#assuming i live long enough to see it turn into that. not planning on dying anytime soon but u never know.
spacelesscowboy · 1 month
obviously not an original thought but it still strikes me out of nowhere sometimes. being dead is a forever thing. youre alive and then youre not. you existed for a brief moment in time and the world will live on. but you won’t. how strange.
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sio-writes · 1 year
Movie Night
I challenged myself to write a short blurb in under 1k words, and we capped in at 998 (hell yeah!)
I've been inspired by my writing buddies in the fantasci discord server, so have a bit of a Hero/Villain interaction. It's a bit out of my usual wheelhouse but I think I did the concept some justice! There's some mild swearing but that's all c:
The steam from the shower nearly chokes the small apartment, but Hero wouldn’t turn down the temperature if their life depended on it. It’s the easiest way to release the tension in their joints, ease the tightness of their muscles after beating back Supervillain for the third time this week. It was a victory hard-won, and Hero was still finding bruises and scrapes that they hadn't felt during the heat of battle.
The shower also acts as a ritual of sorts, one that started out of necessity - saving a city was a hard job, and then as Hero got better at that job, the ritual just kind of stuck.
Scrubbed and dry with fresh bandages over the worst of the injuries, Hero knocks back several ibuprofen and changes into pajamas. The fight took everything out of them, and they want nothing more than to relax for the rest of the evening.
Which of course invites a knock on their door, and Hero knows exactly who it is. They barely have a chance to unlock the door before Villain pushes past them and into the apartment. They pace the small living room as Hero closes and locks the door, then turns an accusing finger in Hero's direction. "I can't believe you!"
"You saw the fight, huh?" Hero asks, leaning on one shoulder against the wall. "I assume you have notes?"
Villain's eyes widen, indignant. "You bet your ass I do! Never fight Supervillain alone, your own words! And what do I see on TV first thing in the morning? You! Being flattened into the fucking Metrix high-rise!"
Hero cringes, hating that Villain is right. "It's not like I planned it. I did call for help, but by the time everyone else got there, Supervillain was long gone." They shrug, and the movement pulls at a nasty gash over their back that makes them wince. They kick off the wall to step around Villain, and then flop dramatically onto the couch, ignoring Villain's increasingly indignant stare. Standing takes effort, plus it hurts, so if Villain wants to yell at them more, they'll have to do it from down here.
"Don't you care that they might--"
"Wanna watch a movie?" Hero interrupts, reaching for the remote.
Villain sputters for a second, but this song and dance is nothing new for either of them. One gets hurt, the other gets upset, they brush it off and continue on. So after a long-suffering stare, an arm movement like they're a bird taking flight, and a hefty sigh, Villain drapes themself over Hero's couch as Hero fiddles with the channels.
“Anything but the news,” Villain says.
Hero flips to a channel playing a movie— they haven't seen a proper movie in months— and Villain grunts their approval.
Normally, Hero enjoys war movies, but those pain pills kick in fast, and before the opening credits are over, Hero’s already struggling to pay attention. It's an older movie, made in the 70's, something about the Cold War, and there's so much talking and so little action that Hero is fighting to stay awake, until Villain starts on a tirade.
"It's just like the government, eh? Fuckin' politicians, they just waltz all over--"
Hero groans, thumping Villains leg with their fist. "Knock it off. I heard nothing but this all damn day."
Villain scoffs, cutting off their rant but still broadcasting their frustration. They turn their attention back to the movie, and in sympathy, Hero pats their knee where it's draped over their own legs. "Things'll get better, you know they will."
Villain scrunches their face in displeasure, sinking into the couch as they cross their arms over their chest. "Not fast enough. People are dying."
Hero sighs through their nose, fond yet exasperated. This argument never seems to stale, no matter how often it comes up. They never reach an agreement, only until they run out of talking points and one gives up. Currently Hero is in the lead at 43-42.
At a commercial break, Villain reaches out to gently brush their knuckles over a large purple bruise on Hero's ankle. “This looks bad.”
Hero hums, noncommittal. Supervillain had actually broken that ankle, but with Hero's accelerated healing factor, it was back in place before they got home, and the bruise will be long gone before the weekend's over. “I mean, you saw the fight.”
“You should be more careful around Supervillain,” they say, serious. “They don’t have a conscience like I do.”
Hero scoffs, smiling. “Didn't you gut-punch me last week?”
“I was aiming for the senator," they mumble, looking down. They look back to Hero, eyes still hardened. "They’ll kill you given the chance.” Villain’s expression brokers no argument, and Hero holds their gaze for a moment. Hero’s easy smile fades, taking in the concern of Villain’s expression.
“Don’t worry about me,” Hero mumbles. “It’s part of the job.”
“An avoidable part.”
Hero rolls their eyes. "I can't just quit, and I--" Hero squints at the screen. “What the fuck is that?"
It's not a distraction this time, Hero genuinely can't make heads or tails of why this plane is sitting on its ass-end and taking off like the space shuttle.
Villain sighs, turning their head back towards the TV, and then they perk up. "Oh, that's a Lockheed XFV-1," Villain says easily before tossing back popcorn into their mouth. Hero didn't remember making popcorn, and couldn't recall Villain making any - they must've made it when Hero dozed off.
"It was made for vertical take-off and landing," Villain continues. "Like a helicopter, but shaped like a plane. Oh! That one's a Lavochkin-LA, super big during the Cold War."
Hero squints at them. "Are you a history nerd?"
Villain flushes. "Kind of? I'm not as keyed-in as some people." They snort, and their smile is lopsided. "Don't tell anyone, it'll ruin my street cred."
Hero recognizes an olive branch when they see one, and they smile easily. "I won't tell anyone. Hand me some popcorn."
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fluffsoo · 8 months
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Now let's talk about Hush. Can we talk about Hush please? I've been dying to talk about Hush with you all day, okay?
I have been working my way through the Redacted audios like a being fully possessed for the last few weeks since I discovered the channel. Hush and the mystery of what the fuck he is has overtaken my brain and I need to voice my thoughts so that they will stop plaguing my every waking moment.
This is gonna be long. It's gonna be erratic as fuck. It's probably not even gonna make any sense or be the littlest bit true, but theorizing gives my life joy and I wanna talk about it. Take my hand, join me.
So Hush. The two prevailing theories are that he is either a sovereign or a shade. To be honest I've jumped between both theories off and on... at this point though I don't believe he is a sovereign, and I really do flip flop on him being a shade, fully fed or otherwise. The way I see it is.... I think he's an experiment of the Sovereigns to become the ideal creature to serve their needs.
Sovereigns created d(a)emons out of pure arcana as beings to serve them. Made them dependent on their energy to live. But they made d(a)emons too powerful. They became rebellious. So the sovereigns went looking for others to serve them and found humanity. They gifted the humans magic, but not as powerful as d(a)emons in the hopes that it would keep them from being able to rebel, and this would have worked if the d(a)emons hadn't discovered that humans could fuel them like the sovereigns and the two teamed up to fight their rulers.
We know that the sovereigns have tried making other "races" before; when they tried to make humans with powers more similar to d(a)emons it turned them into the vampires, so the idea of them experimenting on finding the balance isn't too crazy. To find the happy medium of arcane power to be strong but not self sufficient enough to turn against them like the others did...
The sovereigns want out of their prison under the river of Death. They have messengers, shades, passing their demands for freedom to people like CloseKnit, but I don't see them as the type to wait idly by, hoping that the humans will listen and find a way to release them. What they need isn't a messenger, they need an enforcer acting in their interests on Elegy. A being formed to be more and less than their last creations.
Maybe it's just some of the wording used by Reticuli that gets my brain whirling with the ideas of Hush being an amalgamation of d(a)emonkind and humanity... The choice of "abomination" and "dissect" just really makes me feel like he is an experiment, one that the Chorus somehow has discovered and is trying to figure out too. Reticuli and Hush speak to each other like there is some sort of arrangement between the Chorus and him. The ultimatum of "You agree to the terms or you cease to exist." means there's something they're trying to get from Hush. I would assume it's answers on what the fuck he is. I don't recall there being much lore out there right now on the Chorus (though if I'm mistaken please shoot me those references I crave knowledge) so who knows what their plans are or what they could have wanted Hush for....
We know Hush is new to Elegy and he's come here for what we can only assume are devious intentions, given his multiple warnings that the listener saving may end up being the worst mistake of their life. To be new to Elegy, and having run-ins with the Chorus, would mean he possibly came from Aria, or passed through Aria at least. To have been on Aria means he has to be made of arcana like d(a)emons, but even the council of d(a)emons doesn't know what he is. He has an insane amount of magic at his disposal, given the way he was able to obliterate a fucking demon by pumping so much magic into him that he was eviscerated. But he doesn't have a magical core.
With the big blast of magic being the only like.... outward show of power we've seen from him so far it can't be confirmed but I wonder if maybe the "balance" of power for him is that he lacks the core he needs to use the intense amount of arcana he possesses. Like I feel as if that would be an interesting way for the Sovereigns to keep him from getting too out of hand (and one day rebelling like their other creations).
(jfc I typed out a whole paragraph about this and then tumblr ate it so here's my second attempt that will in no way be as good as the first was) The way my mind imagines it, it's like Hush used Doc's core almost in reverse. A human's magical core is supposed to like "purify" the raw arcana into something that they can use. Their threads connect up to Aria, pulling down the arcana through the hole they make in the Meridian and then into their core to turn it into the less powerful "magic" that won't just completely destroy their physical bodies. But with Hush it's like he has access to the full pure spectrum of arcana but no way to bring it past the Meridian, unlike d(a)emonkind that don't need to worry about their power passing through the Meridian. He needed to use Doc's core to squeeze it through their hole in the Meridian "like channeling the entire force of a river through a pinhole".
Like if that's what was really going on how the fuck DID Doc survive that? Enough arcane force to completely unravel a DEMON shot pure through a human's simple magical core... It seems like it would at least burn out their core, which we don't know if that happened to Doc yet so it's a possibility, unless his abilities were somehow designed with that in mind? Some sort of failsafe to keep from overloading the core he used? But like I said that's very much an out-there theory at the moment and idk if what I'm trying to convey makes any sense I just find the way his power was shown to be so interesting and I really wanna learn more!
Anyways to the last point in this insane rambling I wanna talk about Inversion. We have no way of knowing just where on the timeline Hush's video takes place as of right now. Considering some meta regarding videos being released recently I have some ideas on that. The channel right now is in a split, with more of the slice-of-life storylines having moved on from the Inversion and are now, according to the timeline, almost 2 years Post Inversion. But the more story heavy arcs (the Balance, Carpe Deus, Sovereign State, Project Meridian) are sitting around the immediate moments of Post Inversion or have not been given a canonical place on the timeline yet (Project Meridian I'm looking at you but I have theories on that too)
As of now Sovereign State still isn't up on the timeline but the last few videos in that series show that Avior and Starlight popped back to Elegy right before the Inversion and helped with the fallout. Carpe Deus has Vega and Warden heading to CloseKnit and according to the last updates on the timeline for them they are still in Pre Inversion. The Balance left off directly Post Inversion as well, Elliott left CloseKnit and went to the Department for help only to learn that it just happened. These are all falling close enough to each other in time that I feel confident putting the idea out there that Hush's appearance falls in this group moreso than the 2 year Post Inversion timeline.
So that idea leads to two options. Was Hush the cause of the Inversion, or was he the fallout? I can see both being plausible. If he came to Elegy with a mission Pre Inversion then that mission could very well have been to open the rift between Death and Elegy for the Sovereigns. It would definitely solidify his claims that he is not a good person and Doc would regret saving his life, especially if they learn that he's the reason all those people died. Personally though, I believe the Inversion had to happen in order to create Hush.
With my theory of Hush being an experiment of the Sovereigns, a new type of being they're creating to serve a purpose for them, I see Inversion as the proverbial lighting strike needed to give their Frankenstein life. Think about it. If it was just a feeding frenzy for the shades, why not open the rift on a more populated unempowered human city? Why was it so convenient that the rift opened on a stadium full of empowered humans during an event that made sure there would be a huge population of magical people there? Because they were feeding on immense power to channel into their creation.
Here's a quote from the timeline that fueled this idea for me specifically: "Brachium comes to the realization that this act wasn't meant as an invasion, but rather as a feast, where the forces below the river of Death could gorge on the magic and energy of those who died. He wonders how much time they have left before something greater than Shades breaks free."
Now could they have just been feeding on all this power to make themselves stronger in order to soon break out of their prison themselves? Yeah. Absolutely. Damn... maybe Hush did cause the Inversion then for the Sovereigns...
No no I'm gonna stick to my guns. I think the Inversion funneled enough power to the Sovereigns trapped under the river of Death that they were able to channel it into creating a being to enforce their will for escape down on Elegy.
And why would I stick to this silly little theory after I just sort of proved myself wrong with a different, more plausible theory?
Because that Frankenstein parallel I just made hit so good on just like a storytelling principle that I got lightheaded. and having the Sovereigns break themselves out now just wouldn't be as fun.
Anyways, in summary since this post has really gotten away from me at this point: I think the Sovereigns made Hush using the power they got from the Inversion. I think he's an experiment of theirs on how to better combine d(a)emonkind and humanity's power but still keep it in check so that they don't end up with another resistance. I think he's going to converge with a few of the current story-heavy characters like Blake and Avior and if so I am eagerly awaiting the crossovers of all the immediate Post Inversion storylines happening right now.
And lastly I just wanna say that every time I say Hush is an "experiment" I just picture him as Stitch. He is so Stitch coded you don't even understand.
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evilkitten3 · 3 months
Hey, thanks for the reply! Also sorry for using comments instead of reblogging, I own only a blog with goofy fancomics and I don't want to mix plot discussions into it. I hope you don't mind. If you want, you can cite this whole reply in another post, but I'm ok with anything.
When it comes to narrator reliability, I go for "reliable unless proven otherwise" approach. I agree here, that picking Obito's statements was not the best way to prove things because he had been proved to talk nonsense before. On the other hand, with how few glimpses of Madara's PoV we have, they are consistent with Hashirama's tale except for VoTE fight where Madara intentionally tricked Hashirama about his goals and the outcome. So I'm going to consider Hashi mostly reliable, also because his account is the last one we get, so if Kishimoto planned it to be false, not showing Madara's contradicting PoV (or at least hinting at it, which we don't get either) would be plain bad writing (still doesn't give 100% certainty, but I'd take this over the "God of the gaps" approach).
Even if we don't consider the info on Izuna's dying words true, Hashirama says that Madara had claimed that Izuna had been killed by Senju (also states it as a reason for not being able to trust Senju enough to make a truce), and Madara later confirms that Izuna had been in fact killed by Tobirama (the "Tobirama pin cushion" scene in War Arc). Also, we were never given an explanation for Uchihas turning their backs on Madara other than
prolonging the war
Madara allegedly stealing Izuna's eyes. Both these things trace back to Izuna's death. One can try to give other reasons, but this would be entering headcanon territory at this point, so something that the reader wants to be true rather than something that the reader has actually been given.
As for Tobirama, he plays a way bigger role in his and Madara's paranoia than Madara, and his prejudice is largely ungrounded (however understandable because of his own traumas), but here are some things Madara did that could rile him up:
refusing truce for so long, stemming from Izuna's death (according to Hashirama)
pulling off the whole "it's either me or him" stuff twice (first one is when Tobirama calls Madara a lunatic, so this had started before the founding of Konoha): this also fits thematically with Izuna's death, because having no living brothers left would have put Hashirama and Madara in the same spot
attempting to nuke Konoha with Kurama (even if we assume that Madara didn't want to do it, he intentionally made this impression to lure out Hashirama, so Tobirama can't be blamed for believing it) which had been partially caused by Uchihas rejecting Madara which had been caused by… etc. Tobirama explicitly says that his persecution of Uchihas was to avoid the rise of another Madara, but this is Tobirama we are speaking of, so take this with a grain of salt. Also, through grooming Obito, Madara played a significant indirect role in Uchiha massacre, but I wouldn't necessarily consider it intentional on his side (we can't tell to what extent Obito was guided by "Madara's will"). So in the end, his actions do bear characteristics of a self-fulfilling prophecy, although I admit that it's debatable how much Uchiha opression could have been avoided without Madara fueling every bad stereotype, because the prejudice didn't start with him. No Obito and no Kurama attack could have at least remove a convenient pretext for the massacre from the story, but it's absolutely possible that Konoha elders would have found another one.
