Mandalorian, TBOBF, TBB, etc.). Gray Jedi are FANON because they only exist in a piece of extended universe Star Wars media which, in many ways, works as basically official fanfiction. Nobody working on the more "high media" stuff is ever obligated to keep extended universe stories in mind and adhere to their continuity, but the people working on extended universe stories have to adhere to high canon continuity as best they can.
Obviously there are things that have been brought from extended universe into high canon, but Gray Jedi simply aren't one of them. And, in my own opinion, this is because the entire concept makes no sense with the actual worldbuilding of high canon Star Wars. As much as Filoni shits on the Jedi, he does generally seem to understand Lucas's worldbuilding which makes the fanon concept of Gray Jedi literally impossible. Using a little dark side without it having an impact on you isn't possible. That's not how the Force works, as the saying goes.
So no, Ahsoka's not a gray Jedi in Rebels. She's a former Jedi who happens to keep using her training and her lightsabers to help people in the Rebellion. Even in the trailers for the new Ahsoka show, the tagline says "rebel, outcast, JEDI." There's nothing in there about being gray, there's no acknowledgment of Gray Jedi as a thing. Ahsoka is someone who was once a Jedi and will likely end up a Jedi again by the end of her show because that's the journey we've sort-of seen her going on throughout the different things she's been in.
In Rebels, we see Ahsoka actively working with other Jedi (Kanan and Ezra) to continue work that the Jedi Order had started, we see Ahsoka specifically come along on missions that are Jedi specific problems. She says she's not a Jedi, yes, but in her time, being a Jedi meant something very specific, you couldn't just identify as a Jedi if you weren't someone who was adopted into the Order officially. Ahsoka was expelled and then refused to come back, so she's no longer an official member of the Jedi Order and can no longer take on the title of Jedi. And then the Order is destroyed, so all roads for officially rejoining the Order are now closed to her effectively forever. And this leaves her with trying to figure out what being a Jedi means to her in the wake of that destruction, how can she re-identify as a Jedi without an Order to be a part of, does she even have the right to do so when she hadn't been a Jedi when the Order was destroyed? We've seen characters like Kanan and Cal go through similar arcs and both of them became full Jedi by the end of them. There's no real reason Ahsoka won't do the same given that it's the most obvious place for her to go.
Now, none of that means that if you like the fanon concept of Gray Jedi that you can't just headcanon Ahsoka as a Gray Jedi after she leaves the Order. More power to you! But just because it's a headcanon you like doesn't make it canon. Until it's made explicit via dialogue or something similar in high canon, or at the very least said in an interview by one of the creators, it's NOT CANON.
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Part 2 of this comic👇
A continuation of my aimless comic. Mozenrath and Cassim meet new people, still maintaining their disguises.
Don't look for a plot here, just Mozenrath being a bit malicious, Rue being happy, Cassim trying to make useful connections, and so on. I'm just trying to introduce as many characters from the franchise to each other as possible so I can draw art with them interacting with each other.
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If you don't understand who Angu and Rue are, refer to this gentleman👉 @auditect , he knows the most ahahh. Also thanks to him for coming up with fake names for Cassim and Mozenrath in disguise. On the question of why exactly those names, also refer to him, hehe)))
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samijami · 4 months
Hey guys, thank you all for supporting me and being here for this year of 2023. Now, as it concludes, it's kind of surreal for me to be honest..time's kind of running by really fast and I still feel stuck in 2018 if I'm being honest. But thank you guys so much for being here, supporting my artwork and my stories, and making me feel like I have people who are there to listen to my insistent ramblings, and some of you are really good at listening and being really helpful to get some weight off my chest every once in a while. This year has been absolutely trash to me in real life, and as most of you can tell from how much I've been harassed and such, that even online it's been rough. But nevertheless, there were many of you who stuck with me the whole way and made me feel like I wasn't alone, and maybe not everyone hated me.
Even during a year where I felt like I might just give up and maybe even leave for good. All of you guys are the reason I'm still here, and I have hope for it to continue being that way.
To my New Year's Resolution, never give up; and do your fucking comic and artwork until you feel you want to have it come to a close. Not when anyone else tells you it should.
But never press yourself too hard. <3
Here's where I will mention everyone here this year that I can remember who have been here for me and who I appreciate--whether if you've been my friend, interacted with me, or simply been an inspiration regarding artworks or creations--I appreciate everyone here, plus all of my followers and everyone who has ever shown me a sprinkle of support. I love you guys so much, and here's to so much more to come in 2024. (I will start my comic, I swear to God. The official Kaos Reality Discord is almost ready to be publicised).
I will reblog with more mentions, since Tumblr isnt letting me put you guys all right here. Sorry if I forget some people, I'm trying (and my father is limiting my time to do this-)
@wishtale-blogs @esotericisnotdead @elsiegracedeertoon @your-bigender-big-brother @i-am-a-fish @itsxroxannex @oatsynalliums @a-v-j @slylock-syl @dreemurr-skelememer @fandomsoda @g-r-e-e-t-i-n-g-s @kawaii-fresh-sans @loverofpiggies @zu-is-here @comyet @virgilsteve @blizzysnowolf @blunt-force-therapy @bloodrune1310 @neon-draws-sometimes @metakazkz @crazygemspinz @lilacthebitch @aamon1010 @teecupofcement @lilacthebitch2 @feline-felon @brooke2valley @wowa-bublord @kaydeesthings @lumi-procrastinate @kazerflame @thestudsystem @bogos-bint3d @auditect @remi-void @yo4sblog @sleepy-artist27 @groovygladiatorsheep @allofmycrystalsarequartzs @poorpastel-pain @terrestrialextraterrestrial @sophietheskelly @cheesy-breadsticks @rejector-of-mortal-flesh @eclipse-needs-sleep @godofautism @nick-the-sxftie @x0l0tl99
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smak-annihilation · 4 months
you guy will NOT beliave me when I tell you what happened to me just now
I was at the store right, buying some doritos and pepsi, and then I heard the little windchimes they have at the front door, I look to see and who it is, and low and be hold it's a fucking 60 foot tall dragon, he roars and then opens his wings and starts spitting fire like i barelly made it out alive
@juliawithay @ultimateedgelord3073 @auditect @queenoclowns @xer0her0 @olivertreeofficial @annoyingpink @the-prince-of-vaillancourtia
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startistdoodles · 2 years
On the topic of Pokémon Name pronounciations:
0 IQ: Regi - Ice
10 IQ: Reg - Ice
Googolplex IQ: Regi - Ce
Galaxy Brain IQ: Rice
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brainyxbat · 7 days
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Happy Star Wars day! Venus as Mara Jade!
Thanks @auditect for the idea! 😁
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When you go to the Palace and then there is a strange cat, that turns your legs in kangeroo legs. (Angus colors by @auditect)
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ribbononline · 8 months
@auditect and his team took the time to voice my old silly little comic from way back!! Please go check it out its so cool WAAAA ((also they normally voice star wars comic dubs so if that sounds up your alley go check those out too!))
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Schickt mir ein Videospiel und ich sag euch wieso es scheiße ist
Der blöde I-Block kommt nie dann, wenn man ihn braucht!
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