I'm not saying all of this to prove that Madara wouldn't have pursued IT with Izuna alive (in fact, it would be interesting to see BZ sway Madara without killing Izuna). My point is that there are too many factors that more or less directly trace back to Izuna's death to confidently state the opposite.
entirely fair! and don't worry, plenty of people prefer commenting for various reasons; no offense taken
honestly, i tend to be more or less the same, although i actually think hashirama's story was probably pretty solid; he doesn't try at all to make claims for the stuff he wasn't there for. he doesn't even say "madara was definitely standing outside the window" he says "tobirama looked out the window and i found a leaf that looked like the one madara looked at the village through"
having said that, from what i remember, at some point kishimoto did end up pressed for time, and that seriously affected the quality of his work (and... let's be honest, the war arc was never naruto's best writing. the war arc wishes it had what the wave arc had)
i think the reason we never heard hashirama's take on why madara's clan distanced itself from him is bc hashirama can't really,,,, comprehend that? like madara explicitly says "no one in my family likes me :(" and hashirama goes "i don't believe that" like he has any way of knowing XD
personally, i'm fairly certain that tobirama killed izuna, and i have no reason to think otherwise (i guess it's possible that black zetsu personally snuck an infection into his wound somehow just to make sure he kicked it and madara got his eyes, but like you said that'd just be headcanon territory, and also it kinda doesn't matter since neither madara nor hashirama would have any way of knowing that, so neither would we)
frankly i personally like the idea that tobirama was just scared shitless of madara, but it's also possible that he held a grudge over the whole "kill u or ur bro" thing. probably not the other stuff tbh, since tobirama never seemed all that invested in the idea of a village before it was founded (probably just. didn't think it could happen), and madara trying to nuke the village didn't happen until after he'd left, so while it may have affected tobirama's relationship with the other uchiha, it didn't really affect his relationship with madara.
obito's role in the massacre was,,,, really badly handled tbh. and also part of why i suspect that the original concept of "tobi" (from a meta perspective) was meant to be madara's ghost possessing obito's mostly dead corpse. madara had a reason to resent the uchiha clan (although i don't think the character we meet in the war arc would've done that, even if the character we met after tobi's "reveal" might have), but obito never really got one. there were fan theories, but not a lot of solid canon evidence. it might've happened, since both obito and madara were justifying everything they did with "well they'll all be fine when the infinite tsukuyomi kicks in, so whatever"
if you keep izuna alive and don't remove black zetsu from the equation, then it's less of a "would madara still do this" question and more of a "how long until black zetsu manages to cause izuna's death and lead madara to do this" question. zetsu needed madara to get the eternal mangekyou sharingan, after all. if it was possible to do that while keeping izuna alive then that'd certainly be interesting, but it's not something zetsu would particularly care to pursue, especially when izuna dying makes it much more likely that madara will take his eyes. but black zetsu is black zetsu, so i'm sure it could figure something out.
if you take out black zetsu entirely, then it's hard to say if madara would've come up with the eye of the moon plan on his own, but i do still think he would've seen the village as a failure and left in the end. like you said, it's hard to say for sure, though.
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heliads · 2 years
Iced Out Mind (Part Two)
Based on this request: "A second part of Iced Out Mind. Snowstorm is still an active superhero. Y/N and Isaac watch John Walker become the new Captain America. Sam, Bucky, and Y/N see John use the shield to kill one of the Flag Smashers. Y/N calls Isaac and gives him an update. Sam invites Bucky, Y/N, and Isaac to the pier."
part one / masterlist
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Isaac Lahey was not supposed to get this far. No, really, he wasn’t.
The way he thought about it, the way he has always thought about it, Isaac was destined for an early grave. That’s what it means to be anything but human, after all, to know that your life is on the line every single time you draw breath. Isaac always assumed that a hunter or other rival werewolf would get him at some point, so he never much bothered with making future plans. Why think about the life you could have if you know you’ll never be able to stick around long enough to make it real?
So, when Isaac blinks one day and realizes that he’s only a handful of years away from thirty, long out of high school and somewhat distant from his college graduation, he has to take a moment or two to steady himself. This is defying the odds to the max. Isaac was meant to die the second he received the bite, and yet somehow, he hasn’t. How do you go about your normal life with a declaration like that?
It is enough to drive anyone a little mad, but fortunately, Isaac has a fairly good support system set up to keep him from losing it. He still stays in contact with the Beacon Hills clan, even if he doesn’t see them all that often anymore. Most of Scott’s pack still stays on the west coast, pretending they can escape that life just long enough to come spiraling back down when yet another attack happens. 
Sometimes, Isaac wonders if he’s unreasonably selfish to think that he should be the one to get to leave it all behind when everyone else has to stay there forever, trapped in that cycle of healing and hurting, protecting and dying, all in the same strains as before. Surely he is not be the one to deserve a release. Surely the free man should be Scott, whom the world owes everything, or Allison, who should have gotten the chance to live into her twenties, or any one of those friends who Isaac sees more often on a Christmas card than in real life.
Yet it’s him nonetheless, him standing in an apartment in New York City and wondering how he got this lucky. Members of the pack come up every now and then, it’s not like Isaac is totally cut off. They’ll visit about once a year or so, every trip up the same. Some old friend stands on Isaac’s streets and murmurs something about how wild the city is. They’ll stay a few days then send themselves back down to exile in the hunter’s land of Beacon Hills. Isaac always offers to keep them longer. At least here, they’re mostly out of danger, but no one ever takes him up on it.
He’s been able to shrug most of his survivor’s guilt from his shoulders through the slow realization that all of his friends want the danger, in some way. They feel called to it. If they cannot protect others, how can they protect themselves? It may end in their early deaths, and for some, it already has, but they would choose that path over and over again anyway.
They’re not the only ones to share in such a fate. Isaac turns and walks further into his apartment, where his eyes rest on another survivor. Y/N L/N, once a stranger he’d seen on the news and then a friend he’d wanted to keep more than any other, is now more to Isaac than he ever imagined possible. After that first meeting in a diner after Isaac had accidentally realized that she was Snowstorm, one of the Avengers, they kept crossing paths.
Soon enough, Isaac realized that he didn’t ever want to go through another goodbye at the end of a wonderful date, that he wished they could have a world in which he connected one hour after another, an endless string of moments in which it was just the two of them. Nothing more, nothing less. He wanted her forever, even if Isaac’s forevers tend to find themselves broken after a matter of years.
Nothing has happened to ruin them yet, however. Even daring to voice the thought in his head seems like a great temptation of fate to Isaac, but he stands by it anyway. Let this be a promise to a world that has only ever hurt him:  Isaac chooses the good now, the happy ending. He will have what he wants, and that will be the love of his life. He can have his contented resolution with Y/N L/N, and there is absolutely nothing that can get in the way of that.
That won’t stop Fate from trying, though. For now, they’re alright. Isaac holds out an arm to the girl he loves, and she leans into him. He’s long since learned to stop taking it personally when Y/N’s heartbeat flares for a brief instant of panic every time someone comes as close to her as Isaac dares. Those are just the habits of a bygone era, if one that still haunts her every time she thinks about it. Y/N is a product of the labs, and Isaac will never hold that against her.
They’ve gotten better, the two of them. Y/N may never forgive the world for loving the torture she was put through all in the name of receiving super powers. Isaac may never stop flinching away from full moons and even the barest hint of someone who could be a hunter. The system made them like this, and the system stops them from being fully human, both in physical composition and mental habits.
They’re used to it, though, and they’re used to each other. If you have to be an outsider in a world that was once your own, Isaac has found that it’s best to do it with someone you care about by your side. That’s why Isaac is able to look at Y/N’s left hand and smile at the ring on her finger. It’s a promise he made to her about a month or two ago that he would never stop trying to make her feel at home, even on the days when she’s sure that she would never belong anywhere but a battleground. It’s an oath that he intends to take to his grave.
He spent a fair amount of time picking out the ring, too. Everything had to be perfect for Y/N, you know? The stone itself is crystalline white, one bit of ice and snow that Y/N can accept by the virtue of her own choice instead of being shaped only from bad memories. It’s a way to reclaim all that she has been through, a way to make it her own. Isaac intends to be with her throughout that journey, and this ring symbolizes his decision to make that permanent.
He doesn’t entirely know when the wedding will happen. With lives like theirs, important dates tend to get sidetracked. He does know that it will occur one day, though, and even such a casual promise as that is enough for Isaac. They’re both looking forward to it and that’s enough for now.
Isaac would be fine with spending the rest of today, and perhaps all days after it, in standing here in easy tandem with Y/N, breathing in and out in unison. They can push off the world and its difficulties for another month. It will find other martyrs to damn in their absence.
However, the call to action is impossible to ignore, especially when it comes in the form of the alarming news broadcast currently radiating out from the TV in the corner of their apartment. They have a habit of leaving it on in case they see something related to either the supernatural world or the Avengers or some combination of both, and they aren’t disappointed now.
A man named John Walker looms onscreen, proudly decked out in stars and stripes. He carries a round vibranium shield, the very one that was supposed to be in a museum as dictated by Sam Wilson. That declaration doesn’t seem to have stopped John Walker from being appointed as the new Captain America, however.
Y/N tenses. “This isn’t good.”
Isaac tilts his head to the side. “Because it’s disrespecting Steve’s legacy?”
Her lips press together as she thinks. “Partially. Also because it’s disrespecting Sam. If this Walker guy has the shield, it means Sam wasn’t consulted on this in the slightest. People are just setting up heroes as puppets whose strings they can pull whenever they decide on it. I have a feeling that this isn’t going to end well.”
As if to prove her point, Y/N’s phone goes off. She checks the screen and reads off a few disgruntled messages from Bucky Barnes, no surprises there. If there’s one guy who’d hate to see Steve’s shield tossed around by some imposter, it would have to be the original Captain America’s childhood friend.
Isaac would like to think that this whole situation would blow itself over in due time. Maybe Walker would realize that the spangled uniform isn’t worth the risks, or that being Captain America is a dream that no one other than Steve Rogers can actualize.
However, the passage of time only brings with it more problems, not less. The arrival of a mysterious group called the Flag Smashers tears Y/N from her quiet epilogue with Isaac and towards the fight once more. Isaac can see it in her face, how much she hates the fact that she will never be free of conflict. Y/N has tried to wash her hands of all this blood more than once, and no matter how many times people promise that this one will be her last job, really, they just keep calling.
It’s not even Sam or Bucky’s fault this time. The unhappy fact of life is that peace will always need to be defended, and there’s no one better for the job than Y/N. The world will always be some desperate thing one inch from death, and it rewards its protectors with yet another cause to hurt. Isaac insists on going with her, and it takes Y/N reminding him on about a dozen occasions how bad it would be if he was revealed as a werewolf on camera for him to be convinced to stay at home.
The least Isaac can do is take up the mantle of neighborhood protector while Y/N is out. They’ve done this a few times before, actually, patrolling the streets of the city in search of criminals to punish. With Isaac’s reflexes and skills with fighting, he makes a decent hero. He never thought of such a title, but Y/N makes him want to pursue it more than ever.
Such is the life of Isaac Lahey without his best girl; he stops carjackers, he beats thieves into more of a pulp than is strictly necessary. He’s just stressed, that’s all. Stressed and terrified that this might be Y/N’s last war, not because she’s finally no longer bound to the unspoken rules that Avengers will fight until their last but because she will actually be at her last. Isaac can’t lose Y/N. He doesn’t even want to think about it.
Y/N will not be the one who is lost, however. She calls him, dazed, just a short while later. She doesn’t even have to explain the cause for her concern, Isaac already knows. It’s hard to think about anything other than the fact that the latest Captain America pretender has brutally murdered a man, and that the clips are spreading like wildfire across the Internet. The second Isaac saw the news, he just pulled out his phone and waited.
Y/N called about thirty seconds after Isaac found it out. He can hear from her stuttering responses, the way his usually confident fiancée is now tripping over herself in a failing effort to relate just how horrifying all of this is, that she’s been severely affected. Who wouldn’t be affected, after all? To see that in person? Isaac feels sick to his stomach and he wasn’t even there. Y/N had to watch all of that go down.
In a way, she says at last, she was expecting something like this to happen. Clearly not on the level of bloodlust that she just witnessed, but something. Walker was bound to snap. That’s what happens when you spend all this time surrounded by people who aren’t human and feel like you have to convince yourself that you’re fine with it, after all. Isaac saw it with the hunters, and he sees it with John Walker now. At some point, you get so desperate to prove that you’re human that you do something to show that you’re anything but. Walker may have set out to change the world as a regular man, but what he has now done has made him a monster.
They’re only able to talk for a brief while before Y/N has to go. Damage control has to make its rounds, and now Sam’s finally in agreement with Bucky and Y/N that they need to take back the shield before Walker does anything worse. Y/N texts a while later that the deed is done, no specifics mentioned. Isaac doesn’t need to hear the intricacies of her heartbeat with the clarity of supernatural hearing to know how rattled she is by the whole encounter.
Despite his strongest, deepest fears, Y/N does come back to him. A little quieter, a little more shaken, but she is there nonetheless. That’s all Isaac could ever ask for. He has had years of watching his friends shrink away into nothingness because they felt like they could only ever walk towards their impending sacrifice. If he can provide a home for Y/N to return to at the end of missions like that one, well, Isaac would give his own life to make sure it would happen.
The situation does have a happy ending, after all, or at least the closest any of them can truly come to a happy ending:  peace. Sam Wilson has a place out in Louisiana, a corner of the world where the sunsets are always golden and the laughter always flows free and long. There, undisturbed, Isaac and Y/N get to experience a Wilson family dinner out on the pier. They talk for hours. Isaac may never have met some of these people before, but he walks away from it all thinking that this is it, this is what a home should feel like.
It reminds Isaac that they’re going to be okay. They are all destined to die at some point, heroes and supernaturals alike, but somewhere in between their rude awakenings and their eventual last breaths, there are moments like these when all is well. Perhaps Isaac will meet his fate tomorrow, or in a month, or not for many years. Regardless, he can face it with open arms. It might be the first time in his life that such acceptance has come over him, but he can guess at why. Isaac is not alone, nor will he ever be alone. No claws or fangs have ever protected him as much as that blessed knowledge.
requested by @thornyrose463, i hope you enjoy!
teen wolf tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @rafecameronswhore, @bellabadacadabra, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @23victoria
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"It Now Belongs To You" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 10/10: But With This Ring, It Now Belongs To You
Pairing: CaptainSwan
Rating: T
Word Count: (931/10.6K)
Summary: When Emma and Killian receive a pair of magic beans as a wedding gift, they take a voyage on the Jolly Roger for their honeymoon- but a wrench is thrown into their romantic getaway when they run into a notorious pirate who's staked a claim on the Jolly Roger.
Chapter Summary: Killian gets to the heart of why Emma's plan distressed him so much, but she reassures him that, while she understands his fear, neither of them have anything to be afraid of.
Tags: post-canon, canon compliant, fluff, no smut, suggestive themes, alcohol, gambling, self indulgent fluff with a sprinkling of angst
Author's notes: And that's all, folks! This has been the first fic that I've posted in the weekly serial update format, and I've enjoyed it! You guys' comments have been the highlight of my week; I treasure each and every one of you!
Next week I'll begin posting a somewhat anticipated Captain Swan fake dating canon divergent fic. I'll be posting a new chapter every Wednesday up until this summer, so be sure to stick around for it!
Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
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Also on Ao3!
 Killian closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
 "Where did you learn to scam like that?"
 "I don't see…"
 "Who taught you?"
 Emma bit her lip. "Neal?"
 She assumed Killian would be offended, but this seemed not to just be the point he was getting at, but a stepping stone to that point.
 "Where did he learn it from?"
 "I don't know." Emma said. "His dad is the dark one? He spend two hundred years in Neverland? I don't know?"
 Killian shook his head. "It's one of the skills he inherited from his mother."
 "Milah." Emma nodded.
 "That kind of plan was a page out of her book." Killian nodded back. "Plotting behind my back to help save me, swooping in at the last minute- to risk yourself for me- and scheming your way out of it so we could have it all together."
 Killian had never been one to play the comparison game with her before, and she wondered where this was going.
 "It's just what she would've done- just what she did- on the night that I lost her."
 Emma placed her hand on his shoulder. She looked at him as if to say, “please continue, I’d love to listen,” and he nodded a little, but turned away from her gaze, either staring intently at the cobbled wall behind her, or he didn’t even see it was there.
 "When I first dueled the Crocodile, hundreds of years ago, I had one thought on my mind throughout the whole awful battle- if I fought hard enough, stayed alive long enough, held off the crocodile as long as I possibly could, it might save her. She could get away, my death could be her salvation. 
 "Sooner than I’d wished but later than I should’ve expected, I found myself on my knees, the Dark One’s scaly fingers grasping my heart, firmly, my life in his hands- and I knew that this would be okay, this was almost delight, almost joy, knowing my death was not in vain, that maybe in dying I could save my love.”
He glanced back at her, and she simply nodded.
 “And then she came back for me, and then I lost her.” Killian said. “Do you know what the hardest part of those hundreds of years I spent on Neverland seeking my revenge was?”
 “What?” Emma
 “Knowing that it should’ve been me. I was the one who took Milah from him, I should have paid the price, and I could’ve paid the price, and I would’ve.”
“Survivor’s guilt?” Emma asked. “Is that what this is about?”
 “Something bigger than that.” Killian said.
 “You don’t know how you’d live with yourself if you lost me the way you lost Milah.”
 “Aye.” Killian nodded.
“I get it.” 
 “You do?” 
 “Of course I do.” Emma said. “I’ve been there.”
 “You have?”
 “I’m the savior; it comes with the job.” Emma smiled a little, then placed her hand on his neck. “Of course, it doesn’t help that some guys just won’t stop sacrificing themselves to save everyone.”
 “I’m good at surviving.” Killian said. “I managed it for two hundred years, didn’t I?”
 “So did someone else.” Emma said. “Sometimes your luck runs out.” 
 Emma bit her lip and nodded. “He died the way he lived- a hero.” 
 “He gave himself to help save us all.”
 “Sounds like a certain former Dark One I know.” Emma only half laughed.
Killian nodded sagely. “That’s why you went to the Underworld for me.” Killian said. “You couldn’t lose me the way you lost Neal.”
 “I went to the Underworld for you because I love you.” Emma said. “And love is sacrifice. Love means that every day I’m going to wake up and say ‘I chose Killian Jones today,’ because love is also trust, and I trust you’re going to wake up every morning and say ‘I chose Emma Swan today.’ And sometimes we’re gonna doubt each other, and sometimes we’re gonna lose each other, but at the end of the day, it’s always gonna be you and me.”
 “Aye, love.” Killian nodded.
 “And I am sorry.” Emma said. “I should have let you in on my plan from the start. It wouldn’t’ve changed whether I won or lost- but if me helping you ended up hurting you- then I guess I lost either way.”
 “All is forgiven, love.” Killian said, and he took her hands in his hand and his hook. “And I’m sorry I ever doubted you.”
 “I forgive you.” Emma stood on her tiptoes and kissed his lips, just a quick little peck. “And I love you.”
 “And I love you too.” Killian bent down a little and kissed her lips, just a little bit of a longer peck.
 “And we’re all good now?” Emma asked.
 “Better than good, love.”
 “Excellent.” Emma said. She let go of his hands and draped her arms over his shoulders. “And do you happen to know if the famed Captain Hook has any plans tonight?”
 He raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Only if a certain wench is available.”
 “Her schedule’s pretty clear.” Emma smiled.
 “Really?” he teased. “Heard a rumor going ‘round the tavern- something about Black Beard.”
 “Not really her type.” Emma shook her head. 
 “You mean that?”
 “Absolutely.” Emma smiled as he wrapped his arm around her then reminded him, “Wax mustaches and perms aren’t really my thing.”
 And with that, the Captain and his wife walked back to their ship arm in arm, ready to face their next adventure the way they had faced and would face all their adventures- together.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
I've said many, countless times, how I think that the trope of Bo being mean and having anger issues, while is still entertaining and very angsty satisfying, does not make any sense but AND HEAR ME OUT
this song, this one right here is for all those angst Bo fanfics where he has irreparably fucked up with his s/o, extra point if that has happened before the reader dies or before Bo can stop them from leaving him.
Imagine he coming home to find you're nowhere in sight. He doesn't thinks much of think assuming you're still angry and you're just keeping distance. He's actually grateful cause the shame and guilt he's feeling is already killing him enough without having to see you.
He knows that what he has done was uncalled for and he should've known better. You're the only person who has seen the real Bo and he has ruin everything. You were the one that had always defended him, saying he is not the monster or bad person everyone makes out of him and even when Bo was saying the most hurtful things he could think of to purposely hurt you, you kept saying that he didn't meant to and he was just overwhelmed by other things.
He has let you down big time, like he always let down everyone else and now he understands why no one in his family wanted to be soft, gentle or kind with him. He does not deserve to be treated nice, he's like a disease that consumes everything good and sucks the life and joy out of people. That's how he feels and that's how everyone thinks of him, except for you or at least until now.
He drinks and drinks and drinks to drown everything, waiting for you to come back with the resolution of saying sorry for real this time. Hell, he would even kneel if that means you forgive him and you stay. You're the only one that makes him feel like he has something good to give, the only one that can manage to make him feel like he can better. To him you're even better than water when you're terribly thirty, you're more than finally breathing again just in time before dying, you're like going to sleep excited for tomorrow even if there's nothing exciting to do.
But minutes turn into hours, hours turn into days, days into weeks and then everything turns into a infinity loop of waiting every day and giving up by dinner time. Bottles now are scattered everywhere, meals are skipped, bad habits are taking back again as if welcoming old friends. He takes care of himself enough to not die and to be able to help his brothers but nothing more, all the motivation to live and not just exist has left with you.
He jumps between blaming you, longing for you, crying and hating everything and everyone including you and himself. He always spends an hour or two sitting outside just in case you decide to come back. All his initial plans of what to do once you were back where fueled by anger but now he just wishes to be able to get a hug from you again, that would be enough to make everything right. He's not even worried about you telling anyone about ambrose, not now not before.
He just wants you back, he wants a chance to at least try again. He still keeps all your clothes clean, cooks a serve of every meal for you just in case, listens to every song you like. He does everything and anything he can to keep you alive in his memory, to keep the feeling of having you close as long as he can. He refuses to forget you or to get over you.
If you happened to die because of some victims ecc I think it would be so fucking tragic but oh so dramatic that you're body is still there, in Ambrose, so close to the man who thinks you just run away. He wasn't there to save you and he doesn't even know you're technically still there with him. One day he might find you and realise the extend of the consequences of his behaviour. Maybe it's not even him who finds you but one of his brothers and they have to decide who and how is to deliver the news.
He would have to live his life knowing that whatever is the way you're gone, the last thing you heard from him were just cruel words and the last thing you did for him was voicing your regret and disappointment
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the-casbah-way · 10 months
Will you do me a favor and rant about anything you want?
omg ok let me tell you about andrew moray and why william wallace ended up getting credit for his military victories when moray was in fact a far better soldier and tactician who would likely be even more infamous than wallace had he survived the battle of stirling bridge. i will preface this by saying that there is very little research let alone primary sources on this man but he's been an interest of mine for a decade now and i hope to publish a book on him when i graduate. anyway
i always say that william wallace was the churchill of the scottish wars of independence. what i mean by this is that he was seen as a fantastic war time leader at home; as far as we know and can assume he apparently had a way with words and winning people over, and knew how to keep up morale among the people and the soldiers. now while churchill did have military experience, he wasn't really suited for anything other than wartime office. he didn't have what it took for anything that lay outwith being the voice and face that people needed during a war. and similarly wallace was (supposedly) a great orator and exactly what the people needed during a time of hardship, but he really didn't have what it took to do much else. in this case what i mean is that william wallace was not, in my opinion, a particularly strong military leader at all. there's no evidence that he had any military training and his tactics in battle don't always seem particularly strong or well thought out to me. in the leadup to stirling bridge he got by and did well, but i absolutely stand by the notion that this alone was just not enough. he needed a true soldier to secure him his victory at stirling
ENTER ANDREW MORAY. now this guy was born and trained to be a knight. as the son of an influential nobleman he almost certainly received formal military training when he was young. not long before the battle of stirling bridge he and his father were imprisoned by the english but moray managed to escape. the fact he was able to do this and also somehow get back to scotland is already pretty telling of his survival skills i would say. he started up a pretty successful rebellion in the north of scotland and was clearly a real threat to the english if their correspondence among each other is anything to go by. i won't go into too much detail but moray managed to get a lot more done in the north with less support than what wallace achieved in the south with the aid of the feudal leaders there. moray ended up combining his army with william wallace's to fight the english at stirilng in 1297
now we do not know every detail of this battle of course and i want to make it clear that i'm not trying to state any concrete facts here. but when you look at the tactics deployed at stirling bridge (the idea of 'trapping' the english and ambushing them rather than moving to fight in schiltron formations on open ground), we see a game plan FAR MORE reminiscent of the fighting style of a trained and experienced knight; not the usual tactics of wallace. again that's just a little theory of mine, but i think it's very notable
now here's where things go to shit. the scots win at stirling bridge, but moray is wounded in battle and dies. there's no doubt in my mind that he was the driving force behind the victory at stirling, and i think it is EXTREMELY telling that after his death william wallace's military career began to rapidly decline. he lost his first major battle (falkirk) after moray's death (surprise surprise, by using the schiltron formations that were pointedly avoided at stirling) and while this is in part due to the advantages of the english army i think it's worth noting. this loss had a profound impact for wallace and he never fully recovered, dying around seven years later or so
i am fully convinced that if moray had lived everything would've turned out entirely differently. maybe wallace himself would've survived longer too. wallace just did not have the background and skills needed to maintain his pattern of success. he and moray made the perfect double act and without moray there just wasn't enough left to keep the scots standing. moray never received any of the credit he deserves for his role in the war and the fact that almost no one has even heard of him infuriates me because he was SO MUCH BETTER as a military commander than wallace. but i have always said in regards to history that people want a good story more than they want the truth. they'd rather hear about the rebellious underdog who came from nothing and took a more unconventional path toward victory than a bog standard knight with formal training and a textbook background. but i still think moray could've been a lot more than wallace was if he'd survived at stirling, and i think the fact that he's more recently been referred to as 'the greatest threat to the english government' during his time is telling. i hope one day i can access the sources i need to be able to write more about him because i WILL become the Token Andrew Moray Historian if it is the last thing i do
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rescuefield-a · 11 months
Is Neil really that bad for Claire tho?
i... can't tell if this is a crack ask or not lmao so i will give a few reasons anyway:
- first of all neil is even older than chris, and even though he and claire both in their 30s we can assume that neil has been leading the ngo for a whole lot longer than 2011 ( he moved after fbc was disbanded so he was around at least since 2004-2005 ) and had a very unprofessional relationship with claire specifically. i think lure her closer to him was always part of the plan but at some point it was just a somewhat real relationship kept hush from HR ( claire never says he's her boyfriend in front of any of the other terrasave members for instance, but every now and then she says stuff that earn some bombastic side eyes AT IT SHOULD )
- claire undermines his leadership in so many ways and while he never speaks on it he seems kinda annoyed. he pulls her aside in a corner to ask if she has any information on stuff he knows nothing about even though he's the leader of the organization and should have direct contact with washington. even on sejm island with all his little obstacles and shit, claire always comes through and rises above. the fact that he thought he could make deals with alex wesker and walk away with no repercussion already says everything about he's not as cut to be a leader as the people at terrasave thought and the other organizations probably caught on that too
- in the hq party scene claire looks slightly exhausted and miserable, and sure it might just be that the years of fighting are catching up on her but considering her last appearance before this whole ordeal is supposedly infinite darkness, the contrast is so stark. i might be biased on this but i will still blame it on neil lmao
- neil has ALWAYS done weird shit that people let slide in favour of keeping him as their leader. claire herself says that sometimes she doesn't understand him and what he does but he's just like that so yeah, which is bullshit excuse for her pretending not to see all the red flags leading to his betrayal. her judgement was clouded by many factors but ultimately being as close as they were, the fact that she never thought to investigate on him is disappointing ( for her ). at least considering her dating record, you know
- as far as affection and love go, at the end of the day neil was okay with claire dying on that island. or maybe he thought natalia wouldn't have worked and she would have been next. that rises a point of what would have happened next like, was he going to use uroboros and live forever with claire AND alex? he miscalculated everything clearly. the only moment he showed an ounce of affection to her when he tried to reach for her face while transforming just to shove her away ( a direct parallel to CV though steve did it better in my opinion )
- he proves to not know her at all by suggesting for them to rule together while turning into a BOW. claire had already checked out of their relationship the moment she saw alex infect him "as punishment", and after that things only got worse. he tried to kill moira which like, is also a big no no to claire for obvious reasons. claire is not power hungry, and fighting bioterrorism with BOWs is just not something she's interested in. her i love you to death switch apparently turns off so fast when she's not met with the idea of the relationship that lives in her head, we've seen it happen before so again it was naive of neil to even suggest that since she basically almost ended a years long friendship for similar reasons ( but that's a whole other story i think i have given enough reasons lol )
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aubzikins · 9 months
Alaskan Darkness
Please read the original story written by my amazing friend Rahsindri
When your absolutely amazing talented friend writes a Zombie Apocalypse Fic and adds ya into the mix, what else would you do but provide your POV?
Work Text:
It was a regular day; I had signed onto work and was busy typing away. Checking my discord from time to time to see the updates from Rah at the meet-and-greet VIP event that they had been able to get tickets for. I wanted to go to the meet-and-greet and the concert that night but unfortunately, I had already had my vacation planned beforehand. It all went to hell in a handbasket and then put through the shredder. Not that any of that matters now.
It’s been a week now since the world was turned upside down. We always made jokes about the zombie apocalypse and what we would all do. But no one could have predicted that we actually end up living through it. Being up in Alaska was a blessing and curse. We were lucky enough to be far enough west of where the NEO had hit in Canada, also far enough east to not have to deal with the crazy storms going on down in the lower 48. We were still dealing with snow since Break up season wasn’t due to happen for a few weeks. The temps were in the teens, so things were starting to thaw.
The first five days were the hardest. It was just Nick, me, and our youngest kiddo Gabriel. Without knowing what was going on, all we could do was stockpile the house with supplies and equipment. We had our greenhouse, our 3 extra generators and enough preserved food to last a long while. Nick and Gabriel had made a few trips around to pick up extra stuff.
Being one of the youngest couples living in the estates, we had many elderly neighbors. We started checking on everybody. At first everyone was okay, scared but okay. They had also been prepared for the worst because we never knew if we would be snowed in and possibly stranded.
After the first 24 hours, we witnessed a couple of neighbors had started to have seizures and then started dying. We had originally wanted to bury them, but the permafrost made this very difficult. Instead, we had started putting the bodies we found into one of the storage containers that a neighbor who passed had on their property.
Something was killing off our neighbors and we couldn’t figure out what, so we assumed it must be some type of virus. After six of our neighbors had died, we were concerned. We made sure to use precautions when moving the bodies. Nick had been able to get onto post and had grabbed what he could, including a few hazmat suits. When yet another neighbor had died, we went to put them in the storage container along with the others but found the storage container empty.
“What the fuck babe? Where are bodies??” I asked Nick panicked.
“I have no clue; they were here last night before we went home…” Nick says.
“That is so creepy… Maybe we should lock the container tonight?” I ask.
“Yeah, we can lock it tonight and see what happens tomorrow. Let’s do another round in the neighborhood and see if everyone is okay.” Nick suggests.
“Alrighty” I reply.
We moved the body into the storage container and locked it. After another round of checks, we found nine more bodies. About 90% of our neighbors had died within the first two days. We used one of the neighbors’ trucks to transport all the bodies to the storage container. Once we had unloaded all the bodies, we locked the storage container up. We also drove the truck to the middle of a field, but still within walking distance and set it on fire. We then took off the hazmat suits we were wearing and started our decontamination protocals.
On Day three, we had done another round of checks in the neighborhood. Our last remaining neighbors had left a note at their house saying they were heading south to go find their daughter who was in college down in Anchorage. It was officially only the three of us left in the neighborhood. We then went and checked on the storage container, finding the door had been wedged open somehow and all the bodies were missing.
“Um… yeah this is getting a bit too weird babe,” I say to Nick.
Nick steps a little closer, making sure not to touch anything in case it was biological. He looks around and then suddenly stops. “Babe, we need to go back to the house now.” He grabs my hand, and we start running towards our house, not stopping until we get inside.
“What was that about?” I ask.
“The door was wedged open… from the inside of the storage container.” He says.
“Huh? How? They were dead! No one else was in those containers. You don’t think we may have mistaken someone’s death?” I ask worryingly.
“No, they were all dead. Whatever it is, lets just stay inside unless we absolutely need to leave.” He suggests.
Day Four was the quietest day. Without actual data or Wi-Fi, we had no way to check on anything. I had a slight cold, so I spent the day sleeping.
We finally got cell service and internet back on Day Five. I immediately checked on the two older kids who were down in Anchorage. Both were fine and said they were hunkered down. They insisted they were safe, but I made them promise to head north if they had any sort of trouble. I then sent messages to all my friends and extended family.
While waiting for everyone to check in, I started trying to check for news. TikTok was a buzz about the NEO, the Zombie Apocalypse, and the evolution of Zombies. We seemed to have been lucky because the Zombies didn’t seem too interested in Alaska currently.
I was only able to really get into contact with a few friends on Discord.
Rah let me know that a bunch of our friends had met up with them and that they were safe. Then they dropped the bombshell that they were also with the Stray Kids. I about died. We kept each other up to date with the stuff going on in both areas.
Day Eight:
April 11, 2029
Discord Notification:
Writer’s Collective – Rah: Hey @Aubz, how would you feel about helping out some friends?
Me: hey Rah, Always Happy to be of service.
Rah: KCON goers are trapped in LA. The storms are going to decimate the coasts, we need to get to the north of Anchorage. You got room up there?
Me: Yeah, unfortunately we’re kind of isolated up here. A lot of the old people died. They left a long time ago, though.
Rah: Left?
Me: Bodies just kind of vanished. No Walkers, no Runners, no Crawlers, no Flyers.
Rah: I... Okay. We’ll have to revisit that later.
I turn to look at Nick, "Looks like we may need to start getting these houses cleared out and prepared for guests…"
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Okay so, chapter 3 of no time confounds me. Wilbur just being in denial while everyone around him already knows there’s no way he won’t get turned. Tommy feels so guilty because he already knows this is what will happen.
Wilbur spends the entire chapter trying to accept that it’s out of his hands. Sure he’ll go with the vampires, it’s not like he has a choice, there is nothing is panicking about it can do for him. Meanwhile, he firmly stays on his “Tommy didn’t mean to and is clearly going through it” agenda. So he can’t be mad, and he’s not, but eventually he gets tired of not having a choice. Especially if it’s such an important one. He doesn’t like the situation. He doesn’t like either option, but he still wants the choice. Still wants to have what little control he can still get.
You’ve shown us how much Tommy cares about Wilbur’s life and how guilty he feels about the entire thing. At this point I think that being turned by a vampire means staying in there coven, so this can’t be solved by just handing Tubbo over. So Tommy spends most of this time thinking Schlatt is just gonna demand to turn Wilbur and then Wilbur is stuck there. Which would be bad, but Wilbur dying would be worse for Tommy. Because he’ll spend eternity feeling guilty for getting him killed.
The Dual of Blood is such a cool concept. It’s a nice solution. Though they are forgetting about one thing. They say Schlatt will do it for bragging rights alone. But that also means he has to be sure that he can win. If he knows that Phil is older, which I’m assuming he does, he also knows the chance of him winning is low. Unless they are trying to trick him by taking something he doesn’t know the specifics of. At the same time he’d know Wilnur would try to go for Phil’s coven. He can’t win,
The thing is, as Tubbo said, Schlatt is petty. He’s reckless, but he’s not stupid. Also, his beef is with Tommy, who stole his claim. He wouldn’t dual Phil for that, especially knowing he’d lose. He would want to dual Tommy. Cuz 200+ year vs 52 are just way better odds. No one would like that, but if they don’t have other options, Wilnur would still take it. Which either ends with him having to try and stay awake to change the outcome or having to hope that the bond he already has with Tommy is somehow strong enough.
It’s a really nice set-up where they make a plan and except it to go their way, and then Schlatt pulls the rug from under them. And we get some actual tension.
Also, I’m really curious about Niki and Jack’s backstory. And the rest of Schlatt’s coven members. But I’ll have to wait and see in chapter 4. Also, I knew you really want to finish this before your midnight, but please don’t overexert yourself (is that the correct word? Who knows, definitely not my.)
answering this so late hahahahaha oops
chapter 3 is wilbur trying so damn hard not to lose his mind because his entire life has been flipped on its head in the span of, like, 12 hours. mans is going through it so he's gotta live in denial for a bit to let everything settle in
yeah tommy is such an interesting character in no time because he's so childish and selfish about his relationships in a lot of ways, but he's also not at the same time. he knows that he shouldn't have gotten wilbur so involved in things and now it's his fault he's caught up in this mess, but at the same time tommy himself was so damn lonely that year without his coven that he couldn't help but get attached to wilbur. the last thing he wants is for wilbur to die because of him, but he also knows that an eternity (or at least, like, half a century) in the coven of someone neither of them like would also be a horrible fate for him to endure
I don't really end up going into anyone else's backstory simply because this fic was not meant to be as long as it was and i just wanted to finish it lmao. maybe I'll come up with backstories for some of the other characters, but my main focus was just sbi for the most part.
also i did not end up finishing by halloween rip but hey it's done now!
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rubysunnday · 3 years
bloody hands | k.b
A/N: this is my first time writing for ye old kazzle dazzle and i'm terrified, lol (i'm also shit at summaries)
Summary: Kaz never feels the need to explain his entire plan. He knows that, whatever happens, it will inevitably go according to plan. But when his plan goes wrong and Y/N is injured, Kaz is suddenly forced to comprehend with the skeletally hand of death once again.
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"So, was the gunfire part of the original plan?"
Kaz shoot Y/N a withering look - one that would have anyone in their right mind turning around and running. Y/N just beamed at him.
"No, it wasn't," Kaz replied, glowering at her. "Jesper shouldn't have started so early."
"He's on time," Y/N reminded him.
"For Jesper that's early."
Y/N and Kaz ducked back behind the wall as bullets whizzed past them smashing into the houses behind them.
"So, we are being fired at because you couldn't be bothered to explain the full plan," Y/N said, trying not to glare at Kaz.
"No, we're being fired at because Jesper's timing is horrendous," Kaz snapped.
Jesper, as if summoned, suddenly appeared at Y/N's side, sliding to a stop on the slippery cobbles. "Right, that's that, then."
Y/N narrowed her eyes. "What -"
She was cut off being a tremendous explosion from inside the warehouse they'd all just being chased out off. Smoke billowed into the air and flames rolled up into the sky. The men who had been firing at them all exclaimed and ran off to the warehouse, leaving the alley empty.
"Well, you could have done that sooner, Jes," Y/N muttered stepping out from behind the wall.
"Well, of course, but then what's the point, love?" Jesper asked, winking at her,
Y/N began to laugh but was cut off as a more gunshots echoed through the street. She ducked and Jesper pulled her behind a barrel as he fired back at the lone gunman, hitting him in the shoulder as he ran off.
"You alright?" Jesper asked, panting. He glanced at Y/N who was nodding, albeit shakily.
"I'm fine," she said, peeking her head over the top of the barrel and slowly standing up. "Nearly died, but I'm fine."
"You didn't nearly die," Kaz drawled, walking over to them.
"We all nearly died, Kaz, all because you can't explain any plan in full detail!" Y/N yelled. "Inej almost got stabbed!"
"But she didn't," Kaz replied, glancing up at the roofs where Inej was inevitably haunting.
Y/N glanced over at Kaz and let out an exasperated sigh. "Would it kill you to actually explain a plan in whole? It would make our lives so - ah."
She cut herself off with a gasp of pain. Y/N lost her footing as she stumbled forward. and Jesper grabbed her, wrapping one hand around her waist, the other snaking around to rest on her back.
"Hey, you ok?" Jesper asked, his dark eyes full of concern as he supported almost the full weight of Y/N.
Y/N glanced down at her side and noticed a dark patch spreading from just under her right breast, staining her waistcoat. She raised a shaking hand to the blood stain and let out a surprised gasp as her hand came away wet with blood.
The sight of the blood on her hand seemed to push her over the edge and Jesper exclaimed as her legs buckled. His grip tightened as he caught her and gently lowered her to the cobbled street, kneeling down with Y/N and putting her head in his lap.
"Inej!" Jesper yelled, unable to see where the Suli girl had vanished too.
Kaz stared as blood dripped onto the cobble stones. His mind was still watching Y/N yell at him for being him. It wasn't meant to happen like this. His grip on the crow's head of his cane was almost crushing and he could feel the tiny, delicate beak cutting into his hand through his gloves.
Y/N was dying because of him.
If he'd told them what his actual plan was or if he'd just told her.
Y/N's hand was pressing against her right side, Jesper's hand covering hers as he helped put pressure on her side. The blood was seeping over both of their hands, staining them red.
Inej suddenly appeared out of the shadows, hurrying over to Y/N's side in silence. She unwrapped her scarf from around her head and began wapping it around Y/N's side as Jesper moved Y/N's shaking hand away from the wound. Jesper carefully lifted Y/N up as Inej meticulously wrapped it around, trying to slow the bleeding.
"We need Nina," Inej said aloud as she tied her scarf in a knot, securing it around Y/N's side. She looked expectantly over at Kaz.
Kaz was clenching his jaw tightly. He forced himself to swallow the fear and the mental image of Y/N lying next to Jordie on the Reaper's barge. "She's at the White Rose. Bring her to the Slat."
Inej nodded. She cast Y/N a worried glance before she climbed up a drainpipe and vanished into the clouds, leaving no sign she'd ever been there except the now bloody scarf around Y/N's side.
"Jesper, your face looks weird without a smile on it," Y/N said softly, her left hand finding his, their fingers entwining.
Jesper forced himself to smile down at her. He smoothed back her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. "Sorry, love."
Y/N's eyes fluttered shut and Jesper moved his bloody hands to either side of her pale face, shaking her as gently as he could.
"Hey, hey, stay with me, love," Jesper said, not so gently, as he tried to keep her conscious.
Y/N blinked her eyes open and looked up at Jesper, the world spinning around her, the buildings around them looking even drunker than usual. "Hey."
"Hey, beautiful," Jesper replied, stroking her cheek with his thumb, both of them choosing to ignore the fact that Y/N's blood was all over Jesper's hands and was now on her face.
Kaz felt a pang of jealously rush through him. Jesper could comfort her and carry her to safety. Inej could hold her hand and hug her. Nina could heal her and touch her without feeling like she was about to pass out.
Kaz wanted to run to Y/N. He wanted to kneel down next to her and hold her hand. But he couldn't. He physically could not force himself to.
As he stared at her, at the woman he'd taken for granted for so long, he just saw her dead, lying on the street like Jordie had. The nightmare spiralled from there as he remembered the Reaper's Barge, the cold, bloated body of his brother. The hands. Drowning in a sea of rotten bodies.
Y/N wasn't dead. She was still alive. She was still awake and wasn't dead.
A small voice inside him added the word yet to the end of his sentence but he refused to listen to it.
"Jesper," Kaz said, his voice rougher and croakier then usual. "We need to move her to the Slat."
Jesper recognised the pain and unfiltered emotion on Kaz's face. It wasn't normal to see his boss so openly show emotion but when Y/N was involved, Kaz was an unknown entity.
The man would never admit to himself that he had feelings for her. Kaz was in denial. He refused to acknowledge the emotions inside him. But he'd taken Y/N for granted. He just assumed she would always be on his left side, walking just behind him.
Jesper's voice snapped Kaz back to the street and he looked at Y/N, her skin pale and sweaty, her hands shaking. Kaz nodded, gripping his cane tightly.
"Right, love, your knight in shining armour has arrived," Jesper said, a teasing tone to his words that didn't quite reach his eyes.
Y/N chuckled softly as Jesper moved to her side, his arms going under her legs and then around her back. Y/N let out a groan of pain and squeezed her eyes tightly shut as he lifted her up. She dropped her head onto his chest, feeling the warmth radiating from him, the soft material of his coat rubbing against her face.
Kaz's cane clicking against the cobbles was the sound Y/N focused on as Jesper carried her towards the Slat. She wanted to fall asleep, to just close her eyes and burrow into Jesper's jacket for warmth. But Kaz's cane kept clicking and Y/N focused on it, the sound alone reassuring her of his presence.
"Hey, don't doze off on me," Jesper said, glancing down at Y/N as her eyes shut.
"I"m not," Y/N said softly, her eyes opening sluggishly and looking up at Jesper as she re-wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm not."
Jesper squeezed her leg as he noticed her eyes droop slightly, her head dropping back against his shoulder. "No sleeping on the job, Y/N, Kaz will have your head."
Y/N's laugh was weaker and Kaz felt a pang of pain in his chest as he looked over at her. She was dying. She couldn't be dying. But she was dying.
Kaz forced himself to reply, playing along in an attempt to keep Y/N awake. "You fell asleep on a job once, Jesper, and yet you're still here. Unfortunately."
Jesper let out a bark of laughter and Kaz caught Y/N smiling, albeit small. Good.
"We're nearly there, love," Jesper said quietly, spotting the towering, drunkenly slumped shack that was the Slat.
Y/N hummed a response but the blood loss was beginning to hit her. Her sight was speckled by black dots and her ears were filled with a high pitched ringing.
Jesper glanced down at her, noticing her silence ."Y/N, hey, stay with me, darling, we're almost there."
Y/N wanted to reply. She wanted to reassure Jesper, because she could hear the thinly disguised panic in his voice, that she was still with him but she was so tired and her eyes weren't letting her stay awake.
The urge to sleep won over her need to reassure Jesper and her eyes rolled backwards. Jesper felt Y/N's arms slip from around his neck, limply hanging to the sides, as she lost consciousness and felt panic grip his entire being.
Kaz slammed open the door to the Slat and the Dregs loitering around looked up, hands flying to weapons.
"Nina!" Kaz yelled, his voice doing a fairly good job at hiding his fear, his worry, the panic that Y/N was dying.
Nina rushed out the side room and met them halfway across the room, eyes running over Y/N, the blood seeping through Inej's scarf, the blood on Jesper's hands, on Y/N's hands.
"Quickly," she said, ushering Jesper into the room.
There was a table set in the middle of the room and dozens of candles had been lit to provide enough light in the dark room. A large, heavy oak chest of drawers was shoved up against the window and Inej was hovering against the far wall, her eyes locking onto Y/N's body as soon as Jesper carried her into the room.
"On the table, Jesper," Nina ordered, opening a drawer, numerous bottles clinking as she rummaged around.
Jesper gently set Y/N down on the table, carefully laying her down and moving her arms to rest on the wood. He took his jacket off and bundled it up, lifting Y/N's head up and setting the material underneath her head.
Kaz stood in the doorway, hands tightly wrapped around his cane, the metal beginning to cut through his gloves and into his hands. In any of building, in any other city in the world, he would've looked like an omen of death.
He forced himself to stare at Y/N as Jesper helped Nina unwrap Inej's scarf from around Y/N's side.
Kaz shuddered as his mind shoved Jordie to the front, the feeling of his brother's cold, bloated skin against his, drowning him. He was drowning in Jordie; in Y/N dying on the table in front of him.
Nina was muttering to herself as she worked, one hand around Y/N's wrist, the other holding a pile of gauze to her side. Kaz watched her intently and could see her counting Y/N's heartbeat as she tried to stop the bleeding.
Which is why, because Kaz was watching Nina with such intensity, that when Nina paused her muttering and looked down at Y/N, her eyes slowly widening, did Kaz feel his own heart shudder and almost stop.
Nina let go of Y/N's wrist, dropping her hand onto the table. She brought her hands together, her first two fingers overlapping each other, and then brought them down onto Y/N's chest.
It was as if Kaz could hear Y/N's heart slowing down and not speeding up. He watched as Nina repeated her movements, determination and panic and fear written on her face as her eyes welled up.
Kaz swallowed and felt the ocean overwhelming him again. He saw Y/N staring back at him, lifeless and dead just like Jordie. Her beautiful eyes staring emptily back at him, void of life. He'd failed her like he'd failed Jordie. The most important thing in his life was dead.
Inej was frantically praying, clutching her knife, Sankt Alina, tightly. Jesper was still for the first time since he'd carried Y/N in, his eyes red with tears as he stared at Y/N's limp, bloody body.
Kaz took one look at Nina and saw the dwindling hope in her eyes, the tears streaming down her face and turned around, walking out the room, his cane clacking loudly against the floor.
Nina sobbed and repeated her movements one more time, desperately trying to get Y/N's heart to start beating again. She'd saved Matthias in the middle of the ocean, during a hurricane, she could save Y/N.
Nina brought her hands down on to Y/N's chest once more with, perhaps, more force than needed. She kept them there and willed the organ inside her friend to not give up.
To keep going.
Second by second, Nina felt it slowly begin to beat again. Nina kept her hands on Y/N's chest, scared that if she moved even an inch it might stop beating again. Second by second, the colour began to slowly come back into Y/N's skin and Nina sighed, dropping her head in relief.
Inej let out a happy sob and closed her eyes, praying to her Saints once again and thanking them.
"Jesper, come here and wrap her wound, stop making that face, it's a bullet wound, you'll be fine," Nina snapped, glaring at Jesper when he balked at the thought, all thoughts of death and misery gone, their usual banter slowly returning.
Jesper walked around to stand next to Nina and took a clean wad of gauze and drenched it in alcohol. He pulled Y/N's bloody shirt up and gently pressed it to her side. His other hand reached up to Y/N's face and with a clean, damp cloth, he began wiping the dried blood off her skin.
"Oh, Saints, Kaz!" Inej exclaimed suddenly, making Jesper and Nina jump. She flew out the room like a breeze and dashed up the stairs to Kaz's office where he'd inevitably retreated.
Kaz was stood hunched in front of his mirror, his gloves off, his head hung. Inej walked in slowly, making sure to announce her presence by stepping on the creaky floorboard by the door.
"Don't," Kaz said, his voice croaking and Inej realised that he was crying. "Don't say it."
"Kaz," Inej said softly, slowly approaching him.
"No, Inej!" Kaz snapped, whirling around to stare at her. His eyes were red and his hair was a mess and his hands were shaking. "I took her for granted. I never," Kaz took a deep, shaky breath in, "I never told her or even showed her just how much..."
Even now, even when she was dead, he couldn't bring life to the words. They sat dead on his tongue, poisoning him. He hated his brother for making him this way. Hated Ketterdam for being the way it was. He even hated Y/N for being so fucking perfect that he had to fall in love with her. He was a fool so desperately in love that it scared him endlessly.
"Kaz," Inej repeated, slowly, gently, laying a hand on his arm.
The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up but Inej made sure to place her hand on the part that was still covered. Kaz flinched but didn't tell her to remove her hand or move back.
"Kaz," Inej said again. "Y/N isn't dead. She's alive. Nina brought her back."
Kaz turned his head and locked eyes with Inej. He didn't say anything but Inej understood. She nodded, reassuring him that she was being honest.
Perhaps, if Y/N hadn't been around, they would have fallen in love. Maybe it would be Inej he was crying over. Maybe it would have been Inej lying there, injured. Maybe Kaz would have torn the city apart to find the man who had injured her.
But he had Y/N. She was alive, three flights of stairs below, with Nina and Jesper at her side.
"I'll find him," Inej promised, dropping her hand from Kaz's arm and pulling her hood up.
"Leave some for me," Kaz said lowly, his eyes following Inej to the window. "I feel like ripping an eyeball or two out."
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Kaz slowly limped down the stairs to Y/N's bedroom. He could hear numerous voices from inside and hesitated outside the door. Kaz Brekker, Bastard of the Barrel, heistated.
"Kaz, just come in already!" Nina yelled from within.
Kaz rolled his eyes and opened the door. "Stop spying on me, Zenik."
"It's difficult not to when your heartbeat is so loud," Nina replied, raising her eyebrows knowingly.
Y/N snorted and Kaz looked at her. She was sat on her bed with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Jesper sat next to her, his arm around her shoulders. Y/N was half leaning on Jesper and half on the wall and looked so alive.
Inej had found the man who'd shot her and, together, they'd ripped the man's eyes out, slit his throat and thrown his body onto the Reaper's Barge. It had helped quell the ghosts threatening to haunt him once again but they hadn't truly abated until Kaz had gotten to look at Y/N and see her talk.
Y/N gave him a smile and Kaz nodded back at her, trying to hide his relief at how alive she looked.
She was alive. She wasn't dead. She wasn't Jordie. She wasn't going anywhere. She was still here, with him, in Ketterdam. And he wasn't going to let her go.
"There's blood on your shoes, Kaz," Y/N said, gesturing to his black shoes with her head, her voice almost startling him.
Kaz looked down and eyed the single drop with distaste. So there was. A single drop. All that was left of the man who'd shot her.
Y/N laughed at the look on Kaz's face. "He looks like he just sucked a lemon," she said to Jesper, albeit loud enough for Kaz to hear too.
"No, that's his normal face," Jesper replied, smirking as he winked at Kaz.
Y/N laughed, throwing her head back. Her hair fell over her shoulder and her eyes sparkled in the dim, orange light of her room. Her laugh was like music to him.
And Kaz Brekker realised with a sudden, painful thud that he was completely and utterly besotted with her.
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visionofhope04 · 3 years
Hii I was lowkey wondering if you would do something maybe like a one shot of neglected where reader is older (18-20) and dipped out of the house and became a singer and one of her songs basically exposed them for how they treated reader and in like an interview she full on tells them how she doesn’t even talk to them and like only Jason
This is literally perfect. I love this idea! I was planning on making a singer batsis reader anyway so here you go! I'll be making this part 4 of the series instead of a one shot. There’s a bit of angst. Btw, thanks so much for your support everyone! I'm glad you enjoy this series! Feel free to request anything you'd like besides smut as well!
This is the longest thing I have ever written so there will be a part 5. I planned on this being the last part but it's just so much. It’s not proofread and neither are all of the other parts because I post at 1 am most of the time lol. Hope you like it!
f/n = friend name
Y/G/N = your group name
N/S = news station
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (Current) Part 5
You were sick of it. Sick of how even after confronting them about how you felt and almost dying because of it, they still neglected you. You couldn't wait to move out at the age of 18, even if it proved to be a struggle. You had taken mini jobs since you turned 15 and saved up since then. You just couldn't see them anymore as it would remind you of how they treated you that day at that hospital. None of them apologized either. They just pretended it never happened and continued to ignore you. The media had a field day with speculation of what had happened but eventually stopped because Bruce had claimed it was “just a bad case of the flu” which they believed.
Jason was always the only one that would talk to you. He was the only one that actually cared enough to make sure you were taking proper care of yourself and that you wouldn't have a repeat of what happened. He took you places, spent time with you and gave you advice. You even had a tradition where you'd always meet up at the manor's library every week at the same time that same day every week and just have a mini book club together. He always made time for you and never bailed on you.
So on your 18th birthday, he helped you move out. You managed to rent a small apartment in Star City with the money you had saved up. It wasn’t that close to the manor which was a good thing. The neighborhood wasn’t good but it wasn’t as bad as Gotham’s neighborhoods so you would be fine. You could handle yourself with your assassin training if needed. You also managed to get hired at a cafe which was about a five minutes walking distance from your apartment.
It had taken a while but eventually, you had packed all of your belongings into color coded containers and moved them into Jason’s car with his help. You didn’t say goodbye to anyone as you had no friends to say bye to and you knew that your so called “family” couldn’t care less about what you did with your life. ‘This is it, hopefully the last time I’ll ever be near this place.’ You thought. You didn’t plan on stepping foot in Gotham ever again after you left. It would bring back too many memories you prefer to keep buried away deep inside your mind.
The car ride to Star City was entertaining. You and Jason conversed the whole time, telling jokes and listening to his funny tales with the radio playing softly in the background. Eventually, a song you both loved came on and you both started yell-singing along to the lyrics. You wished those moments could be permanent. You were both so carefree and nothing else mattered besides having fun and enjoying yourselves.
You now stood in the doorway of your new apartment, admiring your new home. Jason and yourself had just finished unpacking all of your belongings. You really liked how it looked and thought you both did an amazing job at designing the place perfectly according to your style. Jason, unfortunately, had to leave in order to avoid raising suspicions. Once you both said your byes, he left you to your apartment.
Jason drove back home in silence. He hated to admit it but he would miss you dearly. You were always there for him and helped him with anything. You tried your best to always comfort him and make him feel better on his darkest days and it would always work. Somehow you seemed to always have the right words to say or knew exactly what to do to help him. Out of everyone he was closest to you. He assumed it was because he could relate to you the most. More so how you felt. He’d felt like the black sheep of the family before you came, and he was. When you came, you took that role from him. It pained him to see how much their insults would affect you, even if you were good at hiding it. He could just tell.
Jason made it back to the manor after a while and went straight to the library. He didn't want to deal with the others. After the whole hospital situation, he'd never really bother interacting with them. He hated how they treated you as if you didn’t exist and hated how much pain they had caused you and that they didn’t even care. He guessed that they'd probably be doing something for Damian's birthday and forgot that you were his twin. They probably couldn’t even remember that Damian had a twin.
He made it to the library and pulled out one of his favorite books. He’d read it so many times you’d often joke that he could probably recite the whole book by heart at this point. Sitting down in a chair, he started to read. However, he couldn’t bring himself to stop thinking about what it would’ve been like if they treated you how they did Damian. The both of you were Bruce’s real children. You both even looked like clones of him! At first, Jason thought you would’ve been the favorite twin due to your personality. Even though you were twins, your personalities were polar opposites. You even refused to kill! You were trained by the League so why didn’t you kill as Damian did?
Jason knew you would benefit them greatly if you joined. You had self control, didn’t kill, could act perfectly, lie perfectly, do well under pressure, and not to mention your skills. Being raised by the League may have been torture, but you managed to gain incredible skills out of it. You could take on at least ten guys who doubled you in size and beat them within five minutes. You even bested Damian in spars and he was supposedly dubbed the “better twin” by Talia, so why hadn’t they let you join their nightly crusades like they had let Damian when the both of you first arrived?
Damian passed by your room but noticed something was off. He decided to take a look. He twisted the doorknob and pushed. The room which was once occupied by you now looked extremely plain and bare, stripped of all of its accessories. The only things left were the bed itself, multiple dressers, and a vanity. It looked as if it had been vacant the whole time. It might as well have been. Damian couldn’t really remember what it had looked like since he’s never paid much mind to it but he could tell there was a drastic difference. He knew that you disliked just leaving your room plain unlike himself and wanted at least something to make it look less boring.
He couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. Had you finally been kicked out by Bruce? Did you get shipped off to a boarding school like he had been suggesting to your father for years? He decided to go ask. He exited the room and closed the door behind him, taking off for Bruce’s office. Walking down the hall, he suddenly remembered that he had seen you leave with Jason. This meant that you were not at a boarding school like he had originally thought. But then why was your room vacant?
Instead of going to see Bruce, he decided to go see Jason and bring up the matter with him instead. He changed directions and headed to the library where he knew he’d find Jason. It was no secret that Jason was a book worm so Damian had a fifty percent chance of finding him there.
He entered the library and was immediately greeted with the sight of Jason sitting comfortably on a chair, legs crossed with a book opened in his hands. Jason didn’t bother to look up from his book as he spoke.
“What do you want Demon Spawn?”
“I’ve come to obtain the whereabouts of my sister.”
“You mean my sister?”
“She’s not your sister!” Damian exclaimed.
“Well I act more like a brother than you do.”
“Where is Y/N? Her whole room is bare.”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
“Just tell me, you imbecile!” Damian said, growing increasingly frustrated by Jason’s blunt answers.
“She’s not here.”
“Then where is she?”
“Not here.”
“Just tell me already Todd, I have no time for your foolish games!”
“She moved out.” Jason said, giving in.
“What?! Where.” Damian demanded.
“Why would I tell you?”
“Because I demand to know!”
“Okay and?”
“Tell me!”
“Why not!”
“Because you don’t even care.”
“And you do?”
“Yes, I actually do Damian! I’m there for her when she needs me the most. I’m there for her while she’s watching you live the perfect life that she’s just a background character in! While you and the others ignore that she even exists! I’m there for her when she breaks down and has panic attacks! And what were you all doing to try and help her? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” Jason snapped.
“Y/N’s fine, I know my twin!” Damian screamed.
“Do you even know what her favorite color is?” Jason questioned in a harsh tone.
“...” Was Damian’s reply.
“Exactly! You don’t! You and the others have never cared about her, so why all of a sudden do you care now? You don’t know anything about her so don’t act like you do!” Jason then stood up and walked out of the room in a fit of rage.
Damian stood there, shocked. Had Jason just refused to answer his question? He was about to follow him but decided against it. Why was Damian going to chase Jason down just for her? She was just an annoyance, a mistake, imperfect. He had been wanting to get rid of her for so long, so why doesn’t he feel relieved? Why does he feel guilty? He decided to stop dwelling on it and get on with life. He figured it would happen eventually if it hadn’t happened then.
It had been a year since that day. The day you left your old life behind and started a new life, a better one. One where you weren’t constantly ignored. One where you actually had more than one person care about you. Instead of seeing yourself as a failure and disappointment, you now saw yourself as an amazing person (which you always were). You had been going to a community college in Star City. You made many friends there and started up a music career with three of them.
Their names were f/n, f/n and f/n. You all started off by taking random gigs anywhere you could. You performed covers of songs and would receive standing ovations all the time. Seeing as your group was well liked, you decided to write and produce your own songs. At the age of 19, Y/G/N released their first album. It went viral within a day and everyone was talking about it. After a week, several articles were posted, praising your work. News Stations talked about all the records Y/G/N managed to break. People started to stream it like crazy, and you couldn’t be happier with all the positive feedback you were receiving.
You had been a Wayne once, meaning you had experience in dealing with the media. Since you had already been used to it, you knew you’d all eventually be invited to interviews. So, when you had received an email stating how N/S wanted a one on one interview with you, you weren’t sure how to feel. You weren’t looking forward to interviews with your whole group, let alone one where you would be alone. You knew how unfiltered interviewers could be and didn’t feel comfortable with it.
However, you decided it would be best to go. So here you were, sitting in front of the interviewer in an uncomfortable chair preparing for the interview to start. You had somehow managed to keep a smile plastered on your face the entire time while you were a nervous wreck on the inside. You hoped none of the questions would be sexist as they usually were towards women. However, you had no more time to think about that. You heard clicking, signaling that you were about to go live. Once you heard the last click, you knew you were live and the interview had begun.
“Hello everyone, welcome back to N/S. My name is Jerald Tangleberry and I’m here today with songwriter, singer, and celebrity, Y/N Wayne! How are you?”
You waved to the camera and then answered, “Hello everyone! I’m doing good, how about you?”
“I’m doing great, thanks for asking! So by now I’d assume everyone knows that you’ve released an album with your group. How does it feel to gain more fame?”
“It doesn’t feel any different. Fame wasn’t our goal when we released the album. It was to express ourselves.”
“Mhm, well Ms. Wayne, what inspired you to write songs?”
“Well we know people may be in a tough spot in their life right now and want them to know they aren’t alone.”
“That’s so true. Some fans have been speculating that every member has three songs that specifically relate to them since there are twelve songs in total and three of the songs have the same group member as the introduction part of the song. Is this true?”
“Yes, it is true.”
“So all three of your songs relate to family issues of some sort. Is that hinting that you have family issues?”
“Yes, actually. My family isn’t the best. They ignored me all the time, even when they weren't busy. The only person who didn’t was Jason.”
“You’re saying it in the past tense.”
“I moved out about a year ago. When I was around 14, I suffered from anorexia. My family would always ignore me since they were either busy doing work or hanging out with each other. The only family member that acknowledged me was Jason. I assumed it was because there was something wrong with me. I started to hate myself so much to the point of starvation. One day, I passed out right before a gala and my oldest brother Dick found me passed out on the floor. They took me to the hospital and when I woke up, Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian started fussing about how I’d ruin their image if the media knew what actually happened. They started to yell at me and told me how I was a useless burden. I started to have a panic attack so I kicked them out. Jason stayed behind with me and comforted me. Ever since then I made a planed to save enough money so I could move out when I turned 18, which I did.”
“Oh, wow. So Jason was the only one who interacted with you?”
“Looks like the Wayne family isn’t as perfect as they seem.”
“No family is actually perfect.”
“Did your family try contacting you at all after they found out about Y/G/N?”
“Not yet. They’re probably too busy or don’t care.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s alright, I got over it. What’s the next question.”
“Oh-” He cleared his throat and continued the interview. (So basically I don’t wanna bore you all lol)
Jason had woken up late into the afternoon that day. Patrol that morning had exhausted him. There was a huge breakout at Arkham they had assisted with. They successfully locked up every escapee, so today, Jason just wanted to relax until it would be time for patrol again. Even though he was exhausted, he knew he couldn’t take a break. The others wouldn’t and it would be unfair to them if he did.
He headed over to his couch with his phone and a bowl of popcorn in hand, ready to watch random movies the entirety of the day. He set down his phone on the coffee tables and grabbed the TV remote. When he turned on the TV, he almost dropped the popcorn and remote. You were sitting on a chair, giving an award winning smile while you politely answered the man’s questions. He was baffled. He didn’t know why you were being interviewed, let alone on TV at all! You made it clear you didn’t want to have any relations with your family any longer and you couldn’t stand publicity, so what were you doing?
He placed the bowl down and snatched his phone off the table. Unlocking his phone, he quickly dialed your phone number. However, he realized that the interview was live and that he would be interrupting it if he called you then. Deciding to wait, he placed his phone back down, picked up the bowl, and then got comfortable.
Tag list: @fake-id-69 @pepelachanel @loxbbg @what-0-life @yoongi-holland @omnivorousfangirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @sexysamsungl @iceddonuts @buginetye @portrait-ninja @azazel-nyx @alculai
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mazuwii · 3 years
Getting Lost with the AOT characters!
-I think it's fairly obvious he's going to stay silent and tell you to shut up everytime you try saying something because he knows you're clueless
-he's just flipping the map upside down, right side up, to the left to the right
-you will get back and it won't be because of the map, you two agree to stalk a bird out of the forest😭😭😭
-he gets so frustrated. He has no idea how he got it wrong, he's retracing his steps and can't remember crap
-even though you're panicking yourself you have to remain calm because of how this boy sounds. He sounds like he's on the verge of getting electrocuted
-The whole time he's demanding you follow him because his memory is good and you just threaten to knock him out and carry him.
-he's somehow good at it, like he's been in the forest so many times that he knows it like the back of his hand
-since it's getting dark he smiles reassuringly and holds your hand so you don't lose him
-Okay but you two heard russling in the bushes and found two squirrels having seggs 💀that scared you more than the monster you were expecting
-sorry that headcannon was out of NOWHERE
-he's brave and shit until it's dark and gloomy and you two are in the middle of nowhere
-He BAWLS the moment he realises his phone has no signal so calling anyone is not possible
-is clinging onto your hand and denies it when you ask if he's still crying.
-at one point he thought he saw a ghost so he threw you over his shoulder and DARTED aimlessly while you wailed at the top of your lungs
-he carries a compass around with him 100%, is jokingly trying to scare you with myths
-I personally think you guys would get lost for the day and since it's night time you can't see anything so at that point he starts a fire and you both continue your journey in the morning
-turns out the exit was right in front of you but you know our baby horse💀 always a dunce
-he wouldn't cry or panic he would probably stand still and try to come up with a logical plan
-he most likely would help you climb up a tree to see how far away from the entrance of the forest you guys are
-I mean if it begins to get dark he can get very pale and paranoid, like the man kept walking into trees
-reminds you every 2 seconds that he's got you
-He's been keeping track of everything there's no way you could get lost
-he remembers things the old way, like a child. Something like:a red musbroom, then a tree stump, bridge, etc.
-NOTHING scares him, there could be a tiger inside that shit ass forest and he'd just 👁👁 hello
-he insists on climbing somewhere high to see everything beneath him, like you can't climb so you waited for him on the ground
-monkey man- He just needs his hands to climb, nothing else
-you did trip and hurt your knee so you got a piggyback ride on the monke man.
-you get back home faster than expected
-Not good to get lost with him, he gets so frustrated. He's so mad that he crumples the map and you just deadpan because it's the last piece of info that can save you
-Get a load of shit with you if you go hiking with him because there's a 90% chance you'll get lost and he'll either blame it on himself or rage like an animal
-at some point your friends find you because it had been too long and Porco just goes "Fucking finally" with his arms raised completely💀
-She doesn't give a fuck LMAO
-"Hey um, honey... we're lost..." you say, staring at the map as if it were an alien language. She stops her staring contest with the wood pecker and turns to you with an amused look. "Are we now?" She hums, returning her gaze back to the animal hidden within the shadow of the towering trees.
-Like I said, she can survive up to 3 months in the wild by herself
-Let's just say sometimes it's quick, other times you get Erwin and Levi to try and find you
-She sounds like a middle school teacher 💀 "Oh deary me... we're lost." She taps her chin and looks around in thought.
-I imagine you'd be the calmer person in the relationship but you'd lose your shit in this scenario
-She's just stroking your head while you have a full on panic attack, chuckling about how much you're overreacting and how the both of you will find your way back
-She's 100% the best person to get lost with
-Like Hange, strong and intelligent enough to survive in the wild but she'd rather not live like that and find a way out
-Tells you to stay behind her incase anything creeps up
-her words are so reassuring and true. Like if she says 'we'll make it out of here' she ain't playin
-Miss gurl here wouldnt sit her ass still SHES SEARCHIN THE WHOLE DAY
-Is rambling on how he's an expert on hikes and how he would never ever get lost.
-Chill we get it just find a way out😩
-He did make notes on what he saw on the way so that slightly helps but Mike seems like the type of person to move away from the exit by accident without even realising💀
-you could be telling him how the both of you are going to a different location and he just tells you to 'trust the process'
-you're terrified, she'd eat anything she deems edible tbh
-because you don't want that happening you both try to find your way back using the map yet you still fail
-However when she takes control of it, she begins to pull out knowledge that you never knew she had
-she's pretty fast at navigating her way back and protects both you and her surprisingly well
-curses under her breath and begins to try and remember her steps, will probably tell you to shut up even if you aren't saying anything
-like she's even scaring feral animals away from you guys💀
-eventually it's almost night time and she lets it out by wailing 'DAMN IT' at the top of her lungs with birds flying out of trees💀
-her last resort is to just keep walking even if it's almost nightime and thankfully you somehow make it out together
-He's making weird noises as supposed to groaning, realising you're both stuck in this shit ass forest
-I can tell you, he runs so that he can find the way out before night and worst part is he grabs your hand so you're just dying from the amount of sprinting he does
-He assumes everything is there to attack you both, a cat popping out of a bush? He wrapped his arms around you and squealed.
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im-in-vin-ci-ble · 3 years
Hello~ Can I request a Mark x fem reader who’s a lot like starfire and is very Powerful close to omni man and is also an alien princess but she lives on earth and they go to the same school and she’s also a solo hero who one day sees invincible fighting off a tough villain with the teenteam but is losing so she steps in to help and he recognizes her and starts getting all nervous since he has a crush on her and then after that they introduce themselves get to know each other and eventually work they’re way up to mark confessing and she says yes :3
(If possible can it be a slow burn im a sucker for slow burn tropes and stuff 😤)
A/N: I gotchu, this bout to be a lil long 😮‍💨 making the fem!reader a little more human, figured since she’s in an actual school for humans she’d need to adapt to the humor/culture so she doesn’t get suspicious
Pairing: Mark Grayson x Fem!Reader
Rating: M, some swearing and gross monster guts
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Mark is finally joined in battle by an alien princess who has caught his attention. Turns out she goes to the same high school, and if he can throw around 150-pound monsters across the street, surely he can confess his true feelings to a girl... right?
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" Rex Splode yelled as he wobbled up off the ground. "We've been on this thing for hours and it only has one damn cut!"
"Calm down Rex," Atom Eve said from behind, "You're gonna get even more tired from yelling."
The two watched as Dupli-Kate attempted to distract the scaly kaiju, replicating herself second after second to give space for Invincible to hit the monster by surprise. The kaiju's screech echoed throughout the city and shook the foundations of the surrounding buildings, forcing Rex, Atom Eve and Robot to move aside and save however many civilians they could.
"Invincible," Dupli-Kate shouted, "I can't keep up much longer!"
A sonic boom overcame the surrounding noise and Invincible appeared from the clouds. Dropping in at maximum speed, the young superhero balled his hand into a fist and took a deep breath. A loud battle cry escaped his mouth but it was cut short as the kaiju's heavy arm slapped him away just in time, throwing him through destroyed buildings until he landed on the pavement.
Out of breath, dizzy, and in a serious amount of pain, Invincible laid on the broken road for a second to regain his strength. The wind softly blew down on him as he focused his sight on a contrail leading towards him, and he watched as a girl in purple land right next to him.
She bent down and held him upright, "Invincible, are you okay?"
"Mmhmm," Invincible croaked with a defeated smile, "Totally fine."
His sight reverted back to normal and the first face he saw shocked him alive. It was her. They never talked in school and he was almost sure she didn't know his real name, but here she was, basically cradling him in her arms and calling him Invincible.
So she knows who I am. At least with the suit.
"Come on, that kaiju is about to be destroy the entire city," she said, helping him get back on his feet and flying away to the seemingly unbeatable figure.
He huffed, "Stay cool, Mark. She's here to help," and he followed suit.
This marked the first time he really interacted with the new superhero; he'd only ever see her on TV or read about how she saved people on the newspaper. He'd be lying if he said he didn't find her attractive — as do most guys his age — but watching her blast the kaiju with the green bursts of energy from her hands made her only even more appealing.
Invincible regrouped with the rest of the Teen Team. "I don't know what else we can do to this thing," Atom Eve admitted.
"I do," the girl spoke up. "Distract it as best as you can but stay far away from the stomach. When I tell you to take cover, make a run for it."
Robot replied, "That seems highly dangerous."
"Let's do it," Invincible quickly replied in a high-pitched voice.
Everyone looked over at him, surprised at the sudden change in his voice and just how fast he reacted in agreement. 
"Uh, it's a good plan," he nodded, causing the girl to shoot a warm smile his way. "I definitely think we should do it... if all of you... uh, think, we should."
Exhausted and out of options, the rest of the group followed her orders and took different corners of the monster. Dupli-Kate handled one leg, Rex Splode handled the other, Robot and Atom Eve took the arms, and Invincible went back to the head. The kaiju struggled to keep its focus on just one of the heroes, and while it remained preoccupied, the girl absorbed all the energy she could muster and flew straight for the stomach.
"Take cover, now!"
Invincible and the Teen Team moved away and they watched as the flying hero's eyes opened in a bright shade of neon green, both her arms extended out as a large ball of green formed around her hands. The rays exploded right through the kaiju and it shrieked in pain as she briefly disappeared into the stomach. The kaiju lost balance and slowly fell forward as the girl, her eyes still green, appeared on the other side and harshly fell down on the ground.
The kaiju landed on the street with a loud boom and the group ran towards the girl who was now covered in parts of the kaiju's digestive system.
"Okay, that's kinda gross," Rex Splode commented, to which Dupli-Kate quickly responded, "Shut up."
Invincible dropped down on his knees and wiped the blood and guts off her face. Subtly admiring her facial features up close, he couldn't believe (and almost felt stupid) that he never recognized her despite the fact that he almost saw her everyday.
The girl groaned in agony softly shook her head, her eyes fluttering open to the sight of Invincible's dark hair, goggles and yellow mask.
"Hey, hey," he whispered, "Are you alright?"
She sat up and hissed at her injuries, holding her head with her bloody hand. "Mmhmm," she gently nodded with a half smile, her eye one still shut. "Totally fine."
Mark had a hard time focusing on school. His body ached from yesterday's injuries and he suffered a few bruises from literally tearing through buildings. He made his way to his locker and rested his head on the metal door, dreading the fact that he still has an entire afternoon of classes to go. Closing his eyes in hopes to quickly recharge, his moment of peace was disrupted when a shoulder rammed into his chest and several books landed right on his toe.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry," a voice exclaimed.
Mark's head snapped up at the sound of the voice. It's her. He momentarily froze and watched the girl bend down to pick up her things, and when he finally regained movement a split second later, he also bent down to help her out. He kept quiet as he tried to think of the coolest possible response to make her think that he was actually the coolest guy in school, but all he could think of was how heavenly and badass she looked yesterday.
"Thanks," she said as he handed her the book. "I hope your foot doesn't bruise."
They both stood up and he shot her a nervous smile. "T-totally fine," he replied, clearing his throat afterwards.
She crossed her brows at his response and nodded, and a look of suspicion replaced her worried demeanor.
"I'm Mark, by the way," he cleared his throat again and reached out his hand, "Grayson."
"Mark... Grayson, huh?" she responded, scanning his face as her suspicion grew. Her eyes finally landed on the hand that was waiting, and she took one last look into his eyes before deciding to shake it. "I'm Y/N," she introduced herself with a skeptical smile, feeling his sweaty palm wrapped around hers. "I'll see you around, Mark Grayson."
She walked away and Mark's eyes followed her trail as far as he could see. He quickly pulled out his phone to send a text to Eve, who was actually watching their interaction a few classrooms down.
"Mark," Eve called out as she moved towards him. “So I’m assuming...”
"You knew?” he asked her in disbelief. “Why didn't you tell me Y/N was a superhero? I just introduced myself to her as Mark Grayson and I'm almost positive she knows I'm Invincible."
"First off, it's not my secret tell," she answered with a shrug. "Second, you guys didn’t trade secrets or whatever?”
Mark shook his head in a panic, "No, but I'm guessing she also knows that I know her secret the same way I know she knows my secret." He rested his forehead on the locker door once again and groaned, "Ugh, I'm so into her, it isn't even funny. And this whole superhero thing just made it even more awkward."
Eve laughed, "Look, I'm not going to force her to tell you if she isn't up for it, but if you want, I can ask her to hang out with us later. Maybe — emphasis on maybe — my presence will make her comfortable enough to admit who she is."
"Okay, okay," he sighed, turning around to rest the back of his head. "My insides are dying."
"After the kaiju yesterday, be thankful you don't mean that in a literal sense."
Where in the hell is Eve?
Mark pulled out his phone for the third time in 10 minutes. Still no call or response from Eve to his text. He was getting evidently nervous; his palms were sweaty again and it felt like someone turned up the heat in Burger Mart. His left leg jerked up and down in anxiety as he stared at his phone, looking at the seconds on the clock icon tick by. If he were left alone with Y/N, he'd have no idea what to say. What does she like? Should I bring up the kaiju yesterday and praise Invincible? No, she'll just think I'm full of myself.
"Hey Mark."
He jolted and saw Y/N standing by the corner of the booth. "Hi!" he replied in that irritatingly high-pitched voice. Mark's heart began to race and the thoughts in his head ran wild. "Um... Have a seat. Sorry Eve isn't here yet, she actually hasn't answered my calls or my messages. Teenage girls, huh? What can you do?"
She crossed her brows again and chuckled, "That's fine, we can wait for Eve. But I think I'm more concerned about you."
"What do you mean?"
Y/N chuckled again, "You seem... nervous.”
He faked an obnoxiously loud laugh, “Me? Nervous?”
She watched him from across the table in silence, waiting for him to regain his composure.
When Mark couldn’t hear Y/N laughing with him, he finally shut up and shook his head. “Yeah, I am nervous, sorry,” he admitted, shutting his eyes tight. 
She giggled, “Totally fine.”
Hearing her say those two words calmed his racing heartbeat. A smile crept on his face and she reciprocated, their eyes locking for a few seconds before both their phones buzzed.
“Oh, I just got a text from Eve,” Mark said. 
“Me too.” She opened the message and began to read it out loud, “Sorry, can’t make it tonight. Something came up.”
“Have fun, you two,” he followed, his voice faltering. He placed his phone, screen down this time, back on the table and sighed, “Sorry, guess you’re stuck with me. That is, if you do want to stay and... hang out, and stuff.”
"Why wouldn’t I?” she replied, her warm smile easing Mark back into a relaxed state. “It’s nice to have a friend who...” she trailed off, “understands.”
“Understands what?” he asked.
“This thing people like us call life,” she answered. “You know, it took me a long time to acclimate here. I didn’t think I ever would, then I met friends who made this place feel like home. And home is a feeling I hadn’t felt in a really long time.”
Mark rested his elbows on the table and leaned in closer, “Well, I’m always here. You know, a-as a friend... or an acquaintance, even. I don’t, I don’t want to push it.”
Y/N giggled again, “You’re a funny man, Mark Grayson. This planet is lucky to have someone like you.” She reached out and held his hand, “And I’m even luckier to have you as a friend, or an acquaintance.” 
He felt the heat rush to his face and he could swear his heart nearly jumped out of his chest. The afternoon flew by in a hurry as they engaged in lengthy conversations, fatty fast food, and childhood stories. While Mark was open to sharing every tiny detail — down to the color of the bleachers at the park where he played little league — Y/N kept hers pretty vague, leaving out descriptions of family members and even the places where these stories happened. 
Mark’s phone buzzed again, but the vibrating pattern indicated it was a phone call. He turned the screen over and saw the unknown number; it was time to suit up.
“Shit, I’m sorry Y/N, but I need to go,” he said in a rush. “I have a... uh, an emergency.”
You couldn’t have thought of anything more specific?
“It’s cool. Um, don’t worry about it,” she said, shaking her head with her eyes glued to the vibrating phone. 
Mark’s one leg was already out the booth before he decided to finally just go for it. Sitting back down with his now quiet phone in his hands, he took a deep breath.
“Y/N, I think you’re really cool. Can I maybe, like, call you sometime, or something?”
Her lips formed into smile that extended to her eyes, and it was enough for Mark to melt a little. “Of course. Yeah, sure,” she replied in excitement and typed down her number on his phone. She handed it back, “Now you know how to reach me if you’re getting your ass whooped again.”
His mouth fell open as his shaky hands grabbed his phone. “Wait—”
She smoothly slid out of the booth, “See you later, Invincible,” she winked, “Don’t get killed today.”
Luckily for Mark, no one got killed today. Maybe a few wounds here and there, but nothing painful enough that will land him in the GDA hospital. After spending an hour in the shower, he finally managed to lie down on his bed and rest his body. He sank into the mattress and closed his eyes, taking in the seconds of undisturbed peace that have become rare moments since he got his powers. 
As he replayed the events of today’s fights in his head, his mind drifted off to the hours he spent with Y/N. He pulled out his phone and mustered the courage to press the dial button, and the repeating sound of the ringing was making his pulse race. 
“Oh good, you didn’t die today.”
Mark chuckled and sandwiched his hand between his head and the pillow. “It wasn’t that bad today, just took a few hits,” he explained. “So listen, Y/N, I was wondering, uh—”
She cut him off, “What are you doing right now?”
“What are you doing right now?” she repeated.
“Um, nothing, just getting some rest” he sat up and looked around. “Why?”
“If you’re not too tired, do you maybe...”
Mark smiled, “Maybe...?”
“I don’t know, sneak out? My roof is pretty comfortable.”
Silently fist pumping, he fully stood up and nodded, “Text me the address.”
Just as quietly as he exited his room via the window, he softly landed on Y/N’s roof. Swiftly flying up and greeting him, she took the place next to him and crossed her legs. 
“You’re right, your roof is pretty comfortable,” Mark said.
She chuckled at his remark then noticed a gash by his right temple. Her brows furrowed in worry, “You have a wound,” she said, making sure not to touch it.
“Don’t worry about it,” he replied, softly holding her hand and placing it back down with his. “Totally fine.”
Those words brought her some sense of comfort as her eyes softened, causing her to unconsciously squeeze his hand. Mark’s eyes widened and he looked down at their tangled fingers, frozen for a moment.
“Is this... okay with you?” he asked.
She nodded. “Wanna lie down? Since my roof is so comfortable?” she asked with a smirk.
“Sure,” Mark chuckled, removing his hand from her’s and stretching his arm out as they lied down. Y/N rested her head on his shoulder, keeping her eyes up at the stars.
“Hey Mark?”
A moment of silence.
“Thank you for coming.”
He looked down at her as she met his eyes, “You’re welcome.” 
The two shared a smile, and Mark took a deep breath as he prepared himself for the words that were about to come out of his mouth.
It’s now or never, Mark. Now or never.
“Watching you kick ass yesterday was... really a sight to see,” he began. “You’re powerful and strong, but more importantly, brave. And you’re so fucking beautiful and kind and smart and...” Mark trailed off, sighing, “I never thought I would be in this position — with you next to me in a very comfortable rooftop under the stars.”
“And I really like you. Like, really, really like you.”
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, but I just wanted to let you know. It’s important that you know—”
“Mark,” she cut him off. “I like you too. A lot.”
He breathed a sigh of relief and covered his eyes with his free hand. “Oh thank god. Thank god!” he exclaimed.
Y/N shushed him, “You’re gonna wake up the neighborhood, Invincible.”
“Sorry,” he giggled quietly, “I got excited.”
She laughed and faced her body towards him. They locked eyes again, and Mark didn’t know if it was gravity or just the adrenaline that pushed him, but he finally leaned down and met her lips. Static ran through his body as he deepened the kiss, and he felt an excitement that was even more exhilarating than the first time he flew.
She pulled away and Mark ran his hand through her hair, resting his hand on her cheek. “How was that?” he asked.
She smiled gently and placed her hand over his, “Totally fine.”
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likeshipsonthesea · 3 years
mianmian gets to the lan sect lectures, discovers very quickly that every one of her peers has decided to use this time to figure out how quickly they can get into bed with someone of the opposite sex, and decides almost immediately that she has to pick a suitably unattainable guy to have a crush on.
the thing is, mianmian is lanling jin’s head disciple. she is capable, intelligent, and very very gay. the last of these things she isn’t exactly keen on telling people yet for a variety of reasons up to and including jin zixuan will be so awkward and stubbornly supportive about it and she doesn’t know how to deal with that yet
so when her friends giggle over the other young masters and finally turn to mianmian-- who’s trying to memorize at least some of the fifty-thousand rules before their quiz tomorrow--and they ask her, “who do you like, mianmian?” she says the name that she carefully picked out of a handful of options.
“lan-er-gongzi,” she says, without looking up from her textbook, and she assumes that will be the end of it. 
lan wangji is both incredibly attractive and unrelentingly resistant to all attempts to flirt with him. she, like half the other female cultivators, can moon over him (or pretend to moon over him) all they want and nothing will come of it. it’s perfect. she’s a genius. the worst she’ll have to do now is pretend to be infatuated with him when her friends start gossiping. it’s fool proof.
spoiler: it’s not
it’s not, no, because her friends are horrible and immediately start gossiping about it to everyone, and usually mianmian wouldn’t care but then jin zixuan finds out. jin zixuan, whose marriage complex is being brought to center stage with the forced proximity to his bride-to-be. jin zixuan, who for some reason decided he has to live his stolen crush-addled youth vicariously through his only real friend that isn’t related to him. jin zixuan, who for some godforsaken reason takes it upon himself to contrive situations for mianmian and lan wangji to be alone together incessantly.
it unfortunately takes mianmian longer than she would like to figure out what’s happening. she’d give herself a break for it-- she was being responsible and studying, thank you very much-- but she doesn’t have much sympathy for her own stupidity seeing as she’s currently locked in a section of the lan library with the second jade of lan
and suddenly, suddenly she’s just so fucking tired. of studying, yeah, the tests here are brutal and there’s no one to bribe to make sure she doesn’t lose points on stupid things, but also tired of lying to the people she loves and tired of training this hard and being an amazing cultivator only for people to care more about her eventual marriage-- to a man of all things!-- and also, let’s be real here, she’s been in lectures with beautiful capable intelligent women for like months and she’s losing her gay ass mind
and so maybe, possibly, as she’s locked in a library with a clearly confused and annoyed second jade of lan she kind of, momentarily, loses it and rants all of this at his steadily widening eyes
at the end of it, she realizes with no small amount of panic that she’s just confessed not only her attraction to women but the fact that she’s been letting wen qing’s ears of all things distract her from her studies. if anything, she’s sure lan wangji will fault her for inattention
but the second jade of lan, after a drawn-out moment filled only with mianmian’s labored breathing and rising panic, simply says, “i understand.”
mianmian stops. she squints. she tilts her head. she squints some more. lan wangji’s ears go pink and just like that she realizes -- “you’re a cut-sleeve.”
lan wangji’s ears go even pinker. he doesn’t nod, or agree, or outwardly react in any way, but mianmian is a capable, intelligent cultivator, and she’s sure of it.
mianmian sighs with a relief she didn’t know she could feel. “thank the gods.”
lan wangji doesn’t seem to know what to make of this response, or mianmian’s increasingly frequent trips to the library following their conversation, or mianmian’s staunch determination to befriend the guy, but that’s alright. mianmian is old hat at befriending awkward sect heirs by this point.
it’s not like lan wangji expressed any desire for her friendship, but the prospect of not being the only one with absolutely no interest in the straight shenanigans happening at gusu lan summer camp is enough to let mianmian ignore his obvious confusion. lan wangji is a great listener and only sometimes blushes when mianmian waxes poetic about the beautiful women she’s forced to surround herself with every day
“no but you don’t understand,” mianmian insists, alone in the library with lan wangji, “jiang-guniang asked me to help her with a sword form. i put my hands on her waist. i said something idiotic bc she was so pretty and right there and then she laughed. lan wangji. i’m in love.”
“yesterday you were in love with wen-guniang,” lan wangji says as he impassively turns a page in his book. “has this changed?”
“no, i’m in love with both of them. all of them. lan wangji. they’re all so pretty all the time. it’s horrible.”
lan wangji presses his lips into a firmer line, which mianmian’s come to understand means he’s repressing a smile. “i’m sorry to hear it brings luo-guniang such trouble.”
mianmian groans, fairly undignified, but that’s a lost cause with lan wangji at this point anyway. “i swear, if jin zixuan says one more bad thing about her i’m going to punch him and marry her myself.”
lan wangji says, “mn,” which mianmian takes to mean that he supports her in this line of thinking, which she finds both quite sweet and ridiculously funny.
grinning, she teases, “lan-er-gongzi, if i do end up marrying jiang-guniang, will you bear witness to our elopement?”
lan wangji’s lips press again, this time in the way that means he’s repressing a frown. “jiang-guniang’s brothers wouldn’t allow for an elopement,” he says.
mianmian huffs. “as if yunmeng or lanling will deign to host our wedding.”
lan wangji appears to ponder this for a moment before he says, “gusu will host it,” and it’s at that moment that mianmian realizes she’s actually gone and fucking befriended the second jade of lan.
what is her life.
of course, it’s not long after that that she goes to find jin zixuan and explain that she can’t make their weekly sparring match today because she has plans with lan wangji (jiang yanli tenderly brushed some of mianmian’s hair away from her forehead while they were working on sword forms and if mianmian doesn’t tell someone about it she’s literally going to explode) and she’s trying to be as polite as possible only for jin zixuan to scoff and pout (”i don’t pout”) and say, “i never took you for one of those women who throw themselves so wantonly at a man”
it’s only for having been friends with this absolutely horrible communicator for most of her life that she doesn’t immediately punch him in the face. “what did you just say to me,” she demands, but jin zixuan just sets his jaw and looks away, flushing down his neck in the way his mother describes as unbecoming and--
and mianmian suddenly realizes that her ridiculous best friend is jealous of lan wangji. 
(in a friend way, of course, he’s like her brother, the one time his mother implied that he ought not get too close to women in case it jeopardizes his betrothal to jiang yanli, he insisted he didn’t have any female friends repeatedly as his mother delicately danced around outright saying mianmian’s name until finally she broke and jin zixuan was basically like huh?? mianmian doesn’t count?? she made me eat dirt like six times when we were kids)
the sheer ridiculousness of jin zixuan, to set her up with a guy and then get jealous when she spends all her time with him
and fuck her, but she loves her stupid awkward ridiculous sect heir best friend and she doesn’t want him to think she’s gone and left him for someone else (gods know jin zixuan’s loyalty complex rivals his marriage one (on second thought the two might be connected)) and so, after making a few quick decisions, mianmian grabs her stupid best friend by the wrist and pulls him to the library
he protests all the way there, but he’s been letting her drag him wherever she wants since they were five and it isn’t as if he’s going to break the pattern now. she drags him to the library and sits him down across a startled lan wangji and then finally breaks and gushes about jiang-guniang’s fingertips brushing her forehead and doesn’t look at jin zixuan once the whole time
lan wangji, on the other hand, sends jin zixuan frequent glances, as if worried on mianmian’s behalf, which is super sweet and also how the fuck did mianmian get two awkward sect heirs to care about her platonically wtf. she spares a thought for her poor auntie, who would’ve loved to have a sect heir care about her niece in much less platonic ways.
at the end of mianmian’s rant, jin zixuan is blinking quite a lot. “you like women?” he asks. he’s always been a bit slow on the uptake. mianmian nods. “you like jiang-guniang?”
mianmian shrugs. “more or less. she’s just really pretty and i’m dying about it. it’s fine.”
lan wangji says, “mn,” sympathetically and jin zixuan continues to gape.
mianmian winces. “you’re not going to be weird about this, are you?”
jin zixuan shakes his head quickly. “no, no-- of course not, i--you know that i--you��re my best friend, i don’t care--what does it matter to me, who you want to--to touch your hair.”
it’s probably the most awkward sentence he’s said to her in years, but possibly more articulate than she’d been expecting. it makes her tear up regardless and she punches him in the shoulder to hide it, and that’s basically how the three of them start hanging out in the library nearly every day after lecture.
sometimes they go to the sparring ground, bc who’s better sparring practice than the second jade of lan? and sometimes (once or twice) mianmian manages to convince lan wangji to join her and jin zixuan for lunch in caiyi town when they don’t have lecture, but mostly they meet in a secluded part of the library where mianmian can rant about how pretty all the women at lectures are, jin zixuan can turn pink whenever she mentions jiang-guniang, and lan wangji can “mn” and nod sympathetically at all the right parts
and mianmian thinks that’s going to be the end of it, they’re just going to be friends now and everything else will move on as usual, bc by some ridiculous trick of fate lan wangji and jin zixuan seem to like each other. which makes sense in hindsight bc they’re both awkward sect heirs who care about cultivation and people a lot even if they’re not great at showing it 
(and he’d never say it but mianmian thinks jin zixuan’s easy acceptance of her liking women is probably the first time lan wangji’s ever seen someone accept that kind of thing before (maybe, possibly, other than his brother, lan xichen seems really cool, even if he does smile kind of intensely at mianmian whenever he happens upon her hanging out with his little brother.))
so they’re friends, they’re unexpected friends, and sometimes lan wangji even makes jokes in that dry deadpan way of his and sometimes jin zixuan doesn’t completely trip over his own words and manages to act like a normal human being and mianmian gets two idiots to care about and a perfect place to vent her womanly frustrations, and she thinks that’s the end of it and then wei wuxian accosts her after lectures one day
“do you like lan zhan?” he asks accusingly, eyes narrowed to slits. “what am i even asking, of course you like lan zhan, but do you like-like him?”
mianmian thinks sadly to herself that she’s much too into women to be dealing with all these men’s emotional problems. “lan wangji is my friend,” she says, carefully sidestepping wei wuxian, who continues to squint at her suspiciously. really, he’d been amusing when he flirted with her, but this? this is just ridiculous.
“does he know that?” wei wuxian asks. “because if he doesn’t, that’s just leading him on, and it’s really not nice to--”
“lan wangji knows we’re friends,” she says, trying to enunciate to get her point across clearly. “you can ask him, if you don’t believe me.”
wei wuxian squints a moment longer before he turns and flounces off. mianmian thinks this is the end of it until she’s accosted again after dinner with, “he said you were friends!”
for some reason, wei wuxian seems even more troubled by this than earlier. mianmian tries to suppress her eyeroll. “i told you he would?”
“but how,” wei wuxian says, suddenly whining. “i’ve been trying to be his friend for months and he refuses to acknowledge me.”
oh, mianmian realizes with a quickly dawning horror. she and lan wangji are not the only cut-sleeves at cloud recesses this summer. (she has suspicions, of course, but no confirmations on any of the others, but this. wow.)
she also realizes, decides really, that she has enough repressed sect heirs in her life and she cannot deal with wei wuxian’s cut-sleeve crisis or his evidently large attachment to lan wangji right now. she turns decisively and walks the fuck away. not her problem.
the lectures end eventually, of course, and mianmian and jin zixuan return to lanling with a horde of golden robed disciples, freshly deflowered and not all together more learned. it’s what, she thinks grimly, their sect leader would want.
the first few weeks go by and she realizes that she’s missed unloading about her frequent and fast falling-in-loves. jin zixuan just doesn’t sympathize right, bless him, and so mianmian takes to writing letters. she sends two without receiving a reply and just starts to write the third when a letter with the gusu symbol is delivered to her room.
she’s almost expecting to find a single mn written on the page-- she would’ve been delighted with just that, actually, the sheer hilarity of such a thing-- but instead she finds several pages filled with lan wangji’s perfect calligraphy.
it’s more than he’s ever spoken out loud, but it seems that propriety dictated that he return mianmian’s extensive letter with one of his own and he’s done so admirably. he responds to the events mianmian detailed in her letters-- most succinctly summarized as, woman are gorgeous and i’m dying-- and then writes about his own life in cloud recesses. apparently, he went on a little night hunt with wei wuxian and also nie huaisang and jiang cheng were involved? seriously, mianmian misses out on all the fun.
he’s also apparently taken in some rabbits, which mianmian immediately decides she needs to see. lan wangji, sitting prim and proper, with a bunch of rabbits in his lap? amazing. wei wuxian would die on sight, she’s sure of it.
he also ends his letter with a warning about qishan wen that has mianmian frowning. she takes it to jin zixuan who reads the paragraph and frowns. “i’ll talk to my father about it,” he says, which she can tell by his hunched shoulders he doesn’t expect to do much.
“talk to your father’s general too,” she suggests, because that man at least thinks with his head and not his dick.
jin zixuan nods but doesn’t hand back the letter. he skims it instead with a barely concealed surprise at lan wangji’s previously hidden expansive vocabulary. mianmian snorts and grabs the letter back. “you can write to him yourself, you know.”
jin zixuan flushes down his neck. “i know!” he insists and then turns and runs away because he’s a coward. mianmian shakes her head, smiling. what an idiot.
still, another week goes by and a letter arrives from gusu and, when mianmian takes it, assuming it’s for her, she finds it addressed to jin zixuan in lan wangji’s impeccable calligraphy and she grins to herself like an idiot. look at jin zixuan, making friends
(she suddenly understands why lan xichen gave her all those intense smiles during the lan lectures)
they go on in this way, writing letters to lan wangji from lanling. sometimes mianmian steals jin zixuan’s letters before he sends them so she can squeeze in some ranting in the post script without wasting a whole second thing of paper, and lan wangji replies dutifully, more verbose than he ever was in person, and it’s nice okay, like. she and jin zixuan have been best friends since they were kids but neither of them has ever been any good at listening and lan wangji is just so honest and earnest in everything, like they didn’t realize that people outside of lanling were actually not always plotting your downfall??? who woulda thunk
and then of course the wens go and ruin everything. they go to the wen lectures bc jin guangshan doesn’t want to “anger our trading partner” like the guy isn’t obviously going to burn carp tower to the ground the first chance he gets, and mostly mianmian and jin zixuan are just vaguely annoyed and put out about it
then lan wangji shows up with a broken leg and a burned sect and they are ready to murder some dudes
after years of breaking in and out of carp tower she and jin zixuan are old hats at this breaking and entering stuff and they manage to sneak into lan wangji’s guest quarters and tend to his wounds, ignoring all his silent glares and ranting furiously about how they’re going to murder wen chao by making him choke on his own dick (mianmian) and how they’re going to war with the wen sect even if he has to threaten his father with acknowledging all of his bastards as proper siblings in public to do it (jin zixuan)
lan wangji just says “mn” and makes various muted, distressed expressions, but mianmian thinks he’s touched.
“are your brother and uncle alright?” she asks, when she’s set his broken leg and forced pain medication down his throat.
“brother escaped with our sacred texts,” lan wangji says. “uncle is... unwell.”
mianmian knows lan wangji hates touch but the way he says it, with this horrible little frown, emoting more than she’s ever seen him, his barely suppressed anger and grief literally making his hands shake into fists, mianmian can’t help it, she hugs him. “we’ll make them pay,” she swears into his shoulder, ruining the lines of his robes with how she clutches at them. “i promise you.”
jin zixuan awkwardly pats lan wangji’s shoulder, which is a lot for him and mianmian spares a moment to be proud of his growth.
unfortunately, wen chao seems to delight in torturing lan wangji on his injured leg and lan wangji refuses to show weakness, which both impresses mianmian and pisses her the fuck off. she approaches wen qing (and her still gorgeous ears, sigh) and asks her to tend to lan wangji, since she’s like actually a doctor. wen qing does bc she’s beautiful, intelligent, and kind and mianmian spends most of that night sighing deeply as she relates this to a significantly drugged lan wangji
the cave of the xuanwu goes about the same as you’d expect. wei wuxian saving her from getting her face branded off is pretty rad of him, though he could’ve just like knocked the brand away instead of throwing himself in front of it but whatever, you do you boo. when lan wangji gets left behind the two of them don’t even have to wait for jiang cheng to grumble and ask for their help, they’re already on their way to carp tower for an army, thank you very much
when they rescue wei wuxian and lan wangji and lan wangji immediately turns to walk back to cloud recesses on a broken leg mianmian says, “fuck no, that’s not happening, you’re getting medical attention and then someone will fly you back home, okay, wtf wangji, sit down.”
and lan wangji is a stubborn bitch so obvs he’s like no but he’s also severely starved, dehydrated, and injured, so it’s not like he can just shake off mianmian holding him down and this goes on long enough for wei wuxian to wake up and see mianmian touching lan wangji, and something in his poor little brain just like breaks and he demands says, “lan zhan, come back to lotus pier with us.”
his argument, as he explains it, is that lotus pier is closer (it’s not; they’re just as close to carp tower as lotus pier) and that it’s closer to gusu for when lan wangji has to return home (it’s not; same deal) but then jiang cheng starts yelling, possibly in support possibly not mianmian’s not sure, and jin zixuan starts getting awkward, probably about the whole golden army behind him bc he’s a nerd and hates being overdressed at functions (this is basically the same thing), and mianmian looks at lan wangji and she sees--
something. she isn’t sure what exactly, but lan wangji looks at wei wuxian as he argues with his brother and he presses his lips into a thin line in the way that means he wants to smile and mianmian thinks, oh. maybe wei wuxian isn’t completely unrequited in his lan wangji obsession.
growing up in lanling, she knows how to use information to her advantage, so she immediately says, “young masters wei and jiang, what a great idea. lanling’s disciples would be pleased to accompany you and second young master lan to lotus pier to ensure everyone’s safe arrival.”
everyone splutters, indignant, confused, awkward (jiang cheng, wei wuxian, and jin zixuan, respectively) but lan wangji narrows his eyes at mianmian and doesn’t try to convince her to let him walk to gusu again, so she counts it as a win.
sect leader jiang and his wife seem surprised and annoyed, respectively, to be taking in so many guests, but sect leader jiang merely smiles pleasantly and directs them to some guest quarters and mianmian and wei wuxian ask, simultaneously, for doctors to tend to lan wangji and wei wuxian makes a face at her and mianmian sighs to herself that she really is too gay to be in the middle of his thing with lan wangji.
turns out, walking a lot and fighting a cannibalistic turtle on a broken leg doesn’t do wonders for healing. lan wangji is also the worst patient ever, he keeps trying to sneak out and get up even though word came from his brother that he’s safe and alright and that cloud recesses is starting to rebuild after qinghe nie and lanling jin came to its aid and pushed out the wen
but with the combined efforts of mianmian, jin zixuan, and wei wuxian (and even jiang yanli at one point, bc who could say no to her soup??) they manage to get lan wangji to just rest for a fucking second, really which results in the jin disciples and lan wangji staying in lotus pier for longer than anyone could’ve expected
mianmian spends most of her time (when she isn’t forcing lan wangji to just fucking stay in bed) working with the jiang disciples, practicing archery, sword forms, and mooning after all the beautiful women here.
(”lan wangji, i know she’s scary, but have you seen madam yu? she could whip me with zidian and i’d thank her” “luo-guniang, please don’t ask madam yu to whip you” OR “lan wangji, i’m almost positive madam yu’s maids are a thing, do you think they’d let me join them just like once” “luo-guniang, could you please pass me my sword?” “why” “i’d like to put myself out of this misery” OR “she made me soup. lan wangji. lan wangji, i know you’re not sleeping, wake up, you have to listen to me, this soup”)
they end up staying so long that when wang lingjiao shows up threatening a child about a kite while sect leader jiang is away, she has a lot more to deal with than madam yu. since none of this had been a “sanctioned visit” no one actually knew that there was nearly an entire troop of jin disciples staying at lotus pier, so when the wens attack they are sorely unprepared for what they’re going to face.
(and ofc lan wangji breaks out of bed heroically and keeps madam yu from whipping wei wuxian, which means they aren’t down one of their most powerful fighters and mianmian has to suffer through the moon eyes they’re making at one another in the middle of a battle no less, she knew wei wuxian had no shame but she’d been hoping lan wangji would have some)
after the wen attack (and defeat) on lotus pier and the jin’s inarguable part in it, the war starts in earnest. lan wangji, after his long rest, heals fine and goes back to gusu to help rebuild his sect and plan for war, and mianmian and jin zixuan return to carp tower to plan as well, ignoring jin guangshan and focusing instead on his general to ensure lanling supplies necessary aid in the war effort
and war is always shitty, of course, and mianmian hates watching her sect family die on the battlefield, hates waiting for updates after every battle to see who’s still alive, hates the politics and jin guangshan trying to wheedle his way out of fighting when there’s fucking lives on the line
(and she could never know, how much easier it is, with yunmeng jiang at its full strength, with one of the brightest minds of their generation there to plot and help, with two of the best fighters not out searching for someone and instead focused on the front)
they reach nightless city after months of fighting and mianmian is ready to just fucking stab wen ruohan herself when they’re suddenly trapped. blocked in on all sides by puppets, their fallen soldiers rising again to turn on them, and it--it looks like they’re gonna die.
“this sucks,” she says to lan wangji, stifling her fear and choking it down. “i never even got to kiss a girl.”
lan wangji just says “mn.”
jin zixuan, beside them, says, “i was an idiot about jiang-guniang.”
lan wangji just says, “mn.”
then wei wuxian pulls out a fucking flute and a-- floating piece of metal?  the army of puppets and corpses stops advancing, held in place by-- music, apparently? and wen ruohan emerges from his lair, black energy falling off him in waves, wei wuxian the idiot flies forward to meet him, gets wen ruohan’s hand around his throat for his trouble.
lan wangji yells, “wei ying!” and mianmian thinks, really not fair that lan wangji is gonna get a boyfriend before i get a girlfriend
and then wen ruohan gets stabbed by jin zixuan’s half brother of all people. wen ruohan, along with his puppets and wei wuxian, fall to the ground. lan wangji rushes forward to catch wei wuxian, mianmian runs after him, finds herself in company with jin zixuan and jiang cheng. when they get there, wei wuxian is barely conscious but he’s-- he’s fucking grinning up at lan wangji from the cradle of lan wangji’s arms
“lan zhan,” he says, “you caught me.”
lan wangji nods, says, “mn,” which is basically his equivalent of i’ll always catch you, wei ying.
“really,” mianmian says aloud, “it’s so unfair.”
the aftermath of the war is more annoying than the war itself, what with all the politics and in-fighting and jin guangshan trying to be the biggest dick there ever was. jin guangshan tries to name himself chief cultivator in wen ruohan’s stead but nie mingjue suggests jiang fengmian instead and the lan sect backs him. jin guangshan tries to demonize the wens but at wei wuxian’s loud rebuttal and sect leader jiang’s backing (which is then backed by both gusu lan and qinghe nie) he’s once again shouted down. and then jin guangshan tries to propose to jiang-guniang for his son and the poor woman just seems so awkward and her father doesn’t seem to know what to say and--
mianmian elbows jin zixuan whose eyes widen ridiculously but, after another, harder hit, he suddenly stands. all eyes go to him, which mianmian knows he hates, but he bows to his father, then jiang yanli, and says, “jiang-guniang, forgive my father’s impertinence. this is not the time or place to be making such an offer, but he--” jin zixuan winces visibly. “--he knows of my feelings and wishes to make his foolish son happy. please, do not feel the need to respond.”
then he promptly sits down, flushing down to his neck, and mianmian shares a disbelieving glance with lan wangji from across the horrible nightless city palace room.
she’d really only meant for him to suggest jiang yanli answer privately, at a later time, but wow, jin zixuan really went for it. also no way jin guangshan knows his son has fallen in love with jiang yanli, so nice save face there. maybe he has been paying attention in all of their etiquette and political espionage classes.
jiang yanli flushes way prettier than jin zixuan and nods politely, stands and bows and thanks the jin clan for being considerate in this time of turmoil, perhaps they can discuss this matter at a later date (jin zixuan looks like he nearly faints at this, and mianmian feels vindicated in all her forlorn ranting. overreacting her ass)
when everything has been settled, wen qing has been appointed the new sect leader of qishan wen with promises to return land to those who lost it and pay reparations to the hurt civilians, as well as have the yin iron destroyed for good. during the final ceremony where all the sects have tea and pledge to be loyal to one another (until the next great war, of course) mianmian leans close to lan wangji and sighs, “her ears look even lovelier with her hair tied back by her new sect leader hairpiece.”
lan wangji says “mn” because he’s a cut sleeve in love with wei wuxian and has nothing even closely resembling taste.
mianmian, on her own, decides to make them both happy. before the jin clan departs from nightless city, she goes up to wei wuxian and asks for a moment of his time. wei wuxian seems confused but follows and, once they’re alone, he says, “mianmian, are you about to get me into bed, because i must tell you that i am a respectable young cultivator and you’ll need to marry me before--”
mianmian gives him her best unimpressed look (she’s had much practice with it, thank you jin zixuan) and cuts him off with, “i like women.” 
wei wuxian’s eyes go wide. “but you and lan zhan--”
she cuts him off again before he can say something so stupid she has to stop talking to him to refrain from breaking all laws of propriety. “look,” she says, “you’re friends with wen qing. now that she’s sect leader, your brother can’t go after her. i, on the other hand, very much can. if you promise to figure out a way for me and her to get close, i’ll tell you a secret you’ll like very much.”
wei wuxian seems hesitant for all of half a second before he breaks. “tell me.”
“do you promise?”
wei wuxian raises three fingers. “promise.”
“on your sister’s life?”
begrudgingly, wei wuxian nods.
“on her soup?”
“just get on with it!”
mianmian smirks, pushes onto her tiptoes, and whispers the secret into wei wuxian’s ear. with that, she returns to the pavilion where all the sects mingle as they wait to depart, wei wuxian trailing behind her in a daze, his mouth hanging open.
lan wangji, who had been watching since mianmian asked wei wuxian for a moment to talk, frowns nearly imperceptibly. mianmian grins at him and his frown grows.
ah, whatever. she walks over to him, unbothered by the quickly growing alarm in his eyes. once next to him, she turns around to see wei wuxian staring unabashedly. her smile only widens.
“you’re going to thank me for this,” she says.
wei wuxian shakes himself, his eyes focusing, and immediately starts walking towards them.
lan wangji, voice flat but wavering, asks, “luo-guniang, what did you do?”
mianmian laughs, says, “i get to give a speech at your wedding,” and walks away just as wei wuxian reaches them.
(she does, actually, give a speech at their wedding. she may or may not be drunk during it, jin zixuan gets embarrassed for her, and she starts tearing up and has to hide it in the shoulder of her wife’s lovely well-tailored robes. it’s alright, though, wen qing doesn’t mind)
EDIT: now on AO3 with a real fic version from lwj’s pov!
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